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ft?t.l?e>??fy of W"i?fl?h fM On'V |to p??(?r c*B?e off tn lb* Caof(rr?aih'iikj oburcb acromU* to luo riuuiug or Mr: ? hmcr ??v Hit) I'uHifl'Uf. ) Kl ll'aU'lf III I.OU I. * ?a'H, IW-.fnin 2 r???M>?? Ufr?ur.i kl ft O-ftMio," ). G. tU "f, H?'<l?rirli 3. (>. ! i?"'do ?< '* Ion of 8- / o lo (.iiormure," U. P 1. (in'vfrll, I?f* H'lfO. 4 O- ..lioi.?' <uff > hip ooftOH of l> rulo.VBif TiirftO tor," M Ik ?, il aUiouurv | 6 U'ftiiot? 'Rithop BoMcrV tforftl Itl'looo^liy<J g I lax I.ikuok. | fl l.tiorary " 1*00 "Vrl furn of fjugh HVIor " ! I. II uK? Mtd I' t>ory. ' 7 !'?.?Ik. luniok' or* mo?'" rr>o True tf .Utod of Hludvlor BtoWry," W H K> >?f.l ftfxUlftlM>ro I Of? oo?" fii. 'iiiViiikHi ai Natural (V.oc* " j W. Sfff, Plift'id V vmofto.y Oraoaa?'Hgid Ioihihw.i.,%i Onaiplioe promotive -v K bD>piU*U. HootKB'-jf. ?l,Kl t 0f-?li'iO, C .4 tti-ftd I)f(irnii MlifefM*, prijur i?y IUm Proideut; lecootc Mud TIk-v?l'<liyf?'; <>Mt>?u wim * p'eoo of ttrooc, health tot elKionii , tad rpQ g-twtl nrndil uioo I'd aolbor. Tbe L? id Hdi'ilottr) wan ft ',*>lli*tl #uc ee* ?nd Hit* Uftolrr'n oiatton ?fis a a> ?t and ID'ed pf ( nt Uiougiit U Vhi< clone of (oe *i>e?lt i g to d arte ul A S mm coa'to-red coo the ?iDt?(H .ftt(H alluded i? ?(></??, oouiprmmg Me U'ft'iuat* iUK ? ?? t?* fot?iwiuif is 'tie ex'of tno degree trhir.b is delivered to Me c?i>uItiatm upon *u- uxuai I'lt^ixaia:? l?*llftillft ftuftaemtft' Oftdrgli MeuH?iii'k*a>u id ember* VtrHliaontana. niiiiliuft Leiaruui Lculoft# rk'ic'ji la Kvuj(in tuipi eruaia. flet? Dft'uai ,.tt ini'.' s H ^rlml O.iadUft am> !*'? ' ci b mtmtlb * awita oonrftDdta ue tie?*'?iifle iKtiso > ari,qr inuui libera,ttim 'a t* U.I'M a" >nift<ntetaua eft''ft* It ?i i*4 itUHDC* cii'u u ami at uo^uW icvli***!*. k ?<iirft fttqua iliauUitUift i| >* lift que geMO'Vet ?t ?uu io n g***ftLiB 1. rtli tot uj'i' ini h ii u till. ? I ftitillldio ol Pru) Ik la ait't'gfftiiftiim lenllftiniiM c ft atuiii'i mi* * ,e n-aift'ift o.ii deet.n Acqnatl. uno Si kifti u l I'gi'ii r?e*??HD n iiEiucr^(*?'fti:i r.ima ftauot|uft I ?2ftirg?beti, iai iui"i * ,H) iHicg*eb**'' i| i*?ru tt b^dadKIC, Wen* L L libiiisK ecrt i, rtu* A. il in C ? <*. A ten llenrv K"#ter, L. A. Auxliu. t! U ftcftd ftD'l Juiiu '} I.irt'Mt M A. '7<iifii Hmt'iri- ? NorUiftv P Cft*'td|re,of Geo**fftf, C F Foul, bftftUelubt HeiliUkl Jul eg* ; Htiu tni 3e?ui, {toe* to? Ha*! Chart-* >1 ftd'Dioy, <tlt>*ar, N Y. /Immi ? ;, t U ? noo <?* ? ge tl fHe;*, Aw.retftry of bobiino free* ocwty, Leudou, tingaol, tl >u Pevor rfuirr, Micdle'iarv, Vt l/uR?ui>y I) D? R* v. Loifie.' l**e, ProfcMor of Ibeo w in Vti'tttD neuimary. Among Uiu diauuguiibno pnrrooe present at the oxer tee* ftr l OiHOd uir Kuceii* u :> *.ou titiauu U?d, Uocer?tw ut Vtt'UU'Ol; P.'bA.lPH I^raii-e Kitr ttr Wal?r, Se relfti f fiideo, Hnu. Ai'iimou PimH, uf tt)o lluitn i Sia*? ? 5 ? ?? Mr J W. *t|uftrt ( neoretvy Of ihe <*>!(**; iuv n ii n?u, rro r d M&ro^iu iff jdauiai ft ?*, ot tbo Boetoo Guaiam Hoilee; Frof"?eor Parke*, I Pralenmr Robbies Rev l>r Ola lc, o' Ow'?i>n; Rev Or Marsh, of N?w York cdv; Rev M* H...eitirB, P.ofesjor Jnkti D Bulier. i/t tue ffwoiiii' j Rat Mr Hon. Mr Fair hoka, of ril Joobsbjrg, Rov. J 1} A **are. and man* outers 1'bi* evening a brilliant lament m? iBuiltont and fashion el Ibn tniiru Mountain .nam i? grog f wwortl at Pros 'le it ItvaOee.'ii, whlco I ,ti?oied t.jr ? few t'lroen t, moot it k> Htaiti iloii *11*i pi?i?ur? IteauuT'il ?ooi*n and ?pe Vi'eo men to ev. r> ii-.i*t luiB'.' of Ufa unlove in ban Rome tow-rroiore, and many ?o<i cboion iiier*.-v mirtb rule Uie no r To morrow, oy a alia i<? order oI mmin, lito Antrum AsKOiiiavoo b<v.- li.e r ano-ial meeting, when ao a-ainc will be dellveron b? Rev J f>. duller, of Vlilian, VtwcuiiMD, and a porta by x C Biker or PeekenaviUe, A aa*ira; a'ler wbi.ib ibe annua uiuuer wot boaovuurrd; to be to K)??<1 by tome oratorical 'nnnawagmt," wtilcn will cute be literary tin) tcholsgltc feit'Vi.iea of Middle liaty I'oilrge fur the ouriant year. Toe town 1* f".ll lo vet flowing. and lb" ed-tiaoo 'do-iae, a most deakao'e auJ iMonot bote), kep' by the id a me druthers. 11 al've with lately. and open and franlc soe m mtrrm trie. loo tier mania Band of Beaton, give a roncert I) night w> toe cmrcn, at new doing uu wi'in a I*?aioi.atii? aud.enoe mrrrepomtent deairea to renew id ibis nrirreapondenee file leave of omuaiion to d-. 3nerm?n. pi the present torpor daw, tor many coorteom suonuoua ehuwo turn. 1 leave tot Troy to uigbt, ana au we go, WSCROKKJICuL LIHT OF JCDbl FHt'KT OQI.LSHB Fvllt nib YEeUS l8b*-A*>. tiuru T801? Rod. wi'l'am -iiaiie, ex Governor of Vermont. Crass of IS' X?N'tia'ah M .t re ]8M?Mt b> miab Cotter, M P. 1HII?Rev Ktoten Poet, D. D. ifllill?Ktv lira Pearson. Jim? tev. j. ho In^'Mll. 1NJ?Rt?. A iio? Sam^e. 18*7 ?U.O'go W. 9iroug 184ft?I,<einii? H libsptoan. 1863?<j 11 ben J. Lao*. Ctklmuan of the ? fourth" In Turkey. Obit COASfAMl INOFLK COKKKHeONbtNIIfc. Cosscantinopli. July U, 1858. A Ytmht Abroad?II u, He Hut-la vf Hit Aniut hvnu? A H'Otantxc of t\e, AatvnaI Anni'marv? Hperchet by Mr. C-mtul General Hrvum, Gen. Amen Ward?American M- sumariet, dc , dc. The birthday of our country' independence baa been celebrated by lery any tuccucgi in the United Stales Mere nunieroualy attended, v-.orr dtzzimg In appearar sore profuse in aimocblratKns; yet I doubt whet tier ttieie tiot bt m one in wbteb tr. e to be found boar's moro loyal, a pa'iiotwm mna devoted, or a lore of cerntry mere vto . e than in tb? little jatnoripp or American citlittioii tbc Asiatic time of tho Doaoborua. in* to; in the tnicst cf binning*, surrounded by all the otn fui Ir nf lile, wanting nothing, fearing nothing, rem> vro even from tight *nd sound of everything oalc jlated Id war enjoy tncnt or even to remind t>* that the picture on which te ieok has another ride, that we are most apt to |Orni a Joel appreciation of oar grod fortune. Such, ladeed, seems sunoat tube the condition of the American eittsrn at home But here, a'a*l bow different. Poemts'ng. as 1 truet all do, at least ihe simple necessaries of Ufe, protected by the strong arm of our government against 'nJssMoe, we fear nothing, yet aland in the midst of all ghat by contrast could remind us ef the manifold blessing*?materna', social, religious and political?whloh pertain to the free citizens of the United States. The celebration lock place at IUnkiar Snelessi, <'iue landing place of the rcauslayer," situided at the extremity f one or the most beau'iful valley* on the Asiatic side of the Bjtphorus It was once a lavcrte resort of ttu S.I tana, acd was adorned w<th spring*, cistern*, fountains' parte volar, and everything that could add a charm to it* native loveunee*. But there nave ail ctganpaared, and there re malu at prest nt on ly the beautiful laws, the due red nlif,, trru the nLLIe hrot.k anil the mirroundink hhla Ob a bill in ar by, projecting iuto the set, is a until paiacc of r<4 and while ai<u air, hmli by a Pasha of Kgypt, entirety of Kgvpnan marble, as e. piear.m fo tbe Suiiati. 1 believe be oat never, however, so mur.n as sit his K'oi in it. At all even's it is uuluramhed, uninhabited, and surronuded only by u denee miss of weeds. About one hundred persons? onrn, women lud children?all told, were present; some of tueui Iroin distant miSf.otb in Asm. Instead of tbe Wntoro ba; beoue, a deltgn ful pteole, to wb'.-b toe company sti d isro <j toi Turk, but cot until tbe blessing of the Almighty had beta invoked upon the bltio lusenng aud upou our country, wcote birthday we bad met to celnertie. It was a pcc'soe to obi er toe heart of every American put:!o< ? not because of our numbers, for we wrre few?not because of the mago. licence of the bioquet, for It was unprelct ding? not from any mere out want nsptiy of p"cpai anon, for of toeio wax little lo attract tbe observation 01 an indifferent passer by. Bui to ooe who from tbe 'ace i.o i d rego tbe neart. it a as a picture upon wttich even despotism could scarcely buvo looked nam ived We were cm mni y broihere and ne family, one fceirt?for on that day but one sentlnitnt pervaded eve,y boom. We li ft our cues ami troualee, or watch all of ob huvo our shar*, behind us; our peliy diffcrua set of opinion upon politics ?& : religion, and whatever e!b? may at nmci pro.:uco * temporary ettrapgrm-rit,, wo put far way liom jh. there wai wai. nu question: are you Mitnoiiist IVebyiuriun or Episcopalian? are you from Massachusetts or South Carol'nt? It *a* rTion*rr? to know that we were American citizens; that we bailed from 'ho land ot Washington, teat too sum" (It*;, the stars and Urip'e, protected or all. 