Newspaper Page Text
DRY CWOOI. AT EINXKY'S EIGHTH AVENUE tJHBAP STORE, ULCAI' CLEARING H VLK. 8 ill - BTlt A IV HO A N KT3. Clearing out Su?? La iw'l. Sc., ft-, lJe Cloariug out Siruw Bon iOt . lSu.. JSC., 31c. Clearing out Bo gb and Ri-adye tV. to U e Clearing out Maai-oiitsu rtoimit, Mia. to >, 1J. Clearing e-it Too Bom et-, 7to $1 2n. STRAW SONNETS MUST HE SOLD. Cleartug o.u t)uu?t <b.. BouUutg, iMe. W 63a Clrurii ? out Si'Ut Straws, 12 . to JjO ?. Clearing out Spi t Sd?. to $i SO. Clearing out Black Vu.un In, ii . to Too. Clearing out Color u ttoun In, I'.'c to 60c. 3.IM) HUGO >1 Kits AND TUKUAN3. Clearing out Straw Bloomers, ft- . 12c., I Sc. Clrurtiu out liuiuii Hlcem-r*, Igu. to Vo. CJe. r ii(i> t Leghorn Him on-a. tie. to Oa BLOOMERS A ?D ft KB v.Sh?MCBf BB HOLD. Clearing out Ldnboiii B im no,',. Sue. to $1. Clearing out Fancy Bio inters, 25c. to SUa. Clearing out all styles Turban* 3 ? -. t ? "ft-. BEST B-lNNi T FR AM EH, l3Xe. IS.(A* YABOri i 1 uiiONB. Clearing out Bwim-t 111 .mint to. t - Sic. Clearing out Trimming Ki -nous, 3-. to 8c. 25,(WO YARDS DRESH TklMdlNOS. Clearing out D. ess Triiumuiis I lie EL- 'WEK.n IN K-EilV _ buy variety. I BtlBBOlDEKlKS AND LACES Clearing uut targe u-tm t ol am, tic. to gi, Clearing out laige ,ot o.r Hon ta. tic. to 7oc. ? Clearing out S.0-0 Bm aktusi I' lpx, 6 -. ' fH|i*rini/ r ~ "" Jk" .'Clearing oft k'.SlW L.v -c, 1to $1 60. ' OieaiiDi; out 1,300 I" v-mais uut ij.nny LlUCO llonoilln. Sc. l?2jC. , Cl> arlng out u nt*' Handkerchiefs ft-, to 26c.,' out I. I ??' Hon Ik -roil ? f- 5c. u iri-. CLBABlNi, OCT ACOT.O* L iTR CHEAP. U tttOAlNS IN t.LOYB -i. Clearing out fin* Ll-le Clio en. ft.-, to IJc. ( Clearing out r-i-y Sue Kan - Tups luc. to 13c. ' CI- a, lug out Beat SliK Mile, 25 b, 1 -.. 37c. Ulna tng out '-est Stilt Mile. So to - ft . > tng out--est Silk Mil*, fti dealing outHIoaiery, In all kinds, ft-., to 28a. GOODS OF ALL. KJNO-. ? LEAKING OCT. JOB LOTS OF DRESS TlUMMlNiiS. ; 1 000,000 yards Glmjis, Ural la. Fum y Trl -mlnys, In every oior, atyio, and of every dura-riptfou, olearlng out, 2c. a 15c. ' 3,IAS) yard* of MauMUw Leerr. IV-, to 73o. BAKU A INS IN EVERY nKI'ARTMENT. ?ANS, BBl-SilKS, I'Et.F iLKY BAUd AND FANCY ? ABi i( LI.3 OF ALL KINDS. J GOODS AT WHOLESALE CHEAP, AT ! W M. KINZEY'S, No*. 221 and 223 Eighth avenue, Between Twcnty-i. rut and Twcnty-necoud a r ata. jt "CAPRD.?THE ADVERTISER BEOS LBAVB TO IN. IV form ladie-> requiring any kind of plain work, aldrt taking or I eby Um-n, to a.i na lu-ancltea, lh> v can liaro tlia nine etecut.-il in n aitnernu- manner and on the most liberal ?rmi by applying at 26 > Elisabeth a r> at. A uoteaddr used >T. O. will La irnme .lately attended to. N. B.?Wlu, If luired, attend at the evidence of any Udy, by the day or eak. \T LKilRAIN'S, THIS WEEK. PRINTED BAREGE GRENADINE AT 1?S. PARIS BAKEUB ANULaIS l-LECRETTES, AT IV. we cane BLACK SILK, lor MANTILLAS, best quality, ' 26 per cent under value. J VERY FASHIONABLE DIMITY OF BIARRITZ, J FOR OARDEN AND HOUSE DRESSES, AND FINE I'lyl'Ji, FOR CHILDREN. QABSGB ROBES, with Flounces, nt $1 36 the Drew. JREAT REDUCTION on C a-tUlly and Voleuetonuea I L\CES. Seat JOUY1N OLOVER, at 9dc.. to elose the importation I Inst season; the same we sold at 81 10. ? LKURAIN. Te* Broa lwa-, corner Warerley place. MOTUr.R LabuE I E Has BEEN . IDE THE ZtVTE I'ERf'Ml'TOKY AUCTION RALES TO OCR HITHERTO UNHEARD OP CHEAP DRESS GOODS. ffotwlthutandlng the increased duty on lmixtrtaUona, and ? great increase In the <">?t of rubrics, we are selling BRITISH, KRKNi.H AND GERMAN DKKS8 GOJDS ?aper than haa ever been known In New York, or probably hr will at-ain. B ABE RETAILING AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE f" PRICES, a buy nothing that la tu? A BARGAIN. AND SBLL AS WE B'fY, CHEAP. 3908 yard* LareHaa and Bare .a Augiala. at Sc. Z0U yards Larellas and Barege Broche Figure, at He., 10o. T and 12Xc. 600 yards Paris Grisailles, at 10c., I2)?c. and IV. M tarda Pail da Che as. In cheeks, atrlpee and plain, at la. Is. 8(1 and la. Gd. M yards Mcmmblqaea, in draba brow ns and grays, at 10.-., 1?. 3d. nd Is. 63. 100 yards Illuminated Poplins, at la 6d. WO yard.-. Silk and Wed Urciiadiu, s, at Is. 6d. W0 yhrds Checked Midiutrs, a la i W0 yards Bilk Warp Pot llnet. at 2s. i WO yards?Silk Poplins, at 2*. -id. 100 ya id k Silk and Wool Bareges, in all colors, at is. id.; worth 3a KB yards Silk and Wool Sat'n Pul l. Is. id., worth 3a id. W0 yards Silk and Wool Crt p- de ." iris, Is. id., worth 3a IW yards Barege ArgUts, all wool tilling, and 2b, yards wide, at 2s., former pries is. ' 106 Barege Anglais Robes, i.vontj yards, eleven Utsuncee at $?. j 6) Barege Anglais Robes, twenty ysrda, seven flounoan, " ALPO IN MOURNING GOODS. 100 yards black Barege, 10 tOU yards Muck Silk ami Weal, la and la 3d. 100 yards black silk and wool rutlln Plaid ami Stripe, Is. id. 1 oaae Drab .Upac*, very tii.e for Uuv dling Suits, 23c. V ALSO A LARGE ST-H.'K OF CLOAKS SILKS, CLOTH* AND SUMMER FABRICS, Ai EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. I ALSO, leases broche Cgura Potl de l have, slightly damaged oa ? voyage of Imp-irtatl- i , He., for ner price 3a id. ?BIDES A 8PLKN IT) TaRUITY OPMlTHRK GOODS, hY OHBAI BR TtlAN IN ANY OTHER ' HOUSE IN NEW TURK. Iuadlea ran rely that this advert a- mant la no humbog, ani It the goods are rsaltv a., rapre rntud. 1 Baruai s. t W. R. ROBERTS. 263 Bowery. i. 1.?Please remember and look far the aautu over the it, nd do not bellave you are In HUBERTS' unless you J the nims. Cut out tins ndverUsnment for rafereuce. T ISAAC KS, , 71 FRANKUM ^TRF.KT. __ At retail, less than wholesale prices. *ktnda of Millinery anil Div?i Goo <*. Tnndaomn now ?t>of Dress G oda. at lZ)i < iao Ptoe Apple Gaoda. at ??. 6 l. ix-r yard. Jack and oolored Drraa H,r<a, Pouxnt at the recent nuc ?A aalea. well worth tin- ai'eiitinn or bu era. ? Q. W. ISA VCKS. 71 Franklin afreet. Tot re doors waat of XIroad way. rKOE 8AAWLS. A<4>oioa selection received per steamer PerslA Will bo opened at retail on Monday, June 18. ? AUOLB, CONSTABLE A CO.. A Ca na I street, corner of Mercer. LACK SILKS-BLACK SILKS. "^BAKuaI.nS. BARGAINS. . BOILED OROS DE KI1INKS, at 5a., Sa. 6tl., da. and twr yard. IGAINS. BARGAINS. BOILED PARIS TAFFEATvt for mantillas, at 7a, 1 tal fa. j a guarantee the prices to be tf> p -r cent Ir.u than tha I ?nt market value. Ladl ?? please e U and juaee for 1 raelvea. W. K PEYTON, 374 Bowery. kRl ETINU8, OIL CLOTHS, Itl'US, DRUGGETS, 81AI It ( ARPBTINOS, MATT1XUS, MATS, KOD9, Ac. LARUE ASSORTMENT. LOW PRICES. LORD A~TAYLOB, *56 io 261 Orand atreet. ^jOAKS and mantillas. large and fashionable Assortment of 4 RUMXElf MAN ilLLAR, tfamd per late eteaaera. and of our own maaufactara. ? Also a flne assortment of B'egant ObanUUy and Laos Patau and MANTILLAS At very low prleea LORD a TAYLOR, Not. ?i!l (0 4(7 Broadway. Nov 2'il Grand en *?l. No*. 