Newspaper Page Text
w WHOLE NO. 9411. NEW YORK, MONDAY, JUNE 16, 18G2. PRICE TWO CENTS. THE BATTLE OF POET REPUBLIC Noble Conduct of a Portion of General Shields' Division. List of the Killed, Wounded and Missing, at, Ac., a* Fnojrr Rot al, June 1ft, 1S02. The results of the bottle of Port Republic, on Monday last. b?t?MB ft portion of Phields' division aud Jarkson's army at* now ascertained, as near as cun bo. The o im s airtady given aro kuown to bo among the killed and wounded, although many elaasod among tbo missing aro no doi bl badly Injured; but our troot?,boiiig compelled >o retire before a foe so superior in uumbera and in ail other rem ects,except bravery,many were necesrarily left ?a the fteld, whose nauiea could not be ascertained. Of the large numbers classed as mis wig, many will, doubt: s,, And their way ba.-k to their regiments. The force engaged was mostly romp sad of Western men, who did their duty nub y, an is evidenocd by their fighting a roe mere than five times tlicir uuiuber lor live hours, and then retreating !norder, excepting one or two rclments which were completely eurrom d 'd and com pelled to take to tl e moui.ti.ln*, many of whom mt>de thi-ir way book to the dtvtaion. n,e have ill Indiana regiment did noble duty, holding the) ? pp. lion ou tho right for four hours against a vast!;, j lor fort e, Colonel Gavin repeat dly charging an 1 driving the srsmy like sheep. They left Fred'+tcksbrtrg el-ht bun dred strong, and arrived at Port R.pubilc with ouly thne hundred, the remainder being h ft along the route, sick and dbtabied, and after the light liiey mi,stered about ons hundred aud forty, losing wore than hall their foreo. The Twenty-ninth and Bixty-sixth Ohio regiments ale tost heavily,at may be seen by the list of casualties. Tho three batteries of artillery?Clark's, R ibiL*>u's and Hunting! ui's?aro entitled to great praise lor tbo gallant part th' y took in the action. Bad the First and Second brigades been enabled to rtsch the scene ?f action,an entirely different result would undoubtedly bnvo ensued. Alter Monday's light, tt it understood, Jackson took Ike road toward Skanardsville, passing through the |ap of the Blue Ridge Mountains, in n line for Gordous ville, at which point Is ratirosd communication with Richmond. lUst of th* Killed, Wosnded and Killing. KIUUTY-FOUtaii i'KNNMVLVAMA. JTf'e'?him Harding. P uuml d?A. evanler G. Thornton, Ellis Kylsr. M . Ms -"ii. ty. OKI it FN I)ll*n AMD TRNTH PBtMBTLTANIA. Mi'"*? UM f ?n' ii?Four. JT mini -T>i euty. hr o. ha ..o? nut kit (-iTEirrn Indiana rmihrnt. K1 it?A. i .Ii w.ey, U. F. -wan, i-ereant A. Bar. den, aoiMiu Jack .isiiii.. soab ii ch.wi, PaUiu Nil. W to men, la-iao M. Houston, Wur. Luke, A.Mont. g- *>? ?. Wound*' ?L ?'. Co Wg#c, Watson. s< rl > ?; Sa g Hint Wai. Wneolor, slight.S rgoant.J.on sC'.Stow o; Tim. a uislu^.or.u- Andy H. Smith, Se Isr b . k l.oi; Uui porai Janice I avis, sught: Cap's n W. C. Bunt.,.light; forg.>an' Stru gh. Slight; Jam--* Wsl ton, rfl hi. Corporal ioss y, Slight; c. F: nklin, tori au*; R 11 Myrkk, so Iouh; Wns u Job, sight; David White, .e/vre, Sifaa I uvi i n, seve e, Wnt. Frankim. Severe; Aidney Adams, slight: K. MI'eS, slight; Sergeant J. B. Wl h mis, eeri t.s; Corporal M. C. Walker, severe Corporal J bn slight: N. Allen, sn era S. T. Car;* i t r, * ve e. John Cabins, sevre; J hn Canea l, ?light; R. I). Grace, serio a; E. Hall, slight; Win. Bare, severe; J. Haul oil, alight; Wat. Lamb, rt, Blight: If. C. letuou, mortaliy; K. R. Iajwi , severe. It S. Llagwood, eltrht; Wtiiam Mo re. s ig-it; A? J. ?' ek,s? vere;0. 8. Richrao d, severe ; Wm. Delr nen, si gat, C. W Sti ling,-light; J. M. Kir kin, Slight ). WiaUn s.*sriet.s;ll H M <? gh,sligbt;Ct t. Wr >h, ?ngb ;S rgi n: avid M. Smith,sever#;John McClaiui, ?aortal: lid wad Rouse. Slight, Isaac Sch Iter, scv -r i ha Wo. dvsster.i-vere, l.- ui- Striker, s* veie. A Flan negm. severe t> E Gilchrist, severs; Dyer Moo e, S itfbi; R. I?ii :la?s, slight; Serg?aut J. M. Bo -'er, lit .1 Grthiur,slight, I. II. Mugau,slight; ''. He/ ?Olds,slight; J. to;>hens,alight; K. Forsyth, slight; J. !id,tie nou, s ight, J. Richardson, slight; N. J. Luud, ? v# e George I'.riokler, slight; .lunu Myers, siivht; C. O. Mouta. ue. slight. .1. N. ''pel, sight. It G. B.yre, ?ligbl;.i. tv. Hiit, sight, latent. K. D Bryant. sight: Barges, t K. F. li nt, s ;y ro J. N. ilnltsrlaw, sin hi: Thomas G. ant, slight; Wm. Stiukl.n, sight; Geo. Ml' er, revere. U. 1.. Mel aria d, sight; L. Muriongbov. slight Capt Id leattmvoi. ? I ht: fergeont G P. I la-ton, slight; G. Shoemaker, light: Wm. It Hamlhn.* vere. A J. Merrick, slight; 8. F Young, ?tight: N. H. Putter, slight, t'orpord I- P. Can , a v,>?; R. I'hmus.sevs o. S.iui el G ns.-lt .sevi re: J II 11 her. a-vre, J t.'oa ke, slight; J. 11. G"ff, sdght. J. H-md, Si, Lt: .-Vr/esnt Wiuecits. ed ht;T. J flu Ian, aevsre W. M. 1'eas ? "ro. J. M. leak),severe; Geo. T at, se VO~e T. ?! Oollln, snvc-e; r. rg ?nt Jacob Ya tion, eeri cos; H James,? Igbt. E. Ma k, pllgnt.UVrn. Hoiking. SOrto- s, J. Tracey, severe; J. Galelwy, severe; J Siui.b, severe; it". M. < anij beli, severe. A. J. Uanby severe. The n- ttiIst of mi'i engag- d was about 360. ot whom ?me were killed, alu* m >rtslly wounded, one h ndrsd an ' twenty-lot on wounded, thirty missing and two pri sons a. BIXTT-TXT* OHIO. jCVR-wf?A. PPcV. J. Blrney, E. L. HCche Ur,Wm W Pa t I. Cla-'dan. Jws b U.dinire. JacbCc. Joha Be ahovr. Mlchae Alderman, 'arnee P->ik Win. p Bain, V u.. .1 Faigua n, El ?l WlliamrfJ Wrn a. Rattera. Jobu preMiwater, Jeremiah K. Niok?l < n. Levi Watford, John Welniitb To k, larwia Ketlei ge~??0. W . n ''d? Ce-opti-d'. J C-nrol, 0. B. Light, J. Bloke, J. W. Smith. Wm. Bart, lit. For aI- v-. !? " ?? tain * F. veMcwan, i-'erg^ant John P. KnrtbcuU, Patrick Ha nil igv?, Patrick Pha'eu Tanja m*i ll.i. m.hi. Lew* ( ayior. lJe it.J< hn C. Dye,Sergeant Theodore Stuo-bury, Mi had Hiaoy, Wm. hcott, P PI nkatt. ilann a Q. Fleming, Levi 3a :n peon ?am M. P'" 41-ton, Jama* B. Ho-tgea. 3. J. ?hocfler, David R. Tiftoa, John Caaall, I.taatanant v'mlth, Win. it. Loval.ea,Jnhii KaUiburn, Leo. McGregor, A. a. Pethard. Wm. C. I leeha-ter, Finery Irving, K.I ward C. 0 y, Henry Drapar, Alenao H ma, Than. Kant, J. II. Rv j,, Captain Jamea Q. B-tird, O. M. Oookaa, Cbaxlee Ivri . Ilaury Ainaa. C. Craig, D. How, R/b.rt Kaiak.C. h-win. Robert Payd, Chiriee Turner, Jneej-h Frankeo r- a ' Mnrrtaon. Chartaa Kbnada, land Juatln, Sanaa B. Joraa.T. B. Parka, D. M. Halnee, P. U. H-ward, D. t-r ?. i Ragle, John t lately-Si i Mat # One hundred an eeven. FIFTH OHM) rkoimfwt. IT I d ?Ad) lam cti rlea W. Mm lb. Sergaart Major R bar. u ah in. F. " nrne, w. | a-e ?