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(ache", toyectur with ?h m l and haa??pi- oar# end taro pumii^fr cm h, ?vrt- trriuilj ui0j| luw tec h winn rnr -r M (be oi ri^ut feet of water, tuo m'-c i this morniug |nt|. >n:M. roe (or?aid patiaeagnr car ban airuuk me waie. an i keeled nt'irly perpeoui a lar, (be aenuod our r??t?d ?'? tn" timboie nud the forward oar, bolb oouiplerny ?in ??UwJ t.i tilotn" the lieraoaw killed ana mj. ie-1 were rnoaily in tao forward car. Mr. K K. Lewia, of (, ml'oi ma tie tint he ? ?g in (be for ward car, bu? 11.011 i er outit fo' ms escape Wtiin ue luuud hioisen uiiiujiirod ne diacrvered #,? vtual pcreoak trik(nOa iu the water tne cmi; nut he ooui.t out approach them wunout a raft, winch he aoou uuoatruoteii, au l uu'eImU an veral from their peiiiou* .a>ai'iou. Trie codi'u.ili' war perfectly trantiJ ob annuo of me death or uis wife a cut tier moiner, oud *ui, ih iei ire, utterly incapable o" rendering ille least ustieUucu to any one. Toe survivlug pM?'oge'?, g'i angers io ton location and to e?ru uttior. Ktieu.uiii >o tif uvon.eiiy it securing the neighboring fariu* r? aiut ravldentt to smist iu providing quattore tur the maimed ana biueed, ana taking cu.rg-i of the unfortunate deed. Every person lDjurnd,aod the reutlvesof every one thusslaughtered, will t>a uu.ble to tint ?uy consolation in Ute law. X'tne Nortturu Kainosri company IB a broken down, tneo'vent miserable concern None of lit debts have been coreeieo for years, and its credit has not the least standing whatever Every dollar of Its original eub criptioos baa been sqiMoered, aud n bat scarcely been able to pay na ruumug cxp< uses ever since It bas been opened. It la under oeav> mortgages, and nas been advertised toi sale again anu again It must eventually fall Into the band) of ibe Centra' road, as the representatives 01 tbat concern beve priority ol claim. Tnere was moon indignation running through the northern partol ibe oily this morning and rntny tbresta were uttered tbat the sup-rin endeuls, agents and managers ought to 'te indicted Cortatniy, ir au example were to be maoe, this te a oaae wbiob will Justify the people and the authorities to move m the matter The fact 'bat no salvo in the shape of money can oe expected, may berths mesne or bruiglog the guilty ooee to puuiabment for Inducing people to paae over their bridges w uen they are notoriously .known to bo so weak and dilapidated as to bo constantly in danger of causing instantaneous death. NEW8PAPEK ACCOUNTS. [From ibe A bany Journal, August 3.] Tbeclty waa startled last evening about ton o'olook by tbe intelligence tbat the trest e bridge of the Northern Railroad, one mile south of Souagblicoke, Rensselaer county, uad fnnen, carrying with n the through train from JLagte Bridge, due here at bait poet seven The bridge spanned a chasm of auout 40 feet In breadth and SO feet in depth, as be approached the bridge the engineer glowed the train, as wag usual, and had bis band ou toe throttle as be passed oil to the bridge. Wneu be fell the briege nuking bo instinctively drew back the throttle, which lb raw on the full head of et-am, and Caused the locomotive to spring forward wnb a jerk, which broke the coupling, and allowed it to pass over In safety while the teoaer, -aggago and two passenger cars rank with tne bridge Tbe tend,r sank tlrst, the baggage car followed, the first passenger car pitched downward sad into the Dag. gage ear, ano tbe second passenger car ran half us length underneath tbe first passenger car, tbe latter half remaining on the bank unbroken. Tbe baggage car was orokeo into fragments, and three of ibe lour persons in It ki led, viz:? C. P imoton man agent DavidS Russell, ei|?r,as agent. Charles Bertbelong, baggageman and brakeman. Thos. UcCormidk, ue*?boj, was also in this car, but escaped wltn a broken lim? There were fortv pu-neugi rs in tbe firm passenger car, four oi whom were kiileu, and all but one or two of the oihe g more or less injured. Tne car useif was orokm into fragments. We have been able to get tbe naae s only of three 01 those killed In this car, viz:? ' Patrick Jenneliy, machinist, who was fu per Intending doaib. Howard A Wright, o; this ri'y Ih luib Cahlll, lahorbr of wis c'ty. lii tlitr scuoud passenger our, which was bitchsd on at 8cbsgbticolie. there were >ul e'<iii persons, viz:? Mrs. George M UniUu.of this city, ana three children. Alien she feu the car eukiug, sue seized m>r cbiUrm and spiang witn them to trm rear en<t of the car. By this mean* see reached the part of the car wtucb remained on the bank, and escaped (.herself and one child) uuujurod, vroiie two of the cm druu were omy si'gbliy Kcralcned. Mr Cuoiey, conductor, ?ite aud chad, and Airs. John -Cuyicr naahtr 01 Mr?. Oooley. Mr. cot? ey, wb?o bo felt the car sinking, soatihed the chi d trou us mother'r a'uis *m pressed It to his breast, shielding it witu hit arms. Mr C. wasnadiy bruised, but , bal no limdb broken Be was all o, with nelp, to walk to a ueijtbooriDg bouse. (be child received but a siignt 1 scratch ou toe ueck, while its mother and grandmother ' were both instantly killed Mr. Oooley is not the regular conductor. He Is the I general overseer <>l the roan and took tbejplace of the conductor, Mr ti&idur-r, who was <11. 11 is wite and moUiorIhiaw weet up in ibo train with bmi tor a ride. It was st sad rtne tor toe tauiuy. T&e following are the killed and injured, as far ss we bave belli able to ss'ieruun:? uliAD. 1. Mrs. Jobn Cuyler, o? Aloanv. 2. Mrs. G. S. Oooley (dangoveror Mrs. Cuyler), Albany. 3 (.'bares Bertbeiong, orakemau and baggageman, Albany. 4 David ci. Russell, Northern Express messenger, Albany. 6. Mr. 0. Plymptoo, mall agent, Albany. 0 Patrick Connelly, machinist, Greenouah. 7. Howard a. Wright, AiDaoy, of the tlrm of Wright A Davis, produce dealers, Hudson street. 8. Denis Cablll, laborer, Albany. #. One o her, name not known. Tbe booiea of Counehy and CabUl were taken to Scbagbticoke. That or tar. Ply mptoo was taken to his former residence In Runand, Vermont tue uuirn woiu vivugiit w iu? "? wviuiug. INJURED. 1 George F. Barer, clerk in Bulk Department, Albany; leg broken . G 1) Badge.y, Albany; bruised about the face and body. &. E E. Lewie, Genera, face cat and ankle apralned, 1 bat able to walk. 4. Tbomaa McCormlck, Albany, newsboy; leg broken. . Micbet.1 Hennery, froy; bruised about the bead and interbally Injuied Budly burt 6 Tbomas O'Bara, laborer. Albany. 1 Ten or flrieen others aro more or ieee bruised, but none seriously. Mr Badgely was sittmg on the seat with Mrs. Mary Wuson of tais city. Mrs #. escaped without tbe alighteat injury eren to her diess, while Mr. B. was covered with rubbish ana was nearly sulTocated with the water from tbe ten ier pouring upon him. Mrs. ueeige M. Gritbu, a? tbe cars were sinking, seized ber cbtioreu and drsgjieo thorn to the rear o< the car, and s? escaped, while Mis Gooley, who was sitting near her a(t<> mnci'ii or jam A i>d;, believed one tlie sister of Mr. Wright, was foubd lying who a suck oi timber across her Decs. Those who first raw ber supp ?e l she was killed, bat oa releasing ber, it was found thai she was scarcely hurt. Mrs 8 1' Johnston aua sou (wile aud son of the Socre' i?r> of toe. Stale Agricultural snooty) wore In the first var, aud, nitbougb crushed among the spliuters and fragments ul the broaeh car, escaped with a few trilliog bruises Wood Mrs J. parsed tutu the second car to render to the injurrd totre, she found Mrs Grifllo surI rounded by her owu three r.hudren, and with the bahe of the U< an Mis. Coo ey iu tier a.-me?grtletul at ber own et-capt- end the escape a' her little ones, and anzlaus to | nil nut. later comfort to the little orphan. lire bri'.ge where the accident occurred, had, for some 1 time pasi, been deemed insecure, and the company, two wh k? ago, bad commenced 1? rebuild t It would hare been reboot in a lew ouyt. The Engineers were directed to more cauuousiy orer it, aaa if the brakeman had ' promptly lespouued V, the engineer's whistle, it is posBli Me that the U-rrlele catustionhe would not have occurred. ' Every possible atteut od was pa d to the wuats of the li juie" by the people of d^hagh'iicike and of tho nelgnborheod and the agents ol the road are doing all tney can to ameliorate the sufferings of the wounded and to cur y outthe wishes of the trie ode of the deceased. We undi.ruiHnd that Corouer D.'au, of this city, has em1 pannelled a jury and gone to the aceue of the accident to hold sn 'nquesi. Cricket Mutch?Canada Agaluld the United States. 1 foRorro, august 3.1869. At the close of tb B day's cricgetiug between Canada !. the United titans, the figures stand as follows:?First | i: ntOft?Canada, U6, United dtatt.s, 108. Sexmd inaiogs? f snacs, 14, with no wickets down, flay will be resumed jl to-morrow. A Curloua Phenomenon* 1 fturo si.nci, n. v., August 3,1859 ' During the sevsre thunder utorm this afternoon the electric fluid entered the telegraph office in tens place, burst the gaspipe, ignited the gas, and set the building on flie Toe flames, however, wore soon ex' t.ingutaheo, causing bur sligbt damage. It is supposed that there waa a leak of gas, and the electric spark conducted the fiame to the pipe iTht iMunuitc on ill* thlp Josepnlne. Boston, Angus'. 