Newspaper Page Text
SITUATIONS WA'ytKD-FUMALES. AWIUOW UADY OK rrVi N E\IBNT, RECENTLY* thrown upon ''^rowu r ihiurciti, deiirt'S to procurii ?ituation ai h""'*'lu a ganilemaii's ihu.ii,v; will e*ert herself t? pro'^dt,, tha Inie.aator hi-r employer and!make h<?ine pltfrf/i tud ':unupi]i<tl. Attilrrnl Unt, M. K< B., 40# tlb av. K ftK.H'EC TABLE YOUNO WOMAN W\NT.S A 81TDA A uini u minx and ttom'Xnrtld. Ca.1 for two Mays at fc; W. -.1 Will St.. third Hour, limit room. Oily rcferettce. ? YOUNG american WIDOW LADY, having, BY J\ tL?lo?ioi liei liiiMian 1, been eoiniielled to e.'?n a sltu ?muii a.- SBiiunln^ < in noma prilil' family Is willing to uiaku briael: c< n>'ially iixuiul .iq %.iy one who may iwrilra her services. be.-* reliMB.iiea^iVou nil required. C?U lor two dais at 172 tut 33<l St., ffiKit ruoui, second iloor. KNTLBMEN who WANT THEIR WASHING DONE "J Ui a super.or syrd* w .it please cull ai it f.s^ex m. Situation wa-vted-by one wiio thoroughly iio^iK i Ku-tuos*. as bomkeepr lu a hotel, in o.'? .? ,,i ihocity; the moat unexceptioaalrte rel'eretu* as 10 r< s^u al'liityaud capacity. Audri an a B., Herald o'.liee. "WET ?ltl,-E.-.V RESi F.CTAU' E WOMAN, WITH A lV lie* urvait of in.I.,, i? desi.ous of a sltu.iliau ?? wet nuiH' u a i e.-peetable luuliy;besi cltjr reiereue*. vail at til?)i Hr uilway, up t-ta i?. \\T tHIED-UV A BBSPBCTABLB anp EXl'eri >V e.ueeu girl, a iiliuai on a oil ,nin rmald au.t Maitr"."; wn d n si in was unu; so> t reieraiieu; no hotel or bo_iM Mv u >? keener* need -^iny. Ai p.y for si* days at W Navy ?t , UiuoKlyn. WANTED?A SITUATION, AS CHAMBERMAID OR onu .r..->i o nui w, ii% nyoun^ toman (rum t ie country. Apply "l or ml trt'CB, 57 J\V is ,i:i ton etreet. WANTED?BY A COMPETES? P8KMMABBB, EM ployment by <h? cay, In .Nev York or Brooklyn. Ad Oci'. Dressmaker, M tx.klyn Tout oilier. SITUATION9 WANTSD-MAUOB. AYOL'NG MAN, WITH FOUR YEAIt.-)' EXPEJU" en- c i.i the hiMwareatid house furuiithlug (main, ?-> fle-ii- a i situation in a wboktutle l,o ?c, eitin-r in N.r.v V, rt or Jt rt?n. Refer* to l> cacnt employers. Ad Ircss Oscar, >ui it Brooklyn Post olUoe. A SITUATION wanted-BY A KBSPE< ."PABLE Ji yiiuiu: man a < valet or priiati waiter. woul.l like to engag ' wMti a & nt Ionian i r u tamily to K rope. Has til* best oi rcl. re Lice. Address g. C., Her..10 uj'c\ AKRHNilH gentleman Or' GOOD education Wuui'l like a MtuutUiu in n ritapoetabte Ainereau faiulK. lu In.prove In the Eu;IUh lan;i.a^ ?, uti i wuiil i gi\e lew* i\s in Krvneh for bla boiml unly. lieai city refmeii..e? giv> u. AdJrcns A. V., No. VJ r' hi. situation WAXTBD?BY A GERMAN OP UOOD AND O meady nabiiM, uiKtersiamllnK U >o*ki-i |iing, in a wlmle ?aie fiort:; aumdy emp.oyiueni pi ei'orred to bi|ili wugea. Ad drvh- M. T., box l:>t lieiaid oiUce. W ANTED-A I'OKTERS SITUATION* BY A REI.IA *T b e iiiiid. him been lu store wb *rc now employed lor t*el\ e year-<. AUdie-s Hurriauu, bo? 27 lirwoklj u Fun ?Uioe, WANTED?A SITUATION IN A LAW OFFICE. BY A yuuuj man who has iiraollOeU phouograi-hy. Addreaa tai TM, Bridgeport, Oonu. HELP WANTED?FEMALES. A LADY OF intelliuencb AND REFINEMENT 18 wanted as housekeeper. Tc om: who uiu loan the uit Tei User $i,u.J0 to 42.0UU a pleaa Kl nnd perui.ineut Hit'iatl. n ?wi'l U given, at a liberal salary. Address It. Wueatou. He Vald oEce. txressmakers WANTEB?CAPABLE HANDS AND XJ no Oihors may api ly luimeulateiy - to Mine. A. G?<a>n Bosm ,1, m Woosier st. Dressmakers wantep-atmme. failmer's, m Km:. iii av.; none but urst rate hamls neeu apply. ,/tIHl.S WANTED?TO '1*ACK tobacco. A1TLY AT 2W Waf.T ?u M HOUSEKEEPER WANTED?A MIDDLE AGED Wo man, to take Mte entire rnarge *1111 do nil the work of yr miiH.ii oicipied by onrk^.nn. Apply at l.i Pari ate. (Mi ave.). between 34 lnndiW ^ Ladies ok good business tact and address a.'e who ed fora permanent, nanecuulc c .nd remune rative position, oe.upvlng (in call* a i<l couvert -a on) from three Ui ?J.\ houra daily. P.ease answer, giving I nil address and reference, Ffei,aiiinr->py, box 1,*J5 Poal o? ??, N. Y. A NT ILL A HANDS WANTED.?A FKW GOOD MAN til.a i,ae4s; alao bae or two operators, *7ith their nwa. llu> s. Ajspiy linnio .lately ut 7V lM.anaw.-i" * I., up siaira. NURSE AMD 4BAM8TRKB8 WAX ?D- - ? IIOHT diauiDoe in ihe country; a tidy ?'? riaan ^,ri?;o take Crge of tw* children, lour and six ye-cta etil; mil vi-ill t<1 make licraaif generally useful. U narcepUtnH. ? > r?le reuo a reoHired. Call ou Monday, between 'J aud i.l A. M. and 1 ; nd 2 P. M.,*l the store .10 utid 38 Be.icl?y st. Saleswoman ?v anted?fob oiw mriiEoiDERY and la>? department; none but enpertenced p? r?on? Med apply to Jos. Kuiome, tiroadway, corner of 2?m ai. WANTKD?AOKKMANGIUL WHO UNDRR8TANDS rooking, washing and ironing. Apply Ho. 10 Paiir. ptsre, Hoookca. WANTED-A GIRL, WHO Id A GOOD W'BSK A!f) can new wall, to go to toe I aland oi Cuba. Apply at 138 Baat 12th at., belwetu 3 and 4 o'ciock 1*. M. Xlf ANTED?BI'VLKAT. FIRST CLA8S DRKSSMAKKRS; ?f none O'lmrs need <ppiy. Aim, s.-t rm apprentice*. Apply at lull Bleeclter It., third block iveat ot Vroadway. ?WANTED?AM AMIABLE, IXTECJLIUKVT, KXPSTtl VT enee.1 person, a* nurae, in a ttadeetuaa * family; one af a ?.j?? u >t usually reached by adtcrtisemeuta dsauod. Any c.f.rgyuian having knowledge or a worthy woman of the above d*~rlptlou In Ills pariah would.confer n favor by di reetmj; her to the advertiaer. A p easant touts and wilta.bla *a, ca will be gi\ an. Call to-morrow at AM) ?to av., bctw ;en Utll and 14th it*. WANTED?GIRLS, TO A880Rf KAPKKS, AT tt Leonard at. hone bat thuac aacuatoucd to aucb v. ork ?acd apply. ANTKD?TWENTY GOAD CLOAK - MAKERS.-AP piy to W.J*.. Ho Deris, Mowary. w HELP WAVTKO-H4LRS, A OK nts MKADVt'AKTKH.'i?MaUR tTIIANCB for parties out of rinpltiy mrut?Aflt-n aw* a ted In all parts at the world t') engage in a rupe.teuia aioney makir.? en larprlse. 