Newspaper Page Text
IjgmWHI WARTEO?PKNALKR< A situation wanted?bt a younq gikl, as anainaiir?i or uura. iy goveruess. Unexceptionable nrenMM giren; a Ca'ho lc family preferred. Addrasa M. M. 0.. Herald olllce, or apply at 6J Way an st., Jerasy o ty. A SITU AXIOM WANTED?BY A RKSPBfTABI.E M1D die aged and experien -ed colored woman, a? travelling Inald; can sneak Krenli and 8-anlah; can give good refe ???'? Q?n be area at No. 1 King st. A *?o*o. TIDY OEKMAN GIRL WISHES A 8ITUA ?A. Uon aa Wiitrcua and chambermaid; la willing to travel Soaajrpartoi this country or Europe. Meat oi city reference Jr?^_?rlaateinployer. Cull Kri<lay or Saturday at 61 Nor folk *. .JhlrdUour, in lbs rear. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE r* youag woman, aa goo.i cook, washer aud ironer; U *11 At"! to do general houaework for a small family: bas no ob jections to go to tha country for the aummer with a family. dty reference cau be given. Can be seen for two day* *t M West SUth at. A ^U, wet nurae at lier reaidence, M7 Weal loiii at. A 8 NURSB AND SEAMSTRESS.?SITUATION WAjfT A ad, by aroepoetable Protestant girl: would be willing to ?oaoaaeonamberwork; baa excellent city referenoes. Gall at W Wee* m at., between 7th and 8th ava. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPBOTABLB Jt\. young woman, aa laundress and chambermaid, or to do tfce kitchen work of a am all private family, or plain cooking, washing aad trading; can give the best of city relerenoe ?roes her laat place; ao objection U> go to the country. Can So ?oa flsc two days at UK West Aid st. B? >UR8B.-A RE8PRCTABLE PROTESTANT WO from country. for two days Nurse, station D Post oJBce, Bible ? ffvaoB.?A KESrECTABLB PROTESTANT . wan, fally oomiwtent to take charge of an Infani drth aad attend the lady, wishes a situation as i base a monthly nurse; no objection la the coi TIT ANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, as ttrat rate cook; understands " Klndaot pastry; Is an excellent washer and no oar. and L-. V1* boft of city reference for both coo'ang and washing. Call t 174ltav.. toe door from *Xh at. gOUSEKEEPER.?A SMART, INTELLIGENT WIDOW. aged 4U, wlahes to taku charge of a small American Uy in the eity or country; is uuallllod to make a home irnilaad happy; has conaiderable furniture; would pre fer a I* ice where tliere will be no otlier fem.ile. Please call on or addreas Mrs. Lecpu-n, 1 JO 4th St., Wll!ian.gburg. SITUATION WANTED?BY A NB.YT AND COMPE teat person, as[cook anl laundrcxK In a small family; no Kene need apply who la in the -l>a>dt of cliauging their help tan. Call at 119 West 26th St., between 7th aud 8th ara. ITUATION WANTED?TlY A YOUNG PROTESTANT sir I. aa ctiambermal 1 and waitress. B -st city ralercuco be bo sreu until engaged at 439 West 2Mh at. tsften. Kin t f^two RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRLS WANT 8ITUA , , either to do ccjianil housework or to take car .? of el lMraa: are willing and obliging; liuva go >d city reference. Call for two daya at tij West mh st. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A MIDDLB AGED Wo man, aa cook or to do genural houaework. Best of ? references given. CaH at <6 W>at Mih at. "07ANTED.?A LADY WISHES TU OBTAIN A SITU YT atlon for a aervaut '.;irl who haa lived In Iter family for Several yearn, either to do ?cueral housework or aa laundre-a. Call at 101 Lawrence st, Brooklyn. WANTED.?A RESPECTABLE MIDDLB AOBD American lady dee res a (it nation aa housekeeper. Being a widow the com tor's ol' a home ure mora oi an object than the pay. Address Mih. Dyke id, 40 1st at. "WANTED?BY A FESi'ECTABLB AND TRUST ?T worthy girl, a situation ax good plain cook; Is sn ?ioellent waaher and Iron - r, or w ould do chnmberwork in ?m small private family. Has good references. Call at 170 Smith St., Brooklyn. "nrANTED?A SITUATION AS COOS, WASHER AND YT Ironed by a glil, who e.iu (jive the b?-t ciiy references. 'Can haaaen at 17 Bul.lran St., front basement. "TXTANTED?BY A YOUNO WOMAN. A SITUATION A8 YT food cook, washer un i ironer; would ?lo houaewoik In a smau family; haa four years' rcl. nuc? Irorn last place. * Call at 141 East 29th st, near 2d av. *117ANTED?BY A PROTESTANT YOUNG WOMAN, A vT sltualon to tnke rhar^-e ot bu invalid or cliil Iren in a private family, or to aew by the duv or weok, ? nh aewmg '?Machine, in city or couuuy. Apply at 6d Laat 2aih st. for one week. WANTED-BY A YOUNO AMERICAN WOMAN. A situation as housekeeper or chiiuibem a' i, witho it Wraahlag; no ol'jectiou lo^e out of the cllj. Aiiilreaa L. L , vaUtion A, Spring st, ^17"ANTED?BY A rROTESTANT WOMAN, A 811UA TT Uon aacnok and to in the wushlug ?nd ironing. 'Can be seen at ber pi is in employer's, from 11 A M. to BP. M., 86 Park a\ eaiiL, two doora below Stllh St. WANTED-A NEAT, TIDY GIBL TO DO GENERAL housework; one who is wlUintr, obliging and comp^ ?Sent can have a peruuiuont place. Also, a seamstress, who can out and lit ladles' and children's cloliilng. None but 'Yroiestants need apply, at 378 Carlton (iVi*., Brooklyn. WANTED?UY A COMPETENT YOUNO WOMAN, A situ,iUon to d > chumlx'nvork and waKinu, ?r eham Bsinork aud Uue nabbing and Ironing; no o'ljeetioun to a 'Boarding house or hotel; would ^o t> ttio couo.ry; beat eiiy -Coference. Call for two days ul IS Union court, Cnivcr*ny ?, between 11th an l 12th sts. ANTED.?A FAMILY, NO LONGER NEEDING IIF.K services, ace k a pi no i for a yo;:ng girt, and teut, to aew, t ike Cure of children, or w do ll.'lit cham ork. Apply at 26 West Idth St. w BITPATIOBB WASTED-MAIjKS. A YOUNG MAN WISHES A SITUATION IN SOME wbolesab biifil.iCHs; writes a r,ood hand, is correct at Sgurca, and willing to make hini?.-lf gen<T.tll u>?rul. Eni Btoyment more aa object than salary. Addivss M. C., box A17 Herald ofcoe. ^| a 8 COACHMAN.?WANTED, A SITUATION, BY A JX. respectable m m, who understands his buainess, an l lias lived with aoiur or me. dcm lainlllesin Europe; haa brrn 12 ream In New York; ha* b??n steady lor ten yeirrs with t \ o ?amiltes; haa recommendalions to be seen from I,is boyhood. Understands the treatment of horses; will be f-uind wrliln; and obliging: can milk if dtaired. Address for two days Coachman, box 147 IleraM othoe. A SITUATION' WANTED?BY A MIDDLE AGED MAN, to takr e^^rge of sn engine; Is willing to do what cIkc nuiybewsuut or him; has taken charge of ar. engine for >1>0 past throe years. Apply at 647 Greenwich St. A YOUNO MAN W18HES A SITUATION IN A MKR cantlle or mantifaet'irirg eaiabllshmeut as travel!li>g ?xentln the tropic* orCaUtornla; hiis sis yearn' exp- rir-r r; ?peaks Bnrllali, Krem-n and Sfwnlsh fluently; best of N?w Work and Ouba referonees riven. Addru s A rer'.ik'r, Lox >IM ll. rmJM ,,m. ? LAW 1 KK?Ai> THE ADVEETXSEK ALWAYS CAICU. latca la succeed, he will lake charge of all kind* or legal kuartM, and oiak< do ebar ?? w hmrrrr aulm b ? l? ?ti?v?a. tuL lia?b.-en tu the practk.-m Isw in N-w York it yenre, Mdralenfor honesty ami a'dliiv to mine of l .< ? be.t men tn the city. Apply to or addreas M. HOWEl?, Counsellor ?i law, 19 heokiimn street, tpo MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS --A YOfNQ man' X wtiUies a situation where, l?y d.noii'ig bis ' tin! io fell employer's be it iuten-iit, there ? .aspect of ? trancing;la au>"d nnrt r pld j- omun. Ad.ut m for two <Uyi 8. ihoi UU Herald wlioe. WANTi D?BY AM ACTIVE BUSINESS VAN, A 81TC aiivttSW trarellluj agem to some uliililUiM or ioi a flint bnnte to sell d<. I am ae'pia'ntcrt wltl mo" mi. kaudaof goods, and have an extensive ucqii uuiau.-e in ?r ry large town and c.ty front Maine to Iowa. Ml0l:> mi time tUawSMMta an exuibttton iti?t iroulJ puy. tiood re ference here ua well an In New York. Will i rply promptly, or rail upon the p 'raoii answering tUla. Addr. K sld'i.t, bo* SU Auburn lVst offlce, N. Y. "WrANTED?A SITUATION, HY A YOIEO max Witt) f f wrilri a iiood band, an el rk or )?rter; ? ill maioi ht.u ?elf uaefuL haiitfactory irt .InioniMif. Adilreaa T. 11., Herald offl<?. ^ SITUATION WANTED.?AN EXPERIENCED HfloRT baa J w riter ?ie-Irea u mi nation as corn; ^ponding cleric, ?opytal. or amauucnsi>. Address II. I'., a aliou O. Ui'<>ad. WANTED-a situation ON A F\ RM, 11V A YOl N?i mat oi' Urat cla** roierooeo^ to 1c..iii farming, re.c . fe*oeo exchanged. Artdnan T. K.. Ilern! i ottl.e. w WANTED?KY AN KXTLIUENCED MAN. A 81TCA Uon lu a neuspappr oihtiHJr piibli* a lon bona.'