Newspaper Page Text
DRY ?<><?!>*. At KiNZi-VH EIGHTH AVENUE OHlAP STORK, Gl.lAI' iXtAKIMJ M Vl,K. 8 .0. ?rit.VtV IIO .NiiTS. Clearing out Rliav* La iiu"*. Ho., 6- , IJc Clearing o it Sou*' bo** o* . 18a. due., 81a Clearing out K.i gh and Readcs 25c. to u a Clearing out Nea, ail ilitu bonnet*, Mo. tog* 38. OieurlugeilTue an R<mi . 78*-. to $i h. STRAW BONNETS M i.'HT HE SOLD. Clearlug out Duitat ib.e Bouu us. Its*'. w 68a Clrsrta ; nat Split Sirs**. 12-. it) .0 . Clearing nut Spit straw % in. t.* $1 50. Clearing out Buck H<> met#, Li . to Too. Clearing out Comr u itoun u. L'c tn 5Tc. 3,51*1 H LAO 8 P. 88 AN1> TURBANS. Clearing out Straw Hlomnera, 8' . I2c., 18c. Cli arlu,; out Union Bl< enters, lie. to 3-c. Ole. r hid t Leghorn lit a* ne e. tie. to Oe. BLOOMERS A .D TUKB *No?MU8I' HE HOLD. Olaurlug out Laxboih B on ner*. 5i,e. p. $1. Clearing out fancy Klo ui.-rs, Z'.r, io We. dealing out all nvies Tnr'm.i*. 2 ?. I ? Sr. BEST B l.NNi T KRAMER, 13X0. Yah Oil i Ii.uonb. Clearing out Buonet HI .lion* fc. I >3io. Clearing out 'I rimming K1 .nuns, JJr. to 8c. 25.(*M? YARDS DRESS TKIM illNG.R. Clearing out f). eaa Trimming* 2 . t ? 2 e. EI*' 'WtK.- IN KKlCY VARIETY. E MBBOIDERIKS AND LACES Clearing out uu-ga I'd m i ol art, lie. to gt, Clearing out lu go nit of Hull is, tic to 7oc. CM.tilng out o.U.0 Hi* uitltiai Cu|M, 8 Clearing o k i'.SlW Liv-o Ye.Is, 1 to $1 00. O'.eartni; out L5i)0 Linen Bosom*. tic. to 25c. Cl> aring out (I nit' Hail ikrr due's tie. to 25e. out I d ?*' Hail Ik roil f>. 5c. u IS '. CLEAU1N< ? OUT AUU1- OH L I "8 CHEAP. IJ ilt.iAl.NS IN ..LOVES, dealing out Sue Lt-lo Hlo e.?. Be. to lie. Clearing out ?? ry Hue Fan ? Topi lite, to Uc. Cli ailug out fx-at (ills Mil*. 25".. 1'., 37c. (Ilea ing out eat Silk Mile. 6o to 8 . dealing out*llo*iery, lu all kinds. 6u, t'i 25o. GOODS OE ALL KINli-. LEAK!NO OCT. JOB LOTS OE I? LESS TRIMMINGS. 1 OOO.OO) yur la Ulinjia Ural la, E'uie y Trl nun *. In every o'.or, atyle, nnd or every dceil.itfoii, clearing out, 2c. I ISo. 3,WWyards of XaiiMlle Lece*. do. to 7.5c >l A ltd A INS IN Hi E1IY DKl'AETMENT. ANS, Bill SUES, I'iii.E iLltY HAGS AND FANCY ABi .( LI S UK ALL XINDS. GOODS AT WHOLESALE CHEAP. AT WM. KINZBY'S, No*. 221 and 22't El?htli avenue, Between Twenty-brat and Twenty-second a r ati, A CWRD.?THE ADVERTISER BEOS LEAVE TO IN. A. form ladie-requiring any kind of plain work, elilrt ?aklag or I eby linen, In a.i us branches. ill v can liare the uue executed lu asum-rior manner ami on ilie moat liberal rms by applying at 24> Elisabeth a r-M. A note addr seed if. O. will be immei.ately attended to. N. B.?Wlu, If ?quired, attend at the evidence of any lady, by the day or eek. I T LEURAIN'8, THIS WEEK. 1 PRINTED BAREGE GRENADINE. AT 18c. PARIS BAREGE ANGL.Vl* ELEL RKTTES, AT 15c. aa care BLACK SILK, mr MANTILLAS, beat quality, 24 per cent under value. VERY FASHIONABLE DIMITY OF BIARRITZ, FOR GARDEN AND HOUSE DRESSES, AND FINE I'liyl i.. KOIt CHILDREN. RARKGK ROBEs, with Flnuneea, at $1 JO the Dreaa. BEAT KBOUCTION on C'anility and Valeuclunuea I-VCES. Beat JOUVIN OLOVER, at ltd-., tn eloae the Importation iaat ueaeon; the aame we mid at SI lb LEU RAIN. TS? Broa twa", eorner Waverley place. . NOTlli'.R LArtUE AOUl.l X L _ HaS BEEN . \DB t9ll THE LVTK I'BREMPTORV AUCTION RALES TO OUR HITHErtfO UNHEARD OF CHEAP DRESS GOODS. tolwiibutaudlng the lnor?aaed duty on ImiiorlatlonA bad a great lucre*-a In the ?->'t nf rabncs. wo are Helling BRITISH, KRKNi H AND GEB.MAN DKESB itOtAlS waper C an ha* ever been known lu New York, or probably wr will arain. B ARE RETAILING AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. Va bay nothing that la A BARGAIN*. AND SELL A8 WE B>'Y, CHEAP. 00#yard* LgvaMaa and Bare a Angiai*. at 4c. 5J0 yarda Larellaa and Barege broche Figure, at 9e., 10o. and 12>^c. 500 yards Paris Or sallies, at ll)c., 121;'-. and 15n. J0t yard* Pelt de Cite as. in ebveka. atripeiiand plain, at la, la. Sd. and Is. Cd. XN yarda Mo/smblqura. in draba. browns and grays, at 10.-., 1*. Sa. ud 1< 8.1. VO0 yards Illurulnatrd Poplins, at Is. 8(L W# yard* Silk and WimlGruiadln. a, alio 6d. W0 srkrds Checked Mutiilrs, a. la XjOTard." Silk Warp 1'oy lluet. at 2a. WOyarils'Silk Poplins, at 2s. A. i nOfarda 811k and Wool Bamgee, la all colors, at la id.; worth 8a. 100 yards Silk and Wool Sat n I. la. 8d., worth Sa. 8d. XX) yards Silk and Wool Orrp ? do l'arla, la. 9d.. worth 3a. MM yards Barego AngUts. si! wool tilting, aud ll* yards wide, at 2s., fnrm'-r piice 6a. 100 Barege Anglais Robua, twenty yards, eleven Bounces at ST. A) Barote AngUlt Robes, twenty yarda, seven # on noes, at $2 i>d. _ ALEO IN MO CRN I NO GOODS. 100 yards black Bu.aye, 10'. ' WB yards black Silk an*l Woal, la. and Is. 3d. WO yards black silk and wool i*atin l'lald and Stripe, la. 6d. I oaae Drab .Alpaca, very tli.e for tiav tiling Suits, 22c. ALSO A LARGE ST.ICK OF CLOAKS SILKS. CLOTHS AND^SCMMF.R FABRICS, AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. ALSO. oaaea broche figure Poll de t here, slightly damaged oa voyage Of lmpurtailt i., 2c.. tor ner price 2s fid. SIDES A SPLENi lT) VARUITY OP*OTHRK GOODS, OUEA1 ER THAN IN ANY OTHUB HOUSE IN NEW YORK. Adtes ran rely thai this advert a nient la no humbag* and t the goods arc reallv a.i repre cnted. Rabgai: s, W. R. ROBERTS 282 Bowery. '. B.?Please remember and look for the aaine over the r, and do not believe you are In ROBERTS' unless yott tlia nania. Cut out tuui advertisement for reference. T ISAAC KS. 71 FRANKLIN <TRF,8T. IT RETAIL, LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES, ktnda of Millinery and Divaa Go? >a. nndeoine new at, Ua ?f Dresa G odi. at 12centa. Ian Pine App'e Good* At ?? 6 I. [>? r yard, iaok and colored Dr-aa Si!<a. hournl at the recent auc i aalra. well worth the ar?ntt> ij of bu em. O. W. 1SAACKS. 71 PraiikTln atreet, T.uce 'tours wast of Broadway. arboe a a awls. Atfeoioe aelectlon received par titamcr Persia, a . Will be opened at retud on Monday, June 18. ARNOLD, CONSTABLE A CO., Canal alrvat, corner of Mercer. LACK SILKS?BLACK SILKS. BAKUAINB. BARGAINS. , BOILED OROS DE HIIl.NKS, at So., Sa. SO., ?e. and l>er yard. > RGAI MS. BARGAINS. . BOILED PARIS TAFFEAT.tS for mantiliaa, at 7a, an I fa. > guarantee the prices to be p *r cent than the <ent market value. Ladi ?" p>aaa e 11 and judge lor W. K PEYTON, f rse'.vee. W. K PEYTON, 274 Bowery. AR1 E'llNiiS, OIL CLOTHS, ItL'tlS, DRUGGETS. 81A1 it ( aRPKTINQS, MATTINGS, .MATS, RODS, Ac. LARGE ASSORTMENT. LOW PRICES. LORD A TAYLOR, 286 to 281 Grand atreet LOAKS AND MANTILLAS. large and fashionable Aaaoriment of SUMMER MANTILLAS, i pert ad per late eteamera. and of our own manufacture. Alao a One aaa.iruncnt el E'egaii! OhaotiUj and La:na Lace Potato and MANTILLAS At aery low mice*. LOUD a TAYLOR, Noa. 4tl to 4P7 Brondwap. Nov t. to 2'J1 tfraod all eat. . r No>. >7 und 4y Catharine Ar "OAKS AND MANTILLAS. ARNOLD, CONSTABLE A CO. In Mock a very large and faahtonable aaaortaeat CLOAKS AN1> MANTILLAS, LAOB, SILK. < LOTH, AC. To which thiy Invite apodal a Ilea Hon Canal atreet, corner of Mercer "BARING OUT SALE. 8ULOMON % HART, SKI Broa wa>, MO out the hatanre of tip ilea* of LACK <*l' BTAI> 8 AT COST. 100 pair* Lore C m aa < at ?fi, $7, llJ .ud $lt, telling be i at 88, SiCsiS?ad Ola. BIIMAN A BROOKS are eelllng their Guoda al radueed prlcee TIL JVLT ?. ? i a, Ilamla, H> ta, Veila, II?u L e.-.hl- fa, ItilbO'ig, Glovaa, tuaiary, Oeota' ?