Newspaper Page Text
_ SITUATIONS WAITBD-KEM*LK?.^ AYOUMO Oliul I* TEAIW or AGB. WISHES A M ibuiob W nund eblldren or Urdu light ehtmberwork; woeld make herself gensrally useful: two years city refe rence can be gi . em. Call el U6 Ul vtr. rear. _ A SITUATION WANTED?BY A TOUNti ENGLISH Pretesiauigirl to co Ui the country u scnm?ir?s* and Intake CATC 01 one child. Pleaac ?nil at her preent em Ffiiycr'a, No. 4 East 3Sd su, for two days. I RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL WISHES A 8ITUA turn a* 61*1 ulnae laundr- Be, in a re.i enable family cau JtB. ikVU ill ul'Il ? ;?.AN i? tuui ?&, Alt ? ?<-?!?? <*utc ISIUUI ??u ae all kind* ot lace tinting. CallatSOS Hicks at., corner of Amity, lint floor, front room, Brooklyn. ARRKPECTABIB PROTESTANT OIRI. WISHES A situation an nurse and aritu.Mresa, or ct.aiiih. i maid and waiireas, haa llie boat ol reference; ban uu objection to (lit eounlry; would inake herself generally useful if reduned. Can be tern at her present employ art. 103 Pact be at., Brrok >*>?? A RESPECTABLE YOUNO GIRL WISHES A SITUA tion aa good plain iooh, wntiter and ironer, or would do kNMaarl In a small family. Hut good city referenda from her laat pla< e. Can he aeen for two da> a at HI Ea.t 16th at., between lat and 3d area., fourth floor, hack room. SITUATION WANTED?BY A COMPETENT YOl'NO soman, as ehainberin.Hld and laiiitdrena: undeiaauda _uare of children and plain sewing; would like to go to the eouDtry; good lelerencu given. Call lor two day a at SI 7th ar.. one door front 31th at., third floor, back room. A SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXCELLENT COOK, who (lioroughty uud< ratanda her Ouameaa; haa no ? objection ma?nt with th* washing and Ironing; has tba heat of city reference. Call at 116 7th ava., near 30tb at., awr the drug more. ABITUATION WANTED?BY A TOUNO WOMAN. AS a rook in a private family; underatandg bread ami plain paatry; la willing tn assist with the waahing and iron nag, and haa no ob.irctiou to go a abort distance in the ?cmutry; the heat ol city i efereuce giveu from iter laat place. San be aeen at 322,'j Bowery. A BEBPKCTABLK GIRL WANTS A SITUATION TO travel with a family to C)<l.loru:a; has . owe with a faeiity and wants to return, for further particnlara call at K Washington at, near Castle Garden; for reference call at IaI Bowling Green, at the French Consul's office, second A RESPECTABLE YOUNG OIBL WANTS A 8ITUA JX Ilea to cook, waab and ir u In a small private family. She beat city i eference. Ne objection to go a abort diaianoe ^ the country. Call for two uayaat 278 Weat 28th at, frout A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES A SIT nation In the city as good plain cook and excellent wasb ??r and Ironer; understands baking and making bread the roughly. Beat of city reference. Can he aeen lor two days ?t fitshth ay., between 39Ui and 40lh ata. 8 LAUNDRESS.?WANTED, BT A RESPECTABLE young woman, a situation aa imtndreaa. Apply ai licr ni employe! >, 74 West 26th St., Tor two days. ABITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE young girl, to go to Europe; would lake . are of chii dree or wait on a ladv. Can be seen for one week at her present employer's, 36 Weal33d at. SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE children and do plain sewing; ban uo objection lo go in Ut country; good city refereuue given. Call at 228 Tlh avt, entrance in 35th au SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN, AS nurse or seamstress; is capable of taking the entire Of a baby; can cut and fit for cb tldren, understand., ail s of family sewing. Has good city references. Can be At 110 West 19th St., between 6th and 7th avs. A RESPECTABLE GIRL WANTS A SITUATION AS chambermaid or to do general housework; no objec 'Una logo in tne country. Best city reference. Apply lor ?we days at I t) West 30th it., in the r A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL WANTS A SITUA Uon aa chambermaid and seaiuatrcss, can embroider Matty; has no objection to do general housework for a amall private family. Call at her present einp.Oyer's, 16b West 33d at, between 7th and 3th avs., where the tan be i i seen for two A COMPETENT PROTESTANT GIRL REQUIRES A JX situation aa cook, and to assist In the washiug and iron sag; makes very good bread and biscuit; no objection lo go ? abort distance Id the country; city reference given. Call for two days at W West 26th St. & SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, to cook and assist In washing and Iron , ?*u giro good reference. Can be sera for two day a at Joiiuun at, Brooklyn. A YOUNG WOMAN WISHES TO OBTAIN A 8ITCA tion Id a r?spe. table family, aa nurse and seamstress, or 4e do chain berwork and waiting. No objection to go a abort distance In the country. OaH at 6612d av., tor two days. A PROTESTANT WIDOW WANT8 A SITUATION AS Jx. bousekr-ep r; would do tbe general housework in a ?lala family wberc she oould have her only child with her. loan excellent sewer. A home more an object than wages. Can be seen at 422 Atlantic St., Brooklyn, up stairs. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A S*T atioa to do general housework in a small pi irate la mtiy. No objections to go a short distance in tbe country flood city rciereuce given. Can be aeen lor two days at 27t> Mai berry sL A YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION TO DO JBL general housework. Is a good washer and Iroio-r. pale cook, good baker, willing, good girl. Call at 207 Henry Ot., between State and Atlantic ata., Brooklyn, for two days, flood city roerence. A B LAUNDRESS.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL WANTS n situation as laundress. She peneclly und.-ra-ituiis hor business in all Its brancbe*. Has the best of city refe ?ooce. Call Tor two days at 336 Ctu ar. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNG WOMAN, aa chambermaid and laundress, or to do chamber work end bin-wash.n .' and ironlnc: understand* her bn -in ?as four years' wferenoe. No objection to a short distan -a In the oo.nry. Caii be seen st her present eundoycis' (w lie are going to Europe), 146 Madison sv. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A MIDDLE AGED w.iinsii. an-.-ok, wsslier and ironer. No objection >o ?corral hon-ework la a small Would go a short uis fcnee m the coumry. Has goo i rerercuce. Can be seen tili oagaip d at 2.7 Elizabeth at., lint Uoor, rear bouse. A COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN WISHES TO EN g.irn with a f.imily as' m...d and seamstress; uu - deratau a hair dressing, dressmaking, cuttlug und litliug for chililinu, aliirt making and tine sewing; would at'end to a grown child 11 required; has city reference. Call at 218 (Ah ?vs.. between 14th aud loth ata., in Uie lamy stoic, lor two *aja A GERMAN PROTESTANT WOMAN WANTH A SITU ' kl aliou to cook, su I lion; also 3 Protestants, iu dif ferent caiwcities; also 3 nurse* uud seamstresses, and seve ral oc.u, amart v,cit*-r..l IkOUSoWork.-rs, al the Large Insti tute, .-orner of Eleventh street and Sixth MUM, KE.-PBCTABLE GERMAN PROTESTANT GJKL wants a aituat.un to doclmnib Twork end aewing. aud ; with the washing and; is wilting to go in a irate family aa good plain cook. Call at 344 4lh St., near ova A A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT WOMAN WISHES " a situation iu a private lunnly to no :,eoerai bou-vtiork. 0 oil City reference given. Call tor two daya at 2X1 Pearl at., three doorn Irotn T.llary at.. Brooklyn. SITUATION WANTED?BY A FIRST CLASS UNO _ luiioook; withes a altuallon inapiimle lamih; on erstanda all kinds of family cooking; hat lived in the best tallies and hat the best city rcfei eute. No objections lo l to the country. Call lor two days at 113 Mb av? one door i 2Mb at., to tbe taoey atore. RESPECTABLE AMERICAN OIKL, FROM THE country, wishes a altuallon la a I speciahic family at uairraa or chaiubenuald. Call at Mi3 Weal Broadway, i be teeo from 8 A. M. till 8 P. M. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION AS child i en's maid, or to do plain tewing and chamber Call at bar praaent ampluyer'a, 138 Hlrka tt., Uj* SITUATION WANTED?ST A PROTESTANT Wo man, at monthly or baby's nurse; U tapabia of fiUlug situation. Beat of oily ref-renoe can oe given. Cau , i lor twe ilaya at 13t Weai 29ih at., between 7th and Mb ml, necouil Sour, I roat room. L SITUATION WANTED-*? A RESPECTABLE WO man, as good plain cook and excellent waauer and oaar; has good city reference from berlaat place. Call at I Weal tiat at., near Broadway. LTOU.hU WOMAN. WHO IS CAPABLE OP DOING all kinds of houaawork, wishes to nud a home wlib a npeoiabte family, particulars and raterauceegiven ai in tfkw Addreta Home, Herald office. !? OESMaN GIRL WISHES A SITUATION TO DO E general housework. Call at SQ2 8th av., ru >tu No. 6. A SITUATION WANTED-BV A RESPECTABLE young woman, at cook In a private familv; undi rsianrts "llogand Is an etcell- ut pualry cook; would not objri-t to _ let in th? washing nud Ironing, best oi city leierrn. s (Mm her last employar. Apply at No. W7 East lath tt., near 53C A SITUATION WANTI D-BV A RESPECTABLE GIRL loeook, wash and Iron, or to do llgiu genera, house ettt. Good city reference ? an he gi.en. Call at 30 Dean I at. between 8mltk and Boerum, Brooklyn, in the iear, lor I day t. A COMPETE NT WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION AS cook, or Would do tbe housework of a email faintly; un 'rrntaods the eire of butter: mi objection to tbe country. Inn be se n lor two days kt 16< El.ta.Hith ? btiweuu Mpriag | mad Broome aw. T THE OLD ESTABLISHED OFFICE. i?S GRAND .ST., Families, hotelp. boarding houses. Ac., In city or country, with good male end female eervanta. Good gills ??. Seamstress and Ljdys ma:d*s situation wanted, by a I'oii'pei'nl parson; t.< h first else-est I n-'n ,.'S u <1 tin bar drcs ing and doing up bullet' I lei' uin- Jos I. iioncepliouable refi iencas given. Call at lor add re- < W 7ih ai? oetwoec 2?ib and IhSih els. SITUATION WANTED-BT A WOMAN, TO <K>OI, wasb and Iron. City recon'mendsliona given. Would I In the <hi tin try. CaM ni or add ess 39U tth av. jlTi WHON WANTSE-AM OOOK AMD TO ARNHn IN the washing and tinning Apple lo her pieseut ?... sr, No. 23 Wai.Ahh at., nearl.h av. IWO TOUMU WOMEN WANT SITUATIONS; ONE as good plain cook, ? ssber nod irenar. tbe other av ebsm . rtnaid and waltrota and is wlllin.'te assist In washing and swing; has no objection in go out to the eotiniry. good rot's raves from tbelr lust places. Cat. at IK West isib at, second mr, beck room. lO MANUFACTURERS AND OTHERS -A LADT OP , good address and sciive busln-ts habit-. noi l,I lite to rat ?ilb some rcspwewMa ho use io m II, on tonimi-n.on, ? > iu eful article, paiented or otherwise. HuuinPs mora be gnl. .Addreis H J. C., lle.-al I oltee rANT.LD-A SITUATION, BT A RESPECTABLE girl A " chambermaid ami waitress; Is willing to ussm . ,je wash 'i?g and ir nlu 1 r x- ?il' .Mid f. i-.-e are in lifo r- n, no obyi ? id, ?> n Uo ? mny; kuc4 elero.ioe r?. "i her lint p a>tt h. re she lived sit yrate. ill nl 117 Eac? Mill ?t. _____ ? af ANTKif?A SITU.lTIi'N. BY A IlE 1*1 TAliLR JKl young wot an, as ?.c nnitren in a private Is nil/; no Lbj#?Tion to the -; would take wrc of cUlldrtao. Cad "or mo d.>, ? at 3 Stt 't. ^ rrf.tTION. BY A C< MPBTENT JTN w> hi* been in that oapscl'T the jast Ifteeny s' - i nnv ' ? of an it.tsi . f.otn ibitih. 1liM't, n* f 'ndy and dig ni* in so k a good plant r >???> 1 - I'." 1 est ?.f I ty reform., . < un t?.n lot in. ?!,?. - at .i, m ! "if Bioa-usy, in Ike lasty ? I HTVi.flON WAITKD-VBHAUBI. |1tant'/d_bv a compbtknt, trustworthy II l?*ton. a aitualloa as waitress or chambermaid; would '/relerthecouulry for the summer. CwbtMi at bar employer's, 32 East32d ?t. T1TANTED?BY A RESECTABLE MIDDLE AOBD If woman, a situation as chambermaid aud dufm for ohll (iron; beat ? ity references. Call for two day at Mr*. Catiiu s, 166 Amity at., Brooklyn. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG GIRL, A8 TV cook: la a good cook and a good washer and doner, no objection lo a laundress' plane In a private luuitly: good elty reference. Call for two dava at her last place, 134 Aiuily at., between Clinton aud Henry, Brooklyn. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNO GIRL, A ailualiou io do ? liainberwork and plain -ewin? or lake inre of childicu; ia willing and obltgiu*; no objection to the country. Reference given. Call for three daya at 33 Carroll at, Brooklyn, first floor, front room. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE WO man, a* i uok ,n a boarding liouae, or laundress; baa no objaetiou to goto the eounlty. The beat of city reference. Can be aeen at 123 Eaat 11th at., firal floor, front room. WANTED-A PLACE TO DO GENERAL llOUSE TT work in a small family, by a neat, tidy girl, 17 yeara old; would take care of eblldien. Inquire for two duya at Iter laat place, I'M Backi It at, Hroeklyn. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOIKO GIRL, A aituation aa waitress In a private family, or to do ligut chamberwork Can be seen for two daya at her prcaeni em ployer'a. 67 Eaat 2iiib at. Y1TANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE " girl, to do general housework in a private family; would have no olijerkion to the country; la a good plain eoofc.flis: rati' waaher and lroner; baa good city referent*. Can be aeen for two days at ?><i Canal at., third floor, front room. Prefers a good home to large wages. WANTED-BY A RBSPBCTABLE WOMAN, A SITUA tion us chambermaid and lauudrcsa, or w ould travel With a faintly to California; best oi city reference gives. Call at 74 West tilth at., in tbe rear, for two daya. YTTANTED-IN JULY, A SITUATION, BY A RE8FE0 vY tabl.i young woman, to go to Europe or West as lady's maid ?r nurae; la not seasick; or would go aa Howard ess; is a most intelligent and trustworthy person. Address for one week C D.. Union square Post ofliue. TIT"ANTED?A SITUATION, BY A SMART, INTELLT TT gent young woman, aa laundress, or chambermaid aud Aud washer, or to do general housework; can produce unex ceptionable reference. Can be eeen until eugnged at 86 8tb ave., be'wnen Jane and Horatio sis. WANTED-BY A SMALL AMERICAN GIRL. A SITUA lion In a private lamily to mind clul.ueu or to do tight watting; is wilting and obliging. Call for two daya at 300 7th ave., third floor. TIT-ANTED?A SITUATION AS MONTJILY NURSE, OR vv tu take care of an luvulid, by au experienced Am-rti an nurse. Inquire at 671 6tti uv., heiwem 3Slh and tuth sta., top lioor, all tbe week. Best city rel'rrenrw. WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, a* . h nubcriuaid and waUivaa or to do the housework of a small lamily; baa the beat of cb/refe rence. Can Ixs awn for two days at 606 7th yi j "II'ANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT KNO TT ban woman, a sltuatiou aa nurse an i seniustreis or ? hamteruaid and s-'aumreaa. Can be aera lor two dare at 361 Dean at.. Brooklyn. WANTED?BY A HEALTHY YOUNQ ENGLISH WO uian, a altnaiioii aa wet nurse. Good relerenrecau be given. Apply at 102 St. Mark'a place, 8Ui at., near ar. A. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE girl, aa chambermaid and wuilreaa, with a private family; la willing to assi at with washing and Ironing; baa bo objection to go a abort distance in the country. Haa good city reference. Call for two days at 260 Baat 14th sL, up flairs, room No. 6 TIP'ANTED-A ?HOUSEKEEPER'S SITUATION. IN A TT widower's family or where the lady is an invalid, by a competent person with inference. Can bo seen at her own reatdenor, b2.j fth ar. Mr*. Pu ree. WANTED?A SITUATION, BT A RESPECTABLE A met lean young woman, aa chambermaid and to assist with the line washing, or to lake care ot eiilldreu and sew; no objection to go in the country. Good lefereuce. Call at tbO East 31st near 2d ar., for two days. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE WO man, as coon; understands all kiuds of meats, soups, bah, pastry and game, bread and bUcuiL 'The very beat of city reference given. No objection to go In the country. Call lor two days at 122 Wert 26th at., near 7th av. WET NURSE -A RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOMAN desires a situation in a brat class family; sue la a wo man of most amiauln habits and la foml of children; haa the highest reference. Can be seen at 119 West 16th at,, near 6th av.. in the front basement. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, A SITU alien as waitress; will bare no objections to doing chatnberwork if required; can come well recommended from some respectable families in the city; no objection to goto the country for the summer months. Call at 8V West 18tb at., near 6th av. WANTED?BT AN ENGLISH WOMAN, A SITUATION as first class cook lu a private faintly; would have no objection to go to a hotel or summer bouse for the season. In j ure for two day* tor Mrs. M. W., at 161 SIM at., near 2d ave. nrANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOMAN, TT a situation aa wet nurse; baa the best of references, i 'all for two days at 212 East 14th at., third Hour, back room, i WANTED?A 8ITUATI0N. BY A RESPECTABLE young girl, to do general housework In a small private family. Sb>-has no objection to go a short distance in the country. She has the beat of city reference. Call at 26 West 32d at., between 6th and?7th av?? for two days. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, IT a situation aa oook, washer and ironer, and is willing n> make herself generally useful. The boet of references eau be given. Would prefer going soino miles up the Hud son rivrr. Call at or address 263 west 36tb St., between 7th and Bth avs. WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE young girl, to do up suirs work and sewing, and to see to gruwlug children. Good city reference. Cull lor two day* at 12., 24th si., between 6th ana 7th ave. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE middle aged woman, to cook, wash and Iron; no ob jection to go a short disiance in the country. Best of oily icfemiice. Call at <0 Atlantic sc. Brooklyn. WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG GIRL, TO II co >k, wash and Iron, or to no the work of a small pri vate family. Call at 124 West 26th at., between 7th and 8th avs., Ihirti Hour, front room. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN, TT e? cuamberinalu ami waitress. Good city relet en e tan b givi n. t all at 124 West 26lb sL, between 7th and 8th avx., third floor, treat loom. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE TT youug girl, aa chambermaid and waitress or nurse. Can be xeun tor tbree day* at 92 Mtcketl at., Boutli Brooklyn. WANTED-A SITUATION AS COOK OR LAUNDRESS in a small private family, by a young woman who can give the bent city references. Apply for two days at 76 Allen WANTED-BY a NEAT. WELL EXPERIENCED WO T T man, a situation iu a respectable prtvalo family; Is a good cook, washer and Ironer; thoroughly understands baking; no objection to city or oountry. The best of city reference irom ber last place. Call lor two day* at 112 East 22d at., second boor, I'roul room. WANTED-A SITUATION AS WET NURSE, BT A young married woman wbe has lately lost her child; geod city reference given. Call tor two day* at 201 ar. C, second hoor, front roum, No. 6. It' ANTED?BY AN EDUCATED GERMAN YOUNG TT per-on, a situation in a respectable family as lady'e maid or to take care of growing children; is a good family seauatres-. Many years' reference. Caa be aeon at 62 West Washington place, in the rear. Wi WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE ni l, to <1? ibc general housework of A small rurally; U a good plain oaok, washer anil iroaer; U a good bread and blacuit baker, and baa good city refaroace. Call At MM Uud> ?on an., Brooklyn. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young girl; la a good washer and Ironar and will do general hnuaework Boat of city reference. Can be wen at IM West ?Ut at., between 9th and 10th are., for two days. WANTED?BT A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT girl, a situation aa rook lu h small t uuily; baa no ob jection to aaalit in the waahlng and ironing; haa 11 red six yeara in her last place; no objection to the country. Caa be seen till aulted at 11>? Well 2/th at.. In Ibo eailety store, TANTED-BY TWO RESPECTABLE UIKL8, SITU A* tlnns In city or country; one U a lust rate cook nnd la willing to assist wltb washing and ironing; the other na cbnmliermnid .nd waltre*> ; would preler being together, If possible, recommendations lor the last thirteen yeara. Can (>? a en tor two daya at their last employer's, 236 West 18th at., bstwecn thh aad Ptu art. from 9 till 12 A. M. WANTED?BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION AH nurse or chamoerniarJ, or a* waitress and to do platu sewing or euibrohlery, In a small private family, or to cook an<1 assist in Washing trouingmCan be aeen for two days at Mr Walsh's, 106 Canal at. TV'AN TED-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNO OIRL, TO VV do general liotuawota: la a good washer, ironar. and pint" rook; la willing and obliging and kind tordiudren; beat of city reference. Please nag ai 303 Waal Itfth at., se cond Uoor, front room, for two days. 117"ANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE TV young girl, us chibirru's nurse and chambermaid; or to do plain sewing; no objcetlon lo go in the country : the best of rtty re/era tire can be given from her laat plaee. Call for two daya ad 213 West BUi it, WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young girl, as cook .saberaud ironer, or todog. u era! housework In a stna,i lamly; good city reference. Call , let two days at Mi S2d ,t., corner of 9th as, YVr ANTED?BY A R ESI'ECTARLE (J1RL, A SITU A - VV lion aa good cook, washer and Ironer; undrraianda meats and |>ou It rt and bread and ilaouii; .an luinish tha very beat ot city raicreroea; ha? no objection to go a short distance In the oouairy. Call for two days at 96 West 19th street. WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A KIRST CLASS COoK. who thoroughly uoderwanda her busiues* in all iu hianehea, as an order cook iu a hotel; brat of 'city reference, no objection to go a abort distance in tha coantry. Call at IM West 29'h ati cat. _ _ _ _ Tl.rANTED?A SITUATION, BY A TOUNO OIRL, TO TV do eharalHu work end waiting, or would do general housework in a small lamlly; urulerelands her business la all its brauibea; beat of eily reference gircu; wages not so m teli au objeitt as aeoinforlabla botna; no objection to tba country. Call st ltd Weal 2.1 th at., In the rear. TI/aNTED?A SITU \TiON. BY AN EXCELLENT COOK. VV l?esi af r.ily aad mtiairy l 'lsrctirt can lie glean. Ap ?dy at Mi J let at., near 3d ave. iPORTime. Fort SALE'A SCHOONER YACIU. ABOUT 104 i/.ne. keel eneaal. completely fnre ivn?a', Ac. Addrasa kael.i to 1,611 Post ofllce TpO* SALE.?TUB PABTSAILTNO SCUOOl.ER YACHT J' DAWN, thorough!:' overhauled sua m coaWlete order. For p..rt.-ulnre addicy. tics l.C. j Posi. oltse, Philadelphia. jnOR BALE?TWO VVI.I. BLOODED BLACK AN.TTaK 17 Trrrieir, K< niuiitnaobl, weigh Mf pcuu U rs a; will Iiiab'!. III. .. lor 21 Co a ?li> to rals or I gltt will, an?.'logs ol their sioe and age. I u.j.hie at ai Wasl > ninlev utu a.y. ?L front ha*, mam. f per. BAIL- TWO Row BOATS fourteen and BimI'1"" '4#1, ** ***" UR0 *?'