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MPORTAHT HAVAL OPERATIONS. Movements of Our Iron-Clad Steamships. APPEARANCE OF TUE UERRIMAC. She Refuses the Challenge to Battle. THE FATE OF NORFOLK IN THE BALANCE The Merriaae the Only Defence ef the City. VICTORY SITS UPON OUR BANNERS, ioKTsrsa Movmoi, May 8,1MJ Shortly War* mob UMlay tha Monitor, Nau^atuck, Seminole, Susquehanna, Dacotah and San Jacinto, lu tha ordar ta which they ara named, stoamed up towards 3ewall's Point, Cantna, of tha Susquehanns, in ?command of tha expedition. Aa aooa as within range Ore was opened with shot and ah el I against Sawali'b Point. Moat of the ahota ware good ones. It was nearly half an hour before a reply waa made from tha Point. The Rip Rape next opened Are, and the* tha Naugatuak for the first time. Several shots were Bred from the single Kua on the extremity of the polut, whan one fr m I be Monitor atruek in tho vicinity, doubtlesa disabling the gun, as it has not been fired since. The position of the Monitor was far ia advance of the real of the fleet, and she continued ia notion until within a mile or two af tha Point, whan considerable execution avjet have boon dona by bar accurate tiring. Tha Naiigatuck kept in the backgrctnd. the range or her Parrott fun enabling her to 1o so. The Sawall's Point battery replied briskly. The Rip Raps llred occasionally, and a continual (Ire was kept up from the gunboats. Theaflhir was comparatively uemteres'tng fr<<m this -point of rtaw, on account of the distance, so details can not be given Tha Monitor about this time returned from her ad vanoed pneitioa and joined tha fleet. In tho dis'ancs nothing of bar could be seen bat a siaall square dot in the water. At about half-past two o'c'ock the Iterriaaao made her appearance, when the fleet returned, with tha exception of tha Monitor. The Merrimic Is sti'.l (live o'cl >ck) olT tha Poiat. Tha Monitor is ready ta attack Iter. Tha Sam i do la has returned to the Lower Road.-. Tho re is no prospect of a flght at present (half-past Ave o'clock). The Monitor has returned. The Uorr 1a ?c is in the *a:ne peaitioa. For-as-t, H '.vaOE. May 8, ISffcJ. This has been a most stirring and ?x<'lting lay at Old Poiat, and all are anticipating th ? early fall of Norfolk. At eleven o'clock the steamer Nau;atuck was observed raising steam, and about twelve o'clock site in jved oat by the aide of the Monitor, which ve sel had also cleared bor decks for action, taken down her awniag an-i pipe?, and stood forth ic full fighting trim. lULr-ram Eurai o'Clock. The gunboat Tacetah has inat moved up in lino or ltat tle with two little batteries, followed by the eloign -war Seminole and the San Jacinto. The flagship Ml:. .esota is also under steam. Twstva ??'*' m. The N'augatuck his moved up towards >Hijabati river, followed by the Monitor and Dacotah la Uaa of battle. The 9an Jacinto follow* slowly. Heavy tring can still be h ard froa the direction or Jamas river, where, aa yon have already been Informed by telegraph, the Galena and other gunboata hare gone. The side-wheel steamer Su'quehtaaa has Just moved op, peaeiag the Seminole and San Jacinto. In the mean time tha Dnootah, Monitor and N'angatnrk had re -ohed the channel and taken a position off Sewall's Point, and the Daoetah flred a shot towards Craney Island. A second shot from the Dnootah struck the beach st Saw all's Poiat. B u#-rAsr Twslvs a'CLOOK. The Susquehanna moms up and takes th.? lead or the San Jacinta end Seminole. No answer from either of the rebel forts, and the Dnootah >.nd Monitor are steaming up Elizabeth river. The Xaugat;ic'< is lying off towards tbe month of the Jamas river. Presently tke Dacotah and Monitor approach Craney Island and Hawaii's Point. The Dacotah fires every few minutes alternately at Se wall's Point and Craney bland, the enemy making no reply, although all tha balls reach their intended destination. The Monitor is now taking the lead, b it lias not fired. In the meantime the Scmlaole and Susquehanna open on Sewall's Polut, and two shots are from tlia Point, the latter falling short of the Mon.lor, which is new a mile above the other ves-?is. Forty Mism Past Twu.vt o"Cuxtc. The rebels are firing rapidly fre.-n *e .all's Pciat, p. :u ?lpally at the M'uitor, whi'e a continued suecwioc of ?hells k* hav.g poured on the er.e-.ny from the SaSTte hanaa, li .cotah, Seminole and San Jacinto, broad.-., de after broadside. Hie Rip Raps also throw occsii.'ual ?hells into Sewall's i'olbt. Ftty Mi.vrrv o 'Yotk The Susquehanna, j'a^otflh.Fan Jacinto and ?> minole ?re pouring shells-', and the Mo.iltor threw her first two ahe'ta from a point fully a mile and a hair ahead of the other veasels. The guns (rum Sewall's Point rail short of the regular fleet, and many or then explode high ri the air at half distance The Monitor is stil! >BOvtb? forward, firing an occasional shot, while the Rip Flaps and a float, lying in line of battle, are ati'" u; steadily. f* ?. o'Cuhk P. M. The Monitor Is now within a mile of Sewa.i ' *'o.n:, moving slowly fi> ward and Iring. The ooemy are al*o firing briskly frco .u'i Point at the Monitor, and ?bella are railing th, .vly her. Crsney Island Is also joining in tiis flght, and has just throws, several shells at the Monitor, one of which exploded direcl.y cfe her. The Monitor inovod stca Illy forward, occsmo al y firing and roceiving Fbells and cliot frost the rebel bat teries with perfect indifference Two o'Cix* ? P. M. During the past h?nr there been but little If sry change in the progress of ths bmihardment. The Moui tor has fallea back and lays alongside or the Susquehan as , probably ror the purpose of otmminieating wi h her. Tha Naogatuck in the meantime has heen throwing shells lata Pig Paint, and U> ? fleet have also thrown a lumber of sheila ta tbe aam> direction Qvii'tu-run Two o'Cum'K P. M. Tha Monitor and Daoot; i are moving along again slowly up tha mouth or the Elisabeth river A dense black smohs haa comineacuu to rise fraia Bewail s Point, indicating that our tncendi? v shells thrown there bare flrcd the barracks The Dacotah continues to throw her sballa dlreotly into the Point , the explosions of whlih ?an ha distinctly Been. The shells from the Point moetly fall abort and splash along In tba waU*r or explode in the air, tha constant clung n 4 in po tion of our reseeie destroying the range of the rebel guunera. They ara, liowarar, Baking quite a dete minei tight frosa their works, giving our fleet almost Kiioll f r shell and shot far abot. 3ewall's Pjlnt Is almost envelope \ in smoke from tha oonstsnt explosion of shells and 'he sm >ke rrem its own guns, and tlie fire raging In ths eioinlty saeat make It a hot plaoa for sutTenng h'tmanity [Liu-.