< ?o?ur N- Tiea, Bonnet*. Fluera 48S Slith avenue, earner of Twenty-eighth atreet. BESS GOODH PROM AUCTION. At retail, eeve: at lat *i Invnieea of new and P/.SIIIONABLE St tTSKB DRER8 GOODS, ?ge?, Grenadine*, Mo/.unii qata, C bailee, Jaconet*, Or gandlea, Alpae** D? liege*, Ao., Aa, Aa. Aim a , en'al let 1,000Barege Bobee. Lore $3 to $8per 1 lordTtaylor, 411 >o 407 B-oa Iway. TVi to 'Ml lit in I ? treat. 47 ml *'J Catharine ."treat. IEKC1I AND AMF 'ltCAif I'ApAit HANGINGS. SOLOMON A HAFT, 384 Br?a way. IRPOBTBKi*, J. ?.NXt vOTDRHRS At. l ATr ANIl PRAOTl Al. . ATRK .LINGERS, the l-'i-geat and b-?i ael.e ted etc k af tue a'ova gods I* mat at. Ther I nap. by the lot or -oil to i" i it- ?t.> I neir. uy me tot or on to arte nd raiall bu'er?, <nd wilt u'-e ordr ?* l? hi ng n. It. pnt.n ami deourallv i air tea, al a arnail advauce oa 4CKt R KKVR8. MS K' TiTI A 4, V Lb OPEN ?>a.M >i'lar, n#? an ' v ii i a i Del'V) Oooiha, "m. DeeBadlnea, M .An-il.ti a ,t .'?>.? .% y idlea, 9 emu*1*** srissr4 *" DRY OUOOB. CI RE \T BELLING orK r LB BOU TILLIES BROTHERS hare a ?sry largs ?tuik^al mO/.AHBIQI y.H LAWNS RAEKGM, AND O.IIKK SU.uMBR DRESS O ' <1*3. Winch sre all marked down t<> E.. I UA<<K1IN <RILV LOW 1'KICKS, la order 10 clear out slock oo.orc removing to tkolr new ?vor ??. ah early ait' ujjtnc- u re.pectludy roquekUd, la oaitar la aecure hem r ultei tloo 417 Bioedw.iy, i.etween Howard and Oraad streets. Gat:at closing out sale or SPRING A Nil HUMMER DRESS GOODS. The pr ?? <<r all our alack of NEW ANI> KASHMNABI.K IIRKHS OOODS REDUCED t? PER OK NT. W. K. 1'RVTON, 174 Bswery. J^INENS AND HOUSE FURNISH1NU UOODS. A VERY LAKOE AND DBSIRABLB STOCK AT RETAIL. MUCH UNDER USUAL PKl, US I LORD A TAYLOR, Noa. 461 to 447 BROADWAY, No*. *? (IKAND STREET. N??. 47 an.i 4'iO.t'l MARINE STREET. J AD1ES' AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. NOVELTIES IN ROuBS DE CHAMBBB, BREAKFAST BOBBs, UN DEB GARMENTS, CHILDREN'S AND INFANT'S WEARING APPAREL, CAI'S, Ac., .to., Ac,alao 5.U: ?< EN'TS Hade to ORDER. LORD A TAYLOR. Noaltil to 407 Broadway. TANTILLAS. w MADAME F. KNOHOM Haa now open ,.n a?aoi tuo ul of PARIS HUMMER MANTILLAS,! CliA.VHl.LY AND LAMA LACK POINTKS AND MANTILLAS. TEA YELLING SUITS AND St M >1ER DRESSES. Ta which ?ke In. lira the audition of Wronger* visiting the city. X... 60 Bi.eckcr elreet. MANT.LLAH I MANTILLAS! MANTILLAS I TREMENDOUS BARUAtNS W, K. PEYTON'S " EXCELSIOR CLOAK AND MANTILLA HOUSE." Ladies' Light Zephyr Cloth Barques, at 00 and up Ladiea Melton Cloth Sacques, at 3 00 " " Ladles'Fine French Cloth Sacques. al 4 AO '* " Ladles' lirlUiaut Lustre Silk Hscqiies, at 6 00 " " ladiea' " " " C.rculare, at 6 80 " " Ladl. a' Rich Taffeta Stilt Scan Mantels, at 8 00 " " Ladles. Hea. y Taffeta Silk Sacques and Circu lars, at 8 30 ?? " Ladles' H< ary Tad'ein B 'squca, al 9 00 " " Having purchased stuck of Silks he tore the iccent advance In prireo, I tan offer MANTILLAS, MANUFACTURED AND TRIMMED, at lees than others can bell the silk. No Lady should buy before railing st W. K. PEYTON'S "EXCELSIOR CLOAK AND MANTILLA HOUSE," 274 Bowery, aesr Houston street. RU . . ' 204 AND 206 SIXTH AVF.NUH. Two doors below FourtMooth street. CLEARING SALE FOR JUNE. ?Hour lie. 13c. Sir. S7e. 60c B1BBONS now offering ui at at at at lfc. 18.:. 23c. Slo. S7o. We are now offering 100 cartoons Nua. 4 and 6 Ourilod Edge TRIMMING RIB BONS, all shaucs, 23 per cent under regular prioea. Offering at a reduction all our BONNE. SILKS ANU MILLINERY GOODS. Clearing sale of tk - balance of Si'RING AND SUMMER STRAWS: At) our 75c. 87c. $1 60 $2 $2 50 $3 STRAWS Clearing at at at at at at 50c 62:. 87c. SI $1 60 $3. Clearing BLOOMERS, FLATS, Sc., tnuon below tha regu lar price*. Clearing eate of FRENCH FLOWER8. Clearing aalo of HEADDRESSES, itUCUES, Ac. Clear lug a > le ul EMBROIDERIES. * All our SWISS AND JACOXBT COLLARS, which we sell for 18 ?? 25c. 37c. 50c. 76c. $1 >2 $3 will be offered at at at at at at at at lie. 18b. 26. S7c. 60c. 75c. $1 811* All our SWISS AND JACONET SETS, Job lots oi LINEN KMHKOIDKRKD COLLARS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, CLEARING AT VERT LOW PRICES. Our INFANTS' WAISTS for 60r.. $1. $1 60, $2, $3, Will bo offered at at at at at at S7c., 75c., SI IS, 81 60, 82. CLEARING SALE OF LACE GOODS. AB?PU?UER LACE MAN11LLAS AND 8HAWL8. Old pri e, 88. 8*. 812. 810, $20, $26, Will ba offered at at at at at at $2, $t, 86, $6, $6, $10. 1,000 LACE CAPES from auction; cona to Import $6; will be offered at 76:. and $1. XHBEAD VEILS, usual price 80, $16, 820. $28. Will be cleared at at at at THREAD BORDERED Usual price, $2 30, $3, 84, 6A WU1 be offered at at at. We shall offer our POINT LAC* COLLARS at a great reduction; alio, all our REAL LACES, of arery description. PUSHER VEILS, Usual price, 73a, $1, $1 80, $2, $3. 84. Will be offered at at at at at at $130. Ac 60 .. 76c., $1. $130.82,8260. GRENADINE VKiLS, ALL COLORS. TISSUES. DONNA MARIAS, BAREGES, Ao. Balance of our PUflcBLR l RIMMING LACES will ba offered at price* to clear tkeru. CLEARING SALE of imiUtlou TRIMMING LAOS, all widtna, BLACK an l WHITE. CLEARING SALE of SLKEVP.. BERTHS, CAPE alid HAT NETS, PLAIN aad FIG t RED. BLACK aad WHITE BABBBS. ce. CLEARING SALE OF CRAPE COLLARS. SETS, Ac. CLEARING SALE OF WHITE UOOOST LACE CURTAINS, Old price?$2, $3, 83. $3, $10. a pair, will be offered at at at at at $1 30. $2 80 $? 60 $?, 86. CURTAIN LACKS and MUSLINS, 1 Old prluo?18c., 23c., Sic., 31c., 50c., 62c.. a yard, will bo offered at at at at at at 18c.. ISc., 28c., 31c., 37c., 50c. WB ARE OFFERING ALL OUR FLANNELS AT A REDUCTION. Jaconet Muilina uaual price?2?? 2a. 6d.( 3a, 4a, aew aelitug at at at at la 6.I.. 2*.. 2a. 6d., 3a BOOK and SWISS MUSLINS, NAINSOOKS, Ac., aelllng tu same pi oimrtlon. PLAID and STKll'EJ) SWISS, at 2a and la. 6d.. cost 4*. and 3?. Closing Hue TARLATANS, 2 YARDS WIDE, at la a yard. FIGURED AND lOTIKU SWISS M SUNS, suitable for banquet, tc, at In. 6 I., 2x? 2c. 6d., 3c.. Irsa Lhau hilf the coal of lmpo>ia'ion. UN N DIAPERS, LINEN LlWNR, LINEN (AM B..i WHITE MARSEILLES. II.fS, Ac., LOSING SALE OK HOSIEY. t.'LOA KS, MITTS, AC. LADIES' FINE FKI. ? C'.l MITTS. l'aui.1 price, 4a., 6 .. tia, 8*., NR., 12-., 72, $3, a', at at at at in at ut Now aelllng Sa., 4*.. 5a . 6- s<. 1??., $1 30, $2. Clearing LISLE THREAD G1 o K AT KKY LC .Off PRICES. Ladloa', gents', and chlldreu'c I NUER YE-T8. VERY LOW. Closing LADIES' LISLE THREAD HOSE. Uaaal prr-e, . 4a, t?., gotug nt at ai 1a tftl . la., 3a M. n'? In aame prupo tiou. BOY'S HALE IIO <6, op- tv.ult, lisle thread, very Hue,clod at nt'.c.. i.nd la (id. Ladles' and Miacec COTTON HOSE, CLOSING OUT VERY LOW. 8 CLEARING SALE Of Ladles'and Mlaaoa ready mule UNDER LINEN, COR SETS. CIlB iISE YOKES. Plain end Euibro(derud RUFFLED BOSOMS HOOP SKIRTS, ic-atq.ialita at clearing out prioea. ULBAUINU HALE OK FANS. 808 doa PALM LEAK and FANCY FANS, In every quality, to he clkared out this month. BIXTV TH-KKE CENT KID OLOY88. Beery size ami eh.ide. U at quality Lidlea' ParM KID GLOVES. our own tmporla'ion. Equally aa good an any glnire Iti.porietl, 6'it a pair. R lLMAt'Y, 9M and Mo Slitu avenue, two doors below Fourteenth *k P? PI LAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES ELEGANT DRESS SHIRTS, On band an I made (e order. THREE AND FOUR PLY LINEN COLLARS, Latect London and Paris stylaa OAl'ZE MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Highly recoinaituded lor summer use. THREAD GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS, At much leaa than regular prices. P1NI LISLE TliRBAIMiosB AND HALF U08I Unrivalled in style and quality. CALF PROMENADE 0LOVES New and beautiful colors ENGLISH FANCY FLANNEL SIIIRIS far the ffrmy. navy and (ravellere. PUSrENDB.lS. UMBRELLAS. A splendid aeaortmeat. A l.irpe and elegant varlstjr of the above goods wN bo found, at popular pricoa, at UNION ADAMS', N'> 637 Hraodway. w J.N DOW SHADES AT COST. SOLOMON A IIART, lift) Broadway. Will elooo nut 111 iudari 0 of t'lelr stock Of 8fl0 OOLI> WINDOW SHADES, u( then own nmnufiu tuie, AT COST. DEHTMTRY. ARTIFICIAL TEETjI?