Newspaper Page Text
HOI ?E1, aOOMS, JW'., TO liKT. At m 1UU80H STRlsBT? RKNT $7 PEE MONTH to a nice teoajrt, two ?? R mni?, on aocnud ?'<>? r, o?cr C?ve, with one attic room. Ctatr*i *ud toiwcamut. To l; inuiK-Jiatf ij. ASTOR3 TO LET?TliE LaR;B STOKE. NO. 41 Centre rtreet, between D i??e and Pearl; auita >Ui tor ? furniture (tore, dlmn# aaioen or auy other buain.aa; rvnt ?heap, For further parti * apply on th? pr utiaea, 41 Centre atree t. AM .SB HBOWN STONE THREE STORY HIGH STOOP House to r, una. W. ? Ti irtj ?, ah suki, m ?; > .i order; ku|i.i .lit rea fur a: tud ill tUo nitxi ru crirenleiietia. Will be remtvl n< ? v.rr low price t? i^ol mam J R. EoWARDS *77 WeatTw. ncy inli'l atr-et. A CHEAP RENT TO A OOOD TENANT.-A UOU-R near Harleui, containing 1.1 rooms, > i repair, nip. TO, nJeil Willi sii-ul^ ami fruit tr.. ? ?c\, aeitacle or a boatf.. (og or aeloi t aei.o-i^ or private l?.ndy; #12 a mouth. Aytfly ?; 71 Greenwl J? avenue. Boot and hhoe store to let ?stock and fix t' r'? f ? aa'e; 1l en e? ? l-hed for tvou.y ntro, la *nng a -ood bu~>neaa, an i '? on* of the beat-kind* iu tlia Bity. For pariieu'aw n ,uir?ou u? prjsmbvis, 46Caihaiiu? ?ireet, coro-r of Madlaon. (lOUNTKY HOOSE TO let?AT SARATOGA ^THINGS, 1 for the ae.,t?'n' n-*!siie<t hoiiao, a ?| ac.nta I ncit one, Miniate i in Fraukltu (.tiw -1, a few atrp? r. r.i ?pring. AM? H . R., bo* 7S Suralo,-* Spun*.New Y->rt. ri0UNTRY RTISlDC.iCE TO lev?AT FORT W*SH W ington, ?n t n NmVi r.ver; t'nj n . -r ami a.a lq. itaa. k> l, I ; vve of ground. plenty uI fruit kd< ?i.a.le tree-;juat V"1"'1' ,ad reared. R^ut sjoou. Apply lo M. WARD, 130 Wi I'awi atree:. ClARPENTER'S HHOPTO LET?IN the LOWB* PART J of tl?? city ; n locution fo.' an * ut rpriatiij, ntin; Hie Is lock, rivatrra. ? . will be a< 1 i ami a ilaerul tai-ee gi'~en. In ? pri Bt-nt or.^??ni !?in.; un ibl<i to atlvJiJ le lU Appl^ ut Uii B.iat TtvvoUe.a atrcct. FORMSHHS OOTTAOB AT CORNWALL, ON THE UutiHuu to rent tor fouroraix n icitha, w!ii or ?1 the jjro i in anJ carrl:i_e Imutr. ihr e.qti.'.i r* of ?mile from the lan..: i;. and <-<imm uijluga >p:?n ( 11 ti w ot New. kurg 1 a l ii rtteulM Stnqjir. or hvi r.l , .t ( l. r Oia: *o County, to. o Murray m.. -i. Tu. ?<l*j?, vV elMi-a^aya, Fii da^aantl Siuur^aj s, ur J. CO"K8. Furnished hodsb to lbt.?a focb story and baceinint Houre to let, its r Fourteenth atreet. P.ea ?. house $? DHJ. Rent of furulture a.v.-n in lio.ird ?u.a l rani11 . .No o ;?? lion to a few a. nj t i fticil -a. T.i a r ?jxni?il'k [Hii i"ii ihia la a good opportuuily. Addrvaa A. T. ?., box Ivni H?-r 1 loftn-i'. F'URNISSED UOl'SK ON STATEN 1SL VND To LET? Hmtg^nt.euiaii'a place af r pa?aiug toi: :tanoer k ltavenne, on ? wiie from lau..lng; garden well ttocked ?ill". fruit am v geutteehouae i llni; Hoi>e, U r.kev, ro? ?t riate, poultr.t, k\ Will i? iet till ih>* latofSvplim r w ih phvilt'ge o. Pe!?inink till the euii of the < *a.,n. ahoulii the i ioi ru'ior m t require the liouae at thai uo<e. Apply t ? ?. CL'NAUD, No. 4 Uowi.n; Green. Mansion to let. at rye.-the spacious max aloo. iht rea U uce of Uie late Hon. N??b< try D. ilat #iOd, tofcieih r with the Furniture, a large Cairiage Hoiike. ?it aeri-a ol Lan i. mid ir.or- it' required. Th ? U a rare op yor.unii.t or a ^ettt e nan wishing a anrtimer rccMeuee. Tne ?oo?e place a<lj."iia Rye Lea h. m;d has an ?x:etiatve tit* oi Lonu J laud Sound. Po^eoaiou giveu immetllately. In o iireof WM. i). 11ALSTED, Eye, or WM. 1'IAKNBY, No. SS nail ktreel. New York. Rents hioher after the rebellion is oveh.? Secure a xpl nuld location now. Tarce Upper Moora, tai B roadway, opuoaite the M trupolitnn. Fin 'at point On that faahiona'ile ih irouchfare. I?ow t> a good t-nanL T. ii. CllASK, 111 Fulton atiect. so -ond lloor, SARATOGA SPBIVaS?A FINE CORNER BASE m< nt on Kr-iadway, nor.h of an 1 directly onpoalte the United S ai< a Hotel, auitabie for a y ll^ht In.Kin.; a. VYi 1 bi le t to a good te nan: for tne ?e-i8 a or for a term of year*. App y lo or audits* J. H. WRIti UT, Saratoga Si.ringj. STEAM POWER.?TO LET. IN OREENE STREET. Howard Building*. N a. 42, 44, 46. 4'- n? ui 50. one block Worn Canal atrcet ana Broadway. Room* ?ltu pewer. and at very low rent. Apply to Mr. ? 'WARD, on Uie premises. 8TEAM POWER.?YET UNLET. A FEW splendid Room*, lar.e titiil amall, in I. M. Sieger ACo.'aexten aite new building, on corners of Deian ey. M.mgin ami Touipkini atri eta; n'earn p.iwer steady, conn niericea rou y.ele, and renta reduced 25 per cent. Inquire on preirnaea. r LET-IN GUTTENBURO. NEW JERSEY, RENT low. two Houiea; one aunajle for a Ualtery, with new ?*en aud good well of w ;ker; the Other w d be let out in roonii. Jioth hare atablea attached. To b i teen 1 >y applying toSqulre DWVEB, ntar the preuiiaea, or at Kohkr A Fiiica'a brewery, rpo LET?A COUNTRY SEAT AT rEI.HAM, WF.ST X cheater ??nuntv, containing .i aeica, wltb huve hmix' &nd 4?od uiitbu*tdiii. s, in good order. Apply to DEVEUN <t jtLLLEK, dU W ill street, rTO LET-THE TWO WELL LIGHTED LOFT8. MO. 10 1 Spruce street, with ?'.fain ixv^er. Inquire ol JiAS? i MEW TO A CO. rpo LET-TIIF. FIKST FLOOR OF HOUSE 14? EA-<i A Tw'iiy-rlgiith street, two rooms, ba ?-tuem and cellar. Best ?i:y per year. Inquire of E. F. ROGERS, near by. mo LET-THE SECOND FLOOR OF HOUSE 570 WASH J. ?:r-c!; ??? ant! water; mi:utile for a Buu?i! fua-lly. Apph on Mm ftmmmm. ? TO LET-A FURNISHED COTTACE, ON* TOB SOUND, eighteen miles from tiie Utv by the N>>w Haven It.i 1 rowl and twomi.ea Iron the New Kouhelle depot; tor heaitn, water and beauty of location It cuunot be furpaaaod. Apply mtijWllWHI E. K. COLLINS. r) LET-A FIRST CLASS FOUR STORY HOUsr, IB iirat rme order, between Waverley plat-* and Clinton C~r. suitable tor a private family; In a s<>od locution fur a ill* tor mi.lta-r. Ap)l. al 2fii BMW? Htraet. rpo LET-TO A SMALL FAMILY, TUB LOWER FART X oi the II ?ii?e (W E??t Tw?nty-s.? th aireet, b ?twen Ler i and Third avenuca. To be aeeu fioui 10 A- M. tl.l tncten i BP. M. fpO LET?A COUNTRY SEAT. FINELY SITUATED ON X tLe E*a; river, at Aatnii..; uro'in 1 100 f?-i-t fiont <n Ik rtver b* tiM deep; ainiked with a tar*..- numt>?r"f ekoln Peararid Cherry Tree*, and Orape Vinea, rli In full bearing. U??b contains eleven rooms, range ;.n 1 furnace; rei.teri W vear at $7U>, *111 nu? ?e rented for $l'?i. Kr fin tlier Information apply to W. M. WIIirrEVOSE Ei uange place, or to H. WHIfrtMOBii.!?L uerty ?:.-ecL T? LET-AT 124 VJNTiT STREET, FOUR DOOR.- WEST of hroadwav, two large Far:or?, hunds-rr.eiy papered ms i-arpru-J, with n< cno..: mirrors, chandelfeia, Ac., or ?tul.l \m fmly fin nlali-4. Also ? partially furnished flcor, ?n:U6:e for bo'itfkeepnj. rpo LET-BRICK UOL'f E 119 EAST TWENTY FOURTH X str-et, three utTii.-ar t l a.v r.i-r.\ Rent low to a foo?l Inquire In coal ellice, 341 Be. ond evenae. rpo LET?AT A LOW RENT, A HIGH STOOP MODERN* X , in complete order. Alao, a liillo fiottaire, on Bouth FiMiiib aiieei, Jar?*yCity; ?:?? and xaur; $16 per moi th. Al*", a Htor? au<t Back Room, in Blocker etrce:; aheap re ni. -A, : y T. Ct DIURTil. ;-45 Bl. eoktr sire. t. r LET-VERY LOW. THE HANDSOME LAtHiE NEW S'?r* S9 Bl ab avenue, n*ar Jetlcraon mark't. Laving ?k-taiit plate eiaaswmlowa and all Ihe modern iniiiro ?wau. Apply to RICHARD L. SCYDAM. )*? 'V , near S'lth avenue, rpo LET-AT A LOW RENT, THE i. f... X Ho ? 116 Hatnmon.i rtr '??!, Aud loner p ir. Wavcriey | Li e, with ?u?bk In tbe rear. Apj1': t ? ?? )K fturtlonrrr, 141 ,'iroao wav. TO LET?THE L -WER 1'ART Ot'T'IE BRICK .itic F. yo .'UiddaKh atrtft. i far l- il'.cn fei jr. Mr'"... yn, con- . In.- ? ki and dining roi.m, two p, r.or? and one looir. ?n third floor, all lo goo . ui ler; ga-, wate r, An R-nt low bl at.Mli :amily. rl.ET-A COTTAOE HOUSE. WI7II SEVERAL LT'fs ol gro ind ?ltuat?d in ;l ?? rrr.r f tl.'- t orth ??at minier of Broadway an i F.rty^tl^ uh at net: r?: Ier y>-ar. Iii j iln' of JOHN WAtTE, 1AU Bio* twar, oi of AMhS HIU1 f. 961 SUtt. avenue. T} LET-THE MODERN THBEB STORY BROWN ?t i.r H 'liac. No. 322 l!"nry tin 'I, Brooklyn; i' la in tr>t ?ndwiilbe kl at a Jew prior, lntj.i re nl THOs. IJiSl.lh, corner of A aotlo ?ud Clinton atrce^. Brvoalyn. } LET-FULL* #I RNIBHED. *IiH TMMEIMATE p<i i at.op., a large genteel Hon? ?. nerr Dr. iynv'i ?bun>i. contain* all modern Improvnn*Api 'y a> tke oli<e of J U WILCOX, l6i Flltb avebu> , oernei ol Trtebtj Wiiid i.nt T rpo LET?KT.OORS OR APARTMENT4 TO 81IT OEN X f'l fan I iai. in the firat elaaa liou? < No. |t7 r<'ithate nnr, ntiir 1 wcntli-tn atrert, oppoait? tL Collcai U.o-mtte. L> Htlon un. j f?tionet>l<-. R-nt cheap. Apply to UOiibRT ?HiIKK, Jr. l&i Weat Tblrty-lourth air *t. T) LET?A < OTTAOB, WITH MINI ROOMS, AT StryKer'a Buy NlnMy atitunth atre. I and Huaa in river, (umivi^n'l'Ut to rlty hy Hill" o iiivei' Rat 'iad or It.' oining 4a- t'nfr*. Ap. ly or. the , rcnlnee, or M A. Si ENCK 16 Well atreet. r LET?AT HASTINOft, A DOUBLE COTTA 'R. hEF aiH>?or tofivn^r, iw. inmut.