Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. ^ 'i*8 WHOLE NO. 9414. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1862. PRICE TWO CENTS. IMPORTANT FROM THE SOUTH. Escape of a Union Refugee from Richmond. Ski Impressions end Observations While Within the Rebel Xtmes. What Hie Rebel Army Think ef Jeff* Davis and Beauregard. Hie Rebel President Branded as*a Tyrant and Blamed for the lorn of the Merrimae. / iytag Reports Published in Che Sr/nthm Papers to Mislead the Korth. The New York Tribune Giving lid and Comfort to the Enemy. Tlie Rebels DetermdneO to InY&de tbe Worth. Cnrioas Pacts Respectrag the Retreat from WanaTsas. OORMNSVILLB A ffiPOT KB RBBEL SUPPLIES Estimate of the Force Opposed So McCAellan, he., Ac., Ac. "lb* following interesting and elaborate statement hoc JaM<baon made to ue by an intelligent Union refugee, wbobae, with the greatest difficulty, eucoeeded in effect gag bis escape from Richmond. It will be seen by any Owe Who has travelled in the neighborhood that he is ywll.tly acquainted with the country; and, as he has had every opportunity to inquire into the matters of trhfeh ho gives the information, there is every reason >te believe the atateanent to be correct in all ite^oints >? XHS BBBB7. iSST, 9be leaders of the rebellion, as well as ofSoers of dif nt commands, unanimously claim that they hove ot at a larger amy than at any pravioua Ume. omncRAt* urn's snuranr pouot. Stcoo the appointment of General Lee aa Oommandar In-Chief of the rebel army, aa entirely new policy has been Wugurated in the military affairs South, more rigorous hi every branch The eoneentration ef the ecattered commands of their armies has been vigorously adopted ; ?sen fourteen regiments of Alabama and Mississippi sol dters, which were sent seme ten weeks ago against fljrn SMc, have been recalled,, end the troops from nearly all parts of Virginia and North Carolina have boos concen trated in lbs neighborhood of Richmond. Cenencl Leo was appointed Commander-in-Chief in March last. tbs comcsirnox law taeo rigidly enforced that in a Journey of throe hundred ?Sloe through the agricultural districts of Virginia fcfcave not met with mora than six or eight white men, and these only old people, Bio conscripts are placed imme diately in the field, in th* midst of the thinned raafcs of wall disciplined veteran regiments. This Is one of ?utn mander loss plans, who tabes Napoleon, and sometimes Chrnot, ns his prototypes in this as well ss in mast ef his military movements. ma too culls kblativb to tub irroixmrr or cmar.AL tag. When Congress appointed/Curing a turbulent session, Goaeral Leo es Commander-iu-Chiel", after Senator Foots had oo violently denounced Eocretary Benjamin?which ?enunciation was uttered i el anything but gentle terms? Jeff. Davis vetoed that biU, much to the dissatisfaction ef the army. Davis, however, plead that if Coi.gaoen would create the office of Commandir-in-Chief ho should ho guided by their choice/ and appoint that worthy voter en. The reason of sucfe procedure is obvious, for Jt gave Davis the powor to displace Mm if he saw fit. Ttrr. dav? ratio by mm soilness. ' Jeff. Davis is universally hated by the army, and loritcd upon aa.a thMom, trlf-willed tvranl. Men who claim. to ho intimateiy acquainted with him say bo is of aa 09. ?slanting and unforgiving character, besides being a hypocritical, bigoted devotee. If Jeff. Davis had not ? feterforod oo the memorable eve of thohattlo of Manassas, Mte reserve or the*rebel army would, instead of falling hash sine.miles, have steadily advanced. This was what Beauregard had Intended, sad .the corses new uttered against that" weaxen (heed devotee " are loud and uai mut a thotobt or ?u?mgjju>. Tha rdhels do not bold Beauregard is loch an exalted estimation as 4a manifested by tfco Northern press. In military elrolae ft* a not looked upon, aw entirely re liable in any eery sadden emergency. A aoalar and mere axpartaaaad gaaaral, aucli as Albert ar Joseph Johnston, ar aaan Bragg, baa baae censidorod, might aara tha dag whan Bannrcgard voald tail. Tbanuaa atU1 holism In biagreat rictory at 8hiloli,i to which tho jraaanea Booth of Oaaaral Prantlaaand hiaaaaamand, aa jrlnoasra aT war, aantributaa aat a lrteie. now ma stoma atn m host or a utna nun. Tba laaatadrantaga, la point of prisoners or caanoa naptorod from tho Union army, Is largely and frequently Awelt apoa in tho rabal press. nam wwnata joa wtvm rvi ix wcatbc, sad when any signal advantage, like tha talcing ot Nor gah or New Orlaana. la gained, tha Machtareiios-of tha flonth predict that they can recapture Bach places when ever their army so. rncsi pcswchrh falss Aononrra ar narniBS. Wh.ia speaking ar the .rebel proas I will hare sum Aat in creen ha I have aat seen a single publiaLod account, either bof.ire or after a battle, thstttave try parttcaiars which eoald lie of advantage to she tisioa war msnrsroxriinni rxawvnn from tmr cm*. Their Mrreepond^^ ace, without an excepUun, ex - - - - xnjw. eluded frosi the i;nm| Mean, sold mm xor aixowt? to van* to main msxos. r.ves mmon post office privileges art not ? us ruled te the oampc, for fear that conimuolc iliojin should eon tain any information of the true fasts of the carte. The piVH has becisn* and is ttia real prop of Mis whole re Mtliou. I hivvc frequently ssan art'.ciM and notices lu lbs pe-iers which evidently bora the sUaip ef falsehood an them, which tore inrtritd unth tti rofe otpeof *f mUUadiufi the A'nrtk?for in stance, the arrival or Men. it>j.utre?ird was quoted at the SpotUrwood, when that general had not left his quar ters west. A stndlar report, which I bare seen, had ap peared relative tottencral Trice and others. TUB OCKH1M A'? A Nil TllK RGKKL PRMW. The Richmond daiUrw abound with Mattering notices of the exploits of the divers gu"rlli*s,who are daily iuereae tag. These marauders am ?ar to be quite i>ets with the press Tiie Moceaaia Ucoguni of lireetibriar county re saive particular and fraquoat attention; their eucceeses are lauds 1 t<> the ekiee, especially the fact of their not taking a single Yankee prisoner, in am/en-jitimmu when Jfarthtrn truopt fall into Ihti. ? handt, the kit're art MM Ou wood j arid lurnnt p>me. fonknra/tu tholi, tunitht Tmnkmt areparol'd. ?? If enr armies,' they say, '? would all adopt.such a plan, the country would eoou be dear of the Hessians." ^tm ' RMS moors sv**twrK?n ittrur.D iit ruses. Tlie Opines of hatred ere fanned da ly hy new deacrlp. llona < f the "atrotitlee sut outrtgp. ontn'aittsd hy the ruthless in vaster#." and ail (lie papeu .hreethlug a spirit eferuelatid relentless veag.iaa.M, ralldmlyou tie tu fiab touts for thd parpen* or rousing their .ill over the land. fhbJkaetf/t tr, tmtl: tery stelj stood at thn head creuer ?i,l et the jackal* in His duty exhortation t > .-re MM and pucirhaei.t of trait ..a 'o llieSouth. SXSOCTinN O* A t A |wl and tine iija'i, a patrol of noble near* w?n Sthiii K executed ?? tM oltj of ic iRmod st the Kelt ruuni.t, oe the30th of A;-1 d.nta t!jr it ongh tho mitti teee of ihPjt'wdthle *y e'er i i the f. .tV ii? >( -i heroically atvt in elleiMe?? i aaliy ,)t!eni al * re setting the h'b eref appro* ,hf. ; .Jerth TbOf*< >!? .r Vie bm h may return to their ance agauij the Is Kb rr- neter ft *11. one w a ?