3,1869. ] Tbe ablp Josephine, burned at Mauritius, belonged to | .Joseph Andrews, of Salem, and was Insured for forty thou- ' I tai.d dollars In ibis city, and ten thousand dollars on : freight. Markets. , PaiLAi.KU'tnA, August 3, 1860. I Stocks beavy. Perns* In*.,* scat > Urea, 9 y,; Reading Railroad, 22X Morns ' *oa , b2X; 1-oug Island Railroad, i' l'cnusyivania Kailroai, 31l>s Monn.s, August 5, 1859. Cotton inactive: sales of three days, 320 bates; mid1 <llmg, ll>?c ; receipte of three uajr, 326 bales. Freight J; "to Liverpool, Xd. Bl'FTAlO, August 3,1869. F our advanced 12X? demand active: sales 1,660 bbls. i at $3 60 for State, 83 do a $3 75 for low orands of W isoon?:a. 86 a 86 26 tor good to eholc" extra do., 86 26 a i iff 6(t tor good >o very choice extra Michigan, Indiana and ftw, 16 a 80 26 lor double ex ras, ana 86 50 for choice family ti-ands Wheat scutce, unj firm: sale? of re'tl' mil ing jU comp'isiug 1,400 uuabels red Ohio, at tl 26; it o do. choice white Lu Icy , at 11 60, 2c>? do. Btaudard Chicago Spring, 6Wc ; 6%b do ember Kentucky, at 8130. com iu k"od demand: ekios 14 oho basliols so.'od Illinois st Cbc Oats?IK man I active, a aiKci easier: sains i4,0'ld bushels Womern, afloat, at 3lic , and 6,00b buahels ordl8iis do. at 28c. Barmy noli and nominal. ltyo in bettor leuiHiid, Wniskn)?iahiH i50 '-h b. at 24 o. Canal freights steady, at He on oo n, Wo. on wbdat and 35c. on Jkiur. ! (burton, Ancnvat 3?6 P M. , Flour uncharged, with a uneirrato domain) for local nnd Inbnor trade. Wheat due; rates tjsco o.iabc'.s Chicago spring at 66c Care (juloi; sail-* 1,600 hultisls on Jim ate terms iiamil Ire gh;a iiui! and unc.angod at 23c. aJMo on llour, 6V- on ? nt and 3c n corn to New York. NO recoip's o flour and gialu by lake or ship XiiCbtt ot importance by c.m%i ' lnns> \n Aiig-ml 3,1859. Flour market slightly revived; sans at 86 for Biiperfluo. Itbmxev '24c Proviso* v.ry dull, out generally unchanged In price", j()i| *. ," i' T I * 1 IIIGliLI lMPOaUM FROM AlBSM. Men I rig of the New York Democratic State Committee. ahioi'NDINO lettkk KRoM u0vkknoh wise in RElation to akkat11s in THIS NT ata - complete (hash occasioned by it amonu ti1b koliti< 1 ?N8? idnholl'TION ok alliancks, and kb08rhcr ok new onus?no vac moor or vknitlat1n0 ti1k T residential question?anger OK tub ha hub and kkokosll'ionh OK pkack wito tub 8okt8 KHOM dickinson ?, UK abtok IIOl'bb commlttee LEirtR?suaw 8 latter?kavoiiable baCbfTION OK both by tub STATE oommittab, and tubih call kott a convention ?abandonment i1y the uabd8 op the district system, in consequence ok the lhttau ok wise, and communications FKOM dickinson, etc. oi k mttcul albany despatch Albany, AuguBt 8,1859. i lend you e vcrbttim copy of ? letter from Governor Wine, of Virgin**, to n detlnguiBhed friend of hie In thie State, the Ungunge of which in no inctedlblo that i coald not have deemed it genuine If 1 bad not myaelf seen tb* original, and tr I were not perfectly acquainted with the Governor'! handwriting. Moreover, the letter l? in the i<u?c<w<iiuu ui gouucuteu wuu win pe auie ui produce It IT any question is mads concerning its authenticity anu genuineness. The literally tremendous sensation which it has created here cannot be exaggerated. The report which I see in the morning papers, that Judge Allen and others bad written to the State Committee, and that Deloa De Wolf and Russell, of Ulster, were here, op posing Wood, la incorrect. Its foundation was un doubtedly the vague impression which prevailed last eveuiig that subterranean mutterings were olearly die ccrnlble somewhere, and the quid nuncs hastened to give them ' a local habitation and a name." This morning the murder is out, though 1 Incline to think that the Herald will have exclusive possession of the following letter:? letter from gov. wise. Richmond, July IS, 1859 Rib ?I thank you for yours of die 8th Inst 1 hare apprehended all a tons (hat the Tammany Regency would carry a untied delegation from New York to Charleston For whom T t onglaa, I knew, is confluent; but yon mav rely on it thet Mr. Buchanan is himself a candidate for renomlnauon, and all lite patronage and power will be used to dtsepi>olnt Douglas and all other asptrams Our only chance l? to org -nlze by die trine, and either whlp'tbe enemy or aend two delegations. if that is done or not done, we must still rely oo e united south. A united South vtlil deoend on a united Virginia, and 1 p edge yon that abe at least shall be a unit. Virgtnla a unit, and persirtent and Arm on a round platform of protection, to ail per win ot popular vraut squatter severelgoly she must rally to her support all the South. The ou'h ctnnot adopt tar Loug'uS' pDtfurm. It la a short out to ail tee ends ot olack reruchcai tern I t then wtu klok up his heels if he dors or don't lie ran't be nominated, and the main argument against hie DomlDktlon is that he ctn't he elected if nominated If be runs an independent candidate aid Seward runs, and 1 am tool Mi led at > harieeion 1 cat beat tbem both Or, if squatter ecvr-elgpit) is a plank ot the platform at Charleston and iJouglaa is nominated, the" South will rua an independent eendidrte on pr trctlon principles and run the election loto the House Where, then would Mr Douglas ber The lowest candidate or the nst if 1 have ibe popular strength yau sup u-'t* It wol likulr nx toe Domination. Uet toat and l am coon dent of auoceta t on K Wood la orofeaaedly and really, I believe a friend, and or crtirte 1 would lu iwd faith, be glad of Ms Influence and wou'd do nothing to Impair tt and could not justly reject hi* kind aid; but you may rely uoon It that 1 am neither coat P etel) nor at all, in the hauda of Mr Wood, or of nuvotae man who Dreathea he baa always been friendly to me, and 1 am to Mm but always on fa(r and Independent term* There la uuihmg tu our relation* which should keep in if any friend of ruber he knowa aa well at any one can tell him. that hia ra-iu IbBuence I* In the city of hew Yora, and I judge what jou ea> ol hi* country lalluence Is cerrect But I am counting all the uine v I bout hew York and don't fear the reault lam depending solely upon open pofldon or prmctp e, Independent of all clique! and defymg all doner* We will overwhelm opposition In Virginia, and ber vote will bo conservative and national At all events, Iihall a way* be glad to hear from yon and am, your*truly, HKhXtY A. WiaE. Tbo recipient cf this letter kept its existence a secret, until within about a week. Be then sent a copy of It to one or two friends, who communicated it to Ur. Dicktn son and some ,ol' those hards who are identified with bis 'nterests. they, at the same ti?e, requested that Mr. Dickinson would exchange ^iews with them concerning it, and expressed slroog anxiety and distrust lest, under such circumstances, the original Astor House Committee pro gramme might be Intended by some of Its movers as a snare, ana might not result injuriously to himself. Mr, Dickinson replied in fall and'most nobiy to the Inquiries audiesscd to him. He declined endeavoring, either directly or Indirectly, to influence upon the action of the State Committee; but declared that he was perfectly con vinced of tue peaceable dispositions of the maioritv ol leading tofts, and of ttoe absolute duty ol meeting their advances with the utmost cordiality Be said that nettber the State ol New York, nor the North generally, were entitled to a Presidential candidate at Charleston, and that therefore, If, by auy chance such a one was rboson, It would be the free net of the South. Therefore, that the great object at present should be to unite the party so as to send an undivided delegation to Charleston which should vote as a unit. Be disclaimed all personal ambition, but urged bis friends to forget him and look omy to the point of democratic concord as tbe end of tbeir ellorts Continued by tbls knowieoge of Mr. Dickinson's views, perhaps (although tbeir minds bad been made up before), the members of the Astor Bouse Committee resolved that the letter which they were framing at Congress Bali should be couched in the most friendly terms, and It waa Individually agreed to, among them, that they would co operate in a frleudly spirit with all of all sections who should act In a manner calculated to promote democratic unity lhe outdoor fee ing has boon most curiously exhibited. Very few btvo seeu the text of WlBe's tetter, but the ?ub or it Is more or less correctly known, and tbe mos<. . curious combinations appear to be In prospect. It may ' be asserted that Messrs. Croswell, Russell, Richmond, Fowler, and even Jewitt, Cagger, Kennedy and others, are all in the name bedroom together, If not In the same bed The district system of electiug delegates to Charleston t? virtually given up by Messrs Croswell, Mather, Russell, Ac on tbe other band, the^tate Committee have cordially received the Astor House Committee memorial, and have disclaimed all right to interfere with too Presidential quest on or with the manner of choosing the ilcie gates. How long lived this harmony will he It would be dangerous to prophecy, but it exists now, as far as all are concerned, excepting u few of those whom tbe letters from Albany in tbe Heraid of August 1 and 2, called tne ultras of both sections?Mr Wear Richmond in the chair MEETING OP THE STATE COMMITTEE. The Stale Committee met at one o'clock?Mr. Dean Richmond id tbe cbair. On call of Use roll by tlie Secretary , Peter Cagger. all of the memDera were found to be prer.ent excepting Hon. Daniel K Sickles. ]'roceeoiiig? commenced by an Inquiry on the part o Mr. John Stkvkkr when dinner would be ready, fee hour w bk announced by tbe cbair. Tbe following communication waa tben road by Mr. Cagcek, from tbe Aster Homo Committee:? Albany, Augutd 3. 