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? nooni, Room *e., to Ah TUIU HUM Hlutl oToui' HOlSli TO UMII I HnOI IMK mhKSE B^lawady*^^^totog|Mtoto|AtoHBtoMto|Ntote ?In "lauadrv bath. abai.detters ana every *.-B-cniou e. ?mb^mb? <" ??*> **?- A?*r M **r. hatch, aw A meat bargain -to let, at a urrat rrduo Uuit nf rents. uru oia.<s Uu nm. from Aha) .to AnUU; Bsrtauf II aim". (Tina AMU to tout). Suits of Auuu, Walk toadara nap<o*em?itta; aim T Sort ia pnvttw houses. .euta gram 4< to MA with water, ga-. bath, riiikt. water ckweta, Aa. aaeacb iIm. Apply te JOHN FKIIRKTCU. 41S ThiH I p AKi MKNV8 TO LET?OON818 TING Of POOR J| Roouta, Willi lour uluacla; gas can as had if wanted; ?uri" sad AM. Altai, a straw Hal t a orj, win. hvturaa, to wc luqutre of Mrs. EASTO.v ?td Hudson ami. Bakmmmnt to aa \T Kin sly logatrd BmOMI I'Tll fU> ''?> i<itrn#r uf Uriiaiiiwaii uRii Ikteiiii alMal pi w< #f liUfA U1VMMUUA oiitoMMir iwr M (MIRMI . |MU aay Ugut a.?ciia..lcai v. .,rk. Appty on uia preaalaan. Ho tit corner of tiraadway aa<l Bauii -tract, illvwoa*. suitable iarapaiatar pi umber or a laol u . .ok A anM tlte I ha fWTTAOB H018K IN KA8T BROOKLYN TO AKr? \J ?..<: rural locality near eara; baa ihreo Mint lot? ia <mr, fro H and wgotabie aanteu; a a*o?te an and wife ? U1 remain, paying more tnau the real lor uoasa; eoiae bill -a .lining loom aad < bamocr fur.nturc will be let er aaid tuaap. Aifctreaa A. I, Brooklyn l'eai oiliee. Ceeu.N rRT 0 urr aok. - neatly furnisiwd tab* J Oottaje, parlor, bc?lrw?.uis, II ? en, Ac., vein*40 X/ ?1*1 iwUi lU'HN WT'ii wiriiin, m '" "? wo. . ? V ... vBV ? manlh; steatite.* twice a dav; wry iu-alioy place. In quire of Men. POX, eu Uie premfwia, Men Monmouth, N. J., ?r No. 47 AmUy atruei. VOU RENT?TUB THRFB STORY. BASEMENT AND r attic brick Ileus.-, :U West Niotn airwe , Betw en Hi.ib awl aiith arm in; baa all the modern tmpiuvoi ema; lur.w moms 'Imp ou the bint had Seoond Poor*, uu b e ha i, Ac-, ?a<J i? ia complete order; wl.l be naied to a private faiudy only* rout moderate lo a desirable tenant. Appiy on too pre VOR BEBT-THE COTTIHK SITUATED CORNBK f 110 h street ?a t Broadway, nu the pant* ot the iiu iuu, toe p uport of the Mb' KiTTuifayetto siai h. It ha--It toe Stniv' house. ami ror nirnntMlll -oeuerr Ota no. .? ?uipa nee I. To aa appie ed b oaut it will rented ?Iti.ei.iw rut o; Abio pe aiiunm. Apply at .??.rue. Nr?td eao f ront ? ree.n, or to JOH.N T MMINS i euln a cauc and M th str et, who has charge at the ?cy? ot tee b.>u*e. IjAOKNIBHED HOUSE TO LET-TUB HAND^oLELT X? furaikhetl otown *-tuU ro.A anil . iga stoop Llo ale Aa. tit M.i.i.-ou arrnoe > id be let bi a private family .or one or i par, T e bmiae >? not two years n d. aotl in etery way a'de.-:raol - reametce. 1104aire at i2a Ucarl street, up stalls, or 1.1 premiwa. Good rooms to let at no. s Chatham square, "U luini. louitb an"! tilth boors; I IIS en 'ra .ce lor aU kin on of luiatnes*; aood ligut; rent to ault the t.mea A Iraac a ill be glv< n. Apply m toe fuotogiapu Oatb ry. Lorrs TO LET?IN TUB BL'lLDINti 3H AND 943 BiOailbsy, toui atsates ia all. The ,uli*are rin .e-t on the liont, TO Let m lb ? r ar, atul 173 laet deep. Ttiey are Uu-most ci n'.ra ly situateil lofts in il.e city, an I suited tor any kind of Wholesale but n m. Tor lower ".eor wilt be 00 ee iied by Buiter, Ce- it A Rt? on, on uie 1st ot July Apt ly to D. APrLETON A CO 443 anu tiS Broadway. OFPICK.S AND ROOMS TO LET-IN THAT 8PI.BN dkll., lonu'sd and well 11.tiled botlding to Biooilway, ?orwar wl hi I street. Lams er small room*. Apply on too premises. STEAM POWER.?THE BEST ROOMS, LARGE AND ?mail, w tb steadiest pcwei and complete cuaveuien es, are renting in L M. Sincer A Co.'a splendid new buildim, on eor. ers ol I) ianey, Mangin and Tompkins atrcnts, at a ra ductiuu ot lib par o> at. liajulre on premises riiBT? PURNISIIED. A COTTAGE; TEN ROOMS, bcaunfuiiy siiuate't en the se.,shnre. near hew L ii u.ii; rod boatinit, bathing aud llsnmg at the d.rnr; rent $3t?. so pi let. at Elliottvillc bu. eu Island, an etaLantOoun ?7 Re>idenoe; twelve roi.ias, large lawn -bade tr cs, gar den, stable; balfan hour from Net wau, ?wua, uai. ?u anu i .w.i Ni'iv V..rti rcuL n.o.1' rate. Call at Dr ELLIOTT'S S3 Waveriey place, or on ?aoRGE C. BARRETT. No. d Wail street ??X> LET-A FURNISHED HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY, A situated, prettily furnished, and easy ol ae dtewj less than one hour I ro.u the city. Adore** A. U.. box l,if3,Now York PuatoUiee. fTH> IJ5T-A OOTTAGB, NEAR HACKEN6ACK. ON A branch of Naw York nad Erie Railroad, 10 j.,1 es iruiu dhty Hall; a gixid well of_water^ai-o a large y trdeii attached -nta ti^el ? the ptaoe. Apply ntT7 East Tnirte-ruu i AARON J. MIXSELL. r LET?TO A PHYSICIAN OB DENTIST, TWO OR three very desirable R ums on the trst iloor of the pri vate house 3tt> Pourtb street; gas, hot and cold water, pan tries, Ac.; no children or boarders. Terms usodsiate. r> LET?A KNUO LITTLB MODERN BRICK HOU8E, in corn pie te order, at a low rent, to a good tenant; a ater, pta fliturea; w est side of the city. No. IB Bethune sti . et, near Abiucoon square. Apply at old Ulsecksr street, to T. 9UDBIKT11. near the above. c 0 LET?THE FIURT FLflOR, 1)4 THIRD AVENUE. eh' door fr..tu Foartecnlii #ir? ot, containing fioi.t and k parlor, folding uonrs, pantries ana front bcdrooiu; rent a in ntii. Will be let to a good tenant tor $13 a month, lie m tbe furniture store. ? LET?SEVERAL DWELLING HOUSES IN THE api?r part of the city, with modern liupruvcui a's, at aau upwards: also w.inv lurnisbed Houses; also some is. Inquire of J. toW. DEMIAM, ELAth avenue, eoaner Sixteenth itisrl, from ntwrniog bit nine in the evening. T% LET?THE LOWER PART OF THE MODERN louse No. gt> Seventh street, near Cooper institute, suib lor a tamily, physician or denttab Inquire aa above. RPO LET?KENT LOW. A SMALL BRICK BASEMENT A House, No. 14^ Crosby street, near Gnand, see ly pa pered, sad has gas cbaad. lieis, bath, rung", hot and cold water. At. Apply to D. L. READ, 13 Crosby streeL HPWO NICE LARGE SQUARE ROOMS TO LET-AT lvl A Graad street, near Broadway and lbs Bowery. One or tern attics very cheap. IPO FRUIT DEALER8.-TO LET. THE SOUTH BIDE A af store <2i)a Broadway, opposite Laura Ki eae'tThu atse, to let cheap to a oo.apeb-at man. MM LET-TO A SMALL FAMILY ONLY, THE UPPER A part of a private House (live room sic I t? of buih). Not andloold water, gas aad aN aswly painted; rent very low to? desirable party; only one small family in the house, iff); for two days st *i8)? West Thirty-third street, near JOa.b svantie. jpo LET?SECOND FLOOR Of A COTT.VOE HOUSE IN X Brooklyn, coiietalu.g of four room*. furnlahe.1 Willi . as r|lw?kr; iu ? gnot1 nlui*4on lor a nnuii doing Imsiuca N. w York, about tight miniMaa walk rranu the !? rry. AinkT ^on tba prtmiaee, No. 170 Front aueel, Brooklyn. ?pO LET-IN ELIZABETH, N. J? A LABOR MODERN X two a.ory CoU..g.-, with lawn and targe ?*r<wn i lamed; ?-at to a *u.>d vary low. Apply t<> 1KK1. tM) A VERB. No. 81 Otaar atreet, N T.t or loiF. TlJOUA-v ? ?ound atrool, Klitsmih. ?TO LET-WITU WATER, OAS AND BATH ON THE X kraiaiwl arouad HoapaonMecond avrattc taear Tmrty* atetb atreet, four Roou.a $J0. In Thirty .??? rwh mrnd, hr?t Baer.aix Boom- $10, or three Roiroa $?. In Thirtieth ?Won, near Third avenue, lloooi on Orat and a. ?-"n ! flnura. Mil. Two eplenai d Store* at $13-c?/-h. on r?v?n<1 arcane; iwr are el n w. Apply to JAMES KliriKETCU, 217 lad lhirtietk atreet. near Third avenue. rLBf-A FRONT AND BACK BABEMBNT. WITH not badreoni on .bird ?u>ry and ??<? ?r lurulehr J par ki if required; an evcMniiit paaca ror a phvairlan or small femtly. lmiuiri' at IU \V?4 Twel. <A ate apt, auar Sixth av. r LET?THE LARliE AND COMMODIOUS FIRST ciae* Blare and rveoad Ulnar oa the aoutliweat corner of y- j veou. itro iaad Eighth areaue. Fixtaraa complete fhoa ory tw daetoae; u vary dnalrabie loa-auon, Apply on Me proudaea. WTO LKT-AT A LOW PBICB, THE HOI SE AT THE X miraer of Bar and T mnprm street* Hut u I-ian ?; it Baa buy grown'la, e??i water. An; ly tit C. IIA ItTLKTT, *d raimet; or next "our to the h-mae, en the Inland. ?JH) LET?THE 1/ARtlE AND COATMODIOlrt 8T0KE, turner ol airsiinu and Ft! lb n -li-e-ta, Hr<>oialvn; l>aa wn occupied 'or the pd*t seven ytrt by ? F. Wlilting, *? a MulugeiOT' ; a!?a large Room ererhewd, -ul dt"' tor l?o re?. entireru ball* eati othar entertainment* To reepuo parttee eituire irrtu uven-enui mini ?. In A/f JOHN B. CAMMBY KR.K7 Staaton tired, Bioaklytt. ?no LET?HOUBE 47 LISPENARD STREET. NEvK X Buadway. Brut low. App.r to A. .lalt'CNKAY, B73 Brou way. FTC LET-liOrgg M SOUTH FOURTH STREET, I B ousiya. Drslral le hwat.on, wa'er and ca? 'n "o ??. Lent iii*. Ap;4y to M. MOID. AN trwN. r. hrW .'