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menu, mom. mw. I^WWVVVv WW ^ W/W - -**??.--** - ?? W- wv^ws-v. _ A TURKS tiTURV iiluii tiuur HOI'IE TO Utt-J* pal'*d 4brougfcot?l. two par-ora, anaa MM lauadr* ba'* i*?i.ilciiera ana see. y aa-nlii e. Cl^ST'gu.T, ?iM Apply le Mr. HaTUU, 3W liMrtty. ___ . A HERAT BARGAIN-TO LET, AT A ORB AT REDUC A Lu,, rua urst eta-.# liuoaaa. irotn $- ud w A*U0; aaru of Uauaaa, .rues MM ki Am), nuit* Ot thorns, w.ut Cai? ........iv.nciit*: Abu P Aula is privata house#, .enta # *7 w jM, alii, walar, ma . ban., niuA water cluseta mTmi 'Kli dove. A*ipl? taJoUN FEIfAlETCH, 41S ThtiM A PaKTMKNVS TO LKT-OONBISHWa or POOR A Rooms, with font do*, la AM >?n a* bad if wanted; ?llri ' ?4 $40. Abu A Straw Hat I t 017. with Xilurea, 4a MA luqun* .1 Mr*. KABTON tia ti udaua r G BAHMMMHT TO LBT.-ALL T? tT FINELY LOCATED ?wmi.'Iii K<> lu corner of uruadway sad Beuu "tract, B? oa* ar three divisions, singable lor a pal alar alum bar ar aa> light maci.*..:*! *ork. App.y ua uta preaal*e?. /^OTTAOK HOI 8K IN BAST BROOKLYN TO IF.l \J kin: rural locality uoar cant; haa Ihreo . it.a lots in >%aarar, Iriul ami Isgwob.s gar-leu; a ..ap. an nn<t wila alii remain, paying mure thau the tvui tor noeea: soma hitu.'"B .noing itwiu and . haimicr furniture will be lei ar aattl euvap Address A. H , BluoXli a l'aai oibee. CbOUN IKY COTTAOB -NEATLY FTRNISHWD PARS t thtttace, parlor, three brdreoma, kRr -n ?c. "in *40 ? mentb. steam*." t?w< a day; very healthy place. In qwre of Mr.. KOX, at. U.? premf-oa, It? Moau.ei.ili, N. J., ar Mo. 47 ArnKy atruei. VOH RENT?THB THHP8 STORY. BASEMENT AND A' attic brack Uettar, :ti Weat Ninth uree , beta en KMb at..I fcUih ivra I. ?; una all the modem Impiuv 1 ami; lurue raoma 11,nip <>u the lit at ga.1 Seaia.l i'onrs, in*, b e h.. i, Ac., aa.i is In complete; wi.l oe r. aed to a prtvaU' i' anlyg r. ul moderate 10 a .luMirable te App.> on lus pre I/OK RENT-THE COTT4GB fflTI'ATKO CORNER *? 11? b ?ireei ta 1 Broadway, on th< .Mill.1 01 ibe Uu l?oii, Ike p uteirt of tin: 'up: Mr. Itifayelke Siui h, li ha? ..II tiie eor.v njences 01 a. it house, and *?r aarruaadluf M*.wry Mauoi u auipaswi I. To a:t uppia 'od P no?.t It wii. .??? renii-d at t..e biw >;.t 01 $400 pa: aiii.itm. Ap,.l* at ???.??. Mro-iJ aa.i Pruut ? roc.*, ar u. JOHN T M MINS l euiu a-tinue and H tl. Htr rA who b is charge at the ?ey? o; bw h.uiae. liAUKNISHED IIOI'SE TO LET?TIIK llAND-OMBLY 1} furu i>beu urowa ?.nai ? iron* *nd . ign rtuoti Uo .a* >it ltd M.ui.-oa avrn.10 ?id .? k-t P. a privt.te Tuuuly .or our or a.. r int.'.. T r In.die n? aot two year* ? >! And in etary vai a dawirault raaidunta. ltm?tre at lis Ftarl atraet, up ?bba or ua Ui> pr?inu*e. ^OUO KOOMS TO LET AT NO. 5CHATHAM By. ARE, tntrri, lo.irtji anil tilth ttaore; tie .11 r. ca lor all kind* oi Liiuttneat; kood light: rent to ami the A lraw. *... be Ri, ? n. Apply in ebu Ruotugiapu OitiP ly. L0ET8 TI) LET-IN TUB BL'ILOINO 34$ AND MS Oio.idtvAy, tout *torir?ln ail. The .oil# are no ,e. | on Hi ? liOuL Ti) !, rt in lb ? rear, autl 173 .art deep. They are He luual ci n'.ra iy Kiiuoted lofte in U ? city, ah I Bulled lor auy k.tidot wh..lmale Pua n ss. Toe low.-r '.dor wRl l e oc ?a n?J i.y tin ,< r, tj? 11 A lt.w -00, on uie In af inly. Api ly ba D. AI'l'LETON A CO.'. 44-. and 443 Broadttat. QPI'IOKS and rooms to let-in that dklly loon "d nnd aell lltuted Poil<lii.g b B:tw.w?y, aumer 01 hi n 1 xreuA Larse ur rn.a.l rooms. Apply 00 Hie , reaWaaa. ? O TEAM POWER.?THE BEST ROOMS, LA ROE AND O bmR w th aieacirat powei and cuui).lets ouaveuien ar, 1 AT* renting 10 I. M Bingrr A Ou.'e ?plei.dl.l lew building, on eur. are 01 L) ianoy, Mangiu and Ti.mpkint meet*, at a re duction 01 ?> par a nt. Inquire on preiuiaea. R'? i^T? KVKNISIIKD. A COTTAGE; TEN ROOMS, A beautifully aituAte l on the ee-ehurc. near New Ln.oii; rod boating, bathing and llsmng at the door; ri lit S.dt). *0 biict at Eilioitvi.lo hL. eu Ieiand. an ele, ant Ooun fcy Rdciileno , twein: routaa, large laan tr en, g .r d?u, atabic; half an bom iraiu Ntiv York; rent ino.l. rale. 4-.ll at Dr ELLIOTT'S atnee li Warerity place, or un ?borqe c Barrett. No. s wmi rtroev. IPO LET-A FL'RNISHED UOL'SE IN THB COUNTRY, X rteii-.btt 11 ly *Ki:..t*d, lireldly turiiinue.!, a.,d easy ol AC aSM*; leu* ibuu cue hour 1 ro.n Uie city. Adtireaa A. B-, box l^ISaNu w Y i.nt Burt oOice. rpo LET?A COTTAGE, NEAR HACKENSACK. ON X branch of New York and Erie Railroad, 10 n.l es from ?ty Hall; a s?*>d well o* water: al*o a larg^girden attached ta the ptaca. Apply at 77 Tnirte 11 :n iTr. ot. AARON J. MIX8ELL. rI.BT?TO A PHYSICIAN OB DENTIST, TWO OR three ret r desirable R nine on the Lrnl Hour of the prl aste bouae 8W Fuurih street: ga*. hoi and cold water, pan tetre, Ac. ; uo children or boarder# Term* inudeia'.e. rl LET?A SNI'G LITTLE MODERN BRICK HOUSE, in .ouipleie order, aial w itu, loag cd tenant, water, pp. flxturen; weal aiddol the city, No. 18 Beiuune etieet. Bear Ainu- eon square. Apply at 343 Biaecaer etrcal. lu T. BCliBIKTU. near the above. TO LET-THE FIRST FLOOR, lit THIRD AVENUE en flour fr .in Foarle. utii a,r< at, containing fibi.t and har-a parlor, folding itoora, pautriea aud 1 run I bedroom; rent B17 a lu nib. Will be let to a good tenant tor $L! a mouth, tuq lie .n the furniture itore. r LET?SEVERAL DWELLING HOUSES IN TIIE uptar part of the city, w.lh o.ode.n Improve uta'*, at Kaad upwards: sLo auine inrulstied Huuwi; aiMawie ua. Inquire of J. AJA DE.MIaM, ELbih avenue, euauer Sixteenth vlrect, from maruiugLU nine m the evening. LET?THB LOWER PART OF THE MODERN [ouet: Na. "3 Seventh einiel, near Cooper IbSiltute, ?uit tor a tao.iiy, phyaieutn or denu?L Inquire aa abuce. T% ?po LET?KENT LOW. A SMALL BRICK BASEMENT X Houar, No. 14% Craaby wtrect, near Grand, newly pa pered, and baa gaa . hand- Here, bath, range, hot and cold water. An. Apply to D. L.-KEA1), 12 Cro*l.y street. ?TWO NICE LARUB fkjUAKE ROOMS TO LET-AT Ml X Grand street, near Broadway and the Bowery. One ar teva attics very cheap. ?TO FRl'IT PEAl.F.RS.?TO I.ET, THE SOUTH SIDE X af store 62..'., Broadway, opposite Laura K.cue a l'uc btm; to let cheap to a coiapeu-at man. El LET-TO A SMALL FAMILY ONLY, TIIK UPPER part of a private House (live ruo-nvar. 01 Lulu, anil^old, gar and all newly palute.i, mil very low ? a desirable party; only one small la .?!?? in ihe Louse. Mfly for two days at West Thirty-lhird street, near avenue. ?FTO LET-SECOND FLOOR OF A COTT.VOK HOUSE I.N X Miooklyn, ooiiateuug of foo* rooiiia, furiilelie.t wuli . as duel Wat. *> N.-w u-r; .u a good Mtua'ton ior a per -oa doing busloeaa York; almut eigbt miiiiuen walk fmia thelerry. jJMv^on itie prem.soe. No. 170 Frost street, Br.a.kljrn. IT? LET-LN ELIZABETH, N.J., A LABOR MODERN X V. e e.ory i oil. g-, with .awn and large ear'lea i Luiied; ?-at to a good fuant vory tow. Ai iwy w. IRELAND A WXBB, Ho 81 ?Voar struct N Y , or lo.f. T1IOMA-. 21 ?Vend street, E.:*ao.-th. > LET?WITH WATER, OAS AND HATll ON THE tiist aid aeiaisd mews, onBeooad at. S'te ti?ar T.urty. th street, four K.e>u.s $10. In Thlr< y -e u li street. Mm .-.sit f 10. or t rse Rooms $?>. In Ttiir'leili wt, bear Third avenue, K ,oraa on Bret and a. e..n flours. II. Two splend d Storea at $13 -<a?h. on h*c?n<1 avenue; s ea l n w. Apply to JAMES FETTKBTC1I, 217 Ibinieth street. Bear Third avenue. rin-i front and back barement with one bedroom on .Bird alory and a*- III In rubbed par loi If renulre. an exeeMeui pat lor.. phvsi?lun or small Buutly. 1 squire at 114 Woai Twal. A Mr. e , soar hix b av. -?TO LET?THE LARUE AND COMMODIOUS FIRST X eiatei Her...-ami .-.road VI or mi tde souilrwest somer of TliH-ty ?mvsoiu sirra t and Eigbui aveuue. Fit u-ee ? te faoa'trv ?w da MuH; .v vory dealralne location. Apply on the premises. ATO LET?AT A LOW PBICB, THE HOI SE AT T11E X writer of Bay and T .unpsiwi street*, Hteb t. (.land; it haiuLtre*-*r?un la. gem. ws er. An; ly to (,. H t Itl l.t- Tf, 74 Wa?ar street; or at*', 'our In the louse, on the IsLin.1. r LET?THE 1/AROF. AND COMMODIOUri Hit IRK. rorner ol (irons* and rult-n ?tra ta. Pn-.iljn; I-a* Been iwutM 'or the p4?t seven y.