Newspaper Page Text
HOOTIA, Capt. Jndklns, J'KlWIA, Capt. IajIi, AllAlli Capt. Stone, APRIl'A, Caul. Shiuuon, AMERldA Capt. Hoodie, siuppna. ruis BRITISH A.N I) NORTH AMERICAN If"1* 1 Mail Steamships ?,i HCrtUciii: KI.11 voitK AND LIVERPOOL, CALLIN ** - -v 1'4i:b<?k. AND BETWEEN BOSTON ANll i.l" 0ALUi,? vT HALIFAX AND COKii UA..1,?": ?? CHINA. Capt. An^*"?"' ASI A, Capt. l ook, KUROPA, Capt. J L' itfh, CANADA. Capt. Mulr, NIAGARA, Capt. A. Ryrie. AUSiRALASIAN. Theso reiacls carry ? clear wliite liglit at masthead, gieen ?Ou starlKHir t Iww; r"d od ; ort bow. ri:0* SKW YUBK TO LITBHPOOL. iCilief cabin passage *'50 li conu cabin p?*?i go ? ???? 75 ?K0* BOSTON TO I.IVFUrOOL. ?<'h>ef cal)in pa $110 S-< on I cabut |ia-aJ" ?Cauada. Capt. Maoa'ticy, leave* Bo-ton Wednesday, April 30. Pcma, Cjpt. Lott, b-aves New York Wednesday, May I America, Oapl. Stone, leaves B 1* 01 Wo Inoaday, Mnv 14. China, t apt. Anderson,loaves New York Wedneadiu 21. Niagara, Capt. t '00k, leaven Hostou Wednesday, May W. rii'ulh, (,'iy.i. JudklDH. leaves New York Wed;ie?day, June 4. tinropa, lapf. Moodle, leaves Boston Wedneciay, June11. J'ersU. ? 'apt. Lott, leave* Si v Yor< Wedu??day, JuU'J li* Berlin nut sc. ured uuti! paid for. Au expwlenocd surgeon on board. . ... ,, The owners of these ships will not ke accountable for ;olI, ??'Iver, bullion, si>eoie, Jewelry, r r lous stones or met 1L-. uuess bills ol ladin.-ar aiitned tkcrefor and tic value thereof Ui' expressed. Ko lrei..l>ioi isis-age apply to B. ClNAHD, No. 4 Bowling Oreen. IONDO.V KXIIIH1TXUN. J Mi TVUS TICKETS, LO.VDuN AND HACK. First. olasa $lfiO "I'll d <>'i STRAW WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, touching at Queens tow n (Cotk Harbor). The Liverpool, New York and Phila delphia Steamship Company Int ud d >?| atoliing their full. [> nvri',1 Clyde built Iron ntcamsliijM, as follows ? CITY OK NEW YORK Saturday.May 3 tlitVOF WASHINGTON > .1 ii'av. Ma. 10 ETNA Sat unlay. May 17 .?ml ev.'ry succeeding'Sutuiday, at noou, 1'iom pier ?, North ri ?ar. naTi-:s ok rAsa.tRK. J-'irst ' 'abiu- $Tf> Do. to Louduu.... SO 1>??. to Paris 85 lit. to Hamburg . HA Steerage $.10 Do. to Loudon 3.S Do. to Paris :? Ik> to Hamburg 34 Pu.'Weagersals.i forwarded to IJa\ re, Bremen Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low ra" a. ltates from Liverpool or yucenstowii: First cabin, $75, Vt> Steeiui'e from Llvei'iool, $10. Kit).11 Queeu-. . i>vn, $ M> Tickets can be bou hi hero at these rates, euubling p -opl ? losend for their lrlends. Then,' steamers havo superior accommodations for pas?cn gits, are atrongly built In water-llgi't Iron wwtioiis, and oar <"y imt'iut tire annlhllatora. Ekp rlcmed surgeons ure at tai'bed to eseh steamer. lor further lnformatlen apiity In Liverpool to William In tniti. A^ent. 2J Water street; :u<iln ;'inv toAlexander eolm, 5 St. Enoch square; In Queeiistown to C. A W. D. Se.y nonr A C".; in London to Elves A Macey, 61 King William ?tr et; in I'aris to Jules Deeo-e, 5 Place dp la Bourse; in Philadelphia to John O. Dale. Ill Walnut street; or at the ? <!n-nt>a?y's ofllee*. JOHN O. DALB, Agent, US Broadway, New York. rpHR NORTH GERMAN LLOYDS' 8TKAMSIIIP BltE I MEN. 11. We>sels, comiiiander. rarrymii the United -?>44' s mai!, will sail from pier 30 North river, foot of Cham tietastreet, 011 ? SATURDAY. MAY 10, at 12 o'clock M., FOR BREMEN VIA SOUTHAMPTON, (*k,ni( [iAH.?.''a*ers to ? LONDON HAVRE. SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. tlie follow in)! rates:? ?"Or the Prat cabin, $100; secondcabln, $60; sicerage, $S3. Koc fix;t'hi or passage nvplv to Oill.RlCHS A CO.. 68 Bioad street. N.'.W 70BK TO I.IVERI'OOi,. TilK STKAMSniP tiRKAT EASTERN v?iii *ali f'oiu New York fi r Liveriwol on SATURDAY, MAY 31. Price of ptwge in First ('aMii $85*$W\ ii> c<>t Jiug hi ?t4te room acc'ointno<ii&iionMf all other pritrilngi*8 lieiLiff e'ftttl. Third CUbid .$ i(t a $ji), with very '.'!periut*acuommMfi'!m?. Suits of limmt lor t untiles tn*> oe ensagrd by spei-lal arrangement. No Berth secured until paid for. HOWLAN'D A Afll'INWALL, A^-tus. Plans *>t iue ship may bi seen, and eimacemi^nts made tor "t-o'tii or ? is^age. on ai plloatiou to Ctias. A. Wjiituey, .<t CW*'ttnee. No 7 Broadway, New York [AMBtP.'J AMERICAN P'ACKET COMPANY. LONDON. HAMBPRO, HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON. Ti.e fai-orite Ural cliuf" and elegnnt iron mail s'ea-iisliip TEUTONIA. n. Tassk. Commander. Curving tiie lrnltefl States mull, sails fiom pier No. 21 North 1-iver, foot .f Kttlton street, p. s.lively 011 SATURDAY, May X *nd takes (Kis.sen>;ers for I.oadon, Hamburg, Havre and Soutbanip ,111 at the t'ololw tig rates:? Plrst t^a'nn ..$10') B>cnnd Cabin ii0 at-*4 ,v> The IIAMMtiMl Will mioewi the TEUTOJflA on M.iy 17. Korpswiase apply exclusively to C. It. HI' IIaRD A BOAS, 1SI Broadway, New Yoik. 2TAAMTO LONDONDBBRY. OLAACOW AND MVKR ikk>I.?The Msutt-eal St ainship Company's i.lisi, ? HEMI" ~ W s tall powered, Clyde ballt ?ie.imfi HOHEMIAN, Cnpt^ln Baliuutyiie, carryxug U?e Canadian .md t.u'ted States malls, will kA4l fiorn Portland next Saturday, May i. Rales of fistsage Ir.n N'ew York;?Piist class, aivording to aoeoriiino 'UM MIS. $6i.i and $60; steerage, iound with good pro\ laioas, ?$ 0. It 1 i>< jf p,i*. u^e froin >'? w Y01 k and return at Hie ft>|. Iowioi> redoeed rstes-?PiiM cabin, $137 and $lt>7. S'oenige . $C0 l-e.-Misf.ies Usued for bringing out passeng"ts iromall the p"o.-lp i! towns In Great Br tnln and Irolaiin at rety low ir?ie?. P n passage arrly at ill Broadway, New York. SABEL A SEAB1.E, Ceusral Ageots. (lOMMEKCRin MAT 1, 1*!2. ; NEW A Hit AN<<EMENT. FOR CALIFORNIA VIA PANAMA. For the better tuxommadatJon of the largn number of poo pi* aaw emigrating to the sold irtlnlng dlstrlcta of CallfornU *nd Bri'Uli i.oluiuom, KOl'R ui?ri? per month Will bit deapatofce1 tram Now York and worn Han Pran< :sco respeo lively, m.-'ead of three, m h?rvtof"re. days of departure iron N'?w York, on the la*. 8:h, *<>th and Jill), exeiifti wheu tbeae Jalea fall on Sutidav, when the day ut' departure will be the Mo n!ay following. Fix- or pa*aag<e apply ;ii the only ofllee of the line, fj. S Bui*. -igOruen, New Yor?. D. B. ALLEN, Ajent. FOR LIVERPOOL AND LONDON.?TAPSCOTT'S LINK. Ship KRANCJB B. Cl'lTlMI, lying at pier 2-) East river, HailJ tor Liverpool May ship adriatic, ?? ; ter ? M Baat rtrer. aalU for London May < For pasaafe at low rales apply toTAPSGOTT Ik t'O.. South atreet, For Liverpool.?the packet SHIP JAMBS for THP JR., l-mita la the stream tkla dav and satis to mor row. fur pa aafa applj M JARQB WIUOH, MiStotkii. AWSTitALlA.-KANUAROO LINE: ESTABLISHED IW..?The splendid fli-sl i-kma New York built i?rk<" a ilp INDIANA, 1.0D0 t<>n*. llo'mr11. commander, ^.*11! have the tiatial prompt de<pa:<h of this line tor Melbourne direct. T'ia are<><t 101 mat and second 1 ahiu pi .?< ?tir.ers are v. ry (superior, and a ehnlo* of 1 er'ha ran no* t-e -e ur-M t.yuiim< ttte appltouiion to MAlLl.BH, LORD a 01 KKE VI', iluS W.ill a reel, LORD A CO., eons urn ea at Melbourne JjURRT .STEAMER FOR HAVANA. TU? l/uited Staiee Ma.i nti ? .i.t-lilp COLU MBIA. R. Atam*. United States Na y, Coimnaiidet, will leave pier N" I. North Rtv^r, on Wednesday, M ir 14, .i? 1J oVliwlt, moon, picPassport* e?n b-procured ("torn the Xp.m iati Consul. For frilghl or puiaagi apply to SPOFPORD, T1LE>TON A CO,? Broadway. IfOR ( ardenas. VIA NASSU'?THE !^8r SAILING ' !>r;* RAINBOW, i^psln Delano, having n ? IMM ll)) tn(r?U ol Uer cargo engiiged, will 'ail in a lew days for the ?'?hive port. For freight or pass i;<", hat ingjooal a< ounmwU ? I uts. apply to CASANoVA HHOS , 6J Kv' h are (dace, milE united STATES MAIL STSAMSHIP 1 ROANOKE will leave ;>ier Nft. 13, North Itlvev, on Wednesday. May 7, i<V?i at IJ o'clock M njon. prmlar'.r, for II v ina dl: LUDLAM, HhlNEKKN A CO., 1U Himdw.y. Aschoobeb WANTED for charter?: or ni:vt lx>rn N. t'., lr?iii 1C0 '?