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? nor?EH, Koons, *r., to lkt. AKJli T?A LARGE NUMBER or UOl StS TO L^T, funi?he.t aad unfurnished, in 07 .uJ c ulry. rue too 1 Tx id ous can be suited *v to i'i? stjle and p ic j , some of them sfi'-udlii IWliltina and l.o.ta ctieap )>. C. BiaHUk*, 198 Broadway, vtun door reu.o.?4 frum 144. A 8TORK TO LET-SUITABLE FOR A GROCERY AND Ji Liquor Si m and a Diuioa Saloon, ok the corner of Jteade andOatiovr streets South Brooklyn. Inquireou lao premises. This stand is a flrst rata business place. BROOKLYN.-TO LET AT 1UK LOW RENT OP $3W per aanujn, 'be two story and basement fruni Coiu 9s Baaruai *tre*t, having every convenience; um and cold meter. D,.th, abtuonarj wa. h ;ubs. gas tm :tes, Ac. Inquire at ib- cottage or to P. GEKETY, No. !) lt d slip, N. Y. Brooklyn.?to lkt or lease, a three story and basement brick H nine, a nto.t desirable residence, aitu.ii -ii in the best part of Cmton Itra t, lU,?tth(nn c?.u.emeu, e; water, saa, Ac. o: F. GEHETY, No. 8 ?id siip, N Y. {TOTTAliKS TO LET.?SEVERAL NICE COTTAUE8 IN New Jersey to let, 20 miles from the city, 2 ml lea fr in railroad depot. Roman 11 ,? and healthy loc,itiou. 8 ti le Cot tage *M; double do. $luo per year. Inquire of f. ToWN bii.\ O, 23 bey street. COUNTRY FIRMSHED COTTAGE HOU8E6-GAR Ueua, 1 run, .tc.; one *175 for season. one #50 per an num. steamers twice a day ; jiarfectly healthy. Inquire of Mrs. h OX. on the premises, New Muumouih. New Jersey, or 47 A inly air eel or &4 Brua iway. IURMSHED FIRST CLASS FOl'B STORY BROWN stone House to let, near Broadway and Sixth avenue, drtigiitfully located; contain* all tbe Ute tin pro emcnts; is ?ally and handso nely f irnlshed, rent low to a good tenant. Adjresa E. L., station li, Posi office. FURNISHED COTTAGE TO LET.?TUE ST JOHN'S Collate at ii- ai'ord, the Jay Homestead and Kutonah Wouu; po.-.Uon high, with extensive 1 w house of atone, with . on wo?iJ.-;n wly 1 aiuted, i ap- red and furu.shed, and suitable tor a small family: ?un e 3 acreso land go witj the bouse ana veg> uoles supplied duiaig t .e suinm r. diauuiue Irmu Harlem Ralioad an4 telegraph sta kou, 2 n.lies, irom Ne * York. 2ahoar*i r ut ?M'. a furnished Cottage a Siaten Island; rent $'?>>. Al*? at Clif ton. it handsome Cottage, Willi 3 acrei of ground, larue ve 'e table garden and plenty of iruit. Apply to E. 11- LUDLOW A CO., No. 3 Fine street. 11 UR.NISHED COUNTRY RESIDENCE AT CLIFTON, Staten Islan l, near tiie N ?nown. to r. nt lor the season. The house is new, pleasaut and spacious, 1 u:res of and, w II improved, with good .aruen .i.linted), Trutt, Ac. ; ^o./d atahl's, cow Ac. Situation lieautiy and d llglitful: one hour from New York. Rent$iO'. Foaaepsion immediately. Apply to M. B. hKVA.N 1. 13 kia.dcn lane. HOISE TO LET?FURNISUED. 14 EAST THIRTT third street, between Fifth and Madison aveu i s. To a responoit'le tenant It will he l-t on terms. For cards of admission apply to HOMER MORS \N, No. 2 Pine atreet. HOBOKKN.-TO LET, FOll SIX MONTHS OR ONE year, the whole or part of a hat. aooiely furniitned ho ise, with all iniproTeinenis. to a care, ul .a ally; the rent will be low; situation, on the bloc* near the ferry. Address C. Jones, lloookeu 1'oat ollice. Lake mahopac.?to rent, for the season, to a private fann y only, a well Furnished Ho.ise. in the most central an 1 deslrubie situation on ihc lake; tliii .een rooms, tine suible, beantitul grove, burden, boats, ic. l'tv? arss.on immediately. Will ne rented very low 10 a small, ^iiiet family willlnj; to board a (the owner), ch hi and aervant, tor the Jsensou in nart pavinent of rant. Apply to W. C. BARRE1T, No. 8 \S all meet. XTOTICE TO GENTLEMEN.?A FINE LARGE HOI SE. JLl genteelly furnished, near Broaaway, bel. w T-.ith atreet. will be 1 used low for hoiel, shades, restaurant or ? her IniBiness; inrniture to lease or sell low; hue location. Address Carroll, lier.i.d ollice. STEAM f'OWER-LAR'IE ROOMS, WITH OR WITIi 011 power, to let, Weil lighted, i'osaession Immediately 401. 4011 and 405Cherry street. TO LET?IN GUTTENBURG, NEW JERSEY, BENT low, two Houses; one suitaale for a bakery, with new ?ecuand good well of water; me oilier wul be let ou; in rooms. Both have stables attach id. To be seen ty applying to.Squire, near the premises, or at Kohkr A Finck's brewery, TO LET?AT SOUTH ORANGE. N. J., A FINE NEW Uottage, containing nine rooms, situated on side main tain. Goo 1 barn, stable, Ac., and two a res of ground. For further particulars inquire 01 PEcK A CUUllcH, conn r cf Wall and South streets. TO LKT-A LARGE AN LI ELEGANTLY FURNISHED Douse, cen-iected with the Astor I'late Hotel, t igelher with and carnage house: l'.oard may be furnished from t?e hotel. For 1 urclier p rti. u.ars apply at lue othce ?1 tiie Astor Plat* llolel. 733 Bro..d * ay. r LET?PART OF A FURNISHED OFFICE, DESKS, Safe. *c? with loft room if required, rent very low. ?aii ,itM Pearl street, up stairs, storage laken of ii^ht goods, at low rales. TO LET-THE SECOND FLOOR OF HOUSE NO. 233 East Tetnh street, consisiiug ol front ai d back p..rlors, and exunslon room, witn nail bedroom attached. The I101 w has all the modern improvements. Inquire ou the pr> ml asMaa. r LET-HOUSE AND STORE 401 WEST STREET. AT a low rent, suitable for any kind of business. Fur par ticalars Inquire of A. M. FANNING, 223 Bowery. mo LET-IN A GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION, ONE X hundred feel east of Broadway, House No. J East Houston street, at a low rent. For particulars Inquire of A. H. FANNING, 1^6 Bowery. rpo LET?AT LOW RENTS, HOUSES, PARTS OF J. Houses, Apartments, L.f.s and Celmra, in dtlferent ?arts of ibis c.ty and Brooklyn. Inquire of A. M. FAN NING, 226 Bowery. TO LET-THE STORE. LARGE CELLAR AND THREE back Rooms, lib Mulberry street, at a very low rent, also ?iher Stores In different parts of this city. Inquire at 225 Bowery r LET?THE SECOND FLOOR OF HOUSE 106 EAST Sixteenth street; has bath, water closet and wash ba ains, ? itn hot and cold water; will be reutad low to a small respectable family. Inquire on tiie premises. rpo LET?THE LARUE AND COMMODIOUS FIRST A cU?h Store and >>? cond Floor on the aouthweet corner of Xighth M?einiH and Thlrty-eeeoad atreet. lu perfect order. fiiU'tfiuD iinme i lately. Apply on the preuuUcs. r LET-A FRONT AND BACK PARLOR, WITH EX iension, Dim r-. chandelier* ami ii^udt-nuely en peted, ?r would be fully fnranihed. -tlao a Klo.?r, tuitab e for koi. xlKN-pjnK. Location d< n rable; konte tii?i c.?m. English Apply at 121 S ah xt . n at HiO> >* ay. TO LET?HOUSE NO. 47 LISPENAKB STREF.T, NEAR ?roadway. Inquireof A, JOl.'K>EAY, OTUMdnj. TO LET?TWO STALLS, CARRIAGE AND FEED Kwuut. In a private (table. Kent $2 > per mout ?. A ? drfs by Uuter, for lurther lufermauun, bo? t,7u7 N. V. Post ?tike TO LET?THE SMALL SIZED THREE STORY HOUSE. '?S E oillairty-aeeond atreet; all mud-m improvoiu n^, reut io* to a *oo<l lu |utr? on the pr-imaea, Irom 10 till *, or oi K. KL'a.-E i Jj, 127 Weit Twenty-fifth street. TO LET-A FIRST CLASS FOUR STORY HuR.SE, EE tweea Clinton una W averley pu-e?. In perti-ci order} will b? rented low to a good tenant, elvb r for private real. Aen- o or ouaiuean purpose*. Apply to 261 O.c-ue atreet. TH LET-AJ LONO BRANCH, N J., A COTTAOE containing nin<- room-.; would be famished it desire I; ?ear tiie railroad depot, a-o HUble Room Udealred. In quire of N. W. Tlto> Til AN, Lonf branch, or R. H LEWIS, 73 Vesey atrret. N. Y. rpo LET-AT MAMARONECK. N. Y., ONE HOURS X ride lnir.1 the ciijr ou uie .Sew Haven Ka lroad, or ov aleamer Isianu Oty, live nunutea' walk from depot, a Coi tage Home an! Barn, thirty acre* laad, good Maiden, pleny fruj* toade tree*. Ac. Rent law to a good tenant. at 163 Greenwich atreet, near rortlandt. mo LET-SUITS OF ROOMS WITH MODERN IM X pro* cment* un each floor, cunti^ting of lour, lira, all and Mtm rorniit; renta from t\i, ?10, SU. SL> and $2i per mourn. Apply to JaS. FLTT Ithi'CH, 217 Eaat Thirtieth atreet. rpo LET?ONE OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. WHH X closeta, on th>- w .ind floor, to a g>-ut'.eman and lady or two gentlemen, with or without partial Hoard; every thing requWlie for houae keeping if required. Apply at 338 Bowery. T> LET- 160 AND 162 THIRD AVENUE, WITH FIX turee ail complete, for dry goods, fanry or crockery store; will be let low Alio to reut. Houae 71 Kant Sixteenth atreet. JUfply at 71 Eaat SiXleMUQ street. rpo LET?THE LARGE THREE STORY HOUSE 149 X Merver atreet, near Houaton, all modieu Improvement*; ?aaaaeeion immediately) contains thirteen large room*. Ap ply to J. HI' ilAKl f- ollioe of J. K. Wilcoi, lo5 Fifth ate ? ue. corner of Twenty-third atreet. ?po LET?TIIE UPPER PART OF THAT EXCELLENT - X ly situated hotel, called the llotiao of i -urainona, 2o We?t Bmiau n <nieei. uiueteen rooma, with a great quai.: ir of luimture, Ac., Ac., rent taken out In Board. Ap. ply on tbe prcmiaea. rpo LET-A LONO ESTABLISHED Llgt'oR STORE. X iuiLaule for gr Kjery or liquor, lu a good location; rent eueap; kno?uaa2Vi Wnat Twanty-aeuiilb atr< el. For fttr Uww parui ulara Inq jlre In ?lore 270 Weil Twenty-eitbtl. at r LET-AT HASTIIfUS, TWO MINUTES' ViU from landing, two uotla^ea, with Airdena, containing ei4IiiK0omaea.i1 Kent *?!"