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TH WHOLE NO. 9333. HITI .'ATI ON 8 WASTED-CKMALBS. A SITUATION WANTED?11Y AN ENGLISH WDM AN. . (1.11 be aud aoatnatr mm. (hall at her ( re ?. employment, HI itb avenue, wruiv of Ul?t bt., Air three day*. AS AMERICAN LADY WISHES a SITUATION as bouaokerp-r or ua a aiu-ire a, and tu it-Hint wiin children; uoe?. eptionable refeiencee given by leer preaenlemployer, wh'ie ?lie ran be aeeu fur three uaye, at 7li WItlu# t , Brooklyn A SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNG WOMAN, TO do general homework or up ataua work; city relurencc. Call at IM Ilk av., between 3lith and 37th sta. a SITUATION WANTED?AS WKT NURSE, BY A A. young w.iman; best oi referend a will be given from her preaeiit employer. Apply at 17 Wool ID lb at. An amekican girl wants a situation as nuraeand ftuuiiiairean; baa good'*ity reference. Can be eren lor two day* at 362 A1 av., rooia No. 9, between 22d and Bd Ma. AW IN U U ST KIOIJS YOUNw WOMAN W1MBEB A situation a* nurse ami seuuwtress, or to do light chamber wo ik , will make hooetf generally u-uiful; tlie besi of reference given Can lie oeen for (>o days at her laal place, 1(16 4th ?l., where ahe has lived for the last four years. AH KE4M8TRKBS?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG widow, who is u very good dressmaker and underaiaiida all kin is ui family sewing; no objection to do light ihamberwork. Call at or udoress 105 Westdlkb it. A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT GIltD IS DESIROUS ol a aituatlon as I'haiiihvrinald and nurse,or as chambermaid and louasiMin washing. or would do general housework. Can be seen till engaged at 101 Madison at., rear house, room Mo. 0. AS COOK. WASHER AND TRONER-W ANTED, BY A respectable young woman, a aituatlon to do the cooktog, washing and Ironing ol a private family; la a good cook ana IIret rate washer and Irouer; Is a'-u a good I aker of bread, biscuit and pies; good city reference can be given. Call for I wo days at No. 145 West s7th St. A SITUATION WANTED?BY AN EXPERIENCED JJL letter.and ornauieutai engraver, la or out of Uieeity. Addrese H., 78 Bleecker street. ABBSPKOTABLK YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A situation us nurse and seamstress, or as nurse and ohaatbenuaid. Best at city reference. Call for two days at 107 Bast 13th s(., near 3d a*. ARESVKCTABLB PROTECTANT GIRD WISHES A eituallou oh chambermaid and to take care of childreu, or cen do plain sewing; Is a gcod embroiderer, bas good city refeetnec. Call at 660 Yth a*e., corner of 64th at., for two day a A SITUATION WANTGD-BY AN EXPERIENCED woman, in a small private family; la a good rook and would asaisl with tue washing and ironing. Could do the baking for a ataall private family. Hsa the best city reicrenee Iroiu her last place. Can b.: seen for two daya at 157 West latitat., between 7th and 8th avca, in the Iront base, lent. A S COON.?WANTED, A 8ITUATI0N BY A RESPECTJX. able woman, as nrst class cook In a private lauuly; understands cooking in all its branches, both English and American: can produce best of test muulals as to churater and ability; no objection to go assort distance In the country. Apply at 141 Madison ay. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION; is an excellent cook, fliat rate baker and a good washer and lsaucr; baa no objection to go a abort distance in the country; has the best reference from ber last place. Can bo esn ior two day s at AO Mulberry at. A GERMAN PItOlKSTAMT MAID WISHES A 8ITUAAea to travel, either in Europe or Amei tea, with a family, to wait on a lady or child; she bas served in this cap*city MM. C. be seen at ker pnaaal em pie jar's, 171m avenne. ABITUATION WANTED?BY A RB8FBGTABDM WO' man. la an excellent cook, washer sad better, and thoroughly anderstands her buetnesa, and hit kinds of game and fowl and deeeerta. Is an excellent baker of bread and biscuit. Tbe best of city reference. Can be seen for two days at aw Bast lttb at. A VBOXX8TANT GIRD WISHES A SITUATION AS aB, (Sthiuaermald or Seamstress, ur to assist in waabing Mi MUM n a private faintly. can come highly racouiaMMUftvoi her ^ last employers Can be Men until suited A LADYOF RESPECTABILITY AND RESFONSIHIEIIJ, wishes n situation a*, bookkeeper, or would line u> take charge of a gentleman's residence tor the summer; ooraSraac ^6 ILwll *? ' Umasiiaic anekecplio liable. AdA NEAT, TIDY YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A SITUAJ%. toon a* cook; Is ait eaeeUant washer and ironer; rood cook; uid-isumls all Wines 01 baking; is willing aud obliging, and uotafraid ol work; the. boat ally releicnce <a.i be given. Can be seen far two day* at 312 13th si., between a vs. B and C. A NICE WUHAN WOULD LI KB TO QO OUT BY THE A day to do plaiu sewing, or would sew with a dressmaker. Inquire at 86 6th av., for two days., A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE A young woman, as chambermaid and to assist in washing and ironing, or to do general housewoik In a small prisma family; no objection 10 go til the country. Best reference lrom last place. Can be seen tor two days it' not engaged at 18 6lh st. A YOUNG OIRL WISHES A SITUATION AS chambermaid mid wnttress, or to ink euro of children end sew . Good reterenee given. Apply lortwo days at No. IX East tf'li top II.air.'.O.N u ANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN, AS chii . n mi -i.i. go in the country for i lie summer with s lainlly, too l eity railrcnoe. Can be seen lor two days at H West 2-ji m. A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT OIKL WISHES A slluatiou as ln'M clasi cook in a urlv-iLu lamiiv: , uv re forme-. Can b?- kcu lur two days at ay 3?d II., between 3d uid Lexington am. A PROTESTANT GIRL WISHES A SITUATION AS wimitri'M. cuta and lit* ludn-e' and children's :re*aea; Mulci i.o out dj the day, wee* or aa dre?*uiaker. Cad it No. 141 Madison ave. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WISHES A FAMILY'S wusli.n., or ladles' and gentlemen * wanning, or w , uld fount try toe day; van give good recommendations aa to capability aud honesty. Call at or addreia MS M a-top iiour Mck room. , A SITUATION WANTED?AS WET NUK.SE, BY A rcspevlnble married woman, who baa lately loat ber baby. Cail for two .lay* at 27 Bridge at., aecoud Lour, trout trout. A SITUATION WANTBD-BY A RESPECTABLE WOmail; la a oral rate rook, washer uitd liuiicr; la an excellent baker ol bread and biscuit, thoroughly understand* her buaineaa; can give good city relvreuce. Cad lor two day a it 61 Sd av., corner i Eaat iltii ?t. A YOUNG WOMAN WISHES EMPLOYMENT AS eauiatreii by Ibo week or monin, can cut and tit IhUdreu'a clotbea; la a good shirt maker. Good relerencia Call at IAS 3d nr., between ltfm and 17tn an., lur two dayi. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE woman, aa cook or laundress. Btai city rclereuce from laal place, whers she baa lived lor yesra. Cull (or two hays aUilt Ea-t din at., bctweeu lit ami 2d av* A STEADY WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION EITHER in New York or Brooklyn, louo iba gei.eial bouaewora 1 a imall family. Oood city reference. Can be en until ingaged at 122 Al antic it., Brooklyn. