Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Thi hsdat, June 6?6 P. 1L There is nothing new in the money market. Honey is worth from 3 to 5 per cent per annum on call, the general rate in the atreet being 4. Exchange is moderately active. Bankers ask 114%; at 114% there ia a lively demand. Francs ?re worth 4.35 a 92%. Gold advanced to-day to 104 bid. The stock market continues active and buoyant. There are no signs as yet of any decline in the public inquiry for dividend paying stocks; on the contrary, as the government pays its debts, and money becomes more abundant, the demand for reliable securities which pay a good income be comes more active. Speculative non-dividend paying shares are likewise wanted, mainly on the principle that if the better class of securities ad vance these must advance with them. Govern ment sizes rose % to-day. The official report from the Secretary of the Treasury, stating the public debt on the 2t>th of May at $491,445,984, at ?n average rate of Interest of four and thirty-five one-hundredths, has bad the effect of stimu lating the demand for public stocks. New York Central rose to 92, and was active at the advance. Speculators predict that New York Central will aell at par thja summer. Erie was not so strong in the morning, but rallied afterward, and the pre ferred closed at an advance of about */% over yes terday's olosing price. Pacific Mail rose to 117, at which price there were sales, and closed 116% bid?an advance of %. State, stocks were active ; Missouri* rose % per cent, and were in demand at the advance. Reading advanced 1%, Michigan Central 1%, Southern old %, guaranteed 1%, Pa nama 1, Illinois Central 1%, Galena 1%, Bock Is land %. At the second board there was a ?ale of Illinois war loan at par. The market closed firm, the following being the last quotu ? tions:?United States C's, registered, 1881, 103 a 103%; do. 6's, coupon, 1881, 106% a 106%; do. 5's, 1874, 96 a 96%; 7 3-10 Treasury notes. 106 a 106%; Tennessee 6's, 59% a 60; Virginia 6's, 57 a 59; Missouri 6's, 53% a 53%; Pacific Mail, 116% a 117; New York Central, 91?? a 91; Erie, 38% a 39; do. preferred, 66 a 66%; Hudson River, 46% a 47; Harlem, 14% a 14%; Reading, 60% a 51; Michigan Central, 64% a 65; Michi gan Southern and Northern Indiana, 27% a 27%; do. guaranteed, 58% a 58%; Panama, 132 a 133; Illinois Central, 64 a 64%; Galena and Chicago, 71% a 71%; Cleveland and Toledo, 45% a 46; Chicago and Rock Island, 64% a 65; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, 75% a 76%; Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien, 28 a 29; Illinois Central bonds. 7's, 95 a 96; American gold, 104 a 104%. After the second board the market was very strong, and there was a general inquiry for the speculative shares at a further advance of % a % per cent. A correspondent, referring to the statement of dividend paying concerns in this morning's He bald, inquires how long the Pacific Mail Company has paid 20 per cent. The following is a list of the dividends paid by that company during the past six years:? Year. Percent. Tear. Percent. W59?May 7. 10 I860?ltey 16 10 Novembers 16 1800?April 30 10 186T?May ft 10 November 7 10 July 15 10 1861?May 22 0 November 11 10 August 24 6 18U?May 12 10 Novemlxsr 12 5 Augusts 9 1862?Kebru?ry 11 5 Decembers 10 May 2S 6 The average dividend for these six years was over 21 per cent per annum. The only occasion* on which the annual dividend was less than 20 per cent per annum were in 1859, when only 10 per cent was paid, the company being at war with Commodore Vanderbilt, who is now the largest stockholder in the concern, and in 1861, when one dividend of 5 per cent was passed in order to re deem the overissue and increase the cash sur plus. The Sub-Treasurer received $500,000 in legal tender notee from Washington this morning. Mr. Chase ia shortly expected to ask Congress for leave to issue $25,000,000 of small notes. The business of the Sub-Treasury was as follows to day:? Receipta fl.434,565 81 ?For custom* 184,000 00 PVD1HU 888,816 88 Balance 14,680,926 60 The exchanges at the Bank Clearing House this morning were $36,021,983 30, and the balances $1,350,654 04. The statement* of the banks of the three princi pal oities of the Union for the last week compare with the previous one* and the corresponding time of 1861 as follows:? Lnanr. Cirmtn. N Tork, May SI $142 871414 12S.4S4.7U 31.397,284 8538.149 Bo*ton. June 2. 60,877.367 26.73<>,?6 8.1)0,728 fi.348.l3ft I*Oil*., JuM 2 . 31.747,070 24.3W.8U i>ffl.482 4,333,01:1 Touil . $235,0M.fl51 176^49.888 45,170.431 Ifl.21ft,Sl*) lu( vet 2S4.73S.IW 172.H40.9S8 44.380,467 18.282.4ft7 ImM je?r S08.175.U02 124,040,877 49,673,004 17,140^48 ' At auction this morning the following sales of stocks were mad* by A. H. Nicolay:? $3,500 fcogan Co. Mining and Ku. Co. 0 s.. 78* and int. 10 share* Phenix Fire Insurance Co lax Annexed are the current charges in London, England, for paper of various dates:? Thirty to sixty days 2* a 8 per cent. Three months. 3 a 3* per cent. Four months 3* percent. Six months bank bills 3\ a 4 per cent. Six months?trade bills 4 a 8 per cant. The papers per Persia report that on the Stock Exchange there is little alteration in the value of money, the charge for loans on government secu rities being only abont 1% a 2 per cent. Annexed are the rates of discannt in the princi pal cities of the continent of Europe:? Bank Hau. Op. Harlut J'tremL Per cm*. Tar la 3* ? Vienna ? 6 $ Berlin 4 $ Frankfort 8 2% Amsterdam 4 4 Turin ? 4* Bruaseia $ 8 Hamburg ? 4Vi St. Petersburg 6* The annual meeting of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad waa held at Cincinnati on Monday. The Tmstnese of the year ending April 30,1862, was as fniiows:? t.roea earning* ? $828,033 38 Kipsnen 710,900 11 Set earnings. $110,033 27 The paassngsr business shows a falling off of $167,491 03, and the freight business an increase of $89,412 36, ss compared with the previous year. Stock Exchange. Tnrsenav, Trine 8 1MB. $3009 U 8 6's,'81,rag 102* 100 aha XY C RR.blO 11 * 06000 IT 80 s,'81,sou 108 400 do *00 91* fiooe OBI'S, "6$.... 98 100 do eflO 91>? 40000 U 8 6,a,74, con 96 60 do b30 91* 10000 do 94* 8 fk) 91 u l?800Tr 7 3-10pcn im 106 1080 Erie RR 88* 1500 do 106* 60 Erie RK pref..., 8C 87000 Traa 7 3-10 pc a 108 80 do 8ft 84000 UWn<1e war In. 99* 100 do eft V 14000 Tennfi's, '90 ... 80 60 do bS 85* 9000 de 80* 10? do blO 86* 5000 Missouri 6's .. 62* 60 do b80 8fi 8000 do 68 380 do flsu 6000 do b30 '.350 do.. . *10 85 W 5006 de s60 63% 150 Hudson Rlv RR.. 40 ?; 75000 do 68^ 260 do 46 V &OO0 d? b$0 83* 150 do 47 30000 de 83* 100 do 46'< 06OOM6'sttoHMJRR 63 950 Harlem RR. 14 8000 do 62* 10 Harlem RR pref. 36* 5800 California 7'? . 96 % 600 do 86 8000 S Y Central 6'S 100 li 80 Norw fe Wor RR. 43 loOOOK RR3mt>'83 slO 98* 80 do 42^ 10000 Erie RB4ttomb 90* 860ReedingRR ... 60 SnO0MloftC9pcb,eld 104 800 do....;;... 60 X looor.RJkQSWSpeb 100* 100 do 60* 6000 Mich So 2d astg 88 100 Mtcto Cent RR.?30 e?* J0"0 Mich 9osf bds 96* 160 do...;.... 27000 do 98 100 de b30 63* f-'iO IU Can RR tods. 96* 468 de 84 7000 de 96 800 do 84 * MKiOTerHhAlmax to 104* 60 do ?80 84 SOonrhicfeNWlstm 02 960 do b30 fl4* 6oOOTol*Wat>latm 224 do 04 , 1000 Mil feP-luCblm 97 180 lflch Be fe N I RR 28* 3000 flalkChlelatm 102* 386 do 36% lOUOOOev ATolsf ba ?*<< 200 Miob B AN I g Stk 67* WWHevfePIUMm 86 i5o do 67* 1000 I>et, M fetal la 88 88 Panama RR 132 10800 fittKtWfefTil m 97 2oo ui Con RRacp 1.60 63 .