Newspaper Page Text
jnjtt.-v* tL.n nOOWW. ALBBKT n. WCI.tT, AOOTIOK?K*.-?l<Jin-i* met)'? tale ofetoox and bond* - nLB4Kf' H. JHOObaY krfll eell >M? day (tiund-j) a 1?H o olooa, at bin ntook nalen ronm No 5t Willi*? i?t near W?U, 10 tbvM but of ihe "mmonweahn e 00 10 hank ot Ne?r *ork J?# IS aioe'lan exchange Ua k }(*J 111 Market Hank i: :. : 80 yrt ci ee mod Oeecgo Ratlmed J' 40 hmtrui'ii Klre Ioeur?noe Company 15 40 jireviHirt fire li euraooe Company. #0 I 30 Hope Klre Inaurmnce t ompany .'? ( 80 Kwga County Kire lnaura>io< ompauy iu 30 crcflc Kire Tasuraiice Company 00 at) Howe fire Inauranee Company Oil C .lackxon Iron Company no 8 i-rocen' Klre Insurance Company 60 B0 Lenox Klre imuranoe Com, any S6 10 Aipf-tcaa kiprtsa Company 100 40 ?irei- m'aKire lnaortnoe Company 30 Daunt kxprete Company \i (U h Ki ireaa Company... urn 30 Metropolitan Kl*e Itturanc Company 100 3D Watertowu and Home Kall-otd lib) B0<?ebbard Klre loan'an-e i o itpany 100 jo jeney t'UTFire inuurenre Company M 4i Perkmae wire Imuran or 'odpui Zr, Bft Noitk Rl?er Fire lnoiranro Company It AS nro Tyrone end lyekheveo Railroad 9 p. c. bonde. 3.000 Mutourl Mete S p o h->nrt? B,u?iu ben Kranciaon Go 6 p. a bond*. B.COO tlrve end City ft p r l.indt BOOOLee (ouuty it"weido r bonde Securities reoetred In adoio >n to the regular adverttied list during erery eele; next regular eeie on Aoudey, euxutt 20 JUguIar euotloa eele of etu-k? end bnndt every Monte i end Thuwiev, or erery day wr.eueve' require,! ei I'iH o'"lock. et the Week le'eeruoin ft] Wt 1H<I1 ureet, or el tbe Merchants' Cz change, u deiired Htocei end bonde bought end eold et rivetr etle end at ths Br. teie' Koerd on commission. In let eat ? ?r?d on deposit. ,d dlrldende uollected Helee elao SMtdt of reel eetete et pub' or private sa.e when desired. AI.BKJU U. KlUULeT. Stock Auctioneer, Kroner end Hanker. . Fo 61 WI Item etroet, near Well. i ACCTIUN KOTlOK -eT PRIVATB Ha. Lit A FAMILY El declining b market log will dilpoee if tbe parlor (oral tare et & greet eeoilllce One parlor eult (seven pieces) xoud roeewood end oorered eaiin brocade, coatSKM), will be ecld tar $180 seven octere oieontorte, made bv oltr maker, flly guaranteed, coet $ftoo, will be eold for $tk0 including etoil end Dover, centre table enere, oarpet Ac Inquire at 111 Wet' Seventh street, between Fifth end SUlh arenuee. tor three *en. ! A UOTION NOTICB.-JNO. J BKNNiR AUCTlORBCR JEL MeGNIFIOANT FOOSBPOU) FCBNiraBB. Bearwood drawing room tuba, velvet carp eta, pier end men KM minora, laoe curtains. secretary, etegeres bronze And ormolu obandeliers. Parian marbie etetuettea erUttit bronzes otl petnttnge bv eminent artists, seven octave piano lode rosewood and mahogai y ehamber furniture, en eulte, Oak diLlng room salt, cblna end glete were, vrlnet, Ac juu.> j. Mtinii, auctioneer, will sell on trni day (Tburs day), muguat IS, Kt the tour storv brown stone bouse, fto. 70 'West Twenty sixtb street, near Sixth avenue, commencing at 10)J o'oiook 1 be auctioneer would call <he par' lcultr alien tion of Lis friends and the puoltc to this sale, the catalogue em bracing the largest and reheat assortment of household furnt lure, so , otlered at anctlm th*s season The furniture wss aUrr.ode to order for the pr?sent owner, and ts of the best de miction. Catalogues at t>e house on tee morning of sale. na>WI?U JIOOtH Two superbly carved rose wood drawing roo n suits. oovered ta three colored satin broeade of the richest description. &> > Matt got two teteatsle sofas two arm, two recepUon and eight oval back chairs statusrv. marble top centre tables, rose wood etegere, marble top snd Preach plate mirror doors and back'.i-ecretarv and bookcase, encoigunies juflbt, ladles' work table Ii.'h n wiib pearl; Turkish reclining 0 >uch. antique and gotblc teceptton chsl"s, card and sofa rallies, velvet ta pestry oaipets, russ. French plate pier mirrors, rosewood sod gilt frames mantel 'mirrors, bronze einek, roaaSOdays; candelabra bracsma, bronze statuary?Poetrv, Music, fainting, beasons; bisque and Drwcen china orna men is. oil paloilogs by Urussel. Cole, Leoarde. lnman. Ku bens; two matched patn'Jrgs. toeuee In Kngland, by Northi ott, Winter.and Summer: rroit aod flowe?? Holy h ?<nl!y. haul and "Virginia; French line engrsvisge em broke ed lane curtail.< cornices shades, rosewood seven octave pianoforte, rlib j carved lees and case finished all round four round roroera, inlaid with i eail and solid pearl keys, made by Hmlth, 4thnr ton ft <'o , and luUy guaranteed; muals rack, m-ll. Preu h (doth cover, music books Ac; ball rosewood hat (stand, ol). motb. stair carpet, he. ltdulsg room?Black walnut exleostm dlnb g tab e bartz's patent; sideboard, arm cbura dumb waiter, crystal and i uby class fruit stands, do decanters, gob lets, wlots, cellery tumblers, ; reserves, silver plated easier, cut class bottles, cake basket, csffee urn aalve-s, spod-s Trorcb chins dinner set, 160 pieces: richly de" orated teasel 44 pieces, Farlan marble punch bowl. Ivory hneiied tools cut lery. cunalos. ebades clock, engravings. Chambers?Rose wood and mahogany bu'ems, beostc-ds, wash stands en suite; wardrobes shaving stauds toilet sets hlaukets hal* mat Lresset, feather beds bolsters and pillows. counterpanes, beets, solsa, rocke-s, chairs, mirrors, Hru rsels and Ingrain carpels A TTPT!f?V VnTrri? UTG> t UDA k 'fill utuo/in anriM ?L ami anlnbow.?w V. 1XJMOWT will aril at auotinn, on ednerdny, augiiBt 81,at I2c'c)>-a, at the kerf-bints' Mrchug* the above boats, now ly1 . at newarc, NewJensoy Bale positive. A J BhNNIE. AUOTIOwKRR -F0?BC/j09UBK 8ALK At of about $11 OVO worth of e>*aut ' >*? ?o vl household tural'.me. paintings, works cr art, Ac lhe undersigned wl 1 aell at public auction. this day (fnuradav) at 10 ti o'clock pre claely the entire epIeDd d furniture, marble nd Droits statu* ry, palr.otita, costly Cbtceae and Bohemian rate a superb pianoforte Ac ,, contained in the elegiti live story residence No 68 Weet h'cvenlh street, cv.weeo <itth and Stith aveoi ?, em bracing orer five hundred lota of rlca carved rosew rod furni. Jure. atJ made to order and new. tbe house having c"en furnished throughout ff-ur montha ago Che public are aaaured that the sale will he neremptory, tbe ctr< omnauoei under 'whleb it ii n ade rendering it imperative that everyiblngahould be pold w Itbont reaerve Catalogues giving an accurate deporlpflrr ot everything in the hnuae will be reads on the morning of :he aale which will take place, rain or afalce The fur nlture ot the house oonalata In part of lour apleudid carved roiewoot parlor suits, covered In otmaon and maroon aatln, end ore ot else pteoea in atlk velvet, all In parfeot order: ele gantjy carved centre, tofa and pier tablet, with marble tope: olid rtaewood Tnrk'rh and receptlcn ehalra, In tapeilry aud aatln: elegant carved aeven octave rceesmod pianoforte, apeetry, wuton and axminater carpets, f rencn mnalo cabl net. twoaplendid marble t n rosewood etegerea, lined with etlnwcph: all large aDd elegant pier and mantel mirrors. With rorntcea alaba and brackets; atlk and embroidered leoe Ourtalos, oerner ctanda with mirror backa, French eaerttoire, consoles to buhl work auperb on canvass and glaaa, marb e atatuary and groups, with a large and beautiful oolleo SRVfliH OOTaVB i lAROF08t*E. ' ! One of the most superb instrument offered at auction tbla season. ricbiv carrel lags and case, Inlaid with mother of pearl and solid pearl kevs. m-de bj city makers; mualc rack, atool and f-trcli cloth cover, mihlc bo ha. an. Salt rosewood bat stand, oil uloth stair carpet. CHAMBKBe?8S.OOND SfUitY Boeevcvd riresslsg bureau, statuary marble top, and plated mirrors bedstead, style of Louts XIV , table denutt armolr de glscs shaving stands Utile! seta, bed linen blankets, sheets counterpanes, bolalem and pillows, rather beds, Brussels car* p?t, mirrors, clock, lace cu>talos Ac DlNlMi ROOM. Black walnut externum dining table buffet, butler's tray and atand; er.te.tal, out and engraved glass decanters, goblets,, wipes. pr?servo and 'mit stands, tumblers,' lemonades, silver plated cas'er, spoo. s, f rks, cake oasket, colli urn ivory handled knives and torka, napkin rings, French china dinner se . 