Newspaper Page Text
IMPORTANT FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE CHUT A. THE FRENCH CAMPAIGN IN MEXICO. t)ffl(ual Reports of the March Towards Paehla. Mevere Engagements by the Way and the Mexicans Routed* Exciting Scene Between General Prim and Admiral Heeler, of France, and the Alliance Dissolved. Spain's Dread of the Monroe Doctrine. -IIPOLEOVS PLANS FOR FRENCH SUPREMACY. Stance and Russia as Guardians of the EColy Places in Sarfeev. England Awakening to the Military and Natal Power of the United Stales. -England Acknowledges Her Sua bility to Defend Canada, &c., &c., &e. The Canard mad screw steamer China, Capuin Aa?Wr m, which left Liverpool u about two P M. of the Kb, and Qneenatowu on the 8th instant, arrived at this fort at bait-past twelve o'clock yesterday. a ?amber of paesongers, the mans, auu our European Lite 'or raven days, to the 7U> of Juso. The news by the China hue been anticipated in a'.S its .main poiute, as well as 11a financial aud commercial re ports, by her owa telegraphic advices, delivered 01T Capo Race, and published in the Hekaj-d last Sunday acd Mon day mornings, in synopsis and detail. The London Star of the 7th of June says:? At laat the dirvet trade between Liverpool and Mew Orleans has been reopened, ard the pioneer vessel, the Antoinette, a line ship of MM) tens, sailed from the Mer sey yesterday cveuingf r New Orleans Who only cie-.r ance wuhiu tho i a?t eighteen mouths. Hie Antoinette had on board a full cargo of sal;, M:o w Ji be s .ccoeded hy the I'ole Star and oilier first ctasn vessel*. so th;.t ere king we may hava to record u ret in of the activity which previously characterized tLo trade between th.e ?art and New Orleans The etouuter Circissian, reooui ly captured by the federal blockading (Lei,cleared from .Liverpool for Havana, ostensibly, but it was well known here, and Indeed those in command of the vessel did nut attempt to conceal the afliur, that the teasel was to rua the blockade, if she could. The statement, ihere:ore, that the < lrcasaiau was a trader between Bordeaux and Bavaria Is incorrect. The vessel 4s owned in Liverpool by a firm well known iu the Mediterrauran trade, the ?serfo on board the raptured vessel was estimated at ?heut $1.000,000?a very good day's w.jrfc for the captor. Henry Thomas Buckle, author of the " History of Civi Hzatinn in England,*' died at Damascus on the Slat ult. The Paris publishes a loner from General Klapka, Jn which ha renounces all intervention in the direction of fee affairs of the Hungarian emigra: ion. In the Prussian Chamber of Deputies, on the 7th of June, the address proposed by the Commissioner, with hertain modifications, was agree >^to by 210 against 100. The sta:<mship More put into Plymouth on the Morning of the 8th intt. for coal, hound to Madeira and Bermuda. It is believed she in laden with materials of war. A letter from Gibraltar of the 30th of Hay says the rebel steamer Pointer was still in port, and'not sold, as reported in the English papers. The steam hip Hants, from New York, arrived at ?ewc* en the evening of the 4th and at Bremen on the afternoon of the Alb of June. THE MEXICAN QUESTION. mKen OFFICIAL RRFOKT OF TUT CAMPAIGN. [FranUx i nns Moniteur, Jane 8.] Public attention tieirg directed with increasing into Ml to the operations or i!i? exped t onary corps iti ea, wo think .1 km wall to a .in op the military tacts wbkh h .vs up to tho present uuia signalized ttie pro aaaco of the Krtach troops in that country. General <io Lorenc ;z, wiio h id arrived at Cur<1ova on the 4th of Ap ii, was proparinr to carry into cxrett.oii the conventions of the if' a y of Soled u.1. when a lotte.' from General Zaragoza, of tiie 13th >< Aiwtl, aunuu' coil htm to v. indraw n etienin soldiers who hail been lett at Orl/aba tor tne protection of tb* aioK in bueoltul there. General da Lurenocz, being warranted to :>xr anything frtm an enemy wh re chaia.ttr he was u<; quaiu tad with, did not hesitate io?pro< oed to the at - .s ?aace of those eicic men, .iad ?n ttie 19th he addressed the followtug order ol the day to the force under hta wunmand Soldiers asr! star.d.'r.j the aaaaiaina" tton* committed on your comrades, and tne enruuraeeinrn1 given to those attack* by the proelaimuloniol Ike M<svau ?everument, I sw desi.ous of r malniug faniitui hi the bat moment to thn aiviiupll-lmieut of the obhgat.oin c .n greeted by tne |.i- of the thro silted P./wers. be I hare juat revel/cd a letter fr?m ihe Uetlcan Ueiivial ?era.oae, by vhich the safety of our at. k left at Omaha, wooer the Kuieguard of eonvi ntlonr, la ula.ra etmly thraa; eerd In p/' v .<* tf euch ftw u < aa ine v>iv r lie fed; let ua nt> rc . on Orutxba l? ttn auccor of four hundred ef on i-o.i.r.i, em Ureatci.ed with a eowernly attack; let ua March to their rescue to the cry of ? V.vo t'E.-npereurl'' Oh the following day the French troope proceeded in fee direction 01 Of tzatta. Captain Capiun, of tbe emit, who commanded the advanced guard, goon l*ai nt that two Mexican battalion*, with lour piece of artillery and a squadron ef cavalry, were preparing to oppose their puaaage. Thai officer charged aud duipcraed tha Men ean squadron, hilled nva mau and took ten man and hi - teen horse* In ibts affair Sub Lieutenaut Lamaire.of fee African Chasseurs, and Mtuche,and pri vate* Bert in, Hand iustock, Ixuneere, Franco* and D*i eille particularly dwtligLiMiod ibamaelv cs. lheMen ean infantry rat rested, and on the atith of Apt it tt.a French occupied Wmaba without resistance. General Earagi sa bar tag quitted It ou the previous areamg with d.Otlu man aud eight pieeeaef art,1.try Uu the 'tist a patrol of tour gendarme*, commanded *7 Corporal Lanrlac, pen erred at shout a mile from the ?own a fro* of rare- a. hundred caralry, preceded by thirty taaoers. Tbe Corpora! feigned a retreat on fetaaba, ib order to draw away the In. eers from tbe main body, and then, turning OB them, charged with his four men, kt.ied two Mexicans aud gpouuded six. The gendarme Yotiey received a lance wound in tl* side. On til j 23d Ihe Mexican Ce'ieral Gairez, belonging to Sarag sa * army, came orer to Geueiai de 1-oroncer. with feO men. explaining bis <1#/-* lion by the eitvct produced en thv Mexican army by the pi ocUumir n of tbe French fem-ra!, aectaring that he made war only on tbe govern ?s .nt oi Juarez and not on the Mexican people. Uowcral *0 Ixirancc*, who Uli on Ik* 27'% for 1'iuLUi, arrived on th? rtt'.li at Ac iielnK", where he Irtettdsd to su p (or a day before aceeMing the Cinrbiev hut ab >ut m? ii a ?lia p tire ofmiuiketry f rom Ihe sdvsneed gua d led lilm fees ect a ?#. lite iwsiticnt* he taken was a hill about wo yard* above the of Acul tttngc, tha hill wa* very woody an i ihe posiiUu formidable, la *]>it* of a henry lire all tbe Mom can Erttima were anrlM with great energy. Tiie exlcaaa lust two tnu muin huwit/.ers ami twenty prwi'ers. General Zarageaa aid o ?? defend the aif. nd ?t?*p of ihe Cimbr**, nhich l.i only three h ndr* 1 Erdi itgh. The sombat ef (he1 imbres ccittlie Ficnch . . k.. id and twerity-eigbt woiadad. Among tho latter are iteoaat 4m Copnea ef the M nnes, lud riub tiei* geu uit i?tn ire. of lb* Airicaa ( hnsseuni, but, Jtari ny, thcr won d? er* not an ni? When tbe dc- aichoi Cen rw -l* Miroo e/ came ?df the ina? -i Uie Mex.cana wus a> l km wulbut it i* erldeat lust 'aragt *t taai?<| to risk a haitl* a >th tieet? wl. se uatae alone no* already caused gr? t dlsoooragsment D m* rrmy. T. e i.ealth ??!' Ibe I ran. Ii a, my I* excellent; tha case* et yeilnw fever u.ily been evesploua. and have fa .on niuocg (he men win. Ilrst arrived in tb* country. The to.cicr* are in ''jcel cut ep'.rif, tliey bar*<l?aco In ih' ir rhir'n if. ih*i. *? . at the *i.tivipv.ien or a ff?ib?t Tlies.rg at Ori/sbo ai? festaue ' miliuboi t iituathm, a?! tbe a n y, ,n mivanc M>i on Fcabla. n ut with a io> ei tiuu iroia the peotde which pr ive* that the nirsu a of *.ne Irench la a* waii ?adersUMtd as it will br laitlt. aily fuMiled. 