Newspaper Page Text
hblt WARTBD?FEMALE8. At the oli? crnrB. it* grand bt.. "J ? GOOD SERVANTS WANTillf 1 >1 MRDt 4TBLV. professed wo -t, |Uo *ook?, 4 rta for heowwork, . kmo bertnnida, innM, esaiuatreaaee, Ac., also, a French lad} '? ? T THE OLD OrFfcE. II* GRIND A FIRT CLASS KA dlLlE.S, HOTELS BSD O HERS, n oily or oouu.ry, (applied with good male and leuutie aervauta. Aid. EMPLOYERS AND SBRVANTS, OF ALL NA Uoi.a. Will llud tha beat OlUce in lha sit* at 571 fith av., m-ai *3d d Empire Clti Iusiltue, the old. at In lha city ; patronised by families or ^ A LL FREE OK CHARGE ?FIRST CLASS SERVANTS, A in every capacity, mut be procured,free of charge, at Me Private Servants' lititl uK, Id E at Eleventh etrect, be ta eeu Third and fourth avenues. Good plues alway a r. ady for good aeriaui*. A IX RESPECTABLE FAMILIES, BOARDING HOUSES A and hute.v ran 1 ? supplied wuu go. d eerv.nita from all ? Hen- both P. o cmam and Cathode, at lira. YORKHTON 8 ofllae, la tiia large maibbi butldhu No. 14 tih a*. AT BOOKHAM A BEDELL'S, 8U7 AND 80S FOURTH aiaiiue, very superior lirat rooks. biun dreatee and other desirable servants, tog-.her with a Ger. as hi -ha 11 barmaid and aeaoiatreas and coo Jo; also soma as hired cooks. /COLORED WOMAN WANTED.?A RESPECTABLB \J c .lored wouta., as cook. Apply with on Tceadajr at No. 6 East 34th ?t. CT1RL8 \V \NTED.?WANTED. GIRLS, WEIJ. BECOM" X u.en ed. luru.higii vert light "ork. noon leun.ed. Ap" jjdGo P. G raud, commission merchant, So4 Pearl at, aaeoud CIOOD, CIVIL AND CAPABLE SERVANTS. MALE UK T lemale, lor < Itv or country, c.n 00 na 1 at the new an 1 ?1' gant Serviuils' IiiMltut , 692 *th av., between S4th and A'.tli ata. A ludy in attendance. CKKVANT3 WANTBD-AT 1* TILLART ST.. BROOK O lyu. Kcspectania servants cab onuln situations with oat d, lay. in un>l class lainilh-s, In th ? city mi l cuuntry, at Ih b t.evt wages, b applying si Mr. CHRISTOPHER Sold aata dished ag nuy, ID Tillary at, Brooklyn. Servants Sent tor ai their reaiavneea. Servants wanted 1m Brooklyn?wanted, im first class act a la, alto respectable mrls lot ly arrived, for ur-t class gituaimns, now ready, at Me berto." Mages, In gentlemen's fsuu es ciiv and <o intra, t'Stala and s,ninner houses. A; p .. at MANNING'S old astablished ottlce, li Court street ii.o.kiyp. Servant* should be puriiulai and a-k lor WBT NUE'-E WANTED?FOR AN INFANT BIX weckaiild: mutt be A uciicen >r English ; one who wantsa good none ami kind trvaimeut. Apply at No. 7 Livingston plate, on Htuyveiaul pm k. WANTED?A HEALTHY WET NURSE, WITH A fresh breast o. milk. Apply octweeu 1 an 1 2 o'clock te day at 74 Powers at., i.rooklyn. ?WANTED?AN AMER CAN GIRL, BETWEEN THE TV imrn of l.i and sixteen, ua nn ce; good rcicreneea ro quireu. None but Amcrhai a need apply ai 343 West 30th St., ?ear 9lh av. TI7ante','-a GERMAN OIl'.L ;W1I0 UNDERSTANDS 1v all kinds oi housework. ?ishes a sit. Mian in an American family. Impure of Mr. Oucard, 24 Clinton at \1/ANTBD?A GIRL, FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, TT In a private luu.ily; mu?t bu a rood washer ana Irnner; a German preferred. Apply at 1S>0 South 4th at, Williamsburg. WANTED?A COMPETENT NURSE GIRL, TO TAKE charge 0f an tnfun tbr e weeks old. Apply at No. M) Park av.. near Portland av., Brooklyn. WANTED?A WOMAN TO DO THE COOKING. WASH It* and ironing of a small private boarding house; she must have goo i city referouce. Apply at he basemen; door af 83 Clinton place, (8th st). TirANTE??A SITUATION, BT A RESPECTABLE T T American girl, to do cbamberwork, Uka cam of chil dren or wait on the 'able: has good eity roierenoo from her last p ace. Call at 70 Bayard at., thirn Door. WANTED?A OIRL, TO DO THE HOC8EWORK OF A small private family; must be u good washer and trenerand good pl.dn cook. Call at No. 10 Msnslield place, Ua. at'; between 8lit and *th av?. City reference required. WANTED IMMEDIATELY?A PROTESTANT WOMAN, as e ok; nlao a chambermaid; oth In one hours: also, wanted a ,ew good Catholic gir.a. aa cooks and for house work, for tome excellent sltuat one at Heude. son's Intel.1 ) otficc, No. * Court st (Moutague Hall), Brooklyn. TITANTBD-A GOOD BXPERIENCED HAND. TO TT work ou illusion goods; mud have a perfect know Itdjgn of iiMtdasn laoe work: none o-hers need apply. In TUItalJ. Wider A Go.'s, 1(B Atlantic at., Brooklyn. WANTED?SIX GOOD HANDS TO MAKE UP LACE collars, sieevoa, etc., at H. Harris' 8/3 Broadway, oor nar at ISthat WANTED?TWO WOMEN; ONE A FIR3T CLASS htundresa and chambermaid; the other as thoroimh waitress. City references required. Apply at 97 Wcct 47th at. between 9 and tt o'c.ock A. Mr Ge. mans preferred. A BENTS-WE CAN POSITIVELY GIVE YOU THB be-t chance ever ohered. By nrlliog our articles you make luu per cent retail and ill per cent wholesale. Business peepectabfe and permanent Cad on UICHARD8 A CO.. 488 Broadv ay, Naw York. A CENTS WILL BE CONVINCED THAT THE EUREKA PrLa Casket Package contains the most stationery by eandluj for a circular. Agents u,ako $16 n day. Also the Dime Fonproephosuim. W. h- CATELY k CO., KB Nassau street A8BNT8 WANTED TO SELL THE GREAT NONPAREIL. An entireii new ami superior prixc package, WONDERFUL IN ITS CON TENTS. SUPERB IN ITS UE8ION, UNEyUALLElJ IN QUALITY. Far mnam'ni all others In tin- agent's prollts. ALSO TUB NEW CON j. IN AT ION PACKAGE, WITH EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. P routs enormous. >15 per day nm e fiend for Cir cular.. 8. C. RICHARDS A CO., 102 Nassau I i street. A BB8PK0TABLE MAN WANTED?TO ASSI8T IN J9l the beat i aytng business In America: one having about |MU un meet with an un -roentounbla go<m nuance to make money by applying to Mr. WILtioA, 133 Mleecke. btreet, oor Mr ef Laurens, from > to 11 and 4 to 8. Boy wantbd-s alary. fust year, $75; one having satisfactory rehreneea from last employer. Apply, bjtween t and 10 o'clock, ibis (Monday) morning, at Aiw urand st?N<-w York. Drug clerk wanted?one bpbaktno of.hp man ano Kugli h, and fully otnt ot> at tor ulspeusing medicine*, apply to A. H. Stubbs, (it Broome street D aoaime bulnti RUG CLERK WANTED?ONE WHO THOROUGHLY und-ts amis his piulesrUMi Bill who ran lie well re lendeu; also a i?ov who baa some knowledge of the It as. Apply at 407 ttk av., corner of Rllh at ad Kngnsii, und fully ue.n|>utciit for dispensing n L Apply to Messrs. Fischer A, W Broad st. D RUG t'f.ERK WANTED ?ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS his b .sin s, tuormighly ; Is co.npneni to pics ribfc and t afraid to work. Apply for two days at Brice'a drug -Innllvn. e, 21J ainea at., Brook LiN lBY CLERK WANTED?IN A WHOLESALE DRY 2i goodastore; ailarj rAM. Address bos 7oi Post oilloc. LAOR A SOUTH SEA VOYAGE.?WANTED, LANDS IP men, acsmen, carpenters, b'aekir.nhhs, eoopera and ooks lor wballng, tner hunt and navy ships. Inquire at 87 feat st, corner ef Albany, up stalls. North rlrrr. HENRY JAMES, Agaat. XJLTANTED?A DRY GOODS SALESMAN, WHO KNOWS YY the business In every department. No other neeu ap ply. Good re i ere use required. Inquire at 147 Spring su, of 5. H. Llp-clt. w ANTED?AT THE NAPIER HOUSE, OORNKR OF l?th at. sad 4th sr., a smart waiter, for the rvsuiurant. WANTED?IMMEDIATELY, AT NO. ?4B BROADWAY, YY good waiters who understand w il llicir business. WANTED-A SMART YOUNG MR TO DRIVE A horse aad car.; one who mid* rsl-nds ther-reef inure-, and well nequslnted in Ibis city and Brooklyn, ho other need apply at 141 V.barit.e at., cut unr ol Henry at. WASTED-A YOUNG MAN IN A BANKING AND EX YY rlm-if*oflloe; one wlio tboroiig ily untie,sands ?|/e in and bank time business, snd c m g v ? unexcept "uudle r e Itnivi. None o.hur ueed apply. Address Mauser, llcrmu WA-Vfrii?TWO YOUNG MEN. AS WAITERS. WHO imdcrtdaud checks, Apply at Not 41 White at., be tween the hour* of 8 aa<l 10 A. M. WANTED?EXPERIENCED CANVASSERS FOR LIFE tiMiirauce. Address box Ifld Punt cube. "MTANTED?A CLERK, FOR A FEED STORE; TWO YY eomi'ictors, two boya far trades, four . . . girls to travel. thiec iioidcrs lor atorea, two brakemrn, fo ir men lorsieam tmsti, two pxpr.iut urncrs. .wo clcrka for grocery stores, two ?ierks fur dry good'. Apply at No. 7 Chalmtm sunare. WANTED?A FIRM BATE GROCERY CLERK. AF ply t > Thomas R. Agtmiv, gro er aad tea dealer, IR) Greenwich nt., corner Murray. TV' ANTED-A CLERK IN AN INSURANCE OFF'CE! IY also a y'nm,. maa to drive a wsaon in s flour store Apidy at 131 Fallon street, Memhaat*' C.orkr Registry ?See. Situations procured. Ne corn.elision in adtaaoe. Eeiercn< e to brat class lieuaea. EstsldUhsd 1W YtTANTED?WAITERS, AT UtGOKmR HOTEL AND YY Dining Saloon, 42 end 44 Chatham street. w ANTED?FOR WHALING VOYAGES, 30 HTOUT young mni, and also, eoaMT*, carp liters and black tilths, cooks hi to*, t wards. Apply this day ?i 57 West at., I ~ "W of Kc ior. D. L. PKAdL WANTED?A SINGLE MAN, TO WORK IN A STABLE and drive e\. rat oii? vhn umlars and* a'sablng end Is not afraid to work. Apply uiataida, 3U O ?y Hall piao?. TtTAWED AOtNTS.