*KO American gold. 98* so do 02* 14 ?ha Pk of OOB?.. 108 60 do 02* to i ac k Uau* m* 4W do 03 139 PaciQe Mall SSrfc 116* 100 Clev A PittsbgRR 22^ 60 do b.'SO 117 200 do 22 100 do 060 117 460 Gal A Chicago KR 71 125 do lie* 150 do 71* 6? do a30 116* 600 Cle A Toledj KR. 45* 60 do 116% 320 do 46* 750 N Y Ceutral RR. 91* 300 do bGO 45* 2060 do 91V 450 Chicago fc H I KK 64* 100 do b30 91* 50Chi,HAyKR s30 74 622 do 91* 60 Mil 4 1* du Ch KK 28* 8KCOND BOAKl). $20000use's,'81 ,cou 10614' 25atiid Erie RK 38* 7000 Missouri 6's... 83200brio KK prfd 66 26000 do 53* 100 do 66 * 10000 CS6's, 1 yr cert 100* 60 do b30 66 * 15000 Trea 7 3-10 pen 106* 60 do 66^ 1600 do.. 106 00 Hudson Riv KR. 47 1000 US6's,'741cou 96 60 do l>30 47 104000 III war loan.. 100 100 do 46* 5000 Toi A Waist m 94 50 do 46* 6000TerreHAUldtm 104* 400 Harlem KR.. b60 14* 6000 Tol & Wa 2d m 69 100 Harlem RK prfd 36* 6000 do b30 60 260 Mich Cent RR... 64* 6000 California 7's.. 98 60 do blO 6i* 22000 K KR 4th m bds 91 20 Mich So & N I KK. 26* 22000 Mich So skfbds 97* 300 do 27 50000 Amaricau gold 104 200MichSoAN Igs. 67* 00000 do SCO 103 * 60 do 66 ?M shu RankRepuhlic 99 50 Panama KK 132 100 1'acile Maii So Co 116* 260 111 Cant KR scrip. 63* 29 do 117 1U0 do b30 64 26 Penn Coal Co 90 * 400 do 64 | 100 N Y Cent RR. t>30 91* 100 Galena A Chi RR. 71* 150 do 91* 150 do 71* 20 do 91* 260 Ctev ft Toledo RR 46 60 do 830 91* 200 Chi & Kk laid RR. 64* 10# ErieRK b30 36* 200 do 64* 200 (to 38* 100 Chi ,Bui AQucy RK 76 CITY COMMERCIAL REPORT. Thursday, June 6?6 P. M. Asm.?A sale of 60 bbb. pots was made at $6 T6. Pearls were quiet at $B. BuuDSTum.?Flour?The market was irregular and quotations were rather lower. The receipts were libe ral, while the demand for export was limited. The Per sia's news also had an unfavorable influence. The sales embraced about 12,000 bbls., closing within the follow ing range of price?:? Superfine State $4 15 a 4 30 Extra State 4 45 a 4 66 Superfine Western 4 15 a 4 30 Common to choice extra Western 4 40 a 6 00 'Canadian 4 40 a 6 00 Southern mixed to good suportlne 6 00 a 6 60 Extra do 5 75 a 6 70 Oood to choice family do 6 70 a 7 25 Rye flour 2 70 a 4 00 Corn meal, Jersey and Brandy wine 2 90 a 3 16 ?Canadian flour was heavy and in favor of purchasers while the sales embraced about 1,00'i bbls.. closing within the range of the above quotations. Southern flour par took of the general slungishriess, while the sales em braced abiut 700 bbls.,closing within the ab:>ve oi prices. Rye flour in Moderate demand and steady at our prices, with sales of 126 bbis. Corn meal wat> steady and in fair request, with sales of 700 bbls. at our quotations. Wheat was heavy and fell olf for most grades about one cent per bushel. The market was brisk it the concession, with sales of about 120,(-00 bushels at $102 a $103 for amber Iowa, 82c. a 99c. for Chicago suriug, 84c. a $1 for R.cine spring. S2c. a 96c. f jr Canada club. 8Cc. a $1 for Milwaukee club, $1 10 a $1 14 for rod Western, $1 15 a $1 18 for amber do., $1 22 a $1 26 for white do. and red State (spring) at $1 10. Corn was in good demand for ex(>ort and prices firm, with of 130,000 bushels, at 46c. for new mixo.l and at 49c. a 50 ?. ?for eld Jo. in store and delivered. Rye was firmer and in go id request, with sales of 10,000 bushels at 68c Bar ley was quiot and prices nominal. Barley malt was lirm and In moderate demand, with sales of 2,000 bushe.s at $1. Oats were heavy and the demand loss active, sales of Canadian and Western were made at 43c. a45*c., and of State at 45c. a 46c., ch.etly at the inside figure. t'O/TKK.?The market for Rio was quiet, and prices were nominal: 600 bags of Laguayra were sold lor ex port at p. L c i oa.?1 he market opened firm and at full prices, but were less active, and later in the day rates were irregular and less buoyant, while prices were with out change of moment. The sales embraced 800 a 900 bales on the basis of 31c. a 31 *c. for middling uplands. J-RX'OtiiM were irregular, while enageinents wore made to a fair extent. To Liverpool 50,000 a 60,000 bushels ot corn were eugagod at 8d. a S*d. in bulk and in shi;is' hajte; 600 packages or lard at 25s.; 7,000 bushels wheat at S*d., in ships' bags. Hoary goods were at 25?., and 100 bbls. or oil were engaged at 30s To Londoa 25,000 bushels cf wheat were eng iged In ships' bawl at 9*d. a lod , with some lots reported at 10*d., closing, how ever, at the Inside figures. To Glasgow 700 tiorcee of ard were engaged at 32s. 6d. Rates to Havre were steady at 20c. for wheat. Hay was lea* active, while sales of North river were makl-e at 60c. a 65c. lor shipment and at 70c. a 75c for eitjr use. no:-s.?The demand was steady, chiefly from brewers. Prime qua.ities were in good request aud at full prices. were making of last year's growth at 13c. a 13c.. and old of 1860 at 7c. a 10c. Iboh was dull, and, in the absence of sales of moment, prices were nominal. Una was steady, with sales of Rockland, including common at 60c. and of lump at 90c. Molasses.?The sales embraced 50 hhds, Porto Ric > at 32c. for refining and 67 hbds. Cuba muscovado at p. t. Naval Stokes presented no change of moment. The scarcity of supplies restricted sales, while prices of moat descriptions were firm but nominal. Provim >N9.?Pors?The market was heavy for prime, while mess was unchanged. The sales embraced about 900 bbls., Including the former at f9 a $9 26, and the lat ter at $11 60. and clear at $13 50 a $14. Beef was dull and heavy. The salee embraced about 200 bbls.,at $12 a$13 26 for plain mess and $13 76 a $14 60 for extra do. Prime tness beef and beef hams were dull and nominal. Bacon was nominal and quiet Cot moats were in fair request, with sales of 400 pack ages at 3*c. a4*C. for hams. Lard was firmer for choice quality aad tolerably active, with sales of 800 packages at 7*c. a 8*c. lor common to choice. Butter was in good supply and rather lower; good to prime State yellow was selling at 16c. a 18c.; Ohio was at 14e. a 16c. Cheose was easier and plenty, wUh sales at To. a 7*c. for new State; Ohio was nominal at 6c. a 7c. Rir?.?Sales of 400 bags Rangoon rice were made at ?*c. a 6*. Sugars were steady, with sales of about 1,600 hhds. Cuba muscovado, chiefly within the range of 6*c a 7*e. Per to Rico, good to prime qualities, ranged from Sc. a 8*e. Tallow was quiet and steady, with sales of Western at 8*e. We quote prime shipping qualities at 8*c. a 8*c., and city do. at 8*c. a#c. Whdwbt?The market was rather firmer, with sales of 300 bpls. at 24e a 24*c. for State, and at 26c. for Wee tern. Canal Tails. Auujrr, Jan* t, 1862. The caul tolls, from tbs opening to Jane 1,1862, amount ta $748,811, against $522,803 for tbs sum time Cut year. Death of Rev. Mr. Goodrich. HASTfOM, Jum 6,1862. Rev. Charles A. Goodrich died at his residence la this city last even tag. _ LOST AIVO FOIHD. ? CI HECK FOR $8S. DRAWN BT H. L. ROCTH A HON* J on the Merchants' Bank, order of N. Henrlquet, lo? this morning. In William or Wall street. Payment stopped A reward wUl be given to the bnder by leaving it at N. Ilea* liquet *. 