*> r<U ions, tor one month. Ad .1 ??.. u 1. D., tlemW ofllee. gy HTK VM HO VT8. ~~ STK4MKRS ISAAC P. SMITH AND AMERICA, FROM I ?< or Harrison auec.t, ai1except S:tn>'uysn' 0: ?t A. M . I V> sad 1 30 P. M., for Yonk-t', Haatin^s, Dobba Kr i - r/, irvioffvm, Tarryumn, NjS'-K, '.l? c'iland l-ik" sn . II. - vTi.t.'s.*. toueh.ngat Ohrhiiophei -tr *et?ach **ay. FDHMTVaB. a PAIR PRICE GIVEN 1'OU SECOND HAND KL'BNI _A. litre. Mirrors and Carpeta, at# 1 II wtaon smtt, owitrr rM Perry All rails promp lr attewl<-?l to, by ad<lie??ln< a <ne P^. otiureas ahova, C inotr, .itlU ?u- tid?-'! to. Abeuroom SUIT OF INAUIUXKOIFCBNITI KK uia 'co ora, of wiirrau'cd nmnufaelurr: niao *?ljl A;Ue?:ci". ? liamlter Suit". pl?lu "d ornainetital, :it I* F. FABBINOTON'B, N? Ml Can li str ut, opjuslle Wooa e . Eat-a'iiiair-d iu l84.v All kinds of fvkniti>kk, lookijmj i;LA.-fE.?, Mal'reawa, Be.tdmg. tr.. . 0 i. t.nn prl -a, warrant ? Ml and delt'-rrad tree, ??.<?. W, KNIiDKN'S, 'J61 Howry, ?? ? ?*?eeu Stanton and Houston ?tr?i:L?, <!ail mm si.em o"*. ho'e th" immhar. Roaawoo l Piirlor rHUta, 17NAMPl<LED chamber SCIT8 OF FURNITURE Pj lit all iitlora and style-, at wholea..!e and retail; l;?a larReat a'0"< tn the city. Suit* nod upwards AUo, solnl wac < ?? il?. Mattrenw ", 1'allUw*, Aef WAllfeEN WARD, tr, Canal ?'.eet, foot r^iura east ot Bt?ulway> -i? CI.ASS ENAMELLED , t"UIlNri'URF.?PL* IN, V de-ora'ed and Krstne-I, solul wn'nut aadoak Sets: Suit* ?t9?lsod upwards; Mattreasea Sprinc B??da, Ae. J. W. FISHER A CO., Manutacturer*. 660 Broadway, between Blent ker and Bond street*. w fHtRMfTUKE WANTED.?TO RENT. HIE 11 KMT'. Rli or .? Ural rlaa* l)Oii?e; *oaM llortid or !Wj pel uivn Une*reptional>le ret'errm*-* Kiven. A Una ?ditreia- a ?? V, M , Union arme I'O"' oilve, K ill l*j i?'i/'i.<led lo. ijit; rniTure wantsiv?to n jinihii ~~a labor J 'jo*. Una house. Will piir<-h*?e in nulls ?* 1I11 furni ture if i ?hole hnn*", and Hire ft I'ftlr iirif*. Impure oi Mis. ? N". J Carroll Dto'-e^llleciker 1>LtMi'TO,V3 IMPROVED PATENT PABLOR HED 111 tiid Otlior Mm <-lfti>a I'm niwirn, m<M ivlm.-ae ?nil rr'.nl; al?? fnrDinhed l y mnutfcly paynn-otft, at)t6 Tenth ?u?ct lurincrly National Academy <a OTOKAUE OK rUHNITl'RK CAN BE RAD IN HIE 40 *P> ."hi* Imildlng* 327 and 3211 Vourlh ?renu*. Inquire ol ,:o UN THOMPSON, on tlm prewUq? S~~ tok\(?kok kurnitFrb can bk UAD IN niH mo<l<i,.n fin- proof building No. W flub uri'inw. Etiiullii* ?will find tin* u aale plaw for their |nop<riy. Oxwn ?U day. Hali*laotory ri'le renoea tflvi ii. Ch?JKe? reft*>?ftbl?. M D. OYSTEHMvN, DB W,EB IN NBW AND a.'eond hand Ftiruliure, Cnrtiet*, Beda, Ons Ktkmrea or fTory loar Iptlon ?i 170 Ciand nlr^al, between Norfolk an I Mn II k ai vf* All tlm arllelea In tha a bora Hoe, bought, ?old or etc hanged, "Ik/ ANTED?A SECOND HAND BLAC K MAH01ANY Ti Ch.unbe:'ilel; nm*i bo na good aa n?w. Addivh*, tat ltu{ piece* ftnii and the lowont pThe. B. B. A , Harold nPice. 3K. h.?Wo ild USe a imxil P?rl?i (f I ff 11 could bo pro'-u itjd cbi-ap enoigh. NATHlMOWliU a YOl'N'l MAN. Of #"OD tHABACTSfl, WOCI.D J\ like tn DMome ar putiuled wl.ii H yon u wnm?u ol *fn>d rift'ural alHlltie*. wlih * view to m?tiM?nnjr. ViWn:?j V, \V. 4 jlinaoii. New York. Matrimony made EAMY-wrrii iNsTnrcTiONN lur Courting, lt*>t>i?i i > win the afTr ? lot>?? ? ( [|,? >i>?>?>. ?Ili> ????, l|U pM''*. 11 u"i?i' 'I *'in u |*W mi i> ?|pi of ? H. P. UI.NK. ftl Hp k i ai, aireiel, MAI IUMONIAL.-A VOl'NO '.P. VII,EM IN, l.tVINQ am m| the mountain* ol I" nn Inula, of ih? hi?h?t ^?.pur'a i *i I It jr. wl*hea to 1*' i in Hi" :i tu*lu tnniv of ^ouia (rnnm- . ?ud pr tty jnnnj Wnlr, w,i?? an ultimate vie , to fn itrnui.oy. Pli'ft*e alve fl'efl JcfcTlpUon, earte ?tf vulin pre. jajwl Ad Ji'M? |u ilaw-rlty U?i. 0 Mumner, | TlH*. TORF. : T^mAsmKSK. L I. ?TROTIINQ?FRIDAV, MAY f kJ 2 ";i '? ?76; heals S t>' 1 ? k P- H.; uwuiT a a. -*? ^er's blk. mk, owner'* b. n ?i?. ?MM, .1. ( ROCllhUON, Vr^.netor. -V "? '-:hkatei> tbottino htal Nrm? . j 1 inn. of .Ma-ea, at $j0 iii. i ^7" nf |!i????h*o?rter. Itu i .. i uod fora Hmti.-K. ? ??k Ford ham the M it-yn, iu arfrance. it the CHARLES W. --- * rp^'liONTO CHIEF WILL . k u r > i i T *" h'"/;"-"; Cl "? ' ?" 1 oiamuulctioft L. I., la chat jc o[y. Jr. li' uu.-t, to v* HUM be a<Ulr. h TIJK lELKHRATEft 1IOKKK (iEO. V ' T?arMr Kii^t a>aiu! I' r males on tlie Pykmian fsnn. -Mature n?o. biulK**, ai $iifl the seasou. Qo'?l stal l a and . rt>L? 1 vidcd lor ware*. M M. WAI.TKK* . WmliiiiR'oii Ur.<?v IIOIISKS, CARKIAUKS, AC. ANEW TUINO. .\11NfcK * STEVEN.'. Manufacturer or Oral ciasa Carriage*. 72, 74 anil 76 W ilkcr>tre.1, First iloor caal oi Broadway, At" u-in ; o:i all their carriage* ami road \va$ona the Patent .tl.ilieu-n' Urooved A\el Hon, vrl.i'-li eausea tlio vehicle lo run iuui li lighter than the old lashiou en at Iron box. I CCOMMODATION8 FOR A I'AIK 01- HOUSES AND J\ curiiage, in h private ? able, wheiv only one pair oi ho;-se* i.r- krf)i, i mi :? lad at 18 Lexln to i uvenue, ue?r Twenty-third alreet. Apply Ik-iw. en - an.I 10 A. M. oi after 7 1*. M. BOABD tOlTB HORSES AT THE SX0SL8I0S 8TA bles, corner or Thlriieth a r-'rt and slvth avnnie; tlie best vuiiiiiut-il, drained, airy ovctvgroua I a;able iu tlie city. Call aiid ace them. Terms u?w. Tj^OK SAL.K-A SPI.KNDID DAPITH OltAY HORSE. * J/ souud, 16 hand- liigh, veijr *(yil?h, anil very kind Iu b.uuh' or double linrnesa or under the and lie. Can Im a en at tin' Rldine-School, lis and 117 Wett TVreuiy-third street. ftOK SALE-ONE OK THE FINEST HA DDI,E HORSES in New York, auitable either for an offlcer oi < n lian, 15X hands blfch. eight year* old, dapple ^rav. Can bo seen a t le We h ngtou Drove Yard*, Knrtjr-lonith atreel, h- iw eu Fourth a.i ! Fmh avenues. (n<|uiie oi A. M. AI.l.Ki:i'ON. I^OR SAI.E?A CRDWN WHEEL ICDKKE POWER; also improved Kngli.ih steel Cullee Mills, rouipicie, al $10 and up? aids; old Mula reia^r'-d; country order* atrntly attended to by .1. \l.SOl', at ,'lti Sixteenth stieet, Netv York. For sale-a drove op Canadian horsks, and one b'ack Maie, suitable fur h ioii'.c; one Sheilaul Pony, and <ini* hi. Lawr-nee Unit, five years old. a trotter. t'HAKl.Iv, ('II'EIt. !fiht Si avenue, u. J^OR SALE?ON ACCOUNT OP THE OWNER HAVING leit for Europe, u very stj lis'i pair ui Iwiy liors'-s, long lulls, fifteen hand* high; kind anil drlrerl. To Uc seen at pilvate stable, No. iflXi Nlmh street. f"H>R SALE?AT 84 FORSYTH 8TREBT, A GOOD, $12.?; a Uoi'Uwi), l'l ?; a sitMi.g Uiijj^y, $3 ; a top Bu-iness Wagon, $25. J bay Horse.*, 15 hands high, heavy bla k manea ?n4 taiU, perfectly sound and gentle. Address.I. A. U., box 3S0 l'o-t o;ii--?*. "EIOB SALE?THE WELL KNOWN TROTTINO HORSE L John Wand*, ior$15i>. in good < .mdition; sail i inn sum mer i<>p Trunin.; Wagon, buili liy Only, sh good a* new, $125. Apply to ('. N. PEED, U3 Fultou street. Brooklyn. FOR SALE?A SIX!} KE\T KOCKAWAY. BUT LITTLE ua?d, built by Miner A Stereos. Price fl'iJO. -Also, ooe do tor's Pheaton. nearly new. Pur sale cheap. Apply at No. 7 E?*t Twt nt'e'h slieet. FOR SALE-A GOOD SADDLE MARK, PIVE YEARS old, sound and free Irom vice. Property of an olU. or re turned 11urn tin' war an 1 must lie wild. 'I'u Be Ke, nni Od-11 s stibie. No. IIS East Eighteenth street, from D to 12 A.M. AI.-o a McClellnn .-.aiiille complete. h-?OR8ALK?A FINE HARE. UK HANDS HIGH, FIVE yeur-old; sit table for doctor, uutcher or grocer. Will b?s<vdc e p.or'a-h. Also some second hand Milk Cans. Inquire ut 1'. It. AHHO l T, 47 Park street. f^OR SALE?AN OLD FASHIONED BAROCCHE, SUIT alii" lur family use or a liver, stuble. Will be sold cheap for cash. Can be seen at .'t"!i first avenue, between Twenty seen 1 and Twenty-third stieels. For sale cheap?a very fast pair ok black irut .ri'* Pontes, lil, hinds high, Koiiuiloud kind lit every respect. Inquire at Rvir.