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TILL MUJHflFIG Tlic Thirteenth Annual Convention of ?ln Amtrkan AtMclallan for llio Advaut'emeni i Of tkiCUM. Bl'HINUKIKU), August !i, 1R59. The Ameri'AC Association fur the Advancement of j Bclruce opened iti thirteenth ahhiial meeting here thin morale g ut ten o'c ock, la the City Hall. Tnie little olty la Oil agog with excitement. The hotels ore already crowded The tlasiasolt Mouse ia uncomfortably UlleJ, and the propr.ttor?Mr. E L. Chapln?Is bringing oota, ami every other tu utt else in the ahaoe of n b.,d. lnlo re q\ sltion; but (till members and their friends from til jiuiia of the Union contioue to arrive by everv train. Professor* tie numerous, among whom I too Prof. Bacbs, of the Coaat Survey, Washington; Prof Oil. .eapto, o. Colon College; I'rof. I.everiej, permanent seerslory of ho Association; Prof. Honry,of the Smithsonian fnslitute; Pr>i St-oneo Alexander, ot Princeton, President of the Ador ation; Prof, l'ieroe, of Connecticut; j I'rof <?<>uiJ, cf vfautiington; Prof. ColUn of Annapolis, j tin., khi I rut. enob , 01 Wiob ngtou, Prof. Car well, of Providence, R I ; Prof Le Couti, of Charleston, S. C.; I'rof 8 0. Looiu.s, of Now York, besides any number o D. 0's and M It's Amocgtte drst, the Rev Tbomas Hill, of Wallham Mass , and the lltv. Dr. Duflw;i, of Detroit, Mich., and Dr. a. J. E.wyn, if Philadelphia Hie Rev. J W. footer,or MeusO?, Must.,Is a,Jo ".reseat, and Mrs. Lincoln 1 -o p. of ua.iworo. Gov. Morgan and lady and (lev. Hon to in expec.od to day. Ihb mteungs are to bo held every morning, from 10 o'clock till one P. M., when the members adjourn for dinner, and from four in the afternoon nil aut. The large room in the City Hall, presenting a very One upiearanco to the eye. but badly constructed for public breaking, with a biauitful lloor and handsomely painted walls ted coning, fa used at a general assembly. while several uthor amalier rooms are occupied by special committees. this morning the exercises opened with prayer by the Be v. Geo. B Ins?Professor Stephon Alexander in the chair, after some general routine business of an uninteresting character was transacted, toe President of tne association, Protestor Aixxa.m>kk, delivered the following address. PROFESSOR ALEXANbKU S ADDKESg. frixow MimUEKS ok nik amtoucan .VSIO'lATlOJf for the AlJVAJfCEMKM OF di'lXl.('Kl? Entertuieiog, au 1 believe 1 do, ho other than a juat estimate of all that would bo appropr.ale in you.-presiding nil,cor, you will pardon mc wnou 1 say that it is with an .UDfsigned self distrust that f enter upun the d.xoaarge of Uiu 'luff ts v, c< a you nave invited me, u being iboso of a pcf Jipa which I would not have fought, but woieb? I regarding n us a te&umoaial, at once 01 your coaiideuco I and your kinonats?I h.-.,e yet felt to be one wtucn I eight aot, ought not, to bhua. Id the ]oxcrct?? of an earDd reciprocal fooling, relying impliedly on that Mtr.e Itodcccr and couideuco, I shsil ciTor uo apology lu aovsi ue for the .manner In which I may discharge tne duties of the cJiau. thougn to the iorient ' extent st iiiible of how often I mlv heed jour Indulgence. 1 'ibe American Association lor tne Advancement of Setuiice?invuod ana eoour?gud though its members cure ' by all that bad precedel it?was yet entered upon with I judicious caution as an experiment; but it haa now bo- ( come an enlarged aud progressive experience. Eml- ! nentiy voitby are me objects wbiCi. it contemplates, and worthily should they be pursued, with a unity 01 feeltr.g and of purpose akin in sincerity old etrnestac3s to j thai exporlerceo by children who, band In band, and shoulder to shoulder, are perusing, in our c.ue oven j reverently perusing, the pages of the earns book. Nay more; this oneness ol icelicg, of purpose and of I action, too, is eien vital as it respects tlliaient progress at all; as in uic h' system, the nerve or sonsiollity is ! throughout s<>souiated and intunatcly connected with that { of voluntary motion, so tn.-.t either an wiiainihaUcn or a paraljsir of tne one would almost of course bo fatal to all i that is caber darable oi useful in the other; and, as withal, conversely, an appropriate activity is itself indies- J live ol a quick eet vitality, to the origin and vntablo pro- I press of an associated body, men as this, are themselves j -be index and the mcarurc of u sympathetic co operation. I While in the true rrovlduuce of God so many of us are ! permitted to re aebombi j bore to day, soma, even since j our last Meeting, have ceased to be numbered with Use living; eno first among them in the order of time was one ; or our most venerable members? one wnoae aevouon 10 the great object of our association began ere science In this country bad fully asserted itself, and co operation, sucb as tie now have It, wis comparatively unknown, yet bo history of chemistry at least oould be regarded as complete whicb should fail to render duo honor to the genius and early labors of Dr. Robert Hare. But not alone cbendeiry?astronomy, too, has cause to mournto mourn thst he whom she hts lost was cat off ere he had attained to an age whicb would enlil'e him to the epithet of venerable. Ibough frequently threatened with dissolution, It is yet in an important sense true, that up to the limit when he ceased to be seen among living men the eye of William Cranch Bond was no*, dim nor his natural force abated. The memory of his Ingenuity and his discoveries furnish him with an epitaph always readable and always read. Alfcost at the moment or oijr meeting, tbe progress of the anniversary exercises of Dartmouth Co lege has brought to mind the loss which that institution has sustained in the deceaae of Prof. Ira Young, who was elected at our seventh meeting, and has at other times been present and assisted in our deliberations. And, oh! we miss withal tbe cordial grasp and friendly greeting 1 or Prof. Denison Olmsted, best esteemed and love a i by those who knew him best. We must not be betrayed i into bis eulogy, which it belongs not to us to utter; ye'. asaemoieu ae we eru bi tins very kuuu?ersu uere tun now?we might well be reminded that the progressive movement toward a regular and extended oMerva tion of the periodic meteors, derived from him its projectile force. In our |an?ual catalogue of members the fatal asterisk Is prefixed to yet two other names?that of Joseph Clark, Esq , of Cincinnati, elected at our flitti meeting, and lieutenant R. Ap. Catesby Jones, of Washington, elected at our eighth meeting, rhe removal or the doer! imposts a?w obligations to a united and vigorous etfort on the part of those who survive. Under every aspect we have reason to congratu ate one another on our place of meeting. What wonder that I I needed no second invitation to induce us to solect such a place as this; while we at the same time remembered as j we ought, tow Springfield Invited us no w three years ago. I And even now, arriving as we do in obedience to our own motion, wo find that the citizens of Springfield, with a ; courtety and a kindness which are their own best praise, | stand ready to welcome?in the person of their most ap- , nropriate representative?a welcome from which I will no I longer detain you. Alter the applause or the assembly had subsided the ! Mayor of Springfield, the Hon. William B Calhoun, rose ana delivered the (mowing welcome to the men of science;? IfATOB CALHOUN'S ADDRESS. Mr. PRMID?NT am) gkmxemrf of tllk american association for thk advancement cf Science?In tehalf of the government and citizens of Springfield, 1 have the honor 1 end pleasure of bidding you welcome on this the occasion I of your annual meeting. The invitation to pass the woek, I which you devote aa a body to tbo claims of science, in ! this comparative retirement in the valley of the Connect! cut, was presoniea to you ny me pumic councils 01 wis ; city ot a former year; tbey honored themseWns by thus honoring you, and