Newspaper Page Text
th: WHOLE SO. 837.r>. rile IRIBtt IT IIILIF1X. THBEE DiYS LITER NEWS FROM El'ROPB. HIGHLY IJITERESTPIG INTELLIGENCE The French Army and Navy to be Reduced to a Peace Footing. Hopes in Enrope of a Long PflOOfi. Sardiuia to be Represented at tbe Zurich Conference* Abdication of the Grand Duke of Tuscany and Rffu&al of the People to Allow tbe Duke of M'jdena to Return. IMPORTANT REFORMS IN AUSTRIA. 1MPR0V?MENT IN COrrON, fee., fee., Ae. Tbe Punar 1 steamship Art ,ua Oapt. Stone, from liverpool at ien o'clock on the morning or the 30tault., arrived at H?lltux at 2 30 P. it. on Tuesday, and the horao express retched 3*ctvtlle, N. B , her Deng at an < >!} bom yesterday momirg. The new* by the Arabia is of an interesting nit ire, tho gb not particularly Important. the Emperor Napo.oon had dec.dei that the French army id' navy tbould be restore* to a pe .ee footing with tho the least possible deity. He was general./ regarded as, an l bis intentions were considered paciQc. Tbe Zurich "onfe rente had not yet been held. Tae Engi-sb Ministry b*J announced thai they would not ac sent an invitation to tend a plenipotentiary to a European Congress until tbe result of the Zurich (onference is known. lauds John Russell and Pslmsrston had made important srr.cbes 'n Parliament on Europe so affairs. They ad mHt. d that England had acted as the medium for con veyir.g terms from France to Austria, but said that la doirg so she did not en '.O'se thorn Tbe ?ubj< ct of the national defenc ts had also been debaled, and ibe speeches on the government side ex I l? i'til UO :u . Kt.i.-JD t < v!(f>r-JO?:y H.-O-jH-ftH til ! WO-k* The. Pa'lt Vontftur's announcementof tba dtaarnutnent mu-cd buoyancy oa tbc 3ourse, and the rentes advance 1 oo" ptr cent, b it the rise iu subsequently pa -f all/ lost, the ctog.og 'lloUtiou uo Frldty be ng 68.'. 46c. rbe -ardioian plenipotentiary to toe Zurich Conference bed reached Pa if. Italy was comparatively quiet, and the accounts there(rum are o! a more peaceful character. Tt Iumdou Herald eaye that the firma'ion of a coast Uleg apb around Kogland has been suggested by a circular, more particularly addressed to the sbippug into reels. The coming loan for In Ha wis cot expected to exceed six or (even millions sterling. Mr. Pen Broeck's American horse ttrbe won the tare 101 the Gooawood stakes against a held of seventeen competi'O'S The Grodwood c Jp was won wsh the greatest ease by, the American corse Prioress coni ng in third. the bounties to s^amon b*l b-en slightly reduced, and tbo syeuci extended to September 30. Til j trails from Calcutta if June 17, Hong Kong of Jane 4, am? Melbourne oi May 19, had reach-d Marseilles. The Dane bad been teiegrapnod, but was of an unimportant description. The steamship Vanderbilt, from N'ew York, arrived at Southampton at eight o'clock ou the morning of tbe 27in Tbo steamship City of Butim'ire, from .Mow York, retched Quecnstoirn at 6 A U. of the 27tb, and L'verpaoi tbo following morning. The steamship Bavaria arrived at Southampton on tie mornlcg of the 29'h. The ktranu-op City of Manchester 5ef? Qieensto ?n for Kew York on the 29:b. The United States slop of war Plymouth left Plymouth, Kngiind, on the 26th for Brest. THE CONFERENCE AT ZURICH. The daxs for tbe Zurich Conference was not yot ilxcJ, hut it wa? ?xpoc'ed to meet in a few days. Count Co Jorelo, the representative of Austria, reached Marseilles on the 27th, and it is Bi'd protected direct for /Air sen. THE TREATY OP VILLA FRANCA TN THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. Tbe Parliamentary proceedings on tie 27th wore uniro. per fant On the 28th, in the House of Comains, Lord C. Pig?1, said experiments wore progressing to test the praclioa hility of laying a submarlse telegraph tc Gibraltar. Lord John Russell made his statement relative to foreign affaire. He would havo postp jaed it if there had boon airy prospect of being able to announce a definite settle meat of the uE"?.rs of the Continent before tbe approaching close of tho session. lie was g'a l to soo In the .!/inlUnr that the Emperor of iVonoe had determined to place the n -my and navy on a peace footing. After reviewing th-grounds of peace as proclaimed by the two Emperors, ho said that as England did not interfere in the war, ho did not think it w?s for her to interfere in the peace. Too st criffco of a province by Anuria did not affect the state of affairs of Europe sufficiently to warrant tbe .nterferenceof tho neutral Foe urn. Tbe most important part of the treaty, however, related to the future of Italy, and the invitation of th Empei or Xapalenn to England to enter the Cvngrtss, tvat to tumult on the actual state of affairs of Italy, quite irrespective of the terns of the treaty of Villa fr&ftcu r.Dgiaau ma noi consented w join thi OOBgMBh, and would not, uatn tbey bb.w wait would be the result of tbc Cbnfertnce at Zurich Tbe treaty of V ilafra;;:i did InoMsy c'owl absolutely an Kalian Confederation, but on!y that the Emperors \\~uid unite to promote ono He doubte>l the. feasibility or 'bo benefit of a Confederation at pn.? en'., and pointed out tho ^ar'ous oigtabea tothoousmn ination ot audi project. Again England must know how It wan proposed to carry out the treaty bofore joining the Congress, especially with reepest to the restoration of the Dukes of Tuscany and Ms Jena, as England uxuld ri'wr he a party to farcing them on their pritplv ivithcut their free foment. Bo rejoicod to Bay that the King of NapltB was beginning to put an end to the (system which prevailed under toe Into King, and Bin certly desired to terminate it altogether. Tliero was a treaty about to be mado ul Vienna, whither a conliden'ia'. agent of the Froncb government had goue to arrange the burls. He believed that the Emperor of Austria dciiter <bat the Italians fshniild have Belt government. He coul cot now nay whether there would be a Congress, but h s thought it would not become England now to say that Bitoo would withdraw from such an assembly if there wai k chance of promoting tho liberty of Italy and cstiblirtiing the pmaoo of Europe. Mr. Diwaeli expressed the wish that Lord John Rue eed bad been more explicit, particularly ar, to any terms that may hevo been ofibred Austria by tho neutral l'owrre. Be reiterated his objection to England having anythirg to do with the Conference, as oho would thereby be botiid by the trAiity of Villsdranca. Irsrd I'almerslon durod that Englaiel had submitted liny tor m i to Austria witch wero Job favorarde than Uv-e obtained from l'r*.,ee. Tho government, at tho requestor the French Ambassador, had consented to bo the Ob-teed of communication, and bad eubmttwN to mo terms t A nair's. hut at the same V uic distinctly elating <S?"7 were the views or the Krenoh government, and that Koglat. ? guv no advice or opinion in the muter. D would bo m i poHIMe for the gomnmcat u> join tn tho Congrogs until I J E NE Mr. Whiteatde sal.l that the prcrca'nt had been made a catrpaw of, and b? trautmfiog te'oa 13 Ao?t't? virtually tweeted to item. Mr. Qladmne eulogi/* j the eontuot Cf Sardinia; defended