.ora< COrreap?dlipt or ihii' cleik; perliet') understand* his feuaineaa. Can (Ire the veiy beat oi r.leriu e. A Idr fuhtianer, box ltB Herald o lice. ANTED?A SITUATION IN A BROKERS SHIP T ping or inaiiranoe oitl< >?, by a youn* man who has n id ?ereral yearsexperience In a bank in an igli to. iiiu city; ia ? KOod judge ol' moil- , ; beat reference. Address L. U. 0., lierald office. __ Yankee notions-situation wanted, hy a young man, who ha* a id six year*'<:\p rb-iira in the ?took, aeliin.-, khipj'iiic, marking nnd lakiu.; goods; will work for a amaii auiury , be t of relcreni-e. Addroa i or tlin-c da/a Notloaa, VI Ui tcuv at. H THE TEABKa. BOOTEAKINO -WANI r:l?, BY an EXI'BRII'VCKD man. a atttintlor *i< Wilier or rlor' rnnn, *>?.; iir?t cl?s-< elty referenda. A?ri'?a H. K. T . box VIV II.-raid oM< f. COM rOWTOES.?W A NT K D, A YOUEO MAN. rVK A country |*p< i on leing l-l?u i; one auqiiainted and can work at pr< aa jtreierr d; iim a buy wh" Is a t)iiaint"d Wltn Ch-' Ouauaeas. Apply to or Addioa M Pi luce ?t., Brook* <r?- - ^ SIUTTKM IkEIMMOH MECEAEt TAIIiORINO, 1 to ao to 8} ru '.?<?, rluitle man. Addiea? V. O. E., iiiuwci I)n> use IVt odiee, mating lorina and refen b.i ? FLAX HF.t'KMCKrt ?WANTHD. a FEW GOOD KMX beekl.'is, who wdimiM btttiina . Apply at M?. 1 Erie lluildlngH, Kuadc ?!., ba'ween Wa?hln^( ??? 'and West au. HOU8E8MITII.-^miSEFH HART. FOR MANY YF'AHH enpb.yod aa fxrc'iian at (i. 11. .la k?>ii A t!o.'s Excel* ?I'll Iron Wnrka, and, with long cxpern Ii'c in tin* l'tl?'n< ?*, ta denlrons of an e n .iig.'i' e..l ; I* n>mp<'tcnt, thooi'"..~ 'lly ?nd praciK'.illy, In th" pini nl branchta of woik. AdJ-rva Iti WUd ire. t New York. Ol'SE PAINTEKS WANTED. APPLY M' I AMITY _atre<t. NOW LA.*' *. K?iP.M'.Y. PLUMHER WASTEO-AfPLY TO L. C. JOtIS-OX, 7V Jeraey at., .lemcy City. rPLl MBEKH.-TWO PLt'EbERH WANTED, NOME but good workmen n rd apply. N. ti. uNATZ^ 41^ Thfr 1 avutine, Twenty coopers WANr*D?immrdiatbly; ten for ?tra|i|<tng liiues im.i ten for linn lioaad nr m?lon iarreU Apply to N. U. Od II, 821 Wc?t lath ?l , paiMn ' aotiae. WATCHMARHK wants a HITCATION: MAH KIOET year e<parierui , ba* g'oil rclaroui'ia Addroaa t!. ?. R., Hot W/ BeiUfa .N WATt'IlV AKKR W AN'TMt?T(j tio TT) \v \sniT?IT,?V in 0. Apply'"*' 'ty Walna AOW. nUBmndway. ' ANTEI>?A I'lUST IIATK FANfY (TaKK ANIHim.a U ba*< r. UnnlrtofJ. J. WERNEK, Kuit ifi a aue, Brooklyn AMtED?A~PKi:.'-?iS filOROIJoTlI.V A(v'.l?TlN 1'ED witli tlii' w nk . of t i' eom'tiir Ion M't udlne "??? shine AMWM M M<: rc ra , ioA. Eiiiit. WaNtbd-kive on six hkst r'atk Jari-kn tars, thla4a|r. Apply to II. BMi Eu Wat m? curly |lf >NTE^-A (lOOD .'OrRNEYMA't I AKcMt, THE TT fgir rowiwl|and a a"> I abari i for ?: i*m.l ,y au I d m. gay. Pay (B. Anp'v -<i #f7S <'ti tt., n'?r ?e, J>, HHLP WiRTBD-MlliKli Agent?ik you wish to invest A SMALL CAPITAL IN A PAYINO BUSINESS MULTOMIcfe'"' mer,U?f 106 OtU and iw It, or ?end for a circular H C. RICKABDS * CO.. 101 Nmmo street N T. Agents are making moke money by selling BICKARD'S I N JON PRIZE STATIONERY AND RECIPE PACKAGE Than by any other inve im> nt. OUB PACKAGE IS IN gl'CH DEMAND THAT AGENTd EAalLV MAKE PROM fit) TO flS A DAY. CIRC I LARS MAILED t REK, 8. 0. RICHARDS A GO.. I ft: Nassau street. Agents.?we cannot supply the demand. _ _ *ou can moke $1 a day by Milling the DIME PANPROHPUOHIUM PRIZE PACKAGB. Prlte 10 cents. Contabling sixteen new and oricinal articles, Including . A OUT OK JBWELRyT^ If jou would make mon jr no?r? *nd lor * circvlar. w. H. CATELY A t o . Utt Kataii street A GENTS WANTED?TO SELL DODIN'fl PATENT KB roeene oil burner for Buld lamps; coats only one caul per week and no danger of tip osioa; sample aent on receipt of four rod stamps. Address Joseph D dm, a DuaneeL A GENTS HEADQUARTERS. ? SOMBTHINO NEW JX every week. We an the Inventors and Manufacturer* offnur superior articles. Agents are making 914 per day selling t iera. Call at or address (enclose, lamp) RICHARDS * CO., 434 Broadway. New Yortt, a few d"?? above Canal street; or 3? Wisconsin street. Milwaukee. Wis. A YOUNG BAB WANTED TO TEBP BAB IB A KIR8T das* ap Iowa place; uiust be neat and clean, know some thing of the oyster and eating counter buslneaa, and < ome wall reoommended. CaU at th av., bet ?d and 33d sta. "BARKEEPER WANTED?a RESPECTABLE YOUNG D man, to attend bar at lU Bridge st. Brooklyn. Good refersnre required. "DOT WANTED?TO ATTEND AN OKPICE DOWN -D lows and run of errands; a Kood boy, one wbo resides with bis parents and can writ*'. Salary first year $M). Ap ply at 300 Madison St., at 10 o'clock on Saturday. Boy wanted-in a betail deuo store , am abb man boy, residing with his part-uts; one who lias boen In the budnesa before preferred. Apply at Ml Broadway, corner 3d at. CANVASSERS WANTED.-SEVERAL GOOD CANVASS ers wsnted, to canvass the city fur "Parson B'nwi'l w s Book." Apply Immediately to J. M. EDNEY, ilC)i Broad way. Hardware.?a smart, intelligent lad. is years of age, l? wanted lu u retail store, to learu the business. One residing with his paretila, ina> address liard ware, Herald otlk-e, post paid. Salary first j iar $75. [OULDER WANTED-IN AN IRON FOUNDRY. ON ' enoli work pre l ur. ?A?BR HANGBRS?WHO UNDERSTAND FIRST ciass work, can have plentv to do, at first is pri e?. by inquiring ai tlie store of Tlios. Vaye, im porter and manufacturer or paper hangings, 257 Broadway. TVTANTED?AN INTELLIGENT YOUNG MAN. SOME. TT what acquainted with the (li ng buslues-; reference, required. Apply ai 711 av., Brooklyn, tu the botanic drug soe. ANTED-TWO GOOD SMART WAITERS; MUST UN d< rstand tUe business. Apply at 30.1 Wa-hln>,u>n st. T\! ANlED^A YOUNG MAN; ONE WHO UNDER TT Miami- tasting BrlitanU metal. Address W. Duu worth, Dobbs' Perry. B. Y. A1TER WANTED?AT TAYLOR'S SALOON 3,667 b>o.ilway. Apply between 11 and 12. Wanted?a oestlkman to act as treasurer for nn exceedingly interesting exhibition; will clear tlU)a week. A suitable person, having a small capital, can secure a permanent situation and halt interest. Inquire for Mr. Chart's. 104 Broadway, at \V. Mallluud A Co.'s. WANTED?A CLEBK FOR A STEAMER, SALARY liberal: one stewardess, two conductors lor n si earn railroid. Ai^'ly at No. 7 Clri ban. square. N. B.? Also three purlers roi stores aud two boys for trades. WANIE.i?A YOUNG MAN AH CLERK IN A GENTS' tut nibbing store. Apply to S. A. II. Ward, .'187 li road way. Alf AN TED?A YOUNG MAN. FROM 16 TO 18 YEARS Tl ol u?e; he mils' I'C an e*cellen' jwiunau and quit* and correet at figure*. Si.ue other.- need apply. Address, in tne L-iij Itvrlt.ng01'applicant, staling n,c. ur.u refer,nets, whlrli mutt b? nnexceptlnnabl?. B. II., Herald ollle "ll/ANlED IMMEDIATELY?JO BOYS AND 10 GIRLS TT to work on bra.din.; and spooling machines; ?.?? d wa;;cs paid; none but exjierieiiced liau Is need ajiply to Benjamin A Dorcniui, No. 0 Kunuan St., Brookl>n. VITANTED?AN ENTRY CLERK IN THE FANCY Tl pooda bullaW. Who la very rapid and correct. Ad drr.