-AGENTS WANTED, TO SELL If wines an i liquors. The uett per r*iilag ' gtrsn. None hat ei4<-r1eti*4 a;cuts need appl; at 9? and Mill Frankllu sL r ANTED?A FIRST CLASS WAITER. APPLY A1 Net is K ?St Idtli St., from 10 pi 1 u'-iock. |5()0 -A YOUNO MAN. WITH THE AMOVE IN Vf '.nah, un..e urn a situ lUo.i wjib n aula-) of $1U8 Ver aieuiJi ami thn ix -t uf aecurty for the money al-aneod. yap|..yng early toJ. W. Put tor i CO.,SUA Broadway. THE TRADES. t couple of Painters WantEd?to go a J\ short illetaw 'n iba oouutry. Apply to John Mulligan. |? Attorney at. GOOD raoTO.tRAPUBR WANTED.?APPLY AT 2%l Wee :L?r street, New York oily. NIT ANTED?A FIRST CLASS OPERATOR, FOR TAK VT l?( a n' rolyiie- nly To a quka workman, who nn >rr?'a.i<IB III-I usliies-Uuiion hly, a j<erinan<uit eltualieu Is nu-red. Apply at Mra. Inio'i i tlhry, 421 Canal at. TV anted- men lik-t rate he roofers, ap. y,J .it 1ST T.ird i l l. OA coon,E> tV.ANTED?TO Mt'-'F ROUND AND s?t h mp ftoor hormM. Apply to t. T, B' >???, #4 /t"t tei a alba tOITAIR) yOVHU. 06T?ON MONDAY MORNING. JUNK ?, TUB DIH charge ol' Samuel O. Malu.-w*. EliVenih regiment N. T. V. As lae oath of identity Is Dot hired up, It 1* of n? use to My our but the owner. wImim thanks the Swdcr will rM Ire by waving Hut Um Herald o>aoe. ______ I OCT? ON OB ABOUT THE 17TB OF APRIL LAST J on the Third tictii curl or >u Harlem, s black Bullish calfakip Memorandum boot, marked Ju. McDonald. Hon treat Wtur Work*, 1100. Ou the inside a us nois of S4.1D7 ?gains' John Mc'UoDstd, one of IBM, sad several otusr pa ?f no value only to the owner. A liberal reward w111 bo paid on leaving It St P. V. Port i, 144 Pulton street, N. T. IOHT-THKEB DOLLARS WILL BE PAID FOR THE J r coreiyof so Ivory caned Opera (J a.-s, Vkhiu make, le.i 111 one of the Bi oadw.iy stage* on Kuduy last- Apply lo B J., M< rebuilt* iiot. I, Cortlau t street. Lost.?sunlay afternoon, coming down B oudway from Bt. N Hotel to Canal street through to Forty'ib street, then down IS Market and Madi son streets, so alternate gold an 1 blue enamelled Shackle Brno- let, with rlmin at clasp. Ky returning it loXMWll jUur street, n liberal reward will be paid. L08T.?ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, IN WEST Sixteenth street, b tween Sixth and Seventh avenues, A roll of Bank Bills. Tbe Under w II receive a liberal reward with the thanks of tbs owner, by leaving it at 148 West Ni.vteenlb street. _ T OCT?ON JUNE 14, A HM 'LL TAN TERRIER 8LUT, Jj hind feet tipped with w t its; had ou a black, l< atbere.d .ar, bound with red; answers to the nauie ef Nolly. A libc 'el rew.nd w 11 be paid by returning her to JU Oaual street, ,n tbe liquor store. Bif 1CHAEL MORAN STRAYED OR LOST ON BATITR Jjl day morn in/, June 14. Ue hud ou blue wooden pants, brown plaid sues and apron; no shoes nor cap; hair out abort, lie stray ed fruur J6 Hamilton avenue, Brooklyn. POUND?IN NINETEENTH STREET. A 1OOKETBOOK ?cntaiiiing a small sum ?f money. The owner cau have It by describing the same and paying for this advertisement. Ad ruas II. B. S., Herald oflloe, where word can bo sent If be same corresponds wi b that found. REWARDS. ?f> REWARD-LOB*. THIS DAY, JUNE 14, AN IRON .PjJ givy rojtrli Terrier, with -cropped cars a id Ull; an swers to the n im? ot Ja. it. Any parly bringing tho same to 827 and 32D Fourth avenue, will receive th- above reward. J. RUSSELL PLATT. <?Q REWARD.?LOST, ON THURSDAY LAST, A BLACK WkD anil Tan Dog, with a small leather coliar on his neck, with the name of It. P. Curm, 41 West 'i'birly-lirat street, ou it. Ti.e tinder will gi t the above reward by leavlug htm at 1U6K Wear 'lhu ty-i'.rst street, N. Y. dor REWARD?LOST, ON 8ATUBDAY I .AST, A ME qptJ dtum sued blue a. Dog, wt?li cba.u collar. The ub. ve reward will bo paid to whoever brings uun to No. 8k East Thirtieth street. <fc/r REWARD.?LOST, ON THE 11T1I INST., A SMALL ij>?J gray Terrier, short tail and cropped ears. Tbe above reward wi l be p,.la to the under by r turning L to Mi Mes on J avenue. <J?C REWARD ?L 1ST?IN THE NE UUKOUUOOD OP qptJ ?.ievt ou I r.a, . v. o ?; May *3, uv.ry small bl.tck an I in., rial. Th miller wi.l iiwtva the above reward by retuguiug her to 1 tl Wet* Puur.oi n.h str. on KBWARD.-LO.-T, SATURDAY EVENING, 14T11 ipu In*,, a o,.t i o'clock, In wmblug fro.if lid Dominie* street, duwu Yarlck to Hr <> u street, through Broo no Street to Broadway, a la y s lend Cusji., nub Loeket attach ed, cool^ the liny e ? of a brother. Tuo llnver will re. tbe above n * uf t by returning It to 35 Dominica street, and the thanks o, t ie owner. (Jjl A REWARD. ?LOBT, YECTERDAY MORNING, iplu forty do.lus, trout 251 B oom,: street to NorfeJ* and Grand. The lindet will receive the above reward oy calling at the above address. <J"| A REWARD?IAJST OR STOLEN, A YOUNG tJlJLU Coach Dog, two venrs old, answering to Die name of Uuver. By retorutng him to his owner, at No. 2 Irving place, a reward of $10 will be paid, and no questions asked. H>OA REWARD.?LOST, ON 8ATURDAY EVENING, qp^iU June 14, between Eighth street, Fourth avenue una Twenty-liftu sireet, a small gold Watch, with chain and charms, and seal with Initials M. L. L. If the tinder w l'l ro? turn them to No. 7 West Twenty-fifth street, be will receive the above reward. d|l AH REWARD.?LOST, ON FRIDAY NIGHT, IN ipIUu going up from Waverley place to DeluiooicoV, corner of Filth uvenue and Fourteenth street, Ave 8 00 bills, city money; one $10 bill on Pulton Hank. Wuoeverwill re turn them to iho care of Delmouico's ottice sliu.l recei.e the above reward. A. D. COCHRAN. FUKKITOKE. A BEDROOM SUIT OF KHaMELLED FURNITURE, in all colors, of wsrrsnted manmacturu; also solid chestnut Chamber Suits, plain and ornamental, at II. F.. FARRINGTON 8, 348 Canal street, opposite WoostOt. Estab 1 shea In 1512. A LL KINDS OF FURNITURE, MATT REUSES," BED* a\- ding, Looking Glasses, Ac., he low auction prices, war' roiled and delivered tree, at G. W. SNEDEN'S, 263 Bowery1 b.itween Stsmon and Houston streets. Call and save mo ney. Note .tbe number. Rosewood Parlor Suits. Furniture, carpets, books, pamphlets and Libraries bought for cash at 123 Sixth avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streets. Furniture.?i want to purchase, for imme diato um:, osom Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni ture. Parties having the noove to dikpoae of sutReicut for liartorw hoe o:'a small house, chnyi for cash, please ad dress HfP. Murtln. station D, Bible lions t. PLIMPTON S IMPROVED PARLOR BEDSTE YDS and other ill si duns Furniture. Sold wholesale and retail. Also, furnished by monthly payments, at 145 Tenth ?treat, formerly National Academy ot Design. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. N"' VtICe'?THE COPARTNERSHIP nKI'.ETOFOHS existing between Ju. Whyte Davie Mil Philip C. Q. McClelland, under the ftrtn of Jas. Wliyte Davis & Co., le this day dlssoiTed by mutual consent. Jan. Why te Da via will settle toe business of the late iirm. JAS. WHYTE DAVIS. PHILIP C. U. MuULBLLAND. Htm Torn,June 11,1302. Tbe undersigned will eontiii'ie to trunsnet a brokerage and eoiiiiuimion nuslncscin foreign fruits, Ac., at No. 13, Pearl street. JAB. W11YTB DAVIS. WANTED - AN ACTIVE MAN, WITH SMALL MEANS, or a capitalist, may learn how to make money rapidly by calling at ?3 Franklin street liny erciiiug Uila week be tween tbo hours of (J and V o'clock, first tloor. diinn ? PARTNER WANTED, WITH THIS AMOUNT ipluU, In nwi:, to jotn tbe advertiser in a money malting bua H"i?, wbemhy several tbouaand* can be realized per an num without any risk. -* - ? ? No. A. after m o'clock A. numvritbnutanyrLk. A^ply at No. 78 Cedar street, rootn (jenn ?PARTNER WANTED?A SOCIABLE, TEM <PuUy.||?Tiic man, of poo, I mo al habitr, sa oioal psrt ner In a Magniiiceut ttenitsit.; lully illustrating, by ucaily lot! paintings, tbo civil war in Amen a: will ,le.<r at least $13 a ilay above expenses It Is essential that tbo paity be a member of some Prolesiaut church, and ubie to furnish lie best of references, lie will be re,julrevl to attend the ticket ofller. The advertiser ts a popular and manager, well known to theology and m.ooi teachers in nearly every e.ty in the Union, having been umneetert with religious and InMriietive < uiertainmcnis for tiie past 12 years, aud can in fluence its anuoum etneut from toe pulpit and in the various schools. Can furnish the highest tea imon.ais. Address for three days sicorama, box fib Herald ofllce. HotiAKH, rooms, EC., Wanted. COUNTRY FURNISHED COTTAtlE WANTED?FOR J the season?say tnr, c months. A neatly I urnlsiied clot tags; must been the ttesHhore or aalt Water. Address, with lull mtrtkUAra, lo<a int., rent, Ac., K. . H? Brr.U oilb-e. BUU~BTOUE WANTED?IN THK" CITY OR IMME rtlatc vielnity. Address for three nays With real name, locution, tortus, Ac., Druggist, box 131 H'.nd oUlce. W~Wanted?NKAB THtfiTY. a mi.ill furnduieo House. Ad Ire?a, stating toruis au.l :nil pBrttwU.ars, Secretary, box 1V2 Herald ofllce. WANTED?BY A OBNTKKL FAMILY, SECOND Flour (< or inorii fosrne). luriilshed c iiiplwta*. 