OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, April 16, 1861, MORNING EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1861-04-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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?S, vM hot few Mllora, M [WrtWd qaot-.UWM.
tre at>*iy ?t full ralaa. Yiow ua- iUral
O-imi'b fur in jim/ lire it 91V, a si , and for asoouut
aft MM
fti'ie ikvix ?T a SB
Railway ihiroe general) j are flat
Important News from
Vigorous Action of the
Extensive Preparations for the
Defence of the Capital.
Prompt Response to the Presi
dent's Call for Troops.
The Old "Bay State"
First in the Field.
Thirty Thousand Men and
Three Million Dollars
Voted ill New York.
Liberal Offers of Men and Money tr>
Sustain the Union and the Laws.
Maryland Still True to
the Constitution.
Law and Order to be Main
tained in the Metropolis.
Popular Uuion Demonstrations
in Philadelphia.
Additional Particulars of the Bom
bardment of Fort Sumter.
Effect of the War News Through
out the Country,
u.. a*? a?.
WiSHmorow, April 16,1861.
The war enthusiasm is at a high pitch here. Five hun
dred volunteers en I if ted this morning. General Hiott
hoisted his Dag as Commander In-Cli'ef error the War De
partment to day.
Dm following is the form of the call on the respective
Bute Governors for troops, issued through the War De
partment |p day ?
Sis?Under the act of Congress for calling out the mlli
tin to execute the laws or the Uol?n to suppress Insur
rection, repel invasion. &c , approved February 28, 1786,
I have the h in or to request your Kxoellency to cause to
be immediately detailed frcm the militia of your State
the quota designated In the UMe below, to
serve as in entry or riflemen, for a period of
three months, unlew sooner disci arged. Your Kxoellnncy
will please communicate to me the time at about which
{our quota will be exported at Its rendezvous, as it will
? met as soon as practlrnhie by sn officer or officers to
muster It Into the service and pay of the United Slates.
At the sumn time the oath of (ldelity to the United S't ite
will be snmlnistereJ to over? olUcur and man. Tho muR
taring officers will be instructed to receive no man under
the rank of commissioned officer vrbo is In years appa
rently over forty hve or uuder eighteen, or who 1s not in
physical strength and vigor.
The quota for each ntate Is as follows:?
Stale. Regiment*. State. Rfriinenti.
Maine 1 Nor h Carolina.. 2
New Hampshire 1 Teunewee "
Vermont 1 New York 8
Rhode Island 1 Pennsylvania... 17
Coi.nfct.cut 1 Ohio 18
Delaware 1 New Je- 13
Aikanroa 1 M*" *
|p\. ?.? wi s?"- 1 .ylaud 4
Mieh'gkn....' ???? . Kentucky 4
Wisconsin v. 1 Missouri 4
Iowa 1 Illinois 6
> M(nn<-s<.la ? ; J Indiana 1
WaasscbwseMs 2 Virginia 8
The folk>wing table shows the quota of the several
Stales e.nd places of rendezvous:?
Mr). Hmdrznrut. Reg U
New York Now York, Albany. Klmtra IT
Pennsylvania ... Philadelphia, XarrUliurg 18
f.iow Jersey Trenton 4
Delaware Wilmington 1
Maryland Frederick, Baltimore 4
North Carolina.. Raleigh 2
Virginia Maunn.n, Wboeliug 8
Tenner re j. KnozvlUe, Gorilotn ille, Nashville... 1
Arkansas LiUto ltuok 1
Kentucky. Lcxtogtui 4
Missouri 9t louts 4
Illinois Springilolrt, Chicago. 6
i Indiana Indinnapo'is 6
Ohio Columbus, Cleveland 18
Michigan Dot roll. 1
Wisconsin Milwaukee 1
Iowa He Auk \
Miunenotn Si Paul i
Maine Portlaod ? I
New Hampshire. Portsmouth \
Vermont Burllogt-ip j
Massachusetts... Rprltigfleld j
Rhode Island.... Providence 1
Connecticut .... Now Haven 1
N'.nety-four regiments, of seven hundred and nighty
men each, will bo raised unoer the call for eevonty five
thousand \ oluntoers
It Ik orelorcd that each regiment shall conelrt on so ag.
gregate of officers and men of 780. The total thug
to he called out la 78,381. Ihe remuiuJer to constitute
the 76 000 meu under the President s proclamation will
be composed of treojts In tho Dlstrtcl of Columbia.
WARHiworojr, April 16, 1881.
Massachusetts is the first Btato to rospocd to the re
quisition of tho President. Wlthenf waiting the official
requisition Kr troops, hut artbig upon the riporl ueut to
the press of tho country last night. Govern.ir Andrew
to day tele gre.pt,ed to the President v follows ?
T7*e quem of troops required of Massachusetts Is ready,
flow will you have Ihetn proceed/
Tho Secretary of War responded ?
ftrnd them by rail.
Another despatch states that they aro under arms,
awaiting orders te march and will probably leave
tonight This prompters* and gallantry on the part of
Massachusetts has w? for her the heartiest xaconlums
from the PfrMdent and Cabinet and people.
Governor Ramsey, of Minnesota, offered the President
ens thonesud volunteers from his State, yesterday, and
lesvro fr.r bf me todsylo raise the single reglioent of
*?vm hundred asked for.
Qiverner Cnriin has dospatrhed tMs afternoon to bis td
.fttent to forthwith establish two oamps, one m rewtern
.aid tho other >n western Pennsylvania, for tkemustering
of tho tinrter-ii Mim.i -.nd o. J required from that State,
oi i bs baa also authorised his Adpitaat to mm orders to
the djfcrent d ivies* offioarl to act promptly.
Governor Curtis received the following despatch rrom
rnmburg this *n?r?oca ?
6*v. Gnmw?The companies oommar led by the un
dcr-gned are orepa'iog 'or the defenc, of the govern
ment. It U < vseutiaiiy ntwujary that they ghiutd ho
provided a trlaoe for drill Will y?u request the ecreUry
st War to ark the we of Alleghany Arsenal fur that pur
pose? DaVID CaMFBKU.. Captain bugueene Greys.
THOMAR 4. ROWLEY, Washlogtoo infaatry.
R BEDLOE ROBERTS, U. S. Inuave Cadets.
Mr. Roberta is United States District Attorney for
Western Pennsylvania.
Another despatch, dated Harrishurg, April 15, r:ys:?
Governor Clans?Teudcrs of companies for immediate
service axe canrtanUy ootmeg in by telegraph, as well as
by mail. They require prompt replies. What shall be
doll o?
Tho t?overnor responded, to accept ail that offer. Ho
nlso receh e l the following from Phlladelnhi*.?
Gov dart*?The Farmers' and Mechuuice' Bank offers
its services to the government to tho fall extent of its
abdffy. A- ui RCER, ITtsiaent.
Several New York regiment*. are expected to be here in
a few days.
It is the intention to throw twenty-I've thousand men
into this city as soon as possible.
Tworeglniehts.it in, said .are mnsterlDg in Western
Virginia, aua will be ready to move, upon the call of
Gov. I/etcher, in support or tbe government.
Hon. John Co vole has offered Governor Ourtln $50,000
of the loan authorized by Pennsylvania to arm and equip
the troops ordered rrom that rtate.
A elcgation of Pittsburg merchants have made a eimi
lar tender.
The War Department, by telegraph to-day, accepted tho
offer of Governor bprague, of Rhode Island, of aregi-ient.
Ho was requested by the Secretary to send them to
Washington without delay.
