Newspaper Page Text
JI&LEI AT AUCTION. OPTION BALES OK BOOTS AMU 8HOKS. W. M. HOLLINUSHEAD, Auctioneer. By CHARLES O VV VKHKN, Mo. 2S OuriUiiiUt street. On F&1DAV, Juue li, at o'clock, ONE THOUSAND 1'Ai KAGE3 OH MORE. On FRIDAY, June 13, at 10>J o'clock, ONE THOUSAND 1'ACKAUES OK MOKE. On FRIDAY, Jums at, at 10X o'clock, ONE THOUSAND PACKAGES OR MORE. On FRIDAY, Ju~r, at 10K o'clock, ONE THOUSAND l'ACKAOES OR MORE The trade U respectfully notiUed that I am acting an selling agent for a areat miniiwr oi the loading manufacturers iu V'wEi.filuidaiidNeiv York cltjr, whose invoices of well known good* will be louuil upon my catalogue at every auc tion sale. THE SALE OK FRIDAY, JUNE ?, will be made up exclusively of choice fresh made, and strict Mv seasonable Uouils, received ihi? week, embracing a large assortment in great variety of material, of MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' BALMORALS. MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' OXFORD TIES. MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CONORES8 BOOTS. MEN'S PATENT LEATHER OPERA BOOTS. MEN'S CANVASS FATIGUE 'BOOTS. MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS* CALF BOOTS. MEN'S FINE SEWED AND NAILED BALMOBAL& MEN'S FINE 8EWED AND NAILED OXFORD TIES. ? MEN'S FINE SEWED AND NAILED CONGRE88 BOOTS. Women's, Misses' and Children's sawed, pegged and nail* ? Jd Boot*, Balmorals, Ualters, Slippers, Ac., of every descrip ALSO. AT PRIVATE SALE, BOOTS AND SHOES BY TUB PACKAGE, ADAPTED TO ALL MARKETS. CHARLES O. WARREN, Auction and Commission Boot and Shoe Warehouse, 22 Cortland street. Auction sale of property belonging to the United Suten. Orric* Assistant Qoaktxrmastzb, > 1'bkkyvili.k, Md., May 26.1868. S Will be sold fit public auction, at Perryviile, Md., oo Wed nesday, June 11, 1862, commencing at nine o'cloflc A. M., the following condemned property, belonging to the United States:? 2) Mules. 12 Horses 15 Mares, with foal. SO (looking and Heating Stovea. 15,0 0 Oraln bucks. AO 000 Pounds <dd Tire Iron. 8,000 Pounds Scrap In* 25 Tons Railroad lnu. 795 Railruad Tlea. (T7fi,U00 Keel assorted Lumber. 16 Buildings (barrai ks). 1 Commissary Stare (louse. 21 Buildings (mechanics' chops, mess raoms, 4c.) 16 Sheds for horses and mules. 646 Wagon Whips, 271 Neck Halters, 837 Locking Shoes, 62 Wagon Saddle Trees, I Straw Cutter, 3 Brick Gorges, 6 Portable Forges, 300 lbs. Ilorse Shoe Nulls, 132 Horse Shoe Basps, 1 Dress Drill, 300 Bridle Kits, 11 Mule Collars. 124 Arosa Mule Hames, 17 Shovels. 6 8pades, 53 Horse Brushes, ??48 Curry Combs, 8 Horse Cards, 16 Axes. 66 Jockey Sticks, 26 O. P. Buckets, 5 Hoe*, 60 Hakes, 82 Lanterns. 112 Stable Forks, 5 Augers, 2 Picks, 4 Dutch Ovens, 13 Hatchets, 22 Blankets, 121 Wagon Covers.*72 lbs Shoemaker's Wat, 1 Door Lock, 1 Paulin, t Riding Bridle, 4 Gimlets, 6 Auger <JBita, 4 Padlocks, 1 Oil Can, 8 Single Tree* and 1 Portable House. Terms?Cash in coin or United States Treasury Notes. SYMMES GARDNER, Captain and Asaistant Quartermaster U. 8. A. A U. B. CHAPMAN, AUCTIONEER. ii. ELEGANT FIRST CLASS HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE, PAINTINGS, STAUTARY, PIANOFORTE. DRAWING ROOM SUITS, ROSEWOOD SEVEN oOTAVK PIANO FoRTK, BOSBWOOD AND HLACK WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS, OAK AND DINING ROOM FURNITUltB, CHINA, GLASS AND SILVERWARE, Ac., AT PUBLC AUCTION. On this day (Fjulay) June 6. Icoiqmenclng at 11 O'clock, at the nve story brown stone resldonoe No. 48 West Sixteenth street, between Filth and Sixth avenues, t ie cata logue comprising the largest aad richest assortment of Household Furniture oU'ered at auction this season. Sale peremptory; catalogues at the house or at our olllce. Draw ing rooms?Two l ull Rose > ood S.nts, covered with sllkbroa tel; Etagi-res, Centre Tabes, Secretary and Bookcase, Pier and Jtantel Mirrors, Velvet M ualllou Carpets, Sevres and Dres den China Ornament'. Bronze Clock, embroidered La'S Ourt ilns, Shades, Oil Pilntlnjs by eminent artists; superb Bronzes, Card Tables, Chens Tuble, Reception Chairs, Recli ning Chairs, Couch; m <gnltlceul i-even octave rosewood PI ?noforte, richly carved 1 'gs and case, made to order by Broad way makers; Canterbury, S ool and French clotn cover; oak Bat Stand, Stair Carpet, Oil Cloth, Chandeliers, rosewood and black walnut Dre- ing Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Commodes, Washsunds, Toilet Tables, Hair and Spring Mat tresses. Feather Beds, Blankets, Sheets. Dining Room?Oak Sideboard, Extension 'tfab s China, Glass and Silverware, Table Cutlery, solid sliver Dinner and Tea Service, Cott'ee "Urn, Oyster Tureen, Cake Basket, Napkin Rings, Sliver Spoons. Forks, Knives, Tnbie Service. Also, a isr^e assort ment of Basement and Kitchen Furniture. M. B.?A competent peis in tvill be In attendance to pack, ?hip or cart the goods if desi.rd. The house to let or lor ?ale. Inquire of the auctioneer. AUCTION NOTICE.?R. W WESTCOTT. AUCTIONEER. LARGE SALK OF RICH AND COSTLY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ELEOANT ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE. STOOL AND COVER; PARLOlt SUITS, IN HKOCATEL: VALUABLE PAINTINGS. ARTISTIC BRONZB8, MAKltLh GKOUPS, AO., ?C., Will asll, this (Friday) afternoon, at the elegant resldeao* Wo. 152 West Twenty drst street, between Seventh and Blghth avenues, commencing at 2 o'clo<%. The sale com ?rises the entire contents ol the house. The elegsnt Parlor Furniture was made to ord r, and Is In solid rosewood. The whole will be sold ta the highest biddsr for cash, ottering 4Xtraordlnaiy inducements to purchasers, as the entire Fur niture Is all near y new, and must be removed Immediately. Three elegaat 1 uii Sua ol rosewood Parlor Furniture. in rich brocatcl and satin; rosewood Eta^eres, elegant rose wo Hi ?even octave Planolorv-, Musle Cabinet, Stool and Cover; ?plendtd and oostly Parian Ornaments, rich Vases, Ac. Also, ? magnificent collection ol' rare and costly Paintings, rose wood Turkish Easy Chairs, In flue reps; rosewood marble top Centre aad FierTaUles, richly carved Chamber Suits, In black walnut and maho.any: Bureaus, carved Bedsteads, over 600 yards of Tapestry and Ingrain Carpets, Washsunds, Sefa Beds, la fine hair cloth: Hair Mattresses, Feather Beds ?nd Bedding, Blankets, Ac. Dining Room Furniture consists Of tine oak Extension Table, Silver Ware, rich China, Ivory ?nd Sliver Cutlery, Forks, ttpoous, Ac., with heavy cut and ?ngraved Glass ware of every description. Sale positive, ? rain or shine. N. B.?The above Furniture Is of the best description, and otters extraordinary inducements to house keepers and others. A c impotent parson will be In attend A UCTION NOTICE -E. ROTH, AUCTIONEER. n An extraordinary og.p r u.ilijr for HOI SEKKEI EK^ AM) TUB TRADE. HANDSOME ilu. .-KlIOLD KUKNI'fCKR. BRUSSELS AND TuREE-PLY CARi'ETS, Ai pobttu auction. tbla day, June 6, at the elegant lurnuthed re*ldencs 119 Wed JEightb ktract, between Filth and Slt'h avenues, sale com mencing at 11 o'iio k pre. tuely. c< nsis.lng o! very handsome Carpel-., one solid iw??o >. 1'ar'iui- hull, covered la rich hro catel; two solid black wain il Suit*, covered lu bilk reps and fcaircloth; Turkuli Chora ana l<uungoa, K -caption (.Lairs, twenty-one day brun/e Clock, rich CUM and Parian \iutc?, Fainting*. Lac* Curiam*, roseaoo.l Etagcres. wltti mirror back and doors: Vehei Ku;>, gaul rose no >d and mahoga ny Bedstead*. Bureau*, Waahstaud*, Hair MaUri-axaa, Ife.le, <9 adding, Spring 8c?tan.l Canu Scat Chaira RocKera. S.fa fc" ' " T>i teds, two Lounges, rourulc top Tables, Hurearis, Waabatuuita, ' ' n Tables, twelve oak Dining Cliuira. mar Tea and Extension' few tup Buffet. Olasa, Cuma ?u i Sliver Ware, Table Cutlery, Ac., Ac. bale punitive, rain or shine. A UCTION NOWCE.