OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, June 22, 1861, Image 2

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Tbe following it tae full oo.atoo or Judge Punlop in i
tli< I'riited States Djstriot Ocuri for the District of (Mum- i
bX is tie following case ?
A Ilbe' fcas been filed by the I'nltod States and the f
cap*-or* :n this orurt, sitting in admiralty, to cwdemn at <
a pr'.w the Kr.gush ? nooner Tropic Wind and cargo, 1
valurd a: 0C0. for violating a blockade of tbe porta of i
Virginia. procin'med :>y the President of tbe United 1
staion, 02 tbe STtb of Aorll 1801. rbe capture was macte
in or tear tbe mouth at June* river, by >he l/aited {Hates 1
ftt.p Mcst'cei.'o, iiaptain , on tbe 21*t May, 1861. I
Tbe blockade or tbe port of Richmond, Va , into which <
port tbe T-opio Wind had entered before tbe prociama I
t'.oa. is alleged to have be--n made effective on the 30ih
Apr:!, and notice of it brought home to the captain of the I
Tropic Wt^d una tbe Bniibh CoubjI, at Uic.atn"ud, at <
least a? earls as tbe 2d of May fllteen <iaj 9 were allow ed <
b. tbe Ln'.t?<i SUieis to neutral vessels to leave the bloclc- '
acted port of Richmond, fron; the i'Oth April, the d*y of the I
effect.ve blockuue It appears mat the Tropin Wind I
cotLOtonad to load hor cargo at Richmond, Virginia, 03 <
?ae 13th 0: Mnj', rompieunl ber liding on the 14ih Mar, I
and sailed frvtn Richmond tb? h>n? day, bound tor Hail- 1
fax, Nova Scot,a. Mr OvifeU appeared for the vessel <
and cargo, lileo the answer of Oiptain l,i> ton. aud the
case has b<?cn argued and submitted to me on the Ubel,
ao3w?>r, ev deuce taken in prtparMoria, and official do:u- 1
Tit* I'OWtR OJ TllK 1'RtbIDlKT. 1
The aiboritv of the President to institute the blockade
is denied by tbe reAp-indent*. who insist tha'. this
power, under tiie constitution of tbe Cnited States, can
only be exerciwd ny the cationul Legislature. And this
Is tbr first ijucstlou to be considered. It la trus no department
01 tne fer.e at goverament can exercise any
po'A?r r.ot ^\p<-f(ei> couf. rrecn It by the constitution
?T the Vmteo Stat-1- or too i8,?ry to give efl'oct to granted
power* all ott re aie reserved to tbe St&'es re*pec- 1
t.v?-.y or to the pe 'pie In the second article, cecoud
ectioc o' tne cobHtitut'.on of tbe United Slates, is
tb;? p:ov sioo ?the Criwrdcnt shall be Commander 1
Ic CL " of the army and navy ot me i mien Mace*,
iwd of the a&:iltia of the saveral States wh< u called
Late tie actual Be.'vice of the United States."
the war vviUi Mexico, declared by Congress to
eilit by rhe act <f Mexico (tee 9ih Statutes at Large,
page 9.', tii? Supreme Court have maintained, in two
cae-r* 'hat the Pienuent, without my ait of Congress. as
Ocnma^der ix.-Ch:e< of '.he am; and navy, could exert
t.ie bc.gerent rgbt of levying contrloutiots 01 the
enemy to ?rit>oy and weaken him. In the case of glecatng
"t f gainst Page (9ta Howard, 616.) the present
Chief . i't:ce eays ?'-Aw Commander in-Chief, he is authe:
zoo (o diiect the movtments of the naval aid military
placed by '-aw at hia command, aud to employ
tb.m ia tbe manner he may deem most effectual to
Uarasg a-d conquer fciul subdue tbeecemy." Again, at
Dag? 616 ? -Tbe pe-son who acted in the character of
coile< lor. vn thv- instance, acted as s.-ch ut.der the authot\-j
of .he military commander. and in obedience to his
orde-s, au: toe duttee he exac ed, ana the regulations he
%dot>c.d, wer* not th:si prrtrribed by law, but by tho
President in his character ?f Commander in Chief. The
Custom Houte k?s establithed x an enemy's country
aa on? of tie weapon? of war it was established
not for the purpose of g;v,rg 'ho people of Tamaul.piA
the benedt of commerce wit'a the United States, or
with t'.htr cotir*. es, but as a measure of hostility and as
a pi:i ct thi' n?i i' -.ry opera', wis in Mexico: it wasamodc
of exacting ??t? botiona fioas the enemy to support our
at my, ax a lu.ur ."< also to cr pp'e the re?oircee o;' Kexi
CO hlc. mf.i.e it 2-1 the evils aod "ha burthenB of the war.
The duties rtq'.red to be paid were regulated with this
view, ?ad were ioth ng more toan cor.trioutions levied
upon Un me my which the usages of wat justify when
an a;my a opetaiitg ia the eucmy s couut'.v." The
oiier oi.se to wbuh 1 allude 3 Cross et aJ. vs Harrison,
(;6tia Boward. 189. 390) /'edge Wayne. in delivering
tbo opinion of the Supreme Cou.'., aays:? ' lnde;d, Irom
the ! otter cf the Secretary or Biaie, and from that of the
Secretary or 'he Treasury, we cannot coubt th?t the act:
it of too sanitary fiovornor of Cal"ornia was recogu\t>
is allowable and lawful by Mr. IVk ani h's Cabinet
VTf think it wis a rightlul and correct recognition
under all tne circums'atc. s, and when wo
say r'gbt'v. we n.e*a that it was cinstitutional, altutvgb
t'oapress bad not pasted au act to extend
tae cof:#ct;i'n of tnaiage a^d iasport duties to the porta
of tHliiornia, Ctlifotnia, or She port of r*anI rauoigco
had been cocqvered by the arms of tha United States as
ea yai'.S)46 .shurtlv afierwardF the United fUtea hai
mintary posstssion of Upper California. Early 1847
t'ob Kn-i-.cern. a? corsVlu.iot.al Crmraander-ln Chief of
the aitnr aud navy, author-zed the military and naval
coma*ad.'is of our tcrces in Qtli ornli to exerctoc Ihe
be...ge'fnt r glits of a conqueror, atd to form a civil
gSTernjnejt icrthe corqeeied country, and to impo?o
d-jfee oo imports aid tocongi ?s tnilitarv coctrif'utioua
Scr tbe support ol the government slid" of Vie army,
wU.cb bar1 tiie conquest :'n pMsessi(-n, Arc. No one can
doobt h*t these orders ot the f*roBi<Jeut, and the action
of ou- arm;. ?n<l navy cemmauders in California, in conform/.;
with tbein, was according to tbe law ot arms,''
tit (Sec also ynget- 191,193, j95, lt6. 201
bi.ocka:'X a iir.i.i<.i:uKNT riuut.
S.'ocWade is a belligerent ritbt under the law of nations
^bere war exists, and is as cleariy defined as the btdlige j
reot r'gfcv to ltvy contributions tn the enecaj's country. 1
Aa loe Hupreni^ (V>urt hold tbe latter power to be constt- I
loiionai > vne i re* meni wnooai an ucv to vxiEgresB as
OoBznander-li> Chi*f of the army ana navy, it followi!
^ ere war J j ihu the power of blockade 'i'pi resides with
him. lasted it would seem a clearer right, if possible,
beo&uA-:-. as chief of the aaw , coboly can doubt the
r'gitt of rtg comma ne'er to onJtr a ileet or a ship to captuse
as enemy ? vetse! at sea. or to bombaru a fortress
ci short? ana' it !? only aaoiher mode of assault asd icjurj
to tre same eoemy to shut up bis harbors and close
t.'at'iule oy the asmo fchp or ileet. Use ?imo wcapoos
ars'tte*. ll.e cintnu.der only varirs the mode of attack
I- 'he l*t article, sectioc 8, c'auie 11 ol tho constiVitvn,
uud'T the egiP.lativo bead, power is granted
Of. Cc22r<hb "to dtcUre war, grant letters of marque
iod reprisal, a&d make mes cootx-rniag captures
oa laid and wsJor T&es? powers are, there
fore e< oly einiided to aid within the control
o* tie Ijeg^iature and cannot at exercised by the President.
Tfce President cannot declare war, grjtit letters of
Dajqse, &c.. though n;l other belligerent rtght3 arising
cat of a state of war are vested iu u.u &3 C^rumaaderinCb'.ef
of the amy ani nary But war declared by
Ctngi ess .a not the or.ly war wiibin the contemplation of
the cot Mutation- In clause 15, article 1, s ctlon 8,
aaaorg (.fie Segislst re powers ;s this, "To provice for
callt t ?ortii 'be militia u < xrcute the laws of the Voion,
srpt (&? i; i-rctir.ns i:Brt repel invasions;" and ttxe Lc
gii dure, t;. execution i"f this tmw. r, passed the *?t of
l'Pi (Is* sto.utes at Large 424 resting in tbc 1'r silent,
wider rhe terms tf-t firth in "lie statute, ditc c
tlira-y jLwtr over tin- milit'r, 'n ill" eases enumerated
't. tti" iS'h clause of sti'iion 8. article 1. Ibe ita'us
ci 'crt gv nations. wtone pr< vtnct1- or dependencies are
la tt-v jtut'.?n.'(reign invasion of oar own country and in I
i.nnctioiB a' hftne, a;e p< atical questions, determinable
by ive Kx?cut!ve branch of our government I refer oa this
sj'o.iec! tc Uh following case? in fid Supreme Court of the
t'r.:~cc f-ta'.es ' rbe t?8Ctwtn)H rr'niuad," fTth W'heston.
tOC ? this Court has repeatedly decided tnat it will not
undertake to determine who ore sovereign States, but
w:l! >i?ve tliat quisnon to > e settled by the otaer departments
who are cbargdd with >he external affairs of
county; ana -lie reWtiors of peace and war It m-iy,
birvever, bt - id tbui both tte luutcUry and the Kxic i
tlTe ta ?e cr acti red m aill'iolng the ?'overeigity of the
fpai.^b coicutes aow in levolt againbt the mother coun
tt;- 3..t the one ions snswer to this oojection Is that the
Co.-.rt fot>w ,ag tht- Kxecut-.vo i>epirtmen*., have merely
.'ec. dree tbe notorious feet that a clvit war exists be
tweec Spais su" her Amerirsn provinces, and this, s) far
?3irtjirg. jt a cenial of the sovereignty of the lazier.
