IMPORTANT FROM EUROPE. [CXWWVtD from nwrr pack.) the petnaiieul evtal'lirhiueut of Froucb influence In Max too by means of a prmec-oraie. The Paris Hrnittur o. June 7 eootama ? notification tf A* uo to ir o Urn Uevwan |?jria Tainpico au>i Aivarado A des 'tb fr. oi U II uf ihu Sib of Juna uyi?Tha publiiauoo I ib? oltici il doc.uu. nia relative to afl'alr* In Mexico, produced wu lupi oemon Utile favorable to oeua rai Dim Th- i -c menu rstaflvc to M?*io*o ?."?!? * war* laid oo Ibr ui> a of iuai haw bar of Da,-??l.4?* "u 3d ofJuue. Grr?* J iba requeet of me Atlantic .eie,r?i h Company . th tdn>tr?liy hA'l'ir'la rrd iba eiainer Porcupine to pre para i. take soun .1114a 3Ue weuid ba raauy in about Mo day*. y r Scully had gives notice in iba comm?ns of a mo. ti?a m favor ef erlab.iah'ng oomuiui'tiaitoa between Per j* ai d America by steamers sailing every oner ba'e day *1 ' mk.w th telegraphic eonMrnnnteaitos off Croolihr vi B.on Capo Clear, but pr*?t|?wi?*il the motion n th t hi pa of laying additional facts before iba Hours, a-'d ih?l la the meaiitlma matnber* would give Iba mat ter ih tr alien; ?n. r.. tb bouses hud adjourned far a weak m consequence "Of My ? hiuun holidays ?fee r eed tt.xrf tlie city-of Lcndo* had bsao votad to Lo d ? arb'og far bis eervtres in liAia. Iba r.?oe t? tbo " Uaka" wait w\.n by Fen do Jolo. Praam. T;a r.ri re-i" F?gene *t> ex rex-ted to pay a private awl FbkIiu'I i'wt'iis the Fiuiieror'* eta* ai Vichy. V t- .'X si.d !t -?ia i?>tfc re act tbo p.- position of the Port# relative tj tiia Ourcb ef vile Holy Sepulchre at ?Perusal'in. ItMljr. The ttaltav go ar>. went had reneMed to form two now 'brigade- of infant y. a 11st la con nun# to ooncrntra'a troops In Venetia. The Ira inn chaff >ers wort defeating a question ot cnn. (?fence in ibo r-1 it-try. On th - ruing ' the I'huaMr of r>eputi#s on the 6 th *at.,Sigt?or R? levzi saw! the got# tut ant had nerer ?co 11 aged aiir ,ir mat rw fee^-a uf the sofeiliou of the in q < x 7m lie thought we should u-e m raftnriuie la 4Hb??lratt air tiw*o*to will, occupy ?ur capital, md secure the couArtei the recent oreuis. tbo Chamber approves its conduct, and is ewMHWmi thai It wtii always ma ntain the a ihorf y of law sou lb# parliament." Twenty-eight main bora abalaioMtfT oni voting. Prunaia. The Chun bora were distueaiag tbo artdrraa of tha King, ? specially'one paragrapb. which takes strong ex. oovtsiu to tlioaot.ju uf the Ministers. lii tice? A m in later tartm-isls has tasaa plaes, aad n aow Minis try la being foamed. Get many. A now Ulaittry m being i?rmod in HeoeoCtsssl tlx east. The rebel* Lad been tw vc^ defeated, with great loss, but ware isceivHtg large r?de!orcen>?iiis fruiu Nankin. The foreigiwrs at Mwy[>o rru.wu uninoie-ted. ? oneI Ward, on Amertcwe, bod been created a Man darin. Aestra Ita. Tha Kill export of gtsd since tbo last matt was 133 MO ouacss. lommarctal In'rlllgrace. Ll NlKJ.V BOMtV MArlakT. Cooao.n eh?* I ? u 1 wluy, Juno 0. afturuoi n. at OTq; for no-y.a di. deud. The ImiIiiou in ibe Bank 01 tj.giuud has do. reused ?i*i. usi*'. as "rci Knim. asm icau ?i c acre eeliuiDg Hiciatesi sales wore : OiibuM UuiUn, 41 a 40 d 1 cuuut. Krio. 31 a 32. V-W Kid UOl K.SK. I'ai.i-, Judo 7, 1862. the Bwuroe clawed dull. Koa;es 60f w3jc. ex-cm. p. us. TBU LIVKrtilHd. OOITO.N MAKSKI KOK A ft I. Li k o L.J .ue 3,1 Cormv ?*l s >f tw.i dt>* Ji.vio o? e. in uliug m.uOO 10 s; c ISlH'f HD'I ex rl^.t. .be ui.ri.oV 10 li'n, and li s ureancvd uic-airh.t> a una luurtn uf a peuni since F 1 my fjvKan ii., Juno 7, 1862 TheBrukcrs'Cir-ular r?r?"ri.??,a? sales ? ? o-aiun for th- wr-.'k hue b eu "if ' 00 i>a.?i, tnc i liu 14,500 ba es to e, ecu! ilurs and 111 boo l< exrtors. ILe inur 1- ti is an wj.v uvrt teurti , and t0' 1a. ? us b .vo ad * n e.l mi the w. ?ek utn- I .ur... of a iie..ny |a-r jU) lid lb talei 1.11 ii . ih) were >1 DM ita or, Uco.d .ig 3. 00 b t a tu a; ?c Hutu ? an 1 fxpnr eir. ilia market cl aing a> 1. at the o.lowriug aut'lur u d qu-'taii tiS;? fur. iftUdii')>7 New Ur.eauO 14 ?' lJ'? n kHr . lo i lo, tftoiiils 13 * 1- . ID luiai tick of I' I bill III 1 II 1 M estimated at 3'J4,0U0 bwier, incijuug 9s isai ii.ii?'f> 1 tuerieuu dOBcripduen , tIAVKS lUllMN HAKXier. Tttesaliaur c tim a. 1I.11 rr I'.i lue noes have been Tajwu 0.1 tea <> e u- 'rcj. 'iditiuov, 17ul . Kaa. 166.. Iba uiuraei is qu.ei mil u..u, avin auaii i? c? W 4 . a ft r. on me woca. 1'LoatucJt in port anvounta 10 3i> wuit bwMS. If AACBKSTKK VkAtX KKPtlKT. We *4r nt M 1. < ho->t*r arw .'a.oroiiia, too mar net .or coiSau g<*>ua ami >..r< a mi t u iu aim in ad rwaaaig t?u .oney. uui tr wiaauitaai* kavo m an nutul. LJVkKi-lHiL HKXtbrtiLP*w tvK tr. The fueadin f> ma Let >a guii?ra>:> luil bit atearty. Mia ra. K. iiar'ia t i- ) l *\ j. v'th a do ?hiuik l Ii l'Li* above ium'.muen c rcomra >? pn m i? v? % iin'i. Hbik Iu?..? ua? a |?mL laitow baa a oeciln lU^ Mu'i. W'j . I, o?Wl a. 4o? LIVkKt-iUll. K.llirc'f. M4MKT aahe* i|u>ai i.<>r con.lawn, .upi.uaio p?o L~a ll. in, at #4 ? "j . Sugar veiy uull I iUa Urui Lu -hi tr. l.u #Ow . bi J ntiDd*'od. Liuaead ad ftriu.'r; ip.o.ed at ao? ?? 41a ? ?U b aa.-ai-.u.- atlii ileal nine Iran dull boll* ralia m i bar*. ->uKar i|.iel aa. awady. ? o.l.e t.- t . <1 aii.i ua> dccoaeu la air. od Taa do ?i la. par la. r?>i u ?uinHHi Cougui. TalU#* Uuil. nil. lurpejufcc a lead) at ?4?. a 74a-?-ed i|nwl ri .iO * u 'luouui .. a. Tha iua kai lor b aa at Ua eawid dull. Cora, bow aa. r, waa b luar. CM pro. leiou uatikOI ? ioani heavy. lai/tim*, 'tmo-S 1HM Console cl"0?d on a" ' ufd*y ai VI \ a 111 ILtl ?n ? Vu?ii Calina.?of? ?/j/flirattar >/i*a A&ni rmt/ t.-r'l T %'e #? ii /> , r.,? nl-fij ? Wril'* Jbir" a >in<'nrr?/* >; uti r //me. ;<, (At (Jutm ?llrr L"mmV hvnflt ihs I.'J thwa.t a. Xn(.art^rcauti tha Idindoo A/ioi t4a uthir day, naVi flamfly?f'Ai'^ WUI ajain barn tba rulaorthaaato, unto r "nritoaad analch U Crotn larr by aama uidorlunaito toc?v laril " Iha <.aaa la a**n to. Scitac* la at ' accl Inat" ad a "fc ?rurtuo?" tn taflau'i a n.ialo. t.u.a. ahaij a ?u;icr.0ilal by tntaba' i tha jmnrr of muraia, aa dB bar UM lltval "b-itrntou" ?md b*r vi rlrrn " i i?k aia ' Wkiuia t in ?? laf ami air in pbyalca, bruO'l 'y an ai iblrnl ?b?o /I aftorla bar ? tua aivn.ti.s in t'ia 'v.ika ?f jmru1# Tbia pa iloaao"ot egoiu;>r?iian4 It aa a fruit of rational aiudy and a nacwa parf taa ?!! of p nml d-ra 'P*naut an-l bauca (hair a JlinalK'O lor Hia ' atparlmantal niath il." I?r fn-ally. at. **a an Inmrntll n if tua K. gllab faulua, ma i in tu 'l I ba i-#. ?r could male > oua <-f In* diaoivcri-c ?hi t taa btoi an* plan a- t*ati <*!i io;,o !? fi??* of 'A'hai b# a alii in'. Ha? icc?a ad but by g- i nuf ut bi i barard IM hf 'a h,on i i' av uc ..a it waro at .tin I inao'a b 'IT with a tliof tmturto. 