The First and Second regime'-is of the Districtof Orlum
bia Mil.ua have tendered the r services to the govern
W.^mjruTow, April II, 1S01.
The administration is preparing with extraurduary
energy to carry out tho policy indicated in the Pros:
dential proclamation. All its members are fully pervaded
with tho conviction that the rrganizauon of tho govom
mcnt depends upon tho result of tbe struggle inaugurated
with the bombardment of Fort Sumter, aud that te
honor and dignity demands the crushing out or the
Southern rebellion. Hence avwry nerve is being stretched
to strike effective blows. The revolutionists will have
quite as much war as they can possibly desire.
The enthusiastic rally of tb" freo .States in support of
war measures has imparted, both to tho President aud
his constitutional advisors, ilm strong- st possible coo
fldsnoe in a final triumph of law and order over anarchy
and revolution It lias relieved them of ail apprehensions
aa to the end of the present bloody beginning, and gives
vigor and promptness to their action.
Tbe bead of the War Depart in on t and the Onmmwider
in Chief have entered upon he gigantic task of organiz
ing an army of nearly a hundred thousand men with re
markable zeal They expect to have tl'ty thousani me'
in fighting trim In thirty days. An immense amount of
preliminary work was done by them and their assistants
during the last foitj eight hours
Washington is rapidly wuming tbe aspect of avast
military camp. Tho streets are crowded with regulars
aud vdunteers, and warlike din resounds in t\ try di
No moie resignations of army or naval officers will be
v copied after ibis. Recusants will bo iguomiaiouslj
stTickcr from the roil, or court martialled, m occasion
may require.
Ample measures will he forthwith taken by the govern
ment for tbe protection of tho federal forts, arsenals and
armories in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky and Mis
fia-sius M Clay arrived from Kentucky thic evening.
He thinks the Union party ascendant in his State, but
fears any cotiliot between the Unionists and so.es
ihe a.mir.islrat'oc ha? received assurances from em:
nent financiers in ''ennsyivania, New York and New
England that it will be reallJe furnished with all tbe
meats liter !y t. bo wanted m the present crisis.
The attituue of the border slave States is watched wit
peinfi ? anxiety by rbe adminirtration.
W.vsunratow, April 15.1851.
Ttie issuing of tbe President's proclamation will, it is
said, he followed by declaring martial law iu the District
ol' Columbia. Those c ppogod to such a step on tbe part of
the President deny bis right to do so. They assert that
without tbe consent of Congress he has -0 power or au
thority, and that he will be liable to fine and in>i>each
ment, as In cose of Gen. Jackson. The President will take
tho reepoLSlbility, however, regardless of consequeoces.
JTe says ho has Indubitable ev idenee that there are a
lar?A secessionists In the city, and
that every precautionary measure must be adopt
ed to resist their lnliueuoo and crush them out.
Tho Impression is very general that there are sixty or
seventy spies, who make it their business to loiter about
in crowds for the purpose or ascertaining who among the
army and navy officers, and citizens also, are dlaloyal to
the government. '
The time has, therefore, arrived when tho people of
tLia District must show their hands. There is no
doubt that a largo majority of the old reeidenta
of the city are with the South, and will Join
with thim in their struggle with the North.
Many have already taken thoir position; others will fol
low, and we shall soon know how the matter stands. The
administration la determined to draw the lineg closely.
Will the bonier slave Stages respond to the call of the
1 "resident, and oidor out the militia? This question is
asked on all sides. Advices received here this evening
from Richmond, states that Virginia will refuse to re
spond. (lovernor Letcher la, and has been all along, a
strong Union man. Whether the events of the last few
days 1ms changed him 14 upt
*rom Mwyknd, fcontradiotory reports are received.
ITio impressf j j, ih*i Bhe will respond, although the ef
forts v l( probably be made to prevent her doing to. It
said that there are several thousand men in Halt I more,
already armed and equipped, and that large accessions
are daily being madt, to prevent troops orosslng ber
borders. These reports come well authenticated. In
Baltimore the Collector and Postmaster, and, In fact, all
the Important offices, have been given to out and (hit
Union men.
Nothing reliable has been rcootvrd to-day from Tort
Pickens. The government believe that reinforcement*
have been thrown Into that fort, although no official la
teiMgesoe has been received to that efleet.
Ac vices received to-day from Charleston, states that a
portion of tho force now In that city will be at once
despatched to PmsaooLa. There will, however, be a
large torce retained at Charleston, In the event of any
attempt by the government to force an entrance into the
l'bere aepmn to be little doubt, 00 the part of Gen.
Bragg ar.d tho confederate troops, on their being able to
take Fort Pickens in much shorter time than was requir
ed to take Fort Sumter. The loss of Hie will be fearful
oh both sides.
WjHIIlvktov, April 18, 1861.
Recruiting is going on bore rapidly. There are about
two thousand eight hunorod men already ourulled In this
city. Several new companies of regulars have arrived
within twenty-four hours
Maryland responds promptly, It is said, to the requtal
tioo upon ber for three thousand troupe.
Governor Curttn being here, received himself the re
quisition of the Prosidcol upon Pennsylvania lor thirteen
thousand men, aud hss this morning telegraphed an order
for mustering two rcgtmouU of one thousand men nach
into the service foithwtin As Governor Curtln passed
through Philadelphia, ho was waited upon by several
gentlemen, rt prison ting the pi incipal banks in Kmtern
sail Western Pennsylvania, tendering their entire Limn
clal euppurt to the diate in He pledges to sustain the
government. There Is no want, of means or men.
It w said that Vlrifliua will respect to the I'reejiicnt's
call for live thousand men Some duubl this, but there
Is evidently a loyal spirit springing up In the old Do
minion against inn site rpt to coerce the federal govern
meat, a part of which Vt.glnia still claim* to be.
Tue Cub.net has l>oeu th session \tl :ho morning, and
Gen. Scott has been present during the who's time.
Major Haskln, ic coinraaad of a llg'it Intsntry romga
tij of regulars, prooee-ft 1 this mo. ring 'rem Una oily to
Fort Wai hiogioti. III cons atic-a below here, on the Pe
Wxsmvrrrirv, April 1*, taut.
The war fever is up' A mrss meeting was h?id to rront
of WtUard s Hotel to-a'gbt, aitr idea br over one tbou
sand pe >ple. It was liuprou.pl u, otherwise it wotJd have
been wu u larger. ?
The new Senators from Kur-os?Messrs Pomrroy sad
Lane?were tb> rat spedwi*.
Mr Vang-- an, a nam? of South ?'arolina, hot a cltliSB
of Kaunas. dcnouMed tho cu''rso of .nth Carolina as
treow cable o? the part of the political mtnagori of th it I
\ Stdte against the people. I
ChasiuaM. Clay faltowad la a pa trio lie speech, snowing
thai thia I* a ??' v* |e* oligarahal slave power again*'
the people Of thia country. lie had do doubt of the
Gen. Nye, of New York ?now Governor of Nevada
Territory?made the concluding speech, reese^ting ?bo
doctrines of ?> " irruprcwiblo conflict.'1 He said the
Northern lion was shaking bis maue and was getting no,
and when ralrly upon his legs the secessionists would he
The grcateet enthusiasm prevaile whenever the l a on
and' e atianul ii.if was alluded to.
Only one secessionist man feaui.i his pri iecc >, anj h?
was quickly hustled l rom the crowd, and made tits escape
to aavt his 1 e.