'Vo laiow out one God, one country; and '-<> ibat God, with h.ui'tg overflowing Wild gratitude nod thankfulness, we audresncd ourselves m forwent prayer for bin continued benediction upon that country. The meeting wat addressed in approo-iuts stvle by our Miairter, Mr. J.ihv-r WilParus: our Ooa I aul General, Mr Krowu; the ltev Jir. Dwight, nd Gen. A^ron Ward, 01 Wcetsbeater county, Mow York. I eh all not a'tcropt ore a the briefest scutch of their rentalks. I may say, however, 'hit beside? tho topid utnaliy dtecuSEed on such occasions, the Minister alluded ia u leeliDg niaouer to the hapoy mil 1 -noe oxertsd throughout tte Ci"k'?U erop're li our American m'ssion rhe?rot alone by ihe number of their oonverU, but bv the truly Christian feeling witn which the hearts of all were Impressed who witnessed ihnr lives, and 'ho kindly sentiment Coated i t be .elf of a cwtnry wblch ?unt broad to every laud men having uo political mission, hut only one of love and good will to all. tlis remarks wore conclude i by ollVrink the lollowiug seat m Jt? Tho American Protests;:t Missionaries m the Ottoman cu p re?They teach u> a pure ronton by example as Veil rf pieoept. The Iruila of tOair laliors a>-o tu be found in the btaria of aH those, wbethor Turks or Jews or Christians, who wi ru rA that la private life they practise those virtues which in public they teach In reeponse to this sentiroottt Or Dwight, who has hern for ru many years dUtiurujabcd inr tbo zeal with which be has d, voted himself to the roif?!un of Ohr'.stiau 1ty In fuikry, rp? ko In term* of warmest grat'tido to the Winlrtcr 'or the personal kindness which he had ?o oiten shown to the missionaries, anil of toe prompto -a* Willi wh ch he h* 1 alw*y? i.-siion It j to every Just osuse <x complaint which any ?c ttciu ha t made against the Tutki-di authorities The ad lire,!* ot Mr Brown, besides tbo nntioo of the nuial 'o.i gave us a most Inter*, ring hl.rtory or the spot on wb'e" ?e had met. H presented a sinking contrast indeed 10 our own cif...? v I l.uat l hate not been .hie to get a report ol bit roma-kg, which for beauty or a.yie ?i> we.l ar tli.i interest of the narrative* would hare t?een a treat to every lovur of literature. it.e evening closed upon up, and then after a day of euunh .ie and happiness lucre came the only pang which touched the bea't?the pad woida good byn. an lour Wrparatlun; hut this not until al! 'th one voice nulled tn s eg rg our n utonal anthems?"The Star Spacglad BinHer" and t-v.t Columbia," I know hot llttlo of music, trut I kunw something of the human heat, and I know tf.-d, who gang Doar.s, in. fill men so re of wh'ch iv?? poured tnrtb in every gir i o ot tho?ee:innrorat? l airs. At night the summer ristilouee of our Minister at Buyktier;' on tbi B'ipbnrii* mw beautifully Illuminated. A land of nnis.c plsyed On the quay o front of tne hou?o; Hn rorts Id up tl.p sky, eld the whole scene was en|ivi ted uy the boodr ? nth1 wometis led the strunts, at trad i by the m.d'c, the novelty of iho p.;. no, au l tho etcsren which called foith ll ceo "'gos of rejoicing. Cohl mi the lian?_Vihiabl? Aretejooleglcul Dttcovcry. tit rut muTim or THI nmiA The new hi IkiiUii abh-.o bw b-?a opritei op um*i{ Uie tomb. of tbe nthona who rtmriahel eeatorlM and do- i ead?? of okiiIoim* wo on ib? Intbmai ba Ui? i nput '.. o? on-people mhI a resh?p, ?nt wider, and more J rnpncionn inroad >.n?n mat wbhtu ana no recently tea ???il | 1'iAr'a IVtJi Uneaten. u> nivalin and acifCuu ovtry foot 1 of ii rmi burial mo-no io tropua America. Ibot dooti -tea icij bo valuable Mi the mere jblj PffVwr, bat tbey poaeets to tnd man of tel. .j.-,o a valna 1 wbion cannot be eall'iuted t?y floik'H etui cent* fbeooly , (ear to* la that tn tbo wild poraoll of ireaaure tbo moat uibrraatuig and valued Auofi*n*? perconal and booAenoiil ' iihaa? ibe larta aud peoatoa at tbe b.p 01* raot whine very name an a bfloo baa Oeeu ,<wal oail no id the all' tfaorbiDK put? will bo lUerlj vacrlflc-d aud hopelesily ' tout 10 all tcienuao puriraaea. I tm?t, however, Unit will ' tot cu permuted Snib *a eiblbt'iou of VtridaJlHOO would i be lb I be highest degree uiarepuntb a to our oltaracter M 1 an taite'l'grot and Christian people. 7be acoounU froiu Oouii|ui are of Ibe most to WoaUpg and rcmarsable coarn-ier 'be tixrci neon of golden images aid ntbrr An.ryw_?a. now on exnihitton at Mall, UlaCK & Co >s, B <wo?uj,d'n I umlnnlauU, truly wao'ler m<I Tbtwe ibe fiVuQu b?/. t?r, I'auf.rui, aTo Still more in teres ting My aUeiitioD baj been cu. le i 10 thise daoov^rlee by various parties, and my n . n on eoncitod. I hire uot tun leant iinuut tone am |i iiuuw 'onta am in jt. to "ten i li tbt? ban Iv-vn m-'le no toe grouud dial gold it >.<><. ?ow foooil no tbe lno oue or si tie (be txreuoial u lit u .,.jiimwi1 bl loo wiuj of Ibe poupla a o-e "ouacal," or g/an-e. are now beiog il-aponen. Ii le in a great mi-wae Uu a ao.iu.vlr tnrougbmit tbe |trt< A Htle ol Nrt l>r?taJt ami tu < wir. ?"l boon oi? ton Iif-as Or tbis fact we bare a'>?, dtut evulesoe li rougo ibe l ?g< a oi "tie earner Sipauwb biuem-ias Ha re>a rays:? 'In mis pionnv.o (Granada) '.oem a'# gold mines ten run n ve oe, wh- re no tnwna base been lutlt, btraueo ib-y am id low grounds, wbtob are y Coo po? taken oat ef tliem temerity oue carats flue. It is tt ought mere are surer unors Here era aiao tne eiiu rald mines, which are wroogot by trenched of waier witti little toll of ibe natures tux nx tne emeralds are (ihid'1 somn pieoea < f crystal-lite disunions an bard osttm rim ritlds, and no.nn o tbe e mention are found ainoug eba<ceOouy slODe," ho. At>uiber authority mentions a lump of twaa'.y five poi.tidt louao near ouoco We could quose Iron rarioiis authors showing tbe er sU-in'e or gold Hi tbe troi icr at the Huuo ui tile OiMiquexi., but dreu it uuneceisary Alter tne iuya-1011 of toe Spaniards the natives cineed up the uuues, ami, after a to* ri nnrationa of >ndu out t.a*e too enrv Iruosr <id?*n of tb<- precious 'rwure fade from r- memoranda Van 4tci/i?.ii mtiiUoLi flow ?l7<c'.u*liy the uaoitd of Peru e-.Diva.ei> all koow'?Jse of their mlueafro a the Spanlarua Anovbtr point, iwiot'ng ?Ol-.h loquirr n vB b i?u made; is it probable Un to valuable "buncos" oxUBu b? j<- o ibe Hod's of >nt> duplet of 8<*|oa.on, la answer to tbir, -t may be t tU'il that for yearn lharo Ihco la p rtteilon of fa-.le showing ?he atiau<noe of uni iar ct meter ?? iu toe adjoining itate of Hcuador. In t utnca (lOcunocr) mcto nave bee a uncovered intoretting and valuable huacia lo Peru tivy are known to i x it m vast number.', net villi*lancing toe cupidity of the any explorers, who wautonly desecrated every spot of ' ifit they cou (I gaiu access to. Recently a friead at W,Bblog'on received fnxu ao ancient Peruvian tomb s ecuneno of a ibert of gold ahicb was foaud eoct<i:ag a bo man frame. Tbt rmelltize of the kuagvtros recovered front Chi rfqui induced fomt In iupp att that tie mf?l mint oave been rearer, and that larger Mo a would not probanly t.e lound, aa tbe aborigine! are tuppoied to nave been dtlltatetf DM btaft d ttaut, and inns incapaoie of luting Urge musees of metal. 1 have been naked whether the noMv-s of ihe tropics or of South America pos rerrru the means of fus'ng motals oo a tolerably large icaie, or abeUi_r ittey onaeiBtood and practiced metai loryy. except to a limited exieDt I can, perhaps, batter answer iota by referring to toe earner jponith historians, who abound with notice* of aboriginal proilciouoy io working toelala. Herrera frequently mentions tbe ingenuity of tbe native* in noeuliurgio art. Gomarr* ruters to basins Inabatb belrmgirg to AtaluiHim, "one uf which wi lgnnd eight ambits of gold, which makes two hundred weight Eogllsh." At Cuaw, "ait ox-cftuivd sepulchre of silver was dug up, ao thick and massive tbsl It was worth fifty ihcsaml pieces of eight." a vessel of gold was found among other rants .weighing between 200 ?lJ 300 pounds. "tuo Indians," n a m the authority, "nakn greater or less of those, as occasion requ'ns, uelDg'hem to boil drink or liquor la " A? to ibo Inquiry how ibry marfo th-fle, having no be 'ows, we will quote f?om Girciloga:?"Tboy mil tod it iiuwu In earthen or clay put*, f. uicu tony carried from puce to place " ToaP-ac of tbe oeilows may used blowi?p*s "mane ofoopoor, and about a yam long, the ends ?f wbich were narrowed, that the bream mtgot pass tcorefocclbly by ncans of lhft rootrHCttoo, and ui the tire woe to bs moto or lest, *o aooordiug'.y they used lea or twelve of these pipes ut oaoe, aa the quantity of metal did require " One of tbe accounts of the nbtriqut discoveries which I btve teen ("peaks of the relics, or Images, to use a more conveniioiiat term, M solid If this ucorrect, then are rtej oia-rrnt from similar fabrications in Pern. Vun Tscbaui says:?"Tbs totdeii Idols arc always hollow." The cm. torn of bury leg with the dead articles of value, as fc'no for lupportiog lite bey. nil tbe grave, was generally practised throughout North and South Amertos bat prevailed, perhaps, to a grea'er extent In tbe tropics and the Southern cr>ntloent. Objects or adoration, [>e:rona] ornaments, articles of domestic use, implement and weapons or war or the ch ien, wore placed beside tbe remains Tbe practice varied in dllii-rent localities, but tbe general principle was tbe eatne. We And the mound builder of tbe Mieeispippl Valley supplying bis departed friend wltb *11 tbetmay beneeessary to guard and support him in the land beyond tbe sc.ting sun. We see that the Hugos, or, hu ancestor in tbe tropics, practised almost