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THE REBEL SITUATION AT CORINTH. lnMC.vity In Itic K. l,< 1 tamps? (lloouiy Pro?|)' rU fur Ihr Kulnrt. i ui* sa^v-idi oce ot the liagi.-sier ] Mrxrujl, Ten#., April 18. lN'X Doth armie seem to have settled Iwn mlu ? Tinot. TL.' otamoie or h-ss sktnnHii. g between the pckatA and rivalry in the couiederit^s inyai "W g H the t*et 01 ii It ha*ramed almost iinii;r?cru,? i?<ily siaca th* l?utl?i, and (be condition of the roads Is -ucli as to render them Ira -assaole to a. Hilary and hagga^e train* It 1.4 not probable ! oretore. (bat iho enemy will uuderuko any 'fi'onn ?>? iu >t<m> eut of a general character tor souie days?kM-ruaje Mil f"i 1?? week*. The seutire of 'ha Memphis and1 harlenton Usilroad at riuntsville, should create no ?i*rm U is to ne regretted, ot courae, but it bus be?u expe'ted for some time. lbe army for the defenr?of lb* Southwest has already bovu m .re or ie^s v'oocenti *ai?d and should jt be touud ceces ?aiy to call far additional trooj* from the south Atlantic States, tbay cau t>* forwarded by anoiuer route. Tbo interruption of rojiimuiiicatU-n by tb " road will doubt one interfere with tlu arrangements "T the Quartermaster 's Department, which ha* b<"n drawmg a go U duul of -forage fr ni points east of Huiitrville. So m <h greater tbo ueco??ity, therefore, thai evo y blade of f d ler and overvgraiu of corn in tb# oocton .State* should be <are ftilly" husbanded. Nothing upon which man or b v.-t can subs st should be wasted. Tboro is ao reason to believe that the enemy will ?eek to move down into Alabama from Hunteville. lJis desti nation in Memphis and New Orb-ana. He nuy occupy so much ot Alabama as lies north of be Tennessee rtvor, but he unit hard y venture tocro?d ta-river gofarauat. That portion of t!ie railroad lying north of the TennOHgeo river cannot be much, 11 any, less lhaa one hundred miles long. A com;i'efo muster roll of the federal expedition up the Tuuu.i-, e>> was found ou tho battle field. !t shows that lho onemy had a force at and around the battle ground 01 61.1HJO meu. This incl ides thi division of ?.e;i. Lewi* Wallace, at Crump's landing, four miles below l'i tabu-g, and which was i. ? cn^avod untaearly Monday ui tiling. There we e twenty one butteries.averaging six pieces to the battery?thus niak ng the ntunbar of thoir g ins one huudred a. .1 two ty six. Al ter do luctin^; the di vision itO'iuip's I 1 (ti g. ar owingS Oo0'or the sick, we havj a f r<? 01 4--t,5u) mem. The -e nun we fought on Sunday Tiie forces opp- rod to us on Mo.ilay, 26.0O0 of wiioin w ire 1 resh troo^. wo;e nti.1 larger. Allow 10,000 for the captured,killed, wounded and disabled on Sun day, there woul l still ro . >in of the orlgiaal force ;<l,000 men Wallace's division ; f 7,500. and DieTn reiu:'orco menl-<, who rami up Mull lay. roughly osti;nated at IT.000?-making together ^5,(100 men?would swell the fedora! army oppo>ed to us ^lond.v to &1.000. It would ho improi<or, purliaps. to "tier any eatiuiate of MM foroee engaged on our si WbeB all he beta sba'.l have come out, however, then? will be ibirnd aidili.'tial reason f.?r the pride wo 80 ???!*''y r??-l in Southern arms and Hout'iorn prowess. The corfelerate fories w>re chixfly from Alabama, Mississippi, I?ui.siana, Texas, Arkanais. Tonnessee and Kentucky. tieorgia was repre sented by an oxcellent battery and a line cavalry com pany, and gallant little Floi Ida had a regimon; on the tleld. Tht condii'im of ajfairi vp the MitsiuipfA rirrr is ly no mi w/t<f<vimry. The redaction of Island No. 10, tough anticipated, Is a very serious blow, and trill be ?1 'o'oeU so-m, 7 fear, by the faii of t'<r' Pillow, lliero ?vauld be no ditBoulty'la holding'ttio river against gun boats .;loou, but the caao is vory different when there is a large co-ojwratlng land force. I ne<A ttot rrf'r to the d^pfcra'.V that would follim IK* fall of F'iri PiVUn), Ih'j mil rtadily oeatr to thf miiid of *oerj in'eM gerU irad" Klveo the enemy's gunboats and three mortar boats prooeedod to Fort Pillow Sunday morning, the 13th, and opened fire upon the garrison. Tho bombardment con tinued wthout results up to ton o'clork, at which hour the oourier left. Kirmg wa^ heard here as late hs two P. M. by personii who were out on the river, and again ?o yesterday, Monday. The town is full of wild rumors some of them -going so far as to state that the fort has fallen. General* Price and Van Dorn Kit Route for Corinth. {Oerreepoadance of tbe New Orleans Dolfa ] Miuuua, April ll.tiMJ. All Of iMt night steamer after steamer arrived here with Van Horn's and dice's division from White river. Early in the evening General Price arrived, and was followed by a clamorous throng to the (isyoso Hotel, where, in response to the continuous cheering of the tnultitudo, ha addressed them a fow words. He said h" felt deeply the compliment paid him by this demonstrai ion, but would preier demonstrating his gratitudo to his lellow oonntryiTi -u on tue field, wliere ha exacted soon to be heard from more lavoral ly than from the stump. The time [or speech making had and the time for action had arrived. He hid c >mni"fvced this service without man, nionr.v or mum (?'.Nie V war , now he e? :M boa .t of a gallant hor-W> of ti- ie fao.dhirs not inconsiderable in numbers; and un^ur |?:i sed in valwr and zeal, who would stand by him an fa.1 by th m to tbe end?'or weal or woe, comc wh.-n that boor may. He had returned the arms and supplies li ? had borrowod to begin with, and still retained ati indant supplies lor tlie valorous sons 01 tbe Went, wski by thorn in the confliow of th > past fur ^ture uso He expected soon to be beard from in the thunder.n ; iocioe of the cannon, the roar of musketry and tbe clash nig of bavonets. lien.t*i lYioe looks to be shout sixty years of age. re markably large in person, with marked dignity of <le aaeanor and manly bearing. Omtral Van Dvm will bt hrrt this morning hi, th th* re SMis^r af tke dinVien. They arf of' count deitinel for 0swA. Rebel Promotions. [From the Richmond Kxatnmer, April a3.] Acot April Ti, 1802 The New Orleans Picayune has a tic<: aua irjin Co* rftith, dated the 18th, which says the report in the Meotfbis papers ef U*e lauding of a lederal force HH Fort Pillow ie untrue. OenersU Br r? ti'id^c and Hiud raau tiave been appointed \..i,oi <;#jer < s t onel Th nta.. Jordan, Assistant Adj'ttan (Ji-. nrii ti C neral Heaure gard, has l>een appointed :*,rigi,tiiur tieuecai, and Captain Jeok Morgan, Colonel. Rabat Fears of the Union Cunboati( i k'rom the Ktcbmord hxaaiit.e.*. April 33.; At the Ulu accounts our i??. .-?<< *.?rc ia Us neighbor hc>d of Oonolh, a por': >n of I "in beltr-oa Ooriutli an J Mouterey t or into !? I went v-tv.o nil* * from iU? rrvof. Monterey ia about tweh-e uiics m m Corinth, in the di rection <k tli* rnrrny Die roids iro said to be ia ?) borrid oondltion, tbe lines of ou. amj being just bey "i J the worst portion. JTit- it nn pro-f^l of an adt'i mir+mm* agmitul the msmy on <fr pari, tot th? avideat raor-oa that we cannot get awuv froea th? nr?r, wlitro b? ia supported by his gunb.wti, wbi< h ailord au c.r aad convenient rofuge for bw retreat. Tbo falisc^ of the rirar, however, must soon compel lha juuboata to retire aad if the out:my should commie so long in h.s po*iti<n be would have nowhere to fail bat.k u(>on sboi t o> B ? I lug t.reeo Fremont Going to Corinth. [From th* Richmond i xaruiuer, April AJ.| I.Tt'iim r.<, April 23,lSfl'2?Tbu KnofVlll* Rtfitl'r of F?u 1*7 baa reliable Information fr m Ka?teru Kent1* ley that hremoot a>s left that scciiva , with but wbulc for,? Soma 30,000 men, for Cor;nlU. No Probnblllfy of a Battle?'The Rebel Cavalry Hcdncxt to Inlnntrjr?Rcbtl Caii.inaadin(; Ufhc?rs. (SpecUi coriei!puuileii?s? uf tUa Meu.pUa Afg"?. ] CoRt.vm Mies. Ap;<l 1*. 