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HOlUCfl, ROOMS, *C^TO t?T. * TWO BTORV BASEMENT AMD ATTIC BRUM .A. Hoav ib let?Bo. 66 Writ Eleventh rtfwi has gaa, r?-nl tow gfe>i. ISt Woo u-r .treat Ala*. Hnu* aiwl Mhop 16 Tufmw street, and huu?oeond povjc ml U?uma is ait uwu of the city. Inquire of B L A H. mURMHAM, till Hudson street. 4 FART OR HOt'HB MO. MI BAST rirTm*?T Mm', nrar Lexington xr<-nue to lei?front enu back ore, Hit t Bedroom,Biaruient. Bedroom and Pantry ad halatag. gaa uxturea, ma.-ble mania!., wardrobes, Ac. Real (lttu par auuuiu. In.;uiri- on the pr- "'"**? 4 TRRV PRETTY AMD ROOM? OOTTAGE TO BENT at Yonhera, within a taw minutes talk of dr| ot. The Oaa commands a oe'"?'" the ni ?*. There ?a ground for a good garden. It ta a delightful summer eoj tana. Will rent It to agood imam veiy low A|t>ly to J K EDWARDS V7 Wcat Tw only th rd .treat, Mew Turk, or ta a. A. hTAKH, Broadway. Yunhara. ARBOOJIO IND THIRD FLOOR, FOUR ROOM3 each or tuber floor, with all n o lern improvements, Badet to a suuiil fatally, in a email private family, at * Weal Thirty eroon I a., eet. FURNISHED COTTAGE TO LET. 0? NOSTli SHORE ui hie.en 1 stand: w?U aheueil; has nine ruo-tit, bamr aaaacl) furnished. and 1* only hve minutes Irmu Snug lim ber loading, tu every n eject a deaira..le r?w.Ji uoe. Apply ME A WAiUtKN, tX Ola blip. 1 rom 1 u> 2 o'clock. UWRMIBHED HOl'SE TO LET?AT 226 EAST THIR I ticth atrret, between Second and Third avenues; eun> nlet'jr furntaurd: muat part uf the rvnt taken lu board, It Aastrrd, and privileges f"ra few board-re; puaSKaaloa uaiuo Amtely Apply on ike premises. YTiVKNlSHKD HOUSE TO LET, IN JRKSEY CITY?A X haiiuaoineb fnrui.ued brown stone front house, within Bra luinuu a' ??U uf the f erry, will be let tu a nrtvate fanit Ml far one or more years; the house la In good" arder; .-on i&nHgiia. water, A'., ami la iu every way a dra.rable re-i Apply at the Mechanics and Traders' Rank Jcrwy R?y Houses to rbnt at exceedingly low rates. - A splendid tour story blown atone high stoop on Weal Twenty-eighth street, la first rate order, all modern oou ?eu:ancea, 9660. A three story high itaop on Weal 24th sc., $9011. A ooiiage nicely aiiuaied on Weat 26 n at.. $.*Nl A ib ret- story high stoop on tilb sk, (urowniton., Ac.,) 9430. A three story high stoop brown atone on West :?,;h -i., 9i00. A three story high steep house la beautiful order, up town, gMeapJ 94AU. A throe story high stoop house on West 63d St., 9600. FURNISHED HOUSES. One on West 46th sk, brawn suae, furuishad throughaut, flifi For further particulars, cards of admission sr keys, apply R JAMES R. EDWARDS. 177 Wast Twenty third street. HOUSE TO RENT-IN CLERMONT AVENUE, BROOK lyn. in perfect order: three story English basement; ri and wan-r Apply at 195 Pearl street, ta up stairs, HENRY UKOK.lB S TORES TO LET?NOB. MS AMD 26k AVENUE B. with gas liiturrs; new buildings and suitable for any Mad of business. Also Basement 268 aveaur B. Also Rooms aad Bedrooms tn 667 avenue B. Inquire of M. DODIN, 16 e?, sue U. P LET?THE THREE STORY HOUSE NO. SB EAST Tu.rty second street, bet ween Lexington and Third ave anea Has gas, Cru.on water, bnth, Ac.; in complete order. Meat low. Inquire on the premise*, from 10 till 6, or of H. RUSSELL. 127 West Twenty-fifth street. IfO LET?WITH STEAM POWER, THE TWO WELL J. lighted Lofta No. 10 Spruce street; rent low. Inquire of ML W GREEN K, Mo. IS Sprues street. r LET-PART OF HOUSE 147 TENTH AVENUE, HAS the modern improvements; location and bouse urst otaaa. near Twentieth street, and opposite the college mounds. Oa.y two families admitt-d. Kent low. Apply to ROBERT USHER, Jr., 162 West Thirty-fourth street mo LET?THE FIRST CLA88 FOL'R STORY HOUSES, A with all the modern improvements, 335 and 641 West Thirty-tilth street; in first rate order, rent 9MU. inquire at 997 Wool Thirty-firth atreek P LET?AT STAPLBTON, 8. I., A TWO STORY frame Ueuae, in a pleasant location^ commanding a Mow of the river. Possession immediately, and Furniture Mar *ale if desired, ^ddreae bog 66 Post oOce, N. Y.. or in ?drr af Mrs. LENTING, health terrace, Staple ton, 8. I. P LET-IN BOUSE 1,393 BROADWAY. THE SECOND Story, consisting of two largo rooms, 'our small do., atoaela, wardrobes, Ac., with Croton water, gas and natures, ?eat 921X1 per annum; also third Story, same as second, with (he addition ef bath; rant 9176 par annum. Inquire oa tbt pw mine. or at 10) Fourth avenue. r LET?AT HIGH BRIDGE, THE COUNTRY BEAT oi Mr. R. F. Carman, containing nine acres, with coach house and stables, green house, grap'-ry, gardener * bouse and all kinds of fruit; tha house has water and gas through awk Also, a Cottage at same place; also a House on 162d ?tract, overlooking the Hudson nver, with coach bouse sod stable-also two three story brick Houees: rent low. luqmrs MB F. CABMAN, 1,264 Broadway. LET-IN A DESIRABLE LOCATION. WITH GAS. water, bath, statMa-iry tuba Ac., lire minutes' wait Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, a brown Ktone House; Mat per y> or. Apply in the priming oRce, No. 6 Catoansc - Now York. T? r LET.?ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST Lo cated Stores in the city of Brooklyn, 266 Fulton street, Brooklyn. Has bean occupied tor the past ten years as a lw Haas family dry goods store. Pooeeesioa given imins cUateiy. Inquire next uoor, ot J. O. WUirLilOUhB. r> LET?FURNISHED ROOMS TN BROWN STUNB house. 33 Bowery, stogie and in satta; vary desirable i or ?Millies aud admirably cool ta summer, this eatabttshiasai Is kept m good order. Apply on the premises r LET?THE HANDSOME THREE 9TORT AND basement House, 96 Harrison stieet, South Brooklyn, Baring bathre -u, with hot and eo.d water through the w bole Bouse,, * 1 o chandelier., Ac : ranted up to 1st ot Mat Saat for 9626y r annum; tt will now be let to Ivt of May next Bar 93M>. with privilege of having U tor another tear tor IvUU Apply 10 GEORGBJ HARDY. Agaot, 16 Court street ep yssu the UUy Hail, Brooklyn rLBT-A PART or A riRflT CLASS WOi'BK NO MM Hut wi street. with All modern improvement*. for further pajrt.culars inquire on the premier*. LET-A SNL'O LITTLE MODERN BRiCK HOUSE m complete order. At a low ram. to a so-.t leuaai, we ar natures, west aide of the city. No. id n*ib -ar nrret. Aliingdon square Apply Beat djor, Nj. Is, el Mrs a or at 3*6 Bleeeaer street. T T?b LET?THREE KLOOR8. TOGETHER OR BETA rate, corner ol Broadway and Nineteenth St reel euiuh e a deuBat. milliner or private dwelling J Queue la the rLKT-A ROOM Off SECOND FLOOR, IN A strx-ur private family, furnished, No ** Ea*i Nine tsaanh street four doors Irom Broadway. r LET?THE PLACE AT WEST MORR1SAN1A ksvtrn as the Dr. Morris'plaea. House bi-tit ie> mater aad summer use; partly furnished. Ready ror immsdieic aarupaiit n. Mi oiinu es from Twenty sixth street. A pull to V. H MINOR, M West Twenly-slitti stiaet. IPO LET-AT ANNADALE, STATEN ISLAND. A VERT X desirable hummer Residence, with ei*ht of Isod; house has eleven rooms capo.a. ptasxa, -had* uses ?6 Bsiautrs from pier No. 2 North river, S imuuies from depot. Beat tow. Apply at IU John street. rLBT-THB LA BOB THREE STORT HOTSE 1*6 Mercer street, aear Houston , contains 13 roouia Sees Many time. Key at 166 Mener street. Kent low J. R. WILCOX, 186 fifth areuue, corner oi 23d street. CLET-PARLOR FLOOR, KITCHEN AND SECOND loor (ttiraa Roomsi, saparata or together, er ?o, Id I a lady baring furniture for the ttaa of the same. Ap ply at 82 Grove street, from 11 to 6. rLBT?FURNISHED OB UNFURNISHED. ON TUB Hudeea, a two story atUc and base me it House, con twtna all modern Improvements; large garden planted. old shade trees, 46 mmatea' by rati. Appiy to W. U. KlLi.I MAN, 718 Sixth arrxue. ' ITO LET?FL'RNISHED OB CNPUB.MSHED. A X three story hian stoop House, with modern improve ?aata. will be let low to a responsible party Inquire at 133 Wast Tenth street Possession immediately. fpO LET-TO FRUIT DEALERS. A PRIVILEGE FOR 1 the awls of hue fruit Ac., in an established piaaa on Broadway Apply at 16* Broadway, basement. rLBT, CHEAP?FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, and part of the rant taheu in board, the three story blsh sloop House 148 Warerlcy place, aear Sixth hvsnne; in cum abets order, rooeeru Improvement*. Apply to L. SUYDAM, Jr., 168 Wavarley pleas. rLBT OR FOB SALE?IN 1RVINOTON, A WELL shaded cottage, eight rooms, one hour fro in New fork, ?vc minutes from depot, hue view of Hudson river, small Wuila, spring water; garden mads. Rent low; terms easy. Apply at Mr. RONDTTBTTI William street. LBT AND FURNITURE FOR SALE IF DEMISED, a small trot class Hotel, pleasantly loos ed, on a pro Bin-si thoroughfare doing a good ou-inees rent low, a ?we '-nance to make money with a small capital. Apply at Mu Neman street- seeood floor rLBT. VERT LOW?THE HANDSOME NEW STORK W Sixth avenue, aear Jcffersoa Market; a lirst rate ho gtar-ee location, povsctsloa Immediately Apply it It L. ?UVDAM. 