0?H*jd or adiliaaa, en>-|(?lai stamp, RI< 'UARDS A CO , 438 Broadway, New York. AGENTS supplied WITH ELLIOT'S HAND ST AMI'S and lion...keepers' Humps. Call arvl are. T. W. MOOKE, 4J6 Bro-uwa/, uapol lor JCU:ot?a Pocket Re volvers. Boy wantkp-in a coal opficr ; mpst write a t,ood, plain hand; one who lives with bis p.irent*., in the vicinity oi ffl.1 ft. and 3th ave. Apply between 8 and 10 ?H&*k at 1V& W?jt 11th st. .T>OY wanted?IN A MERCUAXDiKE BROKE* 8 1) a litre. Api ly at 83 Quid street, up|>Uirs, before lOn'e'.a 'k Mouday mors log, CLOTH SALESMAN, IIAVINK (M SfCMEHS, WAV!' ed?lly a >iua.ll bouse, to sell ou unmail?kiun of ne a?nt; none other ami tad. Audres-*, wilh-t jierenre, (i. L G.. box Ml Post afV*. WANTED-OENTLEMEN, WITH BOM1' MEANS, K ?T laae th-exrlumve n. bt forthj dllf. rent Sittiea for lh? aal of a recently palemed a: 11 le LU-eral anMflHMSH will he made witlitbe rlgtil part Ira A rura ? hunre. Applf at No. i UnalJsaHanM. "Et r a GAOL. WANTED?A BOY, ISOlt U YEARfi Or AOE. TO AT tend u Irmt and wt .r s ore; uw rtiio hsu been ma ?lore hel'ofn and t-an liriii< lb- he,tt of rr'. i, nc>-a at to bonrntv. Ac., from Ins laat plaee. Onl at I'Jl ? rflub avcuuo, this lUiunday) moruiu^, fro.n y to 1 l-u'rk?k. WAM ED-AN lii.? M.sH, 1HI8H OR iiCOICH GROOM%j iMiiKt bea Pculcatant. Apply to Uvi iv Murray, 3T" Bast 13th at. WANTED-A BOY /BOLT 16 YEARS OP AOE, TO woi k in a a' raw aoc M7 Okambers sl, N. Y. woi k in a a'rawr ape la la-'Ory. Apply at (J. V. Blake'a, WANTED?monday.,KORNING. BY70'CUrCK, TEN roai pa>s< rs ju 1 Bv? .Vein n fur a fct*'?ava!iip. Apply tj Ran<lall A Kl'.trrly, I".' $0 Nfe A, - p atalr?. "tlTANTED-IN AN UUTfiRTIM if M t AX \'TIVK, TY inieikhent and will,tic '? to 17 yea'4< oid; mtint re aiue with his | areata In t.iu city, and he ai tur autre in tha rruing at 7 oVl< ?t. ?Utuy Mrat year iJfl. Apply to Thus. Dale .t C ? , IS Wajrrji ai. t-p stain), alu r 3 - l'. M. Wanted a bos whc hai a rn<?wlei.'?b ok lettering; none a;fc?r* n*?d apply lo a1?.\. fc. utUon. AC'road.vay, near Ma^aine at. X17/.NTED?IN A DfcY OOOflS COMMISSIONi.'OI 8E, YY a youth about aiil* n yean ot ige w>.o can wrU a fair ban''. No salary urat |u-ar. AU lreaa ooi 1,744 Pu#: ortlee. With I .'tereuces. TUB THADiwR. A 1'U.nOiJRAI'HKH, W HO HAC POIt V AKS TRA' BL IrathruiiKh Central An-rnaajil t H ml India laisnda and who ? at prs* ut in 11k city, ??? 'tis ~ opervtar, who basgieat es[*r,? i.? and a tbouni.tlt knov ledge of ptoto ftiilty to return wltb lilm. He w*A!* a man on wl'.oae.aM uty lie ran depend, and to sw.'b he eirerrarare rbanur to .ma' a money. Address Op>-rat >r. He aid oiliva, lor ten daj a. Cn.iiu:tttii<-a(iotis eousid* red csnudt^tiiai. C1abpet mouiun IVANTED.-TO A GOGD J worKntnn U eral wages will b pa d. Also, a nutti u> Uim mid I aii" shudea. Apply 19 H. (j. iMllmer, ItM UraaU mte. i, Wlulataiburg. Harness rakebs.-wantrd thkbe haRNEm uiaki r?; mi but Drat class workineD need apiuy; not ^vpiirrd to make (ig saddles or |ia>ia; one mu?l undi rftsnd aarrnt,e t> "inid . Appty to iiarrifan, 67 13Mi at.. lUird Amu west Hioa^way. HOI ?K PAlN WRfl WANTKD.-NONE BIT OO0D wvirktiien need apply. A Wo a Bey to learn the house ftalutl' g trade; otic frln) has been -nine time at the business r>ml1 n-ivl. Apply to John Hyina, 3/4 Hedson st. ORNAMi.NTAL J Af ANNIES wanted?AT NO. $1 > ulton itrrel, up sutlra. ?J>AINTEh.' WANTED.?WANTED, TEN OOOD HOUSE J paint ra. Apply at tl o pan t atore, No. 101 3d av., Sa. Iwm.i I7ih and.lfltu sts. ' TJ HARNESS makers-WANTED TWO OOOD GB neitil hands. Apply li,un?llai?ly to 8. LOWBIE, 1U3 Broad way, betw.f Tw.mly-6i>t?nd Twi my nd atram fWO GOOD TIK R'.'OKKrtH W tNTKl) tN E OF THE* A IIIMS. be accustomed lo o. (Unary Simp work. Nona out *?M'l workme. , who can came wull recommended, need ap I y Call < n,? a Idranfoi two d > ? (Jhadc.viae A Brother. lotikers, N. i. 'PWO rU MBBBB WANTED.-APPLY TO L. C 7oHN X sou, 7V Jsra yar.,Jcr*.j City. WANTKD. % FIRST CLASH I'HOTOORAPHRR AMD ami.t.mist, it L.i. lllfks'Mallerv. Lei lit .nd strent, *',llllsii.' t n . Nmie htu e ulto tlinro i.hly nndafstsnd the n? n 's- i,e d apply, ralary ftian tIA to 418 per wiek. \I AMEO-\ PHOrOOI. ll'IIEB; OJIE WHO UNDER I ? s .'n - p tutu; ami i niug U)ru i icloief. Anply at W, mows, 144 try, r'UbiNCH A D VKUTI* KM KN T8s I ' 'oMME pJ< 'i0 INS DISUSE K I'Hi.ER sn|T , et ?tn.tier tin iniln a I?<a npagu ?, daua ' uueli lei. OII J|our l'>r?lr ina fi iillj-. p.. ,- atH"n,M s I ? a t ? ei >| ma|?u| Isai asu, ciMlie. r, e'ti I' oa laay. i ^ ( j)H? WOODS. D. 1882.# 637 BROADWAY, 1862. IN ENTIRE NEW STOC'C 01' SPRING MILLINERY OF SPRING M1LLINBBY WILL BE OPENED ON MONDAT MAvltt. ALSO, 6EVKHAL CASE.- OK STRAW BONNETS bam, BLOOM Kits, ?c.,"ifOR MISSES, BOYS AND IN PANTS, AT SIMMONS* " GREAT MILLINERY F/rffORlUM. tllE OLDEST E3TABL1S,,\TkNT UN BROADWAY. _ Kg, 8IM.MON8, G37 3roaa .v?y. j^t 351 BROADWAY, STaANO, aukiasce a 06. will offer on Mondav, I9'ht>s:., A LARUE ASSORTMENT FRENCH JACONETS \NT> ORGANDIES, KllOM VUOI'ION, from l.'< tu 25 cents, usual i >r?c - > to 50 oen'i, KAt,T COLORS. AlsoSRVErtAL HCND.'lliD tiKENADl.VE, OU'iAN'lUK in.l BAREGE ROBES, ? r i t-ss Tilis ONE-HALT' TIIK COST OK IMPORTATION, Wil'H A LAli ill ASSORTMENT OK DESIRABLE DRESS POOPS BY TllE YARD. it POPULAR 1'RIOES. ELEilANT DKKS3 8I1IKT3, Ou hand and ma le to order. THREE AND FOUR i'l/i LINEN COLLARft Latest London and Paris styles. OAt'ZE MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWETIS, Highly recommended for lummer one. THREAD GLOVES AND GAUNTLET^. At much l*ss ih in regular prices. FINE LISLE THREAD liOKE AND HALF HOSBs Unrivalled in style and quality. CALF PROMENADE GLOVES, Mew aud Ue.iatiful color*. ENGLISH FLAKNIJL FANCY SHIRTS, For the army, nn. y aud traveller*. SUSPENDERS, II'MBRELLAS, A vpl indtd assortment. A lsrgj and t variety o. iho nbcr? goods, a* w?U assvery ai;io>o usually kept in furnishing store*, will L*e lound at popular pitas, ut UNHCN ADAMS', 637 Broadway. MALTiET, i * NO. 13 ULINTON PI,A(;B,"nEAR BROADWAY. Straw Hats, Flowers, Htobon.i and Mlllia'-ry Goods. Mourning Press Caps. ? LlNOERlfi. Lanos Articles of Novelty. Costume* for Chl.dreu ;ind Misses. Plomberieg Goods for iravc Dr.; dr.'sses. Part oi the above goods hare yibt beeu re jeiv?d perftteana. er Hamioonia. A GWCY FOR THE NEW HAVEN LATENT SHIRTS. MADE TO ORDPR OR READY MADE. The cheapest, finest ar-d best littlug Shirt* offered is the city. -Also, a large and splnndiil ussortmenl of MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. 'Gauze I'ndcrsbirte ar ' Drawers, Ties and Rcirfe-fttocks, ' Hosiery: kl>l, tdik and'lisle thread Glove*; ki!k Handker chiefs, A'-., at the Shift and Toiler Depot, Num. 07 and 8J VVil i'-tiu street, ouu dovr ?lortli of M ilden luno. Theodore c. ukaxkis, Agent. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ENGLISH CAIIPETINGS, OILCLOTHS, AO. fke.s'cii paee-r, hangings, window shades,. ' OILT CORNICES, Kl (is, MATS, MATTINGS. 