* Mtrser IlKLP WAVTKD.FEMAlCa. * MRS. LOWE'S FASHIONABLE^IW8TIT0TB. IT Stanton "treat, imu the Howery, orders for tint ?lads female servants bcueitiy and promptly attended to. Pl? uiy of esceilent situs tloas ready for servant# with good recent mendalious, without payment. ALL BMPL0TER8 AND SERVANTS REQUIRING A respectable nfllce will lin-1 aiirh at 578 Sum avenue n< ar Twenty-tbnd street, the Empire City Institute, 15 year# es tabh-hed. N H.?The eery boat of male and female belp on baud of all nations. _ At the old established office. m? gramd street?Wanted, a professed cook, a Oook, waaher and Ironer and waitress lor one family; also, two lady's nine's, a numiier of girls fur housework, chambermaids, laun dresses, nurses seamstresses, Ac., Ac. At the large servants' institute?apply for good, civil, eat able sei rants, cornsr of lllb at. and 8th av. German, Saoteh, Inah. American and Protestant women, to auit all. Conducted hy Mrs FLOYD. Good plaoea alwaya ready far good girls. COOK WANTED.?WANTED, A FIRST RATE COOK None nurd apply without good city referenced at IB Division street. Dressmakers wanted -apply at no. sso sth ave. Also, an apprentice girl. MRS. GREEN'S AGENCY FOR EMPLOYMENT HAS removed to 1U Bant Fourteenth street; lias on band nioat reliable belp of every calling. Wanted, a lady's maid, also a waitress. Publls patronage is respectfully solicited by Mrs. Moulds C. Green. NI RSE.?WANTED. A NEAT AND GENTEEL YOUNG woman, who understands Ibe care of children and la kind and patient; abe must also know bow to sew well. Ap ply at 1Mb 10t.ii sr., near 23d st. OPERATORS WANTED?ON WHEELER A WILSON'8 machines, to work in store 52 Barclay St., up stairs. Operators, with or without sewing ma chines, wanted immediately, at 198 Kolton et. SEWING HANDS.?WANTED, ON FRIDAY MORNING, button bole luakera Appiy at 198 Fulton st. SEAMSTRESS WANTED?ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS operating on Wheeler A WMron's sewing machine. Apply from 10 to 12 o'clock al 173 East llulh St. ANTED-A SMART, INTELLIGENT GIRL. TO wait on table In a lirat class restaurant; one qualitied may apply at Wyandank Restaurant, 383 Fulton St., oppo site City Hall. Brooklyn. WANTED?A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT GIRL as nurse and seamstress; one accustomed to the care of children nod well recommended, may apply at 38 10th el., betw eeu 0th and (lib avs., on Wednesday anil Thursday. ANTED?A GERMAN GIRL. ABOUT 15 OR 18 YEARS of age. Apply al Hank St., for four days. WANTED-A PROTESTANT GIRL TO DO THE gem-ial housework of a small family: muat be smart and active. Apply at 311 Mott at., near Bleecker. after 10 o'ckick A. M. TIT ANTED?IN A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY, A WO vf man to do general housework; must be a good plain c ok and a good washer and ironer. Apply at 317 Lexing ton ave. WANTED-AT THE EMPIRE LAUNDRY, 238 AND 238 West 36th st., between 8th and tlb avs.,31)shirt don ers; must be capable of doing ilrst class work; steady em ployment. WANTED-AN HONEST, NEAT, CAPABLE PERSON sa laundry maid; none need apply without good re commendations. Inquire at St Clinton St., Brooklyn. WANTED?BY AN AMERICAN FAMILY, A GIRL TO lend children and wa*u and iron. Good reference will be required. Apply at 127 East 32d at., at tha basement door, between 9 auu 11 o'clock. WANTED?A YOUNG WOMAN, AS NURSE AND seamstress, to go a short diatanoe in the uonutry: must understand her business thorougly. Apply this day at Buokhsm A Bedell's 309 4th av. ANTED-A GOOD SEAM8TRESS. BY THE DAY. Apply at 123 West 26th st.. between 7lb and 8tb avs. w w w WANTED?A BEAM8TRESS, WHO THOROUGHLY understands family sewing, cutting and titling chil dren's clothes, and can operate on Wheeler A Wilson's sew ing machine. Good city reference required. Call at 149 South 9th St., Williamsburg. WANTED?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS CHAMBER maid and to aaaisl In washing; good city reference re quired. Call at 81 Boorman place, West 33d at., near 9lh av. BV THE one that WA25P~i? FIIJ8T RATE DRESSMAKER, WAIITED?A FIRST SATE TAILORB8S- ONE WFI.I. Jmi ?e*?ng "M* m^t & willing and obliging; to go a abort distance in the oountrv and who would appreciate a good home; steady emvlov mennt. Call at <56 6-and WANTED-A RESPECTABLE TIDY OIRL, TO DO ?Kf 5 ? ?'?"? fee will be taught, onapp'ymJ a? No Yk^ANTED?A SMART, TIDY GIRL TO DO GENERAL w * autalj lamily; mit.t beeso...! washer and ironer and plain cook. Good city reference ivuuired Iugoire at 1<H Eim at., between Grand and Broome. TyANTED?THIS DAY, IN BROOKLYN, SEVERAL f T experienced servants, to cook, wash and iron im iickT clam families. Alio s>*veial lor housework in ?muti r .miii at the highest wage* in the . Uv^um% this day. Apply to tir. Obr,stopher, 10 TillmTatlV WAp^D7IN f, PRIVATE FAMILY, A COMPETENT ?iT\ i e'r - nur><- and aearuslreiei. Either Get KtfTKft * "I'l'ly to-day at liU Kant 37lh St., between [ dth and Madison ava. ;.lty recommendations retinited. WANTED-A GOOD WOMAN," T(TCOOK FOR A small private family: also, a pood waitress ?nj Cham. oermald. Call thla day at i0tl Hi u ad way, up stairs. WANTED?A HEALTHY WOMAN, AS WET NURsE w uh a good brea-i of milk. Apply, wit it refrre, I I'f at ^ 3J i>e?t ltiii between Sih and #th avea., front II to 1. ' I MWAWWI \VA \ TKD-MAltKS. ~~ A MAN AND WIFE WISH TO ENGAGE WITH "a "'"all, uuiet family; the woman aa co<>k aud to ajo.l*t I the min T. if ironing; also understand. the daliy ' waiter; would go to the country; a home not ca,ibe,?'? uiju,~? A SITUATION WANTED-FOR A MTDDLE AGED mmi. in a ship or Hteauicr, mm carpenter or rook m unt? partoi the Sonth^ Addrvss,r D. ^P^ tUUioa A? T A ? WANTED, BY A TO UNO MAN WITH aa# SNOACIIMAN ? A SITUATION WANTED, BY A SINGI V Vtt^.i, }5ulo,,?h,y "^er.tanda hla buslu...; ha. no Se jection to the country, can wait on the tali's if wTnlTiJ^ good city reference, iddtern W. P ?b? in V/^ o^j TTARDWARE?A YOUNO MAN IS DE8IROUS OF OB. i&WiratoTs5w?iS? SMftss,1'"?ssmsts Refiner of petrolkum.-a oenti.kman hav tugbeen aop. rlntend. nt in one or the largestiMtorien ?' ?d haying a g.e.t kuowle.lge and eY^nenS In all the branches ol tin. bitaiaeaa, it desirous ofandom '"f.h?*ilu?Uon, and would be willing to tiae hia nc iillf which ia one of the beat, lor the benefit of hi. f Can glee undoubted recommendation from hia lam^m" Oil! HeSdd ^Tc?b0"t ?"y r,lrr*DOe- Addr*" WAX,TED-BY A COMPETENT MAN. WITH SF\K liahln^^ issr-tSTS'Ss rwe. Addreaa for three days ScHrener, boi 106 Herald YYTANTED?A SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER XT A f Y competent man, who Int. had 12 year. eiDene,',J?InVt underafanda thoroughly every system. o,.*nd empleyar. and can fSnl.htST &t*u cifr remr^e^^ dress c., htu 3,All Poat office. T rel?reBC* Ad WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A~YOUlffl MAM rt? nineteen years of age, in L grtxwry ZoruiL^ a atorm or to Ilye nr (rayej with a private ram ,r^ ^ta.oTJ. T. J. W.. bo* 120 Herald odlce. P ram.iy. Addrsea "WANTED-A SITUATION AS COACHMAN Br a a ?i .w. " pcricctly eonyerannt with ' all ti.? duUee pertaining to audi a aituatlon, and who la well JLe^m mended f*n be aeen or heard of until en^ed on ammea" Hon to George Murtwy, M Eaat 13th at. on appiica WANTKD?A SITUATION AS BOO^BEKKR^Tfin: rvwv.ind. both in Enallab and lk.rnwn.n i~. , [ assY^^sss.tasriaa svrist"? I jpg^gggggta, SWJIKHS? of age, who haa been engaged in the canaultr ot ,77,.,. '^a^AafsiBsS VIr ANTED?BY a YOUNO MaA. 18 YEARS OF ini day* (Th..rles E. Austin. Norwftv \ twelve York, atatlng termaand lull partictiiAra. county, Naw WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A MARRrRO Maw coachman; I. a eteady and oarerul AH.i, ._a ?JAS hi-db^^^Ve4S:^^"^ $ioo iif.35S2S? ;t.kM to *? wo,ld Min. Add^g , h^SJ PIKNITURE, A *RDn00?l flu,T ?F ENAMELLED FURNTrirnw S?Z'chSSSt t"J!SSr^! " Xxtxuzsk xxz pi.IMPTONS IMPKOVKD PAiTlOR VrnuTiT^ A A?id otluT first rises Kureiture ??? ? rela.1 Attn, rtrnlabed by m.m h iS^r ain ct. formerly Nalioaat Academy ot Deaijin. nUl fpo FURNITURE DEAI ERS and "TIIERC-SFl tVao A out, ?,o cinptf tbr bit# iivre of ai s m< \u a-irei, ??('o; BiMcme. Sale* wi:; coiiJm.7 yietim aa *hh (ma' toTnZ"''*''* I ?7 -isviijaaSwicaaS? J HSLF WUjMMi * MM. RARE CHANCE KOR RKHPEtTABLE YOUNG MEN Uj join the volunteer army of the United titalee. comiwur is uow forming, bw the authority?