(NO REMOVAL).?BEAUTIFUL rota on pure s. ter. mHy$i ; on Una gold and p atina, 4 war anted equal t<> anv in New York. Single teeth $1; Lean tl.leu and extracted without tha leant twin, aad par fectly harnilesn; genuine baae Ailing only 60 cent*. (JBee 138 :bt h a>> line, bet uirn Ton.h ami ?Wive nth i' i streets. ooniiee. en with nny other ofllec.DK. LUT1IKR. Dentin!. ART1FI"AT. 1KRTH ON A NEW RASE. LIGHT AND perfects* the natural organs, and warranted for il e, ut to k.iIi a i Also, teeth Ailed or estracied without pain, at Dr. llLAKLNBY'S old oatabllahod rooms, 63 Sixth avenue. LL DENTAL DISEASES CURED BY L WALTER HAY, M. D, Ho. :*> Amity street. Thiec ulncka wiwlof Broadway. Artificial bone filling-applied by the d'eeororor only, at hia ruoma, SAS Broadway, near feei-ent onth street. All other iraauy Imltatlona. Tender tarib, old rooU and m-ue Blled and warranted. N. B.? Love I a nt b* ault il teavh aad swoot breath try tha ooluhrated Cuban Dentlfr.oe ami laition. J. PEARSON, M D . Dldonramr. H A VINO HAD TH(RTBRNiTBBTII AND nOOTS RX treatrd wl'hout | aln y Dr. .! JAY YtLLEKN. 136 Graad <treat, two blocka from Broadway, 1 eh-orlu .y reooua moad him to thoao auff^f^m ^ THR TURF. rpKoTttiu on tuk7a"bion J- not US'. L.I. in'KtgoKiw will be gtvi a by the Knshiou uujr?! Assocleuon, I* be trol led for en TUESDAY. JUNB 17, mile I eats, heat S In ft. in h rn'-sa. T ie f.Jbi tug are t..e eutriea:? Oeorg.- Mm ray uames b. 111 Prlnoeaa. J. D. McMau.i na.ilea gr K I K dy. I>.> r naiuea i Ik. in. titnuyside. 8. Mots gh.iu II.UII a i>. .. Native American?dra in. Ie n nig damns allp ai 1 o'cluc . P. M. Co. neeta Willi the flushing Bail.oail vara Iraviu. llun er'a I'm ii at I* 7. M. I' e I'. u ty-lo .rib air-ei Irrry rune eri-ry five I minute*. Railroad far leu i-nts .-vli "ay. JOSEPH OKOCHRlION, Mauagar j UNION COURSE. L. I -TUOTTWO.?ON TlH Rsn -Y, June l.i al 3>? " 'tuck I*. M? a iiialcn 'o. $1 DU8, in le I bettte, Ii at linen In live. In 1 uruuaa. II. P ifer nam a n. g. Ouueral nuinaide, Uiraiu Woodruff naniea NaiL SHAW A Will TK, Pruprie ore. STALLIONS. J I PI1EH (THE Si KB OP LADY EMMA. WHO MAS jiiatinii annuo. (It bunt rsoesou record), is elan log at tlx 7 m. af lils owner, at Copakn, Columbia ? onnijr. N<-w York, at 9Jo i ?? *e.,*o i. Mama can b. shipped a.real lu Co pake by t.,e llirh-ni it llroa.t, or* lit to H- I-on t.y buel, Care of 0. II. Mi I Wort* Uouse Por full pellicula s ad dreaa S, It e l r II. V ncox, Coi.nke, Or J nines D. Mcjlsun, L* layette Mali. N. w York. " llOK?E8. CAR HI AUKS, AC. AMtl.E WAKTHD-IB BXCHAXCIB BOB A NICK> Imrsr; gentle and kind in all liamuas. Ad dreas Exchange, box 2111 Murald ulllce. A HAY IIOii.-vE. I-', HANDS IIIUIl. SEVEN VKAUS old. pi n ' ii.aui', will t itv II r, stylish; able lor fami ly uiu, lor -era |ir'o<- Ji.'S. Also a light bm Wap.u and Huiniias; |ir. e 441. A pp./ at go N. niirk avenue, Jersey City, uear ihu ferry. C111ISKHE 8IIEEOP PURE BKKKD-A PEW J p.ilrs of tne e celobrali-d Slioup for sale by WILLIAM REDMOND ? liar, lay street. htOK SALE?A NICE~i'ONY FOR CHILDREN, 12 bands i,mil, h .a b en uae i by n noy. t'au i e seen at Mills'statue, ol We-t Niii. tacuili u'rrct, between Pil'Ji and naanuaa;nlaonbM Road Wagon. For saib-two oohD business horses, in tititru m Hie o. EleveutU aveuue nun Twenty' third street. For sale?a beautiful bay mare, is hands hi Ii, b years old, large bone, wlil trot in 2.6o; will make a v ry last mare If carefully ban .led; warranted sound aud kind. Can bo acen at 1/S West Porty seventh at. Fob salb-a beautiful black hawk make, kinu ami peri cully gen lie; can troi lu three iniuules. To be seen at J. O. TAYLOR S statue, 104 EaM Twenty-fourth Street. f^OR SALE?AT 72 CHARLES STREET, POR WANT of use, one gray Pony; very fast, sound, gentle, broke u? harness and saddle; i. ill aun l without tying; can be handled by cither bo. or lndy. Will be sold cheap. For sale?a very past you no dorse, just liom I .e o,unity, at n ancrillce; la live years old, sound and kind, and warranted In every respect; good liny, 16>a h .nds ill It. Also a light top Wagon and Harness. Inquire of H. IV.& Hit. ai New York Tatleraall's, oornur of Sixth avenue an , Toil ly-nlulo street. JfOR SALE-PAIR OP BAY MARE8. MX HANDS high, sound aud kind, live and alt years old; one of them fust. Will lie sold separately. Also, a gray Horse, suitable tor cartmuu or grocer. Can be sreu at the stab.e the sitbsci'ibrr. D. W. NORK1S, No. 6 East llouaiou struct. For sale-a very stylish house, sound and kind, suitable lor n family. Also, a coupe rcodawuy Carriage, neatly new. Apply at No. 6 University place, near Pourtk street, from 10 A. M. till 2 P. M. IflOR SALE?POR ONE HALP HIS VALUE, A VKR 1 mont Morgan Horse, eight years old, jet black, ML hands high, very handsome, sound and kind, and one of the best family and snudie horses In the country. Apply at 04 Bpwery. SpOR SALE?CHEAP, ONE SECOND HAND COAClI; also one sccoud hand Open CarrLige, two now Open agons. and one second hand Top Wagun. Cad at It ami 16 Auuty pin e, between aud Amity streets. FOR 8 \LE?A PRKSH MILE COW, WARRANTED TO give 2," quartan! milk perday; also make 14 pounds of butter per week; she U a large cow; would exchange for a lower price cow. W411 be sold cheap. Apply at 141 East Twenty -eighth street. FOR SALB-A BROWN HORSE, VERY STYLISH, 10 bands high, 6 y ears old; can trut In three minutes; war ranted sound ana kind. Can be seen at 43 Charles street, OB SALB-A LICHT SHIFTING TOP WAOON. IN perfect order, Silvers A Smltn, makers. Also a two seated Wag,ui, with top on back skat. Apply si THOMP SON'S, UU Esst Thirteenth street, near Third avenue. FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE?POR A HORSE OR Marc of less value, a nice stylish six year old Bay Horse; would be a valuable government horse or for fatally use. Price 9128. Also, a superior family House, aud two Cart Horses, and two Farm Horsss, one 930 aud the otlinr at 963. Apply at 46 Chrysite street, near Orarul. Four horses just "prom the country, prom ltK to 16 hands high. ? years old. lit for cnnl carte, Steve dore. express, or any down town business; also, one Cana dian Pony 0 years old, 16 hands hlgb, well broke, sound and Itiiid lu all harness, and can trot iu three uiluiiles without training Inquire at Ml Canal street. F Fm OR 8ALB?SEVERAL FINE HORSES, JL'At FROM the country, all good rdedrtei*. very dim pair of match. .1 Horses, suitable for a gentleman's ci-aib team. Apply corner of SeveuUi areuue and Twenty-eighth street. FM OR SALE?A ORAT MARE. SIX YIWtRB OLl>, LOKO tail; -un trot In three minutes; warranted sound and kind, and U a splendid aadd,e mare. AWoiight Wugon. al most new. Can be seen at R. Mackey's stable, No. 121 West Twunty-tbinI street. FM OR SALE?A TWO SEAT TOP WAGON, IN USE ABOUT two m nth*. Injstro at Hair Mauufaeiory, oo uer of bixth avenue and Sixteenth street. Fm