Lord Pa'^erston from the m ?roprea?Btaik>a brought Jgii^d him, and besought the Boom do*, to niter fere betvton the executive m whatever meaaurea it ma^ni 5n l .tsrif ,hi# to adopt for the nlsreat of It\!j and the VirmuK'ot welfare of Europe After speeches bp other members, the B'ibject was thin dropped. THE NATIONAL DEFENCES OF ENGLAND. On the 29th, in the proceeding* m the Bouae of Ootnmoos, aoDdry <1 leeibne were put to the government oo the subject of naTal armaments and national defences. J-ord Palmtrrton said that ho did n't think it fiastible for England to enUr into an agrrenrnt ivith thr oJVr J'ouitrt for ike arithmetical r?luc'.i m of her mtliU y ivl ural utablnhmetes, her poritvm being iota Kg afferent. Mr. H3rs"*m*D moved a resolution that the expenses of completing the work* oI defence he met by a fund spuclally provided for the purpose, Independent o'Pariiimentary voter Me urged continued armaments, an I sag gestei a loan t? complete the dcfeicts. Mr. H.idnev fWhert and lor I Paltneratoo objected to the proposition, but both soli the governtncot ??? fully alive to the importance of comp'ei'ng the dcfeocca of the country, and promised vigorous action in the matter. Mr. Cobden deprecated this Irrational a1 arm aa an actual Incentive to w?r, and ridiculed lac idea of invasion by Frame, lie hoped that explanation* would be entered into between the two governments. After such explanation* had been made and tried, he would, if hciseary, be reefy to vote two hundred millions of pounds to provide e navy superior to France, although he mired that the Saglith navy was greatly superior to il now Mr. Hoittmac s motion was rejected by 87 map;,!/. INTERESTING FROM FRANCE. tb". Monit'itr of the 2*th contains the oili ,nl aaoiuoiencec: that the Kmperor \u .lecilci ?\if ths a'my aui nicy shillbt rciUT'd to a pruor fouling with the least possi Me delay. It is stated that as soon as the troops have returned to France aad renamed the!* previous ivierters great Dumber* of temporary farlosgbs Wiil be granted, which will afterwards be made del!rtive for ail thooe men who navo twelve or e (lateen mou'hs toaervs The Administration of Marine is Bi d to hive received the neceerary instructions tor preparing the deftatttre discharge of all sailors who, having already so-ved six y ea*s, have been called to join the .net wfchiu tue last six months. The tendon 7s'm*.r, in a loader on the pro,>r??i French disarmament says:?We recognise ia this disarmament the sigao !y cf the Eai"?ror in gnsgiog the temper of fcn people, and for our own part we rejoice tnat wc roiy co w rnfutn to security aad peine. We shall, of course, In lue time follow the example of our neighbors. 'lhe London Dai'y tfewi thinks that the execution of the proposed in* win-* would he a most valuable p'edga for the peace of the world, an l says the will be accepted with cindor. The London Port siys general con(5fence m ist be excitcd throughout Europo, an i a long sad uo peace is to be. hoped for. Prior to the announcement of a disarmament the Paris correspondence was filled with conjectures as to the war like clesigCBOi Fravce, partic liarly in regard to England and many absurd statements wore mads. One wri;-r rayc?''Orders have been seat from Pa-Is to expedite the 'departure of the Freeh troops from Italy. Of the hundred and twen.y thousand m;n in the north of Italy, a.x'.v tnousaua were to he soot to susa an t ueaoi by ra 1, at the rateof thirty Are tondred per day. Tbete are to be In Paris on or before the 14th of August, and after the Emperor'*fcli the Rhine is their destitution, ia order t > rhow Germany the rapidity with which French troops can be moved Cron the sceoe of victories in the so ith to fresh enterprises, if necessary, in the north." It was still r umored that the Emperor contemplated a vie!t to London, hot It was not generally credited. A cainp of 80,CCQ men was beug formed at St. near Paris. The iftmiteur'i announcement of the projected disarmament caused great excitement, and a rise of jne per cea oa the Bourse. Ibis, however, wm subsequently nearly ! h?:f Ion. the renter closed oa the 2'iib at 68f. 45 ;. IMPORTANT FROM AUSTRIA. The Vienna correspondent of the London Timet says that it nu generally believed thai a deputation, witn tbe brin-ie Nspoleon at their bead, would shortly arrive to t.-ke tbe remains of the Duke do Reichsladt to Franco. rbe correspondence of tbe Indrpendance Brly (hue 'peak* of tue projects of refirm entortaised by the 11m pcror of Austria:?"AH tbe provincial councils of tbe en pire are to be convoked simultaneously, In order to an swer a series of questions oo the amelioration whicb taey may think nectf.tary to too internal government of the Slates, especially in tho provincial orgtnir.idon The Counts ??iV. Mod complete liberty in IVii* iUW)-ra tuns, and may mike known openly x-nl sincerely t> tin Emperor the wants and withes uf the pipulMms Important financial ant) military reforms a?e likewise projected.'' ffce Austr'aa War Department ha* doc ded that the '.Pet army sbali be Maloiaiuod at present on a war looting Its effective Strength is estimated at 210,000 men. 7h; other corps are on their march to their formjr cantonmenu is (1 Alicia and Hungary. INTERESTING FROM ITALY. The Oft'tial 1' edtnoctese Oatst'.i pu rushes a circular of the Minister of the Interior to the Governors and Inleo.ants Oenrra!, which sa>3 tbo change of Cabiaet doea not produce any serious variation in the character of the policy of Sardinia. The new Ministry will cuotiouo to favor as largely as possible the develop Jtneut of tbo great principles which are the bases of public right. The Minis ter goes on to ack support in trarqniiizing the discouraged minis, la strengthening the bel.ef in the rights to liberty, and In preparing the sznoxed provinces for liberal instltu lions. !he circular concludes by promising reform m the extension of commercial and provincial liberty. Preparations were being made at Milan for a grand i'lnmiiiatlon, to t ike place on the arrival of the King of Sardinia, who is expected in a few days to visit his new Lombard? capital. Chevalier FarslM, Governor of Modern, hie, by order of the King of Sardinia, withdrawn Dora Sardinian authority and published a pro llama',ion, in wnich he remits the government to the municipal members, ihi populace asrembbd in cra>udt and proclaimed t\e munici]w.H!y by acclamation the dictators of the country. Chevaiier Karrtni accepted a provisional regency to maintain public order and reunite the repre sentatne Assembly or Modona, which is to pronounce on the future settlement of tho country. The result of ton deliberations on 'he question of anrum ig TUa.iri'j v:>'h PUdmcn'. has been made know from arte hundred ana jorty one placer, including Leghorn and Finance. The result thaws 839 affirmative against 15 ?itoative volts. The abdication of the Grand Duke of fus-iiny in favor of hi? son is officially confirmed. Tho Nord denies that any French troops are to occupy tho duchies. Thorn who are at Romo will romalu for tbr present whore tbey arc. No a hero else will there bo uuy intervention inlta'y. The Tendon Times quotes a letter from Milan, Which plates that the cx.remo party is beginulrg to agitate, an! that it is possibio Vcnetia msy rise in insurrection. A letter from the Valtelline sayB, that on hearing of the preliminaries to tho peaco, Garibaldi offjrod tbe resignation of himself and all h 8 officers to the King of Sard)cia, but that to refused them. Tto government of the Rumagoa had adopted the code Napoleon. SPAIN. The recent conspiracy at Seville was of a ropublijsn character, and had ramifications at liircolona, CranaiU and Santandcr. The conspire wore to have met od a given day tn the Plaeo del' gue, evi'ls, to oamtu.otioo the insurrection, but bo<'>-< that Do 0 taelve or f. urteen of them wore arrcstc , .d tho plv o upie". tte j The Madrid (laser -tllclally aanuunois wM to Q.eeo | of Spain is in the 't. month of pre - .?nry. INDIA, ' UJNA AND \U3TR.