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A GOOD GIRL, IN auy capacity, In a private family, or to tie the general heuMwork of a miall pilvate family: good reference Irom laat employers. Call lor two dayi al 70 Atlantic at., Brooklyn. over barber's shop, second door, front room. A SITUATION WANTBD?BY A YOtTNO WOMAN. AS A nurae and plain newer; baa bar own machine. City retrainee. Can lur two d .yw at Mu. 6 Hammond it. A SITUATION WANTED?HY A NEAT, TIDY UIKL, to do cbamncrwork, walCD; and lake < are ol children, oraaal*lla honeework; la willing to make hemel! uaitul; no objection to the country. Call I or two day a at lbdWeai2blb at., between 7th and bin are., in the rear. A SITUATION WANTBD?BY A YOUNO WOMAN. AS chambermaid and to d'i plain a win :; perfectly cornj> tent in either ca|>acily. Unexceptionable city referem p. Call {or two nay a at Si Wait Utn at., beta ecu Alb and bib i> a.. In the baaeinclll. ABBSTECTABLE MIDDLE AC1EO WOMAN WISHES a iltuaiiiin to take care of bildr. li and du light charaberwork. Beat ol city retereiu a lor two yaari hd<1 three month!. Call at IOC Canal it., corner of Uudaou, third lirur, front reotn. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION in a nuiel, rr>p'itabic family; u a trimd plain cook, waaher and iroiier, aud willing to ocmge; h.ia no objection to go in the country. Can be audi lor two dayi at No. t Cottage row, Yunnan it, near doralruiou. Smith Brooklyn. A FRENCH WOMAN, A LITTLE ABOVE MIDDLE age, wlabel a nitiiallnn aa Spainalreww mid to l?kr care of ahtldreu; no oaby; ?be it curniie.lp.nt to teach Fremiti and luxe ladlea* dre-?e? and chlldri n i rlulhva; mi objection to the country. Hood roforcuoa. Ap|My lor two daya at Ihh 6lh nr., in the baiemant. A8ITUATION WANTED-BY A RE.nFKCTABLB young gut, aaplaiu cook, nailer and Iroiier. or to do general houM-work. Heat city re.aienue. t an at add Weal Hub it, top Boor, back room, tar two ilaya. 1 VIII Nil Willi Ik VCKIIVW a UITIT itiiiU ao A waitress, or ihainlwrnialit and waitress; no objection to go a short distance in thtt country. b> u reioicucc. Can ba ?eao at ltd East 2mh >1. A RESPECTABl.K YOU MO WOMAN WISHE8~A~8ITU. Ihti ax cook, ?a?hcr and tronor, or to no n,-ral housework tu a small larudy, liaa the li?at ol city reierrnee Call for two da)? at 10/ W'-st 33d at., between 7tl> anddth ats.. rear tiuilainj. ABITUATION WANTED-UY A RESPECTABLE uTRL to no chninliei work, or to take ear* of children an,1 aemai In the was.iink and ironing; has toe beat ol city rrlcreounu Call i t Kant lath at., near lai av., In tUe dry (Ooda Store. for t? o days. An experienced younu woman wishes a alt 11 till u .in no I no in a In at claxa laiiniy . bus lived a lib me o! the lie-I i nam Ilia x In the city, is eapttul! of tukiint the "ii lie c. ur,c ol a nxnjr troiu tin lartli, hux lived lour yearn i lieriani | ia?c. and si x vc.irx In her previous place Can bo to, n uir two iiayk at West Hftth at. t KI1HPKCTAHI.E OIRI. WISHES A SITUATION IN /V a private I an chanthoi tnaid; or in lake are of Inluieii aatl no plain aovv ii*. Can he seen lor two dayn at brr present employer n, a i uncord at., Brooklyn. A Till stWt lirilY YDI.NU WOMAN Wl.sllES A sitcin.,in in unit" and a*aiii?iitins; no objection to do chiunhartaork an I one oa dilim. m a pr,vald family, liaa no oral rearm'ell) lefi roiic*. < a.l at tlj litli at., briwc,u tilth and 161 n atx , tor two da) a. t hiuj'ation wanted?iit a respectable iva l\. mark; la w lllim to tuxn the altarge of i#o elill,:, en, and the riraerv, and van no | a i set. lug i! re.prreo; no ohjee. 'ioiix to < u. t n tini hi. .ii a ( -nilem.! n a family. Kir t Sana city'en e an ,e ^iv-ii, Ca I for twrd ilayt V dhj n iwoen -M and .XI al*., u< at ynraia dm i tu tae civallor'a King the kcll. :e ne NEW SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES, A SITUATION WANTED? bv a respectable oibz* ? chambermaid. waitieae, or to a->?i?t with llie waabIng. Can give lh? test of cliy iHiTn.ur. Apph ?i 149 Weal 27ln at, tourlli tlnnr, rnoin 14; can be ??en two daya. A SITUATION WANTED- HY A RESPEtTAHLB young woman, in a amal' private family; ia a g oil plain a ok and an excellent waelo r and lroner If miuir-d. flood city reference. Call at 2?> Weat 2Cth at., between 8th and 9ih area , for two daya A SITUATION WANTED?KT A RESPECTABLE young woman, aa cook, wanker and ironer, or aa ehambermaid and to aaalat with the wualilng and Ironing; hue no objection In go a ah. ri diatanc in the country , llie boat of cliy re 11 mm e given. Can be a< an fur Two daya at 4? A SITUATION WANTED?KT A YOUNG WOMAN, AS laundrc-a for cily or country, or lo do bous. work la a small lamtlv: city reft rence. Cnu be sees for two day* at &>7 Greenwich *1., near Barrow. A LADY GOING TO EUROPE 18 DKHIBOU8 OV KBcuring good places for her two servant girls, cook and chsrnbermuid; they have been long In the family, and cuu be recommended iu every respect. Impure at 306 Htory at., Brooklyn. AYOUNO LADY OK RESPECTABILITY AND RE flneuieut w ould like a auuaiion an housekeeper. Ad dress, for one week, Mibt U. James, box 82 Broad-way Poat Ulce, New Y ork. AS COMPANION TO A LADY GOINO TO EUROPEWanted by an Bngliah lady. The advertiser will be found a moat useful at.d desirable person, having ti availed a great and knowing all the want* thereof. Compenra' Uoa no abject?travelling e .-pernios aad a congenial perron being all that is desired. Address M. A., box 13d llorald oSoe. A RESPECTABLE GIRL WISHES A SITUATION A3 chambermaid and laundress; no objection to the country; eery beat city reference from ber last place. Can be aeon lor two days. If not engaged, at 14 East 11th at., near 4th ar. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WI8UK8 A SITUatiaoas chaaauermaid and waitreaa; baa good city a*, ference from her rest place. Can he area for (wo days at 136 West 134ti at., near 7th ar., in tne basement. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN wishes a situation ae wet nurac; no objection to the country. Appiy lor two days at 136 7th ave. A CAPABLE YOUNG GIRL WISHES A SITUATION as leamaueaa and children's nurae; can lake the entire charge of a baby; ha* no objection to tne oountry; bus the beet ot city reference. Can lie seen at 13 Union court, University plure, between 11th a: d 12th sis. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, lo cook, wash and Iron, or do housework for a am ill family. Best city relerence from her last place. Call at 226 Went 26th au, between 8tb and 2th ava. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A situation aa chambermaid and seamstress; understands wailing on table; will assist in the washing. Best city refemaamSi to honesty aad lapahWl/. call at 12s Atlantic at., ooruer el lleury, Brooklyn, over Bcantou'a rture, room 12. Can be -ecu on Wednaaday and Thureday it not engaged. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNG GIRL, AS atamatren-; uutleralanua dreaamaklng; has good cily references. Can be seen for two daya at 13b West lttiii at. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG GIRL, AS * litre as; baa the belt-of city reference. Can be Men fur two days at 136 West IStb st. AN AMERICAN UtRL WISHES A SITUATION AS nurse or chambermaid, and to assist with the washing and Ironing; good reference. Call at 144 West 33d st. A YOUNG COLORED GIRL WISHES A SITUATION as nurse an., seamstress, or as chambermaid. Can be seen at 3d West MKhist., ita Hour. f runt room. ft YOUNG ENGLISH COOK WANTB A SITUATION: 4%. saneeGfiid* cfohtog its all Its branches. Apply as 33a Eluab. tb St., between Prince and Houston sw. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A SITUalion as chambermaid and to assist In the washing aud ironing. Best dty reference from bar last plaee. Call lor two dayset Ml 7 th av. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WI8HE8 A HITUation aa nurse ofid seasnstres, or at chsjnbsiumei and seams'reas; good city reference. Can be seen for two days at 401 3d a*. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL WANTS A 8ITUAudnea,cheiubeame*d and to asainla the washing, or to do the work ol a small private family; has the best of re terence from ber last place. Inquire for two days at 16d Wast 3btb st., in the store. A SITUATION WANTED.