*?i. W umUa-Chpi. George B. Loaeeii-erg, John Laming, Be- rte f'or.k* il a- .Chile Meti-ider, W. H. Muua u, W. O- anln Jiam.Mn b.el R- th Fradariek Huff Hennte I tear dot), .!?> Ill lea George IWlrall, W F<War . John F. lawk, John I.. W-Elba v Wm Bhuithera, Albert C. Harnaon, peter Girtan, Adam Folia, Richard fc. Haaeeit, Valentine Bib i, i aii r*' lid. I'onaM McLeo-t, VYwlanck Pri nting .Simeon H. Oot le.Fia at' Caliber, Nathan H. Wll baniH, Jaiin Bakei, P. Bah out. Ceo-ge Hrown, I'd. liomp tend, Ira l auereon, Jamea Cuakelmer. David Ketch m, Akn iio Myere, Slgmun-i K?>hn, Wm .R. Uod dard. Wm. Me" nnfty,Samuel Rohbina. Hoary Rlcliu far,We ten Mmhiel. John tlrlmie mar, John tkmnay, iMlor Il- iiia, Tiiomud Mclauthlin. Frank Wallace, Can. P. j-b ? n. rtcrgeaiit Jamea I'laiated, Ki. Awaino, Charlea Pe>t, Wm. Kagart, Robert Spell man, DrUndo Mom. A. L. R-u.e-. Walter U l-lt, George C. Clou da, All red I. Joe a - <0. M Two eaptabia, Pmr Henlaaanta, and on* hun dred and eeveutr privaue. ASi'lNTB OHIO UTilHIHT, KiiiM?Townly Gilbert. Adulph .^ R. Galea, 6 R. Megai y, R. J. KtngtViry, John Wood ware, Jobu Mull ran .ionua H if.Wn. Vogaa.Jobn Klder.JobuJ, W- iinda-l?!? ut 11, it .^-,d ?I. <i. I/watt, J hn W. 1 irden, Cha-lea A. Krrter.Ppad. U. Ke' er, la? e M ? Wfcl,??ml. Uucbanaa, A. It ny? I1. B. P- tu-n, A. "C Judmn, C P. Hamilton. Keub n P Itur. David Water. W. K. Rich ?Kind, i apta a Knos. Aatli-my Wi.linma. Willi in Kraak, J u Smith. Hi-hael Ciuipb il, Jatnaa Pecker, 8, C. Wheeler, Jn?>. , t, ? er,J. Haekina,J. I,. Anbal, rapt. U. |. Wooii.i K. .snia av, B. I-. Ha vkl-ir,:Unm< n llllihird, Jaa. R. I oe- an, Chaa. 8. King, Harry M. lean Brighton, lai .la Alb I Hto oiau, it ,. W. it--gu a.liao Ui'I-'ino, Ira Merrick, George Car , Mitriou Huvvar, FrankHn nlge, A C.Trlium'r, Ki W<??i-, X i m Orbonie, il. 9. Hunt, ?.o. II. ?rkor. M I'tiltn Kekonriilu. I leuteii .ut a. II. 1 toy, Capuln C. II. iMiouy, M. V. Hjrt, K < bu,i nan, S. R vaih- r. A. W. Moo y la rroi, a Roinnn, W. t)an tai wane -r, Phil. An. limy. J no. Co.buru, I.e. mau,Faizar, Jim. llaiutnoiiy, Jo". iMjh->?nibi, j<ihn L-.lky, i^mrad ?binmeie. H'tm-W?Wxty. JTwawtg?leu TWKNTT-lttKTH OHIO HKiilMKNT. Kititd?C?|iUtn If. I.nre, R. P. Turtle , R. w Pritten, W. A. lUriiwe.l, A. A. Murlla. Will a ?.-|. ?> . k. r. Hum l?y,T. W. Smith, twiao il Imiryui lu. (?'. R. Joburon, Ri-ed,Charier liohlneun, Jaii-b HtmuiiUaou, J. klvar hirt.w. P.Waterman, Havl?l Mcluiire, Wil.iaa Klla ??raid?IT. H'omtd?J. E. March, M. 81. John. Captain Dal rympe, T. Prnlth Frank M irvy, I'. A. Pecker, R. A. tnni'i, Jamea Turiou, .lacou Rulii a-u.W. H. liaxter (l-e onoenrd the gol-ra in 'i.e aoodr). M. Rugrt, G or, <? "ii ib, H. M. Hyler,.i?. Wltihy, In Id Thomua, (.?? K? w. l-atirek, M<t W It. H fyer, William A. ilart, .11. ?. k ? rill, William Man-iele..n, F. Hrawn, Iriul* * el bo , ,| rn Hohinom ru uii.t- McCartney, t'oriairal 0 wm d, Pa m-uur J .leroiite, Ami Peniord, Mdney M. 1MB, OiSiaiWf Ramie/, ihi tatejiber teettie, WlUiam t. Ror rlnj ton, James Smith, S. S. Ferguson, R. Farnum, W. H. Abb at, A. Alderman, William Dickinson, C. G. Job mom, F. R.?nana?30. if uruip?une hundred and thirty-eight. FIRST VIRGINIA CAVALRY. Kill*'?Jobn luy. WnunJei?Kcburt Allison, seriously; Sergeant Max wall < a roll,Corporal Juba R. McCoy, Franklin Doalt, a.igbtly M'Utnj?Throa. BATTED* O or Till rillT OHIO. Ki'Uit?Kd. Allen, John McGlll. Wi.-ufk/r.i?l'. Janaugh, W.G. Plaits, Oaorga Skins, Captain T. 81 Rlisa, C. Jtoka Thraa. Lust two guns. BATTERY L OF TBI FIRST OHIO. Kitleii?< In Is. Hutuhlnx, fy<.uni'?i?Frank PI Us, Silaa Moore, James Gilder, Jolin l'eiers. Miujrut?Five. Sam. Cocbi a i remained at hi* gun, and flrad it al<<na th ?< tiros, ranking great havoc among the enemy, and ? hoii, kimckiog duwn a rebel wi.h a atoa?,ba mala hia area;*. 1 ha foregoing llat of killed and wounded Is compiled from oll cial ami other s> urc 'S, and la aa near correct aa Can ha obtained for tba present. The Battle t?f Cross Keyi. UNION Lflrti, 460 KILLED AND WOUNDED?REBEL J.Oi-8 01,0?ONE REBEL GENERAL KILLED AND TWO WOUNDED. IDispatch to the Cincinnati Gazette ] Port IUtohuc, Va., June 9. 1802. We have had sliriiii, titiies in Una department. Jack aoti took U b tiains ever (lie rh ar here on Fudny and a tarred nud gave us baule y ;t r lay, live miles ir?m this place, on lie' tlin rUonburr roatl. Tin! buttle for two hours raged fiercely. Khcnck had the right, AilU'oy the centra and too biancker uivibiou tea .oil. Schenck was not assailed axccot by skirmishing light ?ug. A.I i y was In the b >u< st of the light and drove thuene.ny bui k . ions ,? l;n to point The ll St b.'gade o: thu Bleisar diviMuu. under ui-Bii; al .-in .?., lough I h all .,nd h .d th> enemy hoik lor some two hoi e.sudenug a g eat 1 .-s from a destructive di e rmn the enemy. ? be le.i w.ugfindli gnve wiy.und 4Mb whole lino wes or dered buck hail u mile to a mure av<>rub a i- sill n. Ineenem did h't advance, b it cominiiiiCvd ?? ret, au;, as we leai u he pre > ions I our la ling Ionia, and by iao o c.oi k this niornrng ib< tr win lu ai my hni mossed the ri\ er and set die to U,o krKlgo. lie pi rs ad, but not in time to sua thu bridge. Surge u Caiitwa 1, oi the Elght.i 4.< o id ULin, was wounded, not dui*e.ousiy. ia, tan. i has. Wurth w s uiurt l.y woundo i. The Nevunly-ihud Onto iour kiue.l and thraa wounded; the lbir.t Virginia lour killed aud thirteen worn tied ; the F1 th Virginia, turea killed unit sevm.Len wounded; the Twenty i f h i.hw, si., ki'led at.d six y ight wound? d tho-dx leib Ohio, four killed au l e.even w ?. ude . St .I.elV bnfca ta lost, m k.l cd, wounded and, fo-i b and five privateaand tweniy-two olbcers. sevrrul Colonels and Captains were wounded and una Uapiuiu kit ed lu lbs Blanker division. Boh an a b icUde lost on killed aud sevi-nty wot-ndad. Tba Bucktni.s kwt one killed aud teu wounded. Our tots! has will be fmni una hundred to one hundred and fifty knled, and irom four buudred to uva buudred kilieu and wounded. The enemy's loss was ve.y heavy. Four hundred of their dead, by actual count, ware found uuburrad on one field. From the numbers or tb ir dead ecattered In ? tber parts if the battle ground. It is baliaved that there are two huudri d uwre i | the r dead on the field? tug ihuir liAsa lu kl.rai six buudred, bwsines mliuera, who were carried aw.). (.en. Me.varl was ki.lod, oen. oimdi Eibm wounded, Col. ;:aiight<a mo tally wounded, and Gen. Jacksou wounded In Hie wri t. Col. S. d. tarred!, o: Ohio, with two regiments of Shields' division, reached the oppos.te side of the river from bars yoaleiday mm mug, and attempted to b Id tba briuge, b .t w a uriveu buct by Jai Its- n. He opened wl bins ii Ullery tb.s moroing ou