'wvtipb >1 by one family only; lent u it to exceed I 13 to (Ho per in. oith. Aiidi .'ss, prepaid, box I, 533 New York Pott i.l.c ?? ANTED?A Outm "bKCOND HAND STEAM LNulNlV atoul ten or twelve borui power. Also a n turn line cylinder boiler, about thirty inches cluectei, ?'id el In ecu or twenty feet i ,ug. Aptif at 131 Lewis street, s dp joiners. WANTED?A SECOND HAND PKKNt'lriS A PAOE Mill. In good order; size, two fee-. AU rtr.s A. n., HcraldoUirn. XYTANTED?A FUKNIrtHEO HOUKI; WITH MODERN VV improvements, i Iceantly lu.ated tctwe, n Fuiiria mil Sixth av.Neea, and Fo. rtn and Kiro-nub streets; mid must, be moderate. for two day* A. B . II, .aid SPORTING. 1.NOR BALB-A ?? OARED lap htkzkk nmtvut ? carries -o.swain; bnH by M, Kay, Wld anisourg, PjM, for $?'.(?, is o leivd lot (l?i In goud cunduina. Addtvaa E. h. Lyinssi, New Haven, Conn. QCHOONBR YACHTS WANTED?ONE 38 TO 48 TCNrt, u and one 73 In 100 inns we!) found and lu good nudUUm, Parties wr ung must suite lull psrtwnlar*, dm uh' nnd low er r ish price, to roe, Lb attention, ih R. INl)EK.-> ILL'S, I sncy Boat Ha/aat. 243 and 24a Mouth aireok n >me one hundred bruits oi si. kinds on band, SLOOP TACHT FOR BALE?S3 FEET LO.VO, 1|?* fret beam; sptemMd cabin; eight months eld. is?i sal e.. Will bt; sold lou. INHKIIMOLL, 24.1 and flit So lib Street. Seme one hundred Beits of all kinda on hsnu al low prices. " ^ _ NTjajBypb^ca. 77 JW. HADFIELDB flKBT PREMIUM FIREWORKS. Only depot in Maiden nine, N i. 88. vomer of Wil'iam t.fresL AU ouf mods are msuutaeiured uti.iuf the pet oiial mi er rlsion of Air. lindhrld. We kt?p only his wnrks, ar, 1 ' ny none Hum uhiulialile maker*. PIre Cmi lters and Torpe iocs at the lowest market rat. s, Tlia lardest assoiiaient of brlJilaat colored Lanterns, to, fliunitiMtloiix. MTRASBUROER A NUHN. No. 01 Maiden Ian*. earner of William street 0.11. r.Dolpf " . i ilthT I BKMICM FIKKWORKH. N >uc reudln . with nil trad" City displays and dealer* supnlieil ai abort notieei Maiiulsotsivr'. Depot. 37 Maiden lane. REJKGVAIsd. "VTOTIC'K ?THE ACENCV FOB TUB SALE OF OOOD8 is inanutaeturvil bv ITifc UNION INDIA RUBBER COMPANY will be rem wed, on 1la( of May unit, tram No. 103 Lib erty atieet to No. 12 Park place. _ BY. CI. HADDBN, Prealdenk Maw Yoax, AfTll IB, J 362. RBSTAi; RANTS. A FlhT. LOT OF QHEKN Tt'RT'.B .1UHT I'.ECFIVKD and lor asle, wlmleaaM und retad. at HIItUSALL'si i'.ie tcr Ha , 1*1 i'.roadwar and No. I Cjrilandt street. bnofM tiki 8MN' by A a ro? Isaey aerred every day. Fatnill-a uud (lie tred? irpolled ftrowf-B beet a urawoju no. coSfki.R on'rhoXd. Yf nav and 4 ?? en, hull M 'no Nt?i?n,IM Fr.ltmi sir ek? 1 teg jri allytnlVtitrityfilendsatid >li" wttih ingmvraL that t he p'.pen my U' .lauesut fittm Mtiiflilwit lidlnuil etret'iu. j; p n 'cU k, in ti.o i iri style, with all ibu ? li re' 'ra o' 'if esesoh, and ,vh ??* will '?# cwtiw't' foitrd n.e Ilea' ICillie twd otliwr wfht ' id myewnlmi ??;*' on, n ih' fifles? l lkd*N| RibP, rbl "i? ", ?> I r ?."?? t Nrw York. HobERT W0i4'. A LL RECRUITS FOR THE FIRST RBOIMEMT OF A Tut GUARD. * M COL. BLIA8 PBI8HNKR, WUI gat om wath'a pay In advance. wd their fa,,. Uses (R eta* r< liei moi ay mi Ik tea mote red la. ^ ? TUB ltiUBOX I* now forming, under the new enU of tue government, lo kg ready wuku sixty darn. Ok lit- Batter* a who has been tp the service of the ?o Temmeni, hae rcetved orders lo rovruit Oouipuov A of uiia Guard, and lynr ready to receive R, cruit*. It .a tmendod that this Company shall be one oe the tinea I In the service. Fay from $13 to $23 p-r men h. Bach man as eoon aa mustered will be sent to Onmp Wash ington. stateu Inland, and provided with abundant rattans and t? d uniforms. $!>? B unty at the Expiration of Enlistment. ?II parties wlshlug to set in the capacity of noo oommla d oilier* i ' .... stoned oilier* must apply Immellatelv to leeure position. Headquarters 480 Broadway, N>w Turk. J. P. HA H EREON. Captain Joe. Hhshuxs, Orderly Serjeant. Approved Hay 3i. lavfi. F. 8. LARKED, Supcrinteadaal Twelfth Infantry, M .isterlng o ii. er. A DJUTANT FAIROKAVK8 WANTS TWENTY MEM A for cavalry. Muster on Tuesday. Start Wednesday. < all at Great Eastern House, corner Christopher and Went A SUBSTITUTE WANTED? KOK A MEMBER OF THE Seventh regiment New Torit ht-iis M.litis, now en o mi*?d at Baltimore, Md. | references wanted. Apply at nh br ut.w ty. up a lairs. TJL1S8 GUARD, ATTENTION. . ?> BEOKUlTs WANTED Men In good physical health, between eighteen and forty Am yews of ago, hum now an oppoi L.mty to join u voluo. leer rogiux, nt now organizing In the New York Volunteers, under the sanction of Governor Morgau, Comutanuar-la Chief. Pay will range from $11 to $23 per mon'b. A few Dm rla-s men can gei non-comniisaioued ufltors' po-is, with a chance of prou.o.iou to $SW per mouth. Therefore he early. [ Each man, as soon aa be nigna the roll, will be subsisted and cluib' U at thn eip. nn ? oi the government, and sent to good and wha.esome quaitera In the vicinity of the city. One hundred dollar* bounty when discharged, and fami lies provided lor during absence. ALU want d, if applied lor Immediately, wagoners, team stent, mustcluua, Ac. Rolls may be found at WM. Q. SHEA'S, 16 Cent it street, corner Chamber street JAMES KlLEY'S, corner oi Wi.t rand Rooseve.t streets. TliuMAS MI TCHELL'S, 144 Cherry street By order of tbs Commander-ln-Oblef. ROBERT H. MKLVIN, Captain. McCLELLAN INFANTRY. Bei ig authorized by the Governor of the State ef New York to lulxe a company tn Volunteers, to be ready in sixty days. I trail upon all-young men desn ous to join my compa ny, to apply immediately. $10) bout) inty and pay from $13 to $33 per month. One month'H pa- in advance, according to a bill passed the United Stales Semite, J .'i, IS02. Headquarters, liOJ Broadway. Captain WM. W. BOI.ES, I .ate Lieutenant iu Mexican War. Approved at the United States Mus'erlng Oillce, Jane 4, I8c2, by Captain F. 8. Lamed, United States Army. M'CLELLAN GUARD, lining authorized by the Governor of the State of New York to r la a eoiupaiiv of volunteers, I call uikui all young men <1 s.rous to jotu Hit above company. Immediate sub siatenee will be furnished. $H0 nuuty when mustciod out ?f s.-rvice. pa; $13 par month. One munth's pay in advunce In prospect; according ht bill passed by tha Bessie Jum- 3, lML. Lieut. O. F. M. DEN1CKE, Recruiting Officer. Headquarters 1S9 Bowvry. MILITARY.?ARMY AND NAVY OFFICERS' CAF8 and C<rvcrs. Unttrra nuJ dealers will Jo well to exa in ne my styles as to quality und prices. Orders tilled at sliort notice. Oil.VS. BACK.SITE It, Jr., 43 Broadway, N. Y. VTOTICE TO RETURNED VOLUNTEER PRISONERS.? 41 All persona belonging to any of the volunteer regi ment* of the United Buttca Army, who have be, n exchanged or released, are request, d to report tnemiwJves (with de scriptive lists.), without Uchty, at Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, where they will be mustered for pay, Aa All prisoners belonging to say regiments of the regular army will report io the mUccrln euminand at Fort Hamilton, Long Island. Ky order of GENERAL HARVEY BROWN, Commanding, Ae. N OTICE TO RETURNED PRISONERS OF WAS. IlKADttUAKTr.ns, New York IIarmor, 1 Fort, L. L, June 12, 1862. I Captain F. 8.,Lnrnod. United States Army, Is iu> v at Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, mustering for pay the releas ed prison-re of war recently arrived in &o ct r. All wishing to receive their pity pro er ana c.i of rations, must repair without delay to that no t. HARVEY BROWN, Brevet Brigadier General Commanding. Recruiting headquarters. third regiment, Empire Brlrude, Corcorau zloiiavey, 483 Broadway.? The al ore regiment being the tir*'. in tne fleM. under the new call of the President, and authorized by the Btuto au thority, bearhig as l( does the honored name of Corcoran. attached to the Hun. F. B. Spinoia's Brigade.'and com office) "" ** manded by such officers as Muriot N. Cioft, Colonel, and. James C. Jiurk, Lieut. Colonel, both ol' whom nave had ex perience in the fleld, and*ate known to the oOlcars of the array aa officers *(' ability. The other odlccrs uf the regiment have been under the lire of the euenty. Parlies wishing to connect themselves with the regiment will tind tt lo their advantage to call at the recruiting bcadquartera, or at the various recruiting stations throughout tbs oity. imme diately. Recruits wanted?to fill up company a, N. Y. V. (heavy) Artillery. Cotunei Thus. Double,lav, now In service, near Washington, officered by able and ex perienced men. Men fit: nt-tied at once with