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tiial l/ii d has thought it big duty to submit to the Court a>'" llic ic ult of those attacks and that deftimation, lie cj;ih 1 oxpre.- sod mv opinion upon tho conduct of Eng land towa-ds tlii- country. (Applause.) Hi si pa, era arc presented, and, us I said before. I am tic. here to give an opinion as to the motives ill it induced (I think) these cowardly attacks up n me. I shall leave thU matter 10 tln? sense of public opinion, which always rights tut in? jured man in the end; 1 shall leave it to the feeling of the nr<;o body or gviito'nun, who, actuated by a spi It of honor and flue fe Ming,'have dino me the honor to at - tend here and hear ma. (Applause.) These papor- aro sent into the court, ouo thing will strike every person us most remarkable. How s it 'when thus ? facts were known before my papers were sigued; when Judge Ed monds know iliein; \vh< n, In all probability. the three Judgo.' of tho court that admitted me knew thein?at ail events, nothing was c in -'aled from them?that a dillor ent bench from that which admitted me is to bo uskod to prouotnico upon my case, not upon proofs, but upon tbi results of defaniato y libels, which, us I will show you presently, have been published against me to wo:md my character an I reputation us they please t Now, gouDoinon. thut isaslioit outline of lite courso I have taken since I hive been iiere. und of the CO.use that has been pursued towards me What w B tho course?tho m inl.v, str liahtf r \ a d course, to adopt? i know nothing of any self-constituted tribunal or com mittee oi gentium n who s y that they represent tho I .aw Institute. I have hail nothing t> do with s df e m Biuitel inquisitorial tribunals. I have been destroyed by them,in violation of every priuelp'eof English justice and impartiality. What did I do? I c lied u m> oting of iho whole bar. Mr. Daniel Lord has boon invited. Islio lie u? (A voice?1" lie is h-ro.") 1 am delighted that he is here. Mr. Iiamel Lor ! is invited to oome forward and state any a cusati in that ho has ugaiu-t me or put a.iy quostl ii to'mo tliat lie pleases, (\ppl.ii se.) Judge McfJi'XH?lie hus uot iTie manliness to come hero and come forward. (< h ors hiss*, and crius of ?"Order," ' Order.") Mr. hero, gonttemsn, in tho oyo and ear ?of public opinion. 1 am hero to ask any t en Human?Mr. Daniel I/trd or any of the tivo gentlemen?if tney have any nc ii Aiiou to m?k ' ugainst mo, to comeheie und ?uti:e lipiildl"ly; or, if they have any question to put. to ?Ci'ii.o a <1 put ii here, in tho lace und in the presfDeoi f a very hrg ? section, tit ail events, of tho bar of Now York; and if Mr. 1'Hniel Lord be prei-eut.ho shall have this chair and sliaU have owry opp otu.iiiy, so far as I'am concerned. to have a full and candid explanation to n\ y diug. ,-tion or q- o-: i< i lio may put to ino. (Applause.) If lis does not do ii now, theu he may he realtor hold his renco. ? I called this public in<t ting, und to this pt.biii liieeiii g 1 will give my stale.nout now, in public, upon mv honor, and upon my oath, if it needs corroboration of the facts connected with tho < iiarges itnule against me. Gent emen, in entering upon ? personal explanation every man who his tho kindly feelings which belong to the b-tter nature must k'now tint ci iuiectod with personal explanations ihero must a ways bo a considerable sentiment of pain. As 1 un.lor etano It, in tlieso patiers, which have been published In my absence nnd by my bit er personal encmio , thoro ure three charges made against m -. As to tho Ur*t, it is represented that 1 became involved with the son of a ii bio lord (Yarboroi gli), I.ord Wortley, in pecuniary transactions. It is true. Hut those wore transactions of a mist privato-aud confident! il character, and had n> m ro to do with my professional character and capacity Jit tho b.u tliiu" if I had asked of a friend to ioiiu mo a ten poniid note, or he had asked mo to do the same thing. They were purely private transactions. We were members of tbe'samu liouso of Commons, members of iho same clubs, and upi n terms of intimate social relations: and 1 wi 1 explain to yo.i presently how this cabal that destroyo I me in Kiiglond brought the wholo storm down upon me at i nee; and the transactions we bad together wore of a private a! d honorable n'lturo, having U'/thing whatever te do ?with my professional character, no Jung whatever to do with my {Hisiiion at th'j bar. Why, gentlemen, since I h ive been here, as all sorts of rumours are industriously s.uond, I have b.un solicited by friends to have the mat ter cut now, and it is s tid that tli so attacks grow out til profig-toual rivarj and jeao sy, bociu-o of the little footing X may have giinei liero. If they liavo beeu promoted by unv such feolinus. 1 limit th m,nt all events, to thoso five gontlcm n, l>o ?caase 1 bu ievo il a libel u^on the geii a'urity ot lliu bar of Now York to say ihit it extents :?rthor, especially In view of the personal curtesies nurt kinduu-s thai I h ive rccoivod from gentlemcu whom I have mm in practice Ji.iru. (Applauso.) 1 b dlovo tlwt this leeiing.if it m.?cs ?-\ist, iH limitod to tli" live goiiltome:i who have soon tit U attack mo. (Apniause.) Ah I sal l before, tho?<9 mat torn with l/>rd Worstley wore ol' a peculiarly i>ri v ie character, and had nothtix; wlmtovcr to <to with in v |h Hitioii at the bar. 1 t,ave up everything?ami 1 'urn here to loll tho as<emlilel bar of New York, an.I let it bo known in England as it Is? u|x>ti the demand of I?rd Yarborough, even to my lib ary, family plate, anil to every teuton mini tiiit li.ifl tie hi presented to me for cutsos 1 had gamed, sob jrei to the exactions that ho demanded of mo. I yie dod up everything that wan in my |siwor to rfivo? (ap plause)?and 1 am not ashamod of it. lit th* some article in tho infamous publication in Kngiand that at tacked mo for tin' oplulo?i 1 luid written up n thj front question I was called a "fugitive liiso.vcut." Fugitive in-ot vent! I called every ere itor together to whom I ?wed a farthing. I mot them twice, and told thsm the c mr e I intended to take, 'if seeking a more geaeioun chine, and doing all 1 co Id for them la tho future. (.\ppLm-o.) Kvery creditor sanctione I it, and I have not board a word of complaint from ?ue since 1 hate been hore. (Appaise.) In an article l>ubiishod in tho Tannrript ihli morning tho writer ask-, "'Why did Mr. Jami-s leave Kngtiud?-' 1 will toll ym. wby 1 It Is painful (affected to l.-Hrs) to look bark upon one's ruin. I represented and had the coniidence or tho largest constituency in Kngluud. I I ad worked my way up to the liar by honor ami indo 1 lindane-'. Tl.e .ludgos disliked nie beosus<; I was not aervileaud suiwrvient: and I was told, because In a celebrated case wl.ero 1 boarded t!i m aid told th-m they v?re try iiiK a man upon grounds that tbev knew wore illegal a id uiic^>n-jtltiilioiKil, that 1 should 8 :fl'or for it. I represented a largo constituency. You are aware that in Kug'and there (till remains a barbarous relic of tint system of l.npris >nmo:.t for debt, without fraud, without any improper conduct; it become* a j"8t like that of harpies struggling for a carcass, to eve y Jew creditor and every merciless usurer against the ' nirippy man who has given up cvuepthing. While you a u a member of t'ni House of Commons you aro protected from arrest. Head tny address to my constituents. I told thorn that 1 scorned to reprcsout a great constituency ud t > h >!d the cmfldenco they had givon ino merely for my pacn Diary protectiou, and I rrsigue.i my s".<at and cal ed my creditors together. I arranged w ith Iheiu all, and I have a uood ii. my pns-os-iou signed Ity ove. y one of thtin; bin there was a cabal Workin,' a.'aliist me that de stroyed my position at the bar, and I was cast out nI><>? the wide waters through this cabal lint was working against mc in triy absence, without th. power to |my my creditors. It is .tsko 1 why 1 left !?" land.- That u.swliyllo.t Englainl. I was ohliirejl ui leave Kngl.ind for per. ouai protect n;b it before 1 ill I ?>.,as I liave already told von. I had the sancti >n of ? very croditar for tlio c >nrso 1 adopted. (Applau-o.) 1 tli it " fir;ltlvo insolvency f" Iliad not a fiictlon in the world; Imt a lady wh > ha I been atla"hrd lo me lor years, who know my i>o?ition, do-.are I to mo f..r tho iir-t liin' thut her heart li id boon uilito, and ihi placc I an indejMjndtuil fdi<tuiie, not iu my ;?wor ,t ? tb.?rc v. iih in*:. (Applause.) L'udor tbaso circumstances I cann America, air' under no othsr. a er. Jtror !u K.n ; land li is written a word o. syllalilo In which he ' has call'd mo an insolvent fugitive. I liavo |..'t:erc from ikmsooi to whom 1 am nuiub od wishing mo ?uo>*'~ an l p cu|?Tity, and I b ivo mt lintawr.luf coin|ilalnl from any hniiiau bei g. It Is just to the reprc auir.ill. i'S of I/ird Yarboi ou. h io i'ay that lluy have v. mplatuod, and they rofit.e to roinp!alD, hefor.11 iU seb-ccinetitu'ed tribimal of twnche.a?tny political rlva's, ni> |4>iH.i.inl and professional enemies. In njy abvo.i o In IVumels. wlii'e I was struggling to tnak ? the best ni r n^oment I coe'.d for a/ury oue who had n claim up-ci tnu ibut i a'i?l i!i#>lro)ed my prosjiocts lu Kngland. j'o iiiiu:h,gt inlmiicu, for that, part ot my tiistory. But there is Mis matter to which 1 bjg the seri ? s attention ot .tli* membTS of the bar and the iniblic. Il is said iu ibis libel, which I a:u told they hive li uidcd imo the '.'ouri, that I was guilty of i.uprmessional rou d.ii l at tiie bar?tbe o'her matter having strictly to do with tlw social relations of privato 11.e?in tho trnnr.ii' ti'Hi with Mr. Ingrain. I/H inn ??II you wl at U wis; but i)-t ine lira i tell you thit this libel in tho A>iie M ??latior, and which Mi. I'aniel lv<rd has tho glit prt>|?r uli.nd Inin the Court (I am sure Mr. I/ird will bring rui ac> loa agiiinst the Leader now*|?a|ior for the article m ill to-day, in which he is criticised for his action In tins respect), was written by ot?? <if these very ? b'tichors who adjudicated In my absence u|mio my ca.