Newspaper Page Text
^ HOUNB4, KUUM8, AC., TO IjKT* Aooi ntky skat.?to let, at a ybby mods rut** rent, a llou**, aititated on tha l?*uk? of the Had ?on river, Witii fourteen lots of ground attached, with vege table and flower garden; alao fruit troeu aud rubbery Inquire at 16# Front etraet. ____ AMBROTVPIsT ROOM, IN ORANGE, NEW JERSEY, to let, furtiiabad, Aitli luatrumeat; no other in tu? flnoa; location best iu village; cunioui tir*' cia&??; population welvu thousand. lo H. 8. IlLACKWELL, M* Wil liam street, I roui 9 till 11 A. M ., or at 4^ Main street, Orange, from 1 till 5 I'. M. A COTTAGE HOUSE TO LET. IN KtQIITV-SIXTH Jt\. street, east of l'btra avenue, at $S. to one or two farni Vea; ipi lot* oi grouuil (or .i warden three willow trees In front uf door. Apply to SMIIH, 1'ui Broadway. A HANDSOME COUNTRY 1'LAOB TO LET?AT J A mail*, L, I. Kent fAM), si ren aerea, high ground, large fci.iu.iiou, outbuildings, m;ie'.iii:io.-ut view of the oceau aud Aouud; earn lifieeu times a d? IT. STEPHEN A. PIBKOE * CO., No. 6 flue greet. A HOl'KM TO LET?I.N BROOKLYN. MB OOBOBESg siree.t a Hue large and commodious house, with ull the tnodam liuprovemeuta, can be hired on moderate i ruuuj Appiyir.g to M. HIil)Y, Sltl Bloke sire, t, Brooklyn. AOOOD OlIANCE.?ONE-HALF OK A LARGE STORE to let, well adapted lor fruit bu&iuess. Apply Ml' ?eed a.or , li Exchange p ace, Jersey city. CIOUNTRV HOUSE TO LET.?.A FL'RNISIIBH HOUSE, J log lher with toah house aud Uafoles, fruit, yard, gar 4'n, i' , nliiiHteil in BoUtHDort. (.'.nine in ill, ivithln live joiinnteu' walk of the New York and N w Haven 'epot. For further particulars inquire o E 11C.M1.VU STlIUuES, 2US Fulton street N Y., baaeuienUdliue. C'lOUNTtiY RESIDENC E TO LET AT FORT WASH J iugtou.?K.ue houae and Htable, true, hot water, Ac.; live ?' res of ground. plenty of fruit and simdo trees: fent low, now being painted, Ac. Apply lo M. WARM, 130 William Mrcet. IJtUKNISHED HOUSE TO LET?A THREE. STORY ?JP htmie front House, north h:i e of Forty-bull street, l e Iween Fifth and Sixth avenue*, to * drat class tenant oniy; Louse thoroughly furnlni.ed throughout. Kor older* to see the premise* apjdy to PHILIP It. 'V|Li,INS,No 6t? Flue at. flURNIBUKD ROOMS TO E! WITHOUT BOARD.? A line aeco'ui ^tory R m and two third story Mingle Rooms, to let without lawi Apply at 1,219 Broad way. Befereneea i xeeau-ed. ODflE ROOMS TO LET?AT 601 HUDSON STREET, XJ corner of Christopher s; re. t, newly fain wiied tud paint ed, will be let to ?atis:ael uy ariies, tor weekly or Msmi moi.thl} meet in .s at mm U lea. ili.-.n the regular prices. Ap ply on the premises to SIIEitMAN 1'. COLT, A;ent. Madison avenue, in.-ro let. completely, newiy and very elegantly Mil mshed, ihe live ?toiy brown alone House lit Maulsou avenue; .drawing ioo.i. iu earved ebony, Sic. Apjily Hi tiie liouae or ai 1W Madinon avenue. Kent Bio&?fubnished cottaoe at staple ton, SMleii I land, c ontainlri j eh;ht rooms, trull aud berries iu abnndauee, three lilnuius to ferry, one hour from Oily Hall, in i.ooil ordei. Inquire at I'll East Fourteenth ?treet, of A. LUDLOW, or J. VAN DUZER, Collector, 8ta pleton Lniidint;. Stores.-to let, no. sfs and .w canal street, at a low figure. Ai ply t>> J. i KaM, 80 Union ?iuare. TO LET-IN OUTTENUURO, NEW JE.tSEY, RENT low, two Houses; one si able for a bakery, wl.h new oven and nood well of water; the othnr will be let out In rooma. Both have staolrs utueimd. To be seeu by applying Co Squire DWYER, u< ar the preaueea, or at Kohler i Vinck'a brewery, TO LET-THE THREE STORY AND BASEMENT Ho iku No. sa fi??i 1'. r y-sc iMid atreut, Jbetween Lex Ington and Tliii d aveuues; h ,s gas, hot und eold water, bath, *c.; rent Imv, Inquire on Hie preiuisea from 10 till 6, ?r of J. FETTRETCH, 118 Third avenue. TO LET A COTTAOE H('"SE, WITH SEVERAL LOTS <>1 uround. auita leforaSt-ail fa ulty, mutated ou Ihe Burthwesl corner of Broadway and Ko -eu;hlli street; rent low to aood u-nanl. Apidj to JOHN VAITE, 932 Broad Way, or to JAMES BR1T1', SSI Sixth avenue. ?0 LET. RENT LOW. ENTIRE UPPER 1'aRT, 493 BROADWAY, Hear Broome fetreet, St. Ni 'h -las Hotel block. LOCATION UNSURTAcSED. Apply to D. J. LE t k', 129 Broadwuy, room No. 4. rpo LET-A LITTLE HOUSE, 23 CHARLES STREET; X lias all modern impm.euients; convenient to FoUriii Stri^etand Amity Hue ol ?ta,-e i or t e Sixth avenue earn; rent $40u. Inquire in the store, No. 26, or of F. C. DORE *IUS, 225 Twelith street. nio LET?iA NEAT COTTAi.E. AT BRIUtCLIKF, SINO ?J. Slug, with eight : ooniii; bouse 28 I'l-et sp.are; a hue garden, tilled with tr Iif; a tlnu view 01 tl e river. In pure ?t the dei^it lor Briukurboil's C ottage, or at the Sun Iu Muiance Company, ia Wal, street. flV) LET?SPLENDIDLY FURNISIfKD ROOMS, TO X gentlemen only, without noitrd, at 23 Ninth street, be tween Fifth and Sixth avenues. TO LET-THE THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE. NO. 255 Weit Tiiirty-fourth street, replete with nil the modern Improvement*. Kent io,v. Apply at No. 243 West Thirty fnurih street. TO LET?AN UNFURNISHED ROOM, ON SECOND iloor, ut No. 10 University place, corner of Clinton place, jEiguUt Street. (TO LBT-T.tE SECOND FLOOR OF 17 CHRISTOPHER X atrert. co ulst :i? o trout and osck rooms and two Bed rooms, pi Ulrica, cliset*. wai r, rnn and large yard; rent ?too; with a Room on third noor, $225. ITK> LET.?ONE OR TWO VERY PLEASANT OFFICES X to let at 442 Broadway. City Assembly buildings. In quire of A. H. DOWNER, aa above. T?i TO LET?THE SEl ONl? AND THIRD FLOORS. To gether or irpinur, ol the sloue bouse 210 Went Twenty Seventh street, lour Rovnis on eadi.w.lh water, g?->, baili, tec. Rent?Second, %16 per mon.h; iu.rd, fitf; tojether, ?2S. AhiIj ou the premises. LKT?IN 8T LUKE'S PLAGE (LBROY STREET), No. 17, private Dwelling, four stories, with nil the mo dern Imjiror.'mt nih. Wat be lai very low. Inquire o MIL DKHBUKOEK, su Carmine suvet, lor ('articular* auJ rent. TO LET-AT HIOH BR1DOB. THKCOUNTttV SEAT OF B. F. Ciarmun, with <.o?L'h iioiise. green houses, Ac. Also. atC nnansvtlie, a House, with lOacb house, en liJd Sreet, overlooking Hud?>.n river. Likewise two three story rick Houses nt CarmauM-ilie, and Gotta,e at HUh B Wye, IUul low to good MmdU. Inquire ut B. V. CAJtAlAN, I^M Broadway. fnO LET?THE 8TRONG. SUBSTANTIAL THREE STO . J. ry brick building. iSxta feet, 1U Kldridge stru t, suitable tor llxlit or heavy mauuia-.turiog. WiU b? let on very favo rable terms. _ TO LET?THE TWO STORY, ? 'TIO AND BASEMENT House M>> Hrooinn street, it s in food or.lnr nnd well adapted either for pilvate or business purpose*. Inquire ut Bit Broome Ktre t, or 73 We-t Twenty-tbiru street. fTO LBT-PART Or'HOUriE NO. 15 (OTTA-iB PL VI E, JL rouslntinx of tront ami baek tmaeaants, two parlo -a on the first tloor, anu one i*rg>' and on*- small bedroom o t'.e third lioor; ha* rsivr hoi and cold water, cos fixture- and feaAbroom* R.-in $2 0. TOLET-ATHASTiSfiS.T^C .MINUTES' WAI.K FHOM the ianduiK. !??<> Cvitiges, with uaniens; reut n ode rate. Applv for three 'Say-* to I.. I'. LAW UK.NL K, .,i'ul Broadway, or to W. WiLUAMH, 0* Wall'it. fpOl.ET-ALARdE AKU W '.LI. BUILT STORE, s?TU. JL sled No Wwih'.b *tr.?t, A'ts.ny. t?. Y Tli i building is live ??tit Idgh, 2 if. tijj in lies ivIUs, aii't 117 leet S )ni je* d-rp. It I* (lie n> st ntrul local'm lit a:'any nndisucii Adapted lor ufash.onable dry go t store, oeiug near H -cud *vay anil next ic ti?e Al'smy Cit ' ink. The bulidln . Is now undergoing repine, urn* w ill I Mln whole or part. Vor furtl er information address Mrs. M.J. Ruioml, 34 Heaver -Street, Albany. fTK> LET?A NEAT OoTTAUB, IN THE VILLAGE OF J. Astoria, L. 1., .'onumoi^ ; roomaund nice *? rdn.. fruit, tt ul $1.10 a j ear. Sit int.-.l on Or >nd *t:eet nnd i Irst avnuue. Inqureof f' H Tlf ^OT, at ths sto.?e on the c ruerof the Same street. fpO LET?THE SMALL TWO FTORY AND 3A9TiMEN*T ? JL brisk Hint', No. 17 Horatio ?. reet; sereu rooms, with ??? intnre.-, Croton wutcr, Aa Rent $901. Apply to ??5:>iin BOH, Bight*WW?. fcno LET ?THE TII'tr.E STOKT BNOLTSH BASL 4EST ? J HouseJM West Tnlriy-niiith strooet, between H>!vf iiih ?r.d Eigli'.li avenue*, r-'piete ?ritla aiodern ioipr 'Vein- ui - nn lie l: t low to a g ?od tenant. Apvlj to J. F. J. DSRAT8 JIBS, xtl WMIiarn street, up stairs. FPO LXT?1UBNISHBD, WITHOUT HOARD. A FINE I J. Room PtiK oml Iff) r, riympl. n secretary bedceai'. has, ?rater, pnutriea, *r ; piano il >.