Newspaper Page Text
Ire M trau4a. fit* latter comes as passenger In liebis, on bla journey to France, to laj bin cum efore Napileon to wboin be baa letters, (Iru frianiin m Havana. Tt># Padre is a soadjutor of ? in briuging about tba Franeh intervention, acit participator In the black deeds or Uia fritudii, s, Cubos and others. wbo art tha murderers aavuua of Mr. Ocainpo, tba Minister of For Kslatlona whilst i'r est dent Juarez and nvernuioot were at Vera Cruz, and tha nt and worthy geutleaian who m-ide (he treaty ir Minister. Mr. Robert Mi/Late: alio of the bravo 1 Vulie, of K-folLido, and many others of Ie>s Those worthy men were shot in the back, alter 01 up; (io?'radtug iuaulta an 1 tortures too Uorribls to it print, und were afterwards hung; by the neck mlders in a state of nud ity. V\ hoa the remains of I Valle wore brought to the city his features had i bruised and beaten by stones that they could not gui-'od. All these viilanies were done in the name (ion; and these are the ui 'u r, ith wnoin la Mle is making cause against the legitimate cnstitu (overnmeutaud regularly elcctod PreFidont Juarez, Use representations of her Minister, Dubois Saiig d renegade pi iests. s continued his journey to France in the Trent, to mas, having shipped away much of the money he ib^'l upou t ho roads aud from haciendas of Mexico, toad the other exiles remained at Havana. Frnuob officers at Vera Cruz speak very openly the expulsion of Marque/, sod Aimoute in a short ?o great is tha foeltug ef disgust entertained by .1 I .or. nci!/. towards tho men by whose decep id lalsohood such disgrace bus been brought ' o French anna, and this feeling prevails through, whole force; even the prisoners and woundad at were loud in thair curses upon Aimoute aud his irs. lora.icez and bla officers have never been as 1 be om with such cemuJIe, the chief of whom is in to I by Almonte, sustui ied by the French Minis ibois -aligay, whose private interests in fictitious upor the gorermnuut have brought on the war Musicu. Letters hiveb^eu received at liavaua tanus near Almonte which state that they would d 'ubt, bo obliged to luttve Mexico veiy soon, .<s ad : oi Vhi least sympathy In t tie country, and all ?Iain; had boeii defeated, tnut General L rttucez Id ho considered Ueuet id Iran a very wise man In ii.; ih i course he had adopted; that it was a just norulde policy, be. Mcri iu nrtuy was woll equipped and supplied, money v is much required by the government, iu ti uubura w ere being constantly increased, tho lam a or the French has no d >;bt takon place. It lrea.Iy repoite<i in Havana to have occurred, c ieu;> ? trooys (d,OOU) under General Ortega, and from (jiiauiyicite, organized by (ieueral Doblado, ceiy excelled by those of any nation; and as the wni <i in join the Army of th i Fast by Juuo (tha hivioq already arrived), and would make its til 17,1,00, thorocau be but mile hope of thu French able t > sustain themscve*. At th) last date >>uu. ?s at San AugusiiD de .'aimer, expecting to i short time. Inesc of ail kinds was at a standstill in tha repub con.Miquei.oe of tho difficulty of transportation and .cut ts<. ij ot communication, unodoio Dunlop, common .iu.i; her Flrltaunlc Mai ns [{uodriki, bud just roiurned from the interior, ?nil bout to sail for Jam tics, wh-n lie b tcnuia informed iarquez had threatened to rob the foreign houses lie and General Douai had .eit Vera Cruz, coa ly h mil r utialued to p.otuci the pl?oe. Ofeum.i Genera! at Havana, R. W. r'huie.dt, has re i to ins post from a visit to Mexico, which lias ueeu use of tuuch anxious solicituuo ou tha part of the emsu-d curious, ral ' muutort has boon appointed by President Military commandant of the State of 'fauiauiipas wo oth-r adjoining stales, aud is organizing troops Die mderal army. vi i mi to baii p lis.ied its height at Vara Cruz, and i Hie decrease, 'l'ho Frcn h had and were still many men aud w few officers coniiii'inicatiou with ilia Lulled States and Mexico is unxiouuly Imped (or, so that our citizen* ami tho w.11 n< l have to depend upou the Hngliah packet, oii.cers have Jnteiy stated to highly respectable an pitsseiigers that their ' hole towards Northern ens is so great that they were prevented Irom them any civilities," and this packet was the NEWS FROM WASHINGTON. W aihingtos , June IS, 1892. AOS OP TH? SLATS CON FIXATION BILL 1* THE HOUSE. the House the amended Confiscation bill was passsd. us U ili? last of the pending measures lookiug par arly u> the abolition of slavery, it Is premitncd that ost of tha session will bo davoted to other matters, ,bat ilia business which baa bean deferred until the uoa of agitation had been acted upon will now bo \ up, and receive at least a portion of tha attaution baa up to this time been lavished exclusively upon lOgro. TH* BANKRUPT LAW. petition from Now York in favor of a bankrupt law received hero this morulng, bearing the signatures rowu r.ioilier.? U Co., MaitUud, Phelps & Co. ana the Ing backers of the city. The petition urges the ne ity o; tho immediate passage of a bankrupt law. TH* PACIFIC RA1I.K0.U) BILL, to Sarnie was ocouplod to-day chitiUy with the Pacific road bill. It if the opinion of Senators that It will be ?dioubetantlnlly aa it came from tho House. I NfcV. MILITARY COMRANl'BH op NEW TOBK CITY. >ovot I'.rlgedier General W. A. Morris, Colonel of the md United States artillery, has baen aaaigued to f as military commander' of the city of New Ycrk vicinity. Colonel Morris relieve* General Harvey wa, who has been aeelgned to duty aa Chief of ArtU ? at the Camp of Instruction at Annapolis, Md. IIVAI. OP RKEEL TROOP* AT RICHMOND?OEN. GUSTAVUS W. SMITH VALB1BD. is reported that troops are constantly arriving at bm< ud cei.. Gustavua W. Smith ispnlaied, and unlit military duty in tha rebel army. JiKATK OP GENERAL PALMER, fe regret to aunounce the deeth of Gen. To. K. mer. Topographical Engineers, at his residence, on It set, at noon today. He tvat brought upTrom the Ems' la tick with the ty,ihoid fever, arriving by the Lniar llalthnert yesterday, The deceased was an L-erof tine abilities and much respected. He was a Live of Now Jer.ney. LfTOH-. op KXCU1WIONT9TS PROM TOE PEN1N8CLA. [he Mount Washington arrived aboot half pest two lock from Old Point 8he b;ought beck Semtor Wiule d about thirty other gentlemen, who lert in her on idav nuht. and vialted Yorktown. White Houee anil ?b .tt o '.old ?r Fair Oake. wliere they spent nearly i entire lay of Monday, Norfolk and the Navy Yard d Old l'eiut. Tin y report that heavy skirmishing wa3 ing on all .lay on Monday between the pickets. The lalliio id Island Belle worn at the latter place. The B Islam Belle, a few days since, waaflred at by areb?l :?:et, the b ill striking the pilot house or the steamer, tag through it heavy iron plaie with which it is ?j. ih- b i d Belle wflen fired upon we* in ,nes river, above City Polut. Brigadier General me?i?n, who war Injured in the battle before P.tch Nid, ov li s 1:01 se felling upon him,wea taken on erd at White Houee and brought to thecity. We r glad to *?y that this gallant officer la improved ra liy THE NEW YORK SOLDI ERA' RKLJKK ASSOCIATION. At ? meeting of tlie New York Soldiers' Relief Asso ation tonight?Hoe. R. R. Feuion. ebalrman; J. N. 