160 pieces; lea set, 11 pieces; also a large assortment of excellent kitchen furniture ACCTIOK NOTKTIC -CHATTEL MORTOAQE SALE.? bnperlor custom made rosewood and mahogany housebold turn,ture, excellent rosewood ptaioforte, three magntllcent subs of solid rosewood parlor furniture, oovered In the sncst expensive and desirable pa teres of rrrnch satlo; costly' pier sod mantel French p'ato mlrro-s, elegant oil paintings rich \ elect rsrpels, large and extensive variety of costly solid silver ware, heavy cut glass ware, of the most expensive kind; elegant china ware, tea and dinner sets, vases, Parian ware, hrocre and ormolu Cocks An 'lbs particular attention of housekeepers, hotel ic-ep 10 aud the trade generally Is called to the large and sxtrnslve catalogue sa'e of lbs above nth and costly household furniture, cerorttlons, An. To be sold at pp. "lie auction, to tbe highest bidder, for cast on 'he premises, ain "Ouneenih B.reet wt>t oi r igniii avenue, ? itiyfc 0 cioci, tliIn day (lhursdavl, i.UKu?t 25, byorderof Ui' iuor n*gee being >he 00ctents -t the live aury dwelling house, tne 'whole ol which will he positively shd dialogues re idy by elgin o'clock, when the whole cm be examined. irarlnn yard* of ruperlor velvet carpet, three raagnlflCPP' 'O'd rosewoc d suits covered la mar)jn, blue ard go'd, Krd crimson end gold mtla of the most expensive descrlp Mots; (jothic aadrnrktsli t aey chairs, la urxiue andaa'm brocadr; ladle#' #nlld rosewood rerep'lou and armor?lr?. Dorerea In gold blur, crimson and maroon satin; l?%canJ eipenid-e rceefrio" secretary bookcase lined wl'h #li* and inswood; Ihtee solid irte ?ood een;-?! tub es, with rien statu srv me-ble tope; expensively carved roe#wood oie', jofaaod Id 1 tabiea with marble t ip#; three oostlj rosewood elegeres. will; marble topr, pla'e glass doors. Ac, imnorled expressly for tee i wtier; ladles' rotevood worSlables 2lday bronze and ormolu-locks elesaat china vasea, with the most cbas e and OJcmaiie landscapes i'alt,'<-d to order in frtnee; mazalBnent Trench plats pier wist-1 with rich and heavy gold frame; man tel mirror to ma'ro; heavy embroidered lane window cur thine, and cornices; larj;r and ei'eaflre vsileiy of oil palnlngf by native artists, anih as lanuseaoes winter scenes marine Views Bcrtptnr&l p enes, superior French lithograp-is, game pieces, Ac , the wt le n rminir a very oleastng collection, ail Serior ?ciewood p.auo'orte,.full seven octaves, ele/aii. case, td-bed all lonnd. Inlaid ptate, and richly a-l vyl;b treys ol real pearl, cost 8600, being a valuable ins'.uiusut, wormy of atten Hen; rcsawooaplnno e'ool covered In sntin, wl'h (inelegant jmo cce'. y rtnbn idered cover. lining room.-Hieb vet tapestry carpet, In pood order; Solid csk extenclon table all pod?bod In the oejt manner; mar ble lop >n y tabiea. ai'rrord. sota beds, cbalra in bair 010th, togeib r with all the ruby anil crystal out glass ware, wlnen. Champagne*, tumblers goblets and decantera to; rich china i?.a and dinner ret* costly silver ware, tea and dinner service. 24 intb sslvera, cake baskets mater*. cMlee and tea urn# moons, foiks, lipuor stand, superior table cutlery, marWe vit'.here, Ac. Chambers -Cnst'y sr.llri rosewood and mahogany bedgleaii, Btalusn marble top bureaus, wash-UDds to match; pure hair mattrerws from 40 to 60 pounds made to Order nud In excel 1*nt rnr fiUlm: incrr&ln hPilrrvtm mirrors r?lrv*lm tnllpt tapirs t'welrReke toilet ae'eo cloths, stair ca-pets androds, matogauycurtaloned r.bairs recti n ia u. ball stands, tra atil diul: * tab os. together tvlth R large and desirable anaort?ne1101 t'Rtemeot utenai.'R Ac Ac , with which the sale will commence. The sab* ol the above furniture .H rendered absolutely nri.?i?*rT, and wl'l posltlwely take place without regard to wratbe. Araaponal le person win te In attendance topuck and stlp att'clre going out of thecliy at a reaeonan'e chtrge. Deposit# es'lsfactory to >h? auctioneer will be required Irom all tjurcbarrrs H B - Parties who are In aearch of flrst quality OI hotigsho d furniture are epcciail/ iw ted to tbti sale. J?. J. H.aKnJ&y. Mortgagee Auction notio?. M. C. *PKT. AUCTION KIR Assignee'! Bale ol carriages, rocks srays, bu?gles, As. EZRA LUDLOW. JR., THll sell on Thursday August 25, a' il o'clock, at 444 Broome Street, t ear Broadway, without reset re, by order of assignee, to close a trust, a treat variety of vihides of meat eioeiient make and luish. modern styles, coisli'lng Of carriages, rockamays, pbictnrt top buggies, no top buggies, road wagons, Inning sidkays Ac , Ac. Catalogues ready at th9 olllce of the Auctioneer, 6(1 t edar e'-eet, opp eite the Post ofllaa Is. M. WairELLKao, Att'y for assignee, 17# Brhndwav. A FBIONIEU *RK LKAPK OF STORKS 2M AND Jf\ J2H Fit ton street southwest corner of (Jreenwtoh street, lew York, bav tig ore year to ran from 1st of May n-tvt; als i the (It ores and stock of Jeh and provisions contained lo at ire J o 224 possesion given on the 1st Heyte-obrr. Also the lease of bruise 46 Van.lsm street, hsvltig one year to run from the list cf May next All the natne.l property not disposed ci st private sale before Tuesda-. the Stlth lost, will be sold at Hnr.tlnti on that day, at LID* o'cbwk A M,at the store 221 fill too sweet. New York. JOHN OAhTKMB, AMIgnee a nnrrnv ynrrnr r onn. ? v .,,n>mU.n> .... JS. IS A J. BOOARf.?Friday, Angnit 2S. at llltf o'clock, nt *lo 193 Fulton etteet, mortgage sale of hotel and nntwut furniture. nofae. bureau*. carp'ta, loiking *l>u??p< bedateate, !>?..* and bedding, 'table*, ehitira, ha**, counter, engraving* cocking utenaUe, table cutlery, glassware refrigerator, hiUiea range, crockery, Ac , Ac. DAlUtli I1IR80H, Attorney for Mortgagee. I COITON NOTICEBO'. 1 ART, AVClTfONKgR -HT M A J. BOO/iRT.?doturdaa, \ ngutt 27. at 10H n'etock, nx the auction room*, No. 1 north Wllilwn street, household furniture, eonatitln* of a general assortment of parlor, bed jr?un and kitchen furniture Auction notioe.-m. dough it. auction fhr, will cell thla day. at ll)>? o'clock, nt inlearoom 79 Nteaau pin rt, tne entire ttoek ct a ilrat elate cabinet manufacturer, ccna^ttng In part of ,-oee-vood and mahoirany parlor aula, 8cv? red In btocatel and b?lr ninth; rotawn -1 and mah tgany acerbic top centre tah'.ea, bunk ..tea cx.enn. o dining tablet, oar* marble tap eldeb nrdt, Hi imais *nd velvet oarpett, gl' frame pier end mantel mirrore, o'l printing!, roeewood an r*alioganv drae'tag buret*]a, waahatand ., HclMeadt hair mi* gi.*tter, pnlltaaaes. Ac., togeier with a general aaeo.-ment oi neurit hand fumltu e <H a family declining htyuaek^cplug yfw wW? W i>v p^r^vwUir wu, # I I ?? mm mm Aoonm, ' A T AUCTION?TO B? BOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, | A at the Public Pound. pornercf Ouu f'unared and I1 aouly seventhstreet avd > bird avenue, one yellow, no burred cow, ou Saturday, August 17. at 10 o'clock a M WibUaM B. UTTrJt, Pound Ma'tar. A8bI(lNh.E'B B ALU.?AUCTION NoTTOK.?PKRiNPlory nala uf eady made clothing, dry goods, clotk, till. 1 oaaalnuTf a. So ?A. M CaIbTaLsk. auottonoer, 25 B wary, will Mil tbln ;dav. Augu t 26. a' 10^ o'clock, a large assortment of fashionable clothing oomlstlog of oa-slmere and clotk frock sack dreaa and bualnaia oo?l?; catalmere. cloth and sailnet p?nia, silk aatin and velval vests > laoolotha oaaaltaares silk a tit/ goods, Ao. Well worthy the attention of the trade. BY R. A. THOMPSON A OO.-NRWPOBT, K. I., HA rant rflla alias at aucttoa Oct bum lay august 25, at 5 o'clock, ea the premises, will e sola by public auction (unless previously disposed of by prirsw uoatfmet) 2 hat large and valuable tract of bull ding land known as the TUfnny lot " containing seven and a hair a "roe more or leas, CtliRlMi nn tktt ivirnAP n f I Km KmIImvilm And IrAdM Midfl III MlV port adjoining the sesubrul aetata of Charles Nlxter, esq., and e ol"e? pmittnH? In several of the finest villas and estates on the Island, amot a which are those of Oen GeorgeOadw alladaf James Phslen, Geory Haywood and others. This lot of land has a front upon the Bellevue road of nearly raven hundred feet, another, whlah Is oonstdered the prlaofpaJ tront, apor the hedge road of oyer Are hundred leet, and Its arhole western boundary opposite the prlnelpal front la dlreoUy apot the onean. measuring thereon, as the shore lines run. tome eight hundred test It la situated within about a mile of the Geean Douse upon one of the principal and most fashion ' able avenues of the city, uoon gently elevated ground, and i.mtnaada an uninterrupted atuf widely extended new of tne SOartie - sweeping the enUre honaon from the ConnenM ut above to Gay Death besides mauv very beiutlfal inland vtev. Ineiudlng Newport harbor and both sides of Marragan etbay. for ihe areetion of s single villa similar to those In the netghbtirb ?d, the lot now oflbred Is not surpaaaed, If squalled. Dy toy otbtr now for sale In Newport or which Is rikelv to come to'otto-market frr the pressnt; and gentlemen wishing P- so Sure such a lot arc invited to examine the property and to negotiate fnr It at private sale If It should not be sold la one tercel previous to the day fixed for the austlou, It la proposed en to olfcr It etfher In one lot or three lota at may he desired by competitors if in three lots, eash will contain about JW teres, and have about equal fronts both upon Ihe Ledge roa and the ooean. affording seme very beautiful and desirable pass for the erection or cottages and vltlai lor summer rest lenee of a lass expansive character than Lhoee before referred flane, terms of sale and other particular* In regard to the pro perry may he had on appHoatlon to H tfuafOrd, Meq . oast fcr ef *s Traders' Bank, or Gsorve C Mason, M*q., real eeh. gent, at Mewport, or t* the aocttoneera In Boston M. A.THonHSoa & Co., nucttoneees, Ottoe old Btate House. Boston. B* JOBSPH HEGEMAN, fK'DAT, AUGUST 2?, At half past ten o'clock a M , Regular week j sale- Mahogany plan > two bookoaeee, rose wo- d and other bedsteads dress bureaus, washitands. tablet, cb-itiB sofas, feather beds, matirovees Brussels sad ingrain curpe s, ollotolhs, refrigerators, cooking stoves, Ac. DAHIEI. A MATHEWS, AUCTIONEER vlRCLAIMMU EXPBhSd FREIGHT, By order of the .mtrican sxp-oee Gotnpany. -MTLKR, HUHILIZ A MaTHkVVB will aed thli day. i u. un 25, >8111, at lux o'clock, at tbe American Kipriwn Con-1 *t.y'a depot corner of Hndaon and Jay at eeU, about 160 lota ot "oclalmed ezpren freight. aalugnea now ready, and may be had at tbe office of tbe aurii neeta, no 6t Cedar atreet, oppoalte the l*oat oOlce, or at the p ace oi Bale. DXOIRI, AUCTIONEER?OFFICE, NO 202 0AN AIj ttreet, will aell on Friday, 2)xb instant, at 10X o'clock, th- eiian. Block and Oztnrea ot tbe aelect family grocery atore. #> Whm Twent- fourth at eet. The leaae la of the whole home for eve \eara to rua-tbe rent only tSSO There la a diet raie hcrre ant wagon, and ereiyihlnn complete for ouaineaa, Hold aeparately or oolleof vely EPW4RD S. BCHEN1K, AUCTIONEER.