Tau - at Tn usurer 0r Fennsyl-onia telegraphed to
Gov. Curtin this afternoon that lie na. ?s of that Slate
ha e ottf red all th*< money the State author tv*? d? s> re
H 'ays there is but one feeling tn I'ehnsylvauia. and
that is for the Union
The Secretary of -tits of Penney Ivan a telegraphed
0>v. Utirtin tu f. llows ?
Three regiments, ci listing uf thirty nine single cm
panitw, have tendered Ih or rviciw mid have rxjon ue
Ocpttd. The military fev?r is high.
There is a report liore to n'ght, hi
tuy Sewtrd, that Iho Nov York Wi . .t ..^v>-.d
three millions of money ami tuirty Mum ami troi|M
A despatch has been received from i.ovcrnor Morton,
of lnd-ana, tendering ten thou-iaud men.
Governor Lennisou teiugraptiH tliat Olno will furnish
her quota of twelve thousand men and more tf needed.
The i ewe from '! pur's of the North and West ex
hibits the greater I jMn-ible manifestations of patriotism
oo the per' the people.
The IT- em and Cabinet arc a unit .tt p' seeming the
war lb** li?? commenced. The ? 'mli.i?traiiou view of
the wh e mi ;j' ct is, that iho war com xi-iuced by Uic
S'Hve i> wer ,s intended to ceny Wviry tuto every free
State npd Territory in the ooont-i , bnd as such propose
to tei' tie quest,on whether the Stales 01? this L'nioii
chall be uli j i ee or oil slave
Uem ra! inner I as been ordered to 'Jallf-qnm to com
maud i <i> orce ttore.
Govemor Letcher, in a private letter to a friend in
Wnshtrtf ton, 1 :st wet k, says ho adheres to the opint'iu*
formerly ox pressed in favor of a central cottf-tdoraoy. If,
hjwever. there shall he further disruption. '.If! riii o*
Virginia, if she act Other?lie, shu 1 b-- <.b-: rule of bis c m
duct. Any sacrincQ s'jo r .quires w i no made by h n,
und If troubios cine, b?> wi'l l*k" bis i i e o' thiai
The New Orleans ice- V> ila says the' strenuous elP'ts
havo for somo time been i, ~rto ?hen ny th. o,v. . rw of
rendezvous, offering a'ge jpuctlcn, kr , to iadcc mm
to enlist, and tjuth and canuor oempeis tb? adn. ??. ,n
tliat a single regimont ivimi?t be ootamcd in this *v.,r.
The Kielteincnt Over the News frost
Charleston?The .Military Committee He
port a Three Million Out?Thirty
Thousand Vuluulrtii to he iHarnlisU?
The debate in the tetembiy Chauthex?
Message front Uov. rt.or Mwrgsn on the
Cslslt? She War Fdii Patent it ti tth
Hou.es, &c>, &c,, A-.
Ai: :>T April 16, 1861.
The on'v thing ta'.ked -f .* th-.< cows from the South.
Hundreds w?ie seeu btncog av.-i*. the h-ieisatid teio
graph officos until it late hour U>U raorr.ing, await ng pa
ttenlly for the news that might otme over tb? wires.
The I'elevau Home was a scene or great o-miuo'kui
throughout the evening. l'her- bad been a strong feel
trig ail day agaaist Major Anderson, but soon after ten
o olovk when more full despatches came over the wires,
showing that Anderson had really rondo a pallor'. flgtit in
defence of Lis position, and only gave up when bis men
wern h?exhausted tba tb?y could nu longer return the
Are, there was a change in sentiment, and th ise wu > hal
In the earlier part of tbe day dunouucod A-idoraon,
chatted their curses to praise. One man tn the crowd
at tbd Dele van, commenced a bitter harangue ?gains' tho
North and in favor of the South; tbe cond mu.tlon
of bis sction was bitter in the extreme, and at one time
it looked as though be would be severely dealt w ,ttj by
the excited crowd.
Every public place was crowded thia morning at an
oarly hour, some person reading tbe morning papers o?n
tainirg the latest news fiom the seat of war There is
no deny log the fact that a war spirit was ntai ..'eeted oo
all sides. The offers to volunteer are numerous. The
regular proceedings of tbe Legislature are lost sight of,
and all other matter* sink into Inslgnlffcanco whon on
pared with this universal topic In all circles. It la the
last subject at night, the first in the morning, at the
breakfast table; and, In fact, in every quarter where two
men get together, nothing else la thought or talked of.
The rotunda at the Oapltol buildings crowded with
excited people this morning, discussing the news and
commenting upon tbe servtoe done for bis country by
TLe bill drawn by the committee appointed at the
meeting yesterdsy, In tbe Executive chamber, wax
printed durlig the nlgnt and laid upon the denes or the
members at an early hour this morning, and that became
the theme of conversation amongst the members. Snmo
of the democrats endeavored to get a caucus of their
party to decide what they should do in regard to the
bill; but they were unable to get them together, an no
action as party representatives was taken. It, however,
waa plainly to he seen that, a cumber wonld go aga-ust
tbe bill. Yet, on the otner hand, tome of the warmest
advocate* of the measure were among tbe democratic
member* of tho Legislature, who declared thtt their
country called, and they should not let party or tayiict
oalltlee stand in the way of responding.
The Assembly Committee on Military .ifftfrs w ro
called together, who consulted over tho b>'!, whilst
each member of tbe House had one in big band, carefully
examining Its provisions.
the House commerced on tfee fVder of third reading of
flfll and completed all tltipn that were on Saturday
crderod to a third read*?. As soon ae thtt order had
been completed Mr, fierce, Chairman of the stand
ing Committee on Military Affairs, slated tha.
tbe ocmmltw*, had had under consderation the
exigencies of the times, nod hod come to tbe
coiM.itWth that the peril that threatened our cauntrr dc
MUM some further legislation. They hat, thertrfnro,
decided unanimously to report by bill. The bill rep irted
was almost word for word as that upon the desxa of the
The title of the bill was read, when Mr. Pierce rose and
moved as a privileged question that the Hoisc go !nu
Committee of tbo Whole on that bill.
The Hpeaker decided that he shoe id at tbe proper time
decide that this motion was a privileged question, but
they were not In that order ef business then All orders
down to general orders were then laid on the table, when
Mr. Pteroe moved that the House go Into the Com
si It tee of tbe Whole on this blM. Mr. Odour
rose to a point of order, that tbe bill bad
not been presented to the House In accord uioo with the
rule, which required that the bill should be Ant Intro
duced and referred to a committee before they con report
upon It.
Tbe Speafrw decided the point not well taken, the rule
gtvitig 'he committee power to report nay WH relat ng !>?
the-questt<>n which would oumo under ibo>r consaer.it on
tbet they nigst romMrter m oessary.
Tie motion to go imoCommitteo of the whole wax then
adopted, nsd the llcune resolved itself ir.to OimnttMof
the W bo-i? Mr. Mi ore, of,Hro- klyt, lu the chair
Tbe fist auction being read, Mr B'ngbam moved to
strike out the Lieutenant Governor, Peuretary of -torts,
Comptroller ltd Attorney General, and !?av? It in tbe
tan s of tbo ti->vernor, the Cemmuoer in-Chief of tbe
militia of toe Slate
Una motion was opposed by Messrs Pierce aod Little
John, and Isvored hy Premtergast aod Morgan He foes
the question was token, the irrlvate"serr.-i?ry .?e the ft)
vein or was amount**! with a message from his Hxesl
leni y the Governor (The met sage Is given tn the report
of the legislative proceedings.]
Tbe reault g or the BMHgi caused a profound sensa
tion In the chamber atd the ga'lorlee
A vote was Born after token on the amendment of Mr.