It wonln be a public and not a civil war if tliey
were bovsi c-gn SU'eB. ?'h. very object of the c >nteat is '
to (iecic:-Thetber tber slull t?e tovere'gn and independent
or lot a'.i that tue (Joint his af.irm'; 1 is thit tiie
eiii't.ureol ths civil war give to bo'.h parties all tbe
rlgl ti ci t- ar asainst each oUur
tux n&'takaiios ot crvu war.
is casc^of in ;a>jonby a foreign power or insurrection
at hoxi, ir. -wU'i'h cases, ..nder tue act of IT;>6, tho Presi
deat may call cut the militia, the Supreme Court., ia
SVh'atoa, /case of Martinagt ilott), pages 29-:,0, says it
is exclusively wi'b the Presidet-t to <?e-dde whetter the
fxigenc.e: provided for bavea/isec. lbese 'tlwarepoUtlcui
qufotiOBS, Ceterininable ly the Kieciitive alono,
and tbe or arts foilow that branch of the government In
WAi? ccts- as jage ..i, me rupn aje (.ouri Has ?" H ib no
<u * . r tai" sucb a power may be abu3td, for there ib no
pow.?r v blch t. not Busceptiole of abuse. The remrdy
rrrtti? a c"! as for ail o?her oiliciC mlicnduct, If it
.. d co'.r, its to be found in tb<> constitution itself
Hlit.i.- : .tn-rec'i^u ha* grown to such a bead, has becm*
?c !/>:T2iicali!e in power its to have culmlcatcd in
c vii war t s-etnB to me n. also btiong, .is to it4 dec
Mo::, to th* B?me political branch ol tbe government
ft1 J President, in bin ptociamation Mating
to th blockade or tbe ports of the Cr>?fe:e
:aV tits'e*. call'ng out reventy live thoU3atid
mLitta to WMWM tasamctfaB and tbe re
siitai.ee to the fedi'ia. iav.8, ailrges " tbat nineState*
zav n r ! stel," and have 1 tiiteatened to issue letters
of ra?- jik* to authorize the be<:er* thereof to commit
. ra.,:? -.gaict the vetbri? property and lives of tUimn
enga? '0 c commerce on (he btgb s>as and in the wate*s
of tie Utiileo Spates, toa' public iwopwty of tbe I'luted
i"a'.(-i 'baR Hen tt.z'd Ibe r Election of the rcvenue
'.belt "0 aiiii duly comcniKionrd oilieers of tbe Unite!
iVtatis ?b..rf eegugoii in cxet Jt'tg 'he orders of their
Super'r? bar been arrested and hell iu custody as
l>l :n a . or b< en .iLpeoed .u tbe discharge of tber
o3-ci?: ..t.cs, ? tuciut c ie :ogal prices*, by person'
c;*'3Bi : to set undtr iv.'horiihfc of the Sutea of Virgin'..i
nrd N^'th Ctooi.na, an eflklfnt t>lor<icade of tbe port* of
i.'jo " hsaif# vul alto be suohened.'' Thebc facts. :?oet't
*^rih '. -ie IVtfiuOCt, wHb ib'jss ertion of tbe tifh' of
b! ckeJ snisunt to adeclarai'. ,n hat civil war exists.
,\X oxLi < iff . s * st\t> oi w/.;t.
;t.< -..k'.'.? itreli .3 a Ml"gertnt right and rau oth lo
Itllj v ; ret ) -u?u Wj Ul tb? tttorlNlfitl
??m*.nor t srm'.es lo f>ur Immediate view, i?v n b utHi.
arra/ earli ether ,D ibe 'ederai ana C.nfeJe*?<?
Pii. ' 'ait'r h?vltgorii*nlzed a g verumont <tcd
lliud , i ij aiiuiii..-ter attest the i.cistsutiv- due
?r?; '* that c'-^l v.*- *>ts. a ?ai wa-. witch, if t
PJ on. i.aa 0?lv b? governed by tbe lawsOt war,
ar.- -.TVs it g*> d bv "lie prlto .) e? rf cU'meocy o-i
1 y. "he w?r coU>j b. ib. i;i. 1'i/stton of moi.V'0
- v'r op? tbe a?se't;"n o' tin i ;gut jo the pr-XUt
">! lie !9ib Apt i' p) or<>ceed sgsin't pri >'.
i '.iiuer ib'.- Uwu of toe United ca, m
i" - -.i li' ii" ajrii. a'* th^eonttrvc".on I ha've nl)0"e given
' * , lo ^mauoi.- as averiiog tue exiet-.u;? of
'!" - 't. *ic rate <f P.< k- vh. Himely f4B*nnb,
-'2-1 i: t .i'.;n.ce \fa>.-bu !. lo deiiveiing the opinion
' I t'^e ->?vp it 'g iot io'"nded t) sty thi* 9cl
iasi aay cot ?(.(<?raLd?.d to those of
rto*ere',:t:j.- :t u ii'i;jiii:itg a ? rt.olgn, ?hi '3 ?ndra7or
-nt to rf-tjucp l.? 'ev?;tod tt ob-'dirnce t t
(>C3fi is bolii wiv?r? .i!u ut.d op!: gere-t r 'bta, an! to he
r%p?b'? 'f sctiag In o'the' character the manner in wb'ch
rie act: *ii?t determmc tb?. cha'viti-r i> ibe act. If aw a
' H^.ator he piibl ibes a !t* "'Ou'n'-g puni?bmetits f ?
?" --ta^ wt.ch Uw .* tj b' at>p.t(d by ro :rts, toe
?.it jl',< .< 'fce!aw i?a- the pitc< <l'. nv>r twiVdcll*.
ve'.b?>- t J an ?ze/ tie o! Ot-: '(t^r^oi i ightt or e*.;lu>
o: h*j ?&t?: J"jn p)w?r. an; wtiMh?r ttie court, u>
spply'rg tli's ' ?- to partlcu'ar rues, uti as a prize court
it aa a court totormivg muiik:tp?l regulations.
Id this out I am sitting in admiralty, >t:5ju1gli>p a question
of prize, under a capture for alleged viol ?t;oa of |
blockade. 1 do not find, to eaamiraMon of the writer*
n public law. ai<y duterenee aa to belligerent rijbu
n mil or foreign war, an1 Judge Story, la 7th <
K'buUtta, as heretofore cited by me, Bay a tbey are ]
the Mae. Mockiule bcioc one of the rights lacldout to a
>>aie of war, and the President, havtog in substance as-urted
civil war to extat. 1 am of opinion that the block We
was lawlully proclaimed by the Exocutive. Ptie (
itxt Inquiry Is, when did the blockade become effective,
ind us such come to U>e knowledge of tie ro iHUdebts
or their government? Notice, actual or |
jrtBtructlve, will do In the present case Kl*g officer 1 '
i'endergrast, commanding tne Homo Squadron, utliclilly
announced the blockade of the pirta of Virginia,
K'bcse outlet was Hampton Roa*s, a? effective on the
;Oth of April, 1861, and the (Secretary of the Navy., In his
ctter of the 9th May, 1861, states this notice was sent to 1
the Baltimore and Norfolk papers, and by one or more
if (hem published. In a certificate of the British Consul
it Richmond, dated 14ih of May, 1861, found on board the
Tropic Wind at the time of her cipturo. he
'tales he bad received an authoritative communication
or the 11th whlcb he Immediately i
communicated to the captains of British merchant
vessels and othors interested In British trade, tbtt
111 teen days wou.il be allowed to leave the porta'tor
the actual commencement of the blockade, with or withr
ut cargoes, 'and whether the cargoes wee shipped be
'ore or after the commencement oi the blockade," and
Lhut upon inquiry ho lound Ute 2<1 of May, 1861, to be tne
fay when tbt> eilicient blockade began.
no ixramon in rarox of hritish vwskts.
There dees not apoear In the cause any orldeoce to
-how that the fnitcd States government ogroed to relax
the blcckade bo aa to allow British vessels to load carg >es
mil come out of port alter knowledge of the effective
M? ckade was brought home to them the letter of Mr.
We'lee to Mr. Reward, of date Oth of May, 1861, in answer
In if'onirifl f f I nrd I tnni Mla(<ra In wsawlti '?
Virginia porta ana the opertvl ta of the blockido upon
the?, Kc , and which it must be presumed wis sent
' Loid I.yons, does not contain the relaxation of the
aw of blcckai'e referred to in tbe British Conaul'a oertltrate
of the 14th May, 186'; by which I mean that it
ci mains do pormis&ion to British vws?la to come out
of |>ort within the fifteen dajs with C'Tgora lvlen on
board afier notice of commencement of effective blockade.
J give an extract from tbtt letter of the Olh of Way
1861. ''Fifteen day* have been specified as a limit lor
neutrals to leave 'be ports after actual blockade baa commenced,
with or without cirgo, and there are yot remaining
five or six days for neutrals to li>ave; with proper
au'gonce i n the part of persons interested I toe n > rewon
for fx. ir.Di.-Mi to b*h " It ulao appears in the evidence of
the B r, f i.. ti n, ih^tho heard la Richmond of tho
bloikaC*' ? . H. < > ve, beio?e he began to lead bis cargo,
and waa ?Lforu.. ' u commenced on tho 2d oi May.
All tbe tcttiiiii'.y c -news in shewing that thocirgo was
laden on beard the Tropic Wind on tbe I3?h and 14th
days of May, 1861. No pt in.iple of ptizoliw soimabet
t<r settled th in that such lading violates tb9 bio:kaleand
forfeits both vepsei and cirgo !a " Weldman on iioirch,
Captuieund Pthe," p'igo42: Tha ait of egrets iJ "aaculpaole
oa the act o( ii>grcpa; and a bl >ckale is just as much
violated by a ship panting outwarc'a as inwards. A
blockade Is Interred to suspend the eutlro comtucrce
of the place, and n neutrr.1 is no more at
liberty to aatiat tho tialllc < f exportation thin of importation.
tho utmost that can bo alio vod to ? neutral veteel
is that, bavirg elroaay taken in a cargo before tho
blockade begins, the may be at liberty to retire with it
If eie afterwards tike' on boa-a a cargo it Is a fraulu1cm
act and a vio.atiou of the blockade. It i? lawful for
a fchip to withdraw from a blockaded port in b?IU*t, cr
with a cargo abippfd Una fid' before uotico of the blockace."