-HOUSEHOLD furniture?by K A F H HOHKNCK-Ttala day, at 10X o-noca at their aaleerO'oi, S3 Naaaau atreet a large and well te'ected Block of h >u?etold furniture, removed tor conventenee of tele comprtalng elegant rjae wood parlor anita, In brocade, btuctuel repa, nalr cloth and pluah; roaewood marble tip can ire nod sola table*, aide and corner etegerra auperb roaewood an? ire a g are library and aecretary bookcaaea mahogany - r<lr<hen and b fkcMtea, carvtd and plain roaewood and uo nngany bedsteadv marble top dree*tag bureaus, weahatacda nd c. inmodea, aolld oak chamber Bulla, what noia and book racka. O O PORT ON, AUCTIONEER. WILL SELL THIS DAY, * 7 at bla aaletrrom 381 Budann atreet at 2 o'clock P M , by > 1'tue of an execution gun barrela fluhUig tackle to > ?, bo ni. tegara and lumllure, the cocienta of a kiiatmlth'a abop. WM tt. JuN to, uonalable. f"l W IJtfnva TV AnPTTflUlfVD VII T con V Aaf tt. Fridav, Augusi'ild, at U4; o'c'oik, at ths salesrooms N< &y. Pine a'-ect. to pay acva.cet, a large stick of choice wives teas brandies, legars Ac , comprising 16 quarter casks -a; nac, 12 quarter casks pn.-t wine 9 halt casks claret, 80 cut e > 'et <6 esses Haute.rne, >5ea* ; honk, and other winet; alio a 1 -ige In* or tea*, coffee, oaoi, caudle# itarcb, matches Ac; also 3>'0 000 segsrs, oi varl >ue hranda; alao ISO baikets red esl and royal grapa champagnes, in bond. Hale positive; lei ma cash hA/tDW-BK AUOTION NOT tlK.-J. B VAN ANT TBIi"? will sell this diy, at 10>? o'clock, at 73 William U'Bt. an assortment of hardware; alao, 7tl0whlps,s%w?.giins, sq mres, Ac., damaged; alao an invoice of bar ateel, circular savpiaie# and ateel tools, braes sheaves and oollara, butts, ti . a ao, 100 boxes cut lack* straps and T binges, stair rods, tea trays and wallers, marking gauges, lurnacrews, Ac., Ac. Icrnia cash. T MOBIARTT, AUCTIONS KB, WILL BKLLTHI9 OAT 'J . at o'clock at 173 hatham square. all the furniture, dry goods, oil paintings, mirrors slocks, glassware, aegnra rut? Liber goods advertised for Wednesday's sale, and post pOMd unavoidably. I ARUM BALK OF VOAJtlON AMD DOMKHTIO X LEAF TOBaOOO. FAT?A* A OO. will he. d tbelr brat trade sale on Tuesday, August 30, and the succeeding days, until the catalogue la dbs posed of, viz;? , EKNTCOKY TOBAOOO. 1.600 hogsheads, partly of fine bright medium and common tobacco, suitable lor fine cutting, partly of heavy shipping tobacco. OOKNHCTTCUT, OHIO AND STATE SEED LEAP TO BAuOO. 5 nob cam* of Connecticut, oblo mi State aeed leaf. T be Connecticut of the packing of Meaara. Oawln WeUee and Bm ry f Kent. '1 he (bio of Veaara F" tman A Co 'a own packing. t he State aeed of tbe packing of Meaara. Oawla Wellei A C' other*. HAVAW* TOBACCO. 4 OOo bale* of Havana tobacco, of Meaara Fatman A Co.'a own importation. W0TI7E. The aamplea of Kentucky will be ready for examination on the 2to and x3d daya of A uguat. the samples of aeed leaf on the 2<th and 25th of A uguat, at Fatman A Co 'a atore. Mo. 167 water at rem The Havana on the 26th, 27th and 29th of Angnrt, at Meaara. Fatman A Co 'a bonded warehouse. 165 Water atreet. Poaluvely no ?am Dies will be exhibited on the dava of sale. Parties should be here In amule time to examine the good a by catalogue on tie daya aped del. Catalogues aid permission to examine tbe gooda nan be oht lined ait Fatman A Co.'a atore, on Monday, the 22a day of a uguat. terms?Under $3,000, cash- from $3 GO) to $6 000. four months' credit, $5 000 to $10 000, four and su months; $10,000 and upwards, four, six and eight m uiths Botes to be made satiatactorv to tbe teller*, payable la the cltv of Nqyr fork. For further particular* Inquire of or address FAIMaN A CO, hew York. 4JfOKTGAGK SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FUaNttUHK.vl CP aMOEBS a FaI* CHILD. auctioneer* will tell this nay 25'h lost at ten o'clock at tbrlr ?v!e?room, US Nassau etreat, a Urge quao'lty of bouaehild furniture, conals'lo* ot .uaboraty bedsteads, leather beds, bolsters and pillows, ra?'v'l. any bureaus, eaalutanda. chairs, extension tablet, oral :nt)io"?, rocking nhalra, tapestry carpets, oilcloths, stair car pe'A straw me tres res cmtage and cane seat chalra. window curium, ingrain carpeis, cr;csery,t mats, aitcnen inrntture, 4c , 4c. J AS. MaRKINsH, Att'y ior m irtgagee iAORTGitOE BALK OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE! I?| Carpets, rilel"ths,J??JObN H. BU RLE?, auctioneer, wi 11 tell this clay at 2 ivaKk at 467 Canal street, n?ar Hudson, barrens bedsteads ckalrs tobies. sofas, anfa b?<la, pictures, looting gissses, waabatanda. One cartel hair and ntiier mat ir-arss, pillows, sheeia, tanleelotha, bedspreads beddlnir, SI Hroraela and Ingrain carpets. 300 y*?ds of English oilcloths, 11! UM) fine Havana regara. Tho whole to he sold wl.hout re Bene. FBAbKuN BROWN, Attorney for Mortgagee. METROPOLITAN EXPRESS?AUCTION NOTICE. iT.I Persons abo':'. removing to the country or In tie city will find li to their advantage to cad on G'lULUHMITll'rt express. No. 140 Yartck street. Foil' horse wafcona for removing furniture to and from the country; carts at all times Letters by poet promptly attended lo. For aale, s st lendli ptanolorte, now on storage, with solid pearl keys. Cost $600. Call lmine .lately. P .WNRKOKL 'S S ALE.?W. N. LS WIB WILL BELL at 28 Chatham street (up staus), on Ihursday, August 26, s la-ge sssortmen: ot gold and silver watches, jewelry of a'l 'ttcrtpt'ons guns, nlstols, musical instruments. At Hale to octiitnence at 10 o'clock, By crder of ,1. it. 4 J HMPSJN. PAWNBROKER'S 8ALE?MONDAY, AUGUST 29 HELL * k TPuMPHON will Sell In the auction rooms, 18 Kr d flrosrway at 10}f o'clock, two hundred lots ladies' weariag spou'et; s''X, crspe and stalls shswis Ard slab, at 1 o'clock, ant) i? a gold and silver watches, jewelry, Ac., by order of L. ottVV <00 Grand street. PAWhPBOKBi'SBAI E-A. M ORISTALAR, AUCTION ear, 33 Rowery, will 's-11 on Friday, august 26 at 10t< o'clock, a large assortment o?men's ?td womeu'n was-in? appatel, conslsttug of silk, alpaca, delaine and merino dreises. ' apes and mantillas. c-?p?, silk and other sliswls.itoder garmer ts ard a lot of watches and jewelry By order of till TaKSa.V A PoZNANBkI, 211 ndghlfl avenue iJHKRIFF'fl BaLE.-CHaMBKRB A FAIR'IFJLO, AUC > llnr pere, till te No. 116 Nassau street, will se'l on ibis lay, 28th Inst. at 11 o'ciook, at pie- No. 46 Kant river, the bark or teasel called tho Hermitage, her tackle, apoarel, furniture, Ac. JOHN akU y, Sheriff. QIIEBirF'R BALK?CHAMP?BB 4 FAIR'THILIY AUOC? llonttrs Hire lis snviu Is'reet, will eell Ibis day. 25tt> luet, *t ten o'clock, on board of the bark Kermlta.e, a', olor 46 Kaet river, a large quantity of bale hav. sblo s' lumber, water casks, 4c , Ac. JOHN KELLY, BherllT. THOB VBITCH. AUCTIONEER-OFFICE 0 8PSUUE street- Mortgage sale of enamelled bedroom furniture, on Thursday, *u rust 2V 1819. at 10 A M , at lltBpruoe street ronilstingof 12 suits of enamelled bedroom furniture. In perfect order. Also, rosewood marble top tobies, oak sideboards, mattress, Ac., Ac TGAFFNSY, AUCriONKSR, WILL8ELL. ONTHURB fixture* of a lsrge wholesale snd retail grocery store, 521 Uutl street, re-rner Greenwich consisting of a Urge assortment of groceries, ten, hams, flour, sugar, Ac.;also, horse snd neon WM. H. BiRNRS, Of THIS MOOR!, AUCTION HOU*K, Atlanta, Geo., must leave oo Saturday Consignors will please notice. All parties having remnants of s'ock, new In Tentlons. Ac , will find It to their Interest to addresi box 1(M Herald office. WA. CsHTKR. AUCTIONEER.?MORTGAGE RAT.R this day at 10>i o clocs. on the premisei; entire contents of pallor, chamber and kitchen furniture of house 41 West Sixteenth street, between Ftfth nnl tilth a'ennes; sofas, centre tsbles, buteaus. cane a*at cbslrs bedsteads carpets, Ac , Ac Deposits required. THOS. & MURPHY, Deputy Sheriff, Atty for mor'gagee. _ sninsnL *TJILL;AltDS.