.Una h.r C lj Haul, or to A. JTI i!N> AT, 373 Broswwey, Jf Y IPO LET?THE FIRbT AND SECOND FJ-C?Urt~Or taf X tin i.ut a iOi.i wl 1 be !??* In .r u x?,ou .. ., .t.u, .?in goad on .1 !o*, w th gi.s tad water, Inquire en .b* premi se*. or at S3 King atreet. ?no MAI H MrTH.?AN OPPORTt MITY SRI IK MI MKT X wi h 1 r a jobwin. mi >.1. ai I i i te in llmvard B n l Bm,>. di i , td.40i>i?u ftd tireefi, mreet, naar Brow.:way and ?un.m.U '.. itO'iat, Willi ptrx ,, ul % very Low rent, and piei.ty 1 f w -rk. In, .he 0.1 trie ,-t no* n<HK WEI.I. KNOWN AND A .CABLE HOTFL THE J Oiiu.'ir II " Ba'timaf- Ml., foi ret ? iQ'? Urge ?nd i t.ant ho el, reue.i I- belli ami r .e < ? Hoy -Itemed mu M< numon r|ttarR m the city ul BjU marc, t* r-ung ?very * .rai t.ig a? rendvr't una ai tin ? d ?ir t>l e.ia ilflitu .-la ul ih" oe ntrjr. win l<e eniit or fc-aecdua l?." Wbla I* 11*. Af>l'i''atMir b- m fie 01 the lb n 1. hat eMjr, ar to P. tiAKliNER. Htm Y"rh ? itei. 91(1 tUi HIHBKT. NEAR SFBIMO.?FUllNISIIED ** di I i?,'or iiaaedleh ooe'tiani.-jr; lowest m nu lit a. si? j . Hud ctng the aonieweiHaie foi itotweke ptni. baat tesUina.i' sis wurc.a nt ?uo'ung uteisslli, gaa aud Croteo. STi: vJIHtlATM. ^ CIOBET TB'.AND Thry. r.A .DTNO AT FORT t lAoitc? The eieaiaheat ?A' WBON *11. oa Thur* ay. tha ?wh inan, soma her ragiihu iripa fur the neuron v? Mils TJtOK ALSANT.?THE STEAMBOAT DANIEL DREW. X lur A'hs.iy and titi.Tulis Undlux", V- wring si Tb rde h etr et, New Yor*. leuvw* ererr Tn ?.^y Thurf day aad l^tur lay, 1 rum Jay * treat pur, a. T a. M 1/IOR BHIIN.E'N.HT -THB FT F.AM BP. BRIDOlTuORT Xr leaves ptrr lid Kaat rirar. daIlr et li o'eloc en u' nr. jriFa*'n time to cun'tert wph >1? ? Housetonic, Na.t.sDiot Blew Haven anil II*-if ird rallrnade, aim ?hoi > Uua to Hay Liooh and New LoB'iriit. B (EK"HANTS' UNE FOR ALRANY-FARK FI -TT Je| aetata. The rtnaiiiei HIP Y\'A WlN"f.R n HI oaiunicn s! mm*pa l?atmir plot loutefBMBnamijitrw 1 on ire . iv, #nn' U IrB', ai ?t* ?'clock r M. R?e Uaroey* ftrvru hew Ya k. M U .uy, Wwlti ediy ami Friday, MOHNINiA 1.IN1, F R FRE.TJK1J.L?irtll A BOnA Ji arse Jay etrs't per dally, at 8 A. M. (wilhente is-p. AM1.1 j. landing at Y inker*, Uaatluen, Dula ? Irti ,, lorry. Ion II etltk Ata,. Ilavereiraw aad 0r? */ Poilt. K' "trIi.'.g. Tea.cs I'eidUbin at 1 3d P. M? wt.obca ut Chruuvhr. ..nd Thlrucik atreet*. ?JkTORWlCH LINK?FOB BOSTON, NEW IiOXpnjr jt tterw'rh nnd ?'ime??r.r The wila-uliil strarncm tu TT ?OF Itaip r IN ind CITY OF NSW VnFK Ica-.e army day tSaatHtji o?i-epiail), at > d^llaek, (raw fu' t oi V. eti-y ? reek ye. all North rarer. B S Martin. Agent. C?KA'4ER THOMAd S HUIXB LEAVES , IIR Ff'OT p ?f Bptingetre?t, X. B , .1 iilr, i.t lw sV. M. nnd 2,#ami T f. M. fair UHttenh'i'd. Ituii'n Fer.j, Plesartit \ atlrv and F"rt let at. Baainlay.i at I' t. M. ? id J, 5 an I 7>? I' M. PYbin Fort Iced .ilv, it 7'a, u M. i\i a ,d ? f. M BuiKtiTe di'f A. ? , 12 M. an I 4 ?nd8'h i' a. Ijandlug at Tw-1 tn Ha ail flllr luh new -.ill t! e IC trait I f k Bp trip, altil C 0 ddck down trip every day, ?. unlay In- 'ealrc, B STKAMBJAT I,ON 4 IS LAND LBRTRR F ?R BortbjP ti 111 Hug the tupft eli" c FUnli i ,*, anvi., af ao"? (di i' my? gAviptaal). f' .oi YuRou Mulct *1,- at edvc* t; BOAROKN? AHD faOD?no. AMian <wr HABIMOMELf FURMBIIBU ROOMS. H ?HB fis gamma, nut * (riWW'uU and lacy MWDMilNHi. 141 Wi. with buu<L BWut CMIWKU mm*, ha,**** mu a*d auiii asmu**, AUU1 FBUMT BOOM, SUITABLE FOB A SINGLE gw.tU'ma,, rua, be Li?.t wt.h busra I* ?wl<*W ?ml | lj res* lug ou Fifth mw. Terms $7 per we *. Rclanm ?rtaacbaaged. l?MWir? i,f W. F. W., id Beads .treei. i LALT AMD GENTLEMAN. DESIRING BOAttlX ?A. Will UUd a Iiauo-ODC JJT lU.UlahCii BoOIU. WlUl luB Board tar uic lady euly. iiuuM ha* all Uia mud. ra Improve nirnia Ooavi-aieat to <ara aud stages Call a, 7? w?at Blusheath a?i. ABCIT OF ELEGANTLY FYJRNISHBD BOOMS Ot mound bat*. ?> uh spicudil pac.or, iu?lf4 uu*?* prt >Ua heme. uldua .aeuly ar gemlrm o, wl>h ar without ft II or partial Hu.rd or private table. Roie-ene- ? eienaogsd. Apply rt MU W sat Thirty-e.ahi* surest. FaiaM of lournuwIUL A LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH rULL BOARD, SUIT abut for a aentl niao aad wlie ..r aii.Wj fc?ut.cuie:t, la tho ?r?t c.aa? No. A Well XweayMeurUi atrial, oppo aMa Fiiiu Avsnue Hotel. _ AIHHVaTF FAMILY can ACCOMMODATE ON'B OB IHO x-uaie s< U..eDI U Willi UMl.J 1U. U.kb> (1 lwMBI'S without Board; gas, bat .,and prior m derate, to Washing ou Pursue Urauud. A|.pi> at SW Fourth -street, a?ar Bioauway. Attention is called to whose living in hotels iai.. buariiiUH uuuacj* la mi ealabUshment opened wtllu Mac o igal ?ir> a . and u.uia ied witb every unus ou. ?oeasary far ti?unahoep.u g. in order tu a I a family uiajr bate a aui p .? b?iu?. A FEW NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET?WITH ui wiiAuiil Board, iu an AunMuni lawny. Appiy at V6 Uieharu street. A FEW SINGLE GENTLEMEN MAT FIND A PLEA ?MM bouoeina Private family ,t>T acre tarir eo ..iori wuu' h studied more thaw ar mauj. Terms modi .? e. Li-nauou ouuvrBieut to oara and aUgce. App.y at 33 Sana street. A LADY DESIRES TO LET, WITH BOARD, A VKftY |i.ea?ai,i rout .tn.ii f irmabe I or unfurnished, to o lady and gentleman. or qui i LJ.; for such a home uau lio realized. (3a?. bath Sr.; family await; loo? lion ui at do *.rahiv? 67 Weal Waac 04011 place, near sixth avenue. A NEAT AND HANDSOMELY FITTED LP TKA .ND Uroceiy SUire. ,.0.11, a good bonnea* ami Glu* ed u a 1 r.e *1 d pop but w igfib rb.aul. ou one uf the beat at a .ra la .be city. Inquire at J/0 1 air a avenue. AGENNLBMAN AND WIFE. OR ONE OR TWO SIN glr a ntleiuen, e.n u bun a vary p.raaiut 110 t rou.u auil botlroum ou n caiui i.aor, by eal'in^ at 160 Ea?l fci?ht eeuib aire t, family euiail; reiereiuea givi n an.i r?|t ired. A FEW HANDSOME ROOMS, WITH GOOD BOARD, can be had, eltlu r aeia.atr ur b.cet ? r, to aidt a pai .y ?f gentle 1 en or a family: teruia very low lor the ?,.ui i rr: k' j f r Ui. par*: ilinuer at A App.y o Mn. Urego y, KM Kaat Twruty-i.ret a ,<111, G.auiaicy ; ark. A FRENCH I AMILY WILL LET SOME FURNISHED float Koutua. n.tii first ? 1 sa buaid, and avt ry couvanl cncp. Apply ot Na S Wert Tnii teentb atrect, near Film awenue. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR TWO OR THRKE alii* e ^euiiemeu can o'dain Soai-d, arub t ,e aoaaforu of a bouir, at 100 East Twenum i oud otrn t, betueon Lex li.t ion ,?r.d Third avenuea. Tlie house baa all the modern luipiov amenta. A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMODATED a lib gfw.ii hoard and pleuatnt ltu,m?, at Mra. A. Tay lor's, 631 Gieenwlch at, lor Uir c dollars per w. eh. A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE GERMAN FAMILY, OC cuiiylng aurxtciaza bouae, a-t.nld lets fe? elegantly furn'.abrd Rooms, wit . excellent Board, to slnglejieii lemon or gentlemen and tbelr wives. Apply st 3d Wert N 11.11 atrei-l, betwrn Fifth and Sixth avenues. Fieuch aud Eng.ub spoken. Meft-renea exchanged. A LADY AND GENTLE MAM CAN HAVE A FRONT or back 1 arior, or a aniall luont matly lutn.s.ied, witli : board for lady, at 6A $r nnd $8; all modern lmprovauieiilH, family smaS; lUifi luxes the i.onr. Apply Si 2z Amity at. A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET A FEW 8U termr Rooms, ueautl(ully furnished, a. moderate prices, to neairable person*. Apply at 3d Fourteenth street, a few door* ?. at of Fittb a* tune. Board.?several pleasant furnished front Rooms, with Board, at No. S3CllaVui place (Eigblb Stwet), Mtfr Fifth avenue. Dinner at six o'clock. Board.?nt mulberry, near grand street. room lor a lew youui; meu si $.1 per week. AUoiur one lady, at $2 2o |ier wtea. Day boarders accommodated at fi2 36 per week. Board? wash inoton square.?a family or single gentl men cau be aecoinmouated witb large aao elegaot apartments, en aniie or s parute, w, h Board, at 1U3 Waverli-y place, In view of and nearly opttos te Waabuidton a,..are. Unexceptionable reference* given sud raguireX -nOARD.-ROO.US TO LET, WITH BOARD FOR LADY J3 suugentKia n or aingie grn lenen; a very deena ile location and excellent arc-imniodationa; terms to suit ths time.-,; dlunerat six, reiereucen exchanged. Inquire at No. S7 Clintou place. Board-in a private family, at yonkbrs. Iwo gentlemen and tin Ir wires or a family of lour persnas, woo are w-illiug to pay a good puce lor Ibe actum r. can hear of a pleasant home by addressing box 1,103 Post B OARD-WITIl FURNISHED OR UNFl'RNISTIED It nnS, atibiS West Flfb m.i street, near Eigi-.b avenue. Board wanted?in a respectalle family, by a lady, who takea in aewing. Mcleiences exchanged. Address Sewing, Herald o.Uce. Board wanted?in the country, not over on* hour's tide from the rtfy, on either the II maun Btrsror the Harlem K/dlrnads, for a lamllv rompr.stn.; a grntieuian, wife, three children and nurse. Tnruis must be low. Addiess U. J,. Foster, New York Post ollu*. BOARDER'S BUREAU ?COUMTKV AND CITY BOARD wanted, tor first ciak* ta.iililea aud single parties. Set yesterday's H. ruld. N. M.?Free dtrec'ions cicen to all warning Board, city or couuirv, from tho daacnpiiona le t with us. A. C. JONES A CO . 