-o. by saying that I had livon guilty ol unprofessional conduct in tbo caso of Mr. Ingram. Mi. lugiam was proprietor of tlw lyndou I Hut rated JS'.ir*. I had not known tii'tc-li of hun until I was return ed li Ho wis at that time fnomher for J?o-i'>ii. I w is retained as c?>un? 1 by a man wlio^o i.amo nny probably be ku^wn to some?Mr. Vincent Scully, tl.i momber for Cork?lo prosec ne an a<-tion against Mr. Ingram, cliarglug hita with m srepreaenlilt >n in the ior of the vstate of I beg I ho attention of the meeting to ihndal'-s anil circiim-t?uees. Ihey ai'ii very short. They liavo bee:, given, every word ol thorn, with t)i? knowledge of this man who wrl ea this libul against mo in thr> //no M"y izin-, and ho su.ipres- o.1 every word it, ft ' chnrnes me with boing gnlliy of nnpro r. i.iiluc.t (even by tliat Irresponslli e tribunal tlio case ws seined) ; and he then publ shed thn llbol ngsln?t n In tho Lata Mn<;a:ine and suppressed tlie written e\ ]iUnailon. 1 succeeded for Mr>8cnliy In the case. Tlio case ?as tried beforo I?nl t'am: ho.l. one of oer most ?m*nont Judges,sod I succeeded In getting a vordlctouly ? foi thes'im of tlreo liuadr d ,?)UU<ls. That was in Fob rimry, It.'iO?llio date will bj maletiill. A now trla! w?s onovoator,and with us In ' . gl.uid it takos abi nt iwolvo innitlm togot a ciso ro.r.ed. Ihe ease was tried In February, lu March I was a candidate for the largo boiotlgli of Marylebone. Kleciiou c niests iu Kng aii I?I tin not know wnai ilit > aiv here,and, a? Mr. Iionl lsg"l:ig to ox; atristo, I dou'l know that I over shall?iu Fsgland they are exponsh e amusomeuts, and my ci t tii? ?U,000? You cannot help It. (A whistle.) Yes, I board a whistle; but 1 ass re you it is nothing to whistto at. (Ijvivhtcr, and avolco,'*t'lM>ap at that, In Kugiaml."; | was rotitrnod for Mar>Iob.i c. It known my ?xpenses li id boon oxti cm iy hotvy. Mr. Ingram w.ig a resident lu Maryleboiio, no ic-iidel in llraininu Aquaru. lie w as a member of my o unmiuev, was a constituent of mine, and volunteered Ins services on my commutes. JlaMt g koown that my 0<| eii?os wore very heavy. Hie gen Isuinii?three memlio S ol Parliament, oi>a' oth r jirivato gentlemsa, a c mll'.ei'lial friend, ind Mr. In. li am?agreed to assist in" by a loan of a tliou ?aiul |a>unde oach. Tlio ooiistltuonc.jr or Miryle buie oiiored me a public subsci Iptlon. lientic. men, In thai contest 1 coinmiltod an U0|Nirdonable oil. lice;for 1 defeated, by a majo ity of seven thousand, the s. vernment n'mince, and Ixi.d John lluocll's i s diew. (Applause.) Tbsv never lorgave mo to tho liin.r I loft Kngland, for, sltliougli at < i?? tlnn) 1 was svliai was called a liberal wh + in my politics In Kngland, 1 fo ind that the wing- in l.asland are ihe noldsit cll.pie Af aristocracy; that unless a in an is the nephew ol a Jrrai aunt, or somehow t olhnr related to some mu.-h room peitr, Do has ne ohance. Five g.sitlem. n ottered to Subscribe a thousand pounds each They did II. Mr. log'am rams lo me In the House of Commons snd off"rod to h ibscribe th* thousand |*iumls. I consulted n moin fesi of (lie ;rV;. nf Commons whether,so I had bsen ^?uqiioI avaluAi him sod the oaoo was coming on again for trial, 1 should take jr. Mr. Ingram told ?hi?t friend III Ilia House of Commons that as ho was on my cotik in It lee he should give it: and from that ln< meat, I will d> ihat geiul'inan tUe j itiliuo to s.y, tiu fact of my being coucnued at counsel liui never | x-.-od his Hps or mine. They each advance! a th <usatid pounds, and I r> paid evei > one except M . lucrum, lie w?^, unfortunately, drowned In (.no e: ;h?> ial i in this country, in the autumn of 1K60. ! gave hint two pro missory noten. Th"ro was no (tieg In about it; and In placed those promissory notes in the hands of h hill broker la London, and 1 gave him a poli y o( iaeurnnce upon my lire. Ho died, and it was six months before lii* oxci utor could take out probate of will. In ihe meantime the second trial came on. If the charge am uuts to anything against nie, it amounts to this? " You wore induced by a loau of a thousand pounds to sacrifice your cliout, Mr- Scully." The case came on lor trial in the following Fobri-ary. I o|iefiod the ca30 ag dust Mr. Ingram, as to which not one word between lis over passed his lips or mine. Tlier ; is a feeling of honor among gentleman which would h ive precluded that. On the opening of the cute, the Iwd Chief Justice mil:?"This is a dispute between two gentlemen, Mr. Scully and Mr. Ingram, members of tin* suine club. Is it not heifer that th* cesc sho Id bo referred?" I ojiened the oast, and iu my speech to this tribunal?the short hand writer's notes of whii h wero suppressed by tha v*Tv man who has p blished the libel tiyainst me?i de liberately charged him (Mr. Ingram) again, as I had bo fore, with fraud. That Is suppressed in tha lib 1. The Chief Justico suggested that it should be referred. It wit" referred. What do you suppose the verdict was? 1 h id obtained helote ? verdict for ?300, but now I get a verdict for ?3,500 against Ingram. It had eosi him ?10,000. Then the executors had to pay It. !?!?) far from Mr. Scully's complaining, l.e personally thanked mo by letter lor my exertions, end dined with me a fortnight before I left England. This is the second charge; ami this is tho suppression of ilia explanation I gave; this is tho suppression of the shorthand writer's notes of my opening of tho c. sa against lrgram;thls is the suppression of tha verdict 1 obtaiix-d; this b the sup pressloii of tho fact that Mr. Scnl y, a man of honor and a gentleman, 8 > far from making a charge against mo, thanked me for my exertiitis, and was tt|>oii terms ol'the greatest intimacy with mo uniil tho moment I left Eng land. Tluse I undersiacd to lie the cha ge.s against mo. Ucutlemoii, you litt:o know w hut a man has to contend wiih at the bar of Kngland. Pecuniary and socul rela tions arc m do tho subjects o;' attack. Though boi'o o n >w wo h ivo hud exe utians hi the house of Judge* iu England and in tha housm of Lord ('lia icellors, yet when a mm his attained his po-itinn ho is comparatively bcat'aoler.-. Wiiun he is struggling at the bar il Is that this cxci isive iniluonco is bro j.lit to bear against him. As to these charges, w hat on earth Is there tnat I have to answer? Is thore any gontlemati now that puts t'i mo any question to which he' requires an answer, as to any stibj ct concerning whlih ho requires an oxplunatlon? I am liure to nu swer it. I am here hi p iblic, appealing to the triluiual of public n;iinion; ar.dyot, having endured all this, hav - ing sullerod mental agony onoiigh to impair the reason of most men, having lost all, and fallen from a pyramid to which I bad wor ked myself in spite of every obstacle by my own independent exertion, this moment, in a country tuo least of ull from which 1 had exjiectoJ It, comes such opposition ns this. But there is a precedent. For from tlu land where his forefathers sloep rests the ci nsr crated dust of Thomas Addis Km nott?(applause)?a greater man, but n t tn >re persecuted, than 1 have been. The opposition to him came from the same cow.i dy s.urce?namely, froui Kngland; and at that (lay these were Hauiel Lo'rds who were at tha bottom of tho perse cution. (Applause.) I follow him at a great distance? hauil pasi'bu eym'*. lie lived to make tho bar tenant their hostility. He lived to make (,'haucollor Rol l re gret that he had opposed him. llo made tho Daniel Lords of tliat day?now there is a sec nl Itaniel come I) jiiiigtnont?(laughter)?he made the Laniol Lords ol ihat d'iy cower before him. And he Hvo.l, as I hope to live, if I have the verdict of your good opinion, to turn jealousy into respect,and wretch d, narrow piofessional riva.ry into estee'ii and regard. (Great app a'.S '.) Mr. John II. ofl'ora 1 th i following resolution:? R?