(fee alao Vrouw Judith. Roi>ln?>n. liO; tha Juno,
So Robinson, 119; the Notwa Tenhora, 6th Robiison, EJ )
In We:dmau> Intelnutional Law, volume 21, pigt) 20
we tied this piwage ? bere the blocuac'e ia kuow.i at
the port of shipment, the m?*tcr becomes an agent for
the cargo; in such Ci.se tbe o?ncra mn?t at all evoott
answer to the country ionpoe'^g the blockade for tho acts
or pernors employed by them; otherwise, by sacrificing
the ship there woul l be a reiJy eec:io6 for the cargo, for
tho bineilt of which the I'ra-id wa? ictendwd " (So5 alio
tho .lances Crok, Kdwa'ds, 218J; he Arthur', Mwards,
?02, the Kxrhnnge, Edwards, 40; 1st Keut ('.xntneu'arios,
2d edition, 144.110 ; Olivera vs. I mon Insuracca Cora
pany. Sd \Vhe?ton, Saproaie Hoiirt Rep.t, lOt S?o a'a?
Wheaton's note to the Faarn esse ) It t< lio.vs, npjn tho
case i>b it now staida, there must, be cor.demnv.loa of
bcth v<*8-l aud c&'go.
Jt'MK 13,18C1 JA?. DUN'LOP.
N. B?After I had wriltan thi<* opiai n ou the proofs
and papers then before mo but before it ww known o'
copicd,! was requested by Mr. Carlisle, by note of the
14'h, to ark o' the State Department the wholo CJrroelot.dTce.
a '.**rl ot which only was in the ciuee, and, on
Bstardfty evci ;ng, the ir>?h of ion*, tbe documont A was
banded to mo. I have lormc 1 no opinion of the inllucnce
tb'.H further correspondence bos on the legal aspect o' tbo
case; and, as the parties concerned on both aulas hive
bad no opportunity to eec or commont on it, and m?y
wish further proof as to the relaxation by the United
kte'es of the strict law of blockade, I will ailloir further
proof to be taken by either pa'tyontbis single point, I
and postpone any decision till the proof ia In, an I the
counsel ( u both allies hea.'d. TH:s course Is, 1 believe,
eccBonant with prize practice.
1S01. JAM! 1 DU.N'LOP.
Tine cepy test. E J. Uiki'Htdx, Clerk.
Tbe New Orieaia I\c<iX/vi< of the Uh mat b*>b ?
The Untie! states Btran frigste Powhatan, no* on
bleckadlng ?CTttce oil the mouth of the river, captured
the Prussian bark Helos, on tho lO'.h Inst, Ctte Qotow
W68 sixty-nvo daj* from I.ivcpooi for this po.-t, with
tittu n patsenge'8, inducing six ladies, aue two hundred
?Dd fifty tors of rait and a*norto1 morchati !i*e, on hoard
< n the 13th (jestiri'ay) rlie wati ordered ofT, and Billed
icr Havana. Tne following is the endorsoinoot on tho
'egt-teret :f?6 & leaving the Southwest 1'asB for set:?
Boarded hy the United States s'eimer Powiutan, June
2S 1^61 F.Xitmlnod her papers and warned hsr not to
ent? r the i>nt of New Or:eaus hy any of lh9 pasaes on
pait or capture. a'so warned hor not to ontor .iny port in
the United gt&U - ,-outh of Baltimore. Key Weet excepted.
Irfontied tte captain tint he would ba a priz.;
to uny I nited States ves-sel which ir.igh*. overa^ul h'm
while attempting to visits the b!ockade of Southern
Lieutmont U. S. Navy, Boirding Officer.
The foUowtog from tho Biehmond orresposdenci of
tho New Orleans f'icai/un furnishes another lllnatr ition
ol" tho grefs m srepresentatioua about the North which
are circulated among the Southern people:--Much that la
curious reaches us from tho N >rth. One of our own rooel
piomiccn' citizens his just returned from a trip througti
The whole country. He was in the tr.'iln whic^ wag lire I
to between Harper's Firry and Baltimore, and Nm
lue la'.ter city was in company with the New York
Pcven'.h icgimort, and otheis from thtt State, rotu.mng
heme. lh?y weve loud in their expressions of iadignat'on
not at th< ir prrsonal treatmeut at the federal capltol,
but at toe degradation or the govcinment, whi -.h
Ef tmcd Icbi to all seme of constitutional obligation an l
ev<n of per oral hrnor. A pcfcct tyranny reigned at
the capitsl There was not even an outward reapeci for
the laws. No civil process was respected. It woi a
po'lect military despotism. Even the most sicrel
(i eafcenjc nts were regarded only so long as
it we# for tbelr interest to regsrd them. For
instate*. it w?a un'ierttood from the beginning that tHe
Seventh sbouid never bo exiled upon to pan thtt Po'.o
mat?all of th^ir Je> liiga revol'od at tho idea of invaliug
the South?and yet, almost at a moment's notice, th'iy .
were ordtred direiriy acress to Alexandria Thia wis
the hair which broke the cimi's back,''and in uttor
Jtsgufct at whst they ha 1 seen and auflrrert, every man of
them revolted and returned home. And their story is
the i>toiy of thousands of others, it is doubtful, Indeed,
U another regiment of citizen sol liory can eve*-bo induced
to come on from Nev York, whatevor bo the pretext.
The IAncoioites must hereafter rely upon their
niTceraiie? Nor i# thore any evidence thit the masses
of the Northern people arc go'ng, in any substantial mincer,
to support the war Ihoro is no alar.rity in enltsttreot
at all events. Kroro Baltimore to the Oaa^'la line,
thore is to he seen no mjvoioHr.t of t nnnn eirront Itlro a
rrab?backward; nor Is there any disposition among men
of subetaice to contribute of their moans. They talk '
largely and threaten hugely, but all cn<ls In talk atvl
tbl CfttB.
Fiscn.AK afcaik?Boi n Twur akd Rk. ovury ok th*
Mojuy ? I Ate on Thursday aftornonn Meyer .lie jbsou 1
alia* Trucbart, ft German, well known to the crimiml au- I
thorities of tr.m city, entered the dwelling homo of Mrs. J
Mary Mof-rer, No. l'JO Third R'reot, with three oili -erg,
utider the pretense o( Bearching for watches and otoer
jewelry, which it was ch*rge1 hat been sTing;:led iato '
the country without paj ir.g the duties. Ho a- fits fac'. :
(If it If a fart at alt) became known to Truehart is a mystery,
but it is fjulte ceitaln that hu knew Mrs Mu.scr had '
nearly J2 1(0 )n gold coin In one of the trunk* of her ;
ri.om While the tllicers were s^arohlag. or preteadiog
to starch, fer the crntraband .tewlry, Truehart, aijo,
having nn eye to business, went to th-j tr':nk c <ntiinli)g
ibe golden tieaeuro nod transferring It to his coat pocket
hit the home itBtantly. Mrs. M.isser, who hid watch id
tls niovemeutf followed in pjrauit. She called for help,
and utimbeiiepB lir>>8 and young men gave chas?. After
rurmlcg teverai blocks riu-.hart pulled 0(1 his cott at the
eerier of First street acd First avenue aud threw it over
in iron railliiir Inlo an area Ono of the men picked it |
up and returned it to the fugitive, who was boob after i
waids arreslel by ollicar vierritt, of tho Seventeenth 1
ward pcliro. On tearcbing tlie coat boloojricg to the
I riff tier the money btolea from Mrs. Manser was found In
t<t e < f the j o.-kets, where tho victimised woman Bild be |
had il cen-ei.'e l. She had not lost Bight of fi<m from the i
n.omtrt she saw him open her trunk till he wss ovsr j
tu'^n and at rested The ftc'Jt as to tbo Uiccuy having
b >ii sworn to before Justico Steers, he committed
'ruthart to prison for trivl in default of ,?i 000 hill.
There Is nothirg id tiic affidavit concerning the officers
<>r i m.iggiet jewelry, and tint part of tha story cones
from tKe printer fruebart *oyn the officers Jdld seize
b i umber of watches found on ihe complainant's premibut
he ties n'?t kn?.v wh?t was dr.ne with the'a.
Tte '.( < ufod declined naoilrg iho of beers who were in the
hoiuC with him, but If there la any criminal complicity
be'.wrfn;the < fflcials and too prisoner the fact probably
will soon' brc^ine )uosn.
Ri.iu'.kkv i'.y a !->.!!van'T.?Catharine Brown, a colorod j
servant m the family of Mr. Eugene Rirrow, residing at j
N". 94 Thnmprcn street, wus arretted veaterdav, chirgm |
with n.lib.ra htr en>p'o,tr of two $100 bank hills,and
forty dollars in gold, with which she decamped. Olticer
McCredie, of the 1-. gbth war'', who made the arrest, as- .
ccrtainfd that she htd pasfod ono of the bills at a storo
!n Canal Btrect, in puymentlorBomo drees goods. Another i 1
colored wortan, named nary Wilson, charged with being
en accomplice in the theft, was also arrested, and both
were locked up by Justice Connolly for examination.
CursTum ht Mi^ky ?(iarret (larretson, a mau seventy '
one yours of sge, was arrested yesterday, rhirged with
sttiTOptlng to jvim counterfeit bills on the Bull's Head 1
and Ca*fck111 Bank?. Fifteen dollars In the spurious bills 1
?vre found oo his person. He states that he resides in
Hudson. N Y , aud that poverty Induced him to attempt
to i?m the money. He was commtttod by JaiUcoCon
nolly , 11
Our BdntkUoiftl IimtltatloM.
Yesterday was the third anairereary of the l errit Feautfo
Institute. The interesting proceedings associate!
with the day were held at the Madison avenue cliurcu,
corner o' Twenty ninth street, and were witnessed by a
large assemblage or ladies, friends of the pupils. At halfpott
two o'clock the Rev. I>r. Ferris, Counshllor, and C.
B. Gardner, Principal, together with members of the
faculty, met In the lecture room of the church Here the
pupils of the different classes als j aasern Heil, all <lrem? I
in whtte, with scarls of red, white and oth?/-wia?
tastefully decked with floweis A lit tie af'ir th > hour
named a procession was formed, he>fled b, th? Counsellor
and Principal, the pupUs, in the order of i&Mr causes,
following, which entered the church, then c.-owl*l to
excess. After the pupils h?d taken the sums rewved
for them, the proceedings were opened witr. singing a
Kev. Dr. Ferris then delivered a rrayer, after whfti
the report of the Committee rn the Compositions of the
Middle Department, with the prize composition, w?
read. Then followed the report of the Committee on the
Compositions of the Senior Department. After
tht se followed the "Sung o' the Flowers"?the poetry oy
a pupil?in singing which all the popils joinol with oeau
tiful effect. Other reports weie theu rfad? on i'oimia
phip, cn the French Examination, on Needlework, oa
Mathematical Examination, *ic The pupUa again jo jjo1
in singing "Spring, Beautiful 6pring."
