2 m position or tie south. TUE CHARLESTON CONVENTION. ^ ^-w-v-v Election of Delegates in South Carolina. MEETING OF THE CITIZENS OF CHARLESTON. TUE PLATFORM PIT II A KV (SHELL, to., Ado. (From the Charleston Mercury. Feb. 34 ] A irnbiie meeting of the citizens of C tier lesion in feror oT the representation of South Carolina iu the approaching Cotivenboo ol the national democratic party in thiaoity, urea held at the Hibernian Hall last evening The weather eras stormy, but tbu hall was nearly hall fall, aa?l the mating entirely respectable. SAMXlrOKD, Jr., Esq., anncounood the nomluauoas of the Oommlttee on Oiganissbon, and moved that Hou. Jas. Simona be called to the ohalr, which was carried. Gou. Si moon teak hit sent amid the applause of the meeting. Captain lord then moved that the meeting be further organised by requeuing sixty live gentleman, whose names lie reed, to act at vice presidents. The vice presidents were invited to lake chairs npon the platform by the president. Four secretaries were then selected In the same manner. The organization was concluded and accopted by the meeting as follows:? Hon. JAMES SIMOV3,Chairman, vtcn rnasinsim. Hon. H. P. I/weene. W. B Dingle. Hon. A. P. Hayne. Chat. T. Lowndes. Hon. James Rose. Col. Cliss. Kanapauv Hun. John Sohnlorle. Robert Mure. Hon. T. L. Hutchinson. A. McDowell. E Geddtngs, M. D. Arch. Cameron. Hugh R Banks Jacob Cohen. Col. D. I.. McKay. Col F. I.annean. Wm. Boll Pringle. J. J. McCarter. ' W. H. GUlilaud W. J Magreth. W. H. Houston. Jacob Small. Col John Phillips. Geo. W. I Hack. F. lietchers. F. M Robertson, M. D. Alex. H. Brown. H. W. Conner. U. F. Strohccker. Koa't. Caldwell. William RavcneL Wm B Smith. Richard Yeadoo, Robert M. 72ok. Geo H. Collin, Henry T P.*B?, Nelson Mitchell, Win KrWwood, Henry C. KiDg, Cspt. Henry Ucr-tts, O. N. Reynold!), Jan., M IV R'. Amvid, Wm. M Martin, Col. R. W. Soyramr, K. W. Kdgortos, John K O'Neill, JohnS Kiggs, (l?o C. Whartou, A. H. Ihinkhi, W. S. lUstW, Charles Alston, I) P. Fleming, Dr. J. B. rat rick, Oil. C. B Sigwatl, C. L. Burckmyer, Then Cordon, Arthur M. Finger, A. M:K"n?ift, Ceo. W. Will tame, A S Johnston. Henry Cobia, Richard M. Butler. B. C. Pressiey, wwmimw. Win. 8. Elliott, Tbaddeus Street, Robert Prlngle, Jan., C. B. Artope. Con. Simons then expressed lux satrnfactiou an I aclcoow lodgment at tbo compliment and h<>nor done him, aud proceeded to add roe* the meeting. He regarded It ux the Inauguration of a movement or groat importance, and explained the object to be to decide the question whether the parishes of St Philip and St. Michael should send delegates to the Columbia Convention, which would answer the query whether the citizens desired the State to be represented In the Charleston Convention. He discussed the subject es to whether it was principle or expediency. The principle he considered settled by the actio* of the Convention at Columbia in 1S43, fot lowing which Messrs. Elmore and Pickens went to Baltimore, both made speeches and sanctioned the choice of that Convention. As to policy, in 186'J co operation was established, that South Carolina would not go out of the Union. Gen. Simons declared isolation to he antagonism to the other Southern States, and advised his fellow citisens to strengthen their bands among their enemies. It would be grtitiy to the advantage of the country to bane the I'trim pmereed. Th- battle thouid be fought in the L'nion. If there was not faith in the democratic party, where was it? Gen. Simons closed with an allusion to the unfruitfulne? of Col. Memmlnger's mission to Virginia, and declaring that he had not then, never hed, and never would have, opinions which be was afraid to exhibit, gracefully declared the meeting open. Mr. W*. C Clsttos roee to address the chair, but was Interrupted with cries of "Sit down," "Put him out," Ac. He only found an opportunity to say it was a public meeting, and he would not sit down, when an officer of the guard took his nrm and very politely, but firmly, carried him from the ball. Mr. Clayton protected in vain. 8amum. Y. Tt iter, Esq., then submitted to the consideration of the meeting the prepared preamble and resolutions, on which duty be entered without doubt as to the propriety of the course. He was fully aware that attempts had been made to render the Oonvention odious, hut he claimed to bear as true allegiance to his native Slate and the South as any. He considered that the honor of South Carolina demanded that she should be represented. The democratic party was the only barrier to fanaticism, and if the South was to maintain her position in the Union, it was best to ester the democratic Convention and defend her rights. Mr. fttrtw ?hrn rc?sd Ik* foI/OTUJg The period is near at hand when the National Democratic Oonvention will be assembled, according to appointment, in this city, for the purpose of selecting candidates for the Presidency and the Vioe-Preeidency of the United States. We have reason to believe that every State in the Union will be here represented through its democratic citizens: and certainly there has been no time since the foundation of the government when questions of greater constitutional value or of more momentoos practical consequences were to be discussed and determined. It is enough to ssy that peace and prosperity on the one hand, and intestine strife and revolution on tbo other, hang trembling in the scales. The country is now divided into two great parties, that have utterly absorbed all others. Ono of theee is the republican party the other the democratic party. The ' former is confined exclusively to the North, and has no rest for the sole of Its foot in any Southern State; the latter, with a larger constitutional embrace Jfinds a home and a recognition in every State of the Confederacy. North and South. The one wages war against the social system of one of the two grest sections of the Union; the other proclaims equably of right to all sections alike. The republican party is animated by the fell spirit of fanaticism, compounded with the lust of exclusive polllioal domination. The democratic party, rebuking the passions sad prejudices that seek the elevation of one part of the country in the proscription and degradation of the other, proposes to take Its stand on the ground of principle, to make its appeal to the justice and magnanimity VI U4V WUUM J , WIU W BMMC 1MB ^UUUVAI lurvuuc* UJWU 111 success or defeat in the great battle about to be fought for the equal rights of the ?talee. It cannot be denied that the democratic party is now the only national constitutional party in the country. To place it upon the true ground of principle, and then to strengthen its arm for the oonfltcl, would seem to be the duty of every patriot, and this Is what we propose to do. We regard the Convention only as a policy, and as a means and instrumentality