'anget. lreannrer, and J S. Turter, Stcretary-a large m wm contributed for the pnrpeaea or the association. irrO NTMUNTS OONPIlUUtD *Y THR SENATE. The Senate In oxecntive sesr'.on coufiimed the follow t apis 1.11 run isA. Cameron Hunt, of Colorado, Mar al for that Terr iter v; Alvan I'landers, of California, igwter ot the Canrt O.i co at Humb'ldt; R. C.Morgan, New York, And B. L. Gardner, of Ohio, Asalaunt larierinteiortof tclunteera. NATAL ORDER** t.ten ten sal Reed Wordeu has l.oen ordered to report to kptain TeiraoB for the command ef the gunhoat Cone (HI ffti. _ _ I.lout 'nar.t R. W. Hondo, Jr., n d Acting Master J. W. ?bU ferd are ordered to that Aetiiut Assistant Paymaster FranoiE T. Morton la Of irml to the United Ptaies ship Ifio. PPICRRS ORDKRED TO RET URN TO I REtR RElitMRS'Td. The large rutnbeP of oBoer* ah *nt from their regi enU v.-About sufficient oause M regarded as ao aerieus i evil nit' de.uand an Imuie- Ate correction, and tie ird.iijlir ordius liavo brrn issued for this purpose. DISPOSITION OK CAPTCHEE rROTORTT. All property captured by the arsiy, or selied by any tenrsiial, or taken up a.troy,or takeu frem sol lera marching lu the enemy's country, U required to he in,*d ??er tu the chiafa of tha aeff of the departments , which scch property would appertain, on duty with ie ifparn,; i be accounted for hv them as capturad pro Irty fttid uted for the public, service unless clalmtd by >e communing officer to be returned. TH 1 (IT Y -S KV KMT ft COST OKK3S. flllST EK9N10N. Mrnnte. Wa-nuiiloN. June 18,1802. ?-n naawKivr o* """ *** ?, v?,. VAN, (rep.) of Ohio, presented a petition Trcm 1,-ene ?f Ohio In Uvor of lh? enlargement ef tha Erie gdtiewcge canals^ , AW M?, m. C'iarm-kR, (rep.) of Mich., Howatn, frsp.) of Mt> ffltrnf, (rep.) of Conn., and ?'??**, (f?p.)? r?seated I hiciii for the Immediate, p-utssee of a ? m*. ? HAVT Ur, vxiam, (Jsp ) -d loTia, U vrn the Naval OoiuiE'VVa . reported beck the biU for the better government of the UTf. improved wu fbojecttlh. llr. Tn Etci, (rua.^of N. .R, presented a petition from a civil euglnoer of Trenton, N. J., asking that a teat should be made of li>s nev and improved military pro jectile. belief or 00* faulpino. llr. Bale, frep.) of N. H., from the Naval Committee, reported a bill for ihe relief of Commodore Hiram Pauld ing. Hassed ARMING LOTAI. PERSONS IN Tin RBURL STATES. Mr. I'lTe-ed a resolution that, in the opinion of the Sonata, it is tne right anil duty or the government to call loyal persons within the rebellious Attics to its armed defend against the traitors whe are seeking its overthrow. Laid over. ADJOURNMENT OF C0X0EBSS. Mr. Sacismdrv, (opp.) of Del., offered a Joint resolution adjourning Congress on the 30th day of June. Laid over. EKURTHKNTS IN TUB ASSY. Mr. Hale, (rep.) of N. H., introduced a bill relative to further enlistments in the army. The bill provides tbat when necessary to make further enlistments the President is authorized, by proclama tion, to call on all persons, without distinction of rase, color or rendition, to sniist in the army. Tho bill further providea that every piave enlisted un der proclamation of the President shall ba ever thereafter free, and entitled to all the bounties, privileges, Ac., or other soldiers in the array. The bill was referred to the Committee en Military Affaire. envtRN'HKKT CONTRACTS. Mr. Powell, (opp.) of Ky.. introduced a bill to prevent members of Congress and other officers of the govern inont of the United States from taking considerations for procuring contracts from the government. Referred. LSI;At TENDER NOTES AND TEH DAY CERTIFICATES. Mr. CiLANDi UK, (rep.) of Mich., called up the resolution to prevent a further issue of the legal teuder Treasury note?, audauthorizing the issue of a hundred millions of ten day certificates, b?arlng live per cent interest. He spoke ut some length, advocating the parage of the resolution, and of the danger of issuing an overplus of Treasury n.dos. Mr. FManw, (rep.) of Mo., thought that ih was not wise to decide on so important a measure without ma ture dsliboratlou. It was due to the Secretary of the Treasury to consider carefully every proposition made by him Ho moved that the resolution be referred to the Committee on Finance. The motion was agroed to. RKMOPKLUXQ T1IE OOUBTR. Mr. Hair Introduced a bill for remodelling the Courts of the District of Columbia. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. tits pacific railroad rut. Was taken up and various amendments were considered. Mr. Clark, (rep.) of N. 11., moved to strikeout the provision grunting the bonds of the United States to the different branches connecting with tns Eastern terminus of the central road. Mr. iir, rmax. (rep.) of Ohio, spoke in favor of such an amotidineul. lie Add lie could not vote for a bill pro lapsing to give boudx of thu government to build all those braucno!.. He thought we should leave tho branches to be built by local iutere-U. After further d.srussion the amendment was with drawn for the present. Mr. Co.-i-AXKit, i rop.) of Vt., offered a proviso, that of the bonds of the United States lo bo delivered to any parts of roads east of the one hundredth degree of longi tude, and west of the western foot of the Nevada Moun tains, there shall be reserved fifty per cent until the pads are completed; and in rcUtii n to the road between these two points, twenty-livo per cent of the bonus be reserved. I'nleas the roads aro fully completed, thoj-e reserved bonds are forfeited to the I uited States. Fending the quest; ra, the Senate went into executive session, Adjourned. Hotnae of BcprcunUtlvti. Wamixgtox, Juno 18, 1862. TH* XT or TROOPS. Tlia Senate Joint resolution for the encouragement or enlistments in the regular army and volunteer forces was parsed. It repeals so much or the ninth arc lion of the act of August last as abolishes premiums for bring ing recruits to the reudi'i". eus, and provides that here. aTter a premium of two dollars shall be paid any citizen, non commissioned officer or soldier, for every recruit to tho regular army, and every soldier enlisting in the regular artny or volunteer force for three years or during the war muy receive the first month's pay in advance. PAWAOB OP THK BILL Xlf AXlTVATtXC TBS SLAVICS OP KBBSLP. The House resumed the consideration of the bill to free from servitude the slaves of eerlsin rebels engaged in or abetting the existing rebellion against tho govern ment of the Uulted States. Some time was spent In discussing points of order. A vote was nearly roichod oh the pas-tage of the bill, when the time arrived for taking up the special order, namely, authorizing ih. issue of additional Ir'asury notes. Mr. Stxwxs. (rep.) of Pa., with tho view of at ouco disporiug of the conflFcntion measure, moved that tho s;.eti?! order be postponed one hour. This was agreed to by 78 against HO. The wily was now apparently clear f..r the Confiscation bill but Mr. Uirbards >u, after remarking tbet the morn ing hour liud expired, moved to proceed to the bueinee* on the Sneaker's table. Mr Piicm*, (opp.) of Mo., demanded the vena and nsys, which, taken, resulted in yeas 43, u*y* .18 Tho luestiou having boeu decided la the negative, the Conli. cation bill was read. The biH passed by yeas 82, uavs 64, as follows.-? ..Vkas?Me-fSrs. Aldrl !., Alley, Arnold, Ashler, Babbitt, Biker Haner, Ben in.h, H.'uuliaru. Blase, Butliiiton, Usuio be!l, Cbiiuiber..tin. Clark, (Wax, Fred'rick A. Coukiin . Bom-on t'onklln", Corole, Cutler, llavn. D.iwe, llnnn Ed r-t fon, ?dwards, Kllot, Kly. Peuton, Ph.her, Krank, ll..ocii Ooodif.aii, (iurier, Hele, Hsuchett. Hickman. H itcbinv, Julian. Keliry, Kc.l igz of Mich., K Uincr..-, ? m pin.