Newspaper Page Text
SITUATIONS WANTED? FEMALES. ^ For Other Wuuta Hte Vint Vagi. A PROTESTANT YOl'NO WOMAN WISIIB3 A SITCAtlon as first class waitress; no objections logo to lite country; good referent** given. Call at IPS WestXHh at. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES TO DO alt kiuda of plain sewing, l?y th i d >v or week; no ob* lections to th* country. Callut 162 West l.'th at., in the rear. A YOUNG AMERICAN WOMAN WISHES A SITl'A tlou as chumlieruuud. tu a large public house; cnu giro the beat of reference*. Address Mrs. J. R., lleral: . ill :e. A YOUNG GIRL WISHES A SITUATION TO 1>< > * t houaewos.v in a aiiiall family; la a go el washer and kroner. Best cR,v reference. fall at 17d auilih at., between wyckotr and Warren sts , Brooklyn. A PROTEST. NT G.RL WISHES A SITUATION IN A small lauilly to do i ha nbrrwork and take care of .children. City ruler. uoe if rt?{uire<l. Anply for two days at /IIS Bridge at., Brooklyu, w k *re ihe may be seen. A RESPECTABLE YOU No (1ISL WIS1IKS A HITl'Atiou aa chainbormatu and u a:tr< as, or as chambermaid and to aaaiat in the washing and In niiiy; is willing to lruko herael! generally uselul; no o ijc tlou to go a short dlrtauce In the couutry. Two > ears city reference. Can be seeu lor two day* at 'JO Amity a'.., In the candy store. A RESPECTABLE GIRL WT ' i: A SITUATION TO do gen-rat housework; is a l.rat ia'e washer and lionrr; la a good piam cook: has ilie beat of . it reference from her last plaoe. Call at ii Wlllclt at., second door, front room. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE young girl, to cook, wash and iron; Is an excellent baker and wa?uer and ironer; cun bake ill kinds of inae and Iile. Can be neen for one uav at 87 cam at., oetwcen Jiyrtle ar. and Wllloiighhy at., Brooklyn. Ay&unq oirl wishes a situation to do gun housework in a amali pri.ate family; la a good 'plain cook, a dial rati- washer and iron< r, and a good baker of bread or hUcult; or aa chambermaid and to do plain sowdug: no objection to the country. Cull at 2J6 Eli/.afljetb ^t~ 5spectable WOMAN wishes a situation ?Jl us good cook; la an exedlnl waxhor and iroiier. Can five the heat of city referrnre. Call at 87 Paclric St., between lloko and Henry, Brooklyu, llrat door to the right from Henry. As cook -wanted, a situation, hy an experiem'-it cook, who thoroughly understands rooking In if lis brauches; la willing to assist In wuahingdf required, fjeug city relerenoe given. Can be seen for two day a at 306 dltli a.*ew near kith at. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOman, us good cook; no objection to assist In the wash 'tug. Oood city reference can be given. Apply for two days at 126 West lVth at., betweeu 6th aud 7llt area., third Uoor, /"rout room. % VERY RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN WISHES A .tX. altnullou to go to Europe with a holy; can take care of ohlldreu or wait on an Invalid lady; wugea no object. Apply 'for two duyu at 83 Wi at 22d at. A'oompkthnt protestant youno woman wlshca a jicriuanrnt situation in a small private family, aa chambermaid and waitress, or aa rhumlu'rmnld and plain Beam stress. Apply for two daya at 3G5 6th av., top floor. A youno woman wishes A situation AS COOK, and to aaaiat in the washing and ironing, or would take 'the entire waahing of a ainall family; la a good baker. City ce Terence. Call at 27U 3d av., near 22d at., flrat floor, back room. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A FIRST CLASS LAUNdress; thoruighly understands her business; or would do the ( h tmhervvoi k, waahing and ironing of a amall family, flood cliy refer n e. Apply for two t'aya at 444 4lh at., between 1st and 2d ava,, in the rear. A RESPECTABLE ENOLISII WOMAN, WHO SPEAKS French, Wishes a situation lu a gentleman's faintly aa Diirac and seuin.stresa, or would do chambrrwork and waittng. No objection to travel. Call at 234 East 19th at. " at pr iest woman wants a situation; is a irt coot <*/>)k; can make ?u<.a bread aim pastry. can come wall recommended from lier last place. Can be seen Tor two daysat Wi West 10th St., between 7lh and 8lh avs., second floor, front rofilil. ACTIVE YOUNG OIRL WISHES A SITUATION jk. fee chambermaid and waitress. Good city reference tfrom bur laat place. Can be seen for two days at 192 7th sr., second door from 23d at. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE GIIlL, to do general housework; Is a good washer and iron?-r, < uid plain cook and good baker. Call for two days at 10 JLatgbt at. AYOUNO OIRL WISHES A SITUATION AS CHAMbermald or waitress In a private family; has good city (reference from tier last employers. C tn be seen lor two days SSI the residence of her parents, 4748tbav., entrain* ln3Mo at. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, to cook, wash and Iran; would do general housework iu >jk small private family, in either city or country; good city reference can be given if required. Call for two days at 69 Bayardat., second Huor, tront room, in the rear. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE girl, to cook, wuslt and iron, in a private family. Can i^ive unexceptionable city reference Ironi her last place. Cull on or address 94 West 24lh St., between Bit, and 7th ares. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE Woman, as laundress; understands fine washing and jfrnncb liutlng; has the best of city reference. Call at or Addroas 94 West 24th at., betweon 6th and 7th aves. A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT YOUNG WOMAN wants (o take charge of an Infant from Its birth, and do sawing; has the beat of city references; has no objection tis go a short distance In the country. Can be seen this week <nt 72 Grove ?L, in the rear. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, to go out aa wot nurse; best city refetreneea. Call for two days at 46 Carroll sL, Brooklyn. A VUHI aicini r&ncu.i ninnr.o A nilLAUUA A3 JtV oook or lauudreae: has uo objection to the country; understands the care of butter; good reference If required. (Cell for two day a at 37a Mulberry at., near liuuaton. A RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOMAN, WITH A FRESH breaitlof milk, wlahea a baby to wet nurse, at lier ow n irealdenre, No. 141 Ooerck at., third Hour, bark room. ATOUNU WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION AS WAITreaa or chambermaid and seamstrea-i; good reference >Trom her last place. Call at 79 Weat dsth ?t., between Clh mul iTth ave., top Hour, back room. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE PROteatant woman, aa cook, washer and iroucr In a respectable orient* family; fully competent. Call for two day* at C.93 Weet 34th at.. In rear. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, aa cnainberiuald and to do plain sewing, or would take care of children, or aa wallreac no objection to go to the country for the summer: has three yearn' city treloreaoe from her laat place. Call for two day* Jit 97 Wyckotr at., between Smith aud Hoyt sis., third floor, ha k room, Bronkl) n. HOUSKKKEI'ER-AN INTELLItlENr WIDOW LADY aged tweuiy-l'our, having a daughter of live year*. de siirea auch a position In the family of a widower, or bachelor ..f highest re*pcct?bility; no obk-etloua torblldrnn or travelJlng; reference* given and required. Call at or address trnimediately 146 Weat 42d at., near ilro.idway. Housekeeper.?an active woman, who underatand* cooking, marketing and household matieri yteuerally, wanted, for a tradeunan a family, where two servant* are krpi, alio mint be able to carve and be a lair oommstre n Addreaa A. B., care of W. J. Blgera, KtW llroad_ __ AJURSE.-A MOST RESPECTABLE AND EXl'ERI. .La enced nurse, fully competent to take charge of .m In. rfnnt frotu iu birth; la eery obliging; aatiafactory reference .t'ven. Call lie seen for two daya at 173 East 3ith at. rno FAMILIES GOING TO EUROPE ?A RESPECT I able, faithful and lioneai ucrman girl wishes to engage -with a family irulng to Europe ax nnrae; U thoroughly experienced in'he care ol Infanta, anil alao in the earn of Invalid ladies; beat of city reierencc can be glreu; apcaka the Jingliah language fluently. Call on or addreaa E. W , *6 Classen nr. between Myrtle and I'll ehiug area, Brooklyn. WANTED?A SITUATION AS CHAMBRKMAID AND waitress, or waitress alone; the brat of city re'ertnee gtren from her last employer;bo objection to the country for ummer; understands ner bualnrat thoroughly. Can be accn for two daye at 17# 41h ave. "IITANTF.D?A SITUATION AS WBT NLKSK, BV A V? rnapectable woman, haTtng loot tier baby. Call at No. 14 'jytaai Ulh at., near 4th are. "IirAMTBD-BT A TOUNO WIDOW I.ADT, A 8ITUAW tioo aa housekeeper, where a-wing or a<>me light occupation would compensate for comfortable board; would like in take e harge or a furnished house. Addreaa A. B. C., Herald oflloe. "WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A YOUNO GIRL. AS II aeamstrese; ia a good dressmaker and understands all .Alada of family sewing; would aislat in chamberwork If reiidred; best city reference. Call at 901) West 10th at.,second goer, fiwnt mom, for two daye. WANTED-A SITUATION, BT A RRSrECTABLB young girl, to do chamberwork and aaalal In fine wash, ting and Ironing. Call at 197 h at., between 1st and Id ars., 'third floor, back room, for two dnya. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A STEADY ENGLISH woman, In a quiet family, to ha generally uaalul In any tght work; a home trior* an object than w ages. Can ba ?e*n ,until engaged at m West 17th at., between Hth and ttli ava. tVhird Boor. City reference. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, A situation aa chambermaid and wailar or to do the hotiaa-work of a small family. Can be sean lor two data at No. 194 JlJast 13th at., near lat are. WANrBD?A SITUATION AS COOK IN A HOTEL OR gentleman's lauilly, t>y a youug unmarried Frenchman . who has boon ongaged In a similar capacity In Prance, Spain, England, and through the Continent ot Europe generally. he thoroughly understands bis busiin as, nnd wutthl bo willing to travel with any family going to Europe. Addresa A. M., box Jtnilorsl I i .?ce. TITAN TED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNO GIRL, A TT situation aa chambermaid and waller In a respectable rrAtiilly or to do general housework for a small prlrale family . Inquire at 137 Columbia at., South Brooklyn. ANTED?A 8ITUATI0N TO DO GENERAL HOUSEwork In a small priest* family, or at good plain cook, crasher and lron*r: no objection to ,lo eltnmberwork. Good maferenoe. Apply for two da; a si 149 Johnson at.. Brooklyn TXTANTKD-A SITUATION, BY AN ENGLISH WOMAN, YT aa t hild'a nnrao. Can be ee< n for two day* at No. W West Kith at. T1TANTKD-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG ENGMSIf eY woman, aa general housemaid; she would pit'fer the inotintry, good city reference tt inquired, Call for two daya at No. 3d sill at., in lh? rear, second iloor. WANTED?A SITUATION. BY A VERY COMPETENT YY English woman, to take earn of an luvnlld lady or neiitltnnnu, or woul 1 lake charge of a child from It* birth; n objection to the country; good reference c?u he given. i v seen for three .'ays at 7S0 2d av., neat 40' h S, tXTAMTBO- A ITUATION, BY A Young 01 Bin as YY ntirao and uaamaircsa; can give good el'y releranea from her la .t place. Call tor two days at 23d West 2Jih tt., fourth floor, front room. Tlr ANTED -A SITUATION BY A RESPECTABLE YY young wnmnn; Is competent to take charge of a ligby from its birth; or do plain sewing or ehamberwork; Is wlliuig and obliging; eau give tlf b, ? of city reference trout bet last place, where the lias lived over four years. Call at mo West ISIh ? ANTED-A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE YY Protestant woman, aa cook; no objections m the rouri. try; hat eeperienae for the laat tan years. Aildiaeaitt dth gta raw 1Mb at. I NEW src SITUATIONS VilUB-nXiUlt J "IITANTED?IN A U< QD PRIVATE FAMILY. A HI?OA. I* llou, by a respectable girl, |o dn ohauiberwork and waiting; haii lived fire years iti her last plum, Call ai 19 Viu at., a tew buua a from Columbia heights, Brooklyn, fur tart. day*. "WANTS."?A SITUATION, BY A YOf'NO WOMAN. TO IT do chanlu owon. nuU waiting; ha* been tu her -ent I plat* for the lata a-ieu >.as. The beat of elty reference ! given. Can lie seen b..' l?? daya atjia Lexington a. "lyANTED-A 8ITCAll0?f? BV A ItESi E'TABLfc if Bent h wotimn. thirty-three ol nut* and plain se t ma!res-. la capable of tak'tid o,.r' "f i 1 *' y Irora Its birth. Cnn b:' aeeu lor two days, at 27 CdttAge row, Eurmau at., Brooklyn. UrASTKD - A 8ITD.VTU M BY A YOUNG OIRL, AS If eliHinbermaid and wnl.tosi, or to mind children and do the up tdra work. Would he v I lit.,, to go in tin o ..try. I'lii oe ra:'f ir thr' O days at 111 It .ytnou J at., bi tctu Bollvar and Myrtle aves., Btooklyn. lyANTtD-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN, II to do o n -ml housework. Is a good washer and irnner; apply at 115 Smith at., near ltcrgen, in the basement, Brookl>u. _ UfANTED?A SITUATION AS WAITRESS ANDCIIAMberuiaid, by a raspectable young girl; is willing to go In the country; best ol city reference given. Call until engaged ut No. 7 Desbtosses si., in the rear, th.rd floor. "fXTAHTBD?BY A MIDDLE AOBX> AMERICAN WOii matt, a situation an nnr i and compuui u to an invalid; would go as seamstress or cnlld'a nurse; no objection to the country for the summer. Call lor one week al 78 Henry at. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALES. AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, WITH A VERY EX tensive ounecth'li iu th i- and otliei b ales, is open to arrangements with any linn tie tiroiia of extending their bust, ness. Personally acquainted with most of the merchants throughout New York 8:atc, he cuu Influence a very largo ana safe trade References unexceptionable. Address Business, box jr. Iletuld olliie. AH| YOUNG MAN OP 10 YEARN EXPERIENCE IN mercantile pursues wants a situation as bookkeeper or clerk lit nny ofllee or grocery con -ern where ho can tuake himself useful;cau produce the best of references. Addro.-a Clerk, Herald ofllee. A GENTLEMAN?AN BXPSBIBNCBD BO<>KKEKI'EK and aecnuuiaut. would like to employ bis leisure clonings in writing of any description. Address W., box 5,028 Post office. A Tor NO MAN, AGED 20. FROM THE COUNTRY, wuiua a situation in a store (hardware pieferred) to learn tin- business; he writes a good hand, la quick, at ligures and willing to work. Address box US Herald oilier. A 8 COACHMAN.-WANTED, A SITUATION BV A A responsible m m, who understands his business, and nSi lived with some of the best families in Europe, I as be-n twelve years In New Yortt; has been steady for tan yealt with two familes; has recdmftiendatlona to be seen from his boyhodui understands the treatment of Uoises; will tie found willing and obliging: can milk it desired. Address for two days Coachman, box 147 Herald olllce. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN, AS coachman ami groom; would also be willing to take charge of or assist in a vegetable garden. Can give the lies! of reference for the last seven years. Call on or address Patrick Ryan, 11 Elm St., New York. Actuation wanted?by a youno man, as waiter. In a private family; no objection totheT-ountry. Has excellent rofereuces. Call on or address Walter, at Kimball's confectionery, 41(1 4th ave., between 2.?ih and 30th ets. A MARRIED MAN, WITH A SMALL FAMILY, WISHES t? take charge of a gentle man's city residence while ftl-enl during the summer months, or a situation as porter lu a mercantile house. Best of city reference given. Address D., box 3,827 Post otlloe. AS FAKMEIJ-BY A SOBER, HONEST AND INDUStrloUi mln, with thorough knowledge of farming, stock and draining, end highly recommended by his last employ, er. Inquire at 61 Liberty sh, ofllce of Mr. fcjandford, at and after ten o'clock. A RESPECTABLE MAN AND WIFE (GERMAN PROtestants), without children; understands larmingand gardening; also a lew young Germans (cxp-rlrnced tanners; want situations. Apply at 16 Greenwich st. AS COACfaMAN AND (IAUDENER-.A SITUATION wanted by a respectable married mnu. with one child; Is a good vegetable gardener, a good careful driver, and can take the full churge of a small place. Good reference as to sobriety, honesty and Industry. Four years in last place. Address l'. s., box 228 Herald oiiice. ATOOsJO MAN (OERMAN) WOULD LIKE A SITUAtlon aS ?^cond hand In u bread bakery. Has worked one vear at Ilia s''t" chv. Call at 109 West 41th St., between 8th aud9th .vs., Hrs> ??t. front room. r"toACHMAN.?SITUATUPJJ *rA5!T?DvBV A MINGLE U man, who perfectly uu-MjJstottd-f jj'S business; has hud long experience In the care aim jMnAldmeni of horses, and can give the best of city reference for jjapabthty aud sobriety: is willing to make hluiseH goncral.f Useful- Address W. L., box 218 Herald oflhjr. CIOACIIMAN'8 SITUATION WAMTED?BY A RESPECTJ able young man who understands thoroughly the treat, ir.ent and driving of burses; will be repud willing and obliging; would not object to living in the country; best of refev.,,,? ., l.l,l,,.i,rn,..