OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, August 14, 1861, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1861-08-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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liitercstiiigr from the Pacific
8 quail roil.
Union Troops Concentrating at
San Francisco,
&c., See., Ac.
The steamship Champion, Captain Seabury, from Aaplnwall
on the 4th iuat., bringing mails and passongors from
3au Francisco July 21, arrived at this port yosterday.
The following is tho specie list:?
H. Strauts $8,600 K. Morrison 4 Co.. $7,000
Am. Ex. Bank 100,000 J. F. Coghill 2,000
Wells, Fargo 4 Co.. 180,000 Jonninge&Browster 10,000
Jar. Leo St Co 1,900 Eugene Kelly 140,000
Harbec.lt & Oo 3,450 W. Holler 4 Co.... 8,000
Ballin 4 Sander.... 17,000 W.T. Celoman 4 Co. 43,460
Order 22,620 J. Strauss Bros.... 26,000
H. Cohen 4 Oo 21,000 Haddon 4 Williams 4,200
NaylorkOo 8,081 K. Meadow 9.800
Metropolitan Bank.. 76,843 James HunBerACo. 0,000
Kirby, Byrne & Co. 9,000 J. Heller 4 Bros... 7,400
W. Seligtuaun 4Co. 32,000 C.C.Baker 6,888
F.Baker 20.000 Baker 4 Morrill.... 3,000
George Tattle 0,000 Houston iHastings 13,000
M. E. Haw ley 4,000 J. B. Newton 4 Co. 23,483
Z. ttwitetn 4 Bro... 16,000 R. Patrick 43,000
Noustadler Bro 12,500 Scholl Bro 16,400
A S Ko.scuhuumA.Co 17,500 J. U. Parker 4 Son. 6,000
P. Nay lor 0,000
Total $941,081
Handy 4Everett $1,000 W H. Davis 4 Co.... $637
B. Howard 4 Suns 700 S, N. Henriques 449
Urdor 700 ??
Totul $3,437
?? H
Troops Concentrated near San Francisco,
Ac., Ae.
San Ffuaoaco, July 20,1861.
A |/>7a'#.?Mi 1/ohavm.m/i ?? 0.1M IVnor.ce/i A PammMt.
j/" Cavalry?Regular Troopt in and Around San Francitco?The
McMahun Ouardi?Remarkt of General Sumner?Naval
Ntwt?Sexture of Vvamondt?The Lime .
roint Tract of Land, dec., <4r.
The military fever is again rife among our citizensFecretary
Cameron's refusal to aocopt the regiment organized
hero threw a damper on it; but now our embryo
soldiers confidently expect to be called upon to Oil up the
quota of 200,000 additional men required by the Prestdent.
Accordingly, the drilling Bu?i>cnded seme time
since has been resumed, and the streets, as buforo, are
alive with bodies of trained men. A meeting takes place
this ovoniug to inaugurate the first steps towards the formation
af a cavalry regimeut, "60 strong, to be ready in
the event of being required for service. California produces
sotno of the host horsemen ln_tho world, and is,
above all places, most suitable to raise amounted corps.
'1 here is some speculation as to the reported expedition
from hero to Texas, and as secession has no foothold on
this coast, it is but fair to gtvo those anxious an opportunity
of showing their devotion to the country. Tborc Is
littlo else thought of at prosont besides the progress of the
war, and it must bo said that many incline to the opinion
thai some sort of compromise would he a happy event, if
it could be brought about without loosening the dignity of
the government. The rumors on this topic that roach ug
from the Kast are received by a great number with
1 learn on good authority that sevoral officers of tho
army, now serving in California, and who wcro recently
promoted in consequence of the augmentation of the military
establishment of the country, will decline. The reason
for this action on their part is elated to be, in effect,
that there is no guarauteo of tho permanency of the new
regiments, and that in giving up their present positions
they would run tho rtslc of being thrown out of service
whuu the war Is over. 1 learn further, that General Sumner
is not at all pleased with the reluctance inamfcslod,
and that lie will satisfy the protectants that their grounds
of objection are not [well taken. Having done so, the
backward officers, it is fair to presume, will either havo
to retire from the army or euter upon tho active duties of
the campaign. Of course It is understood thut promotion
requires immediate departure for the Eastern States.
We have now a largo body of regular troops concentrated
in and about the harbor of San Fronciaco. They
arc stationed as follows:?
At tho Presidio there are stationed Company C, Third
artillery (Ord's battery), in splendid condition, six guns
and seventy horses; Companies A, C, P, F, G, H and K,
Fourth infantry, and Company E, Niulh iufantry. Commanding
oflicor, Major TV. S. Ketchum, United Stabs
Fourth iufantry.
At Fort Point (ontranco to the harbor)?Companies A
and B, Third artillery. Commanding officer, Lircvet Major
Alcatraz Island (opposite tho city)?Companies G, H, *
and another, Third artillery. Commanding officer, Cajit.
fienicia Barracks And Arsenal?Companies E and K, Sixth
infantry; I, Third artillery, and one oompauy of ordnance.
Commanding officer, Col. W. Seawoll.
Camp Fitzgerald (Los Angoiee)?Companies B and K'
Fir-,1 dragoons, and Companies I and K, Sixth iDfantry
Commanding (Jlllcer, ltrevot Major Carlton.
San Diego?Company I, Fourth Infautry, Brevet Major
Fort Bragg?Company D, Sixth infantry, I.ioutonant O.
H. Moore.
fori Una ton?Company B, Fourth infautry, Capt. Underwood.
Fort Humboldt?Company B. Sixth infantry, Captain
Fort Yuma (on the Colorado)?Company C, Sixth infantry,
and Company E, Fourth infantry. Commanding
umcor, i.ieui. on. gco. andrew*.
Kurt GhurchiU (Nevada Territory)?Headquarters First
dragoons, with < nipaiiy A of sainu regiment: Uomimiii.-s
A t; aud H, Sixth infantry. Commanding officer, Lieut.
Co'.. 0. A. ll. liiaLo, First dragoons.
The follow lug account la given of Fort Crook, which is
in tho northern part of tho i-tato;?This fort, now under
command of Lioutuuiinl Kellogg, is garrisoned by sixty
dragoi.ua?Lieutenant Kellncr, Quartermaster, ntid Dr.
Vooluiu, Snrgoon. Soon arter Captain Adams sent inTiU
resignuM-nn and left Uio fort, the Stars and .Stripes were
run up and a salute of thirty four guns tired. There is
not a secessionist now ut the fort?ovory man is tlgbling
strong for tho Union. fjoiitcoaut Foilncr enlisted in the
army oui\ (lvo years ago, and through merit I ins boon
jiromotod'to tliouUice of Lieutenant, ami is now Quarterns
lor. The troops arc distributed according to tho order
ot ilenoral Sumner, issued sum after his arrival.
The largo gar neons at Los Angeles and Furl Churchill
are for the purpose of suppressing nny tendency to incite
oppus.tiun to tho government, lu tho two pia. es named
miiiii fovr sympathizers with secession arc to be found
who lalsly made exhibitions of rebellious Hugs. As a
innttor of precaution a sullicicnt forco is in each place to
nrresland punish in the event of these acts being repeated.
In this c.ty and clogo to It arc on-thousand rogulais,
which, it is no flaltery to say, cannot be excelled as brave
a:, l disciplined truojm. They are coin tautly drilled, and
ne. rly every we< W the heavy guns at tho forts are used In
tar* et practice by the soldiers. Their tiring is described
as vory accurate.
cikxkhal smjtxa akti Tint n'tunon otMRiv
Tlie McMuhon Grenadier Guard (an Irish company)
had an election for Captain on the evening of the 18th,
when Charles B. Grant, First Lieutenant, was chosen to
(til tiie positiou. After the business of the meeting tho
party adjourned to the Tehama House, where th y
Sat down to enjoy themselves. Many toasts
wore given and drank. When tho "Union" w as projmsed
a regular "Faugh a llallagh" yell gre? lc d it. Just ut this
moment General Sumner, United States Army, command
lug the l'acillo division, on his way to his nparlm.nis in
the house, suddenly found himself in the presence of "the
Jlcilahous, and was ut once received with three mure
rousers. His health was promised, which he acknow- |
lodged in a few remurks, touching upon the chief points of
the present national crisis, for tho result of which he felt
no apprehension, lie knew tti.it the federul government
wa. strong in the hearts of tie' p-op;e, from whom it proceeded,
and upon whom it relied for its power ami support.