17 und W tlatharina mreek OAKS AND MANTILLAS. ARNOLD, CONSTABLE A CO. i?ew In etock e very (arte and fashionable aaaoruneet CLOAKS AMD MANTILLAS, LACE, SILK, t LOTH, AC. Tin which thry Invite epeelal eueelion Canal street, corner of Mercer ^EABUfU fU OCT SALE. SOLOMON t HART, SQt) B'Oft w*,, lout the bslenr* nf tin mot nf LAOF 'URTAIAS AT COST. __ I pairs Lace Curt Ma *1 ?.\ $7. Sid ..ud $11, Mlltng be > at id, ts7*12 ?ud Sid. JSIIMAN A BROOKS am selling their 4 G?oda al redeeed prleee TL JWLT 4. a Bands, Bets, Tells, Ban 11 e.ebb-fe, lUhbo-e, Olovee, iry, Genu' Boston.' Mm Ties, llonnrta, Fki ? era 483 Siith avenue, eortusr of Twenty-eighth street. {BBSS GOODS PROM Al*CTIOM. At retail, uveal let en Invotrne of new and FASHIONABLE ST MM KB DKKRR GOODS, >gn<. Grenadines, Moranii <iue?, ChalKaa, Jaroaeta, Or ganrttes, Alpacas. l>o Meges, As., Ad, As. Alee nrpeetal let 1.000Barege Botes, i.nm S3 Ui$8per Sake. lordTtaylob. 481 ?" 487 B'oe Iwey. 7V, to Till Grand ? treat. 47 and 4v Catherine street. IEKC1I AND AMKWCAM I'APAi*. HANGINGS. SOLOMON A HART, 589 151 'is SIT, IMPORTER*. * a \i." FaCTOR C1I3 ll'l) PRAOTi AL . AVBR flANGEM, a: ?_ _ _ _ _ _ the largest and bud sel s ted at' "h ef tue a> eve fonde Als i.'M' ,?t. The/ frilfr I ;nair. by Hie lot or 'ell to - ?1|| - jle nd retail ew ers, and will ul-? ordcn to h. ng , tu pjt.n and decratlv i atylea, at a small advance ua SF. REYES, 843 H'T'ITI A.'BN' B, T LL OPF.N dey, nev ati'* ? te :i > ?# : e i nner Dt nQM Ml " ley, lie* an ' ? v . > ? ? I ntr i ,-nh Prefadlnra, M .v iidi * Jam*- m "p.! ' * ?jo C " " ' SpiMlihV.! WCr* *" G mtT oooos. KRAT SELLING OFF. LM BOUl'TLLlKit HKOTHKK.-i hare * vary Urge *UI'wtKS MO/.AMBIQl 88 LAWNS RARKGB.-i. AND OTHER 0U uMBit DRESS a<> >1*8. Which Are all marked ifou ii t<> K , l UAOKiGN.illlLV LOW PTUCE8. In ardor to clear uui slock ociorc removing to lAol* sew au early atlrudance U reapectlully requested, la ender te sec ins ?? eii> r nltri Hod. *17 BiOH(l?r.iy, !?tweon llou^rd sud Grand ?tresis. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE or SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. The or. <?? of sll our stock of NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRKS3 GOODS REDUCED 28 PUB OtiNT. w. K. PEYTON, 174 Bowery. J^INBNS AND HOUSB FUKNiSHTNU UOOD8. A VERY LAKUK AMD DESIRABLE STOCK A I' RETAIL. MUCH UNDBK USUAL l'KM'41 LORD A TAYLOR, Not. 401 to 447 BROADWAY. No*. 255p>201 ORAM* STREET, nos.j47ad.! 4!*Catharine sirkbt. J^ADIES'AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. NOVELTIES IN KO.KS OR CHAMBER, BREAKFAST ROBBS, UNDER GARMENTS, CHILDREN'S AND INFANT'S WEARING APPARKL, CAPS, Ac., .to., Ac, tUo oaroents made to order LORD A TAYLOR, Nos 441 to 407 Broad way. Mantillas. MADAMB F. PINCHON Has now open ?n anaoi tiiieut of PARIS SUMMER MANTILLAS,! CUANTILLY AND LAMA LACK POlNTKS AND MAMTILLAS. a LnO TRAVELLING SUITS AND SiMdKR DRESSES. To which she In. lira the attention of stranger a vtailing lltecilv. !(.? 50 BL-eckcr street. T^ANTiLl^X! ~MANTTl7l.A8! MANTILLAS t M TREMENDOUS BARGAINS W, K. PEYTON'S '? BXORLSrOR CLOAK AND MANTILLA HOU8B." Ladle*' Light Zephyr Cloth Sarquea, at t- 00 and us Ladies Melton Cloth Sacquea, at SOU " '? Ladlea'Fine French Cloth Sacquea, at 4 50 '? " Ladies' brilliant Loatre Silk Sa< |iiea, at 6 00 " " Lad lea' " " " C>rcnlara, at 0 Oil " " Lad I. a' Rich Taffeta Silk Scarf Miutela, at 8 00 " " Ladles, Heaiy Taffeta Silk Bacquea ami Circu lars, at 8 SO ? ?? Lndiea' H. ary Taffeta Bnquei, at 9 00 *' " Ha vine purchased stock of Silk* before the i scent advance in prices, I can offer MANTILLAS, MANUFAt TURKD AND TRIMMED, at leas than others can sell the allk. No Lady should buy before calUu* at W K PEYTON'S "EXCELSIOR CLOAK* AMD MANTILLA HOUSE," 274 Bowery, sear Houston street. Rh. macy, 904 AND 908 SIXTH AVBNV*. Two doors below Fourteenth street. CLEARING SALE FOR JUNK. All our 18o. 9So. Sir. 37e. 80c. RIBBONS now offering at at at at at 12c. 18o. 25c. 81a S7c. We are now offering 100 cartoons Noa 4 and 8 Corded Edge TRIMMING RIB BONS, all shades, 28 per cent under regular pnoea. Offering at a reduction all our BONNET SILKS AND MILLINERY GOODS. Clearing sale of ih ? balance of SPRING AND SUMMER STRAW*: All our 78c. S7c. 81 80 *9 89 60 *3 STRAWS (Hearing at at at at at at 60r. 02:. 87c. SI $1 80 82. Clearing BLOOMERS, FLATS, Ike., muoh below the refu Ur prices. Clearing sale of FRENCH FLOWERS. Clearing sale of HEADDRESSES, RUCHES, Ac. Clearing t ie or EMBROIDERIES. All our SWISS AND JACONET COLLARS, which we aell for 18:. 98c. 87e. 50c. 78c. $1 $9 $3 will be offered at at at et at at at at 12a 18b. 96. 87c. 60o. 78a 81 8119 All eur SWISS AND JACONET SETS, Job lots or LINEN EMBROIDERED COLLARS, COLLARS AND CUFiH, CLEARING AT VERY LOW PRICES. INFANTS' WAI8T8 for 60r.. $1. $1 60, 89, S3. Win bo offered at at at at at at 37c.. 75c.. 81 19. 81 80. 82. CLEARING SALE OF LACE CoOD^. AH our PUSHER LACE MANTILLAS AND SHAWLS. Old prl e, $?, ??. 812, 810, 899. 890, WU1 be offered at at at at at at 87, 81, 88, 80. 90, fit). 1,000 LACE CAPER from auction; coat to Import $8; will bo offdred at 70c. and 01. THREAD VEILS, usual price 90, 816. 890. 890. Will be cleared at at at at THREAD BORDERED Usual price, 82 50, 88, 84, 8A WU1 be offered at et ^at m We shall offer onr POINT LACE COLLARS at a great reduction; eleo.all our REAL LACES, of every description. PU8HRR VEILS, Uaaai price, 78a, $1, 81 00. 89. *3, $4. WU1 be offered et _at at at at at BO .. 78c., $1. 8180. 82,8960. OKBNAPTNB VKiLS, ALL COLORS. T188UBS. DONNA MARIAS, BAREGES, Ac. Balance of our PUSnHUK 1 RIMMING LACES will be offered at prices te clear then,. _ CLEARING SALE of Imitation TRIMMINO LACES, an widths, BLACK an t WHITE. CLEARING SALE or 8LKEVK. BERTHS, CAPE ahd HAT NETS, PLAIN and FIGtBED. BLACK and WHITB BABBES. aa CLEARING SALE OF CRAPE COLLARS, SETS, 3a CLEARING SALE OF WHITE GOODBT LACE CURTAINS, Old price?82, 83. 83, 88. 8*0, a pair, will be offered at at at at at $1 80, 89 80 88 60 80. 80 CVRTAIN LACES aud MUSLINS, _ ?> Old price?18a, 25c., Sic.. 3.50.. 00a. 03c.. a yard, will be offered at at at at at at 18a. inc., 20c., 31c., S7a, 60c. WB ARB OFFERING ALL OUR FLANNELS AT A REDUCTION. Jaconet Musllna usual price?2*., 2s. 6d., 3a., 4a, now aelRug at at at at Is M*a 2* . 2s 6d , Si BOOK and SWISS MUSLINS, NAINSOOKS, Aa, telling la utne pioportton. PLAID and STRIPED SWISS, orbing at 9a and 2e. 0d? ??Clnsing Unc TAPLATANH, 2 YARDS WIDE, at la a yard. FIGURED AND DOTIBU SWISH M SUN'S, euUnble for g.iea, Ac , at la S t., 2*., 9e. 4d., 3*.. less than half the coat #Vl^N* DIAPERS, LINEN LtWNS, LINEN CAM BRICS, WHITE MARSEILLES. II.TS, Ac., Wcto?S*NO SALE OF HOSIKY. cLf* KS. MITTS. AC. LADIES' FINK PRE?C!1 MITTS. Vaunl price. 4e., 0-.. fia., H*.. I0?., 12?., f'2. 