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NEW YORK IIERALD. JA'lUS Uim DON BEMIBTT, ti iroK axu pkoi'kl-.tor. OKr 10! N VP. CORNER UK FULTON AND NASSAU 8T.i. TEltM: <v*A t? ailnui-v. V rytrnihn mm'will S* at th? n?i o; tut etmJer. Nni- hut Ha?k fcilit -nr/enf in JYew Fo'fc Tit h PAfLT ttERAZD. tuo cen's)*r ropy $7 p4r an*u.n. THf. U'KEKl *' IlkllALO, >> S-itnni , ?, .? rrrnkp-f <*?>|jV.or I" r ? n K Ltion t9r* v '//, <U ?tx ('.'I Jifrcupif, ?$4 nir ana*iH taamy part o/'Great Hrii '"S or $6 1J ?'? M OialtMirf, *??iA 'o inWw/'* /wgfcK/*,1 'As Ci'I'f'oi MCI oh ' A? lltA >Mii 21 v( u/ tat It moulM, at his ortUs urr r.,pu, <. "b per annum. Tilt.' fAMJl.i HKHALD, <u> at four nnls pit coin/. ?>' t^' OKMUltl. V'J/ U:. TA!( r I'ORKICSP'iNnKSCK. rontnt?l"i important ?Mf Wi< tfnt /rnr/i any qua- trr >*' <ke uorl-i, if utod, icitl 1/4 Hhrxll'w fMli.l (nr. W^rOUK K ickicm Co mi Kronen*? ARK fitTH larlt RlCvltlUTKD TO SlaI ALL UrTKllI UD I'ACt Ao(< Sl-M V?. JVO fifOTK'E tnkrn ofarionymju* cor ieip,m<len?. Wt Jo hot return refrrinj .?ommimiaition*. APVFKTISK.VKIVTS "nrur-l'reiyi -litf: adfrtitrmrnlt in ?rlnl in lh' W kkklt Hkkai.0, Pabii.t Hrrald, aauf (? M? <'atif.?rnin nu.i A'hrii;?? Vofl VUINTIMU *iccul?d m(A iM/iirN, heapHU ami Jet patrk. Volaine XXVII ?0.199 AMUSEMENTS TillS EVENINO. MIBLOt OABUEK. Bioadwa;.?Tua ExcuAHitit>? WINTKR OAKDEN, Brtxtdwaf. ?Thk Hu\ca?iC?. WALLACE.'* THEATRE. BU Brcwdwar.oLaDT Or L>? ? LAUBA BEENE'S THEATRE, Brotdwaf..RuM.? asp Foi-Lt. NEW BOWEBT THEATBli. Bowery.-DarOS akd Pmu aj H i, I t ?AX-i)Li< r. njiMtti?Nu;* or tmu Woo?. OLYMPIC THEVTRB. No. 4.<tt Bmi.twar.-Soodkh Tiiovjii ??Co-Lka.n Bokx?Ko-kht M.<cai?k?Jack r??D. BABNL'll'S AMERICAN MUSEUM. Broedway.?Co*. Nut*? LiriMU 'A 11.1 LB, Ac., At 111 UUUI5.? tLOWLI1I o. im ri.? ?si, afUraooo anj eveutu;. BRYAtaTS' MINSTRELS. MechAOlRi' TT*1I.?IT2 B^ad w?y.?m..i? . .i.i. CANTERBURY MUSIC UAUa. 435 Bro.iuW?y ?Sow a, Dakcu, BinLi-'Juuka, Ac. PEOPLE S MUSlC IIALL, A< Bovrcrj.? .?"'o.tG!', i'ks, Ac. NOVELTY MUSIC UALL. 616 Bro?Jwar._SoiH?B Muj> ?AlJt. Parisian cabinet of wondlbs. ma Bro?d*??.? Cpeu iIiaIIj I ram 10 A. M. till 9 i' M. TRIPLE SHEET. Stw York, Saturday, illajr 10, 186X, CIRCULATION OF THE DAILY HERALD LAST WEEK. Batarday, May 3 115.218 Bunday," " 4 JDO,.5GO Monday, " 5 122,472 Tu;-3i!ay, " C, 120,009 Wednesday, " 7 .12.5.2SO Tliur^day," " 8 121,*>?K) Friday." " l> 117,u3t? THE SITUATION. Another conflict and another victory for the government has to be recorded to-day. Th* divi sion of General Franklin, despatched to West Point by General McClcllan, hud a brisk content with tUe enemy and defeated them with great ?laughter on Wednesday. Our troop* effected a landing at Brick House Point, adjoining West Point, and although only numbering twenty thousand men, while the portion of the rebel army they encountered amounted to thirty thousand, our troops completely defeated them. We give to-day a full and highly graphic account of this action from our special correspondent. General Lee commanded the rebels, who were en deavoring to push on to Richmond; but the result of this fight has been to drive them back towards the Chickahominy, where General Johnston is con centrating his army. It is due to President Lincoln to state here that he sustained the proposal of General McClcllan to forward Franklin's division op the rirer to West Point, against the opinion of other members of his Cabinet; and the crcdit of this brilliant affair at West Point ia therefore just ly to be awarded to the sagacity of General Uc Clellan and the firmness of President Lincoln. A tall acount of the shelling of Sewall's Point, and the tkirmiah between the Mcrrimac aud our gunboats and iron-clad vessels, the Monitor and Naugatuck, in Hampton Roads, will be found ia another column. Beyond the evacuation of Sewall's Point and Pig Point, and the .shelling of Norfolk, this engagement ha.', up to latest ac counts, produced no very important results. The Merrimac appears to be playing a vciy cautious game; but if her intention is to g"t out of Eliza beth river, she ia likely to be defeated '>y the watchfulness of our feet. Further details of tlie capture of New Or!-aus will be found In our columns to-'ay. Tho ques tion of the supremacy of iron over woolen wa!l.?, formed ? matter of speculation wiMi some Krifi?h naval officers there, who w.tnessed the exploit of the Varuna and the Webster. -We ar* competed, from want of space, to leave tV <-. . . .. oat to-day two or three pages of news, descriptive of tbe battle of Yerktown snd other important nfikirs. together with a number of plana and map*; but, upon the whole, we think that our columns contain enough of stirring news for one day. A proclamation, announcing that the port of )f?w Orleans ia open to the commerce of all na tion* will be Issued as soon as tbe President re turns from Fortress Monroe to Washington, and that will probably b? to-day or to morrow. OOVQftZM. In the Senate yesterday, petitions la favor of a ship eml from Lake KIclgaa to the Mississippi rtm, Mil in favor ofth? pa*?ag* of * Confiscation bill. w?va preaented. The bill giving the Prseid?t additional poorer in^feraaaa to the reatriction of import and export trade intended to ?M the rebellion waa reported trim the Committee oa Ooasserea. The resolution calling on the QsarsUry of War for ths reports of the offWrs ?oauaanding at the battle of Fhiloh was taken up, when s dlacnaslon, somewhat personal in its cha racter, easaed between several Penators ss to the eOoiency and braaary of the troops from different Slates and the ability of the principal generals engaged in that, battle. Tha resolution was finally ?doffted. A bill was reported from the Nav*i Committee relative to appolutmenls in the Marine Oorpa. A r*p<v*t was received from the seleo^ oommitteo having aader consider:'ilon the proposed impeachment of Jadge Humphreys, of Tennessee' stating that they wjjl taUo proper action in tLe case, and that duo notice of tb? results of their examination wlU be given hereafter. TLe rerolu tioa wm adapted. Tha bill providing for the edu cation of the coined '?h'ldren of the I>ls!r;U Of Columbia whs pasted The Mil loakicg appropria tions for vari m? civil e.