Newspaper Page Text
At APOTIOM. Albut a miool*y, Auctions*. BT AUlMUlT a. DlOUti&T, linlu IDOtfcM Ml* of Hook* ud kondA 40 Ojreeaee sad Omrefo B* Oa M OomBMoe fire Ine Oo 13 Lenox Fire Ine. Oo js lUAmeileen Axpraee Oa BBiw fire Ine Oo . ,100 60 Londoo, Mow lart end Newfoundland T<6. Oo. .loo 300 Mag* f ount* rtrfl In*. Oo in ^ ; BKasss^Ste IBM Ureal Western atrip of 18ML "" Saba OWoago bt Paul and Food du Lao SK. Oo, eooh.6100 8eourRj fire la* Oo 60 100 Saratoga and Whitehall U. Oo 60 00 HoaaeMand Ptia lot Oo. ?0 tO Arttaaar1 Pire int. Oo 100 5? La Oraaae too Milwaukee KK. Oo 100 ? Teaman Coal and lift. Co 100 f.OOO new t?*k a?d Raw Haras BR. 1st mtge. bds. 1.000 Missouri Mate 6 par cast bonds. .5-SS2 I?*1"1* 8Ute dot oant bonds W.0OJ Mooeaota Mala T par eaot bonds. !-!d8 * * Oounty 0 per oast bonds. 2-000 Las Uouatr. Iowa, 0 par east bonds. 2.1 00 Seomwaolo Valley 1st mtge. bda. 7,Out ttasaacfc Oount> 1)11 now, 8 par Mat bonds. 4,000 Kaotne and Idas B*. lit taiga, 8 par seal bonds. 6 000 Henry Oounly oooda flaauihln rnootred In addition to tba regularly adiuillasil Bs daring ever? sals, bast rag alar sale on Thursday, august 4 Regular anctloo sale of stocks and bonds erery Monday an Tburdev, or every dav wbeaavar required, at 121{ o'clock, a', the stock salesroom, 62 WUIlam etreet or at the Merchants' exchange, ae desired. docks and bonds bought and aold a! private sale and at the Brokers' Board on oommlasloo. Interest allowed on deposits and dividends oolieoled. Hairs also made of real estate at publta or private sale wben desired. ALdSRT H. NIOOL4.Y, Block Anetlr near, broker and Banker, No. 62 William alreat, near Wall. B UOTIO" NOTIOB.-WKl.LKS NICHOLS AUCTION KICK, A. BKUWRB A hICHOlB will sell, oa Tuesday, autuat 2, at 1 o'olock. In front or sales rooms, 66 Nassau street, a splendid pair road borsea, matched In size and nation, one beenttfol sorrel mere, the eteer a grey nesaencer borae. Tbears T years old, 16 bandab gh. long talis and manes, yarr stilish; warrertrd sound and k<nd In every reapeol sad will t ot together la 2:10. Also, s vary handsome olty out t sbtMof too road wagon, pole and shafta, together wltn a super! >r eetot double and stngla bwoa>a whip, baiters, Meat eta to 8? The owner has do further ute for 'he? Ibla olT-rs a rare splendl.1 condition, sad the ?rn >le e?tublt?hmrat unexcnp'-tin able, Una be seen sua driven un application tothe s icU tueeni AUCTION NOTlOH-WELlEd NIC 301/3 AUCTIONEER, b&OWNkl b will sell on IiiesdsT, eug'tatf. at I o'clock In fT< ntof oBce.Hh rtaaiaus'reet boMes, bnrouifce and barness, n splendid pair long tailed '>?y n ir*es 8 yes'* old. food travellers ncd si? Huh drivers, I.VJj bauds blgh. sound, kind aid fettle in sll bar. ess; sccilinated oavlog o^ea used It the citj torn w o?n Also, sn elegant bar-ushe bat Idle tired, tit} built sod tu good > dor sis >. <liv?t p sic t Harness rosde by one< t tb? bwioby m?kert, In gaud >rder. the wb i ollVrlng s good opprrtit' ltv f.r sty pen >n wiidof sn ea'lre (KUb'lslint-nt To Sest>ld without rare ve. ? ibe o?n?rh? no (urlber me for ihem A so. s very ? yllsh bay horse IMJ hand* high long t?il,7 yesrsold, prrlerllr sound sod kind, sn,l n good traveller, s* veil under lb* aacdiessio harness; sold for no fault, the owner having no further use tor him Auction Noruib-THos. hkl,c and s. thump BON will sell, on Tnesdky, august! by virtue of mortgage bans wire furniture, feather reds and brddtog. croca erj, ( mi and tin ware carpets tv>le Cutlery. c'ncss truoa and ocntenlebe- (mumiKCsHPge tart, Alt'? for Mortgagee A CCTION PnLE OF OhCO&Kitk INI) 13 ,i?iWAgK m by IHCNN* O. hVsbs, on Tuesday, .augcit 3. at 10 O'clock, at 86 Maiden lane, cvnprlvlig a general asaortm-ut o best white grai-lte and common ware, gt*?* ?sre cblnv e'ocs* be. Pale povttlve for caah, ncd goods wl'l be a are fully te packed for ?hipping. a nirrTON RAT.* J. saaaxr Arnri(i.vicgtt_nv * A. BOOaKT- Store No. 1 Nor-Ji WUUam ?t-eet--WJl t-)l, on lunrtxy, Auguvt 2, 185#, nt it o'cl'iek, r>n the premlaia in Bunta'rVk ivDu?. ooroer of *lullmvu atreet HrooW.n, K.?.i era 61*1 tlot ?lx cow*, one horae, one milk n<-n oae fe"l it at ob. of bnrnett, milk ea-.a meaaueea and kettlei. a'? > lot of boiieeoold furniture; together wrubtwo lean Kane of huuae ana euble, witb twelve *wli?. Auction hciicb.?ill tb? bwh and K?8aiv>* able houaehoM t'lrnltu/e of I). Kan , removal f;r convenience of aale from bw late reallenoe 71 We it Seventeenth atreet, tntbe atore >7D Ninth m'c. m, near rwentr aeoond atreet. will be ant t at private aa'e th<a day, eerv cbe- p for cub, oonaiaUog of partor curtains, yardaol drugiela sar pet*, three magnltocut *o id rotewood ptrier autta rnh'y ca-v ed tn fruit* and oovered In three co oret French attia hron Vel, aolld rcreeooo centre aoo pie' table*, etegereg Turklah chatra and lounges to match. ngewobd and m*h <g*ov 'mil t?ev1?. bureau* wathawrd cbaira antaa. corner alandlite *?lrnod a'ber matweaaea, bo.a.era nod pillowa oil clotb, natations An , An. Ail tb's turuiiure la only all month* In uae, aadin the beat order, nod will be auld at a grant bargain OCT to H NOTIfh ?BnjtNflAM'8 rUKNirUAS, NX a. Pre at and furniture parking eatahllabaent. offloe U1 and t'iS Weal klrventh atreet bet?eeo fifth and Mat* avnoea.7. lob bouaebola furniture of every deaarlptton boxed and ihlpped to nil parta of the world; planoa, mirror*, painting*, atntuarv. chine tod glaaa ware packed and caret illy moved large two borre ?**'?? or the remwal of furniture to the country. - Spring oarta at the office *1 all oonra of the day. A CCT'OW Nonox?9. DONNtLLY A CO. WILTj BCt.L did (lock of millinery goods of Mia* R Barneit In store 1ST Broadway, consisting m a larte amort neat af ladiss' bt'A bonnet gauze and trhsmtng ribb. di feathers and e-nbrolde rlea. also, 80 boxes sf rloo aod fsehlouabls French fliwera. tiearly new, also, oounters, shelving, hat stands, aho w otses, signs, mirrors stores, Ac this well selected stock Is nea>ly new sad will b? sold without reserve. AUCTION SOTICK -ORO RRtBa. LIQUORS. DRT sad fancy goods Special sale. HSin ft i ORKSff w-|i! sell on Monday August 1 at Uii o'clock, st the store j'o IVI WUltam street, the suck of giooe/le?, flih, liquors, sogers; alio, a quantity of fancy goods, toys, varieties, Aft. A UOTIOK HOTtt'R-''HI**. GLASS AWD KaRTffKF A. ware ?luesdsy. August 2. at 10 o'clock, at 281 Pearl street regular wees<y sale dav. by J. 8 H RAKTLKTr, auctioneer, a large sad eh >|ee stock of best goods, tn lets to suit retailers. Sale peremptory, fur cash. A LLaN J. KfcBUCB. AUirtlomcaR-AS'IQNBR SaLK JL of elegaAt and costly household furniture and worst of ar drawing room salts, hronxe end ormolu el ask, parlan aaarbl statuettes, seven octave plsi of-re, plate glass mirror, siljjalulngt. velvet and Brussels carpets Imported bronze chandeliers lace cuitaiua, china aod glass warn so ThisIj * V, kuaiui. Augjstl, at 10? o'clock. At the large brown stone residence, No 63 West rwfnty SH'U limi HST DUU ItvmiUO ?U ]?inn 1U WWII W lull class household furniture ltl> is a chance seldom offered at auction Ike furniture was made z> order br etty makers and la oi the best description atalogues now ready, and can be procured at the boose on morale* of sa e for toe accommoda lion oI those who lire at a distance, a competent person will be in attendance to paok ana >btp the goods. MtaWlNt* ttuUMH. Vagnt¢ suite carved In solid roaawood and covered la three adored satin of the mm ex jeutlve description, viz: tro teas a tete sofas, two stm, two reception and elgbt oral back chairs one aur of ??ven p.ecea covert o In moquet, carved rosewood cent'a tables to match thi sulta. etngeret marble tops and mirror doort, rosewood aecrctaiy and boos case lined a trllb eattn w< od. antique nevreetvaees, six light bronze chiudeUeta, Turkish reoltplDg chairs lsdr's work table, eocolgaeti s velvet carpets, tags r remit plate pier and man'el m'rrors embroidered lace our tain A cornier*, shade* (superb real broize cloca, rues thirty days Dronse statu, ttea Kembraadt AubCLS, The Heaaors, (-muting and Muatc, ell pamtlugt nv l?c*ree Hellers Hm begun. snd other eminent a-lists; sight and Morning, by Keller, lul?nt rtetour ancel's Visit; t to suutrbly patbied Uud-capo soenei in fCnglaud. by Aortbcolt. 8-Vr.N it I -.VK PI aav-Fit tiK One se the most rupurb li air omen's oil,-red at auction thlr senior. rtcbly carved ega and case. Inlaid srbh moth-r of peaci and toll'' pear) keys, made o? city makers, music rack, stool Hal! rueewocd b?t ata< d, oil c'o'n ut iir oirr>et CbAlleititB- SAIHIMU flUiV. Rtiewood dreaalog bureau. alat jar, marble t >p and plated ntlmrr bedatead, atyteol Louie* XI? taole de mitt, armor do *!?"