OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, April 17, 1861, MORNING EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1861-04-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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THE \ K W -Y OKK II E It A I, I).
iportant News from
ie Military Programme of
the Government.
rtraordinary Enthusiasm Throughout
the ttmntr y.
:rity in Obeying the President's
Call to Arms.
rite Metropolitans Militia Vol
nnteering for the War.
ie Governor of Maryland
Loyal to the Union.
irty Men Killed at Fonrt Moultrie
Daring the Battle.
[Departure of the Federal Fleet
for New York.
| Major Anderson and Bis Command
on Board the Baltic.
| The Southern Ports Not Yet
How the Kebel Cabinet Received ihe
President's Proclamation.
Preparations for the Defence
of the Capital,
W a* Drr^mncrr, Wakhisgto*, April ? ,1861.
Sn>-? tfiMlnr the act of Congress "for calling forth the
Militift to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insnr
rections, repel invasions,"' *c. , approved February 28,
1TN, I have the honor to request your ExooUency to
cause to be Immediately detached from the militia of
your State the quota designated In the table below, to
serve as Infantry or riflemen for the period of three
months, unlees sooner discharged.
Your Excellency 'will pletse communicate to me the
Ume at or about which your quota will be expected at its
rendezvous, as it will be met us soon as practicable by an
officer or officers to muster it into the Rervice ani p*y of
the United State*. At the sa*ne time the oath of fidelity
to the United States will be administered to every officer
and man.
The mustering officer will be instructed to roceive no
man under the rank of comms tunel olllcer who Is in
years apparently over forty-five or under oighteen. or
who is not in physical strength and vigor.
staff orru ua.
New Hampshire
Massachusetts . ..
Rhode Iciand ?
New York
Pennsylvania ?
N?w Jersey
Delaware ?
Mary land
North Carolina ...
W Uroasln
* * ?
comtiMioincn omcin
New Hampshire. .
Mhnde bland
New York
New Jersey
De a*?re
North Carolina...
Tennessee .
? iae<inain
- ToUl .
e| si
6 ?l
1.1! IS
. I ?
II ll 1
II 1| I
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won -co* *if?*toii*n orrir r ** -tot* i.s.
N. Hampshire.
Kbrde Tnlnnd .
New Tiirk..^,
Pennsylvania .
New ,l?r*ey. .
Mai viand.
Norn t arollna
Tennessee. ....
Kentucky. ...
IM ihlgsn
Wisconsin. ...
low a
To' at
240 !
24' >|
in. 6W
17tr tO,W*i
160: in, M0
64 tli
19 jo
411 2,600
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tMO|fiO,l?? 3,ft4?|6?,?42i 7J,?1
The rendezvous for your State will be at New Vnrir
Albany and Elm Ira. York?
I hare the honor to bp, very respectfully, your ohe
dicnt scrvsnt, SIMON CAMFTfON, lerreUrV of War
To hto KaceUency K. D. Mokoa*, Governor or N?w
Governor r .,r>).nlp WiSmwnx, April 16. 18C1
regimen' . * VwbkuI, respunia thai one
,, 4t>l tire,-'D. Mountain boys will be immediate y
<.overnor F.ccklngham, of Counts tic at, t?l*gruphti to
the Secretly Qj waj) "Your rtqul*iiioii will have lmnao
di.te at ,001)00."
/Or Ballier, of the First Rifle battalion, tenders his
?cv.uond to the SecrtUiy of War, consisting of two tua
dred and fifty men.
Governor Dennison nays to the .Secretary of War, "Your
despatch calling on Ohio for thirteen regiments i s just re
oetvtd, and will be promptly responded to.
Governor Randall, of Wisconsin, telegraphs, "The call
for one regiment will be promptly responded to, and fur
tber calls when made."
Governor Sprsgue's tender of himself and one thousand
men from Rhode island is accepted, bat that State is not
gequirftd to send more than one regiment.
Governor Washburn?, or Milne, telegraphs the Secre
tary of War as follows: ? "Your der, pitch is received, and
your call will be promptly responded to The people of
Maine, ef all parties, will rally wita alacrity to the main
tenance of the government and tha Mvlon."
A despatch from a distinguished citizen of Cincinnati
to the President, this morning, says:? "Men of all grades
are enrolling. The utmost enthusiasm prevails. There
is no sympathy with treason. God speed yon!"
The President has received an addrees, signed by many
ef the leading citizens of Philadelphia, expressing their
readiness to make any sacrifices in sustaining the
It is understood that the government has determined
to renew the oath to all persons connected with the admin
istration here ? not only to the army and navy officers,
but to all the clerks In the departments. It was com
menced in the Navy and War Departments yesterdiy.
Never was there a greater delusion, than the common
belief in the South that it would be impossible to rouse a
sweeping war spirit in the free States. In lees than
thirty days two hundred and fifty tbousaud raeu will be
found In arms, from Maine to Kansas, to prove tho Lope
of a divided North a grievous hallucination. Every North
ern State will not only furnish the aid asked by the Presi
dent In his proclamation, but have a large reservo rea-'y ,
so as to be able to make a prompt response to a second
call, that everybody hero expects to become necessary
long before Congress meets. There can be no doubt on
this subject.
Official information has been received by the Presi
dent, from which It appears that New York will hive
fifty thousand men in arms by the 1st of June, Pennsyl
vania forty thousand, Ohio thirty-flvo thousand, and
Indiana, Illinois and Massachusetts oach about twenty
five thousand, and the other States In proportion. <
The employment of this immense force wHI depead
mainly upon the course the border slave States will pur
sue In reference to the secession issue. As matters arc
situated now, it is tho Intention of the government to
use the seventy five thousand men called Into service,
together with the regular army, formicg an aggregate of
about one hundred thousand men, as follows: ?