>olved, That Mr. Edwin James, having been duly ad mitted to praetli e ut the opening of tiie November term,, of the 8 pieme Court, and having since that time been an active pructlii nrr in our several judicial tribunals, has con ducted himself as a Mgh-mluded and licnora'de mealier of tiie profession, a id luix secured oii.B res| e l und es'o.jui, for Ills distinguished learning, fairness and oounc.y as a lawyer and a man. The resolution was seconded. UKOSYKNOR H. LOW! KY?Mr. Chairman, T camo Intr. this assniiihly with s? -tn? prejudice aga.nst Mr. James in in> mind; but it if entirely removed; an?l I Pr?l'. ^ '"J"* I'B'iii tlio pirt of tiio loaug r members of the bai, win m \ beicve 1 truly roi>rc.-< til, that wo arc tho heirs or the te mint on of tho New V rk bar; nn l it U a well known nr'nc i>lo of law that the heir may interpose to prevo?t waste! 1 have a bigh . e?|Hict lor the gentlemen who are nunelos tlielAW Committee of tho Institute of n!w York I doubt that they would do any in justice to Mr. B.hinies or any other man; hut, i nc. ?o are tho heirs, we must in or ti so to protect our inherltarce. It is ,10J alone tint it should be said of the members of the bar of X, w York all are honorable,but It m :st bo saiu of a'l tho mombers'of the bar that all a: o just. In this h -ha , ?indfor this reason, if I truly rodent the yonngor members of tl.e bar, I suggest that a oomn.ittee slw .11 be appointed who shall undertake tho defence oj Vr James and relieve hlin of this onerous and pniurnl rac'nousihdttv. not with any view of partisanship, but merely to sec that no J:.ju.sttce should bo d.r.e. Mr Snk;i;Wix)i>?Mr. Chairman, I have listenod wltb much pleasureVo li e remarks which base fallen from tholliiso'Mr. Jamos; and I mo-t heartily concur with what seoins ta bo the sense of tho mooting, tliat there mav hav. b en much misapprehend u sent item land to inls country with regard to thoi character an 1 ?i:h re aid to tho motives ou the part of Mr. James m Sir. I umior3tand wo 1 what may havo l>e<-n the b ws of the persecution in England against Mr. Jauios; an libera Is no individual who would go further In tho efjt t ta excuse a ma i from what I regard as an un hut iwrrouution tb.n nijrseir, o tieci.illy whore It la tr'-aible lUat polltJcul motives may have mingled it the oh.ects of that i*rHocutl. n. (Ay Now you hj standing before y u a man wb? has been repeatedly assaulted by what was nothing mor? nor lc-s than a in <b. A man Is now speaking to you who li >s been a< c sed even ol' treachery and treason in the far .?o>??*!, Hii.l whom tlioy only awiiltcil the opportunity < t. at -Irii^ pi order to hang hi.n, becatl-e he stood by thecal Hag or his country, and for a. other crime. (Ml'? tnerearo Influences in hn;jl.T,d which would ban;, i < i vidnals there. Tbey make no allowance ?vhilso-ser lor liberality oroplnlou; anil II Is only in tho la-t number >>r Uln/kwoor* Mtgatin. .speaking of Fitch inoii us Mr. ? oh drn Mr Gladstone aud Mr. I<ri ;ht, that they are ranked with the rascaldom o. Kn/atui. lorn appreciate wh.-t may li tvobeen the motives ?-n th* other hi c t?>r cv<*u ?ho p r?oc"ti"U of Mr. Jainw?. leans pp th.:t he?.inving been mixed up with finglUh politic .bavins run a ad ,-on successful a-' ??? b-r or la. ham-nr. having he'd the Rec"rd"rshl'? of Brighton, havu.g aipl'cJ to olJica, and kn wing, as I well do, tlmt it must havo cost him i nnnwo sums cr mone> In order to obtain anythii't tlnre? tray have met with pecuniary ombarras inont?: and I have n'> .1 ubt he did. Ilmvoi.o doubt that he wa. tiiixeu tt|> wltb politic*, until his Ovi-'iis'- bciiie so cii ?rtnotts teat It was Unpiwslb'.o toeslricato hlms If. I unler stand thftt the law of im;>rl ouiiieut for debt pro\ aus in Ki eland, and I cu:i appreciate b>w ra>- he may UavelMvn ind ? tho object of an un.iu t put seen', ion; a id, Itiftea-I ot tielne tre .te.l with that iiboialhy to whi' li he wtv; wit double ily entitled, ho .na> havo been ? tight to l.e vie. ti mined by the very mlhvnc s that have boon thrown across th' wate/ In o.d r to Pursue hltu xvlth vindictive i.ess, wlmti porhttps he .ught to stand ho.ore us uulm rescftod. 1 hold to this, and every momb.;r < f tho bar one! t to liol l with mo: wo me anxious lor the purity ol the bar and the practice, at d v e are anjio is lor th ? pu rity of the co :ru, for t'.iei. caoa ity. \\ e are I 'tercsicu in tho ureal*Hon of Judicial turtty, and I trust and hope that there is no Individual hero who will stand up hero and advoralo even l'Hise n..,u |., iirof^rioual practice. Iliero is not a g.'ntleuian in the hearing of my voice who would not ro iudiato with scorn any Insinuation that, the gentlemen of the bar would bo guilty of -r a-lv-vnto at fe at any thing like impunity in prac:ice. 'n theory, at least, wo Hioeititle tas prafe-slonal gentlemen to an honorable ?i-andin at tho bar and lion, rablo Handing of the getitle men with wlx m we are in association at the bar. In vmw of what I h ive i-onslderod to be his ca?<?. I have dtawn a preamble and resolution which, If I sr;w tit,I had nu-fOKcd to introduce, and which I now move as a sub stitute for tho resolut-ton which lias been orcein >d. [Mr SWWWoun then read the resolut ons, which, bow er' r, B 'l being seconded, and not i*rtinent to tho object of tho tn*?etlnn, are omitted.) I iv! H C!it ntfir!.!'?I will cniloftvor to relieve n?y brtih ren or the nrofe-Moti from tin apprehensinu of my being about to make a speech; 1 am not. I will t ike the Ll irtv, however, Mr. Chairman, ol saying that I think rnv lenrnod frlet d who oin-ed tho last reflations has Uiistsken the td^eci ?>r this call. ?e sre not here r,,r the Durpoae or entering into any antagonl?m with the courts of this city; we are not hero ror tho puriswe of coriectlng tae moral# or the habits of tho courts. We are be'e simply tort he purine or doing jastlce, and I trust noihi ,g eisu hut lattice, to a dlstlngulshod gentletnan >vho b >s to make this country the placoof his resld -nre nnd the place of bis profo sloual eug.gements and effort?i M all such I am di?posed to egttnid tho lnutlol friendship and welcome. An. 1 if wo cm Import from abroad netler and more olleetlve U'.ent than wo i-osikks ourseU es I sav In (lod's name let them oome. T.iere is i-'K>m?.lough fitr all anil I pity the man wbi Is Influenced by that ncttv tosl(?iftj that would close th t doors ig'tlnst Him. I have not come here to day for tho pur|pos ; of hearing Mr Jams* nnke an explanation; I havo askod no such ernlaaatlon, and I do not bdlove the bar of New York ?k'it 1 have looked at tho olrcutn lancet that have t oil in ?od against hint and thai have bjen surroptl tioualv placed bof iro the Court, snd I s >o nothitm in thum that should demand an explanation on the part of the court or tho b..r of this city. K Mr. James li.'ltnvc l that it uue to his own character tw uis own honor to make that explanation I t st be permitted to say that that explanation H un I ought to be to all, m st sail,factory. /Vo'c^'il" did It good.") Yes, he did II good, be did it light ho did it in tho spirit ot truth, and lu tho spirit or in th' and rairuess. 1 tr' ?t we are hero to refu nd to it 1 risn lor tho pttrpow of up|<endiug to the resolution of my frland, Mr. Whito, another. rt,.,,lved that, although no explanation from Mr.Jumet ,v: i w' wii v, tll;i explaiiitlon given by him has been en. I ivsiiiisiu. ' ity to tlio bar, and should l?o ra Wla-tory to iii. C(S?r' "i'>t m our .ptna.n tnere Is no oc.-tt?lou for any Inrlbi-r action on the part oi mo Court la lela.iou to tbc ?p plloHtiou made. toll. The resolution w?s seconded. K. I". aiitci'fAHi?.Mr. Chairman, I bsg leave to avail myself or the olfer by Mr. James, not to put him toWther pain, but r?.her that tho mattet tnaybs ex plicitly understood by this meeting and by ths public in the ?<!. so that I understood it, though rroni the connec tion or his remarks It might hereafter meet with quibbling or denial. 1 supi?ose that to the ma. loritv the principal cause against Mr. James, as alleged tu his proTsShional capacity was this matter ?r Ingram's. I understand that Mr. Jaines asserts that the letter addressed to the dcrondant, asking or him a sum or money, icrerred to that d"fei: lant's subscription towards the inilitieal exjionsos of ihe campaign, to which allusion has b'>en made. I merely wish M. James to put it in such a form that It cannot U?r?a(tsr sostroyerted in the Mr. Jamks?Tlmt l?tt ir referred to tbe o(T-r which Mr. In ? mil, its a member of the committee for combating my election, made t<> on to j< in witli lour other gentle in n, and advance tho sum or u pounds. lie njarle that oiler to me p rsonaily, in tho dining room of tint llouso of ('c mmors. Vr, Siii itai o?There is only one other mattiT that I de-ire to give, expression to, a dlhitistbat I beii*\o (tie gentlouMfi who bavo moved m the matter before the Supreme Uoart, in reference to Mr. J.iuios' ndm ssloa, have line.i actuated, nut by improper motives, but by a de?ire th t justice should bo done. Wiiile, a: Ame ricans, we welcome talent ami genius Tr> in all nations of (lie \v rid, we know that in tho . truggio in which wo have been encaged again.