?. ahavU x Mauda, toilet ??i* bed 'Itieo, blanket*, aoeen. couDtrrvaiea bol**r? and pillow a, femhor beds, brujaelaoar pet, mtrrora, ol ck. lace > ur alo?, Ac Ul.tilkx B'aea walnut extecaton ulo'ng table buffet, butler's tray and stand; tr>ral cut ?Dd eegraved plana decaatera gobleti, cbtmpagnrt ?lBta. preserve aod irul' atauds, tunblft'a la atonaCee; a'lver plated fHl'f, apoona, forka. c?te Da ket cor tv? urn, Ivory bardie knl'Mml loikn. napkin Hug*; trench clltk dinner Bet. If 0 plrciii, tr* ret, It ptecei; olao a. arge av aottmtntof excellent klxom itunituie ftUciiofTyu'iiua ~a miS'ai v*. At'oi tu.NkRtt A will aell tela day ati^n.t I, at 10 o'clock, at tio ISO t beat titer ?feet toe content* " ? liquor and Kroner", store coi.atttiogtf bra (lira gin, run \vtal?tey. aoap, castle*, mo laraea, txturea cu'iatera, ahelvlug, Ac , Ac bale poal'tve A?"H T. I.K*ns ArOBlrtMltCR.?yoSKDl, ?>U 48 tULIC of about $11.1011 ' itb of elegant roaewood hutiaeboU furtbure pa n it pa worki of art. Ac. 'Ibe uuderaigaed wl I te'l at nubile auc'iun, on Mondav, Aiigtul I, at 1014 o'clock p*c Italy, tbr entire eptetdld furniture mer->le and bronze statuary valntliga. coetlj tihinco and Hohnnlan visae. mtpe-o p'nnoii rtr, Ac laielttlteC In tte elegant H?e glory, wo t# Woat Jt'eventb atrew, between rlitb aDd v.xtb avenuea, emit'at trig over Ore huuored Iota of rt h earied row wood furrltu.e a<l madob) ori er >kd new, 'he houae bavltg been fur n.rbed tbr w*b> ut 'oiu tno dot ago < he pubil t are assured tbat th? %Me will be rerewptor*, tba clrcona'ancea unfor wbtrh It ie trade recCailca It trocar* live th?l evervlDtax ahitild be roui. without rrs*rv? Osulninee giving an ooiurate ds? rlplli u oi every'hiug <t> the house w'U be ready oa me auraIrgiftbeesle which will take. piece, r?la or shine. t he far Eiiurr ol tke bouse consists la pert of four splendid carved rritW' 4 cerloe sons corned Id crls son end ateroan stui, fci.c tnr of nice pieces in silk ??l?et, ?)l in oertenl order: eegsnily esrved rent e, sore end pi?? tablet, with mar ble tope; wild rrrnwnod mrkish end rejeoUnu ohal-s, la teiestrt end satin, elegant vtivM 7 ooUve rosewiod olan-i forte lairstry. wuu-u ?ud nmlneter carpel* breach mailo cabinet two splrnnld tuirn e tap ru?ewond enures, lined with mm mod. XX large sod e!?ger,t pier end mantel mirrors, wph cornices, slab* end bee-sets; xilk end embroidered lace curtsies oo-rer etstdk. with mlrn r backs; Prenub eroretotro. conso'f s in buhl work, superb paintings on rsovui end (lew, mxrb e statuary end gr?up< wltn e large end neeutli ul cudec uon 3' meoiel um end un><iue per or ornemente, A > IUuaNT KOrbWtl-'l) (IrtoMltr.u KU ltd ITCRS. Msrbfe top dreseitg bureaus carved bedsteads, rosewood armour wl.b plate glass doors: <om<node?, French cotuge oh* Ira, twenty two tine heir raait-r ssee blanre'e ooiiaterpaoei, mahogany furniture in ham ol lb. sofas, tele a ietee, shades end lece curtains for Uxl- ty windows, orel mirrors, Freacb toilet sets, bron re decks Ac 60L.I1> OaK 1?1 NINO bOt>? FCRMTCRtC. 1 itensloo dining table mtrale top 'dev> nrd oak chain two sec-Mary hoot curs so's rich Hirer ware of ev??T des crivUvn. gold bead end dec-rated cblne, ruor ?od crystal cut alaas Ivory ann .ilrer ttillery. with e large quao'lty not m"nIKtta. kespopatble met) will be In aueudau le tr can or ship the goods K. B.-l>epostu required trem t'.' purchasersDBCOTT. AOOTlON?Jt?, WlUr'naisLTFfUULl'J suction la Jerser its. At S o'clock P. M , on the premises. OiTumDaT. August 1. The rsltieb'e store propert corner ot "atblegton sod Turk streets. 61'et ton * a-bio gton and fo feet on York, f >ur brtck bouses: two bouses end tnll lote "ie AI and At newark ere one; one tiro gory brick dwelling bouse 2d do-rls etreet; oue lot In South fourth steel. thrSH lots in ,1 rps >r ereniis. near Tlt'rd street, one lot In Prt epect street, itx> feet ant h of day street, ear. tide; plot of fonr tori co'uer of B <j and Pcorpect treats; two lots corner o> Prospect a .d eo ith Ugbth or ?*r almut streets At the fbnlrf thin .00 toH wide ttrent .an now fern now being built to run to reabroanea eirnot k to b? com Dieted lu i c cumber All tbe above wiube told on ota, te-am. ?ee btlle end map* If# Twer reel, N t or on the penjoitr. For tunher pnrtlcu'A't to(|ttlrert the owner J U BaO tfl 11 t?ri street, or 75 Hontgomery et'oet Jereoy City Sale to commence at S o'clock in Jerse? nrrnao .st^ o'clock In Prot poet atreet, 4 o'rlock tn Newark avenue, 6 o'ciijk in Washing ton end Morrk (treela EOWaRD BrRtNOKi AtJOejolTKltR -HOU 7*101,11 turelturo.-By a d P H Bi'tlftoc'K ?Thirds., at IOk o ciock at tnelr 31 Nassau at sew and recond hand b'tiretoll fan Hire, conrlatlug In part ot rwswcod and ma boganr parlor aulte, rote wnqmt Ida and corner etcgarea rote wood ainour a g ana secretary ?n 1 library bo ike uci. otrrcd auc p'ats roi'wtod mah<w*'<r and walnut hedateada rnsrbl? too huroaue weskatanda and jo<nm<vt?s foreword centre and eo'? tablea Itu Hah easy t hat's and linnget oak marrle too boffc-a extenai. n tablet 8 '0, It and t4 tc?t; oak dim-p rio-n cha';( In repi and leathrr, hall ttaaJa aad chMrs, bookracks, CO*': or Kttndl, 1C. IUIS A* APWtW. pouimir MiT ir "a ootion. - pobi nri baijlV JiliH >? UBBHTLL, tuoOMMT will ?U at aoottoe I Wo. SB Brooklyn, oa Tnovday. ioivO t, ot It a'ojo^k.a beautiful oouatry wot and about all aeras of load, ?S miles from the Fnltoa ferry. For maps ud furtuar parHoniara apply at IB Oourt treat, Brooklyn. HI LIKDF, AUOTIONCTB,?WILUBBUL BT 4.00. Uoo, on Wednesday, Suaut B, at MUownioi atra?*. a na 1 but neat wtortm*nt of household furniture aanufaotured by Mr. WUllem OulH'an tor hi* own prirato aio, and told on account of retiring Own buslnesa. aid mortgagee WM. o. OAKPWNTBit, Attorney. Immediately after the above aaJe, a grand antton pianoforte, made to order by (Joliard 4 Oollard, of London, for Mr*. Wallace and need by her in ber eonmrta tn Maw York, at the noet of fourteen hundred dollars WU1 be aold at Mo. 7 Bedford street. WM. 0. OAKPBMtBH. aUornay. If It. PHILLIP*. AHOflONBBB, WILL BILL, THtB ill? day, at 12 o'clock, at the Mew York duaar, SI 0 n.ny street a number of good work horses. wagons, rookawtyt, ararity o boatneaewagona. on*feed waaon, aeweademod hand harneas. ho. M. IT?Macular eale days orery Xtoday and Wadnwday. IfTOBTahOMSALB.?JOHN H B0BLIY. A0CTIOMBBB. iyi will Mil oo TodkUt. Anrupt 1 at to'block, at M7 OajaI etreet. now Hudaoo, a floe amonmeot of 'ur allure, aan>>M, ollcoth* looking glance* bedateada, buraaut, chair*. tibia*. mattroM??, bedding, anf?s, aelh boda kmnge Alan. th* ooqtenia of a tutcher* atop, ooaaUt'ag of coupler*. m*?' raoka, ben ah**, alalia An. WILLJA* B. J0NK8, Attorney fbr Mortgige* PUBLIC 9ALBOF ITHlTKD BTATBS FBOPBATT?rd> following article*, not being required fir tke public i?? vloa. will be dupoeed of by auction, to o mauaoe at 10 o'c ick A. It , onTbunday, the 4th of Aucu t, 1819 at the Untad Btatea Allegheny ajwwmI, near PlMeburr, Pa. vtz ? ^Hiteam engine, cylinder 13% Inch diameter, and etrcki 5 9 Steam bollera, 90 feet long and SI Inoh diamete-, 1 Fire en (toe A Tartetr of machine*. Including 2 engine lathe*; 3 drilling macalnee: 2 idcutting machine*; 1 wood plaolag machine; fit IIall'* patent rifle*; 91 flint look mu***ta; 2 tell priming musket*; 1 oeroucaten rifle; 19,000 lb*, of scrap wrought Iron; 14,200 lba. " oaat 2.2 iba. " ateel; 2 ,*30 bullet mould*, 'or round balla; (24 pietol terew drteera 32 powder flasks lor Ball'a rifle; 2* dor. of new, and a lot of old, fllen; 089 borte *hoe*; 1.0*0 empty powder barrel*; S pair of bellow*. > bo a large number of artillery Implement*, and *1111111*', carpenter*', armorers' and other tool*. Term*- specie. 10 be paid on detl*ery of the property which n> uit be removed by the pnr ih*aer wfth'n three dnya after the ale or it will he re *old ?t hi 1 mpeuie. By order of Major John Symington, Commander Allegheny Araenal. P. If. OAV1B, auctioneer. Rbaot mark clothing, fancy uooob, omr toad*, boot* and shoes, Ac a m .tlsl a 1, - e, auctioneer, will Mil thlc day, Au>. 