**'? "? le^eortcvarmjr, These* ? psiceytibie gbet jC m lbs {emtauor of Its aegroes, who aro about Richmond in nlsrmfng numbers, liters is a spirit of iusufeordiustioii daily developing itself that to the inh*btuatn becomes truly alarming. 1 think from this and other causes, which I shall allude to later, (hoi the bun,ins "f Richmond may be calculated upom with some certainly. Wkolher the property holders wgl he powerful enough t? del end their hemes is a problem the future alone will solve. The Union army will be receiv ed intrluinphant jey by the maJorWy of the remaiulag populace, which, thinned by conusant draft and 'con script ion, is nearly all rednesd to foreigners and refugees, w he one and all ma heartily tired of the hard times or Retaldom. ?? TBS (fTlZENS OF KIOoafllTB W rKISOW. There are not lees than from four hundred 'to free hundred of the citisens of Richmond lan guishing in prison on aceouut -Of disloyalty to the rebel government,?od their friends, ss wsll M themselves, all swait IBs coming of the union troops wisb grant impatience. castle sot wis. This political prison of Kicbmond is situated la then al ley bet wean Broad and Franklin streets, and is an xntk)ua ted negiochart, withsmaR windows stronglygreted emd a yard with very high walls, guarded by sentinels. It lies some fifty or sixty feet beneath Broad street, from which afiglit of wooden-etejis in the lieigtibr Hieod of the lfanaoeas depot leads loss to that msjarSble Abode. tun PRiMsreK caret ctub contains not only Union prisoners, but also el*. 1 sens from the interior villages, who, by tlwir etmd'ict to wards tko advanced ('men army, had made themselves ?'sneasiesof the South." 'The reoccupatteo of pfcoes by the rebels, howsver brier and temporary,'works for the Union cause South utimeasurable neischlof, as it is obvious for every reileoting mind at oaod to perceive, vss vuwimia moors. Vtrjinia has now one hundred and weeeKty-five regi ?tents in the Held, ?including militia. Vtnia Is some scarcity of efficient arms, with which the rbbel govern ment could at one time have easily supplied itself. The last arrival took place some two ?tenths ago. Sluoo 'that time their ended vmel* ton> all fallen into otsl handi, muck to 'their chagrin, but ? tare ore Ml tome eUamert on their umy to a rebel port OOLOSRL OORUORA*. ASK WHY lid WAS rmiSKD. I saw Colonel (Jorcoran, on Carey JSSrset, In April tart. He was in good spirits, and ( heard from his owu lips the reason ol his detention, cm nis way from tho South to Richmond-wad to the North. iwgreat many of his ecuiitrymen and others gave him teMer'j to lh?ir friends, ??T/hich bo, as tmual n such cases, acoep'.ed. Among the letters was found, on examination by the police -rT Henrico Department, cno which contained sonio drawings and information contraband, and on this frivolous charge Colonel Corcoran was and is now de tained. On his wr.y through Fetemburg, from one de pot to the othe:vt>3 was surrounded by his enthusiastic countrymen, who thronged around him, all eager to grasp the brave patriot by the band, to the great disgust of the loyal citizens of that vigilant village. One even fell upon bis nasi:, wsepmg bitterly. A great many of his sympathizer# rrere promptly arrested. COLOSSI. CORCORAN speaks pubsly AS I) BOLDLY his opinion concerning the bogus rebel government, and is greativ admired for hie manly frankness. 1 do not thiuk the robots will let what eliey consider to be a valuable boeiogu slip easily from their grasp, after having authorized their agents evidently to commit for gery to detain She noble captive. Colonel Corcoran seeks In religion the scls comfort and halm of nis unjust im prisonment. , COLOSKb COnrOKAB'F! RCLATlTV.lMFRISONRD. A relative of Colonel Corcosnn, an opulent grocery merchant of Richmond, shares his captivity, thanks to an intriguo of .a noted Richmond detective, named tfar nuy Shaw, a fonuor Baltimore Plug Ugly, who assumed the character-of a paroled Uiu> n eiilcev named Colonel .Vndrows. and a* tempted to obtain money on a forged letter, which purported to come from his relative, the plot failadj b*Pthe unfortunate Higgles is still ss a character ct suKjiectcd loyalty. DtKM HTlMl. CniZKVK HI'IITOHI. Ilsiiy inlluuutial citizen*, such as Valentine Staarna, Humphreys, West ft Johnson, the booksellers, Hechler and unmwou,: others, mat or high position, have lan guished Tor months in jail. Heats hue been paroled. Th? entire club of members of the German lurnvcrwin bal been in prison for nearly sixty days, up to the limo I left, as also several employes ef the HicinnonU Laborato ry, on charge ef disloyalty and conspiracy. A private dwelling bouse on Grace street was discovered Ailed from cellar to garret with cutlasses r ed tlreartu*. :iu<l the detective police of General Winder bavo been very buey in arresting persons concerned in a ''diabolical plot." There is no reliance placed in the foreign ele- j ment South. gjlnkpal ituvninghkn walks thestroets of Bichmomi in charming solitude, wear ing * hat a hi continental. 1 think he is in ill odor among the ruling jxiKors here since the Roanoke fight. The North Carolina troo,? are countedwnas the least reliable in the whole of the rebel service, and the feeling be tween them and other Confederate troops is by no Bieans amicable. Tits moors in fucnxo.vD?vjiimml law. There are not more than live regiments stationed in the city of Richmond, and all thaie are patrolling the city and suburb.', toads loading to it. ,Vc. The sir; ;inest of the enlorcwipnt of trtariiul law, under Gouerul John H. Winder, is complete. Kvery bololgand every boardieghoua* keeper is, under heavy penalties and imprisonment, daby enjoined to report at the Provost's office every arrival and dopur turu; each hark ai.d iivcry stable proprietor rn-. t give the name and dff.tinatiafi of every person riding bryuud the city limits, tic. The patrols uto.i every traveller on the road, and passes are requisite, IMK LSiWEB OF GENUAL WTSDm, civil and tniliuxy, is perfectly ubaolute. He hac a de tective force of sume iurty men under his immediate con trot. ercnimos of bis itmo.v. General Winder is a man of some seventy year* of age, with a bead cove rod with thick, long white hair, which has a scrtnicg Undencyto stand upright over his hign forehead. He carries li.uiseii very erect, and is always dressed ia full uniform, bed attuned with the many layer- of gold braid so passionately sported by me Southern chivalry. He has a Roman noso, but small, cruel, twinkling eyes, and is the most energetic ofiicer, uxccpi ticn. Lee. in the capital. TliX VARIOUS MXAIlUl'AKTKMS. Tbe headquarters of Gen. Winder at g lu the War De partment?a large three story .building, finished souie three years since, aaJ bout of brown sandstone, front ing tbe west side ef Capitol square, whero are also the Custom House, Treaaxry Department, Vost Office, Quar termaster's Department, Transportation office, he. These all adjoin one another. xiutakt nitron. Tbe depots ef the dtrtorunt butes?such as the Texas depot, Mississippi Voluateer and Alabama Volunteer dapots?all aJjoin eacUotlier ana long row, the troops front their respective titalon making snob place* the reu dtc oub for joining Uictr regiments and receiving tbesr ? extra appropriations, parcel", ,k?. ras'naw nxuu:ra?Y or was. .Gas. Randolph, of Virginia, the new Secretary of War? a?,lnslgnlfisant lawyer, greatly beneath Secretary' benjamin in every attribute.or qualification?occupier A wing of the War Department, lis-re -is no confidencei .whatever placed in Uis a'plity or genius. The appointment seems, had is looked upos, at a: political one entirely Ceo. Lee is the real {Secretary ef War, as wad aa Uommander in Chief. ?