through you the cause of science. The present city government respond fully and cordially to the wishes, the purposes and the salutations of their predecessors. We bid you welcome, because we know, and see, and feel tue importance of science, and oi ail good learning and knowledge. It is true we have no iustitution amongst us devoted distinctly and systematically to the promotion ol science, aside from (thoso schools in which, throughout all the accustomed gradations, our youth are trained to that mental culture waloh our laws so happily require. But we have here, very largely, the fruits, too practical applications of science?in that large body of intelligent mechanics and artisans of various classes, who, if you Shall have leisure to examine their works, will be reminded by you of the great principles developed by yourselves aud your coadjutors, on which their beautiful and finished products depend. Wo welcome I you, because we desire to seize this occasion and all j occasions to renew oar fealty to the great purposes ot the men to whom we owe our origin. They placed religion first? blessed bo their memory that they did so. But they made all science, all knowledge, the object of their unceasing devotion and unwearied elforts. We hail : the advont of this ssboclation amongst us, becauie are ! desire to be drawn off from schemes and exhibitions, merely or mainly of a sensual or material kind, to such as make man, the immortal spirit, prominent and pre-eminent. We are r-minded, too, of the obligations devolving upon us by the provisions of our constitutional chatter, Which declares it to bo s ' doty" "to cbori h the intercuts of literature and the sciences, to encourage private societies and publio Institutions, to promote ajriculturo, arts, sciences, commerce, manufactures, and a natural butory of the country; to countenance uad Inculcate the principles of humanity and general benevolence, public and private charity, industry and frugality, honesty and punc- | tuality, r.ucerity, good humor and all so ;ial alloOtloas and . Sonorous sentiments among the people " I need not say \ ow intimately and iuUUuslubly there noble re- | qulremente of the constitution of our Common wealth : ttard connected with the pursuits in which the i mon-bers of this association are engaged. Wo welcome you to this portion of our country, gentle- ! men, because we think you will find some'biegs 10 inter l si. yon in Uie walks of science, strictly bo called. You ' will vm!t ?h? rrllecn In ou? vicimiv?a and already distinguished ine'iuition ol iearGing, Id wiim 'ntul: jcu ; Will be greeted by the .o'.ee of icleace, anl be privileged j to vtruei iu largo and Increasing appliances and to re- I jcice in some of Its Ir.uinph*. Flore, toj, la this range of ccmlry, yon will Ho<l those tracks) of birds and annuals, various and numerous, which bave -.ttracu u so much botu 1 of popular and scientific utwr.t!on, and which carry ua j back, in a sort of bewilderment, t> l|tt,If not beyond i the power, at least beyoou too teriaiut>, of ooiap'tailor?those tracks, which have bee a mado to utter the language of science, through the researches and investigations, as modest as they have been profound, of an eminent associate of your own. ' Vie welcome you, because wo delight to do honor to I those pursuits which, In retirement and repose, without any of that glare which too often b.inds and bedizens, are working out tho true good ot man, and garnering i treasures of unfading renown. Wo arc juet now begin- I sing to breathe freely again, after the monstrou., exhibi- I tions of self glory, treachery and war on the plain? of ; Italy. Whilst, under the presenoe or power and carnm-e, I mau continues to be trodden under foot, and the worid i .shouts victory, be II ours it'll to stilvo and pray, that the world may, even though slowly, ve*. surely be advancing In wisdom; and to rtyoico In the progress of that science which elevates, never depresses, humanity. We welcome you, gentlemen, In a closing word, because of the Influences which wo rbertsh the hope,nay, the unfaltering belief, yen will be sure to leave behind yon?influences to roacn the heart, to be felt In the lire, and to lift up the spirit; influences which may guide us to the meaning of the poet, whon be answers his own question? " What constitutes a Smto 1" by that apt and terse averment? " Men, high minded men." TVcse constitute a State. These are at once tho ornament cf a community, and its Imperlstiablo foundation. Men of scii acc, we greet you. wo b! 1 y >u welcome. Whet Is addrer ?">v -v,minded U>o meeting adloomed till 4 r. M In ' < -*> .-cm ,i r. tors vrag ?*?? , x ?? ; r' o -h ' r 11' Pl< rce Eiq., ti ryr Itogtby, and to tb?.'iu?cl?nUflc very uomieiwliuy, on tbe Un ory of tbe comet'* uJl a (ifkuo uwpiion .Mgiven Ugte?eni8K, at the r* . I 1f"? Hob- ?*o- Bliue, President of che Local 0> i | rUtsT _ Au the members aoa sew i title get'f'w ,in , P|lltB attended. Oov. Morgan end [ laity loi rnro 8 I001"# of Observation, but at cue sane tunc act, ipg gu.'JC*B were mce frequently c??t on tie many pretty speclm*"* of f?male loveliness that wero The cnu|Db-t8 or tuo many professors Rremed in bave oe>i-iL..ti?'d 'bar Venus should Dot be oatdoue by iiiuervn, therefore loo jccoiupanieU tbeir aoieotitle papa* to ice teat of liuriprg, sou in opiio of .ocoaiulivo cinuors, railroad dust rqtia?hed rr.lnol|oe, uneven respiration and even pert pram.e, 10 vestila."00 ,B Patented ventilated c?r?, btu hpnuge, ei.tvou tracks 111111 Cunseqacnt bodi.y jo.fli ya, aj j- ar, d at (he reception sa ^looming and br'got as N.? Jrraey (*ecfces, with all the rubbed otr by tb" c ?st chanly ?Dd tbo Im at of pc'lsblng frill1 vendors. Cikefat rpr' i.U lueif liar the ruing snn, until sC'dUW ?s* as mccn coi cesled us a candle bid under a bushel. . low necked drcs'er, trimmed with dialing ribbons of nil luliie and multicolored huid, ri voivcl, irradiated and tilled tbe rooms. Tall nu n Id Ions: s .id bellied coal", rborf n ?i with a" kinds if coats aul j?.... long noted mtr with born ai.ori.aclM. red noted men wllb wrinkled loiebeada, bowed, ncraped and ihooa hand*, at tbe Imminent danger Of being smashed through oaeb olburat every bow, and ejvctaclea and notes bo'.nit brought into collialon. Hoops croaked under the weight of science that wag necessarily forced to bear down upon them. Homeopvhy was evidently uppermost In the minds or the m?< leaf protein .on; for they teli. through too force of vsnay and crinoline, that a great deal was pat in a very small compass, ana no doubt had wlabod themselves bouily as small as the smallest of white homeopathic pills, while msthemstlcs, more practically than ever before, squared, or rather squashed, lie [circle. All, however, "went merry as a marriage boll " ine accomplished lady of the Bon. George Bliss presided with faultless grace, and soemed to please everybody, tbe old and tbe young, tbe wise and the unwise. Supper in excellent style was done ample justice to by all tbeguosts, professional and unprofessional; for the learned must eat, let (he world turn on Its axis or not, the oomet stretch its tali to tbe right, loft or right about race, and If tbe moon squint, wink oruuut its eyes completely, the beet guarantee alter all Tor a sound bead la a good stomach. The company dispersed at a late hour?the dark Southern brunette, the languid New York beauty, the robust Vermont girl, the sharp eyed fair Connecticut lassie, along with the gray beards and the born spectacles of their scientillc papas?all to tbe arms of Morpheus, part ts dress: oft^e cwl'i eccec'ri.