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OUR GUNBOAT EXPLOITS. The Late Triumph on the Mississippi. Anotlic i* Test of Tron-Plaled Vessels. Invulnerable Ironsides of tlie Union Navy. Tremendous Contest Between Union and Rebel Ships* Dreadful Ey plosion of Two Iron Gun boats, Sinking of Another, and Injury to AU the Rest. COMPLETE VICTORY FOR THE UNION NAVY. Captain DaTis' Official Report of the Action, See., ic., it. Our Nitiiulppi Klvcr C'orrcupomltnce. Okk Kort Wright, May 11,186& -t>< itsu Operation/ Before Fiirt Wrijhi?Th* Kebrls Attempt Io Seue Ovr Xirtar Boats?Their St ans ef Getting Ivfor mutkn?J'iraufions of Commodore fbote?Arrival of ft iVitio Cem.mrrder?The Ailicn Begi/u*?The Contest Be tween Me I. on Ships Cininnd'i and Louisiana?Gal lantry if Ci-p'nin Stembel?Appearance and minting of the M 'Ui.ry?The Coura:H an<l Desperation of the Rebel.? Frightful Ekf}oti. n of Two Rebel Gunboat'?The Close of IA? Struggle?The Vnion Cause Victorious, etc., rfc. At last we have experienced a change hi the courso o ?ve&ts, which have toiled on ward to nvmoinnous'y^or fcnir weeks post. We liave U .U a battle, and, like all the battles agaiust this rebellion, the rljjht side ia victori ous. The rebels, choosing their own time and place, bare attacked us in force, and been drivea back badly cut up. They cams out with fivo of their boasted gunboats and throe ntmf, and were driven buck with three less boat? anil their whole ?eel completely riddled and shattered. Their loss hag been great?how great I have no means of knowing; but It Is plain that their killed can only be numbered by tiunlreds. U has been a most glorious victory for th* t'mon came, and was achieved without the logs of a ?ingle man. and with but four casualties in all, and these bat slight. Our boats cam* out of the action in good trim, and c.11 of them fully capable of ag*in encountering th? enemy without the delay of a day for repairs. At this writing I have not had an opportunity of paving through the fleet and gathering ail tho incidents and part:cu!?rs I would wish for, but will hasten to give you ??arrative of the affair as fully a.? tray be. Tl:m FltEUMIIf.AltlS!'. On Thursday morning four rebel gunboats came ?round tha point, apparently for the purpose of cutting <>nt some of our mortar boat!:, which they bad reason to believe were moored against the Arkansas bank, about a *>ile from the point, the ]>n?itic,n usually taken by them when tiring, but in anticipation of such a increment Commodore Foote had issued orders that these boats be withdrawn every evening from their exposed positions and moored higher up the stream. When the rebels tame after them they had not yet been placed in posi tion; bnt they w?re not so greatly disappointed after all, as the sequel shows, Inasmuch as lltey secured a flee view of our Meet before ti.ey were driven back. Yesterday they came up with a single boat, bearing a Sag of truce, ostensibly to exchange two Union surgeon!; captured at Foment, its reality, as it now appear?, they di -ired moro l-orfeot information of our positlnn than they possessed, and resorted to this expedient to obtain it. The expedient was a good one, furnishing tkrm a clear daylight view of all our vessels and their poalUons, and enabling them to prepare for faiture <h*s mtions. Thus, and with such information as they might have previously stained, they were pretty well posted <>n tha position occupied by our vessels, and their number and the strength if their armaments. On our part we wore by no means unprepared, gene rally , to meet them. ?cme days ago Commodore Foote' received information of a nature to causc him to ant,' i pate an attack from the enemy. Acting upon this infor mation, he moved hi- transport and supply beats further upstream, ami caused the mortar V aU to be removed every night to more secure positions. The gun boats also wcra turned about snd headed down s<ream> ao as to be in readiness for any emergency. The strictest orders were Ufiied as to watches, and the cl<?eit scru tiny kept on every movement ot the etKmy. On Friday n oralcg Csptain C. U. Davis, the newly ap pointed Fleet < apiaid, arrived and immediately entered upon tlie d.sthrige of the duties of Flag Officer, Commo dore Foote surrendering tlie comn>..ud to him while b<* (foote) should improve a siek leave by g>.iog home t" recioit hi?'haltered lica'ih. Tht Commodore, her. Ie: one hay, still -uiie ? severely from the bruise he received ?n his foot ut Donation, and is ''Q)y j4i?je to hobble about' n crutchos us yet. His health was gra<i ally fail to* h im under tconfinement Incident to this lameness. I aii'j reli- f fr m Ins gr ut rasnonettdlities a?d a eMnge Si cluitatv bc-'amo imperatively neeoa?ary. It with a i.ctui ajbrdlnf ban ibis relief that i apt* la l-.*\ is,an old and experienced ni\ ?1 officer, was appointed as Fleet Cap tain. iliu* lakiug'ank m-xt to il ? FiajrOillcer,though by no neaas superseding biui. The Commodore le t i-ntnodi atoty upon Captain Davis" arrival, so th..t the latter wa t brown immediately nto a position as commandi ,-g ?tfi- er. Wiian the rebel attack wa< made he had scarcely hart rime to sake the acquaintance of flie *i.bnrdinn'-? sfbis command, ?r to inf rm himself of ti e nature ..ud strength of the vessel* composing hi-, (leet. He, how ever, did not disturb the arr* gemi :its iready made by the Flag Officer, andwis, therefore, in reactu less, so f.?r as the disposition of the fleet w,4- concerned, to meet 4Le attack when it was mad*-. Tni ATTA<~K. The morning was one 01 i tie uiest .f the sen Km, though, ?s to very common m this region,before sunnsea dull bazn S|ii ead over th? water, maki-g it dllli'ult to aeo at any great distance away. Just at daylight the mortar beats were t vei down to their po sit-ins ready for their day's work. This m run p the gunboat i ini innati uus sent down Willi them as a pre cautionary rae.isure. I liw utter dropped anchor.tost abreast ot the rnorta-s, and but a short distance ?'