\(.TA. The India,0-i n?and Au?tr 'i n- - . . up' VfarselUes j on the 2Sth. ie dot's ar*j.~ ?!;Ms, Jcua IT; Hung ! Kong, Jour *; id iie"- nrne, May 1 | fhe (,'alnutU -i hi-ice u -.ikon woro l. n".In., erts i d,ML Exchange la. tw% i. | At lieu ? bong r. .rge was -.c :0>; l. a is. lid. W YO MOUNlK'tJ EDITION?THUl .( r | Thaw t"? wit a elite tad higher. Imports | Jul'? '."labisce t* 2d a ft 3d. At .-iinguae tea waa doll. Impcr't quiet. SilK riatbcr dearer. fcxeharge ?a. 8i. From Sagairore ti is ttated that. tin in^a')ltio*t at Baa fccinitbiui kid rlten, and murdool uta- '> aver; Europetn. At VelbO'irce produce was dull and Ixpirtt adtlve. Exchange 1,', a 2 per cent premium. There tu great excltemeot at U <lbiurne through the Cbli>~te refuting to pay the retldeuu' tax, atad number a had bean arretted. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Carre o Cood Hooe dates are to Jul* 21. Several ahlp wrecks, attended with k>?a of llfo, had occurred oo mo South Aft loan c >ud, but no American vessel* are men tk>C9d. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. LONDON MO.NSV MAKKOT. The 7/wxlon meuey mar Wei was nightly more a triage ul wi h an mci eased demand. Contois closed on Frway at 945a a 9&,*? for account. Tbe bullion to the Bask of KogUnd hid decreased ?238 (00 Messrs. Baring Brothers quote bar s;lvtr at 5s. 2>^a.; dollars, to. 1 l?d.; eagles, 76*. 4d. a?>BI< AN NtlTKinlH. Rarmf flrcihers re|K>rt a limited business at previous rates In Bute sleeks, and an Improved demand for railroad bonds?Panama railroad bonds beng In large speculative inqn'ry, while In other descriptions transactions were small. Tbe London Titles of Friday reports sales of Now York Cvbtral sbares at a considerable decline?v z: 68; and of Pennsylvania Central second mortgage bonds at 95. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. The sales of cotton in tbe L'verpool market for the wcik added up 83 400 bales, of which 5,500 were to speculators Bad 8,000 to exporters, tbe market closing with a goeddenmd, causing holders to demand ao advance of ?,d.; but tbia was only part'aliy obtained, maktag the week's advance on the liner qualities very trilliog, while for tbe Infer'or ones the quotations were barely maintained. Holders offered freely, but showed no disposition to press sales. Tne sales of Friday amounted to 8,000 bales, of which 1,800 were on speculation aud for expert Tbe mnrke! closed q-.iet but steady at the following authorized quotations ? #htr. Middling. New Orleans ,81? 7 3 io Mobile 7^ 7^ Upland 7 7 The stock In port was 876,flf0 bales, of which 807,500 were American. Si'ATE OK TRAPE IN MANCHESTER. She advices from Manchester were favorable, and tbe of g'wli and yarns had advanced. Tne marke | closed buoysut sml active ?LIVERPOOL BREADkTPFFS MARKET. The L'verot.ol breadstuff* market was du 1. Messrs Kicbsrdeon, Spence ft Co. report the harvest prospects favorable. Flour very dull acd nominally unchanged; Amrrlcan, 10s. a 12s. 3d. Wheat dull at Tuesday's lmprevmint: Western red, 7s. 6d. a 9s. 43.; ditto white, 9^. fid. Corn dull: European offerel at a slight reduction; mixed ar.d yellow American, 5s lOd. a 5s. 3J.; wh.te, 7s a 7s 9d. LIVKHPOOL PROVISION MAItKET. Miffrs. BgUnd, AthyaftCc, Sithardsoo, Spence ft Co , Jjunes Mcienry and others report:? Beef h??vy aad all descriptions slightly lower, but with more doing Pork dull and quotations ?. tninal Bacon heavy and slightly lower. Lard dull but steady at fi3s. a 51s. for gool reTo ii.m .1. .ur ,.1' ,,l.i I>.|? n,i.A> Tt.i,/.h trs' Association, 64s 60. a 568. LLVEaTOOL PRODUCE MARKET. Tho Brokers' Circular reporis arhes stealy ai 27s. a 27s 6a fer pols and 29s 6d. for pear g. Sugar qalet, hut firm. Coffee .<|oiet. Rice s'ca'y. Tea firm; Congou warded at 1b 3>,<1. Fi?b ods glov of gab, but prices unaltered. Linseed oil dull at 2?s. a 29s. 61 Ros'n dull; common 3? 81. a 38. 14. Amjrban tor Us. a 14t. 64 Spill's turpentine dull, anl considerably lower; gales at 36s. a 33s , the market clos ng with holders deoixndiu< au advance. LONDON' MARKETS. Messrs. Baring Brothers' circular reports that the mar net for wheat ->pf ned early 'n the week wi'h a slight ad venue, but closed with quotation* barely maintained. Iron firm at ?6 5b. a ?6 10s. for rat's, and ?6 a ?4 6s for bars; pig steady a'. 63s. bd. a 633. 6d. Sopor quiet. Coffee steady. Ri e quiet. Spirits turpentine heavy am! slightly lower; sties at 38?. a37s. on the spot, and 368. to arrive. K:sb oils quiet; linseed oil quiet and scarce at 28s. 9d a 29s. Tallow steady. The w jo! sales were animated and prices were firm. HAVRE MARKET For the week ending the 2Gih u't ?Cotton dull: sales o' ihe week, 3,000 ba er; stock, 82,000 bales; Nev Orleans tii'Sord.naiie lllf., aDd do. bas 106f., being a slight decline. The weather In France bad been unfavorable f jr the crops. Breaclfttulfs wore dull, but steady. Potashes firm at 40'. Coffee dull. Oils?Sales unimportant. Rice heavy. Sugar dull, out firm. Lard dull. Waalebouo in active demand and firmer. TIIB VERY LATEST. London, Saturday, July 3). The Sardinian Plenipotentiary lo the Zurich Conference reached Pari# yesterday, and hud an interview with Count Walewskl. The Invalids Suste says the Cabinets or Paris and Vienna may make wba'evcr treaties they please, but in Using the lot of Italy thoy are bound to ask the concurrence of the rest of Europe. The I/>ndon Morning Poil says that, aocordlng to reports in Pari# last night, Count de lVrs gny has deferred for a day or two his return to London from Florenco, on his mire ion from the Tuscan government. Ttie Daily A us city article says the stock exchange on Friday was quiet, the extreme variation being scarcely one eighth. Tn the other depart'ients there wa? little alteration in prices. The demand for money was m Jderate. No bul lion was taken from tho Bank?the gold by the City o Baltimore supplying tho Immediate wants of exporters The IxiDdon Timst city wtlclo says:?Tho funds opens, 1 onFiidayata fractional improvement, but goon showed renewed cameos. Tbo extent of tho business w unimportant, and Ibeio was li't'.e spirit shown ia any detriment. There was agool denunl for mmoy, and io thj genera'market two