-ars by s F. X b.tinu, <> a ototi.iuk eior- ; a'.so Lrg" Hnom ovine.,<1, ml ab n fur lec Oore?. concerts balls Auti otttar entertainment*. To reepua able n.1 tie* vil' usive irri.i .rverueiit* Would, be mad*. In. ?vf JOHN h. CAM Mat MR, 27 gtaaton ?tr. i B oak!}*. P LET?IIOCHE 47 LI8PENAHD 8T11EET, SE 4K Headway. Meat kuv. Appy to A. Jul LNKaY, A73 Brau way. To LST-unr?B 44 south fourth btrke?, B (aikiyll. ?! le lotAtlon: wo er am' -?> >n no ?e. Kent ..j *. Aj ;4y to M. MOHt.AN A OtiX, nl.rW ln.ui*. V." City 'ta.ii, or to 4 1 ENVAT, <l7S Biu.-Vv.woy, Jf Y ITO LB r-Tl' E HH T AND BEOOXD FLOOd.- OF X food -on .1 Ou, w n p.s u-J water. Inquire en Iks preml. o, or at 33 Kisg si. ? T? MAt H MoT*.- v WPOKTt WI\ SELDOM fST ib i ra i in_ i . i.b .1 li-i lt Isll-iwttil H'; M. 41, 4( ad lireer. afreet. aaar Hroaci ay .n.t Owuil -ir v. KO"iu, wHk jpt>w ., at * very tow rent, aud XMiuiy . I w >>2. 11. , .l.e O.i l !? . et ". fl'HE WELL KNOWN AND YA I 4HLS HOTFL, THE J Oniuur II - a.-, H "met Mi., t<n re- ? ibis laifa ?i. I r.e.ani bo e(, rt?w.. i ou' ?"?! ' >: ?? t'ay tHaaio-1 mu Muntmio n-?. n tl.e cSSp .. halt , ? . tm <r- aug ?vi ry a .raii .g to i-n.i ut?s oi tkr ? snTl d ->r I r--.. iiyt,tn rto m oi- on airy, win I e leowd or la j.,iii? i ? e vot Atqi'.aia.p i.? h m .O-r. Un tlr a u ,W.I Oily, or to T. (lAMLNLR. N-rw \"Tk H del. '-:o OIL H.d A HEKT. NEAR hfuinci?fuhnisiik: a I 'J pamadtMB ?oennon>.-y; town it n ins I Be i j ,y ilag the ?oaietuenoo* lot nouaeke. ptn(. boat leai lnn,. .. ittim and AMltiug uiej.iUs, gas auti Cr?wt. *TE vMHOATt. (TOWBT IB LAND .T. .BY. t.4 .IITNO AT PORT HAM J INoBu?fboetem atioal N Ai'hhO.N all nttTliiin av,'...a led. lost., riesta bOr iwgik,. fa- the ss*n,:i va Mild 1.AOR ALBANY.?THE BTEaMBOAT D.VNILL DREW. X lor 4 ba.ijr as-1 l iU.m i n lordl-u", t ,c.i a at Tk rde atr et. New Y or*, leaves ever? Tn *..4y Ttuirr day aa.i U turlay. froISi Jay ntn-wi p. r, a 7 A M J|V>R BKIDOB^OET?THE FTRAMER BIUDOKPORT w loa-ei pb i ill Knai rirer daily et 11 n'slnt r.??? n Him in oisssct wtih ih Eon 'atiitl", NAiaaMok, Eew lifts snu U'l-yf.ird railroad*; al?0 Skor* I.U'J w say Look and New L>uir,i. k I Bit "HA vT.4 LINK FOR ALBANY-FAKR F1 TT Joj tenia T e stnainn KIP V4E WINJ'f.E ?> HI nai .iurn . pg Uai ms (1- r - . ,t ?f Bea.itn.,i.r? I M Wadoc In, Ji n- 11 ird1. a? sis o look r M. R?( .lar naye drum K;w Yo k, M Udity, Wod:i ad.y and Friday. M'OR'dfCH LINK?FOE H".-iTt)?f. NEYY IJYXT'ON N'WW'ph and v imea?r.e Tito .filt-uHd deanieeatli r A?F m.r: It .n.| CITY OF NEW YoEK 1-s n stdry <la tf lo.i '- s ? ept..,t) ai 4 o'cOi-k, li nn In ? o: V- atrj .... (ill. dl Nortk fiw. K S MauTIN. Agent. MOHNiNO l.INL F< R PBKXJK1J.L-THH A BORA .. aoo Ja> air. t p,-r daliy, ai 8 A. M. iwitbvute Alo.11. Wilding at Y mkersj lie dtr.-ia, Dili * In...Tarry* ' J-i-iii dirt. ?.n . Ilnverstmw and Li v / Pent. M<--.rin jr i tta.r. l'e.Jtskl.1 at I id P. M.. tut.abu* b! CkrieUipbel .im) Thiii . ih strei-ta I STEAMER TIICIVIA4R IIUIXS LEAVES . HE F?.OT ol kpi lug stye,.. d.itly, nlloA. M tnu 2, t m 1 7 I". M. l..r tii. lenki I'm,1 p'er y, PlessM.t at ej and F"rt -'.'..iy_ at I t M * !. Sanil^P *. Fort Mma. Band c'm. J*' . ( ? ?>' ?"?? . t ? , II M m 4 and* , M La t ling ai I* i u tk an I Fntr H i tie ,?(? it .- e r ?? a op tflyewad6 o'eMck down trip every day, f. .U.lay In atly. qWIE STBAMI JAT IiOH l I LAND I.IBATt'd 1'|R J EdrtliP " "In* ''e Hipr.u , n, I,,, , ,. pf. fc'koos (81 p 'afa eavptad,' < m 1 <n, tin lip at Ml v'plyot. B jOiRDWa AMD hopgno. AMMBKiTar BANiMOMEi.r foekImibTj witB ?BlglS ptkUM, anna is fe. e Mu--.!.?? and la, y NM>?MUMni. ni fei. wlUi Buai 0. ? West Foui -sciiln ?"*? V he. waeu Fit Ik and Ruth A LARGE FRONT BOOM, HUITAHLB FOR A SIN.lLB He tic me . nui be had. wl.ti buar i la a plicate aiat iy rv?t kif (mi rink mmiic Terms $7 uer we. a. lUIuv* ?us eacuaiiswd. laqeire of W. P. W.. 10 Rrmte ?UveL AUU AMD GENTLEMAN. DESIRING BOA*ri will uud a iiaificuuiwjr iu.ulaned K.-oui, wiui lul mrd far lue lady aaly. IIuum has ail ilia u??k ra Uupniva "la Cow v. meat lu <kra and *a|ii Call a, 7* wot Milts l**Bth Ntreel. ABCIT OK ELEGANTLY FCBNISHBD BOOMS O* H'Wul ..sua ?ith sp.emlii pat.oi, iu?Im sup* pri raw kaaai', to let to a ainiiv kr gemleni n, wl.h or wubout Ml ar partial Ho.rd or private table. Rule eoo ? exci auged. A;pty ? IUJ W s*i lh.i iy '.?hia street. Faiaily of lourauulta. A LABOR FRONT ROOM, WITH FULL BOARD, SUl*. ubn> for a geutl-man anil wiieur an.L gei.t-iinsi, la Uemu<.M?lie.>eN? i Will fweuiy-iourtu atrial, oppa AMa MAS Avenue lion-1. AJWIYaTK FAMILY TAN ACCOM MOD ATE OSB OB lee .-.usir ?? u... m u wuh Uttal. v d ItuuU , wlthoiii Buai'tl; ga*, but , and price at 4eraie, < la Wasting ciu Ground. Apply at SIS Kour.b-aiiuel, Bear Hioaunay. Attention is called to those ltving in boP' d *ii.i board.m, uuuki i? au establishment opened a' lio Mac o igul *tr. e , anl u, mated wilb cveryming oo aeemery f ,r housekeeping, in order tuat a family may bat e a on. p ?boiua, A FEW NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET?WITH or wiiauui Board, iu au Aueeniuu .aiuiiy. Appiy at 16 Omharu struck A FEW 8INULE GENTLEMEN MAT FIND A PLEA-. ?MM in a Private faintly, ftvaere tteSMuMN wuu' b iiutile,1 more iltaa at r mniy. Term* ui>tdutme, Lcoauuu uouv. nieut to cure uutl *Ugca. App.y at M li..n? HIML A LADY DESIRES TO LET, WIT1I BOARD, A VERT lueaauiil rout Room. f iTinshe I or unfurnished, io a holy end g titlemun or qui 'i. h.d . , for such a home uau no realized. Gat. Kuli Ac.; family email; lie' lion in el dt. e.rakl,-e-Ai V\ est W.isu ug .ut place, uear bixlh aveuue. A NEAT AND HANDSOMELY KITTED IF TEA .ND Oruceiy .Store, num. a good b.u new and situs e.l .u a 1 r?e u d pup igtib rh..od, au one uf Uie be?l at nues la ibe city. Inquire at -so i mm avenue. AGBNNLBMAN AND Wife. OR ONB OR TWO BIN (Ic g ntieiuen, e.tnoi tain a v.try pmuanu no t ruo.u and bedroom ou sound boor, by cal'in : at 160 East Eighi eeuth suv t. family email; relerenoes glvi n ana reqi imd, A FEW HANDSOME RO0M8, WITH GOOD B?>ARD, can be had, either separate or .? r, to s.dt a par.y af i;enile t e:i or a family; terms very low lor tlie ?..ui ner; k-y f r tli. para; illnuer ai b. App.y o Mia. Urego-y, 104 Eaat Twi uty-piei a.ttct, G autaicy pork. AFBENOB ! AMITY WII-L LET SOME Fl'RNISHED 11oni Rooms, fir.t.l ?a Luuid, and en ry couvaiii encc. Apply?t No. 8 West Tiiiitecnib street, near Film avenue. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OB TWO OUTilRI.E slim < ^euiieuieu tutu o'ttain Board, wi:b t .e comforts uf a Lome, ?i iud East Twenti-sei outl street, l eiucen Lea ii.rUin.eiid Third avenue*. The house Ua* all the modern liupi ote.uenla. A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMODATED with gm.d Board au,l pleuamt itu mi, at Mrs. A. Tay lor's, b&i Gieenwich sc. lor uir a dulLra per w. ek. All It ? IILY KEsPEf TABLE GERMAN FAMILY, OC cupolng nuri-tcute* home, ntll let a l?? elegantly fiirn ahed Rooms, ail . etcelieni Hour I to single ami lemon or gentlemen and their wives. Apply at 'in Wert N n il street, iietwen F.fib and Smh avenuea Ficneh and Eng.uh spoken. Kc it nee eackaufed. A LADY AND GENTLEMAN CAN I1AVE A FRONT or ba. k | arior, or n riu.i.l itmrn in ally lum.s..ed, with board for lady, a: >A $7 And $8, nil modern lmprov uiems. faintly small. sbt*es jtass the t.oor. Apply m. 2j Amity at. A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET A FEW 817 rer.or Rooms, t>rauu(uli} fnruisned. n. ?, to n sail able per*, .us. Apply nt 28 Fourier nin str.ct, a few doors *. si of Eiuh a* in tie. Board.?several pleasant furnished front Rooms, with Board, at No. H3Ctlat>ui pLce (Eighth street , near Filth n.i tmr. Dinner at six o'clock. Board.?ut mulberry, near grand street. room lor a lew yuum; men at El per week. AnO.or one lady, nt ?4 25 jstr ??