*>. Inquire o? WM. WlLUAMS, M Wall atrnot, or at aUire 116 Naoaau atreOL TO I>ET-rOR m PER YEAR, A BEAUTIFUL, NEW litiie Cottar", of lour atnail rooma, and a gaiden 01 turee. fourth* of an acre of laud on beautiful lilgn ground, near a grove. In Tremoai. on the New liav. n Kai.ruad, oppoatia u? and wtthin ouo oi^ie* of uie depot Will be lei only 10 a email rlt> e! family. Can >? ?een un any wnek day by apirfylug to R. PLL'MliHl, No. 2 Kaat Thirty-fourth ??r-et, or to Mr. TAKHOX. Poet *Hli'ie, '>|)|K?ite the oepoi, Tremont. rpo LET?SECOND FLfJOR, FRONT AND BACK PAR X lora, hall Bedroom and one w two R >oiua on third floor 1 with haaeioent; Que loeauon, bonne h>ut all modern lm provf metii*. Apply 00 tbe pramiee*. W Wrm. T*ont*-ee OMd atroet. r LET-RENT tUt-AND FURSITURE FOR HAI^E aflne EiiKiiKh aaement Hou?e, well and baudaomely farnlahed; ba< all tbe improve menu, location weat of Tw< nUeih atreet. Kri'w for lurolture $7DU. Aw.iy 10 liVM A OUMTIM, M Kilt* av-nue. rpo LET ?POS8Efi.SI<)N IMMEDIATELY. THE KIR8T X i^aa*. high aloop llw^'lag Houae lid Weet rw?4iih ?m? t, thr'i uooriM deep. In per'?-t .*a..r, wfth mantel ?i (,i?r mirror* ohan'inliere, naa aiuirne. itwnoee, Ac. Appl> w.Ui IB. rnitn II to Ml or from 6 to 7 P M. mO LET-40 HOWARD STREET NEAR BROADWAY, Jl a*a hoarding houae. or in apartment*, or for bualneiM ?nrpoaea, 11 r?|ona<1. Coewwidou now. Aptoy at 242 Eaat Mroadway. near I'lluUMi atreet. mo LET?FUR>HHHED OR UNFURNISHED, A OEN 1 teel nottage honan. le Hruoklfti, in akool lecatlM, on a car roate; lanrily ale;Ul to travel; rent, rurnt !i <i, |1fi p.-r tn nth. In advaooe, nnfurnlahed $18 per month; p ?.<. ??ion Mi 1 rue,tlately. Call ok Mr. KKLLKY. 26 Cortlanll atreet, np *?'r' TO LET?k STORE, WITH OR WITHOUT THE Dwelling I'arl ot the hewae corner of Ll>,listen atreet and Kim |.|are, Hroonlyn; inn- Of the bent looaMeoe In the city 1'ir mi Mngllah alehuoan, gro<.wiy, or drngglat tmaaie-a. Inquire at ltW at ?<; - .v mom llo. V. rpo LET?THE VHrM STORY BUILDINO, JB BY ion X fee:, 46 Leonard -t eet ?Otb or witboiit engine and lioller. Iiiqniraof TAYLOR A WlfcSON, l.<? Franklin atreel TO LBT-TUK HAXEMlNT OF WW BROADWAY, COR n- r of Pfiin e Mr?et In'i rire on the premlaea. fro LHT?FURNISHED, (KI.NT TaKEnIFboARD). A I four ?t>.ry, high ?loop Hotiwi, ne?v Thli^y.flrat atreet, be *vi'B Filth *v?uao ami Broadway, AddrvM llotua, boi faatafllea HOUSE4, aOOKI. SC., TO LIT, TO LET?A SNUO LITTLE MODERN BRICK HOP SB. In otnpl* te order, at a low r**nt to a it"- 1 1 uul; water, cu i. uei, waal aide of .the city. No. MBolkilM rtrott. n di Ailing ?'oil sni.are. A; y at 343 Bl<-e ker street, to T. Cl'DBIRTU, uc*r tua above. rro let.?a private family ifoir adul.-si I regaling iu Yweuty second ?tr?> t. n?ar S.xt.i ?v. u ??, would iit to a gentleman ami wlie, the b cun.I Fioor (ilnae rooms) una th> Ba k B nement If e-ir. d. Pariiesol re spectability limy addressT. P.. Madison ?.|iiare Postotiice. TO LET-THE UPPER PART OF HOUSE NO. 28 Third -i. eel. con-.isiiug vf four Room*. with pantry, l>atli. w atei ciuset, ami Bu* and back basement, Ac. K< ut low to a good tenant. Cil Hrt REN'I.-TO LET, A HOUSE. COURT AND OLt/vf verandah trout; als.? to lease foi 5 or_ it) year*, several lot* on Fiftv-ur?i, 1 ifty-seuond i*ui pi;ty-iaird street*, Teulii and Eleventh aveu ies. Impure ot General SlKIfvEli or hi* ageut, fifty-second atroet, uoar Eieveulh avenue. FOU .SALE. -v^U A PHYSICIAN, WHO HAS BEEN LOt'ATED AT AL hanv a number o yearn will di pose of hi* office and practice (wor h last year $l\3U0), having accepted a sur g?'?u?a appointment to the regular army. Address iwinadi* a e.v E. tleuiiaiM, attorney and cuun e..or, la Nassau strmt. New lurk. 4 KINDLING WOOD VARD FOR SALE?WITH ALL , \ the M.>cu and KixturThis is ihe ? -st es .? 1 ? : yard in this city. AUoforaal \ s veral very :-ne, Gro ceries awl i.Kiuor Stores, In good business location*. Ap^iy at lliTCHELL S, 77 Ce lar street. A RARE CHANCE.?FOR SALE, CHEAP, SEVERAL tine Lathes aitil a whole *< t of Tool* to make mathe matical Instruments; Revolving Measure*, TicketCuntioi ler*. Ac. Appiy at No. ji M.u l n aue. Arsenal shades for sale?m seventh ave nue, right uppurite the Al-senal; a well uued np bar, with billiard saoon; lour year* unexpired lease of whole house, lining a goo 1 proliut !?> business, eon si leran e custom from military an lis, dwelling apartment* oc upled by per innuent tenants; rent of bar, saloon, am extensive yard and c. 1 ar (amount from tenau s taken oil rent of whole houss), only $t> sj mouth. Will lie sold cheap, .u> I e owner is hi pour health and 1* go!n^ to Europe. Apply on the pre mise*. A SMALL AMOUNT BUYS A COMPLETE STAMPING A I'lace, willm contain* a _reat van ty o hloi k siamps, bv whicn anv uue can m.iico unne than the espeu'teaci- ur; aUo the smail Fancy Store .n t Fixture*. b ,sln s? must tie ?'i j, a* the proprietor is 1,0:14 to Eurupe. Appiy' at 2iS Bowery. Brewery for sale -the celebrated brew ery e-ta >il>hm in of llaruion x On., Nu. ti Suertlf *tre<:t, New York, i* o lered ior *al'i 011 lavora He term* to re.-ponoiMe parti s nd will he ready far deliv> ry on the l?t of Jtiy ur August, ample time to. auy cliaugetl)at the p-irchas'T may esire to ma ?. Also the ktoek of Malt, Hop?. Al * ami, .v.. Apply to HARMON A CX^., No. ti Sheriff str ut, Uelweuu tl>e hour* of i> and U A. M. only. BAR AND LUNCH SALOON FOR SALE-A VERT great bargain, in consequence of Ot!n r eu.b^euien'*. su Serior 10 -atiou down town, for sale or leaaa at low rent; tndsomely ntte 1 i.p and urnighed, and doln,' a large, nrst class b uk ness. SOL'ilIvVICK i WOOD, 82 >as?au f in et. CIARI'ENTER SHOP AND FIXTURES FOR SALE.? J Lt>. ation good and rent low; good reason* for seiun^. Apply it the an up, laftChurch street, belweeu Fraukl.n and hiti streets. (^OAL YARD FOR SALE?BEING one OF THE BEST J kUUlu* in th s c ty. nd has oeen esiaulished for the 1 u>t lifteeti year*, now t.o,n , agoo l btiainexi; ejipens s very low. For particulars in 01 Is.iAC A BlUliS T6 Nassau st. C-UNAL BOAT FOR SALE.?UNLESS THE OWNERS J or the (.'anal Boat Industry pav to the undersigned c aim* against her tor wh rface and salrage, she will be *i Id on tne 7tu day of J me Inst., to liquidate the cnar;ea agamat her. A. A PllILLIi'S, No 7 Cuambcrs street, N. Y. store for salb-ws iiudson street, orner of Spririg. An old established store ami pnyai clau'a ollice, belonging to the estate of the late Dr. R. B. Newman. Rent 01 the premises low. M. ti. NEWMA.N, Executrix. For sale-the well known restaurant, bar and Bi.liard Saloon, corner of Broadway and Ninth street. k< pt by the prraent proprietor for ttie iasteignt years, and is n >w offered ior sale for the !ir*t time on uc couiit of iii lira tii. Further particulars give 1 bv applyiHg to Mr. J. 6. WEST, 1U Chambers aire t, or to T. K. Cc'LLEN. 1S7 Ninth street. For sale?a first class dining saloon, now doing a iirat rate bu?lue?*. Location nne\c> paonalie. This U a rare chance am. no bumuug. Appiy to SIMON BOLIVAR, 335 Bioadway, Molial'a building. Fob sale-stock and fixtures of a grocery aiiil Tea Store, on Third avenue; now doing a cash busi ness of from $15o to $2o0 per week. Will be sol : at a gr. at burgaiu lor 1 asu. Apply to S. BOLIVAR, 334 Broadway, M Building. For sale-at a bargain, a grocery and Liquor store, w ith entire Stock and * mures; store room large; cellar undrrthe whole; pU-aaant location, and now doing a iirat rate business. Will oe soi l cheap, a* lue owner is engaged in other buaineia. Inquire at 460 East Houston siroet. For sale-the old established butcher, Kish auJ able Market, No .Vii Third avenue, be tween Tuirty-ae.venth and Thirty ei^ht, stn el*; cheap rent and a sure business, price $150. Please call. Fob sale?a well located book, stationery and Periodical Si .ip, doing a fair mid increasing busl n.-s*. and will lie sola very Ion if applied mr Immedi itely. Kent iow. Address Books, station C, corner Troy and Fourth stieets. IflOB SALE?A DIXI NO SALOON, IN Fl'LTON street. rma tbrouji to Ann street; lisa hvm ?u liah ed ten y>-ar?, and a prlVlle e 01 irom one to liTe iean>' lease: w ill lie mid chrup lor cash. Apply to E. II. LEPINE. 