Newspaper Page Text
f iaus oa' REAt* E1TATB\. ? | a ?i-. ill tail* fr> i apow $7,.0J. decree Biir*" . - njj k'l'rt. ee. iva.< r f. fill', a F*' tlete / Oitf l>r pury wanted lore f .rm. W H. MKlI'/K, 407 Broadway.^ AUUUBB, BARM vNO OTHER OUTHOUSE* (MEW), with two arlrl froat luBd, beautifully locat. I" t'.iujaB, Oonn , .uf. to,-w. oderaa Kr leu thau bS.Oo IS it* adjuring *n >K had. Apply at F?Ruu klieol, t'roultljm, piano rout, a _ _ *5 JtPAV'tlyllL Mill DESJKAULE RESIDENCE TO , JA. Ic ?In Hrni.*.;yu, ou tht i-oJiheaat corner o, C.uiU.u a. J "j.*-.' ue ?vcii j, *, grountla 9,Meet fat'"1 l>i , '""1.?? ** witu uhlan, fruit tr . ut rubbery, At "t*1'? ' ao,'\ 1 . i' a iird ?? Minn aj i'o ttreot ti.'mn ia? Jterei-iui I. bvigr, N w York, combiner tLa ? a^itagea o. ii#m city ft 1 co liiirv, will b let on mnderal* lerin?' toa anurabte i?|iur. Apply " I.HABbERB e EOMELOA. ?' ofuew, > Broadway. New York; or to J. R 1'O.IEROY, ?' , liroo. y ; or MR. IV Oil iJUbEKS lob F?n. 0r4<:11 I'1 :ue, Hrookou, or on tb# premleef. A BEAUTIFUL FOliJt STO.tY DROWN STONE FRONT Jl lie.0.0, t'HM'inriit ttO i auo-ie.iar. w ith ah .In- modern tunpruvemeuia. on hrooaiyu Uai>..u. M Cultim 111 ati it, 011 Rj 't Colouaue row, with a Una 1 lew of New York b.y. will lir 1.0I0 v r> 1 h( (>. on einy term*. I'or further pai l: mlara an ly to or addrea.i I, Simjmon, 34 avenue I). Brooklyn.?for sac,e, tub brown stone irnit Hum -lib Henry timet, near Firat pun e'lwo yea,? built) ivnb al n oueru linpro.e menu, 1 nun i?, >a t ', it ami c ' . o.itVi "tatl nary luba, bat iroom, Water I . A- |tl soinp'e e Apply on the COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOIt SALE?SITUATED HALF aN a m lr from Ponjhaeepeir, '.iiibra.'ing twenty-Hirer a. ron 01 1 .nil, enporior i.nti.ltrig*, urg- itpnla on liar I, plaiiiyof or i ?, .a..otu aittiio o p.-aii, grajM-a and berrie?; a >?rgrU 'p! 1!; ol tn ik iiu blit lj inai i ta ly to um. For t ul |" 1 ua miiuiro o. 1IAL1, A JELI FEE. No. 163 Ceutie row, >?' -fci WKfthiUftou ir.aiV i t, New York. /fSOLNiBY SEAT FOR SALE OR RENT?NEAR NEWVV out, lv J , 11 vorjr ili-nlrabla houae laoin-), wilh four ' roe of ground, ai' ul<- on I'a-itai': rlrar, o. ih" ml 10 Jieli'iville. Fur tut. purtiouiara apply to W?I. e. HOOKA EM. (* 1 Lii'arty itraut. 1'AST BLOOM FIELD. N. J.?FOR KALE, A DESIRAbteCottfeyr wlib :<ht and nbalf acre of I.aul, hi t u 1V 1 o . tlie old nl. O'liiluld roatl, about ball a tuile eatit of the v a e, an line'run iKA'un; toge'ner win uim, nirniip lionae, Ac.; a beautifi 1 lawn, goo 1 wiMr, an abundam - of f" t; a few m nu: walk (run the radios! depot, and within an hour a ride of N w York. Location healthy. 'J' . uiaaay. Apply to J. H. CHAMBERS, 113 Nft aau street, IN. Y? or on the premises. "JT'ARlf FOR PALE.?THIRTY-FOUR ACRES OF WELL I. cultivated land in ICuvkluud county, thirty milea from > iv York and within ten minutes wa'k of two depots; large 1 ouae, barn and out buildings; all kinds of fruit; glares In tbuuiauce; two well*; term*easy. For further particular^ Ri'i'lyal No. 5 Crosby street. TLtOIt SALE?Af IICBOKKN, N. J., A NEAT THREE .IT nory brtcll House. Will be sold cheap If itold soon. 'L-nm cany. Apply to .1. II. LYONS, corner of First and v.'.! i:ingtoa sue -Is, or to JOHN CURTIN, S'Jj West street, up stair*. '^OK SALE?A NEW FOUR STORY BItOW.N STONE Ji front Hoc-' 60 feet, ' or: t iu every le 'vet, No. 29 > ' i.Thirty-e ghth street, near Madison avenue; also House b .. Th rty-s . nth tre t, four story, etous front. InU ; e on the premise* at each place. IjlOlt BALE?THE DESIRABLE PROPERTY NO. 139 . Niuiii street, >ecoDd bouse east of Broadway, anJ op. ii uteihi one ..tores laceir erected l>y A. T. Stewart, B:q. frr particular* inquire at 3SJ Orbonwicti street. Ti^OR 8ALE-IN WII.LIAMSBURU, THREE NEW TWO J *?' Ty and basement bnc.t Uie.s s, with tun ro. :: s, tin.sivi In good siyle, in a good location near the ferries. Will i-s. ST09 ana li if the baliiw* on otlwa Inquire launattlatuly on the c r.iei of i> .th Second au.l Birth afreets "lAoIt BALE-A COUNTRY 8E\T, ON THE LINE OF * the Harlem Railroad, about an hour's tra f from the depot a: Twenty-sixth a rra', being our >t the must health/, ieaaant and d -suable locations ill Westchester county. Apply to P. R. W1LKINS, 10 I'iuo street. TjWtR SALE?THE THREE STORY AND BASK KENT brown Btonr front House, No I4tl East Fifty.third ..t-asi; house < feet, lot 100 fret 5 iuchiS, is well bunt ami iia* all the modern improvement*; street paved with M"Uian pavement, aim a go, neighborhood. For terms, *c., apply to WM. LOCKWuOD, 271 Peari strebt, or 91 Eu-n Forty-ninth street. Tj^OR BALK ?AT WHITE PLAINS DEI'OT, ON IIARLBM F R.illread, a House and Bt-rc and about six or even I-ota of Uroun I, with pood ban:, (table, 1 chouse and Harden n la-hud, will be sohl very low, and part uuy remain on I10R 8ALB?NEW YORK HOTEL AND NINE ACRES of Ground a:, Long I aland, on tin -great Koutti road, opposite Eire Island; house 11 03 feet trout l>jr 05 feet deep, three stories. with wtng '.U by Id, \vl..r -t >of and plana around the n hole fron'. with plenty of kitchen room, large range; lcehou.e, lilled; large burn, wagou house, borae abed, corn valU, liog pens; everything In complete order; the houre la a quarter of a inilo irom the bay, where there is good a' oot'ng, hsblug and b ithlu,,; dUtauce lorty-one miles :rem New York bv Long Island Railroad. Inquire of ROBERT McKIN NIN, ltd Lost Fortieth atrert, from 8 to 111 A. M. etui front 6 to 7 1". M. IjdOR BALE?THE BUILDING. FOUR STORIES, MARble, No. *1 Liberty street, b tween WTllaui and N ish,. j stroetsj&lao a Lot on Weat Font leeuth street, sizti $3x103.3 feet. For particulars apply to AlARK LEVY, No. i'S Liberty arret. For bale?a farm of thirty acres, at rockland Lake, only 2!>i hours front New York by steamboat; la under a good state of cultivation; lias r. good house, bai n, stable an l other outhouses; will be sold at a fair price, only $l,SOO cash. Apply to JOHN DAVIDSON, 313 Third street, between the hours of 8 and 8 In the evening. For bale?a farm in Columbia county, ofioo urea, two miles from HudaonClty, 60 acres of utrad >w, and 60 tillage and pasture, wltn stuck and farming utensils; two orchards; a large part of the purchase may remain on mortgage. Inquire o: J. W. WILsON, 9b Broadway, or 140 Weal Tbirty-tlilrn atr et, Pr;t tour. I^OR 3ALE?IN BROOKLYN. ONE NEW TWO STORY basement Cottage House, ahuated in Lafayette avuuue, letween Noatraud and Marry ave u a. Price $1,8..A). Int.tiro on the premises, ef W. MARTIN. Li OR BALE?A VALUABLE FARM, NEAR NEW J1 Bruniwlrk, with large and commodious buildings, and W; acres of land, under high cultivation. Also. u Farm of 30 ' res, ono mile front d-pot. Price $1,300. Inquire of IVARISEN HARDENBEKUU. L'OR SALE IN BROOKLYN-TWO FIRST CLASS A three etory brick corner House, and Lota, with (all mo t'ric? rucr j??. 8\tW0. Inquire at 132 Futiuu are, _ MILLS k PI.AW. Fioh nalk cubap oh exohangk-a brown tune tbic story lloutc, In Eimt Korly-nlrith tfet; a brick Hons- In Pa otflc street, Mar Bond, Brooklyn?bath rented. Twelie I.o-a at Carmatiariils, 12 Lota near Kinto brtdge.S Lots at Harlem -a'.l well located. A Farm, n orth ibo .t within 00miand aeeejsibla, would be taken Cor part ot tun above. Plraso call betoe 10 A. M. or after 4 I*. 11 . or ad irei-t X. J., 1,146 Broadway, near Tvrci.iyaixtb ntreei. BAOR 8ALK OR EXCHANGE?A COUNTRY RF.8Ideu, e, unincumbered, >ltnr>te'lon the line of the B-iuk . n tnH tin,.I,'j Heinu.l n< 'I - half ...lis* n V... ferries; an excellent house, cntajulng lw. ive rooms, stab!*, wrrlage and boose twsk" Sol laud. well stoco"! with 'rut' trees, ?hr i<erv, Ac.: two tninut *' wii't from th- cars ?riou gn.UUO, Will exchange tor a rnjdein built thr -e vtury oassnieut house, with ail '.be improvements, ei> isted fa 'drooklyn or New York, sod In a good ti dghbcrbo.d. Adtrees <J, box l,7y6 I'ost office. t^OR SALE OR EXCHANGE I NOT MCOH MONEY A wanted)?A ihree aforv wooden Ho ice and Lot, built xpresalr for a bakery; good well of water aud stable fort lorse; in the thriving village of (iott*nburg, N. J., onp jslte Seventieth s'reet, N' :w V irk. For further particulars ?|P;y .ofiqu're DWYER, n??rthe premises' or at 37 West Twenty, aral street. New Toth. l/OR SALE 01' EXCHANOB FOR CITY rROPLi'.TY? F The beaotllnl Country Residence. of the late dames la We better .nty, ua the read leading front I West, heeler to EA.tcheater. three-fourth* cf a mile trout the I steamboat landing, and one and a ball m'le from Williams. 1 bridge depot. The property cotivKls? lit Of fine stone Mansion llouae, with large Barn and Outhouses. 27 acres 01 land, excellent Harden, On-t a d, with '"rill and ornamental trees, and ?K rubber, and grape* lu jreat ahundaure. 