<i*lred; loo*tlon, vicinity oi Broadwuy. Kifilt avenue, te. Terms inodernte. Ai'ply on ^?remises, ui West Tweuty-eecoud atreut, fnui V A. M. to 6 P. tpO LET?THE THIRD STORY OF HOUSE I'Ol IiTll 'J. avenne, near Thirty ?aec?u<l street. Hot and coid water, bath and gas. Kent mole.rate. Apply to J. HOPKINS. rro LET-THE SUBSOR1BUL OOOOinM TUB J. lower psrt ol a itirne story nod I lame Hoiise, kj'.easantiy loutted, sauii ihe upper pun oo-upied b>' a -iliall, quiet family. Analts preferred. Address bot Yora jrUle. J SO Llr-IN THIS C1TT AND HOROKBN, hEVBRVL tine Dwi'illni?,C"'ii.i,e?. far.? xn>J apainnenia, ?i fioin I to tSIW a year Parlies m want M an. h ean bo aulted by ?pplytng at oace to .1 ULIE.V CKEVIF.K v hON, W Du.ine ?u eel, S. Y? nnd ii WaSUllUton stri i , II il?ikin. 310 I?r OHEAI'-THAT THRKB HTOKT; B.?rK L Houne, with inastio trout, No. M Susse* street, Jeney Mr; has chatide.i<-rs, hot >iud uol 1 water, i alb tub, Ar. It, tjnlie of WALTER, Bear tlie leny, Jersey Cl'y. rro LBT OR FOl SALE?A LA ROE, HANDSOME JL double House. \>it tb> luo.lern tonveniunc* a atume and oarriago house, In the b' anilf>tl but 11 it ie known vilh.f.o ..f rinsula/. AhitmUat reiereoi** given aa lo heabhin- s.i of (be pima. which only requires to be s. en to lie appierla'ed. Far- lo the elty, bv ?ieKmh"nt, 101 nts; by railroad, 10 cents. Apply to D. L. DODOfc.. 7> Lllieny *^ieet^ TO LKA>X~T>tE TIIHEK TOR* HOl'aK, MoDEKATB aire, 48Ttnthaven ,n .1 to rourteen>h sirert) .v< (as, Wht'T. Ae. i ill good i ruor. Rent lo a ?0"d tenant, An 1 (Voton rent. A - < the lyl* eomer Tenth avenu- nud Fouitaenth str< at; has brtell oBJca, staole and mar?s for a luinl>er yar<l; will m??wi'r f' r eoal or o'l'or buslnesa, \rltb C O' I* l<ol?. Apply'.' K II. U'DMItV No. .1 pine street, or JlHIN V. WHlTF., IS We-t T?enty-br*t sireet. fro RJ'.NT?TIIK ITOl'SK ANO OROl NDH OF TIIE J. Ist?- H, L. Coil, a' Paieiflvn, N w Jers.-y, tinuse is built ot sioue. Is s ty i'. et*, twn stori".. basuno-nt bfl'l atlte, and urnisheil wllh ^ns nnd water. Toe utmmJ* ?omprife ab iiil ti t>H n ueres, lianrt?'iin"ly raid out in lawn anil garden, and In perlect orde; A'ta^h. d to the h> use is ?t laige <!oii?'T> aiory. T ere are niso eib nslve Orap>rlea, ?nd nM the n<^"-sniy niitlntiUiings of a larne plane, Arply lo f HOM AH O. MMl I'll, A<ent ililerso'i, New Jersey. f|10 REST-FOIl ONE OR TWO YKARH. THE L.'.ROE JL riauslon House, st ibi", cr-en house, well stocked with ?iIhiiiS, ijiHperjr in full beai in,:, Mill i-.irilei, lawn, Ac , con laming hunt W si res, ?? Bio"uiint dale, I-it serlr o< i iipli d In Wm. 11. l'alne, Eo?|., alluate4 on the North river >?twi<en Kiahty uinih and N'nety ????vn l al'eets. For part lars in quire of JOHN PAINE, 47 Wall street, or M0 Fifll enuo. TO DENTISTS.?A PARLOR, Ft'KNISHBD A UN. farmshed. to lets* an oflloe. d sirsble. \.'ould be let lo a genti-maa and wife, with Board, at 82 Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn. ttsl K FBR M^NTIT?A NEAT. OENTEEI. BRICK COT wlO taga to let, In a besutlfnl, healthy avenue In Wl|. Uamaburg. oonlain* su r?om?, iron l>alcony, and ears (three Seuta) pas* the door; very ger.tael and pleaeanl. <JH Oraud ?treat, Wllllam?l urg. O il KA ?TO I Hr, A FOUR STORT BNOLIRH BASH B^rOUi modem fcillt Hoaaa, In Fortieth etrnat, CLOTHnQ. At tub mew STORK. 114 third avemub. ladibh all nui I'lnruutu iU|Mmi of Uarlr Ca I Off CUrtuiig, Cerpet?. t urniiure, Ac. I guarantee w pfur Drease frm 8 to $30. for Coa.s from $4 tj $14. lor riili I rum $1 lo , Piea*c do uot format tu call on or address 0. MI8If. 114 Ird av< uua, umi Pourteauth street. Ladic? atwuied by Mrs Mish. ___ A RAKE CHANCE.?LAD1ES AND GENTLEMEN. I F you wiili to n?i ilie i nil value for your cast off Cuith Ing, 4 c., tin* ?' he )ou cau tlo la to call or sen I > Mt Ui the well known d.aier, B. M1NTZ, 283 blith avenue. Tnere you ii. a> If sure to receive &u per coin mora I ban by any Other 'I'.n .? N. H.?i>o Uui believe Ihc fala - preten n ra who offer 9iu for silk draaaes, $20 for ioais,* or $7 for Pan'.a, aa it la surely a humoug. Lauiea alien a i by Mri Minn. Please remember, 2i3 Sixth avenue, between Seventeenth Mid Eighteenth streets. AT TUB ESTABLISHMENT 233 SEVENTH AVENUE. I have reorlved a .ar e order from ti.e tV'eat lo purchase cast oil Clolliiu*, Furuituie, Carpets, Ac. Lai lea and grn liaiutn cau receive M |?. cent uioru by any o. her deal er by caliiuj! on or ad Ireasiiiit a not' to M. ABRAHAMS, 2.3 Seventh avenue, bstwean Tweuty-bfth and Tweuty autu street*. Laules atteuded to by Mrs. A. A LARUE OKDEB RECEIVED FROM CAL1KOHMA to |>urcli > e 0 tt Oil, Fur.llure, Carpets, <*f. Ladies and ..enileiu n, I giurauiee to pay the fuil value of all article.-.. 1\ B?Do not oelleve those talae prolan icra who oiler those enormous prices. Florae call on ur address T. ROSENBKKO, 212 Seventh avenue. Indies attended by Mra Mnsni Img* AT 1IO SEVENTH AVENUE, LADIES AND GBNTI.B nun can dispose ol their cast oil Clothing. Carpets, Fur nlture aud Jewelry. I guarantee to nay ufty per cent mure than any other dealer in the city, and not to be humbugged by great pull a and false pretenders, fleas* call on or ad dress J. Auhalt, l>2 Seventh avenue, between Twentieth and Twenty-lirst streets. LaUies attended by Mrs. Auliali. ATTEMION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.?I HAVE juat leoeiv.-d $S,tM> to purchase cast o.i Clotlilug, Fur niture and Cart eis for the California market. I dtt pmniUa to pay the liirf-i-xl pr.ces in the oily by calling on or address. iU4 a note to E. MiNTA, 13/ Sixth avenue, two doars aoo.e Tenth stent. Ladies attended to% by Mrs. Mtnti. Remem ber, 137'8Uth avenue. ? At no. m bowery.?h. Rosenthal, having a ure.'t desire to purchase a lar^e uuantitv of east otf Wearing Apparel, Kurn I ire, Oar pet*. Jewelry, Ac., by call ing o:i or ii idivs>ltig, ladies aud gentlemen cen obi . In the utmnst lor each urtlole. Ladle* attended to by Mrs. Rosentlia . Please remember, and try 353 Bowery, opposite Great Jo ioa street. AT Ti'B OI.D STAND. 134 SEVENTH AVBNl'B ?MBS. |E EKIELS contlm ostomy the ?Lowing pr.ces ? From Si lo $'Jj lor 8 Ik Dress h, Iron. $3 to $15 tor Coats and Ho n t to $.1 for Pani ?? Also Carpets, Furniture, Jewelry, Ac. A note by post punctually attended to by Mrs. Bieaiels. Gentleman attended to by Mr. E. ATTENTION-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IF YOU W'sh to ilnd a imr anu honest d< aler to dls| 0<e of your Cast Off Clothing, I arpets, furniture .ind Jewelry, the nest Ihlnt! - O l can do Is lo <all on or address Ilia honest an l well knovs ii dealer, F. UaRHIS, 1'jO S'-venth avenue; where you will oe dealt wiili to jour satisfaction. At this place Sou ean re .'eive i fty per eent more than from any other lu ^e city, and you will avoid being humbugged. Plena* do not to uel F. H.VltKIS, Imj Sereulli avenue. Ladlea attend ed by Mrs. Harris. At thb opiginal old well known u. Har ris Lataoiishm.'ni, 101 Seventh avenue, lorineriy doing b isin. ss at 136 Seventh avenue, late or the w . LI knowu Californi'in and fl'enloi n agency store of 163 Howtiry, in" come l-aek a^ain to his ol.l quarters, 164 Seventh ave nt.e, gu.nanteeb to >.ont uue, its ev.-r before by paying the utuioat vauie for Cast O I' Wealing Apparel, OarjHiU, Fur nttuia and Jewelry. If ladles or gentlemen can feel satis fit d by receiving tho full valu.: for their artictea, thoy can well avoid being puzzled or uuri.ou?,^ed by false pretoiMera and luuh oil-ia l>y .a.iltig at ouce ur addressing tie old we I known buyer H. llarria. 10! Seventh avenue. You uiay depen.l, ladios and aeut e unn, upon Oetng aea t with tn our aath.fa.tluu. Ladies attended by Mrs. 11. UarrU. Please not o forget 164 Seventh avenue, between Twentj-tlrst mid Twenty-seconJ strceis. CALIFORNIA AND PIKE'S PEAK TRADE.?A GREAT e'.niand fur lailiea' au i g u-iemeu s cast oil Clothiu^, Furnitui'ti, Carpets and Jewdlry. I guarauteo to pav twi uty five per oeut tuor? than auy other establishment, and no hiiuioug. Call at orsenlanitj tu SJ or 96)i West Broad way, b ".??? u Leonard an I<lin streets, and 28 Newark aveii ie. Jersey Cio. Ladl s attended by Mra. U. Gabay, and gen tie men by Mr. S Gahay. WAN'TLD?A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP LADIES' a d geniieim i.'i. rastoll CI itl.ln^. Jewelry. Carpets, Furnlluie, de., for whl.h the highest price will be paid. Call on or address J. STERN, 2(U Seventh avenue, confer of Twenty-fourth street. Lauira in attjud.iiice. MISCELLANEOVsi ALLEVIATOK.?CORNS CURED FOR ONE CENTEACH by uitiui; Dr. tlr.gijs' Corn aud Bunion Alleviator, ? uew, hui'iule.sst ami certain '-ure lor corns, bunions, ,> allosities, fruited and blistered feot, snd no caustic, no acid, no i>ain. Warranted to proiure rrsulia satisfKCiory and surprodng. Pric-- 26 eentsan.l .'