-M. B. CHAPMAN. AUCHOIfKEB. il Elugant llouHchold Furniture. M. B. CHAPMAN .t CO , Atuuoneera, will sell, at auodon, thi? day (Krl.luy), June ni ilie residence No. 7(1 Went Twenty-alxtll street, near 8luh avenue, *aie i oiumenclnx at two o otock, con?lst Togo. rosewood aiul black ua.nut l'arlor Furniture, covered vub bro atel and reoa; (Sta^ere*, Bookcase. Cheat Had Centre Tables, roflewoOd 1'laBO ore. Stool ami Cover; Music JRacs, Bruxsnls Carpet*. Rugs, Pain lngs, V*?e?, Ornament*, ?Clocks, I.a>o Curtains, Cornices, Siindes, 8 air CarpeU, (Mi doth, Dressing B ireaus, Bedsteads, Wa*n*tand*, Hair and Spring Mattivi-aes,!-rather Bed*, Blanket*. Mirrors, Coun terpane*, Sheet*, Chair*, neia*. Rocker*, Toilet 8 ts, Ea*y Chair*. Lounges, black Ealentton Tables, Diawing JKoom Chairs, elegant aeaorimeni Crystal and Ruby illnaa Ware, Table Cutlery, Silver W,tre, Table Linen, China Tea Seta. Engravings. Bron/ca, Statuary, Ac., Ac. Alao large assortment Basement and hltclien Furniture. Hale oom menclng at two o'clock tnl* attcrnoou Deposits required of all purchaser*, hale positive, without regard to weather. V. B.?House U) let at a very |.?w r>-ut; posacaslon Immedi ately. Inquire of J. E. sTO.NBALL, Fulton street, near Herald olDoe J^UCTION NOTICE We beg to Invite the alien tinn of buyere'to our ? ATTRACTIVE sale or TBIS DAY (FRIDAY), JUNE fc Catalogues are now ready, and will be found to contain ?FULL ASSORTMENTS OK STAPLE AND FANCY DEY itOODS. Also RICH RIBBONS. ?00 CAETONn RICH PARIS RIBBONS, ?Comprising the best stylee ol lav or lie importation, Including Jfo*. t amlS In solid oolor* and choice a**ortmeut*. Rub Bonnet Ribbons, from No. li to No. u>. Corded edge White Xlbbons of all widths, and other most desirable stylee, all of ?this season's Importation, and Intended for first class trade. N. B.?Ribbons will be sold at 3 o'clock preoisely. W. TOPPINU A CO., AUCTIONEERS, Noe. 9 and 11 Park place and No. H Murray street AUCTION NOTICE.-JOS. L. SMITH. AUCTIONEER, H.VNDSOMK I'AKLOE Fl ItNITt KE, SBVEN OCTAVE I'lANorORTE, BRCSHKLS AND THKfcE I'LY CARPETS, AC. At nubile miction ibis day, nt 10>{ o'clock precisely, at the Ifrlvaie residence 17 Ninth street, near T-hlrd avenue, con '?latlng of two elegant Parlor Suits, covered in brooatel and ?reps; Marble Top Tallies, KUg.-re*, Clock*. Curtains, rose Wood and mahogany Bedroom Suits, Hmr Mattresses, Sofa Bed*, Tea Table*, Mirrors, Shades, Paintings, Rockets, (Spring Seat Chairs, Dining Chairs, Ac.; everything belong ing to a lirst rlast house. Halo positive. A 8BIONF.E 8 SALE OK A STOCE OF ELEOANT J\ Hooaeliold Furniture, manufactured for a Urst close llOHM. M. DOUGHTY will cell, by order or assignee, this day, Vrlday, June g, and Saturday. June 7, commencing at 10k o'clock each day, at salesroom 7V Nassau street -eomprlslng richly carved rosewood Parlor Suits, covered In toroeatel; mahogany do., In haircloth; blaok walnut do.. In (motel, plush and haircloth; Secretary and Library Book cases, marble top Centre Tables, Brussels, Tape-try ami Vel vet; mahogany Chaira, Bulli t<, Exu-nsfuu Dining Tablee, Dining Chairs, Dr> **ng Bureau*, Wn*li*t?, HeiC ?lead*, Hair Mattr. sse*. Paiilsaa-s, Lounges, oak marble top Chamber Soils, lograin Carpeting, Canton Matting, llal ??t?nds, Oaa Chandallera, A'1., Ac.?the whole forming an ?seortment well worthy the attention of houeekoepors and otheaa. Amos r. thompbon, auctioneer-special auction sale ot Rose Planta, removed tins morning frOm the nuraenieeof Mr. CharlesDorsn, florlat. of Fifth avenue, ?t the salesroom IIS Na?sau street. Aielllas, Orange Ti-ees, Cabbage and Moo* Boeea, Kuobsiaa,[Verbenas, Ao., in tNMketa, *Mtv?Mv. BALK* AT AUOTIOW. ^ Auction sale.?or<;ans for sale -will ue ?old uu M 'U 11> , 16th Inst., 1 o'clock I'. M.. at auetlen, if not sold betuie, 3 new Organs, mcubl: lor small cuur h-s, or pai lor; uae ol me. one uf live aud o ie of lour stops, wuh sw <?.! ? atlacho 1, at si F <rsy th ?ti et. 1'. W. C. MILLEIt. Chari.e-s d. Davis a oo., auctioneers, will, sell, this Jay. at |0% o'clock, at tiieir salesroom, Hi William m et t. between * .auk.ort aud Spruoe, i loh brucaiel P u ler Sum, lnthogauy Tate-a-Tcie?, Extension Table*, 1 kiihb French iiiitta Peer lilacs. 4 light Chandeliers, Velvet, Brusselsand niw-Fljf Can. t>; Beds, Bedding. Pillows, Bolsters .iud Palllastes. Also I Grover A Baker's Sewing Machine. (lOBPORATION SALE OF FIRE ENGINES, HOSE CAB J riages. Tools. Ac.. ou Monday, June 9, at ten o'clock, A. M., bv COLE ? Ml'RI'llY, Auctlonei rs, at tue Corpora tiou yard, coi n r Myrtle aveuueaml Hampden street, Biook lyu, by order of B. O. Nl -1, Commissioner of Repairs and S ipplles, consisting of 9 Fire Engines, 'J Hose C rn.i^cK and Jumpers, all Hie 'fools for making same, Patterns, old Itou, Copper, Lumber, Ac. David d. egan, auctioneer-will sell, this day, at 438 Canal str et, at 2 o'clock, Beds, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Insraiu, Three Piy, Brussels and Velvet Carpets; Etinted, black walnut and mahogany Washstauds; Sofas, ouuges, Chairs, Tables, Mattresses, das fixtures, Ac. Edward sintzenich, auotioneeb. Regular weekly sale of valuable HORSES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS. SADDLES, AC., by C. W. DAVENPORT, this day, June 6, at oue o'clock, at 145 and 157 Broadway. VALUABLE BLACK mare?15% hands high, eight years old, warranted sound and kind in single or double Harness, will stand without tying, not afraid of locomotive or band or music, and for style and actiou cannot be surpassed. May be seen on application to the auctioneer. ELEOANT BAY MARE?15% hands hi?h. five years old. warranted sound and kind in single or double harness, and is a splendid saddle boras. May M seen on application to the auctioneer. VALUABLE dabk CHESTNUT HORSE?16 hands high, 8 years old, u-ariauied pcriectly sound and kind; Is lierfectly broken to single or double harness, and a liner saddle horse oanuot bi fouud. Th-) horse is the property of a gentleman leaving the city, aud may be seeu ou application to the auctioneer. ELEOANT BABOUCHE?City built to order; has been saref ully used for a year, and is in beautifnl condition; coat $70 I. Also oue elegant Double Harness. CITYBUILT TOP WAGON.?One handsome Top Wagon, nearly new. Also one Top Wagon; has been used one sea son, aud in line order. OPEN BO AD WAGONS?Oue very light and elegant, nearly new. Also, oue do., in good order. r0i<'kaway?One city built Bockaway, as good aa new, recently rellned and put in thorough order. HARNESS.?Two very line sets of double Harness, lined and oovered, best city make; two sets of extra superior sin fie Harness, covered and lined, beat city make; one double Iarness, in Qne order, but little used; also several sets of single and double Harness, second hand; also, one Mexican Saodle and Bridle. DARK GRAY MARE?Five years old, 15% hands high, warranted sound and kind In single and douole harness; is a line saddle horse, having been ridden by a lady, and per fect v gentle. May lie seen on application to the auctioneer. FAMILY CARRIAGE?City built, auitable for auininer use; In good order. OPEN TWO-SEATED WAGON?In splendid order, bar ing been used only one season, very carefully. LIGHT ROCKAWAY.?An elegant two-seated carriage, with pole and sliai ts, in line order; almost as good as new. The Wagons an I Harness are uow ou exhibition, und will be sold In the lower salesioom. The Horses will be lu front of our stoi e one hour before sale. All particulars may ba learned on inquiry of the auctioneer. Catalogues to be had In office. Edward sintzenich, auctioneer. Large and elegant stock of HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE, mostly consigned from the best city manufacturers. Peremptory sale. By Ct W. DAVENPORT, on Saturday, June 7, at 10% o'clock, at 16ft and 157 Broadway, a large, well assorted stock of Cabinet and Upholstery Goods, from the best city manu facturers. We would call attention to this sale, and par ticularly request attention to the number and elegance of Parlor Sulis and other Items for the drawing room; the number and variety of Extension Tables (about forty In number) invite attention; also several very elegantly carved Bullets aud Sideboards, equal to any In the city. In Library Furniture we have rich rosewood and walnut Bookcases, Secretary do., Tables: some very choice Suits for dining rooms and libraries, besides a large number of similar ar ticles. The line of Chamber Suits includes over twenty-live rich rosewood and walnut Bedsteads, elegant Bureaus, Waslistands, Commodes, Armoires, single and rSouble Wardrobes, Ac. Also eight new pattern carved Cedtre Ta bles. with pure statuary marble top*. The Gooda are on exhibition until time of sale. EDWABD SINTZENICH. AUCTIONEER. ENGLISH illustrated BOOKS. By C. W. DAVENl'ORT, this da*, June 6, at 10%o'clock, at salesrooms 155 and 157 Broadway, a choice and elegant stock ol' valuable English Illustrated Books. Also about one hundred volumes oi Standard aud Miscellaneous Works, to be aold by order of executors. EDWABD SCHENCK, auctioneer. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. By BDWARD SCHENCK, this day, 6th Instant, at 10% O'clock, at 15S Broadway, in the lower salesroom, a large as sortment of second hand Furniture, removed for conve nience of sal.-, comprising Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain Car Kts, Oilcloihs ond Mattln;. elegant oa'.c Dining Room Suits, leather, made to order by Hutchlngs; mahogany Parlor Salt, elegant Chandeliers, black walnut Exiens.on Table white China Dinner and Tea Sets, Glassware and Cutlery, large rosewood Wardrobe, rosewood and black walnut Book cases, Office DesksflBronze Clocks, Mantel Ornaments, So fas, Chairs, Refrigerators, Ac. ALSO A One rosewood Cottage Pianoforte, and a rosewood Melo deon. The whole to be sold without reserve. Edward schenck, auctioneer. HORSES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, Ac. Br EDWARD SCHENCK. THIS DAY. (!th lust, At one o'clock, at hln salesroom, 151 Broad w iv. handsome hFAS OK BAY CARRIAGE HORSES. Are 16 bandit, ioiu mils, fine, stylish drivers; are eight yean old, kind and gentle lu every way. Sold only as the owner la leaving the city. ELEGANT OPEN BAROUCHE. made to order bv Wood Brothei s, and nearly new. SPLENDID BLACK HORSE; la 18 handa, lone tall, eight years old, rery stylish, warranted perfectly sound, kind und gentle, and a last traveller. TOP WAGON, with (ldecurtains, in good order. ELEGANT COUPE HORSE. Is 16 hands, six years old, warranted perfectly sound, kind and gentle, and ax tine as any In the cltv. LIGHT FULL SPRING WAGON, was built to order by Wood Brothers, weighs 183 pounds without shafts, baa been run less than one year, and Las an ?xtra back for ladles use. LADIES' SADDLE MARE; is IS hands, seven years old, long tall bay, warranted per fectly sound, kind and gentle: has been ridden by a lady the last year; Is very handsome, and a line harness horse, and can trot In 3:10. LIGHT TOP WAGON, made by Wood Brothers, and nearly new. fink BLACK HORSE; is 1&% hands, Ion? tall, eight years old, very stylish, perfect In every way. and a line driving horse. ENGLISH SADDLE AND BRIDLE, DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, BLANKETS. WHIPS, Ac. K. B.?REGULAR sale OK HORSES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, 4c., ON TUESDAY next. ' Edward SCHENCK. auctioneer.?MY FRIENDS and the public will pl?*.se Uke notice that I ha.e re moved from the store 1 formerly occupied to lid, directly opposite. Ebotii, auctioneer, will sell this after. . noon at 2 o'clock, the Furniture or a Parlor, three Bed room* and Dining Room at 121 Clinton place iWest Eighth street), near Sixth avenue, collating of elejtant Parlor. Bed room and Dining Room Furniture, Gists, China and Silver Wart-. Table Cutlerv. *<*. Hale poMtlre. Fcolton, auctioneer.?large a no i mi-uk, . unt sate. Tb" entire Furniture of a large tirst claa-i bouse, removed to .541 Broadway, for convenience of sale, Including every vailety of goods from basemunt to attic. To-morrow (Saturday), June 7 at ll>X o'clock, at .1(3 Bro id way, near Leonard street, all the Furniture or a large three story house, embracing in |xart 8 or 9 lar^e Krnech P ate Mlir irs, Parlor Suits Carpets, Oilcloths, Sofas, Tete-a-Tei es. Wardrobes, b?o>om^ marble top Dressing Bureaus, French aud GotU": Bedstead*. Dining and Extension Tables. bide, boards, one Armoire French Plate, full French Chairs, Chan deliers, Lieu and other Curltins, Hair Mattresses, Book" raeks, China and Glassware, Mexican Ornaments. Ki'chen Furniture, Ac. Also one iour-wbeeleU liackiiutn's Conch, In good order. Also a number *f Ollkce Desks. Also several fining Machines. Henry h. leeds, auctioneer.?henry h. LEEDS * CO. ? ill sell at auction, on Friday, June 6, at 12 o clock, In front or store !Ct Nv-uu street, a pair ot valuable bay llorses, long tails, IMg hands high, about 7 and 8 years old, gentle and kind In all harries*, to lie mild without reserve as lim Owner ha* no further use lor them Henry ii. leeds, arcnoneer.?henry h. LEEDS A CO. will sell at auctiou, on Sati.rday, June 7, at 12 o'clock, in front of more No. 21 Nassau street. a tine family Horse, brown hay. 18 bands high, believod to be per lectly sound and kind In all harness. Also a doctor's Gig. Also a single Harness, nearly new. Henry ii. leeds, auctioneer?henry h. LKKDS A CO. will sell at auction, on Saturday. June 7. at 10>i o'clock, at the sales omn. No. 2.1 Nassau street, Ho'isrhold Furniture, consisting of a ^er.ersl assortment of Brussels and Ingraiu C irpets, carve,i rosewood Suits, In bmeatel; mahogany Sofas, lu hairi loih; mahogany Chairs. In hairel ith, glli trnrnc French plate Pier Mlrn>rs, with slabs and l-racnets; mahogany Bedsteads, mabocany and black wslnut marble top Waslntsn iS, gilt frame Mantel Mirrors, mahogany marble top I'ler Tables, Hair Mattresses, Holsters and PUIuWS, mahogany E'.agnre, elegant Ormolu Cioek, Window Shades, China, Glass and ('rockery Ware. Further particulars hMnorfW, Henry h. leeds, auctioneer?henry h. LEEDS A CO. will sell at auction, on Saturday, June 7. at 12 o'clock. In front of store 2) Nassau sire t, a valuable and desirable family Horse, a brown bay Horse, 14 hands high, sound, kind and gentle in ail harness and under sad dle; Is very fast, and mltable lor a coup,; or other carriage. Henry b. herts, j*.. auction hi: r. MY HENRY WOOD A CO , Salesrooms4.V) Hravlwav and I#OrosbTliriM. EXECUTORS'SALE OF HARDWARE. CUTLERY, AC., Be I u it the entire stock of the late JOHN GARSIDS. OF NKW \RK, NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY, JUNE t>, AT II O'CLOCK, Rt their salesrooms, 440 Broadway, eomprlsimt superior Ta ble Knives, Carvers, Ac., In pearl. Ivorv, medallion and sil ver handles; Steels, Nut Picks, Chce<e Scoops, Ae., Ac. By order MABCUS L WARD, I WILLIAM GARsIDE, !?????<>?? Also a large lot of Pocket aud Table Cutlery, of Mappln's, B irnss' Rodgers', Wostenholtn's ah 1 other makers; heavy and shelf Hardwares, Guns, Fancy Goods, Ac. Also about ?,IIOO Cavalry Sabres. Oillcera' Swords, Ac. Catalogues ready on morning of sale. HENRY B. HERTS, JR.. auctioneer. BY HENRY WOOD A CO. SHERIFF'S 8%LE. CONTENTS OF A restaurant. On FRIDAY. June 6. at 10>i o'clock, At the Salesroom*. No. 410 Broadway, comprising Marble Top Oyster and Bar Counters, Bar Range, Crockery, Cutlery, Plated Ware, As , Sc. JAMES LYNCH, Sheriff1. H ENRT B. HERTS. JR., auctioneer. BY HfeNRY WOOD A CO. SHERIFFS SALE OF ploughs, On Saturday June 7. at 10 o'clock, at the salesroom*, 400 Broadway, comprising a large assortment of ploughs. By order. ' J AS. LYNCH, Sheriff, Henry b. herts. jr., auctioneer. BT HENRY WOODS A CO. SHERIFFS SALE OF CAR SPRINGS, AC., AC., ON FRIDAY. Jl'NE 8, AT 1* O'CLOCK. At No. 102 West Twenty-seventh street, near Seventh avenue, comprising the contents of the Car, Spring, Wheel and Aile manufactory. Machinery, Belting, Tools, Vices, Ac., Ac. By order JAS. LTNCH, Sheriff. Henry wood, auctionekk.