-,* -, I7I> Post oillee, N. Y., gu mg relereine as to cba rac'.er and ability, salary wanted an t pai ticulars as to thcni s<rlves. Moulder wanted-in an iron foi light work; a person acquainted with beti fcrred. Apply at k ouudry, 6t>th st., cast of &1 j w w W ANTED?THREE OR FOUR LABORERS, ONE nOST TT ler, one blacksmith; all for the country; :?l-o one ma sou. Appl> tills day, between it) un l 12, at Held's Hotel, 31 Bowery, corner oi Bayard. Inquire at onb e. TVrANTED?BY ? RESPECTABIJS MARRIED MAN, TT cuip oymcut in a warehouse or store, ur to drive a horse nuu wa^on; lias a perfect knowledge of horses and driving. Addre-s T. B , Union squarj Post ofli c. Tl7"ANTED?A STRONG AND ACTIVE BOY TO CARRY Tl psrccls. App<y to Hlndhaugb A Co., No. U Filth Are nun Hotel. WANTED-A CASHIER IN A RESTAURANT, ALSO A young man as clerk in sn offli-e and a clerk for a steamer. Apply at 131 Fulton St., Merchants' Clerks Regis try ofllee. Situations procured for respectable parties, ite. ferenor tu first class houses. The only reliable otlice. Estab lshed InjC No commission In advance. rANTED?A BOY BETWEEN It AND 16 YEARS OF age, st Johnson Brothers' '? t'lery. 8o7 Broadway. w I1ELP H'AJiTKI)?FKMALES, A LL FAMILIES WHO W ? VT OOOD SERVANTS IM. mai'iately apply at the Institute, corner of 11th rt. lith ar? for civil, capab! Uily German. Scotch, Irish, Amerie in atid Prole-taut wui; i to anil all. Conducted by lira. PLOYD. Good placed : ' a ready. AT MliS. LOWE'S COMFORTABLE AND ELEGANT 17 Stanton mr?t, near the Bowery, plenty of < ?? crlleiil aitnatlona ready in l espectahlo small families, to b< obtained miim.dlalely lor rellante IV male servant* with go<x xecuuimi u iunou.i, without pay moat. ASritSE WANTED immediately?TO TAVT5 A ohlld which feeds ou a bottle, to her own home, where It <au have a mother's care lor one year; sweet milk, a healthy local ton and cimnliwaa is strictly roan lieil; either In city or country. Addrefc*, until 13tli inst., r. It. S., lie raid C/ffiu', with cliarcea per week. All employers axd sera ants will find the largcat i-uj iii at o tee In the city at 37a tit!' nr., between SMaiid Ill'i atree'*. The Empire City In-lit.ite (16 yenis cMahl!?h"ilThis olliee la patroni/ed bj fauitlUn of the Ii4j4h""t >ii?tluctiou. 'jot i city and country. M. B.?Mali-and fi-.iiiuie hi 1[> 11 ail nation* ooti-tamly on hand; please couic and ti J. Country ordrrs puniin.liy attended to, Mantilla maker?:.?mrst "lass mantilla maker* wanted. Apply at tleorgv Hrodl< ? JtXi Canal street. Twenty milliners ani? ten trimmers want cd, 1mmediately, at Madame \S erwt'i. 1J Di.l.ilou at. W urk 0*e? home. \'hMI,H-A GERMAN WOMAN AS NtilSK AND tt aeaoudrei-sj be acniitwne t to lik'wn o. c.i.ldrcn, and have city reference. Call at 14tf Bast llth ti,near 2d av. \17ANTliD -A MILLINER TO GO A SHORT DISTANCE tt In thi country. T? one fully cofllpeteBt Ubcri' -m*"* will lie Hivet.. Apply at 378 Broadway. YVANTED?IN A PRIVATE BOARDING ?ir ,-tE, AN If experienced colored cook, wh ? can coma /ell n.endcd; wages 9*? Apply at 11/'.Hh at., a tew doors w, at of Broadway. Vtr hNTKD ?A OIHL TO ASSIST IN WA01I1NC AND Tt ironing iiikI to make herac'i ???tiei-ally iioet'ul. lion! re omiuci.dutioiiN ri'(|.ilixMl. Apply tins day ^Saturday), I e twem 10uud 3o'llotfc, at Hi West i.'i.h at., buwtvn Mn.ul titu ova. 1VA.NTED-A MIDDLE AGED SCOTCH Oil ENGLISH TT woman, to do the 4!?nenri houa-Uoik, conk, ?ua!i nml Iron, and auut In lion ckropiii: for a n.nfa Bmteh family, tloot iiTerence required. Family comUisof (rntrffnni>, A ? om ortaMe ho-ne lor a ii'XKl wo hhii. Adtlreib or appiy to J. M., rt WeaiJ4tli ?t. \i'ANIED-SOMB EXPERIENCED HANDS 10 WORK TT iii dicaamaktns, and an appniiihc ol rc*i*cable parents. Apply at (it Court el? iioooklyu. WANTED?A Olllfi TO IK) GENERAL llorsEWOKK. Mu?t Us well r-*oriinieuded, unit neat, butu M and In dustrlmi*. Apply at HiWnt Vtliu, A good gul hut ou opportunity to g< t a good mutation. ll'AMLH-UVti .SALE-WOMEN FOR A MILLUtBRI Tf si flwrotvu; al*n three e\|crten ed mlillncrx Aduretn, btatitiM reference and cip<?.allot)*, E. Mailer, New Ha'cn, Colin. WANTED?A MIDDLE At.KD WO*AN AH COOK AND TT toa?siat In the wa?hlu4and icoiung 01 . unaii piiiate family, a ahort dlittan <? In 'he country; ninat unCeratand Hif ilalcy and milking > "??>. Applj at '<11 Para plan , cuiuei of CnurcH St., Oral m or, 11* tT NI'RnE WANT* D.?SCOTt'H OR ENOLIaH T? praferrcd. Itopiltr tn JtU a>., Mfth h'e.i?e from *S'h bt., Iirtween 4ikh ami 47th hi*. \\JANTRH?POR W\?m?fflTt>N, D. C., A YOCNO TT lnd>, who Is willing to aN?t?t In tending to a sotia wn t^r < itaMlsliincnt. Otic wh? aitlta will Itnrt ? (drawn' home and ' of was*'*. Addra# for twoda>nSoda itater, llc ratd fittk c. WANTED?I <*R WASIIINUION. D. 0 , \ WELL EDI' cat-d, evperil'neea and Hue lootloi ^ oiiiiii ladv, who la rlliing to as11st in tending to tt rat clam club ioomo. Tui. Uit tlee arr light an I honeralitc; pleafbnt honne; Imnt of w?g< a to one w ho ?. iltf. A'UIkhi lor t <rt> daya Oltil' Ro no, llerald ?Dice. 11'ANTED?TWO I^IDTES TO LEARN THE ("OU?R tt Ingof photograi aa in wiuar cotora, XoouMuaada, aft'r learning. cmpk)yinaui ?'from lot t > f ij ? wovk. Ap ply at Hie A'a.iemy ot Pttot"^tt?nh|r Painting J1 l.t hi. YirANTKD?QPEinTOBH ON SKUINO MAO II IN EM, TT wiioe,in hrinj tin ir >?t%u machine?. A| p v a. '.?! Uc.kIo tt ??t,npotalr* nfBMTED-A SMART, TlDV UIRL, TO DO OEMEHAL TT no't->rk, with the evepth n of (ooktnl. In .ismall faaiU.. A|1>1j at X>7 Wh a?? betwien Z-^th autl aHli at a, aii' r ill o'uioMt A. ?' 11,'ASTED-IN A PRIVATK FAMILY, A OOOIt PLAIN T* C ? and lanti>l.'-a?; t-iio wllliii^ to be uk, with iei?'i?1 Apph at lift IIeIt'y ?!., Ilrovkly tu from I to I o'i l> ck. \v Hti*1 VV lED-niwi clamh tbimvbrs and tour ioj militii' r*. alui'.w.' ui'prdlttieea to Ihc m lllncry, I'm heaiticwj ?? Mr?. Mni i.ottr,M Broadway RANTED IMMEDHTELT-THRBR PMAUT WOMRIf ?te ? hlrtt and laatea it inter riot h ;? |V?f tin. ufl) must parleetUt iinderstnnd tueir bnattNHn' mioL -a 11 l>ply t ? Mi*. K. Turner,iHj Uiand at. Iti ti atore W'ANTKO--AN A( ilVE TO UNO WO* tN, REALLY A TT j: >od ciK'k, lor inaat, pouitiy, Ac , uli i WliO inatca pull pti'.'e ,|plil<*-, Ac , foi ii pi Ivata I'mIly; inns' ?iImi cs uxt with t jc *> .-v-ihlitu and ironing No application will i,(, r,, e lvai' nnlc* wlta v rilt. n tastln.oiiial frmn li?t rmplo?cri > tin p teiiy, dvllity and go'id deportment App'vat IM Mac tlnv0> *v, citnarof 4*nllf hflp wastep-kkmh.iw. WANTKD-A GIRL TQ COOK. WASB A 'I to go in the country: must ihorou stand ber business. Apply at Ui Wm 1Mb at, I WASH AMP IKON. trougbly uuiler ? It, between tkh ?ad 9th are. TIT ANTED?IN A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY, A "V ?o uui A inert in girl aa nurae ami seamstrea*. I?st of oily reference required. Apply at the corner of Gates and Grand ava., Brooklyn, or at U Beaver at., up stairs, Nsw York. "\ITANTED?A MART, TIDY GIRL, TO DO GENERAL m housework; on* who understands cooking, and u a good washer and Ironer. Apply al ter JO o'ciock at 216 East S>th m? between 2d andtd are. WANTED?A PROTBSTANT WOMAN TO DO OKNB ral housework In ? private family. Must be a good plela a?k and an excellent washer and ironer, with good tity reference from bar lest place. Inquire bvtwweau 10 and U Wdook at MHK Wert 10th st WANTED?A protestant GIRL, TO DO TUB TT geneial bouaework lu a small private family; one who understands cooking, baking, and U a good waaber and Ironer. Without good references none need apply. Wa.'es $7. Apply at 488 3d av., between Mth and J5th sis., up stairs TXT ANTED?AT MBS. LAZARUS ISAACS', 19 DIVISION "" st, good milliners and trimmers; also, a girl, M year* ?hi, te do light housework. Apply for three day a TIT"ANTED?A QOOD COOK; MUST ASSIST WITH THB " washing and bo neat and obU^tui;; must underaUnd her btulneaa perfectly. Apply at the basement door of US West nth at, from 10 to U o'clock only. rBBBCH APVlCRTIgBSMKMTB. ~~ AN DBMANDE?UNB BONNB IPENFANTS FRAN \J eai?e, Protestante, pour alter a la cainp.ignr sur la ri viere du Nord. B'alreaser lundt do II a nidi, a PAgence Prancalae de M. C. GAILLARD, (1 Blub avenue, auiortse m.' le go J Viraenient a la reoommandntton dee principals familA s de Mew Yew York. POBT OFFICE SOTICBI. .... ~ POST OFFICB NOTIClT?THE ~f AILS FOR TIIB United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Prussia sn 1 Bremen, per steamer Bremen, via Southampton, and for Ireland, per steamer City of Washington, vU Uueenstown, wlil close at this odlceon Saturday, The 10.h day of Mat, at 10^ o'clock AM. A. WAKE MAN, Post mailer. LOST AMI) FOIWD, A SMALL GREEN PARROT LOST?FROM 702 BROAD way, on Thursday tnorulug. $2 reward (more mun t e value of the bird) will be given, wit'j the tbauka ol tlie ' " ? ??v Wisuf vest* un vv i?.i euu tuaisaa vi ?uo o.vner, to whoever will bring it back or give Information leaning to Its recovery. D OG LOST.?A SMALL BLACK AND TAN TERRIER lia I on wheu lost a plain lirax> co'lar. A reward will bo given on his roin.n to Sj West 1'weu.y-slith street. Found?on the ist ok may, a female coacu Doc, which the owner can have by proving property and paylug eipeusca. Apply at 63 West 'fh rtc nth street. In