-t Uia rohollioa u thlug in this world hut tho morality of tho people, tho settle or j'lKtlco residing iu them, has carried us triumphantly through. Ami so wo wish thu bur of New York to stand bit'h on those grounds, and we are Jealous, and rightly so, of its honor; and everything that may h> .ny meant, im pugn that h' nor wo will investigate. And I only wish to way to Mr. .lames, ami to any one else who mav hereafter bo similarly circumstanced, thai tho motives of tho gentlemen from whom those motions emanated should liot bo Impugned, ami llio verdict in this case Buy bo like that In thecnsnof Thomas Addis Knunett, which was instanced by Mr. James. These gentlemen are open to conviction; all tlioy wish is tho truth, and 1 boliovo that the committee will be the ftrst at tho bar to extend tbe right hand of fellowship to Mr. James. The resolution of Mr. White and that of Mr. ChatOeld won.- then agreed to. . Mr. Malc lm Cactiiku offered the following resolu tion :? Res.dyed, That th? committee, of which Mr. Daniel I, ml Ischnirnmn, not havim: derived their authority lrom any ni ottng of tho bar of New York, or any body or n ?socialion connected therewith, after any notice of their pro posed action in reference to Mr. Jam-s, have no authority 10 represent, and do not tn fact represent the seittlmcnts of the legal profession of this elty, either In ilie manner or sub stance of tbeir properdin.! a.aist .Mr. James; that sueh proccedli.E ; confess* dly founded not upon charges affeetlu: Mr. James' character since he was admitted by tho pn>|>er trihutiiil a? a menib.'r of the New York bar, but 11 pon anonymous attacks In foreign journals In unworthy of tl.e magnanimity and liberality of our protemlon and our people and savor* of persecution; that the bar of Ne>v York claim- to select the guardians of its honor anil reputation ai.d that we lepudlate the unsolicited aud sell eonstituted guardlauship of the committee referred to. The rrs dutlon was then adopted. Judge HKA iXK? 'U adjourn I think it duo to myself to mak i soma explanation to tho bur, Inasmuch as it wis on tny certiileato t h it Mr. Edwin James wa . admitted to ihe bar. Ithasboen sug;;??tod, and, I am told, stat, d, that I had no knowledge of .Mr. Ju:u s until It is arrival in this country. Gent emeu, my acquaintance with Mr. James commenced seventeen yearn ago, iu the city of London, nnd during sevon years of that time 1 bad an intimute acquaititanco with Mr. James, both professional and personal. I watchod liis career. At that time lie was a rising young ma: ; and when I left London?some ten years ago?and came to your hospita blo shore, 1 left him In tlio zenith of his fame. I recollect well liow he worked li s way against, 1 might almost say, the frowns of the bjueh and the aristocracy of Kngland. Without aristocratic connections, with no thin;; to recommend bun but his own indomitable ta lent, hu worked his wuy : and,asl said before, when I leli Loudon, tcu ye.irs ago, ho. was then tit tho head of his profession. RoTor#. i gigned the certificate which was presented hy Judge Edmonds to the Supreme Court, I had examined every portion ol tlio cha grs which have been .'suggested against Mr. James. I know of my own knowlodgo how tho inns of tha courts in Loudon arc constituted, which, perhaps, may not be known to many gentlemen of thu New York bar. The benchers of tho inn are your professional rivals of tbe ber; and I know that Mr. Jftmes bad,even when I left kngiaml, many professional rivals who would have boon very glad had either Providence or some other act taken h>in out of their way. Gentlemen, din ing my knowledge of Mr. James at tho bar he always fostered the talent of tho young g barrister, aud wherever it was In his power he always hold out tbe right haml of fe iowshlp and ad v meed him as far as ho could. 1 thought )> oper, under these circumstances, to make tho o vplanati'iu that I now abide by tin certificate 1 gave Mr. .lames. and 1 am sure, after the explanation you have heard, you will consider mo perfectly justified iu doing it. (Applause.) On inotiou tho meeting thon adjourned. THE SIEGEJMF FORT WRIGHT. Reinforcement of tlie Rebel Fleet?De monstration Agaliut Our l<nutl Force*, &*., &c. CHICAGO, May 17,1R62. A despatch from the fleet received to- lay saxs that dw-ertci'8 slate I tint ilio robel flotilla had bean reiniorcod by tho nrrlval of a new ram, calle 1 (be Cencral l*i ice, ami the iron-clad gur.boat Arkansas, from Memphis. Jeff. Thompson lin.s landed a pari of hi# forces on the Arkansas shore, und a demonstration against our hind forces was mido on Whines lay uight, aud our pick, ts driven in. Hie enemy now hold part of the point. Cairo, liny 17,1802. It Is asserted that t!r fleet will have no difficulty alt^r ! passing Fort Wright and the rehol flee!. Til* Judgeship of the Srvtnlli District. Albany, Mav 17. ISO:!. The Jtidgoship of tho SupremeCourt' Ssvonth district, mndo vacant by the death of Judge Knox, it is under stood, wna tendered to Jnmes C. Smith and Henry R. .-'elden, both of whom do lined. It la understood tba1 Senator Foljjer, of fiencva, and Judges Worden and Wright, of Auburn, aro named as candidntea. Radaltl Committed to Jail at Freehold, B?w Jersey. Detective Tieinann, wlro lert. the city on Friday with Rn'ski, tho alleged murderer of Fellner, arrived at Freehold, Now Jo.-scy, about eix o'clock in the ?vonlngi and handed Ills prisoner over to Mr. McT<eon, District Attorney of Monmouth county. Rad'ki. during the trip, scented rather downcast, and on Iti? arrival at Freehold wa* c< nsldcrnbly unensy. paying that he felt It would he a lot g while bo.nre he would be out i^.tia. Ifn wag im mediately delivered Into tho custody of tho Jail keeper, and committed to Mnntnonih countyJal' to await his trial A very comfe, Inblo ceil wiih provided hlni. and there is no doubt b it li" will receive better attention tlrnn wre bo vi limine of our City Prison. Kx-Judpo St.'wart, who has been retiincd as coun?"l for the prisoner, lia-1 oMaine I rotn? important iuforiiia tirin which, it 1.4 slid, will i'mIIjtahow thai Kadi, i Is not tho alleged muiue er. bat that other part lea, no: before suspected, are implicated in the horriblo tragedy. Permitnrnt Home for Solilleri Negotiation* tiro at pre. eat pending b tweon tho lleard of ('ommi-sloners having oharu-o of thnbulMlrgs in tho upper ii. rtifn of tho "antral Park, known ns tho Mount St. Vincent Academy, formerly occitplcd by tho Slstoi s of Charity, a id the sub committee of the Joint Social Committee of tho Common Co'incil on National Affairs. I'll* object ot the committee is to secure the bull lings lor Ilio pur ose o;'estubii-hit'K u perina'out home f- r wu'ttid" I soldlurs. where Hkmo requiring scvo ? al motitlis' or a year's eara to li comocouvalc-nMit inny be taken care of. The buildings atv remarkably wdl adapted for tho purpose, and would, it is stippo*. d, ac lomtm date about six bunded inon. while tho heat ion, awnjr front tl.o Lose and bustle of the eity, srd evoo?e t on all sides to a ilubrlons and l.oi'llire'uorii.g breezes, cannot be surtmsssil. St. Pi:rm's Cmrani, RnooKt.Tx.?The ?ocred concert la aid of the funds of this church takes placo today. A number of leading artists will assist.. Tnr. Ot.n Bowsnv Thkair*.?This popular old establish ment was re -opened last evening, undor the direction of the favorite manager Fox. and a crowde I house honored the occasion. The theatre ha* undergone a thorough renovation, and locked quite fresh and no it last evening. The pieces performed were "The Sea King's Vow," "The Pb'Moni Bride" and "Sixteen String Ja-k." Arrival* and Departures. ARBIVAt,*. Mnroan It ?vkn--Si. utn*l lp tlivat Eastern?Mr* Narah .1 Slii''air, Mt>ars Moitis, f.a'?>nhere. Hmddarl, (' Wal rd, I'.ilh H"'? t'i?.iil. .1: * It '? rt? Ml. (!? (I ' ll, llat?'0Mil, Ten jl111. S W Windham. Ml-- and Mr- II ;ni? irid family. V. ? Abbott aad amtjIJan* BleliaH Hi'1 vena, Mr ami Mrs llo l>a i"t ^ ilai ghier. w II Power*. Pedro Merino. M lirlnutcr, Mi mid Mr* Wo .dwanl, lainllv and our- M?s Hainan! Mi Smart an I two < hl'dn ii. John Itob-ry, Mr-Tli i :ia m l l,i ..ll.v. David I'o v.-II. Mr. t'mhl- KIwsid Whitehen I M ?. Maria Hm oriiin, Mr a id Mr? .1 ? -li n I.n. > t> and In ll\. ,la(m a ti ny. M Johnston*. \V llandforit, Oeorre Sl.n'e, llenrv Itnr unit, Mr and Mia.latnei Kd'.ar and f.orvlv. Ml - Inli.i It ???, I> Wllllnms and Inlanl 1 f ? ? n-? m i. Mriiml Mra llul oil, Allan Cnleti, Oeoi'iii* I'lkc, llenry Hall, .lame t II? Ktli, Mr and Mrs K Moor,*. I^hvIi Hdv, I, Sell.'ttt.inn, ltev Clln? K Cuiry, Pnnl'd Mtllf John Mm time, San.I Hi' ; , bouse, II K"Vl>old?, Moiis t^lmpi^llvr, Muna I'atil Thtver, Arthur.I Willis. I' Koan'rra. Ilnnlet Olii?r, .lutitua WiHitn*, W'm Vat"*. I'atHavnor, ThoaOarimi', >|(m and Maat-rllav in r, N h It-' >erta. H K nti?. J Williams, Mr Connell. Mr W< at, Mr Morlaitv. the Mla-ei Mutpliv. tlie Mlx-na thlfltn, (In-gory liny, Klolt ird Day, Mlsa Hi vena, Mr* Malioney, ilr K. nneilv I a nli rt Prty?, M Dt'a' i-rt, T!io- O.iitMi. II IlartoQ. W llaiUt'ine, Mr and MraOeorge Wa'taand in'ant. W VVatif, Mr Wti'lion, Mrand M -Hnm iil l|end init noil, II l>avies. II Pi ic. S Mnri1?, Mr* Ann Jones, F I l?i?on, Tn?a Brio> inir, JnKeph II 4^inv, Vf Nortli, Cliai* l.l'i d. Mi anil Mrs John Davles end lanitly, Ue.,rgi' I'atmnre, Mr U.irrtnglou, Mr and Mra Elirry, Mr Bilivard BHerj. Total, ln7. PKPAHTIttHa. litvr.aroni,?Ptesnnlil| Kiua?Marion Ridlman, \?i\ York; Mrs K Wilde. I'lulidilpliia; Mica Carilul, Ennlnnd; MI-sM eenllnian, Mrs M Vlllette Mlaa M Kdne'uiry and Ohsrlotte J Hii an-*, Ne'.v Y.u k; M*iry C Tltua. Tims Kergnson, wile, t liree uUlldnn and mir-o ft I.oul*; Hdw t'linpman. wife and danabter, UtO'a N Y; C S< hulilifl*, J It Andiena. ili u H Tilu* Hoi*". N'.ir <in, J ph Hall nil o II VVtllaid Mew Y. rk; I M 111 I'ilea, NYt .1 Il nijr Rlobardsoii. Fail Ki t r: Jo'lil S ...III, H?'V .1 W Mavusket, Or l<a?nlle mid II JJ Wil li', I'h ladi .phia; W U 1'iirbi tl and wife, Kingston, A Jnek^on, M Uoakl'-y. Mr llenry and Florence Morpeili, tins ton; Ml?a Forli r, Ml^s Oi.iv, I'apt ?! U L'ii'r*bte. 0 S p .rti'r and Win Mills, !??