| J have alludsJ to his indefatigable energy elsewhere. S have met hint novom! ttnee.i ,11# looks very robust , and is incJined to a rotundity ef person. He seems te tee! no apprebeiokin lor tbe iut.uvs,aud moves about with perfect MaigftWd aa to tiie cuiniug "tojmorrew." Jeif. Davis utakes a complete coupes ion of the old commander, and tbey-bctk paas through tho etreeta without exciting aaueh attention, if any. juiw jrav. oavis neeca and nanus. Jeff. Davis looks haggard and pale. Up dresneo vjery plainly, audita# overcoat 1 last saw bin, wear had a faded, brown, tinxwora lock, lie wears a steep silk hat (halter kD?wa aa a stovepipe), also uot very UMffimus in color and ahape. He fr? tuently takes equeetriau exercise through the less.frepieirted part* ef the city, ia which neighborhood (Harnhall street J ha re ?Idea. now "i.ady hmm swvuovti ate nint. "Lady IDims" In ihd tverjr line day in .a moot gor geona logksng carriage, dra.*n by two tnanniaeetit bays Oedizsenm! with ft 1*1111114 white ttrd aad .ribboned cock ades. When taking an evening tide afceis generally ac companied by an elderly lady?the tvheie a regular Central hark turnout. now w ai'Bptese i-ohtjov or mcthioxi> look.*. Moat of the etui as arc closed, the wholesale ualablia h ments bavuig all been aold out at souii-m, and injiiy of the ettuik eatab lebntcnla, and istr.Uculur ly drug lores, ore slut up, 0:1 account of lite absence of the clerks and ptcprielerK having ail necessarily obeyed the sirith enfuroenviiit of Hie conrcript law. Napoleon's Ideas of xoatsription are frequently quoted And powerfully endorevd. They Halter thews'iivc* in smu having an army of 7Qo,UUdelTecliveiueii i.tuerarms such are the delusions of this terribly excited |>eopl >. Never in modern history wee a natien more inexorably blind to the surrounding signs of the tiruee and to their Interest loan :he unfo.tsn ita race who, no self-willed and used to role, know not he* 10 succumb to superior power. Tbrrw i* lees de>iruiileM y niuuug the rebel army at this Critical pvr.nd tLae 1 ora r?i monUia ago, particu larly ?t that time, Imnsadiataly afier tliequieMy sneered* lug victories vt hieb fell utdapid strokes on their loo con tinent >: adore. tux mrrnsttyvnoM uaha^ui. There was a time when, after the Roanoke and JKaebew flghu and tie retneat from Manassas, v! irb era* perfectly unexpected, tba robol heart fell b"!ow cor", lhxt movement was kept so pro fo'inQiy aee et ih'-tt colonels of regiments stationed at Jfnlrlal, tu iuy ktioWcdje, then vi-tiug Richmond, ootild not believj It. oveu three days after its arcotni lishmcnt. There w?.a a universal murmur through the whole robel ' etaryone, evo 1 the j "iruulisic, seetned to ad mit the iMipelaeuaaa of the <'<nfi,ct. rr w ot a T>i-<Oi:riEBiv nr. b?ut, axb wnv. The retro it iM have boen accomplished very orderly lid ti<4 the rebel government taken possession 01 tba rstltvsdA, uid put over them a military con trol, with men wiso ki ow nothing of the state of the d.l'.e -nt switches. The road was a mn lite scans of the u'tit f t e> f isfon, 1 stngehtlrciy blocked up,and be into perfectly uaalei - an J valteloes. end the troops made ahfiy march, In tl?- is cotuatos, by dUereut rumla, to UurhoctviUCk rroetts ten i-wrs owtsotto. All the ?'oi?ii aa l : elite- the Inller uew, and equal to it y In I be Vtiloa a.1 my?were rtesu?yed. Pr.perl/ valusu at t,?c ulllion dolla.s wns r?cil1n"l, tin ding the two crowded Warcfeocset .1 the 1 o lUietn i\; .e-s C'ntt iny formerly owned by Adaiiiv, but a> \* It. he pov ,?-?*'ou ef a n n 1 a me 1 IP en r.r ,nr. .has; '-vj rura Tint m. ?? than at! 's die'osi lr*.< to the ?onth, %V|u 1 >#l toii t'entfCTu.e, whivh, 19 U?? SNiihfr the rebel army bail occupied It, waa perfectly impregnable, had been evacuated, cast a heavy gloom on the oIUuerH and their command*. It waa true that Quaker guns were here uaed, anil the fact waa kaown to tuners! Mc CteUea The rebels too* good car; be should be well informed, so that he might be tcirpted to advance. At Ihts time the state of the roads would have impeded (he passage of the Union artillery, arid the rebels had in po sition such a supply of Held pieces as would have easily repelled the advance of three hundred thousand ?sen. THE HEW YOB It TRIBTO* (ilWW AID TO TEE EEHEIS. Thanks to a malign .rot, poisonous stuck ef the Now York Ti-itmne on tieoernl McOlellau, which soon after this got abundantly copied through the press South, tho rebel army saw in the famous stampede I'rdm Mtuuissaa only a masterly ret- cat, sad tktre was the -most undenya ble JVurtltern mvthi/rity thai Central McClfdan had bam cowt/'/eMy </?; rU-Vo. his mpa ior. .'thn- on. soon after that other ifuotaituns and joycus anucuucemSMs of the dacs piution ofUoiierel McrliVJan asc iiuiiaiidir-iuCtaKf, *wd reducing him to rank equal w h UsUowell, looked as > corroboration ef the guasi victory ef that strategical evacuali??. The mora1 ellcct of wttuSk* and disparage-1 ments of aeon like MfcCielian apjieared to show that there , eras a dnspositimi to ^rve up, which their leaders sweeess- i fully strove?end still strive- -to nuke tho masses be 1 lleve. The moraloDdit of such attacks can roaroely be understoodus the free North, where the euoraaaos list of the rebel presarappour as my the oily. the iWax raw-En m Tkz tkbhtwe. The disheartenhg; raidniorlii>ing e libels of UudTnOMm ehnty instance of Northern dunmicism wilt he ever remembered by the thousand ss.x'.eue Union hearts "who in breathless saopoDso watched the movemewts ef their yeuthfuldehvseer. gti "wufPTua Htiunt'1 Riohmond dent a ins an enermoaa shore ef thi aouatled "Ham)non sufferers," who, iMuseieas and penniless, wondered aboat the city al ter the destruction' oP their beaullftjl viMoge, to which they readily acquiesced IBS oonw EOIIJIEHS. Sever nor Albert i rown, of Mississipfii, omHieneraUl Singleton era two of the Tnost ar.ieul defenders oty thucoitou burning and general destroying policy, efi ' that the "ruthless invades" may ted a perfect { Moecow in ths country wMbh they seek to conquer. i\ anight. however, ask, where is the climatef That policy is-not us popular as it woesome few weeks-since. 