1J?I-I* obo tha in. n u. iha t i n r i.ty, 41 ' ct ftgtd W jrwti tb" pioe1*" ' ravaua.ruatiou of tbeaaryanithearlillary. Among th? naif 4 4,,^ ...out aattiuee" which u rmae.t n-b 4| hoi|1#> th, bm Rue.ii cotnh .not. bkd ??? , *, m..r?f.Uu m,.m. bo..? Tb..y coBstimied whiU ^ d ^ lb#(, u lM|r fighting Oummltuue, much as ce tain New York journals used 10 ko%> 4 .' editor " I lb* loss of this kr" vosl member Of the A.lm.rm ty Ktaff, an,,. b4vltlf a>?r?iy jerked things 01.1 of ui? ..Id routine. ai.d, whiie ? ? further light ud ?rmer footing were exiwok'd, has lull ail Kng'ei.d ia a "1*," or, rather In ? fluxion ibeoccasion was ?l on.'* >ei rd bribe dinirmiy and the government to return to to* ton minion "j t> ?,,f t(., Ubd b~ . ? "nK0 >f cmnis-fleJ to ma,.e ? rem I of abitndo^*^ With the NerriniJC, which to it 0 fngpsh ? u, ,k1# d, ,.f me new ib cry, ibis priu; as lbe> coll ,1. of the ledvl.Jp, b, lo,t on the Jam,. 1 river. c m ? to towni^t, ,b, obllvi u. 1 be mania of Ibis people 00 tb* subject of rortie>*e? w U: Oder the in mi Striking "Xamjde in 10 .deri, hist... y of the 7u?.a Dtiu ruli 7*. d rc, fri%* ,401,0! the uuclout prove, b lae hoiii,-. s.e.iaou ig o,nuplat..e'J of aa among the wore; of L^don. notwIllHHandiug the pr-aei ce ol the Wor.d H Fair. Hut the :aw a, m rruib. a mere English or eve.. a Londonone tb.oeareiew j^Jerroin tbeco.mtry. and arieuUilel, no foreigner., IL. prepa, an, ns m.,ds for three are .,1111# mehmcAo y |u tbeir cm a sioii ! meveioo to,. . wb.l .1 ^mnUlbu^g wm.iinSmtdectuh"* ""'J "Aobiiiou at the aemetine hilciieetui.l and gvatuit i.a ol me u me reve ti ? r lLWr *"*' '??"??u hour .f then time for th, 1 i> TV t. VM*0'* 10 eev tire wo uerevf t, e .ubm'muV W*r* l? ?H.r)lWUi. l?h.te, a. ? a , ilm?er#i extra po.Wwucn p...ocdou duVt .u e ^ vtHu'^1^'"'^ hM* tbeiruui *o. r?, ?P ? V"*""n 01 ltou,r l""? *> the hiu- I an. 1 tb, u ''u ."ra "t an only on the at er nui b"r *u f T.i!,:.U"Ce ***'"* avwlJ'U a v .mont; ??,, eo,.|. ah. ^ive it k-her I bi me, Bll )lt C-.tuv to ib .-k tliat it ia ,h saO) * to do wilboui hew Jn* ^*rb ui? wr'?- wX" . ?*a h v ?> lioin ibo . i, in lCj| 0l lllw .1 -1, aiUi'emoi'a T S* 'h tb'' *' ' *''?idi..acy wi?-. tr. mb.e h, , . 'h?'J lwo w.-uio ? mm t., >t of l,or n i?L1 V' ^T" 01 tl,u 'u-rnwd anuounoe Vile return a dm- ia ,*, M ,Vo'" Hului.*a?o umdon, !sh.WM. n 1 " * ,b UM4ml "? ??*'? k> tbJ f? 1. .!'h '"V* netohly u.uiKk-.i as i.r?a?uu ibr? ,c"'u -u- *??*? K0 iarr< an.1 i..ini,B. ?? mg. ?b# will prs?b..bry le.o war avf^lo t" U" k lu;tto>'?'??d. bbe to evnl ut.T not ? r?? t, q .it her ca,oUl and ariatocr.ic\ , wnh meir WtcJ.u.'.i' noa- arid me.,.a, ba renuemt, lor the U'Aity, grace anu humor of tu go iiiouutain ?,tiu''i!i J '1 ."l u' "Uurn,i kil'*,' of course ^kook ng .0 I.114.1.,p nwKie.rty. I bey thui are oicKi .v e,. tur c ?I'.'crii m t?eir ?wil l0 jfly ttnMll?D ^ i,.r* eeiy prob ib y 00.1 out am m.l to ntuuh. i?.'. !",Vel'el '"t* edd.eeisrd a note to Oirdinai n< nt,a* L' ln* ^'Ul "'r41 " iVance lineiHig k> 11 alt, nu cha ge ii ,.oiuj. aud d.?aires that hia i.olmesa mail ?h m 4 U'e K-vernmeut of iZ Z^rZ " a iT, r Wk"U y"u lwo "r lolte.a bock ibeex .ltario., of tlie French nd fcjig iah ti.I iT n 1' ."er*1 ,lt" evacwtti. n <>| K.?,,e oread ,^#0 at tU? ^hat It wna dune tn ough mtor twLi t? T!T' g,UM *reK ve"i?'ed ce.iam f r- T h ^ , ' tlJ" Au*:-?"-|dUiish rti,.ture wun u.e the -h. i" i i5*X '? itK slate"?ebta tbeu we u that lu? Span mil bail .t ,.tfrfoci tAd^rtsUui iiux hi iii>6i.Jn v lo t tr..., au.i wna h intgbt be made to ri^u,i |,?7b" m' \ 1^5 I1"* uW ^ Vat i \ ?W." ,o ?. f^i. w f WM *6torn, er which the Eng. J . *"a gaaconadiug irun would be t2e vict,tun, an,1 that iar .-jtaoUU Minislrr waa m c?'uc?ii w 11Ia S^vleou. Aocorom^U th# n. pere o la-lev ni g ten us m t the whole s.adrid iiisbm ^ 1 ak" rt?u*. ot UP?" the EDrflUt' fvr ll,4,ir ^rvacbery rriia. ,v ^ ul prece ueuce, v^ilhuraf au H. re mju?i ihe "afterpimw 'wlh'j con^kTy' Ke. c':;r^ 1 f-P-" the French'1 .1^1 U r* lr* lT m lt4,! BO tie wi.b nothing but' that gioiy whicu is he. tlie bestoi go.d t aui.the etore, ? r.y to aee Liatt the Lonu.'n uaue-e r?,e*o2,' 'S m, A""TiCiui Press, and even ,r?m u,u. g ei#. menaces to i ra ce about this Mexican bu-iuese :.n"r Ti^^ r wr"tt,s"?? sen tt .t * ul 1 8h .uld regret Is, that Uie neon,? of ti.e ki ui thoulu.m tiieh p.eseut ciisis hot show a th.l r^M t?r.U gratnude. For **11.4 i# M Ui#j ,#c# in.jr# v#i |iul>iy uwr to t aurrv I Whh fl m CO fiiehce. They ow, u J l-'ai.ielh~l the Soutueru tilaU'. are hot at this in incut ?a ' uc, e,.u?nt ualioci that me le.fib.w; is not b ouen f.esent at, is not turned aud us lwo a mi ceuir.s_bi.-w York a,.d B.?iou-la,d m aihe b* u. Am r'ic its Vh w ?"'^ U'V" K ? Am rtc M ku w to lmve b,?n .eastule, Jf th?v were l?u.v *',r t'wnl'sm" !U { M ?,"1 '"? "?"?>?' keel nor M. rclrt *l^u J w,,uld do,. n the ' th'rl, ml' ?"uiiuler, Was, nist.-ad of ackue.viedging odm^e :rrr vtu p??" ^ ?..?# as.ur.ri r^rrtr?i.vJr w t""'y J" 1 ?''4,,C '"? i.naiu,ns. ui t the rower i '* k' *'y Hiii'Jo AHiefita a Lallan sliII h..ter.-dove. h.,i? lopniccrandtoavcht#. , V?B great oati -holcc ebrui,ou_yee. iVi'STi? u*r?o i*. 1 c.i, si .. "? K U ??' hincb at c ,oTts. 11? fat,' >"> by the luuair,,., lusaa-ah-od ne a 'n.T it10' ' "* 'rt "r V ,u ue d n i he s .r,,.ised It you su.hici b,;-.r eome ^ r m..hiog,?l h.? h ivu.g been ,, w m . , I*??i > lOil AA4 ll I)...a a. . . 'lU H 4,4 iw laT o, u/.cl;'!:* ?r"" '"Nay"0 tr* th:,h hoi; emir lilo.. ' cle, were^now r,. ant. lent not Very that be w>, ill no, bo the sucoewor. 1 Iteming went be c till,lot ly hi the ha. d* of Nmetleuti. And whni a cump HRent C >uld not thi-pru,o..iid sUtusni iu h ,s r inhi ?? at tsiice to Atnenut au.l to iIm wretch d Ji .eh. who t.e or l.a.i not ouiy not u Pope but not e\eu e i a.diaa , o a y t4ibh*-r inoe . f.>r th tr taisUicil tiuolity tha* t? he trafkeke. lu by one and to b* tuad* kltiu o by Bil. A Tosh u.j .b.i shopkeeper, reel ilng In front of St. Paul's eliurcu, ba.- Just bad hf, iw . y -ung and only (duldien oolaotsed to death by th tr in the . lias, how* ever, ts noihiiigBi all auMtiing it, iondon ctuiu murder by m it .er- is a . every day occur, ence. What I tture lo ? nienit n the 1 .ci te..t tor ie tbie : 1 I c.b, the It-, se where ib t eo.oti .r was hoi hug his Miqoee'on't.e murdered ctiKilren. Ami seeing a crowd at the shun win. we, winch were ii"t m,-ie.v ..pen, b ,t oecaed olf w tti all then show of b .uiieU, aliaw ts, man U ,a?, 1 *tu|ipe.i t<> B-k a well dressed man w hat it waa Bll, Onoetri. g ol tho preset,ao ol the i j gue-i 1 as ail if il weio taw-ibis tluti llicy couua .ed kus He answentd with a einlla, watab w as ap, a reuity ,i my aim,.licity, that the sh"p "took In mora oi owy -in a the ac> fdot.l liuypam d than It probably hao f >r ?v >al tnooins oe ore TbM characters t>c ta-Mts .t rcuihined ii.e of Horace lire, ley, who, when ar rcatod hmm all or aevea yea*s ago in ra. is, ?u otier.-i by a na..d of tnl .e. who dt-ala extensive,y with America, to t> come I,fa bail for any amount. "N >, BO,' said tlo race,"I will go to prim u. the thing will add ten thou sand to the ci ? 