/ the Coin man der-in-1'ntef of the Slate of Nov York. Tb* desire ml the oompauy officers la to form a eoiu pany consisting exclusively of reap- eiable young mm, who (bough unabie to obtalo ? orn misalnued olUoera' posts, yet would be desirous of joining mo ranka of Hie army, provided tb' y could aaao- ;ab- with iuoae congenial to their la* tag, Nou coiniuiaaioued udu eia will ha. ?leeted from those having aome military knowledge, and all uromot ons made according to merit. Comfortable quar ters, subsistence and dotltlu immediately ufter enrollment. "V?. V"M ? rjbiiiua IIMitlb1 llMll.lj wavva V $luO bounty, and pay from $1t to $23 per mouth, duply be Field, at tween the houra of 10 an 1 JS ?'elo< k to Lieutenaut John McAolitln's, 43 Nassau street. Agents wantkd-mkn and women, to bell THE NEW AND WONDERFUL NdNI'AKIEL PRIZE FACKAUE, MOW IN HtMENSE DEMAND. kblls rapidly. contains.a greater variety, BETTER QUALITY. OlYES THE AGENT MORE PROFITS AND AFFORDS MORE SATISFACTION THAN ANY OTHER FACKAUE IN HIE WORLD Send lor eirt uiara oi tbia aod many other a u per lor Prize Packages. 115 per nay made eaev. B. C. RICKARDS A CO., 1(9 Maaaau street. Agents will be convinced that tiie ecreka Prite I'ackagr eontalna Hie moat stationery by neiuiiog for a circular. Agents make *1-2 per day. Also the Dime Ronprosphostum. W. H. CAl'ELV A CO., 1U3 Nas-uu sL AUENTS-WE CAN POSITIVELY GIVE YOU THE beat cbauee ever ottered. By s.'1'ing our article* you make 100 per eent retail aud 40 percent whole-ale. Business respectable aud t?rman<nL Call on RICHARDS A CO., 438 Broadway, New York. Agents wantkd-in every city and town . tor a new, novel and patriotic Metallic Work of Art. which aell* rapidly, an t is highly prwed ay ct\ lliana ami soldiers. Evo-cdinglv libernl l-rm* offered. Address boa 4.634 Post otti<e, or apply at 336 llro.,dway, room 36. Barkeeper wanted?also four good wai ters and a amuil buy to att. nd lunch counler and tahlea Apply at Nap. B. Gosling's new lunch, dining aud ale rooms. No. 7 Pine at., near Broadway. B OY WANTED?AT THE WHITNEY HOUSE. NONE ueed apply except those who have bad some etpertence a waib-r. Dry goods sai esmkn wantkd.-none bit kx pertcnced hands ueed apply at A. Fields A Co.'a, No. 61 Catharine at. Drug clerk wantbd.-a young man well Acquainted with the city retail trade crtn hear of a ?ood situation by calling on 8. Cutler, 33 MadUon at. For a south ska voyage -wanted, lands men, aranten, carpenters, blacksmith*, cuupera and cooha for whaling, men nant and navy -hip-. Inquire at 87 West at., corner of Albany, up stuir*. Nor: it river. H EN K V J AM ES, A'tent. JUST PUBLISHED.?AGENTS W ANTED. TO SELL Lithograph.-: and Photographic Album Views of the Central Park, drawn trout nature Copyright secured. Ap ply from 8 A. hi , till 6 P. M , it 85 Na---a t street, rooms 10 aud 11. BlItClIEfT BROTHERS, Sole Agents. J MART BOY WANTED?ABOUT 14 YEARS OF AGE. Apply at 171 Dunne at WANTED?KOR WHALING VOYAGES, 30 STOUT young men, and also coopers, carpenters and black smiths, and cooks and stewards. Apply tin mediately el 67 West at., corner ol Rector at., to D. L. Pearl. WANTED-A PROTESTANT SINGLE MAN, AS f.'AR dener, where the situation will be a yearly one. Ap ply at 36 Beaver at., second Boor, bark oilier, between 13and 1 o'clock. WANTED?A BOY. ABOUT 18 OR 18 YEARS OLD, TO work on a larra; one who understand* fanning pre ferred. Must have good reference. Apply nt 69 Blee.ckcr at., at 7 o'clock in the evening or 8'in the morning. WANTED?TWENTY-FIVE STOUT' YOt'NO MEN, luudainen to go to sea as green hands, in a brat class ship. Apply at 71 South at., entrance 36 Depevster it. WANTED?TWO CLERKS FOR GROCERY STORES' c'.erk for wholesale drug*, one entry clerk, three por ters, two conductors, three brakemen, lour girls to travel to California and Europe, one stewardess, one express driver, clerk lor a shipping oilier. Apply at No, 7 Chatham square. N. B.?Six men lor steamers. WANTED?IN A MERCHANDISE BROKER'S OFFICE, a amuri, intelligent boy, about 14 or 15years of age. Address box 4.536 Post office. WJ Afy'ED? FOR AN ADMINISTRATION, A YOUNG YY mxn who speaks a little I # French; also a professor; good board, with Instruction in French, music, piano aud violin offered at $4 per week. Apply to Mr. CUollct. 143 1st av. w ANTED?A BOY, 14 TO IS YEARS OLD, TO AT tend in a billiard room, Inquire at 483 Broadway. IITANTED?AN ENGLISH YY Hah prelerred, aboin 18 yearn old, in a restaurant: must bring good reierence as to honesty and sohriety. Ap ply at 12 Leroy place, Bleecker at., between Mercer aud TITAN TED?ONE GOOD SALESMAN, AS GENERAL II agent, and four or tivo active turn, towll "Tlic His torical War Map," gotten up on an entirely new plan, and givlnc a history, or comprehensive authentic r< cord, of forty battle*. A''. Call at olUcf, on b ire- Enterprise, foot of Har riaon Mreel, ui e It) A. XI., or after 3 I*. M. WANTED?THREE OR FOUR GOOD I.ABORERS ON a farm. Apply at lot) Front at., between 12 and 1 J'.M. on 19th tniit. WANTBD-KOR A GENTLEMAN, THREE SMART men, a lio are genera1! > ttaelul; wages titnii $12 to $14 per month; also a man and wife, the tnan aa farmer and plain gardener; the woman for down ?lairs work. Apply at 378 6th nv., near ild hi., op ata rs. WANTED?A CAPTAIN TO SAIL A SLOOP ON ahgra*. Apply for a week at 06 Fourth atreet, Wil liamsburg. References required. "1*7 ANTED?A YOUNG MAN WIIO UNDERSTANDS TV ! reiving ere a in and making himself useful about a confectionary establishment, must come well i renin mended for steadiness and eliareetrr; a rood borne anil rood wages. Apply to Mr. Christopher, id Tlllary at., Brooklyn. WANTED? AM ACTIVE VOIJNO MAN. WHO IS AC ipialnted with the grocery business. Applyrbelweru 1 and 2o'clock 1*. M. at 141 Vlh av. josepu t. McDowell. WANTED?A GOOD BARKEEPER FROM EXTERN V* anc", and gnu 1 relcrence". sb nit 30 or 40 years of age, with good pay, at 33 Howard Street. AJA A MONTH AND EXPENSES PAID-AGENTS JjpTll * wanted, an 1 travelling, ill every county in tlie United Stntes and Canadas. For particular* call on o" ad dress, rnrloaiug siamp. C. M. Brown, 74 Bleecker at., corner of Broadway. dhCnn ??k VOI NG MAN WITH THE ABOVE IN tPcllrU* cash can obtuu a situation In an olliee and $1<<1 (a r n,ontii. Good security given tor the money, and liratela-n reference given. Apply early to J. W. Porter A Co., 336 Broadway. TIIK TltADKS. Moulders.?wanted, three first class moulders accustomed io housework; else three labor ers wanted. Apply lo Geo R. Jackson A Co., Exeelsior Iron Work, 201 Centre el. Paper hanoinoh.-wanted, a young man, who ie thoroughly nc.Iuaiu<ml with the manufacture of ps per hanuinga, principally machine punting, lo act aa fore man; also two block cutters warned. Address box 4,676 Pu-t office. TO PHOTOGRAPHERS.?A SITUATION WANTED. BY a man of taale and exiwrtence in the busiuras to take, for the present, ambrotypea only. In some re paetahle gal lery. Apply to or adilreas Captain A. E. Hasbrouok, barge Ulster Comity, foot of Warren street. r* PHOTOGRM'UERS.