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?*?toak m army ambulance wea beibso the prtaaa 4oor, end, attended by a guard, Muralbrd was placed la It, ac. Vnpaiued by Chaplaia Miliar. The procession was then formed, with Ouptam Magee a eempany of cavalry in ad vance, Captain hlalfo >1 and hi* OtlHiijf Provost M irshaia ftiihamj than Mr an companies of the Twe'ftU Mama regiment. under ?ooiuiaod o Colonel Kitubnll, with tha ambulance ia the contra. Tha of march wa-1 ken th o gb Pulton atraat, up past Jackson square, through Omde and ik-pianade streets, to the United Mates Mia.J Tha ypooessiOB was i olki wol by an tin ruausa orow d tha bad surrounded thu Custom House rom an aarly hour in trta morning. In front cf th< Mint tbore warn probably tan thousand people, a fair proportion betn^.woman with infants it their brou*!.-. The hoi etops in the neighhor nood wtiro also uuvered with < uritma ob-ervei s. The eoutthlit, wh ch wnsof very imntio construction, had beau at acted from thu port MP i' m uie centre of th>* front of tha Mint. The prisoner, ?ith hie escort, was taken up to a room on a floor level with the portico, and til n al lowed to rest aouio tuna. The chaplain attain endeavored to induce turn to rely upon a higher power than his ow n rightoo : uess, but w tthout any cu ?. Uareiteiao in thorough confidence in the corrtgtm a of his whale nfo to iuaure his future hxppi ess. in alio it a half at: It r he wua enveloped In a long, il< win:;, black domino his rob lar and cravat were removed. his amir pinioned, mid he wan then coi ducte i to the gallows. He step'ied ntxm .t with grout iirmnera an tv i iout tho least Oesi.aucy. captain Stafford read the order for the execution, end then gave the pi ts mer ponuis.-1 :i to addiosa the c-owd. He uiade a long, rambling a, e uh, whicu was a mere repetition of his a^serti. n of inn conco ind of his pecu liar t tews on bin luture existence, and closed with an apieal to bis hearers to imitata him in bruising up their children righteously. Tho crowd revived his remarks in [Wrfect silence, ai d did not at any time make the ?lightest demons:ration, although the night before the rowdies < f the city held a meeting and voted that ili.ra fi rd should not "tie hung. They certainly chose tho wiser part in not interfering with the administration of justice. A black silk musk wns then put over Muiuford's face, the nooee adjusted to his neck the hoed drawn over his head, and at Ave minutes before elei en o'clock Captain S tailor J waved lii-t hand! crchief ihrae times, and the drop fell, mid the .mortuuate man was on the iim tioas shore of eternity. . lis coolness w is wonderful. In hit- voice was perfectly seedy, and when I bo hood was drawn over its- nead I could not discern ??> much as a tromor of bis bauds- Tho full, which was about lour feel, dis'.oc tfci bis nock, but owinir to a align accident the knot was diMpisoed and worked up under his Citlu. leaving tho Wiudpipc partly free. The insult was that .inr'ular contract ion did not cruse f"r ten minute;-, tho gh it was at uo tiro violent. The body hung for thirty minutes when Dr. YV. 'i. Black, Surge n of titneral .Shop.ey's staff, who, with Dr Ge< rge A. Bloke, of tho United Stales San.tary Commission, wa in attendance on tho osecutkm. ascended S ladder and ascertained that the b lart had c >aaed to b-at prevailing custom, hut hard ly after a man hits hung for half .in hour). The body waa then all wed to baug nearly twenty minutes longer, when it was t ut down and placed in a plain pinO coffin. The crowd then diapers ?i quie'ly. Taoro wasa htMe coincidence about this execution worth meuti n:iig. The pop. used on this occasion was taken from the parisn prison, and w s intended tor one of tyou. Butler fa agents, who w.s cap tared early in April and confined in that i lace Ho wi? to l ave he sn hniig with that rope tha same day that the fleet p.utsed the forts, but thai ei cut cuum d a postponement, which saved tho 111 ? of the agent At five o'clock in the afternoon of the day of the exe cution the remains wer.- taken from the Hint, and under an eacort iiotn ttie Twelfth Maine regiment, and fol lowed by three carriages,containing the bereaved family and a ievr friends, were boruo to thu Firemen's Ceme tery and deposited in a tomb where three children 01 thu deceased hue be. n previously buried, Chaplain Suiter read a imrtion of the lifleenth ciiapter of O-rlnihiuna an 1 ma .e a prayer, und thus closed the la.I seme in tha trawuiy Thn following brlnf sketch of the life of Mumford is m??ny fn m liis own lips. He was born of a v ry ro ?rwUbii fiBtilj, la Arslow county, North Carolina, on the 5th of liwiober. I81!t. unj was iMnaoquectly. at the tuueot U.s death, in the iUiJ year ?f bis age Wimn h it Itiree years o' ago hie tuilier ui'd, leaving h.ui about fifty thousand dolars. Whilo >et a bo\ he wont to Morula, and remained there dn dug the Florida war, returning to hi- huiue in tea;. In ltMg be ieft bin hums and .vvent >ip the Had river, whore be married in estimable lady, at quiring eon aideiatou property with he-. In lWi he catnc to this city, where he remained cnt.l lkgo, when he went ,9 Mexico as an orderly eer., ant in the Thud Ln isui. 1 rapmnut, of OeneralI'etailer K. Smith's brigade. Short ly a'ter he arrived in Mexie . be br ke his leg. Rot sick and wn* obliged to be dw. ha: go I from service. nu,e then he has h Tossed gambling as a profession and wus eo noted .or his proficient y at.aide that planters would come to 'be city and furnish lur.i money to play with, giving huu halt of ail he could-win. lie was wild as a b.iy, and in manhood squander- d his own and his wife s fortune, last ing his ran ily at his death alui- ?t potmi leas. He waj uneducated, but not un>iits>ili(.'' nt, arid I think bis impulses were geaorei y km.ily. In pernio he wus of mid .1# height, about uve feet seven, Oroad frame, but quit ? thin, dark complai.iu and eyes, straight, glu-sr lu.v < hair, and a Ion r, (low ilia br >*ii bearu and nio: atactic. Ilia lace wan ueep.y pitted with smallpox. before his death he rape- iei that ht board should net be cut. Ou the morning of his execution h?' was dressed very carufully and neatly ta a buck au t apparently new suit, v.hite .bu t and collar, ?nd ? black icli hat. Sin summary and severe pnni-hment of active trex 1 something new .11 ihi* country, but, divesting on-- s eelf o the natural feeling t commiserutMNt, it is 11x1 poaeible not to set" that it there li... Poeti as much rseo iutt'Hi at Wash log ton in the early lageoftbis rebellion an Uenernl Butier i.ea shown in Now Orleans, six months at'he outside would have aufliced to have c.oscu tun unhappy war. The 1 a,.-mg of the beautiful (lag upon the City flail, by the IP ?a Assoc ate n of New (Weans, was amou happy bfT-ct to the dad ccune which an hour previously had b ? a en .1 te.1 at the Mint The hour of u > >ti w.o set fo the g o 1 'Us work; but long before that Lino St < atreoi. in front > : th? building, in I the other stree s ad joining, were filled by a cro* d of not |c--s than ten tl.ou aund t ? pin, who were uot a mi l to leud th- .r counts n voce to this act of l-p alt- to the dear old tnton. the wind ?ere of many houses in the neighborh< 0.1 were tilled with Indt *, whose charming, delighted laces 1* re erl deaceof their joy at seeing tli- o;d flag restored to the pie ? that had been usurped by the emblem of trea--"n. In Istfayette square,oppoette lit lia.l, < "apt. Thompson's Fust Man; battery wa-atatioacd. Just before two ire o'clock the ctmmltieo of tinny our ian intenti< tmlly a gnidcaui n rntior) fr tn the 1 c A- ccisboaof N'e* Orleans, of which Mr Antlcny I'orn.imle/ ta the Presi dent , aaid Mr. Dufau the Meci etsry, asuendr.d to the top o>' the Lnild.. g, and at the oluck struck th~ ? pouited hour the ehg tit st n uym of Anieri ? n 1 her y waved in tb< ne beautiful. uatinlati; g -r, i,? w.ieh, as N. P. Wil Mi would say,seem lo"ita!i :??' ilie gl d Iri'cih St ol anr great unit noble country. A< tto notional e - ign fl at.! frcm the staff,the battery, which fi-ed rab y. pealed forth a silu eoi thirty-lour guts, the bend (wh en be.oug, d t" New Orleans) played the national airs, and the crowd united in rousing, > n thuslastic cbe rs.whlK-the lai'ic* cvhu^d their wai by a res' amount of handKerchivf flutter,ng. The rntii'i tc-e then withdrew Pi the MivorV pu lor, where :ie MilitaryC'omminUant,i>eueralSbeplry. waited to ncoive th in. The Hrcsldei.t. Mr 1, mado a very neat end graceful speech. ren>?c with fatiiotism and g od fao'ing 'Old Miupl.y resi<):e'ed. assuring the c mm.i te>- of the kind b ueficcut i 'teutons ui the ? eatral goveriuuent toward the o. ring sister blame of our common laud After each member ot the cummulee had abakeu h >nds with the t ommandant they left, appareut. ly in the happiest fr.une ut luiud It was interesting *0 vial, h the -motions de t-ted in the noun ten .n es of the throng o.tilde 'Ire building, it has aeid. m been my fortune to witness a rile-i-anter ov pr. a.i. n than that d .placed ipou the wpinmed faces as t etr eyes lingered (and uio stcned as they lingered) aitoc ? 'Old tllory " resiore.1 to his natural abiding place. Wlio now shall say tha' loyalty is deid and acpu'iclired In tba once preud and happy Oeerect t'lty* ft la not dead, nut ib.oiigb all these weary months it has iain ? -eping, dniggsi by the loul an J nar eous narcotic i>f ?eoMte-ion. ? The "Union Assccietl' 11 of New Orleans" is a socletv c m need <? some of the most rcepectah e gentlomon of tl is city. They h"id their meeting, twice a week?Wed* (t edtiy and Saturday evening? The Pre d.