BltghHin, and I. was l-st
Mr Her-re let then moved a sobst tut* for the ArsA s*C
thro, pro elding 'hat the Oovern ir shal call for vulmi
litis who never the President shall tssne his requisition
Several mrmbsra opposed It Mr. Hohlnson said that
he wanted tbe hrtl to be mode a# efWmal as p ?ssihlo.
hint did not flerlre to ere any thtbg done that would in the
leaK mpatr the execution of the bill It was their doty,
be tor r they-took iravn of sachfother an I eg slaters, to
provide means to re pond to the call that iiad Ton made
npoo ihi-m. They knew not what dny ar what hoar It
would be found necessary to nan imwpe in our own State.
Mr. QMSS said that be had beard it stated a number
of 11asra on the door of this Moure that ihere was danger
of an attack or Insnrrecikm.aml he desired te snow what
they had te Justify tucb on assertion.
Mr MblBSOB salt tuaf ad thev bad was s threatened
attack; tu did not haveary fesrsof that ralure, out b.
hi Id that to times like thereto prepare for the worst.
Mr Benedict arsln far red h's arnsndment and wanted
tbe quer tten left so thtt wli-B the victory was wou it
wi old not he wholly a party afnr.
Mr. Arcotnrms wanted to know If s rletory was won
MM r a btotWer hy shedding his hit I, tha' It would be ft
\ leuirjv
Mr Pi nedtct raid that if m id be a rletory If Mir
hreihor hart raised his binds Sfalrst bin fW i r> s.di'ad
tried to uke bis life In JitS'-'lbrMi i <s.i>y our off*'
(t tmlaure from th" gallc'ies.)
fh? smendment was Iota,
A tnbsutute *u oBere 1 to the second section by Mr.
Wfbuo, which woe adopted.
The second section woo real through and amended in
several particulars.
Mr Taher moved to strike out thirty end insert ftfteeu
er .-axe nvnru.l to umend by inserting flfty thousand.
Tho ui ithui ?? .'ppikUilrii lu the g?her.?e, Ihowiug
thai 'h- sent meut here was in favor of the largest force
ibv bill * as Anally ordered to a thirl reading.
It hen tlr fierce moved that the Dill do now have Its
th ro reading Mr. Ccxacs raised a po.nt of order that
iht btli tifcvuig been introduced after in* 16tb of March,
11 could not be read until a'ler all other bills introduced
previous *o mat should bave their third reading
Thi <? ftkir Ucci'.ed thn pom-, of order not woll taken,
on the g'?i n" thai the report fr< m a oommittee was not
nn ;i tr >< uctu n of a hih, and, second, thtue was no other
bill in reauiltoss for a Uiiitl riadiitg.
V!r. Pkrcc withdrew his rnjtloa as he saw there wouki
be at nn dlsi uiaivh <or the purpose of taking a recess
Thus ended an excited cession, rhe war lneliag Is
mi!? a' 'ever h. at, md ibe excitement about thn mgis
lutive halls ir mteuao, and should It continue no power
CO real- hiu it. and we bo to the hand that stanns In lie
way Ibu pri v lliog op-.ulm stems to be that their
ooumry calls and .ill m em e*ger to respond ai once.
t be roix.ni.iiv ,r.g officer of tho Nc-gara and t)riean*
conn'} regiment. Heu. E. t? shuier, a democrat, has writ
ten bote 10 the -Jena tor from that district asking him In see
tbut h.s aigimert is put down as tho tlrst 10 be collua
Into service rhis is hut a sample of the result of the
uiidtr current tL?t ;? setting u this Hrec'i n. Appli
cants sie a teaoy m.m? ruus here, ready to die their ap
P .. to r.a the motueol thai iho mdilia bill snail pars
o. - retary of the Kreckirr.rig" Stale Central Oom
j. i? ? ???. r ">'r'y expecting a letter from John A. Green,
n..i i f a U|m ovnt/>n One thing is certain, It is a
burn tti.r., hat '?> < vvt'l ho soon issued
aKr>Hi>oi>*r iss-uon
The lYigrusmit; ' . ?uiu u-e. immediately after the
fiuure huo convened,* bul par1 ibree, reported the bill as
btdig corncily pngrosb. i lu? House ordered, by an
slimel onai.ini<u>s vole, U a> the )i 11 bave lis third read -
lug. The ii'lo hi tug ri-iui, dr. Cos n's moved to rocotn.
luii'he 1 .ti. viih lustruciiou ui ri> ike out the euaotiug
caiu e, -i; d urocerur.u to g m nis ica. ons at much length
li.i m kit g tils million
Mr < i 'pn?an lolioweoia favor ..f ir.n bill, lie wo* sorry
to tee ilie young man In m New Yo a. rhoui . place h tnseif
nn rec id ac he bid "one iti lb - ? rv. ;'bi? wasa measure
to preserve the country, .m-l it -?-s <ae duty of all to
nhe} 'be onU i f iDtir conti*ry 11 protect it from thoee
who MUUio iiufctroj He i opoa tr.a' t'.u patriotism of iho
people would not uie out lu one , etu-ru< on of the founders
ot Mis republic.
Mr. llutcbmgs, detnocra*, of New Vo-k, next spoke in
favor o: ins bid. He sum prusan'} tr ?? time would never
. oisf when be would be i Mum t ?. al so important
a vote. Ho should vine tor ih ? lull not .is ? dsm-icrat,
hut in hie individual capsci'y as ? lovnr of his country.
AbilM di iag that lio rut i.nt tor a moment en
dorre me reeuhlid. u tiirly, no was now as
hs ^v?r hud n-eu opposed to It, neither did he
sumost lbs v*c.listing policy of the President anl his
auvisits. IVhot u few weeks since, tn iy wore debating
5 ti .ml i|UtrS'K'nv, the oily Cry he beard on the par1 of
ini ripuincsns was ibo creed of the party and th? Chica
go : isuurm Be now condemned that as much as on
i ."osr occasions; he denounced lbs no ioiuprom'?e no
1 . > of iha repi b'icitne, that h.id brought us to tbl' p -1
? op; lint that was the past, and there let It "-t ''.a
??animal capital was ui danger, and it wait <lui noor tor
eveiy true invar of bit country to rahy t-> a- i .iauoe
i .i t by gone* be bygones; the present is wir.t ? have t )
deal w lb. and let n? meet the ie?'ie ?* 'wnn-i patriots
Mr. Mcisirniuit,iluniocrat, of Wiwu-.h wiur county. then
gave bis ream us why he sboul i g > lor this bill, a-i
follows:--A demociat of the slrx'ert aort, mid believing
that the jardiual priuclp'e of d- UiOcrn y Is hive of coun
try, J shall vote tor this to '. I deeply deplore the exi
gency of the hour, t i. tl ibat members of our common
imuiiy have jcbcllu r^n list tho permit authority, con
stitulionally appoii.tei' and that, as a democrat and a
lovsr ot -r.y oouptr-, *h.se cons'i'. iti n 1 was eworn to
tuppi.it when 1 look iny seat in this House I am bounl
lu uoly and in honor Pi sustaiu the government. It is
not u"W for me to say whether the ualiuual admtnislra
|MS b" right or wrong. My country forever, fhe re
pi est ntalive of the blooil stained soil of Westchester can
bull vote to sustain the government.
Mr. Hardy. c.smocrai, of New York, next said that ho
was opposed to the bill.
Mr. Benedict said that hn was sorrv to bps members
dodge ihc responsibility of iQcir votes by santoriuge.