-W ANTED TO PURCHASE ~A whole sUeTube; a Hairi on'a or ViiUhtlander'apie ferred. Apply at Wood s Gallery, 203 Bowery. ANTED?A CARPET DESIGNER, OR~ COPYIST Muat fully understand the business. Address J. M., box 120 Herald ofltce. TITANTED?A DENTIST, OP NOT LEM THAN FIVB VV years' experience. Mall applicants state age, a High- or married, how Ion;; deutlala, In which branch fbey excel, and whnl wages wanted. K. A A. PRETERRE, 169 Bowery. There la a vacancy for a denial student. ANTE I)-A FANCY- 80AP~MA KEN AND PBR fumer, who undeietanda bis business thoroughly; a German prsfaiTed. Address, postpaid, Ctass. Brown, Otta wa, C. W. ANTED?A T'lRdf RATE CIRCULAR SAWYER; also a youag man to run n wood planer. Apply at 221 West 26th at. _ _ OA COOPERS WANTED?TO MAKE ROUND AND / flat hoop flour barrels. Apply to A. T. Brlgg*, 94 Rut gersallp. MUsIslNKRY, AiC. Bonnets.?at BINNS' new millinery, 214 bow ery. dllk Bon ueta In great variety, Straw B -nn.n and children's Straw lists hi every atvle. very cheap Bonnets deunco and pressed at BINNs aew millinery, 114 Bowery, between Prince aud Hprlng sir eta. UKMTIHTR*. ri^H Artificialterth-(No removal).?beautiful sets on pnre silver, only $H , on line gold and plauua, $364 warranted xiusl to any In New York. Mingle teeth $1; teats tilled and extracted without the least pain, aud per fectly harmless; genuine bone tilling only 80 eeuta. ofllos 138 Hixth avenue, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. Ne ooniieoiiou with any other offlce.DR. LllHKlt. Dentist. ARTIFICAL TEETH ON A NEW BASE. LIGHT AND perfect as the natural organs, and warranted for lite, at prices to suit all. Also, teeth tilled or extrm tod without psln. at Dr. BLAKKNBY'H old established rooms, 63 8ixlb All dbntal diseases cukbd by WALTER DAY, M D.. No. 30 Amity atreet. Three blocks west of Broapway. TtU GRIFFIN, 368 GRAND STREBT, OPPOSITB U Lord A Taylor's, New York, and 267 Fulton street, Brooklyn, sra lns<-rting lull or partial sets of their Improved artificial Teeth, with or without extracting the roets. Full aru 00 gold or plaUna, $26; silver or niblier, $10; partial acta geld, per tooth, $2; allvnr or rubber, $1; extracting, 2>V DRrt. WHITE A BROTHER'S IMPROVED ARTIFICIAL Teeth ?Whole Rets, $6 to $40 T-elh lilled with gold, 60cents to $1. All w<>rk warranted first class, at 13 Bond Street, New York, and 717 Arch airaet, Philadelphia. Having had three hoots extracted with out pain, after auflenag three weeks of 101*1 e?eru? dating agony from tooth ache. I aheerfully Insert this as a re ummeodatlon to Dr. Jay J. VUIrr?, |66 Grand etn at. THOMAS EAGAN Fort Washington. VIRBWORKI. " JW.HADFIKLD'R . FIRST PREMIUM FIREWORKR. Ooly depot In Maiden lane, No. eft. comer of William street. All our roods are nianntaciured uu ler the personal super vision of Mr. Hadtield. We keep only bn works, and buy none from unreliable irekere. Fire Crackers and Torpedoes at the lowest market rates. The largest assortment m brilliant colored Lamerns, lor Illumination*. - ...... RTRASBURGER k NCHN. ? No. 60 Maiden lane, cornor of William street. JO. A I. EDGE'S . FIRST PREMIUM FIREWORKR None genuine without our trade mart TUB TVUB. UNION COURSE L. I.?TROTONO.?OH THURSDAY, June 19 at3>, u dock if. ILi instcli lorgi.UUO, utile heals, brat three it. lire, tu harness. LI. Pilfer nsuns b. g, General Burnstde. Hiram WwhIiuIT luuuea iirurn marc, S1JAW A WHITE, Proprietors. HORKBH, CAKKUUKH, AC. A ROAD ESTABLISHMENT ?TO GENTLEMEN AND gentlemen's sous?Warranted aounii ami kiuii iu ovary way. For rale, a lr>Uint; more, a very eui crior atyllab hay Mart-, 14 bauds 3 inches high, 2 years old, wiiliuitlauy while; can irot under three minutes, anh a first clubs road Wagon and Harness, hut little uaed; Whip, Clout. At-. Will he sold at a bares,n. An; gentleman wanting eueb an esiab.Lbineni as tlx! abovo will lindihiauo opportunity seldom Or never met with, as tbe above .a the genuine projiuvty of ageutle luan, and tor unreserved sale, and ht for Huuirdlale use and out of evert day'a work. An I tit at 154 Jane street, near West street, North river, N. V. M. B.?Not one fault. A SPLENDID SMALL IRON GRAY EXMOltB PONY, atx years old; neighs about 5si pounds; warranted muni and kind; r?n|liOt a mile inside nf four tninotea JRao Wagon and Harness Alao a bi gbt hay >1 .ire, seven years old; warianted sound and kiud', Kin|iire stock. Also sc of Simile llanir'as. Saddle and Hi ? die, lor sale. Inquire o: HEADING A ARMSTRONG, Third avanue, helwean 129'h aud 130th streets, Harlem. A STYLISH AND SERVICEABLE IIOKSE. WAGON and Harness wanted l'or immediate use for,which will be eiehsuged valuable aud nnbieuiuht red farm lauds, cither In this Slate or Wisconsin. Address box 4034 Post oUice. A GENTLEMAN WOULD LIKE A GOOD ROAD AND aiuldle Home, to lake in the country for three mouths, and ?dl give him lite best of cat e und treatment for the use of him. Address O. P. V , ID i ald altlce. /CARRIAGES. \J 412 Broadway. B. W. TILTON offers a tine assoriment of light Carriages, fine Coupe, light, for one horse; phaetons, slide seats: Kock aways, Buggies, Truittrs, Ac. Also hue Caieeb, made by Brejyiier, used only twlee. CYARRIAHES.?PARTIES, BE! ORE PURCHASING. ) would co well to eall examine one stock. that must he sold low for cash to eloae eoustgumenta. We have an assortment m Coupe and writ-over sent Itoeksway*. hand some light lop and no lop Buggies, two a at no top Wagons, Phuetona, se oud baud Bu;;gles llarc-sH, W!irv., Ac , Ac. MACALPINE A KDKY, 04 Cedar street. op. ouut Pos othee. CfOUPE ROCKAWAY poe sale-in perfect ok / her. Can be aeen at Stnera A Smith's isnory. Mt El drldge street. IiMyR BAI.E.-.i D?Rn SUITABLE FOR TRUCK OR express for ?ale cheap. Inquire at the luuioer yard, corner ot Morion and West streets. IjHIR SM.K-1M0 HORSES. CORNER oF BETHL'l/E 1 and Weal at recta. First class, work and draft. L10R 8ALE?THREE PAIR OF WELL MATCHED AND 17 one tucd i-snuge Hone-; alio two disrobe single Horses. Coin Cayu.a couniy. New York. To tie seen at McDonald's stable, ho West Twenty-third street. L'OR SALE?200 CARRIAGES, FAMILY ROCKAWAYS, lop and open ituturies. Hotel and Uep ,i Wagon*. Grocers' Vfj and husioess Wagon*. 8", und ham! Wagons mken in ex change. lit) Horses and HA) set - Harness, at 10 Nc u>, street, and 184 Pulton avenue, Brooklyn. BfOK SALE-A PINK YOUNG HORSE, FAST TRAVEL ler, sound and kind, bigetber with a v. ry niee Gig and Harii-es. Mill he sold 590 helotr their cost one mouth ago. Apply at the atahlcs, Ju2 Sixth stre.-t, near aveuue C. IilOR BALE-A SPLENDID BAY MARE, BLACK LEGS, 1 inane and tail; perfc ,ly sound and ?iud. an trot a mile in 2:30 to wagon; price $300. Inquire of WM. T. AL LEN . 290 Tnird avenue. J7*011 SALE?A PAIR OF BLACK POMES, 14 HANDS : high, six y> mis old, kiud in single and double harness, and a pertsei saddle borne for ladies io rtde; free from all Hi. kssml vior, and warianted sound. To be seen at Watt's hiaulrr, 381 and 383 Foiii Hi avenue. For bale?a splendid iron okay mare, fiye years old, 15 b-uuls, warranted sound and kind; can trot In 3>j in single or double harness or under the saddle; will siau.i without tying; hi for any business. Inquire until sold at I Oil Pitt street. New York. FOR StAId-A VERY FAST YOUNG HORSE, JUST Loin Hie country, at a r? nthr; is live years old, sound and kind, and warranted in every re*port; good bay, 15)? bauds ill, h. Also a light tup Wagon and Harness. Inquire of H. P'LdKIt, si New York Tattersall's, corner of Sixth areiuie nun Tuii ty-uinlh street. For sale?a splendid sorrel make, fifteen hunds high, eight years old, sound aud kiud in single or double harness. ? an trot iu three miliums or no sale, in quire of;F. A. KNOPF, at JeUtireon Stables, No. 61 Chrts tn|dier street. JjlOR SALE?A FIXE PAIR OF SOKKKL I10RSEB, 7 suit 8 vears old, lA)f lianas high; sound and gentle In every particular. Also, a liaudsome light op?u isun.iy Car riage, Willi set o:' Double Ham-a. Hiaukets, Ac. Tie- above belongs lo a ci-iuIkiiisii, who otters tbeui because ul leaving town, and will Ije sold cheap. Apply a' 14 Dinah street. "I/OR SALE?A TEB* FINK PAIR OK IIOB.SBS, 81X J tteo i.ands high; young, sound and kind, very free, Klylodi drivers, ami rant. Also a chetnut Horse, sixteen huoos one men nigh; great style and action, suitable lur ingle e.iriiage._ Will be tully warrant^d._^Ajipiy loi'H \S L. Ml l,l.s, .It Cedsr strett. or lo A. 11. D1X Gotilu's s la tile, Forty-third street and Sixth avenue. IfOU SALE?A BAY IIOK8E, lit* HANDS HIGH, BE tw con 8 and V years old, good iu or single har noa*. sound and kind. Can be seen at Mr. Miles' stable, 64 and ?i West Nineteenth street. flOR SALE?A STYLISH, FULL BLOODED, BLACK liawk Horse, 7 years old, I4>, hands uigh sound, kind nntl gentle in sadole or harness; ess not in tnree minutes. Inquire in the store, 347 First avenue. For bale-an elegant dark bay' black Hawk