Newspaper Page Text
. TH WHOLE NO. 9338. IMPORTANT FROM WASHINGTON. The Bill Emancipating Slaves in the District of Columbia Passed by the Senate. One Hundred Thousand Dollars Voted in Aid of the Negroes Who Emigrate. Important Resolution Declaratory of the Object of the War* The Work of the House on the Tax Bill Nearly Completed. ENLISTMENTS FOR TOE ARMY SUSPENDED, Ac., Ac., Ac. WjjnminTo*, April 3,1803. TASflAOB BY mi SENATS OP THE BILL EMANCIPATING SLAVES IN TUB DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. This Afternoon, At half-past five o'clock, the Senate passed Che hill to emancipate the slaves in the District of Colombia. The constitution, Chicago platform and the Speeches of President Lincoln were quoted in vain bp tho opponents of the measure. Twenty-nine Senators voting ape, and fourteen nap, the hill was passed substantially as it was reported hp Senator Wiieon early in the session. The bill was Introduced by Senator Wilson on the 16lh if December, and reported back from the committee for tho District on the 30th of February with amendments, which, however, do not affect the principles or plan of emancipation as embodied in the original bill. Tho compensation for slaves, to he awarded hp a com* miss loner appointed bp the Preeldent, is to average three hundred dollars sacb, and it map range from a dime to a thousand dollars. Very few high priced nogrocs uro left In the District, however, and a large proportion of those will remain in their matters' service from choico. TBI TAX BILL. The Committee of Ways and Means are determined to push the Tax bill through the Committee of the Whole ghlaweek. Only two sections remain to be discussed. It is thought the bill wiU pass the House when reported, Sod the Senate will not change it materially before pass to( it. Co agrees is convinced of the absolute necessity of raising a large revenue with the least posslbls delay. It la stated in some quarters that an entirely new bill will lldt ofluphil in tkh RAfiAiA mm a nhatltiilA hut ift ia halihvhri that the argent necessity for the passage of iom? rorenue bill without delay will Induce the poaeage ef the Houee Mil wllheul material modification. In the meantime the many amend menu made in Committee ef the Whole on the State of the Union will be printed. Tin ENLISTMENT OF SOLDIERS STOPPED. All officers engaged in the recruiting service hare been ordered to their regiments, and notice given to the Governors of Slates that no new enlistments or new levies will be received until further orders from the War Department. The force now in the field is deemed amply tufficient for tbo suppression of tho rebellion and the tpeedy termination of the war. GALLANT ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE SOfTHWEST. The capture of Union City by Colonel Buford, and the mpture of the enemy's batteries by the expedition under Colonel Roberts, are regarded by the War Department as eery gallant achievements. TBS CHARGES AGAINST TUB RACKET A RY OF Till INTERIOR. The 'New York World having reltersted its vague tharges against the integrity of Secretary Smith's man sgemcnt of the affairs of tho Interior Departinont, that gentleman has promptly demanded of the conductors of hat journal the name of his covert assailant, and speclIcattons of the letter's allegations. He indignantly scouts the accusation as being a monstrous fsbrication,gotten spto compass some sinister purpose, and evidently intends pursuing ths matter, in order to make an exumple of thoss who may be behind his Irresponsible assailant, If, ae is probable, somo such person bo named in answer to his demand of the proprietors of the World newspaper.' REPORTS OF REPCGBES FROM RICHMOND. The steamer Ring Philip arrived from the lower river last night, bringing up four refugees from Ricbmood and Westmoreland counties,Virginia, who came off from Kin^ale on Saturday last. They stats that the rebels are pressing every msle between the ages of eighteen and forty-five Into the service, and they had been closely hunted by tbe press gangs for a week or two. The rebels bavs mostly left tbs neighborhood of Lou doo; but a few squads of their cavalry roam throuirh the country, impressing into the service all able to rata. The four refugees state that they are natives of that lection, one being an old farmer named Gardy, and the ethers young men engaged In business near bim. One sf the young men has been acting as the rebel postmaster at Klnsale. The refugees give the followiog as the ruling prices lately In that vicinityCoffee, (1 25 per pound; sugar, 4to.; fine salt. $0O per sack, and table salt, put up in half gallon sacks, (I 25. Hoots ars to be bad onlf In Fredericksburg at $13 50 per pair, The refugees also say that the late eecosh papers state that the Union loes In the recent conflict with the Morrlmac was 1,600 men; also that the shots of the Monitor tied no mors effect on the sides of the Merrimac than hail stoues. carrmB or a rebel schooner. A few days ago the steamer Union ran into the Wycomico, and brought out the secesh schooner called the Isabel. Sho is in good order, and can bs vary usefully employed by our government. abandoned rebel property burned. A large amount of property, left by the rebels In their flight from Manassas, was burned yesterday, under direction of Mr. Baker, the special agent of the War Department. It conalated of wagoce, with their running gear, and a varety of ether art idee deemed useless and oumberaomo. The notica issued by Mr. Deter hes been the means of bringing in many farmers in Ibe neighborhood, who have helped themselves to choice d.i kings from the abandoned stores at u>n>?u ?n,t it In probable conrlderabl* xaluabl* property will lie (urn?