-.m and Brown's stable. University place and Thirteenth S'ieet,orol J. SWENAK TON, 220 Orwsi iMwt, IIOR SALE OIIEA1*.?A SPLENDID DAPPLE GRAY Morgan .Stallion, & years old. Id hands high, win I snd kiml, will driv.|d . uble ur single, and yuod saddle horse, a eoo.t traveller, a?d Is well woituy the attention uf Lorwini-u. Apply al the Liver* Siable corner ol Bleecker and Crofby streets. IjlOK fALE t'HKAP?A GRAY HO!,'HE. 1A HANDS high. soutid anil gentle; <5<>*e well In Imnifiau, nn.u? the caddie. Can be men at Wilson's stables. Tenth street, near Fifth arenuf. Horses for sale.-a hay horse, iw HAND.) hUh. sound and kind; tflsu n uood work Horse; al-n ? Slabli- to let. Apply at No. if? West Thirty-third street, near Tenth avenue. HOR^E AND WAOOK.?ANT person HAVING a Hois" nud Wagon to le* iinlll the full tor its kecpin*, can address bos 1,4.12 Po?t office. PAIR OK MATCHED DA It K J car ARRIVED FROM LIVINGSTON (Ol'NTV?24 Of the liin wr Hoimu* thai bave iieen in inark?-t tlili M>a.-ou. ri ns'.sllr g ni' matched pairs: Coupe. Road ami Saddle tloiaeH: j. a iyuf (hem aiv> the premium unlmaU of the State, and wm tb.v 01 an iu.tpectiua from those wUltiug to buy: will be olfeied at low tivme?. f!.m be teen at the Me- , tropo'ltan nablef, tacner of Pi ince and Crnalty ?tiveta. LEWIS, Owner. ])UBL1C BALE 01 HORSES AND MULES BELONG Ina to tli" I n:t;-<J Put. *.? Ofllce of Assistant Quarter master, PerrjvlUe, Md., April . 0, 1864.?Will b? aold ut Ije anctlou, '?> Peiryville, M.nyhnd, on Tneadnv, May31, 1-32, at 12 o r 1 . k M., the loltoivitvg ootid nuied property belonging to the t oiled S'ase^ ?k ? 172 Worses. at M.nes ?viili fo.iL 22 Mule*. Term?Caah, In coin, or Umt< A Stale* note*. SYMMES GARDNER. ? Cap'aln and vtsiatanl Quartermaster United Stale* Army. PONIES. POMES. POMES, OF ALL SIZES, FOR ?h!.',?i war pi I a. at Korijr ieooodfctreet, h?iw?en Fiilb and Sivh avemp GEO. OOi-tDOV. ROCKAWAY FOR SALE.-THE LIGHTEST AND mo*- stylish R?-itawj/ everbuilt bv Duacubiiry A van Duscr, lormr- li" ?e onlv; i<-*t*er top add side*. Pive $175, no lean. ??< box'i Po?t otBce. TO!' BlhlNl.S-5 Ott DEPOT WAGON FOR SALE?Af A bargain; . I o wtnt i.ire Ila ties- 'heap. M i'. KDBY, <H street, opposite Coat cili a. WANTED? V 1WO WHBBIi fMVlSE. IXUtmi) OH ?? der, anl 2.0 lb*, or lc.-s neialit. Apply to G. W. WELCH, .11 Washington plaie, nr:ir l/ni\e:si'"- place, WANTED? V GOOD SADDLE HORSE, EITHER hla^St or while, about 13JJ haml* high, lor a lidy; inu"4 he kind and g?-w!c, as well II. s'j.-'h III acion *n'd s,>> lu alnrfie or double barneys, if lequlrad. Address O. D. B., (Mating pi: " and full ription, Herald otlice. WANTED?A LOW PRICED, STRoN i CART U0R*K? nnt'l b" sound and Wind. A poly at D. Jon * brewery, t?S Sixth t-'reet, hetweeu 9 and If ovloei A. M. Or .1 flttd 4 P. M. DM V GOODS. /CORSETS AND SKIRTS AT MR4. ELOERS-NICB \> lit*, $1: hook front", e.MlM-uldercd, *1 Werlov's Frenrh. e pially l?w. S*li t*, beat st??el, o.? n tiMxc, (liui .'i0 mnta. N, B.?LaiiiH under garments and new French frll? ling 8^0 Broadway, near Nln?ieent'j s teei. 1 ACE. }j No rj? I .ACE CURTAINS. NOTTINU HAM CU RT AINS. MUSLIN CURTAINS. (ROCATEL - CI ItTAINS. SATIN CURTAINS. DAMASK . CURTAINS. KKL7Y, No XV) BKOAMWAY. CURTAINS IINEN MOsyLITO NETTING WANTED ?PARTIES J iiavloa tame or mo nil q.'aii Itle- fir m e will ple??o ?eud ?am{l*a. pri ?, A-'., (o L! D ?> i?t'.eet hnmedlatel-. 1>0*ALDS0N k MEARE8, cbRNER OF SIXTH AVE li me and Nln?l~enth M.eel, Hare Jua*. rotehred A l-rueat-oitutent of Piirni- 'U and Sua Utobrella* from an' uon. A !v' of l*'i werhanli-al Cor?'M ai 7So.. from atti-ilon. A 'o' n.' fne Corded Sblrt* h' 4". and ??., worth It)*., irotn ? ucttnn. -Oo \ ,n' U Flx'tKii SUh in: at worth Sa., fi-om am tIon. Ali ih" i-hotc" lolor* In TrTaimlnfltaad Bonnet Rili'wnu vVo h?\e ih'i V?t aiaoitment of arnall ware* in ti>? city. Siri<* <lo.Kla || prl'-e* to ?nit ererybody. We b'iy iliem ut aui-tlon and i an aell ttiem cheap. \Y *IM>OW kHADEH, IIOLU PA I M i .I). WHITE HOLLAND. BITKK HOLLAND, URBE.N HOLLAND, BI.IT!?: HOLLAND. ALL STYLUS OK I IXTLRE8. KJii.TV'H. 3W IIKOADWAV. \\TA JfTEP?A tiOOD SECOND IIAND BIU'SHELS OR ?T Til?? : 1> l'?rp#i. about 40 yardaol' Brua??!?, cr :? of Thr>?p?>-. c.irt will Imi paid. Addl-cc* A. B.C., ILiaUi ofl^'r DF..MTISTHV. 1 RTIKICTAL TliETH.-DR. DIRKIN CONTWES TO ^V <? itr? i'!><?!h In two wtondu, without pain, wliU Ufa IV n'uiiMu* fluid Hnii Kipcirb' Our*ni. No extra .-Iwih tor ti-mpoiary ?<?(* or 'Oath in-erl.-d \rliho>U ?urKUtflbH root*, on nif improved niio-pi'"'* prf?<nin pL..r*. t h';. iiun ??lili.roi'brm and oilier adafikUMtrd without danger. Pie.iwjcall and < ? .tmliu> apeLm-:i t fcofcfr# ?. Inp ctwwnxi'*. DR. R. (?'. Ul'RKlV, ;)7S Oral atie?l, opposite Weal Broad***. ARTIFICIAL B<>.\E KILLING-THE (lENt'INK I'SED uulv Uyn.e. Hoonna of the dl-<*>verer Mim/tway, nrar Scvent"?,mh bticoi. Tender t< rtb, old kmJUi nud mn? ?h' lliiflll'-d and tvairimted. N. B.?AJI tut ?m of l>va il .1 i<>?th miit brr.-ih ii?? ih?'?olobr.iu-d Cuban Dratlfrlt% I and Lotion. J. PEARSON, M. D., Dl^om^r, Iili i s-A< H1NO TKKTH CCnKD PERFK TIT KK~kb ' from piiln, and MM. Trsth ull?d with UoMt inarm' r, free orehaixe. Vou o?u ? e couth,Ctd ilu( '.hi? la tro'1 nl INGEltSOLL'S, l-VHV'"! Twnniy-?et?o?d ttTect York. H.vvim? had two ir.K.Ht i:xriiu:ruv witiigi r pain by Or. J. 3\t VlLLERt, l? QxV A iJiVt Mvo blocltafrom BioadwM. f i vi'ty ln??il i? , aiitott. m*mt?tJ?ti to lh*W! H"lf Mlna from tt'oiha*# , MIot X EL LIB GRAY, arorciiausttr N, ,| XM. L.A-t'ANO. '.'79 .V i.viir VFA't <EV. . ?inif!nth ttraet, lns?i - N-ur , r?Mtl ror *t0 an. upw?rdaikoU tlln4 . t V ? ,0 $J w.iuiifd; b.iffo nu'i ar? Ai^.it?i w c^ntt io fi y>. i*r yrutM? N Cl? w!NU.''Va? '?"??LI t OHNHll Ot BOWEUT ot. -(in tin KU. .>!'? .n rrfan ?Upward* Lo.iKln*a "? i'' .J,'' ?? ? "T me dajr iW wreh. hoi..HE -Tills Kit (AT ti,A<H lAMW.T HO tIn no'% own for the fmitlon of bo?rd*r?. Th-i "Hjr hv, iv itiM?jnllr located, a plnt lltl fl?h1np and aalt. 'it pond a lirtiiiHuj. tw?'?ty.f<mr inc?i <r ?-n Ibf oil/, ?la th? ' .. .. T?,k aud EUe Ba^l ?.#. FIN AMCltl" 4 BMV AND NAV V I'AV a.NIJ'ijOVKT. if omcfc. A 1C >BI:RT MiWKLlj, - 21 W*JI v#>?K<* "l York I'jy. B Miuy .>vl'}T>"'^air.iy, ooilecUd. .' ?"? an* ? .?>? t>r??ftred. A UoI 8T BKi.H'W* A Co.. bankers, 50 W'Al.L N'l'RKKT ?.gmiKlriiei*"! r?'?4u to Li-uv. il.>.m, uv.u!ft;>?? in &U?tr'*?f u.? ?01 W iUi^u^U \W* *vi*. Jftvtu?MUa. of iW.*. I'li.ukli.11, \ ruiij, iMip.t-*, alia lluslr toi ro*lWU teuld. Akmv and navy pay ortigE. Arrt'm* of !'?<? f?r rosl^u?d, ?!??? r?v<l ?n l ilU'hfirS* 1 <.IUi^?n of tii.' Aimjr and Navy. I'rtxe Mousy, Bouniy Muury. Ac. JOIIN B Mi KUAY, N.ivy Banker, 39 N?-.8i?ii * reel. New York, o|tpo?lt? i'.ie l'Olt nllirft. CIAllD.?SILKS OK HANK, INSt KANOE, RAILKOAD 1 an ! M-.i. Stocks, made by E. II. LUDLOW .k CO , al ine iii vv >.0 .10. in, friul'y B itlJing, >'0. u| Jiro .dway at ?'101"t notice. Office N* i 3 I * ne street, nearly oppo *iJe. DKI'AKTMfrN'T OK KINANCK, COMPTROLLER rf OK. li. V, AI 11. Mtii.?N Hi <? for i deniplion O' T "1'i iui i.n| ii ,.s ? 4ii.(.i. # |0r u., mn . '.vi' 1 11 li,; an l etr ^ Ulii.' i'wu and xvi-n (.y. " MliiMi. iic.- i., In'ifiiy giveu to the owners, occup tut*, or irr*. ?J"'" ' " interested therein, that the dciailt-1 siote llie*.1^ i,r I*'1* V * *** I*1'1 I'lltlM'r, l.-UiO, tor Ull IMI id asSCSS luenf^V01 openuij,-, wi .tming mil euenJiiK; iaie.-t* and aveiin*>,n I *'*'f ?'"''I i? Hi" Jvi-w York Dully T.ii>une, ou Tuesday?an. r'nday* ot laeh week, r.escribiiiit the property HI. sold, a?(l tV "* i li"" k itn?? must be r. dee men: m dela It ui w.l'V' ' ?' *?" Usui.I therefor. J'. II. KlNKOHIiAKl), Clerk ff JtrrMi*. / ^ ON K E D E K A T K MO NE Y-<r 11E O BB ATEUT 0 IT RIOiHTY \J o< III II :. III".- ilik rent kind-; pri#e ?ii n <. S ur by ?nail on receipt .' m ne?. fi.i<l??