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A" f ALUM AT AliCTIOW. uotion sales or boots and shoes. WH. M. HOLLING^ULAD, auctioneer. BY CHARIte" WAR RUN, mo. a oobtl \sl>t street. i?KX* REG OLA It WEEKLV FACKAOB AUCTION SALE OF BOOTS AN'U SHOES ON* FRIDAY. JUNE ?>. AT 10>i O'CLOCK. ONE THOUSAND FACE AGES OE MORE, AMD EVERY WEEK ON l UIDAY Til ERE AFTER. Sl'ECIAL NOTICE. I have the pleasure to Inform 'l e nude that in con*?quenc? ? ?f an UuToaaing on ibe pirt of manufacturers to realize cash for their producuuu*. instead of tukiug Uia risk ol credus more or leas uncertuiu, I AM ENABLK1) TO OFFER at each of my sale* a large quantity of superior Goo da, hitherto uever to bo found in au aucilou room. THE SALE OF 1 lilDAY, JUNE 80, -wttl contain a eery complete a??irttnent of all the leading an! popular stylus of Boons ami B oca now in active do ?nana, many ol whicn are particularly ADAPTED TO THE~cItV RETAIL TRADE. SPECIAL'S*LB OP THREE HUNDRED CASKS MEN'S CALF BOOTS, ?omprlidng an aaaortment of styles and grades rarely over ?quailed at an auction sale, to which THE ATTENTION OfTobBERS IS INVITKD. A great variety of MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' BALMORALS, Both of Eastern and city make. A great variety of MRJTS. BOYS' AMD YOUTHS' CONGRESS BOOTS, Both of Eastern aud city make. A great variety of MEN'.-. BOYS' AND YOUTH S OXFORD TIES. MEN'S CANYAS8 AUMY FATIGUE BOOTS ?f dtfleri ui uradea, both half welt and pump. WOMEN'S SILK GORE CONGRESS GAITERS Balmorals. Slippers aud other popular styles. Misses' and Children's Boms, B ilmornls, 8'lpperv. Galtera, Ac., In the same variety as uttered at ail oursalea this season. ALSO, AT PRIVATE SALE, BOOTS AND SHOES BY THE PACKAGE ADAPTED TO AuTmaRKETS. T"h~RLER C. WARREN, Auction and Commission Bowl a id Shoe, No. 21 Cortlundt street. LBEBT H. NICOLAY, AUCTI tNEER. REGULAR SAM'. OF STOCKS ANU BONDS. ALBERT il. NlCOLAY A will sell this dny (Thursday), June lit. at 12,'j o'rlo k, at the Stock Saleiroom. No. hi William street:? ?TO she. Co unierre Ine. I'o.lDi kOshs. Home Ins. Co... .100 4o Tradesman'* Ins. Co.... 25 6ll Citizens'Bank 15 10 S coin' Ar. RR. list i i Beckmuu Ins. Co 25 40 Great Western RR 100 li-O N. Western lus. On 50 20 N Yuri. A N. 11. RR... .llk'l it) Bank of Commerce.... 100 80 Viereiyi ilelu*. Co 10 Bl.imo Virginia Slate 6 per cent lionda. 2 iJUll S:u t.imento City and Coutuy C percent bonde. 4,dttil St Louis (Mo.) anticipation honds. 6,0)0 Missouri 8iate6 tier cent bond*. S 000 United Slates 7 3-10Treasury Note*, fetalis. Am. Each. lus. Co.lOJ A) aha. Adriatic Ins. Co.... IS Am. b. uhapmam? ~ . ELEGANT FIRST CLASS HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE. Paintings, statuary. PIANOFORTE. DRAWING ROOM SUITS, ROSEWOOD SEVEN OCTAVE PIANOFORTE, HOSEWOOD AND BLACK WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS, OAK AND DINiNG ROnM FURNITURE. CHINA, GLASS AND SILVER WARE, AC. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. On this day, Thursday, Jnuo 19, commencing at eleven ?'deck at tbc Ave story brown atom- residence No. 43 West Sixteenth street, between Pif.ii and Sixth avenues, the cata logue comprising the large,' nnd richest assortment of H msehold Furniture ofr -il at auctiou this season. Sale peremptory catalogues at the ho use or atourollice. Drawing Rooms?Two lull ros-weo I Bulls, covered with rllk hrocatel; Rtageres, ft. ntre Table-, 8 'cn tary and Bookcase, pier and Mantel tumors, Velvet Medadlon Carieta, Sevres and Dres den Chin,. Ornaments, Bronze Clock, embroidered Lace Curtains, shades, Oil Paintings by eminent artlsu; superb Bronzes, Card Tables, Chess Tabl , Reception Chair--, Reclin ing Chair-, Couch, magnllbq-ni -eten ociave rosewood Piano forte, r.chly carved legs and rase, made to order by Broad way makers; Canterbury, Si ol and French cloth cover; oak Hat Stand. Stair Carpet, Oilci.nb, Chandelier-, rosewood and black w alnut Dressing Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads. Commode -. Washstanda, Toilet Tables, lla.rand Spring Mat tre-sva, Feaili. r Beds, Blanke s, Sheets. Dining Rom-Oult Midebearrt. Extension Table, Cniiia, Class and Silver Ware; TaMe 'Jut I cry, solid silver Dinner aud Tea Service, Code* Urn. Oyster Tureen, Cake ltoaket. Napkin Rings. Silver Spoons. Forks, Knives, Ta Ic S'-rvice. Also, a large aaaort inen'i of"* ems lit and Kitchen Furnuure. N. B.?A competent person will he in attendance to pack, -?'uporcari the goods If desired. The house to letorfer ?a.e. Imp.ire of the auctioneer. AM CUISTALAR, AUCTIONEER?SALESROOM ? U Bowery. Assignee's aulr of Gold aud Stiver Watcha, line Diamond and Gold Jewelry, SI!- er Plated Warn, H' rrlug'a Jcwellei'? Safe Plato Glasa Show Case* and Regulator, be Hie the Stock of a Watoli and .,'ew elr.v Store. ThU day. June 1;'. Iat lOJi o'clock, romprifcinu In piri * large end fine (elected as-oi uueut of Gold and Diamond Biooohe-, Kings, Earrings, Knobs, Hturtsaud Sleeve Buttons; Opal, Cameo. Klrus an and IS Karat Sets about 1,500 dwt. of Guard, Fob mid Vest Chains, and a large iissomm-iii of Uold Jewelry; about ML fine English Movements, IFFlne Gold Watchea, compilsing bunting and open face, double time, straight liu- and n>a;lc levers; duplex, anchors. cylinders mid ladies' watches; 160 Silver Watches, comprising English patent and detached ?aver*, cylinders, elraielit line ami nickle anchors, Sil ver Dialed and GEl Wat li- a. Also J silver mounted Show Cases and 1 heavy .lowrller'a iron Sale, 25 drawer*. By order of the Asvighee, Catalogues at sale. A M. MKItWIN'AUC'i'IOXEKR. . By HANGS, 5IEKWIN .t CO., Irving Buildings, 504 nnd S09 Bros-twar. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 19, AT 7}( O'CLOCK. PRIVATE LIBRARY?Of a very unusual collection of valuable i^nd choice H >rtlcu!tural and Botanical Books. Sfaov of tin en are exprnsivelv rated, and some ate ex eeedtnglv ? aree. Also a variety of line English and Ameri can editfonti of Standard Works in History and general Lite ratine. Ac. AMOK R. THOMPSON, AUCTIONEER.?FIPTT AT tra-live Oil Puiutin.a in gi t i ramus. Rus.-I Cottage, Koith river ; Cattle, Winter and Figure'P.eoes. French XograrlDgs, Ivory Kane, Ac,; Cutlery, Jewelry, Banlett's larga size Sewing Machine, oi l Paintings, Ac., this morn ing. II A M., at 11 1 Nassau stem. AM OKISTALAR, AUCTIONEER ?HAIR DRESSING ? Sal.Kin of Unmiorcy Hotel. A. M. CKI.STALAR- I'.! ?ell on Krtdav, June 20, 1x02, si lot, o'clock, at the corner ot Twenty-hi at street and drainer y |iark, the entire contents of a lir<t class Salo. n. consist Hag of Frem h plat - Mirror, B-nas. chairs, marble top W'as:i land, Cup Rack and Slan t, barber Chairs and tltoola, Oileto'h, Eugravings. Wln.iow Saadea, liat Rack, and various o uer articles appertaining to the >oi.>. us,-. A ?K. llOTH. AUCTIONEER. WILL SELL THIS DAY. ix J no rtl, at II o'clock pi--. the ?legem Household F-ii nMare ol a private bouse, pin. e, W-'?- Eigbih Street. between Fifiii and tiis'ti ?venue*, coneKt-ng of two elegant rosewood Parlor Su ts, covered in rl--h bio -atel; CM do. solid block walnut, covered in aillc reps; han- aomo lirul aels an-l In .train Carueta, M. rb e Top Tables, Eta ;--r -a, Pier GU<Kea, < urtens, Vases, ro* wood aud mahogany B-d . a e^ada, Bureaus, Waal.??linos, Hair 51 ittressiv. HohMr), Pi.Iowb, Tele-a-fetes, 'ovme! in hnnttioth: Spring Seat Chairs,, Ko kera. Orn -r Stunts, Hrfa H-nls, T a and Kxl -nslon Tables. Hultet, Gbm*, Coma Mid .