1 J. W. COATEfc/No.SU Ilu.ifmn street, fourth doer libra i bpiiiH street, invite* ill ', attention of cash buyer* to lit i una, autl aitiai:li(e ntotit, biuglii :it h w holrffoiu bankrupt 1.000 piece* BagNrh Brasiiclit Carpet* at SS ..entae-r yd. 5J0i'lece-1 brxc-plj a- N&oruta<per jd Ml pUicc* Extra qttaiuy Ii,?i*ia *> 76 eeutmper ,d M> pleoe* frioc, ail vw* t <uw cenu^e,- Jd OoodCarpeia at *j cent* per fd. 10,000 yardc trie English Oilcloths, to bc-coW very chaap. Fine OoM aud'Velvet Paper Hangings.,. at ?o cent* per roll. Fine iwilin l'arer at M u*r roll J|WW i'alr?an?'.lol I VVindow Suhiia..... ?t (ip rp.ur Flue OolA and Velvet SSi.i tea at io perj ^Ir. ^RNOLfl, CONSTAMLE A CO. ; WIlZ~OPEN, ? Ou MONDAY-MAir Ikmmt, A largo ?jn?mef L.UJffi^'-C'SNTIJiMEN s TiTl MISSES' SUMMER UNDER GARMBKT8. . Togrtlier w;tn a variety of |?ILK, ?SM.'IIUMAN, EV':!..>-1I LUU THREAD and |j COTTON hosiery. F _ CAM \L BTKEET. of MERCER STREET. f^RWOLD. CONSTABLE t -CO. i WILL ? ?PE V Alt RETAIL, ON monday, may. 10, "IKE THOUSAND i-'AHEGE RHAWLC ? AL.*v? f<J)owing low pric?M:?> 1 MO hIJA.'i'L&mi *1 M WjO/IXH $&J6 1.?W ?? ?if:oo~!~:. ? . $ioo. Wt " at tilO .Z ? ^00. _M. _ A Ho, HIVE ni'ND.lED* GRENADINE at *440, worth ?1C OP. ______ CAN4L STREET, corner rf MEPCER. ^N IMPORTERS | and MAMrFACTUMtRS' HALE cloaks, MANTILLAS, Siefll'ES and '?UAWLBTfl, lit lilu'j, *1 V and . .t?, r >lfl f *!??),? ' fur ifcc ne. u dUty day,. ?; w ' *, ,h? ?T>?-?i?t un.? utled n'ute of lf->i wholesale trade.lV a ?frcrt ?? li .v ?det. rrolru ldhq** u uf the ualaaoeaf theM ato-k far tlir next ats'r daii at r? d.i ed prl,-rc_ _ J. * j. Hcmkj, * LE EaUrD An ELE'JAJW di IPLAY *r OlffER iiA?*EJSTS FUR INDIES, ? *il t auJ t.'ie n?w fabrics The ETmbiMoikCluth*, Introduced laaj tf,e KiuwMn o?*2Z U5 ?< ^Cdo)T.&?^rn FRENv'l BA< TAJ-flLTOW * A hf , .SIELEl'4 r>-ieea noreraod hi *.h t q.uui:> ; out In all cn??* moderate I'iUW l SUiesCMt aud^aritmalt'ore, w. buchajian macke^zIV, i-n,' L?cr Ribowna, Mo'wfoMotJpn?, A? , Ar-., will ope.m ' A Mt|9 ANorlniont oi A'Hiii tli^ cmh aucMou laVii Ravrvtiv i lilliiWACINU i? Ji . n 1'iAlit? of HofiQ and '?r u'"ic" ^ '? WW" Kill. fi?!ks ?md Uqmat LACE Si JT.j, a l ir? t HH<?rt/n^nt. fcvj^i.oii>hJUK8.- citing ) %'Knmn 4a fleaikcmlusfii. (kT rC it fcj?rii?a i? 1'olnt an1 K.uit Sfc ?" c u*. "uadAai'c blcta, Bi .ndr ''"riwwSnt ' Wtoni?a?d Ucua o. ?v,vy nwfc,; HIIJBCNg ? HUtari'iM N9.4, trlBimlng width. . JHl*"nas ?!"?' triiaifiing width. ikaaaai. i * J.WwArtou* JfomS *0 and 24 Mod 40 toi A) of m^1? t '* 01 111 ?W witch under the Tomil.iiia^iaud iltewnaAeiw* liberal ll-eonol made ARW?HK?Nt| A Hiri.'OH.KY II" a? *iih, nnar EleeroUi *ti??t. At oravv jtrkkt ore. k^veet veathers Day. trcm* Woci of French Hubert la tha dty to To 'Milliner*-Another lot of the ? aatt A?Mk Ritnchea. ^ JtOWA ? - Entrance to 4bii Capartmunl, JtBWAHD RIDLEY, SII And &LIX Grand ? treat. street, Bowery. , C Allen dreet, Fifth black eaat f?? n tba Ar grand STREET CIIKAP STORE MRA* BoNfET^ And AU the prcvaill.^^^,^,.^,,, md, A1?o in lh?RAVD ?*KET CUBAF STORE. ^ WIIOLRSALE tEPARTMENT, 209 CASES '*t Altlt >IT?-.,f KROM AIXTIOM .... Atii'iinau of MILLINERS AND ( Ol'NTBY DK.VI,ER8 requested. EWV'AKD RIDLEY. mrn i,ra'"' at ret", Fifth block east from the B<?<? ?ry. T GRAND STKRKT CIILAl'STORE" TlHHI.H.,ttt|i ol fit* A . . , MONNET RIBBONS, AlKla"'. n?^ y'rl7,yWn' " *"d ?!"?<>?. kancy and brocaded ribbons SmuML* " 4 l" 7S TO M i'lL^NERS ^11 P? ?OCABlONS I lt()M AUCTION. ^ IIA ItOAINS t Bonnet ribbon* FROM 0>K i>oLI.AR THE PIE''B. edjvard ridLky, 811 and .<li,4 I;rand *irr?f. An tvpeHenend Tn Vl,^ V, 0*ltl? ro.lENTi.EWEN ~~* ?01 Ui iml street T- O llQ.NOUIIUE. A A DRY GOODS. T KIM'KY-S ~ BloH . U AVENUE CIIBA P 8TOBj?. BAltUAlNP.VROM AUCTION. U).0UU 8T11AW BOMMKl'd ifHoA AJOTloN. Straw B iiui-Ih, Sc. S.ilH Stra-va, 2V>. bin,* I o.ineu, 12; Spilt 8lraw*, 31c. Straw Bounet*, Iso, hum Straw*, Asc. Straw Bounds, 25o, Split Kti'?*s Straw Bonnet*, Jla Split SU?w?, S>:. Straw Bound*, 37c. Split Straw*, &W. Straw BonueU, fi>>? Spilt Slra **. '3c. Straw Bonnet* g.,111 Straws. BSC. btraw Bo.- ? ?? 8plit Straw*. ?! b raw ' i~ fcp i Btraw*. 1 J6 d >1 ' Built 8tl?w?i 1 fl? pretty uo* style Straw Bonnet*, 2'c. 1,0)0 tap ' t.raids, new style, IS..nunc I?., Mc. 1,00(1 Neapolitan* and If:kir B ?:ui? h, ,rs>-. 13740. 1,0011 O unstable and l'? J il U.abli, 24c , &1". ti^o. l.ihM liu?! Co-r-trg an i 8 un?t B.niieis &>??. 3,000 linn Bonnets, m .ill uow Style*, *1 tu H Blooinu ?* and Turbans, Mo. .... Bloomo..- and T urban*, 2je. Bonnet Prai.e*. Bloomeru and*, tic. Bonnet frame*, l-'jf;. BIoojii iaan I Turban*, !Mo. Bo'iuet Kra'.ie*, Bloomers and Turb>t.i?, .,0c. Dounel Fru'.i ? J% l.'Jo. Blooinnr* and*, Clc. Bonn t K a | Bloom* la and Tuibans, 7.V. Bonn el Fr 4lu, Si l->ie. Bloomers and Tin.ans, 18 At KINZEY'B, ?? Openuu' 2\ojo ya'-d* new RibboM. Bonnet Ribbon*, 6c. primming Ribbons, J?. Bonnet. RiblwiM, He. Trimming Klbfe nt, 4c. Boliunt 1-1 M..n-, 10c. TrlinmtnR Ribboiw, 5c. Bonnet on*, 12'iq, Kilje.ns, 4o. .t lit ? buns, 5c. |rilu Ribnons, H'. Bonnet Ribbons. 18c. /. Trimrotv Wbbons, "Jo. Bonnet R i.on?, 2ar. f rm-diia lt'bbn*. 10c. B -nnot own*, 2f-. ' Trimming K bbons, lie. Bonnet It nbous 2j-'. TrlnimHiR Ribbon*, Uc. Bonnet Ribbon*. 31c. . Trimming lllbbuns, He. AT KmBY&. n t s z"'(rj<Varils NuW Dies* Tilininlu'i*. Dress Ti I r.Tnins*,r.^ o Trlmmtn**, 8c. lire- s Trimming' j,.' Dress Trlinn.m s, He. Ditj. 4t rliiui.iif ? Dre** Til umlnK*. lllr. Dr.;** Trliutu' li;*r 5. l>rHSM TriinmiBg*, 12o. K OUNCES IN AH. STYI,K"< BONNET SiLKS B"NNKT CBAl'ES. BilMUOIDEUY 1)E "MtrMENT. , . ?, Auction liot Clearing Out. Lot "P Collirs, 6o. l?t of B.xnd", W Lo' f, ColUr*. Ur. I?otcf Bands, Vic. '?"I? of f oil in 3.V. Lot of Kan loo. ?V i of Collars, 37c. 1< t'Of Band*, it. ?. ,t of Oolli rs, ,VK'. ti n of B n is, 3^c. ixitnf Oo'h r*. 6.1c, liOt of Bands, 37c. Lot of O .liars, 7oc. fcot of Bauia, 5^'". 3,(*K) Rich Law Har.iiXeri'hl^f*. Me. 11) ikk) Ladiu* Handkerchief* (cheat) l?t), 5"., ft-.. Sc. llMKM fl?ny' 1/lntii Handkeri-blei*, lie., 16c. R.UH0 Lai(.?%' Worked Mufl'tl Cap*, aI'ic. AT KlNZEY'ii, 24,000 l'*r.s Hosiery and Gloves, frcir. a'irtlon. A,<?J Pair* TI *e,'6 ?. ,1 IH 0 Pair* 01ov??. ?s. n fan's Hose, H?r. '1,0 .U Pair* (J ovfls, l,(V?i Palm r? 1 St>? t'alrsglove* H e. 1,0 0 n^rs Hose. l,)a I fs O Pairs U o e?, 13 ?. 1 <> 0 l^iPH llrp, 12c. !,???! Pair* UloTWi. loc. I.OOO I'alrr, H.ise, lie. 1.60 I Palis Qlo?-??. 18c. 1 (XXl^-air* H.*:, lSe. 1,-'KK> Palm O ore*, 25c. l.OUQfrair* Han ?, 25c. 1 5(W Pair* <iln. es, 31c. G II III 1'aliH ben Alexundvt's silk. Glove*, 3S*. Bi?