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SITUATIONS WANTED? FKMALKS. AT THE SERVANTS' INSTITUTE. U9 GRAND ST., Flrat cla*a American, French, hugliah, Irish and Gel limn K?rVAl)t3, PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS. Professed Cooks, plain oook7, girla fur housework, cham bermaids . laundresses, waitress?*, coachmen, waierss. )<orlers. farm bauds, Ac., for city or couuiry A SITUATION WANTED?BY AN AMERICAN FRO tcstant young girl, eighteen years old, us chambermaid and waitiess in a small family: city reference given. Can be Keen for one day at S3 Ka^t 15ih St., between 3d ST. and Irving place, third door, iront room. AKIRST CLASS MONTHLY Nl'RSE IS NOW DISEN gulfed until fall; would accept of an engagement out of town if required. Address A. B., box 3,163 New York Fost oUlce. A RESPECTABLE YOUNO LADY WISHES A SITUA lieu am copyist; has 1 ecu employed in that capacity fur four years, an i understands thoroughly all kinds ol copying; would do the copying at bom* or in an ollh e; can give the rery be?t of recommentaifons. Please address lor two days X. J. M., box 2J6 Ueia.ii oilloe. A RESPECTABLE UEKMAN GIKL WANTS A blTUA tion a* c1 ambermaid or to do general housework, or would take cam of children. Apply at 73 Sackett St., Soutb Brooklyn. A TIDY, AMERICAN OIRL WISHES A SITUATION to do geueial housework iu a private family; has no objei tiona to the country; good reference given. Call at 2J East 2d St., for two day a A RESPECT ABLE YOU NO OIRL WISHES A 8ITUA Uouas cuauiberuiaid and waitress; would b? willing to do the housework ol a t.mall private Ian i.y; ix au excel lent vi asber aud ironer and u good baker; has city reiorenee. Call at 136 West 25th at.. In the rear. A8ITUATI0N WANTED?BY A YOUNO WOMAN, AS good plain cook, washer and Iron-r: would do the housework of a small family; hi.s no objections to go a short distance in the country; the best of city reference can be given. Call for two day* at 20i) West 26th St., between dm and aih aves. ABITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE young girl, to cook, wash and Iron, or to do general housework In a small private family; can make bread and biscuit; no oh ecuon to goto the country for the sum Bier; has good city reiereuce. Call at ICS avenue B, between 10th aud lltli sis. A YOUNO OIRL, 1# YEARS OP AOE, WISHES A situation to do ll^ht cliauibei work, wait on table, or to take care of children In a respectable family; bus the Inst of reference. Can be seen for two day., at VI Wyckott St., Brooklyu. A NEAT, TIDY GIRL, WANTS A SITUATION AS chambermaid and waitress, or is willing io do general housework in a suia'l private family; no objections to go to tbe country for the summer; good city reiereuce from her test place. Can bo seen for two days at 1M Weal 37th St., aecond floor, front room. ARESPECT.VB1.E YOUNO OIRL WANTS A SITL'A. tion to do chamberwork and washing, or chamberwork and to take care of children and do plain sowing. lias good city reference. Call for two days at 60 West 31st St., ?ear 6th av., In tbe basement. No objection to leave the city. A RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN WISHES A SITU atlou to do hcueral iiousewort; is a good cook, washer an i ironer. Good city reference if required. Can be seen for two daya at 293 Weat 17th st. A RESPECTABLE YOUNO OIRL WANTS A SITUA. tion as chambermaid aud seamstress, and would see to the children, lias I he best city reference. Would like to go to the country for the summer. Please call for two daya. at 2d Furinau at., Cottage row, South Brooklyn. A RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOMAN WOULD LIKE XL a baby to wet uurae at her own residence, having lost her baby in her conlineuient eleven days ago. Call at No. 70 Ohurlemi. Can be aeen at any time. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN DESIRES A SITUATION aacook, and la willing to assist with the wasnlng and Ironing, ahe understands her business;|is|atrictly honest ami cleanly. Call for two days at her preneni employer's, S4 WeatZid St.. near 6th are., between iU aud 2 o'clock. RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOMAN, WHO HAS loat her baby, wishes a situation as wet nurse. Call at her present employer's, after 10 o'clock A. M. at 101 East 10th at., next door to university place. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION as nurse; baa b?en in that capacity I or many years, ftud la lully competent to take the cnarge of an infant from Ma birth. Has tne beat of city references. (Jan be seen for two daya at iM% Broadway, oetwoeu 22d and 23d sis. A RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN WISHES A SITU aiion aahial rate cook, wasuer and ironer; can pro duce best city reiereuce from her last employer, with wuoin abo baa lived two years. Call at 181 Keury st., Brooklyn. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE (fiRL, aa good plain iook, washer and ironer. Has good city reiereuce from her last place; no objection to the country. Can be aeen for two daya at 135 West 26ih st. mtiJation WANTED-BY A VERY RESPECTA ble Protestant woman, as cook; nnderstanda all kinda ?t baking and pastry, and willing to assist in tbe washing. City and country relereni a. Can lie seen, tor two daya at 2ib 1st av., above 17th st, in lue paper atore. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, as cook, waaher and ironer; la a very good cook; has tbe best of city reference* from last places. Can be seen at 34M 2d ar., corner of 'Jbtl at, A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, to do general housework In a private family; la a good plalu cook, and an excellent washer and froner; best elty reference; no objection to tbe country. Call for two daya at No. 0 oth at. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNO WOMAN, TO take care of children, or wouid do chamberwora and assist with the washing and ironing; no objection to the Mumnr. Can be aeen and recommuuded at her lust place, a? Weat 36lh at. ABITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE OIRL, to cook, waah and iron; Is a good plaiu cook and au ex cellent waabcr aud ironer; good city reference. Call at 32 West *?tb St., between jth aud 6th ava. A SITUATION WANTED?A8 chambermaid AND waitress or chamoermaid and laundress; 110 ubjecuon to the country; unexceptionable city, iclcrence. Can ue socn ?t 120 26lh at, uetweeu 1st and 2d ava.. second flour. A SITUATION WANTED-BY AN ENGLISH GIRL, AS chambermaid; is a good sewer, aiud to children, and ia willing to maac her-,elf generally useful; would liae lo ,<? Id the country; beat city reference from lier Ian place. Can b? seen for tliree day a al her present employer *, 661 State at., Brooklyn. A LADY IS DESIROUS OF FINDING A SITUATION for ? good cook. Apply at 34 East 23d at. A COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A SITUA tlon, Is a thorough waitress. peilectly uudei-atun is the the lull charge 01 the dining room; would go as chanbermaid anil waitress If requireu; pi i fuctly understands cither. The ?ery best of city given. Call for two days al 240 Weat aatb at. * A COMPETENT PROTESTANT GIRL REQUIRES A siluadun as c mt. la a very good cook; will iuiu in the washing mft ironing; tue beat oi bread and biscuit; no objection logo to the country. The lwst cily reicrences. Apply at bo Weat 25th it., lor two days, If not eng.t^i d. APROTBSTANT LADY, WITH THE HIGHEST TES (imoniala as to character, capability, Ac., is dcalroua of meeting with a aiiuation, either in tha city or country, aa at tendant on an Invalid huly, or to travel with a la-ly, or aa as sistant housekeeper. Appiy for two dav* al Buokham n lie ?sll's, 307 4th ave. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIKL WISHES A SlTl'A J\. tlon a* plain cook, washer and ironer, or to do general housework in a small private family; haa good dty reference; ia a very good baker. Can ho aoeu ior two uaya al 268 7th ?v., second Uoor, back room. A respectable WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION aa chambermaid and to help with thn washing and trenlug; would do teueral houaewurk or take care ol cbll flren; haa good reference. Gun be aeen at 22y Eaat lwth at. respectable GIRL WISHES A SITUATION IN a (mall private family, to do cbamberwoi k and wait haa live years' reference from lier last place. Call wo days at 96 Concord at, Brooklyn, front basement. A respectable WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION a* cook; undera tan da cooking in all lis varioua branches, ?MM, loeau, game, Ac.; de?