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THE VICTORY AT NEW ORLEANS. (CONTINUKD FROM TKN'TH PAGE.) ttN ? penal barge. Above water Mr shape dtflfrrs aicfatiy, though not m&iemliy. To* water cornea up ?bMt a fool ou Ilia irou, so tliat uo pari but ill* male Uid 4a *xpu**d. She ha? aixieen porta iu alt?-hree iu <b* bow, three In tho storo, four on one aide ?od tlx on the other. Her cornstmotor was Mr. Peirce, formerly of the uospurt Navy Yaid. Shu Had on the awning of the 24th inst. tea gun* mounted. Iu the fcow two eight-inch I'ahlgreus, lu tho eeutre poru a ?isty-four pouuder rifle. The tamo oa the bteru. On ?*r broadsides lour thlrty-twoe, rilled, and six eight *aoh Dahlgrens. f-he was commanded by Capttin Mclntoah. and GapPUu Mitchell was on board aa Flag Officer. They were both i? the pilot house, on the top ?( the reatel. She Is plated on top with oue^uarter iuch aheat iron. Her wood work under tho iron pUtiug is ?weaty-lwo laches, Hard pine. She had a steam *ngm* Ik4 waa taken from th<j steamer Ingomar. Her wheels WW thirty?ight feet In diameter, and located in the tislis of the boat, but near lb* a tern, one be. tM the other. 8be was to . have bad two Are foot propellers, one oa each side, which are now on board, but not attached. 9he etuld mot be propelled against the current of the river. ?he waa Basoned by the Crosoent Artillery, 140 dm*; ?harp shooisn, 104; and a number of men were la a 4r see port soar by waiting to ho put oa board. Mr. Ooloholl left the Louisiana, by permission of tho ?Maaaading officer, to go on board of the transport to ?flat his dothlag and tools, sad took occasioa to leave her, ending ta the water for sevea hours. THE MOMUOMBBT WjOTlULA. tho Moatgomery flotilla emulated of heavy towboats? atghteea la naaber. Only six wore in tho engagement; tfc* remainder were up thortvor. They are built up ou Aha gaarda Kith timber sixteen inches la ttticlc aaeaa. Two bales of cotton compressed to the mtm at one bale are placed ou tho Inside ~mt the Umbers. This cotton la two tiers thick, mmt stowed along the timbers. Tho Union Uoetsot ou ?re aad burnt five ui them, firing tho cotton. Tho other ?a still afloat, under tlto caro of tho forts. All thogtin ' boats bat three were burnt. Thrjo only re main?the Hackee, Loaisiaua, one otlor and a transport. TUB Of VR*=W3 UKHIBOYBU. Tfcoaamber of veeae s destroyed by the Union fleet "?ra< aa follows:?Thirteen grinb au and three transporti. Mr. tfolohall has Uotn eug.iged iu buiidiug vesreA for the >C*roramaot at the Navy Yard at' Jea'cr-on Ci;y, and was - aeat down with thirty wou to uumpleto iha LouUHna. Tho Mississippi bad most of bur s- team macbiuery in '?ail bor propellers shipped. She was to have thru pro. yollora. Only the contra one was in. She drow nine toot, whoa launched; would draw whou completed lour toua feet Of water. Tho Baton Bougo batteries, above and below, mount *Obout flfty guns. in AMOCTT 0? COTTON rriTROYM). Tm thomand baled of cotton h ivu benn barut since the -fleet passed the tons. A b.rge portion of the cotton whs 4aboard the ships, which were buiut. ?t Maine was Kwdod with cotton. iha tUlp Marshal had ?00 bales oa board. the two rifled guna on the Iy>u?iaua each weigh 14,000 pounds. The bi>ro is soveu iuches. The brooch ?mt tbae* guna were ?tr*pi-ed by a steel baud, throe fact 'Wo*<l and two inches iu thickuoos. These guas were laafaoturod la Richmond, Yu. Altar a hurriod visit to the forta we passed down the wtver to gat ooal. thrtlyul'tr our arrival tho Iroquois <aaiaa down. Captain l>e '"amp informed tnu that ho bad J*ot raoelrod orders from the Flag OUIccr to take iu coal ?al stores, aad then to roturu to New Or loses to receive *A ttaal orders before pr?coediiig uj> to MouipUia. I have at* duufct but that several ol' me li^bt draught vessel* ?will go up frith tho Iroquois. At tbs tinio 1 leit the liag ?nip ao definite p an had been adoptod for further ope vatioas-.butof one thing I ro'.t insured, it would uot ba hvog before aetlre operations would commcm-o, cither up the river, or at a place I wl!l not, mention at present tor obvious reasons. Forts l'iko aud Livingston are *>wi loned, aud tlie troops win to me ly gan isone I ?bom have gone to support l.'eanr- garit. i could le.trn nothing from the robe.'s In rc'.alku to army utuvomeuls. I ptirrhMOd a ncwrp tjor ol' a young-it or who promised ?o bring me one or irwre every <'ay; but 1 liarned that h<J was imprisoned for sUliLg ma one, so 1 lost by that a iMper Oi the ii'Jih. Wo llllod up our coal bunkers and wore ready to leave as soon ns the mo. uiug dawned. Heat of the mortar flotilla were at Pilot 'iowu. The anbooaer 1 an Smith, of tUu inorUtr fleet, wui dospatchu.l by Oouim,under to Havana ou ,v ui.Jdy lant, with the aews oi our pusailiig the foi ls. Tho Uawrts was inconi l4e<?, aad the vess:l wns dospatchad without the Klai; Officer's knowledge; and should any trifling rows roach Cbefor*the arrival of this despatch, you may know r Moome. Dupatch from Commodore Pmr* r?g ut. W^^uixotok, May 9, IMi The Vary Department has recoivod tue t'oltmriag in tareatiag offloiat details of the capturo cf New Orleans:? L'mtbii taTAiw Klao Ship IUrttobd, ) At anoiiok out -.a* Cat or Nkw Okxxax*. April M. lfHtt. J 8m?i am happy to announce to you tout our Uah ?tf?a over both l or la Jackson and St. l'hilip, tu at Wew O: linns, over the Cuntcm Uoute. t am '?v"[ every n.e.u.a to aecure tlie occupation by Ceoerai butler of ail ibe torts along tin couat. Berwick's Bay as4 fort Hike havo boeu abandoned. In fact, there la a general aUmpodc. 1 tUull endeavor to follow il up. lam bringing up tj.e troops as :a*t as pos. iblo. We Iwva4eawoyad all tb* forts above tUo city, four ia Dum ber, which are undor&tood to be all the impediments feetweti this and Memphis. I aui, vary ronpeuiUlK, |Mi ??edtent servant, D. C. KAKRAGUT, Flag OOlcor Gulf Blockading Squadron. WW ORLEANS AFTER ITS SURRENOER. Bittl Account of the Manner In Which Cite Cwuauiercial MatUn of the City wove Affcclctl. ft'raa the New Orleans Credent, April 28 ] S'.TUIOUT Night, April -6?It M. Ts attempt anything of a ?cuorai rov.e* Una evening IkM vmU b? of the least satisfactory nature, woul I b;; ?nlfli nevertheless, lo Icecp up a record of Oaaaetal aad commercial, w# resume our wcokly UHk. We satsrtuiw Mmyjtkal ikt future in dore far our rltj Mill vmm< neia'e ut for all thctu>ubU an I dc.# <ndti* y which u moto ntpcndimg orer the c m *unity. At the date of our last summary, the ports be low the city wero iuvect^d, casing considerable anxiety tateaactal circles, por:ic?)arly to much so that. It was oeeated advisable by ov.r mandators to take pie!i:m- j oarjr ateps to piaoe tholr valuables tn a moie sjie l>iaee of security than the vaults ware si;:<|xjsrd to eitord. Uoat'uy aud Tuenday throu of Ilia banks redcerrod their circulation, othots In part. Ou Wednesday a rbuc Vtl miimm waa rioeived from ibo acth irities In Hich aaead fer the banks to nlltllfnw iho farther paying evtaT com Ou IhuiMsy morning our community In fanaral wm astounded to learn that bovoral vts>.?ls of Abe federal fleet had tassu I the foit belo.v. A gon-rul anmeefooafution nod excitement enmed. Stm ? of the tmmks riqu&t'i their d piilo.s ti wi'hdn-w all lit fir iin b?oi emd maluab!fs on, and dxliuiioi to rr dtfii it*. At moredi in two of tb3 banks closed tholr 4wers, 4eaholng to transact any further bi&iuess. Notos, oteoaree, wrat uniwilj, though there were low falling due. Oo Friday the excitement una i>anie wore still fur Alter tocreceed by the irrivalcf the enemy's vetsnls in ftoatef the cilv. "lhe b*r.ks wore immediately cloved , aud bare raataired closed since. TVheu they will o(;en ?gala tor regular basinet, it la impossible to predict or fere toil In (As meantime, our currency is in perfect stele of ?heee,though it ieb>>pc<l the panic counected with it has run Me eewree, and tluit on A/.tv'ai ice wnv uiln< . a eateer ttmte of njfairt. An for the Individual Issue*, alias ?btoT?:a*fr-ra, of parties o. horeto/oro * landing anu 10 ouoaaibtlttr. we are not awitro that tho occurrrn :oe of tat *ink, the disasters I11 our situation, will in the le. it <weekeaer impair th-ir svUciity; jot itciuuot be denied ?het measures should be Uk n to imprest the furth r u ut. ^ c4eng? **t*n on the jart rf r/ian y makeii, of whose re ?p<NMrioUitjr there ore tuany doubtx We ceaoot obs-rva any impropriety in senln suggoot 'ttK aa aafljcUtiou be foriuod by some Uo/?u or more ledif Hlaalx, to b.i ilaiMmimtcd the "CUttnga A^S'x ia ti>>e,M to uuue t>tn:ill uoivs lor notes of large denuuiina tioea. The proce?