Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. ?? ~ ' ? -- -- " ~~? WHOLE NO. 9399. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1862.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE TWO CENTS. A For Otker Wants lei Bl|hth Page. _ SITUATIONS WANTEIV?FKMALKS. ^ ASITUATION WANTED-BT A RESPECTABLE OIRL an nurse to t*k-- rare of children, or M chambermaid; if a food sewer; bu no objection lo go to the conntry. But of etty reference. Apply at 98 Atlantic at, Brooklyn, for two A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A 8ITUA tlon in a small family to do general housework: no ob leotton to the country; best City reference. Gall at 193 West Hth it, top floor, between 8ih and 9th a vs. SITUATION WANTED-BT A RESPECTABLE WO man, to do house or chamberwork, or the taking car* of ?falidreo: the best of reference! given. Apply at 3047th av for two days. AN HONEST, INDUSTRIOUS GIRL, WHO CAN J\. speak German, French and English, tushes a situation ta a r<*?pcctable family. Address Mrs. Gei ding, 231 East IJlh St. A SITUATION WANTED-BT A FIRST OLASS LAUN dress, who perfectly understands he? business as to Wishing, Ironingand French fluting; would not object to as sist Wiyt chsm'ierwnrk; the best of city reference from h<-r last plait. C?n be teen st 119 fU*t 19th St., nesr 3d sv., in the war. ? ~ "A Young girl wants a situation as cham -Ol bcrtnald or laundreaa or to do general housework; no objection to go to the country; best 01 city references. Call X or address 103 East 19th at. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A SITU atlon as first rate cook, washer and ironer; has tne best of city references for Ave or six years. Call l or two days at 10516th St.. near 1st av. A YOUNG GERMAN WOMAN, OF RESPECTABLE family, who speaks English, Is desirous of llndimc a rise* as seamstress; is willing to make herself generally useful in a private lamily. Apply at 65 Forsyth si., third loor. A RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN WISHES A SITU ation In a private family, as eook and laundreaa; can ?ome well recommended. Call for two days at her present employer's. 39 W> st (7th st. AS COOK.-WANTED, A SITUATION, BY A FIRST A class cook, In a private family; perfectly understands cooking In all its branches; soups, game, jellies. Ice cieam and desserts of all kinds in the best manner. Bust city refe rence. Can be ae?n for two days at 113 West 37th St., near 7th av., In the store. A PROTESTANT GIRL WANTS A SITUATION AS nurse and seamstress, or chambermaid and waitress; beet city reference given. Call at 1,375 6th ave., near S4th st. A SITUATION WANTED?TO DO THE COOKING, washing and ironing, or general housework, for a ?mall family, having a litue girl thr. e years of age; would go for less wages; no objections to the country. tall uutll ??faced, at 183 Weal Houston St. ,iu the casement. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A COMPETENT YOUNO woman, as first class cook; understands all kin-is ot poultry, ?ame pastry, Ac. Best city reference from last place, 93 East 31st at., near 3d av., where she can be se-n. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS A SITL'ATION as cook, washer and ironer,|or to doigen -ral lion -ework, in a small private family. Good city erencc. Ca i be seen Mil engaged at 337 37tb at., between 8lh and 9th avs. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A SITUA tion in a private family to do general housework. Call at 84 Wyckoff street, first lloor, front room. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A COMPETENT YOUNO girl, as nurse and seamstress; haa been auc uslomed lo Ae care of young children; has no objection to the country fer the summer; has the best of city reference from her last ?lace. Call at or address Ul>? West Jitlt St., near 7th av., for two days. A SITUATION WANTED-AS LAUNDRESS AND TO ?A. assist In light chamberwork, by a young woman who haa been smpleyed as such in some of the drat families in this city, from whom she can furnish the beat ol reference. Can be seen at 117 Weal 16th st., between 0th and 7th avs. SITUATION WANTED-AS WET NURSE. A YOUNG mart-led woman, having Just lost her baby, wishes to take a ohild to wet nurse; references exchanged. Apply at MS East 38th St. SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE GER man girl, as cook, washer and ironer. Apply at 83 7th are., near 16th st. r MILLINERS.?A YOUNG GIRL WISHES A PLACE where she can learn the millinery business. Call at 33 Ofcrystle at., room IS, Mrs. Merhls. WASHING.?LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S WASHING and ironing done in a superior style at 114 East 35th St., between 3d and 3d avs., at Mrs. Chichester's. WANTED?BY A PROTESTANT YOUNO WOMAN, A situation as nurse and seamstress; no objection to go t> the country for the auutmer. Apply for two days at 396 7th av. WANTED?A SITUATION AS FIRST CLASS wsliresa; has lived two years in her last pla:e. Call flsr two days at IK) West 31st st. Best ol reference. WANTED?BY A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE WOMAN, a situation as chambermaid and .aundreas, or c.iam termaid and seamstress. Best ol city reference. No objec tion to go to the country. Can be seen for two days at 338 Sullivan street, between Bleecker and Amity, room 10. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A MIDDLE AGED woman, as cook or to do general housework in a plain family. Can come highly recommended. Can be seen far two days al 444 2d av. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A SITl'A tion us a good cook, washer and Ironer; no objection to go a short distance in the country. Best of refereuces given. Apply at 138 West 36th st., near 7th av. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT tin, a situation at seamstress; understands cutting and fitting ladles' and children's dresses; also all kinds of family sewing; can operate on Wheeler A Wilson s machine; woula like to go to Newport tor the summer. Call at 145 7th ave. WANTED-BY A MIDDLE AUED ENOLISII WOMAN, a situation as children's nurse, or to attend an inva lid; has no objections to travel or to live iu the country; is a good seamstress. Can be seen at her present omployer's, m West 43d St. WANTED?SITUATIONS, BY TWO RESPECTABLE gins; one as chambermaid and waitress, or would take care of children and do plain sewing; the other as ?hambermald and laundress, or would do plain cooking in a ?mail lamily. Can be seen at their present employer's, where they have lived eight years, 30u West 14th St. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE WO mun, as cook, washer and ironer; understands her business periectly In all Its branchoi; no objection to go in the country; me best city reierenca given. Can be seen for two days at 162 West 19th at., first floor, between 7th and Sth avs. W*7. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL, A situation to wuh and (run; tan cook; nest of reierenow froui her last place. Inquire at 176 Weal I3(li at. WANTED?A SITUATION. BIT AN HONEST, NEAT, tiuy girl, In a small private family; It a good ulalu ? ok. a good washer an<l Iraoer, and hai the very i->i or city references: haa no objections to go a abort disun-e iu tbe ?untry. Call at 7*7 Greenwich St., near Hammond. WANTED?BT A YOUNG GERMAN LADY. ? 81TUA lioo with a family going to Europe aa touipanion to ? lady or would be willing to Me oharge of children. Brit of reference can be given. Addreia Mlaa L. 0., 1(JU Easel si. NUKSB.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WITH A freeb breaai of milk, wiDUa situation aa wet nurae; haa no objection to tba country. Beat of city reicrem a. Oall at 30 Bleecker si. WANTED-BT A BE8PECTABLB TOUNO OIBL, A situation as child's nnrea and chambermaid, or would do gensiai bousewor* In a small family: Is a good oook and can waah anil iron; wuuld like to go to the country. Call at SOU Weat 3ttth ?i for two days, top Uoor. TXT" A NTED?A SITUATION, BT A RESPECTABLE ?? woman, aa lirat ciaas cook; one who thoroughly un derstands ber business; bast i lly reference Irom her last ?la e; no objection lo a private boarding houne or a short distauc. In tne country. Call at MB av. A, aecoud floor, front raom, near 17th at., for two days. WANTBD-A SITUATION AS COMPETENT COOK; understands ber business In all Its I ranches, and can where she Broadway. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE girl, aa Obambcruiald and wailreas. no objection to lake care of children and do light chambcrwurk; no objec tion lo go lo tbe country for the summer months. Can be aaaa at her last employcr'a. 38 Lalayette av., Brooklyn. If under?ian>is ner business in ail Its I ranches, and can give good city reference from her last employer, where she aan be seen lor two days, at 30 West 28th St., ncar.Broadwsy. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES. A^m SITUATIt N WANTED? BY A YOUNG MAN. IN A wholesale hardware houae; la thoroughly acquainted with the bualnesaj can tirrnlsb the vary best New York city referracas as to character, capability, Ac.; la a good penman, and haa a knowledge o( account*, has been In ihe employ of ft wail known hardware houae In this city, can command aoBte Western tgule. Adilreas Hardware, or apply lo the aaahier of the Herald olDoe. A^rn BOY. EIOHTBEN YEARS OF AOE. WANTS A aliuatlon to take e?re of horaes or work lu a garden; aan do both, (lood reference. Address Gordon, Herald ?Bice. AM SITUATION AS BARTENDER WANTBD-BY A re*pe<iaide young man, who la tharoughly acquainted with tbe bueineaa; no abjection to tba ooumry, goo.l city reference given. Address lor twa days, Fred, boi 140 He rald office SITUATION WANTBD-BY A SMART, ACTIVE LAD, 16 year* of age. as clerk for some navy ofUoer. Writes a vary good band. Addraaa J. 8., Madison aquare Post ofllee. fro MERCHANTS AND OTHERS.?A BOOKKEEPER X and correapondeni or experience and ability, lately re turned from the aeat of war, la dealrous or a position; wauld snake himself seaerally useful and be content with a mode rate salary. Beat of elty reference. Add re as Bookkeeper, Newtown (L. I.) Post oftoe. W- ANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN WHOTsWElZT AfV qualnted with the mercantile business in all Ita ?branches, aad not afraid to work, a altnatlon aa t>oo It keeper, ?ajesman or general Clerk la anr respectable business; or would take aa Interest In some kind of bustnea*. Haa a good credit, and a few hundred dollars In cash. Knows tbe Bullish and German language a, and refers to flrst clasa Louses, hla former empleyara. Address D, bos 1H9 Herald ?dice. AMTBD-BY A BOY, BETWEEN 16 AND 17 YEARS parents. ?luting terms, Ac. _ ANTED-A SITUATION AS COACHMAN, BY A RE spec table middle aged man; Is a good groom and under. WANTBD-BY A BUI, ME.iwtc.ri io anu 17 YKAKfl of age, a altuation la some auction, commlsaion or wholesale dry goods house; writes a fair hand snd resldea with his parents. Address B. J. boi 110 Herald office, w Meads hla business thoroughly. II** seven years reference YMm his last'employer. Apply lo Mr Lawrence, Broadway, r Canal si., coach repository. ~U/IIOLESALE OBO0ERY OR PROVISION TRADE - T" $20 will be given W Any one prostulng for Ilia adrer. #ser (a competent man)a" ^i?ustioti in ailUer ai Um above SITI7ATIOV8 WANTED?MALES. WHOLESALE GROCERY TRADE -WANTED, BT A compeieut mm, a situation in Lie above trade. Ad dress U. P., box 107 Herald office. WANTED?IN A FIRST CLASS WHOLKSALB OB retail grocery establishment, a situation by a man thoroughly conversant with all the details of the business, having been Id one of tbe largest Arm* In the city. Unques Unliable reference! given aa to capability and honesty. Wholesale grocer* preferred. Address K. U , 131 Eaat 14th at.. New York. <?1 rt -TFTB ADVERTISER WILL GIVE TEN ?PXls. dollari to any one who will g. t him a sl'uaticn aa poner. ah ipplng clerk, er in any other capacity. Wages not so much an object a! a permanent place. Address' box 1411 Williamsburg Poat office for one week. HELP WANTED?MAL.ES. B ? , .V-THE NATIONAL PRIZE Packet?The latest and best Prize Stationery Packet; contains more useful articles than anything ever so:d at the price. Pavs 150 per cent profit. Send tor circular, or call on HA.SKI.Va A CO., 3d Eeeknian street, N. "V. AGENTS ARE NOW MAKING $10 A DAT~ SELLING THE LARGEST PRIZE PACKAGE Eversold. Also the DIME PANPROSPOSIUII. . jfrqfllor Clr.-ular^ W. H. CA l'BLY A CO., 102 Nassau at. Agents wanted-male and female, OLD, M1UD1.E AGED AND YOUNG, IN CITIES, TOWNS AND TILLAGES, To r?>ake from $10 to $15 per day, by selling RICKARD'S PRIZE STATIONERY PACKAGES. The popularity of and the Increasing demand for these Packs ,? are tlie best evidences of their superiority over all oihera. They can't be equalled. Rend for it circular. S. C. RICHARDS A CO . 