89, at at at at at at at at Now aelllug 3a, 4a.. Be . 0- ?... I H, 81 90, 89. Olaarlng LISLE THREAD Gl.o Be. 8 At KEY LOW PRICES. Ladles', gents', end children'* UNDER YE-TS, VERY LOW. Closing LADIES' LISLE THKKAD HOHB. Usual pri *, 3a, 4A, *?.. going at at at la 0(1 . '.a, 3a M, n'< In ume propu lion. BOY S HALF 1I0<E, opi ? work, lisle thread, very line, clo-ln . at'.*., i-nd la 0d. Ladles' and Misses COTTON HOSK, CIAd-I NU OUT VBHT LOW. T CLEARING SALE Of Ladles' and Misses reauy mule UNDER LINBN, COR s&TS. CHB ISB YOKES. Plain and Embroidered KUr'FLKD BOSOMS. HOOP SKIRTS, '????? quail On at clearing out prices CLEARING HALE OF FANS. 808 doa PALM LEAF and FANCY FANS, la evary quality, to be c leared nut this month. 8IXTY-THRKK i ENT KID GLOVES. Every alse aud shide. Inst quality L idles' Paris KID GLOVES our own Imporla-lou. Equally aa good as any glove Imported. BJe. a pair. R. 117 MAC Y, 9M and 20b Sltlu avenue, two doors below Fourtoenth sk pOPULAH GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES. ELEGANT D It ESS SHIRTS, On band an I made ta order. TURKS AND FOUR I'LV LINEN COLLARS, Laical London and Paris etylee. OAl'7.K MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, lilgbly recommended lor summer use. THREAD ULOVK8 AND GAUNTLETS, At much leas than regular prices. FIRE LISLE THBEAd"h~OSB AND HALF HOW, Unrlralted in style aad quality. CALF PROMENADE GLOVES New and beautiful colors. ENGLISH FANCtTlaNNEL SHIRTS Fer lbs army, nary and tratellrte. SUSPENDS IK. UMBRELLAS. A apleadid asaortmeat. A l.ttse anil elegant variety ef the above geeda wRI be found, at popular prices, at ONION ADAMS', N". S87 i'runaway. w IN DOW SHADES Af COST. SOLOMON A IIART, 38:1 Kroadway. WlU close ont the balance "f tbelr stoek of I OOLD WINDOW 8HADBH, nf then own niKnufiu lure, AT COST. DENTUTET. Artificial teetii-ino removal).?beautiful ecu on pure a. ver, eiDy $< ; on Dae gold and picture, j a ar anted e (<i?l to an* in New Turk. Single teeth SI; trctii U.leu and attracted without the least train, and tier ftelly harnilct*; genuine bene filling only Weenie. OBce ISA Ibx h art line, Iwt a nen and Blarenlh slrce-i. .no oo.iuro. en w ith rny other ofllr,\l<K LCI IIKR, lie n'-t. a BTlPIt'AL TEETH ON A NEW BASE. LIGHT AND AY perfect aa the natural organs, and warranted for II e, at prhee to anlt a'l. Also, teeth filed or detracted without peln, at Dr. B LAKE NET'S old established rooms, M Stub A LL DENTAL DISEASES DC RED BV VVADThK HAY, M. IV, N< ?0 Amity street. Three blocks west of Broadway. ARTIFICIAL BONE FILLING?APPLIED BY THE UA d'anororer only, at hit rooms, AS# Hrendway, near ?ereat. enth atreet. All other traahy Imitation* Tender terib, old root* and mere she.Is filled end warranted. M. B.- Luvm a ol beautll il teeth and ewnet breath try the celebrated Cuban D-mlfr ee and f,otion. I. dHARHoN, M. D., Discoverer. Hating HAD THfRTBEi^tRETit AND roots be trwatid without |.aln by D?. J. JAY TtLLKKS, IIS Grand * tract, two blacka flmnt Broadway, 1 oh ariu <1 rrOOiu taeed him te We* ^|%|>n|||> '-'vvaa^wv../VW(^.?? * v a rpowKu ON thITSaTuio* eoL Jtn ?: l. i. will be fir, O by the ???') .1t? * 'W led for on y ? i'iuiiii.?o ^,.,,1*: AaaoctoMea. t* be trot ??. h-fg. ^,. JSTOUT" ?? l',e J n*me" b- m ?"""oeaa, D Kin r ?l ?.BJ. K dy. 8 Mo I a !?'!'** ? lu- Huuuyetde. Tt.eue?i'*b, ,um " "? 1 ? N"?>? imtrloM-drown inHft5*EES?gra?? ?uaute*. lUUruMAr ^ et^/h'^Lru,u ?'**> <"? ] JOSEPH OliOOHKIiON. M.~.,c1tf j THi Ksn v. ' beat*. b ac Unit m rtvn^u? . Vrfi. "iTpM"' " ?? 1 General ournarde, U,ran. W.JS nt JL i JL"*'" * ??____ * WHITE, Proprleore. 1 WALbiom. " ~ J I 1'IIKK (THE HiKB OK LADY KMMa^Viui u:i j jUKtmti e uiiu o. tli hi..! , ? BSJ,*i wlIO HAS at tlio f rin ?r UU owner . fJiS 1?nineCK '' "Un V'wk, el$A> i .. , '5'?i,'l",n,hl*county. Ni-w pekebv I .r Harlem K llrii?7 w i >U|i>0'? U',^i lo c,> ceieof O. U. Hj i ,? iii?o ? (1"ou by boat, tIrene H, l\e I r ll.'v ucox M"n eka 1* i Pai'MCtlla-u ad. Wayette Hall, Jf.-W Yurt!' L04,ake, or James D. McHeno, "?K,(KS, CARIHA?E8, ~ A *??*?? FOR A NICE u^:,a*^nd ,nR" AdR A SdV^&.^oMS ra,o?; 8BVK.V yeaes ly uio, 101 -rrn |iKo.i $1-5, Also a l?.f.ih'.**w tor r"!l"' ' Haiuiiiw; |ir. e $4. Auio* ti l! v ? , 1 Wkjun et,j 1 Oily, near the ferry. 7 at Jo How ark avenue, J entry ! EfeESfe^LSV!S?K?5 Wrw. avenues; ulno. bo!! R^J Wagon'' buUeett ?"* F0"pi?Ai;B^^r "^-"^'SINESS "horses, in. Iblrd eWoi" 0 ?Oroer 01 *??wntb avenue ana Twenty, ?ouod ana F?kV^e ?l? n.WL BLACK IIAWE MAKE ?een at J. iAYL(?u s iut?2 lr"'"iro? mluutee. To etreet. s aub.e, km Eaat Twenty-fourth F0o?ZA^e~A* *?* WANT ?wueg by eltber boy, or lady. WUIJje aoid efioa|i. F?? ?ALE?A VERY KAST YOUNO HtlKSP IPH* lrorn i .e country, ut a aarri(>?>?? in tiT7- ,1 and kind, and ?,rnm?, ' are )Cure old, aouud h .n<la ill * AUo e b?ht ton kOod bay. l6>4 of H. JPAli M .iffiv' "Agon and Uarneee. Iuuuire avenue an.r Tuirty.nJntii elr^L ^ttcr**U's> oorner of liixih ??tran^^^,7ANn l UUWiuor i^aolu o'ryro^^ljfb^'^ T Ua.^.WiberLD. W. l/bttKIS. VouLV^l* F*?ffu?rr,'S11;K???. S0^l> AND Onrriago, ftoA/ly n?w AldIv at"N.i^L 1?' i* l;0,4^, rV-CknwBy *ourtn etreet, from 10 A. i tHj jp #j^u,ve?"/ pUee, near F0?biAonf^^hP;nON? ???^ HAND COACII; Wagons, and ona imw i t? ^rfwge, two now opnu lower prico covr W4H ??? ?a ' would ecciiarige for a Twenty-e C;hth^treel. *?Ut ch"P- Apply at m Eaat IllfiiiilsilP F?? ?AIiB-A LICHT SHIFTING TOP Wtciiv TW ?i?!S^"aa5E F?mJAI"?. 0R EXCHANGB-kor A HOItSR na Uoree : wimld i", Jl'ulbl? ^rome^ h"X ,Mr ?id M?Y uae Pries ?CM nil^uante gotr(erntneni horae or for fatntlv ^pss^'is 'jesa: ir'/so1^*"5!"0 y >g- Appiy ?t to ChrruU elreetf'n'er gmud ?tbW F?lSu t^IBffi. h^TaFROM THK CocntkT. KROM asm a'aaaa F??k.8ALB~SBYEKaL wee HOR8E9 jirir KROIf F?ul?An57rot?nRMT MARE SXXYWtBS OLD, LOBO S3 FOR JALE CHEAP?ONE SPLENDID HAY HiHn tarwsgai^SSaSsaS15"5 &S.C4 S=| '?S KSsirloU ?ro"dk,nd- lu'lXUn ln l"" bia- ltemub akop, toaii 15>4 band* tiigb, and able ^ trot wKbti ^r^m n , ^ t&ZZ M'lM SKSS- e^W Livery hale and exchange stables.?tiie uiuti-r*l?ii . 'iviu,; r ?? cntly taken the la: ?? ?.>. tue n.i net <i, T oi.ty el*li(h ?? -i an i Seventh avenue, w .11 nnw be [wmhi4 to aucoinnu.dato partic* biTlIl liora.u. 11 ore. a will be kept on ilvt-ry tu the be.l manu.'r, eitAer p r n aiii-urly or U'uuMeUt. Thor?'iil':e? ? eollrr I or a llln . ho era ?re beat 111 llm city, l'artiea havln ; litro n to er|l, dw thoaa wl-liliiK to, will do wa.1 tocail and ciauiina our necomm '.lutiun.. ml aloe:; of into hoi *?-. Uintleuisn'a (A. ate e.ataolla .mama will oe k.