|,m .., l? V,.l (lh ll (30ACHMAN.-A SITUATION WANTED, BY A RE* J spcclable young man who understands the cure mil management of home*; liaa no objection to go a short distance in Ihe country ; heat of city reference. Call at 48 East 15ih at., or address T. L , BtlSMotllce. "PORTER'S SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOVNO MAN X (Ainerjcun), In a store or to any capacity thai hi* scrvices would be required. Would be fouud willing and obliging and strictly temperate. Address T. R. M., box 111 lleral 1 ollice. SITUATION WANTED?HY A YOUNO MAN AS BARbeeper; I* cuinp-1 mt to take Hie entire rhaKge It reqn r "1; has no objection to go out of town, or lo some watering plan- lor the summer season; writes a good band; can produce llrat class city reference. Address W. It. K., bos 13D Herald nfi o i. SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE MARrled man of expert-nee, as barkeeper; lies been in tb? business In this city tor tbe Isst sixteen years. Call lor two days at 73 Byurd at., corner of Mutt. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO MAN, AS BAR" keeper; 1.1 romp tent to take the entire charge If re" quired; hits no objection ti go ont of lotvn or to some wat-r" ing p ace lor Hie summer season; writes a good baud. Csu produce lirat class city roirreuce. Address W It. K., box 13* llcrald ollice. TO PUBLISHERS.?A GENTLEMAN OK THOROUGH Classical, Literary sod Legal attainments, mid an Author, who is about to retire fr on the editorial charge ot a dally an I weekly Newapap -r of good .standing. Ill one of the priucifal eities of Mass n atiseits. desires a Use situation In this ctiy, wnb a view to partnership References rxchanged. A Idius It. U. S.. No..s7 Sneeuy's Hotel, for three dsys. TO BANKERS.?A YOUNG MAN WISHES To ENGAGE his services in the banking, exchange and CoUortlon business, having had utaiiv years experience In no old established bmislng bolts ; reforen es from banks and brokers In New Yorx ami Philailelpbia. Address K. E. L., box 4,733 Post office, New York oily. WANTEll-A SITUATION AS COACHMAN. CAPABLE If ot lamn ; care of horses and n iina l Karil. n If re. quired. Willing 10 go In the country. Can give gou t city reference. Inquire lor two days at 103 Liberty at., from la A M. till 2 1'. M. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A HM ART boy, IN A wholesale dry good* or Importing bona ran brin* best of referen* e. Can !> ntn ?t 284 Country n?v, West Washington market, In daytime; and after 0 I'. M., ul lit East 2$th at. >1*11 tor three days. YVr ANTKI)?A SMART. ACTIVE TOORO MA IT As TT Partner in llio old established Pawn olliee, PKI Dlrl lun street. Our who cnn ruiiinutud 8S.OOU call apply. Uood references required. lit' ran hoard In the tonne. WAITER-A TOVNO COLOMBO MAN, 17 TEAMS old, wants a aittialion to de the Waiting la a pvtrat* family. Can tire Rood refereuoe. Call lot tan daya at 216 W it 13tb it., between 7th and 8th act. WANTED?A SCOTCHMAN WANTS A SlTt ATION as coachman and gardener. Adores* J. A. U , Herald ollicn. __ TV"ANTED?BY A YOI NO MAN, TWKNTY-ONK YEARS TT or age, from ths country, a altuailon In some rcspertablr employment; la a good writer and undcn.tan la bookkeeping; la willing to make himself generally useful; wages not so much an object as st.-ady employment. The best of reier nee glveu as to eharaetrr, Ac. Atldresa O. E G., Herald ottlcr. Wanted.?a youno man of good address. about twenty-one years of age, wishes a situation a* clerk or assistant In any wholesale or retail store, or in any kind of iMiaineaa. Csn give the best of reference Can bn seen at. and will refer to John s. Pierce, 8'6 Broadway. WANTED?BV A YOUNG MAN, WHO HAS HAD A few yeers1 experience, a situation ou board shin as purser or captain's clerk; IIrat class references and testimonials can be given. Address M. 8.. box 123 Herald olllee, tins 1.294 Post ofllce, or apply to W. Baker, 18 Maiden lane. 117ANTED? BY A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD TT several years experience In similar capacitlc a situation as hookkeept r, e.shier or general clerk; csn produce the best of refereucss and tesUmonlaU trim English mid American houses. Addr ss T. D., hoi lol Hei aid olUce, or apply to Jt hn B. Rae, Atlantic Hotel, Jersey City. WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A YOUNG ENGLISHman aged 28, of st. ady habits, sa porter or any other auiployment: wages no object for the hrst six tuOutha Address J. Htockley. Herald oftles. NIT ANTED?SITUATIONS, 1IY A COLORED MAN AND YT his wife, be as waiter and s o as cook; best of references; will go In cither city or cuuutry. Call for two daya at 70 East 13th st. ir ik WILL BE PAID TO ANY PARTY WHO WILL htHf procure the adterllsera position in any good con oern ae bookkeeper, oaahler or cOrre?pundrnt, iiarm* acted a number of yaat aIn (hoi capacity aa principa, in (be Jobbing bualneaa. Addreaa Antra, Merald?it.oe. ~FHK!?CH ADVERTI9KNENTR. OK DENANDE-UNK BONNE CUIHINIKIIB FRAN- 1 eaiae ou alletiuin la. 8'adreaaar A B. B. B., bo* 110 llaraldoBoe. 014 1>K M AN UK?I'O I'll UN JKl'NB ENFANT, UNK bonne fram-aiae Ue 20 a 24 as*; II faut uu'ella wiitd'une grande property. H'adrewn r aC. C. 0., boi lu Herald office ON DBMANDE?ONE BONNE FRANCAIRB POl'B aoixnrr dee ciilante clrondre. II faut qu'elle wilt munle de bouiie* rr.i ominandaUona, et qu eiln parle bleti le Irancala. H'adresaer an #H 47me rue Oueat, eiure ta Sine ct Bine area. ON DBMANDE POUR UNE FAMILLE UN OARCON ilc table qui toll muni do bonnee rvcommaadatlona. H adrrta-r a C. C. 0., boi 14# lit raid ifllee. UNK JEUNE FILM! FRANCAIRB DBRIItB <-E PLACER dan*una fatellle ameiuain# pour prendre knindeaen i'l <'? dir. raad'ubpTtiuii U'nller a la ' .11 III PC Ri 'rente-* deune-a et deninmlrra. lb pondie u .time. Vlctolre, atatlon 'I l'oat o'li.?. UNK DEMOISELLE DE RKTOURDB PA Rig, DES1RB una piece pour dnnerr dealreonada fiau mi, . linn tons fulrc. M'atlreaaer au 99 Uiatide at, ITNEJEl NE FRANl AIRE, AtlRE UK 10 ANS, Par' j lent nll-inaild, uouvelliinieiit nrrlvec d'Kurope, deaire trotver une pluca comma bonne dVnl'ant. B'tdreaacr au 247 Cme avenue, ?ecoud atory, for two daya. MIMTAHT. - I II PKUIMKNT (N. O.) UNIFORM KoR RALF-AT m I R??t Ri > te? mh atreal; complete and but Utile na?di (Ira ft i a v. ti lesbea; pt lee tU, )UK: HKltALD, THUaSDA IliOlH W ANTED? M ALES. a cii'NTs xjiiiviiy and enk::uy can aY from $5 lu $11) vr day by engaging iu the sale 01' tLo ouly va! t- 1 j.; pri7.e stationery KEi ii'. vokwob and envelops In the* market Our Station try in mpoiior, ?r'i 1 our Jewelry constats of FORTY VARIETIES, a li nriiiSU- manufactured with autistic TASTE. We put iu package a beautiful and lifelike Engraving of uf.N GEORGE B. MoClELLAN, CxlO. 7S valuable Re ip?*. 6 ale et. Ladles' BiUut Paper. 6 aliei la Couimeici&l Note 6 lluB Emel<>| o?, Paper. 2 line Si el Peua. fi ahcpla Ladles' Note Paper. 1 fine Ten 11. 0 Wia'e C'nloii Envelopes,in 1 sheet Blotting Paper colors. 1 Accommodation Penholder. 6 I.alien1 white Union Envelopes A'en a VALUABLE PIECE OK JEWELRY. F..r further particulars send for one of our circulura, which we mail ft e. RICKAKDS A CO., 1D2 Nassau rireoi. N Y A GENT?IP YOU WISH TO INVEST A A SMALL CAPITAL IN A PAYING BUSINESS, Examine tne mcr.taof the MULTOMIOBOON, MULTOMICKOON, MULTOMICROON. Call and see it, or Nil STAMP FOR CIRCULAR. S. C. B1CKARDS A CO., log Nassau street. Agents.?the dime package, p. p. p. P. PANPUROPHOSIUM PRIZE PACKAGE, PRICE 11) CENTS. THE DIME PACKAGE CONTAINS 1? ARTICLES ALL NEW AND ORIGINAL. EAOU PACKAGE MAS A GIFT OF JEWELRY. Agents can make nearly 100 per cent. 8"nd atamp for a circular. W. II. CATELY A CO , log Nassau street. Agents wanted?in ktehy statf. of the Union, to sell Doom's Patent Kerosene Oil Burner lor Fluid Lamp*: has no competition; over 100 i>er rent profit to ngenia; Rsmple iieut on receipt of four red alamps. Call on or add reaa Joseph Dodln, 22 Puaue ?t., New York. \ GENTS WANTED-TO SELL THE BEST I'IttZK STA \\T ANTED?AN ASHISTAfcT liOUKKISKI'Ml AiSD I OK" Vi rcH|?otidltn{ clerk, in an Importing iiO :? *: a!?o a young man in an oftin- niFenurat clerk, ami a collector. \ i. j? y at iol K11R ?n aticci. Situation* promMl tor i? *.> bl I'.ir Uftcrciid'l lo brat cInim huiiaca. KataMlah. 4 1856. C. ik for a 1.0 it* *101 o aUo waul?