*erts In all styles; ice cream, jellies, blancmange, cake; would go to a boarding bouse or pHvate family; beet oily and country reference. Call at 317 West 2yth St., collage la the rear. AYOUNO WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION AS laundress, or 10 aaalst In chainberwurk, in either city er country. Is a good washer and lroner. Can be seen for ?aro days al 60 30th st, near tola av. Good reference, If w 4*1 red. A GOOD, STRONG, trustworthy GIRL WANTS Jl. a situation to do housework In a private family. Wages not so muab an object aa a comfortable home. Call ?t26tf Bowery, in furniture store. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE young woman as ohainoertnald and waitress, or to as atsl lu washing and ironing; good city reference. Apply at MO West Slat at, between 7th and 8th ava., lop Uoor, hack. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A respectable young woman, to do tbe general housework ot a very ?mali taiuiiy; ia a good plain cook and a duo I waalier and lroner; no objection to sua short diaiaucr in the country. Call lor two days al 104 West thh at., near 7th av. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNG AMERICAN girl, lo laks care of ohlldren and do light chaiubur work; no objection lo the country; good city reisccnne. Ap ply for one week at her present employer's, 161 West 36th at, between 7th and 8th avs, A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE young gul. aacook, waaher and Ironsr; Is a good bread, biscuit pie and cake baiter, alao plain deeeert; or would do ?>e work of a small prlvato family, no objection to go In tbe country for the summer. Best city and country rel'e Call at 173 3*d st, between 7ih and 8th avs. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A respectable OIKL aa chambermaid and waiiraae in a small private fa mily. or In take care of children; haa no objection lo go la tbe country. Call for two day a at 116 W?ai 16lh at., third floor, In the rear, nsar 6th av. Good city rererence given. Am situation wanted?by a COMPETENT young woman, as first class ooofc, undnrstunda adl kinds ol poultry, game, pastry, Ac., and will assist In washing; has no objection lo Uie wintry. The beat ol cky reforencaa can be given. Call fer two daya at 83 W#?l (7th St., between 6ta ?nil 7th avs. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A respectable J\. young woman, aa chambermaid and wmirssa; haa no obyaatlon to aaalst In tbe washing and ironing; Is willing and ob !<in? Has the beat at ally reference from her laat plaoe. Call at 02 Weat 10th at, near 6tb av., tor two days. Am respectable young woman wants a situ anon as waitress In a private family; has no objection to tbeoountry far ihe aVimmor; good city reference given. Onil for twe day at 174 Wast M st, noar 8th av. SITUATION WANTED?BT AN experienced yonag woman, aa professed waitress, or aa chamber maid aad plain sewer. Can be aeen for two daya at bar pre sent employer's, 5fii West 22d at. AMI RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN WANTS A SITUA" llon ta cook, wub and iron; best reference if required. Call at 164 East 41a*t. 8 COOK-WANTED, A SITUATION. BY A FIRST rate cook, in a private family; perfectly underatanda ceoklng In all tla branchea; ao'ins, game, Jellies, lie cream, end desserts of all kinds; best of dty reference. Call fbr two days al I21K Weal 27th at, between 7lh aad 8th ava. AmM MTUATION WANTED?IN THE CITY OR COUN try, by a neat, respectable girl, todoplalu cooking or seneraf hoiiMWork; Is an eirellsnt washer and lroner t'olilfc lns and iruMworthv; well recommended. Apply at Mb > u4 at, opposite th? City Hall AmiDid. SITUATIONS WAHTEtt-FKMALBS.^ A* SITUATION WANTED?KY A respectable girl, as cook, washer and ironer, or as laundrt-ss aud chambermaid m a small private lainiy Beat city refe rence from her last piace. Call at 467 3d av., iu the .-.lore. A COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A SITU ation an laundress ur to do chamber work and waiting. Has the best of city reference. Apply lor two days at 13 Union court, University place, between llui and 12th atii. A FIRST CLASS COOK, UNDERSTANDING HER business thoroughly in all Its brandies, including soup*. iellivh. ga nt, *<?., wishes a situation 111 a lirai class boardl g mise or hotel, elth r In city or country. Boat of city refe rence given. Inquire for i wo days at 67 West 2 nit at., near 6th av. A LADY WILL RECOMMEND A YOUNG GIRL (AT present In her employ) lor chain li<?r work and light walling or plain seamstress. Call at 170 West Utli st.,be twei'U 6th and 7th avs. A SITUATION WANTED?HY A COMPETENT YOt'NO woman, as llrst class cook; undcr?tMii In nil kinds of poultry, jellies and game, | astry, <kc. Best,city reTsrence. Call at No. W Alh St., first tloor, front room. A YOUNG GIRL WISHES A SITUATION, TO COOK, wash and Iron, or to do geueral houstA ork in a small family; good reference given. Apply at ii) Bank sU, front basement. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL' to do general housework or cliamuerwork; is willing to go a short ulsiaiice in the country; tias the oest city refe rence. Apply at 220 lotu av., between -4m and 23th sU. A YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION AH GOOD plain cook and excellent washer and Ironer; would do housework iu a small private lainlly; Is willing and obliging; no objection to go to the couutry. Three years' city reie rence. (/'all for two days at 212 Mulberry street. A SITUATION WANTED ?BY AN EXPERIENCED Cwoi, in a private family ; is a good meat and pasuy cook; nu excellent maker of bread and cake; makes good desserts; willing to assist wltu the washing; can be well n commended. Call at No. 6 White's place, lvin st., between 7tli auu gihavea. A YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION 10 DO general bouse a oi k iu a small lainiiy, or chamber worK or waiting; would go witn a lady lu the country to mind children: good re Terence. Call at 27 Charles st., be tween Tall man and York sis., lirst tloor, front room, for two days. A COOK WANTS A SITUATION IN A respectable boarding house, restaurant or hotel; understands cook ing all kiuds uf meats and sou us; best city relerence. Call at or audi ess for two days, 272 W est 17th st. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNG AMERICAN Protectant girl, as nurse, or to do light up stairs work and waliln^; is willing and obliging, and kind and good to children; ? ul assist In housework; no objection u> the coun try. Call at or addr ss Ub 32d St., m ar Lexington av. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A COMPETENT AND experienced plain co<>ic and bai.ei. is an excellent wash r and honor. II s tun best oi city rcferentes lor honesty, sobriety and capability. Can ue seen at 141 West 27tu si., be.w en 7th and ?th avs., Qrst iloor, lor two days. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE filling woman, as cook, washer and ironer, or lauu dress: understands all kinds of baking bread, biscuit, aud ail kiud ? oi pastry. Can give four s ears a in a halt'best city reference. Can be seen for two days, if not en, aged, at lu Main street, Brooklyn, second lloor, irout room. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A respectable WO man. as nrst class cook; understan is all kinds oi meats, soups and pastry; Is an excellent brean and biscuit maker. Also understands milk and butter; no objection to tin; coun try. Can be seeu lor two days at 37 West 12tu St., uelwce n iitn aud Oth avs. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPEC TABLE GIRL, as laundress, or to. ook, Wash and iron; best ol city reierence iroin her last puwe, where she has lived for the last 1 our years. Call at 33 tftn st., between 6th and 6th avs. AS WET NURSE-BY A YOUNG, HEALTHY MAR lied woman, wit.i a fresli breast ol' milk. Has good references. Has nooolection to the country. Call at or ad dress, for two days, 36 Leroy st., near Bieccaer. A respectable young woman wants a situ a tlon to cook, wash aud Iron, or do general housework, in a sma:l private 1 aimly. Good c.ty reference. Call at Adelpbi St., near Atlantic, Brooklyn, hi st Hour, ba>;& room. (100K S SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESl'ECTA J bie young woman, us good cook. Und rstands soups, meats aud poultry. Is a good waslier and ironer. Can give the very bi ot of city ivierenccs from ner last place, wnere she has lived a long lime. Call at 138 3d av., near lJth St., lor two days. HOUSEKEEPER'S SITUATION WANTED?BY A lady of experience; reierence given. Apply at No. 6d 6th av. Housekeepers situation wanted?by a young American lady, or pleasant manners,'pi gen tleman's family; a widower's preferred; competent of making a home pleasant und agreeable. Address lor uirce days A. D. 8., Union square Post otllce. Nurse and seamstress.?a respectable pro testaut girl wishes a situation as nurse aud seamstress; would pr :fer an infant; city or country; has several years' reierence. Call atlu2 6th av., lu the shoe store. SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE CEK iiiau |.r., as cook, washer and Ironer. Apply at 63 7th ave., near 16th st. situation WANTED-BY A GERMAN GIRL, who O understands all kinds of housework, washing aud iron ing. Inquire at 60/ 6th av., corner of 41st st. SITUATION WANTED?BY A VERY respectable young Germau lady. She is excellent in all hue needle work, mnliuciy, ualrdressiug, Ac., and ia good to children. Would inane Ucisell generally uaeiul. Apply at 06 frVrsyiu St., top floor. SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, as chambermaid aud to assist in wasuing au.l, or to uo housework, for a small i':tmily. Call for two days at iU& Forsyth St., secoud lloor. SITUATION WANTED?BY A respectable YOUNU woman, as nurse ami cbamboriuaid or seamstress; be nt city reference. Cull at i>y West 4'Jtu at. SITUATION WANTED?BV A YOUNQ GIRL, TO DO O hoiiscwur*; 1M a good wanur, iron", jud pu.n cook, > all at SUA Man .boh St., second lloor, rear: SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE PRO ) tuslunt Genua.i girl, a? nunc *uu seamstress; good city reference can be glvcu. Apply at l&i Wa.-imugion at., corner of L.berty, lirat lloor, room .No. I. SITUATION WANTED?A3 CHAMBERMAID AND waiter, by a quiet, liuy gul, who has lived seven years iu one place. Call for two days at 41 Remaen at*, Brooklyn. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN, TO DO cbamuerwork ami wailing; ban no objections to a board ing house or to go a short distance iu country. City reIV. reuce given. Appljj lor two diva at Mo 4th at., between 1st av. and av. A, Kccoud lloor, bathroom. Situations wanted?by two respectable young women; one to cook, wash and iron, and the otlier as chunibermaid and waitress. No objection to go, a short (liHtan e in the country. Good city refeiences. Can l.e seeu for two days at 80 Weal 2ftlh si., between 6th and 7th area., tit at floor. Situation wanted.?a mo^t trustworthy girl wants a ailuation to do general housework, or as cuambeijnaid and nurse. Apply at her present employer's, 34 Weal 44th at. situation wanted?by a respectable young O, as good plain cook and excellent washer and ironer In a small private family; no objection to no a ahort distance in tlie country as chambermaid or laundress; good city!.-it required, tIan be seen until suited at X?J 21st St., near 1st av., tirst lloor. trout room. Situation wanted-by a respectable young girl, to do general hoasework or uhamberwork; no objei ? tlon to go a nuurl distance iu the country. Best city refe rence. Can be seen for two days at 487 7th a*., coiner of 40tu at> SITUATION WANTED?AS CHAMBERM AID AND TO take care of children, by a young girl; iacompetent, willing and obliging: would not object to the country Mr the summer. Good references. Apply at IU WeM 27u> St., be tween 7th and Sib ave^fecond Moor. SITUATION WANTED-BY A respectable GIRL, O to do general housework in a small lamily. Has no ub Jectlon to go in the country. Best of city reference given" Apply lor two days at KM Orange st, Brooklyn, in basement" WANTED?BY A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE WOMAN, a lituation as chambermaid and laundress, or cham bermaid and seamstress. Best at city reference. No objec tion to ge to tlieceuntry. Can be seen for twodaysatZB Sullivan street, between Bleecker and Amity, room 10. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY a RESPECTABLE wo man, as coos, washer and ironer: unders.anda Uer business pnriectly In a.l its branch**; no objection to. go to the country; the best city reference given. Can be see a for two days at 102 West IVt-h at., Aral 11 oar, between 7th and 8th avs. WANTED?BY A YOUNG GERMAN LADY, A 81TUA tion with a family going to Europe as < oinpanmn to a lady er would be willing to take charge of children. West of reference cau be given. Address Miss L. C., 11)0 Essex St. WET NURSE.-A respectable WOMAN. WITH A fresh breast ol milk, wsntaa situation as wet nurse; has no objection to the couutry. Best of elty reference, qail at ao Hleecker at. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE woman, aa brat ciaas cook; one who thoroughly un derstands her business, beat dty reference from her last pla 'e; no objection to a private boarding house or a short distance iu Hie country. Call at 24d av. A, aecond floor, front room, m ar 17lh at., for two daya. Wanted?by a respectable english per son (Proteatant), a situation aa nurse; la competent to take the entire charge of a Bahy from It* birth; or aa aeam alrass, can cut and lit uhildrax'a dresses and do all kinda of family aewlng; no objection to any part of the ounniry; good i-eferenoe. Can be aeen for two daya at No. 1 0th at., near Ath av. WANTB0?BY A RESPECTABLE MIDDLE AGED woman, a situation as baby's nurse and to do plain sewing and make herself useful; has good elty reference. Can be seen for two days at 191 Bast ISth St., tep floor, front WANTED-BY A respectable AMERICAN WO. man. a situation to do general housework, or as house keeper; would pretf r a plaoe lu the country; good reference given. Call at No. 9 Slh si., In the real'. Wanted-?y a respectable young woman , a situation as plain cook, washer and ironer, or to de chamberwis* end waiting; uo objection logo In Uie coun try; gnod r?ew?toe. Os* for ?wo days at W Greenwich av. ANTED-BT A respectable YOtTNG GIRL, A situation as chambermaids waltreea, or to sseist In waslilnc and Ironing; goo I etty reiereuin. UaH at 141 Wnat 17tli *t., lietween 7tn and gth^avs^ ANTED?BY A T0UNG WOMAN, ? SITUATION AS chambermaid and waitress, or tb do general house work; Is a good plain obok; so ejection to go a abort die tancain tliomiuniry. Call at her prsaent employer'a, No. T WeanlBih st., corner of Broadway. WANTED-A SITU ATI OH, BY A YOUNG AMERICAN girl, to do chaineerwork and waiting, or take care of ohllldren and to do plain sewing. Can be seen for two daya at 116 West ltilh St., between 6th and 7tli ares. Wanted-bv a pbotestant girl, a situation to do the (making and assist with the washing land ironing of a prirKie faially, onh do aliamberwork and eew; can do either, ao objections to go in the country. Can be seen at IU ilammonil St. Wanted-by a rrspechable uirl, a situa tton lor general housework and plain cooking; a good washer and ironer, tfl> ojeetien to go a short distance la the country. Can furnish good reterrnoe It vol lost place. In quire at 2* Pitt M., frpnt basement. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES. WASHING -LADIES' AHD GENTLEMEN'S \VA8I1ING aud ironing lour iu a supurio ? yle Ml 114East 26th at., between 2d aud 3d ave., at Mrs. Chichester's. "TITANTED?BY A YOUNG LADY, A SITUATION IN A TT fanry store; has a slight knowledge of mil:tu?i-y; board to tliu house preferred; no objections to go a aharl distance In (he country. Address L. M., Brooklyn Post odke. WANTED?BY A YOUNG GIKL, A SITUATION AS ctbaiuber.n ild and waitress, or ohatubermaid hbJ to help with the washing anil ironing. Call for two d ij a at SIS EKt 32il at., near 2d ave., over tan grocery mure. WANTED?BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION AS omit, washer ana ironer; would do general hou-.e work; uo objections to city or country; has tne beat of City reterenee. C*ll at 1 8 Greenwich ave. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, A situation aa cook, washer and iruuer, or would do homework in a private lumily: has two years' city reference from ber lust place. Call for two days at 156 id ave., be tween 16th an 117th sis., in the fancy store. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a situation as laundress in a pri vate fuuuly; can do all kinds of French (luting. Best ol city reference. Cail at 312 Molt st., uear Bleecker. ttrit Uoor. "117"ANTED?BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION TO Vt cook for a private family, is fully competent to un dertake all kinds of rooking; would be willing to go in the country lor the summer. Good city relereuoe. Can be soen at A3 West IHtti St., nur 6th av. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN, AS chambermaid and to assist with tuo wasinug and Ironing; would be willing to go iu the country. Can be sean at the residence of her preeeut employer, 116 East -40th at. ?Vr ANTED?A SITUATION, BY A PROTECTANT W young girl, aa lirst rate cook aud baker; no objec tion to Hsslbt In washing. Has the best of city reference (lour years) from her last place. Apply at Wtl 3d av. WANTED?SITUATIONS, BY TWO RESPECTABLE girls, together or separate; one us cook, tin- oth?i at chambermaid, no objection to go \vith a famliy to the coun try for the ?uuiiuer. Bent city reference*. Call at 31b Hicks at., Soutn Biooalyn, aeconu door, front room. WANTED-A SITUATION, TO COOK, WASH AND Iron, by a respectable young woman, who has tue bent of city reli renee. Aoply for two days at 275 West 18th si. No objection to the country. WANTED?SITUATIONS (IN ONE HOUSE), BY TWO respectable young w.meti; one to Uo Hie cookiug, washing atiii trolling; underst iiuis haking bread, ami pies, aud all kinds ol soups; the otuer as chamb ruu-id auu wain cm; is willing to assist with the washing and ironing; have live yearn' reterem e from their last place. Can uo aecu lor two days at 137 West JUth st., oetween 7th and 6ti> ava. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG GIKL, AS cook, washer and ironer; is a go al pastrycook; refe reuce yiven 11 req ured. Can bt! seen tor two days ut ttu Join.son st., Brooklyn. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A GERMAN GIRL, AS lady's mahl or vuamberniaid, tu an American taiuiij. Apply lor two uuya at 163 I'.an .ilu st. WANTED-BY A RESl'ECTAULE YOUNG WOMAN, A situation aa cuamoenuaid and waitress, or to iu.-.o carc of cut.urea, in city or country. Can lie scan lor two days at 26 2d av., between 1st and 2d eta., third uoor, front room. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE W OMAN, A S1TUA liou as gi od plain c.'oo?, Waaler an ! iruuer; goou city reierence. Cat! lor two days at 131 W est o2<i st., between 7 th aud 6th avs. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, A situation as chainuertnaid aud waliri .ss; good e.ty re ference. Apply for two days at the coiucr of -Uuuta-.ue and Hickss.I., lirooklyn. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, A SITL'A l.on in a pr.vale laiuily to do gcueral uousewois; good reierence. Call for two o.tya at M2 iludson av., in tne grocery store. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, A SlTcA tlou as good cook aud tirst rate Oaker, uiiuerslHtius al> kiuds ol desberts U' required; nas uo Objection to usslut wttn tue washing; satisfactory reteicnee given. Call lor two days at 10j Weal 16th st., in ti.e rear. WANTED?A SITUATION AS COOK OR LAUNDRESS in a private laiuily; can give good releieuces iioni her last place, where she has lived live years; no objection to go in me country. Call at 222 West ioiu st. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE Kir!, as nurse aud seamstress; can do all kinds oi plain sewing; is auu obliging, and woulu like to travel; has tour yearn' city re.ercuces. Call at 466 6Ui av., between 2?th and Joth ata. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young girl, to do general House worn; uo oujctt.ou to city or country; can be well reeomneuued from tier last place. Call for one day at 230 Columbia at., betweeu State and Joraicmou. 1?T'ANTED-A SITUATION, BY A ftliSPECTAI.LE Tf youngg.rl, to do chauiberwork and assist with the washing anu ironing; is willing to uo general housework in a strati lamlly; nn objection to go a aaort distauce iu the country; neat of elty reierence. Call at 61 Weal 26th bt, thint Uoor, 11out room; cau be seen for two ilaya. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE girl, to do general housework, in a anialt lamtly. Wounl have uo objection to j?o a mort dstanc ? iu the country. Call lor two daya at 2Mt Wear 26th st., tuird Uoor. WANTED-BY A VERY RESPECTABLE GIKL, A situation as good plain cook; is an excellent washer aid Ironer and wining to make berselt generally useful, ilus no objection to city or couutry. H..s good reiereucu If Please call at 111 17th at., between lith and 7th avs WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE woman, us Uni mass laundress. The best 01 elty re ference cau be given. Call at oo Rose St., room No. 12. Wanted-a situation, by a respectable young woman, as < tiaun erinaid and wattiv.s; is a good pia.u sewer; willing to m.ise buraclf gein,ally useful. Best elty leteience. Cau be seeu lor two uays at uOJ West 26th St., near lO.h av., urst Uoor, >rout room. WANTED?SITUATIONS, BY TWO RESPECTABLE girls, uuu as goou coo.c, ?.min i ami iroiier; me otucr as ohainOernial! ana waller, or would (to iaa housework of a aiuall family. liotu can give good city reereuc-. Can be a tii at UOt'arilicit., betvNan boernni una Court, ltroo,%i> n. WANTED?A SITUATION AS Oil AM HE R.MAI D, ANi> waitress i y a ret-pevta >le girl; i-s wiliiu.4 to go u (,i>or distance intlie country. ('an uk seen at her j resent employ-; crs,lor twodays, at 26I Went 20m at. WANTED-A SITUATION AS COOli, BY A .MIDDLE aged woman, who understands iter business perfectly; aba will assist t.i the washing and iioniug: gnu l city reier oucegven. Apply at 73 West l'.th it., in the front bas..n eat, WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A UE-SPBCTAHLE GIRL to no general liousewor*, In n small private family; is a good plain co m, wualicr and iroiier; would dojdiauibe.i work and waiting; !? neat, nice and smart: ha* !.,<? bent ? city reierencefrom her last place, wacre she uaa lived lor the laal six years. Uan ou seen lo, two day it at 148 Court at., near Amliy, brookiyu. WANTED-A SITUATION AS COOK, OH AS CHAM bcruiaid and to do washing and Ironing; lias go id iity referent e Apply, lor two days, at Mo. 10 Hamilton st., rear, WANTED?SITUATIONB, Br TWO YOtTNtf WOMEN; ouo an chambermaid and waiiresa, or would do wall* Inx and cliombccwork in a mnall family; tot oth' r as cicel li-nt cook and lauudrtsss. Tlirao years' relrreuce Irom ineir last place. Call at 6d 34th at., coiucr ol'li u i ve., over tlio orug store. WANTED-A SITUATION A8 COMPETENT COOKS understands all, soup, bread ami t>.s cult. Ia willing to assist with the washing l! required. Satis factory reference given. Can be Keen at her present em player's, 30 West 28th St., near Broadway. WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A YOUNC! WOMAN, TO do the general housework of a small private family, oi would hare no objection-to go a short distance In the coun try. Call at 161 West 26th St., bulweeu 6th and 7th ava., second Uoor, back room. do the general housework of a small private family, ~1 distance in the con WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RK3l'ECTAUt.E youuk woman, as cook; understands all ait:ds of meats, soups, flali, pastry and game, bread and biscuit and order cooking. No objection to gtftn the lounlry lu a hotel or boarding houaa. City reference given. Call at 160 East 31st St., near 9d a*., for two days. w ANTED?BY AN AMERICAN WOMAN, A SITU A* lion; is a good cook and Is willing to assist iu me washltlg and Ironing, er do general hootuwork. In a'smail Bvale family. Good city reference. Apply foi twuUayaai 3d ar., between 16th and 17th six., in tne store. WANTD-A SITUATION, BY A YOU NO GIRL, A8 chambermaid, and assist lu the washing auo ironing. The best of city reference will on given, lmpilre at 3>j0 4tii ar., near 28tli at., in the china ware store, t au be semi fur two days. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, A situation as nurse aud ciiamnermaid; ooniiuy pis-, ferred. Good citv reierence. Call lor two days a; \ andec bill av., si r nd house from Pacltlc St., Brooklyn. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, as onaiuueruiaid aud waitress; is wit ling to make herself generally useful, ( ill at 4:130th si., be tween tfUi ar. aud iiruadway. Tue Miat jf oily re fa renins. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A TOUNM WOMAN, Tf as good cook) would asslsl with the washing and Ironing: the tx-sl of city referenced from her last place, where sue lived four years; no objection to any part of the country. Call at 14:1 East sSUt si., near -id sr. ANTBD-BY AN AMERICAN WOMAN AND HER daughter, situations; the former as oook and tun latter to do light chamberwurk and waiting; either cMy or eount jr: good r?ferenua will be given. Uall for three days at lul West I7lh St., between 7th and 8th ava. ANTED?BY A YOUNU WOMAN, A SITUATION AH oook, washer aud Ironer; one who understands her business and is a gooit bakqfi 'sn gtre the best ot city re. lerenee: wages no oh J eel only lor a good feouie. Call for iwo days at 143 East MKh St. ANTED?BY A YOU NO PROTESTANT OlrtL, A situation lo doeharaberwork and walling or to take oare Of children and sew: la veqy food of Obiidiin. Good rata rent*. Call at W Went 40th at. w WANTSDsrA SITUATION AS WAITRESS OR CHAM her maid by a rospeetabla-Protaatant girl. Can be aaaat at her last ptaoe, ISO Warn Uth at., fur two days. ^ VRBNOH ADVBRTIIEHENTI. t 'A0BNCE FRANCAIKB DB M. 0. OAILLARD, SI JJ HlklA aVenue, autortsee par la gwiTerneoieot eat trans feree rte?i?ls la ler J uln, 1 ?U. au No. 14V East tflh at., aalra J ME rUAX PRAH0AISE DESIRE SB PLACER poar bonne d'anfanta, munte (le bonne r(<cootmaada Itona. S'adresser au 164 7ma av., chea M.Hoidit, delOal ha urea. U1 _ 1KB. JW. HADPIKLD^ . FIRST FREMINM PI REWORKS. Only depot in Maiden lane. No. 66. corner of William street. AU oar goods are manufactured under the personal super vision of Ml . Iladtteld. Wn leep only bla worlss, and buy none from uareMable makera. Plrc Crackers and Torpedoes at the lowest market rate*. .The Urgent assortment of brilliant wlored Lauierns,'for iUuunnatloi>?. BTRA^BURuER A NUIIN. No. ? MaJttya lane, rjrusr of w IUj*iu straM. SITUATIONS WASTED?MALES. A SITU ATI OS WASTED?BY A YOUNG MAN, IN A whol sale Hardware house; la thurjug' ly anpiaiuted with the business; an furnish the very best N-w Turk city references as to cha; * ter. capability, Ac.; is a good penman, and has a knowledge of acoouuts: has been in he employ of a well known hardware house in thU city; can command some Wes'ern trade. Address Hardware, or apply 10 Ihe cashier of tku Herald oilice. A YOUNG MAM WANTS A SITUATION IN A RETAIL store. 10 learn tho bttslue s?'am y dry ?oods <>r gro at y preferred; has a goo i *nou ledge of buslu> ss in gene ral, aid an experleii e of s everal years In wholesale busi ness ; salary no ? ijrct for a time: can furnish excellent refe rences. Address J. A., Herald ouice. A SINGLE MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS COACH luaii. Call ori or address fur two dayi T. 8., 48 West Baltic nt., Brooklyn. SITUATION WANTED?FOR A MAN, AS COACHMAN, porter or any other < apacity in wbt h he count make him scli useful; good references. Also, iltnati imi wanted for thre>- cm lent cooks. Sltuatlou lor chambermaid w anted. Apply at &J2 tith a*. rpo MERCHANTS AND OTHERS.?A BOOKKEEPER 1 and correspondent or experience and ability, lately re timed li'om the seat of war. is desirous of a position; would u>ak? himself generally useful and be cont nt ? itn a mods* rate salary. Beat of city reference. Addrcat Bookkeeper, Newtown (L. 1.; Postolilce. WANTED?BY A liOY, BETWEEN 18 AND 17 YEARS of age, a situation in some auction oinmi^sion or wholesale dry geoda lou-e; writes it lair nan I and resides with ins parents. Address it. J. S, box llu Herald olllcd, sUtliug terms, Ac. WANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN, A SITUATION AS clerk or aaleaagau; has large experience in Uie book and stationery and newspaper business. Address tor two days J. A. T.t Hersid ollice. G >od reference. WANTED?A SITUATION; A YOUNG MARRIED uiau, of good family and steady habits, who h is bad sevt n years experience iu a responsible situation iu one of the oldest mercantile estalJIshmenis In Boston, desires a situation in New York, where ne cau obt.uu a living salary. Besides possessing a general knowledge of business, i.e is an excellent penuian, i|ulck at ligtireu, understands account* thoroughly, and Ins coustderaule knowledge of oookkecpiug. A 1 references given. All commnnli atlons addressed to box 121, Newton Corner, Mass., will receive attention. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN, A RAPID PENMAN and con act at li.urcs, a situation as clerk in a mer chant's or other oUlcc. A ldress J. W. S., Herald offire. 117"ANTED?A SITUATION, BY A REsl'EOTAIJLE VT young man, a-coaehman or groom; he tully under stands i he care of horses, and is a good driver; "an produco the best of city referent e as to honesty and sobriety; has no objection to go iu the country. Call at or address for three daysXsl)and :;ii nth av., in the sa: ion. WANTED?BY A COMPETENT MAN, WITH SEVE rat years' experience, s Mation in the wading or pub llsliitig department of a newspaper or magazine, or would act as coirespou ling clerk; luily understands a is business; no <n jec ioti to leave the cily; can give tne very best reie . ee. Address lor throe days Scrivener, box lJ5 Herald oOioe. \\irliOLESALE GROCERY TRADE ?WANTED, BY A Vi competent ma i, a suuiitiou in above or piovislon trade; $-d ?ill be t.iveu to uuy one procuring the ubove tor the advertiser, or giving sueh inf iriuation oi vacancies, Ac., as may 1, ad to a permanent engagement. Audle. s j. P., Herald ollice, for three days. HiiiliP WAVTO J-FEMALES. t LADY, ABOUT RETURNING TO ENGLAND, WISHES 2\. to engage a young j> raoii as nurse, to a .s.s her on ihe and t .ke charge u> two youug children; one not sub je, t to sra si'.viiess is desired. Call at Blackle A Co.'s, 1U7 ?'tutor. st, N. Y. AT THE LARGE SERVANTS' INSTITUTE-APPLY for good, civil capable servants, corner of ilih st. and otn av., Sc.jt.jn. Irish, American ami Protestant women, to suit ail. Conducted by Mrs. FLOYD. Good places always re any for good girls. \ FEW GOOD HANDS WANTED TO MAKE FLAGS? Xx. Only luo.?o actual mod wna the business. Apply at 00 Cedar st. AT THE FRENCH INSTITUTE 01' M. C. OMLLARD, lib nth st., between Brca >w ay and 4th av.. late bi jih a\., authorised by the government, employers can i.U tain the most etlklent French, Ea?Usn, German and Ame. ri an servants, males and females, Catholics and Pro testants, of ail capacities, and Lrst class servant:! tho most ue->iiatu 'situation < m the city and country. U'J East Utu St., between Broad .. ay and 4th av. AT MRS. LOWE'S FASHIONABLE INSTITUTE, 17 Stautoii street, near Hi'-B <wer>, orders lor lirst class female ser>auls honestly and promptly attended to. Plenty oi excellent situations toady lor servants with good recom mendations, without payment. C1U0K ?WANTED IMMEDIATELY, IN A PRIVATE I boarding house, an experienced cook; ah j mast uo rouchly tmitcrsiana her business, have good city references and lie wlillfig to a?s!^t In washing and ironing. Apply at ill Clinlou st., Brooklyn. J EMPLOYERS WILL l'TND THE BEST OFFICE IN J ih eKy at 'Hit Bowery, tor ootalnlng good, capable help, both man! aud tciiiale, in evory capacity. Servants wiii und it to their advantage to cad, as situations are al wayj ready tor good, eapaole help. Please to call. OEWING UANDS.?WANTED 100 OPERATORS, WITH O or without machines, to make light tents. Apply at llM Fulton at. oratU Murray at. SEWING HANDS WANTED ?FIVE HUNDRED HANDS for sewing button holes aud butlous ou light tents. Ap ply at l'JS Fulton St. SITUATIONS WANTED-FOR THREE EXCELLENT cooks; good city reference. A so a situation wanted lor a respeetaljlo young woman, as ehaiuhcruia.d; reference from uist place. Also wauled, a situation loi ayouug man ai coachman; good referen .'e. Ne objections to tae country. Apply at 5*2 tith avenue, between 3ltb aud iOth sts. WANTED?IN A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY, A steady Protestani woman as nurse and seamstress and to assist in the chauiberworiv; she must be fully compeleut, accustomed tocailureli, ehc-rful aud olid^ing and able to produce the best city references. None others need apply at No. 2 Sea \ lew place, Hudson St., Hoboken. \irANTED?TWO YOUNG LADIES, TO TEND IN A W laucy store; one in New York aud one In Pulladeiphla; must oo i i' ,ood addr -s aud pleasing manners. Address Fancy Store, Central Post office, rid Broadway. WANTED-A YOUNG HOUSEKEEPER, ABOUT 18 OR '20; of pre|iosses?ing appearance, neat ami Intelligent, small pay, but a good iio.iu given. No objection t" a Ger n an speaking Enghsb. t or further psi-tlculars address J. P. E , oox iiU Lei aid ulllee. \\' ANTED?A YOUNO LADY TO ATTEND A BAKERY; V? one who uudeiatands the Busiiirs?; a Herman prc ferred; city reference required. Iiiqulie at 111 Myrtle av., iiiooklju. VI/ ANTED?A 01Kb TO DO ORNBRAL Bol'SEWORK IV in i private l.unllv. Apply lieiween ilie hours of 10 and 2 at iJ.i \Ve?t 2*d ?i? two doorn eau ut' 8ili av. WANTED?A PROTESTANT WOMAN TO DO THE V > general lions' wri. 01' a ? nail prlutte family; muni lie ? uo".i pi.uii too*, waailei a:.a irouer; wages $i per inoulli. Apply al 75 Lei liigtun av. WANT :i)?A COOK FOR A BOARDING HOUSE; ONE who nudersUiids li*r oualueai. Apply at it Leonard street. WANTED?IN A PRIVATE FAMILY, A YOUNG Wo ntun, to <lo general housework; uiui leag-od washer and Ironer .nut ha?egood >ity refereuee. Wages $6 per mimtli. Apply at 244 Wait 28th st. W ANTED?AN ENGLISH PROTESTANT HKBV'ANT, AS \ T cook, nml Ui lo general housework In a Hinall family. None hut