*n^jjn?s of the government was taken op, b-Jt final action on it was postpone 1. The bill making provision for the diachnrgo of anrt d'?abled colliers wis pcp.cfl. T!io 8enatc then, alter holding an aseeaMve *<?eptan. aljonrned. In the Ilotise of Repr ^entatlvos, re olutioos ol thank* to Oenersl McOlellan fo his?r ent brilliant oondu?tin the field, and ?x{ ressing th? highest confidence in his great military abilities, were adopted. TLe presence in the h-11 of the H>>u?e of Captain* Kailey and Boggs, who participated iu the recent brilliant naval operations near New Orleans, was announced, und they were imme diately, by a unanimous vote, invited to aeata ou the fioor. Mr. hovejoy otfered a snibstitute for the bill acted upon the previous day, to secure free 1 dom for all persona within the exclusive jurisdic tion of the federal government. On this a long debate ensued, which was participated in by va rioua members, consuming the remainder of the day's session. No final vote .was had on the subject. Both houses adjourned till Monday. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. We think we have succeeded in making np ? table of our loss in killed, wonnded and missing in the late great battle at I'ittsbnrg Landing, or Shiloh. It is derived partly from official sources and partly from information derived from the several division offiaera. The second division of Grant's corps is not exact, as the full reports are not yet in, but is very nearly so. The sixth divi sion of Grant's army is made up partly from con jecture of the remaining officers and partly from the few reports that have come in. This division was peculiarly unfortunate in the loss by death or capture of its general and most of his staff, and the capture of many of ita men. Ita loss in field snd line officers was very heavy. This table is as full and accurate as it can possibly b? under the circumstances, and any subsequent developments can vary it but little. I LOSS O* TIB CMOS ARMY AT THE RimJ or RITSBUM LAUDING, AVltlt 0 AM 7k 18(52. Grnrml Granl't Army Ourjr. Kill. a. Wmmdrd. Mi....-inf. Total. 1?Vc 'lcrnand 251 1,331 236 1,84# 2?V. H. L. Wallace.... 228 1,033 1,163 2,434 3?I-ew. Walluo* 43 257 5 306 4?llunb'. t 813 1,449 233 1,78? 6?i-hoi man .... 318 1.275 411 2 0.14 e?I'reutL-s 198 562 1,80* 2,760 Total. 1,34# 6,927 3,870 11,36? G- n ral Biirll't Aimy Corf*. 2?McCooif 95 793 ? 8% 4?Xelsoo 90 691 68 739 6?CriUcutieu 80 410 27 517 Total ?#5 1,704 93 2,152 Tutsi cl'lho entire army. 1,614 7,721 S 963 13.508 AVe have also taken much pains to learn the number of rebel dead buried by our men. But few of the details from the various brigades reported the number bu.led. Those that did make return &r#> 11 follow* ! -- \o. of Dead Rebels Burii-d. Sherman's division COO McClvrnaad's 638 N-'.^n's 263 Ibayer's brignrt# of Lew. Wallacu's division 123 Total reported 1,624 Th ? above, it will be perceived, is tlie number buried by three divisions and one brigade of the tile nine divisiana engaged. Of the nine divisions one (W. U. L. Wallace's) camped near the river, snd probably did not barv more than twenty-five or tifty at the farthest. Taking the above aa a basis, we can construct a table like the following:? J'nmy'i D-mt. Buriort by Sherman 800 i:ui ie<l by McCleiiwiid Burlsd by Hurlbut (esiiinatod) 5-0 Bsr eil t>y L'v.-. V. allaco (rsi itnatod) 36!) Hum d by \V, H. L. Waltnc* 30 H'lriod by J?rontiss [Tttln*?1) 300 Rt;ri?>! by >?'nltui:i a&i Rirlcd by McC<x-k (e.-> imuud) 2fi0 BuiUxi by Crliieuden (ee lunated} ZOO TbtM r*bel? buried by our ir.en 3,200 AdJcd to this, tlia number they took from the ground and buried on Sunday night, while t'uey held our camp, would S'ceO. their killed to not far from four thousand. Their wounded is probably less than ours. It will be recollected that Beaure gard issued a general order beforo the battle for the rebels to fire low in order to wound our troops, and tlm3 impede the operations of our army. A Union mass meeting of the people of Missourj will be held in Boonevllle on Saturday, the 17th instant. The Republican State Convention of Maine wil1 meet in Portland on the 5th of June. The Ohio Legislature refused to pass a law allowing the troops of that Stat* to vote while at the seat of war. A little dead contraband was found in a bale Of cotton on Tuesday, at the Harmony Mills, at Co hoes, N. Y. The Ouo Hundred and First New York regiment, it is reported, has not come up to expectation, fhroug!; desertions, arronta and sicknces, it is re* duood^o about four hundred effective men, and it is proposed to consolidate them with aoinc other incomplete regiment. Charles Ready, who formerly represented the Fifth district of Tennessee in the United States Congress; Joseph C. Rye, cashier of the Branch Uauk of Tennessee at Columbia; Major William Ledbettcr and D. D. Wcndel.of Murfreesboro, have been arrested for treason, and are now confined at Nashville. A ma? m"cting for the restoration of the Stuie government of Tennessee will be h>.!d in Hash* ille nest Monday. The call is signed by nearly oue Uuudrod of the promin nt citizens of the S.'tate. The We .tern Virginia Legislature assembled in Wheeling on the 5thinst.,ana Gov. Pcirpoint deli vcred his m<?s-< on the same day. The message is almost entirely ilevoted to the m-w State ques tion, and takes strong ground in avor of the par tition of the Old Dominion. The nsnally complicated Jle'd orders in ths two opposing armies In Virginia have r cently under gone considerable mod'.'cnton. In the Union army they are simp'e:?"Attention! double-quick! march!'