uniforms, quarter), and rations. Recruiting oflties 171 Canal street, corner ol Centre and I .eonai d, and 131 Fulton struct. N. B.?Men paid liberally for reemlling. cjuuoKoNs wanted.?several competent and 0 reliable Burgeons, to follow up every advance of the corps d'urmee or the United Ntales, to embalm tbe dead. Address Dra. Brown A Alexander, government smbalmers, and tbe only practitioner* In the L nited States of the cele brated Fr noh process of Profes-or So&iuet, of Pari,, D street, between Eloventh and Twelfth atresia, Washington, DxO. SPINOLA'8 EMPIRE BRIGADE. Captain JamoaJ. Byrne, of lbu "First Fire Zor.arrg," bar ing been authorized to enrol a company for tht* brigade, baa oyicmul a ^recruiting office at Lata)die llal), 6J7 Broailway, TUIa Is a splendid opportunity for the member* of the "First Kir.'Zouaves" the'are again desirous of leaving fur the neat of war. Comfortahla quarters, eubsUlense ami clothing furnished as soi n a < mustered in. Pay gill per montb, to date frotu day of anrolma it. (100 bounty when tht war is over. Applicants for non-coattnlsalotied nfflec* should apply early JAMES J. BYRNE, Recruiting Officer, Lafayette llall, SHI Broadway, New Turk. SPINOLA'fi EM 1?1RB BRIGADE. Captain Jacob Woltwy having reodved authority to enrol a Compel)) for tht* brigade. has o|>eue(l a recrntting oflleo at tb" 'Try l?r"en,'' 72 Kim street. This t" a BptcQdid opp r? 'tlity for the members of the First Firo Zouave* who are again dssironsaf leaving for the seat of wnr. Ootnfurtafcle quarters, subsistence a> t elothin; on enrol n-nt. Pay *13 pm month, und f 100 bounty w hen the War Dover. C >rapeu-nt yunng uwn de-trlnc nou cvmnuvdone.i iflices, should apply'? arty. Captain J Ad ill WOLSEY, Rwirultiitg Otlicer, "Ivy Oreon," 72 Elm street, N. I. Shields guard. KCK.WARD TO THE RESCUE, YuUU I'OUNTUf CALLS. Being authorized by toe Co . tiiaiider-tu-t htcl of the Flste of New Tot* to rale a company of Volunteer". I call upon ah re yocCible men . at good phy-hut In alth, betwicu elgh.edi autl lorty-uve years ol age, to j itn the abovemr.s By iipptying tionieuiate y. a few tirm class men can get tins Sasn W.ion.d otlt"em' poets, hi ,1 will In- promoted esooVdtDI to ih ir merits. Huba'e e w, qusr Or* on t ctethtttg will be furnished upon ifcn.iu the roll. Hav will rung - from ill to Rll per month. Otto Hun lend Ditl irs lluntv when inns U'lSM oat ?if the ttrrvla, and Inm li > 1 for during b em.. ^ CALEB I>. WEEKS, Captain. Headquarters, USf Fourth avcuue, corn' r Tweniy-cfgblu a Sl'KCIAL NOTICES. A hi'RAWItEltKY FESTIVAL RIM, BK HEM) IT II e .wiltc-Un !M :t tcilUiS'ii, ilk. i t'gq tit) -,' rtind atrr-.t, bet .o nT ird mid le'liadMi i touts n. >m Moiula* -vet. lug, J.,tic lit, a it u rut u> ore rlxht o'clock* Tt'.ki?: * 2Acent . fto y ecu l.C ou. .itied at It. ? d""r. LADIES" HER .'HO (CIRCLE. AH'tyi VRHCKllY FESTIVAL V il.L I E HELD AT .'I.ii.netk' ' h> r ? . cornet'or C.itnrr.r.n m u Audi-in .streets JSew Y r!;. i j Tuesday and fTwttihS' ty ev mho June IT i id i9 fin - ..; > vcaiiv. A u r .'? '< tlie '{, v I? . Cot ler. lonn rly of the Murk *l."eet , Intro! and S.ngn g by Sir,. J. K. Thuhtu-, u td tdhrr.- It, J t'? avivnlnf Bonga, Duets, Trio-. Ctuini?e., ,t. divgwartmi Mi n.'ti.?liy rul'art u uf t.ttv "afhatlt .-'-..too;' T. ,.miw ?< u.a t:: tu.ii.g Sirs w Ian rice ?m1 rutin. MASONIC.?THE MEMBERS OK tBNHT ftf.AY . (dgc. fii ,J,;, K. a " A M., a.'fhemh'. rtltutti n ?<! to ntf. nd n j an' the i: rt , on Mo,.Jay, 11th !: ? .ill trr .? k P. M., at thi Ludite RsOma, fid Disti ll xti t?, fo* '.Sf p t - ikvie of ptr.ln the !as' n reap u l> <.ur ?:??<??? is- i Brother. Wt I am Patrrrsvc. I'm ffatt-rntiy gouori.ily arc r< si-ttl u.l. Ittltul to attend. By ot , . of V, A',TMt GRAHAM. W. M. MAYOR'S ?H?EICK, NEW Tntt.C, J! NE ?. IMA NOTICE ill OA MSt.d OK D0L.4. N. t'er ts hsrebt u ? \ h ' ? , ..:.d : f'er l.ON DAY, JUNE it, 1 -fia, the er'buisre fa-peeling .to,, t c ii I rukutit)? I .oee or at larrta to any aired m tgc city of New lo:it, tv ith out bete? tcjM i)" ?iiu '/,<' I. will Im strl-tly rafoTSted. The sum ol _ TWENTVK1VE CENTS will tm I>aiil for every Jog hrnught AIXYB TO Tills POl'ND. on beard the bsn,e Indusiiy. at the font M Twmty-Aftb kiic. i. East river, which shall n.ive boen toumt in the stmnts running It*MM- or at large without b-dn, oit?perte n>us,. ed. Or m t- ,<f a .gv muy rrcialnt them at the pouud on the day the. age received on puymon' ot czpenrca h. B.?No 'ogs will be rcAtvcd from ten s. By order ?r the Mayor. ABRAHAM BROWM, Flrei Vnr.hel. Notice-i have this day appointed w j. Howell, Nn. lit llovt'tou street and 31 Bccktraa siraul, city ol New Vol*, sole agent lor my i'ale Air. All on. r* ?"?it to 11* add: mi w ill be ynniipt'i alt. b Jed to. The pul lie ar,-cautioned agnlnrt ecrtatn diklgnlra pci?'ittl, who sutet tltto' Sli Ob sli "1 iu> rnskr, si d are tilling Cp-m wHlt an a'e of Inferior quality und ri rctin" tea ?nmc at. mv inai.u larlure. 1 wtti guarantor mute gent tue onlr-s pumbaaad of If, ,1. HewtP, an.e a.n.nt. for Nc* Vork. l'nii-*uai.rutz, Apt 1114. ldo2. WM, 0. BUDMAN. NEW TORN LIQUOR DEALERS' SOOlKTY.-A SFR otal n?e. .Ine ot t'Hk ?icl".y wtii ba hi Id at the Mt trw o H'au Uoems. I'M Heetar atrcet. on W dny? a> erenliiJane 13. kt 9 o'ctOiA, to watch nun tual Ml ndt" ?" is rq c -rd. By o.-ter. K W. EN US. Kresltcul Jon* Bonn*, SucroUry, fJUMMANY 60C1KIT, OR COLl MBJAN ORDER i Bv?t' iw, a rpecUl nt':etl"g o, the 1m ill. tijn wilt he held in tue Ciu t.11 Cltainher <d tee <<rrot Wigwant. on Mon itv rvNlsca 'Ityp it. at im)' an Item eficr the "en'tig of tue sun. Mil 'Oft Vt ATEJtBlfRY, Grand Hachcm. Casckr C. Ci LU>. Sctjs ary. Usui st'an. S.'S'oit of MltMec.tis, tltih nsonn, yearofcils mvori *70, of Inile, tiidai cu liid oth, and of the itutilntluii tea DM. "WIIEI AMD I,I(tl'OR1. FOR PAtr.?'.u"! O'LWINS BOURBON R'HTsKTJY, ? of the bev'. uns i i ir ijlc cheap to a, Apt ly ?* "9 etui 1*0 Ere ..ltu sirtSL TO SUTLiiRS. %tW? ' DDZEN BOTTLED A J ; ; vND I'o'-tct III j , c 111 ' r for * to Itre' ?'?il. luitic, lor mh by . QII'LoE A L^LiDT, Mi'fbtt. .t.d BAY-SB or KKA1* JBSTATa. A RARE OPPORTUNITY rOK OAPWALIBTS ?R^BB .XI sons aesiriu,. Country Keatdanet-e. .. Tie buu? riurr o.iara fur ud< kla Coantry Residence, re reaiiy surveyed end laid out <o that li ??? b- el need so three distinct para-ls, each havint ? v a:er mm and ia?*it aptomUd building sHea. The prui ar?y co-.s .-la ei &4>aer s.a Ifne, stylish ulil euiuclou Id a Uu n o luurieen aersaof lolly Shade trc. s, n.tilve und impo l l. lunnuieiable and of i r at varli.y; a arden lame illy de?l ue i and : ed will lru? a ? id gowns: ouibniidlnifrt, in< liid1"R a m h-u-a-. ye b man's COlece, "I OH a flue harbor," all I a how dug a.1 "J The llqailou UiiB eneui-alle ? advantage* lor eftl ?r I private raaldtme or for apveuiuilon, having ? bold shm* o> the Sound ? mile In extent, two sides belted by rivak and line , oue aide by Uik main oid tki- lands tiac ug the rive, a gently elope either way. ao tbatdrery b.itlctu alto rommaoda liue vie we of the Moumi eui auir.UBling uo retry. Two thirds of the sites can have water fronts, The i>l..ey la ner fevUy hi'aliby, water exooileut, and air in* gur .ting Ilia tanoe from the- itv IS m >s by New Uuveii Railroad; b. ai keen men caa reach ike city from tbla plao la leee ilme tbau Iruin Harlem by the avenue vara. Pi.ra-.ns dea mua of avoidingelty uxea, tlia dau*era and deieiii one in cmoslng hue rut re, will do we;l to give tb<a edv rtiae.nent thrl e. rly attention. No estate of equal alae within one h adi-etl mi as of New Yoraeunb uee the d. vers ilia i advan a on and sle.ganseof ihie eld re-aldenne Id everv p,.r: oular eirl all 11a aptoiotniente. Thepre--ni dlatauno to ra i: uad stai Otis mo miles. When ' Ubataworth" la mai ? a Ue lou, now lu >ein leiui laiioa (.lepot all ad/built), ibo dutianee .vlil La ouiy half a mile. Apply on (be preniiaea. to K |K COLLINS, or to bim at the office of J. S. Caldwell, 34 t'.uo e.reet A HOUSE TO 15 AN INVESTMENT?ON TWENTIETH ? r et, near Third an uue; will b aula for $i,:dkl; rent ed for fc&IO. Call and net. uB lufoi maiiun of STEPHEN A. FIERI E A 10 . No. ?lTn: street. _ __ ABEAI TIFUIXY LAID OUT PliOT OF GROUND 1* Br. oelyi, 1 O.lliu ivet, coat S7.&M tbino years sued i.ieaah: wil ex 'haoge ' or rood i r-.jeitv In or in ar Bo-ton, W.1H- a ; boib to be free and clear. Outer good Estates for ex "/ b. RICUAUDSUN A 00., 81 and M N .s o street E A LARUE LOT OF FARMS "O EXCHANGE FOIt .fx go ?l Improved property In No'*' Yarn or viciulty. Also city and vouutry Ksuh- it obeap for etdi, an : eaay payments. Also hi of huslti?s op- rath us: Mi ne .o let or loan. F^D^KIt IIARUSeiN A CO., ttl an I 84 Nassau H.n-et. A large numikr of vacant lots, is tiie vi cinity and a joining Ciiitial Park, for ailn Ion fir eaab, or ivt will bey in almv.