16S Wavarley plars, near Sixth arsuue. r RENT?A FURNISHED ROOM AMD BEDROOM, erlth canvanieacesfur e?->klnf; also a large Works.iop hi the rear. Bent vary low. App.y at 8S6 West Twenty Shurtb street between Righlli and Ninth arenuaa. ?|K) MACHINIST!,?AN OPPORTUNITT SELDOM MET Ji with tor a lobbing machinist to locate in Howard Build tats. 12. U, 46. 48 andW tireenc street, near Broadw ay and Oanai street Ko-m. with power, at a rary low rem, and ptaoty of work. Inquire on the premises. The well known and valuable hotel, the Olimnr House, Baltimore. Md., for rent.?This Ur?w and elegant hotel, recently built and moat eligibly situated an Monument square, in lbs i-lty of Baltimore, posaea^ing ?vary advautagc to ren.ier it one of Hie mor- attract-ve and ?nstrahl- estaoi ?=' - in the country, wi.l bo rented or Isaaed on lavors e tsfa*. Applmuon ran be made on the pv-mn-s n tha- ? y gr to P GARDNER. New York Hotel. T? TWO Rot I Mb O Li ro AN AMERICAN OR ENO ? ban lamili > put ..idrea. Location central and - a mod oeigbla rho-. c Rooms are "0 ih- acoond floor, ?sattfla m--nth In advance An excellent chauet. A.,pi* ? tbe preserves, IK Monroe Street "* J QTH AVENUE STORE TO LET?THE LARiiP, t7fl O cmnmodktus f.rst class Store en i Mt-cond F.-or. ea the Mithwcst corner ef Eighth areaue an t Thirl) ?Ret, nxturescomplete, for a dry goode store; a very da table location. Apply an the premises. ?! II n NTREET. NEAR SPRINO -PURNISHED llU R?io-ns, for Immediate oruupaacy; lowmi ,-enl-i la city considering the ooovenlenecs f<y aounekecpin;;: best ding, furniture and cooking utensils; gaa end*Croton. HOTEL*. HB10TBL-WHITMET 1101 BE BROADWA1 iKNER Twelfth strsst, on the European plan. 8in(pe Rooms gu cents. 76 cents and $1 per day. Parlors and B<:?i*wn 61, El SO and 82 der day. Meals to order at all ?>"'"?? lbotel ?pen all Sight. 8 E- "BAD M~ IARION HOU.-E. EAST BROADWAT, CORNER OF Catharine street.?The proprietors of 4he abovs house lake much plea*urS m Informing tlielr friends snd the pub he at large, also those r'-sidtng In the adjoining eo-intrr d.s Irn-t* that they bars lately completed the enlrrgeie- nt of their house, snd far the future will base an additional num. I?r, #?n?I it viia lumiw v* " '??*? "" airy si-cptii g r,.oius Lwbleh challenge compel.lion other IK"'* in Ui* city.) To be 1st at modsrats taruis by the nliht or week. _ _ 7 VAN l'V ty hK A O 11ALLORAN, PrWprletera per <-f (In with any Mad son avenue hotel, corner or twkntt. .ev- n h street, open lor boarders lor ths s'lmu-er ?t ear* law pried*; wml, airy room*, Oral class: to. nt.nn a. el to the eountfy ? PWSMS without beard, if *iee?red. Uto rn* at sir. rOH liLB. A' "neat"and UANDBOMBLY PITTED OP TEA AND Ur,x* rv Store lur sale, doing agouti knllMiiaudi situ *usd in a larr--sud i?ipo,eua oetgh borhooS, ou one of ike boat avenue* In urn city. luqmxe at MM Third avenue. mood chance for a man with a small capital -Fo. vale, a Geocery and Lienor Stun-, in I of the principal parta of the citv The reasons fur letting Jc Known at Cue (meter kouae, Si Heat may atrial A STRAIN ENGINE FOR SALE?SUITABLE FOR tint tig a wi.ig machines, Ac. Allboagk equal to now will be no a cheap. Inquire at 396 Canal street, top Hour. Avery neat and ubnteel fancy goods and Stationery Stu.v, i.Ktimu on Broadway, is dome a fair buviD'm. will hi-11 Stork, fixture*. Lea**, Ac., for $iOt>; the beat amail investment w< have. r. D. RICH AKUBON A CO.. 9 Aid 84 Ne*#eu afreet. AU'JI OS store fi r sale.?one or THE best k? .tllon* oc ,vn town, near I Try landings, doing good business. worth $JBU, will sell for ?350, lu eunaequeuce of harin - porrhitixvi a hotel F. D. RIi'llAKDMlN A CO . 81 aid 84 Naaaau street. A ERST AC KANT FOR BALK?IN A GOOD BL'Sl nea* lnealiua -leea a gaod in.a n*as Thla ia a ran Xh. nesa huvhhi; <wes a geuu o??a m ? ? i haacK. Al?" lor-oUo. a Livery 8u?,Ur, a* a treat aa--rii.ce. Alto. Bakct i.-t, Grocer) Stores aad Liquor hunts, for aale at MITCHELL'S, 77 Cedar atreet BAR AND LtQI'OB STORE FOR SALE?A BARGAIN] sood !<??-a'ion. favorable Irate at !n,\ re.V, doing a good money-real, me business; bandi-oiuely dUetl up: choice atack; a most eicei.cnt cttm* to get in tin b sines*. SOCTHW1CK A WOOD, 82 Na*> J^RCG STORE FOB SALE-THREE YEARS E8TAB Inched.?Choice mock, low rent pr ce $JUO rath, or would be exchanged on fair lertnt for other property. Apple otilv between 12 and I o'clock, datty. at tha stare. Fourth avenue, Kaal Futy-ihud street. Drug store for sale in Brooklyn, e. d - Flxt-irea of first quality, With I coinplete thick ? if genuine drugs, chemicals and fancy articles, with all thr re ctpet for the proprietary articles; as good an opportunity for business it teldom oDared to tbr trade. No agents, nor any wit' oat sufficient capital, need apply. Cash pries S2,6ut) Address Fharniacy. box 250 Herald ofiloo. jgNGINB AND BOIT.ER TOR SALE.?ONE TWELVE hnree power Eaiiiae, made by William Bard on nne Re turn Flue Boiler, made of best quality iron, all complete and in c-od running order. Inquire at G. F. KKBHlTT A CO.*8. Di luting office, corner if Pearl and Pine streets. For sale-very cheap, a mjluneky and Fan y Store, at East New York, doing a good buslm-si, reat -nv given for t ll-ng. Inquire of E. HUFFMAN, plank road, E c t New York. IjYOR 8AI.K?THE OLD ESTABLISHED DINING AND 1 Oyster Saloon known a? the Sylvan 8hore Retreat, at Harlem Bridge, together with 17 Fishing Boats and Fix lures. Apph on the premises, to WILLIAM KENNEDY. F? R SALE, ON TUESDAY, JULY 1, 188S, To close a Concern. The splendid sea going steamer New York, United .States " irthr * "* ~ ~' built. l.UUU tons burthen, thoroughlv oak bullL This steamer is at present carrying Her Majesty'* mails belween New Brunswick an l Nnva Bcoua, ana will be In New York about ihe 30th June Instant, lor the inspection of all persons w ish ing to pureuaae. i-'or further particulars regarding dtiuen sioas, engiue and machinery, capacity, Ac . apply to A. 8MITHKU8 A CO., 68 Beaver street. 1NOR SALE?IN WILLIAMSBURG, THE MARKET ! Dining and Oyster ha loon, established seven years. To a e?sh ritatomer this is a good opportunity. Inquire on the premises, TJO Grand street, Williamsburg, or at 106 Beekman street, N Y. For sale?a steam engine of twelve and Boiler of eighteen horse power, with everything com plete ; ran lie si-en running this day; and the Building to let. Apply 10 A. 8CMWART8, 374 West Forty.sixth street. For sale? 17fi do.. >iast Steel American Shears, assorted aire*. 563 dux. American patt-m do. do. do. 325 dor Screw Drivers, assorted sixes. Apply at the auction rooms of HENRY WOOD A CO., 450 Broadway. For sale-the undebcliff hotel, high Bridge.?The house is well lurmshed. has a good eiahle, sheds, pistol gallery and garden, with a ieur years'lease. The steamboats ply from Harlem hourly This ia an ex. el lent opportunity lor a person to make money The present irietor ngoing out o' business Apt-iy on SnS' BRiBlC or To A. H. LOWER Y U flasaa,. street F? R 8ALE-A FIRST CLAM DRUG STGEB. WELL stocked and welt situated, srl -.a awai is ties ter a large trade. To a bona fide pnrehai*- ?A a a ran Hiivir limit/. For fut tuer psruriars iaq.. nd p L ? NEW TON, editor #f Ihe Druggiats Cir 4m, hi swinas Itrrst, New York. rR SALE-TOGETHER OR SRPARATB. THE STOCK, Fixtures and geotl wNl ef tar 8tae??ry. Toy anu Peri odical Store Ail Siath nvenie, ene *aor above Fifteenth street; it Is a chanca seldom met with, aad la oget.