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THE YICTOBY AT BEW 0ELEAB8. |OON'!!NL'ED FKOM K1KTH PAGE.] Wf a terrible loss on the si'ie of the enemy, we have fought Ifcji iy, udon our part we have eudeavervd lo ameliorate ?n the ilTiirs of the enemy u much as poeaible. We have boen dotted, insulted, aauay*u ^nJ threatened rt every i>o sit>?? manner, yet always ? spirit of for tearanco lius been manifested on our part. Our loee are and tiakmd. We had no idea of disturbing their social condition or interfering with their regular timen afflurs. but a* ?u/t >-*** ^ our flmg ikiU ?e r**pc% Ml nl the rights of Union lovm: peo ple vindicated. it is f t in tM province of ?aval officer* who are bound by apart*- orirt to Interfere with duties which h*v? beeu /wn* uWriy assigned to eur military officers. We thou must wait till me cjui get Genoral Builer kere with hia troope. In the MMiiiuo ma mint expect to aaa mob law rule mi Iht city. Tt night we are .111 horud on the Algiers side of therivor, Kith our t>r aiisidee bearing on the tow*, and the ?raw with bid' arm* are prepared to raoeive the aaamv if in any manner he may attempt to re Mm? his authority in this quarter. Dut we have no fear oa thU score, though 'tis always well to bo prepared far any emerge <cy Ihe authorities wore warned this afternoon if they allowed any more Are rafu or otbor ?og natiuf war U> molest us we would ropay thoir ieuie vtty by knocking their city down,and we oeuld do it m ku man a Half hour. th* iwuti crrr. After dark 1 weut on deck to sea New O: taacs by gas light liow changed the scene! A little over twelve IHithsiagT'miles of shipping liued the levee; tho buiW ?ag* bid behind the ioreets of mama and rigging of vessels hearing<he banners of ail nations of tho world. Mono weae bar* now. The busy hum of workmen and the eheeryeoag of the sons of Afr.o, who worked at night, MW n?i to be beard. No hi*tj*o puff of tUnnsert going mmtoowrmg to and 1 rotaehe cities on the banks of this ?.river. -Vio ship*?no tigm of Hfe were prrjumt iwo. 1 par lights were burning along Ike levee, and the Ml ?mb?ie and heavy smoke gave vroof <4 a ret'jn of ?MMrAy <md terror. Ttie building* were wrapped in a Msabre light and we felt that it wai a city clothed in ?NfccJoth IAd Belies. It was * nourufui sight, and wo trust aerer to see its MknacMt. Tirad and weary we sank to rest with our ?naa by onr side, not knowing but that before morning me would-be obliged to again imbue our hands in the Maod of our fallow countrymen. Nor could wo tell bnt Nat basis of reckless individual* would aaideavar to |kk eg Mr m with the deadly Hiaaie ball. On Hww Oblsam, April 90,IMS. a unnmcT. Slothing oecurxedduring the night to disturb on, and wbaa morning came we looked upon tha lant two days aa n fearful dreain. Scarcely any one could realize the rull alUal of mt escape from uttar destruction. Prom four a'^eek on Thursday morning np to Saturday noon we haMpaseed and received tho Are of over two hundrod guns in heavy forts, tha fire of thirteen steaaaere, an Ireo-olad battery, a ram, been on Are three times, taken ? ?ap of sharpshooters, taken two batteries, with ?tgbtOMguns, and are now off the eitp of New Orleans If that is not some work for less than forty-eight hours, theo pray tell me what work Is. Ships wore never fought or handled bolter than was our ?art, and all other naval engagements with forta or bat teries dwindle into insignificance. 1 waa a participant to the Port Royal affair, but that was a mere skirmish aempared with the fight of Thursday murium-, and the Ight of last Saturday noon nearly compares with the P011 Boyal Kvory man in tha fleet in deserving of gr*at praise. lu SusKhip every one, to my owu knowlodg", did b.s duty nobly Th? captains of th? ifuna worn cool and collected, daiiveribg their fire at the proper time and in the pro par p.'ace. O r potty officers were men who neve Slnchcd, but in every way showed themselves to bu ??true blue'' tailors. Tho medical staff, uud.;r the charge of Dr. Folts. though mercifully spared many ca^os. ?*' e prompt and faithful to the wounded braves. Bach officer seemed to outvie the other in the dis skarge of bis djty. Captain Wamwrgbt and Lieutenant J. S. Thornton wera ever at the.r post, working manfully, l^hink it is my duty to mention the Division O.ftcers or Me flagship Though young, they seemed perfectly-'at limtt" in their line of duty?no noise- or coufuffion In Ihotr departments. Powder, shell and shrapnel came up Mrom below as fart as It wss wanted. Each gun was Blip filed mime, no guns having to wait for ammunition. Paymaster Plnnkett at times served in the powder divi rteo, and more than once passed up with his own hands the powder and shell. His clerk, Mr. Prank Plnnkett, deserves more than n passing notice, ?s aesisled in taking the wounded to tbs cock yd, Md narrowly eeeaped with his life while performing Ms Mty. Lieutenant A. Kautx repaid the rebels for his Rtar months' Imprisonment in North Carolina. Master John C. Watson gallantly cheered his men on to victory. Ckptnin Broome, of the Marine corps, fought the two after guns splendidly, and was highly commended for his skill In gnnnery. Acting Midshipman Tyson, doing Mast, or* duty, stood op nobly at hia post, eu-efully conning gfce ship through the lights. Onr Acting Midshipmen, Acting Masters and Masters' Ms tee behaved most gallantly, and deservs promotion at the earliest moment. Tim tvaq omrun. The Flag Offlc*r 13 a hero?* man of more than ordinary Mwtft and bravery. In a light quick cool and deliberate; ? *pp>t.did aaiior.a n.ible commander?ono to whom the mm and officers of the fl-ft look up with 'TV*''1"*. 1 could 0)1 columns wrhhii exploits on that occasion. He traa *ur twd*^ and giorfc>u*ly did he bring ua through tfc* Mn*t gal inn fire 4vef aliipf were OMIed upon to pass through. To him be honor and praise, be is the inaa of B*fe u> naval warfare. Our attack was well planned *r carried out, and .1 greator victory has been gained than has yet given fame to any body of men or ships. 0*1 was with us, and our banners are now crowned with ?*ll a. mod glory. At half-past six o'clock tbla morning the idavor'* S?*c MtaryMd the Chief of Police came off with the official Mply oC the Common Council. Krom what I c .u learn, they say we are the possessor* by force of th? Oily. aa>t If* can rai?* an many hag? as we plana*, but tho Oiuncil fcav* not the power to prevent the in b frotn hauling idem down, Inflation M the StM* D ig sow tlyiu< from the City I la. I, the Mayor, n beha.f of the Council, refn"eU to lower It. Upon the wbol>: the affair is sj com jriiealed iliat 1 - ann't Urw we can do anything until tkr arrival of a ? 'Iflcient body of troops to b II the city ?nd mar tain order. m -TIB ' AMD KB 0*< K M11RR Al .Ft It MTW OBMCASB. At abo'it e.tht o' lo k the I>n*icola s*rtt a boat on ?bore %rd 1.. ixu d tin: Stars andXtriiea on the Mint The were li foriu-d if tbey hauled it down our ships wtm.d Ore U(4m il>Q per on* who did it. At eleven i/cl' ck liivlne ?. i vi 0 was held on b ard of ?very ship of the *<{uadron here, in c tupliani e with the Mowing order ? t mt*t> 1'uiiM'T lUrnnnD,! l>rr TW??;rrr ?>r Niw (isium', April 2rt, ll>62. j fieven o clock iL> moruing m tb>> hour appointed for ?II the otlli'> ra and crews of the 1 to return thane* to A'.mtgbty Cod for His gr?at yodnesii and mercy in per mit* iur Hi" to pa * through the smuts of the l?*t two toys with so little io** of life an ! Iilood. At that hour the church pennant will he b- isted by ?very rfMitl of the lleet, and tbeir crews aaaeinblad will hi feumi lalwo and prayer, m.iko their aek io?!*dgg ?ests therefor, to the tireat In-i?en*"r 1T all b iidjo ?veate P. O. KAUK \<{l:r, Flar Offl-er Western Wulf Blockading ^piauron. ihb ru? iOMx awwx. WbHf at utrru r Ike rak>At U-rr iPnrn k> Hag en tKt Mini mmd trmiltd \t?? tkt d 'ft Tho I'- nsa. oia lire<i a Howitzer at, ih-m, and one man waa killed by the discharge. He ?u seen < arri*d away in a carriage. It m?k*s one sick at heart to see StK'h work, and a anore de/ ,erate set of people were never gathered aagetbar at any one place before. The situation of the Vbi Utc*r is a most try ng ne. and he require* to us* ab* 11." ' prolouwl judgment in governing his actions. Ae Mteefippi hasbaen sent down to oominumual* wxh B?sral thit'er, and it la hoped he will arrive without ?