*. Day boarders srcoinmodaied nt $2 25 per week. BOARD-WASIII.NHTHN SQUARE.?A FAMILY OB single geutl- men can be aocoinm.i.iated with large an i elegant apartments, en suae or s purine, w, b Hoard, at 1(0 VV at cri-v place, In view of and nearly oppon te Waahmgtou a,uare. Unciw] tionable referenccs'givcu and MgnlreX Board.?rooms to let, with board for lady sun grit uc in n or single gen Alien; a very dcmia-ile local.on and e?t lien' arcninmodaiions; term* to sun the time-s dtuuerat six, reiereuces exchanged. Inquire at No. 87 Cut.b>ii place. Board-in a private family, at yonkbks. two gents-men and wlvc, or a family id' lour p-irsoa*, who are w.llim; to pay a go id pri v lor the si: mm. r, can hear of a pie,.sum hoinc by addressing box 1, KM Post OHM. B OAJtD?WITH FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 11 ? at ,kiH Weai Flftr-nto street, near Eighth avenue. Board wanted?in a rkspkctallk family, by a lady. who takes i.i aeWiog. References exchanged. Address Scwlni:, Herald o.ttec. Board wanted?in the countrt, not ovek one hour * ride from the rOy, on either the II union Btreror the Harlem KtAlmads, for a Iamtlv eampriatni; A grntietnati, wife, three children and nuna;. Term* must l?e low. Add.eaa II. J.. Foster, Rear York I'oal oUme. BOARDER'S BUREAUV?COUNTRY AND CITY board warned, lor Tnet lamtilue aud > n;.c pur.lca. Se ? yeaterdsy's Herald. N. H.?Free diree'ione then to all wanting Board, city or noun rv. from the deacilpllons le.t with S A. C. JONES A CO . SSS Broad??y. Boarding?at x? bowery, between third and Fourth mraeta.?Mrt. M-rtlit en ate muiodatc a few Uu- ? and ijcailemen with full or partial Board. Terrt.s very moderate. Itcierenot Riven and re'purad. Boarding at no. 3-t west ninth street, near Fil th avenue; room* in suits, or am ' ?or g nee.i.e.i and the.r nlvea, or for iingle gentlemen, at pr.cei. to oan ftirtn to t'.^timea. BROOKLYN ?A LARGE FRONT ROOM ON THE FIRST hoar, h-ndr'.mely furnished fur a gentleman, wrh or a if.out psrtusl rau.rU; tea, A. ; futility pnvat' ; neighbor ly.od firat ?ia?a; No. W Road atrret, u?ar Dean; terms mod erate. _ Brooklyn heights.?to let with boarb to a fawtlle orainala pentb man, a handitw a.ntorf-r. ?nrtted rooms tin ae.vinS Bear, ovi-rlo. km.' tne buy; dinner MfuVlok: two minute- walk of Fafon ferry. Apply si No. d ft ulow klrre_ BROOKLYN.-A SINGLE r,H NI l.EM.\ N WISHES A itimish'-d Room el bout board. i or t of ,*;nnti stimat.where piano grectltte <>? be Indulged without ir. a laint. 1' ano need m t he supplied. Addtesa II. J , box lid Jlrald office. Brooklyn heights-fine accommodation?? for a fi.irrly or tw.. ?wi*le gentlemen at "7 lleM-y - reel; house intid r-t btnll with ga?. bath. Ac.; dinn-r st ti o . lock, a few mmutaa walk Ally t. the frrri.-a. Brooklyn board?spacious airy rooms to let, With Boaru. in a lin-t f!a?? bait*; Lr ali iti uiii * c-ptloti ib'u". and iltliln 1! p e ml ft .ties' walk Of Soutn or Walkakrvct ferry. Apply at 'Ji bh?te air it; oppo-bo tlur denstreot, Urodtlyii. ' BKOoKL'VN BOARD.?A FRIVA1B FAMILY t'AN AC ceiuiuo-la a l*.. gent;, men or a family w itb n?? ,.j ' ir. ni-la d frul Rt. m on n.d t!?~>r; gvo.1 Bo r< aa aud hath. Tertttahiw. Apply at?.'1 State i .att. for u.eala. BOARDINO IN BROOKLYN?AT Ui COURT STREET, u. j d .or f out .-?? kt *t, it ir Cirritl Park. Lo -aLun airyanl peaaint, a<t jao-ut to f-n jr. A plensat hemu, ;e pl.t* tils comfort, t.poit mode.ate torn..*. Brooklyn bo vrd.-uf.xti.embn or <7e\ti <.mj.n and alia ten tut.! arj rooms tftth Lath, . ?, - eoiiitntKlutl ?? .tad Icstl'm t:t?t cln?s: near W?!l r ?. i or Ninth feiry; terms mote . ?_?! -lot"T et JHec.ook. A; | ly at f~ mate's r. el, o,?p' e : Mfuniy place. DX-sIRaR! R FTRNISHKT) on UNFURNISHED iv. i.a In |a ttn i ' tnLy. wib R d. a mat ie.i aoupie, or i. >w u..-,- ml ... t m.iii.0. in tdAb 4 .rin? U?e aouii'i! -, will fir. ' ../J Wr it Te'U. -.i.l..: , ? . stir ci [ 'ion.. . v ala ti. i' ;7re re-. *.n.. i JBLEft CNT BOO MS," C~.TT "w Af EK^WURB. 71 *Rf r J .at o-el.iiA Mi --T. a pro, v'or of tl.'s house o . .i-11 fu. ".e r ? idf . o e, j-w..,? it fsm.haa, >.,?d-at" a , a.tres. R"l. i ti i. :n .it, ultd'r oar* ?f Dr. if. C H . t .'erJ ':er, v ittng p.iy .,1 awt, old * P-1 hr. id waj_ LAREBt H BOARD AND FOBNBH INSTRI LTION IN JT Ffi feaaor E. Fezarido '? fatnli), fNo. Ml Utran sqiiura (To'iMh avrntt"). B*-et relerettcos r*-<,ittre?l son given. JniRNUHBD FRONT ROOM AND BEDROOM To LET, 1 |o one or two re. .b'luA. , w,lU"?t B iurd w.dtBeveiith slraat; rloiu.ty O /o; er Insututa. Apply aa h o 1NURKI3HKD AFARTMENT8 TO LET?IN THE FAMi 1 l> ..I a wiJverUdy, to piritMneul or Iran- rut pr?on< The tr> alien la quiet, coal and (antral Tanna moderate. M bond atraet. FUKNTSIIBD KtXW* TO I FT.-A SUIT OF I-ARUE nitj IS?> i a an third . eor. ?r> ll f trni?hed and t on t. d. to o let '? iMf.ita or t<. tn*r, wiibuut Board, to geuUetuen Only u-rm-low. Aj^ny at SdRund eWeet, J.AL I'-NIollKD ROOMS TO LKT?WITHOUT BOARD. IN J. trie II. in ho ?? , JdtltraS Jmaa at?ot Not w . oe ioi Muaekaepteg. tH:**IHHFli ROOMS, CLEAN AllD AIRY, VOR SIS A #'? gen ie./t'-n, vary'd. >f it leef, fHIOfaim i tut. Tuo*e v It'.ittg m>e..netn.a? tbi* a < halt.a. LIatiog t: ntral and fdeasant, l.aody and c itivenn nt- Ca 1 and aae Is'l BNt.-UIED AND NRFURNISHED RtrOMll TO LF.T? P l .i; itUcman, wltho't iioartl. N'a. ho Ftiure stra.' a f?w o .or* ? mt Brnsdway. ARNTIsEMRN WILL FIND ELEGANTLY FURNISHED A ..a, withal tsa Imp oe .me IMil ?i*' I Ffiin ? ', one bleolt wettaf Sr.ailivn. IT A I.e. ..Ubiti tsa Imp ? and ttiMgrete i lock UOK.JKE.N-A rURNISMRD IIAlI, II. 'liOnM m ... i. ,vt haul ibmitt, a I J? Waahlugtoa street, II. leik^D, oiijo dru . Mor?. \'F\Ti.i Fl RMSlIED VFARTME.VTB. ON SECOND JL t ?".r.s ... >v ; ire.ngla gatit1 ???? n hud ?*nt;eman ?ti4 * i a. .t ..1 nnr, h-wl it wj II'. d Ifsruniis-il. tjg,; at III Weat i'Jeve.iUi ?trust, hetwo ri Filth aul hisih era. ONE OH TWO lADIEt 'AN OBTAIN BOARD AND j led mum Ro. tos a ,> rt famfly; nootlMr Inartees* I ?. an ; I ! Wat r bath ? id gat. feeing lenaotiaoir. Ap V1/ at No. IJI nuilftmh -' ? t. Our or two or.N ri.r-.f F; Can be a< coemi at I with p!oa.i?.i' ir- -i.ed at N ?. W a nltjr 'i'"t Hoti?e .i a'l lie ' n bopr i emihta. la uiu pn ea'r. Re.ei nr. fa-pHr-d. rlV.lR BOARDING.?ONE 'IB TWO OENTI EMEN Hi,,11 If Witts or thi. .? four ?ln r|e u l?i.i ( 'an h vn Bos* 4. > Iti. ? '?? R* lie. alius El I, ,, i . ,. eu ?tym<t9 beA u i-nerol X .ale. The I. -is- .a it..r | ite. , h .a ghsf bate, l.e'iaad et.l l >ater, Bg, T- ' ? irodi rate. ryoovs?1 i I'MfmiE" WITH Ot WITfloi f B ARD Iv leaf . t/fir ,l? k'bUgPl'D, tdli'l -lT t," ti) gtr.ft, Ptrdf Br.u' .way. WAMlBa A!IB LOPMltet Rooms TO lbt-ha\dso*bly ruKMisiiBD, At ui<>d' r?'? p?K*is, lor lbs anuiuer <ntU or alofte. o gen leuieti au<l IMir * iv*s or angle gsuUem a. Pi-, apply at To East Twoaty-alalk street, between Lexington and Fours* tfUlUM. TWO NH'ELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD, may be ? burned la a pl.iesnn; oou a ?a as ode ra.a terra a. I * anon eourauou I u> oa a and sia?s*, family auiaiL al 3SS W. at fdtNuU aiMl, TWO OBNTLEMEN OF RESPECTABILITY CAN BE cure en ileut tfcarl, wlib an tnielugeut and agrm-abia famtiy, by applying at Ma. SB Waal War ran street, Brooaiya. R A-renc.* aicbanged. rl.E P?FCKNISUED ROOMS. WliU PARTIAL Pair ! tf rc juuaa, iu a pritata 1 anally, Inquire at MM Fourth avenue. X\TANTED?A HALL BEDROOM PLAINLY FURNISIT. M ?? , ,11 sua* respect* -le fam l> i locailn lit' we a Fo irtro ulii And T taly bit < aira In uea tb? Ei htb avenue. Addr aa Mra M. A D , -tail a C,li h h a?enu* ____ 8 W EST BLBYBRTII STREET, NEAR BROADWAY? A tarnished Room and Bedroom, on the weoud story, (a lei sepei ately or together, w tu ar wltboui B >ai o nil WEbT Ttf KNl'Y-KlOHm STiEET, CORNER sbw af U. adiroy.?HaadM'iuviy A d Pa>loi and B'lroo a 10 1.t, ,t i h or w I.o ,1 Bo ird, m .amities ?ud tln g geallouiao, al eery moderate U-rius. Tina la a v ry do alranm lovaUoa 1'or'partles who waul board op Iowa. Din ner al d. ?11 WEST TWENTY-FOURTH STREET, NEAR FIFTH ill ateiiue.?A few pleasant Ruoutr, with or wll out II si el.-a Boaid . an elegant Par,or if Jeaued. Re ereutpa ,iven and re ,uired. OQ WEST SIXTEENTH STREET N'lAR FIKTI1 AVE O'J u.i'-.?linn,IS,,in- ly fur*i* Koo a l? let, lib It ard am.a -le for gent,em- a and tiieir wlveaor aliiRle K"" Linen. Unite lira! > La-, m mi-m tool and conteuieul. Dirtier at six. R fere no. a repilrrd. in W IT TW KIT IT-FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN ftU P.I'Ui end S xtu a i au a.?Tun eiulr.