186-.' Morgan's squadron, the !vt of C'tr (trees to leave ll* battle ueid, urivod here Una looming. l>ay More yes terday a faueral r 41 me lit of infantry snd one oi csvslry ?i a out ??'curing the country, four or' tlv? tulle* from the battle liatd, wtian th-y were mot by Morgan's T-art ron, a detachment uf Alabama raralry and I/mi-tien* in fantry, and the federals put to (light, with a I >?* of twenty three killed and two Ukoo prtsone-s. Our kfct ?>a two wvindnd?oca mortally. The enemy stili occupy poeit*** adjacent to the battle field, no ooM'derable portion tlieir forces having beeu removed, but, oa the contrary, thsir-r,umbei i have Wn augmented by arrivals from INducah and Cairo. 1'be refusal on tba part of the federal oomuutudsr to re? erve the flag or truce sent for 'be purpose of obtaining far miaaioo to bury our dead, is rbara>-tertca<.l aa an act of ortel inhumanity, and was done oniy toftiield fr o> tight tbe liav or and destruction we had treated Every day the probabilities of an ?'taiK on this place from Sbiioh are heron,mg lees and less. It ia wrmised, and aot without reason, thai ibefore* on T?nnt?*ee river will oadeavor to form a /%tnc'ivn uitk <ha> already n? llmu/iill' and ri*rat**t nn4 vn.'S ia onrpow*nng -rniw rtw ? ???.? >i'ipammtMUptorr, o<itaide of which thay fain to tiallav* tba <vwfe<tera?y has no healthy exi >t ?oca Whaiaver may be thrir daaign, the fondly coa na<vaa achema of capturing Corinth will cartainly oa ta war ted, and tho menacing armiea on the Termaae?e aad in Alabttna, poealbl)', be placed on the defeaaive Aa order has recaoi 1jfbeen mailed by Oeaurai liaaara la dismount a?vw th'.<i*and cavalry, tbe men to traaeferred to infan9y eervte- This wWi have tba adect of largely inereaathg tbe ethcuvararca of the army, aad beoomae n?ceaaary from tba great seerclty of forage, tbe large surplus af cavalry aad tbe pre?*ti,( need of fcarwa far artillery aarvtea. Oar .n nf country art alino* urnIru aad are employed to advantage aaiy aa scouta aad oa picket duty. Of the 4,000 avsirv at tihiloh oa thedtb and Ttb nstsnts, but three cba'jea wero made by thvin and tbeee only by bodiae of from !**, to 100 man each. . Tba following general offl^rs have recently been ap to?inted by iba Preaidaat, art.' are on duty with Iba army bare ? (.eneral? Br*iton Bragg. Mvir Oenarala? B. F ' beatbani, T. 0. Hlmiman, Cgm C. OrerAinridga. Briga<llar Generals? B H. Helm, P. R. Cleburna, Frank liu Gardner. Tbomae Jor'lao, William Pra*too AUre<l Moatoa.Uaurgo Uanay, To theee at ist now he added Htarl!ng Price and Karl Van Darn who are now In or near forinth ?Fo Hr*w.o Pollco InltlllgiaM. rtm 09 Ddoidiut Oojnwrr,?David J. r*^ g *cd 1 ?r A. Lfmu, both of New York, ware 7?i"wi*jr ?> > ight Mfor* the Honorable Judge Rrenoan on a Ua>?? rf tatng indoooot Mid abn?l*e laugnage to Mr C. fl. nhauabau on the !i?th of April iMt, M well ?t lor tit t*ioaing hit life ud tociting Dim to fiuirnlt a br?>a< h of the public peeea. Tho per lie* implicated had t,re vi-MMlf boon arreted on ? warrant from Judge Bnopiio, V .-Vooklyn, on ? <harge of grand larceny, at thorn ?i < o< o i?t Mr .Hhaijelmn and In 'hi* abutting ?nd vlllify ttig tho complainant trte anhnm w.t* to indnoibimto %reok tho p*"?oo and ma|a him^olf amooablt to tb? !?w. Mo broach of itepMwttl, b?#e*ir, oofimitted, aii?l tho oflWadore w?r<- duly ciMJ ami hold to ai.awei to the Judicial autlioritloa Mr. Junta y. Cuppaidge, on tlie ?art of Mr Hhaoahan applWl for the pneip?r>em?nt ol ikocaM, aa oa oniial wlUioaoea wei> naavoidablv ah-ent Mr Harrington, on the i>ert of iba J?r?n ??m did not ?ffor any ol^otiofi, but ?<p'<M>ad a dovus thai iba mat Ur *bt>?ild (>? mteablf arranged Mr. C ippj.jge ia?i that but iMtruutlina w?tie ilia) thatae* abonM i,? im.xj.nd v,**' jodioiail/ and m 00 otli< r way. The learned Judge ?m I U?a? be eiw no re?<o > wlij > iiomiiwD >m,oiH au > T-i MgraiiMd. ?rWI i-dO'Ol ?' a ao'ling'y THE GREAT BATTLE AT CORINTH. Plan of Che Battle of Corinth. A correspond ol a Sew Orleans paper, writing from Corlnlh.wrr?Ttwplauui Us battle. wU*h we under. stud is due to tli* geLliM of coneral Beauregard, Is the suwigest, one hmowu in military so ence It was composed of three Unta?the ftont. eentre and ruar?each line having iu conlre and twoJnnks Tb* reserve ?u attached to tli* Mar line, end the artillery placed In i?>8ittr n between the rroni and con r% ueu. Hardee commanded the front hue *'*n l>r?gg the second aud Gen. P?lk the third. Generals Johnston end Huaureg ird remaining with the reserve. Ueu. Bragg a so haloouiiuind of the artillery, Gen. rrudoau iwtmg The writer also giyea the annexed brief outiiee of the ground upon which the flglillu* to.k place, and its loca Hoc as regards the Tecnesseo river and rorlnth:? The |K>?ition occupied by the onenay was at a point called Shiloh, which w composed of an old ohuroh, and a framed house. distant three and a half miles from the river at Pittsburg Landing. Pittsburg landing u the place where moat all the federals landed, and where they kept their reserve in men, guns, and stores of all de acriptloua undar protection of their gunboats and in aignl of their transports. Their camps extended Irom the river out to Shiloh and two mi lei" beyond, being almost an uninterrupted line of campe tor a distaaco of uto miles. _____ General Order on the Death of General A. 8. Johnaton. The following general order was nsuert from head quarter* at Corinth by General Beauregard ? llKAUviUAKIlHtS A BSD or UlMMPMf, 1 ComirrH, Miss , April 10,1893- J Soi.dikrs?Your late Commander-ln-l hief, Oon. A. 8 Johnston, is dead, a fearless soldier, a sagacious captain, a reproachless man, haa fallen. On* who, in his devotion to our cause, shrank from no sacrifice: one who ani mated by a seuse of duty, aud sustained by a sublime courage, challenged danger, and perished gallantly Tor his country .whilst leading forward his brave columns to victory, his signal example Of heroism ami patriotism, if imitated, would make hi? army invincible. A grateful country will mourn hia li?s, revere his name and charish hii many virtue?. G. T. BEAUREGARD, (isnoralCommanding. A Mistake on the Battle Field?Two ltebcl Regiments Filing Into each Other. [Prom the Mempis Appeal-] I went into seveial camps and tried to get seme lists of killed aud wounded, but found it import b ? to them strictly correct, 'i'be huttlo lield w so tar troni t'or;uth that another day or two tuu?l be allowed for strat-;lei s or wounded to report them.s?-lves. While engaged in that bosineas I learned from an aye witness what 1 believe to be the real cause <rf the mis understanding which occurred on thfebattlc field between some Louisiana and Tennessee regiments and induced our troops to tiro ono into 'he other. Somegeueri. s awts had brought a message to the Tcnncsseeans. than in 1-ne of battle in front of one of the enemj 'scann>s. Beseemed very much cxcited, and was very boisterovs, riding at a fiwious rate along and through the line, dressed ui a federal uniform, which he had procured from the ene inv'scamp, and which had evidently belouged to some Held officer in the federal army. Altor this as the reg. ment began to uiove on, he dashed through the camp, was mistaken by a Louisiana regunaut tor a federal offi cer leadlug Ins regiment to a charge, and at uucoa nre wis opened uiwn him, and the Tennessee fcroops moving bahiud.and returned by the latter. Before the mistake was discovered some casualties hal occurred on both sides. I undoi stand that tho ottlcer who created the d.:ll culty wus nudiad witU builats aud talldaad. Mrs. Lincoln's Brother Killed [Prom the New Orleans Helta. 1 Mr Samuel B. Todd, brother of Mrs. Lincoln, died .p the bavtle field of Shiloh of his wounds received in ihe action ot tho 7th of April. He was a gallant private in the Crescent regiment and died in deleuceof liis couaiiy a~ain?t the hireling invaders whom tne husband ol his sister, Abraham Lincoln, seut to desolate our couuiry and dishonor our poople. NEWS FROM THE 80UTH. The Conscription In Bust Tennessee. [From the Kit limoud Dispatch, April 23.1 Our accounts from Kist Tenues.