*' nalk . -nn iar.dinz; iiar dain attarliad, rent uiou rat*. Apply' to * ?. WILLIAMS, ? Wan alrrei, or to A. BAUiOLl, it Weat nil yaecoi.ii al. rLBT-I* BRO' LVN, ON ADE PHI STREET, neai f'ult-?* avii ?iwer Fart oi an e ho'ice; water, ?I and Qitui>?; f?. rw. Ap^y to O. U. CB.iNii, Sb MyrUe aveooe, BrotM i.tu LET-IN BROOKLYN. LOWER PART OF HOUSE 317 Hi'-ka atrwt, n-ar l>?4-*? ; b%n-inr ', two pai.ora two or three rooma on Ui.rd tlo-ir aa m t b'? rau iiruti; mo nad two or three r>*otna on nurd tlo-ir imi m i bi reoutrud; nwatar, An. Apply oo the prawleng ?r u UtO. LaKE. 'ark p *o?' N'W Y oi k. r) LET?IN BROOKLYN T"> A FAMILY Ol AD1 LTS, tb' Upper Part of ? g?ntecl bouae tn vs illoukL y avenue, Betwr ii A ii-lphl ^ti-e-t and Ciennont atenue, c tiating of four room". do>eta and iMMinn. wit'i n atioriar tuba and ga? 'r ptr?' nii on one tl ior, a ao betb, abower t>a a aial two ael ara R>ferei ? eicuanged. rLBT-R' ' I1P0-A TWO STOKT rOITAQB II ,c II i i b l one at r* of titonnd. on Im Itwlwi roai. n> i Wlllinntab'irg lerrtee; New to- n un ea pa?i tn? d' I ply at t<o? tia Coon-/ Hotel, t. ?. ia),|. VIlie o to.v J>- ?'4iL*E, i?l John a'.iei.. rl ET -A TREMUNT, OFFER MORRIS/VIA. A eeiiiwrtai and ?nl iinialnd Ho'tea, ei uunnl lecven ieom< veiiee extern, grape*, etiriant bnnbea a l fruit tr". ?, H* nt Qr.iOtialc. A ,-piy to JOHN R. FHAto. ii, Tre m on'. TO LET-A VERY PRETTY, WELL BUILT NEV COT. tiv<'. tx.a'iUlu 1/ aitua.eU In a g nuiel ;i-1^;i,l> 'iio?4 a-art ? ? Hy . IwWfBrootna, n.en'y ol'rtoerft.i and ab ii Janc? at water. Furniiureeheef'l tr*H?iiorted tlicra and \ tboty Mjary. ippiy 'trtei. fpO LET?Ai' Tl BBY HOOK, A SMALL COTTAGE A con' '.linn ai* ruiiia and aiV'ben, two nlnut*-?* waik from i a hi ai-iai ion And one boor iron Cnamt>- r* atra t ?y r ii. *,'iiv to <?. LYNCH, atuu .n agi'Bt, er F. A. nioMI'Sov "i warien Ntreei. r) LET J THE YEAR OR SEASON, AT LOW r. nu. a ii . oer nf flne Country Batata, lurnia.aed aaJ jufurnla ,i-d, I>... ij - F?rr/, Nsa k, tlai in?a HingSui^, rari jtown, W nvimrn Sew I'm /, Tr? Pot ilia n, A ftite Plain*, M iii< a-aatt, t lato'iatt .?Hinartiii?c*, Fair. .*;.i, Conu.; Ki ia'ilng, BomhvII'i'. t'lii ii na, H, /7j K'W? KiIin ./ end H ? a.?a,'. For |*rttoaiara apply to B. DINoiih, Bo. n Pine air? et. TO LET-ON HTATEV ISLAND, THE WHOLE OR X par! > ! n II >n ??, lurnian i or in tilabti j; tion le>M ? .in;" ii?, v" ml a*?t ? low In unlera. AndrsiaMia. W' ??', I'a'it > /? ii'". Stai"i? lulanI. ?po LET-TUB> t-TDRY '?r rritj BROWM ? >i > ? i m h ho nr. N i. I ? i M utt l"'i ij-i n l atrtet, w? lei', gae ?im! iu.-na lu tnthoaae; rent |i.W i itli<*iMaf linn po?? ii i nmedla.e y. ro on thi <\tm i, rpO LET -Tl'K LAROB DOi'fH.P THRF", 'V 1 M> M e liaM i in e ?ti t'l, Weat of and l?. , < lt f i i' i ' i o ia Apt)/loll lyOI.Li*"Ke ii i. at. ?? - reel iiousks, room% ?^, TO LET. _ r LET-TUB FOLl-owunq HOUSES. AT mediated reun ?No. vfost f wealy-eaoond sir el; four siory bi-o\< u .-toi.e fro it; su? won T>\enly-fourih sirwii?tbr-e ?l >ry brick; 173 w j*i \ street; throe story brick; ] i7t Wen l - p'.i ?tr<j?t three ?iorv and attic, In ooiu ple.-j onler, .im iu *treet; two ?iory and at iqg wei* siitmhh tnr?e. *-o v, 43 Seventh avenue^ ave story Irowu nm e frtjni: No. 7 ?Ve-t Korty-iiret nr^ t, Apply to J & W. d1jvh AM eik.mli a> rmw, corner "of si. leer, m ? ikei, Iron n.uriun ii t o clauk iu the evauftk-j. rljfr?THE STOliK AT JUNCTION ok ci1at>tam ?>l?4kre (tin! New if very: oue of the bent locutions In ?ue C.?y for tq->ai*u-e, tUOliiawe 4r oth-r bu>lue^ lira, loii- iormemiia i '..t-s, wrii lighted, itu, As. app'y toO. BBADI.I'.. V. 1 i qk.thain street. nvi LET r; ik TURKS 3t..RV h vskmes' PRCS 1 hi i N't. * 8 mmil .-t. i> >wki br. * vu i ve u.inu e?' w*ik fr< in uitr ? r ry. Tbe ?>u*e n* * i J" iiio Icrn . ? i ' ? h n low. Inquire Be?l dbor, ha. 2s?, or o 8. N MARSH * ? 8 Vesey ? met Actor uouhj, SewYoik. rpo LETV-at nbw kliihton. s. I.?a SMALL FUR a m .ned c*.m ??. c.'iu? uiu ? ?"(? ro ????,<*n iliiuuj s wa'tfiwflM .re.ry; e*- a sum garden irsit trees. ..a; v- ry ;d?-x?a n Jy situated on me t.eUhts, eonrnikn ljwt a hue ii 'w ?? tl?e bay au 1 nuruor. Inquire of the l <.?mts'o , N wr li lighten. to RENT?a t1frkb STORY HIGH -tooi' HOUSE. 1 m the corner of Tiiirt v-fourtli st.i t?md nm h am ?, with a i the modem i> ipr. veuiriiu. Tail. is one ?r the li ?? locutions in tbe city; h..? u stable anil very im; garden at tached. Poeseaefou luieit-diately; rent $vvt. A ilytoJOHN bk.YOhiN, 233 Weal Tliuty iounlt street, co.u.rof Ninth avenue. 4vmiy DESIRABLE TIIBEB STORY AND BA<E liicntbrick iiouaf-i t? let. eo ner 01 l'urk pa> an.! WUksetre t South i.erge.i, at low rents; iiors" cars pas* In-cl'-or-rv'ry fifteen minu ee t*> jersey Oityfe.ry. iu 1lire m .ij.'siuth Seventu ft ctt, Jeiwey City. rLKT?uwkdknisifl.D. t^ie 8scono KlAloit OP l un ;iuj UrstclaM lurs * ?iory hikls ?. iocausit ut ial Jpiinta ?troi:t,-4ncioa? pr.i.vimity w.tb broadway. Apply on pr m v;? for iuforaiatlon. TO LET?nou.4e 4S usii*en.',r3 CTRRBT. NEAR bruit-way; reutlow. A,.p.y to A. JOUllNiiAY, 3.j liroac a a..'. TO LET?at A LOW RENT, HOUSE NO. m SOUTH Fourth street, Bruokly n; water ami a# i-'fo ighout t te iioiki . 'o n ' ii oue oi tbe lx-a; iu br io .lyu. Apply ' ' lawbeni'E, ni xt door to uoute. or ot A. journeax, 3i3 Urofdway, New York. ______ aqoa ?TO LET IN BROOKLYN?FIVE MINUTES' Walk l'rom ferrea, Kirat k' or, l?r i k huilaing. tlx 10 'ink, purl ? a, becrooina tltcutn. on on" l oor. :a?, watur, Ac. In |uirc o: B. MYEi.8, j<> John ftri' t, N Y. jt.'j /\1\ ?A COUNTRY residence TO LET OR le^sii vjov'vj. in Biiat Brooklyn. A buuveand a garden jo^*. nicely faid out. with a roarh uoiih* and ana iied ;o It, and a lrve a.*- a? int?> Letlerta' piivaie purk, corner of Hickory street and Tompki:ia avenue. For further pariicu .ur. iuquire on the premisea. <2 I art ?^FORMER KENT p'M?THE MODERN b.ult four stor. Hou?! lii West Kottleth ! t, in idod '.rii>-.-. xlth every ifi'prov 'ineiit. Apply to S. R. JACOBS, No. i n'-vv street, noraerof wait foa sale. swoHr s p1rst CLASS SB .VINO MACHINE for mt e. ?? ;*rd ?** of eo.;. iuli'.i.eof S. OAllILi^ i27 Brcadw *y, !>. ween houston and bieeck'-r airoeu. AOSOCERT AND BUTTER STOltE FOR SALE?lo ? >:e i on Eighth aveiiiih; does a kood l.nsin-.-mi; prion oulv $ u>; a ra.e nuance. ali-u scleral very line Bik. r es, .arvai , in ' rato liusincts locaiions, at low prices. App y .o ullcuhiiu 77 Ce lar ?ireet. Aribst CLASS DRUG STORE FOR SALE IN brook Iv.i; doin.' a k<m)u busmen.; Lanlioinoly nued uo; will be eoid low. 8ati?fuciory reasouB given for stluug. Ad ;mi' Store, Brooklyn l'o>t oilier. Alb dutiful microscope-maonifyino ^ivb hnndred tlmen; twenty-eight cents in silver; live (ulUe r^nt pow. no, one dolh r. >11 !e i ree. F. U BOWEN, ijm.x ro, Boston, Mass. i RAKE CHANCE ?FOR RALE, A ll'NCH ROOM, a i o.ine- tea w:tu ? i?pi:!ar ea abl.-hii.eut ou bi'oanwa). Apply to J. W. B., -il Broadway, iwi-emeui. Bakery for sale?an old established Bakery. b<kinf fro'ii is io M burrela Hour (er week; four ; uura l. aee from 1.: o: May. 1-02. In niln: at sj Luu .o'.v street, Broouie, one block from E-sc* u n knt. f'OR sale -A RARF3 CHABCB.?thl (mobwiui and Slan t, con. eDicnt lo the city, with boa hoi.*.; aud six ft.o '.t niteiia:l row iuti, ill good order, wl' i oars and app ir'. name.-, & ilta de for plcas i e, i atiin", ac., e\ res-l.v i.dat ltd for ? pa iv desiring to ro into the boat ltuaine?s. Th< H'jore hoat* wi 1 be s id, together or se ara:< iv, e .eap 10 a ensh iiisionif-r. N ne oii.eri need addie-.?, fo; Jone week, J. II. M.. bos 3 77 ? i'os'. o l.oe. y?H SALE?TUB STUCK AND FJXTVRES O? DOWN ?TU- Y~,n.t lne?.V <? or "n'' Bj? r Store, cornur, on in.. Sn 11*"1? '*? a: location un?nriH?ss, a lor ?h<.if ale an in ia.i tr?d-; ln*?e given. Only >-t?h bit. t-r* uoHtM-i lat' *"re *u* 2 N:w 1 i??b?raitrec't, cirner o; r-'OR SALE?AT A GREAT SACRtPICB fWO EXTRA r~.ft i'rora; al?o tw?> Jfiei* Ui& ses, iu ( et bw ii- ot inltT' 011 1*amUa-,t *!*'/?? N". i'li E-et Tenth r>OK SALE?POUR YEARS' LEASE, FIXTURE* Tni? ?rr^ ""A' .T,0/i*" r> '?r' '' Dl ?* ? "?h 1 i'nbllc Mouse, Bam-om. ? ttiug Room. F.itiirej, Milliard 811 on, n th Mi U lea. ap.*nd!diyf irri >h?rd Ii d;i Room* 1I1 in porleet or ucr. I Ip on*} or th** t>?*t b<wnc** btntid* r? tnc ci y Anulv *'r?et n"rthr**1 ,ou>er of EirfliUi avi-nue and TwVniy-fliib UOB BALE?A MECHANICS SHOP~IN OR \ND 1 eirrct. the Bowery, w:th ca?. ar.l w ith or without ?'?am, with eornploio ma-hltiery, Including Turner's L%the? * ''"W. Preetet. 4c.. *c.: excellent ~-gli: and the ?hop ?