whereby the opinion and the principles of the party may be moulded into a fixed and definite form and its choice concentrated upon two individuals as the exponents and representatives of that opinion and those principles. The principles we regard as If infinitely greater importance than thr men, and therefore it is that ws desire to hare a voice in the discussion, and a rote In the settlement of them. If tt he true that an effort will be made in the Convention to evade the fall and fhir recognition of our Territorial tights, it is the stronger reason why the moral and political weight of South Carolina should be there to foil any such attempt; and If there will bo represented in the Convention Northern States that cannot give a democratic vote, is not that of Itself a cogent argument why every Southern State that can give a democratic vote should be present to designate the conditions on which alone that vote can be had? In the event of a division or s contest, let the States' Eights men and the Southern Rights men, whether of the North or of the South, have all the encouragement and strength that can be brought within support In fact, nothing Is plainer or better understood than that the people of the .Southern States constitute, for all practical purposes, the democratic party; and that no constitutional right or principle which they unite in demanding can be Ignored or refused, let them be true to themselves, acting in concert as s people should who have a common Interest and a common destiny .demanding notnlng bat what la right, and submitting to nothing that In wrong: asserting their constitutional Tight to an equal enjoyment of the Territories as the common property of the people of all the States, and the con emotional duty of the government, tn nil Its departments, to protect them In that as tn all their other rights?and we do net yet despair that there Is good sense and virtue moogb left, both In the party and In the country, to carry through triumphantly a cause that deserves to succeed, because tt has Its foundation in the plainest prlnclDles of justice ml of the constitution. ^ We an not ignorant or unmindful of the great peril that threaten the South, nor do we yield to any in real devotion to her rights and honor. That peril consists in the feelings, principles, and purposes oat of which the republlowi party has sprang; and Its consummation wui be reached in the snossainn of thai parte to the powers and oontrol of the government. 1T< de wot beUere ri? a dfcesMfe* of As Union as ? Mag (e be dotted far itself, M m do tdim Oat Ikert art areata' evils Am a Oiuohutm qf As BWeft, and Mat ens ef Aese is nwoemKWewitl mtmisstsn to a pwrriy p i flow,if doMfefpvi thai it jrrttfirrrfk and jodotty hirttHc to ats. Soak n dominion is the worst Form of despotism; and Tt is precisely because we do not believe that the people of the South will or ought to submit to n bondage so humiliating, that m seek to avert As terrible alternative feted ravclnrtow ty Us dimiamJUmrt emd otterproetrmtion of As npwMienw eer%. Our motto?"Is Squatty la the Union er safety and Independence out of it" Be the find, as members of the Union, ws shall address our starts In all good laith and sincerity or purpose. "Ws will not stand by and nee that battle fought without taking onr part In the heat and burden of the oonflict If there warn no other or higher call upon ue, we own this stnly to the good and true man of the North who have t>een Arieses down la ear cease, or who are till ready manfully to malataln It : and to the good and true man of the South who hare ma equal stake with ourselves in the Issue, ad have bias equal intelligence to know their sights sari equal courage to maintain them. If this laaanrns Ail, and the madness of the people hall harry on to the destruction of n republic for which mo mnok blood has bean shed, and In which no many hopes have bean centred, we shall still have left to us the last alternative at a people who prefer revolution to siishaaor: and in making this final appeal to the principle nad the duty of seif-praservuUon, we shall bo sustained By the proud ooosdoaanem that we have left no effort untried to maintain the Integrity of the oeuutitaUoo, withcut which the Union would not he worth the preeerring. J3e ft, therefore, NEW YORE Reaotved, Thai ia the opinion of thta meeting it la right and proper that the State of Sooth Oarolina, la ooaao wKh her water Stales of th? Booth, ahoaid ba reprseiatat in the democrats Ooaventioa, to neat la thia cxtr oa tha 23 nam Brxxs?Ooroner Sehirmer held an inquest yesterday, at No. MS Bast Twelfth streets on the body of a little flrl, four years old, named Ann Mailer, who died on Sunday evening, (bom the eflbcts of boras received on the 17th tnst It e*ame that the had been playing with the fire while her mother was absent from the room; and, aa the was lighting a ptne stick, the flames oanght her drew, and before they oonld be sabdoed, burned her so severely w to osaw her death. Aroma Caton Favail? Bruin.?An Inquest was bold by COroner Sehirmer on the body ot a little boy agsd three yean aad at* months, who ww burned to death on Saturday at No. 219 BaUivan street. Tbe boy sooidentaUy set his H/u?luriuwB > wueiuy iuio ueiweeu uiuec CD ports and New York. oj Commodore Vanderbtlt has for some time been running a semi mouthly line on this r?ute, composed of the Ocean Sl Queen and C. Vandorbilt, which has proved very success- I\ tul and proDtable. n1 This line has carried the United States mails, for which Vanderbtlt has reoeived as remuneration the tea postage, ai which sometimes amounts to as high as $13,000 a trip. o1 Should this ltne be formed (Collins1 ships) the Ocean b Queen will be withdrawn and placed on the Aspinwall A route, in connection with the North Star and Northern is Light, forming a tri monthly line, leaving this port on the u 6th, 20th and 30th of every month. U This schedule of sailing days has already gone Into t* operation. w The Baltic makes her last trip on the 5th of March. ct A steamer is already advertised to leave on the 30th of gi March, which will probably be the Ariel. b< The Ocean Queen, Ariel, Illinois, Empire City, Star of w the West, Moses Taylor, St. louts and Daniel Webster will th be used tor running the line between New York, Havana et and Nicaragua, and between New Orleans, Havana, Grey - su town and Aspinwall, and also for a spare steamer be- to tween New York and the last named port. oc ACCOUNT BY ANOTBKB KKPOBTBK. ? Under the following advertisement the steamships Illi. w nois and Moses Taylor were yesterday offered for sale at the p< Merchants' Exchange ? J Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of the deed r< of trust executed on the 17th day of August, A. D. 1847, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, on Tuesday, the 10th of January