-d nosi ttvely lor the last time, wtit be sold cheap for rash (r ap plied for immediately, no agents wanted. Inquire in the store. For sale-the well known restaurant, bar and Billiard Saloon, corner of Broadway and Ninth street, kept by me preaeot proprietor for the last eight years, mad is Bow oflered for an I- for the ftr?t time on ac count oj IP health Further particulars given bvapphrir.y to Mr J I. W EST, IH Chambers street, or to T. a. CCf&LKM, 137 Ninth street. For sale-the fixtures and five years* Lease ?i ihe wboi-awie and retail Liquor Store somer ol Broadway aad Fn ty-?evenih street, two blocks from Geo trsl Park. Rest only i3U0 per anauui. Inquire on the pre mises. rft SALE-A REST\URANT AND BAR, CONVE mem to the Poet "dice ami Custom House now doing s Ter? good buiiii' (*, with low leot, will be soid cheap, an ihe owner is going luto the hotel busmen*. For particulars apply at No 33Liberty slieet No agents need apply. For salb-a fi est rate corner liquor store, or, one of the he,i avenues iu this city, where a good business I* doing. rrssoD lor sell'tig, tn* owner cannot at tend t* it Fur parlu-uinrs apply to W3. ABBOi'T, Auc tioneer Ne 4 Eaet R.-uadwsy. FOR SALE?111R FIXTURES AND GOOD WILL OF one of ine neat Public Houses In New York, directly oppTMtu Ibe New York and Erie Hai.rumi depot, foot of Duaoe atrvei Will be sold very cheap on account of the owner going into the wholesale business. No agents need 2iS Dua apply. _ F,.r furtbsr information apply at 2ft D sn* street, near Weat For sale?stock and fixtures of one of the beat corner Lienor Stores in tbe city, doing a drat is.e sash busit,em>. saiistactorv reasons given lor aalhug. Corner ml Pat aud Stantou streets. Full 8ALE-THB LEASE, STOCK AND FIXTl'RES OF ictmrr Ui?'>r Store and Dwelling; ban fire years' iraae irooi Im ui May last. For further particulars inquire la in* store, corner el RioouiOeid and Fourth Uresis. Ho noken, M J FOR SALE?THE LEASE. STOCK AND FIXTfRER ol a comer Grocery aotl Provision Store, In Brooklyn. Rent low. Inquire at 1'aKKKR'S, feed store, L* Aitaoite ?neat, Brooklyn F OK 8ALE-TWO SODA WATER FOUNTAINS MAT. ihewe' celebrated patent. Apply at J56 Ninth ev*noe 1JVJR SALE-THE FIXTURES AND LEASE OF FIFTH r Waid Museum Hotel (late Thee Kuey'e>, corner of Weat Nioadway and Frankim street None but responsible persona need apply. For sale cheap?the lease, stock and fix. luJee of an **crn?at au.t well cited Liquor Store, in the beettoeauoo of Us bulb ward, doinx a good bueloeaa. Ap ply to T. OAFFNEY, Auotion-er. Or "re atp-at. tXlK SALE CHEAP?A OOOD LIQUOR STORE. DOINO JT O good business; good reason will bo given for selling. Coll bolore W or eftsrd.ei AM Hudson atreel. BDWAKD8. Foe sale cheap foe cash-a tea and Orotory Store, well tilted up. good atoek, and all to good and sucoeesful op*ration situated on Third avenue, good location and doing a good trade. ISAAC A BIGGS, 73 EnMOn atreel. rK SALE CUEAF OR EXCHANOB-A SIDE WHEEL BtoanvtrowL about forty feet ta lengia, in good i on dp lion, about fllleeu horae power. A line boot in every re ?port. Apply to ISAAC A BIOOS, 71 Naeaou atreet. Hotel for sale.-the pre* ott hotel, *o. as Hunt ILiuetnn atreet, uear Bruadway, fot aale on rea aonabie terms; it la Frothed completely throughout, is In perfect order. And nearly lull of boarders Apply on the premises. Hotel for sale very cheaf-desirahly situated, uear terry and .ars; thrre years' lea -c at >ow rent, thirty rootng, handsomely furn shed, all In good shape and order, and doiu. a lull, money making bueloeaa. SOUTH WICK A WOOD, ff Nasaan street. Market for sale?for further partfcu la re apply At 779 SUlb arrnue. Propeller roR bale-that will carry ito tons; very faat; haa two dlreag acting engines and b ?.!#! Ing eugiue, with d<rri k . draws only sis lea:, tit 10 put ri^bl to wort. A;iply al 302 Broadway loom 5c. 1. ROSE ENGINE LATHE FOR SAIiF-A CIBiULAR L* he, with or without stragbt Una stU htnent, wtl> utF ?old cheap. Addraaa H. Vaieear, No it Maiden laae, fourth Boor. nrtO PRtNTERS.?FOR SALE, ONE ADAMS PRESS X I7i4J; tv.o Adams Prtaaea. Hl4U. tVUl aeil Ihe lot or one. We.rrsn.od in perfect order. May now bo aean run slug. Apply toQEO. Rl eSELU. 73 John atreet. r PRINTERS ?300 FOUNDS BOURGEOIS TYPE. NOT t _ ratrli worn, will he Kid fot 16 tenia per pound. Call OB or sd..r*us Thtunoa King, do White atreel, resr oBre, ur boa 3,?" Nvt* Turk Poat edli e. taiOA ?FOR 8\LE. A WELL ESTABLISHED FAT. JplVl/. tng ? sali u'taineoa, on Broariway; odloe fnrnitura worth the amount, itedda no foimei eiperteaer to conduct 11. Apply from I ?o ? P. M. at 673 Broadway, Sim Boor, front room (HI KA -T>* "ALE, THE LEASH. FIXTURES, AC.. ?It)!/. O a reel corner Liquor so .re. newly Cued up; anat totems aitocbul, with aotite furniture. Apply at the atore M Division atreet, corner ol Sun oik hi no ?FOE SALE. A SADDLE AND HARNESS, 61 OU. Store, with Stock and Futures, kept avw (mr ears, a very goo<: stand, the owuor la leanog the city tier it la sold. Inquire ot 3IT Bowary. ? (5QQ V00 WILL PURCHASE AN ESTABLISH; ed Provision bustier a, in out of the principal sti ? is In Br okiyti. nuw doing a go"<j business, only rea >,n for selling, t,.? p<nprlcnr has other business out of the city. Address ! Oils, Brooklyn T'uU OlUM. HATRINOKIAIu \f atrimonial.-a foreigner of fine perron ] Jvl a. apnea mo-* fn . ears ui age with ample uie.tua, being a ati angei lu the i tty, adapts this method of ecu ting a partner far life fn- >a iys age muet not rgceed 3d years; ?he mii'i he po -asred of personal attrai Pon. and a c-ulil vstednilnd To trick A One ins ran oflcr a lii lt | II.nt ?nciol realties He hegg these who may respond io i this wll fully deserfo" iheir per* n*i appearance, mental > vri|i.?mri,ui jtid su.iai istiia. I'hat the ad cerliy rnsy i# uin ed he doea nut desire an Interview : Qnitl hi own pnail on la mad* known aud eorr apondenca I haosothbiiaheo the btaeaa of the lady an<i iilintoif fur each other. Addr ? for on? week Alvarado," htauun D. Poat, Aalui ptooe, New York. A r,award to the abnv.- ?dv rtis- mem ran he loon. FRANK t.K i.iKS si s . II; J MONTHLY for JulH Hw.mIi At oil kooiMwuH ***" BOARDING AND LODGING. A FEW SINGLE 6BNTI BMBN MAT F1MR*A PLEA wiii borne la 0 Pnvale laini'y, |where their comfort womli' he studied more than o-r. amuy. TermII muderaie. Loeauun euavsaMut to o*rm wed stag**. Apply al 33 B*uk ?iMAt A HIGHLY RESPBCTABLE OKBMAN FAMILY, 0C eupting a (irxt c.Uin hiu.>-e, woeld let a fe? elegantly furn nfciU Rouior. will. eaceiienl Board, to tingle geiulniuen 20 Waal N-uih or ganUenoa and their wivfn Apply at strict, twtwra Fifth and M-.ih avenues. French and Eiig.l?li spot.ea Reference er kanged. AT 202 EAST TWENTIETH STREET. A NEATI-Y PVR mailed Room, will. Hoard, for a gentleman and wife or gentlemen, at SUM and |J ptr?>ea for two. A'an, a email Room for a simile lenUmuaii al ft lloiue contains all the improvements. Hear Second and avenue car a. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM TO LET?TO A lady and gentleman, w th Board for tne Ud> only; alio two or three tingle ladu'.xcan be ac-omuiodsled with plea sant Honing and Board. For p-uttuniars inquire at 11 East E.eviulii etrei-u A i, 11 ATI,EM AN AND WIFE AND A FEW SIMILE Kintiem-a un und very plea ant Room a and good Board in a brat class house, having all the modern lmpruve ?oen h and occupied by a small private lauiily. Dinner at & Apply al 5U3 Broome alieeL lady, living quirt and retired, has a ban laomely lurnteiied Kooin to let to a lady and gen tleman, with Board tor lady; bouw newly fnrnlahed since lat of May, location pleasant, near Fourteenth afreet. Address Mrs. vv , Union square Poet ofllee. AtERV FEW HANDSOME ROOMS TO LBT?WITH Hvaklaal and Tea. Location delightful for summer, seven doors ; rum Broadway. Reference exchanged Must be seen to be appreciated, lit Weal Forlx-iouith street. A FRENCH FAMILY, LIVING IN GOOD STYLE, would . ccotnmodate a gentleman and hia wile, or a few ?Ingle gentlemen, with well furnished Rooms and a lirnt rinaa French table. Apply at 47 West Twelfth street, be tween Fifth end Sixth avenues. Relereneea exchanged. A SUIT OF FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET-TOGETHER or separate, on tun first or second Boor, to one or two gentlemen, with partial Board if required; ettuiition de sirable; terms moderate. Apply at SI Weet Eleventh street, near Fifth avenue. A FURNISHED ROOM TO LET-IN A PRIVATE FA unit with or without Board, in the newly furnished heuae, 214 South First a tree t, Jersey City. A LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH BEDROOM ADJfDIN lag, newly painted and papered, will he let to a gentle man sua wife or single gentleman, with or without Beard. No other boarders taken. Reierenues exchanged. Apply at 175 East Seventeenth street AT NO. 102 EAST FOURTEENTH STREET, OPPOSITE the Academy of Music.?One or two gentlemen and their wives-or three or four single persons <an have Board, with pleasant Rooms, having gas, batu, hot and oold water, Ac. Dinner at d>? o'clock. Terms very moderate. A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE OR TWO OR THREE Single gentlemen can be accommodated with furnished Rooms, with or without Board, al ibb Waverley plaoe. A PRIVATE FAMILY, RESIDING AT 171 WEST POUR teenih street, would dispose of the entire Second Floor, handsomely furnished (either separately or together), with Bnaid, ton small family of adults or a pary of single gen tlemen. Re'erences required. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, TO a gentleman, without board, in a private family; house modern, and desirably located. Apply at 25 Ninth street, be tween Fifth and Sixth avenues. A FEW CHOICE ROOMS CAN BE OBTAINED, WITH full or pariial Board, in a small quli t family of adults; house and location deeirable; terms moderate. Apply al US Seventh street, near Irving plaoe. A T 122 NINTH STREET, A FEW DOORS WEST OF J\. Broadway, a gentleman and wife or single gentlemen can obtain plensant Rooms, with Bonrd. The house contains the modern improvements. A PLEASANT, WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. Willi gas, for two persons, nt .157 Fourth avenue, oppo site Madison square, for $1 50 a week; also a Parlor and Bedroom for S4 60, good restaurants oenvement. A WIDOW LADY, LIVING ALONE, WOULD LET two Kuoms, on second Boor, to ladies and gentlemen, with full Board for tba ladies and partial for the gentlemen. Call nl No. 11 Third street A PRIVATE FRENCH FAM'LT CAN ACCOMMODATE a tew gentlemen with pleasant Kuoms, containing gas, hot and void water, bath, Ac.; dinner al C3a. Apply at No. 183 West Twentieth street. Dear Eighth avenue. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR TWO SINGLE GEN tlemen can procure good Board and a pleasant Room on second Boor, in a private family, residing In a hne loca tion iu Brooklyn, Iti Washington street. References ex changed. ATM SEVENTH AVENUE, THIRD HOUSE ABOVE Fuuileenth atrdet?To Itsi, with Board, a large, well furnished Room and Bedroom, on third door, on reasonable term*, to a lady and gentleman or tingle gentlemen. Refe rence* exchanged. A LADY AND GENTLEMAN CAN HAVE A FRONT or bark parlor, or a ama.ll room neatly furnished, with board Tor lady, at $6, $7 and $8, all modern improvement*, tumiiy aaiall; stages pas* the door. Apply at in Amity at A FRENCH FAMILY WILL LET SOME FURNISHED front Rooms, with first claaa board, and every conveni ence. Apply at No. S West Thirteenth street, near Fifth avenue. A NICELY FURNISHED SUIT OF FRONT ROOMS Alan he hat) formal, and wile, with Hoard, also for single gentlemen, at 119 West Twenty-third street. Houae has all modern improvement*. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OB TWO 8INGLE GEN tlruien can have a a very pleasant front. Room on the second boor, with or without board Apply at 147 Alton atrcew Single Room* for one dollar per w s-k A LADV, LIVING IN A NEW BROWN STONE HOUSE' J\ in the uelghw.rhuou ol Sixth a,euuc and Twenty seventh it,ret*, will let uratly fnrnmlie.l Kooma to gentle men and ladies, with or without Board .or ladiesunlv. None but unlet parties need apply. Adores* S. A. V., station U, Br ladway. A Lady, widow of an eminent lawyer, wishes to let throe neatly I mulshed Rooms, to gen tlemen, with or without Board or to a family, with con venience tor housekaep.nx. Location up town. She solicits the patronage of the legal prutessiou. Address Mrs. Law, stati oo O. A YOUNG LAWYER DESIRES BOARD TWENTY OK thirty minutes' ride from the city, whore there are no oihei boarder*, and where he can enjoy the pleasures ui good society Address Lawyer, Herald ollke, slating price, Fixa tion, conveniences, Ac. AT NO. 41 EAST TWENTY-FIRST STREET, VERY DE" sirulde Rooms to let. with Hoard, suitab.e for men and their wlvss and single gentlemen Refeien .es ux* changed. AN ENGLISH FAMILY WOULD LIKE TO TAKE ONE or two children to Board, term* ? 'nsouable. Apply at No. SI West Fortj lourtb street, third boor. 4 T NO. 20 EAST TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, BE A twecn Madison and Fourth avenues, elegantly fnrmsh A pert mem* to let, w 1th Board, singly or en suite. A private tsi 1 - if drstrod. BOARD-WITH A SMALL ROOM, SUITABLE FOR A sing's gentleman, may be obtained at 137 Mauuon ave nue Ke'rrrncr required. BOARD ?ROOMS TO LET, WITH BOARD FOR LADY and gentlemen or single gentlemen; a very dean able location and excellent accommodations; terms to suit the; dinner at six; references exchanged. Inquire at No. 87 Ciiiitou plane. i^?nX.ADY, A HAND Auife* J0"";'"* y*^th0*^r^V*g'^'??'tonT o^ '? Bl ?adway Host o Tice ' Biosdway. Address BOAKD.-A FINE FRONT AND BACK ROOM TO LF.T with or w ithout Board, together or ssp irmialy; alro au Ofll-'c suitable for a physician, utaigesiow. house in order and the family qulst aad very small Inquire at No. 38 Mai Set street Board-gentlemen and their wivj.b or sin gte gemtemou > an lie ac omiaouau-d with Parlor and Bed moms or single Rooms at 178 West Fourteenth street. Ref> r-noe* given and required. Terms moderate. Dinner si 6 o'clock. Board-elioible board for an invalid or holy expicllng to require medical care, klnducs* *nd home am ntion. No children or boarder*. For location, terms. Sr.. apply to or address Dr. Thiers, 1,217 Broadway. Board for two gentlemen, or a gentleman and wife, for $?> a week, with ? large se ond -tory too'u w ith closet, hot and cold water and bath room, in a hrown stone house, with modern improve,nenta; also a sin gle Room, with Board, lor $3 a week, at 186 Eist Thirty-hlib slrvt. Third avenue. Board in je.ikkv city.?two large rooms, with water and ?ea clo?et and oalliroom between, on the second tutor, I urmshed. First class Board can be secured by immediate application. Location desirable; family selsu and s nail. Apply at 21 Ksaex atrret,Jersey City. Board wanted??y a voi no man, in a small pr. ?' family. Mi tn# nelgohorlio-xl of Hrosdway ne tweer Fourteenth and Twsnty-alxth slrseis. terms must be moderstd; goad rrlereuce slrsn and rsqutrod. Address H. Ben tauiln Madison square Boat o#?. Board wanted-by a young widow lady, in the liim n section ot the city, heme coin tor is can be ot,talced *t mod- rmte a Address Mrs. Julia Allen, box ID-raid odire. Board wantkd-for a portion of the sum. mer by i? young gsnt'emao. is a u Isct prwate family; location on the' Hudson r.ver, not ibo.s Yonkers: refer ences exchanged. Address U S. M box 4,80.5 I'ost olBoe. Boarding?thkee or four gbntlemen can l,e scro-untudated with good Board. Gall at 171 East Twelfth street. BOARDINO.