.Ocerii. sud $1 per oox"; aent by m?ll on receipt of price and 6 cents. SoV by druggists. Dr. J. BRIGGS. proprietor and pracilcal ? hlrupouut, 212 Briftil wsy, oppo.sita St. Paul'a ciiurcu, Ne v York. BUitDSALL S ARNICA LINIMENT. FOR BURNS, SOKE i'hroal, Paius an ! Acuea?ihe b"St lu use. Moid by all druggists. DR. ROSENlIEtMER S PATENT CURE FOli CO.INS AND BUNIONS, No. 401 Canal street. Dr. R. operates on hard and soft Corns/ Club Nails, Bunions, Nails penet:aiing PI sh. i--\ Tue Doctor n?s the privilege to refer to Hon. J. J. Cfltten den, Llel'lg, Columola Col age; Robert Munay, United Marsh 1; D. Delavan, City Insp-xior; Colon i McLeod Murphy, and noaisof others. TUST THE THING.?PARTIES GOING IN THB COUN e) try to i.penil the summer should iak> Gurley A Brad;, 's Portable Cot, a:id Chair with tltein. Sl/s, win n foldi d, four by six inches stiuare and two feet lon<. GL'KLBY A BRADY, 410 U>oa lway. A RULE MANTELS ?THB SL BSCRII1EK informs _ _ the public that he :s sell ng Mantels, Ac., cheaper than any nersnn in the bus nasa Those wishing u> purchase ahoiild call soon st A. KL tBER'S Marble Yard, 109 Bast Eighteenth street, west oi Thlru avenue. New Yoik. OSS.?10) BALKS .\BW ORLEANS MOSS PGR SALE by WM. S. TOGLB A CO., LU Pulton street. POSTAGE STAMPS liOCdUT.?PARTIES HAVING pbda.a st'imps to disposa ol at ? discount ean llud a cash cuato tier by ad>irnasir,g nolo to llenry, l/ox 176 Herald of fice, stating on what torras they will seiL M M V.bjr That uoubaujfs Italian mkuicatf.d soap dk etirre?atl u>i> jaipularltjr it receive* if p.oved (mm ilia fact that It .iu? b--en belore the people t .cue twenly-tl.r e rears pa?:, during wbn;h time It ha* Hiuit.ll!> b< eu li?c.c,ud.ig Iim mi ? lU),Kjr'-. in, ;t mutt aiao be born.'111 mnl that it hu* bad to war the muni violent opposition: (uiintrrfi'ltt, munitions, uud loar prt ed Cull' have attempted to be mint d upon an ln.elliKcnt p-wie, an t njo? .-dfcuntle ! tiled. A .i.ln, tills rii*i) tnu?l not be i ontoun led v lih ordinary toi a: ao..j.s. Thai. U out i a otuj re oainu rt.'.atlon?It ifuH mure rul icltla properties; It uot only tbanhri the darkest and galloweal skins a moat bcaittllttl white, but It cure* pimp es. eru| lo.m, ?nit rhi'Utu, tetter, chap*, chain*, and every oth.-r kiu.. or akm dalonni y. I.rpuliy lamed ia OOL'HAl'D S Pnudre Subtile for uprooting l.i?ir fr >m lo-v foreltea a, appei I i a, or k'><r purttoit h.. 1v. Alan, Hair Vjo, Liqillit wn#, Lt'v White an 1 IIa r^Ceau>r..tlvu are found at I?uot RAt'D'8 Old EfiMollah.Ml D*pot, t>7 Walker street, neai riroadway; 129 Waahiutr >n at,-eel, Boston: Carleton, l.ovll; H1U*. Spring. -l?.; Callouder, FhiladtlpIiJ ; il tyn, B ootlj n, Jt -. TTERONES' ELE' THO "CHEMICAL RATHH, 119 ? Fourth avenue, attended Iqr h?(??tr VKltONiw, tli? Inventor. Cehi'i rated for the >-itra'-tlon ol latnurjr Mud metallic kiibaiaiicca from the ay atorn. mi lor their ante** In .1l--iu?'.-i |??'iliai tol-dl a; alao n r rl.erra .loin, debility, fevor, Ac. WILUAM8BCRo7 lTl?those wllo wamt mei>7. cal ore and ilie O.MIUWU of a home itiu do well to call At No. 4 < oj'? atrci L Broad*.-iv car pa-a vny n- r. _ . A. O. BAOLBY, M. D. OK vis, WOKMH, WnRM*T?THE OXLYOURB FOR thin ct.alr.'. s, n dif-.'.Ko can ( iln-d for dntMif W. H. .Marahall. I'oat otBce, B.ooklyu, N fKOPOMU. QOAU ~ Written pr'H'Otai-t will be received until the 24th ln>t, for tlte d? iiv.iry ou the uort i wnarl at W.-i.t Po ni. N V., tho foU< ?* un quantities and iiuaUtiea of White Axil Coal, o 600 totu (2.240 Iba. per ton) Locuat Mountain, ileatb ioat ?Ua. Also, 780 ton* (2,240 'b*. per lot ), egg 30ii tona do. do. ?tove aixe, of dtiier Bear** Mountain, Buck Mnuaialn or Baltimore Vein, Wyoming. 1'ri e or ea ;h anted aopai atoly. CoAi oan i?e de.lrcrad f .oiu he H. buylklil, L"hix>i and Wyoming rtlatr.c'a at the Weat Point whari from '?anal bona * nlJd rrcelvn It at thu m m a, rltliout breaking bulk, via the Schuylkill and D -Ian are an-l Utrttaa Cauala. Mi re tuan th* oi dinar/ faellltWa for unlMdlng will be fumuh-d. Ti.i; coal to br delivered be.weun tho lat )i Ju ia and 21th ol Augttrt next. _ RDWD. C. BOVNTOM, Cap1 tin and Qua'tarmaatcr Military Acad-my Wr T Potr.r, N. Y , M y ?, l-?. 1" >R0P08AI,R rOfc 8MALL AKMA FOR THE UNITED STATES 8HRTHR. OmmaKCK Omcr,} Wi.uiisoto.t, D. C., April ft), l.*U. f Profwala will ba rewivod by thii Orpartmeut until 6 P. M. on tii? errulng oi the lAtb ol May, IMS, for manufa< turlix. I.i ih.; t'nltcd Hta(#a. for the government, within one year front tbtldau:, the f'illowtngdr.* mn,on of arm% via.? Kpr .ngl.el.l KIU?* I Muxai-'k, model MM, Ilari er'a Frry Hlttea, with awoM bayooeta and steel at ab ba i'dn, <nndi'l lH&S. Breech b adiiig t'ariilti'a, for oa?a!ry. Kew lver PHioli, army iiv!?. Saorea lor light t-arglt v. Nun coiinnlasdiintd Ofroera' Sworda, > Mn*lctenV 8wo. ila, j ?c?bbardA Stee. Sca'iiNUda lor rifled niuaket bayonet*. Piopowala will "ati?? Ki r ai'iaketa and rifli-*, th*- prloe for 20.000 of either, and tli* i eduction proposed, p> rjnin, for each additional 10,000 to 20.000. .. r r rerolvera ai d rarblnea, the kind proposed, and tho prti" li.r4.0W, and re liK ilon, per pistol or carbine, f>ren. li add 111..t al ..t<00 to 20.0U0. Yur ?? brc*. i wop.a and wahbardr, the prioe of eacll of the preajrlbed utttern* to thg n unberof 4,000each, and also lor . ach I.lditlonal Aitk) to 2d.t> 0 All'lie i re., nisaic to tur.ilalied with the rrgular ap p> nr.?yea. Tm rilled mnekeui arc to be in all real Mta iden tical with Mioae iiuktiulactuicd a: the United rtiatc . Aru. irv, Spilr.gneld. Man., and are 10 I .ter.:hauge wlib It an<! with ea ih o.hrr In all tnelr pans Kauh of the other kinds ol Are aiui:, tiiuaialso ini<;ichaii(,c w lib one another In the Mine r.inntii r. Tli" materials for these arms ?nu?t be of the very bei.t r^n llt\, and tiv malleable Iron pane v.lll t>e allowed to be imed. All tbr aittc! a must Im <uoj? t to the Inspection preserl'-ed by the Odaanie B-uiil 4ti<>na, and must l* boxed, r< ady tor tiatunu.-.a-loii, a>1 te n?|>eaie oi ths . on.racl.)i*. In an. h mrnt < r tut .nay Ik> dtrreied. Inapect one will bei mrde at t'jc faibirK* In lots cl notleaaihao I.UOOeach. Propoaala "III Mato 'to' HUM of the neiitlillshmentmaking the offer, th" numi r and du e of the llrai delivery, and rate of djllvc-j mi.i thl/ tB- rt-after. Kailun; to -nake a delivery at a r,penned time, ir ai.v to introduce malb ab o Inm or other Inferior maK'ilai Into the work, will aubject the whole ..unib" r of ar n contracted lor to forfeiture, al II.n option of the department. The dci a. tnieni loaWfrc* to liaelf the right to rejec* any bid, and will eon <ld*r nonrt .aade tlu eugh any agent, broker, I may be. VfcorOKAL8 FOR THE SOFl Lr OF FRKSH BEEF I lor nae of United Hlatea tttwipe atatloned at Fort Coliim ?, New York ha.'bor, lor one year, eommenclng June 1, w i i be rvc lved at the ofllco of the A. A. O. H., Fort Co -a. "w York Harbor, until 12 o'ek^ek M., on tbe Slat i, . ?ef la to be of first q inllt; , In equal propor 'ere nd imartera. n?citaan>l shank a eiejuded, .?ln at Fort t'oluinbut at such time* and In ?lea a >v be required. Two ?arurHes, of lire t ?. vae. v III be required for the .althful <titi.. I'rojfosiiia will b a dre-icd to First | fhii Ixfii Infantry ufllee of A. A. C. fort'im1 ? w V Harbor, ar i . a end >raed "Prono at. r ffre lieel." Tb? oiwierMgwad r?nen th. rr - tnyo. ill bid* which i.? d?ean> eitravn boardirq aid LODonro. ^ A PRIVATE KAMILV WILL RBNt" SEVERAL Nlt'li J\. ly umished Booms to kiu.,U> .cnilemMi, witn <w with out pan .a. laiar.I, ? lib ass, lia h, Ac. The lo .-.allou of bouse ??very* ntral, and convenient to eira and Ktag?*?. B?u reuces uxchan,;*,t. Call at 31 liaai Twent> -ufth street. Akew Ki'rMdiiKD or nmmnit ioomi ti> let, with or without Board, at No. 11 iiitraUu street, nsar Eighth avenue. A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY, LIVING IN' ?OLTH B "O'J .II, iu a urlght'orhooii, within a ininut. a walk ut Court street cars. v>n iid |,-t to gentlemeu two lanje Karlors, o. a f w it joum 01 co3 >ud liour, furnishi d or uu; ur> d, without or partial boa. J. Terms lumP-rate. B g. sh ami spoki II. Beicreuues required. Address 0. 1L, box 110 Uurald oUlce. A T 47 BART TWENTY-THIRD 8TRKKT (MADISON square), a amull pnvu.e ainlly desirea utlet anelegint furnished i'arior; also Bedrooms, with oi without ilour.l; house Ural ula*a; ral'ervinx?ucluugwl. A GENTLEMAN AND WIKB OR TWO OR TIfRKH single gi uUeiuau tab bu aceummojated, Willi oi with out Boar I, In a private family. Terms moderate. Apply at U8 Vt eat reuth street, uear Blocker. A FRENCH FAMILY WILL LET A LAROK FURNISH. ed front Room on first uoor, and .>ue second storj osok Room, with firm raw Board uud every oonv. nwace. Apply At No, 8 Thirteenth street, near Fifth avenue, AT 121 MADISON AVENUE?A PRIVATE KAMILY will let thiir two siory front Rooms, or the Floor thr >ugh, an<l itooin, with Board; house hrst class; private but is, Ac. References axchsnged. Apply as above. A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM TO LET?furnished, on second floor. will Board for the lady only; al.