1 2.1. of a large plain House, and 12 acre* adjoining, con- | raining a great number of fruit tre-e, l Sd. Of a new Home and Barn and 12 acre* a J join lug. A -err desirable red lane*. foil acre* additional ground may be bed with either lota 2 or 3. 4M>. Of two parcel* of ground on th* weal e'de of the r->ad, opposite Mansion lL?u**, containing about 4" i- a*. v. 1th a ?s' doner's house, a tire stream of water running tW"Ugh It, nd about t-.' o acrea of woodland. Apply to BENEDICT A -'ill 25 Plue street. L*OR SALE OR TO LET?THE MOT NT PROSPECT F Wstercur. , at Uir.gbamton, New York. Ferparileu- ( ars ipp'n to B. MARVIN, Eso , at Hlnghamion, or HENRY < liVAN*, 28# Broad atreet, Newark, Now Jercey. I>OR HALE OR TO I<ET~TltE EXCELSIOR STEAM Orlat Mill at Middletown Point, New Jersey, twentr-flva jillea from New York, located on n navigable stream. It haa .'are* run ef stone, and la well located for local or New York " rade, and being lu a good grain country, ta well wo'thy the attention of an active man. For f ill parlleutare aptly to i 0HA8 MALCOLM, 011 Greenwich street, or WARREN BROWN, Middletown Feint. I*OR BALE OR TO LET?TWO THREE HToKT HOUhBf. browu etune, basem*nt, etoopa and trimmings, inol?rn Improvement*, lu Hlxty-Bflh eircet, betwveu First an.l SecmvB. Alto* pTtp#fn*M Houvtt lu th* NineSennth ward. Inquire of WILLIAM A. JU01I, Secondare" nue, betwee.n 54tb and 56th streets. _____ IAOR HALE OR TO LET-A HOUSE AND LOT AT 1 Hath, L I House contain* eleven rooms. In good order, tn jutieul J. J. MOORE, opj -sltf ltd West atreet. IVOR HALE OR TO LET?AT EI.IZALETH, N, J., A 1 two and a half story frame House, with a two atury eltension and kitchen attached j front and rear stairs', marble mantela, adrsiiahl* realdeuce for a private family, train* hourly from Oortlsndl street. Apply to S. A. SPENCER, No. awl Orand street. rpOR BALE OR TO LET-AT WHITENTONE POINT, A Long laiann, ? ' numry iv inentfe, wunm mroe ml>4'itea' walk uf tho landlny, Communication by boat, forty. 4va ralnuta* Ironi Pack ailp, and by the Kluahtng Railroad, %'niuat hourly Toe home I* 41xJ5 feet, two alorlrt and at 10, oonUlniag thirteen ro in*, ei-eilent Carringe f >.iac, w-.aUl". loo H "t?? (ftUeit) and Hath Hounf, with two and a half acre* highly Improved, running down to tha > t?e>, lino eliurte, ornamental and fruit tree*. Fine vegetable garden, i on<lTOTlaw f K??t river en 1 Long (aland Sound. Apply adilreeedl Thir l atraot, between Flrat and Second av?. tfOB 9AI.E OB TO LET?A COMMOBIOUS HOUSE I1 and about two atret of land, adjacent to the Fimhlng ".altcoad depot, at Weal Fluahlng. Shade and fruit treealn Mmndanoe Bout $140. Apply to A. HAKOEANT, 10 Wall street. flOR BALK OR TO LET AT HACKENBACK-A NEW Derailing Ho ne, containing a.e?cn roouia, fronting . n Aoaai afreet, lb rue mlnu'.ea' walk l row dauot Beat <300. ?o aoaalon Immediately Inquire of W. H, MELICg, 407 Sr. ad way; B. I). 11A RING, it llvach atreet, N, L, or of tOHN HABIMU, HacHenaet >. N. J. L^OB SALB OR I.BA8B, OB TO LET. Fl HTUIED? r MR. HAOKKTT'S VILLA AT YONKLRS, Far particular* Inquire of JOHN g HAOKETT, Mil Broadway. KBADT CARfl WILL BE PAID FOR THREE OB rOVR Lota below 1Z51U ali< Prlto not ore, t.V)Oer$?|iO P'h. Alao, one corner Lot. 1'rlej not o?tr $400 Addreat O. W.,jtativo D, staUug lo.aUwi, prlca, Au Agrntanoad tot angwer. WA?TEI^?? .'if!8, FIVB l0Ti 1N HARLBM. from HOtti to i?0tb tirtet tod from Second to Fourth tvtnu*; mnit bt Mfttbtr and not U?t ih?a **ilU0. Alto for f Ki*t nut'UMp Uf 44<r*< NKVT 1 WALKS OF RKAli FWffTR, flH> CirT 14X1 AY I <4 i tt 4iA EE, 1 , 1 E .. J hiN 4J X *1.* J ^ .... i? ?-s- Jft", , ? J??.'! if.*'.*"1*1 "ll1 iU * i?*Q 'if it neias of to.'y Z ?VAi. iV" 111111 "''l-oi t. J, oi iuuiii iinj ??ri'-lles; ( * Kiirorri 0) Tour *cr??,'uliy d> d aB,i utooird with d alt uei e.^!-. iMliEuililiu,;*, luuluilluif fartu U? u*. >ntJ y, cuUuau uoit tgf. fiouiui* o fii.e it a I bjr. 1 ?. *Ai iiie^'tall, <1 a Ivftu *?* lor fci'lier pi..,ve ic.ijtflc* Jlr /ai* ipeeUW^00! having ? bole eh e Sound OA0 niN 111 t- *. **ii . t*%> * boiled bj r.i??k aui ,i]eUtud one ^'de by m&i n rui i; tfao lande tra'lu* the r'ver t;eml_v al-un* either <v*>, no thai a, ii;.iiidiea ouild* lug eiie.N mi ew'U ooniriiaud splendid view* o* tut 8^ suJ und ?j fouudiiu; cuiiatry, l^a1 nij. iii tbe eeutio, 1? de*inu,e ne l*rk; U'u .11 ? u* Ib?i .site* will ha o *aiur front*; the j' ce in perfectly healthy, wa'er eicaPent end the a r utv goteuug: dti'ini- eighteen uaiu* by ie* Haver- Rain hU; hccewitb .-uluio-t bouily; bus ue ?a ixi-n can r?*a Jail from thi:* p?a? e ?n ! ?*.-? tune lien tun* from If \r*eiit Ly the a ouue c . .. 1'CitO i < duel-one oi avoi Uhg c.ty Uiu-. end tin? . dentin aau da: gf < of ice ua i fo^s in crown 11.; he rivf-rt, vin 00 well to r e thi# ad e.rtiwuv u'.. attention. No estate ttKbin a hund.ed milea o N*w York, or equfcl quantity. combine* th?r< .vera aoJ adva' r&^e* aud rag* elegance ofthia. Tiie crouiiil* a ucly planned, aboun ! ug in grows and spicnuiu tree*. A proper yin every pa .1- ulai an 1 a.i it* appoint litlu? irian und grand. I*1 r t. 1 . .] p'v tithe at J. h. Laldw *11* uillce, 24 Tina btrert, or Lie r?*si<jeu>,.'; ilTuiJijr-eighUistreet, N Y. TX r*t I>*-T0 FbXlCHhSR A SMALL COUNTItY UK yy ^ J%Q' e, with irom three to *11 'oi* o: g liUdgitach. d on v. '*411 ,,r Smith itdr^FD, couvenir'it to <-a: ?r >i 1.' . i:..j . '"V ? . li. I*. b.?x 4.6JO YOig fy/. e-l:cc, with fun purlieu ;xro and lowest caah price . <).-A HOUSE.-), LOTS. FA??8 AND C00NTRV NEATR +j-)\J iur .ale urei^unug.-, U??.Tlp:tui? ot l{?at Eiit&lu for tialo. Ii you ;v .:i f> pu^"*^'*V 11 '"?' lar:ii ,'T P 'Unlryicat (prki! fium 11,000 ta Cft!1 ou t,liK OKANT, lo_W?! iitrdht. <117110 ~1F,,H SA.LE. A IIOUSK AND S?^RE. ONE *P I VJ \J inii? from he/port, J., to.;ptUur M'i^h half ait aure oi landi part rabk. Apply to C. W. YYiniiiCK*#! h antou atroet. C i QAA WILI, BUY A SNCO, COSY LITTLE COT. \j ug', in O'oosiyn, iree or onuiuoiauce, utur Myrtle aveuue D. i-uty miuutes from furry; is in tip top oiuer; ii.i, marble maaiels, sliding doors, ebo.ce Uoweis, mc. WW. W. UEBBERD, No. 1 William street, upsta te. cii >11 -tor sale, thk three story brick tPU.W/U''. Mouse 274 West Flfiy-iirst St: ret, between ami Eleventh avenues; all modern Improvements; ft,bub hi remain un bond soil mortgage; bouse 2bxi2>?, lot Mtlut. Apply on the premises. JKOIi SALE. A beautiful microscope, Magnifying AGO times, for 28 cents la silver, five of dli.'eieu! powers, J!. Mailed free. Address F, L BOWES, nor 22J, Boston, Mass, A splendid OHAKOB TO MAKE M0N8T, and no juis-ak*.?Will be sold cheap a steam Packing aisi Trunk Box Factory. The machinery consists of I'ianing Machine, Tongue and Cirover, Saw Tahlos, Shafting and Belting; also, Stook on band. Horse ittid Truck, ie., Ac. There la business enough at present to keep six men to work and every prospect of trade inci easing. Apply at 63 Columbia at left. Briokel's paint shop for salf..?apply from l'J to 4 o'c'i ick at th i siiop. N -. it Nmt.-i W.iliaui Street; or at 2U2 William atrest, In the H'gsr stole. COAL YARD FOR sale?IN ONE OF THE BEST Location and doing a tirst rate bu?iue*s. fur particulars Cull at No. 78 Ludlow a'rec;. DRDO store for sale?lono established, well 1 reeled, on a Lading aveuue, doing u fair business; old low for cash, as tbe owner i? wing mto the wholesale business. Address Drugs, station E, New York Pent Oliio. DRUO STORE FOR SXLE-- (JhliAI' FOR CASH. IN A very desirable locution, ono block west 01 Broadway. Inquire of Dr. KENT, 176 Blcecker street. fiOR HALF.?A LOT OF STORE FlJCTi RES, OONSISTingol Shelving, Counter, Khalf and Drawers, a lot of Sashes and (las Fixture*. aultu^Ryr a vai iaty ol business; they are all iu goad order, qrj^li 131 Bowery. For sale-leasb, stock and fixtures of an old eatabllshed Saddle an-! Harness Store, doing a go >d business for the last twenty years. Apply to U. J. OA KEY, 164 Thompson street. No agents need apply, flOK BALE?THE LEASE, FIXTURES AND GOOD Will of a lirst riMS Liquor Stole, ou Eighth avenue, hi twoen Thltietii and Fortieth strecta. sntislsctory reasons g' "ii for selling. la on a comer and a lou s'.oey buiWiw;, 1,1461 Broadway. 1 Ij^OK SALE-TUE LEASE STOCK AND FIXTURES o thai magnificent (Jroceiyautf Ll pi r Store, n> iv'.y iltfd up, whh all appurtenances, corner of Broadwa., and Hinge s street. j.eaae to run lite years from May next. Apply on the premises. IpOK SALE-AT YONKEES, THE STOCK AND FIX; lures of a Jewelry store, separate or together. O'id obanre lor a practical watchmaker, Inooiro ot UUAINEKD A oEFI'kOy, No. J .Maiden lane. BIOR SALE?CHEAl' FOR CASIt, A FIRST RATE LUiuorStore, well fitted tin, with a sjdoudld English buerpuiop, necrose of the ferries to Calrary Ometerv. This Is a :,ne chance for a? IrNbtnun who understands the liquor buiiuesA Api>ly to WILLIAM ABBOTT, Auctioneer, No. 4 East Broadway. 