99 F'.iton street. fourth floor, ur at jfc/N.w Canal struct. corner of Ludlow, after seven o cloca In i. e evenlug. IriOK SALE?A FANCY POBTEB HOI 8E, NEATLY lit d up Tin- n a-on for selling It, Uie owner i? g >iug u> tbe war. Wir be soul cheap lor cash. Inquire at No. 4 Sullivan street. L"H>R SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED WHOLESALE r an I retail Lwuor Store, doing a good business. Call on the ; reuu.-es, 11* Nlul.t aveuue. F^OB SALE-FOB *3M, THE STOCK, TOOLS, TO fire*. Ac.. of a light iniiiu.a firm, badnen, in suc cessful operation, with sales unlimited, and prouts .arge. A rare um o t.imiv tor a \v .indent and paying business. tfi.ll.,'- " " Address E. M., box 140 lienid uO L'OR SALE -A WELL LOCATED DINING, LUNCH r and ilar Saloon, doin.; a 001 business; w.d be so.d ou easy tern.s i>r exchanged lor >?? i.e. IBi.L .:>i>. HINCKLEY A CO., n3 |MM street. B^OB SALE?A SHIP CHANDLERY BUSINESS, AS 11 notr located autl doing aa good a business a* .u?y iu Now Yuri; established many years; uear.y u.l cash oust new. F. D. RICHARDSON A CO., 82 and 84 Naaaau street. I?OR SALE?THE BREAD AND CAKE BAKERY, WITH ? ice cr?a r, au.i soda wi?ter rfi 3ul laird aveuue. tflOR SALE-AN INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, IN A ' go-jo location tii this city, several years ?.-ta disheu, and now loin, a fair business; the c.ius?? of selling is t ie present p. opi letor baa other Business to attend to. Address >1., He 1 aid ollicc. F'OR SALE-THE CANDY AND FBI^T STORK. SITU abed two door* iruin Ski.lman street. .Myrtle *? nue, Brooklyn, doing a ^<>od paying bustneas. Satisfactory ruaaon ?i. '-ii wr selling. Api'iy on the premises. Fob sale?a seoab store, in the bowbby. neatly h.ted tip and doing a good retail business; will be sold low toressn. Address W., Herald ofllce. If OR SALE?A NEW FINKLE A LYON SEWINO MA 1 ebir*. I unsiy No 2 stae, .0 a., kinds 01 work. Address Sewing Machine, Herald otUcc. FOR SALE CHEAP?ONE HAND PRESS, ONE ADAMS do.. Ma.idin, S' rew and ljiiig Proves, Papci Cutting and Bu.oossiug Machine*, Books, niters'Toote. Transportation Oaf * Lathe*, .*'? Machinery and tools sold on seuim, sion. Apply at S3 D?'y street. For sale cheap?the best paying butter. Cheese and Orooen Store, on ?he best O'criue in the city. Kent very low. Boo ius for tamily. Must and will be sold oil sap. Mood reasons gn en TKAVER, 170 Cliatham street For sale cheap fob cash-one of the best Li'ieor Stores in the city; g*?d location, low n ot, dutug a fin.- bas.ncss, well eslablisb .1; tuu?t lie sold; good r.-as*a given for selling. Apply to TRAR, 179 Chatham street. T-'OR SALE OB BXCHANGE?A YALL'ABLB As.> f Corner Ororery, tiait i Uv, doing a good business. Kent only KM). Horse and Wagon I'a4i or a gwod e?ia^ sli^s.. ly encumbered. w. D. MCHARD^ON A Co., & and S4 Nassas street. H~ OTEL FOR SALE?DilNO A l.O'JD BU0INBSS, U's railroad d> pow. ferries and ?u-aani>oat landiug*. Only r>asoo for sellfax the party desirea to retlrs, runse. uuentiy Will behold low to a cash customer. r. D RICHARDSON A CO..Maud84Kassaastreet SMALL KorNDKY. IN A SOOB LOCALITY IN THE city, for sale; rent very low. Is In e?mp>ete working oider and lias a good run of custom. Ad ress Founder, Hsraldofflce. STEAM ENGINE FOB SALE?AN Ui'BIOHT STEAM Engine of ehtht horse power, double flue boll r. and all the conn.ctions ready lor use. W. S. GCERINEaC, 21i Sltlh street, near svenee C. *Otn ?FOB U1A A (illlf&ui CASH MiBUnm. fffOtjyj. done sitogetber with gr*-ers, to prepare and sell an arurfe of dally 'lOusumpUun in every family, with a nuniier <if customers. a? :urvher capital required. Address Grocef, boi 157 Herald olUw. (kl i <Wk ?BON U AND mobtoaoe ON IRST class Property, lor sale; will be sold at a great sairltlio, as lb ? owner Is enlng 10 Kurepe, or wBl ei chsnge for M**irhamiise. TBAVER, 170 i.'hstbaih street. rt/R*rruBJB. ABBDROOM suit or EBAMELLED FURNITURE, w ail 'it fflu-nuitod inainilaciur*; aton aoliil ch' HHnil (Jta?tn>M!r Halt*, iflmn Mil icit-kait-awl, at H K. KAKRINOTpN B, ttti Canal Mritet, opp.mtu Wouausr. EiOab i*b*d la lift AH KNITURE would ISOUNI firm cua KuMltur? far a Tkiwi Htana. )'?(; ^i'V, 0i"i2ilrm <>r iHhftr Merchaadla*. Aiidrr*. Kumi tur.-, M.wiiaon (kiiiai* Po* wbwfe will m p ??li.puf ri*poO :?d to. ___ tj'nameu.ed chamber suits ok rcKjtrTtrRE? A In >1 <v>lor? arvl m. I?n, at whole#*!.- and-r.-tail; ilia Ur?"?i nUit t in the my. Huitaftttand ii|>wa'rd?. Ala*, solid w&uitHull*. Maiirenl<-?, l*altf*i??>a, Ac. WARK.BN WARD 277 fianal rtr?-?, Fmir doom eaat of BruUtyaf. ,'IIUT OtAM RHAIILUB PI'RNITU re?PLAIN, J diTorirt'd and grained, wind watanl and unk Hau, B^iia at $i?> atid upward* miring H?d?, A*. i.W KlrfllEK A CO., Mannf* nirnra, tOO Broadway i?t , B)m>.-fcer aird Band utreat*. I7URMTIKK FOR tUI.K-HLM K WAL*iif~crib?, r Han Mniraai, Otl<Joiha, Chaira EiikomIoo Tabia, 10 Iftt-i_.?? Kisliirm. Ac., all qr part, dn-ap tor ? ??b. Apply at !U W .1 r ? * ? nth ? i . H<"-sriMi.ti rwRSimm wanted kob cahm l'arti"? wlahliitf to dl?1K a- of thrir Kurnltirti nan nnd a i?*h pwhaaer to me am uni of |-*>i ?r ?| tlr <*i^n ? oa or ?? 11 ltti? ? lln? to K. COI.TO.1, 141 Broadway, OOAU IMPORTANT Til COMMANDED ok HTE"S* VRHHEtJI. I For Ml* ???.ip mm t'm . of Oardlf Mtm OtS Can 14 ?e#n bf aupliliiH at McMAHONri nvai jard, ?o Obtrry met i, HHtt Bum we ?ue*t, i or*. F BOAROIMG A>0 LODGING. PRIVATE FAMILY, OCCUPYING THE FIRST ciass house SI n?tl StSMeulb KIML between Fifth ku i sum hmiml have desirable aecoud tlo r Rnotus, tur tnshed or uu.uuiished, 10 r< u Willi board; aiso some p.i-j -dUt suia.l K H iiia ror gentlemen. Terms moderate and i-. required. i N ELEGANT ROOM, WITH PI'.IVATE BATHROOM ai U lul Oo il'd. III reul tO a -lUgi'! geutifUlaU. Ill T.v .:ll ly.third street, o| p -lie the I-'ifth Avenue Hotel. Inquire at Id Ww Twen ythird street. A SMALL FAMILY WOUI D LET A HANDSOME SI IT ^i.oi in. uUhed K i ms, t igrther 01 k part e, un the urst or secomt Dour, to gcntlanieu, partial Bwurd it required* Apply at 91 W?i Eleventh stre I, mar Fifth men .e. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR TWO SINGLE GEN meii cau h ive i large, front, well furnished Rwuin, witn Buant, Id a genteel n< Ightx.rnood; abo a .ar. e l>a. a Parlor, wi b Extensl n U na. furnished or untuinlshed, dtiiner nt nix, at 110 I ourth a.eiiue, near Twel m street. AaE.NTI.EVAN AND LADY CAN HAVE THE CHOICE ol three Ri oinii, iiandsuniely furnished, with K "ard I tor the lady only, uy aidressiu? A, Slaliou F Pout odiee. The Uauou l? in Lexington avenue, near Tweiity-tiiih street. A GENTLEMAN AND LADY CAW OBTAIN A FRONT Room ami Bedroom, uu sbcom i llooi, nicely furnished; 14 ard .ui.oiilv; hot and col 1 uati r, bath and s n, Li>? eatiuu S iliivan street, mar Princc. Family pritaie. Ad dress M. D,, station A. A NEATLY FURNISHED BEDROOM, ON FIRST floor, to let. to a allele genilemau.-with or without par tial Board; lain !y small; no children. Aj ply at 94 VVayue ?treeI, Jersey City. AT 47 EAST TWENTY-TI1IKD STREET (MADISON square), a small private family desires 10 let mi ele^<tal 1 u'i (shed Parlor, also Bedroom*, with or without Buard. House first i la?s. R"fereiiccs exchanged. A NICE PARLOR AND BEDROOM ON SECOND _^JL nour. with Board, in the first class house, No. -6 Ea.t Fourteenth street, In view of Union square, a inostdeiigUtlul sumuier location: also large Single Rooms, with gas, die., with or w Ithout Board. AT NO. 30 EAST FOURTEENTH STREET, IN A HBaT i .a>s house, a nicely furnished Parlor an I Bedroom uu the so.end lioor. also a lew Bedrooms lor slugle gentlemen, lo let wi.h Board; dinner at 6 o'clock; references ex changed. A LADY AND GENTLEMAN CAN OBTAIN. AT 88 VVesi Twe ity sev. nih street, a second story .ront Room and Bearo.nn attained; the house has all ihu modern im provements; likewise a small Room for a lady. Board ior the ladies only. * PRIVATE FAMILY, AT 123 WEST THIRTEENTH jl street, have very pleasant Rooms, on ihe seco.ia Hour, with clos. is, b.unrooui, Ac\, to l.-t, wilh Board; a good op portunity for a party oi g utleuien who are looking for a Comfortable uuuie; terms moderate. 1 T NO. 23 EAST FOURTEENTH STREET, NEAR J\. University pia. e, may be found R oms en suite, on sv s n 1 and third stone-, with first class board, and all the m-ju.-rn impiovements. Relerences required. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, OR TWO OR THREE sngie gen.ieinen, can be accommodated, wit., or with out Board, m a privule iawily; house lias all the improve ments; terms moderate, Apply at lli West Tentn strset, near Bleeoker. A SUIT OF NEATLY FURNISHED CONNECTING J\ R oms can be hai, with board, tor aniaii and wlie and s.ngle gentlemen, at HJ West Twenty-third street. House all tne improvements. A COUPLE OF YOUNG GENTLEMEN MAY FIND pieas.w.i iuiard at 312 Madis. n street. A SUIT OF NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, ON SECOND uoor, to let, with Board, to a select ia..iilyor p .r;y ol geulleineii. Private taole It uesireu. Relerences required. Apply at 123 Lexiugtou avenue. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, OR TWO SINGLE QLN tleiuen, oan nave a nice 1'arlor and Bedroom, on second floor, noaid, witu gas and not and eoid water; bath lnjj loom oil same lioor; the rooms may be had either fur nishea or uuiurnished. Inquire at itii West >iiueteenih streel, near E.gnm aveaue, A LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH FULL BOARD, SUIT able lor a gentleman and wiie, or single getilleuieu, in tue first class house No. 6 West Twenty-loui th streel, oppo site Finn Avenue Hotel. A PRIVATE FAMILY, RESIDING AT 173 WEST Fouj-cixhih street, between iin aJay aiidEign.n avenue, would dispose ol two furnisnea trout Rooms, on the second boor, wiin or without iioard. Single gentlemen prelet reu. Ueterenees required. AT 74 EAST FOURTEENTH STREET, OPPOSITE U n.ou square, nanasomely t'urnis.ied Rooms, en suite, or single, can oe had. witu full or partial Board. Gentlemen wl l and the location desiraole. House has all moueru im provements. Relereno. s exchanged. AT 102 EAST FOURTEENTH STREET, OPPOSITE the Aeauemy ot Music.?A gentleman and wi.e or t.?o or three single persons can nave Board, witn pleasant fur nished or uul uruisoed Booms, having all the Improvements, on very moderate terms. Dinner at o)? o clock. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED PARLOR AND BED room, ou lioor, also a itoom on second tloor, to lei to a family, with Buard, orgeiiilemeu, with partial Itoard, at 44 Wesl'l weuty-iirsi street, near Fitlh avenue. A FRENCH FAMILY, LIVING IN GOOD STYLE would accommodate a gentleman and wife witn Boaru and a handsomely l urnished Paiior and Bedroom. A.Ml. Kooins lor sliigu; gentlemen. App J at 3'J West Twelfth street, between r'lftn and sixth avenues. Spanish, German aud English spoken. A LARUE PARLOR, WITH TWO CLOSETS, IN A modern broait etoue house, with Hoard, lor a gcutle an.i wl:e ur two geiLtlemen, lor $5 a week, for au ad Vttij.x t l o: a h.L a.i Kooin, a lii Board lor * geutieuiau or Italy, ai *2 .5. Reierence and ?e. ur.ty given. Address Anio.ican, station F, Third avenue. A PRIVATE FAMILY, OF THREE PERSONS, OOCU. pyiug a urnt . .axs luum an M n ay Hill, imtweeu Film and t+iuli avenue*, will aecoiuuiodatc a genteel lainiiy witu el-guilty Itirm hod K miiii and Board. Rest lelcrentea given and r. quired. Address box 4,017 Post 0:li< e. A SMALL PRIVATE AMERICAN FAMILY, HAVINO a neaily furnished troui R Him, uu n xund Uoor, won! 1 let it to one or lwo,eiiu. wen, witiiout rtoa:d. Aimj, a piea R iiufioiii iwo.i i! on me thud Uoor, at #1 it)per week. Ap ply at Is Jeller?on n.reei, uear East Broadway. A PRiVATE FAMILY, GENTLEMAN AND WIFE only, occupying a modern brown atone house, opposite the coil- ge . rounds on Tweatleth and Twemy-.irai aire, is, uiler a selection ol Rooma to gentlemen, with or wlui .ut breal.l'ast. in a.Ql.i'o:. 10 m.o i w/iu* and oeligitilul location, every endeavor will be inane to glv e a pleasant and coui mru de iiOnie. tendered a:id expected. Address W., t?ox3,(HU Post offloc. \ OENTLE'.iAN AND WIFE, OR TWO OR THREE A flOki* g, can be accommodated wltii am! p ? ...ant Rooms at lot) East TwenU fc- oiid -tftel, be u laexuigton and I'ulrdaveudes. Tne bouse hat all toe in improvements. A LADY AND dLXTLEMAN OF yi lET IIAlilTS CAN o.Ltiu .ne or two K unia, neatly i oruiah?d, on senon 1 Uoor tBbard lor taJy), In a a nail private iainlly. No oilier boarders tasen. Loallou one block wealoi Broadway and In vl w o 1 Washington park. Addreaa Home Comioru, alation D. 4 LADY AND GENTLEMAN CAN HAVE A NEATLY j\. lurnlobed back Parlor or a small r>ui Room, at ?o wnd 97. witu Bo.rd lor lady; location central; stages pass the door; ail iiio-iern improveui. ula. Apply at to Amity street. A WIDOW LADV CAN FURNISH A GENTLEMAN and lauy .vitu Apartui nta and Mi aid lor tne lady. Lo a Ion dcairabie. T rma reasonable. No other boarder*. A Idles* E. >1., M .dlaou annate P .a: oillia. A FEW YOUNG MEN CAN HAVE IlnAKD AT ?3 PLR wecK, ou>. lady at all lt> per week, ai>?> day buardera aceamiiioaated at $2 25 per week at 144 Muloeiry street near Urand. A FEW HANDSOMELY FIRNI.-iHED RilOMS T) let, to gentlemen, wKnout Board, In a private lainuy; bouse .ia cveiy convenlcn. e, and M desirably In at-n. Ap p y at 2 l NfntU streeet. between filth and Sixth avenue*. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET A SL'IT OF HAND aon.e Parlor*, together or a parately, to two ur three fnlleimni. with Bnmk'.aai 11' dialred; alao one or two single ooniH. llouse Iiratelaaa. Apply at 3/ Wen Ninth ?ueel, ueur Fifth avenue. AiniALL private family will let a few niagniiKcni Rooms, beautifully lnrnlihed; loeatlua uniidia.iy pie?aan. Apply at 2d Welt Fourteenth street, Bear and west ol Fifth av. Bae. ? T l?n NINTH STREBT, A FEW DOORS WEST OF A Broauway.?EMganUy f urn tubed Rooiaa to let. with or wiiMMit Hoard, to an?l: gentlemen. Rei'erenoaa ex .hanged A 1IANDBOMELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR TO lesdiu tne tice *d piano, alao one aeatly furnlalied K./OIN, on ?e ond door; it..u?a baa all the modern Improve ?ifUt->; loraiton deenahle. Inquire at No. H Amity street, a lew doors laum lJroaaway. BOAHD.-A SUIT OF HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ttooins u> let, to a getuieinan or gentleman and wne, In lirateiass bouse, No. 27 Eighteenth street, near Fiftn avt nue; slat a room on fourth siory; reiereuce* ex. oanged. BOARD ?HANDSOMELY Fl RNI8UED APARTMENTS. Ill suit* or s. parate, may be onlalue I, wuh B >aru, at 1U3 Waveriey pla- e. In view of aud nearly opposite Washing, ton sqvar". L nex.ept.onable relerenoes given and requlT'-a. BOABD ?tiENTLKMEN AND THEIR WIVES OR SIN t,te genllenien. can oottin neatly lurnlshed Ro una wuh Beard, at No. A Went Waahingtou jilaoa, aiao a ault of Par lot s on the llrat uoor to let. BOARD-WITH FURNISHED OR UVFURNISHKD Hop.tut. ? A private fann y ?1U dlS[io>e ol the entue seistiid Floor, baring all ??nvt iilnncea and Improrrmenta. to p .riles 01 gen.lemeu w .suing to elub togetuer. Itooiua tarae, airy and ver> plaaaant. Select ueighoortiood. Such parties dealrmg the social couifortn of a home can be anomiuodated un ruaanaalil' tco>, by applying st J2 Haiik street. BSARD.?A LADY AND GENTLEMAN CAN BE AC comm.-daled with neaily furnisheU or infurnlatiad Room*, III a snail quiet family where there are no other iMiarders. Parties In saareu of a qnlfl and genteel h?ne will tin.I tula snub. Inquire at 81 Wuat hleveutk street, near Fifth avenae. BHOARD -A LADY AND OENTLH.MAN .WHO WOULD be wilting tondianee a la.lyi.triy do.lars, ean be ac *...>m<.dated wkb neatly furnlahsi I ttoorna and Miaeomfuita of a unlet boma. No other boarder* in the house. LonaUoa unar Fifth ave.nueand Twellth AddreaaMr*. E. M. B., ?tAUon if, Bible llooee. Board c/cn be siw i red with a private Aiii. rl>an madly, la a nrt* olasa bruwei stoae house, twa bi.Nks I'mn Ma lison square, bv apHyingat Imi le ihig .ia avenue, rna^ea aad oars easy ol aauess. BHOARD WANTED-FOR A OENTL'EMAN AND LADY, l>oar<) lor tbu Mj only, la a g.esl looailnn. bviweaa Twel'tli and iBtriietb streeu aad Third and Hnih avnaues. Addr.?a E. R H , twa I'M lleridd oUlae. BtiARD WANTED-FOR A SINiiLE OENTLEMAN, IN a iexpectable pnvab- iainlly. In exehanga tor l?*rd and tuition lor a lad or mm in a school, deixgtitl ully locat d, near the city, where every attention wlU Lie given. AtWreae O L. P., Herald olhue. Board wanted?for three mouths, at a j.l.'.is.itit farm house, for a young; some inland p. are in New Jersey er no tne North river; .|.?a not object to go sixty miles fiom Ihe eity. Call at or add was, staling l till pertinulara and board, which must be moderate, HO Cottage p.aee. _ IJOARD WANTED-IN. A flooo NKlOlUKHtHOUD, HY J i a iainlly of n 'Mis br> akuig up ho ia-keeptng; would partly t in iilili Hi -it own room*. Terms to b" moderat". Lo CiiifuD Iwtow i ii Aauj-cia ilornia BOARDING A\D U)UOINOt Board wanted?in tub lower part ok tub Seventh ward, by ? young lady; in a private family pn ferred A Iln* address* I Boarding. Herald office, slat lug terms, will meet with p oupl attention. Boarding?pleasant apartments can be liaibv a la ly expectin s to re i.Ore medical attention. Home comforts uau bo full. realized; skilful medical care aluaysat hand; family suman I unobtru^fe. Address Dr. E iward Barton, D, N w York i Uy. BOARDING?AT 20 WEST ELEVENTH STitEET, 1JE tweeu I nivsrslty plate and B oadway. Booms to let, in suits or separately, with or wit o 1! Board. Fatuillesor s.ngle gentlemen will find thin a uts r.ible location for the summer. Dinner at six o'clock. Boakdino.