-AT 81 CLINTON PLACE. EIGHTH street, two doors trom Flilii avenue, geot'emeu and tbeirwive or sinil* genUsmen can lind Or?t c ****<**>,, ino dattotis. with jn-imunenior traueieot Board. The house lis* rmrntly changed had is and been nee >jr lurnlaliod. K. (? rener* exubsngod JJOARD'NO ?847 BOWERY CORNER OF TIIIRDg _ suoet A D w t ogle men can be arootnmodeind with f rn sue ! Hoots and good Board. The house |. jgeaxantly imaied, and has ail the modern Improvements family pr.vs'e BROOKLYN-A FEW MINUTE* WALK FROM SOUTH and Wall street lorries. A private family, having a few Rooms lo ?par-', would like lo let tliem I .. mslied with or without ptiiual Board, to a few genilemen or ag'-ntlemsn snd wife. Term* moderate. Euglt-h end Gerin.<n spoken in th- ban so. Apply at 81 Congress Mieet, near Henry. J^ROOKLYN?NO. 87 STATE BTREBT, BETWEEN __ iteory and Clinton street*?A gem b'tuan and wife of two 'ingle gentlemen, r >n llntl plea- am Rooms anil good an oon.m ? tstlons, good lanK Coqvcn.ent to ferries; terms reasonable Dinner ai six o'clock. TTBOOKLYM BOARD?SPACIOUS AIRY ROOMS TO let, will! Ho iid in a lirat clsva house; locittos trn- v ?p tionabie, and within three minutes walk of South or Wail sweet ferry. Apply at 69 Stat* elreet, opposite Gat den street, Brooklyn. B ROOKLYN BOARD?A PRIVATE FAMILY CAN * ilute two gco-.inneri or* s in t wits furnished 'mot Far lor on ?ec?nd door; good Bo.vrt in. lerui*/ew. At Li .-la s sirtcL Gcbfltu so ,afc?u ,ur milt BOARDING AMD XAOOIHOt TTOA RUING.?144 MI LBEKH Y, NEAR OKAN D BTBKET? lady at $3 33 per wtnL Day boardere accommodated at f 3 36 per week. BOARD III BROOKLTN.-A ORNTLEMAN AJID WIFE, ui two gentleon-n can be aonimno ated with a large Koom oe trtoad uoor. li voalaloa but end cold water, gas. i-loeet, Ac Bath in the bouae; also a Room for a tingle gentleman. Dinner at flX o'clock. Apply At 1KB OttuLm street. Board in Brooklyn.?to let, a large room. with bedroom attached, famished or unfurnished. ia a private family. Address, with real name, J. B,. boa t, 100, Wi-w York Post Olllee. fiOARD IN BROOKLYN ?SQUARE ROOMS. SECOND X> lloor, neatly iumUhed, to let, with Board, at $4 per week Location, vicinity of Carilon and Lafayette aveuuea Pam ly private. Inquire of Mr. Aoel, 161 Maiden lane, N. Y. Board in bkooklyn.-to let, a pront room and Bedroom. In a private family; locattun unsieepiion able, convenient to the ferries. Terms moderate Address witb real name, J. R., box 4,100 Poet offl e. B OARD IN BROOKLYN?NO. 3d CLINTON STREET.? A gent'eman and wife or gentlemen can find pp-axant itnome and Board by appFingaa above, wltbin a few . . ... *wJf - mlnutea' walk of either Wall street or Fulton ferry. Dinner ets*. Board in Brooklyn, three blocks prom the terry.?Two gentlemen, wishing n comfortable home, large renin and gol d table. In a small prieatofam ly. can call at 88 President street. Terms $3 Sscb. Relentnues ex changed. Board in Brooklyn-private board por gentlemen, and a pleasant home: gas, baths, hut water, Ac.; the bouse le lira: class and in a pe asant location, eight miiiutoe fruin Pulton ferry. Call at 134 Sands street. Board in booth brooklyn-booms on the sue ond or third floor, In a handsomely furnished house dose to the Smith ferry. All the modern improvements. Dinner nt 6. Apply at 94 Congress street. BOABD IN SOUTH BROOKLYN MAT BE OBTAINED tor a gentleman and wife, where the comforts of n home may be had: gas and bath; convenient to ears and ferries. Apply at A3 Harrison street, two doors from Clinton. TYROOKLYN HEIGHTS?PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH D partial Board, at 37 Cranberry street, between Willow and Columbia. Situation desirable, Ave minutes of Wall street and Pulton ferries. rtURANS, STRANGERS AND OTHERS CAN FIND home comforts in a Aral class bouse, occupied by a highly respecluble German family, without children Eng lish and French spoken. Apply at 48 East Blaecker street, near Broadway. , Desirable furnished or unfurnished Rooms in la private family, with Board. A married couple, or a few young genii 'men remaining In town during the summer, will find 403 West Tweniy-tb' oeptionable location. Terms reasonable. Li LEG A NT ROOMS, CITT WATER CURB, 73 WEST Hi Thirty-eighth street.?The proprietor of this house tingle opens it for toe reoeption uf single persons or families. Kixsd rates; no extras. Baths In basement, under rare or Dr. C. C. Schiefcrdecker, visiting physician, office 333 Broad way. French board and French instruction in Professor E. Pexandie's family, |No. 10 Union square (Fourth avenue). Best references required and given. Furnished rooms.-nice, comfortable rooms and Bedrooms, for small, resnecu-ble families, or single gentlemen, from $1 to (3 per v.eek. at 133 Elizabeth street, near Broome. They are particularly adapted for persons who wish to live cheap and quiet Furnished large and small room to let-to single gentlemen, without Board, or gentleman and wife with Board, iu a private family; house eooi. pleasant, healthy and conveuieutly situated, well furnished and neatly kept. Termt moderate. Apply at 33 Second avenue Furnished rooms to let-three well fur nlshed Rooms on the third floor of house No. 30 Bond stree', to gentlemen only, without board. Terms low. FURNrSHED ROOMS TO LET.?THE ADVERTISER has two Rooms to dispose of to single gentlemen or gen tlemen aud their wives. The bouse bas ail the modern im provements, and is handy to stage and ear routes. Inquire mt ki IITusi Tlii*4u Esat steaal liuimuan Seneilarair ast/i Uiwth at 54 West Thirty-first street, between Broadway and Sixth avenue. FURNISHED ROOM TO LET?WITH BOARD FOR A lady, where there are no boarders. No. 74 West Nine teenth street TjlOR A LADY AND YOUNO DAUGHTER, QUIET U Board wanted. If possible in n farm house, on the Long Island shore, on Staten Island, or elsewhere within a short distance of the city. Good sen bathing indispensable, and terms not to exceed $8 a week. Address I. X? box 173 Herald office. Gentlemen wishing good rooms, with or without Board, apply at No. 112 Leonard street, two or three doors east of Broadway; house newly furnished and ene of the best down town. Rooms, with Board, $3 30 to $5. Gentlemen and their wives, or a few single gentlemen, can have good aocommooalious in a modern bouse, conveniently located, and on reasonable terms. Apply at 4*9 Fourth street, west of Second avenue. TTOTEL LODGINGS.?CLEAN, COMFORTABLE SIX- J IT glo Room". lrom$t -5 to fit AO a week, or 26 cents a night, at the Union Hotel. 66 Prince street, corner of Thompson. Meals at all hours. Open all Dlght. MRS. M. B. SUMNER, 22 WEST TWENTY NINTH street, has several suits of Rooms and two slngie Rooms to dispute of, either permanently or transiently. Re ferences exchanged. ONE OR TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN BE AC comuiodated with Hoard, in a. prisatc family, w.lti all the comforta of a home; pl<-a?antly situated; bath, gas, Ac.* Home, Jersey City Post office. ROOMS TO LET?WITH BOARD, FOR FAMILIES OR *iugle ;,en lo.oen. at No. 2d West Sixteenth street, near Ft i h avenue. rpo FAMILIES OR SINGLE GENTLEMEN DESIRING 1 comfort"ble Booms, with Board, in a first class house, kept i iid< r the dilu tions of the head cook of the New York Hole!, will please call or address 66 Eu*t Twentieth street, northeast coin"i Fourth avenue. LOUIS A. GEYKK. TWO GENTLEMEN DESIRE BOARD FOR TITEM *e|vef and wiV' in the ? uuutry. J.ocat,on must he di rection the ws'er'East river or Harein preferred). and within one hour's nda of the City Hall. Address box 2,426 Post office. ... ,.i - ?u v.- ..?? I TO LET?WITH BOARD, A PABLOR AND BEDROOM, handsomely furnished, at 32 Irving place. TO LET?WITH BOARD, FURNISHED OR UNFUR nixbed Room*. Apply at 146 Fifteenth atrcrt, near Sixth avenue. rpo LET?WITH BOARD. ONE LARGE ROOM AND J alcote Trout unfurnished House; has all the mod-ru improvements, an i n a ly new. Partie* IiuvIpk fuinlture wlil tie line ally dealt with. Apply at 3B Weal Twelfth street, between I if til and Six.h avenues. TO LET?BY A GERMAN LADY, PLEASANT ROOMS, peallv furnished, with all the m.