Newspaper Page Text
BALKS AT AUCTION, A UCTION NoTlCK. A QfUSft* WU'JD k CO.. 81'ifrtr* Anctioneera, Beapectruliy inform Hie pulllr that iuoT l-?vC lui connection J.h??VHr .* 'lh **A?LU-**uct'"u iouac, and tha' ?oo.|? ?earned to be nold b* them should be eon! t<> tit ir ?*!M POOOl*. -. Noa. MJ BKOADWAY and 16 C ROSE V STB BET. I1E: HV WOOD. ^ 1IB <Ui ft tIEBM, JR. * M. B. CIIAPMA .V AU< T'<>\EMl. J\-? _ AUCTION NOfiuB. SaQNIKIOENT HOlVEiiOLD _ Pt'R\-ITITRE. rAINTINCiS, RTATt/'ARY. B"ON'/.F.S AVn MANY KAUB ANIJ COSILY WO KS OK AUT, AT 1UUW0 AtTTlON. M. B. CHAPMAN A t'O.. A'MM onwit wtllofTer nt pub ?to auction. i? bio'row (Monday >, II >y 19, at 11 o'clock pre all tho elegant Furni uie oout iu? l .it t'ae ti?e t-iorv *>???*? stone No. JO Wca T\v n. ?.?>!..t. utrccl, u ar ? Plxtli avenue. fr\The cat.*'o.:ue. eouprla'ng the large-t and most romlya %tr, mcnt of HuU'eioli! Knrnhutv A-?. o1Vr d'at aucil tbij^eiunii. every lot wlil bo i ercniitorily eo it. (.'atulngnra Ku ta 'iaU at our oilieo, oral lite house oa tuc niurBlujof ? % DKAM'INa ROOMS. ?IA0WJ^? ^?"T 7 OCTAVE ROSKWO >D PlANOI't >UTB, ?un. rbi v <* rvo'' ctt,c> rf,?' Wi'iti corn're finished ?11 round, ?. it'll* to order ('? r the i>r m nt o?'n"r by ai'f ttti'koiti' to v w"Ol .Stool do. Hume Stand, FrtlK'k c. ?tli Cove: 'two o,'l>tltaof Drawing Rio-n Kurnit H- oarv.-J Sn (Olid ro? "v .<x 1 covered wit t hrooatrtj superb Etngrr.'J, atatuarv mar <ln V1P*t Socreialry mil H o'<?? e tin ! with ?atlnwood;L>r in Tablw. Cues,and Card Tal V?, ?. .11'ue ?niOou-r Keceptla a C/l'.a'in, covered villi ii.o.iul"; Pirr mud Mantel Mirror*. ?*wl<r .ttK'i-crt I*ce Curta n*, Shadea, Stay Chair Luting't? raatoh, eo erod aatn: artl-tlo %>ronre Ktati arv, Uhev. l'- >1 -rlei. Jna i of Ar ' ( u ? i !?rs, Hamlet! bron/vV's to Jiiati h; t> 1 1 atnt <n*a. Itvo iDmch J'fiintis, *? ?'>* ?'I? ? Vaitn" ^?"v ? - y Ki'tciie); ti e lloly Kautlly,^1'? ^-L-ta id; It i and I-lowrr*, ?!"B'nal, by Uon en; StDttn k '5,1 a ? " ? "'-'-K l-r s l anilly, tiy Del'orolv; two tuap I ''yd ^ S^llerea, rcpri-aeotltis watM "1. t;;e or \er aa !li < ;ir.d Lomng nb'ii-^, va'ik ''J tr.o Sevro* a. rlcMy nmnted. j"'i>ori?k' fro n na'.ce t ? prrBnit otvtier. l?iu ni( R >^ui?\'I >1 ^ak Itimr'a. stum ?rv marbi tof; Kxt>'nslo:i li! ? io tfc.^; " C^alt?. Couclim, Mirnir-. t'liint I?ln?o.- and T'-a R?tH .?B'.'y and Crys .i! cut ?ttd i-in'i-a ed Ola stVai'o, 8 Iver Plniv i'4<>d Te.t .Skit ,c, fili"tCeld'l i is O it'i'ry, SlrerPla -'d i %lt'T* Oo'foe Ui'n. Cake Uasi.t tf, S, oona. Buttrr K>i ???, f*?jjk ? Rin a, Sfilreri, T* It* Ijim n, *<?. Cb'mbera-R'i?Wo?h1 Drea-il'i* ?i roan*, Badatanda. Connno le i. Wj f'robfs, Slaving Stiir.da. ArmoIrf a-OIac, To 1 t T;t*n ?. Hair am' S;irin_' KaitrewKUi. Peith' r Be U, Kl.inketa, LI no ? 8iih t?, ('otui'er vnnea, Bof'is, Rocker*. Ciia'ra. Hatautnd, S'alr O -ipets, Jiotla. A -, Also, alar^c aasoitiucut ot' Bo.-cir.ent and Kiuliea Vuruituro. A UCTIOX KOTTt K ??>. I). OAUt.KTNS. AUCT ONEER, kf\ (It'KB E rs HHOADWAY. ' CAI.E OF RICH AN?.' CO -TL IIOnSEHOLD FURNITi BE XI.EGANT ROSEWOOD riAKO OUT.:, KOSEWOOl) 1'AltlV >iC S, ITS IN' BROCATEL, 'VALUAUJJ-: PAlNTIN'iH, AKiIislIO iiH >MZS.S MAH '.li <!?.<? 'si, AO., AO. D. D. CAUr.KIXS * CO. will ? -M on av. May I'.i -Atth-rlu in p..vat? rea'riencs f>c. *<itS u? nt Konrtf'n h ntnet, hi t\?e n Eighth aul Ninth fcr nues,comin u Ini a' ju* oxlo 'k. The Kile ?x? ,ipr ae? the ?ufre ? on en a of the liucm*. '1 Ijf elegant p> lor furniture wuh m.ul to order, and ia In aollu rn?> wooX Th i vnolr will tei Id .o the Hn^'iest bidd* r tor iraah, oilrr n/ oxira Indu enn'n'H to nui' clwaora, tin ifce rntlre furniture of the ho ;s^ :a nc:i 'v ni-w ? ml n'uai be itold to clomi the n.ou^aie. ti.? ;nni rotinwooj yianoforto, a-veu octa>e, with all niolf.n I o;,n>v^i irntn, b"--<, soiiil n url a< y?, in; cort .-6 i) in J ".'y .ast. mlth soar nice fi.r threi* y> tut; rb li roan.\ i'O I n'.ool. covcre I In satin, hi d pi .b.-olriered t'ov. r: three r'epant suitx of srunewood Parlor mml un*. In rii h Iw cai'ruad latin: rn ?w Kid Emurr. ?, np.eumd .Iti.l 'Oil y P.irlan 0.'ur., iriirn, rin i ' "Tanca. Ac,: hIj-o a ma nlflcmtt I c: Ion I raic I'niu ng'), ?n^woiSl Turk lab Ett^y Ciialr*, in tin-i n ps; rowwooi! Cen tre and Sirti* mar ile top la 1< a ri !. y caiTfl t Uh. nih - r S iit?. Jn roB' Woo 1 an I Mahogany: Ki.r au?, carved Usdste/i ? "W'j-liHtau'in, Soda tii ds, la line hiti'-loth ten pare Hair 31al'ir8Ha<'a, irom 4(1 to 6* lUf_, mad-toord r an.i in o i i'l lent condition. Dlulir: Itoo n Furniture voii-iamof line oak Xxtoualon Ta'iie, Silverware, rc. Olili a, ivory and all vet Cutlery, EofVs, Sfoom ai . with h avy cut andcujruved Uiaaawaic of every d. k-t pi. ou. Sale poaittve. A A V0T1ON SALE OK BEADY MADE CLOTUINU, *C. J\ A. M. CP.ISTAL.AK, u n it neer, w:i. s 11 im Jl? dai. ?ilay ly, 111 10'< o'clock, at 2S ltiwur; , a in: 8" ?10<,K ng, comprising tin.- black cloth aid ? a..i?l'.icr,'I ro.-1. S..MUUMI uud Over C.<alf?; bl.ic.k doe-kin, doth, ? a? anil aatin-t rami; ail*, ?- u cloth an<i c-.^-.twic abto a 1 iritis lot of liucD and Mar-Mllii Clothing; aUcr i'C" <G....ds, CI ubs, Casminere*, i-au:M i--ltiis A i>?? M r deities, Farmer S itins; n a < -thl: ta, Collars, C.urats, Jscc... tte?, Bottom, friinuilngs, Ac. UCTION* SALE.?E. ROTH. AUCTIONEER, WILL , sell lo-Dioii'uw (Morula; )? Why li#, at lu'i o'.iockpte cU'tr. ?U the *>? gint Kurnmue oi tho la ?'''e .? ?1 uce Hi) h'eii Ei (ht!i ktrmt. be;W'en i iiHi and M\th a enut*. con>L?!lug ol elugan. I* ir.or, Budr* om and i>ln ou Boom Furnitite, Hriiasel* find Ingrain C.,r;ieis, ilea I ar .n Suits, carved In Pret.Si ssttii irocaiel anil grosu n p*. his aerea, with niliror uoora and , cost $1j0 earn; Ceutrc and Pier Tables, Mirrors O org.-), rosewood at.rt loahmsny JBcdttead-, Bureaus, \Va<<hst.i.. *, Uair Mattresses. j-i.un*, ?Jla**, China and Silver Ware, Tub la Ui.t.ei y, Ac. Hale posi ? live. A DCTION SALE OK HORSES. WACOSS, ??<?-* ?>' A Tue>dny, at II A. M., hi ivt.i . niton a ret, Brooklyn? fl.EU A CO., auctioneers?compra g ri To,j, Road, l.ot ting anil Uiulueas Waguu?;Co p S'u^lc ami Doubio li .r nea-, 3 Uoraea. Ac.; also 1 iltrr^e. Ko.;kav?ay U.rn :u lor Whom la ui.ij concern. ____ feargalua. _____________ H. LUDLOW, AUCTIONEE It. Large and attractive anla of Italian Mvb'e, Statuary And Alabaster Work* of Art; also Parian and ilroiwcHs area, itch Silver Plated Ware, BolicmUn Olaaa and t reueti fwioelaio. X II. LUDLOW A OO. vrlil sell at a'ictlon on Wedr.e'day CtndThui sJay, May21 audi-, at 11 o'clook A. M. ewb i'ay, at Ibe stern No. 5t!v Broadway, a lar^e n-e >rtra !i( or i,.i: m t Marble B fcluary, Alabaster figures ?nl Oroup*, Cl?s .eil Vases, Ta//..:* Fountain*, k\. Ac.. beit.^an entire tuip.>rta 4loti Juat landed and never tiei'iive exliloiu 4. The soods w.11 Ik, ?pauc.l from tlie orlgnixl > i<ea Mt Ine abovw ?nre a..d 4S.>ld 10 Ibf hlcUejit bidder f'#r .'a-ih.* *al^ will rnibl'ni a Very law ant valuable coll-'ctl n ol Italian Wor:'.a ol Art, fmouc wbWi v> 111 bJ found the fol.own ;; ll^'.riHjii t'arnin Ut ary M <rblc,, by Hellenic; N>mi|)Ii. b? rauchl, tctiuiofliie App'.n. by tiio iuiiiib; I'rajer. '>i fan ?oni; newish Hoy wl.h Sueli; E_cna. by l">lei : Hd.'Hty, by 42alll; Boy with Bird; fole'n i!, Uj Uafiil; >-<.vcra> llmu iv *ir ?cnllii; tl-e Seaaoua, Apollo, a id rainy more to > nuuie roua to m?n' i-ui. Marble I'adrntai.for atatueaor bu>t?,Mo?ali: ?ri *ail?i,"nn l a full a???rtmeiit of ela'>ora?e Va-r?, <ir?u|M of Anlruais, Ac., for the oirot.ou of ?M.riura. A's a large Invoo-e of neh fl.ver l'ii.t-1 Warn, !<?? Su, rim ?Waiter*, Ca*iera, Caite Um?.< in. !?? I'ticbern, L.rm r ot .rnU Soiiqtvcl S:anda, Knives, I'lckla I- mi Ac., am ? ?in ? u? atiriiuent of Bohemlau tllass an I Ki uc!i 1'orct'lain utnn- r, Tea and Toilet Se a. O ? d* pur'has .I to ro out o. town ?nn i>ii re; a -lieJ in the oi &**??* at a amall expense, and Ixt forw irdcrt oy ejprtaa. E IDWAKD BCHENCK, AIJOTIO>"EER. I ASSItiNEIi H SAI E OK PJl'EltB C.illlM I i l UMrURR. By EDWAKD S' UENOa, on Tuo-day, 29th inst.. at I0t# O'clock, a, hi* new Wl)WAVt jnartof Ihe ele^anl >'im k ol au- oi our moat eclfbravl enb'- i fcot uiatei*. bi-m.j hr iav th i ,.n M ilirii t tre ? wroiieiv ; *t tioa. ronaMlfW In part' f v -ry rt iarvr.l n <i?o.t au'l blaok walnut 11' d*i. ud.<, do. u*>. Bu; aun, i^itu ri n .. plit"*; elegant Socretary .at Lloriry !? oacav*, o; ???'? acweat ami ri. h--t rl-Hgns. J.lbr iry and D:nln Still*, ol lh?i SokI uphnfc:>rv; JUclinlng t' ? -ir-s in moriCn; L:> Rblea, Hall Kumliitre. Car l Ta lea nn otbor ile-rant t i ?? ? ?iiure. Th mi In want of really ? la^ant Kor.tltur? ..r- tnvi.i-.i to examine tlie abnva. wbic . li # i ex lblt.