identically tbe same custom', ard we know that the race of the lonaa disposed or tneir ?irad in nearly tbe same manner. The mora luxuriant nn?.i"os of the South tar surpassed their brstfcreo at tbe Ncrth. Tb-re vesseia of go!1 held tbelr favorite chicha, (a fermented bf vsr?ge made from maise), while others less valuable, but brilliantly painted and elaborately emooaae.1, coiratoed their pvtnoa, ma'r?, &c. Hire the rude terra eolta 'tocupled the plane of tbe vesse's of gold and sliver, sad implements, ornaments and utensiia of stone, she!), clay, kc., supplied the uses of tbe less advanced srtt/looi. But I must sad, some of thi te relics from tbe mounds are ixore wonderful, if Intrinsically Iocs valued, tbau the BugaUta huaquerot. come in my posset*'on, made of poi^oyiy, ai d recently taken from tumuil in tbe Ohio valley, ta- surpass to point of exquisite llnisb and artlitic wr.rimau.fblp tbe auriferous depoa'.ts from Cbtrlqul. I wit; send some to Ueisrs. Ball, Black & Co., and solicit a semper lion. In concluding this hurried response to several iaqu! lies wcicb bavo reached me in the midst of some researches in the ^ront moond field* of the West, I must a Id my slnceru rcrre; thai cannot be done to avert tbe calamity which threatens to destroy some oi the must lidefeating remains which our great and extent, ve Anturican couticont presents, covered, as vbey are, in all their sweeping latitudes and longitudes, with vast sad myele. 1ous monumental rules which stagger the mind with tt.e wcncerCui enigma connecting tbern to the past. 1c this enlightened age, although essentially utilitarian and gold seeking, tbero must Rtlll be a soirotidc, a buma'dta-Un influence, which will strive to nrefiervc these must interesting remains of ?o extinct people, ami secure tor posterity at least some of ttie treasure* of Mttqn ty truoh tho unlicensed thirst fur go1'' torealen*; with utter den'.ruction. Posterity * ill justly bold us to strict accoiintafcllttv fb? any dlreilctton lu th's particular. The government of New Granada should lute'poao I;* authority aru c.ieclc the destroying haud at work npon her ancient MyslokNI. tho rapacity of tho mere gold herder should be stayed, nnd oareral, tborour,h and cytto mane, research p oseoutcd under tho eye of science. Our o? n governmcrit owes it to solenre to co operate in thesu investigations, to dls "lntinue the marauding spirit which wouiu cee'roy ny temple or tomb of antiquity if goM Iry hen?aih, to obtain a full scientific repot t ?.Dd to secure abundant specimens of the recovered treasure to enrich some future A m ricai arcL.voiogtcal museum Mocwu-miE, Va , August 12,1859. YR DE H Book Nete Fuigrrlei, TO TUF nhiTOK OF THK URKaLD. New York, Augtist 13, 18M. Almost every igsus of the Hkriiji announces the appear arise of a new counterfeit, or set of counterfeits. From limn tc time, through tho vigilance of our detectives, thousands and tens of thousands of what purport to be genuine rtolare are seined and declared to bo forgeries, and clever ones too; tho utteror or boldor of thorn is occasionally puniihod; but in no Instance are the real forgers caught; soldom are they suspected. In our nation of buyers and seders bo one iB free from the inconvenience of a flood, a Ntogaraof worthiest! paper; distrust is universal; and in few Instances can one offer a bill, no matter how good, without being annoyed by tho Invent!(ration It Is subjected to,and inconvenienced by tho loss of time consequent on the overhauling of detoctors, the interference of bystanders, and the natural timidity of the dealer to take what even the best judges would have trouble to know whether it wits a t'ue bill or a false one, so accomplished has the forger become, so perfect are his issues. Almost every trading man has ?to'y to tell of counterfoils; how many thousands tb;g bank passed over its counters, ignorant o the !o?a thr.y were sustaining; bow ouch and each goud and experiencrd money changars weie takeo in. True and f aloo reports necome go mixed up that an oond ience \f u' an nni), and no wo pay or recuivo a noto witbou a larking 'ear that wo are choat ng or bciog obMlrd. kormurly f.vgfri direc'ed their ofl'irts to the production of ommtfiTfoiid on Western and Southern backs; bat ox pcrifiticw h?s taught them that it prfs better to work nearer home, the reputation tb it 'New Ynrir anl th.* Essiorn bel'l fir a good pi.H-r oorronry causoJ dta'crg to be lees careful iu tiro pa ssr belonging to those Alt- than that nt uinro die ?nt or more nowiy nettled on ?. rtio State of N"' W York nag certainly made pro vision for a good and ratro'ul issue of olroaiattog bank noifin. Let ua eithra'DO on page 6(1, vol. 6, ooi'lon 5, lection 60, Reviged Statutes Slate of Near York We llod ibattho Superintendent ot the "Bank Deoartnunt ig uu tborlzed and required to cause to he engraved 'u the bust manner, to guard agamei counterfeiting, aur.h quantity of circulating noten, In nmtlltudo of buak notes la biaufc of 'ho ,efferent denomination*," At , & ,. And on page 668, gee 184, vol 14, that "the plate*, diss und materia a to be procured by the Sjperlntcntonv for ?oe printing and malting of the circulating notes, gtiall reman In kmougtody am under bi* dlronlion,'' 6*o , fca 'hat 'he 9r?t named condition of ihegtatut" la outirely overlooked e v e ry engraver of bank note* Is fui'y aware; aod that the g'vont Ig neglected every bnnaer and every' o n.Npuid he 'Bfor ne I of tfntl*' the law In uumisiaki abio language provide! Tor the lain ko'ieng of the hack plates. n>auj.*l*ls, &S., of a un a, dogpit' Hie Seourny OGd&idered MOtMMry by too LcgiAlaturs NEW YORE HERALD, Si onoaeieeol pen tolon \t nrfy b<-W of ?b? plainfrcn ?b)cb IBs ontee ore i?in ed ?roih> bonrn?e/? ?r> ptlUilUru Mi li>?0 porarer fui j| <U" ?0|J>.V .1 0???>, f? '? nti nwj rtwinil itl" to* trioi sn*r / t> *li inker or re iup .icaiv n of -tie muli iwo p ?? < R 1 a?'< at oil to* purport! lo >o iel> .oe? or on-, '.on <i v > i ("? u.0'rr>l m r(M * <? ?i>0 ItlO c n? 3D' it I" rut I tlual toot Mil, '? d?ri<0" tun Sip IIS u If it I . 'Id II' |li?H lab of tbr top UloU-.'1*!, ,tn i.0? bio ir, to,' ?'ltv '? |ir?'?MM>oo. prxio O' ui' in. to or the o a* i no pit-? nook) tot tv torn' 'o? 0 - ,,'iw, vofoo a /--it pu < ? mo rrM Oo I nor ? ">?'? la * "?f-" ?i'iD" trnjr?i< It ir u?t Mn <pp?*r o it* i oil "III r rn'puvti'd trill en no JO ?i?i" A. - Ok t|.-t S |i iu rollout ii?n >i V. or* . in tho mode (.1 ini-i tfiii|i Inr p ih .i.U'iu 10 i liir ilotiu, hook ootre The riKH.AL[> Hon l<nm ti oe f> b ut ? it' ?' tbr rutlie priiOntH rtn oaoot oat * mo >an ? '!({ " >br public rrru iior fr-in on tu< m-'imlno'o uv of din i onitDoo u> an ooitn oi to?- Uo't-1 s *v* us i lift -y ? Imbue. "lid r.t iu' lotted H* n?uu >t tut b?> it-'?fn o L r >n. <11 p port tOO of o*?; |l i>m do a u tie 1 ig^'OH ibOflk IliHlllj x-8 bak'Og ilW-8 lif 80<r*vU << of rtJIVl lo<-? hate ihe neluaiye uno ? c?n e ?d w b W><* JltrLIlM ?U(1 fl? .iJH 00 h'Ott tt" !?? >' UllllJI ?t? ' u?e lor iht"r ont< b nix* :1ml *?? .auun >o > i <li 'i M oof lb? Only Of ?b? pff>/> Halt'li I < OK aver, for h'? own OrnOI'.'i l->kr,l? 11WA> kD??D Or fael llirf <f .1. 0>x kup-f-'UUta di-bt I'O oaflo I) of the from ?ttt O tat 0?<j* !*>? kwpit'U,) ! I bo eugra*er In Ot '.U JJ- |r??, me nl tuoti, tin. very p.rl of the. o?.e-oil ?ao obx-.ii l nake -uo-u.-r miiuiu U> ibat 1- p.-ml ?rna l'?? p-oo -r otlkri lot fek't) if p.Of. ii every '>?ok Odd ilr inuial vgoeite, un . ??ul fitjoy ine prviitg ir.*i in- o ill eder tit k book but, opo otter II acorlug M> tv > of Oil tt"?* >" th* dxir ci, , It -my ut pir.vout fraud inula o-i Iter pan tlx,'ml, too lufalxDe Olio augi(?led oy UK Himuiiil Friday, t'iui, can be reiMiricu ui?* pltu ttb r.b no prw.llcui otiyr?voi w id J f* I to -uJ nm Io co' ilurtxi fx 'inw lun' okiaO <0 'tit u rtiot yt'tai b-ve rtnxleo to a frtu ao^i-y toy of Mcououurf for to# p'lixo of to nikiit coxioieitfUi. Ii i?, "tn.i ibo Om n rki an prut kinl in fcX.glaud " A report lo uin oil n n> lurutirioualy circ.uU'od H.rkr Lbt< gun. Wbou aa eiiraermi m?y oeriiioo for b->u? i ov- p>u?* 'mdertl ihe oiippy of <tf ravoia to tbt? Civiuli'r luMdlcteol, aod <-Ui px y.r? wto UkB'iouk of oilrt-nl tig Itlx pay of tbx artim* rmifid to ib- >r ptep?i atria, effbrl* Wort made ami torn (tiita o..k km out u Keg ant uiooiam dim tor nana not' port urn'*, but lo every ewe aviluoiil 8uiui?h No, Arn.