* while with the rebels the orders are juct as simple, and as easily understood. They are:?"Attention! skedaddle! run!" Governor Johnson, of Tennessee, has informed the directors of the SUte Bank at Nushvillo, who gave up the assets of the institution to the rebel leaders, that tliey must make a rtturn of every cent of the amount which belonged to the tkata* The directors are wealthy, and have large inte rests in and around Na.'hville. Henry Kuhl, a German, and Hamilton W, Wil don, a Virginian?both strong secession farmers? were to have been hung yesterday at Rrarton Court House, Virginia, for murdering a young man who was on bis wsy to join the Union camp in Braxton county, and had stopped at the house of Kohl to rest. The murderers cut las bead off with one stroke of a scythe. In the General Scions yesterday, Wa-diin-jton Simms, indicted for entering the honse of Jo?*ph Ellis, Wo. 31 East Broadway, with intent to stool, pleaded guilty to an attempt st burglary, and was sent to the State Prison for two yenrs. John nice snd William Kirk, charged with stealing from Catherine Larney, of No. 35 Cherry afreet, on the Ktta of April, 1100 worth of clothing, pleaded guilty, and were each sent to ths Peni tentiary for six months. Michael lirennan, is* dieted for burglary in tfie second degree, having entered the dwelling house of KlUa Greene, No. 431 West Forty-second street, on the 24th of April, pleaded guilty to burglar/ in the third degree. He attempted to take $4?0 worth of watches. Judge Mct'onn sent h!*n t,o th# State Pi ison ror t three yrsrs. George A!<cn, a yo??ng nun Jointly charged with tiro conf? d"raV >tb bnr^ttlonsly ect.'rfng the hou?-> of Ja> ? ? i ffmao, No. 210 IllvLig'oti street, oj the 4th of January, pleaded gu.Ity W an attempt. Those titleo-.r attempted to tsrry away #000 worth of grocere*. Allen was 3out to Lue Penitentiary for t? > years. Ub tea States Depity Marshal Charles McC^y vras deputed yesterday to prvcccd to tin ,>a?y Yai I Brooklyn, and convey the following istute I>r.?< a' to Fort l aiayettw?Captnln J. k, of the jMp Pell*; the rsptiin, insie, Hlewnrd and four f. fTfon of the sh'p M<-ney. p.* ?f<k ? ?r' ?< *M ?< rjnirr.ea ? i( at.d ll'.U d Riter SX ft o'jut(b ,t th-rtwuiu excitement in the market, which closed Irm. Gold r?e to lOS^J, dining 108^ t?W. Kxcliangn stead/ at 114. Money vtry eaay. The 3..b-Tfeasurer recei\ ed three or fo<ir uiore oppiiciit.o&a from parties who are anxious to convert their currency into Ave year 0 per cent Muck of the United State*. The cotton market was much Mitaled and exi'ited yeaterd iy by the reported destruction of large <|iuu>t<liee of the siapio in New Orleans, slated by soma deapatche* to amounted to tho large qanntity of 11,000 bales, or to ab.Hit ths total stock in that market. Statements were aUo ourrent that a similar fate had befallen the ootton at the river landings for a long distance above New Orleans. The result was that the market here specdHy advanced from lc. to l^o. per lb. It closed the day be fore at MXc. for middling uplands. Yesterday It dosed stiff at STXe. a 2Sc., with sales to the trade of 1,075 bales. A government public auction sale also same off earlier in the day, aad before the effect of the news was developed. It comprised 400 bales of Sea Island, of small weight, at an average price of 61J{o. It was taken ch ofly for export; and 88 bales of Gulf cotton flow miMlinj) were sold at 24Xc; and 68 bales Sea Island, of inferior quality, oa account of private owaars, wan sold at ths same time, chiefly at 34c. a 30c., and lis bales Golf cotton do. at 34c. a 37c. Flour was heavy and dull, aad declined to. a 10c. par bM., with rather mora doing at the concession. Wheat was heavy and lower, though with some larger salsa. Cora waa heavy aad lower, though tolerably active at the decline, .iih sales of Western mixed at 63c. a 44c. in store and delivered. Pork was len active and buoyant, with sales at |13 8T a $13 for meet and at $10 for prime. The government contract for 9,460 bMs. of primo mesa was taken at $12 80n$13 34, average $12 76 per bbL.and 1,200do. meas at $13 26 a $13 60. Sugars were firmer and active Fair to primo refining Cubae sold at 7c. a7Jfo; prime pro eery grades were firm, and the stock of all kinds was light. The saica embraced 1,660 khds. and 1,390 boxes, 800 of which were sold at 7>{c. Freights wete firmer, with more doing for English ports. Prog re as of the War In a Commercial View?The Reopening of Onr Southern Ports. While our loyal people are rejoicing in the full belief that the glorious victories of our land and naval forces over this Southern rebel lion indicate its speedy extinction, our federal administration is not unmindful of the measures required for the restoration of the rights, the power and the blessings of the Union, as rapid ly as possible, in the wake of our advancing fleets and armies. In connection with an offioial circular of Mr. Seward to the diplomatic corps at Washington on the subject, we published on Monday last a leading editorial announcing that within a few days a proclamation would be issued by President Lincoln, reopening to foreign and domestic commerce our Southern ports of Bean fort, Newbern, Savannah, Fernandina and New Orleans. It is possible now, however, that the proclamation may be delayed a few days longer, in anticipation of embracing in it the additional Southern ports of Norfolk and Rich mond, and perhaps some others. Mr. Seward? in annonncing that a collector has already been appointed for New Orleans, says " that the necessary preparations are being made to modify the blockade so far as to permit limited shipments to and from that and one or more other porta which are now closed by blockade, at times and upon conditions which will be made known by proclamation;" and we have no doubt that those " other ports" are those which we have indicated. The great commercial Powers of Europe cannot fail to appreciate the objects of the ad ministration