>n at : ?it? room until Tuesday, *Hl. Inst w ,rn U w II be g ^ . y jviihoiit lh. i t fi ve. ial ?? - ' r a. ' Kh A n . . f %7*DWAU!) SlNTZEMCH, Al CtlO.N'?t?K> jE LAltOE STOCK OK^lcLKi i Wt UoL'SKIIOLD KUR ?r C W. DAVENPORT, oo Tu s.laj next, at 10^o'clock, at lAft and 1 ?/ llrnnd aiiv. A largo atock of rb-gant I1?iM "1 Purnltnre. removed from th? stores of two of tm- i.nrt illy manufatt .ixira io. eonTenb nce of *ale and oxbiWuoii The eiU'Uiion 9C pur?:lia?or? dtB.rlng rtlUblo goout la call ?d Ut till* ??*!?. On ribl.iiion on Mont'ay. Full partlculara In to-inurrow^a parer% C"TeO. nOLBKOOK, AUrriOXKEK.-CONTlSl-ATIUN f uf Murti.age Bale.?UOLuKOuK A CAU>LV will a~li an Mondav, at 2 o'"Uar!c lu ib?* aiu r-mon. at lo eat Ho .*? 0 ?i street, ii"?r Broadway, a 1 irv anorttneiit of Purnltitre, 001 'istlnk' o? rosrwoou Pallor anil Chainl-er Suil*, r* ? v.'ooii Vlsrio, line Vclret, Brus>e ? in 1 Ingram Car|<ets; O. ' ??t i*. Ohaniirlkrs. llsir Mattreise*. nuihoi'any and walnut M?.l BtaadS, marlile top Bureau*, Waahs'ardS, Table*, I h .Ira, Xbjrkers, Sola* and Sofa B'-its, Lnce and Dan a-k mtairs. Mirrors, os : Eur union TOble anil Cha rs. Dang K >t.i .n.l Si'chen Purnlture, Plated Cro aery and (Jlasaware, *r., If. O. iVALKE:., Attorney lor M"rt/Si{e?u_ HENRT iT LEEDS. Ar.TIONEER-VALrAULE Diamond Jewelry.?HENKV H. LPEDS A CO wl.l sell at aur?*on on Tuesday, May 2<> al 11 o clo.'<, In thel i u'esroom 2.1 Na**au stieet, vali-.e DUmond Jenriry, being lh of the stock of rkb diamond ,ie?e.rv. An., aiprxs- y Imported for Br.H?.iway sa es. oowiatlng of Dli Bi'nd llrooene*. Rln??. Bracelet*, fin .l Dui.lev (J,r"iio. ??>f?tAra Lrrora by Cooper, Br? tang, Boakel), LovaU und ether celebrated maker*; Neck, V. at and Pob*. solid ?i^rllnj Sl.Trrwara. Currl*a? i>tO?:k?, bjr Coopt-r, *c. AUi, S 11 o'fl oi k nrecUeiy, b> ordar or?serMP#r?. itrn lota of lilamonda, *el, all of tba ttnott aancripilon, without mny pa?arv#?t to oloae the eatata. TJ n. MIN1E. AUCTION fc KE ?AI.R^RO<)M NO. *7 M, N.i*?au street. oppo? ? the r..*t tun '' ?"i' SKR A SOMERVILhE Will ?.??11 at auct on oil Mori av next, Muy I#, ai U o'clock, o ^;nt of n?e*roorr No. 37 Hassan Mi Oct. n Oue Bay M re about nine y ara old. IS tianils bUh, sound and kind in double or htngle hu'iiei*. ffr. e. siylisii driver; sold only sa the owaer bus no u*e for him. J' BOOART. ACOTIONEEn.-BY 8. h J. BOO.VRT, . en Wednesds*. Ma. il. s? 10? o?e?oek, at the suction to.una Wo I North Willmm street, ico l?g? ?'? ' ftniri Kumiiurc* niiiboiany ^ofrtfi, 1 mi or R')?,xcrf*, BniascU aed Ingralu oJrpets; Btdrootn and Kitchen Purnl (are. J BOOART, AUCTIONEER ?BV i. A J. BOOAItT . Monday, Mat- 19, st 11 o'cb ck, at the suction mom *o. I Norili William *:r.-et, Coi^toble's sale, one inn 10 an Marble Top Dresslrv Bureau, Washsiands, on* malm.aii Sou, Bru.Mil. Carpets, Ac., ^NRy BI(!M0P) Cl|D|(ablt. J BOOART, AUCTIONEER.-BY 8. M J. BOt,ART? . Mo,.day, May ?1?. at 2 o'clock P. M., at the rorucr of Mlonmluylale road slid Hit nty second *ire?t, Const a tile s Site of Saloon and Bsrro in Purnit ire, Prencb plate M'r.vr, nunter. 'fable*, Cliai.a. Oil. I nil. .ic? Ac. ' CI1ARI B3 P. WATT8, Conatable. BOOAPT BOOART, AUOTIONEER.-BY 8. A J. Tttei ly May 20. at II n'uio a, al No. 7 W. osier * rret, ou tie bold i urnlt'ire. eitisl Hug of mahogany So household I urnlt'ire, o?n*l Ung mahogany sofas, Coairs, iookens.' u^hogsnt Wardrobe, Brti?*ei? and In;r*uitAr neta Ollolotb tifn< lei n*, Msttre^svs, Keailu-r Beds and Bed Ung'. Toilet Tables, inaiio?any Bureaus, Crockery *nd Ulna. Ware, Kit hen Furniture, in. til AS. V. WATTS, Attorney Cor Mortgagee. T>AWl*tlROKBR'S 8ALE AT II EAHT BROADWAY? Jr JOHN MORTIMER, AtwllMie r.-Monday, M?y 19. at iau o'rini k 4(iU lots, con t^tluif ot mm nun wttmrna* Giotn S ik liHsCsud i .'Ko Dr. aee*, C.?u, Psnt*, Vests, llwta and Shoe* *nd oiu. r article* too nu-ueroua to mention, SyiOtMPH 1WIHLKS, 80 Ha; ai d atreet, SHBI'MAN A (!0., AU?^T10NEEB8, WILL SELL. . on Monday.lMhlnaU, 111 10t< oMoek. at 13 Bowery, a ?eneral aeaortuienl of Pocket snd Table i.ulieiy, Hanlware, Iwis Dry Oood* Fancy Oootls, Meerschauin Pipes, Watebe#, Jewelry, Oold CUains, Ac., Ac. T" OAPKNEY, AUCTIONEER-SALESROOM m CBN. ? tre street, v.lll .ell on Monday, st low o'clock, arfd Plxluies of the Oyster snd l>inln?i ShIooii W)3 Eighth 2?*m; an SaortHni giuuie.', Tables, cWrs. Cooking Ute> IALES IT AtlCTIOW. \V*il. Dl MONT. AI CTiONEER ?SUI'JtKUa COURT. " DAYl'O.y UllU^.V, Esq., iufme4, will i at auction oB Satir .ay, May U at it o'clock, a; tin Mero'.iauts' Ex *Umn. * (sa,.*rooin m Broad va.. ), lour Litsonthe uorth a de .if hlrort, WW feel uu of P f.Ii airnue; t. ii-b lot 3?bv U.k,l# 1 ? 'ftohaa, a.a >. o?u Lit in SUtynvanth at reel To i.!?, 01 U?# ??Hive. Map* at auo.lousor'a o'Jlce, No. 'i Wall itivtt. Wu WITTEftS 01 ION EBB, WILL SELL TO mo , \Io i' liy, "l 2 ?' street. a very fl? as V,r meut c7'^H,saL, . Fur Uur. in ve.-r.tf_ Oariwtii, Oil lotli. Itala. B?k..'-'ft A'? ? Ml.-ors, fro as. I l'at lor Suit-.. C<*Uhi.? do., 'o "tlier with Dining Hk"? and Kuouon KurnitUre. I'artlCw81'* 10 Monday'* SH1PPMO, T ONOcitfl kxuikition. 1j K -3r. UN i'lOlvETd, LONDON AND BACK. 1 ??** $160 T ird < I tss oti S ? uni A'ttekjy io Liverpool, tOUO.iing at Que. Mtown (C rk burbot). TUe Liverpool, N.nv Yo.'k and Pi.iladeii hiu t> i a i,-h jj t inn; an., Inteud tuliinjf their fu I powered CI .ilo i.uilt iron steamships ah follows:? EDINB KO Saturday, May 34 Cll> OP iiALTIMOl'B Saturday, Mav 31 KANGAROO Sat inlay. June 7 ami cveiy sucn-edlaj Sat uda.,, at noon, from pier 44 North riyur. IUTK* Of i AtSARB: Ftr't CaVn f7a 8t<*>iag" $30 Flu cabin to Lonion.... RO Steerage to I?'.n 'on :<J Kirste?bin to I*ai\? 8o Steerage to I'aria 3-! First c-.bln to Hamburg , K5 Steerage to Hamburg 36 F.isa-ti.m'M a' o lor.vurded to llavro, Unmrn. Itittcrdaiu, Atwerp, Ac., at equally low rates. Rate* r.'mn Liv. rpool to Qurngilovn'?First cabin, IM, $fi.'and tilU6. Steerage from Live.pool, $10. From Oueens to? n, ?30. Ti' i ts can be bou lit here at thmie rate*, en abling people to /end lor their rleudl. These steamers have superior nc omiiio latloni for piinen, are strong y built iu waicr-tlglit 1. ou action*, anil carry pan at Fire Ann.dilators. Exp ri> need surg '?ns are attach ed io each steam r. For furtlier information apply In Liver), .ol to WILLIAM IN M AN, Aijr lit,"!.! Water strret; In (ilas.O.v to aLE '.. M t L. CoMi. No 5Si. I'n oil 1'iU-tri"; In Queen-town t" O. .v W. 1). SEYMOUR v CO ; In J on ou to IIVES A MACEY No. (>1 king u liliam k reel; In Paris to JULE > DECot E, No. ft Plac ' de la Bu'iitte: In Philadelphia to JullN G. DALr., No. lit Walnut sro t, or .it the Cmni'&ny'a offlu. a JUHN U. DALE, A?eiit, No. li Uroadway, N. Y. NiSW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. THE SI'KAMSlilP OK1SAT EASTS UN will aall from New Vurk u.r Liverpool on SATl/'UUAY, MAY 3L Price of passage in Flint Cabin $PS a $135, according to state room accommodations, all other pi irltegoa being tiiiutl. Third Cabin ....$10 a $*>0, Willi very acnomtnofl'tHon*. S ilU of Kooms tor families uiay be encsged by spocial arrung -inent. So Berth socured until paid for. HOWLAND .* ASPINWALL, Asent*. Plann of the chip may b- -een, ami eniiagem ^nts made for freight or pasMKu. on arp'lcation to Cliaa. A. Wt.ituey, at tlieotflce, No. 7 Broadvrsy, Near York. rpHIJ NORTH GERMAN LLOYDS' STEAWSni!' IIANSA 1 H.J. von San'.en, commander, carrying tbe i'liit^ l States mail, will sail I rum pier 30 Nort.i river, loot o! Chauibera street, on 8 AT U It DAY, May 24. at 12 o'clock M., rott BREMEN, VIA SOUTHAMPTON, taklngpiwKiiicTs to . LONDON, IIAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN, at the following "*te?;? For the lirai i ab'.n, $10'; see 'nd cabin, 60; steorag?, f 35. For freight or pa?~a ?? apt ly to OELlUCHI8 A CO., 63 Bioa4 street. STKAM TO LONDONDERRY. ( LASHOW AND I.IVER p Mont 'al S oii'imiilli Ooii.pali) 'a urst claaa full t, Tvn i d ciyue bul't htCiimer JIIRA, O.iptaln Alton, c.iry ing the Canadian and United States mails, will nail !r"in t.'i.ebec next Saturday. May 24. R'Ue* of passage from Ne v York:?First c.;ms, accomln;: to acuommoda; ons, r.nd 5it<; steeraue, found with fioo I provisionp, f'!0. Ha tea of I'lu-sa^e from Ne v YorU and returu at tlin following rnd c?d rilea: -Hist eabln, $13/ and $167; itenraje. $?i0. Ccitlftoates isaiutd for brinmu^ oi't passeng.ra trout ail the pnnuipai t'.tvna In Great Prltam and Irelai. I at very low rates. For iiasaOse apply at ti Broadway, N?