next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., in ti I the Rotanda of the Merchants' Exchange, New York city, oi the following named steamships, together with the tackle, ^ apparel, furniture,and all other appurtenances thereunto belonging, to wit: Illinois, Star of the West, Empire City, oi Moses Taylor, Philadelphia. Terms of sale, cash. Dated tt In the city of New York, this 6th day of November, A. D. b; I860. MARSHALL O. ROBERTS, ) si HORACE F. CLARK, ^Trustees. p EDWARD N. DICKERSON, J s< All the above named steamships having been sold at b auction on the 20th day of February, 1860, and the pur- it chaser of two of them, to wit, the Illinois and Moses Tay- * lor, not having complied with the terms of the sale as fi advertised and announced from the auction stand, notice ft is hereby given that the said steamers. Illinois and Moses v Taylor, will be sold at public suction, at the Merchants' a Exchange, on Monday, Feb. 27,1860, at one o'clock P. M. ti Terms of sale?cash. T MARSHALL O. ROBERTS,) b HORACE F. CLARK Trustees. ? EDWARD N. D1CKER30N, j II Dated New York, Feb. 21, 1800. c 1'recisely at one o'clock. Mr. Nsrehsll 0. Roberta and a * Mr. Matthews, a regular licensed auctioneer, mounted the a stand, and the latter read the above advertisement; tbere- 81 upon a person presented the following letter to M. 0. * Roberts, which was read by Mr. Matthews Nkw York. Feb. 27,1880. r' Notice la hereby given to all whom it may conoern, that w the steamships Illinois and Moaea Taylor were sold to me in on the 20th inst, at this place, by Mr. Roberts; that I , have offered and am ready to pay the whole amount of J my bids upon receiving a proper conveyance of a good title to said ships, and am still ready to pay the amount of , my bids and take such conveyance. I claim to be the J owner of said ships by virtue of such purchase, If the y seller had a right to make the sale, and I shall insist upon my rights as a purchaser. BENJAMIN H. CHEEYER. ^ Mr. Roberts then announced that the purchaser must ai pay the purchase money before three o'clock. He then offered the "Illinois," and said be was antho- M rized to bid $26,000 for her. He continued to cry gi "26,000,"' "26,000, once"?"26,000," "25,000, Iwtoe"? jjj whereupon Sir. W. C. Barney offered $30,000. This bid appeared to be a bombshell thrown Into the crowd. After si consultation with Mr. Dlckerson, Mr. Roberts announoed b that he would not receive the bid. Mr. Barney then said ?1 vo? no (iwdoti) oouia ink rcruM Ihe bid; that it ?H a b public sale at auction, under the lawv of the State of New York. After some further parley with ltr. Dtckeraon p and other*, Mr. Roberta announced that he should re- w quire the purchaee money to be paid down. Mr. Barney n then claimed that he (Roberta) could not change the terms of aale?having already accepted a bid under hM di first announcement or "cash before three o'clock." Mr. Roberta, however, refused to accept Mr. Barney'a bid, who H stated that he was prepared to pay the ceah before three H o'clock, according to the terms flrat proposed by Mr. Roberta when he aooepted the first bid of $36,000. Mr. Roberta got no other bid, and the "Illinois" was M knocked down for $36,000. Mr. Roberta announced the Pi porchaaer to be Corneous Venderbilt. The same proceed I? lngs took place in regard to the "Mooea Taylor," which J a alao was knocked down to Cornelius Vender bilt for' la $36,000, although Mr. Barney bid $80,000, and said he was al prepared to nay tha ceah before S P. M., according to tha al first terms or sale proposed. Si i i i i w Mas. Binrr'a Rjuncras.?ThM vary talented and estima- w bleiadygivea another reading at the Bope Chapel, in Broedway, this evening, and it is to be hoped that bar numerous friends from the North sad South will support m heron this oocaaloe. She is a widow, her husband hav tt lag died hi tha service of bis ooaatry, a lieutenant in our ? navy; and she gtvee tbena readings with the laudable de- * Mr* of raising sufficient funds to educate her children, without being dependent on friends for their support, y She belongs to one of the best remittee at the South, and & bar father (Mr. Key) was tha author of that beautiful f\ national rallying song, " The Star Spangled Banner," JJ which be wrote while ia sight of his native State of Mary - n Mad, n prisoner on board of an English man-of-war, la the 11 last straggle with Great Britain. This inspiring piece of poetry, at the request of her friends, Mrs. Blunt will reoite on this occasion. 01 ' a Cowrt CsMsdsr-Tkls day. in Scnum* Oornr?Part 3.-484 , 610, 660, 400, 380, 300, " 163, 317, 413, 963, 300, 144, 303, 311, 406, 408, 64$, 606, w 376, 310,121, 414. w w IRUART 28, I860.?TRIPL ALtaietu Out la Uli Cit jr. . MOTMOT DMTBOTB TOT BOOT Or HOT ILLSOrrnUTg CHILD BT BVKHINO IT W A FOTNAOI. About atx o'oieok oo Sunday afternoon the fiwniiy of the At. John Cotton Smith, rector of (be Bptsoopal Chsrchof io Ascension, corner of Fifth nrenoe and Tooth troet, observed o peculiar tad mystsrioos odor errodinf tho whole promisee. A search m imlediateiy instituted to oemia tta oause, wed laooot oTory part of tho house had beoa examined before le cellar was finally searched. The large tarnaoe which i there located was examined, and the body of a child, ural almost to a crisp, was dlsoorered oo the coals. SnspMoa at oaoo fell upon a young Irish aerraat girl, amed Orace Heeoaa,aad Oapt DUkn, of the FKIeewth pre' hot, was seat for. He aame, bringing with him oMoe Surgeon Dr. Jones, who made an examination r the airl's Demon. and diaeonarnd unmiitakablM nliiiuM r the recent child birth. She finally oonfesaed to having at the body of the child Is the furnace, stating that It as still born, and that she had bean seduced by a ma ring on Long Island.' She also said that aha was delivred of the child about two o'clock on Sunday morning, id that she thrust it Into the furnace to destroy it. The body of the child was removed to the Fifteenth reelect station house, where Coroner Schirmer held an iqueat yesterday afternoon. Margaret MUler, batng duly sworn, said ?I lire at the widenoe of Ber. John Cotton Smith, No. SI Tenth street, i domestic; (irace Heenaa was about two months there; ie was the cook; I bad suspicion of her condition from ppearanoes; 1 slept in the anme bed with her; she got up boot four o'clock on Sunday morning, complaining that ie was unwell: she came hack inte bed without tearing >o room I asked her how she felt, and ahe said she had pain in her side; did not see ber again until four o'clock i the atternoon; ahe got up out of bed after I left her; ie got some clothes belonging to her. took a pall of water ad went up stairs; she remained there about an hour ad came down again, with some sheets in ber hand; did at see any blood on them; I went up stairs, and I became Kivioced that a confinement had taken