-o R ?:ns suitable for h UM-ke> ping; gas, bath, A'- Inquire at ho. .( Luuloa place, between SulTit auau i Maodougal -ir.wts. A OP.NTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE CAN BE AOCOMMO dated xith tue comfort* ol a qui*.i home in a sir: ily private lan.tly, References exchanged. Apply at 7o East IwtMiiy -kth Street. belore 3 oraft- r 6 P. M. A FEW VERY desirable R(K>M8 TO LET, WITH Board, ai Oil West Nineteenth street, corner ol' Hiitu a*, nue. A FINS SUIT OF FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH Boi.rcuu be had lor a uiuu an I wife; hVh for two or threw single gentlemen. at 1i9 West Tiveuiy-ih rd street; houao lias ail modern Improvem. nt?. A GENTLEMAN and lady CAN BE AOOOMMO dat 'd, wi.h board lor the lady oulj, at OS West Twenty street. ALADV, WHOSE husband IS CONNECTED WITH toe army, wi - Board lor herself an i in.nut child In a plain, quiet family; term.. not to exuead $1; no objection to the country. Address J. K., Herald ofll^e, A LADY AND UliXT. OR A QUIET LADY CAN HAVE a iur^e frout I'ar.or, In an bullish baxemen. house, or a small iront Room, with Moar i for lady, ut $j and $ ); till the modern improvements; luinily small. Apply ui -J Aun ty street. A HANDSOME SUIT OK apartments TO LET? Witu Board, elth r togoih'r or sopardiely, lu a Iioiimo having every eonveu ? ice; location ceutra:. Itefcreuces re qulred. Apply at No. 42 West Fifteenth struct, between F.. h and SU'ii iivHuue*. A HANDSOMELY furnished PARLOR AND BED r o i. wiiii or witliou. Ho ru. iu " flrat rUn? cool house in Feiii ieeuth Hireet. between Futh avenue and Untvnrsiiy plate. Hie whole of the parlor lloorta be h id for the su n nier. A'lJrcss B., box 60S Post olUce. R 'l'ciences ex ch :ll?!<-d. A pleasant SUIT OF ROOMS FOR OENTLEM vN aud.u&wi e or single gentlemen, ut ?8 Ninth strce , near FUtunventts. A SMALL FAMILY, OOCUPYINO THEIR OWN Iiooj which is la ge, enclosed with si# lots ax a fruit and llOAt-r garden, near the salt water, tlilve miles tr im Fulton ft rry?three lia. sof cars pass to he diilereiit frr re s?eoold a are a lame Room, with |ai.t.y andrloM-t, on tlic second atory, to two ? ol go. d character aa;l yenteel ha'ita.*turms Dot m> nuci, ?n object aa good so le y. Apply, with reference, in TAeniy-ihlrd street, first stouo limit h itue from TuirU avenue, near Fourth avenue, South Brooklyn. ? Board.?a gentleman and mswicn wishing one ur two bauiome Kihiuis, unfurnished, ca . ooium ? Hi -in in a private faintly. Th ? house Is new, With all tile Im provements. L>M.'atlon one iif the best in the il.y. at 10.) West Tulrty-lourth street, near Broadway. I>0ARD.?GENTLEMEN AND THEIR WIVES, OR L> single .enticmcn, can on aiu p.eauant 10 >uis, with board, at 1,17.' Broadway. Reft rctioes exohaiigi-a. Board in harlem.?pleasant location, on t e ban.vh ' i tU'* river, neat tho c^rs una i? a . Apply to A. Mi KINHTRY, at L >ril .w Taylor's, in Grand street, or 0U'j doOi'irom 1-2 i street, lu avenuu A I>OARD UK TOWN.?A PRIVATE FAMILY. OCCUPY J iiiti the ban ,s in? four story House hi Wivsi fhti'iy.suth Biree;, n Fift.i hii.i 8ixtli avenues, oiler Board and vei l desiraDie Rooms to families without olnllreii uud to single gentlemen. The house has all the modern impruve nients; loe.ttion ' onvenienito ears ami stag,-*, 'lernu rea sonable to desiniblu boarders.. Releiences exuhan^ed. BOARD1NG-A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN OBTAlV siiiutblo l oarubyapplylugst Mi's. CASEY'8. No. 9 Spring street, uear Bowery; alio a few Indies van lie comforta bly acuiimmo.iated. Brooklyn?board?a few gentlemen can o'.<ai{i I'i'-a-nni itooius, with good Boani, in a private family, at so Garden, one door from State htboi, nvs minutes walk iroin Wall street or South ferry. Terms mode, rate. Brooklyn?furnished booms to let, with or without l< i?rd, ma Freucn puvate fainliy, consist ing o. t rontnml back parlor, alsoa siunil room; i rm- mo derate; vhs and modern improvement. Call ,.t ,Vi I'r aident street, Btooklyn ; two minut -s' wn k from the f t ry. Brooklyn ?a smail private family will aK wiiii.o .ate a gentleman and wife or two riugk gentle men ivitii Board at $4 per week. Location go.xl and con venient to the terries. Reference rrqu.reJ. Apply at 10/ John?<>n airoei, uear l^tnleuce. OARD IN BROOKLYN.-/. PLEASANT FURNISHED Room, on s'-eond iloor, r ItU two pantries altsniied. Al so. una IIa 11 Room, in tho bouse o. a small family, not five uitnu^t,' walk from fhree ferries. Bath In the house. Terms modi-rule. Apply at 77 Clinton sheet, one door fiom Llvlu,. B B Board in brooki.yn.?a 8;n*olb gentleman ? an b? nncnmmiMime I with * amnl; ro . r or. aernndfloor; h. I mil o...d but I 8 In the h <f. Diuuerat half* pa* t ui. Appiy ?t Ihm Clinton atrect. OARD IN BKOOKl.YN.?A SPLENDID FRONT Kuum, on *r<-nj>d lio >r, In hou*e M S<i trji i..oru Street, 'o 1 -t, ?? ith Board, t rakentlemau ud ladi, tor $'?> ?*r wt> k. S* . on minute* from Wall ami South loft'lr*. Kelt renr:* cix..angfHf Board in south Brooklyn*? and their wire*. ui atngift itl uion, cun o .tain > Icfintly furti..?!ir4 Btrnnr and tir?? vIjumi IIom.iI i j applying at H Futlplwe, It cronco-exchanged. Dlbtieral sit "ROABUBlW DIRECTORY.' NO. 6)1 BROADWAY? li W'i?rc par-tie* wiahiii* lull |?rticti!?r- of tic tiad ho utcc ,n ttai* dtr, Brooklyn, ,'ervy City and co miry mte fj. ? *hed W jo t .. .1 ve ti Oft wintiiu^ gtu.ienl lioiniei* liimiif a. s. h iBi.'.i.% co. DESIRAllLE BOOHH, HANDSOMELV Fi ll,VI. I!ED, to l> t to ;ent!.-?i n. wlt' b.i id li his. co-null* rvi-r. oouvenlewx und it <? <in b'y termed. Kn. iW! iv.nth Ktr.el. betwoii Klnh and 81 th avenue*. Ij'L RN18I1LD ROOMS, WITHOUT BOARD. IN \ hMALL F | ritmtr #an liy, Iiw i\efi r tut* ? n .'iinni tau he had '>y applying ?i 17 Nluth Mfn t, iinr i-'ilvh .i?mii.?. FltJBNISHBD ROOMS, with ok with.Mir HO\R<> to >"i, in tho ni.w. nr?i e ?*i, deg ru v 'o *U?I 11 nan 4 ? \Ve<t Kif>emh ?it*' t, between Filth an,I Sixth avenue* Be ? mnc ? g nm ami ri <|ttlied. FURM-OIED ROOV8 ?) LET?AT NO. W rOUKT'I ?dreet, enma Hroadwrny and Howery, a .? ultof Hoooia on Br?l itoor. el> .mritiy ti row ind. to a Mn*:l family ? 10 r hi pay liter-all), wl.n lnfv^t,. a In klushrn. AI"to Koom , hand ?oiiwl) fi.i nt'b?'d, tor ?i ig: i gvuit -men. "L^UKNIdllKD ROOMS TO L*.T?WITH BOARD. IN A r ho '?containing all the moJnrn improv^m -nU, in it?d in a p.t-a i.iit pait of Ilia Wty and coo con lent lo e*r? at I ata.rt*. Appiy at d'l Weat Twonty-iimi atieet, coi n, r of Huth avenue. I NOW, or a 8?ALI. r?MrLV, can :ik AC 1 i? m'no'tnl' t with g< <io Bou. d in a farm i,o ir-, o i it ?tuvat u Hit< itior, in Oolttmctlitiit, ai>n ?' nrvonty mil"* from Nov* Y^irk. F II unrtiru'jr i Irifpitra wl Kr Ww. I'. <JI ivor *, N . 8 South Truth alreet, Wil.Uiuil-nrK, L. 1. First class board ror a mat ke had ?it a it'lii; iltul, Mtirtwl country a.-*!, with c.ini-lie croun4:i, on sutten Inland nbout ooe hour fiotn NVwYnrk. 8 i,:? i ior aci oiiiiiioiU'totia I r honua aud cut'tU^ra. For p<ttic ilari s'liirta*"ii Ialand, bat ?!?( HvMld III c. ANDSOMF.I.Y PURNISllKO ROOMS TO I.ET-TO mm. aiu^i''((.lntlomen or Bfintntmen bp t i?--ir wire*, with or without '-Otir. . Al.">, a anli of I'ariora, thlitr furnUhed or nnfiimlahrJ. Apply at 37 Ninth atrc. I, botwuou Flltb and rf.xili arenn?v Handsome kitbxishfd room wanted-bv a f n l?'iitn a.ol 1 dy, Himr-I t?r lady only; rnnat '?? wh re thcrp arr naothet 0'jari?r?; loctuon to l? but>%era llilrticlh and Forty-eighth alreela. Addrtt* K, 8. T., Madi aun >'|iiare Foat oilier. HOBOKKN BO AUD-WITH DKLMHTFCL ROOMS. Irontio,< the tiay *nJ hartmr, may to.- il?ttined at No. 1 MM lin?^c, o| Ml ferry. TF.RSHT CITY BOARD -IIOC'SB WITH AM, IM tl pravemeutt; ?|'!a idiu t u*w of the bay, ?in>.-i wa.V fn>m the fer. y; ii-ntiemHB and wife W to til), *r> ordln,< to r > ma; atngie(nnlToraen 94; diunrt at 6)4: raiciemet ?\ch..itgeil. 1...S H: I : r -t. MRS. tL B. HIMNKR, NO. 2: WEST TWENTT-NIMTH ?tr?et, hai one tine ae.und a'.orv front M 'lt, th? Raeep tlon Room and tvo lart? thirl rtory Itoo .i*, lo with Rnrd;i\Uo our Mi'ouil aio.y and two third rtory atngls F out*. Refcrmoea anchMtgad. NO. 78 WEST ELEVENTH 8TUEKT ?DESIRABLE R >u?ia ft r leiiilrii.on, I irnlsnetl or ur.l.irnUl.s I, la ntiita il' pr-feri e.T; all lh" ir.odern ImprovMMntai no cnll drt n; Hre?kfa*t and Tea In roo.u, If desired. NO. 40 BOND STREET.?A FINF, SCIT OF KOOM.S on the aouond tloor ui let. Alioa Patlor mil Bitnixion on the rir*t I oor, ?nd t?o aliikle Rwoiua. Th-ae Htmnta ara very dr ?irable and cc ttral. H TWO front BOOMS TO I.ET- HA.?