1, at 1'X o'clock. *t 13 Bowery, Pasbioaable casnmere cloth and summer frock. ? k. bud oesa end H?glao eo?ta l axrlroere ? met u.d linen pant*. Ml* mm aid velvet verla dren good* linen, Mareeillea. h?i.u, ctoiba, trt? iluga, bjo'? aui a hoe a, suiters jtwtdrj. Fill rlafc*, ?arrln*s, atuda. button a Ac., AO. HALE-CHAABEHR ifUmHILD, 1TT1J tioneera?C ftlce No. 1 lit Naaaau alreet?will a?tl thladay, Ausuat), at )()}? o'clock, at 73 tWilUam (tree! (found Bjo-j, alitbr right title, nud Internal of ftomu H Ireadirell, will id be had oo the 22(1 d*? of July, I?6# or at any tune tbereafte , of. In nod to the Block, fixtures, Ac , of n paper fiox tntou *: (Cry. JOHN A ALLY, ttbenff. QHKBIFF'B BALE ?RftAMBBES A FalK JEffCD, A.C7. O tioneera?Offi"* No 111 Nwnu ?tre?t?will s*lltbl?d?y, ?n?n?l at 12 o'clock at the aeatibuV of tha t'lty Hall, all the rglit Ulle and lutereat ot Wm 8. Miller and lieo-ge W bounna ?blcb ihej bad on the Mth day of March. 1859, or at ><j? litre thereafter, of, In ant to a lot of oertldoatee of a 'hvol laudt in Wlaoocaln. JOHN KttLl.Y, Hieritl ^HKBIfF Bal.g r.f HOTKt, FfiaNiTUBB. f[irCTBR3 cj An -ofiamharh a Fa(&G'HILD, auctioneers-Uf&ce NO 113 Nassau street- will aell on Tuesf ay. august 2, kill o Hock, at the corner of Frank fort and Hold street*, the lease, fixtures, and all the I urallure of a hotel JO511* KBLt.l. Sheriff. raos. VEITCW, t flCTluNEit A OfFIOR 10 8PAOO& itreet ?i r signte't e of the o.ntent* of na U"*n yard ic? on Tburaday, iiguat 4, Ibtt. at 11 a. M , at 2tB South atreet. ccoratlog of 3d loo* of American pig l">n, Not 1 ai,d 2; 10 or* of American charcoal Iron, No 1; Si too* of amort an charcoal Iron, not alao the unexpired term oi leaee of premite*, bavwg three rear* ?ad a hVf to roa from Miy, tf'9, and alio two Iron salt* one li'ge fly wheel, Ac., do. B< order or J. F. 11ALC JLM, Rtq , analgnee of J. O <re*tlake. ~ tftfSICAL. An important notion -read, sum in *tk, a* fleet aceordeona. $i 25 to t26; benjo* fl to $10 etoltaa, TP cent* to $78 put an. 11 Ml >0150; flute* 75 nettle to >10; and < all atsdant mtulcal (oatramrm* for *a)e rery low, at the old nriptttal JaOiUS' e*t?b)Uhed ro man? year* la rrhuttam trret bow located at S> 7 Broadway three door* from Ouao* atreet. Acoordeon* repaired. Banjo taught i FINK BNVEN O'lTAVR BOeRWOOD PIANO. FOB i- flUO.and one for 8130; nne beautiful mahogany piano for till and ore lor 170; one for beginner* for fJO; one rptenotd organ eight a'npt, one octave of red*'*, (uitable ( ir church cr parlor, for h* f li* actual value; B'ar*e*aa>rt trent of rew plane*, from 'BO to $aoO neoond hand oiano* , taken In eirhtnce; planoa tuned. Manufactory 2tl <lota ave nue, near Twenly-Mxthatreet B GONZaLES. , SPLENDID ASUOR'MINT OF BARVORE'8 GELS y bra led gold medal premium piano*, pronounced uorlv?lied by the beitjudgea and tally warranted, wl I beaold at great bargain*. Manufactory and warccoom SIS Blcecfcer Mreet bpienold aevtn octave piano for Sl'O; one for f 160. JOBN 0. FOX. THE WELL KNOWN PIANOFORTE maker, ha* opened hi* down town wareroom* at No. gfl Walker atreet, between Broadway and Rim atreet. wbe*e he oflera a eplendld aisortment of hiaauperlor piano* at greatly ?ecuc*d price* he aolicll* the tavor o' examining before purchailig ebewhere. JuHh O, FOX A CO , S6 W alker atreet (1HICKUUNO A SONS. J MANCrAOTORBBB OF GRAND, SQUARE AMD UPRI38T PIANOS, Wareroom* No. 894 Broadway. 0. A Son* hare been awarded 88 pilae medal* for the ma* rtortty of tbctr manu aomre for the past 38 year*. ALSO FOB SAlLM, MA30M * HgkJUdM'B aUrlCJIiUK MBLODBONB AMD HJkKMOHTUlCj. for parkin, eburchee, veasrtee ud lodges, at wholesale and retail PIANOS TO BBNT. JL. DPCOKWfl MDBI'lsL WAROOOMB, 144 TENTH . street, ne ar Broadway; has a dae assortment of pianos fen ?als sad to hire. PIANOS, MEliODSONS AND ORGANS~TH? HORACE WaTBttB pianos and melodeons, for depth, purity of tone sod durability, a'e unsurpassed Seeood band pianos and melodeons from $2S >o (ISO Pianos and melodeons to rent bOmADlt WaTARS, Agent 433Broadway. testimonials?1 he Horace Waters pianos srs known as among the very beat Rvsngellst. "#? can soeak of their mtil-i from personal knowledge "?Christian Intelligencer. pi AN OB FOB SCHOOLS AMD 8XH1M ABDK. CHIUBINO k SONS' New scale large seven octave PIANOS. Price TWO. Warerooms 694 Broadway, N. T. MOTRPCTIOwi American school institute, s<? brdaowat.bcbooli supplied with competent teacher* for anv depart inert Competent t?toberi of mnstc (piano and ringing). a d K?eu< b waived, at salaries from $M is $7u0 and biard. rroteeeor o< piano violin, guitar and stuglag wanted Also, a principal for a Baptist school in Alabama. bMIftt. HYOODMAN A CO. x LL FOR $10.-PENMANSHIP AND ARITHMETIC, \ three month* Inatruotl >n, or bookkeeping (lemon* un limited) $10. Ladles private writing classes ti sixteen leaaona. Boys durlog vacation 13 per moctb, twet.trail lessons. P.-.tSh'O academies, 61 Bowery, New tort, and 233 Fulton ttreat, Brooklyn i CADfiMT OF PENMANSHIP AND BOOtKtKPiNU, j 362 Broadway.?ibe aobtcilber'a rooms are ope* dur ng the da> and evening, far th rough. practical luatructiop to writing, bookkeeping, Ac. Full success guaranteed to ill ? --ill Or young. OLIV&K B vjUvuBoMlf H. Books kepi no. bcsiness. wairiNQ, ah. thm .mo. isr LOLBK all 6D9 Uriadwav, will commence bl? cheat Aiigualterro ibta da> and evening, to prepare ??cat!emoo or icy* prscitCAlij lor fell tionincea. Four flu seats vacAnt Prlvale room a $ 16. H1BGLI&H GRAMMAR, LATIN, FSfihOH, ARITH i!c, bocoke.-vlug, Ac -Mr OH ASH BUI,aIN aud hi* teacher i f Freccn will ountlnu* 1beir iootructlon, day and evening. durlo* the month of Auautt, at 4a3 Broadway, Lntx-Obb IN FHK.M'H ai?D TftANBt,Aliooib.-AOdtca* 0. C., box 112 Herald office, or 182 Clinton street, Brooklyn. The mdb*s dklanayj family boardino and d*y school for yottog ladles uod mine* No. 6 WvokofT attett Booth Brooklyn. <be number ot boarders limned to *1*. Puplia under the ctre of the Misaes D. will re -elre their Cviistatit at d peieonal attention; will be thoroughly t*ngb'- all tie brtxcbea that constitute a solid at,a accornoUshed eiuoa ion. Parens desirous of sending their daughters abroad to be edn-a'ed, will find this a gcod opportunity of placing them where the quiet and cnmiortof a well ordered borne are united with the best city InsirucJoD. Best of reference given. Terms- ling lab branches with trench aod n uaic Included, $Jfl) per annum. Kills payable in adv?n"8 every term. Two texts ef twenty two we#k.? each to tha sjhotaadt year The text commences on (he first woodsy la September. 1 he Kistrs lr. will be at home to receive applicants everyday (romSA M toSP. M. HOl'BEg, ROOMg, deC., WASTED. 1 HOD8R WANTED?THREE AND A 9 AL* STORIES, cs. modern Improvement*. biga atocp. parlori on drat ttxjr, ord location, not above Third Mb aire*!, between Sec nd and ttventh avetuen: would buy put or all the furniture It auttable. lo'iutre at the targe Heal letue and Ho one Agenor, 1118 Ilctenib itrert, ocrner of hulh areane. CIOITAHI WANTKU ON STATBM ISL4N1) OR NSAR / Final lor, L. 1.?hent not to exceed 9125 a rear Acldreia a W A, IJeraldoffice. ST ATRN IPLiNIt.?WANTRP TO HtRR, TO* A FR9Y weeks Afurntahed cottage or part of a haute, near n ferry lending wlib full view or toe eee, by a family that will not the furniture Addreai A. B., care ot Ktcbatdaoa * >.cl< od, 10t> Malum lane. tlf A NTKIt?BY A ORNTLRK AH, WIFKAHI) mm, TH? f v eecond etory Of a tnodrrn houie, In a good neighborhood located bvtw?eo ueiington and duth aveauee. Pourt ejtii and Thlrt'lourih atrreta A ematl amertrau famllr may hear o' a gred tenant bv addreeslng a. W W., Herald office W~ANlKn-A HDIT OF BOONS WlfH OnS. USt OK kitchen and tn a genteel private family where thorn are no ether boantcra. Location central; rent moderate. A.Mreas i A. C. 1>.. llerald office. , TTTANTFP-A OOI'NTRV SKAT, AO., FOR T'lR HKanoM V* or longer, hj a email private tamily; ?o furniture do aire d Appi. to J. U II ALUF, AS Naisvi aireet, M tahaUar I Life Inaorance Company, opporlte the Fori office. COAlw CAOAl -BERT FAMILY OOAL, O ASH THCL1 J veved, ?t $ 35 per ton, for wore, range, egg or furnace undl iO?B of AvgMt, from my yardn corner of XId? and Oreenwich etreete corner of new Bowery and Rowere" ntreet. 137 Dnane atireet. aadfiSOaaalatreet near alien MAlTriAVY CLINTON SUPERIOR C0 4L Rt PRBKiR COAL RED AM', WHIT* ASH, L8HTOH, LOCUST MOUNTAIN aSD CVMRIRLaSD Cv'aL. Fow lelHrg at reduced ra'.ce. THORP BROTHER*. 