1AOK SAI.K.?THE STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A x neatly tl'ted up Liquor otore. No. 1'nni avenue, will be sold, with or without stock. For particulars inquire iu the store until sold. F'OR 3ALH-A CASH FAMILY MILK ROUTE, SELL* ?>S about 160 quarts, with Horse. Ilarue-,, Wagon Sleigh, Cans, Ac., all In good order. The ah un will he sold cheap, for cash only. Apply at 147 Bast Thirty-sixth street. ftOK SALE?A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIOUOR Store,' uruer ot Fifteenth street and Klrat aveuue, lease, stock atid fixture*. Appl y in tne store. IfOR SALE -ONE OK THE MOST PROMINENT AND beat located com r Liquor Stoies in this . ity ithe only one oi. llie fourc irr.ors). established ten Vtars: will lie so .1 withot-t atock. if dealrcd. Apply to .JOSfil'H Mi-QUIRK, S6 Seventh a treat, be lore 11 o'clock A. M. Alio, a splendid Corner to lot. For hale?soda water apparatus, new and eecoul hand, of every (loHo.rlpitoii. DruLglali and bottlorr,soud for catalogue to WILLIAM QEK, N> . fl and 7 Ne-.v Haven Kailn<an Buildlnga, corner of Ban and Kiauklln atreeta, New Voia. Fop. sale?about fifty marble top tables, a lot of Si,'at. Chad*. U?a Fixtures, Mirror* Ac., miltnole lor a tirst elss* <linlr : room. Will be aold chcto, for cash. Adiren J. (? Ht raid olilce. F^OR HALE?A FIRST CLASH ESTABLISHED (1ROeery, on a leading atreai in Brooklyn, w illi a good Muck and a good trade with pr, famltli-a. On-- <>f t~e pre.-o-rt partner*, wl. > h?- managed the buatneaa, prefwre to terp 111* share. Apply at 262 Weat aired, N. Y , for one tree!:. For kale-thk lease htook, furniture and Fixture* of a bill.aid aa'oon; bar aud aegar atom itla h>d, doing an excdlent bnalrieaa. a great bargain. Apply ou tUu premlaea, fcM Tbtrd aveuue. For hai.e t photooraphio oallkry apply at BAMTA'B Uallery. corner of Bleeokerand Wcat T- n-h urnetn. Fob ralk-a handsomely fitted up confeciiun-ry Store, in n iron I location. Will b- gold low t"r ia?b only if t p;-lied for Irume lUtely, C ill at UK) Sixth are. For sav^-cheap, an old fstaiilishkd cornar Grocery and Liquor Store. l? now doing * -oorl saeli buelui'tx; in a bra. ra'n neighborhood. He-ii.ig < ut ou getount of tbe owner going Into c her busmen* In. lire at H Varlck gtrret, conienu Wat'g, Near Y ork, for two hays. Fou sale-at a great sacrifice a job print. In? Eatnbltahcaent. lu thia city, conaigting of a large nock of Book, Job and Newspaper Ty ye and Material, three Cylinder l*re??eg, (one 28f(r4l, one .'tlGS?. and one 2!x i incbea); one Cordon and one Oilman Prrs i, all luvorably located. There are I'e- nlllc n In New York that ha1e fa- Illilea for doing eo large a joi> busic-ee aetata. Will exchange ror city i>rop?-rty or aril at a very l..w price. Apply to benj. URN'EK, led Pulton atri-rt, New York. For sale?for $4.w, the lease, stock and fix. tareeaf the beat corner Uquor Mwretn Hoboheu, witk t fine three atory and baeemeut brick honec and garden; ease for tlx year '; cent only WW; no tax eg. Api ly oa the prcmUea, 102 Blooiutlelu street, corner of Fourth. A rare shanoa. fcV>R PALE-A DANIELS PLANING MACHINE; f Price |WJ. luquii i a; I7V Bidrldge street. JOSEPH .1. JENNINGS. For sale cheap-tub fixtures, stock and good will of a Drug Mure, ellgiitly iltua'.ed in thle city, haply tu|D. r. GABMSE, 19 William street. IROR SALE, CHEAP?DEYO 8 SNAP AND CAKE I* Btkcry, to a eesh mgtom-r; f >ur yesis established; ex* :lu*irr cn<di business; dotrv a bumnesa of twenty Uioiuaud dollars a yexr: roulagood, with all fixttirca: rraaon ior selling, otter buslnsae occupies all hie time. For further parLlculara, Inquire on the pmriise*. L. HEYU, 141 West Eighteenth atrect, N T. IAOR SALE CHKAP-TluF"PEWS AND BENCHES, 1 aod also, the Gallery and Heats, of aoLurch, all In good order. Inquire at 211 Sixth atreel, near avenue O. until 8 o'clock A. M. and after 8 P M JOHN WBNDEL. FOR SALE CHEAP-ONE OF THE BEST RESTAl* lauts, with a good paying bar attached, In South Brook lyn, with Leaae, Stock and Futures. Said Restaurant fa fitted up In good aiyle and hn a ilrat class paying cualom. In 1'iiie M 114 r>.g:?w efef, 8011*11 Br" >h-y u. IjlOR BAI.E CHEAP TOR CASH?TUF STOCK, FIX " teres and O<>0d Will of tee Stationery,'J'ok an J Periodical Ktorn iSI With av. but, oof d<x>r abnt* Fifbunth ilreit; en a- n:a or auctioneers Deed Apply Inquire id the ktoie tn the evening. HOTEL FOR SALE TN piiiLADKLrmA.-wiLL BE Hold th'tii, the Furniture ?nd unesptred Lease of a Bret clnet buetnese Hntul. situation central, twith caps-lty to luynmutodktA two hundred and twenty live guests, and tu e.implete ortler. Thla house hae been a ling* business fo. the laal ten years, prluclpal trade being from Pennsylvania, Oldo, Indiana, Iowa, Mary,and and JSew Jersey. To parties who may wish to go into the busin* is no hotel In the city is butter adapted for ? asfe and profits ;e buainrita than this bona* For panic ulara audresa Hotel, boa 1,614 Philadelphia Poet offlc*. Satisfactory reasons glvta for wishing to aell. Railroad rkstatjbant.-for sale, a first class R?".ta ,rau , ail'iate I at our of th* principal rail, road depots dlvorgtt'S from Natv York. W lP be sold far cash only. Addresa, A. B., Libby House, Warren attest. TO OAS FITTERS. OAS FIXTURES AND LAMP DEALera ?For sale, tha beat located and oldest aland In tho city of Baltimore The autre can bebai on lease at a low ran t for a term of Taars. There la a Splendid ehow room, with 14 fat t oelltng", alao work ahop with toole complete Fur further particular* adurrsa bol 1.117 I'uat office, Baltimore. TIN AND STOVP. BTORE FOR RALE?WITH TOOLS, Slock, Firturce, I .ease aud good Will. For further par. ttculara inquire la the ature. 0. KEEOAK, Hudson City, N. J. TO A TOtlNO LAWVER, OR PERSON OF GOOD ADdress, one-halt Interest in tn etcluslvo Western agen y business, which will yield from ihran to Are thousand dollars a year, will be eolrt for ?AX>. Address Law, llcrald offie*. UNITED RTATKP PATENT AND RCSINKKS FOR sale; *ery lucrative, l? always Independent of time, of fashtm and concurrente; fur aale for cash; qualltled for more than twenty arln ics, eonv?olcnt for th* Hoitb and for Ilia military and tho government, tsnd an be highly enlarged byeteam, Address P. P., Herald ottlc*. (61 l\l\l\ ?THE "DOLLAR HAT STORE FOR SALE,11 spi.UUU. filled with a saleable Mock. This store hat always done a profitable bnsfbeae, and from three to Ov( Ihouaettd dollars net prclt nan be maile In it annually. Tin proprietor Is compelled I1 go to Europe, and aauel sell '.QUA* fOItK 11KKALD, THUltSDJ i KOilJIH, AC., TO I.K*. j 'T^Hi^nvLruar.M story and basement high * f> u :?une ctffoi, ho 4 Ajmimi^ on trviiuf, all r ?n o' j ,,...> o.? w Urn Aii l wwli m4U*i-, b*lu, xr? \ av ry mo* hmiJ ' 'oi ?<1, rec-u .1 * pal'it^d mil putin omp < . d? u*. 1- 'Knnu Mav b* MM* i rum ill, I* > A 0 * Jua* i OLBV , 109 BroMlv ay. W to 12 a m i,OUi | ^ .? i stfAr, HOl/li* *OK *A1aK~ON TUB A ?*ALL COTTaiiB *?!vrilli? lorprivavo iMidUc-r?. * - .n.A4iS! -iui k ir h, fr?*? '* o:a q-i.?.?nc * uf noun od by ^xxi imi?rorwn<iu. ?e< 1 Uv ami i" utrjr. I i/1* ' 14fa.' *'*,lcouii?in.uA ?lf a Jv^nv. ?f ut*,'.ot .80; .r" n m *V - . | i a ?t fcf ft' M y iaiu oul; mo-? inu iiii^y *' 7^- ?? ornar o 'Oil. In , .I,,. u ti,e preumA*. 1 RW*fiVTTrr n .. mb...rvri+ui?A Jt aveoiu'.or of J. K. SMITH; a?o. 1 rlne stnet. _ . 4 LARUE FIRST CLA-S TIIRFV HOI BE. No. 77 JL iun.ii >ph?T bi.-Met, in ur?t rul* oriift r? . 1 ',C 1 !a toa iciiaui. Ua* ,a#Hilarytiironif ,t ,UV w'lt'"r.u V" ?J :V; .; 111 e r? ^iioiug bo*"*. A^y to t v. i OoK, ?41 t uliun *Utei. * large. handsome fari or7~ant> fA"T J\ im ... I'a !or, to 1.1, to a doom-, d. m at. i. an. o. 