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Wmi wm freak from the sooth war 4, aad * burned ?K ??rda tasty, looking very much lit* a prairie Are. 8tg> Ml ?m made (lor boa la to tow the raft away from IM ridpyteg, and about forty boats war* irnniwd and e*4 mm J, eaah provided with grapnels and flro bucket*. Ao picket boata Kineo and Kathadtn worked around 4 awt trad tee or two shells in it, hut the Weatfleld wool V and raa tier bow into It, aud than played a powerful stream of water oa it. Now tho beau found an oppor Mtf, aad went alongside aud boarded the flro raft and ?minced baling water into it, and in twenty minutes titty puMhe flro out. They then towed it aahore near where tho one that eame down to the morning waa moored. While this was going on, tho rebels had small ww hoats out watching the progreea of their dull, and ?t probably with regret their inglorioua results aad our high eefoyment. No amnsemeat they could possibly mm, op eould be more acceptable to our won. Tne mor tar floet sailors were in ecatacies and they extinguished Iko Oames In short order, and received the hearty cheers ef the vessels as thoy passed along. With their two Are mfta the rebo m have accomplished nothing, except to ban ua how to handle thorn. At half-past too P. M. the attop-of-war (sailing) Portsmouth arrived and anchored THE BOMBARDMENT. Pint Dajr'i Bombardment* Flaosbif,, April 18,1802. fltod Friday. We hare rested quietly all night, and ?mesh baa concluded his raftl are of do account; or if be km not eome to tbat conclusion be ought to have done m. At early dawn the towing teasels or Porter's fleet task eacb four vessels in tow and proceeded up tbe Sr to their fighting stations. It was a splendid sight? r masts and rigging covered with green boughs; tbe arger number were anchored on the right bank of tbe river, while Ave were put in position on tbe left bank. Ibeir every movement waa watched with great interest by the officers and men in onr squadron. TBI KXBKLS OFU TOM. At aine o'clock precisely, and before all the mortar vm Mil bad taken their position, the rebels opened Are' was Instantly returned by the mortars, and tbu^ the bombardment of Fort Jackson. The Are of (ft* rebels at first fell short, but after an hour's practice feey exceeded tbe range. m MOBTAB BOATS BO KXBCTTIOK. Tbe first half hour of mortar practice their shells burst tmMgh, but after that time they succeeded In getting fretty near tbe right range. This having been done tbe tombs dew at a fearful rate, and from the mastheads Of oar vessels we ootid see that they were doing good exe tbe CHITS om mi. Tbe Iroquois, Cayuga,Sciota and WissahJcken opened' at tea o'clock with eleven-inch shells and fifteen second ononi rota turn. At twenty-five minutes past ten o'clock a fire raft was ttsoovered coming down the river, it did not disturb fee equanimity of a single person in our partv. After irlfting out clear of the point it went ashore a few hun* tied yards below the chain, and remained there, burn tag for hours. About this time the heavy explosions of fee mortars had the effect to drive I he bees out of the woods, and they came off in swarms to the vessels. At eleven o'clock auoiher raft was towed down, and the ?fanmar doing that duty was reminded of lite clone prox imity of our gunboats by having the shells thrown Oreandherin n manner I should tli Ink might bo called ??pleasant. Notwithstanding her eif.>rts uuder such a fee ef shells she was forced to abandon her project, and ?gain tbo fire raft went ashore. This makes tho fo irth tmy have sent down, and they all hsve luet with the aiMoifcte. In our opinion fire rafts are "played out." TUB B'Mffl OF THR (IIAIM. It was currently reported that the remaining four or fee original eight schooners supporting the cliain are provided wttU howitzers, and that they exercued tbeta "vee in tiring at our boats sont out to take charge ef i fire rafts, and also thatone of these schooners mounts etsven-int h mortar. I think tbe report is true. I ; we will sink the schooners to night. 'mans Vlkibt or inn s:!* Baannra uum db uxtbd. ' lb return totto bombardment. At times there were Arms eight to ten shells In the air at one time, and it is ?sle to say that one In ten hit tbe mark. The rebels were compelled to leave tbe barbette guns shortly after em, and work their casemate guns and tbe riU6 guns In fee water battery flanking the fort. As a shell wouia Ml tbe fort a cheer would go up from a ship and be mmod along from vessel to vessel. The rebels, we Mad. have a projectile which thoy throw up at a great iMmatlou; it then bursts and projects a shot which falls tremendous force. With thin aflalr they have made splendid allots. Several vessels have narrowly es being bit by them?our ship among tbe number, aoon tbe squadron moved up close to the scene of and ji at outside tbe range of tbe fort. zaa isxiviL or ouiul butler. At foor o'clock General Butler arrived with live tbou mai treses. rcmrt jacasost em rats. ?br a ling time tbe bombs flew thick and raster. Aft Mm o'clock tbe fort was reported to be on fire, and wm going aloft 1 must confet s that I azroo with the ma fatity that the woodwork of rort Jackson was on fire. ? appeared great m Sumter did when it was ?? fire, burnt like it, looked like it, and 1 fbel oonfldent it must be so. It was burning at a fete bow. At tbe time 1 was aMl only two guns were betas worked on tbe Port Jackson side?ind they were In tbe water battery?and two rifled guns in Fort St. VbUlp, to which we have not yet paid our respects. At minutes put six the Harriet Lane signalised tbe vessels to ceaue firing. I have heard of no aoci to any person. But two or tbe mortar vessels have bit. One of them had ber cabin Knocked into , and another one had a shot pnt through ber HSHM, and she hauled out or action for about an mm. Thus far you have the notee of tbe day. All bands are tired out and gladly seek their bammocka to ?oertH their energiee for the morrow. SceoBd Dsy'i Bombardneal. .SitfEDAT, April 19,1M3. ?night paaasd away without anything of not* oc I, and the men had an opportunity of obtaining Mr aeuoh-n?ede<l rant. It swrai to ma that th? bom tsrdmsnt shoal d have been kept up during the entire atgkt, even if we did not throw but one shell la the HHM of tea or Ofteen minute*. This day was usbon-d in upon us in beauty, with a Ofbt southeast wind, which gradually increased until afcsat ten o'clock, when it had attained Its maximum. Ae sua was Tory warm and the beat waa at times quite At half-post six o'ekx k the mortar vessels i the second day's bombardment. The Are at first ens Stow, sad the vsssols which were en the left task Of Iks river yesterday have b see placed In position ?a the other bask near our anchorage. At terra o'cioo* ghs gunboats Wfssahickon and Cayuga opened (lis on lbs Harts. It was reported that ths enemy had durisg ths sight erected a battery on the point, and were throwing ?kails st the mortar ve?boU. At ths same time Ms aosslarsUng projsctHs was st work, and their was gstting nearer and noarsr. Ths Oasida, id Saw" * __ S;k>U were ssnt up to support sad covsr ths msrtar Teasels, while ths Wlssahlokcn ?ad Cajrafa were rslieved?they having been on duty ?wsatg-fonr boors. As sooa ss these vskssIs bad open Irs Fort Jackson opened Ore from her casemate guns, Sad kept up a vary henry flrs. A very brisk trs wss ?aw going sa, and it seems wonderful that our Teasels asts aot sank la the conrss of an hour. tub smooHkn naau 1. oabi.ton *?*?. 