-ee represent tha' tho conscripiion act has occasioned an intense commotion among the milk-and-water patriots ' f l ast reiine^e* Whole counties are i ising up and moving towarMs Kt n lucky. Such is the harvest fcpnngsfrom tho teach inKSof dial double dyed traitor <.we!l called Apollyou Brownlow. General Smith is doing what be can to :ir real the stampede, bnt, as a corn ?paa-!?ut,inform? <???, t is like "damming up tho Nile with butlrushes. Otueral Price's to the MI??ouri State Onsid. The following is Ihe aldrassof tieneral Sterling Pr: resian uE tho command of Ihe Missouri State (luaid.? HsaiMCARTKRa Mi?0VR? SraiK'iK, \ t)KM Arc. Ark., April 8, l??-. | Sot.mffKS Of th* Statk Guano?1 command you no onaer. 1 have this day resigned lUe'-oinmlsniou wir ^.i vo ir patient endurance, your devoted patriotism and votu d.rini.ess bravery liaro made ?o houorable. ! bav-. ! done this that I may the better serve you, our State and our country; that 1 may sooner lead you back to me f-i tile nrairiea, ihe rich woodland* and unwdin streams ot I our beloved Miswuri; that I may tlr- more cerieiajy re ' store you to your once hippy lioines. and to the 1>' ed ?0p*volthousa?d of those who have f-vigbl Side by snls with us,under the grimly bears of Missouri. nav? fol lowed me into the ( onlederste camp iTiey appeal to ialdo bv all the tender instuoriee Of the pa.t. uot to le'ive us now. but to go with "? whertver tue i.ath m duty may leud. tUl we shall have conquered a peseeand won our indeiiendonce by brillisnt deeds ipou now fields Midlers of the State Guard-VetTan- r,r si* pitched battles and nearly twenty Blc rmi*lie??(on'i'ierors In ihetn sll?Your (ountry, with its " rnin"d hearwiand hrine? " calls upon you to rally once mora in b?r ?e fonca ;?nd o har forovorfrom tba tornble thra'aom which Uireaiec-' her. I know tint she vjri'l not cilj In yain The insolen' and luftiro'is' wh..!i hare dared to invade our soil aDd todisecra'e our litnnes^ have rust me? wuh a signal overthrow beyond the Si r ils?ippi Vow is the time to eud this mhappy war. If everv man who wdl do his duty, his own root will she ? er him in pea? ~ frwn the <toriiis of Ihe coming winter. I*t not history record that the men whi b. te wiih r atience the privatlonsof < owsliin prairie, who endured uncompl.?inmgty the burning heats ef a Missouri sumuisi anil the frosts and snows of a Missouri winter; that the men who met the ea?my at r?thai;e, at Oak Hills, at j..-rt -Vott a* I/'Xington, and in auntberlcss lessor ha il? iields in Missouri and met lb m but to conquer tliorr, that the men wli> fought so well and bravely ai Ki'.vhorn iUat the unpaid soldi ry of Missouri were, after so many victories, anl after fO mm ti suffering, unequal to the great U?k ol hieving the independence of their nia.n. ikent State. . . -oldiers. 1 go but to mark a pa.hwav toon homes li me' STKKM V'i l'KICV Uhal '-Vellow Jack"1 Will Do. .from lia Petersburg Kxpi? ? Vpril^T.J The l.ews from New orleios is most uepres io^- but a? men we must mako up our muds to endure Should ttv? V ttiKo^a attempt t#} hold vh?! city tua yellow icvat* -mm I soon do for them General T/.vell couVl not do, ha I i ..? not Wept up th? old tuns of falling back. ManuAirtorlri in Sirw Oil?an<, [From tbo New (>il?ara Croecenl.) Wearegeitiug ?.n^in fine, advjci.os; eriori >'i?iy?,a '?nic bran^hee of roantifa?tmef. We U<iv? noticed -ao'tle and eoap factories, una factories. general marbme fho|* end oil ??'ompamee Now w? have to fjlk 01 the *??* a- j tloo called the Confederal# I.eatber Macifacturtu^ i'om peny. We |i?aiu that it i? actually to !>e cart ie<l thru ?<t>, ?bat the company has a?c .red it* service* of a tlr.<? rate , artisan an/1 ?lra> irb'<iaian. The -Turks Mill b<- in r?a<K n??* shortlywlion two h'mdr?U ?><jos of i- ather aro e.t- I V^rfcd in bo turned mil daily We hope thciie prom:-*#* and e*pr?'ati.>na will be rea'./e-t.and reduo* the pri<-e of ecl? leatli-r from one. dol'ar min ten rents ;>or pbnaJ down to at .?-a*t forty or Wiy cotta, t(aiii*t thirty ot forty ceuti, the prlccs which wore current a year a^o The public and a!l consumers t to hare to pi* higher price* tor all lex-Ai manufactures, premising Ui?n. ti) fee of be<ter quality than Northern kin<.?, yet tb?y do exp?'-t to bare to pay the ex Inordinary figure of one dollar |er pound irw eo> laaiher, or oce nandred dol- , 'am j?r do/?u for i ?ii? ak.a.^ We ar* auxioua to know i?/w far tbe Confederate i.?aib?r Mannfact'iringf'cmpjny ? an aid tn eupplying tb? toman.) fer 'h:? NMMWirili fc. There ia no want of hides. they can be fnrnisbad at a touch lower price than the Northern taaifries pay The talk is, glre <ia cheap leather Prun'd'a ?nd *o?t >k 01 are not wanted. The t'ulomlata Demand the lairrndtr of Tampa. Florida. [From tlx U.ctittX'Od kxaimiier.) SA?a.N*aa. April 22, 1M'4. The post Mil from Taupe, Florida, baa the following a tiuouii cement eadorsed on it ?" The .y.aimander of tbe bV>K leading fleet, within two ml!?s of Tampa, Uaa aeet a >>oai hpre and 01 dere-1 ih> town ia surrender or be boatbarled. Major Tltotnaa re plied ? Cuaeoo, th?n, and take <ia, t ?hal not I irremler John Minor Botte. [From tbe Hi hmond Kxaminer, April 23.1 It was r inior-d and believed yvsMrday that the go* erainani had d? !<led to ?on<l thi! ^ntleman farther South. Fan<(ut?i County. Virginia. iFrom the Kb hmond Diapj'ch, April 2i \ The Yankee-, ia very email force, are still committing depiedatione in Kan<|',.er and the aliaoat counties A few day? slnee a body X four or UTe hundred visited Warrentei. and carried^p ill the atock of medicinee of the only two drug stores m ? he pi*,*. When out army fell bank from Manaaaa, the ronled<>rale govet oment of fared (? purchase then ueduiinea hut the .<?!? ??i m fueed un the plea that tbero w. re uo other drug atorei m ?he?urroun<llrg country, end tbe "Midenta or that aec tio?ooitl<1 not m?u*ne wlilio-it phyei< Tt)? result i- the YanWe?a have bagg<vi th?> whole of it. Brooklyn Diatrlct Conn, IJcfore the Hot Judge floer im V. S She ttoh'in t?. CM "if) J. Tmnhitf 1'0'f At i,, an* For grjad larcenr, iIT"n^rjn.j prl?ate residence, m r*egiaw gireet, Brooklyn, eei/ ., and ?'ifTJ'inlwith force end violence ? loantitv bou.ehold fuinii .te V-oka and >(ber e4h>rta, the pro-.erir or the compiaiiMW, ou uie 29th of April ia i Mfwre. Bemard, ftp } Jame* I Ciippailge ?p. peared for *lr Sbanali^n, ind thi Mftndaa'% were ebly repre-M<?d hr et-.ludge Morri*. Very little progrfea *?j ma te ,u the p*ei nunarr et an?in?tlon of the f?.-e fjl* *ne wi'oee* **M heard, th>? ??to ?.examination by ? idge Morna #o<:upy >g ? maldera hie time Bjr oeuaen*. *r ?>'jrt-<ei the nee ? h Mi i irirl jqi T >t?'lay ndtt FROM WESTERN VIRGINIA. ! (?'oieiuor Pr 11 point a fa ndidiate for Kc election. l> rom the Wheeling liitaillgencer, April H J A i AKH. F*l ow (Vtzras- The proceedings (f a m<M'log held at Fairmont, in Marion county, anil al*ohf uue held at fuiut Pleasant, m Mason county, in both of which my actiuua a- executive of tlia Stato, during my abort oU.clel career, are ondor-vd, and placing ray i.ame before you for re flection oti tho fourth Thursday in May u<xl, togeiber with numerous jotters trom ditlerent parts of the ,Stale which hare beet re> rganized, requesting me to be a can didate for ro-olac.lou to the office pruv L-iunaliy held by ma, all bearing the marlcs < f sincerity, H would be etfacatlon in iii# uot to ledge that this confidence of my fel low citizen* is highly prized, and peculiarly grainy ing to me. i belisvo, with all the fervency of mv nature, that there wa* an overruling Providence In "ha i ic?very and settlement of this country , that il was to e?:.b!inh the great tiaths thai uian is capable ui self go\ i.