-tochols, wood a CO., U&Nassau street, will sell this day (Friday), at 10){o'clO'.k A. M , a large collenlon of Fusnnas, Roses. Geianiums and Sumntr Ifluwcrlug Plants, All of which are choice and rare. SALES AT AUCTIOIf. Henry c sckibner, augwoneer?will sell tins Frlda. induing. at il o'clock, at wtlesroom ill Nassau siren, it lar<. .olle lion ot elerinl Houseiinl i furni ture, consisting of elegaul rosewood E aj;ere rot v>uo i Par lot Suns. ioveieJ in *atta brocatal; mahogany d > . in li-ir clotli: elegaui Pier Mirrors. rosewood uud ualnui Cen tre T.ljtes, Loutipir, l$ud.,*, ilurcaus, buU.U, ila>f AI.UU e.uu ,, l'ailla.m #, Ac., Ac. JBOUART, AUCTION HI-14?BY S. A J BoaART, ? Saturday. June 7, at 1>'>? o'el"ck, In front of the aui> tiuu rooms, No. 1 North William sirent, Horses, Wajjous, Carts and Harness, consisting of one nrown Home, 15'? bun J* high; uue lit) UWM, ni.u.i li>, baud* .ii.n klndlu ail Larue**, a too I traveller; sets of double Harness; also two spring Furniture Carts, nearly uew; cart Harness, Ac. bale peremptory. Deposits require 1 from all purchasers. JBOGART, AUCTIONEER?BY 8. A J BO iART, ? Saturday, June 7, at 11 o'clock, at the auction rooms, No. 1 N..r II Wi. lain at reel, Household Furniture, ? u-lrliug of .*>ofu*, Lounges, IJureutis, Bojk'.ise, Brussels and Ingrain Car|*'t.,, Oil loth, It' ilst ?? J?, Bed* nod Beddl Kitchen Furniilire, Refrigerator; alto two Composing Stones, lot of Type, Cases, lot of Teas, Coll'ee Wills, Ac. JOSEPH UEGEMAN. TU IS DAY, FRIDAY, JUNE ?, At 10 o'clock A.M., at the Central sale crowns, corner of Wllloughby and Pearl streets, Brooklyn, A Urge assortment of good Furniture, rone wood Parlnr Suits, Pier and Mantel Ulasses, Eiageres, Sofas, Chair*, C -nlie Tables, mauogany and walnut Dressing Bureaus, Bedsteads, llalr Mattresses, Carpets, Oilcloth, Piano, Ac. Also a quantity of Dry Goo is, Shirts, Gloves. Hats, Silk, Cotton, lti Army Cots, Sewlug Machines,St) Cooking and Par lor Stoves. Healers, Ac. MC. EDEY, AUCTIONEER?MAC ALI'INE A EDEY. . will sell on Saturday, 7th inst , al 12 o'clock, in front of their salesroom, oue fine gray Mare, 1S.2 high; warranted sound, kind and gentle; good iu harness; will trot in three minutes; in every respect a desirable animal for any one. Also, one light Trotting Wagon, built by Dubois, and one set of siugln Harness, elty made. The whole 10 be sold without reserve, as the owner leaves the city on Saturday altarnoon. No. tM Cedar street, opposite the Past office. VtORTOAOE SALE ?COAL YABD, buildings, AC.? iU. WM. ABBOTT, Auctioneer, will sell at public auction, on Saturday, Jane 7, at 10)f o'clock A. M., at the northwest corner of Hammers'.ev' and Greenwich streets, N. Y., all that certain Buildiu* or Buildings now used aa a liquor store, coal yard, coal office, stables and dwelling, together with all the Fencing and Fixtures In the coal yard, commencing on the northwest corner of Hammersley and Oreenwlch streets, and extending northerly along Oreenwlch street 100 feet, and being 100 feet in depth. Also lour Horses, four Carts, four Sets of Harness, Office Furniture, one set of Coal Scales, Shovels, Coal Screens. Ac.. Ac. M. SHAN LEY, Jr., Attorney for Mortgagee. MORTGAGE RALE OF household FURNITURE and Pianoforte.?A. M. CRISTALAR, Auctioneer, will sell, this day, June 6, at 103^ o'clock, at 23 Bowery, a larife lot of Purnlture, comprising Sofas, Chairs, Bureaus, Bedsteads. Washstands, Tattles, Easy and Rocking Chairs, Beds and Bedding, Carpeting, Oilcloth, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware, a large lot of Looking Ulasses, Fancy Uoods, Ac,; also one seven octave rosewood Pianoforte. By order of Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage sale? richard Walters, auction eer (Horses and Carts), sells, on Saturday, June 7, at 10>i o'clock, at 75 Canal street, by virtue of a chattel morl* gage, six nood heavy draught Horses; also seven Dirt Carls' some Coal Uarts, one down town Call, one light Wagon (one or two seats) several sets Harness, Wheel barrows, Feed Box and other goods. P. COLLINS, Attorney for Mortgagee. PAWNBROKER'S SALE ?RICHARD WALTERS, Auc tioneer, gulls this day, at U o'clock, at 18 East Broad way, SOU lou Men's and W omen's Clothing, new Shawls, new Coats, Vests, 1'anU, Ac.; balance of stock. Also pawnbro ker's Counter's, Shelving#, Bulla. Ac. Clo.blug suitable for the trade. Must be aold positively. D T. HAZELL, AUCTIONEER. J*. HARDWAKE, CUTLERY, AC., AT AUCTION. WH1TTEMORE A HAZELL Will sell THIS DAY (Friday), at 10>i o'clock, at their sales room, 62 Liberty street, A large assortment of heavy and shelf Hardware, compris ing, in part. Axes. Hatchets, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, riles. H.ixps, Hammers, Cow Bells, He ilea. Scythes, Tea Trays and Waiters. Saws, Table Spoons, Stair Rods, Ac.; Table, Dessert and Pucket Cutlery; Carvers, Sciasora. Shears, Ac. Also an invoke China Door Pistes, Knobs, Escutcheons, Washers, Ac., Ac. ' SHERMAN A CO., AUCTIONEERS, SALESROOM 13 ? Bowery, will aell, on Saturday, June 7, at 1 o'clock P. M., at Jones' Wood, by virtue of a chattel mortgage, the Car ryall, Horses, Carriages, Swings, and ail the Machinery and Appurtenances belonging thereto, Ac.. Ac. By order of ROBERT STAN WOOD, Constable. SHERMAN A CO. AUCTIONEERS, WILL SELL . this day, at No. IS Bowery, at 10% o'clock, a largo quan tity of Cognac and Otard Brandies, Bourbon and Monon gahel* Whiskeys, Holland and London Club House Gins, Ja maica and New England Rums, Cherry, Rhine, Claret and other Wines; also a large lot of Liquors in rates, Heidseok and other Champagnes, large lot or Sugars, dlli'erent brands; Molasses, Soap, Candles, Coffee, Cocoa, Spices, SOU Boxes Herring, Vinegar, Peas, Prunes, 16 Barrels Molasses, Ac. Sale positive lor cash. SHERIFF'S SALE.?WILL BE SOLD, ON FRIDAY June 0, at 10>? o'clock, at No. 273 Canal street, near Broadway, one pair of Mules. JAMES LYNCH. Sherifl'. WM. LLOYD, AUCTIONEER?BY J. O. CADMUS? ? Will sell, at 117 Nassau street, Friday, June 6, at 12W o'clock, a Hue large sorrel Horse, stylish driver, geutle In ?ingle or double harness. A lady can drive him. Good sad dle horse. TTTM. WITTERS, AUCTIONEER-WILL SELL THIS ut 2 o'clock, at 4!A Canal street, the genteel Par lor, Chamber, Dining Room sndlKitcheu Furniture, Ac., ot a large house; 2d Carpets,hall and basement Oilcloths.Matting, Centre, Dining and Tea TaMes; Pier Olasses, Gas Fixtures, Eels, Bedding, Dressing Bureaus, Washstand*. Toilet Ohiua. Glass and Stoue Ware, Ac. The whole lor positive sale. _ SPORTING. SAILING AND ROWING REGATTA THI8 DAY-FOR sixteen ieet anil under Mil boat* aud seventeen M row loats, l'rom the Club House foot of 114th street, Harlem river. First race a tarts at 1% P. M. Bloodhounds fob salb.?three young Bloodhounds, of the genuine rase, four months old, can be seen and are for sale, at tb? very low price of $26 each, nt JOSEPH JEANDEBEURRO'S, Nos. 14 and 16 Ann street, basement. Francis butler, Na s pbck slip, has all the uuotce Breeds for stoak and sale. Butler's Infallible Mange Cure and Flea Exterminator, 50 cents per bottle. Butler's "Breading, Training, Diseases. Ac., of I'O,'*," $1. Dogs boarded, trained, Ac. Medicines for all c14?ea?es. FOB SALE?a light seventeen FOOT BOAT, Tarnished, pulling single pair of sculls, red cedar hack, board, seat and braces name carved in backboard and gilt: bottom covered with Brussels carpet, Ac. Address E. Devoe, 26 John street. New york yacht club.