'or?ri) .ltS!11i.i u..,1.w, turu.s.i . mis fa ? men. ieima moderate Apply at b# Frfme struct. * dooi'a wgui ol l>ioa iV4?y. A DESIRABLE RKSIDKNCE TO 1.ET, OH WE*." '4 Twcuty-fuurth stra it?Ni .it and gcnte -l: hot and emd water, bath, range, gtis, a'at mar; leipiis, aril ail the modern con'euiMii *?, ivi.tubi} Jiti5 |> r year, to a good tuuaut Applj at ill b'ultou atreot, oij.te ol Uud?e'u ttep?iler. A WSJ l.AROE STORE, BASEMENT AND VAUI.T, dl <A? Hmlaon a true t; rent $7So. Alaoautt* of R >oma, i 2 to nine adji/tolti at | r'" .it va ant. Also Rooioart i>o. C I?fit.: iir^et, bftivcfn hi ih uiul S.xib avenues, w very couvenldttue. Apply on the p! e:nf9CJ.. A S.ORE Ahll BACK ROOM TO J.ET?'J5S AVENi B S\ B; ula -a Room ^.ud two Ecdr.ouia, t'.J av.nue R. iu. quire at Si avoaue C. M DODIN. A FIRST CLASS FURNISHED HOUSE (FOURTEEN *V Rouiua) to iat, V>' ^*i i.f Bread way, below Ri.,utli atre -t, tepletu with all t ie modern lu.provnn uta, Minora, Opaiidu'dera, a tperior 1'iauo, witu ail aruiee. for houaelt opttiif. to a pri<.:te family ouly. Realhiti', Addreia Fouu.aia, BruM.iway Fust oflleo. A TWO BTOKV AND BASEMENT FRAME HOUSE TO let?in Hurlemj and beuliUy location, m<t cunreaiunt of aeueaa; rent moderate. Apply to J. WOOii, 110th atreut, betwaeu Seeoad and Third uvenuea. A GREAT REDUCTION IN RENT, FOR A FOUR STO ry brick. House in Houston street, u ar Broadway. The House la 2in60. with e.tenaion, eor.taiu, IS looina, has modem Impi urouiuuta ami is ti. acod order and eio^antiy pat'e-ieJ suitable for a 1 oarding iiooao. Immediate puJ-se.nlongiren. OUARLES E. MILLS, 34 Cedur street. Brookltn- brick house to let-no e.tsr vcii'i' ' at reel, two etoiv. hasumeul and unner-oellar, brown n'.oue Sloop, balcony and iron railings; ten ra mie; hot end cold wa. tar; coiinoCla with . ewer; latire, h??U-r aud gas ttkturoa; suparl) flnl-h. l'ric $550. on the prentices. Houac, dOxRI; Lot, lOdfeet. j BAKERV TO LET?NO. fift6 WATER STRKBT, BEtmen Sctttnmai nnd Jackson streuta; a good place lor buaintsii, aud low rent. Inquire in tbo grocery store. rIOl'N I'RV HOUSE TO LET ?A FURNISHED HOUSE, J 1 li'.i.t It Ar < ill i-nsi-l. I r.r.Un t . i i mniiunl .tr situate i lu Bouthporl Covn. on Long Island S uud, mrlihin .ive minutes' of the Now York end Now Haven <!ui> t. Forfurtherparticulars inquire of JEREMIAH SrUUQEB. J!J'J Fulton street (btmomeut office). (TOUNTRY SEAT (iN TUB HUDSON To LET?THIRTYJ ttvo miles front the city, wt'h lour acres of Laud And ( aiden; lawn well ahad'-d*; h- litiou m . healthy ami iuu Tenlent to -ata; rent Sold; It rooms. Apnly to C. K. BLISS, M Broadway. or to t!. is. MILLS, si Cedar street. IjlLEOANT PRIVATE RESIDENCE TO LET?IN FOR J ty aeuond street, near sixth avenue, 25 fret front, four stories, blown stone, with chandeliers, mirrors Ac.; cliuk-e location. fashions' la surroundings; to he splendidly repainted and decorated. Possession early in April. Apply to B. U TAYLOR, 130 Broadway. Furnished house to lf.t-at ravenswood, l. I.; house contains fourteen roo.naaud a large c. ller; tire rooms ?first Hoor; range in kitchen sud dumb wat er, large cardan, wall sto k?-d with l'ruit trees. Also a stable belonging to the bouse, Luge euutign to stable two horses. Will be let low for the suininet mouths, or cm a be tented foi th- year if desired. Possession can be had immediately. Address for three days House, Herald office. Furnished house to let or for sale?un Murray Mill, suitable tor s small lamlly. None ueed apply to rent unices they can give undoubted assui-autc* of respectability, Addrc-a box 2,139 Post oitlce. fdUUNISUKD HOP IPS TO KENT -FOR THE SEASON audit, the y-ar; situated a'. N o Brighton and Oartie'on, Sis u Island Kcr parti ulars arid permits apply to A'. M. WHITTEMORE. 39>j Kaoliang.: place. KIOUNDRY TO LET, FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE-AT J/ Sinp Slug, N. Y., with steam engine,'Ac. Wil. oe let lor other business. Wilt be rented vc T 1 \v or sold at a hargalu or exchanged tor city property. Address Foundry, Herald office. FURNISHED HOUSE TO f.ET-132 EAST THIRTYlliird a.reut; a sun- ihree Btory brown stone front, with all modern improveui. n s, a .d mutly furnished. Bent moderate. Apply as above. IfARMERS AND GARDENERS LAND TO WORK ON 1 shares; soon, easy to work, convenient for marketing, supplied with material lor manure, <tn to fit) acres, rvlta Rouse. America u, English, Heroan and Scotch, only need apply. ilOORK, oi> Wost Washington puce. CN ROCERY STORE TO LET?WITH FRONT AND BEAR T buildings, No. 148 Wen Seventeenth rttvet; they will be let cheap. Inquire of JAS. UALLAOHKK, 37 Centre street, brass foundry, Houses no. 145 and ioi west twelfth street, two stories sud Attic above basemen , to responsible .. ?I.. -I ., Int.. ? I' air 111, mI r i.l itln,. U,i. one mile froiu d?po(. Inquire nfW. K. BItlNliHEKHOfc'r, lutnl IatuniM Coaapany, 4'J Wall street. HOTEL ro LEASE ?TliF. STE' ENS HOUSE. LATE JJrlinonico.'a, No.2j Broadway, Near VorV, bnvinx been put in thorough repair, painted and si pplied with the con venlences of a moderu lirst cla-j Hotel, 1* now oiTered to lease upon favorable tennatoa suitable tenant. Tho furniture uiav bo purchased itpan reasonable tcrma. Appiy to HEWLETT A TOBUANUE, No. <5 B iwling (liecr,. or to HOMER MORGAN. No. 3 J'ine street. Hotel to lease.-twk white hohbe. situated ou Fifty-eighthall-eel, between Eighth aud N.nih ave- ' nuns, near ilia Usuirsl I'srk, ei.'rauoo on Fifty-seventh and Kitiy-eighib street*. Furnished complete ami well htied up, an t now used as s tiret clam betel. Will bo ieseatl to a llr?t class tenant on favorable terms, sj tlieowner hat other bust nr'a to attend to. For fur.her particulars apply to JOHN I LOYDA SONS, l& Nassau street. HOBOKKN.?TO LET, NO. 6 HUDSON I'LACE. If I'Dson slreel, near Fourth, three stones, basement and ,. I. I.,r I, el. A nnlr '< .11 >H N IR ! ' I A .V I? fid ? >A till Lii;?:ii.ini suaot, N<-w Yutv, or to UUAKl.ES CLIKI'UN, 73 Wmhingtottitwut, Jii-b'?Jc?a. Modern three story to let--no. ?: Wcat Tiv.-uty-flmt at roe t. it; i.a order. Rent S'W). Al?u liouso, 27 WealTwenty-lira; street. Hsu; f iUP. Apply as per bill. OFFICES TO LET.?A SUIT OF OFFICES TO LET IN No. 23 Liberty atroet. App.y to .M ARK LEVY, ou tbe premiiri. PART op A HOUSE to 1 ET-I* A FIRST RATH loCUlon lit Brooklyn, near lerrioa. To a small family wishing to reduce erpeuaes auJ yet llro vety lesntHtably, thl? mior.Ja a il*?lrat)le opportunity. Addrcat Merchant, bos 327 Now York Pout oflicc. PRIVATE DWELLING NO. 17 ST. LUKE H PLACE TO l?t; fourntorie*. brotn atone, with ga*, bath Ac., all tn2 modern linp.ovtuueiiia. Apply for rent au 1 |<<trtiuulara at 13 St Luke's place, or 112 Fulton street. A. FRFEMAN. Rent let, in west tuirtt-fifth urMt, between Eighth and Nintli avenue*, a 'our Cory English basement House, tn lirat rat- order; fan anil 'vater throughout; the tenant will have the u-o of gn*fixtures without charge, inquire of Mr. W. B. I'AKicIN, 4/1 Eighth avenue, corner of Tlii:ty-Ufth street. SECOND FLOOR OF HOUSE 225 WEST IWENTTeighth street, one door Irom Ninth avenue; rent #--'00; fourrooma, two devts. hot anil cold water; bath and gas, wkli ball or cellar. _____ j SECOND FLOOR TO LKT-82 ORCHARD STREET, co.ialating of two room, two iiaiitrlu* uinl budru -m, with l is, alaoa rear Basement ir { sired; rent low to a responsible Unaut. Can ha seen from In to 4. luqulic on the premises. STORK TO LET?629GREENWICH STREET, AND FIXlures lor sale. Hat beau occupied mr 1ft years pan as a hoalerv, lace embroidery and fanry store. A good chan -e for auy one who wi'hea to carry ou the business, cheap reat, and long lease given If required. A. HARD*. 829 Greenwich street. Stores and offices to let-banking and Law Offices, In Nos. 57 and M William street, near Pine. Maiden lane?Store No. 74 Maiden lnu v Tabu st.-eei?Lofts No yu John street, cornet of Oold. William street?Second door and baaemmt No. 172. Apply to S. B. SCUIEKFBL1N, 170 W'ltium street. STBAM BOWKN, l?A* aisii istitn r.?a humncn ui It" me large tod small. with pc?cr Ui l?t. Ap ply to H. W. URUENK, N"n 13 Spruce street. STFAM rOWER-LARGE WTLL LIGHTED ROOMS, with cr will nut steady steam power, M *01, 403 ana 405 C harry r re". Rfntlow. STEADY 8TKAM POWFR.-TO l.ET, LARGE AND mall Room*, well l'gh'ed; steam holstway; water ou every Quor; alio steam pipes for healing. No ISO Water street. mo LET-THE I'lRSTFLOOR. BASEMENT ANDOOCN A. ter-cellar of tho itore known as 17 Park p!nc<\ an 1 14 Murray street. Iniuire of Mnaete. J. tV. SChULTKN ,t LurrNEK, on the premise*, or to JOHN It. I'LATT, 7J Murray street. TO LET-TWO MODERN PRICK HOUSES. WATER and gas. at a low rent to a good tenant Alto some desirable Aputm nu; two Cottages In K'sav City, water and gas, rent $16 per month. Apply to T. cybBlRrU, 315 Bh-ecker etieet, nrarCharlee, up ataisa. TO LET-A FOUR STORY HIGH STOOP BMOWN etooe'ront bottae, S3! Wert Thirty-second street, betwren Eighth anil Ninth avenue* at a moderate rent. For particulars Inquire ui It. C. LOOM 18, Agent, Broadway, eaat aide, a few dour* below Thtrtydourtb street. TO LET-HOUHF.S N08. 115 NINTH STREET. NEAR Broadway; ti8 Nlntn etreet. near H-cmnl arenne. Art Third avenue; M Betiu a'.reet, all except the parlor lloor; have gee, hot and cold water, Ao. luqulre at 37 East Twenly-eocomi atreet. TO LET?A SMALL, CONVENIENT AND WELL AR raured llo.iae, Tor a email tanil.y, In Twenty fourth etreat, one block east of Ma ilsoil anuaie, eontalus all the ntndern improvement! rent ouljr $700. Inquire of N. II, ObUOOD. ill) Fourth avenue. TO LET-UPPER PART OP HOUSE 177 EAST Fifteenth etreet. near Siuyreiunt I ark, with all raoduiu Improeenienta; a heautlful, healthy location, Only a auia.1 family need apply ou the prcmlaee. TOLF.T-THK WHOLE OR PARTS or EITHER OR BOTH the two Iron front Rulldlngi hoe. 354 anil 24ft Canal street. Pe ng the corner of Elm street and adjoiulog hulldiag. pernelly f.iilsbed and lighted throughout, and so connected by an hways ai to make in reality but una building, now open fur Inspection from ? till 4 o'clock. Apply to OEOKOB BRUCE. 