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ae>lven so du?agr**abl? on ttM Cape May excu. skhi ftra ro, laid by and if uU?mvj jr ?>'Nu fr* (fcpt. Pat? n sa\s tbi feoliu-; in Ri. <iaua rduliv# to our d>rn#6ilc troubl** i* in favor *?f a tertaiui* tion of tiw war and uon ;nter e. one#. THE FRENCH MISSION TO RICHMOND. Opinions of tike Vn ueli aud ?ngli?li Prtlii The Parts Patrie of the 4lh last, asserts that M. Mor oier, the !? ronoh Minister al Washington, had a longcon ference with Jefferson I>avis at Kiuhrn md, aud that tho biop t&kea by A. Morcier is e tireiy of a pjliticcU c/iaruc ? ttr, and is known by Prssideut Liucolu. An Outline of Ha|iu cun'i Plan of Inter veaiiait> TBI WAJl TO BB mriKDU) AND a votk dt STATX8 ON TWIUN Olt SKCRA610* TAK/N. [Krom the.-' tsnmn (E. mburg), May 1] Privato iuforuiaU 'ii frnui i'u is.coim ldi g >i?h ctvtaln signs aud symptoms. leads to the c<>?. teifcrn that a ? desire to make au oifort towa< ds sonxe > m ! oi Interposi tion has lung been eui t turned by tho Emperor, mid that, unless Minn scttleuioui shall have btieu reached or brought within sight u low wuek.- hence, be will scarcely be restrai-ien from tho attempt. II, when the advance of the soas m ren i?. s mi ita y ino one as tinpracticable In the Sou there Status, at l< <st by Northern trooiia. the position of the be.iixerei ts th.<il bo anything like what it waa at tho last advices, '>r if nil eJ the p.-siiioi. is toot much more entirely a teied thai it w uld now be ratioual to expect, the lacts will bo rega did aa Insuring, in the absence ot any new eloiiont, another year's war. Agtlnut such a res It it is underst -<Hl that the Em;w or :s nnw m-i'i than inclined not only to protest but to a t. Moie thus probably he win flrstpropone to m vo iu concert with Great Uritam?out wo m .y a.-*umo. at le *t in pa-s iij,', that any such proposal vi ult'e tie lined ty otr tnrnf. Tho Emperor would, i;j thai o.'.-e,go to work by himself, lie will, po hn s, b iciii by t uiu. e frifi:i<ll> ro mons trance, add.e.-.;ud o.iionaibiy to b -ih parties. practically in.'aiu or neoio'l only tor the V rth?are monstrance wh ch there U dM orataly little chance of producing any efpjcl bcyon i, at t .o beu. a ci . il ux,< es sion of resentiiu .il at fo. eign tut?rineddiini;. I he course to which the Kiujieror would then resort .? bo.ioved to be this?he would throw out komt-thing quite ewj?l e of beiruj interpreted us a tar at <~ uiits! wh cket er poit'i iuinld resume h s ilitie.i, aud he wi uld then foriu p.ooojud an advice that the wh'le h -i,ld be refe retl t < his favorite trib inal, tiunirere,U sujj'm. e"?<\iU ??.; to be taA' -n en nuu e, lot en h, .V/tte to vote tejiarauly, ilecUl i?u f>r iU:lf ie!w.lhir detiri reunion under nt ,' cfe al or c n rat iiove tin ?nt, <?? reconstruction uiict-r tw> o> nor* mcA govei-nnt ?>!<;. Who ther or not the visit of tiio i- i nch M in uo at W i>U u>f toa to tho Confederate Koveiiinnttil al uas a y oounecti >u thuso tutentu us is mutter ouiy oi' u. as sisted co ijecture: but tliurc is tn >re th iu conjoctm e as to something like wh it ha* l>t<e Indicate.I bniu? at pi-esnut not only the < esiin b it ill ? o -sik i of the KietiC.i g- ve. n lueet Th- prospect is noi u ./.e<r ul '<n>. TUoii?ilt the proposai of re tlie matter to unive. sal suil. aue is one which, in itscl.. it n I har l.s uniitting in r auee to make, nor would bo .a ii .ble iu the ^ ates te accept. It is, after all, bi)t api'oiiiisal t-j have dime ove- *?ain what the Ciiufotlemte m- ?s did :u ihe spriv. .ast year. Thcv did then, as t.hor would ug-tu d > now, vote themselves out of the (.'ur n ?md tint is just the result ag iiutt which the North has bron liglitiiig. In a w .al, fur la< North to accede to the h' ouch proposal wojldj::st be oirt.ii.ily, though Indirectly,to ooncele se, arati. n. 1*. is diihoiiit te conclude that lhat which the N >rtu h >s refused aud resisted at sucn enor mors cost, it w.juld graul at the request or mcnaco of France, nnd it i? e i.ial y diltlo ill to see what eU'.-ctive steiw irauce cetil l tak<- whe e sue dented end defied. AH to this country. tLere seems no cou.s? open to her but luaotlon uiid aim. sis tt'e haveuo right to venture beyond friendly ailvic<.-: and the laot that our interests are dooply c.-rneined in a speidy sc.tli motit of the American strife, sutjects to stis, tcion aud aversion any thing wo say even iu the n.oot Iriendly and resp<?uul tone and A colUtl .n of the rec- ut accounts, p. bl c and private, iekard.i:g tlu war, tend to stre gthou the conclusion th^t the sL i;v, o will n t been ed uns cam paign, and en-se | etilly t.vf th Ftate o IMnfor wkicii the French limp ror is u.i Ur tnol to wait will soon arise. M. Mercier'e Vl?lt in ?u EuglUh Point Ol V it-Mr. [From he Lobuon Tanas, May X.] The departure M. '.e clot 10. UioU u ail, announced by telegraph, m?> * b i allocl 'h-i Northern world wl.h strong eni> lion, i bo t as -va-iy gone inerti. The .itmis ter or Franc* it a Kentleiuaa whu hut ne.cer for a mum n? conceal*I hitUlUl tka- the iVor h 'awvit succeed in ob ject itpro/i net to Hull", anil wiio 11 uuraliy reg.rila the lot.' and mcunveiuunce ca -s?a t.? Kraac# by ths prolon gation of this strife as vory unless to the pride and lust of i<o?er of the peiple ?f the Noitaarn Stulee, who are neither grttii ful nur ust towards those who innnW.n a al< ict no unlltj, regar-les* o: theur ma terial in areata. M. Mo cier lus always acted witb the moat |ierl'e<H good f eliui; and cordlaliiv in bin relations with 1/ rd l.yoas.allh >ugh bo may n >lbiure he Kngiish Minister's kiudiy sympathies for tbe cj .atry to which be is accredited- there ha? boen do Trent affair to stir up the passions of tlie uuliridied d moc acy of tbe I'ni.ed Slates, or to turn the mhoinu eui-'giuuis of France in which their press icdilget into ab d ab .se. but the Minister of France has not been evideicw of the ahallownota of friendship whicL uti?o nea ly a t malted the world with a dia. .'ay of its ingr.UltuJ <. nor can he have quite forgotteu that in ore of his buncombe pro clamation Mr. Man ten instill eJ hit country by calling Ktr "mlitiri fr.ine*." Nevertheless, if M. Mercier has gone to Richmond to ?pen negotiator s?and it inay be i etneiubere I (bit our correspondent m bis last letter stated that the Com'ede rate Con ;rc s was ropcrttxl to be sitting la secret session to consider the propriety sondiug auotUer envoy to Paris?it will be said, lb .11 prob..Di'ity, that England has instigated the Kmiorur u- inie i era,and trance will at the same lime be tbre tleueJ with uustruction if she at tempts to act as mediator. A? yet tbe story Is im.Toba ble, (Ait it no:-o much to at Lh> rejort that France u>ti about to rcooke her cimcrtcm of l liji rv/hti to the South in c/nsaqnenc; of the rec nt def?' of th- confede rate*. '11 if rent nature of the bat le at Pittsburg is more ?learly developed by rec ?at cotif-Si<iuLS and corraapoud ?nee. Still more c early wi I it i e adiul led a? a fe leral defeat if that troublesome an I utte. ly u.?e.eea body, tue Congressional C nvintuie on the t ondu;t of tbe W ?r, u>e it into thur hea't-. as reined, to make an inrestiga tion into tiio c;t .jo. of tbe iet:e. .tl surprue on Sun ay morning. An a my which carries off from 8 two to 10,000 pris ners a.?d thirty six pi?. us ol' artillery from tbe battle held, aaU <tw<lts the enemy in is tntroncbtuoi ts.cann.>t b- ??ill'd "routed and pirsuod,1 no mat' r wii.ii t.euci a. U.aot's iustructlona rna> b^re b^en. If uencral'Irant <>r a y ? a. er general were pre rentod by "previa * or^iers " which in s: have been iSHred in ign >ri: ce t?i the l .lure.from folio. in? a rout' l enemy, rotakio^' hi* gJiis ail. prisoners, and occupying hii intreni hnienu, ;h siK)Lur he i- sent about his b .si aess the b?tior tor tiie letln a government. 1'i tii the fact is Jemo st. ot*d by preci.