*iay >0t a iw tw? hit ?.o c r rrtt mn**. At three o'clock the foir )m*\y v**sels?Hartford, ?reokly*. Htcbinond and 1'ansaixila?got underweigh and ?roceaded up 'he river, With a view of silencing two k*M*ri*s located j 1st above ' ar olton. As w* i.aasrd along the ieve*, in th? up|? r part of the ,?sty ,.uiuidrr. sMt VnUmjtfUni was manifested by all claeaM. At feneraou City ?e saw the way* from h inch the Maao Min'ijo'ippi wss iaun< bed a week ago. Hie ???tny veere bnitdtaff wars (or the ron?truction of another; but stew the placc was denert*d by all workmen, and quite a crowd of quiet ape tators Riled their place*. 1MB battbbv abotb >??' OSIJU>m. Om arriving el Cfcrrolioc we began to look out fir the fc*tu>rI**; but It * a* not until ?e ha.1 p?s-*d soine three **iiee above that placc thatwefimnd them, deserted, and 0r<*> b nniogajoog the line or vartbworks. 1%>e ship droppcfl f-lowly al'.ngrido and Lieutenant f?? - Kngioeer I'urll v and myself went on shore to re tdtuioHre and spike the gun*. (Hi landing quite a crowd ?f gatln-'ed around i j, but made litre or no de ?wmetrattTT is -f rr or sorrow. We were told that tlie work was called fort .!< hn Morgan, and that It was ?n an ted to pi even 1. sn a >i ro*<li to New Orleans by the rivrfomthe northward. It wa* au extended field work, reaching from the river tmnk. n<i we beii?ve, to l^ke Pontrli-tflrHia. The w?r? wa- well iv n.?micted, and we tra\ ei|ed along Italia* for *i<< 1111 wo miles, and I'ooad lbs following arm inent lo M thai Inr ? In ti,r Work "it Hu>tr. Annm 'A' Lin*. Nino 42 po umK rs. Nine 24 jotm ler e n rotMde* Two Z2 t>o mder* I w.r IS-pwotHler*. hie guoa were d.*riiOi,|k|ed, iiBd platiormt and circle* fur tliuteei. fitn*. not in tiuftd, were futmd. The .Tuoiiat?i gun< were all spiked, with the mcepin>n 4*r tfte**> which Mr I <irdy tfi kel. A fire had ltftii hiticted under each gun HrrMp, a.i.i th y ?.A? nearly deatroy*U at toe win* ?e fbiHtl n. 1A* m;?f?rin< ??.>? empty,of <:?,? < \ giK*! iiot hot # nek'*' * J* imdtf'trlied, and alio ill 1,IWI0 ic ,nrt o" thir. ty iMt |*.miocr>hMl.iyaroun ! ni:eriiimjl*d vnihbrofcen ?anu^V'f trrop ? M irk-iof ? iiMtty rati oat'wer* i hiluly ?witiie.? id we w*r* inrormed tli J when we nMunkml ?he <%*(*?**''' hn ? 1 er ?? . b*l iw th< city, the iroopewbich w?n iwiA1 Ibrt Jot(l. *organ re tranKierred to ih<i ftrrn*r piftl''i ?*? 1 i?ft#* fnelf do eiii 1 hey mm .p heio Hfni <*1 ri?. ?1 awa? tlio.r r#i, ?|ii?iliig *t.,rer, toek the jm ki on ftailroM and Ml Oi tiii lial'Prfin H" Other * de C the > > er 1 |,;. e tiot >et lc 1: itfi. any (.'f ii. ilar* A ^roin th i Hnei l? went (lure a 1 ill epi* 1,1 I ?nu lh'i?le(l III. k *wstn| nil antiltli ??! iic" 1. tl i t>?er '1 (-and tup and ?>'?! 11 v>' It I Mi 11 Svnui, April ST, 18413. ?POM THi CRT. Karly thlamnui <n up loekar and drifted bewn the river, saiaing all Um river botu as we passed along. We arrived off tb? Memphis paaket landing at about te? o'-cVoclt, ttndiag the larva quit* (ImmtmO. in una. woomw. At ?loree o'clock a rabal ataamer was reported coming up iha river flying a flag af truce. Wa were startled Us#oad maaiui e. for wa thought that perhaps our vea aala at quaraatiue had baan overpowered, and the enemy were play jag a* some Utah, fha Sciota and Katahdln were seat to commauioate with the stranger. She proved to ha the Confederate states ataamer lbckee, having on beard a large number af wounded rebels. She had bean permitted to bring them np. Her arrival created quite an excitement among the rabble as eh? rounded the point. It was hamitiating to saa the rabal rag floating right aader our aoee, but wa were unable to prevent it. She is commanded by C. W. Reed, formerly af the United Slates Navy, and a pat of Jeff. Dav is. Since writing the above paragraph 1 have learned that the rebel steamer Hackee brought up aboat seventy wounded persons to ho put In the hospitals here. Her com in aider promisee not to ali<>? any communication with the shore, aad ihut he w not allow any pro vision#, letters, or any inf?i i>.. n ?.f any kind, to reach the forts through the m?'<i n of his vessel. On this promise the Flag officer ha^ . .. '#ed him to laud the w?un<:ed. I learn that C. H. iloiu.cwh, formerly com mander in the United States Navy, now captain in the rebel navy, ioet an arm and a leg. T. B. Hu^er, commanding the ram Manassas, te alee severely wound ed. The loss of life on the side of the ebemy has been terrible. U seema strange, hut such is the fact, and it is obtained from letter* brought up in the Hackee from rebel officers, the enemy knew at our pian of attack, the hour at which we were to mute, amd, ui tact, a t/roat portiom of ear intended movementt. Tbe-cnly way 1 can account for the manner in which the information waa obtained by the enemy was that spies were sent down to the woods oloae to the mortar veeaels, where they heard ear people?oaversiug. 1 learn also that Uaiun people in the forts sent us Infor mation in bottles, which unfortunately floated by as un seen* On Saturday the Hay?r at Slew Orlaana communicated to the City Councils the oorree^oudenoe between Flag Officer Farragut and hieseeif, whereupon the joint Ceun cila, by resolution, endorsed hia actum. The Hackee, before alluded to, is terribly cut up by our shot, and although I refrained at the time from men tioning the fact, I now bare jo doubt that she turrtnd ertd to us on Thursday morning; hut after pausing our vessel, we supposing she had struck her colors, sho again opened Ore on oar vessels. 1 have conversed with several of the officers of our fleet, and they all say that she played that dirty game, aad subsequently sought the 1 shelter of Fort Jackson. The oneada arrived this evening from a cruise up the river. She found that the rebels were building a raft arroe3 it above the works, previous toFnday, but on that day the news of eur advance reached them and they (led lu confusion. The panic seems wide spread and wherever we go we hear more of it. The work referred to mounted tu guns, all bearing up the river?intended ior the disputing of the advance if Foote's flotilla. A SB' taSMNlST AMD A 8AVACX. Lieutenant Beverly kaniion. late of rnited States Navy. is now a prisoner on board of the Oneida. In the engagement el' Thursday morning he commanded the steamer Governor Moore,'forme:,/ the Morgan. Kennon state* ihat tlie fight wis one of anjiaraiicled fury. The Cayuga fired a sttnd of grape at his pivot gun wh< re flt'teeu men wero stationed; ihirieon of his men wore Wil.ed try it, one man an l him:>eil'alone escaping. Pre vious to the light his steward in some man ner displeased him, and ha In his tury and madi v.-,.s literally hacked him to pieoos with his sword an I then threw him overboard Lail alive. Th.s vile wreich Kays that a ship gave him a broadside whicVi sunk him. lie then set bur on ii.e, without making the feeblest at tempt to rescue his wounded and dying. An officer?f uns four ves elB,b<iai'dod theli >v. Vic ore with the intention of p 'Lung out ttie lire; but so far liud the flames pr '"reused he was obliged to leave. He reports that the docks wore covered with the dead and dying, some of whom were already in the Haines writhing in their lust agon its. it was impossible to save the po< r fellows, ind they burnt up, many of them alive, 'ibe norrora of that merning will never be known, and I think now that the enemy have lost at least a th usand raou in killed and vronnded. The Oneida's officers inform me that at the Chalrne tto batteries thuy round over fifty barrels of powder and all the grape shot they wautod. There were no marks of Wiled or wounded, but they think the enemy carried them off b fore they landed. Off tot Citt or Nkw OaLsase, April 28,1802. Nothing of any moment occurred during the ciglit jast past. The boats we have seized are moored astern of our r*?lf and manned by our men. Their name* are as follows:?Sail le Robinson, St. Cbajrleo (low boa I), Di ana and a ferry boat. TBI MACRO BCOTl,nO Bt THB ?EBMlg. lb>? morning tbe confederate 8leaner MacRee (the proper way to spall the name) want down tbe rivor, aa it was supposed, In full faith, to carry out tbe letter of his parole, when, a abort distance below tba aity. bcr en gines ware disabled and tba Teasel scuttled, guns disabled ari't otherwise crippled. Something wrong was sus pected at onoe, and the 9ciota was despatched to obtain particulars. She found tbe rebel vessel abandoned and sinking. On boarding her it waa found that all tbe offloers and crew had fled, and that a party of pirates ware pil laging bur. Quite a number of her papers and the log book were found; also private letters. Of the meanness of tbe act 1 have not a word to say. it is unparalleled in history. The following list of her officers waa found on board, which I copied from tbe original:? nrimw I:-" WMlMaiM emua ma< rxz?orrKUt#, y0 iV??u. ~*~ ?