13 Chambers etreet. r LET?DESIRABLE SMALL HOUBKH. CHEAP rani*. Nue. ItMattd ItM ami 101 and 103 Harrison street, l between lleury and Hicks streets, Brooklyn. Apply to C. A. JACKSON. No ? I'lno street, room,15, New York, W lY, APRIL 3, 1BG2.-TS1PL HOI'S KM, s, At., *t> I.v-T. ' H'O 1,15r A THREE STuUf FRAME itWLlLi .,1 1 H ih ?Hta two utAry *11 U?n and stable at iiu S ed on N ? ' hi .hj , ik- a jn A ilaotir , l I u l a ?v. uyo? Inquire o: 8 MaLDLX tV <abi., .too .touti- . lu. jer yi t'afltiic or ft/tu i *, u?*r V rPO LET?THE tiK ON'L FJ.O'jIl AND HACK 1)ASKX i. oul of uuu6? Too W r .-second ( eel ; ?u _,e Kuuuie. inquire ut. the prelum* '1'? LET?.IN IIOR-tK l.SM BROADAAY. BET Wit. H * * " - ' 1 ttd ? O! * |: r.. H . i . * id fe nullum <ja two l*r/" too .'.rf, four sia&ll rotaU^, cl?. i w*rdw.tL Or it ?a w J*M Mfi ' .tmv lac l - ?r , % veil $17 per iu\jl tu. iii ;uii ".i H'e ('c?.L a, or at 'tfi* . ^ < rpo ! i .. AN] PKAliL 81 B1 1 u<?Hr Ch illj .i-i. i' t /t- .-ii ubavo Um*I! OCT'.pi' (1 o: ! iftiij y ai- ttb vj.i j?(j a iii r in.-. l'u<ny Biuret, aiid vrif 1 be rouicil aw., u ? h >. d itua&i. Ku. paru-ilaroma UiBd tiiKCLAiiCiikiOlutl ui nerof red i. rr? I.RT-TIIE 8M ALL i NQL1..U C ASEMENT liOUSB, I 1, ?.iv?*t I weuty-tlurd slruel, with o.ei . vol.:,,, t.i. ; l" 11 ?-sponsible i u?u . App-y to LI V ON, . 01) - skUiA'i kirwl, fpO LET?KUOM M .vY 1, TW U NIi^K HOUSE*, NOS. 1 It/ u, 1 105 RiviUij u . . HoUl r a?o:.ub.e I A . Oil k ntfil lu,|oi:eo, C. T. VV1 ITE, No I Worth aire.-: LET?A SUIT OP SEVEN ROOMS. A OOOl) LO* deutm ur private famiiv. on ouu ot the o -t ? K ??>? ?> ?; tl Merk?iau*et,*. N. J. rpo LhT-k* OUTTKNBOBO. NEW JERSEY, RENT J. low, t yo. Rouses: oho a oit Able Lira bo. ry, ilifa n r/ 0nwnniiJ*oo xt>" of water; tbeoiimr wnl bo 1 out In ro **'' Boib h iv"* Stabloa attecbedl To be aeon l>y apviyluv to^jAlre t/WVr.K. <i'"?r l?e pre.ruana, or at Kobier Jt ElncX^browrerjr, s mo LET-IN BROolcLYi?. A TWO STORY BASEMENT X lieu w in eood orler, ?i. V?our of Orouud a... a Barn, Wttuind WIV'U Oo Kulj'<v-'I'J" '?'"1 Rrh,:n r8''', nrliera ibe c?i.< pa??|f*ei>'t'w iorNR"*,* ,r >ni * ulton l-irjr. Korlur.ber i,VU?ttl,Ar? lo'iuiro on V? 1"''>rtRe? or in tne tore ojy. ,,tie, or iu lb? coal j?r., So Mu Str.h gticot, near Orove./ir/ojrCitjr, mo LEI -DWELUIh'O HOUSES AND PARTS 0'_ J. Hot??, a. iu t'h: rltoa *t?V( t, b'tivi-en H ?.?Ait.ytou nau Greenwich, with all modem i'vi rovramiM, In O'M- r, and allow tenia, to good teuau'.o. Apply to MAR. V "ATEUS. llG Ohui Itou sui'tt. rpo LET?MP I'll'M 8IZED HOUSE. SUITABLE FOR < X hiiun UiuUhr. No. 6 M irtm Hrriw (Beet Tbirtiatb ( ireet); retpecabi,'iieiahboiuooil and moderate real. Ap- 1 pljr to WM. A JOHN O'BRIEN, tlU Wall alrnet. TO LET?0N STATEX ISLAND, ONE AND A IIALU nil!?g i'rotu Vaudorollt'a Laud tis a nice Cottage .in.l aooutau ere o<Uround, plen'. o! eba-lft, irtit and other tra ?. hair a mile from the lower bay. To a pooii tenant will be route J very low. i.'JU per auttuin. Ap.uytoK. D.'LAWKKNCE, 1,2'jl Broadway. rpo LET-AT EASTOHESTKB WESTCHRPTKR COUNTY J. fifteen uUee from Ultj Hell end orty-Uve ntlu l , by New Yur* and "Tlew 11.. '- n railro.. ! from fws ty sdrentr. etifii't liepo. to Moon'. Yeruon nii.jn.ou - of thti ftnc.i p' t vpte Residence., ever off,rod to let; house con tame eel or*, wine va lit. ail'.lieu, ta.udiv. dnirvroom twooailoro din in.: room, sitting room nud twelve leurootna ruoae, hut and colu water through tli? house, bstnroum. water clos. 1. ae 1 every convenience ktown In k iirat citk* city house; I' is beautifully and furnished all throitgiii out hou?e* couaia*. of st ibie, barn,* earn - ge house, but house, cow houae, Ice lie i?e t tilled I, hennery, Ac. On the place la a reservoir tb at supplies the house with water, two well% and a spring ttiav never falls, three acros of ground, wt-'i laid out v; tin every Hud of fruit and fun-si tlii great vn.ioty of plant, and Uowcra, eoiva, poultry, Ac. To a iiiat rUn and ie?ponaible tenant ?111 be iuntd ai $2.3) per month for one year Ibo preinlaoa u:e one and a liaif miles i r j.rt the depot, and hare never before b?n offered to rout Apply to ii I) LAWKKM K, i.Ail Broadway, between Thirtv-lirat and Thtr'yae-ourl atre-u. rfio lbt?two L4hgr storks and basbmbnxs J under kurle'a new hotel, corner ot Canal and < nitre aire da. J'iie,, arc e*ir? well llghte i aud ventilated. A very desirable lo .ition lor almost any kind ot business. Apply at ltd ultloo of lbs betel. 110 T.KT?WITH OR WITIIOI'T 8TKAM I'OWBIt IN HEEEMAN bTKEET?The Second, Third and Sixth t'lo"r? of No 29; th-ftittb Floor ol No. 31, and the fourth and Sixth I'ioors of No. 3d; lb SixL.i l'tooi ol No*. 29, 31 and 33, communicate with each other, and arc well lighted on all idea. IN CENTRE STREET?the Second Floor of Nob. 33 and 3u, the Third floor of Nut. 28,30 and 32 and the Basement and Vault extending from Duanit lo Rendu atieott; ell admirably adapted for mechanlcai purposes, and wed lighted ou every aids. IN DUANK S'i'KFET?The front Basemenu of No. CI. Apply to .IAS. CONNER'S SONS, 23 Centre btieut, comer of Beads. To LET?IN BROOKLYN,THE t IKEB story BRICK ll iuae ana Store cot iter of Bedford and Ue. Kaloave ntn g, desirable lor a rct-iil grocer. AIno the two story and attic Cotteg- Ifouvo (rent $ !t>0 per annuntt in Bedford avenue, next tn Van Buren bii-et. Apply to B * DEAU, I,OCK.WOOl) A CO., 22' Washingtonstreet, New York TO LET-A COUNTRY SEAT, AT I'FLHAM, W?bTchee'ci county, containing 32 ac.rt-a of lend, Urge l-.o .ae, line out ullillngs; rent low. Apply to DEVELIN A MILT.F.R 33 klbrrily atreet. rpo LET?THE three story AND BANE WENT A llouae, with sub-cellar. No. 135 Clinton atreet; cental tin ell the modern lroprcvemeate. such naitue. hot and cold wut -r. hath, Ac. Apply to george o. lULuiCiC, St Butl'olk atroel. ^ To lbt?the first and. second floor, of a brown stone front Himar two Parlors, four Room*. six rtoHi-t*. kitchen, vraefcroom mid re'der. A roinpl"l? hums tvirflisf ratntenn'.t. Appir lo THOMAS Jlol'ltKRSON, 477 Third avenue. rpO LET -A LARUE FRAMK HOUSE (FILLED IN A with brick), conttining thirteen tomtits, two ba'.hroomf, furnm-e, ring-, ftinirc*, kiationar* wn?h tnha, xtMl all modem iniproremsnta, with eight lot" of ground, woll IftM out with flown re, Iru't, vegetable*. ,ie.; uj?n stable and 00 .ch huuie lor four hornee an i oaiTias<M, ailuutcd on Stitra.ooinl street, between first aud avenue*. Cot par. tlcilars Inquire of JOHN O. LIOHTBODV, 21 BrehU'an street. Would bole, fot a l?g"r blur garden. TO LET-711E MOOBR* 1001 TWO MOBY AND ttir H.'uhl, 11' S illter.u street, t. ith *11 improvements 01 gad, wa'er, An.; reasonable to .a good truant, lo'intro 01 JAVKS l'. TAYLOR, 7W Broadway, 8 Y. TO LET?A NISAT FOUR STORY ENCiLISH BA.tif ant BooWi aiiuit'.n.i In Thirteenth ft rent, between Fi-s; Riiil 8- ond "T' uitoa; coitair* si! the rr-> i'nj-.rovcmets, gar, Cretan *?td|', Ac. R-?t. #800 App'.} to 8 AMI'EL JOYCE, (180 Brordrrv, or a' IIS' Seventeenth et-eet. TO LET?a D<>! HT.j: hook. OOSTATNINO li Rooms, i"Hli Ham nr.d 20 its of l.aad: About one ot un.o from Hie Now York ami New Hii?eu Railroi. ! depot, r.' Rorirhejt.r. Fur parti nl.-trj ti. i.if-w o' SAMt'Ki. BAILEY, M Broadway, o of R. MlNKIL, fort, cli IT. S.J. To LET?THE THREE STORY AND BASEMENT Or*, a Home, w h tr.prui u'.cat-j, No. 9 Bcthune inter . Apply to C. M. NEl'VlLLK, No 10 Barclay street, up aiatra. TO LET-HOUSE NO. f? PRANI UT STREET. NEAR Clnirch, io wliule or lu apartmente; the Unit floor well laptop for a store; . ill be let 1 > - to euitable tenants. Iuquire of J. j. BIKN'IER, ro-in No. 4, 64 William street, corner ot' {'me. TO LET -AT 110 WEST TWEVTY SKVKNTH STREET, largnan.i well * Ciliated Loits. wi'h steam power,on In ' olid, Hurl and fou'lh ?) >oir. Wul 1?? let low to a sooil tenant. Buildiug Is dSvtS feet Inq . re on tlie prem'.sr? mo LET-FURNISHED HOUSE OS STATES' 181.A' D, 1 ,Lht infra from Van let . . i railroad depot, turn mile troiu ?io? .uiidtnp, lairte sarden, ana lee bouse0UeJ. Apply to JOL'KNEAV , 373 Broadway. rpo LET?HOI SEN 45. 17 AND 61 i.l.->i'KN AllD STREET X #u I 1.16 Kranklii. i. reel; poaeesel >u o' 47 Liaporjard street Immediately. Apply to JOUHNBAY, 373 Broadway. TO I.BT?THE LAKIIK THREE STORY AND ATTIC brick House, No. t> H<. Mark e pUte c'.nWir.liift tho modern imp'eruo\ ' . .?e, Cr tu . -ater. ' a'e.a, water clueeta, Ac I'ojs. edo i linrnedl'lelr. Real terjr low. Apply to JAMES OBUIKMIANK, 66 Broadway. fno -at mk \;r llc rrNT?i htrbbtsbriwebm X See nd and 1 li rj ?.?nni'ii, ? meui II line. r:th all the lirp.nn iu?nt' 1 <1 repair; rent tlZQ. A|ipV oa the prctrUaee or a'. U7'K*?t Tbirty-lith W?? 9 3M O ?JjBIrrAT?il-VULh'M.. A. THltKU STORY HOI'S E" rflwv'llkwaltr<uAge?rr conventonoe. with a Ir-tuire ?Ll,ia-|>n-jnnr?. nortliai st .oinor of Kliih tiyrii/iJ2?H^j.tji.