*i|)|.licd. JOHN UEAXSV, 1:1 epru. e ?rfrcet, New V?ikv MORTOAilES ON REAL ESTATE NEGOTIATE!* A*I? ' u?'. t'KiiiNO''.'taioed ouoiiy property by li II.LCDLOW A I'O,, No. .! I'lhi* Mred, n ur llruiulittjr. \"AVV At.F.M'S', OHDNANCE Af?I) QUA m'EltMAS J.1 teis" Bn!s l?u. lil ami Sold by .IOIIN B. MURRAY, No SO Nir-?aii street, corner of L berty. VTOTICE.?THE COUPONS DUK MAY I. ON THE ii New 11 ii v. u. New Lou lou .md S'.niiii?iou Etumon Bonds will be paid on atld after that (late at I In- ofll. of M. MORU \X ,t SON'. 157 Willi.tin aire VKW YOKK FLOAT1NO DltY DOCK COMPANY, 354 i.1 South ireet, April XL, iHttJ. The hoard of Directors have (lilai day dcclar .1 a il videu 1 ol live per cent (5) payable. ?ti and after the first day of May llf'Vt. The Trimmer Book? v ill doted until the Jay ol' payment. II. V. MASON, Secretary. rpiIK VBRKIBH BATHS. X I'l eonipilauee wllh the wishes of the public, the shaiea .1 the Turluah Bath Company bare bMnreduoed tolandiM l'lf - . acli. Tli.^e, l.tiwevt r, Mibaerlb ng for live ahares, or to t e amount ol $.'<0, will, b^stdcK Hie reguliir illv iileml,enjoy th ? prUil?i;p of a nee ticket, uralUb'e oneu in two mouths, wliich guar., liters twelve per cent on the.lnviKtn.ent. ipilitu4 to the ntoc'-v of (lie Turkish Itutli t'ompany Kill now in* ren lved al III" oUlwa ol'(lie followini; jouru.ils:? E. nul iik Post, Express, Journal of CommeiTe, Tlniee, Tri bune, World, Vatiiiy I rlr, aud at Me-srs. Appleby's, H'J Watei hWcel. Tile lOt'owiuci'entlemencompoMi tlie Board ol Direeliotr:? Pun A. W. Bradford. I?L>. U. \ alenlinc Mott, M D Win. Ctillen Brytint. Exij. John Ordtonaiit, M. D . Saui Theo. W Dwiubt, l<L, D., tary t'ommlnsion. Col. Col. Iiiiw S. hool. ,1. S. Thayer, K Hon. Uoo. Fol-om, Hon. Djnlel K. 'Ilemaun. i'lias. Oodfrey tiiintlier, Eoo. JoliuTorrey, M. D., Ctm*. King, IJ. I> , Pre*. Col. Wiu. II Van Bureti, M. D , College Saaitaiy Commission. C. OSCANYAN, S rretary and Oeneral .Manager. N. B ?Mr. Oscanjan i an l.e ei u ,it the oflice of the \ anity Fair, 110 Nassau street, or ul .'17 hi l ayette pitn-e. UNITED STATES QI.'ARTEKMASTEK'S YOTCHER8, C :c k? and 6 per cent Cpituientes of Indebtedness bought at the lr, lie t ra'i"f? by S. It. JACOl'.S, No. 1 New Str-et, corner of Wall, ui.der ll\o SI. Nm hola< Bank. (J. I /\n OI! $150 WANTED, BY A LADY WHO HAS A ip LUW Hit: r!:isi b ard ns house, near Kltth ate me,jv lut e below Fourteenth ttreet; a pirty who could Hdvnpee th.' above will bo boarde d at a very low prlre. Aildiess Home, S'allrtti D, Btbifl Borne, AAA TO I.OAN ON BOND AND MOIt'I't!Ai;K? i?ij'./?i/WO In eiiiiia var. inj; lioin S-I.U'JU to SlOt OJ. on brsti'lass real eilute in the city. Addresa, giving deseripi Ion ol property, box .!,7Tti Post offli*. $l\(\ SUMS TO SI IT, TO LOAN ON BOND tiU.vv'' and Mortage on impro.'e.i rlty pro re rty, worth double tins Sinouot. Aildress \V Autbes A l.c Koy,.? Pinesit?et liOAN OFFICES. AT 77 BLEE KEK STltKET, THE lllOIIKST CASH price sdVen-'ed ou Diaiuoads, \\ iuoIims, Jewelry, I'm u.'SDiy Uocds. St) t i.%, Ae. N. B.?Fawnbioker .' il ?ets b iu^lit. II. NKWTtrST. 77 Bleceker atieet. Hp stairs. AT 111 OK.VND STRKET, TIIltKE DOORS WEST OK Brokidway?Morey mlvtinceil on Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, Piute. Ury Uooda, and pci'tonal property ol" every a.-~;pii..?, and sold by JOSEPH A. .JACKSON, auctioneer and broker. AT30TI BROADWAY, CORNE? OK DUANF. STREET, Money adtriiie ?<( to any amount ou Diamond*. Winches. Jewelrv, A. . Bii^ineM strietly eonfid nllal. T. H. KEKSINA, auctioneer and broker. Pnvaie entrance In Dnatie sttcft, Ui-Kt door we t of Rrn idway. AT G>"i8 UHOADWAY. OORNKIi OK BOND STREET, room No. 5.? HENRY HY.MAN advances ca-h on Dla innuds, s"t or urtM't, or bit;.s the rame for ra?h; also ou Wau-bei, Silver W.ire, Pianos, Jewelry and Personal Pro ymy. ' ? ? - (tAMEL HAIR SHAWLS-THE II Kill EST CASH J pries paid for Camel tisir 8hawls by LOU18 ANRIt'H. 7- S Bi'uadvt ay. /1HEAP CUVIIIIN<S?UNREDEEMED PLEDGES.? \ J t'riv k. Drtsx and Business Cunts; Casslmern Pant* and Pancr Ycsiy; $& a suit. I'ivwu purchased (if dob inc, Diamonds, .lewe cy, Pistols, Dry Good*, Ac. OEOROE LK\ IK, 4'tt Broome street, four door* irbrn Broadway. IIBERAL ADVANCES MU)K ON DIAMONDS, J Watches, Jewelry and Silver ware, or bought for rati at Ihe highest Dfleea. I'mom baring olil tiold ami Silver Ware fev sale can i]o no be'"T ib>in a'l on LOUIS AN KICK, 72.1 Broadway. IJ/LCOBa. *J7 BROADWAY. REMOVED FROM <1 i? Ofcdar street, advances made (Ml Watches, Diamonds iiiin other * ? l<au!>lr* p?ra'>n.<l property'. Old tiold mid Hitvnr bought. Bn-iies* strictly confidential. Money leat-to any amount, on am, kind.i : of p. isoual ; rup riy, as Watches, Diamonds i>ct mi.I j otu?t). Jewelry, D.v Hoods, Ac., hy AARON ADOLPIIl';), hroosed loan otlicc, IPearl street, corner of n.'W Cnauibcrs at reel. MONEY TO LOAN?IN SUMS TO SUIT, ON WATCH KS Di int'iod.-, l?i \ Oii'iusaml all valuable Pio peity, hi A v r Pluti, Ao. A|i|>ly Ui R. WOOD,(fit Ktilton street, M'cond I!our. ironi loiim, from 9 to 4 o'clock. TUIE UIOHEST PP.1 OF. PAID l'OR INDIA CAMEL'S lliiir SI: iris >r would be In ken in exchange lot Dm* tnond Jewelry. ( ?-U paid for Diamond* .Money to lna<u ! B. W. PLUM B, Diamond Broker, OH Broadway. Apply only from n Ull lOaud 2 ul! ."S. * [""" ~ CLOTHING. A RAKE ( llAKOK.?LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. IP 1 yoituUblo it ilie lull vnitic fur jourcasiod <:,> ii. | log, Ac., the I a* >?,u can ? u W to i -ill i?. n i n n< Ic ?<? toe j veil knoAvn dealt f, M. MIN I'/.. 2f.t KUth auntie. T e:c ; yu'i it aj be sure in mtivi ft i r cv: ; u: ru than \ im i oilier (.eaten. N B.?Do u ? belb-v Hi - false j r.'i n .. i s wliii oiler ti' for >ilk iwe?-. , $2 ? tor ? oais, or $>i for ;? in'*, u.i It I* ?'ir-ly a hntnim;; Lulu s i;t-u el Mr* .4 in / plea?' remeiiiii- , is1! Mitb avenue, Ih'Iwmi Itrrti'cettli and Eighteenth * T-> a. Ar rut new vroi.K. in third avenue, ladies ?iinl Kern l"i. en c n di*;-usa ol their oil Olo lung, t ...p-n, Kiirmtnie, Ac. I c lefnutce to pay lor Dre'ies ru t> { I io*.t), tortNvits InitU |l t" $1j, for 1'auts fro u $1 lo Pbssc dona fnrjet tn call nu or address O. M1811 1U Tii i-1 a rnne, near Iwirtecnth n'.reet. Ladles attended by Mia MUh. AI.P.KAT DEMAND FOB CLOTH I NO, FURNITURE Carpets and Jewelry.?L? 'les ?nd gentlemen can ro r, Ivc the lollowlnd prici i ?Km- Silk Dresses, from 01 to ^ii; for Costa, front $1 10 fit; lor Pauls. $1 lo >5, b) <ull log on or addres" .-.:; M. Abiabatrs, Vfll H-venfh avetiug, lin Iwecu Tweniy-litilt and Tw oty-Mlsili stre"!*! Lsdie i puu? tnelly attended t > l y Mre. A. Attention, ladies and oentlemkn.?i uavb jam itttuetl HWI lo pm chase ?a*i off Clolhtnt, Kitr nltnre and ('.u-pe(s lor the Csiltorui* mark t. I do pro ii e tx pay the hlaiici t nrtci * in tbe city by calling on or a tdre?s ing s noie toB. MISTA. 1ST Siilh arenue, two doers alws'e Tenth street. LuJl"? aiifnde<l to by Mr*. MMlfc lleiwm ber, l.?7 Sixth ar-'nnp. AT IBS SEVENTH AVENUE. ladies AND OENTI K tiii n can dlsfmse of thi'lrcasi off Ulotbuig. t-'ariiei?, Ir'i .? nimre and .Icwelt?. I gtwrant'i! to pay nfn i mu nur than any other deo: r in the city, and not t < I* hiirobiige-a by treat pulls and flilse pretender*. Pien-e tpa" on or e (? drc -- J. Anlui'i. In S<-. pnii> avenue, between Tw >*utl< ? i and Twrnty-tlr>t *tients. Ladle* attended hy Mi?. Anbalt. Attention, i.aiuf.h and urntlkmi:n.?ty low *Uh tom?i? ilia In.I Yuliin tot jrour o??mn ('><mIhu,',C.r? 1 pel*, Furniture ?itd Jewell y, ibr teat yuo .