-iuaent, I that true sovereignty resides in ibe people; that tiug a trates are .heir ageuts and servants, and accountable to them for the dt.?charge*of their duties. 1 huvfc always thought that our goreromunt, both State -tad naiioual, is the beat with which man ?i> ever Messed?giving lo the people tho greatest aawiiat of the fruit* of their own labor, with the loaal taxation, leav ing open ail the avenues for the re waru of merit, whether in the pursuits 01 private life or to official p uition. The religious, moral, Intellectual and physical development of a country u the highest test of the mfl louce of the government oa ita people, Wheu the rebellion broke out laat year I ftrraly be lieved that It waa a premeditated attack upon tho con stitution of the United State? with the intent to destroy the liberties of the i>eeple of this country. In opposing it 1 did il aa a duty to myself, children, country, pos terity, and to God, who ruled tho universe. It cannot be that ? government so great and so good has fulfilled ita destiny. God la with the government, and wiU aaeiat In ita vindication; and the service 1 have rendered in the accomplishment of that oojcct, have been ? imply those I oncolved to be my duty aa an American cilizeu. Tim reorganisation ol' the State government has received my whole attention; and in m> official capacity I have done the bast I could?tu aome instances have failed, psrhaiis; but not (or the want of a desire to do ciieve lint reorganised gevei anient has fully met the expectations of its most sanguine friouds. If it be the will of the people to continue tne in the position I now occupy, 1 .shall work, un.tbatingly, for the restoration of l>oa.'o to the State, pursuiug that line of policy which uiay seem ')e.-t oulcilut d to produce that great objsct In a revolution like thin it is impossible to tell what a day may bring forth. My short official oxjierience has taught rae that pers evering oflort.guUtcd by rectitude of pur|io*e, i* noce-sm y to moot the euiergeneiaf that arise with the rapid changee of this revolutionary period: ami wuh n tlrm reliance on llitn who dues all things wed, that H? will so diect the means to efloct the end, and bring ori'er out of confusion, and restore <ia lo unity, peace and happin>as, I submit myself to the u-aoi my friendi .is they may decnlo in tha coming election. Wawitt, Va., April 25, 1862. F. H. I'KLRI'OINT. Chamber of Commerce# (ISVKKAL ANDBRSON AND SKROKANT HART PRBS?NT Kl> WITH MKDAL8?ANNI'il. 0PKM1N0 OP THE CHAMB8R?K LECTION Ot OtFICHRS, Ktl'., KTO. The chamber or Commerce met and organized for the euauing yoar yesterday aftaruoon, the room being crowd M to overflowing. The announcement that Gen. Ander son and aomo of his gallant compatriots in arms who had detendod Fort Sumter wouht be presented with medals, together with the important busiae?a which was to be transacted, drew together the large number present. On the eairance of Gen. Anderson he was greeted with hearty applets*, and tho Chamber immediately organiz ed, with Peletiah 1'erit, Iv^t., President. Gen. Audemon was thon introduced, and the l'iutsii>R.vr proceeded to read an addrebs previous to presenting him with a medal which Uid been prepared specially lor that hero at tho expense of the Chamber. Tbe speaker reviewed the iiuportauco of the services rendered the country by Gen. \iidor.='in. and o\patiaic<t ou the gallantry exhibited in i ue ?'etewe of Kort Sumter until its surrender. He con eluded by prosentiiig tho General with the rnedal ng a testimony of th? high esleeiu and respeot with which the galiarit soldiec was looked upon by the ('lianiber of Commerce. f' Asiucksov then st-jpjied forward and said ? Mr. Pre-elent and gentlemen of tho Chamber o, Com merre, I regret, now, and assure yo i uio-u deeply, aftui tbe flatleriiig rourtri.s which liavo been pa.d to mo, 'hat the d* eior has prohibited me ademptin^ to apeak, in eotia*M4i<erv# nt iti? feel?l? Simla of ?njr htfil'h I Iha-il; ;,ou wariuly and in')."t sincerely,?enllamou,for the bonor y >u haw done me iu this pteyiulation. 1 believe the time wi'l come when this cmntry will b? one country eg mi. (Cheer-.) The Hag which my father, and, there is no douot. yo..r fathers, nerved to establish, will .main "ver all the land. (Applause.) Sumter's (lag l.? now within your city, and I trust ii will sojn be in Its old poaition again. (Cheers.) Mr. Bit .it begged lo correct tbe President In regard to ? ?tie sentence whi'h ho used. Fort Sumter wua nut ? iurreiidei e'l;" it v as " svscuated.'' The correeiioo was of eourse acceded to, amid loud api>.?' so It was then propped that tho meuibe;*of tbe Chamber shoubi i<a"h shake hands with'.encral Andeison, but,a metnbor auc^eet ng that in ronsw^ueae* 0t' ?>?:; h^at'h11 would be better to give him three cheers, it w acvordingly doni.-with a wifl. Setgeanl Hai l , who is uow connected with the po're in this city,and who uailed tne nitional colors ioilw s;jff of sumie .aiter thev lia 1 h-ou m'v.iv, whs nex( uitr->li caii,sn<i likewise p's<?ii:ed wuli a medal. General A.vtiaR-wix, afte the prosentVinu, taking Mr. ll.irt by the baud, said:?l'h.s nis i, a'tlutigh ast a sol dier,did as much in protecting tbe fort ns any man who w is theie Ho was .u Mexico with uie; was at Fort J initer aj my confidential frland and in charge of the mark"! and tasil depai tnr uis. Ho was tbe man nal'e s the flag to Hie mast wh?n u was shot dowup-^Ap pla Gen-ual Ani'wrs n and Mr. Hail then left the rovtn amid a storm of applaiae. oRCA.xiz.anojf or tu* ciumthv Mr. A. A. I.ow bore rose, and, in sum- complimentary remarks, p-occeded to ru minate Mr. I'eletiah Pent f ? Preaident of the Ikiard, when he wa?unaniino-islvele? ted Tbafoi:<>wing are the electiona yesterday, mad'e accord ing to the us. at routine ? fret In*?I'cletiah Per it. Ft ' t'i t /V*. TViysl Phelps Sievi V"' /*>' .<lei>'?A A. l/iw i'trf frer?I4wiu( Rogert. Ki -viict <A/e.?.!!/?'?I baric? H. Marshall. BfDr> Cha n' cy. Win. I liodge, .lames (iallatui, .-hephanl ca'.idy.Kathaniel I.. Mci'ready, .lames l?. p. Ogden.^'t gu-st'sC. Rj< hardHenry A fJjiythe. BeujamiaR. Win throp. r .MM- ire t>f A'Wivtivit?Ro'iei t It. Mlntnrn < ban mall. Tt i.-l"- of t/V III 'l'u/ton I lit iSf Hj ein/>< of M'.r.hntU ('I'll.'?Matthaw Murray, H W f Maloy, Cbtrlcs A Tracy. Hi* neit onic er tobu elected was aSec-et?ry. Mr. tiiAUi.i .1. \Iakshai.i. hoped the election would be ;x>kt|?'UOd un'lt the next meeting. A uirrular liad been |i'! 111 .c' a l'Hi: but no one knew from what aource it ? tme. If tb.s cnsi! ir had been iasuel wMb tba Voo" i,..ige of the Secretary, it would be necessary ioi iiui in give a.t explanation to tbe Cbatnbei iu regard tu .the nnltar. lie'did not mean to charge iho Secretary ? Willi anything, bill be did uot like any :nde-h?n t wuli I he .stier e?? re'-ired to s rpe<;Uti commit lee of five, c.oii.n-iiug "t Mei*rs. Low, Richards, Bsbcock, M'.utit ar.o i !ak i. Iho . iTular spok'n of by Mr. Marshal! Is relative to the a|?}i"!iitmetit oi a l*re? d> n' of the Cnaniii**?. together ?> ;.}i oMisr olfe e-s ?i,d in r'laiu ?rui e) eiton bill. It bears the signature >f "An "Id Meir.b-r. Che i .I'owing were elected lucuibera of the Chambet -? iiimuel ilallet, Reg na'd H %r.t',? ?vi. < hsrlea s. Beyllt. [?niee* < iy!as, Kdwicd C. lonoolly, Hobart Ford, I>en.ei Pdwiu Haw ley, .'siu/s I.. Truslow, Walter Underbill, William W. Vorinihe and William I . Warren. the 9>nimiUee api>ainte<l to tike in hand Ilia matter ?t defending our lakes : eported, through Mr. Rn^glea. tt>st it wa* eutlrely r-.-a-tb e. *nd that i aptsin Knc&eon had staled it aa his belief that tt Oo ild ba dmne with Iron iraft or sufficient Site, iteperl acc epted ?Ddndfte>l rs ftie. lbs l'f.