0CNK1UL IB LD'irtCBZ'S aKPORT. .I'.om lb* r?i,* Mc tnteer, Hay a i A fwtpatch Irom de htt.uan, Ua.ed RtvoMc Ma la (*na .a, Apnl ua, iayu.?the ir>o;e under my ardor*.had y*atoi day a gionous eotnhat, winch will make ? MtMatloa in Maxico. i.eiu ti'/j.og ,y.ahai bee> eus ?etsiru.y driven from all tha *tr nig posit. >n?i m the rirsbrvs Muuiit >io J. Tit' -e wc * i.pjy g* g vOP tufantrv, gn# cavalry and eightf en gum I U net a .vareef ti ? anomy's i- ss, hut Wcuerai Aoiiaga lnd hi* thlrh broken, aid hd> 'eg war ampul.i'od I ere. t.r. .oral y.arag?;-a, wh t alt. t yvtioi day ai \*Canaus. intsi left in the direction of Fail mil. Twenty priecitcm and twe i..ountabi g uh have ttvsu rnpt.irud. It we* wis he Zouaree, tin i r.,t hat. fall n of CluMMU.' aa-l i*>' and a so idr.-n ? Cbaseeurg d'A rbp.e thai 1 earned ah Ihv rwifiM ua of tbet-h b?-?*. liw " i.< ' vHiiuth reu.maat *a I toe iiaititiioo of m<. <c?. eupp<.i tiugSMI T? . tt#.ia . io of tho n o>ps a ts s.,w Ine. 'ih?j* duah woe irrMisltbna i have thi ty-teo feuo i;#d. A t'MT AI, f.t GRtT(R'tg'l) PTFOHr. I'M** J' eg/ duini ? eoatte#of Lono >i Tttncl 4.TW'?< Jat an la (hay on, .'ho u b.j retigga lo France, writM from oa board the Moo??{??' date of lb* Mlh of itoy.?Tt?? b>?owiM w to wrda the aituatuia in which 1 taava a?i*IBlB? f ,vl Tha Mvemuk excited by the b22 Spaniard* had no compMaly ftatafj***. j.*?* able to reUira (m Orizaba U Vara ?" ? ^rlJ*lnDcllkh^, which h*a only thirty h^kh. had only thirty men wuunueo. ??? Uauiih. tauKted wjtu tMTSoSiS.*?& t?? ? Th* small number of tickloll aton? m thia long taUie ririMB have not ? Singla hot oountry. In the 11*01 ilie ir? ~ h i1M_?i-b*ui* tat country in <?* ^ hM.ol-tnUt.* mausick, and tui mwiiiAry il* . nf vuru Crux ship i* ?tn*l'y ?*t^a^fy; anepid'-tai* which ha* S^^rTiy^r h^t,^ f?m ??. th* 5?X ?M? deci ?.ls* meat sooa appro**. niHRurnoN or thb KWnt* alliancb on th* MOICO-MMfTINO WKNB AND CONVUMA ^ ? UBWUtAh f-BU. OAD TUB OTHKB MttBBWt. MrrMDOBdanc* of London Tim**.] lV:?a,^ uVtl.7Lmb*yr".a,**- uibnowwhat k ,-ArftiiLiv taken pt&?6 hero,I in tb# toll?wuig u^e^Sed yuu what information I have beeuabl*o fltitbor Tbo CiMsmiWMHwni of Luguui<J* *.ant* **4 8^m tad agreed to m**l no th* lbih ?f. this mohth lta Ei^anMtuwtwa at Orixaba, for th* pari**# ot cou ductm? negotiations there and biiugM.g ttam to a conclusion 0; izaba waa fixed upou aa ymtaw lover was ^?Sli-llmein V.ra Cru*. It - a h.u.thy Wwu, * hundred miles iruin th* seacoast. Th* mrctw of ihe were c?ly allowed 10 proceed to * on th? uud*r ?needing that if. a.ler the eoulereue# on Ih* 19th, lb* ' CoinmiMioMH of the thro* kuroiean bowers coutU not agree with the Mexican guveiaxuobt, they wero again to withdraw their true.* . to \eia Cruz. Th* English, French and ere in-Chief signed a treaty whh ihe Mi-i oan? in which ttay faithfully undertook to pmtorm tbia obugalKB Each gave hrn word of -Honor'' that the go vernment he represented would not depart from the pru m.seeomad*. Too uUtad troop# accordingly to On/aba,and foand thero a very good hospital, with every lucUity tor providing store*. TheFreinai tt? k up | their quarter* about ?v# mile* irom the ">???? *"?r iiav* hcloro thu time tixed for a oocfereuc* the fcnglbb. I Sianlsh aud Mcxicm M.ut.-tor* met A* the drench Mitt Bto .however, did not join them, they waited until the la u l be 1- ieucUCommi. biouer waa slid absent. General ITim the* *how*d great impati uc* of tn* delay and ho resolved at leugib to riu* toward* the Prtiic* uuartc.s to a*k an explahuiiou ol the tia hail hardly gone two nnies, wJton, lo ;vu turp.-ist, lu nd. th* h'nnch army vh-amc nj in arrut. >4r=t came th* cavalry, with drawn sabre* mid carbines loaded and onelimg. l'bc imautry followed, with ir.uekcl* at th* tiall, Lad*d and bayonets ttx*d. The . camo the urti lery every gun loaded aud ready to "number, lie ?"?* ?* imd uskod Admital henier the me.iihig ol ttal movement and told him that he ba 1 coiueoulto asoor Kffiw-fc- UuJ Appeanmoe at the cob*; r? c lie Admiral .e;;li?d lUkba had received order* ? m i'rm c* rclt A uta lwd Ami iron al. furiiur t. ?uk?. He anded Unit no bad h. m-d our sick wciemdaoge. of hoins ma?*m:r#d. General Pritaatoucc protcstodagainst ?ha ? "iT^takou by the French. He told Autuiral itenier ihut ho was vni'aling lite recoul treaty, and act ing in tl.igi ant violation of every .obligation Imposed by tho law ol naliou*, by advancing, arm d and randy tor bait'.o, into the interior of a Mtlo agaiust winch war h oi not been dcclar.d. lho Adu.lra. gave Ilia proreat a d!u?u bearing, and answered thai he would encamp u'i\*>r?i h? w?i? lor lb? Lijrbt aiid tluok about it. (j?aoral ITim rod* back to Orizaba, aurl iufoi med Comrno rlore Urummcnd of what ho hod scon,heard ?nd done. To ascertain if there was auy ground lor the assertion that a massacre was m contemplation, he tbo uos pual and lound eve. /thing quite safe. 11# visited it again at seven, eight and nine ! . *1., and again tound eveiy. thing .Luuit. The commodore went at teu P. II. ,and with <?.. ^iiua result. A* there was no evidence ut any plot of the Wiiul at four A. M. on the 20th, G-'tierd Prim thou we.tto tha Hon lean Hinisier.auu told hun that ho would return to tho French quarters and urgo the urcessity ? B.r.ot to .lie coodition* of tha treaty. A* all the MAiiiardr- had gono U> Vera Cruz, the Mexican Minis ter insisted that he should be accompanied by a guard of l.nnor of ? no iiua.lrud men. . Geo. l'riiu, be wever, did not wait for the guard of honor, I,. hc^ out al oucc on horseback towards the French eu ca.m mcMit Imagi. ? his sui priso at finding li e army in advance again, mcm he day be!ore Uo rode right into Hi* middle of the Krouch staff. A* he passed the F ronch Admiral the lattor saiuUd him with ? bun i<.ur man Annrul^' but the reply was simply, -^ou jouri.cuera! When thespaniali c iiinm..dcr got into the mi idle of the Sta.1 ho took off hi* hat, Imwed'all round. and sail, 0U1 cere and rontiemen, you made this advance yesterday Sdcr ttc eswise ot your being in dagger. 1 hava visited your sick aud chief mcdma. oflices at five, seven, light and niue P. M., and foimd every lUitrgquiie sitiC. The Kuglivh Cotnmodofe visited your slci at ten 1. M. , vnh tbo suuie satisfactory reiult. I visited them ag in zt four this uiorti.iig. I found all qi-tot, aud was assured bv your own ru-dical ollmers that they arc as mvc as in tho mmdle of Fr mce, the .Mexican .lOpuUitKm sbowiuu their g'lod feeling by the readmes.s with w inch they<sup ply them with provisions. Now. gentlemen, ho auded, ? I havo relieved your mince on this score, and 1 beg of you to adhere b> tb# solemn promisis you havo made, and not to advance furthor." At first there w.s? no rejdy to this protest. At length, however, Admira B icr, after some talk with his ofll cers turned to IMm.iiudsaid that ho hid received re cent'orders from the witich absolved him from bis word aud the treaty. IIt had b'rn wuliwchd not -o treat u i'li the ile-icant, exerjil tn the t&jm <>t .lftauo. i;aneral' r:m mazl.-no reply t" this statement, lie con suicred the tonduct ol the t rench dtshenuruble, and rode away at onoe f-r Ve. a Crus. ju?t us I o eft, the c ** of honor which had been or dered to eso.rt !::m, an I v. hich he had left a mile behind, aud out of Fight, in 'do its api caracee. The * ranch c- t airy at once halt d, and lb# officer in command of U.e trench cruaiiy dm. ended what they were uoieg there. General MeUme, the S.iauisb second in cutu iwau.l ?dvancodfiom tbe Mexicans, and explained that ,,.,,v re a guaid of honor to tleuoral i'riin and himself. The Kron.h colotiei 'ben ordered the M.xicars back, and told Melan.e that ho was no* en A in the F: click liner. Mo lar to ihen persu.ded the Mexicans to go back zt <n>re" xs he was then qirtto U.e from ull bar:'111*. Ail this time the French < nvalry bad been prwRiug close on ?i.obe'i* o! the vi.aril of boimr. s<? m h so ilial the 11. xic?n .'tike, turned round to tliu Fr? uch colonel and asi "d to oblige him by kcepiug Ins men bacx a U tP is Lbe iieople might th?k they had been light ing aci tha' l is par'7 taa rum ing away. Me.anie c-iinc up at the -aino tiuio ;o bid g"od oyc to tbo Sh'Sl laui oii.tor. when sudden')* tho rrei.cli cavalry, with 'it a'iy warning, cliargttl tho Mexicans in t*i? rear. Tbojr wer* quite takon by furririse;'bey had not time to draw their svvofds or un- lmg their inuskets before uvoiveof their number were cut down and flf.een taken prisoners. The .est .scaped General iio!ai ie was knocked oil .lie h,.rse when the atiaek wet made. After he had re eve eilfiom his surp ise he r.uiountad He then saw a French trooiwr order a Mexican lad of Aoout sixteen to dismount. He saw Hi* same trooper draw his ] i?tol, blow* tbo poor boy's brsma out, and then rife At! jmkcU, aH in tha presence of the French officers, wh*. to ked on. Two trooper? red? up to lio.OLi? and ordorcl linn W dismount under pstn of he lug lnime.liatcly shct Me lurn# turned to them in a co. I manner, winch is habitual to Mm, and said,"/ have w> aouU yon ?w?H, it ts no mora tnaa I would expect after whr.t 1 have seeu. Hut let uie toil you that I ani General Uelaiii*. or the Span I mh army.aud that if you blow ruv brzlna ont you will answer for it." Al this priMi th# Fresch ofUcer hiler I fered and Mclanle was allowed to leave st once. lie joined i'rim, and they continued their Journey towards * *fbo lijgllsh canted down their Hag from tba wall of the town" aud saluted the Mexican flag with twenty ona cunt on lb? ?