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mum, be i* dishonored uuUms kt Mil 1U0 oouti *?? n le free. AKKAtiUJ AT fUKDKKlt'KAUUKO AMP tttC'UMOMD. Altai? at Fr?drtrickhb' rg Htill reuialu la Jatit Stir t'oroea uo.'iipy the heights of KtUn >utb, aod the ?"? my are eonoeftti atir>t? to force at Guiunes Station, 1*?1t? oiiles from thw Rappahannock. A rebel pick*! is nfcii wue4 it the junction of the Kiebmond telegraph road end the (?Wnk roa'l to Gorduusville, from wli cb point Fi i>dei ick.? b'irg and the surrounding liwlau'ls can be overiookoa with mm. Rockets are cent up occasionally from the bill beyond the river, and signal liyl't-< havo beea tun hi thu city. Deserters come lu a!inu.?t daily and jive aiiin ar accounts of rebol oj?erations. They repie ?sent tbe enemy's forces as being a hundred and thirty thousand at rong at Yorktown, and twelve hundred <"0 -li* Kiohmoud and Fredericksburg Railroad, the la ter under the command of Gen. Anderson, of the Tred'gar ti ou Works. The Tennussee troops are roport'i as being very aitaioua to return home, aud almost lu a ?t*t? of #n<4iny. 'Great alarm provalls In Richmond, and the clti/eus are ,jacking up all their effects for a hasty departure. No thing m said relative to burning tlie town. 1 be brigade of General Augur was r.-viowe t to lay by - nei al King, in the prosonce of Lord Paulei, Colom I ?>' b? Itoyal Guard in Canada, who is vlaAinj the I'epa t ru-ut of tbe Kappahannock, and has for a short time bcou vh? guest of General King. Several other distinguished gentlemen were ab<o presmt. I'll* n-b'i cavalry cut off by the sudilen advance of O'in iii 1) ?v ?:i upon Frcdericksburg have dolled their uniforms and disbanded, and are spreading terror among the few vrmeming iobabitants this side the Rappahannock. In ,.h* neighborhood of Dumfries aud Stafford Outu t lima* tM cittKeiiR are being ptuudoroJ, not only or finrnes, but ?f clothiuK and money, the marauders watching their ??P(*oi tnuity and ran tasking every house in tli? absence of the owner, frightening tho fetnt<lea m ith tin eats of death and othor violence. One i|4utl?ui?n, who bad left bis place to vl?it tti? death bed of his mothor, but two miles distant, was rubbed o< everything worth noising. As yet none ot'tlicf" 4.i?pera<i?eii have Oeon captured, but tho Increasing vigi lance of our scouts cannot fail to end such barbarities in a raw day?. K1BRL GUERILLA PART IMS IN VTROIXI A. Aa was intimatsd in the Hmrald'ii coires; oudenca several weeks ago, notwithstanding tlw extension of iln* linen of tho Union army to the Rappahnnncck i iver, ll.? e'iriosity seeker? at Manassas are not free from (taupe' of oanltire by roving parties of rebol guerillas. Appt beusions are entertAlned that three gentlemen, who lu t here on Saturday last on horseback to visit the Bull i un buttle fletd, have fallen into the hands of these pr wlei <, as they bar* not been heard of siuce thoy Ifft Cent ie ville. A stiller has returned bore who was selved In tbe kwgliborhood of Manassas several riiy s ago by a pred.itm y party of Ashby's scout*, and earriel to Richmond, h i waa subsequently released on parol*. UU'MI Of I NIO.N RKFUOKKS k'ltOM JACKSONVII.I.IJ, FLA. ? Hevmut or the most promineut citizens of Jacksonville, Flot illa, who were obliged to Deo when that plac? was evaluated by our troops, arrived hero this monitor, and are eadeavnring to get from government some indemni fioaiioo for their loesea In leaving their pro.vny !>? hiud at <li? lueroy of the rebels. They ar* strung 1'iiion m*u, hot had held their position in spit* of tbn thr- is if s*o*aa?^oistii, and Joyfully hoistod the Ouiou Hai; when our tro?i < Incded. Th* evacuation wua sndCen ami lh*jr were oonipcllad to leave with th* army. A band of vagaltoad rebel* bare pliindorod and destroyed their pro|i*rty sine* they cam* away. Tint CONriaCATION QUESTION. TW* to a dispositioa, *ven anions th* Biost *on?*rvu? tlr* ui?o i* CongrtM, including many from th* herder 8iak?, to pas* some kind of confiscation bill tbat wiU i *?' ti th* lrad*rs of the r*b?lllon, without making it so ?*u*ral in it* application as to destroy tUMfflcany. it ii b*li4v*d that the punishmonlof the l*ad*rs will beampl* Co vindicat* th* authority of tk* government, ami tasioi* loyally among th* mass** *f th* rebel State*. KMbit* ar* being made to frame a oenstltatkmal bill, that will roach all who have b*en prominent in the rebel move sa*ot, by making It applicable to liiose who have ac? oeHed offices civil or military under the Day if gov ernment. The passage ef snohan aet, accompanied by a proclamation ef amnesty to tbe poople who have been dehid-d aud misled or forcibly impressed Into acqiiies* ?eee* to the schemes of the rebels, Is urged aa a .?ahitary mea<ure to follow the eonteaip'.ated vietory at Yorktowu. t?r?OT or BHANCITATIOK IN TBR SISTHIC1' OF 00* MM. Ill* cf the District I'maocipation b !l hai V'aced Ida United StitM Marshal of the District in eu ewkweid predicament. Sine* the law went into ?Aval ?ter a ilwKcaad slarea from the State of Maryland luve floeked hither. Their on u?r? are suclng out wi ite Tor their apprehension under the Fugitive Slave law. Many of tbe nagroee hare taken refu^o in tha military e*mpe In tha vicinity and become officeta' servant*. 11m Mar. altal te bound under heavy penaUiee la execute th**? writs, aid i? empowered to rail out the jnttt cov Um- r The office7* of tbe regiment* refuse to obey tiie o >u>. ?iiaiirt to aid tbe Marshal to eiccute the writ, aud forbid it* aieo-iiion in their c*B?p*. KM*W1PATI0N JtBIUHl or TH* COLORfeU PKOPLE. ? The c;M<>red people of the District are holding Jan ?mJno't>e!k>e jublied to-day. All their oUmehes are opened, atid Uiey celebrate the oreut with preyiir*. ner rnooa and *mfii)(. * NI.I, TO rKOTIDB n*CRJUSKI> RKW.'vUIS fKO? AM) TO PAY THK IvriHftfr ON YHK TTi'bi.'o 6lbi . A bill was reported from tie Committee o* *V, v< an I M?ni t? day amendat Jtr of tbe act te piorbte increat<N| revenue rrom the import*, to pay the interest on tii*' p ibtio -ieM, *n<i for eth?>r purposes, approved gtb of An K?et laet. It allow* encb portion o; the tax a* ma* be aaa?e?ed any .-'tale or T*ri itory, or *?r til* Diet! II t of Colutnb<e, to be paid and Mti*ti*d, lu wliMe or in part by the releaae of sueli State, Territory or ]>i*in,,i. duly exeout<Hi te tbe United States, or any li<pildaie<l and daieimiood claim pencilling tb<-reV> of e-|U*<4 <uh>j>( a^auKt the United Stales; provided that m tax: of ?noh iei?**se such Mate, Territory or District sl>a<l l>* ali*we<l the earns abe'etnent of the amount of *?;?& Us a* would be allowed in <a?* ef tbe payment of th* Wee in money. Ala eel shall be ooostracd a.- apply ing *<? ??ioti cla ms ?f ??ai"? f?r reimbursement ?f expenses incurred by item iu carolling (liberating, oiothin?, eupplyln*, arnur.g, clipping, pa) hi* anl '?ieo*porting its troop*, rmpVjed in aidtOi; fn sup oreee the present inaurrccitai the l-nited 3w<*a , ?a ahait lie Sled with the proper oflUer* of the Uiti'ed ?Ute* before the 30th of .July next, and in au. h ???a the abatement of fifteen per centum -liall be tn?J* on cioh poiuee of Raid tax a* may be paid by the allowance of eucfcoKima in whole or h part, the aame aa if th" flnel eel ictnem sod Ilqr..?aln n thereof hud been tugdo bafMO the M:h of June. UNION rmBLIVG IN 1 ??