>lB of these cJuoge notes to be held hi eraatfer tho redemption of ths seuie. A fluctuating ?wmrrmtcj te a post, and duih i; e crisis of the prer>eLt ?aaoiuiea, tuctiiuiloD will attend the dally routine of ?cmremt muvetofliilf. If ?e? cw'd return /ruthwith to a ?tmmie tummy, a imuld redevni tn the good of all. Trie, mHHtmff 4?i'arr of the coin 'hat ?1? here ire note no im .jerk**. All expect itton thai coin paymculs would be ?oetieuad aa the part of our b .uka (pro\ Idi-d ihey do agee doors again) must b? rcr the present abtnaoaad. /?a tmamf imanres, during the rait. fma dai/t, Uurc hot Urn ^ucjrdta# He ^ntai . >ur**,y of >Ke ccnj'ederexf. This added coefualoii aa<l i.ncei laititjr to the present [n> ?tuna af aObira. In sll protiabihty theie m.>y ;>? ssibiy ?ellew yarttol re uns;:lotsin'<1elitngs mcoin, that .4, If ?ll theooia in privaio hands auu ^ntsi le patties has not Ulna wlags and llown a .ay. I here ware no returns freia the banks to the Doard of Cerreocy to-day. the awveme its In produce during the week hare been aeaMa*4 toertffar and nn ini,.'?*e, chicfly before Friday. There were sales of 1 SOO I-. jtsh nds of ru<ar and 4,.V)0 ear re (a of aolarao*. (Jo KrVJay, a 'atoVti rabbi--, It can be ? earned, ocmmincnl, 0itrinif the hurn.n.j of cotton, the brertit dmg nf m fuythM'.i of tu^ar a id f.rcnijjlxtric 10/molamtrt, tarrying & fj/ in the mo*t 'typru rd t'yit rf a^i'an inum ibe ecene attlm soj;ar Uopo. at thii tune is too desolate to require more than a hi tei noi.ioe in 1 In* coimnu. lhe reriens wtol -mln jobbing nud retail itorot and ehei* here been o.c.'ml sn <:e Toursilay. Our streois and ?imikm, taeroloro, prevent n v?ey ^l.tomy eipect. Vvdrr ? l*e lutrmi' of the command'ni ofi rriifth ? ITiut,t*. ma'a furra.nwiH* th'tit;', manj tin u mijlnr.oi^u d u-.rt ?eer^. lee U?yor li?s 'Wo requested the keep-us of ?rueeriea awl i>iovixi"n Iwuse.i to o|?n thiMrdoo. e aud eepply the I'liblir. aa far as t.My ran. la tha aeantlme, If we takn a dls'ant tHw of the wrtara, we uiiy well W'plrr, 'Kitrnt whrafj Is cur com a?untty to ab' itn lupplifi "f previsions ami bra.n!*tit2ff?'' Tfuirmi/n ami famuu r*ully ttatt tn ? kttif of or p.) j nU: je?? in the fa< t. l/c <|.? .?<?.?. u.tM no- . ift-ivi ?all **und in fuel. Tbj Jac!u"u U-llr md fompur.y sen. pend?d 11s ny 1,1 f tir.jnt; <y?r.nuiiic.itioii \iUh i'.-d ti?er?iro?n wtiwii scotf u sovei-tl '?>at loads or piuia oi 'ua<:<t <rf Supi'lhis were f.i|>e .livi, Uav uig h"en (nicl aso l ey ih* CwiiLiitfeo ,.f f5n.ev>?<? ?.?!- . ud by !om of ca ? t?jre by tho iura?!i!?j s<j?.n.? or. I%t frtrl ??(?./(.>? tfitli rfM* arfen.''; until. ? 11; ilenual aa tm tn up in our repr* All watila-'tloi-.? in billds, notes Ml ' sto ?? tnv? been eie.'ght ti> ? c!'?" b) ,..n "V -at,i t'f tlio p*>t t'lres ?(*>??, Chen they Wl.l uo re.s .i. -d it 11 1./ ? ,ilt .1.1..., *>r >ihe<> or prr'.l ?fo'sen, c iiilf lists ? de-i r? ewrd aghaet, s^ tt were, nt the {?? tiM?n of the ? > n, ft .???anl ? l?i* w !'.?/ Kum ?> rhn..f J%,- \tl' .-It akr ta a/*K' dr. Atrltal uf 'Ciopit Us fitiiit >?.%? > . ns. Oai?eia rtiiUy.of It.a ? it 1 . < ivi Wi\w. .0 ?jc< tta<i Vai 'J liv 1 1 1.1. ? naval victory at New Orleans?reach** here to day. with dtepalcbee and trophies. Among thee* are a eylouiid ? Ik (lag tiiat was borne by the old Clieliaette regiment, which aurrendored to Oeptam Bailey *4 the Quarantine (round, below New Orloaua, tlie LeufeUna Sute Ila^a that woro lakeu down from the captured foru, tbe ("Hy Hail and other public buildings in Now Origan*. These tro.iUioa attracted attention at the Navy Department and the reception room of tbe Houso of Representatives. Captains Bailey and Buggit, accompanied by Captain Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Nary, visited the CapitO] to day, and wore received by the naval committees of the two houses of Congress, to whom they made an Inter eetlng statement of tbe achievements of the Western Gulf Squadron la tbe Lower Mississippi. Colonel J. If. Bradley, of this city, received to-day * letter from Captain Aides, of tbe United Stales sloop-of-war Richmond, announcing tbe death ?f his eon, J. B. Bradley, midshipman on tbe Richmond, during tbe engagements wttb Forte Jackson and St. Phi lip. Captain Aides says, while the balls were felling thickly this young officer eoted with tbe ooolnsea of a veteran. He bad Just received aa order, and even la tbe mldahof the danger did not omit to give tbe military salute, when es bis arm came beck to hie side be fell Ufeleee at tbe Captain's feet. Opealmg of the Part of Vow Orleene to Tr??te. Wasmaaro*, Kay 9,1892. The prellmlnartce for tbe opening of tbe port of New Orleans to foreign and loyal domestic trade have been arranged, end only the official announcement of the Union occupation of that city waa waited tor before tbe ieane of tbe proclamation. This official intelligence was received to-day, and the announcement of the opening of this Important Southern port will be made immediately artor the return from Fortreee Monroe of the President and .Secretaries ef War and tbe Treasury, who are hourly expected. NEWS FROM PORT ROYAL Banning of the Blockade at Wilmington, W. C., by tli* Rebel Steamer Nashville? She Ground i on the liar, but Ultimately Escapes 4hi- Dlockaders, &c.f Sie. Tho United - uoam transport OrlonUl, Captaia Tuzo, from !'?> . ?4 8tli Inst., arrived at this port last night. Nothing of Importance had taken plaoe at Port Roya| sitioo last advices. Steamers leave Hilton Head dally for Beaufort, Otter Island, Edlsto, Damfastle, Fort Pulaski and Tybee. Tho rebel steamer Nashville, alias James ^ WraCg, succeeded in running the blockade at Wilmington. N.C., a few days ago. Tho sailing sloop-of-war Jamestown was blockading the port at the time. It being calm tho Nashville had no difficulty In passing hor, but in cross lug the bar she ran aground. The captain of the Jamas, town immediately despatched a boU to a steamer, somo fifty miles off, but before the st jaraor reached the ground tho rebels, by the aid of small steamers, lud sticceodcd In lightening the Nashville and gottinj into port. Tho following vessels were at Port Royal:?Sto^mors Cahawba, for New York; tela warn, Cosmopolitan, Hon d .rns, Mattano. and Flora; ihio Win. Cuniuim^a, bark Eagle, b.ig Albert Adams, schooners Keinhardt, New Zealand, Blackbird. Burroughs, and Wcstorn Star. Tho following ore the paKsan^ers bv tho Oriental; Mr. Barnes, Mr. Barker, Mr. Cbbb, Miss Allco Tiiomp. son, Lieut. E. H. Hotchkls.