and a ball per cent w*3 the lowest rato. At tbe bank applications were limited. ARRIVAL OF THE ARABIA AT BOSTON. Boston, Augu?t 10,1859. Tbo steam chip Arabia arrived at this port at abou' eleven o'clock this evrairg. Iler advices are fully anticipated by the despatch received via Sackville. The niti's tor tho South go forward by tbo morning train via No v Hsvcn, duo at New York at 5 P. M. to morrow. raisF.avsn lVwanuts?ifc o'JBe.v- that tho Paris bouse of Chollet A Co , which holds the rt.ocb patent >r preserved, dssslcated and compress ad vegetables and other aliLien'ary euheUaces, lias oatabiished a branch establishment in tbia city. The important" ? of the lov iaHon cannot bo over estimated, particularly in rcforoneo t? long voyage:, where the constant use of sa.t food and lbs absence of vegetable diet give rlje to most of the dioeiioi contracted at sea. By the use of tills invention It is potaiblo to bnvo freeh vegetables during the longest see voyage; and it ia claimed thai wnlle tbe price is no higher than it is ordinarily in tho market, the vegetables tbur preserved arc, iu taalo and qual'.'y, precis My the stue ain their trcsh Elate. They have, e g-?M | tional advantage of beirg compressed :nt. ? i a. -.. ! louely small oompaea?26,bOQ m... a ufut ?,.?g packed in the ?p?- <. on' cubic yard. We unricrstxr. tha' dun tbe Criir.o^i rar th. ious? , of Ctoilet & Co supplied to i T tttglish ani -'a I dln'.an aralea tt ? oma">? , r .s?y *>. n p.r day, nnd to the A.i.e * ? 5 k. i>rm is >f France sr.d r'r.l'ni.- "i ? . * p (XSurve.' v 'i | The Rosa's , ^ e. contra .v >, | .tic supply r ten , v .. -jr.!, ven-m lpaUc. it. u,iat< th . vk > . . , rations per year . tho tuny ?. I oe. u * . i navy. Theso aro Immense resuiis ft.- m-v.-, lie thel'f.1*. d infra nwj th ? i s.'-uoJ v* * - . , ! conn, sntb e extent; a >1 an o.'f r hsa b..? m . . plj t..* tt\ to'be ?tat r - .1 to tin- (' ' R'?- ' ' - *..g.uv V . ,. 5 t. . C-.t* > , 'i AjmUi ?> ., e. RK H ISDAT, AUGUST 11, 1859. American Vict ?rv on Of K {;HcU ruif. Tn* GOODWOOD HiAHtlS WON KV trl AMK-ilCt* HOH8F--MK, IW BHOKCK VICTOHIOVil AT l.HfIllfTOBY or TUB goodwood kvckm, btj. We lourn by tbe telegraphic (am nary oi 1U0 Arabia's mom that lu the greet Good wo hi raoee, m U'.gUurt, mo American bo?a? Starke, named by Mr Ten Hoek, >' this city, won the Goodwood stakes, aovi the A-noriCco mm Prioress gained tbe third elate. This la a derdel victory I for American horses on tho Kngtiah turf. The race lor the Good wood oupin Kagiand has frr tho lalt | three years excited considerable intercut ta circles In this country, which generally are ao-.uMo:njd to regard the doings on 'be English turf .with ooaparatlre Indllerence The cause of this esceptloo iu the came of the race for the Goodwood cup may be found in the fttt that since tbe year 1867 American bred race boreea have entered the lists and contended for tbe va'uable prise. It wid be generally rememitered by our readers that n the aummorof 1866an American sportsman audsta-iucb par on oTthe Southern turf, Mr Richard Ten, took over with him to Kugliud threo race horses, the (lower of nw stable, who had all previously acmevoi the their Boil for the e jpretnacy of the tu-f with Eogl'sh rw-e hoi tee, an I who were a'moaV universally regarded as invincible Those horses were Locoatie, (who bsd on one occasion defeated the celebrated Tjexi'>gtoo,oaeof "very be?t burses that ever trod the American lu'f,) P > ir aid Prioress, who hac botn been ilttorMl over flml elite horses at the Southern race ra:c'.iegs. With the object ot thoroughly accaBt omiog his thorough, brehe to the change of chmvta, air, water, At;., con sequent upen their transatlantic journey, Mr. Ten Urocele did not enter or start any of them for any race until the Goo J wood meeting la July, 1B57 when be en'eretl Prior and Prioress for tho Goodwood cop, that priu being tho great object of hit ambition. fan result of his enterprise is woll known. Either In consequence of the Incompetency aod want of skill on the perl of tho jockey who rode Prioress (Gi put rick), or on account of bis instructions, or from her coo ditlon at that time, that ciaro, who la the opinion of the English racing authorities, ought undoubtedly to have won tho race, was prevented from so dolog, and cool I only 01 tain the fifth p'ace, the race being woo by the French horse tfonarque. As might naturally have been expected, Mr. Ten Rroeok and the friends united with bim In the enterprise were much (fir&pperniod at this unexpected result; but 111 success only stimulated them to persevere. Although Mr. Ten Broeck was usfortunato enough to lose both L'compte and Prior, by sickuesa whim attacked hi* stable, the following year he purchased at a heavy picand teDtover from here, for a second c?s >y, tbo well kuo rn racer Charleston, and ran him for tne same race last year. Prioress was unable, from indisposition, to run for ibat frize, sod Charles',on was beaten, sw'ng to h r ',i(.k or condition aud the fact that ho probably never on lircly reroven d from the eil'.ats of his celebrated ra e with Frsnkford and Sue Washington, in whion four boa s, each ol four miles, were run This race was so severe that Frankfort died soon after, la addili o to the (ran ticn of this rur, Charleston was euhttqiient'y Injured la the ba?.k sinews of one of bis fore lege by running away with bis rider while exercising on tbo Fashion counts After his defeat in Ergland ho was purchased far a s'.o :k torre by an Erg ish gentleman with the avowal purpose ol imparting g cater aiaimua and e iduraace to the Eig Usb race htwre. Still ul uxou.-aged, Mr. Ton Broe .it, early this sprin4, bo ght Starke, a four year old wbohad dist.ogu usaed lu.u srii in ibeSoutn, and cn'eied turn aroug with Prioress for tiic cup this year, rue latter mare, no v^vcr, n??, op to the Wie*t unci, been regards! ?o tho mos*. i.tcij aoiuitl of .t.e two to w.n the cup; tn<f<**l, r.ue has .<iog bo i cbs first favorite >u It e Peutug?a very slgDidcaut proof of the ctici in in wOish her chance ot warning is regarded ny English turfemu. It must not, howevet, be Imagined that beatuse tbo A merican rau rs hive iioi hi'.hsrij tuccjeled m w nniug the fro. dw*od cup tout tne J base nut sunoaeitd iu i "ioskug tbcir net" on the Fug lib tu f " .">ss win ! !he Cio arvi'oh babriiouiJ, one of tb ir 6r, ?t,st and r ob cat races, in ifb7, sna last year was only defeate: hy a lor idc i?ui" r see sue *110 won ma iiraa'. lo.'K Ftiirc- handicap at l>oacas!cr, and IDe Quean's p'.iUs at Kpeoro and Newmarket. In addilou >n me tnrce horse* of Mr. Ten Broeck?>'r1oiife, Wio^'uru and Starke?mere are a'so t *o o'ber American Oreo boisee, Dame 1 Has Ohiloa an J Gcc.uuau, enured h}' Rob-rt Harlan, or rmcmna'-i, woo bar fur a law year* p:?? vtstteu England fo the p<ir > ?o of witnessing her tuif proceeding*, and being uouliienl in tbo aup?rioiitj of au>trri:?d Lorn* n sjrbecl ulj eaJurance to (no Kcgl'eb tboioi'phbrcds, he early id me p.