-e i ? I aliens I: will be w?l! to withbol'i belief rrom tbo a.?i-i t iou that the cou:edo rates n o "sl.ut up" in ('orinth. The e is no p,ac < wliere tbey cmi b* ao co:ift. e !, n?r ;i >y torce capable of e:rect ing it, but it is not improb..b e tl.etr conunuuic?'ions may be threaieo d very ?e lous'y, unu the intjiliKence that tbe bri<U " T which tbe ra:iro?d from Mtrupius to tbe tist is carried iver Beir creuk have been destroyed by a federal expedition i< in all probability correct. It is staled (hot tli? tmon git: b ats a-oendeu the Tcnnes ?ee river from i'itt.oburg at tiight to a plao? called East port, end lan'li-d a nerty of men. who p oceeded ac oes country and destroys 1 the bridges acroas the awam;iy liver wiiich bears the abovw turan. lhe interruptlo.i may be <.n y tetn]iorary. if It be purman^nl il will cut off the c nfbdemt** from any communication, except with Mobile and New Orleans. Tbe London H rnUl of lt<e 5?h Instant argues from the reports of M. Mercier's visit t hlchmoad tiiat the begin ning of the end ia not far distant. It says Krtnce and Bnglaad su(T?- more than neutrals ever suite; ed from any contest, and t<oth begin to regard the war ae Intermina ble and atror.ioi s. [From tbe London economist, May S.] The Journey of M. Mercier, the rre .ch Minister at Washington, to Richmond, tbe present teat of the Con federate government, h>s doubtless a gr^ve political intention, tbo Kb whtt intention, or whoee intcution, it Is not easy to Know. Very protubiy M. Mercier has do preclae or d Unite instrur: i. >na from his govern men i on tbesubect. It Is uclersUx d lhat be has en several oc sasions asserted that bis g verrm nt ?ntmsie<I hi n with an ump'e di-cref n ?nd II may not impr ;.b!y Ire that be is at present at ting in the eanlH o it: ? is oretion. Tbe Fieuub I'mper-ir well knows tbeoc i nal erivant?ges of a oonvenie-jt vagi;#.e.-s, and ? \., not 4oubt tb it M. Mero er well knows what are th -h<> if his government, tlxniKh be may not have pi ..v and ttuthorit'livo intimations respectiug them. L to the prnsert lime M Mtrcier ha? nw .ys been very p ilarat Washington,end hasalwayeose.l UwasuaMfr)S'd > lo tbe federal cause. Kvcn now wa believe he h^a Intunaled that he oniy wishes in oxolalu to the confederates tbe utrmgt h of their enrmie, niol the n.?-???Uy of tome nUmi-ti-n; but hew far such I mguagi: is to fc? ll:er?|iy snd entnely believed l* a difficult !he?m, on which ve. y much might be sai<l if II w<-re reepcj'.fui lo say it. Ti.ere can be no doubt that the Fuuib Eji|?TOr would gladly sie the Amnrioamivil war ends I If It w re po?"ibl ?. We ib tild all be glad to a e it ended a!I Korope, with trivial ei ceptloii, beli ve- lhat the ^resent struggle i',?n have no good end. that It is, at tbo best,and aeo'Jftltng lo the si.a:ein?nt of it* m<<?t autbor|iativ? tad intelligent e>. pounders,an attempt to peri* by force h L'n on which can, in truth, be n,air,ul< ?<t oniy by goodwill We are sttrtering great evils from this struggle, wo are about to sufler much gi' Hler wo are abo it?though an yet we hardly realize the fa t?to suifbr much more acutely aud much nwre etio siveiy than we nat e iuf ferod for fears We do n from nn Atiarhment to moral principle, and a conscientious adh..'ratios to into national law. But we are not eq ally * ,re that tue-e motives would be easily mfliirntiai on the other si le of the channel. The French cotton inuuu act ire n not ermparabls to ours, b it It is, nevertheiesn, v?r> e n aid Tab'e and Import ml. A much eini.lur am > iut of ivxninsrclal eneasteews p od icea in Krat > e mors political uneaslcess ilia- la nnderet>K>s here The fo?n liMxunt of r?li'ical tort-lit art esrv mset weaker, and ' vsry one nan there the mischievous babil of evpociliig govern m int t' intervene it every calamity and to do something in every misery, if any practicable intervention ol the ] rench government would elRictualiy 'Uo*e the .\ra?r|cin sivll war, and aei isge the c'renoh sufforlug wlnuh ibai war causes ami threaten* to cans#, sooner or later thai government would Intervene. The Kmj'eror wo Id, per haps , ti't bo J mine lined to \i ,<tm1 theptojtle compel it. But <t there any inch pr.i, ',,:aMe, enty, cm turn, in rr ventumt We tear ltie en-tainly posnhie for the ft ench Emperor to sesd a tle?t which would op# n the oott< n porta, which would prutset the coasts of the .ioulli from the eaiiediiions of the .Veith. But would that cou chide the struggle' That fleet could not remain th.'re for ever. It ooold not calm tbe pat?t?Ds now aroused It would not mitigate tbem it|nilght inlenst y tliem AS ? hi as it l? withdrawn the same meo would Stand op >osed ?e i>efbre, with tbe same deadly enmities lo the ?nuii Would not the war break out afi i h' Would not the l .tervenllon leave at its eloee a kr ene iiatied Mil a more angry atruggle than it found *t its aomuiea^omeut? fu<f[ Ibif p.aui 4<A?uity we do not dxfx't l'iai the Fe-ich Em eror will really ln tervuiie in the imt'twa civil *er, thoagh weahouiduot 1 k? 1.1 ha.jii'fl a c iii.dont i rodici ion on a matter so very di ticult. Hit wo liv. e uo doubt he wo <14 like to be busy m 'he mattei. i'h ? K ?aoh policy is always reatlesa, ) and it U not dlsigrte?hle to the I-'rourb ttvn -or l<> take a pi I iu all the g ait all il-sof a complicated world. . Vi. Mart' or may p-o.oso i me mediation, draw sut s me ou'li eof'a coinp'omise, suggest some shadow* arrangi tuest iu Con oruiity with European opinion. Such Ui? liati u wmld not probably be hucceasiul. Un the contrary, t'"e North wou 'd sttll it.sist on union aud the South wou.d siill uiaiet >n dUuDiou. Even when this great issue la 'tice solved there are a host of minor topics of debt. territory aud w it al rela.ioua adaimte to be preleoias for tlt'tv w>-| tl pretences were :e-|Uired. No mediation no?v ro ild settle the*? controversies between iuf riated com haunts who hive not ytl asceitaiaed tbelr re a'.ive military strength. Hut it t* *ery likJy that M. Unci')- mty oUr i.~c\ it mJiation, tad in all discua si' un ii|h>ii tlie Amj Kan civil war vre muat In mind that the active interference of the French Kni|>eror Is a latent possibility tvhich tho 1 Id never omitted frotu our caic.i a'.ioua, though the perpetual presence ot ao fit I an e ouient tn ;t noce-sarily tend to perplex and funher confuse a problem which, a. eu wItnout that ad dition, woa auUicieutiy arduous. THE AMEHICAN QUESTION. llrlfiili A?'Kno?vlc?ltfmrnt that England ha< l lajtda "l)t?j? Uame" with the ltehela. (From th# r<ocd"n Times, May 3.] England mid Fi ance are n t tiie only c-uutries In which the cotton question is acxlo is'y disc .ssed. The Araari cans aro as uneasy ;u? we art, a id thi Conredorates are do less perplexed than the lejerals. Iu the Southern Congrots tbo subject has beeu rec -utly debated w.tli m ch energy, aim, ua it appears, with conatdsrable Uif ference of opini<<n. We may collect, Indeed, from tba disc us-ion. not only the present views of the Confede rates,/u the views tvi h thry remmertcect th?- war, uor will it be difficult to understand the phasea of through which they h ive tiaaaod. On the lath r?f M r< h tli? lu-.-st >a wis introduced by Mr. ttrowit,ofMi3tiisa i>pi, whogave axpre^ion too]iinlotia f i mo lyeiiiertaiiied througiio t the Southern States, and still che/ished by unaacciion of th j people. He held that cot on was king; that thn world could not get on with out c.iHt'ri, uud : lait eotloufO'ild tievet bj obtained t froin tu." (?onl\jdei ute Stute-. He proposed, therefore, uottn'y hit the existing et(-<k.4 of cotton should bj burut, init t'.at no cot>n seed should be planted this tr. tie ovati moved a lesolutlon imwuiDg a he'ivy due on avery bnlo of cot t u which slio I I be produced h y. n the-jmall quantity required ft?r homo con?unip ii r .so tli t aii ht>i.eH of an American crop oven Iti 1S63 uiiglit be at once destroyed. In this ooliry he recotn ?i-'ote il thai thj South i n states sh >uid persist, ?'until the world was disposed to d' tlicm justice, or. in n:her in/nit, m il EmJarul and F arc*'l.otild conm to their a< si tjn<v, rather than go without ? tton any longor. Ho riittlicr < gucd. and with ait e iter show of reason, that all th'i labor at the comtnaiid of the CiDfedorates would be wanted for tlu production of the nece.