-. Ij'huuIp, Lovijioy,, VcKnifhi, M r'iier.on Mitchell, Moorbead, Morrill of Vl., Nixon, ? Uin Pise lu.ner Potter, Hire of *???., Rice of Me., P.PlMe, Rollins of N. H ' S rg"?r.i, SihI jwl"k, hUankp, Sh.-llalisreer, Sbermsn, Siv.uld lug. .Sin en*. St rat toil, Train, Trimble, Trowbridge. Van Horn, Van Valkenburgh, Verier, W?l uce, Wallou, Vt'aso burne. Wheeler, White of lnd., Wilaon, Wliidom, Worcester Narr?M ears. Anemia, Blddle, Blair of Va.. Browne of R. f.. Brown of Vs., Calvert, (Momenta, Cobb, Uomlmu t rn vene, Crittmib n, Delano, Liven, Dunlap, B-ijjliah, Ureng, Oridcr, Hall. Ilardtnv. tl.irrlaon, Uulniiu Huron Juiirnori Kell-mg of III., Law, Lanar, Lurry, Lehman, Mallory tie' Maynanl, Menzies d'.rrlsor Ohio, N?rtou, Odeit, Pendle ton. Perry. Pnelns of Mo., Price, Robinson, Rollins of Mo. Sheffield, Khtel, Stride ol N. J? Thomas of Maes.. Thomas or Mil.. Vnliandlghnm, Woodward, Ward, Web iter. White of Ohio, Wluklitfo, Wood, Woodrutf. During the proceedings, Mr. Portss. (rep.) of lad., remarked that, with tho amendments proposed by .Mr. kllot, frcra tho Pol-'Ct Commutes on Confiscation, the P'ssajo of the biil -roild be lissarded, and hsuce in sisted upon ihe bill s- referred to the committee at hie instance, wi'h o-te amendment proposed by himself to day. which was acoe| tui by Mr. Kiiut in plsce of sU the amendments suggested by the committee. The bill, as passu I, provide* for the emancipation of the slaves of all th : fullowin-; classes:? First?< >1' every person wh > shell act ss en officer of the rebel army or usry. Second?Ot every pu s et who shall act an President, Vice 1're- Ident, member <d' Congress, Judge of any court. Cabinet officer, loroh n minister, commissioner or consul of the so called Cculod rate dtatos. Third?W every |V-rs n who shall art a* Governor of a State, member o:' a Conventin or L-gislature. or Judge of any State t.'ourt ol the so-called Confederate State t. fhvrlh?Of i-very person who. having held an ofllee of honor, trust or prottt In the United State.-, rhall here alter hold an odioe m the so rtlir I Confederate States. Fifth?Of evmy person who shall ho'd any offl-e' er aeem-y under the ?<> c.illed Confederate a'titte*, or under any of the f iat's thereof. Bel persons tn the third and firm ila-ses m et have accepted their *iu>oiiurarriu since the date of the r-u-w ston ordinance of their Stab s, or have taken au outh of aliegl tnce to the C-niY-dr rate dutee. Sixth?of every purrun not within tho above clasees, wh th ? tas-age o. tho act, h lug wilfully atnl with out cnmptti.oii eug.iged to armed tebell.ou, shall not wilhi.i sixty days ley down his arms and return t> his allegiance. lhu biil nis i dis pwlifljs rail six classes fro u holding olilre "rider the Cmto t utiles govtrtimeut. The kTeai dual is auiharizid to uegoUaie for the urtjUis I on by treaty or otherwise, ol lands or countries >n Mxu", On tri i America or&s itu America,or in the iehmd.-in iha (liiif of Mexico, or for the right of vcttlement n^on the binds of said ceil..trie*, for ell poraonc liberated ituder this set, to bo removed with th.-.r own vena ut. For the purpose of paying the expeiue ?4 tho purchase of land* nod the rrmo.H.. the President shall use such money as Oerigree* may from time to time direct, arias ig out of the Males o. tun property fonnerly owned bv rebels, and which shall have been ooufl?c*t*l to the use of h United -s. Ttm other secttODB mainly relate to ihj machinery by it* p. to islotM of tho hill are to be enforced ABMitoxai. iss'-r or ti.s.-iht xi/rrs. Tbe House reeumail the considers lion of the bill m tbo'lzfiig additional Trcatitrjr notes Mr. Wi .t.trtK, (I nPut) of i<v., o,>poted It. He weutod to kiuw what is to to done Willi the money, nr.d whetner s iy It It pi bo sppropiiated for the email clia iui nnd Sunportof tho t leven hundred coutrakan Is here wlio occu y htmses which might be devoted to the e ck ai d wot] i d, instead or taking churches for that purpote. , Mr. Hi strn.r rep.)of JJ. Y., during his remarks, said web.-id borrow money at set en |ier c atum than Inflate the euiency di.riug the pre.eut conditiua oi afihtri Mr. Ph.*. (rop} of 'h ., opposed the bill. Tut cioer.. Use ru c, ,.rd lhu llou te A^wcrasl. Obituary. T.I>" TV"A"T COfhNKL MO'tRIR, OV \EW TORK. I.ieuteniul Co- ti . J. Morris, of New York, wbo was wound 1 at tilr Oa'is, died while ?a i >*'(! for this city. His w iBoil wrt very loveie, and el it sign the best of medical attcoilau ? ?lv'a to Jim, hi at last ruc ?uniocd. His wife atloiui'-d bt a to tii - fa. t. He fnavo.t three- ing chi'dron lis io.-i Is dee ij ie,;rOitc 1 by hboir.ipn i'in .n ar n? r-id rn'afl7Ts. The fn, era! a ill beve< iifivato, an! take place from tin reflt-ljuce of hiabi . her-In h W. Couiilci'.fcit.inn IhtMsitufatlHicri' Bank of 'I'i ay. IroT, June is. 1882. New cauuterf dt 0 ua the kUaui'iMturera Bank of this 11 i sr t i t: or i: e uxecuilnn is good, aud wir iie-' ir* fuo m w y uniossoxu 'imed br'be^ltes. TI"' ccninter'd' vn ikon by tlir banks to day. the vig inn* ui w rkt t.) IP tie tlsrki-r than on tho genuine,and tbe slg. at ire i f the iashler U act first rate. C'twre fitiemini?This Day. i,r s. 0?c*r?tjffcvir.?fert t?No*. 1777. r,on It nf?,l>.ii, 1T23, 1966, li'2 ii?, kZH7. 2'10l, tTA.. '1 - ' t l 23'" 2316, 2818,2321, ?aa, Jm Pa-'t >J iio. a Aide* "Cleadwruf Wtdaeaiim. OAelal Drawiagi or iawraf, CMr d# C?.'s Ken'uckv sod Misso .ri State Lotteries. tSSWJUaV. EXTIlA 0LAM2d/?JuaelAlM*. 84, 20, 23, 73, 4 1, 24. 03, ?5, 67, 6, *, 19, 59. Ksmucrr, ('cabs apt-June 1?. IS"5-. ?S, 39, 13, 7, 44, 16, 21, 10, 26, 42. 37, 3. 67. OtroaJsrsMai fres of charge oj sdtressug either to MURUAY, EDDY A 00.. Oorlngtoa. Sr.. or St. hauls, Mo. OfflelalDrawingi or the H.ta(uekjr Ul Delaware state Lotteries. KssTucsr, Extra Clam 21#?June Is. 1832. 19, 67, 37. 6, 220. 27. 41. 4t?. IS, 26, 74, 50. Drllwari. Clam 2 June 18. 1862. 63, 62, 73, It). 7. 4S, 61, 17, 66, 31, 60, 22, 15. Circulars sent hy aJdresstu st __ JOHN A. MO It SIR A CO., Wlltalngtso, Delaware, or Covington, ICentuaky. Royal Havana hottery.?Prizes Cashed and iuiormation furnished by TAYLOR 1 CO., Hankers, 1# Wal 1 str< et, N. Y. Prizes Cashed In All liTgallied Lotte ries. Information given. JOSEPH HATES. Broker, 11 Wallalreut, room No. 1, New York. Strawberi ieo Are In Hsason And So Are Straw Hats. The neatest, lightest and' most fashionable stvlss of Straw Hate ever Introd tc-d are tho?e of the cele brated halter, KNOX, of SB Broadway. KNOX ranks su prenie as an Introlurer of fashions In Hits: und the crowds who rush to hint for Hats for the watering places are beyond enumeration. Dramatic Performances at 3 end o'clock P.M. Commodore Kutt, Ac., are the attractions at Barnaul's. Moody's Superior Shirts, Hade to Order, EIGHTEEN DOLLARS PEK DOZEN. T. W. MOODY, AMI Broadway, .St. Nicholas block. A Big Hit.?Gent's Potent lieatlier Boots for 62, a t BAlitkLBTT'S, 372 Grand street, corner of Nor folk strvot. Beware of the Cheap "Cartes de Vlalte." They fade. Pay a living proiit, and gel the MEADE imper. lebable pictures. 