'all,>n of the T Anne." tlo the lisiinci u, t.aii.jng tn even one'* own miatortnnea ia not, yen see, B Yankee, but ail Anglo-saxun talent. (tar PmtU CorrrapondcaM. I'M*. m?t IMS. 8fta?+m A'rti from Bmltimorr?Initrumtton ? Tkt $U dilb?Mr. Sowara'i Ltlirr?Oyminy uf the ,svuthorm I'orlA?lt'Uj uhU Mosul)? T\r I vny of Kinpf?MiirW mm* ?/ fAe fVuart?J'nneu CMKmit?Jf. Ingrn?AY a H odrml rtf, Jtr Wo abudd tie left aadiy la the dark .bare la reiaiieu lo .-OmUiem victor**, and ahould never how llw arn.lse uf lienor eg i'if trarjr thing >oi Utu ?<-caa*l >aiets In Haliimure to g.olleuien ortlie eauie periiuMioa ' to Paria. Aim-at every mail wh en bring* aunt af joy to ua, and wbio* ia flmlied ever in# ta'tfapn wirea a day uf two lief., a 0 * letters and oawa;>et>ora <1 It raa> h u?, b ibti wub it also inaaa aacaaama ep mi*e fioin del tliaura, iu ntuJi lha at >?l rilae a b. b ara uot too aboard art pubJ.aliad id iba /'a na. and tba "plnw in Urn ?ei asem iriba baro, .vim hail hul.ate tbaiu. ara ra.aed for a faar hours, and m. n slidaira eioogaiad fare oborUaa occasionally , and b? du,i? <>ea ?if iboN'-rili and a donthorn genliamaa wbnm I baird ?ay an m n ha ago lb it tho real of war In ilirea monlbw wnii'd ireoafa rag l .'i iiaylvnr.ia,a few day* ?>o a univla gel hi iia ih?i mi no i foieign Interference 1 hero it mi b re for ihw raimlw I ?we thai ibara levma to be a general impraer ion in lb* United Slates that lbe recent oiei ?helming ?4 teruil of lb# .Soul!.urn purls, would effectual y des roy ibe idsa uf InieTvi.Hon on ibe i>arl of Prance end England. Tti we who think so would bo uud#. eived by an boar's residence la Paris, and au vi porou iiy of conversing during tb.l time with lb# pa lisiss <>f ibe 8 Mb . suit tbeg forget. too. lbs es soin turn wbl> li. in relation lu us is mulattos, #?> ins to bav t IhH'il Uiado ai (U# beginning 0> (he governments of Europe ib tegard lu our war and ibal is (bit il moil tusvtlal.iy cu i in aoparalMin. Vow. the Moalhern parti s.ins sa , Is ibe very I line to In lor. ere. The North has SbllWB I S e.n-.-r au.l til# '-..?ll UlnSSll has anStelueil ns honor, kil l ill* -o ut'1 I? ti-iair ueisri""" Itl/llUI , * I t t w ? ~ ? . mAtr.*4+'*' I lion to t ^ NoriU *ou, ?n eccoiiI?uac# i viHh out Wigmai >n m.i separation niusi i-nsue. IB | lb. inlasssl of cotton 'irsi slid humanity aiiorwa d, IM , ub.iben, ibis larr. ilis is oomin m oouve.-itiinu 1*6 e, and m v . and b.i aids a o mil working like betVSiS. Slide land b>s faintly, by ih- way, tuna re -'ii y b esuieo uis.ant ailsirlants at he inur. i: g ser, ice ? ib? Church ot bl. Phillipe do Hume, the i aihuhc churchm li e ariaiiw.auc ,u irh of ibe Kaub log St. II -u re, wliMW is the tavurile worshipping |d c.< of thai ex en wry and piims lady, the i'ru.. v.-# U. m . ? The '? An ? Oh pel" is within a si lie's ibr * o ibe " Ainh is-adoi's" re i rme but lu mr any e* bis I a. ti ll) liawe ever yet tlar kewdits doora; ?md wr bably it Wet JioUH k prays loo eovpieiitiy and ferix-atly ior the snppr sen u this i chc-llk/ti to anil the " suscep libi Hies ?.f ibe robot mi later. ?be publication of Mr. Sonard's circular, slatr g ibal Bi mors fmOigii oif.ceis Count be rocelved m our army, save ibe M Ulster uud Con si hue# oo small d'-g ns of labor. K"f ibe past y,a sea roolya week ins passed lb i Mr. I'ayioa and Mr. ig low have out re, elveit at lu si a .ip pUc.tilubs trued if out oinc*r? entree In ac ml service or re tin d, who were anxious luge to the Lulled etau gaud take service n our urmy. Hnsin.-s- at Lyons is alrewdy said tube looking upon sa c unit of d*> opening of Un outlinru pons, uud h|. ready a slnpi dug ?.?. < iu I n n- b ,s "put up" tjvo .-hips, one tio n Havre und th -oilier iroin Uordeu x, to sail t?,r New u. l-iiiis iu the niniulu of J ne bb,pinelim, how ever, will uul bo liuge, as inercunnis hoileur l.mi oveu weru llie people inc mjd k. buy, the detu.i iratv orin.ioiil tuts anno uceu that li U occupied in prep.. I .g by oij 1 inacy the a. ? itngem. ul ol luciiau ailiii s, and tnat the e is rs'iconable uope of s.icce-i-i. Tins, auU llie recent ueiermiuod acli 'U by the ltali gi isrnu.eut iu Hi, u.lM s ut i ivsc a, the cbahgec made lu Kmna by llie fchi. aror Kapnleou, tbu rol' .sal "I' the Vienna Cabinet lo recelvellN . ojieai Venice as woil us i.s refusal to pornul bvcoud, who would huve ma le il t i. uoad Utianen Of lue llaiiau cuntc-r revolution. U. reside ib i o, uiay lieuakwii as pretty g oil evid.nee thai a g??d uu Uo.slandiug exists between ibe trench and Austrian CibiBuls Op u iliose ni il'ors. and?in view ol (be . voeiu dec eiepmeuts III nie ir the currasp'.unence between Lord J. Uh H ihso.I au 1 mr vvyke, uimn the krencti p li> V m Mexico?may weil io ibo belief thai the eleva. inn of ibe Ar.lnl ke Ma l nlliau lo tbo Mexican Ibr- no is the pivot in uu wblcb llie nell.oineiii of Italian allairs turns, if ibis l>o ibe ca-e, and llie Emperor ?'I the 1'roi.cb sees in such u curse .he unit o,>p?riuiuty fur tl>e final air.i. cement of this voxel que.-u.>n, you may re-t asstued that bu will Hoi abandon bis Mexican do ?Igus, but Uiai roioPTcemcmis will bo sent Out a. d \i xici. c u.|ue.ed. Already a prospective war wiiu ibe Cull# I r tuioH u|>ou this ip estk-r. looms op, a"d its wxiei t and . net. ara already s .bjecla oi serious discus sion amoug m uic.l men. naid i'acti.i, ibe Egyptian Viceroy, who baa beun roia forco ' by the arrival u bis p. Ivute bind of forty uiuhI ctar.s.accompauied by twenty gypuansaRora, wboseau r lot a cob i u mas are .liftrcni Iromaliose ul ordma y "Jack tare," in.ike them ob ects of attention in Pans, goe-i to Brussels in a duy or two, tbenco be goes to H Hand and In,laud, und upon bis return here will occupy too. au. ieut chateau of Louis Neuilly, which he b is taken for the summer. It is s dd llial one ul the ob jects of the Viceroy's visit to : aris was to c.msuit a -mi ol the cek-bran d physicians here U|>oo the best pr- cess by wlncb be could grow lean, aa bo is threatened with beooini g enormously fat. The Court wiil-go io Kuotainblean on tbo 7th of Juno. In the beginning ul Ju.y the Enip ror and wi.l tak>- a tour ui A.velgae, (be district which turn!-in s -til Ibe chaibmi uicr ?water carriers?and cum mi luna r ,i for Paj'is. The Eiupiess will tb n rei .ru to bl. Cloud to be present at tbu ?zccouchemeiu of tba Princess Clotilda, which. In ibe ii dmary c- urce of events, lake place toward the end ol July. Tbe Emperor, not being wanted on that ? cession, goes lo Vkil? in tbo lot rest uf bis liror, wbiub smoking a dozen Segal's a duy a.,d the good diuuois at the i'ull.eri.'S have rei.ue.ed a lili.u torpid. Uauerul ih.ycB, Com. i Chasieloup lumbal and M Ingres were iwuji i.i asticuatuis on Wednesday. The iaa( g. eat puiuting of Ingres?'-Christ am ug tlie luctors'1?was |.u chased by t ie I- iws.