-sent season took over hie private stable or barms mare, ana euie-ei the above lor tue Goodwood cup. So that It appears bat lb- ro are no icas tban five American horses <o too I Mi. ' I'be following are the conditions of tb? Good wool Cjd, ! | together with the horses entered and Ibe welgau to bo . | carricu o> eaon norae:? Too Gcodwo<xt'"up, value 300 eov , by BnbairlpVon or I 20 tor e-.cb, wftb ll'O added b/ id.- Racing fund, in* surplus (11 any) to be paid Id money, if 'M subson&era, the. ! -nond t oise 10 reclao 100 aov ; two mi oa aod 4 ai (, I three yre oid to carry 7st. 7 lb , foar 9st flmOat 7 in , i ill and sg d 0 at 10 lb ; m. aoJ g, at owed 4 lb ; pore Barbs, furkisb, or Arabian dorses at'ovei 31 ib.; h iraes | bred out ot theunited Kingdom alio iced 141&, wilt no I olh. r a'lowauce, but tbey ibail bo exe apte i from cv rviDf tte prnally or extra we'tht lor * umog a G 11 lao )ii Cup; burses which have nevtr won auoso the vaiue or , ?6u or received ?H.O, Including lluir own tlur, ae si eoud horse, shall bu allowei weigbi >a Ib'uw prop if ! Hot*?three yrs. old, 4 lb., lour, 9 lb , flee, 14 tt?., six i and a, ed, 217b.; tbe winners 01 Uie IV;i>y or 1) >o lastor 8'.. l^ger, Ascot, Oooiwood or lloocartur uupa, witbia an into' vai of t?o jc&is, both Goodwood Cup c*ja in :iu ? >, to curry 7 lb , of two or mere at' the above stakes anil prlzts, 10 in txtia kmkiis ror. nut goodwood cup. Age. .sf lb. Age. st. lb. | Fisherman; 6 10 3 flamee'er 3 7 7 Sauntcrcr 6 10 0 Eitclrtc 3 7 7 Leamington C 9 10 Defender 3 7 7 Zuyder Zee 5 9 7 hioiin Llnoln 3 7 7 B'sctman 4 9 7 Promised Land ... 3 7 7 Eclipse (American) 4 9 0 Newcastle 8 7 7 Kmgbt ol Kara.... 4 9 0 l.ariooette 3 7 7 ruxopuoliio 4 9 0 (iiadtuins 3 7 7 i J.ttcncat 4 9 0 B. g. by Mickey Blaii-ho Of Middle- Free, out of 3iy bo 4 9 10 Tdt'any 3 7 3 Prmcf ?s Royal.... 4 8 10 ltd pno 3 7 3 I Pilorees (amer.).. C 8 0 Simacn 3 7 2 Colt by Pyrrnus Beethoven .3 7 3 the First,"out of Yellow Rose ...'.. 3 7 3 Concertina 4 8 6 Arg.rsy 4 7 3; Madcmcno-llcde Arianne 3 7 3 1 Cba.'tilly 5 8 3 Scent 3 7 3; StuiUe (Amor)... 4 8') ifontatn Net. ... 3 6 13 ; IXs Cbilts (Atn.r.) 4 8 0 tvoodb.trn (Amer) 3 6 7; tiouvleux 4 8 0 Ciiicinoa.i (a mar.) 3 0 7 j I M?'tc! en tete 4 9 0 Union Ja It 3 8 7 I Burgomaster 3 7 7 ! Tbla was D'Ot established la 1819. by the late Duke 1 of itlcbcioad. It '8 truo that a oup bat been nomluady | rut. (or tome yi-re . "i.via to this date, but the aiise, j ?h!eh was of ' ' > r value, was paid in specie Fleur de' Li-, an aged Die; c .o.g.ogto n.? Mijacty iVllliam IV., I wdg the v-lcr .->o .. "10 suxossivvy, v., I8lii a ut I J830. In tie infer j .r, *lie Kirg nod uirje ao .? j entered for lt,ai i on being aikel whiot- ot tbe r. was to start lor it, Ihe lilnnt Bailor answere.1"Lat lb * bate lb e* in, ana too beat win " H-j e.\p.*ut?txi g o ., dc'l^bta tLi old unti wjw'np tbeCdp, wbiub hi eert.d ta the Oecen Fienrdo l/a ran tor ihtn .iriv-1 Puccetdug ytur (1831), but woe defeated c overly by | Frlxm, kBj alio won it too net jeer, darks way, tcj | Celebrated Dtrh h-.rae, re pee'? >1 to:' ?m3 fox'. lu 183J an i 1HJ0. In the fcllovlnp veer, ft. (.gar mm, belonging to j the oi O.ltsus, carried the glittering pfi/.J Lj ' Prance. Ho wa? tp:enui.Uy liddoe by Jem Kabiu sou. bi ' :> at t me of tie bts.1 iioraoa oj if turf, including Lanorcoet (second), Helmut Plato if, liher'es XII., Pocxbontae, Day oi A'gtera, Nawortb, AIn 1841 nnd 1842, (mines XII . tuc wiacer or lbs Ddiioaat < rit. !/> r repeated too double achievement of H , and rriam, uf> alBO did The Don la 1347 aud 1S4(, v Cane-til In 1811. sod I860 In 1863,18.6 aoa 1?67, the cop adB won i> tho foreign bred hcrrea J.mrauce, ttarcnriao and Mona'ioc, the alicwanoe of weight of fourteen pounds enabling ibiua to delta'. the r Eoguen rivals The expectai'ooj .hit wore so getarally cntsrttlned in England of Prioress pnn'.ng the winner, bare bo-in ; (ii?8i pointed. By the telegraphic In'elUgonco of tbc ! ..labia we learn Uat> wa3 only able to gam ; tbird p'uee; tb? winner waa Promised Land, woo. it vil'i be temembCT'd, wa? so great a far or lie ; for tho Epaora Derby, for wblcU rue: be ?ii fourth. i Kir ruceCM wt? Dot aatfclprtr l, as, altbougu bo h?e elways pro>ed bimsell a very last bor e, bo was generady ' r-rardtd as unable to live ft ils-atoe of two and a half 1 m'fP. I i bin although ubh x-? a tb>. 1 rues, Cue rcputv j . tbetesrtoabh . , has be*n "ob y suauiuoi bf j ? >k.t, ana'ber of Mr. fen Broaake raoers, whe hag won j i . i .;o!me] Mtei hill raco, whica iw-e the Hrou- ! i r'.p, is t*o milts and u balf, is far more valuable, as ,U1 racueinry worth i? coos dorcd, than tho cup i , . :t i xtaeded jY.CQi, and IW yer.r its value wib ' ..oritur'> 56CC0, on a fount of toe greater uumoer of > toner ' ntered I r ir.c nice, and wui-'h cdrai rlged uoariy til the beet home to e "?.n. (r.taBNtel tWafara, I 1 ritLongb btt'dCfttbaful In gaiD'-ng tho objects of l?s "iDat I : love'' md greavst einbiitui, t'to QoOdWOOd Np, wut I ?' lttir "? fl.. i ample eo?oia'.i e. for tho id .opcluturdl ie ti nob yibir an' eurutd.,'*! fne's c. uu: C!Oj Iare 1 ttak rvi airy. TU Yost .1 .M*U SiTS.>lfclUl(V Vfo WO lld r.'f- I t. ?J% I ''1 . '.ere Hi, By tbcaddi' m I ? - *' 1 *?** " , " " a nle.atioa tbr>e I aws j i '! < b' en op die 3data, far S.oath.'rti mciruii uave 1< t > ? ,ic ?.n<i rr;.|it" tn ; . ciniRUDisU. .-< < coainit..a il? XI W.'ll" ERA] THE YACHTING CARNIVAL. Third Day of the Su.uintr Crnlae of the Sew , York Yacht eqoailiori?Ocpirtare from Sew ; Lot dot. and Arrival at tewpjit?'lore Scrub Htui. OI K SPECIAL CORBKSPOVDBfCE. New Uwiwi Hakiior, August 9, 1859. I wrote loyou pd yesterday iL?t we eipeoted to sai. b<oce for Newport this; bat tbe weather bM been i so delicious, and tbe New London people n agreeable, tbat ae have beea unable U tear ourselves away. And bere we are still. Tbe event* or tbe day have not been of a particularly excilinf character. A', tight o'clock tbe Vice Giminxlire hoisted bis tl?g on tbe Favorite, anl at tbe *a<n? moment j tbe fleet displayed Its lings, most of tbe yachts wearing the ensign at tbe peak, tbe owner's signal a*, the 'ore, and tbe jack Tbe Gertrude and tbe Uudgle Joined tbe fleet to-day, making op a beautital flotilla ot over twenty vet. at is, which, with their colon set, preaented a moat charm log spectacle. Too moriing hours were consume! in making arrange menu toi iht future doings of tne squadron, and in ex clanging vlslls. At about nine o'clock captauia were t gialtzcd to beard the iNgeblp, wbich ??i soon sur. ruuiided by a llotiliaof small boats. Parties from the tliore cruised among the yachts, and the whole barbir w?? a scene or animation. At the meeting of captains, i alter due consideration, it was decided to sail hence for , Newport u? morr iw uiorn.Dg, gelling under way * . seven o'clock. The yachts will remain in Newport haruor sere. ! ral days, acd mere will bj a general regatta at thai point 1 Lear the some one has died the day, Thursday, but I that is premature, thorn who nil iu the race (and they 1 may be supposed to ha*i so to do with the matter) l>ave uo jvt decided upon the day Today there wis lonsiser* >le fluttering among 'he i srDr..iccis 'a ooMequruce ot a mitch ra:e Octween tne , Zing* a no i lie dipsuy. The termer beat the 11 :?t from j. l?o Cose to this p'lni, but was no', permitted to sojoy ! tier laurels a great wolle. A pu~ so of one hundred oo' I Uis ?? nude up o> two g'B.eui-Q, toe triune." to give | half to ttie txpusao! tbe '.rU'So, and th t remainder to the powr. lb" coune ?