-ri eau btitle DOi# rorravieg i? peculiar Ainxrioati arl *od no niilitr Lew ikitn iki ibe Bndab ?r'. ot unay O", ba m qui'ok otlaraiirn lo ih?l peoiMkr oran tb fimt anl Mady to okkri.xal id I'buiuicg Ibt pocu lar'ly autl ibt p-wliar ox?l foco riquued Whoorrr ban lo boar tb? b^-ne of I ho fo- gw lr? now ao fioqarnt, employ era o- ooi iioytd, tbey am uot douu Id Ecguuid. VKAlfA3. Improvements la Ouanerp* T1IB NUMUKIl OK INVENTIONS ANNOUNCW)?MOHB lBPKOVfc-MBNTS IN KBal.L AKUS NKKDKf) ?CII *KaOTKK OK TUK ABkH KKifUlUMJ?80lidE.iTlO.Sd KIIOO A COKKKSKONl'KNT, BfO. TO Til* DOITOK OK Tllk HXUAU). moDlbii ago, end, after h'aaiog with such horrible :<Tui tenet, scot into u abrupt and surprising extinction, has uaturaliy excited a lively into sat and curiosity on this k)i> of tbo water sb on ihe other in tae various improve Lents in warlike inalri'Bents and appliances, that a long peace had rip ned np out of military leisure and science> or the general progrtes in the mechanic arts had elicited from the invention and ingenuity of civil life. How this ixjierinuntum curcit has hern sustained hj such of these new devioee as hare heeu submitted to it wo can only know accuratey when we are supplied with authentic details. But, bow ntimerons the announced improvements are? even tbaec which have eetabltaned at loast an iiiisidn reputation. rite Paixttan gnu, the Minis rifl?, and lie nu ai< roue ciofcenera, luc'.ading the Lancaster rifle, the Needle gun, tbe Tgo musket, k- , Sic., the o*ni?>0, tbo A'liialroug gun, the rifled oaunon of ion* of Ibe northern European nations; that of Oavailo, tho :2 toonder Told artillery or Napoleon III., the now Franco rilieo Sold gun, Sic., kc. WilboBt o wening on those even that have sustained and inttmionaliy retraining trois the m. ntiou of uotue o our owa to vcnticLo of this nature mat are of great premise, Jtt ua inquire what the more special object ct tar IDer ImproveiiK-Dln 10 eaa.l hi e arms ought lobe The extraordinary success attained in extent ot range end ec curacy ol >im miuie ut Uial invention is on Ute ricbi iract and may be expected, ere long, in reach the im jit as ultra. Then, what, next f Here I venture two or tbree hist* on tbe pica of come experience in the flvlJ and in marcbea witn solulers. Tbe pene ration needed In the email arm is, ma'. It sball reach the Seat of life > nun at the greatest dis lance at which lines or groups of cavalry or artillery shall be often enough struck to Justify the expenditure ot am munition upon Utom I consider this rouge to be ai yet untielerai.ned, excepting thai It must be limited by the accura>e vision of the unaided eye. The aim of the artil levibt wUi l>e carried far beyond tbis by saea&s of his lorgnette or spyglass, but we can Parly anticipate that invention will supply such ads to the rifleman When mer&cge is determined approxmutelv, the eh jeel of improvement abuuld be to reduce to the utmost ocuslsteut with Ute above conditions the weight of tho mittile, in order to rcduoe the woigbt of tbe arm itself Considering wnat has already been achieved, tt ts only reasonable lorxpect that tbe weight ot tbe arm of tbe feet soldier (all tiflcmen thenceforth) may be lessened at least ons baif. Such a mitigation of the unavoidably heavy bur then or the solan r is a vary great deaicerauiro, as any old cam pawner will promptly concede; an t not lea* willingly will be grant tbe great consequent advantage* of giving ft double supply of cartridges, ao often deficient and dilUcult to supply in crttloal moments of ft battle, ftad making blcflreaim ft fencing Instrument aft biddy a? a cut and thrunt sword or a cudgel, when it oomex to per onfti conflicts and oayouel work. A greater range la admitted t j beltng to greater weight In tbe minaiie; but while we ought to strire to extend the rarge at low ang.'as to the limit of clear vleiou ana efliectlve use, we want no more, and It will be a waste of Ingenuity and power to labor after a greater range for thia arm than belong! to that limit. Aft to penetration, evea our suggested email mis aile will, I think, require that for ammunition boxes and wagons, thin corrugated metal be substituted, In part, for wood, aa may be done with Utile or no augmentation of weignt; far although it may not have been demonstrated that the passage of Teadrn balls will ignite tbe powder of cartridges, it is probab'e that oar artillery and ordnanoe will reluctantly expose this indispensable fool of battle hi a risk of that nature, eaner.iallr as friction ivnitahles an. to often rrcr ret in modern artillery aupplleg. If it ba objected tbat such small mitsilos will not so often kill, tt may be auawcred tbat this u a valid plea in their favor, on tbe score of humanity. Tie French ph'aae Vt? dr. cnrnbat expresses just what ia wanted In this re ipecl, and all tbat la wanted?namely, to lesson the tone of tbe array sgiurt us. This must be by lulling, ouly wbon we cannot frighten tbe enemy oil, ana he will not bo satisfied with wounlg merely, lint all old soldiers know that <J9 men in every 100, if not pi ad of an ex.u.e for dropptrp out of fire, are uure to do it on getting evsr so slight a wound. this loosening tbe weight or the foot soldier's arm is the first ioiiHOtemeut m importance to be accomplished by our irgenious ones, and it will he material and inv pot tan* according to tie. degree. If puraueu in lire right spirit I am sanguine as to a reduction of one bait Bnt there is another improvement wnich, toongh now a good deal advanced in this and other coon tries, is, as jet, barely ripe for the rough handling of ike common soldier; sn imprr.veaioat,tbtiigh second to that above in suited on, still of an importance justifying the most pa. ttent investigation and persevering inianuity?I mean th-i application to the arm of the common soldier ot tho breecn leaning principle. Ii will almost necessarily follow, for rontons thAt need not now be pressed, thai success in this application will bciti ihe aclm Yemeni of the obinct. urired above. hnfiuiu uotti aim and raugu are Intel? u> be improved hy ,t be jot (1 what cas bo accomplish**! by musxle loading. Toe breath loading proolem is to#, however, so on t rely a mutter ci minnim and dotal!, that liftie aid can be liven towards :ut solutun, uejond iusistitg ou certain inflexible conditions?namely, simplicity, Bireogh and duraoulty. I he brceoa load.rg gun must be incapable ot being w.t understood, or misapplied, even by the moil stupid. It meat g.?uiti unharmed the very hard usigo of a claw cbaraUenvtically rouiriuis and mot adroit, aid It muit equally reels, exposure to weather and rough treatment during long campaigns. Up to Una time, unless it prcve otherwise with gome Inventions under (rial, over so many contrivances of great Ingenuity hate been found to fail short, more or less, as to one or more cf these iadlepeusaoie requisites aq ! It would seem that the groaloei d lliculty l? m gt'.iog over tlio diU'erecce beta< cu a weapon that is unobjectionable as a gentleman' rifle or spot ting gun, and cue that will remain serviceable in the canda ot common so.diers in the fleid?I might almost say, one that will not in hli hands become whoil? n?el* ts as a fi'oarm In a re# weeks. borne at It art of tso ditlli.ull es he in the necessity of close fitting wuk, notwithstanding the coirosivo efldcis ot inflsmi'd gunpowder, which soon enlarges all oponuigs, cr lis foubng ' fleets, wnir.b scan stiflHi and even stop the w<nk?M? of |>ar1s that shouut remain easily movable. In reference to complication, to mime extent 1 suppose unavoidable, we bare encouragement in the fact that the musket lock is R. triumph cvt a d'fliculty as great, praba bly, as a wads us here." And it would seem tnat soiuo of the pure metals or toeir a'loys, m'ght he so applied as to resist corrosion But II11 riot my i t rpoee to meddle with details, though I will here make the suggestion, that it wilt be a gret. recommendation to any breech loafing piece, ibai in c.tse ofiojury to any of tho parts pseulur in It as cucb, It will still reniam. as regards its nmuiuni tion and all its nppltauccs, so effective mosxle Wilug gun If wnjndge from iho ysst here and In Bogissd, if cot lu other countries, inese and such use improvements will probably proceed from tninds out of the military profes stun, because from wuhlu, it is said, thcro have been oo MtforkB 1r. linn llni* hill r*.llt. r rr?I?na h.ul anMieu al! that bu been brought forward by others Bat tbtt Joai ousy, if sucb it bu, will bare .is usefulness neveribeieim; It will tf a eire that trisli ami test* (all abort to no pjim oC stricture* and Hnverity, and ibis will greatly contribute to tbe adoption of a really goad species at small arm. j The ration cannot too rtcnly reward tho man who stall bring tLene impravcmenta Into erudition i'or army adoption. And 1 advise iny loquiaitiye countryman to pro'U by the active nHereai taken in all military improvements by the present pure aid patriotic Secretary of War, where a'd tnay always be secured lor ohjects likelv to inwrrc suuhgreat rewards IF, VILaJX mUSQUSrAMli. Nhw You, August 18,1869 Tns Onio I,tint and Trcst Compant.?'Tire Proo?to Court of Cincinnati baa, In with a lietiiloo to tha< effect. Just Issued an order requiring ter iriiFtees ot tbe Ohio I.ife and Trust Company "to flio ao invi niory of all tbn ano'a of raid compsay, w'lb a sc'ie dule of the creditor*, and to convert all s?!d a?sru into mnoi-y without any unneoessarv delay, ar.d d'vtde toe nao.e ?'i|iially among tbe creditor!." Tne order has b( o jrinli ' unoer a new anrlR'nmeut act of Ohio, t. el reqalrei nit "th? trustees ibould 0'n a oopy of the assignment, ulro of the order constituting them trust ee, and eacb irive bond, within ten tlayi, In the sum of ' 6 000, and i tint w.thia -birty days alter toe giving of ibe bo id they si ?H file an iuyeutoiy, as required by ? new *?t." (TNT) AY, AUGUST 21, LHf>9 TILJE MAJCHBsr&a OF AAEIUCA.' Our C>.r>u|>?u<ltnM. I-o'm. <*m , A'Wui'i 19, 1*">9 rAt "l i.'D ;f S'fnnab ?