<l over to the government Rome of tb# peraona remaining behind eerni inclined to put In olalma for portion* of tb* abandoned properly, under tb* plea that It came into tbeir poneeealon by tegular tale, and tbat tbey are Union men. A quantity ef tobacco bat been claimed by Mr. Johnaon, who la known to have had deuliuga with the rebel*, and ex changed Confederate money, which he know to be worth, lee*, for the commodity. All thooo cam will undergo * tonrching acrutiny. IMPROVEMENT OF AFFAIRS IN TIROINIA. Thrift iff again nuking it* appaaranc* along the roulo hrtweon k'airfax Court Houae and Altxandrla. Rome of the farmer* war* yoalai day engaged In ploughing thair land*, and in aeveral Inatanrea dilapidated and tfoaarlcd dwelling* war* being repaired. ^ T1IS rt|KaA TKAEK AND OHIO C1NAL. ( Tb* government haviug returned to their raepectir* ow.nerff all tho buula on th# Cbeianaak* and Ohio irvM but already bngiia to revive. E.ght or tea barreie of flua r ar<t among the Aral receipt*. THK Att'l*SION IPIM IN VTROTNTA. Tim pl> " which acorn a to prevail, of allowing civilian* to travel vdhln our liuoefrnre Washington to Manatee* without ro<tv'lrln* military a itiioritlaa lo maintain a tnportlalon (Vr lliara, by calling for Ihair paaeea a* convenient plasma on tba route, la baiag taken ad* vantago of by thv* covert aaraiaioniata, who arc oar taoro active In thdilr bucinaas of eplaa thaa aver. It la woil huown tl?al etnt.'ceriea of the enemy are dally la f lovandvla.aad iha? ?nu?*e?f rebel cavalry are ecout. 1 E NE u.g even to the rear of the federal army. It is believed a thjit every movement of the government troops, their 11 number, &o., la speedily communicated to the rebels by c their sympathizers within our lines, through the laxity c which ia now exercised to regard to the pastes. The 1 country has not been by any means scoured in the ad- t vance, and as many members of Stuart's cavalry are c rts.dent in the neighborhood of Manassas, it is a most convenient arrangement for them to be in a civl1! n's garb, acting us a spy one day and a member of a scouting i party the next. If a more stringent rule is not adopted, j sorao of the curiosity seekers at the battle Held of Hull t run, will have some day a disagreeable iutroductiun j to a few of those gentry. The roads are frequented by j very suspicious individuals, and particular precautions ( should be taken by all who travel outside ol the army on ( the other side or the 1'otomac. j A 8KCK8SION MEETING BROKEN If. .An effort u us made on Saturday last to hold a secession meeting in disguise at Fairfax Court House. Colonel ' Burbeck, of the Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, sent down a company of men from Cenlicville, and arretted some twenty of the participants, who were j released after taking tho oath of allegiance. RKBKL DESERTERS COMING IX. Deserters from tho Army of Manassas are making their appearance occasionally. They managed to linger behind at the time of the evacuation, and were overtaken by our troops. Several have been thus taken. They are well clothed, and appear smart and intelligent. But very little reiiance is to be placed upon them, although they profess to bo Northern men, forced into the Southern army from want of work. THE CONTRABANDS COMING IN. The exodus of contrabands has ceased to excite remark. Hardly a mile of road between Washington and Warronton can be passod without meotlug more or loss of the " irrepressible'' race. They come not in single spies but in battalions. 0 EN Kit AL ROSECRANS. There is no foundation for the statement that General Rosecrar.s has resigned. He is a thorough soldier, and intends to do his duty to the end. GENERAL BI-ENKER'S COMMAND ATTACHED TO GENERAL FREMONT'S ARMY. Blenker's command has been attached to the department of Fremont, much to tho disgust of the rank and file, and to the evident satisfaction of the commander of the Second corps d' arms*. THE COMMISSION ON STATE PRISONERS. The Commission on State prisoners will commence their sessions at the Fifth Avenue Hotel next Monday. After completing their business there they will pioceod to Boston. VISIT OF ENGLISH ARMY OFFICERS?WHAT THEY THINK OF OCR TROOFS. Colonel Lysor.e, Assistant Adjutant General of the Commander-in-Chief of the British army; Colonel Percy, command ing the British Grenadier Guards; the Lieutenant Colonel commanding the Fusileer Guards; Captain Gordon, A. I). C. to Lord Paulel, Lieutenant the Earl of Dunmore, aud other British officers of high note, left this city recently for Canada, after having spent some days in Wellington, and havlog Been not a little of our army and our material of war. The names of the men will hardly convey to the American public an adequate idea of their real rank and importance. Colonel Lysons, formerly of the Royals, is one of the most distinguished and thorough soldiers in England. He had much to do with the organization of the British Volunteers, and was sent to Canada to organize the Canadian militia at the timo that war was expected to grow out of the Trent affair. Colonel Percy, commanding the Grenadier Guards, ranks as a Brigadier General, and few brigadiers In the British service would object to exchange ranks with him. The Grenadier, Coldstream and Fusileer Guards constitute the "Household Brigade," the choice and pet troop* or England They are better paid than the line, more carefully recruited, and officered by the pure "blue blood" of England. These offlcors cam# to see the Army of the Potomac. Before their departure their commanding officer, Sir Fen. wick Williams, of Kars, enjoined upon them to preserve the strictest incognito in travelling throughout the United States. He warned them that our hatred of Eug!ithmvn> and especially of British officers, was ;*rfeetly diabolical; and that as their friend, Dr. Russell, of the Timrt, had informed them, social demoralization and anarchy were so prevalent hero that, if thoy were Identified anywhere on the way as officers of the British nrmy. they would probably be mobbed and murdered. Tbey were, therefore, required to disguise themselves and their baggage. Extra whiskt-is were cropped, and the names of the owners itainted off their travelling imptdiiHtnla. So thoroughly was this carried out that Captain Gordon was compelled by an orderly of General Williams to leave behind him in Montreal a trunk which bore his name and the designation of his Strange to say, the party arrived at Washington withfiut hlivilzfi ODftJ uLLu-Lf'tl hv the nnfinU nf thee Lulled States. They reported to Lord Lyons, and, their arrival having become known, they were appalled by a visit from Major General McDowell, who came?not to challenge them, as eouio of the i>arty