-a gentleman and his wife or two young ladies, also two young men, can be acuui modut ''1 with Board ' y applying at 161 Eldri la - sirei t. be tween Rivinglon and Slaiuou. BOARDING ?ROOMS IN suit OR SINGLE, FOR GEN tleuien and their wives, and lor single gentlemen, at SS Ninth street, at prices to suit the times. BOARDING.? AN El.IUIBLE APARTMENT IN ? very small, unobtrusive 1'amlly to If I, wth Board, to an Invalid or a lady expecting to requ iv medical care, kind ness and home attention. For lo> atlon, terms, <kc., apply 10 or address Dr. THIERS, No. 1,217 Broadway. N. B.?un surp Su d acnomi .odations i.i the country; elegant water vi ' a s aud e> eiy requirement for ease and elegance. BOARDING IN FIFTEENTH STREET?A PRIVATE laniiiy is desirous of accommodating one or two gentle - men and their wivis or two or three single gentlemen. Terms moderate. References given an I required. Call at 162 West Kl.ti enth street, between Sixth and Seventh avs. Brooklyn-a small family, or a few gen. tlenien, can obtain Board In a private family, at t>S West B title xti eel; convent. ut t.? the South aud Wall street fer r es. References exchanged. Brooklyn.?furnished room to let. with or without Board, in a Fi > nuh private family. Terms mo d rate. Modern Improvements. Call at 56 President street, Brooklyn, two minutes' walk from the lerry. BROO!CLYN.-A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE AND TWO gentlemen v n tlud j ltasani front R <oms aud k?"> i ac commodations at .H7 Stale street, between Henry and Clin tun; convenient to ferries. Terms reasonable. Dinner at t kh o'clock. "IBROOKLYN BOARD.?furnished OR UNFURNISII. J ) > d Rooms to Rent, with Board, house has modern im provements; live minutes' walk froui Fulton lerry, ut 79 Sands i.ireut, corner o; Jay. R-iereuce required. Board in brooklyn-and an ac.kebable home may be had with a private family. Their house is pleasant and well locateii. Oas, baLli, Ac. Rcierei.ces exenanged. Apply at 125 San Is street. BOARDING IN BROOKLYN?243 COURT STREET, ONE door from Sackett, leading to the ferry. Location very pleasant. Cars pass the door. Dinner at 1 and t>>$. Terms moderate. Board on rrooklyn heights.?a gentleman ai.d wlie, or Millie gentlemen, will lind large Rooms and i;ood Board at No. 4 Wiilow street, near Fulton f ^rry. Lute dinner. References exchanged. Elegant rooms, city water cure, 72 west Thirty-eighth street.?The proo.iotor of this house opens it lo:- tuo reception of single persons or families. Fixed rates, no extra- Batlis iu basement, under care of Dr. C. C. Schieferdecker, visiting physician, odl.c 833 Broad way. IJiRENcn BOARD AND FRENCH instruction, IN . Professor E. Fexaudle's lamily, No. 10 Union s^uara (Fourth avenue). Best references r quired and given. (jlURNISHED ROOMS TO LET?SINGLY OB EN J? suite, without Board, in the new and mo:iern built hous<; No. 3a3 Fourth street, one block east of Broadway. Furnished rooms to let.?a suit of large> airy Rooms, on third lloor, well furnished and colli* cf ed, together or sej aratu, without Board, to gentlemen on ly. Terms low. Apply at 30 Bond street. Fl RN1SI1ED ROOMS TO LET?TO LADIES OR GEN tleiucti, with or without Board, in a modern house, with a small private lamily. A 207 West Twenty-second street, hrst house east of ?i;h:u av.uue. Furnished ro >ms to let?to gentlemen, with h.uii atM gas; Extension Roa n on par.or uoor, two front Rooms on second story, In a private lamily. Ap ply at 63 East Tsvi nty-seventh street, near Fourth avenue. Furnished rooms to let?some as low as $i per week; breakfast aud tea if required; conve nient to ' am and stages. Apply ut 195 West Twenty-seventh street, coi ner of Eighth avenue. Furnished rooms to rent?in a private fa mlly. wiin partial Board it' desired. Terms muderate. House Las all the modern conveniences. Ap,.ly at 73 Amity street. Gentlemen will find elegantly furnished Rooms, withal; lue improvements aud moderate prices, at 1)9 Prince street, one blooK weal of Broadway. C gentlemen and thbir wives, OR SINGLE gen J ilcuien, can be accommodated with plea;ant Booms and good Board, at 211 W< *t T.venty-slxth street. CI tNTLEMEN WISHING GOOD ROOMS, WITH OR X without Board, may apply ai 112 Leonar 1 street, two or three doors east of Broadway. House newly furnished h nd oue of the best down town. Rooms, with Board, S3 SO to 25. Harlem.-a private family, occupying a bouse with all modern improvements, desir- to lei neatly furnished Rooms, with Board, lo 1a.m.lien or single gentlcineu. Apply in U7t!> s:r.-et, flttti house west of Third avenue, south sid<', or address W. II. N., box 170 Herald oliice. Handsomely furnished parlor and bed. roiiu t> let?Willi gas ami bath, to a gentleman and wile; Bou-d for the lady only; In a sina 1 private family; no o ner boarder*. Tvriu* moderate. Location 3ij Fourth avenue. Mrs. m. b. sumner, 2a west twentv-.nintii street, has Hint lal s iii<fuf R >jui* and iw i siii;l Room* to is, o*e of, either peraiouetitly or transiently. R-ffrcn. es exchanged. Madison avenue hotel, corner or twf.ntv seventh stieel and Madisou avenue.?Tins beautifully lo atcd hotel 1* lio.v re' lung p-unsnenl ami transient Boarder* at extremely low price*. Ttble tirst elas*; cooking New E:,glan.i style. R :feroua: required. $1 per day. N eat and pleasant rooms, laroe or km all, to let, ?ilti H a i.t'i gentlemen, ladle* or famine*: from *5 tj <7 Jicr week, for two p.raona. Mingle rooms HO. Apply at 3h7 8i?th avenue. XJEaTLY FURNISTIBD APARTMENTS?SUITABLE IN lor n K?nt:-:iian mi l wife, either wltn partial Board or lite ol kitcncu for krej >ing bo..*-; rent moderate. Also, a a. all B droou I'ora alngle g tilleiuaB; rent $1 per week. No. 4/ Amity rr -el. N'O 5 BREVOOKT PLACE. TENTH STREET. WEST of and Bear Broadway.?To let, ] urnlaird Parlors and B-Iroo iis. together or separate, on leroiid iloor, also uu third. Unix private and lirsi elans. ONE OK TWO < iENTLEMEN CAN OBTAIN MOST DK ?ira I* fnrniahe I Rooms with Board, la a inat clas* houi . uu m nler.tlo If m- Apply al 170 We*t Twenty-fourth atreet, nctweeii Beveutli an 1 Eighth avenues. Rooms to let-to single uentlrmen. fur niahed, vlt.ioiit hoard. Tub house very deai: ably lo cai*-d in v.ew of Broadway, oce.ip.e | ,,y a small prna.e fa mily who have a larger h< use than they require. Aujily at No. 7 Bond street. Reference exenaniied. Rooms to let-handsomely furnished, at moderate pricea, for the dimmer. suits or tingle, lo gen tlemen and their wives or tingle geutleineo. Please apply at ICS West TwciiiY-??*ronrt street. CtPEKlOR ACCOMMODATIONS IN THE COUNTRT O may lie. had for ? iientleman and hi* wife, or a family of four pel-nous No oiber boarders ta?cu. Addrusa U. M., box MPMrihie, Railway. N. J. Transient and permanent boarders can be accommodated In a lirst ' Una bonae. eccupled by a high ly respecta ile tier man gentleman an i bis s^lfe. Eugliab and Kr -ucli spoken. Apply al No. 40 Eaat Bleecker atreet. near 11 read way. TWO OR THREE PLEASANT ROOMS MAY RB HAD, with full or partial Board. at 6i U<at Twenty hrvt air-et, lietween Broauiyay and Fourth avenue. TO LET-TO A GENTLEMAN, A NEATLY FURNISHED Roma, in a atrt-ily private la uily. No. 46 Eaat Nine teenth a treat, near Broadway. TO LET?WITH BOARD, IN BROOKLYN, WITHIN live minutes walk ol Fulton ferry, a Room, to a alngle c-ntleiaan, hi $3 DO a week. Alao a iar^e Room, suitable for a gentleman aud Wife or two single gentlemen. Tarma rate. Apply at 64 Cranberry atreet. TO LET?WITH BOARD, ONE LARUE ROOM AND Au*?ve. second II jar Room*. unfurnished; bouse ha* all the mo lern improvements, partiaa having t urn.lure will find It to their internet to rail and look at litem. At 38 Weat Twelfth air--el. tW'liUEENB STREET -FIRNISHED ROOMi TO ?d\J l-t, to ti-ntlemen ? nly. IMM at $1 to *.1 per week. Alan almliar Rooms and Room* lor housekeeping at No. 1 Monroe ainet. corner of Catharine. OA UNION SQUARE (FOI'RTH AVENUE)?DESIRA >)U ble lrout Rooms, furnished, ran lie obtained, with Board lor lainlllea or gentlemen. References required. Ol WEHff TWE.NTV FOL'RTH STREET?A FEW (JEN OI tlemen. or gentlemen and their wivHa, can nowo fueaaain Rooms, with or without Ural claaa Board. A parlor I desired. Kelcren'-es given and required. ?J 4 EAST TWELFfH STREET, CORNER OF UNI O'X veralty placi?Hdiidaomaly furuUhad suit of Rooms to let, with or without Board, at summer pricea. Refercncea given and required. Q7 BANK STREET.-A OENTLEMAN AND WIFE. OR O I two single gentl.