^HKa fnce ?OW. Apply to WILUAM E. pistafeK 10 William KrM. P'OR SALE?A PAPER HANGING ESTABLISHMENT, i ,w "f. ">? b""' avrtiuea lu tbc city, In connection and fcavlnj the ! of a lint 1 la<? patnt ehap. ar.d narln* a la--,-e c .nnc^tlon of fi.-?t olii<*ari.eloineni; would bi ?..!d towtlirror pa.:n>)r would b? taken.the p.opriitor not h*tng abli "1 jl e his whole attention t.? Ike I,h?Ii,?_???. fo men of capital. a croud etiance to m&kj a fortuco in a few yi'a**. a^ema need apply. Addrt af Dupltx, Ucrald of FOR RAT.E?A NEWSPAPER STAND SITUATED IN A jfco'jl ?''l '?* *?iu cheap. Apply 10 CUABLES w. TtS,).. . ormr Ninth atreet and Mxih avenue. F??n/^L^TA K,>R,E CUANCB-A PHOTOGBAPJI I and AuiUro.ype Ga!Wy 1-ti* eBM.Mt?bed, dr.laga in*,,! budnoaa; reatlow; 011 one of themo.iifaahlor.ablc tixrouah fare* out of Broadway. tati.ifa tor* reaaona given lor aell In*. Apply lira day In the gallery, 3il ''a-ia! "tree!. Fn iui n noMn.YR-na stock i txtcrks and G , d .Vi,| ot * M;P.n. rr S.or-, wc.i .a'aS>!if.>.ed ..nil now doing a ccadcaah bur.nraa; will be ir.'d lowtfappll-d A Mr' P?K M A SACRIff 8-TBB PAPBB BOOTS . I Wool W i.l, hfl k and H?'ur?*or ? h?- >J1 enfiWUhr-l ^w? De?itand Hut| .n?rv S r.r?, 2Ti Dlvtalon atwtt. B? | -.'ahed IXk). Apply al tbr-atore. '* *ALB CHEAP?SODA WATKR COL'Ni'ER >MAR ? 1 .p , *t;hHrrup Bo.Uef, UUnaea. Caudv Jar. vwn j , t 1 i rilrt- al 1W Urcene a:i <!Ct, bctwe. n II uo on anu j^< t. ?? U ?" Olt EXCIIANOB-OR WILL TAKE A *? ? Al 11 able m oon, ra'iatie of dum; ?u mm. live ', .1 lonj J. a>?. Th J 1- ? r.-iln- e .<ut?r. unity new In a ?<,<?? ?>>i tiil ol Kr?u Jm ll?r. ?t, on tbr upj.rr fli>or, Oli Jlip, N. V. Hotel korsai.e -thei.eask, <to k, rixn re? a'"l KiirDi-"-e ?ip; .. ?< -h- IpLia House, 145, w-'i ^r.?i lit How- ry. Apply 0:1 tue pr rniiwa. UtiTEL FOP. SALE?THE PKESI OTT HOTEL, NO St) Bant Ilouatun ?ire.-t. n?ar Hr a lw.y, for ???? on n-i^ aonabl, ternie; It 1? furnlahe I eo np!nr|> Ihrouanoul li in p rrw.l ner, aud uearl> fuU ol tioanl ra. Appiy on tha pri-mteea. . TRON S\PE FOR BALE.-A FINE LaROeTrgN 1 S-iio l >r Mil; <t co?t $ Wi. w|i| i>** soi l fur w*ut of use at $110; ia ne?i y m-w. Inquire at W l*iue ^Irurt. SHOW CASE FOit SALE?ONE OP THE PRETTIKHT of Ihi a 1-1.1 Ml tiic -in - will i? aoid at l.-e? thuii halt tbo aolts ta" ^?eeo ,l Broadway, in the boot aud .ho y,u' B,T* A LARfiE DlR'BLR STAND IN hprni< at. Market with cellar ? fret, a ta.-ij *d km titur. a aio'ind the .v.nrt and w liar, newly plat *ed aud al le 1, rain?eiat?r, ?>ti $M. couni'ra. Ac. Adl.1t at 5a? Urw^nwf b rt. ' .^1 ^ 0(H) CAftH W1Lt BLV T"B OOOD WILL an>l a fine ai<?k of Staple M.-rlmndiaO of i.n Indep adei.t, old eatal.nal.ed and rery prufltabln Imp rt ing bualn**, i! e prt aent owno. wKlilng to leave for Eupt.i^; will icpi-p up lorinvr counor'looa for lut-ire wantafor a amal Imiob. a . n aa Jt * ph, n rat 1 ofli. e. OKNTISTHT. I A BTIPiriAI. TEEJH. -DR. Dl'KKTN CONTINUES TO -TV ??'rnet Tw-tn In two -econ.|?, wltbont pa.n, nia Ken<jiiili;ug hull alii E etr.r Current. No rxtra rbar?e f>r u ripar.iry a*.a or extr;.alnj(. TuPih maenad wltbont fc*wa IIi.g th? root*, < 11 ,iiy liuprovrd nunoop.K'rt prf<.aiira p-ai.-a. UMmloally pure. .loroforui ind etb^r ndminMered wuhout daiiR- r. i ,?a?i-call and examine aprrtm.': a i?|.?re goiig tlavwiinrr. i?r. n. u. OCttXIN, Jfi Canal .Loot, opp.?itr Weat Broadway ' ARTIFICIAL DONE FILLTNO-PSBD BY THB DIB ^?^i^ron.y, at bit roorna. H? Hrondwar, nrar Sev. ii teeuth atrw t. All other apnrioiia. Tan ler ireth. roota and mt-re ali#.J:a, filled and warmn>d. N B.?Ail loerr* ol be?u tlf. ! Mfth nnd ?a?Pt bienfli uaf the rain iratnd C iian OeuU fnwan.l Ixillon. J. PEAHKON. M. D., DiM-orrrer. \ RTIFICIAL TEKTII -BEAfTIFUL HhTS ON PUKE U\ "lifer, only $M; on line ?ol,i an I plallna. |iA; w.,rran . d eu'.al to any w..r* In New York; alnul* la^th, g|, tr,tb fillet and extra-fed without the lean pain and p'-rfet-tlr Uariiiloaa. Genuine bone Ailing only Bi cunla. ' ai a ijm Hh ih avenue, between Ti nih and Eleventh atreeta, and no ramoral. No conuontlon wllb any other olti. a Or. LUTilEK, Dentin. JH KItK DENTIST. ATTBHDf RESIDENCES IN ? ?ti> i-tr of 1 .a city ..r aiiburxo for glllnu te. ih an 1 all mner .1 nwj oparatl..,i.a A-l-lieaa aiallon I), Hlbi<- Ho-iae. V" B. GRIFFIN k HKOS.. DENTISTS. GRAND A ' ? M ia) 'e Lor I v Tari.ira, New York, an 1 J."./ . ''.iP,n *****11 r<y*!ljr*' H* In* full or pn.-tlal ?ei? of 'h'lr luiprojwl ,uti.Mni T- f a, ? in or witiiout ei rnctn ? aiii ^i^i.i Jiii*',!". ",0 'i'" '!.*? rtHoror ru' b -r, I *r '^1 acU*, per Uijfh, on gold, $2; siiv? r f'P rui>h' r ? I V*in ,,jr f>ur j?roc#?n^ 25 nia, Iree of eharuo to tnoae ordering arliliclal te.-th. ffEKTH FILLED WITH HOLD IN hK>T MANNRR 1 I rer ,f . har,a. to I ntrodnre . var, Up "for a" a o .ng. Naw ir.-anir nt l<y i" "ili,g l ath, fro- Iro.n Lin and ?. r< neaa, at INOBBBOLL H. Ui W..,t Twemy ailond !tr521 H(MRI>INC? AUD UHPUttioi { I'ADY AND GBNTLEMaN CAN ||R iivnttim A d. d wlfi h.ndaomaly furnllh'-d 2: I x lady only, ny la'pilrmc a 61 Wrai Twenty liftli ulr I't. A WIDOW LA IiY LIVING ALONE, IlAlTNu a J\ I trrf. r ii.iuae .|,an -he r Ouuld ?? I a ,ar fur't.,,. e i or un: nn ?;.?d, w,th or wuUwit bo.M, or with .. V' ilingeo.H? it ;or hoi?-etneping call at yo. il Am ty lietwe ri Ai iliy and Bleeek?r atreota, ' ' i t mrriiBM N an: r 4DY CAN OUTAIN A I B ?* i n R|> ? I ?" ' " aerond II.a,r, w,|h H<< , , ' , ii'ly o .1 : ^ , a 1,04 a I e , , r?,,ti w ,1,1 ,.i alio .Hi 'vvl al.-eel, Bear Prince. Aiidr.iae i. B u A Pot4 oUit^, BOARDING AND LODGING. A A LARGE FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED, SUITABLE lori?upL'f-ou.. uift) be had, vuu !'? >.n j. In a private faiu ly cx-. up i i it iil?lcIium liaue in one o'. the pl< avautest local "us in the city. AH'iy at ? ,V< I Thirty-eighth dir. el, betwei u Flilii ana Sn.u aven lea. AT *7 EAST TWENTV-TIIIRD STREET (MADI^lDN sq'.lar > a KMall private auiiiy desires lo let an le^act furoisfred i'a: I**; also Boilroouis, wltli or without HwurJ; hotis - Strut rlio, reiVr. noes ex-hau^cd. A private family will revt two micelc R ? mi?. with Hioa*fs*i, to st ifle (ssii,ie ue-i, with ,.i?, l?t -, Ac. Location >f lio ise very central aiwl osn* TCP eni lo nn and stages. Oalt at 81 K si Twenty-firth si Auanr LEMA* and wi.-e. or two single ?en tle? ii. may be a -o n.uo au-d with pleasant Koou.s an i jjixi.. ii.arJ, ui a small privat" ;* li.isnl! m<i lit*1 ii I .K.roveiutfnu; tiiiiu r .it six o'clock, ri ie.ttfi^u ex cnau. s 1. Ap dy a1. Mo. i.i.-t Went Tit oud mr- i. AOE.VTIJ.MAN and WiFK AND A FEW TINGLE V u >* ( >i .iu? iii d vol t p. asaut Kooius anil good U 'Siu in a ur.-i' .;lasi House., liavui: all me mo .use i iprove Uit-MMiuiii occupied by a small prnate toui.iy; un.acr at ti. Ap|. \ ai 40; /I.. o.ue St.U. t. HANDSOMELY FUKMI8HKD SUIT OF 'ROOMS TO let?i'* j-una ur'ate, with tiu.ii'.J, in-a private l'a m .'y, to h c niieii:? j ana mieor twos ngiw gentlemen. Ap tly at .l.V'm.i street, betwc u ilfm nun Sixth uven tea. A LARUE SEi OND FLOOR FRONT ROOM, FURNISH -A ????'. " i'-hie ;or two pcr-?ii*; also a th.r.l floor back iMoui, with ui. i e mod i ti m.p.ore i.etits, Biay no liail, wuh a .ir . iu a suia 1 la uii. icsi u.ig at No. 17 West Was injj Uin pla.-.-, be weeu Sixth avenue an 1 Washington I'arado Grout. .. T. rins mod rate. Rjloraue-js eicuaiiged. A private family, having takes the DE inly locate.. ..<> se i/l tlll.itou p.att, E giitn street, near the :ir oort House >tud Fftit ivtuu*. .ifSp ise of some v. ry in ? koi.uia, ;rui>he <jT uu.nrni*hed, sin le or en suit. To lirst oa?s peiso * permanent arrangciiieuts <an in on ino.?rai? terms. Dinner at six o'clock. n. us e\ihu?et. t r NO ?:<) EAST TH !?:STV-l'IlTll STREET. BETWEEN j\ iiaulson and Fourta a. uuos.?liana.- mely lurulshud Koo . s in u i, tl.iglv or en suite, with or without Board. A priv..t tai>lc it ueivlie I. A PRIVATE FAMILY IM SOUTH BROOKLYN, CAN a. iimmoUte two nueni'.u with , urtial Hoard (ui.i nef'Ou Sundays); toont spacious; bath adjoiulng; iocu.ioa very i:i;n.rab.e, u le.v iniuutoa ivaU !ro.n u ter.y. Terms iMper ween., tot t.ij H raidoilioe. 4 NICELY FURNISHED SECOND STORY BACK ?*. Koom ?djoiuiiig ti.e laiorooni com ai.unn Lin.e (JoKCts. .as him wa i r, to lei with rio ird to slogle i; r.tlm n or a l- ntit'Mian and wife; hotm.- and table iirst A i< y atlW E ist Fourteenth stnet. References oxihangod. Tciuis muiituals. 4 J'RIVATE FAMILY, WIT'.IOUT CHILDREN, WILL il r; nt two nicely liuninh d tri.ui R hiuis, wi h Broatkf ft, to ftntfie goiit.emeu; hoiine brut class: location very central, ciiivenii ut to cars and to several p-.i ts oi the c.ty. R lei .noes ex. nangud. Call at 236 East T. nth street, lor one we.