-pt in too bust poulldo umh diUcn and receive our personal ?tteutlon. ^ JAR. W. OLIVER. NKW YORK TA TTE K SAI.LS ?SIXTO AVENUE AND Thirty-ninth atreoi?Auciuin aale of H<sr?ea, Tuf*lay, June 17, in lloilo.'k. Calamine Mile of lloraca. New and Second Hand W u^oii* and llai oe?? uf all duacrlpUona. Bale poaltivn, ivuliout regai'd to weather. VM. M. LAXiiLY, auctioneer and proprietor. Sec nn Illon In ad. 2WNRKS or HOUSES, CARRIAGES AND IIARNERS. u In hare |>rop. riy Include 1 In eur mnl rexu.ur i on Kriuay neit, m lab and 16? Broadway, 'ill. j4i um band in par.ionlaia eailr, to insure proper H<i>efc.i?D.e. C. W. HAVEN PORT. EDWARD HINTZENiOII, Auctioneer. PARK PHAEToN FOR HALE?SUITABLE FOR CITY or oonutry; built by one of the brat ulty inakeea. in at client order; will be aokl low. Apply at Ho Brouuia etieet, to JAB. VhTMAN. rBE HOLD CHEAP OR EXCHANOED-A POWilt f ul bay, Ill for coal carta, Ice wagnnr.'atori-.uore-', trurka, or any li.-avr work; will be aold.nhean or traded lor a aiuaili'r h.rre Inquire at DO Grand atraet until nodi. Wanted-a brown iiokbb, sixteen hands lilgn, ions tail, and of fine action. Inquire of JOHN GREEN, of Bradley's llrcry atable, In Tblrty-urat street, asnr Kiitii wsssa i HORSES FOR HAI.R?FROM $.10 TO $1S0 EACH: UU nne pair buy pony Uoraea, 14 handa: ene pair pony bnllt M iieu, 16K handa; AW Wagone, a.l; lOilaela liar area. No. 16 Neilnaatreet and 184 Pulton atrcet, Brooklyn. ~ RAILROADS. Hudson river raii.road.-traixhfor alim*y. I Troy, the Noil., and Weal teare i haiubeia atroet at 7 and II A. M., and 3 IS, 6 and 10:15 P. M? ^ Im ONO ISLAND RAILROAD-CHANGE OP TEE J niton* ? p-iaaeng t ilepul st Jainea ailp and foot of Tkii ly-fonrth ai -set., B,mi tu . r Arr.inu .out?Laava New York at 8 A. M. for Orrenpo. I. Hag lienor, Orient and Ham, ton. At s A. M IS itnJ 4 3d I'. M. for Syoaaat At 3 SO P. M lor OreenperL At 6 P. M for Hemnatea i. On and afti r J une 8 the mall train will ran so Sunday* to Yapha ik. at exour-loii ratA. leaving Thirty-fourth ? treat at 8 14 A. M., and retiming leare Yapbank at 3:34 P. M. T ONO ISLAND RAILROAD ACCOM MOD ATHtX?OLD 1J B>.nih Ferry Terinlnrtk.?Train* laava at 7 4A A. M. and 3 IS P. M. lor Green port; It 4 > A. M. and 4.IS P. M. for Hy oaaatt, 7 ift. il :4.1 A. M., and 3:16*4 '.3,5:15 1*. M. for Hanip ?trad; hourly for Jamaica I r nn 7 4.1 A. M. too in P. M. NEW YORK, HARLEM AND ALBANY RAILROAD FOR ALBANY. TROT. NORTH AND WEST. M W.Wr.R AHllANUKMKNT Conim.-nrlnu T.i ira-tay, Mar 8, 18612. Per Albe >y, I I 30 A. *.. Rapreae Man Yra.u Irmn Tws ?lath street aiullun. For nil local Carina am- Time Tablet JOHN BURCH1LI* Aaatataat Hn wrtnUnde MKDICAL. DHRR. WAJtO. 13 LaIGHT BTRRRT. NK.lR CANAL, paya pml.ctiUr attention to all < ompialnuuf bcAli ??ii. A prlrat i nimm? Ofllee o;*? from a o'> lock la the tworn Inu till V o'cmck la tlie evening. t on utiailea irea. DR. OOOrRR. 14 DUANB 8TREBT, MRMBRR UF THE . Co, e.nul 1'liyakUna and Hmpoutiil New kork, uiay be coiiaiilta.1 daily at i.ia ulboo, fruiu 8 iu the morn lug until ? in the sreuiiiK. DR. JOHNSON. NO. 14 BUANE HTKERT. HAH, FOR ? the laa. innty yt ara, Jnmti-it hla a it .lion i tan o lioe I raeuc ?. Onma rit iftHtieoS lii all -a-?a or no vhargu m, de. DR. H. COUIlB IT. MEMBER WF THE NRW \ ORE Univer liy ( Mc'l al Co.lcso) and t>li %?' o( Hurp ??? tiou Ion, nut ?' eousuU'i l aa nana, at S ? ?) Centre atr i-k i eiwn.'n Ch.uibera and lleailn airetr*. Apiaetinaof Uilrir Un co war*. Una ? of w lob hare been In iinupltala, entitles h in io eon lid oi?. I. B.-Hw l)f. 0,'l dlploie.ui in lila of. lie- I'll, ate eniren.:.. No. f City Hall plathc Buudayilrom IDS A. M. to U), 1'. M. D| R. RALPH?OFFICE ItBMOVRD TO 184 MI.P.RCKER ? atreet, weal oi Broadway. Houra from 11 io 3, and 6 ml?. Ladies can consult dr. powers. 13 ladhit atreet, with'inrlralted .nnueae,on>. He ?era anil ??a I ir. Power, a call, and rou * 111 n .i f r n yn-t it. At hnuie for eon an Italian day aim erenlny. "DROPKSHOR KR8TELL, 188 CHAMBERS STREET, OAN jT1 , "in'yiiijj/ffiiit Ubm' AMUSHHfcSTS. WAELA'K'fi. Eiutanara on Bs?ilisaf a ti l Thirteenth street. Proprietor. yj, Wallas* Doo-auu n at haif-i" ? sawn;. (iuiiii<*e? ate gut NOIICE.?Th- peculiar arohlUH-tural s.iiaaia,?a of the building, ,.d.l (1 to new and lug nmu mee siVcal I'Jlanert, reader Hi ? Tile cool EST THEATRE IN TUB CITT. I'- r.or . an e?a nebided ny ie f-taui ieu. OKI-; I 11IJCI K .s OK TllK Ht'M dKA B SON. OUK.if SCO B"W OK Tiifcl SO I1BK UtfoZ ?' II OBO AND> A> I'IKN' KH. < iiOWDKD AND liKl.ioHrKD AUDISNOA?. PIECES 8KARKLI NO AND l>A All I NO. Plfc-l Ko SPaRKUIK . A NO OAvWNG. A KRIIY HONi.S ANli CHAKMINO l>\M"RA. KERRY AOIH.S AND CIIAKMI .C DAM.V* THE rUJUKNajL THK iT.OKENGi'.H, EM-RV NIGHT, KN KkY NIi.HT, Aldel liy a great oomrdy rouueuy COM I'LK'i E AND GLORIOUS SI CCK-a Or I UK NEW HURLER UIR NEW I'IKCK r.i.NIOKT. During Wt wr?? the I'm rantvta will be elu; gr.d each ?leiuiig. Tli? beautiful Protean | tecus, H? which Mr. and Mi*. F.orrnna are ao fi.cno a. will ba rupld.y produoed and In splendid style. The rrpr anutllniia i?l lur pecu liarities of the Irish Hoy aad Yankee Oirl will a'ao a g ven, which, added to the u w and original tn .?ic of Pi# n a uiooeal orchestra. the a|ileudl : dancing of th- gaud ballet uo.i|u, forme tbe urnst ph-aMiig euturtalainent in tii* dir. The great burVatpia must be withdrawn after Wednesday nhditlur the icodu l nn of oth r novel,ir?. lit" _ MONDAY EVK.VINO JI NK Id, Will be given, for ih? aliih an>l lu*l night hat tarn, the a|dandl 1, new and glorious hurUisqi e. reideiu wlih uaw snugs, naw muali . new dsn ? n? > sorneiy, entitled THE BUT OK LYONS. (S unmi-1 Kdi.onj Claude Meluotta Napoloou b mi] ar e... Mra. W J. PVwaoea Paullue JUra. O.-orvr Skerr-lt B'aiiseam Lmlta Nepuie ni .Mr. W ?f Piur?eae Mine. Dcs-h.tppeTes Mies Mary Weiln "Ir. W. toil Wld iw Meluotta Mr. Col. Damua Mr. Geo. K. Umwna Landlurd of the Gulden L1on. . ...Mr. Thro Ward D irlU-i toe burlasque a Giand Diverilsoement by young ladies. which l? n gli 1/ rev ived with every strati.hi of wonder and delight. The Orchestra, uouer the dim-Una of Mr. Eo|mUs, will partorin a ?p aiiilnl new o ertmr, nod botwsea the s the eele' taiej Kloruo QuadrUiea, lutrudunlug lha uu??t popular Iy ah ntelodlea. The entertainments to commence with a now loan! fares entitled THE RETURNED VOLUNTEER. Mr. E.-sstus Plckumuny Mr W. Daridan Mr. .lames Kmuh Ml J L. Harrett Bill Wiillunis, the returned rnluuleer. ...Mr. W. J.>rior--uce Mr-. H raphen.t Mary Ann IVk.tmnuy Mi - Man We la Ame la. a vest maker Must Jul.a Irv ng TUESDAY, Seventh Night ui Mr. and Mia. tin no-.-The new burlesque and a prnteau piece, nib lha Floreooan in several chacai lera, 2'rngraiiiine < liai.ged every night. Meats ma- I"- spcutsd in sidvaara for any evening la the trees. Bo* hook open from 0 A. M. until 4 P. M. ' A n -iv bur'cnqne end a n w com' dy in rehevrsal. l/iOX'8 OLD BOW BUY THEATRE. 