102 Nasanu street. A RESPECTABLE AMERICAN BOY, SIXTEEN YEARS oi age, is wanted as attendant upon a lady and peiule mau visiting Europe; best of refrences required. Address for two days Horn ulna, Herald office. A YOUNO MAN. IIAVINO A CAPITAL OP ABOUT Jv $40 in cash, can meet with a ^ood situation all the year round. requiring but ?ix boursper day of his time, at a fair salaiy. Address this day Capital, box 178 Herald office. OY WANTED?IN A BOOK STORE NEAR CANAL and Mercer sts ; must b? honest and reliable, active and neat, and live with hla parents; age 14 to 17; wage! mo derate. Address, with refereuce, Store, box US Herald office. CAUTION TO MAP AOENT8. In consequence of an inferior wood cut map being aold aa "Lloyd's" I have this d.iy reduced tbe price of my fine iteel plate Map of the Fifteen So ithern States to 25 cent!. There is no longer any excuse for agents selling a trashy map to the public. Send (1 for sample maps and iclrculara of all Lloyd's Military Mans used by the D -partment. 8. T. LLOYD, 164 Broadway. DBUG CLERK WANTED?IN A STORE IN BROOK lyn; a younif man from eighteen to twenty years of age, who can give lirst class ref renoe. Address, giving relereaoe, Druggist, Brooklyn Post ullioe. Drug clerk wantbd-immediately. call at 358 9th av., corner oi 32d st. FOR STEAMSHIP8, NAVY, MERCHANT AND WHALE, ships, for short and long voyages.?Wanted, landsmen, seamen, ordinary icamen, blacksmiths and boatiteerers, at 87 West St., corner Albany, up stairs, Nortli river. HENRY .JAMES.Agent. COACHMEN.?WANTED, A YOUNG SINGLE MAN care and driving of take charge of a gen tleman's horses and carriage; "must be a perfectly sober man and careful driver (Protestant), to go a snort distance in the country. Apply to Mr. Gillespie, 137 East Broadway, this morning. WANTED-A RESPECTABLE ENGLISHMAN OR Scotchman, who thoroughly understands gardening and can take care of a horse. Apply to Mr. Webb, at 40 Ex change place, room 24, top floor. TITANT ED?TWO YOUNO MEN, PROM 18 TO 23, OP TV good personal address, to learn a genteel, prollutble pro fession; must be able to support themselves for six months, and devote twelve hours per day. Address, stating axe, name, residence, and former occupation, Profitable, Broad way Post ofllce, TtTAITER WANTED?ALSO. A BOY TO ASSIST IN vr wilt linn; must have written recommendations. Apply to W. H. Waller, oonfectioner, 1,121 Broadway, corner of 19th st. fXTANTED?A BOT FOR THE BUTCHERING BUSI TT neas. one that understands something of the business. Apply at 21 Clinton market. WANTED?SIX MEN FOR STEAMERS, TWO CON duclors, two boys for trades, four girls to travel, three porters, two clerks for grocery stores, clsrk for a shipping office, two express driver*, two brukemen. Apply at No. 7 Chatham square. ? TO COACHMEN.?WANTED. A YOU who thoroughly understands the horses; must be perfectly competent to t w w WANTED-A SMART MAN TO CANVASS FOR AD veruseiuenta; two type setters, two boys who can wiitr. and an energetic yo ng man, of general business Sualiucations and genteei appearance. Address Economy, [crald office. ANTED?A YOUNG MAN, AS BOOKKEEPER IN A down town retail stationery b isinesa, who win in fluence some trade and with sou>? experience in toe lift*. A small salary and a liberal commission on saldk will be^akK to any one who possesses the above tualUcatlon!. Address In handwriting, Itatiug references. Stationer, Herald oillce WANTED-A BOY, IN A LAWYER'S OFFICE; HE must be a good writer, reside in this city with his parents, and not under 15 years of age. Salary $1 per week. Address, in hla own hmdwrlting, Zeno, Herald ollloe. ANTED-AN INVOICE CLERK; ALSO, A MAX who thoroughly under-iands snipping an J commission business. Apply at' 131 Kulton alreet, Merchants' Clerks' Registry OTice. Situations procured. No commission In advance. Reference to lirst clais buses, Established 186A TITANTED?A YOUNO MAN OF RESPECTABILITY, VV with *50, to learu the ambrotypeand photographic pro cess. Apply at Mr. Campbell's photographic rooms, Jersey City, from V till 4 o'cloet. ?Oft PER WEEK.?ALL MKN HAVING SMALL capital, and wishing to invest it in a reepectnble paying business, are requested to sail on or addreaa arils \ Co., 438 Broadway, N. Y. N. B.?Money refunded If not saUstird after trial. fli^ft TO $75.?WANTED, A SINGLE MAN ON A ?p?JU treleiit boat; wages $2) a month and i oard. Twenty times the amount of security given. Apply on board, loot of Fourteenth street, North river. <3? A ftft TO WOO.-AN ACTIVE MAN WITH THIS $^rUU amount for the World's Fair, $tit) a month aud expenses. Inquire at room 86 National Hotel, Corttandt street, from 11 till 4. liKLP W'.V.NTKLl?KK.H.Y L.KS. AT THE SERVANTS' INSTITUTE. 149 grandest?, Flr*t cla?* American, Freuch, English, I rub aim Uer Dun Servant*. protestants AND CATHOLICS. Profeaaed I'uoka, (.lain took.,', girls lor hou*cwork, cham bermaid* . Inundrr* ???, w*Ure??e?, coachmeu, vaier**. porter*. farm hands, Ac., for city or country A LADY, ABOUT returning TO ENGLAND, WISHES to ongsge a young person us nunc, to MiK her on ino voyage an l tike charge of two young children; one not sub ject t" *ea slcknsas la desired. Call at Hlacklo A Co.'a, 107 FulUiu at, N. *, AT THE LAROE SERVANTS' INSTITUTE-APPLY for good, civil capable aervanta, corner or 11th at. aud 6th av. German, Soofah, Irlah, American and Prou-alant women, to anit all. Cond'ictad by Mra. FLOYD. Good place* always ready for good girl*. Dressmakers wanted-four or five good Uressmakors wanted, at No. M Uleeckar atrvet; none but good handa need apply. Girls wanted-to work on orover a ba ker's newlng machine*; only good operator* wanted. Apply, iwtween 12 and 1 o'clock, at tne Corn Exchange Bag Manufactory, 123 Broad at.. New York. LADIKS wanted.-ladibs of respectability enorgy and buainoa tact, can (Ind permanent and Sucra. tlvo employment by nailing imtween 8 and 10 A. M. or 4 and 6 P. M Person* reatdingln town* or ctttea within ISO mile* of New York, aid rem* by mall, American Pubiiabiog Agency, 14 Chamber* itreat. Servants wanted in brooklyn.