-m-n can obtain a lane and uleaaant front Raom, witii pantry, third (lour, with B *r I. Location pleasant, audennveiileifl to earn and atatfea. QO WE8T SIXTEENTH STREET. BETWEEN FIFTH Ot/ and Hiith avenue?Uaifteomejy |fnrii,ali?'ijlto<>fae to let. with B<*nl suitable for g-ntlcnen and thidr wlvea or sim(le geolleiiien; house flrst claaa, hsiatiou the rviat cia veniejit; dinner at #. References re pilrvd. A Q BAST TWENTY FIR-T STBr.KT. NEAR BROAD *raj way, and In the vicinity of ihe Fil th arenas Hotel Single jtAUUeineii,or geUl4einen and their lamlllea,can o ttaio OesiraMe Rooma, with or wlthnul first clue Board, by i^v'T *14 na above. C\ty HAM ?OND STKKI-;T.-?OARD.-A FRONT ROOM \Jand B droom a-IJoinlni{, on second Uoor, ta let, w.tii Boitnl, to a gentleman aud in* wife or single gesiileiiien. The bona- has ^11 the modern Improvement* anil lb" com forta of a botne. Dinner at sli. Referancea eiohanginl. 77 FOI'RTH ATENBE-A UP.NTLEMAN AND WIFB. I I rr a few Singl" t-ei,tlemen, nan find g mkI Bonrd and liieaaant Room* in a private laimiy. Dinner al alx o ulwok. 7<\ SPRINU STHT.ET, THREE DOORS FROM BROAD i fj wa>.?To let, hatiTaomely furniahed Rootna, to single g'-niienien. die lo atioti I' near all the first d- hotel* ami i lace* of amiiaemenl. Reading ro im frae. Inuirire of AN BoN UOVSE. <)0 ORBRNE STREET, ABOVE SPRING, AI^TON ?l?> H -tise ? Kleganlly furniahed aulia of Rooms; gas, Cr .tmi an I every con*enienoe for bou*?-keeping economi cally; parlioularly aultahle for email, respectable families; r?nt low. 11/? NACDrtUOAL STRBRT. NBAR RLERcrEk, IS 11U now I fene.I as a private family hotel for the reoep. I.on of single ^.antlemen or small launlle* tired of bonrdlng. Fai lies desirous of boiiaekeepill| can iiad tver/ coarenwuc* at ibe abova eaiabiisbmeuu _ ^ BOARDING ASDJiODOIKO. 1 opi macdouoal street, four doors from 1')'/ \\ ashlngton square.?Handsomely Furnished Room* U) let. Willi Board, lo families or single genilemon; hu;i?e Lr?t class; family small. Terms moderate. AUo an Uut'ur nithed * ah {nu tries. TAr\ twelfth street, near second anenue I rij Rooms, I'D tlie second Uuor, with or without Kuan!; * am, and bedroom communicating; two geutismen, $7 per week; one, (4 SO, including gas. Dinner at (ix. 1 Cfi PRINCE street-ST. OLAIR HOUSE.-ELE I? ") cant furnished Rooms. with Bedrooms attached, witti all the conveniences lor housekeeping complete. in cluding gas and Urolou water, to let to respectable l am Hies, or single gentlemen. 17ft east FOURTEENTH street.-FURNI8UED 111) Rooms to let, in suits, and dingle Rooms lor gen tlemen. The location is very desirable, the hotuse very airy an l pl< a- nit, with all the modern improvements. Terms moderate to respectable parties, 91 ft F.LM STREET, NE VR 8PRINQ.?FURNISHED SmJl'' Roo us, tor immediate occupancy; lowest rents In the city considering the convenience* for housekeeping; best bedding, furniture and cooking utensils; gas ami Oroton. n> A - AND 617 BROADWAY (CLINTON HOUSE) OVER L?TT*J Mendl's Saloon. Elegant milts of Rooms lor gentle men; new furniture, beds and bedding, and all the conve niences of a iirst claas house. rje)f* BROADWAY, OPPOSITE NEW YORK HOTEL.? 4 ^UNioely furn shed Rooms to let, in suits or single. The house has nil modern conveniences, and the location la un surpassed. Rents to suit the times. COUNTRY BOARD. A GENTLEMAN residing IN THE CITY, AND owning u larin in a pleasant village uear Connecticut river, would take a family with Ills to spend the summer. For particulars apply lo A. SMITH, 96 Chambers street, or at :0) West Twenty-ninth street. AN NEW brighton HEIGHTS, STATEN ISLAND.? S uperior a. coinmodations lor a family or party of gen tlemen, at the spacious mansion on the estate ol 0. K. Ham ilton, Evergreen Hill, only live minutes' walk irom tbeferry. Extensive, highly cultivated grounds, n it!i pli atj of fruit, vegetables. Ac. Excellent siabliug. Apply on the premises or address E. K., New Brighton, S. I. Best op country board can b^ had at Bergen Point, New J r*ey, near Newark Bay, about on.s iiuorter of a mile l'roui the Laiourette liou-o. New throughout, rooms lar^c, cool and airy. Good fishing, bathing and driving. The location is ijnu of tint urn-si in New Jersey; is healthy and con venient. Charges moderate. forty minutes' sail or one lieu'* driv < from the cltv. For particnlars inquire on the premises, or at 62 West Eighteenth street, between Fifth Board in the country.-thuee ok four Urge Rooms, with Board, can i>e o tamed at a beautiful couutry place near Ihi' city, on Long Islaud. Hourly com munication wllh the city. Apply at l'j'j East Tenth street, New York. BOARD ON RICHMOND TERRACE, NEW HRIGHTON, S aten Ulan 1?The second house from the landing, fronting north. The house has oath and gas, and commands a line view of the bay. Reference* exchanged. Boarders exchange, g?i broadway.?coun try and city board. Full particulars, prices, Ac., gra tuitous tj ooarders. All wishing uent.eel boarders sliou !d mal.e early application. Couutry Board near the city v ant ed ft r many parties. A. 8. MOD1NE A CO. (10UNTRY BOARD.?PLEASANT rooms AND BOARD J may lie obtained by a rentlemyn ana wife or :i pni t> of s.n* e ^eutlemen, iua| rivate family in the village of Youker*. The l.ous U we I located, within a short distance of the de SOt and steamboat lauding, unl beautifully sh ideu. Alio, ue 1 ruit treea on the place. Terms rea-onaoic. Address W., Yonkers Post otlice, or box 1,745 New York Post oilice. (COUNTRY BOARD.?WANTED, BY A FAMILY WITH J three children, Board in the country after the 1st July; not over twenty miles iro.u the c ty and asy oi' ac e-s. Ad tir-'ss K , box 3,H67 Post ollle- . Good accommodations and plenty of room requisite. /^Ot'NTRY BOARD?A FEW boarders WOl'LB BE "v taken in a beautiful location at Hint; Sins, ovrrlo ?k.i>3 the river and village. For particulars, address N, box 47 Sing Sing Post oUice. (COUNTRY BOARD?IN stratford, CONN., BY J boat, or sixty tniies by train, near station, with all the advantages of a'country life; good tahle: an airy Suit of Rooms, communicating; the house is kept by a widow lauy wltuout childi ii. Apply at U East Twenty-first street, or to T. Bland, 108 Wall street. COUNTRY BOARD.?FIRST CLASS BOARD CAN UE obtained on a farm lu Connectieu,. Long Island Sound, three hours distant from the city. Plenty oi summer iruits, milk ami vegetables. Also i<ood bathing and fishing. Apply at hi Weat Twenty-second street. COUNTRY BOARD.?FIRST CLASS BOARD FOR A family and oue or two gentlenen oiay be had at a Urge country seat, very cool and healthy and retired from all an noyances, one hour iroui tue city, on Staten Island, north side; excellent stabling, Ac. Address Orove, box 210 Herald oILee. (tOUNTRY BOARD.?WANTED, country BOARD, BY J a gentleman and wile, for the summer and louder if suited: must be within an hour's ride of the City Hail. Ad dress C. E. C., box 2,711 Post ?!!ice. New York, stating terms, Ac., which must be very moderate. (country BOARD.?A FAMILY OF TEN PERSONS J can be a com modal d at Moore's House, twenty mi nutes' ride from bands' Point, i;4 hour lroin the city by new steamer Jesse Ho/t, from Peek slip, at 4 o'clock daily. Rooms conne ting. For further particulars apply J. M. WHll'E, Esq., 16 Front street. COUNTRY BOARD?NORTH SHORE STATEN Isl. n 1.?fine or two lir*l class fum.ltes desired; loea tlon high and commending; i. (ie river view; rooms large and airy; house shaded with for/st trees and evesgreeus; sta bling amp,e; terms reasonable. Land at Sailor s Snug Har bor. Apply at. orner oi Bement and Castleion avenues, or address M., uox It,, lleraid u )????. COUNTRY BOARD?A SMALL AMERICAN FAMILY can ootain Board at Nvack, HQ the bunks of Hie Hud son; location desiraole; boatnic bathing and hshliiK. In quire at "M Jaue street, wnere the lady can be seen until 2^ P. M. Saturday. Terms $0 to it>. COUNTRY BOARD-AT riyebdale, HUDSON river, lottrt tu utile* distant.?v trot hum accommoda tions in a prlvau- house, on the Urat or second Uoor; bath, hotaudcolu; iruu uud sbuJu; laole unexceptionable; terms moderate. Apply ut No. X Ureal Jon* street. mt? GAUL. COUNTRY HOAKU AT THBOGO'S NECK.. FIFTEEN iiiiIff* distant.?Klrai clasa accommodations on the tit nt or second lit* >r of a private manaiou. Motli not uud eold ?water. Ext nelve grjuttdt, fine Uwo, splendid driven, boat* Inn. bathing., Ac. Private '.able if desired. Also SubUng ;oi uoi'Msm Kuie-nticr* preferred. Ajiply at Nu. 1 GreatJotus sir ???t. PEEt ,t GAUL. (COUNTRY BOARD AT COItNWALL.?PLEASANT AC J cominoJauon, .or uvo or Ihies lanvlie-, within ten m-.tiutes'wa.k M l ie landing. <' ttion wltlt'Ncw York imiucutlv ilnrin,; tu*-il.iy. For particular* iuuulre of JOsEPIl H. GRAY, 7-' W:i!l siree:. CIOUNTRY BOAKU FOR CHILDREN?WHERE THEY > nil' have uie car1 of a luotnar; sckool ueatrby; or a