-ror for 150,000 fra cs, and is to bmputcod ib tbu ga.iery of tbo 1,- vein bo rg. Ibe new broad avenue v/n i h was c it through a c rner oft) i garden of the Luxomli mrg, an-i,w Inch itjiju irci lue db'| iaceiBeut of the be.tutiiul "KoiiUtilia de MeulciS,' un 1 wb.. b now unites the Hue s'aiipiraid to tbe Ho ilevard PolKislopul and tbe Kua Soutftol, is open to the public. Tim tin per r, with his Ame. lean boisus and open ouggy, woh a single aui-Ue-cuuip, in citizen's drvss, drove over Uie. u and i- ok a look at il day l.e,o. e yesterday. Tawo, Miy 30.1SC2. Vneasitieu of the Cabinet Re-jectin'j Mexico?fifties i,f GW M ir'tlity in tke Army, ami LiftL lidp fruvt .11 Monte?-Vujrolaon't Culcul-i i.m of the WeokMS of the Ifnited Stiii s?llopts from fCeUi Pit tor Us?Knylnmdft Policy in tie Mock an Qnoiion?OoalMesi Uetasxn Mng land and Fran o?2 he Fro:?. is of HFti i-,:n in-t, lie., Ac. Ike French Cabinet U aorely tried by thut vexing Metl dau gut-tain. tu? Emperor la unwilling, nay wt.l dot gite up to..* pi t i lea?rha|? ye..ra. b'it now itaeeme us il?ough tvoekh,i>erijMps d.iy<, may aoitic tbe fateoCthe ill advieed aeceaaloolata, and rruUve lean you alii then luteriere with bar, and abe feeie that a in. would thou be overmatched, and that thu ip:ead e*g e mi. bt tarnish the gtori u* colore oi the now mmvabt oalllucuca. At It.iai such we.e tb.i bare etpre sen at the met Council oi Mii.ietera by altnoat all hi* We.e-iy'ts nd\ iM-rs. Ho liS'ened in m ence. gave no aigu o. aa.-ent or Ui.-ecni, and none nave ltten-ed know ahst may 0. Inn nn?l determination. Toju.tge In wever iroui the lent tout targe rein o.c.meuis are to be Bent out to join the ox|wdn on, otie miy c bin Majesty intends carry ug out bin ? ..tea. It m to,yea krrt, and rumored, too, that Deaurev ird ban cut Odkinii lial.ock '1 ioroM to pi cos. rtwt neural He .elan la trutnemiounly outnumbered. ami that atio ud he uieet with d. feat the smitu would Ukb be mufr |?>wortul than ever. Tu ir v.clori iua armt?a wojld nun cu into Washington nnd theie dictate a glorious peace. You sec what a Hue prog amine the Freorh aym, aiumeia have fcnafc'.ncd for yur adver iai lea. The r.ui|*ror .\a)H tee France l ike p>e ranee and hatee tha Iwtted Sui ag ug word to Napeieuo. *' lo In. Icinona, and g< I llwrodgu.y aquee/.ed, ' la the resume of tlia Ames an ii ie. Y 'U will, on dieilil. have perceived that the 'ynuom fiinwitoUt and It alt continue their advocacy of the ca .ae oi the No'tli. lha acini-dlicial oiyans itre in iii tti u e>i r b-wti.v in lact.iheyaie m atupidiy a*j aa t> oauafth i ewa cede. At ihe preaeut moment ther* *xiet? a marked roolnee! beta* en the i abiotfig of St. .taiuea and the Tut1et .ee. Ihe hni,?*ior is incensed to tini tnat r o#?.m i hue in< e Imtueuee witb Spou than himself. Pe.haia bia miud revert! lo IM4. lae a.iihoi ltie! here art dead net Hgnlnst Ml-ea They have lorbtduaii hla tiboUigraph to beaold. \V intimity no aaaaas. The nnaocler ia oif to M irseiliea, >n nmU for toita aotitoOi IU. Where he goee to get aouie an uiulio. a of lieitui n.ero d m lura. ihe bo .ther.ieii hare are at present hard to find. They a e man u cloud. Should the (lerutth rumor turn eot la lae they vt ill no deubl vamab. r*aie, Way 30, llflj Joy of tfi* Am-rxan Vnioni/U and Swan AI moot So imt?Smpt.riant Chans m the I'ulJic .Sentiment of hemtr?Thr IS myeror t Piatt /'royrrsi in Ann Fc-vU ? tnq.and i halation J rom her Old Frond??Fear oj All Partm of the P of th* t'/iUed State.?Apirachinq Aw'uenncit ol Hit Prtmeu CI nth tide? Th' hat of the stoat lam - The Prime of tfoira ? rpeeled?fJ nr. aUi't fifn Pati Hon. tfc Ala let enta there la no niirt.ka now. The earth quaae voice of victory which b?e bounded over tha wa?-? ' f itee Atlantic and 3.'hid wkk unutterable s>y the heart! oi all true Aiae Icaui dwelling withm the bo dera ol Frsuae, haaad ncwi forever thote ineidlous whmpers, the object o wdicb was Id rob the g >varuuient of daab pigP'ti ol Iter m wt atored prlvl cge?that of placing tie heel on lotil disloyalty and rebelli .n. At the tltllaga r. achai ua of one after another of tha Conftfderata atrnt g pin aa tal I 'g be o e the federil might and right, the eitiMna of the (,'nlt?d States were aoen rushing into ea< h itber'a arm*, while teara rol eg down their airoug, nr,n v che#*-, thuy laughed ai ud with a a rt of hvsie u; etuH ilkm. N? kuigor d > w# near the South i grn jwigot railing iu every eauker'e talon ee sod Stars?draws near, and Indus lit* diminished basil wbsrs lbs sounds of iriuinpb can no longer vex bla oars. But apart from lbs psopla of iba United Ststea 11 Is hs poriaul to know wbsi Is now iba feeling in Kranoe. Surely never, except in the alisoluie drama, did the face *>t things cbange so rapidly. Of i.,le no one could mingle much In udl'prorm*I circles, listen lo the by chat of ^'luumaliMe, or eveu raad ibe four''bi* |q P?f.# wiLlaoul cmma to tlioconclusion ibal uu.e*? (;B|twd Slates g >? ?rUwi?nt Si eried its predominance by fouio over wb 'inn a tout of anus, sp intei fei ouce wua contemplated thai wo |d have Revere i forever ibe uiu e United tw.Vee. "(tod bulpa ibur* who help ibeniselves," you b?.'ve made your Words that, Isfl al.iue, aud frse lo use those weai on* your own laws bid pUcol lb your bands, you were ei ou. b. and in,re than enough, t1 put down Qlty ail. b rev' .te as llils. Frtuo? now acknowledges lbs right you bal to nial.u tbat l-na t. and but one sentiment Is ii"w b'i j?uaiueiy, bow to turn to account ibe burn ing bovti.ity which can u wer cease, she believes, to ex tat on IP* part of the t'ui e l States ug Inst Ureal Itrit tin* Men Kay, heboid another of those visiblo inierimsi thui* in favor uf the second empire which has attou led th ? "b ding hi* tune" of Kaooi.ou ITI. It u cd lobe averred that such w .s the nam al synv.nhy beiwrea tli-j two KC seated families uf the Aag u--;i.\un IOC*, i disc >rd sin uld ever b.e k u it between Frunce sii i England. Sue, loo. would instantly uui o tu crush Fi nice u* a common enemy. Kven the m it determined Atnericaus?the stroi geet Brlti-h na?er??wuuld a,.tf:iow I dge tba. a. u.i st Ki g and, in a .-ir ggie lor ext-fiuce, against Fia. ce It wo .Id In- impossible lo drew tliu s\v .id. What a v bongo is mere u w. America can hive no gr ilyo aiiiiuisl K. auce fo li e |iurt sue has iayo.1. >ho kt ows ibe dm,culm s vrnh whi b Na oh on his had lo iv tend K.ncu iho revo.uiliu le-to.-u . ihe !m orisl > s u. t able to bold ilk own. Fra ce m si nut, on the sc out. go to ibe wall. Hut new Unit Am .ca b? su wu bar ma vein,us 1 lower, the rclau U ? be .. n pier end Fi assume thui u. mil C'.lKliti u. France, bow .er is b un 1 io con em-date that l ower In a very dt - r til to that of yore, it >* u i i-uger tba , eaccful tra.i lug couiriv nweulih, slumbering tt us s retigth e uo tant lo e.hibil anything inure pugnacious than a growl w hen l.rilated by passing gad diss, hut U'. rn n r.- n rag ? lis te.ih set nut! bur ilgn spring ovl e.n'cd by every luuveiuei t. To such a nai lou Fra ce bus I u< to St.'etch tut) g ad h.Uld of fellowship, and the Lipid of 1liglaud lies a palpitating puwcuvss car. a.