-.v \ v.. SAilEL .* SEARLE, Qnneral Agentn. ?riOR LIVERPOOL AND LONDON?TAPSCOTT'S LINE. U S;iip<?i V M ANNERINO. et p or 34 Kaal river, aa ? for L.v.rpool Ma. -0: hhip AMERICAN BAULii, at pier 17 Fust river, sill- io- London May fl. For pa-ta?;o, at low rates, apply to T.v 1 8UOTT .* CO., 86 So th .-treet. TAPSCOTT'S LINE LIVKUI'OOL AND LONDON PACK ETS. REMITTANCES TO ENGLAND. IRELAND, >0. PASSAGE IO (>? GHEAT BRITAIN OR I It EI. AND At tin; low latm, and DI; 'TS, |ia\.ib a On d. ni nd an> w'iere throughout t!ic UNITED KINGDOM, can be obtained, an here TAPS CO I'T i l O. a, 3l5 South street. For freight or t-assagrt ?pi>ly at the only office of the line, i. ft BowfiiiR Green, New York. I). B. ALLEN, Agent. COMMENCING MAY 1, IS&L J NEW ARRANGEMENT. FOR CAUFORMA, VIA 1'ANAMA. For the baiter aceo inundation of the lar^r number of peo ple now I ml rautig (o the oo'cl mining district* or California and British Columbia, FOUR ateamera per month will be uespatoi.ed fioin New Yor? and . rntu Sail Francleco reapeo tivi Ijr, instead of three, ?? h reUif .re. Reiv lar day* of departure (rorn New York, on the lit, fkh, lt"?t!i and 21th, exeept when (he*? daf * fail on Sunday, worn the day of departure u 111 lie tin; Monday following. F " Do, For new Orleans via kry west. FIRST blDE-A'lIEEL STEAMER. Tue steamship MARION. J. I). Phillips. U. S. N., Commander. harlug been fnrn t ied with new holler* und put In complete order, will leavo pier No. 4 North river, lor Now Orleans, ou SATURDAY. MAY SI, at 3 o'c'ock P.M. precisely, touching at Hey We*t to land the wall*. For freight, of which a 1! uit' d ipian'lty will be t iken, ap ply to SPOFFORD, TILESTON A CO., 29 Broadway, THB UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP ROANOKE will leave pier So. IS Nortn nver on Wedn.-sday, May U, at 12 o'clock r.oori, for N w I ?r.e..n? via Havana. Ll'DLAM, UE1NEKEN A (JO., lis Broadway. IilOR NEW ORLEANS VIA KEY WEST. ' FlltST nlOE-WHEEL STEAMER, Tba steamship MARIOS, J D. Phlllipii. I'. S V. Commander, having Wn turnslieu with new boilers and put in complete order, will Icavu pier No, 4 North river, lor Nov. Orleans, ou SATURDAY, MAY 31 at 3 o'clock P. M , precisely, touching at K:y Went to land the mail*. For freight, of wlikh a limited qtmntlty will be tnken, or paw ago apply to SPOFFORD, TILL -TON A CO., 29 Broadway. 8VAMUR KK SORTS. BELMONT HALL, Scout'ley's Mountain Rprli ge, New Jjruey.?The above wt II known resort fill be np n on the2tt:ioi May for trie r?s ptioii Of gtttsta. The I o so baa 'jeen put In tl.orou h re. pair, to it ih r win many a iditious and imp ovdtncnl* All ?'inmtm e itl in* ad trcwed to m ; at the u'tove tli-- wul meeta i n ljn. WILLIAM SHARP. Tr linn 1-uv# Coot of Cortlan it street, via M >rrU uud Essex Rjitlroa., a 1^ v. M. and i". M. / 1LIKT0N HOUSE?NIAGARA FAI LS (OANADV SIDE) */ will uj.i ti for t in a "ta .a uu tl.e 1 >'.u in* . Omiuouss. a meal it I ti-aifiaul Sinto-n i >u Biul^e stailou. to bouse, bridge toll and l'? K i'e, ,nlv 2'< tits. JlHLI.N A UUNRLEE, Proprietor*. / 1 KEEN ABOVE MANSION, KEYPOBT.?THIS KAYO " X rite r. * in I* n>wopen tor the recr| t ou ..f bo nd r*. I ..milieu ?'i bine to make air .of moils lnr ihi ??* ou ?i.l txi . ? coiu.ii' in e I on very mo lera'o term*. Stn.mboal* I mv .Oi. 'I K . Instill aire ' dally. For j .till- ??-*, apply to F. N. ARM.STIIONO, H8 Varies street, N. Y., or ou the p, io II. W1N?SIK, HO! FOR THE RED HOl f E.-CAPT. JOHN HICKS, Hirioai iy of tha il.tnK. Uo:l>e H ome In 1*1 to- auet-l, li * en the w > !1 kt o>< n r sort in ILiriem ? ulled the It.House, i-i, lie will oi.en on Sun '?y n ?t. Tula genii, nian'a p ion l.rilv la too wti! kt.own to be ui-ntloned, ai.d every edurt w.I! hi n*ed .ittlie nand opening gralifli.'Mlon and en.o ynieiit of Ids friends. It 14 needles* to any ha will bo h 'ppy to fee t.iem all. Re:-i?i?iber the Bed House, Un ; II .KdreU and liflii street, Ilarlein. and eo-n j early. H (iTKf ST. Jt'LlKN, ? Ir tit "t ?? t S'.a'?n Tduiid. rrsr Qtisr irt'ne. BOAI'lllNO FOR liENILKMBN ANi> FAMILIES, tHI.MAKD.% MOWL1NU, sTABi.IMi. AC. IAEE MU11KUAN HUl'SE, LAKE MnIIEilAN. WILL J op ti on May 20, for tue a;cotiuiioJ*.iuu oi boardcrK, Sttuatd four nulet eaat of Pe?kakill, on the lt .dsmi; one liour and n ha f ? ride from New York, 'fi rms si* dollar* jer wee'e. Addre-o A. W. Palmer. Cot'tiuental Hotel, Peeks, kill. Alao a few aoo 1 Family Kojtns at the t'or.tin, tl, In tli.* vlllng.'. ten mitiu es' walk from tbe depot of tha Hudnou Blver Railroad. K-'iVr ncca, Tbome* Nelson, Evening Post Hiidtiini;, and Robert D. Nolaon, 70 itnade street. OBMSBER'S MANSION. CORNER SEVENTY-NINTH airret ..n l Hroalw*y.?ThU old and tnvorite luiniuer r. sort b.tvliiK bin tho.o'ighly repared nn.l iutpiovid la no.v opiu lo I'torlK a few bcairdars. TUere ta good atab lng l.orwi. A'.? I fu. aal". a li ? mtlf > 1 Saddle Mare, for* lidy irjo ntl.ti. I no lire of O. ORMSBKE. UIVEB HOl'.-E. FOOT OP 1MD STUEET (CARMAN! vl it), newly fui oi-had. and In complete order.?Fainl Ilea and ? ng|e nun'l?iuen can make arrangements for the ae.iion on rt -aonuhle lerma. Grountla well kliadod. and no ee.olble l.oiuly hj Uuuaon Hivor Railroad, steamboat or stage. Apply aa above. SUMMIT IIOI'SF. N. J.?THIS HEALTHY Sl'MMER resort, sltiiatud i.ear thn Moirti and Bsa>ix Rallion.l, la now open lor the reception or tlaltora. J. B. RITCniE, Proprietor. TIIE l.A TOCRETIE HOUSE, BEBOEN POINT, ft. J., will op< n ?! one 1. Aredttetion from reg i'.ar n?t"i to lboMeniai>lnE bortnl forth? *c.isnn. B.M'e leavo per No. ?1 North rlv.-r at 7:30 and II:M A. M , 3:ii), 4 0 and 6 P. M.j fi-om Dey e'.reet at lt):?0 A. M. and 4:*J P. M. Time thirty Bveiulni t a. WESLEY W. HILL, Proprietor. _____ IPORVMOT " 3 Birds, biro, bihm.-just arp.ived prom oer many, v.lth a new it ek of the best stnglnx t'anariee p.plii.; Buiiliiichee, Thruihee, Blaekhead, (lo rlnehea and other kinds, for sale at the lo-vett p-lees, at lot)? D vision ?tract. B. KBSTNE'l A BROTHER. Fob sai.e-ti:e schooner yacht .in.ikt nkar lynlnity tona burthen, lour y?*rs old, draws an ft el water without hnr cemre buard, las', stonn -h and In fiod order. A,.ply at 18 West Eleventh street. FOR SALE?THE SLOOP YACHT ESCORT, 34 M M tons, length 6ft feet, brea"h 14 feet 4 In lies, depth 4 feet C inelira, ban been thoroughly overl Billed, and la completely furnl ihed. Apply to E. 11. Lb'DI.OW A CO., No. S Pine at. 1.1 OR SALE-A MOCKINO BIRD, AT NO. 11 CABROLL ' street, South Brooklyn. ^JKITTLKS, HKITTLKS, SKITTLES-SPORT AND O hetithful eserciia romMne.' ?A good dry ground, well lighted every evening, at the Weet India HI. u e?, lft7 West F fty t.iet street. A sue al harmonie n-etlng Mondav and Saturday evening*. C. Carton, Chairman. T. VINo. SAILBOAT WANTED-PARTIES HAVINO A SAIL, l oat, sloop rigged, 26 lo Hi Je.-t long, which Ihey will aei: eery low for caeb, may addruas, with particular*, lompkins. Herald oflloe. YACHT FOR SALE-A SCHOONER, OVER l? TONS, A 1; a good sea bo-tt: siatin'h and In prime order: -rood lor pilot or paaaengrr boat; fast. Address box S.UO I'ost oflloe. nna akti. PHOTOORAPHIO ART OALLRRIT, NO. 411 BROADWAY, corner Llroenaril si/set. GREAT REDUCTION. PANIO PRICBrt, CARD PORTRAITS, I eaulitnlly nnlshed. tl An per dozen, , VIUK8TIW, bigtoal sVyle wt art, ?> vu doieu. MISCELLANEOUS. _ ANEW, INiALLIBUt i;uuu t-Oil KIIKUMATIHU ? No Wr a?jr. The p ur supplied w t:.o n c * u.">*L2 FAYbTlK !> M..?ic Lin.ui. t lor ?tnuii fP'''"'"'. 4c. A aits Invited t? tisr It, il It fan uo pay. O.Uc MH'uUon street. Brst Hu'r. A1 LLBVIATOIL?COK.Vd CUREO FOR OH". t KMT . ?4-tt, by u-diig Dlt. illUiitio vJoru anil Buuloii Al.evi at >r, m new, harm j,a and certain cuiv for corns, bnalous, callo<Ui? 8, ;ru?t ?i and blifct- rcd loot, A c ; :??? caustic, lid acid, n i pal ?; wa r.tmil to pro luce result, tatisfaciory an t sur prising. teriiand AO cms. and SI per box. .'"cut by mad on r*e>"t i.r prl ? ami six cents. Sol i liy drunijlsu. DR J. IUU.;i;rf Proprietor and ul Chiropodist, 2X3 Hrwtdway. opposite tit. Panl^ OUiiixmi S. m York. C"u.V \^U?.N.(,EKS AN/) BAOOIf I A('T(;r.S.-L LI.Y 4 ttKOVNIs Hi u?d 4.U Liio.idvvay, have n ha id a< nil t lift til. a>a truncal of Butter, Cheiae. Ham un i Hu ron In the dir. Cull aud examine our am. k o, p?oJ*. We > e lver tucm to all part* of the city and Br..o..,yn free ot <*?g ? ___ DALLEY'8 maoic extractor raves life, pain. eyes. a air, that doctors . un t tr at but to lot tun* and mar; mothers, aobllers and :ailors, for bt'rla it i?;ur, but all lra\ulier.