- I,'! and the mill of t c moon, snd the other portion of young Dr. .Tones' high fmeneud, of Professor i'eabody'a amiaoio, and especially of his son'a sweet mustache So the world wsgi ?science and netBenpo, appetites and intellects, all miMled inske IjM ita touiL its ail a hash; as the Frenchman says, "von dam arshe, von ragout." bKCONP DAY'S PBOCKKPDSOS, ScRiMoratLP, Augiiat 4,1SXV9. tec associb'ios met in general session at ten eViock this morning, In the large lecture room of tbu City ?IaJ>?, President Alexander In the chair. The minutes of the last meeting wore read by the .Secretary and accepted. Tne namo? of several candidates for election w?e also read, and the gentlemen elected. Prortsror DrraioocK then announced that the Western Railroad Company had invited the members of the Association and inelr friends to make a free excursion to Anhrrat and back, and that the local Committee had doomed it well to accept it. The question of acceptance was submitted by the Presidont and unanimously carriod. The excursion party starts Saturday at twelve o'clock, and leaves at hair past five P. M. Mr. Joe. l.QviKiXG, the Secretary, then took the floor, and onuwn ed that all those mombera who had r.ot taken their otuCs of invitation for the ladies' levee of this evening would llnd them ut the local Poet Offce. The general mooting thoo adjourned to tbo next floor, where the members divided into two sections, denominated A and B, and assembled in diCbrcnt rooms. In section A, mathematics, physics and chemistry wore treated upon, Prof. B Slllitnan, Jr., betng permanent chairman,and Prof. William G. Peck, formerly of West Point, secretary, , The tiist paper on the programme was on the "Cir culation of the Ocean," by Capt. Chas. Wilkes, United States Navy. This nai>er was cot reod. Pror<??or Bache having left " the reading of his pa)>er, entitled "General Account or the Results of the Discussion of the Declinometer Ohaervations ma^e at Girard College, 1'hiladelpnia, between the years 1910 and 1843, with special rclerence to the Eleven Years 1'ornd," uc finished at the last meeting, at once commence 1 to read. The following la a correct abstract:? This is the first of a series of dlscussl'mi of the magnetic and meteorological observations made, under the direction o# 1'rof. Bache, at the Girard College, between the yeirsl840 and 1846,and published by order of the Senate, and refers to the ten or eleven yeara period in the amount of regular daily change In the position of the magnetis needle, and the disturbances to which thai change la liable. The method of discusalon Is similar to that pursued t>_\ QgMnl Sabine in hit discussion of the observations of the British magnetic observatories. The first btep is to separate the regular dally movement of the ncenlc from the disturbances. In effecting this the criterion or Professor Pcirce has been applied, so as to remove a'l arbitrary assumption from the discussion, the formula showing the limits of variations from the mean, beyond which the observations were to be classed as disturbnncts. Professor Bacho continued tbe reading of this paper, which time will not allow me to finish. the rest was equally aa abstruse and uninteresting to tho unscientific. This afternoon Professor Bache is reading a paper on the results of Observations for Tomperature at Van Re as sclacr harbor, North Greenland, made by the second Crlnnell expedition, under the command of Dr. E. K Kane, U. S. N. In section A a theory was explained by s young man, {hema^to'muiuT T&fi'nJme 5?i listened to with wrapt attention by the savants. In section B the tlrat paper In order was by Professor C. H. Hitchcock, on the " Marks of Ancient (.laclore in the Green Mountain range In Massachusetts." It was very lengthy, and the diagrams not only incomprehensible to the unlearned, but quite puzzling to several of the members. The second trea'lsc read was by Charles Whitelsey, on the " Drift Cavities or Potash Kettles of Wisconsin"? equally abstruse. These occupied the attention of this section in the mornling This afternoon papers are to be read on the occurrence of pot holes sormed by the drift agen< y?on a frczen deposit of modified drift?on the conglomerate near Niwport, R. I., with elongated pebbles and trans verse joints. In the department of natural history the subject is, Is Indian corn (tea mays), a native of three continents, like cotton and tobacco. This will be read to morrew, probably, by J. H. Gibbon. The hotels are all thronged. A groat many ladies are in tbe city. It is said that Springfield has always been in want of beans, there being about three hundred more y ouDg ladies than young men- Certainlv they ought not to complain now, when there are over one hundred beans additional here, if rot very young,still very gallant. To night the savants will h_va an opportunity to use their feet instead of their heads. The young ladles are very Impatient for tbe hour to arrive. It will probably bo a very handsome aCair, and superior, of course, in gayctv and fashion to tbe grand reception of Wednesday evening. It Is very hot here, probably owing to tne magnetic In flurDccof bo many brains in mutual contact. Every thing Is blaok republican hero. The dogs in the strcot seem to pay more attention to a block one of their fraternity than to one of a light color. Unssatirocloy's Influence Is truly grand. The attaches of the Tribune are Idolized. Democracy is nowhere?science and the almighty nigger go band in hand. I have never before wished I was a nleiror. If I was, I have no doubt that politeuerS, as experienced in this place, would be lor more preferable to me than at present. A very curious observance of the liquor law is carried out here. At restaurants all kinds of wines and malt liquors are sold openly, but no brandy, whiskey or gin. The Germans areue that lager bier is nit intoxicating, and the Springfield republicans that no kind of wines are so. Notwithstanding, 1 saw several ecceatric felt hata bobbing from one Bide or tbe street to the other as if there might be quite a singular motive power beneath them. Court of General Sessions. Before the Recorder. Aror?r4 ?The Grand Jury presented another batch of indictments to-day, and thelAseistant District Attorney succeeded in disposing of a number of prisoners. Charles Hnygen and John J. Mathews, whose trial for alleged grind larceny was commenced yesterday, were acquitted in consequence of witnesses for prosecution failing to positively Identify the accused. George Nelson, a bote) thief, was convicted of stealing two coats from the St. Nicholas Hotel. Ho was sent to tho 1'cnltcotiary for six months. Bridget Ragan was tried and convicted of grand larceny having stolen $60 in money from ber employer, J. D. Wilson. She was eentonced to Imprisonment in the .Stale pr!r~D for four yoass. Mary llcLane, Hannan Conner and Edward Owens; ware convi. ted for a similar r.lteiK p. ID Slcaliru S1GG in monov and a shawl fprm Inn fcVC'.ca*ey, nud were each seal to the sJuio prison tor two years. )..wrfi;c? Rogers, an old man, who has been repeatedly set to the Penitentiary, was jointly Indicted with t-'orge Richardson for stealing a roll cf tr.pcstry worth $J2. They pleaded guilty to print luafinj ill old man was sent to the Penitentiary for one ytft, and the young thief eight months to the same institution. John Hcary (colored hoy) was indicted for stealing a gold watcV. ni.'l chain from Emanuel Arbnlo. Ho pleaded g'.ilty to the mlror offence, and, in oonaidoratlon of bis yi.uih, he was sent to t >e Penitentiary for six months instead ot te the itate Prison. V.'Mmm Jackson, aiso Indloted for a similar offence, pleaded guilty to an. attempt at grand larceay. He waa senteccad to two veirs imprisonment in the Penitentiary. Samuel laue, a boy, ludieted fir burglary, pleaded gtilitv, anil was test to the House of Refuge. | William mui pby pleaded guilty to an attempt at burg'arv iu the itird degree, and was punished by imprisonI tuenv In the Penitentiary for one year. I Charles Chesaey, guilty of Debt larceny, wits Bent to the | tame lnstltotion for six months. I Hrdgct Donovan. ladlclsd for grand larceny, wisely pletidou guilty to the minor offence, aid was sent to the Penitentiary for sly months. Margaret Myers, guilty of an attempt at grand larceny, wan sent flvo months to the Penitentiary. Jobn Haley, Indicted fon an assault with intent to kill pleaded guilty to aatauli and battery. Ho was sentenced toou? year's Imprisonment In the Penitentiary. RfcntNOR.?A notorious ruffian, known in Southwester u Arkansas as "Jack Cade." was recently killed by n wrrto * ' ?o bimhtud he had shot. The widow atI t? 