tba b.idge.uH tne rale army wart uro sing. bin wsa driven by the superior lu.oe ot Jackson, aud retreated down the ilvar. Kaws from Cumberland Ford. [Coi'raspoudeuoo of the Cincinnati mtzette l Caw Cumi kkland hoRp, June 7,1882. While other portl ma of the iadoral forces are engaged in figuiing, we at least are perorailng our duty by Hold ing the m chock, though, perhaps, eie this rua bea you. ma quastiou ai to who win a c .py Cumber land Gap will have been dvci rd. It Is the opinion ot udlita y men that the Gap Is now the strongest pusitioii buid by the rcuel lore us. I notice many aiguille hi m vemeuta ibis morning, toilers are goUiiig to 'ho rear a- lust as p, smbla, the s.ek are ue ug eSut buck, preparations ata niukmg to b.ackada roads, ai d the a.gus luuicatj a " storm." Let it como. Wo .ire reauy. mo far aa 1 know all are pleased with our general oibenrs, and uousidai them men of ability. and thr mo*t until tug enorgy. Am ng ut'wrs who have made themselves highly use ful, and who may bo o< nstderud a woi king m u lor the cause, is Mit,or M iliium J. Manker. i f tho Thlrty-tbird I idl.iiia regiment. He Is COBMuunlly ou the u.ort and .laming imormatlon of all kinds that may proio be e d lal, regarding bo obstacle too great to be overcome, . or no iiengar too great to be ua. oil, to accomplish bis objects. ritr Ucbcl I(ul<t Uuwu tlie Shenandoah. JlK.OUh KKUKL LOCI MKM 8 lOU'M) AT WINCH tdTKK. illj following interacting rebel ilccumeuit, were round la a pailUlly destroyed railroad car at Winchester, hiey will be of inturest in connection with the nceul reoel raid into the va i?y of Virgiuut, allowing ih it Jaci.soii's movement was, ua our tor uhiamdcut naieil, iporely n divoraion to prevent reiniorceiueuia being a-nt t<> General aicl'iei an:? useii.riT' *o f ? ucvaAt. .u i e in, n*i- jveo at arAcirron, MAY ?J8, 1am JI t.Y IX: AO K AIM ,)IO* RI'IMONO. To 11a.or a. TV. 11 %? max ? Geuo al .lohuamu one ta that tbia de*p?tcb bo sent thro .gh io tiei eral Ja<vH u an roon us puiMb.e, and that It be Iti'pt entire y Facet. Tel?<;:a|h to mo at what hour y our ounrlei atarla from'rlauntou with the dee* pan h. J it HO M i ix, Ideutenisi o( Engineers,!;. S. A. Head p Ai.Tiiw, Iiktak not Nok'in kx Viki.ima, 1 May 27, 1802?V o'clock, 10 mm. J To General T. J. Jack* n .? Gkx*hai?I h ive ju.n recoiveil your letter of yesterday ? loutenaiil lJo.'WOit. A copy, l.a,'ie.-:p.uch l-iegrapbed by that officer from Staunton reached me tlua morning. Alter rf-udtng, I wiote to you by a apodal mease.,gur. ?mticathif a movement tluvaiei mg Washington and Itntliuoie, unless lb s env:uv still has In your vicluity f j: oe enough t? mike It rm-n to attempt It. He bar no iorce beyond tbe Potomac to ma..e it daugun ua; only what he has on thia aide need bo CftUfSd. You cannot, In your present jN'Stlion, employ aucb an army as youre ui?>u any vutorpriv* Out boar lag di icti.v upoa lb; rtate of things bore?-i her by preventing the ieih,*irc3lncnt# to Mciiellan'a, ur by draw lug troops from It by dlvia.oua. Tieaeob jects might bo Hcc impl ah?d by the deuionetratlors pro jm-rd shove,or by a movement u:mu Mellowed, although by tbe time ibta teachoa you It will be too late lor either. The moat Important aei vice you cauren der the country la the preventing tbeiurther atrousth an tng oi McCiellan'a army. If you tin-. It too late n-r, atrlke the miet important body of tbe enemy you eaa roach. You oomjail me to publish ordure announcing your auccers eo oi ten that you must ex'*ct repeilti< n ef expiesaion*. Youre. wry truly. J. E. JgIINnIO.v". P. K?It M reported ti.ta rveniug that Mc.ow.-il la ?leviug tbla way from Fredericksburg. It la probable. J. K. JOdNSHI.V. m coast cum a. t eakjji vows, May 20,1M2. Coloael Flocbsot?V# maue esc nil to Ha. lOjeuihia morning, and got nuark?he enemy's picks:*, and in fall view ef deliver Ilelghta. Me soon altrai tod tneir alien tloa ead tbelr Are too tar ofl to do uny barm). aud they turned out firm one or two am II legitneuts, and then what we calculated to be a bi igaoe, ou tbe Heights They were evidently disposed to make aa much ?how aa IsiMlble, 1 would aay, to keep oil uu attack I or a given time, to allow the removal of atorea, which are reported to be nuumrma there. A man came here Just now, from Ba timore tlila moruiug. He repoita ao troopa In Halt.mora?uone in Weahhigtou?aud the utrsall made, and reauy to move oil from Harper'a Perry; a mmor of eu in Maryland. W# alio have an account of agieeivieo. y ore. tlci'lol'aa. All true, I bO|>e. I aeut you a deputed t.iif morntiig. lg?t newt to-uny that t'o.onei Jolm.on, with the Firat Mary.and regiment, are cowing bm to-day. Vary raspectfally, your obediant servant, J. a. S. GltEEN, Major Blith regiment M?ry .aud cavalry. CI'RiSISO .s iiauiauhE HkAiMi AR'nw, Am aarsti Poets, I MARtf'-VHrrui. May 20, 10.?Ml P.M. J OesWAi.?I enclose a letter just received mm Mujor G een, nuili Virgliiiacaial.-y, on picket at Clutrlesiuwn. Tbeeipieaa from tbere lift Ju?t be.oiu suu lowu. Ttiia newt, 1 hope, will turn out to be true, lucre have been rumors ell day bars of an Uprising ot tbe people m Itdtl n.o.e. kv cry thing quiet here. No news ol any kind since my despatch or Una morning. With great reeiwet. your abwuinit aervatit, GEO. H. MfkWAt.T. Hi igadler General. The Maryland regiment and battel y ha\ejust anlved, rxi a at ram >nbs?his ncvsLnraKcm?alasm in < Anr. Casr at kaiMT Ki>tal, i SlI O'CLOCK A. M? May 2a, 1MS2. / Bin? The prisoner hreught In last night fUmis that Sble.ds' division le t Fndertcknburg h.mdij m ruing with 14,000 men, but does not know where they are now, with the eicpiluu *4 four regiments at Krcns town, wtioi e prisoner wivs ca.ilurod, IU eiya tbe deall uutkm of fdHelda' army Ml'iunt Koyal. I'leaeo Bud on* c oeod nolo brought by cuirbrr from W. W. i<e< borage. I lie wrlGvr is uukoown to me. Shall I bu n store* on np pruaihof the sneiny, ana oome up to the dlvlstouf I Ions* ,-ns'vur Inatanter. Ilcspcciftilly. y<sir obedient servant, 'I. 1. t oinmsndlng Post. llrlg. Gen tuxr,' ommandinK kotn tli Hi igads. UK I .NKUMMJt) nil I H i r K TAL. The suh| mile is with ut d.vtu, but, It will be eeun was w.titeu luiuiedlaieiy piece.ling tbe atteok at II out Hoy ml:? tOC-iNKI. AsllNV-? N ?1 have b en myself !? within sight of the enemy's sirup at It bi R ihey havs on . i*kiuisih of jla, y* Uudoie eiicam H.d b'.'tween K.c'iurdsuii'a aud old Mr J o reti'a: ais , O'S e tup ivy < f <xra|, y from the Miohl gau rsgitiieut, .i d ooi niece t i artit e y ? n th ? hill be I rout .tcyal and Weaton \nry rvs.ecil' iiiy, WALiUt MICA, ueeteuaat, Cd. & NEWS FROM MEMPHIS. UMtrurn, June IS. 1M2. The city ren alne unusually quiet end orderly, and business la .lowly reviving. Th a far the amount of rebel property aetxed amounu to only $40,000. Captain Dill, of the Proroet Guard, eatlraatea the amount of oott n, sugar, fcc., concealed for shipping to bef 150,000. Thiaia rarldly finding its way to the levee. The nun.her of absentees bas been over estimated. Many bare returned, while those who go on upward boats are mostly members of sundered fnmlliea. The Mayor and City Council are of Union procllvltie?