place; I heard a iiu-e as of shovelling coal in the cellar, and also noticed a rcat sttLch; went down into the cellar to asoer On the cause; I saw Grace by the furnace; I iked her what she waa doing ; she sail she as fixing the fire; l took a poker and stirring the body i the furnace asked her what it was; she said she did not cow; I drew the body out or the fire to the mouth of the trance; I naked (irace If that was not a baby ; she would ot answer me, but went up stairs; I followed her, lockig the cellar door behind me; 1 told the lady of the house, trs. Smith's sister, of the fact; when I went up stairs race had some linen in a tub wsahlnglt; during the night slept with Grace 1 heard no groan nor cry | Dr. Alanson S. denes, l'ollce Surgeon of the Fifteenth reelect, being duly sworn, said;?I Lre at No. 42 Univerly place: about eight o'clock on Sunday evening I was tiled to the house No. 61 Tenth street; on proceeding to ie cellar, I found the body or a male infant?the one here resent?it was in a charred and mutilated condition; I mk the body and sent it to the station house; I then pro>eded to the kitchen, and there fonad Graoe Heenan, bom I examined, and ascertained that she had reoently ccn delivered; upon charging her with being the mother ' the infant found in the cellar, ahe, after some hesitation, Imitted that she was the mother; that tt bad been born the igbt previous, saying that idbad never cried; she stated ml the child lay dead in bed all day Sunday with her; tat about two bours previous to our Interview she brought ie child from the upper part of the house into the cellar ad placed It In the furnace ; she seemed a rather Ignorant Lrl, and did not seem to appreciate that she had been oing anything wrong; I was pronent at the post mortem semination; saw the hydrostatic test applied to the longs; lere waa no evidoace to show that the child ever reathed. Geo. B. Bouton, M. D., being duly sworn, deposed as illows:?I have made a post mortem examination of the ody of the dead child now lying tn this station; I find it > be that of a male child or small size; externally there re indications of extensive burns; the right arm 18 bnrn1 and the right side of the body charred; the right lung 'as also charred; both lungs, when subjected to the hydro atic test, did Dot indicate that respiration had been esiblished. The evidence here closed, and the case was submitted i the Jury, who, aftor a short deliberation, brought in a >rdict of " Stillborn." Grace Heenan is still lying in a rather precarious con. tion at the boose of her employer. She is a young girl, ing only twenty one years of age, and is devoid of any eat personal beauty. When examined by Dr. Jones, ie stated, on being closely questioned by him. that while ring at service with a farmer on Long Island last Burner, her bedroom was entered in the night by a laborer, le of the farm hands, who violated her person, and that i improper intimacy had succeeded, with the result iowu above. City Intelligence. Tug CuuMxa or thk Cm.?According to oar announce cnt in Saturday's paper, the work of cleaning the streets ' this city was set about yesterday morning by Mr. nith, the machine men, and Broadway waa swept from ourteenth street to the Battery. The contractor's first jjoct will bo the regulation of the removal of the ashes id garbage, and clearing up the winter accumulations r dirt from the streets. Should the season prove flavorsle it is hoped that this can be done by the beginning of pril, after which he will then clean the streets as often i each week as the Mayer, Comptroller and City Inspcon may direct or deem necessary to keep them cloan. la io prosecution of this work or sweeping Mr. Smith hinds using his new street sweepers, the advantages of hich over his old ones being, that they are completely ivercd In, so as to prevent dust from flying; they also ither up the dirt by their sweeping apparatus into a >x, thereby obviating the old plan of sweeping into inrows. The force of men employed will average about ree hundred, which, with the machines, will make the itire working force on the streets during tho spring and turner equal to about one thousand men?a sufficiency have the streets In good order all the time. Let the 'Director have fair play In carrying out this Important alter. In taking hold of the Job ha finds everything In taos, out of which ha has to introduce order and syam?no small undertaking in our modern Babel. H spiers no formal contract has aa yet been entered into 1th Mr. Smith, the arrangement with the City Inspector (ing merely conditional, and even without the ooncursnce of the Mayor and Comptroller. 'What is It?"?They have added to the list of curkwips at Barnum's Museum a most extraordinary freak ' nature, constating of a creature supposed to belong to is ouran outang species, but havingall Um appearance i a human being. It was said to have been captured in te interior of Africa, on the border of the river Gambia, y a party who were in search of the fhmous gorilla. It ands about four (bet high, and it weighs some fifty ounds; its age cannot be correctly ascertained, but it is apposed to be over twenty years. The formation of its ands, arms and head are thoeefof an ouranoutang, but a movements are those of a human being. Those i ho are fond of looking at the freaks nature requenty Indulges in, should Stop in, and arm for themselves an opinion as to "What is it?" After iewing the creature above described,about which hangs cloud ot doubt and uncertainty, we turned into the "lecjre room." where the "Octoroon" was being performed, his play having had the run of two of onr theatres, has een taken up and placed upon the stage at Barnum's, rhere forfthe last four weeks it has attracted crowds. i is very well pot upon the stage, and the acting is highly reditable to the managers. The novelty of the Museum ppears never to wear off, and with its endless variety of Lrange things?its bears, seals and lecture room?will Iways draw full houses, despite the hard times and the Mson of Lent, which affects nearly all placet of muaements. Fins u? Carat. Srnxxr?Narrow Ehcaps op ths Ocrrim or rax Bcilplvg fro* Suppocatiom?Between three ad four o'clock yesterday morning, a fire broke out > the millinery and children's furnishing goods store r Madam L. Feattoux, No. 38d Canal street. Mrs. Fes oux, her son sad servant, slept in the buliling, and ere awoke by the smoke. Finding all exit by the airs cut off, they were compelled to make their escape trough the "windows. The girl got out at the rear, and rs. P. and her son tn front. Mrs. Pestkrax became chausted and fell to the floor; but, regaining her strength, le at last managed to break the glass, whoa, with the aistanoe of some persons outside, She was taken to the dewalk. Her face and hands were cut, but not aerioutly. lie flames extended te the roof