^aries whirh tl.ey could no logger imiwrt from other countries, and that it was accordingly desirable to have the emergency o: tne case delined and provided tor by law. B'.t these arguments, thoi gh they would probably have been success!ul twelvo n:o: th- mo, weie no longer allowed to pass, and it is evident that the f-'outhernuis, \l they mist ok their pati'ion a', llrst, havt been brought to i mure correct aryireciatwn <*f ?( in the even's of th<? u<ar. One spoaker bluntly declared that Kin* Cotton had been tes e l. and found wantiug. The idea of tho omnipotence of this staple and o: the power it gave tne cotton pro ducing States ru st, he said, bo now abandoned; and, aa a co ollary of the pr 'jiosi'.ion, the hope of foreign iuterventi n must bo abandcue<1 also. Hts worda were echoed by others, and H waa argued tn a ver- terx.-iNe anil iracti a! way that it u>as not the in ter*fto t.'ng'and tu int. fere in the ttrife, and that Mr. Broum'i menace, io fa - fro n terrifying ut, uoiud but en i.urare t? in the ? tn i(" were making to fee* our telnet from d.p.~n I n ? on Amtrir.i aUoje'her. It was shown that if the Co. federates, by destroying all cotton stocks and prohibiting all cotton pi ntiug, should render the exportation of cotton from America an absolute impossibility I'orsutne time to eotue, the re ult would only h ? an eiteetual prrmi .m on the growth of cotton Iu other countries, and es:>t?cially in iudla. Relieved from the kutlcipations ofa sudden elilux from Charleston, all the cotton growiog countries would redouble their exertions, and would probably sticcajd, under the atimuiating influence of the high prices thus ceated, in so improving tho quali'.y of thoir prod' O^ and organizing their trade that the Amoriaans, when th?y returned to the business, would Cud the market in the p<.seen*ion of others. A forataate Qf these results was perceptib'e already. "We berln," said a representa tive ot South Carolina, "to find out Ihitt we have not a monopoly, aad that c itton can be prolucel elaewhere." He urged, theretore, that iustead of forsaking the cultivation of cotton, thev should care f nl.y promote It. To pit* u/' cotton to -uM be to gire up what then were tigh ing/or. All the wealth, the import ance and the position of the Southern S'atea depended on this precisus staple. "We must let the world know that we have it, <nd hat we will sell It cheap, and that we will fight to k-ep It from our enemy and to protect it." These arguments prevailed aud Mr. Brown'a motion waa lost. Thi Confederates are lndtvd b .ruing their cotton stneka in Tenneas>-?, and will probably destroy tham elsewhere a>ao, aa they destroy all other stores, rather than permit th<*m to bee tne pri/e to the enemy; but t\ey har. rniectedihe idea of coe> ring Hurope into inter, v-ntion by placing their cotton plauUi: <ns under an in terdict. 1'Ue second thoughts of the Southerners ars certalsly beat. It ia c oar frou the language at iresent used by th ? sereders, both iu and out of .'on. j?, tha' they an. tered upon the war with a oonfldent oxpe latlun of assist ance from Europe. Thay thought that th'j" could extort our co?>peruti(>n by tha agency of Klnj Cotton: and they now etpreys themselves with t-mir acriiin ny on iha dlx a"j*jintra->ut of th-iir views. They do n il give us much credit Tor princip.s, tvt umtidcr thr' . <tr j>t tying a deep, and, at they imagine, a d < -'re'.', yi?me for commercial t* Up-ndtnt. t'h*. c-vil r it doing fur our cAcniet what wouUt veer be dune >.y th' imperial isgit a'ure. It ia g.v u theut the benefit of a protective price for t..._?!/ p. Jduce, and ?e are straining every narva so 10 i> o>? tliix ua unexpected upimrfnlty aa to wt: b :. ti tits' pr. duos iu the command of the market. TUv ar* 'U t i*wt of ihe cnn/el"atei, an# they are not fir /rout 'h' (<uA, >fe do win tn liber*'* ur'eloe- from dep-ji'env on * tingle tlaveho-ding c untry for th> tfipU material of our manu fariai i. We liavo ha ', this wish for a long time, hut Ita accomplishment seemsd almost im;?oasihla. ? ? ? India a tn now not only reckon on a certain a ale, at re munarativ" liritM,<>f tm the cotton she can raise, but oo the probable continuance of this unexpected state of tilings for a considerable time. Our boj? ia itiat she may so iu t>.v? the interval aa to be a mat li for America when America begins to trade o^am, and we consider the result by no rui ans impr b ible. The rn?m bor for S th Car- 1 na declared tsit the fonieierate Mates m .st r-gain their monopoly at Suine time or .tlier, and he .-ketched correctly <tw. ijbiheouiy iu anshywhich this e el c uld be atrauied. 1I-- sai-1 they mitt k*ep up ?' plentiful crops, low pn ea and a-., ertority of the arti cle." That, no doubt, would be the way to w.B; but no body caa coujecture at present when tbe time lor the Southerners >o reassert their claims to the cotton market is l.ka'.y to arrive, 't is already evident that the" thirty days " allowed by the feue a!S, after the capturo of Kort Donelsoo, for tlie conclusion of the war was a vary erroaeotj* ostimate indeed, while ih? Confederates, on tha ether hand, though still anticipating victory, look fo ward to a protractod struggle. If the South is In earueet, it would be hard to place a limit to the duration of the war; but is any case the deiangement of ia duatiy and exhaustion of capital mist Impair the resource* of the cotton States for a- me tuns to eoms. Tha traces of such a war as is now raging in America are not easily to be effltced. We are not speakit.g now of harbors blocked up, railways destroy ed and towns consigned to y?o names.but of the more enduricg effects of heavy debt, dercQ^snimoaitiea and revolutionised institutions. At this moment, though the Confederates may prudently resolve not to lorego the cultivatioa of eottoa, It is beyond all reaeon to ex pect that o tt? a caa l>e cultivated to much purpose. The Industry of tha country must unavoidably be diverted in great measure to tha production of the necessaries of life required by a population of nine millions debiried from foreign trade, nor will it encourage the plantor to reflect that his crop when raided m >y be seize.] by the enemy un eaihesets Are to it himself. Atlthup; nonet India a lena'lay,for here p-.riment, and it m -y en I by placing heron n lead with all cfnpiitors, not r.iiy in <Kt a> un lance and ch?t/me<s qf her pr.xlue, but t n U-: quality lea Italy. It wis reported that (jaribaldl had raaigned the com mand of tho Genoese Volunteers, aad It was beJWed that the oorps would be disbanded. Victor Emanuel still oontined at Naples. After having visited the French fleet, the King addressed a letter to the K'mperor Napoleon, tha' king him for his courtesy towards himself and his sympathy for the Italian causa. the King says ? It ia lo:ig since 1 have experienced so much emotion as I have to-day. The order which retgna ia the so thorn provinces, and the earnest marks of attectkoa which I everywhere receive, triumphantly reply to the calumaiea of our enemies. Wa shall convince Europe that thd Idea uf unity rtsts on solid bases, and ia thoroughly graven on the hearts of all Ita lans. The King also, whils thanking a Neapolitan deputation whieb wai.ed u|wn him with aa address, said:? P iblic safety Is not yet re-established, because Rome la iha centre of conspiracies, but believe me when I say that, much as the Italians wish to recover Heme, tA? f' fnch with quite a* much to terminate their secupOlvm of U. The Pope returned ta Rome oa the .Id Inst A large crowd assembled as he passed through the streeta Poland* As ths people were leaving tha Charch of ths Cross after fil. irie service at Warsaw, on ths 4th Inst , twenty two arrests were made by the police, oa acoount of some forbidden songs having boeu sung with th ' sacred m islo. Among ths persona arrested ware a few women. A s iiiht c milict to k place with ths police. The patrols had been doubled. India. nombay letters of April VI and Calcutta Of April I had rcsehaS Kngi The npwa lias been mainly anticipated. Th" stitement that the Nana is alive Is categorically denied by the Hnjlishmm. The c tispiraey at Uydarsbsd wss being snravellsd. w , , . _ Caiorrra, April lfl, sfla Mr. ia ing n^n mftdt a financial Mat ?man t Mi)* mates the surplus at one