* .rom the lla^ yacdt, ! the Favorite, snchoiad elf the Pequut tlcuae, vu p.umb falsi d si d back, * disanco of aiiot is. mj nur miles. 1 TNte ?aa at toon wteo ;he yacb'.a got under ??y,a ) moiirrate breeze from the nor -nward ftte Zinga hii ?on nuxutcs the siarl, bui was stiii beaten by lie o ?sey, : waicn reuiuiu st three o ciock, two ho.'m aneai i ot tirr compet.tor Krery om was as oniabsl, at : the Zing* Dae been coos acred an one or toe twos'., If not it" very tastes', schooner in ine rqiafirou. I 1c u:., the 1? d ihe 'l.psey cosu to toes uv not". ('hi fl?ze), wh h itr itt'Bcd I a to * mln.tcs or;.- an h i^r. ! Rr lurnirg, wr.h a good breeze, up to-in las', four n? s, ; the Zi.'sa "as etdi n a issuce, wneo "bo w?t vi?t'e' 'j a su u> n and die rvs'ing calu) Tae U prey cau,h'a light I nretze at d overhauled oer optoc. ut, ti :*:td thi laud, a-d getting ast'trer cap full, returned t > post viifo wus T. e /. ng? ann ber cm v?is ? the K>-ei|w?i.ertru :e, Hazs, 1 Kay *10 lr?i r-iia not an ve tail hours alter, foe bettig *a? all in .?eur of tne Zioga, ani Urge Od It wcjt begging Tois race ie the oily excifmen'. we hive hat to lav. Tne people nereaoouta are most alnd. The t'oquit Hrise, a very weiloot?o..>K.e,r ? .miter ho -I ii a mop. charming situation, h?e snout t,?o nun trod gum'.*, lucid i n* tnauy New Yorkers. U ' ? tro e'er gr? vou- t ) yachtsmen, I anp I p.esume ?Lat nur blue* h?re no rr a*oo to i ri oipialo test toe tal-sex arc rno'M ugl h're h>.n men , where. iDboDoeo'th fl et, tne I'equo ef.? .? . ? .? ? tf row giving a 0*11 a Men :g ne'y agre-aoe to the en i: re d, out would i >t, I ?pp a -..J, t .p.f st you oi.t :tni- j i tv. 1 coud writ.-a great re*'in D'aisi of tb* beaut? of the la i-?\ e-rsrytra ?'.t : <s iin> o (tbtt oleaginous tviroogi is t mn.-li limed foi ?v la r worn n), ao i could say amo sjcae ! One thing* of the gsilav. roem-trs of toe yacu- ?, but by, *r ShakfP 'Te ba') It. wnv "print lb.; Illy, a It re Or., o Kdiit. or ti'/ow a p"ium'> oo the v olet " I c ".ti tiy I thsli t ot etieinp' it, and so. hurt rotr?' there's a French 1 aalbtalicn ior you " .-NKW1IKT, '*?~. **. M" laat leter left the y%-h'str.en do'tig 'be R?recf>!?t to the 'ad'cs or tbe Pcq ot Hoaee at N :w Lcidoi, 'be pro piK ter?of the homo bavlvg coorleoa^'r nude ' mii'a lor a dance in ibetr dining satotn. rh< bi'id o.' the aquadrcn woe in ".'tendance, aa-1 dancing #"? key, u;i Ire in nine o'clock till eleven. K wail a lou'cn ol some 1 VDBfiyar,ce 'o tbe la des that there waft na apteral irr-rnge nirr.t for the ownarem.nt of the Ilnr, no tint many ! A'iadLts lure left aigbiug for a poika, no one oe'.ng on band to present tbe sou* of Nep'uue. This whs thru via j way the special rrt-vidence which had eonf mi-a dancing men to New London taan will be area there gain lb s season. A *ood;y number, however, lanced, polki'ii, redowaed and waltzed, and too whore affair pass od ell vt ry egroe.aaly. We leave ibe picaaant ol J town of Vex Londoh not wbboot tume ;a'ural iegtet*,u etgit o'cloct oo tbe morning of Tuesday e? r?ut>- for Newport ' ne oiorn.og v.n fa died from tbe KavoMta, and under tbe f ice Com01 a dort's flag are arrauged tbe fol.owing named vessels, a splendid licet of twenty scren sail:? FIIIfeT WVJSKW. SS- VIVO MVIMO.V. 2.?Alpha. 1.?L'C"p:ranoe. 4?Nan agar sett. 3 ?.Norma. 6.?Kay 8 ? E-cort. 10 ?Haatrrll. 9.?Bor.'t*. 14 ? vtanneiaing. 13 ?Jawn. 18 ?Irene. 80?America. 19.?Mystery. 2 V.?feud. 24 ?ttelia. 23 ? Rebecca. 26 ? Jutet 25 ?Julia. 28 ? vcetleas. 27 ? da 7.5. 30?Widgeon. 2'J.?iertrude. 32.?Zmga 31 ? MaigU. 34 ?Favoii'.a. 33 ? Gipvey. 38 -Mar t No 5, tbe Paimrr; No. 7, the Nora; no. 11, the Plovc"; No. 12, tbe Rr.woia, No. 16, tea tdt f No. 15. thi Fanry; No White Wicg; and No. 2l,th3 Volants, have tot je--joined tbe squadron. Tbe breeze was a very light one from the north, in J : beating out of tbe harbor was rather a leogtny opera'iou. Tbe amtflcr yacbtr bad an hour's atirt and imorovod tbe early brerze, but tbe Maria, Julia. Rebecca, I<-eDe, f?er trude, Send, finz'-, Pes lets. Favorita, Zing*, Glpcry. Margie, Pawn. Mystery, America and Widgeon balttiilull D'.ntfk of a o?ad calm, and lay within biscuit toaa of each other "like paintedsuips upin a painted ocean " B ) fore noon, bo-vever, wind shifted and freshcri'l a little, when tb" iargrr aloope overhauled the little birds Toe elcai, e Maria, .lull* rn.d Rtb'cca were In com 1 my l'or an hour, when the t?o latter took the lead, and nad a spir t ed conteft from oIl'rrtoulDgion to near Point Judith, wh eh j ??' .UUI ..UU . 1 .J? Ip advance of the Juiia. Too Zing.a unit Ulpsey b st tu pcborner sod turned the rwmt almost et tne rim mrmtrt. 01'be smaller yachts th" Escort ar.i L Espe i met led the van. rne Rebcxs trrnpd tne P?M a' 1:41 P. H., and tbo wbulo lleet hove to off Beaver fai Ivghf, six rtiies from Newport, at about four foa booub ( here wag a msrn ii ent ore. flll clear b ue s*jr, tno \ yteb's daDOtg over the blue water like so many white i weed fairies, the pleas.'nt i i'.v far lathe distance, aud the frowning battlements of Fort Adams crowning the en ! trarce to the inner harbor, all those, with the bustle of the lit et, the (voiut.nn* oi the yachts as thoy obeye1 the i Commodore's sign 'p, made up u most ocumtiug palo retoa Verily, <rere is t o pontic s,jo-ttb:t combines si many pleosnnt things Id one bouquet of enjoyment as tha* of ysrbtipg. l'be squadron entered tii" haibor in line as I given you the IM ahevo. rhapeitis of course quite gay with tb'8 reinlorremeat, wb'cb arrives j ,s?, in tue niclt of time, v.ben the fitbljoable ce??ou is at tbe ton wave of cxcltotn. nt. Tb< tl' et anil its cfllcers will stand t>ocn nth g population gatheted herefrom a'l parts of the Union It is fuilv worthy to bear Ibc hama of the tne Uonooa Imm which It bails We will remain here till Saturday, enjoying the gave ue of tb? ploc, and In return for the civt'.l'ies "(fired to us, lotor-d pirirg the habitvel a treat by way of a rtcc in li e liatbcr, probably on the .lay af cr to-morrow. Stc I. una here the ysoht Undine, which m~t us outside the vbor, and adds another bcaatifni craltro the 11 et. Ne-vvo./rt i? declared to be running over with visiters. We a..aii ace to morrow. Tiik Gat. way S re .in Ptatsra A.