-IS A GOOD PLAIN COOK, agood Waahsrsnd lieiier, and has city reference from her last place. Call at 300 1st ave., between 23d aud Aid sta, for two days A SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNO WOMAN, TO do Cham ber work and waiting, or bouse work In a small lamily. lias the best ol reference from her last place. Can be seen for two days ut 73 West lVtb st., between bth and 7 th aves. A LADY WANTS A SITUATION AS SALESWOMAN IN u respectable bus.ness; has been aociisioineii to the Broadway trade tor tin- last seven years. The advertiser Is s str ctly'business wuii..hi. Call at or address No. 7 Carroll place (Hleecker st.) for three days. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNO WOMAN, AS lauiiiir. es aud to do general housework in a small family; no objection country. City re!eren< a given. Cun ue wen lor two day? at I .Vi Broudway, corner of 3i tli st. A RESPECTABLE GIRL WISHES A SITUATION AS chambermaid and to do waiting tn a private faintly; has good city reference lroui her last place. Call at lAfi West 28<h at., third Hour, hark room. AS COOK ?WANTED. BY * RESPECTABLE WOMAN, a sltua.ion uacooa; would have no objection to assists Utile with t it- washing aud iron mt; is a good bread ami biscuit maker, thoroughly understands her busiuras, aud has best ol city reference. Can be seen for two days at 33 Wi st 30th si. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNO WOMAN, as cook; uuderstaiius cooking lu all its branches, meals, soups, bread, Ac., or assist in washing and irontnr, or 10 do the entire washing ot a small anitly; city reference. Cun be seen lor two days at No. 26a 2oih St., between bib aud 10th aves. A YOUNO WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION AS C1IAMhenoald an I waitress, or would do coaing, washing and ironing; understands her business, has toe beat ot re icreuce iiuiu lit-1 imtt employe iu urn t iij. lui si w IDtli *t., la the more, Mar thetunh, for two daya. A respectable uihl wishes a situation as rook, WHkher and inner, or to do gcncr I ho Ma orfc in a small private family ; rood city reierence. Call tor two days al 9US An..ii.i M., Brooklyn, in the store, A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A K1T17Aliou an ihninlie. ntald and is willing to samst In waddug .tnd Ironing, ran give ficm four years' to ntne mo tithe' reference. Cm tie eeen fur two days at 4.1 OWSl SL A YOUNG GIRL WISHES A BITl'ATION IN A PRI vale family as cook uud to in the washing and trolling. Can be soeu in iter lest plinc, where sue has dved tne Uai seven years. Best ?f city reference. Call at M West 16th st.( lor two days. Situations wanted?by two respectable girls, iu one house; one us plain cook, washer and iroiu r; the of ier as chamber girl and waller, or to assist in washing and ironing. Call sk hi Gold *1., Brooklyn. SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESl'ECTABcE PROteMUni girl, to do plain cooking, wasulng and ironing; country jtreierred. Apply at her present .place, l&d West Houston ,ti., fur two days. SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, to do plain coating, washing mud ironing, in a respectable family; the bust of rity reference given. Call at East Ullh St., top lloir, front room. SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOPNO gin, to take carc of children and do plain sewing or rhimherwark and plain sewing. Call at 22* Sullivan St., in If rear, room No. 4, lor two day*. Beat ol city references SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE AMERI. can 1'iutcsiant young woman, as chumberinsiu and scainsirser it willing and obliging; no objection to go In the country for the su miner. Best city referenca. Call at EM tub *?.. between bl.t and J2d tts , Second door. tSITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, In n Sn.a l family at good plain cook, wa-ber and Ironer. ssilie lit-siuf city r. lerence. Call atV4 West 40th si., lor two days, truiu 10Pi I.', CIT0ATI0N8 WANTED?BY TWO YOUNG WOMEN, O ilia private lan.lly; one as good cook aud asvist with lbs washing .,nd Ironing: Is k llrsi rule baker; has lieen live {ears in her last place, the other as chambermaid and as?lsi it the washing and Ironing; both willing and obliging: .Id be willing to go the summer months in the country. Call for two days at 2d3 7th av., between Ulh aud 2d(h sis., third boor, ^ront room. WANTED?by A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, A HITUA lion as gisvd plain oos, washer and ironer; la willing *> make neraeii generally uaeiui. a g< on nomc preferred bet ui i: wage*. Bern 01 uly lefneuce. Call at lit Mail Icon, it , in hrear. WANTKD-A SITUATION, BY A KKKI'EC TABLE girl, to do chamberwork and watting, or general work in a private launly. Tin- be-dof clt> referent** (Ifrn Call at 45 tir.eowicb *> , for two <a|A WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AND HKK Utile oo?, a >ltu*ll?u lu ll.acountry to do gei.eiai huuneWork; board for the boy and $3 per ninntb for tbe mother I* all that will bo required. Call lor two day*, or adilreaa Slur* Canty, cure m Patrick Shay, Turd ham road, Yor i< ?m, n. y. V\.rANTKI)-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE TT young woman, n* > bumOeriuaiJ and w alter, or tu do th? work 01 a imuil private lamlly. Ha* *ood city reference from l>er 1**1 place. Ail.ire** 111 We*ti6tli at. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESECTABLE young woinao, t<> do cliauibtu work an i Waiting, or to take tare o; children and do plain MWingno uujn lion to g" a abort dlatanra In the roiinuy. Oood city reference given Call at llol Eu*t 14th at. WANTED?A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE girl, a* cliaiuberniald or waltrena; la a competent wallrc**; in Abjection to go to llie Country lor Ihc iiiiiitner. II.ut ib" I oat oi lalerenvc. Call a hill bib are , between doth and 3ith at*., in 1>M! Ere neb atioe More. nrANTBD?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNO OIUL, A Hltuatl'di lo do general houaework, can cook. waali a el iron. (Raid eliy reirrcnre given by applying at tod :'.d av . b ween Win and Jam hi*., tin cl boor, limn iuoin. \ITA\ ED?BY A KKSI'R.IT.tHLK YOUNO OIKL, A 41 ' 'ion a* cliainiieriiiald ami waitie**; b"*t ol illy re -''"liee I rein her lA^t |il ice. Can he aeen for two nai ait I.H.'ly nt' i pht U.? .VKII-HY A MIDDLE AIIKD AMERICAN WllititV U , a Mtiiaiinil a* hourekeei er in a , eiltleinaii'* 111 II, t, ill or nrar H e eii . <|, od refnenee given and r Ijiil.-' !. cldreioi lornno week II. It , *t alon Hi tVANTKI'-A SITUATION, itv A RKHPEl TABLE it > .nig woman, .a iiiiii* and antniatro-a; m n* u 1" .if tak ."g eliul It a laliy IIIII.I U* h'Tili Hit.i the be i I . uy .men n i i hi i e tern lor two day* .it Ji,I 3d at between 1 >i land loll *'*. RK H 'RIL 2, 1862.-TRIPLE SB SITUATIONS WANTED- FBMAIeK*. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A YOl'NO OIRL, AS 1 cook, i r would atsUt with ti e w.iahin if r 'Uired; best city reference. Apply tor two da rani KM W?*t 10th nt. ? WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE WOM AN, OF I.ONO ti experience, u laally's washing In hTuwn house; has e the best of dly reference; wuulil Imvc no object oil lo work ~ by the Jay Apply at 210 East tilth st., near 1st av " WANTED A VITIATION, BY A REnl'ECTAHl K r Rlrl, as plain rook, w asher and trouer or do g'-neial houeewoik in m ainall private family; Ave yeais' cit.v rnie- ' rencnan lieyivt a Call a' the c rn"r of Baud aud Wan en streets, over the store, second floor, Bio J IIrANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED OIRL. A SITUAVV tioli anliainh rniahl anil ptu 11 Hewer, no objection to the rare of children; beet of rcf> rente given. t an be seen for two duys ut 5H Warren st., near Sinitfi Brooklyn. WANTKD-A WTUATIO*. BY A RESTS! TABLE i woman, as lady h n am and soamstrets; Is eattil-'n to art us housekeeper: lu st eity reference. Apply a W Wed 20 li st., between Cth aud 7ili avs. SITU VTIOIYS WASTED?MALES. An experienced salesman, with a very ex tensive i onneci n n in line anil ether Suites, in open to nr. lanituineuU with any urm desiruuen? extending tuelr bum. ip'ss. Personally ii 'mialiitrd w t i most of the merchants tUrontlioiu New York State, be run Influence a vary large an I tafe trade. Reference unexceptionable. Address liusiiiess, box 21.1 lleishf oll.