> as a general thing, and exorcise their func ions in liar nanny with the military rule. Their continued good con duct Is a renewed assurance of this. There arn mly two or three places In the city where either rebel scrip or post "flic# slumps are w rth any. thing. The most prominent rebel ci izeiia will not take the scrip. An arrival here direct from Madison, Ark., brine* in formation that cnneral Curtis had not reached lit lie Rock, but was approaching it fr< m Fearey. He wor ld meet with no opposition. Mr. Markland , arent for the 1'oat Office Cepart" ont, opened ibe city post office to-day, snd an ag?ni ofmn Treasury IVepartmert is on his way to reo on th--go vernm-nt custom bouse. There have been eb >ut thirty applications for the office of post m ister by proiulneui citizens of Memphis. There la, as yet, but one Union flag flying from a private residence, and that Is from the bo'seofMr. Gage. There is but little activity in sbinping. althmv/h a few dray loads of cotton ha e been hauled down to lh? levee th a morning. Some 6,Out) bales aie concealed in Ware bouses. The A'vlanthc, in an article >n the heXhrerema, ad mits tb t the houth has derended the use of prlvatce . and gi aril la, and rbarg-s the North with thoeemnnr* alcn of c lines at which human r autre, In its wi'de-t paroxyms of passion, feels Itself horrified. It claims that the leglt'ti ate Iwlligerenta should settle the q es tiona of war, leaving |>eucvfnl citizens tr tVeenjoyme. t of their rii.hta; and observes that thesa views a;vac kuooledged by the federals here, and tbmks that this course wilt win gradually upon th# .Southern to -pie. The Argut Indult es in a series of rabid and viudictlre artic es, and should he suppressed at onro. The Avalanche aaya about aeventy-flva rebel officers and soldi# a have thus far surrendered to Colonel VI ch. The United States Navy Yard and bi I'd lugs I avo been takeD possession of by Flag Officer I avis in the name or the government, and will he occupied as the hcadqrar tersof l is fleet. The buildings are in good preservation. The steamer J. T>. Perry arrived here this morning, having on board the Forty-seventh Indiana, Col. Slack, and Noleu'a cavalry. Colonel Slack being the senior olti. cer B'tpeterdes (olcnel Vitch In c- mniand oi this post. There Is no crlaei oe that the fleet will start dowu th* rlvsr for several dave. The Memphis (Grenada) Appeal of the 10th says that misapprehension prevails in regard to tlia Partisan Rm gera. They are calie<l Into service by the rebal Con. greaa, and are designed to act beyond the line* or an army as Independent fighters, to be prox Med lik" oidi nary soldiers, and to have all they capture, yet' the Api?aX in-lata they are not guerillas, and hopes the yoting men will not fear to enlist. It says, "if the fede. raia treat them as pirates,President Davis will interfore to protect thetn.'' The Ajrfxal atatas the facta of the occupation of Mem phis tolerably fairly, admitting that Colonel Hitch ta pur auing a system of liberal public policy, yet it indulges In vindictive commeuts. Mr. C. Galloway, late Postmaster of Memphis, an nounces that he nas removed the office to Grenada. An order is published In the A]peal from General Beauregard denouncing the nil cei a of Colonel J. 1. ye->li's \j uislai'a cavalry, for rebellion at Coi inth. Vickt-burg was atill in rebel hands < n the loth. Mi m his, June 14. lf-62. Col ncl Slack Issued orders morultig prohibiting dealing in and us ng the currency of the Confederate States, and liiat the uae thereof as a circulating medium would be ri ga d?<! as un Insult to tlio government of th# United States. Pei sous ollending are to Tie arrested and summarily dealt with. Rebel sympathizers are already beginning to wh ce under the "vigorous pi hey <1 the new commandant. Beauregard's army Is ra;Hrtmiat Tu| elio. Ofty miles south of I'orinth. St angemcnia h .ve been made lo->k |i g to tlie fortilloatlou of the place. Deserters arrive hero dal y and take the oath. Ge i>ral Price was at Mobile on Tuesday last. On the sarue day General Urockeuiidge was at Merhtun. It Is belt ved that Colonel Slack will immvdtaiely re quite all civil and judlci >1 officers to take the oath. T..e gunboat S.erlmg Price bas been raised, and will be sent Noith immediately for re|>airs. The Charleston Courier of the 9th says that on Satur day moi: tng a t? rutin of General Ewsii'e command attacked th.- enemy uoar Hanover Bridge, and captured a qu.-iUiity of b iggage. The federals advanced Sunday evening on James Island. On their approach our (rebel) troops fled. General Eirby Smith ie said to be In eotiiniand of the ir<a>pa<>p|iosed to Genera! Mitchell. TheJatkaon lfuiu*ijfian nl tlie 11th says that a por tion of Gei.etal Lovell's command engaged two of the ?uemy'e gunboats un the moimr.g of the 9th, and after a brt k si gagemeM of an hour succeeded in driving the enemy off. WHAT THE FLEET ? DOING OFF MEMPHIS. Oar Mlnalsslppl Kuval Corrcapondciiaa. UXIIKP ?T4ini< GCMNjal ll.OTrtU,) OFF ilUII U1-, JcUS 8, lb&. J A Rebel Captain llanyt a Sailor fur H earing Ik* United Stake C at of Arm??Surrender of the Captain ami Lieu tenant of the JitLrl Steamer Gtnrral Price?Commodore JttU'fiLihfry in Arknneai?Lieutenant Henry Kihen, of Hex York City, Appointed to Command the Sum'er? Quiet ??? Jltmf hu?Coojoiciaie Motel Rrfuted by M at. pkiatu?Carton Coune of a Shut /rem a Union Gun Ua'? H Kr,about* of Jeff. Ikumpn w?Rumort in Mom? jhif, etc., da. Since my letter of yesterday everything baa been vary quiet at tbia pace. Thete seems to ba considerable I'mon faalirg among tba ciliiaua, although It If express, ad " on ib? aly." None of tba steam -ra ai tba wharves wara destroyed, and a number of ntbara hava coma down to ua Hon ibclr bl>'lng places. Our rami and tug* bare alao buuiad out aaveral. Iba Captain of one oi them. tba C'baaK*, la bald aa a priaonar, having hung o so' Uia craw lor having tba Lulled Siau-a coal or aiuia on bla breast. Tba Ohio and MisaU*ippi and Memphis and Charleston Railroad tracks had beau joined before our arrival, rum lug through tba city, and tha rabal cltlraua made good ita of them on I vat Friday. Tha captain and I leu ton ant of tba General 1'rlra bnvu c tne in and anrraudared. Tha latiac. making u.