Urit ? A ccrpi d'armtc of thirty live th , mni men will
be coHectid in and about this point, for the purpose of
defending ttg> seat of government, protecting the mili
tary posts, contrUliog the Potomw: an I Choaapoaice tuy,
and keeping open the communloitlon between tho Vorth
and the capita). Wsshingtm will serve for Its po'nt il'ap
jru while Its line of operations will extend all along tho
left bauk of the right shore of the bay.
fkcvni ? Aseooed corps, twenty fire tbonsanl Hli-ong,
will be formed in and about St. Louis. A portion of it
will be employed In protecting the Union men and fed < ?
ral property in that State from tbo violsioe of *er,*s?ion
sympathisers, an-1 the rest in holding Cairo, at th? jura
tion of tho Ohio und Mississippi, tho must important stra
tegical pjint in the West.
Third?Of the remaining forty thousand, five thousand
are expected to be thrown into R'estern Texas, to form a
nucleus around which the I'nionist* of that Sta'o will
Fourth? Twenty-five thousand will be employed in a
dem' nslrntloa for the relief of Fort 1'lckens, and the ro
capture of the other fortlPcnt'ons about Pen wcola bay.
Fifth? Ten thousand men will be kept hovering in
fcieaai transports between Charleston and Savannah, lo
worr> *he rebels by necessitating the presence of a largo
defensive force in both places, and effect a Undlng when
ever opportunity sh?M oiler.
The army operations will be seconded by a strict
blockade of the mouths of the Mississippi acd all
the routl ern forts Orders for a general blockade have
not, se repoited already, been issued, but will doubt
It s?ly be given as soon as the stown frigates now fitting
out will be ready for seu.
This programme reflicla cxactly what the government
has dtc!dcd to do, but will of course be materially
changed in case Virginia toil the other border slave
Stater should Bwde. Washington, however will be de
fended . nod Fort Tickeua relieved at any cost of blood
nud treasure.
Governor Curtin has left for Harrisburg.
Ma* i nchuactla has requested to ha to hsr quota of troops
doubled, and the Secretary of War hat Increased his
requisition to four regiments, instead of two.
It Is said that the orders for the Rhode Island and Mxs
sarhu?etts legimtnts, under the recent levy, to imtne
(1 lately proceed to this city, have boon countermanded,
lor the reason that arrangements are not yet nude for
their accommodation.
Colonel F.ilsworth lias had strong inducements offered
him to proceol to New York cHy and organize a regiment
of '/<cuaves. He probably left this morning, to be joined
there by a number of the members of his old co'ps, who
will take an active part in the organisUlon and instruc
tion of the regiment If he doei not go thlthor he will
repair to Illinois for a similar purpose. Be last night de
clined the commission in the army which has been a*
his dispoial for some weeks.
Several additional companies of volunteer* were mus
tered into sei vice to day.
The greab st activity is going <>n in the War m l Navy
departments, all othor business being laid aside for the
detail woi k of the increase of the army aad navy . and
the prosecution of the policy of the administration aga'ust
the rebels.
There la no truth in the rumor tnat the order railing
troops from the North to the capital has boon counter
( nianded. The commands' tct,dered were merely advised
to act under the direction of the Governors of their States
J*"ew York. Boston, Philadelphia and Rhode Island troips
will certainly be here in the course of the next thrwe
da) a, to the number of thousands. Borne Ohio volunteers
ari al*o expected bef re tlie end of this week.
A military caip;>, on the heights commanding Wash
ington, will dcubtlnaly be organized.
WAflllfforo*, April lfl, 1441
The prcgresa of evt nts In Virginia is watched with
feverub anxiety The administration expects the pas
sage of the ?cension ordinance, and Is preparing for t*ie
necessary consequences of auch an emergency. The moat
c. mpieheneive and effective nieiauros for the protect. >n
of the federal property In that State will be taken.
Advices from Western Virginia state that the Union
men are over) where organizing military companion to
reals t ?occasion *
Intelligence received hsre this erring from Richmond,
from reliable sources, leaves little doubt that the SUta
Convention will certainly. p*s?, by a |doclded majority,
the secersioti ordinance. f
Despatches were sent fiom this city this morning to
Richmond, >tatlng that th? administration had coun
termanded the order accepting | the services of
soveral regimanta from the North. Those despatches
were iiflended to ?j?erate on the Convention now in ses
?ion. and prevent hasty action on the port of the C m^
ventlon. ?
A despatch iust received from Richmond states that a
body of twenty five hundred men will leave this evening
for the purpose of seizing Harper s Ferry.
The I'olon feeling In Maryland la strengthening. No
doubt of the loyalty of the majority of her olt liens pre
valla here. The call for volunteers will be readily re
spondfd to. The government has already the offer of
<>ne regiment.
IrformaMon has be?n received here that the T'n(oo*sU
in Tennessee, Virginia and Missouri will attempt to
raise the quota of these States, ?4en though their Go
vernors should re'use to act under the President'! requl
ait ton.
WiMD^i.TDl, Apri) 16 1W1.
A eoUiHion is anticipated at any m itnent at Kurt Pi -k ?
ens. The administration have no tn*ins of aaieriaiuiog
the moveme nta of tbe vesseis off tor harbor or tho troops
in that fort. If reinforcements have been lauded, tbe
pre lent commander, Opt Sleramer, has b?cu superseded.
I Tho administration is not entirely a.tiaOol ?iu? that
I officer's loyalty. Ihey have no detlnite information oo
that subject, but th^iy strongly suspect, sinoe he refused
to obey tbe orders which were sent him. to a.'.o# sup
plies and men to be landed, that ho is not the proper man
to command that Important position.