<e. AYOUNtl MAN OK 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN mi ienntlle purHii is wants a situation us bookkeeper or let k lu any olhce or grocery concern wuere he can mako himself urefiil;cun produce llio beat of references. Addre.-s Clerk, Herald sflto. baa reterrnue (rum bar but flaws, un o? soon tor iwiHbyt mil Second plivce, Biook 1>I>. -IITAMTBD?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE WOTV man, as brat darn cook; thoroughly untie. * oids her business in all ita brunches. hi* the best relVTewec Hum the highest laaiilies; no objection to tbe cnunuj for iur summer months. Cull at 1323.1 ay., corner of 16th sL, m tbe grocery store. Can be seen tor two day*.' WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT young woman, a aitnatlon a* professed cook, in all n* branches; game and soups, baking and pantry, jelile* and b e cream, and all kind* 01 dessert; the nest city reference given. Call at 267 7th av., briar, en 2Cth and 27th si*. "117 ANTED?A SITUATION, IMMEDIATELY, AS WET TV nurse, by a young healthy worain; beat ol references given. Send word immediately to her last place, 313 Adelphl St., Brooklyn. WANTED?A SITUATION AS NURSE AND SEAMstress, by a joun; giri, with the best oi reference; wo tld have no objection to go iu the country with u family loi tbe suimi.ei. Can lie seen at the house of her last employer, for two days, US East 33d at. \\TANTED?BY A protestant younu OIKL, A SITV inatiun to do eliuiub rtvork and wuillng, or in take care >." clilldien; country prcfened; city relerunce. tali at 172 lib st. WANTED?BY A KESl'EC'i aisle mauri El) WO man, with a fresh breast ol milk, a us wet nurse. tiood city reletencr*. Call lor two day* ul 23 Carroll st, Bro< kly u. Wanted?by a respectable girl, a situation ua chuuib. rtuuid i.n.l waitress, or lo do bousewoi k. iu a small family. Good relerenee from last place. Cull fur two day* at No. i Jane hi., miu UreeBWh h av. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A rehpei'TABLB glil, to uo chumberwork ami assist in tbe war bin : ami ire.ilng, or to do getirial uousewoi k for a small private laiiii* ly ; is a good wisher and ironer; bus goo,I city rctcrem o Iroin her last place. Call tor two days at 21i East-Olh St., second tluor. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE \VOtnin, who is capable of taking iarc oi children or an iniantlroin Us birth, t an lie seen at her present employer s, lor two diys, 100 Madison av. WANTED?BY A PROTESTANT WOMAN. A sltl'A?V tlon as cook; perfectly uimerstan it c. ostug In ad Us branch. s, and 1s uu escellrnt Inker ol brcud and lis* good city reierence from hi r last p aoc. fan he seen ior tluee ilaya at the Protestant Employ rneut Agency, 1-3 4th tri>, between 12lh and 13t i sl(. Wanted?bv a kkspectahle youno oikl, a llualion in a private lan.i.y as reunistress; can cut *11(1 III ladlea plain ureaara aim iimae caimren * ciumca, la *11 excellent (Sift hand; Do objection lu do a little Qt*D(tr work; beat cliy reference from laal Canieaeenfor two day* at 1 tH 7lh nr., third iioor. WANTBD-BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, A SITUAtlou a* nur*e to lake ruM barge of children. or a* chambermaid and wailresa, ha* uo objection to Uie country. Ben of city reference given. Can be aeeu lor two day* at No. 267 Henry at., Booth Brooklyn, to thr a,ore. WANTKD-BT A KE8PBCTAHLE PHOTESrANT GIRL, aaituatluii to travel with a kvdy and to take charge of one or two children during thn auinmer; l? a compliant aeematreaa. Ha? the brat of city reference. Cull ut 7* Baal Mih at, near Lenuglon are., fur two day a. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A COMPETENT WO nun, aacook, baa no ejects n to asalut lu waaloug and Ironing. Can be aecn at her praenl employer'*, lid Writ 23d at WANTED-BT A REfxPEUTUIl.E OTRI., A 8ITPAtlon;oaa cook, wa.?u and Iron, baa in> nbye il in to do general It uaework in a email private family, good city reference given. Can be aren tor two day* at 11 IVeat 19th at. WANTED-A SITUATION, MY A YOI N 1 WOMAN, IN a n apecuiblr faintly, aa mire-, plain fewer or cuaitlIxruia.d, w?cri moderaie. i npiy at 117 at., near Prince, laird Hour. WANTED-BY A YOUNG GIRL, A SITUATION AS rliainlieriiiald; if willlti , lu aa?u>t in waaliiug umi Ironing; la a good plain aew.-r; h.-ta no objection* to take care of children; I* willing to make lieracll generally iiM-ful: good city relerencr Liven. Call fur two daya at i7t 2-Jih at., between Vtb and Ulih ava. \1' ANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOPNG WOMAN, TV a Bilualiou aa chambermaid and waiter, or chambernial land to take care ol children. The Ileal of cliy retcrrnea given. Callat li8Jdav , retween IStii and 17m ata., lu the iaary atore. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A SITUA* TT tlou aa rook, baker and paatrv, uiideralanda Iter bnalne>a thoroughly. t an j<<'lty reference |ufr the laal live yeaie. Can lie aeeu at 21>i East Slot at. ii'ANTKD-BY A HE<PKCTABLK QIKL, A SITUAM tlou lo do chambers oi k and waning, or to do chamberWork and due waablng I'hn neat ol city reference can be givru from ber laat pia> ', where "he ha* lived three yeara Call at IdU St. Mark* place, one lligtit of alali a up, rack. TITANTED?BY A RSdPECTABLE MIDDLE AGED TV woman, a aitiiatuiti aa cook; uo t rsUMlda br.-ad, paairy, Ac.; la willing to go a abort illa-ancn id tbc - oiintry. City reference from Iter I ikt place. Can be aeeu lor two day*. If uot engaged, at 1Mb End Igib at. WANTKD-BY A YOt.NO AMERICAN OIRE, A SITE aitnn to take rare ui children or do II,Ilk up tiulra work, or In annul willi iln giorial lion-r.Miik, in a im I ptivaia lanuljr; l? Willing and ubignn!, and kind lu children. He . r< lu her taal employer. Call ak Ml lak av., between 'AJ.lLwiid II ak sta. __ WANTED?A SITUATION HY A RKMI'Ki TABLE girl aa i-hambfriiiiil i, ami will w. li ih.i wa-iun.' mill li nriiK llaa no nb|e. i o i lo tT-oinu jr. The b m of ciijr reiereiice given, i all ak ai3 We?t llek ak., her lank pl..cj. Can be aeen .or two duya. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RKSI'Ec'TAKLK youg woman. ?a i.oo I p.aln enok, waalier a.ul Honor, <>r to do lioneowork In t aniali p, ivaie lamlly. Hen id r.-.ernoo from her Inak |m . I'aii b.i a. en llll Milie.i aki.8 VVu?t lei', at , between 7lu mi l Ath a.?, VAT ANTED A SI ATION, HY A HKS I'Ki T A HI K YT wlrl, aa flood pPiln eook, wan n r and iiumn, or laun. die??, n a privale l.i . y, Ilea i ie h at 01 cikj rniVtnuin Can be aeen for t in i a. a ni III Crtlton ov , HronOyn. \\T ASTi II?A S 'llfATION, HY A RP.SIifi:TABLE ?V 1'roteatant won.nn, a* unrae mid amkiiiairom., ..i wo,ml b' wI ling to dogem ral tin ieew i'k Mr a MU. Jll li .il. .mily. oodi'ik/ rafere?? < an be girt n Cinho e.i it 1O4 Wet, tkin at. Wanted?a situation, hy a nkhikctahle ,ouii? girl, Ui dn eoimnwork. In n am mi nam.ijr. o o I I'll re . I en e I llll lie given l ull Ed ija at Iln' Mjn a av.. B klj ii \lf ANTED?BY A RKSiEcrAllLK WOM IN UAMILV or ie tel w? blng: jt> ei i|.