41 half-past eleven o'clock a rifle shot went through fha schooner Maria J. Carlton, and she sank In sboat fly miaows. Kvsryth lag wss saved from hsrsasspt ths bmttar, sad only two or three mea wars Injured tOgbtly by splinters. 1 might as well ststs bars that In ?qr letters 1 will (tarnish a correal list of killed and sssandsd, ss they some to me through ths prop r cbau ?sis, thereby causing no unnecessary anxiety amoag ths fcSM-ls whs haTS frisnds In the floet. Jsst after ths stoking of the N. J. Carlton the gunboats Hassa sad Klaso were ordered lato close action, the Ssaa bslagssot as by Captain Porter to ssslst. an tmuuvm ukk oV ths num. I asrsr saw such a tremendous firs conssatratsd on a aSMk ass* of boats la ray life. Fsch moment It sesmed asassass sas sf the boats asust l>e hit. The Oosida at Wanted much attsation by hsr coolness and her heavy fit. Psrhaps I may ba doing isjnstlcs by mentiostoga gbrtlmlar vsasel, for saah vessel sumid to ontvls each ?tags la tghtiag. Ths aasmy, in attempting to disabls Mas si ths gunboats.rame near bluing us. *na oxbida air twks. A*two e'stoek the Oneida was Wt twice,ene tsn-lach aaltd ahotfrsm aColumbiad striklug a Uiit ty-two pound sr gaassrriage and kaocklog off one of ths trucks, and pass lug out of ths ship on ths port slds. shortly sflsr Wtrts sastbsr shot of lbs same description hit the for ward part ef tha starboard after port, striking the oar rises of aa stsvsndnch pivot gun sad then lodging on daik. This shot wounded nlns msa, but none assrtally. Ons poor fellow lost his left hand. Br. Mia wssssag for, sad Dr. Jaokssn,sf ths Brookiya, wsat also to render assistance. Ths pivot gnn of ths Onslda Is not Iqjured, but the pivot rail allghtly, aad to rspair It sfte hiulsd out of action. IBB run Mi HUM THK SORTS BLilTrHTS. At about half-past ibitw o'clock the ilring from the (trie began to alackru. If they o i,> 1ml atiown It. they had sssspelled some of the ni l tai vsssr'sto shirt their |iltl|n?< farther sat Into the river. At four o clock I srsnt is the masthead and found taat Fort Jsckson was mieut,and only the water battery and Fort H?. Philip sa> at work. Oar mortar shells vers fulling all around fwt. I aetseeS that ontJ6l. at I ju lfrtt, itUo ttu walar lattery, and, in cor\/u motion, that guu Aaj not bern fittd (wtrs. That gun waa a Umluch coluuiblad, and'hud d us inuch troubls. Our gunb< ats were throwing j with fins effect, ths Kines in particular. I: is a rd matter to tell exactly the effftct of oar shells, h it a fair proportion do their doty. At fivo o'clock lienor I Butler and his ft;.(f ostne on b->ard of this rtilp to corner With the Flag Uillcor. "icti;w-w(i:,t r?r?i" WAVTBtv-wnT? But to roturn to tav .l ailVrs. The Are or the sun heats was up rntil hnlf past six O'clock, when tlicy wars orde,id to discontinue action. We a s mueli difficulty here ? u account of a lark of /v trtn-Mxon'l fun TtofanU it n I nurt. fke /*>?!' <U h,>ni*cri fn t.Utiii. We are i.ovt using thirty .c isond thlrtnen lm h ni.iitir fusss. cut In two, and whittled down to fit our ?liells. We hare->tp"ni!?<l 1 vsr/ large number ol shells', ?nd are now ill wai.t of tl.eee very Ii.i4es. 1 sup,.-* 11 *y* (hsugi'tat homewswsi* ^ inftsdo as iru^ont did? toy alongside ?r the tart ltd blaae away. They forgot ?? had rorta to ?umm4 with that war* hullt to defy (ha navies or the world. V* naad a Monitor here, al?o; but the Waahingtua politicians ara afraid tha rebels would take Washington, and inatead of taking Norfolk they keep her there to Keep the llerrimae in check. Why net lait htr, amd tktn $end Meat bath down kertf The mortar veeaate ara trine at intervale, so thad two or three ahella ara going on their muakon every Ave or ten ainutee. The mortar vessels have loat aome of thair men. The thirteeu-iach sheMs, aa they leave the mortar, look hke fmall shooting star*, but leave ae flery tall, as we have bean told they would. It is a beautiful sight, to say the leoat. A bright flash,a heavy report.and a bright cherry colored globe asoeuds to a great Might, then, slowly losing headway, It begins Its downward course, increasing Its spoed till kat in the distance. Oc casionally one bursts In the air. Third Day's Bombardmtat. ( fcmi IIoimm, April 90,1843. n nun un sr iu man. The mortars hiv? kepi up a Are all ntglit at itaM in tervals by divisions. gome of the mortar vessels lay within thirty yards of as; but so tired are we and so so customed to the noise of the heavy explosions that they do not disturb ns in the least; bat with so much excitement about as it is impossible to receive much refreshing sleep. This morning has broken in spon us in murkiness and an occasional shower of rain; the sun is entirely ob scured, the sir damp and heavy, and, the wind having changed to the northwest, the smoke from the mortars keeps us In a continual fog. A small rebel steamer came down this morning and communicated with the chain schooners and got off before we could hit her. It wss a daring trick. tub woronwD Mtn to a rucm aw aannT, The wounded have been all pat on board of the Katah din and sent to the hospital at Pilot Town. The Pinol and Itasca are to have their masts taken out and other wise fitted for desperate work. The picket boats of yesterday were reoalled at nine o'clock this morning, and the Iroquois, Rennebeo and Winona sent up to do duty, with orders not to wasto a shot. They will do their work, you may rely oo it. This morning a deserter from Fort Jackson came down to one of the headmost mortar vessels and hailed her. A boat was immediately despatched to him and ha was brought on board the Harriet lane, where he was lntor rogated by Capt. Porter. Subsequently he came here. The deserter is a fine looking fellow, a citizen of Pennsyl vania, and. as I learn, a member of Dan Rice's Circus troupe. He wss dressed In a seedy pair of black pants, with a red stripe on each leg. He had a red shirt en and a red Zouave cap. He was covered with mad, the result of hia tramp through the swamps. bow as BKUPBD. He states that at nine o'clock last evening a shell burstl near one of the magazine doors, creating the wildest consternation, and in the midst of this tumult he passed the sentries, jumped into a skiff and crossed the water ditch, and from thence he struck ont for the swamp which lies between the fort and our vessels, hia only guide being the burning fuses of the shells we were throwing over hia head. He states that when an interval woulii elapse between the shells bis heart would noarly fall him lest they should coaso firing. Thus hoping, thus fearing, he wended his way through the dismal and dreary swamp and morass. sometimes waist deep in the mud. His trials lasted until five o'clock this morning, when he come up with the bombardon. OUR PHK1.IS WORKING FINSLY. He reports thit our shells are woiking finely and that u>; ret the ci culel on fire the fir* night, and thinks that if we hail kopt up tbe lire of shells wo would have driven them out of Fort Jacks n. It apitears from his state men. tlu> i ho mag&'.ints and oth ir po tions of the fort are )>r< t ct (1 by a argc quantity of cotton bales, and th it these have been sot on tiro a great miny tim "S. TITS rX?I?ATr8 O TUB KOBT SHATTKRKD. The work is te: ribiy sh ?itere<l, i nd the casemates are n?ar;y broken in many places. The g tuhoats yesterday entirely destroye 1 ono. Only afow mi n have been killed as yet. We have nearly silenced the water battery, disable I a ten-inch oolumbiad and knocked tbe carria^o of another to pitoe3. Our firo is represented as boil 13 terrillc, and the loast damage causes no much consterna tion that it requires the utmost efforts on the part of tbe officers to quiet the men. Our shells, when they fall, bury themselves from twelve to fourteen feet in the earth close to the fort, then explode.and make the whole fort Ihlrly tremble with the shock. Occasionally one bursts in the fort: but those burst outside do the most execution. There are about 1,600men in both torts, mostly foreigners, but commanded by "gentle Southern bloods." THB RAM MANASSAS DISABLED. The ram Manassas is disabled, and has to be towed about; but they have another ram aflair, which he thinks they will send down to-night. This is about tbe sum or his news which has as yet come to my notice. Our anchor dragged this morning, and we were obliged to shift our berth. We have gone up the river about a quarter of a mile further, and are now in fine range of a thirteoii inch mortar in Fort 8t. Philip. 