-wb would recommend *1111r?l cla*s servant* In Brooklyn wanting ?itnailon*, to go to Mr. MANNING S elogant oflln*. IS Court street, rorner of Jorar-mon lie alwaya haa had the beat fatnliiea to pati <>al/a kirn, and haa mure alnce he lelt Tlllary street than er*r. Y*7ANTrt>-IN A SMALL PRIYATB FAMILY, A TV aleady Proiostant woman aa uurxo and Mamatreaa and to a?al?t In thechamberwork; the mn*t bo fully competent, aocustuuied to children, ehoerful and obliging and able to Sreduce the heotolty references None other* need apply at lo. 2 Sea View place, llndaon at , Hutioken. WANTED-A GIRL, american OR GERMAN, TO take care or children and make hereon generally useful, alao another aa ahainbermald and to aaiilat with tho wa?hlngand Ironing; wage* iroiuSl to Jrt. Reference* re quired. Inquire for two lay* at 77 Chrltiophar *t? from 9 to 12 o'clock. WANTED?A KURSK and CHAMBERMAID. GOOD reference* required; a Protestant preferred. Inquire at 17 Toinpkln* plnoe, Brooklyn. WANTED-A respectable WOMAN, TO WET nureeababo at ber owa residence; ono having lo*t hor owu child preferred. Call at 115 Eaat 11th *t., top door. WANTED?two good GIRLS, TO DO the WORK of aiinall private larally. Apply, witb cliy reference, at 19 Irving placo. TirAIlTEU-two good dressmakers ?APPLY AT ?? jlcraaky M. WANTED-A OERMAN WOMAN, TO cook, WASH ?nd lr?n and do tho general liou**work of a small private family, must be well recommended, aa<l willing to Bvlth the family tot ho Oountry If required Apply at 44 > S*ib St., tot two day*. WANTED-A NEAT, TIDY YOUNO protbstant girl, to do light chamborwork aud take care of two children and to make her-tell u*efnl. Wage* $1 KeOrenooo required. Apply at 156 West ISth *1. ba??ont door, WANTBD-A WET NURSB, POR A CHILD TBN muniiisold. Apply at Wrt 4th av. THB TRAPKig. ^ AM AMBB'lTYPIST'S SITUATION WANTED-HAS taken photograph*; or would aocept a retpeciable aitua tlon of any kind In city or oounlry; wrltoa well and quick at figure*; lirat cUia* reference. Addreaa Vandlne, Herald oilee. LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTERS.?TWO GOOD ONES wanted hy Slierman A Hart, 99 Pulton St. WANrED-A PERSON WHO THOROUGHLY UN dcretand* the mlilng and grinding of white leud, (Inc. colors, Ac.; tnacompstenl per*on good Inducement* would beoflored. Addre** conlidciitally, B A Co., Herald offl e. ' Ut^*r WmU Pmge. OUR POSITION AT CORINTH. The Strategy of Oen. Halleck which Caused the Evacuation of the Bebel Stronghold at the Southwest. The country along the line or march of General Halleck's army Is alternate ridge and swamp, and almost impas sable for artillery. The swamp on the Seven Mile creek Is two hundred reet deep and impa*??ble on foot. The country Is on* dense forest from Pittsburg Landing to Corinth, and almost entirely uninhabited. BEFEBENCXS. 1, a, 3, 4?Pope's army. 5, 0, T, 8?Buell'a army. RBW PUBLICATIONS. VTEff BOOK ON PHTSIOLOOV.?THI8 WORK OF H. Bo?twlck's, on the effects of Indiscretions of yoath, giving advice to tho*e about to marry, is used la all the asylum*, and it consulted by the most distinguished physi cians, and the Boston Sargical Journal says it Is the most useful work of the kind to Be had. Price $1. Mailed by E. Warner, No. 1 Vesey street: at Uodfrey's, <81 Broadway, and by Dr. B., at hi* rooms, 35 Twelfth street, alx doors west of Broadway, where Dr. B. may be consulted from 8 A. M. until 8 P. M., oonttdentially. _ "rrHB BIBLE EXPOSED."?BY ERASMUS. JUST X published, In one \Oiume, octavo. 358 pa^es. Price 418. Seut by mail (postage free) by CALVIN BlZtNCHARD, 30 Ann street. New York. The marriage ouide, or natural history op Generation?A prlvata instructor for married persons, or those about to marry, both male and female, by Frederick I Hollick, M. D., author and lecturer upon the PliysloloKy and ! 1).senses of the Generative Orgaus, with numerous eu jrav lnit* and colored plates; 200th edition, much enlarged and impioved, and brought down to the present day. Price *1. Kent by mail, postage paid, ou receipt of the price. T. W. STRONG, publisher, 98 Nassau street, N. Y. For sale by all booksellers and newsuealer* in the United Slates and Canadas. Also four other works by the same author. Send fur a catalogue. The ouly correct works of the kind pub "H*ffM>*Me<n?ai Journafcv-Vr'ilWMMr oa<w is an Broad- - way. Hours 10 till 2 daily, except Sundays. Box :i i do Post o [ire. Special attention only to those peculiar cases de scribed In his well known boukaand lectures. MISCELLANEOUS. Ask yoi r shoemaker if he buys arthur a Son a' Upp<*re. if ?<"> you the tineit Boot, Siio* or i Gaiter Paris can pr .duces* regar Is the uppers, the uppers. M. ARTHUR a SON. ?9Go d stroct, N. Y. FLAOS OF BEST ENGLISH BUNTING, REGIMENTAL Milk K1*k? Spear llrmK. Eagles, Stall's, Bills, Orna ment*, Silk *n.l Muslin Toy Klaus nil size*, on hand and for sale by IIOJhR Sl GItAHAM Artists anil Manufacturers, 97 Duane street. Painting and Embroidering on Silk, Fancy F.ags aud Banners, Ac. GOLRAUDI OF THY NAME I LOVE THE SOUND. And thy Poudres I forget can never. For the hair from my lip and temples round Hare departed?to grow no more for ever. Uourau.l's Pontile DaMlle, ior eradicating superfluous hair from females' upper lips, moles, low foreheads, or the more stubborn bear.l M ttinn. Always tested before buying. Proof positive this, uu<l no mls.ake. SI per bottle. Found at the old depot, 67 W.ilker street, to be removed to 453 Broadway. IMPORTANT.-TO PHOTHOORAPHERS, AMHRO typ.sts and da*uerreotypist?. Meade Urotliers' celebrated half size Cameras, equal to any. MEADE HROTIIEKS, 213 Hroadwav, have ou band a taw of then Cameras, w hich they will w-Hsrant, and sell at less than half price. MR8. E. MORRIS, LETTER AND CARD WRITER, Copyist, Ac., at her to mi, 7JJ Broadway, second tloor, back parlor. N. B?To which she hna adUe I shirt making alter tue most approved imported styles; patterns furnished Marble mantels.?mantels sold at aston. ishingly iow prices at KLABER'S Marble Yards, 10) East Eighteenth Strict, ne.irTiiird avenue, and M First ave nue. near Third street, N. Y. Mantels put up tnany part of the oountry. SAVE YOUR CARPETS. l an a States Steam Carpet Cleaning Company take, up, bent, brush, scour ?n.l replace enrpetx, ami return them saiue day. 3*4 and 344 West Twenty-fourth street. SADDLERY AND HARNESS MAKERS.?WELMNO'S patent compressed ivory Martlngaie Kings, superior to Ivory, and at redi.oed pr.oes; tor sale at sign of Golden Ele phant. 