&ib ull. The French have stared the TusUm Hon*# and reve nue* and augmestad several taxes Wbst appears strsi.go is tliat the Kiench have not hisuled down the Mexican flug from the walA of tb# lort, but left it dying alongside of th* tri color THE ACTION OF SPAIN INFLUENCED IT PEAK OF THE MONROE DOCTRINE?A CENSURE FROM CUBA ON GENERAL PRIM. fi'ai is (M*y 3) correspond*nc* of London Times ] Ths followu.f Idler, dated May 27, which I bud in the Madr.d Mo.sierial journal La A'/oa of tli* 2Sth, maybe found to tbr.vt ? Hula Ji?rht on the Ms.*.icon ijuertioii, so I'ar as It refer* to Fpa > and Francs. It is written by Ilou < p. iano del M..^o, who holds a post of son,* Importance in Cuba under the govs,' unci it?that of i Dtre-tor General of Public W : it, la the Ho 1* moreover, much in tbe etmfld uue o; Marshal Serrano, UmO vernor Letters!, uiul was .<"-l*ct*d by bun aa tl e bearer of the despatches to ttp.r.u on the later everts in Mexico. M. ? et Maro left Ms rid on tit- 27th on his return f> Havana. the letter is addressed to the editor of the who, I believe, la a near relation of tbo Minister ol Foreign Attaint:? |k> not be ala'Picd al the patriotic line w hich the ?/? m li ta fol.owe 1 on the Met cao qitesuoa,so iui;>urtani to Hi?? future of K| am and to i?u | II . t :e iu tbe Ame ileaa (I ..nay ubaer-. u that wltsa a Hpauiord S Intake of lb* America* he man* the '.list IrdUs, at web is tbe great c*t fluent of AMflea,) Fran, a bus u lurltiiiiiito end a ctsul terstole In-' reel In allying h.-nctf in good isi'.h t*oar nation, ml in draw n* civMF bar relations v th us. Frau a, urLlch po s - ? n America only Cua (1- * .pe and Martini!)- e, u e* cot aspire. nnd raimot ua litre, by h'-rself to ?tuiniraltou or al solute influence hi rtiaie# country. SI' i?'*s oitdcr? "Tuti th,: inierrttil i.' to her that Oalm efcttwM te (?*inanlttd to Spain, and tint ouro untry should even 'se in H;?oi -li-,tmeitc.iail the natural ami 1 git mate influt ce winch rim is onli tkid to. /, r doing so -he TP"*' tNeprvfeip'etf <t minaCicn nf the 1 ml d Shl'f, vufo". a.n'nU ?'! uifl ,iH i, kijt lark-, A- dtiyihr Jim* kerf. f r lit tid from her inV-ivant Wtr. fro i MUai'.tnj Ike initprUy of Ike Mmim* UrrrUm /i Ik'.y totU j rrti 1 with ail their pmatiful fetal* i f adorn n? ik,- t? i*t a,a of ike <?!iMu of tuba, and nidinp Uu Unpii At to d drag lh? iwl pmitmm. of /It 1st nttmaa. On th? o'itur Land, the Empress, born an I bred In pf sin, e irutil deny lo r origin, am' it, is certain ?be will empty, act! d- as employ, her h.flueticv with tho Eiiiperar Iu irtttlntaAong the ' arnny betweuu Frame ? ?id tbe anon try of bar birth e e her faaoly and 'ho (r stbi of hsr In'em y ami bof a:eci|i:.s reside. Fr-fic-h.ia .ethii 3 t feat" from pain, and fr ,n her she cNi< 'lope, at !e it, ft i Win let a neut aii-.y WhSnevar a r.i, i.irt nrtti > out between het ?ud i .-gland. Every il t, thm loi:c-a,ly i iova- i'e ?0"d laUb which it la i ..m- il l on hat to ebffvutn her rc.atlous w.ih c.ur conr-ry, tba mor-K ?? >.? ? w .-'I \i. ?wj that tho nobM t? u li-* i ii* it ? of ' cStliieo. a ways s.> ?h .oteu to fie'.i roubtrT and tit-if lungt, will netrcr h?r <f ni? ?'e* ii ,i that would l-wer t.bolr itMiej >u ?.??. oi dltuii, i iy in in a tbe IntMrity'if i irlr i?rit - jr. th ? wh hi)a it nf , ntrii *t m l??l. -w tits xiliry 'U t le A-l ot May ? ip ri,, h,,H ,, gw I'anhor y,. ? I irol jott / .'o Am- i.t. TiUt hi Irei n't L'f m it ; ? t '? mi f. ,f ricr' J,.)f the tiir,i%t il ? n*t? i- . ?/ A ' - ? ?? i - itJ- rlhe. Air rit-i ti -ly. fa in), ti.j< .-n oi w i , as ; it -t ii la.r^'l. am' os I t ti' i, it 11? .i? i, yt u?n. i--e iiiWtrust, ' ? ? ?? . c * ? s > blind t tor f'tbs. * r - . o -r * .-it 'in f, t' j, r( rs.i's t? h let i-- s,b it" ? u ? i,i. ?.iw vnnt a thrlrunl* l ,o i e iiu lici lUvtu ry, ws,|j is tse4r jc:y*l vie meat of bar power, bar Influence and bar wealth. Wa wan going to Mexico at Orrt alooa,to avenge our wrou,s, an t to anforaa tba axacutwo of treaties. Had there really existed a reason for breaking tba troaly of I/>n don, which i do not took upou as brokau, wo should bava remain ad tbara alone alone marched on MexM?, and alw enrrted oat tba object of our expedtthb From Juarez and his government?undeserving of tba name? wo bad reoeived a very tort of outrage, rallaatous prum laea and bad faith, m my humble .pinion oar troops should not bare raturuad without obtain trig that which, for reasons so Just, wa datuaudad, and which occasioned from Iba beginning tba' ex|*nbe and inconvenience of tbia unlucky exiemtiou. J beliav* that the :.a.kuU General Prim, for whom I fool much sympathy and regard. uxu wiu.'akti tn this tinu-ace. and mirtaken, tvdlt the English and frenh Pieniyateniiaries, in signing the tresuy of Sal dad,?a treaty eehi h I eared the dq,?i y und importance of those gr ot tuui us. fo it wo may trace all subsequent difficulties. That alee was tba reason why the trench Km perm did not approve the oou ductof Admiral Jurlen da la Uraviere, and Manioc his docility. The Admiral,on tba other liana.did wa it weab minds alwa>* do in moment* ot ruaclinu. Ha wrote un uubacomiug loiter te oeueral Fnm, and extecded the I wits of propriety and of truth on some points. F? r that letter ths Fr.neh government could not be responsiblo, and,meet assu. cdly, u would not bavoa.vised it, nur approved it. But, eveu in case the Ft each meant to have used our troops lor their own purposes, ought our troops to have withdrawn? By no means. It was an admission of our inferiority, and a step vary convenient for Juarez and hw followers, hut very hiunhiaiuig to our own bravo army. Our government has acted with the tact and akill suggested by its disin terestedness and patriotism. In the stale in which the quest loo was presented It has pi oceeued is tba m st prudent manner by accepting the s* Hut Ion oi thu facts. The. e is is* doubt tbat it will know bow to avoid conflicts in future, and provide for all that is importuut to our national honor, and good hirmouy aud cordiality in our diplomatic relations, lbe o,.position, who w.ut at any cost to lower tlie prestige of I no got ernuioat, fol low ou tba question of Mexico the very worst couduct, for ihuir object is no other than ibo very difficult one of upsetting the Ministry. Simple people only think that the ob.ucl is not to allow ourselves to be dlutai d to by the toreisner,and both hue formed au aimuspbers of unjustified passions,of jealousy,aud groundless sus i uion, to the great detriment of our country* iui t..u..loiy, thus goveimueut will Ituuw bow, by its res. lut.ou, its prudunce-and its ability, to act with thj skill and pro priety wliich aro so requisite on this must grave subject. T'heie is ? good deal to say. and many points to e.,p u.u, n w thai my r suiencc in Amarua (CaUi) has ettalKtd me to clearly . te and understand our true nUe'e I tn tlu ajjairs oi die Ifew World; tut 1 want time to say tn re. TUB EXPEDITION CONDEMNED IN PAIIIS. [Paris (June kj oon'uepondeoce oi hoodoo Herald.