* silk MIMs, 2.V. ? . Bi?n wi.k MitM, 81c. Openln?, 800 lot* of Uorifbilk IS f.?, 3ie. -Auction Uood*. I?t>t silk Mn.'s, 4 le. Will he .Wum. kIlk Vr.t* :>.le. Keai.y on Bevtallk Wilts, 61c. Uonday mornini, iHtnt silk flilts, 75c. go<3?> at vthoixsku, f LESS T1IAN i!OB HERS' PRICES. W.M KINNEY. XU andttlBl(M ?T.. between Twoiity-fist and Twenty-taooiid sueeui. ALVitliE ADDlTION'tlAS BEEN MADE THE T4.8T WKKK > FROM TUB LATH PERK.V1 i'TORV AUCTION SALES TO OUR HITHERTO UNHEARD Oi?' CHEAT DRESS GOODS. Nttwlllistandlng ih? ta?rrea*ed duty on tmporlaUlVMj'fcnd lh?zreat lnerenae. In H:e ?>it ot Wf are sellinK BRITISH, Fit EN OH AND HERMAN WESM GOODS cb >(%p?r than has er<: been Icnown tu Now York, Wr prcb&bly p% t will lualn. '* E ARK BETATLnCO AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE 5 PRICES, L Wnd we buy unthtr* Mat is nut k A BARGAIN, ? AMD SJX.L AS WE BI T, CHEAT 10.000 yards CavoHus and liurege Angliv-.', at.v..mid iV^c. ' 12,300 yards Lavellas anil Harare Broobo it 9c., 10c. 1' and lt%n. f 10/UM yiitdf I'lir1.* Grisailles. at Dr..,T2^c. urdW:, ' liOOJ yavJs Po.l <V CiaeveM. lu choct-a, atrip"* atd-plain, at ? 1?., Is. 3d: "s-.J to^Cd. f 18,000 Mor.mliiituri, In 4rafc?. brown* -acd grays, at 3d .nd lit. <1. 7. 300 yaws Ilm iil>j:tted Iv.pHim, nt In. tf-. fl.lioo yaraM SHI: iud W'<>ul Ur.-imninis. at>tar 6d. .'.00!<yuJ<1*riif kml Mnliairii. ai^'/s. 3d. 3 0W> y?/d^ WVrp Pop luet, 2?. y?Kd?flWl P?iiillti?, 4k. GJ. 1U,0IP) yimN Sll. and W.iol Ba < i;c, in aU eotora, la. Sd. aB< lu tvu., -w< rth 3a and Hh. 8a. ft.M0?*rda4U k and Wonl Sni lu Plaid, 1*. 6d., worth !U. M ?,?0>>>yard? Silk and WuolC.?|?? de I'lilf. \<C0C., wo th 3? vavdsfe* rcge AngUvia. *11 wool lUlltig, and 2}+ yarrii virds v*> li>, nt 2s., loruwr price ?s. l'COO'iiarng^ Anglata Bot*?, twenty vanls, rt?"rn flotnott, at V. 1^9eB??kiugf Anglais Roltoa, twenty ywrds, seven flonnr??, ) Hi #2 t l^Jt yaufo filk Warp and Milt Volant, w>von*rolanl?, tt. I ALSO IN MOl.'RSING CMODC. t Ji.lW yard" Uit.k Hart-go aad La?*i"i. 9c. and 10c. i -B,0t)P wi d?-ii!aric Silk and Wool. K. and In. 3d. I A.ttOf jardf- black allk and wool K iUn l'ia?d aid Stripe, !a. 6d. ' 2,*W) ynhi blm-k all lilk oalin ph?:d and s'.rlpa Urena ? ttiiwx. J.: 6d. Atmo, Scwm broche figure Poll de. Ofc*ve, slightly damaged Ik? ?*>? voyage or imnoriatMii, !?r , #on*rrri>rlee 2s. Cd. [??BfJSID-E* ? SPLENDID V AftlETY OK OTHER (iOODS, C'HJ*ii*ER THAN IN AN* OlIIBtt HO?'^K IN jfjgW VOX K LriU-b o?r rely Mist this a<Ut'r?ifi"ia?n1-is bo humbug, and " *h??o?L:s arc realty aampreH/ nted. BAMAINfi. W. K. BWHERTS. . . No. U3 BtTWERT. V VM aw remember and look for tli? iikmm <n er the ? r..?iid liu not I'tlieve rvu?re In RUSKBTS',- anleu you lan aaao. Out out tbln ?dioruaomni.t for refercooe. p I F< 5!: T JJtCRAlN'fl Will bu offered forealr on It!(infer, Mtth las' , FannyJS.Ikn at 7/1'. Wi"? Btrljwd nnl Plalded Silk*, at $1. flats lllnrii SiU, ?l?'? worth<1 4U. Auotbe* -a-? Chin* Silk, at 9?\, wovlbtl 80. SUkGrn&adlnr*. a: 40-. an J 4.Vu Very rid Printed Silk Urcaadue, at-Me., ?cHt|l 29. Black an-*. white Cheeked Poplin*, at 3#c. New Pa#:i Printed Percales, just p?.*ira<J. Barege Grenadine Robes. rhtnlxdeslgne, ?t$lC? the dt It Bar#gp jlals, two yard* wide, at 13c., worth Otc. ( ?*>1 SETS New French Embroidered 8.-'? si half coet. J.fc.i ? H AJN, m Broadw? f. GRAK*> STREET CHEAP STORE, Great barg^-* in 1 EMBROIDERED COLLARS, SETS, BANIIM, AC. 1 The cheaue ' lino ol ' NEEDLE WORKED EDGIN08 In thin city. AIto hem eS'lrheU and p'alii Linen lla idkertb cfs, ehe tp Hosiery and Gioves, g-nuino Kid GMves, 44 tenia i mr pair. AIho new prurrns In white aod black Kflk Laces ?: *d Blonde. Al?u new Bar net and Trimming Silks. Alto new Trimmin.rRlbbou.i mid 1'mimlnce. Millnn uud ?Miliary deal .tu, wo have a Kr*et many Jc Iota well worthy of your attention. BDWARD RIDLEY. ill atd 311>a Orand slioet and ttti Alien s'.ruet, Huh block omsi Ii?iu the Bowery. < ? mi ?^ AT GRAND STREET CHEAP STORE, ! Call and Iiikim'cIou I THURSDAY, FRIDAY ANl) SATURDAYS, I PunJuurs In Straw Goods {rum > AUCTION, I And vrirate sale, oom|n iaini{ all tbe new etytea. and shapes BLOCKERS, BO NETS AND HATS. The roost eateuslve variety <-mn undoukts4Uy be seen At Ikll ealabll-fctneni. PJIV'B* ALWAYS RIGHT In the ?vtuiiriuil? ?briianineat; lUM raa??cf SPLIT STRAWS AND Tl.SCANS. Be?kie? aer?i tl job .o a. if .-ulured Straws, VERY CHEAP. lot of Brown Uivuti Lnalioru B. iomere at 44 cent*. EDWARD BJBM5V, 311 and Ai,'a Gi.aml ttroet, aaC Mb AU>'I1 street, fifth block rast (rum the Bowery. At DE PERCEVAL'S, <lo7 BKOADWAT.-AXL KjHDS ? . 91 n a Chxtka, J>r. sa. ?. Kleutsta. Bacquea, t ne mlaer Infant'a Witlam, Ap'ru*. Bibs, Biiakaia, iolai.i'a Cai?, /iiium 3 and Uarlbal.ll Cantun.aj. , ready aMr and made to or.jr. iadbs' raifcp>iilij? 1 Cheniiaee. ajiJ Nl^btai'ivn Yukesi aUo I idiea' really eijde chain lae*, NitAt* "' "? N'? cap*. (Ueakfaat Cape, Zot.aiu<CheiiilseUcs, (*i'. ? Uauukai ebtaie. *c. iAROMNS AT WHOLElUUI, mi In Kmbmi ieriei, Lsees, Laee and Bulialrti^Awia and l'olov, Collars B Vi IK Capes. 4r .Br. A. T. HTBAA.VrB CO. BHARUAUfB IN 8II.K8?-VT b BINNS' MILUNRilY, &il llro^dwuy. Straw Bonnet*?1 i.UUII Hiraw ttoun"U for Indira and children. Dman Unnnrta ol every kl ?4. Ulk boea. L. B1XN8' miiiinery, the largert in the worl I DUI'K 81UI8. BLAi'K ULKf. Jj CREAT SPMC1 All 8A' K Our prlcee 10 |*r ? ent umirr Mie ? n??ln* pur. chuae4 prl'ir to recent sdvam-r we Are i ai ,e to offer DECIDED BARGAIN* IN THE .i.fiVE OOOD8.. 24 luelt blaek <>i j dr K. I. e, at A/ ; ? ^-ril, and all o'^ier wliltha la proportion. Also, MantG. ?ii:,:?-..#lth very brilliant laatre. W. K. rSY i N. j?74 Bowery. CI LOT 118, COATINGS, J CASPIMERE* AND \ BSTING8, TUB LATEST AND MOST KASHlojfABLB ? I if LBS, Kor men and uoy'n wear, Ai popular mi-ra. ? A. T. STEWART* k CO. ^ TAYLOB, 713 Broadway, ir*l eornrr below Hew York liotaljk HAS AN ELEGANT STOCK u. LADIES' AND CHILDKr Vi HOSIERY. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SCMM ;R UNDBRWEAH. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S KID AND SILK GLOVES. ?oys' white suntr.4 and collars, . AMD MKN'S PI'RNISIiING GOODS. TIES, 8CARKS AND STOCKS. OAI'/K UNDBMIiTmM AND LRAWEQS. WHITE LIXKN AND JB \N DO. SI MMEH TTaLF llnsK. BORDEKED LI.VRN DABDKKRCIIIEFS. KID, USt.E jij(T?~?iLK OI. iVKS, At pup ilar prieeA I>KY GOODS. , /"1L0AKS, KJ MANTILLAS, BOTC.ynxEU, ?l?l*?l <?. Ar? ?ow citing HliVI NIT.K VANTILI ' ? t?KW Hli.K ?<fhK ^lASQURS. , NEW KH.K CIK'TJ,*P.?, A1)1?. . hK.. 8IUv 4KMI5LLPTJ. r- . ?? aatorment of hIi iho ?