-ORlF?ITH'B IMPROVRD COMBINATION X> cushioned tables can only be bought at his factory Second hand table* for sale Two splendid small table* for sale. PrWrate houses furnished. Beware of the numerous patent humbug cushions. W. H. GRIFFITH, 1W Fulton St. VTOW RRADY, FOK THR FALL TRADB, A LAROH Xx stock of Improved billiard table*; will show the best table and the beet running table In the United States or forfeit the table; samples up tor examination, warranted for a lifetime; will also show samples or *11 the different cushions now made and post any man bow to buy a table by catling at 90 At.n street, L. DKCaltR. pHMullf'l IMPROYRD BILLIARD TABlJM AND r ooajthattob oubhtonr, f j- mle only hy the pstsntss ard theasannfhstmew. _ ? coonho* A ooelRRORR. i L R90 Ov?,l7?n?|?Ow(?Fflr?sljll?wTorV TEW YORK HERALD, TH inirrui*, I rririTRD btatbb man, umiwmf v~m bus hilt, 1 U tor Birn via Boutiia,euiom, will **U from pi or Mo " Mora Hw-', proai?-lv ?t 4 I* H 00 Belnronv Ar^nin T*, with ma0a. pinwipn and cpncl* for Kraaoe and BegUvmi. O. ri(0 ?.???;*. No. ? 'Vwimg lireen. Freight and paaaage reduced atnamihtp A aim. will loUow September W. j /IKltf BBDl'1TION.- THJI TaNIiBaKIIA MOBO"T aaao Una Halted Hum mail ateeinaak 1 anil every fort ?l*hi between New Tort Southampton and 'Uarra under all eon tree! laarlnf tkla dre rank alternate eeturdey, and the attar mda tank alternate Wedneeday >raoa aaa ton* jraoa aaraa ua roa aoDTHAurron auoiHaartoa tap UiTha roa raw rou*. T/.HBII*n,T, heterra. ..Hat'y, Ana. V We* j, 3?pt 14. ARTIE. Wilaon *u<y. Baal 16 WedV. IWoi * OomjaA l|u*eM, eeabnry Met'- fcepl 24. tCed'y, OcA If. Three ateamahipa here water Mailt oompartwn:ta. *Ttea or parang# either way tta aame. ria. j? T/MDaaaiLT?lal oabla, $120 aad fUHl. Id o?bl? Mi. Orxia Qotaa-<at cabin fiOO and KOiM vVn la', Aaiair-IM cabin, wn. Id cabin, BO. Third cabin, a limited nam bar MM. Oartifleatpc tacuod af paaaaaw from Burma la imcrlrt. Sped# daflvared he London aad Parte. _ _ D. TOBKaROM. agent, Ma 6 ttowbug r??, * T. Tottoa end other rooda taken on freight at mi vnetraleaATLAMTTO ROTAL MAIL 8TB AM BAVTDATION OOMpany'a Mew Tort and Gel way Una?The next departure can New Tort will be the larre aad powerful aieamahia JaBON. 1,700 tooa burthen, 400 horaa power, Oaptaln Darter, which aaila on Tbuiaday, September LB. touching at rt. Jouua, It F., to receive the royal malle Price of paaaage: flrct olaaa WC; aeooad. 160; third, SM, Including free Uoketa to the prtaolpal cltlea "a main raUway routea af Great Britain and l?eland Third olaaa auat provide a late, knife, fort, At-.aed beddtor Puamre to St Johna: Firm olaaa. WO; aeoood. BIB. Fot freight or pecaege Inquire at the Amartaaa Mxoreea Com pany. 61 Huda n'atreet and at their other advertlaed oOoea In the interior. in ibe (bird olaae caa be aeoured at any of the above ofHone to bring peranna out from any of the prlnetual citlet on the main Tinea of railway in Qreet Britain for IK or frooa (ielway for >30 __ AJLUIUAF KXPRES8 COMPART, AUX. HOLLAND, Manager. SHAM TO LTVgRPOOL AND LONDON, OALLINO AT Cork to land and embark iettera and paaeengem ?The UverpooL New Tork and Philadelphia Steamahlp Oompeny'e ap ten (I id Clyde built Iron eorew ateamahipe are intended to anil aa followerraox hkw york. 01TT OF BALTIMORE Saturday, Auruatr MTT OF WHRHJNOTON Saturday, September 10 KaNOABOO raturdar, September 14 AX 13 o'clock, noon, from pier 44 Worth river. rates er rassAoa, fvciu from Few Tork and Philadelphia to Oork or Liverpool F7S Cabin from do. do. to I<ondon 80 Third claea to Cork or Liverpool SO Third elaea to London S3 Return tioketa from UverpooL available for all monlhi ... 60 i'aaaeitgeraforwarded to Havre, Petit, Hamburg Bremen end ao'werp at threugh rate*. Pasaimgera to Ireland by thti line avoid the rtek and greai detention of calling at ac .lotaae, aa the teamen proceed to Cork direct For freight or paeaage apply at the odtce of the eompany, Jullci O. DaLK. IS Broadway, Few Tork, Agent. In Liverpool, to Wm. Inman, Tower Building*. fPH* FORTH 9RBMAF IJ.OTD'H HAIL HWAMHHIP 1 BRRMRF, H. Weeeela, Commander, Carrying ike United Htatee mail, will poeWveiy aaU on Saturday, skpt. s, at 11 m? tot Bremen, via Southampton, taking paeaengare for London, Havre, Southampton and Bremen, at the following ra'ea: Firet cabin >100 Second cabin. St ftearan r. M For freight or paeaage Q3XJ?aKlKR,*l?ljTOBF A RFIOKMLT, 84 Broadway. rR HAMBUR9, LONDON, HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPton The i.amburg Amerioan Packet Company'a iron mall a learn ablp SAXONIA. Captain Khlera, will 1'tre pier 21 North river Thursday, September 1. 1859. Firet cabin ><00 I Second cabin $60 | Steerage >35 Fur p image apply to C. 3. RICHARD A BOAS, 1K1 !tr??U... New yobk and new oblkans steamship comparty -For New Orleans, via Havana, t* aail on Saturday, August 27 1S&9, at 12 o'clock, the Untied suite* mail ateamsoip DB SOTO. J. D. Hulioch commander; wlil coinmeoce to receive freight on Thursday. August 25, at pier foot of KoDluson street, north river. No bills of lading signed after the hour of tailing For freight or passage apply to the agents. LlVIn'?STOJN,CltOOHSKi.i? A OO., No 1 Park place. FOB LIVBBPOOL-DBEAUNAUGHT LINK?THE OF! ebrsted c'louer ship hSOOKT, Captain Busier, wlil all to morrow, at 12 o'clock The ship* of this line are noted for iheir extraordinary speed For passaee (bwsit rates; a j plvon hoard, pier No. 5 North river, or to Q. M. DKMaBKHT, 40 Sou'b street. JDOK I.IVRBFOOL.?THE SUPERIOR BLACK BALL P ltrf clipperth'p HABVKBT QUKKN, Uaptaln loung wlU sail on caturday, August 27- Tor passage, having unequalled tat- room accommodations apply on board at pier 23 Kant river, root at Beekman street, or to J AC JB WilSjM, 103 South r j-eet. PIBBT SHIPS FOB LONDON, LIVEBPOOL AND ANTwerp -Packet ship yoKKToWN, for London, aalls August 27 from pier 19 East river; seoond cabin and found, Si6, chip auHBUB'ION, for Antwerp, sails to-dav; aexmd oa'jln nnd fdiir.rf SIR A rllnnRr ahin 'n? l.lrAiuM.l to.mitrroT ' Passengers brought out from Liverpool or Loadon at reduced | rates Apply to l HOB O. KOCHt, 83 Bouih street. I T OOK AT THESE PRICKS OP THE HEW LINK FOR L CatlforDle?fcteerags >60, second cabin $7^ first cabtn IPO, including railroad ticket. The favorite sAamshtp NORTHERN LIGHT, Capt. Ttnklepaugh. wl 1 leave from pier 1 No 3 North river, Monday, Sect. 5, at 2 o'clock P. M , c >n ! necking via Panama Railroad with the steamship on the Pncmo : ocean Kztra steamers ot this line always at **ana<na. Insuring prompt connection at tbe Isthmus. The Ni rth otar wPusum oeed the Northern Light, and leave New York on the 30th of September. For freight or passage apply to IL JB. ALLAN, Agent. No. 6 Bowling Green. New York city. 7 N. H.?All parsons are forbid trusting any one on account of the above i hips or owners. S F)K BAN FRANCIS 70?THE MAGNIFICENT CUPPER ship ZEPHYR, J. B. King, commander, at pier'Re. 8 East river. Shippers wishing their goods despatched prompt lv, and landed In Ban Franalaoo In prime order, wil. find it to their advantage to ablp by this oonveyaaoe. and oblige by , sending the same alongside without delay. For freight apply to Ba B JUC'R AHTYLKB, lio Wall street. AUSTRALIA PIONEER LINE.?ESTABLISHED 1852 ? Carrying the Dulled states mails. Sailing positively on the day advertised. 70 days pasesge. The new and noble Clipper ship ORIENTAL, l,i60tons register, with capacity for .S imp uina. cornea to her bertc. nlar 11 North river, to nomnlete her loading with two thirds of her rrgo aotually on board, and wli* have immediate despacb Melbourne In her ia?t rayage the Oriental made .340 miles In the M hours, and bom her aire ar d s'tllns qualities ia expented to mare the passage Inside of 76 data She has magnificat)' anoummooatlons for flr?t and aeeood nam passengers. For freight or Da wage aoply on board or to B. W. CaMCBON. No. 6 Bowling lreen rtlgM bills lor sale, and cash advances made on -onnsignments, C m algneca In Australia?Wilkinson, Brce. A (Jo. NkW ORLB4.N8, MOJtlLK, MOJtTQOMUBT. ATLANTA. ALBaM, COLUMBIA, MAOi.N, aUUUSTA, and various planes In I lorlda, via BaVaNMAH, Oa Tbt- F1 OR1DA, Oapt Isaac Urowell, will leave on Saturday, August 17, at 4 V 51 .from pier Jo. 4 North river Tickets can W-had for the following Diaces - fare as low as by any othm "(earner?from New York to Savannah; accotmnodsiioos superior: ? New York to New Orleans; $39 76; Mobile $35; Montgomery. Ala . $26; atisnt*. (la., $21; Albany, Oa . $24; Columbia, ti?? $22; .".aeon. Oa , $21; Augusta. 20. Savannah, $15 fcAMUEliL. MITCH ..I, A SON 13 Broadway. mOB RAVAHNAH ASCU FLOBIDA.