-saver Ware, Tat-li Cutlery, Oilcloth, Chandeliers, Stair Carpets, sc., Ac. 8ale positive. Auction notice.?george u.haydocic, auc lionevr.?GhiasWtite.?r.OBt-.RT HAYCiOCK w ilt vlt ?n Tii'-day. June 24, at Mo'cioek, at bia vtl-srnotn, 101 joilietiv strr -l, on four month- credit, 4<M peckaeo* Flint Ota ?ware, Tumblers, Goblets, \a| pies, Lumps. Chlmnevs Ac.. 50 pa- kages French Ola n, 2" imukagr* Preservin; Jars. D O. CAl LR1NS, API rio: l.R . POSITIVE HALE Oi JIKAI n?M.TL FURNITURE OF ALL DBACRIPIION - WITH A RARE COLLECTION OF TAINTING - AND Ki.EGANr WOK vS OF ART. AN EXTRAGRDlN.Mtv OPPORTUNITY FOR i.OI- LKiiKI'KKS At the elegwut dwelling ho. s-. :-o. gig West Fourteenth street, uer Eighth avenue, On TIIURSDA Y, June III. at Idt^ o'.-loek precisely, comprising the entireruntemaot the house, The whole f otnblnln,! a i-oll-i thi-i s-llotn offered st am (I in, conxialing of superb ros-wo d Parlor Suits, eovered in l-ro caiei. made toor-ier; rosei- no i elitre and Pier Tables, Silk ?nil Lsee rt-dni, ElJ/.i1'-It... Biayeros elegant ruon ml Fi.tnofui t-\ Suwl ami Cover; Torkl-b loOitnges an-l Arm utiynliH-nt Mantel Vnses at lotva and Par an, mar b' bo-t of Byron, Br-nire Ll s-kA valuable ( -Un of liMoftcai ami Lands, aim l'aln; vs. rieoly fn.mrd Goi i an i Laudsouji* Hha-h a. Ci-aadeliar , c truer H ageies, Juw-il Caaea. Ae. ( II AM HERS AND "ININO ROOM Fl'- tanl r-<a -wood a D.-s-ing ilur-.iu*. ivlth mar. ble u>pv. l.oiooiovl-s. two v.ahiut ftu ts. eoierisl In fepe, noile lu order; Card 'la l--s, FiotSer Vi ses. Si .as, Spiing Meat an-l Cot ai-o Chair . Ris k-r-, H it- Mslr -asea, e egant Me-is l> d ling, ovai Mirrors, Sofa BidMeads, .to., wiih a largr varieti of Chins. r'"-i I'M Glas-, Iv.-ry Cul'erv, Eilvor Ware and B#dro-wi Kmnlture of every d -acriptluii. A-to be soil, i&lu or sliliie, Ca u igues at boil-e. N. 11 ? Houaekeep rs, notel keeper-una iraieis will find thla rab worthy o Sp lal attention, a ? tne f irniture is a.l lu pen fr,. order. Edward sintzknh ii, acci'Ionier. VaLI AlILK IIOKSL-. I A ItKl AGES AND HARM S ? y c. w nwr.NPORT. TO MORROW at -ns o'rloek, at I'm.ui-1 197 Broadway. To- - Mai weekly aaie Of Hoiom, Carrt.igeamid llurneoa. 00IK .401 Val" ABJ.K CitKHTNl 1 .'.! A itl-.-T rear* ohl, la'{ hands fcigh, and warraiitaa perfectly s und. k nd and gonce; is a ??tie-lb si,I-lie liorse aud first rue in harness, 1 ids v/ilti ible mare is thorough hru.1. and 1>?- pint speed aud eiitluranue, and is very ben isone aud ?tyi sb. Can bo seeu 011 applica tion to til-- n n 1 loneer. BAV IIORSKsel# hands high, long t ill, wai rnn'Od sound, kind and gent 0 lu everyway, c 1 .ally good lu barnest or unoerth-- -, -. IOP WAOUN ? Made hy Cliailea B- ards'.ey, and In good Order. Also ti Pyht Itnriu ? KUEOANT .)? VP BEAT 1 OP WAGON?A si teib dtv bolli w.-..,i>ii. warranted loo o?*-t workmanaiilii, cio.autljr flntshod: wnrth $Mtl. naed ->?t-y oio-e. KOCKAD AVH?Two ezirliciit second bond Rockavrsya, In ?ne ? ,n liilun, IIAKN1 -i?Turee sets of ex - s piallty elty made Double H irrieas, wurrutitedt ton sets of t- ngle Haines*. Also seve re see in.' band Ihitibl- and Amu! - -eta. AC IT KH ENGLISH MAHIILK lli)R8E-Ch?s1nut, all peai-s 0111, 1(1 iiauda lilgli 1 iio- p-.-. -rty of agrntleinun leav ing lor Europe. Thla auporb aooaal 1a warranted sound and ?tod and to be equally de-Iran In harne.s or under 'ha ?addle; Is uumlruMy adapm-l lor a eonpe, an I li a most ?tylish and -?!-itaul horse; to-1 r. -M. Also a Plot English Clothes, Iiu.itlug Saddle, l!i--.-- plate and Un i:e. May be ?e 1 on apioi'-alloii to the atlrlioiieer. EI.Bt.ANT BAY HORSE?1G handt hi, h tiloe rears old, War ranted |Mirfe--tly sound, kind an' smi- ? in.nought? bniken to anigle and double nsrneaa in, mi 1 nnauatly una ?a- die l.orse, afraid of neither loeomml-, . luua.e .1 the. works a Very valuable anln al nnd so I ot., 1, the owner is .fniug to Europe. Can be s en 011 app.i 11 to tin: auO {tuiieer. _ HPAN OF HORREL 1IOM -H -15 ? m ? 1 Ith ??,, -.ntafi Mo ittd and kind, pood travn < ia in sln-.b- t it u-e haMMta and rteoilent under the sad lle; -a very ri- 1 r . 1 HAT HOH-B, TOP W.O UN AND 1 '"-K -T s R->i'K It lit Ilium* high, elgl I -a s old, - .1 . y geu.le, so-inil an-l kind,e|i -r - -g!e ?c first rate saddle liorse, afrai-l o 1 g A 0 NV'pin, etiy Mitt, lu go ld 01. or. Als-i t 1 . - r a#sa, but ll'lle naed. NOTIfF - Oari Iagea an-l Hirfss or- < r. 1 ? n 1 pu bo Mid la lowei salon owiu. Caiaivauw* ou war 01 sat*. ?AUM AT AUCTION. CHA.8 D. DAVIS & 00, AUOTr.INKERS, will sell this day, at I0>," o'clock. ai p. 4 W ilia u st.oci, ageueial a sorimaal of tn ouil baud Furniture, rouns'ln j of Carpets, Ol cloths, Oh t.hanoelicrs, ruccwooo So.* in brnaatel; Lounge U ? l.ueads. llaistauds, Bookca?.-s,, Chain, Looking, Ac. ^UWAKD 8C1IKNCK, AUCTIONEER. ENTIRE ESTABLISHMENT OK A PRIVATE GEN TL li MAN. SUPERB SPAN OK HORSES, BAROUCHE AND HAK.N l.sS. By EDWARD Si.'HE.Wk, on Friday, 20ih lust., at I o clock, si Uia salesroom No. 15i Broa I way. THE ABO. E IIOR.-il'.S am sixteen and a quarter hands, louc tail blacks, a > yean old, ami parte, t la e.ery way, very stylish and ready one of the buest upaus of private ho. aca in the city. AL80. BAROUCHE, made to order, by Wood Bros,, aud DOUBLE HARNESS, uiade to order, by Giboon. The above establishment coat hut fall $d,'d!X); oaa bo at en on application 10 the auctioneer. ELEGANT DAPPLE CHESNUTT, la aiiteeo bauds high, long mane an I tali, an years old. war runted in every way. a splendid animal, ami baa been used uioatly (da coupe. The pioperty o' the same gentleman. SPAN OK BLACK POMES, are fourteen hands, six years old, kind In single and double barn as; ported saddle horses lor a lady; free from tricks aud vice aud warranted sound. Can be see on application to the auctioneer. 8ADDLE PONT, la a chestnut sorrel, li! hands, p. ructly kind In harness, and believed to be perfectly sound. Sold to close an estate. ALSO, Box Road Wagon and Harness. LADY'S SADDLE MARE, is a long tail, bloo i hay, IS hand.-., six years old, warranted in every way; u i cry valuable animal. HANDSOME BLACK HORSE, M ,Mk U pony built, IS hands high, warranted sound and kind in all harness. TOP WAGONS. Two light Shifting Ton Wagons. ROAD WAGON8, DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, A0? BBflHI.tR SALES OK HORSES AND CARRIAGES TUESDAY AND I-RIDAY. Edward schenck, auctioneer. MORTQAUB KALE OK FIRST CLAS8 SECOND HAND FURNITURE, bv EDWARD SCHENCK, THIS DAY. 19th Instant, at 10^ o'clock, at hi? sale-room. No. 15. Broadway, an assort ment of nrat clans second haml Furniture, removed for con venience of sale, consisting in pai l of large French plate Maut-I M rrors, Pier Uo? Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, rosewood Parlor Suit iu green brooalel, rosewood ami "lack wa n It Bookcases, rosewood Ladles' Secretary. Music Stand, ten sets Lme Curtains and Cormoes, rosewood Bed steads, Wash-lands, elegant bion/.e Chandeliers, bronze Clocks, decorated China Vases, white China Dinner Set, Tea Set, silver plate t Ladles, Forks.and Spoons, silver plated Cas ere, Cutlery, and a large assortment of other Furniture. To be peremptorily sold, by order ol' tbo mortgagee. I1DWARD SCIIKNOK, AUCTIONEER. J FINE OIL PAINTINGS TO BE PEREMPTORILY SOLD, on FOREIGN ACCOUNT. By BDWAKD SCliENCK, on Kttday.201 ins:., at II o'clock, ut his salesroom, 158 Broadway, a collection ol about sixty tine Oil Paintings, just arrived from Europe, and never be fore exhibi ed, most of them hearing the certillcalea of the artists. Atniuig them will be found? ENOL1KH LODGE SCENE. BY MOF-RENIIOUT. MARINE BV SOU A El'. SIIEEP AND POULTRY, BY VAN SEVERDONGK. A KITCHEN SCENF. (very line), MV RKAUS. WINTER SCENE, BY SVKTS. INTERIOR, BY DIDDABRT. The above heanti; t.l c Unction are now on exhibition, and will be peremptorily solJ. I1DWAKD SINTZEN'IOH, AUCTIONEF.R.