- Bceoi.d Kloif, fnruirin ? auitaoie .or tain ikies; private laole if re- u reOi also two tingle Homus lor gsntlneu. reasonable 7Q EAST FOURTEENTH STREET?HOUSEDELINHT I tJ lullv, ne.r I irons, .ar ; a Suit of Ruunid, well fnrnlalied, uo Uoor in let, w ith B>-ard, tututu.e ia a family; also a im mngla Room* for gentle,nan. Dm in r at hali-pasl live. References exch' ? ,ed. 90 GREENS STREET, A.UtVR SPRING, A'.STON >) li it, ? K.e.auuy fur.iiaia, so id u itO",m , pa-, Cmtoua.i every convenience lor Ii maeaee; in, e.otii .J cally , '.?i ucularly aoltaole for ainail, re-pecbib.u ,aiu,.tes, real low. 9- AND V7 CLINTON PLACE (EIGHTH STREET).? ') lio.-esare no.,- re ly or tae r. .n of go.iL. Al. il. ANDERSON. io uier.y Uoief St. Ou ien. 1 nr? NINTH BTREET, NEAR BROADW VY.?OEM J \M> in in u n tl.e.r wives ? sin le gentle -n ,'tuw actum ?.-dated wi h pi araut K o i-s a d too Bo id on uiou' Eaie terms, at the above number. Dinner atsut o'clock. Kcfereti' e- eat nanneu. WBST FOl RTEENTII STRBBt?LABOB AND Uicdidn aired 10 mis a.ii.aon ior L.ul n a. Single feailem a or u. rtiea ol genReo.en, to let wiib bomd; terms moderate; reler. u-1? re^a re I. 1QO B.\8T FOURTEENTH STREET FURNISHED low it- rm- to 1.1, wuu iu? or i aclialfiourd. Uefe.cncea rx.u-n?el. 100 1 ?kfi PRINCE STREET?ST. CI.AIK HOUSE -ELB luO gan ly i irnitlied Kmnns, with -le'-roniiis atiucbel, with all tae convenience# fur hooaek -pins eo.tin,etc, in c u ling ras an I Cr ton wai. r, to let to re-pe table fauiiln s, or lug.e geutleuien. Of?J TENTH STREET.?A 8 I ALL PARLOR AND Red num. with Hoard, on iirst no. r, ,o let to a geuUeniait an-i wife: an etuelient .ocaiion for a do toi a niil. e; rent AS.. if an I both InclttOed; al-o a hark P.irior oil t Bediooui. tv tb Boar :. $7. A lew genii men run beacconi n mijued witb Hoard at ti rmi to ault lite timea. ?>7 O FOURTH STREET. ONE BLOCK EAST OF Ol D way.?A una.I prlv.ite Inuiily, havi g a nou-e len room*, i an da* .eiy lurnisbed, netvly palmed aim pa|iered. de- Ire to let them to Kenilamen and t e-r wi\ph or alnglc genti, men. wilb ar without Board. at b o'clock. CIS AND 517 BROADWAY (CLINTON HOUSE, i OVER UT'J Mend a S-iooi. Elegaiil n l;a of it ouis for gen tl men; new lurniime, b- ds and beddf.ig, and ai, toe con valence* of tuiM class boune. 7') | BROADWAY?JONES HOUSE.?SUITS OF I Oi Ro in-, or nlugle Rooms, figialiug on llr dwoy, witb or withoufBoard, at very low rate*, for tbe in miner. SI MHKK UUSUKT8. T7QVIX0X HOUSE. ill MANCHESTER, VT. Now open for auiuun r company. Addrote P. B. Orrla. ileal FOWLER HOUSE, AT OT ENETDA LAKE, CAR MEL, N. Y. Fl ty mueafrom V w Yur>. by Hart m r.,1 u a I to Crotun Fail'*; ui imira by ala.c. House new tint aril bi. i !? targe flower garden, baihi .g bo se, tail, roar mid baaing boats; ouly . air miles fro a Lake M., a nam tier of neur which abound w ith ban; extensive a ? om modal kins fui h< rees; livery stable attached. Re err nee, L T. Urownei), witu Broaka Bin's., nl'oalway anil Hruud at reel. EDWIN FOWLER, P.opri. ;o,\ LA TUt'RETTK HOUSE. O.N T1IK KILL VON KULL, Bergen Point, N. J.?This aekvt family Hob 1 is no ? no-n or the season. Boat- pier No 2 Nor.n river at 7:20,1, :20. 3.2U, 4:A)amid n'e ock; from Day etreet at lu>, A M. and 4tfc P. II. Time 3> in,nub a. WESLEY W. HILL, Proprietor. Lake moheuan.-ose or two besi e'table fa nil lea call pro iim board lor t <s aeaaou a. in. ??*.. tine of W. R. dunes, Mount l'leaani t, on the margi i of thislaae. App.y at .Mil H roadway, or P. at odl e Feo?* .ill. \| BTROPOLITAN HOTEL, NEW ROCHELLE, IS NOW 1VI o|ien f"r ibe aeaaou aa a Ur t class family i.ot'd. It haa be n entirely re. Ilea an I rc. innidied ami aaa at a :lie>. to it p raraul gi o m a with fruit tret a, llab jam I, Ae. Ilia sin olail within i lev: minutes' wal. of tbe ru..o.d and steam boat landugs, .arty-lire minoies' rtue from New Yuri by liions rutin.oy every hour. A. DONADI. ORIENT POINT HOUSE, ORIENT POINT. L. I.?THIS INH la no.r ope i lor tne re-vpl en of gues s. It ia 10 a eu on tl>c exiremecnd o, llin north p , ntof 1. na 1 lan . (routing both II,e Sound and Uardiucr s bay. 1 i..u um ing, dr,ting, an,una. Issuing ami ba hl.ig, b u-pin a 1 y, 111 lar . room, Ac. New York and li rtiud eteainonata Inn J at the dock, in from of tbe house, doll -. Care to slid irrnn ,\cw York iwueads,. ' T.IOS, T. i'AKBo -8. (RUMMER RESORT.?"MOUNTAIN UJ.EN ' ON+: IIIH R t> and a hbb from N w Vors b, N tram eey Cent'al R.til ratd. I) i-lrabl , c?pei ia!iy lor . ne air ?"???nery. ahade ami a esa.b lliy See the proprietor. this ,ay irt N ? it D y atreet, a- ooil floor, I om 1 to 2. Address A. Utier, M. U., Plalngeld, N.J. IT KITED STATES H lTKL FAR ROCKAWAY. 1,1, IS i now op u for Um reception o aue t?. Tula hotel ia , amlsoineL at na'.ed, within ten jntmu-e walk o. ihe r,I lantie Ocean, a ml for lUe adraot., :e- of ha lilng and p ,re air 11 cann d to sitrp.ascd, 8. W tLUAMS, Prop, letor. COUNTRY BU.YKO, |JOAItl) AT YONKKRS. ON THE BANKS OP THE MI Midas ? shade and , oun iv aeenary. tn.ung and boating single dm i > le Rooms, or snu?; near in Tep t. Far- 23 p. r iin.hb. Appl, tiJAMK.b Yul/ dANS. Ynnkers. ? DOiUatl' DIRECTORY." NO. Ml BKOADWAY JJ t ' i.nlry and i Ity Bo nl?Fill, p rueubirag am tona to bnaees ? many rt-Mrub.' place*, boa-d w nt d on the NmItmi e Siaien Is and Ac Thorn wi-htug .en led b" ,.u T? should hi .* inum liaieiy to o, add e-s A. S. BO.'INK A CO. J >? >ARD?\V ANTED, BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. ! > from duly I to ; > teialier I, by a fsiuil. ?f four |k-i*-,iis P I ? not to ct- ee: g."i i? r wok. Adtll'sa Edward, wi'.b , artb:.ila. ? bos lol 1. oas ollei ?. COU NTRY BOARD.?PLEAS \Nf ROOMS AND BOARD J ma) is outatued bv a otilleinsu sii w ife orput. ?f amg c.c .'.ieinen, in a r.iuiuf uuiiy In tne *. j? e of T user. Tlte.ho'.a Is wail I .canal, within a a ,o. t dl-snee o. 'be ile I <?? an ) -dumbest la...Una, cmt beautifully *h ded. Also, tine i rub t" ??? >>n tbe piaee TSrm* ri a una Die. A i divas W., Yonker* Poal otflce, or bo* 1.746 New Ti-rk lost office. /TOUNTEY BOARD.?ONE OR TWO FIRST CLASS Vy nn have rapertur inroniinodiil una At a veiy ho ill iy a,id ton ma tiding cm. uy s< at, "no bo ir hj bo .t an 1 <1:1 e fr ui tnl.vdty, ot. Sta'en la", nd; Hfleiodregrian ds, buey .In !-d; good smMwiy, *??. Address u?u, bo* lu ileiald o ' ee. / lei'MTRY BOARD WANTED?Rl A OBNTLF.MAN \J an i ma wile IrviA hoW until N.w u. t> r. t*i not to be or r I'. tuiies f om Ui< ei.y s,id >a f cv * rauioad or *"*t. Add at, rai n Mil j.,n Is > o A I'rra, w..|eh mar: bi no ? u'e H. L L U , si Us - fW NfilY*BoAKD AT BAY iiiiel J 1%'lN A I'lS s fesi'lem*; gentlemen a*id their "'Ivea r ' i N , a ?? Ken it' ei an be'mcom'nv I id; wit I i two m i. te .f t ane'" in wphi "fl" hseir aroioi f lh? Htjo... uf ii ua. An ' -e, W., box 1.70/ I'oat oh es LNrUk ^0"RI>?NEAP. e"IMJ|.TLL LANOINH MiR \J ai i.' w BbHtaA a few g- iteelp irde riwUh?a\ c _ tuooaV ; :ii? ,'e l< ds.n ?l, Inui' ii |i e.. n . ta ftudl stabdug r en , ateoet id; aiabliug If de irbd. R. aia to A I'sS, Es^ , N' l > / 1LIPTON. R. I -TWO ELKO ANT SUITN OF ROOM* \J ar? sill i isenga?ed ?i tbe vliA of J. K. D. Lane-r on* b or from Wo 1 ? Mil by boat to YaaderhJt'a L.tiding. Fi teen aei?.- of ground; lr- - milk and vegetwblee, f? ai ti 'or batlCng; a'a 'Vn i a oinmn lallonc. SI MMER BOARDINO-NKAR PHILADELPHIA AND near tbe Dermatiioan tisllway; liouae la Urge anibw.-.l aupplbsl ? I'h biiiuaemanta. A iuTnaa Mrs. Hrooco. 1 ,A9 Istn-iijl ?ue t Pbiialeipuia ivKB HOUSE. fOOT OF 1MD STREET. ClklAHg fiid. wly liM kf ?a I In oo nplete order?Fain hire ?r sin*' rentbuueti'All nisk ar. ?i.'to nls ou r- s-or.s lo t rn.? orme a-)?a?in. Or'tin la Weil shaded. A etwdidn at all hours by JIu.D u Rie>.i K .tlroad and simunl OslA Appiy a- a "dm. kJEA H \TlII.N(I ? MAN HiN ffiii'SK, LONG BRANCH, 1J N. J , IS njW open sill ai"d only e* yard, .into ilia v| snn-e,! itral of the p.aee; ho-uw froutlug tl.e ?eean Ibk) feel; will a''e (lt?i gw-sts; tiro houra from New Ymk. Hie in rr |e.iv? IfiiiTb) "rr t twiae daily, Oleum by the B. on I D B. Katirvad. Addr-wt S. failed, Pro, rlel>(>r. RUMMER BO.iRD ?THE -iALTRltViLLE MANSION t!j H iuaa i < now iHt lr for ih" aei^m.hodauon of autn .er bei?e.ier? Tbe lit. is# la |>|ewss :tly h at d on tbe il- ic n V int p suk i ad. Sc-ncry una 'rpsS' -d. Fine *1e? ul IL'W York sud Ismg la'snd. N< w Y?'k hay and the N rrnwe. H.\ ea L are the hmi.? e*e- y hue I >r .lrt?v Oily. For reto r?i u.b 15 John alr?