1859 Dean Richmond, Esq., Chairman juemockaiic fataix Committed? t ik? a t a meeting if democratic cillzeni from varloai parte of tbe State, Led al tbe aitor Uuuae Id tae city of New >ork, Id any last, tbe underatgnca were appointed a committee to confer with tbe remooratto State Committee In relation to an ellectual enion and coDtufidallon ol tbe democraUc pariy of tbe riate In compliance with the vie wi and Instruction# of tbe large body of djmocrata represented at that meet'ug, and id (behopes ol ct otrlbutlng tow Area an object of such conceded importance to tbe interest* ef the democracy of tbe State and nation, tbe undersigned avail themselves of tbe first meeting of the state ? ommltieeto invite a frank and friendly Interchange of opinion upon tblr material ques Ion. the undersigned are strongly impressed wllh the conviction t' ?t ?e are approaching one of tbe m at important elections ever be.d In thin state, Involving in its results momentous con sequences .o the well being and good name of tne people of Ibe otate and tbe r auon Resides State finances and Mate policy, at that election will be presented aa an Issue tbe dan gen ns, li inttreasonable, coctrlnea avowed by the distinguishf 1 l# hi!?-r nt thA r riiioslli/iri In hi . n.fb?hi'Mflr finmii<h i ta PMint wl'l aeieimlie wh- tlii?r the people ot car commonwealth ere rt-f d) to sustain principles so aestrucilve lo the political end rommerctsl prosperity ot til* Union. nod so much a'. war with the guarantees 01 the constitution; auo itte undersigned are Impressed wilh the cpuvlctlon that it 1b the duty of the demo cratlc part; to remove Horn ita oounsela every disturbing elemert, to tt e etm that It me; enter this content treed from inter nal dlttlcultif* end obstructions. Neitnet in msir.isof pruiclp.e nor In the selection of cindl da'fs are euy essentia! dllferenje of opinion apprehended. I nr?H other and ex inneoua questions are thro an into the htate Convention, a concurrence of views, auipiclous of the lien remit, and ma'orlally contributing u> tt may ba looked for wt h oonfldBiice by the democracy of the Union aa the oar b'Dger ol a glorious triumph In the next great con teal-that of ihhj. having no personal or Plate preferences to advance or retard In the Pieaideiutel camnaign?looking only to thetmaterlalltv of toe aurceaa ol the democr tic oartv oi 'he Datlon In that most imporbint struggle betwven the alngie handed toroea or the de nocrary and ice vailed forcea of the oppoaltlco, and pleoged and ready tosua'aln <vith our beat euerglea the noml nationaui the t harbatoo oonveniion?we are nrepared iotacrlbce every political and peraonal Interest to the cogent and attorning ounaideratlon, and to unite cordis ly with our bre thrt n ttrouabont the State and the Union In an earnest and vb gc rouat 11-ri 10 recure lie accomplishment. Animated by tlieae viewe, the undera'gned de'lre to see every feeling or rivalry utai may have divided the democratic V arty In p ial years laid aakle, and to meet the common adversary a lib a resolute determination to carry the slate i nls done, aod we go Into the national Convention with the pro d eoiiBclourneaa of having done all that duty and patriotIt? demanded, and with a tar better prospect of harmonious action lo our Mate r elegut on there, than If we allow the r-reMilet tlal question prematurely to Intermtngle wtih nomination b aod la; lies altogether local. In this spirit the undersigned tender for themselves and for those for * htm they art. the assurance of a cordial fellowship, and rest evtfullj si.omit the following proposition:? 1 hat the notice lor the annual meeting of the Democratic flau t ouveutl. ii b Umltel exclusively to tit-- elec t in of dele gates lor the nomination ol a democratic rIal v ticket, and t questions cf Slate poiicy.and that the choice ot d*legates t the ?allotal Convention, and the mode thereof, be the subjee ol rccTn.,i?'?U"i I Ki/WlN OBOHWRbb. JOHN CRAMWR. j. m JAVGOX. FRA"ANIJU WOOD I R.H. FAt.KhR. UaKVfct OOnitmlOH. VIM. ?. Ml bohLili. WM O. SaNDM. Ur vruis* 0. Kennwt rose and moved that thin comn.iitiicaiiiin frnni Lhe s*-ntlemen at Ocinnreas Hail be rs. coitcu. lira agreed to unanimouwy. Tro following c< rncnumcatljJ wu mea read by Mr. oacokr:? J rkkman s Joorhal Orroc > CoorMiSTown, July 30. 1HH9. J 1' Caoofr, Fs'i , Kerretary IteinocraUc btate 'omoauoie t'lH?.-uetiiR It alaied lu cine of tny democratic etch'tr.f.ea ibat Hie k.ivoor ?* 01 the district ijrtcai for vbooal g ct.irgMer to the l-eBmoiatlo Natmnal <'orventlon will attend , tte meeting of 'he m e onncH'ee, on Weil?eid*y neat, tor U.e purpote o" pieaeo'.ing th-lr yHiwi and urging uuou the commute" tie expenirB'j and polio7 of ignoring u? mailer of choice of deiea?it? In ttielr rail'for a elate Ouoventlon, I tare the Mcieriy ol. tieilng tt\ nugh you a few CtaialderaUona whioh hi .ucoce democrat# holding aomtwlaU acMigonialte.newa on Una qnaatkxi Ji umt he icai'ted 'ha- Ihe ruhject la ore over which the kid itiiittt m>* <iu otiiiuul, a?d therefore tneu action ot non hum > an l.eec-no lcglUuiaie lEtn-euu- ti one aen.c, and to aieriaic * viecii. Hi a .a tiooo'dueniy trne; lul ttleanown to ituo, ntcolliee ihaitheto la a dl.tial j of opinion tutoog tlcmc 11 m? oi Uni queatlcti, and tu aome way, at aonae time not eery iisaute, i. oir iii' u ninai oe ai/itc l at. II mile- ce oeieimliied I t 'he hew i t./h dr uioerao.e how their delegates to <:h?rleat*i.. ana I lie chueen at .a conceded thai aueb d eclat'in can otny ne pMtjjf "y in,d at a delegated htata Convention I a Hrge u.ether of uuaoo.ela. u laslelmed. are in favor of poatlioDUiK *11 actum upon the do'fgtta ci iMHOU tut after the raw YORK HERALD, TH > fit B>ata Onovendoo f bould no mention ba mrft of tba auujeot ta the eaU to be Imued oe the 3d proximo, would tb? debar fcuoo on the part of a properly ooneututed Slate Ooavea'tear can tba aoUn of auch t oaraeUoa be poaSlraly re trletoD to mattera enumerated in the calif Could anr ectloo be declartd irregular wkioh the lonveatt a might oboom to take wt'b nferrnee to party mttlare usually broufht before surb delegated bodies? Precedent I think, detanaiaaa in the negative nut It might with propriety be alalm'd mat the aub jec having been fully dtactiaaed, the question or eo Important a topic wi uld reuder the erUleneat of the queatloe by the CrovreUnn unfair if that be eonoedeu. might nog tkoaa d.momata who deatre action on Ihl* subject at the Con ventim, Intlai that aucb omlatlon would be unwnnrmata ble on the per of the rounxpuee mil the oommlttee malntala lb" right o throw an Impedlmont lu the way of the eat Heat authoritative iettiemnet of Ihla question. 