No doubt ia entertained at the War Departmen o' the
reinforcement of Foit Fickena. Orders hire hwu te: to
IJeutenant Sienna er to put a stop to the orec'ion o! b*fe
ricB by tbe besiegi rs. ?
The government l aw no doubt that ?v.o report that Fort
Pirkens has been reinforcedis troo it was the inU ntion not
only to put provisions Into tbe pi .ee, bat men, additional
powerful guns and ammunition. When tho rebels attack
| Fort Pickens they wlrt ttnd it a very diflferent affair from
the blcodlots act to recently played at Charleston There
is u report to-night that an attack tiu boon made upon
that fort , but It la not credited.
The government ia about notifying the foreign P>wers
of its intention to blockade the Southern p?rts. The ex
portatim of ootton will not be obstructed.
The Ki'gHth, French and Russian Ministers are in con
stant communication with the Secretary of State, and
manlf< Rt tbe greatest anxiety and solicitude respecting
eur poHtical troubles. They despatch special caeHseogera
from this city, wtth despatches to their respective
governments, at the departure of every foreign mail.
8ecre''iry Fcward has completnd his Instructions for
Mr. Adams, Minister to England; Mr. D^ton, Minister to
France, end Mr. Burlmgame, Mintstef to Austria, arl is
now engaged upon Mr. Pay's, Minister to Russia, and Mr.
Schurz for Spain. The Ministers Are ustructed to protest
promptly against the attempt, by aoy of ihe
great Powers to recognize the So.ihern movement
in this country as anything more th%t> a wlckcd itteirpt
to perpetuate human slavery upon th x continent ag liist
the actual wishes of nine-tenths of the free white penpl#
of the seceded State b.
It is reported that George Ashmun has been sect to
Canada as a conttdentlal agent of the admin istratwa to
explain our politic*} position under the present state of
The imputations which are constantly being thrown
out, here and ekewhere, reipecting the course of Major
Anderson in suirenderitg Fo:t Bumter, and more espo
cially because be did not kill every man, woman and cl ild
in the city of Chnrleston, are unjust. Major Anderson. as
far as it was !n his power, carried out bis instructions to
tbe letter. There are several gentleir-.en cow in this
city who witnessed the bombardment Tom tho com"
mencement to the close. They a'.l a^iee that, under the
circumstances, he mai'eamoft gaiiant tlpbt. One gen
tleman here said he wss one of the party who
accompanied General Beauregard to Fcrt Sumter
when the surrender took place, and that Major
Andtrton's conduct and hearing was tbat of a
true and loyal officer and soldier; that all tho
reports that any understanding or complicity existed be
tween Major Anderson and Gen. Beauregard were utterly
unfounded. ITe maintained his position as big as it was
post-ib'e to do so, and then yielded maufu'lr to (he n*ces
s ties of the cafe. The men who have made the ctatcni ?nts
and cant the unwarran table imputations upon hit) charac
ter, will be called to an account. They must either sub
stantiate them or take them ba-k.
There are quite a number of Senators now here, who
have come, il is understood, at the suggestion of the ad
miniitratim, for the purpose of con*iltation ??ntors I
Dixon, of Connecticut, and Johnson, of Tsnnesseo, have
had repeated interviews with the I'resideut r^ipjc.ing
our po'.iticil troubles. The former pledges bVt State 10
sustaining the government and maintaining the la we.
Nothing baa as yet be<ta done towarda discontinuing
the Houthcin mail service.
Twi rty tons of shell and grapeshot were removed from
the Waf-hicgtoD Navj Vard to Georgetown today, In
view of a posa.b.o at'ack on Washington from Hat dins
Tbe govfrnment has directed that no more ooplss of
the Coatt Survey Report be Bent to tbe seceded States.
Ihe report that s large number of federal war vemels
pre ofl Charleston is not true. It is very like y that two
or three may beinthit vicinity. Tho fait is, that the
fleet recently fitted out proceeded to Penta:ola, the
mouth of the Mississippi and to Texas
it is clearly shown that tho federal government not
only have tli- w.U, hut the power, ti put an end forever
to tbe rebellion, and reec 'e the b"nost people of those
In tbe whole catalogue of ways and w jui- there i? no
flrgle ifi'niy more potent in re pre Mop a d a-.d enthu
siasm lb to n good old fa?hlonod rain s'-nm Ye*?crday
aflorded a good lllust/atirin of ibid truth. he nitir'U
consequtnce was a very evident falling off in lue >ut d?r
exciU 'merit respecting th" alarming condition of the coun
try and th? ]>rei?ratiQCF. for the inevitable strife coming
Theic wet c no groups to be seen at tho Btreet corner*
discussltg the policy of the North or tho policy of the
Sooth 110 enthusiastic gatherings visible Id the i'?rk and
other public sq mres declaiming against secession, or, as
on the two previous days, urging the necessity of rally
ing to the *npi>ort of "Old Abo" in bis vigoroui < fTort to
maintain the Talon Inviolate, and to bring back to their
ancient fidelity the truant members of this glorious re
public. But let It not for an Instant be supposed . from
anything written abov*. that the Impression is intended
to be conveyed that there was any decrea e In the patri
otic ardor cf the people. The eamo deep feeling wis
evinced, but the scene for Its exhibition was nooeasarlly
fhiftcd. If the apprehension of wet jackeU and soiled
beavers repressed the outdoor ebullitions, It only helped
to make the indoor displays more animated. The bar
rooms. hotels, restaurants, railroad cars, stages and
public oflices presented a lively picture of excited ha
manlty in all Its unnumbered varieties and odd phases.