of the building, and also > the roofh of Noa. 884 sad 838, before the flro was extlnilshed. The damage done to Mm. FeaUoux'a stock and irnituro will amount to about 91,600. Insured for $2,000 i the North American Insurance Company. No. 834 is occupied J>y Mrs, Lay cock, ss a mlUiaery ore and dwelling. The stock and furniture la damaged y flro and water about $600; insured for $800 in the Kx slstor Insurance Company. The second floor is occupied y Mrs. Whitney as a dwelling; bar furniture is damaged y water about $100; no Insurance. No. 888 is occupied by Madame Demorest Good ail. as a attorn store and dwelling. Her stock is damaged by star about $200; insured for $1,000 tn the Pacifc Insula oe Company. Tbe building Na. 884 is owned by Jndge Mitchell; it is unaged about $300, and is insured. Ttnilriinm No*. S3A and arm nwna) Kw My are "damaged about $700, and are said to'be insured, he origin of the fire is unknown at preaeaL Mianojrajun Sailed?Rev. Selomoo Carpenter, D. 0., id wife, sailed for Shanghaa, China, in the ahip N. B. aimer, on the 34th Inst, as miadonaries of the Sere nth ay Baptist church. Cheehanf la, a native teacher, who ime to this country with Mr. Carpenter on his return st year, also returned in the N. B. Palmer. Thus the ientloa of the heathen world ia to be held to the Moderation of the Sabbath of the seventh day as well as the ibbath of the first day of the week. The controversy ill be represented by the no-Sabbath party, the old id the new Sabbatarians. Snaiivo Lamms Fnox ths New Post Omc* Bona ?a ttle girl named Jane Ann McGuire, was arrested by noer Jordan, of the 8Mh precinct, yeeterday, charged tth stealing a letter and newspaper from a letter box at le corner of Broadway and White street. She was seen > throat her hand Into the opening and draw forth the ttar and newspaper, and the officer wna called, who took tr Into custody. A Tmcn to no Mskokt otTUxtsl Faotbaw.?The Mew ork Typographical Society held a meeting on last Satorly evening, when Mr. Charles McDevttt anaoonoed Mr. toahaWs death, pronouncing an eloquent enloglnm on ie deceased,naa giving a brief sketch of his Hfta- Raaoittcna of condolence with the family of Mr. P., and also daring, as a mark of respect to their departed brother, ist the room* of the Society be draped ia moaratag for ie term of thirty days, wars unanimously adopted. Law LacrtmtBT Jcnoa Cunun.?The tsnth of a oonrae r exceedingly interesting lectures on low, by Jsdge lerfce, of the Supreme Court, will be delivered this eveng at the I aw University, ia Chambers street Subject? The relation of Guardian and Ward, and infancy, la hich Urn liability of infants to ths dvtl sad criminal law ill be especially oonakVwsd.'* E SHMT. m PlEflDEimL GUPUOL | Another Republican Orator on the Stomp. Speech of the Hon. Abraham Iinooln, of Hlinoi*. te The announcements that the Boa. Abraham Liaooln, of niinofc, would "apeak" at the Cooper Institute, draw together a large aMemblage at that building laat night The tax of twenty-Ore oeata per oapita did not??a It very frequently doea?act aa a preventative on the vtatten, bat they oontinned, on the contrary to pour in in oonMderable numbers until the large hall was about threequarters filled. Among the audieaoe there were, aa la usual in these republican assemblages, a goodly nam boa of ladies. , "?J At about a quarter to eight o'clock, ex-Governor King made his appearance on the platform, and was greeted with loud applause, which he seemed to enjoy mightily, as with a smile of benevolent gravity he settled himself In a chair. The arrival of D. Dudley Field, accompanied by William Cuilen Bryant and the speaker of the evening, was the signal for the most tumultuous applause. Mr. Fold said?Fellow republicans, I beg leave to nominate as chairman of this meeting a republican whom you all know well?William Cuilen Bryant (Applause.) Those of you who are in fkvor of Mr. Bryant will be pleased to say '< Aye." (Loud cries of " Aye.") Tboee who are oppoaed will say " No." (No response.) There is no "No." (Laughter.) Mr- Wii.lun Culms Bnm then came forward amid loud applause. Be said?My friends, It is a grateful offloe' that I perform in Introducing to you at this time an eminent cilisen of the West, whom you know?whom you have known hitherto only by fame, bat who has consented to address a New York assembly this evening. The great West, my friends, is a potent auxiliary In the battle we are fighting for freedom against slavery, in bebalf of civilization against barbarism, for the occupation of some of the fairest region of our continent, on which settlers are now build. ing their cabins. I see a higher and wiser j agency than that of man In the causes that hare tilled with a hardy population the vast and fertile region which forms the northern part of the valley of the Mississippi?a race of m<-n who are not ashamed to till their acres with their own hands, and who would be ashamed to subsist by the labor of slaves. (loud applause ) These children of the West, my friends, form a living bulwark against the advances of slavery, and from them is recruited the vanguard of the armies of liberty. (Applause.) One of them will appear before you this evening. I present to you a gallant soldier of the political campaign of 1850, ho then rendered good service to the republican cause, and who was since the great champion of that cause in the struggle which took place two years later for the supremacy of the republicans in the Legislature of Illinois? who took the field there against Douglas, and would have won the victory but tor the unjust apportionment law of the State, which allowed a minority of the people to elect a majority of the Legislature. (Applanae.) I have only, my friends, to pronounce the name of Abraham Linooln, of Illinois?(loud cheers)?to reoelve the profoundeet attention. (Renewed cheers.) Mr. Lincoln Is a tail, thin man, dark complexioned, and apparently quick in his perceptions. He is rather unsteady in his gait, and there is an Involuntary comical awkwardness which marks his movements while speak- 1 ing. His voice, though sharp and powerful at times, has a frequent tendency to dwindle into a shrill and unpleasant sound. His enunciation is slow and emphatic, and a peculiar characteristic of his delivery was a remarkable mobility of his features, the frequent contortions of which excited the merriment which bis words alrkfiA rnnM nnt waII hawn iiwuIviaaiI ADDKB8S BY BON. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. When the applause which greeted Mr. Lincoln had sub-. skied, he said:? ^ I Mb. Pbbsdbst abb Fnxow Crnzora or thb Cm or Stw York?The facts with which I shall deal this evening are mainly old and familiar: nor is there anything new in the general use I shall make of them. If there shall be any novelty, it will be in the mode of presenting the facts, and the inferences and observations following that presentation. In his speech last autumn, at Columbus, Ohio, as reported in the New York limes, Senator Douglas said ? Our fathers, when tber framed the government under which we live, understood this question just as well, and even belter, than we do now. I fully endorse this, and I adopt it as a test for this discourse. (Applause.) I so adopt It because it furnishes s precise and an agreed starting point for s discussion between republicans and that wing of the democracy head- ' ed by Senator Douglas. It simply leaves the inquiry, What was the understanding those fhthera had of the question mentioned ? What is the frame of government under which we live? The answer must be, The constitution of the United States. That constitution consists of the original, framed in 1787 (and under which the present government first went into operation), and twelve snbsequently framed amendments, the first ten of which were framed in 1780. Who were our fathers that framed the constitution ? I suppose the "thirty-nine'' who signed the original instrument may be fairly called our fathers who framed that part of the present government. It is almost exactly true to say they framed tt, and It is altogether true to say they fairly represented (he opinion and sentiment of the whole nation at Ihaftime. tteir names, being familiar to nearly all, and aooeasibmw> quits all, need not now be repeated. I take these "thirty-nine,' for the present, as being "our fathers who framed the government under which we live." What is the question which, according to the text, those fathers understood just as well, and even better than we do now ? It is this:?Does the proper division of local from federal authority, or anything In the constitution, forbid our federagovernment to control as to slavery in oar federal Territories ? Upon this Douglas holds the affirmative, and republicans the negative. This affirmative and denial form an issue; and this issue, this question, is precisely what the text declares our fathers understood better than we. (Cheers.) Let us now inquire whether the "thirtynine." or any of them, ever acted upon this question; and if they did, how they acted upon It?how they expressed that better understanding. In 1784, three years before the constitution, the United States then owning the Northwestern territory, and no other, the Congress of the confederation had befbre them the question of prohibiting slavery in that Territory', and (Our of the "thirtynine" who afterwards framed the constitution were in that Congress, and voted on that question. Of these Roger Sherman, Thomas Mifflin and Hugh Williamson voted for the prohibition, thus showing that, tn their understanding. no line dividing local from federal authority, nor anything else, properly forbade the federal govern me at to oontrol as to slavery in federal territory. The other of the four, James McHenry, voted against the prohibition, showing that for some cause he thought it Improper to vote ror it in 1787, still before the constitution, but while the Convention was In session training it, and while the Northwestern territory still was the only territory owned by the United States - the same question of prohibiting slavery In the territory again came before the Congress of the confederation; and three more of the " thirty nine" who afterwards signed the constitution were in that Congress and voted on the question. They were William Blount, William Few and Abraham Baldwin, and they all voted for the prohibition, thus showing that, in their understanding, no line dividing local from federal authority, nor anything else, properly forbade the federal government to control as to slavery in federal territory. This time the prohibition became a law, being a part of what is now well known as the Ordinance of 1787. The question or federal control of slavery in the Territories seems not to have been directly before the Convention which framed the original constitution; and hence it Is not recorded that the " thirty-nine," or any of them, while engaged on that instrument, expressed any opinion on that precise question. In 1780, by the first Congress which sat under the constitution, an act was passed to enforce the ordinance of 1787, including the prohibition of slavery In the Northwestern territory. The bill for this act was reported by one of the "thirty nine," Tnomas FluSimmons, then a member of the House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. It went through all Its stages without a word of opposition, and finally passed both branches without yeas and nays, which is equivalent to a unanimous passage. (Cheers.) In this Congress there were sixteen of the "thirty-nine" fathers who framed the original constitution They were:? Jehu Langdon, Thoe. Fitxsimmons, Richard Basse It, Nicholas Oilman, William Few, George Real, Wm. & Johnson, Abraham Baldwin, Pierce Butler, Roger Sherman, Rnfua King, Daniel Oarroli, Robert Morris, William Patterson, James Madison, iieofgs Clymer, Ibis shows that, in their understanding, no lias dividing local from federal authority, nor anything in the constitution, properly forbade Congress to prohibit slavery In the Tcderel territory; else both their fidelity to correct principle end their oath to support the constitution wooId save constrained them to oppose the prohibition. Again, George Washington, another of the "thirtynine,'' was then President of the Untied States, and, is such, approved and signed the bill, thus completing ts validity as s law, and thus shewing that, In his unJet-standing, no line dividing local from federal authority, nor anything In the oonstitotion, for beds the federal government to control as to slavery In federal territory. ;Lo?d applause.) No great while after the adoption of the original constitution, North Carolina ceded to the federal government the oountry now oonotttnUng the State of renneosee; and a tow yean later Georgia ceded that ehleh now oonatttutee the Stotes of Mistomlppi and Alabama. In both deeds of cession it wee made a condition ny the ceding States that the federal govermeut should not prohibit slavery in the ceded oountry. Beside this, iltvery was than actually in the ceded oountry. Under diem circumstances Congress, on taking charge of these countries, did not absolutely prohibit slavery within them. But they did interfere with It?take control of Iteven there, to n certain extent. In 1796 Congress organised the Territory of Mississippi. In the act of organisation they prohibited the bringing of ilares Into the Territory, from any place without the DUted States, by fine, end giving freedom to slaves so brought. This act passed both branches of Congress without yew and nays. In that Congress were throe of the "thirty-nine" who foamed the original oonstitutlon. They were John Langdon, George Read