700 Broadway. LOST?A LADY'S GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN, ON Tuesday, 3d ioat, In going from Railway to Newark m the New Jrroe7 Railroad train, leaving Rahway at 3 oVlock; No. of the watrh 42.834, made in Genera. The fiDder will be ?mtably rewarded on returning the eaoie to 88 Dey street. New York. LOST-ON TTTORHDAY. JUNE 5. FROM AN EXPRESS wagon, a bag containing unmade red flannel Shirt*, In going from Chamber, street up Broadway and Grand street, mrough Suffolk and Houston, where it was missed. The tinder will receive $5 reward on retaining It to 63 Ridge street. M. PRICE. LO8T-THI R8DAY, JT7NE 8. A PO< KETBOOK. CON tsininK $SU or $40. Any one returning It to 144 Mulber ry street will be liberally rewarded. _ MrirAmpi. fliQ reward-lost. in the vicinity omSon tun Vint Greenwich streets, on Tuemlay evening, a Urge yellow Setter Dog; answers to the nam' of Ds*h. The fiti'Ter will re<?lve the above reward on returning him 10 2 * Washington street. fC REWARD-LOST, ON JUNE 3. ON THE EIGHTH fj Avenue ItaCroaS, a leather Pocket Book, omitatnln* I in bill* aad $1 tn chsnge. The flutter wtli receive ihs above reward, and the thanks of the owner, by leaving the Mae at the ?scatter ? deefc, at the Railroad offiu, oorner ?f Eighth avenue and Fortjr-ninth street. REWARD-WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE AR rest aid ronvtctlon of the pervon or persons who caused the handbills to b* posted on the Hlooinfnudale roa<l on the night of Hay 31, fur the purpose of injuring the cha racter aad business of George W Jenkin*. the proprietor of the Waverley Hotel, Niaety-sltth street and Bbooiningiiale road. Any information at the above will be thankfully re oelved sol the partiea well rewarded. GEORGE W. JENKINS. ?ILUNBRV, *C. MILLINER^-A lady, WITH FRO* %x? TO $1,300 In furnltbiaf and fancy gaodi, would like a Bret ri?M mlllin?r to Join her, wflh a email amount of capital, In open ing a millinery In oonnaction wiMi the alio*?. Addreee J. v., (latum B, appointing an lnterrlew. FIIIB ART*. Photograph albcmh?at qrbatlt hkducbd prices, and it large variety to rhooae from. Alio Kan a, Porte mnnnatee, Plpi-Andl a thoaiand other artlelea in the Fancy flood* line, at the Original jacobs', 407 Broad wa j fj 1J BROAIjWaT ?CARTES DB VI9ITM-fl FOR III one rto.lar. taken with Volghtlandtar'a celebrated quick-acting leneea bailey k bodirb, Photograph erg. billiards. Billiards-notice -w. h Griffiths im proTed i atent combination <; ,ehloned Billiard Table*, wnlch are now preferred to all other* U* w.rrectneae ot angle* ?nd durability, can only be bought at hi. fartory, IM Fulton itreet. w H ORlFFIT/l. lltOAIM AND tobacco. Acknowledged-la kultana in thb' nog* popular, aa well a? the moat aiiutiltel* flavored Meere. haum Btnoklng To^ar-e In the market. Hold bv ell eager dealer*. E F. RAYMOND, 117 Maldan lane men, facturer'i eole Mtnl for U? Lulled giatM, ' tub Tunr. FASHION COURSE, L. I -THIS DAT, FRIDAY, JUNB 6 Ma ch $1,000. two miles and repeat, in harness. 8 ('route u .lues gr. ui. lady 8 irlolk. H Piifcr utaei b. in. Kill; Wink. The boat leaving James slip at 1 o'clock P. M. connects with the railruadiars ml Hunter'* 1'out. JOSLi'H OitOi HKRON, Man afar. I FASHION PLEASURE GR H'ND ASSOCIATION.? AbmUoi of the membe.a oi the above as?>giution will be belli at the Hone House uii Kriuay evening, June 6, at y P. M. G. U. HOPKINS, Secretary.^ I FASHION PLEASURE liKDUNO ASSOCIATION.? 1 Match for $."*10, J uti??? 7, tfMKt. D. Tallmau name* bay uiare Miuuie; 11. Woodruff u im-s b. g. Hiraiu Temple; mile heats, beat three in live in harness. Good day and good track. J. CROCHERON, Manager. HOttNKS, , t'A Hill AUKS, AC. _ Al'AIK OP coaoh HORSES FOR SALE?IN FINE condition, beautiful travellers, kind and gentte In every respe.t; also, two single Horse*. All will be will rery low, or will be let for the summer season to responsible par lies. Apply at 60 West Thirtieth street. A [BEAUTIFUL small BLACK shetland PONY j\ for salt.?Very kind and gentle, perleotly sound, and wul be soli cheap. Call at 768 Sixth avenue. john BATES. AVEHY FINE LAKOE BRIGHT BAY HOBSK FOR sale cheap?16 hands high, six years old; is perfectly Sound and so! l for want of use; a tine coupe horse and good under the "a idie. Inquire at 73 West Thirty secend street, before 10 A. M. or troin 1 to 3 P. M. Also a French Ph* ton. BAROUCHE FOB SALB.?A HANDSOME BAROUCHE, built by La m-.noe, coat $S00; In excellent order; will be sold cheap. Apply at Mulgrew'a livery stable, 61 Bast Tweluh street, near Broadway. QARRlAGES.?MINER A 8TBVEN8, 72,74,76 Walker street, first door east of Broadway, Manufacturers of first class Carriages and Ugbt Wagons. CARRIAGES.?ONE BEAUTIFUL LIGHT OOUPB itookuway. 6 turn-over seat Roekaways, of different styles. 3 top B.iggles, light and by beat makers. 6 uo-top Buggies and Road Wagons. 2 li.'ht Trotting Sulkeya. 1 light second hand Coupe Rockawsy. 1 W ;ht second hand Pho ton, top on back seat. 4 second hand Top Buggies. 1 light Box Wagon and Jaggcr, with full springs. The above to bo sold at low prunes. MACALPINE A BDEY, 64 Cedar street, opposite the Poat otfice. CARRIAGES?AT VERY LOW PRICES, SUCH AS lour and six seu Roekaways, various patterns; Doc tors' Pha ton*, Top iiuggtes, rosd Waggons, Ac., of excel lent make and fi;i :-b, both new and second hand at the Dew Mil *100111 of l/.tla LUDLOW, Jr., 96 Liberty street, west of Broadway. For sale?a bay horse thorouohly broken to imrn.-sa ami kind umier the saddle; also sate lor a lady. Apply to MYERS, 263 Monroe street, N. Y. For sai.e?a very fine bay mabb, seven jears old, all so md and kin 1, fifteen hands three inches high, a nice traveller, and tit lor any kind of work or dri ving; must be Mold as the owner has no use for her. Apply to WM. SHERWOOD. 40 Spruce street, New York; or to GEORGE W. MUM BY, 59 Fulton street, Brooklyn. flOR SALE?A DARK BROWN SADDLE MARE. OF Flying Cloud sto:k, 15>? nands higii, kind an 1 sound. To be s?-??11 at Pelton s stables, No.6 East Tweuty-first street, until sold. I^OR SALE?OR TRADE FOB GROCERIES AC., A . valuab.e young road or family Horse, 15>J hand* high, together with Iijht Wugon.-sod Harm SS. all warranted. Ap ply at 70 Tillary street, Biooklyn, immediately. FOR SALE-PRICE $?00-A REMARKABLY HAND some Biack Hawk Gelding, 15H hands high; can trot in tnrce unnut do ible or single. A child could ride or drive hint. He will be warranted In every respect, and lull trial ? ill be given. He is sold for want of use. Ask for Peter, at Underbill's stables, Lafayette pla e. For sale-a beautiful pony built mare, with loal; price $75; warranted sound and kind. Also two valuable family Horses, 6 years old, 16 hands. Also su perior Work Horses. Apply at id Crystie street, near Canal. Fob sale?a handsome pair of black match ed Horses, young, sound and kind. Tue cheapest pair 111 the city. To'be seen at tne Excelsior stables, 56 West Thirtieth street. T7K>B SALE-TUB PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN JT au> it leaving town, a bay Horse, 1 hands high; war ranted sound, kind and gentle; has trotted In 2: war ranted to trot In 2 4w. Can be seen at Brown's stables, corner 01 Bore uiu and SUte streets, Brooklyn. FOB 8ALE-S00 LIGHT CARRIAOES, FAMILY ROCK awujs, top and opea Buggies, gro -ers' and business Wagons, depot and hot' 1 Wagons; 100 sets of Harness; 50 Horses, from >30 to $150 each, at 10 Nevins street and 184 Kulton avenue, Brooklyn. For sale-or trade for other property, a gentleman s Horse, Light Wagon and Harness, city mske, all warranted. Sold for the want of use. Apply at 497 Se ond avenue. FOP. SALE?A. BRIGHT BAY HORSB, 16 HANDS high; extraordinary line style; warranted sound, kind mid very gentle. Can be seen at 2M West Thirty-sixth street. Sold only lor want of use. For sale?a stylish black horse, isk hands High, sound and kind. Also a light, three-quarter seat Dusenbury Wagon and a good second hand Harness. Will be sold cheap. Apply at 96 East Tlilrl>-second street. Fob salb-a brown saddle hobse oood in sll harnes-. sound and kind, live year* old, ibx bands high' Price (225. Inquire at Kelly s stable, 18 West Thir teenth street, of "William." FOR SALE?a NEW CENTRAL PARK PHAETON OB Tax Cart; also new and second hand top wagons. 62 West Twenty-fifth street. FOR SALE-AN EXPRESS WAGON NEARLY NEW; also a Kodtaway Carriage, for oue or two boraea, with a Double Set of Haruess. Apply M No. U Third uremic. E. B. STEAD. For bale cheap?new and second hand Coaches, Rockaways, two seat Wagucm, with and with out topai tup anil no tup Wagous, Jager, and oue Business Wagon. Apply at 27 Wooster street, near tirand. For sale cheap?a set op pine double har ness, made by Lowdcn; neat ana of superior material and workmanship; nearly uew. Apply at iteevss' stable. 