-dern Improvements, with or without Board. Location very des rabl ?166 East Nioeteauth street, betwaen Second and Tiurd avenuea. WANTED?BY A GENTLEMAN, IN A PRIVATE FA mi.y, a large furuished Room, or a small Parlor and Bedroom, with or without Breakfast; location uot above Fourteenth street and betw een Bowery and Sixth avenue. Address, staling terms, B. A E.. box 3,446 Post office. N. B.? No hoard,ngho is- keeper need apply. WANTED?BOARD, IN A FARMER S FAMILY, BY A ynnng married couplt, within one hour's ride from New York Partial boart'lor eentleman and lull hoard for wife. Terms fid p.-r " e'-k. Will remain until October. Ad diessj. W. O., box 3,160 Post office. N. Y. WANTED-A FURNISHED ROOM, WITH BOARD. IN a private family, by a geutleman; would prefer where there were ao boarders; retereneea given u required. Ad dress P, slating terms and particulars, box 109 Herald office. g<) CA ?CHEAPEST BOARD. NICE ROOM8, WITH ?J". too-1 Board, S2 6u to fid a week and upwards; ladies and families aimed less than any other house: nice par lors, with pianos Apply at 43 Li*pen?rd street, near Broad way and Canal; also wafhrnen and lodgings cheap. 1 ATH STREET W1I.L i'LBASB CALL ST THE UNION Xtx squa.-e 1'ost office, this afminoon, for a no:e addresacd to Li/x.n, in Nuewer to one received oa Monday. or; GREENE STREET, NEAR CANAL STREET?FUR L'J niahnd Room* to Irt, to gentlemen only, at fit to fid per week Also, similar rooms and ro>aus for housekeeping at Nu. I Monroe street, corner of Catherine street. OATII STREET-SEVERAL SINGLE GENTLEMEN L'J and a gentleiriaD and wile ran ob'ain handsome fur ni 'icd or unfurnished Rooms, dnaets, hot and cold water, ami lire; rise* Board, in a private family at 43 West Twenty aixtb street. Kele. cures required OA UNION SQUARE.?SUITS OF ROOMS MAT NOW OvJ ne. hu ued, with Board, at .'SO Union sqesre, oorner of .'iltlrenth street and Fourth avenue. Alno Rooms for single genllrm' n .4 Q EAST TWENTY-FIRST STREET, NEAR BROAD TrO way. and in ihr vlelnlty of the I itth Avenue Hotel.? Single u< n lemen.or gentlemen and flour families, can obtain iiesirehis Looms, *i;b or without hrel class Board, by apply ? mi as above. ? A Q WRS1 FIFTEENTH STREET. BETWEEN FIFTH X O an Sixth avrn ei.?First class aeeommodnlliMs to let, wit:. Board, to eligible parties. Family snail. hi;best refe rence given and required n TENTH STREET, BRTWRBN FIFTH AND SIXTH tJX av nues.?A handaomely furnish' d Parlor and B d room on the second fiaoi Iron', P> 1*1, wuh Board, sui'abte fur * gen -nan an-l wife, also Rooms for single gentleman. VARICK STREET, NEAR ST JOHNS PARK.?A Ijtj grntiemaa sod his wile or two single gentlemen can be acouiinride.rd wllh a pleasant Room, wilu Board; gas, bath, Ac. Apply as above. n ELEVENTH STREET -FINK AIRT ROOMS TO l?t lor slngl* gentlemen, w ith or without board; house bev si! the modern iiupr-n e.ucu's and is pleasantly satiated. Apply three doom went of Fifth avenue. BAST FOURTEENTH STREET-HOUSE DEI.MHT ? _ fully situated, near Union square; a Suit of K.iwiis, well furnished, on geoond tiuoi o l -t, with Board, suitable foi a family ; alse a few single Rooms for geutieeneo. Din ner at half1; sat live. Refowncos nichtnged. EAST TWBNTT FIRST STREET.?TO IJST, WITH board, a suit of fnrniffiied ruooa suttndte for a larn IIv; house firm class and beautifully loealeu between Lex lotion and Fourth avenuat, evertooktng Giamtrcy park; family s.nail. HQ GREENE STREET, ABOVE SPRING, ALSTON iIO ll.iiiae ?Klenaailv furullhed suite ol Kotmi?, gas, Orotonaod every can van lenoe for housekeeping erouo-ul cully; ciiicularfy suitable for email, reaptbubla lamltleet rent low. QC AND 9T CLINTON PLACE (EIOHTII STREET). tjtj These are now ready lor the rereplu.n of guests. M. II. ANDERSON, formerly Hmel Si .lulten. lift MAflDOUOAL STREET, NEAR BLEHCKKR, IS XXU WW opaued as a pr-vatn famtlr hotel, for the recap. II.nI of single gentli men anil email f ninth a tired oi hoarding. Pardee daa.i uus o: houMke. piug rati hud every convenience at the ibmr establishment. mi llRYKTlB STREET, ONE DOOR ABOVE Br.*.rue street ?Furu shed Rontns to let. Willi or Without bo .id. Also a lew ladies cau he aocomiuodated with board. 1 (tr EAST FOURTEENTH STREET.?OKNTLEMEN X*)') and ih?tr wiv.-i and "ingle gentlemen ran he ?c cemmode'ed with a rboieenf Rooms and r od lt".rlna lir*i elnes brown et.n e o isg) location uniurpgtsed; dinner at ti, ivitdchtv* ftchangrd. 79 80 BOARDING AND GOUGING. 1 Xfi PHIS UK BTBKET?ST CLAIR HoUSK-ELl .lvJU gan'ly luruishi J R.KI1U1, with Bedroom. attache 1, with all the convenience. fur housekeeping complete, In cluding gas auil Crotou as-t, to lei to rea, evieble tan. I Ilea, mi AND ITS BLKEi'KER STREET, BIX BLOCKS t wee: ol' Bruauwuy ? A new Houae, wlik all the modern improvement*. Pleasant Uoorna with excellent Board, from Id 50 to $5 per week. Families front $8 to Ilk. Dinner at 12% and 6. 1QO EAST TBNTII STREBT.-GENTLEMEN CAN A obtain .lug e Kooin. baud.omely fit, nl.lied; alao, a Parlor Floor, furul.bed, without ineala; gas and water throughout tbe houae, 9f|C WEST TWENTY THIRD STREET.?A SUIT OP ai'"J furnlahed Rooms to let, with Board, for a gentle man and family. Dinner at tlx o'clock. References ex changed. *)&/{ TENTH strket.-a small parlor and aiU x Bedroom, with Board, on first floor, front, to let to s. gentleman and wife; au excellent location for a doctor's office; rent $S, ran and bath included, also a bock Parlor and Bedroom, with Board, $7. A few gentlemen can be accom modated with Bourd at lerma to suit the tlmea COUNTRY BOARD. ACARD.-C'LIKTON, 8. I.-TWO ELEGANT 8CIT8 OF Rooms are still disengaged at the villa of J. V. D. La nier, one hour from Wall stn et by boat to Vanderbilt's land ing. Pilteen acres of ground; fresh milk and vegetables; facilities for bathing; stabling accommodations. A PRIVATE FAMILY, HAVING A LAROB HOUSE on tbe Hudson river, would taken few Baardera for the summer reasonably. The botisa is elevated and com mands a fine view of tbe surrounding country. No children or nurses taken. For particulars address Richard, box 857 Poet offioe. Board in the country?at Marlborough, on the Hudson; a good place to taka or send children. In quire of N. S. B., 190 Water street. Board at Yorkers.-an entire floor can bk obtained by a parly of adults, in a pleasantly located bouse, five minutes' from depot; plenty of fruit and vege tables; no other boarders. For further particulars address A. B. C., box 125 Herald office. Boarding at a* farm house.?pamilikb wish* ing to obtain Board for the summer months can find desirable accommodation. Immediately on reasonable terme in the large house ot thu late Charles Underbill, near Glen Cove. L. I. Steamer Jesse Hoyt leaves Peck slip daily, at 3:48 P. M. Address Mrs. Elizabeth Underbill, Glen Cove, L.L BOARDER'S DIRECTORY, 801 BROADWAY.-COUN try and city Board. Full particulars, location., Ac., gratuitous to boarders. Board in families, boarding houses, farmers' families wanted for many applicants. Circulars explaining terms aent npou application to A. A BODINE COUNTRY BOARD.?PLEASANT ROOMS AND BOARD may be obtained bv a gentleman and wile or a party ol I uncle gentlemen, in a private family lu tne Tillage of Yonkers. I The house Is well licaied, within a short distance or the de Sot and steamboat landing, and beautifully shaded. Also, ne fruit trees on the place. Terms reasonable. Address I \v., Yonkers Post office, or box 1.7*5 New \ ork Post office. OUNTRY BOARD.?DE8IRABLR COUNTRY BOARD may be obtained at Rye, Westchester county, near the i water where there are but few boarders. Por further par 1 Uculars inquire at 88* Fourth street. COUNTRY BOARD?AT HUNTINGTON 1TARBOR, north shore of Long I land, thinv-six miles from New York Location oi daily acceu by rail tud boat, weil snAd* ed, healthv, and no mosquitoes. Table well provided with vegetables, fruits, Ac. Bathing an< Columbia street. Brooklyn Heights^ COUNTRY BOARD-WANTED, BY A PARTY OP three, Board, in Astoria, wllMn walking distance Of Ue steam beat landing. Terms must be reasonable. Address W. J. H., box 150 llrraldoffloe. COUNTRY BOARD.?BOARD WANTED BY A LADY in a respectable but not young faiuily where tuere are few or no boarders; price must be moderate; Bergen pre ferred. Address L. M., 84 West Washington plaes. COUNTRY BOARD -TWO GENTLEMEN AND THEIR srttresoaii be accommodated with Board, in a respe. ta hie small private famllv, in the benutlful town of Btamlord, Connecticut. The house is delightfully situated. By atU Oressing J. Marennay, SlAmford, all particulars wiU be given. ? COUNTRY BOARD.?PLEASANT ROOMS AND BOARD may be obtained by a gentleman and wife or party of gentlemen, In aemall*prfvate '?