1'i.tju nouasw uL the onma. The departments of different bureaus -cPthe ri jbol ?lates here are ainroet all filled with Mary lenders, i tho, beiug called refugees, are uioue exempted freer the /odi ous, iuueh hated conscription law. the Fttowiit pciJCK rearm. Thero iea gn at dealef ill fechng agninst-Bie Baltl moreans, who sway ibeuity, from (JeaeialWtodcr down to tho native Plugs and'Nirdoos who ?compeee 1 lis de lectable police. They are execrated, and if dtic hmond falls a prey to the incendiary's torch H WiUtm lighted ?by three gentry. GOVERNOR I.KTT-tK A.VD THB UqOOR Mf, I.iquor if not to be obtained exoept by -pei sni?sioa : of GeRotal Winder,aad then only to ca*?sr-af ucknera. ' Governor Letcher, whoso ruby face aadv.vwll ,piuipk4 nose shine ins bright ac famed ristol'a over <!id, rreoeivac ? uoarly daily, of his old antagonmt?Ska*Hm?itn tr stsao : vary so vera cuts. Among other things -tho txaminer 1 says:?"Ibat old gentleman is very popular now, tho walks to his mansion being iiued constantly wit h geutia-' men of higu standing in the city. The neon tof IiiR'pupu-' Urity la a cargo ot ill teen barrels of Bnumgaerti ter whig-! hey the Governor had received some few days i (go." J HARD WORK FOR TOR WEOBSSy. Early in the morning the streets are Itosd wi th (tags ,< or negroes, who go daily to work, and h?76 b a?a doing so for lour montlis at letst. they are kept sic adily ran-' ployed on the fortifications below un?l above tha city, some near ltocketts a .ii others above the new Fan Grounds, where two regitaenta ana caationed. The ua-. green do not return until late in thoovaning, * ad,! anuearances. are worked "unr imaion-hurd >> appearances, are worked "uncommon-hard. OOVkHNOR wax, As?spectre, walks the streets of CMehmond , his hair' long, white and thiu, bis form not near as e foetus in former times. The fiuiHral of Jennings Wire \ easavery insignificant affiiir Governor J .etcher.. And se feral far ffiAKiiiinn Luinir fho nrrtmfiianf niMmiiarR nf 'hiu gituc grenmen being the prominent members of his spasc escort. ) TUB KETIRL WOKEN. Tha "ladiS** of gcccsb aro as pu'riotio ; tad aatJv: Biaallc as ever. A song, entitled "Maryland , my Mary land," Is sung-in every household. It lias bee stne a per ?feci"Marseillaise " 'lbe ancient air-ef the Gcr man duty,! "UtaT.innenliauml ohTanneubaum! wis groen laindhaina Blatter)'' is a tapud to that com|?wltton. SO KVKlOOtlllS Aixowm. All the furlouglis grunted to o Ulcere and r ten uf .the army havo- boon, by order of General toper, un ' ?coniWinaally. revoked, and uo one, except > in case of sickness, sen be absent from his corps. TICK RKHKIA AMD TUB RClTMlI <"0*310 . There Is e gi -ial deal of ill feeling iie'.wccu t M miidtary authorities and the British Consul, on accc unt of tee many perrons to whom that individual gr. atsaMBip tioiacfrom inilitary duty, and by giving tbei npniwireoi HriUhli protection The! ?? was at one time a a open rup ture betweeu liuncral Winder and that uugist persona#..,, tiie.former refusing te reeogutee the amb< irity or l' -i latter, who. General Winder ciaimud, <-vee no hiug Gut a tool of Liucola; furthermore, as > llnglund . had not recognizvd the Southern confederacy, her ' miuiatoru. bad no business in Secaxeia. Hie ultras al' f reptullate tho idea of gtv mg foreign Powers id and ' privflggea when the same grant none, in return. Tho pn pore men-, tioined nothing of that quarrel. Through tho kiflucnun of SatKtary Bennunin and Senator J Icater, ti?o cuatro was I'll Ally allay eh. A number of fore ianrr*. ?k.o km - atetiied briny civ r uat uemlifM, *'ere *'IUV u th- pau en tiargsfor three arn'Jiu ye tut, it -Briny tract tthlluu. tueh LmI toted at toiucof thi ioi-oi?|*rti /.?. the cmvimai ok-bh iiaonti. ir. C'inversAUon generally, if Uiu Yaflkeeswshould com to .Richmond. the gmmi ba deaire aurl hilention el burning the c-ty ie free tyaxpMNNt. 'ten AdverM to auol'.aonduct have In s reeral instAaoes been < onhued. mde Mr. <'roues, Mr. Wa gmnr fkc. Many of the ci! iieans wul lift their Lands as o. ton .oie you tr lease, nm sme.r Any OAth required of the ha Kxpi esoicns to such elte-.-r tloixarpieatlful through Ainvetsalior oa leaflets iu ths lalh mE-oor.TniY ? tortn-fn rkra ?sr>. Gi jidonsvaU" is au insig nuican: little vdlage, lying ia ?. broken country, seventy- sax mJes Xr?n Kicumond, ?? ? the Virginia Kail read. At the Junction of the: orange and Alexandria Ra ilroad It, iadaa ter du pon' uf ? operxixjCB in thutsvetion of caintyy. At this p nut k> located the CortnniFR.iiy if lite troupe nndor Geuei-al; L-aa>?b1aj unri ll rBa I Est INll 'n fGrnmh vIq Tlmro ka.i d . Jack era-a und General Swwfl'R comma vis. Tlmrr hud been no warthworks lonstrt rtet at this place as late ac the 10th of May, though a g awatoU-al of. dggtcg towards - Stanton is carried on, but tasealy. tog the extent a> nag ' railroad facilities. Newlswiitohee aro.being built for tha aeoumuiudaUon < fears atd atom vabielgs. At this plaea tho quantotv stored ia ' imieauac. Sevetal mammoth frame warehouotikhava Keen orcuted AtJOiie point. thx oaaDoyyriux jKkAp* mom ah juitkobd. I leeracd. us I pasecd turn<(gb this plaov, thattall tha army former i/ iacated he la haavedaed Johnston. liia wjiuja of uenerai. Auamnon art to be amymm/el iiarle/ WMMp from entry murctmmil able, Otmerug. Umgitrvf 'ti Utitami OuUocui Smith *, General Earife, Get teal AsaVom't amd.. other diebianr, even part ot Gate rat Jhrly Sm&JPe brigade, from Matt Tenneue, teUng tab If jeimrd that cmrtand. Tha oencan trutioa of .the reiv I army, area to the total abaa jdonaMut of al mlaar ptNAia, is an eetahhahed-'aet. TBi: vt-mune orroato 10 urbbaac k'ukuf. That McCiellem boa arermg of one be ml rod and fifty Utinitand ef well diteifltend and armed troupe nppotea to Mm poor leadmcom tafelp retg upon, and iiit aUe un gvuilknable tha aaaaaiaw* of the Aortb.amipa" it i:arl p .the eecaftwof the I'oLamat/kuo Marptamd, it mill a fund mrtom Out a juctn rww<n> vg uu rtoa Army. ran tfouwTnr or raovMosa through theeouitryackjerb** rebel armyfcadbeen *u iioet-dia really distraedag. Alltiiereocea base bran d? ctroyei rod all the oaatle daiighlered. rkkkl ot ruoao i/iua owx raorut. The outrages of fume <>f Uie Jamisana brigade .en the country |?o|><? are uneianipleA, uud agreei [111047.of tba beat lamia near tbe Rayedan and Rappitluu.mick rivera are perfectly desolated. Tbe uaual dulieaof the farmer appear te have beeu entwoly suspended, owlnr to tbe terror arising from (lie pnalmMe approach of the a out , wbted iwrin remains unabated. Th. y alao tear H10 ap proach of the I'nioti foreee, oaacoount of the ui ries aboutkuuaaa being horned, peoplo dragged off to prUon. le., because tbatr retat.ope are serving in the rebel rautn. Much terror* are general, and cattle of ail deem** I'ma are amiounlv a old lor ' <nfederi?tr icrip, in antlelpatieu sf the occupation ?f "Uie Hessians." wit ure reported to take every thing a* they go along. J have uet seen A il.iglo exception of paojile informed to tbe contrary. tm nutrm or thb invaayjiMt in the district* oooupled already by our tuion troope ,F something Kiy*7 to be itriiuve'i. Du9y iicn hare th'tr hemm urine iMt.l nifii linn t > irrtrel jar t'tiy* 1 > fh. reUt keadrpiiirUri fur tke furp?e of tarry/nj tale ma i"a a'eiui the. mutmtvU of Uu (Liian arms, and at an 4WMW risk of d inger such feats are performed. Our 001 iiinauoera ehaerve tie role that n# mm teHi-mt a /an rhnulti b* aUaicmi la leave any )**tiono1 (Ae I.'nvm line, n tkoul bring tntalai at an <rut*<iry if ChtConfidently trrvirt, ant tbe proof of a man going Into the rebel llnea and returning in a bona evidence that be is oonaeclad with the enemy, either as a e:>y or Kvmetliingaguallyaabnd. Tiieleniancyol tdtegovrutt meet towards, and thegieriect immunity of, such domes tie traitorscouirusta strangely with tbe nummary man ner of procedure of the rebel*, and it would ted very pornlclouefy oa tbe welfare of our armies but for eur ?uperior number* aiuf more righteous aauae. Out there Is no doubt, and it la but natural to suppose, that It a proper rigor end more severe dlsc lpltua regarding ftar loughs, *c, bad beau otiloroed in eur arm let, tbe war would ere this have been eadod. riia mil iMKovMorr ixouut or nr. win. The eceexronitta of the South are not eo much to bo feared ae tbe ?ec> ssk/iiletc af the North, who form now tbe only dangerous element of this great republic, run uK'imf rbon utct a corny MM, MMmenritA*, Tmottan to Luatv, abound* witb fomi'dntile defllea, which, with a handful or inen, could Indefinitely be Iteld against an army. The rebel* argue that a' njr d.jftrriU c n.qiiett* art t>u< Iruiyi rary <vi"? inlagrt. ebiotl they cm wrast,front us whrneve.' tli?y ieel Inclined, 'lull argument liudBb great ileal of credence thr ugh <ut the I mj. an:; oui'tnur nurut wixk w? ertct'UTora tab ki.vj.vo tiw wtn onixu. The people of thee, untry, thouyb?partimt trly among the x nor ui clr.w *, tue majority, tboreforeaa*think thai lit fr u'Ol.ry o*-' mmhania art* gnu!.leal ih*rutei in It:), tng iKi mtr j <???. t? >!