The present struggle, tic said, was not one so much
for ourselves as for our posterity. A great trust was
reposed in us, aud as trustees we had no power to
alienate. It was the duty of sU citizens to tie
conservative at tliia present time, aud to declare their
willingness to support their country in this trying
ordeal Hy our aciiiig nobly and fearlessly in this crisis
future generations would associate our humble ham s
with those great ones of the men of 1770; theirs as the
creators, ours as tbo preservers of their liberties. Neutrality
at such a time Is not excusable, Qt,i ia. rl comm.
t"n liitlur was a legal motto, and not to be forgottenOur
citizens of foreign birth were equally interested with
those natives "to tho manor born" in maintaining the
Union in its integrity;and, indeed, iu his opinion, none
were more capable of Judging of the mild and beneficent
form of our government tliau our citizen* of foreign birth,
who had seen and felt tho workings of yUiyr forms.'
Ho was delighted to see tliem" Urns" stau.ir.^ by
the 'Siari pud Stripe*'; o[ our cormjion country,
t 'U irl? ?""H' baniX Could that glorious ensign
?f . were now maiiiiaimui' lliLir old
rnarti* tam*. Xh? old Celtic blood wa? r >uae4, Md it
r^tjld mike iu mark now tut it had alwav? dOitf on
the srreatest battle llelrla. He agreed with "the M'.Mkl*>b*
aud all oU)er GalUi, and that it ill tx-oomu* a mart
jiO fvfuvL Lin old tuollivrlittdi aatl we all know Low deaf i
that land?that dear old Ireland?la to eaoh and all her In
sona. It waa not domanded of a man to forget hla mother fi
In his love for hla wife. The two feellnga never clash; 01
nor could an Iriahman'a love for hla adopted country ever ai
ho woakened by the moat Intenae devotion to hia own at
dear land. The General concluded amidst an oulbaral of w
applause, under cover of whioh ho managed to retreat. Pi
Thoncamo more aonga,"The Star Spangled Banner," fu
"The Groen above the Bed," "The Harp that once through of
Tara'e Halla," &c. w
The night wound up with the toast "McMahon, Duke oj d<
Magenta, a true aoldter." With three rattling cbeera and fr
a tiger the boya separated for the morning. It
aval. Ktwa. tv
The General Sumner?armed steamer?la now lying In w
the harbor, and is commanded by Captain W. C. l'eaae, of pi
the revenue service. She has been presented to the In
government for four mouths by one of our merchants, y<
and Is in every respect an effective craft. She is ready tr
for service at any moment. The General Sumner carriea lai
six guns and turn a crew of seventy men. of
Tbo revenue cutters Marcy and lane are In our waters co
Tho former has just boon fully equipped; the latter la at tb
the Maro Island Navy Yard undergoing repairs. ae
Tho armod steamer Massachusetts, by Order of General
Suniuer, Is stationed at San Juan Island (disputed torri- de
tory), subject to the direction of Giptain Pickett, who is
In command of the United States garrison at tliut place. go
Captain Gardner, United States Navy, commandant at fci
tho Muro Island Navy Yard, has hiul his name frequently In;
brought before the public during tbo past few weeks. ca
His son, while travelling in a stage, gave expression to tb
secession views, and even went so fur, it is said, as to ha
Insult ludy luisscugers because tlioy dilfered with him. ra
A connection was considered to exist between the opin- a!<
innc i.r o.iln.r iin.l con and ii d. nianil wua made for infer- ns
matioD on tlio subject. Captain llarduor was certified for ca
by a number of well known Union men. go the matter be
dropped. do
Tlie French brig of-war Ruillcur went to sea on the 18th m
insl., after a visit to this harbor of uenrly a month, co
Sim proceeds to Tahiti. Another 1 tench vessel, a frigate, ac
ia expected to arrive at any moment. It is the opinion of of
well informed persons that wo aro to be visited by a ra
small Fuglish squadron in a few weeks. ui
By the last steamer from Panama a man named Sollo do
came |iasseugur. He bad with hnn a large quantity of wi
diamonds, &c., which were seized us contraband by the Ni
Custom House officers; after investigation, it was found tri
that a mistake was made. A city paper says?Hie party th
against whom this groundless charge was made is Mr se
Loopold Seilo, lately in business In Now York city, and co
agent for the bouse of B. Faliek, No. 11 rue Lafitto, Paris. m<
When the seizure was mado, Mr. 8. stated that the dia- th
bionds wore not subject to duty, but his statement was be
not credited. Mr. Collector Rankin, however, made a hn
rigid examination of Mr. Sotlo's papers and wilnossos, and ch
caused the goods seized to be reluruod, at the th
same time taking the precaution to recoive ap
from Mr. Seilo a written disclaimer of liia fo
iDtention t? hold tho government for damages in conse- mB
queiice of the faux pas committed. Tho seizure was
wholly illegal and unauthorized, and tho person or |?rsons
connected therewith showed great ignorance of their duties.
So positive were tboy that a good haul had been
made, that on Monday last a "groat spread" was set out. jgt
Misrepresentation, also, is to bo laid at their door,for
they magnified the small value of tho seizure?about
(1,000 m all?to (10,103. Mr. Stole states that Mr. Rankin
behaved very gentlemanly to him, which no doubt he
did. and charges all the troubles which beset him to pri
vato malice. Mr. S. is unmarried, so the statements matte
by the Custom House officials in reference to the wifo, who
was said to havo made a successful landing with a petticoat
"all over" diamond pins, was wholly imaginary.
The French morchonta of this city complain that tho
new officers in the Appraiser's Department retain an unnecessary
amount of goods from tho packages that go to tli
tho Custom House. In somo Instances they havo shown
that one-tonth of the amount of goods has boon extracted
and kept by subordinates. The Collector promises to so
check tire abuse. of
tim una roiCT tract. a.
It will bo remembered that about threo years slnco
Congress passed an act authorizing tho purchase of a tract
of land near the entrance to tho lrurbor of San Frauclsco 28
for the erection of a fort, and appropriated $200,000 for je|
the purpose. The late Senator Brodorick was mainly in
strumental in defeating the purchase, as the property is, ul
in fact, not worth anything like the sum then proposed to rp;
ho paid for It. Ho declared that its value was not beyond c0
$5,000. The Unitod States government is most anxious
to obtain tho tract for tho purptme of defence, and in
furtherance of its views our Legislature passed an act
empowering its agents to procoed and have it condemned. p
A good deal of litigation has grown out of the matter,
which was finally settled by our Supremo Court in favor 13
ol tho government. Recently tho matter was tried boforo . or
a jury, who assessed the value at $126,000, wlilch is con- H
Hldorcd ainoHl extravagant valuation. The land is burren hi
and of scarcely of any use whatever, except for mililary oil
occufiation. Tho owners, howovor, intend t" apimal.
What is thought of the matter may bo learned from the Pt
following parapraph:? nt
Messrs. Lewis, Matthewson,Itoikorstaff, Millor and Capt. lit
McPhnrson, U. S. A., concurred in estimating the value of re
the 1,000 acres as being under $40,000; whllo Messrs. w
Tescbmacher (Mayor of SanFrancisco), Sintou (real estate t.t
autlouoer), Vassault, Gibb and l eek estimated it as being le
worth from $150,000 to $300,000. Mr. Siutou said, "in w
my judgment the water is elegant ftotn one end to thu
other; I moan the depth throughout thu frontage, &c;" ho lb
does not tell of tho beauty of tho land, its splendid per- Fl
peudicular cliffs of rock,from 100 to 200 foot high, thnt tf
extend along tho line of tho shoro nearly tho whole dis- si
tanee; he does uot tell of the ship that broke up against n<
those romauilc rocks a few years since, it boing trn- sc
IMisslblo to rescue bor from the heavy swells that at
come through the Golden Gate and wash tho m
bat-o of these oliffit with a strength that bids defiance ct
to the power of man. Mr. Gibb valued it as worth
$40,000 to $50,000 for agricultural purposes, but thought Oi
it worth an additional $200,000 " for commercial pur- Hi
poses"?a fine place for docks, wharves and warehouses, ct
truly. San Francisco might grow until its population M
was counted by millions, aud I.imo Point, unless used by ci
orivernment would strut, 1. us now a hlnalr. wove tioiLtcn h:
rock, unappropriated except for pasturing goats ami in
cattle. 11
The track cons',sts of 1,889 acres. From tho evidence
of William J. Lewis, a surveyor nnd civil otiginoer, wo tl
learu that the tract wits selected by tho United Stutes go- n
vsromwit,under the direction of (.'apt. (iilnior. lu Horse- a
sht>e Covo there aro about forty acres of line arable land, C
tho sides of the hills afford good grazing, about one-third r
of tho whole tract is capable of cultivation and the other ti
two-thirds aro lit for grazing. There is no timber. Mr. I
Lewis values the land rapaldo of cultivation at $20 pur v
acre, ami the balance at $8. r
[From tho Alta California, July 20.] t.