- locality, and pay <vli at a l?w Hi.ure: al o, Mint Hue vacant i.ou in Fiailuuib, Yuukerx, Hauling*. A--. F D. BICHABD90SJk CO., 82 and 81 N.m-eu Street. A BEAUTIFUL FARM OF 133 ACRES, LARGE BUILD in a. i-l.olee fruit, 3d miles in Nov leib-y. $d.'e?i; It ki-rea, hue buildings, fnns. 16 inilea in No? oersvy, $ddb..: :7 i:. res, trillts and h,.ildlnea, lib mil- a I run N iv York, in Rockland county. 83,8*1; 73 avrea, w ler irout, 3 miles in New Jei ecy, $:i.lK)0; 132 acr-s nt $l6,lhJt). 8 v. ral very do eirablo r'anue woaid be cxrhan .ed .or Hr o lyn or .u pio pnr.y. W. H. MELIt'K, 10/ Hroadway. ABRAUTIFUL COUNTRY SEAT. TWBNTY-PrflS , ans a ts.itblc Ho-i-e. Hnrn and Onibnlldln ?; choice vuili'ty of fririts; locaU-d 33 mile- from New Yoik, tw lvc inliiut-s' walk front Tepot, R.ivklaud county; 83.0U0. Apply to W. U. MEi-ICK, 4U7 Briadway. COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE, FURNISUE') OR ilufiiriilaTed, nt Mid lb-to an, Orange County, N. Y? overlooking the vil age, and about live minutes To n ih - cam; tnc piuce cmilnlns abo .t 6,000 lnba'btaiils, about 2>j hours fronf Nuw York by New York and Erie R .lima I, an i lathe humiaomeat place In the town, eon uiiiinxO)^u-rea, with good house and all necessary nuilniildingi; $IO,OiX)| terras ea ; so d as the uwnvr Is aoitm to I-nvo ;be pltue to go West. There Is no liner - lam- In the State o N w York than MlidieWwu. Apply toC. H. BLaU.-.ON, ii Murray street. CORNER FGE 8AT.E ?THE THREE 8TORY BUIOK House an.. It it ou the aoulbem corner of Van llroul and Trcmont atree a. ilruoklyn, near A'hintle dockj has slum on tu-at iloor: in goo > order, witb water und gas. A! rays wed rented. Prire $3,3 it. Terms easy. Apply to E. R. KEL LOGG, 139 Pearl st ? -t. New York. LEYEN OF THE MOOT DE8IRABLE BUILTIINQ Lots, in Jer< ay City, for sale, at | auic prices, sit ab d between the two ferries: very lit la e isn re ,ulr> d. Apply at 194.8 nib Sixlb eti-e 11. Jersey City, on the preuiis- a, or at 80 B ad alroet, New Yor*. IjtOR RALE?IW THE PICTURESQITE TOWN OF X? Litcbflold, bu^a fuw lioura tide f iom New York, a de lightfiiboountry seat; ita situation is hich and ovrrlnnks u Irea-itllul lake and eaarmiog bindacap.-; huuse rou iius ten rooms, ibe lot Ave acres and barn; also wood lot of eight a- re*. It will be sold cheep and terms made to suit the pur chaser. Suitable either for a residence or boat dint house. A. lily to Rev. J. D. BERRY, Prospect ir.rect, J.ltciihcld, Ooau. Farm for sale?in the town of lkwisbo roiigh, Westchester county, N. Y.. three miles tmm Uel i e?'s br.dge station, on the Harlem Railroad. Said farm contains 1083k aeies, has good buildings and is divided by the public highway. Also, ooe adjoining, of forty acres; g nl null.lings and a variety of fruit. T: run to suit the liuioa. For paiticulsrs hpjiIi to JONAfi KNAl'P, on the premises, or to WIL IAM CORNKLL, New Rocbollc. For sale-one of the most d. sirable grass Farms In ObluraMa^'ooitn y, upwardaul one hundred and thirty ai res of clitnce and very ptodu- live land, well watered ar.d in a good state of oulthn.on. Ills situ ated shout a mile uud a had froio a depot ou the Harlem Railroad, In ear: cf the moat ben itifel and beaithy regions of this Bta.c. si.r.'uunUed by varied scenery, iood ro ds un i pleasant drives, and torsesaea a-lvsnt igea that arc setdn 11 ?unhined In one F-nn. There Ja an extensive il n? a une quarry <it the best qual.ty of hulldlm: stone on the as, and a stream that en Ltd easily be made to pioduve a valu al?le watrr pow< r. It will be aoldon easy terms, and pos session given immediately If desired. Apply to M aLTbY G. LANE, corner of Fourth avenu .: and Tenth Mr eu For sale-a country seat, with seve.nty-fivb acres oi land, on the bank of the river, near Uudsoa, New York, toe uee au estate , oh. ail for each,or |snrt may remain ou mortgage. Ala.) about eighteen atrea, on tho Hudson, an unequalled building site, with v'ew of the river for thirty mtlea; splendid old trees und rumamlo lo caltti; oue hour from Jersey City by rai.voad. Also a farm at Hinyvexant Landing, in TuA view of tho river, and in a high state of cult vution, contains one hundred ncres, prire $l?,0UU, mortgage $!.?>?, lor site or exchange for clothing, i-oots and shoes, ttr outer .too 1 |srr oua'property. N i-om. mi .sions alliwcd. Address with p ir le larr, Jacob V. MIBer, a torney at law, Valatie, Ueluuibm oo.iuty, Now York. L'OR SALE?THE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY NO. 100 P First street; lot ?1lI06 fen; h ose having twenty years to run. Inquire on the premises for terms. r R RALE?THE ENTIRE PROPERTY OF THE EM pire 0.1 I'mnpniiy. consisting of iheircxicnaive R -finery on Hinllli andCeiitr- streets, nud Gnw aiu.a Gn-ek, llrooslyn, N. Y., and Linda. Oil Wells, Steam En^iuos, A-'., in Western Pen sylvanui. Proposals re-dved by the BtiatiUiry .; the Gii.te of the Oonap.iny, HO 1'earl etieei. New York. For sale?the four story drown stone House, 146 East Seventeeath >tr et, fmrtlng Stuyve sant Siiuare. Will ne soi.l 'ow or evehante l-ir Tenement Property. Inqu reof F. W. GEIdSBNUAINER 38SDroad way. fiHJR SALE?A FARM OF 340 ACRES IN NEW YORK 1 Stan-. 70 mtlea from tho cHr; ? aay < f no ess l y rntlioa t. Price $4,000. Also a Covered Wagoa, ?ul able Her an aapr -s w-gvo : r'l Prf e $36. TiH)R SALE-THREE BUII.DINO LOTH, ON THE r northeast corner of Elgluii avenue and Fll y-f-i rGi stpeni, wuh the buildings, ns :a ax completed. App.y lo (1. DAVID, 4j Renwick straet. iVIOR SAI.K-A SPLENDID FARM OF 375 ACRES, 37 I niiles from ibe c.iy, ultli a hne brick holla--, tha la siot .i ibulktlVms. goal doc a. for Akih teeome to iii-ifarm. p'enty of Inill; the eio, s ? dl show what the farm la; the u bum Win be sold lor ,001); terms mode rale. Itiq -ire at 679 ti.eeunml. st:ert. Bxor s \i>; cheap?handsome cottage houses 1 tU isle in Hrooklyn, K D.;r ?:i?y and very Ue-lraoly bni.t. II it nltle rain want. U. the o: ev?ry de ?Tipliou, from tho bumbl-st u> ' rat class, with modem lia prm euicnts. Terms made to ami the limes. Aptdv to NICUOLLH Jt PLXIJS, 113 South Hi Mb street, Wliliatnxiuirg. eNs: r's wagon. Address Tiienuaj Fogg->, !6 1'crry all ?t e $3" b ti TfOB SALE TO LET t.R EXCltANtiK-A BE UJTJKl.L P Country Realdenoe, with t< n acres ?t liroouxl etiaci.c I, ? IttMxol ?n 11?? HaWmll river r.?vl, i.bnut 1J4 tulle* iron ii.e itu amR .tr Ha I awl alitt t?.i,Yoaktri: every tire rijlaaof ? r.ut ???. goo.. bnk.tltiHM en *S*e p*ewit*?s. T ran* wry tva* MCtio' 2". In pi Ireorj. b. W , Yoakcra, or at 136 Water street, K tt York. ENOR SALE OB BXtfHAXUB?A FA KM OF 8 0 ACHES 1 (i.nlni tttnlHiiv.l t, In I'er.urt hem*; also Wo nitric MttiCsMUl rtiant. Ik* ttat ihk of th" city, furameor Irnl*. for a s eal pltum In or mai Row York. Aiuly to K. lIfc.NNF.SSY, rn Third arena*. EjlflR KALE OK KXCRANtlE, FOR I NBNCVMRMKED ? prop r.v. III Now Yutk or brnkiyn ?-A splendid oritur* sent, o'evoii tnLra frm i Jfi tv Tors, on ti e Long 1 li n l r. llroeveiy link' hour. iiesl.lea 'mite tain ar a Kit mi: r.ont'le l.mise, nr I o u.uOr ? ; * ..hhUoi on starin er 1 t. r frttl * nil i'ti?i r?i ? Bro v"> h?.u: living *iro.uaof warr. UUt F. No.6 Bookman at (lit KA14I OR TO L&T-ONU OF THOSE LE'fKA b:t ll 'uws oa Muittl"!-! plate, iiftj-o-i .'r?< ;? >,ae n'l ir.r nil lion I npiovenn n>* r ill Ion. li. |Uti ? o tbe I leo-'-e*.; t No. IS, * I?o No. 7/7 lw.lit.. tint. IAA :VS ( Oi'NTRT SEATS AND RESIDENCES AND L" . ? ? yvm i jr uf Bal fc.-uie in the city nud ci-.tU/ ft vie ? t ? ."?i- nitti io iet o;i most reaaonahli t run. A ?o f r sa.aaii Vbc rtl'eri-nt 1 mlto. boa. u Viet 'baiiora. S'l. TH iYICK A WOOD H2 NhM U str*' t. HOI'S* "i O.t SALE- IS WEsT~t A !' jfT Y-KiuilTU n.r.', t, to r Murine Ingh, 40 by 30, lot HI byMliiuuvi $?.i?l. File ftl.wn. Inquire at 43 Baal bWtcnlU MHlb tjUSR ITOR~ 8A1 .K-2B0 W<1IT STREET; CIlEAl'RST j er> ? lUfrmli prrn onlv $W)0. balf eMlt, oa!an.'*i In t?u yeara; i?n*a lor fciao yearly; tarn ? hewni* tn pur lutarr. Apply lo 'tills RtllMlrt. Ilou-m Aleut,$$ 1'entll avenue, . lu nar of Mieitih street. ?MlTi?JvKl71lKAL'E?rATK WANTED?IN NKW~Y()RK 1 or Kronklyn, In tivinrngr for nor nlgl-th of a Bark of '.in . AJ Ires* l>'ii k.htl NaW York Poet olice. LAni?s"-to~all wan'/ino" farm.s.I^Tuioe'and thrtvlng aettleoient of Vin MM. nor PiilUult pUa Uy Atllrttntl: r.?'S noil, jiond nope; to btt nreti; 3Um*re tie. ta at froi I fffl tn $10 per acrtt, pnyai |r a-lt'In f "?r veai*; gou4 s-'towl- ti ml a-.t'tteiy?, burnlsvus ere latwlny. A|>pl) tot,'HAS. K. LANDIS, r.vilnieiter, Vliti'lanS 1* i?t "ll.* ?, C'imK,ilantl vonn'.v, New Jt-rniy. I. -uer? anewere l; prpora contalnina Inriirinntlon wtRbeauul Free. f otb for Sale?at eliaanetiii-ort, new jer Li wy, at fltim IIAO to RV>< rvi'h, on vny ii.vmmMj :e: i. e. 0 oHn'o mm lulu?emettlato met 'mmci end nianntacttirrrs, belur a lane mm! otnl Iron tteuol. ami but or>? hour liy awa n> bi*i frr.m Seyr Turk ApiSt to I. it Kl'T.LO.itl, tsi v?