-AST Two O'CLOCK P. M. The Monitor haa laid out of aolto:t for nearly an hour. 3hs la probably cooling her guns. Vonr larger va<se1s thraw occasional shots, all of wa cli appear ta enter the worka of Ihe enemy, or asploda within the woods he yoad. Tha Rip Raps hn* also Pepi up a oontlant cr ?s fire, throwing a large numbor or % slla in the rsar of tha i'otnl batteries. Tba llip lu,* bai^iy h.?s the range or ttewall's r?tat perfectly QUARtrn to Ttsks O'CWI P. M. The rebel monster Merrlmuo oow makes hor appear anoe on the scans She tins Just passed from bebln I Sewall'a Point, and Is runnii'g 4owu slowly towards Iht fsderal Beet, lier biivck hull can be seen mo-, .e.j lowly slong sliors Is rront or the^rstiey Tslanl bslterM. 81 mullsneousiy with ih? api>ear&uce of the Merriauc, tbe Monitor started up irom Uchiud the wooden vesis.l and mova4 up to meet the eusmy. Dome rolu*-ea of sur-kf aseended from tbe pipes or the -rrlm"C. The Moaiior, With only a pjft f white tietrs "'C' dng, looks In tna gists nee Ilka an atom on the surfaoe of water. Ths Isrger v?s?e'? bsredrrwi ssllssrd left, fas Mehitor tad th? KaugaVic't ara a a* iq '.h? swr???b Ing path of 111* Marrimac. Tho ooultwUi U are yet two aii.aa ?.>*rt TllHKrl 0'Ol.lC* P. M. The Minnesota Arn hor (if tial <<ui ?n 1 tho Ion : roll U being beaten in the fori. The Minu ? ota u starting to come up fri Qi her auchorago b low the fori. The vac. ?el* 01 be fleet hid been lying quietly at anchor for tha la?t hail'huur, when ilia sig uil from the Uag->hip ordered them -.11 to return. Tlia 3 isq lelianua let the way, fol low od by tho San Jacinto, Som.nole, l>a otah, ul the Monitor bringing up the rear, all apparently usiug tha I greatest speed toward* the Port. To spectator* thia Menial rat bar ru:>rtlfylii<; bit aa they m >ved down in lma tha Monitor was observed to halt, and tha San Jacinto and Dacotah also followed her example, leaving tho Susquehanna and Seminole moving ahe^d. Tho four steamers and the Monitor having taken their positions, tha Marrnnac also baited, and tha five reaseU stood thu'., not mora than a mil* and a half apart, tha Morrimac apparently not willing to oome further down and tha Monitor unwilling to go fur. Iher up. Tha Minnesota also steamed np in front of tha fortress wharf, followed slowly by tha Vaoderbilt, whan bith flopped. After lying in this position a while, the Muuieaota turned round and sloamed back, and the Vaoderbilt, without turning, backed .vater slowly down the river. Whilst all this manoeuvring was going on firing had entirely eaaaed from ali points. Forty Mixcthi Paer Tiihh o'Clocx P. M. the Morrimac now turns round and steams back to wards Norfolk, with her rebel flag flying impudently. The Baltimore steamer Georgian* has laid out In tha stream, with -uoatn up,all th- af -moon, ready to exoape from danger at the earliest momun The Minnesota and Vanderbilt have gone back to .bolr anchorage. The Dacota again proceeds up towards the Merrlmau, and the Monitor stitts towards the mouth of Elisabeth river. The Da c tab is now within easy range of dewall's Point, but the batteries there do not open <>n h?r. She and the Monitor liave both stopjied, and the Morrimac is ly in< stationary, about a mile in advance of the Craney Island batteries. (There commenced an important movement whicb cannot be made public just yet.) The Vaoderbilt an I Arajo have now steamed up in front of the wharf, and hire again hltol. The Marrimac has run back under tha guns of Craney Island, and the Monitor is steaming off towards her at full speed. The Minnesota is alsoomlug up ajain at rull speed, tho edbrt being to draw the rebels out a,ain Quarto to Kiv? o'Ctocit P. M. For the past hour the fleet has been buck and forward; but the Morrimac still lie* under the guns of Craney Island. lhu Monitor Is lying about a mile an l a half from the Marrimac, and the Dacotah, Susqu hanua and Semi nole are still in tho rear. The Xaugatuck is alao moving up towards the Monitor. The Minnesota, Arago and have gone back to tlieir anchorage, and thoro is no proepec; of a fight to n ght. The troops are going on board the tnmspoi ts, and the war vessels, including the Monitor, hive nil returned to their anchorage. The 1'rcsi.tepl viewed the action from x tugb >nf. iyirg ?bout a mile in the rear of the fleet. J[a ha." just re turned, and as ho p.isse t up th-- wharf was vociferously Cheered by the troops. TIIK LATEST. Uur nee* naving reureu, id? nerriuiac u again steam ing out. Tho Monitor, DaooLth and Xaugatuck ?ro still however, in position ofl Sow ail's Point. An officer of the Seminola states (hat Ihe r::be! Uag ataff on Sewall'S Point was twicj shot away during the bouiba'draent. Th? first time It fell it was phkolup, and a rebJ in a red shi.