* 1. ThonnsB. linger Lieutenant commanding. 2. C. W. it?ai Ac. leg Muster. 3 John W. Kensington ... Lieutcr.aut. 4. A. P. War ley Lieutenant. 5. J. H. Cumnock Acting Master. 0 J. K. hgglM'-On l.iei.tenant. 1. S. <1. stn:w, Jr Acting Master. 8. A. M. Lynch Surgeon. 0. II. II. M imad'ike Acting Midshipman. IX. W H. Jackson l'higj Km statu Engineer. 13 J. II. ixsnt Third Assistant Engineer. io J. J. Parcy Second Assistant Engineer. 14. Jim en V Sample Ha> ma-ter. 17. Virglnlus Freeman Cluef Engineer 14. f-'am k'I W. H'ltcbinaon. Commasdor''sClerk. Jtf. Chart) s W. J< rd.m 1 bir<l A**i/uat Eagissar. 'JO. Henry Pagan Third A mis wit Knglneer. 21. Jam" M Morgan \ctin;s Midstm in >u. 2.' K. Albright Paymaster's Clerk. 23. Samuel 1'. bla..e Asti ig Midshipman. Si. C. 11. I.evy Second A* sUint Kugineer. Approved T. B. HIJGER, Lieutenant commanding. (o.nik.>ai?re.*iE.?MKK Mh Bra,Oct. 11, lHtil. .I/m^ A. Hkhii.*, Paymaster. Total. *:i.!oi*, flrvm ;n,&c * 133 Boih the nip'? log and s;eanv r s log woie 1 ft beb.nd an<l f ill into our liMid* Kor a day or l wo past no entries have been ma<ie >u ciibcr. I Obtained an ribstrnct of the |rf bi?'k which w.i* k.'pt on J.'ck aad m ert it l/elow ? ? ?n the 21ft, they J? >y they ' s ur at 3:50 P. M. n large balloon In the ilir? ctn n of the Yankee Seat." <m tha 22d, they "scut men to ;be kteamer Morning light to as sist In landing sand bag- at POrt Jackson. Oil the 23d, ' all hand)' were went to mount guns on board of the lUttery lAuMasa. Tlie leg Is very brief on all points, ami It evldent'y h"?a b in kept In a very slovenly manner, at least for naval Oflici-r*. Mo*t of tho time before oar arrival in these waters, the Mai.Kov tins l>eea on riier service ribove tbe city. Tbe following is a rorre. t copy of the deck log. dating from four o clock on Wedn^dny morning and ending at o'cio.Jt on Kri'lay tnoi iiln; The initials are of lite oiticer? who ne e In charge of tbe deck duriug tbe hours specified tbs uk) or tis a Sim. mum aa< res. WaDMBsnaT, April 23 4 to 8 A. M.?Wind southward and nasi ward: weather clear and pleasant. Steamer l iana came down Trots tha city; also the Montgomery gunboat J. C. Breckinridge. Mr. Keily, Third Asai'tant Kngineer, returned on b iard. This kig must be placed at top of 8 to 4 page. Krom 4 to 8 P. M.?Wind south, weather clear. R P. B. Fr< m 8 to midnight?I.ight airs from tba southward, and cloar. Kb*my shelling >'ort Jackson. T. A. TmnsnaT, 24th. Commenoes and till 4 A. M ?Light airs and claar. 3 o'clock, Port Jackson opened lire, enemy imping foi ts. 3 10, caiied all bands and beat to quarters. 3 k), opened Ore on one of the n my'i trigates, kept up a ecustnnt Arc until 8 o'clock. Ten of the enemy * vessels parsed aad proceeded up the river. T. D. P. 4 to 8?Weather b. o.; wind 1. Engaging tbe enemy at rt:2<); tiller rapes getting foul, *b<p run into tbe hank. At 0:38, tbe Mana*aae pa?*?d dowu, apparently a' wreck At 7. a towboat came along-ide and puMed us off. At 8, made last into tba bank above Port 8t. I'hilip. Tbe Sur r-?n reported fir teen men wounded and two killed. Sunt I untenant Arnold with a party of men aboard of tho nieatncv Resolute, which has beoa abandoned by her oiSW. C. W. RKAI). Krom 8 to meridian?Wind 1 weather b. Tbe ana tny*8 steamers standing up the river above tbe guoraa tine. C. W. B. 12M.to4T M.?Wind moderate from tbe southward and clear weather. Two of the enemy's ves.- eU- In xight below guurauiine station. K. I). 1?. 4 to 81". M.?WindO, weath-r b. b. Knemy's mortar schooneic below the forts. All went down to the mouth or i iver, leaving two square i igged vessels. 8. P. B. X to midnight?Wind light from the southward, and dear K. I?. P. Ml'iaight to 4? Kverylbing quiet. Wind o. weather b. o. !*. P. II. Tlie following interesting private letter was also found on board the MacKc* Nkw OttlUM, April 2.1, Mt Iwab Fkifii)?We re eivod your welooine u-i ier yesterday. The fatnily ?ero all present, an> Aunt ?ury read the'letter. Then' was gr"at rejoicing t1ia> tho r>iri* boid o u so weil. They esmeded our expects) ions, l'he Louisiaaa will bring up ib ?e Yankees with a i mn i lutu yet. lha. grett ennfMeuc? thai she will do wonder*. Mr. I'hilip Wajden raiittl hetf la^t ffsnday ; he siqra a MStkiuun fiois Norfolk an?irel blm lie ivar1 a in i h bet' ir Ixiat than thu Merr.inac. It was in* opinion kIw would | ei orm eonder* o you in ist keep op good iM<>ra<'e ?rig all Will be >el!. I se ? the cltv In* sent a card of 11.ank* to <ieneral I)nn< ..n Hoc hi* cri'at *tir ? m in ki ?p ,ng'he enemy at i iy Rverptlixip w quiet in tlie ( % - on coBfiwIon, uo weviiigabout Wo all beMi i e the \ u> 1 mfn will have to t,'nil (.nohnfi <it r We |i >c >M>t ?Mfi?eo ?ny iOtleir Jvbnp> Ii*>e ynv Ml Sergeant Thavar, of the Washington Ar tillory called to aee rae; he bronchi me a uewa paper that Johnny )>iak?d up oa the bailie Oeld uf Sbiioh. It was the Chicago Tcibtine. 1 read It wilb a grvat deal of interest. I will a--ud you his letters as soon aa 1 recti ive iham. Mr. Hill, you nova* c uld think who raaobare la?i Sunday ? well, 1 will toil you? Ibonuai ftobwrta. He brought Koee and Horace down Pi May with ua. Ha nays ll is ioe l-naaros upttare. that bo never intend* to live up there ? "uj. i sap very ?K'b pleated that ho baa coma. tba hatchet and a a<?lable. It ?aa (?!Atwtf'>a?I and mm over a new leal, ihonaaa kaa 0HjjJ ifar ?"B Willi bia brother, on (he T. |l|ku>; ili?p bad a Tall freight and a cabin fan of pass^^eo. 1 m- t ni^bt we walked -out to the aquara to sea tbe*fe<k-raKl drill, and who ahould wa meat but Joa Johnson. He eaid be had ju?t arnvad from Uaitisville, that ho wan going to leave early for Pearl river: he intend od to go high up tba river to bring down a load of corn; he was to bring it down In tba cars, as they have no bags. He was In good tspirits; said be expected to mako B?nie raouejr. 1 know you will bo placed to bear tli?t,fur whi.eyju are Ighting lor our country your boat will bo making a >me money. Ha Mid ambi ig about your |>apar, but father uyiiM inakea no did.or nco now?emno oibur t mo wtllauswer. The )ui|>ere say that Kort l'i'low haa driven live gun boats back. It you cia keep thorn in cbedt down there a few daya longer tba Mi-sisaippi wiil be ready to aweep the seas of all Yankae 8hl|w, go around to Ship lalimd, sink their transport*, prevent supplies from going there, and ob.iga them to a .rreurier. Hod I frant she may accomplish all that is expected of bar. hope you will continue to write us all tbe particulars of I the bombardon act and in return I will tell you all the news up here. We are all well, and I hope ylu are enjoy ing tho same bleasmg. All semi Uwir love. Charley ia as bad as evur. P. H.?Father baa just eorae In. I read thin letter to hi in. He says I mast wrl'e a row more liuaa, and any there are aa many men aa can work on tba Mississippi ni?ht and day. You must bold out a fow days longer; thou you can lay by and so ? the Yankee ships go to tbe bottom. Father ia auxioos to kuow bow tb* Louisiana manages. Please write. Father is going down to tbe forte this evening, on the Klcnor, to carry down some cotton. Good byo for tho present. A. C. BOWKDiXGTON. To Mr. Ed win M. Hiu., Battery sUamer Louisiana. By the above letter it appears that tba Mississippi was tba hope of the people at New tr leans. aud that the bombardment at the forts was weakening them fast: First, the MacRee's crew ass is tad in landing sand bogs, evidently to stop breaches and to protoct magazines and other vulnerable parts: second, the father of the writer was to go down <m Wednesday night to carry cotton to tba forts still further to protect them; third, theex pressloo, "You must bold out a few days longer," bears with it soma significance. Well, the ram Mississippi Is go no. Tbe forts will be las few days, at loaat. and I am afraid tho writer's rather was nearer tho forts than bo desired, and possi bly may now be numbered among tho doad. Tbe following General Order was road to-day oa board our tresael ^ U*rn? States Flagship Hiirniu, 1 0?? natCrrv or N*w oklsass, April 2B, ISfcl. J OIMERAL OKDKH. Of *11 tho dntias of acim niauding o (Beer none is sograti fying aa that or meting praise to thoeo under his command The Hag Officer announces to tho Ileal that tho conduct of both officers and men, during tho trying events of tho mornings of the 24th and '25th Inst., met his highest ad miration. Their steadiness, courage and intrepidity cou:d not have been surpassed, aiid, I apprehend, have rarely beeu equaled, and, however, much wo may deplore tbe loss of oar bravo shipmates whoso gloriously fell in the discharge of their duty, wo cannot but derive pleasure from tho know la. I go that our chances we e e<|iial, aud that their families and friends will derive benefit from the glorious part tliey bore in the conflict. 