< that don t, pays for prejudice dear. GAS PIXTIRES OK F.VEKY DESCRIPTION MANU facture . an l for sale. nhoirsai ? an 1 retuil, at 7d Kx.rtli avi'iiuf, n ar mo corner of 'ieiub stie I. N. 11.?Uas Fix tures furin.h u upon monthly p.iyineuts. MAItBI.E MANTELS.-TIIR KUIISORTTEK INFORMS the public that lie i* aeilini? Xante a. V''., cheap r nuy person in t o busmeta. Those v/.*? dug to purchase ribould call BOOH at A. KLABEll'S maibleynrl. IUJ East lCiglitec street, west of Third ar >uue, .\ew York. Notice.?i have this hay appointed w. j. iioxri'll, No. IV Housiou atroet and 31 U ukinan street, city of New York, solo a;vni tor my Pain Alo. A l orl-n Hi'Ut to his aduruKa will be prompily attended to. Tue |.u i lo are cautioned a^inst certain designing p.-rsoni, wan ;,avo sur'ptltlouslj ootnine.i my ca ks, ana aru idling tliein wi li an al.' of in erior ijuality uii.l ven ilng c'ae Buni" us my iiwniu facture". I willituarunt '? n no : uuica^ purcli.tKedof W. J. Howell, ?ole RR' n for New York PillLADKLfittA, Ap.ll 11, 16J2. #M. C. RUDMAN. Notice. BRYANT'S UNRIVALLED SrO.VIAOH lit 1TUKS, Itton i ? ed tot 180 PICA KL 81HEET. NOW REAOY.?TIIK american I'ARLOtt OR PLOOR fck i. . A r< ut lmprovi men ?btin j tnueb i giit> r and more uitiubl ? ilian any roller Kka:>- vet o:li re.l. 'l'nc rubers are ootid ?. d innde troui Patent Vuf< ani/.ec Rubber, wuich ?vtl| no l eei or br.'ak oil in u?> . Tue s'.b uai'e o' fctc I and no t o iBtn.cted aa io pivv nt uli irlctl ui. i li ? era tin. la w .1 b c ued and "Bully adju-o.d to tbe font ?v. h coinI'oi t to t ie ?v tier. A.i v n ri-o.i na ns tl'<"?i can ? arn lo kkate w. li out 1 flicuIt ,and o'd r can perl'or n tlie .?volutiona Wnti mem ? \ uli I - akati'9. tiir ?*!? uy ti e bar iwaru trade generally. PKKDlClctCiv STEvENS* MHiiuia.siiirin-, 2iD Pearlauraet, N. Y., and lb KiIjj a.ri . I, Bo*I?. PLANTS. Pi ANTS ?A SPLEKDID ASSORTMENT OP 1 Yerbenan, ltos a, PetnniMi k'ueh laa, mod alt other bad ? : n? out I'luiita, lor *nle by WILLIAM UTil'AI KICK, Pi r at' Twen j ninth aueei and Hroauway. Uoqueta nnd UitKid tB of Klo.vers na usual. TO BRfcWERS AND THOSE ENUAUEI) IN THE LI. quor b hh.'bi.?Something ue.. and ofi;i<at luiport ance to b, and kuo.vln, tne will Tie u sour, o of i^reat profit: for t ml is the obleet of in i ifuimat on, win h I'linbn had by ene oalng $5, with nnd aildr ax, to A. 11.. a ut.on E, Klg 1 b avenue. N. 11.? Cut tlua out aud place it lu jour memoranuuia book. UNITED B1ATES PASSPORTS PROCURED l.'T '6 nom a b> UOHEltT .1. TKII.SCOTT. Nut ir. Publfc-, :0) itio.idwav, third lloor. Natmall.rd c t/ens mu^t pradiic thn r eertiucjiti a. Letters asking information will be prompt ly nt pnde.1 to. VERtlNES' ELECTRO CHEMICAL BATHS, 119 Kourtli ayenue, atten !ed by .'ru v'trVKHUNKS, the inventor. Celebrated for the extra<A4on oi mercury and metallin au'istanees from the system, on' for their a .etiesi in dUram a peculiar to ladb-i; alao for rheum iliamrdcbili'.y, fever, Ac. NVRICAU AYOl'NO LADY TEACHER WOULD TAKE OKI OB two more pupils for Instruction on ihe 1'iauo.orin at their resiliences, Boyinncia will bo a|.r.,l t!ly attended to. Term.. $.i per month. Ad livs? Ada, box HC Herald ofllce. A GENTLEMAN, AN EXPERIKNCED PBOPBSSOR Of Mtutie, desires to cug^e a nun -lied Ko un. luo.ud* im; b'-. nklnat, In i x hang ? for lc-sons on Piano or fjiiiilnu. Addrtsta 0. H? care of Dims Jt He>1, druggists, (59li Uioail wa>, corner at r'ourtli street. AI Ui'IL OF QOTTSCIIALK, THE CELEBRATED l'I aui t, and a eoiup'tiem t. a but. Ui^-uost r d'e rencc", will itive 1'ksoiis ou piano, roeiil n M?ij an I lomposl t on in exchange for board and lodging In N sv York or ri iniiv. Ki r particulars a .d.*c?? i'lanld, box t <81 Poat odice, Now Tori. Am LARGE LOT OP NEW PIANOS TO BB SOLD AT lcMtiisUioa.?Seveu octave 1'i .nos lor $1M); o..e ti^ octave rosewood lor $M5. T.a iO? to lent; sold on monthly; all new Pianos warra:itel for three y^ara at tbe manufactory. 113 Eaat Twenty third strict, nc:ir Third avenue. A great sacrifice.?splendid rosewood J\ 1'i.u.o, seven oo.av.-, pi|. v $16 i. c > 11 n.i yearano >13.'. C?ll al 37 West Nintu street, '?ivm-n Klftt, and M .l'i avo nuea, on .tlonuay nail Thursday before 2 oclock, or Wednes day ana Si.turday during ttie day. A COUPLE OF EXCELLENT NEW FIVE OCTAVE Melodeoni, pot-taine ana pi < n-> sivle. lor sale very low for rani) or In instalments, by ALilKiiT WEBER, 155 \Ye?t Prnn.iM uy, near Cauul (.treet. AT private SALE (THE PROPKRTT OF A FAMILY nltoqnlMktag tttuank* pla I?A suuerb 7>J octave m*. wood Pmno one. mado to . rder lort ia sub-amber by city makers; ImhbU ilia u.od-rn liupron in nis, ov..r*,run (baa*, lull uon plixlc; hm been in ? mi out a*.en mouth*; original co?t$VO; will l>" Fol'i or 5-.M), ln< ludiui! Stool and Cover. A aw, el> (jant Parlor S .it, co? $2.i0, or $1U0; E'iujt-ii. Bookcase, i'alutmga, i)ron>e Vaa h, Ac. In<|i.lrc al So. 48 VVi it Sixteenth atrcet, i/ciwcen and Slxf.i a.eniie.. BY OETriNO CIIOLLE1S TRICOLOR YOU CAN* pay 7.4 aocomj.iiiiLiieuia oo toe pi.itto without the trouble nr lesrnln music; jrice 25 cent*. I'hc Laucia 'aught by Chollel in el_jt IritOi'M, new .net 1,0.1. A K ? iiIonian ran li arr French Ho ml, with Instruction, at 1 S3 First avenue.* lun.-d for -0 n n.c. J^OR SALE?FOR WHAT TUEV WILL BRINU, A FIRST rain six octave imahuu.1 i'lauo, a valuable Gold \\ atcb, hunting eve. paftr !ev.?. an I two large plate y.a>* Parlor Mirror*. A idresa Bl| ;.n t. II 'raid oiiire. I A SIONORA ELIZA VALENTIN! i'ARAVALLI, PRO j fo so ? <>. Wagingand PtMU|hMrvtnored to 6'. Prtnoe street. a .<md llour. Corner of Marion tiirr t. two block* froin, where ?ho tea lies, and can be seen avery day fi out 12 till 6 o'clock. MAN VIIANd HA NO, LATE FROM TH1 HEAT OF war, 1* umr ready to a t *ud military an clr.c para'cs. mil*, p. ril.-s, excursions rfi n:ul ??, AI', supplying nny numb r of muslcluus. Inif cilo.i mi ? i.uie, ? omn, guliar, Ac , on the low. at '.oruis. At), lr to Ell WARD MA NAMA M, Ii a 1' r, III 11...oi.i.' .r. . t, e.,, ,iei-... jOI.ii. Vew if owe.?*<'Ri di;nt i.i <?' iln s c.mso Marvh, Willi lh. i> at ii nfltf m on K ~ lien y lliat lint ever be ti publ he.I. Mua o by Helm-muller, li a ei ,f the Tw"n.jr-*e<on I Regiirent Hand. Fr ee !KI i-euts, n ailed tcf. P.mi.- Iii an n ai.e to tiy new music. I'ublirh.-d br HORACE WATER8, Acnt. Ill Bionlway. IJIVNO.S TO RENT?AT AMIILERS, ^ WALKER ST. .1 1'ianoa to rent, at AMIILKit'S, rt< \V.iU*? r -.reel. Piano* t.i rent, nt .\MULKit .?*, >.( W.i kfr sue'. Alao a >uie w niid baud 1'uuoa lor tain there al luw prleoa. PIANOS, OF THE CKLKtlRATKU MAKERS, J. A C. 1 r'iM h t, tvlth Ii jii fr.uii -, so id J.i'.tuiu, pa.' nt ila:ii|irr, oreraiiuusbaa-t, w.i'ilasalo rrtn'l, at luo rnaiiu a tor and War. moms ^41, it I, i.i, 21/ and 21J Wcat Twenljr-t l,ht.i Ntrect, near a.euiic. l^IANOS and MELODRONH AT war PRICE^.-ME I lo.l oiiant ?l\ ?j. an I $-4); Plan ?? at $7.), ??, .>,i?i, ?IIS. *I.'6 and >JUH 1.1 Coll.ii!"" Pi iiioa loi antall ro mhj l ir-ale and to rent b; t.iiA .1 l.l'.ltS, iu the ll.ble ilouae, Fotiri i avenue, corner of Ein'ith .itroet. PIAXO INSIilli T.OS Tl! ROUGH and HAl'IP) wltbout charjen. to a . la' * o| pninU to pi An I .? Ually ai or.nn; to lb.* te u'Mcr'i dlm-ilnin. F'<r {larticuUra addri-H? for onu wo -k E -ivrlente, Herald o:Iice. ?iriOLXN TAt'QHT?HY THE CELE1HUTED PRKI>K. V BtC xLliY al-o KauJo an.i V.oli.i oy J \ii. llLtK LEY, who baa an exo 'lleat awortni?nt of Pali nl and o tier Banjul lor aile at 'h* loweal prlceaj Ban^oa repaired; (.tiiuM ttiiiiht the note* in two Iriaona. Apply at 3i White ?tia t, near Broadway. <J?n ni\ ?NEW SEVEN OCTAVE PIANOS FOR ?150; roi?? n'oo.l enscii, lr hi a and overstrung: do., v. Itli iu nil.l.ngs, $ I f ?*>; i.o., with e.irve.1 I'^s and ininid n ime Uiard, blii, and r.'M. do . with (.earl k-v*, $I2\ $25.) tJjb, ?30D; new ti.S oeia*e, $14,1; do. o- lave, $143. The ali ive F.a oa are lilily Werrauinil, an i are thri grcal"at b irgnlna that enii be to ,nrt .n tli' C ty. Pieaae call an l ?ce thu u. H'cond hand Piano* at $2>, >40. $iit). $'?>, $\t, $lotl. $11' an I ?l -o. NMelO'leoua at extremely low iirieea. new and aatond I'lnnna and ,V 'iod' oin to let at $2 and ii|>\/ ?r !f | er n ? ih Real allowed If pnrcbaa. ed. Moniiily pwymenta r*c*lve.l forth" aaine. See .nil hard I'ianoa uken in etuliange lor new. Caalt paid lor Ibe aame. F' ^hecl Mitale at 1 eenl < i? r pa/e. HORACE WATERS, Ag'inl, !81 Broadway. ?WILL RE SOLD IP APPLIED FOR SOON, ?pAO'J. n ?ry beautiful ar.eil roi wood 7 oetntrn ov r ?trunii baan I anoforle; coat $.174. Pi ice ?l$j; fully guar rauted for threa yeaia. Call toon at No. 48 High airi ut, Brooklyn. IXSTHtCTIOM. Mrs. Williamson. t :e celehkated and ao rompllahed arm lr. Wai Klowern, la reeelrlnu pt!