1 Lcan.e, Dire lor and Manager POX. Monday aiming, done IE ORLANDO VBNDOUMK, THE OUTCAST OP MIL AM, from Cobb's Lodger atory, by John P. Poole. TUB BROKBN SWORD; OK, THE DUMB ORPHAN. THE TRAVELLER'S ROOM; TUB BANDIT HOST. Mcners. (!. W. Clarke, J. ,1. Prior, c. K. Foi Harry chap man; Mias Mary Mitchell, Miss Penny Herri.. , and the entire roiups ny will ap pestr In the casta. Tuesday. June 17, ANNIVERSARY OF BUNKER HILL Patriotic bill Of attraction. Free and easy, free and east.?greater ui ractlon than ever at the House of Commoua, 2"> W Houston st. e , the most pofmlvr plane In the city. The . . . _ . . - irate " ' celebrated A. Brahant in specially engaged to warale his most plioisiug descriptive and hi lUleirntal aettga, togr lt-r with the following art la'-; -- RID. Ruh ell*aacBlip/, 0 n ley, Cupp ijla and Olark. Kurrl ga. Smith and 8 eeper. Ben jamin, Briuva and Burlluson. Mr. Jumpy Miohaots to re apectfully iunt -d. L PACT.?TUB PATRONS OF THH UNION. fO Sprlur. sire t. are delic ited with th i sluglng of ' ~ ~ iy, Birch, R ivaell. Blmtis.ei. liable, will sing "Utile Pig - Mon Wl ... . Bay, Harding, Gny, Birch, R ivsell, Ntmris' ii. It and Snodgraaa, the Intmltahln, will aing "Little I'm..- Mi aay, Weduesday aud Saturday evenings. I'.I>. KIDliT T HE PARTRIDGE. THK I'ARTRID IK. 27 WEST HOUSTON STRKKT, ?17 WEST HOUSTON STKErtf HOUSE CROWDED. HOUSE CROWDED. Th - grraust K'roc aud Easy In the oiiy. " ,oli Lot at the lalnut oileoted t wnight-.? ALBERT BR AIIM. the celebrated English tenor. y RED HILL, the pleas'ng t nor. it Iilsn com" J. Rl Shr.LL, tue liisb comto singer. N. H. BuNDV, the nno huffo si .g. r. The above have kindly volunteem . GEO OKAY, the f ivorlte t nor. J. H. NORLAND, the wylt known barn ne. JAMES KdtASr.R uie .c'ebralrd OOinic -lurer. U. BYRON, the pleasing ballad -'. And numoious oiners. COME ONE. COME ALL. H. 11YRON AND GEO. GRAY, rri prmuira. rPli MANAGER?. C'STUMKRS, LUMBERMEN AND i|\i SHi-a'iwwr, w ?Tt aua?r.i?iaii,- aho A others.?For ante aheap tor rash, about fifteen loads of theatrical Properties, Scenery, Machinery, TrI He, tr., a poriion of thera the Ravel pioparttea. Apply at Broad Way. J. C. LEE /GEORGE It cahtj K'fl IT CANTERBURY PALACE, open day and evenlug. CTTW Brand way, oppoatte Laura Keene'a theatre, a*" III W?? (.KOIUIE W. SIIURRAOUB. PROPOSALS. T f&f Supplies " """ - A Ornea of A?it Cmtrixo axd Kqsnrioa, t Nuir Yobs. Judo U, 16ML 1 WANTBD-?20,000 paint of Army B->otece, of medium *lae?. far which proposals IvIU be r?--iveti proposals ?IU be roo-lved hjr the subscriber unlit ike 20th ingtatit. The quantulea to be ddllverou from time to Uine, anil the iltt i required will be made known upon ap pllvaUon at this olllue, u hero the standard snuip.e may be Men. Bide should be endorsed "Propo-ali for Kurulahlag Army Bootees," an 1 addressed to Lieutenant C.dopel D. H. VINTON, Deputy Quartermaster General Untied State* Arqiy. A BMY1 buPPLIBW. Jx Orrict A?r. CowxissaRt Gt nasal or flcsarimrirc^ ) No. 4 Sri ra sAtwi.v t, Ntw Tons, Jut.? IX 4862. J. Mealed proposals wilt be rocrlved by tjie undnrai^ned, bt this oliC, until 4 o'clock I*. M? on Friday, the 20th lust., fob furnishing KREKIl BF.KK for twelvn months, from tin 1st of duly. 1802, to the troop, in the arrThfe of the United Htatee, stktlened et (lie several reci-sbing rend -zvous that ? ritonnav be eaiabllslied In this city, .and 10 sunn O'her United rtiiites troops requiring trash >>eef, not otherwise provide ! ior as may be stationed In or near the rtty, or on I ?.?at 1 msa-jla lying temporarily In tho harbor of Ndw York. The tnsli beef Is to be of a good aud ? holseome quality, SMfiSaq?l p enaction of for* and 1-tnd quarter meal, (uecksand shank* to be cxchrdedl aod furi-l?hrd in auch quantities at c?--h pl*--e i f delivery, .'is. from lime to time, may bo required for the troops iiy the several oHirers in charge. Further Information will bo given on application. Bach hid must have a printed oopy oi this advert sownt poslod ut its head. Written e< mrneto to ha mads with adequate bonus. Tu names of two sum lent x treji s to be given iu the prop--sals, which am to ba eiidaraed jAfj spoiials for Bcof." A. B. KaT.JN, LI -uo-n \t Colonel ami A. O. G. 8. CITY OK OITATU.ESTOIVN, M ISSAf HU.dBTT8. Nralod pro lornls WUI be moetved by the Water Com mMalorersol toe city of ClutrWown, mini Ji/n<l SO, for laying tu said oily, and on the lib" ofOh-tr watt r works, about twenty one miles ok' la/d iron pil*a. I'lam. of tho work can bo eeen, and Information eon amine said worl ' ? ?btala-U at tha oUlce or toe Engineer or Wjter Cnnmr sinners, Ciiarleeteurn. Conies of speci-icatlons aud contr ets and forms ?>; pri'ipoeile, Wl l be amil to perllee d touting to make bids lor ih ? work, on thair making application for lite earn-- to the Wat- r Commissioner*. Honda with sureties will lie required fiutu parties c-ntrsitlng. The Ct.runla ainm ft reserve the right to accept that proposal srhlob. un dm dllcirciiuiabineM, they ahall consider most lavitrabln in tl.? tniere isol the oily, or to rejoet all proposal! offend. For the Wa'er Ciminlasuitiers, EDWARD LvWRfcMFB, Chairman. C. L. 8TKVBN8?)N. Chief Bnginahr, C. W. W. (1ITT OS OHARLKMTOWN. MAP8.VCHU8ETTM.-THB J Water Cominlas.on-'is ?f the City of <'harleetowii will receive proposals f of making. dellr.r ug and laying on line of their distribution p'li-e< one hundred and ferry KIRK HYDRANTS. In making pr fatal* ior the same, parties meat Include the Hvdn.nt.Pipc, the Baud, thr Hydrant, Fpftnes, Covers and al! appurtenances ? onnci led ihaVewitb, e .oepitug the branches la main pipm. 1h?y ami ate" state the price at Whlen they will lay and ooi-r..." the Hydrant pipe! with the branchee In tba Mains, and perform'all the work (uo.denl to iibirlag the hydrants la perfeol order for nan. Including douvtty aid all treaefciag or aib"i '(tifff Parti", tnakTn* proposals tnu?i signs of the style a," bydianl they propoaa. fbea-gileelpM must bo drawn to scale, ,n detail, sa aa to ad ill ol Ibnlr being rua.tlly understood. The total auneuet of * In- H). dram Plpa ra tuired la a-out elerou hundred al.ltgy) feet Wee af No/.zlr Inch, with attrBcu.nrai?e n| hydrant to ad mil at Increasing dlamemr of o /sin to 4 ln<1 et, wliboul removal of I yd rant. Proposals ?ill also bo rsoalve.i for about eaa hundred and illy STOP r ' " siityBToP CUCBScbf ibe following at res ?T? of 4 loth ; 46 or tin., II or niu , S of 10 in., for Id In.. S of M la. TRn " ? iTha propoaals (Or Stop Co ha, to lucl le every ?bwaitlaL ?itig pe, uinlog to the same and Ui- de|jvrry?f allcojuier [i astlncs at s ,<.t f n it At msy 'rom flrnc to lime ilifd !. Ds- g " 'f the in lee ,ims>se<1 f.,r. o 'te nrmvntnd at same time- aa bid. Plans of D atrttmMaa -/ipe.lhov of* -?s|i|,ina of Rydr-uiaand H op ? ?# ? ctn be (a. i?n MMMM| cf tiic'Kngluer. or RIM ( on,iu:??i<iriora ill MM m-i'i i s SMI Is tb- iing.neer. M or iwf u? JI MB ,Ai, 1IC2 The Commitaiouers raarrve ti right jo w apt or reioct anv ol the proposals olbred. Pt Wstor dommlsatoo ars EDW'Altn I.AW HKM< R, Cbsliman C. Il 8IKVBN8- >N. t'hle: Kuna-r 0. W W. OKFICB OK ARMY CLOfKlRI AND BgUPAilK. Nrw Tows, JWaa H. I odd Mc.Ued pro-toasts will b- rseelved al lh:? idlle- nnl>l Ho "r ^av, the Slag Inutant at It oViook M . for pre-otusAwD MM* Hala, nore or Ira/?now in a rough a'ate?tn-o ra?