<l. A1AA ?WANTKf> a I EKSON WITH THIS AMOUNT O t'? vmI the Vurion* ? amjn ero imi VVufcta city; can make $10 a day. At p!.. to 1'OKTKH ?fc CO., 3SS liroa.iway, room i< ? HEI.P WANTKD.?ANY GOOD MAN JIAV. ii?k $230 to loan employer (brti * ur.ty a;i% t. >, ray oDUin a perm.nent aiuiMiion, ko?h1 i o no $l*?u w- ek ?a!ary. Hue ha nee* Alio flpleti lid lJu-ni?:?? lor >*!?? in Weal Ninth atiret. $Mk?. Apply lor two da; s a: 57 1 at hum Hirt et, room No. 2 T UK TIIVDKS. A SITUATION WANTED?AS PLAIN GARDENER OR tanner, n* n yout ? n?.?rr el man; uml r?tan li i rip rare of horaea and cattle; i* a milker, Ac. Can give the beet city tefcrer.c . A Mreaa tor two dayaO. N , I oi l.U lierai l other, or 0. N., Weal Karma |'o?t ofhoe, for one v%e?*k. A pctili* gardener a i hngil* mi; alao (tin wit*, na lira' ehiaacook; under*.ami* ilia dairy. Tlie be?l r?r. ten. e ai> n. Apply at it Corllandi at., or addrae* T., Ixil I t!) |M|||o.Ti u. Gardener's situation wanted-BY a mar WF long rxparlnne* and city refTnuee* lor capacity, sobriety miiI linlnatrjr. Any g-ittlein hi that wilt em,.l..y l>e ?|ip iooiii will narf b* dUappou.ed. A ii - MM ! the car* of Mr. Coagrora, coopar, 1M William at., New York, for T. II., gardener, will marl with prompt attention for flea lay. /I AS FITTBRS WANTED-A HOOD ROT, WHO THO" \X roughly un<l*r?tanda ga* Al'ing; lo anrh good wa^ra will be giren. Alao a boy P> take car* of a horaa and wagon, and who la usad to gaa titling. Apply al lilt Mleeckcr at. JOURNEYMAN l*AINTBR WANTBD-TO PAINT HE" vcral hou?e* b/ Ih* Job or day A good f ilth'ul man can apply at SI William il., room It, from In to 1 clock. SITUATION WANTED-BY A PROTESTANT Vol NU iT) man. aa gardener or ooachmau, iinderatanda th* care and management of lin/aca anil cowa; would harr no objoction to aaaTat tin a farm; ha* the bast ol rnftrence. Ad Less for two daya K. P., hoi 121 Herald ntlice. TO BOAT BUILDERS. -WANTED, SIX FIRST RATE workmen. To auch good wages will b* given. None otheri need apply to Lnuta Raymond, 120 and IK ar. D TO PIANOFORTE MAKERS.?WAN TED, A FLY finisher. Apply at 246 Weai tSlta at , near 0th nr., N. Y. TO CANDLE makers.-wanted, A PRACTICAL CAN* din mukeo; on* who thoroughly understand* lit* trade In II Ita hrauohna. To on* who can coma Well recommended am>d wage* and a permanent altuatlon guaranteed. None giher need apply at Candle Factoiy corner or Hamilton at. ond Park are , East Brooklyn. a_ ?????________ WATCHMAKER WANTBD-TO GO A SHORT DI8 unci in the country. Apply for two daya to J Rudil A Co., No. 7 Maiden lane, or addreaa Watchmaker, boi ?S Waiblngtonrllle, Orange county, N. Y. None but a good workman need apply. lVfANTKI)?SIX I1LACK8MITIIS. NONE BUT OOOD TV workmen need apply to L. C. WARD, 100 Maiden lane. WANTED-A BAKER FOR A DININO SALOON : mu*t understand plea, pastry, Ac. Alao a acuoud career. Apply ai 201 Wa?hlnglon at avanted-a oarpbnbr and farmer, one who VY undcratande Ilia Iniameaa thoroughly; must know how to lay out nrw grounds, Be. Nona other* need apply to 8. Cahl I, o27 Broadway. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY AN EXPERIENCED letter and ornamt nial engraver, In or nut of the city. A lores* 7* Blecker at. XMB9TAURA1VTIH. T*Lliif?OTSTEI? AND DININO ROOM. 1S? KUL. A ton atreet-TI.e linnet OTetere, Hlnake, Ohuue, Outlet*, wTm and Emte Yanked Fleh Cakee, Boston Lobetere, Tea, roffne Alee ft.' Merchaote and othert will And the arlcles t-rvnl et tbie place the beet In the market. . NFW MAMB.-THB "TWO BRVKNB" WILL BR A owned on italurda* ertnln?, WlUi a cold collation for auihe rrlende In ? >" ? *?<* u<,bodr '? call at per adfertieemtM, TT UrteawKeh a.*. viuuqry uac-sag-'s. n e nave several varieties, wmi iinn without jewelry; can suit every one. The milch s in packages arc of good quality. We guarantee satisfaction. Cir<u. lars tree. HASKINS A CO., 36 Beekinan streot, N. Y. A KMART, INDUSTRIOUS YOUNO MAN WANTKDus clerk -<n i Militant; : one whooau i urnlsh $1 m k) t > $2,000 on good security it liberal salary will bo paid. Call on or address 0. K. Bliss, 60'J Broadway. A YOUNO MAN WHO CAN LOAN HIS EMPLOYER $2'ju, can procure a situation and acquiro a knowledge of a good business. Aoply at 57 Centre atrial. Ample security gtven. Boy wanted-to open oysters and wait on table. Apply at 450 Sixth av., Knickerbocker Cottage. (TANYASSKIiS WANTED?TO SOLICIT SUBS.'RIPJ tons for a work wblch will acll. Apply to C. T. Evans, 513 Broadway. N. Y. DAPPLETON A CO!" 413 AND 415 BROADWAV, New York, have a new Book nearly ready, to be sold by subscription exclusively. It is a work of such general interest ss to insure the command of a larger shar-of puhlio patronage than any work which has preceded It lor niauy years. An a ont, well qu ill ed to canvass the city thoroughly fur subscribers, is wanted immediately. Apply as above. DRY GOODS SALESMEN WANTBD.?ONE OR TWO good hands wanted; elly reference required- Aoply th a morning, from >k to 10 o'clock, at OWEN JONEs A CO.'S, 1'i'JBthuve. Drug clerk wanted.-apply at stoke in sd ar? corner of 21s; St., Brooklyn. LAW ?A FIRST CLASS ENGLISH LAW COPYIST DEtin s a licrmune d situation. Salary required $10. Address Lex, 11 'aid othce. POItrRR WANTED?IN A STORE; ONE WHO CAN Kir - goal references. is not afraid of work and can loan his employer from $30) to $400. Address U. S., Herald otllce. Salesman wanted?in the furniture stork. c uner of Pearl ?t. and Myrtle av., Brooklyn; one that understands th- new anil second hand furniture business preferred, with reference. Wanted?ioo men to sell an article ok daily cousutui t.ou; Inducements liberal; no humbug. From $1 tu $50 a day can be made. Cull for two weeks at II James slip, sscopd door below Water at. WANTED-A SMART, ACTIVE LAD, IN A COAL If ulllce. One i e?tdlng with t. Pi parent, on the east aide oi the city rosy address, in oWh handwriting, with recrences C .a^Omce, Herald eillce. -te. tots iok steamers, one stewVY aril, b, two clerks, two conductors, two, r.iie entry clerk, two ilrls to travel W Calliorffla, two boys lor trades, threw f(ur:ers, two express drivers, one seamstress. Apply aVN'< 7 Chatham square. 1ITANTE 17~vA WALTER FOR A PRIVATE FAMILY; A I * French m Corinln, with good refereuecs, w 111 be preferred. AddreeaO. C. C., box 145 Herald ofllcf. ixrante^wa boy, iSf avt-aw office. address. W 111 appltcNjtN haudWfltmg, box 1.159 Post olllee. WANTED-A 8MART BOY, 's_ A SALOON and open ojraierfl. uifnM 927 WANTED?l'OU HOTELS. THREE JTOUX& MEN AS waiters; one who rsn open oysters. Also it j^'inan and a gn dencr for a greenhouse, wiiotan m Off. Bel0?dW?-? rejuii-ed. Apply at Lussman A Shcid's Employment OlhCc. US Bowery. WANTED?A MANWnO UNDERSTANDS VEGETABLE gardening, and who can take carc of a horse attrl drive; on - wlio can come well recommended. Apply to Miamiar. 131) William struct, brtween half-past 8 and hallpajt i) o'clock. Wages $8 per mouth. WANTED-BY A BOY 1? YEARS OK AGE, A BITVAIIju in a store or uilloe; is ? good penman ami ijuliv ai tlgures; In wlillng to make hLnsell useful to hU employer-. AlUfW W ilium c., bo? 11/ Tl- r.<M otti . WASTED?KoR A WHALING VOYAGE, TEN SIO T yniuw ?"i> "d a ourpenter nuil hmkimlili. App immediately at Si Wot si., corner of R gtur. \\,""ANTKD?TW 0 STRONG Vol NG MEN, SING I.E. i,K Tl strictly sober hnbitu; tlio-a ncouetomed to hanjtititf and iuo< lug iuriituir--preferred, altai tin-o-re of bor-ea. Apply at B liter's i-'urnllure Kipreaii, 34 W.l.oer at., Hr o ljru, ur?r Km on furry. VITANTED?A WAITER, IN AN ICE CllEAM AND r I o p < i KuUx-n; none neej apply tliilesa <npa U-. Apply a; Mi . Mende*' chocolate sioro, nto Broadway. \YrANTED? A ItAKKEKl'ER TO TAKE FUI,(, CHARGE Tl ul a put ll< linii-u?one w 1.0 can man #*00 on wcurity; j,u.k1 \ |mi<l; tlie owuer Carina other butineaa in attend to. Address Barkeeper. station A. Spring M. I\'ANTED AN ACTIVE. IKTSLUUKXT HoY IN A.N 11 aot ii .n and i-imitnlssloii house. Oii<- wh . can r s:de with hia parent* preferred. Apply to A. Journe y, S.'li Broadway, between the l.oursolO and 10 A. M. Salary iiral year, #50. I JI J i \ t ' r, APRIL 3, 1862.?TRIPLE IIKI.P IVAVTKD-FKMALKH. 4V| *./AU;i,lKS ANiMiOoD hiil.YANT.S WILL UNO lh'-). *?.' i I'l i --n .. sIn! Jnaiitut# ut the ooru v of . h av. 'i t d jU L. f lti alinel, .or German, E.ia'lab, I I.. L and American women. Mr*. Kiojrd In at ndi.*"*- I wBmtaaianU alwava wanted. I Ipkl'iAtYiUii AND fli.KVA ? Ea BBOOKLYN WILA I .i ple?.>e take n t. e thai I Lh.s faugh I out all ill-gi>oJ I will, right, Hilt, and Intercut of Mr. Maiintwg, my I'u raor e fecitnei, and -hull I.. Iu i.i? ioUuu t the hum.