How nmcb blooit and bow mini foil- ? bail be taken be
lore they will become saticaea to sustain the govern
ment. It Is not a ((ues'ion of peace or war that tbey
have now been caued upon to decide, but wbetber tbey
wotnd sustain a c un tutionaili eie- ted 1'rssident.
Mr Tuwnsend. deinocrit, of Queens said, in recording
bis vote in favor or this lull he wanted it understood
that nothing in God's name but the great necessities of
the ears, and whilst voting tor the bin bo wish, d to do
It dec'aring bit "t'er sbb 'rrenre 'o tbe pric iples of the
republican party ibat bad brought the country to this
condition of sOairs.
Mr Wr'gbt, r? publican, of (fenesoo, favored the bill,
followed by Mr. Gecans, dcmoc.ra', agn n in oppns.tion to
tb> bill.
Mr. Fulton, (dim j,of Saratoga, said that be would he
re* >iant to bis duty lo his party and country If he failed
to vote lor this bill He should be a 'a d to return o
his own county if be voted against this bill, tor fear the
old patriots who are bar led thsrs would rise up against
Mr Uorgeu, (dem ) of SufloLk county, said that ho
knew of no party la this issue; he only looked to his
country, and that alone and he considered It bin duty to
vote for una measuie.
Mr. Barry (dem.) said that he should vote for this
m* asure, because ho considoiod our Southern brethren
very nnr, sWtul Is having tbe democracy of
the North to tho mercy of tbe republicans.
Mr. So*", democrat, then said that he felt that he could
not do yiborwise than vote for this bill. He read from
the money article of to day's Hcrami to show to the
House the feeling with tho merchants of New York.
Mr. frovost, democrat, said that ho held thai It wan b<s
Aral duty to uphold his guvernmeut No person present
felt more sad than he did on this occasion, but he could
pot taller when called upon to sustain that government
which his forefathers had forwarded, and tbould vote for
tbe bill.
1hf motion to recommit wbr lost, and the hill read (he
thlid time,and passed. Yeai, 102, nays, S.
The announcement of ihe vote wu grootod with cheers
from the galleries
lhnee voting In the negative were Messrs. Cizvne, Har
dv. Kent y. Yarlan, Walsh and Young, all from Ibo city
Of New York.
The alteration session waa probably the most solemn of
any thai bae been held here for years. Members felt that
they had been called upon to discharge a patnfnl doty,
yet out: that the exigencies of the times demanded that
tbey should discharge fearlessly and without regard to
the C( nreq'it II CUTS.
This has been en eventful day, and one that will liave
an imp runt ett'ect upon the future of our country, either
for weal or woe. The fro-nds of the a:ministration rely
* gieet Jea' ityhn the moral eflbci c* (he prompt ragpoajf
ou IhA |iart of the State of New Yoik
Ihe Art-em Lily epeui Bonn: two hyurit in third reading of
bills before they look up U?e war bid Mir t of tho bilis
read w?re some private uluitne for canal damages. Tots
!,tgitiature has ruebrd through on enormous number of
tb.? r;as? of billr
flir b.l! to yrgulat'e the freight on milk on the Harlem
Radical coming Vp fur third reading, Mr. Catlin, of Waeh
inrton. moved t > recommit the bill, with in?tru3ttona to
st i ike out the euauiibg clause aud prooretied, iu a regular
"harem scan-in" ano bait c.azy speech, nctod for its
duuihuwuf words which no out y con d understand
Mr C.inp opposed the mot on end p?<h"d Into the
radiunda In general tss grindmg moiMpoiloe,charging that
the texson lo? Toll b 'i lid m t pass the House wit bo
cadMthe railroais had toe legislature in their grasp
fh ? bill wna'hen,0!' mo lot o its fr'nr.ds, In'.d on the
table, s utuh is, n- doa >t the etid ?f it this yo?r.
The ??r Me pis0* d anuojbei of hills: among them was
tb< on! relative to the j,r> -eenitj - agetust tnaolveat m
s-.r?: CO ei rop'-rle*, wbie'o bos Owen ruso, d through this
", g ?? ature und'T the lea that it .a the peopb sect
auiu, when, In fact, it in the very reverie, and
will. In the end. prove to be the loophole thai will allow
ihe swindlil'g liisuntnce c impauios ui nsoapn the pumsh
meut that the.r a-tion Justly oeterves This M another
one of th?e h!)le the* Rollnrou'i relief r-tolutlou* will
lorce npi n the public, tor that is the way mat it was
galvaniztd in hi li'e in the Uooau. U .1 to be hoped that
the tinvernor w II put his tool in it
A: soju as the three million 'oil pisesd the ly It
ws" mdered to be tasen ?o ihe rtennte. It was there
m?oo the spe: let order for thm evening
The Senate resolved ,ts If Into tnu Qnmmltl"i> of the
Wbtre an toon as that boilv convened lu the evening.
Th-- bill wee r"ed through wc'ods, a few verba!
atr,eo' mrnts mad* ,?d toe Treasurer and Slate Kng.ueer
added to be commission.
?o naior Hamm<md u ok the nonasiow to evrrely do
iriimce ftovernor Morgan lor hm Inactivity up*, this
greatoccasion, etalnig tna'. be would not hare muted lu
this matter uaWns urged on by ih- other Mate trtleor*
Senater Kiero said that he hougut the Senator had
done ihe (lov< rnor an igjMtue and said that the tlovor
iiur had freqiii utiy eonaul'ed wi h him in regard ?o the
irtner Mil before ib? teguuatiiro He on tnt* evening
tianotd him a despatch frtim the War Depa tanm'. at
WshIoi gton to read In the Senate this ev> n ug, calling for
Tb? bl I wae favored by Senators than, Truman and
Sf-ipola at m,n> b length The latter thought thai war In
nsv stiape wae aoa amity, out more s? wh-n it easniMd
the shape of a i ray lug brother sgainot lu other. Ihe other
s de had Invited the <tem,,n aia ui vher fold. < hey
wantrn no encb lovuation, ano would ar lent not ' from
ibe rrpobncstis. ll>stoiy metro* ib ir l'Va'ty to the
eea iiiry. ami historv would gi?- their deeds n defending
it The repobiioan paity l? reepetistbfe for toe present
state of aftinrs. but u is no tune for biuulying word*.
W'ar M upon us. The American tla/.'or thr h it lime,
HBO beep torn down, and it remained for lh?m to say
whether it shoulo be allowed to trail or agvn wave to
triuniph. Tb' rnpobucans, by failing to agree i.oon a
fair c- roproenlee, brought th>s upon us, but now tha" it
i here the dom'-csatr are nudy to (lvht the battle#,
and light en ntng at it la uec isaioy Ho believed
thai, unieee tho r*qu- at 'hat had come iron
t?as'dii'g"'ii was prduptir rroponiied to, the Pr.sideat
and bis t alunet would not o, e,llti> their po ition in t|"s"b
itgvnobtht Poirthof July. Kron? tti.a time onword
tin", would i ot 1 ? ar him Bay unyih.ng about parly bill
hit ? n-ter It would an hie uowdtyy. an ?, |?iii mg out i>om
his i esk tb< ntura sod ntrifiv, he d-Hareil 'hat (litre
was his I.ag ehioh tie ehouut folkiw. (Applause. |
(Waaler Iluru <y Ills lavorod the hdl by s short and
|iatrl' tie speech, bat ci.srgr o the whole trouble upon the
blstecl Souif UtdlliA
(S'nator Ctiria (MM) '(pdlt'l that any of tbefVu.v
tors bad .ndnigc' <n romark* a'>out par'/ whilst no Una
subject. 'Ins wes ?o time <o Ulk o. (Mrt> He sh mid not
stop pi coueid r wh> bet tb'e of tb it |*irty was pi blame.