'h - <- ith a revolver and ltdged three bat's in btl . : v T'ulrb pasted thjough big Iwait, NEW YORK HERALD, Polity lj<ltl>lgt-|1Cf. Til* CAM OP Mk. Hymukk* Gskdmch.? In our lasoe of lut Tuesday on account ill published of the arrest of ?\r. By mint re Gtrtuir, of No, 8 Wail itnei, on a onirtt of w4vlee obtained 814,000 by of fraudulent reprceeb .'""00*' Since then the cuou baa been examined, and the Cw*r8? clammed aa utterly groundless and frtv clout. Mr. Gardner ta a highly respectable mere but, ard ia Justly looted upon ua a stiictly upright and bonoruble gentleman. He formerly reaidod in Button, where be bore a character e^ua.'^at ?i any other merchant there. Tie charge against 11,111 originated In a auit In which ho woa aucceaaful. Statc^'bhts similar to that embodied in tbe charge against Mr. 2. often creep ihto tbe coiumns of daily papers, owing to the mlschieroui representations of lawyers to reporters. PiHTvnun.i, II.?. * - * - i/in,..vl;U?A1 nTMPnSC UAflS J. I). McDougai, of No. 42 Water street, was brought before Justice Connolly on charge of false preteocjs, preferred agaiuat Mm by Waiter Burk, bis isle partner In business. Ttie compla nant in bis affidavit s'atea .bat ou the 20lb and iiiv uitluio be s*w au advertisement ill the Usualu Stating that s partner- was wanted, and directing the applicae to Inquire at the office or Chester B. Bo sei, No. 847 Broadway. Complainant bad been a seafaring man for a long time, and wishing to engage in some other occupation, thought be would answer the advertisement t question; that upon calling at the said number in Broad way be was introduced to McDougai as the person wh bad advertised for a partner. McDougai stated thai hi was engaged In the flour and grain business, and that be wanted a partner who oould put Ave hundred dollar I"t? the business with blm. Burk stated that b bad not then at bis command the required sum, but that he had 8400 that he could advance. Whereupon McDougai stated that he would loaa complainant 8100, so as to make op the 8500. to which he wouid add 85J0 more and deposit the entire sum In the Artisans' Bank. To this arrangement complainsnt agreed, and gave his note, dated July '*9, for the 8100 loan. Da the sttne day the partner proceeded to the Art'sans' B '-nk and there deposited 81,000 in the came of McDougai & Burk. On the 1st instant McDougai stated that he bad received a I of or frcm fronton. N. J., to the effect that he could buy 2,500 bushels of oats there on reaaouablo terms, and proposed that complainant should proceed tc Trcaton that after noon u we on want tor ail I be oats could bo bought. MzDougsl thou left the otUoe to go on 'Choice, u bo staled, promittng to retura in time f start by the tnree o'clock train m ntoreSkid. Uotnpiaianni further Bays that McDougal did not keep bis appointment, and mat be did not make his Apl**! kuce ut.;:! the folio wing day; complainant thtjn began >'> l*> a little ruspicoug, and on going te the Arttsaus' bank there learned that UcDougal had, >>u the ikt last., dicwn out g??0 Cl ihe 81,00? deposit. In MSCtaiOt complainant states that McUeugai bos not bought any grionoi produce with said money, and that ho pretends tie lit.: parted with the f 100 nolo for the ammiut of Its [ace. Deponent, therefore, says that he hi : reason to believe tbni Mi I ougal dia not want any piriusr in business, IL..I his pretences to that offer* were false and fraudulent, and made with intent to procure said money >t.i rote Irom complainant. The ro?Ristrata decided to commit the prisoner to the Tombs for examination. (Jkano Rl.w ov a.i Exccrson ? Yesterday murc'ng the itcamer H< p Van Winkle left this city for the Fishing ii?ikb wiui a loj-je uumocr 01 cxcuruomsls. Among tbe party there wore a number of "roughs'" who, immediately oo the boat's leaving the pier, commenced wrong ling among tbrr.i'oivea, and abusing the respectable portion t-t the excursion party. When near the Fishing Pucks the stonn commenced, and Immediately the cap ain of the boat beaded tor New York, which displeased he''icighs' very much, and they remonstrated with the captain claiming that tbey paid their money for a trip to the Bunks, and they wore determined not to be unrated. Ike captain replied hrf :! r, ; . . I to risk tits boat or the livs of his passengers to please any one, atttf that be sbouid not alter his course, when tbo rowdies commenced a general "free tight." Immooiatoiy the persons employed on the boat and a number of the pas-engcrs organize! tbemselves into a vigilance committoe, and in a abort time tbe rowdies were mustered, and the alleged leader of the belligerents, named Jeremiah Klynn, was coo lined In the bold. As the boat came back to tbo r ty Klynn managed to escape from confinement and jumped overboard, but was capturod again in a half crowned condition, end was, on tbe arrival of tbe boat at tbe city,conveyed to tbe First precinct station bouse and locked up on a charge of assault and battery. Luckily no one was seriously injured by the rowdies. TO TBE EDITOR OF TBE HERALD. [n this morning's Issue, in noticing the arrest of Louisa Worth for keeping a house of assignation in Fortieth street, you make a very Important error in stating her house to be No. 118. The numbers in the street are tomtwhat confused, and it so happens that tbore aro two houses each numbered 148, but neither of them is the residence of Louisa Worth. Her "establishment" is farther I down the street. JOSF.PH M SEE, 148 (old No.j, West Fortieth st. New York, August 4, I860. TO THE EDITOR OF TBE HERALD. N?w York, August 3,1859. Having noticed an article in several of the newspapers stating that I hod become bondsman for the proprietress of a "disorderly bouse in IVest Fortieth street," I wish, in justification to myself, to state that the same is untrue?I never having become bondsman for her, but only for the appearance of a witness. GEO. F. YAK BRUKI. City Intelligence. The Tax Cohiubmonem ?The difficulties in the Tax office are now settled,|lfr. Allen, the di*sentlng<mInorlty of uwcuug /vowiua; niw uw uui(oi((un?. xuo new appointment* were ratified, Mr. Allen voting neither 111 hence I clerks were yesterday aseigned'tholr duties, as follows:? IHt. fTardt. Drputits. Gloria. 1?1, 2, 3, S. T. licKlnney. R. S. Collins. 2?4, 7,10,13... Wm. P. Powers. J. L. Smith. 3? 6, 6, 8,14.... Isaac II. Pbyfe. E. J. Cad well. 4?0, 16 And. J.'CampbeU. J. F. Cleveland. ??li, 17 James J. Rielly. Rich'd N'ewklrk. 6?1 8 Richard Mott. T. R. Hubbard. 7?1 0 David Miller. John Contrail. 0?20 James Dennis. James Anderson. <)?21 Samuel R. Sm'th. Gregory Conner. 1C?12 Casper C. Chllds. J.S.Nye. 11?1 9 John V. Grtdloy. N. S. Husled. 12?2 2 Robt. C. Mclntyre. R. L. Linn. Tns Weather.?Yesterday was one of the most oppres sivcly hot days of the season, but in the afternoon and evening there was copious rain, with thunder and lightning accompaniaments. The rain, however, hardly sufficed to cool the atmosphere. This is our thermometrlcal record:? C A.M. 12 J1. SP. U. 6P.M. 18f 8?Augcrt 4 67 74 76 73 1869?August 4 74 87 89tf 78 Tie highest figure during the day was 91 degrees at 2:20 o'< lock; and at ten o'clock last evening, although the rain wua felling, a very good thermometer outside of the He raid Buildings marked 76 degrees. Fire is Bonn Street ?Between two and three o'cloSk on Thursday morning a fire broke out in the paint shop of Clegg, Graham & Clark, 266 South street The firemen were quickly at work, and put out the fire without damaging tho adjoining premises. The painters have an insurance on their stock of $800 in the Stuyvesmt Insuran e Company; the loss will amount to about $200. Tbe first floor is occupied by J.Miller, tin and coppersmith; stock damaged slightly by water. The lire is supposed to be tbo result of accident. 