<jt,-or of JAMES DAMS, at tl:e dike of"jrsVll?rT<-rn wHlgo Cummtav oiiera, ooruar of Cluaiwn ?o-l Obalham atreet*. THO LET-A SMALL BASEMENT HOL'sE, IN A GOOD I nulgbbor! -od; saafltlaies it;- '-lth bouae. Iri fill 14 WtdiKlfty-four'.h itre-il, n-ar KiJ'tli avenue. R'nt $?*>. LET?A COTTAGE HOI e" IN 101 Rf.I AVENUE, between Eighty third aad ICahiy-fourtb atrn-te, Yorkrllto, with ai; ih? luudttru loiprut ;iu- ut?. wUL large gardua. IibI low to a good tenant. Iu'pilra ott the (-rrtnLea TO LET-AT YORKER", A LARGE OOU'II.H HOUSE. I I containing nvrifr roomc, wt"i ga* and water. an l a; | ilia modem ?mj>r..-.rmvHr; about a acre Of ground welt j laid out, with irutt and ora'anonta. troee, good garden; hat a il l r'abling for foui hortee. Wl'bo t.-i forma iud ( it Urn aummer monlhe for flJO per m?a.h, or * > o? i, uitf urmailed. Piaaaautb aHuated, ten mtytihwa'V fro n dcput ml ?.c?n !m?' Uodlaga lti'i'ilrn of A. B. HOYT, YenUn. rpo LET?STORE, DWBLUNtl AMU HAdKMt.M, 941 X Broadway; atore 3a fo?t fivat, p.nte gU?a wludoara; tmnenH'Ul Unlabel, uadar r elk patent llglite; tbrea atari** nova morn, hatha, water c'oaeta. aouarate ??? melera: rant 91,300. Iiiquineor M"-. JACKSON W1 Bioed-vey. TO LET-A convenient TllKfcE BTOBY BRICK ll'i <aa. 'n Wi'tt Tweoty-aevanih (treat; all rnudsru mi. proTeiuenta and tmurea: furnlaaed with cameta ir da aired Addreaa P"iar, lirrald offl.e. rpO LET.-THE TWO STOK* BARKMENT ANO ATTIC J Hnnee, 31 Kmci atreet, wit' ata'ilo room for *Ij or eight horare, and wngtm honaea, wide alleyway: ?err on vet,lent tor caumen Apply to J. CO KM KLL, ho. 1 Baaaa market. rpo LET-TO A SHALL AMERICAN 1 IMTLY OK X adulte, two Ronni a end two Bedroom* on aecond dorr, oop la'ge Room oa t Bedroom on fourth Cuor, with uae of bath, gea. lann try and pert of cellar. Can he teen Iron* 10 A M. To 4 y. M., at IdAEaat Twantli-th atre-t. rpo LET?FIR9T ( LASS HOUSES ON TUB KdHTS'DS. L Keata from $W" to 91.'KW, in good lo ul.oua Atari, parta oi Houaea ami Urge Floora, all at great radii, t, n. Cone and a-e the Hat or llouara Apply to JOHU PEITKBTCn. 419 Third avenue, near Thlrly-iirat atr >pl rpo LET?A NF.AT THREE STORY HOUSE, NO. 1*1 X Wr?' Thirty rie?anth atro?t, near Eighth avenue, con talnlng gee, beta, range, Au.; Una U.ya yard. All In periaut order. Kent94t*>. Apply on the prenilaea. rpo LET?FOB BUTCHER SHOP. OYSTER SALOON, 1 grwary, carpenter .simp, autdea, or any buiineaa, very clirap, the three atory brink oulldlng 79 Wlfletl alreet, alao, Noa. 9, U ami 13 llooaevolt Ilottaea. It > <tna, Floora, tn taralllaa, Inquire at 23 Eaat Broadway, lo front hae in,Mit. TO LBT?TUB FIRST CLASH BRoVFN AMNB FRONT hngliah havnufmt llo'tae, Mo. ?" > *?? Thlrty.eernod atri-oi; will be put In complete order fore good tenant; rent low. App'ytoJ. m aTUEWbuN, 947 iludaon ati-aet, before 9 A. M. and after 9 P. M. TO LET.?A SMALL FAMILT IN W8HT FIWKKNTH atieot wlah to lat tue llnid bu r? au.l one Medinom In fourth, to a email family without ohlldhen; the r. oma awntain all the modern linprcTamuuta. Addreaa II. A. 3., Heraid ofllce. TO LBT-A THREE 0TORY AND HIOH STOOP BR10K houae M Beat Twnnty-elghth atreet, near Madiaon arenua; nntSWf Ap|*7 At 99 BetoUty ?Wt?? fat ardtr, vf latent, iE SHEET. I MOUSE#. nOUMt. MC., T1 liCT, fpw IT? V1/?R ,UHT r ! I >1 . ! '! *>w "lU i rJw? 't?ui VOOBU, Willi > o. olivet luoat t* ^ Uuiiijf ui hr > u per! ko? s, in,'. |25) t., fj j .i*40 u G ou tte preui as-.. Ho .re us ttw atwSWa Wlwom'UUi Can l ?-on any uui U. I I 1J ? Ci.?w. | .-? | , fPO LET?THE LARSK ItJ" VI LE IN T A t-.A HETU I * street, t?f Firm a.ei.u >, w.S.t'i 'it, 1 1t Lo *d n uui j hi uianu.a turog pu ru?o>>. Wul ne i i'::i'(l|Uhu) )i .r? ap ?, u good l- 'a?4- A; b J ' 10 I < ' Last li.gnt.eSrsli .tl-i't rpO CCT*7lIE p\Vi,L^INU FART OK TWO TOUR " ' " ' 4 -7i-ii j Ui i n .i.ii t reei. D'lr.Vluri./, e"? ' i-juu?u tor Hoarder .-.; rent only $174 .ml Cro uu ?. Apply a< JOBN i.-lU.-U 8. 13u i\? ..u?iun ei-eei. Po i -Mi -a mi median.y MX) Lri'-.k, GLN'TEkL Hh'iUjt NX B FnH A h.v aLL I ^i.<- .?. a: N'"?,r? A J , u'i: . all modern cuuvei.i .. ?, ft rg",';' irtt i..ii plenty of I :. with or without a a >. nit ,.n fl\?. ut.ume. ?..! of Hie deim.. and beautim I locut -I K' niTiir Apply tu I'f' N.NiiTON, SlLLlVA.v A llAItitl SON, l'Hi.- uu street, N. V. 'TO ill r-O.V Bi'ATUN Ij^ANP, J- -ii w t v o uji.t. lp J";# i' rk, on ( at' i- . >vju7n ?'. m*tpi a ? .i ... i .? H' . TU jMrkuALuuctwelyeWMMUIMW'ila ittUIn*u4Ktc*r.To views of iLc eir?.')J,u. b*v end to. inrv. Apii.y i? E NIJ.ST KlIiDl.KR :<S or ? .vey. fpo LKT?ROOMS, KUKNI.SilED Oil I NVC ll.VI.SHED, A \v!th nr litho i' lloaril; loc<ttioli very Uc .re iB, three tiiini teu'??Ut from th# f - y icrui. ver( icuaoiiAble. Apply el Corner ot I.- r: li .s . .1 |i ij.yu .tiee! . Ii "tiiivi tl, N o. jJ Ni'. ...u atreet, roout No. 6. 1IE.NUY H A A 'I. rjlO LET?TUB Fi'HNiSilED HOUSE NO. 107 WEST A Fouite u.U (lieci, uii.l advrr.iseu iu U raiil on Tliur- !uy a U 6^t .rdtj. to a pi. i ate IHiuily ; reut low. will not lie It On tiou, jii.t, purposed. Apply to i A1>141 ON D A U ijl 4INE, No I) Piuo sirool, toour 11, a..J Rioir i.vay AuJ Forty-e.Klli einet. T'O LET?A COUN1 RY KESIOBNCB IN TJIB VILLAGE of Newtowu, L Tit Inland. WUli two an.1 .i lialr acre* of grouuil ~ler$e ooutilo Liona , Willi wine tiaru. stable.ehiekcu no "<s. A . To a aoud lonaul the reut will bo very low. Apply at tin- oQlceof the New Voik IUuairated Nowa, No. SO iioeliitiau atno. fpO LEI?THE DLSIRAHLK THREE STORY AND A oaaeiuent (toue>, wlih innd -ni riuiirorementa, No. a se-nud -ttei t. 1'oaaea.a on liuino 1 lately Apuly to Vf. SCOTT JAR . IS, OX Caual atreet. LET?A THREE STORY ELEGANTLY FURNISH I ed Hmiet". n-ar WasUluglon Pouaie, to a responsible and cart ful family without children. A. draaa W. ti. J., Vera>: uliice. UMHB 8B00ND FLOOR, FBONT BASEVENT J. a*.-1 pno iSui'ii on third tioiy, of u rise mo lUTuird o'.rsst, ./a ama. lamliy. Convenient to ca's and atajica. 1'iir particular a Iniuirc at di/J H .if cry. References rsjutrcE TO LET?THR WBDf! >f .SIZED FOUR STC .RV STONE En^itsb baaeuieut Hyitae illO It est Tiiirly-a.t'or.iialrteti its :;aa dunce end a.' iiod- ru Improvements. 11 nt f'.'Sl. / ojly to ROUT. U81IEB, Jr., IZ'i Wed Thirtyluui.h air <et. rO i r'T?TI13 I OLLAVi IN : THREE STOr.Y UUI?1 ?C Ho a."i. v 't?2(0. a ' C5" V.' at fiiirteeuthetreet, c ont tun In * t.'ti modern iinpronunciite, '.octtioa reaiii- ta'dc. Rent $1.'St. Anply to KOBT. USHER, Jr., !K Wett Thirtylotrrth Street. TtO LET?THE F0LL0WTMC1 PROPERTY H . jse 8- Four li street, to it :il 11 rooms f'Ol Dwelling l'.arrl'^ Fourth m . ">r a boar !.ug uo. oe bbO limine 185 YTeat Twentieth a re I S?V Store and J' .veiling 414 West street 3b" lloiiso 125 Crjily a rret iJ>J liot aed'J4* East Twati'.e-iour h atreni feii! House 11 Tompkins plu.ce, Brooklyn 4oj TO LET?THE OLl> ESTABLISHED OYTTER.lLAGKB I bier and dining cellar corner of K'..;hiu avenue and Forty-second atrret, one of .tlio b",t f>. auou* up town; a 1 i*ae will be glren to a good letintit; th< tourih floor cm be It Apply to A. P. SMITH, 633 Btghlh avenue. r|30 LET?A TWO SIOKY BRIOK STABLE, SITUATED 1. at m KiutU stre-t, bcoond aveuue. For lurma Inquire at 6b St. Mm k'? place. rpO LET?THE HANDSOME FOUR STORY HOUSES A Noa. 839, 1141 and 313 We it Thirty lifth ntreot, containing all the modern Improve men'.a, and in good < rler. rao dtira'e to a good tenant. Inquire at 337 West Thirty-tilth street. f|TO LET?FOR A DWELLING, OR TO LEASE FoK A business piirpiia n,/louse No. 7 0:'.rrotl place, Blt-Ocker tree;; h is the modern improvements and i.s ayou.l location. To a good tenant would be rented very clieap. Apr/ljratftj Ninth altcet. D B. I'/KE. rilO LhT?A HOUSE AND FOI K FULL LOTS, ON A Washington avenue, n ar D<' fCftlb, Brooklyn; contains ntteen rooms, thirteen marble mantels, hut and cold water, bach, water closet, range, liruac", bc!lr, speakln 1 tubes, Ac.; grounds in tine order, yc abun umc oi small tniita, Bowers, Ac. Apply to BHEWbTER WOOD, No. 7 Court atrtnfrom 9 A M. to 19 M. IIO LET?IN SOUTH BROOKLYN. A VERY CONVB. nient t .o story house, with extent;-, r. aii.bc.u and cellar; cars to three ferries pa-. near the door. Bent f3H0 per annum. If agreeable the owner, a widower, would board the octupant. Address (I., box 183 Herald oflice. 