>at f/.c.* i.'.vV /? ') u> %t &>" In at tkt uurUAint pri ti ilit'/ rraluin./. It i* rt Hi. ult to ??o cetvs ihn ST..: c KgyHi n <lu.nea* of Igro unca that 1 inn sl.l*"* Uric veil over list beauti:wl'atd. in* Haruu n ).** 11 . vr virin .* a*i> ym wta. "ibe nguftf information aid vt uot uivral fpuit la Ibesole c*u-e or this unfortunate civil war." Such was lh? expression eTSAIexuiider Ktepli?t s In alate ecu vers* ? lion about the melancholy eouditlon of the country, ma tu ni dwumwd irmitua. No mm in Kfchmond looks more the shadow of despair aim ropeulerto tbsn that white hea-'.ed, deeply bowed little man, who shuffles silently through the streets. Ills deeply borrowed face, ooco se.-n, no persou eon evor forget. In my youth I saw a i man la a glaringly lighted opera house?did ' I say u. man?it was more IHte a resurrected body that had lain for ladehuite years in a dark duugeen? a was tlie hollow-eyed, k> wclrs faced Pugnmni whom I at. that ? time-saw. lie wna performing oa the viollu. His dark 1 ?yes bored themselves bsarfully into my iueeost heart, and when 1 looked at fkepbens met bought Paganmt's spectral gaze wits revived again. hTKlMKVH at jmrt. DAVIK* IXACGr RATIO*. At the inauguration of Jeff. Davis, in febijuary le*t, Stephens played a very insignificant role. *Th<nigb on I'.o platform, he was hidden tiebiad tho /e, and after Davis had eed.-d the reading * his leugtlry-address, from (he manuscript iu In* hand,-and Mr. Hmiephad atfnjiu istored the on; hie him, Hte.'leos stepped forth Mid ffllent ly kissed tho bock. The crowd witnessed the whoie cremouy with ceDJ1 indi tier once?ao ewu.rrxtasm being itieplayed -on that - tecmoi able oecsetor vUw>/nouth eru fiery heart -being weil extingufcdisd iu/tho lasting shower. At Stephens' apucaraaoe-noma enlud' y indi vidual thoutMl "A speech!" Au -tuii-onons-ard inipa tleat gesture of Jell'. Dams waa the sign or* *?? rapid i and universad rheetsnt "from the 'platform, w d a sad Haul* toe an ad ?o tht over tho palefctof Alex*der. MR VAST DAYS OK JM" PA VIS, which ocear very frequently, nsr religiously obeyed la Kiehui ud, without an exoeptioti. Alt pshlic places and sju cliieod the wbetcday. Praflf .r and hell rhging, easmpft in tfce UnWerstiiHirf church. are conti rnoajth - - - n - ... nuouH fixun/dura UxtuKk The pastor ?r ifr Uuivermd ret church#!* la (lautle tlodwta lor refwekt^ to pray for the :?. attorn oouteKHracy. -WhiiUUi. run juhkm.k; ami urn a*it. (lewsr John* con is tho dews-gad of the* a beta. It I s ' in hisa-thM-all the rebel oflloct h haw si* n unbounded ci u hue nee. and "?old Joe," v> ,o is usaaliy .ind-familtniy < alls.., is the ?sort popular man si' tin whole army, bt-aeregard hair ids par tisane, but croud oy readily ud iiiiithdtl.iJohnswm is bis MMW ior in Mratigic moveuionu and that rare * 'genius ofs-var," asNciiclevn call* it. Ttw late retroo#* and evaodhliou's are all explained uwuy asintasiurly trievoinents.ebo result ol'Wiich wiU at once dhow theuKOii-es us i-'?m his (neat generalship will liavtxfarzted and confound -d the due ,ry fee. All his atxtetuOiefi* -at<! ezplaitoul at mxtmr ponds toward* fixe wrttt frfiiN </wal?c?wff l*cJ r.o ronfdciu ' n ow ?. mi/ Jar < I, Ami into rite inter mt, uiiiU owhtttittg ewryepoir.t to the Out, <7<MWMv'tm? wtii ft. iVim ?ci;-?e?a vf tfot traron omU jtriCpnimpaHetw, ik gnuiter of A? *? f?*pt ilance, ton Dufmnuxa ov msnussais. 'While the drill of Use enemy hi greatly inferior to tin ?entry o. tee Union, u?c <iisciphm<>ut' ihtsr forces is su perti, and positively hotter than In the latter Tho rigidity off no cou-criptiun iaw,%obftl abseuce of ail alec 'colic liquors, us well oh the frugality of the rebol commissary: 'all contribute Che r snare, which -is '?by n? tann* iDKlgnihcaul. Often quoted Napoleon has said, "want ano misery are -tto.fecut school teachertPM iuakegowl sotdicrs." toil VWI O.N V JKJUY MHIW JHHJMKVTKC. | j Ihorwvt no slaekiwg oil' in thwaily augmentation ?f Johnstons winy. All the tow co. scripts we bwttig placed in the^nlilstPf the rankuef men- drilled regiments <ib : act au they are gathered im. They claim one flimdritf and tnomimd men opposed to JifcClellan; but I uu coulident that one hnudmd aauU'/ty thousand is tfMPuitl inaturavf oil the forces about ftar tinned. i know pew-' tuvelj <A?t Hoabam'ft, G. smfflbrc.Hill's, Huger'a, Baily's and laMigstreers divisions we there. TUB Tjk'.KKT op essoc AL n'maxa* is generally acknowledged by vne rebels, sml there-ie so doubt that while they reepect McCleliati they detiptso Mclkwrcllt Put t-tauVn they lotto, and his utter anuihiia tton ?every where vowed upon. > tdk nrmai vmon sue this niu:uinm ilt is difficult to ?conceive <the unabated ardor with ?whidtttiheeoldiers from the co'ton States 8(ieak ol prose > cut nig the war to the bitter #1. Thev mum see it out uow,iie>tbey are fighting for rtlieir homes and families. Woe to turn who woulii dire-to talk to them of the *tcon-> dilatory policy*' of the Union government. Thanks lor i Ur.s feeing : heuldixi awarded to the diabolical press or: ?tlteiSotaih, who. arith their perversions and most out-' nacrous accounts of t he actings of the Northern govern . meuVJtud armies, which, they bavo daily ciroulaled, have faculed tiiv spirit ofbatvtd with most indefatigable industry. The inarch of the Union army in Tennessee atid along the iltee ssippi is described as one constant eeccoee'.nn of outrages * which the Union army commM* on pwtxitui and property of Southern people. . They slate (h it all their property is beingcondacatrd and .. all tliu slaves ? ? run oil'." It 'Cornell met-, as unavoidable, aotue correspondent relates an act ol clemency and geceroui* conduct of the Xankee army, they follow ; . li-.o.account speedily wtli innumerable attacks and explanations if such "hypucritipai couuuct, which is but a < art of the Yankee policy at 'entice that eonfidingtgmo rutfiptupU into c.u easy subiu salon, lor thii purpose of Untidy dioggmg tliem a* inhered captives behind tlie car of Northern commerce." It would be hut natural to r iiwoec u.i A such duplicity of tlm rebel press would not inipi ne upon llie whole army , but the belief i.i"Northern I ? r tribunal and cruelty ' u- numeral among the