.t in tho stream. Scaled v h..d (he swing arnaid nud bi Petite ??tiled u her position when the lookout gave the signal, ?.Steamer astern Sure enough, by peering through Ik" mista, a low, dark ob ect wac discovered, b?arinr * etronsr ? as-ontdanci to a steam rrafl of hoiimj kind. I' was -mbee>|tienUy ascertained to be the rebel raui I/>utet e*ia Ml !i.ved? were beat to quarters and the gnub'at waa. leared for action immediately. Tho prompt news of the r siKinseof the men in puitinf the boat m tjh'.u* thai* ??. nv si remaika de. Tlie stv:h'>r waa up almost eiasnltaueeueiy wMh the i-sue of the order, the detlR wore cleared of all rut bish and everything in the >sl*?;? of ob'lriic.lion, ai,d eeerv man *va? s ai.< .Lg ?t hU gun. By this 'Inte the rebel craft hsd tpproasi.ed ?oar enough to be readily re ogimed, oa< cwt ae tlie early .-un wa* the haae'he Cincinnati swuag aro-ud and welcmed the isltoi ?nh a full t>ru.d it'e. I Ae tiie kouud of the r?|s>rt and its ? aintiido a reverVt j ratioun run aion?- the sUore and i eachs^ the ears or those ?wuialiig Ihu other boats of our (!?" i, ?h*-*! was one ???!??? tmiaheutof glwlneis as every ?IBcei'and mmui sprang to few feet and Vepareii for duty. Wi !> t.lie->? "itiatii' aleo teinfo cementstfethe rebel boat. Tb-eo in nnrnb-r, thegreane onkr'tlyaronnd th? point, ate,1 prept'ed t? grapple with Hie <iwnky Ynakee. The f. - tislona aiu eerried<two hea \ rifled piece*. both of wi?t b, t.>g?ti : wHS: the g ee of her consort*, wore sor?n b 'ari* itj?m kbeCm ' timti tlirewlng in shot after st'Ot In rapid BucciSMon. But ?(.-ai;vt them nil iho Clncm eati boldly held her po'itiou, her ^'oplli|T Lii' sdes repelling their heaviest ratwil'^w air ?ho?Mti: they w< ro but p.>per bal h Title nfeeo< il ?ont"St lasted for full teenty <u:nnte* daring in1 of which tiwc t lie tebel t'uiiboat* we, (i kept fo , |is( by ihu Oil' inati alouc. Tim ram, however, r;ui :rp os* to the I'nton biet, and tnanmwted .1 dnposttien u> run htr down. jeet at Ikis jofecture Iheiiibsi'ircn Tli^it* of ? ir t'ert , aine to the rrgcue? the I'fnloo ('I.n^'hip , 1. dalei. t'ittshnrg. t'airo and .-?t. f?nu s?yd reiie.''>1 the Ci 11 -mat 1 of too neoeesity at giving sn-y ( ftter ? . diat' att ut i>r p> tho rettel gunboats, th s lahtt. g Mi ! to cl s - 111 w- It the ram ahuie. *? ' ? - Ti n ? i- r is (flRWRAII sr!T ji 1 s 1 w. The Louisiana mme along tip, mid-r i'ull st itm,iin liJ aearly u;? the ' iu< Umntl, when th ? l-'ite put b.-r he. 'J 1 <*t and avoided t ? >? 11 inteided b'o?r. If- rcretf weeewt deck,aimed wnh cut .ivses, b^o. it g Ikissnl ?irbi < fully prep.11 ? d Cor a r.'i e b ui?l t , ha. 1.' s icoun liT. tie rMi, Wlwl 111 her first atleaipt, with e?v a , ho'" Ji'tsiii e,ai d t , to il -n ih'l'li' . .>. ct. j ibis njr-? Ii<" n<>t ' <> -daarp bow mil in 1 ton 'l.e 1 ? vy J-'n sid^S of th" < ne nati; hit htr | IradWay >,* i"?i suffi<:ient to t ay vr>r/?efMna , inm g?>. RVorP ?'<* oild ^ 1 a?.ty, howem . ! ? t. -'le ihef,(Xt'tRi* ' In*' th 1n'tat'.i ,?),e.i ,? 11 1 '!,? irfltM' dlN.'K , Silt.'. sell:1 apifto!, ? L> > t 11 a* ? el i t pi.ot, hloipg him l .efeaait'/'; Iha, mo -i o k re i or I, I t?hen >t in kji b il' enf's-eu ?' ? t ? IB '' , t > ? i . J honlder. Iiigu u, rfk^ly to Ah" ?*ck, nnd <? ?> 1 ?, ro ' GUNBOAT FIGHT Ulkii FORT HLLOW. T f PLUM POINT PLUM POINT 1 . CRAIGSiJETAJ3 PCim CRAIGSMEAD PQUiT \ WATERS SON SC.N.Y WATERS-SON SC.N.Y * >1* FORT PILLOW^, > FORT.. PILLOW 1?Flagboat Benton. ??Caroaildet. 3?rutsburg. 4?Ciiuimittl. Gunboat. II?Rebol gun oai. 13?R?b?l gunb&at. The Position of the Opposing Fleets at Seven o'Clock of the Morning of May I0, 1862. Position of the Opposing Fleets at Twenty Minutes Before Eight o'Clock on the Morning of May 10,1862. through, lhe wound was a troublesomeand painful ono, but not sufficiently serious to d?taln the Cuptain from hia post longer than to have it dressed. In the mean time the rain had prepared fcr another arsault. and this time evidently with the intention of boarding her antag onist. She came up under full headway, and with her steam batteries ready lor immediate use. Just as she struck the Cincinnati, however, her steam apparatus collapsed, scalding a large number of her crew. Captain Klembel was also prepared with his steam battery to add to taeir discomfiture, and almost simultaneously with the explosion a dense volume of scalding water ami steam came pouring ttpen th rebel crew from ths deck rfthe g.nhoat. This was too much for them to withstand, ?ad thoM who ware let uninjured and a)i\e managed to get their ci aft away bevond the rearh of further in jury. Their loss must hare been great, though how qreit ! hare no means of ascertaining. Ttu casualties on the Cincinnati wore rcry slight. Her galUint.comtnander was wounded, as mentioned above. Her lirst ma.-ter received a flesh wotuid in his thigh, and two seamen were slightly wounded. SOXKiKti OF THE XALLORT. As tho ram drew away the iron-clnd gunboat Mallory ! appeared as a new antagonist. This is one of tbe new boat- o! which so much ooast has boen made by the rebels. She had just been euuipleiud at Memphis, u id on this occasion mac* her lirst public -?ppo;irance. She w?s a noweri'ul craft, carrying ten or twelve guns, and sheathed with heavy boiler iron over heavy Mmber j bulkheads staffed with cottca. * Her first mail" uvro was an attempt to run tho fin- I cinnati dowp by butting agat st her. Ihls wa? baffled by the <'extei ous handling of tee latter boat, though ! several time? attempted. Then she hauled alongside Mid openwl a cio<-(5 lire. but received rather more than she gave. The heavy Dairlgreus of the I'niim craft wire too ouch fr>r her, and again she resorted to the battering process. Just as site was preparing to s.tniui with all tha power of momentum acquire.! by a quarter oil a mile s running, the St. Louis?I'nion iron c'.ad boat?bore down upon li:r, and. striking her fairly amicships, ncany cut her m two. She sank almost im mediately, and within two huulrotl feet of the vessel ?he was attending her^e'.f to run down. The most of her crew must have perched, though a number were picked up by >"'Ur boats. >he in a toul lots, having sank i in deep water. ooxnno.v or the mcissiATi. The Cineinnati having thus borne the brunt of the fiuhl up to this time, and having been set upon hy the whole rebel fleet, naturally .