<?? ?ty,e? u han.;y -i"lb ti'.l Tai? Q i nl?|or the (uaaou, 26 p>;r cent cheaper lu.iii hiii ?u>iv in the city, " ?? ?" a I s|i? ml mt'iit.on (o oar $4, $1 JO and $9 Bilk b,'2 wor' b $s >1, $?'. vn1. 9?. our 8 .aw! a'vftV, \vh oh Is ennpuaed of th? moat rBy?' ? ? n'yles 'or Ibo triwin, ?Jn ' |>rli " Only, au i no connection with nnr oth r rtn-e In Ibe How >y orclm.-wlic.e. IIO.VB X Mli^K. ^JUBHMAN k BROOK8. S75 Ladie*' Split Str^w Bonnet*, $1. 215 ??v a La lira S[Jll Mimv H >unela, (I 21. 4,.J<1 Ui if*' Black S law li ?Mitel*, .Vx-. lo jJc. 8,000 Xuaea' iluim 74*. t., ?1 lo. THE BEST ASSORTMENT OP UDI US' AND CniLDRBN'8 fcTttAA BONNETS TO BK KKBN IN THIS CITY. CUSUMAN A BitOOKS, 4tS3 Sixth avenue, corner of Twenty-eighth atreet. ^JUSUMAN * BROOKS CUS1IM.VN *. CROOKS CIJS'IMAN .* BuOOKS cumiman /> i;u< ioks CI SI 1M vN A i OOKS C.'Sli 'IAN X BUuOiiS ASK the attention of t' e ladles to Uieir new liter* tW? week for choice O i "la. Mri Sixth Avenue, emier of Twenty-Eighth atreet. (CLOAKS, MANILLAS AN!) SACOUBS, J IN KVKKY VARIETY of MAl'KRTAU OK TIIE LATIisT NOVELTIES, AT EXCEEDINGLY fcOW I KICliS. W. Bi'CiiA.>iN Mmhk>?i>, :>.i]>t UEO. U.vRT'T, si. ana Quitatreet (CARPETING.?OfcO. KEYVH, 841 EIOUTII AVEN'HR, J ik iliUiy reueivto^ from auction au i imparl. r? Eu,.ii*:i, Brnsatli and ln&ra>n Curp--ta, Oilcloth, Window fc.-.idia. Ruga, Htta, Ac., at i op liar ? rica. (if'y, KBYES, 313 Bightti a?* nnf. (1LOAK8, MANTILLAS. AG.?O. J. OPPBMHBIM A J BROS., 317 f.'itnitl strec, tvouM rc*p? ? ?ll? < aIt the at tention of eke r nuiu mm c iato e * ami the Ih?II> m hi ? '???e riil, ?? ttiPlr nnw i.M.1-',?,ua!it a-soi ;iii. nl of L* .ic?' OiiUMt Uar I'.ciua?such I'!' ???. M.inull .t, Sar jut-e, \c.,ln all the lav??t itc.t most appre(ed n.jlcs. 3i7 tltniUBI t. fyottFTVH and SKIRTS.?MRS. ELGBR H\S RE \J uelv.'il four mure < a?is of h<;r nice il:tl!:<[ dollar Com. ta; ?Ito m tot of Wi'n'ey'H l'atont Knmth. very -li-w. N B.?Beht ?jitoel SkMi for 3to< Fri-uch Kid*. 'iSc. 5*) Broadway, n. ?r | Xlntitocuih airtiet. t -/tCRTAlN * ?' TERIATiS, \ \-J rURNlTtlua COVERINGS, ] UPHOLBTERI:!^' tJOOO.S Or' EVERY INSCRIPTION. SOLOMON A IIART, No. :i .'j B -.ul" IMPORTERS AN-B DEALERS, fall the att* itioii ot whole* 1.111 rcuui buyrs to the great bargain* vW icli they are now olidring In ihe above goods. CBVAItAX WOOL VE87WOR Additions will be. m*4c to liis popular style in white grounds, ulaldeu in luamw, purple ami Drown, at very low price*. 1''.'DERBY <k COMPANY, Tailors, No. #7 Walter street. CIARPETS, STRING, ISM. _ . _ ) SAxminstcr, Wihou, Velvet, Tarpostry, Brussels, Three ply and Bupcrline In^ratn CARPETS, of l> b moil celebrated EuglUU and American manufac turers. Also Oilcloth*, Canton an-? Cocoa Mattings, Rugs, Mats, lln'.r Rods, *> ., ac., At ?*treniely low price*. A. T. STEWART k CO. / 11TARX.OTTE O. SMITH -*. 7 Solicits the attention of the todies of No w York to her exclusive and i tenant styles of Paris I'l.O.YKS, MANTLES S.'ARKSand8ACQUES, Comprising a lull wrleiy of all iht la', at and most select novelties, with a b?rj;<* assortment or very choice Garments, manufactured express!) for ity trade. 1,142 Broi?d\*ay, one door above Twenty-sixth street. EMBROIDERS AND LACES, ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, ?It'ST OPENED, CONMSTINtl Of Blank Thread Laoe Veils, from $2 25 upwards. Black Pusher Idni Veils, troui $1 and upwards. Magpie ami Wresndlne Nells, 111 all colors. Blach. Thread Gulpnre auil y n uoh Laces. Black l*ru Klruucin^s. $1. f25, $1 SO UK1 $3?regular price*, $2, $" All, $3 sua $4. Mantilla Oonirct and Shawls, at half prices. ; ALSO, 1,000 pteres t)f >'.ilen. lennea Laces, Is. per jar A Real Pixnt-Lar : Collars, from $2 upwards. Guipure and Valeneleunes Collars ami Sets. Lace Oitt CTer, ttarbes, Capri and ll.tndkcrchiefs. Freneh 4Md*tteotnh Embroidered (Jotter* and Sets. Bri*ak:u(t and Travelling Collars and Pets. Infants' Wauts, Kobe*, Mi l Mtmlin K lxtngs ail Insertlnfa. T'lflethrr villi a lull assortment cf every article tak-tlie trade?alVW leiuaitkably low rrl eg. E. W It. LI AM S k CO. <late Peter Roberta,!, 42V B load way. UWFWGD Rt*BKX. V MEXTCAV PA-??^E JU $1 00. LBS IAIN, J728 Hra*d?*y, corner of Waverley pta^e. J I. BRC fiVAL, 63J BROATWAT.-INITIALS AVID ? coats of i ruiH embMidered on handkerchiefs, tal tie neu and ImhI e' Dili*-*; enUoii and rilk embroideries made .to order; sumplti g tor embroideries ?nccuiel in the mcst p er feet manner: ir^nstrmai.-, lacee mended and done up like new;*ei t|W rWaned aiwi imale over IpttbJMU >UND AMKRlCUkK 1 n?.p. HMtcmros. SOLOMON * HART, K.i 349 tirrerl way, I IVOETKKi-:, MJkNi KACTl'RERS ANU I'KACTIrAI, PAVER IIAMiKK Hawwtt" lor; pal aJxl <M-iu?r<ra??< Mo.-k u( ttar ubovt gor> la In ibis inr-nrt. rhejr will eell them by rlir lot cr ro.l to w! ioU ul" aud r< U II buyer*. ?ml u UHaJtr ttidrrn to Imuk ihel t, ID plaiQ?:vd de x)rat:re atyies, awt miull nlrauc" on ?c?L 1AA*?:i FUWII KAN6III-TIIK .HOT WUrUEB IS ? ujvju >i: i. Yob cut t cp-ei.01 I'jp 'on|^nJiug Site , Mir. or $1 for a liuD'litoinc Fan: and your rliki -q at tbnx* iow 11 icra from up?*r<U of a Uiuuaatd,?: the Original L. JACl IDS', ?U7 Mruadwigr. F. ?C2KBT * Of'trAWY, lAlJbCRS, # W in "1*11 t>u Wedurhda- f. Way 3. #? -lyl'n tu i rh|?!? I i.iuctM, CiMji i Woollen * viae finja, jil&uk. r), ?y * tiiClir *0. 67 W A Lk CR -r TRfclJT. GBC iCKYKS :)>??? 'iV't NAEWUE, WUT^ (WEN, ?r Xu:? M), st k- ? >r MwtKl e^giwil 'Jr?a? < tuod*, IV. it M*; *l?o, I ir|icui, Oil lota, V/indow Hkult , ? ivt U 1J| m tllca.M iowpr'V". Cirxat bakoains in r KEAl, CAVKL* HAIR ! IVCARE A Mi U.Ml Nil A W STRII'ED A.Ni> IU AIM ! I1DDLES. AIM'J FRENCH CAMELS IU> IK C HUHIUERH. "A11AL UEK.NA.Nt, MAREUE A M< S.IJi 00. A. T. STEWAKTAOO. G~RE*T BAJtOAINH IK LAOlitb' EMUK'AI DERZO PE TTK.'OAIS, (I 7A t??4 SOen ? h. I/ifanto' 9hlrtr% trimmed with Vulrnclei Uica laoc. SO-, earb. ?? " *nbiiil li-ri'd and " " " Infanta' N ji it troin 7/to and ? pwarda. ?? ?? Hilt>?, lie.. t'l Si'2 fk III. CfeUdtea'a br ?wn Holland. t*iuaf t?? at 60<\ awh Lei ? than hall tbaa l.i.: < o?l of importation. ?A. T. M4EWAKT A CO. H EAVY Cl'RitAINS, From U>o I lokMt Mid aaK soaUy T? Um cheap? ?t thai4M? made. ?0 LOMOH A~HA?T. Vih fibolatoran. mu ty, arc offering /real I. adueemanta la lk* abnre food*. t Muilhi Caruuii ?. M??iUM.>-?UM. BUnkeU, Com V m"nDy^ *<"'* ' rr'amli'jo^.l, 'rom ?uetUm, At .m -t?u .