> The rjii .wiDg *ni..0< ?ut le?t?> I* a eamp.'e *?' ?-?ne kh-' hex beea received by tbe t'< -ttii?*k*r Oeneral. It imtiieiiei itroM evidence ef tfc? existence in > eiieldoif .?t ?|(*i:tlea fnr the old !?( v ?? ' Oirrrr, J?i-m tw?ii*t I'wmiinvi rtaMim ? t)e*i?8?*?Being libera'e.; for awh-le fr,,?n *>>u )wrn r??e aii'l tyranny, I tek<* tbe oerlieat eppnt tnoi>? ?? in fn.m you' hit, uol^lth?uni!!ny one i esi Oil, * I ?e i>*en ?mp4oye<l by tbe !?)iith*rn ?i,f*dere*:r , 1 an ? ?y ?**??!?Mii ar? loyal te the' rt'ed "Hit ttiat wb i< t'u* iffli'n name under (be ret. g. r?, emeee. ?*?' tb??a'b w*e ient te us, we Med it brfotgly, and aent it t<> ?< b uiu id without aweariig it, i If >o. ? b nt p inv l*s< repnr t^er the <|u*H?r er<tln> .fiilr I.HI, ?"l ? I ??e from a that I am loysl t ba< e >n icy h?L<N eli tti* m*e*f ibat b?* been received at <hi? ?1.? ?;n.? tbf 1st ?f April, IMI. Of teurse ?e bed to e?l? pi the a--* and tee oant at^e, In order te he'd the "ffirefvr our < ?nv* ? !**??, end alR? a loyal acmv. mlty Tour friend ??? MuriMO i ok ?? man? <>? < ojitmuunpi. A mooting >U bairi nara tMt oiflit 1?# dina?ita r?< lb* taliaf of ttaa ?jauab???l? *na ara V*>ekiE( ?o Uia ?it)r ? ? d'ltnborf too larga M anal->? >l>a'n |? pfvi na maf inMtnt of auppnr* A afiiall i iMr.fciiiiot. via out )a*i-xl *u4 Miuwltlaaa apj?.fnta?!. hut tbara uppaan to tea (rati atffloutty at !o wliat abail b? dota with tha it* a oaUra-l bralbrati. #???-?? j-( t? prctiila trr lh?ki ira ta partatioa ft tba NoMhai r wbara tba phi alttbro))/ Mitt hM itMi m larfaij aiarc.ami 'r (ban at a Hialaooa ntajrba prac!?aalt<r kimI tc?ac ?taly pat iDts nparatiaa, by adbrulof tb?ia pa> ti.a.-ant am[*afi<i?ot I'hara ara ttetiaatxH oe;? wait i.? mtaft* w aaa* Ha ?ay Itima that bata baaa ?? kiij ar<1 iirgaaiiy tai'<t*r"<i to nam ia tba Nat lb. It iu<f h? aalfbtr ??f? tor pruftab'a far t??aa to ratnam ^ara,^ ap*wla<a ataa upaa ita boi bar Tba friaada <if tba Africa* rata .a Naw 1 5aaa u>roka4 (bata >o r? ioa among w,ata ?o4 Hi* ?ra of amio'K ta ?,aa?i tba ibaUatio' ntrrani.M on th? uovwwmim ahw fOrprvta Motwltbatandio* ?Ua affvna of iba Ooutra?t int?a> feat<04 Oammi'taa i? pravatt f*iJ? to arm/ aippiaa Ua laafantiui oflleara fra-juabtiy ?l ?eo*ai attampta 10 ?wia?ia tba goyarnpMn" anl tbf aald.ara 4 lot or th~aa ka?aa?? ba?ra'a of fl^ji, Aal ?ata'i ? fa? la?? ??g ha? boost ?'?? 1 'nowt / wortii<a*d, 'uji' uullt for f ? 4 for urn'i >r U??t ll n lmil Jaough to -U* it Uib govei" maul, but to cheat tin , >i tier, ui puttug u:>Ou hnu "it wti'iloeunn foul, a villanou - ntVIKiTION OK RICBKI. FKiaOKWW, I1i? following r?l>al prisoner* were t > lay by Captain lliewjrth, aid of Military Uoveruor Uoueral Wads worth, anil ruiea *4 from the old Capitol priaoa u)iou taking the oath of allegiance ?W?. Matthews,.lolin W. Vtrt* an I Wui F. Lucko't, of l/uidon county, V*.; John K O?oiwin,of Stafford county, Va.; Anthony Vi Goe, of Fairfax c?uuty, Va., John A. Alther and Francis N.hhauk, >t i'ai.a ounty, Va., Itiumaa W. 1'ayatOi jiiJ Jamas Winkler, of retferaon comity, Va.; Jam -4 ! la/ier and Jame-i L. Carter, of Staflbrd county, Va.; F- A. Orl ?aa,Ot l-oudun county, Va.; Iluury F. We"k!y.of Rock ingham, Va.; Lewiu Stewart,of Richmond, Va.; Clinton W (iuliok,of iAiiuastar, Va.; James Origsby aud John It iwllugs, of Kug Ueorge county, Va.; KJ ward If. Wyvill, of iYlnoe tjeorge, Md.; Edward Malzgar, of Switzerland; Joliu McSo-1 >>, of lie'aud; Alfred l?. Oary, of Franklin pariah, 1a. VHM l*K?!'09W> ft Atl.UOAD HKIWKKN * ASHlNflTON AND ?KW *0HI. Tbe Western members of Congretta, to a grcai extern., en tar liaarlily into tha project of opening a diroct I r.a of railroad onramuticatioo between Wishlugton aud Now York, l'tiay ari?ua that it would gi oatiy benefit tne Bultl" more and Ohio io.?d to provido a railroad connection from Baltimore emlvvjid, by which passengers and freight would avoid the daiigo; a attending the plumage of tbe Uunpow Jer aud Uusli livers aud the Sos^uehanno and Delaware. They believe lint the avoidance of thine obstruct ous would largely increase the business of tbg Southern line of "railroads leading from NewYoik.vla Baltimore, to Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, and thus break up the monopolies cimting east of lialtitnoru and west of Ilia Ohio, on tlio route from tbe Mississippi valley to the great commercial emporium of the country. A UHMKNT0 OK TBI t ATft'UK OF I'ORT PCLAUKt. There .s uow on eitiitntion he:e otic of the James shot by which the walls of Fort Pulaski were battered down. Adhering to it are pot tions of the brick and mot tar of the walls. A private letier, written by the officer who foTwardud the rolic, says thin shot bored through a mag. bri.1t wull, and ground up the material liko powder. I he rebel* railed the** shot cartwheels, aud said they didn't care for the other shot uud shell, but whan then damned cartwheel* came whistling along they had to surrender. Mtt. 3gW41tI)'g KNl'KKTAfNMKNT Tt> TrtK fftfcM'U Naval OFncHjta. 'l'bo officer* of the French war frigate Oasaendi were entertained laat ereuing by Secretary Seward. 'Ilio Oas getidi sailed for Fortress Monroa at an early hour tbts morning. AIUUVAI. OF VBSdXLa. An unuanall/ Urge number of trading vessels have ar rived witbiti the laKt few days, Udeu with coal and pro visions. rCl.EOKAl'H ACKOHSTHH rOl'OVAU ATAQUIA OBRKX. A telegraph cable Ua? been laid ucrosa Iho I'otouiar ?( Aquia creek, connecting with the btationat Hndd'sFerrr ho that Washington i* now in direct telegraphic COui munieaiina with Fredericksburg. MAIL FOK KKV WEST AND 8HIF IRI.AN1*. A steamer will leavo the Vavy Yard, New York, in three or four rtay?, direct for Key West and Ship laiAmi, and wiil Ink i lettetv and i?ai kaijus prepaid. Tha mail will be made up at tbe New York i'ost office. SVIC'tUh. OP MR. WKl.r.S, OK Kl.MlltA, N. T. A young man by the nnme of Wells, from Die neigh borluxnl of Kltuira, N. Y.( committe I suicide at the Ivlttvsn lln iae In this city this morning. U? liad ,iu?t returned from I ortress Monro*. He left a nolo in his r'MM ro.|t.oeiiiiu bis baggage to be foi warded ,uuoj.e.i ul, to tIms HrandretU llnnse, New York. J'.POItTANT DECISION or TMK SEt'BKl'ABY Or THe. ? TltKAStTI; V. Xe??rol Vew Yoik iinporte ." have claimed tlie entiy of oatri< h feathers at the rate of ten per centum; hut the Secretory of tbe Treasury has decided thai ibey must joy th.ity, s tat tug tliat tbe term employed >n tbe Tariff set of Augtuit la?t, "feathei a," n a gun iral one, un aceoiupntiied by any qualification as to variety or uou'li ti >u; alho that octagonal iron, ha> iug beeu lu'i lot'i as.<nme a form different from any one of those epecQed iu tbe lAw, n subject to a duty of f'jO per ton; six? that cotton towels, although the proportion of coiored in Hie whole fabric is small, yet introduced, it u believed, tor the purple of uiakiug the article more beautiful, and thereby enhancing iu value, mint pay n duty of ten per centum addaioual to the on* and a half cents per u^uaro yaid provided by law. PROCEEDINGS OF CONG RE 88. TilIKT??8KVaCIITU CONttOllitl. FCUST HKX8I0M. Hennte. WutUKtiMil, May 1, 110; rm HA.ixR'jrr Atria. Mr. (Jo*ai-j>, (fop.; of Micb., prasauteJ patHioo* 141 fa?or of a gener?l bankrupt law. Hi . al?o prolan tad ;x<t ittozi* fin* ? baukrupt act ud *ai<t (hat utitie or than war* from fudlaoa. crrr b*!Iko?d. Mr. Wti .d 1, (I'diuti) of lad., preaeuieia maniorUl of Jolin Biook, nfMi nig (0 U'tiM ?HIV imn ud Lit tVifh.u^ too ia ulity day*, and ;wy lay thoix?nil iloliata annually to tha ci*jr. kavma* irrontmiK Mr Wn*o?