233 Kroadw ay. Twelve Cartea de Visite for 91*?Kqvtal to any in the city. PEROIVAL, 13J Chatham street. Twelve Cartes de Visile* for 91, Not xecllcd at any pi' orner of Barclay. excelled at any price, at BALCH'S, 243 Greenwich street, els Kituball's Cartes tie Visite?Cheapest In the city. Warranted to suit the customer. At KIMBALL'S, 477 Broadway. At Jeffrrs', 573 Broadway, I.u "lies' Kins tic Bums, $1 60, $1 75 and $2; Balmorals, $2, $2 25 nnd #2 50; keni.s hoc Sltoi-a and .Slip,sirs, yotttus' and children s Bal morale, Shoes and Gaiters. J EKFER8, 573 Broadway. Herring's Patent Champion Pire and Burglur Proof Safes, 251 Broadway, corner of Murray street, Now York. Deafness, Impaired SisrhJ, Noises In the head a id sore throat cured by Dr. VYM, KInKNBKRL, Oeu ILtanU Aurist, 38 Clinton place, west of Br ad way. Boats.?l)orie Pleasure Hoots, $1 75 per foot, painted In colors, complete. LXUEltSOLL'S,213South streei, near Pike. Barry's Tricopheroas is the Best and cheapest article for dressing, beautifying, curling, cleaning, preserving and restoring the hair. Ladles try it. Sold by all druggists. CrUtadoro's Hair Dye.?Preservative nnd Wig depot, wholesale and retail, No. 6 Astor House. The Dye applied by experienced artist*. Hill's Hair Dye, 50 Cents, Black or brown; best in use. Depot No. 1 Barclay street, und-sold by all druggists. Kvery Lady Who Desires a Beautlfnl complexion should use LAIRD'S Bloom of Yoath. It has uo equal. Sold by all druggists, anil at 432 Broadway. Trusses.?Harsh A Co.'s Radical Cure Tress Oilic, No. 2 Vescy street (under the Astor Hones), op posite ibe church. A Female attends ladies. No connection whatever w ith any other Truss office of tame name. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Wkdnksda*, June IS?C P. M.. The money market is easier Hgain. The advance of yesterday and day before had the eQ'ect of bringing some new lenders into the market, and rates fell tn consequence. To-day there ia no dif ficulty in borrowing on good collateral at4 percent. Certificates of indebtedness can be bought at about 100%, aud green back demand notes at 102%. Mer cantile paper of the best grade sells without diffi culty at 4 a A percent. Rumors of disaster to the Union cause have been freely circulated for the past day or two. Though they are not generally credited, they hare had the effect of inducing more caution in financial operations. Mr. Spuuldiug's speech, and letters from Washington, while they render it certain that the Secretary of the Treasu ry has not been and will not be shaken by the bankers' clamor, rathor tend to induce prudent operators to exorcise some caution for the present. Foreign exchange closed dull for the steamer at about 117% a %. The Persia, which sailed to-day for Europe, only took out $7:13,220 in specie. The foroigu bunkers, on Saturday and Monday last, loudly predicted that she would carry out two millions. It was on the strength of this expectation that gold was forced up to a premium of six per cent. Gold opened this morning at 106, declined to 16V%, rallied to 106, and dosed at that bid. The receipts of gold by the bullion brokers and banks arc steadily increasing. Every one who has any gold is scllkig it for the sake of the premium, and the operators for a rise arc having their wants very promptly supplied. One clement of the advaucc was the New York State loan, which was to be paid for in gold; that is now out of the way. An effort is being made by some foreign houses and a few disloyal citizens to bull the specie market; but it seems a bopelcss undertaking. Our foreign trade for the fiscal year shows u balance in onr favor, aud there is uo prospect of any demand for gold for export which shall do more than restore to Enrope the coin we took thence last year. Here at home there is no demand at all for gold, and the supply is larger than it ever was. Under the circumstances, holders should not neglect the present opportunity, but should scud their specie into Wall street at ouce for sale. There was a decided decline in prices at the Stock Exchange this morning. Central fell 1, Pa cific Mail 1%, Toledo %, Eric %, Erie preferred %, Harlem %, llarlein preferred 1%, Michigan Central 1%, Southern old %, guaranteed %, Illi nois Central %, Kock island %, Galena V,. Gov ernment sixes declined %, apparently upon tin erroneous notion that more six per cent bonis of 1881 may l>e issued. State stocks were all % a % per cent lower. This decline has not taken ex perienced operators by surprise. After the startling advance of the past few days, a reaction was to be expected. We c&unot discover that anything has oi ourrcd to clmngc tho general tendency ot the oturkot; but it cannot be expected that stocks will go on advancing forever, without nnv chvck at all. After the board the market was steady. At the second bo.rrd there was a general improve ment iu prices, and tin; market closed about steady, the following being the last quotations: United States C'a, registered, lt<81, 102% a 10.1; do. 6V, coupon, 1891. 106 a 106%; do. 6'e, 1871, 05% a M%; Treasury notes, 7 3-10 per cent, 106 a 105%; Tennessee 6 s, 5t>% a 68%; Virginia 6's, 56% s 56%; Missouri 6's, 61% a 61%; American gold, 106 a 10it%; Pacific. Mail, 115% a 115%; j New York Central, 94% a 94%; Erie, 3i% a 37%: do. prctcrrcd, 65% a 65%; Hud- on River, 47% a 47%; Harlem, 16% a 17; do. preferred, 42% a 42%; Reading, 57 a 57%; Michigan Central, 63% a 65%; Michigan Southern and Northern Jndl uiia, 27% a 27%; do. guaranteed, 65% a 62%; Panama, 136 u 138; Illinois Central, 62% a 62%: Galena and Chicago, 71% a 71:4; Clcvclaud and Toledo, 46% a 47; Chios go aad Rock Island. 67% a 67%; Chicago, Darlington and (Juiney, 76 a 7$; Milwaukee and Prairie du Chlsu, 53 % a 54; ILi noir Central bonds, 7's, 95 a 95%. After the second hoarJ New York Central waa pu d as high as 114%. The State loan of $896,000 was awarded to-day at Albany at a premium of from 110% to 111%. The principal takers were Messrs. lttod & Co.and Messrs. (iwlnne A Pay, oaeh of whom got $3o0,000. As the terms of tho award oblige the takers to pay for tho stock in gold, tho ai tual premium paid was, at to-day's prieo of gold, 116% a 117'%, This is higher than any similar loan ev?" went beforo. M Cisco rc oived to-day about a qn.i u . of a nil ,n for deposit and conversion. The present .period ol suspense t.uda to check deposits. The business of the Bub-Trevor/ was as fol low*:? Receipts fl ,102,667 26 ?Kor customs 78,000 00 Payments 1.146,219 S3 Balance 17,343,896 33 The exchanges at the Aank Clearing House, to day were $24,796,616 31, an? the balances $1,616,235 96. The Merchants' Exchange Hank has declared a semi-annual dividend of three per cent, payable July 1 ; the Mercantile Mutual Insurance Com pany, a semi-annual interest dividend of three und a half per cent on the capital atock, payable July 2. Relative to American securities, Messrs. Baring Bros.' Circular per China remarks:? ' American stocks hare declined in price during the past week. United states 6's, 83; do. 5'i,78: Massachu setts 5'e, sterling, 92; Maryland do., 60; Pennsylvania, sterling, 73; bonds, 74: Ttogton City 4.1 J per coat sterling, 60. '1 he railroad securities are also lower and offered. Buffalo aud l?*ike Huron wet o \ lower, and Crest West ern (of Canada) shares are >?' lower. The British North American government securities were quoted from a 1 per cent lower in several instances. lu United States stocks tho downward movement is continued with refe rence to some of the principal description!", New York Central having further receded 3,per cent; Michigan Central tirst mortgage, 2 per eent; Virginia 6'*, F.rie fourth mortgage, Michigan Central, convertible and New York Central shares, 1 per each, and United States and Erie preferred % per oetit each. The following are the ordinary charges for pa per of various dates at London, England:? 