-IMPORTS R8 j Stock of Pint: Wines. Lienor*. Champagne, Claret' Preserved Fruits, Ac -By C. W. HAVENPUUYrTHlB DAY. June 19. ut 11 o'clock, at salesrooms, 15'> anil 157 Broad way, portion of the stock of one of theflrst importing houses of this city, every item in the cu'ahtgue being guaranteed strictly genuine. We mke pleasure in calling tnu attention ot prlvaut buyers, as well ns houdkecpers and others, to this sale, as the poods are all choice, anil will be sold in quanti ties to suit. The stock Includes 350 cases of Champagne, Green Seal, Hetdslck, Momm and other brands; 450 cases or St. Julh-n Claret; 60 esses of Hue old Pale Ilennessy Brandy; 5 octaves of Dark He messy Brandy, vintage of 1553; a few cases ol rare old Port Wine; 60 cases of select old Bourbon Whiskey, very tine Indeed; a few esses of rare old Madeira, warranted nearlv tweuly years old, bodied by Boker; also line Gohl. n Sherry, 70 eases of old London Dock Gin. In addition to the above will be found numerous lots of Wioes and Liquors in small quantities. Abo an invoice of Sweet 0 1, in casks; Olives; prepared Greeu Turtle, in cans; Pre served Fruits, Ac. PFITZSIMMONS. AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL TniS ? day. at 10}? o'clock, at 15 Rose street, the content , of a Grocery and Liquor Store, viz.:?Counters, Glass Cases. Fix tures, Soap, Starch,Candles, Screens, Ice Bos, Clock, Faint logs. Stoie. Furniture, Mirror, Spices, Ac. CAEOROE COOK, AUOTIONKE K.?ELEGANT HPUSB T hold Kurnl'tire.tu-morrow, at loVj o'clock,.at sa'c.nronw* 141 Broadway (next American Telegraph), a large slock of hrsl class city made Furniture of new and elegant duelgne and superb finish. It consists of Parlor, Chamber. Library and Hitting Room Furniture, en eulte or Itt separate parcels; Secretary and Library Bookcaser, Etngnre*, Buffets, Centre and Fancy Tubies. Extension pining Tables, Armotre-a-Glaee, Lounges, Easy Chairs, Ac., to which we inrite the attention Of buyers, as the sale Is absolute. Catalogues at sale. HENRY II. LEEDS, AUCTIONEER?OIL PAINTINGS. HENRY II. LEEDS A CO. will sell at auction, on Fri day, June 20, at 11 o'clock, in the gallery over our salesroom, 23 Nassau stree', ancient and modern Oil Paintings, bv some of our first artists, among whom may be mentioned the names of George 11. Hull, Colmau, J. A. Oertel, William M. J. A. Ilekking, T. A. RlcharJs, Brewerton Fitz I-ane. Noole, Boeae. Bnrroiv, Vatil Vincent, Kreghoff, Hunt,Gerard and oilier eminent artists. The above collection is now on exhibition. HENRY L. HOGUET, AUCTIONEER. AUCTION NOTICE. WILMERDING, HOGUET A HUMBERT, Salesrooms No. 2d and 21 Barclay street, W11A INCLUDE IN THEIR SALE OF THURSDAY, JUNE l?. On a credit of four months, for approved endorsed notea. An assortment of Nos. 4 .i SO plain Croehete, Satin Striped and Brpi he figured POULT DE FOIE BONNET RIBBONS. hli> GLOVES. BOO dozen MAILLAKD El' MAtLLAP.D and IROULLION Bouton KID O LOVES, Oris Blanc and assorted color, stitch - eilland emuriNdared hacks. A apleudid line of real black Silk BRUXELLES LACES, all widths. An luToice of machine SEWING TWIST, SILK BRAIDS, Ac. SILKS. ISO pieces extra super quality black POULT DE 80IBS, Glace, Cotored and Fancy SILKS. 1011 pieces Funuy and Black SARSENETS. 60 pieces Black Silk SERGES, extra width. Henry b. herts. jr., autctionekb. HY HENRY WOOD A CO. RECEIVERS SALE OF ELEGANT FRENCH CLUCKS. REAL BR'JN/ES. CANDKLABRA3, RICH FRENCH JEWELRY. STEEL GOODS, JET GOODS, IS CARAT GOLD JEWELRY. GOLD WATCHES. A MAGNIFICENT DIADEM. COST $3U0. AN INVOICE OF DIAMOND AND PjKAI'.L NEUKLACE8, BROOCHES AND BRACELETS. SUPERB SET OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AMD CASK. I1ANDSO.ME DUELLING PISTOLS. By order of the Supreme Court, ON FRIDAY, JUNE 20. ISo2, at 11 oelock. At the sales:ilium, 4>J Broadway. The stork *^'"0 ,,n'' assortment of the shove goods, valued at over $3t>,UU0, and will poeitirely Imi sold, without atiy reserve, for cash, and ia well worthy the atten tion of the trade. Catalogues will be ready and goods on rtew early on morn us ol sale. ' Henry b. herts, jr., auctioneer. My henry wood a CO. 8 erllfs San- of ELEGANT STORE FIXTURES On Tuursda) . June ID, at 11 o'v.ock. at 403 Broadway, comprising a large lot ol elegant Store 'Fixtures, consisting oft oiuiters, Shelving, Chandelier*, show Cases. Tables, Chan a, Desks, Ac. J AS. LYNCH. Sheriff. Henry r. herts, jr., auctioneer. By HENRY Wood A CO. Sheriff"* Sale of SHIP CHANDLERY On Friday, June 2U, at Id,', o'clock, at the salesrooms, 400 Broadway ronsUilug of Sheet Copper, Anchors Emery, Bar Iron m i Steel. India Rubber Packing Canvass, coach Lamps, l', Buckets, Rone, Ac. JAMES LYNCH, Sheriff. Henry d. miner, auctioneer, salesroom st Navail Street.?MINER .1 SOMERV1LLS will sell at auction, on Friday, J mac 20, at 12 o dock. In front of their at ail' lem, "u rime/, ..iiuc-.o, uue?, an iivinui mm store, 6i Nassau street, a hue thr-e seat Coupe Roekatrar, in good condition: built to order b. Lawrence, and c< st also a eliigle L oupe Ro iaaaay, bull to oruar by Lawrence, COM $13X1. JAMES M. MILLER, AUCTIONEER. MHERIFF'8 SALE OF REAL ESTATE. BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT. JAMES M. MILLER will ,ell. ou FRIDAY. JUNE 2D. AT 13 O'CLOCK. at tha Merchant*' Exchange Hah eroom, til Broadway, FIFTY ton ON THIRD. SECOND AND FIRST AVENUES AND MNiYf ? I'll afREET, located aa follow*.? Four Loli on Third avenue, commencing southeast corner of Ninety-eighth street. Sixteen Lots on a mth side of Ninety -eighth street, between Third an I Second avenues. K nt Lot* on Hecon t avenue, east and west side, eorner Of Ninety-eighth Street. Eighteen Laitson south *ide of Ninety-eighth street, bn twecu Second and First avenue*. Four Lots on west side of FirMav*ntte, commencing at the Southwest corner of Ninety -eighth etrei t, with ail tl.u r ght, title and Interest ot the WATER FRONT belonging to *ild l"ta. 8a>e positive, to the highest Udder. SEVENTY PER CENT CAN REMAIN UN BOND AND MuaTUAUE llotn two t> hvu years. JAMES LYNCH. Sheriff. For maps of prop -rty, Ac., appl-at ajstlousert a Sees, 28 Pine street. James m miller, auctioneer. . AUCTION Sale OF LOUIS AND SHOES, ON THURSDAY, JUNE W, A to,', o rl.u k A. M. ALEXIS BRAGG, No. 8" \iiify ?trcei, N 'w York, ? ill *'11 at aueiian ONE TIIoUHAND PACKAGES OF BOOTH AND FliOKA. Fresh and scaiotiabia good- in g-eut i*ri*ty ALEXIS URAgG, Commission boot and ?: i* inerrlisnl, No. td Vmey sireeL JM. MILLER AND WILLIAM KENNELLY WILL ? sell, tinder iorevloaiire. on i uesday. June 14, at 12 o cloek. at ihe Mer .hsus' Eycnxngr sal-?room Hi Broad wag fit e valuable Lot* of Land, on southwest corner of 'Thirty seventh cire'd. and Fourth or Park avenue. The lo cation U uue irpas*?l, surfonuded l.j first Cla-- dwelling*. JOSEPH 1JKOKMAN. . ? _ FRIDAY, JUNE 20, At 10 o'clock A. M at tlio Central Salesrooms, eorner of Wliloughiiv ami Pearl sueets. Brooklyn, REGULAR Wi.liki.Y ft., LE .da .ugenyand walnut Bed Mend*, Hunk'HSt-a, Cbalra '?'