'Frtosiocs Assault.?Patrick Bear,nan was brought before Justice Kelly on a charge of having assaulted William Smithors with a kuile, cutting him severely in the left side. Soon after tbe affray Brannan lied to New Jersey, but returniug to the city yesterday, he fell into tne bends of tbe police and was committed for trial on charge sf assault with intent to kill. CouiTADfr Dismissed.?The complaint against Kasper Schneider for embezzlement, was dismissed by Justice Ouackenbush yrateruay, and the accused was discharge! from ail further attendance In the matter. Obi unary. Homce Mans, Professor of Antloch College, died at YoJlow Sji., Oho, on the 2d iast. Mr. Mann ?u formerly Secretary ol' tte MirsacbuseUs ftmrd of Elucalioo, and has aiso serve .' as Representative in Congress from tbe district formerly represented by John Qaincy Adams. Be left Massachuscas to assume the position of President of Antloch Celiege, which office he held until his death. Official inJsrmatlop of the following deaths in tbe naval service has been received at the Navy Department? James Carr, Mcrrimac, at Panama; Henry French, Merrlmac. at r?a; James Kennedy, St. Louis, at San Juan del Norte, Marine corps; Chas. Hartley, St. Mary's, at Panama. Pat in R.vvfov, an artist, ditd In Arltmgas a few days sg' . Be was a native of Oneida county, N. Y., nad about flfty two years of age. He was tbo companion oi Stephens, tbo traveller. accompanied him to the Holy Land, and trsced the sketches vrl.i'h added so much to the popularity of 1'iat traveller's production. Tit?. Stfamssip Huntkvill* Tlie f-re compa n>t of the city succeeded la fining this ship with water ut .in early hour on Saturday morning last, and a powerful stcrx pump has been procured and placed on board, viuivu, h ibbujp|uwu, wiuimiBBti me water uut w tu'j ilunit /tile to day. Tt : eari.0 wtil then be discharged, Mid the amount of Itju.-y tro r.kip may hare revived frem the Ore Kill then be attal table, the following la a more comp'et? list of the cargo than waa previously given:?COC bales upland cotton, ICO caa lea rice, 700 barr<.U ilotir, 1,017 bags wheat, 2,f36 water melons, 01 balesmerr.handtpe. 9" boats frait and vegetables, 1?,0 SsrXs rice flour, and 101 packages merchandise. The pieseagers havo generally gone Ncrth !? the steamships Ji?. AJger and Kej Pterin State, which left thia port on ;Sata.-3sy laet.?C.Wlt?im Jfcrcury, Au'jUt! 1. lai Dnoranr?The people of portions of the West arc suffering at the present time serious Inconveniences and loss from drought, hi portions of Kentucky, where the soil ia based upon limestone rocks fr^m una to three feet below the surface, tbe blue grass pastures, ordinarily so green and luxuriant, have tarced to a dull brown color, and would bum as readily aa frostbitten grass. In Indiana and Illinois the droughtnas afTectod several counties seriously, but it appears that rains of late have fallen In some of them pretty copiously, so that as much damage la not likely to bo felt as has already beon Buffered In Kentucky. In Maryland and Virginia some counties are already serionaly aflVcted. We see it stated that some corn fields have been given up to ptock, the owners despairing to make a crop. Tbe counties n.cst seriously Injured appoar to be Montgomery, In Wiry .and, and Alexandria and Fairfax, in Virglita, ftU uoar the Potomac, In ti o tuluilj ol Washington. FRIDAY, AUGUST Jgg I Oikcinnati Common Council on a Tair.?Th CUy Cvuacil of Clucinoall. wilb a uu i m ui imiu <?tnoti?, nuking alngtibor a parly 4 tin) per?,?n oca- ib ,t city on Monday u or nc? oo ? via.t t w?tv l? ib. . ' ?i?bia ana Baliimoro. i'ltUOUlf, 1'bium Fancy Ball at Old Poi^1 V^7h<;roat Pr0Para uudd *r? makun to lemler llila due 41 fntcM*innit-nw whirta bat b?*n gotten ui? m*5' ' I6?r* will ba i laryn allonoaocn torn K > >WU<1 *"* u i-bbig, u will an Not folic and Poi iamoatli. Dr. Mlng*i>rWtod, Kddf <b C ?.'* Loae."**1'* l??l iwjki, Kith I uu no 421. AO'tti-T "*? lo, 37, 64, 57, 45, 64, 42, 3d, 73, 3, 35, 30, CO. ? DlI-AWil- a, I L?HS ho 422 ALOL.VT 4. i?6? 23, 2G, 35, 54, 41, 32, 7, 40, 10 54, .57. C5, 8. ??0M11A. Clab? No 419. AUGUit 4 :?W. 43, 46, 10, 18, 62, 3, 22, 25, 6, 2*. 57, 41. uboaau. Clam tio. 42u, Kitka. ai-acat 4 18M HI Aft 17 K "> ' ? - av, M, 11>5 WOOD, KO"Y A 00.. WUntingtos, IV!. 1 he Dra?ii>iiii or the 8wmi OnuntT and Consolidated hwtery of De:a?are. FRANCE, BbOAI'JJRNTS 4. CO , MAIUOBSS. Tba I^RltMnre of the Htete of Delaware, at tta lact tenetou, bavins gtvrs to France, liniad brute A Co. * lottery oontraet for > wen> v icm, w? the urderilgsed, Comm eal.raere a. pointed by th- iJi vtrnnr of eaidttete, to eupertntiad tbe drawing of aid lottery do hereby certify that the folio a <ug are U.o Bum bora drawnlhle day ? Sot six Countt?Class No. Ill, August 4, 1869. 23, 30, 43, 39, 62, 18, 6.5, 9, 5, 59, 3T, 15. CONSOLIDATED LOITKJIT?CLASS fJ, AUGUST 4 I' 9. 12, 61, 31, 39, 13, 33, 18, 73, 34, 2>, 46 28. Wltaerr our bands at Wtlmlagtou, Del , tMs day (,T. u day). August 4, i860. JOHN PALI, ) JOHN W, WALKER, ) Commlagoners. ALFKII) R. WOOtTBN.S FRANCE, BROADBSNT8 k CO., W Umlngton, Del. | M'ad? Brothers' New Style of Photograph - ?e tvorytyoe I The ivorytype : 1 The Ivorytype ' I ! IH $10 $'4 $76. Old est&bllshmeDt 223 Broadway, near tba Astor Bouse. White, the Hatter, Is Staking a Clean Sweep of blssummer stock at era prices. The way they ris> caution Call toon. If you wbh good bargains, at US Broadway under Baruurn's kueeiue. Wheeler tk Wilson's Sewing plachlnes.? Office 606 Broadway, New York. The Best Spring Bed In Hxtstenee?Howe't Elliptic %t from $6 to S3, at 878 Broadway. Call and tea It. Strong and Ftavorjr Ten, One Dollar the f leet, at LT IbrlAfcbOIt'H. No. 1 Chamhere or SIR rt ?n vrtab Mreet. Peril Boot* and Shoe* Received per Steamer, by H!U*NK FhArsln. Snot maker, 81 Kuis'i street, be i-xten John and Fulton, west .lie. New V?rk Mllla Mil*/In Drawer*, At 67 and bV tt'tlllim itreet, one door north ot ttalden laue. (1*0. M. TBAC'J, Agent. T/ulsra, Elaatlt Stock In (f*, Shoulder Brace a, he iti, buidagei, A: OrUI OVKK'H lever truea. 4 Ann It. IT.iTeair.* UU* a full wkpltorthu ntraine oil ma now be had. (Mat, Last i?>n at i free Voot all lmportt'ea Al.fiva: -.., AgaaU. M feari week *. *. Cr1*tndoro'? Hair Dye, Wis* and Toupee*? I be beat in the worui, wholesale and retail, and the dye pri wcl/ applied a*, bo. G Antor Hone*. To Cloak, Shawl and Mantilla Maker*.? Fluting end plnv iug ai tne lowi ?t manufacturing prices at J. LoCKIlT, t.OH A CO '8, 251 Fulton atreet, Brooklyn, n..t?fcelor'a Hair Dye, Win and Toupee*, the brtt Id the wcohl, rurpaadn* all made. Bold and applied at the manufactory, 2M liroadaray. Rrptare cured by Mirih & Co,'? Radical -nre truss. They ataotkerp allc elaatlo atc-klrga far rarioose v-lac supporters and snou.der braeea. Instruments for de lormlties made to order. No. 3 Veeey atreet, Aator House, r ew Tort Bart; 'a Trtr?,<n?romr u the Beat and Cheap* -jet article for dreerfur. baeattMng. cleaning,.curling, preaerr a* and restoring the bair. ladies, try tt Bold by all drug *>*? _______________ Stanley at Cheta Dally ?Billiard and Cheea roama. No 149 Fulton atreM and No. S Ann atreet Billiard tablaa and trimmings for aale. The Lullci' Ready Made Iilnea Store, 98T Broadway, nearlwety all* street Ladiea' undergarments ex clualvely. Kennedy* Medical Dlmorery 1* Warranted to aore aerefule, a-yaipelaa. saltrteuae, aoald heed, uloerated ore lest For gala by all drugglalt. Brady'a Gallery has Removed from 399 Broadway to 643 Broadway, ooraer of Bleacher atreet Photograph!, daguerreotype* and ambrotypea. Geo. Sannden* Metallic Tablet Razor Strop. Tbia inimitable article may be obtained of ihe aole tarera J. A B. SaUNDKKS, No. 7 Aator liouee, and of the various