OR SALE CHEAP?ONE SPLENDID RAY RoRSB, ? years tad, long tail, sound, and kind tn single or double harness,-and ran trot ln-ihrre minutes, If, hau ls t. reu Lm. bee high, to be seen at 187 West Twenty-eighth street. IjIOR SALE OB EXCHANGE?SI XTBLN YOUNG J? Horses, ju-t irotu Canals West, from four to sevoa years old, fourteen to sixteen ban is high; also, ??? rust pacer; all aotind aud kind. lu pine In the blacksmith shop, 1211 Norlolk air eel. Horse wantbd-must be pony built, sound. kind aud aiyliau, between Uw and six years old. nut I -mi than I&>a hands high, and abla to trot witbiu thr o minutes. A idri ta .or two nay*, staling site, color, price and when an i where lo be seen, S. Darosal, 76 Fulton street, N. Y. Livery bale and exchange stables.?1the unm-.ralgii i, having r-. on'tly taken the Urge stable on tbe corner oi Ta(M.iy-eightb sircol and Seventh avenue, now lie prepared to accommodaui pnrtlcs Lor*,*. Horats will he kept on livery tu the be i tuauuer, either p r n aucurly or transient. Thofa. iipie* iveollcr lorn lllu ho sea are t ir beat In the city, l'urties having bars>-s to v-11, a *u wl-bing to por iLiae. w id do wed to cad and ciat-niie ourmcomm iialion., ami sto.'.t of sale horse-, Weallemba's arvtaie r.sUolia ..uaiiiA will oe kept in tuebc.slpoatiiUiiii.oiis dlUCu aud receive oar personal atteutton. ? JAB. W. OLIVER. VTBW YORK TATTEKSALLS-;SIXTH AVENUE AND As Thirty-ninth alroci?Auction sale of U./rwa, Tuesday, June 17, at liOiio k. Catalogue wile of lloi'.,ca. Now and Koeond IIf ml VI ??ou* and llai oe.? of all dcacripUona. Bale posiltvo, w ulioul regard to weather. V.M. M. i^A.NuLV, auctioneer and proprietor. Sec nil mi.n bead. SiVt NRilS OP HOUSES. CARRIAGES AND HARNESS. ' Hi^ to have |>rupt riy in. Judo I in our unit e on Friuey next, at loo end 187 Broadway, 'til. pb a*o band In par lonlai * eatiy, to insure proper auvst-t-.tig. C. W. HAVEN PORT. EDWARD SINTZHNiCll. Auctioneer. L? PARK PHAETuN FOR SALE-SUITABLE FOR CITY orcouuviy; built by one of the beat city makers, in ai> client order; will be sold low. Apply at Ito Brouuie alt set, to JAB. HhT.MAN. TO BE SOLD CHEAP OR BXOHANOED-A POWfelt ful bay Horse, tit Tor coal carU, ice wagons,?atuvegore', trucks, or any heavy work; will be wild cheap on rude J lor a smaller li i >e In .in- at 2nd Ursu.l street until aold. Wanted?a brown hokbb, sixteen hands hlgn. long tall, and of flue action. Iiit|Uire of .IOIIN GREEN, upoo,iie ef Bradley's Ilvcry stable, tn Thirty-unit Stieet, near Filth avenus. on horses for sai.r-fbom rid TO S1S0 EACH: I)U one pair buy pony Unriea, 14 hands; ene pair pony built M uea. IM( hands; AW Wagon*, ad kinds; lOJaeta Har ness. No. HI Net In* street and 184 Fulton street, Breoklyn. Hudson river railroad -trains for ai.b*ny Troy, thr Noi i.. and W"*t leave t hambais atroet at 7 and 11 A. M., and3l8,8 and 10.18 P. Mf j, ONO ISLAND RAILROAD?CHANOE OF TBI _J inKiiM ?Pi??rng r depot at Jarnea ailp and foot of Tbu iy ' earth at eel. treat riv.-r. B..nun r .cat?Leave New York at 8 A. M. for Orri-npu. i. Sag, Orient and Hampton. At M A. V li -I., aud 4 3d P. M. for Syoaael At .1 id P. M lor OreenporL Aili I*. N for Hemiwtea i. on and arti r * un- 8 the mall train will ran on Sunday* to Yapha ik. at exeiir-tou rails, leaving Tlilriy-fourth street at B 13 A. M.. and retmnlug leave Yapnank at 3:3ll P. M. T ONU ISLAND RAILROAD ACCOMMODATION -OLD JU Buioh Ferry Termlniii.?'Train* leave at 7 48 A. M. and 3 Ifl P. M. lor Grevnport; II 4 * A. to. aud 4:18 P. M. fur Sy oaaeit, 7 *8, 11:4ft A. M., and 3 In.t LY 4 15 P. M. for llatnp alead . hourly for Jamaica i run 7 tfi A. to. te u iu F. M. NEW TORK, HARLEM AND ALBANY RAILROAD FOR ALBANY, TROY. NORTH AND WKST. h' to to K K ARRANGEMENT Cumin nelng T i i re-lay, toay a, 1882. i For Alba y. I I Jo A. to.. Kaureus Man Tra.u iroin Two I sixth atrael alullun. For alllocal lialiia ae" Time Table JOHN BUROHILL. Aaalataot riu wrtnteiide MKD1CAL. DR. WAE1>. U LAlUHT STRKhT. NEAR CANAL, pay* pui t.cuUraitentiun to all ioui| lalntaof IkAIi *eve.i. A prlv.t . mruiire OlUvr o;,e? fmm S o'< lurk la the morn ing till V u'cmck In the ovciilng. t on uliatlon ifea. nB. COOPER, 14 I)'. ASS STREET. MEMBER OF THE . Co. ?? ?? <d I'liyok Una and Kui'g' Ooa id New York, uiag b? consulted daily at bis ulkoo, frolu II iu the morning uutii P iu the oveuing. DR. JOHNSON, NO. 14 BUYNi; STREET. HAS, FOR the las, tniity y ara, Jevnp il Ills a ttiution m an o:lioe practic -. Cures "U .r.iim" d In ail -a-aa or no ilatp m. d>'. DR. K. COBHETT, MEMBER WY THE NRtv AOIIK Unlver.-Hy (Meci<al College) sad t>b v "f Bury, la?U Ion. I an ta- wuvultod a* nan*, at N" A> Centre Mri'V i etween Cham raand Hemln iirvet*. Apiaclmeof lluriy tfcr.r \ 1-ara, thie ' el w .lota have been In , .u-f ltala. eniltlea h IU to eutilld. m e. N. It.?Bee Dr. Oda dlploie is in lila of. bo-. I'rl-at-<mirun.:i No. ? City Halt plaoe. Sundays Irons li'H A. -to. to li>. P. M. Dlt RALPH?OFFICE ifKMOVKD TO 134 IlLP.KCKEP. atreat, weal ol Broadway. Hours from II 10 g, ami d till 2. Ladies can consult dr. powers, is la doit . reel, Willi unrivalled nioueae, on all eompla.nt*. Be aer* and rive He. Power* a call, and vnn w III n-ner ivgrei lu ill ho ne for enn*nliaiion day am. evening. . Itt 0HAMBKR8 STREET, CAN in"r*i> nViiwL WH t*nmK ISTELL, 1 ae usual. A-HVSZCHblVTH. ll/AfXA K'S. Vv Kuuane)* on Broadway and Thirteenth itrwL Proprietor .Mr. Waltarfe Dooso.. n hi lull i?? ??i i n;?omraeMk*ee eg "fit . NO I ICK.- Th iieouliar arohiteitural of the building, ,dtl (J to nr.v and lug u oils race *t*Tal appliances, render t li * T r. ' ool EST THKATiiB I N 1US CITY. !*? r or , an C" 0 iielndrd uy m f-ueat ice. ORG I olJill h.S OK THE SUM MBit E SON. OKHA1' KUO ??* OK TUK SU M8K RbAMZ I ii IiED ASH DKLIi.HTED Ai J'lKN' Bri. < ROWIIKD A N f> LRLIGH tki> audience* FSBUBS SPA RKLI NO AND OA AH I NO. PIEl K.i SPARK !* . AM) OA HUNG. A'KKRY SONGS ANir CHARMING DVNCJPS. MERRY SOUGH AND OIIAilMl .0 OA M.'Krt. IIIE i LoUKXfXisM, THE FLORENCES, E* FRY NIGHT, K\ KkY Mi.Iir. Aided by a greet eon1 > loupaiiv COMPLETE ANU Ol.ORIOUH St I'OK-s Ob 'HIE MEW HI itl.KR IDE. NEW 1'IEt'K T.I.MUBI. During the wi-e* the pro rsnrann mil bo nlianged each evening. Tim beaiiUlil Protean ileeea, le which Mr. and Mix K.ur. niw em ho ft,mo ?. will be rapid.y produced ami in -pleiidtil style. Tim repr entainme 01 tun peeu iiarltlna of the Irish Hoy and Yankee Oirl will a'so ? e g ven, which, added to the u w and original ni .sic of the n a iiliicuiit oruhmlr.i. ib. ap'riid! t dancing of th> gaud ha.let u'o.ipo, iiu ius tbe uioai pi" using uoiertalaiueat in tlie city. Tim great hur'esque must be wllinliawn alter Wednesday Ubibt ler the pindiiclon of oth r novelties. _ M ON BAY KYKN'INO Jl NK 1#, Wilt be given, for Urn ninth nnd tail night bet two, the aplenJi I, now and glorlot* hurlnutp e. re pie m with new snugs, nevy muali', now dsn - n?u Memory, entitled THE LilT OK LYONS. (Summer Edit.on. i Claude Melnotle Na|>olcou it raapar .. Mrs. W J, Plorenon Pauliu" Airs. OroryeSkrrnnt B ansrani Lotlis Nagioie >n Mr. W J. Klumuoe Mine. Oea'li.ippe'lea Miss Mury Welle Wld.w Mrli.otto Mr. W. On ridge Col. Damaa Mr. (tcu. K. Urowna Landlord of the Ooldrn L'un Mr. Thro. Ward D irin.' toe burl*-one a (Land OivcriUannent by sixteen ' - ' oh Is nigl ? ? young ladien. whioh Is ingli iy received with every demon ? of wonder and delight. Tim Orclieatra, unurr tbe direction of Mr. EopplU, will perform a i-p undid new overture, and bctweeu the plec- s the eel?'rated Florae guadillirs, introducing tbe popular If nil melodies. iUe ?ntertaiumeiita to commrnoe with anew local faro* entitled THE RETURNED VOLUNTEER. Mr. Erastus Ptckaniuny Mr W. Davldoe Mr. .lames Smith MA J. L. Harrett Bill Wnll.mis. the returned volunteer....Mr. W. J.?Flor>-uce Mi x Seraphenu Mury Ann Pickaninny Miss Man We Is Adui is. a vest maker Miss Jul,a Irv ng TUESDAY, Seventh Night ol Mr. and Mrs. Kinr -nco,?The new ton .usque and a pruteau piece, with the Elorenoes in several chaiacters, Programme ? lianged every night. Seats ma bu aucuied m advance for any evening in the we.