The distribution of awards, the most interesting to
tho Dnortatnrci nnit nn HahKt Om mnul inlucMtIner alfll
ot the proceedings to the ?oung ladies themselves, w*s
hen proceeded with. Some of the prizes were valuablo,
but their int itia c value at such a moment was of lit'ie
Intercat to he outhfnl minds there afedomhiod, cm
pared with .ur uieaeure they derived from btving taeai
bestowed l/i tec. presence of pirfttjta and friends Vt&r
the >.utribuu'>n f>r Ferris addret-sed a few Impressive
rtmaiks to the young luiy g uduates. '-tan Parting
Soi'g of thftCrariuatcs,''?the poetrv by a pupil?was lh?u
euDg by the graduates, and the prcce-illags closed with a
b'inn and a boEC-ll8U< a by L>r l 'err'8 fbo assemblage
then broko up.
The j lipids attendant at it s school had their annual
exhibition on Thursday In the large draw lag roonn or the
eetublithm'-nt. Over a hundred chillreu, dressel io
white, took part lu the r.rogramme, which consisted of
elrg'ng, performance r.i the piano, recitation* aul
dialogues, in Knglisb and French. Misses Rellly, Vincent,
O'VIoara, Cehallos, I>oui elly, &c , received prices for pro
ti ucucy in music, an.! n xtoin young lading, ".mon# thonn
two ?pn!t *h l> mi'as tenoiitis, wor0 crowned for amuM1)
conduct and aitcntUn. Rev. VTm. Quinn. the putir,
then addicesed the childroa, ani coogratulitad tUona oj
the pruileleacy they bad attained la all the ornnnental
at w? 11 at' necessary branches of education. Tno plat
form was occupied by Itc v. Kctan Quion, mmahai,
Maddeu, Currau, I>oj le, Venial. acd others inteested u
tho cause of tducitio# The hod; of tho hail was tilled
t'lcxsits with tho parents and friends of the children,
all apparently highly dol'ghtc' with the exhibition.
Nkw Brunswick, N. J., Juno 20, IH61.
Your coriesyondtc'., in his a-count of tho Cjinmonctmtut
exerrlses of Rutgers Collage iu this city yesterday,
uid tot auction th? fact that tererul of the graluatea
left coIU-pe but a few weeks since to ,io!a the volunteers
new encuatfcd at Tronton, ard were alio we 1 a furlough
o' f'lrty-elgiit hours to c>mc on here to attend 'tie oxer-"
cites and receive their diplomas, which) the facility
promised them at leavirg. without finishing the full
course I would a'so me&tioL thit these yo.ing gentle
nien are the sons of wealthy parents, anl oatirod the
rat.ks as privates, ruther than jeopardize tho cause by
soliciting tu.d rcctlTing appointments of command before
ihey I id learned fully tie ilut'ea of bubardinites. Nev
Jersey has edtablls-h d tbl fact f her being not out of
ihe l'cii<n, by sanding more men, according to bar population,
and ruisU'e more money, according to he' moius,
than utiy of her b'?ger sisters; and If any further slur is
ever attempted to be c?st upon her, eho and little KhoJp
will form a-separate cocfedera-y, and lick both Nurth
and South into reaped, and civility. II.
Owing to a mibtako in "lie manuscript list of the de
grees conferred at the Ule Commencement of the New
Vol It University, gome gentlemen were represented as
receiving the degree or Doctor of Laws Instead of Doctor
of Medicine. The jm og.'aph shjuid havo been as follows:?
lx>:t<rrs of tfediciv?Richard C. Carlisle, South Carolina;
John L. Portwood. Virginia; Daniel F. Wolls, Now York;
Fi ederick Her.oit, C .nada East; George Geffrey, Glasgow.
City Intelligence.
Camphmoe Accident ?A German, named Frank Rltz,
wns dangerously bu.uedon Thursday night at his residence,
coiner of Forty-seventh street and Third avenue,
by the explosion of a camphene lamp, which also set fire
to the room. Ofllofrrs Jones and McKnlght, of tho Nino
tec-nth ward,extinguished the fl.imcd ami conveyed Rltz
to St. Luke's Hospital.
Fovnd Dhow nad.?The body of an unk;.!own man, supposed
to be a German emigrant, was found yesterday in
Uio dcck, foot of Christopher street. Deceased hid sandy
hair and whiskers, and was dresr in a blue biojse,
lirowa frock coat, and grey mixed cotton pints, lutjueat
to day.
Bijimlm. AccroraT.?A German named Flei?chmon, was
severely Injured yesterday by a atone thrown from a
blast near Kim F irk He was on a visit to the camp of
the Twenty ninth regiment, stationed then ia tho pi-k,
whou the casualty occurred. Dr. Ne*-haui, Surgeon of
the regiment, dressed the wound, and he was taken to
his resilience, No. 108 Ridge street.
New Stxaccc.ci: tor tmf. Fhxxcb Iskabj 'Tks.?Tho French
Jews of tliis city assembled yosterdc.y afternoon at No.
240 Fast Fifth street for tho purpose lof dedicating a now
synagogue fe-r the special uso of the Community Israelite
Franraise. Uio ceremonies wore of a liiehly lnterestin
and Instructive character. Ilie now place of worsuip is a
plain but substantial and commodious edifice, formerly
employed im a business establienmoct or tenement louse,
lr. it? retovated condition it answers very well all tha
purposes of a synagogue Quite a large and rashionablo
congregation of laole? and goutlemnn attended to behold
the services, which were according to the old Hob.en
formula The Rev. Dr. Isau; w:u appointed to preach
the dedicatory rermon, aiirf delivered :i very oltHpiont din
course in F/igl.'&li Re President cf the STiiagoguo is
Mr Al>iab;;<n.
Fiks ix Ek nth Avicicb?Between nir.e and ten o'clo k
yett'rday morning a fire broko ou! oa the roof or the
frame building No. 765 Eighth avenue, corner of Fifty
third street, in premiso? occupied by Samuel Fietcbor a 3
a dwelling and grocery store. The r:>ck of grocorios
were moved out, and only slightly dainnged Tho building
was dan aged to the exteut of atw.it $200. It ia
nwpett by Theodore Walkley, tvA t'? b msured. Mr.
Fletcher has an ius-irance of $150 in the Manhattan Insurar
ce Company on his stock and a snail frame addition.
The Are is supposed to have bceu caused by the stove
Coroners' Inquests.
Thk Siwsid Homicide in Baxter ?rs*Kr ?Coroner
Schiimer 1an inquest jcnlercay iu the case of Sarah
McGce, who was found dead in bsd on Thurslay morning,
at her residence, 66 Bsx'er street , under suspicious circumstances.
Ihe evidence showed that o mon named
James I.eslie and Michael Ryan bad a fig it together in
the house <;n the previous night, aud the aecc&sed Interfered;
but whether or not either of them struck hor ,
could not be ascertained. It was also shown that, while '
intoxicated a few days ago, she fell down, striking har f
bfBd violrctly sgalnst a buroa i. The rao<iic&l testimony '
showed that doaih was caused by compression of tho j
brain, produced by external injuries, and th? jury J
rendered a vordict to that cffuct. but wore unable to de
termlne in what way the injiriea were received.
Food Dhowsui).?the body of a man dreesod In the
uniform of Wilson's Zouaves, was found yrsterday in the
river near the foot of Hey street. He wan about thirty
yews of #gc, stout built and h'id da*k hair An inquest
was held on the body.
IWahi irom Bi-rns.?Dennis Fitzgerald, a native of
Ireland, thirty-eight years of age. died yesterday at the
New Yotk Hospital, from b.irna received on the 16th of
May. when he upset a ladle of mr Itod iron over a portion
of b iB person while at work in tho Goerck street Iron
Foundry. Coroner .iacknian hold bu inquest upon the
body, and a verdict of 'Accidental death" was readerei
Prrnonal lnttllt)|i'iirr.
Ju.'g<? Arnop, of l'rovidenco, H. 1 ; Mr, N'orris and wife
and C. Wash'ngton, of I'ennsylvioii; J. V. Crawford, of
Havana, and Fredrick d'Hautville, 01 Huston, are stop
ping at the Brevoort House.
John Wilscn, of Australia. J C Clark and wife, of San
I-Yancisco; C. R. lowell, Jr., ai.d J P. Humel veil, of
P'stcn; U- J. Hob Hi and family, of rinUdUpnu, and
Dudley fibbitts, of Troy, are stopping at ths Fifth Ave
cue Hotel.
Fdward B Farles, of Toronto, C W ; H. CJvBllsaadC.
W. Jitraes, of Sejmoor C'Ouii , k i W;(.-Uor, of W*ttrbury;
A W ' 'at ford, of New York: N 0. Cor hart, of
Atiburc: J F Bati s, of Syr?c -se, and J. Cau:i'.11, of Ohio,
areEtoppirg nt Uiu Lafarge House.
I iftiit* riant Governor Osmpheli, of Albony; lion. Var. R
Richmond, ol' Ljocs; J. W t'odd ami tl. A l(a*c&lt,of th-?
I'nlted States Army; Caot. de N int and faulty, of I'rauBe;
Msjor F J I sllv, of Maine: Dr. 0*rpontor, of I'oughkeejsie:
l outs \ aiile, of B lize. Honduras, and Henry r.
Blow, of tt Louis, are stopping at the 8t Nicholis
Mrs Fmiik 1'. Blair and familv, of St. Louis; Dr. Hoi
ltiibuf.U, C. J'. R .lohnson atid Liout Dodg", of the I'al'ed
i-tatee Army, N. !'. Chase, oi Maine; (i. X Wright and L.