expected, but?to exchange civilities and to tender them the compliment of a divisional review. After due deliberation the Invitation was atcepied. Precaution* were taken, in accordante >.th General William*' Instructions, to prevent the assassination of any membera of the party by bond* of murderer* hired by Mr. Seward. They croeaed tho Long Bridge without lowing a man. Some trepidation wa* observed among the younger officers when they reached tha ground and took their position in front of the division every man of whom, in the opinion of Dr. Russell, of tho London limrt, wa* panting for their blood. But the appearance of General McDowell and stair calmed their fears, and the review proceeded. Kor Ave mortal hours they bestrode their horses, watchinc th* evolutiona of the most perfect division of the greater', army In the world. At the close Colonel I.yaone and Colonel l'ercy could not help saying that never, in their long military experience, had ihry witnessed a finer spectacle. The latter, Colonel Percy, as spokesman for tho party, expressed hie gratification in a noal little speech to General McDowell, and was duly complimented in the response. No allusion was made by the Englishman to bis chief surprise, winch was that none of lbs party had been shot at. Gsnaral McDowell could not,ef course, guess thst this thought was uppermost in tbeir mmds. With the exqulslto tact so chsrsctsristtc of Fnglisli men,Colonel Parcy communicated to General McClsilart, whom he met at the review, bis high appreciation of me soldierly appearance of bis troops, and suggested that it would he well to Issue an order of the day elating that the review had boon witnessed by distinguished oflkcers of tbs British army, who pronounced the drill and ma nvuvrcs of the division very flue sod creditable. General McCIellan replied thst It ass a vary good jdes indsod, and that he should not fail to act upon it when ho had time. Pity be has been so busy ever since It waa our old friend, Sir William Boyd, who eaid tLat railroads in this country should be ruu with extra care when the cars contained 'distinguished Englishmen " Had not Colonel Percy belter have left him tbe roeoopoiy of the idea ? BULL BUN RUMBLL'B MOTKMENTB. I.L.P. Rursell has fallen from bis high sstste. Smco hi* sjsctinn, with bis fancy team, from a government transport he has been going rapidly down hill. He haa bad the cold shoulder turned to hira by even all those who were once wont to receive him with open arms He Is reduced to tbs attentions of a few English snobs, who will drop him sa soon an they discovor be is In bad odor. tub rnoroHKt) ci otihno duhbau. A bill introduced by Senator Wiiiun in the Senate today provides that:? Section 1. That there be and hereby is established in the Quartermaster's Department of the army a bureau of Ciotlilni! for the arm? ?r iu.mwi ei? ... ? w . , ,uv vui*v<t rvmr", * " WV?Il? DM of on* eolouol, ono lioutonant colonol, on# major and four captain*, from tmonK lbo odiccra of lha regular | | army and volunteer*, whnao tank, puy au<! rmnhuncuUI i | shall hn repetitively tho rams ta now ttllowud by law to < | officer* of the saute grade in lha Quur tarirm.tsrs Doparl* niaut. i I Wr. 3 ?II ihall ba (hn duty at Iho rblafof tb? Thrown of Clothing and Ml subordinates, whan rilreclad by Iho grrroUry it V t tho guarlarmiiator (Janaral, to preside tba necat--a / clothing and-camp and garrison | ai'iipaga for lha army nud tum It ovor,ttpon |?r. per ro'inMittona, t'' iho officer* or tho army charged nlth , tranapottirg an sitting it to tho troops, and to poiform til guob d.iliaac< nrcud with tba clothing af tho array ! M may ha dlt otcd by tho Saoretary of War or tho ' Ogtrtarinaotar (lanaral. And tlio offl.erg herein pro hiail for shall giro bondo aa now required by Ian-for other nKrere of tlia qiur'siBaatar'a department, soil Day aha'l fet 0-i?ject to Otiltlog r*l?!ailone for tho ear* ] W YO NEW YORK, FRIDA1 Jid accountability of properly, and to all other army egulalious not conflicting with tho provisions of ibis ,ct, and no officer of the Bureau of Clothing aball be con- ti erned directly or Indirectly in the purchase or sales for ommercial purpoaea of any intended for making a part o f or appertaining to this department except for and en a iccount for the officers of the United States; and any " ifllcer found guilty of being interested in the business ounected therewith shall be dismissed the service. TUB KAILROAbH AND TUB POSTAL SERVICE. Tlio House Committee on Tost Offices and Poat Roads tuve agreed to report a bill to secure the speedy trans- 9 xirtation of the mails, In accordance with a recommen- r lation of the Poitmaster General. It requires all rail'cud companies to contract with tho department for this iurpoae,*nd, in case of failurs to agree upon the price, ^ he Court of Claims is to bs the arbiter, whoso decision t ball be final on both parties. r LKTTBR8 FOB SOJ.D1KK8 IN THE ARMT OF TMC POTOMAC. Tho Poat Oflico Department bus .ssucd the following no- , lifiralion:? Pout OFU'ie Pfi'artms.nt, April 3, The Post Office Department deems it advisable that all n letters addressed to olllcers and soldiers of tbe Army of t the Potomac, whether in Washington or moving .South, t should be mailed to Washington city. From thatoffiie they will be properly forwarded, iu separate packages, to c the respective corps and divisione, and th?ir delivery fa- t cilitated. Commanders of divisions are requested, as c movements occur, to cause notice to be given to tbe Postmaster of Washington 10 what ]u>iut such packages, ' destined to regiments under their command, should be ( sent. JOHN A. KAS.