1 would rather lie a few hundred yards lower down. The deiertrr tayt thty cannot let the rnorttr vessel*, sod they fire at our mastheads, which furnishes them an excellent range. While I am writing all tbe captains of our squadron are on board this ship receiving their orders. The following general order was promulgated this day ? OSSBBAL OUT)KB. UbitbdSmtb* Flagship Hartford, ) UHStSMrn River, April 'JO, 1808. J The Flag Officer having heard all the opinions expressed by the different commanders, is of the opinion that what ever is to be done will have to be done quickly, or we will be again reduced to a blockading squadron, without the meaus of carry lug on tlie bombardment, as we have nearly expended all the shells and fuses and material for making cartridges. He has always entertained the same opinions which are expre-sed by Commander I'orUr?that is, that there are three modes of attack, and the ques tion is, which ia the oae to be adopted? llis own opinion is that a combination of two should be made, viz.: The forts should be run,and when a force is once above tlie fort.i to protect the troo;*, they should be landed at Quarantine from the (>ulf side, by.bringing them through the bayou; and then our roroee should move up tbe river, mutually aiding each other, as it can be done to advantage. When, in the opinion of the Flag Officer, the propitious time has arrived, the signal will be made to wel^h and advance to the conflict. If, in hia opinion, at the time or arriving at tbe respective positions of tbe different divi sions oT the fleet, we have the advantage, he will make the signal for'-ciose action," sad abiie the result, con quer or to be conquered, drop author or keep under weigh, as. In his opinion, is best. Unless the signalabove mentioned is made, it will be understood that the order of sailing will be formed after leaving Fort ."V Philip, a d we will proooed up the river in accordance with the original opinion expressed. The programme of th? orders of sailing ac^mpanies this general order, and tbe commanders will them selves in readiness for the service as indicated. rotST ORDBK or FT-Bf.V?I.IKB ARB%T>. frc<inri Firtt Htcoitd Division qf Pii st Du UiiM of i/iVUiuM Diuinion Cunt/oat*. QuiiUmU. if Ship*, oj Ships. ?WORD ORDBK OP flJR. >Vrrt Dieitiom <4 -Shipt. S+ ond DiHtitm ff (hmboati. i Afii ZNrfiioa 9 Dim ion q/ Gunboatt Ship*. j(ii f$< 1111i iij Tirt raapaclfully, your obadientnervant, D. 0. KARR\(iUT, Fla* Offloar, Western Gull Blockading Squadron. Iha mortar veaseia ara hard at work. Th# rebels ara firing Blow, bat far, and our gttnbaats ara nunc accaaioa ally and aa clrcumataocea diclata. VfH.a. roar at. rwt..r oitw rina. A* 1 had aipaatad ><?ri St. rhlllp aaw our mastheads and blazed away at ua with rUlad (una, and for twenty mlnutaa the* dropi*d tha shot around ua lika halt. It it a wondar they did not hit ua. Wa np anchor and ?hlftad berth miou,l can tall you. Wa ara how lying naar our old barth.''Tlia weathar ia vary cold, tha wind blowuig a strong gale. A nor I bar baa aat In, but t trust it will not last long. Wa took the masts out of tha Dank t hi* afternoon At four o'clock moat of tha mortar ??#**!< wara ongagad In replenishing their maguinu, but tha lire waa kept up steadily rrum sotru oi (ham. A littlo robal steamer tau?? down to do something to tha chain, but (ha was quickly driven from hat work. ?OUT JAIU'OW T>on NOT msb. Fort Jackson had not fired a guu thin al'tarnoon, and three or four steamers dodging about In tho vicinity of tha fort lead* many to believe tliat It ia evaciatrd. Fort ft. l'lilllp occasionally Area, but they both aoem to^act cautiauHly, au<i as if th?y wore short oi amui.mtllon. | 10IIT ttffi IN watsk. They canuot keep much In Jackson at any time, but wo liarn Ibat now th'i/ are db igtd to pnnv the xnler out of It to keep their j> wdar diy. I have heard of no casualties to day, eilh r to .nun or vestals. tub i;*rw>rrtON To dbltkot rim chain. An <?'p?dlt on is tielm- fitted out now to blow up all the aha in ve**.-a. I have soon tour barrels of powdor pre pared on t? ard of this alil-i. which ara to ba used oq tha occasion, and I know tha tne I'lno'a is to board one if the vemela. If will be <ld fmMjut, A g?ntlem.m who cmie out bar# for tha pu puna ia now on bond of the liari l?t tjii", and will use soma * .l>m lrlne apparatus on one of the va.aeia. Captain Ball ia to take charge of t|ie _afeir. fiver/ una l* pb tha yaiptv t^t a?|lf?jpj i The night la pretty dark, ksd every thing, 1 trust, will turn out right. a* wxrumam a m ran. About niM o'clock the Vmott o>uao down, and re ported that there had been a heavy explosion in the fort. It waa seen from our deck, but of co iree we are unable to decide what ia the extent of the mjury. m airwnoa arams. It waa nearly ten o'clock before the chiin expedition started. The vessels which went np were the Itasca and Pinola. We watched them with mueh inter eat until ihey were loat in the darkneee. As the momenta passed they seemed hours, and a quiet anxiety waa man If eat all over the ships. Koorea were watching for the antici pated explosion. a voiaxy or annul raoa m moktar fw. At a xi van-signal the mortar vessels, which had been keeping up a slow Ore, opened a tremendous volley of ahull. Such a sight waa never aeon in wurfare; from three t? eight abulia were cootlnually in the air, and fallttiglike a meteoric shower around the fort, and to add to the beauty of the scene the bombardon were aig naling with Castou's lights. In the dim distance could bo seen the Iroquola, Kennebec and Winona, but no trace waa visible oi the two little orafta containing the devoted band or daring men. Presently a rocket went up from fort Jackson, and then both forts opened tre with their heavy guns. N<>t ono of our vessels tired n shot, but the rebels blazed away at a fearful rate. Hun dreds of anxious bear la were beating fiat, and perfect quiet prevailed on deck and aloft. TBH CHAIN AOKO88 Till MISSISSIPPI BROEKN. Over an hour's suspense and a boat came down the rtver. It pnivod to be a boat from the I'inola to report the chain broken, and that the Itaska waa hard and fast ashore. The Cring at the forts had now slackened,and we were afraid that if she did not get off before the m<>on roee they would capture her, so we aent ordera to the picket boats to tow her off immediately,and, if neces sary, to throw overboird her guns, as we could supply a deficiency in that line of ordnance stores. T IK OI'KRATIOX OK BRSAXIXU TOT CHAH?. It appears that each of our veasela bad selected a par ticular vessel to operate upon, and in the darkness and owing to tha strength of the current, It was found im possible to get into the position desired. Two vessels were boardtd and out adrift, but