(, (iep. > ol Mm.. offamU a raaol ttlou that tbe xtcr*r? 'j rf War report .vhotbei una Vr?'Vrl> k Kcnu ry wii" uiorilat??! Mi T'hil'ipa iu 1 Mtrwwortli, ktntai, in ISii 01 ISifi, haa t>- "0 ap|H?ut9i t < any plana iu (ha Depar'nienl of Knit**. Mr. I.*?*, (rep.) of Kauaa*, aaiu IU? guferiiui ut hid before itt? day ibe Kanaaa difficulty, ami h? p?e<?unid ti would aotf't tli? e?ll. Ilia r**"iut ion w*? laid ovai. VIOJKOL'* nilMHffKHI ?>? llll Ki , Mr. f L'i? ??n) of Ky., ?Ta ed a taol'ilioo daclar nig thaltiia win 11 iv? 1 an icd ou Ity llie trn,l*.i 5t?teiof Aamrtca nhail he vigorotiilj- pr aa< ted and ooutinred to ? ob?di?ur? 10corati'utl?n*l 'aw* in tbe timiia of a??i y Mala aud territory wy all the ft i/ana and 1 vmdeui* ?beieof, and lor lie lunhei ud wbaiaver On 11101 ton ol Mr. S< y\>?, (rap. ) 01 Maui , ilia te?olu? tioa wa? 1*k1 u?er. ia* i?*t mi iu.;fiv? <i*>*-. On motion ol Mi. Wimm.of Mi-?i , Hie reaolxtioa aak iag tba Military <: <niwitlee vo inquire what ha. anyfai?u.-< legialanau wea t?e> aaaaiy 10 pieveutaoluiar* au.i < tiara from letutuiiig fugitiveal?ve? * ?? *ak?o up. Mr. Krii>e* ?md lit we* giao tlia S naiai (t on Iowa m hi* epetcii, had called attaniloa to atmeodVera, coin > fn Ing their rea'tien* of i'-giilie* Uue g*UM?I. who lately made au at del returning fugitive*, an a native of klitaa b ivt'a, and ha (Kr. ? wuei 1 a aii b ? mft teat a 10 (at Into appointed I' 'w ha I lauwu itiat Uen H>< *er wo ii<t hare made anvb an wider oa never wn'ilil h iva triad '0 gat bin an a|^?nirr>aal. Whan a lena-al l^fis iu Haiti* ihaia honor ill H, m.l ?a i*k>i>t In* d?- h, Irit wba<aa gaoaial fal'aaa '?au. Uat fa-leu iliaia aan ba MMiiiag lm ragiat >l?i'lai ad ia iha iad?i af Gaa IM'jb'.eitay, and ?'.oaiia<ia<l il w.>b (hat ut Hoobai .aaviug iba< ba i?. .? ia ay) was au kOMT 10 blsrwxniiy. Mr - .moat than 1 efarrad to ilia aouiaa 0;' i?eu McC<?lt ai ilia Waat, audalao lu Iba coiwiuct 01 tba Privnat Maialxl 01 I/wHyilia, aa beuit; diigiacafi l to iba a: my Mr. Mmiieai alao read aa ao.; of how tli? >. wara upp'>'*<1*4 at>iVa. 0 Mr. Oariaaaka t M rt'^muai wli*'a aa (ul Ilia a- >un; Mi ^ a>*e a <1 friaoa 'ua o? .t? ?aia < 1.1 \aw Yuri. Mr Da?u had 110 du'ibl o< Ilia falaiiy id tba afi u nit. Mr- *Vhjws,o' Maia , ?a,d l>* bad . unndai>' e?t- anca ol iba diagia.'al j| tradtnieiir of ingit ?a un< iij pni. tioua 1 if the army Mr Si Kill' ?la < rafariad to tfca r?t"io Ol (?|ltua ?l?t*afioni ibe am^* 01 >.aa?ral Hua.i and la thaoi dar itC 'ilNrat ll.Ula k aia'udlag all tufltiraa fioa* iha liua? of hn aimy Ha (M Hi imai ??i?t iba .'rdai aaa iuv.<m?t tntlwdal, aoa . 4, daft'-ant iu oiumoa aaiii-, aai oiilr?Kaa<i^oa ? 0111 m< n iiumanny and otimai tny 01 ? avMlai . Hit h an ordor won <1 Mrtmll ail Mia vatuab'a IMO' nta'It'll racaivtd fiwm f'*. ?.u b a*, foi in. aUuea, iha aapture of New O. cam ?r.t r..? evaluation of rr?dMloki?> ifj Mr A*ri.?HriiT, (Opp.1 ?r 0*. , olfaraii m?b KtBfadDi*?i trtth* r#?nl IK'U IB* fallowing AP'f ?l?o to "kvt ?tit'b*i ?* ? <1 ui! ?o |H*r-r)v tli? i ??;?*( 'of t? ?iw impi iKivmrnt of!** vtlilu vlllrro* if h-i Mr. ii(mn *r r*f*i??<l 'i lit* ?? m\>*> f pa'acna takau from th* of I>*i*w?i* aiil MarytUK* U ?y .ia-t D*i *') OT III* QuitUl v ?'l'h"it .** ? lit III (fc*d? ip *oru jvtf pi ?*u*, ?i'<l afiai ><* i<( k?i'i ? ?**? or two ?v*i % <1 li'h* ??<! b#?ia- ?* *n'on' 'ohki ba round with litrtr Il>a?* ia*r. b?lun* i? a ia?* ?bo ara it'Otra* lo b-- of ii4 ?< "Oum , in* novo* t'orMia 4v n<i( n^iv** i* \>? rtiM fM nWtn?HMl| ai* ItN ?*li ?? painanii ifnia* <u*t> who Ua<i v<nii\ii(f*c do of lam;* *??r* it THJiatim. ol ???ry I a* ? u<l at*'* If '?* "lon^l or tli* r*|ro ?>* it b? r*<li li* (.??nil u? t **lt tli*) lb* gitut- il*n??* un|lil b* io*'*J out Ui irbM" iimii >1* rnkod uotVof for ?ten "h.' ??r* rt ? ivy? ? W lit* |i>v*iuiu*kl Ur ?v 4 MtO '.h?ili vm ?'.?* (0 f'Xll *ti*ai of 'h* la* lb* ill >IU'U|| llO'll n*'* llp'14.1 *0(1 lh* rwa jif.? an i j ?a* t*k*tf up Mr WtLs"*,'if Mm* ?*' *a " *n aJBiaS'lioani 'l>* ' ? iUt ?*? i m'h, Mr.?i?!t?ra* a ? ib?tirn>a, a'-iborl?iDf'ha 1 Pi*ai<l*n* ?> u.i?V* ? prucl*ai?ii??*ii<< ii*? *f j rnM* n6??u? iam-ttw rihli^r fir 'fciri* <ta*?. Ar ?r | : h* ua??? j* >il illi< *?:(, ?* 4 '?* wa* will of in oo ! tkat iii% ? t)i*l Mlolt'itf* ?'** fv* *??? am?i>. o' th* *.<???? of r?ii*tc M* ?a? ?a l'??ur *f lU* *otift*o?lioo *' tli" iiouTtjol tli* l**'t*ra, *url *m cnixi; i? tp? mlit?' l?iH ?lattrf *M IB* r?i?* of ?bK '*ba!.(on ?nd KM ? gr*?t (*ti*i *|*U? and b? l ii ?.<? tao hn# 'oral >??? ^t?i41?* :vi*n?t? of <l?v*rr n?#a/r h%* ???? rot !??<"*? f\r* t'* ??" rTW. >? j t? I ! >4* ?? H.n iMv?Min>i-l)t i:?> ?a? U > ?><? ?' '' UI \y>. * It! h -m ..I '""'It slavery Jwll'O# U.fc.Jxt.vwr had been the fi/fti vv or> ? a.- ll?o Jat oit?uijr, *uil tW) ^ily antuir .f Una count- y . irt t" daf this rlm.u .1 and Mirvmg to u.roitie Uio governuitm and destroy il?e ii ... ;entg irnd leeling i*U kbit!, he * ,it ni? iiu? destroy it if ha could. II-> thought Cou A, a * baJ the right to free the .Uvea ot all '?boU *u<t ?! ihev fc.: r, ?! i ??Khout putting ?msb ?? .** on MM .t.iulo b. believed tbey wo dd be !?'-? amii ro c ?,Uli k> '.lie vouutry. sj.av. iy sootled ?nd 'eered a lb.) | e"'v a't ii ol li dependence, and 5*" !" toiimg indiums a* Nrtliuin "mudsills. Il,ln*?'} 4U .*ola 'ia u tUo l-coi'U and tho guveri.mant, and wherev?r fl.veiy is ?>i umwt tliera is tbj most lis lovalU and the moat hatred of tha government li we wo.i'd i ? ? ' ? 'e.we destroy * 'Tory, which u the gnat cause of tha rebellion and din oy . y. He be ls? ,i w>> should go to the eitreins ver i;e ot couititu Ltom 1 f ghti, and if there wes ,iuy doubt h ? would gi-o I It; I ivur of hia oouutry end uot In fevof of oiavury IP hsd no doubts of the policy or thl. treasure In a - ri,o?i ovet y measure lor tlie a upport of the government it I, i<! ?. u obected that it would oil'end ths rebels, and narhsus til"' > <' the b irder SUtoa He was m od of all these Mijecti ??. A? loug aa slavery stand., there stands an enemy th;it oau ueverlov. tl?o government <" ? ? l>va'. I>? i t oy it, and love tor the l nion and consult* lion will return, together with a feeling or sUume 'bat n,nu oould hsve boen so peiverted by the monster of '"'M'toRi'.iu., (rep.) of Me., said he proposed iu afe* words lo tt'.ompl to anal) ze some of the propoa-d tuea (.uros. Some bills like those or the rti^toi. or New York ai il Ohio are Lulls ihsl uu-aju to eller.t eouistl and toucoh the rebellion, and they are produced by men who in.ati to crush th.' rebellion ', the other bills are of a cIhhb not lii tended to effo. t aoyihinK and aratheproduots o( ineu who do n?t mean to do auytln?g^ 1^.l bei >i e tha benate is calculated to "^'We di^tly at the rabel li.?n Tliii bftl uutliorlz?** 1 resident to Htich au amount or property as he deems dity reanlriw for th.