? its on fable*, marble top Drcs-ing Bureau, Centra Tables, W*, S two lo eW'H d parlor Suit- marble to,> tanned Chamber Suita, French plaie l'iei and Mantel Olaives, Keliigeraiors, Brus sels and I u ;raln i a"p"t ?, Ac A eO,?t I o'rinek P. M F. * maliosanv an I r ic wood Pianos, two marble Counter HI.,i shot* i a-'. "V?w ii . Maciiiue*. Ail* Drem Patterns, Dry 11 * - d ir -it ? if . sis toe a Army Cots, Ac. t'g, H?u MailtMHihtr, M ,? h.dta, As. 6AL.ES AT AUOTIim. fCULH, AUCTION BKR, WILL HBLL ON THURS ? day, J une If, at 10)4 o'clock, iu Clemc >ui tv?air, near Kuliou avenue, Brooklyn, a gea ral assort 01 ntoi mahog my Par lot and Chamber Furniture, Carpnts, Oilcloths, China, glnsawraie, B'ds, Bcddlug, Spring and Hair Mattresses, Ac. Catalogue at sale. , JDWTER. AUCTIONEER.?ai'TTENBEKU.?PUB . lica.xtonof Bu Lllng Lota, situated in Uiittenburg, will be held every blond ty aitarnuou, oointoeuiag al two o lock weather p ruutti ig, at the brew ery oi A. kiBCK KET, front Monday. June 113 HttS. curing the otuatite of June and July; tennseasy; title perfect. JBOGART, AUCTIONEER?BY S A J BOQART, ? Saturday, t une SI, at It),o'clock at the nalesrooms, No. 1 North William street, Household Furniture, gas, rhandeUra, Iron Su, as, Carpeta, Book Caaa, Bureau a Tables, Chairs. Also, mortgage sale, one Hay Mare, one Hod t Water Capon and Gurnets, one Generator and Soda Fountain, Cork 1 n; Bench; alao, one Lager if-er Wagon, .to. Mb. chapman, auctioneer-elegant HOUSE . hold Furniture.?M. II. CIIAPMaN A CO au< Uoneera, will Hell at iiuctlon. thia day ,Thursday). June 19, at reaulenre 70 Weal Twenty-nixtn utreet, Bear at oh avenue, aale commencing at ttvo o'clock, eon-dsilng or rosewood and black walnnt parlor and cha uber Furniture, covered with brocatolaud reps; Btagerns, Bookcase, Cheia and Centre Tallies, rosewood Pianoforte Stool and Cover; Muetr Ituck, Brussels Carpets, Knits, Pain ing*. Vases, On amenta. Clocks, later Curiains, Cornices, Shades, Stair Carpets. Oil cloths, Dressing Bureaus, Bedsteads. Wssbstands, flair and Spring Mattresses, Peather Bed*. Blankets, Counterpanes, Burets, Mirrors, Chairs, Solas, Beckers, Toilet Sets, Busy Chairs. Lounges, black walnut Extension Tattles, Drawing Kootn Chairs, elegant assortment of Crystal and Kuby Glass ware, Table Cutlery, Silver Ware, Table Linen, Clnua Tea Bets. Engraving' , Bronze Statuary, Ae. Also, a large a? aortineni of Basement and Kitchen Furniture. Sale com mences at two o'elock tbia afternoon. Deposits required of all ptirchaaere. Sale positive without regard to wether. House to let, nt very lew rent; possession Immediately. In quire ot J. C. STONE ALL. lift Fulton street. M DOUGHTY, AUCTIONEER.?PEREMPTORY SALE ? of Household Furniture. Carpcta, Pier Glasses, m e wood and mahogany Parlor Suites. Ac., Ac.?M. DOUGHTY will sell this day, at 10X o'clock, at salesroom 7V Nassau street, all the handsome Household Furniture contained in Ike above etore, ootielstiug in part of rosewood, inatmg irty and walnut Parlor Suites, covered in Haircloth and Bloca te!, Gill frame Pier Glasses, Library and Secretary Boo 1. eascs, marble top Centre Tables, Bullets, Dining Tables, Dining Cliairn. Dressing Bureaus, Wushxl.inds, Beds! nils, Ilair Maltiosses, Paillasses, Lou lines, oak Chun.ber Holies, Brussels, Velvet aud Ingrain Carpels, Canton Hutting, Ac. The wuioie to be peremptorily sold. Milton h. burns, auctioneer.-i,two cases Boots. Shoes and Brogans. at auction, on Thursday. June 19, at 10)4 o'clock, at the store of J. F. Davis A Co.. lb Cortlaudt street, comprising n large and fresh assortment of city made aud Eastern Goods, suitable for city aud country trade. RUSSEL W. WESTCOTT, AUCTIONEER. Larg" ?f over $12,000 worth of ELEGANT HOt HE HOLD-FURNITURE. At 1S2 West Tw enty tlrst street, between Seventh aud Eighth avenues. This day, Thursday, at 2 o'clock, every article in the house, which Is most completely and elegantly furnished, will be peremptorily sold, for casta, consisting or elegant solid rose wood Parlor Hints, in bro utei; magnificent Pint.of urte, rich Mirror*. Eta??n-H, Centre aud Pier Tables, magnificent Man lei VasOfi and Ornuineuls, with a complete and v.ilualuc as sortment of Pailor. Chamber, D.ninj Roiim, Library mi l Basemeut Furniture; rl' U Cut Glass, Frouoh China and Si - verwara; fine Beus and Bedding, Ac., Ac. Catalogues at house. SHERMAN A CO., AUCTIONEERS. WILL HELL ON ? Friday, the 2Uth in*t., at ID),' o'clock, at IS Bowery, the contents of a wholesale Grocery nud Liquor Store, non*latiug of barrel! Sugar, Snap, Candles, Cutl'ee, Hpnes, Indigo. Prunes, sixteen barrels Syrups, 4c. Also a large quantify of fine Wines, Liquors, Champagnes and Regara. Sale posi tive. SHERIFF'S SALE.?ON THURSDAY, JUNE 1?, AT 10 o'clock, at ?5 heaver street, Oilice Furniture, ronsisi iug of oue Hale, Desks, chairs, Matting, Carpets, Ac. JAMES LYNCH, BUerllT, Thomas veitch, auctioneer-office no. zn Broadway.?Public Administrator's sale, on Friday, June 20, 1S62. at 11 A. M , al &t6 Pearl street, consistiug of Furniture, Clothing. Jewelry, Ac., Ac. S. P. RCSsEL, Public Administrator. WM. WITTERS, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL, OK Friday, 20lh, at two o'clock, at 4f>t Cuntil street, by virtue of a chattel mortgage to ine directed and delivered, 1 line rosewood Pianoforte. Stool and Cover. By order, W. W, LaDD, Attorney for Mortgagee. WM. WITTERS, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL THIS day, al 10)4 o'clock, at 12d Greene street, the entire Furniture of the ibove house, comprising a general assort ment of Household Furniture, all iu nice ofder. Carpets, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Beds and Bedding, nurd robes, Chans, Tables, Dining Room and Kitchen Furniiur-, with which the ante will oemnieiice. Also, oil Friday, at 2 o'clock, at 404 Canal street, a large mortgage sale of House hold Furniture. ?. ABBOTT, AUCTIONEER.?PAWNBROKER'S VV Ml", Iklt day, at 10X o'clock. at No. 4 East Bioadway. 4U01ota Meu'a and ffomta'i Wearing Apparel, ot ever* de scription; Shawls, Spreads, Rerauauts, F.,rasol?, Shut-*, Gaiters, lota of unmade Coats; al?oa "*c' "?' Cariientera' Tool*, Gnns, Pistols, Ac. By order ol J. RIT TKKMAN, 34 Eight avenue. SHIPNIB* " -"oNDON RXHIBITla* ? . J RETURN TICKETS, LONDON AND BACK. First class ?IJS Third clns* Sieiim Week.lT to Liverpool, touching *i Oueentown (Cork Harbor).?The Liverpool, Nov York ami Fhiladt Iplna Steatn fchip Company intend despatching their full pawered Clyde built iron as follows:? ..???, I CITY OP WASHINGTON Bat nr. lay, June 21 wtk a Saturday, Juu<? 28 GLASGOW'.'.'.V.'.V.V. Saturday, July 6 and every succeeding Saturday, at noou, from pier 44 North river. BIT*. OF PAMAOt. First cabin $73 Steerage. *30 to Loudon ... HO " to Loudon .13 to Paris 83 " to Paris 38 to Hamburg.. HO " to Hamburg ..... J5 ftssengvn also forwarded to Havre. Bremen, Roto rdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rate*. Kate* noin Liverpool or Quernatown:?First cabin. $.3, $80 an.I $1'?. Steerage from Liverpool, $41); from (fueenetown. $30. Tickets can be bought hers at these rates, enabling people to *end for their friends. These stcameis have superior accommodations for passen gers, are strongly bulit in water tight iron sections, and carry patent nre nnnihllatore. Eiperienoed surgeon* ere atiachcp to eseh steamer. . . ., For further Information apply In Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN. agent, 22 Wst r street; in Ola'gow 1" ALEX. MAL COLM. No 3 St. Enoch square; in 0'?e<?o*mtoi.A W. I) SEYMOUR it CO.; In London to F.IA ES A Mai EY, 81 King William street; in Pan* to .I1I.KS UECObn No. 8 Place de la Bourse; in Philadelphia io JOHN G. DALE. Ill Walnut street, oral the company' JOHN O. DALE, Agent, IS Bioadway, New York. THE NORTH GERMAN LLOYDS' STEAMSHIP BRE MEN, H. Weasel*, commander, carrying the I'ulted Stales mall, will sail from pier 30 North river, foot or Chambers street, on gAT0RDAy Jnly 8i &t 13 o'clock M, TO* BREMEN. T1A SOUTHAMPTON, toVJoNrDONn.