30 t ? HO days 2^ u 3 per cent. 3 months 3 per cent. 4 mourns a 4 per cent. 0 months', bank hills 4 per cent C m nibs, trade b: lis 4 a 4*^ per cent. Ou the Slock KxQhttngwlhere is little demand, and the rate for money oa government securities remains at 1 Lolhi' per cant. The following are the rates of interest allowed on.dcposits:? , Joist stock banks *2 per eent. Discount housemate-ill 2 " Do., with seven duya' notice ? 21.' " ?At the London and V.'ustminster 1 per eent only for sums below ?.100 Annexed are the rates of discount in the princi pal cities ol' the oontiucnt of Europe:? Haiti. Halt. Op. Varktl. Per Cnit. Per Ce n Vi 6 3>; Pranklort ? Amsterdam 4 Turin 6 Brussels Hauioorg 4 St. Petersburg ? Htock Exchange. Wkd.vkuiay, June IS, 1882. $10000 1*5 6's,'8i,reg 103 100 sh.. lUrlotn Bit.. 16V 1000 U' JJ r,'<, '81,ecu 101*; 3H> do b80 16 jf 32000 do 106 200 do mk 3000 Kentucky 6's.. 00 2oo Har RK pref.1,80 42 16000 Illinois war I'd. 1C1 100 do 41? 600OTeun O's.fO.'.. 5S^ 100 Reading RR 67 6000 do 6*s\ 200 do *80 Ml,' , 1000 Mwdouri 6 a... 61 j," 100 do 66k 22uO0 do 61X 100 Mich Con RR.... 68 6000 MoA.i toH&RJR 64^ 660 do 66 u' 2000 California 7 97Ji 100 do *30 66 60(M>KrioRRimb.I>30 92), 2C?0 do c 65-. 5000 Hod RIvRR Cm 94 25 do 6o'(f 7000 M ich S<. 2d in... 87 60 M So k MRU .030 27 500 111 Can RR bda. 97'* 100 do *>flv lOOOSTar Hau4cA12m 88 32 do jjcv 2000 do 87>; 600 do 27 iOOOOTol hi Wahlmb 94 100 do.... 1,30 27(/ 26000 Pita,KW&ChShn 83 6 Mich So fc N I f s 6U, 146000 Amcr gold... 1051* 60 do bio ?2 1C900 do eiO 105?* 12 do 6(*2 16500 do 105X 300 do 61V 7000 do s4 105** 50 do 5 ?hB Rk of Amor . HO.'-i 25 i'anama RR 137' ' 18 Seventh Ward Bk 128 10 do 136'f 29 Bk of Commerce. 102 15 do 18?' 10 do 101X 100 III Cen RR serin. 62i.' 20 Metropolitan l#k. 106'4 650 do 62 5 Cotn'n wealth Rk. J5 200 Ciev&PRt IUhliso 22 v. 101m >V Trader* Ilk. lo3j; 250 do "J*.' 101'eWrfludCncalCb. UQli 200 do.....'.'..'.' 22'V 146 1'acitio M R S Co. 115 2.6) (lai k Chic RK..! 71^' SO do s60 71W 60 do 713' 30 do 7(i' 200Cicv k Tol RR... 460 300 do 46'J 260 do b3i) 46 K 4(>'J0 do 46'* 100 do s:;o 46 950 Chic A Rlc 1 RK.. 661 < ?"?50 do 1,10 6d*j; 460 do 18 66 ?* 6S Mil k Pr dn C RR 85 86 do 32 V 10t) do blO 82 Si 14 Del, I. A WKK... loo 200 Tot&lVa pref. .1,30 J6 24 do 46 50 do 145 do 115'* 25 do. 115 'i 100 N Y Odd RK.... 94 1T77 d-J.... 93'i luO do ' MO 93?g 42 do. 98,'*' 60 do.... .. .tS 9.;-, 50 do.... .1.30 93); 1(H) Krie RR 3.7 50 do liSO 37-* 50 do .180 37V tlx) do, . .510 .?* ** 750 do...., 87', Km do .030 87!. 100 Harlem RR 17 300 do .hSO 17 100 do b30 10*-; SECOND BOA Kit. $25060 US 6's, '81 ,con 111 ?1i too shs Krie RR pref. 65 >/ 6060 do 105j; 100 lUriem Ril n'r^ 2000 Telin G'x. '90.. 68'* 400 do jT*" 8090 Virginia O'a... 0fl1; 600 Harlem Rll prof!. 42 7000 Mi-.aoori 6'a.. 61?; 100 do oo 42 20000 do 51>; 60 do 451' 5000 d.i 030 51 100 Hudson River BR 4~" 9000 1'. riW'tC2n, 83 2-50 Hn-hlVnKKexdlv Hd" 1000 Ila-h mist tab 104 3<*o do 68 V 2?.coO American gold 1( 6 250 M So k N lu RK.. 27 2 .000 do k6 106 30O do 87 . 25000 do 106 if 200 dn "7 1 25 ah* Pa- M SS Co.. 115 V 450 M So * N I gu at. 62!,' 85 A:ner K* Ran'c... 97?; 25 Illinois <>n lilt su 6?t. 20 l,k of Commerce. 102 COO do. flj'i 150 N Y Ceulral UK.. 93*; 10Caiena ,t Chi RR "I *; 60 do bio 93?f 100 d<> 71 'J, ISO <lo ?6X 1600 Clev At Tol RR.. 40K 800 do 94 600 do 46 : 60 de 1,10 94 60nChi k Rack I RR.. f.T 60 do 1410 94 60 Mil & IV du ChRR. 31 200 Ki lo RR 37 H 100 do 88/ 409 Krie Kit pref 65 CITY C'OMM KKC1AI, RK.POKT. 18?0 I'. M. Bri aiWftF*. ? Hour?Too market wat Ion iu-Uvu and sales moderate, while prices were wuhani alteration or moment. The 1'emxud was chiefly front the home trade, with aonio tale* for export. The market closed dell. The trxnmicttoua embraced about 12.tot) bt?l?.. closing within the following range V pricua:? ?Superfine S'ate $4 06 a 4 26 ? Extra state..., 4 40 a 4.60 Superfine Wi-itern 4 no a 4 25 Common to ehoiie extra We Kern 4 40 a 0 05 CaixuUua 4 40 a it 00 Seiitnera mixed to gr>"dmi.Mirfiiie 6 00 a- 6 i'4> Ultra ?e 5 05 a 6 70 <loni| to choice family de 0 70 a 7 25 Rye Uonr 2 70 a 4 00 Coi u meal, Jersey and Rrandywine 2 90 a 3 20 ?Canadian flour win unchanged, wliilo .-ale- embraced S00 bbln. at the iihove I'.guiex. Soul hern Hour heavy and dull, ?? peciaily for the low gridea, whcle prime qua i'leu wore firtmy hold: the fale* emb seed about l,loo bids :.t the above quotations. Uy? v.aa uncaiti.; d, while sale* were m-flned tc 120 bbi u Corn w? ? in ftiir deuwsd, without change lu pr oee. while the sales ouilirecec G.'Hd) Ubl: at our liguree. W'neat?Selections wero atRl ocaroe and held aiiove tho vie wis if buyer*, while salei were restricted: the tales cmbr. cMi -isnc 30.006 luirhaia. u. etiuli hue. st fl 01 a 61 04 for Milwaukee cliih, $1 95 a $1 07 fur ember iowia. and >1 1214 a $1 16 for winter red \Vr?tern lorn war fun at yesterday'* pr.ces, with moderaio ealra. which embraeed about ;:0,OOO>bushel* at 40c for diMtilliuy lots, aad 49- a.5lc. for new 119tel,51c fci c 'n uon and at Mc. ? M'ie. for old mixed,.in store and d. Ir.v. ,1. r.n 1 5 c. f,^ W. stern yelkov. I'ye was id f'vd re, .ert and firmer, with ade* af 4 OOO-UUNhels #f Jerrny mid -'tate at 75? Uar'ejr nn.l barley malt were suiei and luimituiI Oats were steady anil prices un changed. whir mile*- were made to... fair extent 1 a: (sr.?The ?*>- embraced S80 ba*u Kin at 21c and 50 <lc. t ed! Rica ai 22c Corroa?l'he ri? ?ikot wax Armor, with 1 g-md , ;iinning (leiiiajd: .he rxb embraced aiiem l,.'.ou bene*, ,m (he basH of 81 '*?? a 8l"'4u.. nkiNing si alwoif'.l a kl '4o. CocjiA.?A sale in lo'ibagtt; aysqull soil at p. t. Ki.tiri -s .?la l iven no, 2.009 I hi* flour were engaged ?l 2.?. I'd a 3s., 12 000 buxheb whent, in bulk, at l) >ad. fall next wcoki, *#,."8)0 b-.uiiuls crn .it .4>;d.. tn ship's bags: 200 tierce iiu I u' -.fix. Oil. To fonder. 2.600 hbi.e Imr at 3*. 10* d. M0 h . . cakaatMi. per tun,SM twrce? lard at 80s., ami -a# tun* cruahe#lkoii?a at 8i. i#d, md 10.W9 bushels wheat at loj^d.. in l?o!h. ITkcm. it*. ? Fork?II,e market was mora active, while privue w#ue wllhuut eboitg, of siuiuaat. The sales footed up about 1 60') bblr at f 10 83 a fid 87'i for mess, ami at W ?') a $8 75 for prime, and .u$il tor nulnxpc, tml idc . Meet bo, been more active, with sales or 250 hhi.x. at ill a $12 fur pint, tuias, and at $13 a $14 fur extra Vrlma tne?? an<l beef h me ?ere quiet and nomi nal C'U tnrttts were inactive and prices iioavy Sales I of 20ti package i wore made at Vst. s 3>^e. 'oi-J -hnuhli r?, and at. 4)ic. n5o Tor hpni*. Ijwu wn* firmer rod In fair dma ,nd,wiib raiea ofl.uOO (m, kagex at 7t?<-. a8%c. ' Ruit?r was at 10c. a 17c. lor good to prime State, ano at 13c? alio, for Ohio ?Aate. t heexe was at 7o., atid Ohio waJt qsiet and tiumlnai. sm*x.?.saiesof 1.600bsgxof pepper were madeatp. 1 rJixjAK' wore tlnn arid the rweont .nlvimoe -usfaiced. The eelna rtDbraccd 1,950 hints.. nearly all <1 >??. fcr Inferior and a' 7c. a 7 'gc. for fair to pr.ttio re da in*' good*, and nt 7>jC. n 7J,r. a 8c. lor fair te primo and ( holes grocery arai!>-s , w itli rouia lots Porto Kteo repoi is I at 7 l?c a 8t(c., tbe latter an outside flgure Haai'i lest. Asnr.ssos??In Brooklyn, en Tnoedsv, .Tune 17. by Kav, Cyru* P. Fuse, Wst. F. aviw-hwos -o Mies An*. lims sisrow, d.iiiirhter of1 VI in. Floii'ki.n, 1 juf. lUit'rnorn (usieii; (ilea##copy. Cm .a?Mix?On Wednesday, .Tune 4, at sv Paul's church New Have*, Conn., by tbe H#r. K. 1.. Hrewie, Artm * WKt.iwgrr. sen nf the late R*ibsrt Ucnsiirtd Clevg. Feq.,#f Mau'-hcater, Ktigland, tni'ukm.iit, young eat itn?