106 and 107 Worth etreet, N?u Broadway. KEW YOflK. HERALD, M niPA^?i .. j T?? BRITISH AMD BOKTM4l(?lk/?l ?B ROT Ail MAIL X SMUKAHtm. from www T?u TO ururaoc. , I ORMmMRPMcw ?u* aooad oaMw 71 t*om Borrow to utaarootnw?uipMN|t. ?iw oooadoabta pawtga ! *>aM eaU at HUM*. PBBf 1JL Ctpi JudAlna, ICtHtDA, 0*pl L?U. ! ARaMa, oSpt j. Htono, ambrioa, u^tiiiiiy, I u LoM, MnOARA, Otpi anAerM, ; I AFRICA, Oapt Shannon. BUROP *7b.?t J. t-?Hofc tboao Ttaaoli oaity a eloar whHa Ugh* at ou* bond; trooa I ! ?RJ*wAo?rd bow; rod on port bow. ' fhk>D*< loama Boom, Wodaaadar. Jo y 1J I *M>. Ub. M TorR, Wodooodto, Jul* * ; I UaBaDa, Lang, " BooM. Wodneedar, J<Hy 17 X'jroA. 'kuiM, " K.Toit. WodBOBdBf. Aug. # bCROPA, IM, " Boom, WodoMd**. *?* ? PORSIa, Tooktna, " B.Tork, Wodneoday, Aug. IT ARABU, BMa. " BooM Wrdaoaday. Aog, M Bonha aot aaeurad MA paid Bar. Ap ejprrtomood ?ar(?oa on board. The owaera of thoae ahlva will oat bo aooounlablo tar gold, Ator. bullion, aproto. jawalrr. prwotooa aMoa or moult, on mm Mils of lading are signed therefor and the aloe thereof therein expressed. For freight or pssasge apply U a. oPHARPTtfo. 4 Bosrllag Or?. Nonas.-!* FUTURBTHRHTEAMMRS Or THIS LIHt ?1U call at Cork, Ireland, to land letters and passengers. Steam to Liverpool, calltnr at 'rrk. and r?* Uveroool to T.on. dioa. Ulaapnw, luiblla, Belfast and moat of the pHneloai towns ta Ireland, at greatly reduced rates. The Llverooxl, K?? York and Philadelphia Steamship Company's sp'eodtd OlydebuU ilron icns steamships are Intended M sail an follows.? ritoa naw yob* KANOABOO Saturday, August IS, CITY OF BALTIMORE " V, OlTYOr WAdllHU ruff. " September 10. At II ofoloefc, noon, from pier Ho. 41 M. K. RaTes or raiHAOSCabin, from Hew York ami Philadelphia V75 Third olaes, from New Yorkj to any of the shore named places 30 Return tickets arallable for six montbi, SAO. Passengers forwarded to Harre. Parle. Hsrasurg. Bremen. Antwero And all parts of tha Contloent without delay Notice?lhese sieamera are provided with every requisite to eusn'r the Immediate extinction of lire, and the strictest discipline U enforced w'th regard to the ute of Ugh a last enters to Ireland by this line 1 avoid the risk and grest detention or oalllng at HI Johns, as the j steamers proceed to 'Virk direct For freight or passage apply atlhacflloaorthe Company. JOHN O. Dal.s. 15 Broadway. Hew Tork agent, In Liverpool to WM. IWdAM, Tower Bntldlns. [ fitOB SOUTH4RPTON AND HaYRR?THR CHITRU r States mall vteamer FULTON, J. A Wot'on 00m ran- j der, win leave for Havre, touohlog at Sonthampton 10 land the mailt and nasaecre'a, on Saturday. August 10 at 11 o'jlnc*. from pier S7 North river, fool of Beaeh street This shin bar | Ave water tight compartments, enclosing the engines, so that > In 'he event of onlllvtou or stranding the wa',V could net reach them, and the pumpt being tree to work, the safety of the ves set and passengers wou d be secured Pnoe of passage In reoond abln Si6 and WO Raggage not wanted during tt?? voyage ahou'd be seat on board the day before sall'ng, 1 Beiow." Fo* freight or passage apply to W. B. Ot aYfO/f asml. No 7 Broadway S 11 ?xbr steamer arago onlisud seed the Fulton, and mil Sepl?mbe' 17 CY Re AT BrDc;tioN.-iiiK VANDKtaRii.t KURO- t T DB?n line lulled Statea mall ii'eainrtiloA *aU every e^rl night tfinHir New York, Snuinamptri a* d "Have unlcr rav' nont'Kt, leaving thli al-r p>? n alternate eaturday, au.1 the ether Ude each alterant* Wt dm ? lay: ? rSOM NEW YOIIK PRO* tTAYHr AND roK dOCTIIAMfTOIf SOUT'lA UPTON AND HA V It R FOR NEW YORK. OCTK1K QCMN, Betbury.Sit'y Aug 13 Wed'v, An/ JL VANi'Kh^lLT, Letevre bat y, An/ 27 We.l'y. h?pt It ARIEL. Wieoo Sat'y, hept 10 Wed'y, Sep- 23. There tteamahlps hare water Ugnt compartmeuts. Price of pa aage el h'r way the aamM. viz vandermi.t?let naVo. $-20 and t'P": 2d **bln. #*0 Ccfan Qlxbn?In cabtn #U'0 and #30; 2d eabia, $.0 Ariel? let cabin. 130. 2d carta, Ml. 'I bird cabin a dml M attmbt' #30. (Vrtlflea'/i t??u*(t of paaiage from Europe to America. Bpecle delivered In Iam doa and t*ari<. P. TORRaNCK agent. Mo 5 Howling green, V. V. Oo'ton nrd other goods taken on freight at current ra'ea STBAM TO IRELAND DIRIOT NO*#30-THK UVtSH pool. New York and Philadelphia ite-mehlo <lojipany's splendid and powerful steamahlpa are intended to aall raon BELFAST AND COKK TO raoa Nr.W YORK TO CORK NEW TORR. AND LIVERPOOL. (jitt or maNodrstbr. cm or man hbjter, Jaly V and 19. Anguat 2t). RATER Or FAS'AH t Cabin, from New York to Cork and Liverpool .VB steerage," " " " HO including an unlimited allowance of the beet cooked pr.m looa. which will be perred by the 'tompsny'a dtewtrda Paa aengera by ibla line arnld the rtak and great detention of calling at Halifax and At Johns aa the ateamera unit direct to Tyrt for freight or paeaage apply to John McKee, 103 Victoria street. Kelfbat; In Cork to O. 3V. D. Seymour A Co., and la Philadelphia and New York at the company a "(Dees 109 Wal sat street, Philadelphia, and 1# Broadway New York JOHVO DaLK Agent WD'lam Iuman, Agent, 92 sad (3 Tower Buildings. Liver goel rurther aalltnge will appear In fnture advertisement*. OYOR LIVERPOOL?OLD BLaOK RT*R LINE.?TITR V favorite packet ahlp THORNTON, Capta<n OoUloa aalli Baturday, ihe #th of August Nor paaaage, baring excellent accommodation apnly on board, pier 37 Bast rtrer, or to Wlw LIAMb A QQlQN.40 >niton atreet. (rtOK LIVERPOOL.?T HE MAGNIFICENT POLL F clipper shlo KL.LRN AUhTIN ITaol. Garrlck, wIUiaU to day, haying unequalled roommodatlout on derk, and wlug tbe (aateat ship afloat. For passage at low rater ap il? ?n board, or to * OOLLINR It CO., at the offloe, on pier 5 North rlrer. 4 TLA NTT C ROTA) MAIL BTRaM NAVIGATION C)UA panyr's New York and Gal way Una?The next departure from New Yerk will be the first claaa ate uaahlp (TIRO ANSI AN, Oapt , whiek aalia on Tburadar, August )8, touching at At. Johns, N F , to reoelre the royal mat la. Prtoea of pMsage:? First elaaa, WO. aeoond WO: third. $30, Including free tickets to the principal ctttaa on main railway routea of treat Br its a and inland, Tbtrd olaaa moat provide plate knife fork. Ac . and bedding. Passage to 8t Johns:-First clana $36; aeoond $25. For freight or paaeage inquire of the American Rxprewa Company, <1 Hndanu street, and at their other advertised of flcee in U?e tnterV* Passage in the thtrd claaa can be secured at any of the above offices to bring persona out from an* of the principal dtieipu the main Hues of railway in Great Britain for $3$, or from Gal way tor AY). AMMmlaAW RXPRR88 COMPANY, ALRX. HOLLAND, Manager. FOR HAMBURG. LONDON, HAVRE ANDDOOTUAMP toa. The Hamburg American Packet Company'* iron mail steamBtto BORUR8I A, Captain Traotmaan, will leara pier 21 North rlrer Monday. Angus! 1,1B*?. Firat claaa $1001 teeond oabln... .$601 Steerage $35 For passage apply to O. B. RICHARD A BOAR, 161 Broadway. mHB NORTH GSBMAN LLOYD'S MAIL STBAMBHIP 1 NSW YORK, H.p Yon Banten. Oomm infer, Carrying the untied btatee mail, will positively sail on oaii/BVAX, xuuusi g,*iua? ft* Bremen, n* Southampton, uklng passe n*er? for London, Havre, Southampton and Bremen, at the following rates ? First cabin $180 Second cabin 60 Steerage..... 36 For freight or paaaage ^ gelp&cke.'ivfcutqkk ft reighklt, 84 Broadway. IiVOR livftsro U-THK SDPSRloR BLaCA BaLL f Line clipper ship JAM KB FWTsH, Jr , Cap . Abe el. will til tomorrow lor passage, bavipg unequalled ataie room Sccomm d?ii db, apply on tioard, pier 23 <att river, foot of Beekman street, or to JaOOB WILSON 108 south street KITED Bf aT*B HAIL 8T?AM8HU> LINK For caufosnia, Tie Panama Railroad. The steamship MOBK8 TaVLOR John tfcOowan, oommsn dor, will sail uo Fndsy. August 6. at 2 o'clock P. II , from pier fool of WorrecaTeet. North river, connecting at Panama with the steamship Golden age, Captain J.T. Ru tins. For. passage apply only to I. W. RAYMOND, at 177 West sireet, corner of Warren street. ? UbTBALIA PIOMBKB LIKS?KSTaBGISUKl) 1854 A. Carrying the United States malls -The beautiful new A1 clipper ship ELIZA A Matilda. 700 tons register, G. Hordenholz master, now loading at pier (To. 11 North river, having two thirds of her cargo engaged, will hare lmmedla e despatch for Melbourne direct, and oan take bulk of WO Ions of cargo 11 applied for early. She has magnificent state room accommodations for second cabin passengers, all on deck ror freight or passage, at lowest ratea, apply on board, or to R W. CaMFKON. no 6 Bowling Green. Bight bills forsaie and cash advances made on consignments. Consignees la Australia, Wilkinson Bros- A Co TTMT1.D B1ATKB MA II, 8TKAM8HIP LIa? FJR U Havana and New Orleans.?The steamship KaPl CITY, Captain 8. P. Griffin, will sail on fussdty, August 2, 1859. at two o'clock P. M., from foot of Warren street Bills of lading of the proper form furnished at the office, and no bills of lading will be signed after hour of sailing. For freight oi passage apply at 17? West street, corner of Warren M. O. KOBXilTB, Agent. N"EW( RLKAVB, NOBILR. MOVTGOMRRY. ATI. A VTA, ALB aft V, OOLUM3U8 MrCON, Al'Gl/nTA, And various planes In Florida, Via BaVaNNaH Ga. The ALABAMA, Cap! Gen R Schenek, will leave on Saturday, augur'. 