,1 Fisher, of WaMiingtw. C. A. Belcher, of New Orleans;
Pr. Chaeoler ana R France, of Baltimore ; J. Spoonar, of
-^avsonnh, am: G A. 11 >sh and wn'o, or Chicago, are Stopping
at the Metroiiolitan Hetel
Governor Noble, of Wisconsin Lieut Col Yates, of N'ew
Voik; Frank k Browuell, of the t'nited Slates Army;
Judge Bond, of Baltimore; Dr.-A.B Sb*pm*n, of Syra
;use, Captain J. 8. Caliin, of Fortress Monroe; I>r. Catlln,
if Fort Niagara; Captain Cornell, of tho United Sta'.os
Savy; Giptain Westcott, of Xewburypurt; Major I'att'n,
r>f the 1'tilted States Army, and William H. Seward, Jr.,
of Auburn, arc stopping at tho As tor House.
I,ieute?nat C F Vanduzer, and Major T. Edward Raw
lings, of New Vork; CapUm M. B. D. Jote and family, of
Philadelphia, and Thoma* Rawliogs and family are stopping
at the National Hotel, Long Branch, N. J.
?URDA.r, JUNE 22, 18ttL
raited Statu Circuit Court*
Before Boa. Judge ShipnsAn.
Jvtr* 21.?The United Stales vl. Ifa'.lumitl OorWon.?The
jury in thie cm* w?re out All night, ud not being Able to
gree, were dlMoba-f-ed this morning l>jr the Court. It
wtw understood '.bat the jury were ten for canrtctloo sod
twr. for Acquittal. Mr. K. Pelafleld Smith, United Statei
District Attorney, will more for a new trial.
Hew Counterfeit.
"hia. June 21, 1861.
Petenm't Driecicr cautions the public against counterfeit
tires on the Cumberland Battle or Bridgeton, N.J. '
Arrivals and Departuei.
Hhanghak?Ship Onward?Mn Jenkins Br, Mr* Jenkins Jr, I
child And servant. Miss Jenklnr. 1
Hat ?ka?thtp City of BAth?Messrs C Prinee, J WUlltin*,
E wuitama J <1 Olrnstesd. M <<Alt, Wm Reed. W Ooodull, A
MpIds, Henry Penny, O H BAlley, W ShArpe, J Humphrey,
L Butler, K fcaiiy.
Bai t Cay? Rohr Ann Maria? CADt Brownlow And lAdy, Hy ;
A WebMer, John Aires.
Friday, June 21?6 P. M.
The foreign exchange market continues quite :
dull. Bunkers are asking 100, but are welling no
bills. They arc buying produce bills at 105 a %,
and Bending them to Europe, proceeds to be remitted
in coin. But the amount of such bills on (
the market is quite moderate. There was a fresh
apply of bills on Paris to-day, and the quotation
for bankers' fell to 5.40. ,
In money there is nothing new to report. Call
Joans are offered at 5 per cent. No further failures
are reported. The ft int is sending us large amounts
of gold; $475,000 arrived to day, making a
million and three quarters since last Saturday.
The European letters refer with considerable uneasiness
to the continued drain of gold to this
country. Bids for J1,200,000 of the $'2,000,000
Indiana Bix per cent loan will be opened at noon
to-morrow at the office of Messrs. Winslow, Lanier
& Go. These gentlemen state that the Indiana
Legislature, at its last session, pledged for the
redemption of this loan, in addition to the tax
levy, whatever may be received from the general
government in the way of reimbursement of thi1
moneys advanced by the State for war purposes.
This fund, it is expected, will be nearly sufficient
to pay this debt. The same Legislature refused
unanimously to pass any stay or stop laws interfering
with the collection of debts.
Stocks declined again to-day. It seems that the
Africa brought some American stocks for stile,
which, of course, will have to be carried by the
bull clique. The recent rise has also increased
the supply of cash stock from the public in this
, country. Hence wo note a decline, at the morning
beard to day, of 5s pir ccnt in New York
Central, in Pacific Mail, ia Erie, %
in Hurlero, :,4 in Hurlcm preferied, % in guaranteed,
1 in Pauama, in Illinois Central, % in C.alena,
% in Toledo, % in Rock Island.
State stocks were also generally lower. Missouri*
fell 1 ptr cent. North Carolinas %, and
Tennessees Government sixes reacted % per
ccnt from yesterday's advance. There is no outside
business on the Stock Exchange; the public
are not buying stocks, and as a general rnle they
arc not selling out their interest. According to
the ordinary rules wliich govern the movement of
prices", this state of things should cause a decline;
but this consequence is prevented and deferred by
the ease of money on tfce one hand, which enables
a few bulls to carry larjfc quantities of stock, and,
on the other hand, by the oversales of the bears.
After the first board the market was dull, and
Central was oflVred at a decline of %.
At the second board everything was
lower agf.in, and the market closed heavy,
the following being the last quotations:?United
States 5's, 1874, 7<>?4 a 77; Tennessee 6's, 3<J a 36;
Virginip 6's, 39 a %; Missouri 6's, 37% a 37%;
Canton Company, 8% a ;'.j; Cumberland Coal preferred,
4 a Delaware and Hudson Canal, 79 a
80; Pennsylvania Coal, 70 a 77%; Pacific Mail
Steamship, 65% a 65% , New York Central Railroad,
73% a 73%; Erie, 22 a ?3; Hudson River, 32%
a 33%; Harlem, 9 a 9%; do. preferred, 21% a
21%; Beading, 32 a 33; Michigan Central, -'1% a
42%; Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana,
11 a 12; do. guaranteed, 25 a 2.5%; Panama,
IOC a 108: Illinois Central, G5 a 65; Galena and
Chicago, 59% a %; Cleveland and Toledo, 22%
a 22%; Chicago and Rock Island, 34 a %; Chicago,
Burb'ngton and Quincy, 55% a 57; Milwaukee
and Mississippi, 13% a 16; La Cro9se and Milwaukee
land grant bonds, 9% a 10; llliuois Central
Railroad, 89 a %.
The following was the business of the SubTreasury
Ke?(-lpt8 * $207,618 58
?Kor customs 14,000 00
Pajnx.'nts 4'U9:<3 14
Balance..'. 8,189,40/ 43
The Mercantile Fire Insurance Company has
declared a semi-annual dividend of six per cent,
payable July 1 ; the Brooklyn Fire Insurance
Company, its usual semi-annual dividend of ten
per cent, payable July 1, leaving a balance of
seven and live-eight* per cent to carry to the
surplus fund, which now amounts to .' 119,833;
the Fitchburfi Railroad, a semi-annual dividend of
three pe* cent; the Manchester Print Work.i, a
dividend of thirty d >llars per share.
Hie exchanges at the Bank Clearing House tlds
morning were $12,551,700 M, and the balances
$783,278 09.
The Comptroller of Wisconsin states that since
his report of May 23 about $17.1,000 bonds of
seceded States have boon withdrawn. Since May
15 about $390,000 of the poorer sort of bills have
been destroyed, leaving the present circulation
some $3,740,000, against $4,451,572 on the 1st of
October last. The best baiks are beginning to
take out new circulation.
The Chicago Tribune, under date of Thursday
evening, remarks:?
<?n the Board of Trade to-day exchange sold at par & Si
per cant disc mot for coin, and at >? a per cent premium
for approved currency, the ban** sell very little,
and with thorn the price would bo about per cent
above the Bond of Trade rate
The Cincinnati Gazette of Wednesday says:?
The transactors in exchange were somewhat above
the average fur the week, and the market had a firmer
tote. the buying rates were pir a premium, and the
prevailing selling rate >? premium. Dealors drow occasionally
for depositors at but the market was >C, aid
we withdraw the inside quotations. In gold there is very
little doit g, but the maiket U steady. There is absolute
ly nothing doing In time bills.
The following shows the business of the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad Company for the
month of May, 1801, as compared with that of
1860. 1861. I
Received from coal $180,581 8:: 205,985 43
" merchandise.. 68,774 33 31,762 6'>
" travel, &C 30 053 65 26,160 37
Total $286,010 71 -'69.917 49
Tr asportation, mad way, ,
d'.injpiRo, renewal fund
und all chwgeB 149,717 67 131,980 31
Net proOt for the month... $ H 5 293 04 1 11 ,934 16 ,
1K>. previous five months... 402,4C3 29 409,12112
Total profit for Fix months. $67 7,696 33 001,055 27
l>y the above monthly return of this company 1
it will be sfen that the receipts from coal have '
increased over the receipts of the corresponding
month last ye;tr $25,401, but it has lost a rather
larger sum in receipts from merchandise and tra\
el- The charges have been reduced about
*18,000 IcaTing the net gain of the month over
May of last year f 10,000. 1 lie business of tile half
year, lo June 1, 180J, shows an increase of net
profits of *'23,358.
Stock Exchange.
Friday. June 21,1861.
$6f CO 1' 9 8'S, '81,COu 83\ 4EO Kfcs Harlem RR.. 9
1C00 U 86's, '74, con 7t)>j 100 Harlem RR prcf. 22K
9<X!0 Tenn 6 s, 90... 36 100 do ii2'.,
2?C(0 do 36 '4- 225 do 22
4tf0 Virginia O's... 40 100 Reading RR, .f60 32.^
9CC0 N Carolina 6 s. 45 10 Mloh Cent RR.... 42
t0(0 do 14>? 60 do 42
7C00 Mifsoorl 0 B. .. 39 60 do 481*
1000 do 38^ 100 Mich SkNl RR. HSj
HCC0 do 3814' 160 11 fi ti N I RR.g.B. 26
fOOO do 030 3814' 200 do 26Ti
ISW0 d" 8?V 6 Panama RR..... l(W
10000 Loula'n 0'a. *10 K 60 do IM
]COO do 62 20OI11 Cent RR scrip 00
3000 Eiie RR lmbdj lOOJi 60 do *30 81
6*0 Mioli ?i? 2mn?ia 66 100 do b. X
lOCO Cb A; K W ltab 34 * 200 do
10 cbK Hk State K Y 76 IPO do 6. ^
6 Bauic Commerce. 78 60 do (16 6'' Si
f> B?tk o' Republic 00 100 do a7 6'
60 Metropolitan Bk.. 80 60 Gal k Chic RR ..
tO fliuton' ompany. 9 260 do 60%
6 Del k Hud Uu? Co 70 160 do 6(>\i
8a i'enn Coal Co.... 70 60 do 00.S
65 Pacific It S4 Co.. 66 v; UOO do BlO 6<>X
iOO N'Tfm RR 78% ] M> Clere k Tol RR.. 2 V*
60 Fxie RB 22>? 100 do slO 23*
170 Harlem RR Pv; 600 Chic k Rk Isl RR. 35?
10 oo \>\ 60 do HO fi'X
LOO do e\? 16 Gh'.c, Bur k Q RR. 66X
11000 0 8 0'a,"81,reg 84 100 ylu NYC RR.blO 73'*"
19000 T? dd 0'a, ".K> . 86 160 Harlem RR 9
1000Virginia 6'a .. 89?? 3C0 :arlem pref....