*;hi?r of Caleb Mix, 1 sq., of the former cfiy. Rlt?P'fW.?At Salem, Muss., en \\ 1 droxdey, June '1?,.it the South Church, by tho Rev. Hrowa Iroerxon, I). IV, a klifted by tho R?v. S. R. Kly, I), fv. MV Wk. 8. Pi.y, of lb 14 ciiy, to Mcx Ht x*x IS. U.vow, yeungast daughter of N' ithanM '-now , laq., of the firmer eliy. Hsnjoi-llKrsr ?Afn Tue- lay June 17. at the fsal duceof Hi hrh a's iiareni,, bv ths Kov I dein F. Hat old, Jotijr HtfiSH.Jr., of Jersey ( Ity, to Apsua, only dau hier of Jaflfib M-yer, oi tUW <ity. RwbtlJ#?Ha? II.iom?<rn Miuday, Dctemhet 23,1461, by the Her. 0. C. Burchard, Willmit8 Rwnmu., ef Brack lyn, to Krnu L.( daughter ot John K. Hamilton, of this city. Resros?Vaji.?On Tneedey, Jnne 17, by Her. R. C. Rodgers, p. T)., Mr. N'rutoa KuNiua.or New York, to Mise Isahslla I*., daughter of William Vail, keq.,of New Market, N. J. Died. lionnm?On Tuesdey, June 17, Taowss E Boom, aged 43 years and 6 mouths. Hi* frlende and acquaiiitanoee ore roepeetr illy (netted to alteud the funeral, fr .m Huron straei, between Weali iiuton and Fra..kUu eireete, Greenpomt, la I., tbie (Thursday) Aflenmn, at one o'clock. Ckomin.?At Ford burn. on Wednesdey, June 18, ef hoop ing cough, Maby ftuNcas, daughter oi Stephen and. An nie A. Crouin, nr?113 mouths. The friend* of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of lior paiente, Ford ham, Wanche-uer county, this (Thursday; afternoon, at one o'clock. Oars leave Twenty-sixth street and Fourth avenue at eight and eleven o clock. Castucn.?At I.?r late residence, No. 149 East Thirty first street, on Wednesday, June 18. of disease of the-. In-art. Mrs. Hlnaamsnt Casnas, aged 88 years, 3 mouths and 16 days. Funeral notice in Friday's paper. CsnmriL.?On Wwlmiaduy, June 13. Hookkioic McKs* xra, youngest eon of Audiew and MergaretCauipbull, avvd 7 month- and 14 days. The funorai will take place from the residence of his parents, No. *17 Btuyvesant street, uoar t'oeper Insti tute, this (Thursday; afternoon, at two o'clock. The friends of the family are respecltully Invited to attend, without further notice. Cbuntk?At llagerstowa, lid., on Wednesday, June - lS.Ws. 11. ("Hoses. The relatives and friends of Uie family are invited to. attend the funeral, which will lake plarg from liia late residence. Ninth street, between Fourth and fifth ave nues, South Brooklyn, on Friday arteruoou. at three o'clock. Downie.?At Youker*. N. Y-, on TntsJay, June 17, while visiting at the lesidei.o* of her uncle, Seely' of congostiou of tbu brain, Jusm* Downie, aged 17 years, 7 months end 14 days. Tbu relatives and friends or the fomTy are respectful ly invited to attend tile funeral, from the above place, ihia (Thursday) aflnrneou, at one o'clock. Trains will leave Chambers street at tun mid eleven A. M. Daily.?At Green point, on Wednesday .June 18. Uturxivr Daily, native of irolaitd, c unity Caren, parish of I'eliuore, aged 40 years. The funeral will take p'ace this (Thursday) afternoon, at lb rue o'clock, irom her late residence, Coiyer street, between Fourth and Fifth st oels. Down.?On Tuesd iy, June 17, of disease of the heart-, ihOHAKD Down, in tlits 66th year of bis ago. Th i relatives and friends of the family are most re spectfully invite I to attend the funeral, from his lata re sidence, onrner of Ninety-ninth street and Eighth ave nue,on Friday morning, at ten o'clock precisely; and from there to St. Paul's church, Harlem, where a solemn mass of raquioiu will be o!t'"re I up for tho repose oi his soul. The rouiaiu i will be interred in < alvsry cemetery. i KKV.HAN.?At Fortress Monroe, on Thursday, June 12, of wounds received at the battle of Fair liaks, William It., ?on of William and Jane Freeman, aged 18 years, of No. 125 East Forty -lirst street, of the Fortieth (Mozart) regiment. N'oun named htm but to praise. Faoas On Tuesday, Jutia 17, Mr. Uanux I'atian, aged 102 years. The friends of the family ere reHpec'fully invited to attend the funeral,from tun residence of his* daughters, 202 Fast Broadway, this (Thursday> ofteruuou, at hali ps.'il two o'clock. Cay.?On Wednesday morning, June 18, at Bosevllle, N. J., IIknrv ft. May,formerly of New York, In the -list year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from -St. Barnabas church, Itcseville.on Saturday afternoon,at.half-|>vt lour o'clock. Morris and F-rsex Railroad train leaves Toot of Cortlondt street at 3:30 1*. M. Houston-.?At Yonkers, on Tuesday, Jims 17, Thomas Houston. iu iliu 27th year of his age. i 'lhe roiatives and friends, niso those of his father-In law, Pamiiel Fleet, Esq., of Brouklyu, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Friday afteinouu, at heir-past one o'clock, from Ilia lleformed liutch churcii, Youkere. Cars leave Chambers rtreut, at eleven o'clock A.M. Carriages will be in waiting at dv,iot. The re mains will be couveyed te Greenwood Cemetery for in termeut. Janr.'.?On the morning of Wodnesday, Juae 18, of fe ver, contracted at the White House, Va., Joax C. Janks, a volunteer in the Sanitary Commission. l'lie funeral will be held at. tho residence of his father, Rev. K. Janes, No. 1.243 Broadway, this (Thursday) af ternoon, at two oVJock. Kirhy.?At No. 268 Fast Tenth street, ou Wednesday, June 18, of disease of the kidneys, Isaac. Hknry Kikht, oi Iteslyn, Qiic-ne county, hong Island. Notice of the funeral in to morrow's pat>er. Majctaw.?Suddenly, on Monday, June Id, of hemor rhage of the lungs, Jacob Maytaw, a Sandy liouk pilot .aged 27 years, 4 months and 4 Jays. Thrfuuvrul will inke place IVout the residence of hie rtepfatber. Mr. Mai-liu Grey, No. 12 Dover stieel. this (Thursdny) iifteruuon, at two o'clock. The frienus and arquaiutanues of the family are roque ted to attend, without further notice. Slot;- iiw.?In Jersey City, on Wednesday morning. June 18, ufti-r a short illnees, Avorkw Morrow, son of John and Margaret Morrow, ave t 3 years and 6 xu.-Lull-. Tin: r< iativos ai.d iriends of the family are resprcffully invited so attend the funeral, this (l'hursday) morning, at hall-pa.-! leu o'clock,from lh*? residence of his bu reau. No. 180 lirove straoi, Jersey City. Markok.?Oil Wednesday morning, June 18, Pwur IIknrv,son of Macttuan Markoe, aged 11 years and 7 mouths. The funeral will take place from No. 74 Hovt street, Brooklyn. this (Thursday) ul'lernoon, et tbrea o'clock. UiVwmtNsr. ?On Wednesday. June 18, efter a lingering i!!n?r?, Mary Mitfwsssrv, aged 70 years, a native of county Kerry, Ireland, parish of Ratloo. Tiia friends of the family are respectfully invited to at ? torn I the funeral, tbie .(Thursday) afternoon, at twe, o'clock, from bar late residence, No. 12 Greenwich Btrest. California paper* plover copy. Pvmt.?On WoJuwday, Juuo 18, LociaU, beloved daughter of William and Mary Anus Polar, >m?il o year* und 10 m iDtli.s. oil, my dearem Louisa, thou hast ?od? lo rest, 'in [Imvh, wlieru all tbi? pur* art blest; Himi bait beea taken I'roro us when thy smile wee S'-''"?t, And although fat away from us we bopo one day to meet. l?h, dearest daughter, la oar heart thy image still shall be. And we will bop# in Heaven at last that we may meet with thee. The i'rlond* and acquaintances of the family are re specially Invited t < atteml liie funeral. from the real dence of her parent.", No. 11+ Mulberry street, on KriUat ? afternoon, at tw o'clock, without further notice. P+asrR.?Oa tTedneeday, Juno IS, alter a linger!* u il!uo>s. which she bore with Christian fortitude. Ma' IV 1C., the belot 6<1 wife f Eugene I'a., a native of Aral ,*? eounty Kerry, Ireland, aged 60 year*. The rei .live* and friend* of the family are reepeeiX ,uT invi ?d to aitenU I be funeral, from her late reside ncc No. lie baser street, on Friday afternoon, at tWg o'clock, without' irilie invitation. The remain* w j; uc taitett t?? Oilvtqr Cemetery. IX' UB?imTuecday, June 17, Thomas !??