-t jumped on tha rampart;:, with a ?tump of the ?u:f and the flag, and waved it, whan a shell struck htm. killing him, and it is auppoKed otheu oear him. Of the many shots fired at tho lleet by tho rob. Is not one struck any of our resit.l?. Som; wont over their masts, but mo?t re'.i short. The rebels could be distinct, ly seen from the vessels carrying off their dead and wounded. Our FerucM Monroe Correspondence. Foktiu?s Moimoa, May 8.1862. Approach of a Reltl Steamer to A'etcporiU Attest?Me Abmdonmtnl of 8twa.l>? point and Crancp island? limpid Evacuation of Norfolk?Scutk-m Resold Con ocrmng Che Merritaac?Sho will be b. mt up Salter man Surrender?Prwisions of Me Prot '?> Ha,thai? Jarkumum Order* of I'resident Lincoln?Operation* of the Entmy, <tc., ?fc. This moraine at haLptm seven o'clock a small steamer waa descried approaching Newport* News from the rebel side of jamea rivtr. She waa quite a small craft, with a dense coijmn of black tmoke curling out of her pipe, aad her hurried manner con firmed the belief thai she waa making her escape from rebeidoin Upon a telescopic observation, no flog was discovered on board, except a small one on the tore halliard, a white flag with a red border, la the ecctre or which was the name of the boat, "J. B.White." The trcippe in garrison at Newport's News viewed the fugitive steamboat with great curiosltf, aad, as she reached the wharf, the troope crowded it in order to i.\ua the law news from '"Secsesia." After the little stray craft had moored alongside of tha wharf, Captain Christian, son of t?*e Provost Marshal, went on boai d the an< took possession of it :n the uame of the fait Ike boat had a crew of three met.?viz: capt.m, engineer and deck hand, also two pa?Kr;:gers. She lett Norfolk at five rn.ngou the preienso to go to Taaner'gcreek to tow a schooner, on boaid of which wa- a r.n to the Navy Yard. Tho rufe worked well; 1 ?me the e^caue The pas>er.^crs from \ report that ."Wall's Point h is Keen abandoned br the rebel.*, the; takingaway with them ail the ammunition except ten charges for . h gin. Cranuy Island ha. heen partially abandoned * , I of the guns have b?n sen*, to i: l.taond and all ti ?. I powder, with tha exception of teu roun.ia to aaciiu.r Norfolk is being evacuated. Great man] cftiaeus remain. ftoa<tf?Mir r-: g to the .A?it;va'de. struct toa ot tlio rebel hoi\J*. Captain !???, ColP ^'eeNavy, * it u-mmaud there, an-l *..ys -he v 11'u-t aave br:. k u.h.u at.?, tb r. The t e ? wiii be Xt for ti j <!e cn.-eof Nor ' f - tS {?) u., <\ tSN il iiti", &!>.l thfp rt i? o. upi* fUuir. btr, ?b# 1.1 Vt he bl n up to , reveui he, iu? 0lir hj|1, Ihu Pro-. ???< *i ii.ii o; . "r.'ii. ;<tied an order ve-ter day t? ih?? efl ct tout a!! the c.'il< ii, Uibaico sp ?of ti rpmrne and oil in ti. t c removed then. a li ve o i lo< k t ? ?'. <)'. ..nd a ret ru't. mi to tl de r ;jt?! cotnman e> "flint tunspurta maybe f 'jted. fne artictt em.m?rated ab? ve not di? or a?:i? e- '..-:<1 will )>e . l.v..ated. auu pa: ^ who have oonoe iled them, or eennl e a: th.- c..|? ealmai.t or con eya-ce to any se, ret p..?e l . t were t>. h-ve be-n rre-'ed raid severely puiaished. hen .< Ta'nall has net r< ~. n?d the command of the Mi ?uar. TI.* ? :ii't if hi- re i.ra'i ii anee iron, the fac* that he was ordered to report at York'own to '?em' Itvry c-tiunan -r. to whi' h i ? :ru-: po,?i ,M,Mtive objestiotis. Jiereplie to the reb .'.^ei eiary ol War's ortler tint h? wo. .?! -tsrt for Yerk'.-ar. rui.n'ng the b '?? ki''e1 biit "wot:'i! -ep' rt (? no one h. would ?o ;,nd act on his own hook ' At luia paitieien o uo-it thi. ?arniLg the o on b.*< te y (ialetia and the gunboats Arw -v . w and Pert Rov 1 ?*ighe . anrh r,a -i. 'in ter direct erde? Mr-? Pr< -'i<'int : nroln, who is here, proce -ded up rhe jame-. rive ? I lne ve.-t.eU sa led in the order in which ;uev me named* Ihe movement was uro\pect< d to peopio here! .-Itho igh It o'iglit to have l^e'. rr>id? on# week s*e but ihe stohd mdifiereuce of the chief r.aval c?m^ m.n.ler has given even Uxly the impress.'>a that little tight he expected from the North Atla-.t *<|.ib Iron while it is 'in^er its ; re,ent < h ef. ihe arn> al oi Prev.dant I.incoln here l.? ru' ?t opp ^tui.e Notw 'h. standing his ine.vjterience in n.'val matters, heat once s-w tho necesMty or a little actl n the Immense (ieet'hat has been rotting in th>*se waiers ft<r several mouths past, At a warier past ten o'd?ck A M. heavy canno- sdinc was heard from ihe dir-cti -a of the James river I'rc bsbl) the Galena and her con?orts may be attacking a largo rebel work near (lay s Point, twenty atiea from Newport'? News. Ihe rebels at Sewalfs point have been destroying isiwdor for several hours during tlxs forenoon fher slso b trnt a large number of tunrnt to prevent them failing into our hands. Pt'ST^Wi MovRor, May 8,1&C2. f'rct>i,({/ T m*< in the Vicinity of the l\rrtren?M?rr*,?t of I. ni-m v "fit to S'tcali'i Point?Ihe D&ootah Opm* Hr- Mo'-r u e/rtc Monitor?prrcifim of Irm C<m. piim>ni*r- ? in the n*<l eomp-F.?>k* int*. of the fbtriitn of \Yir?Aprtiranr>. rf th' Merrlmac? Her H vementi befor> the I'nion Vttf'lo? Vie .Vrrrfma* th' Only Drft 'ac of ITorfnt*, (ft., rfr., <fr The u- .h. iav. iot .ny of this depitrtn er.t v?a' ruddetily thro-rn uto cjtnm-.t.'.n to-duy hjr th? mrrementsof onr fle t a id their oporai ion* on the rebel batteries at So w,dl ? Point, At twelve o'eloeV to-dny the signal from the flagi hip Wsbiuh wart -vt sli the )Htst to get under wolKi. Itt a few u,mt,te. tl? littu b(|U#ljr Va(Ji g.ftirk (iC A ~'ot- r ?), followed by the b?Msry Monitor, and at 'ervnls hr th* rrlg.>tc ??en J.vimo and gunb*t P?ninMe, W(r<| UI1(I,r full heed of steam, moving by ,ho c,i;inn#, course toward* tb, fel?ei positioa at So walls Point. : ho movement of the fleet, sudden a- It wao r^ntlmv thousands of the wixioue In the direction of the impending conflict. As the fleet progressed the re tativa jioaition of each visel changed from the ord.' heretofore roen'lened Tiie I?acotah took the lead, the Monitor ueit/oilv U l?? ?mtr it^w^ai/ NAVAL ATTACK ON SEWALL'S POINT. The Stir in Hampton Roa 's?Our Iron-Clad Steamers at Work. M?RAPSgE=r V / H o }WW MgwepsgwEW prntr^ f O fw/uaec~ Itoir/tfli |l ? ' . 