Men sipped their hot steaming toldlea and uttered
confused thoughts about knocking Jeff. Davis and
his Cabinet into that somewhat obsolete article of
attire commonly known by the euphonious name of
a 'cocked hat;" hungry patriots discussed savory
?lands and talked of pounding South Carolina into
minceme*t, genuine Ilavanas were puffed at, while
misty allusioQs were made to tho smoko of battle and
the conilagratlon of Sumter; the sound of popping
corks from ch*npagne bottle* somehow or other got
mixed up with exclamations concerning peppering shots,
explosive sheila and bursting grenades, while the
conversation of all classes of the community, from the
clergyman and editor down to the Alderman, wis
most strongly seasoned with allusions to gunpowder, Mi
nie rllles, marching battalions cannonades, 4c. It Is
not a little singular, too, that the feeling appeared to be
all one sided, that is, on fhe side of the heaviest artillery,
Considering the numbers which acknowledged allegiance
to the peace party a few weeks, even days ago, this revo.
lutlon in public opinion Is something of an enigma, unlee*
It Is to be explained by the settled conviction at which
people have arrived tbat pacciflc propositions have t>een
exhausted, and the only alternative now left Is an appeal ,
to arms. This Is undoubtedly the true solution.
The President's proclamation, Mayor Wood's pro? lama,
tion and the proclamation from Governor Morgan , relative
to the calling out of the militia, were extensively can
vassed by the people.
Everything about the city indicates that a aeep war *
spirit has been evoked. The Stars an! Stripes are sees
floating over all the pub He buildings, and an extraordina
ry demand for Union flags has all at once made itself per
ceptible. Aimln k Co. can scarcely supply the numer
ous calts made upon them for the national colors. Wo
understand that Mr. A. T. Stewart Is to display an Im
niense flag, thirty feet In length, from his bnlldlng this
day Many other buildings are to hoist tbe Stars and
"til pes also.
Notwithstanding the very wet weather? for rvon re
cruiting appears to be subject to atmospheric Influence?
business to day In Chatham street was very brink, thlr
teen men belrg enlisted and transfnrrel to t;ov mor s
Island ? a number very much above tbe ordlnart daily
average. Applicant* were not aa numerous as of late,
j hut those who did present themselves wers of a superior
' class.
Id Ceoar street only two men were eclated. fhe dra
goons. in Hudson &tre?t had three.
A recruiting office w ill shortly be opened ia Philadel
phia, and It w more than probable thU the br inch offices
in Chevy and South etrceta in this city, which were
closed in December last, will be re- opened.
The feeling of supporting the government <s gaining
upon the minds of the peopie with a rapidity that ie tur
prung. Xhe newe tad hardly reached thia city of the
want of men to upho.d and support the federal govern
ment, when there at onoe sprung into existence several
wdULteer c ? m panics, and the zeal acd industry that they
?heir to the r jo-'cveranoe to perftel them.o'vos in
milt tar j ?nv*ledue pi es t&at they we sincere in what
tbey ire doing, aud ;lut t;ty will cheerfully lay down
their lives, If it be i.. - ?r.-a?y) fur esainUming the
stiengihef the existing gCTC"iin?r.t.
We eont<cne our reports of th< Volunteer joaspviies at
preaent t<g*tizlng in this cuty, J J. 8>!pk> Hurler has
? called a meeting tha evening *" ilia c.retr ol* Broome
andlicrctr streets, U orgm k- a ev? volunteer regi
Ex-Adjutant Wt.iiam I.'. Aile. (ijn t poaed an o(tl*e in
the orieual corncr of Km and for tbe enrolment
of a volunteer company, having ;i, . le of "First Regi
ment National Guard." tmp..|? .. to ra.no one thou
sand men, and to divito then eight companies.
As ea<h company is forir.ed tu* v ? * r.<t scut duwa to
lledloe's Isla d, this service bfitg hoen accepted
by (Joverncr iiorgar. fhlcetn uetLbo.-s wire en
rolled jmterday, anl it >e ? > i^oiol tha*. but a
short timn wll! be occupied n completing tho numb r re
quired. He office ax tnc *rse:ial will be op?n for thj re
ception vciutUers every day until further notice
frnt" ttn A M till Ave P. II. They have another office
a 16 Centre street, which will be open from :wo tilt tan
P. M. In a few days an election for officers will be V 1.
Ihe following order has been issued:?
Officers and members of the police departtr i . ? r.?
quotedto direct persecs desirous to enro' . -.'e-jra
in ihe First regiment, National Guard to '? annual,
corner of Elm and White streets. W. H aIJJEN.
By permission of John A. Kennedr. v><j . ?> jjornlendent.
The New York Zouaves, a oou.p*ny firmed after the
pattern of tbe Chicago '/cuavee, mee* each evening tor
drill at the corner or F< rth and rhon ?on streets. This
corps was organized last July, and have been working
hard ever since to porfect themselves in tho famous
Zouave drill. Tb<>.> bAve sent their President, Ur. Haw
kins, to Albuiij to tender their services to tbe
Governor, and ate preparing to make up a regi
ment of volunteers. They at present number sixty
men, and are receiving fresh members every day. Their
drill last nigbt was witnessed by a hrye number of per
sons, and several new men s.gned the roll. They .ro all
hardy young men, endowed with just such a spirit w is
needed in the volunteer regiments.