*-navT ceiled tbe au?niion of tb* Cbamber to tne aehiect of naiionai tesa'ion, and thought it nrcaa aary 'ha* a larger comtntueo sbo ild be appumted to pro* oe*d to WaahiogVin in order to further any improve n^etii-that might be greeted upon the same. IbeioU lowui&Aanuemeu wer? tnea appointed aa ae.cb t.ton t ' ii rTM*ni Vpdyke, A. A. Ix?w, W K. lk>dge, W. ^"r^wnith, F. \\e?iray, a C Ri< hards and Kara Nye Mr. A. A. I.ow offered a resolution wh.i h waa a4"pted, e^k ng that a cmrui'tee ot Ova be aptiolnied lo pru< ?ed 0 W..?h:ngton, in order to'.to ifcei the mteuJed meaa ire ergaulz.rig a I1< el of ateamer'- between San PrewHco and ' h aa. Messrs A A I/> ? W T. Celetuaa, IV Mosd'ey, R. W WaaumaodK W- stray were damgnated sa euch i omiiuitee ' merai w wn nvrve<l that tbe |?rtra;iy of ail th<ee win have '^en Pre* denta of the Cham^?r, now living ! sbould be taken end hung upon the walls of vhete> ra 1 he resolution was adored, and (he Exec dive Commit tee ostr iced to further the same s; in xh a? si.bit. The Chamber then a^urned. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. 'fHtnsnAY, May 1?6 P. M. The storm, and tl?e reaction which was inevita ble after so active a day a* yesterday, tendad to check bnsin>'?? thin morning. and wo have tore l?oit a quieter dny m all quarter*. The demand tor money wax U*aa active than yesterday, and ?ome bankers complain that they cannot place money at 5 per cent. In the street six is still paid on railway stock* in many instance*. Government i? doing an - Bori^oub dnanciul btuinete at preaent. Mr. Chose i? paying lu-< w?y as he^oce, wjth ibe nid of one year certificates of indebtednesa; the payments at the ."job-Treasury amount to aeveral tui'Json* a day. whieli go into bank, and come tia^k the Mib-Treanity to be deposited at 5 per cent, ofefery million eo paid out to eontra<?tors by government, from ten to thirty par cent is proflt, which scefes investment on the Stock E*. chance. Hence the advance in dividend paying stoc ks and houds. This state of tilings must con tinue a? long as tha war. If it continues tiN A ignst next, the l>tg>kers will by that time have r >*>*!>!/ (aveated for Ifcoir ^u*tyinet8. who money than has come here for investment aiuoe 1866. There wan a fair demand for billn thin morning and bankers, having sold all they had to nell' rataed their rate to 112% and 113. Thin afternoon I 111% was freely bid by the brokers; but we heard of no business. The demand for stocks continues, and a large business was done to-day iu dividend paying secu rities and first class bonds, at an advance over yes terday's prices. At the first board Erie bonds rose 1%, Michigan Southerns 1, Cleveland aud Toledo firsts 2%, Paciilc Mail %, Panama %, Delaware and Hudson 1%. Burlington and Qtuncy 1%, Prai rie du Chien %. Government sixes were too freely supplied, as was to be expected after yesterday's sudden advance, and they reacted % per cent. A similar reaction of about % per cent took place in Erie, Erie preferred, Central, Toledo and Rook Island. Parties who bought these stocks a few days ago realized a handsome profit by selling them to-day. As the circle of buyers appears to be steadily widening, the probability is that the reaction will not last long. After the Grst board the market was inactive. At the second board the market rallied again, and there was an active demand for governments and other leading securities, the whole market closing firm. The following were the last quotations:? United States 6's, registered, 1881,87% a %; do. 6's, coupon, 1881, 97% a 98; do. 6's, 1874, 89% a %; Indiana 5'a, 80 a ?; Tennessee 6's, 57 a %; Virginia 6's, 67% a 58; Missouri 6's, 60% a %; Pacific Mail, 111% a %; New York Central, 85 a %; Erie, 37% a %; do. preferred, 62% a %; Hud son River, 30% a %; Harlem, 13%a %; do. prefer red, 33% a %; Reading, 45% a %; Michigan Cen tral, 6ti% a %; Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana, 23% a %; do. guaranteed, 47% a %; Pa nama, 120% a 127; Illinois Central, 60% a % Galena and Chicago, 68 a %; Cleveland and Toledo, 42% a %; Chicago and Rock Island, 56% a %; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, 64 a 65; Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien, 27% a %; Cleve land, Columbus and Cincinnati, 112% a %; Illinois Central bonds, 7'a, 88% a 89; gold, 102% a %. One of the bank note reporters has the follow ing pertinent remarks about government secu rities :? Mr. Chase is now running his financial machinery in a way that is us sure to secure a rapid runu.iig ot the de mand notes into the six j<er cent stock' named on the back ot tb? recent issue of notes as water Is-nure to tlud its own level. If, then, a tweuty year Bix per cent federal stock, redeemable at the option of the government after live years, is worth par, whit are the other ( lueses of federal securities worth? The powor to redeem the twenty year sixes at the option of the government at any time arter five years detracts from tholr value, as compnrod with a twenty year stock not liable to such contingency, at least* six per cent; there tnro tUe aiies now on the maiket are worth, with accrued interest going to the purchaser, 108- The T 'MO notes earn to the purchaser, during the t?n and a ball yours they have to run, three per ceut more interest ttian a six per ceut stock, aud they ure lundahle into t wonty year six per cents, which are not liable to be called in before tho full expiration of the twenty yaiH; therefore tho 7 3-10 Treasury notes are worth 109. The twelve month certificates of indebtad iioas are certainly threo per cent le^a valuable than the 7 3-10 Treasury notes, and fortI>?r less valuable to a*> amount that the fundies,'privilege is worth. An option or "call" to lake a twenty year fodoral stock at }4ir at any time during two and a lialf year* would readily bring 'sper ceu' on the stocks. This muke.n a 7 3 10 per (en; Trenstiry note worth f>)? per cent more than a certificate of indebtedness. These estimates are care fully made; but it should be remembered that they are on tho basis of a six per cent contingent stock, or the stock into which tho legal tender notes are fundable, at par The Terre Haute and Alton Railroad was re cently sold nuder a decree of foreclosure. The bondholders who had uut prevtoualy invested were cut off with a very small dividend. They are now exceedingly anxious to participate in the benefits of the sale, but are refused admittance. The sale of the La Crosse will take place in a few ?lays. Those who have not brought in their bonds stand a good chance to lose their Investment. Af ter the nale the outstanding bonds wiH have little or no value. The deposits at the Sub Treasury to-day were 11,*00,000. The business of the office was as fol. low#:? Total receipts $2,978,M6 60 ? for customs 236,000 00 I wynientl 2,447,832 16 Balance 13,140,142 5a The exchanges at the Bank Clearing House this morning were $25,!?13,60l 92, and the balauces $1,720,706 90. The Bank of the'State of New York has declared ? semi-annual dividend of three per cent, payable on the 1st inst. The Atlantic Marine Railway Company, five per <:< nt for the six months ending December 31, 1861. payable on demand. The City Bank of Montreal ha* declared a semi* annual dividend of three ahd a half per cent, pay ;ible J'iue 1. The statement* of the banks ^ the three prin ipal citics of the Union for the last week com p*ie vi ith the previous one an'd the corresponding time of 1%1 a- follows:? iiofn??, />?/tntit*. <?". ciittivp. X. Vert, April 2" IIJl.OW.K'i MI,iT'7,4r. S.I18.S71 Boston, April ?* iX'.MI.Wi ii.4iW.l-t4 8.09.797 ?,?I0,SH$ h?*?, Arrii njntu ai.iM.ow x?ix*m Total *-.M4.X>l.flm 144.S T K'S 80,017,14)1 l7,2S.','J0i t, v ?