-ON, t First Assistant Postmaster General. ( TUB NAVY. The following orders and appointments have been , made at the Navy Department ? John C. Sullivan, Acting Master's Mate, United States ( gunboat Aroostook, bus been reported ae deserted. j I Lieutenant u. C. Wills*, detached rrom tho St. Lawrence, and ordered to the Dakota!). Commander Charles Stcadman, ordered to command , the Paul Jones, now preparing for sea at Haltimore. William P. Ayrcs,of New Jersey, and M. V. R. Darling, j of Rhode Island, apjwinted Acting Third Abb is tan t Engineers, and ordered to the steamer Dawn, at New ( York. Acting Third Assistant Engineer, John McCluskey. ordered to the steamer Somerset, at New York. Lieutenant Henry Erben, Jr.,detached from the Ilunta- , ville and ordered to report to Flag Officer Footo. TUB NAVAL ACADEMY. Tho Naval Academy Board, in concluding their review or certain suggestions, say a permanent locality of the institution Is of great importance, and also attaching another frigate for naval practice. The latter has for some time been contemplated by the Navy Department. THE CADETS OF THE MILITARY ACADEMY. Capt. A. H. Harwood, Chief of'the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, in reply to a letter from Representative Sedge wick, says, under the present system of appointment, hardly fifty per centum of the naval cadets ; graduate. This is because no core le taken in selecting at first pupils who have the rudiments of education either Intellectual or moral, and because ungovernable, 'gnorant and idle boys, expelled or permitted to resign, are eometimes renominated by members of Congress. Captain Harwood expresses tbe hope that the power to reappoint after the nomination has once been rejected for cause will be taken away. CAPTAIN LILLET CASHIERED. Captain William Lilley, quartermaster of the brigade commanded by General Isaac I. Stevens, has been tried by court martini at Beaufort,8. C., on tbe charged of "conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman," found guilty, and sentenced to be ceabiered. PROMOTION OF COLONEL VAN ALKN. Colonel J. H. Van Alen, of New York, was to-day nominated as Brigadier General. For several months previous to his resignation he was occupied ss president of the board for the examination of cavalry officers, and is regarded by the Commander-in-Chief as an officer of great ability and discretion. COMMUNICATION OTEN TO MOUNT VERNON. Tbe following has been issued trim the office of the Provost Marshal:? SrBiTAL ORDER?no. 343. Washinoton. April 3,1862. The steamer Thomas Collyer,under tbo control of the Mount Vernon Ludies' Aisociation, will l>e allowed to legume her trips to Mount Vernon. No other boat or vessel will be allowed to lund at that place. Major W. K. DOSTI H, I'ruvoat Marshal. C. E. Robdoon, Adjutant. THK HI IIEL TROOPS THAT OCCUPIED LOUDON COUNTY, VA., ETC. The following are the rebel troops that occupied Loudoucounty, Va., during the summer, fall and winter, and until the time of evacuation:?The Fourth South Carolina regiment, Colonel Blending; Thirteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Twenty-brut Mississippi regi ments, Colonels Burksdale, Featherstone, Burke, Kclley and Humphreys; and the Eighth Virginia, commanded by Colonel E. Hunter, of I'riucc William, and Lieutenant Colonel C. B. Tcbbs, of Loudon, and Major Norman Berk ley. The latter regiment was moved some days alter the Ball's Bluff fight tc Centrevifle. After that fight a Louisiana regiment was sent to Loudon, but remained only a few days. It is now conceded among the rebels that Ihc Virginia troops are aipial if not superior to any in the rebel army. Notwithstanding the brag ef the South Carolina chivalry, it ia charged upon them that they were the first to break ranks and run at the battle of Hull run. A large number of desertions from North Carolina and Georgia regiments are reported to have taken piece lately. The time cf the I.oudon troops expires April 23 MORTALITY AMONO THE REBEL TROOPS. The mortality among the rebel troepe during tho last saiiiuirr wan rrmi/ iriguti ui, as eviurnceu in a gi.ivoJarcl about eight units from Manassas. An Alabama regiment was In camp at tbo locality, and upwards of two hundred of the command found a Gnat resting place there. The average age of those who toll victims to camp disease, far from their friends and lioine, was about eighteen years. Many ware but sixteen, and the oldest but twenty years of sgc. The graves were placed in order, and a alab of cadur, with the nainc and age of the sleeper beneath, rudely ent with a knife, marked each. THE REBEL MAIDS CUTTING OFF TBEIH HAIR. A love letter, picked up at Mauassaa yesterday, con veys lb# information to a swain in the rebal army that bia aweetlieart had cut olf her hair, and that all the go la in tha Clean Institute had performed the same operation. The reason git i n for the proceeding was, that the girls tn Virginia m u warned for their sweethearts that their hair fell on I to an extent which rendered tbo lonaortal expedient neoes.ia'y. THIRTY-SKVK NT II CONOR BM. FIRM SKXSION. Senate* WasHixorow, tfsoi, isr2 i nrt.vrni qs tn* nei.Awxaa rivir ant> BAT. Mr W ii sun, (rep ) of I n , prcn filed tbe resolutions of tli* legislature or Pennsylvania relative to tbe defences of Deieware river ?nd bey, recommending the construelloo of gunhoalg, and tendering the credit of tbe State to the amount of a million of dollars for tbe purpose. Referred. rtm*o riise rob floathm timRia Mr. Iliis, (r?p ) of N. n., from the Neval Crmmiltet, reported tbo bill authorising the Secretary of Ibe Navy to teet plane and materials to render floating batteries Invulnerable, with sn amendment reducing the appropriation from (60,000 to $26,000 Tbs bill was amended end peeeed. rbi iii roN tub WIDOWS ASP obrilass or tor omiw AJtp evamsr or trb f.mnaar.aFD ji?d rosuswi*. Also, from the rame committee, a bill for tbc relief of the widows aid orphans of tbe officers and seamen of tbe hips Cumberland iuul Congress. Tbe bill glees twelve months' extra pay to tho widow, child or naarcst relative. Peeeed vh? Tel on nawnrArcHS ann uur tobacco. Mr. Dooutiib, (rap.) of Wis., praaenlad rasolul in tin from the l.egtelaluro ef Wisconsin against imposing a stamp tax on newspapers, or any Interdiction of Tree exchanges. Mr. Kavirrrv, (npp.)of Md .presented a memorial from lha tobacco planters of Marr aiul agalnal the proposed tux on leaf tobacco. til* abut ano rtOITIVR SIAVXS I Mr WiUoB, (rep.) of Mass., offered tha following resolution? Revolved, That the Military Committee be Instructed to report wheturr ativ further legislation Is ne< eerarv to prevent per ons employed in Ihe military aervlre ol the tinned Hiat<-s hoin aiding the return or having control over persona claimed ,o he fugitive slaves, and to