6. at 4 P. ? , frrm pier so 1 North river Tick- ' eta can be bad for the following places fare as low as by snv other strumer?trom Hew York to savannah, accommodations superior:? Pew Y'rk to Kew Griesns >39 75; Mobile, til; Mon'gnmery, Ala.. 826; Atlanta, Ga, >23; albany, Ua , $21, Columbus, . Ua., >23; Macon, ua , >21; Augusta, S20; Savannah, >i5 8AMDBL U MlTuHIuL a BOM, 13 Bioadwas R 8ATAHNAH- i 1 he American Atlantic Screw Steamship Company's new ; ande'egantsteamship bUNTbVlLLK, John a Post, com masker, will leave pier 11 North rtrer on Thorsdav. august 4, at 4 o'clock P. M. Patsage t* Savannah, wits uuatimaesed j accommodations, >'5; through tickets to Mew Orleans. $.19 74. Mobile, >35. Montgomery, $26; Albany, Ua.. $24; Atlanta, $23; Columbus. >23; Macon, $21; Augusta ?; also to priocpal Elaces In Florida at lowest ratea. Baggage checked through : i principal points. Freight ten cents per foot Insurance ; i one hall per cent. Apply to H. B. CROMWMLL A no., 86 I West street The Montgomery succeeds on Thursday, Au- 1 j to* 'i ; FOH fcAVANMAH. The American Atlantic Screw 8 teams hip Company's new ; aud elegant steamship l.OCubT PUlSiT, Uaptata 11. French, will leave nler 12 North river on Thursday. Augu t A at 4 , 1 o'e'ock P. m P uip to Bavaanah, with unsurpassed aeoo? modaUcos. $'5; through tickets to Mew Orleans, S3* "A; Mobile, i $Hh, Montgomery ?;?; Albany 1*%., $14; AUant*, $O; Uolum i b??, *18; Macon, $11; Aug una $20; alas to prloclpkl places la Florida ?t lowest rates Bsggsfe checked through to principal > p lots. Freight too cents per toot Insurance one half per cent. Aopt? to B. B, ihuMWald, A Ovo . B6 West street | The Mcntgomery succeeds oo 'ihtuacay, august 11. IfOB 1HR SOUTH AND BODTaWkST VIA OHASL.K8- | jP ton b. C ? Stmt weekly United Hiatee mail side who*' uamahlp line Cabin pnsstge $15; deck $8.?the favorite . steamship .1*8 ALMiilt, o. Adsmt eotamaader, will !e??e pier 4 J-oith rlveron Peturday, August 8, nt 4 o'clock P M. j precisely Through tickets to the following places: ? ' to eew Orleans $t9 75 to charlotte N O 822 1 Mobile, Ala 85 1)0 Columbia, H.O ?> Montgomery Ala 28V0 Augusta. Cia til | Nashville. Tenn SO 00 Atlaita, Oa So Memphis, leno 88 80 Jar .sonvtlle, Fit 21 KnexviHe, Tenn 27 00 utlatka, Kla 23 ' For freight or passage apply to BPOfFOft1.), T1LK4TUN ft ' CO., 28 Broadway The VANION suoceeds on Wtdneeday, Aug. 10 RBDUCKD R'sTHB-$0?"NO AFOOKI 6; PITKA8 ; burg or Richmond, $8?The ttenmsblo HOaNOK*. Oao ' tain U W. couch, will receive freight for the abo'e plate* on i Tuesday and Wedresday at pier 13 North river, and leave | Wednesday, Auguat 8 aiSo'clJCk frelrht f.r *et< rsou'-g landed at Cdty point, and that for Norfolk at Portsmouth. Par ?ge, stateroom Included, to Norfolk reduced to$8, Petersburg or Richmond, stateroom Included rednsel to $3 Mea'a 50 1 rents fair a. Ll'tbaM A ttalNk&iC.a, 115 lltoadway. I ^T|UHt)NU|^ j A ORFTLKM-.N INTBOUOHT MaN'NERt ANDFRSb . -V log having list a fortune through Iho fetehrr/of Meada ' would like to form an acquatoianre with a ,*dr of wraith, about kla own age?SO years to whom t?e devotluo of an hor *! heart Wf.nio he an tqulTtl?al for wraith. Gsmntunfeati n? addressed t? Moaesty care ol Uuloc square Letter olBcr, j . in c, will he held lacred. I [ONDAY, .AUGUST I, 1859 I TIIK TtTRr. | U?OlIWI (WMI I.. I ?T"BOTTTW<1 ?THtTRBDAT, VJ fcn*u#t tut O'clock T. musfc tot now, mils beats, bockiMte five. u. wtffAM. U fftfer mm or g Hron kick, U Wuu4/uffuoiM kLt Uml Wtlni MM att rata o# .bine * J.lHff I. SNKOlUU. Ecuni oouhc, l l?T?o.*fi*a.?TK* rouuovr, lof psrars oi l be Mreo free U?. all b fwa Tuesday. fOk'iM ?. pnm SI 00^-mlle beets; bsst ff to * bareesa. Tuesday 4u?ust l?-rlire 11,000-lro mils hsete, ta hwsesaButtles to be m-ne ?t ,lobo 1 tnedlk-r?s?oe or bslorsMsaday, AunML IwotosUrV lomrtnrw. j JoOM l BlfRDltffB. UMIOW OOHMB, L. I -TROTflWa.?THZTEBDAT, At I *u?t 4, Ml O'clock precisely, a me? >b ft 91.700. two Kilos and 'e-jest to srafoos H. Woodruff MM* a. r. I Mara; D. letlaaaa names b. mar*. _ HUaV ft WHITB, Froprietore. HORBlfcft, CftMttftO??. dtO. | Atop wagon wantkd -hoot br city madb and of ** >od maker-, price Mi to etoeed SIM w.. boi 148 Herald offloe statict piioe aad wbore to bo soon p rtXPBRRB WAGON FOB ft*Uft-llA?R BY S. BTA At pbaasca: to ha aaan ?i T Baaaaa' lines atihla No I i Ka.t Nineteenth Urn" inquire o7l>.UOMjMAjt, India rubber wateboute, No^lJ Maiden lane. Fob balk-two ncw drank wboc ooa JdK-t, ! rot up In the beat manner, will ba aold cheap; aiw-o new brt.Ua oceourtalnr Htkaway; light wagons, with a il wt'h buttons, "onatantly on hand Those damroua ot pa'-f'ts would do well to call and examine oat Mock baAwa purtsbaMitg i laswhore. VaOhbtlH * POMRO*, 14 end II AmU/ plnae, Laurens street ! Fob balk-a first class two sbatbd bock a- I , w?T wagon nearly new, together with a dlrar tn mi,ted . etngleh*rnem. a'ao nee tn be "Id low They eta he are* at ! (beatable of J. o Taylor No 70 Itaet Twenty-fourth avea | r* SALS-A LlVKBV ST A SUB. WITH OB WlfHODT the atrrkinaUbiljhed for fourteen taara, lain a good loan tton; the'U la 2"i (0 with hulidlaae ooreiing the entire lot: It not eold beiorr >he 1st of reutembw. It will oe sold at the Mar chants'hxchange For further partloulaia Inquire at No. A Amity place (Lauren street), near Blaecser street. FOB 8ALK-A SPAN or CABBIAOR BOB8R8, Morgana, 14J? bands hteh; sound, kind and lam: oan t-ot together lu about utree mloutea. alao, Mratt carriage and doable hnrnsea. For sale cbeao, as tt)a owner has no further naa f< r Ibrm Oaa be seen at Cleary 'saUblea, 19 and tl daet Eighteenth at'net litOK HALE-A TWO BORAX PLATFORM TOP WAO J*; F also a slngte too wagon May be aeen between Miaetea^tb nrd 1 weutie h atresia, Fourth avenue, bouth drciklyn. ay ply to WluLlaM KOCIWBT. ni OB SALE?TO CLOSE A MATOf AOTORT, OSK t'TC C toria btelt.o-e revolving Van d or to tfcawny, one Jenny I lud illrltug lop boggy, one N..rtn .\tuerlne no t9i> b tg<y, two l'kht ttifiluK t o bugiva one Ugbt me lutrar -no iiiat tro'tlor b"g^?. me 4 fat miMr* inp V>?k biggj one I Ipm ovc wi ro. ia-va., ver-li^b . I wo no too bork;v* ?)) rtty torr'a Hud >) ih-b?t nV"rtJ^ hi'1 rtMiwij, add [ Pi plttumi rtnwb*? Ohio m* l*?t ely aonitn. Of I te<* eoln-ttr-d by J.t.A'lti J,j5"L.i t, 6 b itroadeay. | yV)K 84LK 0BE4l'-A BtAUTirni. R?n*l TSOT r IlLyufv eix ;? old. kl?u la ad hirje?e H?d a beautl lu! vaedle iMiulli ~*:i n-t Tiny ?i s?d *.triAMe<l a "tod apply hi lis itrand atre?t, frotr ten W tvr > o'clock pfSjD NKW'H TO Al.l. WHO HAVE AN T.VVgKESr IN l.T h irwe, c->?? Ac - Ih-jrle) 'a fxiU for cattle. D pot 174 Oiernwicb, a-rctt, N. I. .pONr BOLT M AH If - H ANDSOtAK flODNO ANO i bt&d, mly tlx year* old, 15 hand* hl?lt, at.J ?ta able fir a fstrlly rr cMM-tn n d'lve eold for wa>.t of u?r Aip ly at the prlvr.'e alabi* WS 1A ril Twenly Hcnih %tre*t qioovo HAND CARR1AOK8-A U ht OFSN BIJI 1' ay, iii etcfclle-1 order, an-, one top d>Jj; both Ford'amaae, i.leo > lev kj l>ib teit, w II be Bo'd <9* M the owuer b?? nouaefor It Incpilr* at 197 Reroer etreet. fflWO POWRRFFL l'RAT H> R'Rb FOR 8 ALE-OWE a I bay e'tJlion fever ?nri0I1I l'htnrii bl(h. etout built warranted round emtio and find; price the otner tU yiaraolfl >8 b*?rf* ltltta; warranted aa above, price $175, on. Or id hoiae 'or $o5; will trade for arnall horaea. Apply at 8? Jameabtieel \T IRMORT FORBES FOR 8ALE-AT TAfoOH'H V wat-le. corner 01 Broadway and Seventh avenue, new (bevy-third atreei, one pair end two slocle black horeea. from lft>, to ICJ4 hand* bleb; can trot from to 3 16; two jingle bay bofwa, one !ft>, the other 11% hand* hlgn; oea trot (rout 3i5ioS;3ti AII young, kind and eound. H7AMIP-A ORNri.E 80FND FAMILY IIORSC, 8IX ?T or aevi-o yeairo:d about 1# band) high; Rate lowatt puce, euloraud where It can be aeeu. Acdreia box 1,037 Fust office WKaJICIAU. Uu>>J8* ftftUIOMY A Oo . BANK EM, BTO 6# flit CA. etre-t, laaue letter* of credit for traveller*, available It lH iikFt* of tlia world 'hronih M1 ?1 1 Kr.lSahKIld 0# Pa Ua I t^odon. Tranktart, Nap'.** uit Tirana, tod their eorreverr I {rata. I BROOKLYN CTTf RtlLROAD . OMPAKT.