# Y uk; K Orav and Cunt v W Kln. er, 11 .i mi lit .n, ?' W; ?' W Butler, N-w York; Dr K V llaiha^av, II K ( "Opi r and la* T irn r, Hhtlaitrlpbu ; James McUleeiy mid Wm Biewart, Knuland; (!apt Nagl.- and wife, Toronto, OW; Mrand Mrs Altunniler and ttiren e.htldren, do; K A Merrill and wife, Mm "Oi J llo'Wl, Now York; Br'an Jiihiiauii, Utlea; A Bradley, New Y'nrk, I* llnrllnit, elms Mi rer and Thomas I'ordifc *, Clu lunatl; 0 Schntleld, Philndelplila; Rev T H.?i?. Ht bonis, Mo; .fnlm Loek. hart, JnJlus In*, J?*e Jsnsn, J Bvyan, .1 Caldwell and wife. NY . P llttf4in?. NY; J Van I'M ? di. NY; M,s W. Wl|. son, Toronto, Mr* li Murine; A Van Loseren ami wile. Van Coiivrrs; Mary MiiHroy, sit Irfinls: ,1 To ubst, O Fi rri. Iter i llenry I'atlon and aauiihter, Archdeacon of Otiawa; .1 Sawyer and wife, NY; .' W t'ludlmry, W Farre|i,,l Martin and wile, Phils; T Martin, 8 Ural a v (laid J Webster, W W O Brlen, llilnniS; A Buiir'lnu, .1 Alkilia, H -nlon; HiWny. I lis NY: N Wilcox, A Cowan. O Cowsn, J Collins, fl II, in. I lileton, lie* .1 O'Rulllvau, St Louis; l" Vespers, Mr Kerr and fiimdy, NY; Rev Dr kUickg, Fblla, wllfc otaen In tbe steerage. Pbtiuii Btuwnluw in Ilroi.K I >*i. ? The heroic I'arson Browniow ap'eiued Defore it itrook. Ijru audienco laat evening. The Acalmny of Music was crowded to its greato?l capacity, and ninay gentlemen and fcouttt ladies had to stand during the wTrdo time tho Bargon spi ke. The band of tho North Carolina was in attendants and played several patriot io pieces. The stage whs thronged by in my of the principal citi zens of the sinter city, and the greatest enthusiasm pre vailod. The veteran detaiuler of tbt Union was r -coiv?d with tremendous applause, and for sovaral mi .ute? it was impossible fur him to gjH;ak. Three chseiM were proposed for Purson Rrownlow ?"d glvn Willi a will lifter which theru wan auuihur cuthusiajtic outbuist of applause. I'urton Browniow began h:? speech by saving that he had no giit of eloquence, ulthwigh he ImmI bce? auci.g tome I to public speaking lor the la.--t thirty-live yea s. He had nover been neutral on any question in his 11 o. He reviewed the progress of the reb llion lu tli i slave States, and analysed tho disiKirate nod bloodthirsty spirit which animates tho lovluiso. the rebellion, and detailed a series of atrocities in the South scarcely rea livable. The speech which we hud before the readers of the ilEiuui, however, contained nearly all of th?se in s Uncos, ami, with but few exceptions, was one with tho Parson's discourse i:ist evening. Ho eip.-e.ssel his umiy ng and unlaiteri g devotiou to the Union, and declared it to be liis intention to return to his Southern home amt tight tho ruinous there to thu bitter ond. He hail faith in Liuoolu and the people to suppress tho rebellion. That dono, let Engliiud and Franco cfiii.o on, aud we will whip thorn, too; especially old John Bull, for sending his I r. Russoli heie to carry water on both shoulders, as F.uglatid lias always been doing. Ho did not like such impudence nnyhew. ami ho would rather li:>\e a fcgp w ith John Hull than not. The I'ars 11 was loudly choeied IkruugUout speoch and on retiring. 'Ihe rclati. n of his experience in the )n ison in which he was confined whs |m- uiliarlv interest ing, a d throughout he spoke w ith much leeling, enorgy aud animation, Personal Intelligence. General E. A. Hitchcock arrived in thJs city on Fri day , and has left it temporarily on a visit to friends in New Jersey. It is uncertain when ho will ret'irn to Washington to resume bis labors iu the War Depart ment, from which lio has leave of absenoe. Brigadier General Gilmore, who commanded the bat" teries on Tybeo Island at the storming of Fort Pulaski, arrivod hero yesterday in tho United States si?am transport Atlantic from Port Royal. After stopping for a few hours at the Astor House ho loft for West l'oint. 11.1,. Rengores.of Chicago: P. Wnmhdd, of Philadel phia; U. B. A'tey, of New Kocholle, and S. N. Chil'umt"H and J. It. Fan re, of New York, are stopping at thu St. Denis Hotel. J. M. Shott,of tho United States Army: Tt. H. Oratz and W. H. Henderson and wile, of Philadelphia; G. A. lloot, of Sheffield; A. Gage, M. Fisher, Jr., S. T. Snow, A. II Hall and G. II. Gray, of Boston; J. Siililo, of Cin cinnati; R. J. Harrison ami J. Perdue, of Maryland, are stopping at tho Fifth Avon'.'.o Hotel. J. W. Locke and 0. Haw ley, of tho United States Army ; S. Priichott, of Tonnesseo ; J. E. The* oner, of Ohio ; W.C. Dickiuson, of Pennsylvania ; M.Cameron, of Quebec; W. Cuinmingg and wife, of Portland ; N. R. Rovghor, of Baltimore; II. W. iiills, of liirtford;S. Skinner mid wife, of Indiana ; J. J. Jisiin, of Vermont, and P. Merwin,ol Virginia, are slopping at tho St. Nich olas Hotel. I)r. A. Hitchcock, of Flte.hburg, Mas?. ; Henry Kellogg, of New Haven ; G. H. l'oabody andC. F. Stevens, "f Phi ladolphia; D. W. InRorsoll, of St. Paul; K. Cayi Chicig>; I.ymrn Far well and Henry Evans, of Boston; C. Wn'ford,of London ; I,. Stetson, of Clinton county; W. M. Gregory,of Albany ; C. E. Barnard, of Utlca ; II. S. Muuger.of Ohio, and B. F. Bolord, of Haitirxore, are stopping ai tho Astor House. OIHelnl Drawing* of the Kentucky ana Delaware State Lotteries. Kkntuckv, Extra Class 181?Mar 17, 1862. 44, 34, H2, 54. ?U. 3t>, Hi. 4, 'J2! fl.t. 60, 21. 1>klawa?k. Class i!-?Mnv 17 18<B. r?G. r?n, 27, (.2, 4. :k :>2, eo, 72, 5:1, 44, 24, 65. Circulars sent by alilrrssln JOHN A. MOIIRT3 k CO.. Wilmington. Delaware, or Covington, K-ntiuty. OAlrlal Drairlngii <?f Murray, Htliljr ib Co.'h Kentiickv aud Missouri Slate Lotteries. Kk.ituckv Extra Ct ?? 2.1'.'?.May 17,13S2. 10, 25, 4, ;i!>, r.ii, :i2, >1. (ill. it), 41?. 75, 57. Ki:*tockt, Ui.ass ?tt? May 17, 13S.'. fi, CI, .10, 1, 41, l!>, 51, M. 15, 21, H, G3, 42, Cireutai'N scut free ot ctiarijn hy aldresslnc either 'o MUHBAY, KI>U? ft CO., Corin:ton. Ky.. or 8t. La iU, M-fc Price* Cgihrd tn nil Legalized Lotte ries. Iutonriatlon uiren. JOSEPH BATES, Broker, No. II Wall strei t, roon. No. I, New York. Klcgant Spring Cloaks, m? - Sir. ticorge Ourey, Proprietor ot flic t'nlvd 8 *'<vi 0' ManlCl'i Slorc, Nys, SQifcn l MM Canal street, has this seasAfi made H' k Kni'Ces-lul hit In hi* elegant sprriig nml summer < loiikn. The superb now fabric, tie "Kxhlitlon tflo'h," in being universal.)' admired by the ladle<. The e\ qitlshe Sue-pie* an<l Circulars mule from tin new arc eertatnly the mist tasteful dug out. They are at onre drc<y, adapted to nil. at <t suRIc!' ntly light In textile to bp worn with comfort in the wsr.ii?st wraiher. Aa they are isrl iiir very r.i(i;<l y, we would advise our fair reador* to make iholr selections u lihout delay. Prints, Print*, Prints, Print*. BEST STYLES OF MKBRIMAC, SI'RAIil'E, PACIFIC. COOIIKCU, AC., AO., AT MrDONAI.O'8 .Wltowsrv. One Dollar Clothes Wringers, *Tusi Pa tented; wrings ImRiilifiilly, and lit' any till'. AildrrM, i n clniliiK one dollar, Pierre D. Van Ilue-cn, 67 Smith street. ii|i h aira. N. B.?Patent Rights tort-die, and skills wanted in every town. Meade Brothers ttrrat Down Town Photograph Galleries. Families wlshln; th"lr lulin'tuble Mlrn Cartes do Visiles, pbaae mukc engagements ahead. Keefe's New Restanrant and Private fliipper Room*, opened at No. 126 Crosby street, adjoining htii toimer plnre of business. A Big Hit.?Or nt 4' Patent T,en1hrr Bnot? for $2 at BAHTLKTT 8 .'72 (Ira ni stre t corner Nor.oik. HciiiiiK'i Patent Clin nipt on Fire anil Kurijliir I'rooi Sales, 2.?l Br >..dwav, corner Of Murray sir et, New York. CrMit iloro's list ir Dye, I'rrservstlve anil Wi| s, the Ivst In the worhl, >'. "V in and retail, and the dye privately applied at No. S House. W. A. Iliilelirl?r\ Olibiiitfil E^laMUlt KMt for Vl| , Tuiipei ?, llalr Dys,ui4 liuir Dyeing, a id Molda. a Oie.un fo, 'n'Eutifylng Mm h Ir, 10 Iton t street. Bennlifnl Com ]>lr\lon.? ?.al id's Bl?:ilii of Yoath, or Elqald Pitrl for preaervtag and bea tl > the complexion and a In. A ! di u?'i;l>t- .in I Ct'J Bi". dwny. Dr. Kenniily'i Mcdlrul Discovery Is warranted to cure S rofulu, Er> "ipa'.as, Ringworm, Seal,I ilead. Salt Hlieiim, l'Iier?. Fever Sires, I'lmpc-, and every disease of the bLin. of whatever nature. On* May Stifle MoHn Nnrely anil with out t o ible. tiy r ni; C"dsr Cimnh >r, e< in'dn? | *|!h eer in'ii raginnt sums ami pntrbnuly and vetlver leaves- tins ee,? bill,i ,1111,' III ..HIj In etr.