| ua at her rooms, odl Broa.tway O. d i* tilled at the aborteal notire, Lidie?, your drawi'iR runnil are not rompb t? with out aome oi those exquisite tlowera. ITEiVMBOATS. HHARLEM, MACOMB'S DAV, HMH DRIDtiE. AND Kinus rl.1<e. - j?ti a nlei it TlIK FLAO, Captain A. C. Hcatly, will run o.i Sunday M iy Lt, from I'eck allp to liar )? m. connecting with steani1 o it to al>ove pla' es and to Moirlsnnia, Trtmont, Weateh. atT, in., toiiclilntj ea> h *ay al T. nth street. Leave Peek altp at 1 and II A. M., and 2 and A I' M. Leava Harlem al y.uO A. M. aud 12.30, 3..W and 6.4& P M. Moresino line foe pkekskill.?the aim*.ha | leave* Jay atreel pier null* (wltliout exception) lor Pa. kskill, and Inierinetjlaie Ian.Inns, at" A. M. Ketitrnliig. l- ares Petksklllat I 30 l*. M. Touchaa at Chriilopber and Thirtieth slieata. L^TEAMiJRS ISAAC P. RMITIl AND AMERICA, PROM IJ foot ol Harrison street, nail), e ,c..i>t Siin inys, at 0.311 A. M , S IS and 4 St> P. M., for Yonk'-rs, Hsalinia, Dobba' Ker ry, Irrlngton, l'arrylowa, Nyaca, Rookiand I>?.ka aud Ha Teiatraw, touching at Christ..pbir atrent each way. STEAMER thomas E. lU'l.SE, LEAVES THE FOOT oi SprltiK atreet dally, at 10 A. M , and 2 and P. M., for Uuli*nhurB, Hull'a Ferry. Pleiaant Vallay and Fori I,e?. Hiiudayl at 10 A. M., 2 and 6 P. M. From Fort Lea dally, 7k?aua 12 M., 4>i 1'. M. S.indaya 7>i and 12 M., aud ?P. M. BILLUHUI. BILLIARDS.-W. H. OHIFriTM GIVES NOTICE TO the public and hie customet a that hi* impr.iveil Table* andcombliia?loncH*lilon*rsn oi ly lie bought at lit* factory, lUt Kniton (treat. W. H. OR It FITH. l46F./'ton sireet. Caution.-PHELAN'R PATENT BILL'.AHD tables and combination eii?ht?nts, manulact^nred and lor sala only by l'HELAN Jk COLLENDLR, 03 ?.o 09 Cro*by atrcat, N. Y. PERSONS IN WANT OF billiard TABLES WILL find It to rtielr advantage loe.iH m SHARPS Manufa^ lory. !4vS Fulton itreet, whyrt tuey will imd lahlo* .*Uh hi* newly Invented patent en* tin*, admitted by tba beat judiaa iy be auparior (9 auj ujw w uaa. CUl/SEMKA'TS. ^ WA M0^r, ^Bli it'll MR f.CAT^''' WA' T"ACIC. rtr.t time Her* will <>u mJ \ M.i?ptrd from Ortave Feui le.'a eel orated story, >*y . l'i ??!'. P"< I L WAi'ilg and Le?t?r WaW-k, coui.sMr.'ij ot ? 1 ?"ulogu>i *ud u.eactf, entitled the ROMANCE ? _ A FOOR YOUNO MAk"' . Tlic Orwture, inriden ai Choruses anu Mh ?c oompowd e? pretfsly for the occ siou bv Mil KOiiKRT STOEFE&. TV new ?r*n?T, by laberwood. Cor.eot and .?Ppr?l'r,*te (interns by M?->"i>. Hanrir ?n.l Beiibc.ioten. .Puruiiure and Appolniuieu * i y llr. Tunciney. Mociuuucal po.''Hou O* Mr. Bo-roft ari.t tniiU. 'ih-Casi will distributed as follows-* PROLOGUE. Manuel, Marquis <le CUauip.ey Mr. Lejter Wallack Do t?r De?naivi?, formerly of tbe Kren h . Mr. Mark Smith Lmin.j Vau Brrurr, torn.mlv n>irse to Maou-1, now keeper of a io i-i'i.-g '> Mis. John ? ftoo ? . ? . TUB DRAMA. Manuel, Steward ?? M. 1-aroq e .....Mr. Lester Wslwk Doctor u.-sinareta.*. Mr. Mark rf.nlt i M. de llerauu ?, a .-?*n of the world Mr. Ke.. Uvlds Laro ine. an' aged una, ioruterty Cup tarn of a Privateer M.. C':as. Fi/iW Alain, cooli lentil domestic Mr. fonm M. Nour.-t, H Notary M.. Browusi Yroi.n ;tt, *? Breton Shepherd Mr. C. P.trn.oe Henri Mr. Hardy Lo lit u Mr. .Vinson *ld Mar?iieriie, da i-h crwf Miaiame Laroque ....Mrs. Hoey Ma a i. e Aubi ay, a the LaiO'[U? fa ?"'> y Miss M>>17 Gannon Madame Laroque, daitghtor-iu-law to Gatpitr...>iia. Wino|| Mlli-. Heloiiiti, a Goveine-* >11 s K.nny MorsiU CltrUtiue, a Bio.i n iVasart ilirl. ..Miss Fanny SVNOPSIS OK .SOliN'E.tY. . I Mt.ocuk?Par ?. liuau. l's iii.nru.ieut In the lodging house; poverty, iidellty und irtendajilp. ACT 1?Brittany. Parlor and ter.ace, with view of tba Dark, at Lna e iu l.arouue; ib? arriral; tbe brut day aad lta events. A LAI SB OK T1VO MONTHS. Act 3?'The park tni Laroiue in tbe dlatanoe; teu>ptail< ua, trial* and ri aoiati-.nii. Ai;t 3?interior of a .oi ty tow. r in the mlns of Elfln, with ext 'n?ivp view of tbe l>retou co niry by mooaiisiit; love ?"'! Honor. Act 4?Sckn* 1?Drawing room in the Cbatemi Laroque. Suuiu 2?Ap.U !mevt<l:i i ie t:b ii?a4; 'lie nacr.tli-e. LAI'SK OK SOME MuNi'UB. Act 6?Saloon up*-uiiiK on uie ^ ir ienn aud ^roumli of the Chateau; the la at trial aud tin r?H iIm. Bqtrance of the wuddt;ig ^Urata and the praaautrx in their picture!i(|ur Brjtua ? ostume*. Tuesday? fc V. Wetlnea a;?.vilts. HOEV'S BENEFIT; Tnuraduy?TliE .iOLOIK l'ii BAUUUfBB. Friday?A l'Ut'L!l..vK .iRaMA. Saturday?JOHN BULit Among tba noveltiea iu pie; nraUou are- the following coined lea .? ? EVERYBODY'S FIUEND, HKMtiKTTE, AMERICANS l.S faRI3. UTCLL'. THE VSURB, Ae., A''. Ac. l'HK BBBELLION. CSAM1* COT, LOUKUB AND CHAIR COMHINED?SIZE J nbon lmded four oy ut in iie> ?, tv?o luit lung. Camp t'hesi.-, Ca .t> Suiol", Ann/ Truiilu, Ac. UUiiLBx A URAiii. 4?0 Broadway, hew York. I AST CHA9CB NOW OFFERED IN A F/1UST < LASS J reginn ui ?Any ,.Qkjer or uon-i ouuiiisaioued iiav ingcomp 'ni' - <i | a of cani|'an:en can obtain a position in a r. giuii-ni n" I'omiii .j under ?p<c al orders by aP|.lyiog at bb'J Hudson i' ect, on1 nor of H/iiiiutoud. UlliK AND BUNTING FLAGS, ALL SIZES, ON HAND 0 for suit-, amo Stall*, Mount.n^s, I'rinim.i.g*, Ea,i-*, Balls, Spear Heads, v. . t)i ii mi ..t u I'aiiitinii au.i E.nOroi deiingonaiik. HOolilt Jc UK\U t.M, 'J! D.iano>truet. WANTED-A FBIf MEN AND FOUR SKBQ BANTS FOR COiupaiij I, En .ilk- 1*. rdiM. 11 teave lo. lie seat ot war imuicuiately. Captain .1 NO. G UUNDLAl'X. ?ir nerli uf d Ep ncull Zouares. Becrulting ofti-en, 58 Walker street a,.d No. * Green Wish, 1 OTll BBGIMBNT UNITED states infantry.? J -J Wanted a !etv more men to ll!l up ? Coinpau , Second Biuutli >ii. Men enltnln for tiiu eumpanyare not ?e; araied. An excellent niiaiu'e. B.itulion a!nio.-t fail. Apply w.t .oui d :ay, to A.J. DALLA \ Captain 'i'welith I'nl^e . Sta e-iln .antry and Iteeraltiug 0:l!ce?, 7'J C. atamu stnet, Now Vork. N XK\\ IJk' liUlC A'i'IU.S J. JOW READY, FRANK I.F.Sr.IE'3 MoNTlluY ? lor June. Every purrhsser of this ma . izlae will receive irlth it an exquisite Ful L'-ngth P rtran of ?Bi. I'BESiDENT LINCOLN, enSlMtd on steel expr ?>ly for tills lna a/.tue. x Price twi nty-iive cunts. OF HEBREW FOETRY"?BY ISAAC NAY O l <r. Ju?t piiblmneJ, price ?L. By r mining, tbu i.ook will bb eont by mail, lain is .<ur<autoa to lie a v r.iati.u re print from t'.ie or It in g t up in ih ? hea ititui and de kU.tlilo style ol Hie ait lior'h otuur works puhu hed ujr me. W. (JOWANa, Nos. til, Kian.. 6j Centre siruet "rrilE BIBLE EXPOSED." BY ERASMl'S, JUST I'UB 1 l.klied, oft! pages, <>C ar >, u. atly l>oi.n I, price $11..*. T:i!? instntct ve ana n net i-cumi-aanie Immiiv la to lie had by addr.-Nsiiii' William Say, box 3..U itroo .lyn Post oillce. who on ri i "Ipt or the ab .r.'aiaoiuit In current money and poat suuiij't, will forward it, post free, to any direction given. TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS.?THE I NDRltSION'KD Mill |iub.lM ityeitl t.-onsind un|> cs of mo "W. u.-ral Auent" u a lew d*>?, 10 be cir ulat d iu a I tui lues* piatea, con. it.tug such K. .n Ea>aie a- hh Into now lor nule, ur may be o.iere.i turn prior t i?rulu. No cgpcnot to u?n is?u? ?l conmnWoa*only ?<?*vtHie j. FOOT, W Broidwa.i-. T11K MARKIAUE UIUOE, < > It NAT1. H VI. HldTOltY OF lien tattoo?A pilvatj inn r..ctor lor tnariiud pernon*, or tho* >h out to u.arry, both maie nn t Ccinal-. ? >y Frederick llglliox, M. !>.. or and iecmr r npou tbn I'hjeioUvy llm i) mi the tiouer.illre Oixan*. tviUi nuiu*mu? nu liu * and colored p.ales; ilk) b < dltloo, much cn'nri.eJ and liiipiot't d. ami broiiu..t do., u to tne present -tajr. Price $1 8Mt by mall, bOiklllMl.1, on norlpl of the ? rl e. T. W. STHO.mJ, puUidier, Wi Nassau ?'ree'., N. Y. Ko.-sale lijr a 1 I'oukao'lera and uewsuealer* In tie I nited H:ate< an I Cam .a*. Al?.> four other worn# by the ? ambor. Send f r a aUluguo. T. v only correct wuikaot the kind pub lished.?,tte.:.cai Join nal. PHOPUSAU. ^JttAL. Written proposals will lx> rcie,ve I uutll tho 2Hh lnit., for th ? delivery on thr uott i ?harf at ff. d Po at. N Y., o the following 'pi iut tn k aa.l ,'i illue* ot Wntte Ash Coal. *61:1: 600 touii (2,1^10 lb*, per t'lu; Locust Mountain, atoainboat ?fa*. Also, 750 tons (3,143 lb*. p jr to il, c*g al*e, 9U0tou* dt. 1:0. time si ?, or Heaver Mount* n, il.teic .Voiinlain or Baltimore Vein, I'll e ol'-a li luN *o;iaral*i#, t'i?l i:hu ik! delivered lion ill ? ti huylki I, Lehigh and Wy iul:. 