207 Centre street. mo IMPORTERS OF MUSKEGS?1S.U00 TO 30,0110 X Prussian or Austrian Muskets, rilled and smooth bore, wsnied; principals only treated with. Address II., box 1,XU Post ofllos. rpo BUTCHERS.?THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES X paid in canh, on delivery, for Slaughieted Hides. Calf Skins and Rough Fat by PETER VAN 1DERSTINE, Jr., M0,482 and 444 Tenth avenue, between Tlilrty-nintti and Fortieth streets. N. B ?Good aocommodatlnns for slaugh tering beef cattle attached to the premises. Slaughter House aoaommodattona furnished free. UNCLE FAYETTES MAGIC LINIMENT FOR KI1EU matlsm Is working wonder*. Call at IK) Fulion street. PrlMrJS cent* per bottle. Plenty of certlilcatea to be seen. To the poor without coat. _ ; . SPORTING. A. NNU AL REGATTA NEW YORK YACHT CLUB, 1882 ? JUlYc yacht Undine will attsimpauy the Regatta, ou Thurs My, 0th Inst., and start from Atlantic Garden, llobokcn, at 10o'clock. Tiskets $1, a limited number of which will be taxied. Apply to Msrtln England, .'>3 Beaver street; A. H. Saving.laf Gold, corner Frankfort street, or A. G. Jaruuia, Jr.. ttfEichsnge place. Annual regatta of the new york yacht Club, 1H42.?The steamboat R. L. MAHEY. pro vided by the Club for the use ol' the Regatta Committee and tha Presa, will leave the foot of Morton street on Thursday, June 3, at fifteen minute* past ten A. M. Tickets, one dollar?a limited number of which will be issued. Apply to CHAS. II. HasWELL, No. 8 Bowling Green, or on board on the morning of the Regatta. Annual reoatta of the new york yacht Club ?The schooner Margaret Malbee, Captain Sam Long, will leave tha pier loot of Chilatopher street, on Tliuisdaj morning, at 10)4 o'clock, to accompany the regatta Tickets BO cents, chowder ineluded. Francis butler, no. 3 peck slip, has all the choice Breeds for stock and sale. Butler'* Infallible Mange Cure and Flea Kutnrinlnator, SO cents per bot'la. Butler'* "Breeding, Training, Diseases, Ac., of I lag*," ft. Dogs I oarded, trained, Ac. Medicines for all diseases. For sale-the schooner yacht juliet' nearly MO tons burthen, four year* old, taat, staunch, and In good order; dmws 8 leat water without bet centra board. Apply to II. R. I.E ROY, 48 William street. For hale-a light seventeen foot boat, varnished, pulling Wngle pair of a<'ull*, red cedar back board, sest snd breoes; name carved In backboard and gilt: bottom covered with Bru*ael* carpet, Ac. Ail .Iras* B. Defoe, 24 .lohn atreot. TjIOR SALE?A FIRST CLASS SAILBOAT, 18 BY 7* feel. Inquire of JOHN P. CROSBY, Mo. 1 Hanover stre't. g~VT BERNARD DOO FOR SALE?A SPLENDID SPF ) cimen. two yesrs old, pure breed, Apply to Thomas, ou Thureday, at 20 Piatt (treet, where the dag cm be seen. Yacht monitor for sale-at a bargain, she I* 18 tons, and ha* been flnl*hed bnt a snort time; fast and *af?. From change of cireain*tanc< * of owner, ihe will be sold at a great reduetl?n on her eo*t. To b* seen for a few day* at Ingerso.l's Fancy Boat Baroar, 211 and 244 South street. A large assortment of all kind* of Plsssnr* Boat* on hand, for ssle cheap. YACHT GERTRUDE FOR sale-ninety tons, in perfect order, very full Inventory; new lie* at Tuoker's dock. Red Hook, Brooklyn. Will ba sold vary low. Apply to II W.UItAY. 71 South street. YACHT FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN. A SCHOONER Yacht, 4t feet long. 18 feet beam, drawing 3 feet M Inche* water; a flrst ela*s boat In every respect, with font-* ture complete; will be sold at a sacrifice, Apply at No. 38 lulWB stmt. Brooklyn. 9, 10,11, is?Thomu' army. 13, 14?McClernand'i army. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. W"anted?TWO PARTNERS, WITH $30,000, TO MANU facture expansion riHe? and rice machinery. A Dla rama of Ave thousand moving figure* fur (ale cheap, for ra<h. Inlorinatlon given six evening*, from half-paataix to a quarter pan seven, at 104 Leonard street, room 11. <? ?A PRACTICAL BUSINESS MAN WOULD employ this amount and his services in aome prowable cash business, permanent and respectable; Kill eventually control inure capital. Addreaa Merchant, box 177 Herald olDce. (jip^nn ~a pirst CLASS BUSINESS OPENING FOR li'ljxjyj. employment of this amount cau be secured by applying to DAVU 4 CO., 146 Bowery. References given an 1 required. 417 ao ?A PARTNER WANTED, TO JOIN THE AD ?p i uv/. vertiaerin a highly prolltable business already Marled, that will pay a handaoine profit. Also large army contra* la can b? ootaincd. For particular* apply at No. 19a Broadway, in the basement. 411" knn~A PARTNER WANTED.?HAVING 8E ij)x?ouu cured a patent to. an article now in great de m iud, and lor wliicb ready mon v ia paid, I wlai to meet a partner with the above auin, to join me in carrying it oat ia^ffull>' than 1 an ablo to do mvself. It ia not evpenslve tbtnanufa ture. hot rs rimpfekmid baauul'ul. _Vupiy to or addreea ALFRED CtlaMBERLAIN, Dekalb avenue and Ryeraun street, Brooklyn. No aijen. need apply. <?9 nnn ~K PARTNER WANTED in an EXCEL ijp^i.uuu. lent established hwlneas, now paying large SroUtx. Non>! hut thoae with good rorerenre*, moral h.ibita, c. full particular* by Inquiring at the Inatltute, corner Eleventh atreet and Sixth avenue. HOUSES, ROOMS, ?C? WANTED. Ayoing lady of respectability, who has become re .need in circumstance*, is desirous or obtain ing two uulurnlshed Koouia?one auiail, the other of good ilw. Must be in a good neighborhood. Tenant permanent an 1 rrllabe. Address for two days, Teacher, station D. l1 m'.NIsllED ROOM WASTED-BT A SINGLE GEN a1 tlenian, with ample closet room, and all well rurniat.ed for comfort. In a French family or where people are not In quisitive. Terms must be mo lerat* and stated or no notiio taken; pavable weekly in advance if required. Address A. B. W . station D. PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE WANTED.?TWO FURNISHED Rooms, adjoining; one mav be small. Any good lo cality in the city. AudresaA. Sherwood, M. D., station D, New York. oew1no MACHINES-WANTED. ONE HUNDRED k? lock stitch machines anil oporators for light tenia. Ap ply at 1113 Fulton ai. or 66 Murray. WANTED?TWO SECOND HAND WHEELER a WIL sou Sowing Machines. in good order. Addreas, stating price and where to be seen, R. H. T , box 110 Herald office. WANTED-rooms FOR A DENTAL OFFICE, OR one Room, with privilege of receiving pathnla in par lor; loeation between Bond aud Tweuty-lourlh streets, near Broadway preferred. Address Dentist, Herald oOice. WANTED TO HIRE?FOR A FEW DAYS, A COUPLE ol' Fenita, to hunt rata. Address box i,*41 Post oO e. WANTED so BUY-A OOOD DRUG STORE IN TUB upper part of tbo city. Those having a sood Drug Store, wishing to sell, will audrea*, stating terms, Btu, Drugs, box im Herald otHce. STEAMBOATS. FOR BRIDGEPORT.