*? , ? 71 yearn,9 momhv and Tl dry. ibe rcla a ee and friends oi the family are re*pr sctfullv invued io at'euJ the funeral, front tho residues -0r son in-law, it. K Ijppinoott, Salit Letups*; 4?t tri(< (Thursday' MfWrnouu, at <> lao'clock. Imudnti (Knjmml; pwpers pl-Ase o-ipy. Pot-ncti ?on Wednesday, June UK Jowta rt num, in tho 'Utli year of lilr ago. 'l'lie ft ten is ami rr 1sti?ps of tha family w*i #sp?ctrtil1y invited to sit* ad tbermieralt ftnm tha tsfhW ma of tits mother, VV Wart Vnrrv first str.iet, thJ# (Thursday) aftarnocn, at two o'clock its a*.?In r;ranUyi!.<.u'.Vfl'1usa4Ujr,Ji:is# |8 . of scarlet fernr. Atnu Ann ati'S, you .font itsufiiUiar ?r Robert f. and Kiizabetli itysn, aued.2 year*. Ilea.en iiatb one angel r%wa t And cm tli one lluwar lav. Tlie irlend.' of tha fsiAtlv are reaveAiulf v invited to sr. tend the inn* rsl, iivm ilia r-atdeoee of I .ir,parents, No. 2?2 Myrtlo avuue, mi* (Tnir-day) hT tr rn -oi , at two o'clock. . Wa.-nus.?On T iastl ly. .Tone IT. RU tha beloved rife o Joseph II. Simian, in tk.? ?l?t y <,n?. nf he** ,iga. 11 .a fantm l w ill take plar n r hi - (rhu i y; afteraoou, at lislf-pS'tt*oo olf A, from bcr lute restdaaoe, No. 210 South dnurth 'trait, Wt lis- sbnnc. Tmpvva.v.?? ? The.. Muy 'J?, t ,t the Military Has ppal, Jhn?fu*lcie island. S.C., Wa? nm.ioN, sou cf W. M. Thurm-tu, in vbo -l?t /? ,?r >f It.a aye the friends .tud scqonintanoas of the family, also thorn oi his mi lie and bruiher Will tam are res pert frilly luv'.tod to attend lift) funeral. f'O *f, his true residence, So ai? We*t twenty ae ,?nlsu*o? ,thl*(rh irsday) atlar nocn, al two u'cli k. without lorf her invitation. Van AwtPAUt.?tt New Hi in* rltk. K. .1., o:i M"i rtar, .Ime 1#, J?>wh M. Van A**i?.?tl . m (tie.>4lh yaar Ins >4(0. Its wis inferred on Woiln??d ay,June 18. Rrooklvn panera plca?e ropy , " Wptmuhs.?>At Ida reel tone j, Newport K. I , on Moo d.iy. .tuna Ml, (a the <U I y?ar ar his age,* t* Wkt* * w:( foriaorly. end for tn .0 y years a in,'reliant of New York. rt' 1 11 ?m?mmmmmm. MHOEI .LANHOVI. ARTlCtJiS i tl* StlUHJ ;r* AT il.vI.TI.MOKH, WASH no ,,n auJ otiirr id inw uMip-rt Or Union troops slioiil ! hv m nt at half rater , by the (HABNDUN BXPIlKSd, ft Nwidny. A|,l, ST/.F.S Bl'NTTSO AND SICK FLAHH?ON HAND, lor win by lIOJEafi A i?Ra it\M. mnnulaclurers, 87 Dunne dim A PL'RE TOBACtlO.-VRU.OW DANK TOBACCO ? J\ Goodwin's Pure Tcllaw Bs'ak Tobacco, freafroni all on (nrltiea, forsnlr by all lobar.. ,> an I arcar dealers, and at wbcicsala oy K. GOODWIN A JsRoTUtft. 5U9 Watarstraot LL KIND8 OF CLE V>' ,i V?i AND DTBINO. NO. 4M 4i Bloom - Slrect, ? nrn? t ,u Hiay. 0..O and we. iMiiilea' Ore.aea. ilenUenii n'a Coaie, Pants, \eata cleaned asine an new without, akin f apart. Ar BkHKBR'ft?Wiof, OF TIT VRBY B88TQCAT.1 r\ and alt other huma nbalr article*. Gall sod are them. ?U Broadway. T OIMBUEDK'S. ?< ALBUMS (FIFTV* PI0TURK3I rr.atl ' I at M. I/nd<tln| Cards, Noll Paper, Monomania in p-i toat tart*. BBO'iTMI - i .TINT MXTALLIC WBATHBR STRIP , xotu le* t'tt r. wind and rain from duoraand i. indowa. Depot 'JW Uiowd *,?; room 14. pOSTAR'N VR'iMIN RXT'iRMlNATORt, Tf KMiN KM Kit.Ml N \D'R.H TKKMIN I \ I'KKMlNAIOKH, VUU.M1N hXTKUM l.NATOKH. K?>r rata, ruaihea, Orntoti and bed b ica, inaecta, 4c., 4c, "Free frimi polanim " "Rati, 4 ',, don t die on tin- premleee." Bold by ell Irorglata, eliy r.ud eoniitri t'rUi.lUtl depot fcuiorcd from Oil to fed U, gad war. N. Y. inioMbivaovi. A T1BMTION?DR. BKIOGS. CHIKOIOD ST, (B A skillful and N?nM la hn treat-ion' ? ' <u n< b n? lous, callosities. alub and Inverted rials, enla,,sei* a il die ?:"fl joints, and all other oucutiof tlie feel Oiiie , N?. 212 Kroailway, New York. Crutches and casks tor the million?as the mauu/acluier'A U. h.S UU No. 2 a.i eat. CIORNS BUNIONS. INVERTED NAILS. KNLAROBD J join', . and all diseases ot the font eurm tIiuivj* pain or jiicuuiciuetire to liie path at, by Dr. ZACiiAKlE. K..;gou? UuJTCpodiM, 760 Broadway. Relets to phiai.iau* and sur geon* of the city. TABAFNESS ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION.?A PO JJ imtar In > . ,e, by Dr. E. Buuf .4 Liahliin, aith ID lustrations. i'lioe au coma. CAKLKfuN, F-Jbliaher, 4U Broadway. DR. E BUNFORD UG11TI11LL, 34 ST. MARE'S PLACE. Consultations until 3 1*. td. Danville, pa., oune *, ism Dr. WM. H. GREUU ' Dear tJlr?In February, IBM, I was afflicted with the Hugar DiRbclttit, aud 1 or firt mouitm I [iRMsrcl more than two ehI luua ol water la twenty-lour uoum. I ?u* obliged to pet up us often as ten or tweive times during :tie n slit and fn live uiouths I lost about liny i-ouuds In During lbs mouth of July, 1*11, 1 procured two boflns or Couatitutie* Wiiler, ao.l In two days alter using u i eiian.-.uoi-d relief; and ut ter Using two bottles I waa entirely c .red, ,oon after regaining iny usual guOii tiealtu. Yours truly, J. V. 1. DE WITT. Sold by all druggists. MORGAN A ALLEN, Agents, AS Cuff street. N. Y. Deafness, impaired hiuut. noises in the hruu and sore throat . ured by tba not > 1 and a lenuua principle which restores, in lb< must hope i-., cm s by tha well kuuwi. European O uiist and Anrist, Dr. VOW BI8BNBKRG, at bis oilier, 3e Cliiiton place, Kigblti . reek. Flags, oilt balls,, spears, poles* Ac., at retail, by UlUEK A UKAHAM, manufacturer* V7 Duauu street. 371LA11S! FLAGS I KLAOS'.;I FLAGS!!!! . AA'NIN A CO., uiunufaoturersof Kings, 96 Pulton atreeL vomer ol Wnliau. We have on baud tne largest aiock or Eii.'Msb Bunting Flnge to be found in this conutrv, a'l nlres. i rum turee to till ty fast, wnolesala and ratalL t Establishes 1.M7.) - CD LAGS I r PI, AG SI f JOHN N STEARNS. FLAGS 116 No. 60 Cedar aireet, nearly opposite the Post odlce. IMPORTANT TO DEALERS IN PETROLEUM, COAL I Oi , Na|it?;\, Benzine, Ae.? iho aitrntlonoi dealers aoA eapilultats is invited to a new luv.-ntioil lor lining casts. 16 is iuipi.ruiea.jle to the ahuvc and oilier d'llde, and needs only tubea.-?n to satis, y suy oue of the fact. An Interest will be im posed ol if applied lor aoon. Address Che mist, box iOS Herald olilcc. Marble a d marbleizkd slape mantels ? IV, s. Caslleteu biavo Company, 1,1 iicoadivay, M. I. blend for circulars. 01'iifJIALMIC AND AURAL llf.STITUTS, 31 i'sun.-yivania avenue, WuMiiiifpoa ??. C , uevntad u the f duufo i-v un i u.i u.jliidtra ?d th h}i-a?l Ear. 'flic institute is iu charge 01 the urlMnuwn European oculist ana, l>r. F. A. Vnn Xa,<.'k^bk?r, an.I au I* reterred as to Its gni at s i ccus to must of the members of bum House*, or set itge Washington IuteiligaiiMr" for fuii i aiilrulais ulisJ special reforeuct a PILES, FISTULA AND DISEASES OF TiJK TKLVIO Orgm*. Dr. ?. A. DANIELS, ^t Sialh atenu , near Fourteenth slreet. S?T?1S< 0?X.?DRAKE'S 1'LANTATION BITTERS ? Ot tills celebrated brand, apm nr* to lie IB eve, > one'a nnuiih, as well as on ever}' one'* iabi'j. I'll, y i n spleuAd article and can b> relied upon to atreagllica suit invigorate exhausted nature. STILL FOR SALR-OR WOULD HE. RENTED, with. rtlll Imuac and good e-liar Apply on tlis premises, No. 218 Bowery. TO CONSl'MPTItES. The advertiser, having been. restored. to health in a fasr weeks by a v.