none waa blown up, aa waa Intended. ma xonrano a vailcm. The snbmarine gentleman located his torpedo, bnt the wire breaking of course his aflhir failed. The work ac complished, although not so great aa could be desired, is of vast Importance, and will enable ua to pass this mnch dreads'! barrier. At midnight all the vessels returned, and the mortar fire waa alackeued down to its regular order. Fourth Dkjr'a Bombardment. Monday, April n, 1843. ixorm ma un. At two o'clock this morning, and just after the moon began to light np everything beautifully, the enemy set Or* to ? raft, near Fort Jackson which was much larger than an/ on* they had sent down. Owing to a fair wind a*d a very ?wift current, it oame down with terrific fury and speed. The fleet prepared for It, and It drifted by as, crackling and emitting dense volnmae of black smoke. It passed within ffty fed of us. The 8oiota was slightly injured by o-iming in contact with it. Porter's vessels and our picket boats took it in charge, and put the fire out and drove It ashore. The norther still continues blowing hard, the weather is extremely cold, and the current of the river is still running very swiftly. At twenty minutes past eight o'clock this minting a rebel stcainor came down, we sup pose, to got hold of one of the chain schooners; but one of our gunboats is reported to have hit ber. At any rate her stay was very short indeed. mi FORTH RBIKVOROR*. The forts now commenced tiring, and from the mast head-i it is reported that ste mors are just above the forts, and are supplying them with powder and pro. visions. A ton-inch oolumbi id and a heavy rifle are at work at our gunboats, but do not hit anything. Jt is true t'icy throw their shots all around them. At nine o'clock the Varuna, Wissahickon and Cayuga were or* dared up to relieve the Iroquois, Winona and Kenuebeok' As soon as the relief w is being made the enemy opened very heavy Are, and threw their shots all around us. The Sciota and Kineo nre being repaired ef the damage done to them by colliding this morning when the raft came down. rra Mo rrxa towels?toon thocsaxd snRu.? *hr iwn. Our mortar vessels aro working well, and 1 loarn they fire on an averago eighty ? holla per day. According to that estimate they mu* have thrown already about four thousand shells up to noon to-day. It is becoming yty tedious to hear nothing but bong, bang, ban*, all day and all night without having a knowledge of the eifcct of ow efforts. My rest is but little in romparixmto the rc yuirrmtn'.t of my h'attk ami duties, but I must console my self by knowina if we are victorious (hat it will be homr worth being credited with to Maw participated in the taking 00 two heavy f#rti ly >hips. We have great odds against us, but If our ammunition holds out we are all right. Our supply is exhaustible, and already we have made large inroads into It. thk TKnmrui mm or Tim forts oorrmvvD. From ten o'clock up to noon the forts kept up a terrible Are on the mortar vessels and our gun boots. Since the bombardment commenced they have not tired as fiercely as they have done during that time. At times their shot fell around us quite fast. Shortly after noon their fire slackened, but by two o'clock they had again increased their Are and were working with redoubled fury. TIB RES EI. no ATX DRIVE* OFF. At three o'clock a steamer oamo down to the fort, and shortly after the firing agnln slackened. Our gunboats threw rifled shells and eleven-iuch shells at her and drove her off. The enemy's boats cannot lie around the fort as they formerly did, as our overreaching mortar shells fall ?3 thick and fast as to render it highly danger ous. The wind is going down and I am of the opinion that our shells go too far and do not do as mnch execu tion as coukl be desired. At four o'clock It wr.s reported a new battery was opening fire and throwing shells over Fort Jackson at onr mortar vessels. A MORTAR VMHH. STKK. A mortar vessel is reported to have been sunk this afternoon, bat the report as yet lacVa confirmation. One thiug Is very certain, tliat olio of them has been ma<lo a target of liy the enemy this afternoon, and in Bolf-del'enco she sndved off shore a little aud opened ber mortar on two heavy guns In Fort St. Pliiiip, which were troubling her. A half dozen well directed shells had the desired efl'oct, and the xung wore silenced. Reports came m this evening that the Iroquois hit a rebel steamer this morulnK A RKBEL il'in.1 STKAMKR UMIAK VP. At about six o'clock a rob- I steamer caine down to land provisions and powder at Fort Jnckton, and before she hail finished one of our mortar shells burst either on hor or over her,and a tremendous explosion followed. It Is supposed that we hit one of their supples of powder. Too explosion was toon front aloft and irom the deck by scores of our i?o|>le, and the general imp:-*-" ion is as I have stated. ftmneif fie Harriet I-aue'sofficers, to company with the deserter who came down from the Tort, went off this aftemnou to seo what ?tloci < or shells were having upon fort .lark: on. At tho tlinefwrlto (ten ' 'clock) we h*\ a not heard from them. TH7 IIKHKLS TJtV TO MKND THEIR CU*!*.. At eight o'clock a (lie raft t?< reported a^d we went to "quarters." It turned out to be a bright light up tho river in the vicinity of the chain vessels, itrobaKTy lor tbe double purpose of aiding tho euemr to repair tho chain, and to warn them of approaching danger. Ft vo or six or the enemy's steamers are about three mflos ahetre tho forte dodging around. Till FLAM TO MoRM TIUI FORT'. General Duller Is very atniou* iu regard to the arrival of tbe steamer Henry Ijewls. which broke down on her way here from r?bip Island. she bad all tbe scaling lad der* on board, and m -oon ss she comes we may expect a stormy time. On tbe weather now depend" much in relation to oar movements. We know not now whit an hour may bring forth; but 1 believe we are prepared for must anything. The forte are firing at interva's this evening, and the baabvrders are thvosrlog their usual quota of shot's. 1 should think they would be heartily tired by tais time. Our launches are at work to-day supplying th mwith powder and shells. I forgot to say that th? ferry boat Jackson arrived here lust evening, and has already done much valuable service. ma omnocfl smirr or trr firiso. One rurlous fart I noticed to-day?that the explosion of the heavy guns at the forte, two and three fourth miles away from us, jar the ship more heavily thau tbe mortars do. which lie within one hundred yards of m. An other tact came to my notice also?tbat when there to a heavy cannonading guiu* on between our gunboats and thelorta large quantities of dead fish float past our vessels. I learn to-day that where the chain schooners toy the current is very swift, and that the schooners ere moored by two anchors ahead and one astern, and that the spars of them are allowed to trail astern along their entire*distanco. so tbat If n boat boarded one she would be obliged, in desiring to hair l another, to drilt n long way below the srbooner, and then to pull up against the besvy current. It ia a well planned affair. Vint* Day's Bombardment. Tcmimt, April It. N"thing of linking ini|?ortatica occurred during the night, the mortar vee*c!? keeping up tbeir initial ?mount of bombarding. No raft* or ruins dintui t><*t our alum ban. After sunri-e not a cloud ?h to be smd, And tba day j?romUed to be fair and warm. Tba Oneida, Kiaee and Kutahdin were orderod on guard, and the boats which hud b<>en up the past twenty.fbnr hour* gladly obeyed the recall sigual. T ho enemy ba I been bimy at the chain all night, but daylight showed that I hay had arcomi>ilftlia<l nothing. TH* MMR. HIAVT OCXS (?nirri!l> TO A WAT?K KAITKRT. It appoars the ouemy inve ihif tad una or more of thair hfHvy gnus to a small outwork at Tort At. Philip, and annoyed (be mortar reeeel* to much that two or three c( tbuui tin nail their attention to the pal<i small battery. A MIBIJ. mSMOrHTH A KWirt. CVS. In the course of thair practice eye-wltn<w*oe tell ma that one of the thirteen inch shall* bit the breeeh of a rory heavy gun on the battery, capsizing It, and then exploded. The mortar men de?erve much pralee for their steady and henry Are. I eanoot see btwftbey endure It . but I am told that eo mnny shot* have h!t aronnd them, doing no damage, that they begin to think they have charmed lives and will not be hit at all. The story la, wo ge up paat tbe forte to night. At any rate irt hay* bad ounpll of WW ??