-: afety aud the welfare of the I. ulted Slate- n -H auybo ly opi>ose thi.T This is to be done not for purposes oi emancipation, but for tho al,.n of the rubclllon. W'no opijcsos th?t. Ihis bill i tlliK-Livn ;uid denl?ued for tho pieseiit staUol alUiis. lho li-'licy of the oihw biltn is t-? do nothing to put down th ,Hon, but somihow, .Iter tha rob 1.ion haa, bean put down, to t irti tho nation into criminal courts Tor p iiiihlimont. i his bill simply foi feits the property of ? Kin clamor persons,and the fo.failure litoU^ f rceii by tU? Pr??i lent only in ib? praaeculion of tb? w .r and the sui-pteasiou of the rebellion, atid jrheu sup uru-tol all P'?wcr under tbw bin i? *n but the'substitute offered by the Senator Irotn \ arrnouC nrovides lor the punishment for iroatoo ot every pertton Wlm ha" Uk.Ut up arms aeaiiut the government; then it provide, that such persona shall be forever disqualified rnni lioltling olllce. aud thun sii|?rudds I ha penalty that lLrs!avr.^auch persons shall he freed. Thej^ovwiou. of thin subitlituia are much more^Llor1?om tho bill reported from the committee, rhe tsenaioi irorn Vormont in his speech declared that we have no right U interfere with slavery: jet his bill authorizes the Pi tsi dent ai biira i!y to fr?e every slave lutlie country, lheu 1?, refei roil to tue substitute otlered by tho l'emu.yivaniu. (ill. Cowan) and ojm onl^ ttat it was t-vK-eoinu than auy oiher, but th>i ract was wiai tiio-e oihei bills wore not inter.itod lo do anything. t*ni irrens ibegreat war councilof the nation, ought to h?v e the inanliness to take the resivons^dity snd to itdrtM eud cunsi-l the l'reaident, aud not to thiew all tho 10 BiHOiHibi'i^ on him.^f Wjg ^ disclaimed any foar to art on the sub O' t.but voted to nfor It to a seleot couiuft te. ho thought il migJ.i simulify luatlets. He gav tluii ho layored thiK act,f? he had not had tnue lo PXJu "uw* askod to have the amendment roatl te the %tsh? denied Hhat slavery is tho cause ' i^ixImI nt Hume length that, m (art, tha lioe ^, re-i(/oii8ible for the war or 1312. tJ W?r ihik vm>oa1 of til? Mis^MnooiuprciTiis? U n?o had naS bro icUt slavery, wo Hl,ould u?.i man*r*> every body's business, ntd tberofore th> y are muddUrs and are continually poking their no?e ajler ? i flrK htickcl id ill. Ho loth#plvUgoi or Lh-Tepu"li^n pavty, ord t.,l if (^ngre,. <M,'e lxii it# .uM Array (bo whole Houlb?rn naople ngainht H* wiiltnc ilial?lav#rr?fcojiM ^ ^ <?f war nnd willu>ii nun *!?*?? b? OHtBffculHl UKS u"o.irty but if the t-e.iate Intend to imke w , ..u alarery then tiiei? v a.ildu.iy be another war Alter (urUier d.M isaiou the total, went into aietn tlv 0 o ?ssioii , aud siibFe'iuently adjourned. Iloule of RrfrnsnUtives. W AttlKOTOH, Mlf I# IW Tflt ?W>AUM Of fOtUT JOaTION?. Mr Umik, (rep.) of Mo., ealtod uptlie bill, recently reiiorted iiom the MUttary Umnnittee, authoritmg the appoiattnent of a Hoard of rortltto.Kons, to proride for the aeocoaat and o, defences o( ibe United State, and other jir.riioBe*, atvab'tr.ct of which was publttbatl ou the U4th Of April. ? Mi ? .UK explained Hie pivrisiom of the bi.l, aud. m renpoase i?a<i?ie*tloo,aaid It .upended ih.appropr,. turns lor rortincalion. ? .^'works'^ if sar r=i?sii=asv5:^i" ?xsjsrssi" & r-r?-<? W *-raa ?wtjTa>r n??*a*i.'s nar??imwr. Mr L?t xt. (tap.) W" Ind., from the Committee on Milt A??in; reported .% bill Tor the betur orgavi?ttva >f the 4tt,.jrsi.l. ener.l'a ,,,, vi, 1 ov* 'ov (rep.) "f Ilk, ivom the KiiiTOitte' ou Ter_ ritortea^reported a bUI to render freedom nations! aa I ilavery se< tional. ^ vl|| R?Ap Tfce Uoirte then wen? into Committee of me whet- on UTll." ulna'wM^'co.-lpiad in etplantflea or n-imoron. ""^rt, ro- WUhowt 'ewttog toacoiicluai-a oa th?MI. td.iO' raed Or U Irit I Ion of l!i? Homr for Hick unit \V?nndfd Sold(era J'n-U.iy. Tba < ? a'HOUiea cuia i'ta*l upon <ii i ofMiinf oC tba l.adivi II - tin* i?>t" our bra* 4 M'tldixr* ?li<i 111.17 l>a wminriaa or -.i'-k, at ii>* o#ro*r of Ia*lti.;fjo krun ie sti<i Kiiiy-Kirn tireat, will UW* pltc* tUl? n,Mi'. II'KM *' tb'4t v'OIOSlC, \?ll.(U '{Wit* All uleict'lllg All t pttri*t>e tluia may I14 atpae'*l. Convuiatary lieiiaral Wclrll Will piajaH l? fhn l!l?l illltlOII * DI*(UlVatl' ilag apaciallymaiitiiMtu' adfor th? oo'j??i<>u. It 11 totak#?ipa'*>tla<; r>nI'oi th* l>an*iU of Hi* liotiie.aul fur M mora prai**wm tbe ntiiact oo'tld ib* itritiji of <vif Citlpaut be i<ki5?*4I. Tba 3*t*ub r*^iaiaat bil will< inii-fbut" to th? ut'ta?Jl pari r?f tba programma. Tim JaTt>ity rtiat r^iMmnt, Saw York .-itata Militia, w.u pa'au* In r ill. Ibe follow Lg |4>i*r<tl 01 U?r bavinf boaa n i?<j from h4o<i |'i?rtcra ralalira lo th? aanta ? I'kMli'tl. v*i>&* -NO. 10. ^ Y ?*5lIY - M K4f I:m)IK?VT, I J' ITI I.KlllKl, > AMMum <) *??>. tfi'w T?SK| Iprli M, iwj I I br ULaera ?id u.aiiihara (>i ib:t itgiwen' wll parade, In ftillfeiigna. n KiMay, May J. 'the Una will 'in !<>nne<l 10 Wa*bio|t<iu t'aiada umioJ, at bat' paa' *u* o'< lock I'. M I n? ii*iu anil attfo will rapo. tl?ib* Coional, on rh* gi'otud (djautonorad v, tiu*n mliritee bafoi <? ttwhoiir of formation If.* \i42o, jieirt n. :?'< and uOm uIumi tinned atalT W<!l rtpo< 1 t ? tli<* A.l) ''?n<. ai ot.a a'clotW Y U I'cmtnandMi* of ">in)ittiiet will i*|tori, prompity, with ibeu I'oinpajii**, Wr^nty B 'i'iiM t>?'oi* 1J1? ho<ir of i tofmarnu lb* i? rnmaadaoi Init't tha( *?rry niimbir nf Hit ' regiment will repvri tor duly ca Iht* <<<;? <n view : ?I tha ft/- tbtl ll>?" parade 1* ardtrtd .01 tb* purpoae of ? operating with ib? eity a?lbo><tla* 10 dedicating -be i r? ,'M jg *t ma <01 re. ?? a?*mi* aid Kirty nrtt ? aii**i. h* an aayl ni IM Ib4 *?'ka*?l wo<ilid4<t ?oM;?r* ivbo liava ao uolily \*aiuir<i ibcit lira* m <l*.*n>r <,f <xir glc io?i? I'rjt. n 1a Mi? hour of i'? |r**ta*t p*i ,1 He iKipaa kiiO b<\ll<jY?' ifiai the bare anmilou ol ibu fart will l>? anlttileal to B!l <b? taakaai ilia 1 at'men' 'o hi? '<<? ?."i ?il.i Ihal lid a)<|i4(rau' a wiu <10 tymni to tli* 111 r>C or it* aiaBibai *, tM't ba worthy "f ilM noi>'* ami Uituabi* 1 oh a> t It l> '"tiled 1 j anl .ti iu? |<iia.tiii| ? ? u<l or Api'??4 10 haar ??? **a of tl'#aal??* :r< ui -b * pa:a'laatid ib< paia<iao< April21 will b* h'l<t at ttie i*i o\*Atal tinicrf.on : t*<ia> m>rtt.ti *tUtO'ilo<K I* m *r i*iv ni vitr p vttRTrv ' clonal ^avi.nt.r rtr*? l:aflm*ai N. V a M A R?ai'.i<'? rt.i>a, Adj itaiit. Wi?>at (ii.Mns ? M<aa Ba'rmta th* UI*oi*> n>u<| t-itia*? wfcote raprtMuuilva* n 'owady and 1 f|M? tia *xv>tui|| ta muoh in traat, Mk** bar ? banetli at ib * ?auo'itiiiaani to-nlg*>t "h* wii) t;'r>aar iktt <.-?* l<oii a* Blaovt. il> Mb* Itt.iai Wit*,'' a <.h*rMiV*' wh .ti it ** 11 H ba on* V bar luotl ri'C**?lnl afor't Mi H*iii ? Pltc 4* '* to ptar hi* Una part of t.iandivl.' Wiit?eh*i?d, ia'be fi*( ? tbti oatii* To |(<iai ;lif <Mir p'lbltc Will gtra M ta Katatnak *1 Hi* tifti^l thai lb-- (la?*f?a*ar (hit occMloii. Mo't* H?i I 'a Wp<i*1.Y5 -Mr. i<t'llf* ?? k |i?a t ??b can >*? 0 glit at lb* Hte^Myn AtbUkedin, aaa-?i*u o? Mt*?t aflotla I'aif1>ifnoit1oir?bttianrfKarr ?u<i M***'? M"'ltl>bt4M *u<l H'ary Saii'l*no?i ftie profamm*, w-.'b ? i t| * a*c-ptian dial n! tbo r<?i*or.a fiorn Mt"ba ?ia?< by f>t(aoeTaiflbMI, %?* lb* ?am* a# at NtY Yo-k ?n 'bt pravnm? ?vamo? Ttia Iiy\i?* wat la'iia thin. owict to kba watna-t of but tnai* 111 no ta?kof tpii ltoba?r*4bla in tht nt'fnttiaix-a* of >b* a t\r? t" 1.14b. Vfr tlvitebtV (via b I latl tonctiv it v*w Yor)t Hmwiuf.