>, K 2liif4?.7>W l --.7rtt.240 49.3V7.114 I7.M4 La-t year 2II.K1,973 131.10 ?.?97 60.910,610 17,95?7.MI The following is a statement of dividends and interest money (o be disbursed in Boston iu May. except those of Roxbury city, the Dedham Bank at Dedham, New York Central Railroad bomls. and Salem aud l.owt-ll Railroad at I.owell. The month of May is the usual period for other dividend* not yet declared. The changes in divi dends. as compared with Not ember lust, are an increase by the Boott >'111" fi?nn ? to -I per cent; f'oncord Railroad. ; 'o ' Manchester and Law rence Railroad, ; to 4: Otis Manufacturing Com pany, 4 to 5. and "> **ell Mill* 11 per ccnt, apalrst 4- in November last. 'Hie Xa?ht a and Lowell Rail road *\ ill doubtle?" make a dividend early iu May: hut it hM no< vet )n??'n reported:*? fo/'itol. Dteid'iuO. .ftnoun'. CtmpCKitf Ua.1, flj .WriK. Malt Vity.'ft.'. Wool! Co tvfi Mi'l* tl,200,000 ? 4 IW Mon Wbarf Co ? KVi.rAM ? 2}? Columbia!. Miu if .ug ?'?.. ,0<)0 S A '~t? -.orU 1 M'KO S 4 M4lumn.Dk toooog 3 ;i M?iu? ?'?, 1S71 Int, al?o?it 3 3 Man* to?-n ami citrlxla.. Int. *bo<it 3 3 Man. Ji lAWiwrc* RK ?*>3,?00 3 4 y*aaacb-i?a?t* &>, 1#?W 109,000 2'i 2>j & a, 1*72 .. 100,000 2?4 2.4 K. Y.C?at. RR. 0 a, 1893..lot. about 3 3 Otic Vanuifcctili Dg 500,000 4 6 Roxb'.ry (lly bwida Iut. about ? ? Ri.mIIMiIM ... 12AG00 4 3 Swiiiu and Lnwll UK '2A\,.W> ? 3 Mm'rriUe Hum RR 50,000 24 2'. W?*t R< xb irr Horn* UK 40,400 4 4 U" lio gt a lilt mr ? ?,'?> 110.000 3 2 Total $010,l&o IK*0 U 3 6-. 10000 I* 9 81, .'>000 rtc 170M I 96s.'?l,co*ip IMHiO do 20COCSfln, II,Oiwl? 2M)00 '74,f txip '2600?('H6?,1 yrc*rt lOuO K"n'otKj #?.. UUOO Ml Caaal leg b* 2000 TlU-oup M* .'?! . .?000 lnd.ana Si 80 2iiM) iaiinaaa#a6^,'W) bl>? J000 N Carol,aa 0*.. 400 rl ?* 100<)0 <lo...... bSO uooO d" 4000 Calliorni a;*... 500 N Y l>ntial 7? 6000 KriaiUi-tnib'i'M nOOO Kria Hl!4th in b 8000 Utid K KR 1?'- tn 100 \? jooo H'MR irb"'* 102 aoo?K'.BfcQRR8p? b 100 ?)000 in b ax a W2; If00 >nt. :J000 M.-'? fb'i* ?* in' ? rOOO do. <?)0 100U ii' *n RK W. .'<>J0 ' U.< AN'i> lat ai 2?,oO T&W2d In jO"0 Ole k Tot a f 040 Ainanoaii f m loat* itvm?)o do ait* loe.^j lOWO do ?15 108 >| jfl-hA M?<-hani-i'Bk 118 |o Hank Oonmarr* 90t; 4<) lr? io| Bank 70 to Ht N&liotal Haik It 27 T*1 % H Oaaal Oo 01 It *? W* fiark ElcimH(t. TnrRW>*Y, Way 1, 1*.^ ?7?? 97 S t* s:m; m> ?0'4 ?1 ?;L w\ ftO:i 60 J, s* 103^ ?0V ra ?'a WO', 49 f,2'? <*?>4 760 ?ha N Y Can KR.. MJ, 200 do &'0 M 50 rt? MO M 60 <Ut ?J0 fl', lit do 85 17 do #6}, 75 Er!? l!R 37 200 do n*t 60 do <S0 60 iWj boO 37}, 150 Eri? RR pral' e*ji4 100 do 60 ftulaon R HR.... H> 50 do ifl'tf 200 TTHrtem RR 13 200 Hurloin RR prof, io do aa.v 81 <t?iin||t<,n RR... 70 lOOIKwd.n* RR . 4;>u 100 Mlrbi'oo RR.aUO ;? 3 V) rto bf> .'iO do b? .">? 50 Mkh-o*N !a RR 23* SO rto ?/?!), 60 Vfi r ti ?<o*N la k s 47 100 -to 4*4 140 do 47? ?"hi tU) <00 47 60 Panama RR 50 <M 10 <lo TOO tl! On RR nor .. 200 do 60 <00 t.30 127 .... Iuh \?H 90 K *>X do n*0 flov. 100 do ?00 0o)i 600 Ht f an o'd bacr.. 30 lOOCIar&PltW RR.. 18?t toot lav,)>?1 AClnRR. 113 60 iln .,,11 10 ?o . lit) 100 4o... lift 10 PftMllr M Htfl 111 f '^v ^ 48)^ ?^"Sa J!{ Vhl*,'*ldRR- 2W 100 do s?0 i:-0X 150 IVOvr'r' #1 v ?W d? ill J? MChi.nw '*&**? ? * 60 do seono'i .t?Mil*iy*. OUK" ? so <io...,..sio in 200 do . #0 do.. 111K 60 do ,1s. ' ~l\-r 20 do 111^ if, MUAPMuChl 1260 N YCen UK.... 85 60 Del,I, k Wes R^- Mh SECOND BOAKD. $4000 l\S6s,'31,COii 91% 60slisNYCRR.l>.30 **'i 600 do 98 tf do 6000 do 97V 100 do bfiO 85 \ 5000 do alO 07* lOOErlaRR s30 37? ' 1000 0 8 6 ?,'66.... 93>4 50 <lo 37J, | SiiOO U S 6'a, '74,oou HU2H0 Krle Hl{ pref 62^' 7000 Tr'y 7 3 10 i>c n 102>4 60 Hud Riy Hit 3ti*j 6500 California ; 89 60 Harteui KR pref.. 38 Si 60t?0 Illinois way loan 91 60 do b30 33 6000 do b30 91 * bOMich (Vri RR.... 56* 3000 do 91 60 do al5 6f>--,' 1000 Erio 2.1m e*,'79 104 276 MS&.V lud KK.. 23* 600 F.rle KK 6 m I). 88 1,V) j0 b30 23 V 6000 Kr KK 3 inb ,'83 \?6 160 111 Ceil KR scrip.. 60 K 20000 Cleve iiTol sf b 90 07 CI, Col k Cin KK.. 112 W 6000 TAW2ui.esin 62? 60 Cleve fc I'll U RR. 18j: 6000 do 52X 25 Stonlngion KK... 70 10300 Am gold 102)? 660 Cleve Si Tol KK... 43* 160 sha I'M H3Co.830 ill 400 do 43 60 do Ill Vi 100 Ch k Rock T RR.. 661*' 60 do l>30 111* 50 do 56? 26 N York Cen RK.. 84% CO M Sr Hr duCli RK 27 W 6*0 do 8a 25 M k I'r du Cl? lstp 60 Kectlpti and Disbursements of the As sistant Tr?usurcr at Si w York. April 1, 1K02, by balancc $93,823 Receipts during the month:? Customs $4,147,361 Patent fees 6,4.0 I'ost Office Department 466,780 Iioaua 22.910,225 Miscellaneous and transfers.... 12,901,6^9 40,610,317 Total $40,604,140 Payments? Debit balanco $3,591,948 Treasury drafts 37,462,391 Post Otlice drafts 402.:i?3 41,646,732 Balance April 80,1862 $J42,692 Balance, credit, disbursing ac counts $6 ,.36." ,16 2 Receipts during the montli 31,370,920 37,734,082 Payments 25,0O2,83S Balandk (12,731,244 Balance credit, interest accounts $515,251 Appropriation 1,500,000 Total 2,015,261 To payments 1,430,066 Balance 685,194 Receipts (Or customs in April, 1862 4,147,351 Receipts for customs in April, 1861 1,644,002 Increase in April, 1862 2,603,348 Balance credit bullion and expense account for Assay Office 162,871 <'j>iu received duringthe month... $98,171 Fins bam received during the mouth 102,217 300,888 Total $363,260 Payments In coin $81,699 I'aymcatB in tine bars 180,763 286,862 Balance $97,807 Coin and notes in baud, in As Hi.*ant Treasurer's Olflce $13,873,650 Coiu in baud iu Assay Office 84.336 13,457 987 Kino bars in Assay Office 14,317 Uiiparted bullion 202,613 ? 216,830 Total $13,674,818 Loss Treasury overdrawn, and due depositors 1,005,729 Balance $12,609,088 Business of tlic United State* Assay Office at New York for April. Deposits of gold? lorei^n coins $16,500 Foreign '.Million 25,500 United States bullion 67,600 $109,500 rwpooun ?r Mirer, including purchases:? Foreign coius $9,900 Foreign bullion 3,000 Unit ad States bullion (cont'd in gold) 1,000 14,$00 T.1UI 41-A.000 Total deposits?payable in bars 69,000 Do. do. coin <>6,000 Gold bars stamped 160,823 Transmitted to U. 8. mint, i'hiia., for coinage 72,752 CITY COMMERCIAL REPORT. Tmrwmar, May 1?8 P. M. Amhw The market w.n quiet aud 'Mies limited, at $5 for both aorta. BaMO-row.?! lour?The market w*s fi; m and rather better far the low grade* of State und Wostern. Tlio transactions, however, comprised 7,000 a 8,000 bbls.. closing within the following ranne of prices:? S iperflne State..... $500 s 5 10 Fxtra ?tate. 5 JO a Superfine WcBiern X> 00 a & 10 tVtmruon tooUoice extra Western... .. 6 20 a 8 60 Ctusdian 6 15 a 0 50 ?outhern mixed to good superfine 6 40 a 6 00 Fxtra do 0 10 a 7 00 tiood to choice family do 7 00 a 7 50 !tye tl >ur 3 00 a 4 26 Corn meal, Jersey and Brandy wine. 2 70 a 3 00 ?<~?uadwn tlour w?.? le-s activs, while prices woio un hinged. Ibe sale embraced about t'CO bbls., cl.binc within the rsngo of theabovw quotations. Sou'hern flour w as Una and iu fair demand, with sales oi about 1,700 bbls. at our (Iguree. Bye flour was steady at quotations, w iih sales of 200 bbls. Corn local was quint, hut flrin at the above prices, withss'esof 400 bbls or Jersey and Hrandywiue. Wheat was in light supply, and prices Irregular, though generally he'.d with ilrmnea*. -ales were confined to 15.000 bushels Canada club, [art at $1 1 i'i a f 1 15. aud pait at privat" turns, and lit,000 do. So. 2 Chicago spring, reported, io arrive, at tl. Corn was flrra at unrhangi.-d prices, w ith f ahts of about 30,000 bushels n*p>Med at 57c.. in store, to 58c. delivored,for Northern mixed, and SSc.Jtor J a) ?uy yc.i w. K?e wa* MttvO und li; Utr, wnh sales of 12,COO bushel.' Siate at 8-Jc. a a2';c., dourer, d. liartey and barley wait were flmi, wrfc limitei sales. Oats w?re In good request and firmer, with s? '?* o* Can at 34c. ? 41c., :U1U at 41 He. a J2u. for State. Comm.?1'he market w>s quiet. So sao.