*. Mr. Pendleton, Capt. Tailoy, Mr. Morrow, Liout. A. IL Libby, J. A. May, Mr. Bullock, Jas. Rr.sjell, D. Iienedleut, Cyrus Samborn. J. Franz, M. lloj l, Lieut. Rice, Rev. M>". Rich. Mr. Phli'e, Mr. Conolly, S. S. Crane. Capt. T. Rogers, Goo. Green, H. Fulton, Julius Hess, Mr. Murray?a id 46 in the steerage. THE WAR III THE SOUTHWEST. Keinfarcfiarnta Flocking to Beauro gurrt?Gunboat Skirmish at Fort Wr;Sl?t-TI>lrtJr Pieces of Cannon Kx> humed at ColamlxuHaOar Troops Witit* In Two Miles of Corinth, ?&c. Pinna VsKtT.Hr, Arx., May $, jsca. Two gentlemen who have boon In the South since (lie commencement of the block ide arrived here to-dny. They left Honiphis two woc'^s sinco, coming to Jaokson port on the steamer Sera. Halo, which arrived here last Tuesday, bat her officers learning that our troops src.e matching03 that (own, sh.? immediately s'artod do-An Hie river. Our troops reached there the following evening. Provisions, clothing and all kl nds of merchandise are very ecarco throughout th e .?omh. Tennefgea inoi ev is at a premium of 20 per cent, and gold 100 per cent Drafting for the army 1.1 going on, regnrdloa* of 'posi tion, an J many Union tnaa are flying to the mountaih.i and swamps, tort Pillow is the only defocce oa the Mississippi that la considered secure on the water side r^?en.?r',n?ri?'* B?no 10 Kort Pillow and Oericth. Thefo'ce at Corinth Is supposed to be one hundred and ton thousand. Kittson boats are ni v at Little Rock, talcing on board twelve thousand Arknnsaj troops Tor Corinth. Tho rivers have been very hizb and Xapoleon is now Hooded. * ' A asocial despatch from Cairo mornl-gt**mW Brcwn' fr0,n lho arrived this At daybreak yesterday Tour rebd gunboats were sceu ruiindiitg the point, making their way in tho direction or i^m?r?r,^ueU.,,3rWit*.tl? lnWEl",n of caoturiog t .em. Ourgunbttts.ormod in line of bstt'e, and tl" de. kg were cleared for action. Seme fifty ahNts wara lirel, when tno rebels retired. Their distance was so tcokcfT c? U impoM:bi# 10 whether cny shot. Tho tiring from the mortars, which had been susuca.! ed Tor two days, was renewed, and wV.en the Rrownleft was K?ing on with great vigo'i. To guard .gainst ?y surnj ,S? the mortar boau are towed up the i ive/ every night, and rsmsin behind tho lleet. ? i roluJ1b"9>whu was carried away by tho r-bels at tho time of the ovitciati.>n of tb it n'? o has eswui.1 u>; tells Pitiful storlaa of affairs at M m' !i,i'*.' F* pointful the place where the rebels buried {,, nVKeCf"2 caaao? In Oojombus, nil of which have been exhuniod,end are now la our pons tsion ritUbnrgh arr.vod h ro last night, and remits that our amy wax within two miles of Corinth that heavy firing wiu going on with our extreme a'1' vance, but It was thought that no general eoiMemtnt w:*s progressing. Hciut.nU papers cf the Cd and 5th are received the A call iiuAaOt tbo .">th say*:?Tfas battle so lane an I lull pa: o?l at Corinth Is postponed for the pro^St * rrrn tort Wright our advices are to Saturday. The fedcrs s continue their liurmlesi pastime, much to tho amasener.t of our gallant b-ys. Wo believe i here is eviy i >i os. eci. that our authoritl:s will, under no cir cumstances, surrender this s:rong .old. I .t.r'V v";!;>b.'rg ws learn that the authorities are ra ' f d'{ h'7pj '? *> ward gun. and oomp^o,' lions, ? hlch aro ren ?aeuUKi to be cf aueh a formidable character as to preclude the possibility oi th* pa stage of I the enemy's ikot up the rlv.r. Iho .ty itcnch* acknowledges a loss or twenty killed and one hundred wounded ?t Kirmtngton, on staturcay ?aal, uid dop ccaios the adoption of th* p icy of ner-e cutitt meu, and sava stcU a course of action by th-j \" "U,J to <"w??roo? reaults. fbOfcOvermnoot la becoming unpopular, and the Ara fui?.V:e due* not lrtsl'alo to attack iljVigorouWy ,A ??*;????wiw i#u N?w Or loans on Hie 1st, says ?h-. tho Lnlon war voaseU, after having uu^eil the .r . . Irishwomen to influence their hunbands inilifi .hi The res'ilt wsa ifant aso m?n ^.Ike. tlwgu. s.nU delivered themselves <t,i to th. s:is my. (>efierai Butler i.< tn the city, hsving come .so m the first transport r, om below. V ? proi-lamjtioii appointing the 16th or the prcrorit :..omh Tor the people to .mite in their eevoral pUces of w.rnhip in humble supplioaiNaW Almighty Uod He wtil vouehMtfe Ilia blessinc on tlie Coniederste arms, .?4 Ui.a H. w.ll .u.JZX ?neD". The enemy have 1,0>.0 cavalryl)rladoehon "'I **** Gardner Static, and last ntght it waa reiwi t* ed that a company of rebel cavalry occupied Union City. ? , ... Mot"- sr; Tenn., May o. isfij Rc.ugoca from M.mphle, May 4, who have arrived hers, roport the citiaens in a great panic. The trooue rfTlnVh Til7 ?r,cu,*Un? Forl '"*>w aod.coming w i. id i0'*l"n? everything for the Im ?Th of llay. C?D,or,pt Uw uu? on the Thl if??}, cv,rjr m,n m""1 fl?h* <* out bait. riL.o?.hIZSf-f'??*''* ,!l* a**tl thronlcia. thear rival ou too *..Jd oi a long train ot box ciri wiih lories, *n I tii?ir (imparluru onih?5Nth forHmtttou wbcra ^ mzar***i;-'uid f#cur' Vl.h.?1IM^I *i"|11* '*l,'r ,hal * V'0"""*?*ierito from . Iduairi hj<l been r.teivod. lm|K?ilng * duly or cne and a a.f oonts on iyery pound of cotton shipped in Now MmkiCo. and a duty of twenty live per cent ou ?!| good. imu Mevlco into Te*n?. ? A ieejanolr>ance witliin a mile of th.t enemy's .n trcBcbm -tH. fully c UhMahea ui? fr.ct that the re'*". tt?i li, ""''V1'1 ",i,b*rn>oro thai they will ti?ht iusitio fnirauciiiiicnt*. ? The vt iiather U gojcl u.d the meds are imp. ovlnf ft it. N.'llil^g i.-. khowu If.oof the MUpnreeni.Mi of n< wh nt t Ajro, or new.i ol any kind not slteadjr t? h.,d. _ , , J . Niauvifcu:, 0, 1M?2. One hundred and cfclity or ,M. n m ? cavalry i.ave nr t ive ! at Nii?iivillc, m t fer l.>o Xo. lli. , . Cut.MCO, Mav P, lHOi. A ?n<???V dasptto*) to ths T.m-t fi'.m talro today says:?Atnvalg ui-day littfh ,K Mia?^ that the re.mlM n??ie itt* .<-^ed b/i;?n. firuat on iVmtn?: 4 a L' T 'l h* tl,or **? ?"???? t.cit.y lad n^ Hi* rocult o'. Uila ngj^.'nicnt ai'ien i |u tho rapid n ?. sine t e, tuc re t;s, by 1 air rntiit ll t;i ? sou'.l-c-ut, thus aurrMfliriiiK the liao <| be :...:;.?pi,w ? 11 ? 1,find fKlng -n> .1 t" sir.??? iu fOiCe o.i ths . I. le .111. Our. rtmd, Hu itli o. iVri i h. "Ihc rt\. 11 'itl. u.%(? ,vi with ti.o rui-iik, .leH 'iter. u.>.I .te th u tlu ? h.'.c lubel force wiH be witli .. awn ??? i? i.:i' t, v iiinib. :nne v .ii v<? i" 1 . ,j( M ? ri:ith. At th, loiut th. ten |. hi> f*l?iMlra > it* fvrtt <1 tu<nn a?. i?0'trtu> m ? j ? na ..1. NEWS FROM NEWBERN, N. C. Arrival of the Trnmtjiorte Albany and Eastern Qaren. The steamibip Albany,Captain Chedaey, front New born, N. C.a on tke 7th instant, With ths mails and p?e Mongers, arrived at this port yon tar4a jr uiornmg. Among tbo paseeugers are CapUin Pleroe, of the ecltooner John Aanaach; also Captain W. II. tulford, of the schooner Messenger, which were wreck, ad two waeka ago on the North Carolina coast. Nothing baa been dcae by the expedition since the taking of fort Macon. Sevan or eight vueseia ware mat mat Hat tar aa Inlet, k*?de<l with heraea and Irid batter lea, supposed to be con signed to Gcoeral Bnrusides. The United States Transport Eastern Queen, Captain Collins, from Newbern an* Hatteraa Inlet 7th inat., with 104 sink and wwindod from Burnslde's army, at Newborn and Roanoke Island, arrived at this port yeetorday ?mtl Nothing new had transpired ainoe the departure or the Peabody. The oOoeraand mm on beard the Eastern Quean desire to express their gratitude ?? Captain Collins, his olDcers and orew, for their kind treatment of them during the pasaage. The following Is a llat of the tick and wounded:? Lieutenant Wra. A Cakiil, Co. A, Nth New York, Klml ra, ganahot in ihl|b. Corporal Coleman, CO. A, 89th New York, Eimira, gun shot in hand. Private Stephen Oowa, Co. H, 6th New Hanipahlre, tuburouUr dUioaii* Privato Win. A. Hildreth, Co. H,6th New Hampshire, bronchitis. Private Jaa. Cromatli, Co. 1,6th New Hampshire. Sergeant Thos. I. Vose, Co. ?, 6th New Hampshire, chronic diarrhoea. Private J. T. Hun, Co. D, 10th Connecticut, Saulabury, fever. Orderly Sorgeent Wm. Carrlngton,Co. E, Cist New York, New Y<-rk city, diod May 8. Privato E. D. GavlU, Co. D,4th Rhodo Island, Aahua, amputation of leg. CorporalO. T. Green, Co. F, 27th Massachusetts, West Granville, lever. Privato Henry H. Peck, Co. H., 27th Massachusetts, Clark-nbury, debility. Privato'in*. Ulmau,Co. G,2fith MassachuROtls,North ampton, gunshot wound in the leg. Private Ge >rgo W. Green,Co. I, Mat New York, Otsego oounty, gunshot wou: d in the linnd. Private H. C. T.arney, Co. E, SUh Msaaaciiu8ett3, Cod Uain, dystntery. Captain J. ?