-THX AMEBIOAN V -tlantlc Screw f.teamtuip Oo.'s new and favorite steam ehlp v.UNTOCMKKY. P. cTacker commander, will leave pier 42 N H., on Thursday. August 25, at 4 o'clock P. H. Cabin paw ge to Savannah with unsuroamed acoommodatlons $i5; through ticket to New Orleans, $79 75; Mobile, $35; Moot gomv-y, $26; Albany $24: Atlanta. *23; Columbus, $13. Ma cot, $21; Augusta. $20 and to principal place* inFlorllaat iowf-t rates. Freight 10 cents per foot, and proportionate rater Insurance one half her oent. Apply to H. B. UROM W* i L A CO., 66 West street. 1711:it TUB ROrTTT i.NR SOUTHWEST. VI V CHARi.1t>!. r 'in, t; C.?hemi w> ekiy Untied Htatea mail aide wheel Steamship line. Cati.. pstwage $15 I Heck oasaage $4 Ilia splendid steamship fiKHVlL^K. Captain Murrav, will leave pier >0 4 forth river on Haiurday. August 27. at 4 P. ii . precisely, through tickets to the 'ollowlng placei ro hew Urieane $'19 76 To Augusta, Oa $20 Tohi.iblle 46 10 To AtlaDia, Ga 23 To ? ontgomerv. ala 26 00 To Charlotte, tf. 0 22 To h mht ':le, Tenn 30 00 To Columbia. 8 n 20 To yempula. Teiin 33 50 To Jacksonville, Fia 2i To hnoxvllle. Tenn 27 00 To Pilatka. Fla 2'1 For freight or pataage apply to HrurFORD, TILWTON 1 CO . 29 Broadway. T1 * Columbia, Captain Berry, auccecda on Wednesday, August 31 R? DOOND BATKH ?THk. NRW YORK AND VIRGINIA -teamship Company's ateamsnlps will receive freight every day lor Tennessee, forth Carolina. Portsmouth, Norfolk, City PoH t and Richmond,land will leave pier 13 P. H. at 3 P. X., as follows:? K. aNOKR. Captain Coneh, on Tuesday. Y< iBKTOWN, Captain Parrlsh, on Thursday. JaMASTOWN, Captain SklnDer, on Saturday. Passage, 'tateroom Included, to Norto'.k, reduced to $6 . Pe tersbufj and Richmond, stateroom. Included, reduced t-i $u. Men's, 60 cents extra. LlfDIiAM A HKfNSKKN, 116 Bfoadway. Freight taken on moderate terms. iTKAMBOATt, f TOMMY IBL AND AMD FORT HAMILTOM.?VHl {l steamer M4NSAOHT78KTT3. W. A. Hltohoook, oapjua, srfn luave every day for Coney Island An, as fellows:-- amoi g-eet itBtf a. M., 1J* and ?.* P M.; Hpring street at 9* 4. *., >2W Md 3?f M. pier No. 4 NPrih river at 10 A. 1 and t F. M ; taut trip fro? the falaad aiCX P.M. Fare II -enn It* the eiouraoa. riAMP MEETING AT RING RING, COMMENCING AUG KJ 22, 1869.? Steamer HROaDWaT le?ve? ptar foot of .lay treet. touching at Christopher, every afternoon at 4 o'clock; faro 26 rente Fare to xonkera IS oentr, Dobba Ferry and Bastinga JO oenta; Tarrytown 26conta JJ3IRHIFG BARKS.-THE UEA STNAHIR HATKt.idT* C Capt N. Anderaoa, Jr., wilt make an eiraraton to tJM PUhtag Baukn every day, except flaturdaya and Sunday*, leavln? J erect city. Morris atreat dock at 7 o'clook. Peek alp at 1 H; pier Ho. 4 North river, at 8; Jay iitreat, at 8^1 Itrtay Meet 8H- Fare for the axounkm, 10 oenta. Beftekkmeek wd bait. Lfciea on board. KIOR CAMP MEETING AT RING RING-THE STEAM " boat AURORA will leave the foot of Jay atreat every morning, at 8 o'clook; returning. leave fling nine at 3 P. M. tor.r hiny at amor atraet each way. Fare 25 centa r)S POET, JRFf RKRON, BTONT BBOOK.IAHT JOT* and Huntington?The ateamer OCKaN wav* leavsa Roosevelt atreet, pier 29 kaat river. August 20, at 12 o clock at.. August 23d at 11 A. M., and Auguat 26, at 11 A. M. R~KKVPORT AND CLIFF'm>OD~FARR 26 Ott.vrfl The steamboat 8TRA NOBR, Captain Charlea Foat :. will leave foot of Murray street dally at 1 o'clook P. M . Saturday and Btu day excepted Reluming leavea Key port at Lock port dock at 6H P- M? ar d CUffwood at 6 P. M. OC1IAWAT.? REGULAR DAII.V BOAT.?THE HTRAM er 0BRR8 loaves Catharine market slip every morning at 9, Bptlng street at 9:20. pier No. 4 North river at 9:30 for Roekaway. returning to the olty at IE P. M. Bring your linen for bine flab This boat rum regularly, and takea the place of the Iolaa. Fare 50 cents. ~ llEGAM AMD TOBACCO. ^TBAITOH, KAMDrORD A CO., IMPOBTBBB OF HA" J vaaa eagara 69 Beaver street. eornar VkiUtata, offer for Ue aU grades Havana sagaTa, of their own Importation, aitbui bond for export as thai Mora, duty paid. i nnn nnn Havana, domestic a*u >. rman X.UUU.UUll Angara, at prioee from 94' u ?u and Oaahpurchaser* will be offered nee: u *r . a. W?d oumttao, 0. 1; i'i: %-sav, UK3DAY, AUGUST 25, 18i nJsu.biliMUk.HYV PALACK OAPPIfB J-Hi) H . L'+ lite Jit Meet Mualctl Pro* tuvt T7er I a'- r<v f r r went* tire Centr (UH* ?In OOaeequeene n' ? miiuomeeUadiOK wHD Madame COM.. J>t Ml l nit . MooUl iij tee tram <vlil not tint to Uie conoerl lite ttcuiut m vrer.outr announced. Ah. 111U A A ?CUl h< H. Ttie ipritntt P um Of I he Perf ?? th'i nveaix* MtOo.n Vr^nKKKKlt. Ib? ov.'a^Qt i rim* lloaeA (It lae Oertnaa Ao4 be'ten Operne, Macs 'hie rmntoA W.?i HiMtH ullrHam.AHO, 7T>? en enroled rooeii t. P ecHvrn it lot Ireneeccoui rqpuuee Ge Tueirfev t renin* jVille VR I bit ernolDtr mimU>IU-A r.uaoB, Toe popular vroailit. more iota rtPD'nv berr I.KHMaMI The f?" rt'e Bant me of Ike Uermaa opera, . _ Ham thte even in* Mr. I.OTTT, the well keown an1 favorite tenor, bid** IWa eve. Ir?. Mr TBUfcAS BaAKIi'H grand orohentra parforeee thi? ?veu'Df A an liULct 25 oestfl CMK XI)PUP. TTMOK OOORHP LONci IflLAXD-TROTTINO-PRlD AY. V AOit"?l 2#, At P M match for A AX) mile heale, beet three in tire, In harnneu Mr Me. attune u bar eeldiae. Mr. I J. 0. nampa * br, galdlng. Kntrance tn kli parte 60 oen 1-BtVT A td.K, Proprleten. UMloN COIIBSK, LOHQ <181, AHI>?THttTTIBG?II0Hday. iugu?t?8 ?' 3)? P. M Purne ?i(W Ikxed wit* the rolloWiiir horn*, mile be*U hot three la Ave, tc wagon*:? Mvjer Smith'* b fg. Jack Ro**.ter; owner Dame* b. in Led j bneUf: owuer nemo* g m Lady Mc leanland; owner rnniM b g. Uncle f*m owner namna e g. Barney Wllllaa*. Bug** Oka bone can leave Peck alio le-rr every fifteen minute*. BHaW A WH1TK, Proprietor*. CAJMMOBIk W. AHOTHKR lMfOBT aTION ARBIVKI) OFYHORLKYB Fund for Horn*, Ac., which tor bringing aotmalt Into condlllnn and keeping them In rood health n unequalled. Depot 174 Greenwich atreet, Mew York, M Front etreet, Toronto. ABPLENPID PAIR OF GRAY MOBGAM CAKRIA'IK borne* for role, 16 handslpgh, 6 and 7 yean old. *->und and kind, *tyll*h driver* and jual from the o-iunlry. Aim one fact bay pacing horte, WW hand* high. 7 year* old *ound and kind. Bold for went of u*e Ir<|Hlre at Robert Hockey'* table Twenty third itieet, weat ot ruth avenue * KIR-T QUALITY MkDIDH LIGHT 8I? V ICR PL A T10 I CL oinyle barne**. with Dutch and kngllab collar* aul'.able I to- a 1 *1.1 rockawny; mode to order by a cby maker; lived ! but once; will be aeld cheap. Apply at 1M Waverley ?r, Mar filxtn itom AbPLKMDID BOB TAIL BAY MARB, 15* HANOI high, eight yearn old wa-ranted eoiwd and kind In aJl , bit h, a Dor aud stilish drtrer; can trot la three minute1*; *l?i. i a in c uti; bav mare, iS>4 hacda I tab; ala<i. a close bodi'd ooarb. in rod running order Can beaeen at the fee la tore 110 Ra > < i: rteemh street until sold Ct-URIAOlCb, OA RBI AOK8?A NUMBKB OK LIGHT J bi rules, new and aeooud ban4, made laths very best manlit' inn lot st) le and durability. N H.?A new bred will be BO't si a bargain, by ISAAC FOKL>'8 Buooesaor, 197 Mercer stieet. C/tRRIAOB WANTED-A BOOKAWAT. OR BOMB titular st< la; must be stroog well bii'H, not mush used, In 'uot"U*b repair, rbeapsnn seat four or six neraons. Ad drtr* ?t* log towed cash price and full desoriptioa, 0 0. >)., He. slo office. TBOTMR FOB HM.K-BBLONOINO TO THR P rptu'eof the late Jnhn lie Forest ? K. A K. H. doUtCNo'K, auet'oteere. will sell on Friday, Auguet '16, atlJ o'clock, at effiesn-ojn No At Nassau st ent a dne aurrel borae, tt'teen I barn, nu-b warranted sound and kind tn single or double bar I neri. vU trot a mire. In oondluon. in will Kuarsatee 2:45 as be Is. | /.) . * light roM wuol, nearly new. | KLlNa H<ihKKS FOR HALE-FIFIEEN PAIR VRRT I* eapeticr rlnaely matched coae bhoreea for aele. Cat be Been at toy ttable Id ^htteatown, Oneida ctumiv, n. t until toe lat September; after that time at Poat'i etible, Tweutyfourth rtreet, N. Y. WM. JOHOLRMON. /.feat For sale-a beautiful blauk hawk oolt. eight year*old. J5>? hauda high, and eery atrfish; can trot !c 2-45 and pmmiw i to be much 'aater Apply either a? private etable. 1 htrty-ninth atreet, near Filth avenue, or Uia brt w'e ndjolnlng. (T Oh b AI.K?A VgttY FINK BROWN (BI.AOK IIAWK) r mare, live yeara old 15% handa high, perfectly ?