* of moment have transpiiod. Tlte.o w?? soi;ie inquiry for wxiort. Ohio*.?The market was li regular, and sales making clilul'y iu small lots, io ting up about 4mi Italea, closing at about a 29c., with oo aal< ual sm?U iota ?t a trlila above or under these tlK irc-, ac cording to the nircuin-'tiuc a governing the c-u-te. According to a despatch received in Chicago, Memphis i a. el? of tUe jtilh ull. ttaleu Kiut a C-Jin villivD of cotton piMitors -Si been held at ."'ultna, Alabama, at winch it via resolved uraolmo<.sly to reeliici tUo cultivation of eott<>n to MX) lbs. to the liaud. On good lands laborers produce about 4 to 6 bales each of the a arafe weight of 4">0 Ibis., or from 1,800 to 2,250 lbs. -o that the cirtai'ment. with the reduction irom the amount of previous a*-tag* crope, will be very Ufp*. Ifkiuhts.?Kate weietlrss. To Liverpool 8,000 bush els of wheat were engage t, in ships' at 84.; 1,800 bbl". flour at 2'. 31. a 4}?d. .n>l 500 boxes Imod at _"_'a ftd To U odoo 100 . ??ka hams at 22s. ?d.. 400 > >ar&oa lard al 2Z*. hi., and 1(XI l>oxea ba.ou at tba Mice ?'gura. lla'es toother |?rt* *ero melange*]. Hat.?The market wee steady, white sa.'es wereligtii at 00c. a TO. I or shipment, mixI m TAc. a tor nty uae. Wotj??A small sftlu (10 bbds.) of RjrlHuloa wax made at 26'. The atock of of aii kinds em bodied 3, JJl bhda., estimated wi'b b6L? reduced to hbdj. lidoM Savai ."*io*iw,?Splnta turpentine waa f*m, wiih galea oMOOhbls. al$l 45 a |1 17'* lurmuun roaln was b?M al $8 a >8 12', par 310 lbs. Pkm-ioa?i*ork?The m?:k<t dosed beavy and 1?rd active, 'Wing to Iha laige Ktoik m market. Tba so lea embraoed about 900 bbia., at fl2 M a $12 70 I'or meas, and $10 a $11 V> for prima. Tlw stock embraced a total of 8# ,000 bMs , wbK'ta was larger than w.ia anticipated Baal was firm and quiet, with saies of 'JOo bbls., at |13 I2}i a $14 0>r plum mava, and at $14 60 n $16 l'or extra nii-u Tba swvk of beef amounted to 24,790 bbls. Oil naeat* ware suvwJy and the dcmard moderate, witb salaa of MO packages at 4 '^C. f?r 'r.T sbouWera, & ,e. for bams, and 6fte. a 4>ie. f> r plain ticked. Bacon was us* hanged sates of J00 b' ia? oi heavy short oiear tnldUJce were made alAo l.ard was Orm, with sales of 500 package* al 7,'io. a 8)<c., vlth small '-alas of cbolre at State butter waa mil nil at 1*'. a 18<\, and Ohio al 13c. a 10c. Stata 'lissaa at To. a 9r.; i.o Ohio waa in market. Si oar*.--Tkte market \*M stnidy. with tales of 660 hhds. Cuba*, < hlefly wltbin the range of 8'^c. a 7?<c. 100 boiaa liiown Havana at 7c., and 2.004* boxes Brazil on prir ile tei uis Hie lollowiog wna the sloe* ?n tba 1st of May ? 1801 1*12 Cuba, bhda 81,480 20 04* I'oriO Rico 6,404 I,MH Sew Orleans 0,02*2 282 Kngltsh Islands 789 678 8i. troll To ? tidal 43,816 22.724 l?oxe? 31,014 474 260,1*90 78, MO Ma'ado, hbds 8,110 39f> Tounw was ateaoy and transaetio na moderate. M?niMi.r tMnxuri of arorss or truriaa tobaioo. tfarana ??*%, kagxa. Yam. Hnie> Hal**. flnlsi. Bo fieokon band Apnl 1, 02 .0,314 1,904 400 068 Haealved sln< * 932 417 ? 87 Total 1,240 2,381 400 669 Sak?f to April 30, 1H62 2,017 937 60 77 Stork on hand May 1.1802 6,229 1,444 410 68i w>irrai.T n<rKM?rr or ? i* run saw rosx roRauu t,SHn<*Tiu!< waaaiorKB t i Km'vrt.y. l a. 4 A'. C. Ohio. TuUit. Hhdt HM>. Hhd* Hhd* Siork on hand Apl 1, ?.! 1,066 347 T IS,<08 Received alnne 0,241 ? 14 6,261 Total 1T.H96 347 U 18, Dalirtred alnca 1,77^ 04 ? 1,841 8teokon band May l, fla. 10,121 281 17 16*419 Wonsar -dales of 490 bbii. w?ra made at S3o. a 24o SHIPPING NEWS\ Movtmenli of Ocean Ste?niers. C.iy or New York New Y?EkUH0PM' M . Bohemian Portland i' 'Hr"rn6!S! Toulon U NewVoiV* Sf' $ Llverpooi AI M A K AC rOR MKW YORK?THIS OA r SDNBtSM 4 M I MOON *KI < ' #v? JJ-JI 'MIW ? AMI WATRU ,",*v0 tO 41 .Port of New York, May i, (sag. CLEARED. Steamship Salvadrir/l>ow, Pana-na?Panama RR Co Steamship Ktrtb StaiVFones. Asiunwall?I) U A lift n Ship James KiNtcr, Jr, Abeei, Liverpool?Olia < II Marshall ft Co. Bark Jane Anderson (Brt/ White, Q'leenstown. 4c?Jaak ?on ft Nellt. Bark Trovatore, (??rre?,a?rtOMa??WnUh, Csrver ft Chaae. Brig Minnehaha (Br), P?rry, Cork lor ordure-Arkeil A Hurst. Brig Excelsior (Br), Talbol, bermnda?MeCall ft Frith. Kris .lane (Br), Cblsholm. St Joan, NB?J K Whitnev AGO Schr M L Davis, Dos lie, I't aiMt?T Ollmat tin Sclir ft H Wilson, Davii, Baraga? Bcker ft Dayton. Kohr Queeti of Clippers (Br), Loukbart, Windsor, N8?H 3 ftCA Diwolf. Schr Hume, Plilnney, Baltimore?J W McKce. Schr O F Hawley, Buckley, Philadelphia?E O llurlbut A Co. Sclir M J Mrada, Dye, Forked RWer?Master Schr Hunter, Ra-keti, South Ainhoy? U 3 Basket 8ckr Red Rover, Went, Belfast?R P Buck ft Co. Schr Mount Hope, Kenniston, Soaispoit?Waltli, Carver A Chaie. Scbr Rosna, Hunt, Portland?G I. Hal Hi. Schr J M Warren, Chapman, Now Haven?E D Uurlbat ft Co. Sloop Clio, Normitt, Taunton?Master. Sloop Chief. Dur'pe, l-'oJl Rltrer?B D Hurltmt ft Co. 6 loop Fred Drown, Ourr, Providence?L Kenny. Kloop Rhode la and, Remington, Bristol?L Kenny. ?lo?|) Warr> n, Stokes, New Tlavco?S D Stanaard. ARRIVED. Sb!p Kautli^'o (of Boston), tf-nkins. Pudang. ,)au 16, pul ed Cape Good 1/ope h\ib 23 nud St Helena March 17. with su gar ft'', to I)' ? .t W B Ua;ou. Had light wind* and Cain* the entire passag* m Ship Mortir. ? L'vlngston. Sampson, Havre, March 85. wit* nidae and Hfi r iwmji-ni, to Boyd ft Hiucken. April i<i. Ut 44 39, Ion 63, spoke ab.p Sur of the Uuiou, from Boston for Sea Francisco. Ship Andrew (Hum), Rolin, Hamburg. 42 days, with mdea and 42 pas* "gcre, lo It M bloiuan ft lvl.>;e. April 22. lal 41 St), Ion 56 to 67. paused 19 large Icebergs, froiu 190 to 200 feel in height. Sblp Anita Garibaldi (Ual), Trefoils. Palermo, 00 da#% Gibraltar 40, v, fruit, to F Berthoud. Ship Grahams Policy. Norton, Alicante, March 7, in bet last, to J Atkins ft Co. Passed Gibraltar March 23. March 21, oB Cape de GaU. spoke ship Uncle Joe, frotn Naples for Bremen; April 80, off Baruegat, took pilot from bout George Steers, No 6. , , Bark LUllo [of Boston), Knowles, Calcutta, J?n 2, Sao4 Heads 5th, with saltpetre Ac. to master, March 26, Eugene Maagione, seaman, was lost overboard; lie wa?an >Uve ef France, but hailed from New York, where his parent* reside. Feb 17, lat 29 68 8. ton 40 30 E, spoke ship Snntiaao, J$ days ?>m Madras tor New York; 25th. lat 36 09 K, lou J0 5J B, Be ip Fanny, M davs from Uanguon for Cork. Bark Warren (Br, of Sunderland), Pbllpot, Oardiff. M days, with coal, to R A BelL Bnrk Josie Nicholas (of Bucksiwrt), Nicholas, Palerrafi, TS days, Gibraltar S3, with fruR, to B P Buck ft Co. Had strong W gales the entire passage. Bark Uva, Durle, Maracalhq, April 8, with coffee Ac, te Maitland, Phelps ft Co April 24, lat 31 37.1 on Ti 63, "??><*? hark A C Adams, hcu>'e lor Havana; 28lh, lai 37, Ion 69, idir '? Bordeaux." hence for Neurits*. Bark Texas, Ayre*. Port Royal, SO, April CI, to ballast, te Wukeman ft Dimon. __ _ - Brig CB Allen (of Harrington), Ray, Castellamare, Feh 23. passed Oibraltar Mairb 22, with fruM, to Moore A Uenry. Had UkIiI winds and calms the entire passage. Setir Howard Putnam (Br, of Ysrmoitlh. FS), BobWne.. Arroyo. April 13, wltb molas-es. to Daniel Starr. April *5, lai 36 6'>, Ion 72, cxperteaoed a gale from W; lost foresail aaa split both jibs. _ _ . _ Schr Louisa Frazier <of Great E!