-s. Bug book open from 8 A. M. until 4 P. M. A n >w btir'caqtie and u u tv coin' dy in rehearsal. L>OX'8 OLD BOWERY THEATRE. r Less e, Dire tor and Manager FOX. Monday nwuing, June li. ORLANDO YENDORMK. THE OUTCAST OF MUiAlf. from Cobb's Ledger story, by John V. Poole. TUB BROKEN SWORD; OK, TFIB DUMB ORPHAN. THE TRAVELLER'S ROOM; OR, TIIE BANDIT HOST. Messrs. O. W. Clarke, J. J. Prior, c. K. Foi Harry Ohap man; Miss Mary Mitchell, Miss fanny Herring, and tbe entire compa ny will ap pear in the casts. Tuesday. Juno 17, ANNIVERSARY of hunker hill Patriotic bill of attraction. Free and easy, free and easy.?greater at ractlon than ever at the House of Commons, 2'? W Houston at. e , the most popupir plaoe In the eily. Tit . . _ . . ... . . iffcie " ' eelebruted A. Brabant in specialty engaged to warble hie must pleasing dowrlptive and m tttlirieniul songs. togt b r with the following artist-Rllev, Rus ell'anu Blley, 0 n ley, Copp dla and (Jlurlt. furri go, Smith and S uetier. Ben jamin, Hr<uvn and Hnrliusou, Mr. Jumpy MleliaeU la re spectfully furit ni. A PACT.?THE PATRONS OF THE UNION, ffl Spring stre t. are deliir 'led with tbe ringing U >!? . Fred. Any, Hardina, Ony, Hirch, R i-srll, Simji ?' it ? ? T d Hnodgraa.-, the inimitable, will sing "Ltilfr I'm ? Mum y, Wednesday aud Saturday evenings. BD. KID8T. HE ^ARTRIDOE. THE PARTRID ikT 27 WEST HOUSTON STREET, 27 WEST HOUSTON STRE i-J OWI HOUSE CROWDED. HOUSE CROWDED. Ths grramst Free aud Easy in the etiy. Lsi"Itat the talent' ollectrq t i-nigbt-? ALBERT HR AITM. the celebrated English tener. A RED HILL, the pleasing t uor. J. Rl'SSr.LL, great lilsh comic singer. N. H. Bi NDY, the line hulTo si >*? (-. The above have, kindly volunteers . GEO. GRAY, the f.trorlie t uor. J. H. MORLAND, the w.rlt known baru ne. JAMBS lue i elebiTited Comic singer. U. BYRON, the pleasing baUiol Ana itumcious outers. COME ONE. COME ALL. H. BYRON AND GEO. GRAY. Proprietor*. rpo MANAGER?. C' STUMKRS. LUMBERMEN AND X other*.?For salcohesp ;or ea*h, about fifteen l?atl* of theair'cal Properties, Scenery, Mwhinery, Trl ks, \r.t a porilon o'f them the Ravel piopettlea. Apply at <37% Broad way. J. C. LEE riEOBQB'S U CANTERBURY PALACE, open day and evening. M7K Broadway, epposlte Laura Keeim'a theatre. . i?w GEORGE W. 8IIURRAGUR. PROPOSALS. _ Tlucf Mpplies. A Orricc or Ahmv Cwirmq a*d Bonirioa, I New Yor.z, June 12, Ib82. ( WANTED?20.0Q0 pairs of Army Bitoleca, of medium titer, for which proposals brill be received by the subscriber until the 20th Inqtant. Tl.e quantities to be dellverou front time to tlin*, antl the sixes required will be made known upon ap plication ut ihWotliu", vt here the rtaodard rumple may be torn. Bids should be endorsed "Propo-alr for Furnisblag Army Bootees," an I address-d to bUuientnt Colopel D. H. VINTON, Deputy Quartet matter General United State. Afyiy. Arm/Supplies. ' Ort-ica Acer. CoxaitirRr Guyana i, or Suaarsrvwcik I No. 1 Srrra Srm.v.T, Ntw Y otic, June 13, W62. )? Healed proposal- will be rerclr.ed by the undersigned, at UtD otic", until 1 o'clock I*. M? on Friday, the 20th Inrti, tgr furiitahinfC Kl'EHIl BKKF for tweh - month*. from the It! of July, 1382, to the troops in the acrrldb of the United Htales, stationed at the .several rest-gMIng rend q.vous that arc or may tie established lb title city, .and to eitnh.ot.her Utiltedrttiite* troops requiring irrsh -eef. not otherwise provide 1 lor at may be stationed In or neat the ctly, or on H at I w.-sacla lying temporarily In the haj-oor of New York. The freah beeflx ,o be of a good au;l wholesome quality, wltb'an equal p oporUnn of fm-c and hind quarter meat, (necks ana shanks iu he excluded) aud furet?hi d in such quantities at each place i f delivery, a*. from Hint-to time, tuny he required for the trotips by the am, era I uiDcerr in charge. Purthcr Information will be given on application. Each hid must have u printed copy oi t nls advert sent-ul pj-dod at its it-ml. WHtn n c- niraeta to he it,ado with adequate bonus. Tim names of two s'tfll lent eareth i to be given lu the pron-Mal*. which arc to be vitdarM-U At'j sposals for Frovn Href." A. It. EaT<>N, Ll-u'-nit Colonel aud A. G. S. C~nTY OP PITAIU^E^TOWN. M VSSA'-HP.-fETTS. J brill lie received by Che Water Coin mtralonera ul tac city of Cliarhmtown, until Jtlbe 30, for laying tu said city, and on the line of Whelr water works, about twenty ono in ilea c-t t a/l Iron pq- s. Plans of tbo wort can l> i se,-n, ?n?l Information con ri tt mc said work - Olituliv d at th" o.ffoe of toe Ktiglueer or l\ jftcr Uomtut sioners, Cherlestpwn. Copl-i of apeci.icattou*and n ntr and Idrtue o; propo-ale, wt 1 b--emit to partiea ties,ring to make liplri for th - work, oil their making application lor the name to the Wat- r Coram'-slomtr*. Bond* with sureties will l y required from parties contracting. The Coramls einm r? reserve tlte right to accept that proposal wl'ioh, tin dot CI eircmiiH.inees, they shall consider most favorable to the inter* -H ot the city, or to rejoin all proposals offered. F -r the Ws'er Commissioners, EDWARD LAWRENCE, Chairman. O. L. sTEVENStiN. Chief Entjinehr, C. W. W. (AITT OP CHARLESTOWN M A88ACHUSETTK.?THE J Watar Coramissioaors of the CRy of Cbartaaiowu will receive proposals it>y making. dellr.r.iig and laying on the line of men distribution p"Uf? otto huaire I and forty PI RE HYDRANT*. In making pr pasala for th- same. partial most Inclutle the Hydn.ntr ripe, the Bond, the Tfydretil, Fpfmea, Cover* and all appurtenances > onuecteth there wit It, evcnptltig the tiranchea In main pipe*. Ihey must alao atato the price at Which they will lay and conned the Hydrant piper with the bruuehea in th< Mains, aud perform'all the work ItiOid'-nt P> phirlaq fhn tjuraut* lu perfect order for tiaa. lacludlug delivery and *11 trenching or olh-t dieting. Partl-s ranking proposals must acoorot any Ibrm with de signs of the rtyle o.' livdtant they propose. Thea<,?1s?lgn* must b? drawn toanal'e, ,n detail, ?o a? to admttof llarlr being ruadily understood. The total amount of * in- h Hy drant Pipe ro quired Is a. out elevou hundred (l,IV0) feet Sire ef Nosrlr- 2>? Inch, with rudlcianrsir." ot hydrant to ad mil of Increasing dlamrdr ot nurtM to 4 Inches, without removal of hydrant. Proposals ?III atao ha received for sbont one hundred and sixty STOP CO? KH,,of the following sires ?74 of 4 luch ; or fiiu.,14ot Sin., 2 of 10 In., 3of 16 In S of 24 in. Ths proposals tor Stop Co ks, to Include every ? ? eutlal cast tng I-efUlrilng to the Same, and tlu-delirrryof allro-Jtsor lastincs at su(tj pLoJjft'Jjiariestown its th- Engineer may from time to time dlrwr-T. Design?rof the stylee , toposed for. to is- pi cm -tiled at Kim? Uwie- as bid. Plan* of D.strtbuMoa Pipe, sho,. ufg oaltloo* of Hydrants and H.