-K. V WIDOW LADY, WITiIOUT FAMILY, W( ? an o. two y >uug U .i. it to Board, or a ge his wlie. Apply at No. G Frui.e street, near Bu A LADY, LI\ I-NO ALONE, WOULD LLT A i*I>EASANT *V Hunt i'.. out, sC'-on 1 ilobr, to a ?a .y and gentleman, Boani lor lh<-lady; or wouii l> t two Rooiiin lor lousekeejv ing. o meeting, very conxeu.ent. Terms m n eratc. Call at 1W) West Twenty- lghth street, uenr i-i^h h aven. e. AI^AKGE SECOND STOKV ROOM P.\NTtiY HOT AND co.U water,, aud Boaru for ^eutleinati and wife, $<i |u;r ?e s; back Farlor, same price;an ? single ltooiu. wlih II aid, lor 50. in brown mone house, 155 Ea^l Thir ty-nftu street, near Tliird avenue. A PRIVATE FAMILY, OCCUPYING A PLEASANT ho, , sltuaiea at 211 W. st Fourteenth street, will let a lianoho ,./ly furnis.,ei Room to a ijentl.'tnati, v. niiont Hoard, w. o lecin- a pi- asant liomeivili Und this an excel.ont opportunity; lonvenieut to Lrimtnico's. A WIDOW LADY AND BER DAUGHTER, OCCUPYING a ueli^htl'i.liy located house, will let a gentieinau a handsomely in in islieil Kouin. i o.ivenient to IKiuionico's. T.iose to be in a pleasant family, wb-re tney can hate tne comtoru of home, will do will to give this iin'.ne d ate attention, as It is a rare opportunity. Address M., Limou square I'osmfli.e. A HANDSOMELY furnished FRONT ROOM AND R?..rooin lo let, with Board, in a List class private hording house, No. AK) vVest Twenly-tliir 1 street, corner of Twenty-third street anil Seventh aveine; on : oi- two Single looms; d.nuer at sis o'clock. Hetureuce requi.ed. A WIDOW LADY HAVING A NICE HOUSE. PAR. tialiy furnisiie.l, would lii.e to masc the auqiiaiutnucu of a gentleman who wouiiks-ist inoomyletingttifi sa arid accept board In payment. Address Mrs. ?. U. b.a.i..? 11, sta tion A, Spring street. A LARGE FRONT ROOM TO LET?WITH FULL boan., suua >Ie l'or a gentleman ard w ile or t.vo in tleuuui, In the Iirst cla-s lnuis? No. ft West Tweuty f n* ti S l eet, Opposite Fifth Avenue Hotel. A SINGLE GENTLEMAN, WITH GOOD REFERENCE, iV. can have a lisndcomely luralsned Roo.n, wiiu ^as and bath, wuli a stualfprlraU tamliy,convenient to restaurants and the New Haren and Hariem Railroad dej-ot. Apply at i3.> l o.:rth :ivenun. A handsomely FURNISHED PARLOR FLOOR TO li t : aho. Kooma on sttcond and third iliors, iu u. very declrsbte I01..1I011, ui-ar Broadway and the principal hotels. A; ply h. iWfiMnuilNek A strictly PRIVATE FAMILY, RESIDING IN A liru clnaa house in li! mtk stre t, u ur sixth avenue, will It l a b.?nd?oim' jr ;u ni >b< >1 Parlor and Bedroom, or Hrd room only. to a >;? nticmau, wltn breakfast in rouui it uewrvd. Appiy at No. lis Broadway. A LARUE FRONT PARLOR, WITH CLOSETS AD youilug, to let, with Board, for a gentleman ?ml wife; Kiwi a jjdlrooin couneeilng with tie rou.n, II oeaired; run be had on reasonable terms by applying at No. OD East Rroad way. A private FAMILY WILL LET?WITH BOARD, lw*?MMhi|i i'ar.or Booms, baadaomely furulshed; not and c>>ld water, Ac.; suitable lor a gentleman and wl:e or single gentlemen; house nf?, unit elas*, brown stone; oential ?ml most desirable lo>ati >n in the city. Address L., b .x l.KW I'o>t "ill'-e, with address. A PRIVATE FAMILY HAVE ONE ELEGANT LARGE K'U'ii t" let, wi'.h B' ard, sum iblo f r two gentlemen, or a anarrtt-.1 couple. A so a pit aiant Room, sultarls for one. ?cnli< man. *n a handsome iwuv, K Ab.ngJon |>1 ice, comer W-lfl't and HtiU>on atrial a. Coavenion ??? s complete, situa tion delightful, and lemi ti 17 moderate. AdE.NTl.EMAN AND WI: E. OR SINGLE GENTLEMAN cm, obtain a well furnished Room, with Board, a' ><j East Tw .-ifth stroet, on.-d??ir east 01 Fourth a<enue. loca tion doolrablo. Family private. R ferencea exchanged. A HANDSOMELY Fl RMSI1ED FRONT PARLOR, w ltn pantry and bedroom attached; aim two smaiier Rooms to U-t. low. In c r !er to ar.-orc desirable and p rail nel.t paitie . L * at:oa excellent. Hmse modern. '.(X) Sixth avtiue, between Tinrioenth and Fourteenth streets. A raw SU1UMU 1 an be accommodated wiih furn:?htd R i<j:!ia, atid Board, in a private iami ly. Tims molerate. Reference cich t.g.'d. Inquire at ?to E.;?t Thirtieth streel, mar TlitrJ arcnue. 4 LADY AND GENTLEMAN* OAS BE ACCOMMU" L' U ;d with a good ltooui, lioa.d for tuc lady oniy, at IVj Wooater street. A private FAMILY, RESIDIHO IN A DELIGHTFUL J\. neighli. :, convenient 10 the Central 1'iuk, will 1.1 a few Room' to a taint.r without children, or to dingle Reti lleincn. tvitn Board. Mo ot i?r boarder*. References given and roqillP d. Ad.lreas 8. S? box S3 N. Y. 1' s olli;e. A YOUNG LADY CAN BR accommodated WITH J\. H"-rU an t a larse, peasant front R um, in th>% of a young * idow k.dy living quite alone, N i 1 oardel 4 In the 1 noac. i<a?. paiitriea, Ac. Apply at 175 Greene atre.t, near Blocker. ATTENTION 18 CALLED TO THOSfi LIVING IN HO? tela and lioardint tiouoea to an eataollahmeot op< tied at No. Ho Maoloc^ai atreet,and fmut ned with overtning ne. ry for boua-tteepias, In order that a family may have 0 ovuiplete home and live at a low rate. 4 N Et.hoantly FI RI8HED SUIT OF ROOMS, WITH /\ ' xclualve nee or b*lhr?om; alao Kinyli Ro.m.aHiid large Rfocption Kooin, with pantrien atia< bed, ?niiable for a puy aklan'a oflb-e. L>i at:on oelicitful. Firat <da*a Board, U0 lla.i Tniit enth aircei, near Second a?en<io. AII'MNIMK PROMT room. ON the SECOND II ? r, mill good Board, anitaole for a family or party of K'Utlemi 11; ?M small U .o:a; hoitM fimi i:laa?; dinner at ilx. Apply to Mn. GREGORY, 101 E.iat Twenty tir-t itreet, <?r^ ra-icy Par*. ? A GENTLEMAN and WIFE OR two SINGLE gen t|i-m n mmj ol>ta.n Board iu a unall family, at VS Weii Tli rteenih Street, llooae baa nio.ern Impioveuiema, and tonus rca-'inai)le. BOARD.-A PRIVATE FAM1I.Y W1I.L accommodate a genilruian and wile or two or tnri-n acntl<-men w th plea nam and ne-itly fnrnl<ued Rooms. Refcre;.rr? ex ciana'd. lilnnor at <S o'clock, at No. S3 Clinton place (higLtli str ft), on block with Broauvray, Board.?to lit, with board, suits of rooms; al?? single Uo>nt?, for goutlemon. Appi/alMWeai N.ntb aif<*1. BOARD-GENTLEMEN AND THEIR WIVES OR singlegentlem.-a con ' Uain nea ly Fur. -hed Komi.*, with B ard, ai No. S Wcbt WaahlnflWin place, oppoaito tbo WaalilngV n Parade Ground. Board -a lady and gentleman can obtain on>' or two R ximii, furiitahed or uuturnlaheu; Hoard .or la 'y only, tu a strielly p. hat* lamHv, e: e Uo'k from Uroad way and K'eat Wa-ihlngt"n p'a e. None n-:ed reply but re. tlr d and resprciah ? pirtlea. Ho ooBUina all the modern Improvemcnta. AddntiO Hume, stalioa D. Board--with furnished or unfurnished KoumS. Gei'thmeu aud their wives or single guniiemen deairln. p rnian-nt Board and tho On iforta o! 11 hoaie, can be accommodated by applylns at.? Ha ik ?ire^'-. 1 Board .-gentlemen and tiikir wives or sin g.e gei.ue can, al-,0 two young ladl>-?, can ob ain iur n: > ed or iinfiirnlsh-d Rooma, with or without Bo ml, at J|C West Fllteenlb str. et. House hat all modern Improve ment*. Board -a mne suit of rooms to rent to a I amity or lliuiiia for single gn tl>'inen, at 4 47 fifth ave nge cxini-i id Flirty aeooo.l Otrei^. e'liran ? on Forty-Second atreet. Refaruacea evhanged. *? Board.-a oenti.eman and wife or two sin s'lem'-ii can in* a cmiiriK date I with Boar i; line, large, se'iMtd story R > >ma, with ha'i iic lro mis. II u ??? I'rit ria-s w?iii all modern oonvonlenocs. Dinner at?? u dock. Belerehi-e*exchanged. Apply at H Went Tweiity-Urat street, near Fifth avenue. BOARH-IN A HRALT1IY, PLBASANT AND CONVR. uii-nt Iih at on, poaae-alng ai. the a ll ai tau- a ol a town anil iKHintry resnlauce; ettensive pleasure groun ls, liatltlru, boat n >. AC, at the loot ol Smiy-e'iti aircet, fronting the Eaat il\?r; tho old Itehe Iierbora r< *ld- u-e Two fairiliwe or ? few single g. ntl -m. n an be scomii'ii 1 lated wan Rooms, iu.n.slie 1 or unfurn s,,e't. with or wm.oui Board. In>|ii re on .in- | r misi - or at tne Kmpun Hewing Mai tune Company, Ho MO ?noad > ay. Board?in a central and drlightkuiiloca. II .11, lor o i?w geiitlem n. In a small prt.ate laioily, iiOar Bro.iiway and 1 itlori spiare. Apply at li K?st Tuii teei.Di strees m at Ho ne- en <t ol * if th avenM. |>OARi>-A UHNTLR IAN AND WIKR AND A KEY J> -ii " g-' iikB tioR be at oimHOdan 1 vi ,1 llniin , nl ai-aaaul B<?ins; h ute basal' modern lm. rov 1 .. 4. I on pl.K?..ui und i!i siiaole. Apply at lUi Ja) sir ? , Br am* ?? 1)0 lt'?-II\Ni)^?Ml'.!.r Fl RNISIIi:') AI'.tRTMKNTW, I) ,, , ,.p IS C, ?rl H; rl. I. a h ..1 HU w ? ?_,. 1,1.' v 1. a i ! 'i ally oji s o \V iii^-cm sj ate. t'u??< 1 o aole irfv^sos?l??aand re<|iiii?4 ^ POAKDItV" AND liODOMOi BO.?tl>-GBNTlEMEN AND THEIR WIVES OB' gentlemen cnu n nt*t*y fur?U?b?'