On Wednesday last the Btato Telegraph Company des- li
patched ono of their best operators, Mr. John Yoiitz, to t
tho end of tho telegraph lino now building east towards d
Suit Like, to receive and transmit tile poay news from the
outer station. Tho company have now some flfty rniltw c
of the lino constructed east of Fort Churchill, and have a
nearly flfty wagons engaged in transporting poles and n
wire out, to and beyond tho outer station, which enables C
llicm to push tho work forward with groat rapidity. 1
Every week, from this time, will extend the wire and v
shorten tho time of tho pony. At tho samo moment , Mr. F
James Street, tho agent of the company at Salt lake, is c<
pushing forward this way, having some two hundred and b
til ty miles of poles contracted for and which nro now ho- y
iug cut and hauled westward from Salt Lako. The wire
and insulators for that end of tho lino wore purchased in it
tho Last, and aro on tho way out to Salt I-ako, so as to bo T
in readmess when tho poles aro set up, (o put tho lino in
working ordor. A
In a few days messages can be sent to overtake tho si
i pony two days after it lias left Sail Frnucisco, or re- t<
ceived here two days lief ore the arrival of the pony U
ra town. Each month a day more will be gained, and if (
no accident happens to tho teams employed in tho work, a
[ tho first snow will not fall in tho valleys before tho western
half of the overland lino from Sun Francisco to Bait
I Lake will be in working order. C
I On tho other sido tho Eastern company aro pushing
. westward, and by tho 1st of Aogust tho wire will.be up
| to Julesburg, which is two hnndred miles wear of Eort
Kearny, thus shortening the pony time ouu day more on
thai end. They have also a largo number of men and h
teams engaged In hauling out |s>lSi and wire, and aro put- n
tingrurtii their best efforts to complete their halfas quickly .
as tho western half. A work of this magnitude invulves
great iwpeuse, together with a more than ordinary c
amount of lalair and rb-k; for, should Indians drlvo off
the stock while out on the mid plains, almost irreparable
delay would onsoo. Kvory precaution and onro is taken
to guard against ace's lent of any kind.aud should no unfore- a
seen misfortune arise, tho work will he carried out as above v
UW'I. We should have mentioned that the operator .
travels with the workmen engaged cast of Fort Churchill,
ami aa fust aa the line la put up lie sets hut luatruuieui 11
at the cnil, and communicates with the chief office in San a
Francisco, so that almost every day he is flintier off and .
shortening the tune of tho puny. Ho will reach the end
I of the wire In tithe to telegraph the news or the pony
J due on Tuesday next. t
On Tuesday of this work, save the AUa Califhrpia of J,
1 July 20, Messrs. I'eck, Fowler, Itvey and other citizens Of i
the upper part of Napa Valley, raised a stuff and Amort- ;
ohu Dug on the summit of Mount SU Helena, at the head ,,
of tiiv valley. Stvsral MM were pwint, having 3
climbed to the highest peak of this grand old sentinel,
which is nearly 4,000 feet above the level of the sea, to f
lend their pri som e to the patriotic act of decoratilig the f
lofty summit w Ith the national emblem. ,
Reception of Hon. A. II. Dickinson* t'nlted ,
States Minister to Nicaragua.
Hon. A. B. Dickinson, L'nited Stabs Minister to Nicara 1
gua, was olllciaUy received hy President Martinez, n( {
Managua, tho capital of the republio, on the 11th of ,'ast t
month. On presenting bia credentials, Mr. Dickinson ad- J1
dr'-fsed President Martinez as follows;?
Mr. Pk*-ih*xt?In presenting myself berore your Fjt o
ccilency as the Minister Resident ol' the Unite.! States of a
America, 1 am happy in being able to assure you of the v
sincere friendship and cordial good wishes of my govern- o:
m<-ut. R ing sister republics, on tho same continent, with e?
interests and (a-riLs in common, and both looking forward
to the same high destiny among the nations of the earth, A
it is unquestionably tlie interest, as I know It to be the st
strong desire, of the government of Wte United States to oi
cultivate the friendliest social and commercial relations cl
with the government of Nicaragua. As governments can- ni
i not fctand slid, but mu. t inevitably advance or recede. h,
i and as ropnblieanism Is compelled to niaintain a constant b
| warfare against ignorance, despotism and tyranny, ills U;
I evident that we have the same ootnmon interest in dis- r>
1 seininaUng and advancing the enlightened principles of
1 republican ism unMl they shall bo established on a per ma- P
j nent basis on tlie entire continent. This cannot be done
, by a Single republic, but must b - accompliMhed by the
friendly cvopcriuion of separate and independent powers.
It is b 4ieved that a more fiee and friendly Intcrrourso
f bAiwccn to- i*" rcMibllcs than ijaa lnthurto existed will
, materially advilLio theTidereslS and promote tie- happi- to
n?? and prosperity of both. Wluls iw'ahlishmont of m
oMnuwii**1 i aiaUtUKi on a pioper b*? * itl il^ riv-h I ?
proiliifkioaa oi your siai tu our markets, ami gr-ntlv I *'
benefit our people, it is obvious that it will prove j hi
equally jirofiutPlu lo the people if Nicaragua, hy I ar
r.umulatiug their Industry, iucrcn.sjng their wealth, | H
' and Hhariog with os in it mutual exchange of 1 iv
I ptgducU tejually beuotl.uti to both vounliiea tfv \ fu
tercourse with your Excollency's goveruniuut shall be
rank, open and unroaerved. Whatever may be proponed
' desired, shall be briefly and plainly stated, without
>y concealment or circumlocution?believing that 1
ralgbtforward honesty Is the beat policy with oat ions, as
Ith Individuals. While on my way to your capital, Mr.
"estdent, I have been repealodly struck with the wonder I
beauty or your country, and the inexhaustible wealth
1 its soil; and I could not fall to be deeply improssed
Ith the numberless blessings which a bountiful I'rovlluce
has showered upon your people Far removed
on the com blasts of the North?your landscape smiling
irougb perpetual dews and sunshine?a golden link bereen
two oceans, which reach along ycur eastern and
eatern aborea with beseeching bands, begging the rich
oducts of your prohflc toll for other climes?commandg
at once from your central position and holding within
iur very grasp the two great highways of travel and of
ade which almost strike bands togelbor across your
nd?I feel Impressed with the conviction that the people
this country have a noble destiny to fulfil, wblcb thoy
uld not resist tf they would?thst the burled wealth or
is virgin soil s destined eventually to float upon every
a, and enter every harbor of the globe. sl
On the conclusion of Mr Dickinson's address, the Pretd- C1
ni spoke as follows lu reply ? .
Mr Minibtiii?There Is no doubt of the friendship and
odwlll, which ihe government of the United Slates pro- ci
iscs for that of Nicaragua, but It is pleasing and gratify- H
11<> ii ar you eec.are ana connrra sucn setuimcnis i
u assure you that Ihe feeling of friendship on the part of
is govormnont is no less sincere than th.it which you gi
vo expressed The strongest tl< a exist botweeu N.ca bi
gua and the United States; their Identity of government
ate Is sufficient to Induce both countries to recognise K
ch other hs brothers, and unlto in proclaiming n pibll- c<
n principles, for which, though our voice has hitherto IU
en but weak, It Is still olcvaled Nicaragua has always ,c
sired to bind more closely the tlesof friendship and coinerce,
ns she has rocently manifested by negotiating a
ntract with a North American Compauy for a trauslt
rossher territory, and also by rocently forming a treaty .
friendship and commerce, which Is non pending its
tltlcation by the Senato of the United Stales. It alfords si
u much pleasure to learn that my country has produced tl
favorable nn impression on you; and In this manner I
sire that nil honoralilo and industrious foreigners who
ish to establish themselves among us may admire. 01
carsgua, sir, does not couceal her riches. Ou the con t|
uy, si..- invites and encourages Immigration, and from
e lime she proclaimed tier in<le|>endence until the pre- *
nt, her ports have been open to commerce, while she b
ucodes her citizenship with as much liberality as the p
est liberal nations of the earth. I accept and SStSMI in .
e highest degree your assurances that our relations shall
i conducted frankly, and thare is no doubt that we shall fl
ppily tsrmlnate all the negotiations committed to your
arge' with equal frankness. I thank ths President of
e United states that he has sent us a Minister who disproves
the tricks and plays of diplomacy, but proposes p
r his guido honor and frankness in the adjustment of ail Kl
airs with which he Is Intrusted.