punish tnem there.or. The reaolutton wtts laid oyer. ?a*Arrtii* or a cronnvo nruaAt'. Mr. Witsojr also Introdi r.cil a bill proyhling Tor a Bureau of Clotblitg. Referred d RK H T, APRIL 4, 18C2. tbb GRrBor or tmt war. Mr. Davis, (Unionj of Ky ,-offered the following reaolaon:? Resolved, That the war aha!] not ho prosecuted in any aplrit f conquest or subjugation, but to defend the constitution nd preaene tlie rights of the several Stales unimpaired, and lat the United Stales will prosecute the war until tiiia is seined. Tb? resolution wm laid over. tub makprrh ikrry armory. Mr. Wii.lry, (I'uiou) of Va., oilered the following:? Reaolred, That the Military Committee be Instructed to inuire into the stale of (he Armory at Harper's Perry, what I the damage done thereto, and whether it is expedient to esiore and repair the satin: and re-employ the wort men. The resolution was laid over. TUB OATH of ALLEGIANCE TO C1T12RV* ABROAD. On motion of Mr. Sinner, (rep.) of Mass., tiio bill to irovide for the administration ef the oath of allegiance 0 citizen* hi foreign countries was taken up and passed. A SPACE Of 1IIH BILL ABOLISHING SLAVERY in TUB DlB'lKlt.'l' OF COLUMBIA. Tho hill to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia rns taken up. Mr. MlDolcail, (opp.) of Cal., proceeded to'epoak gainst the measure. He said he regretted the introduction of all (hose measures, nud ho thought the character of bis discussion would not tend to restoro the Union. Ho onteuded that such a measure was especially inexpedi" dil at surb a time as this. The republican party was specially pledged by tlio President against it. Though 10 (Mr. McDougall) was oppoFcd to slavery, and consid o votu lor u bill pi jvidiug for a gradual emancipation of be slaves and a w isc system of colonisation. Mr. TknEtck, (rep.) of N. J., would have much pre'erred a i.ill providing for a gradual emancipation of tbo -laves, with Just compensation, and tbo submission of be question to the people of the District. Mr. Ten Eye It lie re referred to the views of the President, as expressed in bis discussions with Mr. Douglas, in 1800, and to tbo pledges of (be President to non-interference Willi slavery by tho republican party, as (be reasons why he expressed tbo ubove prtfereueo. lie (Mr. Ten Kyck) considered it but just and reasouuble that this question should be passed upon by the people of tbo District of Columbia. Mr. TaoMCi'i.L, (rep.) at 111., asked what propriety is i there in submitting a question for mine or the Senator's (Mr. Ten Eyck's) constituents to the few people here, 'Whether the capital of the nation shall bo free or not?" Why should not tbo whole people have a vote upon it? Mr. Tun Eves replied that slavery had existed in this district for a long time, but he (Mr. Ten Kyck) did not know that the business of Congress bud been impeded theroby. He also thought that tbo interests and the feelings of the border States ought to be consulted. Mr. Scmmw, (rep.) of Mass., moved to emend the bill,so that, In taking testimony before the commissioner a, no witness shall bs excluded on account of color. The amendment was agreed to by yeas, 26; nays, 10. Maya?Messrs. Bayard, Garble, Davis, Kennedy, Nesmith, Powell, fSaulsbury, Willey, Wilson (Mo.) and Wright. Mr. Clark's substitute wss rejected. The question was then taken on the substitute offered by Mr. Wright, which was rejected by yeas, 10; nays, 27. Yeas?Messrs. Bayard, Carlila, Davis, Kennedy, Latham, Ncsmlth, Powell, Sherman, Willey and Wright. Mr. Clxrk, (rep.) of N. H., moved to amend the second section, by providing that a claimant making a petition for payment for his slavo, shall take an oath that he (the claimant) has sot borne arms m the rebellion, or given any aid or comfort thereto. Mr. TamBru. moved to add the proviso,that such oath of a party to the petition shall not be evidenee of the facts therein stated. This was agreed to, and the amendment adopted. Mr. Bjtowm?to, (rep.) of 111., moved to amend, by prorirlln# l>ia( I hn ovoraos nrip* r\f (ha olavs mtimll he hundred dollars instead of three hundred, one-half to be retained l>y the Secretary of the Treasury, to be paid to the person liberated, if he eimprates to another country. Mr. B. said that we should do something more than simply liberate the negro. He did not believe the two races could live togeibtr with mutual advantage. Indeed, with all bis horror of slavery, he wan not sure but if the two races must live together, the best way for them to do so was to remain in the relation of master and slave. Mr. Wiimot, (rep.) of Pa ?If that is the case, why not propose compulsory emigration 1 Mr. Bnowwinc thought it was not tune to consider that quest ion on so small a measure as this. When the question should conic up ho would be perfectly willing to vote for compulsory emigration, and take Ills share of the responsibility. He did not believe that the nogro could ever rise to an equality of civilization with the white man in this country. Mr. Rrowning's amendment was rejected by yeas, 10; nays,.31. Yeas?Messrs. Browning, Hay Is, Harris, Henderson, Kennedy, I^atham, McDougall, Xesmitb, Willey and Wright. Mr Col lamm), (rep.j of Vt., offered an amendment lliat the owners of persons hold to service slutll put upon tile Ibe name and a description of the person liberated by the bill wiihin twenty days after making a claim for payment, or wltbin such time as the c< mmissioners may limit, under the penalty of forfeiture of the claim, and that the clerks of the court shall Issue certificates of manumission to the persons liberated. The amendment was adopted. Mr. McDoooaia offered a substitute for the bill similar to the one offered by Mr. Wright, providing for a gradual mancipation of the slaves, compensation for such emancipation, and Hie submission of the question to the people of the District of Columbia. This was rejected by yeas, 10. nays,25. Mr. Doouma, (rep.) of Wis., offered an amendment appropriating $100,000 to aid in tbe voluntary enngra. lion of the persons liberated by tbe bill dnd other parsons of color in the Diatr c|: of Columbia to Ilayti, Liberia or other country. Tliis was agreed to, yeas 27, nays 10. as follows ? T?AS. Anthony of Hhoito Island, I An* of Kansas, Drowning of Illinois, 1-nhniu of California, Col amor of Vermont, MrDougall of California, Carle of Kentucky, N<?