11 / TAC??73 F5I6P0NT=^MW ^ rwflrH/^T E-gg-air!J3-J ""?** rrunURnw < 3 gfgfr " FAR At TUltt? ? -J*". \Sfr/?*S - f?1 =y y H? i?? HOSPITAL I /-? "I p6rtsmouthfP minutes pmt twelve the Iiactah got within rango of the rebel battery and opened lira from hor splendid rifled cannon. At first tbe shot fell short, but a few more ex porimental shots got the range of the rebel works; the otiier vessels subsequently got another range, and in tweuty minutes the en*;figment became general, the booming of tbe cannon n??lcir,g the very earth trem ble for miles around. The rebels promptly replied to the fire of oor fleet; but It wa? at?onco ap|-ai ent that their guns, though of heavy/rilibre, were not cq^al to ours, and our veesels, kce; I., o of range of the rel?tl gtiii.s, h*d the play all theii two my. At a quarter be fore o'clock P. M. the Moult.., hud got in position in the EUrabsth river, between Cranoy Island aud ^wall's Point, and within one mile oi the rebel workr. From there she opened fire on the rebels, sending her eleven inch compliment! with a precision and accuracy of aim j that no doubt mado the if beta believe that tbey had no ortlnary war machine to contend against. The rebels dircc. *1 a furious cannonade at the Monitor, th? shi striking thickly around ner, and some of them appeared to stride h-r Invulnerable walls. Iks other ve.*cU of the fleet k-pt at a rtspct.ful distance, yet throwing siwt and thell directly into the rebel works, with, no doubt considerable effect. The roar of artillery Tor oni hour was must terrific, our vetsels curing broatlside arter broadside ujion the enemy. The little Mteamer Kauga. tuck, with her one hundred pounder Parrott, was not idle, her shell going directly into the enemy's work. At & quarter-past two our vessels slowed their ftre, ami fired only at Interval*. At this time a signal was made from Ok sh(> of tho seuior officer. At eighteen minute* past two a dense taioke arose f. om the rebel camp. It no doubt -rns ihe result of tli. effect of ono of tho incendiary shells thrown from on? nr our vessels. The black sn.oks arose in a betimes enveloping the icbel camps. ihe reboi to their credit be it a;d, stood to 'heir cms manfully '..Id replied to the caunrnade of o..r vcurt, tn R vvthyof a better txuse. At half-past t\roi' M 11J. r-.bels appeared to be geitiu^- the worst of the bombard nieut, as their tiro for tun tniiiutc.t entirely ceased Thil c*rn ition was improved l?y our ve<se;F. who sent <-hiii by the dozen in and near the rebel ramps. The n?'.?r? cf c r shells aa the; b'irst were tcrriix. Kort '.Tool ,M the Rip Raps, also took part in the engagem nt frou 'ti,. tirft, and with an accuracy o* range k.-r t uiia/mrM catmowde the shot cxplod'ng in the enen yg' works. Iho harbjr by this time preseateU * a I seen* or unusual activity?eteatt carrying orders to fie difterent re -sels w> re running hither and thlth.r th? c uters oi the French Kngltoh and Danish war ve sa'.' I wt were seen an the iianks or our \ essoin tniovin* .-grand sight of the bombardment,and ^'enuJgJ^ evidence of their enthusiasm by cheering the goou iTmus t-ce cf our vessels eog-?Ked. Th.; ramparts of ii,? rot truss were covered with neMie.* g-txlng or. the scone *r i ?inong the spectators were lYeeidcul Linooin Uet?, J Wool, i-eeretary Stanton ,nd other distimrai.-i.ed i*rK,?, age -. It was at once decidcd upon by Secret"rv vaii/,.." and (.enemi Wool to take the battery at tfewali V Poin' at the joint of the bayonet. Aids-do-cainp were scon t? rout', to tho commanders or brigades to tire pure to move. A licet o. ctnat boats were soon towed to the government docks. On-ial Weber's brl g.ule,consisting or tho Kirtt J tola* err,IVmiietb V?? York, r-ntli N.-w Yoik.and Mxu^nth ilassichns m wcr.^ soon under arms, thuir camps stirck and ail r ? ? <m Biove. Ilie naval en -ag'iMtii btlll continue I, i?,t with no; pparent success, a- out ve- Is were ..| s-ich heavy draught an to forbid their clusing In < n tu? r, h?t worki. At three '.'clock a dense smoke was se-n in tlie direction oi,aad In a low miniit** the rebel bit tery Merrmiat liov? in sight. Tho llagOHUwr thereuih.n sigua.ued our vessei* t.. withdraw, command w is obfjed, and onr vessels In retumlag gave the r ImI works parting sxlutes wttl, their iron hail? The Monitor with tlie others,took up the retrograde tnovemeut tlia ?videi.t intention being no d ?ubt to coax tho Merri'mac mto deep water, where a inir light mUhl be ha.I Tho Morrlrnac came kteaimng d?nn Uk> Hixabeth river vo^r rapidly, the black smoke coming out or her pi .o sh<iw ii;g (Ley were tuing tar or some other comboA.?l? ma. terial in their bolter fitrracen to noceleratc her sue. d At twi minutes |?at throe tho flagship Minnesota ami by twenty minntOH past thn.c the tterrimac, hsd at 1Mb d a Iiosition at a point about two milea west of rio* a I a Puini.cox erin* the rebel works there, y-ir wooden ves-els had then reached a point within twi mllen of the lort The Monitor rom .med nt a point about a nnki astcru or her oMsotis, and within a wilt ?r her ad verssry. Hie Merrlmac suddenly stopped, ii beioi apparunt that she was tn?rely acting on Hie de ^ t,,'ra"<J sro'iBa aud got hor Imw headed for Norfolk,and sub-e<iuentlyab.ieked down UlfamUe the Monitor all th:* time remained autioD?rt au.' a|.' though the vsrsei* \rere within easy range, not a shot wss e\eh itiged at Ur tbe apparent V thi cZZZX ?rs ot the opisisi^ ve?asls bstng nol io ure eice,.t at , clots quarters. At forty-flvo minuter past three tte Merrimso started in the direction of Norfolk elo??lv f>>ll- wed by the Mouilor, the fan Jaeln., and the S venseis or the fleet, wb? ajiiwarod d'-u rmmed to luive another dash at the rebel works. Hhonly .rter four oVI ck Merrlmac stoppsd off the north end of Cranny Island ; our Teasels also stopped tbe antaa onieu eyeing each other uith the desoon m ter?;|. I)y this tlmo the Arago, \"anderMlt and Illinois, which wsrsto take a port In any subsequent *<?? tiuti Should the rebel ?"