* rntt?t?*MO*n ><o<4tiY ?Tli* n th ai l !*?. tan tri of 'hi* ?i?-i?ty ta*** plant ta-ntorro# tv*n i;* at th* V a'lui) of Mme. IS" aololtn will t* t!i*uaw taiaor, 8i<i' >r Towiooai, an ! Msatar Wijlia llarnoaui?ia pan*, Iht lnr n-lt r? a^iAt, wbia* ptriortatncta liar* !^t a*tt"a* *4 ?? -h i n i?**t .4 p'tvait o-rt^aa i?i v#w \(W t GREAT RISE id THE KISSlflStfPL houses and villages submerged The People Finding Refuge in Flatboats. Cattle, Sheep and Ylopt \Vft?hetf Away, &c, &o. &c. Chicago, Ilay 1, lidtf A special despatch from Cairo My* ? The pjLck.:>t Diligence, fr >in Tiptouville, r*|>orU an ?l?i tiling nUii* of water in the Mlaaiasippi river ll-iu. drods of bouses on the banks of (ha river at that place aud New Madrid ara submerged, aud thousands of cal. tla, sheep aud lioga havo been washed aw ay. Many families are living Id flatboats K?er> where along the rivar tliare ia vary ureal sulbr ing lu cousequeuco of IbLa unprecedented Mood. Tha whols <>f Columbus up to tha fool of tha fortifica tions is oversowed, and ihs water U ruuaing iuto the wind u?l of the houses. Hickman, Kentucky, ia aUo suffering gieat'.y from (hs flood. The forliflcati ns at Island No. 10 aud upon tha main, land opposite ara still above water, exoeptiag the upper battery. A large auiouat or cannou and heavy ordnance alorea captured from the rebels on tho tuna shore ars sillily ing lu the bayou, aud cauuot be removed until the waters subside. I'oiul I'loooani ia entirely submerged. THE SIEGE OF FORT WRIGHT. The Speedy Capture of the Fort Pre dicted?Destruction of Cotton Along the Mississippi?Movements of the Rebel Flotilla, the. Fori Wright, April 30,1802. lh'ire lias been no change in th> outward appearance of things at thii place for the last two days. Certain indications now point to a speedy termination of our prolrsoted liege, bill 1 am not at liberty to My how soon. A deserter to-day from the rebel lleel s.iys th.t tho v?en?l to which he was attached has been employed ueai ly a week past cruising between Memphis aud this po*l In search of cotton. livery lot discovered has been burned. Those lots varied front five lo sixty ba:*?. The aggregate destroyed Is several thousand bales. Montgomery's rebol gunboat fleet, lioni New Orleans, had arrived off the fort and joined Hollius' licet, 'they have now a sufficiently strong naval foroe to ma'..~o a show of resistance. NEWS FROM GENERAL BANKS' CORPS. tf kwmakkkt, Va., April !44, 1S63. A heavy suow sloriu is falling this morniug. Yesterday the Ohio cavalry roeouuoilered the Cor donsville road ten tnilea beyond Ilarriaouburg, at which point they took two of AshD.v'a cavalry prisouera, to gether with several hornoa. The rebel .taeknon is reported to be resting near Swift Kuu (i*p,ou the Blue Itidge, with Ashby'n tear guard ou the fiUeaandoah Ttie cavalry came In Right of Cub run, where a rebel picket was stutioned, who hail pU. ed com bustlblcs under the bridge lo burn It on our approach. No doubt exists that Jack.-, on ha* beeu reinfoii *d since his stampede from Hari isouburg, but to wlut extent n uot certainly known. A poitiou <t( I'well'a brigade juiueo n ioi a day or twe ago. 1 let ore our advaut.e upon Woodstock there were 3,000 to ft ,000 rebel troops Ia and around .atauntoo, but their present iooatioo is not know*. A large Die was seen l.vtt night from llarrlxmburg which is thought to have beeu the burning of the bridge over Cub rim. It i* |ihInfill to witness flie rredulHy of (be inhabitant* of the rural distiid* which we hate occupied. The iiuni absurdities regarding the and barbarous characteristic# of tho Taukees find tva <j believers in otherwise intelligent female circle*, lor iu bt?uic?, it is supposed that our Iroope west natural or *r litlcial ho. us, aud gore the wouuded on the battle Held*; that we show no starter, and even burn women and chit dreii at the stake, drinking the warm blood. Hi* unne ces.siy to add thai our presence change) their views to a considerable extent. Suray has beeu visited by a stiong Union force, who found uo si^ne ol any enemy in lint lectio*!. lu short the who<e of tho Aheiia:idoah valley is now permanently freed from the myrmidons o< A*hby an I Jsckaou iu any considerable foroe. l ieutenant <V*rien rbnmpfon,of the Twelfth Musaa i hiisetta, ha, been appoiuled department ordnauce otU car. aud l.ieuleuaiil Win. J. Augustine, Twenty uiuib Pemisylv aula ordu*n< e otfluer ol the tint division. lastereafinft from 3tesnphae| ( ONt KNTIOK Ut COTroN VI,ANTKKt AT 8ELMA, AI.A SAMA. KTC. Chicago, May I. ISW The Memphispapers eT the 'iOib of April say thai, a( a i-sitiveution of cut ion plsutes held at Selm.t, Alahemt, it w?* "uanimoual) 'evolved to leetiict the piodcctiuu of eotiuii tu d^? hnudred |<?i.nds for each ua..d euipioynd, auu ?d\ ?iug the cultivation of bri'adsl'ifbi uistead. H was lecomu ait<!e<i to l?v> e tax <>f t'iii per ba;e on all gi'.wn over I law t sine int. Martial iaw 'i dc<.lured i:i t.astern Tauueenee 11iqCsiltiiuU :e,'.S., woii. at* throwing out en ceunon per day. t.enei.U A.hert Fii-e ha* raued an order complimenting the l>> lian allies for Ihe-r gAilantry at I'ea Ridge. Colonel JniMltoM mid titnrralt lt?r|M Had Dinrrr, 3T lotw, 11 1162 tviuao ra ????<! a lottor fi#iii ? Soaa'or 4t WH?htngU*H i tlf, whi' U ?!?:?? ia eipllcit i?im>? thai on ortloi lalioriug Ceuoraia ?ml Dou.or of tUoir loiotao'li m Kioni lis* batn forw?nl?d lion i'it Wat I.rpot?mom. Ct>iuu?l Jmii? ? ??i ya*laiday ?oMoto ) of p?i?>o?> im.olf lie it now i(0oh . 0<t lo t by Uu*r. Un ?l0< kh;? flirty ho ?*ii?| I? t? '?<?0 to lift' r?* Wa?btll| t'?B t I'?. Tin- D<]?nl)r or MtHIr of N?W Voi k> 4< I4NT May I, IM. J. v. #?.?? >?niifc of tho touniy of Ciy^i, Una day a|ipi>iui? l l<ap'ity . er **ary At gitta. Hoix y J' W.! ? <u,ilia pia?*u( tnruiiiioiu, I)ivnig r? ignad Ohlta*rjr< w? -tjroi ?t ? iti? of ib? H<o mrt'-n ti.l * "#t ?M paiBlut IIIDOBt, ?l hi* latnlai. t at W.?i Naok. . l.ou( Monti, an WflsttUay 1*m, m tu? MTOhty tuih jaar or hi* a:,o. Mi torn lMolai>t mi tooin i# Nottb ?oio!u)?, m 17*#. tod waa oducato4 at Newborn Ho cant* U? Vow Yo.k ia 180'i whor* ?a b?? loaidat ?"Br ? wiib 'lit ? ? ?pi <>a of alioul a jraa a* e!?t? m Vrordtt)' a, K. I. Mr amuo ib\,. |<a*i Mr CambiVoag baa 4 ii|<?u'M from tba poblii ja/a, Mil ? <b?it inn* -IH.0 lia ??i of Hi* iiOMpit'Mu* i.ias a' ibt nalton lit ?n o ( tally ? B'-'ltBafll mfi Mul vt Ifctt ?n<f, aua r ? BiMODtt Of ' '6i;r*?? t urn (bit ilata ft* IB l?.1 1<j JS *?d ac'oi aa rhou r> an of the t'.iia 'it?aOf ? ? nmar.a, v>ay? ar.4 Mt*r* ?? tVitga Aft* n a* * fo'i' tmi ll< ??fi ami wi 1* ><? ?aa val?M*to? tad hit raporl* tort pami'hvi Olnara r*> eited a Itu** ataio ni auao Ikt iB JM*?b*f*| ?? '<??( ' it** ?????< a* wat tp jxi . Mmave i# Kit* a by 1*ria<MI *aa HirM A'ior hit rai ur? bo i *lnatl p ,?aia :? a ?.ca .i(n>. wuV U be l aa a*?*f baau Will *la?a i H.a u Uto ufllkatbl* tin .< |c b a ? oi a at t lot a. vB an bta ton tu Mr t?i? i? at. ha ? a ?i ? nor,itlMM> Mr Hftndalpb, tl< ti.a i?-p!? it <1 thai ua d , Dtt arvy'he b*ad si heart >' lha So* ut i mau ? in 4*ftB',?A *>a?*r? un r ???'.??? II taiub'Olt'.f In ivititl IB d*0'tu< in i?? ti o ab ka Of lb? |f lltnna f'oui Ma*Be< |iuit'U !?r ?