*ri a itv t, Nrw Ycrk; or U> J. U. COOLKH, e.rnt, IL./.aln lh pot t, M. J. A* KLEECK A TlVINfiSTON, ^ REAL J STATE I.HOKER8, 41 Pine ntrei t, Money to loan on bona ami ot*?rt#aij*, approved rtty or eon a. 1 r> prop rty, M*u 'w * ''o.^kt uu beat tvriuo; elan buelanao papor n gotiat.nt. CI irtn -WR SiCN 1HHKK B^ORT FKAMB tPl.Ttvli. House No. tRi I'Ovoe etiei-L beiw -n 8 ,.uii nr,i. tei.d Li.ehtvicK ??? n .r f ill ,ini? "iic f,.n "Mh7& 'net T rn? mry aaay. Api'iy io W. \t. Nfc.Ll fc.Y, 123 Ciend Atieut, Wiflr.iT.tabuig, or to E. It. KJiLI.Oin i, III) I'ca*! eirort, New fork. W" Qftn -'OR SAT,.! IN BROOKiTV, A TERFJJ ?torfareV ami Lot, wiihln lit r mln. trill k of Hie 11 liill'on ferry. h?e aei.irn On firm iloori r nit fir 0?'-r li'iij,.r oeitt .ei fcl.Pfl. App,\ tiR. DUNNE k.'t VtavMnrluu Market, or io K. U. KELLUttO, Ul> lYerl etiei", Nrtv York. ., tf.?> AftA -FOR BALK OR EXcHAN IE. FOR IM ?niA.V'v/ty, fHttil or uni I'pro etl real etieti in >i tv lor*, a boo i ebJt't of Oh'na,UU?, ?r# ki ry Hn1 Fk,i"v Ar. tli Irk, Irom $8 OXi to i'4."00. Apply u J. 8111 b \ AN EL, g ua-i ni ;ui.f?ul. i >, RfvUeuii'.' itraat. NEW PBHLICATUmi. MATRtMMONT MAbVi; \sr-wiTll INSTi ctiomTi foronnr'i'4, in orili r to win the Midi una oi the oppo <i*e trv , 16; pa 'J, fllmtflHH S ,i |"t->i oal.j on elut t,i lAttuia it, r. KINK, 63 Be, slrvci. JUM AT AUCTION. AUOTIONU^H ^^?HuVHEUOLD^l m. B. chapman, auctioneer. MAONIFltivsr^^H mnm At Dlttfie IMUOI, At Lie elegant ? W<V* Wamenth street, between ft^ifih mb I ftixtU i **.iiue?. ON THIS OAT (MONDAY), .iUNE 16, at U o'clock pre ei-flly, Tit.? leret or tare Roar wood Pi .no'ore, K>? ?*K| anil Hlack H alout Drawing Room But Ik, Bronse pud Ormoiu Obaumuleio, Ve'.rai Medal l m Carpets, Artistic Bronxea and Bar re. Yeses, Oil Paiutinga, bv eminent ariuU: Pren?l> Pinto Pier and Nan I Mirrors, Einhroi ,cred I are Curtains and Oernicea. Koaeweod and Black W.un it Oka nl or Purnit i Uuk L ning doom Kuruitu ?r, Ae Tbe mtalngtie comprielngAbe fiig.-i-i and ri.ii t a- me et honor o d f. raitoroairanid a' amnion tine ..-a The house was furnished V a' w scveu moutusag >, a. . is in per.e i oi d -r. Catalogaee at the office or ai the house on the morning of ?tie. Drawing Boom?MagniAei.i ?ev< u oetave roe-wood Piano To. ie, round corners, ma * by Broadway nmk ra Stool and MUrlc Hack, Preach Cloth Co . r Ibr und M m l M rime,. utb.oid r.-d La ? Curia us, t'niuic ? ft.iu.le-, Card Tallica two full Draw leg It on in Hulls. run red w.ih witin hreuade, coitahrtHw of two T tea-Tie Sofa . do. Am. tnv Ri w pilon and eight oval U ck Chaira; O'-nt.e T tb'.o, Etiue re- stiver. inai Ui-u>p S Il/e'ary and Book'*-"-, AutiuMO K .eption G'lairs, Retliiuog Chain, Couches, So-res an 1 i) a-uleu China Vases. Artistic ilroa e Statuary repreeeut lag Mm ire, crusader- 1H iiulet, Cucval fir ltarl y, Paint ing and Musfe, OTuvwr1 B y and O r. Madonna, N .ut and klormn Antique Vi ? ? row 1*0 ii|?u and llrr 11 encwm, two mogul II rut Yak ?? 1 io n th-eu ecu n of J route B ma p-ii"e vai'.edat t>'A<J On 1' oitiug* by < ole, Inuian, K law, S here, D litciou and Uca.y; two man ii Puiti inns or lode; Htoi'iii a H e, ny l> la mix; As-.i.up 01 of t'10 Virgin, a e pi in m mo eali ra *d | iluling tit the I o vi a ga lery, Pa:ia; two aupcib Pointings on pan da, the Picnic an I B:i|,|-.:?'.'i.!tu.l, by Leg and; PiUft and flower , W: ,'ei 8 . ue. ac., 4r.;i l i.nt Bronne Ciook, two sn p.-rbly dec..r. 1 fml V.10 ?, list Stand, O doth, oUtlr Caiyi t metno Hid hlaek wa nut D.' *aiug Binus Bedsteads, \1 ardronea. Cd i.tu >di a, Kicticb C.uiia T il t S ta, ll.ur and ?.-ring Mattresses, K aider Beds, Buuiki is. 1 o-iiitu p wie,, H n'cta, I f ts'si 1 ? ahil Ingrain Ca p a, oval .Mirr-i-. Dl.dn ; K one?Oak Nutlet, 12* tension Table, C aire, aofua, Chairaro ? r- witli tepa <1 gun Sctao Ci. -Ul and ttuhv Gl ia. are, ban c ed 1.11'the present owinriioin J'.,tie; all v r iJiniier ui. . lea fierv n , Uaan-re, S ilv i s, On ee Urn. Cake Basket , Butter Ui di, Kin a, Spoons, furka, Ac,; 8u Mini, f.i b c lutlry, Talno Lin ;i. F.cuc.i (hint Ditinei ami Tea ,.nt', Ac. Also a htr^e assartinent of llmo imnt and Kit e . r'miutuie. N. .1.?Cotiip^umt prun. w II In aitan tmir.o to iwtcit and ship th - g, ods, if nesiMd. Tnealaiiu , legiiut icild. uica toe ?al o. kilet. particulars ln<|til eo lite auttioneer. Auction notjcb. IK WILSON, AUCTIONEER. llY. L l>. tlAl.E, Bmre ti I) t Htreet. MANUPACTUBURS' SALE I.OdO CASES BOOTs ASP SIMES. On Tuceriay, Juu 17, ut lu o'clock A. M., Alt. if .urn fa. Mirers' Depot, Nu. 41 D-y street The uudet'si ned Imruhy gives noiieo to iner imtri ttnd denlers generally t! kl be has a -copied tuo agency of a largo uurulicr of Eualcrn and Sew York city Uiui:ufactui'eis, to rri elvo and sell ttoel con la for can , BY THE PACKAGE I NLY. WITHOUT REsKltVK, Th ns olTerlsg dealers an oppoi tuuity of hnylng Lieir Boots and shot s irom flrsl hnud. Special aiu ution is t i-r- fore flailed to the 11 rat LAltCK package balk op l.OoO CASES BOOTS AN J .sUi.ES, Strictly :v Manufacturers' Bale. All fresh yivids, just arrived, air pnaltlv ly to be sold On their nocoiint, without lliuit, c .nsistin ; of gent's Patent Leather Congress OaBoro, Balmorals. Patrnt Lc*:b r a id Bull Opera llools, Laatlng tjatier Snoc , L sung t ou.ress OultersjCalf nntl ltuif t'ongres Oailura, Hoys'unit Yo tha' Calf and Bull' C ngresa UuiMrs, P ucnt Lc utier Gai era aud Balv.'Or.ihi, latdies' Silk (lore Oongre -s O.titers, Lasting Pa tent Turned Balmorals, Morocco and nailed; Musea' and Children's In grunt varieiy. Tog' tber wltn a large of Gents' Calf and Patent Lea Hi r Boots, sewed and pegged; Calf and Kip B nils and Brogar.s with ladies' Cm- wear of every description, thus altering .111 litTRAORDINANY CHANCE TO DEALERS to get .bene fresh goods ut leas than inauuiai-iiuv: s' nrioes. The adveruaer here .y gives notice that these aue Uon s des will'ska pirn e on EVERY TUESDAY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, Common.dug at 10 o'clock, rain or 1)1 ue. Ample me,ins in cam have bean arranged for to advance on goods consigned for these sales wit,.out liunt, bv A, D. (I A LB, Maiiufa-1 r-iT D pot, Si. ft i)ey street. Catalogue and goods ready for oxamiuut.on on the morn ing of solo. RUCTION NOTICE.?R. W. WESTCOTT, AUCTION. " UANDBOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. ELEGANT FIRST CLASS PURNITURB. This (Mom a ) alir-rni.on, at 9o'clock, tho t .'tuUftil Par lor, Dining Room und Chamber Pgnn tore, in the dwelling hoipelfii Ifest Twenty-first street, be.wem Seventh a a El,'ht;i avenues, 1111 of which is new, having been recent y made, and c unpris s evi ryihing adapted to a laaiiopa.le and elegant ly furuia',iodrosidene?n the whole to be , ciinp ly sold tor eoali, eonaUtiiii- of T.i|.e<Viy an i I ng ain C r C<, elegint nsewoo 1 Parlor Turn lure, on suite, eompri.. three full suits, li'hly ca.-ved, sil 01 widen ui e . overed In rleti ailk brocatel of the heat de?crtpt on; rosea ,od C nlre and Pier Tubl a. Turkish Chairs, in Krcuch reps; Tur* sit Lounges to match; rich Mantel slid Pier Mirrora, Laeu Curtaim, hud Land rape Sha ;es, 10 ewoo l Etageres, style XIV.; rb-h Sevres and Dreeisn Bisque figures, Artistic if unites. P i lur t rnurnei. U, in. ELEGANT SEVEN OCT vt E Pf ANOKORTB, MUSIC CABINET, STOOL AND OfVEK; mart'e top Barvai s. richly e iitbU Be.-1 ads, 2u Hair Mat, Tete-a-Tetes, Chamber Hu.ta in bluik rosewood; BmuXK Clock-, inarolc t .p Wushaian u, Ki-enr.h an 1 Spring Choirs, Rn hers, Dttran", Ott uia ia. Oval Mirrora, ?u twl'b Beds und l i dding, oak Ek.cnsion Tuule, two ne Sofa Bedsteads, rlcli fn auh au l Bo . mlan CMiu, rich Tea 9-ts, Silver Ware. 8po in, For, s, C n-t T', Ice Pitchcra, Urns, ruby atvi crystal O il tllnsa i f ?.err deacript! n; oak innrb'.et-p, oak Chairs, superb oak lies*, Oil loth, rich Ohmida H i a, Hull Stand. C.i a.oguea at the house. Bala positive, rain or shfoe. A. E. ROTH. AUCTIONEER. U lNDSOMK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BlilSHKLS A.<D T>l itEE-l'Iit CaK.J.TS, RICH CUT CLASH AND CHiNA WAKE, IVOUY TABLE (Mi l LRU Y A SO HILVKR WARE, AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Thl*. Monday. June Hi, at 11 u r'ock precisely, the Furni ture vf a private family, 1 l'J Wi st U girth ati'i at, between Fifth and Sixth aveuu.