>. Russell, Co. O, 9thConnecticut, South Norwich, kidney?. Private M. Welch, Co. A, 17th Massachusetts, New buryport, rheumatism. Private Ed. H. Pogee, Co. R,llth Connecticut, Deep River, disease of the lungs. Privato Charles Tayltr, Co. K.llth Connecticut, Hart ford, rlieu;aaii.?in. Private Wm. Jarneau,Co. 1,10th Connecticut,Green wich, debility. Privato William Cocbefsir.CSo. I, Otli Now York, New York, gunshot wound in the shoulder. PtIvate V. Burcb, Co. H, tfth New York, New York, gunshot wound in the thigh. Private G. P. Cartoon. Co. H, 9th Now York, New York, gunshot wound iu tho thigh. Private t?. Kriss, Co. A, ttili New York, New York, gunshot wound In the chert. Private J. Voorhees.Co. A, 9th New York, New York, gunshot wound In ths l^g. Private J. Harrison,Co. B, 9th Now York, New York, gunshot svounu In tho lore arm. Friv^to P. Nocki-:.on, Co. C,9th New York, Now York, gunshot wound in tlic kuee. Private J. Byrd.Co. P, 9th New York, Now York, guu shot wound in the thigh. Private L?Coleman,Co. V, 9th New York, Now York, gunshot wound In tho thigh. Privato H. Harterfels, Co. K,9th New York,New York, gunshot wound iu the hani.s. Corporal V. Vuladd, Co. P, 9th New York, New York, gunshot wound In the log. Sergeant J. Hodges, Co. H, 9th New York, New York, gunshot wound in tho arm. Corporal Wm. Matthows, Co. II, 9th New York, New York, ;;-:nshoi wound in the thigh. Private lid. brum, Co. G, 9th New York, New York, guualiut wound iu tho arm. IVivMe K. Wins n, 0>. I, 9tli New York, New York, g'inrhot wound in the foro arm. Major T. Everts, 87th New York, Bingham ton, Injury to spine. Privato R. II. Irwin, Co. I, 51st Pennsylvania, Culoa county, gunshot wound in the arm. Corporal R. L. Watrous, Co. K, 11th Connecticut, Deop River, lover. CorporalH. C. Chaunccy, Cb.0,21st Massachusetts, Ashburnham, gunshot wound in the arm. Private O. A. Rex,Co. D,01st Pennsylvania, Morris town, gunshot wound in the knee. Privato Eugene Duval, Co. K, 11th Connecticut, New Bedford ^Mass.. amputation of the log. Corporal W. N. Seaton, Co. 1,10th Connecticut, Round iiiil, fever. Captains. D. Shoffleld, Co. H, 8th Connecticut, Ston ington, gunshot wound in the chest. Privates. J. Scales, Co. D, iOth Connecticut, Midson, rriv*t?0.8. 8. Sax ton,Co. A, 10th Connecticut, New Haven. favor. Private Jaa. Powcra.Co. G, Mat Pennsylvania, Centre ooiiD It, enr.?hft wound in the arm. Priva.eCha?. L?. Hnyt.Co. H, 8th Connecticut, South Norwich, guuehot wttonrt In the hip. CorroralQ. H. Dayton, Oo 1,10th Coanectlcui, Green wich. gunshot wound in the lunge. Sergeant John D. Torry.Oo. F, 23d KasarJhu;etts, Boa ton, left leg amputatod. Privato K. D. Pratt. Co. D, 224 Maaaachusetta, Sunder land, fever. Se.geant C. L. Uodhrue, Co. K, 2Ttk Maasachuaetta, Sp: lugflald, dysentery. Private C.;H. Seari, Oo. C,, Kfn Htven/evarT ? *- ? ? * * * Private M. C. Smith, Co. K, 27tit Massachusetts, Wor thing ion, debility. Private J. V. Thoyeo, Co. A, 27th Massachusetts, Wor tfclsgton, rover. riivRte Henry M. Grant, Co. E, 10th Connecticut, Mirsilcld, lumbago. Private 3ilae A. London,Co. 1,10th Connectiout,Green wich, fever. l'riraieC. I.. Taylor, Co. C, 10:h Connectiout, Bloom flekd, typhoid iever. Private C. K. Northrop, Co. G, 10th Connecticut, Durlon, fever. Second I ieutenant Wm. ft. Foster, Co. S. 61at Pennsyl vania, Ml!?inabt:rg,bronchitis. Corporal H. C. MoCormlck, Co. II, 61at Pennsylvania, Wi:;a|iort f JDHhot wound la the lee. Private J. W. Ad<>n,Co. H, 27th Maseachuaetta, North A<:an:a, diarrbora. Private J. L. Fuller,Co. C. 27th UiMsachuaetta, South E^rcmoit, diarrhea*. Prlvata D. 0. Daman, Co. C,24th lU><aaoha?otte, Wins town rfc?ntnatisin Private 6. T> iudloy, Co. C. 21st klaaaachusetta, Ash bur Blum, gunshot wound in thigh. Privcte W. C. McKenley, Co. H, 21th Massachusetts,, rheumatism. Private Hl?C. Smith, Co. F, 24th Massachusetts, South Boston, knee Joint. Private X Richardson, Co. B, 27th Maanachusetle, Athol.debL'lty. Private Orin Jonea, Co. C, 27th Massachusetts, Deer flis Id, broach ilia. Prirato Jacob Riden, Co. D. 81st Pcmiaylranla, Mont gomory county, debility. Private I>aa F. Knight, Co. 0,27th Massachusetts, Nor wich , fever. Private George R. Woodward, Oo. K, 10th Connect! ? cut, Kast Haven, fever. Private C. B. .Spaining, Co. D, 27th Maaeachupetta, Am herst , dUteasc of lungs. Private Alexander Doyce, Co. K,27th Haaaachusetts, Spriegfleid, debility. Private Henry D. Smith, Co. A, 27th Maaaachuaetta, Southampton, debility. Second I,len tenant tv. Sohull, Co. I, llat Pennsylvania, Norrlstown, fever. Private N. H. Ktngaley, Oo. A, 20th Maaaachuaetta, Northampton, fuver. Private Inxlaaa.Co. A, 24th Maseachuaetta, Hyde Park. lnmiBimtfc PrlvataG. Stevena.Co. A, 37th UaaMchr.aettj, Aden vliia, levar. Private Theodore Balrd, Co. 0,?l*t Penntylvaula, Belie rut, amputatioB of tinge:. Private Henry Bankua, Co. I, M?* Peuaayivasia, Hot. riatown, debility. Private P. lUchaoar.Ca. I,llal Peanaylvanla, Norn#, town, debility. l'rtvato Wm. Croaa, Co. C, 24th Maaaachoaetta, Aufllai, broa. hitia. Private Jatnaa Powera.Co. <3, 61st Paanayivaala, T*jI r</nt, (imp nation of the Ungor. Private John Conly.Co. C,34th Mattacb.iaatta, Weal Stockbndga, Cover. Teamster Abol Webber, Co. K, ll!h Connecticut, neap River, chronic utaar. Prlvato F. Storebaiu, Co. K, -7th Maaaachuaatta, Spriogfleld, rheim?i *m. rrivate John F. Ft Iter, Co. A, 24th Maaaachorctta, Sandwich, fever. Corporal P H. 1! '.tell, Co. K, J4th Ha?aatliuaatta, t'aUm, illarrhma. Private Mil iro W-tgbt,Co. 0, 37th Maiaavhuaetta, Montana. favor. Private J. H. Pcott, Cto. D, 24lh Ma*aachu?ctta, Qiouceator, debility. Private W. A. Bradley, Co. II, 27th MasaachuaetU, Florida, aphonia. Private K. II. Atwood, Co. I, 37th Maaaarbufetta, B-'iolioriow b, fover. Private (1. It. Rtruard, Co. D, 34th Maanachiaeita, SatiNbtiry. fe\ ?r. Private H. I.. Wsitroann, Co. O, 27th Maasaehiiselta, Cbtcbopoo. ill" nmti.iBi. l'rlvatr II. t).,Co. A,87th Ma??athaaatta,No th amnion, kdva . I'rivaio U. MiOaitli.Oo. K,27th Mn:-aachtiaoUa,taring tlrld. umpiiUtl ;t tUK irlvata l avi't II. snm, Co. F, 21th Masaachnaetta, Ffiibnry. miijirtmiou iif two lln^ors. Cort* mi W. It. WttrUnaa, Co. i>,'i4th Maaaacbuat'tU, lt< n.i u, lr. J. I'irmai'toB, O'. O, 87tU llap*Mbii?otta, Norihuin n.ii,f< v?r. CorpO'^ H- Iil*4iOVCj? Co. C. 24tU .i<jlm*?tf*, a Ion, noiirn'' in I',,,- pr*t li 9Hiiv'B<-a1<\>. Mi It M-.ocaahaeotta. <Uou i ?tor- likr", p' ti.ioi*. Ciii ,.u> il 1 ?? , Co. K. 2ltU U-ia???, IM ; ton, i -oavwr.i.i. r,?r-^<-,i r. t!. Porbea, Co. H, STth Itaaaaehowtta, I t*<utU *' m n .i'.ii, !? v. i . I Corporal R. U. i aluwtten, Co. D, 10th Connect *it, k i'i r I" ' . It- .' ? r. ? iir.M rii <>. 