^OMF.I,Y FI'R. plahed, with or without Bn?rl. Apply ?t tfi Ka-i Hi ternt.i an tet. Al?o ? large Kti*u?l?u Table tor aala. rLliT?W ithol'T BOARD. AT $S FBR WEEK, A larit fuinhlied trout Komi, al No. 0 Ktm Broadway; alao sni'ili Ko"tn. at *i w 'ek. To lei?A~si>tT of nFcsly F'JRN1#HKL> fahTchs and lladrooma, < ti the urat, aeoot d und third lloort, v lilt orwVbntt B^ard, In* firat claiia hou*c. Tcruia mod rn'r, Refereiicra excharned. A| p y at 70 Baat Fourteenth k'rect ?U/ANrBD-BV ATOVNO w"o*AN, WHO IsTfwimK VY durl.i,; the day, a Fiit n.*h?d R?- in, trlth Board, be twe<?n t'aual aurt Kourtli MNMM to WOWHl S3 toW Mi. AddWMfortur*- day* Mlaa Norrta,ataUou a. WANT* ??IN" HOB(VK.KNi BY.. A SINOLB t.ENTLE Yt man. iitoow hadruoin, with or without par'ial Board; ploaaa .ilnir prlar; rrfCNncca ilchU|id. Addreaa Joho W. B.iiad. Herilu 4"~*.\BR iH ' fuACB (ch ARUEH STREBTt - A nlr nlnMd second I' )or front Farlor and Bcdmom to 1' t, i .ti mrd, ?o two poraona, for $? per waek; f r?t et?a?>Ttc tN? ^e,itonln"iKhbofhood; near With nvenuc and Tenth airtet; 'amity amall. tj ?7 WEST TB1HTIBTH STBBBT.?TWO OB Till 'i" Of a?.l?ot famines and thrMorlouiaautleinencau ?? bo aocramolutad with elegant Ro tna, on ?e t, ilrd ini fourth fl<K>r^ newly furftiltill T?VI?ttrrtt UOARDINO AND LUDU1NU. JQ EAST TWKKTV.vii'Ht BTKKIfT, NEvU BKmAD " ? ' way.?A null o! 1. h>ius on ttilr<l #oor w ill be let to a family or.. nary ot gentu-me i ou iuo lemie luruu. Dinner M yViuul. lir . r nee* **- ,l[*r"ii"^ r.Q wmw fvamrtuuu> utkeet-kamil'es ?*0 MI.-U intuit gentian ct . uin ootain desirable Uouni* and Boat >. i'.i .oreu.v ie<( ired. Q9 HINTS STKKET, WEST OK BBOADWAY ? Ow Lir^e nxMit Kut'ui, wiih janlrte*. Ac., aeatiy lufaish id. u? 1. with Hoard, to a wutl inn: uud wife or two siugle geuileineu. Kefcicnn; excli. n*. d. i> ?u- r al ti o'clock. ur. WKHT KLKVK.NIU STK.hT, BETWEEN FIFTH 0?J anuBivth ..venous.?A Wily would lt-i a mm of neatly furnished Uoouis, ou Second Uaur, to*> >U^-r ot sep rue, wim lull or partial II ard. Terms Irum &.11 > $1 per week Tba comforts of a pleasant, quiet home caa b. raiied. AUo a aiugle It oin. HO GREENE STKl.hT. ABOVE SPRING, A. .STON ?7?) House.--Elegantly 1 iirniahea suits oi Rooms ?. M,t:ro ion au I every > onvciilence for housekeeping eoi.iuicanyj partlculai ly auiuble lor small respei table latnllU-s; real low If A BLEKCKEIt STItEiJT, WEST OK AND NEAR J. Lly Broadway.?Furnisnad Ki, with or wltboei B ur l. Mi ai? served in rooms If desired. Trautiii ut boar&. tit s aucotuiuuilut d. Luation pleasant and central. 1 'JC MACDOUUAL bTUEET.?TO LET, A BE* VNU J-tHJ Klojr, furalshed or unfurnished, with or itiUiuul Board. House and n lghhorhood brat rlnsa, wlibtA lour doors of Washington 1'arnl Ground. Fatu ly email and strictly private. Tennuiiouerate. ICC PRINCE 8T*:KT?8T. CLAIR HOUSE.-BLR ImU gnut I uiaslieii Rjoms. with Bedrooms aitajlitJ, Willi all the conveniences lor hotis keiping complete, in cluillUK gas utid Oroton water, to let to respectable lau.ili-e, or single geuileineu. 910 ELM STREET. N1'.\R SPRING.?FURNISHED w I *7 Aiianiiicuta for immediate occupancy. Tho lowest rents In the city, consider n* the convenience of economy in houaekettptng, Best bedding and fiirntfiirn, with range, conking uieusilt and linen complete; ga- Croiou. 11 OO BROADWAY, BETWEEN TWENTY-FIl'TU ? 1 and rweuty-aixth atiCct", oppuattn Ma.llioii ?<i'.?ib.? Eleg .nt Buouis imy now be oOlaiucU. aiugle ur iu atiita, lurnUiifil or uulwriij ihed. COl .VTUY liOAUU; Board at oijkton, staten isi.and.-at the 1>C milii! villa ljelmij;ins>o the eatata of Wm. H. Town ai :id, E i , about 15 minatea' walk from ttie btkit, three Booiiia,coiiUiiniiig iimdiirn iiuproremnnia; Uue view o: New Yoikb^y am; theoccau; ajiaiuoua ^roun la, goo?l stabling, frcah vogelablt n, fruit and milk. Ajplj ou Hie Vromlscs. CIOI'XTBV BOARD.?THE EXCELSIOR HOUSE IB I now optn for aiunm r boardera. Thla bountiful a-nl healthy reaort Ii delightfully loeatnd at Uroton Dam, Went ulie-iterrouuU, six miles from Sing Sing. Tiu- m?untaln ami la\i' .wiu i v Iu ilie luiiue'jiau) Vicinity c .uo'jt be auriuaai d. Hue fishing, boating. &<\ Terms moderate. For further I>artiuiiUr? add eau Edcu Kipp.Jiing Slug. t lOU.N'TltY BO ARD.?LOCUST HIL1. AVKNUK, TON kera.?Kaim.ies ur a ngle "("utleim ii dealrlng Bonrii lor the a immer mnntba can be awommodat d line Kmnm And iir-.tri.i a iaoi?; ae?uer) uuaurpa. ed, toiuniandiiig au extensive view of t'.ie Hudson rlvcij with uinplo atablu room. Addiest E. S., Yonkera. /10UNTKV BOARD?SIX <|R EIOHT ADULTS CAN \J he iicttmiiii o luted with genteel Board, In a private fami ly, within inrtv miles of N w Yeri; ok ihe New Haeen ilaiJ road: of-iv inld tnko a lir.rty for tlie year; a delightful and healthy location, within llvo mlnnlea' walk of the depot. Tennh ?Alter week, fc'or further par letilara Call oiwur ad dress U. W. II., 2U0 East Twenty-fifth atrect. ClOUNfHY BOARD CAN BE (OBTAINED NEAR KEY J |h>! t, New Ji-raey, in a very pit a-Ant at'uation. Ka!t water ba hini; and go.)d flailing, l'ienty of every kind of 'f ma rea-o.i.iiile. For lurtieubtra, pleaae inquire or .Mr. J '11N C.VNIIIKLL, 393 tout th avenue, aexton of St. B.ntaol 'lanWa church. (lOl'NTKY BO.Vim ON THE HUDSON RI\T.K. AT ) Klghkill L'niliue.?Tne aubacrlber 11- now prepared to M-eoramodi io pai'lien desirous of see n ine a bealihy lo.atiou. with a h(M.Mii in view ot the river. UroilBis well fruited and ahaded, mi l u ithin lilteeu minutes' wall, of the depot. Turms moili ra'e. iloml st.ibllug ou tho premises. AdUftsa .'.iia. A. M Kiul y, Hist,kill L Hiding. pOCNTRY BOARD, NORTH SHORE, 8TATEN ISLAND, al the han oniely anauod O-ithle eotttge corner of Caa tlctoi mid Bo..seul avenue. r in uodat.oii for horses an l carriage.; if J sir 'l. Price of Bi arU lubueiau*. Refer-nces exchaiiKd'l. ou the prciuints, or by note to jM , Herafcl o:iioe. (10UNTBY BOARD WANTED-POR KOUR MONTHS, J i y a fan.iiy o 'six, w ithin ?H) or I'll mlnuiaa fio :i Ne* York by railroad or steamboat; must N- convenlant to depot or landu.g l-ar.n hoiitse preferred, ai not oier t4 pet week loi-adults. Would preler lunation on K. ie jlorria and Es se i or liudson River roa is. AJdresj JI. W.. box l,7tm Ne A' York Post olllce. COUNTRY lioAKI) WANTED?FOR BBYERAL A NO. 1 ap;.liciur.s now waiting. Parties elt .ttr In .he euy or eountiy wtah ng ui'at ulttaa Isiardera would do well to loako ' apiile iv.ion at war oflk--, No. I Un at Jones ?tree.L PEET k OAUL. River HOUss, foot of i?2D street cparmans vi ie), i.ewiy furnished, and iu comp.ete order.?Faint lie*add single gentlemen can make ai rangeni 'tin for the season on reaeouanle terms. Ground* well ahaied, i.nd a? oe>.ri de hourly by Hudson River Kail load, steamboat oi hla^e. Apply as aliove. ~ SIMMER KKSOKTS. Lakb house/ lake ceoroe. kept by sher r-.-l .?Pariies'-ati|itaTe Roouia early at ih.s I o iso at low lT.tus. Apply l>> tetter, or iDiormaiiou can be Uau a I lul Pearl s tcet, New Y rk. Oi un middle ol May. milE LA fpUBETTE ntUL'Sl'I, IlEitUBN POINT, N.J., A will oren June 1. A reduction Irom licular ratei to tl seenuagltic b >ard for lh" season. B'tala leare p;pi N>> aNort'iit. r at 7'30 am! 11 :'J<( A. M.. .1 2J, 4 -30 and b P.M.; from De> s'.reet at 10:30 A. M. an 1 1:30 P. M. Time t'liny flveuilnules. WESLEY W. IllLL, Pr .piletor. A juvsioal. A WHY CALLS?the characteristic yuadpillk and I'u'.ltr pl?v?, c.impoted by K. mot'pcl uud p'ayd hr l! o tra at W 'llrk'i thnat ?? nrery nlgb.. Pruv 75 itiliui. coj'.oa ai:ui b>muil. HUTU, i' t t'j., l'-lt lubcra, .'.47 Broadway, Srw Yors. A YOUNG lady teacher WOULD TAKE one OB tai mum puptlo lor tnilriicllon 011 ihi- piniti'inrtn at ttelr rt -ui iitth hi'?lnnera mil be apodall* attended to. 'lorm* $11< r ii uttlli. Adilrraa Ada, l>oi lull uvntld olAce. NKW and simile. BUT VERT TUOROI'O'I uir'u oi .uslru' tloii for the |?ui?n, by * >4iir>lllie?l lady teaehvr. r.irilo".l?r rnie taken with be .until rs. Tern.* hiolviat'-. addieaaj. K.. bo* lib hi otllrc. i oiinr n.?r ;ain ?one ofcrrickerim. s full j\ ,c;en octnvc i'an w, fo.t $375, but llttln um<), *iil t>? f . <1 very low l..,rca?t<t if aj>;ihed tor inun-lutolv. Call ut 76 ? hiadway, t p malm. 11IKST CLASS SEVEN octave pianofortes. war mut-i < r three yam, at extremely low pi t ? n. P LYNCH. 911 hrnadway. near Fifth Avenue Hotel. XA monoea ELI/ V VALENTIN I i'ARAVALU, PRO 4 f ho "i binding and Piano, baa rumored to til i'liur ?t if* , h .id lloi.r, c 11 ncr or Marion *ire t, (? ? hlo ka. r in Broi liny, vhc.e ?hr U-ai!>>??, and run f r aeeu cry uu/ trrn 12 till 5 o'clock. I>ian?>8, OK THE CELEBRATED make ltd, J. A C. iiscb^r, with ii 'in fin me, ootl'im. pa.cut damper, nvcrrt. trig b.i?f, wli iliianl* mid ri'uil, at tlm maim a to: r 11 il warerooina utt, tu, -mi, 247 and 212 wi:at twenty ta,lit.1 at.e*t, neai Ninth a.ehite. PIANOS AND mkl0df0ns AT WAR PRICr.u.-rk l?d 'imik .it tlft, f.m ninl %M<; Piano* at $75, 1ill, $nn, {?(:?, m lan<l Cpr'g it Co'fitgr pl.11104 lormnai' ro inn fo tale 'tod to r-oit by <;,i.\milkus, iu the h bl? llou#.