-ut H Mr. Jinth ny fernandes, <>ne of tic oldest and most promi 'ti nt cjtiaoi.s of Nsw Orlean s, lie ,a.> Shishcreate.and ?err -d under (.en. Jaek v.n at tl e u.itneol New Orle ins In III IS. The Seer tary, Mr. I/c !s Dlflix, - a 10 a. p j 11I1 oreolCt atul hnbta an hahoeahie and eminent poxitu n at he bar of thia eity. Tlio ? bj-ct -. theUbiou a. mk.o t it Is to propcte ths restoration of the cor.stitutl n and i?*x of the '"nl'Cd Sta: s s? ?!?cy ssist-d prior to the ??'useini of the -Wtithern -tatce. Kech mc-nbei ou led to take the oath of atiegiaii' e to the 1 nltcd fu?.. The society in Calculated to do a g od se*l f I 01 and o tyh% to ne heartily encouraged The irnrxl of the tin ee st- nme-e from New York and PiiPade.phta, to-tay brought us the newt nt ueuerai I nka' retreat, it few like fire throukh< ut the ?>ty end ca'tsed i -eat -y among the rebel imputation a d .teprecsed the large nuniber of cillaCM whteo b"' ws a 4 tmu 1.1 up 10 thewwcwMuf the I 1.P11 oauee. but when tl.- tru h of the uiattei b*came deraluped by the papers n tlw Itth lilt. Ibecxciten -Bt - .balded,and the pe< r'? t> g in to look upon the miefort oe ae of much less im p rUMa then was at first supposed, a largs nuniiisr <>( pis sogers arrived by tha ateemers, ni,nT b.tnj pj tn rs md agentf of well known mercantile houses is Wew Yor x. These 'gentlemen bring larg.i quantities of g. ??l* to diaiswe of. Auioog ti e pe?senger( bv the Bta'kttnre were ?Messre Ce-Tge s pe, son. roller tor, at.J Wi.iiam C. Wray, Beputy rohector, of this port an ; a number of Clerks for ths f yaicm House besides these thers wsa Or. M. T Ihmsnao, who iiasc m? to lake rharge ,f 11.? Ci ?Crt -hates Mint. I Isam tlut the shore appouhtinamc prs> tmly 1 W "???a v s-wost aU of the mortar lieet srr ve-1 here to-day and ?er natiiite.. in tni fiver 1 ip'. n furiti naa aken g ? ^pi 'b fit rirul r b ? f (ship i?- tra a url ship >? oeral BuHer thta erasing t o in .1 tier has .- ued the foilowiug order in regard t .ha Mi it ? 1 irrti >t. nun 1 <-? n tl llsai'Ui. ikthh Hi ? 1 i nt or to* (jru ? Nn ?" .v., Jsoe 7. 1 2 ;ir m. ' Uoninne l av n; ?< en u? to Hew rirte.ioi for ? pdritiiea lu. Nun. he am hi-a-i-t*nia b h. v ? s. ,-y 01 snniie .1 n 1 lake suth mee-uf.. ,, b v it-.i- in. t tn 1,at imilding ti 1 * tran??ct|oi o t at 4 v- Iiyied.juf M ' or Itl 1 M. d. Bins. Carhiir sad AAA. U ueral. AdfM tt < W. . r.'i'iu"i . d Ibe -'ixtb Michigan, a v*d ge 'sv tr- m It't< n !'o u'c. wiWi dcepntehes Irutn b' aMki VI fill atoteiM " tl Rntua R ITS. 'ihii ?? 1 1 't it., e tl ? WS. whlcll IS CCDs 1 d m .ihlw. ttiet r* i'i ow a ?? n d-d by the rsb' iH ,gd lav s' lie. ? 1 si tietif BsmpMI ffoal.o 0inice l.'ie* Ik*" "d hue si r 1 i v-r fnrly inl'sii fr n. O fr'b. a . f.? m -V '1 that ihewatei nt r . is -*i ib? r? w WlbM ' tun ..ndoubtat ?a ? 11 h?- < ..Ana". eaU' ' 1 'i . ' 'ns-a'|t crsi ? !*',?? rived bar* y?l?i lay, under tag of trwoe, rroen Jeekeno. Mua. ue bring* a com mimical ion rrom laveU.ln which HoveM statee thai J. Carte u determined to mtlict the death penally upon a citizen if the United States if Gen Butler shaii inflict that ptmhihiniifiliijKio W. Vau bemhuy ?ou, wh>> has been helil at tort Jackaoa as a hostage lor In* brother, T. P. Van B'tithuyeon, who desartrd from Shin Island "early tour months trice, and ujiou our arri val here weut nil with leveil't ooiuioaad. This W \an holds a want iimstou at m^|ur In the rob I army, and assisted his hi other to escape. For these of feu. e? he was seitl to Fort Jackson, but a few days since whs released mi his parcl*. I don't think General Butler was so frightened by this threat of Mr. Days as to lose any considerable amount of Bleep fr >Q| it, but tha follow iu,; correspondence will best explain the iillle dul'e:encu between Mr. Davts and Geueritl Butler ? 11 kadqu Aery-ae, T)k|?aktWVW f o I, t JACKS' .v Mtw.,Juna 4, 1*13 I Ma;oi Genera'Kkxiimin F BlTi kh, Uumiuaiidlng United State* 'btw. at New Orfauua:-? _ Sin?I am Instructed by the Uyesuteat of the Confederate Stales to communicate w1th you ' nder a flag of trnee, and .o cay that lie has been informed thui W Van Benthuyaen a ciii.en of Neat Orleans, liaa been placed in arreat by your orders, i h?rs< d with assisting T. I* Van Banthuvasn te vs il'i' fium that city, and also w ith U|.ln Kline the U'-'iilede rr.te government, and tl.a' you haio further ordered that if the said T P Van Benlbuyecil (who 1" cUara '.l wan descr Uon lido tha Untied Ntaies aeruoel 1 e not loutid an 1 deli vred up, W Van lieutlr ywu sliall, u> his stead, sutlar d. .ith?H e penalty of deaernou The President, tbeicfore, directs me to notify you that, if the foots be an above stated, he shall rigidly apply the '?e tul ion I m?inhie ing the miine penalty, evcu 10 deaih. upon a en i An ot the buned Stales, aa uiay'be luttioted upon the said W Van llentlitiyM-n. I tal.e the ot .taion to add that, at the lime of the reported desertion of Yju Beuthuyaen .m l In* two louirade.,, I made a fiiti investigation, anil satlriW myself that tlier wore driven asuose <>y the wind andtlde Involuntarily, and Iln-y Mure aoc held aapiuouersof war until tbu evacua tion of \nm Orleuns. Taey slated at the time that, the r did not wish to be re tarded n* deserrers, b it I learned from Van B'-nthnysen subsequently that, being ri-|iorled aa a deserter andfaartttl that ho Would I*- held as such, he concluded to ea,ape. Tina teller will he tnuMiintled through I<ieutenani Colonel Ogueu, ot utj m,.ir, Vour obedient servant, M. jLOVKLL, Major Genet ill Commanding. Hkadouartpk.*, Dkpautksnt or ths Gui.r, ( Nkw Onlksith, June 6, ldtB. 1 eommtinieathm by Hag of truce, under charge ol liieuteti'int Colonel Oipten. ot ynur s.att, wax hunued n,e this morning. I take ea?e to aaaure you that the information on whl ih Mr. IJuvi* acted was iu'orreot? the threat uanrct-xsary, as it would have ba< it unliturd Bad uiy judgn cut determined any given course of aoiion ueces sarv and just. Major \ an Benthnysen, an oflieer ho'diu* a commission ajaiust tin Untied Stat- m arms, was ui rested by my order loraiiilng the escape ot a scoundrel and spy, alio luid at the Miiiie time been iaisn io your party a* he Wax t > mine, and uoui.n. d In Kurt Jacksos, . nd told mat, m hi* olTenoe was not the worst in the rebellion, if he would produce the spy, who, I was informed, was under ! control, he would be n-leased, and m> fur his oUenc a condoned, in inj afterward* aa-ured thai the spy had e?ap> u. iu tart, to R.chntood, upon Major Van B? uiliuvsett'it apple an, u, he wa* i-eteaacd some ilayx riace i |>ou Lix parole, ami s now, aa ! believe, quietly aiteauitig hi? ordinary avoeati ua about the city of >e? Orleans To prevent fh? neeesaitv of fl?t!S ol truce contiitiinj threat* to me hen a!ter, allow r e to .ni l Hint in no d iree wli! tltev cbauge theoonrx ? eilltet ot p niishnicut or o, Jos tire which my judgment uia.v drtrrmin . I have failed to lind any other (hirip; c your nnlc which re qutrranply. I hav> tu honor to he, yoiirohcUenl servant, B. K. EL'Tlitlt, Vsjoi GeneralCossiuaildUig. Colonel Cbtdeu returned to Jarksou, Muei-s.piu the ' Head (U.irtorii n Department .No. I,''at threoo'clork P M. on Friday, taking w ith him Gsu. liutiur s reply to Gen. Loveli uud "Nnsier Ida. is " The following order was issued yesterday, and has ta ieed ua Iuuaense ttuiieriug among the quasi seors siouists of this City ? CK1Klt.lI. ORDERS? WO. 40. BKAD^ViKrlK". Dkpartrkkt or TI1K flOtf) I . Ni-.vv Ottu vip . June 6. lutl J Anv person who baa ill his i>OK.-ckkiuii or Mtbjec. to hi* ooutrOi ?njr prsperty of any k.hd or description whatever, of the-o caHeil i onfcdeiate Mites, or who ha- secret'a or concealed. < r sided in the. onees'iinenl ol Kiirh property, w ho shall ti t. w thin thn-e <!av? troin the |>u?liration or tin* or der K re 1'iul iuluii?aiiou oi the *moe. in w r*in;: til tne hesdouai ?r. of the military co.ninniiJun: n the t'uaumi House. t" the Ast.itunt Mili ary Commandant. <iodlrry We,t/.rl shall lie liable to imprisonment an.l to have his pro petty coufl. atrd. Bjr command nf.^ G, BrPt;KH. Wit. U Wtr JEU, first Lieut, and Wiu< Awl Adj G<-tt. much the iiliave order '.van .sslied Mr Meit/.el. too Aagisluut Commandant, ha- been in leceipt oi hundreds of letters in.- ruitng luui of tlio location of arm.- and mu nitions of war. cjnauiutoit ail the way from a pocket pis tol or a single huapcuck to largo nombers ol muskoL. Ila flics thedt'tters iud in a few ua> will stir; oil a halt lor.en army wagons to call at the piaces indicated to the letters and Collect tlio war material Tits people aland a fair chance<>f being entirely disarmed. The llaBsjiip fla-tford. the ?loops-of-war Brooklyn and Ri< itmoird atid the ipiuix-at Ptutiik all started tip fire river ou Sunday 'lho entire mortar tloet are now anchored iff the levee. and will probably g" "P die river this morning or m-morrow. An army of occupation wtil arcotn|>auy the Hoot. The plau ot operations at Vtcks but* wilt astcnihh the residuntsoi that place and probu hlv caitsr them to do sumo tall swearing at the ingenuity ot the Yankee*. ... , . rapuin lloilm in chief of General Williams staff, ar i iveu hero yestordav tioin IMtmi Rouge, with despatches In < eueral Butieriioin Gennra! Williams Tbe ttep.aiu iep r i that tli re had beeu mi niching. of ?liot? between otir gunboats and the battcrte- at \ .rksburg without nv result. He also say.