} In the new number of the ti.vue do. Oeiue M.n.d, , M. Forcade uuequ.vocally condcmus the Mexican expedition; bi.t in Bpue of ibo rhodomuutauo of (jo. oral Almonte, and t o countenance given to b.s pi'OiOi.bions by the Frencn commanders, bo uttboeiivrs that the Emperor has any iuteuiiou ho force un Austrian archduke ou the Mexican tin one. He cauuot reconcile the pos.-ibi lily 01 such designs with " the sound,sensible, and status maiiiike language oi M. Tbouvutiui to Lot d Cow.iy in February last." M. Thouvuuel, it appears from tuo uos patchcs just published, expressed his rogrot to our am bassador that in their first pr. c.auialivii lbe alii d com missioners should have th lUfclil lit to iutanalc .hat the intervention wus intended to oriabhth a stab.c got o n incut father than to obtain re, araliou lor ti.cir griov autes. ii. Korea '.o pursues? Whatever may be thought of cer tain measures, speeches ai.u urccauuali us 01 the French Commissioners, pori.a, s wo may i.avv boon w ong to lake for connivance what ui bottom may have liecu Duihmg but a vitguo tauter alkr. K is to be rogi eited that it should out have uetju uu.ei stood that oucu * policy was opjiosc t to tho interests us wch as to the principles of Frarn e. If, however, Kruuce weie capable uitorly forgetting her own uruici,.lcs, is it puestbit to beiievc that she could be so blmd to bur own iuicrusur fbefoieigu mount chy wtuo.i she U supposed to be about to introduce iu Mciuow could oalv withstand Ihj ell'orts of uitcruat taction by the protection of our arms, At toe moment when we ate permuted to hopo that the occupation of Rome is coming to a close, wo would replace it by thu occupation of Mexico! On :lut . /nosa ut alone, Uiat niottarcuy wotini havt u JunntdiU U ixtermil adtxr-inrj to cotton.! Uie Attune an u'uvm; and u it teriuastg tupjjosed Lha', our government u pie/ainitg a Uo:led of yua. rel ui it our natural aUiea at . ea, the Untiea if a**? l'hcse nuiious a.e so insane that we should b.ush to give thent a mo incuie serious consideration. M. tor cade lio,we for a speedy withdrawal of the French troops, but is not very sanguineou the subject:? Let it be weh understood, then, if we wish promptly to extricate ourselves from tho Mexican diiliculty, that no cue here dreams of such ud venturous schemes. French solilidis are engaged iu this romantic expedition. Ry this time they have, 110 doubt, gallantly plants I our 11 ig on toe waiis of Mexic >; but tne dangers am! sullcriugs to which they remain exposou are calculated to ciuso very s< i lens uneasiness to ail whom political dreams or calculations do not blind to i m of hutnamiy. Mexico is eito iiundreJ leagues (two hundred and buy lrom Vera Cruz, our utile army has fur the basis ol its operations a poi t infected with yuitow fevor, an 1 yet, not to lose that basis, it is requisite to keep the cem.nand of an uue of communicaliou in a eo.ntry probably swarming wiin guerillas. The Rpaelaids ui Cultural l'rim famng us, it would he barbar ous wautof common prudence to have our soidie.s with out reiutoreome ts. It is on them wo have now to rely to repair (us is their wont) our biundeis. lly their patience ami their,by some decisive blow, they may s,.oedily give us an opimrluuity ol withdrawing from Mexico with cm tit. Mi us not, therefore, deprive them ot assistance, and t ike euro not to aggravate our responsibilities by mux i:g tin so g.vlliait le.iows Iu* vic tims uf errors f?i w h.ob thoy are not to blame. KKKACH RKINFUKCKMIMM. French reinioreeineiits for Mexico are preparing at Churbuurg. AMERICAN POLICY IN MEXICO. The I :tltper:Uance Beige id' June 6, iu its correspon d nee f. ou Far is, gives the following outline of tho course the Freuch government iuteud to pursue in O der tocarry out ihe above policy. Mr correspondent says.? The Fmperor Is more than ever determined to pursue the exei utioxi ot bts projects m Mexico, lie is int..a teu.ity, so mucu annoyed n? people supi use >it the wt'b drawat of hug buia and Spain; on thu contrary, his v- -.a tiou leaves htm no re trio to ? ai ry out ho, tun tins. It is, moreover, a mistake to suppose that ho v tsevsr very anxious about the cmdidatuie of the Arch Inke Maxi that it is cny sacr.Iice to liiir. i > giv e it up. I believe that the Em;.e:or never tbo. ghl it posnble to m. ko the .Mux cars aoc'aim that prince as their sove reign. Ihe only m puim g l.iut lorward was to make a parade of di mt- restednnss, theF.ui; eror being very sure that h s pome would never bo so ofaptitclo to the accomplishment of the imperial schemes. Whit those scheme* .ire is cot yet wo.i known; b.u lb y will gradually come out, as ctrcu (..Manor* i.iav facer tfieir tie tthp it.Mi, aiul idH tMiUJdcraU'J oii'm.ea J.? n rld. TaKe it lor certain that the Fmperor is fully lesolvrd to n.cke the Mexttnaa pay full value for the sor. icei ho prop-pes to reririer them, and that our ii.le. wntiuu will not be iimV-ed to a s.ngle campaign. Of course there can bs no doubt that the overthrow of Jtiarci-.'s gove.n rneat ir. one of tl.? objects of our expedition, but when J oar est is got rid of another government inust be put ,u his place, ami the ta-k of proviling lb si will intiiraliy fill upon the f-ench, who, u oreover, will take the op portunity r leaving upon the country the costs of the war, ubicn must needs be cuusiuerublo. 1 have reamo* for believing lint, out qf the ixtyauilUity cf esUtl '.i lung a iu Jf.ziro plausible i varone will be found fer permanently establishing frem-b nittuem o, in tho ionu of a protectorate, somethmg like that of England in the leniaa Islands. Mexico will be made a groat. F.euch co tony, with liberal institutions, and as much or her auto nomy aa possible. It ts thought at I'nri? that a vurt out let fW our munuf xtures may bo found iu Mexico, aud that, under French pre-action, tie country n-.ay he made to produce cotton on a iargu scale. The Far is papers of the 7th inst. a#?ert that President I.irccla postpone the presentation to O r.yreua of the treaty with Mexico oat!) after the. rautt tf the tsar with France. THE AMERICAN QUESTION. A Shrewd gpcculatiou Keren for a Lon don Tiiuei Writer. The New York currerpt .id? nt ol' tho I> udoo Tonrs. reprM -nU the number of ni"a in the federal armies amounts to ub^ut 540 ooo, which in tasurrtcUal for the double wtrk of conquering ilia gouth *ni oftervrtrds holding it in military subjection. The Secroury of War had lulcfiuphuU to the Oovei nor* of nU the NorUtTS end Wc/U'i n b'.ates for vol'into >rr to complete the roll ? f 7(IO,OCO meu. The r-.onUr wiil be i.ltaind. owing to tlio sirgtuii. n of trade and the InlWUoii of martial a dor. The Northern people, he adds, ttght for the r-i .t-r ith-u of the obi-Union in order that they may bo ,.V yfaUl mihlarj a rut meet power t'a Chrf. endem; tkri / errrttine Britain and Franc- , bid etjn-n itlj lirr. A lli-itim, end tut then navU Ike dibitart of th-: fair, of un tie, ut both in the 'ill and Se-n tferlde. Ihis la not avowed in ?pe?'h??, but it is the truth, rim BwiTim car.oo ok cnsrowuKa for tiis nenui-s. The following idler, dated IB, Ireland, was re. eelvod yepterdry by the Africa, liy Mr. John Tocker, of No. 44 Ann street, til this city. It refers to the Itritinh steamer laden will* munition* of war for the roiiels, re ferred to iu our telegra, hie suinniary off Cape Race ? 8u;oo, June 3, lldj. I hare seen an article from tlie Southern Repor'rr In the paper which 1 am nolo; to soi d you. A large paddle steamer, previously calls J the Annie Child*, now re gistered a* the Julius UsUe , hie bean close In shore to the beach at (J ieou town (Cork) tor the last'seek . and there iscelrod on botud upward.! of oue tuoueand bar rels of gunpowder, and is waiting to receive thirty lire tons more of the terrlMe material. If th'i federal party have u sharplookout tor iiT lhay may bo able to capture her. 'lhi.< vtesol hade from t.'orih triorhh. CANADA MT-KT 1?K' -Ml H Ui.'Ft.F An.ttN'dV ISVA cn?rt -can ?"it.ANjr tKorgtr uLtt, o<: iiiKCoLowg SL tO.UK JNtllil SNLi'A r? [trom tpe i .ion fiin ??,.Tuned.] It is ditncult to i?ad " itfi i t rmot on of < me k.tid the annoirm-eoietit t'>at at Up: pieeent t-oe. au . ip.. .. i In,' C: u u;r:" *? e. 