in this proceeding. England and France, for example, are sorely pinched for cotton in oonsequenoe of onr Southern block ade. President Lincoln avails himself of the first opportunity to make manifest to those Powers his anxiety to remove the restrictions of this blockade to the fullest extent consistent with that paramount object?the suppression of this Southern rebellion. Secondly, to the fullest extent which the necessities of this war against the rebel government of Jeff. Davis will warrant, President Lincoln is anxious to prove to the people of the So?th his desire to relieve them of their commercial privations and distresses resulting from this blockade. Thus the commercial wants of foreign natio is and of our Southern people will soon be met by some liberal commercial concessions on the part of our government?concessions which we are enabled to grant l'rcin tho recent splendid victories of our army and navy over the armed forces of this rebellion. With the leaders or this rebellion? second only to the idea of an unmixed and continually expanding pro-slavery confederation?baa been this other Southern revolutionary hallucination of an independent Southern commercial sys. t<*ni. The conviction fixed in tho public mind of South Carolina by Mr. Calhoun and his dinciplcs, thai under the tarifl's of the govern ment of the Utiion the South wad impoverished to enrich the North, brought about that fc'oufli Carolina nullification rebellion of 1832-3. Alter that day. although tho safety of the Southern institution of slavery apparently superseded* among our Southern revolutionary leaders, the issue of a commercial separation from the North, this commercial question in reality was the most powerful element employed in the or ganization of this rebellion. Thus tho people of the South, and especially of South Carolina, were taught to believe that, if released from their commercial dependence upon the North? our Northern seaports would speedily sink into decay, and Charleston, like Venice In lior glory, would soon become the choacn bride of the sea "King Cotton" wen Id bold the balance of commercial powor against the North and all the nations of the earth, and a purely pro slavery Southern confederacy would extond indefinitely the reign, the dominions and the power of "Ring Cotton." A year of this re. bellion has scattered the sapporting columns of this magnificent fabric of a Southern pro slavery confederation in ruins upon the ground. "King Cotton" has failed to meet the expecta tions of his subjects, and, under the proesare of our federal blockade, they pronounce him a failure. And so all this vast commercial sys* tetn of Southern independence, direct traffic and fr^e trade with Kurope is exploded, and the government of the United States vindicates its right and its power to maintain its political and commercial authority over tho South, cot ton and all. England and France, in the Veopening of our Southern ports, with tfcair occupation by our armed fortes, will be compelled to recognize the macmanlmous principles by which Mr. Lincoln's udministrat'on Is g.tided; ami the suffering peo ple of the South will soon disevrer that only under the protection of the -'oH lUg"' can their present privations and sufferings be ended. We await the President's comracrc'al proclamation w'.lh the fullest asmirance that !t will command the respect of foreign Powers, aud bo pro ductive of the be-t results among the Southern peeple, wIiomi groat distresses he Is thus pre nared to relieve, even In advance of a complete suppression of the sp'i :ou* despotism of Davis and in* confederates. The Great Federal Victory ot Hew Or Piogrtx *f (lit B?*oliitlw? In *???1 Warfnre. We publish this morfitnL"; full dotalls of the victory gained by our sqnadrort at New Or leans, tlian which, considering ibe obstacles eucounlrred, the novel character of *oine of the vtwsete employed by the rebels. and the magnitude and importance of the result* reach ed, no more memorable achievement stands re corded in the annals of naval w urfare. Ever since Louisiana ca?t off her allegiance to the Union the most formidable preparations l>a 1 been made to render New Orleans impregnable to tbe approach of a federal fleet. Ei ery point on the Mississippi river below the city was for tified In a manner that led tbe rebels to enter tain the fullest confidence in its defences. On Forts Jackson and St Philip were mounted one hundred and seventy rifled sixty-eight pounders broaght from England. About a quarter of a mile from the forte a chain was et retched, which it was calculated would delay the attacking fleet a couple of hoars, during which time it would ho ex posed to the fire of all their batteries, several of which were prepared to discharge red hot shot at intervals of a few seconds. From tbe forts to tbe city ran a continuous succession of I earthworks, and at Chalmotte were redoubts armed with rifled cannon, tbe balls from which were said to be effective at a distance of five miles. In the two forte St. Philip and Jackson were picked garrisons of three thou sand men, many of whom wore skilled artille rists wbo bad served in the navy. In addition to all this the enemy had from fifteen to twenty gunboats, three iron rams and several iron plated floating batteries, and booms, torpedoes, chains, tire rafts and ships in any quantity. Such were the obstacles that Commodore Farragut bad to encounter before he could hope to make bis way up to the city. Nothing daunted, be commcnced the bombardment of Fort Jaoksou on the 18tb, and kept up a most destructive fire, without intermission, until tbe principal vessels of tbe squadron were pre pared to pass tbe- fe*ter which tbey did on the morning of the 24th. On their way up tbey riddled' and disabled the famons ram, tho Ma nassas, which, floating down tbe river, was again fired into and sunk by the flotilla under Captain Porter. Then iol lowed the