- thai, Camp Moore is altm -i abandoned, all b.t a few hundred ot Lot ell s forres h A - Ins gone to Vlck-burg. Fveryihtng is quiet at baton Houae. This city is full of rumors of battles at t.ioumond end Corinth One report ts 'hat Met lta oeen cm nletstv annihilated; another that lie has gained a ?ple > ?tid victory. Then we hear that Beauregard ha sufferr! a di: a trcus It is atmo-t impossthle to got a. ihe truth o: these stories h re, an 1 titey in ?he us intensely anxious t > receive reiifcb.e news from the North. i here uas also a story last nigiit that t.envral Loved had luauagMii in -owe way to cm >tl < lone; Dudley with his regiment?the lbitiielh Mar each u.-etts?from tlio mailt column at Rouge. undei t.eue il Wil i airn. W? hire advi es frotu there as late a? last Minday oignt, which render the story cut.reiy improbable, as ou toat evuutin, i oloual Dudley nad j..s? reiutned inun a lit: e exj edition, and w?s safely iiisrtered in the city. The re|-o.-t ot the evacuation ol Hurt Morgan it probably uulr..e.although Captain Porter, of them Tiir fleet, Deuoves it. TheKhip Hovey, which sailed from this p rt last week , is fa*i aground at ilio Southwest Pa-- lho ship t.eo-gc Wiitiuigtoii. C.t, i. i, and tlio ba. a 1 IV. Home, arrived at thu port on M-mday troin Ship Island. lb* flrst oiiiiiber of Ihi \a!y>. n' A'hw<x<r, a nicer published by the eteran banket lar.ib Barker, is issued to day. In- l?t."t.- and motto is pro slavery. Tbe annexed order was iseued yesterday and .s weli calculated to dru-.v the l-oe between loyal ctliren* aud those ot secvs-ton procltvities ? tit.ak.uii. oatn.Rs? so 41. Hinmt irut 'o. U?.raK**i ni or rur On.r, i Nm Oki.i n>, Inne 10, 180.'. < Tbe ronMltnUott and Ua* o, i.e tnl'ed Hcte* re til re that alt military, civil, judicial, e-.teutr e and .egtklstive ??? errs of the l'r li d Msica. slid Ol lb- several Mates, sliail W-ea:i oath to ? pun i.f n. at.lutK-0 ami ia?.?. Ifapcr- n dr sires to -c re lb* I Oiled Slate-, ..r to i-eeeive specis. probt fieni a |*ot- iloti trom the l'ni'e<i Hbiiea, he s oulu take uisiti nuuv.f the . nrrespoodi 18 ebliga i<?u?. This oaUl will not be, as it !.*?urwr tieeii, tor cl u|<m any. It iaBw a.; crue mi obiltyi too exalte* lu It* lennre, an* ionise ?1iii it too mail* b ucht- and jubilee s i" he (netsued by uu wlllinc i n ? r- i' ". It enalih-a lis recipient to -my. 'I "in an AuwrJiwii i ii./'-n," the highest title knos n, aave that of bun whi an -ay lui ct. Paul, ' 1 was liee '-oni, ' aim Hare ocvsr.eiH. Iid-d mat Ireetoui Jnoa* iklualiees. ..v.ern-y-, notaries. ?mt al -itla-ei s of the low ulia cvcr. and ail | ?im?. ? who ia*? ever Iwc-ti or wh<> bsvc evei < tnim.d lo .? rltisensot the tmt-l State* in wis di i-a riinvi.i, nil ihei. fort e\. rtia.- an; oM?-e, held any n'.sie ?? trio-t o; calling whatever, whii h ?%'!? lor the d mg ot uny least ?' i whatever, or for tne dniu. . 1 s:tv ?? i. ? i ia. or'attve, wrbieb thall or may alteel any other peisoa tlu>n the a lor, must til': - and *' '?*- run- the fo'l" .met oat I ?"l do so'eiuniy seem - r s'Urmi I wth i-'sr true faPta and ah a at.. ;i :<? die I n v d .-4 aie-of Ame- .cs, nil* w-,!l support til ?' on*' telh n tin !? ol.' Al a- is. doin. s, deeds ii,-u on ema. rtcnrd-. or iwrt in s'e -a ?i- sl ed by, an lian a , on js-.rfoi nn d, i mate hy a.t.' the persons shov d* e- :he,i, ifoin in-i sit - the ftoentii d.iy *4 Ji nc in-tani. w hare iika nd ? liario p,l s ?'h oslh. ?l ro s 1* 'U Bo eff i. It havi Ig he "II e nc. cso.ri. tli ? **rr n o I' C m msuUitig tJeiu-ia is a "p. .c ??au'-ms, ?> dt-tin-: c ? ? 'lease n lm are Hi:il .Jit; . -ed .o.vvd lie ao.-i rninent ol the United Mia: s I tsi'it lose who hold aih-gbi u.-e to the I' ,n,?del ail Sian s and amp.** tiui ha. tug l*e-u filvea in si c t'/en? for letiecilnn upon tli.S snb.e. ? soil |i I proleo'loo to j-ei m ii il l | rois-ii) o* ? very lawamdm. <4?. en-is.ini{ hecn ,iIIo? i* d, aic- ,.i ng ao the turn- of l..e pro?.amatiou o. " I! is further or Inert. T at all iwr'nos ??m here'" .>r clli reus ot no L'l.P d Mates, asking of receiving any tavor. nr terin o. privilege, n?s?pon. or to hav mnn.-y (-.W ujem, ur iSM'V Ol oilier Isiia -e thiu; Whaieve del ere* 'i? the in, ran., bene; t ol t >c ??. toe I ? ?* " ?. ?-**? tended to them, e .cri t p ceenou t o n pei-oual . luh-n- ? m iak'- sod suOserH"- me am a,e>..? s| i ?? I -fore tneir ii nest tati to-t.enrd, or any a- o,,ne In .. s o. ?> ,o\ othcer Ot tb< Cutte.l Smie. wliiiin this oepsrtue n And fm t'it* p..rp?-J ah is:t-i" " ? ?? . ? ?? d. ??...? o u lure !?#<? ii ? iii/un* ?>< ht* ? net m-'"'1 ??.!??? t* ill hht*' m?s*u s ??i den' there'll'or tn* spa. e ot i.e.-sr- ne tl-iwsrrt a. i to elm iK.r I -ha I t:o; i.?f? i stoieit jn-t rereng'. i prate ? on ol " ? neinrie ot ?' ne.l ai-. i i g.?-eie ? ? he j , per 'ill. I* rpniu :t i ? rixlj dai s ft m '.s to t Ua , 'fit ca ? it" i of t??- o cc. It lui. iiig e .11.1 to the know-led' e of the romitianihnciiene rat that Itdtuy pe Oils I l.hlti tin '" Hi tmeul nave uerev toie b* - I still- ? an !?* furr. ''Ill' * n t monitions ol ws. runt ltd the hheksoe. .o'tug infoi ?? mm, conceal ug prop--1>, ami ahsun.g o; ouiei ??? s 'lie ??? called r^nlederate > d. -, m etctntlo ? the n t ?! Ity imp'-sed upon by thet- aovi r> we:, a-tne laws of the I'odeil K'stcs, and t at a ten ii't nliei via s'ot aa engng'd, it it there: r- nr er?d tha- s:l fo-rigners claiming any ot the pi vtleg-M ol an Ator u ?n cliren, m nrotertiou or favor (toin ih- g.wintin-iit of tlrv I in " i Stales (eiee [* proteettnii fnmi personal vtoli ve ids pr v.outly take and ??ihacriiv "???'' u the f.? u. dlowit . - ? ' ^. do -olemuty *w> or aflli i. , t, ?t long ?? Dir aovernmeit'e- nistus ai p-iee with tha Unit'd S net I will no *ct, (ifnmMUi lUal any b?' don?*, or c? " ' ?! nuy that liaa been or 1-a'o il lo he done that shall aid oi ?'iu fie ir any of iha aooiuiea ot oppos t?-it th - Utioi So-i wuatevar. ubirfit o At the Ciiy I'aII. St tha I'ror ?? t o rt .. the I'mvost M r. ?". -? ind at theaavera, poh? ?tatioua. imkiss vi,, m opened aad a proper oil: er wld Ipresent to adm!ni-tat he Drnoar mSui loany permii de.lrn g m take the win- -mrt "> Witness the suoaerlptlOn of the sstne by tbo psny taki 4 U. s-u h oflher will fm tilsh iorHeb t"'r* n so taking and ?ub sc.ming,a certi.icale in twinTn, OkiJUttk, Irtdk. I bUmO and a ibscribed the oath reqtihMrt by Qtiacral Orden No ?, toi ? 0 ? By command ol Msj ir General BL'TLHil. R 8 Dims, captain and A A A G. L'auteiisnt ( bar ?? (jitiwsll of rornpfny I. Twelfth Onoecliuut rsginiant, dlad at Carrol!ton on tli# 7lh lost., of typhus fevsr His remain*, to a n.ewilhc wfltu. and tindkr eharga of itensnt HotIburt. \>> larwaid to his boms in Now Haven by tbe OcosuQuean The Pank of America reused specie paymsnta yea tar d*r. New Uttt***s, La.,.tuna 11,14*2 .Trit'ii^ o' "?* Or son t/i's ?! - - tfr i fjepnii HtUlrr .(aittj fht /'-If nr/srr - III*t /'t?rn .S-iu'i on* Shtrijf Mt!'J f lu (I' ' -? ?' t ' ** "" fosse '"ore. ,fc , ,fi>. The flntt ! ? s '.ron ?> .r- ?'*vner (tca*>i tj sea. rttpit it Tarry : ? "? *? toh iv ' k ' ti.crr ?* for New York, --the 'arret* - It-' ? 1 obi; o' paMeugoia, im-mr wlfjm a e 4f i jten * to'.:* jr Klutiuan at i I.i?u'.9UMl (vlcke, ti -.jiarai Uitiurs a nil, ? *,ijs.n Snow. lata eapuin of 1Mb part, Ueotaaaat Bar tie tt of the sloop-of-war Brooklyn; Chaplain Colby, of the Twelfth Maine regiment, chaplain Salter, of the Thirteenth Connecticut,and a number of other regiments' ottiejret who go home on a furlough on account of illness^ Urn. Bui Wr's de, arture is a source of regret to her uu meroua friends aud admirers in this city, but the In creasing warmth of the season hue for aome tune admui.iefaed her of the necessity of seeking a cliinute more bracing and vigorous. She has the beat wishes of all in Ih? division for a safe and pleasant trip home. Colonel Kinsman is her escort, and is also bearer of dospatrhe* from General llutler to the government at Washington. Lieutenant t'lurke is obliged to visit his home iu Uoston to recruit his health, winch is quite shat tered by the dim. to and his laborious duties as Aid de Camp Mr. George K. Downing, Jr., of 10 Maiden laue, New York ta also a passouger by the Ocean Queen. He has made certain arrangements here by which he pueseabw peculiar facilities for the collection of Northern debts. Honorable* Pierre 9euie. and A. Ifa/areau, Sheriff of New Orleans, who were arrested and parollod about three weeks since, will be sent North by the Ocean Queen, and placed m Koi t Wiu-reu on a charge of treason. It is said that Mi .Soule has made good use of his parole in burying his personal property. The liateat Monetary had Financial Kspertt [From the New Orleans True Delta, June 11.] Nothing has transpired in financial circlos since eur last to materially alter the o nditioa of the market, and business of every kind still progresses in an ex* ceediogly languid and unsatisfactory manner. There were uo commercial or mortgage securities to be fonnd at any time in the hands of sellers, and the bank movement waa almost exclusively restricted to full or parcel ronewals or maturing obligations, while transactions in specie and nacurront money were, if anything, still smaller than heretofore, and opcrutiena in exchange were eonflned to trifling negotiations in star ling bills at thirty per cent premium, and in franca at four fratios per do1 !ar for city and bank notea. Stocks and bonds were almost wholly neglected throughout, but bolder* manifested no disposition whatever to press sales, and, in fact, operators appeared to be as far apart as ever on the question of prions. No large lots of any description have i hanged hands fruiu the oponiug of tho week, or, at least, no particulars of lay actual transfers have been made known ex cept those of twenty-fiveshires Bank of Iaiuistatia stock, which have beeu retained xt the reduced price of $ilt) per share. To-day the Bank Of America has commenced paying off its liabilities iu specie in t^e following order, vi/.: 1st?All depositors' balances on the ltith September, 1801, which bevo not been Since withdrawn; and 2d? All note.