1. i.tiwloy,(X> V. tOtb CMoU-Hnt, IP I vor.'ortr. ON TO RICHMOND. The Splendid Advance of General Be Utllea?l'he Capture of Mew Orleaae? Important Movements la the West? Captures by the BlMkadia| Squad ron? Open in g ot tbe Southern Ports? Interesting News from Europe, die. Full and Interesting details, by telegraph and from oar special co: respondents,of tbe Victorious Advance of Ooa. McC Mian's Arms Arum York town towards Richmond, In cluding accounts of the evacuation of Yerktowa, tbe Battle rear Williamsburg, and tbe Fight and Bout of tbe Rebels at West Point, accompanied with a Map, showing tbe strategic points around Yerktown and Richmond, will be published in tbe Warn* Hick aid, ready this morning at ten e*olock. It will atae eon Lain an Interest ing ecoount of tbe SbeUiag of Sewall's Point by the Naval i'orcos; Tbe Official Accounts of tbe Capture ef New. Orleans,and ail the Rebel Batteries and Gunboats above and below the sity; Important News front tbe Army of dm West: Tbe Operations of tbe Blockading Fleet; Secre tary Seward's LeUors to tbe Foreign Ministers, relative to tbe Opening of the Southern Ports, and all etber in teresting and important news of tbe weak; Tbe Latest News from Europe, kc. Single copies, in wrappers,ready lor mailing,ail casts. OlDclal Dr*?lH|i of Murray, Bddy St Co.'s Keniuekv and Muaourl State Latteries. Kkhrv'OkT. Kxtsa turn SI ? ?!?> 9.1832. 38, 46, 74, U'2. lis, 30, 60, 2:1, 48, 10, 58, 32. Kkmocky. Citil 2.0?May li, 1862. 30, 11, 10, H3. 55, 28, 6ti. 07. 14, 27. 41, 2S, 65. Circulars Mot free of charge l>y add rowing either vo MUltltAY, E!>DT A CO., Covli-tou. Ky , or St. Louts, Mo. OfficialOrawtns* of tUc Kentucky Mil Delaware State Lotteries. Kkktuckt. Extiu Class I T?May 9.1882. 40, 6'.', SO, 30. <?>. 1, ?, 14, 04, 17. 45, 9. UkLJWAiiK. CL*hal2'?May 'J. 1862. 21. 40, 2'J, 71, rl, 1. 72, 7, 59, 14. 44, 15, 11. Circulars sent by??r?sfcinf A. M0KRI3 ft co, Wilmington. Delaware, or Covinjtou, Kontuoky. Royal Ilnvnua lottery, Coniinftml by the Spanish poveriiment. Prizes cashed by TAYLOlt it CO., tisnUeis, 16 Wail Hliejt Prlxes Cashed In all Legalized (potte ries. Information given. JOSKI'II BATK8, broker. No. 11 Wall ?ue?t, roon No. 1, New York. The Spring Hat for Gentlemen, OUptnc ed bv Eiuenacheld, I* acknowledge! l?y nil to be lite moat elegant Hat out this seamn Gontlerren who wan' a fine comfortable and eligmt Hat, al.ould not fail to rail oil .>l?establishment, USNaksuu sin et. David's Spring Style of Gentlemen's Hats. 39P>? Broadway, near Duane street. Strangers Arriving In Town No L?nfei' ask when- (irli a hotel or such a theatr.! is louaicd, b;:t '? Where's KNOXs ?d belnj toUl corner of Fulton *tr .-i and Broadway, tliey i ..?h off lira ata'e of the givnien: e<cit,>. tuei.t to tl.e fstums'spot, lobe seen in any pu' p'a:* until they have lieen madti prescnlal Ifl by the uc tuisi tiusi of a choice Sprii jj KNOX list, the price ol' wulch ia only $1. Straw GooiJh?For Boys mid In fants. All the now ard desirable sp.l.ig styles, now ready, at BAHTA'8, Cam 1 sinst, corner ol \V uustor. Grand Gala Day at B:irnum's.-M?? d ime Celeste's sreat 4nni s"Flowers?:' the Kun-i t" iri'iivod this afternoon aud evening, aud the Infant Oiauj. a||> a .* fur the last time. Tlit Or cut Dng Hhnw.-BnrnnAi ha< made immense preparations for this great show at the M't? scum next week. At Jeffttt', 373 Bruadn ay. Gentlemen'* flnc Shoe*aidaltersJngrca; variety. At JeflTei-s', 9T3 Brandway, Ladlct' Cun rssBoot", Baln.orals, $2 50; tnigae*, $1 75; chlldraji'r, 37. JKFFER*. 573 Broadway. A Bis lilt?Gents' Patent Leather Boots at $2, at BARTLETT'S, 373 Croud street, corner oi Mori oik. Herring's Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safes,2jl Broadway, eoiucr of M irray nrrct, New York. A Pare Tobacsa^Yellow Bank l'obao co.?GooSwin'a Pure Yellow BJink Tul?a-co, Ir.-e from all Impurities, for sale uyjiU tobacco and *.-?tr ilealers, and at wholesale by B. OOODWi N 4 BROTHER, S? Wkler street. i J ;?. .4. ? Dtflancc Fire ami B/t.glar Proof Safes? Also, Sidebo ird aud Parlor Safes, ?? G.i Ma. ?"i' nor of College plaoe. itOBI K M. PATBI^KB Batchelor's Hair Dye??'l'ke Best In the world; harm less, reliable aud instantaneous. Sold and ap plied al BATClIELOB'd Wis Factory, 10 Bond st?r:t Hill's Hair Dye?."VO Cent*, Black or Brown. Be^t la use. Depot No. 1 Bsrelay street, aui soil by ill druggists. . Dr. Kennedy's Medical Discovery I* wsrrsniel to euro Scrofula, Erysipelas, BUigworn, SmM Head, Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Fever S ire.", l'lui;' cm, an I every disease of the Skin, of whatever nature. Beautiful Complexion,?Laird's Bloom of Youth or Liquid Pearl preserves and b'lvitlilM tUe com plexion and sMn. Sold by nil drtifgisis and at tS3 Broadway Crlstailoro's Hair Dye, Preservative and Wits, the best In the world, wWesata and rstall, and Ut? dye privately applied al No. d Astor House. Trauei.?White's Patent I.tver Trusses s:e the best In the woiM fir curing ruptrres; dlii'eriug In pnnHpI.i aud action fr?u> all old faahioued litimbngs. Sir no. t ri and Braces unrivalled. Call ^ud s a thcci. I'anipli lets free. UREUOHY i. CO., 2i Bond street, Barry's Tricoplierons Is the B<.*t and cheape?t article for drennln*, buaiiillvinf, ourllaa, deaulng, prenerving and restoring the hair. Ladies try Tt. liold by all druggists. Catarrh.?Dr. Goodale's Catarrh Renie* dy panetraiis t:ie recret sinbush of this terrible d;ieis? i.nd eun-s it without pain or p ill. I'rke tl. Sol tbydiuc (ists. Depot 612 Broadway. Sand a stamp for a pamhk i. CantpLoll, Chemist and Apothecary, corner of Kl;hth aventle and Twnfity^ifhtb street. The proprietor m attendance. Pure medkmes. " C'ostar's" Vermin ICxtermlnator Depot removed from 913 to 4 0 Brosjwsy, between BiOome and Urand street*. New York. Married. Cimjf?Ltcoai.ix.?1On TueeJay evening, Ma/ S, kjr (Km 1??t. Joseph Woods, at lb* residence of the bridr. Mr. F*a.\cm O. Canw? to Mies Mama I.AUcaux, third daughter of Mr. Jamaa I.aiighlin, all of thia city. MiOcirb?-Hickkv.?On Thursday, May 8, by tba Rev. Dr. Cunitnlnga, Jobs K. McOuaa, Esq., to Au< a C. Hrair, of thia city. Immediately attar tba oeremooy tba par Ilea proceeded to Waahlngton. Sami?m thiu*.?On TUuriday evening, May |, by John T.Haury, Mr. Kowabo dnira to Mlaa Ma* L. (icTDBia, all 01 tbia city. Dl? ?1. Bwui.uT.-iOn Thursday evening. May 9, of disease of the hrarl, at New Brighton, tUate* Inland, Tboha* I'ot urr Ii*?am.'.t, ago<l 80 years. The fun*r%i will Ukaptooa ibia fSatnrday) afternoon, at two o'clock, from his late r)atdaLcc, Naw Ctigbion. I .an cash Ire (Fngland) p?tcr< please o >pjr. Ban a v.?on i'liuraday. May g, Mrs. tu*.a Bui i.v, wifa of John U'jliaD, ag-ii 3d year*. Tbo relatives aad irtands of the fanailv are invited to attoud the Mineral. on Sunday afternoon, at ana o'clock, from har fafa "aaidcnra, No. 021 Ihtrrf avcai:a, near For ty -ibird meet. Oaowjuc.?On Tburaday, Hay 8, Kii.a (for van, daughter ol ilarvrj II. and N'alli.; U uwno, and rraii?'daughter of Li Orange lJ?-Clinky. Tfce i mains will be taken to East Chatham, where tba ftinnrul will lake place, from tbe reetiieuce <>l har grand father, Wmiain Browne, this (Saturday) atieiuoon, at one o'clock. Albnajr and Trn? paper* pl?aaa copy. On Thursday, Kay 0, after s short sad sevare lllneaa, Vta. Sarah 15om r, sged 64. Tbe fiionda of the faintly aro Invited to all?n4 tbe funeral, on Bund. > afternoon, at hali-;viat oaa o'clock, t rem Ivr lata residence, 316 Molt street, t* Calve y tome lory. CamiMaN.?OB Thurelay, May 8. Thiiiias, ton ?f Tfeoinasand Mary Aun Cbrragai, of Kioga county, In lund, in .lie 3int jhh of his ii*u. Hta friend* itnd rwntiamUnros are ra?;>e<:trnllv Invited to aiteud tbe luaertil, from h's I a to rcsidonoa, 91 Kirat at. JCt, t ju (.Saturday) af'. rtiix n, at one o'clock. f'Aimi.viioN.? On Thursday, May g, William rAiunvii To*. Ueulcntant of Company K, Fifty-Art! raciinuni, t.ol. Ferrero,froui woumi.