-, | f itirt!- a/cam-, corner of et*iiiu itre-t. PIANOS. MELODEoNN, FRENCH organs AND M im|. StO"ln, all of the heat niuillty. an i at marl* one. lin i les* than the tibial ratpe. Al*o watrbea, .i?noil'j, Mo. cwtli advancea ua uonatgnrnkiiti, or r'midn for ?*l?. I. k. JONE -t, 52 Ann mr ot, iwcood fltxir. copautskiiship notices, * rortune ?TUB PATENT itloht OF AN ART.clk, J\. wlum wfwy |?r?on ha* to hm, w*mu k m; o. ? purtnur \oih c?i>ii?i la waiit^ I to <n in uiaiiui'i 'tmtni th.inrtl le. No ^ uti ?anted. A.. !iu?, W. k .li, hi i?.d (^Or'artnekship.?PHILIP DATE It AND s t nerf. J tirr hurc tui? day formed a enjainncrcilj), nin.rr tuf firm ot plnlip djt?r \ Co., and. aa tln> iiiivnwn a:' dnti-iii k t.'o., will <i.iitin<i<! ite wnoliaao (iioc ry and comrauilon buaiuea* at uir old iitaiid, 181 trout atieut. PHILIP DAI BR, nr.w yo t?. May 1,18c2. r. T mkppnell. THE no partners hip lielthtoeobe EXISTTNO iindci tin* ur .1 of tjuruoe a jubh?oi nu- l.wulred ocfibi r 1, 1*01 liENJ. t.uunee. 8. H. JOHNSON. Tho butliima will ba contiii'.e.l at th<> oil atand, 17 John ktrtn-l 8. H. JOIIXSON. rro makitfacturerr.? A person, WELL AO. 1 ipiaint -il a.n .lie. tbo dry and fam y gimja jobmrn, U <le aironaof naaln t airmigemrnla with niatiufa itirrra to rr oelii! tonal?nin-iula aiid <;a.abltah anati'uey In t.ila cllr, r.-r*ri-ii.ta given. aildteaa ivmuilaaion mrrcliant, bo> 171 il?rtld uibob. c!inn ?a yookq MAN. WITH THIS MM, WISHES v1 v'to ."111 niiothm- mltn the aam* ainonbt, m a good putlnf lini? ni-a?. A'li'iena l?i* ll"* il'ialo nill.c, a i aaa TO ?!,f!00 -WANTKI?. A partner. WITH iplii'vu tle atiov amoiin'. to Invpat tn n.^nlv proilia. ms iiuaitraa A?mr*morc.iii ttpoao t,, wwwii tuoho.ira Of u tnd 2 i*. m . m sluytraaut atrevt, o(ipo*il? st. Mar..'a rhnrvli. SPL IUU\ ? i'ARTXER wanted, with this o.uuv/. amount, in a rcry tile itant, aaf? and prattta 1 mndufa t<frlB2 bnntnoaa, In full, aucrnxlul oj^rliiiou, and will bear tl.c rlmat a rutlny. kelprtn^i undounted. A euod rtiaoce. sottiiwick a WOOD, 82 Naaatn atrrel. n -wanted, a- siijsnt or active ijiwwui |i?rtnu, in a aafc nmn if.u tnrlm bn?inr?? iitrrlil "old forra?h, with ronatant tor mure th.:n cull lie |in |<Mtd it ifrwil S.itinfa'-ttiry inlorinatlou, wlin lull parilciilara rircii, by itddrci in^ R o., b i 1,112 pmt of fie", nnv York city railroads, Hpdsonriver RAILROAD.-trains FOR ALBANY. Trot, th" North and W-at loa?e chanith-ra aireet 4t 7 and ii A.M.. aod a JO. 5 and w 1> P. NBW Vi ihk HARLEM AM) ALBANY rmlroad, FOB il1?ANV. TROY, NORTH ANL WEST. hcmmkr ARRANGEMENT. oommi'tirlng thurniajr, May S, 1162. for Albany, 11 1) A. M.. KxpnM Man Tral:, from Twenty all tb *ln>el atntlnn. Kor ill local train* arc Tlmn Table. JOHN bvbchillt Aaalatant sii|wr1ntandenl EW YOBK AND NBW H>VVKN RaILROAD compa at, ti anapomtlon ulooe, cirnor Twenty-aevnith atrnet and Fourth aecnuf. New York, April SO, l-'si?notlcr.?tin aid after it ulav, mur 5, the S 30 P.M. r>preaa Train f*r boaton wil le omitged lo 3 P. M.. arriving 10 Boston at ii 45 p. m. JAM1.s u. HOY t, supcrtnmndont. f, kim.1nery. AC. BONNBTs'?8pbivo bonnbts AT baroains THIS week. L. B1NN V mlluoevr, largeat and nbeapeat hi FOR SALE. A LAKOK AND HANDttOMB OOKWKR TKA AMD XV liiiM^ry ttiort* fur **!??, with tbfts* leu**. at kwr rent ?oc<iUjU iu the beat bu*ui< as mwtuu* a* ii?e ?Uy. lu quire Hi 173 an 1 17i> Cnaiuei *> tlioi. cumttl Grwen??ct. ARAR8 CHANCE ? FOR BALK CHEAP. THE OLD mnatwUi.ed pia? lb ? ?<r<x>tlvii OWre M /rtle ???: wl'fc al the ?to * and K.ituro. In<i'i re of JOHM it. Lot Y, Wand U Atlantic Market. South Broo Viyn ABKAUTIKIL MICROSCOPE MAONIKYLNG FIVE UT .SORED TIMES. For iH i fuu (mitt r). Klve of dllf rent power* $1. Halted fr? ?. Audi t s? K. L* Boweu, bo* ?20 Hoaiott Puni oiJic**, M^. A FIRST CLASS IKAKRKT FOR SALE? LOCATEDOM Eghtli avenue, tne best est*hllbhe 1 Bakery In una r jr, MM) now doln; n goo I tmaitiess: ?l.-io rr-ntl oilier biislntwa piace* for sal-. Apply to W. II VITCHLLL, 77 Ucu* MTMi. C1KAITK?WITH CHAIN'S AND (IRAKI NO ALL COM ) iilne; coat orer # 1(10, Mill be sold or $V>. Ap,. y ou the premises, Fonudry, ooruer of SUth avenue auU|Foit.'-*?vi nth street. DRUG STORE-ON A LEADING THOKOUHFARB, IN Brooklyn. nelgnliorbood flret class, rem very low, will be m"I at ii on account of other biiKlneta. Inuiilri of W ClilUSKlEl.D A SON, 19 Boakmaii street, Nrw York. Ir?OR SALE-A GOOD OllANCE.?AN OLD BSTAB llslied Paper Hanging, Upholstery and Window SaaUa Bu in s?, well till- (l up, with a uno.t n-loct' il lt;x k ?n 1 ccs u>in< r.? si ikucsa lu family. Apply ou premises, 35 Com i street, Brooklyn. For sale-* wkll established bcsinesb liotri and .I'SUUIant. doln:' a very Bond business. Mu I l><* so.d, on account of the .leatli of th? it prlelor. In quire si;U4 Fo.mli av.uae, comer of Tweuiy-siitli street, Now kork. FiOR SALE-IN hitooklyn, the stock, fixtures and kood w ill oi m Millinery Store, now doing a tirst T ite huniucxt., so I established for years. Bulisficto j rtafOi.aiilvnn nir iwlhiii;. Will lis aold low. If applied lor uuiiitHliiiialy. AiMrrna Minn D., Urooklyn I'oal oUu e. IpOR SALE?TUB STOCK AND FIXTURES OK A Kaury O^odu and Siatioix^ry Store liurly !?>? atr^l and doln,; a good bualneaa. A nice clutnoa for an enterpriaiug nmn w,,ii tt Ruiall oapiuU Addicts U. J. N, llruadnay i'ofet ollloe. I^OR SALE?AN OLD EsTAMI.ISIIRD AND' SNUG ' hlHlloncry. U ?>k Siom and Bindiny ; plua&tnlly Mlna tod on tl>r Huns >n, ninety unlet, from New York a rt'H|x>u aiblo porxou will .nnot with liberal u;rm>-. an til' pr-ipr ftnr iftllii'|ul*b?g in cnnicqneui e or bad bcMtli. Kor pai ticiibni iu^ui.ooi J. R. HOOLB, Ui Nakaau Blreet, N. Y. IjlOR HALE?OI1BAP KOR CASH. THE OLD F.StA-, blialied Valluy t-'ur^r K?yiwur.uii and Oyster hmIcu, .vj:i Eighth rtvvnup, near Thirty sovuntli Hrwu Rennons for wiilni;, the owner has other bimini>hw atul i^tnnoi attend to it. Apply on lh? premia's, or at 385 Wai bIngtom atieet IIOR SAI.E?A Kl'RNISHING STORK AT STAPI.BTON, Btalen Island, cuiilaiuin<{ a coinpleic aatoittneul of Hi/use Kurntkhlns Onoils, IIardw?re, Crocker*, < laasware, Ac.; doing an etcellent ', will 1m- sold cheap If linin'e< diaie.y ap;iiled for. A brst rat - opportunity lor t iuunjj l<o?hinei, with a small capital. Also lor sale a gotliic House, JO by 3.5 'i ct, n-l'lt a Tsramlali on three sides, having a most c ummin 1 iu view over thi bay, Long IsIjii.I, St> ten Inland, ? u, L-i ID 1 by 130. tin ? craves and I'ruit tree*. A..i>'y to (). F. OROSHEIM, 12 l'me street, or to JOHN O. WI ITE. Io7 Oli Hubert street. bU>K HALL?THE STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A Grocery Su re and two ba t Iiocins; ie.ise o t.'ie llouw; In tl >! Fir?t wnrd; doing a ood business sold oa< ap for caali. Alio a g-od Farm 01 25 acre , oil Lon/ Island, a I uu der rultnaUon, 46 miles from New York; a new bouir, a barn und a good well of water. So d cheap 1'orcsali, or part on bi uJ and mortgsge for thr?e yen is. Instil, e at JO R-oior ?treeu FOR SALE?VERY CHEAP, A STOKK KRONT, WITH lni.1 le glast case and nhut'4iri, :ill cump'eie; 8i/.e ol' the front, 12 by V leet; prk-e (10. Apply at 3X7 Hroadway. tj^Olt 8AIJ!?ONE OK TUB RR^T PAYING BILLIARD P ;ia!oon> iu the city, nenr I'usi and Aator Hmm. Olieuii-em; iMu t c.ish, balance easy payments. Apjuy to F. It. RiCII ARDSON A CO., f? aud X* Namiau Wn et. - For SAija?type, presses, acj bookbinders Tools, S.aiH.lng Pi-cmmm. Latbus, SmallBteain IJoll rx, Transportation Or.te*, Mil' for Rolling Wire, wltb Pulle\?; Copperplate Pro sos, Emb< a Ing MacliVnea, Steel Fen IL chiui ry, with Dies and 1'rcsne*. at 2S Dey street. IpOR SALE-A FRUIT ANDOONFECTION'BRTSTORE; now iloiug a g -o i hualneta; nltuate i iu a goo.i location, ncaru ferry and tail road, Apply at 14 Exuuange place, Jersey City. . IpOTl KALE?NEW AND SECOND HAND STEAM EN ' rfine id lioilera, ol all descriptions, from llireo to nfiy lioi-o pow i . K.SO0 feet of Steam Healing Pipe, from X to 3 lock; 2,000 Loaf Sugar Mo-ilds and Pots. T1IOS. K. MILLS, 114 Wall street. FOR SAfJB-ONR OF WEYHKRD'S PATENT DAY light RcileetArs, (40 size, a' uiiod us new; ?11. Iw sold for $10. Appiy inls day to SMITH, 2tf! Bnadway, back room, lirst MoT, up stairs. For pale ciie '.p-surpli sPHOTOOXAFHIO,4x4, half^nd quarter Camera tubes and i.o ea; also sen iry loiscf Pliotogrupiile apparatus. Apply on top lloor, 151 Ful ton street, u ai' oroadway. I1QUOR 8TORR FOR RALE?THE REST CORNER LI J qour store in tne Tnirleeutb ward. I will so.I 4 years' lesso and* or tne stock If wanted, or wlllekchange tt. A| i ly to PA1TEN,9ft Division street. XTEW HAVEN HOTEL FOR SALE-CORNER OF i^l Twenty siivenlh street and Fouriti oienue, opposite th ? New Ilavcn and Harlem depot. For partiouIar? In mire on the premises. J. WOOD. PATENT FORSALE-AN UNCOMMON INDUCEMENT? of a very va ikble Invention, of Urge use auit n"ce*ili>, cb .ip.y made, easily understood, s.mple and ecouo nlcal, a' fcrdmg e*tre:ne|y Itix.t) i roflts. E?rx tent chance to mu ,e money SOUI HV. II K tt WOOD, 82 Wa??U str. ot. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY FOR SALE-238 BOWERY, now doing a llourlshlng huslnsss, newly pu|>ere.i snd lisn Isor e|y lixed for doing a laige business; skylight 11*14. Will be (old a bargain. Rent lov? and fseorsble les ie. n>0 BUTCHERS.?FOR SALE. A STALL IN '.TIE AT X mnllo mai ket, Brooklyn, now doing a good 'usiues*. Ill pure ol K. O'BRIEN, Clerk of the (market, 29. Hicks st. ?TO COAL WEIGHERS AND OTHERS.?TUB ifUU. advertiser, bavins other bualnt. i which require* Iiih attention w ill dlxon^n of two MM Of J itform Seain.i, In Ursi rule order, tor lit" above nmotiut?almost given away. Adilrea* Weigh' r, Herald olH. e. ur rail at Clark a Hou*c, oorncr of Twenty-third utreet and avenue A. <l4l/\A-A FINK TKI.KSCOI'T', ONE Of* PIKES iPLUU. beat double achronulio; a great bargain. Ad <???' hs A. A. A., i?jv MM IM tin ffi A 9 " ?CORNER STORK ON OMR OK THE LEAD ip"I ?i'), in* avenue*. I'aiidKomely titte 1 up, 8he;v ng, Outiiuer*. Draw* r?, 9 ale*. Oaa Future-., Awning, Ac. to gether with abo-it $230 w?irlh ol Oroocrtea: Le?ae o, store at a low rent. Will *-It the entire stuck of Fluute<, A ? nlng, Ac., lor about hall* >U value. Aji.ily to WRIiillT, OiI.LIEm 4 BROTHKR, Not. 833. ?>5 and 137 W?amuktm Btrc? t. HOVMM, ROOMS, ?C., VVAWTJEiD." AMKi'U'M *UK1> MODERN HIGH STOOP HOOK U wanted by a private family of fom person*. Po.-s -ssion tio.r or 1*1 of Iane. Location bet'.ve.i Fourteenth and Tirirliuth street* and Fourth and Mist t avenues. Kent mo de rote Appli 10 STKPIlli.N A. PJKItnK A Co., No. 6 Tine ?tret. 1JOH.RHS WANTED.?TWO PLAIN Cfl INDER 1:011, J) era, ai.out 3 f.iet in diameter, LM to 3' t'etlon rout* pl -t". Apply to ROIIKllT UKLLOM t TO., 43 Pine . ,ce\ Furnished cottaoe wanti-d-by a private l?n?i.i, for the ?ntnmer month*, w ihln ?n h our'a ride from lue ell/, by rail ?>r by at earn host. Address, sWlli g term* and location, bo* 4.1J1 Post oU!c ?? Room wanted-a lady desires the or ok a furnUhed Room a lew hour* ditllj.lor which Inairuc tion on the piano orte will I* Klvin. Aditf *s T- iichrr, No. 1 St.,) tier's i-oilagei, Fiftjr-aeconU itreot, p.e.n Elcveulh i venue. ROOMS WANTED.?WANTED, TO BENt, BY A GEN lien an and Wire, a few Bonn*, In a drat < l*as bou.-o oceu|Med by a amall private family, lo -aied between Broad way, Klfhth ivrnu, Bleetwor and Thuty-iourlb street*. A'ldreM. Riving full description and rent, or no attention will be paid, Room", bo? Slo Herald olflco. XlfANTED-BV A LADY, A ROOM SITITABI.B for A Tf ?i til j>ri*?te school, with a fa.ntly w here i-he can give instruction in the Kngliah bran .hen, French, inusio and draivlui; at a wh ile or a partial payment ol the reut. Call at or addren. imned.ately, Misa W. Buid, 171 Went Twenty* fltln air ?t. N T. WANTbD?TO RENT, BY A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE no UK to housekeeping, two or three nice R< uu>a in a ?ood locality below Uranu street. not lar from the Bowerjr. crm* rn.tet be moderate. Addrcaa, wltn particular*, W. H. H., Ik>x IfW Urriild offioe. WANTKD?TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED OR NOT. IS a good buainrts locality in lb" ?f>*r pari ol t je elty, ?uHa'?ieTor an otD,-*- and bedroom; there oiuat tie an Indo pandent entran t'from the atreet: ???t ol Uioadway pits terred. Adilreat K J. C-, atatfcin >'? WANTED?BY A BACHELOR. A MM ALL COTTAOB, wlih lour or Ave rootna. furnlahed Very hlroply, in the netghboruood of Kort Ham lion, near the aeaaiioro. Term* miutbe moderato. A<hlr-'aaC. 8., t>o* 4,<W1 N. Y. PoctoUlce, ior three'laya _ WANTED-A THREE 8TOUY AND BAKE MS NT houw, (rnnt nol toe*>eed $378.) between Fonrteeiuh and Fortieth atreeta and Eiehlli ai<a Telrd avenues Ad dreta, 101 thiee days W. H. W., Htatiou D. DRY GOODS. ANBW FACT For THE LADIES ?SI 1,K8 ( LEA KD In a 1'iperlor manner, by a new method. We rea|a nl ly announce lo the ladtea of New Vork an . rl< imiy th?. we ara now prei*red. by the engngemeui ol iiiiln< iil French taieut. for tne (ueceaafttl iveanln,'. of H|.( Drea?oa, ripped r made 'tp. Ml.ka, i nregf" Delatuea, Ac . <ke., dyed, a* u? al, at the 8 iilen l .ta-id tan';. D_. uij Kataxllahirfeiit. Onh one oflic in Iida Yo. No ofike In the elty of Brooklyn. IIAR RiiTT, Nhl'HiiWB 4 CO.,o(Boe? No*, s au.l 7 .!? hn atreei, Nuw iork. a iiu *i Nnitft Eignth tlraet, PMIalelphla. BRANCH OK THE PB1NCES8 CLOTHiLDE HO- P Skirl .MiUMifacturinj; t'omj iny, 38 Jane R'rcct. Hklrta nnide tooruer, arid old 8klria made over. (VaRPRUNO.?Ofcoi KUTE8 *** KltJHTll AVKNCR, J |< detiy leceli Ing from auclnn ind Imi < rt t a, Knglthii Britiiai'la and logialn Carpet*, Oilcloth, Window Shade*, *?"? M"W- *" ' ?" ""p,,:?;;.,irlKKVr-.s. 3*3 Bighth avau*, rtEO. KEV-ES. 343 EIOIITH AVENUE?WILl. Ol'EN T on Mon.lay, acveral < .?e?an I puc>%^ ?? ne* atid e,. ti ?M DretaOoo>i?, Pr.nla, Clou't , and H vawin; ni?o, Carpetx. 0 I lioth, WU.d*w dliadea, and a large afoot of Di'iaeatf>, al l"W prlee*. pEUKUO ______ Ha* r?mnr?1 from hi* old ?t*nil ta No. 8ft NASSAU STREET, NEAR FULTON. SHIRTS AND HOSIERY AT LOW PRICES PEREUO'S HOsTe" Y AND SIIIKTS ^ Removed to the new Mor No. Hft Naaoau alreet. "iMra am " TO PIIOIOORAPn ALBUM ALEKS.?DEAI.KKS IN tlita line will And It lo the. .dvunog" to call >lKl'l<T A EIMM S. 84 White itreet, who are prepared t, I'urntxh a I'hotohinph Alburn or aupoHor Myl* at the loweat prloe, to lhay Invite the tra'tc. TO PHOTUORAPHBBH.-FOR SALE, A HOI.MhS, Booth A Hat ilea'* 4 4 Camera Titfw: one of the iiua>t Instrument* In o?w j will ba aold cheat', la^ Ure M KoliMg * fhoV^rap^ (MlKlt W ?Allies or It HAL KHTATE, At WEirr OKXNCE?FOB *ALE, A MEW ANDT AtrrT Residence, Willi our acie nicely improved ; co*> vetiieiii l . drp M and v ttlun an liour of lit my Auolv la J W. fUfcl'D^.N, 36'i Bowery, oorner Fourth street. Ah' farm, fronting o* ureat south bay^T for s*la cheap: contain^ BOacres, is rll Iruited, TTM lj til. Watered aud fenced, K'Oil t U'iri)Ui(M, Ua hailing, aim rallroai depot, Ac. Apply Ui A. bi. R> .KANT 15 Wail street A COUNTRY *KaT OB FARM WANTED?MKAB Till city, tor which a desirable 11 oil*- aiM Lot in Krooklm with aume caah. will be girea Apply to E t*. LOCKE. ? Pine a; reel. A BABE CIIAKCB -FOR HA LB OB KXCHANGB two tint olaaa brick Heuaes la Brooklyn. ten minuted walk Iron the ferry, far luer ban Use or vs' ant Lota in Net York or Brooklyn. Address tb ? owwr, B. Chilis, llmokbi Pout oiliue, or No. > Ooblast street, Brooklyn. / lOPYKIOIlf HBCURKD \J For sa.e?To persona out of health, Pulmonary Goo Pl 'l'-U, for dnli^liUTuI ?Bee mlvertisr.meul of V1MB LAND KAKMrt. FOB 8ALE-I EHB >N8 OK SMALL INCOMK8-Ftv? aero Pmil Lois.?Kce advertisement of Vinol.ud Farias. FARMS, FARMS, FARMS ? All wantJa| Farm*.?Ptueal clime e in Ike Union; good noil, Ylnelaad. Y1NELANO FARMS, at the now settlement of Vlnelnn^ on y thlily rniiKk kunlb of Philadelphia bv raili-ond. TLe mow is a lino clay loam, highly productive of cfiotc" t niiw-grapes^ peach-s, w heal, grass, tobacco, vegetables, Ac. Large crupe ol wheat, Ac., c*u now be seeu In (rowing condition. 1'eople c?u judye bv the cro|ia, which arc large, aU.iJUO acre* Lave lieen divided into lm uia or JO acres aud upwards, al the .ow price of from ?13 TO >20 PER ACRE, Oua fourth cash, balance within four year*. Also Iota ?H to 5 a res lor fruit gardens, at from $?%) ^ttk) each. Tha plsoe lallaid out m tin* avenues; parlilPand am;area arc provided, an.l new building* are i;o:ti.: up in all dli ? Clioot u real number. making out- of the moat iieauliful mam n pidlv growim; pi* as in the Union ; society of the beat da * ill lion; best tor produce and Irul .; In the Union. T e u irnatt 'adelightful and healthful; very beuolioiaito p onaiy c unplaints. no fevere or malaria. To persona o home m.Auaor oui o: buslne** thl* la a poed o, poi'luuit. to e.