?(t give them n chance r ams fcioaming up the Koads until they reacho-l a p-,int be twuenthe Kip Hapsand tbe fortress, b?rotiiey were sig na ire.1 by tho flag officer to return, r-, the M-rrlm i wm I not llksly to leave her cover ***<. Craney Tha Miunesota aiao wore around (u,.l ruturned to her anchorage. Tlie result of tho engagement so far w!s practically nil. sa 'he rebel battorlss replM with mors tele .ty when our vessels retired than thev did at ?? ? llmortn.isiKagsiienl. All our vsssels unit out ot tbs ^ i ''ih!;d>s"d no. a man on our side was hurt IT half-post five o clock P. M the ilonit.' andnllti.o ve?sei8 retorued 10 their snshorage. Rut 11>? end is wit >st, the battery at'. Po?,t nmst ? ,l Murr,ra? '? lb* 0"'y defer,co |0ft to tljo cityof N- rfolk; orce she Is out of ths way tho city u ^ V'n'V ii." *h#i# ?r thlB wblch 1 ?c bistity d< tailed. th rebel l.nttories at Craney isltnd were en tirely silent, slthoogli our vessels were in range uf i,eui ( inegrentor part of the engagement Thi< roti nrtns the report ths enemy ars svacnatu'e tueir works at that noiut. The mtifll rsfngees who arrived berelo-d t ?s a last resort, tbe Merrtmsn is Id r?it up tlie tsnms | river and oppose our gunboats, aa clr. umnam se mav Cmlt: and, aa a Inst rsaort, wlien sU Measures to koe > ssfs fall, she is w be blown up. Kostssss Mow,.#,May ?, 1AM. The erew of the steamtug which deserted frnM the v snsmy re^rt |h?t (i?re li|rj?t u,lt* u?M gt NvrftM this morning; that General Burr.side, with ? largo fircc. is wi'liin a few miles of Weldon, and that the rebel troops are evacuating the city with *11 possible spcod. Sowall's and Ti(t i*>liitB. they say, are already aban doned, aiirt preoaiations were making to destroy the Navy Yard and othor public property. City Intelligence. Ffwkral or Adjutaht Gapki>kji, or Hawkiks' Zouaves.? The funeral or Adjutant Charles A. Cadsden. of the Ninth New Vork Volunteers (Hawkins1 Zouaves), took place yesterday afternoon, from the Armory of the seventh regiment. National Ouard. The remains were laid in aa elegant coilin, on tne lid or which was a plate oootainiiig tho following inscription:? * Aojvtatt *.hakih A. Gadmw, 5 1 April 10, isei, i j Aged 30 years, 5 months and 21 days. | The attcndancu of soldiers and civilian* was very nu meroiw and respoctablo, Company K, Seventh raiment, of which deceased was formerly a member, acting aa special escort. The religious ccremonies were performed by tho ltcv. F. B. Ewer, who read the solemn service of tho Upiseopal church service over thu remains. About half-pa-1 two o'clock the funeral cortege took Its depar ture lor (ireenwood Ce> ?tery, where the ('?ceased was intorred with all the mi >rjr honors befitting his rank and servicc*". Adjntant Guuadcn waa a native ol England, nud met W* 'loath rece.itly at Camden, N. C., while lead ing Hawkins' Z?wav? an attack against the rebels. Fi*k i* Fkott S-na ..?About one o'clock ywterday niornir.s a fire broke it on tho fourth floor of building No. 204 Front aire* 1 coupled by E. & Wo. H. Goodwin, mtnufwi'irera of t^'iceo. The flames wero exttaguismid before the Are extended beyond tho place of origin. The damage to tho stock, by fire and water, will amount to about f 2,000. Insured for f10,000 in the American and Mark't insurance companies. The first floor or tha b-Hiding is occupied by t ha: las F. Goodwin, ship bread baker, as an office and for storage or flour; stock dam need by witer about $400; injured for f1,400 in tho Mar ket Insurance Company. K. H W. H. lioodwin al?o oc ctmy the building No.'J09 Water street, which comuiu n mutes wl'.h 'be 1 rout st-cet building by Iron bridges. The i-took in this buildln* Is demnged about $5W, by w uter. insured Tor fcii ,000, as follows:? Security Goodhuo Mercantile ?? V? Anierlean | J? Market 5'w0 |3j,000 Tlie building No. 204 Front street I* owued by Jona than Haven.*. It i< da:iiagod about $350; fuiiy Insured; Ti,o lire apparently originated In the steam Uryiug rwm. Rsmvutr o; Dmrh*t ATTORintv Wo feel pleasure in announcing that Mr. A.Oakoy Ball, our nfll-lout Dis trict Attorney. is so far recovered thut b< ill probably be able to resume the duties ef It's < ...oe on Monday next. FttCJtn Drowrbp.?The body of an unknown man, abcut thirty years of age, w is found drowned at the foot o? Franklin streot ye?tcrday. The body, which appeared to have boou la the water about two weeks, was sout to the daadliut.aa for Idem ihcation. Police Intelligence. AauCTOBR m thk Cnwnr Ham>ow Cam.?There was con- der.ibio exoltomant in and about Jelftrson Market Police Court yeatcrday afternoon, growing out of an argu ment In the conoort aaloon case, wliaraln the actors, ac tresses and orchestra of Canterbury Hail are defendants. The counsel for tha accused bold that the proprietors'* the saloon alone ware amenable under tho law, anil that there was nothing whatever in tha act which would Jus tily the nweLtrate in holding tha defendants. He there fore moved for their discharge. .funics Kelly ststed that he would look over the papers and give his decision In a day or two. Tie attichoa of tha Canterbury were nresent ki full force, and msnlfoated a daep Interest In the proceedings. Amon; those who Wf> present ted ayropathi/ed with tho fair actresses was a Deputy MiorltT, ac ovpolloemaa and several sporting man about town. Ex-Coksi i. Itarclat Roiiwkx).?AU-ui two weeks ago Mr Geori.e lUralb/, ex-Brilish Consul, residing at No. ? Washington piaco, was robbed of a gold "?'?