$n< I ivy, up**/ ?/ IV </Vy?**< i\.ui /jit?tVu'J H 14,6?S'.xun Fire Eim'.He?lstux.ll Munu/uUurtl, ilc , i?u Kiiovtiig well fiat vay iU'? or in lor in awe relating to :lui l>ri>itr< i?, p o<via wad ?ni: neniy: of our ouri rlt g d'atr ict? ?on> l b* lo'pr.m i,^ to too r?*???ra of too Hichid, I tooo(jljt in |>?r- inn t'iroutia loir Oo i mi rt lUM CIV, the K?nrL?- , r of torerloa," lu?l 1 m iu> i ilO*on< a txirUkD ot o>y i.iioo in p i*t. my a ,?ur*io >U'i<'i.n of ju fromth of t- ' r| y, ?j| i 4^0 o( i'.? uiauultcturea, on it ?M b* 'r - d ibal Ibin tittle city ot forty monoid otaoU B ippl.oi three lo r to* of tno eiaplu dry good* ut u til" (Jolted Mil r Tbo brut top-graphical v)-? of l/>*ell la ob"nued from Dracut Hoiabu, juat tci?>i tbo Utrmat) nvw, U'l Ji rectly opposite too city. After reaching too eucnin 1 ot in uui, <unu'wrnr ou o lore Dim a iuii vice ?? ? -> city. The timi thing but turtcla the eye, ?ud peering rar above the dwelling bouses, are numerous gig*uu i bnck DutliMigs, irum nx to eight svorie* iu a? gut, *Q " measuring three hundred feel iu length by seventy tire Itet lb breaaib?these are the factories Tier are open on all siuia, thus alluding good light sud the u> ist unex cep'tooabir means ?or ven ileum, 10 nooesaarv for toe general health ol the factory operatives. The n xt titlug that attract* the uosorver's aliojllou, as be eij.iysot lure's panorama c the city, la it* beauty aud tiic'u lecq x titer, all'orded by the Ihouemla of Ires iu too meets, ro attractive to the eye and oocea-a'y for to oreami nlatiou of a city. Toe street* the in I" run at rlgbl angles, and are wide, well paved with ?< auiaigamat on of the Uclgiua auO cobble stoue p?vi-ineut* They are kept quite clean, and at oignt are well ugbi-td b> (as. Like uien of our progres-ive Amonoin cities, Lowell can Claim her p o raw or chdrcoo*. o*uk?, pilblnt building* and charu.ibie loeuwtiooa, oeiiide* uaviigmie of tbr annul aud beet public balis (I! lUllugUen fiall) iu the Bay Hate. It is capsule of neatiug tuiny Jve hiuU'O 1 persons with rare. As for Its manufactures or st*pl? dry goods, it excels evsr? place in toe I'utou, a* will os shewn lb another part of Itaia letter. Tne City trneiery, on tbo outskirts of the city, claim some attention trow the ueatoeaa and taaio UiSp ayeJ 10 lie arrangement, atid for the artistic execution sad costll rrs ol the mooumrats erected to the memory o: do pirM frk-udi B. sides the things hduiiitiW. the oorp irate author! ties have disuiayer good judgment in apportioning tor the benetlt two Urge parks in different ptran' tbeeity. where the people ceo promenade ad lilntitm rbtee parks are known res.w.tiTeiy a* the North sort South Commons. Uui-.e a week, during the summer mouths, the promenade Ie made mo-e taming hp the prea> noe In three placet of a good brass baud (dli loo. tral Park, New York), whose strait s cheer up theo'd and young, the graee aim gay, and wbicn assists ma great measure to aeatrov tno monotony of a factory life The new iait, finished about one year ago. i? situa'ed on an eminence, near the South Common It ia built of New Hampshire granite rtooe. aud it perhaps one of the most substantial nnliriings in this ni t of the country. Adjoining it are two wnga, built of brick, one of which .s used a*a residence for the Jailor and >1epnlle?, anfl ib* other part ae a female prison K is t)ul t in the friucb style of architecture, with two steeples, and baa a church appearance fnc facade, la unique and alas grrally to the beauty of the pile. The mm; prison for male prisoners is particularly noticeable for it* na^tn ?, gpac'ouimeta ann Bubatantiauty. Tno ay item of yeotili tion in of the moc> appro end character, and the entire bulling is lighted from largo windows on all aides I. oust filhO.OCO. The new Court House, too, desoryvs more than a pining notice. This hse also a cburci like appear an *, nuiit in the flothlc tlyle, of brick, and coated with manic, ao as to represent brown since Its apartments are spinous. affording ample room far tbo law nonno** of iho county I? stands In a neat little part, whim is enclotod oy au cr namental iroD rating It co? $90,000. Potei accommodation! in Una city are poor?very poor. Tbere are enough of them If they were only *?.>t urn 1 perly, or bad some attraction* to entertain tneir guest* ThtJ are old fashioned etitlcer, anl eutlreif devoid of arcbitectural beauty, There la room here for a large botel, provided It la'boilt in good atyle, ?o as to attract the patroDage of tbo thousands Jt tourist* who aanually pass tbroogh tbia city frum Canada and tbe Nurtn. Tbere are tbree daily paper* published bare, and one very spicy weekly (tbe Vox Populi), all of wh>ob have a good local and onoty circulation. Tbe atcel Are alarm bell which was oo trial In tbe New York I'oit Office beifry a few moDtba since has found Its way to thla city, ana will in a few wroke be piacea in a permanent location on one of the city bed towers Among other Improvement* of tbe day, the t,owel!tte? base Introduced a new steam Are engine Into the Are rte pertinent. It was built at Seneca Falls, N. Y.,ata cost of $8,500. It reached here last Thursday afternoon, and was tried to day and performed satisfactorily. It Will be tesdy tor active service In a fair days. Lowell, being an Inland town, li of course deprived of the advantages and pleasures of steam navigation enjoyed by New Yorkers, but the deprivation Is compensated for In a great measure by other means for recreation and pkaaate. Due of tbcte places Is called VITlilow Dale, about tour miles from the sity, which is reached by a good road, and just far enough distant from here for a pleasant rldo Tbe Dale is noted for tu lofty trees, thick fblttge, and Its natural attractions, betides receiving many additions and Improvements from tbe artifice of man, to as to render It attractive to people of all tastes. Contiguous to It Is one of tbe largest ponds or mlnisture lakes in the State ; its clear white water and pebnly bottom make It a delightful place tor batbtnc; and those or a piscatory turn of mind will find a proline place for their favorite *musem''nt; and to those who enjoy boating or sailing, they will Hnd a gout supply of boats of eyerv description The spot only lacks a good hotel and one of oar Near York hosts fne manufactures are carried on by twelve corporations r companies. vis: the tferrimac, Hamilton, Appl?>on, Lowell, Middlesex, Suffolk, Tremont, Lawrence, Lowell bleachery, lioott. Massachusetts, bee idea the Lowell ma chine (hop. In this department (13,900,000 capital Is employed In the manufacture of calico prints, sheetings, shlrtti'gs, flannels, ticks, osnaburgs, carpeting*. shawls, doeskins, broadcloths,drillings, &c. The factories num ber (fly two, of the gigantic dimensions already named. The number of female operatives employed is about 9,CC0, and the ma'es about 6 000. Number of spindles used, 396,064, number of looms, 12.135; producing 2,394 yards of cotton cloth,40,000 woollen, 25,900 carpeting, and (0 ruga, per week. Cotton consumer! per we?k, 810,000 pounds; wool consumed per week, 91,000; yards of printed and dyed cloths, 470,000 yards. There are also 29 800 tone of anibaracite coul used per annum, 31,950 bushela of charcoal, 1,360 cords of wood, 62,117 gallons of oil, 1,659,600 pounds of starch. 1,245 barrels of dour. The mills are worked by steam. Average wages of females clear of board, per week.. $2 00 Ave'-age wages of males clear of board, per day 80 Medium produce of a loom, No. 14 yarn, yds per day 45 Medium produce of a loom, No 0 yarn, yds per day. 33 Average per spindle, yardr per day Toe Middlesex romp?ny make ueo annually of 2,000,0uu te .eela O TltA I, Art H.O flnA mrtpl M flA,! Itxa r.l.s-a ilAfti/i worth of dye stuffs, and $18,000 worth of goap. Id addition to the aonve, the Merrtmac Manufacturing Cimouny tee 1,COO,000 lbs. madder, 880,000 <lo oopperaa. 60,01)0 ao. alum, 60,000 do. sumac, 40,000 do. soap, 46,(00 do >d<iipo, per aiiuum. The i.owell Blear,nery ose 40,000 lbs indigo, and $30,009 worth of other dyeing material* per ygar. Other manufactures are produced in the city than thojo specified above, of a value ol $1,600 000, employing a capital ot $4f 0,000, nnd about 1 600 handa. There are b'i hanks?'he Lowell, capital $200,000; the Railroad, capital $600,000; the Appleton, capita', $200,000; the rrescotl, capital, $200,000; the Wamestt, capital, $160,000, the Mer hi-tte', capital $100,000 the population ol I/.weil to 182# was 3,532; In 1? 