1). G. FAKRACUT. I*lag Officer Western Gulf Blockading ^siuadron. It was received with groat feeling by our hoys, who gave hearty cLners for Captain Wauiright, Captain Bell, tho officers of tho ship and the Union. -At c.aven o'clock this in irning the following prisoners weia Ir <n furred from tho United .-tates guuboat Pmola to the United states llngsblp Hartford*: Heverly Kennon, Commander Confederate tHatos steamer (lovernor Moore. L. H. Haines, Fii>t Lieutenant Louisiana Artillery. Georg* Westers, Caief hnginoer Governor .Mooro. Jus. l'rico, veeond Quartermaster Govoruor M ora. J no. B. lleisey, chip's cook, Governor Moor*. Jno. 1'entrall, siwman, Governor Mo-ire. James l)om; o?y, fireman, Governor Moore. Janv s Mciiioess, fireman, Govern ir Moore. Cornelius Collies, boy, Governor Moore. Jno. Tinch, boy, Governor Moort. Jno. Torn, soldier. Jno. ilagan, soldier. Jn '. Kershaw, soldier. Michael Retley. soldier. Jno. MciVinougb, soldier. Agnus Mcherver, soldier. Jno. Graham. Theo. Sobers, soldiers. These aen are wounded, and are in charge of the surgeon. The ship's cook and the Quartermaster report that Morris Buckley (Captain's stewaid) was throwu overboard while lying wounded on tbe ijuarter deck by Captain Kennon, though the Captain says he had a life preserver on. Four or five wounded wore left forward oue in a bunk, when the prisoners left the ship. Three men were left wounded on Um quarter deck. Total number of officers and men on board at the commence ment Of the action ninety-three. Only twenty-eight can be accounted lor. WHAT OAL'.-'Cl) ma as into oa Til m'rab. At four o'clock tbis afternoon Lieutenant Command in t C. W. Bead, late of the Confederate states steamer MuRac.came on board and reported that his vessel acci dentally struck a auuken ran prepared for us. and she was sinking so rapidly that ho was obliged to abandon her. As tha Flag OWcer was not on board be went on shore to await his reappearance, and up toAhe time of my departure be bss not returned. Tbe Flag Officer went up tha river this morning to see the great raft which the enemy had prepared to stretch across tbe river in tbe event of Foote attempting to come dowa. Tbis ruft was built of the heaviest logs, and was truly a for midable barrier. It will be destroyed. ARRIVAL or GKMCRAL BLTIJOt. General Bctler arrived this afternoon from Quarantine Station. He passed on up tbe river to see the Flag Offl far. and be gave us no news of his successes. * - jrn^XK.vH WAS VS^KLBAMuvg. it flva o'clock Ki* Irerxli war steamer Milan cams up the river. He congratulated us, to use his own words "On our plea-ant, yet perilous passage up to tbe great city." Said tba commander, "It is tho greatest achieve ment oT the ni;e and in history." lie bi iufs us th3 wol come intelligence of tbe lafety of the gunboats Veruua Kennebec aud Itasca. The latter had a shot put' through In r boilers, aud was obliged to put back with out I' ss of life. Hie two former ran on a sunken ra't and l.iy th re long after daylight a target for the enemy's' guns: but, strange to say, though rildled with shot, they finally extricated tttamselves tiom their perilous siiua. ti n an I returned to tha old :inelwiag<\ Oaly two were killed on b ?rd of tho th^ee vessels. Asyut we have uo further particulars in relation to th in. (.01.oral ISutler h.n troops at Quarantine station, and will; as 1 understand, land a force ?-?eh day until beh-is a larg<i army In and about'he city of New Orleans. Tins to us is glorious tien s. The French couimarder says the for is will surrender as saon as thuy cau hear from ibis cily. At a late hour this evomug the Flag Ollicer and General Butler returned i n boaid. I ijave just received tha car;>euter'8 and boatswain's reports of d.m-ige by shot in the entpgein'-nts of tho 24Ih aud 2.1th in-taut. Iu addition to ih so thoro are ?eve. ill ti iliing -It ;t marks in various places iu un i ab i t the also a great nnmbci o. iuu.-.k?l and ride balls are sti' ktng m ?Ti t>\ er tl c ?i'!e.?. SCATtWAlM g BEIOKT Of 1)AMA..It ?V SWOT TO Tlt? IIOOIRG 0? TIIK rLA'. ll r II ? K . O to. Upitko hTATis i i Au ftur ll?irrroRD, i Orr?KW Omi.kams, April 3rt, l'WA J Sir?Iu obedience io yuurordTs oi lne 2'?iii Inat.. I re apec f :l!y submit 'he follo v.n^ report of the extent of ii ige* lioite to the ri^iim of inia ?mp, havlug m .K a cure fu4 p> oniuali' n of th'- aani - ? In nii/ren rigging, twu; j<oet ahioudi and one atai board cut In two. Oil" iiiiz/an topuiait .13 cut away. (Jroai jaek lifts carried away. MU/i n tupiail sheets cat of. MUi'-n top b>irion c-.m.-d sway, aud miziea peodsnt ta<lile oarrir.l away. Two foretopmasi atsy? cut away. O e forelopimtst a'sysail atai. <?ni? i.tJsin ah 0.1H. One inaintopaail brace <-arri<Ml aw?y VrTf real* V,.fully, jrui.r obedient (errant, J AS WALKKK B?nt*waln Unlt-d HUlea Nary. To C?i>iu.ii Richard WAiHVHioiir, R*|., t;nm.uandin( Untied Stale* FU^inlp llai fori, utf Niw Orleana. i-abmuhtm a n?runt or mar wniim i* thk iiuix or rum ri.Anmir. Usrr?D Sr?Tt ? Ft.toeuir HtR.ronn, I Orr Nkw Om.i A*y April ZH, l*?2. j Sim?To obedience 10 your i>rde:- of th* J.HL Inn.. I te oily aobmit the loilowlnj rvportof damage* ?u?tain?d It; tin* ahlp in the cnganftn'nl ol Ibe ilth and 2Mb lomaiiia, tu ?()n ? ar'-.?r<l bow two -hot hob-a. giaiboard tide bow Mrta, WTgrtu am; bed. one mm bob-. ImmH n4e, ? M "? iii:?inina?l. Carrying away armory, pa. i of atatu rooma, WKhlte M) on*! abot hole. In m.ln c iaina three ? ion, one cut-ring t"*nn. away clamp*, bulkbeadi and ?larlmurt *teerag>-. Two (hot liulex b>'lwA"n main and mitten --halm; on* in mi/zen ch.ln* tearing away planting Indde and m.iln lail. T'ir>-e on narboud biittuok, cuttlo; tliree plank* entirely oil' One on ?taruoar<l <piai tar. e itlmg away piaukiug tiauipe, entering ami biei>k>n{ np p>wp cabin. One t!irough ru*uniia*t. Una etrlklng main >?r I, carrying aw.iy the quarter band On* throng i iliirboarj w?l?i bo it, barge. On port aide, through ; ort button k. One ?hot entering alnpen I carrying away three plank*. One through port bow,carrying away naali room, pausing tbrnug.i sli.k ba> bnUh-ad, entering ai.k bay. One breaking np port quarter boat. Vety i < ?Mati uily, yom onedteet frnl, .1 AMES II. 0ONI..KV, Carpenter, l/n'ied fltatei Ka?y. ToCaptaln Ri n *ri> Wai*wmi?i?t, Kaq. Command n^ United Stale* Hagmip Ifar'furd, o,1 New Orleans. In addition to lh?*e injur!** wa hwl two guna disabled, ona binv-iuch gun, umz/.la ritu eliot oil. Odii Carroll Kun b irat, antl one Carrot gun carriage bailljr Injured, our ?ni/jen rigging badly burnt by a lira raft One b at burnt up, ku'i tnu ? ih m thirty w?unde by grapesh >t In the r g. i'g and bull, Dot luoludod lu tb* above official re port*. a vai.i and what it contains. A letter ??a received to da/ under the following pnru liar r.iA;nmeUiiiC#> ?A lady in a aniall boat, pulled by a boatman, i;#nu off to n e of the *bi:fand inquired If there w*. a perron on b ?(d nxmod IliS lolland, at the Btine tline aba i.a a Ibe ciptuin a wink wbicb put him up to III* move H? i*| li<nl In the aril, inntlva, uud .tc cordi'ig J ? letter ? n pa-sad up II contained nnu h valuable liilorm illuii in r-fa.d to ibe dlvimHition of ihn iiMib towarda iit?. 1 ba latter Matrd that I 'uni iku i .d LlTingcfM vera " vacuate I, and lb? trot^m ae!a np to anii|M>rt Boanrag:ir'1 atC 'riutn, Tina let;ar Myatlinra cui lie M Uuion *0'itiLi>;:'t cT(ir<'n*?d uu lltha people tuva & guarantee tliat tu y will be piotacted by iba t|-'.n|#, Tli? dirliiional rei>orta hftva note* yet coma io fu!!y, but 1 hn??ju t r'-ceivcd copies of Captuin llailey'a and I,i'> ttnuni futniiuuiilmg llitrrlaon * rcjiDitg, wbicb are fml ol Inter'rt, and tli-i Siuli < Hjrti ia dwerveti more than a pa??lnf notii:?. Her gallant laaiiHig of tli# Hooond di tlrb II on til ) morning of lb') 24lb, mid the leading nf (U* fleet on ih<? nmm <A the H6th, oini iIiim remaining, re (f ivi i; aiid ret irnlng A liMVy Rr? for ortr a quarter of an h" ir rai kx hor (>riwe?.i of b?r claa*. Mm-i llcnn arr iha rap.'r'* inferred io Tbey wiil tit '?