-uslainod some damage. Tlic hem y ram Louisiana twice struck her when urnlei full headway, an.l tome accounts say ihe Uallorv also got her ansa iu ouco. Still the nobie vessel floated* *nd withstood laccwslully all the attacks made ujx.n her. But as fbe was lenking badly it was doemeci prudent to withdraw her. She was accordingly hauled up into shoal water, where she rt sted upon the bottom. Here hi-r leak was found, ?4"J hefyy jjic ?3 ??*- in readiness again 10 eutfrlUo lists S,*intt tlii ,?oe!s. ,t _ ntr oKvrttAt i>"i<;Timrr. tVhi!o the closu encounter* ?h" ve inirrftttd were pro greying the r?b?l wmj-reluroro J by (wo morogim le.a'- mdtworam*, which were receiving tbo attention; of fiu oibwr buattof our iicot. The i aauonadlag wai most tarrlhla and fearful. Round *Occ<edei round in tnch ra Id re si. n as to be almo*t tm.Ii-o in^itshablc and to ap]?ar a* one continue!" roar, deadening a!!other sound* atid ? touting tbe earaof all within hearing. For the lir t nuie cur !> -?ts were enabled to iiac thi-ir bi oadsidew, an 1 they told witli wonderlul effect. Comparatively but few* of our shot* were wasted. Shell, r tird shot, grar?, and occaatcaatty, when at elu-a quai tera, canister, werw rali.ed upon the rcbela with truntx doii" earoeilBFM. Sot wire t'.e rebel* qu el and idle under this fearful fire. Although reocivibg seriot!.'- ird fatal ie.jui. < at every auccisaive round rrom our gun*, they replied with sarnestnesi, and held their position* u. ith consummate bravery .<0'] determination. Th >y had bean heid i;i idleness at F >rt Pillow for four we> ks by tbe menacing attitudo of otir fleet, and now they manifested a diapoaition to have it cut. They had evidently ma le up their mind* to give u* ore earnest trial aud if th it Arnold prove un?ticcOf?ful their case waa hope'ess. And the. did try aarneatly and nobly. They fo'i^ht with a dcgieeuf ourage amounting U> despera tion. TWO REHVL OHino.'TS WOWS CP. I hare said that comparatively few of our shot* were waat>-d. fhey ware all admirably directed and did wonderful execution, as the condition o1" the r be! boat* fully Aow*. H .i th. ir exocutiou waa better apparent in th" exploetua and total dostrucilun of two of the m.?t powerful of th : r?b?l irunb at*. The names of these I have noi yet been able toa-cortain. Their deatroetoo occurred nearly at tbe same time *nd when the engagement was at lt? height. A'iO" e the 1 'tid <1 in of th'1 cannon co'ild occasionally be lienr I the slio.ti and cheer* o. the loyal crew* *k they discerned ore and a* ?her evidence of thc r 'U'e approaching final triumph. Ihe whole scene wa* shut out from view hy th- den e volumes of smrk* that i-ettled oveijfauo fleet, the rwmlt ?f the heaw firing. There w?r> tneihtng jran.i ai d i- spiring In all'his, ?" en to one oauUde, who could only h*ar the dlu a':4 see the smoke. tint *nd dfit y diere came a report louder than, and dla'to nt>i.\o, all the others: and accompanying it cou'.d be sear, t v.: me of wait* em-ho ro lug arid surging abo-o the other ?moke,and bearing on it* rotiirg wav r- I'l.ick in;i 1? ?u.l fiaifuK.n ?, wliioh again!y dts^pitemed. What v, j* ii? The *m ke lifted Md re tM?l the ra ise. a wnll dirwtert sbril had ttrunK in tne nifiga.tin* if a rehel'iont. ca'i??ng nn Iriitantanvons e.rpkisiou of Uie ehrli, ti^gnxiM and boilers. The boat wait blown tn a.oms, tnd her crew pur'sheit with her. It was a fear'ul casualty, and one tlni i wrfl calculated t nwahM the oej-p' ; sympathy nod p;iy for the pn r Mt toi t'jnale* thus suddenly sent into "U-rrniy bitt'-tt i-t the f.rtune of war," and the <'ii go< * on. and men? < -nciion i* attornptod. vo iir cotnes nnotber distirgui habii* report, n . mi lie vy m the Or t, duller and i>w unlay appuontiy. Ti. tin ?? a ball ha? in the boilers of aauther f !a b>at and Mw pi -ion lias icaldcd and othcrwir-o w4>arid<.-! aaother whole?ew. But eee1 the host i..* rn f.?s W II no o'-.e r'?c-'o th" unhapjiy wret.he- ,iet ^ti ani lie ? Ontbeci r*rr, all mou (? avoid her( and no th' r?' ii as th a quick, loud report, tb?; alrna'iy e ipnietl v ?*. | flte* lute thou-ani.s of ir*g nis'it*. Il?- irt liad r?a. bed iior magaalno, and any at ioi .pt fisHva 1.1 r crew woul' not "nly bi've tx.ii i utia v i ii. b i wool have,*) a doub e l?'*s of Jlr? b? r; i :tn< i,i>ii away ; 11.?? b'nli>sof the htm li ? Ik MfW me Iiin ih -eel .*#>??, ri?*er; u# rn"' i. * ink from ivw,unJ tha U.iiti. OB Rep rt ? H"?tan? v.r? iiisi....hi. leaih an<t ce '* >?; k* ?-'?(! rth'-irricii hftrveftt*?nd tven forj^f th .r iini-'.I (ts ' u'li a.? Uiey?t n., iwn *>. \ 'ireii and kini-ni. n, pa ha; > ro m?:i. tho v i?tin ? m ' s? / i *ck ? r . Ksr ,jr Du nn- ti e It a ol iho wigigemenl ene u! tb i i1 ratna- *npt . t .? tue v --la-*-ngled ,.ut the ,*? \ .w a." i; r y. the i?ii r n .IrMnwt >? > t\ iio'icr ,o :. l,i .( ? i at- advciasry,hutcih.vo, . j t , ? it % ? te Ii t tboe to tl..i lim\t?r gut bonis, il -i ,? .w .. f?i gunti w?-re tl it is ? ' owns k.?,it n,i.,.Vn ti'?. ??!*' '?i-rfuf (!??" f-.'ir ?? w r'tns. Ine? ' > ? ?1. ??' < letting (. . her b m 'rM* of He , i- r ? , . . ii* h.Vr h' i <1. ri ;'IM ? h in ran,.' Mid ? ? i ,, t II.I- m?n ?' was isitupletud. A\> t?v* I .iue the rant ? i. ,.-j hlemt Miakflfc1' Inf to a ?Ii?ii-? to ntvel cr -. , f>,| Hu ? '? i.'t 'be o porttif ?v .1- ,0(1 I l ?i't . r i lii?'i.j of i'ev" on ib? m ft h> *%ork sh? i|> k the l a* ' lat:"y r ^1H tAiiushil , but wa doubtless much amazed, on withdraw in*, to find that she had sutTered mora damage herself than she had inflicted, lior nose was badly jammed, while the solid iron sides of tne Bon'on ehowe f no signs whatever of the assault. It was a signal discomfiture, rendored doubly annoying by tho reception of a round of grapushot from her antago nist that compelled her to get out of the way with the least poHMble delay. TUB MBEIa WITHDRAW. By this time It was apparent that the enemy must " withdraw quickly or be wholly destroyed. They had en terod the contest with live gunboats and ttiree rains? eight in all. 'lhreeof their gunboats wero totally de stroyed. The remaining two, as also the rams, were riddled through and through, and all appeared lobe lealing badly. On tho contrary, our boats, excepting the Cincinnati, appeared wholly uninjured, and we.