-, of the hunk known as its old issue, wore signed by the .-Halo Auditor, am" bear a prior date to May 21,1802. We have been unable to ascertain the exact amount of the present liabilities of thus batik; but, ac cording to the op cial return? to tho Board of Currency, th ? aggregate deposits on the 14th (September, 1861, footed up $881,486, and tho total circulation at tbe saiue date reached $174,04)0. The Iiutfst Commercial Report* [From the New uriet.-u., Bulletin, Jane 11.j We bare but IV* chants to notii c in tho general as pect of ibu market silica our last v. ekiy rovinw, except ing, however, a general teudoncy to a reduction in all articles, the pries >?f which have been niila: d by scant stocks, but of which there is now a i> osp ct of lair sup plies. rhigar, ou the contrary, has shown increased Ilruiunss, the sal s of the llitee days cJUipimini; 200 bbd.?. on plantation, bolow .be city, on Saturday at 4, , with 15,Coo gallons molasses in tho cistern at 10c. We also heard of UK) hhds. on tho *pot,soid ou Tridiy, at 4c. ? 4)sic. for lair to Sully fair. Nothing ol any rnrnieu; was done ou Monday, but yesterday buyers again came forward and took jiVbh<tav inferior at d %c., 100 fair at 4l4i. and 40 pnmo at 4?^o. Fully lair may uow ho quoted at 4**c. am. good common at I'ic Clari fledivbite Is extremely dull. atKi rulas at 5,'4e a 6>4c. The ui ivemeut m sugar is clio kod. both by waut of freight room and the high rates asked by masters, and by buyers not being provided with acceptable funds. With bills >K the city batiks, sterling exchange cr spe cie, puri-hane* coulu be ellocied to a large amount ut pri. es whi 'li would leave a handsome margiu ou ship luents to Now York and Philadelphia, but mere credits on the Nor th cannot be negotiated to e very limited oxtuut. Parties who w ish to enter this Market should provide tbeuiaelvee with uteriing exchange. In inotSHies, in addition to the plantation gal) noticed above, id bids. t?i menting, ou the spot, sold on .Monday at 20c. andbo relioilod at iMc. Y'o.-t*r ,ay 1,791 bbls.pmr, esstoamei Ulacki.lone.from Now Y ork, was offered iy Mr. i). K. Morptiy, auctioneer, at publicsalo. There woe in ex tracu dinarny lar*,e uteuiao o!' buy ore, the city takers generally not having supplies for another d*y'?; eou Miuipt.ou; b it ibo bolder* unpeaf to have hadbiaoh iu/liT views with le/iirdto prices than purchasers were witling to pay, and heu> a, alter "die o: two luoffv.tual illumine to s -II, ibe whole l"t was withdrawn. Hrd tl.o ale gouenn, u would probably have rouged from ?15 a 519, perha|>s pvetagiug JilS: but it is saiu that nothing loss than $'40 would have bueii accepted. Noihiug lias been reported in tobacco, and but tittte in any other branch of trade. Y'ostec d y UiO sacks white ' >>ra sold in sqialllotaat fJ par bushel, aud loO Racks bran at 5-T SO per 109 pounds. oats retail at $1 7o jier bushel, aud Whiskey at el 10 tor Loui-iana, and $1 76 .or corn. aPEClAli 91 OTIC KS. Mayok s office, new York, junk i, ma. NOTICE TO OWKERK OF UliUS. Sotice is hereby given >iiai mi and all-r MOMMY, lUNli Iti. liJtt lie or,iinsure rssper'uig dogs loan I r,inning loose or at lire; lau:i, siren o .he vity of N--.v York, without being pr iperly mtiszIM, will tn: ?inrtly enforcoil. T.i- sum el TWK.NTY.FIVE OKKTI will be i>a.d for , ver? , ng Ur-nght A LI VI. TO THE POCND. en I mis *I the barge Iiidusny, at Hie Pot of Twenty-flfth atreet, Ea t river, w bicli shall have Iw-cii found niihe <irecU runtime lis.*,' or ?! without b in 4 properly ,iiii*/ e I Ownrrs.if dogs m <y reelsIm thcui ?? the |s> ".id on the isy the. sr? re. eived on o.ymeal 01 es|ieneps. N. M ?No dogs will l.? received fc.,r.i boys. Hy,trier ui ilie Mayor. ABRA1I \M BROWN, Firm Mirslial. The new yo?k hadik*' edicational t sins ale a Feetivst 1.0is week, at Mo>srt list, li-st Br..,. *>, :or ihe herein ol Mi"children ef dcea e 1 or d. abimi sol nets. Music ibis Thursday I evening, by IheOhOTOi Its ltd ot Is" A*, church. Aduossiou Meats THE Tllflll) MKMTINll of til- KM A Ni'l I'.VTlo.V LRAOUE will l>e held in I I.e.e' III tllote, litis Thill's ay) ev. i.iug, June III, at eidlt Seuaior WHsoo h.i ing 1.,-en ilnsined In Wuahing ma ny ii.s -ss??. *1 unties,! mressas a ui J?? delivered by Ors Orestes A Bi ? ui*o,, ?nd (teorge B 'Ihee ? r. Ouoraoj.-i aif. '.v'UUsni iliillea ilryaol Pile u of the k 1 ?;,.e. II1 I I I upy tho ? 'luir. Tirkei?f5ieai> encb; lores ea' the d'or. CUPAUTHfiKSIflP NOTICES. f lOPARTKER.IIII'* ?A i.EXTLLMAX WITH A MOPE \J ratei .pitai, "Oiildlk an inifi".! hi th" <ii*iu Kti bu*ine?o. A'tdfa ,, ivMi real i, ime, and a,ipo,uling an m trmew. M. Moron Herald otico. / t')U> MI.VU IN NOVA SCOTIA.?TH2! UNDER " T alined ar" itt"4fO>is to uars a capita iai aaaoeian u with thi-ru ni noo *.i?* lie-e ruin** who can urmah Al'i.l**), or two person* with i h.'-Mjn aji'b. Tin- inline am already in o|*-r Ion, and a n ry raive pro'; ran be r-'lllzi.t from ths eateruriae. Nona in p. In* j. it* D*ed apply, to uEOUGK K. .V ILLS B*q., a' Ihi1 oUn ? ol N. W. U iati cU, rObol No. 2, No 0 Wai a reel, N. V. INEK W ANTED?ONE ACQUAINTED WITH THE till ill" i ati iii it.r". n in , tic',II- loeata'di a a lac oryiu .it a.! in anemia I? i v. Appiy a: U I'.ati a.rret, i p ?taiin. <h'ailop' ? J. M. Vau Sli l.. \\ nod rldg", X. J. PARTNER WANTED -A OdOD BUSINESS MAN. with a cnali cap. il .it A23.00U, * intod, in pun ; as* a ha'f interna* in an old e.t*bU*u"d and pndtili biinaiarturlni rath Imaiiii ?.? in l'i ? city, w itb an a-tabli?brd inii<* ol about $7AtU> per annum, bill Whh S I" rif.'.v n.'U mm ?? ih in four nn'? Uic "Ill of in i oma, and i.n b, further ex tended. Pull parm-nlar* given upon Interview, by addnaa iii,: E J. i'.. In* *? I""- ..;tPe. PARTNERS WANTED?IN A HIOKriBLS ClSH vim-- long m i asil enialbtxhed. }i is capital r??. ?ictied. .*?o, in a . .?li bam i ;>aj :i i well. $-75. lithe - 11 iifli i IKEI.AND, HINCKLEY k CO , <3 SaManatrw*. Tllli INTEREST WHICH MATTHEW EE HOE HAD IX the a.- in- hi re.'U yins. '.i-tllni, A. ** [Veil on at No. 32 N w'i Nu.M Roo?cr. !? atnet, ha* terrm na.i- i ai i.i ? ('al-. WM. ]', H ALTON. Niw Yona. Ma} 18H2. TOCAFITAI.IHTd.-EXTKEPillSlXu PARTIES, WITH Iln '?*? ij a *.. *i i\ jo 1.1 it i i*' 111 f * in nu f id" ? nf a patcflici article vie nn*4 mrpe prnhia, now in . ? 11 er . m.. * . a a o| r: til. ? y l.v * . i ... mg T. D.. I" ? o.l;'l Po.t mli c. N in.' u i i cupula will ie tnate imi., 'PO CAPIT VLISTS ? | bitlU, BUT A I. M10E IN. 1 ti-r. -i i . , * v va!"?l.i' aiml in thp I'u.ted . lutes. AddfC** B U>, bo* IJii H"r.ild OH"'-. A A "AN TED?A PARTNER IN THE CO-, Ml HON TV b"*iii"*a, foi ib" ?nb' of better, r.'g* ai d"Wintrymu. dtir# III ! I't" r il. Tb * * n *? il ' ? l c. a s.: . Ii .iir.l .biai month* asnii* Inl.g'.vrll. T " a ? . , ...j no' liavtihi lint ii.onal. we 'a lis mtaJt <? * .ol reapenafthi" fmianna* on. sr. Ermn RM* ><?SuU*iaal tli it i? r pitped to d> i ?*!i I**', ii'"** i| at i. v* mil, None ni'f., upp'ir vnl*?* lb", i ? i ((..*? lb* i*?at i' It aoi'?. lap. it- ?i SH Waatoia? llt l ail , ill l * ||?*P1I Silt. 1\-ANIKD -a M in (I.NGL'SII PttEi ERltBD;. WITH V ? AI <nn "? n? to Kngi .hi . hi ii? y .. j I an * n ? IPinii- ivabb * ill rim I ir.-a p ,il0 m * anurt time. Enll purliciilait air. B on an I <m*ten. K Bin I1 h A CO.. I" Chatham atioet AilSn -r VRTNRR WANTED IN A HIOl'LT RR. cPiorJ'/. ? p ? ' M" aim amy rtninnvnat is mi*,no-', wbnr*"v *??* at linn otnd d > i,ii?*in p? m*dr yiariy w ih ? ia?"?l nf ail* iicinv i.ion?v o ? a, :i iina any lUk ? liai ??. ur Apply *t 71 V "iar ?? real, oOice No a. -THE ADVRRTIABit WOULD IXVE-T THIS amount ami der > lit - tin* m *oin* nroi.iame c. all tni'inr'n;oan dl any p.n' ..?t>. p< r*?na w airtcieat In i" Hty eSlY I retted with At'ir--* with iaal nana, eia'.iug buainevi, Jriblier, bol 177 H "r.t'd ml * . ?il nnn -A PARTNER wanted-in a PERFECT ?I?vl'/'/? ly *af* otiain *?t a# e.ii?,p lalng man "an r*iili* $."i,IAhi wi'liln oa? y *i, at n U be inn I* Il ii|*rn ah ini* view retifr-ni ? ? ?*?h*n,?J. A .iJi sa, iitinn, k>\, E. ,M.. oo* I2A Herald o'lme 49 lifili *PED *?>" ACTIVE PARTXli*, WITH ip*i.'"'9i lh* aoore nfmniai, in the unal, wood m.l i?