*??, c o HOOK iwin a rAVSLft' UAl ft AM STILL OTRN V a rrw ntr?or^V M.r n.l .r* ??,! drnlgn., to ' ,5J, ,7, ?.?Hf in bW' *0 Obit?Uon for ruMap U, Ek? V?:i unfV r^l, >?n^n. la ion* ?n<l mum* til l on Wnd- J- Wi wootttr ill** I trnwd di'ur bolow A'Vy**? LACB A MI'BUir CIRT. VIJOI, _ COLoMON a JJART, ltlipof Wi* *?. .-UW Hi T >niK>)' TRIMVIf<]M AND1 NCVEliTIE" ?J. DAR LllW. ?n fc iu"f.,lu" r. tof-rm. Ud \Ih-? > Nmv York, llmt he I, ?? ?P?n?d ?u ?u?r? ,ur ?*" (All, at en KroMW?y. if ANT1LI \8 AND BA.CQUKH, 1 *>B ?PBWO. yfr oH>r at retail th? bala-i f of our .?HQt.BSAUS STOCK MUKKATL'. RKDICBU I RK K8. ? ? ? Ti 1 iwdm-ttun no > ui n :n* < H *?T fhe"? |0<ith ?re mtilt la ihu vtty bt*l' u?ku??r ?ihI Id th* latent I'arl* ?> 1m. WOODBBITMIB A KBI'i *F, 390 Broadway, corner ? * Worth itMtl, MADAMB A. JA1'HERT-TL<)AKR. "AKW^lOa ABD llr.iwM.-I havi ihe h.mor (?fliiiorm i?t 1 buve. ttur.?l>rre.l my ?MabilAbni?iit fr ? 7?. HroaU nr to HI Ninth ?tl*?t, nenr Br'mdwruv, where !.?? W'rM 111 be djrf.y eililbltn.l. Madame Jaubert has ?. ?o opened it orkrcviw fir Indies' chlldrott't Dwwnn*tn<. that Wfl workrooM 1 ^ M4"'1""- ??? r.?M ta MMrtmW TARI5 CUMMER M aNTTLLAS. Alxo, C1IANT1IX* AND I-AMA LACB FOJSOS AND M ANTIIXAf. M> BU-ecker utreet. MA.NTILI.AHi W ANT,'.LAtfl A HI'liKbDID STi'CK OF Ali'i TIIK I.B A HI. ?<? STV(,B.H IMI'OHTBD AT fOI' ? J?A it I'HH Kf. rlF.ASF F.XAMI-ft! (II b" r'.vTKNSIVB STOCK OP KINK !H ClLTUN OliOTII aNU riKlllUBf, ""B W ?; vi: ANli i). it I1R1, ..I AM' M'MT/K t-i K MriOgt'Ba AT WW. Uf'AVY TA t KKT 4 ? II.K M ANrll.M* AT ?M AND $10; 11 WORfii flJ.WD ?i > I'. >?n. \V. K. KVIO.V, *"n. >!>,>.*? B->t\ory, t.?x*r !| >u?ii>ii DUV UOODM. ____ _ N'E V 81'MMEtt DKKSS 000!>S. 1 lar*a ml ata it of NEW AND KA8H 10NAHJ.K ijO Ji 8 ji'ue uu-at Importation*, at very low 1II1CM, Ml W. K. I'EVTON'8 ch~ap n'ore t'i How try, A Ik m iloo h ?"iil i of Houston ? irel. *TOKEl NBWG&TdBII S. i'.ICE, 8# BBOATIW VY UETwBEN EIGHTEENTH A_NiJ NINETEEN'! il hTi.JiKTS, hap Mim mi ned ? i ?w Hi'-: of Black QttaiiUly (tint Uuip r- Iac a. Ol>.: tcllll' ? O U7.? Willi, li? . Vait ?. ieiuwM E _ t> 1 i , llif? ? un 1 Bel*, Chantilly. R*al Rontt id nnd I'i tain r V. l -t, 11, Ue! Bi<il<ro.d< re O ?lur nota, Lm a and On. br M n h. Jacone Eil(! ngaund Inaertings, Tap" Bordered nnd Km iroideiei llaun.erc "O'A and Kid Ulovee oi a auper or qoa I ? a 7-"> oenia, worth 9m ,v KH E '83 H-omna), betwe n Bl ;Me?ntb an 1 N.uet u h ? tiv.-w, <-aai side. ^ New French chintz i.awsj and organoids from auction. ia?i cjlora warranted, at la. lid* uer yard, worth 3?., at 1UW ri.xih avenue. , ^EW YORK MOt'BMVG ?TORE, removed TO BB ADWA.Y. The laracal ami b**4 ii*' t1' * st<>ck, of MOUltNiNO HO> Di in the ci y, 4. A A. MYERS ft 00. QROANUlEti AND lAPONETif Bought at the rcc ut \arjt auction Mica, ARE NO '' KIT RED MVCn UNDER Kr.wUI.Aft PRICES t ARNOLD, O UNSTABLE It CO. CANAL 8TH KT, torncr of MERCK*. Ii.VTER HANOiN'O ANI? WINDOW K HAP, ,43, At WILSON A DEWKY'S, aw CA^AL Si UElilj Bro?,lway. Having purcha??d th? 8t<n k ??f one oi th# urwat hoimoB In Rruadwnvat on (l?irlth< ut of In P" 'u?t.ou, and ad ?d liirn-ly to It In NEW GOODS, are pn p/.rml to o' er Initucr. m. niM to lniy.-r? that canu..t ?<* ?d ' .ln vrhriv lu the elly, loUl WllO'jiSAi.E ANO ttliT VlU Call aud ?ee. It SAL LACES. A choice aelpy.lon in SHAWLS, VEILS. COIFFURES, COLLARS, Me., per steamer Fiftnua, For aa.o by ARNOLD, CONST ABL75 A CO., ? STYLES Rich paris orcandik hui jb^. \ N . mo tn jn.t of the NEWEST AN;> MO.ST E f KiiANT l.._ Ot t ?? ? a" 'O, wii" . ?>,. on MONDAY MoH ^1)NO, MAY IV, AliS, |H?r d*. 11 each. ORGANDIE AND Mu CSSKUNR 8atinbb, A nnw and Iv 4 t'.i. upi, ]<? for A new und l> *<? |ful arii l>: fur STIUS st irilKS: ES. A. V. STEWVRf Ik oo. H. MACY, 20* and 200 Slilh irrei' ? n.o doora behm Wjitrteeoth at. FXNF ; I,ACE OOOD8 From ajirttm thin week. REAL PUS Afelt LAOE MANT/IX>S, New ifyieefor 4(u^ , Puaher I?v:c Kha'\) A fs and $10. Pother La' ? Veils, (V)U, e*. Imitation Lu? Ve ,'rnm 3*. Thread tlord red ' fruia from ft. Thread \elia fioi 4 M). Point I*ic? Colli 0. rrjui-.-fi Bvery variety * ?n?r_. an.l t.lnck hIHc Ski n. llonliot und Ca|> !???% p*.iuiml tgfTM. Bar hfl. Ms j 'CoUTtrre*. rer J-ajw" liiiiftuf'ion. %>4 an>l llHi Sit x -nvcntui, iwo deer* t?*lo*i? Four*<?enth at. R1I. MAC t ? ?Jedfee'mwl Mla?e/??wjtdy raade INDF t KjINEN, in uto. k, nd iin*do ta order. * ?ook y anke'c-wrnows. Full s'Cck. FAtTS. Full PARASOLS a/vl ?VN UMIJRKLLAB. 2M and U)o I fet! kk-iihs, two door* l*1ow Ftairteeiith atreet. H. * AC*. 1 ?.W:K CUCTA1N &,i?' DRAP'CRIES, Now ??[>?? 'IK Emfarouierrd ' k\<r. ?ftTR.TAIWH, t?oni 19 a n pair. 9-t>Embroidered CI. j% IAIN LAi:f5t from 3a. Full line w ai- UViJFA ? . Embroidered ? (amXlit M&iUNS. I foRlticnum LAi'l fc mi l l.ACi; CI KTAlJW. Viguio-.Wim do tceU^WIKK MUSLINO. WHI'J X tH Ui?, Ac. VlTV low. 1M at 1201 Sixtli ereiiiie, ,frw?**K>r? below Four! tenth etreet R, R. a. maoy. -KTBPONfi. Ai.iiVM'K s riwK'i iTatribbcms Cic are now being ta. *ei? at a he ?>i ction. UA'tiMtt ruKoiAstc a ju-hlv in the . seahon we AJtE e K-\ to OKEK R all I'HE W,KJK\1?i.e S4lAi JKS IN 1 'J_ALf KlBBOSIM. ATA Will- bis, AI.Ij OI Al.IT IE8. at LBflH THAN rklflMKBT VfHOIJiri. iUS TIUCEB, since the last auv^xctt IM t he PK1CB ok HTIUtfOXJ. 201 and JOti mrruu ?, t.wr <luo.M be)*w fourteenth ?trtet. Ku . ' ladies' tail:*, k P olo ves. ALWAYS A KL'LJ t "!'( >-s .K t ll/BS txu colors. ?L H celehh I j ew PA: IIS Kl) ? ulovetf <ta cbst 6. 101 and 2U0 Mlxlb ?tcmi U iwefiooi ? twtow Fourteenth Mrtrl. otrano. ADHIANCElAOO. 3U ?roa7>? 'at. Will offer on M<mday iu* j<*k ^ CHECK SILKS. ?wr or l-LAIH POt'LTDK hoH? ... ?ALSO A LA&UE AS.sOKTMfcJ) Blark Tufletno and firojsraiii Hk'ia i Blark Oreo*dla< j, I* mlk ni t MDW NIL ?8, ltd: ivuo b SHADES BT STEaNKB. HOl.SK WANTED?IIY A SMALL, OKNTBEL KAMILV, In ag'HHi d I^hburiKHHl, not aoove Tmr \-.onUn at a notmdU reuC wutild board iroe for tufl rem. Iiuiim I mi it be In aood ordrr, and will poV.tivciv 'jt k'pt to. Tbo a, lv-trtl?er haa a pleii'y ol aood furnUiirt-. au l in n iln to do ali hr asrm to do. Wilijir rrjt 'ivntei. Will elf mil mail receive the brat ot Ad in ?? i?>* 3,-7? New York Post offl. e, ?ul > tad. AT ONE-HALF Till! Alta black Eraaul and Grenadine t J,h**n,J Italltlea. fBOM At.'!]< - N, USUAL f 1 Hi'EH. A Lt ? HOU ASSORTMENT GOODS FUITABLK FOB . *OUMlfl.VQ WITH SILK ASD CLj!f? VAXrrLLAA CLOAKS, NACyUES, . ?e. ? ?? ^ ART^4 cq V^IIISTS. RHUttM, SHIRTS. BADE TO OKblBJ A PERFECT FIT WaRHAK 'TBD. At Uc- trrrai fnrnlahlm h*>u? i .?f O* TAYLOR. 71.1 Hruadwa? . CHttTS SHTK IS. KliIHT?. aHI* SHIRTS, TO ORDFJt >-<*> a. iliitcu ovi . tlaewlieiv, at <2 AO VWll| ???It Sklrte, wad, rur m,,,;.,"' ?