>und and kind, apiendld traveller and ft great endurance, bold for I want or uae. Caa be aeen at '.he amble 286 Molt 11 -net FOR HALE?AT A HA'1RIFI"E. A ONE FORBS TOP wagon. euch aa pbyaldans uae nearly aa good aa new, light a:,d neat ety.e inquire at 64 Blitb atreet, near Flrat ivenu :, New York. FOR F ALE? A NHW LIGHT BU8INRRS WAOON.BUITAble fur a grocer or plumber?made to order and la the beat manner, can be aeen at 3b Fulton atreet Brooklyn. FOR 8ALR?A TOP KXPKJtHR WAOON, IN GOOD order; will be aold very cheap forcaab; can be aeen at UNLEKHlUj'AvFLKBT'd atablea, 86 Lafayette place, near I Aator place, or call at No. 13 Bible Bouae. For half?a two beat wagon, pole and abafts, In complete order. Alao. abiding top wagvn and two new llghlumad wagona Inquire of T L. 8KaM aN, car rlaga and t%bt wagon manaraetory, 218K Mercer atreet. C>OR^BAI.E-A ORATmERSKNGKR MARK, NKARl.Y mind and' kind;nan^lrol in k:50 In barne** and three minute* U pule Alan, a Ught wagon, beat maker in the city. To be aeen al 110 Fortj-aeoond atreet, between Firth and Blith*. rtb 8aik-orvkn hor8eb; thby abb all bix tear* old, atyllah. and from 16 to 16% hand* high; prloee moderate. Amobg tbem are two aplenaid farm boraea, one a gray mare ard the other a brown horae: price of the mare $85, or the horae *66: they are ail warranted In ever; reaped To beaeenat 31% 1'erryatieet FOk'bALX AT a URKaT bacrifioe-a good ahlft'ng too wagon Aa the owner haa neither room nor uee for it, it will be aold verv cbeao. To be aeen at Baldwin A A?be a carriage factory, 160 and 161 Oroaby atreet, near Blceeker. The ukparbtawim has a pair of ponibr, is handa high, aii and eight year* old, awftch talir; either ean trot in 1:60 tingle, or to the pole in three mlnutei; as gentle sa lamba. of great endnranne. a>ind aa dollar* He la not "going to Vnrope/'but wanta to realize. Haa alto a wagon, made hv Wnoil Rrne and iirt af Ihtl dntthln hi,n,u whole forming a splendid outfit for a gentleman Prtoe 11.000, and not one cent leai. Address American, llerald olllce. ~ VlSCKJiLANlfiOUS. i OAHD.-AS A OUOD NIQHT'R REST IS INDTSPKN" 1 sable to erfjoy life a* well aa to promote health, Ac , we invite our Meade ao<l the public to Inspect our newly patented script' bed bottom. Jt Is SO verv Hliopte In ita construe Ion, and Its acu"n Is so perfect that the first cabinet makera In thla city 1 are restnwed the highest pra <e upon It. It la to be fonnd in the following caTnet linkers' emport ims;?M-sara A. Rouy A cp . 479 Kroedway; Kd W Hut-hlntta 475 rtroadway; Henry rtnney, ?>34 Rroadwav, Benjamin I*e?>hnnse, 173 Hudson afreet; Sam Waterbnry, 91 hleeoaer etreet; Prater A l^ee, 19S illoome street; limner A Moore, 75 King street, and at 512 broad way. Dealers and hotel keepeis are especially Invited t j look at It. bCHOTT A LOUDON. Manufactnrea and Patantei a. DAVKOA'S multom in parvo interkht.-timb and nou tables for sale at all the principal stationers in '.be *ily. Price fifty cents per copy A liberal diaoouut to the 1 ai' . -J. G ML ULl hit, general agent, 52 William street, room No. 7, second floor. DR IIAMPT'N'S COMPOUND DIUREIIC PIbLS Are highly recommendrd by eminent pbysblsrs ae a safe, csr;? n, sr.redj and permanent cure tor gravel, strictures and all tin r dircHPs or derangement of the bladder and kidney i. Prlre flfiy enls per lor cold by drtigf;tsU and dealers every wbce. IMess'a A. -fi. A D flr.NDH A CO., sgenti. Prepared by Dr .1 T HAMPTON A CO j 4<]5 spruce street, Philadelphia. LYON'S MAGNETIC INSECT POWDER.?PARTIES irrvibled with reaches, moths, bedbugs and other Insect* are *fi|Ufstrd tol?a\e their add-ess at our store. We will clrsn bouses. ships, nubile buildlras. Ac . with tbts powder, and warrant tbe work It Is also sold by all respectable grocers huo drnggisis. at tbe old depot. No <24 Broadway and by Mr. i,f?\to ivo'th, Brooklyn. 1 he immense success of Lyon's powder ha* given risa to a host ot worthless Imitations tiader dtlfrrent startling names. Th's powder b?s been tested In New Yor i tor thirteen years To prevent further fraud It is now -hanjt'd to glasa canisters, and with our mtt'als(B. A P.) blown | m. i*e particular what you Inquire for. Lyon'a Magnetic Pllis are sure death to rats and mice. *BaRKK8 A Fr. iVB, successors to E. Lyoa, Noa. 13 "and IB Park row, opposite the Aator House. MT MOTHER'8 8ALVE WILL CURE PILES. MY MOTHER'S 8ALVK will cure burns. MY MOTH VJs'B HALVE,will cure salt rheum. MY MttTUER'8 HaLVR will cure sores. MY MOTHER'S SALVE will cure ringworms. MY MOTHER'S S.aLVE will cure chapped hands. MY MOTHER'S HALVE will cure boils. MY MOTHER'S SALVE will cure oorns M" MOTHER'S SaLVE will cure bunions, Ac. I MV MOTHER'S Sai.Vk cure*sorseyes. CONKAO FOX, 81 Barolty street, wholesale agent JlcRRit.t. A Hcntimg, Proprietors, 102 Nassau street. MARBLE MANTRLB.-TH* CHEAPEST AND BUST mar tell In the city can be bought at from IB to 20 per rect 1pm than at eny other (hop In the ctty, at A- KLaHOK s marble yard, 113 Mat Eighteenth alreet, near Third avenue. TTKRGNK8' RLKGTRO-CHEMICAL BATHS. 119 FOURTH \ avenue, the only eatabllahment attended by Profeaaor V11 RON RH. iIip Inventor, celebrated tor the extracti m ot tne lalllr imbalance* trom the ayttem, cure of rheumitlara, gout, debility, cbllla and fever; preventive of malignant nckneaa pEirnsTRYA' RT IF TOTAL TMTHVFULL SMS ON PUR* Sit, VSR, enly $K, with guma, $10; on One gold and platlna, with enctlnnoua gnma, $16, and warranted equal to any lu New loik; ttngle teeth, $1. Truth fllie-t and extracted without the leant pi in, by a new prceeaa, at 138 Sixth avenue, between Tenth and Klevenlb atree a. DR. LUTHRk, dentin Artificial tk*th inserted at the lowrst powible pricea? ?eta on a Iver. $8; vulcanite, $10; gold, $2.1; contlnuoua guma on platlna $24 teeth evtrac^vd wliniut pain, 319 canal meet, near Jlercer, one Dutch w eat of briaa way, Dk LA.'bKrotl, DENTISTRY, WITH ALT, IT8 IMPROVEMENT 4, WITT out tti humbug* -To properly treat the natural leeth and conatruct artidclal dtnturea, it require! care, aklll and exunri enci, which are guaranteed by Itr*. PRarKnKK and WILSON, 136 Broadway, corner of Howard at -eet 09TKOPLABTIC.?THIS ARTIFICIAL BOHR FILLING Tor decayed teeth In put In while an ft, given no pain and reatons aching teeth or mere ahell I to iiaefulneo. The gamine article uaed by the dlacoverer at hi* re*ldenoe. 64 weat tbl'ty flr*t itreet, or at bin operating roomi, corner of Broad way and Thirty flrit itreet. JaMvS PKASiboN, Dentin HOTKLS. THE PIRRB1PONT HOUS*. - MONTAGUE STREET, corner of Hick* atreet, Brooklyn Helghta.?Thin e*tab)t?linent, aituated In the molt beautiful part of the city of Brooklyn, at the bead of the Wall atreet rem landing, within ten ounntea of the Merebanla' Exchange, New York, a-d In the .u.madUte vicinity of the aitea choeeu for the new "hnrci and Academy of JKuale. tea been completely renovated during 'be aummer, and by tbe introduction of tbe Ridge wood water. / a' < o be tbe purest tn tbe world the addltl ,n of new hatha , ilraeta, a billiard room and all lha modern imnroveir --be placod in competition for neatneaa, c.leaie'lac - > ?illi any hotel In or out tof 'he city of New V v'lhlng ierenmmodatlwi tor the winter can 3 j? hparUucsU, JAS.L. BUANb Preociriot. * 59. AMtTBKnnnrrs. NlBI/ft OaMDKk loonupni at7)<; to oatnaaenoe Ml 'clock. Ilckete tiivwiiiiipiiv aoeati thijkhu.t. Auguatlv 1M. Otorloui tnunvk ul the world renowned HAVMLB, UAdkikL m4 rSANOOIB, whoea extreurdlA AT. ncocoa during tfcla brilliant guifMini la unparalleled la the antiela of taeatrtoala ARtslHkJt MAW ud rtTIT -Ka HOUH ATfRAOTIOW. rODATH NIOHT of tke reel ooneie apeeUoie peutuiaUne of \> I which the must onlebreted ouatlc j. llOng, ulBKICi. He VKL, wit 'iftetB hie original oontle character supported by the StulN iTH OP tee TALENTED H'iMPaRT, We miner Mate, eren pl?> ad by llret elaaa eruata, U> A making ' ThK klOUHriun rkdrKOf. The yrena pantomime alii be preceded by U.. ballet direr U? tnuent of TH? PRIMA I>OM*A. Is whleh If ARIA HKRNkOAKT will mate her second appear anne tt*r PRAlf'<Maad Ike eaUre llallet frjupe will appear, ike CVOLUTIONS OR THR TK1HT ROPR, arietta Zaahetta, Young America ead the other artlsta. WALLACE* THEATRE. B. L Batman Ma agar uHAAT triumph of MATILDA BUOH. the mew 1 RaOEDT IM aRNSkLT 8UO 1R8SPUL. HOUSES CEOWDAD la Rrerr Part with lmeaiely Interested Aoditora The aaw tragedy baring avklered a oirapiste tnamjh, and VAtlL.UA HA&ON'd rendition of the great oharmetar ?< LkRnLDtNE being prooouneel the aoai wondroue efl <t o* her surpaaaia < TRaOIO OKNIOH, and inahly placing her upDa the re-y pinnule of feme, It rrld be repented erery ersning until tunher notlte. HOT til PHEHH a a It PUHolO have pronounced Iha acting o' Miss lirhon and Ike *lXXlMPi.I?iUKI> AtTH H who (0 admirably aired her floe imparaonatloa, M MlfOND A LI rRA'bt J ad the new play I* reoetred ?ith aecluaatton aa the moat tHitlAunBO tM) kOKaMW Pi<}TuttK iF Tti* TabT hat baa eter been given od tha modern ainge. THUB>DaT BTENInO. Auguat M. will ho performed (fourth Ume In thla ottj) the tragedy, tm are eta, muted OliiLDin, OB LOVB'8 TKJTOBT. with the following consummate dlatrtbutimCreralclr.e re uMWy M .lTILlU BBMOH l)a*M of B' taut a Wrltb hard Mr Oouldoeb Autrlmo Prior of H Warburg Mr Coukiuek Hubert, a Oru-aJar . Mr.&rtharn GKtr- o tha ka't'a jeator Mr Wuiooi Aarui do !<*cey Mr. l<efflng wall Hugo ee bouigh Karl of Oh eat nr.... Mr. Howard Uarraae. a steward. Mr. D.rldre O.. h ?