-e uii i,s o* u i el d'.-. There Cannot he a doubt of it. 1 lie "oil i y of Ic i etfd? All! n hue at lasi I ft her with ul a sin kIv>wu tuo colossal u .try, the tre uicUdons annus, nay. more than ah, Ihe unuying hatred oi Amu u.a, N.-rih .-uuth, T. is is now. 1 say, the topic of general interest an t ciiveisut.uii bei e, .aid it is no longer "What Is Frauce to do about the So.thorn c u.edur. cyf" The President s punoiccemcul that he b ock do is no more, aud Mr. be ward s, that no foreign oiticers lie d trouble them selves ab nil olle'lng a sis.anee to America, bus givsu s woiiderlul turn tp our ci ll.hpnal am.isvineul. While hi tbi-i subject 1 may ?s wen state a fact not uo worth, of not#, which is, it is an enure mistake lo supiuse ihul the d s.R siiiou in England lose ? 'h, repub lic m America hi ..ken up into sections is c nQue.l to a ! a, licular t lass or mini.-try. TVure Loid Pulniers on's aduiinis.ration brukuu up to luuirow. Lord's miiimtry wouid re u eseut the s uiie hoeti ily. Toe.? is a mighty dread pa .g the English bourn gen. raliy tust America is ^ r?wuig l o loruudsb s lor the Did Coun try. Hitter words have bees utleied i u b -tu sides, aud being expressed hi the same touguu, th ir .siAiiillcuiic? is lielter Liidcrsioisi than wlieu passing through the t.iuis lutoi's Th. r ? Is s pretty general Idea through ut the country (bit ail this are. rug in England has m cb more to do wub y >u tuau with France, aud thnt corns to a tight it will socoor or later. Lung ago Mr. liume sa.d In ihe House oi Commons, ?? H i( s i hmnr? yat haor. tu /tar, (nit Jui. lam! of fr eao.n beg nd the Atlantic aud bis words havo uevur he. n foig..t'cn hi Ktrgiaod. And If you have eny <1 ubt alio ,t tie feeling which is to |>ei vade toe next Engll. i. U.: Islry, you haw o; Iy t-i . ei<-r to Mr Lyttou Hulwer'a speech (himsed lurd lie. by's Colonial Minister),on tbi p.ue:iect8 oi America last year. Hut, in fact, flit'iAtod ss lam here, 1 have opportunities of Si eing stafsmeu who rcprs.-ent oil parties in England, ties ides tliu letters wlncii 1 receive from peisuus ino.e immeiiatciy bs onging to ilie middle ciuscv; aud from one a d all'I tltid b it one sentiment?that the gieatest good which could liap^m to I upland would bo toe total d.sruptKis of the Ani mciii repub ic. It ts easy to nee that lbguund by do means approve* of iii* c<. Hiuci of r ran. e iu MexiO .; but, us matt..ia maud wiili you, eli ? dare u..t utur u word. Ilie ace-luchsnient ot the IVinc. es notb, do Is exp eted in July or ihe commenceinuul f August, aud the Eiu p.ess, wis. has from the "iit~et i .ami ved|ibe kiu.lest md aso t iat in its rcidMhs with they -ng Inu.ess, will he w it.i her at -1 Cloud on unit lulurching oocasu u. The Frli.cens ( loib lie is an. liter ol' the many i..siam es of wo uau sgc . le eucevnibu ru.gj. na u u ol man. i/h ! I. women wore .. r-ihow happy wo .i.i t. ey be t.i ret up for ih or rr. -f ibu willow aud not the ? uk . for tl is by be i.ll g to the blast,and not r *isil g il, t"ui ib-y b>! ooi.'ub. oiu e uixsloisol u slauhu u sob. M l, u P, mc# Na ...vii l.Kik t..i? i.iic.i'suug t Uild from her fathers house, aii wlio knew ih i.iimor il halius ..i .ho in to, hi* tu. i',i.on: yet lick e urn .' tu l t is ???neriil scura of in j* i s so ft ..lticL .ml eebier sex sxp'.rt, Ii . .l up (Iiuir br.nvs und lion..: Ii. di-uiay. ihoc mine ceuivnt of In* vroil ii e i. a t i Iy c nil tn.ito ? f t . ir anrst lesrs. lie ii. v. r lucko with a..v or lus foruiur ti'i*nu, but b . ari i go might ??.? en < g,;n an I Uuy ut ihe d ur of woiii ii of ihenio-trca d ..s live*. Ho was never seen at ho., e. ILs lather po hu tnod tho rule of a I eliding tuo i line i* In | ublic: a. d the poor thin , s ?die .imve P; , ur tic-re cm| a-sionate . tti.ut envta i by the lr. unities*ul who peivd at Iter. Idu.a By lutla bar vlr s,her pi ty.ber tiuwllw- ctu-iiy, hu fotuiittneaffability, to cv. ry one wlto approach. d, l"?g tu to endear h*r t> the houris ofallwiib.ii c iiCito party, t'nort Nupeltnn win mo o M us m.' ? ?b nunc ii\ the i.dii of In* iv ixv till m !?' 1 h'it uira: I tins is Icy n her strength. Ih ? I'ri ce, (rum ttie reiy first, a mitto.. to hie ii.tir.Mtce t atheievo had and never sit" M hire cut military teleul; ?. d 1 bettersH it a always hoe.i w ith ill" grott' et re! rtviee th-it be h.i? ever lOund a maisMti'i l'o ee l tpm turn. Yesterday was t o Feust of the Ascension, and all Peris preseute i a rellgtco" ae< ct of tlta in at tiu,?>s:u?< elup-m ter. F-otn an early hour Hie chore OS weio Ihrongod.and tbr without the day all the Bp*, adore of th.- itotuoiii rltnsi weie oxh hits I, to Increiieo the devo ti >n of the faithful llie Madc.etue, St. H-s-h, .M Kuetace end Notre Heme vied with each nth?r In the maa: Itlceoce of tbeir liar worship and their choral har. m*uty, luileed, throughout the whole month or May the Chlholtc church-e l.avo echoed wi.h divine ? tig* in h iter oi the Virgin, sermons laudatory of iter character have been preached every evening, en eluded by anthem* end chral hymns, In which the bigliest triumphs o' nn-lody anl ha wers displayed. Thacbu ches were always cromded to excess, and noons who witna-aad the external reverenee dts.daye.,1, coal, doubt oi in.- sincerely r?. Igloo* foe. nig thsl p? va les a very large port in of ibti populace My own ee to sustain himself Willi the assistance of forsign bayonets, and ax be does not wish to be eatirely dependent ui>ou the French, and the troop* of hU brother, the Imperorof Austria, arectlaerwise employed, It would be very convenient to have a cor,* of P. uaslane to assist In garrisubh.g Mexico and to pro tect him against bis subjects, and perhaps agatoat his Allies, lr SMk sro his calculat. ns and such the raissioa with w hi. It General Mb ami* Is charged, 1 am afraid they a-* doomed t disappointment. Ibo King oi Prussia will assuredly not send any Iron,e to lliilca, and for maoy reas- ns, of which It will s .dice to mention three. lu the brst place, the Prttselan tiddlers are not mercnsriee, but chlldten of tbs soli, whom the King has no right to ship oil beyou.t seas, even If he was disposed to do so, wim h he ie not, especially to a climate which might be ruinous to their bvaith, and would be em >? to spoil their unl tornis M "Ddly. notwithstanding ih# Joint action of Austrln MdPruee afr the Hessian business, the lb# doings af tbe European Powara ia Mexico, and that any foreign troop# that may happen to ba there at that lima will atatid a rary poor cbanca of ever finding their way lioma again. Tlia Culled States Legation at Berlin haa notified I ha foreign minlatry i*^ u,# po#i office aarrlce baa beau ra. a .mod bciw^j York, Now Orleans audthaothar p'acs# heretofore occupied by tbe hu-urgeut fotces, bu\ la which lha authority 0j jJ,, radaral government has been W eg ahhsbrd; also that a collector ha* been jp. hi New orleai a. and me ihnee trksn (i> moiiny V* ? blockade so far a* lo permit shimn?