11 ..trtr.cts ?t the West I'olni froucanal boils w hlcii rc> five It at the in 11 n, ivn n >t breaking buik, via tli S huylkli' and l> iuvarc nnn UriMi Can 1 ? M i-" Hum ihe oidlnrry ln-l.lti ?* lor nnl> iding will lie fui nl In d. Tuecoi U> b".i delivered between tho 1*1 o: J una and 2I1I1 of A igiut i>> xt. EUWD. O. BOYNTO.i, Captain an ! Qti irlertinisier Mill a y Aca Ictny. Wist Poist N. Y., Muj J, l.Stii. |.'KEKII BEEf AND VEHBlAHLBS FOR TUB 1? I?a\y. Navt Bvikad or rKOvisiom i.\n Ci.othiko, ( Wasmi* .sw*. May 4,1-1 i. ? proposal"* will be rtcelio.l at this olii <1 until Thura d .y, ibo 5ih d .y o.Mu 10. at no .n, for the supply o: such <1 uriiiiii s of fivs.i nee 1111.1 vi as may Le ri'nu red 011 Iir N -w York ?tn' on. dur.nx ihe i s a. year ivmmetir<m on tlie Ift dav of Jit.ynevt, an 1 ending on the &lb Jr.wt lSdt Tl '* 1 e"f and vi-getab e* must be ?C gootl, a id thn b<'si tli ' ninrktd altorus; anil ciw b aitli le miif.t bo oil . red tor by tl. ? pound. D u d, with approved security, will be required In one-half the muni til amount or iho ttontrue., and tnenty perc mum lu nd.iltlon wl't b' wlth'o-id 11 on tl. aino Hit of en -ii 1 ay lnrot 10 bo madf, as ?i,Uteral * i rlty lor the due jx-r i>tiii an<v of the contract, which wl:i o.t no amount be p >ld until it Is liilly complied with. I'a. tn nl to l?c ma ie In cer lll ate* of Inile t< dues* 01 lu Treasury Notes, at the option ot lh? government. Eve-y oiler made must be ac< nmpininl (ss dtre -ted In ihe act of 1' mgress msklng uppro] ruuio i for the natal oervlc* lor l.+tti-7,approved lOtli A vus>, IK4 i. I by a wrlnen guar antee, signed by on r. or more r>-upon si I da iwrfuis. to tbeailect thai lie or tLe> undertak ? tlia', the bidder or Id.litria will, If hi* or tlielr bid bo ?c- epted, enter laio an 01 ll^ution, wltbln live day*, with good aud suili. lent suiettea, to furnish the art eies proposed. No pro; oanl trill be considered onlesa aocompaaleJ by sweb guarantee. NOTIUK.-MR.\LEl> PHOPK- A It K INVITED ITN til 1 lip '.'7ib lay of M.iy, 1-U.a' 12 o'elojk M , for snp ii)i:ig tho l'nit. d Mates 8iibsi?t<-ncc D.'parunent with S.llilO hi n! of Heel C'a tie on the hoof. The cAitle to be delivered at Washington City, and each animal to average 1,300 pounds gloss weigut; neanimal ad niut ' I whrh weighs ,?m than l.tKiO pouinia groa*. Ueitert and hulls not watiied. The c.ilile to be delivered at such tlmea and In luck quan tities as tlic fovem.iient may reipilre. Tile iirst dellvety of cattle to be inaile on th* 10th o( June, Mr!!, oris soon iherealier as govern nent may require. A bond ?Ith soixl and suflic eni aecurlty will be ra<|ulred. Oot-ernuiem lascrvei to itseir the rlgnt to pay In Treaaury notes, or other goveriinu nt funds. No h'd will le> entertained when pnt la b? contractor* who hiive pn-vlously laM"d to complv W'th ilteir corfflteui, or where the bidder Is notpre?etit to rescind total* Id I. and all bids to be accompanied ny two gnsranileM. T. e na na* 01 ilrm* unoull le stam<l In full, with the 1 re cl?c a 1 Ires* of all the member* of tne tirin. Bid* to tedireete 1 to Major A. HKt'K WITII, C. fl., U. 8 A., Ws*blngl?n, U. C. roim or ot'*n**rr?. We, , of th* oouaty of ? , and State af - and ' of Ihe county 01 , aud Hialo of ??, do hereby piarantoe that 1 aide to tulfll a contract la itccordani-e ?mil tne inns of hi* proposition, and that, shoulu hla pro position he *1 *Fpted, he will at once en Ler Into a < outra< t in aieorilati' e therewith, Hliould the contract be awarded him, w* ar* prepared to be.'oine his securitiei. TBi? giuirnnteo must be appended to each W4. NOTICE. Healed proooaal* for pnrchs?4ng all the Hides and Tal low,, and llnruaof the h of rait e k lie 1 bv ihe Army of the l'ouiniac. under coiuinand of Men- Si C eilan. are in vl'ed I| I the 'JOtu day of May, I'dJ, ?t 12 o'elm 1 M. It Is Intcuib'd that the ? onuartor sbail follow tin- army an 'j colleot the hide* and tallow, boots are! hoi lie, and shall |H jy a e? rtaln sum tor those articles trom e?*h, to b* erf. lecieil at hi* own risk. Iln wiil be cl.aiged with ttae ait! rle* In each e.tse, unless he can clearly * iO"? t'.at he wai prevyaut ed iroin obtaining them by prop r nuthorlty. A bond, wuli good and suflb lent en'iruy, will be re e ilred for the fiillllment of the contract; and no hid will I t rmar ts <ned from previous contriciors ?he har* tailed toy ra nidy wltli their contracts, an I no taid will be ?nu rtairJrj umea* tne bidder I* |.relent to rea| <ind to tl* bid. The article* of avreem nt, with a bond, will h? required ti be anb-red inio within two day* after the op iiikng of Uie bill*. . _ Thn M Is to he directed to Major A. Backw m,, Comnileea ry of Hubsislenca, Washington, O. C., and *odor*cd (>Fro pomla." pROPO?AUi FOR TUB fll'PPLY fjf KRT SII BEEF 1 lor u*e of United Htate* troopa au> joned at Fort Oomin bus, New York harbor, for one year ,oon.menclng Jon* 1, 1KB, will be recMved at th* nfllte of I ? (j( h,, f?ri Civ liimhni, New York Harlan . nutll ',5 o'olock M., an the 2Ut Instant. The beef I* lo ba of ??', onallty. In equal projior. tlons of for* and hind quarter*, n^mn.i shanl* ejcluded, and to be delivered at Tort ( o .nmM** at auch ilm?* and in such quantl'les a* may be rec ?il%d Two fe? iirl le<, of flra thoiisanu dollar* aa*h. will hy~?lr^,| f0r the fal hful ful til neni of the contract. P ^p<ma a m III be a Idressed to f'lrst Lieutenant ?. B, Chads, ^larh Infantry, oBlce o! A. A. C. H., Fori Columbua^ Ni w > ork Harbor, an 1 Iw endorsed "Propo sals for the *r,pply of fresh beef." The underfigneil reierve* th* right to rejee', any or all bid* whlota he d nn ,'itrava gant, 0^ d'oubtl[.il **' urllle*. B ti. t,II 1M18, | First UcuWuaul 8i(tb Inlanuy, A A.8. AMtsBMgyra. garden.? MXTH W '.BK " x A. <? >. operatic Spcotaclc of thk knoJviritaX brilliant AND CON ikitt Hit dUGCESS Young american vocal/'t. M.dS CAROLINE RK'IIINQS, who will i.c evenIup i n.? "LA biO|U'i*ME ?' an1 "THE RKYLaBK," Rei* .e?i nightly with THCN'Dfa'HB Or APPLAUSE. Sixth VPuk Of fli ? SPLENDID dansel'HE. ANPXTTA OALETTt. wbooo wonderful T'-qm-hnri .m muy 'i.enls euuue ber Ui ll LT'llinuilCfU ib? BE T ART1F1E < T.1K AMERICAN STAUE. Ml:. PKTER EIC.IlNCM AS DR. .VaiHANAoII'S. A NEW Ui:a,\U U .I.Lt.1, A NEW MAf. IJEKAI'B SCENE, Nf.W SON?, NuW DANCES, .XAQWFIOENT SCEM.llY, 61 LEND) D OPiSKATIC CHORDS, FULL ORCUlsYfiiA, EUSo-iXf COSTITMB^ t~ u i hKd 1 Ajif.SAL X AMI* A FIltST CLASS DRAMATIC COMPANY. IN TnE FliuLOOiE, THE ORE AT SHIP 8CENB. Ac* I.- -THE ABODE OK TUB hNUIANTBESa. Act II ? <?! HE liALti UK 11- Mlllt. Act Hi. - ?IK PIRATE SHW INDEIt FULL HAIL. Mnimcoj, U Cinle a id I'm- piel 5tli? ta H *-ured Parp " Si.i..a 7ia u:.. Fan> y 1 Irole, <1'?fat ce 011 Crosu) s rem iiScents Uu rs op n ui ?Vi'"l|i?r past i. t<> uuiitUMMO i?l 7\ o'flio k. WINTER UAR1 HFTH \%>EK OF Ml-iS BATEMAN. LAhT \ NliiHT O J: v. LAST N'li.HT OF Jl'l. A. LaXl' KlO'iT Oi? .11 1.1 a. LAST *1 HT Or" JULIA. L*T t.'i'iHT OP JULIA last N.virr <>y J ilia K^-^hwIAOiliiit; me ?i. * 1o "* fun t *1 ?> Itli ene'i r?pr tl tl .ii of vrorj cJUaracter ibu. ?,a 1>kl ^.v Ml** Hauimmt tue ile irt? ou?i t< J?1' ?!| ** r' ^ r 11111"111 ,n tou* grown ci*r?!p<T unci MtrT^igiT, ufclle h *?'f> A 11 |?owt) a ua.v t?lioh* with 111 llily lllCi ".k?~QH lliljl 14), t|. ? IllHIiU^fcl h Uut* 1'MIUfttiOll t<* olier tbo puA?lic *>ui"UiiUK en'.< liim lo uo nounro tli?9 _ T , 4 LA.-<'r NICS51TS OP Jl WA and HIAN^A, l ASf M.iiiT^ Of JL V A AM) MIaNOA. LAST HiOHTS OK Jl) AND JllAXOA. LAST MUi.VS OK JUL V* ANH Bl.tNCA, LA-r snoiira ok jul, <> am> mi vnca, last m<;h x ok jill ^ .a, kia^ca, Twu oi mo>t tiuwur n. VI liucat oua, U?.N|).\V K . i.NINO, ,M AS?, Pertli* i.tin.i ui. i 1?* ?'ilae TiUf U N'l H'UA*. 'A- ?? ? JtTLTA MISS BATEMAN Maxtor Waiter.., v-J- W' Walla k, Ji. Sir Tddiuiu Ct.UorJ A damn .Uudua A,il- Djveapo Ui-lou Mr*. CUaulrua And a line ra?tt!i o '(hokt. Dyor? opnn at 7)ii ourtaiuruiosa'.tto' ? J?:k? it"i u<i;>.e (jp 'ii limu tttiuA; ?u.tu uia> t>v vomroa In ad NG, MAY aO, ITALIAX OViVSi AS HlAN()\. ? AS .- A.'ft). IMjIEDIAifcLr, N VMCO. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY -0, LAST NltHIT Oi' T'lr; ITaLIAa ^vivb. UISS HATKMAN AS Mit. al)WIS vDAM WILL HIS 1'itOLK t LD IMj As original drama, Of atiaorbln^inti-riwt, wrUtan tai>imly for KIS.-4 DAtKuAN, Entitled ROSA tlBi;. :osio; or, the otituMCAhi s;: ??detta, With now and ma urn. mu a .-nurykyih - udlH'iratixl artist, J. K. Uayea; ue? audcharactoii?tir M >lc by Mr. H. Mnl ImiUMUir; tilngora, Cnurua, *o.; M < Oiv^at-a, ErupcrUoa ami ai>poi.iiuiun?a. Cliaractem by Mim Buioin^u,. Alo.