the store. FOCND-ASUMOF MONEY, AT THB AC VDKMY OF lltMc,on the erenln- e; tlie Hih Inst. , te loser will please describe purse and contents, and send address to box 4,04- Post nlUcc. WOUND-IN TWENTY-FOURTH STREET. NEAR J? Fo .rtb ..venue, a l'o. k-t-ook, lontaimn, money and a pair of eye glares. Apply to De Lannuy, Clark A Co., <3 Wall atreet. _ _ T OST-FROM 196 W.EEOKElt STREET. A L VRGE Aj wlillc Cat, with black and gray spots, an I a ue?l ami ribbon on neck. Any oue returning him to tlie above ad dress will be liberally rewarded, LOST-ON FRIDAY AKTEltXUON, IN GOING FROM 110 Duanu street, dowu ijroadway, ti. pier No. 1, i nd thence up Wr?l street, a Po."ke:booi, coulnfuln:; $22 In I'lil*. The tinder will be suitably rewarded and receive the think* of the owner, Ue bring a hard working man, by leaving it at 149 Pulton street, in the store. LOST-OK THURSDAY, APRIL B, A SMALL BLACK aud tan Terrier Slut j answers to the name o: Tiny. Any one returning tier to Nu. b iiujt Twenty-ninth street will be p lie nil ly rewarded. Tost?in course of mail, a draft of the J Trentoiit B:i ik, Mostnn, No. 4,611', for $.'t,2'N), on tue Chemical hank, Now York, payable to tlie order of Randolph Hrou., the payment of which has been st Jppcd, ol' which no tice la hereby civen. Lost.?the lady who picked up a iiandkeb cblcl'in East Fifteenth street, between Third and Fourth arenues. on Thursday morning, May 8. can lind the owner by lmpiiing at U2 \\eat Fourteenth street lo.' the person \vh( se nutue is marled on It. It i-> lalue I ah a girt. IOST?IN A FIi'TII AVENUE STAGE, ON WEDXKS J day morning, 7tb lnnt., between eleven ami t icko o'clock, a brown leather l'ockatbook, with a black elasrlr, containing aeveral pices of foreign coins and memoran dums. The Under will confer a great favor and be suitably rewarded by leavin j it at the store .Sc. 20 Maiden lane. L08T?A LARGE NEW MKMOR VNDUM book, con tabling papers ami card-ol \aluo to the owner al ine, Oue dollar reward, If brought lo 150 Nisfau street. Lost?in the lower part of the city, $35 in bill>.'?The Under wilt lie suitably rewarded byrtitira iug the same to G. If. & W. G. Allison, 96 Bcckman street. TOST-A. SMALL WHITE DUG, WITH TWO I.ON'U XJ black oars; ansu-ers to the name of Blllo.v. A liberal re? artl wid tie paid bj retufnins bltn to No. 167 Greenwich atreet. in the store. Lost or mislvid.-certificates for ele\.'\ hlidx. Tobacco, bearing the city of Nen York tobaoco in sp. etlon. marks and numbers as foltowt,:?R. M., 57.595 ; K. M., ft/,477; R. M? M..W7; R. M.. 61,497; R. M.. M.7-.A: R. M.,6<777; R. M.,6?,78?; R. M..58,7*5; R. M., 5^.978: It. M , M*,I45; R. M., 5ti, 150 All persons arc hereby cautioned a^al ist negotiating the same, as new eertlHeatea have been applied lor. A. MOLLER k CO., 32 Lib rty sueet. Lost or mislaid?a ?sto treasury 7 3-10 note, No. 527, B. dated August lt?. In the name o.* J. H. Krauier. All persons are cautioned against buying or nego tiating the same, as the payment has been stopped. O. 1). ASHLEY. 52 Exchange plane. RES WARDS* <J?r KRWARD?LOST, NEAR THE CORNER OK DEY V'-' and Ureenwleh streets, a i. -hi tan Scot.'l' 4 Trier. Ho had on at the lime it brass oollar, ?h '.W.W.Cole, l.XCTSuth Fourth street, PMIauei' t above r -ward ?I"paid on leaving the doj at duuih street, corner of P. j. REWARD WILL BE l'AID FOR THE RETURN of a black u nd la a till it, weighing about nine puunila; ud'rt'era to the nimc of Top^ey. bhe hul 0:1 a small blue ? jllar, and was lost on the tith inat. Tin; above reward wilt be |utid for h'.-r return to E. H. CtiaiulsTlIu, No. 87 Varlk ?tree I. ?r.An RRWAltD Wl!il< BE I'AIO, AND NO QUE*. \J tlon.s ssked, for the return or a parcel (l.i 0!) In United Stair.-. D-mand Notes, lost or stolen tu the Custom House between 2 and 3 I*. M oi tlmHlh mat. WM. W. lll<(MAS A CO., ?1 William street, room 3. HOT1U. ABTtJRIA HOTEL?THIS HOTEL AT ASTOKl \ Long Inland, having been r.<tlitcd an.I flu niahrd. la now open for tm. a Tommodatlon ot the publc. Pleasantly *Ito. a', d. fronting on t'.c wst r. surrou idM with be.sut.ful ?u uiery and pleaaant drives, It offers extra irrtu -p men Is to the t> bile. Aa ? summer report, nm hot ?! I. tiii<ttn???.l. I jnnected with the house isn arge and commodious stable, ft,, ivnusncnt or Iranslei;' .iiatnin, nu.l wuere may be had at all times means of rOWre/anec to any rart of the eooutry, Fiatiing parties may Uj mI-u atttf.dte'l win lmat*, halt, Ac., tr., or for pleasure, under the rmmedititr supervision of .tn able and experienced atuallcgeailetnnn. Tin- II rissto-ked w itli the rliolreat oran H ot Trluea, liquor- am aegar.- Ac., and the Table S'-t with all that the apjieiltc ? ?"e re-i lire. Target excursionist - will And t il* liol.-t a eonvenlcnt p. o. where, at a Utile distance, tliey may shoot under covered *I?'(U anil .st ait la. limners real} a ordere-i. Continual en:iimunleaU'>n with New York city by Hurl <1 te ferry, FUhty-slith street and Se.tttod avenue can, aieatn' ? it f' jfti Peek slip, and Krooklvn OM& Kallron I, front rilhis leriT via (Jre-npolnt, thenar by stage \b the door of the hotel. Coiae aud see lib a \ ou like II. wvr. B. WIT.SON, Proprietor. HOTEL?AT BATH, MRO 1SLANO, WILL BE ape Bed lor the reception of gite?t? on in- IMh Inst. Far i?i deairinu to engage Kooms foi the com n: summer can i\ *> '?y appij Ing to Uu sues rlber uti the preuiiaec. J. U. OA BY, S iperinU'tident. _ ? ?? ^ BRMOYALH. ? ^ AMEKi ' tN BANK NOTE COMPANY.~ Naw Yonx, May 6. 1SR2. Th* ollli ps of the American Bank Note Company h ive been re. ivi d to the second story ?>f the Merchant.' E\. change I?h 4" dliwtly over Ihrlt lorrner oMpts. 'Hie entraac* In 4..uugk the main portlvo of the building, on Wail stre't. Doctor ?ii,li.\m schirmer?removed to a Hev-nlh street, nrarSceond av-nor. Oilice h >ursfroin 7 to 9 A. Ill and t ,0 4 P. .W. Doctor jl~ ?ris has removed prom 25 ,uy ?treot %? I?o. 7 Beach street, betti e- u V'arlek n'ro^t and West Brcidws^. Vf OTIOE ?THK AOENCY FOR the SALE OF UOODS 1.1 ntaniilaclurnd hv THE UNION INDIA Kt'BBIIH COM PAN C will be rem'ved, 011 t ie 1st Of May next, tio:n No. 115 Lib* ei tf strM.'. 10 Mo. IS Park place. UY. U. UADDEN, Pi rsl lent Nkw Yon?, April 15,1*62 Removal -j. ukosiion iieuriot, demimt, has reuifivcd hlsoniep irom Spring street In the smitheiit ?oriiar of Konrtepnlh street and .Heventh aepnae. Entrnn-e 47 Sprrnth avenue. RKSTAVRAWH. " HITRR.MI FOR CILOItV.?ANOTHER (JKKAT VIC tory, mid thp great -at gained, was acpompl. e?d b-: J. O. OdKFKV, at U1 H-oaJway, uhrio h ? a lis the beat Ale in (he oily for Soents per glaas atop and see Old Jiu. Ev?ry body calls to see him. SAtNBOW DIMNO RCKIMS, 31 ItEUIwMAN HTREET.? i W.J. HOo'EI.L Is dptermlned l? make this the best ilnf; pla<-p dow n low ii. Everything or tne ver^ tksl and at toe lowest prices. Rudinan'* Ale on tap. Dluucra from IS till 4 P M. Tilt. OLD HOUSE AT HOMK-Sttt NINTH 8TREKV between avenues C and D. The ennlaest eonvit la)? uls in the clt.v uioet at this nonpen d Frve an J Easr on S mr du.v and MoniUy ev. nlnjs. li. II,?Tae two Joes In aueiid ani p nightly. Messrs. .iiihtiaon, vYaits, Dolu riy and ?? hual Of Uilent on han I BU3 U VLVIN. rropnelor. 1I/1IITE L'orsE. \ T E nhth avp , hrtween Fiftv >ltlh find Fifty-seventh it*,, Matr Centra' Park. 1 h< n by inform my irleinls an-t tup public that 1 will oa>< u ti p W I 'te II.'lisp, 1 m isnililav. Mo It, I*ij. TlillMHWUktMMtolHilwMt i lillli a large garden and dlanalng s Oooii, u I a!- with nrltSIc fupper rooms. All |>*rtl"s will ? e etippiled wftli dilute s and S'i|iter? In Hip b'.'al u aaitor. W v it* Wl'I.LFKP, u?w pT'ni.H ATi'?pi.?i. Till. MAKKl.ttih Ui'iUh. IIK h A It' K,l I. II I.tTORY OF Uen railon?A prtrsta man uetur forkiarrtari twrsuns, or tlui '? auOut to ma u, bot i. inaia ami Icutam, by Frstli rtok ItoliuK, M. J? .author? nnd li tuier up.iti tin- Pli>aloloK> RUd Dli<"?aesof thu Oenefiitle# Organ*, wiih ii iinei-ousenm', - lnj:? and <- ut-'d pules; Jdhii ? .limn, much (itarne 1 improved, and bi'unishi down to t>,p |>ri-?enl dav Pnee $1 Hem hv mail, lostagp |aiM, ou rteelp' ot llie prk*-. f W. fclltOKti )iil:ll*!i< r, IM Nassau all eel. K. V. Fin sale I. y nl bovaael -uid nn? d> slurs In tho Uulled Hiateg and CanRi' . . o rour MMr worstfcy thu anuie author, bend h,r a o?mouti The mil/ correct w iM <hf kta I i> .!?? lishrd -Mt'Uvat^otirq^f, mouses, rooms, rojutr AKSCOBD Fi/K>R TO LBP-WrTH BOARD. TO A family or a tew nttlet gentlemen. at (IS Mb'w ?