*uls to thai and ail.or p.ii is under certain restrictloiifc ru# endiuous will b *p cit ed in a prochtiii'iilnn of ibo preaidout. I'lie Ilsesiau diilcilty, which for a moment assumed aucb a menacing character, appears in a lair way of b- ing a lon-ted, without ev^n lottdu g to so much eilusion of bl od as it did in lo6(), when tbe whom 1 -i of I'r- .avis, w ith'.ha except! u or her repuiatum, coosis ad of one h .re el mortally wounded on tie lie d o bait is. hie lline a new II o oil is nke y to ba avoi ted, nllbo gh a koCi-nd unautx ia by no means luipoisdi.e. Tho Kederal lief. having tod the motion of Austria and Prussia fo ? tbe re c lab lubu.cut < I' ibecoi Htuinion of 18M1 the E'oclor, af'oi a good deal ol tall talking alsmt bia firm 'o e initiation never to yield, and to i.asceuu from Ins throne rather than capiti lute with the rev. lilt ion, hut boa ly cared in, and consented to rrp ul blasham d a ? ter.and restore tho legal Institution# of the coumry, which he hud ulHilinbcd with ih? cotinivnnca m.d sup i'ii l of the a.iTiie Ibet ihiluoivc nipc-ls luiii to reintro duce thorn. Ill -woo a affair shows ll e immense lore# ucpiired by publie opinion sin e that ie i d; lor there van Don d .ubl that the mai nly ih Hio i erman govern ments are just as a. spoli. ally inclined as ih y we. a tl .ii. mol if they aro now hid cod to " turn ih Ir backs ui.<>n th. iuselv. s," It Is ceriaibly n.-i own g io remoree tor their former ended, b l to crave i f ar of the spirit which is now ur> need tlro.ghi'Ut y wl 'h t>. toko "litoti,according to Die amended law of 1 Sib, while I'rossia and .he It ml would p.' IV the orninal, I ss deui cratio mode of e.ect on; h i as the liv.o>.au people arc res 1 ed to have a I o noiliing, and th" invire t.le t. naol y with win h they have hvld - i.t cn j. u.u.h nioie uu.avor.ihle ci.coins lances is a sulUclont nr. of ihai the) wi I noi ea ily give way tu the pr seut ina a ce, I1 may he p ee med that u'ier some lnxuuiion and iwi ha s one or two mo/e el.wtl lis i n or p. test, thiaroncta-ioi, wll erect.rally be ma ?< to i.o u. aa well as the rest. r ,e ralb-f.cii n ilwuiui tied by I'rufsia for ihe insuliuig tr< at col of 'he in s auto/r i h hy the Kc. t r has not yet beer g ante r hut In spile of the concentration . f I'm slan tro.. # on the If ? si in irotiiiei. Hud the reiter led us uiu ce ol ilie go y r me.ii prints that on a. ch a d a .ch a day thcr wiU aclually er ss It. 1 hardly thmk th t r fus.u will he nwdm-om Wi, The -ai sficiiou rwpi.r.d by I r .Mi is nothing more than the Ois ui sal ol the I'os-iaii ters who were pre-.-lit at Uie interview h twecn l uir ni ster and bene a. Williams: and aa tbesu gei th mm led the good sense to ..Her their losKnulmii It does not seem llkoly that the Ele.uo wi.l p.-re! tin denying bis royal cousin so irid.iig a favor. A Merlin paper" wittily remarks dial the lies Siuu ministers a s treated itkc the ?' whipping boys" iu ol en time, who we.u H gged tor ihe peccadiil ea comnuited hy tha young prin-ea with whom they were breugbt up; b it ill s is in strict con f'o-mity with the const ilutloiial tyt'ein. Ac cor nig to this the King . an do no wrong, an i all his lollies and crimes are 1 n?! to the accoust of Ins a Ivi-ers As lor the I'ru-ssi in "wh.piling boy#." tbey nr# In .jest as bad a tix as their Haas au c -.leagues Their p sitton iu the Ho-ae of which, by th# w .y, they have no sean except in virh e o tbuir othve, not on., of them having bean returned at the late election*? mist be intolerable t-> men of any spirit. <>i>e' iy op pose! or sacruiiv distntsiud by all l artles, lor even the fe. dais are dls,: ried with ihem or ass. ni trig io the redi.ciiou of the ?a' b.i'get. they remain aolit. ry and alo e on tbe ministerial benches, tits lious# ap- aranily lgo ri g their existence, sad rat one c n deecelidiog to exchange a word with thorn, except Viuke, whoso long expcciwl desertion of the lib.r <1 pany Is now an ttorom,. Islied lact, and who ovidcutiy aspi ss to l->rm a coiise: vative aumiaisiia:i<>n of his own into which, however, he will scarcely ahull s ch elemeots as tha ma oiity ot the s'onJ irhoy it Jahiu t is co:u oaod of How the agony of this unfortunate ministry will be protracted depends, of course, upon circutn stances, and u on tbe vacillating rcsohniona ol an lllui-tnous po socage, b..t no one bel.eves th. y will lie over the present aess.o . Ii is j nr ticularly nnticod M. de Ihsmork 8c hot) ha user, tbe newly npjs.iiitet ambassador to the*' uit o> ihe luileri s, had .Im std ily audio cesif the., rg pre. vi uh to his departure for I'aris, and th# fount It inflortf U all at on. e ie|N>riod t he In a delicate statu of heal h. as is of I en the vase w th who a e abo.i lo reti ? or'o be d smissod I'r. m office. If be should bo n e c I i the management of lortngn ..thin a hy, ?? d t'.e I to rah u.d or. in lorinlug anew al io ii str.-.iKic, w:th or uitho t Voudviheydl as Muiisie ol Kio-u.ce. wa may lo -a lo a great cl.a. ge in I'r .csrni policy, and as|~'ca ly oa dlsp.ay ui energy ?n her part I. winch the w .r.u tui? long been u aocustoiuwd: h t whether II sill have a b.indicia! e'b-ci upon h^r do. silo e >ii I tio . and lead to a iu? e l.bor.1 sy-t m ot Internal gove.uioent, w, to eay the least, exceeuingly prob. man cat. THE AMERICAN QUESTION. Effect of tli* It. bill ion on the Kliinnaci un'i (ubl.ii'l 1* Ik-/- of Knjil m?'i? lltin.l.xi Millions of Dwltu lot* Iinumt on Her l'.X|>ortM I.??*? in a i em ?? In t nil it t i'ottcy h One of " >%uii i ntar* volition" un.l "To Eiu uuiu^c luui. lnuiii nee," m. fn ill r II .use f lyrds, on ilie .'loth of May, Karl (lrum villk iuov I t ho hird rta nig of the Cunt1 in* aid In.aud K v.eoue li.ami m wigreview Uio inaikcnl con Kiiijl.iiiil during ihu Ha yoir. iv IliagtMnMi uliy i jon onal ciiu: ..cter of tlie >e?r, and the ,"C r.t rdtimry of llie I a tonal i MWiurt-.1i. In tin' colli mi > I III' a.1 dree*, to a v.-ry full Ir us , lie * ujl ? Ji n lug uio tan; Lii hj years the government t.u ad ?Mi y a verse nr.- instiiine* to NMw i with. tine y. ai "if pen a daci ml y lud harvest. an t next y ar they hml a a u a ba t, a, lining b n it ho bad a harvest, and ! a iti that .vtnt u.ii.A had Utn out* im< vaffue>aptin h ti d liai> a d i ? .i,? ra t, de do able t ? the ttilted Stat.w an.) a a > <; vpl.>ritb'e t th * rot ? ibe w?rl. ,11.1b oh tut bo. w reiticu'ui.oreiil r< i.dxiua.y.e wbl b n -t oaty deprived n* oi lite ani t'iy oi that fticie to ti on anry io on ui.tnCuct ircb, n t only ? , n. n h cii r "?n? in that e? an -y 0/ a nui of f'gO.hOn imi (f li-O, OtK).000,1, b UM ol'o. I' d til" o.tnii r lati lip <4 hoar v et#ry iwmt. y witb win. b we war. in ibe b .bit ?(tranaai ting b a ucm. Ik-ado.- tin* we liu i. a I'h In the ast tbrae yo iis, a w r with i blow ond a war it. New '/?a.ain, ar-i u gl.t the way lu which Pitrli mioin had p uvidcd lor lint demand ?na wisu and prudent. h uie extraordiiM y r?t"u ? ? a ??,o drawn u,. n to tooei the charge. 