14 Nineteenth street. IpOR SALE OR exchange?SIXTEEN YOUNG " Hor-ea, j uat from Canada Wwt, froui four to seven years old, fourteen to liilfcu hatwla all sound and kind; alao iwu Matched Teams. Inquire in the blacksmith's ?bop. No. 130 Norfolk street. { J Horse por sale-will be sold at uk o'clock on Friday, June 6. from 117 Naaaan street. Por further part If u ars ace au tion notice. JUPITER (THE SIRE OP LADY EMMA, WHO HAS just made one Of the beat race* on record), is standing at the farm of his owner, at Copake. Columbia county, New York, at <25 the season. Mares ran be shipped direct to Co pake by tne Harlem Kallroad, or sent to Hudson by boat, care or C. H. Miller, Worth Houae. Por full particulars ad dress Sylvester II. Wlleot, Copake, or James D. MeMann, Laiayette Hall, New York. Must be sold cheap, as the room is want ed?A on* s.-at, top Muggy Wagon, new and aubstan lially built. Can be a en at 2SPerry street. NEW YORK TATRRSALLS' stables, corner op Sixth arenne and Tblrt) nintn street.?Boarding and Sale 8-abl'-s. The beat attention given to Boarding and dale Horses. Hones, Wagons and Cuachee to let for the road or park. Aurllon aales every Tuesday of Horses. Wagons, Har ness, Ac. Out door sales protniAly attendod to. WM. M. LANG LEY, Auctioneer aud Proprietor. PASTURE.?GOOD PASTURE, WITH PROPER CARB for horses, msy be had from JACOB J HOPPER, nf Hsck< nsack, If. J. Reference?C. C. Grtce, 122 Mar loigal street, or C. ft W. Knapp, >64 Washington, corner Of Mur ray street, N T. Wasted-a handsome pony. 12X to is^ hands high Meat be a fancy ooior and stylish sound aud i perfectly kind and gentle in barneaa aud under saddle; suit able and sale lor a lady orchililion. Would buy for cash, or exchange a line bay mare l&3a band* high, atx years old and warranted, which ' ost this season $32ft. Address Hauls, Herald olDoe. WANTED TOR CASH.?ARY gentleman HAVIKG a first rate family Horse that he will warrant, and a convenient, lashlonable leather top Wagon or Ro'kaway, with two seats, stilted to the country, together with Har ne?a, ke.. m uerlect order for aule, can address, with full particulars, C. E. H., box 212 Herald offioe. WAGON FOR SALE?A HALF SPRING ROAD ?T Wagon, made by Brewster A Co., nearly new; has b*?en used but six times. Will be sold low. Can bo seen at M'-n:hnn a stable. In Twenty-ninth street, near Broadway. For particular* Inquire of C. W. V. B , 1M and 116 Pulton struct, N. T, TTfANTBD-A OOOD TOfNG MIL< H OOAT, IN EX Y v shsnge tor a handsome Newfoundland Deg, IS months old; nvired a diploma at Bamum's Dog Show. Address O^at, station D, New York Post odes. NEVINs STRBBT 184 pulton AVENUE, brooklyn. IHft OP HARNESS. OP ALL STYLES AND JLUU kinds, new aad second hand. Saddles. Bridles. Whips, Ac. At 10 Nevlns street, Brooklyn. NEW PUBLICATIONS. N ew book or physiology ?this work of u. Bo*twtek'a, on the ?ff'tll of KMrWOM at youth, ??ring adrioe to ihoaa about to marry, la uned In all the aaylnm*. and laeonauhed by the moat dlatlnguiehed phyal rian?. and the Boa ton Surgical Journal aura it la ttie moat naeful work of the kind to M bad. Price |f. Mailed by E. Warner, Ho. 1 Teaey atreet; at Oodfrey'a, (BI Broadway, and by Br. B.. at bia rooms, 36 Twelfth atreet, all doora weat of Broadway. where Dr. B. may be conaulted from 8 A M. until *P. M., confidentially. NWW BOOK on mental AND physical DECAY. R?ad It, for it contain* loatrnctloaa whereby itaed up ennetilutlona may he Invigorated ami eelf-inSlcted dlaaaaea permanently removed. Hold and aent free by mail by tha author, Dr. B. A BARROW, 1M Bleenker atreet, four doora from MaedougaL New Yofk. Prloe u centa. or in poataft atampa. CoBaufiaUona from II till 2, anl iroou 4 till 8. The mareiaoe guide, oe naitral history or feneration?A private iuatrucnr for married peraona, or tboaa about to marry, both male tad female, by Frederick Hullici, M. D., author and lecturer upon the rhytlotogy aad D aeaaea of the Oeaeratlve Organ a, wMb numeroua enfrav insi and nolored plate*, 300tb edition, muck enlarged and Unproved, and brought down to the preaent day. Price tl. Bent by ?mat 4. p"?tafe paid, on reoetpt of the price. T. w. STRONQ, puMiiher. Nageaa atreet, N. Y. Tot aale by all bookaellera and newadealera la (he I'm ted Stataa and Canadaa. Alao four other worka by the tame author. Send for a catalogue Tha only aorrect worka of the kind pub llahedNedtnai Journal. Dr. Holliek'a olBoe la BW Broad way. Houra 10 till 2 daMy, etoept Sunday*. Boi MO* Poet office. Special attention only lo thoae peculiar caaea de acribed In bia well known booka aad leoturea. REMOVALS. NOTICE -the AGENCY fob TUB SALE Or GOODS manufactured by _ THE UNION INDIA RUBBER COMPANY will be removed, on the l?t of May neit, from No. 108 Lib arty atreet to No. IS Park place. * 7 IT. O, llAliDBN, PrMtdmk In Tou. April 1& ISO, A TUB RBBBLLIOI, ATTENTION-TO BE MUSTERED IN IMMEDI ately, a Lieutenant. who can bring 40 men for a now company of ik Heavy Artillery regiment new iu I he lorw at Washington. Addre? U. S.. Herald office. FIRST LIEUTENANCY CAN BE HAD IS A COM pany of the T*. .it. regiment, tfta: is accepted for three mou ibs. The compao)* I* all lull and muaieiea in. By ap pi> nif; iiniiK-iiUlttl ' It <.'Ui be scoured very reasonable. Ad dru?a Ki.nt Liuuieuaat, corner of Fourth and Thompson streets, or 241 rtlt-ecker street. ClOMi'ANY D, NINETY-NINTH REGIMENT NEW J York Volunteers.?The members of ibe above Company will meet together at the Jersey City ferry, fool of Corilandl street, at sis o'clock A. M., oc sv urday, the 7lb Inst., w re turn to Fortress Monroe. By order, Wm. J. McINTIRE. Captain Company D. 99th Regiment N. Y. Y. COMPANY I, TWELFTH KKUIMBNT N. Y. S. M.-TIIE members of mi? command are directed to assemble at tbe Mereer llonae Una (Friday) morning, at 7 o'clock. Punc tual attendanoa la required. By order. _ J. ACORN, Captain. Fob sale Two hundred superior Knapsacks. Do. Body Bella. Do. Cartridge Boxes. Do Cap Pouches. One hundred Crosa Belts, all new and of tha beat enam eled leather. Apply to BOWIE DASH, Bag., 112 Pearl street /GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, STATE OF MBW U York. GENERAL ORDERS?NO. 36. Asjotaht Ov.NKUAi.'a Orrics, Albany, June 3. 1862. Id purauance of the provisions of an act entitled "Au act to provide for ibe enrolment of Ibe Militia, the organisation and discipline of the National Guard ot the State of New York, and for the public defence," passed April 23, lita, an enrolment of all persons within this S.ats liable to military duty will forthwith be made. Commandants of reglmeuts are enjoined to uae all diiigenoa in placing the enrolment books In Ibe bands of commandants of companies, or other enroling officers, and to aee that the enrolment iscom Sleted and tbe enrolment books hied on or before the lat ?y of July next. la case any difficulty should be antici pated In oompleting the enrolment within the time in-e scribed, the Commander-in-Chief will, upon application, appoint one or more persona, to be nominated to bun by the enrolling ollioers, to assist m iiuishmg such enrolment. Commandant* of regiments will report iurthwith to the Ad jutant General the receipt of the ?nrolment booka and the names and Post office address of the enrolling officers In whose bands tliey have been placed. By order of the Coca mander-ln-Ubief, TH03. HILLHOUSE, Adjutant Oeneral. Largest oold embroidery mandfactoby for Army and Nary?Uold Should, r Sirups, double and three rows; Bugles, Wreaths, Cannon, Ac., sold for the low est prices in tbe whole city by L. 1>E WELDKN, id and 30 Division street, s conJ iloor. Recruits