-i la it oi> si/iuh ami (rimming thorn with bia-k cottna band a. <t awi-at 1-lil.ig. . The Hats am now In the Quarterraaairr's storehouse I WaaWtn.v n from which plao they wl.l l? ui-u by li-? lauura. t r snd when fiilehed. ilellvored at the ib-iwt <1 Army Clot- lug nn.t Bquip?g? In this city, po kail In W- ? ior ui,<*i'orlj<ti<>B. n.o Mall I liu Iieen I - s< -' a II be divided IPtoJMMrf p-oiHirllona of regulaiioa aires, and bo SubjoiA to IU"|0 Hi tllii* KutAher iui-H motion, In Mard to alaoa, As., can lw sbtolo Ou on iipp'icatkon atlhiaonme. Bo -da will h? required lor tba pmpsr perforiuaneo of ibr " b'uu-rs will stkte tlye- ahortott poeedrl-- tlasa la < hi h ll,o tcrvlro ran be jwrfonnVd, sad i-udoaae tlieir bits, "Krop-i saLi for Pretains niraw iintA.'' addrsm n* .U?ni" lAeiiSsnaalOlpuel D if. tinTON. D i-uty Quart- roaster Gen- ral I niu-d Htaies Army , BBAL KsTAfR oWNKitt -g: \j v.ri rBuiiidALi rro RHAT- E WAfB OWNKRt -MB Al-RB I 1 WiU to r-oetv, il nt I ds wl 01 until Krl u?y A m- M for the purcuas* -if P'?l' etnto b" the C n-i ail-ui loi the um of ihe rlts l/'-i'-irtmcnt, lomted a lol.ows ? O I# I-.t -istH'i >"> Mors ?t. Catharine, Dl-iaion and I wn aii-eeU. f'-l Kiliine i oiitim ly No. 2. One fr>4 between Church. W .ills. Ml in and Duano I for Ki-u-neCoii p?ny ill (iSi betM Bloomingdale road, ie Iw/'it Nlaety-oltih and MBili it-ce-a .or Engine Oo-npony No W. One let betw cn ria.ikiln. D tine, Chur h and Centra atrerts rorn.NM t!?m|iany No 25. On>* Lot b'tween avenue o, Fourth, Klfth Bad Lew It etr-Ole, fo' IfbtO Company 47. One 1 ot ?. t-.vecn Aeiaind and Fourth avennca and Btghty. tlilrd and Ivighty-sntb "treat,, for Horn Compauy No. If One Lot he'iw-n tlic Bowenr, M?ut, Krtnce and H-meton atret ?. foi H -os ami La<ldcr< ompaay No, 18. At-an, For the pure- -am of ? 'co1- or iha 'eaeo of a Konae and Lot, lielwern Hroa- .vay. Knlton, H?g uan and W .illaat streeta, lor Hose Oornpatiy Ne. 20. Tii'"0?a'i <t ul euNkla a Uhtom of ihe prop rvr offered, with dlme-slotis, 1-ea-lty and cnara tor nf Improvaiaoma, If anv Pre. Tell * Will 1)0 glVCH t 1 TBI SUt I?|B. PayinOBt will bt -n?l> on ktvio I s cla-u and aillefa.-iorr IRK The right l? raeervad tb ? -t"<" .,ng or al wopoaola. * RONkRT i. IIAV 4 CmnptrollOM, Orrr DP Mmw Yoas. Pur?*va?.*T or Kin Avon, i OOMPWRJAM S Orrwub J una U, HR f m f ABfDSIXim. XJTRLO'S OAKDKN. ANOTHER UBEAT ATTRACTION la K*?ra?uo win. reusa .:J m , ? from 2^1^* -*???-? 01 MISS CIBOI.INK KIOIIINCS classic opera, Tae MU| men' mmi re-rx <-tf lijr anno i?w . m u?ia PCi Ui.AK AIIK .lOih I'BiM.i LoXNA Vi lli Hp; fitrou MONDAY, TUU9AY AND WKDNKHVAJT KVKSIlKM, Juue Id, 17 aud 18. IN THI URAND OK lilt Al< HUt.tiU liwu Bell ui'- Of nut NORMA Aad wag, for the lira Urn- iu ,v? York. the ou ebraMB B earn ai.d Ua a ma >abUd _._M. CASTA DIVA. NORMA. .MISS UaROLINM KIOUINOB. Al ter which ? popular Oj < rauc Loauuiee of the nr...- hi I KS J2 t OAKOIAHK BTTOHIMOB MB. B. L. llAt FNPoUr, .MR JOHN lULHKUT ? MB. 1?. JtlOUlMos, B., MRS. J MlKDEE. Wldsiaiatn Um leading c araoti-en BK. J. DUNN AND MM. SOUDiNo* SPURNDID BCBNKK*! "* M 1 lid DECORATIONS, iKwiw Moja?5r n? t ' ' OI BBATIO CHORUS. t* 'III al lUel, wOteuU; encuted Plnwfil "? >? .ivla, zi 1*1,u. Uvu.a u, ru ..I <1 rUn-k ; ouir.m-nce at So'obfbA. Yy'lNrSB OARD.'N ~ * ?? 1 nasi aad la *Ms?ns*^?iwsRai% sarr RtFNK.Hr (Ml>NDA Yu JUNK 1Mb. second WEEK ?faU.?"7. BUBLE8QUB. Tf.E WIZ "uVa^ERI I IIh W 1/AKII'S TKMPR ST' tuii 5!*akhk tempest. I K WI/.AItii H TEMPEST; ? Hl VWr.Ai.DS TEMPEST; ' THE KIND OK lllAT MAGICAL ISLAND, ur OUAKI.Bs OAYl.BR. Um nottiorr out Hitttiery, The ui oat foptilar Sung*. Muat I*-witching Deucea, Most magnthou ni ProcMaioa*. Moat triumphant Maro'iae, UN eeery a la hi with mMlr" !s? S.'f-RFI ?kthubiasm IKS ?H4S*I ?*th?-ia.m TIlB WILDKhT K xTlll'Sl ASVf . TIIK WILDKsT KNI'llU >1 ASM ' THE WILDEST KNTIIII81 ASM nod wuh TORNADOES OP OBSTlCULATBD K COT AST. Aa asm- acinar, i MTH8 BMIEY TflORNB, MISS EMlI.f TIIOKMB. MISS K WILY TUORNE MOW KMII.Y TIIORNB - M"M F. "A THORNK, 1 X?^?SK^;?ru..-' "*lu th6 unlle<l ve,ili0? * THE BKnT H. Kl.BMQDB ARTISTE 2 ?,b" ^lUa Am-1^ ?MB fJJS?- ISgiM *& oe2?ytwU pbSk: AMDKkSoN 158 i; 8; PHOK ANOEKHON AND MR. .1, O. BUKNUTT PKOK. ANDSKBON ANil Mk! J. O. BuBNETT arary avoolna in tiialrjmai duality af J-roiiwreT BIBS IONK BlIRKFaa AR?U MB. HEMKEKaa CaLIBAJ*. auoorad aranr ovuniaii. MK. CHARLES HALE and MB. BRADLEY nightly adding to pre-obtaiuad lnuhcU,. .. . MlflS FLORA ANDERSON, tha trsaaorudcQt lutlc gam ' M18S LOUlBA ANDERSON tha ?harming 1'urJlnand. I5S METAMORPHOSIS AT TttE CONCLUSION THB METAMORPHOSIS AT THE CON'CI i.?uiv THE METAMORPHOSIS *r THE V : , " v THE METAMORPHOSIS AT THB CONcLI SION ?M> Till'. TRANflOKNDBN'f SCENE "K BRACTY TRANSCENDENT HCENK OP SKA I V TRANSCENDENT SCENE OK BKALTY .. TRABSlJNDBNT SCENE OP BEAUTY !? i nunmTji^a*!*!! * * I'lJ' UJ on tli^ mage THB FIRST OBAND MatTnek. POSTPONED TO HAIUKDAf, Jim? 21. Uu?o'iJ<>ci[0rm*n09 00,lolu'l,"' eTer3r ereuius at hair paat Enala ehould b^aeourrd three days la advaooe. VpXON'S 0&EMORNE OABDENS. ? ~ l'ALAOE OF MUSIC and .SB2US? *"?" -* '""'"tf "-h001" le M?d ! romietor. .........JABBS M. NIXON. AND BYEK^A-rrERKo^ i^D EVEIflNO A RICH AND VAR 1^0?^NTEKTAciMKNT oouiooW(t pnitiwly tor 4ii ('rrmonie OirdMii, by Tboms* ?? ISABEL CUB AS.' Mile. CAROLINE THBLEL'R. Milr HRi Fvr SICNOR XIMIXES. HEER WBlTIiOFP SKB' and a aitperb oerpa of French. HpanUh. lulUn and English rkfelbrmlnts of all BIND8 , , . Eiorpr Llqnnra. Oaiefal aad respectful ?roilers, obol bowers, fouatalae, noivur*. 4c, IN THE TURKISH PAVILION, MADAME TVrRNAIKE IN A V'KIY Ai'T moxok BUOT^JutuN ^Nr OO&RAD BK0THER8 ith a rtne cori>* tit AthK t, m. IN THE OABDKNS AND PALACE, EVEltl APTKK.M>ON, . f?CTE AND COL. SsIaLL, the moe: perfectlv lormed. -madest auu boat educated .... ,... j'1 r'IjE W 'HE WOULD, lo?t, h- cI r"'U"e lcvce'' dmmn K> ihclr mla ature ' SMALLEST HORSES bvbr seen. Three great *ll>?ec<>ne. and u ait., oilu re not named. _ _ . 'HB ONE PRICK OF ADMISSION. To Oarden, Pu.'a e. P iril.ou, ao gt cents o il? Chltdien lo lh>t alterno.n. ..........V"./.!# lytarne I eeaw in P?la-? uf Mi'Sic .fc.*n a eaira Orrh'Stra hair , In i jlaoe of MuSio.. no rente eiti-a Bareirr.1 real a In E^u ><wrlan R-hool It nun, riira New bowery theatre! Sole Proprietor,,.'. Mr J W ii,,..m M?N.mY and TL'BsDAY. Jane* ani 17! 4 * Jt .VJ"""f"1 ehitanrtiieni of MISS ADAH ISAACS MKNKLN, who wnl api- ar in iier i{re?t charai-U'i ol MAZBPPA, la wbiuh ?he will |ier ona"y muko the lerrifie a-CnU and doaccma. Utheil to the hum h ick uf the WILD sri.KD, a fear war Before ?nooaaafullv af.