gen letuan aad wl e taken. Call at 101 Tw> Ifvh street, cor ner ol Thk'.l avenue, this lay. MRS. MARTiN CCOUNTRY BOARD WANTED?FOR A FAMILY, CON J hi-t n< of a gentleman, wife an 1 two small children, aged one and three year*. with a numc in some place con venient to the city. Price low. Aildresa K. t;., Herald o:Hce COUNTRY BOARD WANTED?FOR THE SUM MEtft, lor a family re<|ulriug fa.jr g..od si/ed airy Kooiua and good Board, In an elevated, hear hy region, wnolly Ir. e from fev? r and ague, and ^t iea?: forty ml eti distant lr. u N-w York. Ad'lreaa, w.tli purttculara and ti ruia, C. H. T., l ax Pom o e. New York. C10UNTRY BOARD WANTED-BY A SINGLE GENTLE / man. Adtlre-aG. K., ho* S,V*7 Post oflk-o. River HOUSE, foot ok HMD STREBT,CARMAN8 Vllle, newly fined up mill la oompiaie or... i.?Families or s'nttle vemleinen can nake arrange menta on reasonafile terms for tne vuson. Ground* well shaded. Aeceatlble nt all hours by Hodaon River Railroad an I aleawbo.,u. Apply as above. CUMMER BOARD MAY BE OBTAINED AT HEMP. O s ead. L >ug Island, lor three children. ai<ea from ci.:ht to twelve year* old; term* moderate. Addrca* H. H., He rald oihce. mo LET-AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. ONE OR A two comfortable K ?onm; bealtuy situation; Frankltu place, near>aav>?ue, lew minutes' from depot; tertna moderate; breakfaat and tea, If required. Apply to >Vr. bCVir ticket olbce, Flushing depot, or P. SMll'li, ai the pteinine*. ft PER MONTH WILL BE PAID IN ADVANCE iJIU for Board lor a lady and her little daughter, nine jc ir? of a.,'"-, In a plain farm house In tbe Conakry: near the Hudson preferred. Add rose for fobr day* Mia. H. W. C., station D, New York. ll'JIMER RESORTS. HIGHLAND COTTAGE, CORNWALL?IB OPEN FOR aominer ootrderi: laiullies wishing; rtc? lo.mis, with fine views, drives, l>oat)n? anil fishing, \ of a mile from the landing. For particular* a.. irvaa Wm. F. Hixon, or S. FaDcher, 36 Water street, M. T. Lake mohegan house, lake moiieoan. will op n on June 1, fur the aeroti.madaiton nf boarden. SMuated I'oui miies raet 01 Penfcaalu, on the Iludaon; one hour and a hall s ride faam New Vjtrk. Torma xix dohars per week. Address A. W. Palmer, ConilneiMal Hotel, Puek> Itdl. Also a few gooJ FaniHy R<Kirns 'at the Contiuenial. la ibe rlllace, 10 mlnutei' walk from the depot ai the Htxiaon River Railroatl. Keiercuee* Thofmui Nel-o ., Evaning Poat Bull ang, an I Roaeri D. XeUra, ,0 R<',i?le utroet. rrilE LA TO! rette IIOI tfK. 1>LP.GKN POIKT, 18 1 no* o|*u for the reoeption af gne^'.a. A lew choice sella ol family roouia mat ret lie snenied for the (naaon. Boat* leave pMr Mk 1 North rher, at 7.20 and 11.20 A M.; .1:20, 4 .10 and ti P. M. From Dey strent al I0>i A. M. and t 30 P. M. Time Mlrtr-Sva minutes. WESLEY W. HILL, Proixletor. SKA BATHING AT LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY.? The Metropolitan Hotel wl.l open for the reneptlou of visitors June 1A. J.Tl .it T W roOI'ER. I'roprtntnra. SEA BATHING?MANsftON MOI^E, LONG BRANCH. N. J , Ih aow open. Hltua'utd only M janls from tha s<? shore, of the place; house fronting Uieuoean 100 fee?; will aaeommodMe SOU giuwte; two bourn from New York. Steamer leaves Mnrrav ?trret twlee daily, tkflooa by the K. and D. B. Railroad. Addraa S.'Laird, Praprletor. RAILROADS. BUBSOIHtlVER RAILROAD.-TRAINS FOR ALBANY Troy, Uie Norta and W.nt loavo Ohaoabora (treat atf and II A. M., and 3.90, ft and 10:l? P. M L ONG ISLAND RAILROAD?CHANGE OF TER I minus ?Paaaeugar aepot at Jamea stlp aad foot of Tlilryr loui th aireet, Ka^t riv.?. _ ^ Summer Arrangement? I^ave lt*w ^ "SK >*SA. M. for Oreenpart. Sag llarlwr, i ?TjptU and HamplTtn. At 8 A M..IJ M.. and 4 ? P. M. for Syiiaaet. At 3 SO P. M for Gieenporl. At i> P. M. lor HctaMMwI. _ . . tin and a(W June the mall train wHI rua or Ainiiaars to Yanhank, at exaniidon rat???. lenvkia Thirty-fourth street at 8 15 A. ?., an I retnrulM leare-f^fcaak at S 3* P. M. 1 ONfl ISLAND RAILROAD AOCOMMODA*0!*-OLD 1J Hmlh Feiry *<rmlnaa - Tsalna leave a? T ? A. M. aod S 15 P M. for Green|eirt; II 45 A. M. and 4 15 P. M for Hy oseeti; T 4A ll!SS| A M., and 3:1ft, 4 15, ft 4A P. M. f-a- lleHip itead, heuriy for Jarnat. a-from 7 4ft A. * tafi4?P M NEW YORK, HARVF.M AND ALBANY RAILROAD ?MTEHs^tD wb-t Coniinenolng Thursday, Hay H. 1MB. For Albany,,10 30 A, M.. Express Man Train iromTirt atilh itreet station. For all kieal tralisi nee Time Tama. J OH* OVUiUUA, Aaalataat SupegalMd* SALES OF RES At ESTATE. I A^m SPLENDID FARM KUU sale AT PUBLIC ACC t on. uii Thursday, June 19, at 10 A M. Kurui form erly owned by Peter Voorhis, Esq.. at Prakness. four milea from Paterson depot, N. J., and nineteen miles from New York. C> millions of tale and attendance given by NATiiAN CAMPBELL. - _ AT MORKISANIA, MELROSE. FORDIIAM, MOUNT Vernon, Harlem and Westchester county, Houses, Lota and Karma bought and sold. All business connected with real es at ? attended to by Q. W DlTOHETf, corner of Chatham, ttinl Chambers it rents, second Uo r. BROOK LYN.-CLINTON AVENUE property fob b?W?-Six Lots, Willi first class House, 40 by 40, with pi azza, f in uaee. range, K"*. bath and rloset: s'able in rear. Garden peaches, cheriles, pear- and two kinds of grapes* which are not si.rpa>sed in size or quality. A| ply on the lu-emis. s, third house south wed from Myrtle aveuue, oral No. 31 Spruce street, up stairs, New York. CM Ol'NTKY SEAT, AT OLD SAYBROOK, FOR SALE OB to rent?At the mouth of the Connecticut rlrer, adjoin ing the splendid residence of John Allen, Esq., to which the buildings correspond; about seven seres to the water; 4>tf hours from New York by rail or al auer. To a good tenant terms will be moderate. Apply to O. WIll'l'INU or J. B. YARN CM. Jr., 110 Broadway. Farms, country seats and residences and every variety of real e-taie, In city and country, for sale, exchange ami to let, on the most favorable term*. Also, all the different kinda of busiuess for sale, and aeveral good business chances. SOUTHWICK A WOOD, 82 Naa^an street ' Farm wanted-worth from $8,000 to $12,000; for one that suits some cash and a valuable store down town, in a lirsi rate hiwlnru locttlou, Is ottered in exchange. Inquire at 6d Water atreet lor the owner. For sale-bayside villa, situated on new Yorli U.iy,distant froai the Battery live utiles; aucekd hourly by balterviue stages, ovr the Bergen Poiut Plank road, from the ferry at Jer-ey Li y; one of the most beauti ful of suburban drives, in full view of New York Bay, the Narrows and adjacent islands; stage fare five; time, forty-five minutes. The view from the premises is one of tlie mod beautiful imaginable, embracing New York liny and city, Brooklyn, Lung Island, .Stitten Island, New Urignton, Ac., Forts liamilum and Lafayett and the Narrow* being directly In front. Tha clear sen water washes the atone wall at the foot of ihe lawn. The gio:>n<is contain two acres, tastefully laid out; the vegetable i,a, en is one of the ear llest and finest around New York; the well'I* over a rock spring of the finest walcr. T u house ii two stories; built of solid brown atone laid In cement; sixty feet front and thirty feet deep, w th a wing containing five rooms, viz: dining room, kit In n and servant's apart ments; 11 cellar under the whole house; there are lif t en rooms in all; the ceilings are beautifully finished In oak, with black walnut b< ams, in the stjle of the villus la 0:d Chester, England; furn shed completely and comforta bly throughout, with complete cooUlug utensils, dishes and bedding for a family of twenty; ever, thing of the best and most substantial character. The furniiun< was made to suit the house. I: was lined HP and im' roved for ft homestead. Tne furniture and surroundings an ot ihemost lamiugqua ltty. There are carriage house aid fWble, chicken house and bathing house, with a t-radiml .-.helving shore and peb bly bottom. A horse ralknad, now build'ng to Bergen Point,, runs close to the premise*. Bearing fruit trees of apple, plum, pear, cherry and quince, red and black currants and gooseberries. To any one wanting a substantial and beautl lul home that will increase yearly in va.ue, this place oiler* rare Indue- men's. A view of the premises will satisfy the most fastidious. The age of the owner and her desire to join a purl of the family in a tlist nit part of the State, tha sole reason for selling. I'rice .VK); unfurnished, $7,6,M. Principals only dealt with. Apply to the owner, Mrs. MAH? C. SEES, Bayside, Salterville, U.idson county. Now Jersey. For sale-tiie very desirable location as a resilience 119 Oxford street, Brooklyn, near Fulton avenue. The dwelling is a co.uino nous douole frame house: the let well steeked with iritit trees and grape vines, is 60 by 2o0 feet, and the neighborhood most highly p'spectable. Iuqulre ol Messrs. BADEAU, LOCK WOOD A CO.. No. 227 Washington street, N. Y. For sale-tiie three story brick house ow th>' southerly < rner of Vau Brunt aud Tremont streets,. Brooklyn; h is a store on first t our (' ,-i:u, ley as a bakery); l.ouse in 'ood order; rents lor *325 j er vear; priee $3,200. Apply to E. K. KELLOiJU, 1.59 Pearl treet, New York. FOR SALE-A COUNTRY HOUSE, WITH CITY AD vantsges, for $4,7&0. A double lmstic Villa, lti Rooms, tilled In with brick, in perfect order, on two full city Lota, (only $SUU cash required) on l.'j/lh street, between 8t. Ann's and Home avenues, W Hi on; first el.