3000 do alO 39 60 ' anama RR..r30 10t%
3CC0 do 39>4 loo 11 0enRRacrlpe3 ?*>?
60C0 do 600 38 100 do- Co*
OCCO Mlaaourl 0'a... 37% 30 Cleve,'/tolfc-ilnRR 90
6W0 N Carolina 0'a. 44X IOO Sale k hiKR.alO 60
S0C0 do 44\' 260 do 0't>4
11000 do 44 60 d> ?0>,'
3000T/>ulalana 6'a.. 61 260 do g5 00
6CC0 KrleRR4lh mb 81 800 do *3 00
20C0 111 Cen RRba.. 89 IGOCleva&rolRR.blO 23
rCO aba N Y Coil RR. 73 % 60 Chl&R la RK. .blO 347i
60 do BlO 73?,'
Frii>* v, Juae 21?0 P. M.
Ahikh ?The market w?a quiet, and sal?e onttoe 1 to 20
si 30 bbis. pota, at 15 60. ant' of pearla at $6 62.^.
BRaAiwrcvre ?Flour?The market waa loe? boovaat
i Dd active, rapeclaliy for common b.-and? of Stiti; anl
Weetera, whilt- good medium to extr* brands waro uti?
bunged. The salea fuo'ed up ab>ut 11.000 bbW., clx?lug
within the range of the following quotation*:?
Superfine State $t 26 4 60
Kitra State, good to choice 4 70 a 6 10
KuivrflnA WMiAra . i '2i? ft <4 5?A
Common to choice Western oxira 4 65 a 0 90
Mixed to Btrvght Southern 5 75 a 6 35
Strtight to g'wd extra do 0 40 a 9 25
Choice extra family anil l>ake?b' brands.. 9 CO a 9 60
Rye flour 3 00 a 4 00
Corn meal, Jersey and Brandy wine.. . ... 2 85 a 3 00
?Cacadian flnur was in lvg-)r supply, and common
gracea were heavy and lower. The salon embraced 700
u 800 bbls. at $4 .15 a $4 4C for common or aupsrliue
1 *buo'S, and at $4 70 a $7 50 for low to chuico et'.ra
brands. Southern flour waf- firm and in gojd raquest,
with saltof 2,COO bbia., closing within th : rxagc of the
above prices Rye .Hour wao n'eady at our faoMitW
Corn meal ww in fa'r domand at the above figures,
with Bales of about 600 bbls Jersey and Brandy *1qo
Wheat was heavy, and less active and buoyant. Prime
lots were irregular and in moderate demand, whUo common
acd medium grades w*re heavy and lower the
sales footed up about 125,000 bushe's. with some other
lots reported sold, to atrlve, a. 98c a $118 for Milwaukee
club, SI ftO for Kentucky c'ub, $1 40 for gooi white
Indiana, $1 30 a $1 31 for white Ohio, $1 20 a f I 23 for
inferior to prime red Wee tern, $113 for Riclno spring, la
store; 60c. a $1 for Chicago spring, and $111 for clui>
do., and at $1 15 for Canada club. Corn, pf good
sound qualities, wore less plenty and the mark it (inor,
while inferior qualities were unchtnired. The sains embraced
about 60 000 bushels at 42c. a 44c fcr heated, 45c.
a 48c for Easurn, 49e a 50e. for shipping lota, and 54 ;
for yellow Western. Rye wa* steady, with light sales
at 68c. a 68Kc. Barley and ba< ley malt were quiet aa 4
nominal. Oats were in fair demand, with bi!oi< of Western
nt 29c. a 31c , Canadian at 28c. at 31 tjc , aua Gtato 31c.
a 8S0.
Com?.?The market was firm and tulep niodofft'e; the
r-alta embraced 1 ?00 bags Rio at 11c a 14c., ^n 1 300 do.
Laguayra, 13%s a 14>$c.
(XitTos.?The market wan frm, while the salos, In lots,
footed up 1,500 a 1,500 bales at 14 '4c. for midiling uplands.
Kwights were steady, and without chan^o of moment
In rates. To I-lverpool about 6,000 bushels .*f wheat ware
engaged, in ship's bags, at 7d ; 1,000 bbls. (lour, by
nter.mer, at la. 6d ; cotton rates weie nominal. T > London
12,000 busbtls of wheat wore taken, in bulk, at 8>?d.
to Rotterdam 130 0C0 gallons of 53 Masses wore engagej,
in an American ship, at 3c per g Ulon, und a small 8*eul?h
brig engaged 10.000 bushel t whoat, In bulk, at 101.
fo Bremen 200 cases tcbacco were engaged at 253 , 60
tons logwood at 27s. 6d , aud 1100 b'ols. shoe poga at 33.
To Havre 15,000 bushels wheat were engiged at 3s.
Bay ? fbo maiket wis dull and h.ary 50c. tor aliippinf,'
lots, and at 55c a 60c. lor t:ty i.so.
JbinKa?Ihe market for all ce-.oripti ias is dull, anl'
transactions for the week have ' ?en on a limitet esile
the trade seems determined to no mo:e n.d?? nnt'.l
some f Improvement is msnifesW in the leather market,
while importers for the most part exhibit but little anxiety
to Sfconfke their goads. A moderate deTntnd still exists
lor domestic slaughters for oxp -rt, but the advlc-s lato'.y
rcctlved from F.urrpe will doubtless check the inquiry.
Prices are entirely nominal. Files hive been 2,800 dry
Montevideo at 17o , 2.500 do Kitamoro* at 13s 1.600 do.
Texas at 10c-, 6,COO city and Western s'ai^hteia at 6>?c.,
at.d 600 wet salted California on private terms.
iJtATiiKR?The market continues dull, the expeetoi Increased
demand consequent upon the mill'ary preparatiODB
not having been roadzed. Prises are numiial.
Limk was dull, at 60c. l'or common, and (1 for lump do.
MoiAwra ?Sales or 60 hhds. Porto Rica weTo mile at
21c., 40 bbl*. Cub* muBcovai'o a', 24u , 13 do Cuba for
dtttilling at 15c . and 20 bbls New Orleans at 35c.
Naval Etor?s ?Holders iraciieite'i iucreased Irmneaa
in their views, which tended to cheek sales. About 200
1 b)a eplrtte turpentine wero sold at 77^c. Common
roam was held at $2 37,'i a $2 50, and cruao tu'peotiee
at $5.
inovijijoiis ?Pork?The market was heavv and lower.
11.A u?Ul< nmhionnn th,t.,4 GfW* hh'u SuMi. i
...? VI -.W..UV uvir ?., luv.u >U,K <U -?, Ol
#16 a $15 i2>i, and prime at $.10 a >11, aoa cleir m as
at (17. Bscf was hoavy, while tUo aalea caabrajoa about
3C0 bbls., at $8 a $10 to Tor ropac.ked mejs and
$10 "6 a $12 for oxtra Beef baas and pi ioae nieaa b>ii'f
were quiet and nominal. Cut ruca's continued dull aud
boavy, wiih fcalca of small luu at 4>iC * 5c. for shouL
( ere, and at 6c. a 6>ic. for ta itno. Lud was In lair domaod,
with sales of 400 bbis. at 8}?a a 9*for fair to
hoi je Butter wes inactive at 123. a 13>40. for new dUlr>,
mil at 131. a 14c. for Stato. Checao wax fceav/, and an(
e ?te sales mak ing at 4c a 7c
Hun.?Sales ol' about 130 ca*ks were reported, iu lots,
at f>>?c. a 6Vi'c
Sucars.?Iho demand wje filr anJ prises Bleadv, with
pales of about 1,000 hb.'s . including 210 Porto UlcD.by
auction, nt 5 5 16c. a6'8a. the remainder compri^l
Cuba, to the trade, at 4.7?c. a 5', , and 2C0 boxes at 4'c j.
a &Sc.
Tobacco ?Low grades or Keni'-jlfy aadacoileif continue
in gooJ demand lor export, ::nd price tend higher.
Iho Pales embraced 33 bhJs. Vir^inK ut 7c. a 7% , 272
do. Kentucky at 5'.,c a8>^c,
Tai.ujw.?A sale of 3 000 lbs. vis m?dq at R VcWiUbKKY.?Sales
of 475 bblB. wuro cu-p at ld'jc.
Wool ? Iho demand ba3 cuntiu'iod very llm.tad, and
no sales of importance have boon ra-u.'o. I Vic. 3 still t<:a 1
downward. The now clip Is b gating to cine farwurj,
but pt Itea a^e not yet establisueu The general iaipr?8sion,
however, is that prices will range from 20c. t-y 4o:.,
fccordiag to quality and coodUion.
Sales of Kcnl Kstafr.
By Jame.i M. Miller.
UotPo and lot w s. 9ih av , 80 ft. .3 in. n. 26lh at $fi,628 SO
auumao rot amw yoas??hij rxy.
s.M utiM 4 291 xoott suts .eve ? ?
sli* Ibts 7 341 man wulick morn 8 01
Port of 8?w York, Jnn* A I, 1861CLEARED.
Steamship Fulton, Wrtton, Have?New Fork and Havre
Bte.v ship Navigation Company.
Htcnm^hin North istar. Jones, Asplnwall?D K Allen.
Steamship State of Ueurjna. (lower., FY.rt Pickens.
B lip Keynnnl, heaman. London?U Uom'tock
6Ulp T 1 Wheeler. (>add, Ulawow?W Nelson A Song
Ship Princeton, wamaik, Havre?W V Frost.
Ship Sardinia, Pendleton, t John?SThompson's Nephews
bark Wildfire, Perkins, Gibraltar and a market? uotbcz.
Hark C U Trultt, Eeull, Bahia and a market? McCready,
llott 4 Co. *
Bark Alliance (Br), Stratum, Bermuda?Funch, Melncke A
Brij? Vlkingan (Nor), OUsen, Cardiff? Funch, Melncke A
Krlg Alli (Bus), Rydberg, Cork Ac?Fuuch, Mcir.cke A
Brig Volagcano (Aub), Kegnnte, Vfuecnstowi ?Holmboe <t
Fug Ortolan, Lord, Oette--Moore A Homy.
Brig A urate, Dart*, Gibraltar Ac?tfoore A Henry.