7 hose democrnia who favor an ad bare no* to the blmoat uni form node of choosing delegates to tba National Ooovenllon anr now believe Ibet ine good of the party will be promoted b j an early aeUlemeut 01 thla queatlon, olalm 10 ba In a large majcrtt ; and they oonld not willingly aae the Male Convention puraue any courao la frnm ng the call which might ha n bar to the aetilr n?nt of that queatlon by the toovention. they are, however, willing to abide the deetdon of tba party aa #xprrvard thr .ugh relegate* W bile it mlgnt not be proper to offer any arguments In thi* connection tn favor of cbooata g delegates by State Convention, 1 may be allowed to augreat tbet tn eerly Mttlement of the aunation nl Uau* would conduce to lb* atrength and unity of in democracy of Mew York, while nothing beneficial to tba party at large can be gained by keeping open for protracted Dtai make a queattoo calculated to promote unprofitable dia puira between presses and Individuals, and a possible revival of pad dteaentiona should tkla view be entertained by a majority of tba delegates cboeen to the next convention, they should not be rest r aired from acting In n manner which the welfare of the party and (be wlibee of their ooaatituenle seemed to require, by the objection: "This au ijeot was discussed belore the rials Oommlttee; by design the topic was omitted In framing the call for the Convention- the delegate* were not choien with raierence to action upon It, tbereloro tl tuottir oouHuiUoi ahoiild bnt lie proper weight with the committee li, u le olaimed, ? the country at least, the people do not wlah to be put to the trouble and expense of holding more cauouaee and convenUosta than U nMeanery, no acUoo of the oommlltee ebould thwart that desire. If It De the with of the party to appoint delegates to > barleeton at the next convention or to refer their appointment to the aereral Oon preen tonal diatricte. they may eo decide with jut objection trom any quarter, pmvldirg the dlnpoelUon of thle question be mentioned in the oall as one of the objects of the Convention, and the aeeembllng of anorher Mate < on vet Hon at an Inconvenient eeaton ot the year may thereby be rendered uoneoeieery If correctly nndereiood by the undersigned, the queetton before the hew York democracy la: "Does good policy or ad berecce to party usage demand the appointment of delegates to Charleston by District Conventions, or at a general Convents n; It the letter, la it beet to hold a epeoutl < onventton for that purpose or to name the delegates at a Oonveattoe to be brld this fait." It tt a question which baa been very fully d'e cussed by the democratic press? wblnh can only be decided by a democratic State*toevepttoa-and those who desire a prompt and cari) decision have a right to expect that the Mate Com ir litre will Inter; ose no obstacles In the way of the attainment 01 that object. 1 be conductors of the democratic press In thle Mate heve as greet an Inteiest as others tan possibly have in the unity end siicccm of the dem, cram parti, aud Una feeling prompts the liberty I lake In lunmiUlng to you the preceding nae'lly writ ten eugaestiota Very reepectluliy, ycurs. Ac . HAWL M. SHAW We entirely ooccur In the views of the above oommunloa lloo, an?i earnestly urge upon the Hate Committee to pursue ibe course of ecucn therein Indicated, as most oonduclva to the hs-mony and euooeea of the demoerauc party in the Stale and In Ue nation. Jos. Russell, Warren Bounty. S. T Fairohild, Madison oounty. L. ri Jenks, Cattaraugus oounty. John F. l'belps, Chautauqua oounty. Wm. li Maaderl'ie, Columbia county. Anson Lerrica, hew fork Duncan S. Magce. Steuben Bounty. Isaac V. Fowler, New York. Smith Ely, Jr , New York. Dstld Soaker. Montsomerv county. Peter rime Schenectady county. Cjrrelhayer, chenecUdy county, 0. Ibucneou. Bcheeeotaly county. John II fibea, Jr , K-beaectady county. Wall. Bboadaa. Chenangooounty. Luke l>od*e, Schenectady oounty. 1'otneroT Tuoker, Wayne county. D B. l av lor. New Work. Thornaa C Kielda New York. Jatnee II Pbe*rlU, Waehlngtrn county. A Uolbrook. Jr., Washington county. K. C. H Council, New fork city. T McMannv. heasrelter county. James J Betlly, New York, hober'. ttamble New York. William I)avia, Albany. K. H (Toocker, Washington oounty. William Coleman, Waanlncton county. Tbotnai byrnea. New fork. John a. Nafew, Albany. 1 heodore Miller Columbia county. B A 1 llden, Columbia county. Ai.niN v, Augusts, 1829. Cn motion ol Mr. Dbjugs, Mr. Shaw's communication wan irct'ved Mr. Kkx.nehy made an eloquent appeal to the Committee n lavor of pmly harmony and tne necessity of excluding 'rem the action of the Committee every disturbing element be proposed, aa tne beet oourse, that a broad and comprehensive call should be Issued, wmcb should advoca-e no particular course in relation to the election of doit gates to Cbaritstoo, but leave It to the Convention. Tois be thought, must gratify the gentlemea at CoQgress Hall, and equally so, perhaps, those who bad signed the communication with Mr, Shaw. He made a motion in accordannp with hli ftnni'Cn whfr.h hp wifhrfpftar frvw n ???? carefully prepared substitute by Mr. digger, which was oilereo, aa follows:? ytbereas. tome diversity of opinion exists among the democratic electors ot the state In regard to tbe subject of the choice of delegates to the liemocratlc National (Jmvet)Hon, and whereas, after duly considering the communications addressed to this Committee, advocating on the one side an express limits tlon of the action of tbe Convention, and on the other a more enlarged pttscrlpllon ot Its du'les; and after a full and free consultation on the subject, this Committee do not feeldtsoneed to d<- tide s question of this moment, or to dictate to the democracy of the r tale In relatlos thereto, by attempting either to limit or to enlarge the powers of their representatives: sad whereas. It is desirable and eminently proper that all such differences should be submitted to the democratic Sectors of tbe Male, to be by them determined In Mate Convention: therefore, he olved, 1 bat the Cbafrman and Peoretarj, In Issuing a call for the elecion of de eaatea to the next new ocratic State convention, give notice or such ptupoae in the following form:? 1 be deasocrmtlc electors of the several Asaembly dlatrlcta of he State ate requested to appoint one delegate each to a Ma e Convention, to ee held ai Syracuse on tbe isth daye Sep tern bern?xt,atl2 It , lonrmlnste a candidate for Secretary o Stele Ocmplro'ier, Treasurer, Stale Wnglaeer and Surreyor. canal Commissioner Stale Prison Inspector, 'udge and Jlerk iftse Court (fAipesls. nrd to choose delegates to the next National Convention, to be held st Charleston, or to determine the manner In which and the time when they ?ball be oboten and lor transacting such other business aa to tbe Convention sball seem proper It was stated that, as s compliment to Mr. Dickinson, the language of the call of the Committee or 1843 bad been substantially adopted; and tnat the wording used bad been carclully chosen in order to show tbat tbe Commt.tee disavowed every pretension to interfere with tbe Presidential question, ana even with the policy of postpotiirg tbewhcle matter of tbe selection of delegates. If tbe Convention should tb'nk this latter courso best. . On motion of Mr. McArthtk, of Troy, the entire preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted, tbe uyes and nays being osllea It was then decided unanimously tbat tbe Convention to dominate State officers be caltod for the 14th of September, at Syracuse, at the hour of noon. The Committee Ibm adjourned, to meet informally a few momenta alter at the bar of the Deiavan House, where an Exaltation Association bad already been formed under <be auspices of Coroners O'Keele and Gamble. Patronage of brandy emasbea unlimited. Edwin A. Lawrence, of Queen's, was urging bis claims for the Secretaryship of State is an eloquent song about " toe Ohi o o o o o?the canks of tbe O o o o bi o," amid much applause, and wild some cbance of succeeding to tbn place of Mr, fucker, although tbtre was something in ibis Ohi o o song about "following tbo Buffalo o," which was interpreted as a reminiscence of 1848, and caused Peter Cogger and his friends fo secede from tbe room. Anson Herrick, Tom ByrneB, and other t arrived here ibis morning All say they stopped to rest in Albany, but are on the way to Saratoga. ANOTHER REPORT OF TIIE MEETING. t'OMlNGLIKO OP TUB HARDS AND SOFTS ? MORE ASTOK nOl'SB FAWNING?SILENT CONTEMTT OF THE DOCUMENT?DEMOCRATIC 8TATE CONVENTION TO SETTLE THE QUESTION OF DELEOATBS, ETC. Albany, August 3,1859. The effort made by letter writers for certain paperi to create an impression that serious difficulties existed regard to the call for the State Democratic Nominating Convention, was magnified to an unaccountable degree. Such scribblers tbnrst themselves forward as the certain reflectors of public opinion, when in truth all their premises, insinuations and lnuendoes are the mere inventions of their own Imaginative brains. Tho ridlcul ous stories circulated from this city, that the Democrat!3 state Committee had determined to select delegates to Charleston, or to incorporate that authority in the call I for the state Convention, bad no foundation either In truth or in fan?It was speculative all. Ibo p'ltounciamient* of the Aator douse Committee was reau to a few of the select ones In one of the rooms or Congices Ball last evening, and universally approved. It v. as t< served to be presented to the committee at the opening or the session this morning. But after sleeping upon it, and reflecting over night, a re-reading was bad this moining In a select private circle, and quite a number of is bold expretalODS were softened down It Is |a more dovetailing ofptoft words, asking tbe Committee to omit all illusion to tne questions relating to the Charleston Convention. Nearly all the members of the State Convention evaded direct conversation in relation to the matter. Nothing poatttve or emphatic could be obtained from them. Dean Richmond, tbe chairman und chief, was more talkative than either o( the others Be was decidedly so io favor of wording tbe call ns to embrace only tne Stats nominations specially, leaving the Con vention llaell tree to act as