wanted rriR th? HALLECK GUARD, Now forming under tbe new call of the government, to be ready within sixty days. Vapt. Baiterson, who haa been in the service of the gov ernment. has received orders to recruit Company A of this Guard, and ia now ready to receive Recruits, it la intended that this Company shall he one of the lineal in the service. Pay from $13 to $23 per mouth. Each man as soon as mustered w ill be sent to Camp Wash ington. Slaten island, and provided with abundant rations and goo 1 uniforms. $100 Bounty at the Expiration of Enlistment. All parties wishing to act in the capacity of noii-commls flion-d officers must apply immediately to secure position. Headquarters 430 Brroaiway, New York. J. P. BATVEBSON, Capt JOS. Shekmak, Orderly Sergeant. Approved May 31, 1362. F. S. LARNED, Superintendent Twelfth infantry. Mustering officer. Recruits wanted?for the fifth regiment New York Volunteer Artillery, Col. Samuel Graham, now stationed at Fort Marshall, Baltimore, Md. This regi ment oilers many inducements that cannot le hud In any other for those who desire to serve their country in this its hour of pent No long, tiresome marches, nor exposure in damp, cold tenia; Rood warm and comfortable barracks, in a healthy locality, provided for each man. As only a tew more reoruita are wanted to till this regiment to its maximum num ber those who desire to join It must apply immediatHly to Lieut. T. C. BROWER. Co. F, or Lieut. W. H. BOYLE, Co. A, at the corner of Bowery and Grand streets. All a'tsenlnes are requested to report at this office, or they Will be returned as deserters. WANTED?TWO SERGEANTS AND TWO CORPO rats, which will be given to these who will bring a lew good men for a Heavy Artillery regiment, which has ben n the field ovet live months, now garrisoning forts at Welli ngton. Address X., box 170 Herald oilioe. WANTED?A PIR8T AND SECOND LIEUTENANT IN a company now forming; parlies will be iitted lo pass their mill ary examination. Only gentlemen of respect*, bilily and means need apply at No. 3 New Chambers street up stairs, opposite Sweeney's Hotel, 10 A. M. to 2 P. M TIT ANTED?IMMEDIATELY, FOB ARTILLERY REGl" TV menu noiv in the iield, thirty men, for walcli $100 will be given, orgalproportionat- amount for smaller num bers. Address X. Y. Z., box 170 Herald office. WANTED?A COMPETENT MILITARY MAN TO drill a company of boys iu one school; satisfactory ar rangements can be made. Address immediately box 4,2tW Post office, M. Y. DRY GOODS. CORSETS AMD SKIRTS?MBS. BLUER HAS RE reived Tour mor ? rases ul her nice fitting dollar Cor.-eu; auto, a lot of Werley's Patent French. very low. ft. B.?hem StoW Skirts for .Wo. Freucj Kids, 63c. 860 Broadway, uear Nineteenth a'reel. RH. MACY. . JACONETS. PLAID AND STRIPED CAMBRICS, SWISS AND BOOK MUSLIN. FULL STOCK, ALL QUALITIES, VERY LOW. 204 an J 206 Sixth avenue, two doors below Fourteenth street H. MACY. . Opening the cheapest Invoice Of FRENCH LACE MITS IN THE CITY, FROM 3s. TO $3. 304 and 206 Sixth ave., two doors below Fourteenth *t. , *EVKKY^ VARIETY LADIES', MISSES' AND OKNTS' HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. 304 and 20li S.xlh ave., two doors below Fourteenth at. H. MACY. LADIES' AND MI8SE8' MAUE UP UNDER LINEN. 304and 306 Suih are., two doors below Fourteenth at. ZEPHYR WORSTED, FROM 12)* CENTS ; LADIES should lay In a stock before going to the country, aud before the advance, Saxouy Yarns, Needles, Canvass, sc., at ELCER'S. <00 and 882 Broadway, near Nineteenth street, east side. R R. R neat deslr"1" pnrrhaw a large ?iiiantlty or caat on I114 Apparel, Furniture, Carpets, Jewelry, Ac., by raii n or aodresstng, ladle. and gentlemen can obtain the CLOTH1HG. T THE NEW STORE, 114 THIRD AVENUE, LADIES and gentlemen tun dispose of their Cast Otf Ciotliln., Carpets, Furniture, Ac. I guarantee to pay for Dresses from $? to $ .0, tor Coats from $4 to (U. for Pants from $1 to fi. Please do not forget to call on or address C. MISII, 114 Third avenue, near Fourteenth street. Lad lee attended by Mrs. Mlsh. j ___ ATTENTION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.?IF YOU nlsn to nnd a fair and honest dealer to dispose of your caat off Clothing, Carpets, Furniture nnd Jewelry, the best tlilns; you ean do is 10 > all on or address the honest and well known dealer, F. H ARRIS, 156 Seventh avenue, where you will be dealt with to your sartsfsoclou. At this place joit can receive tifty per rem more than from any other dealer in the elty, and you will avoid being humbugged. Please do not lorget, V. Harris, 156 Seventh arenue. Ladles attended by Mrs. Harris. ? TTBNTION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.?A LARUE J\. order received froui the West for cast ott' Ciotliln..-, Furnltuie. Carpets, Ac I will pay the best prii-e In the city by railing on or addressing M. ABRAHAMS, 23.'! Sevcntu avenue, between Twentv-flfth and Twenty -sixth streets. Ladles attended to by Mr*. A. AT NO. !U3 HOWERY.-H. ROSENTHAL, HAVING A Meat desire to purchase a large quantity of cast off Weariu " - - ? - * logout utmost value for each artiela Ladies attended to bv Mr-. Rosenthal. Please remember, aud try 363 Bowery, opposite Great Jones street. AN EXTRA PRICE WILL BE PAID FOR LADIES' and gentlemen's caat off nothing. Carpets. Jewelry and Furniture, as the undersigned has received larg order* tr un all Pfrts ol the United States for the above art e'es. He gnsrstiiees to pny the following prices: From $A to $.16 !or Silk (Dresses; from $3 to $15 for Coats; from $2 to $5 for Pants. Please call or address by not- J. ANIIALT, 152 Se venth avenue, between Twentieth and Twentv-llrst streets. Ladies attended to by Mr*. Auhalt. N. B.?All business trans acted confidentially. Attention, ladies and qentlemen.-i have just re? Ived $4,0(J0 to purchase east off Clothing, Fur niture and Carpets for the California market. I do promts* to pay the Inches pre-es In the ? ity by calling on or address ing a note to E. MINTS, 137 Slith avenue, two doors al>ore Tenth sire- t. Ladles attended to b> Mis. Mintz. Ke:..em ber, 137 Slfth avenue. A POSITIVE FACT.?LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IF you want to get the full value for your east ot Cloth 1 ox. Furniture, Carpets and Jewelry, the best you ran dots to call or send a note to A. HARRIS, 551 Third avenue, between Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth streets, east side. Ladles at tended to by Mrs. ilarria. . , f AT THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH PAID FOR left otT Clothing, Carpets, Furniture. Ladles and gen tlemen having any or the above to dispose of will do well to send a note only to i. BOSENBEKG, 212 Seventh avenue. There you will be sure to have your best satisfaction. La dles attended by Mrs. Rosenberg. A RARE CHANCE.?