<nit<,#.s, can be sivn si tlir affot cf tlie'Kagtuner or Water C.'omiulsstbnsrs. All designs must l-e snnt to ih< Engineer, on or before J I'NK 30, 1102. The Commissioner* reserve the right to ac ept or reject any ot the proposals offered. For Water CommUsloa ars. EDM'Altl) I.AM KENCR, Chah uisn. P. L. 81 EVENS-?N. Chlet Buslneer 0. W. W. OFPICK OF ARMY CLOT 114 NO AND ioUIPAGE. Nrw Yohk, Jline IS. ls?2. He.iled pro tosals w ill b? received itl this utile? until Routr ,isv, the 21.t tn.ttani at 12 o'nlook M., for pnsalngAUUO au'raw HaU, -note or laan?now ,n a rough state? into regu lation st/os, and trimming litem wHIt hla-k ret bin hand and aw-at 1 til K- _ _ The Hats are now In the Qunrtermaeler's storehouse In Washington, front whl-h pla? llu-y will he taken by ih ooutraitor and uhen f.nltdied, delivered at the tier ot of Army dot lug ami Bqnlpsg- In th la oily, packed In >?-- ? tor u????ij' ?n. Th# HmIi, IiiiyIiu: lw?#n prrHMifg will b?* lnt<? |-i* p v p-oportlona of i-cgMlati.ia sixee, end be eubject to lu?|e ? at this d-ani. KitrJher iuloraatlott. In r- gard to stxea, Ac., can lie obltlu e.i on a pi- it anon si thia Mtlue. Ho ml will bo required lor the proiter perfunnanoe of the. "Vdd"r? will Itite tlje hliortest puMtSil-- time In nhi h the e-rvlre een he performed, nad i-udonse tlielr Idds, "Propo eal - for 1're.sinaMraw Hate." atlilrese ng IkaHt to _ Lleiitenaut colonel D If. YtNTON, D qtuty Qttsrt-'r-iKtsier Ueni ral United Suites Army. rro RKAt, K vTATE ttWNKRt -Hli V1.F.0 PBOPOHALS 1 w.ii lot r-'ootv, d at t.ds o ; 01 until PrHitv. .tun* fits for the puronaa- of r-*l? -tat# b" the C rtatraUoo lot lbs use of the T-Tio Department, located a follows ? O -e led between Market, Catharine, Division end Ma?U m sue, ts. fi-l KitMuie < ompa ly No, 2. Dueled tv-sw-een Church. Wiilte, Him sal Duane atreota, fot- KttgillO Don pany ill (Ute Lot on Bloomlngdate r,.ad, ie tween Nlaety-alith aad Ism>iIt tt-ee'a -or Engine Oootpeny No 32. line Lot I - tw en l ia.ikila. D-Csne, Cliitr b and Centre aire,-1< for 11-mvu Ourapaey No 23 tin- Lot h-tween avettno C, Fourth, FifUt and Lewis sir ?i<, fo- lh-se Company 47. One Lot - t.vacit Heunnd ?nd Fourth avenues and Ktghtys third and EightysSiltb StrreW, for Hoet Company No. 10 One led lift-ve-'tt vhc ll-wnry, Moll, Prtn-e and Houston stratus, fbl n -OS end Ladders im paay No. Uk A' so, For tha pnmba<0 of n f,ot. or the 'ease of a House and log , between Hroa stay. F"lt?n, R-e?nan and R til lam streets, far Hone Company N? JO. . Proeoeats n ill -.mtsln a 'i 'trs',i of the prop rty offered, with finite-si,urn, I atadiy and ensr- tor of leiprovoiasnt*, If any I'ris-rrti-e wdl ha given t.> va, sit lota. PaymehtwUl ha ma)' ul, gtrio | a elf si and atilefs-'torv title. The i lgltl is rnservad M> -sfifn" ,n* o- al tropoatla ROKLRT t. llAVfi cmnplrollesv City er New Yoaa. Pirtmut ov jistsoa,! I CownkdUAa s Orripa, J uea U, 1MB | ^ , ASD9Il?Em. NIBLO'S (?A KDKN. ANOTHER GREAT ATrTlAtTION lu acrvrdaiic with re,ieuii:d re p. a . fruia mat: rii on* ml itii? >liaiiin in, w bo are dcsiroua 01 ?? ? iua ?llort vf MIS* ClROLlNH RIOMNO* IN Of.A KSIC Of BR A, The manag iwil miwi re-t?clf i.jr im * . u* Hue POiUl.AK AUK 10 IN cRIMa l/ 'X. A vA ill up; a r on MOM/AY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY KVBJMM*. June 16, 17 and 10. IN TUP UK AND OK 11)1 AI, SUl.NN From Hell ui'- Oa rmut NiliiMA . Anil ting, for tbe lir?l thai" lu New Turk. the AilebcataS K t-ua and Ca a loa ? auti 4 CASTA DIVA. __ NORMA. .MltiS tMROLIMC HI0HINQ8. Alter wliliA The popular Operatic nominee #f the tOUKN 1BRIINA (Hie Syreu) MISS (JAltOUWR RITRHINOS UK. K. L. DAVENPoUl', MR JOHN GILBERT, MK. P. AUCUiMUS, MR. L. R. UtIBlVKl.L, Midi. .1 M l KDI.K. WIS acuta in the leading c arnet' fa MK. J. DUNN AND M8. BOnnlMi -1. Sciu tooalbas. ?THEN DID SCENERY. Ml . ERd UKl'UK ITlDNH ELEGANT OMftTMU EHKCTIVB MBOHANinM Mil. OI'KBATIO CHORUS. DreeeC-i le i l-ui,|uei, oOieuU; ?cuieS I'aripael 76 i lit- : !?' , > i itvli*. t:8 oeiiU. Doom u, rn .it />? o pIoi K ; oommtie at 8 a'otpbk. w Ints* uakden. ? an A Manager Prof. J. U. Armenia. EMPUA'TiO 8 C0BA8-VI0T0RI003 T IIUMPH TO-NlGHT IMUNDAY), JUNB Ibth. SECOND WEEK o r rn a ORB AT SPECTACULAR BURLESQUE. ?f All tue .i andnei, Ol'al Uurleaqiiea tin- m it nxirarauiao* THE WIZARDS IKMI' .-i, THE \t IZARD'S T KM I'EST; j Til K VU8AKDK TKMI'bS'f T b W I/. A It DS TEMPEST. ? Hit WI/.Ai.D'S TEMPEST; THE KINO OP THE MAOICAL ISLAND, ar CHARLES OAYI.BR. The moat gorge ou? Scenery, The iiiout popular Sung*, Moat bew tichum Dauuea, Mont nntgutnecut l'ro"e*?lon*. Moat triumpliani Maro'.iee, Moat magical Tr.uisloriuatlaM. HallaS every night with THE WILDE8T ENTHUSIASM THE WILDK.-.T KNitlvJ.1 iM TUB WILDKnT ENTHUSIASM THE WILDEST KNMU 1A.SM 1 TUB WILD EST ENTHUSIASM and with T0BNADOE8 OK GESTICULATED ECSTASY. The new arirt??. ?r MISS EMITuY THORNK. MISS EMI I. Y TUOKNB, MISS KMII<Y TUORNE. MISS EMILY THORNB. MISS KM IIA THORNK, haa eatablUhed herself, m- r.litig to tbe united verdict nf preen nud public, an being in TUE BEST Hi KLESQOS ARTISTE who haa at aiiy time a oeae.1 i lie oi bit of Uie American atago. At Planet of unnsual brilUauiv . A Star of tbe Brat magnitude. PROP. ANDERSON AND MR. J. O. HUltNKTC PitOK. ANDERSON AND MR. .1. O. BURNETT PROP. ANDERSON AND MR. J. O. BURNKTT PROP. ANDERSON AND MR. .1. G. BURNETT PROP. ANDERSON AND MK. J. O. BURNETT ?very evening in their great duality of Proaiiere. MISS IONK BURKE as ARIEL. MK. UKMPLBaa CALIBAN, auoored every evening. MR. CHARLES HALE and MB. BRADLEY nightly adding to pre-oblalned lauPeU.. MISS PI.ORA ANDERSON, the transcendent little gem. MISS LOUISA ANDERSON, the charming Ferdinand. THE METAMORPHOSIS AT THE CONCLUSION THE METAMORPHOSIS AT THE CONCLUelOS METAMOKPIIOSIS Af THE CONCI.I IV METAMORPHOSIS AT THE CONt LI .SIOX TRANSCENDENT SCENE (IP UK AI TV TRANSCENDENT SCENE OP HKAl I V TRANSCENDENT SCENE OP BEAT TV TUANSi KNDBNT SCENE OK BEAUTY it discloses are worib ?U ibu at eu< e evi.r place l on the stage la recant years. THE FIRST 0B.4ND M.YTINEK POSTPONED TO SATURDAY, JIIat: 21. Tbe performance concludes every evening at half-past ten o'clock. THE I THE Baats should Ijycurerf throe day* in advsuoe. \J"IXON'8 fcltKMORNE 'flABOEDt! ~~ ?? ?*-v PALAOE Or MUSIC and umJSgrith av'-ie L.s.oeMid ................JAMKa jf Nxxo?. AND EVRK'? AFTERNOON X'SDCEVEWINO A W0H A2r? C017NTBT ONLY ONE PBICE OF^f^?^f8 ? ' LOOK AT THE LEADING' T uTent? CKKTB For th* Vocal Denarim-nt m the Paiacaof Music ? u a D_,Vll?- OAFliOTTA PATTI, Di^me.8TaAK0SH'.. ^X^vilA MustealConductor '' fuOMA^hTkRr A NEW OK AND MILITARY UNION WAR FaIsTaJIe ?iuiposed expreaaly tor the C'rrmoruc (btrdens, by Thoiusa BAND'lid &-AiVrAK,4ov,,8*TaA BHA88 ?*?!> au?i KLA I. CANNON, to nrodu -ajitl ita KsfftfiS"11"' arreotn ?... aJm'fgistfip- ctam? SIUNOR XIMIXE8, H&B WBITUOPF** and a superb o*rpa of French, Mtmuish, Italian aud English REFRESHMENTS OF ACL RINDS ? , , . Etoept Liquor* Oaiefal and rsapeotful waiter*, oool bowers, fountains. no vv lira. Ac, IN THE TURKISH PAVILION ?. J'VPA?It T?rRNAIKE IN A NEW ACT FIRST APPEARANCE OF MLI.K MAltiR bIGNOK BLISS JI'LIAN KENf, OOHKAD BROTHERS With tine corps of Athl.-t. s ' IN THE GARDENS AND PALACE, EVERY AFTERNOON. ,, tJOM. FO0TK AND COL. k.vIaLL. the most loriuu.t, >maUsstauj boat nJucatcd <111 u.u I,E Ml!'i ?r THE WORLD, ?$ilv<LUyCie r'" c ,ove#<> <Irawn in their mis aturs ,* ' SMALLEST HORSES EVER SEEN, These STiwt suramins, aiidii.aay oih.ts not named. _ _ . F<>R ONE PRICE OF ADMISSION. To Garden, Paia-e, Pivilion, .no 25 cent. o,,l? Cblidieu to tho aiteruo- >o f, ?"