*' * <tfc .Lla til ? <U*TAW UUI'I RSKOHT TO Alt <MM> MIU<OT. U.HTBD Sr.TH OuwsnAV CAVUCA, I OrrNaw Otuuw, April 25,1862 ( ay.t -w. uauiiir u me loci part uis< n oy ine >r h la coui;nan?l. ami oearMo: my ?ilv IsluBai ' ,\ry We wa off at two o'cluak A. M., In acioruan e wm? your slgisl, and ste<ied d.uciiy up WJ*'> angina a iiuie to su.r .oarcL to order IP **'? raouifor your division. 1 was loiluwud bv the I ensacoW In line style?the remainder of uiy division following in regu lar and cumjitil order. We w r? i-caixvly above tne boo'n wiirn we wera discovered. And lackson aud BU rnil ip opened 11k>ii mi. We could oraM no gun to bear, hut th'1 red dt.ecti. on. We were struck from stem stern. At Ien?l? we wore dose up wilh ML Phillip wlieii wo orauedttlla gru* and cannlsler. Scarcely were we ? ?ore the. lm ol Ire, when we found oawlm attacked b.? llie rebel I 04K or gunboats. Thla was hoi, but more eongcuial work. Two steamers now attempted lo board; one on ourst*rbo_rd bow, the other astern. Ums third ou unr s-.arl oaid beam. The elevcu im-h liahlgivn b. tug limned on tins lellott, we Bred ai* rac^e or tii'ity yards, the tftct was very destructive; hr iwmedtstetv sheered tn shore, r.ui aground an 1 burst bun. el nr. The i>arrot gun on the f?re us To drove oil the on.) on toe l>ow, wh I; we pu pared Iu repel bo. rdera, so close >v as o ir remaining eneny. A'x'iii this trine B'ggs ..nd I*se came d ishing hi and made ? linish of tho rebel boa's, eleven In all. In the grey of the motto iig >lt?< overetf a c .mu with re > I (tag dym.; o|?ned wltli cann Mir. At live A. M. received the ^word and 1iag of Colon. I S^ymsnski and eoounana o: live companies, arms cud camp equipage. While engaged at this punt observed the \aruua In conlllci Wilh a num , ber oi gunboats; she had boeu butid by oue or' them and ' sunk, but Willi his i or ward guns attll above 'vaier he w*l I bravel; maintaining the ttgbt, driving off hla eueiulcs and I aavmg liia crow. . t , , Info mm* I'aptain Lee, of tka Oneida, who bad alao born engaged wiih the enemy, of the Varuua a situation, he Immediately 'teamed ul> and made a linl .li of the rebel boats. The remain ler of tho Meet no * came up. The Mis sissippi bud b*!ou detalued Wow wlih Uio Mananaaa^ aod ai.olner Iron-clad. After ttola everything paased under your jwn observation. The pleasant duty now remains of speaking of the Cayuga and ber brave oUioers and cn-w. Kioni lirat to last Lieuten ant t)ommundini( N. B. Harrison displayed a ma^ti rly abiaijr in stwring bis vessel past Uie loria uuder a hurricaue of ahot and nhrll, and aftcrwarda In mauuMivering and li;[litiiig her tmiai! the gunlioata. I cannot say loo mueh for him. lie was gallmil. ? isiaiued by LJeut< uant Oeor.i- 11. lVrkiua ?m l Acting Volunteer Master Thomas U. Morton. Titcso o.liter* have my iinboundod admiration. I innai. In eoiielo Bion, uiprcu llie pleasure which I experienced in witnessing the seamanllke manner In w htcb all ibe ships were handled, j The report* of the diviktoual captains will iiilorm you of the particular part borne by each ini^. ^ Commander of Division ol the Hod. uniTVin crautammu iuhrwom's ucroBia. OHITKD SraiU (JuKOOAT CiTUOJ, I Miraiisin-i Bivkb, April 24, IH?2. I Sin?The following extract from Uio log will preaeni to you in ihe briefest form the part borne by this ship in the collII10; of tliie morning wlih Ports Jackson an4 St. Philip, and the relKl gunuoals:? At two o'clock A. M., In obedience lo Ihe Vlag OOcer's aigua), wel thed anchor and led the advance column towards Uie harrier. At baif-|>ast three passed Ikn barrier and a.earned up stream close to Port 81. l'htllp. At a quarter to foul' o'clock both lurts opene<l their lire. AI ten minutes to four o'clock opened on Kurt KL Philip with grape and can Inter. At four o'clock paused the line of Are ol Port St. I'bllip, and encountered some eleven gunboats?no support ing shifts in Higli*. At twenty-live minutes p*?t lour o clock one st-amer curien-lep-i; and two more driveu on sbore. At the moment discovered the Varuua and O ielda d ish gallant ly into ibe light. At live o'clock anchored lu froii oi Camp Lovell and received the submission of Col. Sxymanski ami h.? command. _ , We were struck forty-trro times. Both masts are so badly hurt as to I* unlit lor further service. Our iisnlgren XI in cama^o struck, but still III for duty. All other damages have bef-n repaired. I regret lo add that si\ of our crew nave l*i n wo' nd mI; but, so far^tbu surge-on has made but one amputation. I; is needless for me to Inform you, who had u? under your ou n eve, Uial all did there duty Icaiiesaly and well, tint I must commend lo your espoclal my executive Oili er. Lleiiu-naut tleorge K. Peikiua. Tiie remarkable coolness and precision ol ti'.la young ofll er. while aiding uie in steer ing me vi ss -i through harrier an t past tbe fo. in, unoer tlielr lung and neavy lire, muni have attracted >011 r sitention. Oi Volunteer A' tiriJ Maa'.er Thomas II. Morton I must speak in high pra.s-. 11 < fought tbe l'arrotl g in, and Ins daring etotupie bail a most happy effect on the crew. I am in deb ?o to Assisuiit Hur^rou E Iwar.l J. Rogert, not only lor his rapid and sk'lfnl atteulion lu tho wuuuuml, but lor his general olll -ei-nk.! be ,ring. My clerk, Mr. duarlcs M. Hums, Jr., wus of malcnal aes stam-c In co j.mumcailng my ordi in. Uor engines although ger.ernily unrollahlc, was on this oecnsion >v. rse-J sus-. s-fulij by the Second Assia.aut Enj.1 nfCOeo. >v. Ito^ers, and nls as.-ioa'its. in omi.'ius.Oii, I must nicntlau wilh praise the good con duct of the following men ? ( Klorence, Captain of eleven-liich gun. Wiluain Vouug, Captain ot l'arroll gun. William I'arker, at the wheel. Edward Wrgiit, at the lead. Krspecuully, V. B. HARBISON. LicutcuaDi Co.iunauulnf. Armi. 25. To CarTAis T. Bi'klbt. Commanding Van Division of Ihe Ke4 ? SiK?I continue my report through the battles of to-day. At eleven A. M., being at thai moment some half a mile in auvanue of the il.igsliip, the batteries on either '..and opened on us at short ran^e. Being plton d to | o. t, I ea^e<l olf wltli the port lielm and opened with our ciercn-iucli an 1 Parroit, slow ly, bill wilh great prec s.on of aim. Tills un equal context .asted just ill teen minutes, when th-i II .?? ship ranged up in splond d style, diverting their lire a .d silencing llie battery on tbe riiht bauk. Wo are again repeat edly hulled and much cut up in i-pars and riggli g. the iron stock of port anchor cut away. I lost no men. This I at tribute to an order which 1 nave for the men to lie down Oat durin; Ihe lime we could brln; no gun to bear. To speak ;i';ain of the constancy and devotion of my brave officers and crew would be to repeat an old story. Respectfully, y. B. llABItlsoX, I.kulenant Conimaauing. tub TAftriu'a arriXJJiB?cariai* uooua' ma-oar. The following Is Commander Hoggs' report of the Va rana's expioita on tho morning of the 24iU:? UxmD SraTms Srr.min Hsoosi rn, \ Orr Nkw Oai.KAN-, April, 2tf, lfMSi. I Sir?I have the houor to report that alter passing tbe bat, wltli the steamer Varuna under my command, on the morning of the 2-Uh, tindlng my vessel amid a neat of rebel steamers, I started ahead, delivering her lire both starb>ard ami port at every oiw that she parsed. The lirsl on her star board beam tliat re *lved her lire appeared to be loaded with troops. Her boiler was e*,>loded and she drifted lo the shore. In like mauner three oilier vessels, one of them a gunboat, were driven on snore In llamcs, and aiterwarda bletv i-p. At six A. M. the Yaruua was attacked by the Morgan, iron-clad about the bow, commanded by Hev rly Ken non, ai< ex-naval officer. Th's vessel raked us along the i<ort ytu^way, killing four and woaiiJiug nine or theeiev. Butting the Varuna on the quarter and n-i.iti on the starboard side, I manage I to get three eight-inch shells into her abaft herannor. as also several shot Iroin Ibe after rilled gun, when sh? dropped o it of action, pirllally disable '. Wnllo st'll engaged with her another rebel steamer, Iron-eUd, anl With a prow under water, atru -k us in the port gangwav, doing considerable damage. Our sh^t glanc ing from her bow, she ba*ed olT for another blow, and Struek aaaip ip (Im pU'-e grunliin.'in thC ?lde; but by co!i.? aV.T.vl /ant inc oo;.Ai?.T?Jh ar. w he.r i?o . aro .ti.l an 11 was abie. with the port gun ', to give her whl.e close along side, five eight-iuch shell ahaft her armor. This settled her and drove her a-dinm lu liames. Kino lug tbe Varunasluklug I ran her into the bank, let to tbe anchors and tied her up lo the tis-es. During all this lliiie the gum were uc'.lve.y at work erippling the Morgan, s'.e making fcoble effor s lo get up steam. This fl.e was k<-pl up uiKMhe water waso>ertnegua tru ks, when I turned my attention to getting tho wounded sud crew .out of the vessel. T..e Oaeida, Captain I,9e. seeing tbe conditi <i> oi thd Var.ui:'., hal rushed to ner assistance, hui I v aved her on. and I c Morgan surrendered to ii< r, llie v s <?'