-e ol s< me insult trig and ooaraa remarks to our oflicers, was told by bl* captain that 11 If tnay wara rapaatad be would ahoo( bltn on tba spat, fur," aald he," ihey Fought ua Ilka tnan and whipped us lalrly." Montgomery was saaa on Friday evening in Arkansas, with ebout fifty half clad mcu, latrealii.g bafora tha nioeqnlloee. 1 be uien had boeu In the awami*a, and pi evented a aorry appee anca. M vrua on a rnnla. Jeff. Thompson was at tba Gayoao House whan the flgbt began, and, mounting a bnrsa rode to tba blurt* to saa II. So euon as tba rabal dee,' began ta fall hack ba skedaddled for and look tba tret tratu of oora gelng oast. Hie guuboata Clnrinmti and Lexington have joined ua. Our two ord nnure bout a?immense tliree-etory arrangements? wara auppooed to ba floating Jells, on beard wbleh wo hud 60.000 pairs 01 l.ons, by tba cltlxana bare. Lieute nant Henry Krbeu will command tne flamler end Act log Volunteer Lieutenant Hoel the Ultie Rabal. I append a cor red list of the ve-sala captured and destroyed:? Little Rebel (llagboat), captured ; Genoral Prise, cap ture I ; General iiragg. captured ; 8 mier, captured; Haaun gard, sunk, but can ba raised ; Genes! Lovei, sunk In deep water and last; Jeff. Thompson, blown up. Tt ? General Van Dwl la the boat which escaped, lbs whuie aflltli was ao lud lan and so soon over that iba c.tptur- d rebel pilots did not at Oral know wbat bouts were l< st. \uu wlli so. b\ tliv p para whieh I sent y u that Uientehmnr Hover* gnwae u king after lira, 1 (,, b< le t our Jl et on Wedce.-'av iii*UI, Ilie 4-ii, t <l y and rS-ich ' ommod na Far rag d s tl-ot. How dl i they know ol tnetr leaving? law in lha ileet even knew of it. livery sea, ireta tha flag otheer down in lha |hoyg, la busy .Mid the nigs are llttl Ii<k 10 ai d tr" In Ml ?> Iv d*f I glu im',11 an* iu the evening, Our oil ce * visit ih' oily witumit rea mine, and m thing m pleusani h ie no curre-1. O r Hug Hire . ver the Post?Kl'.oo This dav ? A.iUnnc/i njv,h rhitlU ' to the let" naval baite. "tinlv tweut) ou'l of liulity-flve on boird'he i.eiienl I>ivell eroi eil. I'm Uhi ("eh ? w s killed The sb"< k 01 ~l n iiTPloaliiimf I lie Jiff iIn"S''ii madesome persons he1 ore it wm an ear'hipiak*. Hie imuitier of prl-nieie token r'Tyee from severn y to 'n htudrid, about tueniy l> imr oittcers." The b i b era, as at Now Orle ne, i-e ? aotl 10 take Confe ih- ate ii 11 s for ben Captain .'no. II Civdri, 01 the Flgrl -sixth h dinna, m ITovost Marshal. ih?Ci imtnoiCourt vet I c nniue ceits r*i*-nl*r term to. nrri w. Potuii iraile s rgiin reviving, a i! emms be i ir n ? ed. The General Kra,g teare- tldee vwtu.g if^l ? , for aiternti i s stor *, .tc., anil will rotirn Ini'i e into y. 'I he i J rle? she s stained ftiilB ?t nt in Ih ? otii'ii of j the loth of Mnv I.a n it"t been re aired up Dia 'egi i*!. (h e ? f i'Ur abut ?itei e?i he pn tp vv, on I eorl p dook, tin-i.11 e u warda ihr nth two 'ret r.r ilmh?r ii coin resg-'d cnthn, th ? oh He -'eik and h khoa | of Ike pathry klllln two pen th.'*. mil hen canih a ''nrathsi t! e one no to on i)ie port ide.nnu th III 1 l.?"h el nv>"r f Mmhei ovi-rh anl. A(W that Ii t lln rebels thought there wai no btnp c> Id h- n a e in w i our ehnt and tli t the e was?to uee the ev ress'on if inn of h-m? < i " i;"0 In flghlhg ?gainst a spike wiili i ''e'wee no c i to f tin* ' 'en era1 ii e's be.'swa I iibri a black It ig. From'ho n el I f rtna ion I can gather, th re are y^ti. Inst six r h it iatne and II h a s 'al w tie, ri Is hly aha i Llie me th id t e Vaaon So-eiiaf our riimsaro to go d IVI m the morn tia loll 11 llietn e't tn th# White river t'ere 'rea u mhrr of gfr ii'stiortp. tine of ttpMei an a a a* h alt Jb-ii' n ' c ; f?I'l I w U e g lie; ? eh ssos ir ?n |i o\v rig! i' r -von " eight [in n TV en d'? he* hi erxl w e * nyn ? Ivo'eh ref'? ei-a .'rom th ? i ce Th re I- a eh in re r anoiher light'* o ,1 think, I mler stai.d hill v n* nt tli" pens ?t I ort ? n t lw-n burst. .4 m may he full of pow d rli'il Hig tiered I. idle- and < the l in t,U ail.i t lf->? ' r flv s and rterda who were tn ttn? I re **< J \ 11 r r m Ihi'li elatto the I,lit e Hnliel m MM> i/e the wan st'in k by ou MMk ntni-Inoh r'ho shot, and w s rnhhtBi' w di * a t to r? jsirslb? and earl) a< the k. hen ihe ram M innch loiced hir niein the h"iih hilt did npt I' .i ra her. Our shot had already c I I rr ft'eatn h-fi, ' h?ar from una f the i C' s of rtie rain ileet that .i ff.". fi .int hi n in be'ow .<> jta lew rniien. with a body i.H'Onr 0 '> c.iv lrv; th?t hv o e k a-ie I a' a h u o una Od F rt tVk-rl p teste d'iv m in t g.a d Ins men neme very ueatt ckpterlnv > b at'- c "w I eteug e g mm e<?" mi (una. It is th ? general Im .reasloti t' at Filw*r<f Mmitci m?iy Is a c w im.boiW from hi- ac ?i ii, on ih" (lib i .??. and on the lt)th Jtay. tHtruir tho atler ertgig un-jit )e kentumle or i me. nm any of nir g bents. The robe's gei ernl'jr. ho evr f p t Kid han '.??'. their no t-' well, and i h wed a b 'ld fro. tat I st. Th y garni b..nine 'Oiiviiiite l at tlight ?? ihtr otiiv s fly anl that did no avail ihrnn inucii, an ar aa their hi aia we# - conce ued. 18?2. All Is unlet today. On shore the re. n I- ih t N'ashi'il'e ti'<a tv-en t ken by Pri 'e, Va;'.sharp hnrned by cur (loot, <h t Hoansegnrd 'as on y iai en iiack a fow miles to tet wat-r, ami that (ieue a! nt'e enden v re t t et 'hot c so of the Ni therlauils to take h ck thai $S(:o 00b, and bad ap t giro.' U> (ho Ki fiish and otl er r< nan s br Imprl oning a Brbiab a bei l and selfinv the no rey. Mores at e ben g opened here and bnsinrca resuinod. NEWS FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Fcrtri sa Morror, .tune 14, l'dtl Genera) Burnalde returned to North Carolina this morning. The a enmer Rhode Island arrived to-day from Boston, and sailed or * hip Island. Ihe went her Is exi'i edingly hot. It Is ci nieinylateil to establish a regular line of oom munication between Norfolk aud Newborn, via the c* nal. Vewa I'rom Santa Fe. KaKsA* Cm, J"ne 14.1882. The SnntaFe mall, with daUa to the 1st lust., has ar rl eed. In a skirmish between a company of Colorado Volun teers and a body of Icxai e, near Fort Craig, the enemy le.t tour dead on the field. None of the voiunte rs was hurt. On the 26th ult. quite a number of Texans ware tent under an escort from fanta Fe vrltb the view of overlak nig t'nlonel Stec'.eT odmniuud, which was undersliv d to ' o fn Mesllln. T! 0) had been In the boepltnl st Bitua I e. but having reci'V red eullicioul y to enable them to travel wqi e paroled ami disposed of as above. JV II tin ry l.uvv III Miktiourl. OKNFML BCHuNIKMi'* OKI EH CAMMED INTO IF Kttl?A N< TfcO B SIIWilAlK-:K FIIUTJUN TH* KPOr. I I lulu I lit lilt, n I lull lilt, .ll!li* 111. j It fo-rra t->n w a brought into ciinp at I unityra on Hfttii ? .ay la i that IV>|. I el .Mm Owen, ft uotoi'lom r twl, viii his in. e him-elf conspicuous m burnlug bridge*, cai aii'I ?'