*" imaelf at B OTlllary at., Brooklyn. B. P CHKfWOt'HEK. SBKVANT8 WANTED, IMMEDIATELY?SERVANTS t In Brooklyn, with too l recmnmendAtti'iie, con obtain egclient m! u iliona in i i t class families, at the highest >va to , , w 11'iuiit mi. .leiury apply ng to Mr CUIUSf<'I'llail. It) 1 Tlllary at., Brooklyn .late Manning A Co.) 1 SALESWOMAN WANTED?ACQUAINTED WITH TUB ] C' .mli, bi umIi an I p?rluinerv bonne <, also, our for the j small war's ant two am* i elrk l i'-un. lh? beam, s-, ibont b 1H ytan of uge. Addieas W. J. Eigeru, fi.O and .-SJ Biud- g way. QALBSWOMAN WANTED?IN THE CLOAK DIIMKT- ] I / tiumit. Apply to Jamea A. lloiun A Soil, 775 Broadway, a above 9th at. 1. W'ANTI.I. - . A . l.ll'.L ... ln> WAITING .N.I 1 I t oliainberwoi k, ami toaeaistin taking care of children; J brat city reference required. Apily at 11 Warren place, Charles at. j YA.r ANTED?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIHL, It OR li ? v 15 ) ara of i. e, by a private family, to help mind 'vto o little children. N > wagea, but clothing, kind lieatinent an I p a a od In.uie will be given Apply in Hie morning to A. TCRNiii'LL A CO., IS ami IS Ceutre Kuttt j WANTED-A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK a In a am.ill family; inuat be a good waaher and troncr, an 1 Come well recommended; wages $5. Call at 153 Cliarlea 1 atreet. i . ? ? ? 1\'ANTED?A YOUNG GIRL, TO DO LIGHT HOUSE- ? 11 worlc aod take care of ihddren, to go a iiliort disume in the country. A,.ply at 827 Broadway. J WANTED?A CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS, TO b go n short dlsuiiue i:> t to country, with uucxceptionn- h ble rlty rcf renoe. Apply this day, trom 10 to 11 o'clock, nt i'.'S ? 4th av., between 12tti a id 13th sia., where the employer wUl be waiting to see them. j Wanted?-jo experienced cloak and mantil- v In makers; none but good hands need apply. Apply at s 78 l/uatie ft., third floor \\TANTED-A GOOD COOK, WASHER AND IRONKR, 1 TT willing to make herself useful; must route well re- J conimeuded from lier last place. Apply at tbo basement 1' door of 49 West ldth st, near dth av. a ______ ' a WANTED?A GOOD GERMAN OR COLORED GIRT., , to do general housework for a small family. Apply at I 15 East 21st st. J S WANTED?FIVE OIKLS TO STEM LEAK TOBACCO; also tire girls to stem segar tobacco. None need apply , hut those used to the business. Apply at 80 Front at., trom 1 2 to 4 r. M. J \VrANTFD?A YOUNG PROTESTANT GIRL, TO TAKE it uire of a young child; to do the ehatuberwork and to nssist I i sewing. Good reference will be required. Inquire I at lOi 1 'Union St., B. .oklyn. J WANTED?A YOUNG GIRL, TO WORK AT DRESS making. Call at 89 Eldrtdge at,, for two days. " WANTE1)?A GOOD COOK, AND THOROUGH LAI N- J Vf dress; English or German preferred. Apply, with I' reference from last employers, at 278 Lexington ar., from 10 A. M. to I P. U. V WANTED?A RESPECTABLE GIRL, TO TAKE CARE 1 it of children, ?fcc.; mu.-*t be a ?00<1 aeuiuatre**, Aj ply at J 101 Duttaht it, Brooklyn. | WANTED?AN INTELLIGENT. ACTIVE GIRL, TO DO ' the liousuu oi k for a family of aix. Must come well recommended. Apply at 249 Livingston st., near Nerius, Brooklyn. "firANTED?IN A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY, A NEAT. TV capable l'rot' i nut girl, to do chuiub rwork, waiting ! and sewing. Good city rulerenco required Apply at 86 East 22d st. onn SKIRT HANDS WANTElC-WHO ARE WELL ^Uo acquainted nt iklug hist class woven tape skirts. Apply at the tnamifaetory of j. W. Bradley's Patent 1 Skit ta, 149, 148 an 1190 Chambers st. j WANTED-lOO BONNET FRAME MAKERS; NONE TV hut e,tot ti..n>lH lieetf hiiiiIv. A so. four uood milliners i and one trunnier. Apply at J. l helou'n, 612 8th uv., between aith and Stlth ?U J Wanted?a protestant uikl, to do obkiial housework. a good washer and lioner. Apply at 226 (.Tinton at. j WANTED?A NURSE, SEAMSTRESS. CHAMBER J TT maul ami waiter girl, and a cook who la willing to aafist ill (lie washing and ironing, either colored or vehue. { Apply at No. 7 11th at., several doors went of Broadway, tr im 9 till 4 o'clock. ; wanted.-a" tm-tm m* otii and TT vraaher and irom-r, with good reference, will find a . good home by applying at 170 Clarumont av.,|Brooklyu. For other Wants See First Puge. special. loridbir- ' " Any gentleman who cai? command a iikar ing, and U dlsp iaed Hi present to the Secretary of War a matter alreao- approved an 1 adopted by one iisp?rtiucnt i of the army, w ill le lib Tally treated with. a Idre**, Appointing Interview, Washington (confidential,) Herald oiUoT i Uevov^Js.-|iall6t. Davis ,t co.'s celebrated i I'lann* removed to T. S. BERRY'S new piano rooms, 1 opposite the .Metropolitan II tel. New l'tanoa and Melotle nis to let. Ureal hniga'.u* In second hand Pianos. Pianos tuned. Piano* at war price*. T. 8. BERRY, 693 llroudway, opposite Metro) olltuu Hotel. rf^MB 1 REvSHKER OF THE KIKE DEPARTMENT A e'ttb in uc . pleasure acknowledges the re. i ipt of 13.271 30 by the hands of James f. Wetunan, Es j., Acting Trcasnr >r of the Fireman's Ball Committee, being the not proceed* of the Tblrtr-third Annual Ball, given at Nthlo'a Theatre, January 1', 1362, in aid of the Cliaritetde Knn 1 of the Kiie D?par>nieiil JOHN S. C1LE*, Treasurer. The Tiva.,iirer, In lx lia'f of ttio Department tender* hi* i I a .l?e?i??:,.i:::,?nl< loll,.. Halt Cnmm il t?? urh.Hu. , untlrir>''-n-ijiilly and escollent men igem-nt preeentnd to mil-tellnw clti-co* a festival worthy ol their patronage anil 4 au- pert, and (la- handanme maim, r in which they responded (1 the efTorts af the <'< tie - Is mutt gratifying to the friend* and members of lli<- Department. j Although the hall h not yielded in a pecuniary sense, aa thorn-ntM m* former year*, when undutnrh -d prosperity reigned in <oit' then hii|i(iy land, jvt we have 110 cause to < omplain. The dUortli red eiata of the nation ha* calle-l 4 many of *ur I r amie and patrons to the sc-nr of strife, to old i:i -avln,: otn- l eloved country from the fratricidal arm rat <d to d< ?ln y this fair superstructure of government? th- pi l ie, the lii'iw? and refu,, of the oppressed ol the nviluutd ?i trld. It almost mediae* t> any llat it la with " the gieaieat eirrtlon we aie rnalded to meet I!.e pressing V lirci'Mtihs of ihn Indig ht wIIowh mid orpliuu rhllhren, J who, wit,1 th - si,-k Hit-1 al nhl d Urcinen. claim o irr uv ami * sympathy. While gratefully a<:ktiOAlrdgiligj<a*l :a or*, we aim 10 tin- ben- volence of our follow citutems, I aid n? i 1 :<v,n ; irotn penury and want llmae deserving " nhjni ts-mom tniaforitine 1 as plit -ed within the pale ol o ir J c'-arl' New YoitB, Anril 2, lft62. ASTKOLOUT. i A SrolNDINU t'UHE.i ANO DIVIXATIONS ?11-' IK J ill i.**a t'? or troip.l.*, codhuI Ma 1hi?i?* C'LIKKOKl), ? ui rin.ll il hii.tiui s <lulr\*o) a?)f at) 1 A'lUM-i.'an m?* i in** ^ Aoiiir.u, *S??. bJ7 Ilrfin tiu. t, ronwr ol lloyt, Hioxl.n. Sl?e <ae c*;u di?? a?.e, pr<Kcrli>*-? rmnvth***, i m' r.t um ub.enl Irian-!*. iiit*ivu-\vH, 60 tenia; . i Hi, i By iu*r. encloa-nghair,f- J t erOKMUIKU ?MAIIAMK MOBMW, MTUITa ? at I'liug.itei, has a giftot foresight; tell* how soon and < , how ofl'n not ni l n.airj, and all yon wi*h to know, even ; jo-ir very thought1, ?r 110 |siy. Lunky charm* free, ller | ? q, al is not to lie found. Her Magic Inmg IS now In mil o| ration?1-4 Ludlow street, below Houston. Trice 25 t ten . etntlemcn not admitted, I A I'.D.VA HUE ASiRUI.i>itI-jT. THAT EVERY ONE ' " J\. < an depend on. I* Mine. Vi'lLEUN. who tell* the ohj ut | J ul your v, .1 a* noon a* yotenier. alio telle the paat, pre. ' win and rut r 01 your lite, and wnrn* yon of danger*, and !; bruit *u< c-a* out ot Die tm<<t perilous undertaking*. K. It.?to iehrai : mag.ectiai ni*. No. llty Allen stive', between | " lloitatnit and Siantou ?tn eta, nor thu bakery. Charge* ror U > ind gentlemen, fill cent*. J CtH'A \ HSAM AN. INDEPENDENT CLAIKYOYAMT. ' M d-ial and K i iness consultation* day and evening. Th- * iitui i-ane unfoida ?o aa-istactory to all. It is niinr ' -aK?vy o give I lu-tianon* ol the u*louiidln( result*. She * o -in iniu-a at slid Div.alou ?tr>at. I I A YOfSIN, DESCENDANT OF AfTBOfcOOHT TO ? Id Napoleon the Ureal, can Int conaulteil nun week more Hl" u< . ..eot feieitds, love, lioelnea* ?nd *11 alfalra 01 life, at |sf i.-<ii?os e< --ei, n?ar Bleei ki-r. Call and know the fit- " lore. blkdllttMIIIMMlllMlh 1 Madamk kay, wu seventh .wench, nkar ' I * <-niy seventh atrrst, surprises *11 who viait her. The * al-k, lii-uhh d and unlucky should teat herp-wers. She ...... .... ,l,A.,jhl. liisSv ninitlwr. InM#. Ia.UmS I 2?