< received at the taking of New b?:n, N. C., llach U, IS'.J, ago.t o0 years, 11 nmnAui an 1 11 dSA a. lb ) relative* ami friends of the famltyara mo-.t ra srectndly mvliod to mend the frnnrftl, fr' m 11!'',' i hn> .e? street,' n Sunday tftmnorn, at Iwu o'clock. ilio r?n'.'in? will I"! iatTi a I In l.rcanwiod. Cuniwit.?-In Willi unsb irg, on Kr.dsy, Mayn,M\nua r?r, 'vifo of Andruyr II Church, ag>'?t 4."> ysirs, ft montlia an 1 2ft?lftv*. J ti., (Vends ft iho fhxlly !?in i? t ?rtf*ily lavtled to attend th? fuaeral, at tha oath FtftU nt-u?v Mo"u>d k^iaCOi'sl,on Monday intern *.n, at one o'c.ot';, with x.i fnrtb"-r ni\nation. (11.-?<Ji' 11 niny a< aalnjt, Way 4, Mr?. AmnCwi.tiia bol?>vi"l *lr? n| < t'ov, native of Ll<*trlin,cc iaty llonattinn, I'cidii l. !<'!?' I 10 y?. r?. Tu<i tins ot the ."<nui y a J al.-o t?io<e <t !)? gun ii.ol .-aiuvf t^uinn a o ii:-ro?:nil v rcqoobt?a to atirn i ih I ,t'.'?rnl, in F .ndv Mim r.O' '??. a< !:a ? M?t it* o <.'c. rV,l'i"m ruiner Nor ih t'lxib and ronrtb ^t.- air, \\ till '.A hu.,. ti iiAg'twiTi ,'i; t.a i'dwii r*>py. O.',? ?Ir. I. ? i: \ I. K;., on M'in 'ay, May ?, of Ji?. e.r^'v.i.t icleil ai l'i ^hn-rg >?;, ?'? K. - of thu cUv. sm of tbo late Wm. K. Oooka. ta<t a tighod to the United States Quartermuiter's Department Hi* HHMH will |?o brought to tins city for uiMi luoi^t 1'tie notice or tho luaorai will be given Co it*.?On I rnlay, May 9. Ma*v K., wife ef John B Cootwr. tn the adth year of her ag*. ilij fuueral tMrviCfu will tako place from tit# residence of her iu titer, 142 Soul* etreel, Wlh'-uuaourg, <ui ?uu day aUemuon, at two o'clock. The ie.?wvoe "id ftwdi ore invited to ?tteuJ, without further i.otn*. lit). remains will be t kn i4 (ii eenwond f >r uitermuut. CoswaV.?On Friday, May 0, ot croup, Ihsuj U. I ok wav. daughter of ( bailee and Calhuriu* A. Couway, ag. d 2 year* an<1 99 day*. The Iriew^t ot the family ?r? respectfully invitad tu attend 1m funeral sorvlca* ou hunUay afternoon, at two o'clock, at thu residence of her pareuu, '642 Hudson street. The remaiua will be taken to Oak UiU Ceuiolery ou Monday morning, Chowk ?On Thursday, May 8,' after * long and pro tracted UioeM, Kusa Tuuu^sa Ckowk, wife ot i'atnak Crowe, and daughter of the late Captain Jwlui Bevendge, H. M. Iteyal Horse artillery. iler frieuda and the friends of th*family are re*p*ct fully requested to attend the funeral, this (Saturday) afternoon, at half-past one o'clock, from her late raoi dencc, 46 I'rankfort street. Limerick papers please copy. Cuimuitia.?Ou Friday, May ?, Eseam, sou of Allau and Sarah Ann Cumuiings, aged 8 laeuiha. The relative* and friends ot the family are respectfully invited to aUaud the funeral, from the residence of his parent*,No. Hi last Thirtieth street, ett Sunday after noon, at half-past on* o'clock. Craft?Suddenly, on Friday, May ?rJams CsArr, la the 89th year of hia age. The relatives and friend*, and member* of Mechanic*' Lodge, 1.0. of O.F., are iee|>ecifuljy Invited to attend tue ruueralaervice*., on Sunday afteruoou, at Qve o'clock, from his late residence, No. 134 West Thirty-Ural street. The remains will he taken to New Bochell* for in tor muni mi Mumliy inorniug. iMtMxw?At New liavee, Con*., on Friday, May 8, A km a Usobuuul 1 raaoir, youngest daughter of the late Henry Ltentoou, Keq. Thu luueral will tak* place on Monday afternoon, at two o',ironi her late residence in New Haven. Hon*.?(Mi Thursday, May ft, Jonsr Fon?, in lh* 76th year of hi* age. Funeral aerviee* will be b*ld at tb* house of his ne phew, Charles A. Whitney, No. 183 Base Iter street, Ui is (Sutuiday) afternoon, at tore* o'clock.- His friend* and th<*> of the family are invited to attend without i'urther in vital ion. rhiiaUelihia papers pleas* oopy. Oaulk.? a li> uoklyu, on Wednesday, May T, Mrs. ICLitaahTH Oasui, lu the T2d year of her a^e. The relative* awl frieuds are r*si?otfuliy invited to attend the, thu (Saturday; aiternoon. at two o'cIik k, from tier late residence, No. 52 Kro*pect street. okk ab?:u thi<*ity,on Fridty, May 9, Alksa(ok:i H. Greene, Esq. Uabiuxutox?On W?due?day morrliiR. May 7, at the resl^encu of her parents, No. iM>4 Mutt street, K.trr, the baioved child of James and Catharin* Harrington, aged 7 yours and 22 days. 1 he remains were interred in St. Patrick's Cemetery, corner of First avc>uue and Eleventh street. Hakdimi?On Friday, May 9, J am v-t Lawrsscs Hard iicu, yo.ngest son of Hichard and Alice Harding, aged A months and 20 days. The lelative* and friends are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral, this (Saturday ) afteruoou, ut two o'ch ck.lroin N >. 23 scaminel street. Friday m ruiux, May ?, of cons jmption, John liAUkTi,a native of Lialowlo, county ot Kerry, lie laud. l he funeral will take place this (Saturday) afternoon, at hal. - usi one o'clock, troiu M. Vincent's HeS,<ilal, Kievei.tli .-.troetjU.'.ti g-veolh avenue. IliNta.?Ou Friday, May 9, Mart A mm Hi was, aged 1 year an 1 0 uv<tit!i?. ihe l.KH.da aud ac-iuaiittano^i of the family areio 8)K-cUuily iavilod to attend the funeral, I'roin the resi ilain e ot iiur |:ai-c:its, i;ia Wost Tulrty second street, this (&iord.fy; <UUiruo<.n,at two o'ok/ck. Her rema:us wnl be la^a:! to Calvary Cemetery lor iutuiineuL hi jcikc.?Suddenly,*n 'lhuis iay, May 8, of disease of thehea.l. 11u>(bUiMiia, in thu 4i>th y<ar oi liu age. 1'ltj lelitives a d ineiuis are ref.p*jui.lly invited to attend tho tuLornl, frr.m lii.2 laro residence, No. 1 Mariun stiei't, this (Santruay; moruing, at tou o'clock. T1ij re iuai:i.- tvi.l bo ukeu totiroeuwooilCa;u 'lory. llo.;io i..?(..n i iiilaj, Ma> 9,.'ou? lli KSi-oot., in tho 73d v o r of Ms ;:ge. Notice of the fuueral will he published horeifter. Jaui-o.x.?On Wednesday, May 7,all?r a li.ig oriog ill uc; b, KU7A La?b < , wife ot John Jamisu*. lh ' frieudiiol tho Tdmily,also thuro of her brHher, Joh t LiH'ien,ar* invited toattand ih-; Uner?l, this (dai utday) ra"fniii(j, at ten o'tloe*, ironi 184 Fourth st. eel. Fuueral ssrvlwi will h-- hold at .St. Juse.ih'i cii iruh, Sixths\ enue, af htlf-pa<t tan o'cioek ("raci^ely. Tin r? .a-<ius will l)e intorred in th- t'a>niiy vamt at CAlvwy Ccuiel' ry. ? - ?<? ? a i ?. Lamt.?At New born, N. C.. on fnturduy, Aj^ll j, from woim-Jj r^coiveil at the battle ?>f Newborn, Andhkw U. La*"/,Company 0, WftT-fli'St regln-.oat, N. V. f. V., son of IlNi! y and Kaima il. I-am/, aged 18 years, o mouths and 13 days. Tho relative" aad fi ien Is of th* family, also the mem ?K'B Vl L:t)?u a Ir4d?, j:o. 191 ,r. and .v. M. .are ro^,; ect i*u!Iy nii iiod to altoai the funeral, without further invi tation, from the Clove Krad church, Irt'ooklyn, on Sunday al'terujon, at one o'clock. Uvwiuxc*;.?At Flushiif,L. I., on FriJay, May 9, in the 77th year of hor age, lu/.aukiu Lawca.m k, daughter of tho late He?n.woliii l?t\vr.tuce, foi Jud.ooi the United States Utatriot C urt, ui the city ot New York. lit* funeral sorv loes will take place < n .Sunday u:ter ooiu. at two a'cLck, in the Ktrst i'reobytortan ihurch. hetv. eoh F>vov^ a,id Tn Xl?10 the Fifth avs the Jity .T.XuW YoikT The rrleuds aud relatives oi duceased are invited to attend, without luriher notice. Millmk Of c-n?umptlou,On I'.iOJiay. April -J, Jou> J. A., ut tno U4ih year ot bu Sff. -^unBfiSG^ Ho was bur la'1 at Oi oeuwoad. " Mstkr.?OaTh irsday *jj?injf 8, Jobs H. B.,SuB of John and Jfctrs?rit iceycr, sge(i 18 momhs. ilto ?'