the majority mtfht deem proper with regard to tbe Cbaricstoo delegation. This suited Fowler. Sim. Jewell. Soduwlck and other government OfBl III!. There were very few prerent as dictator*, or ouUlder* f the Committees, In comparison with the effort made to irtemble a maw convention. Only a few otDoe bolder* i nd expectants were in attendance, the people?tbe mamee?remained at home, Disregarding tbe Isauo which t has been attempted by a few interested persons to get up lor tbe occasion. Nether was there any andae degree f anxiety exhibited among those present, all declared. In ineelvee ready to bury tbe batohet, to unite in carrying tbe State in November, sod thereby laying a foundation fcr the detest t f Seward next year. Tbe Committee organized in room No 67 Delavan Home at one o'clock. Nearly every member waa^treeent Oontliierab e inquiry was made by tbe oooatry gentlemen a* to the probability of tbe appearance Of Daniel Sickle*. the eleven o'c"ick train trom New York oame without him, wb'cb rlleDred all further Inquiry. Messrs. Diulel toy tor, Kennedy, Htelly, Aldermm Tuomey and otbora nrejto' M;. ihoir inquiring Irlends that they felt aariiri d tnat Mr Sickles would u?t attend the meeting of in ^j'taie Central Committee, of wnlih he t* a member?repr< Anting, with Mr Kenneoy, the domooracy of the New York Judicial district. The dn.-iimcnt prepared at Congress Hall by Oroswell, tVood & Co.. was presented to the State Committee by Col. Stone, eri'iattshurg, read and, laid on the table. the gubalance o( It is, that tue Male Committee issue a rati fcr a ^lote Convention to nominate Slate ofllcer* and i,1' pt a State platform; and that theoholoe of delegates to We National Convention, and the mode thereof, be tbe rubj-otnl ' lurthcr consideration " In tbe oali for the Sttie ConveotlonTtbe Committee recommend that Con veniion to take "'ruoh action with regard to the obooting of ile'ecitee to tbe National Convention aa It may deem prwer.'' This aettltg thq whole matter for the present. EJftfrDAY, AUGUST 4, 1851 H?e State OoouBlttee hare expressed do opinion upon the wltlete, leaving it entirely with the party when repr eoled el (Syracuse to eelect delegates then, or direct when, how sod 17 whom said delegation shall DO c?.o.;u It may bare be-n the original intention to incorporati n the call the eele .lion of the delegates; .and It may be -tat the ;aotloe ?f the rards Induced toe Oummntee to mo 'Uy the call as |t ap re. But as there are al says re rac ry spirits, rartly e < satlsBed with anything, It Is sot to he t xpeoted that th ctMm of the (Jommitteo to day will produce entire peso nd harmony. Arm7 lnlciligenM. COCBT MAST'SL OP MAJOR O.-bOHN CROH9 FOR MISAPPLIOATIIN AND EMBEZZLEMENT OP THE PUBLIC hon st. A general oaort martial was held yesterday morning, at the United States Army quarters in Bute street, for the trial of Mijor Osborn Cross, lately Quartermaster at San FrancMw, California. The following offlcern, by order of the PPar Department at Wash Id (ton, composed the trtbunal-Gol J. K. T Mintlleld, Inspector General; Ool. GusUrta Loomig, Firth infantry; Col. H. K. Craig, rtrdnuiM rWnAPtmani - fVtl r\ n 91 wj? A--*? ualer*! Department; Ool. Dixon 4 Miles, Seooud Infantry; Brevet Ueot Ool. R. 0. Buchanan, Major Fourth Inf in try, Lieut. OoL J W. Ripley, Ordnance Department; Brevet Major A. B. Eaton, Captain Subsistence D.partmeit, Major A. Caly, Sixth lnlantry, Major John Sedgwioc, First cavalry; Major A Moidecai, Ordnance Department, and Capt. Sanuel Joins, First attlUery, aa Judge Advo cate. Ool. Manaflelo presided, About eleven o'clock A. M , all tbeee gentlemen having arrived, the Court was formally opened by the Judge Ad vocate reading the orders Iroui Washington. MajorOkoM, the accused, was present In cltisen'edrone, and ooetpiad a seat and table by himself. He in a tall, ro bus', mat, rather good looking, and on tha whole of com mandlng appearance. Ho was horn, we believe, somewhere is the Stole of Maryland. Capt Jonee, the Judge Advocate, demanded of the accused If he bad any objections to make previous to the swear tig In of the members of the Court The aesused stated that ne did not think It ralr that Lieut. Col. Ripley should act as a member of the tribunal, in vlewot the unfriendly relations which existed between the colmel and himself (the accused). Hie previous prejudices Slight predispose him loan unfavorable judgment. Major Hosb, ibtrt fore, asked thst Col. Ripley should not serve onthe Court Martial. Limit. Coi. Ripwy said be was not aware of any unrrlcndly KpilEg Between himself and the accused. Curtate I y be bad no personal autiplthy agalml Major Cross. Nevertheless, inasmuch as the accused appeared to be of acoutrary opinion, he ( o. K.) would lake the greatest p.easui e in being excused iiom acting Tbo Court was then c.cared of all outsiders, but after a abort oehberation ou the question, the spectators were smutted again, wben it was announced that the Court Martial bad decided that the objection oouid not be sue tamed. Major Cross?1 have only to say that I bow aubmls rIoc io the judgment of the Court. 1 leave the matter to iba conscience of Col. Ripley and bis oath. Judge Jdvocate?Do you object to any other member, or have inu anv other obiectiona whatever to niter? Msjor Crots?I bave not. The Jai'g? Adfccate then proceeded to read tbe charges preferred against Major Crocs, which were as follows:? tUAHOts. Cm arc* First ? ditcher" lence of orders and the regulations of I be ?rnj Sjin-ijiaitimi 1 ?In that be tbe said Cross, Quartermaster Coded Halm army at thin Frauelsoo, Oaltforula, on the Slat day of July. 186' oil, >beu and there, dlaobey tbe orders and lesulatlcis ol tbe army by uo< depositing with tbe assistant treasurer attaat nlact twenty three thousand one hundred and aeten'een dol ara and twenty oue cents (?23 117 21), put) tic men* ya of tbe Quartermasters Department In bis bands and nut wanted fur Immediate uae bjrcificutkm 2 In thai be, the aald Cross, Quartermaster United Mates army at ban Francisco, California, on the 31st day of august. t36?, did, then and there, disobey tbe orders and reguad is of ine army by not deposlltng with the easts ait treasurer at that place 921,312 91 puPIIC moneys ol tbe Quartermaster'a Jbcpartment In his hands and not wanted for immediate use Specification 3 ?in that he, tbe aald Croat, Quartermaster limted Mates army at ban Francisco California, on the 4th day rl august, 1807, did. then and there, disobey tne regulations of ibearmj and lnstruc l. ns of the Qitanermaaler General by not turning over tbe public money in bis badda tbat is to say. $22 312 9', to hia successor, Lieutenant Uolonel Swords, Deputy Quariermas er. Chakus tkcom).?MinappllcatioD and embezzlement of pub in n our; fuirunea 10 turn. Sp'ci/irulwtu?,n that ho, the Mid Crou, Quartermaster limine oi?te* army at ban Fraocipcn, California, on lb? 4tb of Augurt. 1867, did, thru and there late, convert to hit own um, misapply and embezzle a large sum, that la to say. $22,312 91, nubile mousy ol the t nlted btatea entrusted to him tor the tervlce ol said department No amendment to ibeio charges and specifications hav og been resolved upon, the Judge Advocate proceeded to wear In each member of the tribunal, and was himself -worn by Col. Mansfield, tne President. Judge Advocate (to the accused)?Have yon anything io w>y respecting these charges? Are you guilty or not VUlltjf Major Cross (with visible emotion)?I have something to taj ; to the Orel, second and third specifications of the first charge, and to the charge Itself, I plead "guilty," though uoi intentionally, but brought about by the toroe of circumstances; I desire to remark to the Court that a person may be guilty of a charge without any criminality uttacblng thereto, and? Judge Advocate?I would suggest that this Is not the time tor such explanations. They should be reserved for a future period. What was required juBt now from the accused was merely bis plea to the charges "guilty or not guilty." The Court assenting to this, the Judge Advocate demanded to know the plea or the accused to the second charge and specification Major Cross?To them I plead not guilty. The Judge Advocate then proceeded to read for the benefit of the tribunal, certain orders and regulations or the War Department respecting the duties of quartermasters. He nest called the attention of the court to certain statements of Major Cross in bis reports to the Quartermaster General, which he desired to lay before the tribunal. On this a very warm discussion arose as to the propriety of admitting those documents. Tne accused ad milled the statements, and some members of the court argued that there could be no necessity of admitting the reports, since tbeir contents were ackno wledged by Major Cross. The Judge Advocate stated that these documents might be evidence in matters not admitted by ibe accused, and therefore should be laid before tbe court in a legal form After dell Derating for some time, the