'Hie gove. ap.iii.l tl.e S|.inwb piyroe.t. tbe malt iredita, ana tbe roieyiuaut of advanced with leg rd to works, an I (boy diminished tbe in tbe .-xcbeq er to t'i MM),000 It ttb teaard to that dltnln itl c be h*d bear i .1 eery im.cb . h,. ? ted to, and l.< wus aware tbe i itaiicel or of the hx< b-.| nil not bio.soil t ink tbi* balance 1 rue. B it in on.* point i ? Mrvol be was a?? thoiir. (It. say, en tbu p rt of lite govern ueiit. that tlicy leit u tbcur d .ty to i>.ovidef<>r tlu a. ci ui piotectim of t'.M island,attd f r the gemr J da iu.?rii>a tb? est:m-ie ln..e*e wui, an-i lu tbe ,.reparations tor b entities in the North American pmrt. cee, b it dnd ot Iuk tbi?e two (fieat po nces ol exywnae, It wo .id still tm fouiM. tbnt tbe uxiwudit' ruef this yea. a* cotepsr. d wi b the yea e isdl-'di, sit -wad a redncaatn "f tldhM Ai, au t as " with ISOO-t*. a redoction of ilhiUMO. witb retard to lb serious state of t ie 11 lai.cet.cou.-! ier bit tbe ca..s s to which b lia t aireaty ad nia.1, unit o .a sidediiif more ,?r h*u ar.y tee st tte of tbe itril w?r lu tlie I <"S, a/uu uih-eh il ?*?? in a j/ic.| hi pro phn u what nit AI or tkt r>u.., ho couc ire 1 liist any at ue of the tine ces be, aud an .re ah ne con m It in st imis rU'ii ai.d m.?t (tent ah.e that tbe slate of tbe imauue* shot.Id be l'rce;y and opetcy .It c .a ? e<1, an t tint tuel' lor. pbijr- pbcu .l act c Ic utPitll) wnh the other branc.i of trie leslsiatu a in peeslnrf tlie rtearceWtaasuree To timt oxt. III. tu< relo.e na .vie d ? ith '.be aob.e earl tit .1 dtaciiastna was an essn y Bpoe tbe serio is state of tl.e flounce*: but ir t e> w >e to attach to tbe w rd sai k?u? iba m.tuautA 1st the Acetic ? Wo. ? In an atariniU( . tatw, ho en.lit not Ciller into tbe :e In? ol d s ...udat-cy and alarm (live. , brer.) He believe.I H ha I boon well eaid that us' as wall a* ove: continence liad lie den co. ?uu w ho . u. o 'RMderod tb? ate a ol Ibis ? i.u.iy. noteill.etausiii, the f da>.re-akm la i ?ml eunepe t* o Y rkeline, when lie r ?*ulered lb - h>.n..flt tb.t h id rw ? .it. .1 from tec -esed'usr. i with Krwnr. The l-arl ot Caaaxe-oa, In a etndledepervh, erlttr red tbe aoneral tniencial |>oli.-y of tbe < bam elior <4 the l a cti. 'tusr. Ha oonioodr.i tiiet tbara bad beau sre it * t tbs tendency if Mr. c; ads one's ai.uiic.m policy was to d wtroy ibl.c cm rl denue hi?I U> eirike at iu? r ot of on oik: moral ty. V. it respect to the former uf 11 tree eb.-trgM he wo m u K tb dr lordships wh -ti er, under ibe n?. *t adverse . ir e-iMBliUicee tbtne bol 1 ven uny cni.sual flucliiatliih in the in.ids: ev. n during ibe late tii eaten,ug em.m i i tilhi * with the t'blled dtatcs, Whether tbo run-Is ba: not maieialBcd kehia steadnees. (lie r.ho r.y in 'b" nr. ct of th h#inOiflMwe ttpnn putioe tnnrail y, be eon cspvd lie r not nnd.-rpnuid Ibe try aiciit (llcai ) lie c d n d co h >w i ie?? u eel a rs g m b e c in* v ? l! e '? ct f d, ?ir ylng p h.ic m ruJl ,nd lie w ill I ttio ? r - dwell no lo . cr iiaue tne e Ijje t. Wbjr,?lo,Vbb,tiOO bad been e.ved by lu* peop.ewf tuts country for exporte t<> France. beyond ?lui wwl| bare b?-u rec<-l\ ed if thai treaty had o- l been enters^ into, tbtis going far to redumiwhse tha raaoufHCtut lug; dn-trtcte (or tbo loea aualameii by litem through.the ?i"'.! war iu -Uuerio-. I ari Gkbv laid?With regard to tha preparation* la America, be believed that that waa a measure of pro*, a d a wise expenditure of money. He w ? i ?f suadnd that u> th* ft tmj I prep irati a eau drat that (me for prnt bit hut' lit;-* k toon try ? v*,l il? escpe/roei 11,4,1 grtm nil imi.', of UiHff ten Iced u-ir Ji absolutely ??*M?ry thai the arm- a u , avy of this *r?nu* aho hi be muint tin ^ all Bn;Cie I ah'Ve, and adeq aie preparing gflOU|,i (>?? mode fo? .igfence I., care of war , be b-li-ved that ?ll^, iiiiinrr itrnn mv that might be d'tue at much h-se Uiau the pre <-m coat. Alter tna Inhiemah e tailure wh-eh mars-ed lite commencement of tie Russian wur, owing 10 the waul ?f good manage ment and hurra gbt. It ae-m e I i hat there had arisen a tendency to ?tmi oo the other utile. ?nd that line"* w?e uow a dlet-nettlm, In the main enance of both th* a mv tnd navy. to run to greit exp-nse in the end-a ti r to h vo everything ol a more i?er net character thar win actually requlri d. 1 hu (mice of Amur a. defending the ("hanoellor of tha E a h-qeer. ual !??TIip de lcit of laat year arse mauny from twosources, ibo fail-ire of cerinin branch-* ot tr do, and the large pro-mmtln wh ch waa made ros- t the pcsaible event of war. |te did not apprehend! It rv-old have been won red iha' Mr. I hidatoue could! have foremen tin- ?ci of ( upturn tV| It -e. or tb' outb-ealt of war In America Such emergen u-e II war imimssib.* to r-.ylde agnivM. Then, as to the am SHii-m of "aiiend thrift" expo ulitnre, h ? rmiitend.-d that eva y remlaoo* of ta e? made hv M .1 ladalono had fulfill d every pro mise that right hnnorsble genil-nian hud made for it* a -d with re Bid t the Errorh ir-atv. it had no| only been ir eful in placing otir re aih-np with France on *? more aa |u!ac'o-v fia-lllig, but hod given a stimulus I* trade in our ni n darturing ills'-n is, and in some in stance*- bad Imen ilie only *nh*tit t? for that employ* menl which Icid le-e-ned t he sutf ? inga oi-ctsloaed to onr tnannfiicliiring eov'n hv I * \iner can war. The Eurl of IP-ivy caul ?fin* 'he -hector the discus* ato w s not to cet hlbnie itt--n tine or thai government, but to l-ring dearly and di-llncetv tr- ore Parll ment and. th" c m try the e'Hs. nay. a'armlnc condition n w hicli, hv ?om" ner*"' e or hv soni" irieiia.ibe pnbl ii gnu res had he n ??need. The chancellor of the Exche rpier h mself had admitted thai i! e llirr ci-a of the conn trv ere In an ' nheal'hv , on't |.m. and thle bet"g so, surely t' el ler lrlups we c i>? fortlv r-gh' In conskle inn then- se? of th|e --ale of thing , and endeavoring'0 tin? a r tnedy. 'Ihe noh'lo En I in a iis-on to what had ra corn I ? i ia act In anollter nice, urged that ia eni| I y ng the U-nn '? b'o-i'ed arinHmenlB,'*' Mr. ('Israeli hfd on.y Intemlod to animiulvart on 'h? exc- sulre dime s ??on of Borope11? armam'-nt* "'nc- 'dly, and b? no m-an? to racomtnend *? C'i a red"C'um of mir own as in en-Ian er the defence of the emu try Ho ?aVI the r> 0-e Puke asks how lilt f a ceil >r of the Each > r e' wh n a-'-i i?-h tha1 .sltnough Mr. fi adstofie might not h .v? ?'