The country Is In a crisis, imi fa who falters is a traitor
pi blr country, 'he seven S'-oeditg ttaiii# h re made ar
untottlflable atUok upon th< pi op rty ol the government;
out tb* Hig muei be eg.- u uniu' led aid the property re
stored -ir, ii-cesai' a la rei^lli a, an i u<it permitted hy
ihe recetltutii'ti. The eroedlnt, APitea are all wrong
Tbev it m .ided pol t ed rig>its and protactloo, and were
m .tlr i io It r.r or the "iii.rtilotl iii 'mt wlien thuy at
puked 'he piuneriy of ibe goyerruieut ttu v Made
tbiri-dvea traitors ui P'teir rouiitry, and l'r*S"le*i
Ubcoip aed l.ld tabiuet ?*< ro right n their pus Von. Trie
govornBe nt firoperty mi 't h* defended if it ercr Be ?
n n, hoadrod thtusaiid wra. Ihe got erom .ut at JtvHt
(emery la revolutionary. Whatever m ? be the result,
there la but one courae t j be pursued, and uu ia to
maintain the Hag of our country everywhere. Be bad
re It a great depression upon the coodltkin of our country.
How nutty heoria straggling for liberty Is Europe would
bleed on receiving the newa of the surrender of Fort
Sumter. He wu for oonceesioe?he waa for peace, but
tbi? ia no time to halt. This conilmt hae commenced,
and it will never end uutil the wh?le country in freo
The war hae begun, and in this war he waa for his oouutry
fitst, hia country laat, and bia country forever
The speech of the Senator was a feeling one, and sent
a thrill through the crow ted Sena'o chamber
After a few remarks from senators P. p Murphy and
Hamuiond, the bill was ordered to a third reading The
rules were suspended, tho bill load the third limn and
passed, yes. 'Jit. nays 3? 'en itor * l.twrerco and tiardloer
In the negative
Senator I'onnolty made a patriotic speech in giving hia
reason why bo thoula vote in tho lU'.innauvo fhey
worn well timed and applauded by tho crow h.d galleries.
The State of Now York, through Its Iogtslalure, lias
spoken In a tone not to bo mistaken, and in a manner
that the world will set- that she is In earnest. The dome
c-ais were far more bitter than the republicans upon tho
1 hero is a general rejoicing over the result The Stars
and i'trlpes are waving everywhere. Several parties
were serenaded at the IVlavuu'lo-D'ght. Tho inaar-.s ore
wild with enthusiasm.
The Metropolitan Health bill was finally
taken up in the Committee of the Whole
in the Senate The opponents of tho bill, not
being sharp enough to apply the rules which would pre
vent its being tukun up. it look< very much as though
this memter would yet be forced upon New York. It cer
tainly will, aniens there is a more spirted opposition than
there has been thus far. It ia to bo hopcvl mat the mnnar
cbtal power given to the Commlsan nerajln the bill will be
stricken out, or It will not tall to arouse a spirit of indig
nation that will rea<-t upon toe author of the bill and the
Legifi.ature that has enacted it
Auunr, April 16,1881.
The Senate mot this morning with apparently a new
leave of life, and went briskly at work.
A number of local bills of Interest were moved forw ard.
Mr. Wii-tuns reported favorably the Assembly bill re
lative to tho premium notes of tho mutual insurance
Mr. SriN'oiA moved to recommit, and a long debate en
sued, iuvolviig the merits of the bill.
Mr. grmom opposed it, as a measure grots!) unjust to
those who hua insured in such companies, and whoso
only recur! y was the premium notes which formed the
capital or the companies. Tho bill sought to destroy this
The motion to recommit the bill was lost?3 to 31.
There vting In the atlirmaiive were Messrs. Koicham,
Mriirnw anu f-pinola.
The bill to ci ect Highland county wu amended from
the Assembly and referred to the st tnding committee on
the eirrtlon ot towns and ouunties.
Mr fb'iojONON gave n itlce of amotion to suspend the
ruler, so as to go into executive session on the Military
appropriation bill by a majority vote at any timo.
The bill Is being pushed stoadtly through the com
ml'.tre. Only nne aovndment is adopted, giving tho
i lie?ion of officers to the men.
Alha.vt, April 15,18(1.
On the moet.cg of the Huuse this morning tho hill to
authorize the embodyiug and equipment of volunteer
miliM.a, to provielo for I he public defence, was taken up
for consideintion.
The bill Is as follows:?
To authorise the embodying and equipment of a volunteer
n.lMtia and leprotic* for the public detenus;?
the people ot the Utah- o* New tork, ispreHeoted In Senate
ana Assembly, dn enact as follows:?
rocii' iil. ihe tiuveruxr 1m hereby authorized and empow
ered to accept th* service and cause to be enrolled
ana mustend into the rervlon of the Htaie for two
j er? unless sooner discharged bj order of the Uovernor,
Llt-u'etiani Iiovert)or, Secretary of Htute, Comptroller,
Attorney orueiul, or a majority of tnvm, voltinuer*, In hU
discretion k* to nuuilnr. not to exceed Ml.OH) men. to be oil;,
cercd. uic-iuizi it anil c |itlp i d iu suult manner em tho (lover
ti if o uy ruder ana direct, to be tormeuanil organ I.. 0 without
regard to cjrlstpg inl'Haiy district1. the rail lore* h-reiy
autbwlzt-d being in addition to the p'es-ut imi'ury orgatn/a
liott of the mate, ana part or the mlii'ls thereof.
t-ec i! The ofl.cers of inch organization of Volunteers shall
be elected anr apcntr.trd lc tnn manner procuheri by section
two ot ar ticle eleven of the const! utlvn of the Klate, and
ccmiBlsrloii-d by the Uovernor; uud he '* hereby str horizcj
? nd emp werrd to prewrtbe ennh ttilc??nd regulation, as 'i
gar deem propr I to carry out the provisions oi nreli artlolo
ot the coustlliiliuti relstlre o election-'and uppo.mmenis;
provided, however, tb.it win n any vacancy sliall oc.jur among
such volunteers while they areab.-eal trout the into, tin: Uo
vernor l? bereny aiitho;lr.K) and crop .wercd to appoint and
con.rr l.-aioi, the rc<|iilal'? ofilcers to ti'l suih i ucancie*.
He. .8 1 be ctliorra and nun of ku.1 1 force '.n ill receive the
same ray and rations while In eervlre, uudrrth* provisions of
ibl.a act, an the olhcera a:.U men o' the same rank and inn of
the ft ivloc In llie ?ttny o' the t'ntted Ha'os, and nh:ill be I la
blc at ail time* to be turr.i d over to the acrrlce of tbe t'ntted
Hales on the older of tbe (lo\ erunr un a part 'if the tniliila of
ihis t-t?te, upon the requisition of the President of the United
h teles.