'he 'a i:. n i'i Ian nthasr* .< d a s* ? ! re id u - to tho dli for est'ttli?U'ig s *, .t IB lit ; 'l. 'i f nee. f lie province. 1 ne m.i l I 'i i ii? a'dnCM.v I .rain i??ru'? he'fore .r c tl. t ? ~i il e -b ? it ? t. i.i | <? in i <i i p. 1 ne .'[| . t tl ti ?*: I" . < ? ? I ' ' ? 1 to i I lor' 0 ?jP r am. a a i ri*> V# ' i f ,'JUQ n or- 'i a piea.iifs la uli to* be ?tau<*J out wi'v i.i a - try h.. y npNM.ud U a (r?at amount of private lota mm m* oouve. uura. e e ? ? ? Let Canada look car of ally at fear own circumstance?; let bar statesmen study tfee tone of the American press, and tbe strange and inumeutous position of affairs on me American continent. Horn long will the cteii war afford tmplotpnenito 700,000 or, nod Mm r or, If tbe war itself should net abate, bow long will tbe American Cvernmest be able to boar tbe vast strain on their aacea wbi' h tbe payment of such an army Implies t And, when ibe tim? baa at last arrived when,either from tbe terinlnati n of civil atrife or tbe failure of mo ney and credit, tbe United States are no longer able to support their vast aruiy, total u to prevml that aimy frutn nmri km i tonai dt the Northern frontier, and sutial iug its revenge, its love ef phuider and or conquest, in the rich and unwanted provinces of Canada? Ia*t not the Canadians deceive tbeinaelvea by suppos ing thai theee thing* only tbi eaten them because they are a dependency of the ilrinsti crown, and itial tlie mo uiuut that iinlt la broken the dangor ef invasion is de stroyed with it. The danger will be exactly in propor tion to tbe prospects of success, and Canada will be just 10 uiuch tbe in no likely to lie invaded as an independent province as aho wo-ld be more likely lo be conquered. Let uot tbe < anadiMit, on me oilier bund, believe that Iboy have ta their pi etenl connection wi n Or, at Britain a tufftaent prelection rpa nttii.mtion without taking any trouble to delend themselves. Such an opinion u Jounted an a wa'td both of our power and our will. It is not in our power to send forth from this little island a military force sufticient to delend tbe frontier of Canada against tbo numerous armies which have learnt a 111s an.', discipline m tbe great school uf the present civil war. Our resources a e unequal to so large aeon centration of force on a single iioiut; 1 ur empire it too rati, cur poptMa ton too email, cur uniaucmst loo j oucrful. Hut if wo had tbe (tower, it is quite certain ttiat we should not have tbe will. Opinion in l-.ngland is perfect ly decided that tn the connection between tbe mother count y and tbe 00I0117 the advantage is iniinite y more on tbe side of the child than the pareut. We no longer monopolise tbe trade of tbo colonics; we no longer job their patronage. We earn >t nope from them any assist auce for del ending our own shores, while wo are bound to assist in protecting ibeiis. Wo cannot even obtain from Ibis very colony of Cauadn reasonably fair liw.uuenifor our manufactures, winch are taxed twen ty five psr cent on their value, to increase a revenue which the colonies will not apply to our or even to tfieir own defence. There is little reciprocity in such a relation. Should the clouy wish .0 put an e..d to it, we would n -err dr 1 w the ??*,->? ( to defend it, and, If Cana da will n t to j.rjUct lit led pendente / t orn Jotci|/u, neither will Bni/tand, The question is not oi.o for Canada of dissolving or maintaining its connocl.on with Uwat Hrilaiu. Vtui it may dilutive atinoet at plea ture. Tbo question is of dent, oytug or maintain ng its owa liberty aud Independence?of being a self governed commonwealth, or it member, or, per aps, oa is talked of lor the Sooth?a subjugat cd territory of the United Stated. Tbo ques tion is much ;dmpier man the Qsmdlnu.* reein to think If they are lobe dofiii od it all, tiny m ist runke minds to bear the greater pan of the burden f their own defence This will bo the case if Uiey separate from us. 'This will be the case if tbey remain by us. The TmklsU Q,ucs?lon. Paris, Juno ??Evening. The Puttie of this evening *uys it is asserted that Frnnce, Austria and Russia wiil undertake measures ra la'.ivo to U'inicnt -gro fbe /'*-'><? pibhshes a roport an armistice baa been concluded bo wuou the I'.iiks uud Montenegrins. the Faria ?orim.uurt.nt uT the London Pxprm* stales tba. Pram e and K .seta to allow the 8ultan io i ay m ih- a* me of tbeChri tiaus of Turkey a part ol the of tl>e riSloration of the cupola of the Hniy Mil Chra They also reject the pro|M>sal that Austria, 8,1*111. ' varla, Italy aud other I'atboiic Htitrs should be ahowea pi contributo and insist on their right to preserve the holy places. Bepgrape, Juno 7,1862. Tbo Servian government has protested to the guaran tee ng power against the Turkish military demonstration ol' the day before yesterday, and haa declined all respon sibility lor possible eventualities. Russia. Sr. I'tipBsnuRO, June 7,1882. The Nor hern Po-'t of to-day publishes a circular of General Palomeil. ordoring all governors of cillus to con vene the assemblies cl? iho citizens lor the examiuution of tbo plan of ndmiui t.ullou for the o mmuues. It directs the governors to explain fully to thu citizens ihu importance of the subject and the necessity iT thu latier pa ticrpaiiug uioru in the administration of their own allaus. it uecia os thai the government can no longer continue to bear the whoio weight of public alfairs. India. Bombay. May 24,1862. It is stated that the failure of the opium crqp will ca .se no hiss u> tbo In Iia revenue. Mr. lating has left for i- ugland. Shirtings active. Mule twist in good de mand. (/niton dull. Copper?Nothing doing. Opiuin 1.005 rs. Exchange on Condon 2s. '.{d. Government securities?Four per cents, 95; Uvea, 106; fives aud a half, 113. Captctta, May 23,1862. Shirtings firm. Twist improving. Coppc declining. The indigo crop is progressing favorably. Exchange on I/>udou 2s. I. Government securities?Four per cents, 94, lives, 105; fives and a half, 112. Freights 70s. Commercial Intelligence. lavKRrooL, June 7?2 P. M. Cotton.?Sales to-day, 6,00b bales, one half on specula tion aud for export. Market steady. HRXADmnns.?Flour and wheat are quiet and un charged, but corn is, IfnnytblUg, a shade firmer. I'RortMbNS continue dull and drooping. Business generally is m the merest retail. 1IIK LUNUON MONEY MARKET. Loxnoil, June 8?Evening. fen so! r closed at 91 % a 92. American securities to-day exhibited no material Choiigo. Erie shares, 31 !?; Illinois Central, 41 a 46 dis count- New York feudal. 7.1 a 75. The Innds showed increased heaviness to-day. 'in fos, after op.riui hours, were qno:ed at 02 exactly. certificates improved. On the Paris Bourse rentes opened at 6S 85. FAIUh BOIRFE. Paws. June 7?3:20 P. M. The Bourse Las been dull. Routes closed at 63f. 80c. ox-coupon, or ten ? oi limes lower than yesterday. SHIPPING NEWS. iLMUWAC ?0a NKW TOIIK?Tirw DAT. 4 J'.i | Moo* a:?k. morn ? ? 7 .it I muu watilU v.?ro 2 07 A*ort of New York, Jnn* 18, 180ik CLEARED. 8bl|> E Kimball, Ortndfc. Sbunghae?J C Jewctt A Co. sup Aiicu Oiiuii. p binder, London?NearoiUt A Hons. Bur* Jfi.niin Kepiei (Rrein). Katie, Eoutioib-Rtlger 3ro?. Bark Cabot (Hr). .M'lr.nor. Dublin?di Call A rritU. Burk C Warner, MoCunn, W McKce. Prig Ks.u-x, ilievcr, Uiuttay?, Ctrnrt Cause. Bug Andiover (Hi /, ?, Cors, A*?J E Ward A Co. Brig tir.>zim o. Ti.icy. hingaii, ? B?'T tOt|MOn A Hunter. J: .g A' nle (Iridrrt. Mills II .Ufa*?0 K Dewolf. Brl'; b I'et r?. II tains Port Kuyal. b in- N ji n Gould, Siiuib, Maiaga?1< Nlekerenn. Geo PrtAolt, Huiitii, Eicuu, tit?'1' ktiddl- ton. S Jtr Maria Jtuo (Br), Andcrot u, Si Pierre?Brett, Son Co. S brT Martin, Bantu, Washington?Maa:<r. Bohr J Thornton, , BaJtmnre?Easier. S- hr liaUie Iri.t, Mum.urtl. Snow 111!I?AC TTarene. Bear lirn J Cio >per, Oonklln, hiww Uill?A C lluou*. Sohr Soll* M, Aimnt, MBt u?J W McSeo. 8< br U W Cuiummpi, vVeiJvii, Philadelphia?Baker A Day ton. to hr F.hrti Herbert. Clark, Roynton A Son* Bcnr T aticr, P rion, Cainaon? iletnatf A Duncan. Bohr Nautllii*, Tracy, Aueneta?G L Hatch. Bctr W .Tonus Jonrr, Now M< ilfor l?Mnater. 