-taMlsii a rural home tit a i ne i lunate. The besi of niarkela and a bfautiful ami iinproi ing p are. [Knira a report o; S.tlon Robuiaon, K?i|, New YorkTrlbuetvjl It in ceruiin'.)' one of the moat <>\teii?ivt? fertLu tiaotaBt an alniom level pomtton, and aultiible eon M ion for p raaaak farming that wo know of tnla side of the Wcaiern prairiee. t'ersotin arc lnnt id to visit and jnd^e the lacta upon tb* "pot. Carriages at j alwajrn at the depot toauow tuctn free of carge, R? of Solon Roblnaott and Uon. Win. Perry upou tha pU?r and ih? Vln laml Rural, to^eihor with otner lulorom tion will be M-nt, ii|iou application by letter. graiK Ro ite to Vlneiund?l^eare Walnut atrcet wliarf, Philadel phia. at 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., by ratlwi./ din cl. Hewart-of Khartiera and piokpockcta iui^uirlng your deeW tiatlon at the atatioua and in the cars, Cliange of cuta at ULuuboro. Aa ommo.latloni for bo?4 en at \ meland. Letters aniwuti Addreeaor apply at the atalion, te OIIAS. K. LANDIS, PostmHater, Vlneland, Cumberland oouuty, New Jtnmf. t lOTTAGE HOTME AT BERGEN PGR BALK?A NIOM \J two Htory Hoiiae and barn, with egcht Liia of grouud, at South B rgen. IK mile from Jeraey I'lty by boriu* rnB roarl. prloe ?2,60U. Inquire of C11AB W. WARD. 41 Wnlw Kireet. CIOUNTBY SEAT ON Hl'DS >N RIVEK?TO RX J change, wl li Furniture and St H-k, for c ty protvrty, .a Incumbered. Impio%em*iiU coat W?,000. Huli-iididurtflerr, orchard* of Unp?f fruita; extunalve trout ou the riveri 9m honra frotsi city. Addreaa D. D , ctatloi. <? Post oflloe. FOR SALE?AT A GREAT SACRIFICE AS THB OWW er la g<duK to Eurotw, a beaiitil iil Bulldiug Site, M kr SWO feet, 'ronting on Mount Pleasant avenue and Broad street, v iwa:k, N. J. Apply to W. LONEY, 6ft Fourth stroet, illaniKburg, N. Y. L"?OR SALE-A NEAT TWO STORY COTTAGE HOUM r and full Lot on south aide l?id street, ISO feet eaet Third a'enue; coiiuinsgaa, Crot'in wut-r, Ac. Tertn-i eaay. H. 8. MOORE, Sixth Avenue Ri.lroad Depot, from Apply 111 y to 12. IpOR BALE-FARMS, CITY ANn COlTNT.tY RRJ< f ' ifent'ca Some for?xehange. Also all kinds of btuln&ie chances, procuring partners, aelllng t;ro>ern a, i-alooua, A?t, and all <>, done in an oiite of tills cla-R. F. D, R1CIIAIMJSON A CO., K2 tnd ti Nassau street For sale-at a bargain, a si bstantial foob story : ign stoop modern hunt Hon.- : full lot: be<Uto cation In Hammond street. Apply to S. R JACOBS. N? New street, un ler the St. Nicholas Bark, or at 123 Weal Thirtcen'h ?troct For sale in south Brooklyn?a uakdsomb two storf and basement brluk Collage, lot liOktM ii et; about Ave innutea' walk Ironi lorry. Friun $l?'k'iO. Appir to H M. dun NE. 224 aud 1? Washington Markil. N. Y. For sale-at a sacrifice, or exouangb pob a Couniry Seat, with a lew acrea o land, or a good Ka ia in tlietl'iiuiiy of the city, fr^e froiu incumbrance, two four story brick Mouses, replete wltu moiern impro enieals througho il,ailit.-itttd ou ou.. of the bet! street* In the city of Hrooslyu, offlylve mluutoa' walk frun I'uliou ferry (wan located. Vacant Lots free from incumbrance will be tatcB in tuut payminL Apply to POSTER A LGl'ER, No. 4 San Is street, Brooklyn. BtOR 8VLK AT A GREAT BARGAIN?A DIORAMA OT Australia, all complete, showing lh? gold regions, fo.eats, ?lulUs, wild anluisl), I'lrtle, Ac., Ac.; never exhiiitled hares i'IU rxnhange for merchandise or rn.J estate. R. BLAKE, 14 Chan.bars street. JjlOR SALE CHEAJ*?ON the NORTHWEST CORNHS 1 of Lexington avenue and Tblrtjr-nlnth street, one lour story House, with all the miwlern Improvements. Also oaf at y'l Thirty-ninth street, built in the best manner. Inqntra on the premises. IflOR SALE OR KXCHANUE?A PROPERTY, KNOWI 1 ns the Cromwel' ManMa-'firin; Company, al Crom well. Conn., consl?tini of l.u.torins. iotuidty and dweilinpt together with all the machinery belouslng thereto, eoulAte. Ing fourteen acres of ground. Including the reservoir of HM ucrea; also a grant fro; i the CominonweLlth of Connection for the exclusive use of water, with tunny oilierva'uabiead vnuUtes; this entire, property will be sit J on liberal tflrma, or, if deatrable, jirop-rty in this city or suburbs is offered! some uouey will be niven In excharigK. For further in formation appllrailon may bo uiado to DVE A CURTIB, AN Sixth avenue, N. Y. Fob hale or exchanoe for city propertt? Tbc beautiful O.n.ctry Residence o.' the lata Jjuua* Conner, In Wt?iche*ier i ounly, on the road leading i'roo* \V catch ester to Eaitchestcr, three fourths of n mile from iba aleumboat landing. and one laid a h itf mile from Wllllaiaa brdgc dei Tlie proper (r constats? l*t. Of a fine stone Munition House, with Urge Barn u4 Outhouxai, 27 acres of L ind. excellent Hinder, Orchard, with frii't and oranmental trees, and shi ubbe;-y and grapes tm gr '.abundance. Of a laritc plain House, and 12 acres aijolntng, ooa ta nit a great uiimber of fnitt trees. Hu. Of a new>> a rut liarn ami 12 a^rta adjoining A very desirable residence. Ten acres additional ground may be had with either lota ? or .1 4th. Of two pan-els of /round on the wea* sid# of the nmd, oppoilin MauKi iii IIoiim* containing about to irrca, with m gar doner's h'iu?, a line. treain of wai-r runn.'ni: Hi ungh |L and *1-0111 two a r?-? ot wo. Aland. Ai>ply to benedict ft CoIT 2u fine street. For 8ale or exchange (not much monk* wanted;?A tUrn.i ?u>ry Hunm and Lot. b.iUt ezprnwiir for a baker j;ood wc'lof water and atable for* hor?e; in the thriving village of CJuttenbiirg. N. J., o;>po*Jla Seventieth?ir?et, New Y-vk. For toiihcr part miliar* apply loSfjmre DWYEtt, neai ibe premises'or at If West Twcutff flrit street, New Tor*. IJVjR SALE OR TO LET?BROWN STONE FRONT Houae, rontonir { a 1 the modei u improvements, locat c ' 16 West Korir-ioii It street; wllltthe reined low or na eh.n^ed for a vacant lot Twentieth ?treoi, wen; ot Hr nil way Anply U> N. C. BISHOP. 191 Rr >ad?ay, or J AB. HODiiE, MS W e?i Forty-ninth Htiuat. on SALE OR TO .ET-IN HOSOKS1 , \ KINK TWO r xtorv and tia-.'mi nt liriek Cot'at 'an I //? i^, most beautifully sl'uat d, corner of Maple an I Sint.i struct*. with tia'idsome garac , 76 fiel on bltth street ami At) tart on Mapli street; all in e mnlete onwr, wi.i n. ii lot or salt at ' sacrifice\ p it <psli, ittlst c ?i bind nnd rnortg g . Kg* fu her par'lcuin j?p,uy to JULIEM OREVI ..R ?SUN, W Duane street, or (4* B aahlngton sir. el, Hoboken. 1FTY ACRES OK FINE l-ANU, CHEAP FO* _ <?sh, or excban.'-l for piano or furniture; in? valuable Patenla lor aala, or exch.mK'e for pr perty; a nice Yacht to eichange for a piano or earrisgo Money to loan on mortgage. TIMPftO.V h BACKER, 86 Nassau at F SHORE FRONT-PAKM OF 10 ACR83: ? MILB8 ON Long ItLind, at a bargain; new ho iae (two atnryhnew tmrn. ac.; tine water mw, great tiahiug, fowling and Mik ing; na.ii achools, Post olil.-e, >n>rc, Ac. R. BLAKE, It Chamler* atreat. Ten of the most desirable bi iloinu lots In Jeraer CIit lor sale or eichange. at panic price*, nilualed b-tween the two ferries. Vary Titt'o >?ah r- qulrarf. Apply at 1M Houtli Blxtlt struct, Jersey City, on ta? pra misea, or at 30 Bond straet, !t. Y. WANTED TO PCRUI'.AHR-IN THIS CITT OB TT B.ouklTti (re?p-< uoly located) a three ?'ory Houaa, worth about $10.1)00, In cxrhant(? for n ? mailer IIoiim In tha city, a Housa and LoU In Bridgeport, Coon., Bank Btack, ? Farm or other ratuable pronenv. H. H. HCRD. !U Chambers street. ? A M\?\ ?rOK SALE, A NEW COTTAOE, WITH VT.vUvt enensivo Ijind and 1 reinUea, "ainonr th? hills," uaarU.irr.aon'atUlion. A Mew ol tlie tluUaaa Iron* thi land. Tula is a lanii. blc place foi a Kuntlsinan's sum-iie? rat real. VAN W1.VKL& k WINANs, U l'lue Htrcnt, N. Y. (T. | fkfWl FOR A URAIN AND frl'IT FARM OT 78vrea, wrilh Si ?-t, Crops and Kunuturai good ti'illdlnga; ,-W in.lee on XjOhj I?i*n 1, near depot. Call lorclrrolai- in (he nlr preasura cht:rn store, MCortlandl ,treet. New York. WM llt.NTOif. 8TBAMROVTK. FH OR NBWARK?ON St!Nl?AY AND EVBUT DAT.? The ^teaa>lM?l THOMAS r WAY, Cap! W J Hattl ir, leave* pier ?1 North foot ol Dey atreet. at 10*4 J. ami P. M , landing at I?'?ioureita doeh, Bunnn Polat. MORNINO LINE FOR PKEKMKFLi. -THE ACRORA will co.omenee her regit ai trips foi ibe arason on Hat Iiruay, Way 10 leaving .lay street at .1 A. M . loiu-htng at Cbiia'nnher stre> t, Tnlrtleth ?uett ami the oiher InterTie diate landlnf*. Returning will leive Peck-lull at IH P. M. N^HOTICK.?UAI'l EM, MAI OMH' < U VM. IIIOII HPITli.B an I Klug's Bridge. Toe steanilm*' The Kla.- far' ??In A. C. BenHv, will (ommence running mi B .n iay May 11. from Peck, lip to Harlem, eonueetii g with steam ~as la a' ove uniui d lLiio*. LmiTS IVTt %lip niuid It A )l , - P. *? end ft P H Leave llar.^m oti arrival of 'hjh Irocu alwa place*. Totiehlnt ach *ay at Tenth street. Has' rlv.T. CTEAMERH ISAAC p SMITH AND AMERU t |R?i* o fool or lUrrtson strei-t, daily, ewepl Sonday^al ? W A. M 3 16 ..nd 4 31) P M., fdr Ycnki rs, flastlniis, IKIiba Kor rV. ITflagtoi, Tarryt'iwn, Nyact, R. ekland Lake and Ha verstraw, touching a''Christopher street each way. OTEAMBOAT FOI JALB-i: APPLIED FOR IMMB. dlately; is 139 ( keel and e?t beam, dmwin'j only Mlnehas water; ha* Anew en as, twelrc nch <yllnder ?nd iortytwo Inch si jks; one k ? ller, whieh beea thoroughly reiiaircd, sad s now i.j.lete rJlTninil ?SdoT Api ly at w Barclay atreet, betv t ,?nd U o'clo'.k, ..a the 3th and 10th i??l -.LB, ^ v Length IM) feat. Cleat l>eam a I , r-i; ? old, i.Moni. beam ejuilne, M inch c/llndcr, 6 fe . ?? urBAM BNOINRri ABti> TU P", N?w tnd wcumd bind, far Ml?. a . * ? ?y V ? '' tVii ? "| 1 ?