>ss neighborhood. Also, from one to forty Lots adjoining, on e*sy terms. The whole comprising a beautiful garden, wlt'iin igbt luinutes' walk of Fourth avenue station, uuar the Harlem ferry, also Second and Third avenues terminu*. Also, now boiluing on same street a neat story and hull cottni'e of eight Rooms, on two Lots, for U0Oonly $J00 cash; m re laud if wanted. In quire on premises or of ELTON, m Ben, man street, from 13 to 1 dally, or on board the Sj Ivan tlroi e at hj.lf-past 1 P. ML, at Peck slip. FOR 8ALE?A COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM OF 130 acres, on the Rarltan river, near New Brunswick, witb an abundance of fruit; lun i under highest cul lvatlon and buddings In complete order. Inquire of WARREN HAR DENBEItUH, 5i?Wall street. TT*OR SALE?HOUSE NO. 22 TOMPKINS PLACB, J? Brookl-n; house 22^xM); lot 112.6; thiee story brick, with all modern improvements- sold cheap, and % large amount left on bond and mortgage. Possession given immediately, or will be r -n'ed to a desirable tenant. Apply to R. B. EVERSON, 83 Maid. n lane, New York. FOR SALE?AN ORANOE COUNTY SIXTY ACRE Farm; good buildings, fruit. An.; in A No. 1 order,40 miles from the city. Full particulars furnished at our Oiiee. IRELAND, HINCKLEY x CO., 63 Nassau street. For sale-a valcabi-e lease on good pbo perty in Maiden lane, near South atreet, or will ei rhange for a good business or a small pretty house near th* city. F. D. RICHARDSON A CO., 82 and 84 Nassau street. Fob sale in bbooklyn-a small three stout brick House m l L >1, store on llr?t Hour, within fiv? minute*' walk of the Hamilton f rrj; Iim water and gal; rents lor over 10 per teuton J'i.l'l1); price $l.8UU. Term* easy. Apply to E. R. KELLOGOlI39 Pearl street. N. Y. For bale and excuange-all kinds of beau Estate, Kami*, City anil Country ttesldences, all loca tions sizes uml uric ?. Also lo s of tuod b i.-iue** chances. F. D. RICilAKDSON 4 CM., fU and 84 Nanao street. Foe sale or exchange-kor Brooklyn or city Improved property, a 1 .irm ol' 101 a''rr?, near Mid dletowu, Orange county; buildings goon: 1 cation healthy;, une mile iroin schools, chun-bes, jtc. For particulars ad dress box 223 Herald ollice. flOR SALE OR EXCIIAN :E FOR NEW TORE OR Jersey City Property?1> ae;e Kami, on ttie Mnrrle Canal, at Denviue, one hour r un New York; also two lirit clan* Hi'wn hione Hoc ft* in Flftl ill ?'r>et, N. Y. J. HAWKINS CUNNINGHAM, 177 Bleecker street. Lands.?to all wanting farms- large and tunvin: stnement of Vineian i. *oU, p ?xi crop*} to be seen, 20 Tact", at fioai Mb i" *.0 per acre, payabla within four y ara; o id echo I* and Moiety; hundnd* arw scjtlus\ Apply toCHAS. K. L.VNDIS Postmaster, Vine and lJ.>-,t ??(Tie, Cumberland, New Jersey. Litters uuswertd; pa;err, containing inform lion, will be sent free. Real estate wantku.?st.-.'joo ?a merchant r-tirlng from business ha* $7<t,MU0 in Snntheru claim V< ofthevtrv tir?t chara(;t.T, which will lie sxc!:ao ed for Farm* or liandwime residences in the country, in thevicinitT of New York. Orauge. N. J., and in v.cuiity pref. rred. Farms rll^hUy encmniicred will ; ?? a.?en. or if iinencum lierei:, nome money will !>e | aid Ad?irem M. (J., Journal of Commerce ollice, stating very tull particulars, description price, *c. TO EXCHANGE?A VALtTAHI,E PRODUCTIVE PBO p?itv in Hrooltlyn, Fulton ferry; good neighbor hood for a farn of tram 4U to .">1 acres, near railroad depot, clinrcheH mid schools, and not in <re <lian forty miles from New York; niuet b?.a healthy location, high grouud. plenty of fruit and price not to exceed $'<,OHO. Address, with fail particular*, ft. W., box 177 Heia.d ollice, to June 8. rpENOP THE MOST DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS IfT X Jersey City lor sale ?t p.i n 10 prices; situated between the two leri les. Very little ra*rt re .'aired. Apply at 1M South Sixth street Jersey City, on the premises, or at 80 Bond street, New York. 1 O IMPROVED FARMS IN THE BEAUTIFUL VALLEY' LZt of Tioga. I'enn. (railroad till the way from Jersey Clty), will be exchanged tor merchandise or eft^ property. Alto, flfty larmMnd country seats tor or exchange for city property. Also, an excellent busine** chance fur a smalt capita**!. JOIINbON, (HJL'I.D A HaYWaBD, 187 Green wich 'tract. <t>r Ann -fob hale, a gbeat bargain, ok JpU.UUW. lilif iiltrriin, If sol i by 1st of July, a Urg* two *tory none Building, a><oi? I Mix in feet, with ten Dots, 26x100, corner of Stuyvesant avenue and Hickorv street, Brcjokivn; well calculated lor maun tact urlng. It may exi'liauce I. Also, $d.0?0, 910.UUO mortgagee, with goo?l bondsmen, live years to run, w.tii release riiruSss In each) v?rV an p!v secured in Hroo-Jjn Inquire at No. 33$. Bn ome streeu eorner Bowery, In t!ie ollice of Berrien A Pert, Attorney* and Counaellors at htm. AAfl ?8AI.K, TO CLOU ONE-THIRD JjpO.UlrU. Interest, four three s?iry Hrick Houses and Lots, in South Brooklyn, now producing in rental alxnitlen. per <vnt i n the above sum, lor whlrh the property wilt ba sold, and the rente can i>* Increased by any purchafsr who ran gfve proper attention to the matter. One half the pur clta*e money can remain on moruja re. Apply to WALTER. F. BBUS1I, Juardlan, 36 Front street. HOU9KS, ROOMS, ACh WAHTBA /^OTTAOB WANTED?CONTAINING SIX OB SHVEM \j rooms, with small ganii'n anil p easant snrroamllngs. . In somi- suburban Ux^lmr, cKi>enlssi to street cars or fer ries day and night. Would take lease for three years, and ulUmatel&pnrcha**,.lf agret'able. Kent paid promptly, snd then-fore must be mode.rate. Address A. D. Bradley, no. 49 Bieeekor street, stating terms and location. CIOAI. YARD WANTED.?ANY PERSON HAVING A ) Yard and Fixtures lor naie on reasonable terms, in a good location and buslnesK eetnbilslied, wili lisd ncasb nuyei by addresiJiiK a not* U> II I'ur iy, box. US) Herald offli-e. Furnished houhk wanted-jih new yobk or Brooklyn The House nu st be a good one, in a flr?t rate neiafeborhood, and eonven.e.ii or a party .loiax bast aesa not above the St. Nn liola*. The family will be iinai cepiionable, and best sai s taurn of the property. Any part* having such a House, snd will rent it for fOUO to |7W, may ^ulitrrss Science, li< raid offlee. ?tXTANTED?BY A FAM*ILY HAVING A FEW Tr hoarders, two Floor* in a respertabls lyju**, eetxlaln Ing between 12 and 18 rooms, or a whole horise containing not more-then to rooms; rnnst be ?ltusted between Tenth and Thirtieth streets and First and Fourth avenues; rent low. Address II. P. S., box l.CM Poet ufflee, slating term* sd>i full paitlcniMS WANTED-TO IIIRR, FOR THE SEASON. A GEN teel country Resldenoe, oomfortahly furnished, at h moderaie rent, fpr a small lamily nr adnlta. with some cult! vateA grotind*. fruit. Ac.; on Uie Hudson river (earn side) ? preferred; from one to two hours i ruus the city, by railroad. Address C? Herald oflloe. WANTED-A FCRNIsnKB HOt'SE, BY A SMALL Kffneet fsmlly, who will take the Seat care of the Fur niture and give tiOod referencea. A family about leaving th? city for s season will tind a good occupant by addressing bos 190 IIem id ollice. anted-Iy a siNOLi oEirr?laiAR. who is dining the day time enga?od In mercantile Business, ? well fnrnished Room, witlioui Hoard, In a good CoeMtoB. at the moderate price of $1 to per week. Add res* for throe days W. \T , Herald ofllce. WANTED?KOIt A FAMILY OF HVB OBOWN FEB ?on*, from t h ?? preteut rim a until (he 1st of May, part of a Ftirni*hod House, between Tenth and ftitrileth street* and Fourth and Seventh avenues, with the use of a kitchen and attic for *ervaata. Address box 2,2U, Poet office, with particular* snd price. ANTED?TO MAKE ABBANgEMEi/tS WITH SOME TOHnnfacturcr lor purchasing for sa^h one hundred or more low priced single threaded ,s. win? M >chtnee, retailing at fin and upward*. Addreee Wilson Miller, Valatie, CV losabia sounty. N. Y. ANTED?IE BROOKLYN, BY TWO tifhoLE .. tiemen (brothens), a furnl?bed Room In a private in mlly residing In P?rt'?f Address, with full parflcntnr* a* to price and loentw*, A. S n Itf HtraM w \