-thb annual begat' ta is postponed until this morning, 6th June. Tbe steamboat MATTEWAN will leave pier foot of Morton street atjlO o'clock. By order of An Regatta Committee. WANTED?A ROW boat, ABOUT 13 OB 13 FEET long; must be well built and in good oondition. Ap ply to J. F. UNDERHILL, 67 Wal I street. YACHT MONITOR FOR sale?AT A BARGAIN. SHE Is 16 tons, and has been finished but a short time; fan and safe. From change of circumstances of owner, she will be sold at a great reduction on her ooat. To lie scun for a few days at Ingersoil's Fancy Boat Bazaar, 21.1 and 244 South street. A large assortment of all kinds of Pleasure Boats cm hand, for sale choap. DENTISTRY. ~ f A Artificial teeth -dr. durkin continues to extra* teeth in two secon 1* without pain. No extra charge for temporary sets or extracting. I have procured chemloaally pure ether and chloroform, which I ad nil n In ter wilu safely. Dr. DURKIN, No. 373 Canal street, near Laurens. Artifical teeth on a NEW BASE, light and perfect as the natural ortrans, and warranted fnr Bie, at prices to suit all. Also, teeth tilled or extracted without jiain. at Dr. BLAKENEY'8 eld established rooms, 63 Sixth avenue. Artificial bone filling?used only by the discoverer, at iiis rooms, ,-a'i ittoa iway, near Seven teenth street. All <ither north less imitations. Tender teeth, old roots snd mere shells tilled and warranted N. B.?All lovers of beautiful teeth and sweet breath use the celebrated Cuban Dentifrice and Lotion. J. PEaBSON, M. D., discoverer. Above all things bear in mind that db WALTER DAY Alls decayed Teeth with Ivory cement for 91 per lootu. No. 30 Amity street, three blocks went of Broadway. Having had one tooth extracted without leelmg any pain whatever, by Dr. J. JAY V1LLEK8, 166 Grand street, two blocks from Broadway, I cheerfully In sert this as a recommed.latlon to those suffering from tooth ache. II. LAKE, 92 Second avenue. ASTROLOGY. Astounding"curbs and divinations,?:those 111 trouble or III health should consult Madame CLIF FORD, 1U7 Dean street, Brooklyn, the greatest llvlag clair voyant. Disease detected, remedies prescribe I, sb-ent friends found, lovers reconciled, business srranged. Inter views SO cents; medical ?I ASTROLOGIST.-READ, READ?GREAT EXCITE menl. The glued aim beaiitiltil Mauaiue HE> KI, poet lively only one week more. Her mode of reading the dea ths/ of thousand* is truly astopishing. She will Write the name ol the ?Be you wl.l marry , show their likeness, give luekv numbers, Ac. Residence No. 80 Wost Broadway, near Leonard street Name on the door. Prices moderate. A STONISBINGI?MADAME MORROW, HKVKNTH JX. oaugiiter, has a gift of foresight; tells how seon and Bow often yon win marry, and all you wish to know, even your very though!*, or no |>ay. Lucky charms Iree. Her equal Is not to be found. Her Magic Image Is now In full operation? ltM Ludiow street, below Houston. Prloe 36 cents. Gentlemen not admitted. Madame ray is the best clairvoyant and a?trnlogist in this city. She tells your very thought*, gives lucky nemtx rs, causes speedy marriages. No. 260 Seventh avenue, m ar Tweuty-ssventh street. Ladlus 25 cents; gentlemen SO cents, Mrs. addib banker, medical and business Clairvoyant and Spiritual Medium, continues to give satisfaction to her numerous visitors, day and evennig. Booms SN Fourth street, foiir doors west of Broadway. MISS DAVIS, THE beautiful CANADIAN GIPSY Palmist, has removed to MS Greenwich stre t. Consult her linniedistely. Her predictions are Wonderful, Lucky numbers and charms. Ladles. 26 cents: gentlemen, 90 cents. Honrs from 10 A. M. to? P. M. XT B?WHO HAS NOT HEARD OF THE CELB i.1. brated Madame PRBWSTER who has removed to t? Thirty-eighth street, corner of Sixth avenue, over the bakery, and whocan be consulted with entire satisfaction? She has no eipial. She tells the name of future wife or husband, also that of her visitor. If you wish truth give her a call. IVHO WOULD NOT <IO WHERE FORTUNB IS*?(SO W ye, see Miss WELLINGTON, llie great English Pro phetess, the best of nil, and cannot be excelled. C?n he con sulted, personally or by letter, on all affairs of llle, concern ing law suits. Journeys, absent trieiuts, love, courtship, mar riage, health, wealth, and who can reclaim drunken and un faithful husbands. Miss W. Is the only pirson in this city who has the genuine Soman and Arabian talismans for love, good lock and all business ailairs, ana are guarantees for life. Delay not to consult this naturally gifted and beautiful young lady. Lucky number* nlven. Highly r -speetable city reference. (Jan be seen at her reeldence, ioi Sixth ave nue, opiiosita Eighth street. BOWERY, REAR BROOME STRERT.?MADAME IDt) WlDGhR, Clairvoyant and gllted Spanish lady, un veils the mysteries of futurity, love, msrrlnue absent friends, sickness; prescribes medicines for all diseases, tells luefcr numbers, property lost or stolen, Ac. AMUSBMKNTS. WALLACK 8. Door* op?u at 7K. bealns at 8 o'clock. LASf NIUHT BUT TWO OK Til K SKASON. Tills KVEMNU, FRIDAY, Will be acted, for tke thir l and LAST TIME, The celebrated live mt comedy, by Mrs, Inchbald, author**! of "W,ve? .?? Tliev W.-re aud Maui* at>Tney Are," "To Mftrry or Not to y ^ "Auliual MugnetUw," AO., entitled ONE HAS HIS FAULT, Which baa on two occasions elicited from crowded audiencea tae loudest laughter and pr luinied upp a i^e, aud will be given lor the lust time, with llie standard cast of the es tablishment. Sir Rolmrt Kamble Mr. Leater Wnllack Mr. Solus Mr. Biake Mr. Irwin Mr. Charles Kialier Mr. llarmuuy Mr. Murk Smith Lord Norland Mr. Norton Mr. Placid Mr. Young Edward Irwin Ml** Fauny Reeves Hammond Mr. Parke* William Mr. Turner Mis* Si>ln*ter Mrs. Vernon Lady Eleanor Irwin Miaa Kanny Mornut Mra Placid Mrs. John Sefton Miaa Woodburne Miaa Madeline Henrli(uea llannail Miaa Carman Jan* Mis* Green SATURDAY, NEVER PKRKORMED HERE. the great Comic Dia-ua, KAST MEN OP THE OLDEN TIME, adapted by Mr. Lester Wallack. to be produced with NEW SCENERY, by Iaherwood. ORIGINAL MUSIC, by Robert Stoepei. Mr. Leater Wallack will alnz the COMIC SONO SIMON THe'cELLAREH. Tke eaat comprising ALL THE COMPANY. The piece to oonelude with the COUNTRY CUSHION DANCE. Being for the BENEFIT or MR. And MRS. JOHN 8EFTON. On MONDAY, June 9, LAST NIUHT OK THE SEASON. On whieh occasion two l'laya, never acted here, THE LITTLE TREASURE AND RURAL FELICITY, combining the entire strength of the company, will be pro duced for the BENEFIT or MB. MOSS (TREASURER). Between the first end second Pieces MR. WALLACK will have the honor of addreaalng the audience AS usual at the close of the season. PUOPUSALI. Army supplies. OrricK or Akmt Clothing and Bquifjlq*, ? Nkw York, May ill, lrttB. J Sealed Proposals will be received at this cilice until 12 o'clock at noon, on Tuesday, the 10th of June, for delivering, by contract, at the Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage iu this city:? 7fi,0U0 Cotton or Linen Shelter Tents, of the French pat tern, without poles, but complete in all other respects. A sample or the tent can be seen on application at this olllce. Bidder* will make separate proposal* for tent* made of cotton and of linen. One. half of the articles to be deli vered within twenty d?ys and the remainder within forty day* from the date of acceptance of propr.tal, and to be sub ject to inspection bv sworn Inspectors, appointed by autho rity of the Unked State*. Proposals will be accompanied by a proper guarantee, set ting forth that if the contract Is awarded to the party named therein, he will at once execute the same, and give bonds lor the faithful performance of the contract. Bids will be frcelvcd lor the whole or any portion of the above quantity. The United States reserves the right to rejeot any bid deemed unreasonable. Proposals to be endorsed," Proposals for furnishing Shel ter Tents," and addressed to Lieutenant Colonel D. H. VINTON, Deputy Quartermaster General U. S. Army. Army supplies. OrricB Of Ahmt Clothiko and Ewifaoi, ) My advertbement of the 30tU of M?y" fw^opowU^r Wall Tents, Axe., Spades and WorstedLaoe is hereby *imI annulled; but sealed proposals will be received at this tWe1^ ?'tIock ?n Tuesday thiwS InstoS? lor delivering, by contract, at this depot. In such nuantk m and at such times aa they may be required, Filing Aiei!? Cast steel, beat quality,4!