statements were finally held to bo admissible, notwithstanding the strong protestations of the accused. These documents were three of the regular "Monthly Summary Statements" of Quartermaster Cross to the chief of bis department Id Washington. Tbe first, going so tar back as February 28, 1867, set forth thu during that month (1,483 had b?en expended; that (24,776 12 had been advanced to officers; tbat tbe balance from last statement was (73,269 12, and tbat the balance due tbe United States was (47,776 12. Tne second statement, for tbe month ending Juiy 31,1867, was as followsExpenses, balance from previous statement, (28,117 2t,and balance due the United Status, (23,117 21. The tbird statement, for montn enniDg August 28, 1867, ran as foliows:? Expenses, $864 30; balance front last statement, $23,117 21, and balance due tbe United guueg, $22,312 91. The Judge Advocate then asked to submit a letter from tbe Quartermaster i.cue. at to Lieut. Col Swords, relating to tbe charges against Major Cross. Tbe latter, alter perusing the letter in silence for some time, objected to its introduction as irrelevant, and also as being only a copy of a copy of tbe odginal, and therelore not admissible Tbe objection wsb overruled. Tbe Judge Advocate asked the accused if be would now admit tbe letter, to save time. Major Cross?1 shall admit nothing whatever respecting it. Judge Advocate?Very well then, I shall bave to call Mr Tdornton to tyrwve it. Mr. Thornton, being duly sworn, testified as follows ?I amtbecnltf clerk of the Quartermaster General's olllcc in Washington; I bave Id my capacity as clerk attended to the letters, orders and instructions' to officers of tne department; 1 held tbe Batne cilice in June, 1867. Judge Aovocate ?Load that letter (handing a letter) and tell us what you know regarding it. Witness?I believe this letter is a copy of one from the Quarter master General, In 1867, to Col. Thomas Swords Deputy Quartermaster, San Francisco: I can't say (iositively It is an exact copy, but I bave every reason to be lieve It Is, and my reason for saying so is because of tne exceeding accuracy of the person wbo copied I ?now, by the way, dt&d; 1 Know tbe tiatd writing perfectly. Ibe Judge Advocate read the letter which purported to be from the Cuorterroaster General to Col T. -varus, and which coma ned certain suspicions respectlog tne boneaty of Quartermaster Croaa. The "-tier commanded Col. Swords to Investigate the matter thoroughly, and in formed him that Major Croaa bad certified that bo (the Major) had >47,776 12 in tbe Sub Treasury at San Francis co on tbe 28tb of February, 1867, wben it appeared be only had >27,814 10 in reality deposited therein. It also stated that Major Cross had acknowledged in March, 1867, to hare In bis possession >24,868 12, but there was no account of this money, and wbat had become of it? It charged tbat Major Cross bad not turned over any money to the Treasury in the months or April and May, and tbat in place of >63,000 he should have pa'd into tne Treasury >77,968 12. These were the substan te of tbe charges contained in the letter, which it was not permitted our reporter to copy. After proceeding thus far the Court Martial decided to adjourn to this morning at 11 o'clock. Coroner'a Inquest. Fatal Ejoukkmsnt Aocidxst.?Coroner Jacltman held an inquest upon tbe body of a man named Peter Maeken, of 101st street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues, who died frcn. the effect! of injuries accidentally received by falling dewn an embankment in Ninety seventh street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues. Deceased It appeared was returning to his home on the night of ibe 27tn ult., wben he missed his way in the dark and fell Into a deep cbaam, receiving such severe injuries tbat be died in oouscquence. The jury in rendering a verdict took oeoasiou to call the attention of tbe authorities to tbe dangerous condition of the above street, and the Coroner wm re quested to use his exertions to have the evil remedied forthwith. Deceased was a native of Ireland, and waa about thirty-five yaars of age. Mr. O. H. Fox, the Ethiopian delineator, will be tender ed a benefit by his friends, at 444 Broadway, Una evening. A variety of talent Is engaged. Drawings of Wood, Eddy <b Co.'a Lotteries. I)xla?ak?, Jcxtaa Clam Mo. 419, August 3. 1899. 117, 18, 38, 11, '20, 48, 7, '25, 6, 80, 32, 63. BevawaSS, Ours Mo. 430, Acocst 3, 1899 '24, 55, '28, 43. 60, 73, 62. 41, 59, 34, 40, 63, 22,8. Qaoasu. Class No. 417, August S. 1899. 64, 47, 26. 13, 23, 33, 43, 32, 62, 62, 11, 69, 1,78. (laosou. Class No. 418. Extra, August S, 1896. 25, 37, 49, 24, 16, 72, 41, 65, 58, 61, 63, 62, 48. WOOD. E1>UY A 00., Wilmington. Del. W heels r A Wilton'! Sewing (Machines.? flloe 909 Nroadway, Mew Vortt fas Neat Spring Bed In NxINanee-Howrt : iMlptte. at troas S> lo 94. at 878 Broadway. Oall and see M. IttOr?Ms Plaaasas, Stall, Chang* at Mot, I trd tta OTbstttrfasaot treated aaretaDy by A. OMAN DO KAN, | o " re'llk street, west aWe aad aaarBtoadway, 0 h The Drawings ?f the IJwi County and Com Udated lattery of Dataware. FRAN OB, BaOAUHBNTS A CO., MAMAOSSS. The Legislature or the hole of Delaware, at Ha last ??ton, bovine a'??ii to France, Itroadhrn's A Co. a lrttery oout"t"' tor tweriy jnn, we the uttleitignad. otaaileetjeers apiH"?ed by thr t? tern.* ot sad rtai* m a n eriutro I the d .?'?>? or onto InttM-v oo Itereby orrtliy that the rultowiag are the numbers drawn this day Scsm CouHrr-CLAU No. Ill, Auovst S, LS59. 3, 40, 66, 74, 43, 52, 19, 42, 03, 60, 20, 68, 57. COMOUDATKD LOTTEST-Class *1, AlUUST J. IBM. 36, 17 , 32, 51, 26 , 3 , 28 , 76, 59 , 65 , 2 , 73. Witness our hands at W UmlDgloc Del , this day (Wednesday) august S, ' w.i John DALH. > JOHN W. ff aIKXR, ' ommtsslxiers. alfkn> r W<x.FT*N, S FKAhCK. ><HOtI)ltiHT? a ivt ________ Wilmington, *Del. | To Southerners?Magnlfirei.t Phoiognphi aad daguerreotypes ttken d*tly, b> MSauS KttcTtliUlB, 293 k roadway, tear A (tor house. hstabidhed itML KensMW ou. j .. A (ell ipply of this am on ? now b* id. OoIm, light I?so. sod free fTou all tmpontias AUBTMMB. Agants. 90 Tmt Slid. S. V, Crlatadoro'a Hair Dye, Wigs and Toupeea TV beet la the world, wboleeale and retail, and ? dye prlvatel) applied at Mo. 6 Astor House. Bafehelor's Hair Dye, Win and Toupeea, the beat in the world, rurpaeetag all made, bold aad applied at the manufactory, 233 Hroeoway. Rupture Cured hy Harsh St Co.'a Radical cure true* Tbey aisotkaep die elastic stockings for raneose vsine supporter* and 1001? baaoea Instruments for do fo <B>ttlea made to order. Mo. 1 Vesey (trees astor House. Mew York. Barry's Trlcophsroag U the Rest and Chaapnst article for dmadag, beautifying, nlnaalng..oarllmg, pi tat r ms aad resiortag the hair Ladies, try It U1 kr all drug Bsh. The Ladles' Ready Made Linen Store, WT Froadway, near 1 wety sixlhstreet Ladles' underKvmentsex cluslrely. Kennedy's Medical Discovery U Warranted to cure scrofula erysipetM ilirbeum. ?14 head, til?slsd ore legs For ml* by all druggist* The Ruitka Shuttle Selling Machines. FrloetBO. Lfflre 4r9 hroadway. agents wau'.eo. Address i>. J. Levy, (jeneralt upertnleniient. I'ne litfargc Houm -TIii- attention of the travelling public la resprelf illy Invited to the Increased accora modsUi nsof th's hotel i he eubernber having PC-ally altered and attached the adjoining bulldlag (the faa l'lerre -.ousel to he l.aiarge and thoroughly renovated and refurnished the whole In a atyle equal to any hotel In Near York, tenders his <hauka to l>a visiters for the liberal patronage given thta hotel duilng hie management and assures the public no ell.irt will tie (pared on hll put In n amending the i.afarge to their lavor. BKMHY WtlKKUCtt. froprletor. Mound Bill Water Cure and Hotel, at Sorthsrnpton Haas , fa B ALbTKD, M. 1) , proprietor la delightfully dueled aoaid charming oouobtfo aoenvry Llr Ba'sted's sue. ess in the treatment o( dtaeatea la undisputed.?ooaton Ira veller. Sntlttoaonlan House, Broadway, corner of Ilouson street. Botel accommodation! on the Rurjpean plan Bfflaiice Salamander Safes, with Patent powder proof licks and ernes ban. Also, tire and burglar proot parlor eater Uepot 63 It array arret, comer of (Joilege place lioi mtrly 191l-earl street; KOBKBTlN. PATKICK.T The Great West Is the Promised band In 'be eyes of a 1 lions, both Id the Old World aid the New. Its erule aoll sod magnificent oppcitunltler tor develnpemeot are the area' sources of its attractions But song us beautiful tresms there lurks malaiiaof mot' aeallv Intiience, which it too great draw back of bat splendid region, and must remain WIJJ uscmi* iciuEiu cumo ?