- t, I* made only bjrlfAIIK'SA CHAPMAN, dm; 'ist, B' .ton. Sold b) New York iirtig?ist*. Bull Rnnf??lany Soldi,', Died for lack of rued leal treatment. Holloway's Pills and Ointment would have prevented this. Dr. Adam fianrls's I.lfe Pill*.?A Poet. tlvo and certain enre lor Neuralgia, N-rvnus Debility an I Fr verand Ague, In lt? worst lorm. $1 p-r bo.. Po?t frvo by mull. GEO. Hl'M'IN. No. 512 Broadway. Vrnaees.?Marsh Ai Co.'* Rudiertl fare Titt-s II! O . N ?. > V?i y sre^t Hinder Ih- Aa .>r H<oi?#', o;1 prwiie lieeh iroii. N< eonnectl n wlial< vei wlt'i any other T i si oillf* ?f lame name. SHIPPING NEWS. aiaiHsc roa aaw ron*?this ntr. t II ?oo.'< a ana i t ? II 4^ MVS' SETS 7 III BHJH WATKR "Ve lj 19 Port of New York, Mmy 17, 1804* CLKAKKI). Steamship Hammonls, Sehweiu.en, Hsmliurc? Kunhardt A c.i. Ship If 'rtilspbsre Taylor, f,lverp< ol?William') A Hulon. Sti i WitrOB'ln, S< ott, Llrerim i'?W T Knnt. f-biji I Ideiin. Messlin,', Lner)? ol?C H Marshall A Co. 8hii> ^.nl?>rprlM,, MeLane, Havre?'Boyd A tllaeken. Hark tianerata (Its)), Vllls, 1'alermo and Ca.ii/-Ijvw. reni*. tiiii s A Co. a Iv' (Br), Lankenau, Otiaiiteusino? Funeh, Melp. kp A \Vetidl. llr'.t' lui.iRPiiP, A\ TPS. Ca.lls?Tti) |? r A Heat Ip. Itrls Kll/ab -t i, Trimble, Vera t ror?K Ale .aitder A Bon. lll'.j Kl /a, Wflleriip, St CimIi?I' llaud'otd Uru B'lioas, Croinin. St Plerrp, Marl?B F Sm iH. B ,sj Ste. dawav. Alherton. Ctpnl'i|p*i>a?C 4 K J I'pters. Bi l,: T Own. >'*tlenclll, Nenvlias? Own A Carnlsan. Brfis Anita Owpii. tti'lia-'p. Neil1, ita ? IVek Atlhorh, Burt niotitHr). Smith, SI John, Nil?A 8inlilier? A Co. s. hi II slug Sun (Br>, Carmlohan, St John, NH?D R De w.iir Itr K I'mllHe, Peterson, I'hlla lelp'ils?Napier, Wellsford A )<a:.kin. Hi . W ' rnenny, Ro.-era, New f.ondnn?Msster. HehrChttf. RldredoP, Point a P.'ire?R H Kldrld i*. p.'lit Wllen Nniuv, tVo ..| St Andrews? l> It Dewoif. bi'hr p If.?i| er. Con lU'h Waslilmrton?Master Selir It F Woolspy, SotH-i , Alexsiidrla?Mast< r. Nhr-I Slronp, Lake, I'hlls r A Dayton. Hchr M irgaret l'later, Baylls, Wilmington, Uul?T S Kuee land. S hr Aiuellne, III* Bauenr?W R B: nwn A Co. Hr In Fratikl'n. All"n. CiiTnl*?,1 Frve A Co. S' hrK Her'iert. t'iat k, t aials?.1 fto nton A Hons. J- iir t' n, B!als.lell, Portland?MeleaiifA tliinean. s ill Satah Holder, Portland?W S lit- ami. Selir llitrd, Boldtison, roritaml?W S Itronn. firhr Kossuth, Biansenm. B'laton? 0 A E.I Peters. fipl.r llainllton. Nlokerson. llarwleh?Ma?ter, Kf?hr Chnrlosion, Burxesa. Hluaham?Thayer A Sargent. S'-'irC i, Hazard . Hsrttord?II H Itaekel. Hchi sally Oay, Ciesse, New Eon,Ion?H iker A Davton. K hr Hm t ara. P'-eker Wes' P.niit?Mss er. Sloop Mary Dallas, Itaekel, I'rovhl u.e?If 8 IWket. Hloup Planter, Applehy. Hrlditepert?II 8 Itarket, ARRIVKD. Steamship fJreat Eaaiern. l-aton, Mllfordhaven, May 7.1 PM.wlth nidaaand passengers, to llowlan.l A A?| ln'ivall. Ila-. PXperleiK-ed very hesvy ?;?les from the w stwarrl neaily all the voyage. Fell In w.tu ?everal leehergt an I largo quali ties ot held lee. Arrived utf Samly lluok 8 AM 17th Steamship risningei)Ct(Rr), r,' aid. Kini ?.ii>u, Ja, May 7, and For' an Prince 7Mi. with mdse ami passeogpra, to W*|. den A Boath. HtPamshlp Atlantle (P fl transport!, Kldrldge, Port Roral. BC. Ma' 14. with paiM ngers, to 1' 8tjnaru rtrsslrr. steamship Ilnlfman. i'oriiand, with m.lse Slid pahseiigers, tu II H' romwellA Co. Lost fore foot by belnn nshore In llell (late. Ship Khprgt (of Koston), R "IIpv. Manils, Jan 2,1, with suaar, h> mp, Ac, to ord. r. \prtl 17 I >t 1 19 S, Ion SI So, et. changed slvtials wltn ship Anglo 8.iion, from llustun ior kaa Fraavift-e, aU WfU, Hu 11, 08 lai, *c, bwdeii brl? Je^ farcy Coal*', ht me for r-Mguayrs. wito kindly suppled us wp?- proWgtaiih a d | ?i?w r h p Argonaut (of P.ootoni, Nortow, Vita Chow Jan 12 via II n ' Ko k. with te h, ? Ut Care ,v Co *4. d .te lai 3d H 8, Ion 21 10 b? tbuko ?a: k Il*nr> M*!l? r, fioin tthansbae for April JJ Ut 2 10 S, ion 20 \V, *|a>k? l urk Haiah !I Hini'a. 1? ii ?? fur Montevideo 9th inst, i?t 2,i.% l?>n 70 spoke schr U"t" 8t<wmU, hence, bound 8; mbv c tin** saw bri,' Eudoru . sterling 8W. Hark Melbourne (Hum), V ssen, Foo Ohnw. Jud'JS, p*s?a \ An :ii r Kfb 7, t'n|w? Good Hope March 2't, 61 llwb a . AiHH I, r> ith teas, .* e to Olyph n ?t Go. Fcl? 7 lat i i H. 16n <7 10 K. *p?>k" 15r bark n?'t from A?!e ?id< for Akyab: Atareh 14 .lat 33 10 S??oii 2:i bH K, spoke It?- bark K iivfso, from Rangoon for L udoti, 66 <?ays out; I'.tb. lat 84 67 & l< n !?< 15 E. hj>oke Ilr shi(? Sarati ?, from Akyib* i* r Cork,CI (Jam oh'; A?>rii 10, 1*4 2 Ot S. ! n 19 W, spoke Hr ship A1 tnorv*. from It mbay lor Liverpool, 89 days out; NSm H It) at 3T>2*8, Ion 2" 46 E spoke Dm h bark Van Ii on. from ha tavi* for 8 bieng, 60 <ta>s out; Arml 141. Into i<? S km 22 oi' spoke Fr bark Humboldt. irom Boril< ?iu for Boerboi, 42 diivs out: May 1, lat 20 /W. l^n 57. passed a si ?.id wtoi b was not lain don n on any of" our chart*. Bar*',>uickat??p (of Pi>ston), Peterson, 8ivyai????* .Ian .V). and Pain via K'-!> I), with teas, Ac, to J) A ft ti B.iemi. Feb 28, lat 24 3i> 8. ion 78 31 E. en>er enced h cfrl'Mic cwn menciijg KSE, and endim: in NX W, th- c-nJreof which N of um; iai l too 1 '? bom; March 13 bit 40 21 S, !on 67 H E. c\pcri? nerd a vrv severe ciyclone commencing ENft;had a ? alm 'nterval of one hour, a-ul a;ain blew as ?ioloat an before from 8, ie lit re of which |?at>. ed ft of ua; laid to under be > e poles tor 0 hotira; from tin" **<? had t'ne weather around Cape G'tod Hope. April I4,Ial7S, Ion 'JTZ W, >pok inaB'e.l' Miller, from Sit..'ids for S'?i hae. 67 dn\* out; 17th. >at 2 II S, bin 27 00 W. rxci amied si?. tala with a*iip J Raker,* from IJverimol forCalbvt*; -Oh, croaked the equator in Ion 'JD 3(J W; 24th, lat y ID N? hi IV W, waa in company with an Am* r em ablp ?l.o ,inK'"t pri vate ai^nu! it Ii two vrllow ^tniiea < hoii/onlal) and Nne in centre; M.iv 0. lat .*5005 Ion 07 1>. sjh.' ? B? l?r A Htnilliera, be ee for S? Domingo, 7 days out. Hth iaf I 4W lr?n 54, ?l o e Hr biig S Tltua, of .^t Jcdin NB, !?? t?ce for Porto 1*1* o, 4 dayH out, Ha'k North wood, lli'.Uut Malaga ?& dava, and Jfc? from Gibralt ir, with fruit mi l lead, to tir'tn.l A 'Vi*" erv It. 1'ark Lenox (of Fall Itiver), Cole MarsellbM tcb I'V parsed fiibraltar .Van h 2S. with n;dae. t- master. I'. -sed Gibraltar in co ..pany with bark iKibel, of Warren, Hi, f'om Aticinid for Ila-uburc- April 13, 11? .Ho2G. Ii u 26 15, apo'?? . ark I'aula, hence for Cadi/; 4th in?t. at 37i>5, Ion 67 30. aw aUanial.ip Salvador hence, ?teerinjr RE. Hark Young America, ('otlins, Cardenas May with au gur, u> Robert v Will ams. V> irk Indian Belle, Tommy. Matanta*, 13 d iy- with atiDrnr to If D Hrn ku an .v Co. ftt . iriht ufY Cnr.\sfoi't ef, bark 4i-t*el!e, froin 8hip Ik| in I for Boston. Hark Brothers, Mariner, OienfucKos 20 dava, with s mar, Ac., tofst'o HSu pheii-oti ?\t Oo. t>th ltist, o X Hn^ena, was lw?arded by 1T 3 snip Marion, on a cruise; same time saw. U 8 baric oasuth. Hark E .ivchs, Sundberg, Sagua, 13 days, with sugar, to P V Kim; Co. Brlfi Now York (Ital), Sta'ace, Palermo 70 days, passed ts-ibraltar April 6. with fruit, to C'tamborlain. 1'be!? -. A Co. Britf Neptune ii>ld), Drees, Buenos Ayres March H, with hid?'gand woo', to Hennings V GosHn-:. 20:li im?t. lat 31 4l, Ion *vS passed n ship bound 8, shoeing a white signal, rt:d border, with bl ck lelter B in if. Brig Balear (Mcx), Batian. Tampico, 35 days, with mdse, to Kin? A I.avine. Brie Mauriclo (Dutch), Schroeder. Caroooa, 1?> days, with bides, fustic, Ac o Dovale A Co. 14th lust, lat 20 30, Ion 72 30, saw bark D Jex, hence, bound S. Brig C C Bil'in Tapley, Arcelbo, P R. May 4. with sugar, Ac, toT II Sanford. 8th insti, lat 30 10. lung 72, Saw bri? A Howell peering S W. Brig O caii Wave (of Fall R'rcr). Win?low. Cienfuegos, 11 days, with auuar, Ac. to .1 E Ward X Co. Railed in comp my with bark Broth era, for New York; brig M?rii.e, for Boston. 6th it*mi. spoke w ?S brig Bain'?rid ?" cruising, ail well. Brig B nj Carver (of Srarspert), Perry, Cardenas. 15 jlays, w itii sucar, Ac, to WalnU. Cirrer ?t Cliast*. 10th Inst, bit'rvj 4^, !omk7S 40. spoko hark Hoary Buck, from Matanzas for 0 days out. BHgD 0?Castnt*r (of WrJdoboro), Tlastlnrt*. Cardenas, H davs. w|*h sugar to Yates A lYrterticld; has been 8 days N of Hatter?is. with licbt winds. Schr A W McLellan (Hr, of Halifax), Mcl.ean, Curacoa, 22 davs, w tb salt and hides, to .fos Foulkes' Sons. 8cbi Trident (of Thomast. ?wn), Sn<>;r, A'igad'lla, P U, 1th inst. with sugar, Ae? |o Miller A Houglron. 15tii in?!. oif Abpo'otnb spoke br^: 'fornado, of Wcsiford, from Mutan as fi?r Portland. . ? f!ebr A 'die E Parnes (of New Haven), Betsworlh, S. Johns I'll, l?da?'S. with surar. Ac to J V On ?,i\ia A Co. Schr T< inpleton (Br, of St Andrew, N B), Barnard, T>0 mingoCHv, April 27, with tnakogany, Ac, to Brett, Bun A Co. Sc!;r G H C (Br, of Cornwall's), Hamillon. Jaomel, April 2 ? with lo :w?*o I an t e ifTee to Kunhardt A ? 