-t> in c< ndition to continue the action all day if necessary. U.ider thes#circumstances tho rebels had uo alternative, and at twenty minutes past seveu?just one hour and twenty minute* after the <:oiun;~ueemeu t of the battle? the last of them disappeared around Craighead Point; the h?avy cannounding coa*fd; the smoke cleared away; ouj boats returned to their moorings, and the battle was ended. It will f -arcely be left to dispute in this instance whi- li >ide wvn the battle. The gallant Ilollh'.S will hardlv have the S'idaclty to claim a victory over our fleet ^however much he maybnastof having "pepperid" them. The Union cause has not met with a more glorious and complete triumph siuce the war commenced, i have uc uaia upon whn h to base even an estimate of the enemy's Io.=s;but It could not have been less than three huudred, and possibly much more than that num Mr. He*.ues, their whole fleet is destroyed. Thoee b'al8 which uere withdrawn were so badly damaged that unlets with extensive repairs they cannot again meet our Meet. We lost not u single man in the engagement. The four casualties mentioned above, as occurring on the Cincin nati.uompleta the lint of our wounded throughout the entireties. Within one hourafter tho close of thebattlo every bofttwaa m complete rea tines? to inert ai'iesh enemy of even double the strength of that van.plishod this morning. Indeed, it seems almost incrrdible that our bonis were not injured. Their e^ caj-o, under so ^.alliug a lire, is almost miraculous, and ad.!s :'rc.=h >es;un 'Dy to the efficiency anl superi <rity of lr'"i-clnd \?s^eis. 1 ?h:i!l not at tempt to bestow credit upon individuals in this let' ' r ib^n to mention Captain Ttevis, who lias ?sta* ,iuUiiion in thi? fleet, and, if 1 mis take not mout tho <o*intry, by his coolness, courage an I edi -ncy displayed in this action, that will last hiin longer thau a lifetime. And it would oo mani festly uiri^st uot to make particular mention ?Lti.'uin fc'toinbol,'or ihe Cincinnati, thin whoifi a brave; man nover trv>d a quarter-deck. HIe acti<"n this morning speaks for itself. 1 might easily e.\tend this list by iu ? lulling tin; cuumaude. s of ali 'he boat*, oa< h of w him discharged his duty without faltering; hut this would be u?rl< M. They are all brave men, and all entitled to flulit. I am cmp# led to .vrit* this letter hastily, an I withou t obtaining ; :!-tho particulars 1 would like, but Will promise the rest to morrow. Mispj-sht! Hivkk Fionu a, May 11,1SQ2. 1/iclJtn t of the tun'e. t?The Wounded?7hr. Hoiii>n:u ami Dtuhinj lirartry of tK', R'lvU?Tl" Drpnr urr of Commo doit t'oi'tr?Aj}'*riihQ Sccnrt, rfc. I wrote you a hurried account th? morning of th! fl^ht bet wean our tlMt and tin: of the rabels, which waa ci<r-e nnti -ever! Tor about three-quart!!-! of an hour. O ir boat! engaged wer? the Haghnat Ronton; Cincinnati! Captain Stembcl; Mound City, Captain Kilty; Carondalet, Cai'lain Walka; Plttuburg, Lieutenant,ling It. X. WcKtcfitt, and Cuira, Lieutenant Commanding dry ant?the three fui iner being most closely engaged. I will not repeat what I wrote this morning but ad<l sjcb incident! ?s e?' ftj>?'! my memory or were ltarn< d after my letter wan ,-eut. Arte" the Suniler had run into the Cincinnati ?he ran for the < arondelet, when the Oenton by ? bold move ran between Iknn. giving the ram the content! of tar for ward anl atarboard broadside batteries, amid the cheers ?' thet'aroiida'.era crcw. TlioSumter and the third ram theu paid their ittantlou to the flagship, li t so well waa she handled that they tivescd hitting 'ier, though coming within forty yaida of her at tiro**, and racetv iag the rontenta of her entire buttery, quo after g'in, tf they would bear The first ram which Rtrink the '"InciaoaM Ir auppoaed to have been tiit.-thled by the fire of the latter, aa Rhe immediately bncked down the river. <m? of the rams Ir Raid to be' the ocean ataamor Mexico, fo'B.erly run-iing out of Ne* Orlcane. Tta only persoua wounded on our side, no far .ia 1 can learn, .trie Captain r'teraba], Fourth Master Reynold* and two men? a.l of theCiP?inu'itl. The rebel aunltoa'R remained at a reapeetabla distant*, the igh. their rhell and ahot tiew a ound our fleet.. tiur mortar boat had opened lira upon Fort Wright be fore the appearance ot the rebel*, and a? tliey hove in Ri;tht !hc gave theui ieTeral "hell. I Lope it ,n nee llem t<- uy that "very man and officer in tbr Beet di 1 hi! duty, a- at Fort! Henry !?>ne!*f n and leland No. 10. Our mor t i boat re ei??l two Rhota from the rebel raniR, and v. a 2red upon by their ehai pihootere, but no one wan trjure.t, Kirrajrut, no doubt, t! proving them from below, and t ?y trust to be able to 'ieitroy our upver tiect.and eo pro'e' '"'up 'he river; but it takes two to luake a bar ? .t n, and < ti! pa. ty demur? at thia couiie, why, I dou't ? hink tb?y'!l do It Two of th?ir ramp were wonderfully well protected, <- Uei wthey tnuat hav! beeu sunk at once by tl.e h-a?y the of our II et, and they wer.j comnanded lik? %. ine by m n dnriii; and duelling It w.ii a luld move, varthr "f ? bettar rtum. The rams had (.'tire forward a?'-i .ft.' it e*jv..?.d, and ro man dure.I *how liltnielf to load or li-cha'ge them. Hy to morrow all oic giinbmiR v Hi be provided ? Ph iildit.tmal protecti'aii .jiaiiiFt the atta> >f .a:i,R. The nature ol' ttaao, however, t will n"t tr ?r.ti?n I ?.!<?. mention ir "Ir in <aver pa|? r.'- tua: iiollln! and Mc<r v luve ? t - Notv t) hfMi?, 'A c. Tin y.r.i 'ro? ?!><.'<!?, or '1 ' >tmat,?iH \?a? c tninan |i?>| i,y e||ll|n(9 lli^er, laf ? a l.< ti'- ?a it. ill the llOUed Mat' ! A.ivy. Ye ..u Cn?la!u C!iar:!/ lit try I uv.? arrlvoU to r.' li!Vc | a.'OC,?r F'? e. I it, "?'nii.y, In ooiut.iand of tin li ??. I omtn V I e I ot! I#!'I he- n ' otililed to lit li d i?>r pi t oral day , Mtt <tiU wnv very te?i>ir. Tta wouml in liii fi ot has *r?<>Uh an-! t?Ji v <>? inj'ii'i 1 ? ' i ul t- > -h Tbr eo njtr) b > ret a ,re r' lev t> .1 de!' i>.ter iv/Dg t!i?.i our ml" c iotiu.d if. a ..i I* i' tamfa.'t i?ra.v:rof all win lmre ? rved cn<S?' h'?r tttitli! may ?nt;e.i|iJ n ??v i and a ?: a i " :i n iv " \ 'ir' At M i"V. M. t. t'o1!!* I"" ia??.otlr on <!ie T..aiti1fN I; ?.v It - ' '? "" l''"' luc.l'U the new 1 teg '\"t . a ' a. " h i ** '' "* I' ?