*n do I- to >? nd ? now to ih? well known d-aler, F. IIARl! I ti, 1M SarenHi ??e. nue There vo?i may be uonvlared roil he 'Villi with i? your mtHtaclri. For Drno?n troni ?;? to fcfl, for CoaU from. , *? to jfl.V lor Pant-mom SI in !';<???? do not )or*?i -o. eall un or address F ITtrrm, IM Lfen a?l tended by Mk M.irrl* i LARGE OKDER RKCl&VSD FKUX SALXruBKlA VV lo pi-:ebtt'c ol.C o.ulng, Furniture, C.iriw"'. *?.? i.jiiir.v *1 m?] gentlemen, | ^uhi*m|i cc lo pay the fufl ?xii* on tli lllli.t'*. N. B.?1)ii uol nellora tho?e faUe | rrlfii I-mh who Wt>r thpi- cnom <mi? j rl'-<-?. PI?m> oillon ora'Mres* T. KCVtKMHKHO, ?li ?levnth avenue, Ilj?*???? \o<i w II ve. <???!*.? .Imi higfie*! f.-?i- ?? Lnlifn attvaded l.jr Mr* R"?-a Ix-r-i \T thh i'ALUOHMAN ANJU WESTERN Ad KNOT J I o ifc<* M, Hi ? > ?n be obtained tot et I off I Clo'liojg, l'arp*l?, J.?elr? *. Foi Silk Dm* "a. fro n M to f.'t.i f .! i'<?l?, frruu $2 lo $1?; lor l'nnt?, from #l&> ioW. A no'" hit lull, limn- 3.U Boner jr. opposite i.'i .it Juinvtatreei, wlJt b? loin ih Jy uMi-nd" ! ro. L*iie*a"end'd l?. MM. lli:i;K I APOSITtTK FACT?HDIES AND ORNTLBMRN, IK yon wtut to get .be uinio* mine lor Tour ctk-i off Clothis;, i>iTOm, 1'iirultur" mid Jewelry, tlw Be^l yon mo >!o l< t'.i ?md it not"- 'o A. HARRIS, Ml Third avenue, be tween thirty-eighth ami ThitIy.ninth jlrocti, ram side. There )ou ileixnd mil will ricalre 25 per rent mors thnn At any ? Iter dkib*i'? In Ntw Vork. Ladle* iHvndi-d tar Mia. ILi-iK V .BETTER rHVVl'B Til AM EVER.-I ItAVB JUST reeelre ?lUXW iromJ. Buibtiun A O , C.n< liiiuUL lo p-...Ch.?n" Iflriten' ? ^rn'ii'llW?'? Ctui OQ' Clolliiiig, SWnl lure, C* iioll, ?' If, I ?ii*ra?l?f to p?y llfty-jx'rfc 'iit mo:' tbui ?ny oUuTdewlT. l'l?i?io rnll oft, or ?dilrcft, A. I?i t>4S, 21s Vtrnh nvi'iii?. iiiiim Twenfy-rmrlh "nd TwfBiy.flfth >ire?ui. Ij?dl> ??i,?nd?d lo by Mra. O. i i ALI i'OKM A AN 1) l'IKU'8 PEAR TRADE.?A (illKAT \ ; ib-mxnil ftr tin!leV ?i>.t (??ntlpmi'ii ? c?'t off I'lottaiag, l'nrnliin ?, Cnip?tsand .l-wlry. I gini.niu c lo pi<v iwcuty five p?r cent mor i than i>ny olln-r wiUhlUhraniil, ?t-4 no hitiiiun*. ?'?!' ?t or.n-nd ? nofp III N?l or I'ftX Wr*lferimd w?v, h'Mwepn 1^-oniiM ?n '. KrauMlli *t;'H< i?, ami 28 N"*?r* nv.;ni ?, JiT.wy ?U:>. I.f<iiic.? ?liende<l b; II ???oij-, *n(l geriiUnnen by Mr. S ?jb^*y. CI TI.RMGN HA'. 1X0 AXV NEW OR '.KI T OFK T Clothing to iJ? | <?"!' oi, run "bin n lhi? hi8b??Mn+ >i 'i? r.iiiin. ?' 1 " ,'1"' nJohn Mm pojr, W7 I'mrl ,1 r"t, I ? f. i ivi fn mil I'mk MitMi. All order* pine. |il?lly a #-n'i d lo. rilJO'lirxl'H'S M.W AMI I.Kt'l' OKI1 rtOTMINU VI iinnbis d lor the Wr teui nmrkel, in Ui^e or hin.iU lou. The mil viiliid *111 lie |ki..I ? ilU tnl liag^lliw o-weklni Tli t.'B r?U al ?lie ?;oio 0' S'l'lff* ThJiw# W. UtmUtM V?au? ?i.c?v. t 'ti .ci in Irenlwty 4ji,i HigMttlk airlift, . W, MTALX-ACK . ?L ?'? . 1.4. b* tlfit* tot Ibe ...' r'uwui:,?;,*; '?5E Cm in here to (Jiii? m ?f '?*\ AUIKTY AND NOVELTY which h m s< oiir.'1 'ror l-a,tr'' suc^ uuoqutvocw M?;ir> *as?of.pp?tf*.?* ritoi .k a m >? h . S \Ti ItOAV, r, , B IUfc i.Irt I'AUlit, a ?i .j ?? ; . *'ill an J f.iilii'iMble auJlcppe. wtih R" ein.l on M iiiJuy by ? i '?ua?. tin- ou.le>l Uii ,Uv 4Dii -v . very <?? . Comedy of Monday, (first lime lu'fWk \ mazh ... .,, . LOVH **. i . ., i'v. itririrM-i nia'litucry, ?Inch will btf produced with ut-uUl HIUloilltUMUt' , ?!td nil ?1I|I|4-U'1!7 *k Tl KS?A>. qnh TTII? f.ADY O* M rot Wt.osi:sdaY \ V* ' illli LoVl. t'lVAi* TO-MU1I1T KKi:?ftVT air bvBitwe. will b<" pi'il'iii nip ', liftli time here, lha'-qi >*>. ' author df Utuliulteii'' urn)' M>niny," oi .... , LAI>T OF LYONS . . ?(i fourth which *clu> rrd inch si^ ?'icckm at lh?i4rri 1 h itrst-i of ?"prcspivta'intfN, ufiiitiiiK < crniniiDiu anl ;? - ,n (*. .11ipli<iim?? throughout (Ik- rutin- prijitt i o( 11"*; '?**, ftvea to night, ,ne With cntir- lr u'w aeauery. 8ii?*rl> contumfd or ?R..?' (iV 'i '"i* 'I . lid iiiilituiT),uii'1 most powerfully < Hit. - . Claj?'e Mel no tie Ml. Lc?ler ??*-A Col. vfr", Mali: Bib"* v (Mavis Mr C'.i>rl ?< Kit: >i' 1 Beaua uia Mr Ki'ync'.TV 1 Moiip. l?ra. bappelirs Mr. Norton , j, Jabot Mr. (J. HoIUk! !! Ui4i|?inl Ml. Young D^snioullns Mr. P.irWin Gkipuiln Dtipoiu , Mr. Parsloe Caailaii! Ueraiilt .' Mr. Turner JPj&iMin* Mm. Iloey Muy*. Deschuppellea Mrs. Vernon WI<?-?' Veluo'to Jilrt. Joliu tic ft on .Hit'sGreene TW4New 8'fimry. I>v IS ft KTt f>OI>. will nnaiat of 9AJ.OVN A NO DRA*VIV, k ). >M INTO*} HOUSE OK MONSIEI I: ill-. iMtAIT I.I F*. EX^Eiaon ok ii.i: ;,.n.i>; i.i >n inn, THE WIDOW KuVoTI K'- C IP1AOE, i iE .V U Till-. Clllt Ol' LYONS. Ii? re<?e^''*Jt, MONBY, At'.. Ac. family Aetata.! :-ri .i..- B .*?? %7 Boxca iWui 1 On iuil'it SmHii.., I convatitEjiMiu' notice:.*, AOKJmJ?*, \N IF*\ IN'! A GENERAL EXPK7fBNCR Is ItiutiamMrtll in*rvl $?)') tu $;W>. Any pn-?v having a legitimate-ausproIitaM ? b.isiiitHK nut ai?ilv .it 4- Hv-uJ wiiy. C. B. IIOWKS Ji VO. An active rARTXi:* wanted-to join a city IIi-iii in inaJMa n 'iirtii*; tin- ix-ot h?'1i Inst<-iiin{f ^ituls ever liKiiidui-ccI; ??>* r.ii>?, im s.-rewa, ii'> paluiroal i>l- * pair mid i?t?H (nr Hi lIlMhl required. a!x>tu $3,01)0. tr. MAimND A CO., 1M Broad wB/i A PARTNER n'UIUiD-V?ITH 3IW. TO JOIN T*!TV aiivi-rliaci- iii ilm li*?lery md fitrmsiiing imsint'sa, to rated np iowii. Mm.i has o tlie *>e*< of i-ofei'troM. Addrttw Business, II laid ?HW* AnURClIRIUiHip mas wantko-v i'aki ner in a plru?nii?, well est*t>liNlw><rt buainr-a, paying u la 1 if.* win kl>- iniiuiw. Only SIM) required. 0. B. HOWTEK A CO , 4 "i Uioidway, ?p*t lira. /lOKARl'XEiJSHlP ?STMIMl* DAW AND S. T HEFT Vy ni-r liave lliis (tuy li>rnu-l a r ,p?,r nernliip, nmlpi- Hie linn at 1'hlllp Outer A C<v? and. aa the ?in.c?a?orM ol Out-rs ? Cn.rwiU couttniio the wholesale Kii'Wfjr anil commlaniixi at the old stand, l< i trout a'lee-t. EttlLIP DATER. NnWYona Mny I, ISOA N. T. HKKKNER. ("tOWTR ACT.?WANTED. 4 RESHWWIBI.E PARTY J v.Itii uipiltiU lie -ea-nji l"> tin; completion ot a contract for ar.n-. No litoker treated'with. rriuctpala chi'jt need at p'.y, ylvlnt; name- and a<lii;rs?. Aldievi M.uiulacitirvr, Herald blliie. DISSOLUTION. Tm- roiHittneriMpheretofore existing tinder the name and linn ol' Cooper A Fixlier is iliMd.iy dissolved l>v uimei. I'r.uicli. W. Coefjci Is authorized i?s-llli' all claims dm- the linn ar.'l to-i.liii tin- ou-ne n> tiic -aid I rm In li-|iii iIhIIoii PHANCIS W UOOPSK, Nkw Yohk, J, I8'i2. Rl. HAKD FISIIER. Tliebnaine"; will l>e conMrm^d at Wh* miw ptai-". No. 1 :it Antltv street, liy k'lnmit W. <"ov|,?ir, ni-inuiiw Hir. 1 of nil kind-- of SUrcr Ware. i-'HANCIS w. t OOPER. 1>ABTNER W ANTRD-IN A-ElUMUftfcBLS BaXKIMO llutis-; capltn! iequi:? 1 fiom 15^100 to $.t0^K>'. Th<- ad v rll. pr will jiiii iu?in C'|nal amount. To the right man tins op;or itniivpr s-nts an nn> oaimoo. :pod i-h?o r. Addresv i 1 0, H? i>l'! oiliea, with real ikiiae a?<f |ii.i<-e of Inter PAIi'iNER- WANTED?I- WANT A rtTI-ADV MAN IN ihe i'i.iieaiuii' and rounaia^ioii busim-oK [ want a iumii In tak? rharge <>1 ?.!??- ojliro, a" I liave so - iniirh oatdoor bin>l iirss. Apply to P. ZHOLIOi 12 Oi'iitre nHv?l.. rpilE COPARTNERSHIP OK CLOSE A V.A 11.8V, AT I it a..?*i^, i? ,ui. .??? j- a....?i...? \>j mutual unuMilit. Th?^i: lnesswill he arttled liy ei<her parlurr at the same pl.iro, J. ?. CLOSE. Nuw York, May 1, 1882. J Ii. BAIJLKY. rpuK UNDEUSIGNED HAVE THIS DAYT KORMED A L eo-piriuorahlp, under tbo Orm nnmti of Hanks A Kullev, and will 11 Inuc lha clotliina business al No. IS Bottrwr. WM.-Mi. ItANKS. Nkw Vol*. May I, 1801. J L HAIl.tV The co-partnership or.) b. close, Bailet & CO., nt Nn. 8 Park pi.lP#, I* 111'* day dissolved by mutual content. Tk( Immiivu will be willed by either partner at .tW Broadway. .1. R. CLOSE. HALCYON U. BAILEY. New Yokk, May l.UWL Jacob FREHAO. Till: I NDl.ttSIQNKD UlAVli THIS l>AY. POBMED A (V-imriii'-rahlp. under the linn name of H. O. B.tiley A Co.,iorthi purpose ol' carrying on the yoith'n and cull* >'ien's i iniInn;; UiuiH^a, in h 11 it^ branches, ?