. i.i il.i o-s. I have since l-sarued tliat over hfty ol his c rtv were killrd and woun led. aud she was sei on lire hi li? r itinimaudes, who liis wounded wHb his vossal. I .-annot award l- o mueh pralso to tie; offloers aud ciew of the Varuua lorthenoide mauner in wnloli they supported uie, an I to< li'oolii'-ss under such exciting Cl.oumalailCJS, l<aril u'sriy win n evling lislilng iltx', havlag beeu sot on lire iwws! durum tiie sclioii oy shell- , In illtccu minutes no u the ume tbe Var inawn struck she wss on the bottom, with only her lopgal.jul o.ito: water.' an Icrew hwl every tlilni! they p nvi" 1, no Ou? tnluklnj of leaving their station until dilven then e by tne u t?r. 1 trust the attention of the dsp ir ni.ul will tie c ille i to l1'is o a iU I compons item ina ic lo llioso w b i have loS' tli Ir all. . , The er -.v w>;ro taUen off by the different vess'la of Uie fln l as last as they an it id, and a:0 now distributed through the ?otiadron. . _ T e oiln<ie?l were sent to the Penateols. 1 ? o .HI il l :i ularly cumin -nd lo tho no l. e of the denarl m<>nt Oscar Pe -k, second cm-s hoy nnd powder ooy of the afterriiv. * i o e eooln"ss sal lutrepMlty sltlMted the at u nil .n of all ls. A ol rewar I lor aucii a would be an apuiiiiim nt al ths Naval Hchool. Tlia maimes,altrto*nh n w re -ruits, more than mainisln e.| the renutatK'Uof ihii iorpe. Their galling iir? clea.. d the M o an' ?. i uie I spin, an j prevent id a repetition of their mnr (IdOils tire. Koui ol the uiariucs were wounded, on; I Icar mortaliy. . Ho ?ooii as ilie cre.v were saved I reported to you la per son, and within au hour left in the only r -in.unnig l? l?fl longing lo the Var ina, with your deS|*t. hes for (i inerisl Muuer, returning with bun yostcrday afternnon. Very r? sisxllullyyours. ill!AH. 8. HOOtM, Cominau ler I'u.ied Sui s Navy. To Piag Officer D. G. F iaa?cii;r, Cominanding Weilern tiolf UlocKaOli.g 8'iua<lron. THE SURRENDER OF THE FORTS. Ory 711* City or New iai.kam, April 29, 1842. This mormng early the Oayuga arrived, bringing the newa of the aarreuder of Fort* Jackson and St. Philip, and the blowing up of the ram battery Lon.aUna. Tho river all cl? ar. Quite a body of Butler'* men at Quaran tine, which bad paused through the can.->l leading out to the aoa. By this way we learn lbs particular! of the ?afety of our threw gunboat*. It appear* that the Keuae bee fouled a half aunken echooner, and, awiuglng along ?Ida, ebe was unable to get off. The Winona, In en denoting to assist her, routed atao. The Itaai.i had a ?hot through her boiler, and drlttfd down the river out of *bot range. The Winona wae hit eight time*, and lost four killed and fori/ wounded, none of whom were ofllcor*. These ve*?e!? report tint ovr advance waa followod close op by fort* or'* steamer*, which flred at the forte,and the l'ort*moulh exchanged a few broadside* with them, and then dropped down tue river. After we hod reached the Q uraulins, a ram hove in sight (the Manassas), end Oaptain !? rter immediately ordered the schooners to drop dow i the river, 'lite steamers went out to light the monitor, and the Weettietd worked beautifully areund it. At las', she grounded, and being caught by the carrent, slewed around, and the mortar vsasels thinking their lime was come, one of them let fly with her m ortar a d all her thirty-two pounders. After a time It was fou'et that this terrible ran was riddled ?y shot (put In by Ihs Mis sissippi), and sinking rspldly. This ended the ie*.|ua' contact, and a measure of confld-on* was restored to tne "bi inber*." lbo Ko ncbeck, Wlatm* and Itasca w?ro ordorrdj by Captain Porter to attach them'elves to his squadron, Willi a view of prevent lug nuy p-bel gunboat* i roin anu >.. ing Hi ; inorUr floei. Aj tne mortar ve-aol-< wero undei wei^b Iho.i were ordered to rrtiirn to tne -outh wen Pas. Two of llmm were 'fe>-;>a!cliod t'? Fort Living>iun and two to Achaf.iya l!ay. An ?o ? u a* tho inort ir vessel* nrrivod at Kurt I ivnignlon that wo k was d> "?; u d and blown up; for tho news of the faU of the inr, i?i lori* and ih?> wmks otl .Vow Orleans ba* fMH h<\i lh .ni. (hi Monisy, while the g inbo.tts were under the com uand of Porter, a flag of tru'.e vUhnvl thf f'.-nf. ltmlt Jlaj cams down to the Clifton. It ' ont.iIns t offlcrrn from the forts TIhi ris'tlt, of thi* Interview siniiily a pi eliminai y allair * hp li preceded the s wind fltig of truer \* nen this (?nuif ilfwit Ihe giuiboals weighed anchor and went up U Fort.'Hfcaui liar* they anchored. and t.w.vraj Hun can ud Menteoant Colons! Higgins cam* on board, and the article* of capitulation were drawn up and signed, on botulf of lbs Onfoderale Suies by (bo above named oitusers. and ou tho |>arl <>f the United states by Com mander I). D. Porter and (bo commanders of the support ing gunboat*. Tb? lernii of capitulation were as fol town ? A tret R- or CA WTOI-ATIo*. Ubitbd firini Hiiii- llAamr.T Lit*, i Forth Jackson and Ht. I'iiilip. > MiaeiftSirii Rivkk, April 2X. I*?. > By ?rllrl???f capitulation, entered iutu IfaU 2jU? day of Aliri1, 83i!l, bcMcra Utvid D. Porter, Commander, L'ni eii Swles Navy, coiuiimi. I n : United States mortar llutllia. of llic Of p;rt, and Hrlalku Onneral J. B. Dune in, <om muiidliv the coast defences, and Lieutenant Colonel Edward H s^ins, commanding forJ? Jack-on and St. fnilij-, o: the oner p.irt, it la mutually agrvd:? 1. That Bn/adlcr Ouieral Duncan and Lieutenant Colonel HiKi'ins ah ill aurrvnder to the mortar llodlla forts Jackson and St. Philip, the anna, monitions of war, and all llic an purt .'aaauea t, ere to belonging, together with all public property that may be under their charge. 2. That Hrtg.ulior General Duncnu una Lieutenant Colonel njl ns, lofclner with toe o lllcers under their command, ?hall be permitted to retain their aide arms. and that ail pri vate propenv shall be reapeeted. Furthermore, that tney shall hIvm their parole of honor not to nerve in arm* against the United States until (hey are regularly (Chunked. It la furthermore agreed by Commander David D. Porter. commanding the inortar ilotilla, ou the part of the Uni-ed Stales government, the non-com missioned oil leers, privates and mttfdclana ahull be pi rmliied to retire on |iarolo, their commanding and otln ro licers becoming responsible for them,and (hat they idiail deliver up their anna uul accoutrements in thi'ir pre eot oon.llilon, provi le 1 that the e ' pauses of the irauap >rla tlon of the inenaUail bo del rayed by the government of the Unltul Stalea. 4. On tbc il^ning of theae artlclea by the contracting par ties, llie fori* Khali be formally tak-u possession of ov the United Stales naval loroes, comprising the ino.Urlicet, the Confederate hnj 'ball be lowered, and tho Hag of the United Stales liuiated ou tbe llagsialfs of forta Jaoksoa and St. Philip. In the agreement of the above, we, tba undersigned, do herewith aet our band* and mala. DAVID D. PORTER, Commanding Mortar Flotilla. W. B. RENSHAW, Commodore U. S. Navy. J. M. WAlNRIGliT, Lieut. Com'd'g Harriet Lane. J. JL DUXCAN, Uric. General. Com'd'g Coast Defenoea. EDWARD niOUINS, Lieut. Colonel C. S. A., Com'd g Fort* Jackson and St. Philip. Witness**, Eow. Nichols, Lieutenant Commanding Winona. J. H. Btuisii, Lieutenant Commanding Kanawha. OttlHTKHS FROM TU fORTS. Quite a number of the garrison of the forts deserted, and were picked up by Butler's troops, and are now at Quarantine. Tbj Keunebe.: brought up to the city twenty-nine officers snd ninety men, who ara to be rc lcasod ou thoir parole. Tbe truth of the slory Is, that the inen in Fort Jackson, finding that their retreat was cut off, they remonstrated with their leaders. Duncan threatened, promised and entreated, but it wax of no avail?the men trained tbe barbette guns on the offioers in the unprotected casemates, and made them sur render. Theae facta I have gleaned on board of the Kennebec, and