agents throughout the city. Weed's Patent Family Sewing Machine* aw atrls. PrlflS ISO. Offiaa 477 Rrmulwh* Singer"* Sewing Hwhlnn Ace superior for *11 manufacturing purpose*. Are more desirable tor all kinds of family sewing. Are capable of doing a greater variety of work. Are perfectly simple and easily kept In order. Are much cheaper because they earn more money. Are just the machine for every family. I. M. SINOKB i CO., 458 Broadway. i muuuuin~ ?? Housloo street. Hotel acoommdStararwur. corner of '*n Holloway's Ointment.?Pains In the Back or limbs, stiff neck, rheumatism, rheumatic gout, neuralgia and tore throst, are cured by rubbing la this great antidote to diseases of the mueclee and nerves. Sold at 80 Maiden lane, Cllrebufih'e Ventilating Wigs, with his new imprt vsmente, defy detection. Style, material and work unequalled. Mo. 108 Broadway. Hill, Inimitable Hair Cutter; Dye SO cents, black or biowc. Depot Mo. 1 Barclay atreet; also sold a: 399 Broadway. ?? . Harried. Crow?Harris.? In Brooklyn, on Wednesday, August 3 by Rev. B. Goodseli, Thomas B. Ckosb to ELiZAitgrn Harris. Fabsonb?Moor*?In Columbia, Cal., on Sunday, June 12, by Kev. S. S. Harmon, Dr. M. W. Parsons, of Columbia, to Fmma E. Moors, fourth daughter of Wm. K. Moore, late of this city. Died. Blakx.?On Thursday, August 4, Anns, wife or David Blake, m the 44th year of her age. Her remains will be taken from her late residence, No. 141 East Eloventb street, to Calvary Cemetery, on Saturday. The friends of the family are requested to attend the funeral. I items ?In St. Louis, Mo., on Thursday, July 28, Jons H., infant ton of.). H. ana L. V. Deems, aged 7 months. Dosnkjt..?On Thursday, August 4, Euzarcib Dos.nkll, aged 92 years. The friends and rolatlvee are invited to attend the fune rai,from thores dence of Kobort Donnell, West Fifty fourth street, tbrco doors from the Ninth avenue, thia (Friday) afternoon, at two o'clock, without further notice. Duncan.?un Thursday, August 4, Aurkd Gcodlr Duncan, eon of Jam- a G. and Eii3abeth It. Duncan, aged 1J months snd 18 days. The relatives aau iriends of the family are respectfully Imited to attend the funeral, this (Fnday) afternoon, at one o'clock, from tbo residence ot his parents, No. 581 Sixth avenue. Prosk.?At Hoboktn, N. J., on Wednesday, August 3, Louis 1'. Fscnk, in the '-9th year of his age. Ilie relatives and lriendB of the family are rcapoctfully iovitcd to attend the funeral, from the residenco of his r.wru. No. 29 Irvioz place. Hobokcn. on Saturday after noon, at two o'clo't. Galuvx ?On Thursday afternoon, August 4, after a long and painful Illness, U-uigarst, w.fe of John Galller. ller relatives and fheo-ls, and those of her sens in law, Jamie and Thomas 1* Bnutillier, are respocifuiiy invited to attend the funeral, cn Saturday morning, at lea o'clock, from Calvary church, fourth avenue, corner of TwentyErst street. GiUK't'*.?On Voi 'ay, Ai gust 1, at his residence, In Greenwich street, of oilioos diarrhoea, John a. Giusoi-b, Sen*. His remains were taken to Wallkill, Orange county, for intcrmerl. Ham ?On Thursday morning, August 4, of consumptten, kksolas b. hast, aged 36 years, 8 months and 29 days. The frisn I" of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, fr?>a the residence of his motherda law, Rebecca Gracjer, widow of William Granger, this (Friday) afternoon, at two o'clock, from No. 126 East Fifty Dlnth street, without turther Invitation. Daykis.?On Xhiifiday, Aug cat 4, Bri'/Ctt Hatc-js, daughter o( Thouiaj and Bridget Hay don. natives of Balling last, county Wick low, Ireland, aged 4 years and a days. The funeral will take place from No. 29 Mulberry street, this (liiday) sliwroon, at two o'clock. Hob.?On Wodnesda; .August 3, HsuuS., lnfaru. daugh ter ct Richard M. and Mary 8. Hoe. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend h e fune ral, from the residence of bcr pa*eo?8 at T<?t ."farms, N. Y., this (fYidtiy) morning, at half put ten o'r'ook, with out father notice. Carnages will ine Uoriem boat thit itjrri! ' rrk ? ip. No* York a'. i> o'tli i a 41. J< ujigu ?Or: " mi-lay, \ 'Susi 4,lls>X\ n. JoHxat, aged 3f tan-, 9 mantlie ?uu It- dajs. The ts atiu iruaos u lie family .we respectfully ;ev , f. k GVU?.' r? : *r-v, ?> ? urn >aio residence, s?? Hi W??l Nlne'eent'-i iticoi, ihia (t-rldiv) afternoon, at "r t.V.cck, without furti_i-? invitation, t iic* n-iaiit r'Nu'e espy, K-ua ? l>n Wednesday, August a, Jan*, wife of Wlli:"u C Ku! ue, acativoof At alone, county Roecommon, [retard. and friend* of the family are respectfully ins,tail to attend tho funeral, at one o'clock this (Friday) *flerr.,>cn, from her late residence, No. 470 Ninth avenue, between thirty eighth and thirty ninth atreota. L*runia ?On Thursday, August 4, Thomas Lacohus, 1 native of Cestui, county ripnerary, Ireland. hi* brother .lame* and rolativca and fr .ends are re rpectfhlly requested to attend the funeral, from his lati ewtderce, No. ?fi Frankfort street, cornor of Itoee, tht (frlday) sRernoon, at two o'clock. Ij*ok* ?In tbta city, on Thursday, August 4, of cholori lU'antom, Fa??i*, only chill of William II. and Elsie Lei er, ?g< d 8 memos and 14 dayTj. the itinera! will ttke pine, on Saturday morning, at tei yelcck, fr^ta Ho-137 Vfc?t Thirty sisth nhreet. 9. Wedtc**.. _ * uue Christian res fnauoo, Mi*, i, wbtcL rbe Ix>re ? ud 11 mOO^Mj A*a* Oii> l? agH 6J yea*- 8 P. Lftd, and of her tier friends, tbute ol bur sou, .,t?d to attend the fun . ?ou 10 law, p. r surg. St, am id. * Tuoker, In win b ra', Irom the residence of C*pt P . o. Mua (Friday) Sireet. near third avmue, South Brooklyn, . 1 alu riinou, at two oViock. IJorpiukjv ?On Tbdradaf, August 4, IU*T MORnwos, Wife o( Hotwri tlornsoo. The friends ana re stives &. e rdspcctfuli/ invited to attend the funeral, from No. 27 Monroe street, Oa Salurdap nioinirp, at ten r'c'ock. I.oi tiunderrp (Ireland) papers please repp. Ouu.vuE ? On Thursday, August 4, Csonu* ooinvin, In tit? 65 b >iar et ble ago. He frienc s of the family are respectfully invited to atten4 ibe lunerai, Una (Pnda>) afternoon, at turoe o clock, from .'?? late residence, No. 147 Wyckull street, Bi-ooklyn, without furtt er no. ce. F> slab |mpe?? please copy. O'Hjuiorajv ?On Tt ireday, An rust 4, ITsrt, widow of the late Patrick O'Halioran, of Clare Car ! >, county C:aro, Ireland. The friends and asaoaintancrii ol tfco frn.ijy are res vet fully Invited to attend Ihe funeral, from her 4e rer'-ieare, , No ''Oo Caiumbif -irect, between Slate at.d AdauM; , str?v , Mb Brooklyn, this (Friday) a>ternooa. at tbr*w u wwc. ncr reuisiao will Uo take.. . > it a o* lai s ment. | Rbilly.?On Wednesday, August 3, at h a ielidei ss. No. . 600 Greenwich street, New York, Gakkct Seat, ?ged 4L years, a native of hobert*to?n, oouuty Me?tb, lieiaaa. Tne funeral will lake puce th s (Friday) afierr.ooa, at two o'clock, trom bis late residence, No. 600 Greenwich troet. Sunn ?On Tb irsday, August 4, 11a et young est daughter of Siuuey and Jane amitn, aged 2 tnontns ana 27 day slie and relatives of the family arc respectfully rnvit. d to attend the funeral, this (Friday) afurcoon, at (t o'clock, from the residence ol Ler parents, No. 147 oammoad street. Si'm.icstmct ?On Wednesday. August 3, Elixabxtb ft-EiKoeraH, relict of the late John Springsteen, (Revotuuonery soldier,) aged 98 years, 6 months and 23 days. The relatives and friends of the family, and the members ct the Bedford street Methodist Kpiscopal church, are respectfully invited to attend the runeral, at nine o'clock this (Friday) morning, from her late residence, No. 140 West Tenth street, corner of Hndson street. srixivan.?On Thursday, August 4, Job* Scllivam, of inflamnation of the lungs, aged 18 years, 7 months and 7 days. His friends and those of bis family?Timothy, John, Michael and Charles Bullivan?are Invited to attend the funeral, Irom bis late residence,No. 29 Vandcwater s'.roet, on Saturday aftornoon, at two o clock. Tkii'isR ?In Brooklyn, on Wednesday, August 3, Joearn 8., youngest sou of Jobu H. and Abby Jane Trlpier, aged 2 years and 7 months. The friends and relatives am respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral, th's (Friday) afternoon, a', four o'clock, Irom No. 386 Cumberland street, near Fulton avenua. Bridgeport papers please copy. Waiui ? In this city, on Sunday. July 31, of typhoid fever, Amiibew Jai'kho* Waxp, aged 20 years, 3 mouths and 13 days. Wallack.?On Wednesday, August 3, F>mt*n, w'fe of Alexander Wallace, formerly or Newtownforboa, county Longford, Ireland. rbe funeral will take placs from her late residence. No 269 East Fourteenth street, this (Friday) afternoon, at two o'clock. ~ K LL.AN E Ol! S. aLHaSt GIVEN AWAT. A Paper hangings, window abadea, carpets. 