-tnith of O.ogon, Hixon of Oounrclhml, Sherman ofuhio, Pool il tieof Wilt ' in in, Stark of Oregon, Knot of Vermont, Ten Kyrk oi New Jeraey. Harlan of Iowa, Trumbull of Illiuole, Hurrie of New York, Wade of Ohio, Henderson of Missouri, Willey of Virginia, Howe of Wisconsin, Wilmot of I'ciineylvnnia, King of New York, Wi'sou of Marsarliuseltc, lane of Indiaua, Wilson of Missouri, Wright of Indiana, aare. (handler of Muhignn, Halo of New Rampebiri, Clark of New Hampshire, Howard of Michigan, Kesseoden of Maine, Morrill of Maine, Foeter of Connertlcut, romcroy of Knnrae, Grimes of Iowa, Sumter of Massachusetts. Mr Ton ill., (opp.) of Ky., spoke against Ilia Mil as uiii'onM iiutu t ul, impolitic, and unjust to the people of Ihe District ahd the people of the Statu. Mr. lUTAHn, (opp.) of Del., conceded the right of Con grtts to legislate for the District of Colombia Mo admttted tho constitutionality of such a measure, hut objected to this particular hill as nncoDStituth nnl and unwire The bill taken property in violation of tho constitution, and aleo mix*:* up the quealion of loyalty and confiscation with the question of taking property. The quealion waa then taken on the passage of tho bill, and the bill was pasted, by yeas 20, nays 14, as fol lows ? yr>s. Anthony of Rhode Island, Howard of Michigan, Hrowt ng <>f Illinois, Howe of Wirionnn, t Handler of Michigan. King or New York, Clark or Now Hampshire, I,nue of Iu<iinon, Coilamer of Vermont, I ai.o of Kanaav, Olson of Connect lent, Morrill or Mame, It-mlHtls of Wisconsin, Pnmeroy of Kauris, Keaseudcn of Main*, Htm man of tibio, Foot of Vermont, ?nmuer of Massarhusstie, Koaler of Connecticut, Tan I yck of Now Jersey, Hrlmes of Iowa, Trumbull of Illinois, Hale of Now 11 urn ft hire, ,tade of Ohio, Harlan of Iowa, 'Vllkln?on of Minnesota, Harris of New YOtM, Wilmot of Psuney!*ania Wilson of tt*??achusetts. KA?!?. [Inyard of Do'swure, N??n th of Oregon, Sorlile of Virginia, IVn nl of Kentucky, Davis of Kentucky, Hnnlsbnry or Delaware, donderson of Mir? urf, Shark of (iregon, Kennedy of Maryland, Wlllvy of Virginia, latliam of California, W ,son of Missouri, ricDougall of California, Wright of Indiana. Ihero won a| plause in the galleries when tho Chairman declared the vote, Adjourned. Ilonee of K?pr?rntstlv(i. Was lit soto*, April 3,1803. rossinv svstkss o? rtsaxrh. On met ii of Mr Srsftmsn, (rep.) of N. Y., tho Pres ost w h requested, if in his on nton not 'ncomnatiblo ERA! with the public interests, to communicate any Information which may be received at the Department of State showing the system of revenue or finance now oxisiiug In any foreign country. THE TAX BILL. The House thon went into Committee of the Whole on the Tax bill. The following amendment, in relation to marine and inland insurance, was made:? Where the amount insured does not exceed a thousand dollars, the tat uj on the same shall be twenty-live cents: when more than a thousand and not en ceding me thousand dollars, the lux shall be tlfty cents, and when exceeding live thousand dollars, one dollar. The following amendment was also made as to mort* gages:? Where the amount mortgaged does not exceed $5,000 tho tax shall be 111 ly caul",..nil w item ex< ceding $.,(?.), one dollar. In regard lo both the above amendments it was agreod that where the value or consideration iusured does not exceed a hundred dollars, or the mortgage docs not exceed the saiue amount, there shall be uo stamp duty imposed. The following proviso-was rejected;? That any such mortgage given to secure the payment of purchase money lot rial estate shall be exempt from any such char, e. An auiciiduu-nl was adopted that the stump duty on any nolo, check, tuuriuo and other spudded protests shall be twenty five cents. An amendment wan offered, debated and rejected, imposing a tux of oue dollar on ouch passenger travelling on railroads within tho United States. A proviso was also adopted that the stamp duly on manifests, bill* of lading anil passenger tickets, provided for in schedule II, shall not apply to steamships plying lietweeu ports in the United States, but to Steamships plying between these (silts and the ports of British North America. An amendment was also adopted that no writ, summons or other process issued bv a Justice of tho Peace in any criminal, law or ecpiily suit commenced by the United States or any State, shall be subject to tho pay. ment of the stamp duty. The medicine schedule w as altered so as to provide that medicines,cosmetics and perfumeries, by whatever naino the same huvo been, now are, or shall horoalter be called or designated, shall pay, when valued or sold at twenty live cents, u tax of one eent; not exceeding fifty cents, two cents; uot exceeding seventy five cents, three cents; not exceeding one dollar, four cents, and for every fifty cents or fractional parttboreof over and abovo oue dollar, two cents. Playing cards are to be taxed twenty cents a pack. The consideration of the Income soot ion of the bill, JHlBBU'l uvrr yf'Btcruny , ?no huw tonuuivii. An amendment, was adopted Including the telegraph, (as and express companies, or corporations, uudur the income duty. It was aUo provided that the net gains or profits and incomes only shall bo estimated, and that the duties on tin omes shall be payable on or before the 80lh of June, 1863. and in each year thereafter, until and including the year 1866, and no longer. Among tho other amendments mude was, that furs of all descriptions, when made up,should pay a duty ol thrco per centum ad valorem. All the sections were acted upon excepting the two relating to appropriations and allowances and drawbacks. The Committee rose and tho House adjourned. THE NIAaARA AT HALIFAX. TWO DATS LATER FROM EUROPE. The British Press on President Lincoln's Emancipation Project. Opposition to His Policy and Hostility to the Union. THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. FREE TR4DE EXTENSION IN FRANCE. flAH.TBAT.TVrs RECEPTION IN MILAN. Plan of the Revolutioniftts for the Liberation of Hungary, Ac., Ac., Ac. Hauvax, April 3,1862. The