{* Harbor), Steelmaa, Oar denas, IS days, with sugar Ac, lo order. _ ..vhr Josephine (of Brookhaven), Davis, Chlocoteagee. f da vs. Schr C A Stetson, Rich, Boston, 3 days. Schr O F Hawlcy, Buckley. New Hovcn. Schr Sea Bird, Chnse, Albany for Boston. Schr Red Rover, West. Rondoul for Portl ind. Steamer M Stevens. Dougherty, Baltimore. Steamer Marina. Crosby. Baltimore. Sieamer Fmiu* Cailwailader. Plereon. Baltimore Steamer Schflver. Adams. Baltimore. Slearner Ironsiden. Vanderreer. Philadelphia. Steamer Pelican, Jones. Provldeuce. Kktijrksd?Brm Mountain Bagle. for Bermuda withe loaA of eatlla, liaviiu been at anchor In the Lower Bay for soma davs, has returned to the oily lor water. BELOW. Bark Elise (Nor). Brig Pengmn (Br), from Bermuda. Brig Eastern Star. AcLerty, from ITllladelphie for PlOv4 donce, has anchored In the Lower Bay. SAILED. Steamship North Star, AsplnwaM Wind at sunset SK. with rain. HImcUmmoimi Hair' Mont Blamo?Highland Li*lit, Apill So?'The Mwt Blanc bead* off shore, ia very much attained sod lull *f wa ter, There Is not much probability of saving the ship, as the water ia over the cual lu the lower hold. An effect wilt ba made to sare the cargo between decks u aoou m the sea pea down. Foocnow, Feb 12?The ship Magnolia, Nicholson. hence Fdla 4 lor London, which went ashore oa South Bank9th, cam* off 12th, and hsa sinee returned to Pagoda Anchorage, when* she U discharging cargo. ? About 8U0 to Mi) pkg* tea were <ks < barged before ?uu came off, and oa reaching the anchorage kdo was rasklng 4 niches water per hour. About 10,000 out 01 14.210 pkgs alreedy landed are without any appearancs of M damage, but thare in aome .breakage, and a lew pkga wars low! otarboard In dacharging when aahorc Sbs Ism air lag a l prexent half an inch of water per hour. Manila, Feb tl?rut in. Bertha, Taplejr, from Sutra far C .inn, short of watci and to caulk topsldes. Bal* or Vmuku? A Co'a Rhanghae Circular of Feh 21 hays:?The Hamburg b-igOra, 1M tons, has been sold for M"X $6300, aud (lag and name < hanged to the Americas trie Uanko#; American achr Frank, 187 iona, sold for WOO laels ; Amarkan bark Carrie Inland, 316 (now at Hankftw); wo h< ar is fold loan Engliah house on prlraie terms; America* brig Thomas haa be?-n |>lac-d under the British Hag, and to* Aiaei. au ship Lgerkt ia now called the Daniio, under British color*. an<l loads lor London. The Ship List nays ?We notice sales of AS sohr John Roe. .*97 Ions, tmill In 1H.'4 n Porl JelTerson, LI, ui fXXA), ts be tilaced under the British Hag; Alj^bark A A Drebcrt, 330 ions, built in 1864 in Kent Co, Sid. isi'O; and Al ship MatU p.. u, WV ions, built In 18.H at Bath, Maine,at about *30,009, CS'iil. ? . S< hr Dolnliin, of Naw Bedford, recontljr arrired f>om Ha vana, has l> 't*n purchased by Cant Washington T Walkoc. lute of liark Alice Praalrr, for *2000. She U to be Huel for whaling in 1'annnia B*y. Mis;i?o,?'Tho hark Flight, Capl Joseph fl Hawk*. *tiied heuce Feb 4 lor Liverpool, ..Ince which dste she h is not h< en heard trom. She waa 34ft tuna, built in 18.VS at Motner a t, Ma- i, and owned by Thomas Dunliam. of this city. IVotic* to Dlarincr*. Tne masters of lbs far.oua propellers and other reaaOU I>as4ng through Long Island Sound complain that Uia Iff Bell on UuM Island, opposite th>- Race, ia but seldom la ope ra'ion, cauaing much delay and damage to reaaels psMlng through. ? WBHCKS Ofr -T?COA?T Of TOKKSUIRK. Trinity Hoc**. London. March 29, IMt Notice Is ucrcby ?n ti ;t at urccii ttuoya, marked with tlia word "WtK'k," have bei n iaid to denote the pusltlonsof two tc v Is but;k oil' Staltha ;?ub, about l}? tnl'e from the shore. Tl.s B o> .n (ha outer tesael lica J5 ta'.hnmaNK oi Iks wrack, n 12 f thon,; i.t low Ai>rln.. MM* with The Wheat Iloua in Bouluy bearing BW^w. Sand* End Kettlenesa 1'ulnt lii line iwariok SB by 9. li nt t tl:; Nvr by W?,W. The Huoy on he Inner vessel Ilea 23 fathoms MB of Ik* wre in 10 frtilioma at low ?a cr *t>ilug tl lea, with Tne outer wreck be aring X bj E, niat int about I'Mfathoouk li) oiaer. P. H. BBRTliOX, Secretarf. Whalemen, SI l from NBcdfoid kith, bark 1'ioueer, PUskeit, AUaaM* Sid .(Oth.Wk Canton racket, Sherman. Atlantic Oeoan. hi,I from San Francisco prev to Api il 2t>, ahlp Ifni 0 Nf?. to alulae: burkCarlh, do. Air at llobait Town, VOL. Jan 29, Hunter, Bease, KB iaaid aM >Hh for Sydney); l?eb 12, Junior, itowh /, NB, frota a cm Is*. Kid nom Sydney, NSW, Jan 23, Ga/.eile, Biker, MB. far r cruise Sid from Barbados April 4, achr*Tekoa Beaaon, FH. t* cruise; (>th. Kiughahor. LanibeM, do. Capt Kelley, oi ahlp Lo'iLslsna, NB. reostls her at a?s Jaai 19. nu lai Ac, hating laken 27S bblsav la he last tou/weeas. all well. Cam Hay. of baric Drotnu, of Wjrren, report her offYaf pui'ul?< .Maivh 9, nil wrll. Capt Bea??. ot ship H'tuter, N8, r-port* her at HoWt Town Jin A.lromk month's ornlw. hwln| itkm Tl ?? lt&> p M) wb all told; br>und u> M*alaiid a a ft mix ar?lM No '!an> Ac. epok" niilp J*a Maury, Wing, JfB, i wha this ?M ?un? ale nit :wu? bbla oil oo board. caiii rimuli, of bark Nawai*. SB. reports her at 0?Wm TsUml* Jan lit, wllh Mu ap all told. Xj <1tt?. of Bouii MJ. apuke bark Meicury, Biurne, NB, WO bbll oil ua board. Capt Allan, of bark Olcor*, NB, report* her al Kt'ia* Jau 24. with 700 ip on lioar<f, ForelKn Porta. AlTAa. Kab 27?Mid Html Tarbos, Tarboi, FalntoaUi. Ari.ovo, April 11?In port brig* ,<tarah Flaw. Naaoa.'inc; Ocean Kafie. Foaaet, dlag; OouiM (Br), for ranee IoIqmJi Mg for X?ork, Ida Abbott, (lore. for do Reindear, for Pon<'c to |?*d lorMYork, tojsllMth, Madeira, for fiondoo 19th. ?<:hr Hatlle Rosa, Poland, lor Jobaa ?? load for NYork, to mil I4tii; Telegraph, Roe-ia, loi rfcjivlcU ltlth. Bid 01k. bark KrneMlne Ntddlnr*. ?<"??*. Uwrpoot. BurMl, Apt i) ? Arr l<ammergi?r, Vi iJaun, Nair York rla Quet natow e Cit.rcrr*, Mar-h ft?In port ahtpa Rutland, Foater, fbr Boaton; Anglu Baton (Bri, for Havana lor orders for United Suifa; Kannv V'Henry. Hmltn, for Iiondnn. Went to a*a Max h I, ship Muitilng Hisr, Hale, Boston, bark Mf-aensei Bird. Rusaall, Bombay; 6llt, ahlpa UerU-uda, Youn?, Polomhn ; T B Wale* Mnr-oln. M.ilra* (inrorractly r- port id aa having gone td **a Feb 22); Manliua. Bray, Man riuiis; Oarlbaldl, very, LoDdou; tHh. Indian, AreriU, Mel bourne. ( annkNAa, April Ifr?In port achra M A Shindlar. from Kti W'?* arr Hth, to load for NYork; Jaisi-a Satt.'rthwalle, (? Philadriphla 20th; B B Jam'*. ?nd N'ari a/anatt, for Ifortu ern porta same day; C H KdwanU Aid. and BJ Aikm, W oommenca Idg22d. KnnTrtnsr. Apiil 11?Off, Floi-euilne, 8sub?r1lck. from Baltimore for Aniwerix Ei.wik*. Wi A, Mar h ft?Iii port bark* Wlt-h, Hultinaa, and I'ortareM, Moranl, urn-. Fti'?l"?o. April ?Arr M Mlt/laff, NYork Foochow, Keb 21?In port ihtp Magnolia, Nl< iiolson, for h indon, (Hit buck In dlatrt?**. lUl.trat, April 18?Arr achr Agility, Pye, Philadelphia; 19tli, 1'ilg Winllirop. I.Ii art, N'Vork for Muuievideo (pm In for OMrrt)! aehi UllUea Htaiea, Bnhln, Philadelphia, ll?t. bile* Faleoti, Wlll'am?, BnlMm/iri"; Annie Oeldert. t'oehra. KYorkiCbai!<??. Mills, Phl!adelpht?. Cld 19th. bri? Mr irn'. i'*tiiinr, NYork. (.IvraruoL, April lft? Hid Cliencllor, Hiv<nrer, NYork MKi.BOtiaxr. tebl(^-Arr Ague*. King, Bala la i M?a<r*iao. AprilS?No Am re**?l In port P>"titan, March 10?Iu port ?hip Borneo. Ba?aru, iratn Manrltiiia arr ,'itli, tine; bsrk liSpw lug rroekell.'fram .Sun derlsnd arr Feb 2A, di*g, t?k"n up lapirved to Imherstto load rk? for (lr< at Britsln. MU1 Man.'h ft, birk UrielawalHi I (l'r<is>, Kru*okner, NVork. R?Mnogi>, Kfb 22? Arr Napnleoa, Thnoipmn, Htanpnra ' SooT?4irTo?i, April 18?Am Haionla (*>, Klilera, M*o?* j for llambnm. . . rinanuHAR, F<-b 21?In port ahtp A^reollte (Hr>? for HIM*, buik lona (Rr, late ihe Alasl, ot KY^rk, so'ul>. <lo lha lj?rV?, for York, and said to besiking WO pei ug. 4 ,-o?*?*tto, April ft?In port sbin ?*? ,1. WOweii?T> London Idg . . . / Wati sroan. April ?Arr Dondaia, Mlary.n, H\o?? Wn??roa. reb 2H?In port ?ai|>* ??*. Berpenl, Pj'". I* Naw fork. Idg; Ohllde Harold <E>. *or Jo do; 7,iiuari, Ri'Wb) gin, from Hong Koni. *7, 77'?, for Ban Fp?nrf?... I on Ut'lintte, N"lt, rti>mdP?or '0o<r owi E F WIlleMa, H't? d?rs n, fr>m ilo.srr Bargenl, tinei V ?ndartn I'.- rf and R i mvi. Taylor. erto. lltr1lg Hri'j ia, Cat' wiigiil, and S >r>|i>o, WtM?*a?n WoKt sMM? Wa port bark DOodfray.n*' for leeward aoa* [P\a BtbaM""' *?*?'?'?, at IfAi.tsat?Tat *rt*?eiiin | Air from Nwtk lBlli^ Arromango, at Nt'#ry, lfth,W?i darmerk ?? .^h, M*r'>a, an.l 0*wr at^ati"en? tnw&NUmm *,om. ?+tx* %