?>(>< W, .itul in Hi ins into i ussen or tr .ti s, Ust fi.ii in. r ? I fu-l.wHs secreted Hi or near I II farm tn lit. ne A I'elit' h .enl fiotn Compani A, Kleveuth re,_l mi'i I M >a m i i l ? MiU.iu iG'loi el Li|>comli s), under ilii- cii.iiu.i'i d i.f i.Mi.tei ant I uiiuhtie. w ? Immediate jr Mi- l oi t i. I'ulmy at" hunt the out a.v On anprn cu ing li e arm o Colonel unen on Sutul. y about l\ elicM. i tiM ?|inft>1 >1 tji-iureil a re r . ruin In/ rapid I.ili f r mit tlio haute towards a pi. co 01 t>r> eh. i h. u nut and hi- cum : ii.I immnilla oiy eta lint or the brush, uial, <ol g into It, they ill covered tlm gum 1 .?inl a - ii '? K? 'I h. At first tlte fotonul showed a detar mil ftlii'D >o resist hi- capture; hut Killing sell a *ro ledi.r* uscb ss, he y Md cd. Prep rail no were iiiiulo fo Me axacult- n tie b.-rged liie ftolitle a to tiik<- Inm I rift tie -. Th y iufnrutad him that "inking pri oneis' was |-laymi ni.t. Tl.ey tiieu place I him upuu a sminin i'r?.ni ol a file of ft. .idler*, nivl at lb# word of cotnmt ui eight bullet* pierced I ft body of lb* rehftl, killi g hint I. ol ititly. Thus h in ftiided th? career of ? notorlons bnshwtiAcker andonthw. lie haa met the just retribution of bis ? smiting riiuita. Tlic Broadway Tragedy. Till nrrmviHtr with miss vah namk?a Lrrrut OP KXl'LANAllON PKOM UK*. We bare reoetred the following 'mite trow Miaa Tan Name relative to the Interview the bad wtlb Mr. Real, w hich led to the seen* between him and bis wife. It up pears to bare been entirely acnl leutal, aa Ma note of up..logy to her shows:? TO ARB EDITOR OP TH* HERALD, llaelng noticed tny name tn yarloua papers In enaeee tlon with the late Broadway tragedy, I d-em it a duty I owe to my piiwntft and myself, and for the furl be ranee *Y justice, to state the facta I know in relation to the case 1 bad been over to Newark paying a visit, and was ro turning hum*. While talking to my lady frloud at the depot th# deceased approached ua, wbftrftupon I Intro itncad bim to my friend. Re procured me a seat In the cars and crossed over tbo Jersey City ferry with ins wben we were accosted hy MIsaStewart, hb* caught hold ol nu and asked," What does thin mean? I am this man's wife." The dec# red did not apolopl** at the time. t>ordid hedany thft a*#ertlon Wh h ng to avoid an auxlo'i> crowd, I lei lh' ui. I bad known ecftaftcil eou'e tour yenrs, but sever ?nier*<l Into any conversation wl'h bun b*i" e. I Ue'tro yo i to ooutrai let th* >'.'i.ort In regard to mv walklu arm in arm wi b th* decoiaed; meo my beli g in the Mbit of receiving letters trout him, as I auv r s-w IPs hand writing until I recti.*,1 th* apology from lutn on the m ii mug of the occurrence, oi which the annexed IS ft copy. M. VAN NAMK. ?tens lf?, MR. REAL'S NOT* TO MM. TAN NAM*. Muw Tax Nans:? I dn m It my duty towards you to explain th* ocour rence of this morning. The would-be lady who accosted us, nuy mo, m roughly. Is a person who, by some me .ns, became attached to mi. My not reciprocating the at techmrni lias so worked on her feeHngs as t<> parthilly derange bur wind, and she w uhl assums my name with out a shadow of a consent fmtn me. I *upi?m* being taken with one of her turns this morning, and finding out, by route means or oth >r, wbeis I bud goue, thought pro, ar I ' c nduct heise f In the manner sewn by y si. I urn he*ni.t sorry on your |M t for the eucnrrcinui. I wis 'tild have hud her ar en led, but feared ynw might be oooceriiMl, but, under the el cuinsiaucui, I could in>l art dtlf'tieully, wishing to pretant a crowd, tlopii g you h vw not foitued a ltaaty oplt.lou of me, and received no m'Mlifitiillua on it.) account I remain youia, very rs SiiOCtT'illy, PKlKR C. KkAl,,26U Hroadway. Juno 13,1M2. Cltasigtsag Ilia Tallica oi Port*. UKMhlAL IIKIlKltH? NO. 1). Mr..n p am sua. l ac tt mrvi op Kansas. ) Kt AT lie SXW'UTH, June A, lhfl'J, f Aa It Is not the inteiiiin of ih* i.ene al l.bsnnanulng top*rpvluate the ineou ry of in ? who hive reut.ercd UHaiminsas ttaiMifs to ibotf IstheiSforO one rod tlint lh* iinlitui y i?.fl w.liim thw depart men I, kn wii a* Kurt Wins, *ba I hvrea ter he known and de*iguai*d us tort I.yon. liy orilat of Urlgadler tiencrai J. ? Ill.UVT. Tno- Moonijuvt. Captain and Assi-t A?Ij. ueneral. Court Ctslriiilwr?l'iiis liny. RrTRtM* C tRT?Ottrn.? art t ?Vo*. tlfl, 1777, fOJD. M?l7,lusl iHMit, I'JA'J. I odd. 1.0.1, 2.MS Si2dt. X...W, 22i:?.221 J,'J34?. 2241, 3363.2At4, 23fii,33M. Part 2 ? Nw.ltW.ltM.WM sprvs OR <> tnt?Ibtrl t?Vns 17 'S. R17. MS. 2 IV, 2ST1 240V 3A0I 2 V , .609, 2607, 2d00, '.'All. at I J - S s. 'MM 2'?4 27To imM, .m i ? . l,u.,?r.O 2^14 1212, loud,DM, V*R, 2AVI, 1160, 10 ., &42, 12dS,2u.?, M CoNho* I'Use Uanoral term FROM GEN. M'DDWEll'S DIViSiON. Report* of fits Pehet* AdvanrlnR on PrriTfrlrhahnrR>4'H|it4r* of * Rebel AI<l-<le-Cit my)? Co'oitel Wood nnd til* Bruohlyu Ponrlrtnth, Ac. FmrpamoEJ'Si'KH, Ju?* 16. 1862. Oireldcrable excitement was occastuiwd yuaterilay by Mi* report (but tli'i rules w??? advancing upon this oil} and had il ivan iu our pickets. It waa found ibut (be *!aiin uricmated iu a party of depredators h hg tired upon by a farmer. The enemy's Im# of picket* if eighteen miles distaut, and was driven in by our cavalry yesterday. A day or two si-me Major Tac?, Aid de-Oamo to tbe r-eel flennral Hmt'h, and own-r of the estate occupied by tionerui Mctv>wo!l for levlquartors, earn up within a few nil'os of F odericka-iu g and font in for hie wife S< rpici. m were i.roiist 6 by d?pa"lure, amj a reeving tarty w;.? aunt upou Dei t ack . resuitiif in the cai>ture of Lacy. He now pro. fosses g eat uii.vie'y to l>e pan led. ( ol' Ual Wcfal, ot llicIt (V'WIyn Fonr' If ?? ?'b' to Join .lis r-clment mi'?Iii with one b r.d.ed recruits in a few dnya. the ex her .no* of ni owntnind upon tbe reception of ibeticws war Ir.deerrlb be. The b iCge-. damaged bv ttie recx-nt lii-'h water have been repaired, and traine will croe* (tie llappahaoaock again to-in .rr< w. Kitvn fr. in Xunni .liirkton. Wiviw;*':. Va ,.1'Tir IS. 1AC2. A iriow "! per from Mount Jackson report* all (piMl in front nf that nlnce Him UMoning. Tbe enemy'a inc . eta b o lew in uuiuber,aro about live miles beyond. All is qi lot bete. Visit of C?n. W eol to Tlftrprr'l Perry, HsR'Kn'? Friar, June |A. 19*2. On VToi ?. Mcomru ii'd by hie t8 all" and u--. Car ? Fr-si oni oi the I'aMtiuare and < |ii? Katlrnad* ? mennjr ii hurried visit h ru to day, urni ing in the morning and leaving eariy