*, 3 and 6'4 pounds. m "sam^tJ1 La *?Sky blue, \ inch wide Aiftrtt! SL ? T? ? t-an **<'n 0il "PPHcntlon at this omce ^sutettWSA "Worn Iu?P-lor' -PPo'nted S^^lpsssa u wssmstsz Proposals to be endorsed " Pro|>o.als tor Kini'shlnc Armr Suppliea," and addressed to Lieut. Col. D. H. VINTON Deputy Quartermaster General, U. 8. A. f0r ambulances. June i?^Vo'cl?k vcerJed,h*t ih,1? ?n? until Saturdaj, ^ 111.1 ..clock31., for the delivery of (350) two hun dred And fifty Army Ambulances, to bs delivered in this citv on or before the first day of Jiily neit'and as much ^n.r fhi????ii!.?e' TKUern* 01 J",l,'ch C*D be ***1 on application to this office. They must be made of the beat seasoned mute rial, and will be subject to a most rigid inspection Pro. posals for any number less than two hundret^and fifty will t'"rl,y.f0.': lte '?""'ful jierformance of The contract will be required, the names of whom will be tnen s *endor,ed" o. H. CROSMAN, Deputy Quarterwaater General. 0RYDo??NMCaVS?El M WHITB 8T*B?T. ?. , , _ jro DEALERS IN ARMR. ^Firstojy lBiUld Rifle Musketa, In port, ready for Imme thS^T^tlrt ?" ' ?llbJ?ct Inspection, by the united States government, on application to the under signed, purchasing officer, 85 tfhiie .t^eet, N Y chased F n_?f wanted, or will be pur chased. g. CRISPIN, Captain of Ordnance. "PROPOSALS ?OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE r ?i?e f i "P w W M. on Monday, June y, 1802 at the omce of the Assistant Quartermaster L nited Mates Army for ftir tha goverament; er* ,ed' WUU * T'BW <* ??"&&!& , . . , ' M? SADDLE HORSES, to be Trae from all defects, to ba between (?) aU and nine year. old, and from IS to 1.'>U hands hl?h . ii * , ^ MARES fiXOLUDED. All animala anbmlNed will ba subjected to a thorough e*. am tnat ion and Inspection by a duly authorised agent of the government, appointed for that purpose Persons towhom KSSiKSEffi W>IU 66 ^the7nspii7onTr the^snlmals will lake place at the time of awarding the coo ed^i?n row nab le?' re-r?the "?ht 10 "J80'bid. deem Proposals will be received for the whole or any part of the above number of Horses, and they will lis accompanied by the names of two (2) responsible parties who shall herom? aecnr ty for the faithful eieeutlnn Sf the%mtr^t m jtsxz? eoaia"^ within (0) an day. aft?r ihe signing Proposals will be endorsed .?TrT,'*fU i?l "PP'Tlna the Government with noraea," f. .n J1* directed to Capt. HENRY C. HODGES Assls NewS'o*rIkerm*,tCr UnUc(1 dUt*" Army, 18 Mercer street, CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL T.iin-'',!, y f"r 'he purchase of what Hides and Tallow the government may have from time to time to dia uos? of at Washlugtou, and which are not already contracted Bid. mu?t state the price per pound for green or salted Hides, and the price per pound for rough Tallow '^ntractor must be prepared U? laka away tha Hides i.T !. whenever the itovernnient may re mire Bids diractod to Major A. Bscilwith,. C. 8., U. 8. A ?V HMhington, D. C., and endorrd ''Propo^nls " * re^nd,ol1'.sT,.'|n,rr'"lttCd Un'?M bldder "P?""' ?? tha hTuT"'?* b,<,d,n* wl" 'Ul* lh* n"m* ot e?ch member of | MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED *yThe Board ol Aldermen, to whom was referred the cona.llor f"?mi?f #?* nPI''jr*''on of the Manat;ei's of the Ame rican Institute, for a lease from the Corporation of the plot of ground known aa Reservoir Sq uare, at a nominal rem will aS2.r?T,,fti'Uttf ' on '?'??'day, utli uiMaut. at 2 ?H* " Interasteii in t^ie application are hi iwby notified to be pr?s -nt at the above mentioned time and place until further notle?. 1 llme TEKENCE PARLEY, ) awnlw***' c??-. HKDICAXm " ' BALBOPATHY-BY his THERMAL TREATMENT unique in Amerl.a, Profes^.r BVLHO treatssm-c.-ss hll'r,?. !,'!;L T1'i"PlT ' paralysis, gout, rheums hip, (onsumptlon, Ac , Ac. Two veara of iiermanent success Ctrciilara and reference at 33 Court struct, Brooklyn, L. I. DRv R. COBBETT, MEMBER OP THE new YORK Lnl?erslt*( Medical College i and College of Surgeons London, can be consulted aa usual at 20 Centre atreet be Iween Ch itnl-ereand Reade. A practi,-e of "syeJr" tfin-e z H Hrr fTr JT?".hf"P'??K 'ntitles him to contld-nce. ai'oSi "' 'P1'""" *?!>? office. Private entrance at No. tf City Hall plate. Sunday, from ll)ji A. M. to 12>? riR, CHARLES LUTZE, OBSTETRIC PHYSICIAN AND ,^?ul^th?I1l-U|r|',Mm, w1*,"",lhe '? ?'?? to distinctly uu dentaUd that he ha. bo rival In this city In treating all ills .w:0'n7>?n<i children CM be Consulted *0 00*8 sua! 6ttK Hrn""">'N' Y' Al DOtJTOR HUNTER 1IIMSELP?THE PHYSICIAN wiioi'.tatilistiad tne Huaterian Dispensary, No. 3 Oivl aion atreet. New York city, in l&U, can be consulted Irom 8 A. M., until ten o'clock at night, at the old olllce. A private entrance. Beek lor nothing. * DR .COOPER,h DIANE STREET, MEMBER OF THE iTffa .! .hjr,W*B! Wurgi-ohs of New York, may ?"n'the"e*en'?n *' 01,10,1'fro"' 8 1,1 ,he morning until DR. JOHNSON, 14 DUANE STREET. SO LONG known lor the last thirty y. ars to 'he cltliens of New lork, may ba conaultad dally with confidence, as usual. ANt kxpkkienced ani? srccKSHFri, practitioner, Uiorouslily oonversant In treating diseases can lie con.ulted at 12 lailghL near Canal; the only plane. A prha.o entrance. Coniuhation Iree. Always attends. Dlt POWERS TREATS ALL DISEASES OK FEMALES with unparalleled success. He can lie eon.ultesl at 12 i^aight street, uurlng all hours day anil evening. I^HroaTway" I^'v fTM U'KS -[,K MO. 1& A "roadway, N. Y. Consultation day ami evening. PROFESSOR RESTRLL, IM CHAMBERS STRKHT CAN lie consulted as usual Anenis fj7w 1 Jil/Z \ N. Y. In BrooMyn, 17?Vulioo ?i55t * Uber,J RrirselwiiSfS!!^!!'''QflOl TO ISt BLEECKER XV utreet, we?t of Ilioadwajr. Hour* 11 to 2 ami ti till tf. W'v ,"nNTwf. m n * diyisio.n STREET, n. ? Y.t *inre 18.14, cures eruptions of the ?kin serof uia in ew ry form, white sw?.lllniu orehitlr, var<cocele, hydrocele W?y. C^'uiiculoAMUt*' ?b"'m0 #r AnVIKHBTTS. Nrni (VS (lAllDi!* -eighth and last week. ibl.03 N1(JUImi, ONE uf tbe uii*n>ii-??n Om-raUc Spectacle of TUB BHCHaKTKBS* lUIS (nOi>AYEKVKNI>i.. JU. B 6. Of TIIK YOUNG american VOCAm^Tc:AROLINK BIOUISQB. wUo "the SKYLARK." R^. -iv.d nUl.llv TUUNUEIW Ot APPLAUSE. Ei^tb ^SS&ut^^zrtA galetti, wb0? wonderful t,r|?>chore*? m^meuW eut.tle ber i,roi;?,"1'. iviKHir\v stage. r.Viii* u ii.i.ttr '4^ErTETER*Ki0irilIGS A3 UB. ma.??? *???wa|sass "?5? ?>? ??* ta&&Bnaun ?n CLAM dK-ItIO C0?pa?T. in the prologue, qrbat ship SCENE. . . the abode ok the ENOlIANlBfc" ? i?T \lr1!uVnEAT?EKSHi?tiiNDBB FULL BAlU Act III.?1 he riKA.o D?| uroduce i on *?*?. "saswigfflggva-.??>, ?r braled opera entitled ^ g^REN, etchings ^^B^VfuYM^. etchings Adra'SSTo'"Drew Circle and Parquet ?????? "Su Secured Parquet BlalU ? ? ? 