<i ttoorna, ' with Bnui'd, by a;>piyin^ sit 240 Wett Twentieth BOARD?AT 11$ WB3T TWKNTY-TUIBD-STREET; A kin! of Room* on second or tbuJ iloor, el' gaut y fur nished ,in a h jfco^viih nil the uio .em improvements; diu ncr 4 0. R,..erenue* exchanged. Board and a good sued well k. rni^vd Room v .iite I. 'n a pi ? .sun lo> oily up to-vu fcyjtisnr; terms, Inoiadiug gas, not to exceed ?j per week. wiJfcfe will be tund in Address L'L'l*, llorald oil n Milaj roll part;* ilars. BO*ftD CAN BE OBTAINED FOR GEHILENKN AN1) 'Ji ir wivaa or tingle .en iemra at 117 \V<6r4 lv.^ut en i street, ! ctrtven Filth aud dixtb av. nata; AtuKily Su.aJ; house lirnl lass. BOVRD VANTESJ-BY A GENTLEMAN, iltS WIFE ami child, a ytar ami a half old, with unfurnished Room, within tw ?*" v minut as. font of East Teuth sir ct, or in Biueldyn, k.. L>. Address L. L., Herald otU" e, stating Urn,a. BOAKD WANTED?FOR A GENTLEMAN A.<D L\UY tlioard lor la.iy only). In it private fun .y wuere tU re are no other boar era. Addrci-a ior two I- a j(*, Lawrence, but 1:3 Heraldo.iice. BOAP.OINO.-tJENTLRMEN AND THEIR WITES AND ale.i single gentlemen uau be a oommodated ? it.i good B.?nd hi a pi a., ,111 location: a few day i.oaid- s. l\.e house has all ilio mocern lir i roven.eiits ana Ik o .vetiient to Hiajjtauud ears. ayltVest'fw 1 th stie- n> ar hi ,litli av. BROOKLYN.?A PRIVATE FAMTLY, HAVING TWO very . 1 asant Ro una, .m II f.irnisued, n a no s ? de>i rably looted, would li t th-ni, witli partial Hoar I, to -in l? gui llrtinen. Apply ut iW Fort Greene placti, near Fuiwn avenue. Brooklyn.?a widow lady won d accommo daw luoui tbreu single gentlemen with neui fur. l?ii"d Rooms; Board if required; UMlof uth ami Las: pi. as ut location, ii'-ar tlire ? railways to ferries. Address lira. J. E.'U, lit a A tlautlc street, Broo .lyn. BROOICL' N ?101 JAY STi'.EE 1'.?A GENTLEMAN A: D wife or two or three simi e num lit o e umonmo. dated with h .n lsolnely ftiruimied Rooms, witu or witno .t Board, wlihiti U'n initiates' walk of three ferri s, by apply ing ar the auo.e nuinuer. BROOKLYN BOARD.?A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY. hating mors tiu.ii t .e r ipiiie, would aeco i.tno date a ?' n l nuan aud bis wiio < r a t-.\v single g'ntl men wM? Hoard. Ho m contains all tlie moderu iinpruvituionls. Apply ut 174 Ainl'.y sireel. Brooklyn board.?a gentleman and wifbok two pr ilireu nn ;le KtUiieiui-n c.iu oh am good W ard and pi" a'-ant Rooms on very reuaonable lernia; gas and im h in ihj mi m>. Appl.. ai 3, Gar ? n street, o le door from State. Fire minutes' wailt from South or Wail >tr> ctftrr/. BROOKLYN BOARD.?A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE cau obtain Hoard, with |a a Haul H'cond story frtint R Mini and Muall R >ntu a I oinin furnls' i il or un uiuVheil as desired, it' a small private family, at $'.? per ue k. Ln-a tlon goo ! and eonventent tocireani ferries. Apply at 10/ JoUncon street, near l.a r n o. BOAKD IN BROOKLYN.?a PLEASANT FtTHNISHED Room, on seeoiid lioor, with two paillries aiuched. Al so, one Hull luiom. In the liouso ol" a small la.nily, not live minut s' ?u!k from three fi-rrle.-.. Bath in t!ie no ise. Terms mo leiute. Apply ut 77 Cnutou sueet, one door from Living ston. BOARD IN BROOKLYN.?A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, or aing e gentleman can he accommodated with goon B aid, pleasmt Booms, and moderate pilots, and e\ery comiort < f a home, at 213 Dean street. BOARD IN brooklyn ?GENTLEMEN AND THEIR wives or single ntlenu n Ci.n he aec< umo a ed with large pleasant Rooms on second Uuor, at 160 Oon0icas stieeu Terms nio<leiate. BOARD IN BROOKLYN.?IF THE TWO YOUNG gentlemen who called for Board at. & Wiho gliby stre -t, last Friday evening, are no yet accommodatod, tbey can li tve dinui rat six. 1'lease adorcss or call. Board in Brooklyn.?a small new enoland, pleasantly situated, would a? ommodate a gen tleman and iiis wi e or two s ngle gentl 'men with d Board and j leasKiit front Rooms; h c i 'on desirab.e: tine ii m uutes' v.a.k Wall s.r?'%; ferry; e.irw |>a*> the ?lo tto three ier ries: ^as and water in the bouse; references exchanged. ?Apply at No. 3 Dcbevoi-s stieet, n ar Wllloughhy street. Board in Brooklyn-a gentleman' and wife an i t.\ o ur three s.ngle gentiemi n can l*i accommodated ultb good Board and plca<ant Roiiiim, by applying at 1V.'7 Henrv street, between Harrikon and Dewra.v; convenient ;o Hamilton a\ enue and South ferries. Relet ancea exchanged. Board in soi tii gentleman can he ai.-eomniodated with a Kooin, on t e aecoud lloor, with or without Bo r.l, in a family o three persons. mo.lei n. Location be.wees Oour and Henry streets, in De gran. This will i.e found most .eslniMeto a person wishing a home with coiu.uri. For particulars adurt-a A A. A. II., Herald oKlcc. Board want72D in Brooklyn.?two gentle. men wish separate Rooms a.ijoiuini;, with BreaKuist and Dinner id n'li r at 6), in a private Anierieau family, convenient to Wall street ferry. Reference tUven. Address L, to, box la7 U.'rali o Sue.. ^TJOARDERS- DIRECTORY," Ml BROADWAY? D Where ihose wIsuiiiK full ' artlcislars of desirable boarding houses and pr v te families in tbl? elty, Br onlvn and country, are fn niched grntuilo ixiy. Those wishing genteel boarders should apply. Established It! j. _ * A. B. BODINE A CO. Desirable la roe second floor.?rooms, furnished cr unftirni 'hcd, witn Board, can be uud in a first class house, 51 West Sixteenth street, between Fifth a id Sixth avnsies, at a moderate price. Plearant small Rojms for gentlemen. References c vcha-.;ed. Desirable BOARD CAN BE obtained AT NO. 22 nintu street, het-Ae?u Fifth and sixth avenues. Terms reasonable. References given and r quired Down town boabt-in a private family; a front and bock Parlor, also oth-r Boom*. for gentleou n and wives and single geniirmen. 19 heuwick street. Terms low. Ij*LEOANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET?WITH J h ? d, to single ge illem?i> or small famines; h'U?e flr*t class; location centra . 86 i^xinstuu avenue. Eaman accommodations can be had, with Hoard, in the durable iocauon No. lit unlveis.ty Best i'. 'arenee r<?| icel Fubnisiibd rooms.-a gentleman and wife or three single men c>m be sccomnio<lat"d w1th R..ardund plnai4?ut h.. api lying at 77 Fourtu avenue. Din tie rat o o'clock. Iju'RNISHED BOOMS td LTiT-witii BRF.AKFAST 2nd dinn t bervrd 11 the :-<>?.m>i. required, ior aliulo cent'o men, or and t\*fe; on- i>f the fcnsst atiur. tion- la ihc city. A pp.; ul Eighteenth street, near Dr. i'y .<( a church. "tuknibhed ROOMS TO LET?in A PRIVATE fami j/ ly. thofe wish in.' to remu n in the eity through the summer would do will in rail at 1,206 Broadway, between i'hlrty.'-.m and Thirty a -eon 1 atwm. Fdm8hd ROOMS TO LET?a PARLOR AND btvirot tii, together, also slng.e Rooms Iter single gen.le m> n, In a small fa ill) ; noun airy: bouse well located, rout anient to s'.ages and ~ars. No. 3 Ninth etree;, near Sixth avenue. Terms moderate. Furnished rooms to LEr-v.i gentlemen, wivn.u" B ard, at 210 Thom[ * it street, near fourth, op ? ite washington i'arade Ground. pimnid booms to let-in a private fa j mily; ain^l.) gentlemen preferred. Term* ino lonite. A 'inlet respectable j?ia- ? warranted. Apply at No. vi Third avenue, u'sr tnlrteentn s'reet. Ij1urnishbd BOO US Vo LET?to OKNTI.EMES 1 only. Reference required. Apply at No. si eaatbrond way. (gentlemen desiring handsomely firni3hf.D j ko.on*, withoit hoard, will und sup.'i-ior ao-. nnuioda tions In the well appointed houno 23 Ninth inert, between Fifth aud h..t'i avenue*. /lentf.EMBN WISHING BOARD, WITH PLEASANT vi Booms. npwlr lurnishr . n.ay apply at toe large mo dern house No. so While sire. ' ?ne dooi cast of It runaway; one ol th.r mom deslranle an< "tural down town locations iu thla city. Term* reasonable. .foferen^s required. Hanpsomf.LV ft. rnisf *:d BOOMS to LET-IN the modem hullt house. m Four.h street, near Broad way. without board, a', moderate prices. Also an ?1? gnnt Hint, with privilege of kitchen h desired. Handsomely furnished booms to let-to gentlemen, at No til Fourth avenue, near nlnto street, within on? minute of Broadway. Priee Moderate. Hani*omely rcbxishbd ROOMS fob SINULB gentlemen or g"utl>-ui?n and their wives. ?ith or with out Boaid. Also a stilt of pario s, either furnished or un furnished. Apply at 37 Ninth street, between Fifth and ttuth aveunes. Hour comfobts.-a lady, having a few iisb uome rooms ,n her house, on Eleventh street, he. twe?n si>tli and Seventh avenue*, woult accommodate em gl ? gentlemen or gentleman ami wife with ilmt ela a bo.ird For uiars apply to l'ki<'e t THOMAS, bli B oi.i?ay. noboken BOARD.-FUBNlflHED BOOMS, WITH ml, r>r tvartlsi Board, In a <lc.~maii private fantily; gaa and wsler iu ihe tonne, the lo. aim frnntinir t he river, op p?