-I, r ami No. '. J. J. YA.N Bt.sKIHK, Propriety*. Mj jgc ? Isls A N ROUli 4 CAilD.-Tl ? BKIN.-PRdPTaRs, FllRCKLKS. UL' j\ cer, and all Ib'ssN if 11" ill wied bv WALI'RU D.\Y. M. D. *1 A "It/ k'.rtat.lbrti h,<Kla we tofBri, li?Ry I,* ft '.RNTLIMLN'B USE?PHKNuir INDIA IH.'BBRR ' Ho l? Plir s .''init %? ' Pre *0, 'biaeaeh; | is i r- n. y ir a lie ? Iptl ? f r , ,r tat 1 on or nddl sa M?, key A ?)?>, 81 aWtSP , rootn IA MAEBI.E mantbla?mantels sold at AfffuN "? '"s / ioW t rum ?? Kl, i HLlI S .'tS' 'I 'Y , d 101 E i E K te, ,4 . >i B' i u . u n, ami M Plfll i*n uuo, m ar i'hiid sLoot, T. V. Muni a put up in bay pbil of tli s win'.ry. SOtlMTWS P \TRST Ml'W.I.ES IN WHICH THE dugs ,.n eat and drink, and i notawletomii. fur, ?; til every bePd are atOi - aud ut Da I si ufaHMfi '-Id M ae t tie ?'.? e . Brooaiyb. R D. ri-ij RVTCHERN.?IBB HluUEsT MAP.KEP PRC Ks I IS l It 1.1 I . Of. diliYef/. I ;ia" ? Hlu* Cblf I b*i?i"s,,.| "nt' f t iy PElfS -AY iI'M T>TJNk ir., !(,?> l, ' .hi 4<ii 1 ?td b' en e. t . n Tnlm -Il it ? tml l itM-th ' rbe 4. N B ?iffid aovi# nn a' b' ftn 1 1 pr ? i "< a" "h 'to he pretuIMb, Mbtiglllet U-. t* ' gdbotn nvdbiioaA fdrtlsbvd fitet ~?tmv9 """h"!' A IK> ??&* ??,J t'.a .Tall ?* ? J ""f' ?oiaoimean-to*., dolai^rjtauaw ^ w M .naru.-uo wlU be ee d on T*-^?3riu*iW wutek aeideaa afar*. I i rupM 1**" m?n ha a* ????' 1 &??!? ati)| MireoU 1 4 * EXTENSIVE ,u!l? *^"ew/" ^\"Si2W8^^ pfcta, wail rw"*;r,?5^&'?gg>; WOOD, 8' Maaaa* "?**??_ am uuRiriRRO lease *' *u>,"' i f C^e* - *-r * pp.. ?*??*? ^">r*" - S^fcSfe I rti o store for .???7J!ohita II r??-a. ou apro U,u "'/~Lr,?!. ?? , in u> tea war. fa It EEmS* |l''"'d'0^ ? fcVlR 8AI.E TIIE STAND NO. lJO *?2; b We.t Wa?Ul..|(iwo M'U-krV ?t? juLiN K_ *URDBLL. owner i? leavinft ?-_*'>? *?"> ii \1m tin ?m uuc, lirOoH.i* ^oBSAliU ^UARSTOREWITH^B. IX ARB, *t No. (U FulP "* BrOv KiyP- ? ? i x s RAl.E-A U.'^ a.ttt l? lOrucr ol lilin "irm t. ?-? L*OB BM E-HOIBIa. RB^At^H NNr^AND LAOJB^ b ^r 'toTr pL' .w?& 1A>aua M Mowe" J... S'm 1 .H K,o? BO?*- OOOD I' ?uud. in-iuire at MO***r ? A*IR SALK-IN ^OOB.-YN ?J^.^d ^..^?.^.'i.^ ?a"&M?A f ro?ltb ? i ^ *"-? _ K?H "AUS* ON TUESDAY. JULY 1, MM. T0 York, Unlttd State* The apl?*dM aea inn dull Tula 1 t?i una M.rt ' ?., Jhoroivtolt ?a |? t ^ ? ? at if. ,.t ??',> aIaoaiJ .. u ? Yurwaoout Brui.?"f?" N .,,*?!!, u* t .11 .d' 1 wl-U lhc?ilt> limut ataul.iortl?* i" , ?.s?. ,ii,4 dlmto lUW |t I'' aa . i or lint i r i. i - ,,t, uiatni?.ry. t ( r.^ u lK) ( i ?w lea ver ?vrc--t._^ ! J, 8fu, , , ' a'l^d b V?a.' luMi'lr. *t or adduce W.j? Dhriaiuu all ? et. ?.? ? ! V0? sAt.R AT A BAR r Ih^uc-f 0 o Iljn p,l,}'lAkl,tVglat?iUL Cil Bar Koon, uow M** Li,?uorlHlliU }lJti ili ? apurf i uta to a? tomuiodaw I F?.n rS"ofwMHr??.o?W^ 4 Olt A1MAN8, 4J3 Weatatrect. ? : ^OR RAI.E-A "A^SBJ B^Wnn MARBX^ I I ^ ^ Itt Bieeeacr I ytOR Lal^u.'^mulua^oaLllrBVE^N, at .Slel4.1tt.ur,, t i^icr county, N-^; ? I Mwr?. re-s fAOR SALE O* f*^ln!|0to'ptTtlli!?'to i'S .H^l J; (haii.c f?r any one ...Pn w n . t e 1 up mur in alneaa.?A H? l"1'i"1HJl ln"ur?B i*u. fur wtl'- ora?ehatuje ?n^,,^uttIA^ wirt M' e oVmj^ S>f. AW',,'t jJi JI iln aree., r,OTEL FOR S.VI.E. ?THE PKE^OTT UOTEL, NO. ? ll jsT.t 11 uaatn kiwU bo-ai l.r ?jj .) -,?ut, u ln n<^s '"u ?{boaraer'' Awir oD ,ue prcmw*. _ T HeialU o.lasc. DHOTUORAMIIC OALLRRY^NO J^ west four JL u?uti? corner 01 fc ? u |,. reqUlreu for tne pH^a.,,"d Kv^^r^rS;i'.r. u at P "Til it WILL CARRY Its Bro^w^a 1: OODA WATER FOUNTaUM S u ^0\u^.^aio2?taod Mr aalUug fait, aa ?s^g'tats^ *"*=? ? jiarstsrw-??? ?? "?? Rt-.Ni E.Sti Rroaiiway. j \*'OOD YARD FOR B*J*^}1|lIl.f.ry.rHo,*-A,Va>ii a, \V .,irt h .i-r and ?? willV cold cucup tor SirbUl 'in^trMS ^ > ?* W"'1 tlI . f?t*v 1*11 v fifOOK AND FIXTURES 'mI,| run and on.ectiou?ry alora 111 the 5jl4AMI or V ,u? id."*, from the Market .trvet dci-o . ?,?*> ulr?V'*5nwtT r?A""n for aril ag. the oivncr ui lu "l hcatTi. liiqutrr in the ttuiw. . . A MvraiaioviAi* GENU.KM AN, THIl.'l VTH REE IB TIOOD BUSI J\ ue ?, d. ?i r- >? n,4.? the . id a geuieo., raihi a on , good Iom a Jounc lady or w...on, in thiau ly, ailtuvicn in nia.iin.uu). Addioe, m cun.ui. uee, Marka, Uix 1j4 II> raid Mix*1. A GENTLEMAN, ABOUT 28 YEAItB TIE AtiE? wia.ea 10 max tha arjjuaiBtarwo o. a jo nijj lady or u i.lo ., wi.ii .. li-w to m.ilrtir nny. Hi.? must ?><r t <?pecta an I !?? il r*ij?.ct?ble oonnaclietia and .( a lov iu-' >liM|aiaiUiu. Addieaa Jun.a I*. Aueblug, New York rout oil.. . I YOT'NO LADY WHO HAS KOR S MK TIME RE J\ ? di n In HbiUikoM, Xd? w abratvlopn t.?. ecqnain'taB a Ol DOIMD goo I IvO.ln, yOUBg grill .e' til, W.tll H V O v lO D.all l mony. A" l unda urn iu'-eieary tot the tiijn i? n <>: iiiia li.e. 'aay g< at.rman w ho baa got p:-aty n ibe n eif.,1 uu andrea* Xtaa Aduie W ill.a box Foal olUc. Haiitiioiv, Md. VI A1RIM0NIAL.-A YOI NO MAN (AN AMEKDT.nT, 1Y1 yuat return" 1 from Cuba, where be has rcaldrd lor :ho ha-- ins no acquain ance In tin* npnntrv de al e' ioi rrvV'nd nome ledy w.tha view loeiatrlri i?y. SUe n.o?l I" young, hand" no' ami areniupltanod. \t a in uo obj.fl, aa lie haa ?.i#l' ient .or UMli. Oniy tnoa* v no a:e a,ne re may i.idr > n taxing ca.t. or . ?< in, Yf. P. Ilcury, Lkix Ckw, i anion, fit. Lawrence to inty, N. Y. Those who have answered xv matrimonial a v riiM-mnni in ilte Herald nf d. nrda. .,.n, u < in qucaied loinimcdiat- ly write ..gain. aa m ne "tip mnp.. . vil lain purloin d my letter#frot i iim Punt nlii ? y a e. ijr Ue ma earned .hia lact, I liav. arr..n nl at ihc p, ? ?: b nfter iett r* will be aure toeon* ii ? iit' in.m.e, Tb ref..r I dean e al. who hu e written I rux iotliL. itatolo |mm .tlai'dy write ajain. Tin we wbodutn < k? /? ;y leu^tny ?di?n?tini ni, I reler to the Herald 11 S.iuiay last. A dieu 11. R. We-Meaiy, New Yora I' at ode . MTROLOVI. A" BONA TIDE '.BTflMaOtaUT THAT T.> i.' YON. LAN ?. pi nd on ... Renal.i? A U.O.i, * l.o .? .. ilw "I |.w of to .r vta.i aa m.oai ca ?ou env-r bar hom Madame -i.?ea i? I' eareatoat nat- ].-gi<; thtt iv.r wax known si ? wia iBw.elMien ixi l net w..mier "Iscent*, and tell all the evninao. ymr nb Itue II rprodtouensnee mi tn>e. mat t< ey eaii ri-c cre.y . ne ?onaun> Inr, Some .a.ll^inay ;,t. a |I tin II UJ I, tb" I?b ??-? f in nd not fear, f'.r abe piac t nra ixitnlna but a lu,t I* rn <>iu bi'de to pbll.iaoplioen, AU a'.iMtld cenault Ihta mon won .,-rfnI and itiyxn rlnur Laay. lie. ad rice baa never lea:, known to mil, and ana otf'ia IWeuly luoumild doiAia rew uid to am otto wi n ran .<] od her In tbeabove aaten m. Ma.mine fell .ni la la | "?- '?aiia? ol U.e iiiebrauid utagi. einrina, wiilnb am or. r nrvti. In tbelr etimt. Truly may a .e be uaile.| a mam wondTtw1 wn l.i.iii. t.NI Alb n aue I. beiwren llona.oe auJ Bunion a.a . over ihu bnkeiy. T.e to, btdleaand acntbaueu, Ikl oen -h ?BTROLOOISTK, READ, READ.?AB USUAL A ORE AT emu. na n; at Madaum HE.rRPS r smI> i.i Sita e t. i return irum tbe counlry thuuaa. da l.aee b. cn o iliaxd to te |Mrt without .ooaiillln; her. II being lino. s-.l>ie, Iii .or e u ienor "f lbs taat aunilsr teat dally throng :.?r : mm, bad m,e U i.rl'a well of p ading |e ir (xturala irulr in ? racnloua. t:a.i and #?a. Prnw, in'. M J.ualle .ri a llalor ParUlo two werka. Me l'a prre ir,p lo a gi t f. r nil diaoaaea. Aiao .epxra of ail an. la I*. uf ally oo i poer l and written. R'-eidcnoe No. ?S) Weat Xron-l .va,<, Boar Laonnid airtol. Natue On lha door. AHTOUNDINO Ot REM AND DIVINkTfONd.?Tll'i.MI In r n earlll i.aalth ahmii I uona ill m.i.i tn CL.F FORD. I"i D an Mgeeu Mroekiyn, the . rev wet .lin.aLUu' rnyaiil Dl* <ae? di te-dao, rvtnn ,iua i.rta ..b?il abo ot fr en a lw.ii i. B lalnau o.nattlta'.ona Ou .enta. Lcml.too. t al iiAdieai or by latter, $1. RTONIsniNOI?MADAMK MORROW. BE' KaTTI . mxhiei, i aa a gift ot luteal bti te.ta now aw-o and hew efteu tee will mtrry, and nil you w?n to know, erbtt your v -ry Ihooaat*. or no p. y. f.'itkj . tai ma iron. Her a.pi .1 la no' n b, f... nd. Ilir Xagie Image la now in mil o arnmn?111 l.n ilnw aiyait, SeTovr Hsnaton. I'rlea 25 oanva. Ga,.li*inei, B"tbdi?i.U"l. A Ct'AMVOTAMT.-MRS. SBYMcH'R THK MOST j\ are- mini medical and bua.n,',. i! a.rioyant In Arm ilea, ran I a e<.n?>i!te?l. a* danal, at h. r re-idenoe. Id! Weal Fti'. leen.N auo?,, uim r of KL.b afenue. k>l?