*,i bnnnes*. w II e*tabti?hed and mihiaK money, hor partKiultraapvlvto M PRICE, tit Bro.iln*y. or addrcia d M b .1 100 Herald olboe. t?? AAA -PARTNER WANTS'), EITHER SPECIAL 5Ja).UUH. or ? lire. Willi Sh.mtf, by the parte eon irolling Ihe i uht to State of Net* J*i to erei j ? bakery >n N-aaiTt in- i?nnr*ctm dig the F? nnt I ntci nenle.l Aerated ft ream Addr*?a I A H .llerald "tine. <IKW PUIILIt ITIIIM. N ; r BOOR <>N MENIAL 8NAPMVS ? Ar IG.i vT.? H"* i r l lit-iMiw iit?? U* ?" ?, 'li- .,i' d up ruMttt'itbitiS mat St lar.r'irdleil, and *e I nin. < i I * e? i i imat -nil. r-co n. Sold ? t' ? n? n ??. i v mail b> n au'bar.Dr. H. A HAItRi'W, I I,'" 4' ' tenwj Ma*- n,|g*; N ? i . I ? " ? in ? vfa .>ii| CvMDltaiiuiuIrufll II vnl A aa ttilvSi THI BUBLUM. Able bodied men wantbd-to fill op cok pany II. Fifty-mird reditu ul Si'* York Volunteers, Vosburiit. Chasseur*. Col. Geo. A. Buckingham. u?w iu camp al tli ? Kail House, liifi'li street and 2d evenua. Tim local on la beautiful tod ibe cauip grounds delight! til, g<w?d bathing, Ac.. Ac. Tni* line reguueut la nearly foil, and ft la presumed will reoei.o mart iiin^ ardor in a few ilaya. The meu, as aoon as mustered, are provided with comfortable quartern, good clothing and Abundant ralioi.a, umi pay Commences imutedia.ely. The position of hi rr/ ant ia vacant, and will giveu to any on- quuit.ind that Oaii bring a lew meu Ke uoftur the families of vol ? inteurs given, and "no month'a pay in advenes. Apply at 1*4 lfulberrv ?.treat, corner Canal. Capt ALE A. WARREN SMITH,Recruiting officer. ATTB.STION, rUTENIXMEN.?V PEW MoRR UR A orults wauled fur Company I (McManue Volunteers.. shortly" this. r. t> iiieul will leave shortly for toe oi war. Tola company ao;li ered by brave men, who have aeon servloa. Pit from $13 to $23 per mouth, yuurtere, ru'iori. and clothing furnished im mediately. Recruiting oillci- op n dally at John Leo *, oorueroi F.ret avenue and Th.rd street; Jautee Clare, corner ot Forty-sixth street uidKl Vi nth ave nue. and at headquarter*, rorneroi Ehs-x and flraud streets. Tlila apleauid cotupunv is nnw <,uat t rod on Sutten Island. BUGENB O'SULLIVaN. Captain. A PEW RESPECTABLE RECRUITS WILL BE TAKEN to nil up Coin; any K. Eighth regiment N. V. 8. N. U , now stationed at Portress Monroe, Va. Apply to Capt. JOHN P. II AVDKN, at ike armory, ovar Centre market, this day at Id o'clock A. M. J^ SECOND LIEUTENANT WANTED?KOR A COMPA. Chilli PS, -G7 Broadway. uy about to be muetcrod lulo service; ooue need at> ply who ih not duly qualified for the position. Apply B LI SB GUARD. ATTENTION. RECRUITS WANTED. Men In good physical health, bctweeu eighteen and forty five years of age. have now ail opportunity to join a volun " " organizing iu the New York Volunteers, tear regiment now < _ ? under the taut-lion of Governor Mor.jau, Oomaiauueriu Chief. Pay will range from 913 to $23 per month. A few first rla-H men can get non-coratniaaioued ofil era' posts, witli a clianoe of promotion to $? iter mouth. Therefore ho early. Each man, as soon as he signs the roll, will be subulate<1 aiiu clothed at the expense oi the government, and sent to good and who'caomr quarters ia the vicinity ot the city. Ouc hundred dollar* bounty wheu discharged, and fami lies provided for during absence. Also w ant <1, If applied lor immediately, wagoners, team sters, musicians, Ae. Rolls may be found at WM. O. SIIEA'S, ISCentre street, corner Chamber street. JAMES RILEY'S, coroerof Water and Booseve.t streets. THoMAH MI TCHELL'S, 1 A-t Oherrv street. By order of the CooimAaler-iu-Cbief. ROBERT H. MELVIN, Captain. Corcoran zouaves.?third regiment empire Brlgaue.?Marioii N. Croft, Colonel . P. B. Spinola, Br Igadier Ueucnsl. Twi uty five men ivau'ed to fill Company < 111 th * regiment. Quar.ersgiven to re 1'Uiteim uediatt-Jy. $11', paid 111 advance when mustered 111:0 the United Sutee servi'-e. Belief given to flic f.iiuille?. Thia regiment will he one of th first iu the fie.d. O'-llcers are men wliu havo hi on tried on the balil ? Held. Recruiting depots Of this company? KOSecou l avenue e >ruer of T. it ty-to..rth street, 35 Cbst hura street, and I'CMnden lane Pav and quarters irom uate of 1 uiistment. MICH AEL MURPHY, Captain. /TAVALBY.?LIEUTENANT JAMES KAIKUKAVES \J Gate of the First Fire Zouaves). v:itit| 2o met. lor the First Battalion New York .Mounted ltldee, now at Norfolk, Va., to start immediately. Good ludueemeuts for meu to cu list. Two or litre- sergeants wanted. Recruiting ollic's, 3.1 New flowery and 36 Roooovelt street. MOt'LELLAN INFANTRY. Being authorised by the Governor of the State of New York to raiM-a company o: Volunteers, Ui he r. ndy in sixty days. I Cull upon til: young men destioua to joiu my compa ny, lo apply limit' diutely. $il)J fjouniv ait't pay from $13 to $23 per month. One mouth's pa to a <'au e, m. or .nig to a lull pussed the United Stues Senate, JuneS, 1362. Ileadquurtors, 002 Broadway. Captain WM. W. ROLES. Late Lieutenant iu Mexieau War. Approved at the United States N us wring Ouiee, June 4, 19<.2. hyCapUin K. S. Larued, Uuited States Army. Mtlkllan guard. Bcm.g authorize.; by the (locernor of the STate of New York tu mi.' - a uu.itn.iu of volunteer*. 1 cnll upon ai! young men d< alrous to join Hie above company. Immediate sub sistence wilt In- luru.eUeil. $1(J0 imuiitt when mustered out of service. Pay $1." per lunula One month* ptty in advance in prospect; according to a billpassed by the >en?'0 June ;t, lsog. Lieut. C. f. M. DKNKHvB, Recruiting tifliter. Headquarters UfJ Bowery. ^"OTICE TO RETURNED PRISONERS OP WAR. Hkapqdaktkiu. New York IIai; ok. i F. itr Hamilton L I., June Id. iKJg. t Cap-cm F. S. Larniul. United Suit a Army, is uotv at Kurt f'oliuct'ina, Go'ernur'j I-Iuiiti. muetui i, for pat tbe releas ed prisoners o tvar recently airtced in the riijr. All wishing to rvceive ^heirpjy piojmr ami commutation of rations, must repair without dt-lav in 'lit' post ilAKiKY WS, Brevet Brigadier General <.'( out mud tig. UECRi ITINO HF.ADQUAKTERS TIITpu it Midi ML NT. H E pne Itiiuu'l". Corcoran z.ouave*, Add Bi ad.taj.? l'he at o ? regiment being the tir*. in the ttelunder tiro ne . (ai. of tli.- Pre.-ideut, and authorized tiy the Utile an. thority. bearing a* L <!???* the eoniu?d nam. of Corcoran, aitaehed to tb'* Hon. F. B. Sptnoiii'* Brigade, uud ixnu manrted by sueh oti -ern iim Marfot N. <' nit, Colonel, and dan o< C. Hnrk, Lieut. Oolonel. Iiotii of whom .have hail ex perience lu thu uel. . and are '. notvti to 'he !ead ng ollWr* ol the .iruiy .'K ifllci :-oi ability. The other oUecr* u. the regie eut have be n under tli lire of the enemy. Pari es wishin ; to connect theni?*1vea with th? regiment will mi ? it to their advantage to caalt at the rnc ru nig headquarter*, or at the various recruiting atuil .ua throughout the ct'y. imme diately. RECRUITS WANTED Fur i. oin| any K, Phoenix regiment. Tina magnitic tat Irtin regiment, organiii d l>y COLONEL t'Olli Oii'AN, should lie ihe g .tin. rallying point tor ail true Irishmen ? mi wish to nerve their eonntry. It will be commanded b. i ,;.iarl MATliKW Ml'RPHY. at present Lieutenant t'olouel of ths- Sirty-umtii rc-iment, X. i. S. M rile (>!7ie rs of this regiment were instructed by Colonel Oorooran b for* hlsdepar ire for lac wan ot war, and asve laiol tliem-erved under hliu dining the nieiu arable tnree months camps "it. Quarters, rations and elothlng furnished aj soon a* m is tered tu. Pay from si i tu i?-r month, *1U0 BOUNTY vrlieu discharged froiu the aerviee. Ooe mouth's pay in ad slice. Reii-d ticket* will be given lo sodPrs' families. Recruits will be at tbe foilon ing place* _ Putnam Hail, corneroi Twelnh street and Thirl avenue; at Thomas Heaucy a, corner ot Alarhet and Cherry street*. I*. H. DOVLE, Caput in. ParRtCK O'Ukuv, First Lieutenant. RK< REUS WASTED KOK THE FIl'-ST REGIMENT OF the H \LLOCK GUARD, (uiui n. rK '.ssi it Now forming under the new cai. ol ibe go.i rum'-nt, :o be toady in ?nf nay a. Lieutenaut Ilcybiiseh. >ehn ova I.'*11 in the of lb" government, ha, rets iv< d or ler? to rue uit Company B of ml* guard, and I* not. re?dy to rece.v reerdlta. it is intended that tliinc u.inauy a 1.1.1 be oue of the finest in the -eni.e. Pay from $l3Stu per mouth. Ea 'a i a i. i- *o a* .uii-t -red. will be sen''u Camp Wa "?Jin i.t, *wUl?*u Nliii. t. ami pr.vl led with a u;i<lu i?* ttona it i ft to h! ? n?! rm $1UU (KHiuiy ai mr f\;?ir??!?*? *if A?! partie* w i*lu*?z !o *ot In . :i c*| a--ttjr ?f roinm t? odtwrn ni# <'? wvur* i*A9itto??. Recr juin* 'ILQ *, S*? <';iain ' r-?*trrrit !???? Vork. fji* i . iiLYiii St'H, it'fr.i * 0 :J 1 ' ?? ?' SiAntaimO!!. I'Aft K. s. Lfirped Suprrinten e t Twe f h In isir.. Mumrnnij otUorr. RE' rlits wanted Ko* ? o i.|Mfi/ V Pho?ni* tfflmeat, Thii mjizTiifttcu; IrJli ir^iiifu., <>? .? i ji/.mi >y COLlJMSL <*OR?:OKAN, iw giwn i rHly'.ii-! p.i'ni f?#r ? 1 tr'te lii?tiioru v>l*> whb it* * uir>*. I? Willi* M VTll!<W M! RPHY, at pn>?**Xat n ?ot ol tut. bivlv-tii.i(u nifiuu lit, S. V. S. M. Tli<* 0.I1C of thi^ r???impnt wtrf Sjr Colonel ?rnn In-fO!* h * d? j^rnir** for ih" ?**:?I ol w ir, ai?u r?loi ftipm i< i v<Hl uakr him dortug ilw mcaiorabio three ii.oiitiii < ? t^nui fo .-i.'v*t oi?i? ?n.1' lothinn fu'ni*h'A u* noon ?? mnt leie'l in. Pwy 'r ?:n to iSj ;??*: in nta to cotnui' tii# (roa 1 iaI'" o: en.' hnri.t. $iro Borirrv wh^n dl?cbar*<H| from tlie ?'rv?<.e. One rnoTit'i'i ykf la Kf'.i-1 ti kern will b?* uiv?*n to nol M-W fa-n liew 1U .*rutui will'? rw""i*n! #t ?!i io!lt?.v, 114 j? .1 e < ? Deuhi* I'tU'ii rom?rr; Xi!ie(e?n?b <* iftwod Kirn* aee nu'*; ni Patrit * M .r, 'i,\>. ????i oi s *>n?l ?v u - 'Mtul Thirty.^. ?? o'? *..??? ?