|n.r mi . n. n. neii ajlun if r (jinri d. aj i > i HM ? ! i at , i.e' n m uuij 'J,. a.e.,, Hi i lie rear. W YO YORK, WEDNESDAY, AI SITUATIONS WANTKD?KKMAL.ES. ^ WANTED?A SITUATION A8 COOK IN A KM ALL prlnte isnii y; U an excellent washer and lronrr, and Is both willing ami obligiog ai any all, haa good refereuu* from her laai plan.-. Can be awn lor two nay* at ill East lltb at., Iielw??u 1,1 av. and a*. A TAT ANTED?BY A GERMAN OIRL OK THK HIGHEST Vf respectability, a Hilualion to go to Kuioi e, either a* lady's maid or child a nurse, Tbe beat ol city relertn' given. Call for two days at 728 8th av., in the store. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE SCOTCH GIRL. A situation ax chambermaid; has no objections to Liking care of elnldren ami assist with washing and irouiug. Call for two (lays at 322 7ib ay., room N . 8. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOMAN, a situation aa Wet nurse. A. ply fur two day a at 218 Cherry St. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN to do the housework in a small family: is an exocllent laundress. The nest of reference. Can be seen lor two days, If not engaged, at 21 Hudson st. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOuiau, whose bully died, a < hid to wet nnrse at in r 0 I u residence: has ifco best ol refereuce. Apply lor two days at 171 East 16th si., between avenues A and B, second boor, back room. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young girl, to do chumberwork and waiting, plain sewing or general housework in a small lauilly; the best of city given. Can be scan for a few days at 228 West .b h tt, first door, Irani room. WANTBD-RY A RESPECTABLE YOCNO WOMAN, A situation: Is a good plalir cook, fli.t rate'.v. sh. r and lruner; would be williug to go a abort di -tunce in ihe eouutry; has the best city refeoen- es. Can be ? en at 111 West 17th St., between 6th and 7lb ava WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOM \M, A 8ITUAilon to do general housework lor a sin ill iamlly: has good reiorettoe from last place. Call lor .wu days at 3J Attnntie si., South Brooklyn. WANTED-A SITUATION AS NURSERY GOVERNESS, oras lady's eempanlon. Can sew neatly. Call lor two days at 12 > Christopher at. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, A shoa iou in a small private, to dogeueral housework; is a good cook, washer and uone.r. Good eiiy rofere lice fromher last pace. Can be seen for two <!aj??l 48 Laurens st. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY AN ELDERI.Y WO" man, to do ihe housework ol a sin ail laiully; is a good plain cook, washer and holier. Best ol city leiereuo-. Call at 10 Essex si., near Grand. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A FIRST RATE COOK; has good eiiy reierence; will assist with the washing. Can be ten lor two davs at 111 7Hi ate . corner ol Utiii si.. top floor! back room. tit a xitt?r> uv a RVHPiirTinT.u vnir\n <imr. a vv kill athm as chambermaid and wallroKH or t > lake earn of children. The beat of city reierenee from her last place. Cull at or addreu* 237 Weal 40th at., between ilth analOlb u?n., top lloor, front room. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A COMPETENT COOK," who underalnud* rooking in all Ita branobua; plcsi cukes, nicale, ar.; la alao u prrieci launilreua. The best o city reference. Kor further particulars call for two daya at 3tfk lal are., front ro >aa, top tkior. WAN TED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN, A SI- . toatiou aa coarhmun; hua lived with the Iwai tun ill irk in tbla city; understands the care and management of horses. Beat city reference. No objection to go a abort distance in the country. Apply at 48 Eaat Ifitb at., or addreaa T. L, Herald ofllce. WANTED?A SITUATION AS CHAMBERMAID AND waitreaa, or waitr< aa alone, the heat ot city reference gt?*n from her laat employer: no objection to the country lor summer: uuderatanda tier huaineaa thoroughly. Cau be seen for two days at 276 iftb ave. WANTED?BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION TO do general homework or plain rooking; ia a good was bar and troncr. Apply >0 Mra. MA alley, NO Beat 23d at., between 2d and 3d aves. WANTED?A SITUATION AS CHAMBERMAID, OR to take care of ehlldieo; beat city refcreucea can he given. Call at the newa depot, 355>4 nth av., for two daya. WANTED-A SITUATION, IN A SMALL PKJYATE tumlly; Is a good plain cook ami wanner and lroucr; Auction and commission?i wish employmhm in an auction honne or other mywIiMt fenataaaa; I am 26 yearn of ng", write wi ll and am act'ina nl figures; I cun give guild references. Salary $6 <ir $8 a week. Adilree* Duty. Iteiuld olllcc. A MAN AND StlTK WANT SITUATIONS IN TUB country; ihe nutii to work una fann; he itnderHtaiidn ill", triituieul of boraca, and is u good uillker of inwri; the woman a> pin in coo*; In a good washer and lrnncr; has no oliji 11 do general houiework. Call a 62 Spring at., rear building. A SITUATION WANTED?UY A SINGLE MAN UiKltmaii), lo work in n garden; is a good gatdoii-i, will lake care of horses an I cowa and uiuke himself useful. Address B. T? box 121 llurald olllce. AH COACHMAN.-'WANTED, A SITUATION. BY A J\ single young man, tin ciaehmuii; undnrni.ii>d* the ear* of Norm's ai d carriage*. and is a good and carelul driver; would lake care of On# cow or two; l? a goo 1 vegetable gard.-uer: rccoinuicuilci; as such; wage* $M per month. Addives p. M., box 211 llern'.d nfllce. AG.iODBOY WANTS EMPLOYMENT: CAN HE WELD recomnieiided for h nicety unit obedience: in 13 year* o age. Will call if addressed J. Deuney, Post olilee, Jersey City. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOl Nil MAN, W1IO A evil give the treei ot reli n-e, in some wholesale r relail st-o e; grocery pcel'erie 1: ai.ary no', no much an onject a- employment. Address fur two day* J. T., Herald olhce, abating |>urtl -ulare. AYOVHQ MAN, AGED 20, KROM THE COUNTRY, wanwta situation in a wholesale ntorn (hnnlnare preferred) to learn the business; lie wrltcn a good ban I, in quick t hgurea and willing to work. Add re Kb box 115 llcruld AS COACHMAN.?WANTED A SITUATION BY A rest* table man.- woo uiideratandn his iniainesc. and A?* liven with aoiue of the beat families In Europe: han hern twelve yeara In New York; baa been steady lor ten year* with two families; haa recommends!lona hi be seen from bla boyhood; understands the traatuie it or horses; will bo foiin.l wit luc nn.t nlilliriliil: can milk if dcalred. A.l.lresM foe tiro day m Coachman. box 147 Herald office. I A GENTLEMAN?AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER aud aicintnlunl, would like to employ h s lelsur-evenings lu writing of any description, Address W., box i,02d Pool oOrr. A GENTLEMAN WHO HAS BEEN ACCUSTOMED TO -live business life, now out of employment, ami apable in almost any respoctubie rapacity, le desirous of a vituutlon In any local business, or abroad; would like the jiosition of correspondent or clerk for Dinn ree|iei-table d t ly newspaper or inerraiuiie lioime; unexceptionable reterin ea given. Address P. M. B , box 121) llerald office. /iOAeaMANH SITUATION WANTED?BY A RE\J speclable young mail, who undeistunda hi* business; liaa had many yeara' experience: I* a good and careful driver; la perfectly oonveraunt with the managenietit and trealmeAt of holies; will tie found willing and obliging. tlnod ' city reference. Addreae W. If., at Mr. Walker a saddlery atere, corner of 2(>lh at. and Broadway, or box 222 Herald cttor. COACHMAN AND GROOM'S SITUATION WANTED? by a m.iu wbe pefcctly understands his huRiitra*. He it of reference*. Call on or address R. S. C., earn of James P. Pgy, Esq.. iki Corilandt si., train 10 tilt 2 o clock. CHEMISTRY.?A YOUNG MAN, WHO THOROUGHLY linden land* manufacturing and analytic.