< eneen the whole ex ?em of the 'vll, h- must at eaat bav? been cons lo' s ih'it It *?? a s-au- n wti-'n H was i-ofc me-ely hit h'v p ob-ib e, '"it almcat oe-tain that the'tr won'd bo a large additional expense for wh eh It washta d :fy to m ke provi h" rllear h nr.) He did not de> a- , ,n-( the result of the b d-ets for the last two vcara lash en as no one h d not sent 'u* ticlenl fnrre to rurisdn at the time when hostilities mlglib have h"k-n out thmich noboly c/mld very well h*.vW f*1 esee.'' thit an American cipt'i'- would have acted. "? his own government th man can s-tjr what mav be thai c n"0'irenres g \ e tne cj.tkd opd of"'axes in order thab I mav b? sble i/> meet i.ny nnervency Ihe H use ot roiiiiiic.a m.ght s iv?"rnduoa the evi-'enee of danger; ?how ns e- no 'hm ? which r*.pitr?? this IreT-nae of tax ation ; but til) hut w do- o.we wl'l wit givetoyo.'i" vagne ao-'relieiisions "f ila--ge: taxes w.lcb will dtm'.niab th reso eco-- nt tie \-e pi fllee-, hear.) I am con vinced that fa policy which lh-> itrace*t governmenb ha? fol o end ha tie -o -lie which, far To?n lendl g U> 1- c ease art- am tits. I its teniied'o keen them within m der te bounds. Rllear, he r.) T?? i* Hcti half b en. in i ? H tf c ac, owe of won Ht'enMW/te* 'he dm'ir ajfmr, // cufnf,. fan any on ? say that is an m/gr* ?iv - )>o'lcy; or thut, if wo had pr"|?*od to In'er- re ether on behalf of th* er Urns, or ot the nxlt ns which -l<- - sed th a* e rlgns, we sho Id n III t- ben more likely to in volve o ? se'vee In ? t:, e- a'! eve i- la preoa-athn for war, than we h ive heon while ra e oil e ' Slug tolnter 'ere In "he concerns -? th?? iml , n-lenee oje other rn ntrie-; 'ha t i. for the alrrn'a " "f F. tmoe nrtdf for he a 'r n'op o the ot, 11 ?h it ark infer nit nl na ioKe th till re eny if trwti . c e. )'> n "c prioiiere* orut its em teitilion. It t tint, ngnhi, e not a i rtuctt-le ttiat tends to r it is ii- e hi ?* i-ls to ooacg nnd to th* i? enerva tion of he rl.-hts o- everv nstton hy other c--untri--a. I m portu m QuiiiIuim to h? Amwrredn '1 he Ilritlvli l mi4*1 ill ( li.irlralim. TO THE EDITOR HP TIIK NKW YtlKR IIKKAI.D. In the ll mH if r? , I notice that M . Bunch, Her Brtlnuic tlua*ty'? Con Mil at Clurle Km. 8. rUIIRl Rirt Pttlaekl o. M iy MR* nip m led by Cant I.T'liF, Commaadar of Hur Ifiiluumc Slnias'.y'li atonm aloo|M>I war Can r. ibai iho wore te Wit ad with emitt ny and *R/ieili ?-d lb.- ?b '? wo k and* hiepcctad ilie Jan m pwet-tlwa with curb" a atlet ti n. ,Vc, Now. * i ,1 don't know any in i $ about Ca t. I.yona,. 0'>r ran I ion at pres. ?t any objnoiton in allowing tbi< oi on roan ? tor oi any fnrei.ii w r towi to vtetl any of oat p. rii- i en a turad frrtu ibe isbee; hut It ie ttm* that 'ho i ?i|ilo of ibcre I'ttiieil Slat** knew ?i;j 'bn Mr. Uum ta Itao rurh p> lv i e,.e*. ami a* onoof lb* pen le. I woulC als.i like to kn< w . tblioi?li the onll.mtll of Jioir f>H|?T? why ha ir mum U to hoj u ouOwul*.np at a I wnb Ini w, .- known sjin iiUili" ho ihe ien? .mur. rturleslota ie tuv IntOie, and tbt* Mr. Hum h i* vwt well kii"Wn t?i me. In the ot ii.t u I the art e * ? nttkbi a* ?*.l tnv Hot It.a.runiiol, .'ell. D . i* .amy oil e rebel Roar, to in ? nil W'llh C .1IO nail llttOO tha Ct act o the 0 Iti'tB d tn-i i u that or any othOI recap art i rt I firmly be lli ve I it Mr. It in w* i down to Put?kl u| lb* r . tin tMNnbariimout, ec that wbi-nuii attack l- made on .?* in e in Mouitrie. ttio; n ay Im- the l>?iil?r piei<4 *d to , i?l lb* lotco oi ili e* i tm ac t ** wit ch *? a alt y in ni.-im-ed Puli*kt. Any p-to'ii ariu-nnift wnh ibe < nui ? t.m people known ithtO'ltlMr dr. ilium anr any other ;or*,u na rmll iliu i ' i a n ? It ? lot toetou. ? r any oi ibe ortillut tl i ? lOir tbara, without iiou.g an hie .et irtt beset by % pnrcei ut *n.rf li.w, wh hi. friandn?a iblg not In ti* thought ot by Mr. ? i.n h loare i* no evaaioit. bo will bor bored u> itaa b until tha; get e 'bar tin- truth or a lie. 1 hata stood n tho a hrt and seou the boat leave and. return from the wot awn. and have eo n toa < oneul and Vi. eO>n*ui aa oiled ti (aeti. St.pi*>'a nltiue. Slid waiehcd lhaiii on ? cli oi con-on*, rentalt itig th-ri n?, ly an bony aa a tune it m for toe aiiib-jfltb* at 'va-biugt ntoaay whether it I- . art id Mr. Cooeti.'* b.utu **- I b-eiueetedt with hen. Ci - ay aller hi- Otura f otn vi-lungtbe Krl tirh vruiaere idl lite bar. ami what I* the nature of their buemeae. if it at not to onnvey to tbetn Uneilig nco of lb?> btovkadin* It ett lb ? eta liter wht h bo on ibee* viaite ie tbu Aid, hu a inen iebn croft, bo-.gbt by pri Tuio indlvMii'i s * nioi ami ?4-Ippo i tor tho ox|treae> linriteool tli itn.g oil tbo MouUt n>g ? am. crew, a n.e is or eight i hartoeton in ore,especially e. win a m vamei uxpiC a I ui r wlmn b y hut any ready to go out. I ba.e tnuwii vawtcla to run the OUadtaOO iu and mil lunneiliataiy alter tlieo t Islta of ibe < nootii. lbenteonetit ronwumlel rt the blockade* on# or two day* al'ur Mr. Ituui-h h ni n>l ad the ale m. ei.i,i Ciunldu; wbe.her II wa* fmtn information gained, lit rough toe i oimui n that occaaion or not It wo Id bO ililbcU'tto ray . but they w*re sing .tar colnciitoiiiwa. Ib-tm- tiro inrtdui s aero known to ma from the fact-. that my , ?i|wo Ooobtod me to ant up with all pariiva. I Imve bee., 0 .tie of Uiem*cl\oe, and have bed ill report* brought limn the Beat oa ibare cat?t n bavu !?? n c- m e ?*] to ewahow m..ny a blita* d ? ?, b i oiuild not be ? in. ??I " 1 . LL...II ??? aikCULIiAllkOVt. Am impurtant wukk on piirHioLour, ao.-a. -dila ?? u in rr . or tu.oie uoHte.,,ntollaa it. Ilr LAitM .N i > P..,I , iwunl?n aa .?? Vor* -du al Auvf ari intra* ii I a. aiu-.n e dko rave- mj the leita ?.>. Uii,,-I In ?,,,it my * -d aspertineata In on fr ncu and Kng is ..iMpita ?. * , i pr.v t pra it -, net ,dia. a t.-tuiaa upoo, Wtii d, ear- and w. *,,,???? allbeUBii i luiinaii lainlly m i lan r .nroa Mi ii oni -e , India, ,eM n. .t nent Mao t . (I, ii, K. ?i AK.i In, N i. I V-a-j an rat. A*tor llousj o? RUp.* a 'lo si., , i.i Nauoto *u>'- t, ,N-w Vork. The 1>,0 t r Boolean at* at M. .?.i,??iway, up a all* II,mi a or iraat moiiiv V. M m a P. M ??Ae o.i. n wnh omei patera in ta, ominendln ?'Dr. Iwr Oionl a a,I h.. work,"??? d e Eiata cina. li.pat, It, ft,* it it .n , A at*, M di .ii il-viaw, a.. ALL.KVlATtlK.-PR. Hit U IM' NKVfl.T INVKNTKO bum a,,,i H on on Aiw-t .a.or ewi e corn*, nuu.ona. i,uaten Bn *. l,iMWri.*t loet, .. . .A,elite g. t-rat*. ami *t po.. !*an| by toa i on r -,-aipi uf |.r,?-e ami e venta. Ho rt bp Or.iggo l*. Dr J. H I hlA pi op tool, ami pTB l a eltli;o|io iliBt. lid Mr ?nl > i,y oiipouie Mi. Paul a .ur,. New Yore. OK. N KM TUN H il (IP, iT WttKK. ?Mo* i.n art a I in a*-? "f the Kleetrtrlly, of thei Hainan H tiy." Tina worn Wlh lie I auy m Hire# da.a. i m n iv *i-i n bj ubci. all u *ea-a* aie furnl Ina f. m loin.lies or ? a.a ny the pl?|?.-r . r- iMui oi human ele, lra> ,y will '* iinly-vp.aiia rt. SO I a a,I (p*opl- an > pntsb ..ain.) may ?acoaa..uliy u*-ai lotuieaivee ur tmri, In. c aura the metmi I ot Mti'i a . lilt ll?' (**lj will; iiermain at oi -van, no-Hi e,o< irtaii.,. ?i if or lUnama-. The lire, * rrfn.l, and nneil* InabWtan ? ? rem >l> I, r ill n rvoag atf-nioB -tlltann,stunt, I' , ay, .Se.n,.I a. aralt-la, nalt Rtooi. ., i-rofuiou* Pr | ii ii* an. tiail at a?ini far a 'ilrvta i?r. udwa mm Nfoodwai, m. T,