\r> Haihoh.?tlie oppoat ticn to the subvention of toe Hrittsh government (or the Kaivray line of iteamers continues to be b'tter ar.d active. But one tlurg is certain: the Cat way company has a positive contract for the mail service betacea Ireland an 1 North America, and la constructing expsnitvo at amerc nndor the direction of the Admiralty. So c:rid;ent are ito truti.agcrs of their po* iliou an 1 thjlr au loess th a they are crict ug wiiityuB uu v<r?oo!i?c8 tor im ft : rnmjv.iJat 3U I of vtKtctf! at Ga'way; a ilia'.rg uootianal doc* is I uow under oouBidcrafon; ,ini, more lui i into, Iboy luv<> very re tent .y obtained further RttbBcrip'.long * > t*?o gti u a' the comp.'iiy, in. a singlo rirltight, of one tiiouBtod Ejarci ft', ton pounds oajlt. The c sp'.t-i'. of tjv.? call ton? fctd a Half w.ta more than t*o thirds tasea op tlx raiatn-t igo, and soma of the soalUiloat at u In Croat lb'.lain are shareholders. With regard ?.o the claims of Poland to the grppBrt of lite goveruret* m this c-.' vp-te, thara ciauot bB any Joubt; that, the line U a priceless boon re t'.i" I i."u at"putts, who have bo loug boon at the mercy o* the t,'\cr- | pool snippet, on one i'*n'o:; and UiatGatTay .u "u>e- ( rior Cta'.ltia 0-cr every other A lau iB prfi " Ireland "v? been tally dcm'.bnlrat.'it by tneoill.i. rep r. n : o tt i \dotr*|iy by Captain Wi'hl/.gw.. of 'a'l *' b'avj; J Captain Ve n;ii, Royal Engm em, an 1 Hfff <' J mt.ctv , (putorrr, on the Sttb <>" Novvalwr, IFSv f-> - 'osamao. lavcry luUru.ll; r aau very deniie! la tt oliara ' t, ao 1 itotn a':!* n.ttiv eot'one facts tn r.-'at oo to the harbor, eneof which tc-i" *"' iiV ctf 'S of ? n'Vr .-Yi r ocur'i "f (.at** b1 't, ?rl ?t, t(,ii * barbot muse. I' .rue rV' fl?' he fit* I" ? I'dCCl'SU* ?t.o ??? an fs:at-J Butt taf U.y all" ; .pj oa tt tusyat j tnoour.a*?d. LD. PRICE TWO CENTS. GOT. WISE ADD THE ALBtHY REGEACY. Letter from Gov. Who Explaining the Donor liy* Albany Letrer?Ita Public alto n Traced to the Albany Regency? Views of the Frew, Jut., Ac, Ac. LETTER FROM GOV. WISE. TO TBK tOlTOKS Of THB RICHMOND KNqiTRKR. Ricbmono, Va , Au*ir'. 8,18m). R*>ti?iiii>?la yoar editorial of itita aurnnt; I o rt'jb what purport* to ho a l?u?r wrriu-n by mo, *o roods anhu-jwa uormp'tdect, pabl.fhei la the V- ?* York pape't, y whom or how dor* not anp^*r You sty tba yo>i I ave'-no authority to upo-ik " shout (be ruatt T Inj? f i?e you autbotiiy to sp-?k ail '.bat i ku.iw about It. Tbs imprcmioD la attempted i> b>? ni*l? fi*t I have offtoRi' > ly obtruded myaorio, a d inUrforeune Into New York rolttlca, in a ealn an 1 immoral atie-not upon ths nosmbtra of the Hate Com? tw?, to totlaoiisa toe appointment of delegates from that Stite to the Conrlemon 'onvebttou. Now, tbe plain statement of the who a caa? is, that for ?.-)OQe roundurab'.e li no. pat', t bad h?'.d p-tvats aod ro. unenuai pontum. correspondence ?!*a tfr. B. Doooeiy, wo 3 William v?# Y">fk Ho wwe to too '.a*; prmg, I rcpbid, at" lfc? cot reey-in-dencs oened ixti the <b ol July Int, when ce wroto to tuoag'ua tee follow ne kUM ? pakatooa. jnl7 8 5869 Mr r eah lovanKOR ? Too wl'l rwrnemoer ma wrong you mh anrliig to th ib I r?ce?*a an >?*?', anil winch 1 would havr Aci b iwledg.d at an **rdar nay, bit auiruoand yoor time *sr.;,li no ? "- meet i?k?u up "lib 'her inure ioipnrtant nutere hi11 com! jded ti *1 bh ?.i vr.Ucg ?ot? uetv the p.-esoaU \cm will !e*ro 'r tu Ilia u* "fpspern an 1 w'aewhe-e '.tat thoae alio ate in rgprru.t|?n or receiving the nrminauou at JUrlaih U,n at" maiebebmg :h?!.* i-.rva *a -.- ing'r a< p-walb e i h'? Siate. wbi-h ! hare-*Meheii nri closely, arab a rlew of ac<iiOiittD|i jou jf was'!? g itng on w!!t 11 msue*e now utd. send t> b*r>4tdn a united ceeraMOn In favor of J>0'jf!a*. 1 heir rerun lchilce wo'i.'d be rot Igi.e oitne in oima'hn as ivt ao that you may rely noon U it It barely pn?rlt.le ibat Wo hi aDd i'bt.olo ,n? 1 ubettv may ? :cr> ed lo getting up two arts ol drl-gaterto lite Uooteourn. botttlB niyoo'it'b joo' 'tlenda to t:e roulta n?<-1 not noect much mppon ft rn '.be No-'.f-n St- ea Tbe fonib I* tba My p ace to count "n with a..- degree uf .certainly. and If the truib yboii. 1 kl- b in te-n?e a cud/a u?e to adopt icu AS bar esr.oiCaie. ib" wl 1 bote all i bit ou may re'y up-n. Wl'.n ana ct'er m?n from th- I '.tberu -law* iban roaraelf, ae would be bea'rn ou* of a'gb- With ibe couth. lb en, to back you 'here alii t.? a B iOirl- nnmSar nf r?u'ldvea focOon* 1 ? ?t,d-'o.-eii.,- in noiolsa'lo ' >?a i will be a-ne to control n intbcient number nf a r-om 'ha We,lam and ilastton MsiA? to al>? tou He n-imieail u. and tbey will do It, to are then ae'era w *il In * r mg 'hat mete te JO rne not fonra-.l tbit can p 'the so'ea of in ad -oledntiizene. the federal < flli* b i'oeta h-rr a:e ji tavor nf maiini to thai at the in rler'on If Vr rt:'hioao at vt d e ?ar nt to ba a -aniiidate. be won't i.e able to get *a ng e a^iad from ;4i? tine. 1* e?u were on.-e nctr'svad my Oo'. wb at a vote yon am'd get with Seward agatntt yon touwnulacarr eve.-. Nonberii iaie eneuUnr dayeanbiinm, Yarmout. ant pOiaielj hbMe la .n'. ail of toe Western r ta'e? i am aaau-e'. wouii roj l i'n dne agaio. i rm Btropirg at the 8i.rlug? rrr? for a few dai?. and bavtrg ar ' c-oti'intty o' inn?i"trr "l b '?r in.-nda fcttn dllf-rrnttectlODaol 1 -b neat l! adria<b<e to drop yoa ifce rnitu ae<*, b url..d y . TsVo-d 1 *g?ibr*'. if L cat lie of toy a?rvje.eto 1 en 1*1 m- know it 1 ect ihtak It atv.Aable ty ci.keAp ?o <r the J- .-gste- t> on 'bit-i?te write mo. and 1 win 11 you bow't cm I - inn* a ire traitor my ko-'WiedgB ard belief kudinw, i'*?aiov a-'d e? ?r < agger nre the oontro ilot tiltiia and ruber of ih?as if ibey aujunaet yo i were not mpl-teiy in tb? hyn'r.or re"naedo *o ?1 t Co wtnid br tnu r friend lhl?. i tbrlr tmpr?j,na thtugbnot pril.lir'y ?>p-etMil Mr wi? d if airruinir! uiat, aad ? htucb 'r?rfd by 'h- p.i'.'lclAnr, bu: Ms in inune teame uj r ril i In bating no "D* tolm-a s| n Mil bo the arreogth l? 11 h*te i>btta hfa o ' i- .-ounfry dBtrloti. Or ? n'd te our Dei* nveru'tr but In lb* r /entry he rpj * jehin* and feeiniVo be ?rrr oc|i .e.iil?r Am :ng?t'be i-rrtera a id o bor* your peat ? - - -r *-? - - . i ! ,.! us. eta* trim ?ru?o. thf"; ?nd wfcrr. it I< det-rtbloed who a-e t> be thb i-'rg-vt sud ?'fo * b k .? j->d tA ot item, it atil men ne tintr enough to oeeymet Oi*tM U Du,.bN4L^Y. 'i > b m bn?]i?rt? (.*.),-nor ?fit s r.crest m? it my store, No 3 tvUMam street * Y. Mr. Dooneliy is. I bo'ere, do* i tii"mt>or of the rtaoatcrf.t'.c ^aee Committee tf w Y'r?, end it * uergoa i? priT.ite lift, so !ir?> r ?now St-iou? to r?fpon?e to b% irt'er I wro.b the follow..* reply (no * oorrrc'. y pinctiatedj and toier.ded, ut i to ivr on !>? fuse, to &a inoUy pi-twite *.?<! cooS'Jt ntta', an I tjivjpg no aiyine or counsel not called lor of my correspondont and not. pTiln^ot ?? a reply o*ea on pouita of pertoua m: / or pretention? Ru nuonn, Juiy 13, lfioA. m* SIR-.?I tl?nk TOM 'or ycor* Ot toerunn.i. 1 u<?wp'ebrnfetf e'l e:rng 'hit toeiVixw Regac y wotldeirry a unit- dde'egallon Ir m Sea t ri to h 'Ve'ti / >r ?b ;mf li I know, la eon' ant bot oott m*-y i?'v on It that a.-. Br bantu btmaelt a ca'H'ate for re num. Inatiun. and all Lit puUVDar* and po -c m;t be u ?d io aitsppiu; Ooagaa ?d" ?I' r.'b' r aiplrent. 'jor oily chin-" i? to oraotttie by i.itri'-'r. arit either skip 'Irene i>y or g-no'?j del??;?U03B It 'but U or tot done, we mm',, na 4 ".ni'nd Cui'D a unt?d Oo'b sean dejrod m a itilted Ytrg-jla. tnl 1 pledge too tbsithr, at ,?