\. g- nilenien, l5?\ * ' ' ' MADAME SlIAKKKR?TUB HEVENTU DAUUHTKR, ' ;a 4 n t'.'ira'giit !u tell about love, marriage, ahacul ' frl> nit, buainee* nnd Journeys No. ifltft rt vim l .treet, lie- J ten-en avnu 0 niiil Union Mnrxel. Ladie. 3."c. Gentle- 1 men not a tiulited. 1 ? MA DAM K IIK N RI, ONLY ONK WKKK LONGER- ' D iriug thl. nog lady's to Una city nhe ha? i enu.itd ihe ii.oat It,tana* ? naalioii by her innat alugiilar and j trui! ful revelailou-. Madame can gin airletly trna In for- * mutioi im H'iIiiiim. Love, Lmni, Mr. Olvcgood In km , an ? ithonl clou go. liar reception rooma are No. aO ff?.i Ur.adony, c mer of Leooarn atreet, over the clothing (tore. i Name nu door. riMIK GREATEST WONDKR IN THB WORLD 18 TUB J X young and a coiiipllahed Madnm# HI RON, from Part*, who run be con.ulled Willi the atrleteat confidence on all altalraot II *; re?tme* drunk, n and unfaithful hM.i-ai'da; < nai a eecrei to make you belov <1 by your heart'* Ideal, nml I ? bring' toaeiber Ihoaalong separated. Ladle.? senta Ra.l- 1 1 dencedO Thud avenu*. about Twelfth .trout. I WHO WOULD NOT OO WHERE FoRTINK IS??GO ! ye, a*e M;a* WBLLINO TON, the great Engliali Pro. pliot wan, th* heat of all, and tannat be aio-'lled. (an ha eon- , aulted, i<er?iuaUy or hy letl r, on all affair* of life, concern- J Ing law anile, journey*, ahaont friend*, lore, eoiirtalnp, marriagu, health, wealih, an I who can reclaim drunken and nnfalthrul huRjanda. MlaaW. 1* the only peraon In thlaeily " who ha. the genuine Roman and Arabian tallaman. for love, rood luck and all hualneaa affair*, and are guarantee, for f lie. Delay not to con.ult thl. naturally gifted and beautiful 3 young lady. Lucky number* given. Highly reaiwctahle olty I reference. Can Ira ?e"n at her reaidence, 101 Hlilh avenue, opposite Eighth atreet. < .4/T SULLIVAN STREET-MRS. BOEDER OIVKS TRI E I , *?0 aud wondarfnl Information on all affair* through life, ; ' ana (Ire* lucky nuinl>*ra for tha lollnrla*. She la Itic only (rue neer and palmlat In thla city. Rainrmher ber maiden?*, 45 Sullivan fltreet. ' 1 or BOWERY, NEAR BROOVE STREET-M\D VMB 10'> WIDUEK, Clairvoyant an) allied SpnnHh I ,rtr. or 1 veil* the myntertraol lutimty, lov, nmrrlaRfl, abflentfrt"iida, I alckneafl; prencrlbei medicine* for all dl*fa*r*, telle lucky number*. i>roi>ertv I oat or alolan. Ac. WATCHElj J1WHLRT, 4w. j N ANSWER TO Till QUESTION, "WHAT ARE 1 Calllorul t Diamond*?" Piece* of rryalallted quaiti ] rock, found only In California, cut and poinded to reaemble real diamond*, which they equal In brilliancy, and frm which Iner oatinnt be dlaunxntrhrd by the beat Judaea. On ' exhibition and for aal* at EDO Broadway, corner of Duann I atraei. None other genuine. i Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds.-tiik best Imitation ever offered to the public I* our P?rla double eul California Diamond* Betna cut by real diamond l?pldarlaa, the lieat judge* ate deceived For aala only at J. T. THOMPSON'S jewelry More, ill Broadway, three dWe | above Qiyytl atreet, . . , 1 SHEET. ?OIt BAI.X' TXTTRE^ A R AKE l*iA A NCR.?XIIE"HOTEL, /.<UA ? ^TJr with or without the eitock, lo a cash ou?c?U"?. rent and Ion a l.avr, our of the U? bat els on the raw Liu mean; all in good order; aula rtas u for celling, e? a. sountof other business. Also, separately, eev. u wry CM , roung Horses, including one pair of l'unles, mares, that a? I .1.-1 .11 2 SO to lb.- pole. aud *eiy -cyKsh. Ala .one ol' the iorat dapple grny limes In ttio Suite <>r New fork; -be la irery way pcrjeut, sount and kiud; 16^ hands bin; very I ian.Te-.mi-; without a fault; 7 years old ILda up.log; the wn. r things ahe can trot in 2 33; tau be seen at the hotel, iini.-iv aiiih atieet and Broadwuv. All the above burses -lab r? in 2 Ml GEORGE W. JENKINS, Proprl tor BUTCHER'S SHOP FOR 8ALE?A GOOD CHANCE lor a veith u email onjiitai; neatly lit tad up; isui.l | v ho tec, and doing a fair trade. Apply at S2I meeker at ( I AIM NO HA LOON FOlt SALE?VERY CllEAi , ON I L' leasunable terms, handsomely and fully furnish. . go-d us in- a. nl a low -out and locali n unaurpaa ed Thla la a I ood Chans . ISAAC A. IllUON. 73 Nassau street. WOK SALE?FIVE ICE K0UXB8, WITH HORSES, I Wagons, and all complete; also supply of ioe for 'I a . s it. In jnirc from 1 to - 1'. M , at the oilier o. tL Itockiud Ijtkc I. e Company, lu Jay street, near West street. 'AOIt SALS-A SINGER S SE'.VISG MACHINE, AT 61 L Macdougsl street, in good order. WOK SALE-TIIB LEASE OF AN ESTABLISHED HOF tel, in good rdcr, containingoverfurty looms, furni-he d nrouglioui, veiy Hue location and uear the of eastrn steamboat*. Will ba sold low to a respond hie party Ap- , ly at the Brewery, corner of New Bowery and James street. WOR SALE?DESKS, TABLE AND COUNTER; ALSO L' I'ai.ition Stulf and liio Fiauies. Inquire at 21 Ann trret, up htairs, from 'J till 2 u't lo..k, WOK SALE-THE STO K, FIXTURES AND LEASE P ot au oaubiiabe.i Book S ore m the be I part of the cut', t a low rout. For terms. A.-., apply lo J.vs. EUSTACE, Aid Iroadway, basement. No agent* need apply. WOK SALE?AT A SACRIFICE. TUB FIXTURES OF P oue ot the hot fitted up Liquor Stores on the heat uiduuna avenue on the west hide ol' the city, doing a good ustiiess. Tills la a rare chanue. Apply to T. OAFFNKY ,uet.oncer. No. 60 Centre street. WOR SALE?A COltNEIt GROCERY. FOR CASH, AT A L i real huerilice, in, lading Stock, Fixtures, Hoi .se and Fagon, Ac. Good fair trade, and Is finely located. Must be old low lor cash. F. D. RICHARDSON A CO., 82 and rH Nassau tract. WOK SALE?A NEWLY FITTED UP DINING AND P Oyster Saloon, w ith bar and cooking apparatus comlete; good location, reut cheap, nrst ruio place lor the nil. e nd cake business. Apply on the piemiies, No. 8 Greenwich .venue. WOR SALE?A BUTTER STORK ON THE EIGHTH . avenue, now doing a large jntnintfs. strict !y I or ash. utiifactory reaaons given for Apply at 10J Murray Ireut, until sold. WOR SALE?TIIE HANDSOME SALOON, CORNER P of Woocter and Houston street*, with new furniture ud ueatly luted up. Pr.ce and rent very low. Inquire on he prendre*. G10R SALE?A FLOATING STEAM PILE DRIVING C Machine, sixteen horse power, nil apparatus, Ac , Ac 'rice to null purchaser. Apply to 1'. 11. SMITH, 3'J1 Hi Its ireet, or corner Van Brunt and Dyokman streets, Brooklyn. L*OR SALE?TO DIVIDE LOFTS AND OFFICES. U sevci al large Sush Winnows and S -h Doors, ? ith board artl'lous; nLo interior Skyllsht Windows, most suitable or subdividing large lofts. Apply to 1*. DUiOKl', 1K5 Llbcry street, New lorlc, upstairs. For sale.?a refreshment saloon and restauruitt, excellently located and elegantly furnished, rill be sold lor less than hail Its value. Fur particulars uply to WM. II, VANDERBURGH, 64 Wall street, odice or Juiiom, Jordan A Bain. bj^OR SALE?AN OLD ESTABLISHED EXPRESS Route between New York and Brooklyn, doing a good business. For paiticulars Inqure at 244 Navy street, Brook IjlOR SALE?A CORNER GROCERY STORE, WITH ' Horse and Wagon. Inquire al KM Nlnlb aveuue. FOR SALK-A RETAIL STOCK OF HARDW ARE AND Fixtures, together tvltb Lease of Store No. bob Sixth ivenue, iu the city of N. w York. The whole will be soldou vasonablo term* and lew. Inquire of ELlAS J. BEACH, 13 litsa.ui street. MRl CERY FOR SALE?ON A GOOD CORNER, NEATUT lv tilted up; a good assortiuent of goods, witli Horse tnd Wagon. Will be bold very cheap for cash. For purilcuais inquire at 274 Hloecker st., In the store. IN BROOKI.YN-A MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING L Establishment will bo sold, Immediately, at any price. For particulars address a note to or call at 324 Fulton struct, Brooklyn. OYSTER 8ALOON FOR SALE?IN A GOOD BUSINESS location; very bsndsomely titled up; will sell It (heap. ALo, Bakeries for sale, lo a nd on the First, Second, Third, Sixth, Seventh nud Eighth uvontics, ut low prices. Apply to W. H. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar street. The-STSrfiP JtSC FTivf^tiEs of a fancy stork tor solo; will be sold separate or together. Inquire at 214 Bleecker street. : :?: *. "P fflICA WILL BUY THE LEASE. STOCK AND FIXtpT'JU tures of a Qrst class fancy and domestic Bakery ItTii Confectionery Store, lu n good locality and well i siahILh-d; goo! reasons for selling; a first rate chance lor a prtoLfil "fan with a family. Address W. Bcutou, Union square Tost offl'te. i r? ?? -kius? olass light manufacturing ?>cH/A/. Buaiiicw, lit romplrte working order, profits scary and return* immediate; State moiiu|>o.y secured. Apply for tvrodav.t nt 168 Canal street, fourth i:oor, from 9 to 12 h. M. audi to?r. *. ~ ~ ^hitvrrT ^ D. m * fubnititbe-kurniuure. BARGAINS?BARGAINS. $890,009 WORT?