336 Broadway. BOARDISG-AT S38 BOWERY, BETWEEN THIRD and Fourth alreets.?Mrs. Merrill cm atr ?mmodato a few latin's and gentlemen with full or paniul Board. Terms very nuKtciicie. Roierenc-: given and re'pursd. Boarding at no. 3h west ninth street, near Fifth avenue; rooms Insults, orsib.l lorg nte.ei and their wives, or for single gentlemen, at pr.cer lo con furtn to ll.e times. B KOOKIYN ? A LARGE FRONT ROOM ON TUB KIK8T _J noor, hin l?'>me?y furnUhcd f?r?(nnlieiKko. with or il'.ont ;> i turd; ta*, he ; family priest' ; neighbor hood Ural ?1sm; No. 88 Bond street, near Dean. u-rraa mod erate. Brooklyn heights.?to let with roarb to a famll> <>r Mimic tenth ritnri, a haoduomi ?oit of fir nudied room* un ee> ?nd floor, rveiln. k>ntne bay; dinner at 6o'rPek; two minute- walk of Kaiton ferry. Applyat No. ii Willow Mri e_ BBOOKI.VN.-A UNO LB OKHTLSMAN iVISHEd A lumiahed Room, wiboat board, i or u of stinnti> elr-at, where piano practice m be in Iui??] without le aramt. 1' ano need put he anppflcd. Addrea* If. J., boi 128 II. raid office. BROOKLYN HKIOHTB-FINK ACCOMMODATION-! for a itunlljr or two ?uigle gen'lemen at -*7 Hc-ny -. feet; hootc iru-d -ra built with ga?, bath. Ac.; dtnn-r at ti o - lock, a few miuntea walk Oily tu the ferrl.-w. BROOKLYN BOAHD?SPACIOUS AIRY ROOMS TO Id, with Board. In a II ret elans lio tee; Iw atlon anri c -ptkmable. and tvltMn three>' walk of Soutn or Wall street ferry. Apply at J# bA?ir gin at; oppo-lin Gar u..n sire *, Bro i*l) u. Brooklyn board.-a private family can ac. cOitin.celaia two gcilif men or a w ith neai.y fur. ill-la Inn Rn >.na on ae >nd Boor; goo.l Bo ri, - aa aud hath. Term*low. Apply at Zil State giaii. Gentlemen fur u-eala. BOARDIKO IN BROOKLYN?AT COURT STRELT, ui.o door from 8a ti tt> He ir O irr itl Park. Lo-atiun airy and plenaint, aojaoeut to feny. A ple.iaaui hntuc, te plete wit* comfort, i.pun Diode.ale t-rnin. BROOKLYN BOARD.-GENTLE MEN OR GENTLEMAN .?ml a lia ceti Bwd arge ilrj iiuuua wltii l.aih, . at OMimodatlftM and location ht?t cln-a: near Wall c r-et or is itiih fei ry; term* mc-Ic ,??*: .lui r c; 6>ie c.-* *. Apply at 7! boat*'* reel, oppog : Mun-fy pluun. DEiIKAMK FtHNt.SHK'l OR UNFURNISHED lio. i.* Ia|a una .' rnliy, with R'-i.d. a inari iwd ?</ii->>, o-1. >n ? attitg "1 ci'. rrrtuiinltii In town Muring Owwunint-r, trCl fln i Ktt Wf * 'f, ..i.i.j ?;jwc. an une\ ci r fiotui'i,- lo.alit n. Ti nra m>?onc 1 1" jitiwi vnt it no ms,' f. rv 'v, a piJh 'iivmTnwmi ll i'ai -y-el.nth Mi-ll ?Toe pro. I'-mr of thi* hooae O' i.j- It fo. ">e r oept'on o ep p. ,?o.. or i'?ra.?i*a. p.??d"at" wadxtren. B-tha >11 ? meat, tm4*roar-or Dr. I,'. C. 8 I. e.'erie iter, v dung phyaLdan, o.'Hae 8 -1 Broad **??_ ___ t,rREN<H BOARD AN1? FP.BNBII INSTRUCTION IN JT pn-feaiKir E. Keiandn '* futility, JNo. M Ukioti aqtiaro (Fourth avenue). Bed references required ano given. JniRNlMHED FRONT ROOM AND BEDROOM To l.BT. P. oea or two rr.oleiud.i, w.thout n-iaid a- .iiSevt-uth street; vlomity Cooper Iusutute. Apply aa ah ve. TAURMSHED A PA ATM R NTS TO LET-IN TTIK FAMI J ly nt a wlik-er lady, 10 pinnaneut or iranskmt jxTeoos. The bt.wtlou U quiet, coal and central Term* tuoderate. M l-ond at reel. FI KNTSIIBD RtJOdH TO I.rP.-A MTIT OF IJkRDE airj In 1 ? Oil third .'nor. well f irnlshed and ron ie t. d, to n - let ?? laaralA or to "ther, wnhou; Ronrd, to gentleiuen only tcrutrlnw. Awf at In) Bund atrr< t. TALBNtoHED BOOMS TO LKT-WITHOl'T BOARD. IN J. Ule n.'>;? in boa* , So tlrrai J iooe at, not Noelai. oe lor hoieekeeplni'. Fi(i?NlriIlRU BOOMS, CLEAN AND AIRY, FOR SIR. ye it wnaett, e?F ofiean it dee.I, at tnat Chrann air-w*. Tuo-w v to.-eeniwiba ? th!* a chan> a. L<? ?tlna ce ntral ami fdeaeant, l.aody and convent- nt. Oa.l and *?e. ^tUBNlKIIED AND BNFURNISHED IttdlMM TO LET? P T , i; nUcmati, without board. M Ho Pi.uee *tr?a>', a f?w y.ors ?aat I.r Broadway. f t KMTI.I.M EN WILL FIND BLBOANTLY Fi'RNISIlED VT il>> >ma, u ith ?1 ije b"P '??' ?iei.i?and n.aldran- p toga, at M Trim ? e re >i, one block west of ar- a<l>vii, 1IOPOKRN-A Fl'RIifMHRD IIADly SL IROOM TO I lei. -t haul it?ai<l, ? 1M Vfaahlugton atreet, iloluikcD, War tbo ii ra , euir--. V F.ATLY if RMSIIED APAKTMENTB. ON SECOND If ..'>-r. a ,ta ile 1 e?.nfcle geirtl '"f 11 aad fdBtleman and * 1 e. A i-m iinni h?.1 ii en; Btatd il i?i)mred. Call at W West l-.luve.itli a treat, between Finn an 1 lauili ara. ONE OR TWO I ALIEN ^aN OBTAIN HOARD AND i h-atau1 Bootua in aprivite amllyi no miter b wr ier*; I t and 1 Id Water bath eltd gM> Tt oua reaaouable. Ap ply at No. ldt Huil'van *ti >. t. ONI" OR TRO OENTLU'FS ('AN BE ACCOMM'V dah 1 plea ant iru'-ned wnmtl )T<. 0? A.dtiy mieei Hoti?e a -a'l mo'-ih tmprw. uuti nt*. laui., pn rate. Relei no r?|atr d. IN It t V IE BOAROIVO?ONE OR TWO OBNTf.KMEN end tueir *i?t* nr thiec <ir four almrle p>?,*,.,,? -an u<ea r*rd, 1 ltd plea 1 i.t R. 11 ?. .it tug fci ,1 Fouit eu 1 .irvru >1, L .*1fa tne A n . ..i* hi M .?lr. The l.-n igNnel t < atM. b .e *aa, 1 a'u, hot end cul l >aier,Ae. Term* wtxlerNke, TiOOMS?FlfHNtNIIE'i WITH Oil WITflOi T HOAML At, i? a fi 1.. ir . |la a hUgi'ieo, it 4liJi-tT u'l tij, Iiehr Bree ,w?/. ?? A5TD M)PQiaa> Rooms to LBT-HA^so)iMiLT"VurmTbhbd, at mo4> rm? prices. lor the iiiumer smta or si ogle. ? gon I.#111*11 and their *leas <>r angle Mnlhm a. PWse apply X It Swi Twenty-sixth street, Mettu Unii|Mi au4 Fourth tiuiuea. TWO NK'EL* FURNISHED BOOMS, WITH BOABO. ?nay he ? Stained In a pUassnt be a * no mudera.B terms. Io sunn ceuraomi t to an ? and, ftauiily suiaiL Apply et 338 W et Fifteenth eireet, fWO GENTLEMEN OF RK8FECYABIL1TT CAM SB onru riccdeui Board, with ?n intelligent and agreeable huntiy, by apply lug et Me. M Wert Warren eireet, Broo?iyu. H pruc, exchanged. r LET?FURNISHED BOOMS. WIIW PARTIAL, f'Qirl If required, ia a private lnmlly. laquire at 3*1 Fourth avenue. nTAMTBO?A HALL BEDROOM PLAINLY FURNISH " ad, in eoai' reeneota >le fem I > , location tie we-a Fourteenth And T laly-uri i eire t-. nee the Ei bib avenue. Adiir ee Mrs. M. A D , *tatl a C, Bi h h avenue 8 WEST ELEVENTH STREET, NEAR BROAPWAY A tamlebed Room and Bedroom, on the wound eiory, te lei separately or together, w to or without B >ai d O/k WEST TVYENIV-K10HTU STdF-ET, lOKNER mW of B. ad Way.?Handsomely turulhd Pailor- end B r on a to let, with or wit mat Board, lo .amities and sln g gentlemen, at very moderate terms. Tine Is a *? ry du eire.nn iucatioa for'partles who waut board np town. Din ner at d. Q1 WKST TWENTY-FOURTH STREET, NEAR FIFTH OA avenue.?A few pleasant Room,, with or writ out fl et sines Board . en elegant Pariur If desued. Re ereuca# ,iv*a and re ,uired. OQ WEST SIXTEENTH bTKKET. N'lAR FIFTH AVE 0?J nam?Handsomely fuiaisued Ruo e to In, uit H era euiia >1* for genl.eiu<n and tneir wives or single S'-n tli un n. H mee first elus*, imaiinu cool and convenient. Dinner at an. B lerenc. s required. Afi w 81 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET. BETWEEN tU FitTn end S xlu a I uu h.?Tiia etttlm Second Flu .r, furulsbeu euitame .or INnUies; private table If re .u rcd; also tw a single Ko-uua tor gentliaiea; terms reasonable 7Q EAST FOURTEENTH STREET? HOUSEDELPJHT I O lully eitua Uir on a , .am; a Sua of Rooms, well funnelled, on eeroml floor to let, wtlh B >#rd, sbiuto.e ia a family; also a law etugb-Rooms for gentlemen. Din ner at ball-past uve. References exch n,en. __a_ 90 GREENE STREET, A.tOVE SPRING, ALSTON O ti u, ?Ele^anuy fur.iisie, tun u Ro.m , t Crotonaii every convenience tor buuaeaeepiug econo id eally ; narucularly suttaole for email, re-pecmb.o lam.lies, rent low. Q-AND S>7 CLINTON PLACE (EIGHTH STREET).? tJ'i TbiSS houses are now re ly or the feeep n of geeeta. *1. 11. ANDERSON. >o mer.y Hotel St. Ju lea. lOn *WTH STREET, NEAR BROADW XY.?HEN J\/lJ linn u no tl.e.r wlveeoi sin le gentle nuw eccotn undated wi h pi aeaut R o ns a d goo Bu rd on uiou. Bale terms, at the above number Dinner nt'-ix o'clock. Refafeut e? ex> uau?ed. 1 HO WEST FOURTEENTH STREET-LARGE AND Ax/,./ median si/.cd iohiis s.ti.autu ior l#.ul ii s. ample gentlcm nor p. rtlesot gentlemen, to let with board; terms utudcrate; nriemu. < ? reqa re I. ioo east fourteenth street.?furnished AOj let, wttu tun oriartlalllourd. References ex.:b?n_ed. 1 PRINl E STREET?ST. CLAIR HOUSE ?F.LB A*JU gaiuly i irnlslied Rooms, with tfeorontns atiucbe l, with all tue eonveniencos fur iionsek.i.'pine complete, in c u tin,' cas an i Cr .ton water, to let to reape. table familu s, Or lug.e gentlemen. Of*J TENTH STREET.