-y^an'd'.I^Xrt i Ford ham, within ten minutes' walk or"*'*!!?1 mid steamooax landing; plenty of Irtrll and mlik, well shade_d and good^ac commodations for stabling. Apply at 134 Ninth street, few doors west of Broadway. pOUNTRY BOARD AT BUJLX'8 ./"KSl.-t!? family L Hudson, 20 minutes' from the city.?A private family ran accommodate four adults with good Board Boat lsavas four Hints a day. Inquire at No. 74 St. Mark s place. COUNTRY BOARD AT ELIZABETH, N. J.-IHBEB or four gentlemen or two gentlemen and ladles ean be sivommodsted with Board, on itasonsble terms, at a plea S.rmhow?r.r Elisabeth; accessible at^houm by the New Jersey Railroad. Address A. B., box 273 Jerwf City,'or Mr. Yan Btctwl, Mulford's Station, near Elizabeth, N.J. /XOIINTRT BOARD AT TII ROO'S NECK.?A DE apply at 19 Fifth avenue. ? /^niiNTUT BOARD CAN BE HAD IN A PLEASANT C toJuott on the great South Buy, Long Island, with a Viy agreeable family, with all the cmuloris ot houie. Terms moderate. Farther particulars call at 73 Powers street, Brooklyn. _ /COUNTRY BOARD CAN BE GOT FOR 10 OR 15 PER \J sons at Bound Brook IloteJ, N. hour *U'i* * ride from Kew Yore on the Central Railroad. Price to suit the times. c- F- UOLCOMBE, Proprietor. OI NTRY BOARD CAN BE OBTAINED ON A GEN lU.Iu-. fsnooonyet.lent to New York city by cars or steam' oa" Location beautiful ana healthy; mrins mode S^r Apply ?t 50 Cedar street, near Broadway, up etalrs, front office* - COUNTRY BOARD WANTED?BY A GENTLEMAN and wife where there are but few boaters taken: must be within one hour's sail or half an hour by care, Iloo**?" pleasant ind healthy and terms moderate. Address G., bo* 143 Herald office. _________ /^tni'NTRY BOARD WANTED?BY A YOUNG OEN SSsaiaspa f rry. Address, with particulars, K. D K-, Herald office. _ - ,,o?T rf.AgS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TWO OR pSgsapasssss she new bridge. Warburton avenue. mwrly mted'ujsud all hours by Hudson River Railroad and steamboats. Apply as above. Wavtkd-FOR a PARTY OF FROM FOUR TO BIZ li^Sns. Board In a farm house or boarding house, at rnniMJiii or'in thit vicinity. Board mutt put bf over (our Si" i. ^r week. Address Mrs. C., 40 Washinitou square, corner #f Mncdougnl lirwt. _ oiBo, _T. ANTED?FOR THE BUMMER BEABON, BOARD FOR I W^Js-^man and wife, near the sea. where bathing and SUMMER RKSORTB. I ?rv t thr c?ubllihiMi>i if now open for th? reception of I , flf .he riilroad lippot tnd flvomlutfiol the utejun the hoose. Terms moderate. T gfiiroRD, June In, loo*. Crowd), Kcyport. E5"*?* ""I'A.??". - H Now open for summer company. Address ? H. Orv A Agent mv,ee S'i ai tzsut Kt" s*i* i'hV.":r; Sfn^haba*Tapt Sale will commence her leguUr lilini. In Lake Chau.plki?, and rati road to Saratoga, oe the Idth day of June. X a TOURETTE HOUSE. ON THE KIEL VON KULL, T j fcnl f uit, N J.-fhli select family Hotel is now Jin& ???. Bonis leave y-*i 11-20 3 20. 4 30 and 6 o'e.ock: fiom Dug slieei as iu.-, i J ..HIW f M Time 35 lUinuU*. .... A. M. snd ?H r. m. WESLEY W. HILL Proprietor. aCR MOI1EOAN -ONE OR TWO RESl'K'"TABLE fsinlli" ean procure Board I or '.be season a< the i esb ? ?r ? it Junes Mount Pleasant, on III- margin of SKukel WAmror Pvst office, Pe.k._sill._ i*ETROPOLITAN HOTEL. LONG BRANCH, NEW M Jesesy. 's now open for the m.epoon oi ixrmanaot aud traaaltut rimers. ^ 4 T. W OOOPER. Proprietors. stent POINT HOUSE. ORIENT POINT, L. I.-THIS Hou?a I* now open for the reception ol cupbii. ^tli .,_ i _n i|.a extreme end of the north p ?t nt uf mnd Oerdiner . bay. f^Mu?'iiKa^slsa C'EaTBATHING?MANSION 1IOUHE. LONG BRANMM. S n J is now o,>eo, su .sted only 61W yards 1^rom theiBB tt.nrl' imntral of the plai:n. house froniing the ooeaii&OO Phore, obumtm r _ !?>.. iirt'trs from Now (ret ; will au ommodsle 2? 7 a 'a M and .,lP?t=l?A'b^r.'uS'E*.!TS.? ViiS- a Laird, Proprietor^ ? rrHE PAVILION HOTELkAWAY will he noened foi the season on the 14th of June. ra*"^aT*obtsln Rooms en suite, or comioriabt, fur nlthcil Omtsg' O u Hh cr ' lll(M to and from al^?r:.? /hd Jamaica Cen tral ltaiiroad during the season. nrv 1 snrNK HOUSE, QRRKNPORT, L. I,?THIS 11T YANDANK Hounn. , |le rM?ri, situated si ths W li?u,r lslsnd Kailrusd, IS now open fur the i!!?'.? ;'IIr sur^iui under the ssperlntendenis^?r H D. recepilon "''V^Vihe Union House, Esd Straaon. .'-rii > Bo lf.(l fur rhol.w of room* ?? d fcirt y* *l!r f rii'er p iriliulars apply Wr ?irculgu to U.D. . STRATI ON, Proprietor, IAX.ES or REAL EITATK. AKAUK OPPORTUNITY FOB CAPITALISTS US I'ER ? suns .leaning Country Ku-.deuces. The subscriber otters fur sal* hie Country Residence, re cently surveyed end lata out so that it e*n be divided 'ml* three distinct parcels, each it* lug a ? nter front and moaV splendid building dies. The pro; erty oousisti of 300 acre#, n, line, stylish old mansion In a lawn or fourteen acres of WW shade trees, native and impo t si. Innumerable srud of grea* variety; a garden tasletullj de.,1 nod and stocked with truliM and Bowers; outbuildings, 111 lading farm house, ymhtmao'M collage, ' fronting on a due harlxir," and a bowling alley. The situatiou has unequalled advantages for either a privet* residence or for epeeulaiton. having a bold shore on thed Bound a mile in extent, two sld -s belted by creek and tnle'V one aide by thn main read, the lauda tracing tba river* gently slope either way. so that every building site command* Tine views of the Souud and surrouudlug country. Two thirds of the sites urn have water fronts. Ths plaoe is per fectly healthy, water excellent, and air Invigorating. Dis tance froi i the citv 18 mile* by New Haven Railroad; busi - ness men can reach the city ii not this place In leee time thatx> from Uarleiu by the avenue vara. Persona deal rums of avoiding city taxes, the dan ,, rs and detentions in creening* the rivers, will do well to give the advertisement their early attention. No estate of equal aire within one hundred mile* of New York combines the div ersihed advantages and regal elegance of this old resident '' iu every particular and ail u* appointments. The present distance to railroad stalieas, two miles. When " Chatswortb" L made a station, uow In rnn leini'latiun (depot already built), the diataaee will beouty hair a mile. Apply on the promisee, to ^ or to him at the oflloe of J. 6. Caldwell, 24 Pine street A COUNTRY RESIDENCE KOR 8AXE OR TO LET? Consisting of a two story ami attic House ami Let, uO* IT i, at Pot tehester, Westchester county, 28 miles from vh* City Hall by the New Iiaven Railroad, and three minutes*' walk from the depot Apply to JOSEPH B. MATHEWS, AS Wall atreet or EDWARD J. SWORDS, Jr., at Portcheater. A COUNTRY PLACE KOR SALE?THRRE MILES from Stamford, one minutes' walk from Railroad de pot, a tasteful and convenient cottage, nine rooms; geu<t outbuildings; five to six actet of land; large garden; great, abundance and variety of eholce fruit, all In fine order; pos session immediately. Apply at No. 2>t Wall street, hi the? basement. All kinds op real estate, fob sale and ex change; city and country Uee deuces, different locations, alxes, p ices, Ac. Some line properties to 1st. Money to lei. and loan. F. D. RICHARDSON A CO., 82 and St Nassau street A GOOD CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT.?FOB , low. a four story brick House and Lot on Heastoa street, near Broadway. Hou. it 2ux7U, with all improvements; lot 23x10$, with brick stable on the rear, en trance from Mer cer street Well rented and in good order. CUAS E. MILLS, 84 Cedar street. A NICE FOURTEEN ACRE FARM FOR SALK.