Niagara, from Liverpool od tho morning or thu 22d, amiQueenstown on the 23d nil.,arrived here tliin ovoning. The Niagara arrived at her dork at four iu tho uftornoon. She has thirty nine IWion passengers. On the 24th, signalized the Arabia, and the fame day an American bark, showing a blue Hag with a white cross, bound cofct. Mkirh 26, passed ship Magnet, from Now York, bound cad. A report wia current in Liverpool to the following tilted ?Thai fix wealthy Peruvians have takon the guano contract; that offers have been mude by them to Rankin,(iilmnreand Ib'ldorness, and Chilton of Liverpool. The Peruvians taka aeertnin amount iu Ixrads.aud receive three per cent commission, and live per t out 'merest, and two and a half per cent on charters of hip*. The Ku.a arrived at Queenstown on the evening of the 20th and at Liverpool the 21st ult. The American! Questiou. OPINIONS OK T1IK BRITISH FUK.NS ON KK. LINCOLN'S tMANl'lPATION PROPOSITION?HOSTILITY TO TUB V If ION STILL PROMINKNT. The London Timm, tn another editorial on Mr. Lincoln's emancipation message, says It can hardly bo lookod upon aa anything more than an invitation to discuss the I subject iu Congress. It is clear that If slavery is to cease, even in tho border Slates, the change must he accomplished by other means Man wiose ui winch lie points, which means, it 1* ceitain, arc totally inapplicable to tbo whole Union. The Timet Tour* the proposed utopta of compromise will bo dim cult of access, nor docs it believe it will shako the revolution of the .^onth. A* a proposition, howovor, which rnaj l>e possibly had. to the cessation of the frightful conflict,the Tints thinks it worthy of discus ion. The Pres.dent truly says tbo expenses of the war would br.y up the slaves in any given Slate. If this lias any moaning it is that the money now devut.d to keeping up the armitt of the North m.glil lis more flean/tiffrcuil* il<iottd to ttu rzliuc/fan of r.'oiny in those regions which are inconlestihif- in its power If they are content to <-?p the slave Stales which have not acceded, and to try the plan of etnam eipation and r. mpensation on them, tiny may, i( realty In earnest, accomplish, nfi?r a tun#, a great work but with tho expenditure 01 $2,000,010 a day, and w ith nothing but ahinplastvss lor money, the plan < f attaching the wavering slave owners by component on m ist follow tho fate of so many other attempts nt compromise. Tho Ixvndon A'tics tlntika the proposition fair, moderate and magnanimous. It says the scheme affords at least e {/>*?{ basil for a comprehensive, practicable and amicable debate, only tho Dubllt . by whom it hOS to be discussed. in scari ely capable of the order needed for real deliberation end decision The London Star also approves of tbe proposition Tbe London Herald th.nks both aide* will regard it a a dishonoring compromise. The I/mdou I'oU treat* it as a peurile and vain to heme. II says it can only be accounted for aa being tbe fart relt urte of a peerrn stent which fitll it ii mfliifffd in a eiru,; git whiih. 1/continued, muit inwlvc it in ruin, and which il would make any ran dice thotl of eubmiaaion to ar reel. The lyondon GUI* regards the proposition as a piece of political strategy in aid of General jfcUollan, which it certainly well limed fur securing the border States to the North. It also regarde tbe etep as a symptom of deep nitgi'ing In the Washington C abinet, touching tbe impolicy of pursuing far beyond tho limits required to establish boundaries and arrange the relate lis of federal and Confederate States. Great ilvliam. Tne proceon ngs m Parliainout on the 20th were unimportant. Mr. Layard, in the Hoiiso of Commons, answered some inquiries relathe to tho Italian "f roved ment?" Comm.ttoe.bnt thought It inconsistent with tho dignity of tbe Italian government for English Ministers to lay paper a relative to the nlTkir before rar'namenl. In tlie liouso of Commons on the 20lh, Mr, Ihtxferopposed tho espendlturn on fortincetioos in the colonies' except at great naval stations. R.r 0. C. Lcwla thought the defence of the colon Ion wag , oftrtl* a oolonltl ami parti? a military uoeetten. At the a D? PRICE TWO CENTS. present moment there were two great natien* winch ba<l subject to their rulo as largo a porta u of tho globe as they could well govern?el*., Great Britain ami the I'mted States. America bad adopted the principal of centralization. England toeir a dilt'ereut course. It had even local'egislution, and did profess to bring its colonies within direct range of the central government. It was assumed thst England receives groat benefit front the colonies, and if that was the case olio win bound to protec t them. He thought it impossible to lay down any general rule, and urged the House to be very cautious. After further debate Mr. Baxter withdrew his propter tion. Miluer Gibson obtained leave to bring in a bill to amend the shipping arte, and give effect to sosne recommendations of the late SblppiDg Committee. The Atlantic Mail Company, Galway, had addressed a letter to the Treasury, assorting tlio ability of the company to carry out fully and faithfully all the obligations of the contract in a manner satisfactory to the government, and stating their intention to ask for * renewal of the contract and restoration of the subsidy. At the annual meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph Company the Hon. James Stewart Wortley, who occupied the chair, stated that Mr. Seward bad addrossed a despatch to the American Ambassador at London requesting him to bring tho subject of telegraphic communication under tho notice of the English government, and oneiingto join in the enterprise. hord Palmerston promited to receive the deputation on the 21st Inst., which would be coinpoEod of rocmb?rn of Parliament and others Interested In telegraphy. The following were elected directors in the plate ' those retiring by rotation:?London?George Feabody, Francis Iebreton and John M. Brett. Vow York?Cyrus W. Field and William ?. Dodge. Halifax?Thomae 0. Kinnenr. Tlie deputation above mentioned waited on Lord falmcrston on Friday. It was large and influential, comprising members of Parliament, hankers, merchants and others. Thoy strongly urged