?? ?
Oar Panama Correspondence.
Panama, August S, 1W1.
ntptera's Defeat Confirmed,?Return Home of the Late
awl Arrival Out of the New Minister to Ecuador?Accident1
to the United Slates Frigate Saranac?Stnhmg nf a New '
Oranadum War Vessel?Arrival of Panama of the United ''
State* Frigate Lancaster?Administering the Oath of A He (
giancr?A Seaman, from the State of Maine, Rfusee the 1
Oath?The Southern (fficert on Board Remain Faithful? n
Invalided Officer??War VtueU in Port, cfc. 1
There is no farther news to roport from the interior of *
e Gratiadian confederation. The English steamer Con- 8
ay, duo at Aspinwall tomorrow, it is thought, will bring ?
me dctinito intelligence from Bogata decisive or tlio fate 1
the revolution in that oountry. The English steamer 3
ine, from Guayaquil and Yumaco, with dates from tho r
i iner place to the 24th ult., and from tho latter to tho 1
th, which arrived hore on the 1st Inst., reports that a '
iter had been received at Guayaquil from a guutlommi '
Quito of the highest respectability, stating that Mae v
icra had roost certainly been defeated near Bogata, thus 1
nflrming tho news of tho PlanUgenet, forwarded to the 1
(kald per last steamer. 1
Among the passengers per Anno was the Hon. Charles 11
Buckalew, late United States minister to Ecuador, who u
accompanied by his wife and daughter. Mr. Buckalew 0
id family proceed to New York in tho Champion. v
on. F. tlaussarek, the new minister to that republic,? >i
ad arrived at Quito and entered upon the duties of his t
During the prevalence of a heavy swell in the bay of v
utama, on the 251 h ult., the United States s termer Sara d
ic struck a rock, causing a bad loak, which will oblige s
ir oithcr to bo beached hero or sent to Sou Francisco for
pairs. She was drawing at the time seventeen feet, and v
as anchored in twenty foot water. Tho Granadiuu war t
ilrHiuer Salamander capsized and sunk during the prcvu- a
uce of the same swell, and now lies in tho harbor a total
rock. v
Tiie United States steam frigate Lancaster, bearing tho
ig of the commander-in-chief of the i'acttlc squadron,
lag Ollicor J. B. Montgomery, arrived at this port on
in 29th ult., forty-two days from Honolulu, lucluding c
z days detention at Acapuico. Tliero is no change to
>to In tho disposition of tho various ships of the |,
luadron from that forwarded to the Hskaiu> per last
earner, oxeept that the accident to the Saranae will
ako it necessary to send some othor vessel to tho south ii
past, where she had been ordered. ?
Tho day after the arrival of the Lancaster tho Flag
lltcor administorod the oath of allegiance to tho United 1
latcs to tho oUicers and crow, all of whom, with the ex- c
pplion of an ordinal y seiunan uaraod tlliadiah lleath, of j
aiue, took the oath most cheerfully. The balance of the .
row wore so inconsod at Heath's refusal that they would
ave thrown him overboard bud the ufllcer of tho deck
nt intorfcrod to prevent personal violence being tnictcd
upon him. .
Flag officer Montgomory first took tho oath himsolf, in
no presence of all the officers and tneu, and then adnn
istered It to each officer in turn, accontiug to rank, ami
fterwards to the crow. Tan of the officers, including tho <
iptain, First anil Third Lieutenants and Captain of Mainos,
arc from the South, all of whom are as devotodlv at- 1
ached to tho Union as any of thoir brother officers from 1
ho North. This is certainly highly commendable, In j
lew of (he fact that so many officers from tho South havo
esigni'd sinco our national troubles commenced. I am '
ersonally cognizant of tho fact that the strongest taflu- 1
ucus have been used to induce somo of the officers at- <
uched to tho Lauciister to resign by their friends at
ome, but, be it said to thoir honor, that their devotion
a tho tlag of the Union is paramount to all other const,e
rat Ions. <
Lieutenant* Meade and VanCandt,of tho Cyane, in ,
onsequeuco of severe indisposition. havo beon condemned ,
nil sent homo, burgeon Hord and I.ieut, Kitzhugh, lately <
.ILirhnil to thn TjinraKtur hftvu f r.inafi?r> oil t,\ t.hn 1
'yane, wd Surgeon Italian ban been transferred from tho i
utter vessel to the Saranac. The British steam sloop-of- .
rar Tartar, from Vancouver's Island, touching iu at Sun |
'rancisco, urrlved at this port on the 20th ult. She Is |
ommandod hy ('apt. Ihinlop, who conveyed a lot of filiusters
from tho Mosquito coast to New Orleans u few ,
ears since. !
Veneris of war In ]>ort:?United States flag ship liincas- ,
?r, United Stales steamer Saionoc, British steamers |
ermaganl and I'ortor. I
There have been no arrivals at this port from Central ,
nierica or the South I'acitic since the sailing of the lust
learner for New York, consequently fhoro Is no news (
> report from cither of those quarters. The steamer >
uatemsla, from the former, is due hero to-morrow
tth), and tho British steamor, from the latter, ou tho
ixUl. ^
Newspaper Items from tho Isthmus.
The Panama Star and Herald of August .1 has come to
and, but tho news Is of less importance than usual. The
t ittab ship Morsey arrived at Aspinwull on the 1st inst.,
ringing one hundred supernumerary scatneu for the PaIflr
squadron. All well on board.
Tho sannvpttpt r loams that at an interview lictwccn
Ir. SWreiary toward and Mr. I'ombo. Charge d'Affltlres
f tho tlranadian Cunfoderution, the forrnur ai knowedged
tho obligation of the United States, under tho exding
treaty, to protect the neutrality of the Isthmus and
asurc the safety of transit against Invasion: also that itseta"'if
war would he kept at both [oris for that pnri>ose.
'his news gave much satisfaction.
The United Status flagship Lancaster, Commander Montiotuevy,
arrived at Panama on the 29th ult , after an ab"
once ol'fifteen weeks, during which time Mio sailed (lf.
een thousand miles, having visited the Nandwich and
rfarqtiCadfl lslar.tis and the Mexican coast, Ofilcora and
row all wcljL Sho was expected to remain in port sonvo
line, relieving the Naranar, ord'rod lo San Kraucisci>.
luring her stay at Honolulu she w.is visited by the King
aid Queeu aud tbtnr suites, by invitation froiU 1 lag Officer
Tho Peruvian government had commuucod operations
or opening the navigation of the Amazon by sending a
mromission to Great Britain, consisting of eleven prions.
These men are to superintend the building of veaek
for the expedition. Poru hue also ordered an iron
dated vessel for her navy.
On the 2d instant tho United States frigate Saranac was
aken to Taboga to ascertain tho damage caused l?g tor
[rounding in the late swell. She will ultimately proooed
o San Francisco. The Wyoming has also been oidored to 1
tiat port. The St. Marts has been ordered to the ooaul 1
<" Mexico to relieve the t'yaue, whoso oommwder has
eft for tho United i^tatcs.
Kariy on tho morning of tho 1st instant a smart shock
f an earthquake was felt at I'annma. It w is attended with
loud, rumbling noise, similar to that produced by a Itea
ily laden wagon passing over paving stones. No ill
rr.fts have been experienced. This was tho second
arUiqunke CTjierienccd in Panama within ationt a month.