< ?y*rj preparaitoa has bwi made provMW "sock and each In the case." ?? WBDi na nr. tin Ouida has been till uub to-day; k nine-inch ?bell passed th ough bar sm ku stack and bridge, thea strlklug the dack, exploded. lakiag e# tbe left leg and left arin of Um Sign*! Quartermaster. 1 saw bin at eight o'clock P. 11., and no was doing well; and be being a [strong, hearty man, it is hoped thai his lira will ba saved. Thirteen man have bean wounded la that vassal, and I can aaaure 70a it does aot create the moat pleasant feeling on board of bar. ms coats ditto TBua naa. The forta have barn Bring pretty brlakly to day, and. as usual, had liiair regular amount of p. attics at the flag ship. The Kaihadia na rowly escaped being hit by a ten inch ibot while lying abeam of ua. Our gtiuboais have not expended ao many ebella to-day, aa their preeeooe baa the e'Jeet to draw the Bre ef the forta at the mor tar vesseis. The euerny bare not sent down aa maay steamers aa csval to day. ohb or 111 cmaiw bafts adbift. Tbla afternoon the trnnk cabin of a veaael drifted by us, itud shortly afterwards a log raft aud aoow, bottom up, came down. I bad the good fortune to (jet iu a boat and get ou the raft. It waa built of eleven IgS, whose diameter varied from four to two feel, each one twenty five tout long. Ilte&e were secured together by tbreeone aad ouc-quarter inch chains, each clogged so aa not to slip out. Another heavy chain was fastened to one end of the raft to m or it by, aud the whole structure waa crossed by the chain winch was stretched across tho river. Murks of recent work upon It were visible. Now spikos, just driven in and others not in place, were lying in the ere vices of the bark. It was a good idea, save in one particular?a shackle lay on the raft, and hadauy odo attempted to sut It, his trouble would nave beuu les aened by knocking tho shackle pin out. now IYSOTUMKB. Tbo scow had been by some meana captrised, and was Ailed with holes caused by pieces of elvelis. The raft also bore marks of piect-s of shells. It is a fair suopositkm to say that the enemy in bis attempt to repair tha damages to the chain baa had sheila thrown aroundItim ao fast as to cause him to quit work; and the mainstay of the work?tho raft?got away before they ooald secure it. We towed it noar the shore, aud left it to seek a reeling place at leisure. The Kenna'a c and Wlnooa w?re dismasted to-day. Up to half-past eight o'clock tbia even! ig there has been nothing beard of tbe officers who went off with the deserter last night to cut (Ae Uott above tbe fort. We , are anxious ss to ibcir fata, and fear ill has befallen ttiam miobi's STBV.UUNS run doh tun svcobk. At nino o'clock?the time 1 write ibis?there is a wide ly circulated rumor that Mr. Kb >el, tho submarine man, hasgsueto blow up the remaining ve.?ssJ, and bar sx plosion will be the signal for our advance. A SDintSN VBSSEL FOULS Tim FLAOSHIP. 1 bad not linished tbe above sentence before a heavy crashlug noise under our bow startled us, and the ahip was lifted and then rolled from side to side at tho same time. Tbe chalu cable run out at a tearful rote, and before It could be stopped ono hundred and twenty fa.hums had gone through the hawse holes, 'lhe cat>8tan bars were shipped.aud the rapidity with which the caiwtan revolved threw tbem out, seriously wounding Reveial inc-n. One bad bis arm broken, one was hit in tbe abdomen, aud hi* life was despuired of for sometime, and others were injured more ones*. It is a great wonder that scores wero not killed outright. It was miduight before the ship wss again at her anchor in safety. 8lxlh Day's Bombardment. Wkd.nksdav, April 23,1802. ANOTHCT FIRS BAFT. At two o'clock this morning another Ore raft was sent down to burn us up, but the ill success of previous ones attended It, and no one waa disturbed by its presence. 1 did not sea It or know of it until I turned out this morn ing. The wind is favorable, aud I have no doubt but we willm >ve up to-night. Tue Iroquois, Pioola and Itasca were ordered on duty to-daj. Ths Iroquois has obtained a Sawyer rifle, and will at once try its range. Tue deserter lias returned with tbo parly of the Harriet I-uiie's 0 Ulcere. They wors unable to accomplish anything. Thoir return takes a great load off from our minds, as wa Lad feared sonic ill luck had befallen them. Up to eleven o'clock the forts had not fired a gun, but the mortar vowels were keeping up tlwur Ore. Reports from the mastheads say that ojr shells are doing exe cution in Fort St. Philip. Ths enemy have tweivs steamers in sight from the masthead. 1 four they are throwing another chaiu across tho river at ins Quaran tine. The Miami ran into one of our ships tbis mora tug and lost one of her musts. Our men aro all in good spirits in anticipation of tbe ooming struggle. THK btieni lOUB BILKXCB or TUB BJiBBY. Up to three o'clock P. M. the forts have not fired a gun. This MLeDco betokens movements yet to come. The Iroquoft aud cue of Porter's st< ame.s have been trying the range of their rifled gttns, but tns one in the Iroquuta is reported to be very unsatisfactory in ita per formance. Many thluk tho forts are evacuated, Jackaon m particular, her battle flag being hauled down; but i doubt it. We havo bad tbe quiotunl lime yst siaco ws 0,>ened the struggle. At a quarter before six o'clock this sveoiag a small steamer eamo down and took a good look at us. As soon aa sho left we began to get Into Hue of bat Ms. tns rRoroHED na* or adtasi b. Ths plan is, that Captain Bailey's division engage Fort 8t. rhillp, fliiug only ha fc larboard guns, and ths Flag Offloor's division Fort Jack son, while Commander Bell will endeavor to run by and sugaga Fort t*t. Philip In tbe rear and pes if the river a cloar and drive off tho enemy's gunboats. Tbcrs Is much speculation and snthueiafm In tho fleet, but all are oonfldent of success. Tho Itasca will go ahead and first sea if the way is clear at the chain, and at a given signal wo will advance. Oar battle (lags aro bent on, and wa will fly an ensign at each masthead and a larger one at the mixzon peak. Aa tha sua set in tho west to night it wss w a loiied with interest, and It was remarked th-'t It ml:ht poaeioly be our last sight, of that glorious orb. Determination Is stamped In svary face, and some hard fighting will ba done before the sun will rise on the morrow. THK I BM CKY MIAMI. The Miami ran foul 01 the Brooklyn to-day and carried away her mainmast, killing four men and seriously wounding several olbers. lhe tims for starting has been fixed for one o'clock in tbe morning, and I trust that to morrow at breakfast time we shall bo ab >ve tho forts, lying qulotly at aoch r. A few hours more and the great rrisis comes?victory, or retreat aud a^aui become blockaders, instead of boui barders. Tlitt Glorious Advance of tJie Fleet. EkiHnan 11 ILK* Br. low Xkw Ohikaxs, April 24, 1802. I closed my letter lact evening At roven o'c!