-TUB STEAMER BRIDGEPORT will leave from pier 20 East river, daily at 12 o'clock noon (Sundays excepted). Freight taken. Arrives in time to connect with the llouaatoulc. Naugatuck, New Haven and Harttord railroads; aiao the Shore Line to Sa% brook and New London. GEO. W. corlles, Agent. NORWICH LINE-FOR BOSTON. NEW LONDON. Norwich ami Worcester.?The splendid steamers CITY OF BOSTON and CITY OF NEW YORK leave every day (Sundata excepted), at 6 o'clock, from toot of Vestry street, pier 39 Sorth river. E & MARTIN, Agent. STEAMER THOB. B. HUL8ER WILL lbavb UNTIL o further notice as follows;?From Fort Lee. 7x A.M., 12 M and 3u and ? P. m.; from foot of Hpriua street, 10 A. M and 2, 6 and 7 P. M. Sundays?From Fort Lee, 7h A. M. 12 M- and 4 and 6)4 P. M.; from foot Spring str. et.J10 A. M., 6 2 and 7>f P. M. Landing at Twentieth and Thirtieth ste, on the 10 and 2 o'clock up tripe, and ? o'cltok down trip, every <!ay, Sun.lay inclusive. TWO TRIPS PER DAY TO keyport.?THE STEAM boat key PORT will leave New York, foot of Robin son atreet, dally (Sundays excepted), at 4 o'uiock A. M. and 4 P. M. and ke; port at 7 A. M. and 7 P. M. The 7 o'clock P. M. trip from Key port will be omitted on Saturdays. THE STEAMBOAT DANIEL DREW WILL RB8UMB her regular trlpa for Albany, making the Intermediate landitiga. a* per bill, commenting Saturday, June 7, from Jay atreet pier at 7 A. M. DENTISTRY. Artificial teeth-dr. durkin continues to eitra t teeth in two seconds without pain. No extra charge for temporary aeta or extracting. I have procured chemioaally pure ether and chloroform, which I adminis ter with aalety. Dr. DURKIN, No. 373 Canal atreet, near Laurens Art1pical TEETH ?N a NEW BASE. LIOHT AND perfect as the natural organs, and warranted for lite, at prlroa to auit all. Alao, teeth tilled or extracted without pain, at Dr. BLABBNBY'S old eaubliahod rooms, u Sixth avenue. MEDICAL. Dr. r. oobbbtt, member of the new yore University (Medical College) and College or Surgeona, London, can be consultnd as usual at 20 (Vnlre street, be tween Chambers and Reade. A practice of 33 years, three ol which have been In hospitals, eutlUea him to confidence. n. b ? See dr C.'s diploma. In his odice. Private entrance at No # City Hall plaoe. Hundays from 10>f a M. to i2k P m. ?pvr, CHARLES LUTZB. OBSTETRIC physician and U operating aurgeon, wlahea the lad i "a to dlatiiictly un d- ratand thai he haa no rival In this cuy In ireatlnfl all dia ea?eaof women and chlhlieu < ?u be consulted In cond denc at his private rooms, 614). Broadway, N. Y. At home from 10 A. M. to l? P. m. Doctor hunter himsblp-thr physician who established tne Hunterlan Dispensary. No. 3 Divi sion street. New York city, In 1834, can be consulted from 8 A. M., until ten o'clock at night, at tbo old office. A private entrance. Book ror nothing. DR. WARD, AN EXPERIENCED AND SUCCESSFUL practitioner, thoroughly conversant in treating dis ea??s. can be consulted at 12 Lalght streiO, near ('anal ; the only place. A private entrance. Oonaultation Tree. Always atteuds. Dk. POWERS TREATS ALL DISEASES of FEMALES with unparalleled succesa. He < an be consulted at 12 Lalght street, dining all hours, day and evening. "PROFESSOR RESTELL. 162 CHAMBERS STREET, CAN jt be conaulted aa usual. Agents, 127x lin-rty street, N. Y. In Brooklyn, I7A Fulton street. REMOVAL-dr RALPH'S OFFICE TO l?4 hleet'KBR st?i?(, waat ol brwawaf.1 uouu u u? 2 aud u till v. THE EVACUATION OF CORINTH. Interesting Additional Details from Our Correspondents. HOW IT WAS ACCOMPLISHED. BEAUREGARD OUTGENERAL LED. HAILECK'S TARDINESS EXPLAINED. HIS JUDGMENT VINDICATED. FOUR DAYS OF SEVERE SKIRMISHING. Beauregard Tries to Bring on a Genera] Engagement, but is Thwarted. SPLENDID ARTILLERY PRACTICE. JOY OF OUR TROOPS. WHAT WE HAVE GAINED VHB &BBEL LOSSES. SCENES AND INCIDENTS, *?.? fcc.i lie. THE SIEGE OF CORINTH. In tbm AdvAltai, rovu Milkd from Corinth, Mist., Central Halleck's Preparation?Cautious Advances? Picket Shooltng?Taking Positions?Sharpshouters En gaged?How the Army Mooes to the Ri? ht? What Is to Bt Accomplished by It?Scarcity of Water?Sickness in Camp?A Battle in Hurlbul's Division?General Nelson Has an Artillery Duel?What the Deserters Say, <tc., tfc. The great conflict so ardently looked forward to with dread and anxiety by oar friends at born* haa been in definitely deferred; and iustead of attacking General Beauregard in bis intrenchments General Iiallcck has proceeded to invest tbe rebel position, and intends to approach it by regular and slow advances. Do not un derstand me that the investment is complete, or ever likoly to be. With the force at his disposal Beauregard can defy any such attempt on Halleck's part. Corinth is distant four milos from our works, two hun dred yards to the rear of which 1 writ* this; but their principal dofence is but three miles. One mile to the northeast of Corinth is an immense swamp?immense in eztont of area,and the word ??immense" will serve is an expressive adjective to designate its reported depth of mud. Behind this swamp rises a hill, or range of hills, which half encircles the town of Corinth, and en these the works of the rebels have been erected. It is supposed they were built under the saperviston of Gen. Peter G. T. Beauregard; and we have the authority of his renown as an engineer for the general supposition that they are strong and admirably planned fortifica tions. The whole line is connected, half encircling the city, as a half moen, with the herns to the south, and embellished with divers and sundry bastions.demilune, lunette and various other styles of forts. The swamp Is a natural ditch, whose paecafe will give a storming party considerable trouble. OlMlil, RILLBCK'S LINK OF IJfVKHr.MBHT. The works which General Matlock has thrown up in front of those of the rebels have arrived at no conclu sion, unless like that we wot of in the play and which is described as 'most lame and impotent;" but I imagine he did not intend them as permanent works and intends to desert them at an early day, by advancing and again intrenching. On the left Genetal Pope has made none at all. central Buell in the centre has built rifle pits and a few itmilunes for the purpose of obtaining an enfllad ,ng Are. In Gen. Thomas' <;orps there are some beautiful works, of superior strength nnd workmanship, but the re mark is net general to all the works of the corps. Port Royal Sborman, whom it was supposed by bis seven milu inirencbment knowledge and several weeks