* 1 '? t.' in in i | < i lar.t i line i <v i; 'umi 1 *'y " 1" HtU?l in t. e#?i' h to in tl.e com ti. < '. <? d I !y ? > i t'i' , , t'o ? in f, i < i t y- t* ???rr Fo to ih -v j n f w r? n r* to his < r.i cr< "* . '?? ? n w I li ha v, , or ., lit, j to '> i e .tii rf V h" took hub v u '.5,..(i ? >.<t ? < h b:.i! I-vp i?.< i i. .'la ilie 'vr U?e ? conveying him to Cairo. On starting off he rose from the chair upon which he was seatod, on the uiner deck of t'.ie steamer, and said, "God bless you all. You arc a nol>ie set of officers and men, and I know you will be successful wherever you go." He was cheered by the Benton's crew, which was repeated by every gunboat as he passed on his way up the rirer. Mat 11, 1862. Jhe Strength of the Rebel Fleet?The Union Fleet Ajain Ready for Action?he Wan'ed, <fe. A reconnoUsance yesterday afternoon, discovered that the enemy's fleet was lying at Fulton, a few miles below Fort Wright, and consisted of onljr six vessels, including ? tug. This preves the report of two of them having been seen to sink by our people, and of three of them, at least, being disabled by our fleet, te have been eorrect. Our fleet is ready for another action and anxieus for it expecting to finish the business next time. Jeff. Thomp son is at Fulton, with his troop* on b( ard of transports, which are iron-eased. Ed. Montgomery it on board of one of their gunboats or rams. In spoaxing of this action, I must not forget the great usefulress of our steam tugs, which were over ready, in case of any disaster to our bouis, to render assistance. Tliey are invaluable to the squadron. The rebels must breakfast at a very unseasonable hour They are very nnfashioiiable, to pay us so early a rail and before we had breakfasted. The ship's cook (an old nian o'-war's ro*n) of one of the gunboats had just "served out tli? tea water" yesterday, when the beat to quarters spoiled his arrangements. This morning ho walked aft at seven o'clock, nni 1 heard him say, as ho looked at Craighead Point, "I v.wider if those rascals will make me serve out two tea waters this morning." The weather is very warm, and th -gunboats iron eased, wim very poor ventilation. The crews mustsoo.i suiter much unless ice is freely supplied to the ?!?? I. "Will not this cheap article soon l>u sent down to the gunboat squadronV' is a que.- u- :? fr*inently asked by the sufl'crcrs. Official Report of Captain Davli, Com mander of the Flotilla. W.tsiiiscTON, N iy 17, 1862. The following report from Ca?t. Davis, commanding the Mississippi flotilla, was recuived this morning at the Navy Department:? i V.ncn States Flau Sraxm Hsmtos,\ 0>f Fort Pillow, May 11,1862. / Hon. Gu'Bon WetiB?, Secretary of the N'avy:? I have tae honor to ini'orm the department that yes terday morning, a little after seven o'clock, the r< b 1 squadron, consisting of eight iron-clad steamers, four of tliem, 1 beliero, fitted with rams, cain^iround-the p >int 'at iho bend abovo Fort Pillow and stonncd gallantly up the river, fully prepared for a regular engagement. The vessels of this squadron were lying at the lime tied up to the bank of the river, three on the eastern aud four on tlie western Mda, aud, as they were transferred to mc by Flag Officer Foole, ready for action. Mo*t of the ve?-?i? were prompt In obeying the signals to follow the motions of tUe commauder-ln-i:hlcf. The le.-tdi.iy vessels of the rebel squadron made dire-tly for mortar beat No. lfl, tvhich was for a raomont unpro tected. Acting Mister Gregory and his crew behaved with great spirit during the action. He tired tils mortar eleven times M the enemy, reducing the cha'ge and diminish ing the elevation. Commander Stambe', in tho gunboat Cincinnati, which was the leading vessel in the line on that aid* of the river, followed immediately by Commands' Kilty, In tha gunboat Mound City, hastened to the suppr. of iho mor tir boat, and they wera repeatedly str dc by the enemy's rami, at the aame time that thay disabled tba enemy and drove hiin away. The two leading' vacsela in the middle of the enemy's lint were successfully encountered by this ship. Tha boiler or ateamchest of one c<r them exploded by our shot, and both of them ware dih.-bled. They, as well aa tha flr*t naval vessel encountered by tha Ci-cintnil, drilled ilown the river. Commander Walka Inf -rms me th it he llrad a fllty pound rifleshot th<ough tha boilers of the third of the enemy's gunboats, Ixdow tha water lino, and ran'lerad her for the time be ing helpless The action lasted during the better part of an hour, and look place al the closest q a tera. The enemy flual ly retreated with hnate below 1c xun? of Fort Pi'low. I have to call the special st .00 of the d?i*rfm?nt to the gnl'antry and goo I conduct exhibited by Com < id era Stembel and Kilty, and Lieutenant Comma' utigS, I,. Phelps. I reirret to sty 1 hat Commander Stembel, Fourth Maa tor Reynolds and one of tlieseimen of the Cincinnati, and one of ih > Mound City, wire severely wounde I. The other accidents of the day were slight. J have the honor to be, very res.Mct'ully, your obedi ent servant, C. II. DAVIS, Captain Commanding Mississippi Flotilla pro Um. Tl?? dnnboat Cint lnnstl Hslard. Cmcaoo, May IT, 1H62. A ?pe? iui despatch from Cu ro say*:?The gunboat Cincinnati ha* been got off the bottom of the river at Fort Wright. It was supposed that ?hc would leave for Cairo yeftorday, Itef>rl AefoanU of the Kngageincnti The M'-oiphis of the lldi contains a letter from a enrre--^indent who says that la the lato naval en. gay> m"nt the rMwl lose was eight killed and sixteen wo?iadol. Tin "demphw Airhuirhr T tbo lJJth inat. contains the ? Ihiit Pti.i.ow, May 12,1(62. We f.mgM the anemy with fur <1 our liyhieil boat.' or" Iri'ir "nd ti half We sunk onaguuboat and two trior tar 1 '?>*?-; u two killed and eiebt wounded' flnt of tlii' ??reiny i? ''sty heavy. an our sil ir,>.-biol<\ s l|:e *1 y 1 iwed ih* 1 d<?wn lie fo ight side by sldo Will' tho 'ferny. N'.t '>ne sh"t p.v *ed t'noifjh mir br>>.istw''i icx (??' ii|-p?r wei *S are i |d*!ind, b'H ri ?re ready to hull ?;?m. We wfl! ho ih'i 10 hold tb riv r. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. Married. Knur?Morris.?On Tuesday evening, May 13, at St. Francis Xavler's church, Sixteenth street; by the Kov. Father I)e I.tyres, Jon* J. K bi.ikv to Jroout M< TVriuht? ^hksman.?!n Williamsburg, on Thursday, May 16,by tlie Rev. Moses Manning, Mr. Abraham It. Wkihiit, Jr., of Liverpool. Kngland, to Dhija H. ,Sherman, of Stonington, Conn. English j.apors please copy. Died. Bntjii'iy.?On Friday, May 16, Mrs. Kxre Burlin.-on, wife of J<,hn Burlinson, in tlio asth year of her ago. The relatives and friouds of the family aro respectfully invited io attend the funeral, from the resilience of her husband, corner of Fortieth street a i l Third avenue, th.s (Sunday) afteri.o hull i a>-t one o'clcck. Urns.? On Saturday morning, May 17, Wjuiah IIknr, Br n s, o it I 86 years." The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend tho frneral service,at the io I lenccof his father, No. 194 Kast Hroadway, <>n Monday afternoon, at live o'clock. The rsmsins will be Uk'U thence on Tue-day morulas to Noiwul'; fur interment. Carmak.?At the b itt e < f Williamsburg, Virginia,on Tuesday, May C, Gson.'m (5. Carman, of the Thirty-eighth regiment or S'ew Yor k, aged 21 year?, sonef Bcuj .min H. Carman, of Brooklyn, h. I. Cixws.?At Dunkirk, N. V.,on Sunday, May 11, John Clicws, e dest son of the iate James Clews, "f the Ox Lea sows Hall, Hllderstone, Staffordshire, Kngland. Cfi.ix*.?In H oboken. ou Friday, May 16, Wiu.iam Cil jjtw, a native of l'ollockshavr, near Glasgow, Scotland, aged 3f> years and 3 dava. The friends and relative* of the family are respectfully requested to attend the funeral, from his iate residence, 207 Washington street, Hobo ken, on Monday afternoon, at three o'clock. Glasgow papt-rs please copy. Cook?'n Jersey City, on Friday, May 10, Cook , aged 73 veer*. The relatives and friends of the family are respcct f .1 v mvited to attend the funeral,from the South Sixth Street Methodist chu-ch, this (Sunday) afternoon, at three o'cock, w.itboiTt futther invitation. Fkrri-.?Ou Saturday morning, May 17, Gkorcr CukkoRIi, ) o> eon of Thomas T. and Helen 1'. Fori is, aged 10 tit' nth*. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend Ihc funeral this (Sunday) afternoon, at three o'clock, from No. it V.irick place. Fox.?The remains of M quaff. Fox are to be taken to Calvary CUtmlery this (.-unday) afternoon, at two o'clock, from tho residence of his brother, John Fox. '2' Monroe street. lh< ftiemls of the family, and of bis brothers. John and James Fox, are respectfully Invited t?> attend tho funeral. Fcwtxr.?On Friday, May 16. Jons Fosteh, fgel 35 yiars. Tho friends und acquaintances aro respectfu ly Ir.ritea to attend the fuueral, without further invitati'n, from the residence o his in law, lluuh Smyth. No. 13 Kidge street, this (Sunday > afternoon; at two o'clock. (icr.ciK.?On Thursday, May 15, Juan HrownCkskir, only da' ghter of Pol>ert and Agnes Ueeki'', uged 12 years. 1 m nth and 23 days. The t'moral tnkes plans this (Sunday) morning, nt nino o'clocK, fr'-rn her parents resi'tencc, 2"J4 Itoerum street, Brooklyn,F~ B. She will he intorre'. In Greenwood Ce nictery, beside Margaret Wilson Ucekie. I!?n'.s* ?!n Itrookiyn. !,. I.. !ny, May 10, Mrs. M <r.THA IfANKA, Hi the Kith ye-ii^HI i.?e. Hi" relullve" act fr ?''. Is of tl^Hrllv ?re respectfully luvitwl to attend the fi neral, (fflKthe reufdrace of iivr son-in-law, !>r. George V. Newcomb, No 149 Adel.ihi street, this (Suu iay) afternoon, at two o lock, without further invitation. Juhxson.?On Friday. May 10, of disease of the brain, John .!uh?h*, ag<'d 'M yuars and 10 darn. The fauna) wi'l take place from his fate residence. 4.r>4 I'carl etrei t, tliis (8'in lay) alternoon, at two o'clock. His friend? are rcapectrully invite I to attend. Ixiulsville (Ky.) and Boston ]>apci4 please copy. Karxs.?In Stephenson, Tenn., on Wodno?day, Febru ary 2<>, VAi.rjrrixK J. Karx*, in the 2Sth year of his a^e, son of Thomas Karns. of Yorkville. X. Y., from tnjurus received the aamo day cu the Xashvillo and Chattanooga JIiilroHd. Tho relatives ami friends of the family are respectfully Inr ted t' attend the funeral, this (Sunday) afternoon, at o . o'clock, from the church of j?t. lAwrence. The re in.i us will be interred in Calvary Cemetery. Ijtut.?On Friday, May 10, of dropsy and riis<a??of Iho hoert, Mr*. CMUi EutA iJUR, wile of Thomas 8. Lear, aged i. years. '1 ?e friends and rclntives of the family are respectfully tiivited to attend tho funeral, this (Sunday) afternoon. at hail'past one o'cl ick, from her Ute re nleueo, No. :iifl West Korty eighth street. Miliar.?On Friday ? veniog, May 19,|t (even o'clock, Miss >a*ah Catiikiiivk Mu, age I 19 y. amends month* The funeral will take place from tho residence of her mother, Mrs. Klira Cbspman, aw Ulrington aircet.this (Sunday) afternoon, at twon'ctock. 1 he relatives and friend* oi the fatally aro rospectfully Invited to attend. Hor remains wi'i he taken to Oroenno id. <>n Friday, May 1?. Patrick Jf. Mora*, ? na tive of the parish of I.usmsgh, Kings county, Ireland, la tho 2!M year of his age. the friends and acquaintances and tho members of C?npany C, Bixty-ninih r?gln:?nt, are rcflpectiuliy In vited to attend the funeral, from the re-nlnnco of his parents, No. 3SH tost Houston street, this (Suuday) af ternoon, at t.%o o'clock. Mario*.?ion Friday, May 10, DRiiMvnr, the beloved wi:e ot Maurlci Marks. Tb ? fi.neril will take place from her lute reildunc" 49 Wa-i Elghuo:,ih street, this (Sunday) afturnoon, at !? ill past one o'clock. Makk*.?0< *nr-lay, May 17, of scarlet fever. J.?rha N. da gl.tcr i f I'^er 11. an t Mary A.Marks.agii 3 yea s 10 in1 nth* sin' I a?. And \t Hiir, body cold in denth? Tl.-* fr. m 1 l?ved so well' Has Laura drawn hor late- t breath Ami ^oiie to heiven'to dwell? W tu 't atrtin in that bright world, Who i f" ? I from grief and i>*in, Oi'.r souls shall mingle evermore ?\ml ue er part again. Tlie retain"1* ami fr.on la el' the family are reaped ,i y invited to alt 'i d the funeral, without further ii.viuti'in, thi' (Mindny) afterri. ti, at two o'clock, Cr?-i;i th-i re;-i denoeuf her p u?iit?,fl4 Seventh avenue. ilia remains will he takaii to Greenwood lor luU rment. McO i i v ?At Wvetjvrt, ftwet county, New York, on Monday May VI. after a short lllne?s, Mrsian, relici <f William M. Met, aeen, of tho city of New York, aged 01 year#. Ml KKHNA.??Ahaii the l ei .