> cic, not know!up that I kliould ever h.we an opportunity t, again j,<itu|>fln lo ixtper. In vain ! attempted to obtain Hume eicop, so M to be physically prepared for the contest wbk'h wan lo come off In tlie course of a fo.v h"iir?' All ban (In ficmcl cheerful, but tlwre was a marked feel ing of nwe and resolution iranlfest la every countenance. I will not attempt to (kacrlbe the feelings of anynnn whoee face showed the inward working* of their miud. Wo ull lelt that a most terrible battle noa before us, and Ik>w we were to oncape being terribly cut up was to us a mystery not easily solved. Two henry work*, mouuliwi intk'neighborhood cf two hundred pi'ret, a chain cnbt*, holt' ? <to:cn hulks, a J >trn or mere ilea men, toell arvwd, a rum or two, Jlrenrfh withnul n?mbtr, a foi/t current, aud a drfj-crate foe, were among the number of tiling* against which we knew wo were te contend. An s<vldont to engines or a serious collision and we m-iat all be lost. Tou cannot Imagine how formidable each of thesething* were ia themselves, but, combined, the odris against as seemed overwhelming. Bat trust lag la our leaders, and, more than all, In that wise and overruling Providence who favors the cause of right and justice, we felt almost sure ef winning the contest. Tin m*i* cljar?thb mmut. rem advaxcb. At about eleven o'eloc* the Itasca signalised that the chain was clear and that we could go ahead when rea ly. Everything was quiet around the fleet, save the hissing sound of ibe Steam escaping from the boilers. The night wss moderately flark and a gentle southerly wM made the weather rather hazy. The mortar vessels kept up an tuoonant roar, and bright globes aaoended high aloft te again desoead ia fury at the forts. The second 4tvi. ?ion, under Captain Bally (of the Colorado), formed on the left bank of the river, while the third division was in centre of the lines, the flrst division lying en the right beak ef the river. The fleet were to aall In the following order:? fjrtt Diritidm?Flag Officer Seemd DiritUm?Captain OoeMa. Varnna. Katabdui. Klneo. Wissablckon. Portsmouth, Towed by i. P Jackson. Third JHewteit?Captain Bell commanding. flclota. Imrpwls. Piaola. Its era. Winona. Kennebec. At one o'clock all hands were called, barumorks Stowed, and everything put in readiness to weigh anchor at two o'clock. It was a solemn time, 1 assure yon. The boar seemed tail a few moments. Hie memories of a score of year* Hiited through the mind, and all the courage we possess ed waa screwed up for the event. Tttk iuttiji sk.mai . At two o clock two red tights at enr peek announced the time to get under weigh. I had the honor to hoist the signal with my own hand*. Owing to some unforn soeu delays the second division did not start at the sig nal, and as they had the longest road to travel, It wa" neresssary for us to wait until they started. At three o'clock the moon rose, and a silvery path was marked out oa the swift water* of the river, so sooa to bo the atage on which the greatest naval light baa ever trans, pi red. 7 lie noon had lifted Iwclf above Utf berl Bailey commanding. Caynga. Pensacola. Mississippi. mm joat thirty minutes wfcea aw?y we want for tko battle (round, la the dim diaiaaoe could be bow Uiesigial Urosof Uie tunaf, built to light ep tho river H)d reveal oar position to him. Ob wo steamed, with hearts big with expectation. an imu orm nan. At precisely twenty minutes of four o'clock theeoemy opened fire frt m Fort St. Philip. At that moment I k 'is tod our largest Sur Spangled Ban nor at tho poak, ud then hastening forward, cocked the fore and main oach with an omblom of powor and justice. Three Ainori. can ensigns were floating in a geutle breeze, full speed was given to the ship, the engine 11 did their duly nobly, and en we went, at it were, into Ikejawt ej death. At the tl me tho eaomy opened Oro the mortar Teasels went to work, and tke rapidity with which they threw shells at the rebels was truly wonderful. ths ruusnr joins is tii fight. At Ave minutes of four o'clock our bow gun belched forth Are and smoke, and a messenger, in th-i shape of a nine inch shell, was sent to Fort Jackson?the work? by the way, which wo were to attend to. in a few minutes mure the broadside firing wss commenced. Poth forts were roplylug as fast as they could. liruad side after broadside was being delivered to thvin ia rapid succession, while the mortar vessel* were adding to the dreadful m>l*e. THE HEIGHT OF TUB BATTLB. Shot, shell, cr?P? and canister filled the air with deadly missile*. It was like the breaking up of a thousand worlds?crash?tear?whiz! Such anther teen* tout never wtlneutd by mortal man. {Steadi ly wo steamed on, giving them shall, the forts firing rifle shot and shell, ten inoh columbtads, forty-two, thirty-two and twenty-four pounder bal s ; and, to add to this state of aOfclrs, thirteen steamer* and the floating battery Louisiana, of the enemy, were pouring into and around ns a hail storm of iron perfectly inde scribable. Not satisfied with their firing, fire raft after fire raft wss lit and set adrift to do their work of burn log. The Ram was busy at work trying to shore them under the hows of our vessel. THl BAMtim Gl'HS SUOICSD. As wo drew near abeam of the forts we intermingled grape with shell, which had the effect to silence in a measure the barbette guas. The shot from the enemy, which for some time had gone OTer us, now began to cat us through. xarr iw bstafi op rm flag omen. While in the port mlzzen rigtring the Hag Offi cer narrowly escaped being hit with a rifle slicll. A shell burst on (Jeck, and the concus sion (tunned Lieutenant George Heislrr, of our Marine corps, so that for a time his life was despaired of. I started to po forward to see how things were working there, and the wind of a huge rifle shell knocked the cap off my head. It was a time of terror our guns were llrtag as rapidly ns [lossible, and the howitzers in the tops wero doing excellent execution. RKJ f'L MMRPHIIOOTERS. The rebel steamers were crowded with troop*, who fired volleys of rifle ba!l* at us, most of which did us no hat in. Uno of them came near us, aud I think I am safe in saying slio contained two hunored men. Our howit zers opened on them, an J Captain ilroomo, of the lUrlae corps, openod into her with two nine-inch guns. A UU1K1. VKSSKL EI.OWN TO riKTEK?ALL 1TANLS IaWT. An explosion?terrific yells?a careen, aud that fellow was done for. Their steamers were btld and feat loss; but no s oner did tlioy come in sight of our gunners than they were sunk. Tho Vuruua sunk six of tnein one after another. TUC FLAUriUIF AOROLND AND ON FIRE. In tlit> midst of this awful scene down came a tremen dous Are raft, and the rani shoved hor under out jwi t qn-irter. Tho flames caught our ringing utid side, and far a momont it teemed we must fall a prey to the ra vages of (lr?. A Ore was also burning on the berth deck. The Are bese wos on hand, and we soon subdued the flames, and gave the ram a doso of rifle sfeell. She, how ever. came up for us again, bat some other vessel uokled hor and she hauled off. During this stage of affci a we ground, d, and our fate seemed sealed; but our ben workwl tike beavers, and the engineers soon got the ship astsrn and afloat. It duties lite powers of mjr brain to