<umiu, their oauae and cure, lnrnatigil"d. CtORV A. bLAM .B INDEPENDENT CLAIRVOYANT, / Inia ra.i or. d ? >.n l?|vi, ,n Alr? t I ? IOI It a T* ., ulli axel, belweoB N?W? ntb uud el ,..i. areuni a Uoinad'atioua in a.i aubii eta, i nth in ">kial end bdata. ?a, da/ and errnlrg. Ed We-i Tweitiietn wwe*.. Madame rat is run best ci airtotant and a t o.egiat In thiieliy. Bee inlle yo ir vary, rl,"? hirky i.dinle r', .an ?|>reily mar. laa a y,i> Rcveuui ayenee, mat l ., ueiy-aawn-b turct. Luuies 25 tenia, gan le'iieii Jhioeni.-, UlRo tDlilE RANKER, MEDI AL AND BltBINESB ill rimrwyenlau. Apfepiial M.- llnm, teiittaane i i,i e aiiuimti' n in tor laltoca, ilar and evening, XoomaJWi <i tb atra. t, onr dema w. ?t?i Hrfala y rriiE ,.l'.K..TEsf WON DBS IN THE ?C .ID V Tttn 1. ? .1 ? 11. :0u . p tailed M* i ,n r ' IrRfTW, fiobi V t *Sn .I.. :o ril * 1 if h 'h ? >'.:'dri* c n lie.. ( i ,J a.f II e; r-a' 'A * drobkOti a.i I unfa tbfnl h'll-jndaj l.n i ee ?".ni ' ynu he.oftnl t ? -o .r I. ?i ? ,|.'o.. r n.| t r ?' M" ?rb ' I,. , rtt-n't P de,?i? W Iei. eiei, abotii I*, i a>r?el A A Jun fllAICIiL. IMT ARD NAYY PAT AND CLAIM OFFICE.?AR ran a( P?j. louotr, Pruaioas ?ud r raiting II JOSH B. MURRAY, Ana; and Navv Bank, r, 3W Hmoi street, ?. Y.. oppos t? 1'oat o48ao. A DOUBT BELMONT A CO., BANEBR.8, NO. 40 WALL al, laaeo letters of credit# uravo.lers, aveiinb.e la all par ? or the world through Ma rrs. Rothcehld, of Par*. Loo duo, Frankfurt, Vienna, Napes, aad tuelr ourreapoadauta_ ST A MEETING OF THE BO \RD OF DIRECTORS OF the New Jersev Zinc Company, held the 11 in day of is, IshJ, a dtvi lend was on t ie preferred it rfc of eight per aeal for the year 18 I. and four per emit for tue out mouths ending M?y dl last. payable en ue uaod nt the transfer nglee ef the company, 101 Liberty str.-ei. Tan aa ?u 1 Interval un the scr.p or the co npany trill be doe olid payable July 1. The scrip transfer looks will be c o ed from the ltk.ii tnei. to that date. A. II. FARCIN. A RRBARB OF FAY AND $1(10 BOUNTY COLLECTED? u fin rolailvne of aolitivre wbo have died In the aer.t o. P neiena aad Pr iu Money promptly secured. Apply ad the P n 1 n and War Olaim Quce, eaubil-bed by Major M. kyere, at the United Suttee Army, la HI7. C. W. MYERS. xa Broadway. Bane op enoland?millionm of dollars.? air. HAYS wij shortly leave lata city on lneanuiial Emfeasional tour to Burope. Claiiua made on tie Hank of .Odlaiid. wills searched an 1 pcuiareestraced. Next of Ein eUio. a bid and 661 Mioadway, N. T. Eaiabliehnd 1*5'. TJOUNTY MONEY, PaT AMD PENSIONS POM BOL J J du ra, scant n and tnelr widows end heirs eoUecU.d piomptly by OKOBGK WOODMAN, Id Pine street, near the Cuxiotu lluua (CALIFORNIA STATE COUPONS WANTBD?DUB J J.I y 1, Ilia. T c '.igkeetprice pa.d by C. A. ALIOS A BON, 1$ Exchange P ane. / 'LA l\18 OF B\ERY DESCRIPTION ON THE VA \) ri.l.s Dep .rtlneii s at WethnilPll adjust <1 am. cashed l y JOilN H. M U iCHAt. A my . ? Nary Hunker. 3 N*?oau Street, N. Y .opposite .be Poaloihoo, J EPPERSON VILLB RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE Bon da Genua or m jKmsaaoariLL* Railroad Coirnxr, l jKKrKK.'i.NviLi n. lud.. May 27, 1*62. ( . Net oe te hereby given that this Company will redeem on Uie im day e July He it at tun Unite.. S ate* Trust Company, New Yoi k eily, at tnu lowest oiler be.ow pa. a pari ol its Fiiat Mortuagc Jlinds, agrc. aula to the provisions at a ouutract betw.-. u th aCompany an 1 fie b d .ers of said M ' tgage Bonds, bearing da e April Id. Lv.ll. Oi. rsii.i t c sale of said Honda may he addressed under seal In ih? United S an a Trust < ompant aforesaid, and cn doraail "Oder of tlie First M.rtga o Bond ov Bon a of the JetTeraonvllio Raiiroail Conpniy to t e Sin ? ing Ktud." w-hch oderaor bids wiM be received unii. noon "1 > e 1st day of July aforesaid. J. H. MoCA'J PHBLI-, Secretary and Treasurer. II Military and naval agency, Washington and New York.?Army and navy claims, s, t/ouuiy, prise mnnet, sneers of pay due odircrs, i-ohiiers, seamen and maiT ?*, thdr w blow * and orphans; quarter masters, contract, ra. and oil er claims ncn nst the govern meni, promptly colie. icd. Ap .iy .o SAM 1 EL V. Mil S, M asMtijtnn, D. C., or CHARLES C. LEEDS, 111 Nassau street, N. Y. Marines discharged at a distance from their reou.enen, con receive travel! ng e pens s froui Ji.HN 11. MURRAY, An .y Naiy Hunker, No. 3'J Na'sna struct, oppoit.e tbe Post oduc, New York. Naval officers' wid >ws and heirs, and wtd iyv*a?-: h 1. of *ra en, .an receive the r p melons JOHN It. M I RiSAY. Army and Nu?y Banker, N). lid Na-sau struct, N w \ or*, op, osite the I'uot oiCce. PRIZE MONEY IS NOW PAID ON ALL BLAVERS I captured. aid Is kr m mule t,p for the bloc admg a tuai'ron. JOHN H Ml'KRAY. Army and Navy Banker, No. St) Nassau street, opj-o tie the Pout ollice, New York BCRUITING EXPENSES FOR RAISING AND 8L'B> sUUiii! volunteer,. udjuaU-d and caste d y JOHN h. MURRAY. Army and Navy Banker, No, 38 Nassau street. Mew York, opposite the Post oltioc. STATE PAY PGR OFFICERS RENDERED SUPERNU" merary. liv oouaO lda'-ie i, collected or p ir. based by JOllN it. MURRAY, Army and Navy Hanker, No. SSNaaran street, <?).pos.t.; the rtistoirce. N 'W York. THE MICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN IN dtana Railroad Company. TnaudttFR's OrrtcR. ISWtitu* strkct, ) Maw Yona, Jnuo 14,1862. > NOTICE. The holders ol tha Mb hlgan 8mthern 1st Mortgage Bonds, which fi ll due November 1, 1841, and of ti.e N rtbern Iudt an& 1st Mo tuaite B. nds, which fell due August 1 l.<61, are rvqiiehied to present them at this oiliee lor payment, on the 16t i Inst. Int-r st tvill cease ac ruing on si.l . Bonds - u lite Hitb Inct., except In tbnse cauea wboro tno I o .lcrs shall not hare received thl* notice ol payment, and In those eaaoa oa Die date of receiving this uotuv. HENBY KEEP, Treasurer.^ WIDOWS, CHILDREN, FATHERS, MOTHERS, BRO ? v tilers. ilih rM and lielru of soid.e. * killr . a S en P nes, Harricoulnirgand W-st Point, 'rls:ib'-'d -nl.ti- rs and bailors, ler ptitsious, All*) ho .my and al, ot.,er i.rmyai.d nary claims, rail on NICHOLAS bKAURIKT, No. 4 Centre street. 'ANTBD-A GENTLEMAN TO TPWKI,. wnO CAN .an $**) tor ninety da -, lor v bit ti ocel cut secur. y and a I e u snent si notion iu a lucrative btt-lm ss, at a sala ry of (Id ;>ei week, wt.l 1st given. Apidy at 281 llowery, tn.rd Boor, room No. 1, irem 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. rni/wt BOUNTY, PENSIONS, RECRI ITING CLAIMS. Ip 1 UU Bark Pay. State Pay, and ail C.aims "1 o.lm-rs and jwldiers proo j.tly ooHecied-and cashed. A.lvsncea made on apurevrd Claims. Paroled prisoners pay embed. A. VAN DrZER A CO., 82 W bite street. A, Van Dunk. L. S. LOI'SSBKBET, H. C. Turns. WJ <5 rfl nnn ?1,0 CAl'ITAM8TS.?WANTED, T'UB tpOU.UUU. sum in .4 sw.e, permanent, staple. Well eHabiDbed and ver lucrative tiuiiura*, m >ro than ordina rily p omlalng, with parlies of the vary beat busiueaa char* aclcr and icpihot on. SOUTHWTCK A WOOD. 82 Nassau (treat LOAR OFFICES. AT 309 BROADWAY, CORNER OF DUASJC STREET? Money auvaniv., to any amount on Diamond* Wjtcltm, Jewelry, Ac., or bought for ran. THOMAS H. KEKoINO, anctiouaer and broktr. Prirut* entrance In Dnaae 4treet, I.rat door weat < f AT m IIKOAUWAY, CORNER OK BOND STREET, room Ho. 5.?HBMltY HVMaN sdernce* c ik 1 on Dia 111 lids, w-t or um>et, or buy* ilia aaina lur eedt; 00 Watches, Sliver Ware, I'latroa, Jewelry and Personal Pro perly. _ AT NO. 9 CI! AM HERS STREET?MONEY TO LOAN to any ainonu., on ill -lmmd-, Watrhe- ami .lewairy. Ac., by the viell known and <id catali.Uued Is .AG, broker aud cuminlation roar hant. No. 9 t'haiubeia a rret. N. B.?No bii-lm ?* transacted 011 Saturday. AT 212 BROADWAY CORNER OK FL'EToN STREET. The oe?t pr.cea lor Diauioiius, art or nuset Ad sarinea on Watches, ft urla. Plate. Oj.ll a. Initliimcnu, Ac., lett on aa.e. or will ouv iliein at a fa r tarnation. J. H. BAHR1NUER, 212 Broadway, room t J, upslatra ITS NA8SUA STRUCT?A. HOMGMAN. DIAMOND it broker, 111* rV a ,va icea on Ili.tii.ouda, Watches, Jewelry, Aa^ar buys thciu a. full value, at tit private ohiea. No. t6 Naaaau street. room No. 2, up ntair*. HualneM con BdantlAL Abraham j. jackhon, w w.t f.ker street t.ate M Iteaile s'reet), I'tna money, .11 Uiife or a I sums, on Watch, s. Diamond*, Jewelry. Sllverwtr". l)iy Good*. Guns. Pistols, Wearing Api<ur, l and personal pr .;> rty fA evi ry description. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS-DIAMOND .'EWELRY or riAdy money given f. r Csniel'a Han Jtliaivls. .t aeey to loan. A| ply only from 9 till Id A. M.*and 2 till S f. V. en qucationable retcreuoee <>0 red. H. W. l'LL'MH, Diamond Broker, No. 612 Btoadvray. DIRECTEY OPPOSITE THE ST. NICHOLAS 1DITEI* N'V. 6W Broadway,~Jt >SKPII Mil.' ?lOJi. (' ninil.? iou M< 'hant, auvoirv* orary to any uuouut on Dtam" luls, Jew, ,ry and Plate; or bought el th' full v.tlue Uid Gold Au 1 Silver Busuies* dr ? tly ronlldenthil. Money to lend-o^ diamonds, jewelry. Wn'r.ies, Mlver. Dry UntM, and p-r.o: al pro sily of all d wTieton*. Ar.1 leauait ? .edeem d a', tor tine with U. BARNARD. 21 I' ,id avanne. l i one year. P.irate odke entrance hall aoor. T>AWSBRtiTSSRS'TICKETS PURCHASED?? ?K OI.OIB I in . Din tie u 1 a. Pry ijamte, Be. 5 resit MbaKwlMt any to 'he . in ?' Ui r <> , ah toflii hltis n a,. ; Iv .'.ni-aa Cows, Mj Emu*. #1; Yet' . I)cents. CCO EKtlK, ltd Brvtn e ,tre< t, fain doer* Ir m I! u 1 rue. IMSTkL'CTlGN. At't.OT NTS At COI NT .NTH, at .?Mo'. iJOI.BPAUt .?I Pi .4way 'iA4 r j d ?!. ? - I ' -11 ? p H, pratstecwi ' ?jtl-? ti r'-r ib* . mr. n"l n - gr a, ind'i" .in uts ta gantli iu 11 r .slung |rivati : .1. <u dotl.''? olry b 1 wheepl <g ill I b 11 1 e ? a Pain f 'ii'.n. A? AMERICAN I.ADY, 27 YEaRS ui' \DE. WOOED I'. ~ w sl?_a. on n ? -trit im , ? ir e- ' li v ? at. 1 . , .g thi highest ityief' WA ?-?. earing laUvht e '(no >esi>1 m >tw c< .pat. .? n to a li i? (?'w . 0 1 h ? r. it r If er alt'iott m ran give ine f refer snoe at "I" tMUlr.Ai, llaa i.oon.i o.ton 10 travel or to go Ui the country. Adlrs-s for t' ret' .aykMlsaSl K n Irirk, s'.tllaA D Poit' ;cc. t flARD.?TII.. HI11SCUMIEU WILD KBl'RlVR NEW ,i"\ pi'|s ? tor injtin t.c.i lb r im .ip, B. .1 yon: a A rlthrsetie, tlurin . Hie summr.r 1.n 1 1, etnrri etlon of tiuu iialf fro *1 h'1- 1 iniLtrtdta'.ra. Private Ine;no 'iia 3 ve?, OhIVKil |! tlDEDSMirif. No.? f 't'h cw Tittev It $lu .OoKKKCPINO, UNI.IVITEP LUiWDNHt i\ P. r.n insiilt' tnd .krlihmeflr $10 "ri, .-et , <eason< nttj. Eldli ' Wr-iug $2 1 *11 eatiM. PAiNK S %1. r uant le tli ' get, Bowrry, Nr xotk, god fallen ?lrn?t 11. Ihatrui lno . ay an 1 ev nilg B~oaud N'e pchui'V- attht: BKAuririxvtluad'e 1 BkMW eld, Kt .< letvav, nnely he .oed. for.y uilnutes by Mi it ? sriu K?w* lUllmad irom New York. A nelart ft nilj Aoardit g to hoe!, ?? ri boyi Radre ? ;uor? ih leiat iw..s eduoa Ion end find a g oJ I n e. l,inted mlinbcr of ?- ,0 ai I--1 ..'el. e. Two VHS.inrlea i.rk open. Aeb* lara paf f n. i,i t.inii of en*er1of. Flietc'esamy ivirrennea g van. lero . sUtf par aiinura, or ?"0 per ?ea?nia. A Idrese prompt l? *i'e?2? I 11. Add rue- ths pr.euipai, Mr. IIiDa-an, Eaat h rumlioH, K. J. Bryant, sthatton, pack tRD iO'ENNs com"" m'r ial Calieycr, tiOiju r Ini'tlt.ite, Now I.,.*lt; H iinil tun Bollilin ?. Br wa'yn ?T.i-?.> InAUarfoua aTor.l the I eat p< a-ibh fanflltlea lor aequlrliti llioneigii huelnea. eilu -.v Uoa. Bvnkgf.iplng, Oowdiarnk! Inn, Cointcer dal C <mptl> I aliens Penmanship, OsrruSiiuBileiie#, Ac., prnetleaUy Utti^Nk ^ jAja HO!'?MAWtIfP-A OENTEKMAN, KORVERIA AN o2ut 1 ut o rail? in K li |?. tbor it,:M> . n 1 rabin ' ..g the "ik'nm of jru ing a- iv. i a? of ateisu* ut>i ?et, an I ta l:i;a!onga*parfate.e In ghruijrtdlna hiaMii*, s'lfisil ser es ee .a Ihe {"ilalkt. > i'fsly>*?? mat'wt a? yet tnHre'ytn. kti'iwn Wu, ilia main afeeiitanehf WohmlaiklahAad nu? In ,*hen lioiau lor ina |eipR situ e,htc?ta tin at bath atoma% lie m ub'a to tnaranina taorr nfttfrieis In $ voithigl.t t .gti an. bra inti I ?h'.. in mnfilha vj raihiwlBtf iha di. sei rn, Apply o. Nr. I Al AMINO, fiom A till V a'Jo k, lAi East 1 arenfjr seeunil atti t h _ OWTMMING EESth'NA IN TUB PARLOB-NRWRbT n InvtuMlua, kg Wn aator THbuH. Dt MAIL Itmtri'cUon f.i flin. a/a I'aiKln* Arwiii my, U5S-ecn !i aw tie, <xrher of T'llfl. ejih t'reof E-a-. nt lor t? !|ea by M'-. Di-mitr eXlitlHMlOVR. Al. I I si? '' I.'. "I, Mica, man tea -It i i.nla, K.Viing T* kla, Bvit, An., D .vrd Pora 1 >r the trip, ltyc nta. f'HAEr.K IE Tfl kRTBtt PL.'ND rtTY. FOR 1 h nu.i. aii'iirai Fa tiaau ,pit,u thast.uii-ia.rnp p'- I | . 1 Sitspib, WPlt ? nden' 1141 ? nil (1 o 1 C.tD 0 ? <li.?y, on btiiw, or mvifiiuan Taylof, jtBtdnrwbacli N. Y wntMwm. IOSDoTeXHIUITIi .;?< J RE l URN XICKLT4, LONDON AMD BACK. First etaa* |M Third cla ? 4$ Bieain w.ekly to Liverpool, touching st Oneenlown (Carl Harbor J.?The Liverpool, N w Tor* ?uii P.llndelpa a IfMk ?hit) Company Inland d ?,?it their full p?wired OljM Iron stearnsl' us ?ovrs ? CITY UK WASHINGTON Saturday, Jane M ETMA Bainiday, JumR GLASGOW ca urdav, Julv | an t every succeeding Saturday, at n?on, from pier 44 North rivar. manrs or passion. First cabin $75 Steiage , M " to Ismdun? t*? ?' to London 3f " loP.ns. 84 " to Pails M ?' to Hamburg.. 85 " to Hamburg 88 Passengers also fonr?r '?4 to Ham. Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Re., at equally low ratea. Rate a from Liverpool or Q'.ieenetoara>Flrat cabin, $75. $88 ami dim. K.eei-ag,- liom Lie pool, $40, fro in i/ueeustown, $10. T aketa can be hour hi Iwra at the** ratea, eoablla# people to /-end 'or their mends. Tliera eli aine s have superior arearnmodaliont for paaae? g"'?, ar> strongly butt u aor tight iron sections, and carry patent tiro annhlliuors. Exper.enued surgeons art at ?ohop to each steamer. ' For further luinriiialiwi apply In liver, ool o WILLIAM IMMAN ag'-'it, 22 Wat r street la Ola<e?.w to ALEX. MAL COLM, Mo A St Enmm equate: tu yu<e nt'lltC, * W. D KEfwODR A I/O.; in laiuJoa to BJi'KS ft MaEY.61 King Wi.liam Street; in P?< Is o J' LKB DECOl'E V?. I HI ice lie !u Bonne; In Philadelphia to J.rHN <1. DALB, 11L Walnut sir-'ei, oral lh-co ra'.y S'files. JOHN O. DALE. A rent, 1A B oaiway, New York._ THE BRITISH AMD MOUTH AMERICAN ROYAL MaU Steamships betweoa Mew Yora and, eai'ing at fork Har'air. und betwnen Boaton and Liverpool, cii'lln at Hallfav an I Cork II* -ho - SCOTIA, Capt J III, ana, CHINA Oapt Anderson, PERSIA. On t. Lott, ASIA, Capt. Cook, AKAHIA Capt. Stone, HO BOP A. Capt. .1. Leiteh, AI PICA. Caut. Shannon. CANADA. Capt. Muir. AMERICA, Capt. Moodie. MaihRa, Capt. a. Ryria. A'/STKALasI AN. The.e vca.ela carry a cle r * kite ligut at maat head, green OB starboard, and red on rort how. rKiits nnw roitK to limaroon. Chief Cat'in Pasaane ..........$138 Saeoud Cabin Has age 78 mis aocTOJt to urtnroot. Chief Cabin I'ssma e $118 Sc on.! Cablu Pasaage 40 '? StXj'f 1A, juilUua ieavi ? N *? Yo k Wednesday, June 4. El'ROPA, Cook, ? h B con it edneenny, JuneII. PERM A, Lott. p-av. a Net Y .rk We 'neaday, June 18. AFRICA, Shanaeu. leaves H a < n We nt a sr. June 25. CHINA, And Tson, b-av > S?w Yor, Wed ei-day, July 2, ARlBl A, Moode , leavra H <a ?>? We I e da . July-fl. BtUTIA, .1 ?alla ?. leav r Ne York Wednesday, July 1$ Berths nut aaeu Oil unlll i a'rt Tor. An raprrienoe . an; ge hi i n tioard. The owners af thce-di ?> w I n ?? he acennnlnble for geld ellv. r. bul<inii. ap *?!#. jew- ry pre 1 n? -tones or meuls, un 1? ?* billr of kid g arc aijne i tk refor, ani the value thereof ' therein *> press, d. For freight or pasaage ?pi>W to B OUJSARD. No. 4 Bowling Green. TUK NORTH GERMAN LLOYDS' STEAMSHIP BRB uiiN II. We eel , commander, cu rytuc the Culled Stales mall, wld sail from pier SO North river, toot of Chambers street, on SATURDAY. Jul' 5. at 12 o'clock M., ron BREMEN, YlA SOUTHAMPTON, taklngpasaengct to LONDON ,11AVRE, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN, at the loiiuwinr rates:? For,tie ilrst rab o. $!?': see.ndcabin. 60; steerage-, $S8t For freight or naasagi jyirlyto OE/.RfClIS A CO., 68Broad street. ROYAL MAIL STB.V11SIII? PE! SIA.?FOR LIVER poo:?Tbe PERSIA, Contain Lott, will sail from th< sti Kin on W- does,ni\ u xt. lo h Instant. A st "S'lilntat wf.l plv b twai n the compiny'e wharf at Jersey City and the Peru's liom 8 to 10 A. M.', to? eonvey i asa hi nr. a -.d bagftaiie on hoard. The CJ11NA tsl.i ssii J "I 2. K. CUNAHD, No. 4 BowHng Green. IrtOR LIVERTOffL.?DREA^NOCGIIT LINE.?THE 1 clipier s,ilp VICTORY, C.'plain Litt*, puMUvely satlt T ;?? b y June 17. Hmnd ca. in p .srenai-ra taken at atee a;a prleev. Apply ImmenU'elv on Imard. pfcr 8 North river, ?