*, will t.e sold to the highest b.uder. without reserve. ooimleimu of two elegant solid toiewond i'arlor .Suite, covered ,o rich MtUn broratrl, each suit consist ing ot one Sola, owe Arm, out Rcji lou and four mcdn.Ueu baud Choir*; one solid bla"k wa nut Sou, eovi red in rep*: rosewood King r*, tviili mirror back and dnora; rosewood Centre aud Flor T.ibltw, Fn noli Pier and oral Micron, Luce Curtains, hntt Oil Painting*, linh China Vo*e?, Lady * W ril ing. Dealt. Turkish Irt'tnges nod Cnair* to matcli; elegant rosewood and in. ? urany Bud gum Is, Bureau*. Washetau .a. Hair and Spring Matir asen. Bods, Redding, Blanket*, b.ark walnut Tete-a-Tet a, OJV red in hair cloth; *pi urg oaai Chair*, Sofa Be ia, Rockrr*. <'orn-r Stand*. Clock* Our tain*, Kbaiiia, Mti-rui -, Tea an I Kxle.ui.iou Table*. Dining Roo m Chair*. Clan*. chln.i nnii Sheer W.itr. T ble Cillery, Outlet, Oil loth, Stoics, ?e. Mete positive,rain or ehl .C. Albert ii. nioolay, auctioneer SECULAR BALK OK STO. 'KS AND BONDS. Al. hRf 11. NI COL At Will sell Utii day (Landai i. Jtica Hi. at I2)i o'clock, at lite Sto. k Salearo un, 52 Willi .in atro. I ? 2-i * .a Niagara In*. C >...$11 26 *h* Reaolute Ins. Co..$! 0 10 WiUiainalu ig CUT In*. hi 2d it- he, Co 00 40 Loril aid III*, t o 20 Id Col. Al.irine In*. Co.... llhl .Jt A .tur in*, tai 2.1 2d Imp. .* trad. Ina. Co.. Ad 20 Irving Bank Ad 20 Atlantic Hunk lOd Al Arctic 1 iik. Hi 20 P.-oplos' In*. Co At) 40 Exchange In* Co 30 2U Indemnity In*. Co. ... luO gl.ixio M-iiii lil* city deem bono*. $ ,'*W Lo,,an co. Ma f. and .Win. Co. ban. la. Aii-xt regular **le Thuraoay, June 19. Al.BERT n NKJO LaY, Auctioneer and M < k, 02 Wll Unt atieaC A M. CRI8TALAR. AUCTIONEER.- AUCTION HvLE A. ui' Ready Made Clotuing. IVce tiooua, AC.?A. It. CRISTA'. \R, Amctaiitaei', will . ell on tula hay. loth Inst., at I.i>4 o'oiiai, ut 21 Howei >?, a iart- and extenaiV" stocx <*i Clo hltig, i'0Ri|HMM l un b ael c'.oth, Ca >iinere, A|* a and I.ioeii S*< k, Dre*a and Bitaiiiess O i tats; line Doeskin, C .t.i, Cassumre, Saiin t and Mai*' lllea Pguia; Silk. Hn'in, Velvet, Caasiwwrv an I Bit inner Veatx; alai Pter ? Ho -I*, cloth*, I'H'iui m. Satin *, Muslin* Litun *, A pse**; * mill*, 1 u o mr os, cut i? ??? 'i oaevxtirn hhuii ai|nivM| FirnUMnc Clo ..!*, N stle llan.ikere.iie.a, tliovea. ous pcndeis, lidsinr;. Sh its, T Banting-, Button*, lar.o lot of nlaes and tain . 8.1!*, Boots. Shoe*, *2 3. L. BMITH, AU< HONKER?WIT/L SELL, TIII8 Jui.u 11! nt 11 o'clo k. a. No. 17 iVBin sueet. be I day,, tween Sooond and Third avi nuss. one Pinno one n*e wood Par.ur S ilt, iiu" blai k wa n ' do., nue woo. and mahogany Bedroom 8..It*, Chair*. Tables, Itiv-kera, Pi*? viiaae a. ilroa aol* and lugiain Carpel*. Oil Painting* and everything bo iou ;lnf to a lii ' l* ho e. Ailr TION NliTIC ii ?t'Ki iC'vEHY AND OL ABbWARE. ltvW N. W. HIHHI! V. auet.oiieer, on n>,j>.ne 17, at id o'clock, at M" 2*1 Pear, street, up (t .i.U. a a -Iieial as-urtiuept dl W hlle ana emuuion gta>d*. ii. lota or city and eour.try r. fctdeto, for la-U; well racked for ship, plua. B WEAVER, JR.. AWTiON'EE*. WILL BUM* OM m I . * K'la , June 17, *1 Id, j o'c ?e ., t.n ,on out* u. b UK-021 N nih avenu >, n. ?ti ig m m.ihogan) Buieaua. Fr?U Ii .ii '1 ihIvcc Duda.- ado, iJ.d.ief. MaArvseeo, m*oo ram d'usi'st-uios. eiiarna ed "nit, m*h<>gany, lusibln iw C-otre and'hoie T.ihl**; Br tsndeanA in nalu Carpe a, OU c. itli, Kltehcn I tcualik, Ae., he. Byo,cd L. A. UKEEN. BOO?g, SHOES AND PROLANS AT AUCTION-W. M. HULL) >U.- HEAD, AueUon' i-i? Lurce *ti i peremptory exl. of one 130**1 oil cue* Bum Sho *. Brognnn.tiid Osliers at aor ion, on IbtexMay, 17. nt llRj' .r'e.Oi-k, ai store of J. T. White be net, No. V< i mrt and' - r ? e , 'voiuprla ng l re?h nnd Mlwiab*go. di dt :i fevim m ihufset ir r*. and ue|iHtl.tht ed to city and eounn. trade. Ca^lo^uc* on a.erningof tote. Edward bciisnck, auctioneer. jIOKSI*.*, V ASRIAHES. HAKNEBS, AO. Br EDWaKD SCIli.hi'K. ou T, irtb in*'.., alone f>'*.*lui:k at hi* aulas o ? t . IM Hrm Iw-uv. h anukomb a tan of ulacr cabriaob horsm, Id bun i* high, lou , lull ?, line, xiyllali dri ? r?. 0 yixii* old, war.anPd par (Vet Iv nd, kiad and r*ii I ? In overy way. El J. ANT 1'MABTuN WA'.oN for t' *r p?r*on*, e ah_t^j on hejy^ou fine bay horsk la 13M lianda high, 7 yc.irs old, ..nig tali, warranted porfect ly oduud, kind and tr-ntb In ev t way. Hi . Ill RI.AD A AUON8. Two light open Wa 'oil--, new . cue tiisae, . Eai.LIMI StDDLR AND HR'DT.E, DOUB1.E AND SiNHI.K HAll.MiSD, BiaNKKTS. WHIJ'8, AC. , K. REOl'LxK 8.11 K or UoKALd. CAKKIAUES 11ARNR8D, Da, ON TUaSD vY NEXT. 1,'DWARD SIRTXERICH. AUCTIONR?R.-ELEOAMT U Parlor, Cr ,-r. D'ting loam, Li. >iy ano H..L 1 or i.i in My 0? W. DAVEnT'.rt. on Tn*da.v nut, ai It o'auck. m i.Wr.nd 15,' Lroa iwny, a large and elegant * eck o rleh and tnadltiiii atyb's of i Lmeriiotd Pernit >.?, an ted loprlvaw pnrcha?"rs. On exLlbniea and eata.ugu>'? ready. C R'lTft, AtlcTfORRKR. ?THIS .MCNDAT) \FTE? Hi. nton, at 2 odsik prrawUy. the ei-gKiit Ho axlmi l Fitr.ihuioattb' l:id".i?inam bones in Ciluton piuuo, Wed Btghtn alrevt. a f w door* fnuw Slrth avrnua, ron >*t isg of ePgitnt Perl >r, lledroom and Diui ig itootn Puim Hit?: (i'a.*, Ohl'tartiid Silver ward; Table Cutlery. DrdaeeM sod In r In Caipota, Hair Mat!r***e*, B da, Bidding, Ac. Hal" p.mltlV*. Henry b, hurts, in,, aucttonrhl BY HENRY WOOD A Co. BliERIPP'S BALE-Im\H .1 LOT ELEUAmP BTORS PfXTVRM On Monday Jane W, ai II o'elooh, at 408 Hrosdu Of. Oomprtolng a large lot of "lagan' rtom flnnree. Xaj K.s IA .veil, Hit or IP. H KMUY D. HURTS Jr., A' CTIONEKR. MY IIENRY WOOD A CO. ?tl&RIPrH 8Al.lL DRY (1DOD8, dr., A?v On Tna day, June 17, at 11 prleoA, ia UP aal -r.-oms m Br. id a a', eMRprKtng M. rn tu i. "<?*, L*..eaa, Mhsilna, K'd (I'.aTW,. n.fhXHVVf 8Nr|ff. litM AT AiCTlOI. HUir H. LRRDBAU1 "TIONEKIk?BLKG * N f DIA moud Je*?iry.-HEM7 H.lAEtiB .? CO. wdl achat auciiii, ou Tuaeday, if, at U o' luck at l.e aaiearaam N". S Na-x*ii Hri-ei. On. Ouun< ltd Jewir, Wan bea, ?c., lulu Dili.* u Ham Liivtr, Uiit.wB t"t iM Dni In Wt ekw, by Jurgi a*eu, Cooper, MNuau ?od utu ra, wul eighteen !?'?' k Ve.t ana Fob Chain*. ilriweleia. OrieuLa. P?*rl 8 art 1'tun, Diuimind aD>* C.uiUH- Earring*. i.njoc.ies, *<? .; sol.J ?tiling Silver VV yi. Be. Til" Hflfr- A* ?.I ol the tin. M qua ity, 1'k.tniifBciniBd for Broadway a* ??*. Alan, at IB O'clock precixciv. to the h gh at bid er, by order of lha ad miiuairauir of m* laia Mra. M n> Bcboouuiaki r anim f ry fine aiu'ly l'auiunda. Among them la a a Jkrb ft, laid to ba e ct*l $|MU. Alan a Trial Am i. at (Join*. Platlne Sou# Lot, and outer relic*. Can be aeeu ou Ilia day ol eat.-. nKNRY H. LEEDS. AUCTIONEER. uEMiY 11. Li-R b X Co. "di aall at auction, oa IV, Juno lii, at iti)? o'elo k, at Nu. if J Bromlway, a ?a doors irixu Aator p.a. c, Ho so "oilJ iuruitnir. r Uf l ur .b h a, in nue order. "lUMxUua o> Bm** i? aod Thr *? lo- Cariwl. I'arlor Purult re, o,a Hoileiaii Chair- Coucos, Elo.iou Tau a, f'hiua, <ibi*x, Ac. M rrora, CI.a dr lera, A c ? uew B ankma,Certains. jo,, Hedr?j i-. ae.' ml IB a 01 K.iiiiii ,1 d Kuruilnre, War rubra, c., black waiuotioi* lugu lb. .alrada, Hi-, aaiug Bu ra a, Spring 11 iir Bat re*.,e*, B '1 Linen, Eaiy Tialr.-, Ollulo ba T> ry iai.ia.ite rou t.'brat lor a. vrr. Ae. AUi kit hen Purnlwri, wHo wbl b the aula Will cO'lllninue. HENKY H: 1.EBBH. AUCTION..KB.-IIENRY. H. l.hhllS A <Xi. will aril at auction. iiTurn.a .Juno li.ull.' o tot, iu irum ol at uv .no Si Na-aau aire- , a *? ii' ii Mnrw 1 O'i, about lourteru lia da tit It. #>d nrti July, ao .0.1 ill every roepuct, ?t rp uleiuiao in our rye. T o unit rr trutn d lun ,? of Hirer n antra, ua ' in.- aire in 2 4 ; unbrokea ex" pi ou irrxa .d>r. 8 id b>. tna an ntif, FT G. K* AN8, Al't TIHNPCR AUCTION RACK OF LJ.a Crockery Utt viluaa Waiu.?UEMiY C. B.A\8,a f t on or, win ami in lota adapte 1 to ei y uiidv.. uiry reta l 1 a .r, on Ta adav, June 17, a: 10 o'e oak, at no Bu. . n lane, m ???.??r.?l uhhoi tui^iu ol wu t- G"tui.? ana Oo uum W.ira, K?l**u Wur?, At:., ae. faiuo .sc*. ist'ut y r?st anted fur mi. tiling. 11 E.YKY B. HERTS, Ju., AUCTIONEER. HV HENRY WOO.i A BHliRlFfiS S.vLP. KAlt rTXTt'UES Ae. On Tuesday, June 17, at 11 o'clock, at N- 1 Mtp mg ""ert, coiiipriatii;, Oonntt-r, l'0"r Pu.u| a, rwauic. a, Tuinuiera, Ci.airu, Tabic a. Oil Clotu, Ac., O. JAMRB LYNCH, Bbeilir. Henry h. lei.ds, auci.onebr.-henrv h> LEEDS A CO. will u. II ai a c .on on i - ao...v, June 17. u 1. o1' I lu I ronl ul .mi - 73 A > una ail'eet a bum roma On l,i. ini, liab Or.vrr. "UUnO and Mini ill all Uui u ??; la lio'iou i.'gb; wiliuaswi r ifr any kin "f buaineaa; mm ;u coi b uuriue ol the o.. n -r coinn to ",br war, 11 EN 11Y B. HERTS. JR.. AUCTIONEER. bV UC.N..Y WOOD A CO. BIIKRIEF'S BALE OP J-Igt'OKS AND SEiiARB, On Tu .niu> June 17 luki.atllou lb. Ho. trU lima nei), eonip" a .? a lar?e lot Oi brandy, iu aud H Uaaib,. aud about 26U.OUU iiuaoited Be .arc. J .Mr.b LYNCH, Sheriff. J ALES M MIL. HR, AUCTION EElt. AUCTION B.iLE Or nO >18 .'NO bllOEB, OA i Ui, USDA i, J. N1. la, A' il'>. o clue* A. Id ALL..IB BBaOO, Ma. Jd Ve.