describe the scene at thij time. The river and its banks were one sheet of flame, and the messengers of death wers moving with lightning swiftness in all directions. Steadily we plied shell and grape, interspersod with shrapnel. Kebetdum began to quake; her boats were fast being nd tl d by well directed broadtides, and they who were able mads f>r the shore to run them on, so that they could aavs their lives. Some were on Arc and others were slaking. Our boys were cheering with a hearty good will, and well they might, for we had almost won the day, and we wore nearly rast the forts. Our ship had been on Ore tbrco times,.ind the was riddled from stem to stem. The cabin was completely gutted, the starboard steurnso all torn np and the armory all knocked into "pA" My clothing was strewn abMt decks, and I was obliged to p:sk M up piece by piece. The manuscript of the bom bard ment came near to d struction by a rife rhtli, which tore up my room and kilted one man. W* ARB PAT Til* FORTS. After being under a torriilc lire for one hour and twenty minutes we were past tho torts, bsi'.ly cut up, a shot hole through mainmast, two in stern and several through us. I frankly confess I am unaMn to describe the scene. Words car not express any adequate idea 01 tho engage ment. Wr.ijipcd u)> in smoke, firiiig and b ingfl.e.iat, shot and bholl whistling like locomotive demons around, sic'.e, before and in the rear of you; flames from lire rafts ene.irrllng you, splinters fly itig in all direetiens and shells bursting overhead I Can you Imagine this scene? If you can, It is more than I can describe as 1 wish to. KLKVEM HKBKL 8TEAMKIM ON FIRI. At hiii-iiaat five o'clock no loss than 'levin rebel steumers wetc in flmitts along each side of the river We stenmcd up to tho Quarantine to anchur, wli?u lol the Kaiu inailo his appears nee, aud saucily flrcd at the Klcbinond. T1K JUSMMtPM DIHAHLK8 1 UK UANAS.->A4. Tlw Mississippi being near at hand, ahont ship Tor tho bla k devil, aud at him .'?bit want with the idea of running him down. The Hum ran,hut f.uding Urn Mis-issip, 1 gaining ou him, he run his nose into tlio bunk of the river, and Immediately about thirty m>n canto up out of the hat'-h and run on there. Tlie Mississippi fired two or Hirer brnadsid'g into her and boarded ber, but finding ?be wan of no earthly account again fired into her, and ?be drifted down the river finking very faat. On roach* ing Quarantine we round that tho Varan* had boon Mink, and that, after ber bravo exploits, she fell, crippled in a glorious cause. tix vaitoxa th* an?*i. Trsam. Captain Boggs of tbo Varuna, finding that a steamer (name unknown), was about to run into him, put lb* vcaael la such position that in being damaged ho could repay It with intercut. On came a large steamer all cla* with Iron about tho how, and hit tbo Vanina In tho port walat, cutting and crushing li. ber tide. She dropped alongside and cleared out lo butt again. She hit th* Varuna a second time, and while la a sinking condition tho Varuna poured tho eight-inch shells Into him so Cist that tbo rebel was sot*on fire and driven on shore. Cifim or tub memo. veml oovmxoa moors. No aoooer had the Varuna cleared herself of this ens tomcr, and while endeavoring to reach th* river bank, than the steamer Governor Moore (formerly the Morgan), com manded by Lieutenant Beverly Keonon, came along Inn crippled condition, and endeavored to run away up the river. The Oneida gar* chase and she surrendered to her. flhe was then found to be on (Ire, and,before th* flame* enuM be subdued, was burned up. Th* Varuna's ecptoita rank among th* brlgbtoat *f those of the engagement. Sue fought iter guns until a portion of tho gnn carriages were submerged In the wa ter. Captaiu Doggs ?vod ali his wounded, but his de*d went down with tho vessel. Th* mart end Striptt umt taming from her mitihemil at tht mmk. arrt m or a jucsku caw, Opposite the ijiiaraiitloo we found several companies of rebel sharpshooters, belonging to the Cbalmotte re. glment, who were raving whit* liege while others wer* leaving as fast as they could. Thle camp fell a price to ( apt tin IUIley's flagship, the Cayuga. The < .Bee re ere hroi.ght on board here, nnd put on their parole, ttur fleet was lound to be .ill present, except the Winona, liimca and Kennebeok, the Portsmouth not hav ing entered thn ttglit. It Is rumored that the Winona suuk daring the ll?bi. They all may be sate bolow the forte. W<i hope eo at least. As soon as we eould bury our dead we prepared to go up to tho city of Now Orleans. We h?re Inst quite a number of uion in the fleet; but, as yot, I am un*hl<> to learn the number or namee. Thefelio .ving is the list of casualties on board ef this ship during lite engagement of this morning:? KOti. Joseph lawrsnce, seaman. William Brown, leadsman-Trial, X WovruJtd. PhillipMorgan, nmiu, Nvwiy. diaries B inks, landsman, severely. Theo. Douglas, officer's steward, severely. Randal Tullafareo, landsman, severely. Henry Mum in)?, ordinary uunii, mtwii; Henry King marine, severely. J. 8. Couoly,, tevcielf. Salnia Doane, seaman, sliphtly. Ceo. While, marine, slightly. George Ket.sUer, Lieutenant of Marines, slight aonrun sion?Total, 12. The wounded are doing well. * am unable to give at present any details of the m gagement beyond my personal observation and recollec tion. I have not slept any for nearly thirty hour*, an* when rested will resume. PLAcniiP, April 24?P. M. THJi ffTAMT roa NSW OkUUJW. At eleven o'clock this morning we ap anchor tor How Orleans, leaTing the Kinoj and Wisi>ahickoa to guard ft* Quarantine and keep possession of the canals, which lead out seaward. Captain Boggs, of the Varun,a wont down to let Uoneral Butler kuow of our success. As wo :eft our anchorage we fonnd for some miles th* htmutm each bank decorated will. witiU Jlagt, and i? ieoeral in? ilancet tattered and torn American emif/nt waned over fishing loggers and houses. Wo were greeted by the waving of handkerchiefs, and the people seemed glad to soe us. In some instances a rabid aeceshor acted with utter contempt at our presence. Every* hero along the rirer wo saw people on horseback, riding to and fro in groat haste, telling the news of our advance. The telegraph wire was cut every few miles; but the peo ple iu New Orleans were warned early of our saoeeos at itie (ort, and were preparing for us. As we advanced up the river tho plantationa spread themselves out in groat beauty ; tha negroes left their labors and came to tho levee, and seemed in perfect eostaciea at our advancing movements. In some pluces their demonstrations were truly tidicrous; they tossed their hats in the air, bowed, curt, sied, and showed by every possible means their joy. At three o'clock we mere off Point La Hache. It bal be.mi reported to us that the river banks were lined witlfc batteries, but we louud no traces of a ythlng in th* battory line. At a plantation named "Magnolia," tee taw a' Ica t thirty teanu plouphing, ana over two hundred negroes came to the levee to greet us. They were is high glee. Dtirnx the afternoon we saw dense vol invn of smoke in the direction of the city of New Orleans, and wo Jurigod from appearance* that something was on Uro. The fWmex continued all th* evening. At eight o'clock we came to anchor about eighteen miles below the city of New Orleans. OflT the City New Orle?ne. FnusHJr Rahtfokd, Friday. April 26, 1SC2. SHIPS >XD COTlD* ok rin*. At a few minutes past midnight the cry of a ?fire raft" startlod u?, and looking up tbe river Ureo large lights were seen, and to avo? my danger we got under way and cruieed Liwut the river for an Hour or so, till we found that tit* iglitu became stationary. By the time we had dropped isleep tho order came to up anchor; but It wai not until .alf past Ave o'clock that we were all under way. *? wo Bteanied along wo fuuu 1 that our lire rafts were flv? argo ships with full cargoes of cottou, and they were nearly coiiHumetl. TUe nvor wan dotted here and thei? wit'i Hhip carpenters' stage, and wn were of th# ,, inion that they had been used in tb? nl iiio ram which wastj cany twent) "Jj* was lauuched on Saturday last. w<? re<*lv?Kl the ? Kre>'ting from tho negroes us we did justordajr. une d.Vsed darkny, w> h a - arpet b^ ,a his ha?dr -h u'ed f oiu tbe bank. 4,Hviirah, hurrah tof Abra? 1 r ^ew'x^city irti s: C \in'iurre?nc< n?