'o, Schr |A B Terry for New Haven), Pedriek, Matamaa, li days, w th fruit to Thos <>ilm?rlin 6ehr Mary Power, Frt ethv, Ca'd^nas. 11 days, with sucmr. to Ohna Keen. 15ihinst. lat 35 It), Ion 74, spoire schr M Sewall, from Turks Is'ftml* for Bangor. Fchr M Munsi n. Jr (of Brookhaven), Brewer, Bataroa, ? days, with fruit, to Thos GilmartWi. Srlir Anaconda (Br). Moss, Cornwallit, NS, 10 days, with potal< < s. to D It Dewolt". Schr Bellona (Br). Burnon, St Andrews, NB, 6 days, with laths, to .led Kr e A Co. 8 -hr W C Mershon (3 mas'ed), Cole, Fort Pickens 21 days. Ai?r I 3n, lat 25 H, long HR30, spoke whaling bark Kl /abeth, of Westpor-, Frances. 11 months out, had .mo bid* and was ' oiling, all well; 2d inst. lat 2J34. long S3 3ti. spoke U 8 g in lu ut It it Cti v ler, bound to Tampa; 3d inst, off Havana, spoke lT .S frigate Niagara. oruUinir. Schr 7. Heeor (of New Bedford), Gage, Port Pi^ken*. April 21. with falls ani rigg'ng from brigs East, and Eltuer, lo.-?t on Santa l!o?a Island. S hr DC llulne. Oarrin! ton. Port Royal, 10 days. 8chr John Ho.-e, Hul e. Pmt Royal, 5 days. Schr J W Mine, Manson, N 'wn. rn, N C, 6 days. Schr Clara E'len. Gray, Eii/.abcthportfor Bo n Schr Lacuna, Gibbs, Ell 'abethport for F' ' gehr Era, 4^han>berlain W -/abethiv? f- Boston b'hi rJa if JflST1TmI KF,r, ethport for 8 Hem. S' i11. l'1 r ^ T* '-.?^1.eiiipoi t for Provide ncc. Schr r or. o, . c^rnbotliort for B n?mn. gel r Ar?'he - itjlfs. Kji/?b;t!ii?ort for Boston, AfTion Mudlcv, Port Mo lis. S hr L I) Wentw.^rtb. Ryder, Bangor, 7 days. jfoili" R M Smith, Dewev," Fall River, Senr Mftrv Jane, Murphy. Providence. 8. lir Wi'll im Stevens, Small, New Haven. S hr Vandalia. Stront. Marr??neck. Steamer Win Woodward. Cnndiff, Baltimore. Minnesota. Gi rrett, Baltimore. Steamer Ironsides. Vamlerveer, Philadelphia. Steamer Falcon. Williams, Baltimore. Wind at sunset 8. MI<rellanpon?. The aicani.hlp Ktna, Captain Itoskcil, sailed at noon yes leida> for yueenstotvn mid Liverpool. The steamship Hammunia, Capt Scliwcnscn, saikd ycsler I day for Southampton and Hamburg. ^ . I Xi.goA Hat, Vare? 19??'flu- ^rreck of the American ship A II Stevens. before reported as having occurred on Bo'itcn Island, with her earpo of teak . IKK) Ion*, w hen shipped, has boon Kiln l>y Mr Jones for ua flic lay on I lit- rock*. f?!* moron. boa's. aiu-lorx, Ac, wi re xold for ?80. The conn of ln<|iiiry inlo ttie loxa of the A II Hicvena re|.ort* thai lh' re In no fault to lio a'trlbutcd lo the caHa n. and that a light on Kobben Island would have avrtle I the wreck. IlKmrN. April !P?The wn-ok of the American kUi|> Allx r' Currier, which was stranded tn'lween I.anscroop and Npioke' iiidj April IH. has been Mil I, with the portion of her cur^o M ili on board, for ,".7 rl\ dollars. M ? imr u*. April .1?Tin- l?rk Cheshire, it viunsly report* ed, I a? been J.ild lor The laivo wax ie*lilpi*.d per Meiciirv. which veesd Milled on tli? 24th ult. A putt n't he cart", any some 7tH bai:*, waa s > badly damn ed that li conbl not be ro'.hipped. and lliev woiibi|u<>l allow lit to !m lanled lie.e. It wa-? therrford taken otilxi to, iindllr,<mu Into the '?en. The kclirjamcx Lawrono. from N?>v York,'arrived on ihc 101 ti nil. Un ti e pannage she Imi head of foreniaat. fleiu.r. April 211?The bria llobart .lord in. from Ale- an drla for Fnlu onth, Willi Inriey. whlle.beai n: up Into rnr roada in charge of a pilot, a truck on a reel, and ?u? xhortly aftrrwtiida r'lti on shore n-ar Snlii-ou, and i? lull ol water. The vraaci will be a total w re K, and the w liole of tlio car^o a totalloss. Wlinlent en. Arrr.t Bevi hollos Mai !. II, bulk* North VVeri Ttitnl ar. \'ti, clean i and rid Aprils : Mesa "liter. OliTord. Nil 4 t'?|i (and i-l l April 4); lath, I'crl, Norton, Ml, (>Oi.j> (and aid April 8). ? . Fornzn Porta* AsTwi'tir. At-ril 2<? Arr L ie> Uliu, Thtirlow, Ma' 8'.I Mav 2. ?'a 1 > C, N V r.. 1> ?? d K Ca- o lie, do. AtitOA Har, M irc'.i 2?Arr Miry A Loul?ii. Jo-ioa. Now Y >rk (and aid 4U. lor I'm I .Vital); lllh, Racehorse, *? in lea, Anrraino, Mav 1?In port brie Lillian. hence, Juri arr; a<Iir C Kant ittrri. Wooxtor. lor t'Mlad l| hln In a lovjdat*. SU1 few ilBya i reviotis, lurk Old C'dotiy, fork Auti\mi.i.a, I'Btillay 4?In |urt brig Ad* I phi, for New Yor , Id'. H?i?vnt, May t?In port Alexandrine, Tit--omb, for Leg horn. Idv. Bin.f \?T, April Srt?Arr Ke'orm, Fll-faon. New Vork. Honniux, April 30 (not 27)?An flonti 'lt 1'Unui r, Mcsrs, Trieste. Bmk*i.rhav?"?. Apil' 30?Shi *'a'- bin I, for NYork. It airoA. no dan?In |eo-t skHi-a Kniellne Kelb y, forNo?r York7 d?v?; A B ti er, for dill. ( n*i ?, Vav 3?Arr Bavaria (a), New York; and proceeded forlla ulmrt.'. t'tni*, April 19?Arr Ilcnry llarlieck, True, from Bor deaux. CoN.arttfTtNorLK, April 12?Sid r jtnola Secor, 1h nni ?on, Hrnvrna. ( 'iumcoa. April 28?In port bark Yentia. Atk'nson, for Vew Tork Mav %. Drti . Mav 2?Arr Brilliant, Colhurn, Almeria (and pro C 'eded 31 tor London, At anchor in the Down* lit. Bewail, Delano, from Oenoa for Nowoaat e. IIovkk. April 28?raaaed, Helen, from Oatend for New York. M<v 2?In port Ir-ne. Tiiit-e. for New Tok, ldg. Kai.ant:Tii May 2?sld Fle.'iwlng, Jayne. London. Oil tl e Start Int. Oivan. Jabury, from Hamburg for New . iii orcr?'i>'t. May I?Manhattan. Dnva, Cardiff. (JI mcov A|irll 2~Arr Rdwtli Nugi ut, Kemodioa; May 1, Abdel Under. F.idrhUe, I'ardenaa. Sid from the O yilc Mav 2, \V iltor Balnea. Mk'nnztia. OAnnm'tia, Ajm II 2^?Arr Anna S ae Weeka, Alio wit*. April 2ft?In iwrl alilp Weatem t'hlef, Word I n ir. ills'. Sld 2Mh. xlilp C D Merwln, Merwln, Cork or Kal mo'ilh. Wind 26th, eaxterl.v and freah. ridtld, ett. Bra'.dt Oenoa. H amruri!, April 3d?Arr Mary R iaa, and J Bertram, New York. Sld May 1, Sir Roliert Pael, for NYurk; Cruaader, Moore, Kan Krantiwo. IIavr' . Mav I?Arr Fdena, Bremer, NYork; aid April SO, Tnimb'ili, Oollum, NYork. .'ArnBl., A|ull 16?No Am veaael in port. Livr.iirooi.. May 2?Atr t'ii* of Bait.more (al. Jeffrey, If York; 2d. !lil>ern!an (x), 1'ortland; t'ompromlae, t'aulklua, NYork. Sld April SO, Caatlne, Hmith,; Krank Boult, Mur?e, Ph ladclphla: Mav t, Eni'lv Auguaia. H rickian t. do; New World. Knlaht, NYork; Virjlnla A K-lelliua., (??? noii; Lincoln, Mnaon, ('all io; W. ~tern S'ar, Ktiow |o ., Calcut ta 2d . Mai'v Adella, Stewart, Havai a > la t'ardllT. Chi 2d. Uobert Cuabiiian, Otia, lloalon; Linda. Turner Pernammtco. Knt for Id* lat. David lloadley, Barnaby, for NTork; 2d, Cit\ ?f Ilaltlmore (a), fordo; John Ilnllus, furreat, t'anao. London, May 2?Arr Dor aa C Yeaton, I'ota, from maln. .... Cid lat. Wynand, Held, Han Francisco; 2d, Aimoaphere, II irrU Now York. _ Kilt out 21, Kiigate Bird, Thonip>on, for Victoria and Van couver'a laland. LoNnoNt'KHHT, April 0?Sld I rla< Ilia, Newton, Valencia laland; Mav I Dorcas Prince, Meadv, Now York. Li?not, April ?<id 1.1 lv All ( apnon, N\ nrk. MARarilXKa, April 30?Bid State of Mnino, Catea, JtTork; Bd?anl Hill. Arey, P.lentio. April 29?Knt out, J W Spencer, Speuaer, for TenenHe. . PitsTi ?nn Fairn, Aptli 28? Pasaed througli. Flora, Pige, from IiOitli for N*?^v York. Port Nat%l, Mat-cli 4?Arr WftrP'n, Peterfon, Pftltlmore fov o. , I'oht ait Pwf^rw. M^y7?In port brig Acton, for Bomon Utb; only Ain ?e??el. yilir.NxtoWR. May 2?Arr James M Chnrehill, nnd Ca n br a, Matm/aa; f-h ridnn, Ktisaeil, New York; Robert Leo nard, an I Centennary do. U iTTkkoab, April LO?In port Malhilde, for New Tork, SjNn>ni,Airo, April 30?Ait Speedwell, Lowaon. from Boa* ion. s*?!?A, April 17?Sld Snrannah. 8tln*On. (or Bordeaux. Kt IlKt.RtA, March to? Arr Kathav, Si ddard, Manila (and a' I toi London); 29th, C ylon, Sampsou, Pasaaroeana (and aid 21'th for t^ueenatown). Sld 19th, Mameluke, Porter (fro n Calcutta), for tendon. St I)oiir<.o Citt, April 27?In |mrt bria Siokoly,, from Baltimore, to load fir a Northern port Thai.**. April 29?An Omar, B trmnn, New York Tasi.f B?Y, MbitIi 11?Arr Juliet. Druinmond Icndon. S d March S, Mary Crocller. Willlataa, for Poaai sa on Isl and, 4th, Martha Wenrel, Smith (iroin Akjab), Falmouth E, Hih, IaO'-h Lamar, Loring, Calcutta Tanriro, April 21?No Am voaaal In port. Villa Rkal, April 18?Arr Charlemagn >, Randall, Gibral tar. YanaitutTn (Isle of Wight), May 1?Arr Barak Park, Vauah. ta, SouitawptoM fot Mfwyork -? fl'FW HTK*M3llir OltkA I H > Arrfrnm New York, Catharine Hi ^ue?nHo?rnj Flamingo, ?I Sllgo. American Ports. H.IZAHI.HII'o. i ?Gin ? 1- Wn-hliiLti o. Fer. H'W . l'ro\ i !t nr- ?; A .,!? II , W.H ami La 01 a Kiel li a Ion; DM Meseroie, Blown, Pr<'Viil* nee; Lydi-t < lib4rhA, K* ?>r. Sa:nni; K'unok Taunton. ClaraEll" Oi?y Ka* iti>iton; (h irgisn*. Te#l 1'rovtdenee; Emily, Itomp am, Stamford; ?.<iii|i Win IJ IIml <kiu>ii 8.1 1 1 N-w Wiii>!t r; Bristol, Blake, TnugUwi K S W-miT, Cue lie/, Ea.->t Hartford; Gen SVarren, Suilth, Harbor; Sfrueco, Hu vvk 11 I-lij.. K iHT I'Jt KENS, April 20?In purl sclir* W II Newman, luai? ilis ; K Mernchin. for NYork f day*; lion <i Staples Irom NV* Bedft?rd, d*.;. I' IIITLAKD, ,vi?v l>?An- l?rl -' Km K Sawver. Brad or.l,. Cm !'.*-. Cld 1 ark jonte, lltuthioMiii. Mautan/a-. MISC^M.ANKOIS. AT $.1 $J5S0, IIAM) *4.^1.?ISlloEs and oaiti:hu. Spin 4J stjjea, ulmv rca Ml JUNKS', 10 ami 13 Ann *>reet. AT BARKER'S?THE BEST ASD MOST NAT U RAH. ,/x \? 111 the wor. 'iI'n ta e I..and :il feU Bruatiway ? \ SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND .SllOlisi. ut > 'I'll 1 r I ui c ? , 1. ar T? ? 