^AVRE. SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN, St the follow ing rate*:? For the flrat cabin, $IW>; eecond cabin, 60; steerage, $33. For freight or * co , g, Broad street. STEAM TO LONDONDERRY. GLASGOW AND LIVER pool.?The Montreal BtoomehlnCompnnv'* tlret Cisss full powered CIvde built steamer NORTH AMERICAN, t.apialn Burgess, carrying the Canadian and I nite.t Sietea mails, will sail trom Uuebec nevt Saturday, June 31. Re tea o' pim aaee from New York ?Ftret class, according o accomuioda. lions, t-vA and $70. steerage, found wdth good provision*, $.V Ra'ea of passage trom Nsw York and r. lurn. at tha f, Uowitr; reduce,) istee ?First cabin, $137 *nd $lf7; vtcer ace, $80 OertiSrates leaned for bringing out passenger* ltorn all the prloeluat towne in (Heal Britain and Ireland at very low rites. For paa?a;e npoly at 23I Broadway, New York. 8 A BEL A Sri A RLE, Agsnta. H_ AMBCBO AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY.-STEAM to London, Hamburg Hftvm and Southampton. I ho favorite first class and elegant Iron mull ste?m?li|o l?A VAKIA, K. Meter commander, carrying the United States mnil. sails frost pier No 31. North riser Toot of Fulton itreet. positively mi Saturday, the 2*th Jun" and lake* pas senger* for London, Hamburg, Harm and Southamptou al the following rates ? -lrtn Flrsl cabin $',J" Second cabin JJ 8lThreTEtTONIA will surreed the BAVARIA on ju'y il. Fur passage apply eieiuatveljr ricuaBD A BOAS. 1SI Broadway, New York. FOR LIVERPOOL AND LONDON-TAPSCOTT'8 Line.?Ship JOHN J. BOYD, at pier No. 6 North river, sail* tor Liverpool June 28. Ship AMAZON, al pier No. 1$ Bast riser. sails lor London Jen- 25. For passage, at low rate*, apply to TAFSCOrT k CO , 86 South etreeb IAOR LIVERPOOL-DBKADNOUOfIT LINE-CLIP P uer ship VICTORY. Captain Lytile, wl|l poeltisely a,ll to morrow, at 12 o'clock. Second cabin passage ?? steer axe rate.. For apply jmmatUtelf, to on bonrd, a' pier No. ft Nortn river, or to I. M. DKMAREST, 4ti South street. ________________ (TIIE AP PASS i7;"b~ TOAND FROM LIVERPOOL. BY J (l-.e Black B ill line of packets.?The favorite pnc.i l ship HARVEST Ol'EBN hauls In ihe river this <Cyjmd nallft to morrow. For fMtfi n anply oa board, plur Jo bait river, or to JACOB WILSON. 116 Soulhstreet. COMMENCING MAY I, 1862. NEW ARRANGEMENT. FOR CALIFORNIA, VIA PANAMA. For the bener scconuuudstlun of the large number or pen pie now emlcrating to the gild mining districts of Ualilornla and BrilLh Columbia, FOUR steamers per month will be despatched from New York snd trom Ban Francisco respec tively, instead or three, as hretofcrn. . t. Regular day* of depai ture Irom New York, on the 1st, gtn. It'll: and 24th, estept when these late* fall on Sumter, whan the day of departure w111 be the Menday following. #B?iwllngareen?^ew ?g$ " D.'b" !LLEN? Ag*? ? ' UOR NEW ORLEANH VIA IIAVANA. 1? The United Hlaies Mnil sleain?hlp ROANOKE ? , will leave plrr No. IS North river, "n Satnrdiv, June 21, at 12 o'clock tnooe)!preclwTr, for New Oilean* via Havana. Lt DLAM, HEINEKLN A CO., 113 Broad waf. F OR NEW ORLEANS.-THE UNITED STATES MAIL j. steamship MARH'N. J- D I'hll'lp*. Culled stat-- Nn vy, Commander, wil. leave tdi t No. 4 Norih rlier. lor New Url-ana, on Wednesday. July 2, at three o'clock r. II. 1 Forfudlht, of whichMl'mited qusn'ttv wil' he taken, or pa**sge apply to BI*OFFORD, TILKSTON A i ').. ? ~ - gu Br uidwity. OR IIAVANA -THE I KM BO STATES MAtL 8T1AM ai.lp COLUMBIA, It. Ada n*. I nil. d 8i. N.vy, Com. binnd r will leave W'f 4 North river on M cditc?da>. June 25. at 12 oetock Ol uui ? pi*?i? ? J. I 0 fremiti ur | ..?a?e ap ply o 8PUKKOUD. TILKSTON .1 I u 2SI1I-. a iway CTKaM81MI' GREAT KA8T KEN.?PERSONS DESIRING O t" ' le-t -me r.i-uin tor the uv?t tup u| tuia ????*; iro.n New York p. Lir.ri ) .1 csn do o at " N" ??'; way, CHAF. A will INE\. ior me Ag" I' ll-ANTED TO CHARTER IMMEDIATELY-\ VK- K. W o alio It 2,:atu l,ar.el?.apn , .to O..I a' St. AO Hew ? for Vera t'rui. Apply to llOM LAND A AKI..NV\aI.L BI.UOVALS. /?" ' J K vtlLKTON. \JT? Clinton place, N . of Honry .ire.t, Brooklyn Hetglite, near the Woilatreol ferry. J()T!CE -THE Al.ENCY FOB THE SALE OP GOODS T1KV ' 'I l ' ' 'i bv Tilt. NiON INDI A RUBBER COMPAN* will be re n ? ? ,.M I -1*1 ol May lie**, rom No 103 UD J K VtlLKTON. DENTIST. II \8 KB MOVE I) FROM Yor*, o 7t. M"nia t ie pi. N e,D anion - ^ '""hY.o. HADdEN, PreaidesA I,\v< Vt?*a, April 13,130? ABBMUm. WALLACE'S. K utnuito. \ju RroaAway aud ThirteenIk MrMl rr?Prt>'t?* MR. WALLACE. Doors Op?*u ki haifpaat arvea Comi/jsnoe at eight. Nutick -- a h*- lotiApcrttiu/* uC iii? houte to deli^uifuUj ?ool an *?njovi-l/le. CHANGE OK PROGRAMME EVERY MI OUT. . _ TUK KLOKBNCKrt EVERY LVRN1N., IN TUB-it UASIINQ PIECES. CROWHLi AND FAilUONABl.K aXDIRKCSS. MRS. FLOUL.vCR IN FIVE Di K* ERKNTiCH AKACTBBS __ TO-NIGHT. MB. rLOKRNCB IN FIVE D1FKBRINT CHARACTERS TONIGHT, mis RVENINO (Til URBDAY) JUNE 19. li>t sntertaii un uu wi.l no mnence with Koppil.'. a sensation overt re. 'tlMiPioieoue (Juadrdlc,"- introducing with pleas lug . lie. i nil tin.' moat popular Irish aura, aud ua ebaruuug miliar of "Lalla Rook.h." Next, the glorl, ua Irish Comic Drama, . ? mii IRIell MORMON. MKVAN O'LVNN MR w J. KLOKBKUR bue.ab O'ltourki- (her tirst appearsuu<->.-Miss Viola Crockar R. bi o' char ctera 'jy the great Cooieiiy Company. To be followed by the sparkling protean pti'Oe called WORKING TUB ORACLE POLLY SPARK ALL, with song of "the Captain," , MILS. W. J. KLOBENOM DOLLY SLOCLM, n country lass, wi.h songs, M US. W. J. FLOKKNCB MRS. MONTGROWLEBY. an old woman. MRS. W. J. FLORENCE HON. KII'8 FINN KG AM, with aon^a "liauka of the BlueMu/ne MK8. W. d. FLORENCE FRED. 11 r/.UiO, a barber, with medley song, a. w. ? _ J. FLOKENCB TERENCE O'URADY, an Irtah boy. MB. W.J. FLOKBNCB BEN TAKEOY, a man-o'-war's-man. ME VT. J. FLORENCE Grand mimical pot pourri, Orcheatrj Koppitx, Conductor The whole to conclude with tba screaming new local larce, nightly received with uhouta of laughter. THE UK I'll RED VOLUNTEER. MR. W. J. FLORENCE and Mr. Davidge tu tReir original parte. PERFORMANCES OVER BY HALF-PAST TEN. Entire new lull lor to-morrow uigbl. FINANCIAL. August beluont a co.. bankers, no", so wa?L St., issue letters of credit to travellers, available In all puris of the world through Messrs. Rothschild, of Pans, Lon don, Frankfort, Vienna, Naples, and their correspondents. Army and navy pay and claim office.?ab rears of Pay, Bounty, Pensions and recruiting Ex (?eases. JOHN B. MURRAY, Army aud Navy Baukor, 3V Nas'au street, N. Y? opposite Post ollioo. A ULRICAN GOLD AND NIL . BE. AND THE FIRST A issue of Uuiied States l)cu>anu Notes bought aud sold at the best rales, by K. P. JAM E.S A CO., IS Wall street. Bounty money, pay and pensions for sol diers, seamen end their whiows and heirs rohected promptly by OKliRGL WOODMAN, 3d Pine street, near the t nsiom Ileus Cd ALIFORM A STATE COUPONS WANTEO-DUE J Julrl.lMI. Tne highest price paid by C. A. MEIGS A SON, M) Kxehnnge p.ace. H IGIIBST PRICE PAID FOR HOLD, SILVER, UNITED STATES DEMAND NOTES, aud 7 d i0 Tit E AS I RY NOTES, by W. II. MAKSlON. 