* *** ORT'r'H^^l^L?tVjK'worlo? A i a uuarter of eleven we discovered twj werk? known as the Chalmette b.>iteries, one on/*4'1* "'^*,^1 the river. One, 1 should .nidge, contained tea *?***? otli reiKhtcuns. lht signal was Immediately made to prepare lor l.altle. Xojtay wat fying ?"> did Ihry hoi* one at any tim-. At cieveu ?>'f'wk b*lh' J* J * terie" ceiled lire on the Cayuga. owing to tho v cry swift current we were unable to go ahead veiy lent,.at* it was Ave minutes after they o^ned flro befo e we could (Ire a bow gun. The enemy cracked away at M and the shot How around us very rapidly. most oi their shot ruklng along our d?. k and striking on or rcar tho ;?h)P. Vor twenty minutes we atoodiko flrewUhoutbe^ ing able to return a broadslda, which wo knew w >uld si ou silence them. In the meantime the other ve?el? vvi re working with their bow guns on both works, ?ns riJtuaair awwkw??m lumnuss wumkd aro ne hTKOTEP. At the end of the twenty minutes we were within about fifty yards of the battery of ten guns.caeIbeing ? mortar. Tnen we let drive a broadside. Its effect wa? terrible, andnearly aLonced the work. AnoUicr broad side or grape, five secoud shell and a uel I'm taheel Ittil f ork: but an the rebels dW doI hotel white tbey aiooW do, we gave them another touch up, ihree cheere, n??l iben left them to rim they chofc. The ovbrr taiierjr was eoon this vhlp throwing In a broadside to all in work The enemy Urol at us with inlantry. and ao artillery company was coming to tboir tupport, when they l.'.md it was of ?? 1 ?*** the enemy lost flulio a """><>" V* *??'? in tho engagement. Wo lost one man. Thomas, enp?a? if ho fo??*llo and of a rill<- Permit. It is sii.-jwaed he v^blw"ov.rb.?ard by thu wind . f a passing ball an* r ?..?^Th.? *horc In saicty. I heard of one man being. Xvn^'?b^af"mth?nrooklyn. Your ?rreep*>d e i war hit by a splinter, but not seriously tafciRd. Vp.m the time tho batten s "J''1 tkent and were on o ir way again to tho ? lt> it was les> ^"ine^VwrTrw <w rn* MPirw nv '?? TbVnvu* tilled with fhijis on lire, aud all along the hT??lng ve.-si is, no loss than eigh-e? i,^n?j.n i'iiu J iuio linij. .in I iho cmm> \.e.eurnig oth-;si.s ui'tk'ihey cult/ apply 'hltortfc. ^chve^ da s .1 iu\? wan l?i rd of. i lie .<"'i ? .-here wi.s tlitct f'-VT ":h ? . ?. V.(< '/ n to i ''"in <fevr i-rf. At .evce. i?i oy ibe CUaioui II ''We.lay a huni.ri.- raw (th.' Anglo N ? niu). Iho unttnlahod tram s .< two or three m*m w-rion the r.l ?ks at ..Igtif, A ur Ib'n nuspiu.l ..JUIC- II, und alter ?:od4'?g aroimd the rir?>r lo. a timo we cnino t > anchor. It >?n then -ne o el-1*. tiik i inar iir? "f iuk ?rrrw? w.. Tie view from onr d. tks was one ?ui h on wi.l never in all hnumapr- liability be wltiw^cdai-'aln. A Inrge tty lu> at O'r In le\o ? *a? c.?w.;ed bj aioxt.teV mob. 1ho f"H.U- or tli? r.lrs of million* wo. .h o c.u.? iui l htipping at tim?v. ci U''he p oi?le. ? men were lii.sienlog ?P tha lovcf.flriugshli.simdri^er craft a Cast an |. s-sib.o, too MopM were rusl.iiig to and rro ,-um of ikerr 'll'irtlie lm<m, w* rt It y H"ere i,re I "l-?? I'V (h* cmuiL Wen, w<m.en and children were armed with ptotoM, knives ????J ell manner oi weapnne. eheored w-Jeff. Iiav L-, Ite.turegard. *c., ai .1 us. d the u ?t v no awl ob r mm* Ian *ui e tuw.uda us and the good old Hag. I aude moi mm was here a living picture. Order w* w? U? ? thing lust aud MTgotten, and the air waa rent with yel.? Ol (leliAUOO. carr*rv mnutr <*??* > ? biiohk. At two o'clock UH'tain IWley wjot on shore. flvuiB a llag oftruoe, to communicate wilA Uwautborr tie . A? Uie b?ai drew near (lie levee the tmb mirwd the Hug and everything pertaining jo it. U waswjth^he rrr-itwt illffcniry thai lh* navul <?!1V~r? reached the nty Hail, where tho fuy Council, the Mayor and Maj^i oeo? rat I/ivell wore awaUlngthe arrival oT our comm ioi ^nsniWJisD me tub ?T*nv5D?a Of nn aTTtt? 5 Vig"?. er Karragut sent wor.i to the auth?ntiee that ho demanded Uie sui render of the and n??nrd th*m of tbe protection of IM <rfd Hag. ^Th# city being unier mart'al law, the ?lvU autueriWee of course eould do no.hmg; but Major Oen^J _11 i)?? nuiikiioeity he could oubiimikI? aa<A wits Ail ^eO bluster be co^ld Unite, said, -Mr, I will never surrender the city." He wa? politely lnf? raio i th it the city wa? in - ur tsiwer, and. as m h as we r gr tted iho wMton destruction of Wr Tty, we a wild not dtet?rb tbtn, prr vi lrdlhr'iwml'JS. AftOr sc? U It Ti'vell s*roed to ev acuate tho olty with hi- tro.ii* (iMm on, lit to ufeen thousand), and turn the eitynverie lh? civil suthorltlee, ,nd that they m.gbt do M iheyj^ea^ Tlie Interview wnBWvrled a With sHpsMe, tM tifm ftaii? , and l.lemeaaht l*erkins his aid, took a cvriag* sn.i returned to their boal. <k tho reirt. *ey were suited, pistols polutod in their faces, and nil manutr oC In.iignltiesonbred to them. The offloer In charge of^tW b.?ts?Acting Master Morten-was the recipient of all. manner of insults, hut suffered no bodily harm, vim D?Tntx?M or ???* ?*?. Just before Cnpt. Bailey reached the levee tbe ram M e si'Mppi flame Hooting down the rtvwr, wrapped M Nmm. Sbo waa a terrible looking a?kIr, buUt^to ?r.y eighh ?nm oo each side and two at each end?twenty M Ml* en days more snd she would have been coinjrfeted. aa* I think She would have driven us ont of the river, link. lm every vessel we hnd. Mke resembled the Meirlneo somewhat, but I think "he would have been formi dable. The en?my attempted to low her up Uw river, but linding we were sending veeseto to capture her, they set h*ri^flf|1^ voa r*rrrwe or ran art. A boat freen the ship waa along the levee to seise aig the steamer, for iransp^tloo purr-ew,a^ m sr^TjSrStu iu the Krench revolutions. .. A bind ^f desoemdoes hwl ?h?rge of nf fsirs aud '.iioy were backed by I a veil, who. t! .ever Ai <lee It: but he ia accunubl? for VhV'?es.\ ctlon of r '^7, " he set ihb example by Bring his own oett.* #rn. A rnm lay aheig . Th. i..?sa sunk, rnd her wood wurk wms ll? fl? Anot^r r?m ana.r iu aunk on tbe Algiers s i..oT'the river. I am-.nsblef. i bum the detaife of ?uo lot K lie U) shipping -d eott.41. It wUl bo week. l.?f >10 it can be ascertained, and 1 h?ve a light to *np ~ ? that wo never will be able to give tho Iuil perl leu h?ie ol the wanton de trnctlon of roperty whlrh hi* occurred lu snd around this city uuring the laal tw? '' >S OKKOBVtJJUTtO* OTTft* R ? W, *K*V. Tho rebel army In this vl- inity are p?nkj sirl-ken, and it i. reo^red the most disonlerlr s enos Imv9 ore ir red . phin th> lent tw.?n'y itor h u~s. 1 sin unadle V> Cnit a sitw.o porsmi who thinls nin .'elf quaillWd I" give au srenraie stsie nent or the soen.ia tiirougli which we ha.? just pa?jed and witnessed. tm ?OUBuTH!!l W TBI TCTilM. But 1 m ill ??f. that althoughC"ir way has been mai tea (00N1lMrn> ON IKHTH P.vQb]