.jg:,,*! a id frioud-i of the fami:y arc respsct Tuhy ii.vliel to attend th* lunor*l, frrm tb* residence of his parents. No. tjl Oreonwiuh street, oa Sunday aTter uoon, -t hail-past one o'clock. On, April 8, after a lingering ill r-wi. ?-?"? "* WN ~ 1 he friends of the fa tally are riJpsolfully invited to at. tan.I the funeral,Trcm th? residenco of bar son, Blcturd Mo-OinnH^No. 14 Powning street, this (ddturriajr) irior noon, at two o'ckxk. MiCi loon*.?>lu Brooklyn, oa Friday# May 0, Aluxa* MX llcCo.\<>? an, aged W years. Notice or the time an I place of tto funeral will be given ia to-morrow moruing's paper. yy?y.~UBTtw-aday. May 8. alter a lingering illness, .-*RAii, relict of Thoniu Moon, la Vtw 74th year of her a?e. ?^ ? 4 The friends of the family and members of 1/ebaon Lodge 1911". & A. VI. ;>re invited lo aitead the tuuorai, niitioit further UniUUou, at Seventh I'reeityienaii church; corner of Bio.>me and Kldge streets, oo aauday aftornoin, at two o'clock. ? P.trKgif.?oo Friday evening, May 3, sudJoaiy. Ifmr K. IVtKia, youngest daughter of Uin.m and Lil/a Parser, a.uil IS years and two months. TIij ft land-', nad acquaintances of the lamily are re.<|<ect. mi.'y Invited to at leu?I the funeral, at 188 West Twenty sevoiith street, oii Sunday afternoon, at hall-past one o'clock. Ro.vboi<iam ?Of cou'.umptioo, on Friduy m?iuiag, Mny 9, at two o'clock, AnAUs*, wifs of WJlutu Ro . bo thapi, aged 2o yoarx. Sun Francisco papers jrioaae Copy. Svsm?(Jo lhursuay. May ?,j*?kxmh Rta-v, a native W" Ter.yc'fcUiirre, nounlv of Tipporary, freiana. 'tin friends of the family are re.?|i<M;trully invited to attend the funrral, this (Saturday) afternoon, at half. po*t two oYUicic precisely i'r?a? the corner of Klev?nth uvoniiesod Ko. tieth sir -et. RajTA.?In Jofa-y City, on Friday, May 0, after a sho.t illness, Ausa^euly chU I of Isaac an.l Mirgaretta Rajua. lh" remaioa ware tuk-n to Nyock lor interment. Sfcxuww.?<1jo Friday, May V, at ten o'clock, at the re eldon.-e No 190 lh<>ui,??n streot, .-Uuxt \, ?Ijughtor of 1*. men n o and Morth* Sicoardi, aged 1 year, 2 ii.onths and 2 days. on Irldny mornii.g, Uav 9, at a quarter to twelve o'clock, after a long U ues?, I Okmuuck Slim, sged v3 ye us. II:3 irionds and sc ate res|>ectf illy In vited to attsud tlte ft nornl, tltii (Sunday/ afleiuooo, at two o'clock, fiocn hie lato residence, No. 61 Oreen<% ic'.i street. Susan iv?<? Thursday, llay M, oiler a short but severs l.lnvss. Mrs. Ku.v* Siiksitax, a native or Usmore, county Veteriosd, It eland, a#ed CO year*. Thv> frioiid''and at 'iuainUtiin's, a id th v>e of her oens, Jolir and Hofter *he?nau, ore rea;>ecliully invited lo at. Urn! tfte funeral, on i*und*y ofie boua, at two o'clock pr?cia.-lr, from her lote rsshleoce, l<jb Nmb avenue. MWnr.?Oo Friday evening, llay 9, Mai Maw ?. Sai.a, ?Meet mu ei the late I'etor tin nth. The rrlaUves end frieu acf the family ore respee'.fu'ly invited tu attend the tuners). from his lote risidetoa, 319 Ksst Broadway, oo Monday morning, at ten o'clock. Funeral services at St. Mary's church, urea l strej;, at hair j a?t ten o'clock. Vnv hdu.?u Brooklyu, oo Frldiy, May 9, Wiitia B . o<.n <>i Samuel J. and Kitsaheth Vannorien, oged ? yrar>, 8 m 'Uths ami 3 >iay?. WarMO".?On Thu-sday ol?ht, Muy 8, Pr. Romkt Wa tsis, agod M yoaro. 11 mociOi aod j days. Hie rslativws and friends of the family are Invito to attend the funeral,oa Sunday three o uludk, from his lato residence, New I'trtebt. l^ng Island. W.ilijh ?At Jersey Clty,N. J., oo Wednesday, May 7, f Miian.-*,wita oi' John J Wailis.aud dauthlar of I ebo rah i'lua uud of the late laaaa n?m,of this city, a?od 44 yeoi o. Her relatives and frieols, and I boa* of tbe family, are r-a|>ecituily invited to attend tbeiunerd, thio tHotor d.?y; atie-nooo. at two o'clock, from tier late residence, No 2M*xitli second street, Jersey City, without fur ther tovitatioa. Wn.ui.?(Hi Friday, May 9, after a lingering lUoeeo, W.air, sged ft7 leura. Notice << fuoeral will lie publlsiiOd ta to morrow s ood Monday 's paper. mihck i.liaw ROUS. Atsu broadwav-wkimmwci tards and notk i'aiwr. in ?lr.?nt ay !?-?, at j as gyi ui'elf. ? mian lla.iaj .11 ><">r?, rnrarr "f D'w? mr?et. * KMT aSV navv bitter i. bun.srm orck'kv. ohoaoihtT h tlei.s sai.ooifft, au >u> tlieia. rrouo'iiij^tl l>> onii'jiim' .mtnil mr<i <-il men um'141 iil'ml. a mir.'i r? tin 4/ l??r lilll ( hi!l? ..j i luv i.vnluu nor* tnxlttin. il?> tun % fi kma in the ?er\i ???? ii *?>, * ?d ii.m a l otwt o m. i . ? i '? a' ? nuj km. ml net*. ii 1. ij na i> ui? !ii<- iii 1* vuj itu t> . 1 ?> ? hc*,|cnt?f tiii-urn} virt'tn j on tiach i'dii! ' 1. 1 il iti <-omii? to drai 1 a. l'linr |.al d*|> >t li'7 i ult'in ?'n ?? |i tana> a smal<u vih?wkku j'kivaip. amkrioa* rasit.7 .*1 'r. hi 1 i i :i ?i jr inni i.i r.l krf'it fnrlm win 1 ? ?? , on iii" l 'oune 1 r two *"nt' in 1. t 1 n? h al < , i uaan?ii> nl ak'i fco?ta ajip'y -ii k "j ?' ?%%??? , ? *r t?a ut?>" MMCKM.A*EOtl. BIT AT THE TIMES 81'RCIAL WaB LITKBATUEE. Benuath the rule ol iiteo entire'/ gre-it. The hui u ttigiiiier iLull avurd DELICACIES rOlt THE SUNDAY BKEAKKAST THE "LONDON TIM KB" IN Fl'TUBO. A WAlt MAC IltRAORli!!UVr, OKI'IIKi'h C. Kl-.i-.Kd I.KI'IU. THE HUSSAR S HUBS*. JMIILOSO.UV OF sHuh K. 10 . SC.. id th? si.'ndav mercury's SI NOA V TA ILK TAJJC TOMOKRu*. Tb? great Sunday Newapafier will be parumUrty narrow im lu nut ?twe of m-we from all (he battle andpolntaof military oocujmiUoo, rulertaiulng intelli ft am all parta ol lu* world, laaelnatlnK long uud t>Uirtca, Uoaaip, Pomry, Crttu iam. Ac. ;aud lu hum "HUN DAT TABLE TALK" In addition, will preaeot an u lequallod array af elegant upo-ialtiea. Tba BDNDAV MERCURY rnjagrs a regular wml thouaauda gtvater than thai of all Ibe ml of (few Sunday preaa combined. Thi< boo It? ol the ?Cn an afc. wajra opeo tor the inspection of lh? public. TUB SUNDAY MBKCURY Ot to-morrow iuoi 01114 ALL TUB TBLKURATB BBWS MoCLELLAN S, HALLBCES, BANKS', and MrDOWBLbt _ received la thto oily up to daylight Sunday saorniag. All kinds or ladies* and qkntlkkkju' uiauta elena -d wit.tout being tak.1-11 apart, to tool aew. No. 139 Broome atreet, earner of Broadway. T SS, $3 tO, U and UM--SHOES and O. l Spring sty lea, bow ready at JONES', 10 and Ui AT OlMBREDE'S. *4 ALBUMS (FIFTY KCVORBSk retallud at $S. W 4 Jiag tarda, Mot? Pajior,StMpBM In porfid last-. A KITCHEN RANCB and HEATEB COBBIKRD-. Kam-'a patent. The moat economical and dar ra-is? av> r introduced. WboltutaW a ad retail, by OB KANE, 319 Bowery, oppoalte Bieecker atreet. Now York. AT Ml) THIRD AVENt/B, NKAJt TWKNTY-FOOBT? ?treat, vau will find a s;il -udi 1 as*irl??enl of la dn-a' miasm.1, boy a' aud iutaiita' Booia, Shooa, Oalter?, Bale morals, alipiH/ra. Ac.. all prime ireah g o<l?, at rduooT WM. T. ALLEN, AgiaL ALL ADMIT FRINK'S OAS LIGHT RKFLEOTOBB surpass everything lor displaying goods to advantage Alttu>? ready, at WH Pearl ALLEYIATOB.