The l ight wing of tho Seventh reg acnt, c^inposei of
oompanles 1, 0, 7 and 8, had a pubMc drill yesterday
evening at the armory over Tompkins m irk?t. Tbe Iirge
ha'l was crowded witn la lies and gentleman , an i the drill
was spoken of in tbe highest terms. Lieu 'en oit Colonel
Pond commanded them during tbe tirst h itf hour, and then
gave way to Colonel Leflerts Want of room compels us to
defer speaking further for the present of the drill of the
right wing. This evening the left wing go through their
drill. A large attendance is expected. Immediately
after tbe drill, tho officers held a private meeting, bat
nothing had transpired up to a late hour last night. It
is rumored that the Seventh will bo ordered
to Fort McT enry, In tbe Chesapeake Biy, so a? to
be near the elty of Washington in ease they are
needed. IV members all express a wiUinguesH to go
South, or w lerever they may be ordered. There is no
doubt whatever that they are true to the Union to a man
At a meeting of the Sixth regiment, held last evening,
the following resolution was unanimoutly adopted: ?
Re*ol' r 'J rLat the Sixth regiment is now. hs ever,
.r favor if sustaining the Union and tbe constitution of
the United SlatUm, and that we are r? a !y to perform our
duty wlf- ? oal'ed opon by the constituted authorities of
the PUt.e >6 1 nation.
At a meeting of the Seott Life Guard, 1 >*t evening, tbe
corps resolved to immediately tender their service*, as a
regiment, to Governor Mo g&n, by him to be tendered to
th- foderal government to suppress Insurrection.
The pawage of the resolution called forth the greaU-st
enthusiasm, and the veterans ol tho battle 1e!di of Mexi
oo seemed to he once more in their element, avowing
their determination to hold up and del end wi'h their
lives the (tars and stripes, without rega'd to whi-re '.hey
may br carried
The officers of the regiment are all gentlemen who
have been tried nnder fire, and will give uub >i uded con
di'enre and fatisffcctn.n to those who enll?t und?rth?m
A distinguished engineer and infantry oflker of the L'ui
ted States Army b?s ixpressed his willingft'S-! to assume
the cosnmand.
A committer will proceed to Albany to day to tender
tbe regiment for Immediate service.
An Executive Committee of twenty oDlo? rs ? !l u range
the recruiting stations at d bead quart* rs of tbe rogl
A recruiting r> ndi/soup. will be opened this morning at
442 Tiro* d way.
Others will be established immediately , of which due
noti< e will be given.
About 400 men have already been enrolled.
A meeting will be held this evening, at the Meroer
House, for the purpsee of organizing a volunteer regi
ment, un^er the auspices of Mr. Hassler and others.
Another meeting will be held at 594 '.roadway. bbZ i.rand
street and 22 White hlrcet for the. pur,v ?s<- of forming
volunteer regiments. A meeting will also be held by the
I ' virion Board of Olllcers of tho State Militia at tbe ar*
senul tui* evening.
A meeting of the otlloers and non commissioned olllcers
of tbe Seventy ninth regiment (Highland Guard), was
held at their headquarters, tho Merer House, lMt eve
nlDg, Colonel Thomas VY. tocLeay presiding The objoct
of the meeting, as stated by the Olonel, was to hear the
statement of the views from the otlloers and non-com
mifMoned officers, In resect to tho tendering of the ser
vices of the regiment to the Governor of the State, in ac
oordanco with tbe President's proclamation
Captain Memson said be bad not bad an opportunity of
consulting his company on the subject, but from his
knowledge of his command and the confidence be folt in
his men, he waH convinced tbey wore ready to do their
duty to the country.
Captain Barclay observed that he was in the nam 9 po
sition as Captain Mention, hot judging from tho feeling
manifested by the men at drill on the previous evening
he waa curtain they would be ready when called upon.
Lieutenant Brown reported that eight men belonging to
bis company were ready.
Captain." Christie, Morrison and Rod reported favora- "
bly of their respective companies.
Serjeant Clerke said It was his belief that the regiment
was ready, to a man, to go wherever the Htars and Stripes
led tbem
It was moved by Lieutenant Colonel Elliott, seemed by
Lieutenant McNIe, and unanlmou4y
Ilesoived, That we tender our services to the (Governor,
to be at the disposal of the federal governmffht, to go
anywhere wo may lie ordered.
Moved by Lieutenant McNle, seconded and unanimously
Resolved, That two non commissioned ofllcers be sta
tioned at one of the city arsenals to receive recruits for
the regiment, snd that due notice thereof lie published in
the city newspapers Tor at least off* week.
The meeting then adjourned tt ibis evening, with a re
quest that there be a full att'ndan*eof officers, non.
commissioned otlloers and prlt ?tes.
Tbe regular battalion drill ot the Seventy firs' regl
ment, Colonel Yoshnrg command i?g, took place last eve
nlng at the Arsenal, comer of Thirty fifth street and
Seventh avenue. In spite of ihe rain tho drill w?s w,t
needed by a crowded and brilliant assemblage and bun
d reds of ladles were present About one h'indrel and
eighty members of tbs regiment were on (My Wh?n
at the opening of the drill, th" American (lag was be night
in, the regimental band struck up the -?p?ng'el
Banner," Ihe soldiers cheered, and the entiM s??-n
blsge, rising <?? miissr, shouted, waved hats an' bind
kerchiefs snd hnrrabed wl'h Ihe greatest entbnxi n>tn.