< ;>.??? Hroudwu-*, as reretofore rarrfd uti by J. B. close, H.illev A Co HALCYON O. BALLET. Nkw Youx. May 1, l"6i. JACOll I'UEllAU. tonn -WANTED, A PAKTNKIl WITH. THIS amount in <i k<>o<1 pa^liijj oii-iinerta. Onlv jumi Bil.l down In caalt: the batinoo out of Ihr buunrM No. 4tvl road w ay, room 10. ?A RES|-E< T\BLK MAN* WANlftD, AS . treaenrer, and to aaalnt In an eutireljrnnw .ind novel ei:teif*lnment, jual opening In this o?ty. Mil- is an e ,cel imi t npnortunliy tor tVj rl^'it iirtv having this * mount. \V. MAITLVKu A CO., tiM Broadway. (ftOftfl ?* PiRMB unto, WITH THIS amount, Kitnk- full <-barge of a first class gut i? rv a'.?'ic In ? tir*i < It s imlsihb ihontl. Apply at VP. SMIill S lie,I hstat 'oS?. No. i>3t Eighth an-mitv and M-ain pai tl^'.a. ^?OrtiV PARTY HAYINtt THIS AMOUNT. WIHH ngtolnrnat In an established c.iah mtvanille bust ties*, may apply ill N. DAVIS A CO., 3S New Bownry. Nou<' wi 'iont tt.o moniijr i.e d apply. trnn ttt iiwiriwiPi iw a business Wat (J)'Jt Ml i.- p i l' cllysale, and ivilljxy ;a yoitn^ man Who cm I.' p hooka preii rre t. AddrruJ. R., Iwrald oAI*e. (J? "?() ?PARTNER WANTED, IN HIT AND. CAP ii/' )*/'". l.oMiii'-f, lull * o.u, all MM for; MM ior pa ii--'. i-iori' 1 ha:i one can o. Apply ut 1?J Oro?nw|i;h Bire-.-l. ______ ______ j.ilit T'i $0Wki.?WANTED, A I'AR'itVDs To ?7*1. ?* " M " take an ilittjr. st. eiihei art It oi oklie. wif. It n ? iif.ii ' k - w lii ui ii .b -ol.: is controlled by the maun* in mi r*. ti u U" .-? i.ol I tjeo- lljr, 111 daily use, aud tho I ? iiiniio , ? i . ? no: allectvil by war or.| ?n i ? of a<iv fcliid. i. imu.e* n o? proved to bo reaptu fn !?'.. ite, very yi ? lit bo n in r a ty !in?ney ?oi", E*e?y aatlaf*.t:on. Ionian* tt c 1 uilii.M' a.i' Inj; to eini ai k in auch. Nuho but ^mn p.iK i-f.l i; piy. A lilri'X* t*. W. S.f l;ox t.lil-* 1' '.'i?Uo?-, Sfw ^or?. C!'l Hi ?lAH'iNKR WVNTKO. IN Ax SHIRT AND . tl man-Fir 4t*hiii(i "loitf, ou Biuadtvafw u i. a?a.h apit> t tiwn $?IWto$.t,UB0L Tb<ia.lvniWr Ima a iKMi r in o. .oil < l?? rMah . tiatom?ri>,and ba? le ?? > s tum. .h-d ..teeo ye n s. Thin la an opportunity thai clct .. Itu r. ii s e ^ hang' d. Ad lrc a (rrutiimne) riirnUh ?M(j GtKitl', l<ov IV) HitralU otlico. PROPOSALS. 1>AOPOSALS i'OK n.MALL ARMS FOB THE UNWED STATES SERVICE. tl '.DWM'k 0':*tw.'*,? WA.snisuiox. I) v., April it, I?tl. ? Pro^waa's will !>? r<"-''iveil by till* Uf|?i<ineal oiull< l'. M. ?a be e*?ttlng oi tl e IStb ol >l?y, is>rj, Iok rnim:Oh tarlng, In ill i'uilr<d Btaien, for tb? Kovcrnnieiti, witbM MM >eai Ijmui that ;ite, the following deo . Ipiion ob^iois, >t'. - ^|T Hi; 'e|d ldtled Musk' Is, inthltl IA?r?. 11 a.-per'* i erry Rules, with mm if I bayPMl* and. Jrti ermb 'fcrl'da. model l^.vV m " h li ailing Oarbln w. nr oaval f. Rvvuleor I'ls'ols army at/.n. saorea for ii^bl a. ai. y. Non-tor raleolonedO Uoeia' Swoi.'j*, i M -I Una'Sworda. \ * K?<*?>l fi aMmrdii 101 itjtnl miiak'i bayonet*. ri?)x?ul< will -.lali!? Kor mnnkeit un l vltVea, the pitee for tt.iVMiifeiUi?* i kill' i intuition pru|?>- jA, p?T gun,' ji; ??< h mUtiiliinul ?! '? .?U.oOtl. r r reeoli era nrd rarblne*, th?! kind nriivKitwiK Mil 'lie , pr^* iui ) IWUnd ediioilwii, par piilol or .u i u;* i\>i "? b ! jU.iiiki .iI >,t I/O iu' WlO. K?r iaIiith, ?wu'it< An.1 wabbled*, Itae |>ri'? 'if 4w'n .if the pi?wi ib <t i4IIW4 lu the nnniVr& CM u h, ?!?<> for each nrt 5.i*Jtl 10 -.11-t) All the tinvmr** <?to tie fnrntohed "i|ih the ?|? P' lirt.firt. i-inoil mtukeuari' <a be In ill ii? i?e:? .?lrn ll- jl n nil ilii'-f iMaili.ictuied nt I he U ti'.eil Sii4r* A. iiioi r, Hprlngile'd. M*.? , ftnd are'al.itereba',fr with t? nn>l vlth ? * li oiher hi k Jitirlr part*. linen ol' '.he olhei *>??!? m dr>?? ai mn muni al>'i. iDtriohnngu with i n? tinoiljn-'n tiie * in* mnnn i the tn*ier\W^ for then- vunm mimt i**if th: ?ery be?t i>-m ll:\, anil no ?valleabW' iiiMi | art* w II b? all' wed io be khI. AW th ? artleVamn* he * ?b.|e?' to 'be lf-p< <4*n pre?< iU^i by the Old J#.w? Koi;utatluni?. ntid xvtt l? wkmt, iv.i4f tnr 1 traniportu'loQ, al tl >' expense nf th" ? hi>. >rl<.r* In MKh ; mmner n dtiv ieil. Iimin t.on? *nl br urn ie ?i tint . mi lories M> k>t* of no >m lh.iu t,0UQI'.u l>. Pr'ii????.K mil wale 'fc>! name ?i Un1 r?v?HI?hm?,nl^aaknig this ? iff"ri tlu- number sod time < i the urU Mlvrr), a*>d ra'e ul monthly th"ri,ut,t?'r. I';ii.tii" 14 n?> i .teilviy ut n ifrUtie 1 i.m?, cr any htt-tmpt m ?iir?i= ?; laiU ml* Iron orutliflr lnferi<? nwt< rial I'M" Ub? woik. will tiilijiut tb>f while uiinilH-r *f ?rtn.? lindane* nr to forfeiture, at tli" notion of the department, fbe drpmtnMnl ivwrvea U>4i.<ctf 'Jm imht to recent an? but, lint will cmuMir do in* iiniiVr thresh any uytnl, broker, ?r tvirijr nlbfrlttn thr refibii' mam'Xa'tmi'i *. I'iojhiimiU wli I e luldn need ?* l< u?wn.?"General ,?. W ('l.V'f of Ordnaitie. WiijhlTiiJ'iill, D r.,*' and will etvlcin' l' Hrupo??la lot Mu?*ets> *or iWf% <?broa. 4*:., .4 the <?**"? may be. nl-ECS A CO. IMP0KTRR!? Ol fvTt.RM kC.. > lnvi' removed to 19 W|i ten ?tn?e> ) UAl.L, CoRNSLb * CO. UAVK RBMOVBO VR iM lil Viiid 111 n?,to tli? ?oiv 11.1 Vi llon ali'c ii^twreu I WIlMmn and X11 ?iin. NroriCK ?TUT* AliENi V I'OU THB.HAI.K Of UCV IM I HMMi'ifactured .iv _ fill; union INHT \ RI'BBKR ?'iyt||>Asr will e?rt, on the W 01 M.j rai, /\?m >0 log ? ritf \ct N I'i Park dIii't. IIF.MOVAI.S. N. w Voaa. Apwl \\ 1402. HV. O. H V.lM>eM, Piealdetl. H TIIOXA'* litkox Ha** removed to IT Nas*.ui '."O" lV-lwpii'i find *n.l('*l?i AM US EMU NTS ? N""iuLOH"gabdkn-hrii.u ant 8I'C0*;^J-... Third we-k ..? ti.fl m.\ 'J'.'4?*0,u' Til K KNi II an i THIS UNEuL'Al.LKD I' MtoBK n tlic |in> l i-1 un ol 'i'1" IN AN tMINKNi Ut.'iltfcb Hti?uon i (X)M Dili n* <? ? OPBR.v. UALLEV. UK A MA ?ii'F.CTA. Ufc ttiTtTThr ta. uilncc.-i I bo 111*11 ?? 'tn i*i i o ?n h?vl.l,lS"J,?, EVE FAROE, e man ttt -tni i, .1 ?iHk . w , !i!v Nii.irr t.nth. pv TUB SPi.E.ndid or -a MISS C VROMNK RIf IfriK,'8 I a? well hor tx>?iitii ul ictni;", ?* nightly f?>t.* l" ICOt'NL) At'lEll Ulit.SU UK APl'l.XbC* mo ? .. _ INTELLIGENT ANU tA>iilOJ.\BLH AUOlfcS-'lE*, filling tlio SPACIOUS AODITOHIUM from uarquet to 'eiltnt;. Hi ii!i.i ii i rccii'tioi: oi ANN ETTA OALETTI, pronotinoe.l the BEST TERPSICHORE AN ARTtoT in Aiivri' *. MK PETER BtGifINO.-i AH dr. VATIUNA-UT.M NEW AND .1*1.1.MJIH scenery. FULL OI'euatic UloRljS A splendid ballet AN INCKEA.SKD orchestra. EXOELLRKT dramatic COMPANY Athnitalon, DrauO.nJtmilllViturt ....50cm?M Si'.'trri (1 rnrt]U l Stalls ?. K Ii 1 ..irtly t ir If. entrance on On?*'?jr iuin '"> I Doors opi-u at quarter p?s>/ - t > omn.-net* ' 7M > t. ?< Ou saturday, MAC X a' ONE !???M.O'1TC. SEt OND (IRAN'd M ATI NEE the ENCHANTRESS. ' yyxic, superb scene.iv, ,klt',wv '.koaint danceh, bbilmaxt tableau, tamiv >+v? 'e period f>:i as aivei* if. . !> kv BNINO'h representation. Alii ?jd5irtw/i.,it< cw 1 to .ill iut'h or hi? ho'u" 50f. "> lh- r*< VH t ?' i '>.,?< Me k?c tl.r i.iailoms' (uhltt. ettr* ?h*rge) any lime dur uj tti? wei'k. T alba khknk'Sr iv ' ev?* , wi'.l be owwep jj noli! ???*? mueiui/a?a '? " '/ ??? *">?? * j1 '* ;?*-lined (lir?t time) new imir act . n.> dkame v*\ 1 v"41ft*uk kntiiyj reason m?l> 'v^irti oh v . mfk it* r\k i3 ^ The tkide and oi.or* or mastimwnt rl<y i? uw wiwil w ? "I'kbihian oabjni t of woh*oi:i5j.vnd awatomft wnbroadwvy (ne?t do?r t > kr?h, ulwilt ft oa *> All who value ivisilum. ani'irn'iil ictc^ta *8# ?aa power tbould at ouoe visit ill! ?truly ex em no. most wondkrpctflj bxtk'aoilt>in/\8ir. ma uvmzo us. ^ Ttl khjijinu. vkscri'tssablb. , gir('skb,_ invamjahia instklkvjt^ scientific* in *<timojfc of"0tt yer .fiv''"0""" ouly, fruw-il till id. utowmwarm hihvbliie&SmWS. w~ ^ A rdbsfxew, ?asm buyers all im-iscww v.'lio art" '?**!??> to rubnism their HtHi*r8 witli rnf ai tlierartinlca mro tinned lirlr>*?,'?re invited w7' *-* amino fir iookistii g nf kkkwoll cimka 1)1 nn t'.ll sets KBEin-ll china tea skts. fke?:u OH una ueshbki' .sets kiv: 11 ajffe i'lwux our tab1.e <u ?*?