>gtl ?tr *i, near Mie.ick.jr. Turin* $ a wsek. No objection to ? iIIUj. e. Would lik' a lit lie girl a* companion 'or uiy daugh ter. Quo learn ike |?ano wiiu tier laiully. Apart ok house no as third street near Second avenn . o-.nUatiDZ of floor Llir i^u, baae ii< lit, aloe ping room*. p.mlriea, Ac.; (as, wai? . I ?fi Worn, w., o? ?am* ilaor, or the upper pan. B *nt moderate to a suitable teuaut. Apply from 10 A M. till > P. M. COUMTBY KESIDENCB TO LBT?AT RLIZaBEIH N. J. Posaassiou immediately. Tlte kuUK good ai.*; contain* gas, f uruace, ran;'-, water, Ac.; one aorc, taaieluily laid out; great quantity or fruit and shade trejs, lo-ated tn the part of the town, ten minutes' era k from the depot. Will let for oae or more, or will anil Haaalso line stable. Inquire oi W. H. OA*, on the i realises, Broad sir :et, corner o South. poUNTBT RESIDENCE.?TO LBT?AT LONG BBANCII, \J NJ.aflueiy located FurnUhe I ll-ms-, . onveiiieut to the beach and depot; or a few B .aiders would be taken ?? moderate terras For further particulars call at or address No. 38 Worth Moore street TTARLEM HOUSES TO UT AMD FOB SALB ?8BVB J.J. ral very hauus me aniTdestrab^ U?u*s. with all ill* modern Improvements, to let, at Kreatly redu ad rent*, and for aale very low. J. M. EDNBY, 47i?K Broadway. r LET-TWO HOUSES, NOB 8 AND 10 WOO*TRB street; also six Lo..s tor mantilaciuring or drill rooms, together or eeparately, all In a good business location, near Broadway and Canal streets. Apply at ti Wuostw street. r LET. AND BOARD?IX elizabeth, N J , A new and prettv two story Gotta je, SO >SJ fe t with tower stairs, on Laetalse H II. Went Jersey street; lot 1411x230 feet. Rent $.'30 The wuole block (2K acres) ir ursi -ed. Apply to B. SWIFT, 11U Centre street, or to F. THOMAS, oa the premises, who would Ilk* to board iu the fauitlr. rLBT-VBRV SEASONABLY, TO A GOOD TENANT. for$S?0, a small, genteel ihr.e atory brick House; all modern itnpioremenu. Mo. 100 West Forty-sixth street, near Bl oadway. Applv to Or. THOMPSON, 1.CM Bruadaay, ueajr Forty-second street. rT.ET-m BBOOKLYN. THE LOWER PART OF U inse 317 Hicks street, near Uegraw; gas, water, Ac.; rent T.-ry low; owner occupies balance of the house. Apply on the premise* or to oBORQE I.A MB, S3 Park plaoe, N. T TO LBT?A SMAI.' GKNTEBL HOUSE. NO. 10J BAST IWenty-ai^lith r i, kltoaeu, front ock-uirnt. parlor, reception iooui, dining . om mil funr sleeping rooms, ??0U; rsn from IJ to 2. Alao, ttv room. No. lttt Kas; Foriy-.lfib e.'t, $13. A -a. otm-FS. WlLrOOX, No. lgj Flitli avenue, oin r of T .ent)-tbird atrr'-k 1^0 LET-THE THREE STORY IIIGU basement H jus-, t.lik b t and cola b.t b, "as, large yard, with grape vli.e. ire a. ic., IM Wu'l Twenty-ninth atreet. Arpy to K. H. ST iATS, Ui Km MNIIhlt $A50. TO LET?A FIRST CLASS FOUR STOKY ENGLISH basement ll.iuae, with ai; the modern lu.pi oveina it*, in good repair an l Kaa li?:u.ea omipi -U'. R ni lo.v to a good tenant. Appy on the pi^ miw*, 4J Eaai bicvrnth street. TO LET-THE IIOL'SE M SOUTH FOI RT1I 8TRRET, Kiooklm, E. D.. near t'ie Rooa.-vi-lt street and Grainl street lerries; wut r ami ?&a tluoii::boni the houae; rent ti *)._ Auply at JOURMEA Y S, 3JU lir.HMlway. rLET?HOL'fcB 17'ENAKD STREET, AND PART "t llon-e to L.'.apenu:d, Dear Broadwar. Apply to JOUEABAY, S7S Uruadway. TO LET OR LEASB-TliB BUILDING ADJACENT TUB hotel at Siamaioneek depot. New iork ami New li.tven Ka lroad, suitable fo a More and dwelling. Apply to J. It. U1LL, Ma iiarone -a village. N<? agent need apply. TO RBCTIFIERS AND U'JUOH DEAT.ERS.?TUB L'>i's ami hall the Kirst Floor of the lire proof store No. StJ Gi'eenwirb atr et to rent very low, with tubs. A:., iu periiC order. I.iquuv on the prumlaee. BOAUDINO AND 1.UDGI1VO. A PLEASANT FITRNTSIIED ROOM, ON SECOND story, with gas to l-l, ulth Boarl, to a \ mid wife or two single gent email. Term* n o V r.ite. Apply at 121 ChrysUe street, between SVOMM and Grand. A FAMILY OF THBEE ADULTS WANT BOARD IN A pr v : ? e fa, or \\ iiern f?W hOMTdCM a ? u'. n, uu.l where Brat claai. aecom in dilions eati Location b 'low Tl.lrty-utth *tre?l. I,, ju re of GRIFFIN A BANNISTEK, No. a Aslor place. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET-WITH HOARD, two t?olt*e. large Rcoms, nn.wiy utid neatly 1'itrnislie 1, ai 1111 W, ^t rw e:in--ctglilli s reet, between E ,:!it<i and Ninth av tin. s; lir t elu-a Crown ?? ne l.oui", moiterti improve luculn, cei.i tai, and most dekln.Ll ' In. atlou in ill" i l y. t CHOICE OF pleasant BOOMR, FTTRNISitBD 1\ or uiiriirni^hed. with bath, gaa, ic., to let, at 07 Amuy s r ?? t. Kainlly prli ate. Relem.c ? rt ijulr >rt. AT M SEVENTn AVBNTTE, THIRD IlOt . Fnurti-eutn ft reet, gentli'iiinit unil tlielr v . ? ami k!u pl ? i;eiitleiii"n eau ne accommodated with E nl> nlslied rooms; dinneratti. it. f.-rtnee*ex. ho ,<d. \ I .kDY AND OBRTLBMAN CAN TI iVE A BOOM V ? n seumi oor, with full Board f 'ie lady. Terms I.e.' C?l! at H Tbird sire t. Dinner at s t o'rlo 'tc. I ftEKMAN FAMILY rt'OULD LET A HANDAOMELY . \ rntp.' ?? luck Parlor, and two ; djolntnu Rooms on t. ., with Board (French nvle), ? :i<le g. tiil'iucit or LCuttemen and tlielr wives. Ap> ly at eat Ninth street, between Fifth anl fcivth avei itcs. I . jtich and English apoken. Kefer?ii0; excliiitned. Board.?beautiful lar ib rooms, with pan. tries, closets, fits, water, bath, Ac.. Iu a lirstcl.-.ssfour story lio .Be, with Boar l, may be ; small CamUjr, W>chil dren, good table, domMUe cook in {; everything neat, g.n teel, .pitet and retire 1, aL ?'5 Hammond street, between Bleedker and Fourth H'reets, at $10 per week, for gentleman and lady. Board.?a private family Wi r.r accommo. date a gentleman and wife aud wo o> ?roa Mnglo tmn tlunieu with Bnird and handv ruely lurni? ' .ipartmen's on the second and third doors. App'v nt 7-i We?t Twenlv sixty street, .1 fef doors from Sixth uveuue. Board wanted?for two children, a short distance from thocity, wliero they will bo well looked after. Apply *t 231 Eosrwy, third Moor. Board wanted-by a young osntleman, in a pleaaaut location up town; a pleasant room, goo 1 aceoin ini' lailou ., brvaiiffett and tea, for whieh $3 per week will be paid. Private la.nlly preferred. Bsst of r-iferuuues. Address Reliable, box 1M Herald ofllce. F BOARUINO.?A (iEXTLKMAN DES1RE3 BOARD IX A genteel private latiily, with I)a i of gun. He will lie uIiki*at ?l?ay* 011 Si.idn\?, ami will laare Uin Hiy a' tcr breaklaat on Saturday* a id not return until kloixiuv allot'. nmju. Price not lo cxoccd S't ?0 tier week. Keferwjcca given. Alilre-sJ. \Y. A., Herald o,l!c ?. I RSISHBD FRONT FA*LOR, WITH BEDROOM _ attached, to Irt to a Kiit.'lc it-n tienniii at $,? p?r week, or 11 two at to. Al-o aback l'aiior ai $ L. Loeanon initial u'.itl hu.i*emodciu. Apply at No. C Fir.i iret. Two or porn gentlevbn can n*. aooommo i'a'.e.l with Biard, in suit* or alngln, at lli M ?rreraitvet, Jeraey Ulty, at)3Uio(4 to. Ten tnluutev wa!k Irum the firrle*. rpwo C2NTLEMBN ."sli THEIR WIVES, OR TWo 1 or'.ireo Minute pntiem-ti em b?s au-immodat'jd wilb ploa? .nt Room* and B'mu J, at moderate prtei**. Tn-julre a' .?S" tVmt Twenty oacoud street, or of U. II. II ibart, asl ?.roadway. rpo le*4 with board, in a first claxi hoi se, 1 No. 2, Wr- Twenty tbtrd *tieet, a large !r?nt R ?>.n and okiat, i yle for * goittl< man and wile or two *in jio g iit!>imi-n! la nlly .small; d nmratili:, WANTED- S Y0RKV1LLB, IIARLKM or NKAR III"' Centra'. 1'ark, a Riioil *!/ed plavml ltouiii, v. i'U fir*: Fhn Unapt by a, unt I (all. rerun, Including g**, i?.T voak. A nlrcaa TBSevi'iitb iinieti H?nF V' r;. fill 0?10 ?2 PBR WEEK.?FCRNl^ '*T? RiMIMR L to let, vety low, to gnntlr.niiMi oi gentleman and wile oniy. IMi aU bona ;; location; wau r and gnu. App.j a; '??? Eust T*reiity-o uutn s -net.itattr liadtaoii avenue. A A PLEEi'KEK STREET.