130 LET CHEAP?THE FIRST CLASS BROWN STONE Iront high stoop House, No. 110 East Thirty-fourth street, replete tvlth oil the modern linpioveracnta. Cau be scon from 1, to IS o'clock 1?. M. For particulars Inquire o? IAS. OWENS, l(W East Thirty-fourth street. TO LET VERY CHEAP-A FOUR STORY BROWN stone Ilou.t", 1(8 West Forty-second street, between SevontU stid liigl.tli at cnue , tils'. stoop and t-nb cellar: House 17 f-st TUI.I by 80 deep. Apply to J. VAN WAGNER, 1(50 Wot (fVLy second street. q-IO LET LOW, FURNISHED COMPLETE, HOUSES 290 A and SOweetTwei y-f urth atrret, iu real oi lam den menu. Rosaeaityn ijven May 1. 'r'or f irtlier particulars iBu.uirn at 23* vVe?i Twiimy second tir.iet. mo IX i LOW TO A FIRST OUM Ol OOJUL AND J. on : halt of the rent will be taken In trudt ?ti:e uow and Ii?c!p<iin8 large aloro an.I haaeunr.i 3? Firth avenue, near Jefi'eraon market; a very deairablo location. Apply at 1SS Waverley place, near Math avenue. mo LET LOW-THE LARUE KOUK STORY BOUSESJ having about twenty the wo urn improvemenu, N >. 6tt Washington place, near Sixth avenue. AJao tli? new ami rt'S'raWo three story he-ae No. 162 Waverley place. Apply to K.L. SUVDAM, 153 Ware ley place, nest S'xth avmue. mo UKT YBR1 MW -TBI THRU sfORV BUCK A He ur. No. y Ltigbl at'eel, directly froiitii.; Canal street; a re'-y desirable loca'um for light building purponee, or dwellim;. Poeauraion intnn dta'cly. Apply to B. L. BUY. DAM. Ifirt Waverley place, or Stub rpo LET OR FOR SALE-AT HOI NT VERNON, TWO .1 atnall Colt .,? ?, un Eighth sod K;,ith avunti ?, near the ilepni. comaituuK nine rooms, in covd order; n.ce gurden, (rult lieoa, grapevines fl nveru, cxc. ''ent well Of w.uer near II, I,,.,'a., will ...I, >1 &1.WH. an I fti.UiO. <?r let in *t-S mid tied. Apply to E. ii. LAWHENt'K, l,:'6l Br.ja.lwny. To LK'f ok fok SALE?TUB BARGE first CLASS Bu.;liaU Paauui' nt House No. 47 West Twenty ninth street. i<etu-Broadway, containing all the modern improvem jtr, having b?i built for the owner's use. Suitable lor a physlrl?a era first class boarding bouse. App.j- to the o wner ou the pr ; ul?e?. To LET. for kale or to kxohangk?a fi'r ab ied House in Houok. n, first c i??, iluee storms, witn w;;i?r, p*?. rsnge, Ac.; situation, No. 4 Blooir.'.a'd place, eotenth holm- above Kllth strealjjn Hloomfi-ld street; h> use ve~y comfortably furulslted Will lei lie horse and furniture fur $Su() per annum; will sell at *?,talon f* table terms, ir vould exchange for a llrst rises House, well vatcd In Brou'clyn, worth a mm $A,l?)d. Apply on the pu-miaes or to OaNHsL WADSWORT 11, WIT l*eit.1 street, Now York. Tow tor lease-several fine offices in the now Building, No. 8? Nassau slreel (west side), uetwecn Fulton and John atrcels. Ap; !y to FRANCIS BYRNE. 132 Nassau street, upstairs. To let or lbasb?for a term of ykars, the 8lore and two cellars suitable and expressly fltt'-l up for the wine and liquor busia. as, No. 118 Chry-aUe strset. In- i quire of JAMES J. AMtKRSoN.gB Orsnd su-eev 'fSoLBT OR LEASE?LOW. THE THREE HTOltY A?ifly ''E^nhsenisu' House, 27*-West Kcrtr Hfih rtreenj- tA'"!'' Artp) Lo's ad j 'lniDg, with sublet and eh' 4s,- to lease iut*K4 or more years.'Apply on thep eru'ace. TO LET OR LEASE-TWO of TUOSK ufa l Tim. Houses, id mated un'Clepv.ou'Metfaee.iilowddtT", L I ^ | each house centarii thltledn routes, has'all Ihe. modern its- j r.p,,ne.n.tnis witb 1 ti nt- jarden sti i sliadcil lavrn in fronl of t [wo ??**, with r.'ra uisr carrleje r?aJ, completely promoted firm the roam ro?rt; two mlnut** from raliruad depot ond thirty-Hr* minute* from New York, tor n.7&ru apply ?o A 1 tXTER, on Ifco premise*, or to SAMl. Ei. EURO. *?rnerof Orand ?n.l Ohrystn' Etreets. ^ rhUt OR liKAKt'.?ON AC'OOHNT OK THE IlKAWIt ol (He owu-r, a Keetlf|lDj| establishment. In wmp *t? ordsv for imm-dlale use. for p*rlicuUi'?, Ae., Inquire a; .-37 Oreenwlcti (trent. ip,, ll'.T OV. LKA:K-A THREE JTOKY MOOBKg L uruwn it ui u?r',n n ... it r k: I, uear llr.L avenue ; bar ???. oath, stallouiuy In hi. water rloscls, A , * :. Knott**). Kir csnls if vlutlM'.Oi spptjT 10 <i. A. K Its AM, SO l'lne street. fro LET OR f.KANK-THK UEtJIOhNCE OF TUB LATB J. Dr. Williams, on It loom I p slab- road, near'y opposite Blot r-wlr. The House It n-cillsrlT adapted to the ?mi'i of * phystr-ten Inquire on the premises, or of Dr MOTT So. I OrtmercT Park (Fast Twenty Orel street), rl.ET OK LBAHK ON BTATBN ISLAND?A FOH'fOdloti* Cotta^o, with tlilrteen luti of ground. handsomely If Id out In it flower and kltche-> garden, h >t ho i"-, stsMc, I' mitre yrfd end grap-'j; the house bv: gas en I ires fliturc* complete, sad ts situated in en eligible neighborhood on Richmond rued mud Bswh street, mapleton, H. I., three muriter,1 walk froni Blapletou or Beoond Lending; lerm* vri y low. For furiher pertlculera npply to AL'tlUHTl H DK.IONor, Esq., Beerh slt-eef, second door from Rich, tnond irnd, Ruplnton, R. I , or to Meiari. 0. il, OUNTMKIt A 80NB. M Moldiu lane, Net* York. TO I.KAAK?T1IK EN11BK MARBLB UUILIMNU tld Broadway; store 110 hr Xjfsel; Ore stones, with base mont end under basement; would -cats e fine aelocn; or each floor separately; two upper floors hseo been tilled up f ir loot* rooms. lotutrs of li, OALHRAITII, K?q,, 177 Fuf. i ?et, or A- BAOLESQN, 7M Broadway. TBBjrr-FAjrr or a hoi?k -a wbrt ninbteeutb stresi, Ural House west of Ninth aeenui, to a man su't wife oi a family of three adults. be Men from II till flo'eloc . TO R.F.NT-THH HOUSE STABLE AND OBOUNDS atiar-hrt'thereto, corner Mroartwsy and lolat street, lielug the ia<" rest lenre'<f Hi-hard Han da, dew abed. Apply toJOHN XoOLAVE, I,Ml Broadway. TO JF.WF.LLKR8.-FRUM HTX Tt) TWKLVK NF.ATS TO let, t-e use of louts, r, I,trig lent* and latlifn, nil r,,n by stesin power, lu a first ciMsehop.l Ad.ires# Jeweller, liaraid office. fro ORorERYMEN AND OTHERS?TO LF.T, TH? L tiaseuv ot H'ore, Room adjoining, and Vault, S7 Crusha street, near Uremic, long established as a Omcary and Liquor Store, and well located for any businoee. ties turtssa I watsr in thustoro. Apply at IMWeygrlgy plg<w, asar Sixth ayrnuo. ____________________ TO MANUFACTURERS?TO LBT. TWO FLOO'AS IN the lurge new ' Ml West Ktshte. nu, stre,\. nn| aouHual ln jitire on the premises, ot P. HB ARM l?N. UP IT* IRS 8TORB TO UCT-ON FIRST FLOOR OP No< 111 Nassau street, suitable for iMisrtor a shoe > >re, or any Hshtjrsde . alio the-Baaemeat t a let. App.v to QKO. ft. 8I0KLKS, 111 Nassau street. ~Ti\ hrT' VLr-J'WO "TORY AND ATTTO spjtOV. brlok House KM Blm street, betw?tB Bro-mo andOrand streets; nlua rooms. Uea aad fliturea, wbt, bath, A? To be Man b?tws#? 11 anddo'rlock only. Foe forthKT i^rtictUaT apply ?\ IWW^nTfffftti-MTSBihsjfffi, IMP I r *?o"Z^a7Z: I ITkimu BiHbJtr. VBT^K^^lTKKriir# n.!l-i, Jnd tl ~*t !?'* LJ,," C' ?l e J' '?*-*. WafMeutas V __ * ^utreda i\u .UUVJU^ iii Aia> 1 A I,0?11 0N. fiBOO-vO VU'OH. OONTAININO OA#, lTA ,. mii . i ""i" w " w,u> bjlt'r om "J "" "?. '? he 'rt. i r i^'1 i*' ua*u &llti ll wife, w/ch la J or ,*r? jM i . >r, ', **""'/ !"'? t . irwunel. Appn at -e - u0tJU A.taiii, ntu^Uou. eai. /1,, -, ?i 5| " at r?( AI'W'ate i-Aiiiyr W(iuiii) KKNT a puk*thii. c i iwO 'in vviiii'i-: 8 #ar?l, to our or wo ri^lo if*'iUi> in ?, or to a lady, with Sun Uv it,. ,rt A only ut lib WmH?t m ivet, A UENTLEMAJf AND HIrt WIKK Oil ONKUKTW? . - ' itoiou u?u tii au<; 1 *n (!u.:e! with Board uA It Ko.aia by aji^ yjutf r.l -xi BieeeUtr aUeet A OENTLEKAN A 0 WTPB f'K TWO 8i MOLK >'KMf* ' '* '" ? l>n- II Ui? ?? ' I?a it in a private ' "illy; R o . lerinah' I or .ml'.i n..! ?d, bini.' i rti. j.o . wi-lfu , ueor Sixth ivi uur. A vfclAV ELEGANT liOUM. AVI fH EXTENSION, to j.*, it. on ?i oud r, *nd jur U .in mi 'h? four h roof, to let, will r.i.- L gfoua need apply ultm vumI U> mi for miur i-ciu'. rt?. H i .*r mi J In attoi Itla&i Tor u%ruc I"r-i .pyl ? jig So 'uuil aven .a A lUNL.-.OMSLYr KUKNieiHED FI O.VT PAH LOB aV and:. no.. u. ou lirai i.our. iroi t. wil - l.-t tmu- o? more ut .... in -o oi n-n .-i( u and m-e, mil i.r wimo I i??i'^ *2 ^ ' 'V' Oip| .a ill* livcQitt, ut?rVotU ci ,atn >ud Tbirty-aitn.faa.reau. AT in NfNT II fllHEET, A V if A' DOORS VK.sT OR Budwiy, a f nUt" hi an : wo oi .:11<i< Kantieinaa I'Au o' t..ill pleasant K . .i.i, with li >.trd. i bo faj'ue coiitnio* lUeuiuU- ru ii;i;.i jvciACtiu APLEARANT ROOM ON TUB SECOND H.OOR, TO let, wiih i nrr e i re onl/ a f?"? tora n' t-tiken. Apji.y a'. 4<> l> uiinlc atro. t. lie .'woen I.'. ' ?. . a:il Vartuk. Aai.VO .P. OKN'TI.EVAN Wl^FKfl T'< TAKE PUH nioue.l Ko. iiik id a p-l? re house in lite r'CtWtji or Uol a p art. Aol iraae box 3.1W P^a: o:li.e A PRIVATE FAMILY HA7K TWO OR THR3R IIAMfa 1V ly fu; m-'.ied Koouta to let, U> al ale fi-utletn.