10 it was 20.706: in 1850 it was 33,385. Increase la tec yearn, 12,689. Population of I-owell in 1855 37,653 Tne Israeli Machine Shop, Included among the above mills, can furnish machinery complete for a mill of 6.000 spindle* in three months. The several manufacturing comptnU'- have established a hospual for the convenience ami comfort of the person* employed by them respectively, when sick, which is under the superintendence of one of the host surgeons and physicians. Savtxos I.vwrrrnfWfl ?1The t/iwell bad on deposit, November 2, )S67. from 5,068 depositors, $1,079,223 56. The Oity, October 10,1857, had ou deposit, from 4,409 depositor*. $1,247,467 18. The operatives in the mills are the p-lneipai dt peepers In the above bunks. A "Flto Cent Saving* Batik" wont iD"> operation in June, 1P61, and an the 2rt'b of Decomher, 1857, too amount of <!'posit* was $252,490 93, from 2,447 depositors. Teeroi* a considerable amount, of private manufacturi .i and mechanical enterprise on the- Concord river, which which wilt probably be materially increased the current yr.r?'he water power nnd land* heretofore owned and occapkd by O SI. Whipple, Kij , in the manufacture of ponder, having been recently divided up and sold to a large number of purcbvtf-rs. A rerervolr of great capacity ha* been built on the bleb groned in Belridere, east of the city, for tbe purpose of furnif hiig a ready supply of water to any part of tae oity in cares of flro. The witor i* conveyed in") tha resc-voir by force pumps from the lx>welt Machine Shop. Pipes are laid from the reservoir to various parts of the citr, at wbit h i oh)i* beeo can tx attached to the hydrants without delay when neoessary. B-pl'Ics tbe features above enumerated, there are new avenuec of mechanical euterprme opening in ibis cf.v. Among ^bese may be raoutiooed the Muzzy Riflo Biriel arc Arm & 'niuacmnng < ompany. iney now oonupy several large idriie buildings in tuetr now on'erprise, HlloJ *itti the mi*l approved machinery for maoufactartag HI kinds nf utmi At present tbey are envogei In fl'l a; > crm'ract wnh tho United Stater government, in rornlght g a supply of Colonel Mor?e's breach loatHug carbiue-i far tr.o use'of tho mm? This arm has not been no Pool much in >.be pnbl'c priutk; but, sulll.-o it to zty, thay aro o'such a Simple, serviceable, and utile character, as to make tbom very deairablo in ibis age of lmnrovod llroaruiB This company are also engaged lb fulfliling a contract vrlth our government for a supply of T.ioutoant E .1. Starr's improved resellers for tbv arm* and nival nervine. All theee contracts wire made by 'he Secretary of War, who bus signalized hlmaelf In introducing the most approved arms into our service. In addition to tbeso con tracts, this company turn out dally large numbers of rifle barrets, (urulshed to order, and seat to various parts ef the United States. The National IntUigmcer publishes a statement, collected pom autnrntic. data, exhibiting all thedisutera that bare happened to our naval marine from the var; 17(18 to 18b9. t'f these, one frigate, sevon stoops, tlx lings, t'u rteen schoorusrs, one small steamer, one gunboat au l oos | pilot boat, in all thirty veasrls, nave been loot; three trigatrs, fonr sloops, ?U brigs, nine schoonrrs. in all leeutytwo vrsreis, cah'u?-ed; four ships burnt at W&elvngtod, to prevent their tailing Into the hands o? tho one?n?; two hips, one steamship end one schooner have lieeu aooldentally burned; oue gtesmsblp, one schooner and on# builc -blown up?making lu all sixty-three Jwtitera or i various kinds. Ptar?(ll>')C? > / the N ?f n? ! ...? ?> ? >'" ) > ont THl.NTOft I -I'v r . it J f A iji s .1', Itvnfl th?? towuUou??. ?:<. > iu ? exi ..* ' >' ?. " j ul No' ai*l H '1,'iini <1 ta i - i.iiy of v ru, i 11. SO, luftfi Ar' " , ni f 'i h 1 lit' I Ot It V)?'* in tllw y ij lSn7,?? n V ' l, I to 1**8. tlb? l* 7 of thif.. i?ii-. lift.-I*'.on ,v?' Jlijr <e tUflfO h? ?l)0|ll l P t t it' ulit >n Itl IUI . lit." ' III ' < .- H fur IU future pernio -nco .< i i. [i? nnii'tir.; m?y t* lot rr?l rtuiu thn t?-t ma th- uml'Mut fc' a ?. | vti e.ioi tui'i iu in a ymiry ?ro t'ligigel ib iv (Iwchm ?o? ?i i<? m?*iuu? *oi>3g no.?*' tin <-iid? ere Uoa le.ot^- S fiulou', of lit Heard <>; Educt'ton to? Hmo i? /."/'.. fry K 'ftier-n Ul? D ; Ion O-ory B.iotr l,''fuaoe lor if : .3 L"n " ' ty of "i?eon*io; Rev E 0 wioc*, Pro-Meet if t'.io Oil Uulverrlty of St f/tuix; Profrr-or Hvl, n' " :1aIjloiia! Di J N. of 8?lt mure p. A 3.?v?r, SiiXT nleodtnt m Schooia, Cba/leelo.i, S 0, Prefoneur A 'Jroeiy, PriD'-ipal of N'o maS.-0O. I 3, *,n M.i* Pr ' ?? >r i".V) n B'k*-Io?, Priucptl of S'o in it st'ti m>i "'rttQii.gfiaiii M-*** . Piofeaior U N. *'ujf i'rlacip.l S-? ji.i tioon V ? Britain, Conn ; Proica-or 'V n K Pools Pnn<5ip?. oi No. cl*1 son o-, rtouvou, s J C. K Htivav. Prion pt o1 rPate noimai l'ni?er?liy, btino a, flou A * <? Sny.h Oothicwalotirr of School* lur ijtim; D P. a i n?* ?.' it' ?. gin, RicDh'O (? )war ?, in st C/mm, H < 3 iribrri} o' M.b?>1iu >lt*. (J?u 4 K 0 ivm' , or L?yi ooa, vl*, * < Johu 'V'li-o, of 1 ductorau, Mr jolnoro ot -too o I<Ua.i u? many o"ta.r edu iio?? Tw?utv year* ago Hie 4-at M 'rm-il School va* raltoii?b 0 id frnrr ce, lu HmnJ win ft*'o ire n ?ut t'-enty five of lhao ictnm a for the iraiaug 'if to*-! tore to Una country I'rof. Win K PhMp*, too P'eatdentof too mo-.itiio, Calleo tt-e Oouveon >n i" order at II o'cloe* \ 4., uo ! Wronraoay, aod doitnered ?n adore** setting forth the . objects of tbe oieeiug He aau:?"It i? a p.-itiio ir.itn trial are need a better *y *?.*in of li'i bl ic Scnoo - an I more rtlir.ient t acburr; lbs- for a tiiioire" yetr* *r., looked to ane'leone* and college* foi bettor UMlMrf: yet they fail to supoly'.bo wao\ Tun OooveoUio ia ot ed for toe purpo eo' pop ilariz ag aod improving ton o n in -I acboola, wnicD h?vr> beeo eetaoinjued to aiup y toe de mane for better teacbera > Tbe first payer rrad was by Prof. A Ooaoy, oo the "Proper Sphere aod Work of "formal Scoo) a " 4e ex plained ibe essential difference Drtwoen uor on aad otter arboulx to be that ttie latter teach the iraiir.n. a of edooa lion, Willie the oo- tnal venom .a yNtablll . m> g V) teacb ibe art of t*a..uiug. Auto, how tun uor ml a Piobla of America oiffe- fr nil thdee oi ituro co In m < -m . r.y tbe pupil* rome froui all 'a??en o' eoiiety; u Prnaa't toe ropiti o?me tr?m ibe lower gram i?' to ib y, aud o?e<> ne apprentices to me go ver* moot, ?oa woeu hey graduate ibe government lur-dube* them on,"ovm *01 la other icbuo>e. lie urged ibat tne pr uc pies ot etl<i.ieuon, and bo* eductlioo tboutd be coeduowl, ougut yittu on.)' subjects o> study >o ell U'.rm?i euboo?, ibat ?e abitl leacb principles ttrai, and to?u to-i m-to ei# o' paying tboge prmctp et Tbo greatest dlfUcuity iu gsvug tu Itructioo ilea In teaching the ale a* au or ukvarious branches of school education Co it uormtl icboolemay be more etliciem a* proiesniiasl n ,b > >>, too elevation of Ibe el.ndard or atfflHMMl I iPj tOM idheglg III urged l.uo II Emeusos though' wo iViuld not look 'oK irons for tbe means of laiuruvmg our Nvrrna sciiuuM, lott we already ban tnoee bcre a bum are far abort any tna oo m? litre, in tbe Uymostta of iJer-uauy Us Wita-meJ Superior eprr.iineog of trachiog 1'rof. Haar uUimei thai, a Normal gcbusi ie not only professions!, but it M ud ike any otbe' pr-neseioau aib-wi, id that it teamen ita pupils bow to t*ac 1, and lorein n^er shadows ail own It negir.g wita :tie alphabet wad pru ceni.s through all Ucpsrtmcuta of teaming Mr Kmtsoir said?fVoraau '.g ibe 8.*1<ir*parei teacOer of cbilcren. A geutiemau wag seat oy h g iverom-ot or Sweden to tbe United *uii-s to aee if Iron oar eygte ns <>' education anyib'ue oouid be learned to eo we ttiem in educate tie poorer ciaage? reaming m thuir motcta uous district*. That gentleman visited s moo s in mis oo iu r> , ana after witneaaing tae emtoent success or our feoiaie teacberg, remarked, "1 ata paid lor crossing tat tuanWc, for I bave found tbe secret for whicd 1 c?tne, wo must employ female teachers, tb. n tbe lower clauses of tas moi.btaiboua districts can be educated." Tbe gubject of teaching 10 Normal schools was ably to teach, otheia in it la tcu;ou>g the itudiee of scnool the how to t :a a thein wo el l be best learned. In advocating this i??t mcuoa if* a Dover cited the example oI tbe caium Went Point, who are so null taujtri tbe praonoi of m Utary tacics in connection wi h ill > theory, toat 'hey arc *t?l.