-t; at l-nn'% H- rk- a . m K<?rt> -f ?null Ktren W rti. M K?mii, Mil Miih- ry - *. 1 % 1, ml Hi iH'atJnitr* t^r 01 tlilncomi?iii;y. HKKN O l!htl.LY, Cap. no. M. I*.. Oh fii. ft4 it to* LieulcnAu.. SP1NOLA S EMPIRE BRIOADE. Captiin 'imf<tl. Bv m* ot ti??? ! r?t H * 7,o. at !i<ie Iir ? *? r? nuuiuri/v.l if e .ru. a ?oinpatiy t?-i t ?tf Iffitwi'le, nm ot ? n? h oUi<e ?. L*t.t tu. lUti b.'l K;u.ti| i jt, Now \Olia. TIiih 1? .'! ' o; t> ?4 Tilt., for lufiril d r* of tne ? Kir^i f!r^ fo arm" 1.1 iu ?ir rittlMUN of le.-ving Jop th* ?*?! of war Conifrirta ?j i 't 1 . e a. U tiu' !?' lg III III sill".I AM MI n t* li I.I 1 ???*. nofithg t'? tii . ru n nut ot e' it. $l\) .??tat. when ih? war 1 ovpr. v i? jiut* lo. lion -l i h i '*??' I "(Tu"? shoti (1 Jip.'lj eer y. .) - Mfe- l B . RBK. Kf'T 'ltian (im ?*r. L.i a>e e II.-P :?o, Hr ?.? h*/, N>v\ Y irk. S^PlhMLA *S n empire irnruAPE. ? a** ain \V.? . i? ?. i "il a ilho lty to enrol it Co*1 ?w?n . ror tli 11 i?' 1 ?' Inn triened ? revru.t.u.! ai th'* ' Ivy'o ," Tl J'o.i n't*. ' T 11* i* * e;?l udol t pj? r -ntty fm the rnotr*??ri of the P.i -t I ir?* /.oujvry uu art wsBte iMmiiwiu o; leavloj iur the geat oi Wnr. C inform* <. quarters, ?u sa t clo hni; on enrol in ? ?. It $11? ICC m nth, and glial Imunty when the vc.,r 1* Oi'mpc'eui ivtiag mcu ile?'iing non-en,nriuxsl'med 'B.c% abuu d a 1 ply early. t m; tain JACOB WOL-RY. m Kecr iltlng Oh cv, "Ivy Green," ,g Kim streei. V 1' QPlNOI.A'd KMI Mil: MUOADB?THIRD REGIMENT, 0 < Hi.** NjiIo'" N. < Mill.?'This in.i niiceni rc.iemiu is a tend c a* a lenya : |s>int Iur all g at I man tl will lie the lust t 1 tie' 1 '? I i.j" lii-- Stale 01 Ne v Yurk. under the la e call 01 Pres rtenl Lincoln. Gaptatn .loh:i II. Dohb* Cum rat y E. la in ? nt u a l#w men lor the p rpuvc ul ililin. p til* onipany to tbe *tand?r<l Gust ier*, istlnn* and tint fium* furnished Iwimadlab l*. Pay on. 913 lo ill , cr muuih. and rebel lu ket* 1 irru?beil to lamili"- 9100 bunn t ? uai'inh ed U' the ami ol war. A law varainuc* np.-u fin team*?*r* ami nun"!iwnml*s mod <iHleer<, Apply imnio* diaieh ?l ucan>|U?ll<> 4. I*"' tlran.l streut, Wil iani*ii ii-v, L. 1 .IOI IN H. DO (IBB i'a"u 1 Cutn'a. K. OrloP. L. I K'CmiK'.m** First LieniObaiii and 'Kegl mental Adjutant* 4s:l Hrnauway OPINOLA ? EMPIRE BRIGADE-BEING AUTHOR. o .zed by til - Governor ni the .s'ale nf .New Ym k tu into* a (Du ron. 01 vulut.'eur* lu b-atlaebetl lo Splnoia'* Em. ire Hr'.n.d", I ail. ruw ready In rere.v all *bla.l.o ""d m n a no wi?.'. to ?erve their outim ry to * lir*t cla?a (OUibady. La b man a* w""i as he sign* the roll, atll be ?u.,*,sled ni I elut. 1 a t e . v cn* o, I ha govatnmcnt, and aant to um Iprta' c u 1 ?( ruar (lie his Pa, I'rmn fl.l 10 i-'h par mil l , to'0'imcnee flbini dateot enli taa n?. UK J. 11. II! I U< " K. Lieutenant. K .-r 1 leg OBIre, Head(|uai'teis, .31 Bruadn ay, New i ui k. Si vsroN UOIOI COLONEL W. H ALLKN. Rcrvinta >. iti. ; Imu. dtatety for C ni; a v a, Stan'on Iwgion. This Company I* 11 arly full require* but r. w men to romp ct i-sgt d qusrte * *!tuna ami mil irtnaof the regular ntiet n-lu'd .* wn . *? ? re I up, the ?et i, j?i 1 i... t ? (he ink 01 Ledt'-nant made fivm ?he m -i .? In.* ti bp- 'mints-tou.hi oB eiv.n pri t a lure ilen "" C''utitji AJaifli 1 mom ?.{ ai* 1 en in <iid dJtvc, fi v't" *" i*-svi. TH1 BD1BUIOR. QPINOLA'rt" It KIOADK?WANTED, FORTY ABLE O bodied men, to toriu a rompanv to tie tun !i> 1 to Spino ffs B Undo. Par, I rout $13 to fit, te cenmmoe upon day of enlistment. CJuthluK and subst, tene furnished in*>u be us mustered in. F. D. LITTLE-OHN. First Went Headquarters Empire Br gaue.lMl Fultou street, Brooklyn QTANTON LEGION, COLONEL W. H. ALLEN. ?KB O ortlUa wanted r-.uuiedia: tj for Coin, uy F. biantuu la glon. Tins ( .in, any is nearly full anil requires hut a Ian Urea to complete it. G od quarters, ration* and uniforms of the regular army furnished t.< .,00 n aa mustered intu the sorvire. from ufon to tin ran* of lWuionaute made frum tbo mostdesc ,lug non-commissioned odi era and privates. The evidence ol Colonel Alln's tr atrnent of hid men In the Fust regiment is sud.cieul guaiautoe 10 iter oas cntistii g of their lieiug properly provided lor. Belief Tickets I uruUu" d t<> tamilles ol soldiers. Apnly to CHAN. A. DU MOULIN, C ipiain Co. K, 174 (irand stroet, C utral Hail. STANTON LEGION?WM. H. ALl.BN, fOMMANDKIt.? Fifiy able boviird men are wanted lor i otiipany 11 Stan. t<<n Leg on. App ieatiou ean lie made 'o (' ipialn lames .I. O'Malley orLli uteuant P. K. McTighe. at 6tt- Second avenue, 222 First avauue bad 141 Busier street. One month s pay given in udvaaoe. Clothing and siilriUtenei- immediately furnished. p p. Ml TIC till, First Lieutenant sinl Bo rui' ing Officer. 1ST BATTALION NEW YORK MOUNTED BU LKS. COLONEL DODGE Men wauted, lor this nue cavalry regiment, now in service a' Norfolk, Va. Start immediately. Pay and subsistence from date of etiruiment. Those dealroiu of mining. apply "Immediately to First Lieut. THUS. FAIHUKAIES, Late Adjutant First Fire Zouaves. Ke. lulling O 'ear. Headquarters, Great Eastern Huuae, corner ot Chrstoiihar and West streets. CLOTHING. Attention, ladies and gkntleme?-if you wish to und a fair and honest dealer to dispose of yottr east off Clothing, Carputa, Furniture and Jewelry, the nest thing you cuu da la to tall on or address Die honem and well known dealer, F. HARRIS, 1M> Seventh avrnre, where you will be dealt with to your satisfaction. At this place you ca:i receive fifty per cent more than from uay other dealer la the city, and you will avoid being humbugged, l'lease do not forget, F. Harris, 166 Seventh avenue. Ladles attended by Mrs. Harris. An extra price will be paid for ladies and gentlemen's Cast Off CidUiag, Carp< la, Jr.veiry and Furniture for Now Orleans. The un lerslgned h*a re ceived a large order, amounting to SJo.UUO. for which he Snare n tecs to pa. the following prices for each article:?For Ilk Dresses, I rum $5to $31; for Coats, from $3 to 910, for Fail's, 92 to ^ti. Please call on or address by note J. ANilALT. 16.' Seventh avenue, betw en Twentieth and Tweniy-ttrst stieels. Ladles aliunde 1 to by Mrs. Auhalt. N. B ? All busmen.* transacted Conhilcn'.ialiy. J, T NO. 383 BOWERY.?H. ROSENTHAL. HAVING A L yreat desire to purchase a lm-go nuaotuy of cast off Vv oaring Apparel. Furniture, Carpeia, Jewi lry. Ac., l>> cull ing on or uddroasing adies i.ud gentlemen can obtain the utmost value tor cuch artK-lo. Ladies attended to by Mr*. Rosenthal. Flease remember, au 1 try 333 bowery, opnosi.c Great .tones street. A LARGE ORDER HAVING BEEN RECEIVED TO purchase cast oil Clotuiug, Carpets, Furniture, Ac., ladies and g. m em. u having tiie ai ovo to dtspo 01 mi; re. oeive the billowing prfees:?Siilt drosses tram $6 to {at; costs $3 to $18; pants $1 to $ >. I guarantee sutlifaeiton EiHitse try toe store, or sind u note by post to T ROSEN BERG, 2u Seventh avenue. Ladles attes ted punctually bv Mrs. B * A A AT THE NEW 8T0RE, 114 THIRD AVKNLE. LADIES sod gentlemen caii olsjioflc of their Cast Off Clothing, Carpets, Furniture. At*. I guarantee to ray lor Dresses i root Ati .o $3u, for Coat* irom $4 to $lfi, for rant- from rl to $ t. Floss.- do not forget to call ou or ad drees 0. MtsH. Ill Thir l avenue, near Fourteenth street. Ladles attended by .Mrs. Mi Kb. POSITIVE FACT.?LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IF you w ant to get the lull value lor your cast off Clothing, Furniture, Carpets and Jewelry, the best you tun do is to cullor w-nti a note to A. HARRIS, Ml Third avenue, btlwe-u Thirty-eighth and Tbiriy-mnth streets, east side. Ladles attended to by Mrs. Harris. TTENT10NI LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ?A LARGE rder reeeived irom iheVust for .a>l oil tlotting, Furniture, Carpets, Ac. I ? id nay tli'? best t.ri e iu ti e , uy irealliug ou or addressing M. ABRAHAMS, Seventh avenue, lietwccn Twenty-filth aud Ttvenly-sixih stieeU. La lies attended to by Mrs. A. A RARE CHANCE.?$13,000 WORTH OF CAST OFF Clothing w anted, within a inontu. lor New Or.cues. La dies and gentlemen having any of Hie abo c to i.ispoe- oi eau receive the following prices:?from $8 to$3UlorSl!k llre-srs, from ?3 to $15 foreoais, from $1 to $.'> lor I'.-ints. Also Shawl-, Olorka, Carpet*. Furniture; the highest prices I aid. Flease cali on or addr -Hs a rote to B. Minlz, 1433 SI Hh avenue, near Eighteenth street. Ladios attended by Mrs. Mmw Orders fiom Broolt'\ nor Jereev Cite p,: net ,-it t -i.dnd to. i'leu?o re in timber the original B. Mints, 243 Sixth n enui. AT THE OLDEST STAND ON -SEVENTH ANENUE Mrs. EZLKIEI.S guarantees to pay toe lpnow iui; pr its lor ladles'aud gentlemen's weanug appnrel;?From $.1 to f 31) for silk die-a es, Irc-m $3 to SlK) for cuati, and from $1 to tb for psuis; atao ear-prta. lurnilure, |?-welry, Ac. A note bv post punctually at'enued to hy Mrs. Ez-u elK. 134 S-ientb avenue, between Nli jaiouuhaud Tw.'D'iel str eis No oon iiec:ion with any otaSr house. Geaticu. u attended to hy Mr. E. ATTENTION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.?I II VE .Tk just received $4,.via to nor.-bus : Cast oil' ? oiling, F ui.m e and Carpets tor ihe California market. 1 do promise l -pay the highest pr <vs in i no city bv calling ou or address in. a note in E. .\lINT2. 