-GOOIB two story House (nine rooms) and outbuildings; abun dance ol' fruit, shade, Ac.; elevated, choice location; half as mile from church, school. Po.t oillce and depot ol' Norther* New Jersey Railroad; fifteen miles from city. , W. 1>. 8EYMOUR, 7? Cedar street A GREAT VARIETY OF FARMS, RESIDENCES ANI> Country Sesta, stl sixes and prices, adjaoent and near villages, depots, churches, schools, Ac., and convenient Mr city; also ail kinds of City Property for sals or exchange. W. P. SEYMOUR. 79 Cedar street * Brooklyn lots for sale cheap and on easy terms, situate on Madison and Monroe streets and Pub-, nam avenue, between Tompkins and Many avenues. Ap ply to C. DliVEK, 109 Pearl street. COTTAGE IN THE COUNTRY.?-PLENTY OF ROOM* oat bnlidings. fruit, springs, Ac.: % acre. Price $2,000, one-third cash. Address John 8. Yorke, Mount Vernon* Westchester oounty. Farm of 200 acres for sale?one op th* very best; also all the varieties of city and country property for sale, exchange and real, in different direction* auu locations, ami all the dlrterr.nt kinds of business. SOUTH Wit K A WOOD, 81 Nassau street Farm for sale or exchange-si acres lit New Jeitey, 24 miles from the city, S3? miles from de pot; small house, good outhouses; fins chaaoe for the fruit and milk business; would exchange for a house and ke% worth S3.0PO to S61W0. Possession can be had immediately. Inquire at 2J9 South atreet. Farm wanted.-wanted, a farm, witbhv, thirty miles of New York, with good Improvements. low, which will be given improved property In Brooklyn, well; rented, moderately encumbered, and near the ferries. E. E. MILES, 74 Wall street R.Y. ( FOR SALE?A SPLENDID COUNTRY SEAT, NBA%' Newark, N. J., uoutaining about twenty-two aeroa of. land In a high state of eultivation, and well stocked with lh* finest varieties of fruit. The buildings are first claee^eon taiulng all the modern impiovemeuls; excellent water anG' good roads. The property is on sn elevated position, over looking the surrounding eonnirjfora great distance. For- - further particulars address box 2,321 Post oillce, New York. TTtOR SAUtllN THE MCTCI^SQUB TOWN OjT U LitcblisUi, but * few hours rito from New xorg, s w iiiihtful country teat; lit situation la high end orertooka m bSutlf.^k.i^cWmt?? Und^p.;^?^<^u;-<;? sytoiKL?.^!&tywss^ Conn. ?OR SALE?THE ENTIRE PROPERTY OF THE E* pire Oil Company, oonatailug of tbatr on Smith and Centre atreets, and Gowanua C?**i N. T? and Lands, Oil Wall*. Etc*m,El?*l,?LT*'gfrnU^ PcO'iaylesntft. Proposals received by the Secretary u \*m Oil ice of tlia Company. 18# Pearl Street, Hew York. OR SALE?IN GREEN POINT. A TWO STOKTAN? at; iu frame Dwelling, filled In with brick. la bulU im the boot manner, by the preaentowner, 25 by iOL wiU be sold for cash; ??bulfirs mliietes Wiu*. from three ferries. Apply at J. BHRIMPTON'S, F street. east of Union avenue. TMOR-BALE?FURNISHED. THE FIRST CLASS TWO .^n^Tlreit^w^^nnd^tTTTe^u^^i tSho'&den2f??an"rear; location uneu^ed. Frice $8,600 furnished. Apply oa premises. . TMiti SALB^iWEST TVVENTrBIOHTia^ STREHT^L J? four atory Home. -O'jO; lot, 20x60. w?"* ? vuw thick built by the day. Mortgage B4.0Qt>. rrlee IB,ew. Apply at 46 East Sixteenth atieet, near Irving place. t7o? SALE?A NICE. 8NUQ FARM OF FIFTY AC RES t F good, comfortable building*, richloam toilheahh^_ location, ? mile, on Lone Wand: "'f'^^lmnitreei full particular* apply to H. V. LEWIS, M runou eueet. Brooklyn. _ TTIOR SALE?THE HOUSE. COACH HOUSE, STABLES F and oveTll t,f h -hiy in.prosed pied by the aubMriher, on Wuiteelonc arcnue. Hi Jbins, L. T Thf? home is well shaded, receotly finished, 62 leet by 40 leet deep; contains ten rooms, with P^oty !*i narlor library, dining room, live chambers, bittluooa w d Eitcheu; also s washroom a wide and commodious hal) and collar underneath the whole building* The coach house sis?' fur servants, is large and mms siv'elv built with abundance of carriage room and stalls for nine horoes Choiot fruit ueea. garden, meadow and ?***>?? "and. Price??.!*?.?f which bond and for a term ol years. Title perieci aim property free from any snciimhraww.^ Apply 10 Pr;,?r J*; HOUGHTON, on the prtmUca, or at IS Beekman hirer t, lieu 10 to 9. FOE SALE?AT A BARGAIN. FOUR HOUSES Altl? Lota, alluated oa weal alda of Cronby afreet, per* >>F block offb roadway, or w'll wlljbeJiuHdin^ andlewjiAw lets tor 21 years. Apply to the owner, D. L UStu, " wroe by aireet itOR SALE-A FARM OF 96 ACRES, WITH GOOD ' houac, barn, smith'* shop and eutbulldlng*. crope in ? sexes of rye. 4 do. of corn. 4 da of flnlaanJ/X polateea: Htrawbernaa and blackberries In ?^"?dwn^. 32; fTr'proepaclaTdhSaSTTnaarpaSTd; .lock "- 'm plementa if required; situated at "oneay. }jfjr^V[r2jJ deiot Rockland count*. Inquire ef C. W. JBWkLb. mm Qreanwlch utrcot. New York. F"or SALE OR EXC1IANGE-A FINE FLOT OF CEN trul Park Lots; one ut the best locations, and deslFabl# for la*catmint. A I^kLANd'a WEBB. 61 Cedar atr^ F~~ OR SALE OR EXCHANGE?A FARM OF 31)0 ACRES, In Sullivan county. N. Y.. on '*9[|Li"5'hwcpjtT^ WT or j jo acrea of aama. Inquire of JOHN F. SKCUlvU, w Delancey aireet. ? ? F?5J???* f ^anjl^^uVa'l^ni* amd>Wa^je^1>tAXlnM*^l.*o'.'x,.<Hd'eii ftOE SALE OR TO LET?ABOUT ONE ACRE Or Land vi4U> I ntw Uou*t, coniilnluf nine roems, wl^t, a guedipring'^n^rUa' tiouae^vltblrnh*. $ the raili-oad a la lion. Bnirtewood, New Jereey. inquire ?? A O. 1IOGEHT. 106 Bank etreeh ? InOR <iLF OR TO LET?A LARGE DOCX PROFERTT 4 f.?.' front by 475 feet deep, good dock and good entb of w ater w5> and cl.nrcolent. at O.oa.npolnl. Inquire of GEO M REA. S? William .treet. New \or*. "om*$16rU) $M'pc^i'e.^VahlT xOUdn feuTparajnewX ?,mvNnJw J%S^ Letter, acawer^l. paper, cunlalalnc tnrorinatlon will be aent free. .. T*~ryrs K\CH ANGKD FOR MERCHANDISE. Ti I'ianoa warned In exchange fur Lot* In thia city. Jenei^y waiited In exc.uuigc for Lot. In thlx ciir \ c. irrisko*. wanted in etchaoge for Lois in tnls city. ? D,; <tUa w" lied in oaclmnw lor la.u m tbl. city. Hiardwsre waited In exchange for L*)ts in this city. Orncarb?want; d In f"r ilorsw? wanted to eichmi^ iff" Lots In this city. 1',?,? ?med.n etchand. lor LoU In thta elty. hi .jail wuiu?"1 in exi'hautre lor Lull in mis city. Fumlinre wanted In ',r" 'n,.'Tji;ri^*laUcuy* Wl'" Coal wanted in etcbangu^ jjvmuiTON. & Jay atreet. Savw RRVT AND DO KLBINESS ?BUY A SI'ORB IN ih, f^uUTVat Wei' Mmmt Vernon, on the llarlam .,1 uud 10 m'ca out, old aland; large bouae and mere, Ao., tmlfli'l Ciyl.'t* t'i c-al Sae It and Tule oerfert AmVly tu the ticket agent, oa tb. preatlaee, or nddreeeJohn 6.P1fcrke, Mount Vernon. &? iu.Aw^? is: jjeonard street. STATKN ISLAND-TOR SALE, A HOUSE OF TEM noma at id lutwtncnt, fine gardeu. fruit, Ae.. a atuialhiii for a lager beer and ice cream garden, or well, adapted f<w boarder*. BLUM) <nab. balance.n time. Pur Sartloulareeell at 1?; Waab log ton eireet. RXCHANdB.?A PERSON HAVING LOTB IN DIF fSSnt loeettoOA and aonie iu Newark, N. J., Ire. ,.f In urani*i HHe g".d. ?'"1 Improving neighborhood, would uita w^Thauge ?or a BreC or i xla.ff Carriage, a tup Buggy ill.t coul I be uaed an one or two acute, and alae sutne brat. cJaaeFurntture and Carpel*. Any jwaon baring the abo?e cen7 idr?aa L. A. R . Herald ulbce, lor ten days. ANTED?A FARM CF TWENTY OR FORTY ACRES, n.iii New York, with plain building., plenty of imit, rtoh lull anil well watered. Anyone who wente to aull low will lind aoeah buyer by aridieaalug, With full partlcuiare, R. Hubert, hoi 3.439 Poat oltlce. W" ASHED?A LOT IN GREENWOOD. ADDRESS, with deeeriptiob, J. 0. K.,b?* WW Nsw York Poat. olboe. ? l-AA -FOR SALR. A GOOD FARM OF ACRES, Sal.OUU. fl?e miles fro u the pleaanut village of Jh'n field. N .1.; good dwelling end ouibulldlngs; m euiuVstion; 36 uiue lent cbanee, Addraar B. W. Ruoyon. FlniniiSid, N. J. $15,000 XESXtf-S: ealabllrhed iwentvyearp. on aoconnt U Ifr,:.^^w^d te^.p^iuou with a Imimiic* man p"*?'"-jed ?? *? ???"? AuV?*? J. C, W- Oroh'R.^. *?