-sru. J. W. Wa'.lack, Jt ; :.a?iu Adam*. T. do Wrf.dmi, A. U. I> Ti-uport, Mr. 3ra<i ley, .Mr. Him!, Mis. Blake, Mirj. Cuaulrau, Mid. Hiud, uud tUi< whole comj<atiy. IXON'8 ROYAL CIRCtra i'ALAOE OA3DL.-4, rOliltT^ENTH STREET AMi SIXTH aVK.S C Ji. LAtiT WlvBK OK TUB .vEASON. MONDAY Al TEitNOONi at 2 ix lock, Mi <?.UA V KVr,N IX'., ii' 7 o 'j '>rk, And BYERY AFT&RN* ()o an K i K.NUi, ol/RING THE WEEK, THE GREAT DOU Lis OOM?I?ATIOE. The Fairy Spevliicle I untomuup of Ct.UKKi.LLA, jirodu-<>il rxf.rpssly fur u.? ESPECIAL AMUdl'-MENT of the JUVENILES, aud to lutrouuue iht- tmii Irri .l , uutoiniintc puwera of COMMODORE KOOIE col/small, who will suataln thfi ter?of THE PRINCE and PEDROt supported by a turntad oumi*ii> of SEVKNTV-K1VE CUILDKBN. Tbo ple,'? mo.uue I wlili NEW WARDROBE, PROPERTIES, ta., and every alien mm tor ITS PUIiKECT PRODUCTION. The enteitaiiiMii-n< will o nuieiicn wlt i THE EkjUES'lltlAN PERFORMANOSS bj the tak'Bteil < om:?ny. THE Ai ltoUATIO ARTTRTS, THIS OV.UN AS 1IC I'Ulli'S. t'.TH time 1HK CHINESE FESTIVAL. The entire forini.iu the imM, EEKKECT AND ATTRACTIVE AMUKEMEUT, FOii YOUN ? AND tJLD, BVER PKE.-EX'fED l.S NE.V YORE. AFTEKXOOa PERFORMANCES: Doiraopen ni 2.i en k. EVEX1 N'.j I'KitK'. It I .NOKSt Doors op?n ut 7 o'clock, ending al hal(-i>a*t i and a qiiai i ir u iat 10 o'clock. Adml>*!on 26c. Ho?ervi'd Seal* 61)0. Clil.nren to reserved ?cat* ic. Children til the ufu-riioo.i per ormniico lie. Simij s and oars jissn tlin Pavilion to any part of the city, and to al I iho ferrtcr. LlXDERELl.A and the equestrian pbrform ANivE et'iry m teruxon aud evening tins week. MR. AND MRS. G. vandenhokk'S dkavai'd; readings. ? DODWOR1VH 8 HALL. H.*i KKDADWa* TUESDAY bVENiNii. ?itn lii-t. SIIAKSl'LKk AX'1> DICKENS. MAOBiSTH AND JINGLE'S ELOPEMENT WITH THE SPINSTER aCNT. FOX'S old BOWERY THE A IKK. Leasee and Fo* Ke|iell ioii o. he OKKAT Oi'ENINO BILL. IM.Uh.Nafc. 'U..NS THOUSANDS DK. IltH'i'ED THE DAYS i.r OLD Kit tit KISVn'ED. MONDAY EVKNI.NU, M U' 19. TUL SEA'klMJ'i VOW. Fcr.i**id Mr. C. W HarVe Uoilo.... Mr. J. J. V in. K>a Hist 31m J Mucin 11 THE PHANTOM UIUDE. BrunMlda Ml** Dcnvil Auuclla '? Mrs. J. E. Nciik.e SIXTEEN SIBINO JAi'K. 8l?teen string Jack Mies Fanny Herring KllCUylon C. k. Pox 1RVINO ITALt.-TlUltSDAY, MAY 28, 1??. NbW YUKlv UATliUI.10 LIBRARY ASSOCIATION* coNcrjii'. VOOAIi A.\D j.VSi RuMENTAL. Tin- fi'llow'ng ejilntai mwiu will itppnar.? Mrs. Morart, Vis >lu a (icarjr, Ml. J. K. Tliomss, Mr (in UriuU'iirf. Mr. 8. C. Camp >??11. Mr. 11 Appy. \ iwiinlat. Cuml IClor. ?? Win. B-rge, O iai.lit. Hi. Framds Xiirler'sehur.h, Slateenth *ir ft. Tic .el- M eeliia. T> n. bad at a!l the priurtpal mimic stoic*. Kir Caiholio book stores, at Sbe.l'n, 1J W >li atraat, aiul hruntaun'x, (?6 Broadway. HITCHCOCK'S NEW NATION VL TIIEATB*. Lite Nntlnnul Con-erf Hall, I7J >- v I 'nnal street, WILI. POSIT. VELY OlV.N UN 8 iTL'KUAT NEXT. This i ;e hut Utile 'Ih lire, built eip.-essly lor W. Hltrbeoek, by tliii well known architect, M. Cnrreja, at a i-ost ni will b open to .ho public. <;n Saturday i.e t, May 21. The Theatre baa been arranged l?r U?e performance of light and attractive piece*, Including iar in, burii-a^ues, ne gro delineations, sliialur. dam in*,, Ae. MAiJNIrlOEYf SCENERY hid lieen r?t"'e>l by Mr. T. II. Rn er , ill ?n splendid drnp curulii; loexpna- having I e?*n spared to make U the most attractive pla< e ?f rv?o t in the city. Oraud nfie'iliii; night, Saturday, May 24. WM. lillCUl OCK, Sole Proprietor. Performrta ergiged will pUaa.- aiicui rehearsal on Man day, at II o'ca>ck A. M. WALLACE'S. MJtS. HOB7 Begs to ana,('line her BBNKMT FOR WBDNE.SD.vY. HAT SI. Box book now opeu. ? UNION QARDEN -TIIIS GARDEN WILL BB OPENED on Monday, the Uth Inat. Tne proprietors pi.-..go themselves tn accommodate the public la the beat manner pi aa l.-le. The garden Ilea at tile terminus of the tfreenp<itnt Ratiroed, adjacent io the Twenty-ihlrcl and T nth tlroct fer rl-a, <ata running at ell hours t<? the door. The beat, lager and buck beet on haii>I..A l*rge mn Inti band In attendance HoLLKNBEROil M KOnENER, t'lupiletora, AURAND HACRED CONCERT WILL BE OIVEN ON HarvUv, May !?<, IStBi, In St Pe:eri:hurrh Brnoklyn, ? mner of Hk'kaand Warrtnairee a. Organleta. Mr. M. Uratli, Mr. Ai>h?it and Mr. I<orrt7. SU""rina i'hi l.nta Paul, Mine Htr.iko nh, Si^nor Ypi ollte, Slgnor Bbrtglia and other cele brated artlate, aeelMea by eighty oilier ahijierv, will pai form ?rt-ording to prograiniiK'. AdutUxlon SO eoiiU. Mi:VH:KBK S THEATRE, CHICMIO -WITH Tllh MX eeptlon of a few daya tbia the?'ie remalna op< n ilia entire tear, and la the mini ple.maiu aninmer theatre li< n?e eounirV, a'.ir* -live lekt iri-a, dolnu we.i at all aeax nn. H'are wiabtng tl'ne during theeummer inouiha will apply a once. Tlie eiimero a appneaiiona for ate k enlevements * ill re main on IMe till the latfer part of Juno, at which Unte 1 ahall make my arnuigemonu for neit-teaaon. J. II. ?t?VI('KKR, PropiUter and Mam* Brooklyn atbukmvu. UlHTAVm iBART'S TWO BALLAD CONi'BRTO, To morrow (Motilay) and fallnwlau evening, at Se'cloek, aeeiiiad b> eever-U ?r the r >e?ilie aia BEST ARTISTS OF NV.W TORE. ADMlBBli>N TWENTY riVB t'ENTJ. M^HADAME BRNESTINB DE \ILLIERS?DODWORTH'B HalL?Beootid i.ran.1 Vooal and InatrumfnUl I'oocerl ?n Monday awning. May IP, ??"Mat. d h'm!^ iSnnkiwb, Sir. Bidolt, R Uolb-ck, Mr. Wi-la, W D?h1?r, ami Vlilanaea. Tl k ie ?l Kor ?al. at tb^mualc atorea^ PIhIBB'S OPERA hoi *r. CINCINNATI, ohiu-tub draieatie ?i-a?>n at ible reiaMlehnient a ill rauimence in the tail. Peraoua dealrng eniiaaetnenu will plenee addraea the iimlereUucA Staii will find It to u,eir Inteiee 'to nego tiate. SAMUEL N. P1BE CtadnvatT Tub alleoiiakians. vocalists and swims Bell Players will give a ConM't every evening thla week, at the Htnyrea int Instl'.iite, IM Broadwaj. Theatre. OSWBOO n. t. may is, ix^-wa^ted Imnii'd atelj, ? person, to pla; "Obi Men. ' A1 o a nood lltllliy Man. Mate loweat terms. Addreee B. H.iuonett, Theai re, 0 <Wf, H. T. A MAN ABOUT BETITRNINU TO SOUTH AMERICA, wishes to take wi h lum a goo 1 aihlbulon, from whn h money csn be made by traeelllnc In those r jiititilee Per s<ins bavlnif aiiTtlilng of the kind to dNposeot wlli p'ease ml'ireis AH., Herald odioe, for ten days, aiating lb* par ticulars. ? """ "> rjtlOUTS. HUIRT8 AND LP NO IIOSB, roa OPERA. THEATRE AND CIROVI. A full aMorlment at low prtoM. UNION AD AMU, 837 U^OADWAT. A TEW MORE BALLBT OIUI.S FOB A FIRST CLASS /V tl- aire; al*n niisees fnu;i nlue to Meeen of age, Apply to Mr, Thomaa CUne. M Broadway, up stalra. AMUSBSIKirrS. T m. i.\.-t cotiisnT ii .*i . UKAt woul" respectfully anno nee to tlie put*, "i t"*i ibe m.aireiu'-nia wlili the whole of bi? a ii,t? ..t# terminal* lor the jir, ? lit ? a nn, according to contra i ut> u TLHsDaY NEXT MAY 3u, ' 1 - , . ? _ when '.e ?rl|l irlve Lla LAHT MUSICAL KXTEUTAJNifENT FOR the AS'JB . AT SIMLo'd BAIsOOS, na*. continued hi* HugL# m jnti on 'ii ally entered into lor m Hborter period, fur nearly tig it mo < hi. 31 r. (IK4U wotiM f- Oi t r.? j?e t iJljrthari* the pub'io and th<* pn-as of N- * York, IMiiLi?IjI i. bo t >n, *n I oih**ra of th ? principal Eaters t-nd Weatcin >i tea, lor the ? p ort wl,!?'h mh!* !???? ii s<< Jib"f#?iJy r\o,;o -'led h#rw?a sf?j p>ri w i a k i.i inl.y ill)purail#li.d. w^en ih- Ktnotie poilt a< Irotibl a ol inn p. r?od arc co:ifid?*?ttf. Il?? would, in a> ditiou, .*-9 obor y oi 4u^in? t'lai ihl*i.U t> I a* . i.a *i? d lilw not al? n ? vo oilrr n. it?ms cf v*? ova d r.ll.-ii to everv ar tist oi r?-|?? la-Ion wUo i.i e visHtiii tlitis country in th p" srni v-arm, but ii.a, allied him to t? rmliMic it In u uamrT a<u!> vf i\ t r?vre wiili oo ruUr and covert mariuffera?botii Juai y and antic*..;y to hie a< tia t? 4ttd i r^.'abl.v io ktiu-elf. o.? tiiUou-uiii^ fti.i b? protiu cd, tor tiie lira, and only urna, THE FAMOUS nt'ET or "NO^MA," 5??!*?* 4ul ari ang. <1 for two ptuiio* by Thalberfc e*ecuual by the t ^ U r*t?M man lata . . . >l...v>N and i ,oT 6CBA.UK. The wli^rat.'d Liu i, ' YBOVAiOUh ?..ouipowd by fl.tU hw Vr uTi'i a'*7" ''It 55'*wo pi??o?, will be r<pe?fc? b> Mr. Mil.I 8 an. (I mriCUALK. On tbUo< M.-j <u v. ill ipi-oar Aiadain** i ? 'A Ni?lit, ISIUUNOLI MWCUST. SUfltm, u . MALLS, AIAoOM uui GOi 1'iCHALK. VtutaJ Director *,*. MUU*. LAUKA KUE.VK'S tiieathb. Ooot? op <ii a .; "> ^ln nt 71^. ? oqiIhj . a ul <? n ry m, ? during tue wmIl ?JreJl eu. co-h oi th? 8BA OF I j/0ln*'u'c fcE.i' OK IOK; 6L K OF ICE: SliA OF TCB: fciiA OF I0B| A MOTHER'S PRAYER. A MOTiiEit'8 J'KAYER A MOTIIi-.R . ri(>.YKK A ?>>'! 1IKR H I'RAYPJt. A MOT.IKK8 1-.;AYE?. SF.C.^I\ED BY 0:<0VVI?KU tlOUHES ? , KVTHI MIA9TI AlVLAUxK. Him LAI U.