ml.lion aad a hair. Tba import duties ea aotton goods art reduced. Kicbanss la ua Krsights <|uist. ' ' * Cawtow, April 1. Hflj Tea Qrm and qalet. Exchange, 4s. 0><d. Commercial Intelligence. Tfll LONDON MONET HARKIT. fPren the tendon Times (city at tlole). May 0 1 The English fundsepeaed this (6th) muring and were suheequeatly strong, at en edraaoe of aa etgbth. The first pries m o- useU for Beaqr was aad ths lust 98% a 04. Fur the 10th of June the Anal bargains *?rt at ?4 a MV- Bank clock closed at ti3g a 238; K'ducml and now three per cents, V2 ft MX, and ex c..e |ner bills, 14s. a 21s. premium.4 At tbs to-day th ire was a full demand for dis count. Ttie transactions Ib foreign Mocks have been numerous, es >oeialiy in Spanish c*rHSc*tes. At ar a ri-to to 11 ?4, a inu:?e t H>k.i>Uc? to 10% ; but tb?rf? waa subsequently a renewed improvement, und the Dual quotation wa? 11 \ a ll'?. Nothing traimnree us to the Intenttons of tho M alrid Cabinet, and tho*e wno now apecu.ate in tb s se curity m ift hear In cntud that tbey a#> uudtr tbe disad vantage of operating in icuorsnce, while there U, per haps, n llioit.vl party in ibe Spaslsii o ipital who art. fully Informed of any uioaa :re? tint are likely to be adopted. Italian live per c nits ar.) 1per caul hlguer, at 7oV a 71, and Ibo market generally has ?h"Wn im.rcwsoil buoy ancy. Mexican, for the aocount, 32 a 3'J; Moorish, 91?. ylhe list nrlce from Pnrh this evening was 71f., show in,? a rteo ilia of an eighth. Ther- s .t? no operations In b'tllion at the bank to-day. Tbe Ma,'lalrn'i ha* arrived from Hr izil with ?j.),jti8, aod th; As'*.. f. oui New York, with ?,*2,000. TF Ik RUSSIAN I.OAW IN ENGLAND. The I/>ndou J'im-j illy article says that the completion of tbe Russian loan aifords evldenci of tbe little lnrtueiioe which the merely *j>ec lativo classes can exeriin" upon any opt-ra'.i'-n intrinsically supported by the solid capi t. lists of L?;n lou aud the Coutmont. Probably tue .1st of applicants For the prtseut loan combines a largor propor tion of v.?.Ithy invefcuirs than was ever before oblainod la nny aialo^otis cts?\ The I. nd n .Veto city article says that tbe correct par ticulari of tho Uus&iin loan subscription will p.obabiy not be |? rritt<xl to in tho frank an 1 explicit ncc ss irv, as tho Stock KiChanfO Cominiuo re fuse to let tbesha osof a public company be quoted unless two-thirds of its capital bs subscribed. The com mittee should. In the rase of the Russian loan, aui'orsu all the publication desirable. AXKKIt'AN COVS NKKNT KBC.'KITIIS AND RAILWAYS. Maryland 5 per oent 71 a 83 1'uited Status 5 per cent, rod. 1874......... 75 a 77 VirhiniaSuite 8 |*er cent 61 a 53 At. J; (H. W^s., N. Y. sec. 1st m. '80 7. p.C. ?6 s 61 Erie shut es $100 (all paid) 32 a 33 Do., 7 por cent, pre.'e 6:;'ja 61>? I)x., assessment -c ip 13* a 2 l<o., 1st ra iri'-'a^c, 7 per e*ul, 1807 9 ? a 92 Do.,2d do., 7 per cent, 186? 86 S 90 ro., 3d do., 7 per coot, lt>83 80 a- 81 Do.,4thdo.,7 j?er c^nt 7ft s 73 I o., 5:b do., 7 per cent 70 s 72 Illinois (Neutral 0 per rent, red. 1875 73 s 75 Do., 7 per ctfiit, 187 T7 a 78 Do., $100 ?! *r<;.?, $!>') (wild dis. 47 a 4J |y>.,$l'H)tb.? e.'.,ali pa i 61 S 62 Michijfan Central, con. 1803, 8 i>er cent .... 83 ft 86 1 o., sinking wind. 8 p. c., 1st in., 18V2... 84 s 88 ftlichig m S. & N. Ind. (sinking funi*), 1885. To a 75 Do.,#100shuros 19 a 21 N. Y. ( eatrat 0 per cent f*i:'k. fund), 1883. 81 s 82 D>.,7 por cent, 1?64 88 a H2 Do., 7 per eeat (sinkingfund), 1876 88 a 92 Dj., 7 por cent convortlbie bomlg, 1876.. 83 a 01 Do. .$100 shares 72 s 73 Panama lt*ilroad, lft ra., 7 per cent, 1836.. 100 s 102 Do.,2.'. do..7 per cent, 1872 9? s 101 Pennsylvania Kit. bon is, 1st in.,0 y.O.,con. 86 a 84 lio., 21 m >r;g i^e, 0 por crnt (4 a 86 Do., $50 sh ires 41 a 43 PLila lei^hia au:i fiaading,$50 sb ires 19 a 22 LIVKKPOOL COTTON MARKET. Livkwoql, May 5,1S82. Tho demand for cotton to day ha.; been moderate only, ard the - a -s d j not exceed 5 oOO biles, Including 500 wn speculation and for export. Prices steaily. TBI LATZST Liverpool, May 6?P. M. Cotton.?Sales, 4,009 balca. Market dull aud u& chaaxeJ. Fiour deollned 6d: Wheat and easier. Corn quiet aud steady. Ii 'ef had a delmlag tendency. Pork heavy. Lard quiet and steady. Lo.vdok, May 6?P. M. Congo's, 93a 94. American sec.iritics quiet aud steady. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Batcrdat, May 17?6 P. M. The mousy market is without change; rates for call loans are 4 a 5 on stocks, and 3 on gold or exchange. Bills closed 113% a % for bankers'. Gold is a shade lower, closing at 103}{. The stook market ?N active thia morning; but pricea were irregular. Governments and State stocks were a fraction easier. Pacific Mail started np again, and advanced 3 per cent. Michigan Southern, in which a cliqne seems to bo operating, was likewise higher; the guaranteed were x/% and the old stock yt per cent. The bonds were also in active demand at higher pricua; the sinking funds are held at 98?an advance of S per cent with in a fortnight?and the second mortgages at U3. Other railway shares were about steady at yester day's prices. All kinds of bond are wanted, and the prospect is that no railway bonds of the best clasa will be below par at midanmmcr. Erie was very active this morning, and the preferred stock waa higher. Between the boards the market was steady. At the seoond board there was no change whatever in prices. The market closed steady, the following being the last quotation*:?United States C's, registered. 1*581, 104 a 104; do. C's, coupon, 1881, 104% a 104%; do. 5's, do., 1974,94 a 94%; Treasury note*, 104,% a 104*4? Tennessee 6's, 68% a 50%; Virginia 6's, 59 a 60; North Carolina 6'?, 72% a 73; Mis souri 6's, 62 a 52%; Pacific Mail, 115% a 116; New York Central, 69% a f>9%; Erie, 39% a 39%; do. preferred, 66%' a 67; Hudson L'iver, 42% a 42%; Harlem, 13% a 14; do. pre ferrcd, 35% a 36; Reading, 49 a 49%; Michigan Central, 61 a 61%; Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana, 26% a 26% ; do. guaranteed? 66% a 56%; Paufma, 129 a 130; Illinois Central, 62 a 62%; (Jalcna and Chicago, 71% a 72 ; Cleve 'and a-.d Toledo, 46% a 4G%; Chicago aud Rock Island, 65 a 65%; Chicago, Burlington and Quinoy, 70 a 70%; Milwaukee and Prairie du Chieu, 29% a 30; Illinois Central bonds, 7's, 93 a 93%; r;old> 103% a 103% . The business of tho Sub-Treasury ivm as follows to-day:? R? etpt* $841,694 30 ?for? jslorns 136,000 oo Payments 1,621,008 62 B?W? 15,120.703 48 The Etna to-day took out $539,707, and the Hammonia $253,000?in all $792,707. The exchanges at the Bank Clearing House this morning were $22,429,358 55, and the balances $1,017,704 11. The exchanges for the week end ing to-day were $167,370,055 26?being a daily average of $27,895,009 21?against $30,185,689 49 for the week ending on Saturday last. The following table shows the advanco of the week in leading railway bonds:? May 9. Jfay 17. New York Central 6's 88 a 87 w\ Do. 7'S 106 a 106 l(K?;,a 107 Krla 1 nt mortgage 104 a V)4){ lOfl^a 107 Eria 21 d?...,T 101';?1M lot 104 Erie 3d do 86 v,a 86 07 Erie 4th do 88 a 80 80ji<a 90 Kris &lb do 88 a 80 8> a 00 HacUon River 1st asortgage 107 a 100 107 a 110 llo. 3d do.... 103 a 10J>{ 104 a 104X Do. 3d do.... 86 a HO'.,' H8 i.a 80 Harlem 1st atnrtfage 101 a 101)< 103^a 103 i>o. 2d de "8 a 89 100 a 100 Do. ai do so a 81 82 a 85 Illinois Central 7's 02 a <H>i P2'{a 82V Michigan Central B's 10: ,i 105 105 ^a 106 Mich Southern stnk'g fond. 02'?? 83 07.'?a 87>tf Comptroller Haws, pnrsnant to pnbllc notice, opened the bids for tho new Court House fund stock, authorized by the last Legislature, at two o'clock yesterday afternoon. The stock bears six per cent interest, and is payable in successive an nual instalments of $100,000 from 1875. The fol* lowing ia a summary of the bids aud awards made by the Comptroller:? ,Vai??. Jnrmn* Jtitt. Acccp'td.. WardAGo $ 101.00 16,000 Ward A Co 19.000 100 55 It,000 Wand* Co $15,000 100.40 llO.OOO K. M. Hruc? 10."00 100 05 ? J. U. Htllyer 1,700 100.30 ? E. Whltebuuse, Bob A Mur rlson 14,700 100 30 ? JebaJ. Crane 3,500 ion 00 ? German Haviuga Bank $0,009 100.00 ? Ed. D. Sobria and Chas. A. Welsh, trustees 20.000 100 50 90 000 Ambrose K. Ely 20,000 100 5$ 20,000 .Mnbrose K. E'y 90,000 100 80 ? AmbreeeR. E./ 20.000 .100.05 ? Eliza Graen 4,000 ion 26 ? H. k P. W. Mayor. 