Saddle Horse, 16 naude high, long inaue and tail, tive years old; warranted Kind in every way. To be seen at all hours at],I'M Hroadn ay, 3 doors above Thirty-ninth suoet. private stsble. IXOIt BALE-TWO OOOD FAMILY HORSES; WAR 1 rattled sound and kind in singla und douh.t: lirrneas, fa-t travellers uud suitable fur aluiost any business. Inquire at 4f> Ludlow si. Fob sai.f?a very stylish okay horse, seven ye.,rs old, 1A)| hands high, sound and kind in single or double harness, eau hot in gt.JO. Inquire of Dr. CURTIS, Biding School, in ihe rear of the M-tiision House, Brooklyn. For sale?a brown horse, sex en years old, sixteen hand* high, long lull; ?ill lie sold cheap; has got good style and aelion; is s most escllent horse tors ooupe or tot private use in general: is kind in all hurtles* and will be warranted sotintf i n b- seen uuttl sold at the stable eoruei of Sixteenth street and Set "it'll avenue. T/OR SALK-A OOOD CITY MADE LIGHT ROAD J? Wagon, i Lauren* at. eel Wagon, nearly hew. Inquire ol DUSKNBURY, IU4 et. N. V. FOR SALE?A VERY HANDSOME SIHFTlXa BEAT Central Park Pi.actou, watrauled lirxt class; also new and Second baud Ltglit Wagou, at b2 West Twenty, ullh suvel. Fob bale-ten new and second hand top and uo lop Wugoua. tour Rorkaoays (ens very light , one aud two s at dagger Wagons, two second baud Coaches, one Hrett (light), one Si|uure Box, two seats, with shilling top over both. Apply at 37 VYooster street. For bale-a six brat rock away, a no top Bnggy or Coach Rookauay, a Bantu he, lour seats, and a lour seat Roekatvay. All lir,t class. Ap]> v at 111 Maiden lane, up stairs, where the < ari lages can be -era. For bale-one fine half top phaeton, a no i seats lour persona; Exptuas, Business. and Depot Wago ns; aeeulidiiund Koekaways, digs and Buggies; two Speed Wagous; ail lor ante ebeap._^A?ply at No 2bO_fb-v?nlh WILLIAM RAFFEK1 Y. J^OR BALE?A THOROUGHBRED NORTH DEVON r Hull, full pedigree, youug undhauuanme Alsoagrev Horse. sliie*n bends, eight years old, stroug sound and kind, ? unable lor a family doctor or any hard work. F ull paiHon iara by a responsible party. Can be seen by applying vo BETHEL BL'BTON, Dowuiag alreet, near Pnttuui avenue, Bmoklyn. Fob bale or exchange?sixteen young Horses, just from Canada West, troni four to seven years old, fourteen lo sixteen bands high; also, one fast pacer; all sound and kind. Inquire In the bla.ksmub shop, 120 Norfolk Street. * I IVOR BALE VERY LOW-ONE LIOHT BAR0U<HE. 1 made by Ham. Apply at Mr. Gray's carnage factory, 37 Wooeter street. Four wheeled doctor's gio or low buggy wanted?Either new or second hand, suitable for one horse. Addreas 11.. hoi 114 Herald oBics. HOR8B FOR BALE ?A FAST YOUNG BLOODED Mare, sound, kind and ttenile, pedigree and full war. rantv given, lo he sold cheap. Inquire at Underbill A Fleti'S stable, Lafayette place, near As lor piaoe. HOKSEB FOR HVLB.?ONE PAIR OF CHE8TXUT Horses (no while). l.V, hands, sevtn years old, [lag tails; the above Horsee will be sold t-.b?up, as ihey are not wanted. Apply lo JOHN EANKIN, coaeh bouse lu Greene street, near Washington place Livery stable for sale-with a fine stock of Coaches silver mounted Harness (almost nsw), Rorksway, Light Wagons and well sel*<-t>d Horss*, in good condition; together with a long ieuve, at a very low rent The w noic will be seld at a gival bargain, oi the stock will be sold separately frein th" building it' desuMn. Apply to E. T. LOR1JJ.ARD phaeton-top on bace beat, hung on three springs, made light for the road and lint Ikile useu, lor ule by the manufacturers, BREWSTER A CO.. Broome -treet. 0WNEK8 OF HORBRB. CARRIAGES AND HARNESS wlsliingdo have property Included In onrnrxl regular sale cm Friday next, m lob sod 107 Broadway, will pi ess* band la particulars early, to ln-ure proper adver lung. C. W. HAVEN POUT. EDWARD S1NTZENICH. Auctioneer. PHAF.TON AND DOG CART COMBINED. WITH SHIFT lug top; sn elegant vehicle gAUJ net er been used. hold for sooount ol Hie owner by toe nisnufa :urtrs. BREWSTER A CO., of Hroome afreet. Saddle horse for sale-a very pretty bor rel. 14)1 hands; van pace, trot sn I renter; juallrom the fsrm where he was raised. Price JI.XO. Can hs tssa SI GRAHAM'S stable, M East Twenly-reveuth street. rr ROTTING HORSES FOR SALE-JUST FROM THE A country, at war pelce*. De*eriptioa oi linstock:? No. 1 - A aerrtl llorS'. LAX? hands high Sound and kind, stvea years eld ibis spring. Hag tail, pony made?sen trot la No. 3.?A bay Mare, sevea yean old, M bends 1 inch high, st ood, kind and very stylish, Uag lad?isa tral In 1 40 No. 3 ?A buy Horse, )A lunula nigh, sound and kiatl, eight yeat * old, long tall?e?n trot In 2:4f> to wagon. No. 4.?A bay -brown Ethan Allen Colt long tail, sound and hind, vrrv handsome, a good double horse ta herorst?can troi in 2 do. No A long tall, dapple 'gray Mare, I AX bands high, sound sud kind, six years old, and la as baudsutns a tadd.e mate at there u in the country. No 6 ?A splendid mahogany hay Stallion, six years old this spring. IA>< hands high, sound and kind, and ran trot In 3 40 to wagon Also severs! other good toad ll 'Mea, which can lis set II at the Wsverley lintel Statics, corner of Ninety sixth street and Broadway. GbuHGE W JENKINS, Proprietor. TOP WAGON FOR SALE-BUILT BY HliEWSTKt Co.; In perreei order; COS! glDl; so.d for vvsut of t To b- seen at private stable K er -nth -treat. WANTKD-A HORSE, BOUND AND RIND. ABO IA hands high. Must be wall trained for saddle bug.y. for whlchshnui Had will ba paid. Address, with semptlon, box 4,(108 Post offish. \\I ANTED?A HALF SPRING DOUBLE TRUCK." -i HOKSKN, CAKR1AGEI, AC. WANTED?A WELL BUILT LIGHT TOP WAGON, two ~?led. fur laiu'l. im. Nog jetton to a second L.ii I uuc in rood order Addieas. ,o??u ca?h price, C. A. L., Itux i.igj New York Fuel office WANTED?A PONT BUILT HORSE, 13 TO M bends high; must be sound. gentle ami kind, suitable for x lady to driTf. Apr y, w lib horse, el No. ti Huoitl street, odioe of Wottierspouu. Klugsl'ord A Co. OCT SELECTED HORSES FROM THE COUNTRY-. fJ*J ?jx jp*ir of uiiiich annate Homes fium 16 to 16 L*riQ0 high, of extra style; ttv?- good saddle, aad aevdral f?ry So# Minnie toail and bnaio< as Uor?ea, with three trottem, ali for ?ale at lair price*. and warr*uiud as i ejn em-nted Oall at ao Broad street, Newark. N. B. TITlf AML BUY OOBDS. Another lak<;k addition HAS ItEEN MADE r FROM THK LATE PEREMPTORY AUCTION BALE* TO Ol'R HITHERTO UNHEARD OP CHEAP DRESS GOODS. Nolwdlbstandtng the increased duty on importations, an# tbe great iucie.i?e in I lie c,?t id labrici. we are helling BRITISH. FRENCH AND GERMAN DRESS GOODS cheaper Ibaa basever been km an in New York, or probably ever will ajinn WE ARE RETAILING AT I.ESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. We buy nothing thai is noi A BARGAIN, AND SELL AS WE BI T, CHEAP. 10.000yards Lave lias and Barege Ai.glam. at 5c. 12.500 yards Lavrlla* and iUieae B roc he Figure, at be.. Ma, and 12 V lu.500 yarns Pans Grisallies, at 10c., 12){r. and 15c. 15,000 i ards Poll de Obe- ea, iu cliecks, stripes and plain, ab ' Ik., Is. Sd. and la. Cd. 12,080 yards Moitambiij u s in draba, browns and grays, at I0"\. Ik. 3d. and 1? 'at. 7,500 yards Illuminated Poplins, at la. M. 5.000 yards Sill; uud Wind Grenadines, at Ik <d. 5,000 yards Cheeked Mohairs, at la S.tmO yards Silk Warp l'opkn.i. at 2s. 2.5INI vardt Silk Poplins, at 2-. C<1. 10,000 yards Silk and Wool Baiegea, In all cslora, at la M.) worth 3s. 6,000 yardK Silk and Wool Satin Plaid. Is. M., worth 3a. ?d. 5,000 yards Silk ami WW Cri p do Paris. la.9d . vrorth 3a. , 16,000 yard* Ban-se AuglsU, all wool tilling, and 2)q jardn wide, at 2k.. former price fia. 1,000 Harc'.-e Anglais Robes, twenty yards, aleren flonoces at $2. 