- i (SHED or CNFITR* 1JL nuned Kx>:n* to Irt, * i u IS Term* from $S 69 to $:'? per Week. Dlnnrr nt 15 cloe 1 11 \ /acpouoal street," kea: uleeck :r is iw 4 M> private fuol ? hotel, for tb ? op ttou of ? ?: >' lUemeti or small f.iuillli"< tired of b i j,. Fa> tie* d <( h?tiaoke?ptag vnu Un I every con' . .ncfl at tbo abo.v e?-i biUbtm-nt. COUNTRY BOA HO. Cl0USTRTB0\KI?.--Pf?l'R OR FIVE IX .tLYt > * / haw good plain Hoard In u private fiwuujr, lorty in Irom New Vur?, on the N-w tlavr* KtUnwl The u*? ... jiiaiio If r -ijutri'd. Appl. (o, nr a tdie . th-a d -y, O. B., t'wriil'Rth atrect, near Third ari'iinr. / iocN I K V j:oXitD WANTED in beroen, n. J.? V Wear the V>r? 1 ratlroud t" Holwkeu, by a lo ntlemMi, Wlfr and eblid. Fri'e alion: $6 |wv week. Van furn!*ll tbelV or n room. A I 'rr?? V. T., 3i Jane itrcel. A COPAKTNEUSUIP NOTIi lis, R^Si S'TA^iLii MAN Wan'tRD-T?! TAkE A *>iiro and as trcMflfcr lor an entirely n.-ar and R jvel enierta!nn> nt. A i: xid pnrly. havln; $1 "0 cakh, ran ?eolire a eliatiec aeldom to l>e mrt with. W. MAIfLAKD, MH Bi >adw?y. A~'w~iumvx i iinuca waiitsd~to take the manaReini'iil of a |w llj ehtaii'taliMd e?ah bu?lucM{ an article of incrraaiu ilemaad; coit* oa? dollar and ruiaiU for Urr. O^ldlal re<iiiired ?lK>iit Sf'.W'. *A . M.vlTi>ANO k CO.. 104 Broa !<r..y. An extraordinarv oPronTVnity.?any okn tlRimi 1 w nh Cv'SWt an Hnin of a charier tnrntk(* :n ? plcaaant nftrtnrlw, mat will ylc'd tr.lMt i ir.ftnth, a* will bn al;i>.vn bv iioait ve pronf, by applying ai M3 and flu.l Bread way. rovin 6, tip atalr*. tiilANOB IS "OFFERED TO A* Itl'HlNKsV mXnT w h<> can l ati'iian I ab nit 4MI, to join as partner in a ra h. e?tah!lahrd h i*tti?f>a, yleldlni; an ln<-jtne that will ?n :*f\-any reaaouaoH man. Apply ui ii-J Hi?ad?av. 0. B. HOWE* .< CO. T17 ANTED?A PARTNER IiTaN I.NTKLUOKNOR OF Tf llee, twntre ; ear*' eatauliauwl. To a ainnit nuin lira Uin?*> dealrablc, aan jean inakea nu<e ItvinK and only re<i<iite a ?nu|i|otii!a>. At i.ayoing or mldd.u .i(ftil man, aa c|. rk; he miiai Kti..? t'K | utitiCiM WVli Apply a', Ms (Xli av., Imi tweeii 4-d andSllh at*., lit Ui* oilier. jbO/Wk I* I'.vKTV WAH/iTd TO "lNTtST" THIS ?Pt l'MF. hi a l>vl'l?ia<e niari<antllr I tialn> . a Apply to N. DAMS a CO , Xt Now Uowery, near Chatluiiu a ,h i r ? . ______ K I d || || | ?ANY OKNTLXBAN WI*U TIIJ8 AMOUNT, vli""U? n H ill, o ij ivt'tc a mi-ona purtlnn ill hla tini" In bnalHcaa, can lii. ' ait opportunity to amploy LI* up ire tilne and mak a good di ? of tuOney by n idrenaing Do> ior, box lit llrni (l o'lirr. Am?' ? aernffty for money. DK.'JSTHf. _ t HTtKICHI. BONF. FILMNt?~!T*SO ONLY BY TH* j\ iliamner. r, at In* ionii?. , near Heven t?enih atie-i All it.ior i.pnrio TtB nr leetu. td>< rout* and mrre bell* flitted and Wt.riuttM H. B.?A.l hiriraof lira it.ful tcuth umi tun eriib ite.i Uuban D<n.iit1i? and L e.0*1, J. I'h.vMtlN, M D., AV1MU iTaD i -Vi> i ii XT It ACTED ffnttoii pain, bi lit. J. J iV V I liLCK.w 1 'i and Mleet, I\?0 i ft> m Baoailway. 1 take i cut , -uin lit tfW r i"lf >4 a tcromun tidation to p * ti . rMti;, ro?n toot lla- 1. \'l K RKll L?'. N. Vork. !inkfif"nTTlLD WiTH acurin" iies i man* ili tree nl* #l>r.r ?, to luttVil.iea h < i-rj . irrm ?i i uf )L 1 HI,line. New t. ..mifiit mr io hltiii i "i .tre. Irom |*in .nd ?t"n-n ? *, ??? IN" Elt ? Ol.L f IM tTeat i..en ^ ft ret. m(l lyfcNTla'fii!? FOR~ 8Ai K, A S' ' DID CASK oV J. Olic**li?r'? Ope rating In truintnta and t'hali- llave naeer been hi eojt ovtr MCJ; will br ? a-, a treat ?fieriflee If ?%I1M fn' Itninedln'.'lly. AddllM h T. t ratUlie, N?W York I'vit oUI(j7, ?ALE8 OF UEIL K4TATE. TO BOOK IAN?CLINTON aVBNUE PROPERTY.?FOB J > M ile ur nthr.ii(,i in pan. a ur*i rlu> House, with pi**?? an I *li fonvsaienu o, six K.u, willi stub.e in the rear, front I us "II Vaude Mil IveoUR. garden ban plenty of fruit. This proper y will bf sold ? ht-ap ur exchanged Id part lor a (ma 1 ho i -e lu New York cuy. Apply on the pf'Uites tmrd bouse In Clinton avenue southwest of Myrtle, Brooklyn, ur at 31 Kpriun on eel. Now York, aecoud s.iiry. Fob balk vbry low?at hi ntington, l. t, a t?r? atory C-.tiage. In tuo.l order, wiln gaiucn Mid raid well stocked with fruit and alirubnery. Two third* Of the purchase money may remain on boud and mortgafS. *ur particular* inquire of C. B. PUIME No. ? John s reel. FOK 8ALB-UOUSB AND LOT IN lXIBT STREET, BB tuoen firm uud S< coad ami urn, uorth side of h street; lot 2S fe t front and rear, 100 feet 10 Inches deep; main building 21 Ijy cX ret, exiensmnon the rear lit by 1 >feet; mala bu Idiug two stories and attle; lilted In Willi brick: dial door Sited up a* a grocery store gas th ougiioui the H use. In quue on the premises. or of JOMN NOVO, at Uarrisou's Brewery, ISiand 157 Sullivan street. FOK S \1 ' <>K EXCHANGE.?A LARGE NUNBEB OT ? ' ? . House* and Farina lor aa e, or exchange for city pu>p Al*o Stores aud Houses, botii furnished aa 1 unf uuutied, to la'.irom $U>J to $-XMd. Apply at Union Place Real B*tate Office, No ia Kaat Fourteenth atreet. Fob bale ob rent-partially furnished, ir required, a Country Scat, '?Ub IX acrea uf land: neat building*; beautif ully situated <>a the margin o( the Souad, cluae to a lash onab'a autumer resort, live mlies from the city of New H-.ven, Conn. Apply to OEORGE ROGERS. 3 -U, Chatham street. _ T ANDS, LANDS, SUPERIOR FARMS-EXTRA INDUCE U went*.?For sale, ? .parlor farm Lauds, impruiod and uuuaproved, at cheap rates aad ou eaay terms, o suit the times, >lt'?M In Weat Men J< ra-v, thirty ml Ira b -low Put la ? phi*. on the Olasoboro and Mi lvilie Railroad. Boil ua tur. ll} fertile, tree from rocks aad atone*, and hlghlypro du live Marl abounds sad little manure is re<|itlred. Riil road train* twice daily, to and fro u Phlla e p<U aud New York, wiiere produce finds the 1*4 market*at the largest pioiU. Thriving t >wns are within assort, aad of eaay access, aud good school*, wbh all con venie iKse - aad oomrorta of a city athand. Climaltnemper^ and w holraoue. No healthier louat.oa exists Oood roads traver*e the country, and ^ood water. 8 eaa and water power can be rented cheap. To mechanics and manufactur er*, a* well as farwera, this laud present* a mre opening, B' ttlcra here have far more advantages tuan in W.-sutrn etui gntuon, without Its tolls or privation*, aud at a much smaller onlay of money Pui your means here. No aufer Invest* nieut caa be tuado; no one irore sure to compensate Its owner, who caa raise ou the spot moat that he ne da, and be In I' pendent ot ihe llu tuaiiousof business and the times. Pr.ce* from $1 i to *30 per acre, payable iu mnnOily or quar terly iu*:al.neats. or otherwise, to ault pun huaera. Title perfiri aud clear of all incuoioraoc. All cimimiitiirallons proiupt'y answered. Visuors leave Wa'.nut street wharf. Phihidifphia, >it y A. X. or IP. M., by the We>-t Jraey K.iil ro id, .or Mul. ga siatioa (one hour's r:de). wuere John II. CoJUa will l?u lo lUtl, who will afforl, .v|:hou churue, every facility for parsoual examiualion. Train* return to I'lula dalphfi tw.c dally. Kor particulars, aidre..* or aj<ply to JOHN ii. COKFIN, Mala a, Ulou enter county, N w Jersey; orCilAKLBii M. MOUKIB, No. L<W Walnut street, fhliauel plhs. FOR 8AI1E. _ LIOR SALE?THE EN TIRE FIXTURES .OF A SPLENDID X1 w hoi. saie aud retail j,. ,uor 8 ore. A1 o, Lease, Block aud Future* of a corner L^uor S ore, n iv nolng a good business. Apply at 133 Pearl street, near Chsthnm. L?)K BALK?FOR HALT ITS YALUB. A B1LLIABD r room, welt llUed up, ia complete order; on a g >od busi ness street; doing a good paying business. I.SaaC A. KltiUS, 73 Nassau street. HOTEL FOR SALE?THE PRESCOTT HOTEIi, NO. ? East Houston street, uear Broadway, for sale ou rea sonable terms; it Is furnished completely Ihrousnout, is la pen e< t order, and nearly fall of boarders. Apply on tha premises. rpo ARCI1ITE(^T9 AND BUILDERS.?FOR SALE A cheap, a twenty-live loot srcluiduirdvr,at 11. HOMER'S machine shop, j* K iM Broadway, uuar Chatham air.are. HORSES, CAKKIAGEij, AC. For bale?a sound, gentle, fast, handsome Horse, 14>i hands, of greitl endurance aud ttn iacti n; two Wagons, u doubl 1 and simile sent* d, built by me b>-*t cuy makers, with llarnest. Saddle. Bridie, ic., o.iuer hav ing uo use for tuem. Ap.iiy at 2j3 Pearl street. L^OB SALE?CHEAP, A ROCK AWAY; HAS 1IE IN BUT J? little iisi d, an I almost new; built t<> o:der b.. A la us, of liarlem, ami win ?