& with Breakmal tf require!. A yul> at lA AVoat T.veiith af a-.lA8INKLB i.RNTLEMAN WOULD LINK TO a j.'ooiu, v..bout boor-1, in % prr a.a faintly Uvtsg near the Kif.ii Areuue ilot-l. UoarbHig hiuaa kerpors trerf ijueste.1 not t" aiawAr. Went of lolereuce tjt??o anA rtgatp ea Add."et? A. !iertl ?;r, !k>x 3,803 Fo?t olliee. AT 21 SEVENTH AVENUE. RET VEEN T\VEI,v.m IL and Thirto-nlh etreet*. tw i. largs Kootna. with DiUr.xtTJ adjoin...g. mifc'a eloaetf. hot ami eel wa'.ar, g.,a, Ai., to tuU with R ird lo aontleuiea and ti oir v i-ea. Our la:?a Rkmm, auiiaiiie for turieaoiitlauien iermaiotv, A PDRVIblfED ROOM TO REr.T-WlTII OR WITBJ\ out Board. R.d'eroiita required. Iti'i -ire at 7S Waal Twent/ aacond street. AIiADV, ACCUSTOMSD TO TOIt ON. D! .I.IK# Board lu a fand.y in this city, ?rn?re tur. e or fuu. i.?- ?w daily inum'two In k.i^liah, t--1.. b a d mniacirtil be c i . o iruukorauau. Aidieaa 1 ml in: .-v bm i 006 Ton Office. A SMALL FAMILY WOULD LET?TO OS TH E B OS a suit of Iurni<,Ue<t Kooius, *11 h or without partial Board, to gentlemen. Tuc biiNw coiuatua too modera unprn.sinoiita; hi: .ation U d desirable, terui* iu? >ie nto Apply rt VI Weal Eleventu (treat, bs:??t:tu IhM and ti.'Uli Hvaaaei. A LADY AND OB.NTLE.dAM OK TWO OHNIToEVB* cau be accommodated w.ih furnished itoome end board In a private bou? . terras moderate. Apply it St V> >At Twenty-?Ulh fleet, between Broadway ani Still. avenue. Acsoicb or one ob mobe pleas ant rooms to let, : unbilled or not nrulahnd, In a Htrlctlv private houac, with bath, gas, ohendoUort, Ac , the advertise" Lee? lug more room l.iau ha v\ Uhoa to oc up) , iwul very lev., pug. aeeaion Immediately. Apply at 104 boat I wenty sUtb sC A SECOND STORY FRONT PARLOR AND B8DROOIL I. >n iso-nely furnished, to let, at 123 Houston sv<n??|J 11 ir 111ati.jnon Full or partial board if desired, upon tn#. derate terms. Oiicap. st rooms in the city. A LADY LI VINO IN IIER OWN H01T9E, WOULffi let, with Breakfast in room, If das re I, a hand?0'r.?p Furnish i I'A.lor o.- b "lroom. or both, on aec. nd floor, to A gentleman of means, who would feel wilting to ratnuttera f a ordm.'to the advantage oflerei. Add rem M J. S , bbr 2ol Herald office. BOAUD.-UAND.SOilKLY FURNISHED SUITS Qt Kooma at 33 West Te enty second street. Board ?eleoant furnished rooms, ensotti or a tigle, at 32 bond atreet, with or without board. References, Ac. No umviug in May. I>0AR1>.?AN ELIGIBLE APARTMENT IN A VT1RT > amah, unobtrusive family to let, <*; h board, to an t** v .11,1 or a lady evpei Ung t> require medial eaie, ktuuuett an I lioruu at.ntiou. For location, lerma. Ac., apply to or adlreas I)r Thlera, No. 1,317 Broadway, New Yoik. BOARD.-GENTLEMEN AND THEIR WIVES OR SI*. tie gentlemen e .n obtaip neatly loiulalled KooniS. Wltkor wltnoet board, at No. b West Washington plane, opposM Wnsbtng ou I'srau-Ground. Board.?a private family would let a. haedaotne Suit of Kooma, uu second floor, an pit rate Or together, unfurnished. The house la new, t/l'h ail t'.j log, piovem-uta; family email. Inquire at lUtt Weal Thirty* fourth atieet, near Broauway. Roaud.-wantkd, a labor nice room. WIT*' Hoard, bv two voiuii' itiun. I k??r *1 H?t Ail# west of llri.siwsv.* Address K. K. Ely, Jr., footof C'aud street, opposite Oollinc Hotel Board.--WANTED Br A b1nolb GENTLEMAN. A nrnl'y Furnished Boom, with l>reakf*M ari I din nor. (at pleaeant part of the oily b?l?w Twelfth street. Wilt bo pea (no inr i if agreeable. Terms $4 a week, or if Wiliito tot minuiei walk of Murray street ?S for full board. Addreat 11. VV. box 210 Herald office. t Boarp ox M1TRRAT jitl1,. WEST of FIFM! avenue.? A family will let a desirable suit of Rooms of s>" onil door, ao|iar?te or together, furnished or unto. nitb#? Hniae fouiAuorjr, In own atone, new and in fiat rute ordm Seiiafai.'.ory references glrcn. Address Merchant, box 2,d# Post office. BOAT'!) WANTED?FOR A TO OHO LAUT, in a Pbe vale family, where there will be no uns Turns aaktxtf must be below Fourth street, on the wrst aide. Board wll bo paid wc?kly in advance. Address, stating terms, wbljt must be low, K. N., hot 151 Herald office. Botrp wanted.? * com fortabi.k room, with partial, or, if meal honra are convenient, lull Board, lot aiuafl or private family; soma society preferred I.occ'lot between Fourth and Ninth avenues ar-l Twelfth and Tweg ly atiih streets. Parties answering will s ate name, looaiidt and terra* Address for two days H. D. O., ye*a!d office. Board wanted?in a small private family lor a gentleman and iwo lailes The ; i usti in |:reier-e(| would be bet ween Tweutlath and For i let h sirenta, aud bm twe e Kotirili and Seventh arcuues. Address K. B.. II-rail eflii 9. Boakd wanted-bf a yguno LaDF. in a pbl van-fam jr. Kith use of piano, location ee -t ol B . V6.y and south of Fourteenth slre-t Refi-rsnoce ei banged. a? dress, for oue week, Abbie, Ntailoo ?. BOARDING.?GENTLEMEN AND THEIR wives OS a party oi t>lui:le g.-tnlrine: requiring i.nt claw Ituoaag in 1 an unctcepMonsbie table, with a respectable tmnily. maf app.y at No, 7 tiicalJouea t.i-sat Ouly r'-aiiccubt" patUea willing to pay a fatr remuneration far i e.|utrs',cul ueea apr'7 Brooklyn.?board for gentlemen or couplet, without children |{. .una urge ami airy, wije cl.mets. Il iuir ami table trictly lirst o w la caltun wi'fc. iu Ave tain' tea' *aA of South or Wall an net terry. Apply at M blue St teat. Brooklyn. Board in iirooklyn.-pleasant rooms, rrrt Hoard, to let, In a orlvate faintly, by applying at 19 1'oplar atrot,, bet ween Willow and C'olumb'u atrecta, threw nilnutei from Fulton ferry. Board in brooei.yn-onk or two furnished It ttfki "lib Board tor a aeiillrmao anil wife or atnglw teut'en.eri, a'.'Idd D?au nt.-cel. Flcanant looatinn and IM nfiara. ' B' hardin south brooklyn may be obtained for a genO-nan and wife, where the ccnfo t? ofw Lome be had; gae, ha'li, b?t and cold .water; ron.eilent co the. aia auJ f.-irlen. Apply at 62 Harrison at rati, |,tww ".ana from Clinton street. Board on Brooklyn heights -a oentlbmam anil wife, or gentlemen, ran And B.iard, wllfe batj.laumety ftirnlahetl Rooma, at |i?2 Hanry atr-j.ii, convenlant to Wall or Fulton ferry. Unercept uable relernuaaa. git ci and required. ^ Furnished rgomn.?a gentleman and wifm or two or three single gentlemen cat. be a'.n..mmodat#4 with Hoard In n private family, where the comforts of a hon e way he enjoyed. Apply at 77 Fourth avenue. D'naew at A o'clock. Furnished kooms to let-to oenti.rmbw, without H .anl, at 2b Cotlaye place, let voen Bleecker and Honaton streets, watt of Broadway. ntlemen rkquiKINO yvBiahrd rooms, aJ u vtry low rim, wiya or "''I" ?? * ?they ma> deaira at 47 Writ Twenty aarroth utmet, uW Broalnray. No raorlng In May. LAU\ AND GENTLEMAN. OF QUIET HABITS. CAM Bare a l.andaoroely furnLhrd Parlor and Brdroaan. with ft 11 Boa-d for lady. In a pdrata larally. Trnna reaeoaa. !tto. Bo ?5i'"r ?rtw. A^dreaa A. 8 , lie* 217 Urra? o?oe, far r*o daya. t_ ATO I WIST ELIVBNTH STREET, NKAB HROA?? l\ frav ?A bei dsuinoly ftirniehed Parlor and ilali >otu, r'-, a ar'aietofcri and wlta; alao tw o ?a?all R.topt* for geatl?InriT will) ?r without Boyd No roaring In May. _______ RO< MS WITH BOARD.?TWO FINK, LARGE PA?. lore with hgnJeuroa |u Btiuraa. clo*-t and hot and cold waiar. can t?a had at aooo at K7 Clinton plane, ulto oUa? Booma. _____ R" OOM9 WANTED?FOR A LADY AND (lKNTLF.MAIt, with tome retired paraon, tiering no other l.oaril-ra ad linger*, with Board for tha lady ouly. Addreae Norm**, Herald adVa. R~""rK)iil8 TO LEI?A FRIVATK FAMILY, HAMMA A largrr houaa than tha* re pi Ira, will lat, to ami la ????? rv n, Ofla or lwi> eery arairnoie ns imi, urmiin. . . Board. Apply et No. 7 Bund ulreet, near Broadway. JUT* tencO ntclianged OA UNlVEBSTTT PLACE?Pl'RNlSHKil ROOMS TO 4.>\' let, on third floor. to Koctlomen only, without boerA lie not miiTi let of May. 'Ml UNIllE fyi'ARE (POtHTIl A VRMUl)?A SOTI Oil of forttlabed Knn? to lot, with Board, eleo* )rifle Room; refe'enoea given and roqutred. 90 11 RE EN R 8TRF.FT, ABOVE 5V'tVXa. ALflTOE O Houao ? Elegantly fit < llabed atjlta of Roome; fat, Onw ton, a-. < (ty p?wlu ' ' ' J*>Tee. eoni ilrallp, particularly unliable for email rc?i>ri UMr fa nllJce or afngia gentlemen. Nenllow topeimaaert tenetite. 11*1 MAi'DOVOAL STREET, NBAH BLKKOKER-Ig III." no* r * ? privatefamily hotel,or thereceptlea of el'igle gentleman or email fan I flea tired of I'naMlaa Parliea tleeir?ti?of tiouaekaejitng can find a 'erf convenient! at the abort aotablielnnent Trtl "rniNCR ATREF.T?AT. CLAIM nOUBF -RI,? J?)D gently ftlfnlehed Hoime, with Bedrooma atUohaZ with all >*te ronfenlenrea lor hntiaekaapleg complete, t% rinding gae and t'n ton water, to lei lo reepeoleblo lautUJee ut arifle gentlemen. OlH ?' * ATBEKT, NBAR PPRN J-KUBKUHRI ?i\\f Aperlmenta for Immediate oornpanoy. TheloweM rente la the olty.oonelrtcnna the oon'enliupe of eoooomy la honeokaopleg Beat bedding and furniture, with mage, CBotB layiteaaxie a?tt lUe* wmMBMl gM M Crvtoa. *