\c I w Ife of Ml elw 1 >fcKetin?, aged 4" yeirs, naiive of the pari.'h of I. j t(?o'iniy Tyrone If' iai 1. Hie ir lends of tin' family, an I tl'f>s9"f hur brothers, ) re?!<:?? nid Pet' i Madey, ?r" i*"1 UCy Itr. Itcd to at li'i'd ih<! Vneml,from 'mi lai? resilience,B? NorthHixth itrn t, W..nain?lw'g. till* (Mi i. uy) niieii.oon, at hair vast two o'cMk. \|i a11 .'iv. "'i aM'.-t y. "uy IT. J,m:s M'.XiBiun. p.'i -jti Q artci itix-tor I > nrd tutes Ani.y, son oi thi |rtt? . -<.l n f. SI' I I'lbin. ? |, .-(.i.tivts n- if 4ii i" oi tb" faml'y are invited to attend t??? f tu? .?ilrom the Baptist i'aberui le (llev. Pr.lAh .(>), Second avenue,on Monday aftenoon.ef one n', witlio it further invi'atiou. , ? 'Ait ,i*.?Kilted,at. the battle "fWi lunivliurg,Virjjinia,. id mwi -ay. Way 5.orderly -ergeuatlimit ? u. H. KIN,of t iiupaiiyC.Sevontv so< nd regiment New York State Volunteers, Sick!;;iKaue. His renu'.Sa will be couvoyed to Greenwood Cemetery, fro'.;-, tne residenco of bin pa.-ente, No. 34!) West Thlity (U'th, (Sunday) aftern on. at two t/olook. Tt>? f; iends of the family are respectfully invlttrtl to attend with >ut further notice. "alvb -I o -auirday, May 17, Uamw B. I'a.nk.bou Of .1 Vh08 L. aud Christoene N. I'aiue, aged 3 months a, o , 4 The"relatives and friends of the family are respectfully iuvitud to attend tbe funeral, on Tuesday morning, at lu'f-past ton o'clock, from the residence of hi* grand. ;a her, Hanford Smith, 210 West Thirty fi .st street. The i\ nviius will hj taken to English N'eighbo. hood for in terment. ? _ P i bk in Syracuse, on Wednesday, May M,Ciu?i*iJ, I'm it. of be On? Hundred at.d First New Yt.rk hlato \ o luuteers, s>-n or the late John L. and l.liza 1'iper, aged 21 veais and A months. .. The friau'iK ?>r the family, th so of his grand fat hoi\ tho into C. J. Uayler, and tho members of Company o4 beventy litst r.jimcut Now York State Militia, are re quested to attend lhe funeral, this (Sunday) afternoon, at two o'clock,from the Stroug place Baptist Chuich, Bronk'yn. ayiacuse and Niagara papers pie secopy. t k ; r,,N._At Arroyo, Is'and if l'orto Kico, r>n Friday, Ami 18, I'Vahh* W. huts, Ksi.lato United States C- ui .it tlmt port, aged 49 years. I'll;,al lphU, Baltimore and Kaalern papers w ill please "l iuujra.-Killed, at the battle of Williamsburg, Jams* P. I i.nxiw, of Kuliway, N. J.,sergeaut of Company I,. Eighth New Jersey regiment, brother of Henry SS. Phil lip*.of t(|is city. I'luji k.?At the residence of his grandmother, 117th t:t e ?. Harlem. a;ter a sh.ivt and painful llli.oss, J >ki iKr> him I LUMKit,nephew ofCa(tain Joseph ie mans, r u si regiment N. Y. V., aged 4 \ cars and 3 months. How few hai a ua l a h luselwld pet, A rosebud scarce a flow>-r, Tho angel doatli camo not and took To bloom in heaven's bower. The remains were taken to Now York Hay Ccmotory lor interment. Kivki.i.?In Brooklyn, on Saturday, May 17, or con s' mution. Mrs. Juija Ann Rinkkl, wife of Michacl l.inkel, oftna punish of Karangne, county l>jngfar>' lrol.uul, agod 50 year6. . lie friends of tho frmily ae respectfully invited to attend the .funeral. Iro n the resi lence of her son in law, Daniel I ee:j'iu, corner of Boeruin and Hergen aircots at two o'clock, on M..u?lay afternoon. Vks Hr sr.?uu l'hurslay, May 15.CoRKr.LiA n. Vas Nt-V Hi Wire of .1. S. H ..lit * V.m Urunt. ?go.l 32 years. iter f ie idi and those of Hie faml.y are in,- .to I to attend tho funeral,from the residence of hor Irisbaud, at I jay Kilfie. U I. this (Simd ?y) afternoon, at three ?.'cloc:, without fun her iiivitaiion. r,na&.?xrm' jtllS CBlijjUAM BOUS. 4 "li;ilER' DECKl'lION.?SOLOMON SAVK THAT A "t ? ;.s lu.tain , ne.v i.n w the sun," sad we be :i - t-vei'Hincu the mi] arall'1. d sueeesn ol ltou\a. i ISi.'ers tne only a Kno % :ed((ed u.e iiclnul liuvrraKe, < '.1 I by Hie Krw.cli ati.i Ku nieulcal H'a In in the , ... mi.t .lie me.ikal faculty in oar own country usa*ure ml billons c i.nplalets, debMHy, diai rh" a ana. .n . s, there l.uve opnin/ Into . xi*tenee dozen . vi ltd * .l.iinliiK to lie re-ogn.zed i? '-hitters. ? ?"ine nu.i i-uii.s 'Arm. attd \?*y Bitters." nude out of . wniskey ;i:i.i ontfeniul waief; others compound tn?lf il*i! i. u.uis trom St. Croix nun, imported iiir.-et from some "i.I noit.ou" iu tlie moon; and other*, wllhgi'at t-1 utn, a . i- their t liter* eoiitain neither alcohol nor otber t ,, .ui ig material. Th ? eom iier.: id pub'.le l? aware that ti , ieiLM ol i-iandedine t.ruilet made, like I'et-'r i'.n .ar s lor Wile, are but ?purloin Imitations of the i I . I Fi ench CoBiiau Bit ers. p e|?^d in Kraneo bv Or. 1, til,11-. .1 i sold in America by t>. SfElNFIKI.O, sofe im P'.rtei and at! nt. at piln-jpf l .lepot. No. i'.i Ni'Hf'n ?tr>'-t, New Yor?. The genuine artieJe 'anf.^Tlli,yWlNo''{,itt,l."!2 nrnicr liia 'rule nark, ti'o.u II. C. 0AKLET..NO. I11 nrt row, ami .ill tho druseisin, groct rsaud liquor dcisleit in tnc UniU'it 8?aie? a??d Catiaoa. ; A BTIt IC1AL TEKTII?SOPEBIOB, ECONOMlOAfj? /\ any ->ty'e desired * 50 cent-. t<$- SO each, wairaet.'d etiual to any $1 0 e s. T, elh laithtillly tilled aUIi Hold. ii a ma. or c-i.uine tainle-s tooth-odor. <1 arllitlal boi*, ftO een a ^ I EMi-aetlng without i-ain?new aiid bnrmleiw I.roej Hft. Too'.hache In . ..nt!. rel ev d. B?(fth|l-died twenty \ ears. Prin?i| ui, ItM E.i-t atieet. New V^ik. Bi a Hell oil ice, S2 Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn. A I work wan- . e.i . |ml to ii .y done anywin re. A I.t.KVIATOll.?CUKNS CUBED FOR ONE OKNT A each, bv ukmiz Dr. BKIQUti' Corn and Bunion Al.evl at?r, n 1. w.'liurml. >s unu ?? r nln c .i>> lor corns buuions ealliiBitles. frosted and b i-tered r?t% Jlc. ; no ca'islie, no arid no - . i.: wa. iauied to produce restiltx satFfaelory and Mir P Mn -. Price i? and M ceut*. and $1 per ho*. Keni ''J i .ii eii.t of price and sil cent.-. 8 i?d by ?lrurg'St?. l it. J. BKIiitlS. Proprietor and practical Ohiropod St, Zl^ MltMslw>r, opyimltr ft. Paul's Church, New lp^k. g<Kum? ? TEis cwsv lmvmom 1,310 bids. Flour, st $C #0 per ltl u>.) Ham*, b s. elty Migar eurtd, at 7e. 10,U<>i Mioul. ers, eny cured, 6c. &.IKW boj e? C. e i-e, Sc. 1.00;) sits No. I Meckel el, (1 per hK. 1,000 tul>k laird, Sc. J.tfJO hoxca Soap, Sc. I,COO lH' A aniantlne Candles, 18C. 1,0-XI bo*e? Starch, pure, -l)ic. . - 20?,<**i r.?? stiver, raw aud ivi.ned, 7c., 8c., Bj^c., ?e. autl ue 1.000 packages llutler, ?!?. C"lle? I'reBh ground, 10-.. He., 16e.. 18c., #)?. an ' . T.ji* iro.ii 10 -. tipwardi O.wid Bla^-k and Mined, .si . a 7je I ,1.01 g*ll..n? Xew OrleaiiH Motassra, at 80e. |?