-ey - tie, , Mew Y. rk, will a ll ui utt.'t ou ONE THOUBAND PAt'KACBo OF LOOTS AND cUoEB. Freth and aeaaonabie cood? m / veikily Ai.1-.aIB BliA a, Cotnuiiuuiou boulaUn . .no bnnt, No. Aii n co v ? imet J BOO A KT, AUCTIONEER.?BY 8. A J. HO aKT ? ? To eabiuut n.alters uuu oui. in.?S. A J. H. will w.l, ou klonday, J .nn id, ui 11 ohTook, ut tu atone, No 1 North Wil ilaui uireti (Ooiabibto's aai ), aleuit 6,Wla Let of mie inch aud live eighth lucli Oberry Lumb r in ?oo . umer and well ucaaone.i. Weduea.lay, lot... at lQ)i o'uouk, a g> uarul aa aonmcnt of Houaenold Purnilurr. J MORI ARTY, AUCTIONEER WILL SELL AT 17S a Obuih in street, ilils nay, at 10."4 o'. I c*. l-'urnltura irom mubufacturura and la.ailiiii?buien ea, Cliaiia, Ta bles Bun uua, Oil I'ulntiuga, alnro a, Clue.a. Alao, a va riety ol Dry aud Puncy 0<> d?, Cut.ery, Ae. J P. TUAVER. AUCTIONEER?OPblCB, 1 0 CHAT . bam all eel, will aeli luta ..ay. at <m bi* u avenue. Coun ters, liar Fixtures, Taulca, Cli..n>. Oil- u lna, Waab Tube, Cuoleia, t upper, Ac., ol a uu.uu brewery; i.iimoer, Tiirtitlon, A.e Barrel*, lot of Puturea, Ac. bale to commence at il o clock. M DOUGHTY, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL ON . Tu. aday, J ui e IB, a. 1 .)>? o - .o k. at tu. auiraroom No. ]p Nai-aa.i alreet?llouarini.u tuniiiure, roar wood, ui.iu.'ituuy and w.uuut Par,or Biiitr, eov. red id Ualr c.otu ami brocat 1; murolc top Centr. Taotea, Bi uaaele and Ingrain Carp >?, Brere ary an . Lib.aiy Booaca-ea, Exten Moil D.bin* Tunica, H .lieu. Dluiug Obulra, Diraaibf Bu r. ana Waabalan<.?. Hcdsiraa*, rlair Mut esnra, luiuugea, 0 .a and walnut Chamber Buitu. Ai o two loa wood Billiard Tallica. BuS'lord rnak' r, *i"? xc., tae wuole ,o be percmp xolil lor cash to tbe ti.*u. at btuder to pay advanoea. ML. PHILLIPS. AUOTIONERR, WILL BELL, AT . ttie New knra Bi ol, J/ New rloweiy.ou Tneaday, June lti, at 12 o'ciuce, a number ol gooc Work Horaea; one very line Saddle Horse, 0 o .ra oid. warrant'd aiuu lu hann ha or und i tlte aad.ile; one I'ony, ou t .o v priced Bay Hora.', with Cart andltorueaa, aian one with ., nice covered W.i??n and Harn">s; one double let ol Teui.1 ilai-neaa, one light do., aik Lgt.t eiughi do., two bad 'lea. tVblpa, Miankeu. Ac. S. B.?t'arrla.ea and all kiuda of iWaon.n Proprty abired ireo ol cbame U actcailj left for aaie. AI. Horae* ant led fur sale will be charged SI, prfaole tn autuuee. PAWNBROKER'S 8ALE.-JOHN MORTIMER WILL sell on Holiday, June lo, at No. 16 Eaat a roadway, at 10U o'cio-k, a large assortment ol VTavob a and Jewelry, 400 lota, co,iH ting o? tln.d aud Suver Watch" e. CRal. a. 8- ala. Keys, lira cte.?, i'ina. Eornnga, le e.kete. a .-en iBrgc W of Cariieuu-r * toola, P.* ? ?>, and Mual .d Liftruiu> aia. By 01 uar of JUE. 1W TdUill. 8U Bay trd street. PAWNBROKER'S SALE ?W. N. LEWIS. AUC * t uueer, will sell, to-iusrrow, at 10 o'clo. k. at I9S Bowa 2r, Worn n'a C.othing o. a euperi r quality, Kcuiaants, oota, Snoea and Bewlog Mo- hlue. By order or w. A H, SIMPSON, Feed a co.?auction sale of building and Lease of Let No. SB Meet Wa r n atree , n< ar Columbia, Bruuklyn, ou Tneeday, at 10 o i lock, on ti.e | r ?mae?: to gether w ith Tenia, Vices, Anvil*. Bellons, WajOua and Stock ol a wagon maker giving up buxln a*. i BED A CO., Auctioneer*. SHERMAN A CO., AUCTION ERRS?WILL SELL, OM * 1 e<,l7l|i lost, at o'clock, at id How.ry, Ike nileet* or a Bearding Huu>r, c?e?. .G.n. <>. no ..a, Lo.nigra, iltv.i*.cud*, Bedding, Cliairit, Tabiea, * .ctu.ea, Trunk*, Ctalk ing, Crockery, Uiuitaware, At'. it. 8TA .WOOD, ConxUble. SB HERMAN A CO., AUCTIONEERS-Vl ILL SELL, ON ? ? TnevtUy, 17th lniL. at II o'clock, at iS H '.very, a k'Be ral aaaortincnt of r'aiulty Gruccrlua ?it..rn i. ougar, Coilee, aix barre a Syrnp; Canute*, 8. i w?, Ac AImi a targe aaaurt m. ni t>; Uiautlie*, Gin, Wine, w ..ia,.e. ami Hum, In barrel^ dcml.obn. and caaea. Aiao a ?nrg" lot of S> gar*. L. O. EtlLE Countable. WILLIAM WITTERS, AUCTLOfEKR WILL HELL th a day. at 3 n ?..??, at 4o4 Chub. atraat. by vlrt t- of a a chsitc. mortgage, tba entire Furniture, ?e.. of a lour atury honae, icmn. en from Macuougai avert. Splendid Carpet.. till Clotua, mono any and Cottage Br.iateac H Ir Maltrcusea, Parlor Sti.ta, Cottage do,, Pier and Mantel U aaa. a. nmroie ton Drcln* an.l oiurr ilurraua, Centre, B\te ..ion and Di ning Ta dee; Sofaa, Ror.l.ig Cba ra K..a; Cb Ir-, cm n te ller., O.ut Fixture*, W ar.nobee, boo* Cas--*, VI mdow Si adoa. Table and Bed Linen, together ttlib ever., an.att- o Furni ture n-:inII) found In a well furnlalied houae. bale p laltlve, by order of the utoivagee. VVILLl AM WITTERS, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL' 7? t la day ut ll>)4 o doca. i.t 2jj mnrdtr air at, Ibeen* tire S o k, Fixture., ae., of a lir*t cLifa Packing and Butch, eiiiig HkialilLtiiiieiit, llama. Shoindera. ria. aug .., bolaa I n, AC. Tin trade art- particularly uit It d. Sate po luva* WM. N. LWGLKY. AUCTIONEER-ON TUESDAY, Jtme 17, at 11 o'clock, at tbe New Yark T.-tuu-aailn, Sixth avenue and Thtrty-iuulh el met. HENRY PALMER will lie I. n Itnonl reserve, one mi Hocaa, a imMi of bay Car riage Horn.a. one Uua Stadlc florae, aiao Wagona and Her. Deaa. A NVIIIO Ala. LADY, WHO IS A THOROUGH MUSICIAN, RES I lb tug In Brooklyn, la demroua in baring a tew pupil, foe Inatruriiou on the l'lanuiurie Loawn.a will be givan either at i or re*.lienor or their own, on qraaouabM lerma. Ad drraa Imttrttciloei, Brooklyn Poet olDee. A SUPERIOR TONED 7 O* TAVR ROSEWOOD Piano, only nebnrt tlm u?ed; wli. be dlapoaed of at a great eacnlloe; liaa full Iron pule, ovcriti tiiig bim, rtmnd cnrueia. ri-hlv carved one ana lega; city made and fully warranted. Apply at s7 N rth Kl.ih afreet, Wlliia .mb irg, A BAR AIN. POR CL.SIT?MAGNIFICENT LARGS b vtiuuu acVen out,.re Pi i,.uiorta, I up uon ram*, bea Itin'y orn m.! *pl< u.J.I tone an.l toucli P.ench gratel a> 1,um, round < urui r>, n arii net*. Mann.'aeti ied I T tvcil known utder. Apply l-i MelKiN tLD A ?10.. No. 338 Bower). _ A MAGNIFICENT 8E.F.N OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PtHiioi.iitp tor ?al??ei vnni'y < lived leg- and .-aa% fnll Iro.i Plata. Hue 1 wliii ... ill Wo?J, oti-raliung i*aaa; all modem Unngueaniauin, ma 'e kj*' vMH, tor $ .0t In. itnl.i gSiunl mitlCov". Aloo Parlor k'urintui* at a eac rlr <t. ia,t>lre at 113 M ..?t km n >.third atiere, . car atxik av. nun. NEW MUSIC FLU Till: NAT! <N.?" FREEfOS. truts and Rt^ht'?.a N.itio i?. i Seng, with a i atlcrtng cbonm. |? Ly ' y H. F. J' nlcvy; ii utiio by IMuinan, Th;a eliortia la to naming by a ?r ? number ??. . ? ,au Mual . ol Sociellee at Jon' a' w i* 4, o i ,he dMh la*t., u..d should i? mtug on llie Fourth of July. T v? tt urdk ai*e In Engllab and Carman. Price 30 c* nt?- iiihI.cU fine. It la aiao nwiiad Mi natuail kbeel;pi'lenS in* ta. r'*e*ag. 1 cent; $3per l(M. i WAi'EItS, 1'ubliaher, 431 Broadway. UOKACR FANOKORTE FOR 9ALR.-AN EXCELLENT PIANO lorta. Ptrrer and S'.ool for anL-; prlrn ??? ha* a 1 the motlem Itiiprorrntenla, grand act <? i, an ret and poworfnl t o.e, I irga ll.ted l**ga, Iron Ira me. /\\ In per.eel urdr. and aa gimd ita new. Apply gt l.;>* Tc. t utl th etr? e., near Third acttnue. PIANOFORTE POR SALE.-A SPLENDID ROSEWOOD Platmfurte will h> ?! ?,>o*"d ui for ttaanllibeMM dent improremeoHt. gram .it-turn, |?<w r.u. tone. < i i.t.l leva. Iron frame and In perfect ordei*. Apply Imni idtai' i) at TUT Second arenuc. near Forty-nluUi etrret, TWO SECOND HAND TIANOS FOlt HALE AT A Aa.-riUce for ea?h, r, adc . y s* uMart A 1) nium, ?ery* Pl tnoe for be,;lnncre. Prl'W *etl i n S -'. Tlig Piiiii'*n Are In pertect order. Can be .oen at 1/1 Thir d are nue, pd?ate door. WASTED?A GOOD PIANO, IN EXCHANGE FOE f? twu licet rate i.un.l.i>; Wa.'-hc , one a U y 'aand the other a gentleman e, bneght eij reeely for private una. Ad dnuta N. K. Thayer, Hudeun City. fil HKVEN OCTAVE PIANOS, IN ROSE ?nXUv? auod ea-es lr*?o liatnra, i.i d uverau<tng. Lor Stdli; do., with monltli g*. Jlmi; no., witti nurred legannd Ihi nd nnnif board. Sli4, bill* and $1-0. de wltti pearl kem. t.'T .nd S*k?i n*? >>R nctAre, gun The ai>erc It ?nita are fully * arrntitcd, nnd aro the great- el Urgalna iheS can be r.'iBd in the city. Phair call nnd ???-> tli .m. Seem A hal-clPlane* at >?. SIM. f ? SIX $SA SUM. New M eiZ o. on* at uxtremelj low .prtrrg. Ouo hundred new nnd eoad hat'd 1'ianoA and Melo lemia to lei, at $$ mid tipn arde tier month. Rout allowed ti pnrrhnat d. Muulhlx pa*m. ma tf-el' for the aatt c For Irn Hho I Mnmc at two v-nil per page. UP RACK WATERS, Agent, 481 Brand way (?1 7 r: -A MOST SPI.RNDID RRYKN OUTATR 1 til 1 Inno. with beaut mi carved 1-ge and lyr.. i.irge round co uera, eeria-nilne mn iid*nj?, two m*-s of rowtti.e-i mo. Irllnyaon lop rich rvi-ewmv i ee?* orerttraug ;i.?t io?l fuii; *1:1 l?o aoid t?r $1/4 if npp.icd for ao-.n, at W lli.h ilroel, Brooklyn. A teal, cttelotnor ahnll be *<<(iid>d. MlUlNUftYJUi. ON NETS AT PARJAINS-STRAW RONNFTRaVe A 9 Kirnvr for . u. Kiiuin t n >*v r *a/. Very atylieh Drev? B >nji?ia O .r 64 K raw Beo'irm are *cnh|k 1 BINNS' MI.Hnvry, tFf Broaowu, fibl, opte kite M, trupu. Un Uoleh