> to step from toe rank of private and diroat '.he move meet* of the rngimeut with the eunoeii*. (kill and aUi by of an experienced commander Tr:t is *ha'. we want to accomplish m oar Normal aoouois?to lit teachers to go into our cntnnaou echoo's and coaduct tuetn sucieisfoiiy. Professor C. E bovnv, read a paper on aoM nt ex peilmcotal schools Too oojec s of these school* aro to furnteb both a model of a firs', c??s school aid a p ace where tbe Normal pupils shad pot in practice the beat theories of teachiog, under the supervision cf exoerienoed instructors. in discorsing this subject the prtncpils of the various Normal schools were caned upon in suc.ieasioa to report upon the condition of their respective unools From t-ete report* we learned that to tbe Stati of Rhode I?i?od, ami also at the Wesitleld Normal School ol Rwrtacomtea*, tu-<y have no model scuool connected with tueui two toeones prevail ou this subject?one, that toe inctei s inooi is 'est, too ctber, that just as good I owners are made without tnls appendage to the Normal scnoo . But tooe -whj alvocate this last toeory supply too tf th*1 model scbooi by requiring the teachers to drill classes compwed of their own numners Inst evening Hon. Georgi S. Boitwku. of Massa chuselts, delivered an adurew belore tee Cooveu 0istn ir? Via aoM (nst rha a.ww ..f . | years in his Sla'e established tbe superiority of S*r mal trained teachers over those waj unia o >u the r education entirriy m other mslHuk>oas. They h*rflve Normal schools in that Sure, MM of wMtt na* i>-? * in operation for twenty year*, and it nor located at yVatniryham: tbe otters are respectively located a: 8 * ton, WcstSeld, Bridgewatcr and Saleaa. rto great work of tbe NO'taal school mutt be o Si (oacaers for leaching the element* of the studies por'iel, and if they fad La tbi* they utterly fail io their mission Cov. Boutwell believed the Slate rteform echool, the building of wbcib ban recently been consumed by Sre, to be a magnificent failure, beoauee no thoro igb re'o-m* tlon can result from the assembling of go many children In one institution, where the peraonal tali leuce of the principal on tbe individual pupils m^at ueuesaarily De very limited. A Normal scnooi ebouid never be no large la it tbe principal of tt cannot kao?r tbe pergonal traits and ia lellectual wants and capacity of every pupil: tLeaos there is an advantage in having several Normal school* In tar same State. Mastucbrsc'.w has made provieiou for ed i. eating forty-eight young men m oolouea at tneozooore of the Stile. lor the pur Due 3 of trying to oroouce a few teachers of the highest order. Ociy Blot ba"e to as graduated, and not one of them cou'd o? 'ndne<-u tu tike a course of profotsioral training lo the Normal scb > ji Before tbe assembling 01 tue '"onveutioa ->a Tuuradvy morning the members visited tbe battle grounds aroun>l this city, under the escort of0. 0. Havens, E#|., wno gave minute description* of the prunes of 'hoto dart da; a oi our Revolution, in December, 17<G,and .iuuary,l777, and tbe triumph of Washington During tbe morning session an i moor taut paoer ?.i< read by Professor John Ogden, of Ciociuuati, endeavoring to *how to what extent the art of teocbirg c iu oe taugnt in tbo Normal school, aid weal is the be?t moihod of doiug it. Goo.i toacberg can be nude by Studying tbi aoeuca of education and art of, together wlta practice. Professor Oglen's paper was followed by one from Prolernor Edwards,of St. Louie on lao course of study b-el suiu-d to the objects of American Normal S"bo Is. Tiiese be at ranged under tbe hews:?First, human physiology, and tbo laws of Monad, pbvsicai tiainlng, third, a careful and crIUval review of tne branches that bavo been studied; fourth, tbe scionse and a't of teaching; fl'th, a critical ana thorough study of tae English Inrgimge. Vosi of tuc afternoon R?ts'on wis spool la catechetical excrr.lf .es, in which tbe different meraoers a??*J q leedous on various fuojtc'r p'Ttaiolng to tbo piacl-cai a stalls of tbe management of Normal scholars During tb s exer else many important aul interesting facts ware drawn out. Tbe eubject of moral and religious training was eloquently diect;f*ed by Messrs Emorson, Ogden, and mbes. At the ojwnicg of tbo evening session the Hon Hiwry BaRN'ARD delivered an address, glvpg an account of the educations' svs'.cm of Wisconsin. He said tent State bar a school fund ot S i 000,OCy. besides a university fund of $8>2 CCO, and a Normal Instruction fund of <20,0*0 This interesting aadrets was followed, by tbo adoption of the fo'lowing resolutions, oe results ot the do.ictrawn of this association:? Resolved, That the work of tbe Normal school Is peculiar lu lt? character, and that ih'.a w.irft canuof be per formed by other Institution* of learning, however higu ibeir .-tint; or great their < xcellcnoo. Keto'ud. That the ria'ms orine Normal sonooi n support BPd influence rw upon thlap?cuh*ritv, and uo: upon any depreciation of other institutions witbia tnor aporo priato spheres; ar.d 'bat the Normal school r. in ait proper!y come nto compeli'ion with any other irrlitu'ton Kesoivrd, That the object of the Normal .S'hool is strictly professional, vis: the direct preparatioo of '.raid ore 'or tbcr great work; anJ tn?t It Ciaims &g appropriate to i'*o!f t ! those exercises, tb-wetlcat ant prantMa', a,-.d orlv those, which are rcq.iiRite for ibis preparation. Kesoived, foal the special worg of too Normal school 1s so great that n iust eoocomy and proi?r div;?"m of labor require that it should perform as lit tie work as porsinle tn?t can bo rightly perform nl by other Imtitutioos; and that It is, tteroiore, txccedlrgiy iie*:riib'.a that pupiig rhoiild not lo received until .hey have a tain ad m at. turiiy cl mlL.i ah" imount of knowledge that toe> nan at once enter prolilat J upsa the prop-.r prolussioual course of the school. Kuo ie'. That wlilie the 1 ihots of the Norma'school must be chiefly directed for the prefect to i-ne rtgar preparation of Common school teachers, it might not to ora t trcm lie plan inn profenioual education of teachers o; aoy grade; and that it Is important that it should ex toad aud I elevate, as rapidly as the condition au.l demands oi the community will permit, its efforts and influence. Resolved, liiat education, aa based uson ibe nature of i man aud having tlxed princip le, is truly nod cminantl; a | science; that, as having appropriate mot Hods for securing J noble ends, it is no truly ami omiuentiv an art: aud | that tt.<6 science aud art can bo begin, and loarued no leas dlrectiy and nil:.,ert y than the omrr sciences and arts; and that, tharrfore, tha direct proi wRional education o> teachers ia as appropriate, and certainly as important, as that of the m< tubers of other professions Resolved, That title education of teachers should not only bo theoretical, but also practVai, and that, to this . end, thee should >. uher be a school of obaerva ion and practice In itnnvdiale connection with the N .mai schoil, and un ler the nemo Board of Control, or that. C ?*e should bo in other ways equivalent opportunities for uosorvalion arid praurce. Reaoivtd. That all ooiicniers. especially in the Normal school, Should practically, no l.-rs in?u iu theory, re:,a <1 education as api 'yitig 'o lb" eliale nam re and c iosiltiv m of man?cooy, mind ucd heart; mad that they should i a-,o Otally r.'CJCL. < the pro emtnint importance Cl moral aud rell nie odiiC'.'ton. ft* solutions expressive of the ceuRiderttlan en tort,., it-vd liy the Convention for the late liou. Horace iiuan, aud 3 ltd v ft rrrw at b,s dream, * "?? cT-.- t, arid followed ? h kuiqv.fol old 'j-cim* Uitttt'M lo uia labor aad m n-i'^ Ih? o<i n'jomi- I u m. ?i fcrjt m V a'< <-O Win. &*ili V' l? iJJO'lllUg ! ' 1M ?! Una 1 ti.dikd nn-rcd ki (' nrrtnn, or m-op ?n<j" ' an 'IISI <in it < ? Itii Hon. K, i. Ki' nl I" a-alt thu ?<1iv ?I10'.I tl v t l ". * *ud h*tt ; group .*. of L IOt . k. t *inl p.' ll' t >> > f llH I! It ft i p. w u.+u one 11 itif vri >et im?xu ;.*n ?n p.-ictwnl niu ?iiol.*I cot.**ii' i s ui?i _ ?? 4* <o Jii' cum t- *rfl ?i- iT'iet gov to tt>in tio-In Osum ai'ijr gr? ? rut v( ik. 'I lie I'tlllltlUlUi H<l I SU.M? tint VUIDIIM of I'm l<r|.ul>lii nit - .itiy. 'Ksi'Li it OF l'Uh I.M?i l ,> NAVIONAu 00*II ITHK Tf.f OibC I n*U C mm -t il tit* .uf0 .,tw og dot- il Albao.v . A Ki rt>r RrimpliCsti amino CimtOlttB- At \t>?ir .n 'itI g fttti'i i in*if) to tl:I* ' It ?, im -il nu* fi?M *1 <? etrcalor to it r r rcpub C*l' ' '?U'lfc MllOUfctltldk 'Hit IMou ? It it* Juffnimt < ' 'fio ?oa<*ngriid le-oowm of t'm Krj uoflt-'Mi KnUuttil tommtiOiii lw k m R.H formiui'ot mi and vteiinito* v khkmi u r gur i to ton ?.j. piiyuhug rurglr '<>r 'ho Pro? d- any and toey bag, H ers or-, to Call f<* r * ft-m on 'O oil- 'iivfs'inok ?ora fnro * rue rcpiioiMtiio party hod n? i t g.n m ih dino-m Irr. is-ty for rryiUsi m fo lh? o-kr-troii* of lid a avo pnorlgkid f? .uttnog for lh" -t o r? run ocuri-lji turnr MH-.IVtrt f lyfclH fli'J *ilve.rtVy-btWI lu be OOU'rl Of ll&'i, III (C? p'rben'* aud iwoovyw ion true fciimco of *oi< ibtr>! ?, it lata me f ja 'atioo uf * p* 'naue-ut pmtl c?' of*?ii t.i' iio, ' I'lliidil out *? po s moo oi Mj poar i to- ifuii.o in- <r'b..>p"*a Wu'u top re?a t, aaverHd tOl'frtf. lb Hid 'H tlO >', ?HB di C art) I, It UltalT. le-ftdiy ?. i|uii > ?a *if 11 < 'o '0" Ti.-ior, (or I'll atlfe of mo coiatry. u lull ?l*r*? lor an did i ?ort (air adai dia.ruioa lit itle yOiffbBCrt. Vio? tut Mr. iKbnuvrl mira'ion Da* Obliznl to >" aifUr* la d im pv ul to ibe foill Wi-D ilia tin i.t'va poatr of ih go??'iiau-Ll '0 Co* tiab'ls. D a i!ui<i<if('n>>o|i bar. Ihhho iu r?apn a to mo--' I "id tn rl? niii? of to- pro |e, .on bar p ?.rim d tb? moat n imi iH'iBf tpwi in '.1 o 'tion.n i bv.giuo-,1 nO-ailuy, red In-fbio* ?oo Or on to tta ajparebi i*tty.?, -v-u to our op- open**, lb*' 1" to t%' t-d IJ*T|> r-n.o ry a-tz.i1 '1, ?l"~>b o ?.ID*| i*'?1 f> r lit di?elu' hi ? d paly tt'oiiiv.w niivriy droiot? 'itod and di?'r?c?d, aitaout asjr ttstngn-/.- d or ?r"?pU <1 party p?in;'pie aod IbreiUinel wiibluruolioo by ilh ri??l asptrai > a aod /ivooiot ite leading pn'.irarr. Wbiie tQC adoi cetrailoo bat o#?'D ttl-ia 'a.'