A letter from Callao reports tho arrest of three or four
merlcan contractors, 011 a charge of being engage^ tn isling
counterfeit I"ernvinn money. They had not been
tainined, nor would tliey be for some time, and tlie
large may have no foundation in fact. The names of the
len are not stated. The election for Vice 1 "resident had
sgun. Gonerai Juan Autonin I'erez and Geucral Kamon
opezCavallo were the candidates. Tho first named was
to government candidate and the other the |>copio%. A
ot wus expected:
Iu our obituary column Is announced the death of I.leunaut
Wra. Mattocks, at Georgetown,ou the 31st ult.,of
nrbus bright^ jr ef ths kidney*. iho deceased
u l/wxTlcuaLt of Company F, Seventeenth Now York sonteers.Colooet
tansing, now quartered at Fort Kllsworth,
id served for two ymrs as a private in the Florida war.
is aga was forty-two years, and he leave# a widow and
?n children. Tho romains have been dtaluWrred and
t warded to .-ntig Sing, la this dtate,
"ha Abolition Papers the Great Sources
of MlKhltUUow the Georgians ere re
Seduced Into Secession?Tooiubs Bnglneers
the Hovement?The Heresy of
State being Superior to National Alleglance?How
the Constitution of Georgia
eras Changed to Keep Down the
Poor Whites"?Shocking Cruelty to
a Northern Woman?Apprehensions of
Servile War?Crimination and Recrimination?Depreciation
la Value of
Ate., Ate., Ac.
ro rat icitob or tub herald.
It in just one week since 1 left tbo outskirts of sccesondora,
end everywhere, At hotel, restaurant, railway
ir, social circle, alt through lUo North, the myriad talk'
ig tongues tod countless thinking brains of our Nortbrn
hives are eternally discussing the same subjects?
rhat does the South want? and what should tho North do?
From tbo very day that Toombs, of (Jeorgia, toleraphod
from Washington to Milledgvrlle thut "the South
ad no hopo of juatlco from tho North," it has been tho
x>d fortuno of tho writer to discuss bl-weekly with a
Herio of known rebels, despatches from headquarter#
i to the objocts in view and tho means to be employed
>"Qro the Southern hoart."
Tlmt heart has bocn act ou tiro, and If It follows natural
iws, like unto all things else combustible, It will be connnod
in tho iioUtico-chcmlcal proooes. With the cxcepon
of South Carolina, which has over boon a festering
hior of uriBtocracv?a ruuuiug goro, with florid regal
irclet, on the giaut body of the grout Western ropublic?
ie masses m the Southern States, ou the llrst day of this
ear, were as true to tbo Union as the chaste young
ride, with the hymeneal blushes enlivening tho pallor of
or virgin cheek, to the loving Romeo upon whose arm
ao leaves the impression of hor woight with such con'
uiug unecuoii.
There has existed Always in the Southern States au ultra i
arty which hus advocated, blindly and uureusoningly, a
aparato nationality for those States. Until the election j
r Abraham Lincoln assumed a fortn of probability,
bat party wus powerless. By the aid of extracts 1
rom Northern papers of tho Tribune Rtamp, paraded ,
rom.neatly in every country sheet throughout ] the
iugth and breadth of the out I re South, the advocutus of
Istinion asked, and acked boldly, Cum you call such
coplo brethren? * Hore is the Tribune; horc Is tlie New
rork Earning J'ost, a democratic paper too?wliat sympaby
cau you have In common with such a pooplu?" Union
sen answered : " This Is a country of froo speech, and
he dictum of tho Tribune is uot identical with legislation
t Washington." But the living, biting, gulling taunts of
uch sheets produced an effect |>orliaps unintended. The
louthoru lad of sixteen colored to bis ears as he listened
o the tirades of the Northern abolition press upon an intllutlon
which, from liis infancy, ho had boen trained to
egard in conformity with the dispensation of Providence*
.'Here was, in this venom displayed by the republican
iress, an unfailing store of polsou to tho thoughtless and
Hisslonate; yot, witli that lever aiono, the Union sentiment
vas too strong to bo even shaken. Had the eighty or
nore men who wero sent to protect a few hundred old
nuskots in the arsoual at Augusta, boon put to garrison
ort Pulaski at the mouth of tho Savannah, Ooorgia would
lovor havo secedod from the Union. Often, before and
.fter the removal of Anderson to Sumter, have 1 hoard seme
f the wealthiest slave owners of middle Georgia and else*
rhore exclaim:?"Would to Clod wo had u Jackson at Wash
ugton I" "Oh I for an hour of Wallace wight, or well
rained Bruco to lead tho fight." But such wishes were
ain; the thon United Statos government hold out to the
wring spirits of secession the tempting bait of Southern
trongholds exposed to tho grasp of vaulting ambition
irithost tho risk of u single blow. With Georgia on tor
ho Southern Confederacy wo would have to contend w ith
. body without a hoart. Had Georgia stnyod in tho Union,
could Alabama and Mississippi havo secedod!
Tin raoFLS or ueokuia did not mra.
Arc tho citizens of Now York apprised that the people
>f Georgia never did voto themselves out of tho Union?
make tbn assertion deliberately and with a fell know
Bilge of that noble |ieoj)le, that the powers that bo in
he South dare not euhmit to a popular vote of tho musses
a Georgia the question of Union or disunion?the North
>t tho same time guarantoeing thorn that their cinsliluional
righta were sacred as heretofore, auil full freedom
if spooch assured at caeh tree stump In the State?and
rot there are few men in that Stale who can now uttor a
Jnion sentiment.
How then did accession obtain tho asceml&ncy? 1
Political engineering and disappointed ambition effected
ho revolution.
No expression Is more common in the South than this?
That tlorgo Washington and tho founders of osr government
never appreciated the slavery institution in its true
light." I have listened to tho silvery tones of Alexander
II. Stopheus, as ho discussed the physiological and provilontial
status of tho negro, and stated that the " Father of
his Country" was too tender-footed to use the word
'Blave," and habitually employed tho term "servant."
Should Henry Clay live to-day, many, perhaps the majority
of the South, would bo eager to hang him as an
rbolltionlst. When Senator Hammond, of South Carolina,
stood upon tho balcony of his hotel at. Charleston anil addressed
tho frantic multitude around liini, ne look from
his pocket a uutuber.of tho Tribune and read a slvrt extract,
iu which tho editor assorted the weakness of the
South, and thou tho speaker naively roplied, "Do not the
fools yet know that we havo always had the control of
Ibis government?"
' Tho control of this government!" This, this was tho
r.up tie sote.il which heated and stupefied tho brains of
Southern politicians. Tho last census diminished the
representation of tho South iu Washington, and the
late election was a proof that Jeff. Davis and
Cobb, and Toombs and Stephens had but slim
jhunces of the White House.
And why should tho South lose influence in the federal
oongresg? Does not every Slavo owned in the South equal
Solomon in uli his glory? What country over grow so
wealthy as tho South in the short period of six or eight
years? Has not every man his carriage, and has not cotton
grown In valuo from six to thirteen cents, and is not
tho slave he purchased for flvs hundred dollars, iu I860,
worth $ I,ilOO or $15,000 now? Why should a people growing
thus wealthy submit to a loss of influence m govern
incut, especially when the gain goes to sireugtheu their
enemies? * .
Upon grounds like thcso a Toombs anil a Cobb, each
with a naif million invested in slaves, could appeal with
ciffoct to the hot headed ami promt collection of young
planters which constituted the Legislature at MilloilgeviUe.
" Why not," exclaimed Toombs, " usurp a |>owor
(not delegated) and pass the ordinance of secession at
once; if you do not hand mo thu sword, by (j?d I'll take
it myself Why not pass it?" The mcmlx'rs know, and
IVombs knew, that tho Union sentiment was so strong
tliat they would gel torn to plecoa had thoy don# so. Hut
they could safely do ono thing. Thoy could call a Couvention,
and they could pass a law whereby ten wealthy
plauters In the middle and tiouthorn counties of the State
would havo as much tnllucuco as three thousand in tho
more populous counties, where few slaves wore owned.
And this they did, nud by tho aid of lying telegraphic
despatches circulated all through Georgia on theevoof
tho election, announcing that Anderson ejus about to tiro
p<in Charleston and its women and children, (hey sue.
needed iu obtniuuig nearly half of the memhnrs
electetl to the Convention. In the county where tho
wricv resi led the rebel txuulidalo received but ICO out
of 1,300 votes.
now tr flrmpmsn.
Rot the Union men elected wore slaveowner*, and
when thee we^to i^Mlcd^evdlo thev voted for wcessiuu,
lh<! after tle ^ returneTthey'tn'fVirmeJ (Mr constttneuta
why they did so. Seoession, tho leaders toid thom, was
only rewinstrection of the government. Thd word slave
was to bo inverted in tho constitution, and the new compact
must proclaim to the world the physiological doctrine
that God made the nigger Pi bo a slave.