natives. With the exception of the-tieri hauls and in.el.aerc, mere ace ro Union meu South,oxcopt flume very isolated eniflcs, tb> t'gli the 1 tnou army fnds a pre..t many Union men, who throw their maak readily olf when amupg their neighbors. nnc roRKicvKjts arm MflW'iA s*tm or rmiuond, ac iti'U as of all theSuulueriacCitics, await the a,rival cf our O'uues with groat impatience. The heavy list ol' moh rule, and the uueaslncMiAif guaroiug piles of uccu in dated ape io. lay like a nigltfirace upon them. WIIY THk ' UMSH or catrt'ltljl I lilies ARK He LOMi BBAMt THEV SHOW 1'KtOfl.ttfcxTltlft.VlK ll'lie great uncertainty of the constantly uninterrupted ncrytpaliou of ihe raptured r> giou.'i by i(ie Uilmi troopa watts very perniciously ugaimlsit early restoration of I iiiun kebtiincnis: fur the never tailing brutal retalia tion of the ever scouting rebelmvalry hstigs like n ler . ribta > yc.ophi airover the whoh' populaiion. to mako inyreli cut'tpkUiiy uuderstisid, it Is as ?r;i to vt.itc plainly that lUu people of Uo Suattie: n cily dure feel en tirely liberated irom rebel rule or fiom the violence of the'rebel sold lory. tar awuivkk rxraEp ir Ajnt man ri' Hon it. .The Uparlrucu'4 of the rebel Trmuory, and alio part of Uu- (iaxral fori i'flier. Orjartmerd^ hare katt c*iet cf ma tn.ult picked for utr.eks ready to mom at short notice: aim. there.Mae ledi thf'munU of mytleriom botes ami vrdnan c frou* - - sufiAUt oeru fr> Ifuenilit made. The desUtux*v.n of ttmk anvrl*! at univeinliy Columbus, Cc-.rgia, or luscaitmsa, Ala. . via Montuumeoij. How such things nerrenpoud wuh tho unabated anil daily avowed catihuent r.-rolutiou of the rehw) te hold Kichtnond till the last, and to iuvadu .the North, kcannot e*t lain. lint I/net or.rut exanmac ixnjmw our.iu.Mi. The Ums ol I tie. Mammae anil of Urn city of New Or iaaua.are &e two tar cftat b.ows thyy have felt. ? ? Now .Orleans, that Pari* ei'the South, to .tw Ui the hands of the Koundhcad*," is." blow thuy can scarcely bear; but they gomoV' ihtimsef*' s with the axueeWU and apeedy Aixir.*! of their powerful auxiliary, King "bronze Jack," or we I law fever, to aitccor them, and who, tliey believe, er.llldecluian the Union army, and leave New Orleans aa easy conquest for lh< ir"acclimated maldleta. JRW. H4VW IS BLAKKI) KoS TlUt LOTS Ol' TH* llWIIViC, by jiiactpg her under the command of .that old logy Tat nalt,.*nd depriving ('apt. Buciiauaa ot.lhc command, wUi.thay consider was well seconded by hie "very able lieeteoaut." they eay. fboee oilleera kqw more about the weeeel than any other peraon, bsviugnkpcrtutcDded her sMfOatructian from.the commencement. and would surety have farther distinguished theaasclvea with that , ne wvataor op Tim norm U dill uummallyjtarjttl up+n by Uir wbole i ?M vrttt, and lhat.mJt o atonement,, At u?-i*r rmkUa arid .fat imp it it, it r*illp/.utni!mfd*U4 <Utd retoited upon, I, Jjun/; it Ot y<*ut all <y iiff*"*1 Hucb is*.brief (yseptlsof^aiprasriotisgathered while lu the retanlhfiea; and while the conciliatory jiolicy to wards Hie will un.picet. inably re-dura.Uu V own, I think thvefcaaera nod abeuoif of this cc nsinracy uhinild be aaveraly* dr.iltwiifj, or the paternal ucf iona of the government ne it rallied, lu all inatoaoes. i Arrival of the I'nllcil Slater MauMr .Coiwck. The United Staler iteam tcmapcrt Cossack, John T ltenuett comminuting, arrived at this port yah t err. ay morning from New hern, N. C., June 1ft, via Hat tern* end l'ortrnes Monroe, with sick and Bounded mddiera, ,iu charge of IV L'plrana. She rtperleaejd on the 10th iu*t., when between IfaoMrar and Capo li'ory, a heavy gale , from the northeast, with a croge act, which damaged her steam pipe, stive bulwarks, and aerioiisly atrafewd (he "hip. She will be compelled to gu into dock for re pair!. Among the wounded-by the Ceesack &vj Adjutant Ilor t 41 and l.lonteiiaut Jarvie, of Ho-den. (lie fniluwing la a list ei her passangars*? lf?S?r V uleomv.viator Veiiiier, Dr. L nh im. Captain Rai iuv.CaptainC. r. .Martina, hieutcmait Kick?rda<>t>, I.leu troast Norton, .Urris, .Vudrewv, Mil Horioti and sen aul.M?"<?riiI.'me." .Kiahur, I'ail?och, TlUten. Kdinonda. hbaugh, Hippie, Jjdd. The Tarf. UNION COPkaK, tit I.?TSOTTlNll. War MHWar, Juiia 18.?Match $200; two mile beata, to ' wagonj. il. WVxlrnlf named Mumbv'a brown mar! 12 1 1'. J. Mediae nain?d Hiuo Posy o j 2 Time, 6:40,S?6:38 -ft'JO. Tboee who wart lucky eaoegii Intake ul van tare of the "free blow" ie the Union Oo-irre yesterday #fu rn.on witnessed one of the boat content -A trd? that has takes plaee this eeaeoo. The race w*? two miles and repeat, every foot of thot r"i?tsni ? b Ingro ilea eg for three times over In an ejiavrlthgly aleftiu ? manner ibe Cine V<mf was the laviriie previous in i; ? atari, atebi t two to on?, with isip otJOrers than lalturs. Tim Pony being i nth r queer Jn dlhuorltlun, hismr ier a Wed thc'iHVor oi his being rtarte I uia first time h' can j to the eccnt, even If he wote halt' a d *-n lengths I' d: ml. T"ia word was glvt-n as do drnd, and thu liti lo lit r- o una beaten shout tat MWtunoe hie owner th 11* away at tl>e atari. On ihe sec md heat I iw* hors' W#ro ?iar ?d with UMii* beads pardlei. end aiteraaevre struggle "; Pnnv won ihesecondhes*,thetuare having ants ho.* OS the list ml e. i'n. id id heat v. n.i in: J oorite ted I no Pony m.i -d ?? p the lend b> a lew le-1 <? ty I i . in ,a nnd hree ,j m; erm b it there no, # io -a ? ?r, and could no ..n\wr k?ep an.'"t o -it ntar*. rbe went up, to k Ma aid, ai.d > n no U .an ?? \ icd'C >f brat and rv <i t, atwupie ?f ievgiU,''t.ii?l itw -hoarser ihewuoM I'.twsrvwtl* NEWS FR2M THE PENINSULA. Saevenfal Okvalry Expeditions to tlta Matt a pony and CHarlea City Court House?Capture of Mules, Wagons aud Sappilea-luiyortaat Ptiaoucn Taken, vNc., Ac. Waraworo*, June 18,1882. A despatch regalved at the War Department from General McClell an tMs aTternoea, atates that Colons1 Averiil had just returned from a'scout to the Mattapony In search of a taxed of guerillas; but they were round to have left tho previous day. Ha daatroyad -the bridge, took a number of wagons and carta loaded* with supplies for Kirbmond, destroyed a large amount,?f rebel grain, and captured several im portant prlaeaasrs. . Col, Gregg made a Koonnoisrauce to Charles CHy Ooert Houm, and re coveted some mules which were , driven off hycol. Stewart in the Pamunkey raid. ?en. MoC&elan eouiplimeuta Colonels Averlll awl Gregg ?Per tho heatisiime tnanner in which the expeditions were f eeada I'Hlt.iOSI.FHU, June T8, 18*52. A vrmnprnmi fcf Bio Prrrs, writing from Central UcOoMan's tnnjr, ptv?! an account of the IiKjnrslon by tb? ?floemy in the vicinity of White House on Friday afternoon, which indyates that it was more tbo reaufc ofa m.p take than an exhibition of daringTockloiwneaa, ?e'generally e.ipp< tM lit say*, -8|>e>lcM of tha reinforcements to r.ho f.iarjy, thai on F ridiy afternoon a detachment of ,Pxk ?on* i foroa corn* ny town from Gordonvtlleand atone, tho line of tha j'uptix Crook Railroad, mistook their ?eonrse, when '.*!*?