8chr Musjhief, Corltarii, lioati.n?U h llu'cli. S-br I il. llUladell, Bort n? Metoa'I A Duncan. Be ir Caroline C, Pomroy, Wcymoetb?J W McKeA. beltr Gertrude, Hill, Ne.v lli.trit?O B llarvoy. benr prank Plrree, Bnittb, StamforU?O E Imlch. Moop Ethan A Urn, Keens Prorhloncc -H S Baskets Sloop M >tto, Blivrn, N'ort. tcb?C II Hurver. Shop M Gray, Hauxon, I'nra.Hvllle?H S Ra ketl, AKSHVKD. Sir tmaliip Cinna (HiAudei.-on. Liverpool, June 7. and Qu-enfVown 8th. ?t 4 3d I'M, with m ite and pa itcngi ra. to ECunar l. June IS, off Cape Rate, *uw at a-n?bl:i >< mitt rntt. hence Tor Liverpool, and Havana, from Ha * bmg. Wlien .Va' milea rust of Snuilt I: ? .. . tbe after engine lw. . *i dGn * I. ami wa? ou'iged to pr eeed ?im one engine. Stramahlp Bavaria (tJaruJ, Meier, Hamburg. it 1, and Southampton tin, at J I'M. wttli mils* and lA> c .uln and 2l"J atei-nm*paaarrvgtire,to Konttanii A Ou, llail for brat ?U _ yr teavy westerly gau'?| latter part leoraile wratber and ear 'He w'nrts lain mat, IIAM, pa??ed Capo Rh<>, ami wu* ?n v.ilnliy of a many liwbuna; June ?, at 1 AM. tnwwil a fuiltlgged ateamaulp, bonnt E. ?bott.i.g two lor llr.ilt* aud I red. nigh' el? in U: lat AO !. III Si rit ?hlD Coicmbla. Ad.imr. IluTitna. ..'uno H. with mJae and pitaeugrr*. to Spoffnid. file-,on A (x>. Ilib lt?t, ? \M tu Aii'tstntn, tatrfcvd h ig A Ummi . teuintl N. oirsti.aiiip 0? on Duenn (1/ 8 traiisporty. Now Orkana Jinn II !.d K W Pui-a Uth. to D it Aim. Ml, n Colutabt i. hi va it, Ltrerptmi, May 21, wltli milre and 410 ; urmis' ri, 'o ( Tag MaiebaU A t.'o. ?I.iy 14, lal .Vi .Ml, hut lfV' wa in cjn.pen/ will' ablp Antirt'.ie, fnnn fdverpoot fol New Yoi V; Junes, lat4U!M, l"h 43. raw largo , 7th, i.u IS, Ion 48. ?pii te Br bark I Btlep ndont,. r?m Cartna gi'tia for juebeo M di.ya nut; II1 li, lat 43 33, Ion Af> 14, r. a* in eotuoaay with akip R HoMaion, i>o<n I-irerpuol lor New T.trk. Hark Tulxko (llreinl. Dai ne nann, Rirmcn, 43days with tn l?a nod DAtl pa?eru-rrw, to E tnkatt. Bark O ran hglmmer < Br, of HwiierilBl). wmter, Bur denuA, 4d day*, wuh wlnee, A'\ to order, rtli mat, on the U i k*. ?; o*e hahuig vdir Kentucky, of Provtoce u.rn, wttu t 'lllsli ]<ai ? Retwra, Mlchettcr, Rio ,'nn?4ro, Mny 8. with cofT e, to M M Pr u ii A <Jo. M. v le, n h?avy erl- irttui N'E, InCtlBn lop ui tuain . :<? tlntop malic," icreaall, ma n "T t lo in B -rre . Jol.ncntt, P n-e. PR, June ?, with au ?;}" Jt% tlf tk t'j. Hi U Nt llus (laitur i. St fTen, Ml ? Janeiro (12 days rla Bantu.i 11 days "iJi roll-", u v *? A lio. Hri t EA Amhj 'i (Br, m lam auti, aohnaun, Betlze, Hon. Jtuo I, wttli n m|H.v, Ac, tOjoelakJe*. Brk A. tn lego (B.-u 1 M-?t. rno?, Port au Pla'.t, J me A, with lotwyi't. It! II 0 A t rt .'bin 4. A Co, l ib laid, 33 08 i?.ii 72aO. pa wd bail laaure Riiea,kiuad S. B g bit .a. ft lh it >??.'ties June i. with vicar, hi Owen A i ernagte. t>1d m oa.opany v. .tb aciir Mary Steuruan, for NV pgt.. 0 i ? J .M Twtrye 'of (Jui. !en). Milntjre, liatteras II days in ? i'aKt, tnof i 't jjrltr 11 it ?? 'I ? IlavkltIS Kiial, 14 day*. With Ian n ul hide* t.i M-rrdl A All?It. ?ibbo 0, la'20 ion : ih pa>" 11? l<? fi) 'J IWiIe,rtoerlng W; I 'th, im33 :k). Ion ',6 <? <>aag d ?tgtiala with a C B giiiiboat, bark rl.?;ed, ** Bcnr E II I /-n 'riB' , of "? nnrholia N.-'), McK,n-lo, Br!l/e, I i r fill -i' oJ.irab.l ?. Btb luat, of On* hi, ?* '!* ? !r. f in M i ?' 4iu. n e. ,? .Mi \ ,i iiu ' ii ilniigeiown, Mel. Citnimlnrts i l, i i.te A, irttn i?j#091 and iolfee, to lllefcd Tbaeae ? Jn ? - ? r? T her, Ci-:., a<y Meet Tla Cardenas It ii ? , u .1 t? t b r. r.lli.. A C ' .'iii*?B Put *rj. Riutilhern, 10 days *u ?? J Ki * s. I- i^r ami, Boas Key West, 9 lays in ? to ii'? if r. ,, fid *?. C, :1 ays 1 1 ,Vi 1 ".' ? >? . 1 ? town, DO, 7 4bys 4 ''ent 1 ' 1 fU*er, ?. ? l.t .-.a,?. it tor BukWa, Bchr Caroline O, Pnmrov, Rondout for 1 Steuim-i Elieo S Tairy (U H transport), Cbapin, Newborn, Nl' .1 uii? 14, vie Fuj irvos Monroe 2i? Uuri, Willi | s see age re, loDD TuU'pkiBM. Steame Covaack (U 8 transport). Bennett. Newborn, MC, June It. at 8 AM, Tin Halteras Inlet ami Portree* Monroe, with sick and woundeu soldiers. 14th inat, I otwoeu Hall*, rma and Ca|>* Henry, hade heavy sale from NB, with a cross h blob daiomavd attain pip*. ?U>v# ?ulwirki, ap<l aeri eu*ly nUui&ed the thip 81*? will bave to go Into dock lor tfTeamsrWm Woodward. Cundlff. Baltimore. Steamer S A Stevens. Adam*. Baltimore. Slruiuer Black Diamond, tlreen. Philadelphia. Steamer Oneida, Trout. Philadelphia. 8<e uier Saintai, Dunning. Philadelphia. Steamer Falcon. Williams. Prm-Mence. Sh-iuntug J nines Freeborn. Mot rill, Fortress Monroe, 21 hours. 17th Inst, at S? AM, passed liark Kv.ubbr, nonce lor Whltehonau, Vu, going into the rapes of Virginia. BELOW. Fhlp Atmosphere. Harris, from London May X Also one bark, unknou n. SAILED. Stearmhip Persia (Br), Queenstown and Liverpool (at 11:2U AM). Wind at sunset SKE. Miser 11a neons. Back Oi.ivicr J Hater (not as I cfoiei, Murray, from Aa pinwall, hound to Port an 1'rlnrc. to loud wood lor the Medi terranean, was wrerked previous to 7th mat, on a reef near Aux Cuyra, during heavy weather. The captain and crew saved thpiuacirea in the bouts.- and have arrived at Aux Can*. (The O J H was built at Bcllvllle, NJ, In 1846, was 413 tons register, and was owned in New Yoik.) H?rk Lom?a Buse, from Cuba for Fa'.moutb, which put into Bermuda some time since in distress, has hud h?r name changed to Doctor FAS Hunter. The captain advertises for ?1600 on bottomry. Hark Wh Woomids, Bennell. before reported, was aban doned In a sinking stnto on the 30th March. In nil 7 28 N, Ion 67 IDE. The crew were taken on hoard he English bark Anne lieu lerson, Eiffe, and treated in a courteous and hus pHnhls manner, I B S nit Aijmakdkk M, Moore, from Tobasco for New York, ? tli a cargo of maliogai y, oil the 22d of May, in 1st 2351. Ion 67 41. took a heavy -ale, during which sprung aleau, ami upon sounding thepumps found three feet of ? a er in the hold. Finding I' impossible to keep her tree, and the crew exhausted, bore sway for Sisal on the 2fh1, where she was condemned. Cargo mtided o i the I each with out ('aioiire. 1'apt Meere and civw cumo i a-senger*in the a. hi- llari let Brewster, arrived at ihL port jesterdoy. 8cur Fi.viitc Cloud, Jones, Irom Gloucester, put into Yarmouth, NB. 28th ult, in distress. Cork (Passage West), June 2?The ship Charles A Jane from Maiunza-, hauled to the lioyal VI torla Dockyard wharf for repcira. CurRsocita, Jnne 3?The American ship Jacob norton, from Calculi a for London, wld'h was stranded on the Coast, alter he i ng . ot oil'and brought here, bus been sold to a Jer sey shlpower for $65,0001 rutins. Calcutta, May 4?The Atnerlcnn ship Shakspeare, Nor eros-, hence lor London, w-Hli a very la ge cargo, Is reported on shore near llogbiy Point, with los* of anc-tors. Two bimhII strainers have been scut to her Ho-v Koso, April 27 (by magnetic telegraph from Alex atHlritf)?The Lucreta, llard.Og, has been lost on the Praia Shoals. (The l.ucr.iia sailed I mm llong Kong for San Fran Cisco April tO.) Tin- Emma. Sherman, has heen lost on the l'aracels. Qufknstow.v, June 2?The Charles A Jane, from Matanzasi arrived here, la Iraki, 8rRnr.Ri.AKn, June 2?The shipC II Southard, Howe, for Genoa (previously reported aground at the South Dock out let). la a wreck. 4th?Yesterday the hull, lower masts, bowsprit and lower rigi Inc of the ship O II Southard were sold to Mr Barker, of Shields, for ?520. Whalemen. Arrat New Bedfordd 1Mb inst. ship Bossenu. Green, Ho no'. In Dec 20. Rorolanga Jan 25. I'crnauihiico May 12. with 10 0 bhls wh and 35 do t-p. lent hone' 23.504 lbs boot*, o, Lav Old 17th, hark Draco, Lawrence, Indian Ocean. Sid ship Oblo; bark Eagle. Spoken, Air. 17 8 school ship John Adams, on a eruira (waa 4 Mays ont from Gardinnr's Bay, all well), June 14, 10 mib s SK;of Fire Is and (!>? | ilet hoal Fannlo, No 17). Ship Art Union, Morrison, from Liverpool for Shane se, May 4, 1st 4 S, ion 23 VY. Snip Solicrinn, Pendleton, from Ncwjort, E, for Calcutta' April IS. la' tiP2 8. 'on 17 W. Ship Universe, Wells, from Liveipool for NYork, June 1, lat 4130. inn 44. Ship Lnw ri n -e, Johnson, from Liverpool for NYork, no date, at 4130. Ion .ship Wrn Tapscott, Bell, from Liverpool for NYork, Mar 29. la! 51. on 23. Ship Gurnet Bradford. 