$13,000 WORTH OF OABT OFF Clothing wanted, within a month, lor New Orleans. La dies and senile mo 11 having any ol the above to dlspos" of osn receive the following prlaes ? From $6 to $30 for Silk Dresaes, from $3 to $1$ lor coats, from $1 u> $5 lor Pant*. Also Shawls, Clocks. Carpets, Furniture: the highest prices paid. Please call on or address a note to B. Minn, 283 Sixth avenue, near Eighteenth street. Ladles attended by Mrs. Mints. Orders from Brooklyn or Jersey City punctually at tended to. Please remember the name, B. Mint/, 383 Sixth avenue. TTENTION.?CALIFORNIA AND PIKE'S FBAK .XX trade.?A great demand for ladles' and gentlemen's cast off Clothing, Furniture, Carpets and Jewelry. I guarantee te pay twenty-live par cent more tbaa any other establish ment. and no humbug Call at or send a note to 89 West Broadway, between Leonard and Franklin streets. Ladles attended by Mrs. R. Osbay and gentlemen by Mr. H. Gabay. Alargb quantity of cast orr clothing, Furniture, Carpeta and Jewelro wanted far the city and Western trade. I pay as follows ?From $8 to $30 for Silk Dresses; Coats from $6 to $lf; Pants $1 M to $t Call on or address A. DUCAS, 218 Seventh avenue. Orders punctually attended to. Ladles attended 10 by Mrs. P. At the oldest stand on SEVENTH ANENUB? Mrs EZEKIELS guarantees to pay the following prices for ladles' and gentlemen's wearing apparel:?From $5 to $30 for silk dresses, from $5 to $30 flir coats, and from $1 to $6 for pants; aiao carpets, furniture, jewelry. Jte. A note by post punctually attended to by Mrs. BtekiaU, 134 Seventh avenue, between Niseteenth and Twentieth strseta. No con* nectktn with any other house. Gentlemen attended to by Mr. B. LAnlES AND OENTLEMEN, IF YOU WANT TO OET the value of your second hand Clothing, Carpets. Fur niture, Ac., call at or send a note to the old stand, 309 Se venth avenue, between Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth ?trests. Ladles attended by Mrs. Btrauaa. B. STRAl'SS. W1WBSB AUD LHiVOBI. Hammer s champagne alb. The attention of the public I* solicited to the superior quality of Hammer'a Champagne Ale. This ale Is browed fresh at all seasons of the year, and Its keeping quality, es pecially of that brewed during the most excessive hoi wea thnr. Is guaranteed for any length of lime. Orders sent to our Brewery, la Uarlcm, will raoatve prompt attention^ _ IPBCIAIi IfOTICB*. A foreign importing housb and wholesale dealei iu Biaudie*. Wines, Ac., al >ays pro tilled mho a lar^te and w. U iimwrtfd stock ot toooffer to supply at coat price-. iirst class hole s, restaurants, barrooms, A?., on the rollowli . terms ?E* ry article U to to held on joint ?? count by the puny making the .ipy>;i alion. ant the proceeds of Hale are to o? divided weekly, ?e mi-weekly oral any KTiod, a* per mutual a.reeinrut Security will be required ir the amount <>f goois to be deliver*.!, to be held as colla teral, for the taltlilul performance o!the illWMBt. Ap plications, with real name, r< Terence, and stailug tbe ave rage amount of trade, are to be made to Importers, box AW 11 raid olli e. CAUTION ?THE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against negotiating thu following Oaiifornkt State Hands, belonging to me, which were stol n from the Overland mail ?#1,000, No. 516; Sl.UtM, No. Mi, dated March 1, IHjH. D. HAMBUROBB. Members op a rot uk us lodge no. 2:4, f. and A. M., are hereby noUned to attend a regular commu nication, on Friday evening, June 6, at their room a. No. 8 Union square, at 8 o'eloot. Work, second decree. By order oi the W. M. DAVID W. WIL..SON, Sec., pro tem. Notice -i have this dat appointed w. j. Howell. No. 1st Houston street and 31 Beekiuan street, city of New York, sole agent for my Pale Ale. All orders sent to ills address will be promptly attended to. The publio are cautioned against certain deaigniug persons, who have sureutitio.ieiy obtained my casks, and are Ailing them with an ale ol inferior quality ami veudimi the same as my manu facture. 1 will guarantee none genuine unless purchased of W. J, Howell, sole aiteut for New York. PuiLADKLrma, April 14, UM. WM. C. RUDMAN. OFFICB OP THE JETNA FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. NO. 170 BROADWAY. June3,18&I. At tbe annual election for Direoiors of this Company, held ou the 3.1 instaut, tbe following gentleman were chosen for thu ensuing year:? JACOB BROUWER, THEOPIIILUfl ANTHONY, BUSSEL Si'EBBlNS, O. II. SATTEBLEE, M. L. MARSH, THUS. C. CHARUAV'OYNE, P. L. KOULKk, NBHEMIAH KNIGHT, O. C. SaT1KRL.EE, NfilLSON BUNYON. Joseph jamisun. Daniel buttkkiield, WM. WHITE WBiQHT, JOHN H. TALMAN, JOHN D. WARD, EDWARD OOTHOUT, JAMBS THOMPSON. JOHN J. McLAREN, CHAS. U. CLAYTON. ROBERT H. BERDELL, FRANCIS A. THOMPSON. At a subsequent meeting Of the Board JACOB BBOUWEB, Baa., was uuanimous.v re-elected President of tbe Company. LIVINOSTON 8ATTBRLEE. Sueretary. The members ok put.vam lodoe, no. 338. f and A. M., and the fraternity in gen-rat, are requested to meet at their rooms. Odd Fellows' Hall, corner of Urand and Centre streets, at hall-past 12 1*. M., to attend tbe fune ral of our late brother Maxwell. A. B. PHILLIPS, Master. F. SoniLLiHQ, Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 21. P. AND A. M.?THE ineuioers of tbe above Lodge are summoned to attend the funeral of our lam brother. Thomas James, to-day, at 12 o'clock, from the lodge room. No. 8 Union square. The fra ternity generally are in/ited to ntmnd. Br order of ABM. TOMPKINS, Master. N. 8. Bbiogs, Secretary. MUSICAL. A BARGAIN ? APPLY IMMEDIATELY.?$100 FOR a handsome 7 octave rosewood Pianoforte, large size; baa bee.u repolislied aud regulated, toued, Ac., a stool with it; sold for repairs. Also a new 7 octave, for nearly half price. MCDONALD A CO., 368 Bowery. A MAGNIFICENT SEVEN OCTAVE BOSEWOOD Pianolorte lor sale?Carved legs and case, full Iron I late, overstrung bas.-, lined with satinwood; has all mo dern improvements; main to order; been in use seven months; cost (500. for $25'; inducing Stool and Cover. Also a large assorim< n. of Parlor Furniture at sacrifice. Inquire at 70 West Twenty-sixth street, near 8lxth avenue. A PROFESSOR ON TOE PIANOFORTE IS WANTED to piay by th? week, from 7 P. M. to 8 olelock A. If. Apply immediately at 113 Eighth street. INSTRUCTION IN VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MU sic.?A rare chance is oU'ured to beginners and those wish ing to learn music. Terms to suit those of limited mean.-. To those commencing to vocalize it is importuit to start arignt, and have the principles made plain and easy. My meiuoit is sure to bring O'.it the voice in periect fullness, pu rity and correctness ol tone. Every effort will be given for the interest and progress at my pupils. Miss M. E. NEW HALL, 45 East Thirty-first street. MB. D. MIBANDA, ORATORIO AND OPERATIC Tenor Vo aji?t. All letters, Ac., to be forwarded to his residence, 19 University place. New patriotic music.?"brave mcclellan is our leader now," air by Prof. Cull; '?Freedom, Truth and R ght," by Carl Helnem.uin; "Rally Round your Kiag, Boys,* by F. Fackreli; ? Better Times are Cotniug." bjr Stephen C. Foster; "Volunteer Yankee Doodle of 'til," by Louis Belle. 25 cents each, or 5 copies for $1. Mailed free. HORACE WATERS, Agent, 481 Broadway. NEUKOMMS OANTATE "EASTER MORNING," WITH German and English text (English version by Wlem). Plates, Manuscript and publishing right for sale cheap (fc!5). Address l'J West Houston street, at P. A. Wundermaun's music store. ,IL PAINTINGS WANTED?IN EXCHANGE FOB A piano or meloaeos. HORACE WATERS, Agent, 481 Broadway. 