~OK ft RN ITU RE, WHULKSALK AND RETAIL. BY DE (IRA A/ * TAYLOR, No. 87 Brwery, JflVr their cm ire atock at lower price* than any other ea'abubnirnt in the Culled State*, fob cash, NukI-uhk of hiiskwi>od parlor and chamber furniture, IN BKOCATEL. DELAINE AND PLUSH. HAIIOGAXY. WALNUT ANI) IMITATION Kl'RNITUKB, OF KVKRY DESCRIPTION Enamelled Furniture in act*. Irttni $2ilto$IO). All of tuir Furniture I* mnile or arlccled material and in lie laleat approved airlca. ALL (JOOD8 WARRANTED. A BEDROOM SUIT OF ENAMELLED FURNITURE. IN fV all color*. id warranted manufacture; a'.-o oolld i.? -.titist Chamber bulla, plain una nrnamt tiinl, at II. K. ARKINOTON'8, No. 3bS Ctutal at reel, oppoatle Woo.ler. tsUHillehtnl m i-ti A BARGAIN.?A Kl'LL SUIT OK ROSEWOOD FUBNI(V turiv three Bote*, wo Ea-y and lour Medullliiu Chair*, orei.->1 in Fiench lirooatel. claret ami cold; made io or er ii $./ i, j.riic $2.V?. ti. VV. SNKDENS, 2 0 Bo o >. Arabs charob to parties going to house Vei pin2.?1h- Furniture of a nr-t oln-a houae, ai'uated iu Kiel cn h Hre. t, lieiweeii Broadway and Unlveraliy phwe. or -ale. lilt* Oren In uae but a tew iiioittlaa, and will le anil ' licnp tor caab. a* lite nun Thai no fmther ii*c lorlt. In. I ore for particular* at lit Wial Broadway, of PAUL iiouPi. V. I ion. 8 t III A. M. and from 12 to 8 P. M. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNIOL turr at prtrale oale at aaai rt .re: erv u u. -arc ro?- nod 'lanoloite, coal jS'NI. will III! Hold for $230, lui litdiuc Bund .ml Cover: a *o Parlor Bulla, coat $S)d. for $IA0; Kt ne1 ", I ink' a* Curtain*, I'lnrka, Oil Palntinca, Brouroa, roacMod i i...- ? a- p.... e?.i l luiiv nt 70 West Tweniy.-iitii street, Mr si?ii, mm By private sale until the isth?ALr, ok THE I handsome NnMwi la iiiiiiOS No 83 'I'lltrtv-.. h sir. It, I'ai k avenue, emanating of rosewood far lor Huns, rtli l/i d new c trr-il rose wood Cud.teud, cost $175. will b i sold nrjllii, Klsgerea, Iirlimivnm, Clock, rare Was Figures, irit rl?-H plaied VeceuMu ?.od other Dishes, Ac. No agents ir an oml ii.,ml dealer* ueod apply. Can bo scon from 10 A. 4. In I P. M. MNAMKLWD CHAMBER SUITS OK it'RNlTURE? Pi In all colors and styles, at wholes.,!# and rrtall; tba recst ainck In Ihe city. Malta $J0 and upwards. Alio, aolld r slant Bulls, Mat raaaes, Paillasses. Ac. WARREN WAK1), S77 Canal atraet, four doors salt of Broadway. First class enamelled furniture-plain, decorated nod grained, wild walnut ami oak Seta; Sulla it $20and upwards; Mattresses Spring Heds, Ac. J. W. FIStlHR A CO.. Manufacturers, 650 Broadway, between Bleeaki-r and Bond streets. MO It SALE -A HANDSOME SUIT OK FURNITURE. P sis putc-a; <*). iai?# .Minor and sla >. $.0, Hue toned W ocUre Collage Piano, t"S larga Rang". <11. Cu recti, tngrarliigs, Ac. Ad'teee. Orion, Herald otHoe. M HEAT BAROAINS IN KUR.sIIURK, CARPETS, MIR JT rors, Ac.?C. M. LEVY la now ottering eery low one osea-iMid Suit of 13 p'.ecti. In lemon colored brucittcl; one os..wood Suit In common brocatel, 7 pieces; one elegant os. Moo.1 Elagare, one smaller Kiagera, three splendid rler llassrs wild cornices and slabs, Velret, Britssela and Ingrain \trpets, Beds and Bedding, with aereral other |de. es of Forilture, which must be soldoy the 1Mb lust. A call Is aoi|r|<. id. Remember the number, tM Canal street, a few doort net of Broadway f IT ANT TO BUY PROM BOO TO 9I.0U0 WORTH OP L Second Hand Furniture. Parties tweaking up hou eecplng, by addressing a line lo J. V. H ,Mv>k Hudson strati, rill Und aoash cuatomer. Country calls attended to, PLIMPTONS IMPROVED PATENT PARLOR BED, si. ads, and other first calaa Furniture, Mild wholssle ind r.'lall, also furnished by monthly p 'ym.-nu, at ltd Tenth . n et, lurmeily National Academy oi Design. 3T0RA0K FOR PIRtT CLASH FURNITURE CAN BR j l a I in the na * nre ppi t, fj .nuth arauue. .> imlile. dcelln Ing hunt, keeping will bud this a sale plac# I or their property. Ai ply at At West Twin.<"tn street lor .articular#. rjTOR.t'iE OK M PNlTl km ua* ru hduiksp in 3 th-apa :<nit bill rlinaa N *'1/ mil .'till Fourth av. nu', tu i|i|>lKtlii)D lo O. TIIOMPhUJI. In thtoOlce. WILLIAM I). OYSTB11MAN. DEALER IN NEW AND f f -at on! hand I'urnltom, Carpala, Had*, Oaa Hllurea, if cr 'iy ilrici iptton, haa ramored from IdtJ Dirlalon atraet to ?n Oritnd atreat, betwraen Norfolk and Suffolk atresia. A'lalma Ula frlcnda to call. WANTED TO HIRE?A SMALL QUANTITY Of BED V? ro 'Tii n ml Dining Room Enroll arc, tiirlndtngCarpota. I | any ibn lining bonai-gaaplng. and daalrlu* Board, mil man a allafantnry arraiig'mi-ol by vlrli- aamg at ou< a I- tarlitoro, Madison a t iara Koat office. Wanted-to hire, fcrnitvre kor a parlor, diiiln" room, kip hcu and lira hamberA or a Fumlahad Uotiaa, In one of the foltowng atraau ? Rrooina, Soring, Prlocr, Greene or W-ioatcr. Addraaa bo* U, If <> raid inline. MUNICIPAL AKIA1UM. MORKORATION NOTICE.?TUB COMMITTEE ON M Ut \J kola oi th" Ho.trd of Aldrr.nan mat at room N > 8 City Hall on IVadiicaday, Apr 1 2. IfVJ, at 'Jo,!, * |? M . lor tlm purpoaa of i-onaldaring tin appli- allou for th" motion of* I poinlc market at tha loot ol Sine, nih atrart, l.aat river. Many oi 'Impnitia n era-Ira In Hi- *nbte.-t ware ineaeut, I wli n I wfta upend to a t nUi.n lltail Mo i ay m-n, /ih ln?t. It the. tlrna "nd pi ,C?. Ill oirt r to n't rd all pai i" a in lorrsied Ah amioi'tnn.iy lo (mi prraant and *a?" the i rl' ?_a lo the commltt*' Tim atinadami of li p-r-mi- n ? la raaiiecUnlly renuratad, In ord* r that. Hi"r "" "Ul" ",'"?i,f. port thair oonolualuna to Ihc Board altar aarll'-at pr.ini.-n w moment. JAMRg RKBIk l Committee 9 SAI^BS O? SC.1L E-JTITK. A J'BOfBUlT Klia A!.B MX.LLS, No. 04 CoU*r MrMt first c\ ass I T RvraViED ho: SB for"salhJ k a ' ?** - ^oSV?.* ** u *" Improvements; tu fundatrrei. M-V.. indsoiue ,nd nearly new. t^e ~"|t IV* ui mil v -ry '<r !?? . than the value 0f the houssaloDD. ?Ui*.cU wi.i be ?t)it k if de-jn?v! and :4Miuedl4tu> K. MLLLri, S4 Cedar ?*r??t. A noL-sB and LOT ra? *.?*-?',N "f'..,' .'' Klj A between Fifth .aid S.ttli menu/ .r I. V.,! story, attic uud L n mcnl. 21 10x4U fort, vw'. ? ? , " ' tuml -riD'ole 1M3J.KL1, b.oek. Wry little mow; *??.. " fllARLBd 1L MILLS, a* C. dar?\t*rt ^ A DESIRABLE COUNTRY HOUSE, STABLE, AND eight L U of (Fround > mi l lei, t lo a go ! tenant, < !? vert reasonable term*. The premise* at 1. mplele order, w li the Pu in. w.iter .11 tin I . a. . f ,/nu \ . . An c rail. It tee it roiubli.i ? ti jc nv. ni nor of a rnv with tl.* a Ivantages of the country, b? lim situated ID ll.aao Oil}, N. J., rn'iuut cce mile ft m tin Hobok. n, 1'iv nla and Jersey C.ty f. Trie*. Ho s-carsftom lw> of tua above Iirri s pa** within a short iiixtaiiir o' .he 'ti e every fifteen n.iun.ei. Apply to J. V? HEELER, 4S l ark pluco. N. Y. A HANDSOME FOUR STORY ENOLISII BASEMENT IIoum, eligibly io uted on K i ty-t..irJ stiori. in U V. tadw ay, ar.rl worth ale ui fr.bOO. is now o lie red for ?fi,2hi), with eaey ltiin.s of payment, in tli* hope . f obliging a genteel family walking a good home and a superior lm e-inieul. B. O. FB ATr, 33 I'iue street, room No 9. A11111'Ii AND LOT, LICMTLY EN I'MliERBO, warned In ekchaug* lor a stock of first class M i liaudia.v For | nrticulaxs apply at 3?X> Canal street. A FINE RESIDENCE, ONE HALF ACKE OARDKM. cUniue fruit, shade, ahrunbery, Ac., in perfect or er, conv nient to depot, oil tire lies, aclioi I* and city (West neater bounty), for sain or exchauno fur tr.ediutn price city houao. Apply to 8 A W SE1 MOliR, 132 Broadway. A SMALL NICE FARM, ALL NEW BCILDINtiS, TO be sold forth',Mtli, lor what the buildings alone coat, ?djoining the cny limit* of King! amton, overlooking the city* . rtvera, ra Imads, .sc., (or may l.e exchanged.) J. W. BARTLETT, owner, 473 Broadway, New York. Coll and aoe(ti.C photographs. ^ A SMALL COTTA'lE HOUSE FOR SALF.-ON *IH most desirable block in Ycrkvllle for pi Wate rraideSoe. surrounded hjr good^ improvements, free J^r on nuisance* o# H iuse 22x12. wnh the modern improvements; Lot JilxcOiarden nicely luid cut. more ground nuiy he lm l for a elatCe if d-Hlred. Inquire on the premises, southeast cornea' of Eighty-fourth street end First avenue, or of J. K. SMrTIf, No. 1 Pine street. f BROOKLYN-CLINTON AVE VIE PROPERTY HoM salo or exchanged tu part.?Six Lot*, wttu a tlrst (Rms House, 40x10, xvith a ptaxza; ell conveniences; ear ilea is lllleit with fruit; a stable in the rear, fronting on vandaitiiM avenue. Tills property will he sold cheap, or exchanged l? part for a small House in New York city. Apply on premises, thir l house southwest from Myrtle avenue, or at 111 Spruce street, Netv York. BERdEN IIILL.