*ai lour paMon*. Can bu seen at privalo stal'les M Kn-t Taruty-tiflu street. Ii>OR SALE?HORSE, LIGHT WAGON AND HARNESS, cheap i'or ca*u. Apply at 11) W v.-rl-n plac ?? A. TBKADWK1.L, Agent. IflOR SALE?AN ELEGANT LKiUT WAGON, BUILT by tlio HUi-ceasor of NVatsun, Pnilad i| iita; in uericct order uud but little used, in |Uir' lor LAKitA at 1Ma.cs' K'alih*, 191 Mnrcer strict. If OB SAI^-\ GROCERY TOP WAGON AND A LI;.IIT * two seat Carriage. Caa be si en at iitf West i nui street,nearHuusou. JOIL* SJIIUMBllTH. IjlOB SALE?A BEAUTIFUL BLACK HOUSE, 18 1 liar.cU nisii, six yeai-s old, sound and kludiu single or ifouble harness; one of tho be? t family hors-is In the city. T? bo sold liecattse the owner h:is no use (or hltu. Price $18U, Addrn.-sO. W. W., ho< l-*? HnraldoSee. I.toR sai.e Cheap?a buggy and bockawayj to ' he seen nt Hubert son's sta'.il-s, State btrect, near Henry, Brooklyn. Also, a pair of Bay Iloi'svs, senile nnd very ^ood for tan.ilv use. Inquire at ih>: auovc siat'io, or at Sir. JAMES WILL&TS , GleuCove, L. I. CtRAND ANATOMICAL MUSEUM AND hall OF T iy.?Reinoveil from Uioa Iway to 47 ? halhatn s reet. More than ton ttiouaainl models of the ! itnan system, phow: jc hea th and dlse ise. This great mitt, um, :<lttal to any in Europe, ia not * open from rt A. M. to 101 M Admission 3-i cents. INFORMATION WANTED?A.'Ot'T A HOUSE Til VT whs . :ft on Tuesday night at a feed ."tor.:. Any Mie knowing Its wherea'-outs ur having It will lilcasc return the same to H. Maloney, 111 u\ enue D. corner ol EigntU stri'tt. PONIES. J'<jNIES, PONIES, OF ALL SIZES, KOR sale, st > r pi ices, at Forty-second street, bet .< oen Fit th and Sixth avenn .s. GEO. BRONSON. S'PECIAL > JTICIZ.-CENrRAL PARK CARRIAGES.? J On an ', al. r .Saturday, May 10, 1803, carriages will bo plaeed 0.1 the neutral Park for public s. rvlce, within tlin en cloaarc, at Fifty-ninth strict and Bixtii and Eighth avenues. My order of the Central i'ar'c Cotnuilssionf i-a. TROTHNG MAHE FOR SALE.?A 8TITLISU l'T.ACK roan Mar -, a free and spl-ndld dr.ver, yet pcr'uclly giuitle aad *aie; can trot ia 2 62; speed sho? n, aud a ru s, onsihl warrmfe given is to soundness, Ac. Also, a su perior Road Wsgon, Harness, Blankets, Ae. Apply at JOHN Mc:MiNALU S s'ablc, 6o and 08 West Tweniy-third street) near Sixth avenue. "IITANTED?A SECOND HANDSHIF't.V". TOP BCOUV, IT lu jilifHl order, mado by Brew;-ter & C.other good iiiaker (at war pr.oes). AJ* S , box I .7 Herald nflct HI3' -FOE A FEW MONTH.'. A GOOD iiMi at * country place near ? ?>, mostly load. Address C'barle*. box 213 ?lc.-uld <2?"i Qr> ?FOB RALE, CHEAP?A SIX-PEAT HOCK A JplOrJ. way, iu tf.od order, now tire* four mon'lta alone; a.M>, a Kullmi Mie;t, $l?>. Can be seen till the 13th at No. U Wnt thirteenth street. ? B NtfCaiiLAIHlUOI. i;y tiik UNION PLtYINU C/Miil American Publishing Agency, No. li Cham id street, and at all stationers and n -v. s dealer*. TCE CREAM. I \VHOLK8\I.E AND RETAIL. Harden*. Salo in', Hieonboats. RicnrMms, Plenlrs, Sun . ty Schools an l Cmim-h Fair*. Parties, Ha l.?, fsmltn * Ac., I piilled at $1 M per gallon; live gallons or uioro *1 ifc"> par |. Ml. "Hy th Patent Steam Ice Cream Company." ifc-pot lwCiiatiuim square. ALoEIlT HALL Nbhotice-i have this day appointed w. J. Howell. No. 1'.) Houston street an I 31 H 'ekman *treet, city of New Yofa, eole anent for my f 1V All orders *> ut to III* addre*a will lie prom nly atte -o. The | tiuilo am caution i a-jltivl certain dt-l-'ing t .-win*, who Uarn snr>'p'ltioii*lv obtain* I my cask and a.a tilling tl>"in with nn ill- of InTerior quality and ver .mc the same at> my loanu fa-tun?. 1 will guarantee non > Rename uultsi purchased of \Y. J. llowell, rolu aifm for N< .? /oik. Pim.APW-'dlA, Ajull M, lj.U. W.M. C. RL'DM AN. /position to imi*osition.-dr. w. e. ricb, ?virg ion Chiropodist, 6S Bowery, on: n-r of Canal Nireet, cure* c un*, hunt mi, clnh and luirrlel nails, and all ills* en--* that tin) lei t are lieir to. ("? ?rii i nrul lor Z.i eouls e-ch. Tiierc are many ->t.vl;ng thcmsives prufeiaora who charge the exorbitant sums of no n lo (IU. Who will pay tueh i.idee* when they ran he relieved permanently lor gj cent*? H ice's Annihilate' en re* corns, bullions, chilblains, fKilled and blistered lect. 2j and 60 ? e u I s per box. f|10 A ME Kit! ASS 1TT2NG EUROPE-I.ABIKS AND X g. nt omen Iri tile States of Amcriea or Csnnda, rUitilig On-ai Br.tain or an;. purt of Europe, who desire lo ii .old delnv, trouble or expense. ran have their passports dvly vIko I for any Stale or Kingdom they purpose rlsftlng, by application by latter or oiuerwine, lo W J. A sti s, RrniSImw'* Hr ilnb and Continental Uuidc OlDc-, Ml Fleet street, l,ondoii, England, with the kreute*l ex|ieultlon nnd <:e*i>aieh. l'aa*iK>ris carelulhr mouo'.od, eased, and name letierud In gold. British anu Foreign Stationery, Travelling, and every rcqutaitn lor traveller*. The last editions or Brad-haw's Hrltiah aud C'outlneulal Onldea'and Hand books, Murray's English and For ign Hanilbo .lt*. Phrase ll<*i?*. E>p'ilenccU couiter* uuiy teliadou s| plica turn at the otti -e of W. J. AH VMS, B Fleet street, London, Euxland, FINA\'C1AI<. AltMY OK THE POTOMAO -#lnO MO ON IT dW TUB widow* an heirs of Volunteers k,jed ilurlna tho wsr promptly eolle *t d by J. D. MOHHAN A CO.* Army and Ka?y hankers, 2)3 Broadway. \k' ANTED-roLi;MBU8. PIuUA AND INDIANA R AIL Y\ rood nr*t inortgaRe bonds, tiy ALBERT M. N1C0LAY, ttl William sliBck a> u - |utii TO LOAN-ON bo.m> ani? MORMMbMI ?OJ?uUU oniealemato In Iblo City or ttrou?l>n, in sums<>i ?I.OtXl aud up* ?M*. Also loade oioiiia^vs pur cb i*cd. Apply to A. i-ERliKAN T. !?'? VVnUstr eL WINKS ASiD LlliUOlW. i 'Bli.e bp.andibs_i,emj:y??!sen A A. ? ill? I I none.?packages, hall pi|-s, unsrter caskr and one. i i ensks, all Pale, now laieiiu :, ex Ar/.ae, from i.a Ho e. for salo from l?mded warehouse. l:\oH A HONS, 131 Kroot aireet. MATHIMUMIALm v UANlWOME YOt'SU MID.*lfri'MAH (H. H. X.), nho is lieal hy, wealthy, njivea .> anil fa-emaliim, uc Klieti! aci'iaio a ace Of som ? cna, mlng yonnf i.idy, Wlm Is IV all..Iiipiismil, lOvtUg. ant n?u ira^r a.'p'.-.t a.c ?. i inn I'-'sblo li nie, a id a kind a id Indnlfcut lin?* ?ni!. Ad. a ??-, alllicarledu vW e, Fritaa I'lloe, lot ol llroadtvay I'i *i o,la. , eare o. H. I, ', Kaq. 4 li.liMAN, TW3NTV ElUlir YK XK I OF \<IF, * >1: en,l<i i |iendftt. oiii"/eat* aliron I. n< *ir< * to enr'? ie*t> i' lib so ue of *uii ibie >ears with a view lu omr ri?4' I'l' sii.'abllnv. an.i adeuiiuniu <Ii-| ?? thM are lu 1'ial.lH'S de? rmt ttnl w'lleh will IKi r< :ipi.x .i id. A kil l* II I,! ol' Fti noli. Bilii'iogu inK iud> peniabit'. wo i... n re. ar<ie>l t??niai>iy. Ail ooiw niuil wi.ou* sin iui l"n tlai \>l?t Is lot ! mr Week" James 11. ?', li i\ 'Hit Al H 4) l o .t e lie. N. V rrvn YOO.vii nl.Ml.l. iKn jtOW.RATKI.V X loiik'i,sti i w -IIi.uunci'trtl, who have i>, In en fi'len .s, de*ltei' o aiiiii i.n'unee o tii i of the opii -o? fex, it ?ir eoUn ei palt( In Inletili'.enco, refinement anil ai ?earan e, an4 Irom Halite, n io iwi nijr year*of ajfe. wuh a r ew Iv ma ft n<ciiy Knluretorresmimlen - in Inst tat slu^r if of tMI>. Ad i V A. A , bo* *01 U?rald olll-v. AMUSEMENTS. The pride and olory or i nic Muk'uiSo iit eltv is the wo'M femoas "parisian caul set or wonder and anatomic SOT BROADWAY (Beit door l Ban. iilll'K k Co'Si. All who value wmdom, a u laerani, knowledge ? should at once vuit tJu*?r^jyj|(Q MOST W~ONDBRFUL, EJtTRAURUIHABr. MARVELLOUS, THKILUNO, cnsurTasrablb. ... SUPERB, invaluable. instructive _ SCISNTIFIcTnSTITUTIOK. Open for gentlemen out/, from W Oil UL AdmlSSlOB ZSoeutS. Grand kiremen's foot race, For a pi Im ot a ? RILVER TRUMPEV worth ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS. ONK HI KDKKD DOLLARS. ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS. Now On eihlbJUoa at lla.,gbwoat A Co.'s, Broadway, OtM Broome street. ai the MELODEOW, U9 Mrnedway WEDNESDAY EVLNINO. HAT 14. Op< n lor competition to Firemen only. Mo profeaaional runner allowed the truL Each Engine, Hum and Hook aod Ladder Couipauy It Meat York, Brooklyn aud Williamsburg to select one rtprtaMlk live te run. Tweat* (SO) times around the ring. Dimancn one half a mile, against Ua<, subject to such rules and regulation, ulksM* gates from the different companies interested shall dec*. Box oMue open for euirin- dally lrow 10 A. M. Ulltf. m. Mo entry to be made after <i P. 11. May 14. Corn pastes an requested to make application for uninesM lion, as soon as possible, lu order to idtnpMfy the labors of As Judges. Referees, Ac. Twenty-three entries already saadei aaa THE OREAT AMERICAN HUSIO HALL, 4tX 444 444 444 444 4+4 M 4H M Ml Mi <M BROADWAY, THE MUSIC HALL OP THE MASSES. TRIUMPHANT, AS EVER. gueoessfully resist.n i the combined ril'oris of BIOOTRY, INTOLERANCE AND FANATICIBK. 444 Still receives th s encouragement and support of Ike | It is THE ONLY FIRST CLASS MUSIC HALL NOW Of odering every ni^h: ut CROWDED HOUSES CROWDED HOPS A STERLING AND LEOITJMATE E-V IE KTA.N JtBMT, Presented by THE FIRST ARTISTS OP THE UNIVERSE. 8'trh gor ions uertormers as ? TONY PASTOR; CHARLEY WHIT*, TON* PASTOR c IARLBY WHIM. MISS ERNESTINE DE FA.HER, MISS LIZZIE SCHULTZE. L. SIMMONS. ADD WEAVER. BOB HART, k BARNEY. MASTER TMORi MISS AMELIA WELLS. THE MAGNIFICENT CORPS D8 BALLET. Directed by the ce ebraied master, PROF. B. YATBBl THIS AFTERNOON, THIS AtTEltNOON, THIS AFTERNOON, SATURDAY, MAY 10. AND EVEitY 8ATUBDAY AFTERNOON A ORAND MATINEE, A OltAND MATINEE, A ORAND MAT. N RE. A ORAND MAT1NE&. A ORAND MATINEE. designed more es|?-elally lor the accommodation of LADIES AND CHILDREN AND FAMILY PARTIES. A MAU.i.OTH PRoORAMEE will oe presented. NOTICE. ORAND MANAGERIAL COUP n ETAT. ATTRACTION INCREASED. The reuowneu Ethiopian comedian an?l vocalist. i. A. HERMAN, is engaged and will appear on Monday naxt, In eon with THE BROADWAY MINSTRELS, THE BROADWAY MIN.VTKKLS, whose reappe:<rauce ne-.t cannot fail to be halle I with Bl utmont by all true amusement seekers, and at OBM brtnz conviction to all tliat 444 414 414 PROGRESSES BEYOND ALL PARALLEL In th'ih increasing our already monstrous company we are b it ri'iaying tlie public for the steady puronage b.-etowad upon us?a iiRironaie wlh ut a pre ? dent IN THE HISTORY OK TIIE STAOE. Now In n-ueernal for production in qui' ic sn-r-ssloa THE MOST STARTLING ANU DRILLI ANT NOVELTIBfc which will be p.o lucoil In that (or^eous anil oomplete etyti Tor which 414 is provi.rblaL Great Canterbury music hall, MU BROADWAY. THE PEOPLE S MUSIC IIALL .-TILL IN THE ASCENDANT THE BEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD. EVERY PE.troRMEB A STAB. ORAND NaTINEK, li RAN O MATINEE. OR\ND M ATI NEB, ORAND MATINEE. Tms (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON, THIS (SATURDAY) AKTtRNOON, THIS (SATURDAY) AKTEKNOuN, For thu arcouim idatiuu ot LADIES AND CHILDREN. LADIES AND CHILDBE* LADIES AND CHILDREN, LADIES AND CHILDREN, all tb ? great Canterbury coin|<auy appearing In on- of those rle ifi.t'-:' performances which haveeaada the grejt C tnterbury Matin ns THE MATINEES OF TnE SEASON. THE BKATIFUL ZANPRETTA, ALEXANDRE /.ANKRETTA. W. H. H VRltlSON, F. HA CrRIST, J. A. HERMAN, J. PIERCE, J. JUDOBTK, CLARK, W. ROSS, Master SlOEL, J. ORAY, H. WIL SON, Tl.e CLIFFORD SIFTERS, Mile. ADBLAIDB, ENUEL, LE I'ETl'TE RACHEL, THE CAN lEKItCRY MINSTRELS AND ALL the COMPANY APPEAEINQ. Reply to r. m. carroll.?if mr. carkollwiu call at Hie Clipper office, between 11 and 12 on Monday, l.'tli lust., he can make arraug. meula for another daaM with me (Tboa. J. Peel) for one thousand dollsr* <f1,000) 4 more. T1IOS. J. PEEL, Birch A OoUub's Mtastrela. IMPORTANT NOTICE.?THE TEMPLE, IS KABt II jus''m street, near Broadway. Free and easy evsty Monday, Thursday 'and Saturday evonlnes. Observe th* I ilent.'tfie rclehrntod tenon, Meesrs. Albert Braham and X. So'Ki.iou, with Mr. Sh?iidaa, the popular Iri?h Singrr. hotda forth their lerees st the alio. e cstabllshmeal, and thoa^ last, not least, Hei r Oroseurtta, pianist S. M. A P. SOLOMON. B BOOKLYN?BROOKLYN. liilAND I'.EOPENINO A. HANFT'8 MYRTLE AVENUE PARK, on Snnilav. May II, with agrsat manyamavmeaU,eaB Mimp idurtiinit In the ait ef rope walking by th- TansoaB Prof. ua MATINE. ADAM HANFl An oasis in the desert or our political trouble*.?W.lllam llaslin^*', Centre street, ?MI Vr< ?5 _n 1 E.i?va ou V iud.iy an 1 Saturday erenln:;* cuutlaoa to l>e the attmitlon, and where the elegant Elli* (with Kwfc re?t thu Funny, ag> Mnf) '..aea toe caalr al 8 o'clock pa? cte -ly. Great attraction. MONH MORTIK, from Parte. baa tlic pleasure to inform the Now York puu te Utat ha V0 GREAT EXHIBITION*OK MILLIARDS, without t'ie ii*" nt the One or Maoe, at KAtANAGII .t IKKEMaN.- SALOON, Conor nt Tenth (> neat and Broadway tlate M. Phelan'al OS TUESDAY KVENI.NO. MAY 13, at tf o'clock. Mou*. Mortln wl I perforin ihi woudenal r.nd akltfal M of making all h!a | oluli- In billiard-.. in ci.her Preach caMI or the American ttaiue, luiinly wlin uic lingers of tha right hand, without any uae ol th" cue or ma o whatever. Piv>fe?*or Mortle h >? thn pleaauro to announce that the following celebrated miliar I playera will aaalil lilra on this oocaalon:? D. KAVANAUU, J. DEERY, M. GE\B\. T STl TB, R. BENJAMIN, ami arvernl other eminent billla.d play. Tiaknta SO oanta. M POLITIC A li. IMTARV HALIi. ' INDEPENDENT DEMOrrt \TIO GENERAL 00* MITTKE. In accordance to the till ol' the Committee of Oipalp laimn, for the funrill anuuat election ol oHIeer*, Ma am Thu rarity evening, May P, li>>J. at the above pli following members were a looted officer* for the jrenr ? President?Da. M. MORRIS. Nineteenth Ward. Plr-t \ icc I'ruildaut?JOHN M. TRIED LANDER, Poor tear it li Ward. Second Vice Pre Idept?WM. O. BIIEA, Seventh Ward. Trtturoret?NATHAN ROSMMAN, Eleventh W*ed. Fir*t Secretary?ADOLI'H y YRKEWITZ, Tu Ward. Hotond 8,' ret try-UBRIIAN L. KUAIDE, Fo< Serjeant- at-Arm*?JAMES FLOOD, Tenth Ward. FIRSITVRK. ABCRNfTAM'S FrWrrn'BB EPPRESS AND PAOKp . In* K?tabll.ibment, III Wert J'.icvcntti utrert, betVMB Fl.'thand 8t<rh avenue*. llouaebold furniture boied aMI ahl|'p?d to all part* of the world Covered vaioni for r^ turn in?- furniture Is and froru the couairy. Furniture r ' TJARI.OIW AND rilAMBKRS, FURNISHED, TO X wltu Kitchen, Ac., If required; aulted to gentlemen orf *umn family. breakfast given If preferrvd. Aipl; at 111 Wave i ley r"we 1IOI HICS, HOOMS. AC., WA*TKD. ^ WASTED?A neatly FVRNIKIIED fob nianet for houvkeeptnj. bv a x? utg la iy.laapta* a?nt and quist neighborhood. Term* not to exceed MM AddreoaH. C., Herald oflhe. WANTED?PART OP A HOl'HE, COMMUTING Of frunt Room, back Boom or llaaement, and three BeA room*: reut not to exceed $13 a m uith. A tdie-4 J Sodlv, 117 Bldrldxe street. Monou. A MAGNIFICENT SEVEN OtrTAYB ROSEWOOD Piano o la ; >r ? .o? E nmntly -arved le.a and caa* oremrunii Ijaa, lw iron plate, ilaad wi U aatin wood; baa all lavdam imnrovKinenta, maao to order j U-en ta it*- ae?a? nionthat oat 6U(t, for $231. iu lulling S .ioi and tVver Alaa, Paatin- roinllnre *t *?eilit-e. ltf|U.r? at T" f?'t T?nHf ainb utrert, near Hiith avenue. f?OR RALB C1IBAP-A FINE HEW HEVBN O0TAT1 1; I'lnno'urie, tlnU'ie.: In ihn l>e?l iiia..ner, ovir-liuag ba?e?i ami all modem nnprovouienl*, ari anted, inqiilrc il U* Ka*t Twenty-eighth atn-ei, l-etwaen H,?>aJ and Thin a?aAue*. lilANOFORTK FOR SAi.1 IMMEDIAftLT.?PBI01 I taUi I* alaiuat n. wj oa??ll the unnleru nta, ten ii <m:II >n. ami povertul ton.', Iar?e Muted teja. |,-?|. fi-am ?, hahdsnm- *tiia . na Stoo. and Cove* Ai ily th<* 4ny or e? ?nlo^ at tW^a TwrutKlh ktraat, aeat T/. ni avenue. Ol in l-IANOS WAR . ri'KS NKW ? , uTAVB I 'rU Ptee ?<, all iminrt e.#rn r? uveratrwaa%U|J fun iroa iraHiea.for 7<?'iaiud> , tui f 130; nei-oi.d hand P.aii'i# at n at !m1 jama. Oue 0 li?Va?e, one do., Gilbert, $119. oiiettia ?rtav', ?1U ?v>m $lA* MHddcou#-* 4U i>cltT'\ ??*' oftcft 4" , iBUl do., tivl^ jiift, Onfl fvnn(hf*ii nw.v mid nmumi hiiwl hitxwMil to r^ni fn?n? %2 i, i*or nmipiIi ai??i rent allowed ii pumlia??*<t. Moiuhlv |? raeiiki fo?* wmt FiiT* Ifrai Mitnl'ai'i | ?r i> (|f. lu lAfint l?? Iff nrtt. inu?tc. Cfmh imiil ? ,r ?-pniul hnnd M#? dronf, |i VfiSTKHi, Aftnt, 19ft Bvudwaf.