-A 8M ILL PARLOR AND olU'i lied oom. with Unerd, on lirst dour,, io let to e gentleiii in and wile; an excell- nt loeatlon for a ilo toi e nill. e; rent AS, ras an t bath Included; aire a back Parlor an 1 Bedioom. \v tb Board. $7. A lew genii men ran be aecoin liicdated with Boar<l at terms to suit the times. *479 FOURTH STREET. ONE BLOCK EAST OF 0 I ai Bun ..way.?A bina I private fnniily, havi ga iioilee containing ten rooms, i andse. .eiy lurnished, netvly |>ai.iieJ aim papered, dei ire to let them to iteutlemen and t. e?r a h ** ur single genii, men, with or w.ihont B ard. D n.n r at 6 o'clock. Cd fj AND C47 BROADWAY (CLINTOM HOUSE,) OVER Urt'A Mends Saloon. Elegant * lis of it oms for gou tl .aen; new lurnitiiie, l> ds and bedding, and all con veniences of a mat class home. 7 ?J.I BROADWAY?JONES 1I0USE.-8UITS OF 1 OA Ru m-. or blugle Kama, Hginlina on 11 r dway, with or witboufBoard, at very low rates, for the summer. SUM.HER RESORTS. TJIQUINOX HOUSE, ili MANCHESTER. VT. Now open for luiiwu r company. Address F. H. Orris. Agent. Fowler house, atgieneida lake, carmel. M. Y. PI tt nines froii. N wr Yor# by Harlem r.ilnnad to Croiun Fall's; six miles by slate. House new and well shaded, large flower garden, baihlng no w, sail, mw and hsaing boats; only .oor miles from Lake; a num ber of near which abound with nan; extensive a eoin modaiions for burses; livery htable attached. lb- ervnrr, L. T. Browned, with Brooks Bin's.. Kt-oalway and tlruud street. EDWIN I'OWLEK, P<opri. tor. La tuureitu house, on the kill von kull, Bergen Pmut, M. J.?This select family Hotel is nuw up- n or the seaaoo. Boats leave pier No 3 Nor.n river at 7:30,11:20, 3:20. 4: W and 8 o'c ock: from Dey street at lb>. A M. and 4>4 P. M. Time 3t imnutcfl. WESLEY W. HILL, Prnprietor. Lake mohegak.-one or two respectable fa.allies ran pro ore hoard lor t. c a tsui a. I't pes. due of W. R. Junes, Moui.t 1'leasat t, on the tukrgt i of this lake. Apply at Sltt Broadway, or P it oJl ? Peoas .ill. Metropolitan hotel, new rociieli.e, is now open f r the seaaon as a lir t class famllv uote!. It has be ti entirely re .tfeJ an l re. mnx-Ued aim MUI at a lie., to u peasaut gioua s wilrh fruit irets, lish i?n I, Ae. It is sin . sled within n few minutes' wal- of tbe ramonl and steam boat landings, toriy-iive minute#' rfcie from New Yur : by tiHuis ninn.iiy every hour. A. DONADI. ORIENT POINT HOUSE, OKIEKt POINT, L. I.?THIS Uuuse Is now open iur tin- rec. pt en oi guesrs. It is lo a ed on the exiremeend of the unrih p i.nlof L nitl.-lau , ImtiUng both the. Sound and Usrdiuer s bay. I i..c mi lug, driving, sa.ntu. boating ami ba hi.ig, teh-pin #1 y, 1.11 lar . room, Ac. Now York and II rtto:d steamnoaisland ut the dock, In fmni of the house, dall>. Car- to *ud Irnin .\ew Yurs iwieoaday. TiUIS. T. PABSO.xB. SUMMER RESORT.?"MOUNTAIN GLEN ' OJHi HnUB and a hali fro-n N w Yor*. b.. .N w jm *ey Cent'al R.ut road. D strabl ', ??penally lor i.nesir sc-nery. shade and a: ese.b llty See the proprietor, this ? ay. at N ? 8 D y street, a* end floor, I om 1 to 3. AdureasA. Utter, M. D.. PlsliiliiId, N.J IT Nil ED STATES IMTEL, FAR ROCK A WAY. LI , IS i now up n for tue reivptlon o gue t*. This hotel Is > andaocael.v sluiated, within ten nilnmos walk oi the At lanlie Ocean, and for the ad. aat . e- of ha' lilng and p ire air it cann >t be -nrp.,a?ed. S. WILLIAMS, I'rup. i.-tor. COtXTKY BOARD. Board at yonkrrh. on tub hanks of the H idau> ? shade and tounuy trenery, ltr.un( and boatinc single vt double Rooms, -ir' suits; near 10 Irp t. Par.- {3 p. r mouth. Apr'.. to JAMES YOUMANH, Yonkers. ? TOOABDBBR' JMIIOMBT," NO. Ml BKOADWAY J> C i.ntry and i ii? B" .rd?Fill, p rti'-ubirs^ am toua to beard em <> many d'sirab.' places, board w it d on the Hu>l?on, ft . Sunen I* and Ac Thoee wishing gen teel b . ti :> aiv.y lump d lately to o. add e<a A. 8. BO..INK A CO. Board-wanted, board in the country* from July I to ! owmMirr l. by a faroil. af four | P-In out to excea : BJ<i i? r we A. AddiEdward, wnb i?rtl<:.ila.a box ltd T. iiaa ottio-. CI GENTRY BOARD,?P I.K A BANT ROOMS AND BOARD J may ue n.named by a enlleiuuu an-i wile nr put, >.f ?iu j epe.itiaiiipn, ma r.tiuuftuilly In the v.Ua.e of Y. ukci . The.hons It we.l I .oat?d, wtihiu a a .0.1 distance o. Hie ile 1 ot and et-nmboat la..<M?if. ond iM.aut.ftilly >h .deiL Alio, tine iruti Irt > s on tin- place. T. nw n a unmle, Andreas W., Yonkern Poel otCcr, or box 1.746 New York I'oit office. pOCKTRY BOARD.?ONE OR TWO FIR8T CLAKB \ ainll.e* rail have Mipeil.r arcoaimodalonsata reiy healthy and i?n mending con itry mat, one by bo A an 1 dri c from tiilidty, on Staien Ml:n4; cxttiuln fnrauili, li.i." y -lii !' '1; go..d siablesg, an-. Address istwn, box Su Heiald ...... / 101NTRY BOARD WANTED-BY A GENTLEMAN \ t an.1 nil wile, frttn iwW unili Not -i..b r. In or* not to be or rim nit liu font in. rl.y and -aty crie =.? railioacl or boat. Add. at, mai n f ill la i p-res, w?ich must bi no era'.e H. L T> 11 iral!. 01 YhOl NTRY'boAHD at" WAV Jtlial J '7. I~?IN \ I'll? V ra ? mi.trnw; gentlemen and their wires rr a fe? ? 11 ? f e r lilt en an be uocoin'iio it; Wit I 1 two in mte .f t S'ati" in.! wl'lii 11 n-In-.1 a r cle i f ths Hrjtnc. ufnT.ea Addrct: W., box 1,707 Post oUlee. t~iTTntry board-rear ruTtiiinx iXnpinoeor ! g. 1. 1 e; , ttlra A tew ge Keel j, tr.l 1 would he a<v ? n? ?MdMed; iiiir .'a tthle t. dash d; lut-i'.uo pen it, tab a good; isiabtiug N ds-irOd. Re tue to A. Post, Eat|., Nr l.i Pen i street. C1LIPTON. H. I ?TWO ELEGANT BCITB 08 ROOMS / are aUli unengaged at the villa of J. K. D. Lann-r. on* hour front Wall rnei by bait to Tsndei1>.H'a L..ndi.ig. Kl teen acres of (round; In?u milk and vegetable*, fa Hi In 1 for battling; atanlnj a'xsnBniodailonii. SUMMER BOARDINO?NKAR PHILADELPHIA AND near tlx' G*rmaoio.?ii Hallway; Houae 1, Ur;i ondsw.-.l supplied with ainuaemeiite. A.lor.'ea Mrs. Brooae, 1,A9 Locust suet Philadelphia ivK R "hoUsk." (? ogt or" imd Tithe etTca km a ns ruie. nev Ir tilled tip en t In Co "plate order ?EaiuliieS ertlngii irentlnni"U .*ti msk ansnaeineaU on nwsonsnle t rii.siorUiQ seaaon. Un tMiW we4 shaded. A reedideat sll hours by Hudson Rivtu U .llrosd and tteauil otla Apply Beatiiifw. k-EA it ItlftTTfl - MRITT^T ffcfTlt^p. fSfij RRANOM, O N. J., is now open, suuao il only uh yards . itan in# ?ea shore,o ntrsl of Utc ii.ane; Iio oj- frtiulluj the ?ran B>V feci; will arm nnmodeie WJ gn-sti; two hours froni New link. Hfuv. , r learer Murray -irr.A twise daily, ih.-iue by the R. en I D B. Railroad. Addr?ws H. JLalrd, Pro, l ienor. HER BOaRD-THE SALTRRVW.LR ~MAU.?_ mas I ? now i.-n lr bf l?? acoom uodauon of eum ,.er CUMMER BOARD?THE SALTRRVH.LB MANSION O H mas now i^a ll lor ii? acoom ...niaunn of mim bc.:?r,i?r*. The house la pleees :tly lo at d on the ll.-avr Pnint p.suki s l. dr^iiury tine ir)e,a?rd. Flue rlew ul N.-W York sod Long Island. New Verk bey and the N .rmwm. Mta ei I. are the bona #re-y how. fur Jerset City. For rele rt ira; ca.1 at J5 John street, room No. I, J. J. VAN MU.sKIUK, Proprietor. "fine Rials A !VKOUE. A rARD?Tl E HKIN.-PRCl'TsEs, KuECKf.HS. UL cersan.lsli dtr..,..i'-s <>( t#e s. I ? onrsd by WAl.TEIl Day, M. D., 3d Amlljr Strset, lbr?|. li.'a 1 i west <>f Bm tl?ay IAfiR GENTIiEMLN'8 UBE-PHKNUII INDIA llUHBRlt J (lo . Is p.r.e 1 f< rsnt artle Pn-. 40t mis eanh| a; per iloaen. F >r s de e tf ii c r n n ,r 1 ol 1 ou or address Matikoy A 0" , St Nassau Mm, ronni IA MAflBI.E MANTBIjA?MANTELd HOLD AT ASTON nhtngly low priuos at Kl. tBLIt'S Ma- 'de Yn d 101 Ear KlgbUienltt si wl, it ar Tnir . a ? u. e, Slid SI First are ituc n> ar I'tiuil shoot, N. Y. ManUdt put up in as/ pmtuf Um oountry. SCIIMIHT8 PATRNT mi WI.Bh IN WMlOE TIIE dugs :un rat and drink, and ..1 not able to mte, for e In 1 i*tj h r i ? are suit? and at tils man J0.W1J, 13V Mnae role sue#;, Brooaiyn, R D. _______ f| 0 BUTCHERR.?fBR nitiUKuT MAP.KEP PRI K.d L us,u in ca'L, on neorerv, : r dlt*-> i .c Hide. Calf bkin- and T:g .p? Ft iy PETES lAV IDKHSTINR ir.. Rp), i,.' an I 441 1 id.1 ii en ie, etw 11 Tulri) -mitt ?ne Foitinlh ? r?e s. K H ?Gr.i d soan mi al |? tin si ?? t,.r 1 "? sitAfh ?'to he prctn ?*. iiiuiiyhier 1J. ;se tcsooaii oJuPoabftuui'.ibvd ftie, torn m* Adroo stork'iV a NBioHBjRtNG otrv. hay log * lar.e *o.l w.-Il Ml* took <?'fraxh d.- gs u l Moot medicine*, .lolar a first 1I1M re oil Mi l jobbing buni ??#?, will be M d on rennouabla terms, and to an .marg.'uo ad rasp? Ibto bmUm?w?IiiM| wtitnh aatdma ?Sun. Apuly MA Barclay sireei. AH EXTENSIVE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, lu a UaorlahlugNew Jursey villa e to .a.# very . heap M alase a trust; lnTnll #i>erallou, urn h.u-ry Mil all turn Ati wail rtuU) 1. *?n 1 at n a if pita, wm. M WiH)u g: Wa??au street. 