upon government the importance of connecting thojtwo countries by a telegraphic cablo from Ireland to Newfoundland. Lord Palmareton promised lo bring the subject before his colleagues, and the interview is said to have been very satisfactory to all parties. The steamer Stella, from New York, with goods for the Great Exhibition, has arrived at Plymouth. Government has invited tenders for the construction of an iron steamer ou Captain Cole's plan. It is to he fitted with eix cupolas, each armed with two Arsastrong 100-pounders. France. The Corps Legielatif finally adopted the whole irtrws to the Emperor by a vote of 245 to 0. The Paris Patrit, in rogard to the alleged plan of arrangement in Mexico, again asserts that nothing would ho determined upon until the arrival of Gen. Lo rentes, who took out formal instructions and the programme of the French government. General RoDay bad gone to Toulon to emhash tor Mexico. The society for the propagation of commercial lofimm in franco, had unanimously resolved that it was aspedient to repeal all customs and duties cn raw ssottria/ for building and fitting out ahips, and to sssheilnts all flags as regards customs and duties. The Parle correspondent of the London runes regards thin as the staph Mm portant free trade manifeetation yet made in Prone* The Bourse on the 21st ult. was firm and aethreoi Nf. 10c. for rentes. Pams, March 22,lfififi. The Bourso is dull. Rentes 70f. 5c. News salsaportant Italy. The Pop# is again ill, very weak, and confined to hid bed most of the day. All audiences are suspended. Garibaldi had left Turin. A perfectly good understanding exists between him and Ratazzi. Mjlax, March 21, 1M2. There was great enthusiasm and festivity hero in hoMfi fif r.arilmMi Insf nichl at hi<t hntrl. Hungary unit Austria. The AUinruu, of Milan, publishes a progrtmmeof M? lion in Hungary agreed ou by Kossuth, Klapka and TurrTba principal point? are the eetablnliment of ccnetilu" tiouul kingdom. with the exclusion of the llapebnrg dynasty, civil equality for all the inhabitant* of Hungary, a-iil an offensive and diffenalve alliance between Hungaay, Servla, Crotia and Romclia. Prussia. The King has Issued a proclamation in which be Arsaly declares hi* adherence to the principles which he announce ! m Jfovsmbor, 186S. It ie I * ea n.-st desire to insure the complete effcetivsnessof u.e o. n-tit, 'ion aud maintain the rightof the crown, as a weakening of the crown would bo greatly Injurious to the Fatherland. Foreign policy, especially towards Germany, is to bo maintained without change, lie charge* the Ministry of Male to carry out his prmci" pies, and looks with conildoncc to the support of electors. Greece. A deputation from Vauplia had arrived at Athens Imploring the King's clemsncy. A despatch from Fyria says that the royal troops had restored order throughout the island. Turkey It is asaerted that, after nine months Solicitations, Omar Fasha obtained from the Porte pormiasion to attack Montenegro. IVrviih Pasha. with 10,000 Turk?, was moving on the Montenegrin frontier. Tho Montenegrins were making great preparations. Commercial Intelligence. LONDON MONEY MARKKT. Fnn<1( on the 21st were firmer, under the farorahk* bank atatemeht and improvement at Parle. Contois closed lirm, aud advancing. Money very easy. The bullion In the bunk is higher, with one exception, than at any time since 1*M>. Consols closed on Friday evening (21st) at 93;* a 04 The bullion id the Bank or KngUud has ?621.000. A VISION uri RITItO. There baa been a fair business, but quotations in many cases are uonnnal. United states 6'* 82 a 84 United flutes 6 s ....70 a 77 Massachusetts 6* 94 a 96 Maryland 6'a ? a 80 Illinois Central shares, die ? a 43 ' New York Central 72 a 74 Erie ? ? 33 MANCHESTER TIIAPK REPORT. The advices from Manchester are Tavorable, the market for goods and yarns being firm and quiet. 1 LIVERPOOL BIIKAPSTI FFH MARKKT. 1 The breadstuff* market is dull. Wheat h is e down r ward tendency, with a (light decline on atlqualttiee The various circulars report ?Flour downward, at 2<le. Oil. a29s Wheat dull, and deelineil 2d. per cental ; red i Western, 10?. fld. a II*. 8<l.; red Southern, lie. 8d. a 1 Is. , l(id.: white Western, 12*. 6-1 ; white Southern, 12s. Bd a 12?. lOd. Cornqniet and steady ; mixed, 28s. 9d. a 29*. LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKKT. > The provision market is generally steady. The various cirou'ars report ?Beef ective, at a declinonf 2s td. a 3s. Fork steady Bacon active, and advanced Cd. a Is. lard Arm at 43*. a 44*. Tallow stoady at 45a. 6d. a 48*. LIVERPOOL PRODUCE. MARKKT. The broker*' circular reporta :?Sugar uiactive. Coffee firm. Hire quiet anil steady. Aehes quiet for pots and no.til* at 33? fbi the former and 3'2s (til for the latter. I.mtced oil advancing,quoted at 37*. a STe.Cd. Sperm oil quiet at 91*. Codoil steady at 3K*. Ronn hail an upward tendency; common, 12s. 5.1, a 12a hd. Spirita lurpcotinc advancing, and quoted at SSa. a 70a. LONDON MARKETS. Breadstuff dull. Iron dull. Sugar haa a downward tendency. I.oflVe Armor and advancing. Teaquiel, with a trilling advance; common Congoa la. l)gd. Rica very dull. Spirits turjientme Irregular. and quoted at 6Ss ? 70a. Tallow atoady at ira a 4?a 3<l. Unseed cake* have a dowuw.ird tendency Unseed nil advancing, quoted at 3#s. <W. a ?t>e. 9d. Whale and cod oil* inactive. THE LATEST MARKETS. Consols Cloned on Saturday, March 22, at 91X a 04'^ for money, * The latest aalM of Amor!can securities were ? Illmom Central I allroad,?? a 42 diec mnl. trio, 33 a 33%. Ltvmroot., March 23,1RR2. The alee nf.c"it"n yesterday amounted to 3,000 bike, thr market closing steady but dull at unchanged quotations. The broadstuflk market is very dull, with a dnwnwaad tendemy. Hi* provision maiket closed quiet. Lard and bacon ware firm at previous quotations. Havhr, Mar< h 22,1302 ' The rales of cotton for the week have teen 3,M)0 hales The market ,? quiet and steady. Orleans tret ordionti. 165 francs; has, 147 fiance. Stock iu port, SI 000 ba or Election In 9111 wit nitre. Mil wai'kkn, April 2, (SOS At the municipal election yesterday, Horace f'lstso democrat, was elected Mayor. Nearly all tlio denuuratm ticket also elected