26 oeuu ^^JSSW^SWSU--w**?? MONDAY. Jan* 9, INAUGURATION "^yINTER GARDEN. INAI or THK SUMMER 8BASON Under the management of PROFESSOB ANDERSON. Oa the date above advertised will positively be produced the new, extraordinary, fantastic, gorgeous, stiperb and thoroughly unprecedented grand Spectacular Burlesque, by CHARLBS UAYLER, entitled THE WIZARD'S TEMPEST; OB, TUB KINO OF THE MAGICAL ISLAND. Being a HETEROCLITE DRAMA of the HISTRIONIC AND MAGICAL. In the Courue of which the lull glories of the new FLORAL PSYC1I0MANTEUM will be developed, and the LATEST MYSTERY or PSYCHICAL SECOND RIGHT Illustrated by MISS ANDERSON. The following entirely new company have been engaged:? MISS EMILY THORNE, the beautiful and talented burlesque a :tres*, from the Ade 1 phi Theatre. London. Her lirst appearance in America. MISS IONE BURKE, the New York favorite in burlesque. LITTLE MARY BULLOCK, the admirable young artist. First appearance at thU theatre. AUUU8TA AND MARIE. theitaluntud twin listers. MRS. MARK SMITH. MR. JAMES BURNETT, hi* first appearance at this theatre. MR. NICKINSON, the old Olympic favorite. MR. 8. HEMPLE, from the Walnut street theatre, Philadelphia. MR. CHAPLIN. from McYlcker'a theatre, Chioaxo^ ilia Orat appearance In Mr. HENRY RUSSELL, * Mr. BRADLEY, Mr. T. M ORRIS, Mr. CHARLES HALB, Mr. C. BARNETT. Mr. JBFFBIB8, kr. WALL PBOFESSOB ANDERSON. Mr. J H. ANDERSON, JB., Assistant Wizard. Mis* LOUISA ANDEttSON, Mies HELEN AMDEB80B (Iler tlrst appearance in New York). Mlse ELIZA and Mlea FLORA ANDERSON Will alao appear each evening. There will be A GRAND COBPS DK BALLET, A HOST OF AUXILIARIES, And In one scene of the Spectacle NEARLY STO PERFORMERS Will be before the audience at one time. THE MAONIFICENT SCENERY, Surpassing anything yet teen on the New York stage, By Mr. J. E. HAYES. THE MUSICAL ARRANGEMENTS By Mr. MOLLBN HAUER, under whoee direction the choral arrangements hare been perfected. In the grandeur of the ecenerv, the gorgeous character of the dre?a<?, the superb tableaux, the marvellous transformation scenes, the immense processions, the novel mechanical effects, the magical meiamorphoses and the Im mensity of labor which has been bestowed upon the whole production. Professor Amierxon confidently assures the New York public that "The Wlxard's Tempest" has bad no parallel, and Is the inaugural drama of lta class. In the courec of the rlratna THE GREAT WIZARD OF THB NORTH will return to New York, und the GLORIES OF THB PSYCHOMANTEUM, in their now phase, will effaoe all recollections of recent at tempts at magic. The box office of the theatre Is open this morning. Seats lor the lirst representation ol "The Tempest" aould be teemed as early an possible. FOX'S OLD BOWERY THEATRE. Lessee, Director ana Manager Fox THE BRIDE OF VENICE. The French Cavalier Mr. C. W. Clarke Member of the Council of Ten Mr. J. J. Prior Catenna Miss Mary Mitchell THE FRENCH SPY. Matilde Henri St. Alme Hamet Miss Fanny Herring Tony Banvard Mr. C. K. Fox To conclude with LAST OF THB FELON'S DOOM; OK, Jack SHsrr*RD in Fraxck. Chapman, F ox, Thomteon, Bradshaw and Viae Fanny Herring. Hail the happy news. The proprietor! or the Parisian Cabinet of Wonder*, 66S Broadway, 663 Broadway, Next door to Ball k Black'*, beg to Inform the publio that, having made extensive addi tion* which will Startle, AatonUh and Astound the world, they will reopen their emporium of eiutoaiiie* on Saturday, May SI, confuting of:? WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, EXTRAORDINARY, EXTRAORDINARY, MYSTERIOUS, EXCITJNG, EXCITING, THRILLING, THRILLING, UNSURPASSABLE. SCIENTIFIC SCIENTIFIC. INVALUABLE, INVALUABLE, EXQUISITE, TERRIFIC, TERRIFIC, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, GRAND AND ELABORATE. INSTRUCTIVE, INSTRUCTIVE, SURPRISING. SURPRISING, GLORIOUS AND SOUL INSPIRING REALITIES OF ALL THAT IS INTERESTING, INTERESTING, MARVELLOUS, MARVELLOUS, AMUSING, FAMOUS, FAMOUS, AND TEULT SUPERB, SUPERB, UNPARALLELED. At tUe coat of $13,000 the proprietor* hare obtained from Vienna the far famed amir nowned QERTU. The great and only GERTU IN TliE WORLD. Pronounced by eonnoln*e\ir? to be the very Ne Plus Ultra or perfection, and UNPRECEDENTED Open for gentlemen only from 10 UU 10. Adinlasion 25 cent* "yy ALLACKt TWO PIECES. MB. MOSS. LAST NIGHT. MONDAY, JUNE 0. BENEFIT OF THE LITTLE TREASURE, 4NI> RURAL FELICITY. Between the first and aecond plec*, MR. WALLACE Will have the honor of addreaaing the audience, a* u*ual, on the CLOSE OF THE SEASON. NEW YORK STADT THEATRE. GERMAN OPERA. FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1462, Mozart'* ma*terplere, THE *UGIC FLUTE. FRAU JOHANNA ROT1 Bit. *s yUKEN OF THE NIGHT, Bote* $5. Secured neat*, 75 cent*. To be bail at the olUuJl WALLACE'S. TO MORROW (SATURBAY) LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF THE SEASON. BENEFIT OF MR. AND MRS. JOHN SETTON. FIRST AND ONLY NIOHT HERE of Mr. Leetor Wallack'* highly auoceaaful adaptation en titled FAST MEN op tn* OLDEN TIME, With the original mnsio by Robert 8 toe pel, New aceuery by Iaherwond, New Dreaae*. The piece concluding with the celebrated Clirmtma*. COUNTRY, CUSHION COMIC COTILLON, fcy sixteen couple. Mr. Leeter Wa Hack will sustain FOUR DIFFERENT CHARACTERS, and Introduce the popular song. SIMON TUE CELLARER. The other comic liarta to he supinirted by Mewr?. Blake, Charles Fl*her, Mr. Mark Smith. Mr. George Holland, Mr. Young, Mr. Norton, Mr. Floyd, Mr. Browne and Mr. John Seftort, being the only night these comedian* have all ap Sared, together In the same plajr this *eai>on. The principal male characters by Mr*. Hoey, Ml** flanuon, Mr*. Sloan, Mrs Vernen ami Mrs. John Sertoa. The whole performan <t concluding berore U o'clock. NIBLO'S SALOON.-ARDAVANI S tIRAND CONCERT. The artist friend* of Signor Ardavanl promise to give hira a grand Complimentary Honeiit, which will take place oa Saturday. June 7. On this occasion Ml*a Oarlotta Paul, Signor Mirlglla, Signor and other* will appear. Price or admission $1. Including reserved seat*. Ticket* may be had every day at Berr k Bchlrnief* music Ktorn. 701 Broad" ht, Tkkefa purchased (or Thursday will be held good this occasion. >Ai?military. VETERAN CORPS OF THE WAR OF 1SI2.-A MOD. lar monthly meeting will be held at the Mener llouae, thl* (Friday) evening, June 6, at 7>< o'cloc k, to make ar rangementa for celebrating the 8#th year or our National Independence. Every veteran In this and the. adjacent counties is Invited to meet with us, to show the rising gene ration that we have not forgotten the glorlou* day or liberty our forefathers gave us as an Inheritance. and which we maintained In our war, the *econd of indcvemlenoe. Al though our lock* are whitened with age, and we an- too Ice blc to tlpht the battle* on the Held, the glorlou* 4th day or July we ; nts' and will e debra'e. B\ order. H. RAYMOND. Brigadier General. AIIM DALLY, Colonel. Isaac M. Pnrm, Adjutant. ATIONAL OUAHD UNIFORM FOR SALE UUEAP Almoit uew. Addree* N. G., Herald otlioe. N AHVSEHESTI. ACADEMY or MUSIC.?fillM <KB -SEASON. JHK OfKKA PRKI.IM IN ARY ADVERTISEMENT. WEDNESDAY NEXT, JINK 11. Mr. ULLMaN, Uuduig on hi* roturu Iruui Europe tbM during iiiji a only iweuty-/our Operu night* ) a i b> ea give... luste ,d uf thirty, aa required by hi* 1> &?e, l>ei;s to lu fonn thr patrona o; ue Opera thai, provided ..iway.i nc mm uiakc auitaule a> laugt-uienU, he will give the remaining SIX NiC'ITri, COMMENCING ON WEDNESDAY NEXT On the conclusion of which he will immediately leiurn !? I.ou Ion to complete the important contracta enured Into for III. iall. It in hia|inlentiou tooonduct these Six Nighteof the Sum mi r s.-aaon on th>* Mine system as that whf h nave so rnuefc utifcfa turn in farmer year* it Castle Garden, viz: to nightly comoiue the very bi.h'-ni talent in to* cuuii ry id one Gr.nd Keativa tnti'i unnient, and ull'er it to the publio at a gene ral rate 01 admiMiun ACCESSIBLE TO ALL CLASHES. F"'! parueulara lo-m?rrow. La L it A ?"-EKNK'S THEATRE. l>oor? o|?n at 7>?; couim.nue at $ o'clock. lONU.UT i FRIDAY), JUNE li, HO, ? Last MOUT OK TUB SEASON. Repetition of Mi.-gr. at i ,u. T1IE NKW GIFT POLKA, IMS POLKA, r u. ?H??1HKW ?1"' POLKA, A copy of which will be picwuteii t0 th.