It must have Itecn this assurance tiiat induced Linton
Stephens, the brother of Aleck (and I have heard him
tays so), to attach his signature to the ordinance of secession,
having previously declared that till his arm rot
KM rrnm tne snounter no would not append h*< nnmo to
my audi manifesto. It was in conformity with this prourummo,
too, that Aleck himself accepted the Vice Presidency
of Uio Southern confoloracy. Was ho not a
known Union man, atvl was not his acceptance of such
in office a tender of gience ami reconstruction to the 1
North? Did he not state from a thousand Stamp! that
lio "never retracted an opinion?never rode behind anybody?"
Why did this statesman, who was known to he
ts nmhitioug in mind as he was ilwartlsh in person, fal- 1
jify Ins cherished maxims? He was to be Hie |>eaco
maker?the point at which extremes must meet. Such a
Mission, IT crowned with success, could not fail to make |
liim the foremost horseman on tlie race for the White i
House?the future President, whom generations unborn i
would hud and worship as the second Washington.
sr.ir* atxsoia.itc* eaa i mount in rtiK south.
Despite the maxims of Clay and other Southern patriots, 1
til through tltc South State allegiance is looked upon as
primary, national as secondary; ami the nrdiuance of so;?**ion
onoo passed, State pride drove Into the rebel 1
auks thousands who wore the warmest advocates for tbe
Jnion. Such men are at present more ultra Soutliern
han the original worshipiiers of a distinct nationality.
It was liken rending of the hosrt.or the death of a
lrst born, to break the bond with Hie North, which was
semetiled with the blood of ttioif forefathers, and they
inw will exact of the gccocslon leaders that they must
-eallau all the, profits which the latter pointed out as the
eward of h'aepvste nationality.
Sotiu sr'as secession in (lenrgi*?inch It was In nil
iouthVa Slates, South Caroilan excepted. 1' Ex uno th*>? f
rmpfi." S ?1
thi eropi.s or oboroia xnsnmo.
So morliOed have. l^0 people of Georgia felt it ttlft iq- |
Ion of the delegate* to the Secession Convention, that I ten
lavo a thousand timet beard thu remark, " I will never fevi
rote for any one again until ho makes oath whatoourse lui|
te will purauu if elected, no that he may bo arraigned for wit
lerjury if he violates hie pledges." Hence it is that, dee- wa
tile ail the efforts of the press to arouse the people to at- Bet
end an election recently held there, to veto upon the ra. on
ideation or rejection of the new State Constitution manu. cot
actured bv the secession Convention, only a filth of the con
rote re of that Stato appeared at the poMa. A large appro- Mo
jatory vole would he flattering to the coulrivere of dii- 1
inion. in I
Wlan tho masses in Ceorgia come In examine the n|,i
diange made in their Constitution,the devil will bo to pay tht
loiuewliere. At prcsont, to And fault with any of the nit
loitigs of that Convention would be considered treason to 1
,he South. th<
It may be interesting to the readers of the Hsbkld to en
earn thai by the old State constitution of Georgia each wt
:uunty was allowed one Senator. This gave to the mid- wt
1le and southern counties of the State, oontaitning a few pri
wealthy planters, and settled almost entirely by slaves, ou
is much Influence as the thickly settled nonslavo-owning en
iouuiioa. Tho now constitution, while diminishing the mi
whole numher of Senators, givos to evory threo southern tbi
;ounlies,with a hundred sutvo owning voters,one Senator, poi
while threo counties in tho north of tho State, with six or
Jlght thousand voters, havo but onu Senator also. Tho rel
pretext assiguod is to conform to tlio constitution of the j??
United States, by which tho lower house roproeents popu- ?hi
dtion, the upper territory. The real cause is that tho 111
argo slavo owners feel that they have no fellowship with *?'
:he poor white man, and tfs unrated from the North, the *
lay is not far distant when tho poor white of the South
will be reduced to tho quondam condition of the serfb of Kr
Ituiuia. 111
Much is paid in the Northern press of the javage cruelty ??!
h the South to Nurth'-rn born residents of both scire.
I'lio writer, after patming scsthlcss through the hands of in
vigilance committers, has loarned at the hotel at which cr
to hud to stop, ut Jeitursonville, Indiana, for a few hours, br
dial a Northern woman with llttlo children, who was following
her banished husband, had stopped there a fow z?'
lays hutore with a ooat of tar and foathors on one half th'
:ier head, contrasting hideously with the beautiful natural to
"ck-s ol the oilmr half The recital thrilled every fibre in a*11
iny heart, and I longed to cut piecemeal the perpetrators he
>f this demon outrage upou unprotected womanhood. I tin
had a wifo and four little children, who may have to suifor *t<
timilar indtgnitioe, and I vowed in my soul that if It un
happened to my wife 1 would walk, II" needs bo, the thou- Pr
sand inline that separated myself and little family, that I ag
may lake a bloody and terrible revenge. StiU,Isympa- he
ihizo with such a people. They arc now mad. They feel
tnd know that they are standing upon a vast magazine, hu
?nd that the application of the match would not only wi
rloctroy a fortune acquired by industry, but expose ovory wi
white woman in the doutb, married and single, and every
much loved child, to a treatment and a death more hor- ar
rlb'o than any ever thought of by Sepoy brutality. so
There is not a negro in the South who is not on the qui on
vuie for the result of the present contest. That people In
liavu no mails or telegraph, but should a slave tnsurreolion
occur in Virginia to morrow it would be known in P?
louisiaua by the slaves there on Thursday next. an
From plantation to plantation the news picked up whilo cli
waiting upon the whites at table, travels with lightning r0
rapidity. Despite of patrols and dogs those, who travel "I1
after ten o'dodk at night?the hour ut which the planter
is commonly at rest?negro pedestrians are to be com- 'n
mnnly mot with all through tho South. There to little ap- M
prehension felt that the negroes will organise an lnsurrec- ro
ti.in. hut there is a wide spread terror that in theoveut Al
of Huy disaster to the Southern army Hurt the slaves who v?
witmss It will loso all self control, sot lire to tho houses 88
ari'i massacre the women ana children; that tun coutaglon
will spread rapidly through all tho s-.ave states, reader- ,'1
ing tlte whole one scene of desolation and ruin.
Previous to tho bombardment ol' Sumter the hope of Hr
wresting the reins of government from the bands of the "J?
republicans was almost universal. Washington was to bo ?
taken by a r?up de main, arid, tvilh the aid of tho bard '
Nortborn democracy, the constitution was to be re- *y
modelled. That event and the immense Union mooting
bold in New York chattered ail such hopes to atoms.
Then did the South become frantic, and since then they '!u
have nevor ceased to curse an l villify every man, woman,
child and tlimg that 1ms ever lived there. The city of Ul
New York, say they, Is more abolition than the Western
rnsorve of Ohio; and it has ever been so, but self intorost
and the Southern trade lmd made its citizens hypocrites.
Is it wonderful, that with life, property, all at stake, they
should goad themselves into freuzyr Now Ooniinencod ar
tho universal ha uling or mottoes in all tho country press? ',r
"Those who dally aro dastards, and those who doubt are wi
damned." 1 hoy must send all their men and arms to 'J"
Virginia, and one. ill disposed white at homo could by
tampering with the negroes, sot tho entire couDtry in I"?