* andohain, a family relic, which he prized very highly, by a stran car who obtained act .ns to the houae under the protenca that he w;.s ?eni to put up some new gaa burners. No clue could be obtained to the thief until Thursday area- , ma when Oilioer Towers, of the Fourtn precinct, arrested a man named Robert Shannon, llarry lUyiuoud. on | suspicion orb tl J person. The r.ccused was biought before .lustioo Conno'ir, at the lower Polio*Court, yeater day morning, amt eommitted for exunslaatioa . Uiumko o? Dr-AiJTts is Taoi aut.?J. HcClane, of Ne. MFranklin !<treat; Charlej Voat.of No. 49 ljeonard street; George rriak.of No. ? lay street. aa4 John L. K?ers,ofNo. Kranklia street, all liquor deal ?rs, wore arrested by Captain Pstty, of ths tIfm for selling liquor wthout a license. Justin* Connolly held the accused to bail, iu tha sum of $100 each, to answer. Ucleaee of Captala Horry. Bohtov, May 8, 1SC2. Captain Michael Berry, formerly oomniauder or the ?teemfhlpColumbia, waa released from Fort Warren yes terday Plrt at Jlfwark. NttWAax, May 0?1:40 ?. M. An ettentilvo firs Is r'w ruging at tbe corner of llamll ton strict and Rsllrual avenus. Nearly a wliole block U already dastroy"'!, owing to lack of water. Funeral of t*?r. Harrsy M?|>IS<IX, Wis., May 8, Tlie funeral of flovemor Harvey yesterday was lM>My attended. The oerein"n'.es w. ie very . . 'Iv": 1 bMlsw retol'artaiolbu^neashnu^c 4wd ijihearas was drawn by wliite b irses W.?? I ?ok plttiaoa, a? <1 escorte4 by the military. Hentenre fer Binhfrtlsmtnl< May ?, ) Mil jt>hu M Kinney, lateKUteTrassurer, w>? srroo^l W Haven years Imi.rnonneal In the tieo'.teiilHi 11' f ewbti of tu? iittte raoneys, THE VICTORY IT IEW ORLEAns. Our Full Report of the Capture cf the Crescent City. The Greatest Naval Achieve ment of the Age. Pour Forts and Innumerable Batteries Taken. All the Rebel tissbeats, Ires Bus, Beoss, Torpedoes, Chains ail ? Rafts Destroyed. Oar Woadei Walls with Iroi Hearts to* Much for tki Rebel Iroi-Clad Veiuli. What an Example for the Hav&l Officers in Hampton Roads! The Paul Jones Scenes on the Mississippi. SCENES, INCIDENTS AND NARROW ESCAPES. The Plnck and CHory of Our Jack Tars, Aii.. Ac.. Aa. We have further detaile of the brilliant vic tory at New Orleana. Our special corres pondents came up in the Cayuga, and bring the graphic particular* of this splendid naval triumph. Our descriptions would fill two or three triple sheet Hkraum: wo give all we can this morning, with maps. The squadron under command of Flag Officer D. G. Farragut has certainly accomplished one of the greatest achievements on record. On the morning of the 24th of April, as bo fore described in the Hiiuld, Forts Jackson and St. Plillip were pawed, and thirteen gun boats and three transports of the enemy were totally destroyed. The iron Ram Manassas was sunk. Hundreds of rabel sailors and sharp shooters were killed tod burned up in their vessels. On Friday noon, tha 25th, two batteries near the city were silencod, and at one o'clock of the same day the squadron lay at anchor off the city of New Orleans. Million worth of cotton and shipping were set on fire and de stroyed by the enemy. Ou the 2Gth we took possession of tiro heavy field works nine milee above the city. A new iron ram, the Mississippi, mounting twenty guns, wae burned by the enemy. The Anglo-Norman, another iron ram, was also burned. The floating battery was sank at Al giers, opposite New Orleans. On the 27th General Butler landed his troops above Fort St. Philip, and the next day both forts surrendered. The floating battery Louisiana was blown* np. On the same day Forts Livingston and Pik were abandoned. Our flag float* over a1.! the forts aad the i Crescent City. The victory is complete Oar Special EspnlKUnaif C?rr?*|>on tlcnca. t"wniii St>7*> Ft-tasmr Hiuttord, > Htuti op Tim 1'iSfia, April 13,1862. J The Rebel* Supposed ti b; Building a AVic Battery?The Work to b; SlorT'd?Tfatrow Etcape of Flag (tfficer far* git!?A Qunheal ghirmith and Rrbel Retrrai?The Chaint Acrvtl the River in a-Snarl?The Cause of the Commotion Amnrtg the Rcb:ls?Fim Weather?The Shell Prac tice Jc. ,-fp. Last ovening the Kathadia, Lieutenant Com manding Treble, arrived from up tbe river and reported tliat an unusual commotion In tbe neighborhood of the fort * led them to suppose the enemy were conitructlnf a battery just above :he wooded point, with a view of planting thero the two heavy rlBsd guns, to that they could prevent the mortar vessel* from lying under ihe ghore. This morning the Ting Officer and FI?et Captain Rolt went on board or tha Harriet Lane, and went up for Ibe f rpose of putting a atop to battery building In any ?reality within the range of onr guns. As we proceeded , up the river it waa noticed tbat there waa something "rragat the chain vessels, and aa we drew near to ( reaonaoitra, we were rtartled by a iharp ra;iort, aad 'i? whiiof a rilled misket ball whlrb paused very clot* U ffe hwul of the Flag Officer. The scaaapa only fired a few before llie gum or the Harriet La. ? aad aoverni of the gunboats were throwing rounU abot, grajio and ahrrpael into tbe ? ida In rneb rapidity at to make that particular placo too otr ,r any riflemen to stand. T think somebody gpt hurt, m tbe meaa time one of the reboi boats fired a. rifle* ^ghty-poander shell which rlchocheted along and fell lust short of tbe Varuna. The Tfestfleld being faat, an I having a one hundred pounder Parrott on board, flred in return, aad in such clone pro* I ml (y to the rebel boat I aha fled, followed hv another vesasl of the aame claas. Another rtwt from the rebel and another from the Wof tfield had tbe tendency to delude us into the be lief tbatfther gunboats would at last atand Are, aad thet> bin running waa only a ruse to ret a better poaliion. But, ata?, tor bum in calculation, they boat tli? retraaa and Aed Ingierlously, aad tc->k shelter under the frown ing walls of Fori Jackson, if Captain lleushaw.of the Westflel*, eoold have had another shot at litem, I think I be would have bagged bis game. Our guoboau am. tbeinaaivaa by aleartbg tbe wood of troops and *haf> shooters. Thia picayune affair reunited In oar fitdlng o*t that owlag to tha lata heavy rulna, tbe river had aw oken very mien, and drift wood has acutuiuUta*. In Mch quantities an the chain er cltalne as te break the taahlnfa on board of the schooners . Mid . tour af then* are jammed oleaa together at one place aad two at aaMher, the others remaltifar in their proper position*. JM the I nyatery of so mud atial exclt'MMant t* tbat lfc-.taUy baa been the efforts o sundry tit js endeswortnc io put I them a^ain In their prir\>r poHltiui. ThaworKeC*n>'ntha was nearly destroyed ;a a day it appears; while I writ* they are busy a?b.a? ropMnn* ?