those having the hlgieat rei oiiimpndsiftmii need apply. Call at lot* Chambers xt., up aiulrs, from 111 till 1 o*i lock mi Fr* ay, when the lady will atuind. ANTED?IN A PRWATK FAMILY, A OIRL FOR general houaewori; she mum he a good plain coos, washer and Ironer. One who ean give good city reference from hvr U?t place may apply at 177 Franklin at. WAjfTSD-A GIRL FOR OlSUUL HOCWiWOlU'. One wlin can come well recommended a< a ,.oo l cook, washer and lmner uiay apply, between the hour* of 6 anil 12, at ltWWeal Slat ut. W~~ ANTED?A Yot'NG UIRL, TO HO GENERAL housework for a fruilv of three persons. Apply lo EustftiM at., between lot and 2d are., second white house from 2d av. Nuue need apply unless well recommended. WANTED?A EESPECTAHLE' PERSON WHO HAS the command ut draMmaklng or any kind of tailoring, to Join a person who liaa a machine; a comlortable borne if required to a rrapeciabls person. Apply itll the week at 110 Ka't ISth at., 3<1 Hoor. \\I AN TED?A GOOD PL/tlN OOOK, WASHER AND TT Ironer; must come well recommended. Apply at East 3t>th at. W" ANTED?TWO GIRLS, TO WORK IN A HACK SIIOPT Apply at 254 William St.. from 10 till 10?4 A. M. WANTED?A SMART, TIllY (ilRL, FOR GENERAL housework; one wfio can wasn *ud Iruu well and do plain conking. Apply at 300 West ISMh st. ANTED-AT E. MENDES', G43 BROADWAY. A young lady, to attend a store as saleswoman. W-ANTED-A NURSE ; i>NE *U<> t NDE.tT VNllS the cam and management of aa lnf .nl all mouths old. Tba beat of city reference ruqlllred. Apply at No. 343 3th a*. W" "anted?a young oirl who undbrstanSS ?II kinds of family sewing and dr*s* making, and ia willing to make herself generally useful In a small family. Apply between tf and M o'clock only at 215 6th ar. WANTED?A GIRL, ^ OR GENERaFTuTuSEWORK ; Is a noo'1 cook. washer and Ironer. Apply at 127 East avtu S4. after 1U A. M. WANTED-A HEAT, TIDY YOUNO GIRL, TO TAKE care of two children, and maka herself useful; wage* $2 SO per month. Inquire at 83 East 32d St., naar Lexington are., between 9 and II o'clock this morning. THE TKAjMCB. A PHOTOGRAPHER WISHES A SITUATION; HAS bnen In the business ill y**r?: has had experience la all the branches, from the daguerreotype to the cartes d? rtsite proeeaa, and la tha aals *T photagntpHle stock. Kefe reuoea glfen. Addraas C. F. 0., Harald mlioe. BNORAVINO OH WOOB.-WANTED, A BMAET LAD, 14 or 13 yvara of age, to l?*? the art of engraving an wood; ona that haa some knowledgs dt drawing. Aw% at AS Naaaau at., room No. S. PHOTOOEAPHIO PRINTING WANTED.?PRETTY large orders and steady work M be give a to one who understands tha bustnsaa pwtsctiy. Address 0. K., boa 101 Herald offioe. THEBBRYTOSS (OR ? SMALL BONUS) WOULD BE glvan by a voang man aboat cunAnencing tha Nqacr busluess. to learn the art of mlilng and posting up generally. Address E. A. T., Harald olOoa. N. B.?No huuinkrs Bead WANTED?10 OE IS HAND PREPARERS, TO WORK on frames sod piers. Apply at tba aorner.ef 7th are. and i?th at. WANT8D?IIATTERS. 4 B LOOKERS, ? HI3KRS, OR ??tine hats. Alao 2 pouaoera, at ld? Worn Bruadwar. WANTED?TWENTY GOOD STITCHERS ON MILITA, V acaoutrameata. ^V'/ In Keade st., oorner of Htm. WANTED-A MAN TO RARE OHARGB OF A STA tlonary angina (wsgefclllM ral). J esnductara, I hrak*. men, a clerk for a railroad oBloe, 2 cMrks lor grooeiy ? teres, ? men for steamers, 3 porters, 2 express drivers, 1 steward eas. 4 girls ts.tnlVsl to Caflfnrnla and Europe. Apply at No* 7 Chatham square. N. B.?Tim* besfUrr In a mine lu'Psnn, tylvaala. or. coopers WANTED?TO MAKB NEW ROUND lit/ and llat houp Uuur barrels. Apply to A. T. Brksgs, 44 ? kBi 111 HILP WAXTED-XALEI. AGENTS-flOMETHINO NEW-THE NATIONAL PRIZE Packet?'1 Le latest and best P r t ze biationery Packet; contains more u*cful ankle* than anything ever sold at the Bno?. Pays ISO per eeni profit. Send tor ??uvular, or cull on ASkINS A OO., 36 Beekuian street, N. Y. AOENTS WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE OLD, MIDDLS AtlED AN1> YOUNG IN CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAUE.4, To i e from $101 > tit per day. by mUIm RIl'KAR >'S PIU/4K STAIIONKKV PACKAGES. The popularity of and the Id ??reusing demand t'nr these are tnu bent ?videuoes of their superiority oyer all others. They can't b 'equalled. Send for h circular. 8. C. Kl KAUDS A CO.. 103 Nassau street. A OEMS WANTED?TO -EI.L HEADACHE ANNIHI. atur; itAillcure headache oi every name in three minutes; mild *u 1 ideavant. Apply to Dr. WOLCOIT, 170 Chatham street, N. V. Headache cured free for ail. Call aud be convinced. AGENTS MUST KNOW THAT THE EUREKA PRIZE CASKET PACKAGE contain* more stauoneiy iliun any other package sold for 25 cents. Also the Dime Panprosplioslurn. Send for circular. W. H. CATELY, 102 Nassau street. A WAITER IN OREELEY S DINING SALOON, 13 AND 13 Greenwich ave., |npposlte Jeflerson Ma ket. To a good wa.ter a steady situation aud good wage* will be given. C^OAI 1IMAN AND FAR 1ER WANTED-ON A GEN ) tleman's pla e, near the city; little driving; must be a ble and willing to help with tre+*s, grass, 4c. State refe rence and where lam employed. Address Useful, box 1'JO Herald ollli e, Dentist wanted?a yoi no man to go to Hart:ord, Conn,-, one cupible of doing good work. Apply liumcuiaLeiy at 8. t>. Wlnie'a, 668 Broadway. DRUG BOY WANTED?at THE FIRST AVENL'E drug store,uorner of lijth st.; one well recommended, aud whose pireuts d hi re to t.a o him en^a^ed to learu the business. Call from 6 Ui 10 A. M. and P. M. Drug clerk wanted-a competent man '.vwuldgeta liberal sa ary. Address, stating how long and waere employed, Dru??, llerald ollice. ERItAND BOY WANTED.?APPLY AT THE DRY, 114 Atlantic st., Brooxlyn. FOR SIEVMSHIPB, NAVY, MERCHANT AND Whate*hiv?t for short and long vo>ane.x?Wautcd, landimen, s. mien, ordinary teamen, blacksmiths and bout stecrers, atS,' West at., corner Albany, up siaiis, North river. HENRY JAMES, Agent. WANTED-A HAT TRIMMER; ONE WHO CAN SEW plush. Also a body maker, luqulre ai No. 7 Bowery, up stairs, third door. WANTED?TWO YOUNG MEN, FROM 18 TO 33, OF (j joi p ms uial ad.tvu.-x, toluuru agenteel, protitable pro fei.'V U; 111 ux. bo .vie to support lh> ms uvea (or six months, ana devote twelve Hours per day. Address, siaung au' name, residence, and .onner occupation, Proiltable, Broad way l*.,st ollice, WANTED-A MAN OK ALL WORK; IIE MUST UN dersiauda how to carve iu a restaurant. Inquire im mediately at 3.S3 Pulton st, Brooklyn, opposite the City liali. WANTED?A YOUNG, ACTIVE MAN, TO DO GLN eral work in a boarding School in the country, and to work outside or ou the form. Apply at ultli si., ono door east of It 1 av. WAITERS WANTED.?A FEW FIRST CLASS WHITE waileis wanteii at trie Stevens House, Broadw ay. Noue but experienced wa. tors need appiy. Ajp 1 > at the ollice. WANTED-A BOY WELL ACQUAINTED WITH THE oyster business and uude . tan is lending bar; best relerenue required. Apply at Bieeckor St., corner of Carmine. WANTED-A YOUNG MAN ABOUT 21 YEAKS OF ?T ag ', wlio is acquainted with itie luitliucry business, to invel wuh samples and solicit orders. To one who can fur nish sausUctoi y references as for no..e ,iy, and ia w illtng to work, :i fair proportion of the prouts will ue given. Address lor tv. o days Euswortu, Herald ollice. aNTED?A YOUNG MAN, ABOUT 16 OH 17 YEARS 01 ago, to tend bar; one who understand* the busi ness and can be recommended by his last employe:. Apply later 10 o'clot k in the liquor store, coruer of Willow and At lantic sta., lirookij 11. w I4TANTED?A FEW ENERGETIC MEN, OF GOOD AD m drets, to canvitss Now York city and Brooklyn for a first class article iu general use. Appiy to (jaubert A Co., D5 South 7ili si.. Williamsburg, alter 4 i'. M., Friday, June 6. A 1,00.1 cliance to make money. WANTED?A PERSON WHO Sl'EAKS THE GERMAN and English languages, and has luiiuciicc, acquaint ance and position, to dillver lectures on the advantages of an association. Lectures, <kc.. furuished. Address Asaoeia tiuu, box 1.x, Herald ollice, with reference. WANTED-A BOY, WHO UNDERSTANDS WIRING bottb s; none need apply but one who understands his business. Apply at ls2 Fulton st.. basement. WANTED-A BOY, TO LEARN ORNAMENTAL EN graving of tuiver ware; a ooy who has some know ledge of drawing. Must coum rucozninende 1. Apply to Tlios. Ltpplott, 100 Nassau St. WANTED?A LAD, ABOUT SIXTEEN YEARS OF une, wlio writes a good uand and iu willing to muke Uuull gen.