-! c.licinistry, w Ishes a xiluat on in a laboratory, or to connect himself with sonic reapon .Hie pa: ty to carry on the bu-lnesa. Address R. ])., box SI New Brunswick (N. -I.) Post office. Hardware -a situation wanted, by a young man. I.s youraol age. In a respecuul" retail hardware store: has been two years 1n the hardware business. Address J. II. U , box 2.7W I'osi. olBoe. Situation wanted?by a young man as bookkeeper; Is competent to take the entire charge If re. quiri d; l u no objection to go out of tow n, or to some watering place lor the summer season; wtltos a.-ood hand; cun jiroiluee tirst < lass city references. Address W. K. K., box lo9 Herald olle 6. SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN Ad BAR O keeper; la compel-nt to take the entire ch.r.o ll reipi r a; has tmo ijectton to pi out oi t iwo, or to smite waterin, place for the summer season; writes a rood hand; can nio inew* hr?t class city referem e. A.hiro-s t\ . R. K., box 13U Herald oil c TO PUBLISHERS.?A GENTLEMAN OK THOROUGH Classieu), Literary and Leial atlalnmeiits, ami sn Author, who is about to retire limit the editorial charge ul a dally iiit I wei klyN cwspup-r of good standing, In one of t'te I priu-ipat eitiea of Masai, huaeils, d< aiie? a ll->c situation in this city, w In view to pirtnership Iteter nrc exchanged. A'lities- K. U. S.. No. S / Sweeny s I lot el, for lliree days. TO BARKERS. A YOUNG MAN WISHES To I'N., A UK his services in tne Ian king, exchmve and collection business, hat tug had many years experience tn mi old established bunking hints ; referen es fiom bunksuml brokers In New York and Philadelphia. Addre-s It. E 1... box 4,723 Post otter. Now Yoi k city. TO MERCHANTS ?a YOI Til aged SIXTEEN YEARS of excellent character, who gi aduaten lu the Twentieth htreet Grstumsr School, und has subsequently studied two years In the Krer A< sdeuty, wants u situation in a w ho.male atute lie is a Proti ftant, uud resi les with his parents. Altai cm H. r. M , million u. TO PHY GOODS MERCHANTS.?TUB ADYBRTZSBK in da-iro , to engage tn li? alcna line. In amua a nod house; under" -u n tur Interne** pi-rl'e?i ly In all 1* branches; laai.rn rate and In competent to keep books, both ingle and double entry: no objection la go out of town. Ample rclereo e given. Andre** M. M., Herald olllre. WANTKD-BY AN ACTIVE YOUNO MAN, OVER 2!, wli.i I at b'-i n In business fur himself till dan. I, a tltua'ion a* Hti* k vlrrk, aioiiauiit ial< s.nan, or as*is.aul hook keeper In sum i rct ila?a dry (niMla, cloth or Yankee notion honce; is acquainted with dre?s good*. white good*, alike, A .; lent of r tiocnc- turn laat ?inpi oyer*. Ar,; a 1 ry about ton or tUl to hrgiu on. Alureaa A M., box 116 lleruld utile \ \17ANTBD-BY A YOUNG MAN. .SEVENTEEN YEARS TV u a r, good p-miian aftil qid-kitl figure*. a *?iu..t oo that wii. a ipi*Tt mm. la not'to work; eau give r? cammem at una from i-eiite-icm whoan employ lie liua bee in .or I tail yearn. Addi"*aX.A R., l>o? It* Herald olllee. \\ANrE.l-A SITUATION. BY A YOL'NU MAN, AS It . Iln In e oi pooo'lout charge or a caloon or re toni nt. having bail eleven years' eioenenoe In llio bu?ic< a. ileal o. city rufatenoe given. Ad ireaa 8. A. II., Herd.. u .ie?. "117 ANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN, AGED .til. OP OOOD ty aiioii-ai, a tiiiaton it* cntrv ilnrt, Mednant bookkeeper, light porier, or in any atniilar pa ny; lias nail ni my yuna' e>p ri n e In buainres. an . tn wPnug In make hluii-cir veil uncinl to hia employer". A.ldr. aa E. L. U., Uerald iiutii. WANTED?A SITUATION AS PARMER, BY AUTHOR ed mau, ? tin t - ton l ty un .tnsi.*. .1* ma bittiiitm and ran gly.'llio Uaet of i efei. n Can . r two d. y at7l) East l.vtn at., one m?T (?<t >. 4 h #?. WANTKD-BY A YOUNG MAN, WHO WRITES AN ii c lent hand mm in - out, ot.-ijl to *e p boo*a / dng.a or douoio i nti) in tlie ue?t nt.iii or, a el.i.ait n. iter I tefer nera given. Addreaa lor d.ty A. I . Uluou*, Mal.nalu.0 Hotel, Murray at. TITAN TED?BY A YOUNG MAN, A SIT. AT wN 10 V? drivo a t? im or liorm; an can, of a... t n lUtiiatc.pactty; he IS perfectly aober, hune?l utti imiua i ions; uitocraraiiua the nitre of h riea Address i'.aiiiat- uok 1 it lie a.d a.iiue, lor wo days. WANTED?A BITUATION AS OOACIIMAN, t AI'AHl.K ul taking earn nt none a and a ktna I ,aiu l il required. Willing to go in tne louniry lim ,i?t> ,uol iky i reference. Inquire lor two day* at IUJ l. h. ri/*t, iron SI A. M. till r P. I Wanted-a situation, by a smart boy, is a -t no vaa.c dry good" or Imp u ting llona:, > an orili . mat 1 oi referrn e. Can o. seen at asa Ununiry row, tbe*t W " i- I lligiun maraet. In day nine; and alter 0 P. m., at II live.I BNh at. ".'all tor Ibrne day A J WANTEO--A 8 IT I'ATI IN, .IY A VOL NO MAN, A ti er* of age to a..up wli..w at - or n Ui.l bniuen*, i Wln-re he . onld make IlliokC f oho ,l.ig uiid n? till to Ink e.ii- ' pl..y. r; ouiler*ianoa ho kk i pill.,, Ac , oat ol reieri le.o lurnianeil. Addreaa i . V . W., Ilciall OllMc. WANTED-HY A YOUNG MAN, A SITUATION AS lei k oi porter in I or ; li t* he n m.- eo )e. t, a .lli one hnnm and can give drat iiiaai eit> refon ne ; ua no o e h-Cliou lo go "ill ol tuwn Ado lea, oV. K.. II rllogee. W? NTKIi-A SITUATION HV A VO. M * A * IN A wi-ii I'ml" cliiiiiin . no..?i; can inllu- lar*.. conni. ; irai-. aim ilia > i ui rvl luiiu- ihi ma,,v.l. AiIUivm Uioi.nug, Hcral-i oitlcv. u'axtkb a situation. i.y a hksi'kutabi.r r mam Im. la mmi.iu i. u<> ?nytbiu,, ... i .? .cm 01 ' tijr le < >'. II Wui|M' i . loi .me ? .ii ji Uiu?..jr *i , ru ...i N.i. 7. VI/ANi'hD? H Y A XOUN.I MAN, ~A~ SITUATION s Y T . .elk <i. av.i-1. ii .o.. ; .1 > . i i .r a a.,hi; m u p .i < , t. .ii l?. i m <1ai uu i\a i .> Il .lui, (I Ufantro-mt a YoUN i ii.v. a situation ah iH. iu.:i ?n.i aai J. n , !* p > i.aui, . > i. I'll Ill'" Mllll' . la . I .. . . II 11-..;.I .1 , . ' UI 4 M'.'l Mil kiriiiaol a'n. im i . u i* |> il . in. ,,u?i a.. n>Vi. loty r l- ivm ii > a iu<> n i .|iiiii|h. )* *. a IIIf. H. i' D , '"I. HI , ii I -III < . . Wantkd? iti ATlOVH an l.'o ai.ll m a ' a n ij i OOK. n> ta .i ii n ui- i. *.t ' .i ii . } hi .n ii n ..i ? Hi "..r and in ' nx.ii .? .? ?.<i p .. k .1' ii In . w..i.,.ii i n v -i 0* ii... ...til in < .in i Ui. ,-r .11.. it. ". il.. I .1 i n .. Ail ,i ' Il I ./. i I'jj Ii r-.lil oil ax. ERA! :eet. SITUATION'S WANTEU.JIALR8. (IT anted -by an experiknt ed m vs. a sitl'a?V thru 111 a news| aper oilice or publishing house. or a? hipping clerk, or in any caiaiiy where lh< service* ?f a pud un 1 rapid writer are rmitilred: ri'i furiit-h a lr?t of rames that nave m l been u*o 1 for clr, ulara. IScsiof refernee ttiveu. Addie i Monrlo., linald olllre. lITAiNTKD ? BY A BESPBCTAHLJI PROTESTANT ?V joung man, a situation a* wafer. Haiti": bestol 01 y ?r ere nee. Call for two day* at fi03d ave., corner o( Uth at. IirANTED- AS PtiUTER IN A STORK, BY A YO! N'? VV innn of porel temperate and sober h*b|t?; ran refer o Home of the firm gentleiro n in the elly a* to bounty, trustvorthinesa, Ar. Address J , box HO ll< raid otllce. IIKIhP WANTED?9IAI.EK, Agents OF activity and energy can make from (J to (10per day by encaging in the aule of the inly VALUABLE PRIZE STATIONERY RECIPE PACKAGE AND EN V i. I.Ul'K In ti e u.a,a"t. Onr Stationery i? superior, tint nnr Jewelry ennidata of FORTY VARIETIES.. a h irti -i Willi ARTISTIC TASTE We pr.tlnraeh Package a beautiful and life-like Engr.iTngnf HEN GFORGE B ml'oi ei.lan Sill. f5 vitltinhle KecipeH. ti Hlieeie I.adi -a' Billet Paper, (i i.lir en Commercial No'.e ' Bu t Envelop- . P?|>er. 2 line Sieel Per a 0 sleds Entiles' Nop' Paper. 1 uite Pencil. 0 white Union Envelope*, 1 sheet Bpruing Paper. in colors. 1 Ae. onimod trou Penholder. 