*muiiea. Our in tention la to nnu?y tl vtn to -nigbplf we aaa Nat the tehe e h <-e token the precaution to ainchnr oao of thatr vessels so aa to puaril igaimt our stealthy approach. Iieaday soeuis to be the U?y lixed, by neueriU runu>rs -?i th > otia on wh'e.h we will make our ?4tanc?w Tha mortar vessels wl I hmaa here aftar dark to-morrow or Tijeadav eight end daylight wtlUftnd tliein. In po-tticii ami ?i ?ork. un ships wl'l pi ocsed up et tl? aanw tint* to ei.vtr thew and pr Mot them from tlta fbowol tbe >?*<?) n mit As for myoril, wtsfl we move I will beginu? b?liev* t, bi t not till limn. To day tl.alroqiK in brtd her battery Vic-, a .?*? hy u ? 1 tiiiio-liich |m* from I ha Colorado. \V?? ha-.e I.. < 1 rh o tim e lanle.e. eg, anil I trust wtll be (1 l?i ' liy to luurroivnv'r.dng The l'"?Wtn b is n . yet r >>>-ie up from i'liot Town. kiull ex/ ,eci h i lo-v.w. There It some talk of the i ort?mo? ,th fsa?'.. .f wsr) wMnlng up. Wa Uav e h i i a'lovnly .tiin tsr a f'ir ns Vher is tonc<*rn*'l. but the nece^itltt Of war' t>av'< ? tw 'e ied ?t to work at eoitlmf all day. ? I 11 .ptKuatleaerai flutlar It mn <Jt? or% of rlsrilng f, o.u I Lhlp It'aul wRklila trvtn>t,%o jo.o vtt la rb?a k'<i'n va dertaking. IIbt plan of attack i* woll based and wo hope groat thirgs from him Otia or n??re of the Hkkaiji * si?<ials will i>e in flie e.tpedtttO , and froea thorn yon will have full pn. ticulara 10 rmtril li> Ma iu iveineii'S ami athinvomitl.-. TU-! ?!>at now lying here U tho largest on* yet congr* g-iti-d iii hut-n.-an wate.s.aud i *j>re.->aots nearly every clam of vMa!f,fr<'Ui flrat clnaa kt??uj nloo.euf-war ten U> a frigate armed launch. The mortar liout. (a its (I* sent shape, differ* materially from anything /at at* tempted la warfare. Their practice, as witnessed by ua, m truly fine, and the result oftu? eapkMion.of a thirtna inch shall U a magnificent sight, more so particularly when you are out of ;ta range. I aaa informed by ooia patent authority thai one of then*,striking fairly, wtil crush aaaiiy tho casemates of works Uke Fort Jackson, and if one la every four flred does Mi duty it ia impiee! bio for tha rebols to hold out any length of tiaaa. VtAoaair Haxttood, April lft?Evening. HI MOBTAK MR UIMB WAT. The bustle of warlike preparalien is hourly aaauaalng a mora perceptible form. Tha entire feet of aaartav vessel and several or tha gun boa la hare bean painted inud oelor, aoaa to obstruct tha atght of tha rebel gan nera. A portion of the mortar flotilla went up ynUrtay afternoon, and tha towing reaaels worked at theaa ai night, ao that by an early hour thia morning all af tha Teasels ware away rrorn bora aad in position to aaaa aaenoe work TlmPeasacola oama ap and anohored olaao to ua, and the Mississippi want up tha river. Thia morn ing when 1 came on deck I aaw the entire mortar fleet, or rather what waa left of them, under way, tin and up the river. A fair wind waa aiding them, and every thing aeemed to look aa if sucoesa wan la crown oar ef forts. The Richmond bad her sailing orders, and moved up the river at ton o'clock. Not* aaortar veaaal Is now to be seen, and the only ships her* now are the follow ing:?Flagship Hartford, Brooklyn, l'ensacola (oo*ltug), Varana (coaling), Cayuga (repairing engine). M goinery (to sail to morrow with despatches westward), and ba:k A. Houghton,Pooler'satoro vossol. The aloop-of-war Portsmouth will probabie oonte ap and several gunboats. We expect (leneral Kuller hero to morrow or Ttwreday. Had It not been for the delay caused by the lack of coal for the I'ensaoola and some ef the gunboats we would have gone up to day. The mor tar flotilla will probably open Are to morrow, and from the time they begin must be dated the fail of New Or* leans. The weather Is dull and heavy, with prospects of a southeast storm. Foun Miusb bklow Fobt Jambo*. April I?, 1 to* START?BtlKLL I'RAITICK?TIIK PIlFKl TO TAB Vfff 1 TUB SQUADRON. At one o'ol ck |hla afternoon the Drooklyn and Ptw | sacola were mo* up to this ploco. The Portsmoutk, sloop-of-war, wili-ba up to-morrow. At three o'clock we got undor way and caiaa up hora, after having remained at tha head of tie Paaaoo on* month and una day. if* live o'clock, who* off tha Jump, we fall In with tha Brit ish ateamor BarrocouU; wa bth a:owad down, aai tka flag officer Mn; aona despatches oa board, after wktah wa both pursaed our own coarse. Just shorn tha Jump wa fcua<S a portion of tha mortar wmmto which had bow tamed up, and ware awaiting tha time to ba timed still further up and Into their fighting positun. A lively little time at aheB practice was t ** m when wa cam- up; and from one of our tops, whore boferal of our officers ware gathcen*. i could be seen tka farts, rebel stcamors, *c. Una ahoh came close to thom, and four of them want up tlia river for sow* purpose unknown to us. We are lying only ? I few yards outsido of their rifle ranee, sum uuded by a* kindr of vessel* T omorrow wa will get into rirsltf I An interchange of i-*otg has boen going on all day-ian*. and nightfall closed it. From all aacounta tha cbaia is next to useless tor the purpose it was intended. Tka M lowiny-is the order of sailing