/ struck tho hood srstters or ihe Ohiokabominy, Isoaut too far to Ibe'ldTi, and pre ceded -on, cavalry in Wr .t and infantry foBowing, tfi they ?oamoHuodonly pnyen the Union pickets . luctanttj Qndieg 'their mistake, fU* / draw up in order of battle, and en gaged our car aJryvdetto, who gradually reitrwl befolro superior forces. Tho -wr iter 1fcoe*narrates the fright of the teamsters and subt etpient vwentn, as already g-.ven,?without seem ing to-be aware" Off the different versieo given- fj this raK bf the enemy. Wi WSFfJJM FORTRESS WOK ROE. Foctrev* Monroe, Jots 17, 1SA2 ' Ite goverrmac t-at earn derrick T>?rigo arrlr/ed here ttrjs morning, and W.I 1 - proceed shortly to ratio vossel!; re cently sunk tier4 t. Tho Fernandr j .t< arrived here yesterday from TfilBrtDg ton, N. C. -Sheer sport, all quiet wi tho coast. The uloop?of.w nr John Adams arrived fromNovvport this morning,urri Us tho renrorchtsi of this Halted tftates Vu'/al Aeudcni.' - m board. Tho middles are to-aee a lit- | tie actual navel \ rarfare, U is auid, before returning. j The ateamer : Meuunora arm ed from City Point last ( < Bight. She bron ght no passengers. papers or news. Tho telegraph lino'from Suffolk - to Portsmouth has f , j*ot been ocjap Meed, and is now in good working^ order. f The weMkr Istsiill onol and unreasonable. NEWS FROM ? THE SHENANDCAN. | 7 IwcHDwrK.'-Va., Juno H, 18(12.'' E Advieeadrom Front P.r T-al. .(Bpfroerired, report every-J ?thing quiet there, and l *> sige.u -of the- enemy in that^ neighborhood. Nearly a I ot <ieiren.l Shields'men had| -fonr-.d their way there. A .bow etraggierB of tho brigade j which wu3 forced back foam Port'?Republic-tad made their way iato General F movent's taea-Bt Meant Jaek The-temporary .zcltem< ad among the citizen., oatmed by the appearance of a fa a cebcl gsierilfes a^ar Caslle m.n'3 (or Saicker's) ferri ?, 'lias oubsidtd. Tho only effect it produced at hc.dqu B"lere-ra?3 to ctretglhon ?mr pickets along the line of the Hiieii??-h>ah. Officers from General Frei er.->ut*s camp ihrv morning report some heavy llrlng In Ife" "Lcety ? axlleyj opposite Mount Jackson, laal utglit. *bey?escprcfts tao opinion that Jackson's- recotinols?anci ? had everiakefi tlie rear guard of Gen. Shields' comma a<5. '?rn. Fremont's front rested at Mount Jackson, his Mnuo of pickets extending from the M-svanutton to the tootaf 'North south <f Mill Creek. The cnet ?r a picket. woro ft bout five mi las dblant, consisting euily of -cava'.vy, few in number. No danper-wan apprehended of * wn fttaek m force on either llsnk; but, Iu consequence ??f' tlio belief that tbe bushwhackers would attempt to- Mtedf fortglng parties on the wart, precautionary moan. re* eserc adopted. Gen. R-iyard'e brigade hag been endtred Unreport else where. Ninety-three rebel prisoners t erived iter* -to-day Mett of them were captured at Port iRepwbWouy General Fremont. They were turnod over to 'the-careof I'roTost Marshal Catcholdcr. Among them * t? Moutjnant Mur plty.of the F.ighth i/xitsiana. who rep wta ch it the bri gade to which be was attached was ba dlycutup by Geo. Mflroy at PortBepablic. General Banks, in company with A? <l*f Medical Di rector Ilelnier, visited all the hospi *o-il.?y, and found everything in good order. It is i Testtiy to here- ! glutted that the medic*] department ef t hie army nhosld have been so mi.-represauted as to catue i t Cniied States Senator in hie seat to denonnea it in tinqi talked terms. Tins etatamont has been twice contradieu * by ofllcial investigation-and reports, and emanated, probably, ia tbe faet that at the firm battle at Wiache-ti * the appli ances and nwaber of surgeons ware inadeqi tadn da the immediate necessities or tbe occasion. Tbe charge of ill treatment te the patients is ' deslared to bo without tbe least foundation. It has beretofese been stated in this eorrespondsnee?and tbe i datemsnt was based open the best medical talent and exp wience? that an immense number of deaths had occurr *d from the physical eahaustioa.ef tba wounded, caui.ed by tbe campaign of laat winter, without shelter and nu bilious food. The charge, however, coming from eo . Mie eouree, wttl probably undergo aaethsr ofllcial in rmctl gaMoo. Frequewt etateraoats are made her* of'the dentraci *ve propeasitles-efa large number of men la General HI# tit er's command, and without discriminating b*i*t\W friend and too. If all anootints ef tbsir cenduct are tra*^ it cannot hut he rscei rod with great regret h> all deslrou*' j of ultimately restoring .1 eqrdialWy betwomt-db* prssont 1 conteadiag secUcns of our country. The aaly excuse 1 whl"h cae be offered la, that these icca are eriy initiat ing tbe barbarities of European warfare in tlud country ffiwisKi**, June All is quiet in tbe ?nlley of the Shenandoah, as far aa heard from, and aJso In tbe Army of the Potomac. Interesting from Nana<mM< AN IlirORTAXr CA*TIRN? DCfKltTCM 1UOM JAlV Wt'? CAMP. ilA.t.t.?a*. June Id, 1842. The rebel mail carrier, Graneflie W.Kolly.who wu captured day barer# yeeterrtny, proves to be a man of cai'lderablo tm,?ortiiure. Me ia Hie owner of a 1/irge flovr latill,clotli factory and plantation near Culpepper, and alnra tlia rebellion ha a been constantly at work for the pabel confederacy. Ha ray* the rabal corernmenl la largely indebted to him, and tho $ld,000 in CVinfadarate bonds found upon his paraou were taken in part payment id" the debt. Tw? dexertari-, wlia were formerly from the North, but ini|>r# sed into the rebel service at New Orlenua, came w ithiu our Itnoa this morning. They have bean under .lacWrm, but could give no iniomatlon of any valiwtn tba<l?iamaudlngUanontl, and woio accordingly allow ?J to go at larpe. Ottacisal Halltck'i Drpnrtmrnt, WAsRjiniToa, Jone 18,1803, N\> despatches t on Corinth haTa bean received at the War Department d?>day. Rmanclpttloa Convention In ninoarlt Ja>n R??K Par, Jnne lfl, 18H8. Ttie Fmiuictp?tloo C?n*?ntk>u mot t<<-diy, one hun dred wuil nincty-ilve drtaa?t<j?, rapreaeuilbp twangr-tlre eoiatias, belli ( paareat. Ja'tge h. \V. V"e!l?, of Cola eoant , was reiiortert tor permanent Preatdeut iiy tin (;'?a on UrK?i ; valtOO. ^Itio vlce-preaiilonu aort taroo f aor .'Uul'.? vera ipiM' tiw4. A tVnnmitu a on Plat* ftg.vt v*? itp|?ointrfi, w ttt? It. t.rat/Itruwu as ( bairtiMU il' tjgimmlun a Ijout ?<i till to-morrow. Promotion of Colonel .Hovria. lUi.rot u*,,t ,no 18,1882. Cn'oiel Km. W. Morr:?, of it.e t'rni th I'uiu 1 Mate* ?i lit r\f .unnrtaat ;.t Foil J,',??.< .if, (i.ta pa. to I lit' otHi'^rtdlktr <lct,e.Al. l.? 1m. ta?u l itf yrtra In tbt ,.t my. Rutntm' F lAt.a ItsTtfrra ?The cemvenewncBt af tl.'a In Ulutlou Ma*r a t "0 ?? it Dr. H?kmu ? ctm. cb, fv,nn it Madtaau ??tuut and ifeun uul > AKRIVAL OF THE OCEAN QUEEN. NINE DAYS LATER FROM NEW ORLEANS. Partienlars of tbe Execution of William B. Mumford for Hauling Down the United States Flag. The Union Sentiment Still on the Increase. Gen* Butler Draws tho Line Between Treason and loyalty. Reprieve of tho R4bel Soldiers Con demned to be Shot. AN'tfTIiEE UNION fiPEE BEING PUBUMKP. THE CITY PEACEFUL AND QUIET, lllll lie*, Th<y gteamnlw? 