experience in the sovereign State of South Carolina, had finished his education In the line ef Held fortiflcatlans, but he ap pears to have more confidence in his brigadiers than in himself, and I am told that be actually required the com manders of brigades in bis division to sign a document requiring them ta supervise the making as well as plan ciug of the works In their front, and hoi>1 lag them re sponsible for the same. As a consequence his Has is badly intrenched beoause the different brigadiers worked on their own hook, ss they say here in the West. Gen. Robert MoCook got to work first, and planned and built his works to suit his own front. General Pry. on his right, had to arrange bis works to suit those of McCook, and General gchoepff had to accommodate himself to tbe two and not to the ground. I stopped a moment near Schoe;jff this morning, and found he had encamped beyond his intrench menls. I have intimated, previous to the digression ?f tbe last few sen tence^, that probably the works are to be advanced shortly. In the front of General Buell. and en tbe main Corinth road?let the reader In bis mind em phasise the name, sad remember that It applies to a road which Is a tangent from Pittsburg Landing to Corleth there is a range of hills which have been called Driver' hills,for the sake ef convenience, the name being that of th? owner of the plantation. Driver's hills are higher than the range on which wear* situated; and, besidsa, It is stated they aboand in fine springs and running streams. These bills will be the first that the advance movement will brlag us to, and I doubt not we shall have to fight for their poesssslon. Thj rebel pickets are now in poesssslon ef them. A fight at long range takes place dally between the rebels posted along theee lines and our own pickets just in their front. A daring rebel who, with a long range gua, had ascended a tree and sent two or three of our men to their long homee (the frame work around the grave of one Charles B. Molln, Company P, Second Minnesota in fantry? to now my deek), met with his fate ea Sunday. A sharpshooter of the Second Minnesota, to revenge the death of his comrade, picked him off with unerring aim; and through the marine glasses the officers saw the rebel fail to tbe ground. thr MSQX or OORlimi BECiCTX. ran rrbkl FOBnnciTiOHS. BOW TBI ABUT ? MOV I BO TO TBB BIOBT. But Br* we raadjr to advance on Driver's aad divers other btlla ud intrench anewt I think not. Pop* la not Intrenched, and hie l*ft 18 flr* milM from Corinth. Buall and Tb*maa ar*. Yestarday tb* whol* Una moved to th* right?no further In advan**, but aJnng and behind th* worka? that la, General W. T. Sherman (Kentucky Sher man), who ia on the eitram* right, moved la auch a manner that hla left reeled where hie right had b**n? moving thna hla ewn length to the right. Th* next 41 viaioB took hla pla**; aad tbaa through tha whol* array a mnvemeat waa mad* to th*right. General (Kaatuoky) Sherman will threw up hla worka and ah*rtljr b* reedy W> move again, and tbua th* wboi* lln* will again bot* to th* right. abd wbat is to bb Anoonrumn> bt n. Tb* aim muat b* apparent to th* *a*tay. General Halieck la well awar* that h* will hav* to fight for his poaltton aad to accomplish what he alma at. This aim la to gain posseaalon of th* two rallroada?th* Mobil* and Ohio and Memphis and Charleston?and to atrlk* tha prairie land weat ef Corinth. This would be aa achieve mailt which would eaua* th* evacuation of Corinth, or a fierce and d?ap?rat* movement on our left and rear. A vigorous aliening will causa tb* aa'ma result. If made from our preaent poaltlon. Th* movement, to the right woald lirlag I'epe to tb* pr*a*nt position of Gen. Huell, and Puell to that of Tb^raaa. Tho above ld#a la that of ?areral miiiUrncaileinea with whm 1 hay* Muvarsed. but I am Inclined to bop* that Gen. Buell'a corps will tight for Driver's bill, aud tbat the nurse who baa kind If taken charge of ma, will be able to give me a class of water (Yam the running stream, which I almoat fancy I bur rlpphng beyond the bill. The centre corps of tha army has not drank from a running stream since they left l'ittaburg 1 jmding. The streams you aee laid dowa are at tbls time either imaginary, or are swamps in which mud alone ex.sts. The men bare to dig near the old channels of theae drtad up streams, and lomettm* succeed In obtaining a dirty, yellow water, which la i filtered through the aort clay. I TUB SANITARY COMMISSION NKZHS AIIOTTIBR BATTLI. I think the84111 tary Commission should Insist on Gene* ral Halieck tlghting immediately. Would it not be ao act or mercy to push forw ird and end the long delay, during which, aa if lue uatural result of inaction, tha h' spitals are Oiling up, and tbe camps are leaving their dead behind them la such numbers? My sickaess haa given me a taste for hospitals, aud during the days oC sunshine and strength I have vis it ad several of them. The diseases are of no terrible character?neither dan. gerous nor contagious?but of the debilitating character which weakens a man in b'idy and rendara him 4a* spondent of heart and mind. The division hospitals ara full, and one cannot rido along the lines of any oorpa but what he will see the aolemn procession which ia headed by the chaplain. Behind the trenches in every camp they lie, their humble grave* neatly marked with wooden headstones, and snrrounded by rustio railing made from the small saplings which form the uader* growth of the immense forest in which tha whola army is hidden. It does look aa if the battle field ha* less of the terrors of death than the campa where tha men are idle. I have a paragraph in the first of my lettar annoua. cing that the siege of Corinth had tjfcun. How it is pra greasing I cannot tell in the t ime space. Each day ta the early light of morning the piakets open with sharp* shooters' practice, and all day, all along tha line, la heard the sharp crack of tha squirrel rifle, the lender re port of the Ld field, and tho d :j!?r croak of the oommoa rifle musket, resounding alonx tha Una an? re-echoed by the rebels. It would be impossible for ma to state ia detail the numerous adventures along the line of tha oat* pasta. I have memorandums in full of how a Lieutenant Hope, Fourth Kentucky, who, whila under arreat, haa been scouting around the camp, and who, whila General 'Sherman was deciding whether to bombard a eertala bouio in which