4 KM ALL AND GOOD PAYING GROCER Y. ON SIXTH avenue, as I loca ed; rent t-tN. Ail iSwiioetMl >1* lum, Awning, six pairs at Scales, Ac.; well be sold fur AM) ??all. Must he Bold .u" Wednesday uooa r. D. KIS1IARDBONA CHJ., a* and a* Nassau Butt An unexpired lease bp nine years or a rty# ?iurv (Mai.Ikb lane) Use. UBBr the rivet; will Sl change th- mine Cor a pair at Horses, Carriages ar surer ?cud personal property. f. D. HICHABDBOM A PP., ?2 and 84 Nasam atraal. A small, finely forniriibd n itbl. doing bo ext-naive and monay making h .siue-s, xiokuaaa c< ?? pel- B sale. Price $1,000. Alao. Ly same owner, a b> Bu ll! u. llllle buatnt'wi 'Seg I' and Sample Store): price $?>0. r. D. UlOll ABU WON A CO.. feand 8? Naasau street. DRUG STORE FOB SALE?NEAR ONE OF THE PER' nca. on a pro uiU ntrornr; w..ul I ma e a good root bear stand; theow ucr, a i byidciau, la , l??, to Lie war. Ca>b pr.ce %2J0 Address M. II. B., Herald Olllce. Fob sale-tiib stand no. ijo mei? uantr? row, Woel Washington Market; will ba *o?l cheap.?? ma on net i* leaving tl.. city. Apply to JOHN 1L M UN DELL, 81i Myrtle av< nue, Brooklyn. 1.NOR SALE?A KEUAR STORE, WITH STOCK, LEASE, 1? AC., In the b#*i business pail u( Brno Jy a, win IB a go al baaineaa i.aa b.-en dune or Hie laat live years. Inquire at No. d- Fin atrect, Mro kly n. iriOB SALE?A GROCERY STORE. IN ONE LP THE A b * t parte of toe duiiij, a Irene; eeM on ac anuui of disa reetnent oi partner. Ajp.y at lAt Lo?uaid aitoi t, corner of Elm street. lAOR SALE?HOTEL. RESTAURANT AND LADIES' A cup a Ro.imu. iueL.nie.StA., Flxtil e- and r urtll Hire comp ete o. tin- Ph t delolna House, ltu and let Bowe ry. Apiny lu tne rtor. 1 iH KiOut street. liH.R SALE-A HtUIT AND SAMPLE ROOM. GOOD I1 aland, inquire m AW B.ceaker a: r et, |,10R SALE?IN BROOKLYN. THE STOCK FIXTURES L ..nd .. on will oi a MiUin. r. Hi le, well ..slabl abed, tiud now d.dug a first 'at* cash , u-nnesa. siock annul, and ?vdi b>- aold .our I: app t d lot 1 inm diaicly. s ilistauwry r asons given for aelhng. Address Misa 1)., Brot.kly u 1'Oat onica. F1GR SALE, ON TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1862, To close a Conce. u, The aplendl l aca gniug aletimer N.-w York, United Stale# built. I.Ukl ton# biirtm n, tborougblv oak nttl l. Tula la at iren iii eanying II r M je-ly'a nMim hcl .efu New Uruira..tck an K nu Scoiia. . u u. ir in New York auout the 2olh June 1 bt.uii, lor ibe m-pe t'on of I |mre<>ua lug to p ic m. . l or finl i r t> r'K'iuara vegitsllng dimtn aioiia, engine aud uiaclniKry, rana .y ... a. uly to A. S.'ell .ESS u OO., 0., Beaver street. For sale-in c< nseqveniB of ?.< inusouth ? , . ; rc a, u go .d . i.i oi aCr?keiy, Ltuip ?nd Oil S:uri, d. 'n a ?ood b .alu as. luqiilrr at ortiddrc.a 10.>i Diviaiou air ei. F^OIC SALE AT A HAR IAIN?IN CONSEQUENOB OF the ileue a o the propr euir. the Good .. rl. Ft. turee, Alea Ll'iuora au I S.*gara oi an eSUtblM. ed Kootn, now ooi.ig u goo I buhiuce-, uit i apartu euia to accommodate nve or ai\ I oardera and pari of the furniture, will Uc aold cheap for itu.-li. Apply at No. 8 street. Battery. For sale?a schooner, will carry 120 tons ,11 o>j f el of wai- r. 1 or particulars luoi.lre oi MOOKE A CltA'l MANS, 4J3 West street. Emir hale?a marble sun dial, witii marble pniar t-lund ro.nplct ; an el. ta it oiu.tii. u; f ir a or 11 deu; prtoe ?A0, cost &U0. Can be seen at 12~i Bleecaer street. IpOH SALE CHEAP?THE HULL OF THE STEAMER Rhine, of I rO tons c. r.ylng araciiy. Fm p?r. cu.ara Inqnire of lite owner, MORGAN KVEitSON, atStoigntburg, lilaicrcounty, N. Y. FOB BALE, OR TO LET CHEAP?THE BILLIARD Su 0011, Odd P. Hows' Hall, iioUuken N.J M R. Demare*I, 17a Wasmngtou street, HoboKcn, N. J. For bale or exchange?this is a fine chance for any one wishing to get into a nod pa.< ing In slnesa.?A Ho a" an L -t. ator* lar.;e. w II t ei up. War one of the principal ferries In Brue .lyn, for snlc or exchange lor e eottac - witii <u e or unVe lots, near the ? ity. Apply at Sr M.iin a. reel, Brooklyn. Hotel for sale.-tub pre-i' ott hotel, no. so E. atll' lir >adw..y, for eaie on rea acnuble terms; u is !? rushed completely tbrurgi iut, lain perfect order, and neargr lull of boarders. Apply on tue prcutiai a. Hardware and stove business for bale?a few hi es from the cay, doing a good hna ne w; . a.'s. far o-y r asoua given fur eeillug out A ldresa 11. A R., Heiald o.lsoe. Photographic gallery, no ik west four neutli airci-t, corner oi Ei, htb av? uuc, .or a.ile . Iie.ip, b.r .dsomeiy titled ap und with ever.vU.iu, reitulreu for the bu.dueaa. Rent .ow and doing a good toisiuess. Photograph and ambrotye gallery for ante.?The o.d stand. No. 81 Chatham iire-L ?,l. tie g.v.-n away lor the atna I num of g7A, wort.i $AA>. Apply lui m. diuti-ly, a? 1 moat be oil to join ray re tmeuilna lew days, Propeller for bale-that will carry im tons; very fast; hue two direct D'-tlng engines 11111 h' ist lag engine, wLli dm 1 k; draws outy six uei; tit to put ri?hl to work. Apply nt M!J Broadway, room No. 1. . WATER FOUNTAIN FOR SALE?WITH LEASE j. ? sii.iill slur*, li dr died, Us a led in tlreeuwicb street, rne door bu.ow a go .d aland fur selling fruit, se gars, Ac. Apply on tue premlaee. TO BE SOLD, CHEAP FOR CASH-AN ENGLISH Shades, in agnod neighborhood; mug rent; satis or lory tew ens for selling. Io'iurrc of A. C. LAW BENtR, Nf Broadway. 1 _ BTOItE FOR SALE?HANDSOMELY FirrED UP, anu lu a g'Mid hrcatiuu. Appo at .,0. S Thlr.i avenue. WOOD YARD FOR BALX-W1TH STE M ENGINE II and B >ncr, and all me Machinery. Hoix'S, Wa.o. s, Carts, ,ic., doing a good huslne.-n; tviU be sold cucup lor cash. Instill-' at AOUsuJ 811 West street. WILL BUY THE 8T0CK AND FIXTURES ijl'lUU of t ic best rult sud con .ecuoicwy store in the < ity of Nru ark. two clocks from the Market Htn-et depot, 248 Mar c atcct; reaaon for selling, tbe owner la in ill heath. Inquire in the store. SODA W eiw T^, IliTHlSIOVIAb A GENTLEMAN, THIKT Y-TH KEE III GOOD BUSI lie ?, dtutl r- torna..e the ae tua.iilaiiu u| a geiiter., rath)-, ? "in, K<x>u looking yutina lady or ??.??, in tbiau.ty, with a ifli ? in tnaoimouy. Adhere, in conodeuce, Mark*, U>? 1 j6 Herald oibce. A GEN TLKMAN, ABOUT 38 YEA KB OP AGEt iv maun the najuniitainv n. a yo nig lady <ir u nlo-%. m i,ii .. view to m.ilriir'iny. HI.e n,iiai wear gluee a ie?), and be of re.-ipectuble ootmertioiia imd .?( h lov iu: 'iiapoaiunu. Addreae Jullua F. Auebiug, New York 1'oat Olll. I YOI NO LADY WHO HAS FOR S< 'MK TIME RE J Y ? den In Baltimore, Md., ? >h< atoinpr. till' ec'|iiwinUin< e in tuM giio.l, > uung gin hi,, at aw to mat ri my. A-i fu 1'unrix aro nnee-ary lor the tin jo ui< n ot ltd* ii.r, any geni,euiun who be* got p: nty o ibc n elft.l tan a.ldrem> Mim> Aduie Willie box b'.h Pom oflk, Bali mm,', Md. Matrimonial.?a YOUNU '.man IAN AMERICAN), jtifit returned from Cuba, w hero be hat resided ter she ion . ? i?a. ha* inr no ucquain aneo tit title eanntrv de al ee toenrresyon t with iodic lady w.iiia v|. w to metrim-uy. She moat be young, hand*- ne ann H'-eniti|,ll?:,ed. W a til uo abject, aa fie ha* ?,i?l? lent lor Uitii. Oniy tuoee v no u:e eitie re may addr-. ?,i o loaiu^cart, nr vialte, W. P. Ueury, Lain 6k*j, t anion, St. Lawrence (A ilitjf, N. Y. Those who have answered my matrimonial a T -rttaemant in the Herald of da iirda ,aet, an i? qu?aiud to inuur.ltat, ly write again, aa at no ? nj, innpiet. eti laiti purloin'd my l.-uarefrom mc P??t aiiii*" y * e. iy, II* . . ina earned thie tact, I have arranged at the 1", ? ? oiSte * m> t.vit b cafter ieu,ra will be auretocon.c m? , my nauu* Tli refor I deaite nil who ha.nwri ten trior i? tUl* date to bum diately a ntr again. Tin we who dut n ? are >?y v,f? leugtuy advertisetni m, I reier to the Herald ot 8 .iur ,ay last. Andieaa H. R. Waalealy, New Yorr poet oiLe ?. AMTROlrOUl. A~BONAl'IDB iHTRSLOtiUT THAT E> i-'. Y ON/ CAN utpeud ou ,3 Miiumiom k\ 1L.ON, who .. .. the ot.jaet ot to ,r tla.i aa *,,<m g* you rnb-r her room Nia lan.e -lima la the area teat aetr l"gi<tthtl ?r,r ?,.a known. Sis wtt tnvu.e the ro vent ot i.ei wonder! ttl no ent* , and t*M all the eveiwao, y<?,r whole die. IIr.t prddfanoaa nee so trie ;nat ti ?y aurtwi'-e every i ar thai eoneuhs tor. Some ladtoe may hOk a il ti. ttml't, thi, i.b'he/ toed ikOl fear, for ahe ptuc lea tminlng bill ehot 1* re ruvt .lti'Ue to fchUoenphers, AU e'joulu cwnautt thle moat won derful and inyao Hour Utay. Be adrtet bee newer been known to tall, and ana oif-ia tweuiy tooueaitil doLUua reward to ant one tvliit ran ?t| ?,1 h. r In the attire evienon. Ma.atne WO oil la la l-na.waaiua of Ut? celebrated magic e itirrna. which aro ever car** it In tbelr eileet. Truly uiey ahe be oalled a meet wonderful wo man. UW Alien airect, between Uoiiatoa auJ ktauUn ata , over the haaety. Pee for ladtea and acntloiikeu, #0 wn ?, A8TROLOGISTR, HEAD, READ.?AS U8t .iL A GREAT excitum-nt at Madame HENRP.S r aol" 11 >? Kiue* her return I root the country thuuaai.da bare been ouitewd to d?. peri without uonaultln^ her, It being itnn tn ia>i- ?? a tee of the vaat aumter tuat daily thmng iter i >t i.i-j. ? a.e II nrl'e mode of r> udlng jro :r future ia in ? raenluua. Gail and aee. Prioea m-jderat-. M J ,<ua Il*nrl a II* lor Pari* In two wecka. Med.