6,0o0 11.0 10 ? H. kt. W. Mnjrer. 6.000 100.50 $,000 D. H. Johnston 1.000 100 25 ? Thos. Tileston 60.000 100.37X ? Tlioe. T.leeton 60,000 101 50 $0,000 Robert Jeffrey l.ovo 180.25 ? f Total BOO ,000 The official return o the earnings of the Cleve land and Pittsburg Railroad in April is as fol lows:? April 1 $104,071 April, 88,610 Increase $5/261 The Increase for the first five months of the Qg cal y#ar is about 11104k*0, The fiscal year com menced Deceuibur 1, lHCf.v ^ Mtork FAi L WMY, >kjty 17, 1862. $'0000 US 6 s,'81 ,reg 104 483 aha l'ac Ml* ('liti TOiKMtUS 6 x, 'Sl.cou. 104 100 UO 1.30 110 'JOOOO U S 6's, '74,cuu 94* 210 do pic 115>i *JO0 do 91* 6 dn 11?* llOOOOhi'lU's.'OO ... 103 60 do 117 JOOO Kentncy d's... 92* 20 do 118* 6000 I I sou bf, '79.. 97* 50 du slOlHi 60oo0 III war l-xtn... 06* 160 do opg 116* looo lud war loan... 05.. (NT Cen KB 6000 Tun 8's, 6H 230 do 81 i 12(M) do 68 * 100 du 8??; 5000 do 68* 60 MU ft P du C Kit.. 2a* 6000 Missouri 8's.., 62* 460 do 30 2000? do 62* 800 Erf* RR b30 39* 6000 do SCO 61* 360 do b3? 80* 6000 do 816 62* 800 do 30 l(iO?llfl'j,UoIlVillLK *00 do 39V 10<>0 do fi2* 100 do b30 3J 600oErieRn3dmt>,83 07 100 do 39* 6000 ErieRR4th in b 00 400 Erie 67* 4000 (to 89* 100 do b30 67 * lOoOHiul Rivlstrah 107* 75 do 67* 6000 Har RR 2d in b 100 60 do b30 67* 2.5000 Mich So 2J mge 83 fO do b30 67* 6000 do 83* 100 rTtidsoa River RR 48 3000 do 83 * 225 Mich Central Kit 61 7000 N* Ind ana lstm 100* 100 do h30 61* 1000 Tol ft Wa 2d m 68* 10 Mich 84N Ind RK 26 2000 do 68* 1150 do 26* ltfOOO do 68 * 300 do 26* 160C0 Tol ft Wuib 1 ra. 90 137T do 26* SOCOCoshcn Br bs.. 100* 260 do b30 26* 11000 111 Csti KR b*.. 98 100 do slO 26^' 6O0O Ter H ft AU 2 in Ml 1260 MichSoftN I g atk 68 ^ 10000 Clii JcNWass'tba 46 6,44 do 66* 200TO Cbi ft N W 2 ru. 24* 650 do 66* 20o0 Tol.tWab Uw bs 70 100 do *15 6b* mocievftTulf I bs 98 60 do fc30 66* 5000 American fold. 103 400 do b30 66* 20000 do b60 103* 155 Panama RR 129* M0"0 do 103 * 500Cl?vft Pit ? R R 21* SOOUOO do *30 102* 900 do 2l* 6 sha Uk of Jf York 100 100 do biO 21* 12 do 100* 50 Gal ft Chicago lUt 72* 29 Bank of America. 110 60 do 72* 40 Bk State of N Y'k 92 200 Cleve ft ToledoKR 40* 10 Uk of Commerce. 98* 200 do 46* 16 do 98* 200 d.i slO 46* 44 Amer Exch Hunk 91* 650 Chle ft Kk laid RR 6r? * 20 Irvisg Bank 78 100 da h60 85* 60 Del ft Hud '"anCo 98* 10 Chic, liur ft Q KR 63* 70 Pacific M a&Co... 115 60 do TO ? do 115* ?HOOND BOARD. $5000nS8'l,'61ng.kl0.103* 150 sha Pac M S3 To. 118 10000 do 104 100 do 830 116 4000 TJ 8 6's, '81 ,cou 104* 60 N Y Can RR 89* 2500 rS6ti810rwl*y 103 100 do s30 80 1030 Mls-onri 6's... 62* 550 Erie RR 39* 3O00 Indiana 6 s, w 1 94 10 do 39* OOOOllliuois war loan 60* 100 Kria RR praf. ... 67 "000 do 96* 100 Hudson River RR 42* 1000 California 7's.. 98 50 do b60 43 6000 N Y Central 6's 100 fO do 42* 50<4> Tol ft Wab 2dm 69 425 Mich Con RR.... 01 6000 Hud R a f bonds 106 100 do b30 61 1000 Hud R KR 3dm 91 160 Mich So ft N I RR 26 3000 Chi ft N W 2dm 24* 460 Mich Ho ft N I g s 66 1000 MichS lstmbds Oil* 60 III Cen RR scr.sSO 61* 6000 Mich So 2d m.. 83 800 Clev ft I'lttRb RR 22 5000 TerH ftAlt 2din 82* 60 <-'al ft rfcl RR.bTO 73 4i'00 lol.tWab lstm 90 100 a it ft Tol RR.ti30 4C* '-'000 do 90* 100 Chi ft III RR.. l>60 05* 4S000 American gold. 103* 60 Chi. Bur ft Q RR. 70 330 elia l'etin Coal Co. 86* CITY COMMERCIAL REPORT. Saturday, May 17?6 P. M. Flora.?The market was heavy and lower, and, after the raws by the (Jroat Kastarn, c' >se.l at a decline of 6c. a 10c. pur bbl. ixtra State sold down to $4 70. Wubat was heavy and lower, while sales were limited. Coax was lower and less active, with sales of 25,000 a 30,000 busheh;, at 51c. a 52* lor u<ixed, in store and de livered, with small lots reported at 53c. 1'i'rk.?Hesvy sales; 300 bbU. at $12 60. Prime was $9 75 a$0 87*. Wiuhkky wu.s quiet and nominal at 23c. for State, and 23*e. for Wostern. REWARDS. A LITERAL REWARD WILL BK PllD KOR THH jt\. recor-ry of a Li ijrH >-old humia case Watch, de lached le er. No. 17 (i"*), made by Robeit, at Chaux de Konds, with <old chain with two key* nnd Ntnall onyx m-u1 attached; u'so a Obalelaiae Pin, with shl'-ld ng lo'liais K. A. C.. all ut which * ere stolen from a room nl tho Pierre r.tu House. Ukj >klyo, on Taesday evenlog. 13th Inst. In rma'ion may i>e loft at the 1'ierrcpjnt HoaS% or at No. 66 Broadway, N. Y. REWARD -I.OST, ON MONDAY, THE 12TII INST., 'PI in going from Twetity-a^eoo I street to Sou Ji farrv. a pair of Hold |Si*jis'lea 1 far-lgli't'd). In a black leather sheath. The iiuJ.-r will receive the sbovo reward by ltarlng them at T. W. 3.rone's, 08 Nassau st.ret. RKWARD.-L03T, ON TUESDAY, MAY 7, ? ?PtJ white It.llan tiftbound, with butf oars. By return In? liar to 18ci Weal Elevaoth atreet the ab ve rewarl will tat paK. ?. HURD. (1.1 H REWAKD.?LOST, ON BUNDAY, 11TH INST., Splli fr -m St Hleonkei aueal, a aray 1'arroi, wl.b red lull; talk* very plain; will call Ua owner * same very dla tluetly. Any pet nun ending the hint and reiurnlmt It or g vliiK intormailcu where il fay be found will receive tbo al>uec reward. RBWARD ?LOST OR SUPPOSED TO HAVE vDJjO b en taken oy misU\e of of the Fad Rlvtr boat on May S, a large bUw-k Trunk, marked Geo. P. Ne.L The aoove reward will be pai 1 for the delivery of the trunk 10 Win. Kirhy. W.utotieater Hotel, Puurth aveuue ana Twenty awe nth street. (?t>e REWARD.?LOST. BETWEEN TOTTEN'VILLB, ty?rJ Sta4"0 Island, and the ferry boat Clifton, on rtun <U) evening last, a laigu old EnglUu Lever Held Watch and \est ('bain sttachril, numbered 5.H20. Il Is a family rollc, and the aoove reward will be ; a'd, with ths ibatiks of the owuer, if taken to the More of Mr. Plalu, loi SUib avenue. O RA REWARD.?ISTOLES, UNDER THE PRETENCE of hiring, a Uor*\ Tup Wugi>u. Harney and kcl. Th<' Uor.? it a hot. mil rcan mare, U'i hands high, tea year*oi l, ah.1 a wutte ?p. t ou tier for*uea 1, kind legs white. Tie \N a^onia newly i-aintrd a dark >;reen, with a hlajk stilps, the body Ix about a- r. u larhe* deep, square box, open, uo boot, under the seat Is a box f"r the Hide curtain. The H.?r nrsa Ik ailver plated, about half worn. Tje Blanket is gray cuijwd KerM.v. The person is ai>out at ty year* o d, aud urn feel tlirwe or lour jn ties blgh, fore ? dark suit of cfeh clothe*, and had the appearance ol 4 wtll-to-dO fanner. will he palrl for the detection uf the tht'-f, and $26 for the, aud in proporuon foi any i>art restored. 11 A AO. POLHEMCS, 17 Grand street, Wlllia.usbi.ig L, I. PERSONAL. \ H IS IS TOWN AND WANTS TO SEE YOU TCES A, diy next, 20th >, at the same hour and same piaoe CllAB. Mil, AC TEL AKKRLCND, Of SWEDEN, 13 RE quntefl to call on ...? fa'her, who haa jiiil arrived i<nd ll llt}b| at iku 8iutt|aricr llot, No*. 23 and HI Grcenwicb street MISS MARY KELLY, OR MRS. MARY SMITH, OP California, will pit as} ?cnd her address to L., box 179 Herald oSl<e. 8. R., JERSEY CITY.-OET LETTER FROM POST office before 9 A. M. Montay. s, STRAYED KROd H!S HOME, fH WEST TUIRTY-HE cund ntreet. on the Stliiinat. Mr. Hugh Donohue. agu'liUS year*. Any Information In regard to hun will be Uauk.uUy received by his son, Jam?* Donohue. THE PERSON HAYING THE PACKAGE FoB EVE leen Ire*, who resides at 181 Wooster street, will plcaso leave It at 133 Wooster street. T1TILL ANY ONE KNOWING THE WHEREABOUTS TT of Mr Blllway, formerly with Dr. Dennnon, of Hud tor street, New York, ple^ae send hi* add re** to Pharmacy, elation A, Spring street? "\17ASHINUTON (FOUR OR FIVE DAYSv?DEAR O", TT If you have returned will yoa let me ace vo.t a* eoon a* poealblet I .in mo?t anxious to prove to you I meant no. thing unkind In anything said at cur last Interview. I all at the fo*t o.te every evening. 200 -1, 13, 3, 4, 5, 40, 4, 2 O'CLOCK TO DAY. 100. THE FIREMEN. IEXINOTON STEAM BNOINE company NO. 7.