-,.!?? fteminm Shirt Siore, 3W (Jiand aire*' __ __ * <> ItOffOOHUR 'IV) HOCWKKKKl'Kltt' ar fntlTABT Jk CO. M XRMH MII1RT {jftflThSWV.?? DAMASK TABLE*WHt ^^bl?nkrto!'K&jr*S?M< :lip*T*KSS5 m*nur",?1 t?aen Tli. Mitet. u, l<M Heraid ^\NTEO?ATHKKE OR FOUR STORY HIOU STOOP UuM", with all modem Intpnmmmui; niu^t be In a /; el^hboruood; weal die pretrrvd. Rent not tvet j -a (ii re at A. Wailach'a, -4' Broadway. "BD TO HIRK?AN ENULISU BA.SKMKNT u?.\ with all iikxI-rn Im prove.neuU, li*-ai>M bo Hi and I.luhtb avi-iinra and blow Thirty lifU? at uoi to aioeed ttiutt. Addreaa fbyeklae, boa vtlce. A bewikl P"r"T Pu Ma "n 1 MU Broa-livay, i lowi-r pru ea M..i A BEflRoo* |?W??lj I??s, " ^JNamelleo "c? i ln Oo.un ? atouk in .. e Suiia, M?t,;LV WAl. LHReT^ASSKN^ Ml Broad wajr] iCVa FL'g!,OT" "ovr.nT. ,m " ""'Hi/ Miaod.^ ' rVRNITVRB. ? MACHINB CABIRBT OABB, m:\v Kn? rai'uri' a .d Carp 1?Tboae having Kurniliii't \ o Id I k" ioda. utin?.-, addrean Win. Doiuner, V tulrs. and be will < ail and a?o It. Alio, * ?blue. SUIT OF f-'H\MKLLED FURNITURE, , o. wa. runu d mao ifacitirc; al?o ?o>nl Mi In, plain and nlal, at II F. UC ual.atreet. oppoalle Woot'.cr. li-Ub* ?a. ?*..i JlBN AM.IKK Ht'ITfl OF FUKNITURK? <1 aiyie?, at whok-ailc and r> tail; th? bnit-4.tlaud npwarda. Alao, aolid FmI.1 i?ae?, An. "N WAKJ J,7 i^anal Kire t. Four il'nm eaii of Hroadvay. 4BLI>KD WIWW)l?-r IN, <d, auihl walant aad mk S.-i? .lit ?vaa-<a, Hpr.n^ Brdr a J. UBU 4 IJO.. M*nnlaeuirer?. ?? a Klee k?r and Bond ulreHa, -HOUSEHOLD Ft' KNIT I'RE, to . iHin ,bt for ' dm:i and t ird arciii.e. near Thli'tj-fourtlk U4ra?aed Furnltiir", aa above, ookb. PvMi Hijrvj Ami ryuiTB uoom ABVOLD, CONnTABLE A CO . Art nflVi Inn, >( rrrj TPMnnabla ]irlw?, Urg? lino* af SUPERIOR PLAID STRUT.I> and PLAIN JACONRT, ?WISH Ml'SLIX ???! NA!MSQOK MUSLINS. CANAL STKKKT, oonvr ?f MERCER Wmm mi>OW SHADES?OK ALL KINDS. FOR DWKLI lnr? a tore* and ufllee* made lo ord r I . the beat *?-- *r a patrol Mel . 63> Bnadw>|v. V f IIHT* RW'Cn nou uuikh iiii'ir r/ ?m i ? nrr, mid at the ahorleat uitlei; nlnt. T .Irrmn a patent H*-l. Venlilalliift Spring Bod. J. U. MOKHE, < WINDOW S1ADKS. SOLOMON A HART. Nt Broadway, Marufurtorera, offor l hem lo ili? trad* aaJ at retail muck teiow market price*. 100 PIBCES YARI> WIDE PRINTED hOI'I.ARDI, At & > cnta i?r yard; Former pnee, 70c an : 91. A. r. STEWART A CO. 100 PIECKH 4 4 BROOKE GRENADINES and Moraiiihi<|ii?a at ?r. per yard worth 75a. CO tdao* a Silk and M ool, Ilia k and White, CIIK- KKT V*LKMI\i. A i a?.e< To.'le 4'Ann cy, .or aTRSRT AMI* TRAVKM.IN I DRK881S. a Lao, luOUretiadlne Mid ?'areer, NfcW A>JU t'HOli'E STVI.Krt. A. T. 8I liWART A CO. JUUUBMV, AC. BtRGAIM* THIS WEEK -STRAW BONNETS AT bargain*. Bilk B"nn u. Travelling Bonneia, Hun llata, Kousli an'd iluady'e, Cofldreu a ilnti. * U BINN'8 Millinery, A"I Broadway Ml, o||?>?lte Metropolitan Unlet, Ribbon* and 81ik? at Iwrgalna. MRS. J. R. DAVIDSON, 1 Zi BLFK<;Kf- R STHKET? will open a <'a?.e n' Pali* Summer M.Inn r.v.on run ?lay, May ?>. 1-5 Bltevlter ?tr*u', weal of Broadway. It \l <.I4..) \ 1M. IAD.?TRAINS KOR ALBANY Tri.y, tlin N rui a 11 >V ->t.!?.???? U ntiuoura an iolal/ (UdllA.i ,aud?.:i0, ?*n.l 10 l j P. M. T ONO ISLAND 'Al? ACCOMMODATION?OLD Jj South K. iry Termlnii*.?Tram* Irate at 7 4.1 A. M. an 1 fTs?P. M IOI Ore*?t;Hiri i II l> A l I II P. M. tor 8v o??. it; 7 4.1, 11 44 A M , ?nl:? I J. 4 15, ft r. P. M. for Hemp. ?lead} hour'y loi ?'an*h'a irrnti '/ 15 A. M. to 0 4"i P. M. VRW TOKIC, IIA nil I'M AND ALBANY It AILKOAD A TOR AMJANV, t'ROY. Nonrn t >D WI.- I'. ,-t MHKR AHHANOKMKNT. Conviri nefnu T-? '?* ? S, I1*!?!, rAll . nv, id ll V. M Ktpi - Mull Tr.i,n IromTwa ?Itik rrt"l ?? II 1 ' II h-'.il train* i" Trn. Ta de. tlOH*. lil kt'.llH'L, Aaam ini So uci intend# FINANCIAL. A U018T BELMONT * CO., bankers, NO. 4 WAL& A -I i ??!?. ??. rr.'iiiw li ?i v der.s, avalla'. ??. in *11 ?? > '? aor.d ihrou*Ji Je r. Hoiii .clidd, ol l'ur a, Lou? luu, r'r.iiiK.ori, Vienan, N.ip.i i and uieir curroapoi.deau. A KM V AND NAVY PAT OPflCE. ?i\ A iiur if I n for readied, decaaacd and dlatbarge<{ <J; Um Army and Nary. JPriw Money, Bouuiy Id jm y, Ac. JOI1N B MIRRAY, Army and Navy X) Nhukuu ? ieel. New York, opt?Mile ibe Poat otlme. MALIr'OUMl STATE COIPQN4 WANTED?XiUE \J J . y I, IVili. T e l.iahealprl g |^id by O. A. ilEl /8 k MJN, .0 E.ili i) f p a"? Millions ok dollar<-hknrt hava will -h'irl. leaie Ibe .( a 14 ami .il pro . a inral tu if lo Kum h C.a.iua u ad rei iiik '*> properly; mo..ey In tba \ u.o K ij'nnd .'"lucieil. > e U of Kin ollf en t>ij aud 061 I'.r ad au , S w York. \TKW YuHK AND NEW IIAVKN RAILROAD ROM. i.1 | anv,c r r r'niirtb aver.u ?? . Tw r v ??.nuh ntn ot. Teas rera.Mlie Mi. U 1 ?A >11 Idemi o. thre ? dullara per 'hare li ? been . c!a e.l on !>? > upitai ate k f tills com< p .ny i a ul ? on .ud a.ter ibe 2Htb ln?t. l'l. t traiafer booka uilbe., <f r iu i i.j aiieiiK o i io ih t dm By ? filer of Lie Knur l of D f.-etom, w BEMKNT Tr iwurer ? OKFIl E OP T.IE PARIKIO MAIL 8T2.YMSUIP ROM y. ? .ml N w Vor , May 13, 1801 ?Noll. m bar by nlven Imil ilie Bo r . u. U re to a h no tin* duy de cUm a Mdeudof iUe (*.) p - cent mil oi ihe m-l earning* of ?(??? laal three nioiiiha, pit i de ai i e y > ,.e o; lheooiu? paiiy, mi Friday, 1 Instant. Tne trans er books will clo*? on mi Ijui liiKluut, nud reon . on l .?? J-> h tnaurat. lly or der ul l. e Board. l*IILOi>OKE X. JOU.n'Hi >N, Boere uy. IONS OP SOLDI! RS?THRBB MONTHS MI _ 1 i... vo and tlir e year ? vomiilcera, aeainrn . n I inn* rmea <iiai-hin%.' l mi aivo .m of rlieauiilty, or i laimn > lump ?l ii-o SI.W louuly uut tia.k duilea i. i ? uo cbar^e for Ui'? .laiion. N SK Ai i ^ I SI', Arm., and Navy Banker, N . 4 Reuire r-.c?. fk/Wi WANlED-KOtt WHICH AMPLE STCIT ?l?O.UUU rlly, <? Ibi r liy ii'O.l^ ue, bill ol ?i ?? ?l-nii en oi Inaiirunce or o h r lac, i>ifae lon ylv. n Apply Uior a ldr< s? J. H Mood, ?92'i Four' i ? ' ii *. S I 0()l) TOLOVN "N H"N1) AND MORTi;h:B iirxl el K I III JIM ?d properly, A ; noil .an, wllb an apply. lion a .ail, with aui, Ij aeon y, r i|iii el. Ar m v. 1 no! N. MEURiLL, 71 Wall licet. <2?0 WASTE )?FOR ONE TEAR, FoK WHICH o .<1 ? c hi y I a bonua will' ?? 3'*' ". A;ip.y lo a. li. L .CiiE. 20 P BO Bin 0U ' l\<\n TO $60,<XJU TO LEND OS BOND AND 5'.?'".UU17 mort .:e. III mx U'T oent, lor flvi' vear<. OH aail-ia l.