This scene wts repeated at Ihe conclusion of tbe drill;
and when the bttialtoa lalutsd the ootora the spectatore
The drill was proceeded ? iti regularly, and was fre
quently applauded. That p<*?on which comprised the
tiring by company , wing and f atoen, was p.in'cul*rty
excellent and peculiarly imjrewtve. Both solders and
spectators seemed to realize the fact that th's harmless
snapp.ngof cape may soon be exchangnd for ren' r rnrr
that this barm lees aim at vacant space may soon sue.
ceeded by battles In which brother's breasts are tne tar
gets, that all lh it march. ng and countermarch.ag, mr
tanuvring and Bring may soon bo required in tho faco of
?u tut my, mst-ad of before admiring frienk, w ith tho
thunder of cannon and the whistling of bi le* fur music,
instead of the sweet strains of the band. '
Just before the conclusion of the drill, Sol. Vosburg
? banked the spectators for the'.- presence and asten'ion,
.ir.d then, assembling his soldiers closely around him
briefly addressed them. He said that tbey had doubt
less lead the Preeident's proclamation; but if any fur
ther at lien in regard to the militia of tlx; Stele h > knew
both teg, except by newspaper reports. No requisition
bad yet arrived from Governor Morgan, and he
did tot know as yet what form that reqmau.on would
take. The reports ^that be bid volunteered the
services of the regiment were untrue, aud cno could
scarcely My what report to believo Tlie whole matte
was at present In the hands of tbe men themselves. If
tbey deckled to go, h: would lead them, as far as Mt.
\ ti non , at least. (Cheers ) He knew that they would
be always ready to do their duly when called upon.
(Oncers.) The Division Board would meet to-morrow ,
and then he hnd no doubt tint some conclusion would be
arrived at, and ho would immediately announce It to the
regiment. (Cheers.)
I ike most of the rcg.ments in this city, tho numbers
of the Seventy-first reproicnt all shades of political sentl
ment, bat they all declare that the question Is now nar.
rowed down to a government or no government, a coun
try or no country, and that they will support tho Union
forever. Several members informed ua that the regl
xt ent won .d turn out its fuH force, if required to go South.
All of the members are of American birth, foreigners be
ing rigidly excluded, and thia, our New York national re
g'men! , tho American (iuard, ought to bo the foremost In
the field and in the fight.
The committee of gentlemen who met on Hon day at
Mr .Simeon Draper's oliico to mako arrangements for a
public Un.on meeting, reassembled yesterday morning in
tfcc Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. C. II. Marshall took the chair. A large number of
applications were received trom persons desirous of hav
ing their nan:es annexed to tbe call.
<>n motion, the following call for another p'ollmlnary
ranting was adopted, after which the meeting adjourn
The several committees representing the organizations
rm. P'"'!*** of frtving proper form ?ud expres
sic n to the sentiment so unmistakably manifested bv tho
c tizens of New York ?nl I s vicinity** fTvoftf s?Um
11 i, .tie authority of the constitution and tho laws of the
country, are .cviicd to me:t at the rooms of the Chun
ber el Commerce, on the corner of William anl Codar
I streets, on Wednesday, at eleven o'clock A. U to make
the necessary arrangements tor a general rmai; of a. I
friends of cur government r Irrespective of former politl
i uul opinions ororganiianons
A laige and enthusiastic meeting of the m- inbers of
this club was held at their rooms In tho Cooper last! tu to
at eight o'clock last evening, S.meon Draper, Ksq., pre
The Ci.'airii/n opened tlie proceeilings with a speeoh In
favor ol tho Union and the constitution, endorsing tbe
action of the federal government In the recent levy of
troops, and generally sustaining the action of President
Tbe announcement tliat General J. W. Nye. the recently
appointed Governor of Nevada Territory, would aldress
the meeting tended to swell the number of tho audience,
n.any of whom wsre greatly disappointed on ascertaining
that he would not be present.
Speeches were delivered by B. Franklin .lonos, law as
nociateof (Jen. Nye, Messrs. Briggs, Oliver, Speacer and
others, and several reiolutions were unanimously passed,
?>f which we give tho most Important.
Whereas, It Is affirmed In a Hartford de?p Uch of the
16th inst. , thai Colt's works are running night and day
turning out large quantities of pistols for the Southern'
relx Is. and that a large number o' cises were forwarded
that day by Adams kxpr.ss Company to I'eter WillUtnis
& Co , ol Kichmond, Virginia, and
Whereas, tbero in roaw-n to believe thai ?ho Southern
rebels are now being supplied with arms through their
??Id' m- lorateil in the border Slave Slates therefore, bo it
K< solved, That this practice, so preposterous as well as
Mi.cical to the government, should not be tolerated an
e tlur day. ai.d we hereby call upon the propor authorl
liet to put a slop to tbe further parage, citing by laud
<>r water, o! guns or o'her war material, Into any State
or Territory south of Masr.n and Hixon s line, until first
proved t<> be for tbe supp<rt of tho general government.
Resolved, That those who voted against tho hHl to arm
our ,-tite showed most conclusively that their love of
part; is superior to their love of country, and bv their
votes prove-' ihemroivet- unworthy of public confidence
Keroived. That this club hails with |oyful satisfaction
wbi.-h words canuot express, tbe course so promptly
adopted by President Lincoln and his Cabinet, In oill'nc
0*1 * the cit.zen soldiers of the Union to suppress treason
and lebelilon, and to pre-servc, protect and defend the
? oLstltutk n of tl* United States. and the rights an I lib-r
tu t ol all the peace loving inhabitants of this republic.
K? solved, That jus exuit in tho assurance that we have
a President and a Kbinot tlmt . an keepth-ir own secrets
in spite ol traitorous spies, who can, by their acts show
the performance of ttelr duties, ,ind fir the support or
such an administration In such a courso, with a tlrm re
I la nee on Divine Providence, wo pledge our liven our
fcrtum s and our sscred honor
Kesolved, That we heartily approve of tho President's
proclamation and th determination of the federal govern
ii" nt to maintain the law. and uphold the flair of our
A resolution, complimentary to the Ilsjum, was also
pt ijom-.i by n gentlemen who showed some acquaintance
with Wesley 's hymns It was carried by acclamation
The Ciuikbaa announced that a despatch liad been re
reived statu g that the iroopfl for Washington rrom Mas
SKcbusetta would arrive In the city by the last Boston
'ra n. (Cheers ) The Rhode Island troops had procoeded
to ihe capital by water. (Ijoud applause.)