( '.ha' t)**trv * aa a in 'M?m o lift lob* an l?a ii-tnatiie, it | ei, ami n torna* <'ttl Ian Mi raiu>?t t?i in ha at ai iia*t. libit) iB tod out uf1 ' ii|-t?e iv?<i i? ??-&>; lha fttlts. ? Of M<". F.tOrtU B* ?Ba a Mai >. |rtal pia ?. at ?a?t* au<t i>( tnCaiit'l* bwmoij , ?r." Br <?{ Nov t orit oaa 9*rllC lUoiia-i 'Ual i O*??i a a r-ora?n uinro <toi %hy ,o( bor anai 0| o nai. f9alli?n Ha i?aa ?tn.i araai.t rttf't'hit iO*?oiktrt vablic aa <?*> ?? i>? n'a f-'.low < lit/aiit in privtt# *i ^ la ma waa out ofowa tiaij' uttfulr.OfcB Mr (ailit> ?But w?a >? cut' id*, ><a UB<1tra<au?J, tn.ploytit bt .loup .IfOli Attor, anit tfM el!o<l attoiihivalv H* htv, rthrmi tbtiaiiti i>Br* <4 Int I o. I'ton a J fhia! 'I *Btl vtl >t <I"B| ?>i ? lha ?b'.V* 01 litt own rPof In bll iloa.l' ba ts r i^iitMo.i by a)' who know linn, ai'UiHi|U ha im a( t |<mkI itt Kit a ^ a?i; >m an i ii *??-?<? > ? >; c?i? ?d .. IhO ?tltt * nm prum gen. ctans' depahtmivt. K -Brfmi, Hu , Aprti 2J, imi <?n itiit 44iu instant * company 0f ?avalrjr irunt th-* plaie duatruyad the elUu.iya initial 0 luiillufactor/ usar Millville, Ark , aud t?uruiJ the bvlJ n* I.ieuusu ant nickock, uf tli? Fourth low? eavalrf, w<M killed od? private wounded to th# skiini-ib with the .*ei>ele A '*rK? lUMtity of auppliai bid for the rabula' u.<o, with deaenors and jayhawkers lud in ibs luuuutaiua, war* capt'iral by Usueral Ovlil' OyiaMUiit. PrrmtoHu l.AMoiNa, April :w lS9'i Hon. Edwin Mf Stanton , Secretary of War :? Roliabla Information bssboati received thaf Mi>jr Hub bard, of tUa Pirst Misaourl Vohiuteers i. the 46lh mat., I with iua hundred and forty an uien, dnfsaukl Colonels Coffeu aud Stearuwaight, aud mi hundred ui.luax, at Na ostia, Missouri, killing aud wouudlug thirl/ two, mid cap. luring sixty-two pnsoiisrs, sevsn'y an boraes, and a large quantity of arm* H W. IIAIJ.KCK, Major (teueral. OHlolal Drawlit(< or Murray, Eddy At Co.'a Kentucky and Missouri Slate Xjolm.ies. KxNTOcar Kitka ui.*m Ms; 1.1442 26, 64, -r,. 61, (IK, (i.-,, 6 22 f.K SH, 27. Kumootr, Clssi 2u0~ M?v I. 146], r?'i, 1<V 7), n;f, 62, 35. ">:s 2, 47, in, i'!, SI. Circular* seat frao of eiarge '*v eddrenlri* elthor to mi;Kitiv Kuur a co.. Covington. K/ . or St. Louis. Mo. Ofll?lal Drawinga of 4lie Kentucky aud Delaware State Lotteries. KasTiroar. Cit u Clam t&t?Msy 1.1.463. 65, 54, 41. 65, 71, 45, 61, 75, 74. 4*, 5, G8. Omiawahk, Cl*u iU-mMny I. ISO. 77. 7C, 22, 4.., Id. U, 13, 3-t, 70. 70, 72, 15, 78. Circulars sent byaajr^in* ? , JOHN A. MORRIS * CO.. Wumlagtoa. Delaware, or Covington. Kentucky Hoyal Has ana Lottery.?Price* Caahed and iuformaUou lirumiad by TAYLoK A CO.. Baukert, 16 Wall street. PrUri Caibrd lit all Legalized Lotleriet. Information atven. JOSEPH Ka'i'KS, Broker, II Walt etivet, room No. 1. Mow York. Duvld's Spring Style of Orntleueu') lists, Broadway, ue.?r Wuaue auee'. l.ast Day of the Orrat Play, " Hon <?' MY Till MK ami the "BOWER OK BEAUTY," si BAR NUM'S MUSEUM. The (Jiant cloi-ea to morrow, with Coin. Mutt, Ac, lie is vltiblo at all hours.| London Aqua Scutum Coate, Jatt Ue? c?i?e.l, by HrNT A DU.--KN1JUKY, h i cow ors 10 ti<-sry A Co.. I.>-siiers an<l Intro'lurfis of Ktshiou for Uentleuien's liiiu, Nos. 3, 4 and & Astor Houie. A Pure Tobacco.?Yellow Bank Tobac < o.?(Goodwill's Ptue Yellow Bank Tobacco, lifo from all Impurities, t'ot nalr by all loliacru sud ?? i(?r clp.ilcix, snd al wholesale by K OOODWIN J, BK/iTlltK, Wal<-r street. llerrlug'a Paleut Champion Fire and Ruiglsr P100I Sales. Ml Brosd?ay, comer of Murr.iy atieet, Nc.v York. JO Feu titer Bcda for aale Clieajt.?;VI?? a small lot liwe U?t-se IT cat be rs. M. KKBRItiAN, 10ft Bowery. Kecfe'a New Ri'tlanranl and Private Sinipcr Kooois, opened mi No. I'i6 Crosby blreet, adjoining bin lO' tncr place 01 b'isini'as. Batoliclor'a Hair Dye.?The Beat In the world; lurtnleni, reli.ible sntl lustsutain'ous Hold and ap plied at BATCUBI.OB'S Wig Factory, 18 Bond ateret. Dr. Krunrdy'a Medical Discovery la wan:ni a I to cure Scrofula, Erysipelas. Ringworm, Scald Head, halt ltlieMui, Uleor*. Paver Bori s, Pluipie-i, atul every dUeaiu ot the Slun, of whatever naiurK. Beautiful Complexion?l.alriPa Bloom of Youth, or I.i>|iiid Pearl foi presen'ing mil beautirylug the (otnplaiion n'id akin. All dru^lals, and i:iU Bioadivsy. CrlatadoroN Ilalr Dye, Prenurvatlrr sud Wigs, the best in the world, wholesale uu't retail aud the dyu privately applied at No. 6 Astor Home. BMP* Hair Dye, Fifty Cruta? Black or brown, best iu use. Dapol. No. 1 Bsrclny street, and sjld Iy all di 'idjuts. Hollovray'a Olnliiient anil Pllln will cure any sgMe. Only rub the ointment Into the che*; uicht aad mornlag, and take ten pll'a nljhUv. The Pa real a of Thirty Babiea Secured their erhllMtlnu certifirstes al the Mo*eurn yoierday. The in iwi- Tiie nmnbei of lisbies be eiliilitled 00 Ilia ltd of June Is lioilleu 10 oue hundred. Truaaea.?Ma rah A Co.'a Radical Cure Ti usses, Sbouldei Braces, aud I>i. WaUswortli's Uteri no Elc valor?a su(>eiior article. K,?. STesey street, Astor Hixisn. Married^ ItRUH.KV?ROJBKHON.?lit Ch:tnil>tt IgB | 111., nanma. ItBAD i *v,t ai'iuin uf Company A,Twentieth regiment llliooi-i Yoluateera, loMiss Kim lt<> iuo?. Iimmukr?Hum?At the lesidenre of the brtrie'n fether, on Wedue"dav, April 30, by the Rev. Mr. Kiae mer, Mr, W. I?kh*aiikh, <if Toronto,! . W., toji iu, eldest dau^iier df Pnvid Routi, K?i , of tUia citjr. Hootrro*?Stbbusu.?iiu Ibmsday uioruiog, May 1, by Rev. Thome* UalUudet, el St. Ann'* church,< 0. Hou-siiim, of Ko<:taeii?r, to Cuih.ottb Ami a, daughter of Riohanl starling, 1-h-i., ot thi? I*ut>'?liiriiaKi..? (in Tueeday, April 20, at Calvary church, <>.? the Rev. Francis I. (lawk*. Mr. Ctfattini C Laum, ot New Vork. to Mots Hi.a*. >m, daughter of the lata Isaac Raptufl, iaq., of LoulavMB, hjr. Mnm^r-^Via^rixr.? In Owego, X. Y., on Monday, April M, by I'.uv. Joseph Butter,.IT). Mcarsr, of New Yoik. to A.vsa f*iiii*>t a Consbi i t. o( Oitego, N. Y. M? LocoiU.1*?Vol r.u.?At factory v.!le, S. I., on ^Blur day, April v6, l"B?or>o??, son of Captain 'Mcl/mghlin, to Mani'm, il?"ji,iar ot John Young, both of Staten Island. .-'immovs?wooujrr.?Ou WMdneaday avaniQg, April ? at Him i?ti'l?u<:a ?r lb* briue a father, bj tbe Rev C C. Norton, Kuwnitt H. Sihmomh to Mim A Wivxiar, yu .ugta1 daughter of t'he? Wootiejr, I'M), atl of thle oily. Died.*. ?la.Iersey Ctty,oo Wednesday, April ^O.afiar a abort illnu^' Johs W , el lent -on of Jobs nut Hlack . in ilia 17th yrar of h'S *K?. Tbe i rimide end relative* of ti.a laoiily are invited to atte id ilie fun?ral, thi* (I'tMas ) morning, al ton o'tlock, liom the lledimi; Meilinlisi l'piscopel church, Utile Montgomery *u ?et, aear Harrow, Jerxey City. Wur.T.?Ou I'lmtHday, May t, Mr*. Miar IIbapv, a native of th? Peril' s, pariah of kilmore, county Cavau, lreUnd, agM 7? r?Jiv The fi lends and u*|Maintencea of tlx* family and these of her eons Nichols* and Kdwerd Bind.rare teepectfully invited 10 HlC'-n l. I b? loinaius will b* (akeu from bar late i?