-.rally UMfaCln a cninmlnMim merchant's olllce; kaiai'j $16 urai year. Adiir>*a L., box 2,aai Pott oillce. \\,tANTKD-A YOUNG MAN IN A RETAIL JEWELRY Tf store 111 the uiy, to do jewelry jnubiug and wait upon ous.omers; none hut those having the in'st or refereuee need apply tu E. 11. Auams, 175 broaaway, room V, troin V to 11 o cluck A. M. WANTED?A SMART, ACTIVE YOUNG MAN, 18 OB IV years ol aje; nno who lias served some time at bra' a buishin;;. Apply lor three nays at 2jI Water at., third ll< Or. WANTED?IN A DUUG STORE. A BOY AliOl'T 18 years ul a^e, having h nae knowledge of the buslucsa. Apply at IB4 bow! ry. WANTED-A STOUT YOUNG MAN, A3 FIREMAN IN a summer iiolel; also, a i.arkeepnr (American or Eng lt.ili) tor an eating liuu-e. an l a lew boys to wait and anv.ver bells. Apply at i ii How ry. WANTED?A MAN ANU Wll-E, A SHORT DISTANCE lioiu the illy; tno ina.i mum underalaud iarruuig and care nt liorsea; the Woman to no general liouiicwor.t; one Itiaicin atiim. pro.01. ca. A, ply to Mr. Mauuing, 376 6ln av. WANTED?AT 015 BROADWAY, A GOOD WAITER; be iiuk; uudu?taud hi* uiMUiier.8 well. WANTED?A MAN WHO CAN CRADLE AND MOW and no t..e ordinary worn oa a tarui near the Ity. Apply at 110 B*> idway, comer ul Pine it., room No. 15. WANTED?A STOUT, ACTIVE LAD, WHO IS WILL." ing to work; one who U.u some knowledge of woo preferred. Appij to S. P. \\ lltaiiiuller A Co., 7t fine st. WANTED.?KliSI'liCTAUl.E PARTIES DESIRING 1,111 i.i? I'His a? clerk*, uonkivceperH, saleum n, Ac., should auwy at i:u t'ul'.ou at., Merchants' Clerks' K-.llliy o'.llcc. Ni*Gimuil??lon In advanuc. Refer* n e io brut c.ass houses. Established 1M. A,ipli -anta by mall mum enclose tw<> stamp*. WANTED?TWO OR THREE YOl'NU MEN WHO huui been bruugiituj) to tlie retail dry goods trade. Apply at 331 Canal street, corner of Greene, be.ore 10 o'clock A. M., or alter 5 P. M , any day tbi" week. WANTED?TWO BXPBRIENCED WAITERS. NOVB but those having good reco'iltin n annua anil have been used to checks need apply atl'araers COUee House, 20 Dey at. ? WANTED?FOR THE RETAIL DRY GOODS BVSI W neu, lour competent salesmen who ihorvugbly under stand tlie business?two German salesmen ? hu can speak English woli. No others ueed apply to M. L. Doyle, 201 Uraiia st. dton i'EK WEBK ? ALL MEN HAVING SMALL (JlijU capital, an I wialnng to infest it in a respee uih le paring business, aie requested to uxtl oil or address Rick aids ? On.. 43K Broadway, N. Y. N. B.?Money relunded if not satlshed after trial. (ferrif l ?A YOUNG MAM, WITH T1IE ABOVE IN JpUUv/. cub, cm ouutlii a good (KuaUon and a good salary wltn a good |iro*|?ci for the future, with R-al Kutitie ?fiii ill time* lav amount aa necurlu lor ih<- money. I.oHiie 1 lijr ap) I) iug tbl* day to J. W. PORTER A CO.. 3w Broad way, room I" MINCKLlTillB^Vi. RUSH KB UK EVERY DESCRIPTION AT THE BRU?U ta> lory, SOI Pearl alrert, Harpvr'a-Bultdiiig. Ail ai liulne at llie lo?.-?i f.i< lor? price*. 1'aioi Briuhe* of *uu rlor quality ru?*u?iiily on liand. JUHN K. HOFftL B B OOTS AND 8IIOES. ABKAIIAM RIKRR, JR., WHOLESALE DEAUiR IN BOOTH AND SHOES, No. M Warren street. I1JLAOS OK BEST english BUNTING, regimental 1 Silk Kleg?. Sp-ar Haaita, Kaglra, Staff*, BaBa, Oma in en la, Silk and MusHn Toy Klag*, all al/.ea, on liatid and for sale by HllJKR k ORAIlAM, Ann* and Manufacturer*, 91 Dnaue atrest. Painllug and Embroidering on Bilk, Fancy Flag* and Bannera, Me. IrtOB GENTLEMEN 8 USE?FRENCH INlJlA RUBBER ' Gouda?three different artlrlea? Price 40 cent* each; W Er dozen. Call on ar addraaa for circular, Mackey ? Co., Si laaau street, room U. Marble mantels.?mantels wild at aston inhlugty low price* at KLABBR*8 Marble Tarda, MM Baal Eighteenth aireat, near Third avenue, and M Flrat ave nue. near Third ?l?oet, M. T. Mantels put up In My part of ihe Country. PRIZE VISITING CARDS.?ON THE RECEIPT OF |3 you ?an have a beautiful engraved sard plat*, with name and lirty Printed Car ls; alao a new and magnificent Ai<-el Flats Portrait of General McCleUan on horae, aise UiJk Pictuae alone worth ibi- money. Country orders seat l>y u pr. v. FRED E. klMBKL'* engraving office, M Nassau street. SADDLBRY AND HARNESS makers.?WELLING'S patciit oompsnased ivory M.irtlnjaie Rings. superior to Ivory, and at reduced pSets; for sail at sign of GWdsa BW phaat, KJ Centre street. SOOTHING AND SOFT'** A MOTHER'S EJSS. boothlng and aeft aa a mother'* klaa Waa u>? soap, dear Falls. you gave to ms; And ever Muembared will be the blis* I fslt when itiy floe from tan waa free. Qr. FELIX ?OURAUD'S Italian Ma Itcated Seap posi tively o<ir?* f rack lea, pimple* eruptions^bare* and aR a Ma isa. Koand at the old dWput, *7 WaUsr street, Soon to be removed to Ut Rmadwa/. rOBAI R. AONEW, Ne. MO Green wM street, parser M Is now srillu Tea at 10 eeota, worth Ti oenta; C?i oenta, worthla oeoia; diok? UatarBuHer all? cents, worth 10 oenta; Ran* at T oenta^wsrUi 10 oauis. M> prufl lobar gad lo the dependent* of Qioae who m forth to sustain the Irtiv. trnmw ajirt Uphold tbe honar and dlgsltj at (Ba Htaas and Stripes. Cat.'tofe eat and bring It along. THOMABR. AOKRW. WO Gf^gnwMi syt 10 BCTflHERS.?1THH HIGHEST MARKET PR]CBS ?M,4C1 asd 464 Tenth avenun, i?tween Tiilriyainth an J Fortieth streets. N. B.?Good accommodations for?elaush terlag beef wttle gMarhwTto tfie preoflbes. Hlaag^iter Hot** 1 free. TO CONSITMFTiyBH ?TOO WILL OET THH RECIPE tor a sure Cure for Cough*, Colds, Consumption and Lung Complaints, l>y sending te D. Adre, Jul Pearl street, N. V.; he sends II free. Write for IL It has ourvd tholt sand*. UBBNCLE FAYETTE S MAOII* ijniment for RHElT mailaui la working wonders. Call at 1)0 Ful?on stf^et. I'rioe Jhcents perboilie. Plenty of certluosies lobs se>n. To tfte poor without coat. BBtPniB. TUB BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYa?? Mail Steuinsliips iKlwwn New Yurie and Liverpool, cm' lug at Cork Harbor, and between Boston and Liverpool. calling at Halifai and Cork lia bor. SCOTIA, Capi Judkins, CHINA, Capt. Anderson, fKKHlA.Oapt.Lott, ASIA, Capt Cook, ARABIA Capt. StOM, Kl'ROPA, ("apt. J. Leiteh, A (? Kir a, Capt. Shannon, CANADA, Ca|.t. Muir, AMERICA, Caul. Moodle, NI AHA It A, Capk. A. Ryrie. AUSTRALASIAN. These v ?,,?!? carry a clear white light at moat head, green on starboard.Jand red on port bow. /Bo* MW YlKK TO UVEBPOOL. Chief Cabin Pipage $190 Second Cabin P*? use 75 ritoM uosru.s to UvtuMOb Chief Cabin!e $110 Second Cablu Passage 60 SCOTIA, Judaius, leuv.-? New Yon Wednesday, June 4. El KOPA, Cook, leaves Botron W dues l*y. June 11. l'EK^IA, Lou, leaves New York We meaday, June If, AFRICA, Shann n, leaves B< s.< u W>; !ii< *,:ay. June 28. CHINA, And rson, tear' a New Yorit Wed'ie day, July 3. ARAB! A, Mo. ,d,.\ leave* Hoa on Wed esdav, July 9. 8C011A, ludltl.s, leave* New York Wednesday, July 18. Bertha nut Secured until paid for. An experienced suramin on board. The ownei a of the*,. ships will not be accountable for gold* surer, bullion, ajM* ie, jewelry, pre I us stone* or metals, un 1' " "'I'* 01 lading are st;ne I therefor, and the value thereof therein express. J. For freight or passage apply to R ?rir'v k E. CUNARD. No. 4 Bowling Green. London exhibition RETURN TICKETS, london AND back. First class f 160 Third clash gg Steam weekly to Liverpool, touching at tjueenstown (Cork: Harbor). The Liverpool, New Yuri and Philadelphia Steam ship Company intend despatching their full powered Clyde built iron steamships as lullows ? KANGAROO Saturday, June 7 city OK NKW YORK Sal irday, June 14 CITY OK WASHINGTON Saturday, June 2t an 1 every succeeding Saturday, at noon, l'rom pier 41 North, river. RATES Or PASSAGE. First cabin $76 I Steerage $30 Do. to London SO Do. to London 33 Do. to Paris 85 I Do. to Furls 38 Do. to Hamburg... 85 | Do. to Hamburg... 3S Passengers ul.-o forward.-d lo Havre. Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp. Ac., at equally low raV'S. Rates from Liverpool or One ustown?First cabin. $75, $K5 and $105. Steerage from Llierpool. $40. From Queens town. $31). Tickets ean be bought here at these rates, ena bling people to ?end lor their fri'-nds. These steamers have superior iircom'nodat'ons for pissen. eers; are built in water-li^tu ir >n sections, and car ry patent lire uumhilators. Experienced surgeons are at tached to each steamer. For further information apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, agent, 18 Waier street; in Gl isgow to ALEX. MAL COLM, No. 5 S\ Enoch square: in Queenstown tot!. AW. D. SEYMOUR Ji CO.; in Loudon to EIVES ,v M.VCEY, til King William street; In Purl* to JULES DECOUE, No. 5 Place de la Bourse; In Philadelphia t.) JOHN Q. DALE, 111 Walnut street; or nt tiie com p.ill s t> ollices. JOHN G. DALE, A lent, 15 Broadway, N. T. THE NORTH GERMAN LLOYDS' STEAMSHIP NEW. YORK, tl. Wenke, commander, carrying 'he United State* mail, will sail from pier 30 Noitii river, loot of Chamber* street, on SATURDAY, June 7, at 12 o'clock roit BREMEN. VIA SOUTHAMPTON, taking pnssengers to LONDON , HAVRE, southampton AND BREMEN, at the following rates:? For the lirst cabin, $101; secmd cabin, 60; steerage, $35. For freight or passage J'J'P'y ^ 0ELR1C" CHS & CO., 68 Broad street. OTEAM TO LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW AND LIVER 0 pool.