-A DIVI I denl of four per cent hit bran declared, oar able this I d*y (M< u?tv) at toe office oi tie company Co 12Fulton street 1 ProoUfD. 'J be trap tier booki wl"! be closed until to morrow, 1 2d lull Psttd August), 1KS9. C. W. RRTT", terretary pro tern. BILL* ?1 aJTD UrWaHDB, OH OHIO* ll?t Of London and Rojal Hack of Ireland, for tale by WKLW t a*(?) A CO. 81 Broadway Hew Tor* mad Cattferule Hr j trtm Company. DIVIPKHD-THK KNICKRRROCKKR ICR COW ANT, 4b'i t anal atseet, will pay a aerni auni al divider.! of five <6< p?r cent to tie stockholders on and after August 10 IBM. The traniler bock* will bo rioted from the Ut to the 10th I oat. Inclusive, Hew York, August 1. 1S59. R. T. 03MPJ0H. President C. B. Worteudtke, Secretary. N?W YOBK AND HARLEM RAILROAD COMPANY Iniereat coupons of the 2d mortgage Honda of 1H61 and Dover extension 7 per oent will be paid on and after august I, at the office of the Company, oorner Twenty sixth street and fourth s venue. T, B. KuilUlON, Trauutr, LlAtOTB IfAKCTAfTTCR CR3' BANK, NSW TOSK. July 2S. 1869 - A dividend of Ave (5) oer oent will be paid In the stockholder* on and after Monday, the 9r*t day of * u*u?t next t. ft. AOLY. Caehler. Or no* or ?h? few tore motuax. insuraj?c? OomtUTi Mo (1 William atraoL Maw York. July 20, 1859. The Tiueleeo eabmlt the following etateaent of the affaire 01 the Company, la conformity with Ike requirement* ot the ghsitey:? OutaUadlsi premiums on Jane SO, 1868. (325 198 9t yremlum* received to July 1,1869 813.519 33 retm 9i.oJ7.7i8n Mo pollHee hare been Imned noon Ufe rteke n?r upon fire rMi dwoDDtoM with marine rtaks. Kerned premium! to J aly 1,1869 $S03 8to3t Loeeee end eetimated loaeea. $301,888 75 Return premium 48,972 80 Re-lneumtoee, expeneee, ho 118.18.2J $28.848 91 Metprotte............... ........ . $274,eQ2~69* The vxtmpany here the following aeaetc? Oeeh $28,484 51 Premium notee end bill* receivable 617.131 47Hond* end mortgagee 39 nno "f atom* aid loene 290 455 19 Real eetate 66.627 7f Olalme due the Company and Intent! on etocke and bonde 65 938 61 Total $i, 902,6s; 5c In view of the above reentta the Hoard of Truittet bare ih'i ut raaolTed to pay a oinaend of interest of tlx percent it stab on the outstanding eertlflo,a.e? o' prod's u ibe holder* die roof at their legal representatives, on and after M<wdL*? Use lat day of a ago it next The trnateaft after onrviif over bait a million of defers a 3 refits bare farther resolved that the wboleof the ouutsndtns cerUdcatee of the oomnany oftaetaaae of 1?5I he redeem*) and oatd to the boldera thereof, or their legal repreej.itaiivea on and alter Monday the lat day of August nr it, from ?btot date all intereat thereon will eeaee. The certificates to be pro inoed at the time of payment and eanoelled Also reaolred, That a dlrtdand of thirty Are per cent be de lared on the net amorant of earned premiums for the yeai ending June 80.1869, for which ocrtlfinatee will be Isiurd or and after Thursday. the lat day of September nr it Br o>dm of the Board. W. P. HjjftlF.KD, Secretary. J. W Nchmtdt, Francis Bamtt, Stewart Broun, Wm 3. Be wmao, BoM. B Mlntu'n, Kdw. H tt I.jnsa, Stephen Johnson, George Moke, Henry W Hlcka. a V. The',and, < b?a H Marshall. Francis HMhaway, John H Earls, Henry A. hm> the, Baml 0. Paxaoa, Idojd Aaptawall, Arthur Leary, H 0. Voo Poet, Henry Beyer, K. P. Fabbrl T. B. SATTEBTH WAlfR President. JOHN H. LTOJj, Floe President. OFFICE OF THE LRNOX FIRE INBCRANGR OOh pony, M Wall street. New Tork Ju:y Jd, 1819 ?The di rertnn have this d<y declared a eensl annual dividend of ail per cent, payable on and after the lat day or August next The transfer Book will be cioeea until that date PaVID PRaXE, Secretary. OTATK OF CALIFORNIA TREASURY DEPARTMENT, C Sacramento July 1.1889 ?Whereas, there la now In the State Treasury the sum 0fl$t2 723 26, wolch under the pro vtttrna of th<* sot of s prll 23, 1867, la payable to the bolder* of the civil funded debtor the state: Now, therefore. In accordance with the Seventh section of said act, nctloeta hireb' given that 1 will purchase, at the low rat prlee oflered. elvtl bonds of ihe State of < a'l'ornla issued under act of eprll 28 1,867. to the extent of $11,723 26 healed t rop< axle will ne recrtred at my nfllce in airamrn to. until the fifth day of September A. D, 1869. at which time 1 ttiaw w<li hp or.anm f.,> b'd wl'l be oonalderednnl**a tone reaponalb'.e rivu'n accompany* it that the brae* will be pre tented within three day* after the award Umadaoubite Coupon* from No. 3 to No. 38, Inclusive, muat be attached t" the boDd* IBOKeS PINDLKf, treuurer of StaterO4P CONPCMKB8 AND OAS LIGHT AND WATER (cmpantea ? Ihe American (lu Light Journal aecond i number la <hta day pnhllthed, oonttining capital and value of , barn of 237 Qaa Light Comoanle*. representing ttlrtr four 1 million dollar*; eiperimcnta on the deterioration of gaeand other aelenOflc article*; tlr?>r* of the Oroton Aqueduct and other water work*, and *tau*Ucaof the public health. Price 33 per annum. JOHN A. MO & Kay A Co . danker*, Wo 10 Walt treat. New York. - IX)AJ| opjrycKS. A I t ja0*?0jr5-wo?m tp advancs oh watoi*. diamond*. Jewelry, plate, dry gooda merrhandtae and parental property "1 erar dercrtpUon, or bocwht and *old, bt I JUMtfB a JaoKdON. (uctloreer and broker. Ill Qrnad lire at. three door* wem of Broeoway. T THONPf OVA 00.8, BKOKSNS AND OOKKISSION rjs uit-iuevio, iv? n??*u au-vm, nomer oi an.r.wm \ 2 second Bo r advance money, from SI to $?0 (KM ou watches, i dl?irecds Jewelry. dry goo's, aegara sod a'l kin-*? of secu | nttes or Nought M)!? * ooha. bonds. ke , nefotla'.el All k.ods of aswlog ta* chines bought and sold a. it. THOMPSON, Auctioneer. i T IIOHAMBTRS STRCRT-MONKTTO ADVAWOA TO 4 eny amount on dlanonja, watches, jewelry. Ac , by the well known and old established In *AOd. ancUcneer and hro ker. 11 Chambers street. M. B.?No bua'neas transected on batardajsRKSTAfcRAJTI'S. APPLRNIID II aUNCH OF RNOUSH MUTTON AND IT ten turtle snup Tor dinner to-day and ?o morrow. RICH ARUBOR A k' i.sOl), Ills Matden lane, oorserof Pearl, ! mi pollers dlrevt of 1< urges* ' and uroese A Blaekwoli * H IKLKdaND lAUOStt. Potted anrhr yy paste. 1 armouth bloaters, beef, ham, shrimp, , .to Boy ct'a P n tan i sauce. 1 ea A Perrtu'a Worcestershire sauoe. 1 rrcMi& A shads?, ?t pu*e* btrkrt, two door? U ns>t of Bmadw%y Call at tbl<* oM ctttblwbnd boniw and get a ?>? ? of g-x)U Rud a ?*uc??;cb 'or iU c?&u. Fortlft I aad !oiLeiU3 tfkex ' I . I ***"* . o&d?r tha iota dlraoUoa af Ik* Jdmduu'^ SAUIM MlklttMlM r* am eon, wko wttl hava Ik* honor of aaaUag tbalr ^ 'Utt Aft-A&KAlUt TtfiHUiWRM -t mondat mvaatMa. aqiu ?*i. ism. toMlMi wMttair MtraordiBAty aa4 IaJmM OM."VMj . MCk Mnaaraf whokaiu ba Imj4 a PADJUfL&NI AMTUT, tonamg aa a hole a i**a?ACt uiAiiiraus or bulliamt Br aim, QABBB!, KaVMT^ rsrSocn BAVBL. , _ Mia. HUU HIRJIMIAMV, tha OA AlmiAd JOMJ rtAAAAllAA, ruBABUy frDAA IWr, Mm r?A?i;fs Kite UIA RBMOML, MUWUtUlrMitA. IIOMTIMK OAPttu, M?a. CBIaRIHL HIM M. HBaW. MUa. OBOiLI. Mom. A.1KL. BUBAIilM BAVMU ? lod7*& AMASiOa. Mob*- MATHlMV, Moot J*. BtiUUn, a b. WALL* MOM. J Ufdwr. A.LhHMA**, Mem* ALWXAMDBI, MOM. 0. UUKAHK. foatAXBU Mom. TuuIDO, afar oMHr wall tun ravorttaa,a . ,?ma*u oohph UK ba.llbt, tad Full tad KOLient orcba trv _ pmoomtmmm row tina btbbihg. Tbe very laugbet 1? caatlc tad only auooeaatul OUocte itaa- I tOBtlBM ?TW produced, tattled J KIM EA; _ _ ? ?,. Tt? ADTMTVttM Of A* Ancfill. V.ctllataw ale original oWicltr uabrtel Baeal Mint At hmpororo. Oblat huoM Autl bupported by the eattie oonptaj. Followed by IM BVOLUTIOHtl oh thm tight bofb by Mile. Marietta Tiontreoa, mom, a Itaandre, tad leant AmariC4 Ml CM oukf. To with tba clever pantomime of aUBK&T MaUnlaw. FitsccUl lave! m hla great original oh areolar of. .Jaauee Strop recial aoricc ? rheMemra Ka VaL u taakutt taa above asaounceaMatuerw it thaw duty la Intaroilhewtrtanda and the puo.te that, their engagement being Stalled to butt ahort Uata only, It will preclude >h* puatlbtlkj ot t repctttoa la t large repertoire of Oyer One Hundred U1*?B OUM1U KAIKT bFSCTACIiBS, Cottle Fantonumea Comte ualJeta, Grand Balieia, Bellete Ulrertteeemeet, Iiaht aooe and liimnaatlo axeretoee. Ac. They w<ll be produced la rapid eueoeatlua, wua every care tad eitenuca to Magnificent Seenerr aad startling I Sect t, Uorgeoua Cotton ea and Correct Acoaaaorlee tor a bleb ilia popular eatatuia^ttent la Mjuatly eeicbraied. Due notice wlu be a tree af tne finer ^FFaAAttfl ;* of wile MtBIA HKNMKUaET. I'oo. opru a< T; to commence at 9 o'clock. Tlcketa id canta I caikren under tea?25 eea t) tipper (tort*. tuuttu .it Crveby atrcei it cenu otcbe?i?? ttta lecured t Tiltale t* in J-, Box ulltco oyfcn from 8 a. H. till 3 F M la; CiA.aO*'? THAafHS, WAU.AGC.