<niMi?uii tfcuu uvunm WW CUU template (ettVmeni In 'bnt section, will do well to nrovtde then selve* ? Ith the >nly cure Unit bu yet been found efficient speedy snd certain: we mesa ur J Huft. IsiTatt'i ce'ebrat ?e inters, wlilcb bee snap-bed hundred* from *a untimely P?v? Ibeir (ijieratlou upon tbe digestive organs 1* soon felt lo be teneficlent, without being violent Kor stle iy druggm* Knd denier*generally everywhere Principal depot 13 nod It Pork row M. Y. Prince Imperial Champagne rsoa DK YJCMOGA * CO . EPKKRAY, PRANtJB, a wine of rare qiallty at a moderate price told at tbe prln -Ipal hotels and by all tbe leading dealer* throughout the country. a. V. HaUURWoUT, Bole Importer, oornar of Broadway ana Broome street Mew York. Brady's Gallery hat Removed rrom 359 Broadway to MS Broadway, corner of lileecker (tree*. Photographs, daguerreotype* and ambrotype* Geo. Saunders' Metallic Tablet Raxor Strop. f hi* Inimitable article may be obtained of the sole manofnc lurer* J A B S SUNDERS, Mo. 7 Altor Uouae, and 01 the varioos agent* throughout the city. Weed's Patent Family Sewing Machine*? Hew styla. Price ISO. Office 477 Broadway Cllrchugh's Ventilating Wigs, with His new improvements, defy detection. Style, material and work unequalled. #8 Broadway. Hill. Inimitable Hair Cutter: Dve 50 cents. black or brown. Depot Mo. 1 Barclay street; Lao sold ai 398 Broad war linger*! Sewing Machine* Are superior for all manufacturing parpoees. Are more desirable tor all kinds 01 family sewing. Are capable of doing a greater variety of work. Are perfectly simple ana easily kept in order Are much cheaper because they earn mote money. Are just the machine for every family. 1. U. BIMQlta a PP.. <38 Broadway. Holloway's Medicine*,? Common Sense, Versos oonseoie By a -ecent council of the medical profession Virginia Btuart arms ooislgned to an lnttahtaneou< death. Hue still lives, to the utter dfto >mflture of the regular practice. Holloway's motto Is, "While there Is life there is hope." flarnsd. Alldiidgi?Baivtr.?In Jersey City, by tbe Rev. Mr. C. Hoover, Alfrbd J. Aixdridgr, of Bergen, N. J., to Ifiss Cordelia A Baptcr, of Jersey City. Caliiornla papers please copy. CAkvu?Glyn.?un Thursday. Sept. 30, 1868, by the Kev Mr Jones, of Maoison street Manners' church, Mr Benjamin Cakveu, ot South Carolina, to Miss Agnes Gltn, of Mew York. Tompklnh?Sawiell?At Sing 8jng, on Tuesday evmng, August i, at the First Presbyterian cnurch, by the Key Wilson l'nraner, Mr Johkpb T Tompkins, of Louisville, Ky., to Sasah A., daughter ot the Kcr. E N. Sawtelf, of Havre, France. YoriMJ?Gildernlkvi ?On Saturday, July SO, at the re udence of liie brine's father, Huottngion, L.I, t>y the Rev. Htmuel r Johnson. Mr Tbomas 8 Yocmo, of thin ruy to ItM Mill0. oaugnter of Tnomas \V. GUdersieye, i-Sq , of the former place Died. Aubamb ?Suddenly on Tuesday, August 2, Jambs TVr net, aged 3 j ears, 3 mouth* aud 3 days, son of Eoza Jane abd Scih it Abrams The triend* aoo re stives are invited to atlead the fuoe ral, w lthoul further notice, from the real Jeoce of his patents, No IC2 South Fourth street, Brooklyn, E I)., this (Thursday^ morning. at teD o'clock. Adams.?In Brooklyn, on Weonerday, August3, Henat Uakt aDaMs, aged 1' j (are The iriends of the family, and those of bis cousins, Jamee, George and Stuart Ada""*, are respectiully invited to atlccd the funeral, from the residence of hie parents, at two o'clock on Friday afternoon, without further no tico. Dublin paper* pletse copy. Bikhk.?In Brook yo. ou Wednesday, August 3, G. W, infant cmld of U. W. ana E. A. deigie, aged T weeks The Trieste s of the family are respectfully iuv teu to at lend the funeral, at ticvtn o'clock, from No. 44 Carroll street. South Brooklyn. Cailik ? In B ixiaiyn, onWedDeseay, August 3, Ross and Casus, the beloveJ daughter of Thomas ana Mary Cart hi. aged 10 mouths and 28 days. The funeral will take place tb>a (Thursday) aferuoon, at three o'clock, from No 2 Widow street, between At lantic and Paridc streets. Cost.?Uu Wednesday, August 3, Ebwui M. Cost, young opt child o( iV J ana Jane C~>ej, Jr., aged 19 uioaths and 8 day H. the funeral will taka place this ( Thursday) afternoon, ?t tbree o'clock, Irom the residence of bia grandparents, No 46 Uarioo street Dkvmac ? on Wednesday morn'ng, August 3. Louisa, yonngest daughter of Aaron L an i Mary jeveau Dcplry ?la Brooklyn.on M.-n < ;, August I, Mrs. Emily M Dt'DLkY. wile of William 8 Duu ey, M D. The funeral will be solemn zed at Grace cburcb, Brooklyn Heights, Una (Ihursdsy) afternoon, at tbrre o'clock Tbt trieuds ol I?r Dudley are hereby roquceu-a to aitsud without further invitation. Ho*.?On Wedhcgtla- .August 3, HziknS , infant daugh tor ot Richard M. and Mary S Hue The relatives ana frittids art- invited to attend me fune ral, from the reatuence of her parents at West Farms, N. Y., on Friuay morauig, si hail past ten o'clock, witnout further notice. Gar-iages will meet toe Har-tm ooat that leaves Peck a lp, New York a' M'i o'clock A. U Josbs ? Un Saturday, Julv 30, alums ti . omy son of James A and Sarah a Jouee, aged I year, 7 months and 10 days. The remains were interred In Greenwood Cemetery. Matsacnuaetts am Ma ne pipers please copy lioBtiiM (? tneeday iwati|, August i, Cathaum McGnaz wire of Thomas McGuire, aged 39 yeara, 11 months ard 16 days The menus of the family,and those of her brother. John McUovcrn. are respta tfdllv Invited to attend tne funeral, from her late reaiu?iice, corner of Forty hfin street aou Second avenue, ibis (Thursday) a'teiuooo, at three o'clock Nvihuklxr.?Suddenly, on Wednesday. August 3. ot ayoplezy, Mr. Joeki-H 1>. kl.- lieu, m the 63d .ear of his age His friends are resperti'dly invit- J to atienu Uie 'une ral, ibis (Thursday) afWaooa a* four o'clock, from his lato rFsldtnce, No. Do Fransfoi t street. U'Bsiks?On Tuesday, August 2, William Jnesro O'Bsisn. the join geet sou of John an t Eiizsoeta U'B'ien. aged 9 months abu 9 day a. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the fucurai, this (Thursday ) afierooon, al ball past two o'olocc, Irom the rce.drnca tft his pareota No 196 Eaet Thirteenth street Rblly?On Wrontsday, augnst 3, (.atbasuti r"lty, the your gest daughter ol Pair ck aud Eileu Rtiliy, ageu d years, 4 month* and 14 days. The relatives n d irieuds of the lamily are respectfully inviteu to attend tne furersl it s (Vhurnlay) sflarnoon, at two o'clock, from the residence of h?r pareata, No 7i ^^nanT^csinddw-ly n Newark, N J , on Monday, Au gust i of oc ltuH'OLS MtM Aunt, youngest uaugnter of Robert tl. am! Aeucck, agou 1 yo*r, 8 months and 31 days. The ren-uin* v ire tr.t. ,sd't Greenwood. Sbolrpss.?fn ;veSLsy afternoon, August J, at |lt 1 5 o'clock, of choirs Infantum, Gaoitas Bklcusk, youageal too of 0. P and E. SOoarfle# The irieoni ud rrltuvoi at the family nro respectfully itiviu-o to attend the luoei a , this ( I'horsday ) atteriiooo, *4 two o'clock from the reaidenoe of hi* par?uts, No. 23* T> n'h ?trct-t Htkih ? At Cestleton, Stele I?I*d<1, oo Tuesday, August 2, Ida, infant daughter of thorn** euJ hettine 3>ecu, aged 2 months and 1 week. VaJt Winklb-io Hudson City. N. J , oe Wedoaodnf, Augurt U. JaOpii H Vaji Wikki.k, aged 7'J years. The friend* and retadves of the camily are respectfully In*ned to attend the luoerel, oo Frit'ay afternoon at thiee o'clock, Irom the Uelhodisi Episcopal church, Hud cd City. Walla cn.?On Wednesday, August 3, Ehthsh, wife at Altaabd*r Wallace, formerly or Ntwtowoforboa, county lsjhglord, Ireland The funeral <*111 take plant from her late reatdeoeo, Mo. 269 Kan Fourteenth street, Una (Thursday) afteruooa, al two o'clock VvoajiT At Waetcbeeter. on Wedoeaday, August a, iMifckwiiL, aou of Stephen T. and Grace Wygant, aged 14 month* and 24 daya. The reiatitrea and friend* of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, without further invitation, from No. 44 Clinton place, thia (Thursday) afternoon, at two o'clock. MISCELIiAlVEOUS. ? UCX. McKbKZIK BKU8 LEAVE TO UTOBI H? & friends and the public that ha hu mo red hta plumbing aaWbltaimeut from Ul Fourth street (whara ha baa baas eaMb 'vel) eeg?ge.d id all that appertains to the aoleaoe andpcae Uce of plumbing), to the Daw building corner of Fourth and tercet streets where be baa itenolalort wUh Urn la beatoMB Mt. i barlea B. O'Hara. whoae reputation aa a pltuaberdflb hiith with the trade. Ownera of country and city residences, where water aaa be ob'aturd by natural or artlMei means, and want it property applied, would do well to call uoan the vubeertbera. sole pn>prtetora and mannfacturera of JennMaa'a paM diaphragm flllUr, the beat and cheap ret la the world. MciAhAIE h O'HARA, Ut Fourth (treat, ant 417 Fulton avenue. llrootHyw, M COO FIR LEVER WATCH, COST giao, amd a A aplendld cable chain, lull length 18 carat gold, ooat StML for aaJe for SUO Apply at the Guaaral'a, 90 Frtnoa street, tof, At Joiras', io and 11 akh btrmkt-a nw sttui of aboea and galtera at only S3 60, warranted to ^ae per> feet aatlafactlen, tlao at S3 60 and St dreee boota that will ear prtaa everybody. r T FVEBDELL8- WEi-DINO CARDS, NOTE! hO ? A. Tbeae celebraed car da, splendidly engraved, oea oah be had In Broadway, corner of Dunne atreet. Art amusements at hours' new photograph gallery. 