Brig Peerless (Br). Don, Hermud*?McCall A Frith
Brig J W II arils (Br), llathbone, Merrv Inland?D K Dewolf.
Bria W T1 Ward, Castner, Fort Pickens?B Minor A Deake.
Brig Crawford, Smtll. Elizabethport? F Talbott A Co.
Brig G W Barter, Gilchrist, Boston?J W ElwelL
Schr H C Brooka (Br), White, Halifax?J F Whitney A Co.
Frhr Havelock (Br), Revl. Kt John nb?P 1 Noviua A Bona,
Kchr Amelia Ktua t. Macnlas?Simwn A Olapp.
Fchr Ann Elizabeth. Johnson, Pnrtdence?Master.
Kchr 8?-a Bird, Cha?e. Fall Rivt-r?Matter.
Schr Vincent Bark Blow , Brodnlch, Newport KI?Master.
Fchr Plata, Donlson, New London?Master.
Sloop Mai-v Adelaide, Con over, Egg Hnrbor?T 0 Benton A
8 leaner Cone >rd, Norman, Philadelphia.
Hhip Onward (of Boston), Jenkins, Phr.rehne, Feb25, pas3e4
Anjier March 12, Cape of Good Hope May 7, with hflkg An, to
VVm J Fonlkes
8hip City of Bath, Carney. Havana, 13 days. In ballast, to
irder. Sailed in company with bchr Young America, lor Sow
Brig MarlbaPost. FoWnson, Turks Dlands, 11 days, with
'alt, to Geo Darrell A Co
Biig immacolata (Ital>, I.aunt, Liverpool, 12 diys, with
oal?, to Manta tan Gas Co
Brig Mlra W Holr, Dodee. Ellubetbpcrt .'or Deer Island.
Bitg Monica. Phillip*, Elizab- thport r.ir B?n?cr.
Kchr Abblc Bradford (of Boston), Freemin, Ma'aga, May 14,
fialetd Gibraltar 16th. with fruit and wine, to Grunl A Wei
lervelt Have been l(i daj a W of Ion SO. with light winds *na
alms: 2d Inst, lat 3AX0, Ion ii 50, tpokc UairiWdi, from Phi
ladelphla for Fernindino Po, all wolL
Kchr Maltha Sickens, Sawyer, Lepraux, 6 days, with laths,
0 Jed Five
iM-hr Ann Maria, Hartieb, Salt Cay, It) thru, with salt, to C
IS Knox.
Pcbr isle. Cook, Baltimore, B day*, with cotton Ar, to Dowiy.
Carnen A Co.
Scbr Muy Ei'za, Gosley, Fnow II1U, 8 days.
Schr Rebecca fecor. Lynch. Cclawnre City for Brirfgport.
Hchr J Giiereon, Harding) Elizabetbport for New Bedford,
fchr Connecticut, Pratt, Elizabethpoit tor Kail River.
Fchr Mary Miller, Dayton, Ellz;'''etliport for Sew Bedford.
Schr Harriet Smith, Kelly. Ellzauetliport for Boston.
Pcbr Elmira Kogeri, Wlgbtman, Elizabethport for Froyldonon.
Kchr R M O'NlcI, Kellog, ElUabethport for Rojtbury.
Hchr 1111 Colson, Colaon, Klizabethport for Halem
Kchr Ktchard Borden, Arnold, Elliabellioorl tor Fall River.
Hchr tUdem. Ltidiam, Elizabethport for Providence.
Bchr Robin, Guplll, ChenvfleU, 10 days.
Bcbr Michigan. .Marshall, Calais. 6 days
Kchr 8 T Ring, C'endemicn, Calais, 5 days.
Hchr E Wotten. Dibble, Providence, 2 days.
Kchr Hteriing Way man. Providence for Albany.
Pchr Frances Elmore, Smith, Fall River for Fort JSwcn.
Schr Angus'a, Kelly, New Bedford. 8 diva
Hclu B M Khaodlek. Allen, Hartford for Philadelphia.
Hchr Ann M Edwards, Edwards, Norwich, 2 days.
Schr Groca, Brown, Port Ewen for Providence.
Hlooo M Wells, Baker, Elizabethan for Wlckfoni.
Sloop CHo, Morcutt, EUiabethnott for Taunton.
Sloop Surplus, Sherry, Kllzabcthport, tor Bug llaijxn'
fl'.aop (ten CoMuth. Harten. V*tr i
tMUMT h>u. jmm, MkUfcielpm*
Bteamer Blank DUraonc Alloa Pbila<te(|>Uft.
>uum PotomakH. hje J'ortUni
Steamer Paiena. ???r Proruteoa*.
t*e*mer Ofaarlet Osgood, Ue?r, NorwMh
The Hamburg *blp Electric, arrived 1?h' ulght from HamoTk*
on*the?B?^ktDger*' *DCl r?porl- eoln< leige queutlUee
BteaauhiM Nonh BUr, Aaplnwall. Quaker City, and tftue
ot Urorgla, Part Pickens; Oladletor iBrt, .
8UU??Ship* Prngreea, K H Taylor, and Jacob A Kvernler,
London: Sir Bobertl'eel, Liverpool; Noor?r*a, Sai KreniUeo
Anna P Hobmldt, Havre; VandalU .Hamburg b\rfca UflJ
'. TlWfif' f? ; b^ Wmxtek
eU, PgrtA AmbojJohn Balcfe, Philadelphia; Utile Gardner
(Br), flt Thoaaa; (too Karsdmi (Br) Beircaalle. Vedro a. no*?
Lois, Bio Janeiro; Anita Owen, Meurttaa, Loal (dp), Ponce.
Wind during Lbe 0*7 8.
Tux Snunsmr Glasgow, Capt M'Gulgan, mils to day at 12
M, for Queenslown and Liverpool, from her berth at Pier (4
forth River.
Ship Wvoxrvo. at Philadelphia from Liverpool, report*
having wyn 4 th lost, I At 44 10. fin 46 10. several loebergi. and
t rpm that to l?t 42 16, Ion 6115, encountered field toe.
Brio Morninu Light, from Philadelphia for Bath, In going
Into Lewes harbor on Runday mgbt (It being very dark), stnuE
the Ice Breaker, outside the Stone Pile, and thumped considerably,
but after a survey was pronounced seaworthy, and
ordered to proceed on her voyage. She remained at Lewes oa
tl.e IStn.
Bohk Envoy. Low, from Bangor for New York, put lot*
oston iOih inst. reports at 8 o'clock last night, off Sacs Point,
prung a Ifak and kept off for Boston. To keep her Irom
Inking, she Was run ashore on Georges Island this AM, but
? as got off this afternoon, by steamer Despatch, which towod
ber to this cltv. the It has a cargo of laths.
At Bermuda 16th Inst brig Pavilion, with 200 bblt oil, whljh
she wsb discharging
An at Mauritius April 14, ship Brunswick Raker of Dartmouth,
no oil since last report:. 17th bur It Htrvest Gitford,
NH, 310 bbls oil onboard. Oapt Gilford rep rls having sp>^ee?
Waich28,btrk Wrlole, Mickel, KH, 1840 sp; America. Luee,
Matt. 400 do; Kathleen. Mooers, KB, 300 bb's; slip Plovar,
Perkins, do. 800 sp; bark Pamelta, Blocnm, do, 1000 bbls, stu^>
> orgrees, Castino, do, 760 bolv
Capt Eaker, of tthio Brunswick, of Dartmouth, reported ?t
Mauritius April 27, from Bcderlque Oround, reports having
taken no oil the cruise >hlp?on that ground had done nothing.
Had not se?n a ep wha'.e but on.* In 11 ino*. and then
raster rd and had a brat stove Bark Harvest, at that port,
would probably b? condemned.
Capt tlrecn, of brig farina. Sir, reports her off 8t Helena
April 22, with 226 sp 210 wb and 2UOO lbs b ine Keuirts Anrtt
17, bark Concordia, II iihllton, SH. 120 sp 640 wh; 19th, Washirgton.
Kabcoitk, do, M.0 ep 6oJwh; schr Husan. King, do, 308
ep S<X> wb.
Advices from Mauritius to 6th atste that bark tlarves'. If B,
pui Into that port leaking fearfully ; a survey ixd been hold,
and in accordance with the rec jmro^ndstion o' ta-? utrvejrors
her oi! ni.d stores nave been landt'l ti i-o? n the surve>?ri te
examine the Team more thorough J i be :o jjt in a
very bsd condition. A letter from Cap wuo d of ITO U*rvest,
reports having left Port Vassn, Ne* tloUnud Feb 19,
tod rn the 19th of March, during a tremendous k?'" <rom 8K,
four d It, fe?tol water In the bold, allhiuU t r?v*d t he sfet?
in about 6 hours; tbe chip made a great deal oi va'/ir throngtt
the day, and on tbe 21th and 21st, with strong gi.es, made 8d0
strokes 22d to 2S!h had hekvy g-Jes with cross se*, the ably
working and latHirltg very hard, a'd bore up for Mauritius.
Owing lo ihe expense of repairs whs shipoing his oil to the
consignment of Baring 3 w, London
Bark J n Iiuvall. of Provimetown, sailed from Mauritius
on the 16th of ApilL
Spoken, &e.
frbip Clara An-, from Ctenfuegos for Falmouth, June 11,
lat 30 16, Ion 79 26.
Buk ("spray Nash, frcm New York for Marseilles, May 22,
at 60, Ion 10.
Brig W H Paiks, from Cardenas for Boston, June 18, off
Cape May.
& Fritmh attain lrigate wae seen June 9, lat 2611, Ion 7910,
bound 8, |
Foreign Ports.
Pauckloka, Maj 10?Att ship Oroondate, Pike, NOrteiM J
via Gibraltar.
Kahhadoi, Jane 4?In port br*g Laura (not Julia), from FaItimore.
hr.KMcni, Jane 16?In port barks Kllra Barss. Cooper, f Oflt
NVork srr 15lh; Mary B Barney, Bobbins, from Ii*vaaafer
tslmouth. B, put in rn din rvss.
Cokk, June 6- In port bark Annie flucinam, Miller for
C'H'dtff, to load (or Slisnghae.
Conns, April 2o~CO, dhip leaseH Sosrdman, Brown, ft n
LivekpoOU .1 ur.e 4?In port thlp Typhoon, Salter, for Oar
diff, to loud for Singapore
Tours Island*. June 9?In port brig C A White, White, for
Portland (probably).