-AT j the regular annual mneting af Lexington etf-am En giae Company No. 7. held a' the engine houae on Monday evening. May 13. l(jt>2, the following gentlemen were elected otllcfi s for tne en "ii.iig y?ir?Foreman, Eaward Marrenmr, unanimously re-e'ectea: Assistant Kn-enian, Aldan Wild, vice L. VV. Armstrong; Secretary, Eugene D. Croker, unsi;. n.ousiy reflected; As?l*(ant Secretary. Thomas Ryan, unani mously r*-ele<iUd; Tru;.* irer. Hiram L. Ha.iiht. unanimous. Iv re-e'eeled; Befresentatirea, Eugene D. Croker an<l Wm. W. Rhode*. ?. Ire Ed. Marrenner and W. H. Cochran, dccilued; Bt'ward. Win. F. Wllnon, vice Qeoive Ming*. E. D. Cno*KB, Secretary. F. MAKRESER, Chairman. HOTEIJ. ~ Tl'HITNEY HOUSE, bhoadway, CORNER OF TT Twelfth *treet.?A *pl*n<iid H lit of itoou*, hath au<l water ciO'.rt attached, on Brat lloor. on BruadW y, will U? let with or without Board on reasonable ternu.. Dinner at sis o'clock. WHITNEY HOUSE broadway, CORNER TWELFTH TT street?On the European plan or otherwise. Single Booms .M c nt*. 76 c i.i* aud $1 per day. Double Booms $1 to $& Hoom* permanenuy engaged ot> liberal term*. WATCHES, JEWILKY, Ac. California diamondb-bbeastpins, bakbinoh Bracelets, Necklac e, Binge, al! *et in in>>' i? carat gold and equal In brilliancy to the real, *t one tenth of the prio*. Sent by mall to any part of the country cm receiptor the cash. original b JACOBS. 407 Broadway, e*tat>ll*hed IMS. I IIE RENOWNED JEWEL. OP MADAMB RACHEL, oon*l*uuj[ ol I I Ham n 1 ttoi, d by the Emperor r;apolauB llf' 1 Piam?p>l ilraieiet, presented oy yueen Victoria; I 1) aaiun' Fro5'h, fires"nt?d by 1_-Incese Ma tolide: 1 Sliver Casa, MMItMl >?y Pnnee Oorte chakolT; will t* ?>ld at % great at M? Everett House. Call for a few dnye, unUi 9 >'? M. WATCHES AND JEWELRY OF ALL DESCBIP lion* for sale by OKO. 0. ALLEN, Bior iway, one 4o?T be! >w Canal *tre?t, foi merly No. 11 W all str at. N RBMOVAIall. OTIOE -THE AOENCT FOB THE BALE OF GOODS man ifaetured hy ???? TUB UNION INDIA BUBBEB company willherem .ved, on tue IM of Ma; Mil, Irons Ko. 103 Lib erty ?iiw!t to No. 12 Fark place. _ .. . 11Y. 0. HADDEN, President. NkW Yoa*, April 15,1M3. WILLIAM 0. OREBNK, LATE OF CHAMBERS street, would r<'?p?etfully Iniorm bl* friend" an.I the public generally that he baa removed to 48 Walk?r street, near Broadway, N. Y. M. T. COLEMAM A CO. HAVE THIS DAT *8 moved to 70 Wall street and 141 Ptarl mreet. w " ^ 'k'UR, TV UP-. CU illl ? ( 'V BSE ?T .M I re II l\?<i KJVrt .'li'^DRKD DOLLAUS Ti.e lui.-r-.tne match *?K W 1 r ??'??. In hui'l. will lii! decided oil' *?'? F*sVo-! A sooijl.on Courio on l'u m is Maya). The -o i j . <*??' ? well s nowu h n lc celJIug I.anot an the j'o.ic' cn'll 1 ? ?. ?? i'V'8, 3 bev are hi clarge of Taliiii..u n V lit i*. ' i"" '" , J capital race is fully anticipated BJ?u WV *2, Thirty.founli aireet everylive tautuu? TA1 from Uum" era Point ul 1 o'clock. Fare reduced lo Vfc ?V ? j i >h Kin onocwi * ? n^*?r'_ i;s, ciiuuAaua, AC. H ApOAOH FOB HALE. INQUIRE 09 TBOffL'i S JKUEIIS, ii>5 Lew is street. lo ic aceu a: 7W Fimfl* street, fc.a?t nvor. . A FINE BAY COUPE H<>RSE, H AMILTONIAN Btocii, direct from th? conntry. & >eare old, lu\ Lands hUh; m g< od ami Irce driver hi ?lugl.' ami double harness, hold lor want of u^a l>y lb.: uwu r, w no bred hlin. CM be at Oakley a atablca, Hoi oken fei ry, N. J. Blooded saddi.e mare for sale?suitiblk "?f ajadjr. Apply at 81 Gold atr- ot, up stnirs. CAKKIAliE FOB SALE?A VEIIY OENTEP.L TWO horse park. Wagon, on* aeat. aervaut'a a-at tw'ilml; ll la in perlecl o.. c a id win bi* told fur naif |ta vaiuc. Can be seen In the carriage ahop corner of Broadway an J Thlily seventh atrcet. (1ARRIA0ES. HORSES AND HARNRSS FOR SALE.? J -'UO light family Carriages, I'lno i, Koe.awaya, park and deiMil Wa ona. groivia', ? xpress aud busine-a Wagon*, top and road Hug ;i a; 30 Hor-s. a ngln an i paira; Hsin-sa and Saddlery, au I second baud Wagons of all kluua, at 164 Fulton avenue anil lONevlnaiti a , Hr.oklyn CARIIIAOBS.-O.VE VERY UUHT SQUARE BOX turnover seat, leather t:l'.n*md io kawaj ; one ?eiy light sty 1 all lload Wugon, cqi al to an tu th city; tii?n w top leather trimmra il.ituy; price S'A); oue second mind tour aeat leather trl nni id l'h eton, an i a i.tidba d a'.ul ? ??,u Btityy, on the 8 h mat; one C ?upe Ki.c'.away, ondo .blj set carriage Harness, i Uy made To be o. l .o.- lor caah, MACALl'INE .v EDEY, M Ce>(ar atr ?"!. FOR SALE-TEN VERY FAST TUOTT1KO HORDES, juat from Vermont. Dcscrip.ion?.No. In a id dapple gray man', ID't liau i dkjIi, ti )ears old. aouu . and klu ?: one of the llrat saddle in u\ iu tbe S ate of New Yora; trma last, and cantera. Nu J i? a very une tn:iy luaile aorrol hoi a.*, 1A)? bauds hig <; will u.'lgb 1.0 it pounds; auunil and kind; wi.l a'mw 2 iA to lianiraaor ui ihf pole; 7 vraraold thia aurln^. Worthy u u tioe. No. S la a ?ery hanilsume iiay, long tallEili..n Al u colt. 15 huh. aound an J klud: will anow 2:5*' In li.:.-nr?a or lo the pole, aud la very gentle. No. 4 .a a anil b tail buy .. are, 7 ye.ira old, aound aud kind, 15 handa 1 tnrli hiyh; hamlaoiue: will show 2.40 or better to a wat.ou:a goo 1 po e mare. No. ft, a per fect blaoU mare. 7 year3 old tiila apnug, loiu tail. 1ft In. .da bigb, aound and kind, and atyUabj w I. ahowr 2:40 in harueaa or pole. A hall aiati-r to the t,iay inai'! Soiitag. Noa. 7 iud 8, a a irrel horae and bay mar.-, sound and Kind; ulll >.how 2.40 together on the track, or no eale. Alao 4 oth. r g o I road hor^ea. Can be seen at tbe Waverley Hotel aiaiili a, Nluety-aUth air et and ii.oa .way. IpOR SALE?A PAIR OF superior BLACK HORSES ' (a perfect tuaich), 16 hauda h gu, b o?eu until lo aa lule and hai uela. T:.e above are warrant u aonm: anil tin from vice; price $1,000. Appli. at O'i to oe ma ic t > Hie groom at Hager'a Uvtry aiablea, corner of Br.iadway and Twentieth street, or to Mr. White, at the Everett House. f'OR SALE-A VERY BEAUTIFUL FULL BLOOD bay Mam, alx ye.ira old, warranted eoun >, broken lor the aiddle, single arid touble harneaa; price $200. Apply to JOHN OllXELAN, Meriliauu' Bank, or al McOorern'a auble, Love laue, Brooklyn. For sale-the well kno>vn horse called San, ua. il lo run witn Eihau Alien ana i**utern. Ad dress B. W., Herald olll^e. I POP SALE?TWO MARES, SENT IN FROM THE 1 c intry lor the advertiser to dia^o-e of; o ie a aplenuid jut black, 15 lian .a 3 liicbea hiali, 0 yrars oi l; lor ooupe or family u?e not aui paaaed in tula city, the oilier ia a bright bar, 14 handa 2 in.ihes, Hag tail, uat.ik points, a splendid r. ad ster and can trot In 2 45. Tlie above are .vitbout laull or biemiah. Inquire of WM. T. ALULN, shoe more, 2'jj Third avenue. FOR 8ALE-A FINE PAIR OF DARK SORREL Horaea, between l."> aud lo hands, together Willi a stylish Double Harneas, city ma Ic; also a Koc*awsy, made bj Brewater. to acat six persons, Lungcn lour aurluga; baa moveable glusa front. Apply at 25 B'arer street. For salb-a very handsome pair of dark bay Colts, three yeara old this May, penect'v mati'iod, 15 hauda Mgli, heavy black mauea and taiia, wen b.oke. both to auddle and barm an. Can be aeen at all lioi.ia oi the day at J. H. Curtis' atabie, Lorelnu", Btookiyi. For sale-a fine bay horse, is hands hiuh, aound uni kind in harness; a iu,e S. ddle ilorse lor a lady or gentldinan. Inquire al tiie aiable of M. Flyun, 113 East Eighteenth street. For sale-a fine bay coupe house, i? hands liigh; a stylish and prompt driver. Sol i lo. wr^i.t o use. Inquire of ANDltEW McHltIl>E, 2o- Fifteenth atrret. FOR SALE?two six SEAT EOCKAW AY CARi'.IAUBS, one top ?aiun and oue a..Uy, a . ,n i.ood o.aer. Ai.o two a ita do blc Harntaa. Ap. 'y at 301 rttiulU Tulrd airert, Brooklyn, E. D., or 107 John atraet, Kaw Yo. k. Fob SAiiB?a sinolb horse truck waqon, with Horac, Harness and down town Work. Inquire at 64 Dey atieet, baseuitnt. For salb-itie finest pair of bat fox lluular Horaea tbal have be niiirmrket th a season; stand 15>{ handa hlsb, pon.v ir.ade, have t ue full long talis, extra travellers, and lor stylo and oeai.ty cannot be a irpasa ed by uny in market. Alao two otb. r tira une Palra, tun beat and lineal coupe Horau that la for sale m the city, and two very laat Hora ia. The abive have Juat arrivd from the northern part of this Stat , aud will e close 1 out at low prices. Can be seen at Metropolian (tables oroer of I'ri'ico and Crosby streets. LEWIS. Owner. LIOR SALE CHEAP?A TWO HORSE bockaway r Catriage, three aeata, nearly new; a .luibie t . run to dapot with paaaengnra. Apply lo B. U. Sll .iEVB Iiti South Ninth street, Willlaniahurg, before oieren o'eloik, or after alx o'cloak P. M. FOB SALE CHEAP?TWO NEW LIGHT ROAD *A gona and one three a-st Ko kawajr Carriage. Aoply at Fuller'a livery atablea, comer East Broadway and Uouver neur atreat. FOR SALE CHEAP?a OROOBR-S TOP WAGON; HAS only been used about one year; co i $175; will be ev.d very cheap for want of use. Apply at tbe corner of Oreeu wlch aveuue and Twelfth sjreet. Horse for sale.