11 y urin slTc-pf, ?l fie..h, b> u enable K?irl.', at manufii' mrer ? prices. \\ M. T. Al.LB.ii, Atfent AT gimbrkde'S, (1 ALBUMS (FIFTY l'KTl rssi reialleit m #;i W. d ling Oaid*, Note Paper, Munograma In i>-i 11 ct ia*t A T J. EVERDEU/S, NO. X2 broadway, WEDiUNQ. C*Mls and Not - Paper ttU at v-i -i> ies), at the old e? UMUIioji nt, c>i ii> r ui Dua.ic aim 1. A I'URE TOBACCO.?YELLOW HANK TOBACCO ? Goodwin's Pure Yeliov, Bnuk Tobacco, fr?a from aliim purl tic*, lor >ale bvn'l UI banco and H-aar dealers, aii'l m wlioksale by E. tiOOLWIN A BROTHER, 209 Waurstreot ALL KINDS OK LADIES'AND GENTLEMEN'S OAR iiihuis I'imBjil without baluK uki-u ?pari, to look iika ui ?'. No. i'M Bruornc wri'i, comer o; Broadway. 4 HDERSON 3 ENGLISH, MEDAL!.ION," Yi;i, . Er, Hri ?k?Is Thrfe |?iv mid IiiKraiii Carpet*, Rug*. Mata^ Muttine. Olii lnt i-i, Ai-.. "t |.nv in-ld s A1 gondn guai jiui-od. Look u>r HIRAM ANDERJON, W Bow ery. i BBVTT i RATH BUN INVITE THE ATTBN.TK N OK A tbow wlio hiv In v ant of READY MADE M'BIN.. an>k SUMMER CI.OTlllNi; 10 :hi Ir mock, believing tin if ,no.i? b ? an ile-i r.iMe 111 nil rf?pwts as ran b ? roiiniltin iho rlly. Oi:r ioiU arc maiJe in the best iiiuniirr, and our atyt'* (pmtii'ularly for boy* and youth) are acauoMlrd^i'd to L* bnperlor. The men'* euntoni deemtinfiit la ?ell K.o. ka<t with I'lece ^n.iiln, anil tl.?^ cuttei* are ei|iial 10 'he be^t. Military. Navy aud School Unlfortn* rooelve parilcuJat attention; also," Ui.lf< rnm for the Brooklyn Polvte .?nic School. (Sti 1 i'Hmoih to Airrr.1 Miu.roe A > o.). No. 807 Broadw ay. uniU r he Sit. Nieht.'ai llutel. BOSTONIAN8. ATTENTION!?DROP-KC AT McQlLL B. aouthweHt corner of Broadway anftlwelfiii mi- el, and ti*y hi* fanintts Ale- unit B??to!i Chowdj'r; flue \Vit.e? anJ Bran le* from Mendtitn'a celebrated vant n, all bcMtteil n Euroiie; Bourbou WuUkey, oi^ht >6>ir* "1'. Kn Inferior artlolea sold. R- M OII.L, Formerly of the Exi hunse vVlfee Honao, Boaton. BLI'E MELTON CLOTH SA(*a $0 ; LINED AI.PA ca Sacka, *1 k warp aipaea Sr c:;.?, 84;*h blue cloth Sank* $IJ; Irook. bns.aee* Coan, $7 to 51C, 1 vari'- y. Al-'i. Veil* aud I'aot*. Ou.-t nv depart ment well supplied. Fashion ami economy. CLARKE, No. Ill Will am s'rjet. BOl'RBON WISKEY ?l.rt? CASES bol'RBON ANI> Ryo Whlnklt**, rea'lT toe Hhlpm ut. O'l.*e and (ltyol 8. T. hUIT S Kentnc.y st>?U Rlrer KUtiller.ei, 48 broad-, way (formerly 21 Old alipj. Billiards.?bahsford's factory, u'j fulton^ atrri't to No. 8 Ann * eot. W..a...n?i .n s Celebi ^d and many new style*. Flaying dally. Bridcbwater PAINT?for TIN ROOFS, HSiPK wall*, wo id, f nee-, luirn*. out bulliUug* ves-els' J'jjka aud hull*. Di'i?>i No. 74 Ma d n Una. tlRUTCIIES AND CANES for THE MILLION. A3VrR? ) uiauufavturers, C. l'innk.L N '. - Cortla iti ?Creet. ClOAL.?SUPERIOR BLACKSMITH'S COAL FOR SAliX ) in ;ots to suit, by R. HEAl'HER, Si an I 13J Wauikiu^ ton a i" -t. CLARET WINES.-A LARGE ASSORSMEN*; JUS? reci lve4 and tor sale low by O. E. UtNU< >1, Brocd w.iy, corner of Cedar street. ^ /ilabet WINKS-1,000 c\sf; mek.i m oradbs, \ ) uoiv lauding, ior salo low by yi J?.. MENDL'M, Broad way and Cedar Kiruet. ?* / 1URE OF CORNS. r;rNI0N8, callosities AND IN. \J v. itcd n illi, t> - Mi!dame BEBUARO, 7tK! ILoadwaf. Can ^l?e the t. ref. i,?i\f - 6f hiedl al ceuUemen and others In thi- ^,'v ^ Ml(t s*t<il practice fur Iwenty-oua jcar*. hmr.c from 2 to ti 1'. 41. . 1li?Ou"sALE -AT A BABOAIN, A SODA WATER AI'PA r rata-. ft M^ncriu*.- ?n?! two fount*in* A|? ply !?'I.A/.ELL* MAR~ll 4 oardiner, 10 Gold street, N York. ? Lyons magnetic __ ?? "?? ?'&? INSECT POWDER, ? tested for 19 jeari ami glows In favor It klH.i and o? et tuinates Roa -he*, Bed Bug*. Ants, 1'leas, Moths in clothe, Furs and Furniture, ^urden insects, ?r. All genuine t> an the signature of E. Lyon, and is not poisonous 10 perm 1101 domebtlc animals. Buware of counterfeits and Imitations. Lyon's I'owiler kill* all. insects in a trioe,'? Plll> are death 10 rat* snd mice. Sold everywhere. Depot, 202 Bmadway. Mercantile library association. . REGULAR NOMINATIONS, lM'i. For Preoldent, CUAS. H. SWORDS, t\ i'.Ti .U xai'Jer T. Stewart 4 Co. For VI. e President JOSEPH H. LECOl'R. with C. Hnydecker. For Corre'pomll n 1 S^crcinry, OF.OROE I. LtNDo.N, with Metrojolitnii Bank. Toi Tteeorilh.g Seeretar.. JAMES W. EDWAUDS with lllll, Tildcn, Brlukei-hoff A PhlUlp". For Treaiuri r. SAMt EL J. HARRIOi, with Manufacturers' * Mer chants Bank. FOR DIRECTORS. Jam ?* Petrie, with J. A A. Petri; A Co. Sunn I W. liaiu^d, with U. s. Wir.ciousp. Cliin. A. Brig.s. Jr., with Bli.-? ,t Wheelnek. E '". D 'deier, with New York Fire and Marine Insuranw Comixfnv. l'eter Slcrenaon, with M. Armstrong A Son*. N. ,lud*on Slone, with A. E. James i Co. Ilenry Eves*on, -lr., wltti s.,- kett, Belcher .( Co. ? ' W. F. T. CHAPM vN, Clialr.nan Nominating Com. Frank W. Sii eiUD, a creUiry. Heury'R. I'r.Ul, R. A. Barhia, Etlmn All n. flwun" Pcekhasa, W. T. F*mlmm,* Frederick Whit#, Jno. F. Itollln*, Edward L Moiuieug, litibi. S. Ly on, Ta. s J. Bayaud, K i-lia T. Jenkins. F. W. G*ll*tlv. Friends of 1 li - above ticket will me.'l at Wncht's Hotel (furm riy Thorp's), 7.">4 Bronlway, corner El^li'h eireet, erery evening. Elation Tuesday, May 20. Polla open from A A. M. tot LD OLO OLD AND NEW NEW NEW BO.)K9 bought b> LRGU tT BROTHRRS, 119 Nasaail street. o I> ARTIE* ABOUT to COMMENCE llolSKKKKl I Nil, AND PKSIRINO AN Ol TFIT AT VKKV LOW PRICKS. Can save 3? nor c i.i li* !? in,: hi our 'MaWklimeat. EXAMINE THE FOLI.OWINU LlnT Ot run E-> SOME or Of R Lv'lDINQ ARTICLES: French Clhin.i TV* Be'*, 44 piece f.1 7# French CMint I'rcnl hi. i Bt"?, 41 p?r< 4 i 38 Hit a*tu?t < <>'!'? ?? Cup* mi; Sauoer*, i sr do* I 74 Covered U?tt*r Dl?h'a. racli jg Idtllntf, D? i r, nn<l T<?;< S-i vlccfc, IU nil 11W piece, for 29 OO Cut (> .i*? Ooblela, |ht do* 1 fltl t'nl i.l iwl'i miniignea, per do*' I 40 Cut l.lni Wine <lh?? ?, |xt do*.. 1 i*l Hilf i'ln T ithHI.t*. i ?-r do* 33 Fine Ivor* Dinaei Kmie* p r do* 4 IW Fine Ivory Dfiw rl Knlrea. perdox S ?U Fine Plated ioe Pilehi ri. eact H (W Fine Plated Tab a Spoons, ?er do* SMI Kino I'ln cil I abie ^net a, per (lux S (U Fire Plated Teii Spoon*, per do* 1 16 Mne I'lated TmiHi, 6 |.ii? i-i>. per ?t li w) Fine Putod Ten Met', 8 pie an, llaaly i'ImmiI, with Ini tial! imi rued !o order, p -r ? t 2B Of Fine I'm .id Oosteia (ti nil bottle*). eerh IN K. V. HAICIIWOUT A CO., No*. 41\ 4*1 and I'JS Broadway, l'orner< t Bionnio street. POSTAGE STAMPS ROl'OI IT.?PARTIES IIAVIKO po^a^a to iMspn ie ol nt a <1 iftcotim can find a ca*b customer tiy addicwt.ig a note to lleiuy, box 176 Herald af 0< e, atatuig on what terms they will wli. REOPENING OF THE PORTS OF SEW ORLEANS NORFOLK. ADAMB KXPUKsS COMPANT will despatch Es| rei-se? dully to Norfolk in ? hargeaf Special tm a*eit|ier?. Our trM Kvjircn for NKW ORLPIANS will I ??are by steamer R LAO (4 MONK, 25.1 Inaf., to be f?IH>??a4 by reiiular fc?pr -???, In chaise of "jwrlal messengers, of stennmhlp R anoke, 2Slh, en.I Marion .'Jl?t ? All shipments mnat i>c sewmtpMUM l?y an Invol##. Fas particulars apply at??01.?? ?. .*?? ?T''r? " li Al?AMS1 EXi nESg COMPANT. OOERS A RAYMOND ?;tv!nf o?mplelcd their extensive stock of CLOTHING FOU TIlK SEASON. Invite the buslnef* World to exstnlne Ihalr NEW QUARTERLYSTYLE* Id Bpring Oval-coat*. Business ? liu, Dreaa Suits, As., A*. PRICES MODERA1 E~ HKYoND EXAMPLE are aOied to the articles 131 133,US Fulton ?treat and 314 llroadway 1 >El'RI<iE HATflUS. REFRIilEltAT.iRS, RKFRfOKRA IV lota, lien iterator ? Fr in $t t.? fcP. i.itli a liberal .1* etmnt to ih" traiic. ALEX, lit'.t.M All S lluu-r Furnishlug fltoie, TM Broad ay, near Elxlttk street. SEil AKS?AN elegant I.MPBBTBD HEOAR At hall price. Appi> at No. II Frimkiort strati, a*u< ui tloor. n nt r oin. o_T-lS*wX. ^ PR\K1'B PLANTTirtiN BITTSRS. They pnrlfy, atrenctho ami ifiTl^ortite. They create a he'ltltj apl^tllat Th> y tire an antidote to ? mhiirc ol water and dli t. Thev nrercomced ci it dl?-i|> ?tl>ui ami late In'tira, Tlicy HlWIfltlien t'ie ayat- in nml enliven tlie niiiid. Ttfy j rcicnt inlaaniKlMau<l Interm:u< nt ieTi?i?. The puriry tin' bri-a It an.I ?'loliy of the stomach. Theyc re dv?|^|-ia ?n i I'mi- l|* ??. ? . T.icv enre plairli.'?, C'n wra and Oho.eta Mnrvua, The* .- ire Lt< ei OMuplalnl ami N rTiMi* U' ilm lie. Tliey are the bc*t Blitcmln the'v orld. Ihcy mace tha weak nan strong, an I are o\hau?ted aauire'aureal reaiorer. They tra Biade nt pure HA Orn ? Buai, the cciet'tnicd Call aay i Hark, ro<ite an.i hcriw, ami arc taken with the plea-nra oC'a bi'verage, ?lthont ri'^arl io?gi'or tlinenl day. I'Hr tle'ilarly r omame?#ed to ileil ate iiei aans re<|itlrtn'( a gen tle ?tl?iniatit: f old by all ftooera, ntg^l t?, hot 'is and ?a HM I* H. I) HA KB A CO., -12 Bioadway, New Tork. TO MBtBNCHAVM 8M0KERS.-I.A Sl'LTANA IB (imiio incid by |Mf jtid|eaa delightful article for tha Meervhaiim: fragrant, hi^h Savored and of pure nuaiity. It l?pretiered m l?ndnn Bkpitasl* for the American in*r? kel. Sohl 111 tobaroiiiilAta enerally A fieah Supply Inst recslv d by R. F. RAN MOND, Sola agent, 117 Maiden tans. The napolbon dbawinqb. ~~ By I. O. C. 1>ARL1T, FATHER T1MK AND HIS FAMILT, Bt.lA.KKRTKL, On eihlt-ltlon Adm asion free. UVVrLtM UALUiHt. owra?i BtmAjfU Hi NtetA^