4c * Ice gold paper ?0 cents and fine latin paper 12 cent! per roll. 5,COO pair Of fine gold window shades $1 per pair Also, from auction, carpel*, oil cloth*, Ac., very cheap at COATK9, 314 Hudson street, above Mpring. AT JONES', 10 AND IS ANN STBBKT.-A NEW 8TTL1 of shoes and gaiters at only $2 60, warranted to give pet (oct saiisroctton; also at S3 to and 94 drea* boots that will it* prise everybody. a T hVEBDBI.L'B? WEJ> DING CARDS, NOTE} ?C3L These celebrated cords, splendidly engraved, can only >e had In Broadway, corner of Uaane street. Beautiful whiskbhs, luxubiant mustaches, torced to grew on the smoothest face, by my ongueal icetablish.-d 1652). within six weeks Irom the first application; it wilt not slam or Injure the skin; It acts only on the roots of the beard Prite 91. Sent by mail post 'ree. to any address. B. Q. OBaHAM, 109 Nassau st -ett, N. Linmisiur uiuin i uinuunarMU Duun t iaifa? / a new ?tyle, superseding frame*. n*Jl and aee them. JACOBS A JOHNSON, Practical Lithographer*, 371 Broadway. CORDIAL CCONAC BITTERS IMMKDI ATBLT M Here dlarrbcen, ague and bllkraa attack*. 8 STRUT FELD, sole importer. Mo. 70 N****u street, NewiYork, and f? ale by all drugglata, bar* and grocer le*. flORMS, BUNIONB, DISK A8II) HAILS, KNLARORVI meet of the great toe joint, cored without pain, *o that the boot can he worn Immediately after the operation .without the least Inconvenience to the patient by tr. ZAOHaRiJt, 760 Broadway. Refer* to the phyalotana and aurgeona of this city. El moticioso de nueta yobs, EL MOTICIOSO L)K MCEVA YORK. EL MOTICIOSO DE NURVA YORK, EL MOTICIOSO DE MUkYA YORK. OHLY SPANISH AMERICAN NEWSPAPER, ONLY SPANISH AMERICAN NEWSPAPER, ONLY SPANISH AMERICAN NEWSPAPER, ONLY SPANISH AMERICAN NEWSPAPER, FIRST NUMBER ON THE 11TH OF AWUUHT, FIRST NUMBER ON THE 12TH OF AUGUST, FIRST NUMBER ON THE 12TH OF AUGUST, PThW MTTUura tIV yne ! ,,I, 71V , n.imy thousands of specimen numbers issued. THOUSANDS OF SPECIMEN NUMBERS ISSUED. TBOU8ANDS OF SPECIMEN NUMBERS ISsDED. THOUSANDS OF ePECIMaN HUMBERS ISSUED. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR BUSINESS. be8t advertising medium for business. best advertising medium for business. best advertising medium for business. The NOTICIOSO de NUEVA YORK I* to be published under the auspices of ell the Spanish American Ml outer* in th'e country, and will be Issued six times a month, on steamer days, for Cuba and South America The first number will be distributed gratis In the United States, and In all the Spanish American countries, as specimen numbers Persons desiring to receive the specimen numbers, or that they shall be sent to their friends will please send, post paid, specimen numbers wiu nlrteix yyiSten. -to-the -ffdiior. lbs Spanish American Printing Company Published at the office of EL NOTICIOSO, 21 Ann street. New York. Harper a brothers, 327 to 336 Pearl street (Franklin square), Ne w York. Publish this da;: AMERICAN WIT AND HUMOR. Illustrated by J. McLena.v. Hvo, paper, 30c This rich and readable book lis gathered mainly from the Drawer of Harpers Magazine, it U the best living picture of the genial humor of the A met lean people The facts are furnished by wide awake, g:od-naturea, whole-souled fellows In every part of the United States, and in every department of social and public life. Its anecdotes are of the bench, bar and pulpit the parlor, shop and field; the stump, the Sena's and the sea. This Is a book for every bedy. and everv body will read It with zest It will do them good, like a medicine. It baa not a llze to offend the purest taste. And. ts a little nonsense, now and then la relished by the wise it men," the grave and reverend seniors w!T flrd the book is made for hem as well aa for the younger and the gay. THE life of jabkz bunting, d. d. With notices of contemporary persons and event*. By his son, Thomas Percival Bcmti.xo. Vol I. With a portrait '2mo muslin, $1. [From ths Athenmum ! A more charatAeiiatlc piece of biography seldom comes be fore us So lull, In truth, is it of traits and anecdotes as to be difficult to deal with. To condense anytidng like a connected narrative from ils pages is not possible. Aa a writer, Mr. Bunting Is sincere, unaffected III. The new edition of ADAM BKDK. A novel BY GEORGE ELIOT. llmo, muslin, 31. (From the Edlnburg Review for July, 1S59 J A book of more Intense and absorbing interest has not re freshed the reading world for years; nor one m which the useful and boly purpose of showing what a widespread wreck one careless sin may make, la oursued without tedious homilies, and combined with writing of such varied kinds?graphic, humorous and poetical-thaiTt is difficult to decide what ex tracts to give, for, to write out the passages worthy of note, would be almost to rewrite the entire volume. (From the Boston loirrier.] A bock which everybody will read sooner or later. | From the Newark Dally Advertieer j The most remarkable book of the times. HARPHR A BROTHER8 will send any of the above works by mall, postage paid (for any distance In the United States under 3 000 miles), oa receipt or the money. Hostettrr'8 celebrated stomach bitters lor the cure of dyspepsia, bodily weaknets, costivenesa, dysentery, or aay other derangement of the digestive organs me not approached by any other preparation, bold by all druggists. Principal depotlS and 13 Park row, New York. LADIFS, GO TO MILLER'S, SS7 CANAL STR1ET, beiote you go In the country and get a large supply of gaiter boot** and shoes, Indian rubber, Ac., for yourselves and children Store closes at 7# P. M PILES. PILES. PILES. What is ill How cured Tbonsanc't of persons have piles?suffer for years with the dlstaae?yet few know what It Is or hvw It Is cured, livery rate of pile*, whether manifested la the form of rise nal tumors, fie iiirnt bleedings, cr In violent Itcniog aid Irritation, depends eisecti'Jlv open.congestion of the abdominal venous circulation, this produces the engorgement, dilation of the velne. tormst'on of tumors, hemorrhages, pais and suffering; and the risesse can only be fundamentally cured by medicines which, taken Internally, rclere this abdominal venons congestion. lienor ointments, washes and even Injections are so ineffectual. HUMPHREYS' BOMEOPATHI'' FILM SPSC1FI0. a simple sugar pill. Ukes two or toree times per day. cores the disease by curing the condition upon wbiuh the disease depends Hundred* have been cured by it, evsa of the moat obmlnate eases. All will be promptly benefited by It Prloe SO cents a bos. M. P ?A full set of Humphreys' Homoepathic Specifies with book of directions and twenty remedies. In large threedisrbm vials and morocco case, f5; ditto, In plain case, $4; tamlly case of flftean bone and book, Iff. Tbs remedies by tha single box or full ease sent to any addicts by mail or express, Per. of eha-ge on re-elpt of the price. Addrtas lir. F. HLMPtiKKYS A Co., Mo 662 Broadway, New York. rSLMMRB 7 K A YKLLSR8 IMP ALL Y HO US* UQUOB, WOLFE'S SCHI&UAM AROMATIC SCHHAPP8 Is the pure tincture of juniper, dutllied Rom the besl barley t tat can be selected in Europe at aajrsoek It Is Savored not by the common hahsh berry, bat bythechoioe botanical vw r'?ty of tbe aromr.tlc Italtaa juniper berry, wboee more vlnasi extract is aiatllled and rectified with Ha spirituous solvent, and thus U becomes a concentrated tincture of exquisite Isvorsai aroma, altogether transcendent In Ha cordial and medians! ?ronil#tor haa submitted K to the whole atedlm! I Mtulij of theOnlted Huaea, Over three thousand sodome M | orer ihel? own denature*, to be the puree! alcoholic stimulant, ??