-ry simple remedy, altar UarlngsuiioiOd several years with a severe Inn* adeniau, uud that dread disease com urn pi ion, Ik anxious to raiahe Known to his leliow sutler, ers the means of t ire. To-ail who dusire it be will send* ropy of ibe prescription ulasd (fret 01 cliaiga), with duoc tlbiis tor preparing suit uW.tig the same, win h they will bad a sure mire tor OoBsumpl/.oo, Ajthtaa, Eioi.chiiia, Ac. Tho only objort of the advertr*er in sending me pr cciki lion la to benout the a-lUfoied an' 1 apr -ad Information wln'cit he con ccivaa In he invaluable; laud be hopes every s.Ul'ert r will uy his remedy, a?It will on .t them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Fartiea wish/.iig the pri srripliua will ph-aae ad dress Rev. EDWARD A. WiLAuN, Wi-liamsburg, flo,teoutuy. N T. Tiib lament of the flea. Long years haw e 1 wandered unfettered and frea. And bitten th .c young and the old. And laid lu thi 1 oouuh of the and lha fate. And fr ighlaf ned.the warrlor.b.dd. But liowm- is waning fast from me? A L'uwder 1 ilagnrtlc and strong, Interned by Lvnn, Is death to our tribe. And uwayj I "must travel ere long. Lyon's Fuwiler is harmle*! to mankind, but will uiu aE. house Insects, gar d>-n worms, p'.an'. bugs, A". L ou's Mag. ucLic. Pills arc sine death to tub' andnii-w. Mold every, where. B?, 8 BARNKH.lbd Broadway, New York. riHHl TWO c .INT WKEKLV. 1 THE NEW YORK ERA Vir .Tune 21, eont una a (tor.. )>jr Alio* Carjr; an unliwa , po?io hy W, . j, Florence, comedian; a ti.phi ak'icb of fiowrinrSpr ^n?, of Rhode lalanil; Hu-igtt and Dramwlln KVmiict' u; r? *,i:na 'Or the Militaiy au I Flrnmeu; lb* aen Mtllun-il. ?,itf niip auj pem-rat 'eri'.U./'aof t?e prooeiViiiga ef the Board*o f Aldermen, C< uncilmeii and Hnvirl-ora, Ac. lniutre for I t at tbe New* i)calfx?*l.l it ml m thole. OialM-aaiui ,ce, oilloc of pu..Urai!<?n 1U4 b'ullou ?tr. ei. ~ ~ LOST ASD FOUIKD. " I OST?$3 REWARD.?LOHif, ON THESDA* <?*01 m*. between II and 10 o'clock, tu Prince atreet,* ?,nall wrfe ue Dog, arttU brown fa* e and aars. An?? "r t<> taw. name of Frank. \Yboevrr w ill return him to No. 107 Prtuc*. atreat. ? p .lalra, will receive the above reward. DOO LOST.?FIVE DOLLARS REWARD.-LOST*, O* ? outlay week, in Ninth avenue. a lltlln Roou a Xernew Whoever will mltirn him to K. La* tor. 311 Ninth. avntm a, will receive the above reward. Ij*>' ND?AN IRON WATER TANK, AT THE HOUSTON A I'jwl terry, n bicb the owner cau bare by pro. id. wr*. Pert' ' and paying etpemes. FJUNI).?PICKED UP. WESTWARD OP NIIW liA ?H veil, hy schooner Orl< n, of Kali R.v, r. a JtbandtniainauK 1 ^ il Boat. For further particular* appif to 1>. LitOVtN A ^ >N, Fall Ptrer, J!a?*. T /IOUND-TN BROOKLYN, AT A VERY EARLY HOCK ; U oo Welneedar morning, the ldth In* ., ci lut tan Otay ? aor.nd Riot, which the nwnu' ra.i reclaim hv jjiovtag |> a* party and pa; log expense#, Call at dU West Warren w treat. , South if 11,.? *. 1;. it, atacr 7J? P. M. 1KFT-IN A FULTON KERRY AND ASl-TY STRUCT J onintbii*. una up, a lady'* black Silk Uiubre.!#, The inplur will recelwn the thank* of the owner by leaving it at 2*1 bnudway, over the Trad tauten'* Bank. Loht-wednksday noon, junc is. in one or the Houston street atitaet, or in geutug out at the rerun* of Kjf* onth street *ni Eighth atentte, a Partemoiihai*, wltu steel chain attached, containing bills and silt sr. Tm tin tor will be auiuuljr rewarded by tearing the seme at OB West Flfteentli street. LOST-l.N A SIXTH AVENUE 1IORSB CAR, OR IK Stxtli avenue, near Twen'.y-lourth etrect,. u Thursday. 17th Insu h. iwtrnM and 1 P. M . a lady's Hold f! tvuu Watch. Tho will be liberal'/ rewarded by leaving ft Rt llo Nauao at; eat, room 12. LOST-ON TUESDAY E'.'ENINU. .IUNE 17. A BLACK leather Aexn.ut Boo., cmiiatniu; paper*. Ac., of na ime hi | (o the orn-r; also #."> tn man jr. A ail ah ? .ewttrd '-.?111 he peld by returning it to Win. 11. Tidal, 'J8 Urnu tick ?treat. LOHT-BT.TWKEW TOR HRtXPRETlI IIOUSR Alt* Mai la* I use?left In a a'a*f?4 h .ick 1. aih r C r pet Ha<t oo'ttalnlnu a pair of |>auU. veal, blao. an 1 w bite ca.'vk MIK cravat. * An. The under will be rewarded bjr leaving Iks sauic at 63 Maiden lane. Lost-in grand street, ht:twe"K cnRvsnm at. ami tlie H<>. e|t, J uue 18, a pair of *olu Jay* t.luaaoa. The finder Will be ban voir ',* i. ? tr.le.l 0/ laavuig Uiein a6 ."?3 1 rvi iifi placf. earner of Sixteenth ?t "Set. > IOST-ON TIIK I.?TTI JUNE. PROBAPLY XE VR TO* J Evening Pott Imtl tine, * Diamond U.nn. The Under will lie liberally rewarded by returning 11 to P. 0. White, St Lost-on Sunday Morning, iani inst., in a Third avenue car or going from Twini'v-ieooud street an I Thud aveutic to T??n j llr t .l.eet ami fourth aveuua* ? aumli B'lge, kuowu as n B'rnth regiment pin. hlna enamel ami void, tvitu X. U. in .outre, and moito "Pro Pa tria el Gloria on enamel. A reward will be given If left at 37 William aires', base me it, IOKT -IN GOING FROM RLETENTH STREET, IM J a Mfth avenue st-se, to B.uaua a, opposite i a H in po' tun Hotel, a iie.rrif Point Lao Snvvei, wrapp d in piak tlnue paper. The fln ler n i l bo reaa.ded by leaving tMa aa n at ii West Eleventh a' reet. IOST?ON BUN DAT AFTKRXOOM, JUNE 16, IX COM J lug from I'm-want Plains, S'a'rn luaud, to 0 tal a.ieei, Now York, a gentleman's large aired gold Hunting W.iteh, with Chain, Sent and Unci at-aeh-d. The Under will icnrUrr a Ins ml reward by retmulng it to 11.7 Giattd atteet, to !!. O Went worth. I' out-ON MONDAY, 16TU INST. A OOLD .ti'ABW J Pin. roireerutlag a largo beeila, wllh tap raid ?> -a and enamelled body. Any person returning it to t.'i Bowery wHI Itr auitMily rewarded. Lost or htolen-a deed or "so on to to* \?aahiurton Omeirry; made aan aoaiituvledgnd hp mm lnal. simmer, without consideration. Tin pu . I are wnraug against any person attempting t<^.^ ri^p, o. ( >t Treasurer of the Wraulngu .. Cn.-e- .y, L.'|. Iost OR STOLEN?FROM TH* OrllGF. OF THB J snha. riser, on the Wih Inat.. a p>? ?? ?: ?i vulidmag bill*, aeeisn, and aeveral note- i a?t Inn; iaa note a? I.?l-jhl ? A Hrsdbiiry, dated Anril 3. 1-U. at 1 n. nl'ia, for two hundred and liftr-two 2ft-100 doll ir?; a so el a h .>( Mas hati.u Oo Company ror sixty <4 10.) do la. dated J. ?? ML littt. th-payment of which has heen etnpp d / uv perava relnrmng trm uoler, pipers, dc.. pi the a neviril r wtU re ceive 11* e dollars reward, and no uust. tons n'tt? J. B vs 1,1. l. ;..l Rib*hath street. REWARD!. REWARD.-EOST. ON TIEBDaT, .TI-V I IT A 1-AUt.R biank and tan Slut: she had on a hi ' hoi i ? co'iar mid answers ta the name of Nellie. If I ? i > e i v. o "> i?t c her will rail at Ih7 West Twenty -eonoad aireel' " h r>oe?s? a larj,e rew ml. ^ REWARD.?LOST, ON WEDNE'U'AY, >} INhT., ahout noon, either in the flu > T" ' ? rv d >1, or In jrelng from it to the eornnr of >***0 ?ti a need PockaiUHK.E, conftlnlnf from Bit l to $M I i < J. ' a ?? bRia. Tha above reward will bp (?! I hv .savliig p x Phdr at (KM Broadway. In the store, or 11 El ,'itn evanaa, *u l the thaukaof theowner, whotaa !j,or ?wl ij [M c?r RBWAKD. lobt on Tim : "i ;;rr a ? f.Is ?)?) lotv tsn Terrier Slntj hind fret I ;"?d wilt wbl ta had on a black collar bound with red m t i n- -vturn ag Ilia aanin t?84l t'anal merit, will reccra h atmve eevjvrd. *1A RSWARD -INWT ON F01 RTO ? Ff XI H, T* .5 I U tilling firnm Twwnlv-thlrd t? I* nit on n -treat, a Pock ih. o*. eiDHtiiln* about th; a .oHinl n' g.:,, la hllla ami "liver. Any ood ewlurnlng the a ,v io nvj Fourth avenue, between Twe iy ??vmd an I I > ? tp thlru s.r-eta. Will r<' "ivc the alm.c rcwaid ami Hie t'.e Kt o? l ie owner. A3l\l\ REIT'BP. THE PARTY 1 . <> T 0URD TOR park ? of ha- i. b'"t on tl ? I nwloh hank list Sa< rdayi ii ? ' ? i?r r(ialB tho abu.c amo int, ang eeud the baUuee wlib A ,r. B a.e? .U v.,.^ ^ ^