13. aivti. avi-nutwo no .u-i <oo,? Ti ntii Mrt et. LadiesMtteuuod to hy Mrs. Mint/.. It -in-tuoe , 15*Sixth arenm'. \ T THE ORIGINAL WELL KNOWN DF. VLER, H ,?lV HARRIS'S sioie, 131 Be (...h ..venue, between Twenty* tu t and Twenty-see u i xtreeie, ladi s ami g n: lumen van dispose of thrirra-4 < II' Clothing, Carpen n-ut Forur ire, at the utmost value, and no humbug us to olteung iniineroue prlc?. and then trying to get i em lor lull Hi - vnine, as iinu'iiied by other high oilers. I'leuse ci.l or address and be convinced. Ladle* attended by M,a. 1L lis ?. VtT AN TED?$10 00b WORTH OF CAST OFF CLOTHING. ?f f urnitiiie, Jewelry, Ac., Ac., at the n?vv stand,'In- &? venth avenue, corner oi Twenty, ouriii street, for which the liigliestia.h price wi lie paid. Ladna iu atieudam e. Call ou or address J. STERN. IHH sen, BOOM8, AC., WASTED. 1 SMALL I10l.SE WANTED?WITH MODERN Id e'V prijrenieniK. or gent-el Cottage, with garden, easily ac cessible to New York; ixiruftttN rented or pu cuuu-d: rent uiusl lie low ; paid quarterly in auran-e. AuUfres for one week, gi. ing lull particular*, l'i? lcuaut, bos I'.r.i UeiaM oilier. JACRNISHED IIOI'SF. WANTED-BY A 8M\LI, F.UI1 ?. l.v, at a modi-rat ? r -nt. in a centra location, with mo dem imp-ovements. A litre.**, wittt mil particular* ami lowe-t re. t. E. VV. B., box I DTli Post uflre. LTl'RNIbHKD 1IOCBE V.aNTBD 1'IIX MAY. INCH. ? P Mus' liedesirubiv lu-ated aud well :nniisbed, and Willi all modern imv mvenuetiia. AUlrees stathig full partieitlsri sad loses, rrn . lb a dtvliab e tennnt, K .the. ford, He;aid utfre. _ JJ IATHE WANTMD-FOOT LATHE. SCREW CUTTING. j oi with vio ? apred aud hand atidi real. Add-ese, with de or.; t.o... diuien-ions and pnre. Lathe, Herald oiln e, CEWIXU MACHINKA.?WANTED TO HIRE, TWENTY i 7 In s Slitctf Sewing M i -li nes. Ap)il)' at S3 Murray ax. UWANTED?IN BROOKLYN, FART OF A HOt'SK. I'nin abed, for boo - ke,.; inf. / ddri'ss, stating rooxns. pr: e. ami all i arti- uiai.-, B-isrde:. H -rald oilk e. ?\*,rA>'TEi>?FOB MAXlKACr.'KINO PEltrosBS, IN ?f N>'.' AorU, a lir;c Hiiil.lin< 01 1'art >i a Bnllilluit, iru'j Powi r. Andrew, with felt |>u#ti"lia'? "f Ixsl, ty. a,utro, power, Ac , M S i'? M\ S <37 Poet O'ltp.', Ti. V. II'ASIED-AS t'PBIilHT EMUNK BAY I.' INCHES ?? cyluturf ami 24 inctii ? -!mK.', uf a > Hit. JOHN rtll'Ar.f, :9r, Broadway. "flfANTEU?V PI1I.ST CI.ASB >11 LB UOl'HD. ABA* V} *<nt- utoy haa the Mine ?r eat.- < <ui Said a c . a outer jy a lilrr.'Itiij Ml'k Konu.l. ?tutl' n B Pom olUca. WANTED TO LEAKE?WITH PBOXI'ICT OV PCR T* elie-e, a au'.alv.r.iU lriililinit Willi iontin.1 room. ? ultabio lor. in ilia: cuttd to- cui*. rt"U into, a brewery, in a no Hi location m ti.i-' ilv or Hiwikiyh, or, wli i: W.-ui ! tin nrr inirl. in tal.i> bhed brrwory. A i trees with il.'icr ation of properly. t> W.. unx T8f Pe?t otu.r. ASTKOlaOOY. A BTOlNDINrt CI BUS AND DtYINATrOXM?THOSE a"V iii .r "i ir or ill licattb aboil11 co?i? ill Ain J tn iT.ll' r'OJtli. Id? I>iM *41 .ft. BiiHialyii li.i; . it. loljl lair . ,.i l. Di- '-I ati-ir. tr.l, ii'iih'in ?> pr- a .bed am nl ir ii foun ' Bi:..n?a> (ouaulLiiioua ooieam OonsJeni l at, ii o I oil oi it loiter, St. A BONA KtUlt ASTKOL'n. 1ST, THAT EVERY ON* i-mu I tvart Oil, la Male. VVILS'iN. wi n to la Mttbjti in yo n v.ju a< aomi a* you uuto bin- toll- the fih-t, pre wnt and Pittite id yirut ii and warn* you ?i (Viuhri a. >.nd brai ucar.a o o the iuo? v In ? un i tImam N. B.?Celebra ed magic charm*. No. ISSI Alien aln* ?> tMw?vn llouu n unit Hun o i al: M?. <??-. rtiie ' a* ? Ohar^caior unl.i .. ami vannaul -it. SO c nti. t BTOBIBIUNO!?MADAME MOEU'iW, SB IBNTH ii i ij,ii,r, an a (lit o. oriv .iii. now aooii mil libte often joo'VlM Bt.irry.Uid ail Von w-i to U'miw, ffn j-in v.-ry iho 4"it. ii. no pa; I'. ,v -'iarm*five, II t .'01 ml la Mi oil. i. Iter Ma|i l ...i?.- la buy iu till operation?1A4 Lun.ow -tf ? I. below II m. on. I'lice 8 nan-*. Uent. mm not admitted. TItOl OOIBT.-ORBAT E.U'nEME:.: A. MlDAME 4 ?T!t' A ii. the I' ..r tbo .e*ut!a i? uuil Oil i>g great h iim I .ii .Modem- w'rttee the MMna yob m ?ir; ui,. ... ?..*?: ;'l?i-' In. kjr nnmlh-r ami mi It' . i lire do We-t Hi 'iilw o . ni ai Inmard atiari. NouMuBd or. pORA A. NEAMAN INOEPBJfliENT 1.1:::voVaNT, V/ Daa rbuit>%? d ftimi l)ii !?. oi oim't 1 i 141 u a i . o a - i*t, hriwi'fii Hrr.-1 'Ii ,.it ' o otD ar-orua t'o-Hoi .Imtn o i ail auDitcia. . ii.h in .Ham ami iiu.ia.*a. 'ay mi.I worn*. 2.1 A !? T.. m n" n air ri Madame bay n Tin. be.-t i uukvohant and a.tlO OfW In una Uiiy, aH mlu y n i v ; . i. . ? .,ia, hi ?? iitrk ? uuMfr*, ?a ?pbbiiv o.i ii., a Ho. ;ti? n vvntn a ? nor, m b' r.vru'y tfvi ii It aire. ?. Iia . ? Jj watt, griiilmiiaii .hilcoiii, KRANK, THE ?M VTEsT A "TSO?.Oi,l.-lT AND a?l Dortri , now 111,";, l.'i ovr. Inai ria.i' loraM ifid i.n uir - fJetitlemMi ,n I la.. >* anmlil no Tiii u full nti t'i' ? iiirted laly : al.r ;,4ai n iMbtb tail lae lion. 112 Olio n* ntml, Mr its havi.i, hie hem rut 1, < ANA0t.\? alps* ii.. ... < iv.iovrd i No, t? l.r.'ruwlili . rift. I." i.. IBiiiirdhi! yt brr p oil ci ohae r art'.I ? 1 . I ? .y mm ?. i 11 ;i irma l.a ea -mi > itiiia. ^rblu inro Mlvaota. Hour* ir uu '? A V. t , ? r. M MBS. ADOIB BAN It Kit. .Ml III' AO AND hi SINK, s . t'lailfoyant aud Bfin r uu Mruium, COU'ln ?>!* I ' .. .r aatittai ii m lb her tmiuerou* eltHufe, ' y ' ' filing Koaiim Ml Kouilh .irrrt, lotlf dabr.i wrai m Broidrtajr. v ? WHO IIAM NOTIIEABDOrTHK fKLI ORATED at ? Mnlam I'KKVVnt'ER, who ii ? r. 'notr i loWl .iriy* r ulit'ii a;ram, carnrrol BitiD arbnur, tv.'i t. l < . o ,, i wii . ran lie ' I i ul . .I With rntlw aailalMC , 1. M r 1 . || Snr ?. 11- till' "?rnr 01 I'll lir ? v if 11 I; 1 ,,1 ttuii .if brr rlali r. tf yen Wtab trrt pw mu ? . rll rilHE OKRATE8T VVONDl.R IN TIIK WORI.O Js TllE A voona and areuni|Ailiaed HyIIiin i. 1 l a w no can < onaultcd with the iffl.: eat conn t- ore ..:i n at - I Ira of lllet realm a# .Irunkea a .* ttnCaltblui htouitmla; lain a aeoret to niokr ybu brlovr l by Jn. 1. b< ? t m 1 < , , lotr'hrrihuaaponaaejiaiat"' ta.'? a Jt centa Kiiidtnti On Third arenue," Tiveltih sttrel. ?tiroNPERB WILL NKlElt C?\MK--MaPAR VAN Vf c..n '?? rotiaulted at hrr prti at ? re : ten* ?: N 1J Amity l>uc ?. Frs, lad tea 4u crnta; aenti-mra tl. 1i? - BOWERY, NEAR BRDOMF RTtiEET.-RADAMB 1 W1IHJRH, I'latrroynm ??il (iiftau Kpi.nlal ..n .,u. ; v i ? ? "1 rroa "f futmity. Ir". marrU.o, a,i??nt I 1 1 ? ' 'Baa pri ? nbro mr.Iirtn. r >1 all Jiaraaea, l?Ua 4 1 ?a> uantwirt, iirotfJiU .vat or autaa. An, ?noauAHioca. A TrRNTION, CASH BUYKRS A All buiM oi ut utliilra MiimenM below, bud It to THEIR INTEREST to?n?mlM our stock bcioia making their purohaAab. Si have Jual recdlvad, direct from Prauco, ibMir & NKW PARIS DINNRlt tETS, _ _ new sryi ks paris tka sets, HEW STYLES PARIS KaU.BT SETS, NEW STYLES l AKIs MANTEL OHNAMBNTM. The followi'.j ha gains Are not euualicd. STYLE AND QUALITY QUALITY rou?.dered, iu N.'* Yore ? Silver Plated Tim HpoottA, tlie du/en fl N Silver PUted'labia Spo ils. Urn dozen IW Silver I'USeil Table Porks. the dozen. 3 90 Silt er Pintail 0nater?, ?l* out boltieA, urnm A 90 Sliver Plated Gate B?sket*, each .. t W Silver l'laied To i Sals, s,? uieuee 19 00 06 SILVER PLATED ICK PITCHERS, *9 largest size, handsomely engraved. 0.i. OS. $5. $5 01. 09, OA SILVER PLATED 00PEEK I UN'S, 010 OH). SU?- 010. Ivory Handled Tuble Kniies, the 0* 9? Ivory 11 oil. I led Tea Knives, the dozen.. 4 00 t ill ilia*- Goblet*, the do.'fit 1 00 (Jut Glass Dec miters, the piece 2 00 I'd Bohemian O'a-is Fiugrr Bowl*. the dozen I 00 IRO.V8TONK CHINA, Maddoek'a make, the very heat in the inarkeL Irun-Hlo .e China Diuuor Seta $10 00 Iron-Stout: Oillna Dinner Plan-*, the dozen dg Irou-Slooe China Br akfitat I'lales. the dozen..,. Irou-Stona China Toilet Seta, apiece IN AIEo an immunse choice In GAS FIXTURES, embracing everything useful an I ornamental for lighting DWELLING HOl'sES, STORKS, CHURCHES. '.a. W. J. F. DAI LEY A OO, Y3l Hroidway. ACARD-TUR 3KIM.-PIMFLR3. FRECKLE?, Qjb ear* aiul ell rli.seaa.'a oi the ariii cured by WALTKB eereandaU diaeML-svf thaa.;tn cured by WALT DAY, M. D.. 30 Amity si reel, throe blocks wot of Bio idurAf A PURE wfllTE ENASffeL POB PILLING DE0AYBD Teeth, Print one dollar per tooth. This beautiful pro R.ration ia plaeod Into the cavity in a soft stale, Immediately coming a* solid aa the looth ltsnlf, preventing further de cor, ami warranted to last for gears. _ Prepared ty WALTER DAY, 30 Amity street, three blocks weat at I way. ? ? ? ? liTOR GENTLEMEN'S USE?PREN0H INDIA ltllBHM 1 Go eta. lb re ..oleic nt arnHua. Vriut 40 cents rank; S.l per dozen. Pur a de <criptiva circular call on or wddroaa Moekey A Co., 81 Nassau street, room 12. IjTLAGS, FLAGS. PLAG8?OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. . the lieat and chrbpeKt In 111" cpy. Engineer Stoma of allkiudi. furniched direct from the manufacturer*, un the mo t reaeouahht tonus. Orders received ut 4') Dey street. E. MILLS. A? ml. JOHN U. INMAN. ItL Highly autistic ?any gentleman intending to construct for bis own lie; an tie aul prmH real* d iif may ho induced to purchase a superb Marble Mi raided at $l,c00, fur $iJU Apply at 111 Fulton at reel. T. B COAHl Marble mantels.?mantels sold at aston iGnng.y low pr.cea at KLAllEltNS Marine Yve*. 