<e> prr'. trip.lo a a)-, i f< r nil dlwtiai-a Aim. i*tlere of all Kiu la beautifully '??, i poee l and written. Rciddriio* No. H) Weat Broad tray, u.*r Laottat ii a reot Noton on th* door. AHTOUNDINO Ot'RER AND DIYIN \TfON-t.?'TIIOSU In ir-u. tier 111 health *hnui 1 tone n!'m L'L.P PORD, 1W Dean ttrei'U Miot.lyn, the . rootart living Lliur royant. Dl? m ? di teoie'i, reme tma i-ria nbud ails Ot freti e foon i. Bnalnoaa ouaettllationa Su 'WOte. Coml.tno. t al medical or by letter, $1. \ RTONIsniNtil?MADAME MORROW. SEtKlCTH iV t.might*!, l ea e girt oi i-rem hi; teiU how ?wu mid howefteu yiMt will marry, and nUyou wtab m know, rren jour y -ry tbo tgal*. or uo p..jN Entky rkat me frw. Her RMnDCl obe ftniML Her Mkgle Image la now ia lull o.wratitn?in l.rvilow street, below llntiaton. I'riee 25 eenre. Oei.tietnen eel adm,lt<d. A CI,AittVOYANT.?MRS. SEYMOUR, T1IE MONT hi?. twaiul inedh nl aa l bualneh* C.a.rkuynnt lnAnt, itc?, ran I eeonaultert, a* unnai, at h, r re*l'ieti'*, Ml Wnat Kt,' teemk aiim-t, corner oI BLkb afraue. Dlarmme, theiraaiiee and cure, invt d. CtORt A. BEAM IB. INDEPENDENT CLAIRVOYANT, / iituiroiiokV <1 ? I.|t INeiaton *lr?d t.' 161 W *. T* ? Otietll aMt, Ut tweett Met' r th HUd elgbtl areum a ConauliHln,ua on a.l aubjectA 1 >th nt-ol ;.ii and lui*iu ?a, day and evening. Sol We-t T.veouetu dftlt Madame ray is the best clairvoyant and * t'O.tigiat in ihiariiy. Sua talla your very Itnughtai ytien lurky itdmler*, Ihuaea apeedy ntar.tjy a. No. Ird Herettui avenue, in ai I ., ualy-aevwu,h street. Lautan 35 tenia; gentleneu Atioenu, UtRS. fDDIE BANKER, MEM AL AND HU8INESS i.Yl riatrvtiyantdad Speitnal Mudlata, NutlatM in# aiti*(a*ii ti io lo r aunaemaa . lattora, day ami evening. R o iiae3lfllt '? tb atru t. ? anr Uaora w r?tot ilroilv.y rritE JRK,,TRST WfiNDhR IN THE WORLD It? TUB 1 r.Ai r t,'! teu "i.piiaited Malumc ItfRDN, ft.tni fbrig. v-jc ' I" rot.?'?!#( wi h 'h ? atrlntMt c n utm-v < tt ,?1 a'tnMof II <?; rer -r a dfWbkAn an I unft, Utful h", ti-ynda; hti-it-ee ?tn mi k' ?i tt I "i'lfttJ bejaitr I .rt'a,l<IOi. im.l ?r * - iherMw>u longu" ?rt ? L> licetp*. P deu-eM Tit.iti atauue, a'joko *w?,.,j atr?et tnANIAb A KMT ARB MATT PAT AND CLAIM 4>PsICR.-AR A run ef P?J. Bounty. Pensions ?ud r .rutting Ka fUM JOHN B. MURRAY, Arm* m4 Mar/ Bank, r, 3It NrmmnmI, M. ?., opposite 1'uet "PR DOOtr BBLMOMT A CO.. BANKERS, NO. 80 WALL M at, issne letters of crod tte umaodera, available la all sm as. mm. immmm Miikoiv w uoi i w ubtd.kiO| *rpiH>ui? im ?? par. ? or the world through Me ..r* Boihschld, of I'aria Loiw par.? or the world through tie --r 4ou, Frankfurt, Vienna,, aud weir oor'respaadenta^ At a meeting or the board or directors op the New Jeroev Nine Company, held the 11th da/ of ie, lrt#2, a dlvi lend was declared on preferred el ef eight per eeal for the year 18 >1. and four per rent for the sit otoliths ending May 31 last, payable ea demand at the transfer oMee ef the romp toy, 101 Liberty street. Tan an no 1 interest on the scrip ef the co npany will be dne and payable July 1. The ecrip transfer hooks will be c o e>t from tho ltkh In it. to that date. A. H. FARMS. A BREAKS OP FAY AND S100 BOUNTY COLLECTED? A fin relnilves ef eoloters who have died _ In the eeret.*. P nelanssadFr se Money promptly secured. Apply eg the P n I o end War Claim O ftce, eutabil-bed by major M. Eyere, of the United Hut tea Army, In HI7. C. W. MYERS. 829 Broadway. Bank bp England?millions op dollars.? Sr. HAYH wi.J shortly leave tsia uly on Ilia anuual trnfrseional tour to Europe. Claims made on the Bank of ngland. wUL eearohed an l peuiuaes traoed. Next of Kin eilie. a #19 and <61 Broadway, N. T. Bsiablished 1S6 TJOUNTY MONEY, PAT AND PBNHIONB FOR BOL JJ die re, aeemcn und tueir widows and hetra collected promptly by o BO BOB WOODMAN, Ait Pine street, near the Custom Uuuse. /CALIFORNIA STATE COUPONS WANTED?DUB \J J . y 1, 13u2. T; e mgheet prko paid by C. A. AMOS A HON. U) Exuhnng?? p a?. /ALA1MS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION ON THE VA \J riouu Dep irtmeu ? at Washington adjust-d aim cashed lyJOilN B. MUliKAi. A ui> ? ? Navy Banker, 3d Naman Street, N. ?., opposite .be Post u...ce. JEFFKBSONVILLB RAILROAD PIRHT MORTGAGE Bon da Ornca or vna Jkptbssoivvillk Raiijuud Connirr, j JurrKKtONViLi A lud.. May 27, 1862. i , Not oe Is hereby given that this Company ?111 redeem on the 1st day s Jsly no .t at tue Unite,. H ates Trust Company, New Yoi k elty, at the lowest oiler be.ow par a pari ol its Fust tiortiagc Bends, agrei able to the provisions ef n contract iuu,.e betwe. n th i C.iinistuyan l the b ,luers ef oaid M ? igage Sonde, bearing da e Aped 14. Lv.9. Oders for the sale of said Bonds may ne addressed under seul to ihe United S an a Trust i onipaut aforesaid, and en dorsed "Oil'er of tlie First Muriga.u Bond or lion s of the Jetfcrsonvllle Railroad Coi'puiy to t n Sin log Fund;'* w-h'ch oilers or bids wilt be received unit. noon of i e 1st day of July aforesaid. J. II. MgCAMPBELL, Secretary and Treasurer. Military and naval agency, Washington and New York.?Army and navy claims, penr.ers, i/oimty, prue monet, arrears of pay due oilicers, soldiers, seamen and mail1 es, their a blows and oridutns: quarter masters, contract, rs, and oil rr cUlms son nst the govern eut. promptly coUeeted. Ap iy 10 BAM I EL V. NI LI S, " " " ARiES 0. Washington, D. U., or CHARLES C. LEEDS, 111 Nassau street, N. Y. M A RIMES DISCHARGED AT A DISTANCE FROM their resii.- ifi., can receive travelling e .pens s from JOHN B. ML'BRAY, Army and Navy Bunker, " iFo Mo. 39 Nassau street, oppHj.l i' the Pont oilicc, New York. VJ-AVAL OFFICERS' WID >WS AND I1E1BS, AND XT wid ivrs ami h La of ?< a .en. ran reci-Ire the r p nslone J01IN B. Ml.RRaY. Army and Navy Bunker, No. hit Na sai. street, N w York, op, oalus the Poet olllce. PRIZE MONEY IS NOW PAID ON ALL SLAVERS captured, end In Peng made up for the bloc ading eqnai'ron. JOHN B MURRAY. Army and Navy Banker, No. SJ Na-aau street, oppo lie the Post oilier. New York Recruiting expenses for raising and sub Hinting volunteer-., udjurb-a and cashed y JOHN B. MURRAY, Army and Navy Banker, No. 39 Nassau street, New York, opposite the Poet ohice. STATE PAY FOB OFFICERS RENDERED HUPKRNU merary. by couso ldatte i, collected or p ir.liased by JOllN It. MURRAY, Army and Navy Hanker, Mo. 39 Nassau street, oppos.le the Post office, Now York. THE MICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN IN dlana Railroad Company. TakaeuKFK'8 OrricK. 13 Wilmim stkkkt, | New Yobs, June 14,1892. NOTICE. The holders ol the Michigan Southern 1st Mortgage Bonds, which fell due November 1, 18 21, and of the N rthern Indi ana 1st Mo Uagc ?' nils, which fell due August 1 1*61. are requested to present them at this oihee lor payment, on the 16t i Inst. Int-r st will cease ar ruing on sni, Bonds "U the Pith Inst., except In those caV s where the holder* shall not have received this notice ol payment, and In those cases on the date of receiving this notice. HENRY KEEP, Treasurer. Wi IDOW8, CHILDREN, FATHERS, MOTHERS, BRO tilers. MebTS and hetra of soid.e.* kllle . a S .en P.nes, Harrieouburg and West Point, uisabVd soldi- rs and sailors, lor pensions, 3IUU bounty and ah ot-er i.rmyai.d navy claims, call oil NICHOLAS SEAGR1ST, No. 4 Centre street. WANTED?A GENTLEMAN TO TRAVEL. WHO CAN loan $HW) lor timely da e, tor v bit h excel cut oecur. y and a ie -manent shunt ion iu a lucrative bn-lncsa, at a sala ry or girt per week, wi.l 1st given. Apply at 284 Bowery, tinrd ttoor, room No. t. I ram 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ?1 flrt BOUNTY. PF.N.iiONS, RECRUITING CLAIMS, ?TIUU Back Pay. Stale Pay, and all C.aimk of o.Dc-ra and soldiers promptly ooilvoied'snd cashed. Advances made on approved Claims. Paroled prisoners pay cached. A. VAN D ZEK A CO., 82 White street A. Yi? Ddih, L. 8. Loi'ssshbet, H. C. Tlttl*. $50 000 ~TO 0A,*ITAI*l8Tf''?W VNrKr). T'iia sum in a sa.e, pernutoeut, staple, well esiabitshed and ver. lucrative business, m >ro thun ordina rily promising, with parties of the very best business char acter and kepinot on. SOUTHWICK A WOOD. 82 Nassau ctreet IsOABf OFFICES. T 808 BROADWAY, CORNER OF DUAN4C STREET? A Money odvaareu to any auiuiinl on D.aiu .uda Watches, Jewelry, Ae? or bought fur cash. THOMAS 11. KEKSING, auctioneer and broker. Private entrance In Dnaue street, hrst door west if Broadway. AT 658 BROADWAY, CORNER OF BOND STREET, room No. 6.?HENRY HYMAN sdrenccs c is i on Dia m {ids, net or uHost, or buys the same lor eauh; on Watclics, Sliver Ware, 1'iaifon, Jewelry and Personal Pro* perty. AT NO. 9 CHAMBER* STREET?MONEY TO LOAM to any amoun., on 111 .mond-, Watehe- mid Jewelry, Ac., by the wall known .ml bid tilibibinl lb .AC. broker and eomtiilmiinn rner Intnf, No. ?? Chambers N. B.?No bualnoas transacted on b*n:rday. AT 212 BROADWAY UURNER OK FULTON STREET. Ylie o??t pr.cea paid lo. Duaniotiua, act or nuael. Ad vanswa on Watches, Pearls. Plate. Optkui InMiuiucnta, Ac., lei ton *a.e, or will imv tbein at a fn.r valuation. J. H. B ARR1NUER, SIS Broadway, room IS, upatalra. 