liavo since learned that Commander Porter demand ed tbe surrender of the forts in tbe name of the United States and the viorlar jUMla. If such proves to bo the case, 1 have the kighrtl authority for saying that such a step is entirely unauthorized,and is in direct conflict with tho Flag Officer's orders, as ho bad ordered a surrender in the name of tho Uni'.eA States. THK LOUISIANA BI-OWN VP. The rebel Flag Officer, J. K. Mitchell, after the surren der of the forts, blow upll.o l-otmlana, au act entirely at variance with established rules of warfare. Commander Porter put him in doublo irons. TUK KUIKI. tLAIl UAl'LXD DOWN. But ti return to manors around the city. First of no'e to-day, Pci'rie Soule vis:te1 the sliip this morning and had a short coiiforcuce with the Flag officer. Tiio result of the lnto. vi.:w baing of a private nature. I did not lea n any pai iiculars concerning it. Shortly artei ho landed all the irarinus of our fleet present em birkea in small bills av.d wont on shire to rni^o the Stars and Mripes on the I'usiom Hons* and l'ost oiii.,o. Two howitaera from tlis ship wore s' nt on shore to psirist In covering tho troops. Tho duly of hoisting the ll.ig and of ha.ihng dewn tho Slate ling of Louisiana, which Ilo.Uo'1 deliantly from thoClty Hall, was delegated to Cuiniuander H. il. IJcll. our distinguishixl Kle.lCaptain. '1 ho landing of tho mirlno corps, abiut 100 strong, waa the si gnal for the ^atboring ot a larpo crowd, who foilowod the marines, but made no remarks. Tlioir lace* showed thoir bl.ter feelings, and If they had uot feared tho guus of the ?3ut they would have rnado .ihoi t work of the marine cor)*. TitK SraltM AMD STK1PKS OVSIt TUB Cl'STOM HOUSB. Forming In pro|>er military order, tbe Una of march was ni ido for the Custom House, wbero the Stars and ?Stri|ies were hoisted. It was precisely forly minutes past elcvou o'clock when Its l'olds duttorcd, in a light Soullurn breoze. tiis art haix?thb sraii ruo COMBS DOWN, Brc. Tbe csrcmony beiug over they marcbod to tho City Hall,a1 id the t!a^ of tho Stale was hauled down at proclso ly thirty two minutes past twelve o'clock. Tha pleasing duty of hoisting tha iiag of tho free, and of hauiiug down tho flag of tho deluded and desperate, waa by Captain liell assigned to Quorge Kussell, boatswain's mate of the flagship Hartford. Kussull is a brave fellow and had sole charge of ono of the top guns in the engagement, lie felt highly honored by ibe arrangement, and Cap lain Boil sacriliced an honor wblcb many would not have djne id considerately. The marines returned on board or their soveral ships at one o'clock. Just as the boats shoved oil from the lovee a few boy* and blackguards biswd and made other demonstrations of their displeasure. I leave this ship in a fow hour*. 1 bsvo been by tbe flagship piuce she left the Philadelphia Navy Yard, and It is due to her olDcers and crew to say that I have mot with uniform kludncss, and a nobler and braver ship's company were never entered on a vessel's muster roll. I append a list of her ? dicers corrected up to the date u>' my leaving. To their friend* I would auuounce thai all (if Ihein are well. LIT OK omens or tbk n-tumnir mniviu. Flax 0:!.cer?IiBvid U. t arracut. Fleet Q*ptiin?Commander H. H. B?ll. Flag Ummtodtr?R. Waiuwrigbt. Ho:l .Surgeon?J. 11. Foils. I.leu tenant au<l Executive ulQoer?J. 9. Thornton. Lie UeiiM.l and O.duancc Oillcor?Albrt Haul*. Cupialn of Marines?Jno. L. Broom*. Chiei Engineer? J. B. Kimball. Paymaster?George I'lnukeit. Maxtor?Johu C. WaUon. Assistant Surgeon?.)<s?ph Ilngg. I.ieuteuaut of Ma. ine.-:?Goorgo Heisler. Flag Ol'lcor's Secretary?A. V.iinlen Heuvel. Ar.ung Mastess?1>. 8. Murphy, Ezra Goodwin and H. T. Iirajicr. Second Assistant Engineers?John Turdy, B. Litoh and F. A. WiHon. Third A siatant Etiglneem??>. DeGraflT, C. J. Cooper, C. M. Buicberd and A. K. i'ulto i. Acting Midshipmen?1L li. Tyson, B.C. Hazeltioe, J. 11. Kcedand II. G. Wake. Mas tors' Mates?L. Locke, J. Loimsb.-ry, T. Mason and E. J. A toil. Flag Oltlcor's Clerk and Fleet Signal Officer?B. B. Oab-n. l lo rt Captain's Clerk?J. B. Wardoll. Coiuin .uder'a Cle.k?V. D. Ilaclio. Paymaster'sCleik?F. C. I'lunkeit. Itoatswain?James Walker. HailmAor?J. G. Holbrook. ? Gunner?J. Duncan. Car[viiter?J. H.< V ni?y. 8iirg'M>n Stewart Kennedy, late of ihe Treble, was on biarl d iring tbe eiuu^nvnt, ou tu? medical auil, and rendarud e.xcellent THE KILLED AND WOUNDED. The following is tbe ofllcial list of kiltod and wounded in the engagements:? Futosme HaarroSD, \ Nsw 0;iLna?.", La. , April 38,18C2. J Sin?I bava the honor to report the Co. lowing list of killed and wounded iu the fleet, during tlie brilliant an ga^rineut with Forts Jackson and St. I'hilip and tbe bat teries b'*low the city of Now Orleao), an tbe 24tb and Zjtb i*st., vis:? kit tso. Playtkip Hartford. 1. Joseph Laurencit, scuainn, round abot 2. William Drowo, Undsman, shell. 2.'th April. Augustus Thomas, captain forecastle, shall. ? Total, 3. Brooklyn. 4. Mr. John Anderson, Midshipman,struck and knack ad overboard by cannon sbot. 6. William Leoah in, marina. 6. Daniel McEtnery. tmy. 7. Barney Hands, quartermaster. ? Thomas Whit", r* >tain maintop. 0. Henry II. HofT, marine. 10. Andrew Romkl, seem* II. Dennia lAary, ordinal y seaman. 12. John Wade,, ? JVnMcain. >3. Theodora Myers, seaman. 14. James Murray, ordinary seaman. 16. Thomas Gunning, landsman. 16. Nsisou Downing, la i lnmhan?Total,*. Hu.kmnn.-i. IT. John B. Brady, aged 10, acting master's mat*, torn in Brownsville, N. Y. Klfle ball. 18. William Urady, ordinary ???isn, Ooteber ??Te al,?. /nfMit 19. James I'hilipa, seaman. 20. Ala*. Van Viadanburg,ordinary Mill, 21. Maurice Murphy, ordinary MMian. 32. Edwin R. Parcell, boy. 23. Jacob Hrhornfeidt, marine. 24. George W. Oole, masters mate?Teial g. Pirnoto. 2f>. Thomas Kelly, captain forecastle. 2fl. Kobert II. Johnson, landsman. 27. Jolin Nolta, laudaman?Total,it Varuna. 38. Andrew A. Smith, Undsman. 29. Charles Hartford, soainan. 30. Daniel Mc I'hereon, ordinary seaman?Tela), t wots new. Fhifiihip Hartford. Wounded on the 24th aud 26tb of April. 1. I'hilip Morgan, suaiunn, severely . 2. Charles limine. landsman,severely. 3. The i lore Douglas. oiIIcoih steward, several/. 4. Roiidit'.i Tolifero, landsman, severely. i. Homy Manning, ordinary seaman, severely, fl. Henry Rlirf, inaruio, severely, 7. Holiina Doaue, seaman, slightly. 8. (ioorge White, marine, slightly. 0. Mr. Only, carpenter, seveie.y. 10. Mr. Jlcisler, lieutcniMtt of marines slightly?T*. Ul, 10. lii-noklyn. 11. Mr. James O. Kane, master, severely. 12. Mr. Junius ritatTord,acting master, slightly, 13. Mr. K. M. l/iwn, master's mate, slightly. 14. Win. Mnliride, teaman, severely. 19. Levin Heath, murine, slightly. Hi. 1 boina? <?nflii?. l.iiMiemoa, sevareiy. 17. Jo!m Willmigbb/,' rjita y -nainati,severely, 18. .lohn Clmse, seaman, Ftt|ihtly. l'i I'd ward Itnicha <1, oril mry seaman ievfrely. ? J gender'-, mAr'ne.eeMosMo 21. Wdliam Weils, seaman, severely. 22. K<>beri llari wnu, ordinary seaman, severely. 23 John Ha.s-olt, la:ulginaii, severely. 24. tleorge Coventry. quarter gunner, hiinIj. 26. 1 eo.iard Kili u, marine, slightly. 20. Cornell is Miutu. ordinary .-seaman, probably tally. 37. .lames !I. Powell, ordin iry teaman, ttightly. 28. II. O. Umkliu, ordinary seaman, severely. 89. J.'hi Widdin, ordinary sea nan,severely. 30. John Iiavc.'lu, landsman, slightly. 31. James Wibby, capt tin mizzen lop, wy MTKtif - 32. Alexander Auderson, landsman, severely. 33. Jain"R lilac It, quartcrmasteiv lightly. 34. Jospb Dickson, seamau, slightly. 35. John, captain after guild, slightly. 3(1. Jftines Williams, captain maintop Blightly ^ tal, 26. Peiuacuta. 87. John Ryan,quartermaster, mortally. 38. George Murry, qua termastar, mortally. 39. Jonathan Huberts,ordinary seaman, severely. ^ 40. Mirhuul MC'ann, landsman, aoverely. 41. Gusuvub Masun, landsman, severely. 42. Tb >iu*3 Kelly, b ?atswniu'a mate,severely. 43. Kdw. Ilrown, captain after yards, s :vjreiy. 44. John rfhirlock, ship's cook, severely; 45. John Jenkius, or Uuary seaman,severely. 4G. Jam'so'Donald.seimtn, oly. 47. Sami.el Cooper, oi dinary Seaman, slightly: , 48. David Andcraoa, ordinary seannu, slisbtiy . i 40. Stephen Coilms, ordiuary seaman, Slightly.. CO. Asa 1.1Hold, ordinary seaman, sligUl*. 61. John Btovard, Ordinary seaman, stlgbaifr 52. Samuel Randolph, ordinary seaman sligbtlyr 63. Patrick McKay, lauds man, slightly. 64. Kdward bowman, landsman, siiglaly. 65. Miduiel Noouan, landsman,slightly. 