> of. II liEMAKEHT, 40 Buutli street. XI.INE TOR IA1NDON.? SHIP DANIEL WEBSTER, now at anchor in the stria u, sa >a n-mo.row; and ahlp AMAZON, at p:< r 16. East rtv.T. wills June 28. For paa*are at Inw- mtee. or drafts i.n England or Irtdand, apply to TAP SCOTT A CO.. 8o South atn et. Commencing mat i, isez. NEW ARRANGEMENT. FOR CALIFORNIA, VIA PANAMA. For the better aouomiuudauun of the large number of pea ptei uow emijrating to tin ,im. mining districts of California and British Columbia. KOUlt stenmera per month will be uesuatcned from New Yors und irom San Francisco respeo tii ely, Instead of three, aa heretuf. re. Regi lar days uf depai ture irom New Tork, aa the 1st, 8th, 16th ulid 2lth, except when three ..atm fall on Sunday, when the day of departure will be tie Monday following. For freight or passage npt ly at the only ofllce af the llnak Mo. sBotvlingGreen, New York. D. S. ALLBM; Agent Australia.?" kangaroo line," for met. bourn..?The spleuii.d, ..rat class snip INDIANA. 1,08$. ions, lluhron, m tster, will be dt 'pa i Bed on diet instant* The only vessel ottding; accommodations snre lor and price of inusuge low. Apply on oard, pi r 11 Eajt river, orta MAI1.LEK, LORE ft gUEItEAC, luS Wall alftet. Lord* Co., consignjes, at Mcloourne. IjlOR NEW ORLEANS VIA HAVANA. 1 The United States Miut Hra:ii"hip ROANOKE will leave pier No. IS North river, on Sstnrday, June SI, at 13 o'clock tuownjjpreeiacly. fur New Or;ea6s via Havana. LUDLAM, HEjNBKKN ft CO., 1VV Broadway. CXEAMHHIP GREAT EASTERN.?PERSONS DESIRING Iki pi select stale rooms for the next trip of una vessel irom New York W Liverpool, uau do so at the olUce, No. 7 Broad way. LIIAS. A WHITNEY, for the Agents UNITED STATES PASSPORTS, INDISPENSABLE TO travellers a'ooid, pro op.iv procured f;out Washington bv OI'IDO SCHMIDT, N ? ry PnMlc, No. 1 Chambers street, New York (evenings, 18 First street|. American, G< rmaa and French custom solicited. CLOTHING. ATTENTION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.?IF YOU v is!, to und u fair und bon-st dealer to dispose of poor cast off Clothing, Carpeu, Furniture and Jewelry, the best thing you can do ts to rail qo ?r wd ireaa tba honest sod well know tt dialer, F. HARRIS, I V. Seventh avenue, where yoo wtll be dealt with lo your Mtilsfaruon. At this place you ?mm receive Ufty per c tM more than from au.v other dealeriu the city, and you will avoid being huuibugged. Please do nui lergct, K. Harris, 146 Hesenth avenue. Ladles altamded by Mis. lUr,1a. An EXTRA PRICE will be paid FOR LAD1B9 and aeutieni.n * l *? uT Clothing, Carp la, Jeweiry and Kiinmure for N-w Oil.-.n.. Tlie unlenti ned ha* ta eeivc 1 a large order, mnie.niine to $25,000, for which b# ,\n..runti? s u> pa . the lol.uwia , prim* f?r ?acu arttc at?Yoa Kllfc uri'w, irum RSto $31; for Coatv, fruit $3 to $18; for i'mtt*, ifi to iA Piiaar. <v>li <>a or ndurw.ii by note J. AN HALT, M Seveulh even* , batw.en Twcnueth and Twi niy-dtnt atteela. Ladle. attend* in by Mr/. Aubalt. N. B.?Al. buatoe >* trrnaiu ted em lul. u tally. AT NO. 353 BOWERY.?H. ROSENTHAL, HAVINO A great u-tire to pure<iaa* a taage quantity of <a?atolf h e.: :t ?? Ap, r.ial. F jrr.iluti, Cai jieia. Jew? lry. Ae.. by call bi? on ,.r Km r. *?1ut adlr* i.nd $ei.tlamen .an obtain th$ utn.oat vft.uu lor eat'i article. lad ea attended to by Mr*. R- ?? ', u'lo.ii.Vb, an. try 368 Bow ery, nyyoatl* Great .lour* aire*. A I.Alttin ORDER IhViSO BEE s' RECEIV E.) TO A |"-.nrli, 4.rt enat o-f vn'.nltiz. Carpet*. Furn'turu, Ac., lmi>e? ami gi tit rmrD IircIu'I the *"?*?? to dbepo.a nf can re? ft! c tli ? ! .dotting jirittn?Silk dr. ???* n?iu $0 to $30; cOut? $1 to $1*: 1*1.tit/ $1 to $ .. I guarantee aatl.-.: action. Plave-try id .tore, or a nd ai.ot.tb.. poet to T. ROHEN REI.C. 2IX N-jvcilli avcuu*. Ladle* .iWcuded punctually 1$ Mr.-. It At the original well known dealer, a-' . II.tRilIS'M ateiir, led be e-.ith nrrriue, t<elv . et. Ttren'j' 6. t mi J . want) aao. n ' irreei^ ladi a and $ n lamon can dl?poK f >f the r i ?"t < ITClf-t . n,-, Cu M tmu F .nil ure, ?4 the titmntt value, and no buaabag aa to oilenua anineioii* price and lb u trying tu g. t t em ior h ill ihc value, aa nr*.-hvd by e ther high ttflera. P.euaa e >:t or >iJJreaH*ad an < wifrtu cd. Li. l.iw altei.d d oy M a. Ii. HiurlA T THE NEW STORE, 111 Tnir.D A FENCE. LADIE8 , *ad treatierntn ea.i tlitMhM nf tlieir Caat Off t.loUityg, '. i>e ?. F uriiltn-e, A . 1 gu. .antee to pay forDri aae* Iruo *r> io $d1>t. for C ite 1 out $? <e $15, f..r I'm.t-frmn $1 to f A ?ft A 1*1 rat" do mil forget to en I on or aditr-a* C. btlhlt. Third '.venue, Bear l-'ourt.'Jt'h aireet, Ladle* mien.tad by .Win. Miafe. A POflTI VE FACT. ?It v PI BR AND GKNTT.BMEN. IF. "X you want Ui$-t'dm fhu taJue foryntit .aMo$ ('tot tub-. For re. 0 .rpet-' aad Jew .re ttt < or?i too mi no .* sa co.: it -..d a a A. II .dilid, o6l Toll u. ute, t.< t ceca ? TbUiy ehihth mid iMi'yri.iiili atreaia, rati aide. I a ilaa - ?t ii tad to by Era. Harrta rrENTIOfl LAPIEJ AXDOFSTI.SMEM-v T.t?ol . der ruelvad ir .. ib. lot .H?toft Cloti.lo^. V .r mi, i nrp I., re. |t....*rt..i na , .i e n a. a*. Iv i iHlti.j od or ailtiea-l ? SI. A/tR.tllA d. 2,?3 bevaotb aVen.i ' let. e?n T*-eaiy-4fth " Twrnty aixib .hub.. Iav.6 > t't.htded to by Nr . .k. A .. vi:E CHANOE.?$Ll,OOC WOK ill OF GAtlT OKF J\ t., ,?!. i:;{ v,ii ted, wltbl.i a luouih, tor Now Or ?.:m. La < ? nn 1 50 ti ? vet ' aving any of tie above to ? i*,ioai of 11 1. no 01 ?' !>t1owln$ pi io ?*:?Kroi 1 $d to(3UloiNUk l> e .Kfic .1 ft :o $16 uri'ima. front $4 10 $3 fur 1'anla. A'an >. awlr, Clin'ka, O/rp-'e Fur-dtur the lit -b. at prtcca pal 1. fieutorall 011 or uddr.aaaiinte Ui B. M:nt?., nlRlvtb wrem.e, n-Mtr aiieet Lvliea attended hr Mra. Mm* c. Oruarafroni Frwtixiyti or leraer Oltv punatiiallr at t nda.4 to. 1'laar* remamoar u.c or.ginal B. Minn, 2tt3 Blatb avanue. At tub oldest stand on seventh akrnijb Mia EZKI..BU4 ^..?'i.i,i.# tc. pa/the loiowtru pi oat for hidtea ami g- nl et.. n a trrai me app*re>:- From $5 to $30 fur riik tlrateaa, ruin $g to $20 lor o.a a. aau from $1 ir $0 10. )* at*. alaoMtryrtg, inimiuia, j< welrv, Ac. A r.ote u* yns? |.iiueti ally alter e.: 1 < by Mr*. Krahiuia, 134 Scioatb arv ii'.a, bet*ee.. Jiiaetccatli Tf nile.1i r.r.e a. Nn mi., n-c:ion wllit any oUirr hutiae. Oeettemea attended toby Mr. E. Attention. lat>tf.s aid okntlem'n.-i h/tb ju at re fir $t,iM 1 top'tr bra . ran o.T t o'.hlng. Fur nuiara at dChryau .or ihe (Mliftirnl t aiartet. i un promt** I .pay the blgMAt *r.c-'? in 11? ? Ity ov . alitu;; nn or auhreaa Id. * Ticile to E. AIIN T/i 137 duth n/i i.u-, two uo ir* muo-? 1. blh ttr,.*l. Aa 11.^ at., u vd to by Alia. Mint/.. Alui.i. m' *r, lii blttt arena. IXtanie..?$i(i (3w Wort 11 ok i vot off cu>TniNo "T laml'u.i J? u.l y. >c , 4c., at ih* new ?tand. J"4 Be fnilk iwtui, cjrirt h 1 venty-. oni-.b alreet, far ihf hafhaa'. oa h iKd*e wilt be pa.A. I.adl .* In ati*n<lan>*i. CaU 0.1 01 ud'ir ?t 2 SlE'lN PollldO.\AL. nDLREST IS Rfw$i''./rRD TO OALL AT SVMII ? p a-aand aaiM hr.ut ? .d* 0 1 Tueaday nsat, or to aettd nobi aui ltd :r -a, w it innt ftltf, to J. IF THE TfiftNil L,'l)' WHO Pit.KED UP A U01.D Un at ih< Fi.l'on f-r 1 ? 01 MuieRay b>*ntb*?Jnbs Ig, at 7 0 'Juc1, w I bat* lha kntd f. e to aati l ll t$7W lroadway, rii.i v nl rei- i?e die thai ta nf Uto ovticr. JO. I? ~W!< vT 'J01'T.n IIAVR TEMPTED . Jim lu a1 An ion > irwi. a 1 ahiUiraaf Wfaorra 1 iru l.i.r, e.llatoly. Th ? 11' .1 ot. nci u wh ' h led yo-t lo unco an act ara uothln?to Un- Uinualton yo 1 abrendjt enMI* nn (,lKEli>BV lleifS. Tu.JSH wnoRF.PL'r.n tomt matrimoniaB ad in tVeti.nnl In h" llefi'. ' of ?*?? ? aj ea.-iam ru<|ueil . d 10 raad i..y dotke uuAar Mai E'.toin- .0ji big tlM 1 I'f'fBilii. WftHIKRIiYi W ANTPD-FOR AOortOV, BY a lady R> S1DIN0 In if?, a tnc, health. 1.1a e ehll 1. 'roi.i "i,hie. a riott btt-ilwa yeara o ? '?. ?ili "ara an ei 11.1ub.tna. K u e 1 1 1 *,? pi* i.iilc-* I' "J m. '.fllong .?ut np.j w|tb Mai lawae. 11 lTor ?he tdopfl n o' "h I Iran. Apply foe- ??$ day*. FDui. I i t* 2 p'llNfe) at 14 fourth artnue.