6 Ladr> *' white Union Enve- Alio, lope*. A VALUABLE PIECE OP JEWELRY. For fro rater particular* send lor uue of our circulars, which we ma 1 fr> e. KICKARDS A CO., 102 Na ami afreet. N. Y. Aoe.nts wanted?to sei.l van anpevb patent Portable Copying Preaa?a highly popular art I They Will be liberally dealt with. HANNAH a co.. Sole Proprietor*, 20 CHIT lit. Agents wanted?in kyeiiy state ok the Union, to sell Do lilt's Patent Kerosene Oil Horner lor Fluid Lamps, has no eonipelhioii; over HJiJ per cent prnnt in agents; sample sent on receipt of four red s'amps. Gallon or address Joseph Dodm, 22 Duaiie at., New York. Agents wantkd-to sell the BEST prize staUonerv pacing:'*. We have neve'al vnrieiles. with and without jewelry; ran suit every cue. The articles In | ao? are of Rood onalitv. We guarantee nnlisfncllon. I'lrr-u lorstr.-e. HAShlNS .v. CO., 3d Heekmun street, N. AGENTS WANTED?TO SOLICIT BUSINESS ON A commission, ul 4-1 lirunii e si., ouil lit or. Boy wasted?in a real estate office, one who lives ?Ito uis pun in-: from fu ivm 10 truism age. Address 8. Smi'.h. Herald olll- e. in his own handwriting. Wages not ov?r $50 for the Hut year. HOY WANTED TO ATTEND AN OFFICE-SALARY I) linn year $5 per month. Apply ul 58 Fine ul. r< mn No. 5, ul 1 o'clock. IAARMER AND MIS WIFE WANTED?TO TAKE ' charge ul' n stock dairy unci fruit turni. Prof ?l intu an I those able anil wlllinit to work only an* wunteii. Al-o u farm l& o cr. who is a I'rote-lHiit, Sober ami iiuluetrtons. Oiad references required. Address Owner, box 2,137 New York For t olhre. OERVANT8.-COLORED, MALE AND FEMALE. CON kJ stantly on liunil, for rliy ami rnuntry, ui TILMON'rt agency lor employment, 70 Ettsl iuirtceiitli utrert, one uoor eulit of Fourth avenue. This la the oldest anti nunt ivlibla AM I" the rlly for good colored servants for ever. a; avlty. TO DENTISTS-WANTED. TWO ASSISTANT I)EN tints. Duly competent to operate and do mechanical dentistry. Mall appiieanla will aiaie age, -ingle or married, how long demists, Iu wliut branch they excel and ihe wages wunted. Also a dental studenL E. A A. PKETEKRE, 159 Bowery, New York. WANTED?A BOY OF 13 TO 13 YEARS, IN AN IMpoi house store on Broadway. one who resides up town, to go or errnnJs and make hlmseli generally useful. Salary hint year IM. Address, lu bis own handwriting, box 599 Post office. WANTED?A YOUNG MAN, FROM 17 TO 20 YEARS of uge; must write ana irun-lute the Spanish language correctly. Apply, Iu own handwriting in English and Spanish, suiting salary expected and enclosing reiereuces, Commercial, o'hee Journal ot Commerce. WANTED?A CARVER IN ME8CHUTT S DINING Saloon, corner Howard street and Broadway. WANTED?A SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS MAN. WITH good recommendations, to do the WUrk in a wholesale liquor store: one who uaderatands the coopering of casks prelerred. Address H. M., Herald office. WANTED?IN A BROKERS' OFFICE, AN IN TEL LIgent ulid wll.lug Out; most wri e a good plain uaud, litre with his par en is ana couie very well recomm ended. Salary $50. Call between 10 and it o clock A. M., at 19 Fine si., hasnnsent. Wanted?a boy, in a law office; one reTT sld n . In ihls city, neatly clad and of good address. Apply lo D. it. Taylor, 130 Nassau it. XVAITER.?WANTED, IN a PRIVATE FAMILY, a TV waiter wh> thoroughly understands Ins business, and Is well recoinuii'ude I. Apply at 15 Naa-au si., room No. 7. WANTED?A YOUNG MAN A8 VALET. TO OO WITH a merc. uiit to Caltfornia; two clerks for grocery stores, two hoys lor trad s, six men lent amors, lour g rls In go with lumilies in Europe and CaJiurnla, three port rxiur stoie'. Posit ous prucurcd tor cooduciors, l rale n it. bookkeepers, salesman, Ac. Apply at No. 7 Chatham s.(u .re. IIELP WANTED? FEMALES. All families and servants in want of a g'io i and honest o h ? will und hucii at the ohl estab 0v'l''o<lijit oi UWumu, French, Engii.h, Irian, bco.cli una colored ni-rrun * urn alway u on band for every capacity of Work in city and country. All families, hotels, boardinu douses and ?.u. rinu |MKtM rui|nii.D{ ?... a limp, oi ml ii .tioni, n.iilu mill IVuiat , mi '? pi nniptly sailed ny appiy lno; in ,Wr. M ANNINH, 37 ' (i'ii ur., between 23.1 and 21 in it*., rl* ? Eiifcli*ii, Irish, .Scotch, Kronen, Oi riimu ami coiored ainays on iiuun. CMIOK WAN TED-IN BROOKLYN, A liOJD PUOTESJ l.uiI cook. Apply ni No. .t Carroll park, Brookly u, or at M Chain. t? up ata.ra, New York. Dress makers wanted.?three or focr fcoo I drrtiMiiukcr* ran lili.i steady employment at oil Bterckir II. None but kooil luoila need apply, CMOS EMBROIDERERS AND WORK HANDS J u ante i ou children a. milling. Apply at 22-'|a Bowery, over Bin. S.illon'e in.lllu.-ry store TO MILLINERS.? WANTED, TWO FIRST CLASS mlll.neri. None but the immt clperteuced neril uppiy at 11)2 Hli'cckerat. WANTED?A MERMAN (11KL, TO SEW AND MAKE h? ru ii general.y uocful; one recently arrived prefri n d. Apply altei Id o'i lock m 37 West .'Is ?t. WANTED?AN EXPERIENCED Nt.'RHE, ENOLIS1I, S oiuii 0i Kr. h h A good ? aDiatr, ?a uuiy apply lor two days at room <M A b -nutrle Hotel, irom 12 to 3 o clock. None without city rcn-rolie- ncen apply. WANTED-A NL'KSE (FEMALE) TO ATTEND A TEMporariiy deranged p.-iaon, to a prtvab- fuAiity. None but hr?t claaa nurse*. lolly competent, need apply. Cudonb ml recommend., liana r.opined. Ad. rem. boa 4,il7 New York Poat oilier. Ilti VTtr.ti i IIIUITKSTANT WOMAN AS COOK TO YV aaeixt w nil tun vfimii Call at 27 lOiii M? lirumorl plan', ?u Thursday, between twelve and uue o' lock. WAN I ED?A OIRL, Ad CH AMBERMA1D AND WAITn>i; In aaaisl Willi ihe wanlilng and Ironing; alaii a glri aa nnr?? and aram-dira.: good ell* releren e required. a|f*f alter 111II' c.o a hi 17 Want S4th at. |VANTED. ?A PROTESTANT (HltL WANTS A SITU AVV Hun aa Ural eiaaa ImMM iu a pi irate laniliy . h.a the beat. ily raierener fToin her late euip.uyer, witli wbuia she baa Itrrd three yrnr*. Can lie aeen mriwudaya at had Weal 12th at., between Ureeuwich anil Waahiuglou ata. WANTED?A YOUNO OIRI.TO 10 OKNE :AL HOUSE" wni a. lu<|uira of P. J. Toelluor. tU Weal at.' third floor. WANTED?A UIKI., IN A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY, who undiTataiiua waahlng an.i iiuulng ami general hoiiMwni It tuorougbiy; to one who will auit, and ran nnng final iriiiiiiin. il'.all'III". g'HM wagea will be paid. Apply at fl Weal 24m at., be i we. u 7th aim 8lb hi a. WANTED-A UIKI., TO UO OENERAL HOI SEWOEK; IT nniat on a good wuah -r and lrmirr. and bring good c.ty feirrcncba. Apply Hi 441 2il a*., eorner dob at. 1VAV TED-A FIKHT RATE pi'ERVTOK ON WHEELH rr A Wllaon'e aewtng machine, in a pi irate family, by th. innlil i Apply at id Weal did at., near tltli a*e. I . ANT -D-A PROTEST VNT OIRL. A8 ASSISTANT VI !.. . and to aew; mu?t uave the beat of city relereuce. Apply at No. el bcaillgton ave. U" ANI?H1>?I.ADIES AND OK.NTLKMKN TO I.EARN a i. i y ynn.uiiiia nn.< u a. mux, ..hi. ran be m.u at I o.dii, and pi warm.inl ?um .y aan.iner.iiid wilier in ail r.te.;u ai.i pa. ?l.i in *2u per wcea at n aei PI- nee all an . a r ami j ....a .p., at IA a Urand at., oeiwi rn i i uaoy aud Elm. Tt r<n ,e. y 1 iw. Or. H. Lin K .v sON, Inveuniie. It AMI.U - I HOOD II'OK AND I'llAMHEIIMaIO Y\ ioi a p.ivaie .a ...;l .omp -n til goon w.igra will o? g, ii. Apply a.p i .J i'll- k.... dad Wva? 12th ai. Uf AAT.'IO?A Mlii ri ANr? sK tMSTRESS; ONE WHO mi. iljntie wwa in.a wud Honing; una wlm nnem p. llw.iaO.e i. I. r>...e.- W-.p tr >1 A| ; y ai uft Kaal I till . altar g. u lu'It. Oaruian pr-le- red. w ANTED?THREE OR FOUR OOI1D MILLINERS ff Aih" l?i^ HI i? 1 1, 'ixi ?ri himn n?im >iuuiint< MV, h.iiiuii ?.? ? a|ii / hi ar?. h unit ? * u.fti.iti<?r>, M Uiiituw.iy, uvt-r ia>io? ? liiiitiii. Ap.'y all hi h WANTKD-A litKIi. OK good KRCiMMKMDATIOX, TT ko .hi tnnn.n uuiim I If Ik in 4 ?in?ii likimly . tnni-i riloUkir .