m the ate.noun, Tho (lever I th .roughly inn acted llolivar Hei.'hi* anil the amac nt C uutrv. Hi d. no d ubt.liif practical eye b>ok in many o"iti n- w here i arte, h * could bv planted ad anu e '?us y, which would tn-uit elfertusllj frustiait any d> ?lyup of tbo enemy npon tl.i-- post* km. From iho 'ecllng exhb te 1 tijr 'he s?c MlnnW* tn the vlcit I y nf Martirshurg ami M*>ter, rone oredi, m iy be attached to the r mor that .tack*?n has aguia been a gely reiu'orovd; tup white I hive confidence In ' theablliyof Frem -nt Pi s>cc'*efully enpo with Jack "on iu the valley. It IS Itellev. d that eve* in the even, o'hie meeting with a reverse, the prenaratioba wh.oh t.euera.e Hunks and Sigel are making in the vici Itj oi Winchesi< r w II rci iter any success which tbe rebels may achieve hut of abort duration. The bridge across the I'otom. c at this |iotnt was o m plated yesterday, and ite security ICBted tested by the passage of a heavy burthen train. The roed b-twecu hero und Winchester is being rapidly reioired. and it *> bulltved the k vornmei t wl.l ha* ? lie its* in a ew days, tbua greatly facilitating th* transmission of supplies to the si my in lit* Valley. Til* fts-rmrii t>l Norllt Carolina. opinion pKBAUbaa (if tan WMM iNVamoNop MKXICO?4.1 11 ??tiOVBILSMtNV" 'IKK intll'U) OTAttS UOVKHNMEST. to th* tmrron or tub *rw tor* tree tin. N*w khn, N. C., June 11,1862 The Inclosed article,copied in tbe Newberu i>?;*r* to-day,on the invasion of the French in* taken from the Kaieigh. N. C., SunrLirl of the Utii Inst., wbnhslmwa the feeling i.m >Dg tbe Uniou nieu In Lb* South towards i, England and Spatu. U. 11. S. TUB FMBNCU DKi KATBU IN UKXIOO. 'l'he lata ii wni. iu lle.oi.M l- highly n.ipoi'luDt. The Fri uch have cauglu a tart ir, and tin 1 that tne.c is lur yet to our sp.uiky little ueighb >r, who, from aii acco uls, will be able to b dd b r own . ntii site cau receive assistauce from t'ncl* Samuel, i.nd'U win?? pi ardiaucblp sue wii soon be peited. Li.gland and Spain, like two c Hpaniels, with their lui ? be weuti their lcgB,sinus out ul this dii ty Ii UHiner-b on <w<n .u t tao IA t tA if scamcnf '?/ the l SUi t> wit ilUe to uia.atuin iu re st i? ?. i'liei-e ,owcrs know full we!, that tiiu Hulu-ii ~tuics not ntii' il quietly by and s eauioi.a ciii i hc<l riglit under oui U'.se. or io.u a v Una cow.nd Iv .t l ui,it iw r. li this little republic ol v t i ity it I "a I left Our irrii elorir ifknrd the tertof gave tli m to iiUei'siitud In a lew im ntha tbiag.* i rnmei.t would lie able to blow the combined iiuv ics of tho w< rut out i f the water, i.n i that ?c wo id liar ? an aruiv at (lie ? l *e of the war wtiicii woual, in i.uutbora and st englh. be s r| or or to any otiivr gniioiion .oe al. b1; aim the con.Mind unices of til,ft ie,.ubia; w< lib! be i.b'e t; meet the nil !e world i ir in So far as i uba is c Uid. we can iiise that Is and wiih one of o i iroi>a;i.ida before Ii enkfahi, a.i , s , wi :. V'l l ec, M> ntreul au i the whole o. the Kng, si, p ssos g.ona Let Francs look wsll to her condnot. She is notjuetr fie I Iu tbe ooi rso ibe is pursuing, nnd llio tm.ger sh ? coniiucos in .t the more d tl.o It will it be for he to IiihI in excuse to <e uit. A i.align tiuu i? rapidly spinging in< in our army aid Uiroiigli > t the L'.ili.d Stul- nugulii-.t this uttiurt u In the allatis on thiftmdeo iliewater. There tea pa hs iot ths tune on lug b it h oui I Franco pcisist in ..istr ? nip M xic ,,and aticm. t In eetublidi ber ?u tcniaci tb Te.Uvri will this smothered Indigualton bin til lorili like a g im. lieu...., and b fo e the news i> u d rem Ii Franco our armies would b* on the march to tbe relief of our st<l<*r republic. The BllMoui'l Mate Convention. Jnnnu City, Juno 14,1862. Tbaresolutlors Introduced In the convention yertardey, ; asking <>ur Congressmen to urgo tb* peerage 01' a law to secura restitution t" the p? op'.e of Uu-sourl who hava lopt property by ibo fedsral soldier*. wors adopted lha majority <>f tba c intnltiaa, Us-srs. Hrcckeiiridge, Orr and Douglass, to whom bad boon reforri'd tbo Uo vsriior's Mceage, rai>ortad for ibe adopilou of tba reaulu lloDa of Mr. Hitchcock, which had brcn referred to tauin. I he minority. Messrs. lH>til|ibao aad Uowall state that while ibay had not been able to agree with Uie majority, ibry bad no'i sport to make. Two or three substitutes ware offered, discussed ncd rejected, whan tba report of the committee was adopted, 32 to 27. A riwolutlon of congratulation on the aua-ea?of the Cnton anna at Memidili and In Virginia, waa ottered by Mr.Hitchcock, and adopted. ibe font ant Ion thou adjourned to tha 4th of July, 1MJ3, unlaaa aoonar called together by tba Uovernor. Impeachment of the kreretary off Itala ?f Kaniaa. Lxat wwoktu, June 16.1801. The Kanaaa State Senate, alttitg aa a rourt of hn; aa. h merit, has found John W. Hobluson, Secretary of State, guilty of high miademean.f bye vote of aavanteon to f >ur. On tba remaining charge tba court fouod h.ra not guilty. Ibe court by a rate of eighteea to throe declared that J >hu W Rohtnaon bo ramuvad front bis oflloa of Beo #? tary of Stoe. Tba oaaaof Mr. B llyar, the Auditor, waa then taken up. Haws hem the Wed Indies* MOYgMKNTH OK Till. BKITIKII AMI FltKMHl StJfAD miss. We have flies from Rrrutrda dated on the 4th of June. The Hermwtian of the 4th Insraul sa\ * ?Yesterday, agreeably to prevl >ua pnclanmli.t), tba roumial Car liauieut waa opened. Hta Mice laouy Cokmol llariy fSt. tieorge Ord, Unreriiof nitd Pouimander in I hie , in bla add-osa to tha tmincil, an d ?I biro ecalvad font hi* tlreoa tha (Jeer tary of it me tor the ootont -a an intimation that her M ye* ty'a goveriiiueul aoualder it deal aldo Hint law? eh >uld lie enaeiod by tlm l?>?t*!alti> e of theeo islands f n Teeirng all estate* and p op i ty ire | led l>y ifce navul eerviO' a In the lerue i'oiumiMh-ne ?* ?i tbo Admiralty, and r?r enabling the Moveruor, by prmmunaWin lo pr > hibtt Uie exporuitl >n fr< m the aamay ??t a ma and mill im y atotas :ti casvt wbrre clrci.matanott may render aucb a maoaure necessary 1HK HIHK.ION Kl.KKT. [From the Heritit.dlai , June 4.1 liar Me|ealy> alnp Mile) (61j,r*ptnin T reedy, C. H., ari Ived on Friday late*,ft? in tba Mtaaieeip d, M bile, end Havana?uI sdiys imiu tho latter ph<? . T. c I. l? quiteh althy,and will leaveon Tim.winy ne .tfor ll.vau port. Fu laud. llrr M-ye-dy's ship Kb :u'y (6), Commander Henry l?. UrmiA, arrived on .