<lte the ferry, may l>e obtained at No. 1 Newark street, oorner of Hudson tenaee. Hobokln -A oood sited fi'RNISHF.D room to let. with or w ititoui ikiard, to >ne or Its# gent'emen. In a pilval* tiertnan family. Aptly at No. f Union place, bl fm: eld street, three ininu'es walk from the ferry. vo |!t THOMPSON ptitrkt, NEAR wa3bibotom j.1 wpiar . ? s ng e and doul le Rooms, or in kiiiUi en se 0'*nd and thirl hours with f .11 or paitlal ?' a , it r a limited numuer, c..n h ? obtained on early appo. itlon a.^ fcln ve; the bouse has all the modern 0?nven|. iic?f ie ne .t and tltly In every respeet., coivnl oit to the s;ngt s on a nl tyand il leer leer streets, mid ac ensiblo to the cars on slith hill ue. Nt). I WEST TWENTY-foukni KTREBt-.Lab'je Rooms to let, enitaiile for a g-inilemaii aud wli ? or two gentlemenj also single Koims; first class house; din ner at & vjotick-Tiib HOUSE no. m EAST twkntibtii i.1 stioet, cor.o r of Fourth avenue, Is now open ior the rueeptit ii u'ttnt ium h .sr lers. tim hcttae btvln.t b. en ne^ly t t.nt' d, |i iper-"l and rurni-lied In a neat style, for clean) in e* and ? omfoit it' ann it he eurpasfX'j. The roome ere oil f i oi'imt on either Twentieth street or Fourth avenue. Beferenoi?required. ONF. LAItOB SyUAI'e BOOM ASD TWO SMALL R mini, ed to .el with or without li.iar i, In a Frenc i .atnily: a >:tsii:iiud itlu'ia all good; instrnetlon liven If iloslrtd; reference* rttjuli-d. Apply at SI West Fifteenth street. One 'jn 'jvto furnish. i? rooms ti> lbi-with i.i.i or p itial Boai i. diun r st # o'clock. unexcep Uonal'ie reft re.ires required, t, ply nt mil Baet fourteenth ONR OR T.vo vol NO lialiles, WIlO CAN COB" mm t w r< lor a ^ net i r .? tvileon'* i wlim ma. htn.'i hi .'i i ite,i wlik flood B ?*fil and a po-aunt Ito .m? In n prr. an f ,liy, without cnudron. Apply at2l uenwluk si. tlootl ref v nee r 'pur d. oaii ibs WHO i I I. h fi bnisiiing TIIF.1r I m ihonit':ves cnti ho srcommoii ti >i h tint nr iil l e it ion-s. nl h or without h'tanl, a., a2 build *lruet. ti rats reaeetishle. PLCAStNT fl itnlsiied ROOMS TO lep, WITH Bo.hi. Apply ?' N . Jl Waver,ey |g?i4>. l-inoi K ol Nil km EN OR t (h-.NTLEMAN AND ills . n '?.?? oimn . at -i t t.i p.e. . i kooins, ?itn or tv til bt do.trd. ai p.y nt fcl t.oarlt m s.rt. ?. BtlAIilJIIVU AND LODGING. T?R HOUSE NO. 1>1)MD STREET HAVING ClIANt? J- 'muds, ? f 'W Boom* will h? !? I, wl.k lo f. o "?"Ven snd their wlvri or Single gentlemen. Referv'ncea *?*en mi l required. D.niter at u o'clock. Apply as 'i'jove. TWO GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMOIiATU> WITH Room*, ? tli 1. U Bairi, Willi private atli Wilis at tached, In a private la nily, la Twenty-third street, oppo-dta the Kll'ia Av. uuc Hotel. Inquire at lii West Twe>'_ .uird ?tree l. TWO ROOMS TO LET?AT MODERATE RENT, WITH. out Hoard, la a ui iv.;to family. No. y Washington pace, two duors from the N?w York llu.e:. rpwo IUND-OMELY FURNISHED ROOMS ON HE I. eond lioor for S'ngla gentlemen, ivl U or with. ut Board, tu a ? nleelprivate fa mly, at ii Greenwich avennu, b tween Teut'i and Eleventh street*. TO LET ?FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TO SINijr.K genii,unen; rent low; in a ion quiet unit uesirab >?; at No. S Vaikll place, oetwm n iileeeker and Houston strut s. WANTED?BY A YOUNG CENTLEMAN AND WIFE. a I' r ilnhi'd Room and H. drou u. on f rat or ae. oui floor, wltli Hoard; lo -atlon .??iween Fourteen h and Thirty fa h r etl and '?!?! .vim n Filth Ninth av u .??<; IUHU i' . onable. Address, etaiiuj particulars, F. L. F., Mcrald otUee. * Wanted-by a rno essionyl gevtlema <, plain coniform'>le i o n r. llo-ud. Sho.ud piei r a water prospect on tin1 Hudson. Hut ft wit-' and tlpee clil. dr. 11. a iiiUe: no object 1 'in t.. a omumy lio el. Ii' suited might remain durln : the winter. Terms $u p r mouth, paya le in a va iee. Wa it ? <1 .ii'oiti,(u; real V M per ai. ubu. Addrea* Uni in, Herald oillce -A ?CHEAPEST BOARD; NICE ROOMS, WITH ip j (JW. good Board, $J and <?! a week an. hum;. rds. and families su.teii lest, tluiu at any other house ; ni e pallors with ,>iatio. 4rt i.ispeuard street, near Broad way aud Canai. Also watchman ana lod?:-i?s eh ap. r,n A'N'D **? ik>9,?>U <ii>OD KOIMS AND BOARD nt 112 Leonard stivi . thr. ? .>r o riidn ast of Broadvay; h> ? : umily I mulshed; one of the best bmiui down lown; a*, bath, hot an.1 eo.d water; hve minutes' waik froui cn> hail. 1HTH street?a few double and single 1.1/ Kiio , n !y furnished, <an m had, with B >ard, oy U-d e? an I enUoii.e.i, haiiug good references, at thr bin. Be, No. 11 Tenih si roe t iBuvoort place). oe up en by a pii ai. f .mlly; aiao, a B.tsem 'lit R ??.ii, suitable loradoc nr's olUce, between Bro.idaay and University place. 1 O CLINTON PLACE.?A HANDSOME SUIT OF JL Rooms to b't, with Hoard, w n geuiien.un ami wife or pmy of gentlemen; alsj single Rooms. Dinner at si. O'eJOCK. >)] WEST TWENi'Y-FOURTH STKEEP, NEAR FIFTH ?) 1. jiveiiiii-.?win; or two gent em ii or a Lentletnaa and wile can noiv obt-iin a tine Room and B-ilrooni. wlih or w.Uiout c an< Boara; also a i'sr.or it d.-s.ied; refereu.* (jnen and reqaired. ?J l WASHINGTON PLACE, BETWEEN BROADWAY *)-L an : i'ar oig.uund, nuiis or Koonm; ii he lln^sand cool; fi.rniiure ne >; Hoard, if required; also, oihie for physician or d< ntlst; terms a< reasonable as anyiviiem. OQ BEACH STREET, FBONTINO ON ST. JOHN'S ? JO 1'sr;?To act, with or Bo.i.d, a lar^n third -lory I sek Ro mi, handsomely lurni. h d; also a single Beii roo n on ii ct 11 or: hnase contains all moii.rn luijrore ineiits. Terms uioilcraie. f n WEST NINTH STREET, NEAR FIFTH A'. EVUE? tUI! indrouie y nrnis e . Roo.iih. to l. t, witn ko ni Board to ti nt;e.nen und ihe.r w.vm or sin:,le gen.lemeu, at very reduced rates, llesi of le.erenee given. A-l WEST TWELFTH STREIiT, BETWEEN FIFTH AND TA S xihav noes.?Tu le., with Ba u d, iu nl ii.-d i.o mi-, ? litai.le .or sinal.: tenticmen or tfentivmon and the.r wives. 7Q Hl'RlNO STREET, THREE DOORS FROM BROAD I ?7 way.?To li t, li..ndsooti' ,v Iurnih. ed Ro om to Hiiiile L-entienten. The location is near all the llrst < bote s and I lacvs of amusement Read u, room free. In luire o.'AN hUNIIO'.SE. ()?> GREENE STREET, ABOVE SPRING, ALSTON './?) Iloa-c ?Elegancy furiilshed mi.ts of Rooms; rss, CiDton and every eoivenl nee I or bousekoej uig eeo.iomi railj: parileuLnly suitable l'or small rctpcstublu families; rent low. lift BLKEUKER STREET, WEST OF AND NEAR JLjLvJ Br..H(lw y.?Furnished Rooms, ?ilh or wiinout Hoard. Me.'.ls s.-rved in r j.nns if desaed. Trans,, ut boaru ei? ft efliini.04.iud. Lo ft'ion plea, .nt and o n.rul. I On EAST SEVEN I EE NTH STREET, BETWKEN SE eond And Tiiinl av iiui *, m a, Dr. Tyn.'s eliureh and St lyv.-sanl I'ark a tin - suit of Rooms on a -eond iioor to irt. wiiii Board; also two Rooms on tho parlor Uoor, and two single Rooms. a mCHUY^TIE 8TREET.?FURNISHED RO'JMS TO l'-t. with or without Board, A lew ladies can be accommodated. 1 r\f\ Pfcl^CE STREET?ST. CLAIR 1I01TSE.?ET.E gaut furasbed Imm, Willi Itimiai atta i.ed, wiili aU t'a* convi niem es for liousi keepln; complete. In eluding gas and Crown water, to let to respectable laiuiiiea, or aingle gentlemen. 1QC WEST TtVENTY-FO'"RTII STREET. NEAR .LOc/ Elginh aveniir.?A small family, having more room than they t.e il, w uUt let to a gi ntleuian andwifoorto s.n ,le gentlemen one or two handsomely furnished Ro ails, with or without Board. The bouse ban all the modem con veniences. Terms moderate. 90ft WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET.?A SUIT OF iUU f.irnisUed Rooms to let, with l, for a gentle man and family. Diuner at 6 o'clock. References ex ehanged. 91 n ELM STREET, NEAR SFRINO.?FURNISHED 4jL\f Rooms, lor Immediate occupau y; lo.ves rents in the city cimsid- iln^ the con>enieuees for housekeeptng; best bedding, furniture and cooking utensils; gaa and Croton. 9f?A BAST TENTH STREET.?A FEW GENTLEMEN tan have Board for %3 M | er week. Also u geii ileinan and wife ran a.e a small Parlor, with bedroom, for $7. Gas and baliiriN>"i Included. Rooms furnished or un furnisned, with Board. 79? BROADWAY, OPPOSITB NEW YORK HOTEL? I wU Furnished R -oms to let. at ressonaaie rents. The rooms hare uaa and water throughout, and the lojaf^in is one of the best in the city. COUNTRY r.OAJlO. Board at cobnwa'll.-a few families can he accommodate.! with, tl a Tory d??lra>de resl | d?nc?, commanding hu extensive view of the ill,Man.:*. | Communication with J>?W York frequently during the day. Addruts H. South, Cornwall, Orange county, N. Y. Buard at yonkers.-mrs. m bigelow, weix known for her lir>t cUn i>urdlng house up town, nas 1> as-U. for the Summer, a nommodioua .Viaus on in tiie rural and pl<-ture?