-a bay mare, sixteen hards high, alt yeara old, Ptjrliah and gentle. Can be Been al King's a'ablea, lu Fortu th sireet near Mad.aon ave nue, by inq nr.n^ for PATRICK NUOhNf. Horse wanted.?the advertiser desires to purchaae a fa.i.lly lloren, bav. lu bauds high, auowy and one Hint can trot in 3 I# a 3 30; must be warranted by a ro^uoualbln person, not a >ior d alnr, to i? per.ecily aound and gentle. Address bt>, 2,ft7- Foil Olrce. MA'IE FOR SALE CI1E \P.?UANDcOKE, TOITNO, sound, kind, brave and grot1*; ? hii trot in abottl3)e mlnut-s, requires uo whir an t docs i.oi ,iull; price $AM. Inquire a' stable 2 t'j Clinton street, from 12 to S. CTALLIONS, MAULS ANr> GELDINGS P R SALE ? O One thoroughbred sth lion, Chan ? llo ?. by Winfield, o t of Clara, I>; Friday, Ac. lie Is a b. a uifi.l c.e?tnut sorrel, 15 4 l aud* high, H years o d. filalllon Cnevalter, b/Wil ?ir, out or Foitutia. by Harris Haul iclihiUn. 4c. He ih jet .due*. witliout ? hlte, 16 h nJs )i ill. C old. Hu I- ?? near perfection la syu:mctrj and b''Biii>'R? any ho,-e in Amerln S allioii JarMi- E lip r, by Mnrst, out of Tempest, by (Colonel Buy llo u 19)f binds bigli, 4 .\ears of), a d cm tro. in 3 &>. B al lon Aim r.cau Tr.iv Her, by American, Ae , 2 years old. Al-.o >l( M'l*' un I Geld IW . trou: 4 to 7 ye.irs old, and six bead of thoroughbred Short Horned Cttnl ?. The above sto k are owned prim i|?lly br gentleman of. th-South, who h?ve s<m t instrti-tions to lave I mm anld. Thi ??. ran bj seen ?t the am of (}, S. Haines, Elizabeth, New Jersey, 14 mllea from New York. Train- leave toe foot of Cortlandt street nearly every liour. SHETLAND PONY WANTED?MUST BE VERY gentle. suitable fir an Invalid .til a'.so Wagon und Harness. Address. wlih prlee nn I where to be seen, J. II. bo\ 2.l^O Pout offl-e, New York. SADDLE.?ENGLISH SADDLE. DOUBLE REIN PEL lum Bridle and Martingale for aile. in good order. Ap 'ply at M Beekman s'.teet, upstairs. THE CELEBRATED HORflE GEO M. PATCHEN WILL stand formates on the Dykemtn farm, near Kings bri lge, at $100 the seaaou. Good stables and |> ?store pro Tided tormarea. WM. WAI.TERM1RE, Washing.on Drove Yard. TORONTO CHIEF1 WILL STAND DURUM THE present season, on the (arm of uls owner at Flushing, Long Island, In charge of P. P. UANNA, to whom all com munications will be addressed. TtHE TitOTTINa STALLION El'P.EE A WILL STAND AT the farm of th? owner, FiSbkill Pislns, Dutebess county, N?w York, at $60 tbe ??awn. CHARLES RO! INSoN." rPASTt'RB.?HORSES TAKEN TO FASTURB AND pruuerl oared for by th* Subaerlbr, at Ills resld nee, Newtown, *. 1. WILSON M^LLIR. TO cartmbn AND LABORERS.-WANTBD TWENTY Horses and Carls, to work on the Ui.lon Ex r lamg Track, Sev-nty-second and Seven'y-third streets, Bloou.lng. rt.iicruad: lit eral priocs and cash paid weekly. Apply to iAS. F1NLAY, Manager. WANTED?A COUPE ROCKAWAY, FOUR SPRINGS* suitable i ,r on* borne. A Coit|e might answer If light. Would purchase ltor*e and Harness also. Address E., boi I.WO Post office WINU9 AND LMVOIll. PCUFF, ?M EIGHTH AVhNUE. OFFERS FOR SALE ? in bond, duty paid, t,,e bula .c ? ol an Invo ce bigb flavored din. in thice-'iuarer pU^s; Sjerry Winn, in o tav.s and ipiarlers; Arise Seiguctte Bran ly, in eighth and t^uarter oaaks, just arrived, at tho l >wcstea<h prico. MEDICAL. AN tiLD STAND -IRl'AL CONHI LTaTIOiTs. DR! BAKROW, IW lOeeker street, four (loots frwm Mao douifal street, N. V from 11 till - and Irom 4 to 8. CtALL ON DR. O. R. BuND. NO 60 ORCHARD, COR J ner of Urand street, If unvtMng la Hie matter and lie will do wb?t alt the Ml ^r > niso lo do. DR. F. HOLLIOK. AUTHOR OF THE " MARRIAGE Guide," Ae., and lecturer ou 'The Fhysiology am lie. raOaeiannts ol tne I'aremal System." niay be consulted dally (eioept Sundays), from t u till two o'clock, at his nidi e, 6V9 Broad<vay, on all tho? p^euliar esses described In b i| books and lectorea Post oOlee liei >,e0>. DR COOFER. 14 DUANE STREET, MEMBER OKT1IE College ol Fbyslelans and Burgeons of New fork, nia* be consulted dally at bis oSoe, from 8 in tbe morning untU 9 (( evening. Dm OOTOB CHARLES LUTZB, ~OB8TETRIO PHtBt elan and Operating Surgeon, treats ail diseases of wo men and ch!ldi?n. Can be oonsultcd at his private rooms, ?I4?< Broadway. New York. T^BlaNiSTREATS DISEASES OK FBMALBS WITH I I unparalleled suoeese He can be consulted at 161 Bast Thirteenth street, near Seoond avenue. DH w \Ftri AN EXPERIENCED AVB SCCCBSSFUL practitioner, thoroughly tonversant in treating diseases, can be eonstilted at 12 Lngnt street; the otly place. A private entrance. Bo<ik grs'is. Always at tends. f \RPOWERi TREATS ALL DiSBAHEH Of FBMALBS lj wl'h unparail'ded suocess. H* ? an lie consulted at II La ght street, du ring all hours, day and evening. Doctor hunteb "himsblf-thb physician who established the nunterian Dispensary, No. S Divi sion street, New Yorkeitv, In 1AM, ean be consulted irom fl A. ? , until ten o'clock at night, at the old office. A private entrance. Rook for nothing. PROrBHSOR RESTBLL. 182 CHAMBERS STREBT, CAN be consulted as ox'ial. Agents, UiH Liberty street, V. Y, Is Brooklyn, 17$ Fulton street. SPECIAL irfrriCKS. ? . /lONTRIIHTIONd TO THE SANITAit* OOMMI>BIOJT \J Tin Treamrt-r ?>l l' e . a ntm , ?!. inni'V,*om"W? l.dge< (lie r.eelpt of the following euiitril/*?'"-,u "",c* 2 ? Lanim'Yolunt-er Aid S<-c!?iy, of B-lfau, Maine, by* Rev. 0. I'al rey Si < A ady liio *4 Procir is of a watcb chain from a lady at Morr mot 25 o M ? C. L. W ft*, by Mm Fish loo 00 coiigiefauoiis of Cnulo i C on., by Iter. Ja?. D.Moor tc.-| e i.illy lor the IVi *?) 20 19 Ca?b, up Thoir a-. H. rVllo, Jr 60 ul Con.'.regatioa ol ra'vnr.i cliuii.h, N. Y., by W.a. W. Wiighi, Esq., Tiriiaurcr 41:) At Cash | 'i iVi \> tlllam A ?tor OJ C.ii duuaU B.unch CoimuUsl in, i>y 11. 1'earce, Tru?. ; 12W 00 ror the ool lauae" 4 Kennedy M 00 V^' Ma<'l?y 26 OJ *r<7(?.'""<l Dut. b church, 11 idsott, by Bcv. D. D. Lio M.wVl (adiit.oual) J OO Ce?tral?,*,'rk Engineor Oo pa, by J. hn Y. Culyi*r 11 09 .1. N. M.V-" , Mra. M. ?, Uro?veuor I /O u> Hiinuel M. ?iJi'alenilu > my.i G. tl. W.. ..K 6 0 W .ost r t>1 rca' sy ? agogu? tliiou.i. lie.. S. M I nun 51 Oft Win. F. Car. 1J0 U? C tinner oak 1*1 o,tu->uiaucs Co., llai'tiwd (ib.K. eou tnuuiion) * 100 "8 J H. M * Hi 00 J. S. G ft O.t D. U. X W. B. Bacon. 200 DO It v John, SJt^ioga Spiingii 2 0 .0 E N Hull .* 2 i0 Mi*.I. J. A*tor * 1"0 i 0 Mr% Eli.ah Lcrlng. Bomon.iy. W) (.0 S. o S rv ns A ions, B numoV JO <f W.iliam Ho.iper, BohIou ? 25 IK) RafiuS. King... 5 oo K fuim <l Itu ch church, of Coiioes, by Kov. l'. N. \\aM on. 11 81 lion, tlliilam Mltcbe.l bC Ihl II H I *> 1) vllu A Co., by T. 11. Fa le. Jr. W0 tw iiiMoki Brother*. do. do 10.1 >0 K. C. Moo>e 1^00 Anonymous MM I* "Hi. Croix," K?nt o l, :<auiO 2 M Michigan Solii.aiV fte.lef Coiuui.ha.un, by William A. butlir.Tr^ttHuier W0 00 I'ht* iim. Dodge 4 Co 1 00 Lcwit M. Kutliart'urd, Uuardi.,n ... 1 *' OJ I.cwin .M. KutltPrtuid lU'00 II. <?. W 6 00 D. 11. E 6 >? Jl. K L 6 00 Il.-n, Jnu.e* W. Boekinan 3> 00 J. S. RutUnil i ?? K'iriher con rlbutiona ar-i urgwit:y nneia 1. Th<- ilenot. of boNpltai Hiip,ilion l<rluiigln^ to t:i? w ,m <n'* ('an.ial Ai?o; ??? tU.n, mill otlier llkp o.'.aui -ucioiu. are no.v ne:u.> '-vh n t it, and t'i? Oooimlsalon ban. during i!ie pa-t wr ek, Ixien C"M* p**tl#J to puri-baa* arvcru! lbo <Miiil ilo laia wo. .uo un ptal ?tirea. Ac., tor ablpuicnt to Yor. tewu, Weal 1'oint auu ?#>' V leana. O. T. STRONG, Treasurer. May 15. 