}{ Keaaneiaeatain P. la v ?f M.-*,"... ..."V '??' ? "??? Orrh.?:ra hair, fa Palace of Music '.'.'.flOewnta extra Bee?i r<-l a*ata ,n Equ -erisa S -html 1.1 cent.i extra VTEW Bo.VERY THEATRE. ~ ~ As Sole Proprietor.. Mr I W I i>,.,ni VMNOAY and Tl.BSDVY. Jwi ld an i h! " ^ ?. .Vle aoarful ehga-ennent of MisS WAIl ISAACS MENKEN, who aar, ,1 appear in lier great chi.rartri of M.VZKPPA, In which aim will per onaPy make the terri'..- r?nu and <l>-?cctita Uaiieil to the ban- bacit uf the WIliD Kil.Fl>, a lee' mwr before auenosafully afti-nipi. <1 by and other wo nuu. PftMivif by MU? Liuta Hit> o?*. T-?? thrilliii* c!ran,n of SIIINBKRH.VNNES. ati't tbu comic fare.- of AN OBJECT OF INTEREST. ItflBLO'fl GARDEN. AN Waui.-d, ludiea f*rthe Corps do Ballet. Are,), t# L. L VINCENT. 1 Siajn Mnno'ti-r, itrueby au-'ei ' titration. L>"W (ENOLAND).-THK OREAT EXHIBrriON. TllB HahUho ITAL AT THE CRTSTAL ^ MLLK. TI . IENR. Aialkirsto the Orri,t bah Miion are respeetfull* Informed ?a t IR-ihc beat io.ationt .an ue aecured by addrtesi is io ' RAMER, BEA1.B A WOOD, Wi lTZrul doftara * rc*#rreJ ""li, tor ,ho ti>eM days, tfteen The leading parts of the dlTerent oratorios to be ttrem will be sung by ton great mjoi-huo of ihe day, _ , ? MIXK. T1TIENS Frotn bar Vajealy's Th atre. , by per .daatoa of T. H. Ma pl? son, Esq). The gjoat B'igllsil tenor Sills REEVES, And the mhowued basoi HKKK FoR.MEs! Gondii to.- .. SIUNOR COSTA. Oid-in likewise r- c-lrsd for the twfpotwftu and us Phjf Wtaonid oonceris, for whl h Mil-. Tiuensand Heir Joa. CP ..?5?-SBrtF:l ">*y Matrtrls# ho arm thro, gh Mr. UKORaE DAN SKIN. Treaanrer at the Naw Tork A and en.y or Muaie. AAA?THE G R EAT AM ER lCARMl'HIC H aCl ATT Hi Hi tit tf| tw tit 444 BMOADVt AT. THE MESIT MALI. OF THE M \SKEs THE COOLEST UUVBE IN TTIF t I I V. THE . OOLRST HOUSE IN THE C| rv. ...? TH5 ?;?'OL(fsr HOUSE IN THE t . I V THE ARt NIC WIND FAaVH TUdI aMCTIC WIND FANM NIUHTLT IN FL.IT, ^ , NIUHTl.Y IN! vi if ting ihi* ?oul'Kt mid mo^t r^fiFUhlng brcvexan cotitiYnaJy tii'inub llie entire tlmatre. making li a |k-ifeet pa oA cf i me. t, and keeping iha apeciator aa cool aa if wmtod en a e'lb ml ? . ? l la THE COOLEST SPOT IN NEW TORK. l.Vi r.EAHKI) ATTRACTION INBltKAsRD ATTKAii'riON FOB Tills WEEK, n nf Hie iro.l cnrgi'i-iia end -.nni le-e ?iv!e of a ? t A NI ? EXTRAt AO ANtll FA NTOMIM H " i ' or nienia B>r fit. hT -It HAND OF THE WORt fi THE Mi.OADWAY MIBSTBKI.S. Tlii (lil.i IAD WAV MINiTRi;!.-'. T iKsnotDWAV miiIktrkl Tb<- treat in- pn astt'lo tony pahKiit, t vr FA?rr?R, i-onv i't.n >r TONY FahiiiR, TdNY PASTOR, TONT F.-ioR, TONY PASIHR, TONY FAsTOR, TtIAV F .ill. It, TONY PASTOR, TONY F.AhTOR, TONT FA.-Ti R. The ?ii<' m ig na'. popu ar a?d lal- mod onmlo nnger In cx I tonee. In bis great no ? *>Dk.t on the amss aUSTAVE BIDE,VIII, . OUSTAVE BlBKAr*. The i.itrt. rtoB t ipmar roeailaA CIIAK. FY WHITE, OBARLET WHITE. CHVRM.Y WHI fE, CHAKLKT WlirR, IWW 1 M BC" II." il| a VP AW I f A o I V ' 1?, I \> ATI f JUAJMIl, The ?ii<' orlgina', popniar a?d lal- mod unger In ex. I tonee. In bis great no ? wmg.k en the umss (AUSTAVE HIPKVUa, OUSTAVE DlBMAt'X. The - rtoB t ipmar Toeailot. HIAR, FY WHITE, OHARLRT WHITE. CHVRM.Y WHIfK, CHAHLKT WilUR The i;r-ai eocenlric eomodian and Btmnplan datinaa or, anthor <id the grand |?nt inlnile troresilo, ' TDK M .AJln PENNY," prrart.'O'l thia week dndar his own at.,* r- l-lon J. A- HERMAN, _ J. A HHllMAH. In hla b- t riful li.illada, nightly encored, la BIIMONB V SIMMONS. The inonax h of all hanjntsta. HOB n.ART, rOB HART, In his great <o' b and done* and dathcucsiy u.dafnl dlttkoa J. PIERCE, J. PTkKCB, Id >-.!? alarlmiK r-iiraaenlatlona o "th,. i ? 'ed man '? UFO. "FRMAINK. OKO. HBRMAdNR, the larotlle y-Mii>ii rc-albt, In n'a larmtu : annga THE Eft KNritlO TOMMY. Th* inautlfiil pnwilwre d-n?r i*u an . ro.aiiita, ernesriNR i>..; FA1BM t, EKNKRCINE HE FACIEI. LIXJ1B 8CHI l.T/.H AMD MaTII ma BCHULT7B, LI/"IE fCMUI.TZR a.-D HCIIULTAB. and n ! tl nitiirwit IN AN I.MIRKLY NEW l* VlUvMME. TEE MOST BRT'I iANTNOV CI.ll. S. Orand nwHinee ettnr Pat'ln'ar afii.rarou. ftODJtf: w. ?UTLM<> ? rrsprtaf f aad AnvnmMnwrn. ^ A^OADb'mT Of MO -.1(1?1L TROVATOi'B. A T u 1114# iDaV) evening, at Hu'cWt Ttie IaM tow of the a>-w prt.ia d< MADAME OO.VTK HOKt'0 iRD 00 which o camou ? .u wii >pi< -sr t i her iiiaai role ?! Lm. ???, ** sung by her with luoMh suueaas >u the prtncspsd European apern heu>e?. r mi appeal hii * ol thw n w baritone, BiUN.ill aMOD.O (hr tiier u tue loo* mguor A o t->>, who line orhl ti a a ?|.l aditi unrrm ui t o i'h A aeriem Muni iwkii vi tv lite U?t nit .il b 'I u UREAT 50 CIWTS COMl; *AT.(M omi night <>.' ,, ILTIO-ATDUE W'tn a > < iflbset SIM p-r MTuWvt. Mel tino ll.u-ohard A'-W-enn 11hiIm? .<? D An, ri ?11,11 ?? Humor i,rigu..lj Cou?t Luna si u t Aiu ,.n# Low tumor end Jfuei. el Dneto rtgaor AI wile lei vhe Oeiuo evening, Cen- rt by the great Kisuist Bit. UOi lB. GALA. Performance by > MB. IIKISKMARM Admission to lb* ? IM?- . or1% NoWtoa.?The . Mire i er ?; im-noe ill i-onrftidr .it II l'RMi,.. Of All ilH luM. ferituct, WWMony, ur? ? ui 1 Inm.iy t grste 'i> mis it. eried rente and seats in prienle hexes . ?,. A.rphhhewtre . ' MtraM TCEHDAY. TBU t.AHT Mt.irr OK . WIS UKR .T uO iKNTrf tli?M blRA'f ION. Only night oi Un pop iter 0-?eia ol LINDA UI i HAM'll NIX. wtlb h nestoomplete end perfect root in Iodine Ml.rb RELLOUG, MADAMS DhNOItr, BRIUNOl.i-, SUB Nl HAftlld, end lb - new J' iilune. bill AUK Ai ODIO. Concert, by CKOTHCHA1.S Pet loruianor. by Ue.ttUxi a.\M Ou We. ne.-e'wv. c or of the UBHAT jli UK NTS COMBINATION: tiKANJ> OALA Mtilll' Mel Henettt of B. CLi.MAN T AURA KEENE'8 THEATRE. 1 i Lessor Mm MAUGIB MITOHHLL. NOTII B.?CHANGE OE TIME ?boom upon lU nquarter imw. aefrn o'clock i-com men? * leu to.notes oe no eight. To meet the wlHlieit ol ainiy le-ileal end cen 1-men wbu reside out e. the ?;lts, the perioruianccs mil end at hell pent lew o'clock. BRILLIANT SUCCB8B or MISS MAUI IB MITCHELL, MISS M VOO.l'I MITUHKLL. 1 M bor oetebrat. d i iiu arii-r of _ 1 AN i!i>N, TI1B OKICKBT. KAN' ilUN, Tllli OUtCKE I'. ITS BF.I'EfflTMN \OCli BHOtf&LY Di.MANDBD. It will be iditinti every night. The thrill.n./dieiiin itrai.-dated from the German hy A. YY ild iirtr, Bn| , end copyright entered by hhn auoording tw* Li in Ovut,reaii, lor Mm. Yaiutie Miiebet)), entitled FANOHON; OK, , TUB UBICKBT. MAROHON (her original eharneter), Mi " MAUDIB UTOnU. ACT 1.?TUB SHADOW DANCE ABT2-THE ST ANDOCUE FESTIVAL. ; ACTS.?TU.; WITCH OF OOSdE. ' AflT ?.-Til K WILL O'THB WISE. ACT A-A YEAR LATER. MIoaMAUGUS MITCHELL'S ftrel bew-At In Now fork on Fndny ereomi next, when a moot euractive bill wiB hh |Miiaeuled. J^ROOKLTN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. The direction are aratl.ied to aanouaca that the yeewfM liuitreeaiun produiwd by the GRBAT TRAGIC ARTtBT, MISS UATEMAN, on the occasion of her hrat ai>peainco< In thlo dty. baa Mr Ited from tw moat UUtinauUbed ciiueua the I'oUowinc l>Wf eomullainatary le.ter .? Bbookltw, Juno IS, IMfc To Mim> Batuum Tue iiademlgned bey leare to oonitratulate you upon Ik* auc.eKSof rour brat and only appearance In our city, om Tunxlay evening last, and the warm and pleaaant re. epltea extended to you by a nutneroua and highly appreciaUte aw die no*. The eulhuaineUc aattafaclluu and pleasure eipreaaed ioa tli- tv aeioti, ell ited hy your truly artistic and beau.tfiS Ma> pt i Houaiuin of the character of Julia, bet a jwst compdun nt tu tut- uanlled t? out ana s< utits. We ttxi rcfore ieel onlidcnt that we are acting In aooord* ahue with the unanimous wish of those preseul on that even. inx (as well as m.tnj who were prevented irom being tbeiwt. In inviluig you to glre us th? pleasure of one or more uppor luniiifs of bearing you In some ol your favorite and popular claiactira. Hoping that you wlU And it agreeable and convenient tw couipiy with our request at an early date, we remain alw "mafAiN KAI.BKLEISCH, HENRY B. JOHNSON, WINCHESTER BK1TTON, A. CutUCE HULU CUAS U. WiLLtAMcDN, XIENRY B. FIBRSON, JACOB I. BKitCEiV. D. M. CHAUNCEI, JOHN y. KOLFE. 