-.nyt, d by and other we DUE, . Dancing h? Mir* L Klin Rio n>-. T-ie ihrlllinji draou. of BCIIINBERHANNL'S. and th? comic larce of AN OBJECT OK INTBRBST. N IBLOH GARDEN. WuimI, ludle* t or the Corp* do Ballet A nptr to UtI VINCENT, HlMJp -tiT, Cruaby au-'et > ntrance Lot! DON (BNOI.AMD).-THK GREAT KXHIBIYlON, Till HuhHEr. TErtllVAL AT THH ORT8TAL I'ALAJHt, MLLK. T1. IB NR. VUHmafo the Ofn i luh MUoo are reopootfull* Inform*4 tbot 'lb In.lhc boot i" oi.ont; mi M mcurcd br addrrral if Uioil to CRAMER, AfcAl.B A WOOD, 301 Mrm-at ?ttjjwr Prluo of a itNrrtil ooat for Ibo thrbo da/a, fcfieao TM leoillng pari* of the (liferent oratorio* to bo Mroa will bo auag !>/ to? (root ktiorau') of the dor, *LUJ. TiTUtlHI. from bar Ifejeaty a Th %if, (bp ixr.ulodoi of T. H. Ko pl.aea, iiwi). Tbo greet BngHah taoor 81 Ms RKETR8, AO'l tbo rrlM'M uad leann HKRR K.lH Hfc-8. Kr (HONOR COf'fA. ttkewlen r r-l *<J for tHn twtPo|>rftu an t loo I'L.l aoooor**. for wbH? Mil. Uilene and Heir Joo anaab. d Ardor* mey It .en Ur no a> Bl thr?< (h Mr URORtlB DANHKIN, Tmoaerer at ibr Maw York Aaod Imif of M i*)'. 444 1 ,4-THE CURAT AMERICAN MCKIO HaCiT 4*t Hi M? 4M 44* MUM AW AY. Till MtaUl MA 1.1. Of THE M t8KF.? TH* lYXllgfl II IVSM IN T1IE < IIV. THO . OW.MT liOCB IN TIIK ci I V TH A Cool.Kitr HOt .-M 1M THE ? . TV. f'll **' Hit" WIM? KAMI TUB aKVN WIND RAMI Tf, 1DRT rAHIVIS 1U.TI rAvHUft. [iHt*, twifwi'ar ??'d MNwl owittc r In AWT". "* -W?I?rRRora NIGHTLY IN PLAT, MIOutLY I.N fLAY. wefileg r*'d?id and man refienlilng >.re<*?ea rontincii ly difWM it O.e mRre Ibaatrr. IM.|1| ii*|r'lKllt ? II a. t, ai l hra|4ng 'be aper.te'or aa ronloa 1/ aneted ?.n "i'llR ? <nil.RAT MPOT IN MWW TORE. IV RRAKRP ATTRACTION INPI KA-RM ATTRACTION l-OR TlllH WRVK. I', uf 'ha wort apfeyaaa Hint wwii'la'e atyle ol a . I tNI' KNTRAt AGANflt PANTOMIMIC' I ? motto Rw f'll *T?R RAND OF TIIE WOPI II DIE HkOADWAY MIRhTRKI^ I'll | '.I."ADW AT NIN ITBRI ? T tK HBO vDWAY MlMNfRBU T^vViA.-"tWi. "t NY PAfTOf. row'iR roil* pari or, tony pa?t<>?, joirr p-m-ik, TURV I AMOK, Nil PASTOR. T?'.>V l' .All'It, TORV PAPTOR. T?>NY PASTOR, TONY PAcOTOR. Tbo n*x* ortglj " "" * . ? - (U OTAVR RIDKi __ _ fbe -i.ud.rtjfl I oniiot raeaiM. OMAR. RY WHIlV 29f5f5l SIISDh CR VRI4.Y WHITE _. ggbRLAY WHffj, Tbo rrr *at Tor^tna (wmadbw and ltrtloolan. ?'oUnon'nr. anihn M tbo fmn.t |wnt mluilrtramaiIn, TUB M.tOHl PRNNY " nrr*. i.?.| thla wark andar Ma own m ,wr'l?lon. J. A. II KltH AN, J- A HMllM AN. In hi* V t 'lfnl Iwlloda, nightly anoorrd, la RI'lMtlNR V RIMMOHA, Tka . b of ^l boo joAato. hob If ART, ROW TLA IT. Io Ma front >o a and dooco ood ddtb>leii*>i d. lofnl dHUoo. J. PIERt'R, J. V'lKI.UR, flo i w. alnrlnti* r. praanntotlonoo ?d man." ?IE) ..KRNA1NR, URO. (.RRMAINR, Ur larmllr rwi"j m?all,t In ii'a .larniloi aoogo. YHM fftt ?WTKIC H YRTSIITOMMY. Tbo bdonlifnl tnw)Wf d- n?r iou on . vo aitoto, ERA ESI INK. t%j EAIHK t, I.KM'..8*lNt: t)R FAIME'l. LI7./1H HCII t l.T/.H AN\> MATH HA NCIUILT'/B, LIE..IB RCai l.TZH A.<0 MATH,OA HCHCLT/.B, Iand n il nniifious IN AN IMIEM.T NEW P VlBVNMB. Ttltt MflHT Bit" t iANT K0\ NLtlAtC Grand mnl'ojn or. r? Pj. in ay ?f'?rA?Niu. ?OWtf r W. ? V?UUk> ? rw>rtw-f MU i?W?. AmrseOTWTs. A OADEMY Or M0 ->HJ?IL TROVATOltB. A 1 t* >OAV)<i>?aiuii>?i8x>cMk. TUO last'.? of ill (I B'W 1)1' I. IU d'jrilik MADAME OOMTE BOKt'ff iBD Oa wh oh o Ibiiiii ? .0 wil appar In her greet role ft Lrm. o'a aung by Li r with immense nuuoaas in the prtactpad European opera bouse*. > wt apptotihii e ot 'h- n v? ba'-tt ne, SlONoH aMCII O (hr Uier wi the late Signor A a ? ''), who lin* achf-v. o .i apl idMisr-ei iu.'oi>h 4 .icrtaa. Heat Ilie lam nhu.t b /| one o O RE AT ft) CENTS COM HI NATION ONLY MOOT (?.' II. n o - A TORE *'4-i a l.iiilhuil ami air.M'totA "o ?? M*!tmolt.*?hard Axuoene ?I?rtat D \n, it theuor hriK'i -d Count Ln-.fc. . .+ , An.-Mia Won luewr Itnd Vim. el Due to Rigour A belle vQ Uie talilit) n?c?lnu;, Co*<v pt by tfift errai K.dUML _ . . MR. con8., Performance by ... . "KURMANir Ada. bo* OS to tl.e wbate i?. eote Noatua.?The ? ? lire ler'o! n.i ro- IU conclude ..til 1RME.. Ol AO .IM luIt. I'iniui l, haloony. .ir?* an l lam,l> crete -mis Ko-cried ?eaU and scaur iu prist, ic boxes g. A.npin'haatre "'* aiieaia TUESDAY, THE I-AST NIOMT ?V 'III 14 UKK iT M CENTS DOMblNATION. Only utght o. to. pop .lar 0-;(i? ->i I.INDA Ol i HAMOl NIX. with a i> eat oouipietn and perfect . tut, loledtag Ml AS KELLOUC, HAIIAIIH D'ANURI. BRIONOLfc SUB NI HA*11 J, and til.- new J' ? i. tone. Sill Ml K AiODlU. Concert, bjr OOTTHCHAi J6 Feiloruianor. by UhUttaiAAlf On We, nt-.f-'w,. n o?. of the OJtKAT M CENTS COMBINATION: DKAND UALA MUiir an.t Benefit of B.WLi.MAN. T AURA KEENE'B THRATFIR. J J 1..-MM* M ee M AUWIB MITOHHLI*. NOTICE.?CII AMOK OK TIME.?Do... k open at a quarter |uet seem ..'clonk; oouunriic ? tea minutes oe eight. Te meet the wishe* ol many la.ileal and nan lumen who reside ouiai the city, the perlorni?ncca will end alkali-past tern o'oloolti irEHLUANT 8UCCB8S or MISS MAC! IB MITCH ELD, MISS M AUOU'l MITCUELL. M bar oelebratt U inaiacu-r of I AS IIDN. TUB CRICKET. KANCIiON, THE CIUCK hi 1'. ITS ERl'MTTI.iN t OC11 KKOU-SLY DEMANDED. It will be played i-tm night. The liiul. ii,,"iliai..a in ... heed from the Uerinan by A., Esq . mid copyright entered by him aooordttg fa? A> t ol CuogreMi, lor Iti>.< Veggie Mitebeli), entitled KANOllON; OH, > THE CRICKET. NAMCHON (her original character), Mi * MAll?IE KITOnU. ACT 1.-THB SHADOW DANCE. AA?r 2 -THE ST AN DOC HE FESTIVAL. ACT J.-TUK WITCH OK OOSSK. ' ART 4.?THE WILL O'THE WI81*. ACT ?.-A VKAH LATER. MleaMAuaiE MITCHKLL'S flrat bea dt la New Cat* on Kri.iay erooiu^ <>oxt, when a moat attraotire Mil wUl ha pineeuled. j^ROOKLTN ACADEMY OK MUSIC. The direction are gratl.ied t? aanouaca that tha yeewM iuipreaaion produced by the OKBAT TRA0I0 ARTIST, MISS BATEMAN, oa the eceasten of her lirat appealanoe In thia eitf. haa dle> I ted frow Ita uioat (lliuagutahed oltUeaa the loUowiug htNaF eompliweatary te.ter:? Bbooklt*, June U, IIR TO Milt BaTUUM The naderatgned bey learn to congratulate you upon tha sue. cue of vour ttrst and only appearance In our city, oa Tueaday evening laet, ami the warm and pleaaaat re. epltaa exiended te you by a nuaneraua and highly appractatlie am dlenee. The eulhusbisUc satlafacttou and pleasure exnroaaed ana tb<- iv asiou, ell ite.l by your truly ui tlaiic and beau.if id Ms* persoiiaium of the character of Julia, but a juatcornydin. at to I1 it-.|itailed ni oui anu gi ulus. WuHicr. fore teel onUilent that waare acting In aooord. anoe with the unanimous wish of those present on thatcn-a. Ins (ae well as many who were prevented irorn being theeat. in inviting you to glre ua the pleasure of one or mon- oppnr liiuiiie: ot hearing you iu aouie ol your faeorito and popular el.aiact.ra. Hoping that you will find It agreeable and convenient to eouinty witli our request at an early date, wo re mat a at*. oerely you re, MARTIN* KALBKI.EISCH, 1IKNB.V B. JOHNSON. W1NCUE.STEU BlllTTON, A. CUt)KE HULU CUAS H. WiELIaMcON, IIBNRY R. I'lRKBON, JACOB I. BRUUEN. J). M. CliAUNUEY, JOHN V. ROLEK, tJ T. JR.