It was proposed that the club In a body ahould go np to
the depot to await the arrival of the military.
It wus also moved, and unanimously adopted, that the
club be reedy to respond to any call for a public mass
meeting expressive of devotion to the 1 nion, and ror the
support ol the national administration of the federal go
The Republican Glee Club then favored tbe company
with some of their choi-e harmonic *b ! with warm
I cheers for the President, the Union and' the constitution
| tbe luvctiiig a?ijourue<l
The popular feeling Id the sister cltjr, Ihou h <|<i i?tljr
manifested, continues strong for the government, ud
'he military are up and doing, makinf preparations for
i of j?>ridlt;g to the inquisition of the l'rosldent. Tbo
Seventieth regiment* commanded ?>y Col. Samuel Or*
ham, and computed mostly of adopted citizens and demo
cruts. are In favor, to a man, of fighting for the inalnto
nance of the Union. The Seventieth are determined to
sink party politic* in their duty to the whole country.
Col. Abel Smith baa tendered the acr vices of the Thir
teenth regiment
Among other sign* of the popular reeling i? the move
ment which la on foot to raise a volunteer battalion, to
be f>ty led the I'nlon Volunteers. A list has been opoiiad
for enlistment at the present headquarters, N'o. 3H}{
Atlantic atreet, where communications from other volun
Uer organizations may be addressed. Recruitment lists
have been also of>ened at various points of tbo city.
We have received the following note from Brigadier
(?' nor a I Crook e ? .
FTvrii Bkk- <or N. V. H. KlUIU. 1
Bkooki.vk. A^rll 19, '/
In the Hrdaiji of this morning, in an article headed
War Keeling in Brooklyn, " I find these words ?
1 folonel Bennett, of the Twenty eighth Regiment, In
formed Brigadier (ienersl Crooke, yesterdav morning,
that Ins command would support the govorment."
It is ttiange tnai such largnage ibould have been used
Id tbi? connection, for there is no more reliable ofllcflr
ib?n ? olone! Reonett. nor any more unquestionable aud
hearty supporters of the government than the Twenty
(l^hlU regiment. The Fifth brigade haa never bad any
shades ol difference about Its duty or allegiance
Brigadier Geueral, Fifth Brigade
1 in re were no visiters to the Navy Yard y eater. lay,
l be ruin storm and strong northeast wind effectually re
-lau niog the prevalent curiosity in that direction K.u
the same ressoe nearly all oatd<?>r work wa* suspended
Operations col tinned in the several workshop* and fac
lot les with unabated vijor, however, and a g x>d deal of
inside work was done on l>oard the Wabash, the Roanoke,
ai d the Savftnnah. Nothing, however, was dons to tb?
lower rigging of the ?/iit uum?d v?!e?l; but with ^
appearance of fine weu.ler the shru .ia % a, b.t
and U.e upper ni&elfl alid rigging uiijiiatul.
11 **s i e|K): led at ihu yard yeeturday the* officers
ha\o I tea ordered to I tie Wabash, hut their n.imei have*
not Iran, p ted, as none bud repirted to the Uiminandant.
Intended resignations urn l'rrely talked of, but % Kreat
rtf i.) of what Is rumoied mutt be received cum grant
For eome Uino past it hM been rumored that govere
mtul Wat !u\tieaty for the purchaac of tbe Kricaaoo.
It would appear tb.it there is aom? truth Id Um matter,
aid that tbe negotiations will toon be completed, if they
are not closed already. She is now lying alongside the
Greenpoint firry, Long It laud. On Monday a esMkU
force of men was eet to work on the ship,
clearing np tbe decks, erecting gangways and patting
ib iu'B in order generally. Yesterday operations were
retewed,|but in consequence of the heavy rain and
etrcng gaie the wot k was confined between decks, when
a great deal la necessary to be done to fly her for eM,aa
the its been tail up fgr the last two years. IsMDg
otter things done, steam 4rsfc got up for the purpose eC
testing Her boilers. flt is obvfwus that all these sigae
mcau gelling readier stop and there Is every reaesat
believe that the wf* l?e "qtiplojcd"* In the service of the
government. ?
Tbe Kr lessen Id's cilewfceel .steamer, which, it may
be remembered, was br.ilt' in 1862 for the purpose at
testing the c*lor!c engine, invented by Captain tttcssnii,
.from which tbe steamer derives her name The
is cow fitted with two inclined engines. She Is otMh
structcd very strongly of oik, is 1,902 tons burthen, hM t
thri e-< ecki, with a draft of water of sixteen feet. Her
dimtnsiors are 260 feet in length, forty feet in breadth,
with a depth of hold of twenty seven feet. There oan
be eo doubt that she would make a good transport,
though it is said her engines are not sufficiently powerful
to giv ' hi r the speed of which she la capuble.
The Y underbill remains at the foot of Tenth street,
Kast river, the had steam up yesterday, and has been
apparently put in good order, and very little remains to
make her ready for eea.
The Philadelphia was again engaged yesterday taking
in a quantity of hay and oats, lumber, sappers and
miners' Implements, and other articles necessary for
military operations In the field and In fortified
works. In consequence of the severe weather, however,
the work did not go on very briskly. Steam was up, but
there was no indication of an early start, as mrtSh mere
i i'ii iiimeil to b.' done.
The schooner Mary P. Hudson, which, a few weens ago,
took on beard at Governor's Island a quantity of heavy
ordnance, is shortly expected back here. The pr.ncipal
irunltiors carried by her were some eight and ten-.nali
columblads, of (rem five to eight tons oach, several thir
teen inch mortars, and a large supply of shot, hollow and
charged shell. She als o took out a lar?e store of pro
visions and ambulances for the Wounded. The orJnance
was mounted on tbe battery at the Tortugaa.