/L Mr Bland B-*ub ir Laeey MIm Joaephlue Or ox Joan MiasArohboid ' Cni aa if ara. Batata era, Vaaaals, Attendant*, he , do. The atory of thti play la fcAflKKLV 03HUNAL. Tha mane It laid on the aonftneaof Walet during the rrrfgn of Xdward 1 at the period when toe Kngbeti .oguroa had return ed -r... tr.e | holt laitd. Char c erittle noatumaa and the neoeaeary adjunct! of ban Dare, bo <jnet tables, together with oh? Aht) APPHOPnlATB HCENKBT. by beam* IhHtft Wturl, and WaLuaOB. have beer, oarefulle prepared In order thv. the mue en aoene may render the play a correct portraiture of Ufa IB TtLK rtcCDAJL A'JKA. Eut the OB1AT ATTRACTION of tha piar will be found In 11a powerful exhibition of human paraKuii lu men meet OATnOUO FORK, ami Ib th<. energetic i it'rh of tii? language wh'ch rlveu the at tact low. nbUe tt dtmanar the deepen aympathlea of toe human heart tOVR?RRTRWOIC, HOPE?DF8P AIB, JJCAOOUST-AGOXT, a patleit ardeelfeacrtflcfng DEATH. r on open at 7; to com aenee at 7% o'clock. The manacer reepwt' anDotiooea thai he baa (la defe receeui wihllr opt oiontco "-tailed the trag"dy of una at,DINK, thereby iMpnirfn* U tutu tally aa an ac'dng play. "lbecurtalu wU< hereafter fall at ten mloutet before 11 o-rloik BAHM'M B' MDSim.?THIRD WEEK OF 1KB RtM o.erse?sou. THfJRBD AT?afternoon atS the mtietcal fare of fhK bWIBB < OTraOE; dancing. and THE FOUR hove e p b reii aa at 7W 'be t* medy of *H? MUMtTERK OF TOT.RIX': danatpfr. and THE FnUJa LOVEKd. J uet reoetTed by the mlMlonary ahlp Henri HU1, a aarlonely Interesting relic from th? Mount oi Oliver 'mmortnltzed In Scriptural H'atory. In the (hrpeof the Onaried Trunk at an An'Iwit Oil re Tree? perhaps thousand* of yean old. The Pythoola or Den of ?er jerf now erntalna a whole family of anaoondaa of afabnlour ?)7.e and dMcrfptton. admfttecoe 26rnta, iMMwa nndar too l.* -enta Parquet aeata 19 eenta aadiumal. WOOD'S MINBTRKL Bt'DLDIN IB. Ml and 669 ttroadwav, near Prlnoe atteeU 8F.IICT MIKbTttKLTT EVERT MVKNrVO THIB WERE, noon open at 7: 'dommence at 8 o'clock. Admlaalon 28 oen'r Children under ten. ISoente. kuaa, Oft AS. WHIT I and NED DAVIS appear together. f iTUITttCnaV .A.t A .....I ?M VU ova*, lUKiiii BENEFIT OF M. OaePBELL. Agent BROADWAY TUI1TI18, ITT GRAND STREET, TWC <t<<wi from Brovdway. THIS OHKAPERT OONOERT ROOM IK THE WORLD. Oven every evening with ? Kmnur of 1H RTT PRBPORMKBB, the mnet talented In the profeetfrin Commenoe at 8 and termi natine at 11. ADMlBalo* TEN OKM1B Oonoert on Sunday evening! the name aa other nlghta. OaU la New bowery theater. Bole Proprietor!... Meeerr. G. L Phi and J. W. Llngard Tb? ladiea and gentlemen engaged for the above theatre are reepectfully Informed that the aeaaoo will oommenoe on Mon dav September 6. Due notice will be riven of the drat re hearaal. , FOX A HWCURD. NIBIO'B GARDEN. The Kail Dramatic Term will oommenoe Oct. S. All anpllcatloi i for ergagemenu mnat be made by letter addrnaved to h EDDY, Kioto'! Lettera requiring aniireri moat eneloae BUttrp ipOB BIX OB TWELTB KI3HTB ?VANAGKB8 WISHr In* to engage little Oorle'.la Bowitrd and parents, addrtw* Q ?' bOW A&u. Cambridge. Maaa near Harvard Oolege. ntliEATFJC ROYAL. MONTR* AL, CANADA. A. Lemee ana Manager... J. W. Buoklaad TH* BIBTERfl LDCILL* AND HKLXN wl* appear every n1*bt thia week. MUSICAL TALINT SUCH AS VTOI.TNIST, PIANIST or atof er wanted, fir roneerte Pontb and went Mint hAve ecme read v mean* which will be amply aecured. For an interview addreae Violin, Herald office. for one week. OOPAKTWKRSHJEP mmCKI. DRY OOOPa.-W ANTED A PARTNER. WHO CAN INvest from $500 to $100 In a re All dry gnoda biiMtieae le one of the beet location* In Brooklyn. Addreaa, with real name, A. b. A , Herald office PARTNER WANTED.?NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS ANT) bualneai men ?In conaeqrence of the adver'lier heing cnmpelb d to leave lor Bur pe on important boainera, he oftera for Hal' h>a lntereet In a bnuneaa protected by paiett, and now in fn'l and eucoeeiful operation; sales cash, and nrolts satis f-rtnry; tbe btislnem may be Increased to an unlimited extent. ior particulars add rein box No. 41 New York Port office. The paftnbrbdp heretofore existing fb tween the undersigned under the name of Abrancbea, Almeida A Co.. la dissolved by mutual consent Either party taau'hnrlaed to receive the outstanding debta of the Arm, and any outstanding debts ayalart the Arm will be paid on presentation at the office. 168 Pearl etreet. New York, August 30, 1869. j. A. d'ABRANCHEB, p. p dk almeida, J. M SMITH. The subscriber will continue bualnesa on hla o?-n account at 187 Pearl street J. M SMITH. THE ADVERTISER WOULD LIE* TO TORM A co partnerahlp with a coin Detent men, already established, In a country rtore, convenient to New York city Addrert, sta?lrg partlculare, J. M , box 1,419 New York Port office. WANTED-A PARTNER. TERMS BAST. A GOOD man more Decenary than much money. Apply Imme. dtj/rlj at 64 Eaat Broadway or 61 Division atreet, In the cob celTriom. dtiinn -partner wanted.-a good chance. ?1UU. I want an upright man, with tHs amount, who la pot afraid of a few hours' work, to toln me In a steady bnalneaa, In which there la CO risk, and vrtll be sure to pay at least $6 each per day; the beat of re Terence* given and required. Call on LOCKE? A LEONARD, 78 Naaaau street AOiin -A RESPECTABLE MAN, WITH THIS AMOUNT ? of capital. c?n secure the one half latere*! of a retiring partner; It paya over per year, and la rteadlly Increasing Tbla la one of the tew placea where a small Invest meet will secure large profits. Apply at 14 Chambers street, room No 6. ?^nn -PARTNER WANTED, TO JOIN THE AD??'UU. vertlaer In opening a tea eofl>e, and srice rtore In an excellent location A steady man having thle amount and who underitAcde the buaineu may addreaa T. 0., Herald office. Wo Hitenx need applr. (fcnnn ?PARTNER WANTED, IN A CASH MANT7JlpPvU. faoturtng bn?lne??. connected with noma of the drat houses te tbla city; for a person wishing a aafe, proltable boslrets, none better can offer; unexceptionable re'erenoea given anil required. Apply to O. TUH&INB. 36 new Bower.'. <T>0(\n ?WANT1D, A MAN WITH THIS AMOUNT, 1 ^ JPOI'U. take the place of a retiring partner In acaah tnanu factnrlat bnalceaa emplrvlng 100 hands pnflu are 100 per cent, and sold aa faat aa the artlc'ea can be got ready. Apply at 509 Broadway, room 23 np atalra ft nnnT0 ?10.0nt-PARTNER WANTED, TO ipO.uUU take an Intereat In a popular Invention lately patented. Addreaa H R? box 190 Herald office. <!:<)? nnn ?wanted, a special or active ?Zm.UUU. partner, with the above amount. In a buai neae of many yeara aland ma. Undoubted reference given aa to the reiropotability and lueraBveneaa of the buatneaa and dvertlaer'a antecedents. Upon Investigation thia will be found re good an Inveatmeet aa nonld be offered. Addreaa stating whvre an Interview eau be bad. H. R. B.. Herald office. WATCHBR JKWBUtT.ffiC. ALLEN'S watch and jewelry btorr ~ REMOVED PROM II WALL STREET To 41* Broadway, one door below Canal street Watches, jewelry, Mirer and plated ware at very low prices. OEOROB 0. ALLAN. R A 71 LI AN DIAMOND RINGS, PINS, BABRIVOS, eroasea, Ae , for aale to pay advances, at wholeaale prloes. 0*11 before punsbaateg alaewbere tad examine the and prtrea. at SSI Broadway, 331 Broadway. 531 Mrondway. COMPOSITION AND OOU> VK8T GHAINS-WABran led to aland add and not to ahang* color, from tl N to td. Gold jawalrr of ail atrlaa and qua'dUea at 10 per oaat below wholesale price*, at SSI Broadway, CAt-fPORNIA DIAMONDS?KQUAL II* APPEARAND* and hrl'ltanoy lo ibe real, maauauitnred from qnarti rork bard a* adamant, and annot be Injured by either air or water Btnga frocn 51 ptw bona (2; earrtngi troin U 331 Broadway MKBCOA *fit ABB INTITKD TO OAUk' and ? o r,. ni ?lj Invented strala ' *h'?r a- ,).? r . i <- heaniy and flnwbof the bote* *?_ br . ' be color# aad in ai and of a new ma*' pi, . i i / .. u a water proo' and wen her pro> . ,v Climate Saiaalei rent whta a 7 J AM ItS H. 1)?T AGO. ' " 66 fortlaadt at; -at, N, Y. t*r7v. ti A?r? ? f RBPAIR1D, IN TBI ,N , . ., n.,f f e ? ?' I. mdi>" and (tenar* workmen e NV.; 4 1, Away, on* Owr below Qanai \i '.ccv, i. nutrh 4J' " ^ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnv II . _ M 'H?J?IWIU? ! DOVD'T mitTM O d 1?i> * Hoidfro* Uw??ni( "*aMrw> f. W.M?*b*n ?"thn Kiil|> AAuTiJKH XI* I!>SAM?, '<AB..AA X VIV*N?B. Tflu HFD.-. t AUJ.m2J.If8K wfli bs prr'orwed (fl time) tb? it "i n a (fi urn the V t;. u-fj of inib J>?K 1V.B; (nr. TH* LIKtolT Of THT fiHW Alu* wbleb aortfl* ?l beautiful tableau! virauit MS p?H mimic aceae*. ni (i TM? lTA* I? N BR'G ANUS To oouc ude with fooln'* latnat d- imi of itu BU jOamicks Nati mlthc-tki. to l mmo and Muiiimu < Bed Ofcur 8twr?i Iiri.w V M Ward | TriMiirer .. Ur J. M. tak IB .1 1 A J kVkMtMO. auguit 26, Idw FAOWkKo OK en a rokkcr Cy?thl .. .Kill A Halhawaf 8.. iig . B> tt 11 lu Fiaaj Uantoa bTAQK flrBUlK TiILOR. f-MITH ?MD 8*OW?. To aotrow? Beeefliof Kin A. HATHAWAY. 