-CORN* CUBED FOR ONB CRN* curb by unluu Dr. BKIOOS' Cortt auu Iluuion ABevIn* toi?a new, b.uQilriu mid certain cure for coma, biinlefMS OMllorltirs, Irosted and blistered frei, Jb' No caual'-c, a# acid, no |ain. Warrant'd to pro.uc- ret Us aattat, and etirprlmng. I'm* "J.? and M) cents and $1 per hoc. by mail on re -eipt of price m a six rnu. Bold by Dr. J. BKItiliS, Proprietor and I'rn ncal Ohlroi Broadway, oppoaitc S.. IV.ul'a cburoh, Neu York. Business cards, rt cents; circolabb 3tk., LibeU. li'V Blllnead a, Uta. tiaaa, |i per rM N'-wi-papcrs, BooUa, Pa uphleta, Lan' t'Ase-t, Circular?, Pa*. grammea???vervthlnr. from Label* to mammoth Point!m printed cqital:y lovr. T. B. DAWLEY'S aaw cslablllhaaoafc corner ileudo and C>-utre atreeia. Barclay, perkins a co. a bottled im mndlUK ex-Leoua. JOHN DUNCAN A SON^ Urn aqiuire aud I'ourte. nih atreei. CIRL'TCIIES AND CANES FOB THE MILLIOB, AT J manufacturer a. 0. riNNELL, Mo. t CortlawM (UllUOl'ODIBTS?LITTLEKIBIJ> * WBMTEBTBL* J li.if rumored from opposite the Bt Nuholaa Hotel M the eligible rooms SU Mro.?l?av, tire dooia ThIHtMlk atre/t, where they continue tne auoce^t'til I realm?t *f corns, btinii as, Inverted nails, ?r. f 10KN3, BUNIONS, INVERTED KaIL3. ENLABOBB \J joints, mid all diseases o: the few, cured wittwut p*w or ineonn'Dieline to the patient, by IVc XAOHAIUS, Smrgptm t hlropodltUJtlU Broadway. Koiefa to physicians and aur gems ui tb: ?? ty. Du. j. a. schhxcf:.-ima eminent pnrsi?iAirf wIio>j> aucoesalul t e;v. .n-nt of Consumption, moat fatal of al' an. h a dialing St liond street every' _ where tlioan who \\rS dn-lrc nla ae-<i>Unce can him. few phytfcUnq u*ve mot w t'i auch conuuut eeasln ihei. of thl* tarilbtc diaaase. Ilia ability mm,i'oufsful practice la the treatment of Con*u?p> t'MLaijrts** of tli* Stoma. !* and Liver, hare won ft)r hla* Fn TTfioi.. auoa ibie reuaUllon. The Doctor Iim luraaM a sclentlilc instrument called the Kesplrometar, by which M ran rxvUy d?t"rmine tha i ouditic.n of the luuja. WillH?* sold, bis m?dirin ?? are siao-lard r m-dle* for tM dlaaaa** for vhliil they are piewrtbed, and every one '? fuitltiv ivl'.U ihe name , ot the 1'itlmo ic Syrt p. ttrawced Toole and Mandiake P;;i<i. l>r. S't.eiic'i'n char r. lor eiaiolntnrtangB w ili the H*-?pirum?tT t? lie uharge* nothing f?i ndvtaa, and wta'uea a)!, rich or poor, who May n??J hi* s*rrlc*a la call on him N. B.?Though th- Doctor ia her* oaly *a Mondays, l!i? medictnea > an ho obtained at all llng#aM Mo vonma, :.2 Bond atreet, and Iroin dng-ist* evorytr*-? ?e rh'tvsiiiui i e^, .tent 01 i oniuiii|iu in, *mm I of all t!ia MU that prey upon nui, h.ia won hia iituu'iilslie t t(w,i'iution, will, we observe. be ad Uri el every MtlNl'AY f-om 9 A. M to S P. M.. LAG8! FLAGS:i FLAGS'! I FLAGS! !H-WB0t? aali! and letail, at JOHN N. .VTEABNS', UiCaJai atiaot, n -a. 1>- opp;>a.te tUe Post r" J S MXTURBS CHEAP. ? ? ^i ieneeil Plumbers eenl to all parte of the i n juic 34 tiU (.ru e, by mcke.nzir'i'- " r uBd TTydraulic Engine**, nroer qf fourth and Greene atraeta. !4 aNDSOME BKOOi) W Al'.h _ JLL year* old. Apjriy (or four days at Ket-liam*a i ian old. Apjily I . ___ tollo.u place, rear pt Hanalou llouae, Brooklyn. T YON a MAGNETIC Jj INSECT POWDER, ti-ated for 18 yeara and [tows m favor. It kllla and ul? minalea l!ua bea, Bed ttuji, Anta, Kleaa, Botha in?" Pttrsand Piirnlturp, r?rd-n iu-ci ta, 4o. Ailseuuine the signature of E. Lyon, aud la not oo.eonoua to p domeatlc anlmala. Beware ol rouoter. Jw and lout Lycn'a Powder kills all Insicu iu a trine, Ljo.i'a PUls are death (? laU and mice. gold tv^wh^. Pegol, ?>> Bryadwjj? P Machinery kor sale cftkap?^LANEft^scBoLti Kau*. jflnler, Monl llnii and Boriiw MarhtDe*. Tnra ias Lath*.-, 8.|U?i ing up and Cuttinc of Sawa, Ac., aU mad* to order, hiv ? b> n in use ice* th.m a )ear, and are tha bMl ta the City. Call soon at !?? and 94 But Uo?don ?tre?(. J. MOTCg. VBL1SUED Till > i Y-.V NEW WOBS BY TBI Am, i; "East Lyime." Till tlKIR TO A Sri LBV, By Mrs. Wood, Author of "East Lynne/' "The Channiajr*," Be. Pile* 00 tenia, paper, 76 cent*, cloth. Thla :a another, and ob^ ir the Yo?l of Mrs. Wcod'a ordinary ourrla. Thn authored has t..B|Maat?d, ie p ?k,ima ion, i.eai'.y all the norc'Uta t>t tae day. Th??i bfciM (UllltBliy iB ?CCOonting f.,r this after readiac any omm other worka. She poaaea>ea the area! veer et or rt<reUng*M*a t:on?an rarne-t style; ar.d UiIk, rouiblned with d*np la terest, t trtktn? but not e?.aggriaied inuir'inu, and Isdtri m. ality of chant ?r, makca un\ linn : alie writes eagerly aouflM after. "The Heir to Ashley'' la a plvataal Mory tor any mml and Jiaa uo iia - in It whi .b Ui* moat ngi<l in,.ran ?t w,?JS oar* to erase. Published by DICK %KIT?IEKALD. No. Id Aua au-oet, B. T. Also for SaU.l>y alt bO.<k*nll^rs in this p'*;a Cop ci of tbn above book aent by iuaU. to aay tsiissa fr??? of i " s M1TU * 1B0THEBS KEW TOR* la whole, t.alf and oaartfi etU?. brewed from Ik* fcarleyaMli and b"pe. Brrwfry IS" ?nd HOWnUt" etieet. between bvrentb and fctfUUi av-uuea. & t S-T-U?-X. DllAKE'fl plantation rittebb. They putu'y, xtmiRtlidi anil iu\iconic. They CTfat* a healthy nppetitr. Tb' y arc an nut Hole to luange of water and 4i?<. Thev oven nine elf. n* of rilanlpNtlon and late MM They atrvcglben t'.ie ayaw-m an*J cuilTi-n ibc uuad. Tti'-y MliMl trlaem.iTlc *uJ intermittent ferera. Tliey purity the breath and aixinjr of the atotnark. Tnrjr mire djaiapma and C*ii?4j>aiM>B. Teey onr* iMarhm, Ch? ler* am Cholera Mnrkna. They cure Liver CutuplnUti ana N- nrow*. lit They are the rftu? in in the wcirtd. "they _____ ?? ik ?an Krone, and are eiaau>le.l uaiiiie'agrtal iMdM. Thry ar? made ol pare St. Croix R'im. ilie celebrated r " ~ " root* an<t berb?, an I are takra wllblMptM ?av i Bark. rootaan-l of ? twTcraje, wltho ?leu.?rt> r??o?m'iideit to deli-ate |?er?ona leijnirnf a **? lie eilmulen*. Sold by ?U arorera, dnigsl-u, hotel* Nia?> toona. F. II. DkAKB * ('OT*tt Broadway, New Tdik. celliko orr-THE entire stuck or nomut k} ?fcca, at a tr.-at reduct.o.i. at S. CubiH, Jr.'a. 817 Bruad war, between Houaton and ill-" , ker ?tree-a, lb elnatMtta Brat of Junr. <JENB TliEM TO TOUB KBIBKDS IB TUB tub union rr.Avmo oamm Are i>a<ieii bvih* AMERICAN PltHMBtrtNO AOENCT. No. It Ckaabura aireet, New York, And ean be bad al all tb* eUtium-ry etorea aad wr rrt- o J8rrnt< par pack. United Blataa poatao* oaly four < fJ?HB INDIAN NCOtTT; ^ I.IKE ON ThV!"ntONTIBB. ?r OUrfTAVE AIMARO, anih"r o< ?'? i?w. r 01 the Ptatria," THE INDIAN SCOUT. . rflE INDIAN SCOUT TIE indian BOOCT. TITE indian HCOl'T; Or. I.iik on Ik?ibi?. A Ma of Indian Llfr. Hr (JI'STAVIi AIM A HO, a ubar af ike ??KLOWLrt OK TIIK PHAIRHV la pul>l?k*d aad Ik* ?al? tola .'ay by K. A. BRADY, 24 Ann ureal, and all otka* koolteallera an.l tiewe n,-eti?? en-iT" hera.eonipleta In eM larg? volume, lai.i.. ijp.-. rtoofc!o uolumn. and prtat etl en the tin#?t and beat or wnlte paper. I'rka ally dtaw in pap?r e >vrr, or ?o?enij-lne '." nia in doth. FablDlted and for axle by T. B. PfcTSRSON A BROTIIMtB, MXI <'h*?tmi? ? trr?!, Kb la le p*>^ Te whom all ordeia tanat come id irt rd copieaof the Indian R.irat will bo <eat to any '>ne free ak coa!?>??, on remln ?? bit* qenla to t!i? pim i?o r?_in a lattae. nrai O)?yof "Indian KmiI'' aad a <^f ?! 'ba Klowei *| the I'ralrl*," *'?! N ai-a* for lioolir 'IDr*, ni'?? Mania an I a'foth# r? will pl???? MM ea Ihe.r atlereat onoe lor what.t!>ey m?y want ol llilabaak ta atai i with. , . . AddreaMat!oe^ar^tajb^r k Bn<miKRR MMl ? at-.ii *'i-3* i. rhl!a<l>'lpktfe alolietv Alfi 11 . Poet, M 1 t'l.'i * ii o kwrci#* W U \ r, i. >i. I'i . i . ii, f A ,u!*oi? i Jvtin I. Mrk* fa. >l : i , I" ? ? ot ?>.'I .? Ii It ? (?? ' l'r eilee < f >'? ?? .*ie.- it ? h i-f aTanrt- ?? v- ? i. -ivo an^irtMnMy 't ?) ?>!! in ?ut i'm> ii.line .i ,i u?n l ataprtiaaifce r1'* ?.u?-ei , iot iir?l .art ' -t 'o< > J. Ill t leenii-nearai tert h her*i<'or ?. t e- ?p i j( ? u. raer ii'iil autaiMk < .:i - i t :i>i? i , >i 'r,n , |.4iwti: analaala 'ba i i.jlnn.rer, 1 r> i ' v' Jzj ?.? if 'JJ. ?? <1 la I r>?. t *??! .? .. .? . ? <?. v.*. .uiKar ?.) voHtnrtft Nvn Vorb