(iiiB village of Yoiiker?, seventeen miles lr m New York, on the Hudson Rive,-Rul.road Th-> b<m?e has itn i e.t ol gsrdtn, and commands ait exiensi.e an>! biautl. fulv.ewof the liudaou river. S.n^;? gentlemen, or ^entle n,en tod their wli es, wls!iln< Board ti.oy .ijndy to L. Sl'lM HON, 8-ationer, No. 3 Br al street, near Wall. Boabd in the cocntky.?a oentlemaN AND liia wife or two single gentlemen rm obtain Hoard In u. t< ntl-man's fu nlly at Tretnont, WeMehsster county, New York, House U handsomely nl'iated, three minutes'wulk f.O n depot. Trains leave hour:/. Address Aiired, Herald ofliw. BOAKD-ON TnE NORTH SHORE, 8TATEV ISLAND, at the handsome Gothic cottars vomer oi ?-aat-I'-'ton ill I it incut avenues; ;?rje i.Jry routnt; gmuuos shudot with fortn trees ai?l sverureeni; all the com It, its ol a home T''rira rewioniti l?. Sefsrcnees required. Apply <n tie pr ti.i i.'s, near the leniing, at Sailor * Isuog Harbor, or ad drcai M.t Hemlil olhce. Bath house, long iri,and, is now open for the r<"'i i tl"U of Hoarders and tiausicut guens. O. oi Aihitig, bostiug and sailin,'. J. N. OAKY, Superintendent COUNTRY BOARD?FIRST CLASS, MAY RE HAD rOlt two tffiU i-ai'U s n*t tueir wives, or ? fatuity ot four isiown v rsons, In ft desirable location, s.iay of access from N w York several llm-s dally, an.I unv by bo:it; family suistl; lis ehlloren; good ataottni, or will furnish ea? ris if wanted. For further p.itieuuus address for '.iiieo uuys, Country H"tnr, lfcrald otUce. (10UNTRY BO VKD?ON THE BANKS OF TIIE HAR J li ni nvi r, uilj* i .it to Hie cUy: locitlou healthy ; pl?-uiy of shade, ush:n;, boating, Ac.; term* weekly $tto$4. Ap ply at No 1 Ureal Jones mrict, of Pr.Kf SuAUL. (10UNTRV MJUUMI ONR OF THE FINEST BESI J denoesIn Wesicnester county, within u:n miles lront tiif low r |>art of ths city. The gron d-are eegftn an! S|? c ou*, line boating, Ac. Tbp sec-?? to the rl'y m hy aieu-n boat aud rallroail every hour. The family will rsc lv* on.y 4 few sr>c: Bounleis, willing to pay a liberal pilne, sud ?vhi>se rrlen-nri-a sr ? o!' nndoiit'ted rr-peeUbulty. Aditreift Private Boarding, I >? >t J,' >7f> Post olllne. (^OVNVSl MAED?FOB SINiil.K OENTLBMEN OR J pent r.mrn ami their wrea oin n? obtained in a prt'..vts laiull', goi?t board bath, plenty o: frill an i milk; tor su ole and vl>'w th- location M unsurpiHMd: atahiin r and |Hu>ture. A|>pl.v at Christ Faira, Hu.:? in City, N.J. Hurse ears 1 rom Uonolton ferry pasa the entiance. CIOUNTBY BOARD.?A FEW BF,?PECTAI!' R per J eona can mrke arrangement* lor pleaKan mi an I good Hi>ard, In tho Iwaitl ul Tillage ol Fori ?! ho i?> pienvaiitly aituste J, an J but three minutes' w .'.k ir< iu ra 1 roa<l depot. Call nn or ad'Ire as Mis. J. T. Vale till tin, Mario, i avenue, FordhaSS, N. Y. (lOl'NTRY BOARD CAN BE OBTAINED AT FORT J Lee, S. J., on the I ank> of the lludauti, ufiy mlnuiei' rt.le liom New York by af amlioat lour limea a lay, and but three minute*' walk from the landing. Address or apply to Mia. Mary MiTer, Tort L-e, N. J. C^OUNTitY BOARD IN ROCKLAND COCKTY, N. Y. ,'At a farm houw-, with nc. omtnodations for a fe .v Board eiv. K my of access. For partleniara addr> >a C. K. A., He rald ofllcs. ClOFNTKY BOARD MAT HE HAD \T / COMPORT I acle fartu house, at Pei'kskill, Is I nuilliito vleiuuy of Henry Word Beeeher's. Lo.'Htion d ll,l- .. and, two tulles fiuin Lake Molieaan. Imi in < <V7 Fulton street, M. Y. riOUHTBY BOARD WANTED-IN T IK VICINITY OF KJ Fordham or Kingft'uidie.? An eld> y gentle nan, wll ltug to j ay ll'J^rally, d ? ire* to o octtt for liimwli a few ti"at, comfortshle Rooms and Board, In ul flra' class prt i ll1 r>'*luenc?, wneru there am no othnlr boarders, sn I ? here he oan lie# entirely prlvnte. Tho house mn?t i" li> iat d on high gto uid, conmsndlng alinevlow. A^ nnimo ilatlon* for eoa himui, also stiblinjt lor horse snlRnrria^e ruisireil B iardmg hO't-a keepen tie?4 not appiy? Ad .resu b in .tl H irl' iii Poafoilico, New York. _ /lOUNTRY BOARD W^NTF.H FOE THE SEASON? \ ) w.t.ilu one hour ol the i ily near the salt water ami ais ei stble by boat pretflfro I. Addreas, wlCh full particulars, 0. P. B., box t.illA N. Y. l'oft odl e. C10I NTRY BOARD WANTED 'VVEDIATKLY?FOR / families and ?ii,h!o par.ies; al ? or el ,lit Farts of Outages,w: Mitit boartl, witnln one hoi. r 'Itbe'-ity. N. B.? Those Wnutl&g Board or Cot.a c_t dire. edi atouee A. C. JOMES A CO., #34 Broadway. /1L1FT0N. STATBN ISLAND-TUB VILLA OF J. F. I). !(*? ???? k?|- la prepared lor the re epuou oi llrslclass boar ers. iiiajntiicsiit fieoan vl?w prlrate baililngground, f,. nh i?i|i< and wt' labls*; subilug no ommndail ins{ one hour from Willi stre-t. Kef telle ?* eirhsnged. DESIOHTFULCOCNTBY BOARD CAN BE OBTAIN e i lit ItuiiiliMto , h. I,, about iiin e? from N".v iork, lo.k.ltiff. h?lhii"t sit I im ili'g. Ltieatlon li" liny and no uios 'i nto* Additss J. O. W? lloiftlii oiBre, N, V. rpn'O KAMI lit E8 can RECEtYB EXCELLENT AC* .1 eomnio iati .tiH at a tsnn hour*, Iim. ii n si?. n . t*. n irtlnut' S'? s4h from tne lli Sun BtVe RiUroai stlon, , hi r ' i io.ii?n?ni in* city. Plenty oi i lit, ve? tabiss I an 11 111k v ??MMMdaUoii* for horses, Adeir:S( If. A. c., | bw* |A> liefltltl villi C. ? ?^ S A. La ICS OF RK.Mi KtTATC. A PARO * IN.?IX TUB BEAUTIFUL VILLAiTbToJ' jV 1 w.i,W .--?s well .up, lie i wua waisr. w.ih twe Oot'xges; ill ? 0' in New fork .or *>4 4); ineb .il lug sU-*, w u b may soon he dlv d nto vlllagi lots; pla'* K^'al fo? ?u kind if trade. A Houaa in New tori;, or urateiaaa Fu* liUt'ie la en n xchutiiie, w th a small emu iio > n. Appl? for one we- k at Eulteulk ? reel, or to Mr. THOMPSON, Clinton H'.ut. , nu-ca, >. V. A FORTUNE FOB SOMKBODY.-TEN THOUSAND lerwoi * -lOLbiii i.and in the ritae. oi Wisconsin, worth at le ?tt jjo Hi); will u sold for a ?on!, us J trade takeu at T. U. CHaSJ, 111 Fultou street, aiceti-i floor. AtFINB FARM, NEAR ELIZABETH, N. J., 83 ACRES , J.X. . ?riti $.l."i(|; 11 hI n'.ts .s ; ? n? no r from the citjr; ? In ? 1 3, no r I'r ur'- *t itio i, Hm ?o i iiln-r Ru lroatl; prlci ?1. t>w. O. tv IHTCUbTT. corner of Cuuuum maii ClUi. lL'l b h rtli'lH, HtVUlld ..oor. A SMALL FARM, 33 ACRES FINE LAND TO BK SOLP fort.ivith o mi.jutne umlil i;* (ail new) a one ar% wort <; adjoining Hie elly li of B1 -gbaaiton, overlo >kin* the city, iIv i4, anu r.i r t -a. J. W. hi UTL?TT, owner, ?T3 Broadway, M. Y. ' A PRETTY COTTAOB AT YONKERS FOR SALE OH. to lot; about ?: _bi minutes wuls from tue dopot; lot 5ii- 150; <?? namunda a Tl. iv of ibe river, and is a verv .1*. s-ra-.lapi.ii. . t'r i' lor nolo ?I,i>t-j; will rent it for *W0. I' i? lim.s ? m ' t u' o l size an v ry desirably located. Inquire of JA-. R. Bi>iVA1CuB, .'7. W at T wenty .third eireet, 1AARM WANTED, I OR CASH-OF ABOUT 80 TO 100 L 0.'< s, w?iid 'jiodtn live laud, with good buildings, with in three i rfnir t o l a'r e to New York. Auswis, to u ure hi.i ii' i n, ? uld give full pa. titulars, hi w aecursl 1? a fl l iwca' ash price. Principals only will address W. Au? t.i h .v . e It ij, si Piuo strmt. lilOR SALE?TWO LOTS, SITUATED IN CONSBLYEA. JL iif.v .n ar Lni ri a enue, A'uliamsburg, In a very good n l;n!i rliouJ. lujumt o:' iv S ll.-VAi', Ilia Myrtle aveuue, ill1.Or.lj II. For sals?a nice faum of sixty acres, tmr tj inn i-:a I uuic.i.v, ii N .vji-rey. Q ji,d lio.ise and barn, outbuilding-, v,nn ptnt o fruit of ail kiniln. i'.lcs j.-'.nOJ, pan ous'i the ' a n.? fi r n !? rut of yc?r.^ at xix (et ui m. oil- oi in ty a :r h. Lis ami ourn, well fe. e: p.euiy of, | no ? ixi. p it cisn balaooe on tiino. iii'pino ?t tiitf onwUHiw Hitui, uo.n^r oi ?*<? fist > bo* t.o^. 0. MAiiUOLiM. IT^OR SAf E ONE HUN! R - D AND FIl-TV ACHES OF I? Lull ii w .u wool an., tim;w; . <>o,l taming land, *ul;at>l l rpe .eh and. rmoerry euitlvat on, fte,. witliln ab u9, nfiy?iil ? h ii iifci',. unit Oiim.j .i. ic--? lrom tn? iittlawara a:> 1 Rir.tmBiy iia i'o..o. For iurtner luiormauon lnuuir* oi D. T. Si'^iti' OitD. fid 1' i.r i aveuue. fpOBSALE?T VENIV-1.) i'. LOTS ON FORTY-EIOHTH ' an i F. riynitit. i c a, uet.<een tii? Firal and ?j.oinl avunueii. Ai u eig it I< i h n ea-t side oi First avenue, ween l''nrt ei?.u i au.l Forty-unit ? biteets ami tb.rleen L its on lory- ightn street, aui tliirtern on Fort, uii.tli street atjoiolug ih r r t av.-mi" lo'i. Will be sold'at lot* prices via on c-?y t r m fpn; neiu. App.j to . D. S. ut M.'olIB, No. 8 Pine street. For sale?on btaten is lard, a house or pari -o ltt fui in .tied, contains ten t . o ns, pleasantly sltuat edjfiult trees, ctap' vin. s, Ac.; or woti:d exubant;e lora .sitiM.ll arm. For particulars address liuube, box 13a Herald otthse. Eior sale-tub most beautiful country seat in Wm. ettier oo inly. Tne b a.le trees ant fuinous for their be?uty; water v ow iiusaip >M>ed. The iiau.