-FOR SALE, A BEAUTIFUL cotlace on B 'rbeu Iltll. lironnds hainisonp ly laid out, an 1 well supplied with fruit ami ornamental trees. Price J3,76d. A csseiblc by stages or horse railroad. Apply to or address S. PATTERSON, No. 11 Spruce street. New York, wliers an architectural drawing of the place can be seen. Brick factory, 23sso. and three lots, with ten horse Engine, Butler and Shafting, for sale or to lease, on 113th street, near Third avenue, Harlem. Inquire next iloor. or at 161 Chambers street. New York. COTTAGE AND BUILDING LOTS AT BERGEN.?SBverul very elegantly located Building Si es. containing Iroto four to titty city lots each, at South Bergen, twenty minutes by horse ears front Jersey City. Also, forsaie, handsome Cottage House, with eight Lots, laid out with fruit and ornamental trees. Splendid view of New York aud vicinity. Apply to CHAS. W. WARD, 41 Water atreat, New York. 1J1AKMS, COUNTRY RE ATS AND RESIDENCES, IN . city and country, of all sires, locations, qualities and prices, convenient to the city, near railroads, for sale and axchangc on most liberal terms. Alao, all the various kinds of busiutSi and partnerships, r.inli made. SOUTHWIt K A WOOD, 82 Naaeau etreel FOR RAI.E-A SMALL THREE 8TORY BASEMENT Hons.', No. 101 East Nineteenth struct, containing all the modern Improvements, with walls and cell tigs freecoed and punted. Suitable fur a small family. Apply on tha premises. FOR SALE?A FINE FARM, OF FIFTY ACRES: FAIR buildings; elx miles from a railroad and one mile from churches, schools and 1'oat olllco; well watered and timbered; has n young and bearing orchard; print $2.iW0. F. D. RICHARDSON A CO., Maul 84 Nassau atreet. For sale-the eleoant brown btone front House No. lUEaot Thirty .seventh street, between Fifth and Madison aienues, Murr.iv Hill. It was built by the present owner for his own use; has been recently painted and fresecel, and Is In complete order. Apply at above, or at No. 219 Pearl etrret. IpoR SALE-TUB LOT (25.4X100 FEET) ON TUM southwest corner ol Seventy.ninth street and Ninth avenue, tu the vicinity of the Central Park; will la sold oh reasonable terms. Apply at 87 East Klevfuth street. ! 1DO& SAliuX lUffb&.tfE BROWN STONE FRONT X* three atory anil basement House, ID mnj umniii nn? between Second and Third avenue*, high stoop; the houas la in apleudiduttndlUQP, with a line *et of ga* future* In; would be .-i..1.1 verv lotv for clT?V I^nn* very easy. Inquire of P. CORUIOAN, JR., R al Eatste '& gliSJgd nrar Forty-ninth straet. " > * For sale?tiie three story high stoop House, 4S Wet Twenty-seventh street, lu the buat order, wllh Philadelphia brick front, heavy ?tme trimming*, bin celling", rarlori handsomely frescoed. Apply to TuOMJuB J. MILLER,J? Broadway. Ijlor sale-or exchange for real bstahl ' ?Ills little <>r no encumbrance, a stock of Looking O'auea, Frame*, Oil 1'ainlluga, Ac. For further hi formatted address O. A. M., Herald office. Iftor sale?eiqhth avenue FROPBRTY, ONE OP 1 the brat corners for a liquor or gne.ery atore, la the lmq| buaiueaa location, now paying twelve per cent; reason* fir eg for aelllug; term* to ault. Inquire at 161 Weat ThlrtletS atreet. HARVEY HIOOINB. For sale on madison square.?UOU8B AND Stable for aale, on MadUon square For nrlrw aud terms apply (o E. H. Ll'DLi itV A CO., No. 3 Pine atreet. near B oa iwuy. * For sale or bxchaboe?and. after tub iora of April, to let. House, Lot an.l Stable, 207 ArielpM aireei, Brooklyn; hou-e with balb. gas Ac.; lotSUilM.*. ntl la tine order. K A OAIMEs, Pearl street, N T. For exchange?a valuable productrm properly lu Brooklyn, near the Fttltou ferry, for a farm ol front thuty to lltty acrrs, to ar a railroad d q o . ehuruhsp aud schools, and not mere th?n thirty miles from Sew Turk | must be a healthy lo- ath.n, plenty or Irolt and prioe not If caret d J5 OM). Address, with full particulars S, box 113 Herald OtliCe. For sale or to let?r beautiful nousB and three acre* of Lund. Alt m? Urn Inturot enients, welt st a ked with fruit ai d ornamental tree*. Neighborhood lirek class; wlibln forty mlnutca of the city bv railroad every hour. Ternia eaav. Inquire of H. IIOAO, 74 Pine street. li'UIt ?.\i.r, ?>? in i.r, i?in gnuuti/in, a iwu J story attic and b iiameni Houao, 73 Tltlirv street, tea inlimtrH' walk until the ferries; terms easy. Thin i? a banco for ii person wishing m |>iirrhn*e Apply on the premises, or at 133 East Thirty ninth street, Ntw York. For sale or to rknt-onk mile from rtb Depot, twenty lira mil -" from Now York, a n at Cottage House, with a'"int two aerea of ground; house In perfect order, handsomely situated, ami plenty of fruit. HILKLKY A FINK 43 Wall street, Jauncry court. FOR SALE OR TO RENT-AT SUMMIT. N. J., ON TUB Morris and Krret Uallioad, seven acre* Land ; Una real* dewe In the eentre, *0xft4, Itf rooms; beautiful garden and lawn, with aha Ie tn-?, shrubbery and all varieties of fruit and a eery pleasant pluee ROUTHWICK A WOOD, 81 Nnsaau I reel Hotel for balk?remarkably cm kai\ h u ino otherengagement*; vory superior 1< catkin; l.rrt claaa neighborhood ind t u .mm; tilted up and furniahed in gooA aliape; doing a good business. An unuaual good chanco tg get a money making eoneern. Hot TIIWH K A WOOD. s? Haaaan street, RESTAl'RANT AND St'l'I'KR ROOMS. NEWLY rlt. ted up and handaomely furniahed, revocable laaae, an. parlor loeatton and all In goo I shape, for aala. at great bargjln. Hits wek, or will eieliaaga for a amall 'arm to anil. HOUTHWICK A WOOD R2 Na.aan street YITISTONRIN LANDS FOR SALE ?CERTIFIC ATB# ?Y fur ;t.i ik) aorea of School and University l.?nda, auuaied in Kaea mee, Oeoulo, St Croii and Chippewa eountlaa Inter'SI paid '111 Jannajry IM1 Prlee 33 eeala per aera. Apply t" FITTOS A.IONKS. ^ Wall alreel. WANTBD-TO PURCHASE A THREE STORY HIOB YY ttoop House, with all modern Improeetnenti, la a rw apeetelke loeailnn, Iieieeen Fourteonlli and Forty.aeoon4 atresia, and Fourth and Eighth arcane*. Prhx not to ok. caed <3,000. Addrasa, with portieulara, bog 3,130 Pnat offlea. Wanted to but-a hioh basement bhowb atone Houae, with all modern Imp-ovemeiiU; locatioa * above Tw ntleth aireet. between Fourth and Seventh are. nuea; prtee t3,i?k) to $IU,0tr', of whleh t.OObraah. Imlane# to remain on bond and mortgaga for thra* years. Addreaa Tlrnmu, IK)I 1,1111 r<m ym. WANTED TO PURCHASE-ABOVE FOURTEENTH ireet, wnl of Broadway aud aouth o{ * ' rtj <? nied street?A neat lilgli ai.,op House. with All modern Iniproy*. ments, in a good neighbor ho- *L Ae. IRELAND, HINCKlE Y A CO , <3 Nassau ,irw>l. WANTED-TO PL'Ri'H A8E OR IIIRB, A QOOD, WELL built House, In a good neigh bin bond, frre fia i, not aneea, between Fourth an 1 Sltth semiies, and Twenty, olglith to 3dih atrral, l>y a ?tnall family, w.thout obi .Iran a good anil responsible t-nnnt. A full lot pie'.rred ao with ruU particulars and lowest prior, boi 110 Totl ollire. a?o HftO oiPT.-roR balb, at a very urea* ?5>.?5,vfUv aacrlrtce. Lni given worth $?.(*?. to the purehuaer of that tlret Olnaa Philadelphia built House. No 41 fouthT-n h street, Wll lamaburg. Inquliaof J. U. WRsT, aa abovo, or at No. 4 Liberty plaoo, New York. Intuit amount requlrwd. PORTINU. J3BANOI8 BUTLER, NO. S l'ECK BLIP, HAH ALL TUB 1 choice breeds lor ? o< k and aale. Uuilar'a InfnIIIWe angeCura and Plra H< terminator #? onia per bottl* Butler's "Breeding, Training, Di.eaaea, Ae., of Doaa, II Dogs boarded, trained, Ac. Medicines lor all diseases. rR 8ALB-THK PABT ATIaXN??. yacht ItKBEl't'A Apply for parllculara, at the lleratd oflee! UAt F?THE SCHOONER TA* HT Jll.IBTi F nearly '?'ion? berihan, 4 j rare old, faatand alaiiwcb; drawaViee( water without her centra board; In SoAordcr? A||dy altB West Kle'enih .ti e' SALE 1 HBABr-A LABOR WELL TitMNBD Fwawf?"?dlaad (watch) Dog. Apply at **) Birhiii ,.renn?. riilltONH. ft ARIIITB AND ''AN VltY 8IRD8 FOR _Klva palta Piaa. na, beautiful while pnu.era; b<a Hab tia, three lull grown .iud two young ouea, two beat.ilfol Canary Bir la, splendid lungers. Inquire at No. II Now street, in l^e basement. W ill be sold very tow. SroRTINO-PUHE BRED BUTTER PI Pb FOR 8ALK, hi l?8 lb"tr?w street, mar th' puMla a. hooi. between Ueur.v nod Hick* street, Brooklyn. QUI inRRI.H WANTED?BOMB BLACK. AMERICAN, Cy Red, F lying and Hipped Bqnlrn'a, i'm < hb hw (alt pnoa * will bapald Addreee Squirrel, llr aid oDoe