* oirrnkkv. ao., ac , ... v <? ull'i!i"hi* i.iilowlng bargala* that f.rt O0i e l<ialli-d v*'1 tor*, "Mmu-iy:? Stiver I'iui-f't Te;i Si >?*>?, tlin ito/et) $1 Stiver l'taici'. "JNtblf ^kjouh the do/en 3 .'*)' S lvei l'iiiicJTrtljlo k'otltn, the do*cu. 3 M Silver I'l.ilci'. "^"A-ieri, nJutcul bulili-i ? Silver I'inlpd fake (tv-krt*. 4?iu Stlvfci I'l .>eil Ten-Seta. ?ls piece*, I'lmH.'d ICtU'l 96?SILVER I"*.TK1> ICE PITCHER-! 95?Lai^e*i tfiztVhjiiidRoiiiely elms'U *r't *3, 4.'., $0, $10?STI.VER l'UVTIil> COFFEE I HNS $!0 &t 910? N.-w (tfylcs, beautifully euKravei 10 |jt? ?*?. *l0, 910, *10. Cut (JIamOo >leU, the do/en I ti.i Cut OlaHH D ca iters, quarts, the pair. J M Hut UIhhh l><' anter\ i-wta, th? pita* '.! 00 Colon.I Bohemian iiUi ? Finger Bowm, ilia iloxen 1 t(0 It Ol'.v linnd'.e I Dinn r Kul/m, the to/i-n ? i> ? Irory h itidl.v.1 Tfa Rulvea, the doreu tW IRON-SMNK CHINA.? Kuiu.'t Seta, larrr - Oil 11 nii >< itin* ciliua Dinner 1 intra, t it* itoxcn ... ')? Ironatoiie china Bi.-hWkm t'latcii, the du/eu 8S Ironstone china Soup Plait'*, |H>r dozen . 9"i Itonntone china Toili t S.-m. 11 pl(*p? .. 2 >0 TOGETHER WITH * the lai jj 'K and mini v ?rte<l ai<ortui#iii of OAS FIX'ITBKS OAS FIXTURES iu tli?- niubrw t.g nil 1'ae tiaefuland ornain ?-? . lor liiilillnij DWEEUNU IIDUSCS, stores. churches, HOTELS, *c , 4C Ev.-r.vlm Iv meditating an investment in ??a? I tuui ? 1! ad run'f tli.-ir OWN INTERESTS by an oxaiuinatiou ot uurgoodv W. J F DAII-RV .* I O., ti.1l Kim U'HJ KNCI.ES I OR TRAVELLERS.-SOI.K I.EV.llKR ink*. Di cta and Bonnet li tuiKM, L-iiuit and Capet l?a-;n, i-1 ?satil Pan* made l.mll. ?' |\aH-lllli|I aiij SU'vptiig li^.-i .loll.N CATTNACH, Matitifitt turcr unit Importer, io Hi'n?i|??|, t-iii u.-r ot Wall ?tre?-'t. ami 7P0 Broad-.vajr, n.*r Courtli street. \TIEMlON KVERKIIODY ? A SPLENDID CH INCH Vt> make moni'y ami no liuuibii:;. I >vlllsend In 1 Inmi .tcilout timl put tirulai> to make au article unirm*nlly u*-rt, hi a KT- .U atviug, on u??-ipi of Jt) c.-iita. L.nx- protua laiieaiitr 'nf TOSur r-r. ty day by atir on? Wllh it. Vmr uioa?y ivioiide-l If not Ha'lalted. t'-ms'ilt your own interi??l and n-l-lM-wt Kiank E. Irrtng, New York. AI.LEVIATUR -t'OUNS Ct'BEO FOR ONE CKNT <-hc1i, by iiaidl l>r. HUItlUS' C'kiu ami H-.<a:^.i A'li-vi. at.ii*. a n< ?r. Iiarur.a?< and certain cm.- tor corn*, liuniom, callo-ltl.-a, fru*t?.| and bliatered t'e<-t, tr. Wamnlfd'o u inmplinli r.-?utia iMtlalnclorv and Hit. i>< itlni:. -?'? mi I W i-<*iii?. Srnt by ma l. Sod by driig4in ?. Dr. J. HUtOUS. I'll! K.jHHltt , prupriptur, 214 Bro.ia*Mj., u;n/'?iu-? a., l'aura clu.r li. N-. w York. 1 1 AltOWAKE, Jtl CUTI.ERY AND GUNS. Ko^er'aA Woat nhol.n'H I'or-kct Kiiivbh, 4r. Unoa i I*o* ? l i K.a?l>-? -iint Sporting Artu-lpa; IViru<?iOB Cap*and una Waddnu; t'!i*lti?, llnoiand heavy O-iol*. WiiLfK. DASH A FISIfEK, importora,M Warroti st. 1NVAf.ID.-IOU WILJ.fiET THE RKCII'E KOR A8UBE Cur. I'm Coit;lis, Conn ('i.nauuiptlon, and all l.ttn^ l>i? i-awa, l-y anndlog it> D. ADEE, 1*6Hrl Mtr. -'t, N?iv York, lie n -Oili It tree WiUfioi lt. li baa.-urod I'lo-i.taud* AKHLC MANTELS ?THE SI BSCRtBEI! INFOi'.MS itil,c tii.i' he t.? Hi-llmu Mantela, a-., tln ?i>.-i tbun any |H'rim in ilin i>uanir?s lli-iv ? Mil.ift >?> piiiena?<i ?!....lid cull nmiu at A. KI.vHI-.K'S Mirbla \ ar I. ltltf Ivit EUht.-entli atii-et. w.-<t of Third avenua, New Vork \ RTI? A fru M SAVK Torn IMBPKTS.?fOl'P OIRI'KTH Svml your orrter to ih?* I S.? '-h |hj' rt?*an < ;vi4 and SW WV?t 'Pw?'iuy-r??iitli b \urr,\ i'uli 'or >o??: <-?irp Ms, beat, bt iult or w j>u'th'Mii, ?ml it'/rn ;Ui?tu tlie MlftR fPHK HIT OF THE SKA MO* IH MEBHtTrf X Han:,*', with Ruiny Wnirr H.-nrks .um IltM Air A(* lai'imn'ji; combiucla So moi?' of sv.i ?? h.icWs or j ifv-H; mot** Ifoodiug oPkH0he:?.*. It bik#?4 uiul ctfok* ;o |KHMt*?Mioo. \\ *l! Ijoh' roooiH to any fnrn;?c^ without tu^l, iiinl <otl? no ?w??r? II ? ? oi4itn;y :?rw*. A liberal (Jikoumi ?lc ti*'t%. iin\\ ai.d ?'satatiK' a1 i,-!? Brn-vlway, li ;w? ou Tw; ifty-ntiUl?;???u i'liMtteth mu. ASTHCHiOCS Y. A HON A KIDF- A.HTROU*;ThT, THAT KVKKY u.Mi < an ilfpt'itfi on, t* Mtnr. WILHt.'N, u i*o i ut yotn viiittHi noon a4 yooent'T. Sp* i. p? ?* ? m-iii an<l I tituir oi yum tire, ai*d ifwIn? jr?>?i oC ,<Uit^n mii4 br*ng* uticce** out 01 the rao#4 jv til?;i H iin.WtakiQ^*. H. rhi* n?. So. H A'.!?*n ???*?M, ^iwtv n H"osi>>n itnsl suit an ?in f?> Wtr tlo? Cliargpafoe UtiiM mH n. 00 ivit*. VSTOUNDI.NG CI ROV AND UIVIN tflONS ?TIIK ?ll^ tv*!, nn'tanfhoJb;, liDiibW'd or c??r 01% ?Miool(J *<?u n ?H Ma Uo^ TUP! OlUJt t!** unti^allM Mi- !o?Un t Hi.ti. n??*M iMalrvoyrtiit.fOT Dh.w *Ar*?ft. ^orn^r o* Bojrt, Hi prf^ri'H, ?!**!ii'? ivi^ntli loiuid, liydro|M(liii' nn<l elact.^a jrpntment ntv^iu Hi* ?*!??* ?*Ji?J#r v , 0<Ttit?; in*<tfoaJ, St: hy latl^t. in- Iwti. |?-. V Sro.\rSMIN4i' MORi^MT. skvkxth f\ HuiifKffli hii'k. ? ? 4fi oi tell* bOW b?M>U ?tl?l how ulU ii VDH Will surj7, anil .ill jnu wixli to kn.iw, ?v?-n yunr vi* !!io? ;l'i?. or no |?jr. <'li*rni? frr*. H*r I'liil n not-o Ih> H*r Mute 'urn1?' I? m?w In I 'ill riimmtum?IH4 l..*iu* btlwv< fto.moii. FrM 'it ?k bih. wrnui-m . *.?* admiltetl. IOUK IIF.R?-*?.IW) rr.W>R? FOR AN PKRSOJf i wta'imii ?4i<al Mi?? W I'UN 1:1 kivh i rorr ? ?iAt, *t .ill ?ivnu OilT>-M|h ltl?. r?rtV' il?rl)r t*nr? ill ?!in?l 'u-ikj number*. *Ti? !i?? * i?"?r '.ill og rriiimtjfc loc itmH^nnlM. ?i;?l hrin,-in.j tha **pnialM 'j* *fibri-, ujr * \t'-j. T tit ??U >?|tli NH ? *!usle tlimi.t.i', Cw.i a'*t?* thai V?l ai ?nf, will 1 ni*'l tor tm. Sii? la |?rrrcttfr<Tlal 1 o- li* +mijr ?i'.(iin/nu ?i- ;? minimi i*f ?< I lnf't*. liar truth* ao? ?t;?nf. ml an iuit j-?J tiCt?. IV-tny mil 10 itin*nli Ihi* btniittiu' U.tjr.m 'JiSa'ti tvrnt<?, oppone I&ightfc Mlts I4Y9. MKD* A|< A>Sp RUMKErH l LURVoT ?1. ,i.?n lj? . oiin.4ti>U *t ?4 Vim ?ir?*t, ii??i n'ctkrf. lo a <im ?JI rrm?'??Mnl proa-rlta r?iu.?ill??. H>r.|ni"? iiiJ uvlu U flUtrvlon ?. 11; by MOT, rnciw-lng !ia>r, VI J. AME RV -Jft) SKVKNTII AVE* 'E, NK?R i?L Tlr?n?v?rntW? 41p'at, mi-iirlvii *11 who > mi bar. T!n? nK'Vi, *?intvte.l a-;4 ulnck; ?u<>>ild t??; h?i power* Rh?- Hi* jivifVrrv tho'<hlil?, liu'-y a-.ui'MT?. ii>?? Ladic,JV Thj; wns.uear wonokk in him world is rtik joun* mid n^eomplmud mj-i hii'- b"/Rt)n, from phi1?, win ?mi l .? cunmihi'il wi'h llv* trtrwo <-?itbil-t>r? on *li *(? rwi' <>) lif?: i * ii> <nk<-n jirvl na* ii *, 11 11. iwk" sun ljcu>rnl liy toniu'c tn'*td4ml viil >? ag> lom-tih" in-? lofijj ?ojmr?t#d. l*ilr u ?5i? R/>il?n.'? 9u fluid a> ennr. tbov'> ?'? .-llili??rec' i/? ~ bowkrv ^fiar broome atkfcm -madam* 1' wi f><?km, < laltmjmu aaiflitt -^hpa' ^h ' ui v?>lu iik myftlciwaof trance, ?imtentfitrml*. ?kkncas; prrwvlt** mrdtrftwa lor ?>! dtwivi. <<>iu in t? m inimis, 01 utoisn. 4c. thii. uubkllion, 1 ll.v i! m,vnf'v wastkp-ix ax tnkvsht* hi;ut .1.4 i? (|i/> ih)m <h one ?l<otr to , !>y otic *li? * fully ooiui^nt ;(n ) wit" uj? ivid plpctti'iiee, for *hieh ? l..g? >ui *yi|i !'<? a?l<#rm lot oa? week, willi i u ? '*?'" *? v". m , Army, ni it on 11. wn bl'miml AM. si/.k < 11* ll\nl> t . i ??:,!?.; ir?<> rtutli, m.'ttoinn;'", timvitfgi k* V. '/ ti ii-4-u, *.? ()i'iumi :i| it i #'11fi*i?r *o>l kinv*! <v , >oi -ck hom.r a i;r ah KM ,f! du?w iitwt. mtkd ttl'aut.* m\\ al. rkndrxvov\* nkw VORK. or *# %>'iih wrMt; lh*only uattoil hta'ai n?v?l R?tlrtt>*r?u? in '.hl?l rl'y. wvit.*! las'lamc*, svt?m*'i mid or<"a?' f kwotipu, t# (lit* lor till-** o j ihifg 111* ?u. a4>v>f unmejuu lf. m AMU?KM*VrS. VlMNTKK OARDBN. YY BEMKK1T OV^ TUB VOUNO QUKb^OK THE a'mKBIO** MAM. Vl'hfKi' WOll SUl1' ilil'l AoT JN'611 KU VMJ UEU'?UlUli THE CITV ? i k.* ir a I IKiliD kSG'sk" OV OiatIC.v AittHTa a..? anil M'.HT INTELl.E-rTliAl. AUUL KNCK8 0V6r u84omlil(!d in this cit> . niM hfif VOHK PRH88. WITHOUT I K; phiiiouitLi- .. ??*!" TWO bl'USJ?*,t~ A t;!a**u* Tragedy unJ a Uo;.. .. I. a tar O' lUe 0-i irs:r.. Mr. li. KOLI.KA?