-r> ilroulway or on i rllrM e|n<M improved bualarnm piu er y in t'rlneipula may aldreaaM. ^ K , bo* 2,7U4 I'ORt olbc), Ne > Yur?. uOAK or KICKS. AT .MO BROADWAY, OPlH?SITU THE ST NICllOLAM ll'i'.fl ?J. Stu.oMi >N, Wrokrr aud C<uum * .on Uer ch.iDL, arivnn " ? mono on ft ;vn<mis and ul kind* of pre oioua ?t,n?"8 .W.viie* dry aul l'laf, or pui'li.isuu lor ca-h. Til.! ii. lce f.* ol I gold and nl.ver. All Dueinem ir.ui!.aat!onK htrtcA> ton .dential. AT SOS BROADWA*, CORN Ell OF DUANE PTREBT, Money advanc.-dto any am nt ou Dianondx, U a cuee. Jewelry, av. Bun rcsa atrictl) couth! nun). T. If. KEKSINli, aurtinot't-r and lire .<? r. Pr.vme entrance In Dunne aLrcet, Urn door Broadway. At no. ? Oh am?krs street-money to i*oan 10 ??}? amuum on i lamoui'a, whV li ?, Jewelry, Ac., by the well known and old > atabilob-u ISA At!, broker and coin minion mercnant. N ? VCii.iuiuera meet. N. B.?No buai* neu tranKaeleu on Sa.'urday. AT NO. 9 C11AMHERS STKEET?MONEY TO LOAN TO any amount on Uiuniouda, Wa.chre Jew.lry, *<?., by Ine well known and old eetabllxlieu ISAAC, broker und coin MiMkM MNkaaL No. 9 Cliainbera atieet. N. B.? No nuftineu UHUt led on rtaturduy. Cash PAID FOR DIAMONDS?ALSO for INDIA Camel ? Hair Huawls. Money to loan. A few art e ra of D ainond Jeucln foi ftalr cheaii. Apply only lioui'JliJl 10 A. M , and 2 tlU 3 P. M. B. W. PLU.vB, Diamond Broker, S12 Broadwny, HIGHEST CASH price PAID FOR CAMEL HAIR 8ua>?!ft, D ain mda Watehe.. Jewelrv. old Gold ami Sliver, or liberal advai cea mnde l)y LOl IS ANRIC1I 7V3 Jiroud *ay, miner the New York Hotel. f JACOBS, 407 BROAIMYAV, removed FROM 43 |J? Cedar mreet. Advaim ?. in ailtn* to hull, on a, Diiuiouda Silver Piatniuid a.I uit . le* ol vnlye, or bought foi - ach. Old gold and nil v. r bought. Money i ent-to any amount, on au. kinds of !>? ir, na. prop rty, aa Wutcnen, D ainonda (m i anil uniet), J.weln, Dry Uooda, Ac., hy AARON ADOLPHUB, Ikenn u loau oilloe, 429 Pearl atieet, corner of uew Oiiainber* atD'ek NEW LOAN OFFICE.?P. * II. fridenbf.RO havh opened a Loit'.i O .icj under tUeOmnul llai k, lorner of Grand mree". and toe Bower), under the Qrin ' E... lu l.< an Oilim." and will auvaneti liberally on Diamonds. Watcliea, Jewelry. W'.i.lug Ai.par 1, Fine Fura, Wluf-rGoo lit. Ac. Ouf oUlee u in a uow -nl .lie pr o. billdin r, and liU"<i up nltli camphor e'oieta, priv .le oMloe, Ae. N. B ? Gold Wu cL?a and .1, welry for aale at the advance coat. Una nee on Grand utreet. HOI SKS, ROOMS. ?fcC., WA?TKD. ' A WIDOW LADY OK KNOLIHII DECENT, WJJSHKS /V thim Booum, in a strictly private lamily of wealth, IMN llMNtn no ?mall dmurw. I'oMtively pt?. ?? am need not answer. TUa preference will bo Riven to a limlynot In im-rcaniile buaineo*. Address Room No. 33 Bre roiri House. Apartments wantbd-re.nt not to exceed $a P<t mont.i. b an A... rlo n fam Ilatin ; of hum) Mid wife only. Local on any.<l?-re b'tw?en O'himI ami T' nth, ? ast ol' Second avenue. Ad j res* David Ciotlroll, Oreenpalnt, L. I. 4 I'KIVATB family WISHES to RBNT A NEATLY .'\ f iml?h?il Kroni R Hitn, Bed room ami i'antrj, with all ilie modern Imp ove n n'?. In a lint rlavi hmi?, with 'he privilege in kiu-b-n at $ i 28 per weak, at IjI WkM Twcnty ?t^ven'.u atreei, near Eighth avenue. IiWRNlSHED ho'. 8E WANTED.-ANY PARTY HAT 1 my a amail but h.i.d?>m? and um-ly fiirnUU dlloiae, located betwe n Tent., and Thirty-fourh *f rests snd ? and Ei.lith avenues, wuh inoi.ern improvements, ind wuh" In* to rent It t" a rajnli> of four urown persons (parties per fectly responsible/ lor s * or twelve montua, may a cu?> toun-r by a-idieaaing B. B., Station O, N. T. foaaeuioii want-d at once. Fcrniturb, CARI'ET.s. h llnrarisa bo . hi lor leaily bclwien Ninth and tau.h airvcu. lm KM ii kk p))R KALE.?a i ?u> wi bv to diaikinr uf, at ?trp't, ?i:a nmwan i'.rui null, made to order a alinrt uui? ?ln >?; a ruae rood iia?*ra and amna oik Call ?'d. if, at ?v?n ??? LAD* leavif a tub ker is ?ul-uc.-, 3 4, knutib ?im plnan, ? i ich itaa bar Piano j ,ki?v?i t a ,nHut?. NUllCB.-MOVI.VO AND 8to. |n rni.lly alb u rd lo. tioo-l briek furn. no trucjia lor moving In u>a mad- ?? ? ra ? ?. In |tilre at i 21.' Broadv l> nlDth ami T un elu at.eaia, N. V. Owners OF RECONO HAND pcbnl the Mama lo i* .nr, ...?d in our raauln a liatid n?oda can h ? ? nount in u(hmi4 rcc iti d up to lu o c|o>'li mi it mnlir ia7 lir.alvay. o. tv DAVB.npori BOW. ?*bmch. PLIMPTON'S IMPROVED PATBNT FA. ?li*a ih nuit u.uer tirat Km in turn. an mdruutil; also in ninth d "y monthly pay menta, a tract, luruiar.y National A<?daniy ol l>b?i?n Tub best place for partieu breai housfiiffiplnu. ?ii ; d- i on* ol witiing their? i la lo call iin o. KENNEDY,jm Bowar,, who will rally with thi in. ww ri'rm mak4i?4?i<>ri c*r ?r tun *1. ?ww a kit, r thgriafi ?*ja?r ?f aair. ITURB i r?* ?m ta Ml ao?tl,?*? tLOR || id ?h.4aa. \tmi D| ^"i lara r ?atrlmotilak Am yoi'NO lady, or *), habdtome AND AMJA. i? we?ry oi it alii,la a*l?iawit'? and would laka uii'iholt", mmunkataherwmhm sar mlwlab "an uld iimu'a dai ln*," tnit hm no dowafaiwpt ah henri ami lo* aim .imp .milon wimiea w i-wreepoiid wi an ai'|irit:ailvi' itent'fnvin, not under 4ft. Mil poaarMtaf autiiclanay of mean*, with ? tlaw lo matrimony. Aildr?? Minerva. utauon l>. 9lk, u>m Atouno LADT, ok ob?*t personal attrac. tiiiiim, lil?ta / adiii-ated. awu vipllaheil ami wealoii ..e. aire* to make i lie aiqualiuamti of ? ifrollenian, 'villi a vl 'w lo mairlinony. Aildrei*, em'loan 1 vlalte, El o, ll> ra <i III dvbkti>IN<r~FuR A iii sra.n ut a, lady. ' *' lha widow of ,i traileiirn i. nin? * 'ml of ampla man ? * and ih ? inl?lr ?? of a lln? ?atumlalimam , "wo tj? maol m' ;> a gimiileu an al line a; i*nnn e, m (| ? i?i ,h,> ??hn a io f.i-bi ii.ib.o ?hm'lat . bae la ciiiivt i red preit * an?l p'.n'iaiil i'y hi r fiien lnjla ?? ? omle ?> m ii <n, h, j |,t w' p0'"1 p"y? aiqua. The aenlh'limn ? fharuo.'i inuat > a tin *na III! mk'lal poaitliin mi 10 line i. a hm'i.ry k?nli i'reler if*.!. a<lilri ?*, with 'nil pirileulu? ?. ||r?. t'n D, N. w York. tar at ?wer. to ihii ??., oi .h ment ?, 11 ^ In Fraaa Lealle a mo iinljr, far j'tae. N ?rr-a<ly; rgoari ARO TOBACCO. ukuaiih vf.rv CHEAP af 17 hr'iadway,-(ir? '*t in .mem nil III iu?an i, uumram a III o Tina . s ? ai N>. i w con i hi ran ooin|m'te In p, lr??, the oltjn* twniii lv* c|.?- iiptlv ? ;n ui'mi aa *, oil> ?? oi-lble.*! sr.!mrs- -I \\l mkf.ltn'i on BXi km.knt imp *? - * -* ? ? io?l' ulvrnl i'll- ili ? | ri'sli P f' c* kl llll|kii leil ?|tli-|?lo $1. $1 ' t: .mil tJ m> per h< *, |,ro. V k ?> .1- i..'- ili li ii, , ail . nil . (kf oiulilnal i jacoim, ? to? mi. ?.!.<??. batrttuataed ima,