Hamea. <m
They have arrayed against them a united North, and at l''
homo they are standing ui?ou a volcano, can they feel
otherwise than terror-driven tntofuryV N'impnrte, shout b"
the military loaders, tho "chivalrous South can rout the 01i
Northern millions. Tlioy were cowards in Mexico (so "f
Suid Joff. Davis); they are cowards now We will take UI
Washington ami burn it to the ground; if wo retained w
pofsession of it, there would be a lasting bone of eontcn- ar
lion. When we Koist our circle of stars from Indopendeuco
Hall, in Philadelphia, or the Ody Hall, in Now
York, tho Yankees, llko whipped curs, u ill be too willing l>"
to acknowledged our separate independence." Such a th
speculation a Northern man would rogard as the visionary so
dream of a maniac: but let cue assure Lho reader that it Mi
is the programmo laid down by uearly all Southern rebels. gr
vain 81'kcl'lation*. til
But If this should prove Impracticable, they regard it bi
as certain that England, from Interested motives, must
advocate the cause of the couth. They know nut or care
not to think that the groat mass of poo'plo in England de- th
test tho institution of slavery with a national hate. Fl- B
nally, should all these hopes fail,all YanIteortum worships of
gold?money is tlio Moloch of the Now England Suites? Id
and, say tliey, when New York and Now England feel the gi
pocket touched, Lhoy will whine and beg for peace. at
a delusion DisrsnxRi). fr
Tho affair at Bull rim has cured the South of one treat th
delusion; they have learned there that Northern men can
pull a trigger and push a pike with m steady norvea and 1
stout unarm as ever did Sonthui U'-rs, and In no future hi
conflict with Northern truojis will they advance with the pi
same confidence as then. T1
motors most-Errs or ooKraoMB. of
Were the North to-morrow to tooder to tho South am- te
pi.) guarantees of all constitutional rights. It is moro than rc
probable tbat tlio leudurs would gladly accept, but the ,a
slavuholdlug masses of the South would tear them to ai
pioces did they yet talk of compromise. To array tho lit
South against the Union, thouanuus had to sacrifice at- cr
tachmeuls strong as love for a first born, and they will pr
now exact a rigid account of their leaders; they must con- i*
duct them to that vaunted Utopia of Independence. Kro
tho South will be w illing to compromise, or tho Noi th
with honor can propose an adjustment, tho former must
bo made to fool that the latter has enough of power and Re
patriotism to maintain tho integrity of the nation Then,
with tho Bword in ono baud and tho olivo in the ce
other, before the South is humiliated, the {J
North can display her justice and maguuuimily. tr
muttlai, iu.-fkki.ino noktb and south. x(
Tliero are some in the North wlio desire tho annihilation ih
of tho South, not reflecting, in the blindness of passion, r,>
that the Mow, though indirectly, would fall with fatal jD
oifect u]?m themselves. There is another class wlio read te
with ill disguised pleasure all the details of Northern ln
reverses. It may not bo amiss to assure all such that cf
their unnatural zeal for tho South is thorn regarded witli co
h-Hitfolt contempt. Ueitig in tho weekly receiptor a w
uowspaiKT. published in New York, while a resident of m
Jhxio laud JI took occasion, a few days since, to call into f0
Uie office to request that tlio address migl I h i changed. rc
What was my surprise, wliilo conversing with ono of tho fu
employees, to hear him express the wish-'that in every
conflict which may occur the South should thrash tho in
North?'' I was uover more sensible of the great blessing re
of a froo government, which guaranteed freedom of j<i
speoch, and could not help remarking that wore he a resi- r|
dent of his much cherished South, aud express tvu oppa. tr
site wish, that the tenure of his life would be short in- p,
deed. to
The South has 2??t oven already oue half her wealth. w
Over two-thirds of the taxable property of the South con- ft
sists of slflvc9. They have depreciated in value at least
fifty per cent. There arc few Silos, for the simple reason i0
that only those compelled by personal necessity will Ml. n,
The law litis suspended all legnl action for the recovery of (.p
dobt. Still a few sales which took place at Savannah in- n,
dlcaW the dlustrous edicts of the rebellion ti|)on Uia very sn
species of projxirty whose value it meant to enhance. re
Young men were sold at $doo to $860. who one year ago <u
could bu sold at from $1,dot) to $.2,101). ty
It is much to be regretted that any portion of the peoplo
in tho loyal States should bo cow talking of treating 111
with tho rebelB and acknowledging their independence.
If the United States is ever driven to so humiliating a gi
course, tho supremacy of this continent passes forever ,r
into the hands of the Southern slavoooracy. ^
Why these timid apprehensions of our inability to bi
crush out this monster rebellion? Is not the control of st
the North American continent and the ascendency of our js
free government a rich reward for all tho blood and trea- w
sure that will be oxponded in tho contest? *
Twenty millions of American freemen may bid defiance ^
to a world in arms. Wecauarmattd equip, If need be in
two millions of men as easily as our enemies a fifth of K
that number; and while the confederate navy is composed tl,
f a few pirate brigs and steamers, we have, with our Ti
present roepectable naval strength, mechanics and timber "
andiron enough to cover, in less than two years, the ^
ocean with our vessels of war. of
Tho rebel armies of Brittany and La Vendoe were more 1,1
ormldablo in tho days of tho French revolution than are
[lie Southern rebels to-day, and yet fifteen millions of if
anscent freemen not only beat down the vast armies o it
the traitors, but routod, in addition, the countless legionf
of confederated Kuropc. >
With a strict blockade ^ the whole of the seceded StaJttuv c
cannot arm and oqulp fiRy thousand additional men. '
tho personal knowledge of the writer, company after Sty, m '
(.any recently organized tn the South have apgAfe^, ^ I
vain to tho authorities for aims. Hopes, howeys*- were i
held out that, In the event of some vessel* #'wUlc^ ^
ailed Rom Europo escaping the btecka*" ^ #rnu. could ,
then bo furnished tho new levies. Inm janUme vhey t
werq-hdvised to come on with ih;ie sBolgun9.
little truthful Ineldejk, n(.TOrTe(( rec-titly in
a large slaveholding eo'jbty nwr paAiisfy the reader Hint, j ,
the Southern r,v<e((tr,?ut Is undermined and ready j
to Jtiilodoe tit manner which causes anxious I
ror to thousand! In the Booth, and at wfaieh
r in the North would axult. I was traval{
alter midnight through a section studded
h l/irge plantations, and was astonished at the unusual
Icerulneas and nets; hilarity of the negroes at every
ilemout which I passed; t learned next morning that
the day previous the nowa arrived that a company,,
upoaed chiefly of the sons of wealthy planters in the
inty, had bean cut to pieces at the battle of Rich
"here la a wide spread apprehension in the South that
the event of any great disaster to the rebel army, the
(roes who witness it will lose all self control, set fire to
i houses, and that the contagion will spread Ilka lightig
through the eutlre South.
Some in the North aro astonished, a few appalled, at
s euddeoces and magnitude which have marked the asnblage
of the armed rebels. This It Is which bsa strlckterror
lulo tho craven end paallanlmous In our mldat,
to with hands in pocket cry (or peace. These traitors,
to do not appreciate the value o? a government which
rtects their lives and property, which they am
rstng and striving to degrade, should be painted black
d packed off to Dixie land?there they would soon ba
tde to fieel by vigilance committees, and lash and rope,
a beautiful and humane spirit which bsa given its tinting
but deceptive grandeur to the monster rebellion.
Qie two hundred thousand slaveownlng nabobs of the
t>ol States, urged by pride and passion, made a fearful
p, and unforeseen or uncared for circumstances carried
sra boyond the intended mete. WithUfe, wealth, name]
Influenco all upoa the hazard of a die, Is itamatr
of wonder that they rushed to arms themselves!
Hiring the patriotism of the people, they durst not arte
?lr verdict, and committed to treason themselves, they
asped the sword and puree in every State, and
roatening all who hesitated with death and ruin, they
ellod thisir ranks with thousands of citlseus who were
yal to the core.
The worst days of the Directory, In that bloody episode
French history, cannot furnish Instances of greater
uelty and barbarity than occur dally amid our quondasn
ethrcn of the Sooth.
All those not natlvog who have not ptanged with frantic
?l into tho rebel cause live In constant terror. Whoa
b father leavca his residonce in the morning to attend
his daily duth a, he ktsses wife and children with the
(idoiiing apprehension that the present leave taking may
uio ijim. wncn me ramuy gainer at evening, oeroro
ey all-Kin to politics tiny must feel assured lliat tie
ango ears are listening at door or window, and then la
dor lone oanvass the probability that sumo suspected
ivnte enemy or some Union Boutimont uttered long, long
o, will, ere anotlior sun may set, bring sadness to the
art anu tears to the eyes of womanhood and cause the
liling of orphans to be heard in that onco bappy little
me. The writer speaks from personal experience and
tli a knowledge of many instances where the picture
is more dark and bloody than the one hero drawn.
It is thus that the slave power has put iuto the field m
my of two hundred aud fifty thousand men. This hugs
rpenl, with a head of brnss and-a body of clay, is moving
a surface which at a momout niny oxplode and blow tt
to alums.
The leaders of ths rebellion well knew the might and
wer of this government, and by goading themselves
d others Into a state of frenzy they have succeeded In
S"inblmgan armed force winch would terrify what wan
l!ed the cowardly North, and which from lts,powor at
sistance would appeal to tho niggcriy goldworghipping
Irll of the Fastern States.