for our squadron: i'irU Dintion of Shift Flag Olkcer ft. O. Karragut Commanding. Hartford (Qag-^lp) ("oinmaiidjr R. WalnwrlgM. Brooklyn Captain * ravan. Richmond (ctinmjader Aldan. Second Dintion *f Shift. Pensacola Oiptain Morris. Portsmouth (sailing etoop)...Commander Swart wonk Mississippi Comma ider Smith. FtrU lHvuion?Gunboalt. Captain T. 1*1 ley, second la command. Onalda Commander I-oe Varana Commander Hoggs. Katahdin. Lieut. Commanding Preble. Kinoo JJout. Commanding Ranaaat Wissahickon Lteut. Commanding Smith. Cayuga Menu Commanding bnlMt Second Dnititm?GwnboaU, Commander H. U. Belt, Fleet Commander. Iroquois Commander Do Gamp. Sciota Lieut. Command 'g DonaMnaa. Kennebeck Hoot Commanding ImmK Plnola Lieut. Commanding Cranky. Itasca Lieut. Command'g CaaldwnM. Winona I.lout. Commanding Nichofe Ai Steam screw aloope-of-var Sailing sloops Paddle-wheel sloops Third olaaasloopa. ~=f Nowgunbeau ? l'archaeed gunboat oonunaB mtrart mncu* nomu. Harriot Inns (flag ahlpj Commander Walnwrigkt. Miami Lieutenant Com 'g Bar aid. Owaace-. Lieutenant Com'g Quest. Weatfield Commander Renahaw. Clifto?. NOBTAB VK-a-LS. Ftrst DivUion. fUet?lfe. Name. Commander. N0rf0Ut P*ck?* I I OmMK flagship of tke blue, J . Smith. 2?9chr Arlettta Acting Muter Smith I?Sophrona * -- 4?Para Acting .Mastor Kurbor. 6?C. P. Williams . n Lee Acting faster Godfrey. T?W Bacon Rodgere. Second Diet he* ?>?Sohr. T.A.Ward, Use 1 ...? , _ __ sh,p of the red... J .^"tenant Qneon. 9?Schr. A. Itugel Acting Mir.ter Jeoks. 10?8chr. M Vahsar, Jr AciingjAtaeter Savage. 11?0 Mungham Acting M utcr Outline. 12?s< lir. U. J. Carlton ....Acting Master Jaeka. Ik?Selir. S. Clones........Acting .Master Adasss. U?stitr. Orvotta Acting Master Blisckiik T. irrl iHcuiun. 16?!i?-kentine H. Boiis, 1 ... _ lla^h.p of tlio White / -^tenant Breoso. 1ft?Kchr. J. Criihth Acting Master Brown.. J2?'?chr. Racer Acting Master Phinney. 1'?*?hr. S. Hruon Ac'ing Master Christian. 1*?Schr. H. Jan oh Actiu^Jttoter P.mnlngtea. 20?S;lir. Dan Acting Maator Brown. 21?Brig rteaFoam Acting,Master Williams. lVtal?28 roaacls. Orsnd total?both fleet*?39 We cxpeot the Octorara here daiJ^ ani the Jackoaax but I think we will not wait here aay longer for anr b->-!y. The Sachem surveying steamer is here. Tlio French ctuume.* Milan got under way this alter noon, and It wa* his int.-ntion to come uptoeee tke fight He was not In sight .it ei,;h*j>'clock this evonlaa. All the evening l-ri#;ht ligius havaboea moving <u*<mad the position of ihoch^in ac oasthorinrt and wo wm inise that tho rebels ara r< pairiaa dainaireo rinsed hw the late freshet. FtAO-nir Hu jvw?t>, April IT, ] TimVIBB furrs?HOW THK M'lRTAB Sl'lTf win IB SB SB IB WOBBYIRO TUB t LI JO- S SKUtmi. At tvs o'clock this morning it waa roporUu 'liat a no rait waa coming down tha rlyor, and s jref nough la afMr nunjtee afterwards tho bu*niug affair came around tha. point, but owing to tho iresh windUewiag up tho river hw ? progress was very slow. Si<uaU-swero immedutely madn . to two or three or the gunboats to take it In charge. A Sew shells were Bred into it, but. they did not a8bettt< much. A boat from the Inxjuola-went alongside of it ati threw grappiinga lu it snd towed, it eiear of the vaooofe. Only three vessels or lered lort tbeir anchorage. 1 musk > eon ft as our people laughed at tho&oUohness or the rebete in sending this raft down at such a two and nndor raah oircumstances. At lialf-past ain o'al ock tho raft wm lowed oa shore and allowed tobnrn ap at Its own leiannw The raft used oa this oooasion wan a common flat boat, say one bundrel and fitly .foot long by fifty feeU>vn4. and about eight feet. dee*. TMa was tiled with plno knots, rosin and other comhaetiblo matter, bunUs^.? fiercely and making a does# nalnese of black antsfc% U. floated at the asia of tno and a kalf knota per l?ur. AUt the rebels no< atnp.ished hy this nerr feat was t? want a* or otnera to.ooins,a?U ji?o an an opportunity, by day light, to obc-viae our man cms their diapaaal. m some ef> the veswln here m?n and oOMars, or I ahorki say pot* ttom ofthem, kuow rwthin?e( the raft until oldiolhaoa. at tho broskfsst t.i'jie After tkorsfi affair my iMenttob waa directed to MMk mortar V ^aaels. They warn oorering tha i maatlwodo and rlsgiug with tieeu. u-oa branohoa, ? that. wMls? lying uu>ler tho f:lam\ij? nne terol the 'fees now tlMh n?i is, their nic.?jR mail appear as Ireos over the tops of the rut lao " inn. 1 ho vetMlo which a/e to lay on ?h? ott er >l?leef Jiu ri?ocare covering lhei( alder wi|!, biaiK-lies. ami ifilt were i< >t tor ihoir laKats one so-. 4 tell tbure ?<-ero at.y v?>sseh there. av hiir p* t too thin morning several I'Minr, . ? do-?A an<l ticl ai our vessels. We r#ot ihr'n.^'iunon 4 to Uoiu. aad as s.>nn ss tbey i p?iio?i iirs ae iwkak vsont up the tlvr?. Uappeivrsionjoiliat tKirsholt ? widi avwttig to worry uea? iii'fch aa tin y ??n, iaJ . .1 weary ut with much watching In proof "f. tuixllty d** wu lliiS afteriioon suit o^entid a bt.ak lira (ai oul giiii! oal?, who b were up <m puaet a jty. fUei fttiraiisk la-1< 4 f- i- thtee ^itartera or ath iur, fo?# tsl>e'i g nfiiOta nii'ltlie f.rt operatiiiii agaiiv<ttbe KliiOn. KMIudln aad Owa eo. Bu.*i<ieutly the\?-unaemeio>t tu lift; bat JI st la time to b? ffcsIW w'lli Hi > oiherH While the f> lit!??? (1 ing on ilia mtuKS. ysr?H ?n<1 rlgfln/ we?o hi i(k \t ith ?pectatori(, wb # wit.ohed tlio affair with muoh ItitvrSKI. Wo exi?6t the ann|M down U> night, wills all liir ' lira ap;i'ir.?."aiwJi. At ill" time I i.ns writltiS (seven o'rltwh) tho *ff or a ' bn^ht light,*? cornpwit luc to iaavc tb:< sheet ur.d ko on ile. k > tA<?Nie, April 17?11 P. M. tw? rine a*t r ] hsve.iux time from lliederk, having vltnawse* nan ol the lltiost rights H has aver been rry lei to a#e Tke rehrh ?ant down a acnw shout one hundred feet l<m? hliaj with p' tt know tM? til ?M?raitd w lh tar, Tkt ,