1U iYANW M1MBTR1UJ, JLI MMtNa HML ??I MHMI, > td*r. Aucuatn uji every U**. ? ?" * _, _ TRB dAUAlhlOK TtaOOPi OP TBI fOIU. J1BBY Hd Da* BBTajtT, t unequalled llhloDlan corned ana KjtTIBB OH A Bird OP PkOOBAMMB. NewHrrg*. Danera Borteaquee Ac > K a > hk< N PO" * a, bOaWMS AT QUBMMIWL ; ?uat oa w<og at d danoe, I aiNT t.uT TIM* TO TABHT _ Doora open at 7 o'clock; oommmoe at 8. Ticket* 11 coal* _ ; j>R* KIIII MUBKOM IT? OEAJfD BTB?*T, Olf DOOM C from Broadway tWO PiCrttOBMAAOhB AVBBY 1?A*. oommenrieg at S In the afternoon and at 8 >o the rvewmg f*a eheve la the only p)ac? where the M<)l>k'. a bTIBTM anmsiblted, oneatwtng of uaa of Um fli aai formed emeee 1a mm world. Tweo'y eeven young taoiea appear at aaoa yalia aui o Admla>?m?otolMMra. so con la, noma, Ka.; >ifiati bniea. t>, teala osImi ago S3 CAK1 BXliL'S BBMKPIT. CAKI) TO THA PU 111.10. We the underel-nad being dealrou* it testifying oar ealaHi and reaurd tor Mr M Cam pbeil. Acting Maaarer of Wnl'o Moatiela, Jo hereb- oomblne for the nuraoae of tendering tan a enrou im'nurv beaetlt it Wood'o Hall 161 and 163 Broadway on the evening of rboreday, Auguot 11,1660. >*w Toiik, AOfC^at 17, lUV Hon A. a Tbompvao, Hon. A. k. Havnard, lion T HtO; ?emnt. Htm. Wo O Mo aigpM, Hun Jobn Brown. Hon. Jamea J. HaUly, Hon B. J. Junmereoa, P O. Tl?d?ll J. P. tour. OharlfA Z Pond, J?ine? i.. Mrl'h, Jamea Phatr, Dartd 1 tan., Robert u. tinjlh, I. A betdrlcka, a Snow Win CauldwU, A.J ^iUiamjon, } b Street, Joiepb C A. fouler, > race* s. rmhh, P. Bra roe, I! ?v l-bui- A O Seamen. J an ea J nana. Charlei l> Hnjrga, t.f?r:sa'iay.or, Ueoege Roberta, O v> y retry, a K. Hittuinr. Utoriie * 'rtoa. W. K. W. Ch lalaa .' M rn an Browaell, ( a Terry, )> K bmlib. Samuel 0 F tater, .lamcii Dot 'e'ly, if T. Wedeoberf. Aid herlea Prvnrti, A 3 -tratioa. Aid Si. W. Oenet, J. Hal, And ISO Ahem Bowkry theater. T HID AT. Aurofll 26. Urabd Complimentary seneSt to J. W. IAJL-IER, an which or.caaton . Mm M A MITCBRt.T, and Ml>i K iTK PKNKOTEB will appear. LOOK ODT tOB A OKKAT BILL VTi.W QA1BTT TBKATRK. ALBANY, r*UTL?? k CO. 1\ frop?'et <n ? During toe aomner acatlon thl? mUliIRR meo'. ui '?'i thoroughly veatluted aad an tried. and is am (be ntH't*1 theatre north of Near Yora. The asaao* wtli oaaa menrc < u or about the lOt) of kept Sta-a wtehlog to negotiate for nigou m?T do eo bv addreaelojr the indnri treed I he teal, ( and gentlemen eapared tor the aeaa. a art politely rnqunah ed to meet in the pew room or the theatre on Wednaagaw. Bept. 7. J. W. ALBAUUB, MaaugwT PRlK'S FLOaTIHO MATINRF?'TH* SaLKCT BlfTCStalntrent of the aeaan- Bert Friday t1th ioai ?The latrodvetory Committee -will be at Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, from 2 to 3 P M , and will paaa gentlemen with ladiee. cr latitat wltl children, who can make tbemaelrea aatiatatiorl'y known. Vocal muatr?Wallace'* Bind -treah air?neenery of the Hadann tte'reahmenta by Lowland Story. Let urn at twilight. Pay < tt board rIM? IB WIYgN YFaRS. TUB DUTCH DRILL will l e performed ty IPH HORN FOB CAMPBELL'S mtiariT AT WOOD'S MIN8TREt?, THIS (Iburaday) KY*l?INU, Aufcrt2J. C10NI FBI PObTPOItKD.-THB CONCERT A DVEKTISBB J to lake place at Ctttlon Paik on the 2l'h, ?H1' com* off an B edt,e?dav evening nex' ihe Jlat met 1 be bind will p ay Ml 1nter>nJ* from 4 o'clock til: commencemei-t of eoocnrt at 7 P. M thr sttunbcat will'eat e ktaten island at 11 o'clock P. M. ler the city of he* lork. YALRNCOUBru BALL, Bl DIVI3IOE STUKtT A KB 64 tut Broadwa'open every cay In the week Swrni d arc* eg recttat.ona, and exnellenl made m the evening. AdmiaSon 16 centa with refreihmeola. A FASHIONABLE RK OBT.?CROWDS ARK NOW thronalDg the great Du?*e' orf Oallerr of Patntlnn Over one hundred magnificent painting*. Open day and evening. Ml broadway Admlaalon 26 cecta. Strangers bboitld not fail to visit the chief attraction of the eit?, the famooa I naaeldorf Gallery of Painting*. Open day and evening. Mo Broadway. Adaateglon 2IS ceni*. iaOAJI OFFICaa. A T WILLIAM MACDUFF'S, 473 BROADWAY, ABOTB & Grand atreet, LAKH ADVANCED ON DIAMONDS, ON W&TOHB8, JEWELRY, Ac . Ac., Ae T7JB OLD KB T COMMIoBION HOl'BK IN THKOITT. AT 11 OH AMBERS STB EBT?MONEY TO ADVAEOE TO any amount on tUaaaoada, watches. Jewelry. As., by SW well known and old established IB aaOB, auctioneer and bn? krr. 1) Chamber! atreet. M. B.?Ke hadneer tranreated m ?WIW?. AT GAGE'S, 208 BROADWAY, OORRBK OF FULTOIT, room* 9 and 10, advance* made on diamond*, watches, ieeelrj. and merenandlse of every deiciiptlon or bought for cash. Watches and jewe-ry for sale very loir to pay a4vai oe?. ATM NASSAU STRICT.?A. HONIGMAN, DIAMOMS il Broker and Commlailoa Merchant, advance* money oat diamond*, watches, jewelry, Ac , or boy* tbem far the highest caah price* at bl* private offloe <6 Aaaan street, op stent room Mo. 2. itoalne** boors 8 to 6 P. M. At jaobroips-aiomby to AlDtamom om watohbb diamond*, jewelry, plate, dry good*, eaerohandlee ami pereonal property of every deeorlptton, or bought end *old, hp JoHArH A JAUKSOM. anoOooeev aw! broker, 111 flktmd street, three doom weet at Broadway. riASH AnVANOW) MAD* OR ALL KINDS OF MR rhiu>dlse. jewelry. Ac , In sums to suit applicants. Mom but reaponalble parties treated with M. E RKiiu. 28 Cortlandt street, up attire. AwiolooT. STONI8HINO TO ALL-MADAMB MORROW, TWB *r seventh daughter, haa a natural gift to tell all the events o? life--even the inonghta of ber visiter*?at 184 Ludlow streak, nrtn noor mm nonstop. r oc any cents. uenuemen not nasi Med. ASTROLOGY -HADAMB LBAVY OAR BK CON81TL*ed about Jove, marriage and absent friends; ?he tella all events ol Ufa. At 196 Mulberry street. In the rear. Ladles 24c.; gentleman, 60c. 8be oaunee speerly marriages, and gives loony number*. Charge extra. AOLalKVOYAJfT.-MM. 8KYMOUK, *308 POUm.M Mi eat, a few door* weal Of Broadway, the aaoat suesea*. ful mediaal and bmtneaa eialrruyant tn Amartoa OonaultaMoa on Blcxueaa. buMnaaa, abaent friends, Ac. Hsllsfhctem guaranteed or no pay. IF YOU WISH TO HAVE TRUE INFORMATION OT your affaire through Ufa, than don't (all to consult Mr*. H, ROKliKh. the knowledge of which wi l save you yean ef ?orrow and care. Lad lea IS cent*; gentlemen 60 eenta Her office la at 43 Christopher street, near Warerley place. MR8. H. BCBDKR, THB ONLY Trt'jK HKK.R .AND girted lady of information, haa removed bar office to her new private reeidenoe. No 43 Christopher itreet. near Fourth street opposite Warerley plaoa. Beware of Imposition, and remember her residence?43. Madame bay 19 the best clairvoyant and astrologtst in the world. All events of life told and speedy marriages caused Also. Madame Ray's celebrated female for sale; tbey are certain In effect. Oflee atiO Seventh avenue, near Twenty seventh ersec Hours II) to ;f H fee 76 cents. Kb who has mot bbabd of the, (jblkbratbd Madame PMKWBTMB T She has been consulted by thousands la this and other cities, with entire satisfaction. She feels confident ahe haa no equal. She tella the name of future wife or bnaband; alao that of her visitor If you wlah truth rtve her a oall at M Third arenue, abOTe Twenty first street, isdlee SO eenta; aentlemen $1. t BOWMBY -madakm widqbb, OLAIBV ">ya1ft, . wvO a gifted Spanish lady, unreila the mretery of futurity, love, marriage, abaent friends slcknees, preaerlbea medicines for alt dlaeatea, tella ueky number*, property loat or atolaau 296 Bowery, between Bouaton and Bleeoker street*. olothhib, *o, ~ At u obmtbb btbbbt.?wanted, $to ooo wobth of new and left off clothing for the Western market Oentlemao wUl receive fifty per oeot more than their supposed value, for targe or small lota by nailing at the store or addressing ThOB. D. COWBOY, 44 Centre Wrest, ? BAR* CBANOB.-FROM ? TO $30 FAID FOB 8ILB Ok. d-esaes, from $1 to ft for gents' pants; aleo thejtrioei costumes funs ture, jewelry, ?e. A note by post punct'ialty attended to by B. 134 Seventh svenue, between Nineteenth ana twentieth streets. Ladies attended to by Mrs* T ADIEU AND OBNTLBMKN HaV'INTANY CA8TJOFF JLl clothing, fnrn'ture or carrels to llspese of, wltl deoeire the highest price la cash, by sending to or ad. r^nw A Hnrris .-via Third aveaue, between 1 oraeth and forty urn streets Led tee attended to by Mie Harris. ~ ' rcfwhsl. IfnvvMii^T i AL.-P&- OOBBITT, MO. 19 DUAMR miibw*?? UnlTento, m?y ba ?J^Tkk?!dwSbl?>?doffloe frot 8H A. It to8P. M. D'lTwATfcoM MAT BK COMBULTRD AT HIS 1Hdeote, Bo. ?S? Broome Mreet, eeoond bloc* we* at rirAdwtf, flpote 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. R7 LAfOBTH'B TRKHOH MKD19 XL IM3TITUTK, HI Bro?dw?y?Oopetiltettojij In RBRUah, Frmeh, 0*1? *nd Bpukfe. from 11 to 4 And 7 to 8 P. * DB. WARD, ASS BROADWAY, TURKS DOORS BRlow Broome etreei. Office boun from 7 A. M ttU 10 P. XL; OB Bundeyi till 13II. DS. RALPH'H Omon-OORHBROT HODRTOH AMD Croehy rtreete (in Croeby). Boom 10* * li* I to A, 8undeyt exoeoted. DR BAKROW 194 RLIKCKRR PTRKKT. MKW YORK, Krar doon below MBodAut* *: *.?Haun of o i?nltv Uon from U to: end from 4 to 8 PARIB AHO LOHDOH OtTOI' T>*. *. LARXOMTt ?4T BroAdway, How Tv?K, ?V ' . A V .J P.*. y?46W8P.*.