1882^ 68 Vail atreet CIIIK'AOO AND NORTH WR8TERN RAILWAY COM J pjnv. Clilc.igo, Mny 1 1102.?Tue anuual me 1.113 of IM 1 oiiiiiio.Jeni ana ? '??b?lil<>i'K of llio CniCiHio iini North wratern Hi.iU,&t C <mi>anv will be beld ai the oillre of tM 0"nip.<iiy, In the city ol C' feago, on Thursday, llie r>th dajr of Juue, li02. at 2 o i-,o k I*. M. lor ih ^ election of DireclOta lor t!ie year ??nanliiy, and for ih<5 truiifae. 011 of any other bital. ni*a< that may tome before th m. T. e t-ana or o>.oki ?llbi c.oaodou tlie itn insunu M. li. OODliN. 1'rcaiUenW TyjERCANTILE LICHABY A SOOIATION. PEOn.AR NOMINATIONS. At a lartre an 1 aoti i:m??1!c inecllui or the member*, heM al the Jones Hoi.m, TM Broadway, on the l.lib mil., ttie foU lnwmii Ticket was unanimously nominate.!; and we berebf pr" -ent the earn '01 ih t co:otaI n.p;o>t?' eieryiuemM* dealrlug the welfare and pro-per ly or the Library:? >'or President, CHAULB- OS OOD. with J. ft N. M'lltii A Co. F\ir Vioe l'realileni, HABVKY H. ^OrOS. with the S -. oiin Arenue R.i lro.d Compaq For Our. e^poii'lliii; S**. r^ary TilADDBUB V. T1BEB. With Ja u?e Woirlsoa Jl Oo For lie ordln^' Mncretary. J A VIKS II. PERCIYAL, with i, B ultz a Oo. For Treasurer, ALKXA-D.OR ItnlND. With K'ioert .summon k Cow Ko- Di e 10 a. ROYAL PHELPS WII.BUK, wl h .latttaad, Phelpa k 0*. AAKO.VC.ALl.EN. lib Be 1 ardAUutloa. ANTON A. RAVEN, with A.laa lo Mutual I.uiuran~e Co. THEL/DOKE I. 11 L'.iT ,D w-tliJea* IIoti & Oo. A B. VALBN'i'lNE, h KcnilO'.t and Klnj.ton Trana. O*. WM H. MAKV1NE ? it 8 nytlie Upr^,ue 4 0 ?i>s.'. THE (J IX) HE 11. VLLTEE, wit.i Auicricalt Eaehauge Baak. *0 re e p?o'fully, JOHN CXRRVK KiiWlani? 11. timpbom: IrfAvt: li. BULKY, ETHAN ALLEN. WIL* IA <1 11. WICKUAM, J? iiFfll BLACK. ?K'? it?E O. W OD, HENRY U riBRriON, Jr. Thn friends an.l ? opjiorl' ra of a4>ore ticket ?re oor4iallp Invited to meet In Pnr.ur Nj 7 Jonar House, e*.-rv avaulok until aft'T oleetlon, which will take j lov on TUEHt>AY, lb* 20th 1.1st. . CliAa. F. ALLEN, JpHif H. Dow, Secretary. Ci aiimarn. N OTIOB' JOSEPH LEE, Who lor many years wna mer. 1 ant tailor on Broadway, to now al 78 t'eJat at eet. New youk and harlbm railroad company Treaauiei otllce, coruar o_l F11 irtli aveou ati . Tweoty sixth atiei t, N-vr York, May 1, 1?2.?Notice |? hereby gir^ that i,.e lug of the stockhol rira of the New York aa4 liarleu Railroad I'.ouipany^l'oi Ua aatJMi eloutlvn o: dira? toir, ?ill ho held .t t e oil oa of the ooii.pany, on T eslay. Mav 20 The nolla to be opened from 12 o elook. noon, to > o'ifo. k P. M. The trai sfer iKioka will ba clo-ed from4 o'clock P M.of tbef'.h. tin-l. 9o>io-k A. M. of the Slat, o cioca ^ ^ BMEBSOIT 8eo t and Treasurer. SPECIAL "NOTICE.-MASOlCIC.-TnE MB.?U-BH1 Of Bxcela.or L..ote No. iWO K. ?'i<1 A. M. M jested to meet this day .Sunday), al .Ml) Wo t T.ilriy-.iflii a.reol, at > o'cloi-k P M.. to attend the funeral of tba sou of nrother Jo? slab Parkin, of iho Klisi mriiirnt, Bsooiaior Brigade, wb? was kibed at tho battle of WHITE HOU8B?BETWEBN FIFTY-SEYBNTn AX9 Fittv-eigbth sireeta, near Central Pirk and Big th avenue, t inionn, b ri by, kind friends anil tba public Uiai the White Hon*. PNrk U .ptii now. I will ninke It my par. li -mar tmslnesk to ai.-co.nmodnt^ private parties at nil D01.R with first class hotel dinner*and suppera. Well furuiafea* Room* for summer hoarder*. W. V. D. WCLBEKE, Proprietor. ORKTOWN. VIBOINIA. MAY 5, 1H62 -AMONQ T0H ttoihes uki-n ai the evaeuatiou of Yor town was a Bet el F ag by ser turn Jium a C.*rk, Compauy U, First t ali loi nla re?lin nt. ? i rnA to tn <*w wanted-in the intbodwo JeI.OUU tiou of an ai t eie receni.y pmemed. inexpen sive in io?tand In <*eu.and iverywherr?N 'rib, S iuih, E??$ and We~l?and ui.w in the oouree of adaption by tue gover?? mcnt Addrras Invent >r, station A, Baling street I'oe* olll e. N. Y. CLOTHING. Araee chanob.-?is,#? worth ok cast or# Cloihing, Caipeta, P uriiuurn w.iBtod for New Ur ?? -a, Lallca?ud g.'Ut.einun i.a.lri any of toe ? torn to dlapu. i f Cin rec> ivr 60 par c u niuii lieu irom any tctlrr lb tu* city, by calling on or ao4lv?aiiig a liOtc to Le origin*: Bt. Mini*, UiS Sinli Ottnea Si. mteun li aud KUM? eeitth ?t'eoi?. Lnliei *it nded by Mis. M nu. uraew tiotn flrnuiiijn or Jersey Oil* will be punetaalJv ?tt?n<ie<j to. i'ltiH iu do u it tUe wrtl known dealer, H. MINTZ, 3dft Sixth avenue. AT 1S| SEVENTH AVBNUE, LAP IKS AMD UKNTIA m? u rati dispone Of tb-ir ca-t oil Ch'thln*. Curpeta, Fur niture HUtl .lorti frj. I guarantee to pay (1 fry per cant mora than tiny ? >ttier iIciut In the city, an I uot 10 be htitqb <?gad by great pull* an<l false pretender*. Pi-me cail <A or ad dreaa J. Anhall, 1 .*>3 Hex emn avenue. between Twentieth and Twcutj-lti u ati uets. Ladies attended by Mrs. Aahalu A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC BY MRS. BZBKIELS.? A* tiiere ar.- ao many In -xperlenced dealer* In Ittla butdnea-, ladle* anil genta wou.d do wall to lead lor Mr?. L, who has been In this buaineas alnc- IttSA, ?o ibey can raly tually HitenJed to byMrv E/ekieia. Oeulienwn attended M by ber sun. Mar u Ezekials. ATTENTION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.?I HATO ju?t received H?*J to purchase eaat off Clothing, Pnr nltnre and Carpet* tor tba Caii.orula market. 1 do pro.alec le pay the bUheat prices In the city by calling on or a iJrt? log a note to*. MINT/t. 137 Sixth avenue, two doora .ibora Tenth street. Lane* attended to by Mr*. Mints, fie mem ber, 137 Sixth avenue. AT NO. MS BOWKRY.-H ROSENTHAL, HATING A great desire to purchase a larne quantity of caat off W aring Apparel, Purn t ire, Carpet*. Jewelry, Ac., by lalV Ingoii < ra.ldre*.?tng, Udie* and gentlemen can obtJn the utmost value for each wide. Ladiea attended to by Mrs. Roaentbal. Plcaae remember, and try IU Bowery, oppoalM (21nMNH IllWt ATTENTION.-OAUPORNIA AND PIKBM PEAK trade.?A free, demand for ladiea' and gentlemen'* cart ' 03 Clothing, Pur^Uure, Oarpeta and Jewelry. I guarantee to pay twenty-flre rwr cent more than any other eelabueb* meat, and no buil^ti|. Call al or send a note to 89 Week Hroatlway, belwaen leooard and Fr-mktln aireel*. Ladiea attended by Mra. R. Oaoay, and gentlemen by Mr. fl. u.bay. OllDK.-UDlKt AND OENTLKMEN, If VOO wli't to d'Spttaeof ywurrast od < I tih ng. Furniture. Carpets, Jewelry, Ac., you will And It greatly to jrour arivaa* tag'1 by calling <>n ?r a<:<lre*.'?g dlrrt to A LUCAS, At Seventh avenue. There wlit be actions la ti'hanc* offmL as practiced by mtue. on'y c.i*b wilt i* p. d In current inouey. Ladiea punctually attended to by Mra. Duraa. GBNTLEMENS NEW AND LBPt SFF CLOTHING purchaaed for toe We>tern market. In large or amaR lota. Tbo lull value will be pa.d w ltbout hazgllag or aeeRlM tolmpKVi. I'leaae rail at the autre or addreaa Thotnaa Ck County, *t Centre ?tfeet. G'KNTl,KMKN MAVINO ANT NEW OR LB IT OF9 T Clothing to dlat o eof can oi'taln the bUhoat prltte bf railing nt the ature or addreaa ng John Murphv, ?I7 I'eaS ?ti"e. betweeu Centre and Park a.reeta. All orders paaetfr A $8 000 WORTH ?r N^W- AWD ?COND HANP Clouting wanted fir the tlty ard Weatera marK't tor wu < it the u gheat nrt e ivl I he gtreo in " " calling on or adilresaltig WA1 Mil, 41 Centte atreot. RE8TAVRANTS. _ ClOME ONE, COME ALL?OREKN T. P.TLB BO0P AND J Straka, hICKANlML.L A I t>;? t,, ? Nassau itra??, corner of Liberty , nn Momkiy, M iy l ?. Ij^ F. O., JR., WILL Pi E.tsr, M ,KTO. H. F. ON MON U. day. May 19, ai I I*. M , at t, ? ial TDining asm..a, St iVs?f>Sti strest, cun"r ol 1.1... it), n> partake of some da> llclous Oreen Tmtle Soup an . .tteaka. CAREEN TURTLB SOUP AND STEAKS SERVED Vt T at the Eiceliutr Dtninu Ki tun, corner of Liberty and Nassau streets, on Moadny, Mn j 19. JAMBS WALSH?LATIi li \ i KNDBR AT " TUB Kienchman s," 1JU i:i.ti' v m i be*lad to inee- idi old friends at his pla. r, IW ' ' . et, In Sue Kdoi tull.1 I?g; ; rTHB LOVERS OK A liOOD OaME OF Bft? Hards.?I do not wlah to ilic at. b/iit they had battaa call at 199 Fulton street, between llr/tjadway and Kaisal atreet, near the Hsrald ofllae. Btl.iai16 cams SPENCBB. toa uf? foft obMHfioIffoii mo LET-AT $875 PER ANNUM, HALF 0- Tlli X brown stone Dwelling, vmb all mod-rn impiot ieat% 207 West Foriy-elf <-h ???irae',, between Eighth -.a'l N atk ??# >WR