109 Ea t Eighteenth atre"t, near Third avetrne, an l M Hirst wvo nue n.uir fund ztract, N. Y. MantttUi put up ia nuy part of the country. Mill wanted?wanted, a second hand Prentiss it I'uze Mill, in good order, star, two leak. Andreas W. C. E.. Herald ofltoe. Photographic albums?a grkat variety, at \ cry low prices; a no, a large assortment of Pans at 29c., f fitte., 70 oeid.i and $1: Pipes, Rortoinonnain*. Satchel*, Per lumety, end evei yihiru in the Fancy Goods lino at toe oat* guisl L. JACOBS, 107 Broadway. PLANTS. PLANTS.?A FINE ASSORTMENT OT J. monthly Carnations, Verb, no*, Roses, and other bed (Iingout plants. For Bale by W. MT/.PA'I'UIi'!,', KlorLit^ Tivuiitv-ninth street and BfoA.dway. Wreaths. hou'iusts Gasket* aa usual. PERSONS LOSING THEIR HAIR CAN HAVE I* restored hi using a remedy, so cheap (hat all can got. Addi ' .JIr- Landoit, with a return postage sump, Union a juare Post "fllce, lor one week. CJCHMIDT'S PATENT MUZZLBS-IN WHICH TUB O doga run riu ami drink, an.I an not able to uUr, for ante in every bar .arc store and at bid manufactory, 13|> Mm roleatreet, Brooklyn, E D. TO commissioners' OF DEEDS?THE ADVERTISES I* deairous of obtaining an appoiuluu-nt ?t Cotamin slommf Deeds. Any person holding *'itli an appointment nnd who u> willinc to resign In my fiivor, will please *4? dress, eating terms and full particulars, N. N. B? bo* 2jH? Pobt oilier. ?MTANTED-STONE INK BOTTLES, 0HARTS, PINTS VV and hall-pint-., which nave held ArnoM'a or (longer k Pi. id's ut.'hk Huld or copying luk*. Address S. 3. Stntlori, Id Cedar street. CI CLOTHES WRINOERS, JUST PATENTED -WILL c5 L be noiit to any nidreaa on reeoipl of 31. Wi.nga beautifully uod tits any tub Olty and onuntry nyub want cd. itiiNls lor sale. Add read Weed A Co., lit. Ulrlenoa mien, New York. PKOPUSALS. Army supplies. Or>uh or Atmr Ci,ot'ii?o and EtiBirviB,l N -w Von*; June Id, I -62. I WaNTED?20,0.10 pairs of Ar:ny Buuio. a, of medium aim*, for wliu n prepowla will be ro -.veil by the aiioc ribc outtl the 20th iiibtont Tbe quantities to be delivered from ums u but, and lias Kb a req urcd will be made known upon ty p ieation at thU oflce, where the aland nd saiupu uiayis aeen. t>iu>. sliouM be endorsed "1'ropo aA for Purn alung Army liaoti-ea,'' aul diidreaa. il to Lieiiienaut Colonel D. H. VINTON, Deputy ytiariei'iuaatcr General Uolteil Sia.e- aruay. Y^M V supplies. J\ O. iii'i. A.-.-T. i oiawiMAtir 0??' decor SnatisrairOn, ? No. 4 Stati Struct, Nkw York, June Id. 1402. f Sealed pro .i.aaU trill be reivi. i a '? y lue >n. derMnnod, SI tula o, until 4 o'clock P. M? ou Friday, tiie 20th mat., fur fiirnidklng PltP.HIl BKEF for twelve mo llha, from the 1st of July, 1.402, in the irou|ia in the asreite of the United r-iatea, *ta'r mid at the several reertl nm; rct.d /. una that lire or may be eninbllalieil in this my, and o audi othss Uoitnl Sutte* tniojia roqtllrtufi ireah iiccf. not ulhrrwiss pne- ide l lor. a- tit >? be autloned in or i.ra- di? eity, or no ooard veaaeia lying lemiiorarily in id ? harbor oi N?w York. l iiefrea i bee. i* to be of a good an 1 wholesome quality. Willi an riptai pi o portion or fore and bin I 'jnar'.er meat, i.niwk* and ulisnk- to lie RrlvHI) and furm-hed In *uok ;iianillteaal eaeh plaiwnf drlivry, ?>, from time to lira*, may be required lor the trx.p* oy .he several olUcsiS tas charge Further Information will be given on Application. Rack bid mint have a printed copy o! thl* advertisement pautod at Its heml. W ii contracts to he inuda with adoquat* i iniJ*. Tii*. names of two eofll ien. scroti ?? to be given la the prune-u'*. whb h are to be endorsed ' 1' e.e.aU for Fresh fceei." A. B KAT.1N, Ide itenat Coioo l and a. 0. 8. ( 'ITY OF OIIAKLBSrOWN, MASSACHUSETTS. \J Mealed pioiioutl* will lie received by the Water Cm*. miaafouerani iiieeMy of Charieatown, nniil June ;?>, far laving in mik! city, and on the lin? of their water cvurkn abotn twenty-one mile* of taat iron pipea. " n. of th* work tan l>. *e..n, end Intormaildn <?>n -eruini; naid work ba coialiie.l at the o.lit of tln< EaglTiaei or Water b'.iiaaie s oner*. Oharl own. Ooplea of speel (ration* and i nntr wta and i or in* oi prapoacla, will b-wee to gialtie* di onug ta tuake bid* for ill. ?or*. on their mating Application lor the siiuelo the Wati r Comnitaaloflerv. Honda v ith auretw* Witt required !rum parties n>uu.tntin;. The Couimln Aionrr* reserve ilie right to aivvju that crop.- il wlueli, n* e r all etn cnixt uKe*. they ahall eoiafder mo ? favursbm Is the ill roleot tneCily. or 10 ro.eoi a.I pro;o*wij Otlerod. For the Wfaier C >miiii?*i"n r-, EDM AND LAWRENCE, ohalnn in, L. L. .siEYE.N.fviN, iiblef E.i pneer, C, W. W. CUTY OF I H YRLESTOWN. M ASRACHUSKTT:' -THE / Water Co emlv* enina of liie City of t;ta le*town wlk iTteive pro;*?wU nvr i.eibtng, dei vi r.ui: an I laying on the ? ii? of iMIrdivtribttliott pi w One son trod ami lor.y FIitB HYDKANT.f. la null.lUg pi? fcMMtlB tot the a.ine, ponies me*'. lU' linle the llidr.iiit i ipe, the Bend, tli Hydrant, FYemra, Cnv r* and *11 app ? ifscam ea ckiini ted therevr.tli, e .uepnag lite main he* in m,un pv>v. The} mc*1 ? ? ? afate t'c price at wblrh they will lav mid cvlcBec' i,ell).|iaat pipe* with the brandies In the Mrina, and peif cm oil tha work inc.d "in to pine ng me hydmuta iu per'?*l or.t?r for us., in n 'l iddejirrry and nil trenchtnT or other tlra'ng. PnrtleM ntakMM propo*al* mot a eooiionv tboni Willi de dsna of tin; atyle of hydrant they piopo* ? 1 i . 'cigas m ivi l>* drmwrotna ale, lu detail. *o aV to admit ex ili#?r being rokddy umlersttiod. The ioibI an o n. i*i t ineb lly. iliant Pine iv n,(..|i* a'.odt elevrn linliu ed ?I,' <1> leet, M/>. of No'Vl' f'H inch, ? Rh akllleieiit a re nl hytl, iir lo ad ?nil Of lacmaelng dtutlieHir ul U igtia to 4 tke.iea, W'il iO<M remoVWl cf byd iiit. Proposal* ? ill n lan b' reeelvsd lor ah nit Oil', hue (fed and >l\i> STOP Cot lih. ot ,li following *U" ? Tii ? .n-h ; r.4 of ?ln.. It. ?. "III. 2 of 1) in.. So1' ' In d it It In. 'l iie prcpoail* to Miop i i> k*. to uiiliid- every i s enlcd eaat tng iwihilnlug ti the enm and Inedelueryoi .il.iokaor ?witin r, at * i h 11* es in c ,ir ? i-com i? to Engine>?r may Ir en tin " to line dire" . De-guaof tha sivb* i it?fOwd for, lib p. ..-iiieil at - ami ' me ai bid. l'ln'i* oi O ? iiitma pipe, aiiow mt nici'i it* of Hydrant* .in.l Simi t i ? .*. ? au Im . ????il ? the cllic of the Jin lueeror M .iter OnminiK o mera Alee ;?!? i *; be aeni .> the lltig n I J1 NE ..'i. 14Ci Tie c.imuo^lonera ??*arve iher.ghttoa or le.idtatiy ol the icoji-b ?li. ohered. For V.'ater ComiutaatML " EI-VV i P.ll LAWBK.NC11, ChaiMiim. C. L. h Ih. K.VSii.V till la i En.iioeei C vr. W. OKKH'Ii OK ARMV CUlTtUKtl AMI E'.-triKAOf. Na.iv jfo ... liiu? ? 11. idttt. Braird pro|Hjil? ?*!!. b rrr?lv? I at ilil?'i31r. wit I s?iur> ?la., tin' *<'t w. 1J o'l'.o' k M., tot ji -..likAisM tfci'r.iW Hats.-mnir" ! ??:?? in a I mi. a'ao?intuinga tm i n./? . utitl tnuimilM lOrm ? tin bt ?rk cot' iu nid sweat I niiti. , It.-; lis ? arr am* In tli? Q'ut rtnaa' T'a *' ."rh.i.ine ta Wa-li.ti .! m. (r ,.n wlt!"n | )?? ?? t'? y wl.t ??? taki-n lijr tins i hi.' r tint! tili"i Inifh'.i Mlv?irl at 'It.. .Imol of Ar iy * lol In* ml E .'t i j> tr ? li this pat led in >?<ra ? or transput! .th>n. llin list". I| It lt?4 ," *n lis J v d it into I't.per j if ...fii .ns "i ri'iS' 'sttoit's, sb'l tie s ib, .?? '?> tric-tioti at litis tl' i">t. K.fii'T lot irinul 'i, in - itsrd to?."? Ac., ran '*? iritita r | <i.i S|i;i' i I"" mit ? <lfti.'.\ silt In- rc.|'ilr?"t loi- Itf pri|x'r pri formaii"* <>t tha contract. I; tillers ? I in- .1'wVst possible tin;* ilithtti# p. rr'.i o ran be ?? *ri iritt' l, an. i l n ?? ;:t ir Vila, ' fr>i|a>. MlU lot rivsm ; .- tfl.w II.*' . : ll.'M Tl J T I III ' . '?' "I'l'mtl is'Totisi ti |t V1 .'/TOV. Deputy O'tift'r.i tisii f Uatin is. L tuts*' .tis < At :ny. rro hp:ii. kimt;'. ownkik ?8tu.Kt? ('KlM?ohals L wt'l lie re.- l? t a t it* o > c - i*i? t r ...'n Imii.* J'l, lor I,.. |n.ft i- ? .i t .:'V,uu ;,y ilac t,r,..,isu nj . jtUie iisooC l.IP l ilO Ot'|tvT.I11' III. itl'St'd ?- -.liOtv . ? o..i* i 't i ? ii i i'?'-i 11') ..', u s -u *ti; Mali* <T.'. ' r>r !.ii 'Jiiip.tnv No. !. Our I, I h ? ? I t'!ni h. White, Ki n nn I Dtraii" sirsaUL |.?. li -1 .e i n rp. iv 3i (i I... .tl ii""i.n'.itii.l i e r md, b"iwrivMi N tt'ty sitTi ttnl |> In ?l.i ?. I'.t I..1 itli- tJo.i .'"111 Jan. .U. On I.'?t ?' t# 'ti I ? v ' ii Jiiunn, h and tValn Otti ? , for tl"s" ( ").'| itli No. SA mi !. '> ? i " i tit" 0. Fourth, Fifth on.I f.sirla ati nt , Itiivr 0 ibipstiy if. 'I in I r .. hi.i t'nl 1 on' tli arentted soil Ripiitfs llili i! :.h?l I l<!il' -roth ot' ?f i. loi tl.".' Coaipwiy No it On 1. : "i"". iii ti'i ii . .. Moll l'liu'f ant HhhsIo* sirri ;.. for M ki. mi l IsA lil"r ''".itjiati) No. Id. ALSO, K vrtli" p. r a ?<?f * l/>t. or'tm lea-aof a If" tso ?n.| Is*, I. or. nil n.i.i.iy. Ftiltou, li. rk'nnn and William stmrta, ? Mm- T'ii ' JhlllV Nil 'ill. f'r '? i.i iiiialn a dlasram ?f tn? propa?y iffrr-d. n it. . i n ."*. I icn'it* and ci sraetnr of lmpri*ciii'"i a tr ? 1'ii f ri nee trill Hoi giocn to vacant lots i'symont .'Uk ti ?? .1; 4IV11141? clesr and ?stiatsotort till ?. In.' ti. m is rrsrrvnd to n'Jrct nny or all lirnp. *ns. KOBK.IlT T. tIAWS. " ..oi|.iuit*r, ? Ctrr or Nfcv. Vokk. OKfsitTtn. it or Fis t ?. CoarTRiiti i R ir Orric*. June 12, 1362. > .??K.uah* AMD TOBACCO. Havana ?F.rARd ?to dbaIiKra, hk o; ;:n roi aatn a srlradld aasortmntil 01 tins such ,f s tnaa atytaa. at lUa lowrat marsrt pi i"<?. . OKO. W. mOHuM t CO , f) .5 atraat CKOAR BTORB-WITII ACrOMMODAff iNS 1 ,H O id" mom, *'a ha .a n, in .at ta twiw tkta vaak. Agf 7 oa Mm HA T.