4 T M N ASS DA STREET.?A. HONIG MAN, DIAMOND JY broker, makes liberal a iva ices on Dianiouda, Wale boa. Jewelry,Aa.,or bays them a. full value, at LD private uAlea, No. id Nassau elroei, room No. 2, up alaira. H'lalne.a ton lleaiiaL Abraham j. jaokson, w walker street ilate Ms Reade ?'.reel), louim muaey, m largs or ?.. all autns, on Waidin. Diamond", Jewelry. 8 Hirer Wife, Dry G.huIs. Gtuia. Plstolk, Wearing Apparel and jrcrtoiial prop cty ol every description. CASH t'AID FOR DIAMONDS ?DIAMOND JEWELRY or r<buy money given f r Camera llaii Bhatvla. A aoey to kail. Apply only froru 9 lilt 10 A. M ?and S till 8 1'. M. cn queatloiiabic retareuue* off red. H. W. I'LL'MS, Diamond Broker, No. 612 Hioadway. Directly opposite the st. Nicholas idjtel? Mb. 610 Broadway,?JOSEPH BOliOMoS. I uil.nia.lou Me.ehant, advances money to any atuoiiiit on Diamond*, Jewmry and Plate; or bought at lb ? full Value Out Gold an 1 Silver Bu#lne?a sir ? tjy eonOdenllnt. Money to lend-on diamonds, jewelry. Wa'eliea; Dry t I'-oda, and perianal pre,i-rly of all dcrerirVOO*. Aril lea wan 0> .edeeui d at Mif 'Sue e llh U. BAU> AUD. 21 T nd avenue. In one year. P.ItbIs offlee entrance ball ooor. YjAWNlRvJJCRRS' TICKETS PURCHASED?i'F CLOUD A In . D? iiim u IVi ijooila, gr.; eaah no vanned bit any ol 'he i nve III ' d"0 "i a of I |o ,.lii:' ,n eanol Hi' .'.Dean Cou'N ?2, IVtn'a. $1; Vet' . Or nw. CfO I V;?XK, lid' aires.t, faur doora ir <m B .i.ij ray. f*?TfcLCTltiM." ACCOUNTS. ACCOUNT .NTH, at .?Mil. IKll BFARl ?r'l Broadway, hat re ,1 id tip* k rn i ,p r., praolaewlbookkeafi r inr tk* ?a.umer. and n< vo".-- yr a, indu- lot u.a to anrnleiu n v private i ,tru t > 'U a double niry b toklkeepl >g? n I b i ?ie - affair*}???; ii liy. At AMERICAN LA&T, 27 YE.vRS OP VLE. WOUTiD like a all Ji. "t n< govern ,1or WV h a " ear. Ill ..g tin hlghekt city Iff. r n n, uMIlM tain ht' me >eai. ' ?>, aa pw<. i-oa to a b.ur, o- v nl .jm bo' ?.???ipvr. per ad'HsUon can giro ine ' .f mfeiange a* o>? ability, Ai. Ilaanooi'i r.ion niBravai or to go in iho ooanwjr. Adlre-a for 11 res- days Mia* M K* :. I:i< h, ataUejl D I'oai mice. a CAMD.?ill.. SI UdCUMIEll w II L RECEIVE KBW i'\ pi pi a i ir in nr i? t.ou in P nn lai.lp, S nw -plug or Arithmetic, ilitrin,- Hie (umtner felon ha, at n tr.melton of (..it1 .ntlf ir" 'i' yuUr(rfiar.c. i'rr.ui inh.-ii. ilia : rr.a. Oliver b nt>ld*miw. No. d f rhm ma At $!?-..OoUKEEPINO, UNLIMITED LU;?BO?fB; Penni "if ilfi snd Ariihni^le ?lli efvi'-ir. i umii ewe.), l.a.ii. s' Wr 'lug. t> roi iu t aaon". 1'Ai.NR S M> r uai.l le I'h ' wai, bJ Bo'.irry, h-.W Volk, in" kAS > ulleil alreal, Nrwff vu. Inainieia,,. , ay ani ev ninj. B_ OA UDTngBOMui >L-AT THE n> \'. rp I vr ll ' i'1 K ?I llto.HU aid. Ni o Jervav, itunly lu> aied, forty inlnuvea by Mitt a and Kkwx Ualtroad from New York. A aelnrl fa nil} Hoarding heh'io!, wa. r< boya r a> l ..' a iuto ih :? ial eslu'.'a loo aB'i fin.I a gjod bom*. Limited number of ailioiare?iwtd.e. Two vaa.inrlea i,r? opyo. Beb'lara pup I tun tlio two "I au'ering. Pint claaasvty reirrennea given. Term* gut) par auiium, or g-D per aaaaloa. Adiirear prtunpt ly aileauaJ to. Addraaa tba pr.netpal, Mr. U.-tdatuaa, Eaat grfeaM l. N. J. Bryant, rthatton." Packard a'iknns com' m. r nil Celie;cj. Co.yuir InMltuie, Now Turk; Hmnll ton B 'll.lliiBr a>*'yn ?r.ieaii irntLn'l ua aTord tbo I eat B?-ible fanlHUea for aoiulrliu ' thorough hu?liina> eduaw .a. Bvokkerplng, OyontteieA'. Die, Cmntceruial C o ipn latlna*, Peiimamiblp, Oorroapjbdeiic#, Aa, pruetleally Ian.'A TTOWHEMANSIHP-A flBNTLEMAN, PORVHRLV AN JJL o'i ei i ol ? vaii t in K i |?, ,bri ii,:M. u i iKCin i.g tbe "a'nin ; of young a? wail a* of riiuiua lioi?e?, an ' I a.% In ifc'c.df; expeitctr.e In giving rldlua h ieonv, o'leia II aar Tgaa ia the ptllilk'. Applying* niet'svl ai yet ?mlre'y en Ikti ran hafu, 'he main as-ranianawf Knkm DiftlnbgiMi nu lu.?k.-D lioroa l?r Ins |itipH ami eduealu tnem burr at u'w. He ia nb e to f.ii!tri.ntae la 'i'r r.rojr -va In a (i>i H'lgl.t t .an llcM a ?? smi, l ?h?.. in neiriUs by foilmvliK HMA,an em, /?VIBy te Nr. I AI.AMINO, f.out 4 tlil? e'..lo a, lit'i Bait 'I wenry around aid. ?t _ CIIYTMMING LWRON!* IN THE PARI.t'B?VHWRbT iy luteal! n, by fr? eaior fllEtjD. l)i MA)!. lnggri'dUon ?t.'a i'an^lng A "aili aiy, US fi veu i avr- tja, ocruar of alb ftreal ijewottt lorlaiDaliy Era, Dnraar. JBXCtJHNlbprRi IltlSIIlNO BANES.?DN AND AlTBR WBDMSIIAt" 1 ,.11'B 1-bA the aieamr.' CROTOJI, s.itpia.n Jamet a. Dun. II '. will .aarr da.k . aa foil >',va (a ,iur. av*e?c i; ,wl):? Nor?'i'i*l.ti ..-ratrict. T1? A. M.; & r n< tlreet, 7la A. X If t rb r?Mr "i n,< ? ru t,* A. M.j I'erk ? ip,. i: x 3.; p)*v * Nortd 1 ver. 9A. Ml. ' ? ieliua...nenun all Hud*. Ki.Ciing Tackle, BiiL An., on bi inl Pore i ?r tbe irlp, i.lty centa. ch>r ciiAunni i,ie rTB .mr. pla.vd rirr7y7?r P S boa. ei oral ..a Pi'Pea W ililu th.i a:..,, i tuar np. J^rl .1" 1 i ff'itV'U, Anje'Tl .ne'iden'. 114 Unnn ri -o't C.?p i. n ill.'}-, on titj.ii,or to William Taylor, wauMvuocL N. Y in run. ? Thlrt' ?ii IOJTDOX EXIIIUITI..* _A<_ J RETURN TICKET* LONDON AND BACK. M Third cia a i ? Rmh *. ekly to Lt?.rp- nl. pinching at Onaantows (Cart Harbor).-Th?- Llverpoo.,? w tor* aud (-i lWlR" ?B^em. akli> Comi>any Iniendd scathing their full pewered 01; da Iron *team*l. |.? sioi.ovr#.? CITV or WASHINGTON Saturday, Jane* ETNA day, Juke 26 GLASGOW -. ba urday, Jujv I aa i avery Saturday, al nuen, frem pier to Bonk river. uiK ?? piMiin. First eabla $74 Steerage....?. PI " to London ... (W " toLondon.... 86 I " to H'tria. 86 ?' toPaiii M " to Hamburg.. 85 " to Hamburg 86 Passengers also forwar-'ed to Ham. Bremen, Botit-rdnm, Antwerp, Ac., al equally low rale*. Raton from Liverpool or Oiii-em-town'?First cabin, $78, $86 and di d. S.Mrair Irom Glva pool, MO; from tyneenalown, $30. T okela can ba bought bora al ibaaa ratoa, aoakUn# people to rend 'or their friends. Three il ama a bare superior areammodaUona for paaaato fra, ar> strengly but t n wnur light iron sections, and carry patent lira ann hlbuom. Exper.enued aurgeona art* nt-achep to eaeh steamer. ' tI,tlM Kor further luiuriiietioo apply In IAvrr,x>ol e WILLIAM IMM IK afnt. 8 Wat r street la (lia<tuw to ALEX. MA L COI.M, No 6 81 Enoon square; tn yea ao-vitot'. A vn. D SEYMOUR A CO.; in London to EJVKS .% Ma' BY, 61 King William street; In Paili to J' LKS DRCOliE N? 1 PI icc do la Bonne; In i'hllad,lphl* to JOHN O. DALB, Ilk Walnut street, or at ih-- eo pa'.y'a. JOHN O. DALE, Agent, If. B oadwny NewYork. THE BRITISH AMD NORTH AMERICAN HOY Alt Mall Steamship* between New Yora and' Llrerp.,*!, eat ing at Cork Har ?>r and betweun Boaum and Liverpool, re'lilt" at Hallfat and Cork K*'ho ?. SCOTIA, Cap! J ml ulna, CHINA Onpk Anderson, PERSIA, tiu t. Lott, ASIA, Oapt Conk, AHA HI A Cnpt. Stone. EC It OP A. Capt. .1. Leltek, Al- RICA, Cant. Shannon, CANADA. Capt. Huir. AMERICA, Capt Moodte. NIAGARA. Capt. A. Byrlr. AUSTRALASIAN. There v<s?pls cart) a cle r white light at maat head, freer, oa atorbeard.lano red on rort how. rn.m itntr ronx to umaroon. Chief Cal.ln i'txt t ...,....,.$131 Scooud Cabin Paa age 76 Wia B06TOS TO tlVKKrOOL. Chief Cabin Pa?*a e $114 Second Cabin Passage 6(1 1 SCtiTiA, dud Una, ieav.H N w Yo k Wednesday, June A KI'ROPA, Cook, li?.v, n B eon t\ ednead.-y, June 11. PERSIA, Lott toav< a Now Y .rk We 'neaday, June 18. AFHI(/'A, Shannon, leavea It a . n Wo n-a av, June 26. CHINA, And mon, l.-av a New Yor, Wed' eeday, July X ARABIA, Mood.", lonvra B ?? on We I eat* . July?. HiiuTiA, .0..HO a. lear s Ne York Wednesday, July 1A Bertha not seen c,I until i aid tor. An experience., an. ge in in hoard. The owner* ef 'he<e shin- will n-t be accountable for geld . allv.-r. btil'loi., Jew ry, pre 1 u? -tone* or meiala, un I'-a b.ll. or lad g arc sui.e t th refor, and the value thereof " therein onresaa. Pur freighter paeaage to E CI NARD. No. 4 Bawling Green. The north obrman lloyds' steamship brb hj-l.N H. We *?1 , commaiid'T, ea ryluc 'he United Statea - mall, wlil tail front pier SO North rirer, loot of Chamber* all oc t, on 8ATORDAY. Jul' 5. at 12 o'clock M., roil BREMEN, TlA SOUTHAMPTON, takln^paaaengera to London .havre, Southampton and brembk at the loiiuwlnr rat-:a:? For,the ilrat <ab o. $100; see, nd cabin. 