Zanzibar, Apt 11 21?In port bark Ariel, Jelly (arr 112th from
& acuga*c?r>, of and for Providence, to s&U 24th?only Am
ves* el in pi?rt.
Z*7.a, May JS?Id port bark Pride of the 8fa, Pettigrove, for
v\'oik; brie ba^tnaw, iicjiean, fordo; sohr Martha Jana,
for do.
American Port*.
nosroji, June 20?Arr hhip Juniut, Hwanton, Havana;
bitilc Sparkling l-ea, Munson, Palermo; brig* Mootloilo. Govena,
(Jcnai?e? via lnagaa; "alt-mine, Rogers, Baltimore; G
Huckntm, Buckram, t hladelphl*; H Means, Treworgy. Kon
dout; achra Governor, WaUon, Turku Islands; Sea Hunger,
Clark, and Julia E Pratt, Whclaln, Baltimore. J H Moors, higi-raoll;
llenry ray so*, Croweil, ?nd Albert Pharo, Crantner,
rhila/Vlpbta; P Armstrong, Llnnell, r'.iizal * bport; Hal-Ton,
Freeman, Port Ewen; Lucr Ann, 'Weaver, Kondout; Hannah
is Mckersou, NYork; Envoy, Low, Bangor for Nfork (?M |
toiwei). Telegraphed, ship iJelvldnre, from Gloucester; signal
for a baik. Cid thlp E Orilghton, Crtlghton, m John, K
H, 'o load for London. hark 9t*r of Peaoe (new, ot Bostoa,
4A669 85lhs Ions;, Kendrick, Manilas to load for Hlo Janeiro;
brigs K W PBCker. fltuoley, Cape Haytlen; Porter, Bo urers,
Gynalves; Bclus Clara, Barrett; I Thompson, Down; Mary
Haley, Haley; <1 tiQreen, Cobb; J II Willi.ras, Small; L i
H .'-'rnith, Smith, J B stickney, Garwood; W H Matlier, Colby;
N B I Thompson, Cower, and A C Beeves, Lake, r ullarielphla;
Susan, Boaree, Golden Gate, Weeks; Baltimore,
Gardner; a P Hnwes; Masoty, J F Karland, Llacum, and Expedite,
Beebe, N York, did, wind 8 to N, thlp B Crcighton.
. 21 st?Ai r bark Leland, Mayaguez; steamers Eastern Queen,
Halifax; aud tastern City, rit JcIid. Nil.
BALTIMORE, June 20?Arr bark Frankfort (Pros), Wnlsten.
New Haven. Old scar Maryland, Holt, NYork. Bid
shin Monsorn, Alf.cn, NYork; schrs Robt Healey, Mitchell. W
Indies; .luckaon, Bonner, do; Maryland, Holt. Ntork.
HANGOR, June 19?Arr brig Wind <r?rd- Baberts, N fork.
Old bark .lonu A .ilea, Lue, Claps Verde s and W Coast Africa;
fell C O Farnsworth, Gray, NVork. Sid from Roberts' btc>m
Mill, Hampden, 15th. and Fort Point 17th, ship Lizzie Earward,
barward, Liverpool.
BalH, June 19?Arr schrs Cherub, Baiiey, NYork; SAB
J-mall, ixra'aue, Eilzabethnoit; O Buxton. Wlliiams, Philadelphia
Kid ;8ih, nhijj Omar Pasba, IV.rcy, Bangor.
DaNVEBS, Jun,. 16?Arr tohr ti G Potior, Smith, PblladelXbia.
NANTUCKET, June 10? Arr eclirs Tryall, Adams, NSork;
Fly. Philadelphia.
NEW BEDFORD, June 20? ArrschrCrvetta, Sammls, New
NfcW HAVEN, June 20?Arr brig Eurus, Parscns, Arroyo;
chrs Percy & Brooke, Porter, KUza'jethport; C H*d4?n, Fores.
Nllrux?'vick; si ;ors Geo H Davie, Davis, Elisabetbuort;
Med'ator. liostwick, <Jo. Cld (ichi.i Percy Ic Brooke, Elizaetbport;
Talitha, and Haunah, do; J M Warren, NYork; Ida
Mc?abe. -.ew Bruuaw.ck; Margaret l'owol, do; Editor, Elizabetbroit.
PHILADELPHIA, June20?Arr ship Florida, Mortimer,
Liverpool; bark Sea Eagle, Kenney, t'lenfuegos; sebrs Chartfr
Oak, Butler, Gloucester; horth Carolina, Bunting, NTork.
Cld barks Emily C Mr. sir. Fail fowl, London; Imperaaor, Power,
l'ernambuco; brigs Catharine Nickels, Hatch, Bangor;
George Amos, Nle.hoU, Poitiand; schrs Coemints, WHlets, Key
West; Saratova, Adams, 8aoo; Hampden Bello. Alexander,
Belfast; taj-an A liolce, Roi<e, Deer Isle: Gov Burton, Wiaamore,
PortMfcouth; H W Wellington, Wells, Salem; Georgia,
rfweet, Newturypcrt: A Jennings, Lake, Provlncotown; Courltr,
Trrworgi; Knight, Uige; Excelsior, Bowen; A Fa'.kecbuiv,
Wilbert; A H ?' itmn, Nowell; Mary Ann Magna, Mage*';
There.se ;, .mlth; J G Babcock, Bab?ock; R J Msrcer, 1
Robin on; C M WUasn, f-mlth; Rich Yaux, Frink. and Grac?
Olrdler, CU-k, Boston . P A Panders. Bomers, Marblnhead;
t> Downing. Rice Kast Oarabridge; A Hammond, Paine, Cam.
bridge; Abl>oit L^wrv-nce, Stanley, Ohelsea; i: W Benton
Taylor; Bea Witch, Tyler; liar in Luue, Asa; N Holmes, Hew*
itt, and Ringgold Croweil Provtdrnce. i
P(.#itTLAND, June 19?Arr bark Theo Curtla, Brazier. London;
brig Ab?y Thaxicr, Iaton, NYork; schrs Susan Moore.,
Black, Philadelphia; Hu-d. Browr, Spruce Head for Nfork.
CM ship Ilarveat. Lo: log. River 8t Lavrrenc<, to load for Bagla<
d; trig Delaware, Lowell, Washington.
HAN FiiANCISCJ, June 4? Arr ship Norwester, Almy,
llong Kong April 13.
KIPPIOAN, June 19?Arr scbr L%ttirtlne, Ournoy, NYork
(sv.d aid for R an-har.i).
HALEM, June 18?Arr brig Mecosta. Haynes, Port Ewen;
scbrn Laura Frances, Higgles, Eltzubethport; 19th, Monteveu, ]
Kalkcnbiug, and R Jj Coggeeba)], Tilton, Philadelphia; Superior,
Mc. ie, Elirabuthport Cld 19th, schr Leacidla, Sm?il, ,
NYork. Sid 18 h schr* R Corson, Ludlam; Minnesota, Ba- |
ker; T C Cmi'h, Arderscn, and Crisl ", Senear, Philadelphia; ]
I9'h, J Frambra Homers; Albeit Pbaro, Lipplucott, and J'je -i
Fort&r, Yates, do.
WaBKHaM, June 17?Arr schrs Monitor, Bease, N7oric;
10th, Lamartlne, Guruey, do; 20th, Angler, Bojs-, do. j
stve- Would the young lady with gr?y dress and oloak! >
wliU bU.?k pKid etrice, that rode up In this stage about eight
Mc'cck la. vening, like to make the acquaintance of the gen.
tleman who sat opposite her and got out at Fifth avenue)
Cleopatra. 191 Herald office. 8BYBN BI8rgB8.
in a wtek. I think of you constantly. God blcas
you. L
T. ateiy. M. H. .
J tlsement in last Saturday's Herald too Ute, and suppose
mv answer did not come into your hands. Pleaae state where
I may set- yon, or address to A, B., Herald office.
Fanny?i' was obliged to leave town at ui
o'clockoc Thursday, and c-mld not be at the plaoe named
uj jri.vi. <> in us w iui |u?ii <tu?o i u* ;o<i iui OD Mini' *
day, at threno clock. ALBX. I
dres? to the usual place.
in a Fifth avtnue Htaire, about two o'clock yesterday, durIbk
the rain, und shared ths umbre'la of the gentlemin wh? I
aat opposite to h?r, wtl! communicate with F. B. Cooper,
.Miidl.K ti ?|ime Po~t oilice, she nil' hear from an old friend, j
I Harms, or her children, who le't Ireland for Amarion
about 33 j cam ags, will hear something rtecidedly to her or
tb'ir advantage by ad<tres?lna ,Ias Ma-ahull, Herald offlan,
and giving a tfcacriptl >n of theft or her relation* In Ireland.
I nativa of Wellpnhall. Staffordshire, England Any inf Jr J
rnatton of him will be tlwnkfully recaived by hU brother,
Ihorma Wpo'i who haf just arrived from England, I'leate
dliect letters to 161 Perry st, New : ork.
I left 177 Eieienth stieet to go to Brooklyn aiace nothing
lim Wen hi ard of fcer. Anyone knowing her whsreabjuta
will ac die#? -Tshn Feeny, 177 fcleyenth stren.
arrived hen' about throe year? ?go from Liverp k?L She
will send her a idroas to Wm UesMD, t43 Cedar street, as
Henry McUo vti wi?lea to see her.
Kate?wili. you come back, andrslisye the
mind of a br iken hearted mother;- if yon csnno: do so
Hdoresa M. B.
J?? a o'clc-tk. WAT1Y. A,
The ownbb of boat fox. now lying tw EEjCUWi
Canal at .1. C< nntr'n, three mll<i* tl\i? Mile of Little I'mHm
will tin'' a put chaser for the eame bv aidfesslng The jdOAh Ml
Cook, lierald oil ice W <W
gentleman, of middle age and steady business habli*t ,
wishee to meet with a young lady of good birth and educa (j
Hon, accomplished and of engaging m inner*, with a view to
matrimony. All c mmiinlcaltonR treated with the utmost sin )|
<erity. Aildrem, with real naire E. HU1 Houghton, Herald l
ofl.ce, for two days. * >
cua, station A, will I'emonK'rati hl? sincerity, high wxnal
p. iritloi). worthiness and Intention to marry, provided he be 1
ci mm a< attainted with an unusually ewtlmah'j woman of
wealth and refinement. i:os*#e?in? lovely and generous aitrtbutt*.

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