destruction of thirteen gunboats and three transports be longing to the rebe!?, together with the lns?s of hundreds of lives on their side. On the 25tb, at noon, two more batteries were sileuced, and in another hour the squadron lay quietly at anchor near the city. Next day, tbe 2(itb. a couple of heavy field works, located about nine miles above New Orleans, wore taken posses sion of by the federals, the enemy burning the new ram, tbe Mississippi, mounting twenty guns, to pro*out bee falling into our bands. Tho Anglo-Norman, another ram, was also destroyed, though whether by tbe rebels or by the iire of onr vessels is not stated. Tbe floating battery which lay at Algiers, op posite New Orleans* was suu& on the same day. General Butler landed his troop* above Fort Sfc Philip on the 27tb, and on the day fol lowing both forte surrendered. The floating battery Louisiana was blown up previous to the capitulation. In the afternoon Forts Liv ingston and Piko were abandoned, and thus was completed the capture of every point of defence - commanding the approaches to tbe city. Of the rest our readers mre already in formed. A more daring and brilliant hemes of opera tions than are thus briefly sketched are not to be found, on record. Considering, as we have already observed, that new and formidable element+of defenoe were employed against us. of which our officers had only a theoretical knowledge, the boldness and da ?!? displayed by them am beyond all praise. Tho performances of the-Merrimao, with hor iron prow, on the first day of bor sortie in Hampton Hoads, led them to cx^ect serious disasters in tbsir encounter I with tbe floating ranis and irou-plated batteries ? of tbe enemy?a number of which were kaowu to be prepared to receive them, iustead of meeting with injury from them* some of onr wooden vessels succeeded in destroying t.'ieir monsters?a fact which proves, not that our pre vious conclusion* in regard to tbo superiority of iioa-clad ve-vels ar~ erroneous. but that Southern mechanical skill is unequal to the task of properly constructing them. Tbi* victory at Now Orleans, all important and docisive as it is, derivos additional value from tbe evidence that it presents us of tbe real streugth and power of oua navy, if our gunboata aud mortar ves<?el3 can thus silence forte aud batter down defence* that were deemed impregnable by tbe hi^hcat engineer authorities, what have wo to fear in the future lrotn tbe hostility of tbe maritime governments of EurapeT Not only are we in a position to bid defiance to them on our own coasts, but to carry the war into thoir colonial dcpendeucios if necessary. Tbe Amcricau rebellion has been fruitful in lessons and disooverics to the European Powers. England and Spain have wisely taken heodof the in. Let Frauce, more reckless, take care she does not find a trap in NEWS FRQN WASHINGTON. WaanuaTo*, May 9, lWJ. Tie TltlUMfB or OKXEItAL M'CLKLLAM OTKK IliS uvtuu. General Mr.Clellaa ha* ach.eved a victory over hit ra eaot opponenta and ravtlara la (Jongroan, not Icm apian, did than that won by hint over the rebel army ou the boaka of Jamea ri-er. Tbtat who war a ooiy a faw iluys a;o racer U apply Uw guillotine to his n?ek,aro now prrsalof forward to pr:ilaa him. The transition from daouneutiott to pral*e baa been remarkably auddeu. When tbe n?wa came of tha evacuation of Yorfctowa the dcuunclatloi:* were of utimixrd bltterneae; but tUoy rouni. no echo among tho maasea, and were loat id th? universal public rejoiciutr. When Williamsburg was taken after a abort, fbnrp ami deadly context, tbe calamnl ,iors were nburhed before tbe loar of popular commenda tion of tLo coiiimuoiler of tbe Army of tbeI'otumac. When the pioapatt la ?o Lear that Oik ral MtClellan will oiUie capt ire or annihilate tbe whole rebel at my ui Virginia, the bowlers art auddtoly convinced or hia gn at merit M*(ieuoi-al U<1 a patriot, and hrieten to he before aU otiitva lu < .fibrlug resolutions \p priine of l.uu ? few day? ag>> tb?j openly ?ud fiercely deoouuied. Ibe frlrnda of ibe udiniulatiatton aio gratified at tUla Indioa tloa that iUo ra-llojil faction ia Leaning to a^precl ite lb* oTor^i.ulin i S Ton e of public ai.titDeut Uiat la rally tag to Ih'J lupiort ? f t?iO Pregnant au>Hlen?ral MX'lallau IHR RKi'OIlTrt KltOM MKVT OfUJJAVa. Tbe people hero are aoxlouily t.aiUug for Uio iltutaia'a ncoooiit ot lbs capture o. Near Orleans,bufare they will pUoe mif vo^tiuctce in ttie lUUiceiiM publish*! onUulr of the official report*. Aiu'uto ran It Is hinted tlint ? portion of the extra appropriation cf H i. / tiil!:i"iia, whl p vried the Sonata } ?,?orUuy, :a covet i-y Ur .lgnfd to defray the expenso ?4 uniforming nud arui ;ig negnx s to fight ou tbe 1,'plntt aide du. :ng I he fever seat <? rfanth. It la "?i'l ifeat ws shpjl hrw<^ under lb ? appropriation, a margin of fifteen ti illion; fa trtbrsetUw$ni ftr?Jo?tu tor ti.? yr^loy Bri^ale, lovhjoy'b urnyi.i'Tun? ov thank* to OEWKiL MOMH'LAN. Mr. U>vej'ty'a re?>Iutiou-<>f tfcaoks io General McClel. tan ofTtrod m tj,0 Uooso to .(ay ir?ci u-dOc-^a <derable oom in -nt ?? theCa;:u>1. So?r?c rnjardcl * :?Jir ?Jca! in Its sp*. rit and ? othars uvuslrue MMi place of political strategy or rc attcuii t to i?yike Uw l/vtm of Clecernl Mc CljI'Au'a friendr hefoiv thoy b id as opportunity to fir? a solute in houor of hut vicUivtae. n au/ visw of ill* caae D iii triumph for Geneva! MeCla*ian,for a m' -utli ag' suet a resolution cum lug fro* the other side of the llou.-o would have met with Here# opposition fi no wain bars of tl?? hovejoy school.* mokr abolition or biavkby. The House wua refreshed this afternoon by a debate upon the negro It appear* that sc^?e ofllcura of the army and navy have in 8outhorn Idealities adopted themselves to sarnxiading circumstance, aud employed slaves as aerrautst Aooorti tngly, a bill !-?