-b l tiJCATKJI, ' nuiitufiiuiiu W n- K'o K&1.UIKH WAULaCJR.'b t'l" W, >h*?iut, Tli&?faK. fajL^rnit, waller a ^UK Y? .LLAUK H iuaaIKA. IHliMtB l K 1HK KLOABNUtt. lai'.nm or tub fu> KANUA?. TAlCCd ( f tut rL.OKk.nUtt. nnukra uf rue i-ouaknas. VAtlAPtt t / tun KoukaNUAH CM.Y DaaIaiJC CoaPAN> cN BROADWAY OM.1 bk?Ma1iU i!u?i'?MT On b&OaOWaY. l?. J i-hAjl-iiU OUAfANY UK B&UnjJff&Y. OM.Y LKtktll J UOMPaNY UN B.UAuWaY. U.Mil ObAAAiiu t OUi ANY UN BAOaUWaY. LALLA hOuKU, Lal.uA BO'JKU, OaLLa BuuKH. LAI.OA BOOKB, LALLa KOORti wtiMSBio BY oriCK run IBUUBINO pboplb. WiTntu-BIO IS Y UVmU TaN THOUSAND PROP UK. WllNkBMi' lit Ll'SK TiN IUUtti.Hu PiuPLC. Vlink-fcKD BY OVA* TAD TU^OBaND PK.JPi.K. Wll'MIBMl' BY UV?? IAN iaOUB?M) PlSOPLJC Ua&aIasT BUBLRMIU* UN BKuuK A OKI At AST BObLBbuUB US AB OHD. OUICl'riBr BUKukhQUK us ABUOKD, UaRaTABI BUttOlbViUA UN BIUUUD UBIaTaBT BuRUtbUUA ON BM.UUc.Li. Lou At. uim, LO 'aL HK8, LOU A L, Hits. LOCAL COBNajTY. IIGCAL I Cits A*. BLOHDIH CHoubimU KUMXA FALLS. IJLUMOlA C&OSbLNQ DUOUi FaLlS, jjUjW'M AIaUaRA FauL*, BW-M'IN 0?<vSli?? HIaUaKA FALLS ALu.NUiS CliOaelNO RlafiaRA FaIAJS. FAIKY AQU AHLL'IL, FaIH* AyUABiUM. rAIAT AguAAiUM, F-. IKY AgUAAlUH, FaIHY AUOAAiUir FIMaLK. i AVAMTV f lAbt AJCaiAEST AM > ZuWlAN QCAHD. AHA/I>AIA> OUAKD, AMA/AIMAM QLAAU. FSMALE b^VAMV f ilLdi HKuUtEAT. FC?, FCfl. FUH, FUN, FUN. Real Ydermaida, Real MermAlda, Real Meraaalde, Btbl Me, mains, MermMda, Real Mermaid* He?l ?nm? Is, Beal Mermaiea, Real Me. mud*, Be*I Mermaica Real Mermaid*, Heal Mermaid*, beal Met made, Real Mermaid*. beal Hnrma itt ?Ri VRS lOBB BHA18 CARLY, BMIUrA \OU* bi.vTH AABkY, fc*UUc.& YOUR SKAlB KaHLY, SBC "Rfc YOUR BKalS BaBVY, bBCL'&H YOUR BBaTb AaRLY. EIC3HTH ?KH o> Mr. and Mr* W J. FlORBROA AlUbru ??lKol Mr. and Mi* W, J. FLOKSN 'K. AiuHlH Wb?B of Mr. and Mra W. J. FlOaaMCA. Ki ?B1H WaaKof Mr. and Mr*. W J. fluhCMCA. *1(1 HI a WALK, of Mr. and Mi* W. J. FLORSRJA 111a ONul OoMBIRaIIOB LaFT, TB? ObLY COM -INaTION LR*r, IHR OS .Y OOMBINaT>ON LAFT, lb* ONLY OOMbllH aIIOM LY.Fr, TH* CBLY COMB1N A1IC-N LfcFT ObLY KIUHlRAR JNIUHfS MORA ONLY AHJHIBKN M /UlH MORA, ONLY BiuHlBKR MIAUTS M >*K, ONLY HlOHlAKN M'JSlH MORA ONLY RlUHtRBN NlAaTS MORA. BAJNUM'S museum-ora week mora at the tart eat interceaaion oi a number of our moit respectable tamil'e*, of ? YMAb, the Foreeror. Mood*j afternoon at 3. itn< fcordr.ff at fi'fWk miiYt hi* ranMtnl** n/ m**nlie>* experiments making people InrlalMe and rcelormg them te Ms. billty at p.eaaure; rendering a liquor bo.tie ezhauatieaa m it* amply ot any tplrit demanded; compelling a drum to tare ootrii rapper, aad auawer hie ioq> lrtea. beaidee an actual boat 11 o her ?fn I miraelca j be million ot curtoiltlee, the aerpent'a eggs juat laid lo tbe den of aerptnts. and baby anaeoeda. irtth Ita ooiotsal motber. ic, Ac., may all be aeen a dmlttance 23 en ta; v hlldreu under tea, U oenia; parquet aean, 11 eenlt addttknaL Bdcklst8' PKBBNadbrb. rranch tbkatrk. ms broadway. ouaea crowded wtib tie All e ?nd Fashion. llUbCAt, AUgUat 1, And eery evening during Ue week, t taldt* letecitope of the choicest ulkn uf ncobo min8tr1lsy will be presetted for tbe first time Buckleys' Burlesque of tbe Opera of ClNfaARKLfaA. MtaaJCLIA QOCLD as Cinderella it. nib fa OP BUCKLEY aa Honest Pete (redro Hitchcock's national concert hail, 172 New Canal street " Care to our cofliu add* a nail no doubt. While ever> grtuao merrily draws one out " f'OK a UuOlr NluHT'd AMUaKuhN f Come to hitchcu. k.i, the most popular CouoertHall in the city. Mr. w h * k rtsow. Ibe great eztrmporaneous comia vociitet, every evening. Mr. w. BaBttlrOn Will sing eitemporaneoualy on any subject given bun by the audience. ketplng them In a roar of lanahter. Ha IS I N "IV aLLKD IN THB Won,.D. TBB PEST 0o*i?A*t IN THE CITT. comic AND sentimental SINGING. Mis* DEPbEit and Mile LKONOuA, tbe e.egmt danseoses. Admlraion only incest*. Performance commences >t 8 o'clock and clrses at IX W. iuroiKJoCH, Proprietor. THAT CHINESE PIDDLE At BUOtUlYB' BtSttEHADERH. ?R?NtH 1 HICaThh, 3afl BROADWAY. Makes the acoJence laugh evert night H POILO THKAT&K, PiITSBl*j{0, Pa?TEi? CNDER 5*. alrct d having leased tbe above th?atre (late the National tor a term of year*, are now prepared to 'eoelre app! eatiot* (rem peracus of acknowledged talent and to negotiate with first clan atari on ibe moat favorable terms. ibe ApoLo iheatre I* entirely new, and ote of ibe lav eat seat of new York capable of holding all hundred dollar* Ibe dramatic eeaaon will commence on or about the lat of September. PUKTKa A Mcf aRL AND. TO MANAGERS AND MANAGERESSES.?IN REPLY to tbe very numerous application* received for the fall aud winter season, Charges Salisbury, comedian, begs to state that b'a arrangements are entirely completed, and be hopes that three whose letter* la tbe pre** of buiiues* hate remained unanswered will take the above as a reply. CIO BEE BUCKLEY B' 8ERKNAUEB.S, JT 689 Broadway MORE PUN, Ml'Kt GOOD JOKE* than any other company in existence. THB HIUTART. \TATIORAL 0ADITS. SIXTY-NINTH RKGiVtafT.?A X* meeilag of tbe officers and members of this regiment will be held ou Wednesday, august S, at the Dlvlston armory, at 8 o'cionk P. M . tn reunion to tbe reatsnatlon of Oolose, Aran KOBnRT Nl'UKMr, JUjor 69tb awglmeni. WAbBlKOfON GHATS, KIliHTH RHGIMtMt, K. T.'s. T , H company ?Specisl order?7 he member* of thi* company Me hereby ordered to meet at their armor} , nercer Route), till (Hot day) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, la citizen*' drew, tv d*rk c.'o the*. black bat and white *lovea, with the usual badge of mourning, crape on the left arm, to attend the funeral of our late aged and esteemed menher, Aronut Brown- the member* of the regiment are lespecttuUy In riled to join u* upon tbiaoccaa'cn. By order. ?*.G hauit, Orderly. 8A1IBKL GREGORY, Capt WASBIHOTON GRAT8, SIGHTS RBGFdENTTTr Y.8. T.?The Commandant of this regiment harLug been informed of the death of our late brother tolcier, turnout Brown a member of H company, and tor orar forty year* doing ncttre duty to the I irst divlaijo. request* that In consideration of many jeara *>f service and a* a mark of reapect to the memory ot one who. a* a soldier waa always prompt and > U.dent in the performance Of duty, that the 0dicers of tot* rrgimmt 'n citizens' dre??, wt'.l attend the tuueral of dece ued ir-itn h<* late testdeuce. Mo. 157 Lauren* ?tree:. this aVrrMnattto o'clock By order. GkO. LYOM3, Ooloael. V. J., Adjutant SPORTWC?. Fob bali-the bloop yacht islanb tawv op about W ton*, well found and a (ast utter. apply at Mo. Broadway, in the basemruL th/arted?to~purchase, a sffcowo hand ~r Clinker built club boa*. S5 feet levy *lx ov*. with row loci* In the gunwale-, ebemnst be souaa sad In good mowing order. A note addressed to Geo W Nausea, Jr . 71 William street, atatlcg lowest cash p-ice, will receire touns.Jls Uon. KGUIClUe a few POORS EaST or BROADWAY.?DR. Ht? A B.eecker street Ottc* hour* from 9 to J and fito?. ??? a RALPH'S orflCSB-CORIlHHOP BOC8rO? A?r <rcsby wreet* (U> Crosby). Bouts lO)-i to 1 and t to f Sunday escepted. Ot warx>?orritktss broadw*.7. thbb* uoors h? low Broom* itrer: Office hours from 7 a. 3C. tlL IS P x daily. On Pupdsyrtlll I p. * Paris ari> iomdcm offt'-b8 or r?n y lTrhcvt Gt" Bjcsdwaj. New York, up salr*. J A M to3 P, SI *-d?toS F. k' Bowmrt tiutu Umni ? U rot U4 J. W. Ut??rd L*br wake or ran uremia """SiliKW HFitfE EEUKK1K. Eetioeaij ttuutki. .j&Y?- -fSTSSiSlSI ISONQAI'? TIKI jr'6; iuiriii' UML' OHUMMEI wtth ? _ ouvke twi4t. OeedodlBS wUk LABBOARP nw. Wood's minstrel muildinob. Ml sod MS HmmIwav. dm>iEm ME RRuKOf ETHIOPIAN MlRETEMtRT RVERT RVKNIaO THIM WUL ManoM ?t7; commwm* M 8 o clock. t i1M?-" M eew: ehiMtai naam Ml run, U wE rooRTH week or rph ho?m Butadtt umuu honk ao a in. k1cbaniw haIA. 471 kkoadwat. Rttarm of Ue ffT^XmrA twm ?xo*l?tbm tmoarmor~tgb wo?u>. Tkia bMotmu hell Bee hern tkoronekiy m oratee, nw Mag* " "" "tfst'aswftir MONDAY BTUrilfQ. Aogaat 1,IMF. w< tTMT moat dtjajfo th< rata. ThaOonpnar aadanWdu aeMoaoflhitaoeillaA Null* an* D<l MU?f. T & FBBMuMadABT, J. 0M8W*?Bf H. O t. FOWlJU, /. B. liOaBlKMB, D BII ha. IT. jr. Hu * iHlkin, f. bob8?, W B0BA9. & 8 CKOdlT. ja* cabboi l, f t. utrouuk K?? tfoe*?, Dunn, itorleaquea Aa Dooraopep *17, tvaaun *l a iVouci. 