\K.S, tiBOKUE WHITE, C. J. LOWKBY. K. J. 0AV1ES. CHARLES LOtVREY, JOHN GEK1.NW Ot>, 1'. h. HALL, R. C. BKAINARD .! 'C. SMITH. Wh. O. BiBUOl', HENRY MiCAiOSKBY. A. McCl'B, Measrs. hiSTUi Kalktu. ia..n. A. MfCca, Wincuia-tma Bkitthh. and nth. is;? (itATinus?Vour most t auariug and truly hind tnritae lion has just bocu hauled me, and I ha ten to reply boar much pleasure It will give .me to appear again be lore a* audience whose generous w Icoma and ia ru.goni approfatg e-.n never forget. I bare submitted your proposal ta i fattier, and be wtu end' ayor to make such a. is with the (tire. ioae of tl.e Ao.rd.uny m. will admit ot~sag a^ pearlng again on one or more evening* uext week. Allow me to thauk you warmly for yoi.r great kindnaa* and to assure you mat ?s highly as I appreciate tlia iiinpM mont your raqusat Implies thai no king could afford sa* more atneare gri llhi atkiu than a prompt oouipllanoe. Vcura, moat r. specif ully, K. J. BAT It M hlf. Bboouts, June 13, LScS. Tbe Academy Relng pre-engaged fur the other nlghle ef MM week, M1i? BATEMAN can otilv appear ou MONDaY ami TUESDAY. i-a the tlral named occasion aha wfc ligsac eomte the heroine of her muluer'a highly wrought ant thrilling tragedy el OliRALDINE, ?apiiortt'4 by MR. H. L. BATE MAN. MB. J. Vr. WALLACE. end e highly UleB'ed Company. Box ottiee open oti Monday from 7)4 A. M. to ( P. M. Parquet, Balcony and Dreaa Circle 60 cento Beserv ?il Sei.ta 79 catilo Earn ly Circte liucnia B ARNUM'S AMERICAN MUSEUM. MAONIKICENT ATTRACTIONS. ENTIRE > IIANliE OK KEUKllRMANCS8. AN O .It Kit NEW DkVMA, UW 1'NNKTU VACOIIAN; Oil, till KATK OK A COQUETTE With new Srmeiv, Music, l'npcril. a, I uaiuiura, Ac. EVERY'AITEKNOON. AT (> CLOCK. EVERY KAESINO AT A 4IARHR TO EI HUT. Ci le liullr..-, at each reproe, ututloli. with ilie S, reaming Payee, u. JOURNEY TO K.CIUIOND TUL eoiei taimiieiit aluna la cuua t > uny lit threlty AT D.-tBLE TUE 1'IMCE OK ADMIro-n i.N to the en if Muceuu . Yet In wii.ltii.n la p.a> ? en com. Nurr?tu? gwnus NUir, COM. NCTT?TUE *311,(00 Nl IT. The smallest. nu uiue- man, in lita rartouo am .altig ml eiiru-.-ii. o u?rformanoee. MASTER VI AL..KK, THE INFANT pVATA, Ool/alx yvaia oM, rahcarace a great variety of p.noes, ea travta of a hew Ac. run URN OP MONSTER HERPRNT8. The (Irival coded uu of three (narrating animals. the laraoot and tbedgrral.-at in.m-e. ever seen logtlhor, several mo om a hav in,: jsiet or. ii added. 7 HEY >\ ILL BE 1 ED EVERY DAY AT > O'CLOCK. Tit*: .ttgl'AKlAI. HARDEN, WKIi lta myi lads Ira itliul liv uir lisli, swimming ahoug In tiielr ponds uf ooyun and rivi r water. THE 41 AKKifOK WOODEN liCN, AL9IN0 FAMILY, HEAR SAMSON, LI UNO HAPPT FAMILY, le. Adiiiiiwlua to all 79 en <, CI lldn-n under ten 19 reata. N. H.?THE I .'EC 11 BE RO>M haa ben NEWLY AKJh TIOikOt'OUiiY, und laaa cool an<l l OinlarV am thla h it wtatu r a* a mountain ah a dr. BRYANTS' MLNSTKELk, MECHANICS' HALL, No. *7J Broadway, a-ovf Orand elreeA Monday, Jane 10, and every ulght duriug the we- *, THE RAW HKC.ll ill. TIN PAN O NI UN. Ml.A' K vVIE MtO'S 4, II 44. 11IK BYRoNH. Epli. Horn H. C. Camp'all. P.J. Pe'l. K. H. Florence, Ilea. Rm iivU. T. I| ultima, N. W. Ootilil, U 8. Kowlar, W. L II u iba, J. II, Kt.oi i, J. Mcirlaou, P. Spdrer, K. Leal la, 1.1 lu lu u, O. W.,ev, LITTLE MAC NEIL. AND DAN. BRYANT. PLANTATION SCENE?ON TO RICHMOND Duora open at 7. Curtotu rtaaa at 8. Tlcaeta, 39 04a. HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE, LONDON.-TITIKNH. Sotv Lee.ce ami Director #...V>,.T. U. Maplteam Visitor- Iron'. Aimrloa to Louunu are respectfully Imfarm ed that Uar Maycaiy a Tbaatie la open for lulled Opera un til the nu. of August Tha laniitatloo ot the arilete engaged at Her Majesty"# Tlieatr. U vo will eata'i.iih-'i that nolMtig more natal ha aatd. Ol one, however, a i;??l word may nal be out or L ac. aim* the may, exaggeration, be aald to oanMt iuir Hit L.M Ink al ihatcan iTglortoua "prime doaiia,'* ?mmtiKii q with Cat slab I. ltU -vklom tha< Nature lavl-lira on ou" prison ah ma vailed gifts whloh are needed to loraa a grant e< pi ano. A voire ..1,oar tuglarer emltlaalt to elalaa thia ronk la of the -an st order. Melodious quality and p..wer, wok li tro not k-aa essential than ua exien leu regxa ter, are a. daily a. arce. Mtulcal knowleuge. eieoutive tiatsM and perfvet Inlonat'.ou arc lnrtl-|a'oaablev, and to three iha Prhtiu Donu v ahcdl.7 add diaiorik force and adaptability, and a large ineaauro ol perw.nal race. Even three rare M cowmania w ill rot idflke uma-a ihry are Illumined l.y ID* r re ei genl'ia. B> on? a una,oi living arllitea, haa thla high Ideal been rraohad-ny MLI.E. IT.. I ENS, wlion" riclualw avrvtoea have been . cured for gva vaara. 4'onddr.lor and klu "teal Dl rev tor Slgnoi Ardlti. I'i r? a i . A'lmi- IO'i?Tiivat.. hoxea (to uold Tour), rrohh Y2u lo $40, a o d'h* 11 lo. aJon. Reserved aeata, $9. A4 nilavlog, wlUntil el-ate, 90; Ami+iTiaatro, II 15. Or ient may I a addiw am. to Mr. NUwENT. at Her Majrm t y*P Theft rr. fl KR MAIB TV S THEATRE LONDON.-R1STORI _ S >1- leaare a,.u tin vuj T. II. Mai I V1 ? ii ni to London are iratveeuuily laforinrd teal ar ratigeii aula have bria roaili with M A DA.ii E KlhTORI. Vko will ap|-ar foi t ?iv nl^kU i. am ? of her grea'aai c .arart-re:?Medea, td h.ltia, Mary Htual t, Maelwtli, Nurash i. id r^iisalwiU Boxes (to bold four) from BJO lo$40 nrcrvr-ltnt to loratloh. Krarrvrd are" gfi. A.Nnlaaloii witboui erata $3 Ml Ordara mi r s-r.A la Mr. Nugerl, at Uer Map atj'e thralM, will he iaivhli llypitlrni'rd to 1RANH CC.sCLRT, RTRtWBi RBV AND ICR CRBtM Keaitv i., at the TruiHv Al. K. CiittrSi, anThirty-i uirih G . ^ aue-t.naxi In s a ev. n ad the 171 ? ia t The fallow ink an s - w.l ai p .u ? M ? *m ? II am id, th ? iliaiingul*a ? Koiiano; Mr K. Kbru, Kluta. Dr. Cl-re vV B'amea, nryah a ml I aont ota; The 'lua-U'ito Choii of 8'. B?ftliolan>ew ? (:-,-irb. xUu .Maat r Lama Ifunn and Mia. llaiJr "''It "Y Tn-.aeu for the Oooeeil TgranUi. B? -.vwbrrn a and Cr una axil *. l>.mrs opaa at 7 a'ouck. Ccbaurt lo coniaieocs- at < 31 o'eiaik I". M Trtrftinf' r6yal,1jc?br ' ?>ada-m*. ooab. Whaat'ivtgh, tr in Auatrnux vnd Cap mi ma, I JL W nHMWEnii am III AUR" IPlMa """ ' * ii_. g B"ar, on toe -en of ?une, In Uf m ultobn. tovpvra naUoniT Danny kwxati. In tha l ailr..? Raw m JT tr wills n*- *v a nary and ap,""? "ir "- ApptmaUim gi.g"nit ata will ua 11 1 iria wd ?? Jo Lhraser, Hii8ullivah ?BSTiSw Tor*, glare lm?t si wlih. ? .mm It :oaw The '"UUIbb U well adMpthl far th*. oca-1. "br'Tm Voi-mOa. N. I,.-Avalla to be uaad for to* cat- ? of a;.wl awltu. MUHrss Ma -.i"- "XD T.ONO HOSE. ' .isa OrfBA. THEATKR AND C1BCUB. AIR - aaorimvnt, al tow prlraa. .WON ADAH*. ?S7 ? BO AD WAY.