*? bean n amed and piaced before tbvllouae by soma country politruns, providing for the abolition of slavery In all tha dock yarda and arsenals, witb their outbuildings, under tha axciufaivc jurist!iction of the United States. Jndge.Thomas, ot Massachusetts, Isltrpaiid aotna constitutional objec. tiona againat this aort of legislation upon aoil which has in most instances been ceded and sold to tba govern ?sat with a reservation of all local municipal right*. Sevens, of Pennsylvania. trsated all constitutional dim cuMien with oontsmpt, and encored bitterly at thegot tleankn from Massac husot is,.who had dared to oppwe abolishing tba constitution lor tha sake of abolishing aia??ry in Southern dockyards. MR. CAMRKON'd KEfc'eST SPKWm. Tba Parthian arrow * hat bjOliaiiMr O nr. or on at ear. tain members of tau lata dinner speech at Harrietarg, hoa can.-ad soma flul taring licre. The (liair man of tha Committee on Government Cntraets, Colonel Vau Wyck, who.mcortllng to ?x-9eerutary (Xaieron, was espoiled from the War Otlice lor ap;dyinir for arms and muiiitionaCar a regiment, is in the peninsula with hl4 command, n?d tho other memt-ers of tha oommittce. laugh at tha attack made upon thom by tiao ex-Secretary. Some of ttio -e who voted to c.'r.sure Mr. Cameron are angry at his atieeeh. and the repsbiic.n inembem goue rally lament tho exposures 01* rank corruption umoiiC Congressmen of that |?r(y which have been made by tho Investigating Comuiitloa and ex-Secretary Camrron. CHKVALlEll OL'LSKUASK'S HKTIJltN TO AtfaTHXA. Tho Austrian Minister, Chevalier HuUemenn, ia about to return home for a summer sojourn. CONDITION ov CGUONEL. fcOI/OPN-TKIN. Colonel Fgloftbtein, accnnling to a lata latter from North Carolina, is rccovoi-ing from tlto eCects or the woucd ho rece.ved iu North Caroiiua. Tha amputation of bin lej will not, at; at flri>; thought, beoomai.eces-ary. ItEtWVKItT OF COI.ONEI. POTTBIU I jeutcnant C'olonjl Potter u now hore, coikvaleiceut, en r<m e to rejoin bis-iegimont m Nortli' Carohua. Uotb the?e oHirerj command Now York troopi. Tim KKY WliST MAII.9. Key West, Florida, has b?'?u made a distributing post office. Hy tins aivuDjvineut olDcial deepatilics us well as private com'spoiirtooon. will be regularlv^'atMt (|iiickl/ tracamittod in every direction. naval ash apioint;.sm Sv The foiiov. iiig uavalaf^lntir-onts have becu mad??:? John M. Bitllnr, of New York, appointed Acting Master at the Now Y< rk Navy "Vnird. Permission lus boon givou to tho following t? nfjiort at Iiost< n for t U.niiriatxm o? ma ter's irvatoa:?<^>or?o W. Cleaver, of ltockport, Ma?s.; Albert Taylor, of I:? s ton; John Griffin, of Ronton; Otis TV. 'ilioo:pe' u,ot'Uuf. Icn; William C. Littlellold, of Newburyport; CherlM H. li-ingor, Mp ; Willis O. I'erry,of I'angor, Me.; Stowi'll, of Pari?, lie.; S. C. Heath, of Bel fast, Nathaniel R. Tavis, of Oreenfleht, Mas.-.; Sidney F. Gray,of Wesiport, 5>as?.; John S. Vennard,.of Parts moii'li. N. H. IU-) following are to reix>rt at New Yoik for- exmatiia tion as muster's mates:?Kilmuud Pays, of Now-York; Thos. II. Mcllride, Chas. Subden and K. U. G. ! inglotoa, of TIrooklyn; Francis Adliogton, Jr.,of Fdgartowu, Mas?.; | Jas. C. Crocker ,of Burn stable, Mass.; Jno. T. Thompcoa, of New Haven, Own.; Jno. B. E. Stalth, of Newport, Rhode Island; Iiunt. noiJli?raaa, Jr., uuj Jos. C. Htitior, or Philadelphia; Klijsh S. IK Howlond, of Now? I9?dl'ord. Mass. Dr. ."am'iel L. Goa'd, Jr., of Boatoo, ^ppoiutaJ Acimg Aafistant Surgeon, and ordered to-report to Oocuntdore rauidm0'. Acting Master Wm. Budd, promoted to Aeling VoUia teer tiui.touant iu Commodore Hupont's *quadro-Jt Iho loliowing atrpointinents have been mndo 1? Fl?j Officer Impont'a squadron?Andrew MrTurk,. Aoliug Third A-.-istaiit rngiueer on the Adger; David M. iaua, do. do. do. Florida; Alvio M. Ol"'t, do. do, do. Norwich; A. H. McCorw-ck and R. B.'Arrauti. Acting Maftera on the Nor wii'li; Geo. IL Wooo, .Vc'.mg Master's Male on Ma Wabarli. NOMMAT.ON OP-COfcO.NK.I. WILLIAMS. Among tiij recent noinliu: ions of the President- waa that ol Co onal Robert William*. (Captain of ? tha- KilU* In.tivl Statea cavalry), now Col'.oel ciMiimanding the First Massachusetts cavalry, ead al-o the commaitd. r of the throe refliui-nU of L'u'tod Sti.tos Yitlunicera AVtlila time occupying the Isl-.n.: of Hilton HeariU Colonel W la ono ot the most efticicat and acomidishod on cars in- the regular soi vlue, his present Mas. a<>-etta cavalry-reft meni brio< provei bially unai.rpnssc I in soldierly viiali ties by any othor regiment in either branch of lh?servic?. It will be rocollocto-l that ha was General Banks' Assist ant Ad{i:tant (jeuerul at- Baltnitare and oa the Eortfebanic of tbo Potomac. INSCIUPi t?)NS ON" K<<<1LMKNTAI. COLONS. Mr. >umai*r'i rSHoltnion, to for but the m^nplipn at o'ir victories upon ti.e Hags of ro^tmeu la. cai^ed 10 ssroesgtui Lattice, will . be warmly orpcved in tbo -Jonatc. The Bocrctary of War ordored that regiments w ho fought at Done! son should bo allowed t? writ# "Tort I> ne!?ou'' on .their b irsuorg, ami (lenornl B"'tiside g.ive his regiment j the privlli^e of inscribing ?ltn?ooke klai.d." ??N'bwUo.d," "Camden'/and '-Kort lU'on" upon theirs; but wlieu <;? neral JlcCiol'aa. nolu the wtme privtiejje with rofcn-uce 10 biecomn.a#ti,Sma tor S'ininjr, who ia devoted to great ideas, inirodu. ?? a rts >1 iti n 10 cut o.ffrom tlio Army o. ilia IV- una.