|- g^l on. S/SMkbIIous Forio Rii o Molareec, 30e. l>er nallex 8,000gallon^ Syrup*, assorted. 300 lU ree - B:oe, Oe. Finest o d Brandies for medicinal purposes. Ami ad other kinds of DyUW- 2(0 Orren? i-h ?tivet. Occupies his own store, own* the D operiy. and ha* no reut to pay . Imports HOd I a; s ex. I.ndvely for easb?never imve note in hi* lite; ?up'.'rititriidi hi? own btisinciw from to fish teen bo.-rs every day the ye?r round: eon <e<iu. ntt^ no can und> r?ell any procer in Xew Vork. Give aim n ??! at 3G0 Oreeuwiek street, and 89 Murray *tr.*ct. O ? "is . .ll vcrcdir e. - Rheumatism and dropsv TlltJdE AI'KHCTEU BEAD T1IW. Masses. M tTA* A Co ? . , My wile having b.* ?n aiuffcrfr froi? dro ?y an for lit* U?i ?wvei? )ww, ?n?l baringtr.cdniany i-n.rt'-'?wi without o'??aining the JeniiOtl relief. I wnini la?t mdii vd to try tho On'vanhr niciolo^, and it afford* tue p'earu to niy that t! ev ii?vo hud the long deiired effect ?>? oii)M?g i?ar, and I ?a*ic gi- at t? eaunre In r comtn? n lUig them to the | u ) Br. Touts, irniJ- w HUNT, 62 Eau T.ilit. ve.ead siree'. Send or < all f> r a cir n!ar; o lie" ?? HimcWsJi. CMITH M BROTHKR'S NEW I0BK FAt-E "* anect. between Seventh aud hwhili arenu??. ?. Y ATlENTiON'.?VOUst ATTilNTlOM ^ cal ?d Vo ill.- o lo.v.n! ? ort!:lratoof Cu| ti?n Hnmri 8e?- uM .Scut? Lt ?? ti -hid (Tnirtv-^i-iith N. 5 V ? It g to tho ?eSca:y of L' Ho1" ilreoyh . J"*? 11,t'"r* a a i r v ntlv. and core of diseases the e . i,V cf o.r volants wt?? Wliile in V rKlnla t ruTen d ? from elarr'e. aatnl .ther MUIoiik om|>lalii.a liitl tent i . eamn II" I" ever' ra-e 1 lound a certain o irs in the uj* ,? Le V.ouv'a Fn-Iieh C>.k'?je Hitter., yitil-h I 'he rf t, Til, |. nd to nil Ie (he federal r ?v a* a so.'erelm W a a nM I -orders -Joint T. Hsanotl}, Captain - h rir , k r-,. -..ent N. V. 8. V." The . nly u '.uliie Cor..:. ? . tei-. re - .11 h- S H rF.I SMKI.D. . .le eicut and a, hht r.iin-Inatdni-o .No.70 Na *au s reel, aud If. < . Oakley, No. U rark ro v, N. w York, aut by all the dmsslst' and K'O rr? tnro'igboo'. the L nip"- ... ?T . ? C VYK VO0R MONEY. O TIIK I'E'M'I.E ri PROVISION COMPANY, A'2di0:<en H l"lw?n Wiiivii and Murray. Ne'l 20 Ireali r ? -s for !i9p., ft jmiind" of piim .-''.arth fnrlk, II noiii: !? ol lainily up lor $1. lOcent l?itllei< or IJIno for fly., lucent ol Tr.m parent Snap for Sc., rt rent y.ik. h V irl.' cnud do lor 2V., be t Fi'inllv Flonr for $7 a b.irr *1, ? li.ig; Hani* (V;.. ilo. Slitml lfi? 7c.. nhoW t Teii fioin 2.5 ?. to $1, Co f" 12*6 . to Mc. Eook nut fur a l'ede?ial hi?t? a'. the >ln?r Kith P. P. Co. lu r- d. In IK GREAT Blor.T?SKi CUEP BY LETT RIB PA . ?. nt ol tli* Pnit?1 tttatMETTAM i CO '* Ual ai o Rlc-tro Voltaic Belt* iiud *, ? p ?r(?"<ly ?afi>, ??n iulu and i?o?tly iui...?iiijMi?<i i- remedy for nil nervi u? nllVe'lo rhi-iiii iuImh, ilr?,eey, neuralgia, para I < ?!?, 'nit rheum, *cro futona rr ? |>t on*, Ac. Call or ?)??<] for it cli.ilar. Odlre 129 B. oadvay. HlOUTA**. .I'ARTRUH KinrfT RElItMRNr P1IENIX Bur _ cad". Knv York. May 17, ls#2?Regl m?rital order, No. 21.?The eehunl of liiflrnctioii, coiMlatlne of thi offleera of regiment, 111 Iti' 01 a-< ti-iul on M mdajr, I9t<i litat . :.t 71, o'tlni'k P. M. prai lu'ly, ai X'o. fi Centre *tr<>et. By nr.'nr 01 Co onel MATTJIKW MIKI'IIY. T. X.mxAHD, Acilng Adjutant. UIMT AND FOUND. IOST-ON THURSDAY, ISTlf fNST., IN FIFTH J, between Kerond rn.t Titlr! avenue*, 11,1.11 from Ii* mnijr. 111 Inidng $Sd). aod au mrntiin took. reward will b-ghen on li? rrl.ira to W. Hiciterl eru, No. 4 Fir*1 airwl. lu the bmeiucnt. TOHT?o\ TIC 1'R'OAY KVR.MM1 LAST, AT THE COI! J nerofT nth ateeet, and Hlxth avenue. t bluett mid'at Terrier Do?, having aleather collar A rrnnl or $6 ivlll lio pain on lil? remm to N". M Brevuor pla-w 1M?T "S fill K*DA1 . \-i RtTHI ION V JRRFKf J Ultji (Hrry tmai nr In t Mv coin* up C .rt'miilt ?trr; I 11.11I J'rna Iwa*', a iii 'iimta, di,u. '* ok, of nn value i.iimij not the owner. A IllH-rml reward mil by paid for It* ili*ilvi:ry ti? A., 61 Ulr.-ckfi i*iri i*t. LOST-Bi rWEKN H RtTR .'rRKr.T AND THE HOW*, erf, two 111 ii'??. ?a f.Hkm - IJI'O. Dnii^li. 1 > ,? I'u ilr.ift on Flu 4 S|..?pi.r, ol ll.ivrhill, 10 o.ilrrot E. l';tvi*n?u<!l A Co., uati'd H.iv 17, ISti2, at ?1fo. 3M0; al??? L IUUn '* dr?rt lilt f Af? r 4 I'lnd. t'l I.rd' i 1 11. |m $ , y h <*o , ?' ita.1 May 4. erne in nili, for $ tin. Thy I'm ti-r wilt in .itl'alnr reward! 4 by leaving thi timn with Nnl*ii, Kur il It * 1 n., J1 Mprnef utreri. 1 0.-T OR MISI,Aflh-?FIVE BOKt)H~$V,' Ijtl R.\i II, Nfis! 1j i 1, IS , Hi .'ud 18V t ilrd inongagi' of t'i 17;..????; ,.ni ami Pltl-b'i ? Rallnmd Conip?ny, with conpotin mt.ii I1-.1, I nlilnl't Mijrati'l lit Nnvemnor, pnynn'ti' of will Ii Im* ? !? ftojipe'l. A unliable ri>? h d ?ill ha p.iid ii>r rreor.-rr i.r >nl l ii n ! 1 h? S. Hm-h, S.'i Front direct. \A'i<;n I.OST ?LOST, ON FRI 0A V RVR>ilN<>. BE if twimi Thl' ???e ond and T. ' iny diit ?tiO^M, n itmul i, amalieil U >ld \Vn' ii, No. ,'?>i,4j.i; hita a oiAityti ci 1 lii'd lu dnfiii n la on tlir oiil'l ln. A a litn'ile rcttar.l wil'. h ? y'rvi^ lor It* return to Mi But 11 .h :0 T'vo ity-nr?.t #t. KXPUKSS^S. BURNH VMM FlIENllTllE KXPRR-8 AND PACK in: ? ?tnbll?iiiiiinl. ill West Ei?*?i-mIt > n" t Itiv-u .'ipd Si?i!i iivenni*. Iltiuwihnld fWiilitri b "la nt *1 t; I to ail p irta of he wor! !. Covered ?.1 Mil? fur remov ing ! ii. ultnie in Bi d fr >ni tin ? omitry, FortiKtu *? rrii, I ' VI'HK ? < FOR NKW ORIJBANH ?TIIR MOItl'.l* RX I't 1 1 ??, III ? u'l Hirer!, will ia ? lie parwila an.I n una* a. for1 1 li in . to by t' u ?'"4iiitf Rlftukatjmt, uiall 111 11 ?!:?>, M I> 22, Ht I O'n.o h P. M. CO A fy, / 10VI/. I aSow it '/(.UiiuiNO rai; Rl .vr q; ai,i.. 1 .,1 imlandWii ? ? sl< ? >?.Im .n $ 1 2 ? o 1 1 01, .nil . |-.. ,? it . it 11 e IVuin nHti', deli.fu ll I.; in. '1, tlya 1 Mi.ii l<-??!? ?' 0. iY00J) lAi'.i , 2.'if Wt-at Twent|?tBlfil ttrt:ot, ntarB tlnh uraaiia. A.