and Abraham Baldwin. They all, probably, voted for It Certainty they would hare placed their opposition to it upon re. x*d if. In their undeletesalag, any line dividing local 'rase federal authority, or anything la the constitution properly forbade the federal government to control w to liarery la federal territory. (Applause.) la 1*8 the *1 (federal immat parshand tte ImHm oonatry. Ov fcnur territorial aiwnWHona cum frees oerUia of nt wi BUIes, but ttio LwWin ooeowy wm acquired Qraee a foreign notion. la KOdOoagromgnrnn Terrttorinl arMtttfon to that part of M wbleh new ooaattataa tts Suae of LoaMaaa. New Qrtaaaa, lying wttlun thai part, 1 waaaaoidaad comparatively Urge city. There www otter considerable towns and mftfemmin, aad Hanrf waa extensively aad thoroughly Intermingled with tte people. Oacgreaa did not. In the Territorial ami, prohlfest Savory; hoi ttay did interfere with tV-take ooairol of it?la a more marked aad extensive way thaa they da m tteoaaeof MltteNppL The eubetanoe of tte prerttea therein made ta relation to alavee wee:? find, That no alave should be imported iate tte territory tram foreign parte. Seoood, Thai no elate should be oarried into M wha had bean Imported into tte United States ainoe tte llmt day sf tbrd, Thai no elare should be carried lalolt, aeoeuibr the owner, and for hleowB uaeaa a eettler; the penalty ta ? ?? van uemg ? un upon me thhmot Of we law U1 freedom to the slave. (Prolonged cheers-) Thin act also was passed without yeas aad nays. In the Oongrem which peaeed it, there were two of the " thirtyulne." They wave Abraham Baldwin aad Jonathan Da*, ton. An staled In the cam of Mtasimippi, it la probable they both voted tor It They would not have allowed it to paa without recording their opposition to It, If, la tbMr understanding, It violated either the Uae properly dividing local from federal authority or any prorBtun of the oonstituUoo. In 1810 and 1830 oaaae and peaeed the Mkmeurt question. Many votea were taken, by yean and mob, to both branches of Ooogrem, upon the various rtiaeia of the general question. Two of the " thirty-una " Kafan King and Charles Plnokney?were members of that Congress. Mr. King steadily voted for slavery rnuhiht Uon aad against all oompromism, white Mr. Plnrkney an steadily voted against slavery prohibition, and against all oompromiaee. (Cheers.) By thia Mr. King shewed , that, in hte underetaading.no line dividing loonl firom federal authority, nor anything In the constitution, waa violated by Congress prohibiting slavery in federal territory white Mr. Pinckney, by nia votea, showed that, la bis understanding, there waa some sufficient reason tor opposing euch prohibition in that case. The oases I have mentioned are the only acta of the " thirty nine," or ef any of them, upon the direct teeue, which I have been able to disoover. To enumerate the persons who than acted, as being tour In 1184, three In 1787, seventeen in 1780, three In 1708, two in 1804, and two la 1810 JO? there would be thirty-one of them. But this would he counting John Inngdon, Roger Sherman, William flew, Rufus King and George Read, each twice, aad Abraham Baldwin four times. (Applause.) He was a Georgian, too. (Renewed applause and laughter.) The tree number of thoee of the "thirty-nine" whom 1 have shown to have acted upon the question,"which, by the text, they undent cod better than we, is twenty three, leaving sixteen not shewn to have acted upon it in any way. Here, then, we have twenty-three of our "thirty nine" fathers who framed the government under which we live, who have, upon their ofllclal responsibility and their corporal oaths, acted upon the very question which the text affirms they "understood just as well, aod even better than we do now:" and twenty -one of them?a clear majority of the whole "thirty-nine"?so acting upon it as to make them guilty ol gron political impropriety and wilful perjury, if, in their understanding, any proper division between local and federal authority, or auything in the oonstitutioa they had made themselves and sworn to support, forbade the federal government to control as to slavery In the federal Territories. (Cheers.) Thus the twenty one aoted; and as actions speak louder than words, so actions under such refjionBibllity speak still loader. Two of the twentythrre voted against Oongresatonal prohibition of slavery in the federal Territories, in the instanoea in which they acted upon the question. Bat for what reasons they so voted is not known. They may have done ao because they thought a proper division of local from federal authority, or some provision or principle of the constitution, stood in tho way; or they may, without any such question, have voted against the prohibition, on what appeared to these to be sufficient grounds of expediency. No one who ban sworn to support the constitution can conscientiously vote for what he understands to be an unconstitutional measure, however expedient be may think It: but one may and ought to vote against a measure which he deems constitutional, if, at the same time, be deems It Inexpedient It, therefore, would be unsafe to sot down evest the two who voted against the prohibition, as having done so because, in their understanding, any proper division of local from federal authority, or anything in the constitution, forbade the federal government to control as te slavery in federal territory. (Laughter end prolonged applause). The remaining sixteen of the " thirty-nine," so far as I have discovered, have left no record of their understanding upon the direct question of federal control of slavery in the federal Territories. Bat there is muoh reason to believe that their understanding upon that question would not have appeared different from that of their twenty three compeers, had It been manifested at all. Far the purpose of adhering rigidly to the text, I have purposely omitted whatever understanding may have been manifested, by any person, however distiaSiished, other than the thirty-nine fathers who framed e original constitution; and. for the same reason, I have alao omitted whatever understanding may have been manifested by any of the " thirty-nine" even, on any other phase of the general question of slavery. If wo should look into their acts and declarations on those other phases, as the foreign slave trade, and the morality and poliey of slavery generally, it would appear to ns that on the dtrect question of federal control or slavery in federal Territories, tho sixteen, if they bad acted at all, wool* probably have aoted just as the twenty-three did. Among that sixteen were several of the moat noted anti afatvery men of those times?as Dr. Frank'In (Cheers), Hamilton, and Gouverneur Morris?whilo tnere was not one now known to have been otherwise, unless it may be iiuuu miunin ui ouuui twDUDL (AppiSOSe) TOO SUM oT the whole is, that of our " thirty-nine" fathers who framed the original constitution, twenty-ose a clear majority of the whole?certainly under stood that no proper c'I vision of local from federal authority, nor any part of the constitution, forbade the federal government to control slavery In the federal Territories, while all the rest probably had the same underlanding. 