* '"" Tb?J also speak of the grmt ?? they hevt me! wttb la Utelr prectfce In parol. font, ohroale rbe? <i?. , turn. obstmckmi of the kidneys, bhddar. to. Fereoaa tr^rct >'Dk In the Southern and Western States should always 'MT. . mpply on band an a prev entire neatest M M and t'.rtr an! -hauga of wuer. The phjaklan* la How Orleans -n,i gf k u*ula pretcribe It with (rent oortldenea In easea of fh_-iiri _ ? I- aeeo pi 'the purity ot the artlcla. w lock out ft>r the notinterfeh*and tTtttatlonat'ej. whoi. -- . try I. flooded wkb tsero wno" 00a" ?haZ? bf * <*?* md ntmn 6_ ] nSCTCLUKTEOCI. I f^OaMU NIDATION ?0 THN PUBLIC. . , We ejalD cell ibe ettentluo of the puui.j to the Uet t piece* ' - hoeTklletiH i LtflKetAO br./*AtJ1 Ml*. IblV . ''"'"ehi A t e'l tfrnu tMWiie, *roo?f*, wbolreala ?ir? {? "? t .. '* -?o cpo. e arj ?t?-*aibo?t which *L'*.n"rthte>>. hofth. c. -1h) to* rum* end duefc PUB between new York end lb* - . ji.u e jen be pur bete been tueCe ^ , ,ul!boiit Um United cbeetd to ewe ?liy. tewu eo<t nlle* ?J ,-S. eew torfc but bleu* H bee bteo but letely tntroouc 0f the article (he Inmtenee eelea nod eeurionlanteU e >C"' of.," Tbe? prove ike'H le dreervhig ifce ?it?nU n *1' til re ommefld U no pbiatdea wbo bee teeted e bat thv he * u Z ? . tie ??tl'J to gtrerel ute It lee pleeevot nude a 4 . bleto the team To fUilr t>e<laieieo* its lue'llita . ... .. arrvlbb a.elite >M the eou-ee el ibe ureet -ad tec. tloBi of the medtoel ffeterLkv wbub beta ?p. ?fc<l. HCSIKTTKB'S OIL*BRAT?D BTOK kOH BITTBBB, in JHM&2 AT d*ug~m"' ?"'TOiAJS??% IVkBTWHNBl. BVbHTWIlPN* kV?UYWFK*N. NVM&VWBKB1I. AVkKY WBKBB. fcYbttV WHkttN. AVbBTWBfcbK. AVABkWHKSE. BVKKTWHTHK. BVmtYWNKNB. BVekl WUJuit ever* which* EVXRT WHBRK. BTAHTwaaia. BVKATWBJtML H'BATWHEBN. BVeBYWHMB. IV.iveeeee XTMTWUBK. triKitiuu, BTOBTWBllUt iviaiwnia ^MTVHuk EVERYWHERE. ?\*RYWHiiS KYRRYWHEBB. RVEKYfrORB. ETBHTWIIBBE. ITlaYWHIlK KriKYvam* HOSTKTTKR'H CELEBRATED STOMACH* HaTERS***' tdraHitincQti K ill pufln HOfTATTKR'S CIIJCHRaTaD RTOKAOH BITTMBB. __ See advertisements in all papera. HOBTETTIR'8 0*L*BRAIRD 8TORA(;H HITTERS. Sea advertisements In all naneri HCFTSllER'S UtLtBKiIU) STOMACH BITTMBB. * N advertisements in all papers. HO f TETTER'8 CELKSRATKD STOMJC6 WTTBRA Bead the notleea of Use Preaa. HCBTBTTRK'B CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTUUL. Read the notioes of the Prem. alTTamm* EOSTilTKR'S C'KLkBKAlSD STOMACH BITTEBSL Read the notleea of the Preaa. IICSTET(IK t (lUSBaiTSli STOMACH BITTRJML Bead the notices of the Preaa Hot TETT ER'S CRLh BR aT*1> sTOM auH BITTERS. Bead the notices of the Preaa HOETKTTHR'S CELRBKaTKI) 8TOB * IB BITTBBB. Fiad oui where ihey are aoid H06TET1ER H CaLaBRaTKD hfOM.CU BITTERS. Find ont where they are aold. HOfcTETTfcK'a ITLlUiAttll KTOMaOH BITTKBL HC8TET TER'8CBIJBBITSU HT^OM ACHBITTRRS. HOSTKTTEB'8 CELEBBAT1D s'r^M A (TH'R!* MtS" HOSTEITKR'8 CELEBRATED HToMACH^rViiS6 "*L BOSTKTTBR'SOELEBRATHn^fri^T.i Find out where thev era raltL. HCBTETTMCB CELEBRATED Bl UM e OIIBI Crfc R8 Find out where thev era wiL. HCBTBTIEB'S CELEBRATED faToM AL B K!TTERA Find out wnere they era eom. HOBTBTTIR'S CELEBRATED BtOMeCH HltTERR Find out where I bey era nit, H-JSTKTTER'8 CELEBRATED bTUMAOH BITi?rr. FOB BALE AT DRUGQIBTB', O ROGERS' AJTD EVERYWHERE. EVERY W HKmK. EVERT where. EVERT WHERE. EVERYWHERE. EVERYWHERE. EVERT WHERE. EVERT WHERE. EVERYWHERE. EVERYWHERE. ever f where. everywhere. EVERYWHERE. EVERYWHERE. EVERYWHERE. everywhere. everywhere. evert where. everywhere: everywhere, everywhere: every w herb, everywhere: everywhere EVERYWHERE EVERYWHERE. EVERY WHERF.. "???. EVERYWHERE, everywhere HOBTETTIR'B CRLBBRATED BTOBATB HTTTaaa * FOR BALE AT DRUGGISTS'. UROCERd' AMD 6tOiU??6^g6**go^??oiU??o#^^^l lilTTKBS. annus. aimsa. B riTKtg. *rrraam, CAW BK PURCHABAD AT IBS FOLLOWTNfl WHOLKdAL* HOUHBO: BARNK8 A FAKK -Woe. 13 And 16 p>*4 F. C. WALL* A CO No. 116 FVinHaafe?7' HKORMaN a CO Wo. 161 Bro?dir?T^ A. M. BINIRGRA A CO ?" - HEGRMaN A CO No. 10 Aitor HouSZ* Wo. 417 ISroAdwAT WARD, CLOB* A CO No. 16 FrttonMrSf* WAND A LKWIB No. 10 Old ?U|T^ B M AAA. WBITLOCK A CO..No 18 Brekmia ibNA. PKNFULD. PaRKAR A MOWfcB.Mo. 16 Beekmu SitS" PRIOR, HOL OMB A CO No. 216FuHoiibIiIma 8TEBB1N8, MORGAN A ALLAN. .No. 46 C'lffSroeL^ J.B. HAZARD No. 121 MaJdenluieL J. A. TaKKANT A CO Corner Waztod nod HALL. DIXON & CO No 149 Chembm?5^. A. B. a D. SA.B US A OO..........Corner Fulton End WHEELER A HART M. L M AR8H A BON No. 280 Ore?",hX*. CARLE A 8TR?NQ No. A3 ?ST?iwi * ThOMnS A FULLER No. 209F^m^SSL 11 ALL, BUCKLS A CO. .JNo. 216 Greenwlch* LA*. ATBK5 A BOAGLAHD No 68 Peirl treet cusf, GALE A BOBBINS. No 186 Greenwich iM John F. TBIPPK. Ho. 90 Wen-enWreeA^ MrE RsSON A BOBBINS No. 91 Pulton itreetT UaRRaL, RI8LKY A KITCHEN. .Cor BatcIat ud dim. wlch AtreetA Dt DLET A 8TOFFORD* ..Ho 69 tfsckinui street. 8. K. VAN DWTKB A CO No. 198 GreenwlohZreA B. A. FAHNETTOOK, HALL A OO.No. 51 Cliff iVreetT H. B. HAYDOCK . No 39 Greecwlch AreL JAB. P. TRIPP*. No 71 Warren etreet W.THAYKB...: No. 319 PeAilitreetT H. NOT* No 23 Fulton etreet J. R. INGRStOlL No 34 BtttiuaiMB. J. T. BBOKWITH No. 252 GreenvricKre^ W. V. CR1B8EY A CO No. 256 Greenwich strand 8. ELLISON ...... . .... . . No 60 WllilinutraaA RICHARDSON A McLEQD Wo. 106 it Aide nUnST" RETAIL HOUSES. 11EGKMAN A CO No. 399 Broadway. E LCPDY No. 6(9 Broadway. DRLLUC A CO No. 635 Broadway. RCSHTON No. 417 Bro&lwar. HKGEHAN A CO No. 511 Broadway. JOI1N MBaKIM No. 679 Broadway. L. GRaUMANN No. 691 Brotdinr. J. A 1. OODDINGTON No. 745 BroadwaE H EG EM AN k CO No 756 Broidwav. B. A B. SGHWIN Wo. 811 Broad war THOMAS N. ORKF.N No. 862 Brotdvray KWKN MwiNTYRE Wo. 874 Bt*dw L. H. DURKIN No. 966 Broadway. B3KDPEN A NKEKGAA3D Cor. 2Sth ,t A Pi ulnM J W. PRIOR A CO No. 1.072 Bro*dwAr. BRAMBLE Wo. 1,009 Rroedwiy. CHAB. SMITH .Cor. O.OAl AliuVifc O. .1. BTRARNB. .Wo. 430 Cut] iom. JOHN aTKIWS. Jr.... No. 20H Hudson vtreai R. B. NEWMAN. .No. 303 Hudson streeC P. B. KHAPP Mo. SttOiKlior. slieeC L. A. BOALLEY Mo. 463 Hudson (treat. T. CHAMBERS No. 376 Hudson street. a. TAYLOR No iO Eighth arena*. L. A. HO ALLEY N->. 91 Rjgfc h avenue. J. LANG8TAFF.. ? ...No. 142 kighLh avenue. J. CONI>IE Wo. 156 eighth avenue. F. H. LOSS. No. 223 (ugh", avenue. W. SIMPSON No. 272 Eighth avenue. ALFRKO MASON Mo. 263 Eighth avenue. Z\ J. PRIOR A fcOM No 301 Eighth evens* CAMPBELL Cor. Mb ar. and 2.1b s?. BUSIED No 4St higtlh avenue. SIT JAB No. 461 hlgb-h r.7?noe. KLWA&D FLINT No Ninth avenue. A. H'JGAFT Nc. lid Math i venue. P. BEYFACE Na ?58 Ninth avenue. GALEN HUNTER No. 114 Sixth avenue WILLIAM N. GILES No. 189 Sixth avenue. GEO. W D3 LA YERilME No. 138 Sixth noe. A. M. CONKLIN ,n*S*^ZZ\^ JAMES A TTLFORD .. .No. )0 Fcurth avenue. GEO. W. DE LA VERGWE. Oor. 8HKPPLN A OFERQAARD JOHN B. PIERCE *?. K h/jowm .:SS: EM L IAOM A OO H. H. DECK 1 v : p. l. taPMAN A CO Jo. 81 Bleacher street, , DI1 *nTT()N... 2 ftFourth tuprinft. ci.A?* * BWWICS felfenkn. JOHN H. SKfDU 402 '-tannd straet r. h, YaDHAN k 00 .....36C Fvtutliaraci* BROOKLYN. ORO. * CLOPS .ICS Pulton street 1.. B. BRICK, ...27 Junto street. ARB. HAYK8 17 S Pniton styset. GE.O. P. M1LSJS 247 IV.tau street. J. W ORTH1N uTOB Coiitr ol Pulton kad P1/ apple Streets. DICK 1 BSC N . Xorthesa'. comes of At and Atlantic (tree* C. Q. GRERN Southeast corner of P iaB aad Atlantic Ur%r u 9 UK. HUBBARD MS Atlantic street. ' L. k 8. FGOOr.BA 109 Atlaa'ic >tree> LKAVKN WORTH IS Court atreet. R. J. PAVIKB Corner of F?y ? irf-ste*. Boe'eiter'a eeletrsted Btcmttcli Bitteia eoM -.'t-j Uirnrafc .the orM, t-r.'-Mt: vU "t>: BOSTHtTRK ' V iat?