45 days <Y >m Bosioa for Rio Ja neiro. A- ril 21. 1.1 17 04 S, Ion 34 20. Brig Dh ccior. of Baltimore, lroiu St Cbes for Rio Grande, April 2d. lat '5 lO S. Ion 3:> W. Br brig Sarah Ann. Itound to New Haven, no date, off Nan'uokci .-unilh Shoals. Brie Prrto Pla a. from Port au Piatt for NYork, June 17. lat 36 AO, Ion 74 40. Foreicrn Parts. Avrwritr, June ??Arr S.'ih Vp a?'.ie, Tyaon, NYork; 4th, M R Ludwif, Herding, and Hoppst, Overxuard, do; 6lb Arctic. Zereca. do. Ai r at Hushing fth, Goo A Phll'lpe. Whittle. Anx Caves. Rid May IP Kft I'.ligi.t, Il.i lac, C-slh. .; f nnsigimenl Ttflt. cr; I llv. Kran is. and Jobaniia. Domke, Now York; Jtu.s1, Adele Clausen, rtn. Bflfast, Miv.1l?Arr Alex McNeill. Rummers, Philidc; I'll'a; June 4 On ward Cnornhs, Baltimore Hkacht Hutu. June 2-OfT, Vouch Helena, Ilidder, from NY >rk for Amsterdam. ItoKTiFiux, June 2?ArrU/xle Rice. Rley, Baltimore BRKXKRiravrK. May 28?Arr Christine, Alimeppcn, New York. . B'V,2.*TA 7~Arr Crown Point, Knapp, Boaton. Sid Apr I 27, Sinbeam, Udell. Colombo; May 9. VuMure Gill P? nine. In port Mar 12, ships Mogul, Spooc?r, for NYork: and others as h?- orc. ? Bf.'.izr., Juno 1?In port bark Edward Everett, for NYork 7 d?yr. UKRvrnj. Jure 7?'"Id bark i Brl. Cbaiaem, NYork; ?chr .lane Uiivit.'i, Palmyra. NBedford. Cowcs, Jiiiu-J?Arr lianaa (a). Von Ranten, NYork (and (Id for Bremen i. C -Rtnrr. June ft?Arr TI V Barter, Ow.-n. on i Po.-ah.>nta? I> l.ino, l.eghnrn. Sid May 3b, sh.mI i?cke, BwivUer, Cal lu->: .1UM-,, Punch, WTliatns, NY >rk. Cloi\ST.?0T. May T rr Vo est, EralNYork. Oiout, Mavd Pant i. D- niiemaiiu, .v.-. Orleans. Cm. I *'-i, Mav 20? A1 r Critr, I Ian on 1, Gem.:.. Cammjtts, Vac b?Arr Add'toa ?ill ft. t'ook Sunderland Sid Apr I 24, Mobe. Uondholm. 'j h. Cbiri'na Bird Bird Sin- sport: 27tli,Starlight. How. a, Huston: 2.ttli,Sii?k*. p. arc, Norcio**. London /Re- MIm cIi., May lft?S!d ah'p Kmma .lane, Jordan. Eip-lninl ?? li i in, Pnio.a. Chlncl. iH, 2s.b. Harry BluU", Bclinan, uud r. ? -? iliitrk. r.imi.c. c.'ilni liae. C it* rvf. Jo- e li?Arr brg Jiteol'JWk. Srvenson. Jtrv W tl Sid <"11 b e P.ilfe. In., !.n ,, i.NYors: (f ten ,,f tie Rout' . Hole ? s II if; l:l;h, I uinll-e, 111 Mj . and M..;i -y ? Suiilb. 1'h'lnd'Iph'a: Mo .t.-.. e. N Yerk; J fine R -loer'los: A D Tor cy. Gil ?.% "? to ira.1 ?? Hi. ok i.raf intn. 1*.???? nm'; II K t ori'. sUnll. Rw .in. PM!a>li,' .a r nv-TTir.'s. .lone *\?Vrr irlr A It Patters, j. Km If, Port Span; St., bur s Hoivland, NVs n. Boston: Jib, "C.iris i in.'T b n. f cm; Sr.; II K Colth rM. Eroere. P. . t el re; >t i, o irk ''line Ike. I'm,..*. Don.a a-. ? I. > Cull, 'li-k. T'lut!, Phil,lib !|, in nt!-. shlo '?Vnyo.'' /"lis.' s-n. Il iara f lit 7th. far a Mails, mo' Ake'i ' NYo-i In h, Imrs Klorenco (Br-, Philadelphia; brio Naiad .Mr)' NYo;k. ' l)i vi, .Tunc 1?Arr T.oiulon. IlsrU-iii. London (an-1 sl.l for NYork; re , Irvm-, un undid'. Boston a id -Id for Lin.loa). ltd > 3'. 1, at hay. Rennci], Shaiigbao; June 1. Puarsllbc VY - e, E err, NYork. * X)i Kossrs*. J. ue 1?Passed hy, Garub-a. Ke-in. from Ha. \ana i hi Falmouth for Crous ad I; 3d., Meyer, from N'*w f??r?l for BrPmfn. W. ji.nej?Arr Braver. Chiptnan, and Alcidoa. VYy. lnitrk. N\?>rp:. EouTriKK.y. June 7?In port s hrs Florida, Mott, and A Barn.-s, ?tc carro. I'i 'i-n-TH, Jin.o.l? Arr Prestsstnio James. R'o Janeiro nt i, On te-lvsrd. huiiou, Sa,ua. Rid 1st. White Cloud Oerln-r, NYork. ? ;i.?s oyr ;i|.ie7?,trr Tbcrete, D ane, NYork. 3d S-ie Sin-th, Ocoeeetftorn, St*. ' Sl.l io n ll.e Hv le 2d. Maid o' Orlcaa*., NYork; Bin. Hun* lie' Ulniicli.Olavo.NZ. tlevi v.a K J. lie 3?Arr Mary B Rieh. Crrlicn, Maianraa; 4t . F .-etuii g, I outer, do: Chris Ni-Htui). M.-nxi-e, Ravoa. Cksoa, Mar J ? Arr H I Emery, Perkins, IJrrrp?ioI; 31at, vlr?.iil. A E trlllna. W'lkins, do. OtrratrtB, May 27?did ahl;s VYeatern Chief, Wording On. ice; John knot. Noyes, Slatanras; Br brie K.iropa, Pseto, M.i/at to snd Bo-ion. I'aevd by do 2dtb, ships Annie Rise, Weeks, frointlarru chn for WojKiit, K; 2!itb. Miiisiiel, CIlITurd, irom Caiiao for Valenebt I, ght easb rlv wfnd. H ?"HK, June 2?1" yueghcl. Funck, NTork. Rid May >1. .Cater, NYork. llAVSt-hq, Ma.- 2!f?Air Darmalaedirr Bank, O sen. NYork; June 2 Ilai.iiuj.iie (a), Hihw.-nscn, do. 4th, P.iua Albert. Plo^ifo ^ Hn iron C'lxhaven 1st. Cat I, Tabnrg, NYork. IIvlvokt, May 11?Arr Mary Bradford, Th -miison, P .eaa n>. any: Jane 4. Flora .M Donald, Pnllcf, Baltimore Shi Mav W, Miiirluva, KogeNman.; June 1, Allegro ' Holler, NYork; 3d, Nc? Yor?, Deivhur-t. Neweastle. Havaha, June III?A-r I ri|i John Belch, Whaler. New. poi l; ilih stra.o-hlpGcn Rusk (Confe. ) Smith, Galveston; l-arh O B Hand tin, Chase. Portland; br'ra Amy W?r? lck, Smith. Boston ; KoyaNton, Baton, Ncwc-tle. *Y; 12th hark 44.-is 1 speed, Danuio. B'tgo; loir Rusk (Br), llesnelierc, N Y-.r*; ?' hr M Koitera, Karr-P, to. HldRtl.s th, hrig Na ittlus (Untie:I, Sleflin, NYork: arhr E M R;rnn., dtronr, 0 lt.m-?rw; 1'Mt. l ark Lnsy Elirahetk, N.chuls, B? 'Imr n; 12th, ships John A, Ryder, New Y'n k Mania Anns, Hales, llainpton 11- ud?; hark, I'eBdietoo. Pal.1 o itn, E, 13(1 >. shits Clara Ann. Coom >s, Bnih Rear a,0, Sawyer, Magna; bark AiUio< h, Gardnc., NYork. t'id 13tU. b..rk E Sherman, Rkshlmrn, VY-nk; btlcOon cord. Smith, do: k hr C D II .rlon (Rr), tier, n, .to. llaLGal, June !<?? Arr ???ar lan e 8nr. Vln -ont, NYork. Jac isi., J. tie (>?in ixirt M htaC II Cook, Siiaras, for New York, 1.1*; D It Den-oil (Hr), in on do. I.'vKKrooi. .day 31?Arr fc C Reran ton. Magna, and Tborn ton, Collins, NY-.r.: Juu- I. Am-tralaa an s). Anu.-i sou. unl W F M.-rrr.; Eva, Pi rry, do; Id. Tnx.-aroia. Il.iu levr, PhiliJeipi.l,.; 4ih, John Ahb rs. M -' - clrl s NYnik Rt Uernsrd. Kelly. Chnnatvl; J r.its;, Alton, Un?M - h Ham. K.llain. ['bliadelphia; ?-h. Kd'nbnrg ,s), Mir lau.* N Y-ira; ll.v Husk. Nioktls, Ala nnza*; otb, Aui. E Moo *.-t' II .opcr. Buliltnorc. ' ' OUT do7t.i, Jao. b B idc-r. f'om . s..; M Miiaton u.-, Ot .ard, P! !L ! -p.hfa foot before)! CI.S. 1 ? p 1 rt Ke ly, Gei coj J'-n- I, Bnllar i, Pldlo dr . li jd, Am il s, H. ter, ae-i t'opr:- I'nm-tt, ?; lit .r N ' > r.ii Mou'hiiriploi!. An-t u, uiid K bsig. K tital, do- h V H- i.l in, H ?rriman. M h; 11, Albert Gull i?n I>e]ann >V I.?k ; Aiiti. Iielt.- R is ?tn, NOr ejsi*; It N Sis-art' - 'hi to.s C).11 Sl.l 1: 4Ml, Belle Wood, i' i-b, .in-l Gloat V.e.tem ? P i- ier. N Y01 It; < Imago v (s), .???; Wll:o .tame, Bdeko sti .??? 6th, i-.n.. Prsf, vne'.ac- fr r T-sdor. Sierer'nui Carl von rreu nt. Is, Mohr, >. w Yors; G. ri..*, Fr'.a.-v Hat iplon Honda. Cil May .11. I. Holdings. Ic-Uad, Wyburg; June 1, Mtinta. Hi ck, ihilt ino., 4tb. Augi U brcaei, y rcnsutdi; 6th. Amrnstn. Taro isthis. ?nd Poles, Out- humer NYi rk Harris* Htm.MIi a. Nooksr. Ro-k!aii t. 1 Hn- o it Mi-y .li, A -oyiH. Young, foi Boston; A leislde Belt. Rnb-ruoti, Pit.I oh Ipi.ia Jnt.e 2. East m ,-uar, NetMv. Mos ton; r.ii'jeiih, Ntilsr. Calonltt; T uiou -. Jo u*on. N)or ; 31, Til. ? a s.| J. D interv, P! Ia'..| ln.i; Citoi-a. Hiikni. Bt Jayodc Ciit-s; Nalsob, Bstt r ts.-nni.oine; 4ih, K I. L .tu-, Bryer. N\..rk; Mh Ksa *, K s't, NOrou'is; Ki.niini C 4e don, ?luctioir, NYoik; Kna (sk do* Ge?r? - Green. Pair* lan..a, I'kl Ii-lelplda fent May 26 for N'trlesna); ? h, C iarg er. Builtn, Hoi.ih-iy; p A i'al.iiSe, I'ss., and tk nasoi, Walaii, NYork; J11:a .1), Cun-is-c l*>y. Mat 31?Arr K O PeH-r, Wel-h. Caps 0- od Ho|>e; June 3, Yurktctvn. ?:#-yei. NV..rfc; ftth. AdrtaUr, M .ore, do; F .nuy P'orn, Canu. Pldla Icip .la; ti n, E mhulu, Howard. Ragitu: 7th. peerless, Blur, M.eiliiisin; Uriatul Bf.iie.Bfwm Sg.e.'P.utO Kl'-O Did 6ih, tlelrees, Clark. NYork; Tynemouih (s), Itsiipsr, 8a. Fran l-'o and Victor's .and 1 Id iro n Denl7lb.l. Knl out Cili, Pauny Fern. U uu, for Bue'011; Uulwn, Jaku, NYork. IfHoosp'-HS". J me 6?Arr Wcaton Merrill. Rol-inaon NYoik. Hid 3d, HlcphSO Croweli, Uur :e?s, NYork. lii'tsHtvK Jnue 4?Sid c -nt-rtafy, Young, NYot-a, Uf.ASk 1 v, Juno 2?Hid Thoe H .j ne, How. .1, K York, rr'tiotr. >iav SB?Arr Ocsan Mec-I, L'on, ;4ou win Hid 171b. Dcean, wti-aef.aib NYork. Iakhpoimi, Msy 2/?eld 1 a Una, Parkinson, NYork. Mahvi.ili.i^. PtayJI?,Wi A v'-iil l, 8..1 ih Psno (Uco. Bid .11 M.n dc Mil er, White. M im n . Old .Imie I, Daulnl Bupit- . Fulia..ol|ililnjJs. .1 , Fiotonci, NYoia. ,v? main- ?, April 10?Arr Manims, H- > ti...leults /and (Id Mi.. 1 .n uef return ;27ih, KingT?U(), >ierr>. NYork laud i ll .11 Hh for H n *n| o ?, a.