- . r .in lu<i . A..ply fr.iui it) o uluun A. H. kill 4 I* M 41 s. 4 i'rikli hi*, iii ill1 ..ioitl. Ur.kinil..??a a. it ilk fikia.hsvile.s.f, om> ikn in i no ...k>..iu4 nii*i i 'init.; >i i* i ii uifi'k' 'J' .In .? ! ? .?! ii- in niir.n. IjA K.mi 14fii m., *,i?r li ., u .4. O rum.i prnicrnd. I AM'I.II IMMKDlATKI.f ? iRk'H'tAI. GOOD DRSKHtl II kfl4 A|pi>4kl?. Ullttk. \t'Ai\ Mil?A lO ll'KlT'.NT Hi'.* T1U PY TilK IT ... * "I IIIHll. '4 ! ' II I . 4 I'ti.lln . 'Hill iMMill'll .l.ii. ii nl I ii. ' Ink.I i.; A I.., iv.,ii hi i , ,.i >n w i .ii. , v.! ii, vU'i .r i iii . i mi 11 u : c? U'.'.Wl. ' i'V litl ml l amiw, A (,. WHO is 1.1,"Ik -II ml Willi . N mi iim il m'|> jr n 'i I r. 'i.iiifi' . . k ii % o ,ii I ..111! lki . ? 1' 'V' I . J *1 a I'o nth i Wiitilt s * flit?itt> 1'iisr. ,1). PRICE 1W0 CEKTS. ARRIVAL OF THE ORIENTAL News from the Department of the South. Interesting Intelligence from St Augustine, Hilton Head, Fernandina and Jacksonville. Description of the City of St. Angustini ind the Inhabitants* The Famous Yacht America Discovered and Captured. , I ) ifi I > .Id Yti Development of Union Sentiment in the South. THE MISSIONARY WORK A FAILURE. Recent Captures Made "by the Blockading Squadron. Sscspe of Two Deserters from Fort Fohski THEIR REPORT TO OUR TROOPS Deaths in Gen. Sherman's Division Since Its Departure from Annapolis, Ac., Ac., Ac. The stsamsblp Oriental, Capt. Ttizo, arrived yesterday morning from Port Royal, S. C., which port ehn left en the 28th ult. On the 30th, at ten A. M., off Hallerae, pa-sod steamers Ericsson and Marion, (leering southwest. Fame day, at nine P. M., Samuel B. Eliiett, of Hew Portland, Maine, aged sixteen, died of consumption?a member of the Eighth Maine Volunteers. From Port Royal to Lookout had floe weather; from thence had continued and fresh breexas from north and , The ship Wm. Curamlng* was going. Into Port hoyai , ss the Oriental came out. On the outward trip, when off Charleston, the Ori- . nntul was llred at by the steamship Florida, one Of the blockading fleet, being mistaken for the Isabel. Tl.o Oriental brought the following passonyers>? , Captain R. Coffin, United States revenue servient LiC'itcnanl Woo8ler. E. C. Pltg'ie, E. W. Grant, P.J. Finnigan. Tjindsee. Danwi Kendall, Mayer Killbourne, Rev. Dr. Floy, H. Harris, Wm. MoGlllery, B. Jouos, Ln. tenant Geo. F. Jonnuigs, Capt. Wm. A. Lighthull, R. Kilgore, K.N., Wm. (Jiblia, Samuel B. Elliott (died ul sea M.rch.TO). I.iouenont Evans, Colonel Whipiile, Captain Wallb'idgo. Lieutenant Colonel Morri son, 11. Robinson, J. C. Co won, Mr. Maine, 1/juia WHit, B.J. Such, B. V. Risher.S. Leah. Lie itenuul Wilson Bruyn?19 in the second cabin an 1 40 In the steerage. 1 he following vessels were in Port Royal March 28:? Steamers Boston, Johnston; Parkersburg, Hoffman, L cost Point, Frci ch, JdoCiul on, Gray, < ahuwba. Bakeri MayUuwor, Philips; lien Deiord. HuUeu, lkmluriuy A< kcrmann: Suchi-wi. Harris; Saxon, Snow; brigs Klllcott, Dabro; Kiatdre. Stevens;Humming Bird, I'nltny; Dissb ih.Trimble: sehismors Win. Audenriod. <'orson; 8 K. Abb >'. I.mllam. Ilcleno, I'e i.;! sun ; J. T. Williams. ?; J F. Hill, Weld.n; Fanny Keating, Snow, A Youn{, Yung, Spray, Price, \nglna Prise, Eldredge I.. S. Isivis, Bishop; John Gaul, Miutb; F. P. Simpson, Fills \|. ! hi i. Itiso; M II tnes, Brewster: E. O. Sawyer, Dobbin : Wcstoner, Eldredm; Velona, Wilson ; L in.-r.Oonley; J.IK Mvo-s. (blitt ; C. Lestur. Pe'ano I i ie. Hnminnnd; J. W. Ellen, ISmue. John K se, llulse| Pilot's lj ide, Cohen, Cento. Cromwell; Magnum liouiuu, Heron.#; S.C. Steel, GnrfleM; Okoiona, Wheeler. The following were ready to sail:? Schooners Helens, Derlckson ; S. F. Abbott. Ladlam, L. B. Itavis, Bishop ; V. W. Smith, B>yd n I for New Fuck; W.??. auilsnrled,Corson, lor Philadelphia. Oar St. Augustine Co icspoixlmec. St. Al'oi'stixs, Fla., March 17,1802. Th'Stars and Strifes Aptin Rita A It, ft in Florida?Hon Possession of St. Augustine a it Ftrt Marion It'o* OUoined?Tks Civic Proceedings?The Surrender of Ikt Keys if the Tort. dc.?The Jlayer Raises Ik* Hag of tk? Union Over Ike Towers of St. Math?A BlvodUu Via lory?Oh, Ditwn, Always in tke Midst of Our trouUn a* Well as tkr rau-v of Them?How Iks R Ms of Florida Made Their Salt? The Cilia ns Become Tieur Own Pick* tm mint?Sketch of St. Auaustine ami lit lukabxlarUs. dec The Stars and Stripes again war* over tba old "pontsk city of 8t. Augustine, and Fort Marlon la In Our poseee- , slon. And this is bow it waa done ^ The frigate Wubosh, Flag Officer rhifOOt, left hei anchorage off Fernaudtna an Sunday night, the Wh, and ran down to St. Johns bar, where she came to anchor, and remained during the night. On Monday she again pro* cecded down the coant, and again came to anchor, ihin time olfSt. Angosttne bar, and in sight of the city. On Tuesday, the 11th,Captain C. R. P. H<>dgors,aecumi>anie4 by Mr. W.H. Dennis,of the Coast Survey,? aa dceputcbed by Flag Officer Dupont to the city, with a flag, in one oi the Wabash a cutter. Croasing the bar on wb'chtbesea was breaking, after a danger us passage, they entered the beautiful harbor and pullad for the landing, near the market. Their presence was early observed by the in. habitant! of the city. and the character tn which they catnawas recognixed by tba hoisting of a white flag on the hattlemente of Fort St. Mark. At about one o'clock they arrived at ths town, and were met upon the wharf by a large concourse of citlrens. both female and male. On landing Caplnln Rodgers and Mr. Dennis were politely received by the people, among whom Mr. Peanlsenw m my familiar faces, all beaming with pleasure. At the head of the wharf Captain Rodgers was Introduced to Mr. Bravo, the Mayor of tho city, and to the memberi ?' the Common Council, who invited him and party to acr<T?. puny the authorities to the City Mail, ? here an Interview was h'd with them. In the ro< m or the CommonOnuneS a large number of prominent cltlsens or the city were assembled, el> sely crowding the r?om. Captain Rodgrrf then mnde a formal demand for the surrender of the keys to all government pro erty.aurhas tho fort, bar. racka, Ac. Ho dctirefl the authorities to request the people to return to rv-lr a!te~Hboe to the government of the Ch'tod States. He assured them he lied come to the city with kinlly feelirgn towards tlnm, and ho deeped them to return to their peaceful avocations, tn which they should be undisturbed oy inn i imou ,-iuicb aiimonim. iat|iwni nv<hain >r mirks were very brief, but to tb? point, and delivered tu graceful and kindly manner, which ,'a.rted conviction to the mind* of all that they cfinkl rely on hie generotn nature, as woll as hla verbal ?**'ir:incce lor tu* protection mnl aid. When Captain Rodger* hid cone hi doe, the Mayor Hundred how they ahonld be treated and In what position they wonld be held If they eiirrendered. Oip. tain Rodger* replied, thai aa long na th.iy anted in irond (a th towards the United Stales, end did not pve aid and comfort t?' the enemy, they would be regarded a* frt*iu!e| and he *? irrd them they wonld onjo, (lie name prneeo. tl<m and live under Hie same 'awe tit t 'hey did before iho State hee inio d ?|PJ nl. II" al?" a'smed ihem that tbdlr per*' n? nnd i?r. !?? riy would he rot ?nte* and tha* ihey w eld pnrrie ' hulr usual a, ocnli m M ai et -andm |.?-aee. 1h r would nolle Info li-rod win. py in loroee, p?t sin n'd t e r? no frlei d*. Hi ="* i ero a if ui alio i dispelled the ?*? doubt* and h ?itiiiti>n, ami all rocimil to be 14*1 .t, a ? Vim Mayor then bamieil over In a formal manner the key* of iho fort and bar nek* t<> i i|? mi K-slsei*. l url ? ?n informal talk Captain Rod:ers suggested th?