8uch, unquestionably, was the understanding r our fathers who framed the original constitution; ana the text affirms that they understood the question better han we. (Laughter and cheers.) But, so tar I have been considering the understanding of the question manifested by the framers of the original constitution. In and by the original instrument a mode waa provided for amending it; and, as I have already stated, the present frame or government under which we live oonmsta of that original, and twelve amendatory articles framed and adopted since. Those who now insist that federal control of alavery in federal Territories violates the constitution, point us to the provisions which they suppose it thus violates; and, as 1 understand, they all fix upon provisions in these amendatory articles, and not in the original instrument. The Supreme Court, In the Dred Scott ease plant themaelvss upon the fifth amendment, which provides that "no person shall he deprived of property without due procees of law;" while Senator mug las and his peculiar adherents plant themselves upon the tenth amendment, providing that " ths powers not granted by the constitution, are reserved to the States respectively, and to the people." Now, it so bappents that these amendments were framed by the first Congress which est under the constitution?the identical Congress which passed the act already mentioned, enforcing the prohibition of slavery in the Northwestern Territory. (Applause.) Not only was it the same Congress, but tbey were the Identical, same individual men who, at the tame session, at the earns time within the session, had under consideration, and In progress toward maturity, these constitutional amendments and this act prohibiting slavery in mil the territory the nation then owned. The constitutional amendments were introduced before and passed after the act of enforcing the ordinance of '67; as that during the whole pendency of the act to enforce the ordinance the constitutional amendments were also pending. That Congress, consisting* In all of seventy-six members, including sixteen of the framers of the original constitution, as before stated, were pre-eminently our ibuio? wuv inmiea um pan. ui iae governxneni under which we lire which ii new claimed he forbidding the federal government to oontrol slavery in the federal Territories. Is it not a Uttle presumptuous in any one at thin day to affirm that the two things which that Congress deliberately framed, and carried to maturity at the saaae time, are absolutely inconsistent with each other? And does not such affirmation become impudently absord when ooupled with the other affirmation, from the same mouth, that thoae who did the two things alleged to be inconsistent understood whether they really were Inconsistent better than we?better then be who affirms that they are inconsistent? (Applause and grant merriment.) It m surely safe to assume that the "thirty-nine" framers of the original constitution, and the seventy-six members of the Oongress which framed the amendments thereto, taken altogether, do certainly include those whs may he fairly called " our tethers who framed the government under which we live." And ee assuming, I defy any man to show thst any one af them ever In his whole life declared that, In his understanding, any proper divisto# of local from federal authority, or any part of the constitution, forbade the l federal government to oontrol as to slavery la the federal I Territories. (Loud applause.) I go a step further. I defy any one to show that nay living man in the whole world ever did, prior to the beginning of the present century, (and I might almost say prior to the beginning of the test half or the present oeatnry,) declare that, is i his understanding, nay proper division of loon! from federal authority, or any part of the ooosUtotion, forbade the federal coveramenl to control aa to slavery in the federal Territories To Umm who mow to declare I give, Dot only "oar father* who framed the government under which we lire," hot with them all other living men within I the century in which it wae framed, among whom to search, and they shall act he able to Qnd the evidence of a stasia man agreeing with them. Now and here, let me guard a 1 uttie against betas misunderstood I do not mean to say 1 we are bound to follow implicitly In whatever oar Cohere did. Te do eo would be to discard all the lights of onrrsnt experienoe?to reject all program?all improvement What I do my is, that if we would sapplantthe oslaiaan and policy of our fathers, la say cam, we should da an a poo evidence so oobclasive, sad argument so clear, that even their great authority, fairly conataared and weighed, cannot stand; and most surely not in n cam whereof we oureelvee declare they understood the question better than we. (laughter.) If any man, at this day, elnoerely believes that a proper division of local Oram federal authority, or any part of the oonatitutiou, forbids the federal government to control as to slavery in the federal Terrllories, be is right to say so, sad to onfbcoshts position by ml truthful evidenoe and fair argument which he oaa. But he has no right to mislead others, wao have Iwwm to history and tern leisure to study it, into the faise behef that "our tethers, who framed the government under which we live," were of the same opinion?thus substituting falsehood and tltT""" for trulhfnl evidence and fair argument. mST) B * Jhle day smeerely beWrse 'our fathers, who framed the government under which we live," used and applied principles, in other caeca, which ought to have tod (hem to understand thet a proper division of looal from federal authority, or some part of the couthtutioo, forbids the federal government to control as to slavery in the federal Territories, he is right to my so. But he should, at the same time, brave the responsibility ef declaring that, in hie opinion, he understands their principles bettor ???m they did themselves?(great laaghter}?and especially should he not shirk that responsibility by asserting that they "understood the question just as well, and oven better, tnan we do now." (Applause.) But enough. IM all who believe, that our "fathers, wuo framed the government under which we live, understood this question just as well, and even better thaa we do now," speak an they spoke, and act as they acted upon it. This is ail republicans ask?all republicans desire?in relation to slavery. As those fathers marked it, so let it be again I/