a rebel company had fortlfiad themselves, enlisted two olher olftcers who war* la the umo sus pended state as himself, and succeeded In storming the house and dislodging the rebels; memorandums of sharp shooters' practice, storming parties who have made de scents on cotton gins and spring bouses situated in tho disputed territory; another n.omorandum calls to mind the rapid manner in which Colonel Sherman, of the Four teenth Ohio, insisted on assembling his regiment when a rebel shell took off the top of bis Sibley. But these instances of the siege must remain simply recorded. I have other memorandums of conflicts which deserve paragraphic mention In detail. A HATIUC IX aurauz. IICRLBCT'S OtTIBOH. Saturday was the 17th. General Hurlbut was taking bis position on the right, when he cam* upon a fore* of Infantry and artillery, with whom he Immediately be came engaged. The purpose waa to throw,up the in trenchments on a line with those which were being mad* on the left. He advanced his artillery, with Infantry at supporting distance, and prepared to shell oat the rebels who had driven back bia advancing skirmishers. Dm rebels replied with vigor, and the ahelHng continued for an hoar and a half. The men, who had boen at Doael. son and at Pittsburg Landing, looked upon the shelling as a matter of amusement, and laughed at it. The artil lery of beth parties was admirably handled, and that of the rebels did considerable exocution. On the left ? couple of regiments of infantry become engaged, and' added to the interest of ths engagement. After lighting for an hour and a half the rebels withdrew, leaving ua In possession of the position snd with twenty-five killed and 160 wounded of our men on our hands. GIXXSAL KBLSON IAS AS ARTILLERY DUKL. I sallied out of camp on the srternoon of yesterday ts the frost, where "Bull Kelson" wss indulging his artil lery in "man-of-war style." It appears that a section of rebel artillery had opened on some workmen on the for tifications In Nelson's front, and that was an Insult which Kelson had no Idea of submitting to. The seetion wis wheeled Into position snd sems twenty-five shots exchanged without any loss on our part* The shells from our guns exploded with great accuracy, and, I have learned sine* th* fight, with good effect, while those of th* rebels were evidently defective. Deserters say th* rebels lost a colonel of i&rantry and quite a number of privates. what rax nxsxRTiKs hat. Three deserters from th* Seventeenth Louisiana mm into the camp last night. They did not know the nam* of the eolonel killed by the shells of General Nelson yes* t*rday. They say that camp rumor puts the rebel f*ro* at 110.000. They are all on half rations. Ther* ar* quit* a number of regiments who are under guard to prevent their dee*rtlug, while it is a common thing to plac* man of on* r*glm*nt on guard around the encampment *f another. They say Frle* was undoubtedly killed In the fight with Pope. Kobody b?lieves It. It only establishes the fact that Price Is opposed to Pope, a fast worth remembering. Aside from th* thou sand and one statements (lying about there 1s sufflclent evUence to indicate that tho rebel army Is in a slat* of Urribl* demoralisation. General Lovall has doubtlsss reeched him. Th* several armies of Prio*, Van Dora, Johnston, Polk and Crittenden, which hav* figured la different parts of the country, have, doubtless, reached Corinth, whil* it Is known that portions of th* Virginia army was engaged in the fight at Pittsburg Landing. Accompanying flags of true* which hav* lat*ly com* into our lines were Colonels Jacob Thompson and Pagram, of Rich Mountain notoriety. Th* former, whom it will b* r*memb*r*d was 8*cr*tary of th* Interior during th* administration of Jam** Buchanan, is now on th* staff of P*t*r Beauregard. Many deserters come Into th* lias* who represent themselves as West Tenness** conscripts, who hav* an ard*ot dsslrs to g*t horn* again. Wonts Bsrou Coaum, Iflaa. , May 20.IMS. QmeroX TTaUeck'l Furpttet?A Hint aI the Refrtorial Imbrogl'O?Prudential Mtrrmenie?The Rsbtl Forte mi Cerinth?What DtttrUn Say?Who Cnmmendti IXe Rebel?Rebel tort\/lcatumi?Beginning 0/ ike T?<gl T\e Fir* "Parallel '?The SecmU ' Parallel," St. "on, most LAm akd uimm oosclidioii!" The people of lb* North are (loomed,to be disappointed In thalr anticipations of a great and flaal struggle at lb la point. We shall (tart no Waterloe, bat may bar* a Yorktown. But there la llttta probability of a pwt struggle hara. Oanaral HaJlack docs not Intaotf la haaard all In an attack on tka works which, 00a mile and a quarter la oar front, frown an our advaaoaa. Tha people must baar with fortitude tha disappointment aad content themselves with believing that General Ilallaek knows beat. For nearly two months they (tha public) hava waited In dally anticipation of a strugg la where roe alt would ba doubtful until tha day waa ever. At na time In the war hare two armlee ao nearly aqaal la nuaabara, equipments aad spirit faead eash other, aad IT tha bnttla should ensue let each fluctuation, aaah abb aad flow of tha oontenilnf armies, ba watched with anxiety. Drearf, hopa and rear, far tha story will not ha developed till tha day la over. IVa oeojecture 01 Ita denouement aaa ba safely formed till the vkstary la loat ar woa. But shall we hare such a struggle? N# Already tha poll ay of tha Commanding Oanaral haa da* velopad Itself, and tha Unpen ding conflict haa degene rated lato a stega?a slow, tadloua aad uninteresting siege. This la the ''lame aad Impoteal oannlualan" ol all tha mighty praparatlena of which tha Western newspaper corraapcndants aad tha pestiferous Cairo spa ciala hare adrleed tha public, much to the diacoataat ? Uan. Hnllaok aad to tha expulsion of a majority of tha oorreapoadenta from tba army llaca. Tbedaar paopia have found rebel evacuations so frequent that whan oar generals, after labored movements aad splendid ganeral shlp, have compelled them te leave their atrangholda, they appear te think they have let them gat away and proceed to condemn them for Inefficiency. Thin la what General Halleck Is striving to do by a siege, and, should he accempllsn It. will have dene only that whlqb ba could have don* by a pitched battle and at a much lass aarloua espendltareof humaa Ufa. ormuMi bam B'n'K mrn?!?n, If General Halleck Is nothing else he la a prudent man. His wii'om la cbaostaa bis ouer*n??j frtjg liMli! H