- la.tiea. SECOND TIME OK THE NEW UNION OVERTURE, SECOND TIME OK XfiK NKW UNION OVERTURE, SECOND TIME OK THE NEW UNION OVERTURE. Embracing all the national airs, descriptive uf the battl* and triumphant victory of the SOLDIERS OK THE UNION. THE BEAUTIKUL DANCE. LA CB1.LARETE8. THE CELEBRATED TOY SYMPHONV-BY HAYDN. The performance* commence with the suuceaaful two ael drama of the POST BOY; OH, THB PRIDE OP RANK. JOB 9PURRIT, am old poatboy, aged 70. ..Mr. NICKINSON SirJoun Bmgly Mr. Stoddart J. Blngly, hla Mr. Levtuk Tubba, a footman Mr. Dillo* Maria Miaa Clifton Miaa Wharton Miaa Burke Lacet Bra. Muiewa Th* whole to conclude with the BEAUTIFUL SPECTACLE, TUB BLVES; THE STATUTE BRIDE. NEW MUSIC, DRESSES AMD SCENERY, Including the OEAirn TRANSFORMATION SCENE. TUB KA1RY FOUNTAIN; OB, THB BLFIN BO WEB. NOTICK. MI9S KBENE bega to state aho haa rented her theatre le MISS MAGGIE MITCHELL for the summer aeaaon, to commeaoe on Monday next. June 9. VfBW BOWERY THEATRE. 1M Bole Proprietor Mr. J. W. Liagard FRIDAY, June 6. 1862, BENEK11 OF Mr. 8 E. RYAN. A new drama, entitled OUR OWN 0UT1I; Os, Scknks OH THB Potoxac. Poem and "Star Spangled Banner Little Bmflle Ryan Champion Jig Dance Mr. T. Peel Tue p tlta comedy uf THE MAID WITH THB MILKINQ PATL. Dance Miaa Louiaa Brown Wooden shoe dance Mr. S. B. Ryaa and the nautical drama of ? YANKEE SHIP AND A YANKEE CREW. Mr. HARRY SEYMOPB. the talented and versatile actress, Miaa ADAH ISAACS MENKEN, will appear on Mondays _____ j^ABNUM'S AMERICAN MUSEUM. FRIDAY, JUNE 0. 1881 1 LAST DAY BUT ONS " LAST DAY BUT ONE LAST DAY BUT ONB or rax GRAND NATIONAL BABY SHOW. ?*<* GRAND NATIONAL BABY SHOW. GRAND NATIONAL BABY SHOW. GRAND NATIONAL BABY SHOW. Thla exhibition haa afforded the finest dlaplay or BABIES, TWINS, TRIPLETS AND FAT BABIES. BABIES, TWINS, TRIPLETS AND FAT BABIES, BABIES, TWINS. TRIPLBTS AND FAT BAB1E8, It haa ever been the good fortune of the public to behold, TO DAY, the $100 FIRST PREMIUM CHILD, FIVE $30 PREMIUM CHILDREN, EIGHTEEN PAIRS PREMIUM TWINS, THREE SETS PREMIUM TRIPLBTS, beelde a large numbef of other Premium children, Includ ing all the finest Children of the entire Exhibition, a grand galaxy of ^ HUMAN BOSEBUDS, HUMAN ROSEBUDS, HUMAN ROSEBUDS, beside the wonder of wonders, the CHILD, EIGHT MONTHS OLD, WEIGHING BUtf ONE POUND 8EVEN OUNCES, will be on exhibition from 11 o'clock A. M. till 3 P. M., aaid all the Bablea, Twins, Triplets and Fat Babies over foar years of a?e, from 7 UU 8 P. M. It will be continued all thla week. Ladies and children desirous of avoiding the dlecomferta of a great crowd, will do well to come earlv In the morning, not later than 9 or 10 o'olock. and see the Museum and other curiosities before the Baby Show commences. Also to be seen at all hours, the Quaker, or Wooden Oax. from the rebel lortltlcatlona at CentervlUe, Va.; the greed Living Whale, the Madagascar Albinos, the Living Black Sea Lion. Living Mammoth Grizzly Bear Sameon. Living Moa atcr Snakca, Living Happy Family, Living Turtle, Grand Aquaria, Ac. Tlie new and magnificent Sensational Drama, ADELAIDE OF DRESDEN, EVERY AFTERNOON at 3 o'cWk. BVERY EVENING at7\ o' Admission to all. 28 cents; children under ten, 15 ennta. Commodore NUTT?the $30,000 NuO?will reappear nc Monday. To-murrow (Saturday), THREE SPLENDID DRAMATIC PERFORMANCES, at 12 o'clock, noou, and 3 and 1\ o'clock, P. M. BRYANTS' MINSTREL8.?MECHANICS' HALL. 472 BROADWAT, ABOTB GRAND STRKKT. Monday, Juue 2, and every night during the week. Immenae Hit of Hare High the Hoaa Tamer. Horn, U Mic, Emmett, Florence and Dan Bryant, aa THB BAW RECRUITS. THB RAW BBCRUITCL "I'se gwoin down to Waahington To Qght for Abraham'a daughter." S. C. Campbell, Leslie, Fowler, Gould and Hilton. In Ht Choruses, Ac. Break o'day Boya. Tin-pan-a-nl-aa. Black Wlzard'a Tempest. Plantation Festival Scene, "WW Struck Billy Patteraonf" Doora open at 7, Curtain riaea at 8. Tieketa IS centa Brooklyn academy or music. FAREWELL NIGHT or THIt GRAND COMBINATION. TWO SPLENDID COMEDIES. ALL TUB OREAT A KTIHTK3 In both pieces. DODWORTH'8 SPLENDID ORCHESTRA. onder direction of HAKVKY B. DODW oltTH. On FRIDAY EVEN1NO, June 6. 1881, Will be presented, for the lint time at thU establishing^ (V>lman '? celebrated and f?vo' Comedy of the POOR GENTLEMAN. Sir Robert BramMe Mr. John Gilbert Frederick Bramble Mr. Wm. Wheatlar Dr. oliapod Mr. J. E. Oweaa Humphrey Dobbins Mr. B. L. Davenport Corporal F?i? Mr. Goo. Rye* Lieut. Wort Illusion Mr. C. Klngalantf Sir Charles Cropland Mr. 0. Barras MIm Lucretla MrTab Miss Mary Wetla Emily Worthington Mia. W. C. Glads tana To conclude with (for the first time at the Academy) Buck* stone's famous Comedy, MARRIED LIFE. Mr. Dora Mr. John B. Owens Mrs. Dov? Mrs. George SkerrsU Mr. Cuddle Mr. John Gilbert Mm. C(Mtdle Misa Msry Walla Mr. Younghusband.... Mr. B. L. Davenport Mre. Younnhusbanu .... Mrs. W. C. Gladstans Mr Lynx Mr. W. Wheatley Mrs. Lynx ?, i?* Emma Tajrlo* Mr. Dismal Mr. Gearse Hy? Mrs. Dismal Mrs. J. Dun AdmibK on?Drc?* circle, parquet and ban uuj SO cents. Secured seat* 75 cent* Family circle 26 cent* The sale of reserved seats will take place at the boi ollss of the Academy dally from 8 A. M. until ft P. M. Doors open at 7>4; to commence at 8 o'clock precisely, XTRA advertisement. _ LA L'It A KKENE'S THBATRB. A summer season, under the management of MISS MAGGIE MITCHELL, the youthful and wcouipllshed actress, will t omiMM ON MONDAY EVENING JUNE 9. when she will appear In her great original character of FANCHON. TUB CRICKET, for the first time In Neiv York. This great and clebratsd Drama haa bean hailed with delight and Immense success Us *" lh? PRINCIPAL TITIBS IN THE UNION. Translated Imm tbe German, by A. Waldeuar, Esq., and copyright entered by lilm according to act of Congress, fa* Mf?s Macule Mitchell. E N IBLO'S GARDEN. SPECIAL NOTICE. BENEFIT MISS CAROLINE RICHING8, _ THE BBAUTIFUL AND TAl.ENTED AMERICA* PRIMA DONNA, FRIDAY EVENING. J CNR ?, 18S2, upon which ocuaalon she will appear as the RNrHANTKFSS this being poaltlvsly the last rvpreaeutatlan but on* of llg celebrated __ SPECTACULAR OPERA of that nam*. BOX BOOK NOW OPEN. Grand popular concerts at joner- wood. -? This beautiful sylvan retreat, under the direction of tha undersigned. Is now in full lilast. On Satur lay next, at 2K O'clock, then- will h? a grand Instrumental concert on tha grounds The affair has been got un with great taste, and the music la under the direction of Professor A. lllrsch man, formerly leader of Dodworth's band. Concert com* mences at o'clock. Admission free. Come <-arlv^ NIXON'S CREMORNE GARDENS. Corner of Fourteenth street and Sixth avenue. In consequence of the thousand and one applications from parties desirous of hiring the various establishments con nected with the Cremorne Gardens for the purpose or giving ?acred concerts on Sundays, aa well as trom others desirous of securing the privilege of furnishing liquors and other re freshnients of like character to visitors, the manager deems it necessary to give this notice to the public, that the Oarde? and everything connected with It Is closed to the world oa Sundays, and that no refreshments of the nature Indicated can he procured or will be permitted on the .rounds unties any pretence whatever. JAB. M. NIXON, Manager. N IXON'S CREMORNB GMtDEN. NIXON'S PALACE OF MUSIC. NIXON'S EQUESTRIAN SCHOOL. wanted-for THE PALACB OP MUSIC. vv Kor the entire summer season, 15 llrst cIh?? ladles, to Increase the number of the coiyphees for the Cibas Ballet company. Dresses found ana the highest salaries given. Apply at the Academy of Music this day (Friday), from 10 to 12. Theatrical notice.-ladiks and gentlembn desiring engage men ta lor tbe MMitlng ssason of 1862 and lMi .l will address M A. Garretlscn, sole lessee Walnut street theatre, Philadelphia. "11,'ANTED?A GOOD LOW comedian, FIRST OLD TT man and leader of orchestra. Address Manager, Herald office. Oftil To SEE TBI WIZARD'S TEMPEST AT TIIB O Winter Garden on Monday evening n<xt, should l* secured Immeillately. The box office Is now open. TO PROFESSIONALS-KIKST CLASS ETHIOPIA:) performers, desiring permanent engagement* for tht summer, can address Alpha, 1h>x 1,201 Philadelphia f*. I offiue, stattag llM of business and <iuaiiacattoas. .