3b Wall street. JliFFKfISONVILLE RAILROAD FIRST MORTUAGE Bonds. O tries or ths Jxrri rsonvillk Ran.aoap Compakt, i J KU KHsor. vici s. Ind.. Mays', INiih t Is hereby given Hint this Company will redeem on the 1st duy of July next at tlie United Siatex Trust Company, Neiv York city, at the lowest utTer below par a part of its First Mortgage Bond*, agreeable to the provision.1* of a contract made belween this Company and the holders of said contract made between this Company and the I Mortgage Bonds, bearing date April 14, Ido9. Oilers l'.irtlie sale of raid Bonds may be addreased under seal to ilie United States Trust Company aforesaid, and en dorsed "Oiler of the First Mortgage Bonder Bonds of the Je.lli raonviile Railroad Com puny to the Sinking Fund;'' which oiler* or bids will be received until noon of me let day of July aforesaid. J. II. McCAMPBELL, Secretary and Treasurer. Military and naval agency, Washington and New York.?Army and navy claims, pensions, hounty. prize money, arrears of nay due ollicers, HOidiers, seamen and marines, their widows and orphans; quarter masters, contractors, and other claims against the gov em inent, promptly collected. Apply to SAM I EL V. NILKS, Washington, D. C., or CHARLES 0. LEEDS, 111 Naseatt street, N. V. J^OTIOK TO BONDHOLDERS?INTEREST ON YUBA County Bonds, due July I, 1802, will be paid on and af ter thai date upou presentation at the American Exchange Rank, New York. DECKER A JEWKTT. Maryavilie, California. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, CITY HALL, ST. LOUIS. June U, 1862?To the creditors or the crty of St. Louis - Interest on the bonded debt of the city of St. Louis, already due and to become due before the 1st day of July, or ma tured bonds still uncancelled, will be pain on and after tba Kid*) of that iiioutb, at the Boatmao'sSavings Institution, lu said city. Subsequent to ihe 1st of July, accruing interest snd bonds, when not made payable In Pn'ladelphia. will be paid or rellivd. as formerly, on presentation at the Hsnk of the Republic, New York?the cily's Easiern hscal agent. No interest will be allowed on matured bonds or coupons ? of July from and after th? Ut of Juiy proximo. DANIEL 0. TAYLOR. Msvor. THE MICHIGAN SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN IN diana Railroad Company. Taiasuata's Owe*. IS William itrkkt. i N>tr York, Juua 14.1)562. I NOTICE. Tim holders nt the Mlchigau Southern lit Mortgsgo Roml*, which lell due November 1, 18(50, and of the Northern Inrtl una lit Mo'tuBjte B nd*. which tell due August 1. 1S81, ire requested to pu-aem them at thli olhrn lor payment, on the 16th Inn. Interest w II cease accruing "" *?hl Boml! on the 16th inn . except in iIkum cases where the holder* ahull not ha?e recelrcd this uotlce ot payment, and iu those case* on the date ol' receiving this notice. UENRT KEEP, Treasurer. <J?1 Anil WANTED?TO CARRY ON AN UNUSUALLY V-L.* 'UU piutitatde contraet, without the RnwNo! the party Investing. I'erttotn not wishing to enter actively on uukineas, or havingother eng ?cement*, will ilnd this a good opportunity. Ad drum. Supplies, Herald ollw. ?/T |?W1 WANTBD-ON BOND AND MORTGAGE yw.UUu ou nujuored city property. Addrei* C. C. L., Herald iittice. ceOfk nnn TO Iioan, at? per cent, on first ?psSvl.UUU cla?- itnproTed Real Eatate, in the eitv of Neo York below Twenty-third ntr-at. Also, $7.1.01(0 ut 7 Iierient. ill Hrooklyn or New York. Apply to MORRIS B BOTHERS, No. 7 Pine street. *1 O C AAA TO l.OAN AT SIX PEP CENT 1NTE JPL^U.UU*/ re.-t, on ur*t elars productive real estate tu this city; amall rum* at seven per cent. Apply in the oiDee of the People's Kir' Insurance Company to JO'liM K. CON REV, 66 Wall alreet. LOAN OFFICES. AT.HU BROADWAY, CORNER OK DCANH NTREET Mi iii v advanced to any amount on Dam .tide. \Y itches, Jewelry, Ao? or bought f'?'cash. THOMAS H. KEENING, auctioneer ami broker. Private an trance in Duaue street, brat door west of Broadway AT CSS BROADWAY, CORNER OP BOND STREET, room No. 6.?IIENilV HVM.aN advance*o*su on Dia inoud*, set or, or buys the anno lor rash; also on Wetrhes, Silver Ware, i'tanoa, Jewelry and Pnrsuual Pro perty. Abraham j jackhoN. so walker street (LATE &S Ra.lie street), loans money, In Urge or small amna, on Watches, Diamonds. Jeaulry. Silverware, Diy Onort., Otitis. Pistols, At caring Apparei aud personal pio;ieuy ol every description. AT III ORAND STREET, THREE DOORS WEST OK Brondtvay,?Mouei advanced on AAatohr#, Diamond* Jewelry, Plate, Dry Oooos. aud personal ufo|*rty ol every dcx riptioii.iir bought and anld, by JOSEPH A. JACKSUN unci ou 'fr anil broker. AT C6 NAHSUA STUKET.-A. 1IONIOMAN. DIAMOND broker, malm* liber *1 advance* ail Diamonds, Watches, J'-welrv, At., or buy* tbcm at full valn*. at hlsprlrate office No. <6 Nassau atieet, room No. <1, up atairs. B i*lii"<* con Idenilnl. AT 77 Bl.EBCKER STREET, THE HIGHEST CASH price advam ed on Diamonds, Watch ?*, Ji-nriry Si. ei Plate, Ac., or the a.,me bought lor cash. At 77 &lae. ? r street, up vtaira. II. NEWTON. AT NO. 9 CHAMBERS STREET-MONEY TO LOAN to any amount on Diamond*, Welches Jeweiry. Ac. by the well known and old established ISAAC, hioki r m l commt'*lou utitrcbant. No. V Chambers street. N. M ? No bualaess Iran meted on Saturday. Directly opposite the sr. nicuolas hotel Nn. alt) Hiualwa) .?JOSEPH SOLOMON, Ontnminloii Merchant, lutvaneea money to any amount on Diamond*, Jeweiry aud Plata; or bought at the full value Old Hold and silver Iwugbi. Huaiura* strictly conUdential. I JACOBS' OLD ESTABLISHED OPKICB, 407 J. Broadway.?Advances mad* on Watches, Diamond* Piute and oth.-r valuable personal property, or bought for vash. iiiiaiuea-,ronttdeutiai. Money id lend-on diamonds, jewelry, Wvchet. Silver, Dry Goods, and pernonal property of all descriptions. Aril, lea aan la- i adeemed at ant time with II. R ARNAliD, XI Third avenue. In one year. Private oflre entrance hall door. RAIIaHOAUN. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD.-TRAINSFOR ALBANY. Troy, th ? North and Wc-i leave i haiuhers atrret at . aud II A. M . ami .* IS, ? and 10:U P. M. N JONG ISLAND RAILROAD?CHANGE OP Kit J mlnut ? Pas*"nger iieimt at James slip and foot of Thiriy-lourth atreel, Iva-l r.Ver. Hummer Arrangement?Leave N'W York alSA. If. for Oreenpnrt. Hag llarhor, Orient and Hampton. At HA. M 12 M., and 4 50 P. M. fur Syostat All AO P. M for Greenport. At 6 1'. M. for Hmnpstee i. (iu and alter June n <toe mil train will run on Sunday* to Yaphank, at eicttr?lon ratea, leavtnv Thirty-fourth street at 8 16 A. M . and returning leave Yaphank at 3 36 1*. X. Long island railroad accommodation-old South Kerry Terminus ?Train* leave at 7 t.'i A. M. and 3.13 P. M. (orOr.-enp.irt; 11:46 A. M and 4 16 P. M. for Sy. o?*ei;7lA,ll 46, A. Al, and 3 15, 4 15. 5 4-A I'M. for Hemp at, ad . hourly for Jamaica I rum 7 48 A. M. toil 4o P M. EW TORE. HARLEM AND ALBANY RAILROAD FOR ALBANY. TKOY. NOR III AND WEST. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Commencing Ti uredav. May A, DW2 For Albany. 10 9) A. M.. Kipr**i Man Trait from T?e sixth itreet sti'luii. I'Or all local train* see Tun Ta ns. JOHN HUKCHILL Aa*i?iani Bune,mteude *r AXBfUTI. CTONKA' ISLAND FERRY, LANDING AT FORT II.YMIL J toil ?I ha AAUSHON will, ouaDdatt?