-ittaoce, No. 3011 Mad SOD Mreei,OS s.?miday Bieru ' lug, at nine o'clock, to Ml. Maiy ? ihnrch corner of RM.e an I tirand street*. where a solemn requiem tuas-t will lie nelobiaiaa, end from theiie* to CalvOry Cem iery for in lei meat lintta.?OeThuredejr, May 1,< atha tj \Iini4, miaul ?laughter of Michael and Klix?lie?h Byrne, from the ? ouaiy of W.iilw, p*i:*h <f l'e?eis ('omt, lielaad, ?ged i yeir, U uaoutlis and :i days. [ho relative* end (. lends of ibe faiH.'y ere reapeot fully invited lo atteud ibe funeral tble (I'ridey) aner iiMon at bad' pa-' two o'clock,firora ilie tesideuceof her l<ereuts,reer ol So. High atreet, Brooklyn Caiiii?On Th>ir<iilay Mav 1, ,1omhi>? < i.ank* Carh, printer,fer meuy jeara r^onee'ed wiih Iba .Saw Yon a Ilea ai d. Notn.e of the funeral wi'l be given <a tc-gsoirow a l*|ier. W dkeebarre (l*a , rauera |>!eaae .J>p? Cavhmhi *?<i - On Wfdaoday. Acril ?'!#, at bi* resi dence, on W?e? Veck, l.oog Island, ihi Neu. CauRoim.i. C. CtMHaw.KiHi, In ibe TO' U year ot b a age* Ibe !ri?ed<? of the feuiily aie i??i ? Ituily mriled te at iwiit the funeral, at St. lohu suhurcb, H'eilcgtee, I.. I., on Sal ir'tay at'ei none, at half-?a?t twe . e o >;lo< k , with out ltir*ber ln? '?llon. fue tiain ?>? !h* fweg leiand llailroed leaver II ;mer ? P?*la?t, 1,1. at be;f i aat eight 1 A M. 1'erry borne connecting ihe ewub eave '? mee aiif? at eight, and Thirty fourth etreet e> a quarter tan i euhi A M -fcsgi-e wtl! be aitendaii.e at litrksviile to ' cctivay lh? li lendeol tbe deceaaed te'tluni-ngteo whenoe 1 tb?-y can ietui n he ihe raii^oed me un e aft> it - u. tt* aero* ? U t'-ift Rli bmnnd,??(?;?? inland, mi Wed ne.-iay, Apnl 30 A?eo\V J Ca<? aaa ,* a^ed * >eer?, \ 11 in nib* and .1 days Ibe reieitva* sort fn?nde o: me r?e? ly ?ri> reepeet | Tally invited to attend the i' iieiel l? ?ni the ? eeirteoraof ? bie ether, fen Rn hraoed. ihia (md?*i eftmiee, a' une ? clo< k Ibe ?:e.w w*t llug eiui l<? > e? sithe.e<t.i ef Vtli ub-ll at hal!'-|'a?t elevan I. M iioocT.?UM W"<la?e<iay, A|h'I .10, I'a ?* k l-o-n', <l tie ;otta year of bis age lbefit?ade of l 1m an y Uia >ne<u eiOu.' Ibe Hib?-iu an Caned Ker?v?.ei t ?..?ty, are ree|e?ifuty lavit-d to ettetid ihe !< re al. en ?e>':tt>y ? e aeca, at v?ie ? ? U? k,fi om h ? la e r*? deei e Ho lOarrel aiteel, cear Hemiltwi as eric* Biook ye I-1-wi.?('u lh ? ?d?y Vayt,Hce .!? it F K?<?> aj?<i t4 veers Hei renBlBs will oe testa (imi her le a <asii*?i..a eno ibid as?a<,?. te tfu.aee II i (eineitiy Ike (Ftdav a ? oven,et eae oVU k l* e frleadl ai e re ai vee er* r**pe tfol i pvHad t't atteae -Ob Weoaer ay ApiU (j tf -aia Huiiata y- infBei OaBBhter e'C iiutoB aed f.c >a M ?. eheoi a^e<t 11 ,n?etke ill' fi ???e wf the 'an ? a-e utile- ie alt# <1 Ike f aeral ireiu th? ? n .ic of be iBeeruBt-0, roretef tle-> eua avenue imi a gatli a tet. tbia ? ft a* a te n.'n at fen* 0 eltiOfe " lh ><tf*liMl tfllStiea, . mi ?rhma4ae m< a ?( Me* i <iat Hanb ef ?inimoilOtt . ' a??ii ?i ? n i. 'k,- t.'d yeai at h e lli- eta. tee ??<l fi ??J? blc h'ee ??< Intern JebB 1,useeagh, are e?p?- 't ? evi-ed t. atui.a ike f-re.a.. ?>u eat ifday ifMr> tti hibb t i late a* aenra. tSist ai st . uemeen f Irai end see*'! d avaa aa -At ibe - ity e: ABi.apo ? Mm ea ' .B'ay. ai It lli^ar, ton i M>ehBeaa Ml Ma y II Hsu s , sg?.-a u wr.taa and i de?< Hmi najt ' Ua ! B-rsaay, M?? 1 ike wife el Hrii i Rieietrhvarr, agad vfl vaeta 0 isuethe 1'lit '? leuda ?td reiatl<*e ?? e ,utli*d k ettegd tb* fu ?.s a, o* kuutay a1 a.-sie. b atone O'clock, ?( No 0M?t Bima aam ? eet ? 9f per*| ea?g opj MA??0i' roN -?Ib Bteettiye.oa W?dnMda> April tu Mao:trt* ' H4aa[?fiviiB. *|e-> tw teara.B ui- atl.a ?B>. il, da?B flit ii a vea tad ruHf ofthe fsiu it ?/e ,twAo ottet?>. Mi' 'riOrsl on ii?ta? %l.o i g, *i 1> v'uaek, tv in 1 qaTstm plane. ?>i ?e* ^-*hi Jaa.--ie* May i Jon> H <?r >na id tk* tadV of h* see. . the 10 It ?f kn<1 r-Jyirtt ?*l TeOpaTkrully lutUOd 10 i attao-l tk* 'uat^h' ?sHUviv ( on? ? n a;k . i frem ji* 'i't r a teaee.Mo |A ? fcy to* Ilia- ? I i u- *T li?il luf MbUi O'Neu . f > Mi eon yf MaO'N ?l. a ia' * 4 OO'mly IC.>riy. Iia'.&inl, i*-vt It fw?*> *?' ' " 'a-?i,tba Tb? friaude *ud ralativxa ?r* iu%rr?rt to Htnitd umI^m ri.,froui tiw leu? ra*id<>ao?, 'to> i'aai" auoat. tliu> 4. *ht I 1 iy) morning, tt ten o'clock < >? will Iw utitd to' nlvarjr UmuaUiji fur lutarmeat l'?. -km ? At Wilmington, N. (' , ja fUiurl if, April tf? ?Twr 1 ton# and H?v?r? tlioMo, Captain (iiki k** in the 7 jlD f?r of his age. I'kat?(<n Tliunlajr. Mujrl, biim i 4 , dang*t?r j| He m y md A iby IVay, aged 1U y ?*r? ud in .uiu..<>' Ilia r alalia ? mi 1 frlau i? jI tfio family * ?* 1 M{4ClfiiU/ invito 1 to annul th* funoral. without further mvitaUflu, Of Sunday attorn* k>u, at two Q'ciook, iram tb? rw.tlmivm of h?i pn.Sllti. 38 HnWMMld It roet. Q0.1II. -On Welnaadiy, April M, JiMI, tbo *ilf or Ldwaid, *i > 1 .) inoiith* and 7 Hjm The friend* an.I rotative* are rt>.<; <M;ifulljr iante4 to at* t'.o l tbo 1 moral, tin-. (Kride/) ailai BOOH, at 0.10 ?' It, at No Ik'.ilhvrly aireal. iiicii* ?On fb":edajr ovwilng, May 1, after a u* >r? illna-jf Ilk.NKK h + h, *ged 71 yi ara, two ra<>atb<< .a* lit day*, fortnarly 01 Hanov :r, Germany The relative* and friend* or the family arj raa,w? fully invilHl t > ai.tand the fnanral, from 'lie realdei.f^ ?# hi* ?on ivlaw, Clous fiosober, 46 Itutgoril ati oet, oorrnt* 01' Mouroe street, on Saturday Hfl?:aoon,ei two j'Uock. Htovkn*.?0? Thiirauay,-May 1, Coh*kLia A ,y011*49*4 cblid 01 Win H and 6?r*U sf, vtwui, aged it yeaie,# month* aii 1 14 day*. '1 b? r?Ut vM and rri?a l* of I bo fa?i)y ara ro*;>*ct? f?ily luviltxl (oattaud tl ? iMiiaioi ??i vk:o, AttlintMl* (lanoo of b?i pa-ant*, 10U 8outb Ninth stiBCt, WiUUnul* burg,L.I , at soron u'<iu< k tbm ft'riilayj evening 'Hie ismaina will bo lultou to Kye, W?.,ioUa?tar cu iuty, N. If ., foi iuutraiaut, uu Saturilay iu>? uiu?. l'ui>.Mieo>?On Tueaday, A|)ril 2'J, tvao-i , re lict uf Kobert Tliou^tou, oijeii T5 yoara The ralativaa an 1 rru.. u ol ib? iomily ai-e 1 aspeeU'iiU^ u?vita l to at(4U'l the fiuini .U, fruui (bo reiidanco at U?t eon-in l?w, Jobe l>ag*t>,459 .->iztb a*?nu?, vUu (Kridap^ afiarn<>Hi, at tliran o'clock. Van Kiksk ?On 'I'hur i<lay, Mty 1, if 1 at a law h tiinP illneaa, Jt>un AuO"*rii!>( nJy obii<l of Mary A. and Doctor John K. Van !%leak, a^?-l 1 )? ar and # nuMtli... Tiio f. ifluila of iha family are uivitad toatwnJ the fmiaralJfnMii No 411 h'm.tii etraot, ou Sunday at tbreo j 'u'.X?.k. Wai<Hfr ~ln Krookiyn, <>U Wedneaday avening. A|*r> 30, of a<-4irlfl'. fi<v>'! , IIkikt Ikwim, son of < liarlet H. anA tbs late Ame ill Wright, Ittfrd 6 yo.iri aiHl 4 ui xitln. 'Ilia ro.ativoM ?uJ Triaiui* 01 . i,u family are 1 oep>eti*':ll^ Invited l>> attend tha fuuara1, fro'n tbn reaidonoa Of lilt KraiidiallKM ,.laa. Joliueun, No. Jus llifb etraat, Una ( Krf? day, alteriHKxi. at three o'clock. Yaimi.?OnThui.tday May i, ('iiak a-, ??!i of ("uilj# and .losaphmx lk)tw>r'b Vatex, ag^<l ?> ni xitlu <uid 'M days. Tlio relatirea aad rrxinda of tba family are iiiritod t? attanfl 1 tin funeral, thia(Krlday)a:ioru<'oii,at twoo'o'joK, at No. 4 K*?t Thirty-third etn>ot. I'lie rainaiua will be takou to Albany for intetment. Yobnu.? Oii Kourth day evening, April 30. I&duava D., wi:e of llenry I). Young, tu Ilia 521 >oar of bar ego. Itelativw. and Irlamla ar- im ited to aueu<' the f'iriorel, from No. li)l Stato atruet, litooklyu, on Sn "h lay after' OOM, Mjy 2, at four O'clook. T'|? roina ui will W UluM to Mnliimiuoi'.. 