*4i will be a tail vtrjtiojt ? oait, at, J r eju ete- t and tl'tti on a bound Inform of pruoato '.3 ill pe>anna. on poEtiter vers ,? xpn ttr a yvefittr. roe m-? rally t > ber itr p >rt a.' ;he to t h (hemic -annit adopt Br fjcur)**' -Wtiorni I'tiaibor not to sll he en'sf olaik rtpilt'.tcatd'ti: betheB "til ?t:I tli b'a b?-l? Ilea docs or in 'ot, h' o-u't be DCm'oated. a d .be m?in argument against Vr p intmUon Is tk>t be ?;,'i td e!ec ed tf tonitnuod if be rani ?a lodrpr'n.ltr.t mtidioate, and 'eat'd ru? and I am n tji'pa'ed *t ''fcrrlfeifo lean be t tbtmbj'Jt r, If iq'iatter ?o*er?l?D.y li a j tank Of ib? pit1, r.o & ht'leivo:. and t.ougir te no ol r.t ted teroitba ran ao in1*i? uUent o?n dt a e on prj'.e.ilon Cfiuiple' aid ran tSa eie .U-.e into lab to> ?e. ^b?re ihtE. ntnttd Mr lt< icu t>?; the lownot rar didite oa tkeft 1 b*ve tbe po .ula' etrrng'-b yon mpf te 1*. nlli I'tell tlx >be notxt uaUou. tie that ou 11 otu notddent of i tier ear. I be Fi n F Wrod ! protVe ei'.v ?.n'l realty, 1 be!ie?e a f?I*nd. aad of r,m>ee i wnld m p" id'* lb, be piad o' bn la tiueuoe, ?Bd aould do b"tplns to itE?nrlt and oooid aotjubtly reject but bind aid; but yon may relv tip v tt tnat l am oel'her completely .'.r at all U> tbe bands of mr *tiod. roe of any other man *ho hreatbes Be bis a ?t| Dee" frteort y vo mo *nd t am '<t hltn, bat al?iy? onfetr at.d tndepen.Vot t-riui 1 hero 1? nflthi, (r id nurie a'jut ? whl bebould hi?p s'oof * y'rtemd of ntber H? knows as well si ?n? one tan tell lint th t tub mtln tnduerce I* In the b y o: .New 1 i X and t judge ynat yr tt eay nf b'? ttoiiBtry r fluence U e rmt I'u" I -ni e t totlnc *|| the lime wbbout New Vtri aud d ,/?'C le.r tbe restuV I am depenntig (flfli upon an open oortp n ot pel.:o'nie. ltdap? udent of all n!lt| *ee. t.nd iIet??DX -Home's d'-will over nkr'm opposition iu Virginia *c.j b?rv. tewOl be con ervalive and national, a: aii fcvet u, l snail <re gl?d to bear frcnt you bltltoV i WirA The tlral tba' I b-arj of lb s letter wiu tbe f am ao4 farce utid fiaud practised at Albany; .mil oa toe Ctfl .o?" , Saturday iSLSt, I from Mr. Ixiane;iy tie following:? Nor.rn shohe, Stater August 4. If59. Hie FirrLUteiY. Governor Wise ? vy mis > in - M.ioD to my surprise and regret. X tal publMtd In o day a haitsi n your letter t > ma of :bi 13th o: .ast rnoptb. When 1 received tao sane t soo veil It to three orfa'T dia irgnlebcd srd nonorab.'e irieads. each of bom be' the letter m .belr pnssera'oe lulr wb'ie reaoln* ! ; c i. ee?| tentls they ould have no itbanse of cop in* it Alter which, 00 Satirday i*at, wbl e In aloany I shuned tbe ;euer t> If.- Cail dy tbe able editor of me *'.o%uv Aryu? turf Atla.1. mao. after rrrdir* It, wished me to bare tbe letter ?lib bun to that be tnlget rboiY it to fr ueau oi-hmnrii the batrnsoof oar Suite < mitral i -on.m'ttee To this t oo seuted tor tbe following rraionr:?lu tbe drat place, yot arlll sei !o roy pnerlous lettr that 1 stated lhat tbe aeler.fag pi tbe c. egWeftotbe I'barleston onveoUcn w ull be dore In ?c nrdsnoe wltb tbe mrb-pof Messrs i lchmond. uudlow Csggrr and laaaidy, ?i-b of wbim I was informed, were friendly to you, but objected to you on a toot.'it of tbe rip r ed lajueocs supposed to be exercised orer tou by Hon. Fernanda IS ood. In order to diss.jure their mtnoe of tbw 1mpr?s?lot>, and to secure tbelr influence and friendship 1 conlerwd lo adew tbe letter to go out of ma bands, not knoaing of any n < re rlT-aus nay of accompli shin* thai object thai by showing >o tbeat t'e denial ' f these fal ebobds, then In icur o'.vu baedarttlng Mr, :?a?M exprera'y promised me that year iett-r should n. t he m'ide pub'ic. and, fron hie promlsei t position sod rxa'led character, l snnoo.ed was a iu? lent fuot'tf" that ail ?ou'd he aa was deel-ed I bti leio.r w.s tn?ce public, no dtuui, w,lb s view of billing you rP ot mis we shi'l s?" and hear more ol b-reafter. 1 be drm jcracy In th'a u-rt >f tbe country kel.eve that tbe iT?i-(ijing ID- m^hVJZT haow Noib>Dflt<n> l? tin mou competent and snieablw permn ?? destroy ibnt mot.-'.er of a.l monstern-atiollUouUm-w-iii'li If not dealroyed in I860, Will be ?u.c of ths field '.or a," Urns to come 'lt? Ftate Ccsimlttee has lone as wu expected. ltd l>8 ?bo> muter Hew wi h he pe iple. "bo. if aroused thave -o frar eo loog h? tha pfuple a. n right w ; need not rear the dl<tonoi?Me triclaf.ra n. ituS ajCoiil. Now, the 'a a'l I i> ao w about tbo matter. It is no fault or itDprudenc- of ai'oe which make* tbo whole puollc, ud ibur txp.?ipirg tiaelf I lave do comment o make, totblrg to palliate, exi.uce or justify. Who needs defunct far Ireft'bery, ar. J for a gross uoon all tha coatldrncc and gco 'foi'.b kcosn autoos men in cwllizsd life, I Uave the public to jm ge I give Mr. iiouneby's plea, aca believe, untU Ute tobtrary appears, that trii touoceut. Wbethtr cow a wih recoil, we will rse. 3:1 atma was not given, to creatothetnioroirtiOD,obviously, that I -wrote tine Ut'er scrnlancotBiy to some memaer of toe Now York -'ale Cominitieu I o*e it to ayaell to expest this as job ray, "wotae than forgery." HaNtlY A. vVl46. OPINIONS OP THE PRESS. (From the Albany Atlas aud Argus, August 9 1 TUG MYSTERY OF THK WISB I.BTTEH?TUB ALBANY RFOPNCY AT TBF. COTTOM OF IT. *? ** tor mtrtflvt we regret (hat the tetter of M- Wis* >r*r made j,uUic Tun New York EfSfUtn a?B eta Us geeuinenws, and tbe New Vera iV-toj, at first denied it, gives so rlrciimstabtlai au account of minor details in re-ard to it as to nmouot t-< aa sdrnusloj of its AutbenJclBnt If it is a oiieritiuoe <b?r f ?as ever published, it s ad ouirage tbul it w&f- ever wrtt'en . FrUnii asm.' ad the b?d t?str of what it says of Pra?d. rt Bcthsntn. rf "tneor Pougiv tod ot Mr Wise lumspif. ii fiv-'Alt an epwarrsnto-f in'i'rforcnce, If DO*, a conspiracy sgatcst the dem-cratis party IB Ne ? Yotic "Oak < niv rbitce,' G>v l? Mfructe his mends, "Is to organi -e' by diM/if'H. ?nd eiibfr whip t.ue enemy or send twj ooltsatmnw " 1/egoet.iD to say "if tea", is done or not done, we n;ust still rely oo a united South?a united S.uili will dtJena r?n u ""'ted Virginia, aud I pledge you vast fB' ?t hast ..hall tie a unit " Sow York divided, treacherously d'.vlled?Virginia a UDlt. the Sontb up it* d?that is the game revenad by ths letter Divtoeihe North, unite Ihu South! Divide tha North. h\ a fraudulent doubltDg of a delegation If the ruiDPrlty fa ls to whip the enemy.'et It still wend a delegation. The untied Sou to?Virginia, a unit, leading?will if fi.ibo Convention to tbe fraud 'lent delegation gotten cp o ' ivirie hi"' weaken Now York We tree* such the iPV-ut.or. of certain political isanageiaof tois tjiaio wjjeu they urg.od the adoptio: e o'sinct sy it* m; In" wo nerei- suspected thesm ihi? i vit lnsptra't'iu. We n.vr dresm d that lb 'P'lnuv rgaii'st ibe unity 01 the party in ths ^ w t s jrrn u ifts te-ii'io tnctiisr of Stales,In US ; x *vi iihr, n toe berun d - f cf in <iem ;ratic s, >i .. liioiu-ok lo ten. O.d ivm.nion, ?hich ha-wtjel ! * -nl as tho b'.h.p u:. of ft tie r ,;T c, for J: > C" j " >w If.I- tUI'o'JUV Il', a , lit woiibv nil "iog, i *r t; O ' I.. ton J b\ If .- ' t'.O-i J for this ?t?m.". ?!,? "?. svsir.? *? e-r idly'dial ?: double a i| l ivide the iU ligation, VirgUMa will be a un't. Our nop