-). .M,.t HAS. Ap< 1 26? Ar- Eiln K ' adirer, Hca >iv. Greecf-c'c. M.'i .?'?*. Jn.te 7?vrr c/oj Ai.i rlc.ui I ton, Bsrilett. ?; J ? ? i f As Hei i ,-t vni-s. 11 iivo, C .Id. I,as jgi 1' .viitor'. O.'f -i -o; .1 Gt-c, -i i- " , Ke / W c-tl II -V' e.m.h "... y JP'-'.n ; UU Model. D-w. i*o?t; ,n I; Alia V . .m, l.< ? i. no I 1 t-loi .i*, n*1.; il Cat ? u- ir U 1. B.10 >. Uu kit. .3 gl. ... It.. . p null ? ' Bl.t6'l.. "r '< ,- li l-r, ?V |. pk I) Prs-e lilt, K? li r, I ,i'n ,4. l i * i'aMi ids lit ?( . i .1 ?? ' ? j 1 1 "' *?i 4 . 11? pv!< JlAi-iG d9 "riiffc I/4.IJ aN.ullvul I'!**?* Wig fit*! .9TS br gs Mary % Thompson, Ha nor. for Phlladaipb) Aifr. U, Hulloak. for lug, to anil la 8 day*. Nkwo*nil>. May ?8 Bit oul, Con,lor . Bnhirua. f. York; 31si, Julio, KraeH, NYork. Juno 8, Petar, ~ SlSWsJStf r OrokTo, May ks-a. l P C Warwick, Green Car.ll* 11-0 lh# n*d*1 *?* fof'NY^k.0*"- JUD? London'] Ho?^";,*??aRrA'T,HVi4n?- EMU for Curll.), ( NYork. J*m" ? Coa"l aex"d^'.Ju,,e6?,n b,rk Tiv?l*. Brown, for p"".*T,r.f-JT' Jl""* Am *os?el in port. Qvnsitol^ M^Il /. Mi.lkau' **"??'. NVork. ?- n Whito NVo kV ? rAJT,?i?.,nue1' M.lro.u; Janol Mlonehabt P.rr. 'v v '^' i*!'1 0 Da". Ki" "raudt "'.r. Ho\am7do.K io'k; *tb- **?'*? ^^rgno, H^V,firr-NY"yrk-S'dNlcbbU'*' ?"d? BiaWintiZttZ- ^ifcnton' Lowde"' (.rrM^l,U'4~lnPUrtll,'"0"r iU*"n(kr *? ?4 Kr Johns, P R. Jrine 4?In port brigs Fran.?? t- ,,? I tin. lor Baltimore In ihr. a .lays; CbatUnooSi |Vv Baron.lues, |Uht urr. ~??i*iiot>ga, trj, SrJaoo, J"ne2?Arrh iraTwo Boy., ConkUo Km. Pr'rktoi, Sor";"er"r"l!"' Borimdoea, #Ul> A Kelmlo,'. Parr, NYork; scbrOPlEm BcUaaldo /uh Sfpsite; aiftfYfcSgijijte rt.', Tlical, NYorkVSib. UaLfi^j K^S^m0n- ? LlT^f^,3^1." *",n e' ip rorest ^TkUiPAk^une 1-Arr bark M E Trout, Maddork, RaArroblp Elizabeth C.-liio Pl| Kan fran. ben. M Mth. rfhlp Simoon, Loucl v Hw/ (Be. ore reported trltho t 'sles.) ' v. *??{? . Anaartoa* Porta. Kce i,'(i,H,uVieIl"c~iA", "CT'* ;J A "uropalilre. -?I Sophia Ann, 8 . lAl; J. L S"ir,"' 8h*rp^oVcmn !?!?' ' Co. sntutlon, at rout, inn Flyaway, u.,. i* I'hlln.i >>h o^i,Ha.up^u b^tj v;: i::; K, ? J I'll <?/. . r* ftVork: ss'.ir Pre, less, Paitcr-on SRVsi3iw?,?irH bRT?Tm"n"m' ,K'"ld. R 'gland! U 1'' port. 8 Mirjno^mr^^rno<^OI^din,,U:,i kn.l Cru oe. P.. ,t 'nYo' k ld sslir3 Carroil. Cu JylT""' WnC< Key Wret EAO> S0 40?S41<1 steamship K. M "Vn/n'^r " nf | J"ne I3~Arr bart E E Wm ? ,e"k"'"' * d^hbia,Ua;''nn,r,?l^in P"rt "ark Relnd""'. *?? I kla.frv' Newark v'i/ti"" 2TAr; "Mni?Wp Ooui/a.yJ ^Rsza^arrr^TBR1" ??" Iia6ldm "hlp,:,tv " Sew y?rk, Salter, NYork; brl n^^rffi?!Sl "bC ,tOUe' SlerPM' NYc'k- 4 ',tAr'ivB ''*m,h,P Kiiaiinke, Cnuet), NYork via II,I U. "?>"?>? Ship island hark Tnl i h? He loir, ablpaRoi'i. (Br). Wllnnn fmm <?... ./ In ana; Theo Ku.s.p (Br) Irom lurerpool viau.i l oik. rfadger, i j:. -t NUhtlnz. I.- C K *v ll el bars Harriet, Bjln(, from Bureaux' ?;iel r a !?? ,?? Hlo Grain!,?. Oid a ,i. ti t, l u lir loine, Bti-tun; ? hr j j Sp an r. .Sm'th. do. ' ' N?.M,;psto'^^.^u,V^;;^."Amur.can. Vowed | PHabM^^ NEU BURYPORT, June l6-.Ur tlw' JufuV, a czy*^x&,n tiffs* $??r** sS^l^j^^'tecw'Wiaa Nl Jtb 'Sld?Ph1I?^,H.0 ^""''orir 4 PSe^r7.Jn,m Maria. F ?,J R^"elt' ^ ^dclphia; .In Sy,^V HAv KN' Jl ?* 17?Arr schr K.leu JViUsa, I MILADBU*iUA, Jiiuf '7 - Arr *h(D Tarn /Rr NYork; Chalh-nge (B, ), L Blanc. CbIrl?iu", n V|Vf tfiD. lary S'an.Hh, ai ooU. do; u S Jour*, Crow ii I Hcyi; S. NYork! BV"J b f"i &?. ?;;.r rl Keb;v", ? a't?-, N,,>' ?>df"^ ? Key wrat. ATI i .1, lllp n*. l,.iaton;D t,s?iiic Bavtu ? "do".1 n .'i D.J' U v?". '?obb rt^B8}. i..iu ' ' V* 11 nob.nsoii, N, iv Haven r> P n"I Var' K'e?oa. Buxbory0 L w7sAH-.|"Tntn!.,|!t',,rT Wn,"" rorto Cabel'n. I ?E:f"'A52i.J " Vrr aelim H "nrv TIki? n, atH a are ' Voi'<* KI tinal ur j I'OJtT-ilO.'TH, Jin e 'C? \-r a br '1 fJ.Mia 1'iiil P ? fdd 1Mb. anhra it tie ,rrf? c?\Vvil L o r ?'! I l.ol en <1 te, W ? N1 V I a JWtS" ^iK- J1 '7-'Vr -.came rs P lean, 7.. , , 11 y' ? ?'?< Y r ; itr a K VI ti 8 O ir 7 '"i'M J* |M'^ ' u '' "I'l'l lJ ?l ltli- Oli , 1 vn i?.nf7,,fc*"'l,,h,2; rmith, Ami, v-v-' 11 elm Kt ,,a?"h "V T ' ?! Hit' lieie. . 1' n ine, S'l' ilieU, an I ! 'nV ' ,.'hi ."V"". W ,} *N , Cnl i. .N.,rri :. NYnrtt: rl-n ? n Briatnil ,p 1 ~la,ld. B? NYork ami' p!,' aAWyl ( KLT' J"n<!?lrr *"hr Xaaatx i. Taib r, Ph| Ijitt'ICrANn. 'tu .e li-Arr w;!,r. .M nrolnS , r.m it K l> ,,t?... si, man, n ,? . . ??...- ... r< ' 1 "in in, H'i f ,m-, > ,ii^ inn!! tvi n r. p KV ? ch.H M.unls Cobb, Aveii!) IJaltim .ie; Ance ' il A7; .VXvoV A",na' r,"v - I l.| u-la ? M1SOK LLA STUOt'S. AlTJi VIATOR?DR NEuLY INVE1 ?: r.: anil H.iroo Alio tin or cure*aurna, bann? i", r I aii . ollsleieil .w. 2iceui.y 50 rent* an $1 )?' 8>-nt of iiihiI on r oript o p, | .nti *lx oenn. Soot tj win h. 'Dr. J . BRHit.s, | io|T.e(or and i rar>i'-alcbiro >11! Hroudway, Now lo t. V^MITH k BROTHER'S " KKW YORK PALI In whole, half and merter malte, brewed from iho.-i BARLM MALT AND HOI'S. Brewery between Seteuth ami Eighth even ire. PBHSOXAL. (SUARLEY.-I RECEIVED TODR NOTE. BUT HI] J iiiiilernutnd It. b. ml i.nou.or to llruoKiyii P.iai 1IARKY SEYMO I?<ur.ABErn-WHEN can i have the U ol ?? mag yon opr. or i M il not give yoo ih then. Will you write a line to "R. R. Oar," elation I oilioe. IjVJIt ADOPTION.?ANT RESPECTABLE OA1 ' Uily wishing tn adopt ii line ti?aitby female eli month* old, I'tm do ? by ipiilv Iig to Win. Kami, in L lone, between Warren and flu i; mroeta. KftoUyD, 1/OR ADOPTION?ANY RESPECTABLE J.VDV JF lug in adopt a Lao neaphy teiaalo child, 12 moul i.oar ol- an opportunity by apply.:;, at Hie. Ma?lc .2 > Sa?t TweaUi la ?ue?.. thud uoor. o-mK ivuin. YTIOR ADOPTION?A FINE M\LH CHILD, J? inontna Old; lie I? 'i lieui.ny, line I |>h in all ? no we linn. A Catholic preferred. Plcaro rn Ilonry si., top - o ir. tlEHALDINE- TIIKRS IS A l^TTER FOR VI I nia'ionr. Pii-aao ana .er. nAflARi?"HE" CAME AND WAS VERT WKI.t I Old bit an '.Oil. Let me or "8 H. -V" know . "meet." 1'ho 1 -aign" be guarJed, and yoo :.i. Eafo. said INFORMATION WANTKD -OF OEOROK RAIL TA frout il'ar^nw, Hcoibmt, ?ho arrival A B.? ?loten yeaia ayo. Any Inn ? niatlon v 111 Ir th nikfo retvoit by II In lumber, N< III Itae. at 75 Jay ft:u.'i, lliu N. Y. PhdnUeli hla and Ruiimore papers pb aonpy Ir VI!S. MAKTLA L. PI , \SIIO TS SCITOHED 1 ut the Wnt. rn. will eommnnti ate Willi her old at faithful menu she wul till a told in an ucliln? heart. kixr. IK THIS SHOULD MKBP THE EYE OP PARA P*i'lev, or any ol hur frl nits, thm* will Dlnaw ? nn additst to Marshal. In care of Mra.Yorae.17 N> rtii ?trout, cornor ol K. I unit, Pul.auelpUM, alto tviU bear ? oil and true friend. M Y WIPE. HONOR* IIARDYMON, WENT TO Orleans In NoremlaT, i* 0, end '.then faai heari mi it ppii'; with a I idy oy the oi lira. Cu*stA Tlio ma ntrtet, Kew Orl-iioa. Any liil ovulation of be be thank rally rei-aivrd by Inr bn-'and, TMoMAS t> NBY, Ml Fourth arena , New York. New Oil ana, coir and Cal im ota jwpn.1 yb sae copy. Mlh.d C. Ik M.i LATKIJY op dp. kalr tv? lliO"klyn, Bow in St. Mm It'* Die N w hark pieeae w ad nrr addict* to Jeni y L??, d*.1 y Cuy otU o. IILUARDS. 1)11,1 tARDA ?FOR sale, A BP LP NIMH ST.I.i > 'rathe, v.itli w. H. urbiit'i'a ?"'v laiprov d eoi ib ii riu'ilop*. Al?o, SI. I'l."! "t i' ''"n? o" ? r.l * 'd live i.?ai? a pie o. MM. R. tlMffliU|lllfii!! i|li{ BILLIARD TAIILBS, HANDHOMELY KINt* elth Sharp's nowly llivrn I l at. pt tm. nn? i to any una In iino, will bo fwnd ai ilH'i m oifii ' iy > I niton atiwt, low for eaaii. Also MWOnd ua 1*1 T ??mn. PI1KLAN A PATENT BILLIARD TtllLL- AND lii. atmn Cnahton-i?tho heal and only lettable o ua. are manufacMW''d and f n only l y riiF.LAN k COLLEN JRtt, fid to ?> Ortwhy m< RTCSrAUllA^lTN. fine lot op oiu i; ? rerrtu ipst i.-eci A en i I'trate, * b ?? ? M n tel * t!tO>vW,(,'l a i , 1 . itrt 1 w-t ? Cortia 41 i ? J m St ? -it'. A-i Miavjefnl atrry day. InuimV be tTaUd rtfpltMb