691 dreed way ? Augagemeot and Orel appearanoe of the oelebratad beby laker, tae man who never faila ae ting a baby In one grand effo' t Fareata who have aaet waft fcu Ul anoceae and disappointment heretofore may now be assured of a g'orloua reault all the ty pea photographed bp HOLMES on the cheap system. The only gallery in the (dtp with akyligbie on the flirat B^or up Bartlrtf'8 NOV* ltv sew (no ma chinas, Bel Ing rapidly; only I8JI9 md $16 l'rrnc.pal aalearoum. 421 BEOaCWAT, Corner of Canal atreeL Agents wanted Oreat Inducements u jw offered. torns. BtiNIONB, diseased mailh, kwlarurl mentof the great toe j list, cured wtih >et pain, eo Met 'be toot can be woru liumetlalelv Alter the uperauoo. wttbeel tbe leaat inconvenience to the patient by i.r. ZAUHta;^ 7M) broad way. Helen to the physician and surgeons of thto city. DTBPEPSIa! DYePBPSI *1 bY8?UPblA! KBIT IB IT* HOW OUKED? jrpepela li our Lilian?l dtreaae?weak atimeoh, feeble Olgettu n, di tiroes efv r rating; ecettre bib.I btltr us ondlttga Hoi many sutfcr wltb It u <t lu attendant a'tnotona of low tpirlta bad Wale, ro tec tonroe obs1. unified head and at arka o' healache Yet bow fear know bow to cure It Oaeeraliy, because the tx weir are constipated retort la had la cathartics, or laxa'ltea nut tuch a con ll'Joo ?>i ne'er cured by cathartics, whnte only office It to weaker the digenlou aad impair tee Integrity of the entire aaalmbatlTe a; stem out Uumtbre-a' Homeopathic f'ttrept'S Pll *?a a'eaple medicated sugar pill bare cured hundreds of tbi worn and m et obitinate caret Ibis Is done rimpl by improving the rone ana retiming tbe iDieg>lt< of the Hjeestlre orgeat, from wblch irtult good appetite, regular babita, a clear bead aad' buoyant apirlta Buch a medicine la a gem. and only requiraa lu be known to be appreciated Pi ice 26'cents per bus. with dlr?cUooa Sir boxer fl 1* K ?A ful' a?t of Humibreys' Homeopathic Specidon with book ol dlrertlota. aod twenty different remedies la arge ?laJa morocco case $S, do in paiu oaae. 94; family care of 16 boiea and book. SI 1 bete remedies, by (be a<oc e box or care are sent by naif oreip.-eaa, free Jf charge, to any address on receiptor the price Address Dr. F BPMPHB&Yt A Co , 668 Broadway, Urfc. DbiM. ihji'p, iirnMAL wins KITTiwDr l)ol> bu opened a tail ef elegant rooms at 619 Ml 031 Broadway, for toe examination and treatment of patteam and wbere taia imperial wine bittern. for the care of loci|ilM ooiiaumpttou, weak lungs weak to ma oh and general deULtyt may be cad Ibe bitter* are put up It quart bottle* with Cat name of Dr J. hove* Hods' Imperial wait biture blown la Dm (la**, with direction* for u*e l*nee 91 10 per bottle- The urual discount to the trade Ike doctor can be eoaauHed daftg trom II to 6 FIVI BCNDRRD DOLL alia TO BE AWARDKD TO THX t L CCRBSFUL WRITERS or THSKB ORIGINAL bPORTING STORIES FOR TBK NKW lDbK OL1PPKR. Tbe undersigned. editor and proprietor of the New Tak Clipper, In order to keep pase with the progrtaaire splrttof* tbe age In (porting matter* and to bring to light the mo?t a raftable talent in (porting literature, hereby ortet* the aim of FIVk. lluNirKLD D lL * its FOR THa TQKKK BUT t Hi GIN ?L STORIES Suitable for publication In the Clipper, the money to be apportioned aa follows:? First Paiza-1 wo Hundred and Fifty EoLarn?for the beak atnry. barowD Piuza-One Hundred and Fifty Dollar*?for thm neat beat, and Third Pan*?One hundred dollar*?(or the third la ordar at merit. Rash *tory to be of 200 pagee ef fbolaeap In length, and to bo ?ni It on or bef, re tbe tenth (10th) day of September, WW, N jne admitted for competition after that date. a few aaggeattoDi may not be oat of place for the guidance , of competR ra in the firat place, nee plain, eommoa *ew*n language, that tbe maare* may the mo?e readily oomprehewd iuo utc?uifg, ipi uic p;m or roieresi oi 106 biorj 00010161106 61. the outlet, and continue wtthnut tlaggtrg to the end; glee on thrlllo g and life Ilka Incidents In high atd low life: Introduce (porting celebrities acenee and descriptions, of f*at life In town or couairy hereor eeewnem. at hone or abroad; give nam peep Into celebrated assignation honaea and placea of ill faaaa, and deacribe (be mysterious and criminal d ilnga that areeee stantly being enarted tberetn; take na Into noted gambling bouses and lay hare their aecreta; enter the tbeatr-e, and petal out the la moralities and vice of the profession on and off the atage. and llkewtae their good qualities; go among the 'bigger Mlnht'elf,' and give a s\ nopals of tea origin na and progress of the business; show tip the tnaks aaff traps of great cities aDd the man? evna that beset the stranger at every point Ac , Ac We merely anggeet these Items atr something to work upon; but nevertheless, whatever stone* may in our oplnl n. bett entertain the readers of the OLIPrKK. toUoae will the prizes be awarded, whether any or alii of the above hint* are tasen Into conadere.1 in or not. ihe cash wl:l be pain Into the h-ndsoi the succee? 'ul anaa-d petuors as soon as the award la made mown Mod auicrenut lories will be at ones returned to their authors, ur purchased,. It agreeable. Nrt a particle of favoritism or parueihj wul on howo; but the pr*ze? wul be boueetlv awae'ed ?ocor :lug I# th. ment of the productions sent for competillm, to 'h? oast al f the jmlgiT rnt ot the subacr.ber, who It U pteaumed. best an ders amis <he tastes of ibe natrons ot the ( 1.1PPKR (liana t'tion Is rpen to *11 dud, woman, and child, at hems aa d aensd l-arh writer will pleas* send his or ner rati naa ,e and addreee, ciic' ?eed Id a sealed envelope, a 1 b the title ol V m bIoij w ittcu op the outslce When the award is nut e, I to ei velope hearing the title corresponding with the succeed til production wtli he opened, aod the writers apprised of tba decision "the then will be held until called or sent for PR ?BR QU altN lUlltor and proprietor of few Sort oUoper, ho 2V annates >t. FOR MBDIOAL Pl'BPo8s?-C8BORN'i P"KK Jf ifO* port wit e for ssle at Mr.? P U '8 family a tna vault* , oar per of Hrrndaay acd Cedar itreet \/f OCRT VPRNON. t?i 1o the Public:?We respectfully ask your aueal Ion U our new brand of Both i VhRWOR PllJBCCT CHBWINti TOBAT OO wbh h. In point of excellence, cannot > e su passed it Is miaa lectured ro n the heat selected materiel Ui the market, whteh for tts duality we challenge comparison wrh acy o'her brand t be public bare loo* wauled an article entirely pure wltboo.' ai v oi ihose admixtures of deleterious substances wbleheoirr quently coots mis ate chewing to aooo IHK * I1 NT VrHBOW It devoted'o Ibe Dtrchsae aod bxproseuieht of the home ot . Washing!' n at d we ree.ecttul j ask that you should bid nehc . our et terprise. It >s so d by bl) dealers, a d at the msuufactor;, No. 107 iruase itrset. Mart isX, PhliMRR k OO. MOttUAN 8 tlPirl OT FA* b M.hti.N t> ri<B luA ui iwou tna eDfinmiiii doii^di. told nreichtnjted In m&f quantii, At the old cartmuy ?bop lOthiatu it root. , "/ ihCE 4 WKJCK." U NFW ILI.USTSATBD ??RIODin?L Jtind act?-d hy lb? bMt writrr* Id Aiirope, ?ud llinaUaied Vtfc* frit antat*. 0?0B A WKKK " nUMHKK 1. J !? ANI> 4 Nv'? RKADY The foUoalrg tr* a <e? of Utc regal*- contributor? 'A. 'I- Nob. & A e.AK " WI'L'-M M IHACKBRAY, OUiRI.K? a* tilt, alFAAu ff.HnYHofi, *? a u* >o, <;AO A. ?j*.L>A, U aNKIM' * ,B7 'MsA0, bB.lKl.A4 liaivKi MlrP hUlAAJH. UK*. CaHH I.. 1UH 4 a ?LI>K, I.AOov.K MtilKin. *0 . <*" f nd .ho li-Uo* Ieminent designer? and ardMi AN f I?t?ll 'At in? t..uairadona ? .TvHN i,* A Hi, .1 K 1I-LI.*18. J. BX rK.DtilKU b.UUil K OBUWMC C. K Kl U k , WOLf K Ac Ac . Ac hutuler? I.SonaS *r? in* ?o * ?, am. Mo. 4, reedy l?? vcrtiDC c>i,talt.n a new nod original yrm at Alfred fennY eve. 1 rantifnUj iliuttraira by J K Mi."al?. * ?u rewu fhq. ur 9i rr r ?r*r VtlLl.oKS .1 Kof?*HS . No. 41 Nftfttftu ?. *?* Www vor?^ uio ft 1 i>'*)?9?.irr*tvi*> u'wi ft.fcm'a, Ol f. *csl ? <LL t klKSID. , . NO .16. VJL. a, N^/Vf KftAOli PR'Cit TUN I K.'tTa co.irfticTS. f rrr TVftr ft'eft.tttJftrl! rrw .Robert Sti>*v03 (. M? ? Tho l"yr<>lr?n polka Clu ..onr M?rc?roi i? lor ? _ S. hw l llirr 107 > *<? * "? * 4J * BEYICOU 4 C0, ?U> f?L**LA IK^Vf .1,1^ ??? * hD ALL USf YlQUOX HcLp A'H nk/tilKi. aM .v^ONl/ il if' p jib I, to purt factor* of Juo'^v, ihiV *<5 trr? h?.'w hat r*?r. W atlcto to ? uitme at r.^* t> i 1? ^ - thrm.P.rno hir.h ba?f ?mtv/u? h?!2E?,5f riety or to aromatic luojr ju&lpar ti*n- miiilf. 12 ft.'-if ? <1'? Mod H. c mrttdrd mV'fl it* , uuv-orlooot h a i> txcom'ft ft euaeoatrfttftd ?t? ' ' *."? ? " . fcft a?(bt. ., . ? "T" >? "? o. ?*o -i?t?ft|?-nr v?< .... . ?rt>i, P ftB? H.A;,1i4 ^ me.<U*u tfttuUT of jar I^TsLwft "ho> "** ? viwar <heiv on? f itfi*' ujr* 9t k? ? " tiii??iaiuid ,... v how i" L 'VKr,'? ftlo-honowi-ac!^ net witt ? tb?tr - 1 il" HrwU ?aoc???Ui9| v*?i .?<? h.o'j^ vT. J r?TP T k to tbr Mtmheyr. <u i r '?! * ottaw^' . ,r'i iV" W^ ft-4. awpp.ft ou bft. O ftft ? , J. ' 6 U 7 ftp*, ot w*t?" v -v,r">" ** ??<*> ?r>??#'" ??? < l iHMrrarrfinM tl T if" * ^9* lad ft. ZSlFTSFv ^^t^v?*'dw* " M"* " 'f"? Jairr'eitft ftttC tauoaftoaa: ik. ? vi'r earn L, ' r-n t(n? irhftUtT b* **' ,W*Kb,? rocm, (!ru*jr? ?a4 cuix?