< the Hub luat., run as foliowsi?Leave t lirml p ? T itreel il iHa. 12', an J J1*. M; ut J atreet a. V't. TJ', ;i. I ;t',. Dev street at y.'k and 3la Me rla anevt .pt r4|a Id, I *n I 4. V-iOK BRIDGE PORT.-THE STEAMER BRIDGEPORT P leaves |ilei Edit rlvrr, duly U oc.ivk no. m- .n iives In time to - nn.ic. wnh h llouaatunlv, N?. g.iuwk, N- lit* nn ard Hartfurd railioad*, also ibur.' line to Hay hn n1. and ,V , L uid.ui IpOB BALE gTEAMTL'Q PORTLAND, ONE IUNDRED ' tuw* but den, etigine 21^ im hv? '? M im h ? air .'t ? in r.ond order. Knr fui hum pariP- .ae* apply t ? <4. AO.. Ms, II X'CRWtCH LINK-FOR IIOSIoN, Nt V I.II.MiON iw Nni irh and AA ? ?-?ier.-The aplen l! ! * a: >C|1Y III Hi - l".S MI'I CITY OK NI.A A i K lei try i) eptedy, at 9? utOvk, f ? m I I I ?*l-e pit i M JioitU tuvtr, U S. MAKTIN, Agant, unannni. NlUUO'i GARDEN. _ _ aNOTHRK GREAT ATTBAOTIOII THIS (THUBUDAT) EVENING. JUNE IJ, n? grina Diuuiiawi sceue^nf H^llnn'n popular operarsf A? MtaM b?^ CAROLINE KIOHINUB. Havng been ;;rr led III derailed audi mc-? ? uh KMTIIUhl A STIC APPLAUSE, ?!l<! man-id' . < have much plHMUre iu amiu nolng that UiU VBRY POPULAR AMERICAN PRIMA DoNNA will appear this, sni l?ru nonaredtlve eveniugs 'ic LiuaiBR scene of the first art of LA TKAV1ATA. and slag the wlitrnt i 8CKNA ANO ABIA. After wlnoh Tbe popular Operatic Romance af the SYRHX. ZKRLINA (the Sr'fQi.. . MLSB CAROLINE RICHTWGg MR. E. L. DAVENPORT. MR. . oli.l GILBERT, UK P. KICHL.HS. MR. u B. oHKWELL, MRS J. MABDEB, Will aw Uui the leading characters. SPLENDID SCENERY, SUPERB DECORATIONS, KI.ROANT COSTUMES, EFFECTIVE MKUU vNlgM AND A PUhi. OPERATIC chorus. Dresn Circle and Parquet, .10.nuts; aocured Parquet SeaU, 75 cents; Family Circle 26 < ruts. Doors oi>en at 1% o'clock; commaaoe At 8 o'clock. WINTER OARDKN. Leasee ami Manager Prof. J. H. Antlaraoo to-niuut t ruiiKSDAT), junk hl THE ATTRACTION OK Nfcw YORK. DBAW1NU TUB UO-.T CROWDED IIOUSBS. IS TUB GBHAT SPECTACULAR BURLESQUE. Of all Spectacles the grandeai. Of all Burlesques the m wt extravagaal THE WIZARD S TEMPKST; THK WIZARD'S TKMBBST; THE WIZARD'S TEMPEST; THE WIZARD'S TEMPKST; THE WIZARD'S TEMPEST; THK WIZARDS TRMPBHT, THE WIZARDS TEMPKST; THE KINO OF THE'' MAGICAL ISLAND, chablbs'oatlob. Hailed every night with THE WILDEST ENTHUSIASM and wl u TORNADOES OP UBSTK'ULATBD EC8TAST. The new set res*, MISS EMILY THORNR. MISS EMILY TflORNK, M1S8 EMILY T.IOR.1B, MISS KMiLY THORN K, MI.,S EMILY TUOUNK. MISS EMILY THORNK. MISS KMILY TUOHNE, PROP. ANDERSON AND MK. J. (1. BURNBTT every evening m their great duality of Proapere. MISS IONE BURKE aa ARIEL. MR. HKMFLE as OALIliAN, encored every even inf. MR. CHARLES IIALK and MR BSADLEY nightly adding to pre-obtained laurels. MISS FLORA ANDERSON. MISS FLORA ANDERSON. MISo FI.OKA ANDERSON, MISs FL'iRA ANDERS' N, MISS FLORA ANDERSON, the tranteendent utile gem MISS Lot ISA ANDERSON, the charminu Fur iinand. THE METAM<IRFHOSIR AT THK CONCLUSION THE M E i A.VtURPilosis AT THE CONCLUSION THE METAMORPHOSIS AT THE CONCLUSION THE METAMORPHOSIS AT THK CONCLUSION THE METAMORPHOSIS AT THE CONCLUSION ANO THK TRANSCENDENT SCENE OF BEAUTY it diacioaei am worth all the atemuaerer planed ou the atoga in recent years. THE FIRST ORtffD MATINEE POSTPONED TO SATURDAY, June 21. The performance concludes every evening at half-put ten o'clock. SeaU should be secured three days In advance. FOX'S OLD BOWERY THEATRE MR. C. w. CLARKE, MISS DBNVIL, MR. C. K FOX, MISS MARY MITCHELL, MR. HARRY CHAPMAN, MISS FANNY HERRING, With i he Dill company in thrca pieces. ORLANDO VKNDORMK. ORLANDO VENUORMK. THK DRAGON KNTOHT. THE DRAGON KMIGIIT. THK WOOD DEMON. TI1E WOOD DEMON. To-morrow, benefit of C. W. CLARKE. GEORGE'S CANTERBURY PALACE, open day and evening. 627K Broadway, opposite Lams Kerne's theatre. GEORGE W. SHL KRAOUR. IBTH," 'MUSIC' AND "BONO." Come' Hotel,'' lit LiHprnnr.l street, near Broadway. "CLINCH," GUY WAMBALD, KENNEDY. TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS. FRED. HILL. M1R mvsical. A *0*2^7*SBRS-MA0kTfT. UalfIt.prt.-e; nwIJtLw l'?u"?nn'7J^ c 0yALD * CO- 3? How>-ry, nrar Kourth M. 4 I.ADV WOI-LD I.IKE TO MEET WITH A MFvri v ??b, lo'injtruct Tn'thJ. Mm.trel t'X;v?rr. ^o,u- * a: <?*?". lull iron pUir. rmraw !Jn?l with*? uailo1" ordrr, uaa all moiurn irnpror "min^ 1 1. U, inoludiiut ,tool and oovrr Ah., p7rlo?ir ?!JLi. ' . xasjp*" '?'" ""?? ^Jtssrsssrst tt^i-S^SiJ^SiS J?s, Kijjhth nvenit#*?Thorough itiaimr:inn H ^ ?twt, n^ar Pt&r }?ss&T* sk jtfaiaftsw Or ?,. .. .to.,, Ailiir.M a" ?t L" \\r ur?iio ul*h KvTttA 0.00^ ''IAXO. WORTH UZ ",*lrumenL A<llr^i"i"c. Tgr7."'bo*?!ai{ I&4 $loO~w^I 2!f* OCT^Vt NaKOS. ? BOSK* a ^ v.# di"? ??ossr??ufl5 '?Srau teS^and'are' lltf'grtirtr ? ?!?? $*( iaS! ?? ?A'E'Viir T^Tr* $175."^,^'^, ?kvk.v octave j rouad coi i.rr?, wnvnuno monldiJ^Ti Andl/ro. Wr?# , UlOllldlBC* >l| lun rk", nC ' l*" rOW*?< ''(W.WOO.l Il#) '7 1,' 'J'.. *""1 c<" '? nveratrnn* ham; ,-oai -lu'.t Brookitl^i?S " *WM (ar A44S hitfh | rt, Brooklyn. A caik cuatomei .hail or .aliarliMj. IRITBUCTIOV, A LADV or EXPERtEXi e WHITES AN oiniiit. wisss x AJ'JR^SP^JSSSS^ 8?tME ^EA?^"? ".4rM,r i-' " *' M14 Mm, 1 uf^whooL draw 1 ok. ^^ maV il-''-"0^ln ?'1 i'?t'*Yniw.trl. ot,l? 1 3.114 r'iloBs* Hleieuca. ?ivro. Addrua. M. R.. Vol 4'SHSW. un'liu'i'itad"fdr $H)1 ' jiBfAXT, ^TRAITOR, PACKARD A PKVVri iiiu ion U "Z'nJ.CB' >? k' ? ??? 7:*;f J sa G?f.M.AJSn,TE?*t'"KR WA**BD-^?> ,7lvVtE^il sf:s, In Dumar'a DftiSu Aca^m* \ 'o^ruciioa T'"' or POLITICAL. 0nosni.rTT TO D?ai<N-r?tic Coiuuiitt**? ot ih? Si?wi.n\????K ?Jert?'?,?ni%n an.,, Secretary! P^ tDWAUO I'ErtTMiKR. 8rcn?tary. MinviVALt \R. COoi'KR, U Ol'ANE STREET MEMRK14 at tii* u ttir ?renin. irom a ia lb. mornlus uuul ?KI)1CAL. D' bw ixxuultn I liiiiir ei an ouid irnm m m ? k- _ ? y ill tUr trei.iug ' lr?? 5 IM lbt truing T\R K COMBBTT. MEMBER Of THE NEW VOltK SKU- 53E&T2? H ^ Afar^rs> ? ?^tVfcunrc.rr^ rjOPTOR Ill-NTER IIIMSELV - Tilt FHTSICfAW J/ Who .".lal. i hr.l the ll ton i *n D.ii-cuMrr 1f,> 4 in.? S?E?:;:: DR. CHARLES LL'TZR. OBSTETRIC PHTSICUX mtto Op Oil t .4,1,1. n, w .hi,, Ibei,, I,.s , . ,|, Ai?^, iiv ?,D uwrMaiiilliat h? II*. no rir.l in no, ,. ,' * ""? IIM.SMAIvhI chll,ir,n. C.ii hJ^, !\, I' * "'C ?:1 ilriitT .? I I. prlvair room*, H ? , Br<>..|? . v v .? .KUU" r..? 10 AM to * P. M 1. Albouio .; .t. .^vv^ b^vr"s^r,b1ivf^wiM*u 70,14 kkr till P. *' ,to ?rt "?<? ? w to 4. ana 0 I^ST/T ?lKRs- ?o. i,ii? wp i?* eirouinr L*m E8t. 'vihh ; ';ST,''H . i-owkrn "* ,2 i.aiuiit ' 'IB .00 g,?? I( 1 on rr. a .a ? , "" ',l1 ?-"n,!"?"in W? it ?... rr?; n--? i,RoT!Jo.:0,,,Hn:yEM; '*r? sweet, oa* N. V. In Bionkiya. I?# Puiiaa atn<M. U'7-^ L,b" VV "y M,.r..rNV, 1 r?:V'FT..V sfRRT r, r k!*ro f"r" ' \ *w'",nr? Wrhuir, taowo-l" hy.l' ic*'"1 I \*tt. Iw'pay*iui ovi'^."1'^ CUl,,u v ?' AHVHHKm. I AURA KBKNK'S TUBATHE J Leoaee Mias MAO'. IK MITCHELL. NOTICE.? CHANGE OF TIME.? Don r* open a a quarter 1*4it aaveu .I'oigcit; ouotmenoc wu minute* uelore >?st?t To u.eet the wiahe, ot malty U-i leaf au d gcu'b-iueti wbirealAa out oi the utty, the porioruiAooc* will cud it halt paat tew n'Uouk. BRILLIANT SUCCESS or MISS MAGGIE MITCH KM* libs .'ilAUOih iiilCHSLL, ia bar oatebraixU i liaraeter of i an. HON, THE CRICKET F vNcUGN. TUB CRICKET. ITS REPETITION VOCIFEROUSLY Dl.MANDEBt It ..'ill bo r J r. or) liigul. Tito thrilling dtatna iintnalnied from the German by A. W video .r Ba<i, and OOpyrigitt entered by him according ?? Act of Oougriaaa, tot Mm Mbfgie Mitchell), ouuuau ,114 Maggie MitcL FANUUO.N; OK, THE CRICKET. FANolION (her original character), A__ , Mini MAOGIE MrrCUBUk ACT I.?THE SHADOW DANCE. Atrr 2?tiik ;,r anooohe festival. AiTX-IHF. WITCH Of' COSSS. ACTA?THE WILL O* THE WISP. At T i.