Sco. 4. The ofliorr* and men of ihcaald force, except when
in actual service, shall be paid only for tho time, actually spent
In tbelr organization, drilling and InHtructton
Arc. b. The captains ot the respective companies organize d
by virtue of thia act shall make monthly returns of the ser
vice perl ormed by ah the member* thereof to the oolonel of tho
regiment, and wild colonel shall make Ukr returns of the ser
vice of the regiment, based upon said company returns, and
service of regtmenial otlioera to tbe Adjutant General ;i
? ?. ? .and
tbe Cotiiptruller. on the or-Ufluile o the Paymaster
Ornrrnl, shall draw his warrant upon the Tras'irer In favor
of the respective n glmental ptymsn'ers therefor, and
lbs paymasters of _ the resp-itlve _ regiments he.
fi-ie en bring upon tbs duties of their ofilcs shall
rnicr Into bond to the jieoplo of the Stale In task Hint As iud
(iori nn-r shail direct, with such tureUes as bo shall approve,
10 be evidenced by his endorsing approval on such bouu, con
dl'Ktted 'Or the ifutufUi Application according to taw of 'all
?tone; s thf) ab-.11 receive hy virtue of their office. and which
bond 'sha'l be filed In the olliee oi the Comntrnller. and In
rase of breach r.f trust, they shall ne prosecuted under his 41
reilion by iIn All' rnov General
tesfi All eip.noiiiires for arms, supplies and equipments
necessary for the said 'oree shah lie made under the direction
of the (Invenior, l.leotenant tloveruor. Secretary o' State,
t'omptr ller sod Att'iruev (leneral era majority of them, anil
tie moneys thernfori shad on certltlrr.te of the Oov.rnor,
be drawn from tue treasury, on th* wanantot the Comp
troller. In favor or sum person or persons as shall from lime
to time be designated liy the (iovenior
He 7, 1 be force hereby creat*d. when called Into actual
service, shall he subket. to all the rules end srllclee ap
plicable to troops In the service of the United HUtes. bc '.no
volr.teer* under this art shall be discharged front service any
where e>i?| t In the county where they were organized, un
less by hi? or thyir ivqueat,
Ho u J L{ kum 6? IDree millioudollari, or so raurh thcrSof
II iT.ay ne m-oeasary, ls heifby sppropya'ed out of
any moneys In the tieaaury. not otherwise appro
priated, to defray the expenditures authorized by this
act, or ar.r other et|iensea of mustering the mllltlaof the
fllate, or any part thereof. Into tbr service of the United Htatos.
ere ? There shsli be Imposed for the llsoal year, commene
ing Ibe first day of October, one tbuurand eight hundred and
siity one ablate tax fnrsiichsnm as tbe (Comptroller shall
dte.m rere.vary In inrei the expenses h reby an'horlzed. riot to
etceed twe mills on each dollar of tie valuation of real or per
a nsl properly In the Htale, to be awwtul raised, levied, col
id raid In "
lected and paid In the same manner a? other Slate taxes are
le.vird, tuaetHCd, n.lleried and patd Into the Ife-.-ury.
Sec 10. This act shall >ak? ell eel lmicedtshdy.
The Assembly commented the regular order of bu*l
rrfu this morning, bat a deep feeling wan evident in the
Mr. Yot go reported complete the bill to amend tbe
T'&fafe Bulbing act lu New York, and It wan ordered to a
third reading.
The hill lo provide for the n*lo of tbe irnarantlne land
of Stalou Blend curau up on It* third rrndeig, and on mo
tion of Mr. Variau It wan recommitted, with inntructlona
to tig ike out the enacting claure.
Hum rsanm.
To Incorporate the New York Navigation and Coloniza
tion Society; to amend the art relating to the public health
of New York: to revive and extend tbe act ronpocting
the iipprnpr tat'on of the water* of block river for canal
pur pom a.
At twelve o'clock Mr. PrrHm, from tbe Committee on
Militia and Public Defence, reported the Three Milli-m
Volunteer Mil end moved to go into Committee of the
Whole to the I ill.
"h?t ctloui toinc mode, tbe Srtui.i R ru'od tho bill a
privileged (jutttion.
Tho varii.ua ordrr* of bimlnem were then laid on tbe
table, ond the hill taken up In Committee or tho Whole.
M*. Bbx.HAni movtd to strike out of the first seetivn
ad the names but tbe Goveraor'i it wan tho Oovorrmr
who war to organize tho militia; let not other* have tho
power to dlaoigumzo.
While the Committee of tho Whole wan In Houston it
waa xtidderdy dlMolved to receive a message rrom Co
ver nor hi or gar, aa follow* ?
To t?k Me aar ax or tn* AaaaaiiLT?'Tbe proclamation of
ihe President of the Unind nuica, which ibo'elefrtuh
lirlr>?? to M ? hie morning calling forth lb* militia of the ae
vrol rlater of the h'nlon. In erder to repress p iwerful oom
*Mm l..n? and to rauae the lawa, now aet at dellaDce, to be
duly executed, ahowe ihe Itrnonence of our no'lonal
rarger It la not doubled that Mow fork wit] lie
at once called Spos for a large quota of militia It would
rc< m therefore n.oat clearly to be ihe p?rt Of wtadom, no leiw
thm the dleta'r or pat'fotlrm, 1 bat a military tome he an hor
tard wMrlrltly large to meet the preaetit and proap-etiva de
uiandr of the general government, anf to place mob torat a',
the Jt?| oaal or tbe fefera astbofltea I would, therefore re
specifai'.j <bough eari.eaU urge that the Lagtalsture, without
delay, ? nnfsr larger diacrrtlorary p->w? r lb.?n Is now p<m
rented toewihodj aud equip a voltin'wr irlh'le f"r the public
? eftpee, and to en iIde tbe Marass'y mean* therefor let
not t rw Tor* falie- In tbe hour of the eo'intry'g pfrll. but
lei h< r meke all petdful preparstluna to RipotM Id the
natlo, a nail with that prnmptnen which <ntnports wlih ficr
pa d I iatory and with hi.r present poait on In *ho rl?t The .d
of Stab s K U MOHUAft.
The Military bill was ;wared through the Committee of
'bo W hole and ordered to a thiro fca ling.
At.i. yr, April 1*, lsdl.
Tbe Gov 'tuer tn* received the following d": patch:?
AVan iwpAtmmvt,)
W? nrni.1 >m, April 15, ibfll. i
To rTmhxc*t?wtir, K I>. Monot.v?A call a made on
vou b> Ui night'* ma' for act- ntren rogioi mta of m,litis
for immediate tsrvlcc.
MMoN CAMHION, Sewcury of War.
Captan Jol i Y. Uwlcas, with a company of vol on
leers, i\ .u>'?ting of reme 260 of the Snott reeol it* ni.wi
in tbe city, l.as Jrst pan>od up state n'-cat on the way
to the RiMnttT* chamber, to tender lilg *orrh to ti ?
(.overnor. They were loudly cheered aa the/ pawed
"Hio racrnllliig rfllow wtpo opened to ni :h? In the
Museum building and in Church street, and one I Mho
opened by Captain I. Owen M oore oppcelt* .h ? If. jVsii
Bo ire to morrow.
captain John McDuiTle hag .i company of seventy mui
orgtaiccd W?M even tug,
rroetamatten of Mayor Wn< ?*?* ?f
War Rtawti ?! Um MaiaMra'
Uob Preliminary lccllO|tl
Hwtahi tbe CioierDmcDt,
HiTfll'lOffin, N'kw York. Apr'l 16
To m* Punni; of thk Cmr or Nkw Y.i?k
As chief magistrate, representing tha wv-ie t^,p P j
feel compelled at this cr'sts to call upon them u> avo ?!
excitement and turbulence. Uhv lever at; m or wr
have beon individual poai'ions or opinions on quwiigoaut
public polity, lot us rcmemior tbat our country now
tremble* upon tbo brink of a precipice, ax.: that 't re
quires a patriotic and bonert aflbrt to prevent .? final
destruction. T.et us ignore the past rising superior to
partisan considerations, aud roily to the restoration cf
the constitution and the Union as they exist
ed in the days and Is the spirit of cue
fathers. Whether this Is to bo accomp!<ehod ty
fratricidal warfare, or by ooccession, conci; atioa and sa
crihre, men may ditfbr, but all will admit tbtt hero at
lum-l Uuruiony and peace gbould pro rail, ft us, may we,
under the guidance of Ulvmo Provi leuce, sot an example
of pence and good will throuohout. onr extended country.