5 T. JB.\KS, O Bo RUE WHITE, C. J. LOWRBY. K. J. DAVJES. CHARLES lAIVVRBY, JOHN ORKENWIIOO, p. s. hall. R. C. HKAINARD .! '<! SMITH. Wit. O. BibHOr, HENRY MiULOSiCEr. A. ItcCI B. Mes?ra. Maari.t KxLaruiiki.n, A. McCoa, WiauuaaMM Bkittoh. and iilhrm:? UxMLtun-a?Your moat i a''erlug and truly hind invita tion bos just been hau led me, and I na ten to reply now much pleasure it will give ?me to appear again be lore aw audience whose giuieroua w icome atnl in m geut approval g e n never forget. I have submitted yeur proposal tw of fatiior, and be wtU end-aver to make such auangameMtW with the dlrectOM or Die Academy as will admit ol my ap pearing again ou one or more evenings next week. Allow me to thank you warmly fur your gnat klndnemh and toaasuro you taat sa highly as I appreciate the aompM mont your raquast Implies Utat no king could afford MM more sinjere grt lihcation than a prompt compilation. Yours, most nspeatuUy, K. f. BATliMAN. Bbooxlys, June 13, UE2. The Academy hc.ieg pre-engaged for the other nights of Ik* week, MTss BATE MAN can only appear on MONDAY aaA Tl ESDAY. t<M the r.rst named occasion aha *t lugnw ?otiate the heroine of her m..titer's highly wrought ml Uu'illing tragedy of GSRALDINE, supported by MB. H. L. BATEMAN. _ MR J. fr. WALLANK, and a highly talanted Company. Box ottic open oti Monday from 7>? A. M. to I P. M. Panne t. Balcony and Dress Circle AO cents Hewn e,l Se;.is 75 centw Pam ty Circle SAuonui B ARKUN'S AMERICAN MUSEUM. MAUMKICEKT ATTRACTIONS. ENTIRE > U VNt.E OK PERFORMANCE*. ANOI'IIBK NEW i/R \MA, OWV'NNKTU VAUOIIAN; oil, Title KATE OK A COOUETTE Wt'.u new So lien, M.i.te, Preterit. h, i 0.1 mure, Ac. EVLUV AVTEKNOON. AT CLOCK, EVERY MKNINC AT A ^ ARIT II TO KMHT, CoiiduiUc/, at em-h reprea utulluh. with the S, re-tiilng Puree, JOURNEY TO K.CHMOND TLl-i ecierUlniiieni alone la euua t1 any in the city AT II. IBL? THE l'HiCfc OK ADMlm-sioN In the entire Mu i-.uii . Y.t In adi ltluu a i .A>' en COM. NUTT?TUE ItllW NUIT. COM. NliTT?TUE *30,100 Nl IT Til* -malletl. nu time Int-rolmn nnu lit .tig, iu lila ttrlotlfl aui .sing nil ttitmjll.O uerAirniaiinea. JlAsTEIl HAL..KK, THE INFANT pYATA, On).'all yean old, rehearse# a great rarlely of p.uoee, ea trail* of au"?,heu. Ac. TIIK URN OF MONSTER SERl'BN'TS, The flneat witleu uu of Uteae In arreting animate. the largest anil the*(real at n,.me. our at in u>g. thur, eerrral new ont ? hat in,; j-uat ucm added. 1 HAY \\ 11.L BE KED EVERY DAY AT t O'CLOCK. TIME ACTUARIAL HARDEN, Wkb its myi lada of Ira til.til llvlur luth, .swimming about In titolr crystal ponds of ocean '.nil rivir water. THE <jUAKEHT)K WOODEN Ct'N, ALBINO FAMILY, HEAR SAMSON, LlVINU HAPPT FAMILY, io. Admission to all 35 en ?, Ctlldr.n under ten Iftnnl*. N M.?THE LTs.CH Uli RO >M haa be n NEWLY AND TUoKoUOlinY \ KYI li.ATLD, and laaa cool and . omlort abl thin li it wrath r at u mountain eh ado. Bryants- minstrel* mechanics' hall. No. ?7J Rfttadway, aimve Grand alroM, Monday, June Hi, and every night during the wo* It, TEE RAW BBC.:HiB. TIN PAN O NI ON. HI A> R tVUtlllVt 4, U 44, IIIK SYRoNh. I'.pii. Horn S. C. Came'ell, F. J Pe-I. E. H. Klorcn.-a, Daa. Rm.neu. T. t> ulnge, N. W. Oould, U. 8. Fowler, W. L. Ilu tbs, J. H. Ht oi i, J. Mot rlsoit, F. bpdrer, K. Lealls, I. Hie tun, U. W., LITTLE MAC NEIL. AND DAN. RRYANT. PLANTATION SCENE?ON TO RICHMOND. Doors upon at 7. Curtail rt-e? at 8. Ttcaota, 23 ota. HER MAJESTY'S THEATliK, LONDON.?TITIBNS. Sole and Director .?V?T. H. Rail's Vllliers Iron: America to Louu. ui are rrapailAtlb Sfbi ed that Her Majesty's Theatre la open for Italian Opera un til Ibr sin of Annuel. Tim lepiitntioo oi li.e arUgts engaged at Her Majesty's Is eo well ?stnb.|iR-i that nolhkig more need bw aatd. OI one, howsrri, a i ;eo?l word may DM be out of p ac?\ since. the mar, ? naggerailon, be aatd to ooitsU ittte the Let link el that cna.a < r glorious " prime doaua,'* a mmeueit q with Catalai.l. lite -eldotr thai Nature lavl-hrw on ou" peleon all the vailed gift* which arc naeded U furs a great ?? pi ano. A voire whose legla'er et'lllea It to rials thia rank la of the 'are-l order. Melodious quality and p wer, wiifch are not h a. rei.,,ntlal than ua eaten !*<? regis ter. arc w.uaH) a-arce. knowleuge. eteaitiive uuteh and perfect tnlotmt'.ou are inrih-iK'nuable'; and to theaa .ha Prima Dotiu t ahiulll add drama tit force and atlaptabiiity. and a large meaaure oi perm ual race. Bt en three tare e.i ?yiwmenta will rot iitlNra utiiesa they are illumined l>y ilia Me ei gentua. H> one a une^oi living artietea, hsthla htglk lurai been reached?l?y M J.I.E. TUI ENS, wlioa? etelttalve aervicet hate been -reared for iva vmra. Conductor and Mo*b*l Dneilor.. Sigiuu Ardltl. I'i r? * i. Atimm ioii?Ctivitt. (to uold four), froaa I.I ?40. a o dihg t'j lo. ation. Reserved aeafa, $&. Ad iiilkHun, wltnout a. ata, >3 SO; Am.+i"ieairo, $1 25. Or .ers utuy le addia aou to Mr, NUwBNT, at Uer Males ty'e Titer Ire. UERMAlB T? S THEATRE LONDON.?RI8TOKI. S d- ics.i i- ii.u .in -otu T. II. Mm leans Vint n 10 Lun.ion arc rcnpceiluUy informed tun! or rxngcu tnta have hci# mad. with MAUAaiE l.lbTORI. Who will a| | tr foi t i . 'Ul^l.t- i wt'u>ofher grea'nei c larait r? ?Medea C ? .Ilia, Mwy St ml i, Maciwth, Norms >. ,d Miislir'tn Boaes itu hold fnar) fr -m 870 to $40 accor1in| to Im-aUoS. Re-awed mm" W A>SiUeiun wnnoai arale $1 lei r -tdloMr Nua< rt, .1 Uer Mapaty'athratf*. will be ittt rf*'Se?i ed vn / NKANIl C4 -CI AT KTRtWHi KRY AND ICR CUBAN \T Ke?.tv u i'? Tr ?. tv M. K.' ..ur di, an Thirrr-i 'iinh, . e>i I .i s n dm the 171 ? In I Tti- lollueind a. ) s ? ,v i a n .1 M ? a it am rd, ih ? dleungulsh a So, t eno; Mr K. Khea, Klwte. |?r. CI ?w W i-aawa itrgMb ami I mini >i e, The (,'ua t, tie Chiui of 81. U.irfilulOioetv'a C - irti. Maat r Le vi* irunn *rvl Mia- Hmlte Bulkmjr. Tie.keui fur tk- Onnoei? .'? renin. 8. iwberre a and Or .s a\ti *. Ou?>r- open a< 7 u'cuck. Cuueurt tu comsnauci ai 7X o'elSk P. M Titrtn* ROYAL, UL'EBB ' r' > AD A?MB. CHAR. Wheatletdh, fr in Auati>iua end t.atnoiuia, win a,1* Kar, on the --.a of Jtute, In h * .m ulsbie Imucra. nation ..f u,ny Vvnhti, In the t ?ilr..? Imwn, whSh will _e pnelu.w-f with new mtcryaoit ap, me n.s AgpManlJnn? lojr ?s gi.g-nu nta will .s ttdaP-wd ?? Lheatar, I0a8nin?a? atiwu Ife.v Turk.* Oral d wlih. LADIES' UNION A'D 81K IPTY-YNTTIOAINMtBT #T ? htgli lv Inter ?>ur, rm^, Uow#?^ .niiu S7 InatHtuloi. Wcai L.hgtwyn fcv;^ At.4 KtkViUi ifpnun^ npfth n t?? W*Ufu?l*y. ^ wne ih IWL. I).:,,. ,. f p m AduMtebM 'A tofitrarih u n? mm 0 .st ThT'u.tWlng la well addptod far lbs 5?"rh h.Tw'^Td-tni. N. b.?Avalla to to uaod for lbs car ? of a :o?l atsl lu... io rriUHTS^, ND I.ONO U08B, ?<>? i OprtA. THEATKK AND CIRCUS. A |. II naeonment, al tow prices. NlOM AOAiU, CS7 1BOAOWAT. (