60. Kdward 1*0, flrst cla'S boy, Slightly. 67. Henry H. Stermbaugh, sergeant marines, Sllffctty. 68. George l'erkius, marine,slightly. 60. Michael O. Bryn.:, mariue, bliyhtly. to. troderick navy, marine, slightly. 61. Francis 1'epper, marine, slightly. 62. Jobn llrogau,marine, gligbtly. 53. Jobn C. Harris, lieutenant or marines, slightly. 04. Gerard .Schultze, actio? master, slightly. 65. John C. H mtley, third assistant engineer, slighUyv 66. Wilson Goodrich, boatswain, slightly. 67. Joseph II. Cox, carpenter, slightly. AS. Alfred Reynolds, master's mute, slightly. ?S). George Dolliver, master's mate, slightly?TMil.M Richmond. 70. Jobn Gordon, seaman, severely. 71. Charles A. Benson, ordinary seaman, slightly. 72. Kdward Collins,ordinary seaman, sligbtly. 73. John Ford,seaman, slightly?Total, 4. Iroqwit. 74. Jus. Nolan, seamm, mortally. 75. Walter J. White, oor|>oral or marinas, mortal1? 76. Robert Is.wis, armorer, severely. 17. Goo. Clark,-quarter gunner, severely. 78. Robert G:e-nlraf,ordinary aoaman, severely. 79. Jobn Smith, bjy, soverely. 80. Martin Wiuter, boatswain's mate, slightly. 81. Jobn Brown, captain of maintop, slightly. 82. John Conway, ship's corporal, s.igbny. 83. Geo. Higgius, seaman, slightly. 84. llenj. Rockwell, seaman, slightly. 85. Wm. Pool, ordiuary seaman, slightly 86. Honry Walters,ordinary seamau, slightly. 87. Wm. Wogan, landsman,.siigbtly. 83. Tli B. Kcaley, landsm in, slightly. 89. Owen Campbell, lan h nun, hiigtiily. 90. Alfred heed, b.iy, slightly. 91. Alfred Jackson, mariae, slightly. 92. James IJoland, seaman, slightly. 93. Jam-s McCumifky, ordinary seaman, slightly. 94. Thomas Fr..ucis, ordinary .seaman, slightly. 95. Frank R. ilain, third assistmit engineer, aligbtif?. Total, 22. I'inoia. 9fl. Thomas Foster, ship's cook, severely. 97. Thomas Foul, Uudsman, severely. Oh Thomas II., olllcois' steward, severely. 9) lleury Stokoiy, oUicurs' cook, severely. UK). William A';k?oi iu,quartet master, slightly. 101. Tboiuiu L. Smith, coal beaver, Slightly. It/2. J.imos A. lUsfoi'd, ordinary seaman, slighlij?. Total, 7. C-iyuga. 103. John l4t\rson, landjmau, severely. 104. Fredri k u. G. Fink, landsman, severely. 10ft. Francis N'ersall, ordinary seamm, slightly. 10b. John Dnsphy, coal lieaver, slightly. 107. James Smith, landman, slightly. 108. John Titus, ward room co^k, slightly?Total, ?. Sciota. 109. Francis Moriere, souinun, slightly. 110. J. Harrington, seaman, slightly?Total, S, Far UNO. 111. M. Rlfran, ordinary se iinan, slightly. 112. '1'. Johnson, ordinary seaman, slightly. 113. Wm. Joice, l iiidsmun, slightly. 114. S. (iordou, marine, slightly. 115. 11. McLaughlin, marine,slightly, 110. Wm. Ke; kins, ordinary sjuman, slightly. - 117. D. MoGmuis, boy, slightly. lln. J. it gau, marine, slightly. 110. J. McQoiun, inarme, siighily?'Total, ? Total kiile 1 * Mi 'l' wounded iff. Several vessels have nut yet mudc tbelr official report*. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. M. FOLBY, FleetSargMk. Flag OHirer Davin G. Faiuuuut, Commanding Oilf Bio -Wading !jq<iadron. lu addition to tho above 1 have learned that four V. killed and lour wounded on board of the Winona, i two kilicd elsewhere. By general consent the enaaaylk kss in killod and wounded Is put down at over cm thousand, moat of them perishlug on board of the i steamers. O ir total loss, then, is thirty-six killed, and cm dred and twenty-three wouuded. T>M CAYuua uuvn wini nwrADxxa. Lite In the afternoon the Cayuga turned her down the river, bearing the des,>aicbe* of the glo victory. Captam Bailey and Commander lioggs go 1 In ber?the former a.i bearer of despatches to the Navy Department, and the latter to receive a command mor* suitable for bis further use. As wo passed the Frmeto steamer Milan we took her despatches on board, and, re ceiving Captain Clewes' hoa< ty wishes for a speedy pa*. sage, we were again olT at full speed, it soeins hardly poetible thai wjhave passed through so much to such a brier s|?ce of tune. At mktuitfht we anchored at rantino to await until General Butler could gel hi? despatches ready. Here wo louod the Unltod States steamer Mississippi , se-.e.-al gunbo.ts, quite a n.imber of transports, an* during the uirfht quite a number of vesseia went up tU Mm-wbiiti Itn kh, Unrn staiiw Gorumt Octiu, 1 WkumkmiaT, April 30,1802 J W1IT Til* IOKTM Sl'RP.KNOIUtBl. This rooming y I went on nhoro iiml buw ntiuiI huudred i>i i*onors Just getlltig up from their bods, Fuch a sight 1 ncv r wilnc sod. 1 hey were tha hardest crowd I ever biw. Tbty told mo tint the forte could havabold out three months 1 jitter against thu mortar vessels, tout, when tli.'y saw Hu liar's troops in llieir roar, they knew lh< ir h.-f??s or gelling supplies were o il o.T, and that it was itiu best policy they could pursue Ut surrender. M.iuy o! them were evidently Union tnoa. TUB STATU or THii ?OUIt.?llOW Mil U DaMai,U>. 1 eoLvericd *v Ith the engineer ohlccrv of our army, wt.d th -y inform in s thai tho unm work of fort Jackson ta h<A materially ?l 'utaje>l, anl It is Just m tenable U> day us u ever wad. It Is true it dooa not preaout quite a* smoolli an appearance as It did be'oru tha bombardment. One or two i f tho cas-miaioi are dum ped badly. To * novice the work locm.i ruined, but aucti Is cot the coat The*'.' lacH 1 learned from the bast engineer authority. Sub ?jn?jiMy 1 vis I ted tho foils myjulf, and was sur prised to so i tb s little damage dona. K ia true, lb* citiuloi wis destroyed and tho earth torn up, brickwork u< faced, and a general ruin of small things won pre sented otHenrer; bill when you caruo to look M the work ilsitlf, It looked as If it was as good as over. Vort St. Philip is in a* Rood order as it was on tho Jtn%. day of Mar h, liOJ. The mortar venae la Qroi too far over Jackson, and rebel authority put the numbor of sheila thrown into ihtt work at from eigiitoen hundred to two thou and, and that over seven thousand want wide of the mark. Not having time to make an extended tour ofibe works. I ioaveit to tha IUiulds army correspondent t* give a full di'scripti"D. ihaig whiou attracted our attention, and forcibly, too, waa tho lorilblo stench arising from tho swaini? uu Uio passage do *n from the Quarantine to tho fort*. It arose from Iks dead of tA* rne.ny who died m th, Wrxvii on the morning of the 341\, most ?* whom canto from tho rebel flotilla. Hundreds of dead ana. woumied burnt up on tho docks of the vessels, rroin aU lean loam, we have used up llieir river vessels, and es pecially tho "Montgomery flotilla" (tho navy or IM*. Bute). Th* following la a list of vowels used for army aa* navy purposes on the liietwelppl river ? St. Chariot. Mary K. Victoria. Tankoo. Norman. Whim*** American. Joy. Whaaa. Herculee. Hoe bee. fooan. Mtllander* Mciunlels, burnt. Day ^tar, burnt. Fhmni*. Baltic. 0>m<|uoror. Land is, burnt. Webb, burnt. (Governor Moore, burnt. stone Wall Jackson, burnt. Resolute, sunk. Mar Ki?a, sink. <>nlvoston, burnt. Star or the West, burnt. Burton. MAuan<taa i ramburnt. LouWIaca steam battery. Mississippi (rain), burnt at blown up at the forts. the city. Anglo Normau (ram),burnt Whitney. nt tho city. It is impossible to glvo n correct statement of tb* rebel vessels' names In the engagement. I he Vanko? escaped wo know. Two river steamers wont up earl/. In tho morning. The enemy will give us no clue to their loess*. A gentleman remarked to me at Quarantine tint we had destroys* twenty vessels, Including the rains, and, said he, "1 cannot soo wh ire th >y ars to gst any mors vessels lo trouble you with." I herewith lurnlsli a atatetnoul i f Mr. T. (letcltell, of Bath, Mi<., who h.AS lived In .VswOil.'ans for the past three years. Ho vrna on board of tho steam battery Louisiana on tho mo-niiig of the Kith inst. lie was hor chief carpenter. Me s.iys wlmn the Kathivim I.assea the IjOUI-lsna she wis ut nnrlMir Tho CmbaJIn put two eloveu Inch shot through tho Iron plating on tho bow, which wss four inch** thick and of railroad Iron. Ka h ho'e mule by tbU shot was about twelve lltcheg in diamoior. TUB IHOV tn.AD I/HIHMM. The f/><ilslana was auch irnd about two hundrsd yardf above roil pi Pblllp, sad flfly yards off abort mmK the action commenced tliey weighs.) the "tern anchor and I'll go the how Anchor, ami 'Irllteil a hundred yards Ocw? th* river and then 0|>rned flro. Kin illy, she nio>ro<l aitd there until clev >n o'> !i k, a lien Mr. kf: n ?S)S l>el?n? the vra.'or I'.no she i? perfe. iij a ?> rtttiiiir-iii c,\ Mcriuvni i auri