60; alcerage, $J1 Kor freight or paav.^m^to8 ^ cq_ OYAL MAIL STEAMSHi:* PE! SIA.?KOR LIVER poo ?The PERSIA. Captain Lott, will aail frem tb* -am on W.-dneanav n- xt. 1 ? h inalunt. R aire . A steamboat tvf.l plv b-twai n ihe company'* wharf at Jcra-y City and Ihe Peraia. iroin 8 to 10 A. M.*, to-eon*ay l am. m er-. a id baggnpe on l.oard. The CHINA wlTaali Jul 2. E. CUNARD, No. 4 Bow Hog Organ. ti?OR LIVERPOOL.?DUE A'iNOUGnT LINE.?THK 1 clipper a,dp VICTORY, ('..plain, poalUvely aaila Toe* l. y June 17. S -cond ea. in p srenyi ra taken at atee a;* priee.e. Api.ty lmmeoU'elv on b ard pl.-r 6 North river, ?? o P. >1. J'EMAltKST, 10 South aireei. XLINB FOR LONDON.?SHIP DANIEL WEBSTER, now at itnehor in the arrta u, aa .a to-mu.ruw; and ahlpj AMAZON, at pier 16. Enai river, aaila June 36. For paaaage at l?w rate*. <>r draft* <-n England or Ireland, apply to TAB SCOTT A CO.. 80 South Week _____________ COMMENCING MAY 1, 1863. NEW A KUAN CEMENT. fob California, via panaka. For the better aouoiniuodauon of the large number of pake pie now emigrating to the com mining diatrlcia of Califomi* and Briliah Columbia, FOUR atramera per month will kg despatched from New Yora mid . rom San Francisco respec tively, tnatea-i of three, aa heretofore. _ Reg. lar day* of depai lure irom Now York, an the 1st, Sib, 16th and kith, except when tUi-w .iatoa fail on Sundagy when the day of departure will he the Monday following. _Por freight or passage apt ly at thr only odiceaf the llngy No. 6BowlingOreen, New York. D. B. ALLBN, Agent. Australia.?" kangaroo line." for mbl bourne.?The aplnud.d, ..tat rlaga'aolp INDIANA. 1,06$. tons, lli.bron, m iau-r, will lie ctn-.t on -lai Instant* The only vcaael olidmg; a<-comnr,odatloi.a snpe-ior and priea of paeaoge low. Apply on card, pi r II Earl river, or to MA1LLEK, LORE ft QUEKEAC, luS WaU atoeet. Lord A Co.. couMign.-es, al McliMurne. IfOR NEW ORLEANS VIA HAVANA. 1 The United Staies Mull Meamvbtp ROANOKE will leave pier No. IS North river, on Satnrday, .Tun* 31, at 13 o'clock tnoenjfpreeiaoly. tor New Grieafis via Havana. LULL AM, UEjNBKKN A CO., 115 Broadway. C<TEAM8HIP GREAT EASTERN.?PERSONS DESIRING ki to M-lert slate ruotra for the next trip of this veaael iron* New York to Liverpool, uau do so at the odk-e. Ne. 7 Bread way. CUAK. A WHITNEY, for the Aganta UNITED 8TATE8 PASSPORTS, INDISPENSABLE TO traveller* shroud, procured fiom Washingwa bv OUIIK) SCHMIDT, irv Public, No. 1 Chamber*atmat. New York (evenings, H First street). American, U.nma and French cuaiam aoliciled. tUITMlHb. ATTENTION^ LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.?IK TOO w UU to uud u lair and bon-st dewier to dispute of your cast off Clothing, Carp -i?, EuroUure and Jewelry, the b?M tiling you can do M to rail ?|D or ttd treat the booeat and wait known dialer, K. HARRIS, 1'??Seventh avenue, whereyou will be dealt with to your wiiUfuction. At ibis plana yott du receive tifty per coin more tuuu from any other dealer la tbo rity, and you will avoid being humbugged. Please to nut target, P. Harris, loo 8c tenth arowue. Dad lea at landed by Mia. It art-la. A N EXTRA FBTCB STILL BE PAID FOR LADIES and gentlemen a Caa' off Ctotbiug, Carp, ta, Jawetry and t-'nrulturefor N-w Oil.-in*. Tbe underai nca baa re. eelvc I a large order, amounting ta $10,000. for whleh be guarantor h to pav tbe toliowin, prices for -acu article:?Pea KUh urn-woo, frum$4to $31; for Coats, from $3 to $ Id; for i'unt*, ii to it Phase del. oh or aduraaa by note J. A Ml ALT. 15i Seventh avctth , between Twentieth and Twenty-ttrst etieeta. Ladlea attenda to by Mra. An bait. V. b.?Al, *a trnnaio ted cot tld? u.tally. A T -NO. A43 BOWERY.?H. ROSENTHAL, HAVING A jCL. gnat U sire to pun*-.ase a Urg- quantity of -net o.T Vt aur.g Apintel, Kareftuie, Carpets. Jewlry. Ac., by eall lug mi or addressing a tile* i.nd gt-i.tlaiuen can obtain the uin.oat value lor cash arti- le. I<ad:ea attended to by Mra. R?m iilhnl. riraai icinoniber, an i try 3i<3 Bowery, opposite Ureal Junea street. ALA1U2B ORDER HAVING BEEN RECEIVED TO ptuvlAed catt off <1 ot.tiltig, Curpeta. Furniture, Ac., ladles and g- nt rnarn baring toe a or-- to dispose of can res m-1 e'tb.. foiluWtng prltfft:?Rlllt dr.ssaa nun $5 to 130; ctHits $1 to $10; iihute $1 to f >. I guarantee Hall*: action. Plat*, irv tin-store, or ? "4 a nwt-t b, pout to T. RUBEN BEM). 212 Set ui.tli atcnue. 1-adlc, attended punctually ban Mrs. It AT T11B ORIGINAL WELL KNOWN DEALER, B ITAMMIK'H atn-v, l>4 S? euth iirrnue, bet* ret, Twen y* tt.-t and 'I want) as Oct' a tr-eia ladi a and ? n lamen caw dispose r.f their cast. IT Clot.? n,-, Ca Mn *. u E.rnlure, a$ u?- utmost value, and u? humbag aa to oliering aurneroua pile-andihu trying to g. I t-otn .or halt ino value, an? ?rac :>vd by tube:- h 1?1, one- *. P.suae ci'.l or ?olJrtasnad b cuifrjn.wd. La ll?w attend d oy M a li. Hiurta. AT TUT? NEW 8TORE, 111 THIRD AVENDB. LADIES ?and nauemen can dispose of their Caat Off tdothtyg, Owuca, lurultura, & . 1 gin .ante* to pay forDivseea tmn in to 9$U, for Cniita fro'it II to 115, for Paul" froin $1 to $A Picas.- do not forg.-t to os I <>n or a.1ittvea C. Ml till, ltd ThirJ ovenue, hear Court .u-h street, Ladlea attended by Mr*. Mivb. A POSITIVE PACT.-L.IMB8 AND GENTLEMEN, IP *V tun sra.ui in get 'be ft.t; tain" forynui ,a?t ?3 Clot.dam. P . "ilftirw, Oarpet* and JatrcRP, twe ''est you can do .a tn cailra-nd an-..-- tn.t. II .itUJa, iiOl t vecn . Tlitt ty si.jnth and tfiryhM al reals, eaat aid-. 1 aillaa - a--.? .1.ioi to by Mra. Harris. t TTE YflONl LADIL * AND GENTLEMEN ? A LARGl a . der r. clved tr m .b. -v. at tor ? n?t off Chilulnm Phfrif.iiw, Cnrp-t<, gc. lei.iidtytbi <"5 , .1 e n . c .to Ivri'llng on or adates I ? M. AsRAIIa 8. 2,*1 Seva-itL avenue, let. iun Tweuvy-3'tb anl Twenty aiiib ^tutta. Jutwb ? attended to by Mr .A. A KAK? CHANCE.- $l.'i,30C WOK t il OP UAoT OEr J a. LwUnbg-.1 a t<-wltbl.i a tuouib, lor New Or e .-ia. La < -a nn ! g-ntl.- >ci> bavmg anyoftt c above Pi <-la|UMr of t in icteiva tiie following pile-*:? Era'i ?? to $3U lor silk D afioin $t io$li> drc'uia. from $1 to $5 for l'aula. A'ao sl awlr, Cba ks 0.t^'",, Fur-iltur ?; the hl -h. at prlucn |.at 1. Plc. se rail ott or nddr, aa a iinte to B. Mint, 283 Slvlb avenue, n \-ir an ret. Ltdiea atteoded by Mra. Mm-t Oniara from Biwosiyn or.leraev <5II\ ponaliiailr at t ndud to. {Taaaa ren-.ainuer toe or.ginal B. Mintt, 2nd Slatb avenue. At the oldest stand on SEVENTH akbnce Mia EZKK.BLd a to pay llm In.low In? p. eee for Indtee' and g<-?l ey,. n a tvi-a mc apparelProm $5 to $.30 for rllk dia-saa, I rom $A to $2d lor c- a a. and frnai |1 w $0 for |*<tui; alao rans-ia, fat mi ma, Jrwelrr, Ac. A note by yiv.1 punctually af.?r :e.', I ? hv Mrs. RtaViola. 1.3d S.-iaatb. ?n ii-a, between Tv" niloiit *ir,e a Nonna., n-cimn with any other hotter. Geettemaff attended to by Attention, laoif.s and QBNTLBBy-N.-l havte JUVt re.*-:vr?. $t,i?J; toir-ir Va; call off t n'.hlng. Pur mtuie at d Ci.rpeu .or .he Oali.'ornl. mai V.-t, 1 on promts* t .pay the l.b.n*ai nr.t-e in t ilty bv i ailing on or auurena lit, ? rioto lo E. MtN I/. 117 8nib a/i i.u-, two dnora au>vn liblU ?ir.,et. Ldtdloaat.i-u led to by lira. MlnU. Item, 117 bltth avenue. WAN11t..-$IO WO WORTH DP V VhT OPP CLOTHING' I urni'uie. Jenff.l-y. v , al the new atand. V Be Vonth avenue, r.jruev o J veniy .n.u .h atri-et, fee ihf liigbes. < a ii ;vlo.- will li? pa. J. lutdl .a In attendant*!. CaL o.t ni uddr ai J 81 E'lN PtiiUtiO.VAU HDEREST 18 Kkn$itfiSrRD TO CALL AT RANIS . ji a.-e and aam# l?oui us n .gs. o i nadt. or to tend noPi aud itd :r -a, w>t unit dt-'ny, to J. IP THK TOHNG L/DV W IO IL.KED DP A GOLD Pin at Ihi Pi.Ren f-ri ? ot Sunday oi onlur, J i.ns ia, at ? o' -J.tct, w' I ham il.c la eatil it in 7W Broadway, aha will ret- ive Jic thai >? nf tiio ovnor. TO- II.?Wl' vT '?0CT.n HAVE TEMPTED ? joti to u -an ion ). tr wl. a I MOl.irwnf Wmn or (?> lurn In.uieJHtely. Tb ? <?r > ?tonevv wh eh led yp., t0 such un Ac t are uoUtlng to the d isouatiuo your ab'-mee entail* (he in, LKELNSVILLB. Those wtio ueplied to bp matrimonial ad vnrnreni<M< In b" llcm!-' of Bstm-. aj i? ,t are roquait ..; to i nt.-l i..y notka under MM of Mali ur-nai n hie dat'ff Hcralm !' R. WKHIKHLY 3 t r ANTED?POB ADOPTION, BY A LADY R> .SIDING VY in tbeaKy, a Hue, kMMl ma 8 chll I, 'rot.i ei(,hta<n wnnil-11! two vrera o age; u ill -avo an e* -IU nth-tne. K>. * i i i ?, t'i' tifhi-f t ?J e -fUl.tiA .Aoomp.y wph tun la.s'. Ill lie ? tra v.lopfi fl o' eh Mien. Apply for WS Ut-y*. fDuti IS Wl 0'CoMh, At K Fourth avenue.