-. t:>? coveted Uon >r. Soldier-i lijULIor glory, and tt wouJ.l bo unjnst, simply to gratify political iralico, to daily <;?tio. ral MoClelian's army the cUmce to wear the laurels tLqr ara wtuning is Virginia.. MOVlOUSTd or TFIB D*lMO<'KATtQ POLITICIANS. Ttio Uaion men and so-called national dAtnocruojr ara indi'.atriously organizing for tin municipal eloction iaore. TUo n? j'nal domo-.racy cloak their secee-iion sympathy und<r a'>?atton' of anlipttby to aboliU.aum. The Union men preseut a support of the administration aud maintenance of the Union a* tiui ouly iao.ex "lie latter wiil nominalo Richard TCuUock for Mayor. The national domo< rata would not liuve pre aumr-d to revive their organizallon if a pretext had no" boon afforded by the mad ultraisms of the radical a bolt1 ti n faction in Congreas, whose a-iauUs upon the sousli tntton are everywUere reanimating the defunct drnio oratic party, M w jil aa giving enocitt aggmutt and vitality t?tbe rebeliim. Bit AM i-N W ANTiC D IN TUB N1*T. Tbo Navy Department is in im nedlatawant of seamen* Extra inducements have bi-?n .iflered la t&e *<y of ad vances,and lu addition lite StfatuoQ are rttwiag a harvest ofprl*?mone> A single one of the tcct.,? cvpture* it is estimated will yield to each .aaman on the captured vesteto irom twelve to fmiri< en hundred deiiars. A tine clunce for ttia Now Kaglsnd idhermcm. mx:;tixo ok thk. uossbhkatitu. The following notice ?m read front the clerk's de.?k imtucdiai Jy aftor the adjournment of the Hour* todiy There viil be a meeting of the c<-ymrvatlve members of Congt'SM In this hall U- morrow, 8etur<ifiy, May 10, akt twos'clct^ P. M. All MMwrvtt'.iV* moiubors irom all the States are Invited to jt.'anri. to counsel together a* *o ilie'lx'V. means to do, eat the kc hemes cf tbo abolition'sis and aeoasstnnHts. APPOIN l ?ttVTS CONI-HMKP. Tlie Ssn*l?, <n execitivt seamM, ti-day ronlrmed Jobu J. Cisco as Assl tant lr?. iurer of the UnitedSJiMoa at N#.? York; Geo. 1>. Cress,>.uxveror of the Customs for theport oi l'awt'ic'iot, It. J.; Coloaal Georg* W. Taylor, of the Third New Jeraey til on tear*, to be ?rigiuiter Otnernl. AWCtllTY FOB TUB S3UfHjtONUN llWliniO*. Pr^fonwr ri"tji-y slStoff that no lt^.oy has been left to thoStvlth .>ol.'.ri In'-.iItntion, out that aa annuity of about ibrca tUusaud poundt atoning stmeipat but fallen to tbu.i InstituUun. 1lUim*SKVF.N'fll CONURK.%9. riH8* l?lau> PtTIIUMM. * Mr. r.ATAPo, (?PT>.) Of Del., prefl *nt?N' ap^titinnfor 011 tSi prtfltflgoa to ?& tbs pi e.-ft of tbo t j .m y Mr WAta, (rep.) </. V 0, i#n f'*-i . \ ulttons for Mr. Hh^wivu, (rep ) nf II!., presented * petltiM for ? ship cauai l<*ku MioMgan ti? ihe Mississippi rtV?r A C?*<'K r? ik ? in- ?rni WW nillft Mr CuAAuij*. (run.) of Mich , from the OxnalttW Ml fomtne c?, rej o/led Uie Howe lull relative lu the batteV protect it ii of (vvsibe. The bill authnrixrv ttie President to refuso clcarioce Mr * y vessel where In ha reason to believe tin cargo i* Intended to kiio ribel- . It ?la>? jmthoriaM the iMMWy (f ihn Tro.isary to proh.bit I ho importation < t ui poriatim on railroads of certain goods which a* 11 cny way re-ch or fall itto the bends of the relieis. TQK CALL run KHIMKI'S 0? TUB UTTU M I 111?11? iakmm:. Mr. Sherman's resolution, sailing for lite reports of Mm officers comm.aiding at the battle at i' iHHbarg landing, ?*?! taVi-n up. Mr. S.ickmak, (rep.) of Ohio, mid th r hi. in iiiimii t>n with other citizeoa of Ohio, was pained by the slur* cu.-.i on esrtaiii Ohio regim.nts ill that battle, especial!? by tke Chicago papers, aud further" by tha??iMor ftta Kentucky (Mr. Powell), who wojftot distiugniafte* ftp hits sympathy with ihe cau.-e Ho aeferrhl l**h4?Ml had it'>ne in the cause of tho war, sad the glory wen few her soMiera every wUaie. Mr. n>wu.L, (opp.) of Ky., aaid tMn Olio (Mr. Sherman) had referred Ik bin. He (Mr. rowel!) bad never said anjrthiug against Mr MM soldiers. Mr. Ham mm, (re;>.) of Iowa, thought ttuu part of mm S-mtor's (Mr.Sherman) speech was intended M> sier up'Ueueral ttraut. it would have a>bad ? f'lture. Prom all that he (Mr. Harlan) could I rai Li rant wuh i .?4 At to com maud a large urtsyi Mr. UMDWBjn, (rop.) of III, said that be?had lit with pjciigura to> tnerwnailea of the flenatbr from 0Mo. (Mr. Sherman);, but be \va? sorry tohear thfe 1 fruiu lowa (Mi. Harlan) make aay attack an Cut. Mr. Wiiaoa frepo of Maaa., aaid the reaokiMc for Inlormatienvard' *? one would op pone it.' M? ha (Mr. Wilson) not think itwiie M disousa. DM. op? erations on I he ileld, aer the plan* aud Olliit of generate in tbo'Qo'.di Ilia rcsolutUiu was adapted. ma NHwioain. Mr. Haijt, (rep;).of-from the Naval reported a bill relative* K>- appointments to the corps. Ill* HCMI1IRET8 LMi'EACHMUfr OASS. Mr. Fot*b. (rep.)'o Conn., from tho select commute* on the imr**i<:!'n?eni of' W. H. Humphreys, regnrttd ? resolution tliai il.oSeuate will take proper order thereon^ uud due notice will be girun the House of KcpresuutaMeeat Adopted. suet mium ok Tire owmwOTnLonKx or mi maiaicr. The biilt'or the education of colored children of tin District o'Columbia tvus taken passed,as foiloww-? Ykas?Messrs Anthony, Browning, CliaudlT, Clark, Cell lamer, Dm u, Dookttln, rVeneiMleu, Fool, Foster, Ort Hale, ti n tan, U::in vilei.dvrkun. Howe, Kins. I?meoil l,aneot Kiir.ans, M ritll, Wnuiroy, Shrrinan, Sunnier, By 'It, Triimbml, Wmtf, Wtlklusnn . YVilxon of Maas.?K N its?Mcfcsiv UuvIn, Keiiiiedy, 1'oweU, SauUouiy. 1 W iiton oi Mo.. Wrljlit?7. Tho hi:i, as uuK-ndoii yesterday-, ropoale what In Mlla# tho black c jds of tho District. (irit XXII'NTftvS OK COYKRNSIK.VT. On motion of Mr. l-'Ks-KtPBW) fr?!'-) Ua ? theb?? making appropnati >n I'or Biinury civil exp nae.i at the* (.ova nmctit Wi.8 taken up, and alter aouui couaiderataae. was postponed. KICK AXTt r(*ARtn> HOLniK1t4. Thn bill to racilltale the di^harge of onlistod netftr pii< M '"l disability wis t.utou ui>aad passed. Tho .'jeaato then ha id an cxooutivo m.