0-;ean Queen, P.P. Terry commander, *Vom. New Wrteang nth met. and Southwest Per* en The morthug of the 12 th, arrived at this port 3'tffterday Morning. She brings a number of pas < suigers, a large mail and New Orleans capers to ? the 11th, inclusive. On the passage down the Mivrdasipj* river, A. P. We d, of Bostou, ar.linp us As sitrauit Paymaster, United States Navy, last attached to thisijniwid States steamer John P. Jackson, died on the lllia. it is remains were interred on the west Uuik, three .rifles ihnve the head of the pauses. His relatives <an Tiyhn'iwr further informal! m by addressing Captain P. R. ' fhrry, steamship Ocean Q icen. i The following is a list of her passengers.? Xk. BenJ. F. Butler. Capt. Snow, Mrs. J. King. Miss B. fPluor. Mrs. ti. Cnu field and daughter, Mr. Sullen, J. M. Vctimth. J. A. Mi.lei , O. I'etrie, G. R. Downing, Mrs. Wiur-sis, Miss Burke. Miss Btowe, Mrs. Sloaue, Mrs. Traeey, J. Hloai o and lady, Miss Regan. Mrs. liinman,G. IfPorosan, E. M. Daniel and lady.H. McCall, Mr. Davis and tadv, .1. J. Sy'vesier, two children anil servant; A. San fori, lady, three childr n and servvnt; W f Horpel and ledy. Mrs. l'errett, Mrs. M. C. L. Mjult, Mrs. K. Barrett, ? *.?:. J. C. Dull and lady, J. W. Bl.s k, S. Alberga, ,N. Chapman, Mrs. Matthews. S. M Rand. i apt W. 1.. B. Ruwkius, C. 8. A.; Cap;. Sid wards, U. S. A., J. I'l.iUip* and J. R. Wood, of New York, Col. Kinsman, U. Si A., Limit. Clark, U. S. A.: Pierre Souls. A. Marsuroau, of Now 'Orleans; Rev. H. Osgod. of New York; Mr. Jaain.of ?New Orleans; M. de St. Cyr, French Consul; Dr. W P. ?Bui'l, of New York; Mr. Thos. S. Negus, of Jersey City, J. M. Den man. wife and sister; J, C. Winston. A. W. Smith, laity and child; S. S. Booth, Mr*. Fieldins. .Wise Vsigh, F Sluane and lady. F. Genibiel and lady, Mr. Cook. Mrs. and Mies Herman, Miss Alketl, I.iont, I arron, V. 8. A., Cap ? Dprtlott, U.S. A.,J. W. Hnrburt. Lieut. Rryau.U S. A , Limit. Milan, U. 8. A., Lieut. Onoley. U.S.A., Rev Mr. |Ntller, C. 8. A.. Rev. Mr. Colby. Dr. Wcsteou, ti. S. A., "J. Northein, or Now York; D C. Baker?and 87 in til*' steerage, discharged soldiers and refugees. I Our !f?w Orleans Correspnnd'cure. R Nsw OhlkakSj June 7,1HC1. | lime*?Kx-icvtv n of Wtr. B. Muml<md for Haifa 1 w?7 Deem the B?v Vd State* flag?/.out 8* IS S in Hu Cul j jent's Lite?He Pr eictt Hit Inncence?Bc Return Gee | jal Mini fa atiom?.i'wt: Inten itw Between Mum ford and Hit Wife ami Chilar tn?Poriuulart of Ms Proration? Mo Bint on the Ocean, m?A Curioiu CoihcirUncc?Ebdch , of Mum ford's Life?\ Vie Union (Cilucn*') At?datum J la 1st the Start ami .<0r> out an the City Hnlt?Lnlhwiafan Loyal Dtmrmttra'iont t g the Pitiz,n??Who Compote the Union Atstrialirn?fail_ iArr*rmltef Prominent North-' era Merchant*?The Pt).it Geverat Boni s' Hetrntl on the Public Mind in New Oi *mmt?Arrived of the Mortar Fbft Cftiotitc the City?All > at Bat,m Gauge?Plan or Truce from General Jajv M?Umeral liutlcr Order* Concealed Proftrty of the Co V?drrn!t Mtrwnm'nl toh* Gin n Vp?Guoli ott and an J ?*>?'?> Bet <?!> the liner? It union?Jactb Barker'* New fopcr?& ru ral Butler Draws the Line Between T. ru, n ( LopaUg? I'm Lit*is of America L emmet Specie Pagm *''? ^ * W# haro had no lack or excite. ne',t "''??lay flThafc with raising the Sure andittrlpn on < "*"'0 building,, and lunging a man for hauling them <!? >*n r,'"n another, beridaathe arrival of thro# steamer 'fr0f? New York and Philadelphia, viz: the Ulacksu-ue, U, ? R'J'-tolls and tho So wanes, we iiave had a pretty lively *'m* *r it. 1 sent yesterday by the Connecticut the *der of den. Butler for the execution of" Wn. B. Jlumfor 1, ftarlr.tadi or an overt act of treason, in puliitig down t Aaaon can flar rrom tiie Mint, after it had hern ratt ed iheve by Flag Officer Farragut. The soleuic tragedy prov We* for by that order waa enacted this mornh.g, and the aoW-of" the rash and guilty man stands now berora Its Man I> was w ith the doomed man frequently previous to " Us* execution, and obtained from him some particularsol *?fa Ufa, which, as thir Is the first Instance la the history ?/ our country where a man has received the punishment of death for treason, wili possess a strong interest for your reader? Ou Thursday night Captain Stafford, As sistant l'rovoft Marshal, acting in place of CutQuel J H. Vrer.ub, who was confined to the house by eMueaa, waited oa Mamford and read to him the General's order for hit execution oa the second morning following. Bo also urged the prisoner with great earnestness nst to tadolge la the hope of a reprieve, bat to da vote tho short lima left him to seeking the tatcreeeataa of Him who (Mud for man. Mumford listened I* -him with respectful attention, but maintained the moat utehd compaeure, merely protecting bit perfect liuieeenee of the oterp against bin. The next mornlrg I visited htm it! found htm u eool sod collected en though there ?u net ft ley to mar the prospect of e toe* and happy life in store for htm. I ookversad at kagtb wi'b Iimd, ami found bia mind le he la the meet eelf complacent frame. lie repeated ever and oeer again that 1* waa Innocent at the crime imp a ted le him, and that he had labored,herd le prevent rietoue oonduct ainoo our occupation of tiiie city, and claimed that ha had aaved I be life of one at our eoUllers from the henda of an infuriated mob. He eaid It srae hard far ea inne rent man te die a felon's death, but that be had no fear, <u*i dfeuid meet his fate without trembling. Three t'Xasa.hasaid.he had met the King of Terrors faoe te, end never sent for a minister nor offered a prayer for himeeif, and he did not care to ere a clergyman la bla present strait; net that ha held the cloth la contempt, or leolted upon churcbee with disfavor; but be ba?l a religion ef hie ewn, which ha iisd practiced threngh tlfe, ead which he hen perfect would terry hits asfelv to Heaven or whatever pla.-e wee appropriated to Ute ether pod aa n in ttila world. Said he, " 1 never ooatuitted aa In tuit ion el Flu in my hie, end here alw-ye done net-, others" * would he de:?e by, end when, to a?row, I em mr.l'mgor ut thle world, yon cea eey that no joet end good a .men ae there ia la the city of Vow ot'ean. eas gene from r?"r midst." He espied great Ohetna for h? wife tMw1 children, for whom oaly h? .and w lira In the evening hlskiife and children viaited Mm, and afterwards Rar. Mr. Salter, ebt; !airef the Thirteenth CVnneetlcut regiment, called with the ho; ? of ada'als terlng rome coneeletlen. Mun.fbrd reaairrd Dim yfeae. ant ly aad ecu versed fee#!/, hot eenlJ not he pevaue-hd to accept hie mlnletretione, theugh he exf reread himmif aa '.'leased with the Interview, ttie aoi .logJ ea'led again on him, and found ifid wife and three rhudraa WtlJe hini, bid-ling bins the last loag faiwwrll. He had slept tbrooghont the whole ntght, end wan quite free freea uervMitna^e Mre. Jfumfhrd le sdeleee, re'i-ee'ihle |< ok rg ledf.eed the children are f?i la imervttlrg. The U a girl of fenrtecn year*, and Vthe (then boy* of rmie six or eeren j\ sir, cf ere. T!.o mtei \ lew was vl course extremely electing, at d ?M i* Iscjier, f?^ jijp lirat mid only time, brake down end iir.t ii<4 intev.uUy. 11 a.ilaui t.titer oi.wo In. end at the req iMt if iln u-.a?. ford engaged r. nti tsruest p.ayar for tlm ?<iui m t'ra who weuld to enon be t"?cat the knowledge ef roan. Hum >rd i "??>? r??tl a rer; ci.'ul ?tt- uiiH, sn i ap| v? *id uvt dhpleffsed. /""r Ms f.imlly Irft he ju.t.nuvl snoe* what ^pcitetl, peciug Ihe room eud rrotisti'ig * i? tai?> can a, hut by t!.i time that he *vte ordered to prepare ia le e tie ptii'in Ms emotion hart teased,srd kowae acata auttraiy se'.f-yvtiaevei. At % Vg?:?e ee'ere igg