No language can oonvey an idea of tho blind, boundless
?nzy aud hate with which the slavoowuers in ths sedod
States regard this government Slaveocracy and
publicauism are now contending for ascendancy in North
nenca. The one must exercise sovereign sway to Use
iry borders of Canada, or the other must maintain its
condency to Mexico and the Gulf.
The rehel statos have now tested the uttermost limit at
eir resources ami strength, while this mighty asd giant
Hon of freemen has scarcely braced its (hows and sinews
r the contest. Were the people of the loyal States
ousod to tho same pitch of maddened fury as ths 8 la valuing
rebels, ore another year bad us blrtb, every traos
treason mid traitors would have disappeared.
Should the freemen of this day, from meanness or tlmlly,
yield to the darmg audacity of the rebel government,
ey will leave to ihsir chBdrcn a logacy of woes. Better
r us. at the expense of millions, now to do the duty that
voices upon us effectually and well, than oblige our ohlen.
at tho cost of billions, to wine out 111c stain uaoa
eir fathers' manhood.
The following <-struct is from the Charleston Jferimrtft
my correspondent now in Virginia:?Wie militia are
ing mustered in to-day, and many of them tame into-it
itb considerable roluetauco. There are aome who huve
i ardent sympathy for the cause. Miey will fight for tb?
hiih, of course, if obliged to light, but they bavo the
eling that if it had not been for South Carolina there
L>uld have been no necessity of lighting. Mirny other#
.n badly spare the time. Their oats are unharvosted)
eir other cioj# are still immature; they have no hand*
work thum but their own, and it is truly a mutter ad
rioas Inconvenience and injury to be obliged to tun
it. Vet iu this section there are many who can tight,
id who can be spared to fight, but who will no!
llcsu they are compcllod to do it. Besides this,
itli the militia wilt come out tho ordinary ttretus
of tho country, which will not come without.
A correspondent writing front Manassas to a Memphis
iper, says:?"I also loaru from oue of our surgoons that
10 wounded prisoners token by our army are not by far
' dangerously hurt as tho majority of our own men.
i>st of our wounds are from Miuie balls, which made
eat ghastly openings and frequently gone entirely through
o body?while those upon the euemy are with round
ilia, whose effects have been less fatal."
Wo deeply regrot to learn, says the ltichmond Whig,
lal Herond Lieutenant Willie Preston Mangum, Company
, of tho Sixth North Carolina regiment, died on Tuesday
' the injuries re solved in- the late battle at Manassas,
eutunitni Mangum was a sen of ex-Senator Willie P. Manim
of North Carolina, and was a man of brilliant promise
ni an officer of rare tact and ability. He was only saved
em instant death bv a Bible in his Docket. w liich broke
io force of the ball.
A copy of the New Orleans /'nice Current of August S
is been received, from which we gather additional
oof of tho utter stagnation of business in that city,
to total number of vessels in the port was twenty-eight,
which twelve wero ships, four barks, two brigs and
n schooners. Ton of the ships, one bark ami one
hooncr were under seizure. Numbor of balos of coitus
port. 9,800. By tho first of August new cotton is usuly
roceivod at New Orleans, but up to the third none
id come to hand. Tho I'rict Current reports that the
itlon and corn crops are heavy, and that the cano was
omitting. Also that tho Confederate loan was "unusually
Tho Austin Slab Gazelle, of the 27th ult. , says:?
Governor Clark ices now about 1,100 Texas troops in
irrison.nnd on scouting duty in tho Indian territories
Uwcen l'oxas and Kansas. lie has succeeded, through
'mmissinnors, in procuring tho friendship of the civilud
tribes inhabiting that country, and has effceted
outlet with most of the nations on tho reserve north of
sxas, hy which they bind tbomsolvos to fight for us in
io piosentwar. lie is now about organizing several
ginieuts on tho lino of Red rivor, as a corps of reserve,
tho event disaster should overtake us hi Missouri, and
be usod as a nucleus for rallying a large forco to repel
v as ion, if neeessary. He Is, we are informed, abou*
itablishing a full understanding, and a lino of communiitlon,
with the Governors of Ai kansos and Missouri, and
ith Gen. McCoUonch'S headquarters. He is using Oil tho
cans within his power to procure arms and ammunition
r tho Plato. He is doing most of this on his ow
iipousiuiitiy, out uioi e rmi uu ug uouoi iuai ue wiu gv
lly sustained by the Logislnturo.
The Galveston News, of the 30th ult.,has the followg:?Tho
foundry at Lavaca.for making cannon, le nearly
iady. All the necessary machinery is up and at work,
untenant Col"uo] .John K. Daylur has arrived at l'ort
lies, noar El Paso, ami taken'command of tho Texas
oops there. Tho cotton crop on the lav oca river is twirled
by the Indianola Courier to be so far advanced aa
i bo safe from the worm. A gentleman just from Corpus
iristi Informs tho Columbia Democrat that tho host of
ilt can be had near there, from the lagoons, at tea cents
The Indianola Courier, of the 13th inst., says The Oolctor
of this district bnK received Instructions from Blofconil
to dispense with tho services of Deputy Collector at
us port, and all other Subordinate officers or employes
bis district, whoso services are not absolutely noceairy.
We learn that on tho morning of the 30lhult.,s
iport reached (Jalveston that a federal force, numbering
iu hundred and fifty mon, had landed at High Islands, and
iat the roport created much excitement High Islands
twenty miles from Bolivar Point, on the coast road
ora Galveston to Sabine.
[Correspondence of tho Cincinnati Gaaotte.]
I'OllfT Pl.ttASlNT, Vs., July 31,18?.
'light of Wiuffrtm Gantry?HftrtatM tn a Great Itwif
Reported Death of Jenkins?Movement* qf Trotpt?
Col. Woodruff.
A courier from Oaulcy's bridge arrived In town this
orniug, bringing the intelligence that General Co* had
icceeueil In getting up with Wise's party at that point os
inday morning. As soon our scouts were seen intolli nco
was convoyed to Wise, who beat a precipitate roost,
leaving behind for our use several casks of bacon,
500 muskets, a large lot of ammunition, teuts and other
imp equipage. In his retreat ho has burned all tho
ridges on the road. Ho is now reported encamped In a
ronghold eighteen miles above Ganley'srivor.
Colonel Tyler succeeded in joining Cox on Sunday. Bo
now encamped on tho opposite side of the river. A halt
til be mi vie hero for several days to refresh the troops,
ho are exhausted by tlmtr long march, when tho two
ivisions will unite an l give Wise anotbor chase. Our
on are In good spirits and anxious to be led into haute
nmcdtatcly. It is reportoJ by a soldier of th? Socond
entiickv regiment, who has Just arrived from tho camp,
iat Captain A. G. deck iris {ex Congressman), woe shot
y one of our scouts in the neck and mortally wounded,
hi? news is received with great joy by tlic inhabitants of
i border. Jenkins is a desi>erato character and is held
i fear by the whole community. Ho carries on a sort of
lorrilla wan aro upon unarmed citixens, and robs thesa
' all they posaesit His command Is made up of thevilins
of this section of the country, who aro well mountci,
ul armed, kpd are thus enabled to proceed from one
on of Uwpt,>nntry to another in a surprising short
this uovs should prove true, and 1 think it is ratable,
'V best we have had in a Ions tinie.
At Vharlestoti all is quiet and a strong lnlonf^)jng
f vails Those who wore drlvon away on uccouot of
aeir Uniou sentiments are returning, ami o?iil\dw.,ee t*
inco more restored. I/'Wis Roffoer, Es<P , a tneutk or of tho
atoconvention at Wheeling, returned toChr nested tolay
on the Silver lake. Ho will tmragd'iatelv ergan7.o
Homo Guard companies along the Kanawha, and
promptly put down all attempts of t^? reL -kJ to again
letter was received here yesterday from Col Woodruif,
directed to his wife, which goro tho pans of (apt,
Jenkins on It. 'IV messenger wJ?o brought it reports tho
colonel safe in Richmond. /
This little town Is gjl alive with Ih- preparations for
war which nro now going on. A train of .-.evenly flv.^
wagons has Just K,( for the rami*. The MuntlelU, w?th
fifty wagons ar , ,mft hundred horses, li w Just aryfvotl.
They will i,lrwirded immediately. We hiyyb shout
four ttujpT.-cd troops sncampod hero. Th-v fire gent as
with the provision trains. ?, J. T. 6.

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