In this sprit, and with this view, I call upon the perpie,
irrt: pective of all othur considerations cr prnji: lices, to
unite in ehed'cooe to tho laws, In support of the pubikJ
por re, in the preservation of or or and n tbe protection
3f property. EERNaYDu WOOD, tUyor.
As the calm succeeds the storm so the public mind has
now become In a measure set'lod af or the wild outburst
of feell: g wh'ch the etirrlrg events of Friday and
Saturday evoked. The white heat of excitement a over,
and nice are calmly consider!! g axil weighing those
events, and endeavoring to divine the r results, hop.ng
tbat they may not terminate :n civil strife and fraternal
bloodshed. Conversation on the all absorbing tepid
of the day is no bnger carried on In a vehement, impul
sive manner, but in subdued 'ones and with gloomy looks*
Even those who have been the warmest upholders of acd
sympathizers with the South declare, m spite of their
feelings, that the action of tho 8outnern confederacy .a
attacking Kurt Sumter has b-eu hasty and rash, and that
tho digu ty of the federal government should be upheld
by a prompt resentment.
To ihiH feeling the proclamation of the President has
given a splittof enthusiasm, and mec, heretofore apa
thetic and Indifferent, do not hesitate to boldly proclaim
the necessity of tbe measures contained In that document.
The news from the South has been verified, scueb
to the regre. of many who would have pre
ferred it untrue, and tho sober suoond thought
of tbe people has led tbem to tbe opinion that
the proclamation of tbe President was i nly just, in v -w
of the emergency which celled It forth, acd that ..'-a
military movement to be set on foot by it throws tho
responsibilities of war and bloodshed upon the Suuth for
having inaugurated extrtme measures.
Yesterday our citizens were somewhat surprised to see
tho national ensign floating over the public buildings,
hotels and the City Hall, wbere, in aIdition, the munici
pal Hag was Hying. Over tho Hkkxld establishment, and
the offices of the other newspaoers the American oolora
were displayed, and tbo gala appearance of the cKy
created no little surprise in view of the oocditijn of
affairs. It transpired that tbe d splay took place in ac
cordance with a request telegraphed oy Governor Mor
gan to the police authorities.
A meeting of citizens in favor of sustaining the a imln.s
trution In repressing the Houtnern revolution was held at
two o'clock, yesterday afternoon, at So. 3d Pine street.
Tho object or tbr arsi rohlage was to make preparations
for a grand mans meeting to bo bo. 1 at an early day.
Mr. Ubnstlsn R. Robert was called to the chair, and
Mr. S. It. Chittenden was appo.nte.1 to act as secretary.
Amongst the prominent individuals present were Messrs.
Wm. M. Evarta, yime in Draper, George Kolsom.Chas B.
Marshall, G. W, lJlunt, L. B. Jaanon, K. H. MeCuty and
.lames M. Halstcd.
Resolutions were adopted urging tho necess tv of plac
ing tho State militia en a war footing, and making <iis
adequate appropriations for that purpoae.
On motion, a committee was appointed to make all tha
arrangements for the public mooting.
A meeting was held last evening, at about haf-past
seven o'clock, in front of tbe H?ll ?f Records n the City
Hall Park. About two hundrel person* were present,
tbe smallnees of the numbers doubtless xrrietng from
tbe state of the weather. The assembly was address* d
by Mr. Walker, who elated thai the meet ng was but
tbe preliminary of a much larger ono to be held in a
few days. Home allusions were made relative to tha
present state of affairs, the patriotic remarks being rs
cehed with loud cheers. The sta'ement that toe Secreta
ry of W-ur of tbe Southern Confederacy bad thrrateaed ta
have the Confederate Hag Hying over Washington by tha
1st of May, was received with groans and cries of
?'Never, never." In conclusion the moetxg gave three
hearty cheers for the U mon.
Governor's Island and Iks Recraiting
OIBrrt-lH* Peeling amongst tb? Mi
litia?Volunteers Preparing for Aotfton,
&C>, Ac., die.
still remains in a stale.'of "masterly inactivity." Tkern
is nothing going on, with tbs except on of what litU#
business we have before referred to. The forts ia tha
bay are in the same rendition, nothing is doilf but the
ut<ual rout ine duties. Whatever occurs ef importance to
Urn public will of oourse appear in our columns at the
earliest moment.
presented a ratber bustling scene yesterday, a number
of persons being drawn to '.bam by curiosity. At the
principal office, in Chatham street, thirty men wets re
ceived, but it d supposed that some few of the number
will not be able to pass the necessary examination.
After the office was closed a group stood outside the
doer, reeding the not.ee posted thereon, and epeculat.sg
as to tha'nnmber of men they weuld be;able to get. As we
before remarked, there will he very little chaage in the
number of men enlisted for the t'eited States Army
<>nee the volunteer system A ootnmeneed, it will drew
nil tbe people swsy from the regular government enl st.
ing offices, as there Is more boner attached to n reiac *
teer, who takes up arms to defend tbe honor of his coun
try, aad to see her rights vindicated, than to the
regular soldier who - nters the army for a stated number
of years and with poouola'y motives, not knowwg *Mn
and where he may be called Into act on.
Tbe President having In his proclamation stated the
nece?fityof raising at once seventy live thoiswod men,
It bar. of course, set military men of all grades talking
end thinking of who will go and who will stay. Our
militia, numbering M it does so many thousand
abli bedK. men, la at once turned to to know
what tbey will do, end for this reason
we bare taken csp-cisl peine to arrive at n enfe coo
clue inn as to the feeling diet exists In the minds of the
men etttipcaii g the d'nerent reg ments of the Mate
militia that are a'.nttoned In this city, and after dUig-'ot
icq-.line , we ttrd that bat one sentiment exists, namely,
to j-'fenu tbe ??tf* uad etripes, and t>bey tbe lews ant
ordure of tl-? gnveici ,cr.t.
Th're a--- Uumea ids of j nog m< " wh>, for tbe glory
of the thing, will vol iDteor, and as they ,-?-e ell p'aottcs
sold.era, 'fc, ir ?#. Tk.es would be MlfudT valuable. |
A rumor was In fireuiaii'n the ugh tbe oily yesterday
that two cr three r-'gln-rn'e h*d vo'unteored. aad that n
batul-on bad be.ii dril eg in ot r neighboring city of
IVoeklyn. for lb# purpose of asskting the government;
but we ns i'farl tliel "ar regiments, with a becoming
difaitr are held' g hack until 'bey rece ve the proper
orders. end U>">j tbey wlh prove themselves fully equs)
t, ?l . trust reo ? n >n ?h> at Tbe Sevfnth, K'gbtb,
gcvcn'v test, Six y nu.th, tud tbe mher prcmi
svrtt wvtiUi-hts of tbe c :y, a"o, with^vtrg low ex
c piions, i ?l<-n men, end will obey, m for as pumrfhle
vUiowr Old - * t|< j may rc< ,v ir l( those to .ml I
i y. Omt reporter veiled ai d ex rotsed wMh several of
'be lea-itrg roes m mr militia, and t?.yall appen-M ??
lb i k tn it tb" tut n c. .rupoeinc the Tor ous regimmts of

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