1,. I., for 1 .liermai.! A' SilHOELhAIVfiOUS. ^ TTI>KTlON OK TUK IM BLIC. Nj-jW Yoga, Maraii 1$, IMK. ? Ui?0i>rn0 K-.1, ? D* ah Aik?The want Of pure vrtuea in<i tijuo'i for m*4fc cvnal fwit ;m*e? iiatt been long ti lt l?jr 'll? profflilia, an# tlKHi^nciM of Ur?i< havt* been *acriflc*d bjr Hit* nae of tinted ar?l?l*a. IJeltrfum tremens, mm other dlsefcs<u M the bitkiii ?nd uervea, m> rile in mi* country, are very rare w B'Jtope, owiu%, in a iiivat tie jit***. 1,1 U*e diflfereace ?u (km purity oi the ajiirn < mo d. We have te?t<*d th. arr* im! article* Imported and Mild bg you. in l"d'n^ yi-.r Gin, * hi< ii .for. *??!! uuder tbo new? am /Vromitic Bcho'd tm Schnapps, which wc consider j'lSily Utied to tlio Umh reput&u?u u bun a qui rod iu this couuli: a?>i friun your !<iU|i ?? <4?erleuc?i a?.\ foreign importer botUed Wines ?*nd l4itoors abouid in?**l wlUi th? demand. VV ? would rerAmmeod you u> appoint tome o? ihe respect** bit* apoihe^ric*, iu duirrent |*irtk of (be city. audita W the salf oi your Bin . iit>s and Wines, where U?e piofcaatOA ran obtain Uie Mine when needed tor inedlcinsi purposed* Wi.ilmti; you ku?< -n? in your new cu trpio*^, wo itunaiiy your obedient mta. VALENTIN*. \IOi l\ M. O., No I Grauieroy Pirk. i/ uutrf| '3 J. M.CAllMi' it v.N M. D , Prolonvorof Clinical Hu<V uorj, buret turiuObicf lo tlie Sum MoavUal, A., tv K mi Tin. t?eu .h ?Uf< I. I.KW1H A. 8AVKK. M l> . T% Unwdway. H. P. UK WKBH, M. D.. 791 Broadway. .IDSKI'H WORSTKR, M. V.. i?1 Nintti ativel. NKI.SON srisLuK M I)., 57 HlcsArr alr?el JOHN O KBII.l.Y. M D.. *90 fourth iliret. B. J. UArilABL, M. !>.. iVofMaorof tUftPrtnOflMMA Practice o* Surgery, New York Mftdli'nl OoIIkjO, kw ?l MnHi xtrtMt. and "Hi. in. AUKNTS I\ TUB CITY. D M. Bm <164. (OS Br#J l?n. Jotii MeuMm, G7# BroKUwuy. J. A I. CixMin^ton. 716 Hrondwajr. Tbom** K. (iri'flu, 962 Hmadway. t:a .wall. Uvk A ?!<>., t'lfUi Arcuu? ALLITUK I.ATE lMl'KOVKMK.NTS -OLl? TiMBA ?4> vlved.?MKADB isuoTllBlts, Biuvlwaj, opp*irtM Itiiri'dnlit. JuM r?<?l.?4 twuui VuiglilUniiM't w(Mtdert?B lent, foi lb? ii? Vnilc." A l .r,j? ImHc* Dro?)luj| and Tollel Uooiu *d le<l lo it# gallrrlM. At $.1 so. i* AND tfso.-siioBS Atrn <uitbb% dpihigaiTte#, udw re?t.v?t JoNK V. W ? i J It Aua atrMi. A PANIC.?f?BNT9' PA-IBNr LBATHBR BOOTH P4M ?l<K>,a( UAKl'LiBTT d, ,'Ji Grand atreai, oorosr 9 Norfolk, A A NOTICE. Mr. JOUN 3AVA0R, author of "Hybll" tmt other pUf% wltleninm. oe? In thi? l.KADKK on Katurdei' n'lt. ft aerie* ol pupcia. untitled "Memoiia uf th? Xri 1U l)i am all ate.* Th?wi. ediumb.n akrtutiea will eui'jracd Bh>k' *pbi?ii oi (MC K h .111 8( ? l?t, UftoiHf Pm-piliar. Oliv'i Ouiilnallh, Mriafla ler rtbetridan. (J?meld Uriffln, Hbfinian Knowlna, Ao, The lurpim ol ihc old di'mna wilt tlnd (bite tnnnolra <r Mr. iiiifi(r n< more lluii oidmary laltrrn Tbr I.KtUKK ?i( l>? fouud ft. ail nowi. a?ea<i* on Hnnrday morning MONITORlAI. SHOT WITH A HTKEl. POINT ??U OUVKU ? COUDSMITll'a cai.Hu ll?l? dfty'a Tribute* Aromatic rciin api's ? 'U.uiO'Mmof V\'<>1:r'? S-himlani Aiomat?* Hc.Uuftpf? | under i ;???* >n lion** look, put up In pint bottire, (wo Imw Id raw. with ??imii.hIi lah-U. rimvmlt for Ui? dun lb Aiuef# inn ami ?Tr?t liKllau awiiftU. rot Kul'r l.y i>noLT*Ho WOLFR, * Hole Importer, Ti Hoirrr etrMlt Oi-doM r?teriri>d foi 41'Act eblpinrnU. to an/ port of (M world, from Itotterdaa, Meyburg 01 Loodoo. ^ ^ ^TTRNTIOK, CASK BPTgjUj BUM A WI1KRI.OCK. Sftl bboai>wa.Y, Offer nolo* market pi lr*e MKBKIM AOK, WAMhUITA TmONKKAU, OHlUKOP?% UNION AND OtiltK I Ol'IiLAR print*. A I*so DO*E."TI<: ANO COTTONADRS ALSO MTAt'LB OHEti-S GOODB. IIOHIKKY, WOOLL.BVC WIIITB UOOD8 aND NOTION:! psivrs and DoiiixTtt-R pob carh. Other ikhi !? four mouth*' oredit. Or wilh * 111 eral nleooniii for ra?h. Hl.lto A WIlKbMiOK. WO Broedwey. BROWNKM mbtai.C.IC VVKATI!KK STRIP PATKIff, ??d Kebrueij l.H, t<v>?4, d??t auJ %ifal froAB ahrimki-n dno ?. and window* Try !?, aid ne?oy?ii earfMMb M>-iall r Hiup Couipan.r 112 Broadway, room 14. / 1RI TC1IKB .AND VMSKS FOR THK WILI ION. AT TUB Mauni iot>i ?i a. ?; PIN XKLf.. No. On.tlju.ll ? reek C'lHf M.AIt DIfTRIBI/TIJfll OKI'ICK.-PfcRtfONM / vlahln| t'lHr U ii ? pla<* 1 upon fll>r lo I* i.??irprtw c^rculmeof MWMU-ieaof all k'Mj-.m all <im"?, Iroei ej| p4rto<H Mi" ni'iU^.nn <to ??> uj .riniiua Ihel* n.laieeau at.ii:ik oicopattoM, and tiiereliy ?>? the troubU mi I etp-naa 0 A?nlac f?rrr< r? ue* thiua ><ui ?. <>( any i taen, irsd* hi profea* f' i i -* ?! lodealeraor iurcuiAr^ m cintiUra lir? i?'t :|H>n n?iuti<M<i tei ink. 1'boi< wt^nlfeA t ortbei per UmIxiwiO dli-Kvt 'ken tiaroe i i?iu ?? carelope (beaidM 'hr oil* o I |Hi|>er), w)i li r? Inru po?<?i(~ \ l '??t?nr. ? 0?., l>oi '32, Po?i om. -, Ho'toii, Mean (10pns, BUNIONS. INTKRTED NAILM. RNLARt?B? J ji'lnia. und ali ?nacaaaa ?. ilia fw,c<irAd witkuut |iU> i.r im >u" u .<u' e lo Hie riatirui, bj Dr. ZAl.'ll AJUK. burgee* <tli'>|K?ll*i. <-?U B ?a lwsr B?lrr? to pkyairlana uUivr ?ri'Ui ui ili.- cur. r\A V A MARTIN'S MLA> Klt<l?at L'MvOoN l*KirB?. 1/ WAltRANTKO URM INK Ala-> Marueiiel* * ' ?'<io<ia lilvi^ieol rinnler l*a?le IUmB> tag KceaK |>-r rake Jo: ?>!e U.T I. ?TI MSuN. No. S Bread ?ir??t, n?ar Walt t^OR HOfMH ?t.KUAH CAMPIiOK Id HTIM 1NU *? all laaeri iif<* i!b?ap, eeveebki. durable, relwbli* Rlalil owDe'i au.l trade ? I'-''1 b-. IIARR1M A CllAI'MAN, Be^ t<?n. furaeli'la S-w fork by CaWll, Mack A On., nnie* Ptftb Acta .? I) > H, and by Ka.rl:. Maraii and ?lar !;eer. Hlh 10 a rrn One peuiM II, b?i of at< potlnde, CI AM t'lATUBKO r HifcrHM* cu tBiw. NO ;t>7 SR<>ADWAVa OH-fi 'or (e^a *i re lored pi i?ee. a ivi >edld ?<eor\na*<M UA? n'ktUBBa ? RRNi II HRO\/.t!S il>r-N I mpoi ma ioei, 1 in<ii>i i< o, Slacii#. OrnaairiiM, SaiuH H 0 ?'i#e, I n kaiAii-l*. k* U B -llM iibiafend Uaa r niu? .utended io aa u?<ial,?l No Jfll ruurtk alrett ?Md So : Aatei lf??ia?, Rai' t'y a. rr?. I 'BhTUCMKtt* i.Bfi OrP v:LOihino piik<:mahKO. VJI m laiji-o inu1' .ov? l'l?a*? r*U at Ibe atore ? eA dr *a' o. icty, m Centre aireei 1 v*i\ s MAMNBTIt Ij isir,, i po^bdkb !?ird u i 1? ??*r? an<l ?row? m l>?i? It kil'a ?nd aim* iinn?'?- B ? P if* Aiiia, Klee*. Moibe ia altHha. P*t?? an" F?mil<.ir. oi'-den me u. A'. All genu im beeM 1.. amu?'i i? ol B (.ye* and it net peleotioiw e iieia?n? er .?MI1<<<I1' aai'i'BIa K>?* ? 'I nitt-i?l'. ? ana imlUU Ui I.Mt ?< P.nrder kill* nie?< <? In a lrtr?, l.?o i'a Pll! air deatk e -an and ml?* ?o.a e?rr'ywii"i< l>?)ioi Ji'J t)i ?Ml??i I ?A Mi' - I.ADIEH BVI 1l' RAI. HO.iTH NRW STTI-BB I .. r H an . .|???|. is *? barti.RTf H, Utt Mrend tt A rwi latb ro? tmsiricATio*. I,AWT ANI? al.NTT.BMAR m < I I'TINO tltAN^ k ??.-.** !?o .%*, I* ' ?.?brii 1uO?. ?? . ,.k,? . o ,, .? K.I on, ??!?? I.e . yifliitif. .U.I -^er 'b-ne lot teMBeke-IM*?1?A|l? or without e?? A . i"**i. ' a.i a rer l>., an* Herald ?iB<* . "| ifiT t IV|\1 KinriBfLV AlaOHt If A II,A?? A ?m> I 1 >.!<?'? .??** gl tiaa ?? Ike to mne? eoaa ^1y and <?e,Jruia'? S.'T'ikk* a Dm.' "r *. ?"?. wl"i Boar!fur lad.. ?njr <? So. '.i ?-">??????<* w?lla%0.- tanlietnJB M urO?l? pec* an ih?? ill pi'l*l'-?? of i*oae J'"11'JVaiiKr^ ?Iter V* a t im'irrnw \ditr?*i dr? B.. b i^ lK?H?r?.A vrvn roMk V D ? Li . o,-r Ra?kt?| 05"rW *? pot\ . Ut.I^ino?a?a <M 1 Un?e ia*Ti?? ?'if "in'"r *1 .., ...? Ih atrral Ar^*. _ .1 ?\rr* afy, \ i 4 * ?? 4 . e^?r May l._ b a?arliiahlNf ( * M atil I P.* t * ?. *0 I 3 K ? I a h i. :?i: M v A M ^..d * r. i