-?The Montreul Steamship Company's llrst class 1 ull powered Clyde Imilt steamer HIBERNIAN, Captain Gianne, carrying the Canadian and United States mails, will sail from (Jtie! ec next Saturday, June 7. Rates of passage from New York:?First cl iss, aocor ling to accommodation *, $85 and $70; steerage, fouid with rood provisions, $30. Rates of passage from New York and return at the following reduced rates?First cabin, $137 and $li>7; steerage, $60. Certilicates Issued for bringing out passengers from all tha principal towns In Great Britain and Ire'and at very low rates. For passage apply at 23 Broad vav. New York. SABEL .It SEARLE, General Agents. Hamburg ameuican packet company.-steaic to London, Hamburg. Havre and Southampton. The favorite first class and elegant iron mull steamship SAX ONIA, II. Ehlers commander, carrying the United State* mail, sails from pier No 21, North river, foot of Fulton street, positively on Saturday, the 14th June, and takes pas tengers for London, Hamburg, Havre and Southampton at the following rates ? First sihin $100 Second cabin (9 Steerage 39 Tint BAVARIA will succeed the 8 AXON IA on June 28. For passage apply exclusively to C. B. RICHARD A BOAS, 151 Broadway, New York. ? Commencing mat i, im. NEW ARRANGEMENT. FOR california, VIA PANAMA. For the better accommodation of the large number of Peo ple now emigrating to the gold mining districts of California and British Columbia, FOUR steamers per month Will to despatched from New York and from San Franelaoo respeo tively, instead of three, as heretofore. _ . . Regular day* of departure from New Tork, on the 1st, 8th, 16th and 2Ub, except when thesr dates fail on Sunday, whoa the dav of depH. ture wtll be the Monday following. For "freight or passage apply at the only ofllce of tba lln^ Bo. 6 Bowling Ureen, New York. D. B. ALLEN, A#snt FOR liverpool ? DKEADNODOHT LINE.?THB splendid dipper ship VICTORY, Capt. Little^ will post tively sail on the 12th of June. For {lase-a^e, at lowest rate* api4v on board, pier No. 6 North river, or to P. M. DEM A. REST. 40 South street. IXOK LIVERPOOL-OLD BLACK STAR LINE.?THB ' picket ship CYNOSURE sa U Jiuie 8. The NORTH AMERICAN sails June 1*. Tim CHANCELLOR mil* June 20, For passage apply to WILLIAMS A GL'lUN, No. 40 Ful? ton street. F| OR LIVEKPOOL?DRAM ATIC LINE.?THB MAONIF. loenl cllpiwr ship AUKOKA, Captain Barker, will post flrely Mill the loth of Juno, havm? unequalled nocommoda* bin anil second cubin pa ?eng rs. Apply on beard, Pier 14, Em ft river, or to C. A. TEN EYCK. 67 South atraal. FOR LIVERPOOL?old BLACK STARLINB?THB packet ship CYNOSURE. lying at pier 34 East river. sails'Jibnf June. Tbe NOKTII AMERICAN null 14th of June. Fur passage apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. 40 Fulton street. _ XLINE KOR LONDON?THE FATORITB SHIP DA.MEl. WEBSTER, at pier 17 Baal rlrrr, foot of Pine street, sails Monday, June 9. Kor passage to or fronS the Old Country at low rates, or drafis on England or Ire land, ai>ply to TAPSCOTT A CO., 66 Soutli street. EW ORLEANS TICKET KOR SALE.?A TICKET. good lor one passage bjr any on.- of Hpoflord. Tileston A ? 4'o '? ai< amers, will be mid at a rduction. Apply to DA TE It CLARKE & CO., lt.l Front street. F?tu HAVANA. VIA NASSAU. N. P.-THE BRITTSIl and Nurtli Amer.can royal ninll steamship BlUIlhU' QUEEN, Capt.Le Mes.urler, will (all for ihe above porta troin tor company's wharf, at Jersey City, on Saturday, 24111 May, and Saturday, 21st June Passage nvney to Na $45 ; paat-a^irm ni v to Havana. $u0. For might or pa apply to E. CUNARD, No. 4 B i.? ling Green. N STEAMSHIP GREAT EASTERN?PERaONS DESIRINd O to seleet Mate rooms tor tbe next trip of Uiis vessel front New York lo.Liverpo-d. can do ks at the office. No 7 Broad way. CHAS._A. WHITNEY, for Je Agents. VTOTICE.?THE STEAMSHIP CITY OF NEW YORK. ll from Liverpool, will eo ..menee discharging undea General Order, on Saturday, June 7. 1 Hfi2, at 7 o'clock A. X. JOHN 0. DALE, Agent, i A COPARTN GIliHIP NOTICES. A MAN WANTEI)?TO INVEST $2,000 EoUALLY WrTBC Uie advertiser. In a very plea?aut cash baalneae, froik which $3U*in per annum may lie rralir"d. A monopoly. Nof agents nouc-d. Inquire at 72 West Tbirty-eeooad street, bw^ lore 10 A. M. or from 1 to 3 P. M. LL READY FOR OPERATION?A CASH BNTBR. prise, wberebv $10,000 -will be realised la two months! a sure and positive fact: a partner wltb $300 wtnted. At ply immcda'.ely at tttl and 9U6 Broadway, room No. fl, up stairs. BBUSINESS CHANCB.?THE ADVERTISER IS EN gaged In a very suoosalul and r?sp?e'?lile Business la ibis city, manufacturing and se.llng an article nf grrat ne cessity, secured by letter* patent. lje now proposes to ei? und it to other clues. To an active, enterprising young man. with a small cash capital, he will give him a great opportu nity to make meoey without risk. Full particular* on an la*, terviaw. Address Business, box 112 Herald office. IB WISH TO PURCHASE THE WHGLB OB A PART Interest In a safe Business, worth from $2,000 Ui$8,1*10cash; an outdoor buslneaa preferred; all aaawsra to this must state full particulars or they will not be noticed. Ad dreaa R. K. W.. elation C Poet office, N. Y. WANTED?A PBRSON WITH $S0ft TO ENGAGE IN A light business which will pay several thousand dollar* a year For Information apply at J. W. WBSTON'S, No. B Bee k man street, room No. 6, rear. 4>nn -A man. more tuan money?an bnbb fuU. getls, thorough businesa; a raatd penman, ar ruuutant and oorraapondent, having a email capital wiahe* fetle, thoiough business; a rapid penmaa, nd oorraapondent, having a email capital wl spttal and servioan In any paying buainesa. dreaa, with particulars, Eioeislor, station B, New York. d?4>,-n ?AN OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED TO I!*> vest this amount In a peasant, legitimate occu pation. netting to one or two partlea from fl,$$$ to $2,000 K annum. Apply personally at the aflc* Ounjah-Wallab apany, room No I, Ml Broadway, seoond floor. ?4>/\A -THIS AMOUNT. AND THB RBRVICBB OP fflOUl/. In acllife gentleman,'will secure a brauoh bitai (Ins** of a large establishment In thli efty, nam Join#K butmess ol $26,(Ml par annua. Addraaa LegiUalet, box 1M Herald offi a -PARTNER WANTED, WITH A FBW HUB. , dre<l dollars, In /the flour and produce commis sion business; a rare opfxdnnitY to get Into a nod buataesa. FalljParticular. given by (Sailing upon C. B. HoWBS k CO , PABTBBB WANTED, TO JOIN TBI AD IvanUar In a highly profitable buelnese already ' will pay a handsome profit. Ala* large any he obtained. FWparticalars apply at Maw M$ $500. S700. started, that Will contracts oan be a Broadway, In Uia haaeraenC MpPABTNRK WANTED?A UBNTLEMAlf with this amount In caeh. saay aeenre an inlersai In a rn^peotsMe bualnae*, without risfc or eompetilUin. wk $800. In a rwwieetsfcle buainaas, without rtek or'coaipetltlon, wklca tSuWSh'^aft, Jfc r1""" - s,*?* to nnn -a partner wantitd in an excb a 9a<UvU. loot eaiabtUhed business, now paying larg% praflts. None but thaaa w4th sood references, moral habltsj Bo. Full-partlaalara by ItF^ulrtug at the lnsuwte, cor** Eleveoth street and Sixth avjCuaT dtC njin ?PARTNER ^AlfTBD, lh A RBIBT ABO V'J'vUU, gHntleiueo's rurrilslnng store oa Broadway, with a oaah eapnal at from $8.nn to $\0ni. Tbe advertlaaa has a aqpQ ran at first ntaas an<l bat been esublteh<4 ed II yWa. Thla Is an onporte.uUi (bat seldom nUetaJ Refsrennea eaehaaged. Add lt?i (with real name) furnlahJ Ing Gooda, Herald ohoe ? 1<T -^ |>a rty wA*nu> to takb am inI ureal In the maaiirarture or a steam fn-? vautieti deetlned to aupereada borse war for all work. aa< (MSUe oi saving to this county hundreds of millions of itOi> kars per aanum in agriculture alone. Address Steam Horse, box MS Herald office. _ ^ Atn hnn -TO CAP IT LIST A. "amount' ?BOU UUU. wanted In a sale, sutple, well esubllshed and very looratlve builai*, mora than ardltartly stiracttv? and promlaing. wltb j*rtlee of tuoet undoubted buelness clla i%ut? r ftad repiitAiietfi. .-OI THWICB k WOOD, 82 Baeeau street r WA1TIIKN, JKWBLRY, Ac. TO BE SOLD?A VERY FINE DIAMOND URT OP Jewelry, worth $."<M, $30>l In ea>.ti and the i slao, e in gca< sa table go.?le would btt tasen, no m altrs or agtnls ueeJ ao-, ply. Auuieae A., box 1/1 Hrralil office. \