*e, St feet sip are, ooiitaiul ^un ti e nuv nionuea of a lust clasa city resi euce, gas, itunace, Uol antt cold water in every rooiii, batn :oo ii, Ac. giiiuui. r h ius ? on an lslati.l, ae- im-s ibln by a loot bridi. Laihebahing iiouse, lee house filled, ioJge, c. auiii.oose, nnil nil no essi y o tmultllnKi in *:.iod ore:'. W il be a. 1 ?!i ap Ij a e.,sii purchaser. Apj ly to t.'liAUNCEif llA'.t.SAily, ltoal Eatato Broker, No. 4 l ine streot. j/OR SALB OR TO LEASE-VALUABLE DOCK PRO L tins foot oi t' a.reet, tiiuuopoint, opptialio, Foui toeutU street, 1. 0 leet fn.nt by 300 in deptu; terms eaay. iiiiinlre of P. C. I'R <S'OST, Oreenpolnt avenue, near f'ni n kiln, street, oue block ir^ui Teiilfl street ferry, Oreeu pjint. FOR SALE OR TO LEf-TIlE BEST central LO i aled S.abies In the mty of Philadelphia, to.- about 110 tiiirsit-, with eae.oa"! ui rage boiMeN. hay seal s, liarnesa o.ims ua.i Cio.^eta, togrtuei ivit'.i every appurtsn nee and c im en! nee; ano't 50 hoard li UO.sea on band ; good aail 1)10 II| t j.ay. Aaaiesa P. ii. ti , oox I.eS'J, Post oiii.:u, PliUa iu?pnia. L'OR SALE OR TO LET?AT WI1ITEST0NE POINT. L. r I., a Uountry Re-id.'-iiw wiimn three miauies'walk of '.he laud us, witii turn and u n tif acres highiy lmprovctl, ruu> iiiu? >0 in to ihr ri cr; artiate houae, loehouse filled, Ac.i - ne s ialic, or .a ne .t .l and . r n t e. s; g,;r icn planted. Ap- j? p.y at or a id res- iJi ii.on: or ol Taint slro :t. EjlOR SALE OR TO LET THE SUBSCRIBER'S Country acai, U) minuti s fi'-na Twenty-siith street, by Ilarieiu Batiroad. at A i..-. Morasaula;iuiiiiuuiaie posawsaios ? ;iv'n; j-vu-len made; lotaouse hlicd. Apply to W. 11. MUNN,2t West Twen y-slxth sireet. Ij^I'-'THEN HUNDRED ACRES OF WELL LOCATED r larm.ii? l.and, in Wi? otijin in liana, Io.?aand Illinois, . f ru..' ori-icha.l v. foi pruLHsity or merchandise. Apply to JOHN Ei.LIoi 1, 81 C:iiat HOUSE.?WANTED TO PI KCIIASB FOR CASH, A t,o ? , we 1 tiu.l thr. e atory uign .* Imp House, situated .letaveen FourU'Cnin and Kor.y-adjiith streets, Madison ave nue and not weal of tbe Seventh avenue: worth from $8,000 lo $U,'A>i. Address James Bri.t, Sol clxth avenue. HOUSES FjR SALE, VERY CHEAP.?THREE EN hils i biueii.ent, lour ?torj hlali, Nos. 102 and 101 East fAenty-Hi-eond sinet aed No. 3We-i i'weutyi'ighth street, ? n?l another oue. in^h hi oo, No. 3 tj Wen ty third street. Impilre of J. E. UEii>A.NDEZ, 121 West Twenty, a i at street. MOST EXCELLENT' LITTLE, FARM OF S5 ACRES* line and ouUni l iu^s, well iruit*-d, wntere 1, ?r,( pl> avantly . ituated, aulja.u nt a vil a,r in New Jersey, hm and a hail hour front I ?< .ty, for sale, a bargain nlfi-red. W. P. SEYMOUR, 7? Ce.iar Mreet. VTOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A HOUSE.?FOR 8 VLB, XI a Baa iiieni and lour story brown stone Moose, No. 88 l h.r y-atnUi atreet, near Lexington avenue; house 10 ay fiifeet. lot 20 lay 9^.9; fureialied complete; will be sold '& p?r ????i t less i an cost, an l on easy terms. Inquire of JNOt ?V. MOi\ Bit AY. on ii.e premise#. Rare chance.?a splendid suburban rkhi deuce, au.l ru it Farm o: 20 acres, la nn-.v ailei'Oil locaie.l at Hiia s Ii, CotiiDi >ia Co., N. Y., \ Ithln a >rv||. >n all doeka dejaots, and b .? n~a* curia of tbe city. Tne bulL:iuga arc all new. 'ibe a-m is m tue higho-d sute of > iMvutioa,. I'h? i.ardin ^nd orul.atd are very extensive,< nta tiing aH the la*?t varieties of fruit. Tfle grounds aie blgbly orna mented. Loauo i unsurpassed. Tne above ^il b ? sold very cheap. l'tMiession giva-n immediately. Turi.ia of payment made easy. For fiuttiar ptr ie ilar? Inquire of the sub scriber, on the preuilaca. bOLOMuN V. QlFFOBD. IImis-iu, Columbia County, N. Y. TPPN PESIBAULK BUILD1NU LOTS IN* JERSEY CITY A a'jiaiiic pnees; situatsd belween tii" two Jer ries; ver- little ca"h r.'q'ilrcd. Apply to Mr1. I!! Tl'ON, I9<? South Sixth street, City, or S. HASSKLL, 30 Bond street, N. Y. THE hub8ckinbh HAS for SALE 8evekat, FINE Ho ,ar< in gi-oi ?r.uailim?, that wiil be n i t !u?r, on !?? voralde terms; 'ililt a,i :,e line Perm*, Coun'ry ki ala, r we or exchame; el o e number of tine Hnuw", in k'x>< callous, ut low ."nt.. Tor full particular*. Ac., ai'pir i - ? wnokf ?... ? ; ittet, WAmt.j-A k'.kl! ?>R country residence* v. 'Jiltty ml e -v 'he city, in exchange for a full ?i? dwell.ii- iw !*? ainl 1 ?? mar Union mjnare Adlre**, Willi til ;.ar- c :.i ill, bo* 1,3VI Njw york fun oaca. c-o cnn a*d tkkjis i.asy for a farm of 137 ?+ ait'h, 21 in ?? irom ihia rlf.v, mi,i nmra " ? * ? " khijm i|to watered bt ?. u; m leave, Ac. Appljr to rt imon N-w J >r ey'; uui'iij! v. ? i l.u,ti viral'-ri'd by vui irty of (ruit?; hou; hku'jeanf. 15 wall ktieni. copahtkbriiiip NOTICES. Apartneil.?a OOOD husiness wan, WITH OA* plial, 11#. t ill In a u ?*, i>nt < ihih and | i.-a?*tit liiai in <*, th?t will clear oTer $10,0 JO u ii would 1*1 deMra till- to travel a part of tbe Uuii;. Ad lre.a Edmund F. jour*, II raid office, Apariner wanted?WITH FROM tl,(xo to *2,100, . In ? new and 110 <ta de bu?lurm. For particular* ad .1 r*? u. 11., ttrandrttu uo.ise, N. Y. A*vnl* need not an aw r. fixnanciai..?to oapit.vli8ts.?a SPECIAL OR active lariuer, wlti fro n n^.voi 0 'o $80,000 (twcnty-'ive totfly tiuiu*an<i dolUri) wealed. iteie renc a to ieadttn; hor n. Adilrm Men bantebie, office of the Journal of lii m ii.e New Y..rit rlty. Partner, with means, wantbd-to extend a mum <i t iriu< >\ bol<*?a ? mi l rrtah Business win re the proiiu ar ? iarfce and the go u> In conatant demand, i'of (ml, A i'm 11 ??> mo, mimm with city and c miry dry food and fancy jno ?? ho.i?- a. 1 re.erred. Addreei lor 1*6 u*j? s d.| kn '?j herald offl. r harness MAKERS-wanted, aooodwork ng i'ait ei w.lli mine 1 e.'i'jil ami of goit<l standing, fnf a Wrli e*la'i!lfdia i bustm-a, in one 01 ih? beat siitnda iu the elty. uarinsa, Mudisnn a innre Foal office. WANTED?$1,000 OR $2,imi CASH. OR remabi.r ia<li in i.nji-a, iu an i-aiit.'llsliad wholeanle and hi' all flroe. !?? bualnei-a, with the aei vh** of a inan of eipertenra, inrai^lrroii.i'ru-atl'iu. Addre**, with real name, Who!? ?ale ?. d krtail, Herald odna. -t?? aovtirtirer WOULD INVEST THIH ?p?J\J 1. atni'iini and duvon1 hu t rn? In nmc pr<'fi??l>la???*!? in aim *?; ? an III' anv poaltlon; lmr ona o: atrfcteal !nt?>grlif only nvtu'd aitli. Addraaa, Willi nal name, tlatlng bim n?'?a. zi t o, Harald oiuce. ??> rvjwt WANTBi??in A manufai'TURINO bp81" ipo.uuh lii'ita, lully i N.auluurd and "llermg rare ur dm em nil. Saie* hr oath and ir. e i rom riak. A'ldre-*' #lih na< na ae lor an ln;?rvicM , h. B., Manufacturer, ho" raid o.i.oe. 4?*l nnn ?pabfubh wanteu, in a shirt aki? jp#).V/wu. uuii i'iIii ?'? Kiiriiialilitit Store, on Broadway, a lib .I'vimi '? 'Hal id from $2 i 0 ?o (3,000. Tiio mlverti?i:r haa a k'"h1 ru of lirat rUaa (Mali 1 iiaunnei a, and h?'? been ?<? tahlhiie.l lll'le 11 year*. tii?n?.i opgiortiiiiliy that a>ddni? ntr.T- ki lnrenwaeiuhan red. Ad ire><i (real uama) kurulah ng hondu, bot a. W. h., hi1 raid oiuce. OCULISTS AND AUHI8TS. Iady oolfilst AND AURIST PHYSICIAN, 8(A J Slvth aven % Invai lalily r r 1 i|u|i'klv wenaiii-na und illae-mi ? nl tin Eyi* i nought In nrali,e, and w<n nt forma fl? ultiidm-a, will .tut oper.itinna or pain, by gt-ntla remedies. On M'liid iv a. \V 'luead.ty* and rridaya, Hpine and Nun una dlavaa< a cmcd. ASTROLOGY. ABTROLOOY.?i'rolessoit WILSON, THE CEI.h lira ted Antrolo^er, hat iniioroj 10 114 Eait tivemy ? eighth a iki't, unai tbird aven i,', wuera lie may be oiiimill"il 011 all ih? event* nl life, 11me ol birth roi|ulred. ki-ato.'. A BONA fii)B A->TRi hjOCI.sT,?MADAMB WILSON tell-. ii mi,n l of yirrsl It, giv a magic oliariiix ainl gin d iiick f r rie, Iree n. 1, art,": ioiih al-1 ie evt-nw01 life? 1 a-t pretint ami fmuri>; eo'i? hai on* on bunini'ai, ilokuraa, .1 err a?e, eo ir Inp, travel ing. sli ? it the ino<t won* drr 111 ai.riu gi t. .( ihe a^e. Oive her ? ???all; jou will iml iegi- ' It. i A leu a reet. 1I1 do 1 afrvm sianion,,' on th?d<m)i. oh.>ige ior lad 1,;a end pin euiin, wnn a, U?~ wa 1 01 mpnaitii n Madame Clifford?unrivalled clairvoyant an i bualni' iiii'iiiut 1, i'll 1j an *ii'ue,l i-urrn r01 lleyt, biootl>n. iimiO'II * iii! ai l lord, en iu? lorttniil. love ro eiorid, a m tit irionda loiibd. Bunlnna uouaultnlloiK m ti'iiln; mi tioal (i. fthe orl'ATEST wondkr IN TUB WORin is tim i yn in and a coim>iiaiiud la amebyson, fi hfl Pai l*, who cull im' 1.11 inulk'd Willi tl ?' lllletert eonfld -i ? oil nil aiulixiii do; n-101 * drun< a mil miiniihuil 1, . .hamla: ba a acrri i to a<t- ynil lieintr 1 bv vo ir inart'* ideal, ami in mg . toT"tlii; tiiimi* loiu a n iraled. 1 .??)>? Real* dnuceito lb,.d etktiue. abuut l'wctfili aireel,