-A YEAR EATER. Ml..* MAGGIE MITCHELL'S lint benefit ia Maw YoRt ?>u Feniay evening uext, wueu a tuoit attractive bill tvdt ba presented. New bowery theatre. Sole Leasee J. W. I Tnirsday Evening, June 19, THE GREATEST ATTRACTION aver praam led to the NEW YORE PUBLIC. MIES ADAII ISAACS MENKEN ADAH ISAACS MENKEN ADAM ISAACS MEN KEN ADAII ISAACS MENKEN ADAH ISAACS MENKEN ADAH I8AACS MENKEN IB her DARING and T8MHW10 lM*rHUtl&UOQ O? MAZEPPA, maekppa. mazbpps, makeppa. mazkppa. ma/.kppa, MAV.EPPA, MAAEPPA. MAZKPPA. MAZKI'PA, MAZKPPA, MAZBPPA. MAZKi'PA. MA/LPPA, MAXEPPA. MAZBPPA. MAZBPPA. MAZBPPA. malt tag aa ASCENT AND DESCENT. LASHED UPON TUB BAOC of the WILD ilOR.SK, to tad front the EXTREME HEIGHT of this, the largett theatre in the United Statooof AaMlai amid tha PHOUTS OP APPROBATION of au audi-nee that crowded the house trom PIT TO DoME. Twn other pieces. Friday evening, BaneOt ot Miaa A lah laaaoa Meofcsa. NIXON'S PALACE OP MUSIC. Coiner ol Sixthav-ntt-ami Ko irt*enth street, ?PEN EVERY AP1ERNOON AND FAKMN8. A RICH AND V .ililEi) ENTERTAINMENT By the bent aitista In tha country. THREE DISTINCT E.-T iBl.ISH MKNTS IN OKK. ONLY ONE PRICE OP ADMISSION. Operatic aeteciion* in the Paiacr ot Mnai a by MLLB. CARLO ITA PATH, Wme. 8TRAKOSOH, 8 g. SBRIULIA, Sig. ARDAYANL Director Slgi.or DEER Nib Muiiial Conductor Tilt.'MAS UaKBB .Ma-indent Ballet I'erformanees by SENORil'A ISABEL OUBAa. HHe CAROLINE TUELKl R. Mile. HELENS, be nor XIMINES, HERK WEITHOFP, and a auperh curpa of Kren h, Spaniah and Italian Daa splendid nucoeti of the NEW GRAND UNION WAR FANTASIA, composed erpr-saiy tor tbia eatablia'uaeut by UaLar, given with extra Military Bras* Band, and real Cab* con. COM. POOTE AND COL. SMALL, the moat lieriectl. formed, smallest and boat educated LITTLE MEN IN THE WORLD, Will hold their lute raiting Leveee. New featurea daily, and CONSTANT CHANGE OP PROGRAMME. To Garden, Pal ice, Puvilioo, Ac dboenta oalb Children in the at ternoon 15 cants oav ltea-rved seats in the Palace of Music 25 cents Orohoitrachaira In Palace of Muaic 30cents KTIXON'S CREMORNE GARDENS Ll AND EQUESTRIAN SCHOOL, Corner of SLtb avenue and Pourteenth street EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING A Kicil AND VARIED ENTERTAINMENT By the best artiata in the country. THREE DISTINCT ESTABLISHMENTS IN OKK. ONLY ONE PRICE OP ADMISSION. Muaieal Conductor Mr. TOOMAS BAH splendid auncess of tha NEW GRAND UNION WAR FANTASIA. Compound expieary tor the Crrmorne Gardens bp BAKER, giveu with an Extra MtUtnrv Brass Band nod REAL CANNON. In the beanitfni Gardens, PROMENADB CUNCERT MUSIO day and evening. Keircihmeni* of all klndx except liquors, in the Turkish Pavilion, GRAND EQUESTRIAN PERFORMANCB8 every nmiu and errniiix. _ MadameTOUttNAIRE, Mtle.MARIB. 81jnor*BLlSo, JULIAN KENT, CoNRAD BROTHBBI. In the Gardena and Palace COM FOOTE AND COL. SMALL, The moat perfectly formed, amalleat and boat eduaatad LITTLE MEN OF THX WORLD, Will bold their ;tit--rating Leveaa. NEW FEATURES DAILY AND CONSTANT CHANGE OP PROGRAMME. T > garden, Palace, Pavilion, Ac 25 osate oaly Children in the atternoon 15 cents lap i("i rred teats in Pavilion lSccataoolR CTaRLOTTA l'ATTI WILL REPEAT J hiGNOK MUZIU'S DM Lit,1ITFUL AMOUR POLKA Tillj EVENING, AT NTXON '? PALAOB OP MUSIC. rpUOMAS BAKERS ORDINAL L UNION WAR FANTASIA, lUtled nightly with ace'.ama ilons of delight, 1? repeated 1'IIIS evening, at NIXON'S CRKMOEXK GARDENS. jgARNUM'S AMERICAN MUSEUM. The new end magnificent Drama, GWYNNETH vAUQIIAN. This afternoon and cvenlnc, at 3 and 7K o'e'odk. Concluding, at each r-nreseniailon, with the Fares, A JOURNEY TO RICHMOND. COM. NUTT-T11K R*1 U00 NUTT, MASTER DUDLEY WALLER, The Iutaat Orator, At all hours, and alio at each dramatic oerfimaaadA DEN OK LIVING MONSTER ;<ER1'ENTA. Fed erery day at 'J o'clock. AQUARI iL garden, With its myriads ol beautiful living tlah. Ul, OR WOODEN OUN, A SOUTH AMERICAN IGUANA. ALBINO FAMILY, BEAR SAMSON, LIVING lATff FAMILY. BEAUTIFUL WAX STATU ART, Ac., Ac. Admission to all. 25c.; children uartet tan, 16c. N. B ?The Lecture Room hat be?n newly and thoroe^dg eciuilaied, and la aa cool an IeOSlfo~*ablu thta hot weather M a mouutaln shade. TJRYANTS' MINSTRELS MECHANICS' HALL, X> No. *72 Broadway, above Grand etewaR Monday, June lb, aud cvery ulght during the week, THE RAW EECRUITS. TIN PAN O-NI-OSL BLACK WIZARD'S ?. 11. 4L THE BYRON'S. Bph. Horn. 8. C. Campbell. P. J. Peel. B. H. Florence, Daa* Emoiett, T. Olttliiga. tlTw. Gould. G. A Fowler, W. la. lio ha. J. H. Ha . on. J. Morrison, F. bporer, F. Leslie, 1 HR> ton. U. W. t'harics, LITTLE MAC. NEIL. AND DAN. BRYANT PLANTATION RCKNE?ON TO MICHMoMD. Doora open at 7. Curtain rises at A Tteheta, 25 ova. NIBLO'S GARDEN. ??*?* BENEFIT OF MISS CAROLINE RICHINGfi, ? FRIDAY EVENING, June 20, 1W. when ehe will appear tu the last scene of the urst ad sf LA TEAVI ATA, and stag the celebrated SCESA AND ARIA. To oenclude with tne OPERATIC ROM ANCE OF TUB SYREN, In which MISS CAROLINE RTCinNOS Will sustain the popular character a? Zeriiaa.. - The Syne MR. B. L DAVENPORT, MR. JOHN GILBERT, MR. JP. RIC'HlMGSh will snttaln the leading characters. Hoi book now open. QRORGB CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS, MS BROADWAY, (Opposite Metropolitan Hotel.) GEORGE CHRISTY wllF opeu at the above at Hall on MONDAY. June ?, with a ini>ertor company During the reaves the Interior b-e i entirety renovated, and ihe liall will be found the n commodious and brat ventilated plot* Of amusement la city. F ill particular* In th* bills of the day. Adnun.tti e Twenty-nee cents. Doni s open at 7; to commence at 8 o'eloek. Brooklyn academy of music. GRAND EXHIBITION A* D FLORAL promenade concert, By the Brooklyn llortic iltural Socn ly, In th" Academy eg Music, Montague street, (s'agc end par<|iict hat been (lootaG. over). Eihinitioti of new and rare riant*. Fruits ttd Flow.rt. on Wednesday ahd Thursday, lHtli and 10th. Tickets, to Don-members, 35cents swh . Grand f total Promenade Con> ert and Strawberry PsMR yal. on FrMay evening, 20th. at 3 o'clock. Music by DoA worth's full Band, Tlcketa SO cents each, iueludiug refresh taenia. CARORGK'S r OA NTli RBURT P ALACK, open day ami evening. ?i?K Broadway, oppoelte Ls ra Kerne's ihes'nv GEORGE W. HHURRAGIML Hail the happy news. \ ICToRY : _ YICTORT! The proprietors of the Parisian Cabinet of Wondern Wo Broadway. M Broadway, Nett door to Ball k Black's, beg to Inform ihe publie that, having made eitenslve addi tions w hlch Startle Astonish sad Astound the wodd.thSF have reoprued their Emporium of CurleetUee which com WONDERFUL. WONDERFUL. EXTRAORDINARY, EXTRAORDINARY. MYSTERIOUS, EXCITING. KJC'T1!?* TUP. ILi.ING, ... SHRILLING, UKSURPRMBABLE, . ?CIFRTtFIO SCIENTIFIC, EX,UI8ITr invallablr, HEALTm'L lEAuftfUli Z OUAND AfD "^?0RAT*L,TBm*Ttvl, iNsTRucjjYg, fmmom. 8URPIHSING. SOUL INSPIRING K KALI TIE* OK ALLTHATIR INTFRFSTINi.. . L . lAGt.' MARVELLOUS. AMUSING MARVELLOUS, FAMOUS FAMOUS, fA" ANDTBULY HUPERT SUPERB, 8W,B ? ISPIRALLELRD A! the costSI . "XI the p .pro .ore have ebtatoed (tew Vienna the far fame I and psms ned GERTU, in the world PreaeaaeeS hy onnotsaenr" m heme vary Ne Plu" I'lira of p rfe, una, sod I Nl'ftKCEDEN i KD I Oh FEMININE Ri dUTT open fir gaattamse >aiy froat Hi'i id AJiuimgu *"'!