.a>< ** la U>e tiitbiriit o< tan country, and tia* too* dirur|an zed we party wbicb olac d it lb po ??r,tbe r-poDlliin pTtj baa hot l cou*M0'-iy roiod'ui uf ih - yr.-ai punln iitcryepy ahica called it toto vxuteoce, aod fai-bfdi to no ii ooiui'i tfi piticipie upon ab eb it ?*a erected Expo rifuro Das only Phi *4(1 hi >trrD?>b?:'i Dtl C"0*IC 00 <f I ? hbru ulo Lrltln-V, lb Ibri reform illon uf tup * ii, icu oi tbo trtedom >m jig'ioe of ita purpoarii aud aims A itiouftb ?' oi- of tbo ex- 'tii jt (oiidmtf of tbo ?'e:tipn ot itfto ba?? fct.?n partially Jirpi-i-u oi by toe en-rg/, eatrrpr iu aid valor oi a r e peoptp, i ? duly of republi tut t lb adbrrc to tbeir prim ipltpi, a* epuuciued at Poll*. n r> i? < g tb?L ?l 10 ? cmuert Too at "fune of iLe tMtvefowtr ui p-rn Ment'y mio'eat auo .it?r< si; re. It c revenue 01 the country awco anve to*o it uu d-minnal hi'Dtr o. It it out content ?ith theab-oiute control of tbo tut oo'! gnve-cui'-cl, not content ?i n .n dlep-oieitioa >( lb* Douri* and emoloafeot* or liin ihi nial <0101101*1 *->00 * not i.onir ot euh >1* #ei* enorru latlu me?*i <r?>a pernietote over tbe !< p<?l? Ion ai ta? l?*.ou?i capita?but It oe frerh co?.ie??loo? tro.n a r?oe pe> ?? for itt-i uurpote <j! extent kig and rtreortutniog an initliution loo?i in It* aDurer.ier, the Creator* Of it* ? 11 (jis< voo, ?hicb I be Irderel government i? col authorises 'o??tat> nno-t xtenl h\ ki y g-aitol delegated pover-, Tt ilrmmdsby an unan bor -zed ersuopt oo of powrr?after daring, a* occa aion ri-qu red, adopter! anrl r< pot: lalerl *i> the crur o ibi nritg lor he eititidou ?f ?aveey, of the ?cot>i;k>us pn Uiciaca who nought tui 'evo>?too oetobtitbrnput end pi o-notion of in tli- terrriuotea hy act of Ciogrees, at.<1 tbe revival of the af> ic*a e'ave trade Uo<u do orgeu'tatoo rxopt ib-> of toe republcan i-a-iy can tbe country relv for lueorMtui rcistsnce to Hire m-.tiistroa* piovoeiiions, and for 'bt currecioa of iheerots inoeee vtMcfc beve characterisaa tn-< preemt nat'onai adm'Blslr'tlpn. It i? tee duty lien of all purines den, ?oo ?Hi to- the erai isbai-ov of repuoltsao priu>. pi-a nod meaiuir* in Hie administration of the t aim ml fiuve tor ot, to aid in parfecung and srrtugMieaiug thia or tauraatrn for tUereniin*' rruyglr ih?/? m oiu-'b o be 0' ne, ibvo vUit nri>it lat-o' and ibe expenditure of ' Urn' p:io money , there mould nr? F"St a rhorongh norteretabdn g ?o?l Interchange of M-ctireeDts and m ?i between ibe ra^ufchcana ot t>r*ry section ..| ttie country Scrnr d Ad ?ff?ctr*e organization of the repnbhein ao'erg of each 3t*tn, coaaiy and t >wu, ao loat ocr pariy may kocw in earength ana u? i?0o eaciAB, us power end i r ncrrg, before we engage in the President'*! atrutgle. Third The clrxulRtui ot well cmtidered docaseate, m.kitig char in? ponton or th-j repute can party, enl exieettg the dahgercue character of the principles and policy ol the admin lyui .n. fourtD. Pubic Rddretse* in loatl'tlea where 'hey aro detlred and nteded, oy aole champ-ons of the republican came FJth. A large and jrce-al Incruw of the circulation of republican Joarna'8 throughout the country. To (l?e practical rli'tcv to th"*o suggestions, an adequate amount of money will be requires for the legal anl faiibiol expenditure of wheh the und<-rsigaeJ will boid themeelvee re?poo?ib e. The rati patronage of the fede rti yovtruiLeoi will n? wltUvd agues' ui, 10 which wo cm oppose notniag out earnest ud . fflcient devotion to ine repuOican c:u>i ud the voluntary pecuniary Olferlogs of our rtpuoiic&o fi lends. In com-Iua.oo, tne undersigned miy be permitted to express tbeir opinion teat the si^ns of the times are suspicions for tbe repub-ican party, anl mat in their judgment ducr, et sod putr otic a:tm throughout tha lote.dcracy promises to -enure a r-ptbliiao vlc-ory in IftflO. Cnwi'lliig, no sr. v. r, to eteourage nopea which may be disspuointed, and to place ibeir app-?i for aid and cooperation upoG tbe assurance of success tn the contest that is approaching the ujiterslines are constrained lo eay that they rely mo't '.pno th-j pat i?trfa and zeal of their republican bretnren 'or sucb all taJ cooperation Uean wbl'e, wo have the honor to be very raspoctfuliy, your obedlmt servants, K f> Morgan, N. Y O S S'hoolflcld, hsc. Wo M Chase, h. I. Tnoma* Sjiootier, Ohk. Jus. Earl If tt. He. Norman B J.uld 111. ' Geo G Fogg, N H. Jamee Ritchie, Iul. J. C Goodrich. MfUM. Z*ch Cbaodler, Web. L Braioard, Vt. And. J gteneua, Iowa. Gidcco Wellfl, Oonn. Juo. N. Tweedy .Wis. J N 8herm*o, N. J. Oornetlos 0ol?, rials. TBos Wliftacns, Pa. U F. Conway, Kansas. K I) Williams, UeL Lewis Opnaae, 0. C. Geo. Harris, Ml. A-a S. Jcues, Ho All red Caldwell, Vi , % ox. K.tnsay, Hi on. CaeKui- G. Cia?, Ky Republican National Commlttoe. PciMnal InUlilKenr*. Americana registered at the Uaukia^ oiH:? or Lass'ng, Balowiti & to., No 8 Place tf o la Bourse, Pa-is. from July 28 -O Aoguet 4, 1859:?A. I) Stroiogo, J. G. Gregory, (I. A. fcionr aod latniiy, Hrl. J as Memell, R. Dougm" sad wile, C. M Jenkins, T. H. Road, H W E. C Koch, wis. E P. Princes, W. P Proii3?, J ^on 3 iVa aband wife Agree Walab, H. A. Walsh, Dr. V a. rownsead, Jon. Young and daughter, W. R Suits, C P.-Craacli and faa>lly,C A Ws dron, New York; J H. f.swuian, Pa ; Dr. G. W Hulae, T. F. Galon, La ; T II. Euoo, J'., vf'Cti ; G. W Gregory, C E Grrgo.-y, N. J ; Dr. G A. Pierce aoJ lady HI; A Q Holladay, Ya.; ff. E Jnbn-loa, OaioG a Clara, M-js. Pelatiah Pent,a leading merchant in New York, has least o lor a term or yenra the resideone ol the faintly I or the late Samuel E. Pool, on Whitney avenue, New Havi n. Hon. T. Herbert, formerly member of Congress from ( a'rorDta, anil *bo became some*bat nxed 10 Wusbiogion in coistquence or tils yart no took la an atftir at '.no ol itie but. r in ibat city, whlob resulted la tbe death of a waiter, baa become ibe editor uf a :n Arizona. A VaLltte acbuolmaater, nam-J Ooai*>o;k, turned a d.n?e or rattle into tuec irntlelo of a farmer m I? .bnque, Iowa, ami Ooriuft ibe conlui ion which ibig act created n tbe la-.tily run away rut the farmer's am! married bcr. Don. Alfred Conklinfr, firmorly Halted ?ta>a Dtstrlit Judge for the Northern dlatrtci ot New York, and exM nieier to ttextoo, baa taken up his residence In Uriah* City, Nebraska. Bieeep Pavts, of 'oath Carolina, baa become almost totally blind. Hi* g-nvral health u, bowovor, good out h<8 vigorous mentai latumes uuimpai-ud. M de HiMki, a gentleman who insulted the Prussian Minisb r at tno laM-- d'ho>e of the Kuruaus, has been condemnea to tw-tvc days' nner.t, and to daman-neat irom tbe kingdom of Bavaria at tht oxpirat.ou of tbat period. Sir E. Bulwer I.ytton Is said to be much improved in bealib. Tbe Count and Counteea de Bondy have arrived at tbe Clarendon, London, from ('aria. Tbe Count and Counters SchouvaloGf have arrived at too Clarendon from Puns. Among tbe nirmbers of tbe Paris Jockey Club who made tbe cam pa gn of Iialr, tbe following bavo now returned Count d'Anoiau, chef d'esctdrou, Unouel Rtron Bereicheim. Marquis da Oadore, Baron Nloofae Cary, Fleury, Lieuienant Coionel Viscount Foy (Max), Oaptatu Viscount Friaat, Prince de la Moscow*, Ms qu>s de Tolongion, Count fretl', Colonel of the staT, and M. de Boul!3 Waobert, whose brother died of bis wounds. Tbe Prince Recant of Prussia arr1 veil at Dentzon Monday morning, August 1, on bis way to Eoi*. Ho was *oohup.-Dleu by the Piioco ol Hubcoz diem. and pata-d in rev.c* io the p'aio of Mulbeim tbo troops composing tbe ganieao of Cologne. At midday tue Prince proceeded ou hie journey. Tbe Brand Duke of Tuscany left Prague on tbo 29th oik for Dresden. Ad-Khan. Ambassador from Persia to Parla and London, bsa arrived In Parla wiui twenty live young in^a, wbu lave. como to France to be educated. The Rnsalnn Admiral Istom'n bas tax en up his quarters Ut t"e Sltr aro Carter Hotel, Portamoutb, and liwaits the arrival of bit Imperial High.aeea rhe Grand Duke Codsmqtlite, now in route to Osborne, on a yialt to the Queen of England. <; .on' rjiongtwiou s?i men a residence at B'nstead, I?ie or w ght, for a snort time, and hi* ech joncr Hondo le at atcbor rtf Ryde. PMnce rronboutzky arrived at Binatead on itt; 27 tb nit, oo a <n?it to the Count. The Count and Conn ton <ie Horny hare been for aome dc't at toe taeh'Onabln watering p'a. j of Trourille. M*-shale de kokahon and Niel bave arrived la Paria from Italy. Mm" Erp'oa**". widow of the Conor*! of that nana billed in Italy, boe written to tbo c;mroan<1er of tbo second 7.ouaTe? to hare hrr infant son received aa atfmt df hnup*. In that regiment. Tt 1b thought, rava the Pari* E?lr' AM, that notwilS* i aUuotlig M Roger's dreadful accident, the ParHian puollo may not boaliogtlhce deprived of bi? eorvices on thoetafo, .laitieinarly ib be le at jf ?ent only iorty tour yrarg ot age He bn? not loit the whole o." h i arm, as '00 amp t a; on wus cttiCU-d Wow ibe elbow; sua it le sod m?i H. "hu-rlrre, ih we't known rati * ijj;ruincD4 maker, nae >>*. mrtd u> mike In it an artificial Band and wrlat cap*o-0 of nearly all t-o ua?-ra; moTemtnj.