1,250 Bared" Anglais Robes, twenty yards, seven llounoes, " *" ALSO IN MOURNING GOODS 5,000 yards black Barege, I0r. 5.H00 yards bi.u k Silk and Wool, la and la 3d. 6.000 yards blnck silk and Satin Plaid aud Stripe, Is, id? 1 ease Drab Alpaca, verv line for tiavi-iling suits, 22e. . ALSO. A LARGE STuCE OP CLOAKS SILKS CLOTHS AND SUMMER FABRICS, AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. AI-SO. 5 esses broche figure Poil de there, slightly damaged Oft lb. voyage of inipuriati ii 9r.. former price 2a tel. BESIDES A SPLENDID VARIETY OF OTHER GOODS, CHEAPER THAN IN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN NEW YORK. Ladies can rely iha: tliis vdwrtis-inent Is nohnmbog, an# that the goods are really ?* rcyiehented. Bargains. W. K. ROBERTS. 252 Bow*,. N. B.?Please remember and look for the name over tkn door, and do not believe you are in ROBERTS1 unless yoik see the uamd. Cut out tins sdvertiseuient for reference. At legrain's. this week. PRINTED BAREGE GRENADINE. AT Me. PARIS BAREGE ANGLAIS FLKl'RETTES, AT lie. One case BLACK SILK, for MANTILLAS, best quality, 25 per rent under value. VERY FASHIONABLE DIMITY OF BIARRITZ, FOR GARDEN AND HOUSE DRESSES, AND KINK 1'IQDK, FOR CHILDREN. BAREGE ROBES, with Flounces, at $1 35 the Dress. GREAT REDUCTION on Cliantilly and Valenelennwt LACES. Best jou vis GLOVES, at 90e., to closn tbe Importation ol last -teamu: The Mime we s.itd at (I 10. LEG RAIN, 729 Broadway, corner Waverley plaee. | T ISAAOKS, " " 71 FRANK11N STREET. AT RETAIL, LESS THAN WHOLESALE PR1CB8, all kioda of Millinery and Dies* Goods. Handsome new styles of Dress Goods, at 12)? cents. Also Pine Apple Goods, at 2s. At. per yard. Black and colored Dress Silks, bouaiit at tbe reoenl an* lion sales, well worth the attention of buvers. G. W. lSAAi 'KS. 71 Franklin street. Three doors west of Broadway. Extraordinary bargains in straw goods. 60 caar* of Ladie* . Children'* and Men'* Hale jual aa ceived. Beins lata in the .eaaon theae good* are purctiaaed FIFTY PERCENT LESS THAN LAST WEEK'S PRICES. The price* run from 26c. in $1. Ail are worth double. A full assortment of ladle*', men'* and children'* Hoatery. cheap. Riblvin*, Trimmings, La ea, Mitts, Glove*. Ac., cheap. In Small Ware*, Fancy Goods, Ac., ladies can find every thins at the very lowest prices. RONALDSON. A MEAKKS, corner of 8th ay. and Wh at. R h, macy" SOI AND 206 SIXTH AVENUE, Two door* below Fourteenth ctreeC CLEARING SALE FOR JUNE. All our lllc. Mr- die. 57c. 60c. RIBBONS now offering at at at at at 12c. 18c. 26c. Sic. S7e. We are now offering 100 earl eon* No*. 4 and 5 Curded Edge TRIMMING RIB* SONS, all shade*, 2ft per cent under regular prices. Offering at a reuuctlon all our BONNET SILKS AND MILLINERY GOODS. ilie.itlug rale of Hi - balance of SPRING AND SUMMER STRAW*: AH our 76c. 87c. $1 60 $2 $2 60 $3 STRAWS, clearing at at at at at at 50c. 62c. 87o. SI $1 80 S2. Clearing BLOOMERS, FLATS, Ac., much below the regu lar price*. Clearing aale t)f FRENCH FLOWERS. Clearing aaie of HEADDRESSES., RIJCUES, Ae. Clear ing ad* of EMBROIDERIES. , All our SWISS AND JACONET COLLARS. r which we aell for 18c. 26c. die. 60c. 76c. SI SS SB will be offered at at at at at at at at 12c. I8?. 25. 37c. 60c. 76c. $1 fl 60 All our SWISS ANI) JACONET SETS, Jeb lot* ot LINEN EMBROIDERED COLLARS, COLLARS AND CI FFS, CLEARING at very low prices. 1,000SILK SUN UMBRELLAS, all rolora, Former price, SI 37, $1 80, $1 75, $2 OS, Cloning at ah at at fl 12, SI 26, fl 60, SI 78. 6>I0 SILK PARASOLS offering at 60 cent*. 600 SILK PARASOLS, Foi.ner price, $2 00, ?2 60. $3 00, $5 60, Closing at at at at SI 60, $2 00, $2 60, $3 78. Our INFANTS'WAISTS for 60c.. $1, $100, $2, SS, Will beodereil at at at at at at 37c., 76c? $1 IS, $160, SS. CLEARING SALE OF LACE GOODS. A" ?PU8HER LACE MANTILLAS AND 8HAWL8. CM price, $6, $0, $12, $10, $26, $38. Will be offered at at at at at at $2, $1, $5. 56, $8. S10L 1000 LACE CAPES from auction; ro?t to import $6; wtU be offered at 76c. and $1. THREAD VEILS, uaual price $6. $16, $30, $23. Will be cleared at at at at telJ* ?* THREAD BORDERED Oiuel price, S3 66; SS, $4, Will be oUered at at at at 11 MX $2, $2 60, $$. We eball offer our POINT LACE COLLARS at a great reduction; also, all our REAL LACES, of every description. PUSHER VEILS, Uoual prh e, 78c.. SI, $1 60. $3. $5, $4. Will t>e ottered at at at at at at 60*., 76c.. SI. SB 60, $1; SS6SL GRENADINE VEILS, ALL COLORS. TISSUES, DONNA MARIAS, HARBORS, Ac. Balance of <l?r PUSC1IKR TRIMMING LACB8 WlU M ottered at prices to clear them. CLEARING SALE of imitation TRIMMING LA CBS, all widtna, BLACK and WHITE. CLEARING SALIC of 8LEFCVK. BERTHS. CAPE an* HAT NETS. PLAIN and FIGURED. BLACK and WHITE BARBER. Ae. CLEARING SALE OF CRAFT. COLLARS. SETS, ha. CLEARING SALE OF WHITE GOODS. LACE CURTAINS, Old price?$2, $9, SS. S8, SW, a pair, will be offered at at at at at $1 80. $3 60 $5 80 $0, $4 CURTAIN LACES and MUSLINS. Old price?18c., 25c., Sir. 38c., |0c.. ?lc.. a yard, will be offered at at at at at at 16c. 18c., OA'., 3U.. 37c.. 80c. WB ABB OFFERING ALL OUR FLANNELS A* A REDUCTION. Jaconet Muitns uanal prion?2*., to. 64., la, da, now telling at at at at la ?d., 2* 2a SA, ? BOOB and SWISS MUSLINS. NAINSOOKS, ha. selling In same proportion. PI.AID and STRIPED SWISS, idling alia aad Said.. M|[ 4g, mi ft 4l. t Anting line TARLATANS, 2 YARDS WIDB, at la a yard. FIGURED AND DOTTED SWISS MUSLINS, gullable for baaquee, he., at la Id., Sa, la 6d., la., lea* than half the ooet of Importailon. LINEN DIAPERS. LINEN LAWNS, LINBM CAM BKICS, W111TB MARSBILLB8, QUILTS, Ac., eieaias "cloSlNO SALE OK HOSIBT. OLOYEB, MITTS, AO. ? LADIES' FINE FRENCH MITTS. Uaual price. 4a., 6?.. 6a, 8* . 10a, 13a, I at at at at at at at at Now aglllngfta.. 4a., 6*.. #*..8*.. 10a, $1 30, $3. Clearing LISLE THREAD OLO\ Rs, * AT \ KKY LOW PRICE* Ladia*', gents', and children'* UNDER VENTS. VERY LOW. Ctodag LADIES' LI8LE THREAD 1I08K. Uaual price. So., 4a., 6a., going at at at la. 6d . 2a., :ta Maa'o in a.nne propoittoa. BOY'S HALF HOSE, open wura. bale thread, ??> 'me, cloving at 1* , and la 6d. Ladle*' aad Mi.a?a OQTTON HosB, ot UWW *?~ u?*?. coa Plain nod Keibvoideicd RUFFLED BOSOMS. ?OOP SKIRTS, heat quality, at dealing oul prteee. CLEARING BALi OF FANS, ft* dot. PALM LEAF and FANCY FANS, la evdry quality, to be ideated out tblo month. SIXTY-THREE DENT KID GLOVES. Every site and *ba4e. he at quality Ladlee' Parte BID OLOVEh. ot.r awn Importation. Equally aa good at aap glove Imported. 63c. a pair It. 117 MACY, Sot aad MM Mltth aveeue. two doer* below Fourteenth M. KXCUR8IONS. F18HINQ BANKK?oV AND AFTER WEDNESDAY. Jane 1867. lb* wwair CROTON, Captain Jama* A. Dumont, wtU leare da'.ly. a* follow* (Saturday* eicepted):? North river?Ch'Mtcpber *trv*t, 7S* A M.; Spring Mrool, 1)4 A. M. Baat nv*r?Uroomr meet, 8 A. M.; Peon *Np, A. M.; pier 4 North rtrer. HA. M. Sair**kmo***#r *11 kictl*. Fiahlng Tackle, Bait, Ah, am board. Fare far the irtp, aity c?nt*. _ STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, ST. ANN'S CHURCH, WIL. too, MorrtoeMa, eorn*r of lttth *ir?et and 81. Aaa'S avenue, will be h*UI on tbv churth ground*, on Thurtday* the 12th, and Friday, the auth m?i.. a few minute*' walk, frara th* Fourth avenu* (tailon at Moil Haven. Stage* eg lerntlna* of Thir-I aronu* and the Peck blip ferry at Mar" letn. A charming eicirtrn and ? moat 4*!igktf?al irtp rliai inlng rurni *(M. ___ The sabbath school and sdftlKTT of rev. ?r Chainn't (Brotd ?*y t'ntver?aliMl church WlU have thtlr annual Bteurnlon and Fl -Nic to Dutfloy ? Grove, above Toakern, June 13, M63 ?/ r?rtaU*ion of _Commodore Paulding, the band of the Nor h I nroiln* WtU kccompanyi the eictir*ion. Th* Union Glee Club nave volunteered their ?ervtcon. Aa Dr Cbapln leave* far Europe tn th* tteameweS the 121 h of July, lhl? will be a favoiabl# opportunity lor hie friend* to meet him iocially prevltm* to km departure for ? year The bargM Union and Cremorno, and (he rtvntnam Van lorldlt and L1)*prlag have been chartered lor the oetgw .l,tu iinai* will Mate th* fotef D-lauevy ?ire*t, Rati rf?erJ at 8. Fulton Hregt Brooklyn, at gld| Spring ?treat, North rim and Twenty i?t ?lr*e , North river, at t A. f