-siou, aud, en US' opening o. tho doors, ad.oirmed IU4 Monday. House of Representatives* WARiifxi.i i.v. May 0,1M THAKXS n CKXKIIVI. M'Ul.RlLAX AMP UCt ARMY. Mr. I.ovbjot, (rep.) of Uli, oitervd ths followiug, < %ras aiioptcd.? THJ-: Mk83hNl!KR1 KttOM TPH VICTJHfOVa FOB ITS Al SVS* ORl.KANS. Mr. skw.wick, (rep.) or N. i'., jstcted that C'aptaisa Bogxs iiml railey, Hitach-s<> to the Culf Squadron, brl?g? lug despatches of tho ui'Mt i:.toref tMiK and important' eveate, t'ige huj'wiili tropliies,' ware now present, Md ' moved thoy bo admitted to I ho fk ort This was uuasiimotis'y egroed to. Tho getit omen m> ccived marked attentions from tUe>?TX*ril>er'j. it>>.ohe<;. That it is villi fo iinns of-dKou: irratMndets Almtjilitj GikI lliJit the Iloute of Rintioiiaurei, trom time ? to time, li hi- oi t.ic ti'icmphk ol tiw Union army ia the greet ?': tig.' for the aupcetuacy ot the coaeoiuMm ami the - rDfkTiiTnf tiie Cninn. i: sulvcii, That we i-eoeiTe with profeimd- gat's action the tatehigen e ol the reeeni vlouwint nehlewrt t.y ihe armiee ot th>' 1'ijtuiiuv", uaaociut'nl, /i om mere I CHhltse; with ll cee et the Hi v. lialon; aud thai llui m.o iv Ui.inta ot Uiie ttoaM ? aie hereby t^ooer-d to Major Ueueral Owre B. McOiriiaa ;or t'ae cinplsy of tho?( htj.' mtlitiry ttslhua urhl U aecuM in.I o taut reiulta with biit tittle saeHhoe of human life. wvwnTlt n'rnrn:n ?*:d puavkxy hiil. Mr. U>vK'OYof>hi'C(l a :nihstitnte, ElighMy un I dying tks bi'l act"'! upon j-esteid ty, to gacuro iroett^m to all par sons wi.hiu the exchisivo juriadictlor cf'lbe federal govern wetrt. Mr. Atx a', (opp.) of Ohio,moved tai?yAt?u thataMs> Dis is're.;d to?-60 agstUBt 65. Mr. i ov>jov tlen,a: ded tlio previous--tusation. Dun greed to?42 against Go. LOVKJOY'S unt, IIBa:'UKD. Mr. J/OVKfOY moved to recommit thubUL . Mr. Cut, (opp.) nt Ohi ?, satrt ho hoped tbe so-called eoonei vn'i-.'H men -.vonld hut ao ond tw thlb tamfariag with (b.? nejrof|nes:t?m. Tho UUcun>itm was contiaucd at erasWilmglh,sad ?M> pat ticipated in bv vanottb m.-inhors c/nh coo?IJen)ils ? spirit; h t, wi!h-"tt takmg further aoMun ou-t!?e. fu? Hon. tho H >u?e ndjoutncl till Monitay. NSW8 FROM GEN. M'DOWELL'S ARMT. Skirmish Hoar VialmouMt?aG?|MnlM For- - rich, of the Ifew York Si'T?nt^:nl?th, and Iiicutmiaut Dcwptey, of. th? N?# York Srcoiul and Otlief Ri'Uoacr* Bo* - lrn*r<I?Pmilr Among IUc Vit^UUao* bbiit'iiilldu* iu J?nx? .fUiror toiemod ? CoKuran in Good Ileal*h, 4U? , dio* ? W?s?mi..'>N| May 0, INIi Tbo rsar guard or a brigade was *U?ckeU /oWky ? by rebel siormuliii.g party, about eight.tniies ftaa? Ci!l*tt's ?Wilton. Two Ri'-u aro roporloJ killed, Uiirtjr or -forty wonodad eud an equal nuuabor miBmug. Two noaertere from a r'~?'i t rTfimtai millIn last night to k'almo.ith. Lieutenant Harnwail, aocorapnuml by Surgoant Bnfe^ ol I lie First reditu ant Jtoutli Caroliu i \ uiuntuars, cans to our Ilui'sat Frodorick-bjrg to-day, v;iO> a llig of truee, Iwvlng in charjo Gapuin Ja'noa A. Farrmn, of CompMf B, be\-emy-aii>U> New York regimeni. and Lieutenant /. W. botupeoy, company A, Saomd New Vjrk StateMt't tia, both of whom wore uuen prisoners at Hull rwa? . Sbey.with eixty-etght otlie a, ware, couttaed la KieO? mom', in i room fwrty by eighty teet square, all of wtao. have >;oou subjected to tbe greatest hardships. Leaving Riclirooud thia raorning, tboy. . cm* , as far aa the Summit by raiijued, when tbay jeen ? into an unb . anco and brot;>t nlinlfi IIml thiaeg^ . the rebel lines. Great o?>mmoti?n prevailed tluag the whole ronto. dit ii'g the latter |t?rl ?>;? la.- r. wuwk. Krery casrlage Ml. ???eh, p'liilio and private, was impiaeeed- Into, service In Pict .wotiu, and used In tranapoeting bag gage and the sick. and wouudod from th*. Tapki***. depot to the sail way statuni.ja the city. The p??piO. seem to have mcome tired of., the rebellicn^and Many have etpre^od tiiomaelvoe t^th? priaonera aa-betag (Mb that the Yanla?"s wore so n?ar. The reb?'? have sent a large nutr>pc of nantfc boat* and old vcA?ela loaded with stupe .down tba Jamee ri>nr, te ol>?:?wjt the or Ogatioa. and this, tbd pas.-y of trot*.. over th? railroads has proven l? t oor priuon?i? , front , be?se. sent homn? forty-five I ? sigaed .heir parole aod> waiting ft>s transpor tat'm. The re'truing prisonenwere In the .sanje. ?"tf j Colonel OBtoeran, and report bun tolerably gfodi> health. beve^d attempts b? been made sn .the pntfcnC. that prtxeoei-a to get up a netiUoa, which tfce Colonel hen ho-, varif^y refnsod to rlgn, hoping t!?i bis 11 uremia* bmh!>uv lemiuder his suHbrlngo^ Uroat surprise is e^prw>*e<l by elk the pi laaneM. the# 00k Ml t^rcorsn hej, not been rekjsod, and lbs re la aafc mil but would lonuia la hlest?t4ir it would Mendh UtCetonel's diso.'-arae. Tlioreportsftetr meata! toColA-nfttro-kfehayo besot* bUtt&Miaroe of gteat mental (ufkrtng since hjj oee*ire. ^pand Major Caaaldy were examining picko?i.ann?rtfeeai jetagtnpotntedvfflo* of ih? Ony for tbsfolteodnedey, nxid baa pnsee* . beyond the s^Upp or Htf uaiiy, who bad Juat been aaptured, aupt>.4ng tbem<wlv??ea*, wMn ttiey ?(re m*denly surrounaid ana trjaen prie oem by tbe rebels I* ^abeih Lieutenant be-apsey is -earer of teaUBMelala wMeh will relkeweUolonel Orooker from all. odluna whieh oay have beea ntrcbed to bi? aaroe. l-rlvaia 3iur?l?i;i,of thi I'irht Olijo oa.valry, who haw been <v rfljuod some time, Joined the rehat ranks a few daysiicoe, and Ntn'-loned to g?mrd a portion of tho prison ivjMre a numbea of his canaradta wore v>uAued <^,tne '? them reproaubing him from the window, he 4M? lilr.atrly flrtd nt them, bnt without bitting any one. Opuin I'arrkh aud Ueuteuajit tOiupsey aro in g*>d Ue^Uh, the latter having euitrsly rrm>v?re<l from hi* w?.un<l In the rorehoud, ro eivod nt Hull run. it is believed tluii the Uag of truoc, U.une by orehdC* eillier, bringing tvo of oar pr> .-mere from Hlc'raond to FredericV?b irg, \ra* sft ty!y \ prf{n*t to cnabl? tho o?? cor to tako an ob?oi vaii m c>i iho ?lreu?th ol Gm eral M<!,nlwi-H'i array, nu i tbi pfi bal lllty of hie *.'? vatw-tng. Tht prcnntlMl takoti l.'nvo htm go i>n. ic fery little wiaci than btiiwro, ir any. (toner il l atrlek iia? been appointed M*J*iaty Oovrrnee of FrftdfirlckaWrg, atid hat M^niheit t'js duties, aap ported by a ioroo of uirauiry and o*v?iry. TUo rnriny'* pickeuaie w.tbin !.?o tnitae and a h-jtf of tno tow ?? Capuiu i a. rlott and l.^itlenanV bet*p??y arrl?<5rf bera t<? <i?y irom nicitiW-nd, i.avmgb ?n pa..s?d toeo, "??> %t the 8J>?n.s-.?oaH.jailer a ??< of truW