> "?* KUIIUV EVKNIJfO, Ma '. Wiln'S ' i c I' ^raU il Tra#* I) uf 1IIK ITALIAN WtKK BIAKCA iiu whieli character fanny Kemhle mala tier leimt in Auieiiutj .MISS HAlEMAM Oi.uMo fax Mr. ? twin A imua l? kc 'if Florence I! H'ward I'lnlarl.i Mr. Wall OonaaKo...,* it. Ki jiic* Kil'i'ltn ....... K.i nil Aurm ..ityle* Tliroi(ir?! 'Kimu liartohi <i*nVa Ant..uio ..Urusvouur 1'teio ?"> atah At Ulx-lU Mrs. O'.auu i? T > conclude ? Kli th bea.iilfiil ami aborting l>om. .-?!? Drama ?! GRANDFATHER WHITEHEAD Omivlfithcr \vhit* tic.? I.. Mr. MK.NRV PI.ACIM (Ills ni'*8 ? In. r.ihl jn<! lui 'liiu^ Ituv is 'ii iUuiiA Laurie) II II uuiU I Di I ire i* W l>?vij|{? llrdvtan T. h. Mirr a Liu >.a A. H. D?^enp<iit Sill[I Ji Rrlea Luuiaa Mr*. Mai* -ninth K I Wild . Mi*-* IjC Hrun | Hunan Mis. If?v?and S' K' IAI. Norn:K ?111 ur.ler to niih ie tn our practice of tliam>4.*ug? tuoa Jienc* IN TIME FOR STAUKS It) Til* FLIiltlUS, Ac., tl?e iv-i f >nuanrp will uoinintinic this AT A V^ABTKU HKVORE EI*HIT O'CLOCK. Dojra open .it 7. li*>. 0 i.ce open lruut if U.l 1, *vau m*# be aocutvrt ill a h am ?? TO-MORROW fSATiritUAY) .EVENINU A (iRKAT BIT.]. Ull.l. BK OFKBiEO Miiw Bat;*;MAN, Mr. I*LA? IDE an I other* iu tfjl'.-cuve cii.nt* t rs. LM. OOTTHCIIALK ? NIBLOS RAt.OOff THIS .FRIDAYJ BVKNINO, MAY I MR OdTTSCH.vr.K'H I AST CoNOERT. OOTTSCUAl.K, PAfTI, TOMBIirfl. FEKK1, Ml>LU..?U *UEit. .S.VNDKRHOK I'K XlRAtlJ.E.?rABT I. 1 Pantaau- Vlnlonee I?Rout cr?' Moil nluiuar, 2 Dtifttr?llnllo In Maack ra I'alti ami Tombeat. 3. Trovatore Uottaefc*. 4 Ritnaii**?Maria dt Rudsnce. .Kent ft Komenza? Martha Tombeat. 0 A III niunf Perdue* B 1'anlorrllo e Oavallli rl.ii, ttaekaik. I'AKT II. 7 Duett*?Lucia Tom heal a nil ForH. S. A mil.inte aMallearoof Saint 1 M-nilnl*?afc? B ilat for ana violoncello f rarfoiiiicd |?v Oo'.txchaU ?n>i Moll"niia"er. 9. L'Amour Polka, smnposed by Muzw. I'O" tu? first tiino K?ng by PaMi. W, itmiau/a I?ombw ti Tomhew ll v u. iva .li Brawtra Fila d# Regiment. Uotu. fj Ti-iv-mo Atllla. . P?ttl, IXMnbMtilKent M' si Ml Dirt'- tor and Cuad'.ioioi- big. Mu*l? A<iiuim?!m t.> all pirl* ih' halt (1. eVv* can !>?? a" tired, without i-?tra cti^ge, at BMf * ftrl:i. "niir's, ?uccc*aor oi Sieufiing, 101 Broadway; 9IMI1X I* W.-M *tr> et, and n ? It.- evening at the ball. Mr Utrt'w tuilk will jierlorm on SM'ir.lav In IHw HW?% T!?* Pano* u-eU by Mr. U'>.t?.'liulk are fr.mi Uk? ceutorMM manufactory of Chickcriug A sJona, In Boston. VTEW BOWKRV THEATRE. l_i tfola Proprietor. Mr. J. W, UNO FRIDAY, M .y X, 1H#J. The eminent actor, MR. E. f:o?y. In dti .kaperu'a crea; Tragedy oi MACBETH" FAYORIT* DANCE BY Ml.-id LOO 13 A BROWKB Tac Nautical D.aina of BEN, THE BOATSWAIN. And Iks Conilr Farce of V*t PRECIOUS BKfUr BRYANTS' MTVHTKF.L8, M -. banicn' UuU. iii! Broadway, ?lw (Irand atrMi. MONDAY, Al'i;ir? "W. .inde.erv uyhl during tbe WMk, AN BNTIKK i'HANOE OF PROGRAMME. Till'! UUUCKD FA1H; OR, M>NS OK MALTA. woman's luuiirs, Mis.s-isbippi ruw, THE U)ST CHILDREN. THREE HI'N I'KRsi, CARTIi DC YISIT8. rainpiH-U. F'.wb-r, Q.xild, niton, L ?Uie, In new aou^a, 4 Tl.o*. .1. Prtl, in lu? Inimitable Cnainpiun JL; Einmett. Florence, Epfc Horn. Nfll and D-ia Bryant. DiMir.s o|i mi at 7. Cr.rialT* t a at 3 o'clu k. Ticket* ti \t-I8LO'3 HARDEN-MWHANTRESS MATfNBB. i\ the UNEXAMPLED SI OCBSS .-*? urtwjt mwni the lir^t (iajr.igbt performance bM th* ui.iu?u4<*ui?n: to nuuounc* u SECOND OKAND M ATI NEK. rtrtbe rmeN a<<-omino<lal.(7n of LADIES AN9- CHILDREN, a? ?? thf reanlenl* nf UKtlKirx. H ILI.IAMSB9MO AND JEB^rT OCTT. THE enchantress wi^t ')* prodowd in tlie aaim- ?t?!o ot - unrivalled splbndof ai c'U-?*ete'l*??lhf gVBNINO'S HEfF.KSBSCT VTIOH. PARTICULAR MnriOK. *EVC9'0A3? HK SKCUUED AT TUB 80K omc* ON I R'DAV A3>D SATCRDAY. without extra CHABOS. AJmjis i.xittv ail nam of the hi>iu*t.ntb* occasion, fOoeaWb Tli MaUnee wife terminate at <y V. M. D ji ? u]m"> at P. M. Comment*m 1 o'cloek | 1/ XTTt A WOCNCEMENT. !i nixon s rovai, rMiiros. PALACE (lAKI'KN, KOtfRT^EWTH STREET AND SIXTH A VENVB. AKTKUNOON l'KJtlr'obm A NCES, AKT.'.EM???rBKIORMANCBS .? OMLV ATS O'OI AFTERNOON PERFORMANCES) ALL TiiK CRB.VT STABS. COMMODORE KOOIK \NU C?LONBb L 1 **??'?<? " i tirf AAA ?the liHEAT AMERICAN MIMIC IIALL il l. Hi W W W <? 444 III W M Ml URIMDH \Y. HHUADWaT. rill; Ml .-tic hall OK TI1E M.^-iKS It mn"? thili s >olil ??!i*" lo wr1i?- of Hi? CONTIS'JO H SUCCESSION of TI'.H'MPIIS Mt thi*. Hie lomltug Mnaii^ 11.11 of I In- uiuotiy The iuM place ol iiii'iwiiiriit > wiitioul tnv#ir.'i^?ua) la Mew York. 444 STANDS WITIHMiT A PARALLEL IN THE lll.iTnRY OK 'SHE STAGS. EVERY NKHIT THROCOHOIT THE SEASON, A iiEASON OK I If TV TWO WEEKS. unlike the eight, icu or i ???!?.? wtvka a>-*.*.>u of th* 'hriliaa. ha* 444 li mil"*! laindnlluti. SO l.KILIJANT HAS BEEN OCR fkCCCBSS aii>* *n t<-i li>ljr it- i.rtwJwl bonse* lold hjioii ih'i uM Uthlwil i h. i.???*>! "unf boar pri inriu?nr<? ' nigger inla. mrrla, thai alvaiateilinjoitr iwikiimI a< ?? to i *ii Into b?l|t p.ulg<- ili.i>n;it, '.tirhaalne Sl'lcra,'1 "Se?en Soma,? "KAl'uMI TMMtAW THE PUBLIC A WAV KROM VS. I! wra/c?a4 tie' ??>ai? lo lnv rworrae to UNJUST ASD I N?t?N.-TI ruriO.NAL ENACT*BbTS t<i i rU'h >ii?. MI T THE EKKOKT flllik nou?ilWa**u.*|Ui 4ia of the Dully Tlmci>ianrlay Tima* . ? ml iitluT ob-oure imuera, IN At MUCH WE DO NOT ADSBUTISB. anil"' ?Ji ?M?" orueiiaura we rtu n j<. cam a ceat. UV will maintain*II*?'?l ?.tare.-niianf Tl :N* PASTOR, VRAR1.EY WHITE. L SIMM<?MS, HOP llAin', add. weavj. R. C. OARDNBft. II DS?UE. mr BAKNEir. MAS'BBB TOMMT, ekv^tini: Dt i.iz/jb sciii;ltk. \mi'LIA WELI.S. MI I,UK FLORA. FALL WULI.iants CNKiyl'ALi.ED llAJUJCT TKOUFS. i.R\ l> MATINEE ON MAT IP DAY AFTERNOONS. Ol ?no" ? i?"T?'l(l?-- i*? tiro pi?|>?r?l!<vj, iluKIT w. Hi ri.KU. Sol' rioi.i-Mac.aad Miaa>w. C"? RLAf CAKTEBKCBY MfSIC MALL, r j*. BROADWAY SM THE OKEAT CANTK&BUBY attJLjiMi'.ia'irt uo im TSH'MFII %NT ca'&BBR, rm.?i utimi THE I U6ST ST\RS OF 'HflMFORLD. ?tU V??ST BIULI.I 4 NT PKP.MH-M ancb OF THE DAT. TUK UU&at l.'ANTElittliiY WLT. CROWDED. T?e no?i e >|ii>iiiik InitHi* ol aimnilMtiuu ctm! aur <U*ND MAXVOTH rUMPAJlT. am. MRKIIIt stars. K? MKCOfcD HATK I'BUKuBBBKd THK ORKAT ' *?MNTKRBURT. riCril tEKQUAlXBD ABTISTm TIIS BKAUTIPL'L MARIETTA XAMERSTTA. The wculrr m the an*. riKMOUb .fUT?. _ # OKNBRAJU NKI, rh? M1*l VUl'HI ?f IUh ??? I N AL.EX A vi>l:K ZANFRETTA. The r|T ii o> H.oncUn HXM.V IHRIB, The Rrem >rigln*l Ethiopian ajiiat. bbn COTIWL "if inlmitijil---w>ir?< ni.uiw oi wu> eeuMM tv?r?. Wtf: CtJTFKORL* H1STKI!*. * J iurriE svuak ?o* *11 !??> i every cvetiiiic 'hid w<?k CJUtlS norms, PronriM-N-. ? IM KD? V jimsoii to c*j'ijr on ? new biani h uf th? wrt t?v?lne??. J? > n??d appW Nation At AC.VJJWMX 0? Dfc.SlOjt.-fHK TiUUTT ?"iuk Aiihim! Exhibition n' tk> N? t<?n*l Aal?n?r ?f Ui'?li{ii, '?<?' ?l?* ing of '? i', !n a I *?u? k? living m t mis, it *>>?* oprn li.rlnr WHk<>ii, *1 AO O.tll-lk*. "i li vk?t% 80*1.,*. Slnak ftitmtwion. 28 *nt? t. AUDISO.N RK'hakim, rartx>>i>oU(ll?4 rt?n ? ur.?, It. A / ' atbty theatre, ammny, * t -iiftiwiy nrr * 1 (''tilleineri ot ?' kuuwlwl(C'<l al'Ultjr wlUuiu en^tjie rnenl* f>r th? Hi ring unit I'imnifi nenvin lor lh<* i?n>?i- tfw?? Itv, will iii'ph tor IWii rt*f? ?o J?me? Connor, ?tiiad?r?r. KIT*PATRICK, HOWARD 4 iAItURTHU. I'roprir (of*. \\L a A J'BU?AI six ON 3 rovai. CI KITS, V>? nain.DcKK tor. tui-: 0RANI) Oi'KTt atic 8I'K< TACLE, CtSDKKEU.X , To lie iiiiriu J* -1/ produi-cd, Willi oth?r (t.irtUng Wig p,.v?i. Eiuii.m^ ?>BTOr , m at uorrii/i, m wiuadwav, Ti9'? 6 o'eliirfc. A4MtMton J$ cent*. Vl?u?r* ve r?. HOneT'd to biioff iii'-'-jSglnM^e*.\* theatre, dktu<>ii -eadib* nivi ii ii'? o ^ o< the prol>?iwn dtiirt'ic ? Mkfenenla l it the ? ""m r . ommpfirinT ofl or ubinil the Mth at M,., ?ill xlilri'ta K''o. liuiotiiuaou, d lr (I, Nl< 1) UUvtK-r <-"i*y J BUWBKT tuba THK to I.E*?WITH BOlKRRT vvv*rv>'9U{i?. %iuk NV'? H W?M* ?<#?