\ KEiS.JIin o.'i km cliaraoiir ol OiiAKITA, m u tnr emir* c p ny in ti??' -^ai. ?? NE}* AMI HUM i!,?'I f, scenery. NEW .Mt'SIC, J)i<K.S&E* AND i'Kyl'v'.KTIES. VEW IMiWEKY THEATRE. ~ Soioprujirt Inr Mr. J. W. Lliuwr# MONDAY. Mav la, 1 v<<mi>letc in lgt of tb* (tinnd dmtiui.ic 8iie Utrle of I ..u /-ANTHE. , nlil ?? *>'i' elr-il oa batuniu> nl(jht wrth unbouiided j, 1> il'uMs by it l OVEBKM)\YI!*<l Al'DIRNl!? TIIE (*>R ;Eui.s (JOaTlj'MfW. VUii BRILLiaNi -k'EMRBY iUE MAI K'. l. K.s'T APP?TNTMB!?t? .. , AM) i4ECU aNIUAC EKrlSCl* must be mphio be Rfprecmicd. The novel iii. 11 j 1 nt A tIBAND rniVKSBTO!* ol 200 eharM'.crs mnanji tin- ii?<lini' e. ii?? created my 0:cK.iT tiE.V8A?0?. Tho iiojniUr crtisic ? ? ? MR. E. EP1W, M r. O. C. Ilwlfaee, Mr. ~f. If unit n, Mi. O.K. Byan, Mr. M rJ.-n. N *. H. (J. Jotra. I> nm Kyan. and "very r:it*iub<T rH ibe compcmy hi j>le?M. U*u W-?;:???????:; . JMi?i L uaia* Browne Ana Tor inc ilr?f lime In iiiaufr years, tiie romanUo tiramc oi the MILt BB ANO III3 MEM. Concliulmg with A COMIC FARCE. J^AKNUM'S AMERICAN MUSEUM. LAST WEEK OF TUE DOO rWOt?1 LAST WEEK. ?>!?' TIlK LIOO nioWl LAST WEElv OF TilK I)OU MitnY! LAtof WEBIv OK THE DOO HiiyvYI AN ENTI RE NEW I KaT i R tt AN EN riltK NKM' KBATURKI AN E.NTllCE NEW KEA'f UKEl riot wit n^UtD lli<?, lb.* Mnaetiin iu crowded day and nl^tit hm' the lirst laaieA and geni.t;m<-n ol <*lty and country to wuneefl % thin UicEaTEST novelty OF 1Ha AtU-:, the maniuu Inii iutroluooU an enure new ftamo, vh a eotApeUUoa aiKouii tli* EDUCATED TERFORMINO 00(81 EDUCATED lKrtroKMINy EDt.'tAlED 1'KRKOR.ilINU l>OuSI EDUCATED FERFOBMINU DOirS! Charmiiiv Exiiliiltioni, hho'.vlu^ tho wonder, ul Ma^acftr of th< ik>;. will tike plac. ill ilic lejiur.; rouai i?t inmr^aU ot nearly erery hour, ri >me ol the .nnst il' IUUlliii aud e>tr?. nrdlimry trlukh and t'i'ui* wll'. b>! p -rlormcd bytbeae hlgU trmned i.nd h. Hiiiuali. Unrlnu ?U o: lull week. Uivai N*i:oci?l Don Siio.v will be Ml 0.1 HETTKK THAN EVBRi Ml i ll hKI'IE.t THAN K ? .,itl MUt H KEITKil Til AM EV..RI Ml OH KETfKU THAN EVEiU MUCH BEiTEK HiA.< EVEU1 Every lady aud hkiu..- d xtar. a that Tuii WU.ILIj .\K V Kit SAW TUE LIRE I Til IS WOULD NEVER SAW THE LlKiit THE WOlti.D NE.Ell 8aW THE UliBI TUE WO..LD NlSv'tK 8AW THE LiAJil F01.R TilOt SAND . UOli.E lJO>;H, iitcludinx OTSM '? FORTY DIKi'INi T HilEKbd, were eiuiolted laat week ta tbe Muaoifn lur loinpeiliiou. Fro.n lii.s imiuen?e ni bet of ueautliui apooimona b.ive beeiiillteJ. winnowed and se lected aboM foijr hundred premium doosi FOUK. Hl/.MiHuU 1'ltKMlUM Doi.HI FOUlt IIUND.SED PREMIUM DOOSI Four UUNl?Uiii> n.B iUM Dousi TbU " rauniuc ot puie gold " ri'i>ulm la nowgiriuc lit ? public a iuer dit#li* aim truly uuuxamp.Kd o;jp frluaiu of aeelug at b itlane^ tbu CONCENTRATED EXCELLENCB CONCENTR \T,-.1> EXCbt.l,EN< tt ('ONi KNTRAl'El> E\OEI.I.E.M'M CoNCEM'fHa'lED EXcElX ..VCii of ererythlng lu tiic Canine World that cau ue produced aa4 ? echlbit 'd In FOltTT DISTINCT BREEDS OF DOOHI FOKI'Y DI.Sj'l.Nl T 11UE..DS OF DlHMI FOivTt' DISTINCT RKKKD.1 OF DoUMI FORTY DISTINCT Ui?Er.i>8 OK DOuS t Including Mr. KBANCI* BUTLER'S SlUiuilAN BUtOiiliOrND, whole GIANT propur ions are nmrc Ilk.'- ? horse than a die A i,real iiumoer ol oib> r Do^n ar.< alao uu eiiilimion, repir aeiilln? every breed o, Dog kUjwn,^ 8 ti^ini DuaL Laughing Do,'a, Crying Uogn, Dain'lng D >ka, PorloraAg Dogs. Ac., Ac ThlK unignideent Dog l'aa TAKEN THE $1,000 PREMIUM. This niarnibe in coll ?? tiou oi Do,a will continue on luh.tlon UVEKY DAY T. IS WEEii, at all l?..ur?, frocar o'clock A. M. till 10 o dock f. M., dally. NoTI> E. Bare a;ie<'ltncna of flnt ly educated or perfi rratng dog* may b" entered lor comi^ti'i.ou lor discretion try yicmluma at any time 'hit week. All the other novelllea of the Muaeutn will alio be on u> ltlbltiou, lirJudin.: tbe renewned C .nnnitdore Au't. the HJQl lOi) Nutt, Hie Vjnaii.T. or ff.nlin O in lroa. ill. R -.?? ford* UoatioiMat rentrurill ', Va.; the Crrat l.ivliri; Whi.le, tbs Ma iai aw ar ,nb iio.i. iho Elv.M; Hla. it SeaLiun, Lliln/ Mia. u.oib UiUzly l)c?r S..inf"n, i.niiiu Mod ler ti ia.ea, Liria# Majijiy, Li.lng Turi.a, Ontnd A | tarU, Jtu. T ic a Icmli.l Uiiinta NoltAII CREI.SA, and tlio la le (;?m.'.itcttft A DI.AO SHUT, EVERY AFTEKNUON AND E\*ENINO. Adnuasloo to all. ii? o nu; children under1 . I.i rtnta URA>D NATIONAL rt.\U> SHOW, Jnn 1,1. $J,i>n In premium., for llae.t H-inlet, Twins, TrliiletH, yiiaierusan I tat il.iluo. One IiHUdred H.ibic ?? l.a.e al.fady octu cuiore.l for cm* p 'iai ni nu I aoenn d tin ire riimai. a. Thai the u'un be liiuiif I ih" llkta .ire el aed.. ?ci pi to a lew irore Fag liable*, Tnins, Ti ipicla ( lid ^ua.crna. BKYANTH' MINSTKF.' 8. 11*11, 4.^ 1|nni|w?v, ai'ore UriuvJ alreot. MOM. vY. M?y 19. ?n.1 every n'ght ihU week, MO>HTER CONG Mil' Vl.NI'AMlMAW. H. 0 lAMI'llhl.L, Lealle, Pooler, tlomd and 1(11 or, in thHr luirlillA KI'H. HORN A Mi DAft BRYA.NT, The pupulur comed<au?, In iheir lur.ghn'i c K( K.NK* A I I'll .. Rl'GOfcO 1'atii Oil S< < ?r MALTA Door* open at 7s curtain rtaea at ? oooek. Ticket* i cent* 444. -the OBBAT AMERT J.iN MUSIC HALL. * 444 4M _44* ??* ?* 4tt 444 BIIOAD^ *.T. THK music IIAi.l, OV TUB MA.H3B9. TRIUMPHANT BEYOND ALL 1'HFi WUiiNT. Tilb ONLY CONCFJO! IIAI.L OI?..M. Tne only Man.'geim-ut wltn snifli irui oiktji , i o'iraire la. dc|i. n anil manUt?".a I >. oartnat th-- '-ouatltnUQiiaUtr an ! jnutio* of the mlaerahie r Siiprmg of Icgi^r,anu intot* ran.e the " Bill," an mi horu.of tlu- tmne purliaal. cnl aplrlt that burned our for 41 vimufr- H'ld w.h:?mi that inn hot nlercera Uir.i.gJi ai?iri ? ar* tur ?1i?i.i.i? 5 ch urh; ll"gi{?d tlio?e that ? trc "c,?tii of Uv?r? <-?.or*," ,nj ???t a iiuin In ?ha atorka 'or 'Uawiag iu? \*!f? oiv.n S.iudar ? <**? ?? Llf? of Cotton Mailt . \ei. I. |a?a b~.i When fnnatk elant held awav, an.J fag it# a id *11 h < apa v en> a* ulaiaured?whru i??a I" Hid hi* fellow man at the auka _ ? row. Ol'lNlONd S VJvB. Other ManajeratjU.IIra u fetter ti.-.U _ ? BAIRKD Riuffr-i AND r'Al VILB'IB* For dollar* and it*? nuu- "?hr nk f?'tn the i w??o?ll>IUtp and tfi.etilj quit the Laid, ?ubuutil jg to what th?i? knew ft be a a roug, but BTAXrjs A.%or/?^ T-yt CONTEST. m WB WIUVNEVKH M'JKKKNDEl',. Bvea tbimgh appoae I b?? *urh I Uylng -rlii-funr* a* "the Ltt'.te Villain"o? the n4tp?, the alias it anuo it <? of the T? licw Oaxette, and oth- ra-rnrrllloiii jnurniU*. The Influential and miMviaWa pr*a# -?f Ih* enuMry la wilU ui. for tne* know t'.ir aamn po *<-r that Vp.lrce Uj people of th? ainnaein >ni* of thr 1r,.'hoio* cae If allseed, rgb them of ike rtaht to lire and iir?ati?e. ' ?M M4 414 Ml le nobly aiipport^i bv/ihe publ'e. It wooM rrere a ?p'en?tM rebujtf to the trimunlcal ep'rtta of our nheddy laclalator* ooul I ih^'y ralr-yftMliia tb< riuerdi-d hemars ilchU\ aorordad toua, ri inorahne, wH wntuhor ?* drj , la la tweweu.4 apeetablTiw'of" to Ulora w**?-U not thai the r? ? ijt f'l* HAJLX OF T!?B MAS'lF.R Would ?uITcr ? y i'? frea' Cce of men whvaa iu,it.?al(-Al h^ goti* dtBtfracra ?p?i?mw T'I.K *?KINKTF3NTU ccmiurt: -i. i rn?k" up lor ?.f morality In tkew. ?2SM *' *".'1 e'-aetnieate pro.eaeli^ !? re^iilaWt lh? iu<? ,||iv of tub rRo yaRowMi or thf vrps'Tiiuf would, 44A ^rlK MLBHTY KMFitUI CIT., ^ W <44 4|4 444 4i j |4 rTk!1"7^ .-4 DEg*ITR *W. orwmixa u?Ki-CB*rB3. a? pwuy?n iwiefc te ?liaee* tketModulMtnotmTrauMk U?eeta?afc#<iof theproiebel it. BROADWAY M1M?TRKL3, BR Alt WAY MIKMK.XB, BKO.tDWAY Ml.SsntKlJt, .?^'AVWAY MVAHT..KUH. bboartway MJNMTltKtA BROaIJ^vaT minhtkkls, ? U'JaY ? MiVSI .KLB rJlOADW ,?.Y 4 4 4 MlXSTHklA, BROADWAY 4 MINSTiiBU, BK),AUWAT MINHIIttLa, B^.OAOWAT MlNvrKKlJ. BK< iadwat Mishrn u. MROA WAT MlMfflttliT BROADWAY MIMHRhUH, ^ BHOAOWAT ?lorton? song*, nl"*. noritaea, wlltlrlame, bnr? '"?'/la. coinmi'nUr r< on the itmea, hit* at men and nun a rk *? ?, hKvr twi n reren ed l>y C/OWDBD HOl'hKH. . CROWDED HOUSES. '#lth lh? 'I'tn'iet dem.'nitration*of delight, ? HOI ra OK LAIOIITKH ROARB Or AI'FLAUBB. INTBNSh ANO I/MIERSAL API'KOHATIUJI They appear fv.r'erjtiin* thl*week. In A.:.|||i,.n to THK MAMAtOTfl COMFAMT, which hare leng made 444 rin.erfclal a> Tlllt ill ANT Ml'HIt HAi.LOK THE WORLD. A HOST or BOVK ,ftr-s thia hkck ORA!*n MATIBBB bvkry HAU'ltll ?Y AnBIIKOONL r.T the accomntndailon et La lleikbd Oh.ldreu. National academy or debiow.-the iiuiitt eeveuth annual eihlhltlon of the M*il?na! A' a.l> my of l>e?lnn, e >n?iaung of Original Worki My Llilns Artlrta, la now open for the *??eon. at the Oalleriea, (12S Broadwar. Seatoa tlokete (Q cent*, dingle a lmiaaian Jft rent*. T.AT>I>l!lOM RICHARDS, Oormpnadlog Sicreter/, R. A.