0 PIANO AND SINOINO.?AN ENGLISH LADY, Wild has studied under the tlrst masters, will ia<c a few more pupils ciu'-ine the summer months st very reduced terms. Piano >5 per quarter. Apply at 43 East Fiiteentb st. PIANOFORTE FOB SALE.?A FINE PIANOFORTB, X Noma A Clara's make, will be disposed of for $76; must be remove! immediately; hai French action, sweet and powerfu 1 tone. Iron frame, round corners; goo 1 Cover and Stool, Ac. Applyatl29>i Twentie h street, near Third avenue. Fa wundermann's large music store is ? removed to IU West Houston street, a few doors from Broidwav. All music on hauii or daily received. Dea'ers, tea hers and parents will And it to their greatest advantage iu buying their music of us. CatalogueslUc. each.) WANTED?A TENOR FOR A FIRST CLASS QI'AR. telle Choir. Must be a good reader and understand the Episcopal service. Address box 1.960 New York Post Oillce. fflJl CA-NEW SEVEN OCTAVE PIAN08, IN ROSE 'Pi'JU wood eases, iron irames. and overstrung, lor SIM!; do., with mouldings, $160; do., with carved legs and mimd name board, $175, $185 and $2U0; do., with pearl keys, $225 und $2511; new octave, $140. The shove Pi anos arc lull? warranted, and are the greatest bargain* that rut be found In the city. Please call and see tliem. Second han.l Pin not at $25, $40, $50, $00. $i 5, $S5, $100. New Melo dious at extremely low price*. One hundred new and se cond baud Piano* and Melodeons to let, at $2 and upward* per month. Bent allowed ti purchased. Monthly payment* received for the same. Foreign Sher-t Music at two cent* per page. HORACE WATERS. Agent, 481 Broadway. INSTRUCTION. Algebra, bookkeeping, penmanship, arith malic, Ac., are ta ,ght at hour* * iliin>! students, a, or evening, ai 62 Bowery, N. V., and 295 Fulton street. Brook lyn. Colonel PAINE, the well known teather of writing, i* one of the belt Instructors In the State.?Newport M retry. A card -THE SUBSCRIBER WILL RECEIVE NEW pupil*, old or young, day and evening, for clan or private instruction In Peninansnty. B jo'cketplng, Arlth me tic, Ac. Room* No. 6 Fourth avenas, below Eignth street. OLIVER B. GOLDSMITH, Ayouno gentleman, who is thoroughly acquainted with double and single entry, is desirous of forming a cla*< for the Instruction of bookkeeping, with reference as to capacity. Th? best or recommendations can bo given. Pupil* la Jersey City preferred. Term* moder;?te. Add r es* Bookkeeper, Herald otltce, or apply at 63 Bright street, Jersey City. Ayouno lady who teaches french, latin-' English, musir, drawing. Ac., having been disappointed in a situation, oilers to teach In a family for her board and washing. Apply personally or by letter to Miss Mary Nor tun. 1?5 Hieecker street. Bryant, stratton. Packard a penns com nieiTial College*, Cooper Institute, New York; llatall ton Building. Brooklyn ?These institution* afford the best posiihle I'irelllties for acqutrlnn a thorough business educa tion. Bookkeeping. Cotuuier -Ml Law, Commercial Coinpi tations, Penmanship, Correspondence, Ac., practically taught. B1RENCH AND GERMAN LANGUAGES.?P ROF. E TKLLERINii. Hl'.i Broadway (established ta lHbSi. wil reci-i e appli< anon* for private instruction in the above branches o;' a gentlemanly eduemlnn. Also, Grammar, Translating, Elocution?Laogue Anutaise au utran^eia. SWIMMING LESSONS IN THE PAP.LOR-IN DUMARS Dancing Academy. .16 Seventh avenue, corner Thirteenth street. One quartet's lessons, $10; private lessons, $12. Lessons for Indies by Mrs. Dumnr TO BOOKKEEPERS.?HOW TO ADD Til REE COLUMNS at Oner. The shortest method* for multiplication, com puting Interest and averaging ever published. Send $1 to ?JOHN W. PAINE, Monrocton, Bradford county, Pa. PERSONAL. ~ ~ A DOPTION -WANTED. A FINE. HEALTHY KEMALK /V child, oi American parentage; must be light complexion and about two weeks old. Call on or addi ess Charles Lutze, M. D., ?I4a Broadway. CCHILDREN TAKEN FOR ADOPTION AND ADOPTED J out, at 741 Greenwich street. Mme. PAR8ALLU. Information WANTED-OF WM AND ELIZABETH McAddam. natives of Portadower, Irelnnd. When last heard of were in New London, Canada West. Anv informa tion will be thankfully received. Adilreea Harriet, bo* 132 Post office, Paterson, N.J. New London (Canada Weal) paper* please copy. IF MISS KATE HLATER, FORMERLY OF 8*4* BROAD way, will address W. B.. Herald office, *b? will bear of something to her advantage. T HOLLAND M SQUIRE May hear op SOME O . thing of Interest to him by sending his address to or calling on W. U. McDONALD (Advertising office), 177 Wil liam street. Mm. H LETTER, WITH RING, RECEIVED s yesterday: answer sent to New York Poat office, a* directed. Come bone and see me. I am very nneaay about you. ME. FREDERICK HEWNINO -PLEASE CALL AT Bridge man's, 878 Broadway. \TOTICE.-IF THIS SHOULD COME TO THE NOTICE XM of Mrs. Mary Ann McKee, of Philadelphia, she will mease eall at 75 Perry street, where she will hear of some thing that will be to ner advantage. JOHN WESLEY. WANTED?INFORMATION OF JOHN HEARTLY, who left N?w York an years ago, for Wisconsin. His ?ister Mary k>M Ireland about three years ago, and Is since In a respectable situation, and has been looklngTor him all tbe time since she arrived In New York; rasidenoe of Ned. Far rlsh, of Banter. Direct your letter to 1$ Roosevelt street. JAMES BOULUB. Xtr w. W. W.?WRITE TO MB, AND MARK PRI Vf . vat*, and aay where vou will bring the wheelbarrow. I have just got bach to the city. Honu. 1RVINO HOUSE, NBW YORK. BROADWAY AND Twelth etreet, entrance 46 Twelfth street.?This first class house le now open and will be conducted upon the Eu ropean plan. Charges moderate. OBO W. HUNT. chas. W. NASli,) Proprletort, PELTON'S HOTEL-A FEW MINUTES' WALK FROM Oottens' new hotel, and one nad a half miles irom Wesi Point, Is now oven for permanent and transient boarders. B. L I'ELTON. Proprietor, pinahciaim ^ Arvt and nayy pat AND CLAIM 0FFI01.?AM tMri of Pay, Bounty, Pension* an J re. rolling Et peusee. john K MURKAY, Army aud Nary Banker, 3K Niutu street, N. Y., opposite Post olhee. AUGUST BELMONT A CO., BANKER*, NO. 60 WALL St., i?auo letters uf cretin to travellers, available in all liar a of the world through Me,-tar*. Rothschild, of Paris, Lea don, Frankfort, Vienna,, aud Uelr cories|KHideu?. Amehican oold and silver wanted AT 1'UE IIIUIIESl' PREMIUM, BY TAYLOK brothers, 247 Broadway, corner of Murray street, 76 Wall, coruer of Pearl street. A MEBICAN oold and bilveb and united _rL Suites Demand Notes, of the Uist issue, bought at ths uixlisst premium by F. P. JAMES A CO.. 46 Wall street. Bank ok enoland notes, sovereigns and Napoleon* constantly pu? "bBOTUEE^ 147 Broadway, corner of Murray itrMt 76 Wall street, cornur of Petri. CALIFORNIA STATE COUPONS WANTED?DUM July 1,1862. The highest price paid by 0. A. MEIOS k SON, oO Exchange place. CALIFORNIA COUPON8 BOUOHT AND COLLECTED by AUOU8T BELMONT A CO., 80 Wall street^ CITIZENS' OAS LI (HIT COMPANY 8 STOCK OP BROOK lyu, N. Y., wanted. JOHN B. MURKAY, 38 Nassau street, corner of Liberty. JEFFER80NVILLE RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE Bonds. Orrtca or the JurrauoKTiLLi Railboad Compavt, ( JamasOMvuijLlad.. May 27, 1862. > Not ce Is hereby given that this Company will redeem o* the 1st day of July next at the United States Trust Company. New York city, at the lowest offer below par a part of Ita First Mortgage Bonds, agreeable to the provisions of % contract made between this Company and the bolder* of said Mortgage Bonds, bearing date April 11, I860. Otters for the bale of said Bonds may be addressed under seal to the United Slates Trust Company aforesaid, and en dorsed "Olfer of the First Mortgage Bond or Bonds of the Jeffersonvllle Railroad Company to the Sinking Fund;" which oilers or bids will be received until noon of tne 1st day of J uly aforesaid. J, II. McCAMPBELL, Secretary and Treasurer. Land warrants BOUGHT AND SOLD BY TAYLOR BROTHERS, 247 Broadway, lovnur of Murray street. 76 Wail, corner of Pearl street. NEW YORK AND NEW HAVBN RAILROAD COMPA oy. corner of Fourth avenue and Twenty-seventh street.?TreaHiirnr's oilloe, May 29, l&l.?The Coupons do* upon the bonds of this company June 1, will be paid on pre sentation aud surreuder at this ottice or at theBaukof tha Republic. W. HEME NT, Treasurer. ONTARIO BANK. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. In pursuance of an order of the Supreme Court of the State of Now York notice is hereby given to all persons, iirms and corporations houllns or claiming any or the cir culating notes q:' the former Ontario Hank (at Cunandalgua) or of the Ontario Brnncii Bank (at Utica), that they are re quired to present the suuie for payment, iat my oflice. In Uia city of Utica, on or before the 1st day of July next: and that in default of so doing the said notes will not be paid. Dated at UUca, May 13, I8i>2. EDMUND A. WETMORB, Receiver of the Ontario Bank. ON BOND AND MORTOAGB-fSO.OOO IN HAND. BM longing to ail'estate, and some $60,OUO or $70,000 ex pected soon, sr? oll'ered la one sum or several on strictly ilrst cla*s security. Applications of this character from principals will I* considered if addressed Ex., box 2,689 Poet olfice. N. B.?Should extraordinary security be o li e red, a part might be loaned at 6 per oeut. Remittances to England, IRKI.AND, SCOTLAND AND WALES; SIGHT DRAFTS on leading Banks Irom 11 upwards, la sued by TAYLOB brothers. 247 Broadway, corner of Murray street 76 Wall street, corner of Pearl. The la crosse and Milwaukee pirst and Second Mortgages, land Grunts and City of Milwaukee Bonds, bought by T. P. JAMES, A CO.. *6 Wall street. United states demand notes (old issue*, WANTED AT A PREMIUM, BY TAYLOR BROTHERS. 247 Broadway, corner of Murray street, 76 Wail, eorner of Pearl street. w ANTED TO ENGAGE FOR A RESPONSIBLE COM panv, in South America?a party tully competent I* attend to the crushing and amalgamating of gold quartz; machinery already tiiWatlsraetory ot>eratk>n; practical expe rience, a knowledge of the richn s. of quartz, and good reier en e ar- requisite. Adoress, In writing, with particulars of experience, C. Klrchhoif, box 1,007 Post nt2ce. c> rr nan wanted?on a three story brick VU.uUv House and two aures of Ground, valued at $I2,uOO. situated at Clilton, 8. I., near Vunderbill's ferry; Interest payable quarterly; bond good; security ample. Ad dress box l.luO Post oflice. Ol H Ann T0 LOAN on bond and mortgage. &LV.UVU on productive real estate, eithercltyor om 1 arms, in sums to suit applicants. No broker need apply ta JOHN CORREJA, Jr., Architect, ASS Broadway, corner of Broome street. (t>OC AftO TO $30,000 WANTED-FOR A TERM OF iJjiJ.uUu years, at 7 perceut. on two or three valua ble improved Karma, containing i.800acres, with line build in s aud orchards, valued at $j0.000, located tw>'niv-liva miles from Columbus, the capital of Ohio; to be divided iute four separate worUages. Apply to H. C. BILLINGS, at 8. A. Pierce's oflice, No. 6 Pine street, N. Y. <*Ui) n(\[\TO LOAN-AT six per CENT int*. i})Ua,uUU reel, on bond and mortgage, in sums of $.>,000 III $*>.000. on lirst class productive real eatate In thia cuy. Apply in the oflice of the People's Fire Insurance Com pany, to JOHN F. CON RE Y. 66 Wall street. LOAN OFFICES. AT 111 GRAND STREET, TliBEB DOORS WEST OP Broadway.?Motiev advaneed on Watchi-a, Diamonds, Jewelry, Plate. Dry Goo is, and personal property of ever* bought and Mid, by JOSEPH A. JACKSON, 1 iiruker. , AT 213 BROADWAY, CORKER OF FULTON STREET. The best price* paid for Diamond!, aet or unset. Ad vances on Watches, Pearls. Fiale. Optical Instruments, to. If It on sale, or will buvthem at a fnir valuation. J. H. BARR1NGER, 212 Broadway, room 13, up stall*. A T 306 BROADWAY, CORNER OF DUANE STHKKT.? A Money advanced to any amount on Diamonds, Watchea, Jewelry, Ac., or bought fot cash. THOMAS H. KEEPING, auctioneer and broker. Private entrance In Duane street, Urst i.oor west of Broadway. AT 668 BROADWAY, CORNER OF BOND STREET, room No. A?HENRY HYMAN advances cash on Dia mond*, set or unset, or buys the samu for cash; alao oa Watches, Silver Ware, Pianos, Jewelry and Personal Pro perty. AT 66 NASSAU STREET ?A. HONIQMAN, DIAMOND broker, makes liberal advances oa Dtamouds, Watcnea, Jewelry, Ac., or buys them at full value, at his private oflkoe, 06 Nassau street, room No. 2, up Stairs. Business coull dvutlal. AT 306 BROADWAY, CORNER OF DUANE street.? Money advanced to any amount on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Ac., or bought for cash. THOMAS H. KEES1NG, auctioneer anil broker. Private entrance In Duane street, first uoor west of Broadway. AT 77 BLEECKER street ?THE HIGHEST cash price advanced on Diaiuonla, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plate, Ac., or the same bought for cash, at 77 Bleecker street. H. NEWfuN. Directly opposite the st. Nicholas hotel? No. 510 Broadway.?JOSEPH SOLOMOM, Gommls*Joa Merchant. advances money to any amount on Diamonds, Jewelrv and Plate; or bought at the full value. Old Gold and Silver bought. Busioe?s strictly confidential. Monet to loan-in sums to si-it, on watches, diamonds Dry Goods and all valuable Personal Pro. peitv, Silver Plate. Ac. Apply to B. WOOD, ti2 Fulton street, second Uoor, front room, from V to 6 o'clock. New loan office.?p * h. priedenrero have opened a Loan ofllce under the Oriental B*nk, corner of Urand street and Hie Bowery, and will advance liberally on diamonds, watches, jewelry, wearing apparel, iinu i urn, guns, pistols, Ac. PAWNBROKERS' TICKETS PURCHASED?OF CLOTH Ing, Diamonds, Pistols, A". On hand and fer sale a lot of Unredeemed Pledges or Clothing. Business Coats, $2; < 'asslmei e I'ants, $1; Testa, 60 cents. 448 Broome nifet, four door* from Broadway. O. LETIE. PAWNBROKERS' TICKETS PURCH ASED?OF CLOTH ing. Diamonds, Pistols, Ac. On band and for sale a lot of Unredeemed Pledges of Clothing. Business Coats, $2; Casslmere 1'ants, $1; Vesta, 60 cents, 448 Broome street, four doers i rom tread way. OEORUE levik. The highest cash price paid kor Hair Shawl-;, Diamond*, old Qold anil Silver, or liberal advanees insde, by LOUIS ANRtCH, 723 Broadway, under the New York Hotel. STKAMBOATS. POK BRIDGEPORT-THE KTEAMKR BRIDGEPORT will leave from pier M East river, dally at 12 o'clock noon (Sundays excepted). Freight tiken. Arrives in time to ronnect with the llousalonlc. Kaugatuck, New Haven and Hartierd railroads; alao the Shore Line to Havbrook and New London. < ?EO W. CO RL1ES, Agent. Norwich line-for boston, new London. Norwich and Woreester.?The splendid steamers CITf OF BOSTON and CITY OF NEW YORK leave every day (Sunday s excepted), at 6 o'cloi, from foot of Vestry street, pier 3? North river. B H. MARTIN, Agent. TWO TRIPS PER DAY TO KEYPORT.-THE STKAM boat KEYPORT will leave New York, foot of Robin Son street, dally (Sundays excepted hat 4 o'clock A. M. and 4 p M.. and Kevport at 7 A. M. and 7 P. M. The 7 o'cloc* P. M. trip from Keyport will be emitted oa Saturdays. THE STEAMBOAT DANIEL DREW W1 L RBSUMB Iter regular trips for Albany, making the interuiedlaM landings, as per bill, commencing Saturday, June7, froaa Jay street plar at 7 A. M. MATRIMONIAL. A GENTLEMAN, THIRTY SIX YEARS OF AOb"OP J\. moderate means, fair looking and healthy, well con nected, and holding a desirable soelsl position, wishes to make the acquaintance of a young lady with a view to ma trimony. She must be good looking, accomplished In mosie fond of literature, soelaBle and rellned, ana aooustomed to the conventionalities of society. The advertiser will furnish moet saNafactory proofs of his position to the fair one of hie choice. Address, with full particulars, Merton, Herald oBce A WIDOWER, 46 YEARS OLD. WITH SOME PRO J\ perty. of regular and business habits, and good natured, desires to Join fortunes with a lady of similar attributes. Living In lodging houses I have lost all female society, and am compelled to take this anpleasant coarse. Country la dies preferred. None but the sincere need address Confiden tial. box 1? Herald offlce. A BEAUTIFUL TOUNO FRENCH LADY, 23 YEAR8 of age. brunette, of refinement and a loving disposition, spesking English, Italian and Spanish, dneiree the ac quaintance of some wealthy gentleman, with a view to matrimony. Address Miss AO., care of L. C. de Hoben, 176K Elm street, near Broome. ?xPMian. ABURNHAM'S FURNITURE EXPRESS AND FUR. , nlture Packing Establishment, 111 West Eleventh street, between Fifth and Slith avenues.?Furniture bmed and shipped to all parts of the world. Covered wagon* for removing furniture to and from the coantrf, nunltur* tored.