1 toe's tafek G'B AK KLIN MUSK0M, 117 OB AMD hTBKBf, OMB DOOM r from UroArt m a* TWO PKKFOBMA NCEH BVBBT DAT. Commenting M 3 In ike mfternoon u4 9 In ike ii i anil At nboie iatke oolj pkare where the MOIlKI, AMTIaTB Ok be teee, oonetetlng of tome ot tke Beeet (anted wmmm Id ih* world TWENTY f-KVKN ^OUKO LA DIRS Aprearalrnrk perform An e A<tmKe?oe?Orckeatrn, (Fekhl t oi?e, 26 cen'f, pi It ax hoxei, ft-, eeete on ibe ettge, ib Pa lack oabubb8 amd hall Oabd - le onnwquenoe ot tke Terr liberal patronage knrowed npoe Ike Fnl ?ee Oardree the pro, rtetnr bte Imwla ed to rrntl) lncreaie the tttrnmlvroeaaof tke eeaal name mental rooreru g'vre on TneKlay Tkorebtj and itttrhf even I Ufa hj engaging tke Meet emtanai moemal talent a M otty. and takee pleasure la anaoanateg tke ioUo<rteg oalakiat 0(1 mMi:? Mile MAJtLA BBAlMkBD The favorite Prima Donna, and 8tgno? QUllU Uie Celebrated Tenor, ot t?e fialtas Opera, and viKL ami ADOLF BCKntlr, Ike eouUAi and i?;ent? d ptaoMa, all ot wbom are en(a(rd for rurad*7, ikmnr day and natatdajr errilnga. Mklodiom IM BROAPWar. Ciumwc Bcii.dikcs llLkAPBCT r: i ? or *MUfn?l*FU In 1 BK WOBIJB. **W AlTHAt lUihit K\'K? ? Nf *BT Pettomloee muttse' oil ?. bnrletquee, bVnnrtng j<z dwelt* queue'en t?gro di-Uue*Uoi?. comic ?tyin*? lU'iiliMfA Cbtrtee jaggtlp*, reudeTlllei dtbcdn g)e? elaiMg. eotl-n?ntti I a Unas, .nog* bkl.eie, t?( Het.oi?, iailrum-ote'< pedutne.rtcet Ac the l*rgr?t number et tbe tueet uopulir e'tue et lewervee profeettocel merU ogclher thet kutrtr teen ep*?tfa *t the itml 'tiai vODm. conceit r hall or amxrioa fie Buuir would mod reepeotfuLy kbnounoe that tbe Btn?rit OP MR M OH * IL RORTOR, { Crow,) npec el officer of the Wetodeon, wiu teke pleee M tbe Melcdeoa on MOM AY *V*PlNil, Auguetl, When there will be e greet llBlo. llm t>r bf?RtM Between tbe moet toted pugUintn of the dty. reKt i. ColumbUu March Orrbeetrs Choree end eretloe- From Beilrnr lloolzetU Creneatr* Deuce, lrteb-tig J W ta'ren H.og, nep" Itel-.e I'm Dreemlegof Thee M<? lone rfnrhe Letce medley Via Mtaue Wlllleeta Poec needier Mim Jen me Portia* tow lenrw. Coraetre dt-Ue rioiw I ence huenoe rf i.ld Vlrgiule Meet. Bower* Deore, uecburhue tred,ey Mlee e L W?10w COMIC ACr, PuMPKY HMtSH, 1HK lJtMrKdoKK BCKxaMJCK. Ponepey ' Mei Irwhn Bong Mlee fleille Psdiegtaw : Beet.Bn heijowen* ....Pence. A nere ?r? end Bower* 1 ence Dorblr btgblead FUng .Jennie Perttogon A Juliette f Ben jo foto end Howg Meet Dare WlUlaawi Kong Kbelliof tyeeen Mr. M Bomr-jott : Comic >oog w hole Bog or None Mr. Marfan Bet g My Little Velte* Bone John Heientt I Double 1 noce gelt did Polk* Mine* WUbamt end Ju'tat ' Comic bone end j. ence. Btb Jtldle., J W nodrewi I 1... I.MIVIuHiiMUnu V .? 1 Dance bpsnMi Medley Mlaa Mary Ftrtingion 1 !*<??. Why don'tthe Mm propone. Utmost. .Sallie Partington rat cKi/ff FAMILY 1 .Tim. Jndci. tad J ibm Crow . .lrwln, Andre wa tad Patriae i ItwMra Crow Howtrd, Willlama tad Young a merlon Ccmic rorg. Liick Walking Pane*. Highland *l>ng Mlu ttlaot Wll'Umn terenaoe, H?ro( L"ve Kr? Brent Comic MScg. Daughter ?r the Beglmect Ml le Flora Heautitul Tableau*, Ac., Ac , from the ooera entitled Lt Bayadere. Mime* Mary tad Jennie ParboEfn, A. L. Wtlby, Jultatta tad lone Burke. ntT it. i Selecttcne from popular tire?Brytnte' Mint Ire's Ortkeatra I Comic Act?Slippery Itmee m Old Virginia liiutiied wfcfc Cork * ogra rings Meatra. Max Irwin, Andrew^ be tries tad Yonng America. & cg-M'en AHore John MM> LontueTamtoilne Dance St try anddalLe Partington Comic Boog Dick Wattlan Double i lit (Irish) M'ss Jenrie Partlngtm A Miss Juliette ParJo Solo tno Hong mater Pare WilUtote Pence? 11 oittnt ibpanlab).... Mia* a. L a tlhw Boi g-Bes'ta Hid tiomca A HoWrook bario&oln and bong Mr -earlen t Pence?Medley Mll'le Flora bong- I'll Follow I bee Viae Art Ureal Beautiful Tablet tu end Pause entitled the BAlLOA'd DsKaM. Mlrtea Mary and'Jennie Pardngtun. a L. Walby. Juliette, Iote Barhe, Mint Williams tad Mile Millie Flora, rear tit. Overture?La Fiance (Anber) Orcheatra COMiO ACT-YOBKQ SCAMP. Young Scamp loung AmericA Bead of the Family. TTlfax Irwin IberretilDga aatertalnmeat will oocclude with the representation of the acene of TOtf C&IB'B PAKLOH. Fiom the beanUfuJ play entitled TIM AMD JKRKY. Iha disp'ay of rparrmr will be between ibe following wall knew* fmtlrmen First. Messrs. Barney Aaron tod Young Puteh am Second, tteaere. Jamea Main tire and Jack atl ey. Third. Henri tucntrq luttui nun Freeman. Fourth. Hrcn. Johcnv Roach and Mike Trainor Fifh. Maaera James GailaI her ?nd Km Mo Party Sixth, Meatri W?. Masioa and Join 'Wjer the a tod up between Urm. Michael Norton sag Barry Grlbbln. Mailer of the Ceremoniea, Mr. John bwoetfflTB there ia a One dress circle for ladles and ohlldren. It* manaienunt will produce tew nereides every evenisg. A dotation (For this sight) 36 Centa. Boon open at 7 o'clock. Concert to cowmesoe at 8. r&AitK. KlVKRi Proprietor. German voiks' oarl1k, ? Bowery. the greatest and best vet tllated concert room la the Colled States Wednesday, the So of August ISM, GRAND COMfLtnaNtaKf BANKFlf FOB MiSS U3C18KTXE, Ballet dancer at 'he Core place. GRaAD PaLUS* h ,ui NIGBT, OF SIX DANCERS. Tfle beat KngU<b sod merman vocal I its 1 he meat popular tatent ha* alnliy volunteered 13 assist ha thii eeueflt Mr. W Arlington. the popular negro pe'fo-mer, and Mr. Bsriy Bail, the ce.ebrslec criric vocalist, writ sing " tiew Jarley,' by permission of Mr. aitoaoock. And several others Admission 1(1 cen>s. including cue glass of beer. O'IOWAOA. SfOK A CO. I'D CHOOfS TO Bi A DA 1ST and oL'u KEYED NELL, trrry night th'i week at BLOAWltS' berenadrrs. BLONDIN AO All* AT THE FAT IA ? ANOTHER 3RAMM ssoension at Alsgara falls ? M. Bl-nd'n, at the ear cert request ot tbe Siecuilve Committee of tee MmtlonU Convention of dentists and of many persons who thus far have doubted that he would perform this wonderful feat, has cowsen led to cress on?e more tbe great Mspara on the M of August nest M Bwndm will, on this occasion, race with the fer ry boat In passing to the < Anada side, and, on retnru'ng, wtfl stand cn bis beau and perform some of bis wonderful feats when In tbe centre of the r-pa Remember the Sd ot august All communications to be directed to M. HBO ft 01!*, Niagara Falls, A. Y. That cbinmu fiddle At BOOKLETS' 8KKKN ADERP, I *?*?> B TBAeTHA anfl BROADWAY. Makes the audience laugh every night National tbeatrn. ro>ion -this lon * bctabmabed aed popu'ar eruhliehinrnt it now oloaed fat the purpoee of eoeoting ex e wee atier?*rnaand improvement! by lbs proprietor ud will re open for the regular fell and malar real on on monday sept 6 ooaimaa<c?ao?a addretaee t? fta eeretn mr. cbarlea ihomaa paraloe will receive alter.Ion. hnahy willard, leaaee F. B. conway. muugtt. G8wa1n booklet . blngathelalfhinq song aid plata a 801.0 on thi bone! a bucs.lf.vs' hkkhnaljktta. Theatre bo yal?montreal, canala. leiece and manager?j. w. bccaland. mr. w. s. burton, the unrlralled comedian, every night thla weed. tttartip?tor hitch cock'it national ciscdet " haji, 172 new canal nreet. a flrat clua ivy roiellet. a toed anaageu>??t can be aecurcd or app.ylm immediate yAAA bboadwat. tcit: tboacpat, august a. i#?. grant! t*aktino ikbtimjmal. v h. rax farewell roii 444 blujansal, at,UU&f 4. iow. Holidat sthkit the tan. baltimore. alan tiperee of pear 8al00u uaiafine theatre haabeaa emarred ?nc oeprorrd tfnrtn* tbe pr.tent rimaer. and wtfl oow " mpare to an* adap'atloa, eireaaoe, etmranieom and beauty et'h ar? teirpir of in i'ramatn anertn. it i. atan 'arorahir coeeirtitad (with toe eaaed aoooatie and net leal a. rutiml for ope ?')c performancee. iht rrgt- ar <al aad aeaeon wltl eemomnea on saturday erenwg, aigum & j he company, under the ita?e niasa?emtntc: nr. john b. f light, la urtauadiy rtroog aad '? ??? aa be> etofaaw will addreia john *. teed baltimore. 1 be con pany will meet in the green room on monday, aim. id, at llo cioca a. m. rp&an bui'kls.y'8 c bewfoop, "blnt ltbd neil," ? tl i o .nno -!.?> .1 J Ot'CKuiOf' 8?ftKWAP5R?. rkJTRK R')\tL, HOHTMBAX. CA?A?A1 innui Mnukmt. .J. w. Rnokawi TH* FRKR03 TIOCK from <te Ttettm FiabqaU, Mew Tjft. ?Tfr a<fte GO ESC BrCTLEJf' PRRWADF-M, J85 bividwny. KOR* FbH, ?0? WOOD JOKW I bin Mr otter com pity in rxirtnnnn. SB IT FNCWN-TH* FitUP, ACQC AiJfT ? NOO ted ltrrrrt o* atnitr* ft ?re re^cctta! to ctli ta! ?e? u-moirFiu,,^^ Jn?t ml' ir<! re* S??n ?t ?l* <1 !? WlnHw'A RF'FBv? BOimi.K* . ajXGH*bT TK-il*r?rr aUbtrfi! ?*?* fc ? f :? sccslkis' ssftrsAb*?^.