-M urday iiotn Jamaica, to iwp.tlr hor ni.u.hiiOM ) Her lU.oaiy'e 'hip Fdgar (91). < apialn Monde, w tb tin "i ho ir Admi.alS. D. UucrvS, Imt lia . alia on the liiili ? i May oir li.iltfa.. The French atanin trignte farhpie, Onn minder Hon* g?vi I, arrived heia on rueetby, ih- 'iitu tilt. lbo ? act pit) l*i t mil Vein <Tus. m ton plana elm Uift ? D tlio .'el ult.,a>u1 hue c:? let at Hn ee Uiai.dsm obtain a b- p dy it prp\ iMirue. water mil ltd. A case iq yei.o.v tevoi h.ving appear on bettril. the 0. has bo n put In i|U iriitiluio i> tnl?*i ii h two n obtain ,| f n o ch * Oovurner, th lum.v:.,'! win :h ah ? mm want oil >e Si i Ii d iiei. ii d r ih ill en i p o! I ar H ill) h, li. A., ihe Mod lb tffhe-rfbr H * l ei K d. Cr t.iin ilntteii. It. K , Jn uihiie de l of II. M IkM'k Y?r liae fipnielwo hn Willi win 'r ii nil ii n e, I y means ui a liguier and lank vdaael being seat alongside. IMPORTANT FROM EUROPE. TlieCh'na and Ra?aria OfTCape Race with Seven Days Later News* The Shortest Passage Across the Ocean Made by the China. t he Mexican Ports of Tampico and llvarado Blockaded by Prance. A French Protectorate Recom mended for Mexico. Axftition for i^ii^opean Media tion in tite American War. Insurance on Vessels Run tuag the Blockade. How the Fe^ollion Influence* the Cabinet loilcy of the Nation*. The Exports of Eirland Reduced Cne Hundred millions of Dollars in u Year by the War. ArchbLAon lluthri' Action for (he rnlan, (be P?i?r, trc!aoJ and (be Cardinal'* "Hal." THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. O'JR LONDON, PARIS AND BERLIN CORRESPflNDENCI, a*.) a*.. a*. Can Rar>, Jua. 14.184* The Cnnard sfamshlp f'blna. from 1.1 variMiul ..a 8aiur> lay, lb* Tin lust., via cuevusmwu Sid tost.,at Ova r clock 1'. U., was boarded by lb# news yacht at half mat uiu o'clock 1*. M. v> day. rli? baa eiity-eight paa wngvr* and 1 ,</00 tone of cargo for New Tork, where aba viii be due ou Tuesday forewoon. 'lite China made ilto pawtge Cuaenslown to Capo bice tti Ova day a and seveuiosa h >ur?. lite Havana, front bouihuuipu-u * n the 4U> of Juaa' *?M boarded on the aauto day olf Cape Race, on bar way to New York. lite i.ewe of these auamalitpe ia one wrek later than ho -.d\ was of the Africa, end the details of which a(r , oared In toe St'snav ill a.ti d irum vesaeia ia given u dv.iue .th. 'J La t. Fleming had arrive I a: Liverpool .fromCharlaaJ too Kith a ca.go of itieiii and lui The 1 ai Is Jlv.uifcar publtxoo. .in int ?rial decHloo ra il ctng Iba Fre.wlt army lu Koine .u a l.not division, ixiU'istiug of three divisional brigades, under the com mand of tl*n. tlonishi'llo. The 1'ruH-inn Aiu't isaador has preaontetf hla oredea. tia's t i the 1 m omr of the F' nidi. Aci oiiais from the m ibu act nittg districts of Francs tro lavutabie, and the auk aud other ciope moat salts tnry. The HevmiO^Msell EK>?tore bad aooeuted the resigns iionof tli. and Ilto principal oiiuUterhd (unc hain i its liad an evplnnut on at Turin w ith the King's lid uvi-;Uiji|>. It l< n.-se let that nil ditfre ces be ?vseit ilia g 'vs nni.nt and riarthal I h oi be"u arranged, nid I e oriM Cv-diit to s aralo. lis wi.l not be present at h? i a llatuentary sitting. I'r I tire -mi. hid arrived at Naples, whore Uta Hvpul co clive id hint. 'the if.'Ui-e f Commons on the 3d of Juue divided on he motion aitntn.l the government for a red cimo of he ov amdlures. The motion was neg..ti?ed by 343 majority. The T,.rks have beaten tb? Montenegrins over the fron ? tor. lo r villages were b rned, a d tevea bundled dnut negrina killed. The Mmteoegiins hod been re nil-cd several times and were fly I >g to tbs n.onniairs. Hie Turk* mart-lied on the 2U.h aretnal Schermits, a aigo village i ecttpled by two iho.m-nd tloiitanag' tns* rb" latter we.e beaten, but flred their boneit ahd lied. Tim Itoiiitviy mall' of May 12 have arrived In England, mil too Ainerxan jKirtiou have beau forwarded per the Jiina. Hie Niagara, from Boston via Halttaz, arrived ? Jueenatown on the 8th of June. The Amrrl(?n CI notion. Mr. J*a*r?on. owner of tha e.earner Ciru-taalaa, pib ttahea a lattar, matting that th? v#?iel had nothing toally contraband on board; that alia waa legitimately chartered f ir tha vi y**e from Hur'n-tux to Havana, and waa within twenty ml at of her <1ertnatlnn when eeltail by tba federal erniier*. (la raya her druught of ?alar pre cluded bar eni.-anc* Into aav of Iba O ?ledaraia porta ; banea It wna nnpoaMbla that aba would run tha bkwkada. Iba rataa at Ll?y d"a lor ata maura running tha hi aka. a waa aa low aa thirty to forty guinaaa. Some poiielaa rerogtilai' eia niontha' detention from aalaura, which la ?qutva'cnt to a total loec A g tier I agitation haa commenced at Fail Lancashire, to tba govaruniaiit to remove all dmloa from c t ton goods imi or tad to India, aid thereby relieve tba dlatre a of tha manuf. cti ring dlatrl.ta. A larga amino! out door uiaeting haa boon called to diacuaa tha quoMtoti. The *hip Ant Belli baa en.lad froui l.lvei pool lor Kew Orl ana with call, and otba.a will toon follow. lord It oigbam. In an Inaugural add rare bafora tba 8 clal Sk'leira aimed on tba American q art Ion, pointing out tha prunairaa of democracy to war. lio warmly c 'inpliraantad tba federal government '?r tba i.aur mavt trada treaty, wbtcu h? ragarda aa tba la-d blow to ilia tragic. iba l^ndon IV if editorially rap mcbaa f\a t ad u a'llamant or neglect tug to provide for tba defau-eof the e mnrrr in def-atmy tba Mi .tin bill, ltpoiutaout tfie queatlon aa i* vHal ona for the independence of tba t a'lailiaue, but quite ?? cniilari or bio; at.d. . Tba lamd -n .Vein* controvert* the attack ol tha Loudon Timet aa uniualtfled, ami ?aya that no one boa a right to i haiga the t'an.idl na with neglecting tba duly of provi ding lor ilia defence of iba country, atmply because they bad dilisred upon and la^utad tha MiIiim bill. Tha l aria C< mttiMnmnel of dune 7 piib.uiiaa an a'tlcla on American tUfel a, flgnad "Li?in.iye..ii," ale wing tba iw/??uW.'tiy'ol' tbadoulh '?ring o.?<|tiered, and maim ii/? m. thai tntihaium ntimew.U nor d >a nw/ioy a mm< die a. trim t alike to t tiilordiy A m.atlfan-t n'mp'. I*e an liea iroiu Ixindoii of me 4ih of -lun# ? ?y?Tba next advicaa from are a.valte.l with Iba great#*! anxiety, owing to tha probabla new* o: an Important bat tle being fought at KKbinou l or Unrbith, or at bulb places. The london Time*' Oiy Article *%y* tha b-llnr in tha ponobutiy of au aa. ly aett.emeiit of tba /Han I an di? c iltiea ha* been greatly dmili.lel.ed by tha mat intern' guiicti roceiveil. The itlzi.rn of tba a' Inbnan having baen da cUrvd illegal by tba IT La tourt, glvaa graat ?aii*Ue lion. ?w York Central elxe* have advanced ona per cant. Ado he dc c.i i| tion* of Aumi leun aauuiTtlaa bate (.luue 3> reeaded ono par c ut 1 lie Jfoxlran (duration. i iiK roitTB or iamitou Arm ai.vabapo to m lUdiCr. HT Vr AM K. * 1h?ro wii? a runt <r in > am thai Hipo) i.n contain; I ilea lumiNUkoj on MoUta pau&j