Antra*, N. Y., April 19, 1801.
. An artillery company Is rapidly Ailing up in this'city.
Tim forty ninth regimedt, under Colonel Richardisoo, will
be immediately filled up to its full complement of tea
companies of one hundrod men each. The war spirit to
fully aroused Id this city. The Stars and Stripes are fly
ing in all directions, and all parties are in favor of
sustain i k the government.
At ranv, April lfl, 1801.
The cxcitement about war continues to day, although a
heavy rain atorm prevails.
Tact night Senators Spinola, Connolly ana others were
serenaded by democrats and republicans for their votes
on the war hill.
Tkov, N. Y., April 10, 1801.
At the immense demonstration in this city last even
ing in favor of tlie Stars and Stripes, a motion was made
to adjourn in a body to tbe residence of General
Wool. <>n behalf of tbe citizens, General Wool
was addrestod by Martin J. Townsend, to whieb
he remarked that bis heart was rejoiced at the glorioa
demonstration of patriotism Never, by any former
compliment bestowed upon him, had he been thrilled by
such a measure of joy. It in true that he had fought
under the old flag, but he had done no more thai ''H
duty towards tbe best government that ever
existed. He had fought under the Stars ami
Stripes that were carried in triumph by Wash
ington, and under which Jackson closed the second
war for independence at New Orleans in a halo of glory.
Will ; <>u permit that Hat- to be desecrated and trampled
in tuc duct by traitors now t Will you permit oar noble
government to be destroyed by rebeU, In ordei that
they may advur.ee their schemes of political ambition
sud extend the area of slavery? No, indeef, it -aunot
be dons, the spirit of the age forbids It, humanity and
manhood forbid, and the sentiment of the civllzed world
forbti b It My trimcs, that flag must be lifted np from
the dust into w hicb it has been trampled, placed in Its
proper position, and again set floating in triumph to tbe
breeze I pledge you my heart, my hand , all my ener
gies to the cause The Union shall be maintained. 1
am p'ep.ifcd to devote my life to the work aed to lead
you <n the struggle. (Iwafenlng applause, cheers for
the Union and General Wool.)
I'ociiiiK kwhik, April 10, 1M1.
.x meeting of tbe military of this city will be held the
I'Hll AUBIJ'HU, April 10 1881.
I*. G. Watroougb and L. P. Axba<-<ui, formerly lieote
nsuts in I be United States Nary, who resigned yean
?go < ti account of mtoriiig into otber avooaliona,
thou h ii' w wealthy Jhare tendered tbelr services to ths
e r t .r < i the Navy, prompted by lore for ibe Un jh.
Mr) or Henry baa issued a proclamation, declaring
that tr?vo against the Union wtU not be permitted, nor
w.il violence to persous or property of the inhabitants be
tow- rated . He requires all good citizens to make known
?very 1*1* n aidii.g the eneaiy by enlisting men or fur
tiithiDg munltiona of war or ptovlsloos. Tho laws of Um
^-inte abtl federal government must be obeyed, and the
p ate a i.<l credit of tb city shall be preserved. May
God save the I'nton.
The Stat" legislature haa ?n.?eted a law making any
cenruvaase with tbe enemies of the government p inlab
abie with $6,080 One anJ ten yews imprisonment.
Ihe Second regiment of tbe Second brigade, Colonel
Cut r >? c mmandiDg, tendered their services to the go
verr.mir.t this evening. Th. y are one thousand strong.
This regiment comprises the Irish companies of tbe city,
?nil Its prrcnpt response to tbe call shows tbe mjustloe of
ili< suspicions created against Its commander. Tbess
m ^. r ons sgainst prominent officers of the gtate milltln
lave bf err shown to be unfounded, as well as many ittn
tost . no* rime the President's proclamation, all seenlsg
to cheerfully r ^pond 1 1 the hour of dangsr.
There was a luge and enthusiastic government nesting
nt Tyi'tie Blair county, to night. Speec&oa were entba
sl i^tcslly reccivd. Ex Senator Bigler arrived after tb?
adjournal nt. and e*pre#sed himself unequlvoeably for
the government, add he wss determined to sustain It to
the latt. Two military companies from Tyrone, two from
A ltd on, and two from Hollidayabarg will leave to-mor
row for Hnrrlaburg.
Knm, Pn., April 10, 1881.
A large meeting of cltlions irrespective of party was
held In re u<st evening. Resolutions were adopted pledg
ing hearts nml bands of Me city and county to maintain
the integrity of tbe government and tbe honor of Ibe flag,
Ihe Wajne Ouard of Krle, and other companies, will offer
their ?ei * icex to tbe Governor.
Pimmui, Pern. , April 16, 1881.
Eleven ( mpanlee have responded to the President'*
prerlamsttot A company ot light infantry and the
Wasbti gt n Artillery Isave to morrow for Hamsbnrg and
Ibe ctt w n* are pri partrg to raise rands to aid tbe fa
milies of volunteers
Wk?t CHwrnnt, Pa. April 18, 1881.
A large meeting w? held here laat night, in reapmee to
aoall for military. The meeting was addreeaed by John
Hickman and other promiaont men. Major Wyck offered
to mite a ? onifanv . The nils for enlistment received
numeron- signature*. oral money was collected for tnew
Rtuntso, April 18, 1981
The Ringgold Hying artillery, ef Re ft tug, '**?? 'ames
McKmgbt, ISC men, w ,'h tow 0' Id ^iec**- ,'oc''

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